Guinea-Bissau: En selektiv litteraturförteckning = A selected bibliography [PDF]

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Mikko Pyhälä Kristina Rylander

GUINEA-BISSAU En selektiv litteraturförteckning A selected bibliography

Nordiska afrikainstitutet,

som är en egen statlig myndighet

under Utbildningsdepartementet, började sin verksamhet i september 1962. Det har som huvuduppgift att vara ett dokumentations- och forskningscentrum samt att sprida information om Afrika till offentliga institutioner, skolor, organisationer, företag och enskilda runt om i Norden. Institutets arbete sker i huvudsak genom: Bibliotek. För närvarande har institutets bibliotek ca 20000 volymer och drygt 1 000 löpande publikationer (tidningar, tidskrifter, statstryck o dyl). Lån förmedlas via bibliotek över hela Norden. Seminarier, kurser, föreläsningar. Institutet ordnar varje år ett internationellt seminarium med deltagare från hela världen. Vidare ordnas kurser, ofta i samarbete med andra organisationer, på olika platser. Föreläsningar ordnas i hela Norden genom institutets försorg. Forskning, stipendier. Afrikaforskningen i Norden stimuleras genom de resestipendier institutet delar ut varje år. Hittills har institutet delat ut drygt ett hundratal stipendier för fältforskning i Afrika. Ansökningstiden utgår den 1 september. Dessutom har institutet möjlighet att stipendiera studenter och forskare från Danmark, Finland och Norge, som behöver få tillgång till det material institutet förfogar över. Detta sker genom s k studiestipendier, som innebär resa och uppehälle under ca en månad i Uppsala. Studiestipendierna ansöks före den 15 maj och 15 november för resp. höst- och vårtermin. Publikationsverksamhet. Sedan starten har institutet publicerat drygt etthundra olika skrifter

Uppsala Offset Center ab 1975

GUINEA-BISSAU En selektiv litteraturförteckning A selected bibliography


















FÖRORD Den här bibliografin gör inte anspråk på att vara fullständig utan vill vara en första vägledning till litteraturen om Guinea-Bissau. Tyngdpunkten ligger på 1960- och 70-talen. Materialinsamlingen gjordes våren 1974 i samband med Mikko Pyhäläs förarbete till en trebetygsuppsats i sociologi med titeln "Birth of a Nation in Guinea-Bissau". Under året som gått har vi i möjligaste mån kompletterat materialet med nytillkommen litteratur. Bibliografins sista avdelning har kompletterats med viktigare tidskrifts- och tidningsartiklar publicerade under tiden 25 april 1974 - mars 1975. Detta tillägg har utarbetats av Kristina Rylander med hjälp av Susanne Linderos. Större delen av den förtecknade litteraturen finns i Nordiska afrikainstitutets bibliotek, som också kan hjälpa till med anvisningar om var man kan hitta övrigt material.

FOREWORD This bibliography serves as an introduction to literature on Guinea-Bissau, dealing mainly with the 1960's and 1970's. The material was collected during Spring 1974 in connection wi th the prepara tion of a 'th:c·ee-point I paper in sociology written by Mikko Pyhälä, entitled "Birth of a Nation in Guinea-Bissau". Over the past year ~Ie have tried, as far as possible, to complete the material \"ith new literature. The last section of the bibliography has been supplemented with more important articles published during the period 25 April 1974 - March 1975. This supplement was compiled by Kristina Rylander with the assistance of Susanne Linderos . Most of the items listed are to be found in the library of the Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, which can also provide assistance as to where other material can be found.




AFRICAN abstracts. A quarterly review of ethnographic, social, and linguistic studies appearing in current periodicals. London, 1950-1972. Se speciellt vol 18:1,4; 19:3; 20:2.

See especially vol 18:1,4; 19: 3; 20: 2.

CHILCOTE, RONALD H., Emerging nationalism in Portuguese Africa. A bibliography of documentary ephemera through 1965. Hoover institution on war, revolution and peace, Stanford, Calif., 1969. 114 s. (Bibliographical series. 39.) DUIGNAN, PETER & GANN, L.H., Colonialism in Africa 1870-1960, vol. 5: A bibliographical guide to colonialism in sub-Saharan Africa. Cambridge U.P., London, 1973, s. 426-454. GIBSON, MARY JANE, Portuguese Africa. A guide to official publications. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 1967. 217 s. PORTUGAL in Africa. A bibliography of the UCLA collection. By Gerald J. Bender ... University of California. African studies center, Los Angeles, 1972. 315 s.



AFRICA contemporary record. Annual survey and documents. Ed. by Colin Legum. London, 1968/69AFRICA report. Washington, D.C., 1956-1972. New York, N.Y., 19736 nr/år Med News in brief 1965-1969 och African update från 1974

Bi-monthly With News in brief 1965-1969 and African update from 1974

AFRICA research bulletin. Exeter. l. Political, social, and cultural series. 1964-; 2. Economic, financial, and technical series. 196412 nr/år


AFRICA south of the Sahara. London, 1971Ärlig



AFRIKA. Imperialism och befrielsekamp. Afrika-grupperna, Lund, 1972. 199 s. Se särskilt s. 124-139

See especially pp. 124-139

ANNEE Africaine. Paris, 1963Ärlig Se särskilt 1966, s. 325-342

Annual See especially 1966, pp. 325-342

COOLEY, JOHN K., East wind over Africa. Red China's African offensive. Walker & Co., New York, 1965, s. 129-133. CORNEVIN, ROBERT, Histoire des peuples de l'Afrique noire. Berger-Levralt, Paris, 1962, s. 224, 276-277. GIBSON, RICHARD, African liberation movements. Contemporary struggles against white minority rule. Oxford U.P., London, 1972, s. 243- 2 64. A HISTORY of Africa 1918-67. Ed. by A.B. Davidson ... Nauka Publ. House, Moscow, 1968, s. 316-323. (U.S.S.R. academy of sciences. Africa institute.) INTERNATIONAL conference in support of the peoples of Portuguese colonies and Southern Africa. Khartoum, 18-20 January, 1969. Khartoum, 1969. 180 s. PASSWORD "Anguimo". By Pyotr Yevsyukov ... Novosti Press Agency Publ. House, Moscow, 1974. 151 s. Se s. 29-86: On the path of struggle (Reports from Guinea Bissau) . Av Oleg Ignatyev

See pp. 29-86: On the path of struggle (Reports from Guinea Bissau) . By Oleg Ignatyev

PORTUGUESE Africa. A handbook. Ed. by David M. Abshire and Michael A. Samuels. Pall Mall, London, 1969. 480 s. RODNEY, WALTER, A history of the Upper Guinea coast 1545-1800. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1970. 283 s. SIK, ENDRE, Histoire de l'Afrique noire. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 1965, tome l, s. 125-126. SOUTHERN Africa. The UN-OAU conference, Oslo 9-14 April, 1973. Ed. by Olav Stokke and Carl Widstrand. Scandinavian institute of African studies, Uppsala, 1973. Vol. 1-2.


The U.S. department of state. Fact book. Crown Publ., New York, 1970, s. 539-542. WEST Africa annual. John West Publ., Lagos, 1964-



AGARYCHEV, ANATOLY, Giledj must fall. Reports from the liberated regions of Guinea-Bissau. World federation of democratic youth, Budapest, 1970. 47 s. AHLSBN, BENGT, Portugisiska Afrika. Beskrivning av ett kolonialimperium och dess sönderfall. Utbildningsförlaget, Stockholm, 1972. 140 s. ANDERSON, P., Portugal and the end of ultra-colonialism. New left review, London, 15-17, 1962. ANDREASSEN, KNUT, & DAHL, BIRGITTA, Guinea-Bissau. Rapport om ett land och en befrielserörelse. Prisma, Stockholm, 1971. 216 s. BIEN d~r i honningkagen. Stemmer fra Guinea-Bissau, Angola og Mo~ambique. Red.: Nadja Manghezi og Guri Toustrup. Mellemfolkeligt samvirke, K~benhavn, 1973. 148 s. BONDAREVSKIJ, G.L., Politika portugalii v Afrike i Asii. (Portugal 's policy in Africa and Asia.) Nauka Publ. House, Moscow, 1967. 266 s. BOSGRA, S., & DIJK, A., Angola, Mozambique, Guinee. De strijd tegen het Portugese kolonialisme. Paris, Amsterdam, 1969.167 s. BOSGRA, S.J., & KRIMPEN, CHR. van, Portugal and NATO. 3. rev. ed. Angola comite, Amsterdam, 1972. 80 s. CHALIAND, GBRARD, Armed struggle in Africa. With the guerillas in "Portuguese" Guinea. l10nthly Review Press, New York, 1969. 142 s. CHALIAND, GBRARD, Lutte armee en Afrique. Maspero, Paris, 1967. 166 s.


CHALIAND, GERARD, Väpnad kamp i Afrika. Gidlund, Stockholm, 1968. 127 s. CHILCOTE, RONALD H., Emerging nationalism in Portuguese Africa. Documents. Hoover Institution Press, Stanford, Calif., 1972. 646 s. CHILCOTE, RONALD H., Portuguese Africa. Prentice Hall, Engelwood Cliffs, N.J., 1967. 149 s. CORNWALL, BARBARA, Bush rebels. A personal account of black revolt in Africa. Andre Deutsch, London, 1973. 252 s. CRIMI, BRUNO & LUCAS, ULIANO, Guinea Bissau. Una rivoluzione africana. Vangelista Ed. ,Milano, 1970. 207 s. DAVIDSON, BASIL, Frihetskampen i Guinea-Bissau. Aspekter på en afrikansk revolution. Natur och Kultur, Stockholm, 1969. 190 s. DAVIDSON, BASIL, The liberation of Guine. Aspects of an African revolution. Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1969. 166 s. DUFFY, JAMES, Portuguese Africa. Harvard U.P., Cambridge, Mass., (1959) 1968. 389 s. EHNMARK, ANDERS & HERMANSSON, JEAN, Exemplet Guinea-Bissau. Pan/Norstedts, Stockholm, 1973. 99 s. FERREIRA, EDUARDO DE SOUSA, Portuguese colonialism from South Africa to Europe. Economic and political studies on the Portuguese colonies, South Africa and Namibia. Aktion Dritte Welt, Freiburg i. Br., 1972. 232 s. FROCHOT, MICHEL, L'Empire colonial portugais. Organisation constitutionelle, politique et administrative. Editions SPN, Lisbon, 1942. 84 s. GERSDORFF, RALPH von, Angola. Portugiesisch-Guinea, Sao Torne und Principe, Kap Verde-Inseln, Spanisch-Guinea. Bonn, 1960. 165 s. GERWECK, UTA, Guinea-Bissao. Nationaler Befreiungskampf und kollektiver Fortschritt. Laetare, NUrnberg, 1974. 138 s.


HAMMOND, R.J., Portugal and Africa 1815-1910. A study in uneconomic imperialism. Stanford U.P., Stanford, Calif., 1966. 384 s. IGNATYEV, OLEG, Along the paths of war. Dairies from three fronts of Guinea (Bissau) . Political Litterature Publ., Moscow, 1972. 176 s. på ryska Recenserad i International Affairs, mars 1973

In Russian Reviewed in International Affairs, March 1973

La LUTTE de liberation nationale dans les colonies portugaises. La conference de Dar es Salaam, 3-8 Octobre 1965. Alger, 1967. 229 s. MARINI, EMILE, Le vrai visage du Portugal d'Outre-Mer tel que je l'ai vu. Les Cahiers de Voyages, Fribourg, 1964. 239 s. MINTER, WILLIAM, Portuguese Africa and the West. Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1972. 175 s. PORTUGUESE colonies. Victory or death. Tricontinental, Havana, 1971. 286 s. Der REVOLUTIONÄRE Befreiungskrieg in Angola, Guinea-Bissao und Mozambique. Oberbaum Verlag, Berlin, 1969. 144 s. De REVOLUTIONAERE befrielsekrige i Angola, Guinea-Bissau og Mozambique. Af Projektgruppe Afrika. Demos, K~benhavn, 1972. 141 s. ROMANO, LEDDA, Una rivoluzione africana. De Donato, Bari, 1970. RUDEBECK, LARS, Guinea-Bissau. A study of political mobilization. The Scandinavian institute of African studies, Uppsala, 1974. 277 s. SCHILLING, BARBARA & UNGER, KARL, Angola. Guinea, Mo~ambique. Dokumente und Materialen des Befreiungskampfes der Völker Angolas, Guineas und Mo~ambiques. Verlag Marxistische Blätter, Frankfurt a.M., 1971. 156 s.



SEJNIS, V.L., Portugal'skij imperializm v Afrike posle vtoroj mirovoj vojny. (Portuguese imperialism in Africa af ter World War II.) Nauka Publ. House, Moscow, 1969. 438 s. Med portugisisk och engelsk resume

With surnmaries in Portuguese and English

SERRAO RAVARA, ROSA MARIA, Contribui~ao para urna politica de reordenamento rural no ultrarnar. Junta de investiga~oes do Ultrarnar, Lisboa, 1970. 147 s. SPINOLA, ANTONIO de, Portugal e o futuro. Arcadia, Lisboa, 1974. TEIXEIRA DA MOTA, ANTONIO, Guine Portuguesa. Ag@ncia Geral do Ultrarnar, Lisboa, 1954. Vol. 1-2. Med engelsk och fransk resume

With surnmaries in English and French

TERRANI, GRAZIANO & SESANA, RENATO KIZITO, Guinea Bissau. L'ora della liberta'. Ed. Missionaria Italiana, Bologna, 1974. 173 s. THEMIDO, JOAO HALL, Portugal e o anticolonialismo. Aspectos politicos do problema. Junta de investiga~öes do Ultramar, Lisboa, 1960. 96 s. THORUD, JOHAN, Gerilja-samfunnet. Guinea Bissaus frihetskamp mot Portugal. Tiden, Oslo, 1972. 145 s. VENTER, AL J., Portugal 's guerilla war. The campaign for Africa. John Malherbe, Cape Town, 1973. 220 s. WILENSKY, ALFREDO HBCTOR, Trends in Portuguese overseas legislation for Africa. Ed. Pax, Braga, Portugal, 1971. 268 s. Översatt från spanska

Translated from the Spanish


Ein VOLK in Bewegung kann niemand aufhalten. Die Unabhängigkeit Guinea-Bissaos. Oberbaum Verlag, Berlin, 1974. 205 s. (Afrika-Komitee.)




Tryckta publikationer

Printed publications

CABRAL, FERNANDO, Curso de enfermagem auxiliar. PAIGC, Conakry, 1972. 110 s. Tryckt i Uppsala

Printed in Uppsala, Sweden

GEOGRAFIA l. PAIGC, Conakry, 1973. 72 s. Tryckt i Uppsala

Printed in Uppsala, Sweden

A GERAC~O de Cabral. PAIGC, Conakry, 1975. 32 s. Tryckt i Uppsala

Printed in Uppsala, Sweden

GUINEA-BISSAU. Toward final victory! Selected speeahes and documents from PAIGC. LSM Information Center, Richmond, Canada, 1974. 98 s. MANUAL politico. PAIGC, Conakry, 1972. O NOSSO livro. la_ 4 a classe. PAIGC, Conakry, 1970-1975. Tryckta i Uppsala

Printed in Uppsala, Sweden

PROGRAM för PAIGC. Afrikagrupperna, Uppsala, 1969. 8 s.

Stencilerade publikationer i kronologisk ordning

Mimeographed publications in chronological order

MEMORANDUM enviado ao governo portugu~s pelo Partido Africano de Independ~ncia. PAIGC, Conakry, l de Dezembro de 1960. COMISSAO permanente dos escritores e artistas da Guine e Cabo Verde. Declara~ao. PAIGC, Conakry, 26 de Julho de 1966. REGULAMENTO das escolas do partido. PAIGC, Conakry, 19 de Setembro de 1966. LEI da

militar de 19 de Setembro de 1966. Com as introduzidas pelo Bureau politico do partido, na reuniao de 20 a 23 de Dezembro de 1966. PAIGC, Conakry, 1966. justi~a



EN souvenir d'une visite de solidarite. Interventions proferees lors de la visite effectuee par Göran Palm et Bertil Malmström a l'Ecole pilote du parti. PAIGC, Conakry, 1969. 12 s. STATUTS de l'Institut amitie. PAIGC, Conakry, 1969. Les INT~RtTS capitalistes etrangers (portugaise et non portugais) en Guinee "portugaise" et aux lIes du Cap Vert. Documentation economique. PAIGC, Conakry, 1970. 15 s. DECISAO. PAIGC, Conakry, 30 de Agosto de 1970. 3 s. Un "BON ami" du Portugal colonialiste au poste de secretaire g~n~ral de l'OTAN? PAIGC, Conakry, 1971. 4 s. "MAlS depressa se apanha um mentiroso do que um coxo" . PAIGC, Conakry, 1971. 7 s. Kommentar till officiella portugisiska uttalanden om kolonialkriget

Comments on official Portuguese statements on the colonial war

REGULAMENTO interna dos internatos das regioes libertadas. PAIGC, Conakry, Setembro 1971. RAPPORT sur le r61e politico-social-economique de la femme en Guinee et aux lIes du Cap Vert. PAIGC, Conakry, 1972. 5 s. DEPOlMENTOS dos peticionarios Korka Djallo, Sotero Fortes, Tcherno Indjai, Carlos Reis, Carlos Alberto Teixeira Barros. 27 a sessgo do Comite de descolonizaqao das Naqo€s Unidas, Conakry, 7-13 de Abril de 1972. PAIGC, Conakry, 1972.

CONSTITUI~~O da Republica da Guine-Bissau. PAIGC, Conakry, 1973. 10 s. Engelsk text iDavidson, Basil, Growing from grass roots


English version in Davidson, Basil, Growing from grass roots

CABRAL, VASCO, Intervention du camarade Vasco Cabral, membre du Comite executif de la lutte de PAIGC, au symposium en memoire d'Amilcar Cabral. PAIGC, Conakry, janvier 1973. MESSAGE du Comite executif de la lutte du PAIGC. PAIGC, Conakry, janvier 1973.


SUR la creation de l'Assemblee nationale populaire en Guinee (Bissau) . Resultats et bases des elections generales realisees dans les regions liberees en 1972 (communique). PAIGC, Conakry, janvier 1973. AMILCAR CABRAL. O homem e sua obra. PAIGC, Conakry, Julho de 1973. 11 s. AMILCAR CABRAL. L'homme et son oeuvre. PAIGC, Conakry, juillet 1973. 12 s. BRIEF biography of the PAIGC members of the Permanent secretariat of the Executive committee of the struggle. PAIGC, Conakry, July 24, 1973. 2 s. KOMMUNIKE. PAIGC, 24 juli 1973. Stockholm, 1973. 6 s. Översatt från franska

Translated from the French

CABRAL, LUIZ, Discours prononce a l'Assemblee nationale populaire, Republique de Guinee-Bissau, Boe, le 23/24 septembre 1973. 14 s. MENDES, FRANCISCO, Discours prononce a l'Assemblee nationale populaire, Republique de Guinee-Bissau, Boe, le 23/24 septembre 1973. la s. PEREIRA, ARISTIDES, "Notre peuple est aujourd' hui debout et affirme energiquement son identite en tant que peuple africain et sa capacite d'assurer lui-m~me son propre progres et son propre bonheur en participant activement a la marche du progres de tous les peuples du monde." Assemblee nationale populaire, Republique de Guinee-Bissau, Boe, le 23/24 septembre 1973. 17 s. VIEIRA, JOAO BERNARDO, Discours prononce a l'Assemblee nationale populaire, Republique de Guinee-Bissau, Boe, le 23/24 septembre 1973. 9 s. PROCLAMA~ÄO do estado da Guine-Bissau. Regiao do Boe, de Setembro de 1973. PAIGC, Conakry, 1973. 5 s.

Engelsk text iDavidson, Basil, Growing from grass roots och i Rudebeck, Lars, Guinea-Bissau


English version in Davidson, Basil, Growing from grass roots and in Rudebeck, Lars, Guinea-Bissau


COMMUNIQuB. PAIGC, Conakry, 2 octobre 1973. 3 s. Sammansättningen av Republiken Guinea Bissaus regering

Composition of the governmental organs of the Republic of Guinea Bissau

APRECIA~AO inimiga dos erros que come tern no combate e medidas

para a reparaq~o dos mesmos erros. Comissariado para as FARP. PAIGC, Janeiro 1974. 7 s.

La RBPUBLIQUE de Guinee-Bissau en chiffres. Commissariat d'etat a l'economie et aux finances, Conakry, fevrier 1974. 37 s.

Odaterade stencilerade publikationer

Undated mimeographed publications

ESCOLA para a formaq~o de combatentes. PAIGC, Conakry. 13 s. ESTATUTOS dos pioneiros do partido. PAIGC, Conakry. MESSAGE du Comite executif de la lutte du PAIGC. 8 s. Ej daterad. Troligen från september 1973

Undated. Apparently from September 1973

PROGRAMA do ensino para as escolas das regioes libertadas. PAIGC, Conakry. PROGRAMA do partido. PAIGC, Conakry. Engelsk översättning i Rudebeck, Lars, GuineaBissau

English version in Rudebeck, Lars, GuineaBissau

RECENSEAMENTO da populaqao (al regioes libertadas da Guine. PAIGC, Conakry. Dessutom har PAIGC givit ut ett stort antal kommunikeer från 1962 och framåt

Besides these PAIGC has published a large number of Communiques from 1962 onwards







teori og praksis. Novus, Oslo, 1973. 119 s.

GUIN:8E "portugaise": le pouvoir des armes. Maspero, Paris, 1970. Der KAMPF um Guinea-Bissau. Heidelberg, 1972. 80 s. ORIGINAL writings. Ufahamu, Los Angeles, vol. 1973, s. 32-41. Två uppsatser publicerade i början av 1950-talet, då Cabral var anställd som agronom i den portugisiska förvaltningen i Guinea Bissau

3, no. 3,

Two studies published during the early 1950s, while Cabral was employed as an' agronomis t in the Portuguese civil service in Guinea Bissau

RETURN to the source. Selected speeches of Amilcar Cabral. Africa Information Service & PAIGC, New York, 1973. 112 s. REVOLUTION in Guinea. Oberbaum Verlag, Berlin, 1970. 150 s. REVOLUTION in Guinea. An African people's struggle. Selected texts. Stage One, London, 1969. 142 s. Något mer fullständig än Revolution in Guinea, Monthly Review Press, New York, 1970. 174 s

Somewhat more complete than otherwise identical Revolution in Guinea, Monthly Review Press New York, 1970. 174 s

REVOLUTIONEN i Guinea. Demos, K0benhavn, 1973. 101 s. Innehåller den sista intervjun med Cabral

Includes the last interview given by Cabral. In Danish

Die THEORIE als Waffe. Oberbaum Verlag, Berlin, 1968. 71 s. UUSI tietoisuus - voimakkain aseemme . (New counsciousness our strongest weapon.) Collection of speeches and writings. Ed. by Mikko Pyhälä. Helsinki, 1973. 144 s. VAR kamp, er kamp. Ed. by Göran Palm. Pan/Norstedts, Stockholm, 1971. 141 s.


Tal som inte ingår i någon av ovanstående samlingsvolymer. Till största delen stenciler. I kronologisk ordning. Un CRlME de lutte armee presente au administres

Speeches not included in any of the above anthologies. Mostly mimeographed. In chronological order.

colonialisme. (Fondements juridiques de notre de liberation nationale) . Extrait du rapport Comite special de l'O.N.U. pour les territoires par le Portugal. PAIGC, Conakry, 1961.

The FACTS about Portugal 's African colonies. By Abdel Djassi (pseudonym of Arnilcar Cabral). Union of democratic control, London, 1961(7). 20 s. The WAR in Portuguese Guinea. African Revolution I, June 1963, s. 103-108. The STRUGGLE in Guinea. International socialist journal. Rome, August 1964, s. 428-46. Äterutgivet av Africa research group, Cambridge, Mass., 1969

Reprinted by Africa research group, Cambridge, Mass., 1969

L'AFRIQUE et la lutte de liberation nationale dans les colonies portugaises. With Mario de Andrade. I/in: La lutte de liberation nationale dans les colonies portugaises, Information CONCP, Algers 1965, s. 43-52 DISCOURS d'ouverture. La conference de Dar es Salaam. I/in: La lutte de liberation nationale dans les colonies portugaises, Information CONCP, Algers 1965, s. 65-70 L'INTERVENTION de la delegation du PAIGC. La conference de Dar es Salaam. I/in: La lutte de liberation nationale dans les colonies portugaises, Information CONCP, Algers, 1965, s. 148-167 LIBERATING Portuguese Guinea from within. The New African, London, vol IV, June 1965. Intervju med Frene Ginwala

Interview with Frene Ginwala


Les MARTYRS et victimes du colonialisme ne sont pas morts: ils ressucitent chaque jour dans nos coeurs. PAIGC, Conakry, le 3 aoat 1965. 3 s. PALAVRAS de ordern gerais do camarada Amflcar Cabral aos responsaveis do partido. PAIGC, Conakry, Novembro de 1965. The STRUGGLE for liberation in Guinea (B) and Cape Verde. Extract from the report to the executive secretariat of the OSPAAAL. Havana, 1966. 33 s. MENSAGEM a todos os responsaveis, militantes e combatentes de todas as frentes de luta do nosso grande partido. PAIGC, Conakry, 20 de Dezembro de 1966. 2 s. SUR la situation de notre lutte de liberation nationale. PAIGC, Conakry, mars 1968. 20 s. TEXTE du message a l'occasion de la journee du 3 aoat. PAIGC, Conakry, 1968. 3 s. MENSAGEM ao povo da Guine e Cabo Verde. Aos quadros, militantes e combatentes do nos so partido. PAIGC, Conakry, 30 de Dezembro de 1968. 5 s. ON the situation of our armed struggle for national liberation. Report to the OAU liberation committee meeting, Dakar, June, 1969. Tryckt av Government printing office, Washington, D.C. Även publ. i Ufahamu, vol I, no. 2, 1970, s. 96-103

Printed by Government printing office, Washington, D.C. Also publ. in Ufahamu, vol I, no. 2, 1970, pp. 96-103

FIGHT for life in Guinea-Bissau. Interview in France Nouvelle, Paris, November 19, 1969. I/in: Translations on Africa, no. 860, s. 84-90 ANÄLISE dos tipos de resist~ncia. Aos camaradas participantes no seminario de quadros, realizado de 19 a 24 de Novembro de 1969. PAIGC, Conakry, 1969. 15 s. PRINCIPIOS do nosso partido e a luta devem ser dirigidos pelos melhores filhos de nos so povo. Aos camaradas participantes no seminario de quadros, realizado de 19 a 24 de Novembro de 1969. PAIGC, Conakry, 1969. 14 s.


SOBRE a resist@ncia armada. Aos camaradas participantes no seminario de quadros, realizado de 19 a 24 de Novembro de 1969. PAIGC, Conakry, 1969. 17 s. NATIONAL liberation and cul ture. The Program of Eastern African studies, Syracuse, N.Y., 1970. 15 s. (1970 Eduardo Mondlane memorial lecture.) SUR les lois portugaises de domination coloniale. PAIGC, Conakry, 1970. MENSAGEM - relatorio. PAIGC, Conakry, Janeiro de 1970. 19 s. RAPPORT sur la situation de la lutte. Janvier 1970. PAIGC, Conakry, 1970. 25 s. REPORT on Portuguese Guinea and the liberation movement. Statement to the U.S. house committee on foreign affairs, February 26, 1970. Ufahamu, Los Angeles, vol I, no. 2, 1970, s. 69-95. Une LUMIBRE feconde eclaire la chemin de la lutte. Hommage Lenine a l'occasion du centenaire de sa naissance. PAIGC, Conakry, Avril 1970.


NOTRE peuple, le gouvernement portugais, et l'O.N.U. PAIGC, Conakry, Juin 1970. 10 s. REPORT on the general situation of the struggle. International conference of support to the peoples of the Portuguese colonies, Rome, June 27-29, 1970. 30 s. Originalet på franska. Sammanfattning i: PAIGC: Optimistic and fighter, Tricontinental, Havana, July-October 1970, s. 27-29; 167-74. Hela texten i Liberation struggle in Portuguese colonies, All India peace council & Indian association for Afro-Asian solidarity, People's Publishing House, New Delhi, 1970, 72 s.

Original in French. Abridged in: PAIGC: Optimistic and fighter, Tricontinental, Havana, July-October 1970, s. 27-29; 167-74. Full text in Liberation struggle in Portuguese colonies, All India peace council & Indian association for Afro-Asian solidarity, People's Publishing House, New Delhi, 1970, 72 s.

SUR la situation de notre lutte armee de liberation nationale. Janvier-Septembre 1970. PAIGC, Conakry, October 1970. 20 s. The EIGHT year of the armed struggle for national liberation. Report of the situation in the struggle. PAIGC, Conakry, January 1971. 38 s.


PARA a frente~ Vamos melhorar e refor~ar a nossa ac~~o, tirar o maximo rendimento dos sucessos alcan~ados no ano findo, obter novas e maiores victorias e causar ao inimigo perdas mais pasadas em 1971. Mensagem do novo ano, PAIGC, Conakry, l de Janeiro de 1971. ON the situation of starvation in the Cape Verde Islands. Communique released at Stockholm, April 14, 1971. WHY we are fighting. 1971, s. 28.

Interview in Rinascita, Rome, August 6,

I/in: Translations on Africa, no.

1963, s. 47-50

ABERTURA. Sobre a situa~ao da luta. Reunigo do Conselho superior da luta, 9 a 16 de Agosto de 1971. PAIGC, Conakry, 1971. 26 s. SOBRE a agressao a RepUblica da Guine e os acontecimentos ulteriores nesse pais. Reuniäo do Conselho superior da luta, 9 a 16 de Agosto de 1971. PAIGC, Conakry, 1971. 30 s. SOBRE alguns problemas pråcticos da nossa vida e da nossa luta. Reuniao do Conselho superior da luta, 9 a 16 de Agosto de 1971. PAIGC, Conakry, 1971. 24 s. A BRIEF report on the situation of the struggle (January August 1971). Ufahamu, Los Angeles, vol. 2, no. 3, 1972, s. 4-25. OUR people are our mountains. Committee for freedom in Mozambique, Angola and Guine, London, October 1971.

POLITICAL manoeuvres of Portuguese colonialists: psychosocial war. Le Peuple, Nouakchott, October 15, 1971. I/in: Translations on Africa, no. 1118. 6 s.

DECI~~O. Sobre alguns problemas actuais da nossa vida nas libertadas. PAIGC, Conakry, l de Janeiro de 1972. 6 s.


Le PORTUGAL est-il imperialiste? Extraits d'une conference prononcee a Helsinki, Finlande, 19-22 octobre 1971. AfriqueAsie, no. 3, le 2 mai 1972, s. 34-35. Hela texten finns i M. Amilcar Cabral a visite la Finlande les 19-22 octobre 1971

The entire text is in M. Amilcar Cabral avisite la Finlande les 19-22 octobre 1971


MEMORANDUM a l 'intention des chefs d'Etat ou de Gouvernement d'Afrique (geme conference de l'O.U.A., Rabat, juin 1972). PAIGC, Conakry, 1972. 14 s. The ROLE of culture in the struggle for independence. Meeting of experts on the concept of "race" ,"identity" and "dignity ", UNESCO, Paris, July 3-7, 1972. 15 s. Originalet på franska

Original in French

Une SEULE solution: l'independance. PAIGC, Conakry, septembre 1972. Il s. REALITIES. Interview in Tricontinental, Havana, no. 33, 1973, s. 97-109. An INFORMAL talk by A. Cabral. Southern Africa, New York, vol. 6, no. 2, February 1973, s. 6-9. FIFTY years of the struggle for national liberation. Socialist thought and practice, Beograd, no. 51, May-April 1973, s. 87-98.

Odaterade tal

Undated speeches

INTERVENTION de Amilcar Cabral, secretaire general du PAIGC au VIe congres de l'UPS, Dakar. 6 s. PARA a melhoria da ac~go das nossas for~as armadas. PAIGC, Conakry. SAUDAO do camarada Amilcar Cabral. PAIGC, Conakry.



ANUARIO estatfstico. Instituto nacional de estatistica, Lisboa. Vol. 2. Provlncias ultramarinas. CAETANO, MARCELLO, The only road open to us is to defend our overseas provinces. Speech broadcast by the Prime minister on radio and television. Lisbon, January 15, 1973. 17 s.


ESTATUTO politico-administrativo da provincia da Guine (decreto no. 45 372) . Lisboa, 22 de Novembro de 1963. 29 s. ESTATUTO politico-administrativo da provincia da Guine (decreto no. 542/72) . Lisboa, 22 de Dezembro de 1972. ESTATUTO politico-administrativo da J:)rovincia de Cabo Verde (decreto no. 45 371) . Lisboa, 22 de Novembro de 1963. 30 s. GARIN, VASCO, Portugal and the U.N.O. Speech delivered by Portuguese delegate on March 3, 1961 at Security council. Lisbon, 1961. 41 s. LOI organique des provinces portugaises d'Outre-Mer, no. 5/72). Lisbon, juin 1972. Officiell översättning till franska


Official French translation

MOREIRA, ADRIANO, Portuguese party. A speech by the Overseas minister on September 5, 1962. Lisbon, 1962. 27 s. NEW political and administrative statutes of the Portuguese provinces in Africa. Lisbon, 1973. 10 s. PATR!CIO, RUI, Portugal in Africa. Press conference given by the foreign minister of Portugal at the Portuguese embassy in London on March 9, 1972. Lisbon, 1972. 15 s. PLANO de fomento para 1968-73, Guine. Presid~ncia do conselho, Lisboa, 1968. PORTUGUESE Africa. An introduction. Ministry of foreign affairs, Lisbon, 1973. 103 s. The PRESIDENT'S voyage to the colonies and the European crisis. Documents relating to Portugal 's imperial and foreign policy. Lisbon, 1940. 62 s. SALAZAR, OLIVEIRA, Declaration on overseas policy. Broadcast on August 12, 1963. Lisbon, 1963. 37 s. SALAZAR, OLIVEIRA, The policy in Africa and its errors. Lisbon, 1967. 13 s.


SILVA CUNHA, J.M. da, The progress of Cape Verde. AggnciaGeral do Ultrarnar, Lisbon, 1969. 17 s. S!NTESE monografica da Guine. Lisboa, 1972.


do Ultrarnar,

SPINaLA, ANTONIO de, Por uma Guine melhor. Aggncia-Geral do Ultrarnar, Lisboa, 1970. Tal och intervjuer

Speeches and interviews

SOMULA de dados estatisticos. Provincias Ultramarinas. Instituto nacional de estatistica, Lisboa.



A TRAVERS les regions liberees de Guinee (Bissau) par les reporters de l'Agence Hsinhua. Ed. en Langues Etrangeres, Pekin, 1972. 46 s. ....

ANDERSSON, SVEN, Anförande i riksdagen den 20 mars 1974. Riksdagens protokoll, Stockholm, 1974. Angående svenskt erkännande av Guinea-Bissau

Concerning Sweden's recognition of Guinea-Bissau

(CABRAL, AMILCAR) Amilcar Cabral a visite la Finlande les 19-22 octobre 1971. Rapport publ. par l 'Organisation des etudiants finlandais a l'ONU, le Comite d'Afrique de Finlande. Helsinki, 1971. 24 s. (CABRAL, AMILCAR) Memorandum on Amilcar Cabral's visit to Finland, actober 19-22, 1971. Helsinki, 1971. 7 s. CRIME crapuleux de l'imperialisme. Imprimerie nationale 'Patrice Lumumba', Conakry, 1973 .

. , DAVIDSON, BASIL, Growing from grass roots. The state of Guinea-Bissau. Committee for freedom in Mozambique, Angola and Guine, London, 1974. 20 s. Innehåller självständighetsförklaringen och konstitutionen i engelsk översättning

Contains an English translation of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution


DAVIDSON, BASIL, Portugiserna i dagens Afrika. Utrikespolitiska institutet, Stockholm, 1969. 30 s. (Världspolitikens dagsfrågor. 1969:2.) DOSSIER du PAIGC. Conseil oecumenique des eglises, Geneve, 1970. DÄRFÖR är Senghor inte välkommen i Uppsala. (Why Senghor isn't welcome to Uppsala.) Uppsala Sydafrikakommitte ... , Uppsala, 1970. l s. The EDUCATIONAL systems of the liberation movements and the Portuguese in Angola, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau. Areport to ISMUN:s 19th general conference. Prep. by the UNSA of Sweden, Stockholm, 1969. 19 s. ENGELLAU, PATRIK, Guinea Bissau. En landanalys. SIDA, Stockholm, 1974. 74 s. The EXERCISE of civilliberties and trade union rights in Angola, Mozambique and Guinea (Bissau) . ILO, Geneva, 1973. 12 s. FACT sheet on Portuguese Guinea. Overseas companies of Portugal, Lisbon, 1974. 4 s. FIRST, RUTH, Portugal's war s in Africa. International defence and aid fund, London, 1971. 32 s. FRIGJ0RING og utvikling. Fellesrådet for det S~rlige Afrika, Oslo, 1971. Ca 30 s. (Studiehefter om det S~rlige Afrika. 5.) GALTUNG, INGEGERD, Reports from so-called liberated portuguese Guinea Bissau. Lisbon, 1974. 32 s. Artiklar i Morgenbladet, Oslo. Articles from Morgenbladet, översatta och utgivna i Portugal Oslo. Translated and published i början av 1974 in Portugal in early 1974 GENOCIDE in the Portuguese colonies. Stockholms Afrikagrupp, Stockholm, 1972. 49 s. The GHANA complaint against Portugal. Lisbon, no date. 59 s. GUINEA-BISSAU. Lund, 1970. 50 s. bulletin. 1970:7.)

(Södra Afrika. Informations-


GUINEA-BISSAU - om PAIGC's frigj~ringskamp. Fellesrådet for det S~rlige Afrika, Oslo, 1971. Ca 30 s. (Studiehefter om det S~rlige Afrika. 2.) GUINEE et Cap-Vert. Conference des organisations nationalistes des colonies portugaises, Alger, 1970. KRISTET forum, 1972:7. Specialnummer om Guinea Bissau. Uppsala, 1972. 22 s. MARCUM, JOHN, The United States and Portuguese Africa. A perspective on American foreign policy. African studies association, Waltham, Mass., 1971. 15 s. MONDLANE, EDUARDO, NETO, AGOSTINHO, & CABRAL, AMILCAR, Mo~ambique. Angola. Guinea-Bissau. Ordfront, Eneryda, Sweden, (1969) 1970. 78 s. NIKANOROV, ANATOLI, Amilcar Cabral. Moscow, 1973. 39 s. ORD och bild, 1971:3. Stockholm. Flera korta artiklar om PAIGC

Several short items about PAIGC

PARTNERS in crime. The Anglo-Portuguese alliance past and present. Committee for freedom in Mozambique, Angola and Guine, London, 1973. 36 s. PORTUGAL i Afrika. Utg. av 'M~te med den tredje verden', en samarbetskomite for Arbeidernes ungdomsfylking. Oslo, 19677 17 s. PORTUGAL in Africa. Report of the I.L.O. commission on the observance by Portugal of the abolition of forced labour convention, 1957. Portuguese embassy, London, 1962. 41 s.


PORTUGAL og Nato. Fellesrådet for det S~rlige Afrika, Oslo, 1971, 30 s. (Studiehefter om det S~rlige Afrika. l.) A PRINCIPLE in torment. The United Nations and Portuguese administered territories. United Nations, New York, 1970. 60 s.


UNITED Nations. General assembly. Question of territories under Portuguese administration. New York, November 15, 1972. (A/RES/2918 (XXVII).)


UNITED Nations. General assembly. Report of the Special mission established by the Special comrnittee at its 840th meeting on March 14, 1972. New York, July 3, 1972. (A/AC.I09/L.804.) UNITED Nations. Office of public information. Mission to Guinea (Bissau) . New York, 1972. UNITED Nations. Resolution adoptee par le Comite special sa 854eme seance, le 13 avril 1972, a Conakry (Guinee). New York, le 13 avril 1972. (AF/I09/63, provisional.)


U.S. department of state. Background notes. Portuguese Guinea. Washington, D.C., 1973. 4 s. WAR on three fronts. The fight against Portuguese colonialism. Comrnittee for freedom in Mozambique, Angola & Guine and the Africa research group, London, no date. 44 s. WELTKIRCHENRAT. PAIGC - en Profil. Genf, 1971. 12 s. ZARTMAN, WILLIAM, Nationalism in Portuguese Guinea. African studies conference, New York, 1966. 25 s.



Denna avdelning tar upp tidskrifter med speciell inriktning på de f.d. portugisiska kolonierna

This section contains periodicals with special reference to former Portuguese Africa

AFRICA em luta. Boletim mensal do Centro de informa~ao e documenta~ao anticolonial, (CIDAC). Lisboa, no. 1-, 1975ANGOLA bulletin. Vrijheid voor Angola, Mozambique, GuineeBissau, Portugal. Amsterdam, 1970Utg. av Angola comite på holländska Ca 10 nr/år BEFRIELSEKAMPEN i Angola, holm, 1974Dokument och pressklipp utg. av MPLA, PAIGC och FRELIMO Ca 10 nr/år

Publ. by Angola comite In Dutch Ca 10 nos/year Mo~ambique,

Guinea-Bissau. Stock-

Documents and press cuttings publ. by MPLA, PAIGC and FRELIMO Ca 10 nos/year


BOLETIM cultural da Guine Portuguesa. Bissau, 1946E.I.U. Quarterly economic review. Portugal and Overseas provinces. London, 1964-1973. FACTS and reports. Press cuttings on Angola, Hozambique, Guinea-Bissau, Portugal and Southern Africa. Amsterdam, 1971utg. av Angola comite. utkommer varannan vecka. Täcker de viktigaste engelska och franska tidningarna. Även översättningar och radiorapporter

Ed. by the Angola comite. Bi-weekly coverage of the most important newspapers in English and French. Also translations and radio reports

GUERRILHEIRO. Bulletin of the Committee for freedom in Mozambique, Angola and Guine. London, 1970Utkommer oregelbundet

Published occasionally

LIBERTAQÄO. org3o do PAIGC. Conakry, 1960Stencilerad


OBJECTIVE justice. United Nations, New York, 1969Se särskilt juli/aug/sept 1972 och febr/mars 1973

See especially July/Aug/ Sep 1972 and Feb/March 1973

PAIGC actualites. Bulletin d'information. Conakry, 1969En engelsk utgåva publiceras kvartalsvis av Liberatian Support Movement, Richmond, Canada

A quarterly English edition is published by Liberatian Support Movement, Richmond, Canada

PORTUGUESE and colonial bulletin. London, 1961SOUTHERN Africa. A monthly survey of news and opinion. New York, 1968Utg. av New York Southern Africa committee 12 nr/år

Publ. by New York Southern Africa committee Monthly

SÖDRA Afrika. Informationsbulletin. Lund, 1968Utg. av Afrikagrupperna i Sverige 6 nr/år Specialnummer om GuineaBissau: Nr 7, 1970

Publ. jointly by the Africa Groups in Sweden 6 nos/year Special issue on GuineaBissau: No 7, 1970




Förkortningar/Abbreviations Afrique-Asie, Paris AD African Development, London Africa Africa. An international business, economic and political monthly, London Afrika Heute, Bonn AH Dagens Nyheter, Stockholm DN Internationales Afrikaforum, Mlinchen lA International Herald Tribune, Paris IHT Jeune Afrique, Paris JA The Journal of Modern African Studies, London JMAS Le Monde, Paris LeM Le Monde Diplomatique, Paris LeMD Portuguese and Colonial Bulletin, London PCB RFEPA Revue Franqaise d'Etudes Politiques Africaipes, Paris West Africa, London WA AA

Translations on Africa, Washington D.C. Utges av U.S. department of commerce. Innehåller översättningar till engelska av tidnings- och tidskriftsartiklar

Published by U.S. department of commerce. Contains translations into English of articles from newspapers and journals

Artiklar publicerade före 25 april 1974

Articles published before April 25, 1974

PORTUGAL and the press. 1961-1972. Panorama Books, Lisbon, 1973. 586 s. Ett urval artiklar ur världspressen

A selection of articles from the world press

AFRICA. Quiet little war. Newsweek, New York, July 5, 1965. I/in: Portugal and the press, s. 206-208 AHMED, FEROZ, Amilcar Cabral, an editorial. Pakistan Forum, Ontario, Canada, vol. 3, no. 4, January 1973, s. 3-4 (plus interview) . ANDRADE, MARIO de, Amilcar Cabral, profil d'un revolutionnaire africain. Presence Africaine, Paris, no. 86, 2e trimestre 1973, s. 3-19.


BIGGS-DAVIDSON, JOHN, The current situation in Portuguese Guinea. African Affairs, London, vol. 70, no. 281, October 1971, s. 385-394. BIGGS-DAVIDSON, JOHN, Defending African Portugal. Daily Telegraph, London, June 25, 1968. I/in: Portugal and the press, s. 339-342 BORDERS, WILLIAM, Unga beväpnade kvinnor mot portugiser i Guinea. Svenska Dagbladet, Stockholm, Söndagsextra, 19 december 1971. Ursprungligen publicerat i Nel'l York Times

Original ly published in New York Times

BRAGAN~A, AQUINO de, Amilcar Cabral - demain l'etat independant de la Guinee-Bissau. AA, Paris, no. 18, le 27 novembre 1972, s. 24-26.

BRAGAN~A, AQUINO de, Le complot contre Cabral. AA, Paris, no. 24, le 19 fevrier 1973,- s. 8-15.

CHALIAND, GERARD, Independence of Guinea-Bissau, a new step in the war of liberation. LeMD, Paris, novembre 1973. 7 s. I/in: Translations on Africa, no. 1405 CHILCOTE, RONALD, The political thought of Amilcar Cabral. JMAS, London, vol. 6, no. 3, 1968, s. 373-388. CHRISTIE,IAIN, A lesson for revolutionaries. Sunday News, Dar-es-Salaam, February 25, 1973. CRIMI, BRUNO, Amilcar Cabral pr~t pour l'independance. JA, Paris, no. 619, le 18 novembre 1972, s. 12-16. CRIMI, BRUNO, Lesassassins de Cabra1. JA, Paris, no. 630, le 3 fevrier 1973, s. 8-12. DAVIDSON, BASIL, Der Befreiungskampf der PAIGC. AH, Bonn, no. 9, 1973, s. 15- 2 O• DAVIDSON, BASIL, Cabral's monument. New Statesman, London, January 26, 1973, s. 117-118. DAVIDSON, BASIL, An independent Guinea-Bissau. 1-2. WA, London, January 22, 29, 1973.


DAVIDSON, BASIL, Profile of Amilcar Cabral. WA, London, April 18, 1964, s. 427. DAVIDSON, BASIL, The prospect for Guinea-Bissau. Third World, London, vol. 2, no. 4, 1973, s. 3-6. DAVIDSON, BASIL, A report on the further liberation of Guine. Socialist Register, London, 1973, s. 283-302. DIA, MAM LESS, With the guerillas of Portuguese Guinea. Le Soleil, Dakar, September 14, 15, 16 & 17, 1970. I/in: Translations on Africa, no. 951, s. 12-28 DIAS, H., "Portuguese" Guinea. PCB, London, vol. December 1965/January 1966, s. 300-301.

5, no. 6,

DIAS CORREIA DA CRUZ, LUIS FERNANDO. Some aspects of subversion in Portuguese Guinea. Ultramar, Lisbon, April-June 1968, s. 125-147. I/in: Translations on Africa, no. 767, s. 58-66 DIGGS, CHARLES C., Jr., Statement on the proclamation of independence of the republic of Guinea-Bissau. Issue, Waltham, Mass., vol. 3, no. 3, 1973, s. 30-33. ERIKSEN, TORE LINNE, Amilcar Cabral og Guinea-Bissau. En frigj~ringsleder og en utviklingsmodell. Kirke og kultur, Oslo, årg. 78, no. 2,1973. 13 s. FLUEHR-LOBBAN, CAROLYN, Cape Verdeans in the U.S. Guardian, London, June 27, 1973. FROSTENSON, SVEN, Kampen för ett fritt Guinea. Konkret, Staffanstorp, no. l, 1968, s. 47-50. The GENTLE rebel. Time, New York, February 5, 1973. GUINEE. La guerre du GeneralSpinola. Combat, Paris, le 18 janvier 1972. I/in: Portugal and the press, s. 520-527 GUINEE-BISSAU. "C'est l'interAt du Portugal d'accepter une evolution ineluctable" nous declare le president du conseil d'Etat. LeM, Paris le 19 janvier 1974.


GUINEE-BISSAU. Un an apres l' assassinat d' Amilcar Cabral. LeM, Paris, le 19 janvier 1974, s. 10. GUSTAVSSON, ROLF, Där är lärare-elever kompisar. Arbetet, Malmö, 11 mars 1969. GUSTAVSSON, ROLF, Front mot portugiserna. DN, Stockholm, 11 februari 1969. GUSTAVSSON, ROLF, Guinea-Bissau. Frigörelse och utveckling. Rapport från SIDA, Stockholm, årg. 2, no. 3, mars 1971, s. 3 5. GUSTAVSSON, ROLF, Portugal har förlorat i Guinea. Dödsstöt mot kolonierna. DN, Stockholm, 7 februari 1969. GUSTAVSSON, ROLF, Portugiserna vågar inte lämna sina hål. Arbetet, Malmö, 9 mars 1969. GUSTAVSSON, ROLF, Det tysta befrielsekriget. Arbetet, Malmö, 10 april 1969. HOAGLAND, JIM, A monocled eye's view of Portuguese Guinea. IHT, Paris, February 24, 1971. HOAGLAND, JIM, Portuguese Guinea. A report on a ghostly hit-and-run war. IHT, Paris, March 1, 1971, s. 7. HUBBARD, MARYINEZ L., Cabrals syn på kulturen och historien. Södra Afrika, Lund, no. 21/22, 1974, s. 46-57. IGNATYEV, OLEG, Living up to Cabral's revolutionary ideal. Daily News, Dar-es-Salaam, May 15, 1973. I/in: Facts and Reports, vol. 3, no. 14, 1973 IL n'y aura jamais de commonwealth lusitano-africain. Aristides Pereira et Luiz Cabral a Simon Malley. AA, Paris, le ler avril 1974. KALKUM, BERND, & SOUSA FERREIRA, EDUARDO de, Guinea-Bissau. Nach der Unabhängigkeit. Blätter des iz3w, Freiburg, no. 31, Januar 1974, s. 39-49. LEFORT, RENE, Avec les nationalistes de Guinee Portugaise. LeM, Paris, 5-7 septernbre 1970.


LINDSTRÖM, BENGT, "Islam kan inte hejda kvinnan". Interview with Francisca Pereira. DN, Stockholm, 18 juni 1973, s. 8. LOUDON, BRUCE, The danger of extremism. The Financial Times, London, March 8, 1973. LOUDON, BRUCE, How Portugal takes care of her Guinea. Daily Telegraph, London, December 29, 1971. I/in: Portugal and the press, s. 491-493 McCOLLESTER, CHARLES, The African revolution: theory and practice. The political thought of Amilcar Cabral. Monthly Review, New York, vol. 24, no. 10, March 1973, s. 10-21. MacPHERSON, MALCOLM, Guinea-Bissau. The jungle war. Newsweek, New York, December ID, 1973, s. 11. MAGUBANE, BERNARD, Amilcar Cabral. Evolution of revolutionary thought. Ufahamu, Los Angeles, vol. 2, no. 2, 1971, s. 71-88. MARCUM, JOHN, Amilcar Cabral. The meaning of an assassination. Africa Report, New York, March-April, 1973, s. 21-23. MENDY, JUSTIN, Disputing Portuguese claims. Guinea-Bissau takes newsmen on tour of 'liberated zones'. IHT, Paris, November 23, 1973. MOKDAD, HALIM, Article in El Maudjahid, Algiers, September 4, 5, 1973. I/in: Translations on Africa, no. 1382: Portuguese sa id to be on defensive. 10 s. MOLINA, GABRIEL, Memories of Amilcar. Granma Weekly Review, Havana, January 28, 1973. MONTERO, OSCAR, Un Mozambican en Guinee. AfricAsia, Paris, no. 45, le 19 juillet 1971, s. 24-26. MOTA, SANTANA, Interview with Gen. Antonio de Spinala. Voz da Guine, Bissau, July 28, 1973, s. l, S, 11. I/in: Translations on Africa, no. 1375, s. 11-18 NIEDERGANG, MARCEL, Un diplomate combattant. LeM, Paris, le 24 janvier 1973.


PORTUGUESE Guinea. Without Cabral. The Economist, London, January 27, 1973.


RASSI, REYNOLD, PAIGC Secretary General gives details on development of liberation struggle in Guinea. Granma Weekly Review, Havana, August 9, 1970, s. 9. The REAL masters. PCB, London, vol. 5, no. 4, September 1965, s. 278. REBELO DE ANDRADE, F.J.H., Armed forces activities in Portuguese Guinea. Ultramar, Lisbon, April-June 1968, s. 176-200. I/in: Translations on Africa, no. 767, s. 49-57 REPUBLIK Guinea-Bissao. Proklamation des Staates von GuineaBissao. (Auszug.) AH, Bonn, no. 9,1973, s. 13-14. ROGADO QUINTINO, FERNfu~DO, First chapter of article published in Boletim Cultural da Guine Portuguesa, Bissau, January-April 1967. I/in: Translations on Africa, no. 762: Ethnographic study on Portuguese Guinea.

35 s.

RUBIN, BARRY, Interview with Amilcar Cabral. Guinea (B) on verge of victory. Guardian, London, November l, 1972. RUDEBECK, LARS, Erkänn republiken Guinea-Bissau. DN, Stockholm, 23 oktober 1973, s. 4. RUDEBECK, LARS, Mobilisering för utveckling i Guinea-Bissau. Tiden, Stockholm, no. 4, 1971, s. 214-226. RUDEBECK, LARS, Political mobilisation for development in Guinea-Bissau. JMAS, London, vol. 10, no. l, May 1972, s. 1-18. SAMPAIO, MARIO, The new Guinea-Bissau: hm'l will it live? AD, London, March 1974, s. 11-13. SEGAL, AARON, Amilcar Cabral in memoriam. Third World, London, vol. 2, no. 4, 1973, s. 7-8. SILVA, C~SAR da, Um reporter na guerra da Guine. Diario popular, Lisboa, Mar~o de 1969. En serie på nio artiklar

A series of nine articles


SILVEIRA, ON~SIMO, PAIGC og mordet på Cabral. Arbeiderbladet, Oslo, 6 april 1974. SPINOLA, ANTONIO de, General de Spinola discusses economic issues. Intervie~1 in Voz da Guine, Bissau, June 23, 1973,

s. 5. I/in: Translations on Africa, no. 1358, s. 45-49. SPINOLA, ANTONIO de, General de Spinola evaluated the situation in Angola (misprint, should read Portuguese Guinea) . Interview in Noticia, Luanda, December 18, 1971. I/in: Translations on Africa, no. 1111, 9 s. TEXT of the proclamation of the state of Guinea-Bissau by the People's national assembly. Issue, Waltham, Mass., vol. 3, no. 3, 1973, s. 28-29. ufahaffiu, Los Angeles, vol. 4, no. 2,1973, s. 4-7. UN special mission to Guinea (Bissau) . Third World, London, vol. 2, no. 4,1973, s. 9-19.

WHITAKER, PAUL M., The resolutions of 'Portuguese' Africa. JMAS, London, vo. 8, no. l, 1970, s. 15-35. WHO'S in charge here? The Economist, London, October 6, 1973, s. 38-39. WÄSTBERG, PER, Arvet efter Cabral. DN, Stockholm, 25 januari 1973. ZIEGLER, JEAN, Avec les maquisards de Guinee-Bissau. Nouvel Observateur, Paris, le 24 mars 1974.

Artiklar publicerade under tiden 25 april 1974 - mars 1975

Articles published during the period April 25, 1974 - March 1975

AMADOU, FODE, L'enjeu des negociations. AA, Paris, no. le 27 mai 1974, s. 10-11.



AMADOU, FODE, Etape superieure de la revolution. AA, Paris, no. 75, le 27 janvier 1975, s. 16. ANDRADE, MARIO de, L'oeuvre de Cabral. AA, Paris, no. le 27 janvier 1975, s. 14-15.


ARTICLES sur Guinee-Bissau et Cap-Vert. AA, Paris, no. 65, le 9 septembre 1974, s. 22-33. ATT grundlägga en självförsörjande ekonomi. Kommentar, stockholm, vol. 7, no. 11/12, 1974, s. 27-29. BALTA, P., Le chef de l'executif du nouvel etat guineen: Aristides Maria Pereira. LeM, Paris, 26-27 mai 1974. BERGEROL, J., Guinea-Bissau begins to reconstruct. AD, London, October 1974, s. 18-19. BERGEROL, J., The PAIGC's next war. Financial Times, London, August 28, 1974. BERNETEL, PAUL, Afrique Portugal. Le processus de la paix? JA, Paris, no. 699, le ler juin 1974, s. 14-17. BIARNES, PIERRE, Le PAIGC accuse le Portugal d'eriger des "trattres" en "troisi~me force". LeM, Paris, 9/10 juin 1974, s. 3. BLACKE Y, ROBERT, Fanon and Cabral. A contrast in theories of revolution for Africa. JMAS, London, vol. 12, no. 2, 1974, s. 191-209. BOURDERIE, JACK, Interview avec Vasco Cabral. AA, Paris, no. 76, le 10 fevrier 1975, s. 31. BOURDERIE, JACK, Quand la nouvelle parvint au si~ge du PAIGC. AA, Paris, no. 56, le 13 mai 1974, s. 25-26. BOURDERIE, JACK, La question du Cap-Vert. AA, Paris, no. 58, le 10 juin 1974, s. 22-23. BRAGAN~A,

AQUINO de, Guinee-Bissau. La verite sur les negociations. AA, Paris, no. 58, le 10 juin 1974, s. 16-18.


(CABRAL, LUIS) Luis Cabral - un homme de coeur, modeste et avise. LeM, Paris, le 27 aoGt 1974. COUTINHO, ROEL & ANNEKE, Report from Guinea-Bissau. Kroniek van Afrika, Leiden, 1974:2, s. 211-219. CRIMI, BRUNO, L'epreuve du pouvoir. JA, Paris, no. 712, le 31 ao(lt 1974, s. 28-30. CRIMI, BRUNO, Les lIes du Cap-Vert et la renaissance guineenne. JA, Paris, no. 709, le 10 aoat 1974, s. 18-23. CRIMI, BRUNO, Quand les oeillets sont fanes. JA, Paris, no. 704, le 6 juillet 1974, s. 40-41. CRIMI, BRUNO, La verite sur l'assassinat d'Amilcar Cabral. JA, Paris, no. 734, le 31 janvier 1975, s. 18-21. DAVIDSON, BASIL, African peasants and revolution. The Journal of peasant studies, London, vol. l, no. 3,-r974, s. 269-290. DAVIDSON, BASIL, Alarm signals from Lisbon. - What change in Africa? WA, London, no. 2976, July l, 1974, s. 785-787. DAVIDSON, BASIL, Artikelserie om Guinea-Bissau. DN, Stockholm, 7-11 september 1974. DAVIDSON, BASIL, Guinea-Bissau. Nearing the end of the struggle? WA, London, April 29, 1974. DAVIDSON, BASIL, Guinee-Bissau. Naissance d'une democratie africaine. LeMD, Paris, no. 247, octobre 1974, s. 34-36. DAVIDSON, BASIL, The heroic republic. WA, London, no. 2986, September 9, 1974, s. 1102-1104. DECRAENE, P., La Guinee-Bissau accede LeM, Paris, le 10 september 1974.



Das ENDE eines Imperiums. lA, Mlinchen, vol. 10, no. 9/10, s. 525-527.


FOLKET har skapat en fri stat. Kommentar, Stockholm, vol. 6, no. 9,1973, s. 33-39. Kommentarer, självständighetsförklaringen, utdrag ur konstitutionen, intervjuer

Comments, the Declaration of Independence, extracts from the Constitution, interviews

FRIEDMANN, PETER J., Portugal nach dem Putsch. AH, Bonn, Sondernummer 4-8, April-August 1974, s. 6-8. GILKES, P., The price Guinea-Bissau may pay for peace. Times, London, June 7, 1974. GUINB Bissau. An African revolution. Transition, Accra, no. 45,1974, s. 9-2l. Utdrag ur tal av Amilear Cabral. Artikel av Basil Davidson

Extracts from speeches by Amilcar Cabral. Article by Basil Davidson

GUINEA independence recognised? WA, London, no. 2979, July 22, 1974, s. 908-909. GUINEA-BISSAU. Ein heikles internatianales Problem. lA, MUnchen, vol. la, no. 2/3, s. 96-97. GUINEE-BISSAU. Numero special. AA, Paris, no. 66, le 23 septembre 1974, s. I-XLVIII. HADJOR, KOFI BUENOR, The revolution in Guinea-Bissau. Africa, London, no. 32, April 1974, s. 12-14. HINTZE, ROLF-HENNING, Guinea-Bissau. Unabhängigkeit ganz konkret - nicht ganz einfach. AH, Bonn, no. 9/10, September/ Oktober 1974, s. 14-16. KAMM, HENRY, Portuguese Guinea enjoys a truce. IHT, Paris, June 26, 1974. KAMM, HENRY, Portuguese Guinea's governor calls it, in effect, independent. IHT, Paris, July 6-7, 1974, s. 2. MAKEDONSKY, JEANNE, L'epineuse decolonisation de la GuineeBissau. RFEPA, Paris, no. 105, septembre 1974, s. 43-55.


MATATU, GODWIN, Viva Guinea-Bissau~ Africa, London, no. 38, October 1974, s. 11-16. A NATION is born. WA, London, no. 2985, September 2, 1974, s. 1066. Les NATIONALISTES de Guinee-Bissau acceptent de discuter "separement" du probleme des lIes du Cap-Vert. LeM, Paris, 2/3 juin 1974. NGWUBE, DOUGLAS, Guinea-Bissau. Decisive phase. Africa, London, no. 34, June 1974, s. 23-24. Intervju med Guinea-Bissaus utrikesminister

Interview with GuineaBissau's foreign minister

O'BRIEN, JAY, Portugal and Africa. A dying imperialism. Monthly Review, New York, vol. 26, no. l, 1974, s. 19-36. OWINO MULALA, SYLIVESTER, The struggle in Guinea-Bissau. Maji Maji, Dar-es-Salaam, no. 19, November 1974, s. 2-20. PAECH, NORMAN, Dekolonisation und imperialistisches Völkerrecht. Zur völkerrechtlichen Anerkennung Guinea Bissaos. AH, Bonn, no. 3, 1974, s. 15-20. PAIGC ready to talk. WA, London, no. 2970, May 20, 1974, s. 617. PAIGC's case against Portugal. WA, London, no. 2978, July 15, 1974, s. 857. PELISSIER, RENE, Guinee-Bissau: sans aucune consultation prealable des populations. RFEPA, Paris, no. 106, octobre 1974, s. 16-20. PERElRA, ARISTIDES & CABRAL, LUIZ, Au Cap-Vert le peuple se prononcera pour l'independance et l'unite. AA, Paris, no. 68, le 21 octobre 1974, s. 10-12. PORTUGAL Afrique. La guerre de l'OTAN. JA, Paris, no. 705, le 13 juillet 1974, s. 60-65.


PORTUGAL and Africa. The struggle continues. Africa Today, Denver, vol. 21, no. l, 1974, s. 3-70. PORTUGAL has no time to spare. WA, London, no. 2974, June 17, 1974, s. 718-719. POSTEL-VINAY, O., Un archipel desole. LeM, Paris, le 28 aout, 1974. POSTEL-VINAY, O., Les dirigeants du nouvel etat vont se trouver aux prises avec de serieuses difficultes. LeM, Paris, le 11 septembre 1974. POSTEL-VINAY, O., Le PAIGC est deja le vrai ma1tre. LeM, Paris, le 13 aoOt 1974. RIEN n'est certes joue mais le deblocage rapide de la situation autorise l'espoir. JA, Paris, le ler juin 1974. SENGHOR, LEOPOLD SEDAR, Ma tache est finie. JA, Paris, no. 701, le 15 juin 1974, s. 39. SILVEIRA, ONESIMO, Kap Verde och PAIGC. DN, Stockholm, 26 maj 1974. SILVEIRA, ONESIMO, Le particularisme des lIes du Cap Vert et la question nationale. LeMD, Paris, juin 1974, s. 3. SIND die Guerillas zu Verhandlungen bereit? lA, Mlinchen, vol. 10, no. 5, s. 270-271. The STATE of Guinea-Bissau. A major event. Tricontinental Bimonthly, Havana, no. 34/35, May/August 1974, s. 47-87. Die STRATEGISCHE Bedeutung der Kapverdischen InseIn. Neue Zlircher Zeitung, Zlirich, 22 September 1974. URDANG, STEPHANlE, Guinea-B. Women fight on 2 fronts. Guardian, London, December 4, 1974. WEROBEL-LA ROCHELLE, JURGEN M., Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte Guinea-Bissaos. lA, Mlinchen, vol. 10, no. 7/8, s. 449-453. WHO can end Portugal 's Africa wars? Africa Bureau Fact Sheet, no. 37, June 1974.


VOlCl comment arr~ter la guerre. Le Comite executif de la lutte du PAlGC au sammet de l'OUA en Somalie. AA, Paris, no. 57, le 27 mai 1974, s. 36. YOUNG, GARVlN, Portuguese colonies: when will the new deal come? Sunday News, Dar-es-Salaam, July 21, 1974.

The Scandinavian Institute of African Studies


Uppsala was started in 1962 as an element in the initial Scandinavian collaboration to collect and disseminate information about Africa and to promote a scholarly exchange of ideas on topics of central concern to the developing countries. The Institute's task is to circulate information about Africa to public institutions, private organizations and individual inquirers in the Scandinavian countries. This is done through library and publication work and through educational activities of various kinds. Research activities. Another of the Institute's principal tasks is to stimulate and support Scandinavian research on Africa. Several research workers are associated with the Institute and travelling scholarships are distributed annually to forward research in Africa. The library. The library specializes mainly in material on modern Africa. Endeavours are made to stock the current literature on the social sciences, modern history and modern biography. There are complete catalogues, both of the Institute's own book stock and of the stocks of Africana in all the major Scandinavian scientific libraries. Seminars and courses. Once a year the Institute organizes an international seminar in which specialists from all over the world are assembled for lectures and discussions. The seminar proceedings are published in one of the Institute's publication series. The Institute also arranges courses for teachers and other persons dealing with information on Africa. Both Scandinavian and nonScandinavian experts are engaged to lecture on Africa and African problems. In many ca ses lecture tours are arranged, covering several of the university towns in Scandinavia. The Institute does not provide any instruction for those aiming at academic degrees. For more detailed information about the activities of the Institute, we recommend the reading of the annual Newsletter which can be ordered from the Institute free of charge.



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