GTG With PBN Light Issue1 [PDF]

Airbus Flight Operations October 2016 - Issue 1 Getting to grips with PBN Performance-Based Navigation Getting to Gri

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Airbus Flight Operations October 2016 - Issue 1

Getting to grips with PBN Performance-Based Navigation

Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Content #1









p.012 p.012 p.017 p.022


p.026 p.026 p.030 p.035


p.040 p.040 p.052

3.4 OTHER RNP with RF leg capability Advanced RNP

p.063 p.063 p.067


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1



4.1 AIRCRAFT POSITIONING AND MONITORING Aircraft Position Accuracy and Integrity Limits Monitoring of GNSS/Inertial Mode (GPS primary) Monitoring of Other Navigation Modes (Navigation Accuracy High/Low) Example

p.072 p.072 p.073 p.074 p.076

4.2 FLIGHT GUIDANCE MODES NAV Mode Approach Mode Flight Guidance Modes for PBN operations

p.077 p.077 p.077 p.080

4.3 DISPLAYS AND MONITORING OF DEVIATIONS TO THE FLIGHT PATH XTK on ND Lateral Deviation on PFD Vertical Deviation on PFD SLS and FLS Deviation on PFD


4.4 A350 SPECIFIC FEATURES FOR RNP AR OPERATIONS HMI Enhancement Management of Degraded Navigation




p.082 p.083 p.084 p.084

p.087 p.089





p.097 p.100 p.104 p.107 p.108 p.110


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Foreword The purpose of this document is to provide the Operators of Airbus aircraft with the manufacturer’s perspective of the applicable Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) regulations. Therefore, this document has been written to help Operators to understand the following aspects: • Main navigation requirements. • Main aircraft navigation design and capability. This document is presented for information only, and is not intended to replace ICAO guidelines or National Aviation Authorities (NAA) mandated requirements. The content does not supersede or amend any Airbus type-specific AFM, AMM, FCOM, MMEL, FCTM, ACD or SB. All brochure holders and users are encouraged to send their questions and suggestions about this document to the following contact:

Tech TechRequest on Request Category: Flight operations / Other topics / CNS/ATM.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1


#1 Introduction For the preparation of operations for a route from Departure to Arrival, Operators consider in their Operations Manuals (OM A to OM D) all types of regional or local rules about communication, navigation, and surveillance. Refer to the example in the illustration Figure 1 below:

Figure 1: Example of Operations Requirements for an Aircraft

Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Notes: _ • The AIRBUS|CNS/ATM website of the portal (Library/Flight operations/Operational material) provides an overview of the world deployment of new communication, navigation, and surveillance operations. • Other “Getting to Grips with” volumes are available on airbusworld. com (Library/Flight operations/ Operational expertise) including the concepts of aircraft communication and surveillance.

The Operator identifies the operational and regulatory requirements defined into the aeronautical information (States’ AIPs/AICs) of the NAA of the operated route for each phase of flight. The “Getting to Grips with” brochures provide Operators with an introduction to understand the concept of operations and associated requirements for the aircraft and the Operator. This “Getting to Grips with PBN” document focuses on navigation purposes. This document is organized as follows: • The first part (navigation operations) mainly describes each PBN operation based on three main axis:

The SCOPE definition to understand the context of the operations.

The AIRCRAFT capability: The holder of the Type Certificate (Airbus) obtains the airworthiness approval from the authorities that demonstrates the aircraft compliance with the airworthiness requirements of the applicable PBN regulation.

The OPERATOR’s tasks: The Operator considers the operational requirements such as PBN procedures, trainings and may need to obtain an operational approval from its NAA.

Note: _ PBN service providers (for example NAVBLUE) can provide their support to help the Operator to define their PBN operations and obtain the operational approval.

• The second part (Airbus design) describes the Airbus solutions developed to fly the PBN operations. This document takes into account the ICAO guidelines, EASA and FAA regulations. The compliance of Airbus aircraft with the EASA and FAA airworthiness regulations is considered acceptable to demonstrate the aircraft PBN capability with NAA.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

#2 From conventional navigation to PBN For decades, to fly from Departure to Arrival, the aviation industry used both of the following conventional navigation systems: • Over the continents, radio navigational aids (NAVAIDS), for example VOR/ DME, NDB. • Over the oceans and remote areas, inertial navigation systems (INS). Due to the constant growth in traffic, the requirements for an increase in airspace capacity and flight efficiency put these conventional navigation systems to the limits: • A large quantity of NAVAIDs is required to cover a large area because of their limited range. • The maintenance of these NAVAIDs generates high costs. • The limited flexibility of the NAVAIDs (based on bearing/distance and radial interception principles) offers limited flight efficiency (e.g. non-direct routes, non-curved approaches).


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

The new method of navigation, also referred to as Area Navigation (RNAV), started with the introduction of the Flight Management System (FMS) and the Inertial Reference System (IRS). With these new systems, Operators are able to use direct routes with enhanced navigation accuracy, particularly for long-range flights. Figure 2: Difference between Conventional Navigation and Area Navigation

These new navigation methods enable the aircraft to fly from waypoint to waypoint (defined by latitude and longitude coordinates) instead of from NAVAID to NAVAID, as illustrated on Figure 2.

The introduction of the FMS navigation system enables the estimation of the aircraft navigation error. As illustrated on Figure 3, the Total System Error (TSE) on aircraft navigation error considers the following components: • The path definition error is the difference between the desired flight path and the coded flight path in the Navigation Data Base (NDB). This component is considered as negligible on the basis of the navigation database validation. • The flight technical error is based on the piloting and flight guidance performance represented by the cross-track deviation (XTK). • The navigation system error is based on the aircraft position error computed by the systems.

Figure 3: Aircraft Navigation Error


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

The Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) concept was created on the capability to quantify this Total System Error. On this basis, the PBN concept enables to design procedures that reduce the separation with obstacles and the separation between aircraft. To achieve this objective, the PBN concept specifies the following basic definitions of navigation performance: • Navigation accuracy defines the estimation of error on the computed aircraft position: The real aircraft position remains within a determined area for 95% of the flight time (refer to Figure 4). The navigation accuracy is the radius of this determined area. R PBN defines a minimum navigation performance for the need of the different type of operations (RNP value). The navigation accuracy must be less than 1 x RNP value.

Note: _ In Airbus aircraft cockpit, the Estimated Position Uncertainty (EPU) provide the actual navigation accuracy value (refer to Section 4.1.4).

Figure 4: Navigation Accuracy Criteria

• Navigation integrity ensures a high level of trust in the aircraft navigation computation: The real aircraft position remains within a determined area for 99.999 % of the flight time considering undetected navigation systems malfunctions (Refer to Figure 5). The navigation integrity is the radius of this determined area. R PBN defines a minimum navigation performance for the need of the different type of operations (RNP value). The navigation integrity is compared to 2 x RNP value.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Note: _ Only GNSS position source can provide integrity indicators. In Airbus aircraft cockpit, the GPS PRIMARY status (or NAV PRIMARY on A350) indicates that the integrity criterion is met (refer to Section

Figure 5: Navigation Integrity Criteria

Note: _ For example, the order of magnitude in normal conditions (with GNSS operative) for the aircraft position accuracy is around 20 m with integrity around 0.1 NM (i.e. 160 m).

It should be noticed that the integrity of the position is linked to the accuracy. These two parameters are not fully segregated. If the value of the integrity increases, the accuracy will also be impacted. This RNP value does not represent a corridor for the aircraft trajectory (i.e. not a corridor where the aircraft can fly), but a limit that the aircraft computed position must not exceed.

• Navigation continuity ensures the computation of navigation information all along the flight. This definition includes the GNSS services. Based on these definitions several local initiatives defined their own requirements to fly some Area Navigation (RNAV) or Required Navigation Performance (RNP) operations. This emerging environment led the ICAO to publish the PBN manual (ICAO Doc 9613) and PANS–OPS amendment (ICAO Doc 8168) in order to standardize the PBN concept for area navigation. The PBN manual specifies the scope of each RNAV and RNP operations (refer to Figure 6).


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Navigation Accuracy (NM) per flight phase

RNAV 10 (RNP 10) ICAO PBN MANUAL (Doc 9613)

PANS-OPS (Doc 8168)

Figure 6: Application of Navigation Specification by Flight Phase

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1-0.1 0.3-0.1 1-0.1

As presented on Figure 6, the PBN manual defines a differentiation between RNAV and RNP: Both RNAV and RNP have the same requirements for navigation; In addition the RNP requires to monitor the navigation performance, and to alert the non-conformance with the navigation performance criteria. This requirement is referred to as On Board Performance Monitoring and Alerting (OBPMA). This differentiation enables aircraft without monitoring function to access to several PBN environments. The RNAV operations are mainly monitored by Air Traffic Control (ATC). The Airbus aircraft are equipped with an OBPMA (alert message and XTK check), and have a high navigation performance. Therefore, on Airbus aircraft the flight crew operates both RNAV and RNP procedures in the same way: • With an OBPMA to monitor the position performance. Therefore, the RNAV procedure is operated as an RNP procedure. • With an OBPMA set to the lower possible RNP value. Most part of the time the flight crew operates the Airbus aircraft with a better navigation performance than requested. For example, the required accuracy set by the system for an RNAV 10 or a RNP 4 procedure may be 2 NM.

The PBN manual provides also some guidelines for navigation specifications. These guidelines can be used by NAA to define their own rules. The Airbus aircraft comply with the EASA and FAA rules, but do not have to comply directly with the ICAO PBN manual. In order to conduct PBN operations, the Operator should consider the PBN route specifications, the required aircraft capability and operational requirements.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1


#3 PBN

OPERATIONS The following sections describe the scope of each PBN operation with the requested aircraft capability and the Operator’s tasks.

3.1 EN-ROUTE _

3.1.1 RNAV 10 (RNP 10)

RNAV 10 does not require on-board performance monitoring and alerting. However, the designation of the airworthiness and operational material as well as airspace/route designation remains “RNP 10”. Recognizing the extent of existing airspace designations and operational approvals under RNP 10 designation, it is anticipated that any new airspace designations and aircraft approvals will continue to use the “RNP 10” term.

Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1 Scope Operational Area

Figure 7: Area of Operations for RNAV 10

The RNAV 10 procedure can be operated in remote continental and oceanic areas, where no ground-based NAVAID infrastructures are available (refer to Figure 7). Oceanic and remote continental areas are considered as procedural airspace because most of the time, they are not covered by radar installations.

RNAV 10 was initially used to cover the following airspaces for example: • Pacific ocean FIRs that includes PACific Organized Track System (PACOTS). • Gulf of Mexico (GoMex) routes. • Routes between European and South America (EUR-SAM). • Routes between Peru and Chile.

Note: _ Over the North Atlantic area, RNAV 10 (or less) operations will supersede the Minimum Navigation Performance Specification (MNPS) operations. Until PBN is implemented in the North Atlantic, aircraft that operates in this airspace are required to meet MNPS (refer to Annex C for description of MNPS).

• Routes between Australia, Asia, Mid-East, and Europe. For example, refer to the Brazilian AIC A 20/2013 in Section 8: “All RNAV oceanic routes implemented in the EURO/SAM corridor located in Atlantic FIR are RNAV 10. Only approved RNAV 10 (airworthiness and operations) Operators and aircraft will be allowed to operate on RNAV routes in the oceanic Brazilian Airspace”. Benefits The RNAV 10 operations support the 50 NM lateral and longitudinal aircraft separation minima (in place of 100 NM). For example, refer to the AIP – United States of America – ENR “On 20 October 2011, the FAA and the Mexican Air Traffic Service provider, SENEAM, implemented 50 NM lateral separation between aircraft authorized RNP−10 or RNP−4 operating in the Gulf of Mexico (GoMex) Oceanic Control Areas (CTA)”. Design criteria for IFR Procedure The ICAO Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Aircraft Operations (PANSOPS) (Doc 8168) defines the lateral and vertical specifications for the construction of RNAV operations.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Any obstacle or other routes must not enter a corridor of [2 x 10 NM] + [a buffer zone of 5 NM] on each side of the flight path. This corridor of a 50 NM width corresponds to the minimum separation between two RNAV 10 routes. Aircraft RNAV 10 airworthiness and operational regulations: * EASA AMC 20-12 * FAA order 8400.12 and AC 90-105A Airworthiness Regulations The RNAV 10 capability of the aircraft is demonstrated and certified on the basis of the compliance demonstration with the airworthiness regulations. The RNAV 10 airworthiness approval relies on the compliance with the airworthiness section of the FAA order 8400.12 (revision A or subsequent revisions), “Required Navigation Performance (RNP-10) operational approval”, in sections 10, 14, 15, and 16. The airworthiness requirements reply to the following items: • System performance. • Certification actions. • Continuing airworthiness considerations. Then, EASA published the AMC 20-12 (or subsequent revisions), “Recognition of FAA order 8400.12A for RNP 10 operations”, without additional requirements. The revision A of FAA AC 90-105 includes the RNAV 10 requirements. This revision A will be used instead of the existing FAA order, but the previous authorizations in accordance with FAA order 8400.12 remain valid. The airworthiness compliance of the aircraft with RNAV 10 requirements is declared in the “LIMITATIONS / 22 AUTOFLIGHT SYSTEM / Flight Management System / Airworthiness Standards Compliance” section of the AFM.

Figure 8: RNAV 10 capability in AFM (A350 example)

The example of Figure 8 presents a possible extract of the AFM. This example is for information only. The content depends on individual aircraft configuration.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Notes: _ • The backup NAV mode on A320, A330 aircraft can be considered as a second LRNS. • Some local or regional exceptions exist such as in in the Gulf of Mexico where two LRNS are not required. Required Systems As per requirements, the aircraft must be equipped with two independent and serviceable Long-Range Navigation Systems (LRNS) for continuity requirements in remote area due to the redundancy of the systems. These two LRNS can rely on hybridization of GNSS/IRS data or on IRS only data to compute aircraft position. The minimum equipment configuration requested to initiate the procedure is provided in the special operations section (i.e. FCOM-PRO-SPO) of the FCOM. This list should be taken into account in MEL for dispatch conditions.

Figure 9: RNAV 10 Description in FCOM

The example below presents a possible extract of the FCOM. This example is for information only. The content depends on individual aircraft configuration.

Note: Navigation Performance Requirements

_ The aircraft lateral performance is also referred to as Estimated Position Uncertainty (EPU, refer to Section 4.1.4).

According to the design criteria (RNP value equal to 10 NM), the aircraft lateral performance must be less or equal to 10 NM. Additional Requirements When the IRS only position is used (GNSS not available), the Operator must establish that the aircraft will comply with the time limit on the planned route. The demonstrated time limitation is described in special operations section (i.e. FCOM-PRO-SPO) of the FCOM. Based on RNAV operations definition compared to RNP operations, RNAV 10 does not require an OBPMA. However, the Airbus aircraft are equipped with a monitoring function, therefore the RNAV procedure is operated and monitored as an RNP procedure. Airbus Aircraft Eligibility All Airbus aircraft are eligible for RNAV 10 operations.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1 Operator Operational Regulations The operational regulations that apply to RNAV 10 are defined in the operational sections 7 and 8 of the FAA order 8400.12 (revision A or subsequent revisions), “Required Navigation Performance (RNP-10) operational approval”. The NAA may require an operational approval. To obtain an operational approval from NAA, the Operator should submit an application that includes the following items: • Aircraft capability for RNAV 10: The statement of aircraft compliance with airworthiness regulations is provided in AFM (refer to Section • Minimum equipment configuration: The minimum equipment configuration requested to initiate the procedure is provided in the special operations section of the FCOM. This configuration must also be taken into account in MEL for dispatch conditions. There is no specific maintenance program to keep RNAV 10 capability. • Operational procedures and training program: The Operator defines operational procedure that includes normal operations and contingency procedures, and appropriate training program. These procedures can be based on description in special operations section of the FCOM. The training of the flight crew is based on the knowledge of RNAV 10 operations and requirements, the FCOM content (normal/abnormal and contingency procedures) and a presentation of the route charts. • Operating manuals and checklists: The Operator’s updates OMs to include RNAV operations. The checklists can be based on the FCOM definitions. • Validation program for the Navigation Data Base (NDB): The Operator describes the quality insurance process (compliance DO-200A/ ED-76) to update the NDB for each AIRAC cycle. EASA AIR OPERATIONS section SPA.PBN.105 defines the general guidelines to obtain operational approval. It is based on the airworthiness approval, an appropriate flight crew training, and the availability of the operating procedures. In the scope of the operational approval application, NAA may request the compliance of some equipment with the applicable TSO standards. Airbus demonstrates the compliance of the aircraft architecture, which includes equipment configuration, with the EASA and FAA regulations. This demonstration at aircraft level includes the requirements at equipment level. Operational Procedure The MEL must be updated in accordance with RNAV 10 operations, on the basis of the minimum configuration defined in the special operations section (i.e. FCOM-PRO-SPO) of the FCOM, and the MMEL. The example below presents a possible extract of the MMEL. This example is for information only. The content depends on individual aircraft configuration.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Figure 10: RNAV 10 Description in MMEL

For the preflight phase, the Operator must perform all of the following: • Check NOTAMs (impact on procedure) • NAA may require to monitor the availability of GNSS for the procedure (refer to Section • Check the NDB validity (according to AIRAC cycle). • Insert RNAV 10 capability in the ATS flight plan, in accordance with the ICAO or the NAA recommendations (refer to Annex E) for both of the following:

Insert the letter “R” in the first part of ITEM 10. The letter “Z” can also be added to highlight that a complement on PBN capability is added in ITEM 18.

Insert the letter “PBN/A1” in ITEM 18 for RNAV 10.

3.1.2 RNP 4 RNP 4 operations are referred to as RNP 4 en-route on some procedural charts, airworthiness and operational material. Scope Operational Area RNP 4 procedure can be operated in remote continental and oceanic areas, where no ground-based NAVAID infrastructures are available (refer to Figure 11). Oceanic and remote continental areas are considered as procedural airspace because most of the time, they are not covered by radar installations.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Figure 11: Area of Operations for RNP 4

The RNP 4 operations are deployed in North Atlantic, Pacific and Asian area (refer to ICAO doc 7030). Benefits The RNP 4 capable Operators can benefit of reduced separations. RNP 4 operations support 30 NM lateral and longitudinal aircraft separation minima (in place of standard 100 NM). NAA may require the RNP 4 or less capability on some ATS routes, such as L888 in western region of China, on some North Atlantic tracks specific flight levels, or Pacific area. For example, refer to the ICAO Doc 7030 – Section PAC, chapter 4: “ For flights on designated controlled oceanic routes or areas within the Anchorage Arctic, Anchorage Continental, Anchorage Oceanic, Auckland Oceanic, Nadi, Oakland Oceanic and Tahiti FIRs, a longitudinal separation minimum of 55.5 km (30 NM) derived by RNAV may be applied between RNAV-equipped aircraft approved to RNP 4 or better”. Design Criteria for IFR Procedure The ICAO Procedures for Air Navigation Services — Aircraft Operations (PANSOPS) (Doc 8168) defines the lateral and vertical specifications for the construction of RNP operations. Any obstacle or other routes must not enter a corridor of [2 x 4 NM] + [a buffer zone] on each side of the flight path.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1 Aircraft RNP 4 airworthiness and operational regulations: * FAA order 8400.33 and AC 90-105A Airworthiness Regulations The RNP 4 capability of the aircraft is demonstrated and certified on the basis of the compliance demonstration with the airworthiness regulations. The RNP 4 airworthiness approval relies on the compliance with the airworthiness section of the FAA Order 8400.33 (or subsequent revisions) “Procedures for obtaining authorization for required navigation performance 4 (RNP-4) oceanic and remote area operations” that reply to the following items: • System performance. • Aircraft configuration and acceptable installations. • Aircraft manuals and MMEL. There is no formal EASA regulation (except old PP045 Information Paper referring to FAA order 8400.33 and ICAO PBN manual (doc 9613). The revision A of FAA AC 90-105 includes the RNP 4 requirements, superseding the existing FAA order. This revision A will be used instead of the existing FAA order, but the previous authorizations in accordance with FAA order 8400.33 remain valid. The airworthiness compliance of the aircraft with RNP 4 requirements is declared in the AFM part LIMITATIONS /22 AUTOFLIGHT SYSTEM / Flight Management System / Airworthiness Standards Compliance.

Figure 12: RNP 4 Description in AFM

The example below shows a possible extract of the AFM. This example is for information only. The content depends on individual aircraft configuration. Required Systems Note: _ The backup NAV mode can be considered as a second LRNS.

The aircraft must be equipped with two independent and serviceable LRNS for continuity requirements in remote area thanks to the redundancy of the systems. These two LRNS rely on GNSS/IRS hybridization for aircraft positioning. The minimum equipment configuration requested to initiate the procedure is provided in the special operations section (i.e. FCOM-PRO-SPO) of the FCOM. This list should be taken into account in MEL for dispatch conditions.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Figure 13: RNP 4 Description in FCOM

Note: _ the aircraft lateral performance is also referred to as Estimated Position Uncertainty (EPU, refer to Section 4.1.4).

The example below shows a possible extract of the FCOM. This example is for information only. The content depends on individual aircraft configuration. Navigation Performance Requirements According to the design criteria (RNP value equal to 4 NM), the aircraft lateral performance must be less or equal to 4 NM. Additional Requirements GNSS position is required and monitored with GPS PRIMARY function (or NAV PRIMARY on A350) and NAV ACCURACY functions on ND and MCDU/MFD (refer to Section 4.1.3).

Note: _ Some additional local NAA requirements may include use of automatic dependent surveillance (ADS-C) and/ or controller pilot data link communication (CPDLC). Airbus Aircraft Eligibility All Airbus aircraft are eligible for RNP 4 operations when fitted with FMS and MMR or GPSSU. Operator Operational Regulations The operational regulation dedicated to RNP 4 is defined in the operational sections 7 and 8 of FAA order 8400.33 (or subsequent revisions). The NAA may require an operational approval. To obtain an operational approval from NAA, the Operator should submit an application that includes the following items: • Aircraft capability for RNP 4: The statement of aircraft compliance with airworthiness regulations is provided in AFM (refer to Section • Minimum equipment configuration: The minimum equipment configuration requested to initiate the procedure is provided in the special operations section of the FCOM. This configuration must also be taken into account in MEL for dispatch conditions. There is no specific maintenance program to keep RNP 4 capability. • Operational procedures and training program: The Operator defines operational procedure that includes normal operations and contingency procedures. These procedures can be based on description in special operations section of the FCOM. The Operator must define an appropriate training program of the flight crews and ground Operators (dispatcher/maintenance) for the RNP operations. The training of the flight crew is based on the knowledge of RNP 4 operations and requirements, the FCOM content (normal/abnormal and contingency procedures) and a presentation of the route charts.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

• Operating manuals and checklists: The Operator updates OMs to include RNP operations. The checklists can be based on the FCOM definitions. • Validation program for the NDB: The Operator describes the quality insurance process (compliance DO-200A/ ED-76) and a program of continuous verification of NDB for each AIRAC cycle.

EASA AIR OPERATIONS section SPA.PBN.105 defines also general guidelines to obtain operational approval based on airworthiness approval, relevant flight crew training and availability of the operating procedures.  In the scope of the operational approval application, NAA may request the compliance of some equipment with the applicable TSO standards. Airbus demonstrates the compliance of the aircraft architecture, which includes equipment configuration, with the EASA and FAA regulations. This demonstration at aircraft level includes the requirements at equipment level. Operational Procedure The MEL should be updated in accordance with RNP 4 operations, on the basis of the minimum configuration defined in the special operations section (i.e. FCOM-PRO-SPO) of the FCOM, and the MMEL. Figure 14: RNP 4 Description in MMEL

The example below shows a possible extract of the MMEL. This example is for information only. The content depends on individual aircraft configuration.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

For the preflight phase, the Operator performs all of the following: • Check NOTAMs (impact on procedure) and GNSS availability (refer to Section • Check the NDB validity (according to AIRAC cycle). • Insert RNP 4 capability in the ATS flight plan in accordance with ICAO or NAA recommendations (refer to Annex E):

Insert the letter “G” in the first part of ITEM 10 for GNSS. Insert the letter “R” in the first part of ITEM 10. The letter “Z” can also be added to highlight that a complement on PBN capability is added in ITEM 18.

Insert the letter “PBN/L1” in ITEM 18 for RNP 4.

3.1.3 RNP 2 Scope Operational Area

Figure 15: Area of Operations for RNP 2

RNP 2 procedure can be operated in continental, remote continental and oceanic areas, where no ground-based NAVAID infrastructure is available (refer to Figure 15). Oceanic and remote continental areas are considered as procedural airspace because most of the time, they are not covered by radar installations.

RNP 2 is mainly used in Australia. Benefits RNP 2 aims to develop routes that are based on GNSS in areas with the following characteristics: • With low to medium traffic. • With limited or no ATS surveillance.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1 Design Criteria for IFR Procedure The ICAO Procedures for Air Navigation Services — Aircraft Operations (PANSOPS) (Doc 8168) defines the lateral and vertical specifications for the construction of RNP operations. Any obstacle or other routes must not enter a corridor of [2 x 2 NM] + [a buffer zone] on each side of the flight path. Aircraft Airworthiness Regulations The RNP 2 capability of the aircraft is demonstrated and certified on the basis of the compliance demonstration with the airworthiness regulations. There is currently no formal EASA airworthiness regulations released. The FAA published RNP 2 requirements in AC 90-105A. Therefore, until compliance demonstration exercise with at least FAA, RNP 2 operations is not declared in the AFM, but a compliance statement with applicable regulation (CASA) can be provided via an Airbus dedicated note for the operational authorization. The only airworthiness materials available are: • Australian AC 91U-II-C-2(0) “NAVIGATION AUTHORISATIONS – RNP 2” Section 11. • ICAO PBN manual (doc 9613) in volume II, part C, chapter 2 Section 2.3.3.

Note: _ The backup NAV mode can be considered as a second LRNS. Required Systems As per requirements, the aircraft must be equipped with the following systems: • In remote area: two independent and serviceable LRNS for continuity requirements thanks to the redundancy of the systems. • In domestic/continental: one LRNS. The minimum equipment configuration requested to initiate the procedure is provided in the special operations section (i.e. FCOM-PRO-SPO) of the FCOM. Depending on the RNP 2 environment, the Operator can refer to the following sections: • RNP 4 operations for flights in oceanic/remote area, or • RNP 1 for flights in continental area. This list should be taken into account in MEL for dispatch conditions.

Note: _ The aircraft lateral performance is also referred to as Estimated Position Uncertainty (EPU, refer to Section 4.1.4)..

When compliance with AC 90-105A will be granted, new FCOM chapter dedicated to RNP 2 will be introduced. Navigation Performance Requirements According to the design criteria (RNP value equal to 2 NM), the aircraft lateral performance must be less or equal to 2 NM. Additional Requirements GNSS position is required and monitored with GPS PRIMARY function (or NAV PRIMARY on A350) and NAV ACCURACY functions on ND and MCDU/MFD (refer to Section 4.1.3).


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1 Airbus Aircraft Eligibility All Airbus aircraft are eligible for RNP 2 operations when fitted with FMS2 and MMR (or GPSSU). Operator Operational Regulations RNP 2 airworthiness and operational regulations: * FAA AC 90-105A

There is no operational approval delivered by EASA. The FAA developed operational requirements in AC 90-105A Appendix E published in March 2016. The Australian NAA (CASA) also delivers operational authorization for RNP 2 operations in the scope of their PBN plan including a transition to RNP 2 airspace. The operational regulation dedicated to RNP 2 is defined in operational part of CASA AC 91U-II-C-2(0). The NAA may require an operational approval. To obtain an operational approval from NAA, the Operator should submit an application that includes the following items: • Aircraft capability for RNP 2: until release of new AFM statement of compliance with new FAA and EASA regulations, a statement of aircraft compliance with airworthiness regulations is provided in an Airbus dedicated document (i.e. compliance statement with CASA AC 91U-II-C-2(0)). • Minimum equipment configuration: The minimum equipment configuration requested to initiate the procedure is provided in the special operations section of the FCOM. This configuration must also be taken into account in MEL for dispatch conditions. There is no specific maintenance program to keep RNP 2 capability. The minimum configuration can be based RNP 4 operations for flights in oceanic/remote area, or on RNP 1 for flights in continental area. • Operational procedures and training program: The Operator defines operational procedure that includes normal operations and contingency procedures. These procedures can be based on description in special operations section of the FCOM: on RNP 4 operations for flights in oceanic/remote area, or on RNP 1 for flights in continental area. The Operator must define an appropriate training program of the flight crews and ground Operators (dispatcher/maintenance) for the RNP operations. The training program can be common with other RNP or RNAV modules. The training of the flight crew is based on the knowledge of RNP 2 operations and requirements, the FCOM content (normal/abnormal and contingency procedures) and a presentation of the route charts. • Operating manuals and checklists: The Operator updates OMs to include RNP operations. The checklists can be based on the FCOM definitions. • Validation program for the NDB: The Operator describes the quality insurance process (compliance DO-200A/ ED-76) and a program of continuous verification of NDB for each AIRAC cycle. In the scope of the operational approval application, NAA may request the compliance of some equipment with the applicable TSO standards. Airbus demonstrates the compliance of the aircraft architecture, which includes equipment configuration, with the EASA and FAA regulations. This demonstration at aircraft level includes the requirements at equipment level.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Notes: _ • The ICAO did not define a harmonized indication for RNP 2 operations. The Operator should refer to the local rules (AIP) defined by NAA to fill in the ATS flight plan. In Australia, for RNP 2 operations, the item 18 could be “NAV/RNP2” (refer to the AIP Australia ENR • The ICAO PBN manual refers to a training program which has been detailed in Australian AC 91U-II-C-2(0) section 15.2. Operational Procedure The MEL should be updated in accordance with RNP 2 operations, on the basis of the minimum configuration defined in the special operations section (i.e. FCOM-PRO-SPO) of the FCOM, and the MMEL. For the preflight phase, the Operator performs all of the following: • Check NOTAMs (impact on procedure) and GNSS availability (as required by NAA, refer to Section • Check the NDB validity (according AIRAC cycle). • Insert RNP 2 capability in the ATS flight plan in accordance with ICAO or NAA recommendations (refer to Annex E):

Insert the letter “G” in the first part of ITEM 10 for GNSS.

Insert the letter “R” in the first part of ITEM 10. The letter “Z” can also be added to highlight that a complement on PBN capability is added in ITEM 18.

Insert the letter “NAV/RNP2” in ITEM 18 for RNP 2.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1


3.2.1 RNAV 5 RNAV 5 operations are referred to as B-RNAV, Basic RNAV or RNP 5 on some procedural charts, airworthiness and operational material. Scope Operational Area Figure 16: Area of Operations for RNAV 5

RNAV 5 procedure can be operated in continental en-route and terminal areas (refer to Figure 16).

Since 1998, Europe has mandated a B-RNAV capability for operations in European en-route airspace. The B-RNAV (RNAV 5) is mainly deployed in European area but does not apply over the U.S. airspace. Benefits RNAV 5 enables some en-route capacity gains that can be achieved with a minimum aircraft capability. Design Criteria for IFR Procedure The ICAO Procedures for Air Navigation Services — Aircraft Operations (PANSOPS) (Doc 8168) defines the lateral and vertical specifications for the construction of RNAV operations. Any obstacle or other routes must not enter a corridor of [2 x 5 NM] + [a buffer zone] on each side of the flight path.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1 Aircraft RNAV 5 airworthiness and operational regulations: * EASA AMC 20-4 * FAA AC 90-96 Airworthiness Regulations The RNAV 5 capability of the aircraft is demonstrated and certified on the basis of the compliance demonstration with the airworthiness regulations. The RNAV 5 airworthiness approval relies on the compliance with the airworthiness section of the following guidance materials: • EASA AMC 20-4 (or subsequent revisions) “Airworthiness Approval and Operational Criteria For the Use of Navigation Systems in European Airspace Designated For Basic RNAV Operations” in section 4 that replies to the following items:

Note: _ EASA AMC 20-4 supersedes the former JAA general part 3 TGL2.

System performance.

Aircraft configuration and acceptable installations.

Aircraft manuals and MMEL.

• FAA AC 90-96 (or subsequent revisions) “Approval of U.S. Operators and Aircraft To Operate Under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) In European Airspace Designated For Basic Area Navigation (B-RNAV)/RNAV 5 and Precision Area Navigation (P-RNAV)”. The system performance and certification actions are detailed in Section 4 and Appendix 1. The airworthiness compliance of the aircraft with RNAV 5 requirements is declared in the AFM part LIMITATIONS / 22 AUTOFLIGHT SYSTEM / Flight Management System / Airworthiness Standards Compliance.

Figure 17: RNAV 5 Description in AFM

The example below shows a possible extract of the AFM. This example is for information only. The content depends on individual aircraft configuration.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1 Required Systems As per requirements, the aircraft must be equipped with one RNAV system. RNAV 5 can be operated with GNSS/IRS hybridization or IRS/VOR/DME or IRS/ DME/DME. The minimum equipment configuration requested to initiate the procedure is provided in the special operations section (i.e. FCOM-PRO-SPO) of the FCOM. This list should be taken into account in MEL for dispatch conditions. Figure 18: RNAV 5 Description in FCOM

Note: _ The aircraft lateral performance is also referred to as Estimated Position Uncertainty (EPU, refer to Section 4.1.4).

The example below shows a possible extract of the FCOM. This example is for information only. The content depends on individual aircraft configuration. Navigation Performance Requirements According to the design criteria (RNP value equal to 5 NM), the aircraft lateral performance must be less or equal to 5 NM. Additional Requirements As per RNAV operations definition compared to RNP operations, RNAV 5 does not require an OBPMA. However, the Airbus aircraft are equipped with a monitoring function; therefore the RNAV procedure is operated and monitored as an RNP procedure. Airbus Aircraft Eligibility All Airbus aircraft are eligible for RNAV 5 operations. Operator Operational Regulations The operational regulation dedicated to RNAV 5 is defined in the operational section of the following guidance materials: • EASA AMC 20-4 (or subsequent revisions) “Airworthiness Approval and Operational Criteria for the Use of Navigation Systems in European Airspace Designated For Basic RNAV Operations” in Section 5.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Note: _ RNAV 1 (P-RNAV) scope encompasses scope of RNAV 5 requirements. RNAV 1 authorization may be used as basis for RNAV 5.

• FAA AC 90-96 (or subsequent revisions) “Approval of U.S. Operators and Aircraft To Operate Under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) In European Airspace Designated For Basic Area Navigation (B-RNAV)/RNAV 5 and Precision Area Navigation (P-RNAV)” in Section 7 and Appendix 1. The NAA may require an operational approval. To obtain an operational approval from NAA, the Operator should submit an application that includes the following items: • Aircraft capability for RNAV 5: The statement of aircraft compliance with airworthiness regulations is provided in AFM (refer to Section • Minimum equipment configuration: The minimum equipment configuration requested to initiate the procedure is provided in the special operations section of the FCOM. This configuration must also be taken into account in MEL for dispatch conditions. There is no specific maintenance program to keep RNAV 5 capability. • Operational procedures and training program: The Operator defines operational procedure that includes normal operations and contingency procedures. These procedures can be based on description in special operations section of the FCOM. The Operator must define an appropriate training program of the flight crews and ground Operators (dispatcher/maintenance) for the RNAV operations. The training of the flight crew is based on the knowledge of RNAV 5 operations and requirements, the FCOM content (normal/abnormal and contingency procedures) and a presentation of the route charts • Operating manuals and checklists: The Operator updates OMs to include RNAV 5 operations. The checklists can be based on the FCOM definitions. • Validation program for the NDB: The Operator describes the quality insurance process (compliance DO-200A/ ED-76) and a program of continuous verification of NDB for each AIRAC cycle. For the European airspace, as per EASA AIR Operations section SPA.PBN.100, “No specific approval is required for operations in area navigation 5 (RNAV 5 (basic area navigation, B-RNAV)) designated airspace. In the scope of the operational approval application, NAA may request the compliance of some equipment with the applicable TSO standards. Airbus demonstrates the compliance of the aircraft architecture, which includes equipment configuration, with the EASA and FAA regulations. This demonstration at aircraft level includes the requirements at equipment level. Operational Procedure The MEL should be updated in accordance with RNAV 5 operations, on the basis of the minimum configuration defined in the special operations section (i.e. FCOM-PRO-SPO) of the FCOM, and the MMEL. For the preflight phase, the Operator performs all of the following: • Check NOTAMs (NAVAIDs availability, impact on procedure) and/or GNSS availability (refer to Section • Check the NDB validity (according to AIRAC cycle).


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

• Insert RNAV 5 capability in the ATS flight plan in accordance with ICAO or NAA recommendations (refer to Annex E):

Insert the letter “R” in the first part of ITEM 10. The letter “Z” can also be added to highlight that a complement on PBN capability is added in ITEM 18.

IInsert the letter “PBN/B1” in ITEM 18 for RNAV 5.

3.2.2 RNAV 2 / RNAV 1 RNAV 2 & RNAV 1 operations are referred to as Terminal RNAV or US-RNAV in North America or Precision RNAV (P-RNAV) in Europe on some procedural charts, airworthiness and operational material. Scope Operational Area Figure 19: Area of Operations for RNAV 2 & RNAV 1

RNAV 2 & RNAV 1 procedures can be operated in continental and terminal areas (refer to Figure 19). These procedures are mainly used for terminal area (initial/intermediate/missed approach and departure), for SID and STAR, also known as RNAV SID and RNAV STAR.

The RNAV 1 procedure is the minimum required accuracy on most of terminal environment. For example, refer to the French AIC A 28/15 Section 2. “Pursuant to the 20 of October 2015 decree3, aircraft to and from Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Paris-Orly and Paris-Le Bourget shall be fitted with a functioning on-board area navigation equipment which complies with navigation specification RNAV 1 as defined in ICAO document n° 9613: • from 10 of November 2016 for Paris-Charles de Gaulle (LFPG) and Paris-Orly (LFPO) aerodromes, • from 8 of November 2018 for Paris-Le Bourget (LFPB) aerodrome.”


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Refer also to Chinese AIP ENR 3.3-41 M503. “Operators shall not file flight plans for operations on M503 unless they have obtained the airworthiness and the operational approval of RNAV2 based on GNSS navigation for the aircraft. Operators shall ensure that the on-board equipment, personnel qualification and operational procedures abide by the operational requirements of the route.” Figure 20 illustrates also a RNAV 1 chart of LFMN RNAV SID on runway 22L/R.  


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Figure 20: Example of RNAV 1 Chart












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NOT FOR OPERATIONAL USE Benefits RNAV 1 & RNAV 2 operations were initially deployed to accommodate terminal area procedures in smaller airspace. RNAV 1 is also an intermediate step towards the RNP procedure in terminal area. Design Criteria for IFR Procedure The ICAO Procedures for Air Navigation Services — Aircraft Operations (PANSOPS) (Doc 8168) defines the lateral and vertical specifications for the construction of RNAV operations. Any obstacle or other routes must not enter a corridor of [2 x 1 (or 2) NM] + [a buffer zone] on each side of the flight path.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1 Aircraft RNAV 2 / RNAV 1 airworthiness and operational regulations: * JAA TGL 10 * FAA AC 90-100A Airworthiness Regulations The RNAV 2 and RNAV 1 capability of the aircraft is demonstrated and certified on the basis of the compliance demonstration with the airworthiness regulations. The RNAV 2 and RNAV 1 airworthiness approval relies on the compliance with the airworthiness section of the following guidance materials: • JAA TGL10 (revision 1) “AIRWORTHINESS AND OPERATIONAL APPROVAL FOR PRECISION RNAV OPERATIONS IN DESIGNATED EUROPEAN AIRSPACE”. The airworthiness criteria are detailed in sections 6 to 9 that reply to the following items:


System performance.

_ TGL10 is focused on P-RNAV (RNAV 1).

Aircraft configuration, acceptable installations.

Aircraft manuals.

• FAA AC 90-100 (revision A or subsequent revisions) “U.S. Terminal and En Route Area Navigation (RNAV) Operations”. The system performance/standard and certification actions are detailed in Sections 7 and 8, and Appendixes 1 and 2. The airworthiness compliance of the aircraft with RNAV 5 requirements is declared in the AFM part LIMITATIONS / 22 AUTOFLIGHT SYSTEM / Flight Management System / Airworthiness Standards Compliance. Figure 21: RNAV 1 & RNAV 2 Description in AFM

The example below shows a possible extract of the AFM. This example is for information only. The content depends on individual aircraft configuration.

Note: Required Systems

_ Optional requirements can be added by NAA, such as GNSS requirement.

As per requirements, the aircraft must be equipped with one RNAV system. RNAV 2 and RNAV 1 can be operated with GNSS/IRS hybridization or IRS/VOR/ DME or IRS/DME/DME.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

The minimum equipment configuration requested to initiate the procedure is provided in the special operations section (i.e. FCOM-PRO-SPO) of the FCOM. This list should be taken into account in MEL for dispatch conditions. Figure 22: RNAV 1 & RNAV 2 Description in FCOM

The example below shows a possible extract of the FCOM. This example is for information only. The content depends on individual aircraft configuration. Navigation Performance Requirements Note: _ The aircraft lateral performance is also referred to as Estimated Position Uncertainty (EPU, refer to Section 4.1.4).

According to the design criteria (RNP value equal to 1 or 2NM), the aircraft lateral performance must be less or equal to: • 1 NM for RNAV 1 operations. • 2 NM for RNAV 2 operations. Additional Requirements As per RNAV operations definition compared to RNP operations, RNAV 2 and RNAV 1 do not require an OBPMA. The performance monitoring is ensured by ground ATC monitoring. However, the Airbus aircraft are equipped with a monitoring function; therefore the RNAV procedure is operated and monitored as an RNP procedure. Airbus Aircraft Eligibility All Airbus aircraft are eligible for RNAV 2 and RNAV 1 operations. Operator Operational Regulations The operational regulation dedicated to RNAV 2 / RNAV 1 is defined in the operational section of the following guidance materials: • JAA TGL10 (revision 1) “AIRWORTHINESS AND OPERATIONAL APPROVAL FOR PRECISION RNAV OPERATIONS IN DESIGNATED EUROPEAN AIRSPACE” in Section 10. • FAA AC 90-100 (revision A or subsequent revisions) “U.S. Terminal and En Route Area Navigation (RNAV) Operations” in Section 9 and Appendix 1.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

The NAA may require an operational approval. But the Operators are not required to obtain an FAA operation approval. To obtain an operational approval from NAA, the Operator should submit an application that includes the following items: • Aircraft capability for RNAV 2/ RNAV 1: The statement of aircraft compliance with airworthiness regulations is provided in AFM (refer to Section • Minimum equipment configuration: The minimum equipment configuration requested to initiate the procedure is provided in the special operations section of the FCOM. This configuration must also be taken into account in MEL for dispatch conditions. There is no specific maintenance program to keep RNAV 1 and RNAV 2 capability. • Operational procedures and training program: The Operator defines operational procedure that includes normal operations and contingency procedures. These procedures can be based on description in special operations section of the FCOM. The Operator must define an appropriate training program of the flight crews and ground Operators (dispatcher/maintenance) for the RNAV operations. The training of the flight crew is based on the knowledge of RNAV 1/RNAV 2 operations and requirements, the FCOM content (normal/abnormal and contingency procedures) and a presentation of the route charts. • Operating manuals and checklists: The Operator updates OMs to include RNAV operations. The checklists can be based on the FCOM definitions. • Validation program for the NDB: The Operator describes the quality insurance process (compliance DO-200A/ ED-76) and a program of continuous verification of NDB for each AIRAC cycle. In the scope of the operational approval application, NAA may request the compliance of some equipment with the applicable TSO standards. Airbus demonstrates the compliance of the aircraft architecture, which includes equipment configuration, with the EASA and FAA regulations. This demonstration at aircraft level includes the requirements at equipment level. EASA AIR OPERATIONS section SPA.PBN.105 defines also general guidelines to obtain operational approval based on airworthiness approval, relevant flight crew training and availability of the operating procedures. Operational Procedure

Note: _ Several alternate rules may still remain. In Europe, some NAA intended to indicate P in item 10. The ICAO DOC 7030 also uses Z in item 10a and NAV/EURPRNAV in item 18 of the flight plan. The Operators should refer to the NAA AIP.

The MEL should be updated in accordance with RNAV 1 or RNAV 2 operations, on the basis of the minimum configuration defined in the special operations section (i.e. FCOM-PRO-SPO) of the FCOM, and the MMEL. For the preflight phase, the Operator performs all of the following: • Check NOTAMs (NAVAIDs availability, impact on procedure) and/or GNSS availability (refer to Section • Check the NDB validity (according to AIRAC cycle). • Insert RNAV 2 and RNAV 1 capability in the ATS flight plan in accordance with ICAO or NAA recommendations (refer to Annex E):

Insert the letter “R” in the first part of ITEM 10. The letter “Z” can also be added to highlight that a complement on PBN capability is added in ITEM 18.

Insert the letter “PBN/C1” in ITEM 18 for RNAV 2.

Insert the letter “PBN/D1” in ITEM 18 for RNAV 1.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Notes: _ • “Basic” prefix was initially added because of an “Advanced” RNP 1 that finally evolved in RNP 1 with RF leg (part of A-RNP) refer to Section 3.4.1. • RNP 1 is the minimum required accuracy on most of bigger terminal environment.

3.2.3 RNP 1 RNP 1 operations are referred to as Basic-RNP 1 or B-RNP 1 on some procedural charts, airworthiness and operational material. Scope Operational Area RNP 1 procedure can be operated in continental and terminal airspace (refer to Figure 23). This procedure is mainly used for terminal airspace (initial/intermediate/ missed approach and departure), for SID and STAR, also known as RNAV SID and RNAV STAR with RNP 1 capability.

Figure 23: Area of Operations for RNP 1

For example, refer to the AIP Honk Kong GEN 1.5 Section “Any aircraft arriving or departing HKIA other than those exempted categories of flights as specified in para shall be equipped with appropriate systems and approved by the regulatory authority of the State of Registry/State of the Operator in accordance with ICAO RNP 1 standard for the conduct of RNP 1 SID and STAR. Carriage of a certified GNSS receiver is mandatory”. Benefits Within a low to medium density traffic area, the RNP 1 routes connect the terminal airspace to the en-route structure with a limited ATS surveillance. The RNP 1 is based on GNSS. This navigation specification mainly applies for environments where the DME infrastructures cannot support DME/DME area navigation at the required performance level.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Figure 24 also illustrates a RNP 1 chart on Hong Kong – VHHH airport SID on runway 07R/L.

Figure 24: Example of RNP 1 Chart

NOT FOR OPERATIONAL USE Design Criteria for IFR Procedure The ICAO Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Aircraft Operations (PANSOPS) (Doc 8168) defines the lateral and vertical specifications for the construction of RNP operations.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Any obstacle or other routes must not enter a corridor of [2 x 1 NM] + [a buffer zone] on each side of the flight path. Aircraft RNP1 airworthiness and operational regulations: * FAA AC 90-105

Note: Airworthiness Regulations The RNP 1 capability of the aircraft is demonstrated and certified on the basis of the compliance demonstration with the airworthiness regulations. The RNP 1 airworthiness approval relies on the compliance with the airworthiness section of the FAA AC 90-105 (or subsequent revisions) “Approval Guidance for RNP Operations and Barometric Vertical Navigation in the U.S. National Airspace System” in appendix 2 that replies to the following items:

_ An acceptable alternate means of compliance for aircraft equipped with FMS 1 standard is the FAA AC 90-100 completed by aircraft architecture with GNSS equipment and an OBPMA.

• System performance.

Figure 25: RNP 1 Description in AFM

The example below shows a possible extract of the AFM. This example is for information only. The content depends on individual aircraft configuration.

• Aircraft configuration and acceptable installations. • Aircraft manuals and MMEL. There is no EASA applicable regulation. The airworthiness compliance of the aircraft with RNP 1 requirements is declared in the AFM part LIMITATIONS / 22 AUTOFLIGHT SYSTEM / Flight Management System / Airworthiness Standards Compliance.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Note: _ RNP 1 is operated with GNSS/IRS hybridization on Airbus aircraft.

Figure 26: RNP 1 Description in FCOM

Note: _ The aircraft lateral performance is also referred to as Estimated Position Uncertainty (EPU, refer to Section 4.1.4). Required Systems As per requirements, the aircraft must be equipped with one RNAV system. The minimum equipment configuration requested to initiate the procedure is provided in the special operations section (i.e. FCOM-PRO-SPO) of the FCOM. This list should be taken into account in MEL for dispatch conditions. The example below shows a possible extract of the FCOM. This example is for information only. The content depends on individual aircraft configuration. Navigation Performance Requirements According to the design criteria (RNP value equal to 1 NM), the aircraft lateral performance must be less or equal to 1 NM. Additional Requirements GNSS position is required and monitored with GPS PRIMARY function (or NAV PRIMARY on A350) and NAV ACCURACY functions on ND and MCDU/MFD (refer to Section 4.1.3). Airbus Aircraft Eligibility All Airbus aircraft are eligible for RNP 1 operations when fitted with FMS2 and MMR (or GPSSU). Aircraft fitted with FMS 1 can be eligible for RNP 1 if also fitted with GNSS equipment and an OBPMA. In this case a demonstration of compliance with the FAA AC 90-100 (RNAV 1) mitigated by the aircraft architecture can be accepted by NAA.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1 Operator Operational Regulations The operational regulation dedicated to RNP 1 is defined in the operational sections 8, 7 and appendix 2 of FAA AC 90-105 (or subsequent revisions). The NAA may require an operational approval. To obtain an operational approval from NAA, the Operator should submit an application that includes the following items: • Aircraft capability for RNP 1: The statement of aircraft compliance with airworthiness regulations is provided in AFM (refer to Section • Minimum equipment configuration: The minimum equipment configuration requested to initiate the procedure is provided in the special operations section of the FCOM. This configuration must also be taken into account in MEL for dispatch conditions. There is no specific maintenance program to keep RNP 1 capability. • Operational procedures and training program: The Operator defines operational procedure that includes normal operations and contingency procedures. These procedures can be based on description in special operations section of the FCOM. The Operator must define an appropriate training program of the flight crews and ground Operators (dispatcher/maintenance) for the RNP operations. The training program can be common with other RNP or RNAV modules. The training of the flight crew is based on the knowledge of RNP 1 operations and requirements, the FCOM content (normal/abnormal and contingency procedures) and a presentation of the route charts. • Operating manuals and checklists: The Operator updates OMs to include RNP operations. The checklists can be based on the FCOM definitions. • Validation program for the NDB: The Operator describes the quality insurance process (compliance DO-200A/ ED-76) and a program of continuous verification of NDB for each AIRAC cycle. In the scope of the operational approval application, NAA may request the compliance of some equipment with the applicable TSO standards. Airbus demonstrates the compliance of the aircraft architecture, which includes equipment configuration, with the EASA and FAA regulations. This demonstration at aircraft level includes the requirements at equipment level.

EASA AIR OPERATIONS section SPA.PBN.105 defines also general guidelines to obtain operational approval based on airworthiness approval, relevant flight crew training and availability of the operating procedures. Operational Procedure The MEL should be updated in accordance with RNP 1 operations, on the basis of the minimum configuration defined in the special operations section (i.e. FCOM-PRO-SPO) of the FCOM, and the MMEL. For the preflight phase, the Operator performs all of the following: • Check NOTAMs (impact on procedure) and GNSS availability (refer to Section • Check the NDB validity (according AIRAC cycle). • Insert RNP 1 capability in the ATS flight plan in accordance with ICAO or NAA recommendations (refer to Annex E): Insert the letter “G” in the first part of ITEM 10 for GNSS. Insert the letter “R” in the first part of ITEM 10. The letter “Z” can also be added to highlight that a complement on PBN capability is added in ITEM 18. Insert the letter “PBN/O1” in ITEM 18 for RNP 1.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1


3.3.1 RNP APCH RNAV (GNSS) or RNAV (GPS) designations are used on approach charts (for example, RNAV (GNSS) Y 32L). The procedure is identified as RNAV in the cockpit, and abbreviated as RNV on the FMS page dedicated to approach selection. The Airbus operational documentation uses RNAV (GNSS) designation, in order to keep a consistency between the FMS interface and the charts used by the flight crew. The navigation specification of the ICAO PBN manual now uses RNP APCH designation to describe all these operations. In 2015, ICAO published the Circular 336, which recommends to replace RNAV (GNSS) by RNP on approach charts (for example, RNP Y 32L). In addition, the following minima can apply (refer to figure 28):

Note: _ The approaches with LNAV/VNAV minima can be referred to as RNP APCH with BaroVNAV, or with APV with BaroVNAV.

• LNAV, for procedure with no vertical guidance requirement, refer to Section • LNAV/VNAV, for procedure with requirements on vertical guidance along a defined profile based on barometric altitude, refer to Section • LP or LPV, refer to Section RNP APCH with LNAV/VNAV or LNAV minima Scope Operational Area The RNP APCH operations are used from IAF to end of missed approach. Approach selection in the FMS consists of 2 elements: Figure 27: Operational area for RNP APCH

• Approach transition from IAF to Final approach (for example “VIA SULIT”). • Final approach (for example “RNV 32L-Y”).


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

“  ‚…†“ For example, refer to the French AIP ENR



  € ­‚ ƒ ­„ ƒ …€“„…‘€ ”To follow a RNAV approach procedure (GNSS) (initial, intermediate, final and   

  missed approach), the aircraft must be equipped with a RNAV system (GNSS) “ƒ’“ ‡‰‚„    certified in compliance with the RNP specification (APCH) of the “Manual†‘ of  …›†€€ ˆ ‰‡˜ ŠŒ‘‚›““”­ the navigation” based on performances (PBN) of the ICAO (Doc 9613)”.  ƒ

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Le Bourget (LFPG) on runway 08L.



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  Š†…  Example of RNP APCH Chart  ‚‚ Ÿƒ    ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ‚„    ƒ­ Š€‡¢              on LFPG Airport Œ­•  • ­­•  • ‡­•        ­• ‚‚™ƒ„…   ­    LNAV Œ ‡‡  ­       † ƒ

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Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1 Benefits RNP APCH provides an operational solution for the airport runways which are not equipped with precision approach systems, or as backup service in the case of inoperative precision approach systems (i.e. failure, maintenance or snow conditions). The vertical guidance (LNAV/VNAV minima) further improves the safety of the operations. The procedure for RNP APCH with LNAV/VNAV minima enables decision height as low as 250 ft depending on obstacle clearance. Design Criteria for IFR Procedure The ICAO Procedures for Air Navigation Services — Aircraft Operations (PANSOPS) (Doc 8168) defines the lateral and vertical specifications for the construction of RNP APCH operations. As illustrated on Figure 26, RNP APCH procedure design considers the following requirements: • During the initial, intermediate and missed approach, the protection area around the flight path corresponds to the RNP 1 criteria. • After the FAP (or FAF):

The final leg is straight.

If the approach is flown to LNAV minima, the vertical obstacle clearance is ensured by crossing altitude on specified fixes, as illustrated on Figure 29.

If the approach is flown to LNAV/VNAV minima, the vertical obstacle clearance is ensured by maximum vertical deviation to the flight path (Obstacle Clearance Surface (OCS)), as illustrated on Figure 30.

Figure 29: Example of Vertical Design Procedure for RNP APCH with LNAV Minima

Figure 30: Example of Vertical Design Procedure for RNP APCH with LNAV/VNAV Minima


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1 Aircraft RNP APCH with LNAV/VNAV or LNAV airworthiness and operational regulations: * EASA AMC 20-27 * FAA AC 90-105 Airworthiness Regulations The RNP APCH capability of the aircraft is demonstrated and certified on the basis of the compliance demonstration with the airworthiness regulations. The RNP APCH airworthiness approval relies on the compliance with the airworthiness section of the following guidance materials: • EASA AMC 20-27 (or subsequent revisions) “Airworthiness Approval and Operational Criteria for RNP APPROACH (RNP APCH) Operations Including APV BAROVNAV Operations” in sections 6 to 8 that reply to the following items:

System performance.

Aircraft configuration and acceptable installations.

Aircraft manuals and MMEL.

• FAA AC 90-105 (or subsequent revisions) “Approval Guidance for RNP Operations and Barometric Vertical Navigation in the U.S. National Airspace System” in Appendix 2. The airworthiness compliance of the aircraft with RNP APCH requirements is declared in the AFM part LIMITATIONS / 22 AUTOFLIGHT SYSTEM / Flight Management System / Airworthiness Standards Compliance. Figure 31: RNP APCH Description in AFM

The example below shows a possible extract of the AFM. This example is for information only. The content depends on individual aircraft configuration.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1 Required Systems As per requirements, the aircraft must be fitted with one RNAV system that uses GNSS. The minimum equipment configuration requested to initiate the procedure is provided in the special operations section (i.e. FCOM-PRO-SPO) of the FCOM. This list should be taken into account in MEL for dispatch conditions. Figure 32: RNP APCH Description in FCOM

The example below shows a possible extract of the FCOM. This example is for information only. The content depends on individual aircraft configuration.

Notes: Navigation Performance Requirements

_ • Approach mode using angular deviation such as FLS can be used. The monitoring of the lateral deviation is detailed in Section 4.3.4. • The aircraft lateral performance is also referred to as Estimated Position Uncertainty (EPU, refer to Section 4.1.4).

According to the design criteria (RNP value for RNP APCH operations), the aircraft lateral performance must be less or equal to : • 0,3 NM in straight final approach segment. • 1 NM in initial, intermediate and missed approach segment. If the approach is flown to LNAV/VNAV minima, the vertical deviation in straight final approach must be less than 75 ft below the vertical flight path. Additional Requirements RNP APCH operations monitoring is ensured by the following items: • The GPS PRIMARY function (or NAV PRIMARY on A350) to monitor the required GNSS position (refer to Section 4.1.3). • The display of the lateral deviation. • The display of vertical deviation for LNAV/VNAV minima. Airbus Aircraft Eligibility All A320/A330/A340/A350/A380 Airbus aircraft are eligible for RNP APCH with LNAV/VNAV operations when fitted with MMR (or GPSSU). A300/A310 Airbus aircraft are eligible for RNP APCH with LNAV when fitted with MMR (or GPSSU).


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1 Operator Operational Regulations The operational regulation dedicated to RNP APCH is defined in the operational section of the following guidance materials: • EASA AMC 20-27 (or subsequent revisions) “Airworthiness Approval and Operational Criteria for RNP APPROACH (RNP APCH) Operations Including APV BARO VNAV Operations” in Section 10. • FAA AC 90-105 (or subsequent revisions) “Approval Guidance for RNP Operations and Barometric Vertical Navigation in the U.S. National Airspace System” in Section 9 and Appendix 1 Section 6. The NAA may require an operational approval. To obtain an operational approval from NAA, the Operator should submit an application that includes the following items: • Aircraft capability for RNP APCH with LNAV/VNAV or LNAV: The statement of aircraft compliance with airworthiness regulations is provided in AFM (refer to Section • Minimum equipment configuration: The minimum equipment configuration requested to initiate the procedure is provided in the special operations section of the FCOM. This configuration must also be taken into account in MEL for dispatch conditions. There is no specific maintenance program to keep RNP APCH capability. • Operational procedures and training program: The Operator defines operational procedure that includes normal operations and contingency procedures. These procedures can be based on description in special operations section of the FCOM. The Operator define an appropriate training program of the flight crews and ground Operators (dispatcher/maintenance) for the RNP APCH operation. The generic training of the flight crew is necessary based on the following items:

The knowledge of RNP APCH operations and requirements with an highlight on the approach charts and the related aircraft design.

 he normal/abnormal and contingency procedures defined in the FCOM. T In addition, a recurrent training may be required.

• Operating manuals and checklists: The Operator updates OMs to include RNP APCH operations. The checklists can be based on the FCOM definitions. • Bullet Validation program for the NDB: The Operator describes the quality insurance process (compliance DO-200A/ ED-76 and LOA type 2) to update the NDB for each AIRAC cycle.  ASA AIR OPERATIONS section SPA.PBN.105 defines the general guidelines E to obtain operational approval. It is based on the airworthiness approval, an appropriate flight crew training, and the availability of the operating procedures. In the scope of the operational approval application, NAA may request the compliance of some equipment with the applicable TSO standards. Airbus demonstrates the compliance of the aircraft architecture, which includes equipment configuration, with the EASA and FAA regulations. This demonstration at aircraft level includes the requirements at equipment level.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1 Operational Procedure The MEL should be updated in accordance with RNP APCH operations, on the basis of the minimum configuration defined in the special operations section (i.e. FCOM-PRO-SPO) of the FCOM and MMEL. For the preflight phase, the Operator performs all of the following: • Check NOTAMs (impact on procedure) and GNSS availability (refer to Section • Check the NDB validity (according AIRAC cycle). • Flight crew ensures sufficient means are available to navigate and land at the destination or at an alternate aerodrome in the case of loss of RNP APCH airborne capability. In particular, the pilot checks that: A non RNP APCH procedure is available at the alternate, where a destination alternate is required. At least one non RNP APCH procedure is available at the destination aerodrome, where a destination alternate is not required. • Insert RNP APCH capability in the ATS flight plan in accordance with ICAO or NAA recommendations (refer to Annex E): Insert the letter “G” in the first part of ITEM 10 for GNSS. Insert the letter “R” in the first part of ITEM 10. The letter “Z” can also be added to highlight that a complement on PBN capability is added in ITEM 18. Insert the letter “PBN/S1” in ITEM 18 for RNP APCH with LNAV. Insert the letter “PBN/S2” in ITEM 18 for RNP APCH with LNAV/VNAV. RNP APCH with LPV (or LP) minima Section details the different designations in charts, cockpit interfaces, aircraft documentation and PBN navigation specification RNP APCH with LPV (or LP) minima.

Note: _ SBAS coverage is limited. for example, SBAS is supported by WAAS constellation for North America, and EGNOS constellation for Europe (refer to Section SBAS is composed of geostationary satellites and ground stations spread over the territories. This ground network enables defining differential GNSS data. Scope Operational Area RNP APCH procedure can be operated down to Localizer Performance with Vertical guidance (LPV) (or Localizer Performance (LP)) minima using SatelliteBased Augmentation System (SBAS). The SBAS technology provides a geometric reference for the vertical guidance definition: The augmented GNSS altitude is used instead of the barometric altitude (refer to Section for additional details on the technology and the Airbus solution). The operational area is the same as RN P APCH with LNAV or LNAV/VNAV minima (refer to Figure 27 of Section





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Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

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Figure 33: ­­–­— ­­–­— ‰€ Example of Chart for  ‚‚  ‰€ ­­–­—

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         ‚„       ‡Œ       ‡    ­      Ž­        RNP APCH with LPV ‚‚ Minima             ƒ

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 €                 † ‡ LPV  RNP APCH with minima is charted as non-precision approach, but enables        ­   €            ­   similar minima as ILS CAT I operations. RNP APCH with LPV minima enables

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ƒ„…†     ­ ­­–­— ­­–­— ­­–‡­— ­­–­— decision height as low as­200 ft depending on obstacle clearance (LPV 200). ƒ„…†   †   …˜…˜€¢Š­   Š’Š’Œ  …‚„›ƒ‡‰‰Š †   …˜…˜€¢Š­   Š’Š’Œ  …‚„›ƒ‡‰‰Š        ˜‘Š“     ƒ ”“„ ‘˜ ‘†˜™˜†˜ ‘†˜ ”“„ ”“„        ­‘­… ‘†˜ ‚‚  ˜‘Š“    ”“„

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Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1 Design Criteria for IFR Procedure The ICAO Procedures for Air Navigation Services — Aircraft Operations (PANSOPS) (Doc 8168) defines the lateral and vertical specifications for the construction of RNP APCH operations with SBAS. The design criteria for the RNP APCH with LPV (or LP) minima are equivalent to RNP APCH with LNAV/VNAV minima except on the final leg that considers an angular segment before the runway threshold. Vertical requirements are also angular in the final leg segment. RNP APCH with LPV airworthiness and operational regulations: * EASA AMC 20-28 * FAA AC 90-107 Aircraft Airworthiness Regulations The RNP APCH with LPV (or LP) capability of the aircraft is demonstrated on the basis of the demonstration of compliance with the airworthiness regulations. The airworthiness approval of RNP APCH with LPV (or LP) minima relies on the compliance with the airworthiness section of the following guidance materials: • EASA AMC 20-28 (or subsequent revisions) “Airworthiness Approval and Operational Criteria related to Area Navigation for Global Navigation Satellite System approach operation to Localizer Performance with Vertical guidance minima using Satellite Based Augmentation System” in Sections 6 to 8 that reply to the following items: System performance. Aircraft configuration and acceptable installations. Aircraft manuals and MMEL. • FAA AC 90-107 (or subsequent revisions) “Guidance for Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance and Localizer Performance without Vertical Guidance Approach Operations in the U.S. National Airspace System” in Section 10.

Figure 34: RNP APCH with LPV (or LP) Minima Description in AFM

The airworthiness compliance of the aircraft with RNP APCH with LPV (or LP) minima requirements is declared in the AFM part LIMITATIONS / 22 AUTOFLIGHT SYSTEM / Flight Management System / Airworthiness Standards Compliance.

The example below shows a possible extract of the AFM. This example is for information only. The content depends on individual aircraft configuration. Required Systems As per requirements, the aircraft must be equipped with: • One RNAV system that uses GNSS. • SBAS capability. The lateral and vertical guidance is based on the differential GNSS altitude and SBAS parameters.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

The minimum equipment configuration requested to initiate the procedure is provided in the special operations section (i.e. FCOM-PRO-SPO) of the FCOM. This list should be taken into account in MEL for dispatch conditions. Figure 35: RNP APCH with LPV (or LP) Minima Description in FCOM

Note: _ The aircraft lateral performance is also referred to as Estimated Position Uncertainty (EPU, refer to Section 4.1.4).

The example above shows a possible extract of the FCOM. This example is for information only. The content depends on individual aircraft configuration. Navigation Performance Requirements According to the design criteria (RNP value for RNP APCH operations), the aircraft lateral performance must be : • Equivalent to the requirements for ILS CAT I operations in straight final approach segment. • Less or equal to 1 NM in initial, intermediate and missed approach segment. Additional Requirements For initial, intermediate and missed approach segment, RNP APCH operations monitoring is ensured by the following items: • The GPS PRIMARY function (NAV PRIMARY on A350). • The display of the lateral deviation (XTK on ND). In final approach segment, the flight crew uses angular flight guidance as for ILS CAT I operations: The availability of the deviations (LOC and G/S) ensures the integrity of the signal. Airbus Aircraft Eligibility Airbus aircraft are eligible for RNP APCH with LPV (or LP) minima when fitted with optional modification for SLS function activation (available for A350 aircraft). Operator Operational Regulations The operational regulation dedicated to RNP APCH with LPV minima is defined in the operational section of the following guidance materials: • EASA AMC 20-28 (or subsequent revisions) “Airworthiness Approval and Operational Criteria related to Area Navigation for Global Navigation Satellite System approach operation to Localizer Performance with Vertical guidance minima using Satellite Based Augmentation System” in Sections 9 & 10, Appendix 1 to 3. • FAA AC 90-107 (or subsequent revisions) “Guidance for Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance and Localizer Performance without Vertical Guidance Approach Operations in the U.S. National Airspace System” in Sections 8 to 10.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

The NAA may require an operational approval. To obtain an operational approval from NAA, the Operator should submit an application that includes the following items: • Aircraft capability for RNP APCH with LPV (or LP) minima: The statement of aircraft compliance with airworthiness regulations is provided in AFM (refer to Section • Minimum equipment configuration: The minimum equipment configuration requested to initiate the procedure is provided in the special operations section of the FCOM. This configuration must also be taken into account in MEL for dispatch conditions. There is no specific maintenance program to keep RNP  APCH capability. • Operational procedures and training program: The Operator defines operational procedure that includes normal operations and contingency procedures. These procedures can be based on description in special operations section of the FCOM. The Operator defines an appropriate training program of the flight crews and ground operators (dispatcher/maintenance) for the RNP with LPV (or LP) operations. The generic training of the flight crew is based on the following items: The knowledge of RNP APCH operations and requirements with an highlight on the approach charts, the related aircraft design on SBAS. The normal/abnormal and contingency procedures defined in the FCOM. In addition, a recurrent training may be required. The training program is part of the operational approval dossier. • Operating manuals and checklists: The Operator updates OMs to include RNP with LPV (or LP) operations. The checklists can be based on the FCOM definitions. • Validation program for the NDB: The Operator describes the quality insurance process (compliance DO-200A/ ED-76) to update the NDB for each AIRAC cycle. EASA AIR OPERATIONS section SPA.PBN.105 defines also general guidelines to obtain operational approval based on airworthiness approval, relevant flight crew training and availability of the operating procedures.

In the scope of the operational approval application, NAA may request the compliance of some equipment with the applicable TSO standards. Airbus demonstrates the compliance of the aircraft architecture, which includes equipment configuration, with the EASA and FAA regulations. This demonstration at aircraft level includes the requirements at equipment level.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1 Operational Procedure The MEL should be updated in accordance with RNP APCH with LPV (or LP) minima operations, on the basis of the minimum configuration defined in the special operations section (i.e. FCOM-PRO-SPO) of the FCOM, and the MMEL. For the preflight phase, the Operator performs all of the following: • Check NOTAMs (impact on procedure) and GNSS availability (refer to Section • Check the NDB validity (according AIRAC cycle). • Flight crew ensures sufficient means are available to navigate and land at the destination or at an alternate aerodrome in the case of loss of RNP APCH airborne capability. In particular, the pilot checks that:

 non RNP APCH procedure is available at the alternate, where a desA tination alternate is required.

At least one non RNP APCH procedure is available at the destination aerodrome, where a destination alternate is not required.

• Insert RNP APCH with LPV minima capability in the ATS flight plan in accordance with ICAO or NAA recommendations (refer to Annex E):

Insert the letter “G” in the first part of ITEM 10 for GNSS.

Insert the letter “R” in the first part of ITEM 10. The letter “Z” can also be added to highlight that a complement on PBN capability is added in ITEM 18.

IInsert the letter “PBN/SBAS” in ITEM 18 for RNP APCH with LPV minima.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

3.3.2 RNP AR RNP AR stands for Required Navigation Performance procedure with Authorization Required. This type of instrument operation was previously referred to as Special Aircraft and Aircrew Authorization Required (SAAAR). RNAV (RNP), or RNP (AR) designations are used on approach charts (for example, RNAV (RNP) Y 32L). The procedure is identified as RNAV (RNP) or RNAV in the cockpit (ND), and abbreviated as RNV (RNP) or RNV on the FMS page dedicated to approach selection. The Airbus operational documentation uses RNAV (RNP) designation, in order to keep a consistency between the FMS interface and the charts used by the flight crew. The navigation specification of the ICAO PBN manual now uses RNP AR APCH designation to describe this type of operation. Scope Operational Area The RNP AR procedure can be operated in the terminal area (departure and initial, intermediate, final, or missed approach).

Figure 36: Area of Operations for RNP AR

Initially, RNP AR procedure was defined to perform operations where procedure designers were not able to define some RNAV and RNP procedures with the use of the conventional rules. This occured mainly in environments where the terrain is difficult. The RNP AR is now also deployed to manage environments where there is dense traffic, as well as noise and environmental constraints.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1


35° 20' 00" N





IAF Minimum Temperature: -25°C


206 °

2 151 .0 00


8A r 15 6.0 c 10 0


2 151 .0 00

8A r 15 6.0 c 10 0

8 Arc 11.8

206 °

2 151 .0 00

8A r 15 6.0 c 10 0

8 Arc 11.8

34° 40' 00" N

5A r 6.4 c

5A r 6.4 c

5 Arc 8.2


9° 31 5.0 8 A





5.0 8 A


103° 00'CHG: 00" E RNP values, ALT XH454.103° 00' 00" E 30 OCT 2015

CHG: V1.2 RNP values, ALT2015 XH454.CHG: RNP values, ALT XH454. 30 OCT

Missed Approach Procedure

5 Arc 8.2

5 Arc 8.2

34° 30' 00" N

34° 30' 00" N

34° 30' 00" N

35° 00' 00" N

5A r 6.4 c

8 Arc 11.8

35° 00' 00" N

35° 20' 00" N

35° 00' 00" N





34° 40' 00" N




rc 5 A .2 6



103° 00' 00" E



30 OCT 2015

103° IAF30' 00" E 103° 30' 00" E M.A. Climb Gradient : 2.5% 152 ft/NM Max XH800M.A. Climb Gradient : 2.5% 152 ft/NM M.A. Climb Gradient : 2.5% 152 ft/NM Max XH800 250 kt 18100 RNP AR FINAL 0.3 RNP AR FINAL 0.3 0.3 250 kt 18100 RNP AR FINAL -> 0.3 RNP 1.0 -> 0.3 CAT MA RNP 0.3 CATRNP 1.0 CAT MA RNP MA 0.3 RNP 0.3 DA (DH) VIS NO ALS VIS VIS DA (DH) VIS NO ALS DA (DH) VIS NO ALS VIS XHA80 XHA80 18700 A 11030' (570')A3200m 3200m 3600m 3200m 18700 A 11030' (570') 3600m 11030' (570') 3600m B 11050' (590') 3300m 3700m B3300m B 11050' (590') 3300m 3700m 11050' (590') 3700m C 3400m 3800m 11060' (600') C 3800m 3800m 11060' (600') 11060' (600') OMBON D 3400m 3900m 3400m 11070' (610')C 3400m




11000' - 12000'

11000' - 12000'

103° 30' 00" E


9° 31 0 80


Next WPt (NM)

RW10 (NM) Next WPt (NM) RW10 (NM)

11000' - 12000' 12000' - 13000'


12461 IAF Max XH800 250 kt 18100

9° 31 5.0 8 A





1/300 000


9° 31 0 80


12000' - 13000' 13000' - 14000'

230 kt




Missed Approach

Missed Approach



Next WPt (NM)



rc 5 A .2 6


1/300 000

10513'RW10 10513' Climb 17500' viaRNAV the RNAV (RNP)approach missedRNP approach Climb to 17500' via the RNAVClimb (RNP) missed 1.0 -> 0.3 toto 17500' viaapproach the (RNP) missed tracktotoXH500. XH500. track track to XH500. At hold start a newapproach via XH500.via XH500. XHA80 AtXH500 XH500 hold or start a newapproach At XH500 hold or start a newapproach viaorXH500. If able 18100' beforebefore XH800, XH800, advise ATC to ATC 18700 abletotoreach reach 18100' advise to 105° 18100' beforeIfXH800, If able to reach advise ATC to 5° 10 hold over XH800 or start a new approach via XH800. RDH: 50’ THR: 10463’a new hold over XH800 or start a new approach via XH800. holdDAover XH800 or start approach via XH800. RDH: 50’ THR: 10463’




rc 5 A .2 6


.0 20


RDH: 50’ THR: 11.1 10463’

11.1 11.1




2.8° 13800' 2.8° (3337')





175° 1.9 13800

8° 31 0 80 15



10513' 13800'

170 12461

102° 30' 00" E

Missed Approach





175° 1.9 13800




6 Arc


13800'XH414 XH452

1.8 13800


8° 31 0 80 15



102° 30' 00" E





6 Arc 1.8 13800


175° 1.9 13800


.0 10


Figure 37: 13800' 13800' Example of(3337') RNP AR (3337') Approach on11.1Xiahe 11.1 11.1

rc 6 A .6 1



102° 00' 00" E


rc 6 A .6 1

6 Arc 1.8 13800





IF XH414 XH452







102° 30' 00" E


rc 6 A .6 1





IF XH414 XH452

250 kt 17500 RNP 1.0 -> 0.3

102° 00' 00" E

102° 00' 00" E

185 1 17 181

NM 35


NM 50



165° 7 5. 0 1440


165° 7 5. 0 1440

XH700 Max IAF XH700 Max 19700 250 kt 19700 250 kt CAT: A B C D XIAHE 14397 RNP 0.3 RNP 0.3 14397 AD ELEV: 10465', THR ELEV: 10463' (328 hPa) RNAV (RNP) RWY 10 XH698 XH698TRANS ALT: 22600' TWR: 118.600 (130.000) AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED VAR: 1.5°W (14) APP 1 XH440 12310 P363 XH440 XH438 P359 12310 14039 For non-baro compensated aircraft: ARP: 34°49'09"N - 102°37'19"ETrans. Level : 24600'/7500m P360 IAF IAF P363 Minimum Temperature: -25°C XH438 14039 Trans. Level : 24600'/7500m XH600 Max ° IAF IAF XH900 Max Trans. Alt QNH 249 250 kt 19700 ° XH700 Max XH900 Max 12 Trans. Alt QNH 17500 250 kt 249 6° XHA90 ≤ 979 hPa 21700'/6600m 19700 250 kt RNP 0.3 13117 12 17500 6° XHA90 RNP 1.0 -> 0.3 14033 18700250 kt X H 5.0 ≤ 979 hPa 21700'/6600m RNP 0.3 14397 22600'/6900m .2 A9 RNP 1.0 -> 0.3 14033 18700 6 X H 5.0 1 12 22600'/6900m A 6° A9 ≥ 1031 hPa 23600'/7200m 16.2 12 XH698 A 6° 6.0 ≥ 1031 hPa 23600'/7200m XH434 XH440 13563 13790 XH436 12310 6.0 ° 15100 P363 XH434 XH436 XH438 14039 249 13938 Trans. Level : 24600'/7500m 14016 IAF 50 NM AR13563 13790 4.3 9° 15100 13938 XH434 A Direction FMC Name 4 S 2 13481 P 14016 1.8 M 4.3 XH900 Max XH434 A 5 0 N M AR P QNH Direction Trans. Alt FMC Name 249° ° 13481 249 .6 XH456 1.8 MS 6 Arc 12 XH454 17500 250 kt ° 35 N M XH418 Max 6° 2 XHA90 15600 STAR XHA5A + via XH 249 .6 5 Arc 21700'/6600m ≤ 979 hPaGUOLUO SAXH456 6AArc XH454 RP Max 15500 35 N M A 2 15800 230 kt RNP 1.0 XH418 -> 0.3 14033 18700 M 15600 X H 5.0 XH454 GUOLUO STAR XHA5A + via XH500 5 SA R A 22600'/6900m 15500 6 rc .7 kt A9 P 15800 230 M 16.2 12 ° XH454 FAP/VIP 13793 P359 A 15500 via XH600 10 6° XH414 Max 31 XH452 6.7 23600'/7200m 0 NM 215500 FAP/VIP 13793 P359 13783 via XH600 ≥ 1031 hPa 1° XH414 14800 Max 6.0 80 XH434 10 N 0 13563 13790 XH406 23 14400 230 kt AR XH452 13783 13 M XH436 80 XH406 P360 via XH700 P 14800 14400 230 kt 13990 13800 4.3 249°ARP 15100 13938 13 14016 XH434 P360 Direction via XH700 FMC Name S A 5 0 N M AR P 17000' 13990 13800 13481 1.8 M 13924 17000' 249° 6 XH456 12973 XH454 OMBON STAR XHA8A + via XH 13924 6 Arc 35 N M XH418 MaxXH428 16600' 2. XH418 MaxSTAR GUOLUO STAR XHA5A + viaXH800 XH500 12973 15600 SA (1) ARP OMBON XHA8A + via 10890 15500 XH428 (1) 16600' 15800 230 kt XH418 Max 6.5 Arc M XH454 See Missed Approach 10890 230 kt 15800 P359 12809 7 (427) ° P363 STAR XHA9A + via XH FAP/VIP See Missed Approach via XH600 8 A10 15500 230 kt XH414 15800 Max 13793 31 XH452 10 (427) 212809 P363 5° STAR XHA9A + via XH900 Chart (APP 3) 00 13783 8A XH406 1.0 rcNM A 1013773 38 14800XH450 14400 230 kt 5° Chart (APP 3) r 1 c R 1 13773 P360 via XH700 11.1 PXH450 .0.0 13990 13800 17500' 11.1 13793 17000' ° XH422 059° 00 8 17500' 8.0 12300 13793 (1):18100' 8 XH422 059(1) 12973 13924 11162 OMBON 0 STAR XHA8A + via XH800 12300 5 XH428 13616 0 16600' XH418 1 11162 Max (1):18100' XH420 10890 RW10 13616 158 XH420 11146 Approach11510 See Missed XH410 15800 230 kt RW10 12809 (427) 11146 11510 P363 STAR XHA9A + via XH900 Max 8A 105° Chart (APP11687 3) XH410 Max Max 1.0 rc 13773 XHE01 XH498 230.0kt 11201 MaxXH450 11.1 11687 XHE01 12107 17500' XH498 230 kt 11201 230 kt 10.2 13793 XH422 059° 00 8 1210711162 12300 230 kt 10.2 (1):18100' 59° 00 8 5 13616 1 ° 0 158 XH420 RW10 13924 XHA50059 5800 11146 11510 XH410 13924 XHA50 1 Max A 077° Max 12809 11687 XHE01 A 077° 18700 XH424 FAP/VIP 18700 XH498 XHA5 230 kt FAP/VIP 1280911201 2.5 XH424 12107 XHA5 230 kt 10.2 2.5 0 ALT / (HGT): ft XH406 12973 ° 2.0 15800rc 077° 0 0 ALT / (HGT): ft 0 XH406 12973 2.0 14476 14476 077° 0 059 1580 5. 13924 XHA50 158 Arc Distances: NM XH430 8A 5. Distances: NM 13800 XH430 8 18700 IAF H A 5A 077° 13800 FAP/VIP 12809 XH424 X .5 IAF GUOLUO 2 XH420 GUOLUO ALT / (HGT): ft XH406 12973 2.0 15800rc XH420 14476 XH500 077° 14000' - 15000' Max 14000' - 15000' Max XH500 5.0 VISUALCAUTION: IN FINAL, VISUAL SEGMENT Distances: NM EAST XH430 Max 8A CAUTION: IN FINAL, SEGMENT 13800 EAST Max 250 kt 17500 IAF 13000' - 14000' 250 kt 17500 GUOLUO SURFACE FOR CAT D. - 14000' 230 13000' kt XH420 12832 SURFACE (VSS)Max PENETRATED FOR CAT(VSS) D. PENETRATED 230 kt 12832 SEGMENT 14000' - 15000' RNP 1.0 -> 0.3 XH500 CAUTION: IN FINAL, VISUAL EAST Max 12000' - 13000' RNP 1.0 -> 0.3 1/300 000

° 339

34° 40' 00" N

Minimum Temperature: For non-baro compensated aircraft: ARP: 34°49'09"N-25°C - 102°37'19"E


XH600 Max 19700 250 kt RNP 0.3 13117


XH600 Max 19700 250 kt RNP 0.3 13117

165° 7 5. 0 1440

35° 20' 00" N

The RNP AR procedures can be used in the following examples: CAT: A•  B CADpproaches with a late turn to manage traffic conflicts between airports that XIAHE - ZLX CAT: A B C D AD ELEV: 10465', THR ELEV: 10463' (328 hPa) XIAHE - ZLXH RNAV (RNP) RWY are10463' not(328 farhPa) from each other, or that have difficult terrains. Figure 37 AD ELEV: 10465', THR ELEV: RNAVillustrates (RNP) RWY 10 TWR: 118.600 (130.000) TRANS ALT: 22600' AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED VAR: 1.5°W (14) APP 1 VAR: 1.5°W (14)aircraft: APP 1 TWR: 118.600 (130.000) 22600' REQUIRED an RNP AR approachTRANS onALT: mountainous terrainP360AUTHORIZATION of Xiahe airport (ZLXH). P359 For non-baro compensated ARP: 34°49'09"N - 102°37'19


OMBON 11070' (610')

DAIRBUS 3400m 3900m 3400m PROSKY® GéoTITAN® & AIP-GIS Charting® 11070' (610')



Approach Procedure Minima

• Routes that requires a lateral performance down to 0.1 NM for departure, approach, and missed approach. Figure 38 illustrates an RNP AR approach on runway 16R of Seattle airport (KSEA) that enhances the management of Closely-Spaced Parallel Operations.

Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

NW-1, 28 APR 2016 to 26 MAY 2016 NW-1,28 28APR APR2016 2016toto26 26MAY MAY2016 2016 NW-1,

NW-1, 28 APR 2016 tototo 26 MAY 2016 NW-1, 28 APR 2016 26 MAY 2016 NW-1, 28 APR 2016 26 MAY 2016

Approach Name

Approach Procedure Minima

Figure 38: Example of RNP AR Approach on Seattle


The RNP AR procedure allows decreasing the margins on protection areas. The requirements on navigation are close to the actual aircraft navigation performance. Benefits Due to design flexibility, the RNP AR procedure brings some new benefits: • Better accessibility on some airport environments where the terrain is difficult • Significant fuel and time savings due to shorter routes. • Reduced of the lateral and longitudinal separations (increase of the capacity on congested airports). • Avoid sensitive areas (noise, airspace that is not authorized). Design Criteria for IFR Procedure The ICAO “RNP AR Procedure Design Manual” (doc 9905) includes the design criteria adapted to the challenging procedures specific to RNP AR.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

The RNP AR procedure uses normally Track-to-Fix (TF) and Radius-to-Fix (RF) legs (refer to section 3.4.1 for additional details on RF leg). For example, refer to Figure 39 that illustrates the tailored approach on Madeira airport (LPMA) designed by NAVBLUE. As part of the analysis of the private procedure, a GeoTITAN analysis checks the obstacle compatibility with RNP AR corridor. MADEIRA -


AD ELEV: 191, THR ELEV: 144 (5 hPa) 32

7° 22

04 7°

M 0N

32° 50' 00" N

5A rc 2.0


FUN 112.20 Ch 59X


MA532 Max 3000 250 kt RNP 1.0 -> 0.3









Max 230 kt



[R05Z] via MA532


30 00


20 22 00 7° 2.0



For non-baro compensated aircraft: ARP: 32°41'39"N - 016°46'41"W Minimum Temperature: +7.5°C

210 °


M A 25 N M A5



TWR: 118.350 - APP: 119.600 - ATIS: 124.400

  

709 856




10 NM


755 (611)


005° 1.0



Max 195 kt

1 Max Pressure Altitude 10000' 5500' - 6500' 4500' - 5500' 3500' - 4500'


MA522 Max 2000 160 kt

MA514 Max 3000 250 kt

6° 23 .2 12


Not to scale










1500' - 2500' 700' - 1500'

16° 30' 00" W


005° 3° - 5.2









05 (044.70° °T)







RDH: 50 THR: 144

RCF: Squawk 7600. Proceed as above. On MA514 holding, make one complete holding pattern at 3000 and then proceed to perform RNAV (RNP) Y RWY 05 Procedure.








RNP 0.3

885 (741)

897 (753)

905 (761)

916 (772)

RNP 0.2 2

792 (648)

804 (660)

812 (668)

823 (679)

RNP 0.1 2

499 (355)

511 (367)

519 (375)

530 (386)


Climb to 3000 (2856) via the RNAV (RNP) missed approach track to MA514. At MA514 hold or start a new approach via MA514 or follow ATC instructions.

MA502 RW05


4.5 10.2 5.7 AD minima : Altitude and Height in feet.

2500' - 3500'

Missed Approach


RF 1000 (856)





1 mi


1 Max 230 kt

TA: 5000


ALT/(HGT): ft Distances: NM

MA526 c 3.0 Ar 4.7







Arc 2.0 .5 2

16° 50' 00" W

25 N M M A5


369 (225)




Figure 39: GeoTITAN analysis for RNP AR procedure on LMPA designed by NAVBLUE

05 0° 0.6



Max 210 kt

0 0.650°


662 (518)

4.8 Arc 13.2

32° 40' 00" N

2.0 Arc


Arc 4.1 2.1

MA550 RW05 MA502



V1.3 02 JUN 2015

2 RNP 0.1/0.2 is required until MA552



In accordance with the general RNP AR procedure, any obstacle or other routes must not enter a half corridor of [2 x RNP value] on each side of the flight path (without any additional buffer zone), as illustrated on the following Figure 40.

Figure 40: Lateral Design Criteria for RNP AR procedure


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

The RNP values of the RNP AR procedure are published on the chart. The same procedure can propose different RNP values with their associated minima. In the vertical plane, after the FAP, the vertical obstacle clearance is ensured by a Vertical Error Budget (VEB) to the flight path (Obstacle Clearance Surface (OCS)), as illustrated on Figure 41:

Figure 41: Vertical Design Criteria for RNP AR procedure Public or Private Procedures The Operator can operate a public (or generic) RNP AR procedure published by the NAA in AIP, or develop a private procedure. In the case of a private procedure, the Operator or the procedure provider performs additional validations (e.g. independent design review, simulator and flight evaluation). Aircraft RNP AR airworthiness and operational regulations: * EASA AMC 20-26 * FAA AC 90-101A and AC 20-138C

Note: _ On A320 and A330 family aircraft, some initial certifications of RNP AR capability were compliant with FAA guidance material before the publishing of the of the current basis. However, the AMC 20-26, AC 20138C, and AC 90-101A remains the references for RNP AR operational approval. Airworthiness Regulations The RNP AR capability of the aircraft is demonstrated and certified on the basis of the compliance demonstration with the airworthiness regulations. The RNP AR airworthiness approval relies on the compliance with the airworthiness section of the following guidance materials: • EASA AMC 20-26 (or subsequent revisions), “Airworthiness Approval and Operational Criteria for RNP Authorization Required (RNP AR) Operations” in Sections 6, 8, and 9, that reply to all of the following: System performance. Aircraft configuration and acceptable installations. Safety assessment. Data Base integrity. Aircraft manuals and MMEL. • FAA AC 90-101 (revision A or subsequent revisions) in appendix 2 “Approval Guidance for RNP Procedures with AR.” • FAA AC 20-138 (revision C or subsequent revisions) in appendix 2 (RNP AR), “Airworthiness Approval of Positioning and Navigation Systems” (requested by AC 90-101A).


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Both FAA AC 90-101A and AMC 20-26 define similar airworthiness requirements. However, with a conventional aircraft architecture the EASA limits RNP AR to 0.3 NM (except for A350 specific RNP AR design), whereas FAA accepts RNP AR below 0.3 NM. As a result, the following RNP AR levels are certified for both A320 and A330 aircraft: • RNP AR 0.3, in accordance with EASA AMC20-26. • RNP AR 0.1, in accordance with FAA AC90-101A and AC20-138C. However, the EASA recognizes the use of operational mitigation means (for example, additional tests performed in the scope of the Flight Operational Safety Assessment (FOSA), refer to section to enable a reduction in the RNP AR level down to 0.1 NM, during the operational approval process with the NAA. For example: The Danish Authorities granted an operational approval for RNP AR 0.1 procedure on the A319 aircraft for Vágar airport (Faroe Islands) with strong winds and mountainous environment. Both the EASA and the FAA certified the basic configuration of the A350 aircraft for RNP AR 0.1 NM operations. The system architecture takes into account the failure cases without any additional operational mitigation means. The compliance of the aircraft with RNP AR airworthiness regulations is declared in the “LIMITATIONS / 22 AUTOFLIGHT SYSTEM / Flight Management System / Airworthiness Standards Compliance” section of the AFM. Figure 42: RNP AR Description in AFM

The example below shows a possible extract of the AFM. This example is for information only. The content depends on individual aircraft configuration. Required Functions and Systems The required functions are described in section 7 of the EASA AMC 20-26, and appendix 2 of the FAA AC90-101A. The minimum equipment configuration to initiate the procedure is provided in the special operations section (i.e. FCOM-PRO-SPO) of the FCOM, in the dedicated Aircraft Capability Declaration (ACD), and in the MMEL. This list should be taken into account in MEL for dispatch conditions. The minimum equipment configuration may differ between RNP AR 0.3 NM operations and RNP AR below 0.3 NM operations.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Note: _ The aircraft lateral performance is also referred to as Estimated Position Uncertainty (EPU, refer to Section 4.1.4). Navigation Performance Requirements According to the design criteria (RNP value for RNP AR APCH operations), the aircraft lateral performance can be basically 0.3 NM, or below 0.3 NM (down to 0.1 NM) depending on the RNP AR procedure. Airbus Aircraft Eligibility Based on functional and performance requirements of airworthiness regulations, only the Airbus aircraft with a specific RNP AR configuration can obtain RNP AR capability. The RNP AR capability of an aircraft is managed by a specific modification to the Type Design of the aircraft. On A350 aircraft, the modification for RNP AR 0.1 is part of the basic definition. On A380 aircraft, the modification for RNP AR 0.3 is optional. On A320 and A330 aircraft, RNP AR modifications are optional and separated into two categories: • RNP AR down to 0.1 NM, or • RNP AR limited to 0.3 NM: Applicable to a greater variation of aircraft configuration (for example more ADIRU standards). Operator Operational Regulations The operational regulations dedicated to RNP AR are defined in the operational section of both of the following guidance materials: • EASA AMC 20-26 (or subsequent revisions) “Airworthiness Approval and Operational Criteria for RNP Authorization Required (RNP AR) Operations” in Section 10. • FAA AC 90-101 (revision A or subsequent) “Approval Guidance for RNP Procedures with AR” in Section 5. Basic Operational Approval Dossier The operational approval for each individual aircraft must be obtained in accordance with the NAA operating rules. To obtain an operational approval from NAA, the Operator should submit an application that includes the following items: • Aircraft capability for RNP AR: The statement of aircraft compliance with airworthiness regulations is provided in AFM (refer to Section • Minimum equipment configuration: The minimum equipment configuration requested to initiate the procedure is provided in the special operations section of the FCOM, ACD, and MMEL. This configuration must be taken into account in MEL for dispatch conditions. There is no specific maintenance program to keep RNP AR capability. • Operational procedures and training program: The Operator defines operational procedure that includes normal operations and contingency procedures. These procedures can be based on the ACD, and standard operating procedure (SOP), supplementary procedures (SUPP), special operations (SPO) and limitations (LIM) sections of the FCOM.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

• Flight crew and ground operators training program: The Operator defines an appropriate training program of the flight crews and ground Operators (dispatcher/maintenance) for the RNP AR operations. The training requirements are detailed in appendix 2 of the EASA AMC 20-26 and appendix 5 of the FAA AC 90-101A. The training must include all of the following: Correspond to the different types of operated RNP AR procedures. Address the applicable requirements of the regulations. Include the normal, abnormal, and contingency procedures covered in the FOSA. Assess the level of skills and knowledge on RNP AR operations of the pilots. In addition, a recurrent training is required to maintain the flight crew qualification. • Operating manuals and checklists: The Operator updates OMs to include RNP AR operations. The checklists can be based on the FCOM definitions. • Validation program for the NDB: The Operator describes the quality insurance process (compliance DO-200A/ ED-76) and a program of continuous verification of NDB for each AIRAC cycle. • Monitoring program for RNP AR: The Operator describes their program for the collection of data on RNP AR flights to identify any negative trends in performance. EASA AIR OPERATIONS section SPA.PBN.105 defines the general guidelines to obtain operational approval. It is based on the airworthiness approval, an appropriate flight crew training, and the availability of the operating procedures. In the scope of the operational approval application, NAA may request the compliance of some equipment with the applicable TSO standards. Airbus demonstrates the compliance of the aircraft architecture, which includes equipment configuration, with the EASA and FAA regulations. This demonstration at aircraft level includes the requirements at equipment level.

Figure 43: RNP AR Description in FCOM

The example below shows a possible extract of the FCOM. This example is for information only. The content depends on individual aircraft configuration.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1 FOSA In order to assess if the RNP AR procedure can be performed by an aircraft in the expected environment, a Flight Operational Safety Assessment (FOSA) is also required. A FOSA may be requested for both public and private RNP AR procedures. A detailed FOSA should be performed for each RNP AR approach procedure, where the most demanding design criteria of the nominal procedure (as per ICAO Doc 9905) are applied: • RF legs after the FAP. • Missed approaches with RNP less than 1 NM. • Final approaches with RNP less than 0.3 NM. • Where the application of the procedure design requires deviations from the default criteria. The reference document for RNP AR APCH FOSA is the Eurocontrol, "Guidance Material on Flight Operational Safety Assessment (FOSA) for RNP AR APCH." The FOSA may check that the proposed RNP AR procedure is appropriate with: • Operating conditions (minimum/maximum temperature, wind, ISA, visibility). • ATC operations and airport infrastructure, particularly for creation of a new procedure. • Navigation services (implementation of NDB on the FMS). • Flight crew operations: Assessment of normal SOPs and specific procedures, particularly for both of the following:

Deviations from ICAO criteria (high bank angle, short last segment, etc.).

Highly challenging operations (steep slope, high climb gradient, close terrain, complexity of the procedure, narrow RF legs, multiple speed restrictions, high MSA, use of SPD BRK, unusual extension of L/G, etc.).

• Aircraft Performance: Assessment of the performance limits, TOW, missed approach, engine out track and other specific operating procedures (EO ACC ALT, etc.). • Aircraft Failures: Management of failures cases with an effect on path excursion:

Engine failure.

Failure with effect on the guidance systems (AP, FD, etc.).

Loss of GNSS signal.

Minimum equipment required. RNP Level Some aircraft failures can be a limiting factor to the RNP level. The operators should particularly consider the failures with effect on guidance performance. The aircraft compliance with EASA AMC 20-26 considers all of the following failure with an effect on the path excursion: • Probable failure conditions (i.e. the probability of occurrence is greater than one per 100 000 flight hours (this can be compared to the operational life of an aircraft)) must not lead to a path excursion of more than 1 RNP value. • One Engine Inoperative (OEI) condition must not lead to a path excursion of more than 1 RNP value.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

• Remote failure conditions (i.e. the failure can occurs more than one time per 10 million of flight hours but less than one time per 100 000 flight hours) must not lead to a path excursion of more than 2 RNP. • In case of extremely remote failure conditions (i.e. the failure can occurs more than one time per 1 billion of flight hours but less than one time per 10 million of flight hours), aircraft must remain maneuverable for a safe extraction. This demonstration, performed by Airbus, led to the publication of the ACD. Based on the flights tests or simulator sessions, this document provides the demonstrated values for the lateral performance demonstrated and associated procedures. This demonstration avoids the need for additional assessments of these failure conditions. Therefore the published lateral performance reduces the work done in the FOSA. However, the NAA can approve operations for RNP level below the demonstrated values that are published in the ACD (on a case by case basis). In this case the Operator performs an additional assessment of the failures effect, in the particular scope of their operations, and defines appropriate operational mitigation means. However, some specific test means may be required to validate this additional assessment.

Figure 44: Example of A320 RNP AR Level, function of Demonstration of Failure Assessment

The following part illustrates an example of additional assessment of one failure case, “AP roll runaway”, to reduce the RNP level: • During the Airbus airworthiness certification, among all identified failure conditions, the assessment of “AP roll runaway” remote failure led to a path excursion of 0.40 NM in a worstcase scenario (i.e. in a turn). Therefore the “AP roll runaway” failure does not require an additional assessment if the Operator wants to reach a RNP level at or above 0.2 NM (i.e. the path excursion is contained within the RNP corridor of 2 RNP). • If the Operator needs to reach a RNP level of 0.17 NM (i.e. RNP corridor of 0.34 NM), “AP roll runaway” failure requires an additional assessment in the specific context of the RNP AR procedure. The maximum path excursion during this failure must be 0.34 NM or less.

If the procedure is on a straight segment, the detection of “AP roll runaway” failure and the action by the flight crew is faster. Therefore, the path excursion should be less than 0.34 NM. In that case, the geometrical configuration of the procedure may be an acceptable mitigation mean to decrease the RNP level.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

The A350 aircraft is specifically designed to have the capability of RNP AR 0.1 without any additional mitigation means. Airbus demonstrates that failure cases lead to a path excursion that is contained within 0.1 NM. Moreover, Airbus introduced new functionalities as backup in case of extremely remote failures. Refer to Section 4.4. Operational Procedure The Operator must propose a training program to the ground personnel on RNP AR procedures and the required equipment. The MEL should be updated in accordance with RNP AR operations, on the basis of the minimum configuration defined in the special operations section (i.e. FCOM-PRO-SPO) of the FCOM, the MMEL or the ACD. Figure 45: RNP AR Description in MMEL

The example below shows a possible extract of the MMEL. This example is for information only. The content depends on individual aircraft configuration.

For the preflight phase, the Operator performs all of the following: • Check NOTAMs (impact on procedure) and GNSS availability (refer to Section • Check the NDB validity (according AIRAC cycle). • Flight crew ensures sufficient means are available to navigate and land at the destination or at an alternate aerodrome in the case of loss of RNP AR airborne capability. The pilot checks that: A non RNP AR procedure is available at the alternate, where a destination alternate is required. At least one non RNP AR procedure is available at the destination aerodrome or contingency procedure is defined, where a destination alternate is not required. • Insert RNP AR capability in the ATS flight plan in accordance with ICAO or NAA recommendations (refer to Annex E): Insert the letter “G” in the first part of ITEM 10 for GNSS. Insert the letter “R” in the first part of ITEM 10. The letter “Z” can also be added to highlight that a complement on PBN capability is added in ITEM 18. Insert the letter “PBN/T1” in ITEM 18 for RNP AR with RF leg. Insert the letter “PBN/T2” in ITEM 18 for RNP AR without RF leg.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

3.4 OTHER _

3.4.1 RNP with RF leg CAPABILITY The RNP with RF leg capability is mentioned in the Advanced RNP concept. Refer to Section 3.4.2 for other Advanced RNP features. Scope Operational Area The Radius to Fix (RF) leg procedure is an additional capability to existing RNP operations. The RF leg can be used in the following RNP procedures: • RNP 1. • RNP APCH in initial, intermediate and missed approach segments. The design criteria are identical to RNP 1 design criteria. • RNP AR. This chapter considers only the RF leg on RNP 1 and RNP APCH procedures. For RNP AR, refer to Section 3.3.2 RF leg avoids FMS computed transitions (tangential arc of circle) and thus reduces the protection area on turn. Initially this function is coupled with RNP 1 navigation specifications (SID, STARS) and also RNP APCH operations (in terminal area except in final approach segment, and in initial and intermediate segment of missed approach, with 1 NM RNP value).

Figure 46: RF Leg Transition


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Figure 47 provides an example of chart with RF leg on Hong Kong - VHHH airport RNAV (GNSS) SID on runway 07.


Figure 47: Example of Chart for RNP 1 SID with RF Leg


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1 Benefits The RF leg is a flexibility for the procedure design of the RNP procedures in order to avoid terrain or obstacles. As illustrated on Figure 48, compared to TF-TF transition, the protection areas are smaller in RF leg: • On TF-TF transition, the FMS computes a fly-by transition with a constant bank angle. The bank angle depends on the ground speed or the fly-by algorithm of the FMS. • On RF leg, the FMS adapts the bank angle to the defined trajectory. All aircraft perform the same repeatable trajectory.

Figure 48: RF Leg Transition Compared to TF-TF Transition

RF Transition

TF-TF Transition Design Criteria for IFR Procedure Note: _ Some specific criteria can be defined for RF leg use: • Radius limitation. • Straight to RF leg tangential transition. • Speed constraint. • Reduced protection area compared to classical transition.

The design criteria are identical to RNP 1 criteria (refer to Section The ICAO Procedures for Air Navigation Services — Aircraft Operations (PANSOPS) (Doc 8168) defines the lateral and vertical specifications for the construction of RNP 1 operations and specific features for RF leg definition (i.e. maximum radius, protection area, etc.). Aircraft Airworthiness Regulations The RNP 1 or RNP APCH with RF leg capability of the aircraft is demonstrated and certified on the basis of the compliance demonstration with the airworthiness regulations. The airworthiness approval of RNP 1 or RNP APCH with RF leg relies on the compliance with the airworthiness section of the FAA AC 90-105 (or subsequent revisions) “Approval Guidance for RNP Operations and Barometric Vertical Navigation in the U.S. National Airspace System” in appendix 5 that replies to the following items: • System performance. • Aircraft configuration and acceptable installations. • Aircraft manuals and MMEL. There is no published EASA regulation.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

The airworthiness compliance of the aircraft with RNP 1 or RNP APCH with RF leg requirements is declared in the AFM part LIMITATIONS / 22 AUTOFLIGHT SYSTEM / Flight Management System / Airworthiness Standards Compliance. Figure 49: RF Leg Description in AFM

The example below shows a possible extract of the AFM. This example is for information only. The content depends on individual aircraft configuration. Required Systems The minimum configuration is identical to RNP 1 and RNP APCH configuration (Refer to Sections and The minimum equipment configuration requested to initiate the procedure is provided in the special operations section (i.e. FCOM-PRO-SPO) of the FCOM. This list should be taken into account in MEL for dispatch conditions.

Notes: _ FMS 1 generation is not able to decode RF legs. Navigation Performance Requirements The basic performance criteria are identical to RNP 1 and RNP APCH performance criteria (refer to Sections and Airbus Aircraft Eligibility All Airbus aircraft are eligible for RNP 1 or RNP APCH with RF leg operations when fitted with FMS2 and MMR (or GPSSU). Operator Operational Regulations The applicable operational regulations are identical to RNP 1 and RNP APCH Regulations (refer to sections and with additional operational considerations on RF legs detailed in appendix 5 of FAA AC 90-105 (or subsequent version) “Approval Guidance for RNP Operations and Barometric Vertical Navigation in the U.S. National Airspace System.” The training requirements are based on RNP 1 and RNP APCH training requirements(refer to Sections and with additional training part dedicated to the RF leg operation.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

A dedicated chapter in FCTM/SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION/RADIUS TO FIX (RF) LEGS details the RF leg management (use of AP/FD, speed/wind/bank angle management). For RNP AR operations, the operational part of the ACD provides additional specific constraints (e.g. bank angle limitation). Operational Procedure The dispatch conditions are identical to RNP 1 and RNP APCH dispatch conditions (refer to Sections and

3.4.2 Advanced RNP Advanced RNP operations are referred to as A-RNP or ARNP. Scope Figure 50: Area of Operations for A-RNP

A-RNP is composed of several functionalities introduced in the ICAO PBN manual in addition of NAV spec RNAV 5, 2, 1, and RNP 2, 1 and RNP APCH.

The PBN Manual (ICAO Doc 9613), in its fourth edition published in 2013, provides six A-RNP functions. Some are required (R), others are optional (O). The six functions are: • RF leg (R). • Parallel offset (R). • RNP scalability (O). • RNAV holding (R). • Fixed Radius Transition (O). • TOAC (O), not yet defined.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1 Advanced RNP Functions RF Leg Refer to dedicated Section 3.4.1. Parallel Offset Parallel offsets are only used in en-route and terminal areas. This function replicates all of the centerline route characteristics at the desired offset, to the left or right of the centerline route. RNP Scalability The aim of the scalability function is to enable the design of procedure with reduced protection area (refer to Figure 51). As defined by the ICAO, the scalability enables the use of a RNP value less than 1 NM and as low as 0.3 NM in the terminal area. However, A-RNP operations are not part of RNP AR operations.

Figure 51: Comparison of protection zone for various PBN operations in terminal area: RNP 1, RNP AR 0.3 NM and A-RNP with scalable RNP value 0.3NM. RNAV Holding The aim of RNAV holding is to enable aircraft to fly either published, or ATC-defined (manually entered) holding patterns, with the appropriate aircraft performance, monitoring and alert associated to the RNP level.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1 Fixed Radius Transition (FRT) This function is for the en-route flight phase. FRT enables curved transitions between two legs with a defined constant radius, as illustrated on Figure 52.

Figure 52: Fixed Radius Transition Time Of Arrival Control (TOAC) This function is not yet defined by the ICAO. The TOAC is studied in the SESAR i4D project. Benefits The A-RNP functions provide a design flexibility that supports the RNP procedures, in order to manage some operational constraints. Design Criteria for IFR Procedure The ICAO DOC 8168 (PANS-OPS) “Construction of Visual and Instrument Flight Procedures”, revision 6, published in November 2014, is the reference for procedure designers. The document defines the design rules for IFR procedures. A specific chapter on A-RNP with scalability option was added. The protection areas for A-RNP can be different from protection areas of other PBN operations as illustrated on Figure 51 on terminal area.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1 Aircraft A-RNP airworthiness and operational regulations: Airworthiness Regulations

* FAA AC 90-105A and AC 20-138D

The A-RNP capability of the aircraft is demonstrated and certified on the basis of the compliance demonstration with the airworthiness regulations. EASA CS-ACNS will consider the A-RNP airworthiness requirements. The airworthiness section of the FAA AC 20-138D (or subsequent revisions) “Approval Guidance for RNP Operations and Barometric Vertical Navigation in the U.S. National Airspace System” appendix 3, provide guidelines for A-RNP. The FAA AC 90-105A also considers the A-RNP. The airworthiness compliance of the aircraft with A-RNP leg requirements will be declared in the “LIMITATIONS / 22 AUTOFLIGHT SYSTEM / Flight Management System / Airworthiness Standards Compliance” section of the AFM. Required Systems The minimum configuration is identical to the configuration of the following RNP procedures: • RNP 2 for the en-route environment (refer to Section • RNP 1 in the terminal area (refer to Section • RNP APCH in the approach phase (refer to Section and Navigation Performance Requirements If not specified in the A-RNP procedure, the required accuracy is linked to the expected operations. Additional Requirements The PBN Manual considers both RNAV and RNP in A-RNP operations. However, FAA regulations focus on RNP operations only. Airbus Aircraft Eligibility Airbus is working on the A-RNP capability demonstration for A320, A330, A340 and A380 aircraft. On A350 aircraft, this modification for A-RNP is part of the basic definition. A300/A310 aircraft are not eligible for A-RNP operations. Operator EASA new material will be developed to include the A-RNP operational requirements. FAA AC 90-105A defines operational requirements dedicated to A-RNP.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

#4 Airbus Aircraft Solutions During PBN procedure, the aircraft navigation system enables the flight crew to set and monitor the appropriate navigation and approach mode. All along the flight, the aircraft systems perform the following tasks: • Compute a position on the basis of the sensors inputs. • Estimate the accuracy and integrity of the aircraft position. • Set limits defined in NDB or by phase of flight in accordance with PBN specifications. • Monitor the accuracy and integrity with regard to these limits and trigger alerts to the flight crew. In this way, the existing aircraft functions that define and monitor the aircraft position, answer to the PBN requirements.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

The following chapters describe the Airbus system solutions for PBN procedures that enable the flight crew to: • Monitor the aircraft performance. • Select the appropriate flight guidance mode. • Monitor the deviations from the intended flight path.

4.1 AIRCRAFT POSITIONING AND MONITORING _ This part explains how the aircraft navigation system monitors the aircraft performance on the basis of the aircraft position design.

4.1.1 Aircraft Position The navigation system collects position from different sources, as illustrated on Figure 53: • Inertial position from ADIRS. • GNSS position from MMR. • Radio position from NAVAIDs (VOR and DME).

Figure 53: Example of Aircraft Position Sources

With these different sources of aircraft position, the navigation system computes the following three different positions: • GNSS/inertial position (also known as Global Positioning and Inertial Reference System (GPIRS)), that merges data from GNSS and Inertial positions. • NAVAIDS/inertial position, that merges distance from DME and/or VOR ground stations and Inertial positions. • Inertial only position, that merges different inertial positions. All these positioning modes are referred to as “Navigation Modes”.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

The navigation system (FMS, or ADIRS on A350) constantly checks and selects the best mode to use, based on the estimation of accuracy and the integrity. The GNSS/inertial (GPIRS) is the main navigation mode, used as long as GNSS data are available. The GNSS/inertial position is continuously calibrated by a filter that uses the inertial data from IRS and the GNSS data from MMR. The filter’s characteristics can differ between the different navigation system (FMS or ADIRS) suppliers The ADIRS ensures the continuity of the provision of the aircraft position. If the GNSS is lost, the GPS PRIMARY (or NAV primary on A350) status will remain for a certain time due to the “extrapolation” function in the FMS or ADIRS. When GNSS/inertial (GPIRS) data is not available, or does not comply with the accuracy and integrity limits, then the FMS automatically reverts to one of the other modes, based on the sensor availability and the estimated position errors.

Note: _ Airbus considers also the high level of aircraft navigation performance. For RNP above 0.3 NM, the limit is a fixed value that is lower than the RNP value selected. For example, for a RNP 4 procedure the aircraft navigation system considers a lower RNP value than 4 NM (typically 2NM). Indeed, the RNP value selected by the systems can be lower than the RNP value specified on the navigation.

4.1.2 Accuracy and Integrity Limits PBN operations associate a RNP value to the different legs of the procedure. This RNP value must be set in the aircraft navigation system to define the accuracy and integrity limits. These limits enable to monitor the aircraft position and trigger messages in the cockpit.

Figure 54: MCDU PROG Page and A350 MFD POSITION/MONITOR Page with RNP Value

There are three possible methods to set the RNP value:

Note: _ The pilot should not modify the selected RNP value if not requested by the FCOM procedure.

• A value extracted from the NDB (if the value is specifically coded in the NDB). • A default value per flight zone from FMS data base (if the value is not coded in the NDB). • A manually-entered value in the MCDU or MFD (not required, refer to FCOM description of manually-entered value).


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

4.1.3 Monitoring of GNSS/Inertial Mode (GPS PRIMARY) Monitoring of GNSS Availability For PBN operations that use a GNSS-based position, the operational regulations may require the operator to determine the availability of the GNSS-based position before departure. For most of Airbus aircraft (depending on ADIRU standard), the GNSS-based position availability (i.e. GPS PRIMARY function, refer to section is demonstrated as follows: • For operations with RNP value above 0.2 NM, as soon as 24 satellites are operative, the GPS PRIMARY function is available all the time with a worldwide coverage. • On A350 aircraft, as soon as the RNP value is above 0.15 NM, NAV PRIMARY function is available all the time with a worldwide coverage, without any minimum number of available satellites. The Operator can check the satellite constellation availability using NOTAM or appropriate web-sites (for example NANUs from US coastguards). A Ground-Based Prediction Program (GBPP) could be used to assess GNSS availability in following cases: • GNSS availability demonstration is not declared in the AFM, or • Less than 24 satellites are available, or Figure 55: FCOM Description of GNSS Availability Requirements

• Potential masking of GNSS signal in some mountainous areas (for RNP AR procedures only), or • Low RNP values (for RNP AR below 0.2 NM only).

NAVBLUE provides a service to help the Operator to manage the GNSS availability on the fleet as illustrated on Figure 56.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Figure 56: Example of GNSS Availability Prediction Tool proposed by NAVBLUE

Note: _ The integrity of the aircraft position can be monitored only in GNSS/inertial mode (no integrity parameters provided in NAVAIDS/inertial or Inertial only modes). Monitoring of Position integrity In GNSS/inertial mode, the GPS PRIMARY function (or NAV PRIMARY on A350) monitors the integrity of the aircraft position. If the position integrity exceeds the defined value or a maximum threshold, a “GPS PRIMARY LOST” amber message (or “NAV PRIMARY LOST” on A350) is displayed on MCDU or MFD scratchpad and on the bottom of the ND. Based on this message, the flight crew can decide to abort or continue the RNP procedure. Except for some RNP AR operations (below 0.15 NM), the systems triggers the “GPS PRIMARY LOST” (or “NAV PRIMARY LOST” on A350) message regardless of the selected RNP value. On A350 aircraft, the monitoring function of RNP AR operations is managed by a specific management (refer to section 4.4 for additional information).

Figure 57: Example of A380 GPS PRIMARY LOST amber message on ND and MFD


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

4.1.4 Monitoring of Other Navigation Modes (Navigation Accuracy (HIGH/LOW)) When GPS PRIMARY is lost, the navigation system will automatically revert to another navigation mode. The navigation system may revert to NAVAIDS/Inertial or to Inertial only mode when no NAVAIDs can be used for the aircraft positioning computation. For each navigation mode, the FMS provides the Estimated Position Uncertainty (EPU, also referred to as Estimated Position Error EPE) that can be compared to the navigation accuracy. The best navigation mode is selected on the basis of the comparison of the EPU of each navigation mode. As illustrated on Figure 58, the EPU is continuously compared with the required accuracy to provide an appropriate alerting, in the case of an accuracy loss. When the EPU is higher than the required accuracy, the navigation accuracy switches to “LOW”, and the “NAV ACCUR DOWNGRADED” message is displayed on MCDU/MFD scratchpad and on the ND. Figure 58: Aircraft Monitoring of Position Accuracy

When the EPU is lower than the required accuracy, the navigation accuracy reverts to “HIGH”, and the “NAV ACCUR UPGRADED” message is displayed on MCDU/MFD scratchpad on the bottom of the ND. The navigation accuracy may be used in degraded conditions to support flight crew decisions.

4.1.5 Example As a summary, Figure 59 illustrates an aircraft in the GNSS/Inertial navigation mode facing a total loss of GNSS position. When the GNSS position is lost, the following events occur:

Figure 59: Example of Navigation System Monitoring with Total GNSS Loss (in low RNP operations)

• An extrapolation of the aircraft position is performed. If the integrity criteria is not met, the “GPS PRIMARY LOST” message appears. • Then, the aircraft position used by FMS is only based on inertial data. If the position accuracy diverges and exceeds 1 RNP: the “NAV ACCUR DOWNGRAD” message appears.

As a result: • GPS PRIMARY function monitors the position integrity of GNSS/Inertial navigation mode • NAV ACCURACY function monitors the position accuracy of the NAVAIDS/ Inertial and Inertial only navigation modes. RNP operations rely on position integrity monitoring. Therefore RNP operations can only be performed when the aircraft is in the GNSS/Inertial navigation mode.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

4.2 FLIGHT GUIDANCE MODES _ Aircraft navigation system provides flight guidance modes to enable flight crew to efficiently follow the PBN procedures. This part describes the different aircraft flight guidance functions, and which one to use during PBN operations.

4.2.1 NAV Mode The guidance in NAV mode ensures that the aircraft lateral deviation converges with the intended flight path (i.e. XTK=0) as requested by the PBN operations. Therefore the NAV mode is widely used for PBN operations except in approach (refer to Section 4.2.2).

4.2.2 Approach Mode The guidance modes used for PBN operations during the approach phase (RNP APCH, and RNP AR) are described in the following sections.

Note: _ GLS function, also part of the xLS concept, is not a PBN operation and thus is not addressed in this document. xLS Airbus introduced the X Landing System (xLS) concept, which provides a common ILS look-alike HMI for straight in approaches (refer to Figure 60). As part of xLS concept, the followings sections describe the FLS and SLS functions.

Guidance modes

xLS function scales

Figure 60: xLS display on PFD

Approach xLS function characteristics scales


Approach Capability


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1 FLS The FMS Landing System (FLS) provides an ILS look-alike HMI with vertical and lateral guidance for Non-Precision Approaches (NPA). As described in the Figure 61, the MMR computes both of the following: • A virtual beam from the runway threshold provided by FMS NDB • Associated lateral and vertical deviations based on the aircraft GNSS position compared to the track and slope components stored in the FMS NDB.

Note: _ The FLS virtual beam is temperature compensated for cold weather operations.

The guidance laws are the same as those for an ILS approach, with a pseudo LOC referred to as F-LOC and a pseudo glide referred to as F-G/S. The FLS vertical beam relies on the barometric reference.

Figure 61: Virtual Beam construction for FLS Approach

FLS can be used on RNP APCH operations. The F-APP approach capability on PFD is required for operations of RNP APCH with LNAV or LNAV/VNAV minima. RNP APCH operations cannot be performed with F-APP+RAW or RAW ONLY. The RAW mode relies on NAVAIDS data instead of GNSS data. SLS The SBAS Landing System (SLS) provides an ILS look-alike HMI with vertical and lateral guidance mode for RNP APCH with LPV minima. The concept of the SBAS is described on the Figure 62: The reference ground stations in the area provides SBAS geostationary satellites constellation with the corrections and integrity parameters to apply to the GNSS position. The SBAS geostationary satellites transmit this information to the on-board avionics (i.e. MMR).


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Figure 62: Virtual Beam construction for SLS Approach

As described on Figure 63, the MMR computes the following parameters to support the SLS approach: • A virtual beam from the Final Approach Segment (FAS) Data Block • Associated lateral and vertical deviations, based on the aircraft GNSS position with associated SBAS parameters compared to the track and slope components. To compute the virtual beam, the MMR uses the FAS Data Block that is composed of the following parameters: • Runway threshold coordinates (anchor point). • Virtual Beam Slope. • Virtual Beam Track. The FAS Data Block are identified on charts by a dedicated channel, and coded in the NDB. The Airbus design automatically selects the channel via the FMS approach selection.

Note: _ SLS is an option on A350 aircraft.

Figure 63: Virtual Beam construction for SLS Approach

The guidance laws are the same as those for an ILS approach (i.e. LOC and G/S). The SLS vertical beam relies on the augmented GNSS altitude when the approach modes are engaged.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1 FPA | NAV For approaches without vertical requirements (RNP APCH with LNAV minima), the FPA | NAV mode is available. NAV mode is the lateral guidance. For the vertical guidance, the FPA mode can be used. FINAL APP and APP DES Note: _ The vertical profile of FINAL APP and APP DES | NAV modes is dependent of the Barometric reference and is not temperature compensated.

The FINAL APP mode provides the following components: • A lateral guidance equivalent to the NAV mode. • A vertical guidance tracking the FMS profile. On the A350 aircraft, APP-DES | NAV mode has been developed from the FINAL APP mode with enhancements.

4.2.3 Flight Guidance Modes for PBN operations After the description of the different flight guidance modes available on the aircraft, this section associates these modes to the PBN operations. For all PBN Operations The NAV mode is mainly used for all PBN cruise operations. For RNP APCH in Final Approach Segment Approach with LNAV Minima For approaches with LNAV minima, the flight crew can operate the following modes in the final segment: • FPA | NAV, or • FINAL APP or FLS as advisory guidance. Even if the approach is operated with FINAL APP or FLS mode (vertically-managed mode), the flight crew should monitor the vertical deviation with the checking of the altitudes and distances on step down fixes, and not the checking of the V/ DEV or F-G/S deviation.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1 Approach with LNAV/VNAV Minima FINAL APP or FLS can be used for approaches with LNAV/VNAV minima, depending on the option installed on the aircraft. For A320 and A330 aircraft with FLS function, A350 and A380, F-LOC and F-G/S guidance modes are provided (similar to LOC and G/S, based on the FMS virtual beam). Approach with LPV (or LP) Minima SLS function is used for approaches with LPV (or LP) minima and LOC and G/S guidance modes (or LOC only for LP). For RNP AR For the final segment of RNP AR approaches the following modes are used: • FINAL APP mode for the A320 or A330/A340 family aircraft. • APP-DES | NAV mode for the A350 aircraft. For RNP AR operations on A380 aircraft, refer to the specific aircraft operational manuals.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

4.3 DISPLAYS AND MONITORING OF DEVIATIONS TO THE FLIGHT PATH _ For PBN operations, the aircraft navigation system enables the flight crew to monitor the guidance and deviations to the intended flight path. This sections details all the ND and PFD indications for PBN operations.

4.3.1 XTK on ND The ND provides the flight crew with numerical or non-numerical (left /right) indication on Flight Technical Error (FTE) via the display of the cross-track deviation (XTK), refer to Figure 64.

Figure 64: XTK Display on ND



Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

4.3.2 Lateral Deviation on PFD The lateral deviation (L/DEV) displayed on PFD enables to monitor the lateral guidance (FTE). The L/DEV scale and index on the PFD provide a graphical display of current XTK (also displayed on ND) with an extended scale well adapted to the RNP AR operations below 0.3 NM. The L/DEV full-scale deviation is ± 0.2 NM (1 dot = 0.1 NM). The L/DEV scale or index may be automatically inhibited in specific cases to ensure that it always corresponds to meaningful information. The L/DEV function is mandatory for RNP AR operations with RNP values strictly below 0.3 NM. The display of the L/DEV function is managed by a dedicated modification on A320 and A330 family and is basic on A350.

Figure 65: L/DEV Display on PFD

0.08 NM Lateral deviation L/DEV


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

4.3.3 Vertical Deviation on PFD For RNP APCH with LNAV/VNAV minima and RNP AR, the V/DEV displayed on the PFD enables to monitor the vertical guidance. The V/DEV full-scale deviation is ± 200 ft (1 dot = 100 ft).

Note: _ The V/DEV inhibits the usual vertical deviation indication used for normal descent management (i.e. a green “yoyo” dot next to the altitude scale).

70 ft

Figure 66: V/DEV Display on PFD

4.3.4 SLS and FLS Deviation on PFD The SLS function provides an ILS look-alike HMI with same deviation indicators. For example, Figure 67 illustrates the display of SLS deviations on PFD.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Figure 67: Display of SLS deviations on PFD

The FLS function provides an ILS look-alike HMI with similar deviation indicators. A double diamond is displayed (instead of single diamond) to highlight the difference with FLS and precision approaches. For example, Figure 68 illustrates the display of FLS deviations on PFD.

Figure 68: Display of FLS deviations

With SLS and FLS functions, the flight crew monitors the lateral and vertical deviations as for an ILS approach.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Figure 69: Linear RNP requirement versus angular FLS deviation.

During RNP APCH operations with LNAV/VNAV minima, the requirement on lateral deviation is linear (RNP value = 0.3 NM on the final leg). In FLS approach mode, F-LOC deviation is angular. Therefore the deviation width depends on the distance to the threshold. As illustrated on figure 69, F-LOC deviation of 1 dot corresponds to 0.3 NM at 17 NM from runway threshold.

As long as F-LOC deviation remains less than 1 dot and distance to the runway threshold is less than 17 NM, the RNP requirement of 0.3 NM is respected. During RNP APCH operations with LPV minima, the requirement on lateral deviation is angular.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

4.4 A350 SPECIFIC FEATURES FOR RNP AR OPERATIONS _ The A350 aircraft is the first Airbus aircraft with a specific design for RNP AR operations. Airbus established new system architecture and new HMIs that consider the requirements of EASA AMC 20-26, and improve situational awareness of the flight crew during this operation. This section describes these new features.

4.4.1 HMI Enhancement RNP AR Tag in NDB A RNP AR tag coded in NDB is associated with related procedures. This tag enables the display of dedicated RNP AR information on MFD, PFD and ND. As part of the NDB validation required for RNP AR operations, the Operator verify the coding of the RNP AR tag on each RNP AR procedure in the NDB. On MFD On A350 aircraft, the RNP value that are coded in the NDB, are indicated on the FPLN page. The “RNP” label is also indicated on procedure selection as illustrated on Figure 70.

Figure 70: RNP Label and Value on A350 MFD FLPN page On PFD For an RNP AR procedure, a “RNP AR” label is displayed on the bottom right side of the PFD (refer to Figure 71).


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Figure 71: A350 RNP AR labels on PFD

The lateral and vertical deviation scale flash if there is an excessive lateral or vertical deviation. On ND The RNAV (RNP) label of the related procedure is indicated at the top of the ND. The RNP value of the active flight leg is also indicated at the bottom of the ND as illustrated on Figure 72.

Figure 72: A350 RNP AR labels on ND


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1 Management of RNP AR capability Airbus established a new management of the system failures on A350 aircraft. The aircraft systems compute a RNP AR status in accordance with data provided by the systems that are involved in the RNP AR function. The RNP AR status reflects current aircraft capability to ensure RNP AR monitoring in accordance with equipment availability and required navigation performance (accuracy and integrity). The RNP AR capability function has three states: • Normal state: Aircraft has full RNP AR capability (down to 0.1 NM), i.e. equipment redundancy and navigation performance is ensured, or • “RNP AR LIMITED to 0.30”: In the case of loss of equipment redundancy. In the absence of additional failure, the navigation performance is maintained, or • “RNP AR CAPABILITY LOST”: In the case of functional loss, loss of navigation performance or availability of RNP AR function for a limited duration. Nevertheless the aircraft systems provide the flight crew with guidance to safely extract the aircraft from the current procedure. When a system failure occurs that downgrades the RNP capability, an alert message is displayed on ECAM or ND. For example, Figure 73 illustrates the ECAM status in the case of RNP AR LIMITED TO 0.30.

Figure 73: RNP AR Memo on ECAM in case of RNP AR LIMITED to 0.30


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Figure 74: RNP AR Capability Lost on ND

Figure 75: RNP Memo on ECAM in case of RNP AR Capability Lost

4.4.2 Management of Degraded Navigation FCU Backup In the case of total loss of the FCU, the A350 aircraft has an FCU backup function (non-specific to RNP AR function) hosted in the MFD (refer to Figure 76). The FCU backup function enables the continuation of RNP AR procedure after FCU failure.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Figure 76: FCU Backup on MFD Automatic Reconfiguration after FMS Loss On A350 aircraft, in the case of single FMS loss, the AutoPilot (AP) and the managed modes (i.e. DES|NAV and APP-DES|NAV) are maintained. Display and Guidance Backup On A350 aircraft, in the case of double FMS loss, a display backup function enables the display of the aircraft trajectory (referred to as BACKUP TRAJ), and the third FMS provides a guidance backup along the stored FPLN, refer to Figure 77.

Figure 77: ND and VD Backup Display after Double FMS Failure


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

#5 Summary Following the initial conventional navigation, some new methods of navigation emerged with the introduction of new Inertial Reference and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) navigation that supply the FMS navigation function. As illustrated on Figure 78, the PBN concept aimed at optimizing the aircraft trajectory on the basis of the high performance of these new aircraft navigation means.

Figure 78: Example of Traffic Dispersion Before and After Deployment of RNAV 1 procedures on Atlanta Airport (KATL)


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

The objective of the PBN procedure is to increase the airspace capacity and flight efficiency, and to maintain the accessibility to airports in challenging environment such as congested, mountainous or noise sensitive area. The PBN procedures have been categorized by ICAO in RNAV and RNP types. The requested level of navigation performance is adapted to the flight phase and the environment of the procedure, from RNAV 10 to RNP AR down to 0.1 NM. Even if OBPMA is required only for RNAV operations, the Airbus aircraft are equipped with an OBPMA, and have a high navigation performance. Therefore the flight crew operates both RNAV and RNP procedures in the same way: • With an OBPMA to monitor the position performance. • With an OBPMA set to the lower possible RNP value (often less than specified by the procedure). The following Figure 79 summarizes the operational area of the different RNAV and RNP procedures.

Figure 79: RNAV and RNP Operational Area

The NAA may require an operational approval for the Operator’s intended PBN operations. Before any PBN operations, the Operator demonstrates the following: • The individual aircraft capability. • The update of relevant operational manuals and aircraft documentation. • The appropriate training of the flight crew and ground operators.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

For each type of PBN operations, Airbus demonstrated the aircraft compliance with the applicable airworthiness regulations from EASA and FAA. This aircraft capability ensures the appropriate configuration for the intended PBN operations. The following tables provide an overview of the Airbus aircraft eligibility to RNAV and RNP procedures.




Flight Area

A300 A310






RNP 10



Terminal RNAV


FAA order 8400.12C AC90-105A


FAA AC90-96A


FAA AC90-100

without FMS






with FMS and without GNSS


with FMS and GNSS


without GNSS A320 A330 A340

FMS1 with GNSS FMS2 with GNSS




All Table 1: Aircraft Eligibility to RNAV operations


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1


Type Flight Area





Term/ App







RF legs capability





RNP 1 (Terminal)






without FMS A300 with FMS and A310 without GNSS

EASA FAA order FAA FAA FAA FAA CS-ACNS EASA EASA EASA FAA FAA 8400.33 AC90-105A AC90-105 AMC20-27 AC90-105 AMC20-28 AMC20-26 AC90-101A AC20-138C AC90-105 FAA AC90-105A (CASA) app2 app1&4 app5 AC20-138D AC90-105A




with FMS and GNSS without GNSS


A320 FMS1 A330 with GNSS A340 FMS2 with GNSS A380 All

A350 All


























































Table 2: Aircraft Eligibility to RNP operations

Note: _ Some PBN operations require an aircraft configuration that may require a dedicated modification to the aircraft Type Design (referred to as “option” in the table).

In order to prepare RNAV and RNP operations, update their Operations Manuals and aircraft documentations, and define a training program, the Operator should refer to the operational documentation of the aircraft: • AFM: The aircraft capability for RNAV and RNP operations is declared in the LIMITATIONS section (i.e. LIM-22-Flight Management System-Airworthiness Standards Compliance) of the AFM. For RNP AR operations, the ACD referenced in the AFM provides a technical complement on the demonstration of compliance with airworthiness and operational requirements.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

• FCOM: This operational manual provides the following information for each RNAV or RNP operations:

In the special operations section (i.e. FCOM-PRO-SPO)

R The minimum equipment configuration requested to initiate the procedure. R The approaches procedures. R The operational limitations, if any (for example, the time limitation when the IRS only position is used). R The recommendations on the use of the navigation modes.

In the normal procedure section (i.e. FCOM-PRO-NOR-22) of the FCOM.

R The procedures for NPA. • FCTM: Some additional details on aircraft functions and procedures are provided in the following sections:


R A dedicated chapter RADIUS TO FIX (RF) LEGS details the RF leg management (use of AP/FD, speed/wind/bank angle management). R A chapter NAVIGATION ACCURACY details the navigation position computation and indications, and use of FMS.


R A dedicated chapter NON PRECISION APPROACH details the characteristics of the NPA. • MMEL: The MMEL Items linked to the minimum configuration for RNAV and RNP operations should be taken into account in MEL for dispatch conditions.

Airbus provides some cockpit functions to operate PBN procedures and ease the flight crew tasks: • An accurate aircraft position and flight guidance (refer to Section 4.1 and 4.2). • A monitoring of the aircraft performance and capability (refer to Section 4.1). • Some dedicated HMIs and failure messages (refer to Section 4.3) to monitor deviations to the intended flight path. • High commonality of the NPA (FLS and SLS) with ILS precision approach (refer to Section 4.3.4). • The cockpit design and architecture of the A350 aircraft are “RNP AR” oriented with specific HMIs and management of abnormal conditions (refer to Section 4.4). For Navigation, the next step will be to introduce the time in addition to the 3D navigation constraints, so that the flight can be managed as closely as possible to the airspace user’s ideal profile, while optimizing the flow of air traffic. The PBN operations are part of a long term vision. Several initiatives such as European SESAR project, US NextGEN project or Japanese CARATS are creating efforts to develop technologies and procedures for a new-generation of the ATM.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Annexes #A


For the purpose of this document, the following definitions apply:

A A-RNP....Advanced RNP _ AC...........Advisory Circular (FAA/CASA) ACD........Airworthiness Compliance Document ACCUR...ACCURacy ADIRS.....Air Data and Inertial Reference System ADS-B....Automatic Dependent Surveillance — Broadcast ADS-C....Automated Dependent Surveillance — Contract AFM........Airplane Flight Manual AIC..........Aeronautical Information Circular AIP..........Aeronautical Information Publication AIRAC.....Aeronautical Information Regulation And Control AMC.......Acceptable Means of Compliance (EASA) ANSP......Air Navigation Service Provider APP........APProach AOC........Airline Operational Communication AP...........Auto-Pilot APCH......APproaCH APV.........Approach Procedure with Vertical guidance AR...........Authorization Required ARMA.....African Regional Monitoring Agency ASE.........Altimetry System Error ATC........Air Traffic Control ATM........Air Traffic Management ATS.........Air Traffic Service AUSOTS.AUStralian Organized Track System B B-RNAV.. Basic RNAV (RNAV 5) _ B-RNP....Basic RNP (RNP 1) BARO.....BAROmetric

C CASA......Civil Aviation Safety _ Authority (Australia) CAT........CATegory (approach and landing) CDA........Continuous Descent Approach CNS........Communications, Navigation and Surveillance CONF.....CONFiguration CPDLC...Controller-Pilot DataLink Communication CS...........Certification Specifications D DA...........Decision Altitude _ DES........DEScent DGAC.....Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile/ Direccion General de Aeronautica Civil DME.......Distance Measuring Equipment DO..........DOcument (RTCA) E EASA......European Aviation _ Safety Agency ECAC......European Civil Aviation Conference ECAM.....Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring ED...........Eurocae Document EGNOS...European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service ENR........EN-Route EO...........Engine Out EO ACC A LT Engine Out ACCelaration ALTitude EPE.........Estimated Position Error (equivalent to EPU) EPU........Estimated Position Uncertainty EUR........EURope


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

EUROCAE European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment EUROCONTROL European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation F F-G/S......FLS Glide Slope _ F-LOC.....FLS LOCalizer FAA.........Federal Aviation Administration FAF.........Final Approach Fix FAP.........Final Approach Point FCOM.....Flight Crew Operating Manual FCU........Flight Control Unit FD...........Flight Director FH...........Flight Hour FIR..........Flight Information Region FL...........Flight Level FLS.........FMS Landing System FMA........Flight Mode Annunciator FMS........Flight Management System FOSA......Flight Operational Safety Assessment FPA.........Flight Path Angle FPLN......Flight PLaN FRT.........Fixed Radius Transition FT...........Flight Time FTE.........Flight Technical Error G _

H _ I _

IFR..........Instrument Flight Rules ILS...........Instrument Landing System INS..........Inertial Navigation System IRS..........Inertial Reference System ISA..........International Standard Atmosphere ITP..........In-Trail Procedure J JAA.........Joint Aviation Authorities _ L L/DEV.....Lateral DEViation _ L/G.........Landing Gear LIM.........LIMitation part (FCOM) LNAV......Lateral NAVigation LOA........Letter Of Authorization/ Letter Of Acceptance LOC........LOCalizer LORAN...Long Range Aid to Air Navigation LP...........Localizer Performance LPV.........Localizer Performance with Vertical guidance LRNS......Long-Range Navigation System

M MCDU.....Multifunction Control _ and Display Unit MDA....... Minimum Descent Altitude MEL........Minimum Equipment List MFD........Multi-Function Display MMEL.....Master Minimum Equipment List MMR.......Minimum Monitoring G/S.........Glide Slope Requirement GBAS......Ground-Based MMR. . .....Multi-Mode Receiver Augmentation System MNPS..... M inimum Navigation GEN........GENeral Performance Specification GLS........GBAS Landing System MOC.......Minimum Obstacle GNSS......Global Navigation Clearance Satellite System MPD.......Maintenance Planning GPIRS.....Global Positioning and Document Inertial Reference System MRB........ Maintenance Review Board GPS........Global Positioning System MSA........Minimum Sector Altitude GPSSU...Global Positioning System Sensor Unit N NAA........ National Aviation Authority _ NAARMO North American Approvals HDG........HeaDinG Registry and Monitoring HF...........High Frequency Organization HMI.........Human-Machine Interface NANU.....Notice Advisory to NAVSTAR Users NAV........NAVigation IAP..........Instrument Approach NAVAID .NAVigation AID Procedure NAT........North ATlantic ICAO.......International Civil Aviation Organization ND..........Navigation Display


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

NDB........Navigation Data Base NDB........Non-Directional Beacon (see §2) NM..........Nautical Mile NORM....NORMal Procedures (FCOM) NOTAM..Notice To AirMen NPA........Non Precision Approach NSE........Navigation System Error O OBPMA..On Board Performance Monitoring and Alerting _ OCS........Obstacle Clearance Surface OEI..........One Engine Inoperative OESB......Oceanic Errors Safety Bulletin OM..........Operations Manual OTS........Organized Track System P P-RNAV..Precision RNAV (RNAV 2 / RNAV 1) _ PAC........PACifique PACOTS.PACific Organized Track PANS-OPS Procedures for Air Navigation Services — Aircraft Operations (ICAO) PANS-ATM Procedures for Air Navigation Services — Air Traffic Management (ICAO) PARMO..Pacific Approvals Registry and Monitoring Organization PBN........Performance Based Navigation PFD........Primary Flight Display PRO........PROcedures (FCOM part) PSR........Primary Surveillance Radar R RADAR...RAdio Detection and Ranging _ RAIM......Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring RF...........Radius-to-Fix RMA....... Regional Monitoring Agency RNAV......Area Navigation RNP........Required Navigation Performance RVSM.....Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum

S SAAR......Special Aircraft and Aircrew Authorization _ Required SAM........South America SB...........Service Bulletin SBAS......Satellite-Based Augmentation System SENEAM S  erviciós a la Navegacion en el Espacio Aéreo Mexicano SESAR....Single European Sky ATM Research SID..........Standard Instrument Departure SLS.........Satellite Landing System SOP........Standard Operating Procedures (FCOM) SPA........SPecial Approval SPD BRK SPeeD BReaK SPO.........SPecial Operations (FCOM) SSR........Secondary Surveillance Radar STAR......STandard instrument ARrival SUPP......SUPPlementary procedures (FCOM) T TAWS.....Terrain Awareness and Warning System _ TF...........Track-to-Fix TGL.........Temporary Guidance Leaflet (JAA) TLS.........Target Level of Safety TOAC......Time Of Arrival Control TOW.......Take-Off Weight TSE.........Total System Error TSO........Technical Standard Order U US...........United States of America _ V V/DEV.....Vertical DEViation _ VD...........Vertical Display VEB.........Vertical Error Budget VHF.........Very High Frequency VNAV......Vertical NAVigation VOR........VHF Omnidirectional radio Range W WAAS.....Wide Area Augmentation System _ X XTK.........Cross-Track deviation _


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1



1. SCOPE _ The Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) airspace was created to take into account the requirement for more fuel optimized profiles and increased the airspace capacity. As described on Figure 80, the scope of the RVSM airspace is defined between FL290 and FL410 included. Within these flight levels, the vertical separation of the tracks is reduced to 1000 ft (instead of 2000 ft in non-RVSM airspace).

NON-RVSM FL410 FL390 FL370 FL350 FL330 Figure 80: RVSM flight levels definition

FL310 FL290

RVSM FL410 FL400 FL390 FL380 FL370 FL360 FL350 FL340 FL330 FL320 FL310 FL300 FL290

Initially deployed in the North Atlantic area in 1997, the RVSM is deployed worldwide since 2008, as illustrated on Figure 81.

Figure 81: Overview of Worldwide Deployment of the RVSM (November 2011)

For example, refer to Australian AIP GEN 1.5 Section 10: “10. RVSM Approval and operations In Australia, RVSM is applied in accordance with the ICAO standard.” NAA may require an operational approval for the use of RVSM airspace in order to ensure that the aircraft will be able to maintain an accurate FL.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

The following chapters describe the requirements for operators to operate RVSM airspace: The airworthiness approval is completed by additional requirements for the Operators in order to obtain the initial operational approval. This operational approval will be regularly monitored by the NAA and RVSM management organizations.

2. AIRCRAFT _ 2.1 Airworthiness Regulations The RVSM capability of the aircraft is demonstrated and certified on the basis of the compliance demonstration with the airworthiness regulations. The RVSM airworthiness approval relies on the compliance with the airworthiness section of the following guidance materials: • ICAO Annex 6 (Appendix 4 & Section 7.2) • FAA AC 91-85 Section 10 (superseding FAA Interim guidelines 91-RVSM) • EASA CS-ACNS.E.RVSM (superseding JAA TGL 6 Rev1). The compliance of the aircraft with RVSM airworthiness regulations is declared in the “LIMITATIONS / 34 Navigation / RVSM” section of the AFM. Figure 82: RVSM Capability Declaration in AFM

The example below shows a possible extract of the AFM. This example is for information only. The content depends on individual aircraft configuration.

2.2 Requirements on Systems The minimum equipment configuration is provided in the “AFM-NORM-34 NAV-RVSM” Section of the AFM. This list should be taken into account in MEL for dispatch conditions. Figure 83: Minimum Equipment Configuration in AFM

The example below shows a possible extract of the AFM. This example is for information only. The content depends on individual aircraft configuration.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

2.3 Navigation Performance Requirements The aircraft performance requirements are mainly defined by the following criteria: • Aircraft Mean Altimetry System Error (ASE) is less than 80 ft. • Aircraft Mean ASE + 3 standard deviation is less than 200 ft. • AP keep the aircraft altitude less than 65 ft from the selected altitude under non turbulent, no gust conditions.

2.4 Airbus Aircraft Eligibility RVSM capability is basic on all Airbus aircraft in production.

3. OPERATOR _ 3.1 Operational Regulations The section SPA.RVSM of EASA AIR OPERATIONS requires to obtain an operational approval to operate the RVSM airspace, based on the following items: • Aircraft airworthiness approval. • Program of Monitoring of the height-keeping errors. • Flight crew training program. • Operating procedures and operational manual update that takes into account the normal/abnormal and contingency procedures in RVSM environment. This operational regulation also defines the minimum equipment list and criteria for height-keeping errors. In addition the Operator provides evidences of a validation flight for initial approval, and then performs a recurrent monitoring flight. Some organizations dedicated to RVSM (for example NAARMO for North American area, PARMO for Pacific area, RMA for the European area, or ARMA for the African and Indian ocean area) monitor the approved RVSM aircraft. These organizations maintain databases of RVSM-approved aircraft based on aircraft data, validation flights, and monitoring flight that demonstrates height-keeping performance. The validation flight is performed on the basis of a flight over a fixed ground station (refer to as Height Monitoring Unit method) or with the use of an autonomous GPS station on-board (refer to as GPS Monitoring Unit method). The Operator must perform a monitoring flight at least every 1000 flights or two years. This flight is initiated by the Operator, on each aircraft or on partial fleet (depending on the aircraft category, refer to the definition of RVSM Minimum Monitoring Requirement (MMR) Tables (or MMR chart) on above organizations’ website).


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

3.2 Operator Procedure 3.2.1 Dispatch Figure 84: Aircraft Minimum Configuration for RVSM Operations

The MEL is updated in accordance with RVSM operations. The MEL can be based on MMEL and the minimum configuration defined in the special operations “FCOM-PRO-SPO-RVSM” of the FCOM (refer to the Figure 84).

For the preflight phase, the Operator performs the following tasks: • Check the NOTAMS. • Insert RVSM capability in the ATS flight plan in accordance with the ICAO or the NAA recommendations (refer to Annex E): “W” indication is inserted in the first part of ITEM 10 (or “Q” indication for repetitive flight plan). • Inspect the external fuselage skin around static probes. During cockpit preparation, the flight crew performs the following tasks: • Compare altimeter sources: The difference shall not exceed specified limits defined in the FCOM. • Check the warning messages before take-off.

3.2.2 Flight Crew A Training of the flight crew is necessary. The training should focus on the following elements: • Knowledge and understanding of the RVSM concepts and associated ATC phraseology. • FCOM content (normal/abnormal/contingency procedures, limitations). • Knowledge of the requirements for RVSM provided in the “Guidance concerning Air Navigation in and above the North Atlantic MNPS Airspace” (NAT Doc 007). • Additional airspace characteristics (for example, the “Oceanic Errors Safety Bulletin” (OESB)).


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1


MNPS/HLA _ 1. SCOPE _ The initial Minimum Navigation Performance Specification (MNPS) was established in 1977 to ensure that the risk of collision, as a result of a loss of horizontal separation, will be contained within an agreed Target Level of Safety. The NAT MNPS has been re-designated NAT High Level Airspace (NAT HLA) in 2016. The NAT HLA airspace is defined between FL285 and FL420 inclusive. Only HLA MNPS-approved aircraft are permitted to operate within the NAT HLA airspace in order to ensure the safe separation between aircraft. As illustrated on Figure 85, the HLA mainly applies for the North Atlantic area.

Note: _ Since 4 February 2016, the NAT MNPS airspace is re-designated NAT HLA airspace (HLA). This change supports the MNPS to Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) transition plan. HLA MNPS approval requires RNP 4 or RNAV 10 (RNP 10) capability.

Figure 85: MNPS Operational Area


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

2. AIRCRAFT _ Aircraft that operate in this airspace are required to comply with HLA MNPS requirements. The requirements are provided in the NAT Doc 007. As per NAT Doc 007 Section 1, the aircraft shall : • Be equipped with two LRNS with continuous indication of the aircraft position relative to the desired track. Figure 86: MNPS capability requirements

• Have at least RNP 4 or RNAV 10 capability which comply with the navigation performance criteria. • Have RVSM capability.

The minimum equipment configuration is based on requirements of RNP 4 or RNAV 10, and RVSM configuration, which is provided in the special operations section (i.e. FCOM-PRO-SPO) of the FCOM. This list should be taken into account in MEL for dispatch conditions.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

Note: _ Aircraft that have been NAT MNPS-approved by NAA are permitted to operate in the NAT HLA until 2020.

3. OPERATOR _ Aircraft without NAT HLA MNPS Approvals may fly across the North Atlantic below FL285. The requirements for NAT HLA operations are defined in NAT Doc 007. The ICAO NAT SUPPs and Doc 7030, the EASA AIR OPERATIONS (existing SPA. MNPS), FAA material will be updated in accordance with HLA specification of NAT Doc 007. The HLA MNPS operational approval will be based on former MNPS approval that is based on the following items: • Navigation equipment in accordance with performance requirements. • Navigation displays, indicators and controls. • Appropriate flight crew training. • Availability of the operating procedures. For the preflight phase, the Operator indicates both the HLA/ MNPS and RVSM capability in the ATS flight plan in accordance with ICAO or NAA recommendations: • Insert the letter “X” indication for HLA/ MNPS in the first part of the ITEM 10. • Insert the letter “W” indication for RVSM in the first part of the ITEM 10. Additional requirements are detailed in NAT Doc 007 Section 4, depending on aircraft navigation and communication capability.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1


ORGANIZED TRACKS _ An Organized Track System (OTS) provides cost-saving opportunities for Operators on fuel burn and flight time. Figure 87 illustrates the existing NAT OTS in North Atlantic, PACOTS in Pacific, and AUSOTS in Australia. These flexible tracks, which provide some optimized routes, take into account meteorological conditions (i.e. jet stream), as well as user needs, military activity, volcanic activity and other limitations.

Figure 87: Example of Organized Track Systems

A significant part of the oceanic traffic operates on tracks, which vary from day to day. The variability of winds makes a fixed track system not optimized in terms of flight time and fuel usage. However, due to the traffic flow, the absence of any designated tracks (i.e. a free flow system) may not be possible to manage because of the large procedural separation standards in airspace without radar surveillance. As a result, an OTS is established on a day to day basis for each of the Westbound and Eastbound flows. Each OTS includes a set of tracks. The position of these tracks takes into account the different constraints to suit the traffic.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1



Figure 88: Example of Organized Track Systems

During the preflight phase, the NAAs require to include the PBN capability in the ATS flight plan request in order to receive the desired PBN routing. The ICAO Procedures for Air Navigation Services – Air Traffic Management (ICAO PANS-ATM Doc. 4444 Annex 2) provides guidance for NAA to define their standard of flight plan, particularly for item 10 and 18. The amendment 1 to PANS-ATM (referred to as FPL2012) provided new indications for the provision of CNS capabilities. Eurocontrol has published a leaflet providing recommendations for operators to fill in the ICAO flight plan. It is available at The FAA has also published recommendations for operators to fill in the flight plan on the following website: air_traffic_services/flight_plan_filing/ Particularly, if the aircraft has more than 8 PBN capabilities, the following website provides some additional guidelines: air_traffic_services/flight_plan_filing/media/Guidance_Item_10_18.pdf Or refer to the following website, which provides a guidance table for FAA operational approval: air_traffic_services/flight_plan_filing/media/op_approval_guidance.pdf













The summary of the PBN indications is described in the following table:

All p sen ermitt sors ed GNS S

Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1




































































RNP AR APCH without RF







Table 3: ATS Flight Plan Coding

If the aircraft has several PBN capabilities, they must be concatenated in ITEM 18 (Example: PBN/A1L1B1C1D1O1S2). If the aircraft has PBN capability for all permitted sensors, each single capability must not be concatenated (for example, set B1 instead of B1B2B3B4B5B6). For RNP APCH, the Operator should select S1 or S2. For RNP APCH with LPV operations, in addition to PBN/S1 or S2, the Operator should add NAV/ SBAS in item 18.) For RNP AR APCH, the operator should select T1 or T2 (aircraft capable of RNP AR APCH with RF are also capable of RNP AR APCH without RF leg). For RNP 2 operations, the Operator should refer to the local State AIP/AIC. In Australia, for RNP 2 operations, the item 18 could be “NAV/RNP2” (refer to the AIP Australia ENR The implementation of the ICAO guidance by the NAA may differ, but the guidance are defined in the State AIP/AIC. For example, refer to French AIP ENR 1.10: “To indicate P-RNAV equipment based solely on VOR / DME position fixing, operators enter the letter 'Z' in field 10 of the flight plan and the descriptor "EURPRNAV" after the indicator NAV/ in the field 18.”


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1



• ICAO ANNEX 6 Part I: “Operation of Aircraft” – 9 Ed. 2010. • ICAO DOC 4444: “Procedures for Air Navigation Services Air Traffic Management” – 15 Ed. 2007. • ICAO DOC 7030: “Regional Supplementary Procedures” – 5 Ed. 2008. • ICAO DOC 8168: “Procedures for Air Navigation Services – Aircraft Operations” – Volume I: 5 Ed. 2006 / Volume II: 6 Ed. 2014. • ICAO DOC 9613: “Performance-based Navigation (PBN) Manual” – 4 Ed. 2013.

• ICAO DOC 9905: “Required Navigation Performance Authorization Required (RNP AR) Procedure Design Manual” – 1 Ed. 2009. • ICAO NAT DOC 007: “North Atlantic Operations and Airspace Manual” NAT%20Documents/NAT%20Doc%20007/NAT%20Doc%20007V2016-1.pdf


• EASA AIR OPERATIONS: “Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 of 5 October 2012 laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures related to air operations” (superseding former JAR-OPS and EU-OPS). HTML/?uri=CELEX:02012R0965-20150514&qid=1433152602876&from=EN

• EASA AMC 20-4 (part of AMC 20 initial issue - ED Decision 2003/12/ RM): “Airworthiness Approval and Operational Criteria For the Use of Navigation Systems in European Airspace Designated For Basic RNAV Operations” – 05 November 2003.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

• EASA AMC 20-12 (part of AMC 20 amendment 1 - ED Decision 2006/12/R Annex I): “Recognition Of FAA Order 8400.12a For RNP-10 Operations” – 22 December 2006. • EASA AMC 20-26 (part of AMC 20 amendment 5 - ED Decision 2009/019/R Annex II): “Airworthiness Approval and Operational Criteria for RNP Authorisation Required (RNP AR) Operations” – 23 December 2009. • EASA AMC 20-27 (part of AMC 20 amendment 5 - ED Decision 2009/019/R Annex III): “Airworthiness Approval and Operational Criteria for RNP APPROACH (RNP APCH) Operations Including APV BAROVNAV Operations” – 23 December 2009. • EASA AMC 20-28 (part of AMC 20 amendment 9 - ED Decision 2012/014/R Annex II): “Airworthiness Approval and Operational Criteria related to Area Navigation for Global Navigation Satellite System approach operation to Localiser Performance with Vertical guidance minima using Satellite Based Augmentation System” – 24 September 2012. • EASA CS-ACNS: “Certification Specifications and Acceptable Means of Compliance for Airborne Communications, Navigation and Surveillance CS-ACNS” – 17 December 2013. certification-specifications/cs-acns-initial-issue • JAA TGL10 revision 1: “Airworthiness And Operational Approval For Precision RNAV Operations In Designated European Airspace” – 01 October 2005. • JAA TGL6 revision 1: “Guidance Material On The Approval Of Aircraft And Operators FOR Flight In Airspace Above Flight Level 290 Where a 300M (1,000 FT) Vertical Separation minimum Is Applied” – 01 October 1999.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1

3. FAA _

• FAA order 8400.12A: “Required Navigation Performance 10 (RNP-10) operational approval” – 09 February 1998. • FAA order 8400.33: “Procedures for Obtaining Authorization for Required Navigation Performance 4 (RNP-4) Oceanic and Remote Area Operations” – 15 September 2005. • FAA AC 20-138C: “Airworthiness Approval of Positioning and Navigation Systems” – 08 May 2012. go/document.information/documentID/1019965 • FAA AC 20-138D: “Airworthiness Approval of Positioning and Navigation Systems” – 28 March 2014. go/document.information/documentID/1023966 • FAA AC 90-96A change 1: “Approval of U.S. Operators and Aircraft to Operate under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) in European Airspace Designated for Basic Area Navigation (B-RNAV)/RNAV 5 and Precision Area Navigation (P-RNAV)” – 12 November 2010. 90-96A%20CHG%201.pdf • FAA AC 90-100A change 2: “U.S. Terminal and En Route Area Navigation (RNAV) Operations” – 14 April 2015. • FAA AC 90-101A change 1: “Approval Guidance for RNP Procedures with AR” – 09 February 2016. go/document.information/documentID/903610 • FAA AC 90-105A: “Approval Guidance for RNP Operations and Barometric Vertical Navigation in the U.S. National Airspace System and in Oceanic and Remote Continental Airspace” – 07 March 2016. go/document.information/documentID/1029146 • FAA AC 90-107: “Guidance for Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance and Localizer Performance without Vertical Guidance Approach Operations in the U.S. National Airspace System” – 11 February 2011. 90-107.pdf • FAA AC 91-85: “Authorization of Aircraft and Operators for Flight in Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum Airspace” – 21 August 2009. 91-85.pdf


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1


• AIC Brasil A 20/2013: “Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) Implementation in theBrazilian Airspace” – 2013. • AIC France A 28/15: “Mandatory Compliance of On-board Navigation Equipment with ICAO RNAV 1 Specification for Aircraft To and From PARIS-CHARLES DE GAULLE, PARIS-ORLY and PARIS-LE BOURGET Aerodromes” – 26 November 2015. AIC_A_2015_28_EN.pdf • AIP Australia ENR 1.10-3.3.2: “GNSS Notification” 21 august 2014. • AIP China ENR 3.3: “M503” – 01 March 2015. • AIP France ENR 1.5.5: “RNAV (GNSS) APPROACH PROCEDURES” – 28 April 2016. • AIP France ENR 1.10: “Flight planning” – 28 April 2016. • AIP Hong Kong GEN 1.5 3.5.2: “RNP 1 SID / STAR”. • AIP USA ENR 7.4: “Operational Policy 50 NM Lateral Separation” – January 2015.

• CASA AC 91U-II-C-2(0): “Navigation Authorisations – RNP 2” – September 2012. 1998casr/091/091uc02-c02.pdf

5. RTCA _

• RTCA/DO-200A: “Standards for Processing Aeronautical Data” – 28 September 1998.


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1


• EUROCAE/ED-76: “Standards for Processing Aeronautical Data” – October 1998


•C  NS|ATM website - functionnal descriptions, existing operational mandates Go to Section Content library/Flight Operations/ Operational Material • Getting to grips with Surveillance – addressing TCAS, Transponder, ADS-B OUT, ADS-B IN (ATSAW/ITP), TAWS (EGPWS), Weather RADAR, Airport Navigation (OANS/ANF). Go to Section Content library/Flight Operations/ Operational Expertise/Getting to Grips/Surveillance. • Getting to grips with FANS – addressing datalink communication concept using FANS (CPDLC, OCL, DCL, D-ATIS, ATS623, ACARS, ATN). Go to Section Content library/Flight Operations/ Operational Expertise/Getting to Grips/FANS.


• ARMA: “AFI RVSM Regional Monitoring Agency” • NAARMO: “North American Approvals Registry and Monitoring Organization” • PARMO: “Pacific Approvals Registry and Monitoring Organization” • RMA: “European Regional Monitoring Agency”


Getting to Grips with PBN - Issue 1


AIRBUS S.A.S. 31707 Blagnac Cedex, France © AIRBUS S.A.S. 2016 - All rights reserved, Airbus, its logo and the product names are registered trademarks. October 2016. Concept design by Airbus Multi Media Support 20162377. Photos by Airbus.