GSv4-U2-LP-Unit02 Lesson Plans [PDF]

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UNIT 2 Lesson Plans

Using the Lesson Plans The goal of the GrapeSEED curriculum is to use natural language acquisition methods to engage students in communication while learning English. Our lesson plans are intended to make it easier for teachers to deliver engaging lessons that focus on developing comprehension in a meaningful way. Each lesson is part of a purposeful, natural progression that is designed to meet specific component objectives. The Class Overview, provided at the beginning of each set of Lesson Plans, shows how instruction flows throughout the unit. The Class Overview shows which components are included in each of the 30 lessons. The Lesson Plans have been created based on a progression of learning using the appropriate number of exposures for each component. The components have been woven into the lessons to balance variety and movement with support for comprehension. Lesson Plans are easy to follow and implement. Since the progression of learning builds each day, it is important to always start with Lesson 1 and teach each lesson in order through Lesson 30. Lesson Plans are designed for 40-minute classes. At the beginning of each unit, the actual time listed is approximately 30 minutes. This is to allow for the time it takes to introduce new content and address classroom management needs. Later in the unit, as the content becomes familiar, the actual time listed is between 35-40 minutes. Throughout the unit, teachers should complete the lesson in 40-minutes. Each Component includes approximate time allotment, teaching steps to follow and information about what to anticipate for student responses. Questions are used throughout the lessons to engage students. The variety of questions and language used in different contexts help students learn to use the language in meaningful ways. The lesson plans support a variety of questions requiring different answers. Repeatedly asking the same questions and expecting students to respond with memorized language does not help students communicate authentically. Additionally, memorized responses can lead to a false sense of language acquisition. Remember that questions are not a test. Seeing how students respond to questions will help teachers identify what content students understand. Student responses should inform teacher instruction. Based on student interaction, teachers can be more purposeful in conveying the meaning of the language as they teach. In the early stage of a unit, students most likely will not be able to respond to questions. As teachers prepare for the lesson, they will need to think of ways to help students understand the question when the students do not respond. At times this may be as simple as pointing to the picture or using gestures while repeating the question. When students understand and respond with a word or gesture, be excited and give them recognition. Always model the correct full response for the class to hear after students have attempted to respond.


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Things to remember when using questions:  Keep the class positive and relaxed.  Direct questions to the class and allow students to respond spontaneously.  Avoid putting students on the spot or calling on individuals before they appear to be ready. Transitions are activities which allow students to move during learning. To keep students engaged throughout the lesson, transitions should occur every 5-8 minutes. Every classroom situation will be different, so how and where the transition will happen needs to be planned by the teacher. Note: Action Activities are a great form of movement and may take the place of a Transition during the lessons. Planning time should be used to review and understand the lesson plan, learn the main objectives, prepare materials, and plan transitions. Follow the steps in the teacher column while keeping in mind the main goal listed in the student column. Remember that there is a systematic review built into the curriculum. Do not expect complete mastery or memorization before moving on to the next unit. Mastery and comprehension will continue to build throughout later units. Key Terms and Abbreviations AA: Action Activity BB: Shared Reading Big Book SD: Story Dictionary VPC: Vocabulary Picture Cards PC: Phonogram Card PWC: Phonogram Word Card S-T-S: Student-Teacher-Student T-S: Teacher-Student

Feedback on the Lesson Plans Your feedback is important to us! If you have questions or comments about a specific lesson plan, please let us know at:


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Preparing to Teach a Lesson Step 1: Read through the lesson plan to learn the content and flow.  Review the order the Components will be taught and the allotted time.  Review the teaching steps for each component in the Teacher column.  Underlined words can be substituted.  Phrases the teachers should say are italicized.  Quotation marks (“s”) indicate the letter.  A slash (/z/) indicates the specific sound.  The Student column notes the objective or possible student response. Step 2: Review and mentally process the questions.  Note the steps to take for teaching each component (questions to ask, language expressions to model, or details like the pronunciation focus) and write them on post-it notes to place on the back of each teaching card for quick reference during the lesson.  Think about each question being asked and how to help students understand the question if they don’t respond. Step 3: Plan your Transitions.  Notice where each Transition time falls throughout the lesson. Determine where each component will be taught (front of the room, corner, on the floor, etc.) and how to transition throughout the lesson.  Consider the space needed to complete the Action Activities. Step 4: Plan for extra time at the end of the lesson.  Lesson plans have bonus component suggestions. Have one or two components prepared to use in case you finish the lesson plan early. Consider components or Writers that were not completed in prior lessons. Step 5: Gather teaching tools.  Gather the Vocabulary Picture Cards (VPCs) for the lesson using the VPCs Needed list at the top of each lesson.  Gather the Teaching Cards for all Components in the lesson.  In the Related Items column, gather the noted Phonogram Cards (PCs), Phonogram Word Cards (PWCs), and any props needed. Step 6: Organize the materials.  Put teaching materials in the order of the lesson at the different locations (front, back, corner, etc.) based on planned transitions for easy access. Step 7: Lesson Wrap Up  Mark any components that were not completed on the lesson plan. These components may be used when planning for extra time in future lessons. Step 8: Reflection  After teaching the lesson, take time to reflect on the lesson.  What went well? What could you have done better?  What did students struggle to understand?  If provided, think about the reflection question at the bottom of the lesson.  Make notes as needed or list questions to discuss with a trainer.


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Unit 2 Class Overview


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Unit 2 Lesson 1


VPCs Needed: boot [2], brush [3], bu on [4], cap [5], circle/line [6], comb [7], hat [15], in/out [16],  march [17] pat [21], pocket [22], point [23], rub [24], shirt [25], shoes [26], shorts [28], skip [29], skirt [30],  sky [31], stomp [33], sweatshirt [36], toothbrush [38], touch [40], toys [41]  Component

Related Items

Nice Things to Say (Song)




Sing the song pointing to the pictures. Sing the song again using puppets or your hands as you act it out.

Listen to identify the phrases “thank you” and “you’re welcome.”

Phonograms 0:30-1:00

g, l, u (U2) d, f, k, m, z (U1)

Use the U2 PCs. Say the name of the letter, then air-write it twice while saying its sound(s). Air-write and review the sounds of the U1 PCs.

Listen to the letter sounds.



Teach the VPC (T-S 2x) and point out the toys and cars in the picture. Air-write the PC twice while saying the sound /b/. Say the sound /b/ and read the words on the PWC. Point out the sound /b/ in the poem. Read the poem twice as you track the words. Ask, “Are you a boy?” Model saying, “I am a ___.”

Recognize the word toys using picture clues.

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Model the actions while singing. Help the class make a circle and move in a circle as they do the actions.

Recognize words using picture clues.

Use the book to tell the story. Have the class up close so they can see the pictures.

Recognize the meaning of picture vocabulary words and phrases from Unit 1.

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Go through the book pointing to the pictures and naming the blue things. Sing it once and read it once tracking the words each time.

Recognize words using picture clues.




Hold Hands with a Friend

circle/line, march, skip


(Action Activity)


Transition 1:00 Jonny Bear Goes to the Zoo (Story Dictionary)


Blue (Big Book)


brush, comb (noun), in/out, shirt, shorts, sky

Transition 1:00

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Related Items



Point and Pat

pat, point, rub, touch

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Touch your fingers, toes, face, hair, arms, stomach, and shoulders as you name them (T-S 2x). Ask the class to stand up and do the actions with you as you say and model them.

Recognize words using picture clues.

boot, button, cap, hat, pocket, shoes, skirt, sweatshirt, toothbrush

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Tell the story while pointing to the pictures and using gestures. Pick up your pointer and model, "I have one pointer in my hand."

Recognize words using picture clues.


Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Say it once and sing it once at a normal pace, modeling actions each time.

Recognize words using picture clues.

(Action Activity)


Ten Things (Story)


Stand Up and Look Around (Song)


Extra Time Activity Show the “Mother Who Lives in a Boot” Story on the DVD.

Teacher Reflection Question Do you know your material well enough?


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Unit 2 Lesson 2


VPCs Needed: boot [2], brush [3], bu on [4], cap [5], circle/line [6], comb [7], hat [15], in/out [16],  march [17] pants [20], pat [21], pocket [22], point [23], rub [24], shirt [25], shoes [26], shorts [28], skip [29],  skirt [30], sky [31], stomp [33], sweatshirt [36], toothbrush [38], touch [40], toys [41]  Component

Related Items



Stand Up and Look Around


Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Have the class stand up and do the actions with you as you say it once and sing it once.

Respond to directions with actions.

boot, button, cap, hat, pants, pocket, shoes, skirt, sweatshirt, toothbrush

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Tell the story as you point to the pictures and use gestures. Show the class how many pockets you have and ask how many they have. Model saying, "I have ____ pockets."

Listen to identify the words for numbers 1-10.

(Action Activity)

pat, point, rub, touch

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Touch your fingers, toes, face, hair, arms, stomach, and shoulders as you name them (T-S 2x). Invite the class to stand and do the actions with you as you say the commands and model them. Watch and make sure the students understand the difference between point to and touch. When you say, "Point to ___," make sure they're pointing and not touching.

Listen to identify the word point.

Phonograms 1:00-1:30

g, l, u (U2) d, f, k, m, z (U1)

Use the U2 PCs. Say the name of the letter, then air-write it twice together while saying its sound(s). Air-write and say the sounds of the U1 PCs together.

Listen to the sounds while air-writing the letters.



Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Hold up the PC and name the letter “b” then air-write it twice while saying the sound /b/. Say the sound /b/ and read the words on the PWC. Point out the letter “B/b” in the title Boy and say the sound /b/. Read the poem twice as you point to the pictures once and track the words once.

Listen to sounds in words.


2:00-2:30 Ten Things



Point and Pat 2:30-3:00





Transition 1:00

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Related Items




brush, comb (noun), in/out, shirt, shorts, sky

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Go through the book pointing to the pictures and naming the blue things. Sing it once and read it once, tracking the words each time.

Recognize words using picture clues.

Tell the story expressively, pointing to the pictures, and using gestures.

Recognize the meaning of picture vocabulary words and phrases from Unit 1.

Sing the song as you point to the pictures. Sing the song again using puppets to convey the meaning of the song.

Listen to identify the phrases “I’m sorry” and “it’s okay.”

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Help the class hold hands in a circle. Then, move in a circle as they do the actions. Model the actions while singing.

Listen to identify the phrases “make a circle” and “hold hands.”

(Big Book)


Jonny Bear Goes to the Zoo (Story Dictionary)


Transition 1:00 Nice Things to Say (Song)

2:30-3:00 Hold Hands with a Friend

circle/line, march, skip

(Action Activity)


Extra Time Activity Show the “Mother Who Lives in a Boot” Story on the DVD.

Teacher Reflection Question When pointing to the material, were you blocking the view from your students on the far right or left?


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Unit 2 Lesson 3


VPCs Needed: boot [2], brush [3], bu on [4], cap [5], circle/line [6], comb [7], hat [15], in/out [16],  march [17] pants [20], pat [21], pocket [22], point [23], rub [24], shirt [25], shoes [26], shorts [28], skip [29],  skirt [30], sky [31], stomp [33], sweatshirt [36], toothbrush [38], touch [40], toys [41]  Component

Related Items

Nice Things to Say (Song)

2:30-3:00 Boy





Sing the song twice as you point to the pictures. Say to a student or the class, “Thank you for sitting so nicely.”

Listen to identify the phrases “thank you” and “you’re welcome.”

Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Hold up the PC and say the name of the letter. Air-write it twice while saying its sound. Hold up the PWC. Point out the sound and read the words. Point to the letter “k” in the poem and say the sound /k/. Read the word like emphasizing the sound /k/. Read the poem twice as you track the words.

Listen to review sounds in words.



Phonograms 1:00-1:30

g, l, u (U2) d, f, k, m, z (U1)

Use the U2 PCs. Say the name of the letter. Then, air-write it twice together while saying its sound(s). Air-write and say the sounds of the U1 PCs together.

Listen to the sounds while air-writing the letters.

Hold Hands with a Friend

circle/line, march, skip

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Show the class how to tiptoe. Invite the class to do the actions with you as you model them while singing.

Listen to identify the word tiptoe.

Ask, "Where does Jonny Bear go? Do you go to the zoo?" Tell the story as you point to the pictures.

Respond to simple questions about Jonny Bear and his family.

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Point to the blue items in the book and name them. Let the class help read the title. Sing the song twice tracking the words each time.

Listen to identify the word blue.


(Action Activity)


Transition 1:00 Jonny Bear Goes to the Zoo (Story Dictionary)

4:30-5:00 Blue (Big Book)


brush, comb (noun), in/out, shirt, shorts, sky

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Related Items



Stand Up and Look Around


Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Have the class stand up and do the actions as you say and sing it once each. Watch that students are stomping feet and not just one foot.

Respond to directions with actions.

button, boot, cap, hat, skirt, pocket, shoes, sweatshirt, pants, toothbrush

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Tell the story as you point to the pictures and use gestures. Hold a toothbrush in your hand and model saying, "I have one toothbrush in my hand."

Listen to identify the phrase “I have __ in my __.”

pat, point, rub, touch

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Touch your fingers, toes, face, hair, arms, stomach, and shoulders as you name them (T-S 2x). Give commands and model the actions. With pat, see that students are not hitting.

Listen to identify the word pat.



Transition 1:00 Ten Things (Story)


Point and Pat (Action Activity)


Extra Time Activity Show the “Mother Who Lives in a Boot” Story on the DVD.

Teacher Reflection Question Did you keep eye contact with your students to know whether or not they were focused?


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Unit 2 Lesson 4


VPCs Needed: brush [3], bu on [4], cap [5], circle/line [6], comb [7], hat [15], in/out [16], march [17]  pants [20], pat [21], pocket [22], point [23], rub [24], shirt [25], shoes [26], shorts [28], skip [29], skirt [30],  sky [31], stomp [33], sweatshirt [36], toothbrush [38], touch [40], toys [41]  Component

Related Items



Stand Up and Look Around


Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Tell the class to look up/down, and look around. Have the class stand up and do the actions with you as you sing it twice at a normal pace.

Listen to identify the word look.

Phonograms 1:00-1:30

g, l, u (U2) d, f, k, m, z (U1)

Use the U2 PCs. Say the name of the letter, then air-write it twice together while saying its sound(s). Air-write and say the sounds of the U1 PCs together.

Listen to the sounds while air-writing the letters.



Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Hold up the PC and say the name of the letter. Then, air-write it twice as you say its sound. Say the sound and read the words on the PWC. Point out the /b/ sound in the poem and read the word. Read the poem and then invite the class to read along with you.

Follow words left to right and top to bottom.

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Touch your toes, face, hair, arms, stomach, fingers, and shoulders as you name them (T-S 2x). Give commands and model the actions, watching to see that all students are following.

Listen to identify the word touch.

Tell the story as you keep eye contact with your students. Ask, “Who does Jonny go to the zoo with? Do you go to the zoo with your family?”

Respond to questions.

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Sing and read it once each as you track the words. Looking out the window ask, "What color is the sky today?"

Recognize the color blue and name it.






Point and Pat

pat, point, rub, touch

(Action Activity)



Transition 1:00 Jonny Bear Goes to the Zoo (Story Dictionary)

4:30-5:00 Blue (Big Book)


brush, comb (noun), in/out, shirt, shorts, sky

Transition 1:00

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Related Items



Ten Things   3:30-4:00

button, cap, hat, pants, pocket, shoes, skirt, sweatshirt, toothbrush

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Tell the story. Emphasize the sounds /n/ in one, clean, on, run, nine, ten, and /r/ in wear, floor, door, chair, and or. Model saying, “I have shoes on my feet.”

Listen to sounds in words.

Hold Hands with a Friend

circle/line, march, skip

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Help the class understand the difference between the actions march and walk. Model the actions while singing.

Listen to identify the word march.

Sing the song twice. Hand something to a student and help him say, "Thank you!" Respond, "You're welcome!"

Listen to identify the phrase “you’re welcome.”


(Action Activity)


Nice Things to Say (Song)


Extra Time Activity Show the “Mother Who Lives in a Boot” Story on the DVD.

Teacher Reflection Question Were you able to point to the pictures accurately to convey the meaning?


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Unit 2 Lesson 5


VPCs Needed: brush [3], comb [8], doll [9], eat [11], fish [12], food [13], in/out [16], open/close (shut)  [18], pajamas [19], pants [20], short/long [27], shorts [28], sky [31], socks [32], sweater [35], sweatshirt [36],  swim [37], wash [44], wiggle [45], worm [46] 


Related Items



Early in the Morning (Song)

brush, comb (verb), eat, food, wash

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Touch your face, hair, and teeth as you name them (T-S 2x). Sing the song as you point to the pictures and use gestures to help students understand wash our face, comb our hair, brush our teeth, and eat our food.

Recognize words using picture clues.

Phonograms 1:00-1:30

b, u (U2) d, f, k, m, z (U1)

Use the U2 PCs. Say the name of the letter, then air-write it twice together while saying its sound(s). Air-write and say the sounds of the U1 PCs together.

Listen to the sounds while air-writing the letters.



Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Hold up the "g" PC and say the name of the letter. Air-write it together twice while saying the first sound and hold up two fingers as you say the second sound. Say the sound(s) and read the words on the "g" PWC. Say the sound as you air-write the "l" PC together. Say the sound and read the words on the "l" PWC. Point to the letter “g” in the poem and read the word girl emphasizing the sound /g/. Read the poem as you point to the pictures and again as you track the words.

Recognize words using picture clues.

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Model each action as you go through the activity. Model “wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle” and “Now, let’s STOP!”

Recognize words using picture clues.

Touch your arms, foot/feet, legs, ears, and eyes as you name them (T-S 2x). Sing it once and read it once as you track the words each time.

Follow words left to right and top to bottom.




PCs, PWCs:

Just Wiggle!

fish, sky, swim, wiggle, worm

(Action Activity)


g, l

Transition 1:00 Two (Big Book)


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Related Items



Too Big, Too Small

pajamas, pants, short/ long, shorts, socks, sweater, sweatshirt

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Tell the story as you point to the pictures and use gestures.

Recognize words using picture clues.


Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Touch your eyes, ears, nose, cheeks, chin, lips, and tooth/teeth as you name them (T-S 2x). Sing the song twice, using the card once and gestures once.

Recognize words using picture clues.

open/close (shut)

Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Model actions as you say it twice. Open the door as you say, “Open the door.”

Recognize words using picture clues.

Tell the story as you point to the pictures.

Recognize words using picture clues.


3:30-4:00 Transition 1:00 Two Little Eyes (Song)


My Hands (Action Activity)


What Can You Do? (Story)


Extra Time Activity Sing the "Nice Things to Say" Song. Do the "Hold Hands With a Friend" Action Activity if you still have extra time. Teacher Reflection Question Did the gestures you used for the components help to convey the meaning?


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Unit 2 Lesson 6 VPCs Needed: brush [3], bu on [4], comb [8], doll [9], eat [11], fish [12], food [13], in/out [16], open/ close (shut) [18], pajamas [19], pants [20], pocket [22], shirt [25], short/long [27], shorts [28], sky [31], socks  [32], sweater [35], sweatshirt [36], swim [37], toothbrush [38], toothpaste [39], underwear [43], wash [44],    wiggle [45], worm [46], zipper [47]  Component

Related Items



Two Little Eyes

open/close (shut), in/out

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Touch your eyes, ears, nose, cheeks, chin, lips, and tooth/teeth as you name them (T-S 2x). Sing the song twice, using the card and gestures once each. Ask, "Are your eyes big or little?" Expect no more than a word.

Listen to identify the words face, ears, nose and eyes.


brush, comb (verb), eat, food, wash

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Touch your face and hair as you name them (T-S 2x). Ask the class to stand up and do the actions with you as you sing the song.

Recognize words using picture clues.

Phonograms 1:00-1:30

b, u (U2) d, f, k, m, z (U1)

Use the U2 PCs. Say the name of the letter, then air-write it twice together while saying its sound(s). Air-write and say the sounds of the U1 PCs together.

Listen to sounds while air-writing the letters.



Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Air-write the "g" PC twice while saying the first sound and hold up two fingers as you say the second sound. Then say the sound(s) and read the words on the PWC together. Say the sound as you air-write the "l" PC, and then say the sound and read the words on the PWC together. Point out the /l/ sound in the poem and read the words girl, like, dolls, curls, and play. Read the poem twice as you track the words.

Listen to sounds in words.

Tell the story as you keep eye contact with your students.

Listen to identify the phrase “What can you do?”



Early in the Morning 2:30-3:00



PCs, PWCs:

g, l

Transition 1:00 What Can You Do? (Story)


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Activity Poster 1   2:30-3:00

Related Items



button, pajamas, pocket, shirt, shorts, toothbrush, toothpaste, underwear, zipper

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Hold up card 1 and ask the five “where is/are ___” questions on the back of the card. Model the response “this is/these are __” as you point to the pictures.

Recognize words using picture clues.

Touch your arms, foot/feet, and legs as you name them (T-S 2x). Sing and read it once each as you track the words. Ask, "How many hands do you have?"

Listen to identify the word two.

pants, short/ long, socks, sweater, sweatshirt

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Tell the story while keeping eye contact with your students.

Listen to identify the phrases “too big/too small.”

fish, swim, sky, wiggle, worm

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Ask students to use their hands to climb like a gorilla. Invite the class to stand up and do the actions with you.

Listen to identify the phrase “___ like a ___.”

Transition 1:00 Two (Big Book)


Too Big, Too Small (Story)


Just Wiggle! (Action Activity)


Extra Time Activity Sing the "Stand Up and Look" Song. Do the "Point and Pat" Action Activity if you still have extra time.


Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 2 Lesson 7 VPCs Needed: bed [1], boot [2], brush [3], bu on [4], comb [8], doll [9], eat [11], fish [12], food [13], in/ out [16], open/close (shut) [18], pajamas [19], pants [20], pocket [22], short/long [27], shorts [28], sky [31],  socks [32], sweater [35], sweatshirt [36], swim [37], toys [41], underwear [43], wash [44], wiggle [45], worm    [46], zipper [47]  Component

Related Items



Two Little Eyes

open/close (shut), in/out

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x) Emphasize the /k/+/l/ sound in close. Touch your nose, cheeks, chin, lips, tooth/teeth as you name them (T-S 2x). Sing the song twice, using the card and gestures once each.

Listen to sounds in words.

Activity Poster 1:30-2:00

bed, boot, button, pocket, shorts, toys, underwear, zipper

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Hold up card 2 and ask the four “what color is/are ___” questions. Model the response “the __ is/are __”, as you point to the pictures.

Recognize words using picture clues.

Just Wiggle!

fish, swim, sky, wiggle, worm

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Touch your legs, arms, foot/feet, knees as you name them (T-S 2x). Clap your hands and ask students what you used to clap. Tell them you used your hands to clap. Model each action while giving directions.

Listen to identify the phrase “use your ___ to ___.”

pajamas, pants, short/ long, socks, sweater, sweatshirt

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Tell the story as you point to the pictures. Say to a student, “You have a nice hat. But I cannot wear it. My head is too big.”

Listen to identify the phrases “you have ___, but I cannot wear it.”

Touch your arms, foot/feet, legs, ears, and eyes as you name them (T-S 2x). Sing the book and then read it as you track the words each time. Ask, "How many heads/eyes do you have?" Model saying, “I have one head. I have two eyes.”

Listen to identify the phrase “I have ___.”



(Action Activity)


Transition 1:00 Too Big, Too Small (Story)


Two (Big Book)


Transition 1:00

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Related Items

What Can You Do?





Tell the story as you point to the pictures and use gestures. Ask, "Can you run fast?" Model saying, "Yes, I can/No, I can't" after students respond.

Listen to identify the phrase ”can you ___?”

Phonograms 1:00-1:30

b, d, f, k, m, u, z

Hold up the PC. Say the name of the letter then air-write it twice with the class while saying its sound(s).

Listen to the sounds while air-writing the letters.



Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Air-write the "g" PC twice while saying the first sound and hold up two fingers as you say the second sound. Then, say the sounds and read the words on the PWC together. Say the sound as you air-write the "l" PC, and then say the sound and read the words on the PWC together. Point out the sound /m/ in the poem and read the word. Point out the sound /k/ in the poem and read the word. Read the poem twice as you track the words.

Listen to review sounds in words.

Teach the VPCs (T-S-2x). Touch your face and hair as you name them (T-S-2x). Ask, “What do we do when we wake up early in the morning?” Model saying, “we wash our face” as you act it out. Sing the song. Emphasize the /ow/+/r/ sound in our.

Listen to sounds in words.



PCs, PWCs:

Early in the Morning (Song) 3:00-3:30

brush, comb (verb), eat, food, wash

g, l

Extra Time Activity Tell the "Ten Things" Story.

Teacher Reflection Question Do you notice when words are mispronounced by your students and model accuracy in a natural way without making students feel like they've failed?


Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 2 Lesson 8 VPCs Needed: bed [1], boot [2], brush [3], bu on [4], cap [5], comb [8], doll [9], dress [10], eat [11], fish  [12], food [13], glasses [14], hat [15], in/out [16], open/close (shut) [18], pajamas [19], pants [20], pocket  [22], shirt [25], shoes [26], short/long [27], shorts [28], sky [31], sky [31], socks [32], string [34], sweater    [35], sweatshirt [36], swim [37], umbrella [42], wash [44], wiggle [45], worm [46], zipper [47]  Component

Related Items



Early in the Morning (Song)

brush, comb, eat, food, wash

Teach the VPCs (T-s 2x). Touch your face and hair as you name them (T-S 2x). Tell the class to wash their face and comb their hair. Sing the song as you point to the pictures and use gestures.

Listen to identify the phrase ”this is the way we ___.”



Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Air-write the "u" PC together while saying the first sound and hold up two fingers as you say the second sound. Point out the sounds on the PWC and read the words. Read the poem twice as you track the words. Point out the /u/ sound in the poem.

Recognize words using picture clues.





Phonograms 1:00-1:30

b, d, f, g, k, l, m, z

Hold up the PC. Say the name of the letter then air-write it twice with the class while saying its sound(s).

Listen to the sounds while air-writing the letters.

Just Wiggle!

fish, swim, sky, wiggle, worm

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Touch your arms, hands and knees as you name them (T-S 2x). Model each action while giving directions.

Recognize words using picture clues.

boot, button, dress, glasses, pocket, string, zipper

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Tell the story while pointing to the pictures and using gestures. Using card 2, say, “This mother’s house is a boot. She lives in the boot and sleeps in the boot. Do you live in a boot?”

Recognize words using picture clues.

in/out, shirt, shorts

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Let the class name the blue things as you point to them. Sing as you track the words. Invite the class to sing with you the second time.

Follow words left to right and top to bottom.

(Action Activity)



Transition 1:00 Mother Who Lives in a Boot (Story)


Blue (Big Book)


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Activity Poster 3   2:00-2:30

Related Items



bed, doll

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Hold up card 3 and ask the three “how many ___are ___“ questions. Count them together if needed. Model, “there “is/are __ __ on the __”, as you point to the pictures.

Recognize words using picture clues.

cap, hat, pajamas, pants, shoes, socks

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Touch your head, foot/feet, and legs, as you name them (T-S 2x). Put a cap on your head as you say, “A cap goes on my head.” Sing the song twice as you point to the pictures and use gestures.

Recognize words using picture clues.

open/close, (shut)

Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Open the door and ask a student to close it. Model actions while saying it twice.

Listen to identify the words open and close.

short/long, sweater, sweatshirt

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Say to a student, "You have a nice shirt! But I cannot wear it. It is too small for me." Tell the story expressively as you point to the pictures.

Listen to identify the phrases “you have ___, but I cannot wear it.”

Transition 1:00 All These Things (Song)


My Hands (Action Activity)


Too Big, Too Small (Story)


Extra Time Activity Sing the "Nice Things to Say" Song. Show the "Jonny Bear Goes to the Zoo" Story Dictionary on the DVD if you still have extra time.


Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 2 Lesson 9 VPCs Needed: boot [2], bu on [4], cap [5], comb [7], doll [9], dress [10], eat [11], food [13], glasses [14],  hat [15], pajamas [19], pants [20], pat [21], pocket [22], point [23], rub [24], shirt [25], shoes [26], shorts  [28], skirt [30], socks [32], string [34], sweater [35], sweatshirt [36], toothbrush [38], toothpaste [39], touch    [40], umbrella [42], underwear [43], zipper [47]  Component

Related Items



All These Things

cap, hat, pajamas, pants, shirt, shoes, shorts, socks, sweater

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Touch your head, feet, and legs as you name them (T-S 2x). Sing the song twice. Using shoes ask, "Where do shoes go?" Model saying, "Shoes go on my feet."

Listen to identify the words head, feet, and legs.

comb, dress, eat, food, glasses, string, umbrella, zipper

Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Tell the story as you point to the pictures and use gestures. Point to the picture on card 3 and ask, “What does this mother eat from? Do you eat from a cap?”

Recognize the meaning of “with a ___ and from a __.”

Phonograms 1-1:30

b, d, f, k, m, z

Ask the class to stand up and airwrite the PCs as big as they can while they say their sound(s).

Listen to sounds while air-writing the letters.



Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Air-write the "u" PC together while saying the first sound and hold up two fingers as you say the second sound. Point out the sounds on the PWC and read the words. Read the poem as you point to the pictures and use gestures. Read the poem again as you track the words.

Listen to sounds in words.

Tell the story expressively. Ask, "Can you climb a tree?" Model saying, "Yes, I can/No, I can't." after students respond.

Listen to identify the phrase ”can you ___?”

Touch your shoulders, knees, toes, eyes, ears, mouth, and nose as you name them (T-S 2x). Invite the class to stand and do the actions with you as you sing it twice at a normal pace.

Listen to identify the words head, shoulders, knees, and toes.



Mother Who Lives in a Boot (Story)






Transition 1:00 What Can You Do? (Story)


Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (Song)


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Related Items





Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Air-write the "g" PC twice while saying the first sound and hold up two fingers as you say the second sound. Then, say the sounds and read the words on the PWC together. Say the sound as you air-write the "l" PC, and then say the sound and read the words on the PWC together. Point out the /d/ sound in the poem and read the word. Read the poem twice as you track the words.

Listen to the sounds /g/ and /j/ while airwriting the letter “g”.

pat, point, rub, touch

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Tell the class to rub their fingers, face, hair, arms, and stomach. Give commands and model the actions, watching to see that all students are following.

Listen to identify the word rub.


boot, button, pocket, skirt, sweatshirt, toothbrush

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Tell the story as you point to the pictures and use gestures. Use a box with props. As you take the items out, model saying, “I have 5 buttons in my box. I have 10 toes on my two feet.”

Listen to identify the words for numbers 1-10 and the phrase “I have __ in my ___.”

Activity Poster 2:00-2:30

toothpaste, underwear

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Hold up card 1 and ask the four “what color is/are ___” questions. Allow the class to respond with the color, then model the sentence as you point to the picture.

Listen to identify the question “what color is/ are the __?”



PCs, PWCs:

g, l

Transition 1:00 Point and Pat (Action Activity)


Ten Things (Story)

Extra Time Activity Sing or read the "Two" Big Book.

Teacher Reflection Question Were your transitions smooth?


Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 2 Lesson 10 VPCs Needed: bed [1], boot [2], bu on [4], cap [5], circle/line [6], comb [7], dress [10], eat [11], food  [13], glasses [14], hat [15], in/out [16], march [17] pajamas [19], pants [20], pocket [22], point [23], shirt  [25], shoes [26], short/long [27], shorts [28], skip [29], sky [31], socks [32], string [34], sweater [35],        sweatshirt [36], toys [41], umbrella [42], underwear [43], zipper [47] Component

Related Items



Touch and name body parts twice, as you emphasize the sound /z/ in shoulders, knees, toes, eyes, ears, and nose. Invite the class to stand and do the motions as you sing it twice at a normal pace.

Listen to identify the words eyes, ears, mouth, and nose.

Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Hold up the PC and say the name of the letter then air-write it together twice as you say its sound. Say the sound and read the words on the PWC together. Read the poem as you track the words. Point to the letter “u” in the poem and say the sound /u/. Read the word jump emphasizing the sound /u/. Invite the class to read the poem along with you.

Listen to review sounds in words.

pajamas, pants, shirt, short/long, shorts, socks, sweater, sweatshirt

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Emphasize the sound /t/ in sweatshirt, /s/ in shorts, pants, socks, and /r/ in sweater. Tell the story as you point to the pictures and use gestures. Say, "___, you have nice pants! But I cannot wear them. My legs are too long.”

Listen to sounds in words.

bed, boot, button, in/out, pocket, underwear, zipper

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Hold up card 2 and ask the three “how many ___ are ___” questions. Allow the class to respond with the number. Then, model the sentence as you point to the picture.

Listen to identify the question “how many __ are ___?”

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (Song)

1:30-2:00 Boy






Transition 1:00 Too Big, Too Small (Story)


Activity Poster 2 2:30-3:00

Transition 1:00

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Related Items



Phonograms 1:00-1:30

d, f, g, k, l, m, z

Ask what the letter is, then airwrite and say its sound(s) together.

Listen to the sounds while air-writing the letters.


point, sky

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Air-write the "u" PC together while saying the first sound and hold up two fingers as you say the second sound. Point out the sounds /u/ and /ū/ on the PWC and read the words together. Point out the sound /u/ in the poem and read the words. Read the poem twice inviting the class to read along the second time.

Follow words left to right and top to bottom.




Hold Hands with a Friend

circle/line, march, skip

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Help the class understand fall down. Model the actions while singing.

Listen to identify the word fall.

comb, dress, glasses, eat, food, string, umbrella

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Tell the story as you point to the pictures and use gestures. Have a student sit on a sweatshirt. Swing it as you say, "His chair is a sweatshirt that looks like a swing."

Recognize the meaning of “like a __.”

cap, hat, shoes

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Touch your head, feet, and legs as you name them (T-S 2x). Using a shirt ask, "Where does a shirt go? Does it go on my legs? What goes on my legs?" Don’t expect more than a word as a response. Model saying, “Pants go on my legs.” Sing the song twice.

Recognize the meaning of head, feet, and legs.

Tell the story as you point to the pictures. Ask, "What can you do? Can you point to the door?" Have the class point to the door.

Recognize the meaning of “can you ___?”


(Action Activity)


Mother Who Lives in a Boot (Story)


Transition 1:00 All These Things (Song)


What Can You Do? (Story)


Extra Time Activity Read or sing the "Blue" Big Book. Sing the "Two Little Eyes" Song if you still have extra time.


Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 2 Lesson 11 VPCs Needed: boot [2], brush [3], bu on [4], cap [5], comb [8], doll [9], dress [10], eat [11], fish [12],  food [13], glasses [14], hat [15], open/close (shut) [18], pants [20], pat [21], pocket [22], point [23], rub [24],  shoes [26], skirt [30], sky [31], string [34], sweatshirt [36], swim [37], toothbrush [38], touch [40], umbrella    [42], wash [44], wiggle [45], worm [46], zipper [47]  Component

Related Items

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (Song)




Touch your head, shoulders, knees, toes, eyes, ears, mouth, and nose as you name them (S-T-S). Sing it once and have class sing along the second time. Listen and help with the /z/ sound in shoulders, knees, toes, eyes, ears, and nose.

Listen to sounds in words.

Phonograms 1:00-1:30

b, d, f, k, m, u, z

Ask the class to say the name of the letter, then air-write it together while saying the sound(s).

Listen to sounds while air-writing the letters.



Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Air-write the "g" PC together while saying the first sound and hold up two fingers as you say the second sound. Say the sound(s) and read the words on the "g" PWC. Say the sound as you air-write the "l" PC together. Say the sound and read the words on the "l" PWC. Point out the /g/ and /l/ sounds in the poem and read the words. Ask the class to read the poem along with you twice as you track the words.

Listen to the sound /l/ while air-writing the letter “l.”



PCs, PWCs:

Point and Pat

pat, point, rub, touch

Go through the VPCs (S-T-S). Touch your fingers, face, lips, hair, chin, stomach, cheeks, foot/feet, and arm as you name them (T-S 2x). Give commands and pause before modeling the actions to see if students understand.

Recognize the meaning of point, pat, rub, and touch.

dress, eat, food, glasses, pants, shoes, skirt, string, umbrella, zipper

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Tell the story as you point to the pictures and gesture. Use card 3 to ask, “Where does the mother keep her food? How many shoes? What color are the shoes?”

Listen to and participate in conversations.

(Action Activity)


g, l

Transition 1:00 Mother Who Lives in a Boot (Story)


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Related Items



Touch your legs as you name them (T-S 2x). Invite the class to sing the book with you as you track to the words and then read it as they listen. Ask, "How many eyes do you have?"

Recognize the meaning of two.

fish, sky, swim, wiggle, worm

Go through the VPCs (S-T-S). Ask the class to wiggle, swim, and laugh. Model the actions while giving directions.

Recognize words using picture clues.

open/close (shut)

Go through the VPC (S-T-S). Model actions while saying it twice. Ask the class to open/shut their mouth.

Listen to identify the words open and shut.

boot, button, cap, hat, pocket, sweatshirt

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Tell the story as you point to the pictures and gesture. Prepare some things in your pockets. As you take them out, model saying, “I have 2 toys in my pocket. I have 2 pockets on my shirt.”

Listen to identify the words for numbers 1-10 and the phrase “I have __ in my ___.”

brush, comb, toothbrush, wash

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Have a student come up and show the class how he washes his face. Then say, "This is the way we wash our face." Tell the class to eat food and then brush teeth. Invite the class to do the actions with you as you sing the song.

Listen to identify the phrase “this is the way we ___.”

Two (Big Book)


Just Wiggle (Action Activity)


Transition 1:00 My Hands (Action Activity)


Ten Things (Story)


Early in the Morning (Song)


Extra Time Activity Read the "Umbrella" Poem. Sing the "Nice Things to Say" Song if you still have extra time. Teacher Reflection Question Where was your main focus during the lesson - on your students or on the material?


Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 2 Lesson 12 VPCs Needed: bed [1], brush [3], bu on [4], circle/line [6], comb [8], doll [9], dress [10], eat [11], food  [13], glasses [14], in/out [16], march [17] pajamas [19], pants [20], shirt [25], shoes [26], short/long [27],  shorts [28], skip [29], sky [31], socks [32], stomp [33], string [34], sweater [35], sweatshirt [36], umbrella    [42], zipper [47]  Component

Related Items



Stand Up and Look Around


Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Tell the class to shake their body. Emphasize the sound /sh/ in shake. Sing it twice as you do the actions together. Invite the class to sing along the second time.

Listen to sounds in words.


pajamas, pants, short/ long

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Tell the story expressively as you point to the pictures. Say, "____, you have a nice shirt! But I cannot wear it. Your arms are too short."

Listen to identify the phrases “too long” and “too short.”

Phonograms 1:00-2:00

d, f, g, k, l, m, u, z

Ask the class to stand up and airwrite the PCs as big as they can while they say their sound(s).

Listen to the sounds while air-writing.



Ask the class to air-write the PC along with you as they listen to the sound /b/. Invite the class to help say the sound and read the words on the PWC. Point to the /b/ sound in the poem and read the words. Read the poem twice with the class as you track the words.

Listen to the sound /b/ while air-writing the letter “b”.

Tell the story as you keep eye contact with the students. Model saying, "I can jump up high. I can climb a tree." Ask, "What can you do?"

Recognize the meaning of “what can you do?”

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Read the book as you track the words. Invite the class to sing along as you track the words. Ask the class to touch blue things in the classroom as they say the word blue.

Listen to sounds in words.



Too Big, Too Small 3:00-3:30




Transition 1:00 What Can You Do? (Story)

2:00-2:30 Blue

(Big Book)


brush, shorts, shirt, sky

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Related Items



Activity Poster 3:00-3:30

bed, button, comb, doll, shoes, socks, sweater, sweatshirt

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Touch your stomach as you name it (S-T-S). Hold up card 3 and ask the six “where is/are __” questions. Have a different student come up to point to each item after you ask. Then, model the sentence as you point to the picture.

Listen to identify the question “where is/are ___?”

Sing the song. Pretend to bump into a student and say, "I'm sorry!" Help the student respond, "It’s okay." Sing the song again with the class.

Listen to identify the phrases “I’m sorry” and “it’s okay.”

circle/line, in/out, march, skip

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Help the class understand skip and wave. Do the actions with the class while singing.

Listen to identify the words skip and wave.

dress, eat, food, glasses, string, umbrella, zipper

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Tell the story as you point to the pictures. Use card 2 to ask, “What does the mother use for a door?” (Pointing to the classroom door) “Is this door a zipper?”

Recognize the meaning of “for a __.”

Transition 1:00 Nice Things to Say (Song)


Hold Hands with a Friend (Action Activity)


Mother Who Lives in a Boot (Story)


Extra Time Activity Sing the "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" Song. Sing the "All These Things" Song if you still have extra time.


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Unit 2 Lesson 13


VPCs Needed: boot [2], brush [3], bu on [4], cap [5], comb [7], eat [11], fish [12], hat [15], in/out [16],  open/close (shut) [18], pajamas [19], pants [20], pocket [22], shirt [25], shoes [26], shorts [28], skirt [30], sky  [31], socks [32], sweater [35], sweatshirt [36], swim [37], toothbrush [38], wash [44], wiggle [45], worm [46]  Component

Related Items



Early in the Morning

brush, comb, eat, wash

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Touch your hair, face, tooth/teeth as you name them (T-S 2x). Have a student come up and show the class how she combs her hair. Then, model, "This is the way we comb our hair." Sing the song with the class as you do actions.

Recognize the meaning of “this is the way we ___.”

Phonograms 1:00-1:30

b, d, f, k, m, z

Ask the class to say the name of the letter, then air-write it together while saying the sound(s).

Listen to the sounds while air-writing.



Air-write the PC with the class while saying the first sound and hold up two fingers as you say the second sound. Point out the sounds on the PWC and read the words together. Model the word use by saying, “We use our fingers to air-write the letters.” Read the poem twice, inviting the class to read along the second time.

Listen to the sounds /u/ and /ū/ while airwriting the letter “u”.

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Touch your head, feet, and legs as you name them (T-S 2x). Sing the song. Ask, "What goes on your feet/ head?" Model saying, “Socks go on my feet. A cap goes on my head.” Sing it again with the class.

Listen to sounds in words.

Tell the story as you point to the pictures. Ask, "What is the baby bear's name? Who does Jonny love?”

Respond to simple questions about Jonny Bear and his family.

Ask, “Where is your head? Where are your shoulders?” See if the class can touch the parts you name eyes (knees, toes, nose, ears, mouth). Sing the song together at a normal pace. Listen and help with accuracy.

Recognize the meaning of head, shoulders, knees, and toes.






All These Things (Song)


cap, hat, pajamas, pants, shirt, shoes, shorts, socks, sweater

Transition 1:00 Jonny Bear Goes to the Zoo (Story Dictionary)


Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (Song)


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Related Items



(Action Activity)

open/close (shut)

Go through the VPC (S-T-S). Say and do the actions together. Ask the class to say it with you the second time. Help them hear the /k/+/l/ in clap and the /p/ in clap and lap.

Listen to sounds in words.



Air-write the "g" PC together twice. Say the first sound as you air-write and hold up two fingers as you say the second sound. Then say the sound(s) and read the words on the PWC together. Say the sound as you air-write the "l" PC together. Say the sound and read the words on the PWC together. Read the poem together as you track the words. Let the class try to read it the second time. Help as needed.

Follow words left to right and top to bottom.

fish, in/out, sky, swim, wiggle, worm

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Tell the students to hop like a kangaroo until you say STOP! Model the actions while giving directions.

Recognize the meaning of “__ like a ___.”

boot, button, pocket, skirt, sweatshirt, toothbrush

Go through the VPCs (S-T-S). Tell the story as you point to the pictures. Ask, "How many caps do you have? How many heads do you have?" Model the sentences after students respond.

Recognize words using picture clues.

Transition 1:00   My Hands 1:30-2:00

g, l



Just Wiggle! (Action Activity)


Ten Things (Story)


Extra Time Activity Sing or read the "Two" Big Book. Sing the "Two Little Eyes" Song if you still have extra time. Teacher Reflection Question Did all of your students get your attention today?


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Unit 2 Lesson 14 VPCs Needed: bu on [4], cap [5], circle/line [6], comb [7], dress [10], eat [11], food [13], glasses [14], hat  [15], in/out [16], march [17] pajamas [19], pat [21], pocket [22], point [23], rub [24], shirt [25], short/long  [27], shorts [28], skip [29], stomp [33], string [34], toothbrush [38], toothpaste [39], touch [40], umbrella    [42], underwear [43], zipper [47]  Component

Related Items

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (Song)




Touch and name body parts twice each emphasizing the /lders/ sound in shoulders. Listen to the class sing and help with accuracy. Sing as they listen.

Listen to sounds in words.

Phonograms 1:30-2:00

d, f, g, k, l, m, u, z

Ask the class to say the name of the letter then air-write it together while saying the sound(s).

Listen to the sounds while air-writing.



Ask the class to air-write the PC with you and say the sound. Invite the class to help say the sound and read the words on the PWC. Read the title and the poem as you track the words. Invite the class to read the poem with you.

Match spoken words to print.

Go through the VPC (S-T-S). Say it once and then invite the class to sing along as you do the actions together.

Listen to identify the phrase “turn around.”

Tell the story. Ask, "Can you swim? Can you touch the sky?" Model saying, “Yes, I can/No, I can’t.”

Listen to and participate in conversations.




Stand Up and Look Around




Transition 1:00 What Can You Do? (Story)

2:30-3:00 Activity Poster 2:00-2:30

button, pajamas, pocket, shirt, shorts, toothbrush, toothpaste, underwear, zipper

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Hold up card 1 and ask the “how many” questions. Model the response with the class as you point to the pictures.

Listen to identify the question “how many__ are___?”

Hold Hands With a Friend

circle/line, in/out, march, skip

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Sing the song and do the actions slightly after the students do, to see if they know them.

Recognize the meaning of “hold hands” and “make a circle.”

(Action Activity)


Transition 1:00

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Related Items



Mother Who Lives in a Boot

cap, comb, dress, eat, food, glasses,, hat, short/long, string, umbrella

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Tell the story as you point to the pictures. Use card 2 to ask, “What is all over her floor? Do you have toys all over your floor?”

Recognize the meaning of “over her __.”

pat, point, rub, touch

Go through the VPCs (S-T-S). Have students touch their fingers, toes, face, hair, arms, stomach, and shoulders and name them (S-T-S). Give commands and pause before modeling the actions to see if students understand.

Listen to identify the words for body parts.

Touch your foot/feet, legs, ears, and eyes as you name them (S-TS). Ask, “How many ears do you have?” Model saying, “I have two ears.” Ask, “What else do you have?” Model saying, “I have ____” after students respond. Read the book and then sing it with the class.

Recognize the meaning of the phrase “I have __.”



Point and Pat (Action Activity)


Two (Big Book)


Extra Time Activity Do the "My Hands" Action Activity. Read the "Girl" Poem if you still have extra time.


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Unit 2 Lesson 15 VPCs Needed: bed [1], boot [2], brush [3], bu on [4], cap [5], comb [8], eat [11], hat [15], in/out [16],  pajamas [19], pants [20], pat [21], pocket [22], point [23], rub [24], shirt [25], shoes [26], short/long [27],  shorts [28], socks [32], sweater [35], sweatshirt [36], touch [40], toys [41], underwear [43], wash [44], zipper    [47]  Component

Related Items

Nice Things to Say (Song)




Ask, “What do you say when someone says ‘I’m sorry’?” Sing the song together twice.

Recognize the meaning of “I’m sorry” and “it’s okay.”

Activity Poster 2:00-2:30

bed, boot, button, in/out, pocket, toys, underwear, zipper

Teach the VPCs (S-T-S). Hold up card 2 and ask the “where is/are ___” questions. Have a different student come up to point to each item after you ask a question. Model the response with the class as you point to the pictures.

Listen to identify the question “where is/are ___?”

Phonograms 1:00-1:30

b, d, f, k, m, z

Ask the class to say the name of the letter, then air-write it together while saying the sound(s).

Listen to the sounds while air-writing.


PCs, PWCs:

Hold up the PC and ask the class to say the name of the letter. Airwrite it twice together as you say its sound(s). Say the sound(s) and listen to the class read the words on the PWCs. Pick a student to come up and track the words as you read the poem. Invite the class to read the poem with you.

Match spoken words to print.


cap, hat, pants, shoes, socks, sweater

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Sing the song with the class. Ask, "Where does a hat go?" Model saying, “A hat goes on my head.” Sing the song again as they listen.

Listen to and participate in conversations.

Ten Things


Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Tell the story as you point to the pictures. Ask, "Do you have any buttons? How many buttons do you have? Where are your buttons?" Model saying, “I have __ buttons on my ___.”

Recognize the meaning of numbers 1-10 and “I have __ in my ___.”

g, l



Transition 1:00 All These Things 2:00-2:30



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Related Items



Point and Pat

pat, point, rub, touch

Go through the VPCs (S-T-S). Give commands and watch the class do the actions. Model only when needed.

Recognize the meaning of point, pat, rub, and touch.

brush, comb, eat, wash

Go through the VPCs (S-T-S). Have a student come up and show the class how he brushes his teeth. Then, model saying, "This is the way we brush our teeth." Sing the song with the class.

Recognize the meaning of “this is the way we ___.”


pajamas, shorts, short/ long, sweatshirt

Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Tell the story expressively as you gesture. Using card 3 ask, "What does Mr. Bear have? Do you have a nice shirt?" Don't expect more than a word or phrase for responses.

Listen to and participate in conversations.


PC, PWC: u

Air-write the PC with the class and say its sounds. Point out the sounds on the PWC and read the words together. Ask the class to clap on the sound /u/ as you read the poem. Listen to the class read and help as needed.

Match spoken words to print.

(Action Activity)


Transition 1:00 Early in the Morning (Song)


Too Big, Too Small 3:30-4:00



Extra Time Activity Do the "Just Wiggle!" Action Activity. Read or sing the "Blue" Big Book if you still have extra time. Teacher Reflection Question Do you listen carefully when students speak and model accuracy throughout the lesson?


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Unit 2 Lesson 16


VPCs Needed: bed [1], brush [3], bu on [4], circle/line [6], comb [7], doll [9], dress [10], in/out [16],  march [17] open/close (shut) [18], point [23], shirt [25], shoes [26], shorts [28], skip [29], sky [31], socks  [32], stomp [33], sweater [35], sweatshirt [36], umbrella [42], zipper [47]  Component

Related Items



Two Little Eyes (Song)

open/close (shut), in/out

Go through the VPCs (S-T-S). Have the class touch and repeat the parts of the face as you name them. Point out one tooth and many teeth. Sing the song twice, inviting the class to sing along the second time. Ask, "How many cheeks do you have?"

Listen to identify the words lips, teeth, cheeks, and chin.

Phonograms 1:00-1:30

b, d, f, g, k, l, m, z

Listen to the class say the sounds of the PCs while air-writing them.

Produce the sounds when shown the letter.



Air-write the PC with the class and say its sounds. Listen to the class say the sounds and read the words on the PWC. Point to the letter “U/u” in the poem. Say the sound /u/ and read the word. Read the poem together twice.

Produce the sounds /u/ and /ū/ when shown the letter “u”.

Go through the VPC (S-T-S). Tell the class to clap their hands and then stand up. Invite the class to say and do the actions with you. Have the class do the actions as you sing the song.

Listen to identify the phrases “clap your hands and then sit down.”

Tell the story. Ask, "Who does Brother Bear stand in line with? What animal is so tall? Can the giraffe see all the animals at the zoo?”

Communicate information about Jonny Bear and his family at the zoo.

Go through the VPCs (S-T-S). Read the book as you track the words, then have the class sing along. Ask, "Do you jump into the water?" Model saying, “Yes, I do” or “No, I don’t.”

Match spoken word to print.





Stand Up and Look Around




Transition 1:00 Jonny Bear Goes to the Zoo (Story Dictionary)

4:30-5:00 Blue (Big Book)


comb (noun), brush, shorts, shirt

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Related Items



Hold Hands with a Friend

circle/line, march, skip

Go through the VPCs (S-T-S). Sing as you watch the class do the actions.

Recognize the meaning of march.

bed, button, doll, dress, shoes, socks, sweater, sweatshirt, zipper

Go through the VPCs (S-T-S). Hold up card 3 and ask the four “what color is/are ___” questions. Listen to the class respond then model the response as you point to the pictures.

Listen to identify the question “what color is/ are the __?”

Say and do the actions together. Invite the class to say it along with you the second time. Help class hear the /t/ sound in put and shut.

Listen to sounds in words.

Tell the story. Ask, "What can you do?" Model saying, "I can play with a friend. I can say thank you, and you’re welcome."

Listen to and participate in conversations.

  (Action Activity) 2:30-3:00

Activity Poster 2:00-2:30

Transition 1:00 My Hands (Action Activity)


What Can You Do? (Story)


Extra Time Activity Sing the "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" Song. Read the "Boy" Poem if you still have extra time.


Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 2 Lesson 17 VPCs Needed: bed [1], boot [2], bu on [4], cap [5], comb [7], doll [9], dress [10], eat [11], fish [12], food  [13], glasses [14], hat [15], in/out [16], open/close (shut) [18], pajamas [19], pants [20], pocket [22], shirt  [25], shoes [26], short/long [27], shorts [28], sky [31], socks [32], stomp [33], string [34], sweater [35],   sweatshirt [36], swim [37], toothbrush [38], toothpaste [39], umbrella [42], underwear [43], wiggle [45], worm [46], zipper [47] Component

Related Items



All These Things

cap, hat, pajamas, shirt, shoes, shorts, socks, sweater

Go through the VPCs (S-T-S). Sing the song twice with the class. Ask, "Where do socks go?" Model saying, “Socks go on my feet.”

Listen to and participate in conversations.

Activity Poster 4:00-4:30

button, pocket, toothbrush, toothpaste, underwear

Go through the VPCs (S-T-S). Hold up card 1 and ask a couple of all three types of questions. Listen to the class respond and then model the response.

Recognize the meaning of the questions “where,” “what color,” and “how many?”

Just Wiggle!

fish, in/out, sky, swim, wiggle, worm

Go through the VPCs (S-T-S). Tell students, “Use your arms to wiggle.” Give directions without modeling and watch students do the actions.

Recognize the meaning of “use your ___ to ___.”

open/close (shut)

Go through the VPC (S-T-S). Say and do the actions emphasizing the last sound in open and them. Watch the class do the actions as you say it mixing up the order a bit.

Listen to sounds in words.

boot, comb, dress, eat, food, glasses, short/long, string, umbrella, zipper

Go through the VPCs (S-T-S). Tell the story expressively as you keep eye contact. Use card 3 to ask, “What does she keep in her shoes? Do you keep food in your shoes?”

Recognize the meaning of “in a ___” and “in her ___.”

Sing the book once with the class as you track the words. Sing it again as you do the actions together.

Match spoken words to print.



(Action Activity)


Transition 1:00 My Hands (Action Activity)


Mother Who Lives in a Boot (Story)


Two (Big Book)

2:30-3:00 Transition 1:00

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Related Items



Phonograms 1:00-1:30

b, d, f, k, m, u, z

Listen to the class say the sounds as you air-write the PCs together.

Listen to the sounds while air-writing.

Stand Up and Look Around


Go through the VPC (S-T-S). Have the class do the actions as you say the commands without modeling them. Sing it together as you do the actions.

Recognize the meaning of the words look and shake.


bed, pants, sweatshirt

Go through the VPCs (S-T-S). Tell the story using gestures and pointing to the pictures. Ask, “Do you have any pockets? How many pockets do you have? Where are your pockets?”

Recognize the meaning of numbers 1-10 and “I have __ in my ___.”



Go through the VPC (S-T-S). Air-write the PCs with the class and say the sound(s). Listen to the class say the sound(s) and read the words on the PWCs. Point to the letter “g” and “l” in the poem and help students say the sounds and read the words. Read the poem together twice.

Approximate reading with purpose and understanding.



Ten Things 3:30-4:00



PCs, PWCs:

g, l

Extra Time Activity Sing the "Early in the Morning" Song. Tell the "Too Big, Too Small" Story if you still have extra time.


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Unit 2 Lesson 18


VPCs Needed: brush [3], circle/line [6], comb [8], eat [11], food [13], in/out [16], march [17] pajamas  [19], pants [20], pat [21], point [23], rub [24], shirt [25], short/long [27], shorts [28], skip [29], sky [31], socks  [32], sweater [35], sweatshirt [36], touch [40], toys [41], wash [44]  Component

Related Items



Early in the Morning

comb, eat, food, wash

Go through the VPCs (S-T-S). Emphasize the sound /sh/ in wash and brush. Touch your face and hair as you name them (S-T-S). Emphasize the sound /r/ in hair and /s/ in face. Sing the song together as you do motions.

Listen to sounds in words.

Phonograms 1:00-1:30

d, f, g, k, l, m, z

Hold up the PC. Ask the class to say the name of the letter. Then, listen to them say the sounds as they air-write them.

Produce the sounds when shown the letter.



Watch the class air-write the PC and say the sounds. Listen to the class say the sounds and read the words on the PWC. Read the poem together twice as you track the words. Point to the letter “m” in umbrella and ask the class to say the sound.

Listen to review sounds in words.

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Sing as you watch the class do the actions.

Recognize the meaning of skip and wave.

Invite the class to say the story with you. Listen and help with the sound /wh/ in what.

Listen to sounds in words.

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Touch your head, ears, cheeks, mouth, lips, nose, chin, shoulders, arms, fingers, stomach, knees, legs, and toes as you name them (T-S 2x). Give directions and watch to see that all students are following accurately.

Recognize the meaning of words for body parts.

Ask, “How do you feel?” Help the class respond, “I’m fine, thank you!” Sing the song together twice.

Listen to identify the phrases “How do you feel?” and “I’m fine.”






Hold Hands with a Friend (Action Activity)


circle/line, in/out, march, skip

Transition 1:00 What Can You Do? (Story)

2:00-2:30 Point and Pat

(Action Activity)


Nice Things to Say (Song)


pat, point, rub, touch

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Related Items





Say the VPC (S-T-S). Air-write the PC with the class and listen as they say the sound. Listen to the class say the sound and read the words on the PWC. Invite the class to read the poem with you as you track the words. Ask students if they have toys at home and if they like them.

Listen to sounds in words.

pajamas, pants, socks, short/long, sweater, sweatshirt

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Tell the story as you point to the pictures and use gestures. Say to a student, "You have nice shoes!” Pretend to try them on and say, "I cannot wear them. Your feet are too small."

Recognize the meaning of too big/too small.

brush, shirt, shorts, sky

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Emphasize the /sh/ in shorts, shirt, and brush. Read the book. Point to and emphasize the sound /n/+/t/ in don’t as you say the word. Ask, "What color do you like?" Say, “I like __, don’t you?” Sing it with the class as you track the words.

Listen to sounds in words.





Transition 1:00 Too Big, Too Small (Story)


Blue (Big Book)


Extra Time Activity Sing the "Stand Up and Look" Song. Tell the “Mother Who Lives in a Boot” Story if you still have extra time. Teacher Reflection Question Do you look forward to teaching your students?


Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 2 Lesson 19 VPCs Needed: bed [1], boot [2], bu on [4], cap [5], comb [7], doll [9], dress [10], eat [11], fish [12], food  [13], glasses [14], hat [15], in/out [16], open/close (shut) [18], pajamas [19], pants [20], pocket [22], shirt  [25], shoes [26], short/long [27], shorts [28], sky [31], socks [32], string [34], sweater [35], sweatshirt [36],    swim [37], toys [41], umbrella [42], underwear [43], wiggle [45], worm [46], zipper [47]  Component

Related Items



Two Little Eyes

open/close (shut)

Say the VPC (S-T-S). Touch your eyes, ears, nose, cheeks, chin, lips, and tooth/teeth as you name them (S-T-S). Tell the class to open/close their mouth. Ask, "When you sleep, are your eyes closed or opened?" Sing the song as the class does the actions. Sing it again together.

Recognize words using picture clues.

body parts: arms, foot/ feet, head, knees, legs, mouth, shoulders, stomach, toes

Name the body parts mixing the order and pause slightly before touching them to see if the class recognizes them. Sing the song together twice, working on accuracy instead of speed.

Recognize the meaning of eyes, ears, mouth, and nose.

Phonograms 1:00-1:30

b, d, f, k, m, u, z

Listen to the class say the sounds as you air-write the PCs together.

Listen to the sounds while air-writing.



Say the VPC (S-T-S). Air-write the PCs with the class and say the sound(s). Listen to the class say the sounds and read the words on the PWCs. Read the poem once and then invite the class to read it along with you.

Produce the sounds /g/ and /j/ when shown the letter “g”.

bed, in/out, shirt

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Let the class say the story with you quietly as you point to the pictures. Emphasize the sounds /n/+/t/ in don’t and /m/ in them and room. Ask the class to stand up, turn around, and sit down.

Listen to sounds in words.

cap, pajamas, pants, shoes, shorts, socks, sweater

Let the class say the VPCs first (S-TS) and ensure they’re saying the last sound in these words. Sing the song together. Then, listen to the class sing. Ask, "Where do your pajamas go? Where does your chair go?"

Listen to and participate in conversations.



Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes (Song)




PCs, PWCs:

g, l

Transition 1:00 Ten Things (Story)


All These Things (Song)


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Related Items



Activity Poster 4:00-4:30

boot, button, pocket, toys, underwear, zipper

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Hold up card 2 and ask a couple of all three types of questions. Listen to the class respond and then model the correct response.

Recognize the meaning of the questions “where,” “what color,” and “how many?”

Read the book as you track the words. Point out the /z/ in the words arms, legs, ears, eyes, and things, as you emphasize the sound. Sing the book together as you track the words.

Listen to sounds in words.

comb, dress, eat, food, glasses, hat, short/long, string, sweatshirt, umbrella

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Tell the story as you point to the pictures. Use card 3 to ask, “What does she drink from? Do you drink from a hat?”

Recall information provided to answer questions about the story.

fish, sky, swim, wiggle, worm

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Explain wiggle till you drop by dropping something. Give directions mixing up the order.

Respond to directions with actions.

Transition 1:00 Two (Big Book)


Mother Who Lives in a Boot (Story)


Just Wiggle! (Action Activity)


Extra Time Activity Tell the "What Can You Do?" Story. Do the "Hold Hands with a Friend" Action Activity if you still have extra time.


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Unit 2 Lesson 20


VPCs Needed: brush [3], cap [5], circle/line [6], comb [8], eat [11], food [13], hat [15], in/out [16], march  [17] pants [20], pat [21], point [23], rub [24], shoes [26], short/long [27], skip [29], socks [32], touch [40],  wash [44]  Component

Related Items



Sing the song together. Ask the class, "How do you feel today?" Allow spontaneous responses and, then, say, “I’m fine.”

Recognize the meaning of “how do you feel” and “I’m fine.”

cap, hat, pants, shoes, short/long, socks

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Tell the story as you keep eye contact with students. Use card 7 to ask, “What does little monkey say to Mr. Lion? Are Mr. Lion’s feet too short?”

Recognize the meaning of too long/too short.

pat, point, rub, touch

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Give commands and watch to see that all students are following accurately.

Respond to directions with actions.

Phonograms 1:00-1:30

d, f, g, k, l, m, z

Listen to the class say the sounds as you air-write the PCs together.

Listen to the sounds while air-writing.



Watch the class air-write the PC and say the sounds. Listen to the class say the sounds and read the words on the PWC. Point to the letter “k” in the poem and read the words sky and keep emphasizing the /k/. Tell the students to clap on the /k/ sound as you read the poem. Read the poem together.

Listen to review sounds in words.

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Ask, “Can you wash your face and comb your hair?” Say, “This is the way we wash our face” as students do the actions. Sing the song together.

Respond to directions with actions.

Tell the story as you point to the pictures. Ask, "What does the small panda like to do? What do you like to do? What can the rabbit jump over?”

Communicate information about Jonny Bear and his family at the zoo.

Nice Things to Say (Song)


Too Big, Too Small (Story)


Point and Pat (Action Activity)





Transition 1:00 Early in the Morning (Song)


Jonny Bear Goes to the Zoo (Story Dictionary)


brush, comb, eat, food, wash

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Related Items





Air-write the PC with the class as you listen to them say the sound. Listen to the class say the sound and read the words on the PWC. Invite the class to read along with you as you track the words Point to the sound /b/ in the poem. Have the class say the sound and read the word. Ask students if they play with toy cars.

Produce the sound /b/ when shown the letter “b”.

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Sing it mixing the order of commands.

Recognize the meaning of tiptoe.

Say the story together. Listen and help with the sound /th/ in with.

Listen to sounds in words.




Transition 1:00 Hold Hands with a Friend (Action Activity)


circle/line, in/out, march, skip

What Can You Do? (Story)


Extra Time Activity Do the "My Hands" Action Activity. Sing the "All These Things" Song if you still have extra time. Teacher Reflection Question Do you keep eye contact with each one of your students to help them stay focused?


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Unit 2 Lesson 21


VPCs Needed: bed [1], boot [2], bu on [4], cap [5], comb [8], doll [9], dress [10], eat [11], food [13], hat  [15], in/out [16], open/close (shut) [18], pants [20], pocket [22], shoes [26], skirt [30], socks [32], stomp  [33], string [34], sweater [35], sweatshirt [36], toothbrush [38], umbrella [42], zipper [47] 


Related Items

Nice Things to Say (Song)




Ask, "What are some nice things to say?" Help the class name some things. Have the class listen to the /k/ in thank. Listen to the class sing and help as needed.

Listen to sounds in words.

Activity Poster 3 4:30-5:00

bed, button, comb, doll, dress, socks, sweater, sweatshirt, zipper

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Hold up card 3, ask a couple of all three types of questions. Listen to the class respond and model the correct response.

Recognize the meaning of the questions “where,” “what color,” and “how many?”

Stand Up and Look Around


Say the VPC (S-T-S). Have the class listen to the /n/ sound in turn, on, then, and down as you say them. Sing the song together as you point to the pictures. Sing it again as the class does the actions.

Listen to sounds in words.

Phonograms 1:00-1:30

b, d, f, k, m, u, z

Listen to the class say the sounds as you air-write the PCs together.

Produce the sounds while air-writing the letter.


PCs, PWCs:

Air-write the PCs with the class and say the sound(s). Listen to the class say the sounds and read the words on the PWCs. Ask the class to clap on the /l/ sound as you read the poem. Invite the class to read the poem with you and say the sounds.

Produce the sound /l/ when shown the letter “l”.

open/close (shut)

Say the VPC (S-T-S). Say and do the actions with the class, twice. Replace lap for head one of the times.

Recognize the meaning of open, close, and shut.

cap, eat, food, hat, string, umbrella

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Tell the story as you keep eye contact with students. Use card 4 and ask, “What does she wear on her feet? Do you have socks with ten toes?”

Listen to and participate in conversations.



g, l



Transition 1:00 My Hands (Action Activity)


Mother Who Lives in a Boot (Story)


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Related Items

Blue (Big Book)




Ask, "Can you see the sky? What color is it?" Listen to the class sing as you track the words. Then, sing it again together.

Listen to and participate in conversations.

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Let the class help say the story as you point to the pictures. Say, "I have six shoes on the floor." Ask, "How many shoes do you have? Where are your shoes? How many fingers do you have? Where are your fingers?"

Recall information provided to answer questions.

Touch your lips, tooth/teeth, ears, nose, eye, cheeks, and chin as you name them (S-T-S). Ask the class to close their eyes and then say, “Your eyes are closed.” Sing the song and then listen to the class sing.

Listen to sounds in words.

Transition 1:00 Ten Things (Story)


boot, in/out, pants toothbrush, pocket, shoes, skirt

Two Little Eyes (Song)


Extra Time Activity Do the "Just Wiggle" Action Activity. Tell the "Too Big, Too Small" Story if you still have extra time.


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Unit 2 Lesson 22


VPCs Needed: cap [5], circle/line [6], fish [12], hat [15], in/out [16], march [17] pajamas [19], pants [20],  shirt [25], shoes [26], short/long [27], shorts [28], skip [29], sky [31], socks [32], stomp [33], sweater [35],  swim [37], wiggle [45], worm [46]  Component

Related Items



All These Things

cap, hat pajamas, shirt, shorts, sweater

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Touch your head, feet, legs and have the class name them. Say the lyrics as you point to the pictures. Sing it together. Listen and help with the sounds /s/+/w/ in sweater and /t/+/s/ in shorts and pants.

Listen to sounds in words.

circle/line, in/ out, march, skip

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Invite the class to sing along as you do the actions together.

Recognize the meaning of fall.

Have the class listen to the sound /t/+/s/ in it’s. Sing and have the class echo the first three phrases and sing the rest of the song along with you.

Listen to sounds in words.

Tell the story. Ask, "Can you fly? Can you wiggle?" Model saying, “Yes, I can” or “No, I can’t.”

Recall information from experience to answer questions with “yes, I can” or “no I can’t.”



Hold Hands With a Friend (Action Activity)


Nice Things to Say (Song)


Transition 1:00 What Can You Do? (Story) 2:30-3:00

(Action Activity)

fish, swim, sky, wiggle, worm

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Give directions at a faster pace. Ask, "What do you swim like?"

Respond to directions with actions.

Phonograms 1:00-1:30

b, d, f, g, k, l, m, z

Say the name of the letter then listen to the class say the sounds as you air-write the PCs together.

Produce the sounds while air-writing the letter.



Watch the class air-write the PC and say the sounds. Listen to the class say the sounds and read the words on the word card. Read the poem and ask students to clap when they hear the sound /u/. Invite the class to read along as you track the words.

Approximate reading with purpose and understanding.

Just Wiggle! 3:30-4:00




Transition 1:00

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Related Items



Model saying, “I have one head and ten fingers.” Ask, "What do you have?" Invite the students to sing the first verse with you as you track the words. Read the second half to them as they listen.

Follow words left to right and top to bottom.

pants, shoes, short/long, socks

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Invite the class to say the story along with you. Pick a student to come up and say, "___, you have nice pants. But I cannot wear them. Your legs are too short."

Recognize the meaning of “you have a ___, but I cannot wear it.”


Say the VPC (S-T-S). Have the class do the actions as you say the lyrics. Invite the class to sing with you as they do the actions.

Recognize the meaning of turn around, clap your hands, and then sit down.

Two (Big Book)


Too Big, Too Small (Story)


Stand Up and Look Around (Song)


Extra Time Activity Tell the "Ten Things" Story. Do the "Point and Pat" Action Activity if you still have extra time. Teacher Reflection Question Do you keep your students motivated by consistently modeling accurate and complete sentences when they communicate in English?


Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 2 Lesson 23


VPCs Needed: boot [2], brush [3], bu on [4], cap [5], comb [8], eat [11], food [13], glasses [14], hat [15],  pajamas [19], pants [20], pocket [22], shirt [25], shoes [26], short/long [27], shorts [28], skirt [30], socks  [32], sweater 35], sweatshirt [36], toothbrush [38], wash [44]  Component

Related Items



Early in the Morning (Song)

brush, comb, eat, food, wash

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Sing the song together. Tell the class to eat their food and brush their teeth.

Respond to directions with actions.

Phonograms 1:30-2:00

d, f, g, k, l, m, u, z

Ask the class to say the name of the letter, then air-write the PC together while saying the sound.

Produce the sounds while air-writing the letter.



Air-write the PC with the class as you listen to them say the sound. Listen to the class say the sound and read the words on the PWC. Point to the letter “l” and say the sound /l/. Read the words like and play emphasizing the sound /l/. Read the poem together twice as you track the words.

Listen to review sounds in words.

Sing and do the actions with the class.

Respond to directions with actions.

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Invite the class to help say the story. Ask, “How many hats do you have? Where are your hats?”

Respond to simple questions.

Read the book as you track the words. Invite the class to sing along as you track the words. Ask, "What color are your shorts? What color is your shirt?" Model saying, “My shorts are __. My shirt is __.”

Listen to and participate in conversations.

Use the CD. Stand up and sing the song together as you do the actions. Touch your head, hair, eyes nose, mouth, lips, cheeks, chin, ears, nose, face, shoulders, arms, legs, knees, foot/feet, toes, stomach, hands, and fingers and have the class name them. Listen and repeat the words they miss saying the last sound.

Listen to sounds in words.





Hold Hands With a Friend (Action Activity)


Transition 1:00 Ten Things (Story)


Blue (Big Book)


Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (Song)


button, cap, hat, pants, pocket, shoes, skirt, sweatshirt, toothbrush

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Related Items

Activity Poster   4:00-4:30



Hold up card 1 and ask all of the questions. Expect spontaneous responses and model the sentences as needed.

Respond to questions asking “where,” “what color” and “how many?”

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Let class say the story along with you quietly. Use card 5 to ask, "What does the girl wear? What is over her dress? What does the boy like to wear? Do you like pockets all over your shirt?”

Recall information provided to answer questions about the story.

Have the class listen to the /m/ sound as you say the words welcome, I’m and some. Listen to the class sing the song, echoing the first three phrases and singing along with them for the rest of the song.

Listen to sounds in words.

Transition: 1:00 Mother Who Lives in a Boot (Story)


boot, glasses, pajamas, shirt, short/long socks, shorts, sweater

Nice Things to Say (Song)


Extra Time Activity Do the "Hold Hands With a Friend" Action Activity. Tell the "What Can You Do?" Story if you still have extra time.


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Unit 2 Lesson 24


VPCs Needed: cap [5], circle/line [6], fish [12], hat [15], in/out [16], march [17] open/close (shut) [18],  pajamas [19], pants [20], shirt [25], shoes [26], short/long [27], shorts [28], skip [29], sky [31], socks [32],  sweater [35], swim [37], wiggle [45], worm [46]


Related Items

Nice Things to Say (Song)




Ask, "When you bump into a friend, what do you say? What do you say when someone gives you something? What do you say when a friend says, ‘Thank you/ I'm sorry’?” Sing the song as a call and response with the class.

Listen to and participate in conversations.

Phonograms 1:00-1:30

b, d, f, k, m, z

Ask the class to say the name of the letter, then air-write it together while saying the sound.

Produce the sounds while airwriting the letter.


PCs, PWCs:

Without showing the PCs, say the sound(s). Ask students to air-write the letter, then show the PC. Ask the students to say the sounds and words on the PWCs. Have a student come and point out the /g/ sound in the poem. Listen to the class read the poem and then read it again together.

Listen to the sounds /g/ and /j/ while airwriting the letter “g”.

fish, sky, swim, wiggle, worm

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Give directions in random order. Ask, “What do you use to stand?”

Respond to directions with actions.

cap, hat, pants, shoes, short/long, socks

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Tell the story as you keep eye contact with students. Bring in a shirt and say, "I have a nice shirt." Have a student try it on. Then, ask, "Can you wear it?" Say, "No. You cannot wear it. It’s too big.”

Listen to and participate in conversations.

open/close (shut), in/out

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Emphasize the sounds /th/ in the words with, teeth and /ch/ in the words cheeks and chin as you say the lyrics. Sing the song with the class.

Listen to sounds in words.

g, l



Just Wiggle! (Action Activity)


Transition 1:00 Too Big, Too Small (Story)


Two Little Eyes (Song)


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Related Items



Read the first half of the book together and then listen as the class sings the rest. Point to the /t/ and /k/ in the words feet and make as you emphasize the sounds.

Listen to sounds in words.

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to the class sing and help with pronunciation. Sing the song again together. Ask, "Where does your shirt go? Where does your sweater go?"

Respond to questions with “on my ___.”

Tell the story as you point to the pictures. Ask, “What did Jonny say to the monkey? Do you like to play with monkeys? Where is the big gorilla? What did Jonny say to the gorilla?"

Listen to participate in conversations about Jonny Bear and his family at the zoo.

circle/line, march, skip

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Invite the class to sing along as they do the actions.

Respond to directions to “hold hands” and “make a circle.”


Watch the class air-write the PC and say the sounds. Listen to the class say the sounds and read the words on the PWC. Point to the letter “u” in the poem and have the class say the sound and read the word. Read the poem, then listen to the class read.

Produce the sound /u/ and /ū/ when shown the letter “u”.

Two (Big Book)


Transition: 1:00 All These Things

pajamas, shirt, shorts, sweater



Jonny Bear Goes to the Zoo (Story Dictionary)


Hold Hands With a Friend (Action Activity)






Extra Time Activity Sing the "Early in the Morning" Song. Tell the “Mother Who Lives in a Boot” Story if you still have extra time. Teacher Reflection Question How were your transitions between each component?


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Unit 2 Lesson 25


VPCs Needed:  boot [2], bu on [4], cap [5], glasses [14], hat [15], pajamas [19], pants [20], pat [21],  pocket [22], point [23], rub [24], shirt [25], shoes [26], short/long [27], shorts [28], skirt [30], socks [32],  stomp [33], sweater [35], sweatshirt [36], toothbrush [38], touch [40]


Related Items



Tell the class to touch their toes, nose, shoulders, ears, eyes, mouth, knees, and head. Listen to the class sing, then sing it together at a faster pace.

Respond to directions with actions.

button, cap, hat, pants, pocket, shoes, skirt, sweatshirt, toothbrush

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Ask, "What do you wear on your feet? What do you wear on your head?" Tell the story as you point to the pictures. Ask, “Do you have boots? Where are your boots?”

Listen to and participate in conversations.

Phonograms 1:00-1:30

d, f, g, k, l, m, u, z

Air-write the PCs together twice while saying the sounds.

Produce the sounds when shown the letter.



Air-write the PC with the class as you listen to them say the sound. Listen to the class say the sound and read the words on the PWC. Listen to the class read the poem with you once and then without you once. Ask the students what they like to do.

Produce the sound /b/ when shown the letter “b”.

Say the VPC (S-T-S). Have the class listen to the sound /n/+/d/ in stand, and, around, ground, and hands. Listen to the class sing. Let the class stand up and do the actions as you sing the second time.

Listen to sounds in words.

Listen to the class sing the book. Ask, “What color is the water? Is your hair blue?” Read it together as you track the words.

Approximate singing with purpose and understanding.

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (Song)

3:00-3:30 Ten Things (Story)


Transition 1:00



Stand Up and Look Around (Song)




Transition 1:00 Blue (Big Book)


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Related Items



Ask students to raise one hand. Tell them to open it, shut it, and put it on their nose. Then, raise two hands. Direct them to open them, shut them, and put them on their lap. Say and do the actions together.

Respond to directions with actions.

Ask the class, "What can you do? Can you swim? Can you say the story with me?" Invite the class to say the story with you.

Recall information from experience to answer questions with “yes, I can” or “no, I can’t.”

Hold up card 2 and ask all of the questions. Expect spontaneous responses and model the sentences as needed.

Respond to questions asking “where,” “what color,” and “how many?”

pat, point, rub, touch

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Give commands mixing the order.

Respond to directions with actions.

boot, glasses, pajamas, shirt, short/long, shorts, socks, sweater

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Say the story together. Listen and help with the /r/ sound in mother, over, her, floor, door, water, chair, for, and hair.

Listen to sounds in words.

My Hands (Action Activity)


What Can You Do? (Story)


Transition: 1:00 Activity Poster 4:00-4:30

Point and Pat (Action Activity)


Mother Who Lives in a Boot (Story)


Extra Time Activity Do the "Just Wiggle!" Action Activity.

Teacher Reflection Question Do you keep your students motivated by consistently modeling complete sentences as they communicate with their peers and you?


Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 2 Lesson 26


VPCs Needed: boot [2], brush [3], cap [5], circle/line [6], comb [8], eat [11], food [13], glasses [14], hat  [15], in/out [16], march [17] pajamas [19], pants [20], shirt [25], shoes [26], short/long [27], shorts [28], skip  [29], socks [32], sweater [35], sweatshirt [36], wash [44]  Component

Related Items



All These Things

cap, hat, pajamas, pants, shoes, sweater

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Ask, “Where do your shoes go? Where does a hat go? Where do pants go?” Model the sentences after the class responds. Sing the song together.

Respond to questions with “on my ___.”

Phonograms 1:00-1:30

b, d, f, k, m, z

Air-write the PCs together while saying the sound.

Produce the sounds when shown the letters.



Watch the class air-write the PC and say the sounds.  Listen to the class say the sounds and read the words on the PWC. Point to the letter “b” and “l” in the poem and read the word umbrella emphasizing the /b/ and /l/. Read the poem together then listen to the class read.

Listen to review sounds in words.

Hold up card 3 and ask all of the questions. Expect spontaneous responses and model the sentences as needed.

Respond to questions asking “where,” “what color” and “how many?”

brush, comb, eat, food, wash

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Ask, “How do we brush our teeth? How do we write the letter “f”?” Model saying, "This is the way we __." Listen to the class sing and help as needed.

Recognize the meaning of “this is the way we ___.”

circle/line, in/ out, march, skip

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Sing and do the actions with the class.

Respond to directions with actions.

boot, glasses, shirt, shorts, socks, sweatshirt

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Tell the story as you point to the pictures. Use card 4 and ask, “What does she wear on her nose? Does her chair look like a bed? What does her sweatshirt chair look like?”

Recall information provided to answer questions about the story.






Transition 1:00 Activity Poster 3 4:00-4:30

Early in the Morning (Song)


Hold Hands With a Friend (Action Activity)


Mother Who Lives in a Boot (Story)


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Related Items




PCs, PWCs:

Without showing the PC say the sound /l/ and ask students to airwrite the letter. Air-write and say the "g" PC with the class. Say the sounds and words on the PWCs with the class. Help the class think of other words they know with the /l/ sound. (*This should be very brief.) Listen to the class read the poem.

Produce the sound /l/ when shown the letter “l”.

Use the CD. Have boys sing as the girls echo and then sing the last part together. Ask, "What are some nice things to say?" After the class responds say, "These are some very nice things to say."

Listen to and participate in conversations.

Say the VPC (S-T-S). Using card 10 ask, “What does Little Monkey say to the giraffe?” Say the story together.

Recall information provided to answer questions.

Read the book together as you track the words. Ask, "What do you have on your face?" Listen to the class sing the book as you track the words.

Approximate singing with purpose and understanding.

g, l



Transition 1:00 Nice Things to Say (Song)


Too Big, Too Small



3:30-4:00 Two (Big Book)


Extra Time Activity Do the "Point and Pat" Action Activity. Tell the "Jonny Bear Goes to the Zoo" Story Dictionary if you still have extra time. Teacher Reflection Question Did you notice and give recognition to each and every one of your students today?


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Unit 2 Lesson 27


VPCs Needed: boot [2], bu on [4], cap [5], fish [12], hat [15], in/out [16], open/close (shut) [18], pants  [20], pat [21], pocket [22], point [23], rub [24], shoes [26], short/long [27], skirt [30], sky [31], socks [32],  stomp [33], sweatshirt [36], swim [37], toothbrush [38], touch [40], wiggle [45], worm [46]  Component

Related Items



Two Little Eyes

open/close (shut) in/out

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Have the class touch their eyes, lips, cheeks, chin, ears, nose, face, and teeth as you say them. Play the CD as you sing the song together. Ask, "Do you sleep with your mouth closed or opened?"

Recognize the meaning of face, eyes, ears, nose, cheeks, chin, lips, and teeth.

boot, button, pocket, skirt, sweatshirt, toothbrush

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Say the story together. Ask, "How many shirts do you have? What color will you wear tomorrow?"

Listen to and participate in conversations.

pat, point, rub, touch

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Give commands mixing the order.

Respond to directions with actions.

Invite the class to read the book as you track the words. Help as needed. Sing it together as you track the words. Ask, "What color do you like?"

Respond to the question “what color do you like?”

Tell the story as you point to the pictures. Ask, "What will an alligator do if you let him out? Where will a snake hide?”

Listen to and participate in conversations.

Have the class touch their head, hair, mouth, shoulders, arms, legs, knees, foot/feet, toes, stomach, hands, fingers as you say them at a fast pace. Sing it together mixing up the order. Sing it again at a faster pace.

Respond to directions with actions.



Ten Things (Story)


Point and Pat (Action Activity)


Transition 1:00 Blue (Big Book)


Jonny Bear Goes to the Zoo (Story Dictionary)


Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (Song)


Transition 1:00

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Related Items



Stand Up and Look Around


Say the VPC (S-T-S). Listen to the class sing and help as needed. Sing the song in random order. Have the class listen and do the actions.

Respond to directions with actions.

Phonograms 1:00-1:30

d, f, g, k, l, m, u, z

Air-write the PCs together while saying the sounds.

Produce the sounds when shown the letter.



Say the sound /b/ without showing the PC and ask class to air-write the letter “b”. Listen to the class say the sound and read the words from the PWC. Invite the class to read the poem together then have the boys stand up and read. Ask, "How many toys do you have? Do you play with toys?"

Approximate reading with purpose and understanding.

fish, sky, swim, wiggle, worm

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Give directions mixing the order. Ask, "What do you climb like? What do you use to fly?"

Respond to directions with actions.

cap, hat, pants, shoes, short/long, socks

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Tell the story expressively. Showing your shoes ask, "What do I have?" Help students respond, "You have nice shoes." Ask, "Can you wear them? Why not?" Model responses as needed.

Listen to and participate in conversations.






Just Wiggle! (Action Activity)


Too Big, Too Small (Story)


Extra Time Activity Sing the "Early in the Morning" Song. Do the "Hold Hands With a Friend" Action Activity if you still have extra time. Teacher Reflection Question Are students all engaged and focused during Shared Reading?


Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 2 Lesson 28


VPCs Needed: boot [2], brush [3], cap [5], comb [8], eat [11], food [13], glasses [14], hat [15], march [17]  pajamas [19], pants [20], shirt [25], shoes [26], short/long [27], shorts [28], skip [29], socks [32], sweatshirt  [36], wash [44]  Component

Related Items



Early in the Morning

brush, comb, eat, food, wash

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Ask, "What do we do when we wake up early in the morning?" Sing together as you do motions.

Listen to and participate in conversations about daily habits.

cap, hat, pants, shoes, short/long, socks

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to the class say the story and help as needed. Ask, "What does little monkey say to Miss Turtle? Is Miss Turtle’s head too big?"

Recall information provided to answer questions.

Phonograms 1:00-1:30

b, d, f, k, m, z

Ask the class to stand up and airwrite the PC as big as they can while saying the sound.

Produce the sounds when shown the letters.


PCs, PWCs:

Watch the class air-write the PCs and say the sounds. Listen to the class say the PWCs. Listen to the class read the poem. Let the girls stand up and read it. Ask, “Do you like dolls? Do you have curls? Do you play house?”

Approximate reading with purpose and understanding.

Activity Poster 3:00-4:00

Use card 1 and ask questions in random order. Encourage the class to answer in complete sentences.

Listen to and participate in conversations.

All These Things

Ask, "What goes on your feet? Does a cap go on your feet? Where does your cap go?” Play the CD as you sing the song together.

Listen to and participate in conversations.

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Let the class help say the story. Ask, "Where does the mother live? Where are all her buttons? Where are your buttons? Where does she keep her water? Where is her green comb?”

Recall information provided to answer questions about the story.


2:30-3:00 Too Big, Too Small



g, l



Transition 1:00



Mother Who Lives in a Boot (Story)


boot, glasses, pajamas, shirt, shorts, sweatshirt

Transition 1:00

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Related Items

Nice Things to Say


2:00-2:30 Umbrella





Hold Hands With a Friend

march, skip

(Action Activity)


What Can You Do? (Story)




Sing the song as a call and response between you and the class. Ask, "How do you feel? Do you say nice things to your friends?"

Respond to the question “how do you feel?”

Hold up the PC card and ask the class to say the sounds. Read the words on the PWC together. Listen to the class read the poem and help as needed.

Produce the sound /u/ and / ū/ when shown the letter “u”.

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Sing and do the actions with the class.

Respond to directions by performing actions.

Listen as the class tells the story and help as needed. Ask, "Can you dance? Can you jump like a tiger?"

Listen and participate in conversations.

Extra Time Activity Sing the "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" Song. Read or sing the "Two" Big Book if you still have extra time. Teacher Reflection Question Are your students thinking and speaking in English?


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Unit 2 Lesson 29 VPCs Needed: in/out [16]    Component

Related Items

Two Little Eyes (Song)


Phonograms 1:00-1:30

b, d, f, g, k, l, m, u, z

Boy (Poem)


Just Wiggle! (Action Activity)





Draw a face as you let the class say how many of each part and what size to draw them. Listen to the class sing. Sing it again together as you do the actions.

Listen to and participate in conversations about parts of the face.

Say the name of the letter without showing the PC and see if the class can air-write and say its sound(s). Show the PC after they start air-writing.

Listen to the sounds while air-writing the letters.

Have a student come up and point out the /b/ sound in the poem. Ask, “What do you like to do? Do you like to skip or jump?” Listen to the class read. Then, read the poem together.

Approximate reading with purpose and understanding.

Say the VPC (S-T-S). Ask, "What do I fly like? What do I use to crawl?" Give directions mixing the order and speeding it up.

Respond to directions with actions.

Listen to the class say the story and help as needed. Ask, "How many things do you have in your room/house? Do you know what to do with them?"

Listen to and participate in conversations.

Read the book together and then listen to the class sing. Say, "I like English class, don't you? Model saying, "Yes, I do." or "No, I don't."

Listen to and participate in conversations.

Give commands in a slightly faster pace and mixing the order.

Respond to directions with actions.

Transition 1:00 Ten Things (Story)


Blue (Big Book)


Point and Pat (Action Activity)


Transition 1:00

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Related Items



Listen to the class sing. Ask, “Where do shorts go? Do shorts go on your head?"

Listen to and participate in conversations.

Activity Poster 4:00-4:30

Use card 2 and ask questions in random order. Encourage the class to answer in complete sentences.

Listen to and participate in conversations.

Stand Up and Look Around

Give commands in random order and at a fast pace. Play the CD. Let the class do the actions as they sing. Sing it once again at a faster pace while doing the actions.

Respond to directions with actions.

Tell the story. Ask, “Where do Jonny and his animal friends walk through? What do they fly/climb like?”

Listen to and participate in conversations about Jonny Bear and his family at the zoo.

All These Things





Jonny Bear Goes to the Zoo (Story Dictionary)


Extra Time Activity Tell the "What Can You Do?" Story.


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Unit 2 Lesson 30 VPCs Needed: pat [21], point [23], rub [24], touch [40]    Component

Related Items

Nice Things to Say (Song)


What Can You Do? (Story)




Have the girls sing as the boys echo. Sing the last part together. Use the language with the class. S: “Thank you!” T: “You're welcome!”

Listen to and participate in conversations.

Listen to the class tell the story. Ask, "What can you do? Can you count your toes?"

Listen to and participate in conversations.

Phonograms 1:30-2:00

b, d, f, g, k, l, m, u, z

Show the PC and ask the class to say the name of the letter. Have the class stand up and air-write them while saying the sound(s).

Produce the sounds when shown the letters.

Point and Pat

pat, point, rub, touch

Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Give commands in a slightly faster pace.

Respond to directions with actions.

Read the poem with the class. Listen to the class read the poem. Ask, “What keeps you dry? Do you use an umbrella to keep you dry?”

Approximate reading with purpose and understanding.

Activity Poster 4:00-4:30

Use card 3 and ask questions in random order. Encourage the class to answer in complete sentences.

Listen to and participate in conversations.

Too Big, Too Small

Say the story together. Ask, "Can Little Monkey wear Mr. Duck’s pants? Why not? Can I wear your pants? Why not?”

Recall information provided to answer questions.

Ask, "How do we wash our hands? How do we wash our hair?" Play the CD. Let the class sing as they do the motions.

Listen to and participate in conversations about daily habits.

(Action Activity)


Umbrella (Poem)


Transition 1:00


3:30-4:00 Transition 1:00 Early in the Morning (Song)


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Related Items

Two (Big Book)


Mother Who Lives in a Boot (Story)


Just Wiggle! (Action Activity)




Read the book together. Ask, "What do I have that makes me, ‘me’?" Model by saying, “I have two of many things.” Invite the class to sing the book as you track the words.

Listen to and participate in conversations using “I have two ___.”

Listen to the class say the story and help as needed. Ask, "What does she eat from? What does she eat with? Do you eat with your fingers? Where does she keep her food? What does she drink from? Do you drink from a hat?"

Recall information provided to answer questions about the story.

Ask, "What do I use to jump?” Give directions mixing the order and speeding it up.

Respond to directions with actions.

Extra Time Activity Sing the "Two Little Eyes" Song. Read or sing the "Blue" Big Book if you still have extra time.


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