Group 3 - Case Presentation [PDF]

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Case Presentation Attention Millennials! Automobile Manufacturers Adapt For You

Group 3

Introduction The Millennial generation is the largest generation and is attractive to marketers due to its size and purchasing power. Millennials spend more time on social media than any other group, leading to advertisers spending $17.7 billion on mobile advertising in 2014. 44% want an open dialogue with brands using social channels. 55 % feel a recommendation from a friend is the strongest influence.

Automobile manufacturers' efforts Fiat with the campaign “Endless Fun”: featured seven-year-old memes and .gifs featuring bizarre images of things like people dancing around a Fiat in horse masks. Incredibly strange

Honda's #UnBuenFit commercials mock the way automobiles are traditionally marketed to Hispanic millennials, instead poking fun at clichés with an overly zealous Latino guy who is unimpressed with mundane things young adults do with their cars.

Ford's success

Understanding millennials' priorities a. Encourage Millennials to talk about the brand with one another. If Ford tell them how great the new Ford Fiesta is, they won’t notice, but when their friends and family tell them, they’ll pay attention.

b. Millennials’ love of technology through new technology called MyFord Touch. MyFord Touch performs many tasks while consumers are driving, including syncing their phones, reading their texts, adjusting the temperature, and making dinner suggestions.

c. Being edgy and entertaining. Ford created Doug, a rude-mannered and irreverent orange sock puppet, to improve the Ford Focus' image on social media such as Twitter and Facebook.

Question 1 Clutter role to Ford's promotion Ford uses various strategies to attract the attention of the customers Give 100 cars to customers and ask them for feedback every month. Ford appeals to Millennials’ love of technology through new technology called MyFord Touch. Create a spokes-character named Doug which is rude-mannered and irreverent with joking replies. => Confused the customers

Program involvement role to Ford's promotion Ford uses large cluster of commercials which are proven to have negative effects for the customers. However, the real case of Ford indicated the opposite result. They received the positive outcome and successfully captured the attention of customers. => Program Involvement is a significant factor that contributing to the success of Ford while Clutter have no role to Ford's promotion to captured Millenials' attention

Question 3

a. Size The size of Ford Fiesta 2014’s campaign is large with network coverage all over the world, especially in America.

b. Intensity The intensity and repetition of the campaign is impressive with more than a half of the music video is the appearance of Ford Fiesta

c. Attractive visuals The brand drew consumer attention to the advertisement because of the view of hills, sunshine and nature among the main characters

d. Color and movement Bright colors such as yellow, blue and green.

Stimulus factors in advertising

f. Isolation In the MV, the car Ford Fiesta - stimulus object, is separated from other objects in the first scenes when main characters come to the car.

g. Format The manner in which the main message is represented is music Audiences can not clearly understand the message that the brand wants to transmit

i. Interestingness In advertising, the brand builds the story around 2 main characters within their experiences and their love

j. Information quantity Information quantity takes up a small part of the whole commercial. The information about the main object is scanty.

Question 4 a. According to Table A, which types of media are least likely to be ignored by Millennials? Radio ads and Newspaper ads are the least likely types of media to be ignored by Millennials. Social media is also very popular with younger adults. b. How do the media that are least likely to be ignored compare with what media other surveys show Millennials prefer? Radio ads and Newspaper ads are the least likely types of media to be ignored by Millennials but another survey found that Instagram stories are the preferred format for millennials (60%) compared to other platforms. For twenty to thirty-year-olds, the most engaging sorts of media are those that allow them to interact with others, are clever and intriguing, and are pleasurable to use.

c) Assume that television advertising is a part of your promotional mix. How would you handle the fact that a large part of your target market is multitasking while watching television? Insert advertising after known-to-be-popular episodes of the show. Multitaskers can be successfully distracted by using loud noises, bright lights, and unexpected sounds. Using famous people who are relevant to the target demographic, such as athletes, artists, and other celebrities, might improve the likelihood that the advertisement will be seen.

d) Imagine that your target market is a different demographic. How would your answers to the previous parts of this question change? If the target demographic is Baby Boomers, traditional types of advertising such as television and radio commercials may be more effective, as watching TV/movies at home ranks among the most popular entertainment activities for Baby Boomers. If the target demographic is Generation Z, however, it may be more beneficial to focus on digital advertising such as social media and video gaming commercials.

Question 6 Brand Image: The perception of the brand in the minds of the customers.

Luxury, high quality

Economic, good for family use Technology advanced

Seating comfort, easy mantenance

Expensive, olympics

Achivement, confidence, success

Question 6 Perceptual Map

High price

High quality

Low quality

Low price

Lessons learned from the case study Digital and Mobile Dominance: Millenials are highly engaged with digital communication =>Prioritize on digital advertizing Importance of Authenticity: Millenials respond positively to genuine brand => Brands should build authentic connection Influence of Social Media: Millenials value peer recommendation and connection on social media =>Focus on creating engaging contents to encourage Millenials share their experiences Embracing Technology and Innovation: Millenials are early adopters of technology => Brands should leverage technology, digital platforms Tailor experiences and Personalization: Millenials appraciate personalized experiences => Brands should focus unique experiences

References Dmitriisytyi. (2014, November 23). Perceptual maps. Marketing Audit of Renault & Volkswagen; Marketing Audit of Renault & Volkswagen. Pahwa, A. (2016, September 20). What is Brand Image? Explanation and Examples. Feedough; Feedough. McCracken G. How Ford Got Social Marketing Right [Internet]. Harvard Business Review. 2010. Available from: 2014 Ford Fiesta Commercial- La La Love- Fiesta Movement [Internet]. [cited 2023 May 30]. Available from: Mothersbaugh & Hawkins (2020) [Internet]. Google Docs. [cited 2023 May 30]. Available from:

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