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The System of
Thierry Groensteen Tronsloted by Bart Beoty ond Nick Nguyen
CONTE NT$ www.uprt"&~State.ms.u.s
Tbe l:niversiry Press ofMississippi is a member of rhe A~sociation of Americm University Presses.
Originally published in 1999 by Presses Universitain.>s de
as -~Y#hne rk Ia
bande dessinie Copyright©
Foreward vii
l'resses Universitain."S de France
Translation and !Oreword copyright © J..007 by University Press of Mississippi All rights
lntroduction I
.\l[:mufactun."ge that it encloses. It can go so far as to instruct the reader on what must be
50 The Spotio-Topicol System read, or even as
The Spolio·Topicol System 51
far as to supply a reading protocol, or even an interpretation of
the panel. lndeed, if the frame and ehe image are often unired by a relationship of transparency or redundancy, the frame can also connote a certain form of irony
or denial. Some time ago, Michel Rio suggested ways of rhinkingabout ehe comics ftame, being careful to indicate: "we approach this problern in srudying (always wirhout preoccupying ourselves wich ehe signifieds of comics) some general tendencies in the choice of organization of ftames and of ehe Iayouts. "39 This idea has already been picked up by Benoit Peeters, who denounced it in ehe following terms:
On this point, my pe5pective will be entirely different, to be the exoct oppostte of this seemingly insignlficont porenthesis. The only monner of escoping from formolism thot, often rightly, wos reprooched by the semiologists, is to toke into occount these "orgonizotionol choices" in rehman with thot which Michel Rio colls "the signlfieds of comics," thot is to soy, to not destroy this quoskngonic coherence thot gives eoch element its reoson for being 40 The position of Peeters is also mine. But I allow myself to add that only a reasoned description of ehe spatio-topical appararus can make the organization of different possible choices comprehensible wiehin ehe system, and thereby supply a view of ehe totality of the criteria that allow the appreciation of rhe pertinence of the choices that have been made. Regarding the relation between ehe formal organization and rhe signified, ehe example f ehe surfaces invested by the represenration? This opposition is redism1rer