Giao Trinh Writing Level 3 [PDF]

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VIẾT 3 WRITING - Level 3

LƯU HÀNH NỘI BỘ Đà Nẵng, năm 2013

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Table of contents Chapter 1: WRITING SENTENCES


Lesson 1: Adjective Clauses (Who, What, Which- as the Subject)


Lesson 2: Adjective Clauses 2 (Who, What, Which- as the Object)


Lesson 3: Adjective Clauses 3 (Whose + Quantity & Quality)


Lesson 4: Noun Clauses


Lesson 5: Passive Voice


Lesson 6: Reviews




Lesson 7: Giving “How to” instructions (1)


Lesson 8: Giving “How to” instructions (2)


Lesson 9: Writing directions


Lesson 10: Inquiries


Lesson 11: Responding to inquiries




Lesson 12: Writing general introductory sentences


Lesson 13: Writing a complete introductory paragraph


Lesson 14: Giving reasons and examples


Lesson 15: Developing key ideas by giving reasons and examples




Lesson 1: Adjective Clauses 1 (Who, What, Which- as the Subject) Lesson 2: Adjective Clauses 2 (Who, What, Which- as the Object) Lesson 3: Adjective Clauses 3 (Whose + Quantity & Quality) Lesson 4: Noun Clauses Lesson 5: Passive Voice Lesson 6: Review

Lesson 6: Expanding Mixed Patterns


LESSON 1: ADJECTIVE CLAUSES 1 (WHO, WHAT, WHICH- AS THE SUBJECT) A-LANGUAGE FOCUS A relative pronoun can be the subject of its own clause.  Subject Relative Pronouns: who, which, that American football, which is the most popular sport In the United States, began at Harvard University. In this pattern, who, which, and that can be either singular or plural. Make the verb agree with the antecedent. I have not read the magazine that is lying on the coffee table. (The verb is lying is singular to agree with the singular antecedent magazine.) I have not read the magazines that are lying on the coffee table. {The verb are lying is plural to agree with the plural antecedent magazines.)  Adjective clauses are either restrictive (necessary) or nonrestrictive (unnecessary). Restrictive (necessary): no commas The professor who teaches my biology class won a Nobel Prize two years ago. Nonrestrictive (unnecessary): commas Professor Jones, who teaches my biology class, won a Nobel Prize two years ago. The following examples show you how to combine two sentences to make a new sentence containing a subject pattern adjective clauses. For People Restrictive who, that

People save time and energy. They use microwave ovens. People who use microwave ovens save time and energy. People that use microwave ovens save time and energy.

Nonrestrictive who

Microwave cooking is not popular with most professional chefs. Professional chefs say that fast cooking does not allow flavors to blend. Microwave cooking is not popular with most professional chefs, who say that fast cooking does not allow flavors to blend. For Animals and Things

Restrictive that

Ovens are capable of cooking food quickly. They use microwave energy. Ovens that use microwave energy are capable of cooking foods quickly.

Nonrestrictive which

An electron tube in the oven produces microwaves. Microwaves cook by agitating the water molecules in food. An electron tube in the oven produces microwaves, which cook by agitating the water molecules in food. - You may delete the relative pronoun and the be verb when: 1. they are followed by a prepositional phrase. Ex1: The man who is in the house is my father.  The man in the house is my father. Ex2: The books that are on the desk are mine  The books on the desk are mine. 3

2. the main verb in the relative clause is progressive. Ex1: The man who is swimming in the lake is my father. The man swimming in the lake is my father. Ex2: The books that are lying on the floor are mine.  The books lying on the floor are mine. 3. the main verb in tenses Ex1: People who buy lottery tickets are often found at bingo.  People buying lottery tickets are often found at bingo. Ex2: The bus which leaves at 6:03 was late today, so I caught the 6:08 one for downtown.  The bus leaving at 6:03 was late today.

B-LANGUAGE PRACTICE 1. Combine the two sentences. Add commas if necessary. 1) She loves books (the books have happy endings). …………………………………………………………………….. 2) They live in a city (the city is in the north of England). …………………………………………………………………….. 3) The man is in the garden (the man is wearing a blue jumper). …………………………………………………………………….. 4) Anyone must have a logical mind. He or she wants to be a computer programmer …………………………………………………………………………….. 5) Foreigners also have difficulty with English spelling. English spelling is not always consistent with its pronunciation. . …………………………………………………………………….. 6) The fruit is on the table. The fruit isn’t fresh. …………………………………………………………………….. 7) While he lectured, he showed us a slide. The slide diagrammed the double helix structure of DNA. …………………………………………………………………….. 8) Words in English are often difficult for foreigners to pronounce. They begin with the consonants th. …………………………………………………………………….. 2. Reduce the relative clauses 1. The man who is standing there is a clown. …………………………………………………………………….. 2. The envelop which lies on the table has no stamp on it. …………………………………………………………………….. 3. Benzene, which was discovered by Faraday, became the starting point in the manufacture of many dyes, perfumes and explosives. …………………………………………………………………….. 4. My grandmother, who is old and sick, never goes out of the house. …………………………………………………………………….. 5. The student don’t know how to do exercise which were given by the teacher yesterday. …………………………………………………………………….. 6. Joggers who will run in the marathon should get to the stadium early to warm up. …………………………………………………………………….. 7. A person who does at least 30 minutes of exercise a day will feel better. …………………………………………………………………….. 4

C- PRACTICE IN TOEIC I. Language building a- Give some words which may be used to describe pictures 1-3. Compare with your friends b- Complete the following about pictures 1-3 with the suitable words

Picture 1 1. The man who is holding a suitcase is …………………………. 2. The man who stands behind the counter is …………………….

Picture 2

3. The women sitting at the table are ……. ……………... 4. The women who are …………….. try to reach an agreement.

Picture 3 5. There are buildings on the side of the river which …………… the city. 6. People are walking along the path which……………the river.

II. Tactic Practice

1. Put the words in the correct order 5

Picture 1

1. The/ searching/ guard/ is/ the/ apart/ his/ arms/ man/ who/ has. ……………………………………………… …………………………………………..…. 2. The /raising/ man/ who/ arms/ is/ his/ is/ the guard/ searched/ by. …………………………………………..…. …………………………………………….. Picture 2 3. Some/ listening to/ people/ a pen/ man/ are/ the/ holding/ who is. ……………………………………………… …………………………………………..…. 4. The/ the left/ a presentation/ man/ on/ is/ making. ……………………………………………… …………………………………………..…. Picture 3

5. The/ reading/ man/ sits/ a / the shelf/ book/ next to. ……………………………………………… …………………………………………..…. 6. The/ book/behind /shelf/ reading/ man/ is/ the/ who/ is/ a ……………………………………………… …………………………………………..….

2. Make sentences about the pictures with the suggested words 1. stand/ wall/ conversation 6

3. building/ locate/ river

…………………………………………….. …………………………………………….. 2. wait/ want/ line

…………………………………………….. ……………………………………………..

…………………………………………. ………………………………………… III. Test Practice In this part of the test, you will write ONE sentence that is based on a picture. With each picture, you will be given two words or phrases that you must use in your sentence. You can change the forms of the words and you can use the words in any order.

water/ boat 1……………………………………………. ………………………………………………

map/ look 2……………………………………….. …………………………………………..


hat/ on sale 3. The hat which is on sale at the market

stand/ across 4.

woman/ hold 4. the woman who is holding the coffee cup is working with the laptop

teacher/ explain 8

6. The teacher who is explaining a problem is wearing the white shirt


LESSON 2: ADJECTIVE CLAUSES 2 (WHO, WHAT, WHICH- AS THE OBJECT) A-LANGUAGE FOCUS A relative pronoun can be an object in its own clause. Object Relative Pronouns whom, which, O S V that, The address that he gave me was 0 (no pronoun) Note: You can omit that in object pattern clauses only. Ex: The address (that) he gave me was incorrect. The following examples show you how to combine two sentences to make a new sentence containing an object pattern adjective clause For People Restrictive whom, that, 0

The professor is chair of the English Department. You should see the professor. The professor whom you should see is chair of the English Department. The professor that you should see is chair of the English Department. (informal) professor should seeYou is chair of the English Nonrestrictive TheDr. White isyou an ecologist. met Dr.White in myDepartment. office. Dr. White, whom whom you met in my office, is an ecologist. For Animals and Things Restrictive that, 0

The book was written in German. The professor translated the book. The book that the professor translated was written in German. The book the professor translated was written in German.


Nonrestrictive which

Environmental science is one of the most popular courses in the college. Dr. White teaches environmental science. Environmental science, which Dr. White teaches, is one of the most popular courses in the college.

B-LANGUAGE PRACTICE 1. The movie was interesting. We went to it.  ………………………………………………………………… 2. I met the people. You told me about them.  ……………………………………………………………… 3. I couldn’t understand the woman. I talked to her on the phone.  ………………………………………………………………… 4. I want to tell you about the party. I went to it last night.  ………………………………………………………………… 5. The music was gentle. We listened to it last night.  ………………………………………………………………… 6. Alice likes the foreign family. She is living with them.  ………………………………………………………………… 7. The market has refresh vegetables. I usually go to it.  ………………………………………………………………… 8. The man is over there. I told you about him.  ………………………………………………………………… 9. The film is fantastic. They are talking about it.  ………………………………………………………………… 10. She’s the nurse. We gave the flowers to her.  ………………………………………………………………… 11. We are speaking to the man. The man was our new history teacher.  ………………………………………………………………… 12. The teacher is Mr. Pike. We studied with him last year.  ………………………………………………………………… 13. We are very interested in the problem. It has been discussed in class.  ………………………………………………………………… 14. Lung cancer is very dangerous. Million of people died of it.  ………………………………………………………………… 15. I like standing at the window. I can see the park from the window.  ………………………………………………………………… C-PRACTICE IN TOEIC I. Building language Picture 1 1. The kid is is trying to reach the cookie plate which his mother …………...

2. The cookie plate that the boy is trying to reach looks ……….. 10

Picture 2 3. They are talking about the food that they ………. for lunch. 4. The lunch that they are eating is ……………..

Picture 3 11

5. The building that they are visiting is …………….

6. They are coming to the building which many tourists ……………….every year.

II. Tactic Practice 1. Reorder the words to complete sentences Picture 1 1. clothes/ he/ The/ dirty/ which/ put/ basket/ in/ the/ are ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 2. The/ needs/ clothes/ wash/ that/ he/ to/ basket/ are/ in/ the ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… Picture 2


3. The man/ is/ bicycle/ fixing/ often/ the/ that /he/ uses. ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 4. The bicycle/ yesterday/ fixing/ that/ broke down/ they/ are. ……………………………………………… …………………………………………… Picture 3

5. The car/ is waiting/ that/ driving/ the traffic/ the woman/ is/ for. ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 6. The/ looks/ bored/ woman/ traffic/ at/ has to/ the/ that/ she/ wait. ……………………………………………… …………………………………… 2. Make sentences about the pictures with the suggested words 1. gloves/ warm/ that

3. grandmother/ lucky money/ give

………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………

The grandmother who is giving lucky money to her grandchild is wearing a pink Ao Dai

2. Christmas/ party/ happy 13

………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………

III. Test practice In this part of the test, you will write ONE sentence that is based on a picture. With each picture, you will be given two words or phrases that you must use in your sentence. You can change the forms of the words and you can use the words in any order. 1. street/ repair

………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. tree/ decorate

The tree which they are decorating is very nice 14

3. buy/ car

the man who is looking at the car wants to buy it

The product which is holding by the woman is looking cheap

5. modern/ building


The building which is in front of my house is very modern

6. volunteer/ teach

The volunteer who is teaching is wearing a blue shirt

LESSON 3: ADJECTIVE CLAUSES 3 (WHOSE + QUANTITY & QUALITY) A-LANGUAGE FOCUS 1. Possessive pronoun “whose” In possessive adjective clauses, the relative pronoun whose replaces a possessive word such as Mary’s, his, our, their, the company’s, or its. Possessive adjective clauses can follow the subject 16

or the object pattern. In the subject pattern, the whose + noun phrase is the subject of the adjective clause. In the object pattern, the whose + noun phrase is the object in the adjective^ clause. Notes 1. Some writers feel that whose should be used to refer only to people. For animals and things, they recommend using of which. Compare: I returned the book whose cover was torn. I returned the book, the cover of which was torn. Other writers use whose in all but the most formal writing (such as legal documents). 2. When whose + noun is the subject of an adjective clause, the verb agrees with that noun. She takes care of two children whose mother works at night. (The verb works is singular to agree with mother.) She takes care of two children whose parents work at night. (The verb work is plural to agree with parents.) 2. Phrases of quantity and quality A relative pronoun can occur in phrases of quantity and quality. Quantity Relative Pronouns some of whom all of whom each of which both of which, etc.

He gave two answers, both of which were correct. The top students, all of whom graduated with honors, received scholarships. Quality Relative Pronouns

the best of whom the oldest of whom the most important of which, etc.

She has three daughters, the oldest of whom is studying abroad. The comedian’s jokes, the funniest of which 1 had heard before, were about politics.

B-LANGUAGE PRACTICE Rewrite the sentences 1. Nam is the boy with black curly hair. --> The boy .... 2. The man seems very lonely because his wife and children are away --> The man ... 3. I went to 2 telephone boxes but they were both out of order --> I went ....................... worked 4. The city has sixteen schools. Two of them are junior colleges. -> The city has sixteen schools, two of ……………………………. 5. Last night the orchestra played three symphonies. One of them was Beethoven’s Seventh. ---> …………………………………. ...................... 6. I tried on six pairs of shoes. I liked none of them. ---> …………………………………. ...................... 7. The village has around 200 people. The majority of them are farmers. ---> …………………………………. ...................... 17

8. That company currently has five employees. All of them are computer experts. ---> …………………………………. ...................... 9. After the riot, over one hundred people were taken to the hospital. Many of them had been innocent bystanders. ---> …………………………………. ...................... 10. The man called the police. His wallet was stolen. ---> …………………………………. ...................... 11. I met the woman. Her husband is the president of the corporation. ---> …………………………………. ...................... 12. The professor is excellent. I am taking her course. ---> …………………………………. ...................... 13. Mr. North teaches a class for students. Their native language is not English. ---> …………………………………. ...................... 14. The people were nice. We visited their house. ---> …………………………………. ...................... 15. I apologized to the woman. I spilled her coffee. ---> …………………………………. ......................

C-PRACTICE IN TOEIC I. Language building Picture 1

1. The woman whose tyre ……………is calling the telephone.

2. The woman whose baby …………….. has a flat tyre. 18

Picture 2

Picture 3

3. The people whose dog is ………………is 5. The children whose teacher is explaining exercising. looks …………….. 4. The people are walking the dog whose color is …

6. The teacher is explaining to the boy whose book is ……………

II. Tactic Practice 1. Reorder the words to make a meaningful sentence. Picture 1 1. The/ whose bag/ to carry/ woman/ big/ is/ very/ is trying/ it/ upstairs. 19

……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 2. There/ is/ a/ whose /heavy/ bag/ woman/ looks. ……………………………………………… ………………………………………………

Picture 2 3. The man/ standing/ is cooking/ whose/ next to/ family/ is/ him. ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 4. The man/ is/ both of them/ cooking/ wife/ and/ next to/ daugher/ with/ his/ are standing/ him. ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… Picture 3

5. The man/ cleaning/ whose friend/ is sleeping/ is/ the wall. ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 6. The/ husband/ woman/ resting/ is/ cleaning/ whose/ is. ……………………………………………… ………………………………………………

2. Make sentences about the pictures with the suggested words 1. read/ interest/ whose

3. hands/ men/ stand


The woman whose son is reading a book

The men who are standing opposite each other are shaking hand

The men who stand and shake hand with each other are businessmen. 2. women/ both/ cheap

……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………..

III. Test practice 21

In this part of the test, you will write ONE sentence that is based on a picture. With each picture, you will be given two words or phrases that you must use in your sentence. You can change the forms of the words and you can use the words in any order. 1. women/ yoga 3. eat/ party

The women who have black hair are doing yoga ( Three women who are sitting on three mat are doing yoga)

the people who are joining the party are eating together

2. move/ surface

4. grandmother/ lucky money

This car which is moving on a rough surface is white

There are two children, whose grandmother is giving lucky money

5. umbrellas/ all


These kids who are walking on the street all have umbrellas

The woman who is standing on the street is taking a taxi

6. woman/ street

LESSON 4: NOUN CLAUSES A-LANGUAGE FOCUS A noun clause is a dependent clause that functions as a noun. A noun clause is often part of an independent clause, where it can be a subject or an object. What the newspaper reported was incorrect. Subject 23

People once believed that the world was flat. Object A noun clause can also follow certain adjectives and nouns. We were happy that the semester was over. Adjective Who first challenged the belief that the world was flat? Noun There are three kinds of noun clauses: 1. that clauses, which begin with the word that 2. if/whether clauses, which begin with the words whether or if 3. question clauses, which begin with a question word, such as who, what, where, when, or how 1.That clauses

2. If/ whether clauses

3. Question clauses



B-LANGUAGE PRACTICE 1. Write that-clauses

1. Tim hasn’t been able to make any friends. …………………………………………………………………… 2. Drug abuse can ruin one’s health. …………………………………………………………………… 3. Some women do not earn equal pay for equal work. …………………………………………………………………… 4. The earth revolves around the sun. …………………………………………………………………… 5. Irene, who is an excellent student, failed her entrance examination. …………………………………………………………………… 25

6. Smoking can cause cancer. …………………………………………………………………… 7. English is the principal language of the business community throughout much of the world ……………………………………………………………………

2. Write if-clause and question clauses 1. How much does this book cost? …………………………………………………………………… 2. When is Flight 62 expected to arrive? …………………………………………………………………… 3. Where is the nearest phone? …………………………………………………………………… 4. Is this word spelled correctly? …………………………………………………………………… 5. What time is it? …………………………………………………………………… 6. Does this bus go downtown? …………………………………………………………………… 7. Is this information correct? …………………………………………………………………… 8.Whose pen is this? ……………………………………………………………………

B- PRACTICE IN TOEIC I. Building Language a- Give some words which may be used to describe pictures 1-3. Compare with your friends b- Complete the following about pictures 1-3 with the suitable words Picture 1

Picture 2

1. He knows how to ………………………….. 2. That he can play golf is ……………………………………

3. The girl knows that she has to ……………………exam. 4. She doesn’t know what……………………………………….

Picture 3 26

5. The girl is practising what she ………………… 6. It is obvious that the girl can……………………..

II. Tactic Practice

1. Reorder the words to make a meaningful sentence. Picture 1 1. They/ how/ are/ asking/ car/ much/ the/ is. ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 2. They/ whether/ car/ wonder/ they/ buy/ should/ the. ……………………………………………… ………………………… Picture 2 3. They/ the/ tree/ know/ decorate/ how/ to. ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 4. It/ is/ spring/ apparent/ coming/ that/ the/ is. ……………………………………………… …….……………………………………….. Picture 3 5. The/ fix/ workers/ are/ they/ doing/ what/ road/ can/ to/ the. ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 6. They/ don’t/ finish/ know/ when/ work/ they/ can/ their ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 2. Make sentences about the pictures with the suggested words 1. heavy/ lift/ athletic 2. look/ what/ man 27

…………………………………………… …………………………………………… ……………………………………………… …………………………………………….. …………………………………………

…………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………

3. explain/ teacher/ help …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………

III. Test practice In this part of the test, you will write ONE sentence that is based on a picture. With each picture, you will be given two words or phrases that you must use in your sentence. You can change the forms of the words and you can use the words in any order. 1. focus/ study 2. look/ say

3. show/ to

4. smell/ woman 28

………………………………………………. …………………………………………….. ………………………………………………

5. fix/ break

………………………………………………. …………………………………………….. ………………………………………………

6. swim/ pool

………………………………………………. …………………………………………….. ………………………………………………

………………………………………………. ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………..



LESSON 5: PASSIVE VOICE A-LANGUAGE FOCUS 1. Present simple: is/are + Vpp Ex: He reads a book every day.  A book is read everyday. 2. Present continous: is/are + being + Vpp Ex: He is feeding the dog.  The dog is being fed. 3. Present perfect: have/ has + Vpp Ex: He has just solved the problem.  The problem has just been solved. 4. Past simple: was/ were +Vpp Ex: He broke the plate.  The plate was broken. 5. Future : will/ be going to + be + Vpp Ex: He is going to draw the money.  The money is going to be drawn. 6. have/ has somone do something = have something done (by someone) Ex: He has the teacher explain the math.  He has the math explained by the teacher. Note:

B-LANGUAGE PRACTICE Change into passive voice 1. The waitress is serving the customer.  …………………………………………………… 2. The teacher is going to explain the lesson.  …………………………………………………… 3. She has suggested a new idea.  …………………………………………………… 4. They are painting the house.  …………………………………………………… 5. A hurricane destroyed the small village.  …………………………………………………… 6. The student is erasing the blackboard.  …………………………………………………… 7. He is awarding her the scholarship.  …………………………………………………… 30

8. The waiter handed Ann a menu at the restaurant.  …………………………………………………… 9. The teacher is explaining the problem to the students.  …………………………………………………… 10. They have him fix the bicycle.  …………………………………………………… 11. The assistant manager is interviewing me.  …………………………………………………… 12. The lesson interests him.  …………………………………………………… 13. The result disappoints him.  …………………………………………………… 14. The class bores students.  …………………………………………………… 15. She has her daughter clean the house.  ……………………………………………………

B-PRACTICE IN TOEIC I. Building Language a- Give some words which may be used to describe pictures 1-3. Compare with your friends b- Complete the following about pictures 1-3 with the suitable words Picture 1 Picture 2

1. She is ………………… an award for her achievement.

3. The clothes are piled in …………………...

2. An award is…………………….to the excellent student

4. A lot of clothes needs to be …………


Picture 3

5. The mother ………. a gift on her birthday. 6. A gift ……………… the mother

II. Tactic practice 1. Reorder the words to make a meaningful sentence Picture 1

1. The/ needs/ man/ bicycle/ to be/ has/ a/ which/ repaired.  ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 2. The/ bicycle/ two men/ repaired/ is/ being/ by. ……………………………………………… ………………………………………………


Picture 2 3. Many/row/ shopping/ lined up/ carts/ are/ in/ a. ……………………………………………… ………………………………………………. 4. The/ arranged/ shopping/ next to/ wall/ carts/ are/ a. ……………………………………………… ………………………………………………

Picture 3

5. The/ Christmas/ ribbons and tinsels/ being/ with/ decorated/ tree/ is ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 6. Ribbons and tinsels/ decoration/ Christmas tree/ are/ hung/ on/ the/ for. ……………………………………….. ……………………………………………… ………. 2. Make sentences about the pictures with the suggested words 2. bed/ make/ woman

1. pile/ place/ armchair

The pile is placed next to the armchair

The Bed is made clean by the woman 33

3. chef/ prepare/ cake The cakes are being prepared by the chef

III. Test Practice In this part of the test, you will write ONE sentence that is based on a picture. With each picture, you will be given two words or phrases that you must use in your sentence. You can change the forms of the words and you can use the words in any order. 3. ATM/ money

1. giraffe / feed

A giraffe is fed by a little girl.

Money is withdrawn from an ATM

2. amaze/ small

3. have/ fix

the electrical box has been repaired by a mechanic

the man is amazed by a small monkey 4. grow/ next

3. child/ shout


A small tree is growed next to a big tree

The child is being shouted by her mother


who, that, which- subject whom, that, which -object, whose, …of which/ whom Noun clauses Passive voice


Mini-test 1 Question 1 of 5 Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.

in front of/ building  The beach which is in front of the building is so beautiful 35

Question 2 of 5 Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.

a lot of/ road a lot of cars which are on the road have so many colors

Question 3 of 5 Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.

horse/ gaze the two horses which are gazing at the grass are standing side by side

Question 4 of 5 Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.


interest/ music the woman who is listening to the interesting music is wearing a pink shirt Question 5 of 5 Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.

read/ bed

Mini-test 2 Question 1 of 5 Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.

sit/ portrait Question 2 of 5 37

Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.

award/ on Question 3 of 5 Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.

mechanic/ teach Question 4 of 5 Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.

newspaper/ while

Question 5 of 5 38

Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.

make/ speech



Lesson 7: Giving “How to” Instructions (1) 39

Lesson 8: Giving “How to” Instructions (2) Lesson 9: Giving Directions


LESSON 7: GIVING “HOW TO” INSTRUCTIONS (1) In this part of the test, you will be requested to respond to an email enquiring some information. You will be given specific instructions on what to include in your response. For example, after an email asking for directions, you may be asked to cover four steps.

Your response will be scored on - the quality and variety of your sentences, vocabulary, and - organization. You will have 10 minutes to read and answer each email

Some of the emails in this section of the test will ask you to explain how to do something. For example, you might be asked how to send a fax or bake a cake. In this unit, you will learn a few 40

linguistic “signposts” to use to make your instructions more precise. Using these signposts will boost your score for organization.

FOCUS. Basically, when you give instructions, you are guiding someone through a series of steps in sequence. These are approprite words to indicate sequence: First, / First of all, Next, Then, Finally, / Now, finally you .... When the person answers, ... When you hear the dialing tone, .... Using these words will help the reader have a clear idea of the order of instructions. Often, when you give instruction, you also need to help the person avoid common mistakes. Here are some phrases that clearly indicate that’s what you’re doing. - Be careful not to leave the oven on. - Be sure to turn off the oven when you leave. - Don’t forget to turn off the oven when you leave. - If the paper jams, then clear the paper and turn the copier off. Notice that the first phrase specifically tells someone what not to do, whereas the next two remind the person of what they need to do.

 PRACTICEm. Exercise 1 How to make an English Breakfast Put each of the following verbs in the correct space in the constructions below. fry add

boil pour

stir lay

clear away spread

1. ............... the table (with the table-cloth, knives, forks, spoons, plates, glasses, napkins etc.) 2. To make tea, first ............... the water in a kettle. 3. Put a tea-bag in a cup and .................. the boiling water on it. (This is quicker than using a teapot.) 4. .............. milk (from a jug) and sugar (from a bowl), and ............. with a spoon. 5. Make some toast, using the toaster, and ............... butter on it. 6. ............. eggs and bacon in a frying-pan. 41

7. Put it on a plate with the toast, and eat it with a little salt and pepper. 8. When you”ve finished your breafast, ................ all the breafast things.

Exercise 2 Sentence matching List A and List B explain how to use a payphone in London. But List A is not in the correct order. Match List A and List B. Then write the sentences as one paragraph. List A a. First of all ... b. Now, finally you ... c. When the person answers, ... d. When you hear the dialing tone, ....

List B 1. pick up the receiver 2. dial the number and wait for the person to answer 3. put in the money 4. speak

............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................

Exercise 3 Arranging sentences These pictures show how to make a papier-mâché pot. The sentences explain the pictures. Put the sentences in the correct order and write them as one paragraph.



When the paper on the jar is dry, rub it with glass-paper. This makes it smooth.


After this, paste on about eight layers of small pieces of paper.


Now finally paint the pot with bright colours.


Because it is smoother, use tissue paper for the last two layers.


You can make a lovely pot with a simple jar.


First of all, tear some old paper into small pieces.

............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ Exercise 4 Guided writing This is a recipe for Spiced Oranges. Recipes usually have incomplete sentences. Use the information in the recipe: (i) to write sentences like those in Exercise 2; (ii) to write a paragraph with those sentences. Use these words if necessary: First of all; After this; Then; Now; the; some; for; a; them. Add articles before the nouns when necessary. Ingredients: 4 large oranges 4-5dl ( ¾ pint) water ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg sugar  Peel oranges and remove all white parts.  Cut into slices.  Put water, cinnamon and nutmeg into saucepan.  When water is boiling, add orange slices.  Add sugar.  Simmer gently 3-4 minutes.  Put in refrigerator several hours.  Eat cold.

............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ 43

............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................


LESSON 8: GIVING “HOW TO” INSTRUCTIONS (2) In this lesson, you will be requested to respond to an email enquiring some information. You will be given specific instructions on what to include in your response. For example, after an email asking for directions, you may be asked to cover four steps.

 FOCUSm. For each of the following situations, write a sentence telling someone how to avoid a common mistake. Making rice Setting the TV to show DVD Sewing a shirt Training a dog Turing an office alarm system off For example, 44

Don’t forget to turn it way down after it boils. If the screen is blank, make sure the channel is set to 3. Be careful not to stick yourself with the needle! Be careful not to pet him if he does something wrong. If the alarm goes off, call the office manager right away. Now as you answer the next three e-mails, be sure to use the signpost words in all how-to instructions. Also include instructions for how to avoid common mistakes in at least one response. Making rice ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ Setting the TV to show DVD ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ Sewing a shirt ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ Training a dog ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ Turing an office alarm system off ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ Your response will be scored on - the quality and variety of your sentences, vocabulary, and - organization. You will have 10 minutes to read and answer each email

 PRACTICEm.  Practice 1m. 45

From: Alyssa Lee To: Carr Davidson Subject: Ruth’s birthday Sent: June 20, 7:32

Hi, Carr, Thanks so much for making sure Ruth gets a birthday cake tomorrow. I understand she wants a chocolate icing. I basically know how to make a cake, but wondered if you could tell me exactly how to make the cake Ruth likes. Thanks in advance! Directions: Respond to the email as if you are Ruth’s boyfriend, Carr. In your email, tell Alyssa how to make Ruth’s favourite birthday cake. You intructions should include at least THREE steps. To : Alyssa Lee Subject: Re: Ruth’s birthday ......................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ............ ............................................................................................................................ ........................ ................................................................................................................ .................................... .................................................................................................... ................................................ ........................................................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ............ ............................................................................................................................ Self-Evaluation Evaluation Criteria Does your reply meet the requirements outlined in the directions? Does your reply demonstrate good sentence variety? Does your reply demonstrate good sentence structures? Does your reply demonstrate good overall organization? Does your reply use correct and appropriate vocabulary?

 Practice 2m. From: Rachel Jones To: David Paris Subject: Babysitting Sent: March 8, 4:19 p.m.


Yes 

No 

   

   

Hi, David, I’m really excited to babysit for you and April tomorrow. I’m a tiny bit worried about getting Bony to sleep, though. You had said there was a magic way to get him to go to sleep. Could you tell me again what it is? Otherwise, I can’t wait to spend time with baby Bony! Thanks!

Directions: Respond to the email as if you are Bony’s father, David. In your email, tell Rachel how to get the baby to go to sleep . You intructions should include at least THREE steps. To : Rachel Jones Subject: Re: Babysitting ......................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ............ ............................................................................................................................ ........................ ................................................................................................................ .................................... .................................................................................................... ................................................ ........................................................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................................ Self-Evaluation Evaluation Criteria Does your reply meet the requirements outlined in the directions? Does your reply demonstrate good sentence variety? Does your reply demonstrate good sentence structures? Does your reply demonstrate good overall organization? Does your reply use correct and appropriate vocabulary?

 Practice 3m. From: My Nguyen To: Kate Peace Subject: Sending a fax Sent: April 30, 8:24 a.m.


Yes 

No 

   

   

Hi, Kate. I’m sorry to bother you, but I need to send a fax for the first time since I’ve been working here, and I realized I don’t know how to do it! I’m using the fax machine in the administration office. It’s a long-distance fax. Could you tell me how to do it? Thank you so much!

Directions: Respond to the email as if you are Kate Peace. In your email, tell My how to send a fax. You intructions should include at least THREE steps. To : My Nguyen Subject: Re: Sending a fax ......................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ............ ............................................................................................................................ ........................ ................................................................................................................ .................................... .................................................................................................... ................................................ ........................................................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................................

Self-Evaluation Evaluation Criteria Does your reply meet the requirements outlined in the directions? Does your reply demonstrate good sentence variety? Does your reply demonstrate good sentence structures? Does your reply demonstrate good overall organization? Does your reply use correct and appropriate vocabulary?

Yes 

No 

   

   


LESSON 9: GIVING DIRECTIONS In this lesson, you will learn how to give directions to a certain place. Using the right vocabulary for giving directions will improve the vocabulary portion of your score.

FOCUS. 48

The following phrases / sentences are useful in giving directions. -

Go out the door and take a left. Follow this street until you get to Sunrise Avenue. Follow the signs for Hastings Boulevard. Turn right / Take a right. Turn left / Take a left. Look for the orange sign. Go 3 blocks. At the fourth light. You’ll see a corner store on the right. My house is the second one on the left. If you pass Truong Dinh Street, you’ve gone too far. Take the Main Street exit.

Here are the sample instructions: Go out the door and make a left. Go down one block to 22nd Street. Make a left. Follow 22nd Street about 5 blocks until you reach South Van ness. Make a right. The grocery store is halfway down the block on the right. If you reach 21st Street, you’ve gone too fast. Now, practice giving directions with a classmate. Give instructions from your school to your house and from your classmate’s house to your own. As you answer the following emails, use the phrases / sentences above to help you.

 PRACTICEm.  Practice 1m. From: Dan Jack To: Michael Kose Subject: Plans Sent: September 10, 11:18 a.m. Hi, Michael. I wanted to let you know that my flight arrives on Friday at 2:30. I have a rental car all lined up. So all I need is how to get to your house . I’ll be coming in on Route 1 headed North, so I just need to know how to get to your place from here. Thanks a bunch, and I can’t wait to see you. Thank you so much! Directions: Respond to the email as if you are Michael Kose. In your email, tell Dan how to get to your house from the highway. You intructions should include at least THREE steps. To : Dan Jack Subject: Re: Plans


......................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ............ ............................................................................................................................ ........................ ................................................................................................................ .................................... .................................................................................................... ................................................ ........................................................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ............ ............................................................................................................................

Self-Evaluation Evaluation Criteria Does your reply meet the requirements outlined in the directions? Does your reply demonstrate good sentence variety? Does your reply demonstrate good sentence structures? Does your reply demonstrate good overall organization? Does your reply use correct and appropriate vocabulary?

Yes 

No 

   

   

 Practice 2m. From: Thomas Hardy To: Chesson Shaw Subject: Sent:

September 10, 11:18 a.m.

Hi, Michael. I am ready to send the mailing out. I have everything in envelopes and ready to go. The only thing is, the post office told me they won’t pick up a mass mailing, so I’ll need to take them to the post office myself. Could you tell me where the nearest post office is? I would really appreciate it. Thank you!

Directions: Respond to the email as if you areThomas Hardy. In your email, tell Chesson how to get to the post office. You intructions should include at least THREE steps.

To : Chesson Shaw Subject: Re: Post office


......................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ............ ............................................................................................................................ ........................ ................................................................................................................ .................................... .................................................................................................... ................................................ ........................................................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ............ ............................................................................................................................

Self-Evaluation Evaluation Criteria Does your reply meet the requirements outlined in the directions? Does your reply demonstrate good sentence variety? Does your reply demonstrate good sentence structures? Does your reply demonstrate good overall organization? Does your reply use correct and appropriate vocabulary?

Yes 

No 

   

   



In this lesson, you will learn how to give directions to a certain place. Using the right vocabulary for giving directions will improve the vocabulary portion of your score.

 FOCUS. The following phrases / sentences are useful in asking for information. I would like to ask you a few questions about your product / offer and services. I would like to inquire about your product / offer. I wonder if I can get another discount on it. I’m not sure if I can get another discount on it. I have two questions I’d like to ask you. I would like to ask you a few questions about the heath and safety seminar. Actually, I do have some questions about the product. Could you tell me where ...

And some words of sequence: Firstly, ............................................................................... Secondly, ........................................................................... To stat with, ....................................................................... In addition, ......................................................................... First of all, .......................................................................... Also, ................................................................................... Finally, / And finally, ......................................................... For one thing, ....................................................................... For another, .......................................................................... Lastly, ................................................................................... Sample From:

Henry Thomson

To: Eaton Hann Subject: Post of Marketing Sup. Sent:

September 16, 14:18 a.m.

Dear Mr. Hann, I’m very interested in the marketing supervisor’s role. However, before accepting the offer, I need to first ask a couple of questions about the position. Firstly, I was wondering which branch the vacancy is in. I would much prefer to stay in New York. Secondly, can you please tell me what hours I would have work? I would rather not work weekends. Please get back to me as soon as you can. Sincerely, Henry Thomson  BRAINSTORMING . 52

Before writing the reply email, work in pairs to brainstorm your possible questions. ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ....................... ................................................................................................................. .............................................. .......................................................................................... ..................................................................... ................................................................... ............................................................................................ ............................................ ................................................................................................................... ................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ....................... ......................................................................................................................

 PRACTICEm.  Practice 1m. From:

Sarah Bush, General Affairs

To: All employees Subject: Company policy on lateness Sent:

July 22, 11:30 a.m.

Hi, everyone! Employee punctuality is important for our company productivity. However, management has noticed that many employees are frequently late to work. To address this issue, employees must check in with their managers by 8:30 a.m. If you have any questions with this policy, please contact me directly. Sarah Bush, General Affairs

Directions: Respond to the email as if you are an employee of the organization. In your email, ask Sarah TWO questions (about flexible working hours, cases of out-of-office meeting, ......................., ................................). To : Sarah Bush, General Affairs Subject: Company policy on lateness ......................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ............ ............................................................................................................................ ........................ ................................................................................................................ .................................... .................................................................................................... ................................................ ........................................................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................................ Self-Evaluation Evaluation Criteria

Yes 53


Does your reply meet the requirements outlined in the directions? Does your reply demonstrate good sentence variety? Does your reply demonstrate good sentence structures? Does your reply demonstrate good overall organization? Does your reply use correct and appropriate vocabulary?

   

   

 Practice 2m. From:

Link Travel

To: Rowanna Robinson Subject: Link Travel special offer Sent:

June 6, 9:38 p.m.

We’re offering all our loyal customers a fantastic opportunity to travel this summer. For a limited time only, we’re offering discounts on trips to selected destinations. Email us or visit your local Link Travel branch for more details.

Directions: Respond to the email as if you are R. Robinson . In your email, ask TWO questions (about the expiry of the offer, what the selected destinations are, ...................., ...............................). To : Jane Moore Subject: Opening for overseas tour guide ......................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ............ ............................................................................................................................ ........................ ................................................................................................................ .................................... .................................................................................................... ................................................ ........................................................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................................

Self-Evaluation Evaluation Criteria Does your reply meet the requirements outlined in the directions? Does your reply demonstrate good sentence variety? Does your reply demonstrate good sentence structures? Does your reply demonstrate good overall organization? Does your reply use correct and appropriate vocabulary?

 Practice 3m. 54

Yes 

No 

   

   


Matthew Eaton, Love Valley Travel

To: Jane Moore – Southeast Asian Adventure Tours Subject: Opening for overseas tour guide Sent:

August 26, 2:40 p.m.

Thank you for your interest in the position of tour guide. I am attaching an application form for the position. Please let me know if you have any questions about the application or the job itself. Matthew Eaton

Directions: Respond to the email as if you are J. Moore. In your email, ask TWO questions (about the working place and hours, .............................., .............. ..........................., ..................................). To : Jane Moore Subject: Opening for overseas tour guide ......................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ............ ............................................................................................................................ ........................ ................................................................................................................ .................................... .................................................................................................... ................................................ ........................................................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ............ ............................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ Self-Evaluation Evaluation Criteria Does your reply meet the requirements outlined in the directions? Does your reply demonstrate good sentence variety? Does your reply demonstrate good sentence structures? Does your reply demonstrate good overall organization? Does your reply use correct and appropriate vocabulary?

Yes 

No 

   

   



In this lesson, you will learn how to reply to inquiries. Writing effective replies to business emails is one of the most important skills you should acquire as a good business owner, sales person or marketing personnel. Using the right vocabulary for responding to inquiries will improve the vocabulary portion of your score.

 FOCUSm. Acknowledging receipt of an enquiry/request - Thank you for your letter of … regarding / concerning / in connection with … - I refer to your enquiry about / relating to … - I have received your letter of … requesting information about Explaining action taken as a consequence of the enquiry - I have (reviewed our available stock) … - We held a meeting on 21 January to discuss possible solutions. - I have checked/looked into/investigated (the possible approaches) … Making suggestions / justifying recommendations / pointing out pros and cons / hedging - The best choice would be … since … - I highly recommend … as / due to the fact that … - I recommend this item since … - In view of the fact that …, I would strongly recommend … as … Apologising and rejecting proposals - Your proposal is of interest to us, and we have had consultations about it. - However, we feel that it will not be in our interests to … for reasons of (privacy). - We are concerned that … Stipulating action requested or to be taken - We shall arrange for … by …at the latest. - I shall see to it that … - Our company will arrange for … Establishing goodwill and suggesting contact - I hope that this information will help you to make decisions on your order. - I look forward to hearing from you. - I look forward to doing business with your company in the future … - Please feel free to contact me again if you have any further queries on … - Do contact me on 27615432 if you need further information. - Please do not hesitate to contact me on 27615432 if I can be of further assistance.

Sample 1 From: To:

Silvia Choi - Merchandising Manager - NOVELTY SAFETY EQUIPMENT LTD Mr Tim Lee – Manager - Sun Lee Consultancy Ltd 56

Subject: Fire extinguishers Sent:

August 16, 2:12 p.m.

Dear Mr Lee Thank you for your enquiry regarding our newly released range of fire extinguishers. You will see from the enclosed catalogue that the range has been extended to include some highly efficient portable extinguishers for use on construction sites. We are offering to our existing customers a 15% discount on orders of extinguishers from this new range. We look forward to your increased order at this discount rate. Yours sincerely, Silvia Choi Merchandising Manager

 PRACTICEm.  Practice 1m Supply the blanks with appropriate words or expressions. From:

David Lee -  Distributions Manager - Everlong Batteries ]

To: Jake Wong - Purchasing Officer - Fortune Goods Subject: Enquiry about Batteries Sent:

May 21, 8:40 a.m.

................ ................ for your letter of Friday, 27 September 2013 .................. making copies of the sample battery you sent us. I have investigated the situation and found that your specifications are exactly the same as the design of a proprietary camera battery manufactured by a large Japanese electronics company. We ................ that it would not be in our interests to supply this type of battery. However, I ................... thank you for considering our company as your supplier. I look forward to ................. ..................... with your company in the future.

 Practice 2m From:

Hill Thommson, Manager, Telfo Wire Company


All sales reps 57

Subject: New computers Sent: August 11, 3:40 p.m. We will soon be replacing computers for all sales staff. As we would like you to be available when we replace your computer, could you tell us a time convenient for you? Also please let us know if you need any other equipment.

Directions: Respond to the email as if you are a sales representative for Telfo Wire Company. In your email, give ONE time you are free and make TWO requests for new equipment. To : Hill Thommson, Manager, Telfo Wire Company Subject: New computers ......................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ............ ............................................................................................................................ ........................ ................................................................................................................ .................................... .................................................................................................... ................................................ ........................................................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ............ ............................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................

Self-Evaluation Evaluation Criteria Does your reply meet the requirements outlined in the directions? Does your reply demonstrate good sentence variety? Does your reply demonstrate good sentence structures? Does your reply demonstrate good overall organization? Does your reply use correct and appropriate vocabulary?

 Practice 3m From:

Lou Herr


Human Resources Dept., JJ Corp. 58

Yes 

No 

   

   

Subject: Employment Sent:

March11, 10:40 a.m.

Dear Sir or Madam, I am interested in applying for an entry-level position at your company. I understand that you are not advertizing any openings right now, but I believe my education and experience would make me a positive addition to your company. Can we meet to talk? Sincerely, Lou Herr Directions: Respond to the email as if you work in Human Resources Department of JJ Corporation. In your email, make TWO pieces of information and ask ONE question. To : Hill Thommson, Manager, Telfo Wire Company Subject: New computers ......................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ............ ............................................................................................................................ ........................ ................................................................................................................ .................................... .................................................................................................... ................................................ ........................................................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ............ ............................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................

Self-Evaluation Evaluation Criteria Does your reply meet the requirements outlined in the directions? Does your reply demonstrate good sentence variety? Does your reply demonstrate good sentence structures? Does your reply demonstrate good overall organization? Does your reply use correct and appropriate vocabulary?


Yes 

No 

   

   


Lesson 12: Writing general introductory sentences Lesson 13: Writing a complete introductory paragraph Lesson 14: Giving reasons and examples Lesson 15: Developing key ideas by giving reasons and LESSON 12:examples WRITING GENERAL INTRODUCTORY SENTENCES


A-FOCUS Guidelines for the introductory paragraph The first paragraph in an essay is called the introductory paragraph. There are two purposes of the introductory paragraph: to get the readers’ attention and to introduce them to the subject of your essay. In other words, you need to lead readers to the subject of the essay in an interesting way and convince them that reading your essay will be worth their time. There are several guidelines for writing a good introductory paragraph.  It must be relevant to the topic; that is, it should not introduce material not covered in the essay.  It should not give detailed information about the main ideas of the essay. Detailed information belongs to the body paragraphs. There should be at least two sentences before the thesis statement. The thesis statement should come at the end of the introductory paragraph.

  

Model of an introductory paragraph Essay question: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Businesses should do anything they can to make a profit. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position. Sample introduction: Nowadays, the competition among the businesses has been increasing, and every company tries to struggle and survive in such a situation. Some people think that businesses should do anything they can do to reach their goal - maximum profits. In my opinion, however, businesses must not do anything harmful to the community.

B-PRACTICE TASK 1: Put the sentences in each of the following sets in the correct order to form a good introductory paragraph for the intended essay. 1. a. b. c. d.

In some cultures, people bow, and in others, they shake hands. In English-speaking countries, shaking hands is the custom. A proper handshake has four ingredients: pressure, pumps, eye contact, and verbal message. The way people greet each other when they meet for the first time varies from culture to culture.

2. a. However, in others, the nuclear family with only the parents and young children is the norm. b. If this new system becomes widespread, it could have enormous effects on the society. c. In most cultures, people live in extended families, in which several generations share the same house. d. People in different cultures have different systems for family life. e. In recent years, some couples are experimenting with still another system of family life: living together without marriage. 3. a. I believe that it is cheaper, more convenient, and better for the environment than private cars are. 61

b. In order to get around city, you can use public transportation or private cars. c. My preference is definitely for public transportation. d. Your choice of transportation basically depends on where you want to go.

TASK 2: Read the four introductory paragraphs that follow the essay question. Check (√) the features of a good introduction that they have (Remember: they must have all four to be a good introduction). Essay question: Which, in your opinion, is more important in making someone’s life happy: a good environment or good genes? 1. Some people have a happy life and some people don’t. My friend Tony has a miserable life. He just got divorced, and now his wife won’t let him see his children. To live a happy life, a good environment is more important than good genes. □ □ □ □

It is relevant to the topic of the essay. It contains at least three sentences. It doesn't give details that belong to the body of the essay. It ends with the thesis statement.

2. First, a good environment can make you healthier, which can make you happy. Second, if you live in a good environment, you probably have many friends who can help you when you need it. Friends are important for emotional health as well. People with friends are happier than people without friends. Also, a good environment is probably safer, so you don’t have to be afraid to walk down the street. Being safe makes everyone happy. To live a happy life, a good environment is more important than good genes. □ □ □ □

It is relevant to the topic of the essay. It contains at least three sentences. It doesn’t give details that belong to the body of the essay. it ends with the thesis statement.

3. It is said that your mother and father make you what you are. You get your genes from them, and they may have great genes. However, if they don't raise you in a safe, loving environment, you may never be happy. To live a happy life, a good environment is more important than good genes. □ □ □ □

It is relevant to the topic of the essay. It contains at least three sentences. It doesn’t give details that belong to the body of the essay. It ends with the thesis statement.

4. Before the nineteenth century, most people lived in dirty, smelly, unhealthy environments. To live a happy life, a good environment is more important than good genes. □ □ □ □

It is relevant to the topic of the essay. It contains at least three sentences. It doesn’t give details that belong to the body of the essay. It ends with the thesis statement.

5. Environment is much more important that genes when you are growing up. A good example of this is the millions of people in the world who were born with physical challenges. If people are raised in a good environment, they can be successful and live a happy life. 62

□ □ □ □

It is relevant to the topic of the essay. It contains at least three sentences. It doesn’t give details that belong to the body of the essay. It ends with the thesis statement.

TASK 3: Read each essay question. Then choose the more general introductory sentence of the two that follow. This sentence would appear just before the thesis statement, which states your opinion. Compare your answer with that of a partner. Say why the other sentence is not appropriate. 1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Consulting with a group of people is the best way to make an important decision. a. Making an important decision is not an easy thing to do, and there are different ways to do it. b. If you want to make an important decision, you should definitely always do it by yourself. Thesis statement: Many people believe that getting the opinion of other is the best way to make an important decision; however, I disagree with this approach. 2. When travelling medium distances, some people prefer to fly. Others prefer to take express trains. Which do you prefer? a. Trains and airplanes have both advantages and disadvantages. b. I don’t really like flying because it is very expensive and I often get airsick. Thesis statement: Although some people prefer to fly, I’d rather take the train. 3. What would you consider the best type of job? a. I don’t really like my current job much and would like to find a new one soon. b. Choosing the best type of job involves considering many factors. Thesis statement: I think the best type of job for me would be the one that involves both sales and travel.

TASK 4: Write ONE general introductory sentence that would appear just before the thesis statement. 1. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ I’m totally opposed to living in the city. 2. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ In my opinion, the internet is the best place to buy things. 3. _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ There are several things about my current job, but I believe that the best aspect of my job is the long vacations. -----------------------------------------------------


A-FOCUS As explained in the previous lesson, a good introductory paragraph should be relevant and consist of at least two general sentences that are followed by the thesis statement. Now, let’s practise writing complete introductory paragraphs for your intended essays.

B-PRACTICE TASK 1: Write two or more general sentences for each of the following thesis statement to make the complete introductory paragraph for your intended essay. 1. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ I’m totally opposed to living in the city. 2. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ In my opinion, the internet is the best place to buy things. 3. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ There are several things about my current job, but I believe that the best aspect of my job is the long vacations.

TASK 2: For each of the following essay questions, a.underline the key words, b.write a thesis statement, that states your opinion, c. and add two or more general sentences to the thesis statement to make the complete introductory paragraph for your intended essay. 1. It is important for travelers and business people to understand the cultures they come into contact with. What are the main advantages of doing so? Your thesis statement: _____________________________________________________________________________ Your complete introductory paragraph: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 64

_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

2. Employers should pay young people the same salary as older colleagues doing the same job. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Your thesis statement: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Your complete introductory paragraph: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universities should make more links with businesses. Your thesis statement: _____________________________________________________________________________ Your complete introductory paragraph: _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ -----------------------------------------------------


A-FOCUS When you write about your opinion, it is important to give reasons why you think about things in this way or that way. A common way to give support for your ideas is to show how a situation would be different in other circumstances. Conditional sentences can be used for this purpose. An opinion essay may include a present condition, so you can use will or other modal verbs to give ideas about possible present or future results. If people migrate to cities, they may become trapped in poor, overcrowded accommodation.

B-PRACTICE: TASK 1: Complete conditional sentences 1-6 with the words and phrases a-f. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The __________ will melt if we don’t do anything to stop __________. If you study the __________ in school, you can get the __________. If employees are forced to do __________, they will often do a __________. You should look for a __________ if you really don’t like the __________. If we reduce __________, we might be able to attract __________. Unless we change __________, our __________ will stay very high. a. b. c. d. e. f.

prices / more customers right subjects / job you want suppliers / costs ice caps / global warming different job / working conditions things they don’t like / poor job

TASK 2: Complete sentences 1-3 with your own ideas. Compare your answers with your partner’s and see if you agree with his or her idea. 1. If you don’t get enough sleep, _____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. If you are always polite to your co-workers, __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Unless the local governments restrict the number of cars coming into cities, ________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

II. Giving Examples A-FOCUS 66

The easiest, and usually the best, way to keep your writing specific and concrete is to use specific examples whenever possible. A specific example is a particular instance. So to give a specific example of technology would be to write about particular people using a particular machine. To give a specific example of any human activity would require that you write about individual people. To give a specific example of teaching history would be to describe what a particular teacher or students do. Give examples of every point you make, and make your examples clear and forceful by making them specific. Write about people and what people actually do, not just about ideas or concepts.

B-PRACTICE TASK 1: Match beginning 1-5 to the ending a-e. Note the common phrases for introducing examples in bold. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

There are several disadvantages to working in a big city. Some examples include … _____ Spending money on research can have a great impact. One clear example of this is … _____ I think the most important factor is practical experience. By this I mean … _____ We could save money by reducing costs. For example, … _____ One example of the problems we faced was high material costs. Another example was … _____ a. b. c. d. e.

Zentex’s development of the first biochip in 2004. a lack of understanding of the market. we could stop giving free samples to all visitors. expensive housing, heavy traffic, and a stressful lifestyle. actual time spent working in the field.

TASK 2: Look at each of the sentences in task 1 and match the phrases s in bold to the definition of how it is used below. a. Used for providing a single and easily understood example. b. Used to provide a second example of something. c. Used to clarify an example you have given. d. Used as a simple and common way to introduce an example. e. Used to introduce a list of example points to support your idea.

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____

TASK 3: Use common phrases in task 1 to write examples for the statements in 1-3. 1. Many countries in the world make cars. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

2. People in my country get to work in many different ways. _____________________________________________________________________________ 67

_____________________________________________________________________________ 3. After work, people like to relax. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________



A- FOCUS In this lesson, you will be practicing how to use reasons and examples to develop the key ideas in your answers to opinion essay questions.

B- PRACTICE TASK 1: Choose one of the prompts below to express your own opinions, and then use ONE reason or example to support each of your opinions. 1. I think our newspapers … □ are doing a great job reporting the news. □ are doing a poor job reporting the news. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Overall, I think the medical care in our country is … □ excellent. □ getting better. □ in need of major improvements. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. In my opinion, taxes should be … □ reduced and people should use their own money to take care of themselves. □ spent to help those on need. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

TASK 2: For each of the following essay questions, a. underline the key words, 69

b. write a thesis statement, that states your opinion, c. develop a complete essay introductory paragraph, d. specify TWO main points you would like to use to support you opinion in the thesis statement, e. and give a reason or an example for each main point that support your opinion 1. In general, people are living longer now. How will this change affect society? Use specific details and examples to develop your essay. 2. If you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer. 3. Think of the most important class you have ever taken. Why did you enjoy this class so much? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.
