Four Against Darkness Season 1 [PDF]

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Four Against Darkness The Chaotic Caves Characters: Bral - Barbarian - carries a two handed sword Frestar - Dwarf - carries a warhammer Tarin - Halfling - carries a sling Den - Cleric of Torm - carries a mace Dragon Falls. A small town on the north side of the Fire River on the North Road from Procampur to Mulmaster and east of Raven’s Bluff. Local legend says that the falls, about 3 miles east, were once home to a powerful red dragon named Halarglautha Firewings. She once rampaged across the Vast and gave both the Fire River and Dragon Falls their names. Halarglautha’s reign of terror finally ended when she was slain by the spells of a band of human adventurers and her lair destroyed. 14 Kythorn 1363 Dragon Falls A sign at the Inn of the Dragon in Dragon Falls read: TREASURE RECOVERY AND MONSTER EXTERMINATORS NEEDED. ALL GOODS RECOVERED BY LAWFUL MEANS FROM MONSTERS BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE CARRIER. “So the town is hiring monster killers. What say you? Shall we inquire?” Asked the barbarian Bral. Simple enough. The caves around the town were infested with monsters and killing needed doing. The local tavern folk were more than happy to reveal the location of the caves. About 40 miles north east near the foothills. “I hope this isn’t a sign of things to come.” Said the breathless Dwarf, Frestar. She was cleaning her large two handed warhammer while Bral was chopping the head off the dead small red dragon. “The town will pay handsomely for this.” Said Bral holding the head up. “Agreed, but you’re carrying it, I can barely lift it.” Said the small three and a half foot Halfling, Tarin. 24 Kythorn 1363 Dragon Falls Days later, with good money gone, the party learns that those were not the caves the townsfolk needed extermination. They learned they didn’t go far enough east. The

caves are east, past the Maloriun’s Crypt. Maloriun was a general of these parts about 100 years ago, “they say he haunts the nights up there. Best be careful.” One old farmer told the party.