Four Against Dark Citadels Version 2 [PDF]

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Sunless Citadel Vermin Table 1

d6 Dire Rats. Level 3. Treasure normal. Diseased: Characters damaged by the Giant Rats must save vs. level 2 disease or suffer another 1 point of damage. Halflings add their level to save. Reaction (d6): 1-2 flee, 3-6 fight.


2d6+1 Kobolds. Level 3 Vermin, treasure -1, morale -1 There is a 3-6 chance that Kobolds will react first. If so, they attack. Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-3 flee if outnumbered, 4 bribe (5 gp each),5–6 fight


D6 Twig Pets. Level 3 Vermin, no treasure Poison Sap: Any character taking damage from the Twig Blight’s claws must save versus level 3 poison or lose 1 life. Halflings add their level on this save. Immune: Immune to poison, paralysis, and sleep Fire Weakness: Fire spells do double the damage. Reactions(d6): always fight


D6+ 1 Worm Monster Level 3 Vermin, treasure roll Molten Burrow: 2-6 chance of surprising the party Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-3 flee if outnumbered, 4-6 fight.


2d6 Common Kobold Kin, level 2 Vermin, treasure -1, morale -1 Common: These Kobolds are not trained combatants and would only attack out of fear or if their life depended on it. For every group that the party has a lethal encounter with, add a +1 to all future Kobold Reaction tables. Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-3 flee if outnumbered, 4-5 bribe (5 gp x kobold), 6 fight.


3d6 Cave Rats Level 1 Vermin, no treasure. Diseased: Any character wounded has a 1 in 6 chance of losing 1 additional life due to an infected wound. Reactions (d6): 1–3 flee, 4–6 fight

Sunless Citadel Minion Table


D6+2 Skeletons. Level 3 undead Minion. No treasure. Brittle: Crushing weapons attack Skeletons at +1. Arrows are at -1 against both skeletons. Mindless: Skeletons never test morale. Reactions: always fight to the death.


D6+3 Elite Kobold Guards. Level 3 minions, normal treasure. Reinforcements: If combat ensues, after every round of combat, there is a 2-6 chance that a group of D6+3 L3 Kobold Vermin arrive to join as reinforcements. Reactions* (d6): 1 Quest, 2–3 fight, 4-6 fight to the death.


d6+3 Goblin Archers. Level 3 Minion, Treasure -1. Sneaky: Goblins will attack first round. Bows: Each goblin encountered has a bow and will attack with ranged attacks before heroes can attack with melee weapons. After that they attack as normal. Run for Reinforcements: If they fail a moral roll and run, they will alert the next group of goblins you encounter. Those goblins will attack first before any melee or magic attacks. You will also need to add the number of goblins that ran away to their numbers. Reactions: 1 flee, 2-3 bribe (5 gp per goblin), 4–6 fight.


d6+3 Goblin Bandits. Level 3 Minion, Treasure Sneaky: Goblins have a 1 in 6 chance of gaining surprise, thus acting before the party. If they do act before the party, roll d6 on their reactions table below. Sap: If rolling a 1 on a Defense roll, the player must take a -1 penalty to their next attack roll. Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-3 bribe (5 gp per goblin), 4–6 fight.


D6 Hobgoblins. Level 4 Minion, Treasure +1. Reactions (d6): 1 flee if outnumbered, 2–3 bribe (10 gp per hobgoblin), 4–5 fight, 6 fight to the death


D6 Mature Twig Blights. Level 3 Minion, Treasure Poison Sap: Any character taking damage from the Twig Blight’s claws must save versus level 3 poison or lose 1 life. Halflings add their level on this save. Immune: Immune to poison, paralysis, and sleep Fire Weakness: Fire spells do double the damage. Reactions (d6): fight.

Sunless Citadel Boss Table 1

Kobold Queen, Level 4 Boss, 7 Health, 2 attacks, +1 morale, treasure: 3 random magic scrolls Guarded: A group of Kobold Guards attend to the queen and will fight to the death. Roll a d6 1-4 Arcane Bolt:This is a normal attack against a random hero or to whichever hero attacked her last. 5 Spider Crawl: She spends her turn crawling up to the high ceilings and will stay up there until it's her turn to attack in the next round. No melee attacks may be made against her while she is on the ceiling, only ranged or ranged magic attack attacks. If in one round you rolled Spider Crawl twice, her second attack is instead an Arcane Bolt. 6 Protect She gains one more life. She can even exceed her original life points if she rolls multiple Protect spells. Reactions: 1-2 quest, 3-4 fight, 5-6 fight to the death


Goblin War-Chief Level 5 Boss, 5 Life, 3 Attacks, +1 Morale, Treasure: 1 normal and 1 magic Elf Hatred: Hates Elves. Reactions: fight


Goblin Cleric: L3 Boss, 5 Life, normal morale, 2 attacks, 1 treasure roll on a scrolls table and one treasure roll on the magic treasure. Bane: On her first turn, she will curse a random character, which gets a -1 on Attack and Defense rolls until Blessed. Immune: Immune to poison. Poison Spray: All heroes wounded by this range attack must save vs. L4 poison (hafling, barbarians and ogre-sized characters add +1/2L, dwarves add +1) or lose 1 additional LIfe or drop their shields or lose the Attack bonus for 2-handed weapons (choose). Multiple effects of poison are cumulative. Ward: Counts as L6 if targeted by a Sleep spell. Healing: Will spend up to 3 rounds healing herself back to full health. Reactions: 1-2 Quest, 2-4 bribe (1 magic item). 5-6 fight to the death.


Bugbear Hunter. Level 5 Boss, 7 Life, 2 Attacks, treasure 2 rolls, morale +1. Ambush!: There is a 4 in 6 chance of gaining surprise. Hunting Hounds: There is a 3 in 6 chance that a group of D4 Dire Rats are with the Hunter. Morningstar: Once per turn, if a character rolls a 1 on Defense, they take one extra damage. (or may choose to break their shield to negate this extra damage point) Reactions: 1-2 bribe (50 gp), 3-4 fight, 6 fight to the death


Bugbear Gardener. Level 5 Boss, 6 Life, 2 Attacks, treasure 2 rolls or 1 magic treasure roll (player choice), morale +1. Ambush!: There is a 4 in 6 chance of gaining surprise. Attended: There is a 3 in 6 chance that a group fo D4 Twig Pets are with the Gardner. Long Sythe: When it is the heroes turn to attack her, they must decide if they are fighting her in their regular formation or if they are surrounding her. If surrounding her, then the Bugbear gains four attacks. If they are fighting her in their regular formation, then there is a 50/50 chance that she will attack the heroes positions 3 or 4 in the marching order, if she does, then each point of damage does one additional damage. Reactions: 1-2 bribe (50 gp), 3-4 fight, 6 fight to the death


Deranged Druid, Level 5, Life 6, 3 Attacks, 3 treasure +1 never test moral Barkskin: The Druid loses no life unless at least 2 damage is done to him (usually by means of an exploding 6). As soon as that happens, he loses only one HP, but is no longer protected by his Barkskin. If he is attacked by magic or by a firebase attack, his Barkskin does not protect for that damage. Hand Sickle: His first two attacks will be with his hand sickle, which he will attack two random heroes. If your hero is wearing heavy armor or is fighting with a shield, they may add a +1 to their Defense rolls. If they have both, they may add a +2. As always, rolling a 1 on a Defense roll is an automatic fail. Druid Spells: His final attack will be a spell. Roll a d6 each round of combat to determine which spell he has cast. 1-2 Summon: D6 -1 Twig Pet vermin are summoned and immediately join the combat. The first attack will always be against the hero with the lowest HP and level. If there are any left over attacks, they will begin attacking that same hero again. 3-4 Entangle: A hero gets entangled and cannot make their next attack. This attack will go against the hero who last dealt damage against the Druid. If no hero has dealt any damage yet, then he will attack whichever hero deals the most melee damage with their attacks and who is of the highest level. 5-6 Shatter Weapon: A random hero (roll D4) must make a Level 6 Spell Save. Wizards, Elfs,and Druids may add their level to this Save. Halflings may add a +1 to this Save. If you fail this save, then that hero's current weapon, so long as it is not magical, is automatically destroyed. The hero must spend their next turn taking out their backup melee weapon. If they have no other weapon to fight with, then they must use their fists and feet and must fight with an automatic -2 to each Attack roll. Reactions: fight

Sunless Citadel Weird Monster Table 1

The Bloated One Level 4 Weird Monster, 4 HP, 1 Attack, Normal Treasure Mama Rat: D6+3 Dire Rat vermin are in the room with her. Alerted: There is a 3 in 6 chance that all the monsters will ambush the heroes as soon as they enter the room and attack first. Poison: Characters damaged by the Giant Rat must save vs. level 2 disease or suffer another 1 point of damage. Halflings add their level to save. Reactions: Always fight


White Dragon Wyrmling Level 4 Weird Monster, 6 Life, 2 Treasure rolls, morale +2, 2 attacks. Cold Immunity: Immunity to Cold, Paralysis, or Sleep spells. Fire Weakness: Is not immune to fire based spells. Ice Breath: It uses its Ice breath on its first turn and every 4th turn. The first 3 characters in marching order must save vs level 4 cold or lose 2 life. Reactions: fight


Dragon Priest Troll level 5 Weird Monster, 9 life, 2 attacks. 4 Treasure Rolls, Tough Skin: Crushing weapons have a -1 attack against the troll. Regeneration: Every turn the troll attacks, roll a d6. On a 4or 5 it regains one lost life, on a 6 two lost life (but never exceeding the original 4). If brought to zero or less life points, roll d6. On a 3 or better, it comes back to life with 1 life point only, unless a character can attack it with a slashing weapon when it is on zero or less life points. It doesn't make any “regeneration” roll on a turn after it was damaged by awizard’s fireball. Magic Weakness: The troll cannot regenerate health that was lost due to magic based attacks. Masterwork Dagger: If characters roll a 2 on a Defense roll, it counts as a 1 and the character automatically takes damage. Reactions: fight to the death


Possessed Warrior, Level 5, Life 8, 4 attacks, never tests moral, 2 treasure rolls. If both are normal treasure, then you may make an additional treasure roll. Reroll any Magic Treasure results or Scroll results. Reactions: Fight to the death


Possessed Wizard, Level 4, Life 5, 3 attacks, never tests moral, 2 treasure rolls. If one of these was a Magic Treasure roll you can roll again and take a third treasure. Spell Caster: Each round you need to decide which spell they are casting. Roll a d6 1-2. Fireball. A random hero of your choice needs to make a Magic Save. The difficulty is 4. Wizards and Elfs may add their level to this save. If you fail, you lose 1 damage. 3-4. Lighting. Pick a hero of your choice. They need to make a Magic Save. The difficulty is 5. Wizards and Elfs may add a +1 to this save. If you fail, you lose 2 damage. 5-6. Special. If this is the first time you rolled this option, the Possessed Wizard automatically recovers d6 life, even if it exceeds their original starting life. If this has already happened, then the Possessed Wizard makes a frantic melee attack. If your hero is wearing heavy armor or is fighting with a shield, they may add a +1 to their Defense rolls. If they have both, they may add a +2. As always, rolling a 1 on a Defense roll is an automatic fail. Reactions: Fight to the death


Monstrous Twig Blight. Level 5 Weird Monster, 6 Life, 4 attacks, 2 Treasure rolls Monstrous Vines: Any character taking damage from the Twig Blight must save versus level 3 poison or lose 1 life. Halflings add their level on this save. Immune: Immune to poison, paralysis, and sleep Fire Weakness: Fire spells cause 2 damage to the Twig Blight. Reactions (d6): fight.

Sunless Citadel Traps Table 1

Pit Trap The leader of the party must make a L4 Trap roll, otherwise they fall into a Pit Trap that is leading to the next area and takes 1 point of damage. Dwarves and Rogues may add their level to this roll. Any hero that falls inside the pit must fight a 2 Level 3 Dire Rats on their own before crawling out. At the bottom of the pit trap are the corpses of 2 goblins, one of them has 4GP in a pouch.


Door Trap If this area had a door, it is trapped. Anyone who opened the door must pass a Needle Trap save of 3. Rogues and Elfs get to add their level to this save. Anyone who fails the save takes 1 point of damage.


Trap Door A trapdoor (level 4) opens under the feet of the character leading the marching order. The character must roll d6 versus the level of the trap. Roll at -1 if you have light armor, and -2 if you have heavy armor, and at +1 if you are a halfling or an elf. Rogues add their level. A character failing the roll falls into the trapdoor, losing 1 life. In addition, it will take at least another character to help him out of the trapdoor. If you fall in a trapdoor and you are alone, you die. If a character falls through the trapped door, a group of wandering goblins appear behind the party.


Pressure Plate Trap There are ten pressure plates in this area. You must make ten d6 rolls. For every 1 rolled, you release an arrow trap. For every Rogue in your party, you may reroll one of these rolls per level of that Rogue, however, they must already be leading the party. If an arrow is released, it attacks one random character. Roll a d4. That character must make a level 3 Dodge save, or take one point of damage. Rogues and Swashbucklers may add a +1 to this roll if the arrow targets them.


Puzzle-Trap L5 Rogues and Wizards may add their L to this roll. Wizards from the school of Evocation may add a +1 to this Puzzle roll. A failure results in everyone needing to make a L2 Constitution against poison. Failing results in losing 1HP. Halflings may automatically pass this save.


Globe Trap The trap automatically goes off. All characters must make two Will Level 3 saves. Failing a Will save makes a character disoriented. For the next ten encounters (rooms) all rolls, attacks, defenses, and saves that that character performs increase their difficulty. A level 4 challenge level now becomes a level 5 challenge level, and so on. If characters failed both will saves, no additional penalties are incurred.

How you choose to determine the treasure table is up to you

Sunless Citadel Treasure Table 1 1

d2 gp


1d10+1 gp


Roll on the Scroll Table


3 gems worth 3d4 x 10 gp


Characters find a medic kit which has D4 bandages in it. Also players can find any number of light armor, light weapons, and small shields (for halflings, gnomes, or lutins) and and one potion (if wearing light armor, the drinkier of this potion can add +1 to their Defenses for one encounter or before a trap).


Roll on the Magic Items Table Sunless Citadel Treasure Table 2


d6 Gold Pieces


1D10 Gold Pieces in the room and 3 arrows that do +1 damage each.


Roll on the Scroll Table


dragon-shaped, jade-carved figurine 20 gp, crystal goblet 5 gp, twenty-four piece fine silverware set 24 gp


Masterwork dagger: This jewel studded dagger causes explosions to happen on natural rolls of 5 as well as 6s.


Roll on the Magic Items Table Sunless Citadel Treasure Table 3


d4 1d4 gems worth 5 gp apiece


1D10 Gold Pieces and 1 Vile of Poison worth 5gp. Throwing the vile at a monster has a 50/50 chance of causing 1 damage (unless they are immune to poison)


Roll on the Scroll Table


50 gp and one antitoxin (drink this to remove the effects of poison or to negate the effects of poison for one encounter)


Priest ring worth 5 gp, a dragon amulet worth 10 gp, two silver stylized bracelets worth 15

gp apiece (30 gp) and a silver flask of Dwarven make worth 50 gp 6

Roll on the Magic Items Table Sunless Citadel Spell Scroll Table (roll d12)


Protect from Poison. This spell removes lost HP due to poison from a single character. It must be cast within ten minutes after that character was infected. It also can be cast on a character to prevent damage from a poisonous attack. Used in this way, the character is protected from a number of points of poison damage equal to the level of the caster.


Pyrotechnic Display. This can be cast immediately after a Reactions roll. Doing so allows the heroes to sacrifice a light source (their lantern) and successfully retreat/flee from the encounter.


Knock. Can be used to open locked doors. Elfs and Wizards and other magic classes may add their level when rolling to unlock the door. Other classes can only add a +1 to this roll. Rolling a 1 does not count as alerting Wandering Monsters. If the attempt fails, the spell is depleted.


Decipher Language. Allows the user to be able to decipher any unknown script.


Entangle. This spell shoots roots from the ground that entangles D6 minions who can not attack for 2 rounds of combat. Usually this spell can only be cast outdoors, but due to the nature of the citadel, this spell can be cast in this dungeon.


Acid Arrow. Casting it allows an automatic hit on a single target that does 1 damage, so long as that target is not immune to poison or magic.


Heal. This is a cleric’s scroll. It cannot be learned by Wizard’s or Elves. If cast by a cleric, the hero heals d6 life + a number of points equal to the cleric caster’s level.


Illusion (Wayfarers & Adventurers). If you don’t have this book then this spell lets you reroll a minion’s reaction table.


Inflict Light Wound: if successfully cast, the target, minion or boss, loses one life point.


Magic Stone: This spell can be cast on three stones that can be placed in a sling. If one of these stones misses their target, you may reroll the attack.


Spider Climb- User can add their L to any climb saves or can remove themselves from one round of combat without the chance of being attacked. They return in the next round.


Gain 2 random scrolls instead.

Sunless Citadel Magic Treasure Table 1

Enchanted Candle. You have found an enchanted candle with a flame that doesn’t burn out


Bone Whistle. You have found a dwarven bone whistle that can cast animate the dead spell (only when outside under an open night sky). You need Digressions of the Devouring Dead to find information on how to cast this spell. If you do not have DDD, then this item can be sold at the local market to a Dwarf for 100 gp.


Healing Potion


D3 Fire Breath Potions which when thrown acts as fireball spell that can also hurt dragons.


Dragon’s Tome. The hero has 2 options if they find the tome, 1) they can sell it and gain 150 gp from the town’s local wizard, b) they can keep the tome and once they reach expert level they may spend an XP roll to take time and learn how to read the book. In doing so they gain the expert skill: Dragon Lore. A character with the Dragon Lore skill may always add a -1 to all Reaction rolls with a dragon. After a character has learned this skill, they may not sell the book nor permit this skill to be learned by another hero.


Druid’s Spell Book. This spell book contains 6 random basic Druid spells (which can be found in the Wayfarers and Adventurers spellbook). They can only be cast by Wizards, Elves, or Druids. Only druids would be able to add their level to attacks. If players do not own W&A, then a local healer in the village will buy this spellbook for 150 gp. Alternatively, if a hero keeps this spellbook and does not use any of its spells, then when that hero reaches Expert level, they may spend an XP roll to study the extensive study notes that are earmarked throughout the tome. Doing so allows the user to learn its spells and add them to their repertoire of spells, if they can do so that is, as well cast druidic spells as though they were druids.

Sunless Citadel Special Events Table 1

Enchanted Water Catche Release Water Elemental. D3 minor water elementals. Level 5 Minions. Treasure +1. Unless attacks are magical or from a magical weapon, all first attacks automatically miss. Cannot attack anyone with Protection spell cast over them. If there is a door leading out of this area, it is locked and requires a L5 lockpick check to unlock it.


Goblin Prison The door to this area is locked and requires a L4 Save to either pick the lock or break down. Rogues may add their level. Inside there is a cage with a gnome cleric. To break the cage that the gnome cleric is in also requires a L4 save. Don’t forget to roll for wandering monsters on each failed attempt. Once the Gnome is free he joins the party, if the party should so choose. Treat him as a Level 1 Cleric with 5 HP. He can add ½ his level rounded down to normal attacks but can add his full level to attacks when fighting undead or kobolds. Like halflings, he can add his level to his Defense scores when fighting larger creatures. He has 3 healing spells and 3 blessing spells. Instead of using blessing, he may use the Illusion Spell instead (Wayfarers & Adventurersif you do not have W&A, this spell allows you to reroll reaction tables). Currently he has no armor or weapons so treat all Defense rolls as a normal D6 and any unarmed attacks at D6 -2. However, if the party slays any goblins, he can use their light armor or short swords. Treat this weapon as a light slashing weapons. He cannot use their shortbows. If heroes have any extra light armor, shields, or light hand weapons they may also loan them to the gnome cleric. Because he is a gnome, he may not wear any heavy armor and the only hand weapon he may use is a hand mace. However, the hand mace needs to be his size. If encountering any small sized minions with any maces, such as goblins or kobolds, he may use theirs. Otherwise, when finding an armory or buying maces at a town, there is a 3/6 chance that the maces are too large for him. To travel in the dungeon with a 5th party member, simply place one member in the middle 3rd position, with positions 1 and 2 taking up the guard and positions 4 and 5 taking up the rear. This cleric is only temporarily joining the party, to permanently join the party for future adventures, you must agree that on your next level up that you will give that level up to the gnome cleric. Not doing so will forfeit this opportunity. Also keep in mind that originally Four Against Darkness was meant to be a game where only four members may be a part of a party, whereas other roleplaying games did not provide this cap. If playing the game as is, simply swap out one of your party members for the cleric when you want to play him, or recruit the cleric for your next adventure when one of your party members retires. The benefit there being is that he will most likely be at level 2. If playing a five member party you may want to make your own house rule adjustments for

future supplement encounter difficulties or XP level ups (such as requiring 15 minions instead of 10 for level rolls). Regardless of your choice, freeing the gnome cleric is worth an XP point.


Surgery Experiment You have walked in on a bizarre experimental surgery that is taking place. A certain number of Goblin Surgeons have a giant Dire Rat strapped to an operating table. It seems to have been experimented on with some form of toxins or poisons. d6 Goblin Surgeons. Level 3 Minion, treasure -1. Sneaky: Goblins have a 1 in 6 chance of gaining surprise, thus acting before the party. If they do, then they will unstrap the Dire Rat they are experimenting on. The goblins and the Dire Rat will attack first. Dire Rat Experiment. Level 3 Vermin. D6 Life. Characters damaged by the Giant Rats must save vs. level 3 disease or suffer another 1 point of damage. Halflings add their level to save. Goblin Reactions (d6): 1 flee if outnumbered, 2-3 bribe (5 gp per goblin), 4–6 fight. XP- there is a 50/50 chance that this encounter does not give you XP


Locked Study The door leading to the goblin boss’s study is locked and it takes a L6 lock or strength Save to open it. Don’t forget to roll for wanding monsters on a roll of 1. Three separate Search Rolls can be made inside the study. Failing them does not result in a wandering monster surprise encounter. Instead, a firetrap is set off which attacks D4 random heroes, who automatically lose 1 life. Setting off the trap burns any of the heroes’ chances of finding anything else useful, and therefore they cannot perform any more Search rolls in this room. The first two successful Search Rolls allow you to roll on the Magic Scroll Table. The third successful Search Roll allows you to roll on the Magic Treasure Table.


Guarded Area Quasit. Level 4 minion. 6 Life. 2 Attacks. No Treasure Magic Resistant: Spells automatically fail on the Quasit Clever Tactics: If you roll a 1 on a defense save, he pushes you into the pit that is in the middle of the room. You take the point of damage, but cannot fight in the next round of combat because that character has to climb out of the pit. Breaking Orders: As soon as the Quasit has to perform a morale roll, it will automatically run away as its next possible action. If the heroes are able to kill the Quasit before it can run away,

then you receive 2 XP for this minion encounter. Reaction: always fight


Vampire Tree Three random Weird Monsters guard this tree. All three attack the party simultaneously. The tree itself has 6 life. A hero can spend one of their Attack actions to try to cut it down. They still must roll a d6, rolling a 1 means that roots have pulled them away from the tree and they must spend their next Attack to break free from the vines before they can attack again. If they are attacking the tree, they must also make Defense rolls at -1. If the heroes can cut down the tree in combat, then any Possessed Weird Monsters or Monsterous Twig Blights stop fighting. Other Weird Monsters continue attacking the party. The fruit from the tree counts as a healing potion. There are D4 fruits attached to this tree. They may only be plucked if the Tree is destroyed.

Sunless Citadel Special Features Table 1

Kobold Prison First, you must either pick the lock of the prison door or break it down. It is L5. Rogues, Warriors, Dwarves, and Barbarians may add their L. A roll of 1 will attack Kobold Wandering Monsters. Once inside, you may make a Search Roll for a clue. If successful, as soon as you have 3 clues, you can spend them to receive a -1 on all reaction rolls with goblins in this adventure, including wandering goblins.


Dry Draconic Fountain Puzzle- L5. Wizards may add their L to this roll. Spellcasters who cast Decipher Language spell may automatically pass. Wizards from the school of Alteration may add a +1 to this Puzzle roll. If successful, the heroes find a Fire Breath potion which when thrown acts as fireball spell that can also hurt dragons.


Goblin Laboratory

Heroes find the ingredients to make an alchemical healing remedy. If the heroes have a Halfling, Wizard, Conservationist, Druid, they automatically know how to mix the kit. If the party has an Elf or a Cleric, then there is a 50/50 chance they know how to. Once the remedy is taken, it will heal D4 HP. The kit is worth 5gp. If heroes do not use the components, then they can sell them for 1D10 gp. 4

Goblin Armory Follow the rules for armory’s in the core book except all weapons and armor found here can only be used and worn by small creatures. Therefore, for example, a human warrior would not be able to find any armor here that would fit her or him.


Dragon Shrine If a character is able to cast a spell that Detects Magic or Decipher's Language, or if a Wizard passes a L6 Puzzle save (to which they can add their level), the caster has temporarily gained a Charisma Blessing. This Blessing allows the character to either add a +1 or -1 to all Reaction rolls for the remainder of this adventure and for D10 x 2 encounters of that character's next adventure. Be warned, however, a Shade guards the shrine. d6+2 Shades. Level 3 undead Minion, treasure +1, never tests morale. Light Hatred: Shades hate light and any extra attacks must be directed at the party’s lantern bearer or to other characters carrying other sources of light. However, any character carrying a light source (lantern, torch or magic item that counts as a light source) attacks shades at +1 in melee. A vial of holy water thrown at these undead creatures will automatically kill a shade. Immune to Magic: Immune to magic attacks except Holy water. Immaterial: Crushing weapons are at a -1 and defenders do not gain any benefit from shields or armor when rolling Defense rolls. Drain Strength: If the shade hits a hero, you can either choose to lose one HP or add a -1 to melee attacks for the remainder of the adventure. This can cumulate and goes away after a long rest. Guardian: This minion will not attack the heroes if they should choose to retreat and flee. Reactions: Always fight to the death


Dragon Library Three separate Search Rolls can be made. Failing them does result in a wandering monster surprise encounter. The first time a wandering monster roll is required, the heroes are not allowed to perform additional Search Rolls. The first two successful Search Rolls allow you to roll on the Magic Scroll Table. The third successful Search Roll allows you to roll on the Magic Treasure Table.

Sunless Citadel Wandering Monsters Table 1

2d6+1 Kobolds. Level 3 Vermin, morale -1


d6 Dire Rats. Level 3 Vermin. Characters damaged by the Giant Rats must save vs. level 2 disease or suffer another 1 point of damage. Halflings add their level to save.


d6+3 Goblins. Level 3 Minions.


d6 Hobgoblins. Level 4 Minions.


D6+2 Skeletons. Level 3 undead Minions. Crushing weapons attack Skeletons at +1. Arrows are at -1against both skeletons. Skeletons never test morale.


D6 Twig Pets. Level 3 Vermin Poison Sap: Any character taking damage from the Twig Blight’s claws must save versus level 3 poison or lose 1 life. Halflings add their level on this save. Immune: Immune to poison, paralysis, and sleep Fire Weakness: Fire spells do double the damage. Introductory Note

* Play note: owning a copy of either 3rd edition’s or 5th editions Sunless Citadel is highly recommended for play as I won't be relating any story elements. If you own a copy, simply read the entry in the adventure first and then play out the encounter using the tables below. You can still use this conversion if you do not own a copy of Sunless Citadel or 5e’s Yawning Portal, you will need to use a map though. Simply go to Google and type in Sunless Citadel map. You will need one that has each room numbered. Explaining the 3 columns represent 3 different tiers of play on how to convert Sunless Citadel into Four Against Darkness. One would be remiss if one were to equate D&D monsters with 4AD monsters on a 1 to 1 basis. For example, for the most part, all 4AD minions are 1HP, whereas a D&D orc could have 15 HP. That is a huge difference. Therefore, 4 D&D goblins would not be the same level of difficulty as that of a 4AD party fighting 4 4AD goblins. The challenge level will simply not be the same. Sure, one could ignore this and simply play published D&D adventures as is, but one would not be playing them at the intended difficulty and will most likely find them not to be much of a challenge. To better convert D&D’s difficulty level to 4AD, I have provided 3 options on how to convert a D&D adventure to 4AD. Option A: A’s solution is to ignore the number of monsters in the D&D module altogether and to simply just roll on the 4AD tables. So if in the D&D adventure it says you run into 4 Goblins, in 4AD terms you are instead running into D6+3 Level 3 Goblin minions. This is the easiest fix and perhaps the easiest way to use D&D adventures to play 4AD. For the most part, I will solely try to just use the core book, therefore only the core book should be needed to play column A’s conversion. Option B: B’s solution is to convert the intended difficulty level from the original module. Doing so will need a little bit of math. To convert the intended challenge level simply add up all the HP of the D&D monsters encountered. So if the 4 goblins in the D&D adventure had 7 HP apiece, then 4 X 7 = 28. Step two is to divide that sum total by the monster’s Level in 4AD (usually rounded up). So 28 divided by 3 = 9 or 10. Therefore your party is facing 9 L3 Goblin minions. Alternate Treasure. If you are planning to play the intended challenge level, and therefore do not intend to roll monster numbers, you may also wish not to roll randomized treasure and receive the treasure you would have received in prewritten adventure. If so, ignore treasure rolls and take the alternate treasure below each encounter. Option C: C’s solution is to convert 4AD into a rules-lite rpg system that converts monster HP. 4AD does not include weapon damage rolls, therefore to speed combat up, a simple HP conversion is provided: simply take

each individual monster’s HP and divide that by the Level of their 4AD equivalent (usually you should round up). So if in the written D&D adventure you were fighting 4 goblins with 7HP, that would mean that your 4AD party is facing off against 4 Goblin L3 minions with 3 HP apiece. I would handle explosive 6s the same way 4AD does, and have it mean that an individual monster might lose more HP if you double their level. Likewise, I would count rolls of 1 on the hero’s defense rolls as meaning that the enemy may have also done additional damage to the hero (sort of like a negative version of the explosive 6 rule). For movement, I think it is best to keep movement fluid and allow the PCs to move where they want to, but you can adhere to any movement or miniature rules as you see fit. If the 4AD monster says it attacks a random PC, keep it randomized by rolling a D4 OR have them simply attack the nearest hero to that monster. I have also provided the treasure from each encounter, so you will not need to make treasure rolls. Also utilize the reaction tables to represent certain roleplay elements. If your party asks to see if they sneak up to the kobold’s, secretly roll their reaction behind your GM screen. If anything but fight or fight to the death is rolled, then they succeed in surprising the scouts. If your party is wanting to see if they can negotiate with Kobolds, or if you are wanting to check how aggressive or skittish they are, again, let their roll on the reaction table guide you. If you are wanting to add skill checks, see the note on page 67 of the core book. As a rule of thumb, consider what they should be good at and allow them to add either a +1 or Level to save or action, or subtract it if you feel they would be equally poor at it. So depending on a door, you may decide Warriors, Dwarfs, and Barbarians might get to add a +1 to bash it down, but Wizards and Halfings will have to subtract a 1 from their roll. Feel free to highlight the column you prefer to play and copy and paste it elsewhere.

A. Ledge Outdoor- Vermin

B. Ledge Outdoor- Vermin

d6 Dire Rats. Level 3. Treasure normal.

5 Dire Rats. Level 3. No Treasure

Diseased: Characters damaged by the Giant Rats must save vs. level 2 disease or suffer another 1 point of damage. Halflings add their level to save. Reaction (d6): 1-2 flee, 3-6 fight.

C. Ledge Outdoor- Vermin

Each party member must make a notice save at L3. Rogues and Elfs may add their level to Diseased: Characters this roll. Any failures mean that damaged by the Giant Rats the Dire Rats move before the must save vs. level 2 disease or PC can move. suffer another 1 point of damage. Halflings add their 3 Dire Rats. Level 3 (2, 2, 1 level to save. HP) Medium Movement Reaction (d6): 1-2 flee, 3-6 No Treasure fight. Dire Rats will try to flank characters, any PC between Dire Rats as a -1 Defense roll. Diseased: Characters damaged by the Giant Rats must save vs. level 2 disease or suffer another 1 point of

damage. Halflings add their level to save. *Special: Any exploding sixes means that the hero has been able to push a Dire Rat off the edge to its death. A. Switchback Stairs Corridor- Empty

B. Switchback Stairs Corridor- Empty

C. Switchback Stairs Corridor- Empty

A3. Crumbled Courtyard Room- Vermin Trap

B3. Crumbled Courtyard Room- Vermin Trap

C3. Crumbled Courtyard Room- Vermin Trap

Everyone needs to make a L3 Balance check to walk through the courtyard. Swashbucklers and Rogues may add their level to this save. Anyone who fails this save falls through into a debris cavity below. Before they can crawl out, they must fight a single L3 Dire Rat waiting for them below.

Everyone needs to make a L3 Balance check to walk through the courtyard. Swashbucklers and Rogues may add their level to this save. Anyone who fails this save falls through into a debris cavity below. Before they can crawl out, they must fight a single L3 Dire Rat waiting for them below.

Everyone needs to make a L3 Balance check to walk through the courtyard. Swashbucklers and Rogues may add their level to this save. Anyone who fails this save falls through into a debris cavity below. Before they can crawl out, they must fight a single Dire Rat L3 Dire Rat with 1 HP waiting for them below.

After everyone makes it across the citadel's floor, heading towards area 4, the leader of the party must make a L4 Trap roll, otherwise they fall into a Pit Trap that is right in front of the door leading to Area 4 and takes 1 point of damage. Dwarves and Rogues may add their level to this roll. Any hero that falls inside the pit must fight a 2 Level 3 Dire Rats on their own before crawling out. At the bottom of the pit trap are the corpses of 2 goblins, one of them has 4GP in a pouch.

After everyone makes it across the citadel's floor, heading towards area 4, the leader of the party must make a L4 Trap roll, otherwise they fall into a Pit Trap that is right in front of the door leading to Area 4 and takes 1 point of damage. Dwarves and Rogues may add their level to this roll. Any hero that falls inside the pit must fight a 2 Level 3 Dire Rats on their own before crawling out. At the bottom of the pit trap are the corpses of 2 goblins, one of them has 4GP in a pouch.

After everyone makes it across the citadel's floor, heading towards area 4, the leader of the party must make a L4 Trap roll, otherwise they fall into a Pit Trap that is right in front of the door leading to Area 4 and takes 1 point of damage. Dwarves and Rogues may add their level to this roll. Any hero that falls inside the pit must fight 1 L3 Dire Rat with 2HP on their own before crawling out. At the bottom of the pit trap are the corpses of 2 goblins, one of them has 4GP in a pouch.

A4. Tower Shell Room- Search

B4. Tower Shell Room- Search

C4. Tower Shell Room- Search

A successful search check (5-6 on a D6) Reveals a Secret

A successful search check (5-6 on a D6) Reveals a Secret

A successful search check (5-6 on a D6) Reveals a Secret




A 6 on the Search Roll also allows the players to interpret old runes on the wall and receive the codeword: Dragon King.

A 6 on the Search Roll also allows the players to interpret old runes on the wall and receive the codeword: Dragon King.

A 6 on the Search Roll also allows the players to interpret old runes on the wall and receive the codeword: Dragon King.

If a 1 is rolled on the search roll, d6 L3 Dire Rats are encountered as wandering monsters.

If a 1 is rolled on the search roll, d6 L3 Dire Rats are encountered as wandering monsters.

If a 1 is rolled on the search roll, d6 L3 Dire Rats are encountered as wandering monsters.

A5. Secret Pocket Trap Door Minions

B5. Secret Pocket Trap Door Minions

B5. Secret Pocket Trap Door Minions

The secret door is trapped. Anyone opening the door must pass a Needle Trap save of 3. Rogues and Elfs get to add their level to this save. Anyone who fails the save takes 1 point of damage.

The secret door is trapped. Anyone opening the door must pass a Needle Trap save of 3. Rogues and Elfs get to add their level to this save. Anyone who fails the save takes 1 point of damage.

The secret door is trapped. Anyone opening the door must pass a Needle Trap save of 3. Rogues and Elfs get to add their level to this save. Anyone who fails the save takes 1 point of damage.

Inside the room, a number of skeletons animate and fight the party. Once defeated, the party finds 1D10 Gold Pieces in the room and 3 arrows that do +1 damage each.

Inside the room, a number of skeletons animate and fight the party. Once defeated, the party finds 1D10 Gold Pieces in the room and 3 arrows that do +1 damage each.

Inside the room, a number of skeletons animate and fight the party. Once defeated, the party finds 1D10 Gold Pieces in the room and 3 arrows that do +1 damage each.

D6+2 Skeletons. Level 3 Undead Minions. No treasure.

7 Skeletons. Level 3 Undead Minions. No treasure. Crushing weapons attack Skeletons at +1. Arrows are at -1against both skeletons and zombies. Skeletons and zombies never test morale. Reactions: always fight to the death.

3 Skeletons. Level 3. 3 HP each. Undead Minions. No treasure. Crushing weapons attack Skeletons at +1. Arrows are at -1against both skeletons and zombies. Skeletons and zombies never test morale. Reactions: always fight to the death.

Crushing weapons attack Skeletons at +1. Arrows are at -1against both skeletons and zombies. Skeletons and zombies never test morale. Reactions: always fight to the death.

Going back into Area 4 requires a wandering monster roll. See Going back into Area 4 requires area 4 what happens if a 1 is a wandering monster roll. See rolled on this check. area 4 what happens if a 1 is rolled on this check.

Going back into Area 4 requires a wandering monster roll. See area 4 what happens if a 1 is rolled on this check.

A6. Old Approach Vermin and Puzzle Room

B6. Old Approach Vermin and Puzzle Room

C6. Old Approach Vermin and Puzzle Room

d6 Dire Rats. Level 3. Treasure normal.

2 Dire Rats. Level 3. No Treasure

1 L3 Dire Rats (2 HP) Medium Movement No Treasure

Characters damaged by the Giant Rats must save vs. level 2 disease or suffer another 1 point of damage. Halflings add their level to save. Reaction (d6): 1-2 flee, 3-6 fight.

Characters damaged by the Giant Rats must save vs. level 2 disease or suffer another 1 point of damage. Halflings add their level to save. Reaction (d6): 1-2 flee, 3-6 fight.

A Wizard may add their level and make a L6 Puzzle Roll to unlock the dragon-headed puzzle lock that leads into room 7. If the roll fails, a special key will have to be found in the citadel to unlock this door.

A Wizard may add their level and make a L6 Puzzle Roll to unlock the dragon-headed puzzle lock that leads into room 7. If the roll fails, a special key will have to be found in the citadel to unlock this door.

A7. Gallery of Forlorn Notes Room- Trap

B7. Gallery of Forlorn Notes Room- Trap

C7. Gallery of Forlorn Notes Room- Trap

The door to this room is locked. There are only two ways to open it. With a Knock spell or with the key. To open with a spell, a caster must pass a Level 6 save to open it. Magic users may add their level.

The door to this room is locked. There are only two ways to open it. With a Knock spell or with the key. To open with a spell, a caster must pass a Level 6 save to open it. Magic users may add their level.

The door to this room is locked. There are only two ways to open it. With a Knock spell or with the key. To open with a spell, a caster must pass a Level 6 save to open it. Magic users may add their level.

The globe trap in this room automatically goes off. All characters must make two Will Level 3 saves. Failing a Will save makes a character disoriented. For the next ten encounters (rooms) all rolls, attacks, defenses, and saves that that character performs increase their difficulty. A level 4 challenge level now becomes a level 5 challenge level, and

The globe trap in this room automatically goes off. All characters must make two Will Level 3 saves. Failing a Will save makes a character disoriented. For the next ten encounters (rooms) all rolls, attacks, defenses, and saves that that character performs increase their difficulty. A level 4 challenge level now becomes a level 5 challenge level, and so

The globe trap in this room automatically goes off. All characters must make two Will Level 3 saves. Failing a Will save makes a character disoriented. For the next ten encounters (rooms) all rolls, attacks, defenses, and saves that that character performs increase their difficulty. A level 4 challenge level now becomes a level 5 challenge level, and so

Characters damaged by the Giant Rats must save vs. level 2 disease or suffer another 1 point of damage. Halflings add their level to save. Reaction (d6): 1-2 flee, 3-6 fight. A Wizard may add their level and make a L6 Puzzle Roll to unlock the dragon-headed puzzle lock that leads into room 7. If the roll fails, a special key will have to be found in the citadel to unlock this door.

so on. If characters failed both will saves, no additional penalties are incurred.

on. If characters failed both will saves, no additional penalties are incurred.

on. If characters failed both will saves, no additional penalties are incurred.

A8. Pressure Plate Corridor-Trap

B8. Pressure Plate Corridor-Trap

C8. Pressure Plate Corridor-Trap

There are ten pressure plates in this corridor. You must make ten d6 rolls. For every 1 rolled, you release an arrow trap. For every Rogue in your party, you may reroll one of these rolls per level of that Rogue, however, they must already be leading the party.

There are ten pressure plates in this corridor. You must make ten d6 rolls. For every 1 rolled, you release an arrow trap. For every Rogue in your party, you may reroll one of these rolls per level of that Rogue, however, they must already be leading the party.

There are ten pressure plates in this corridor. You must make ten d6 rolls. For every 1 rolled, you release an arrow trap. For every Rogue in your party, you may reroll one of these rolls per level of that Rogue, however, they must already be leading the party.

If an arrow is released, it attacks one random character. Roll a d4. That character must make a level 3 Dodge save, or take one point of damage. Rogues and Swashbucklers may add a +1 to this roll if the arrow targets them.

If an arrow is released, it attacks one random character. Roll a d4. That character must make a level 3 Dodge save, or take one point of damage. Rogues and Swashbucklers may add a +1 to this roll if the arrow targets them.

If an arrow is released, it attacks one random character. Roll a d4. That character must make a level 3 Dodge save, or take one point of damage. Rogues and Swashbucklers may add a +1 to this roll if the arrow targets them.

A9. The Dragon’s Riddle Room- Puzzle

B9. The Dragon’s Riddle Room- Puzzle

C9. The Dragon’s Riddle Room- Puzzle

There is a Secret Door in this room that can be found and unlocked by answering its riddle. This riddle can be unlocked by a Wizard passing a Level 6 Riddle save. Wizards can add their level to this save.

There is a Secret Door in this room that can be found and unlocked by answering its riddle. This riddle can be unlocked by a Wizard passing a Level 6 Riddle save. Wizards can add their level to this save.

There is a Secret Door in this room that can be found and unlocked by answering its riddle. This riddle can be unlocked by a Wizard passing a Level 6 Riddle save. Wizards can add their level to this save.

You can also open up this door by spending 3 clues.

You can also open up this door by spending 3 clues.

You can also open up this door by spending 3 clues. If you are playing this as a roleplaying game and are the DM, then your players can open the puzzle door by actually solving the riddle themselves.

A10. Honor Guard

B10. Honor Guard

C10. Honor Guard

Room- Minion

Room- Minion

Quasit. Level 4 minion. 6 Life. 2 Attacks. No Treasure

Quasit. Level 4 minion. 6 Life. 2 Quasit. Level 4 minion. 6 Life. 2 Attacks. No Treasure Attacks. No Treasure

Magic Resistant: Spells automatically fail on the Quasit Clever Tactics: If you roll a 1 on a defense save, he pushes you into the pit that is in the middle of the room. You take the point of damage, but cannot fight in the next round of combat because that character has to climb out of the pit. Breaking Orders: As soon as the Quasit has to perform a morale roll, it will automatically run away as its next possible action. If the heroes are able to kill the Quasit before it can run away, then you receive 2 XP for this minion encounter.

Magic Resistant: Spells automatically fail on the Quasit Clever Tactics: If you roll a 1 on a defense save, he pushes you into the pit that is in the middle of the room. You take the point of damage, but cannot fight in the next round of combat because that character has to climb out of the pit. Breaking Orders: As soon as the Quasit has to perform a morale roll, it will automatically run away as its next possible action. If the heroes are able to kill the Quasit before it can run away, then you receive 2 XP for this minion encounter.

Magic Resistant: Spells automatically fail on the Quasit Clever Tactics: If you roll a 1 on a defense save, he pushes you into the pit that is in the middle of the room. You take the point of damage, but cannot fight in the next round of combat because that character has to climb out of the pit. Breaking Orders: As soon as the Quasit has to perform a morale roll, it will automatically run away as its next possible action. If the heroes are able to kill the Quasit before it can run away, then you receive 2 XP for this minion encounter.

Reaction: always fight

Reaction: always fight

Reaction: always fight

A11. Secret Room Room- Search

B11. Secret Room Room- Search

C11. Secret Room Room- Search

You can only access this room if you performed a Search roll in the previous room. Once inside this room, you must perform another search roll to find the hidden passageway that leads to area area 12. Failing these rolls does not alert wandering Dire Rats.

You can only access this room if you performed a Search roll in the previous room. Once inside this room, you must perform another search roll to find the hidden passageway that leads to area area 12. Failing these rolls does not alert wandering Dire Rats.

You can only access this room if you performed a Search roll in the previous room. Once inside this room, you must perform another search roll to find the hidden passageway that leads to area area 12. Failing these rolls does not alert wandering Dire Rats.

A12. Tomb of Failed Dragon Priest Room- Weird Monster

B12. Tomb of Failed Dragon Priest Room- Weird Monster

C12. Tomb of Failed Dragon Priest Room- Weird Monster

Dragonpriest Troll level 5 Dragonpriest Troll level 5 Weird Monster, 9 life, 2 attacks. Weird Monster, 9 life, 2 attacks. 4 Treasure Rolls, 4 Treasure Rolls,

Room- Minion

Dragonpriest Troll level 5 Weird Monster, 9 life, 2 attacks.

Tough Skin: Crushing weapons have a -1attack against the troll. Regeneration: Every turn the troll attacks, roll a d6. On a 4or 5 it regains one lost life, on a 6 two lost life (but never exceeding the original 4). If brought to zero or less life points, roll d6. On a 3 or better, it comes back to life with 1 life point only, unless a character can attack it with a slashing weapon when it is on zero or less life points. It doesn't make any “regeneration” roll on a turn after it was damaged by awizard’s fireball. Magic Weakness: The troll cannot regenerate health that was lost due to magic based attacks. Masterwork Dagger: If characters roll a 2 on a Defense roll, it counts as a 1 and the character automatically takes damage.

Tough Skin: Crushing weapons have a -1attack against the troll. Regeneration: Every turn the troll attacks, roll a d6. On a 4or 5 it regains one lost life, on a 6 two lost life (but never exceeding the original 4). If brought to zero or less life points, roll d6. On a 3 or better, it comes back to life with 1 life point only, unless a character can attack it with a slashing weapon when it is on zero or less life points. It doesn't make any “regeneration” roll on a turn after it was damaged by awizard’s fireball. Magic Weakness: The troll cannot regenerate health that was lost due to magic based attacks. Characters who found the secret way in can escape through that door without provoking an opportunity attack from the Troll if they try to flee.

Characters who found the secret way in can escape Reactions: fight to the death through that door without provoking an opportunity attack Alternate Treasure: from the Troll if they try to flee. Masterwork dagger: This jewel studded dagger causes Reactions: fight to the death explosions to happen on natural rolls of 5 as well as 6s. priest ring worth 5 gp, a dragon amulet worth 10 gp, two silver stylized bracelets worth 15 gp apiece (30 gp). 50 gp. 4 Magic Scrolls: 1) Illusion (Wayfarers & Adventurers). If you don’t have this book then this spell lets you

Tough Skin: Crushing weapons have a -1attack against the troll. Regeneration: Every turn the troll attacks, roll a d6. On a 4or 5 it regains one lost life, on a 6 two lost life (but never exceeding the original 4). If brought to zero or less life points, roll d6. On a 3 or better, it comes back to life with 1 life point only, unless a character can attack it with a slashing weapon when it is on zero or less life points. It doesn't make any “regeneration” roll on a turn after it was damaged by awizard’s fireball. Magic Weakness: The troll cannot regenerate health that was lost due to magic based attacks. Characters who found the secret way in can escape through that door without provoking an opportunity attack from the Troll if they try to flee. Reactions: fight to the death Treasure: Masterwork dagger: This jewel studded dagger causes explosions to happen on natural rolls of 5 as well as 6s. priest ring worth 5 gp, a dragon amulet worth 10 gp, two silver stylized bracelets worth 15 gp apiece (30 gp). 50 gp. 4 Magic Scrolls: 1) Illusion (Wayfarers & Adventurers). If you don’t have this book then this spell lets you reroll a minion’s reaction table.

reroll a minion’s reaction table. 2) Heal. This is a cleric’s scroll. It cannot be learned by Wizard’s or Elves. If cast by a cleric, the hero heals d6 life + a number of points equal to the cleric caster’s level. 3) Inflict Light Wound: if successfully cast, the target, minion or boss, loses one life point. 4) Magic Stone: This spell can be cast on three stones that can be placed in a sling. If one of these stones misses their target, you may reroll the attack.

2) Heal. This is a cleric’s scroll. It cannot be learned by Wizard’s or Elves. If cast by a cleric, the hero heals d6 life + a number of points equal to the cleric caster’s level. 3) Inflict Light Wound: if successfully cast, the target, minion or boss, loses one life point. 4) Magic Stone: This spell can be cast on three stones that can be placed in a sling. If one of these stones misses their target, you may reroll the attack.

Areas 13 and beyond Wandering Monster Tables

A. Wandering Monsters 1

2d6+1 Kobolds. Level 3 Vermin, morale -1


d6 Dire Rats. Level 3 Vermin. Characters damaged by the Giant Rats must save vs. level 2 disease or suffer another 1 point of damage. Halflings add their level to save.


d6+3 Goblins. Level 3 Minions.


d6 Hobgoblins. Level 4 Minions.


D6+2 Skeletons. Level 3 undead Minions. Crushing weapons attack Skeletons at +1. Arrows are at -1against both skeletons. Skeletons never test morale.


D6 Twig Pets. Level 3 Vermin Poison Sap: Any character taking damage from the Twig Blight’s claws must save versus level 3 poison or lose 1 life. Halflings add their level on this save. Immune: Immune to poison, paralysis, and sleep Fire Weakness: Fire spells do double the damage.

B. Wandering Monsters 1

4 kobolds. Level 3 Vermin, morale -1


4 Dire Rats. Level 3 Vermin. Characters damaged by the Giant Rats must save vs. level 2 disease or suffer another 1 point of damage. Halflings add their level to save.


4 goblins. Level 3 Minions.


4 hobgoblins. Level 4 Minions.


4 skeletons. Level 3 undead Minions. Crushing weapons attack Skeletons at +1. Arrows are at -1against both skeletons. Skeletons never test morale.


4 Twig Pets. Level 3 Vermin Poison Sap: Any character taking damage from the Twig Blight’s claws must save versus level 3 poison or lose 1 life. Halflings add their level on this save. Immune: Immune to poison, paralysis, and sleep Fire Weakness: Fire spells do double the damage.

C. Wandering Monsters 1

D6 kobolds. Level 3 Vermin, morale -1. 1HP


D6 Dire Rats. Level 3 Vermin. 1HP Characters damaged by the Giant Rats must save vs. level 2 disease or suffer another 1 point of damage. Halflings add their level to save.


D4 goblins. Level 3 Minions. 1HP, 1HP, 2HP, 2HP


D2 hobgoblins. Level 4 Minions. 3HP


D4 skeletons. Level 3 undead Minions. Crushing weapons attack Skeletons at +1. Arrows are at -1against both skeletons. Skeletons never test morale. 3 HP, 3 HP, 4 HP, HP


D3 Twig Blights. Level 3 Vermin, 3HP, 3HP, 4HP Poison Sap: Any character taking damage from the Twig Blight’s claws must save versus level 3 poison or lose 1 life. Halflings add their level on this save. Immune: Immune to poison, paralysis, and sleep

Fire Weakness: Fire spells do double the damage.

A13a. Corridor - Empty

B13a. Corridor - Empty

C13a. Corridor - Empty

A13b. Ruined Chamber Room- Empty

B13b. Ruined Chamber Room- Empty

C13b. Ruined Chamber Room- Empty

A14. Enchanted Water Cache Room- Special Events

B14. Enchanted Water Cache Room- Special Events

C14. Enchanted Water Cache Room- Special Events

Door is locked and requires a L5 lockpick check to unlock.

Door is locked and requires a L5 lockpick check to unlock.

Door is locked and requires a L5 lockpick check to unlock.

Release Water Elemental. D3 minor water elementals. Level 5 Minions. Treasure +1.

Release Water Elemental. Release Water Elemental. 3 minor water elementals. Level Minor water elemental. Level 5 5 Minions. Minion. 3HP

Unless attacks are magical or from a magical weapon, all first attacks automatically miss. Cannot attack anyone with Protection spell cast over them.

Unless attacks are magical or from a magical weapon, all first attacks automatically miss. Cannot attack anyone with Protection spell cast over them.

Unless attacks are magical or from a magical weapon, all first attacks automatically miss. Cannot attack anyone with Protection spell cast over them.

Treasure: 5 rubies worth 10 gp apiece.

Treasure: 5 rubies worth 10 gp apiece.

A.15a Dragon Cell Room - Clue

B15a Dragon Cell Room - Clue

C15a Dragon Cell Room - Clue

On a failed roll- a roll of 1- use kobolds as the wandering monster.

On a failed roll- a roll of 1- use kobolds as the wandering monster.

On a failed roll- a roll of 1- use kobolds as the wandering monster.

A. 15b Empty Corridor

B. 15b Empty Corridor

C. 15b Empty Corridor

A. 16a Kobold Guardroom Room- Vermin

B. 16a Kobold Guardroom Room- Vermin

C. 16a Kobold Guardroom Room- Vermin

2d6+1 Kobolds. Level 3 Vermin, treasure -1, morale -1

4 Kobolds. Level 3 Vermin, treasure -1, morale -1

3 Kobolds. Level 3 Vermin, 2 HP, morale -1

There is a 3-6 chance that Kobolds will react first. If so, they attack.

There is a 3-6 chance that Kobolds will react first. If so, they attack.

There is a 3-6 chance that Kobolds will react first. If so, they attack.

Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-3 flee if Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-3 flee if Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-3 flee if outnumbered, 4 bribe (5 gp outnumbered, 4 bribe (5 gp outnumbered, 4 bribe (5 gp each),5–6 fight each),5–6 fight each),5–6 fight Treasure- each Kobold has 1 gp apiece. A. 17 Dragon Chow Room- Vermin

B. 17 Dragon Chow Room- Vermin

C. 17 Dragon Chow Room- Vermin

3d6 Cave Rats Level 1 Vermin, no treasure.

16 Cave Rats Level 1 Vermin, no treasure.

8 Cave Rats Level 1 Vermin, 1 HP

Diseased: Any character wounded has a 1 in 6 chance of losing 1 additional life due to an infected wound.

Diseased: Any character wounded has a 1 in 6 chance of losing 1 additional life due to an infected wound.

Diseased:Any character wounded has a 1 in 6 chance of losing 1 additional life due to an infected wound.

Reactions (d6): 1–3 flee, 4–6 fight

Reactions (d6): 1–3 flee, 4–6 fight

Reactions (d6): 1–3 flee, 4–6 fight

A13c. Ruined Chamber Room- Empty

B13c. Ruined Chamber Room- Empty

C13c. Ruined Chamber Room- Empty

A. 18 Prison Room- Special Feature

B. 18 Prison Room- Special Feature

C. 18 Prison Room- Special Feature

First, you must either pick the lock of the prison door or break it down. It is L5. Rogues, Warriors, Dwarves, and Barbarians may add their L. A roll of 1 will attack Kobold Wandering Monsters.

First, you must either pick the lock of the prison door or break it down. It is L5. Rogues, Warriors, Dwarves, and Barbarians may add their L. A roll of 1 will attack Kobold Wandering Monsters.

First, you must either pick the lock of the prison door or break it down. It is L5. Rogues, Warriors, Dwarves, and Barbarians may add their L. A roll of 1 will attack Kobold Wandering Monsters.

Once inside, you may make a Search Roll for a clue. If successful, as soon as you have 3 clues, you can spend them to receive a -1 on all reaction rolls with goblins in this adventure, including wandering goblins.

Once inside, you may make a Search roll for a clue. If successful, as soon as you have 3 clues, you can spend them to receive a -1 on all reaction rolls with goblins in this adventure, including wandering goblins.

Once inside, you may make a Search roll for a clue. If successful, as soon as you have 3 clues, you can spend them to receive a -1 on all reaction rolls with goblins in this adventure, including wandering goblins.

A. 16b Kobold Guardroom Room- Vermin

B. 16b Kobold Guardroom Room- Vermin

C. 16b Kobold Guardroom Room- Vermin

2d6+1 kobolds. Level 3 Vermin, treasure -1, morale -1

4 kobolds. Level 3 Vermin, treasure -1, morale -1

3 kobolds. Level 3 Vermin, 2 HP, morale -1

There is a 3-6 chance that Kobolds will react first. If so, they attack.

There is a 3-6 chance that Kobolds will react first. If so, they attack.

There is a 3-6 chance that Kobolds will react first. If so, they attack.

Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-3 flee if Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-3 flee if Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-3 flee if outnumbered, 4 bribe (5 gp outnumbered, 4 bribe (5 gp outnumbered, 4 bribe (5 gp each),5–6 fight each),5–6 fight each),5–6 fight Treasure- each Kobold has 1 gp apiece. A19a Empty Corridor

B19a Empty Corridor

C19a Empty Corridor

A19 b Hall of Dragons Room- Minions

B19 b Hall of Dragons Room- Minions

C19 b Hall of Dragons Room- Minions

D6+3 Elite Kobold Guards. Level 3 minions, normal treasure.

5 Elite Kobold Guards. Level 3 2 Elite Kobold Guards. Level 3 minions, normal treasure. minions. 3 HP. Reinforcements: If combat ensues, after every round of combat, there is a 2-6 chance that a group of D6+3 L3 Kobold Vermin arrive to join as reinforcements.

Reinforcements:If combat ensues, after every round of combat, there is a 2-6 chance that a group of D6+3 L3 Kobold Vermin arrive to join as reinforcements.

Reactions* (d6): 1-3 Quest, 4–5 Reactions* (d6): 1-3 Quest, 4–5 fight, 6 fight to the death. fight, 6 fight to the death. *Add a +1 to this reaction roll if *Add a +1 to this reaction roll if PCs entered the prison. PCs entered the prison. Quest: Instructions for the quest Quest: Instructions for the quest are in area 21, which the Elite are in area 21, which the Elite Kobold Guards escort the part Kobold Guards escort the part to. to. Alternative Treasure: If the players do not take the quest and defeat the Guards they may receive 1 D10 gp.

Reactions* (d6): 1-3 Quest, 4–5 fight, 6 fight to the death. *Add a +1 to this reaction roll if PCs entered the prison.

A. 16c Kobold Guardroom Room- Vermin

C. 16c Kobold Guardroom Room- Vermin

Reinforcements: If combat ensues, after every round of combat, there is a 2-6 chance that a group of D6+3 L3 Kobold Vermin arrive to join as reinforcements.

B. 16c Kobold Guardroom Room- Vermin

Quest: Instructions for the quest are in area 21, which the Elite Kobold Guards escort the part to. Treasure: If the players do not take the quest and defeat the Guards they may receive 1 D10 gp.

2d6+1 kobolds. Level 3 Vermin, treasure -1, morale -1

4 kobolds. Level 3 Vermin, treasure -1, morale -1

3 kobolds. Level 3 Vermin, 2 HP, morale -1

There is a 3-6 chance that Kobolds will react first. If so, they attack.

There is a 3-6 chance that Kobolds will react first. If so, they attack.

There is a 3-6 chance that Kobolds will react first. If so, they attack.

Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-3 flee if Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-3 flee if Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-3 flee if outnumbered, 4 bribe (5 gp outnumbered, 4 bribe (5 gp outnumbered, 4 bribe (5 gp each),5–6 fight each),5–6 fight each),5–6 fight Treasure- each Kobold has 1 gp apiece. A.20 Kobold Colony Room- Vermin

B.20 Kobold Colony Room- Vermin

C.20 Kobold Colony Room- Vermin

2d6+1 kobolds. Level 3 Vermin, treasure -3, morale -1

11 kobolds. Level 3 Vermin, treasure -3, morale -1

3 kobolds. Level 3 Minions, 2HP 7 kobolds. Level 3 Vermin, 1HP.

Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-3 flee if Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-3 flee if outnumbered, 4 bribe (5 gp outnumbered, 4 bribe (5 gp Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-3 flee if each),5–6 fight each),5–6 fight outnumbered, 4 bribe (5 gp each),5–6 fight Treasure: 1D6 gp A. 21 The Dragon Throne Room- Boss Monster

B. 21 The Dragon Throne Room- Boss Monster

C. 21 The Dragon Throne Room- Boss Monster

If characters have accepted the Quest in area 19b, the Quest is option 3, Bring Him to Me. Although this time, the party needs to bring back a kidnapped dragon that the goblins have taken from the Kobold Queen. As a reward for accomplishing this quest, players may choose one of these 3 options) 1. Key that opens area 7 2. Or 200gp

If characters have accepted the Quest in area 19b, the Quest is option 3, Bring Him to Me. Although this time, the party needs to bring back a kidnapped dragon that the goblins have taken from the Kobold Queen. As a reward for accomplishing this quest, players may choose one of these 3 options) 1. Key that opens area 7 2. Or 200gp

If characters have accepted the Quest in area 19b, the Quest is option 3, Bring Him to Me. Although this time, the party needs to bring back a kidnapped dragon that the goblins have taken from the Kobold Queen. As a reward for accomplishing this quest, players may choose one of these 3 options) 1. Key that opens area 7 2. Or 200gp

Before leaving on the quest,

Before leaving on the quest,

Before leaving on the quest,

players can also purchase these 3 scrolls for 25 gp apiece. 1. Mage Armor (Protect). 2. Spider Climb- user can add their L to any climb saves or can remove themselves from one round of combat without the chance of being attacked. They return in the next round. 3. Knock Can be used to open locked doors. Elfs and Wizards and other magic classes may add their level when rolling to unlock the door. Other classes can only add a +1 to this roll. Rolling a 1 does not count as alerting Wandering Monsters. If the attempt fails, the spell is depleted.

players can also purchase these 3 scrolls for 25 gp apiece. 1. Mage Armor (Protect). 2. Spider Climb- user can add their L to any climb saves or can remove themselves from one round of combat without the chance of being attacked. They return in the next round. 3. Knock Can be used to open locked doors. Elfs and Wizards and other magic classes may add their level when rolling to unlock the door. Other classes can only add a +1 to this roll. Rolling a 1 does not count as alerting Wandering Monsters. If the attempt fails, the spell is depleted.

players can also purchase these 3 scrolls for 25 gp apiece. 1. Mage Armor (Protect). 2. Spider Climb- user can add their L to any climb saves or can remove themselves from one round of combat without the chance of being attacked. They return in the next round. 3. Knock Can be used to open locked doors. Elfs and Wizards and other magic classes may add their level when rolling to unlock the door. Other classes can only add a +1 to this roll. Rolling a 1 does not count as alerting Wandering Monsters. If the attempt fails, the spell is depleted.

If players did not receive the Quest from area 18, then they must fight the kobold Queen or roll on her reaction table.

If players did not receive the Quest from area 18, then they must fight the kobold Queen or roll on her reaction table.

If players did not receive the Quest from area 18, then they must fight the kobold Queen or roll on her reaction table.

Kobold Queen, Level 4 Boss, 7 Health, 2 attacks, +1 morale, treasure: 3 random magic scrolls

Kobold Queen, Level 4 Boss, 7 Health, 2 attacks, +1 morale, treasure: 3 random magic scrolls

Kobold Queen, Level 4 Boss, 7 Health, 2 attacks, +1 morale, treasure: 3 random magic scrolls

Guarded: A group of Kobold Guards attend to the queen and will fight to the death. Roll a d6 1-4 Arcane Bolt:This is a normal attack against a random hero or to whichever hero attacked her last. 5 Spider Crawl: She spends her turn crawling up to the high ceilings and will stay up there until it's her turn to attack in the next round. No melee attacks may be made against her while she is on the ceiling, only

Guarded: A group of Kobold Guards attend to the queen and will fight to the death. Roll a d6 1-4 Arcane Bolt:This is a normal attack against a random hero or to whichever hero attacked her last. 5 Spider Crawl: She spends her turn crawling up to the high ceilings and will stay up there until it's her turn to attack in the next round. No melee attacks may be made against her while she is on the ceiling, only

Guarded: A group of Kobold Guards attend to the queen and will fight to the death. Roll a d6 1-4 Arcane Bolt:This is a normal attack against a random hero or to whichever hero attacked her last. 5 Spider Crawl: She spends her turn crawling up to the high ceilings and will stay up there until it's her turn to attack in the next round. No melee attacks may be made against her while she is on the ceiling, only

ranged or ranged magic attack attacks. If in one round you rolled Spider Crawl twice, her second attack is instead an Arcane Bolt. 6 Protect She gains one more life. She can even exceed her original life points if she rolls multiple Protect spells.

ranged or ranged magic attack attacks. If in one round you rolled Spider Crawl twice, her second attack is instead an Arcane Bolt. 6 Protect She gains one more life. She can even exceed her original life points if she rolls multiple Protect spells.

ranged or ranged magic attack attacks. If in one round you rolled Spider Crawl twice, her second attack is instead an Arcane Bolt. 6 Protect She gains one more life. She can even exceed her original life points if she rolls multiple Protect spells.

Reactions: 1-2 quest, 3-4 fight, 5-6 fight to the death

Reactions: 1-2 quest, 3-4 fight, 5-6 fight to the death

Reactions: 1-2 quest, 3-4 fight, 5-6 fight to the death

22 A. Larder Room- Empty

22 B. Larder Room- Empty

22 C. Larder Room- Empty

23 A. Under Dark Access Room- Vermin and Search

23 B. Under Dark Access Room- Vermin and Search

23 C. Under Dark Access Room- Vermin and Search

2d6+1 kobolds. Level 3 Vermin, treasure -1, morale -1

4 kobolds. Level 3 Vermin, treasure -1, morale -1

3 kobolds. Level 3 Vermin, 2 HP, morale -1

There is a 3-6 chance that Kobolds will react first. If so, they attack.

There is a 3-6 chance that Kobolds will react first. If so, they attack.

There is a 3-6 chance that Kobolds will react first. If so, they attack.

Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-3 flee if Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-3 flee if Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-3 flee if outnumbered, 4 bribe (5 gp outnumbered, 4 bribe (5 gp outnumbered, 4 bribe (5 gp each),5–6 fight each),5–6 fight each),5–6 fight After they are defeated you may Alternate Treasure- each make a search roll. If Kobold has 1 gp apiece. successful, you have a secret passage out of the dungeon. After they are defeated you may make a search roll. If successful, you have a secret passage out of the dungeon.

Treasure- each Kobold has 1 gp apiece.

24 A. Trapped Access Corridor- Trap

24 B. Trapped Access Corridor- Trap

24 C. Trapped Access Corridor- Trap

L6 Locked door with a L6 Pit Trap. Rogues and Dwarves leading the party may add L to spot it. If set off, all characters suffer 1 health loss and MAY NOT access the other end of

L6 Locked door with a L6 Pit Trap. Rogues and Dwarves leading the party may add L to spot it. If set off, all characters suffer 1 health loss and MAY NOT access the other end of

L6 Locked door with a L6 Pit Trap. Rogues and Dwarves leading the party may add L to spot it. If set off, all characters suffer 1 health loss and MAY NOT access the other end of

After they are defeated you may make a search roll. If successful, you have a secret passage out of the dungeon.

the corridor. Setting off the trap automatically alerts Kobold Wandering monsters as the characters pull themselves out of the pit.

the corridor. Setting off the trap automatically alerts Kobold Wandering monsters as the characters pull themselves out of the pit.

the corridor. Setting off the trap automatically alerts Kobold Wandering monsters as the characters pull themselves out of the pit.

25 A. Desolate Chamber Room- Empty

25 B. Desolate Chamber Room- Empty

25 C. Desolate Chamber Room- Empty

26. A. Dry Draconic Fountain Room- Special Features

26. B. Dry Draconic Fountain Room- Special Features

26. C. Dry Draconic Fountain Room- Special Features

Puzzle- L5. Wizards may add their L to this roll. Spellcasters who cast Language spell may automatically pass. Wizards from the school of Alteration may add a +1 to this Puzzle roll. If successful, the heroes find a Fire Breath potion which when thrown acts as a fireball spell that can also hurt dragons.

Puzzle- L5. Wizards may add their L to this roll. Spellcasters who cast Language spell may automatically pass. Wizards from the school of Alteration may add a +1 to this Puzzle roll. If successful, the heroes find a Fire Breath potion which when thrown acts as a fireball spell that can also hurt dragons.

Puzzle- L5. Wizards may add their L to this roll. Spellcasters who cast Language spell may automatically pass. Wizards from the school of Alteration may add a +1 to this Puzzle roll. If successful, the heroes find a Fire Breath potion which when thrown acts as a fireball spell that can also hurt dragons.

27 A. Sanctuary Room- Minions

27 B. Sanctuary Room- Minions

27 C. Sanctuary Room- Minions

L6 Trapped Door. If you fail, the leader loses 1 health point. The door does not open unless one blessing spell is spent on it.

L6 Trapped Door. If you fail, the leader loses 1 health point. The door does not open unless one blessing spell is spent on it.

L6 Trapped Door. If you fail, the leader loses 1 health point. The door does not open unless one blessing spell is spent on it.

D6+2 Skeletons. Level 3 undead Minion. No treasure.

15 Skeletons. Level 3 undead Minion. No treasure.

5 Skeletons. Level 3 undead Minion. 3HP. No treasure.

Brittle: Crushing weapons attack Skeletons at +1. Arrows are at -1 against both skeletons. Mindless: Skeletons never test morale.

Brittle: Crushing weapons attack Skeletons at +1. Arrows are at -1 against both skeletons. Mindless: Skeletons never test morale.

Brittle: Crushing weapons attack Skeletons at +1. Arrows are at -1 against both skeletons. Mindless: Skeletons never test morale.

Reactions: always fight to the death.

Reactions: always fight to the death.

Reactions: always fight to the death.

Inside the room and sarcophagi, heroes will find an enchanted candle with a flame that doesn’t burn out and a

Inside the room and sarcophagi, heroes will find an enchanted candle with a flame that doesn’t burn out and a

Inside the room and sarcophagi, heroes will find an enchanted candle with a flame that doesn’t burn out and a

special dwarven bone whistle that can cast animate the dead spell (only when outside under an open night sky). See Degressions of the Devouring Dead for more details about this spell. Otherwise, it may be sold for 100gp to a local dwarf.

special dwarven bone whistle that can cast animate the dead spell (only when outside under an open night sky). See Degressions of the Devouring Dead for more details about this spell. Otherwise, it may be sold for 100gp to a local dwarf.

special dwarven bone whistle that can cast animate the dead spell (only when outside under an open night sky). See Degressions of the Devouring Dead for more details about this spell. Otherwise, it may be sold for 100gp to a local dwarf.

28 A Infested Cells Corridor- Vermin

28 B Infested Cells Corridor- Vermin

28 C Infested Cells Corridor- Vermin

2d6 Dire Rats. Level 3. Treasure normal.

5 Dire Rats. Level 3. Treasure normal.

4 Dire Rats. Level 3. 2HP

Characters damaged by the Giant Rats must save vs. level 2 disease or suffer another 1 point of damage. Halflings add their level to save. Reaction (d6): 1-2 flee, 3-6 fight.

Characters damaged by the Giant Rats must save vs. level 2 disease or suffer another 1 point of damage. Halflings add their level to save. Reaction (d6): 1-2 flee, 3-6 fight. Optional Treasure: 1d6 gp and 1d4 gems worth 5 gp apiece

Characters damaged by the Giant Rats must save vs. level 2 disease or suffer another 1 point of damage. Halflings add their level to save. Reaction (d6): 1-2 flee, 3-6 fight. Treasure: 1d6 gp and 1d4 gems worth 5 gp apiece

29 A. Old Traps Room- Trap

29 B. Old Traps Room- Trap

29 C. Old Traps Room- Trap

Puzzle-Trap L5. Rogues and Wizards may add their L to this roll. Wizards from the school of Evocation may add a +1 to this Puzzle roll. A failure results in everyone needing to make a L2 Constitution against poison. Failing results in losing 1HP. Halflings may automatically pass this save.

Puzzle-Trap L5. Rogues and Wizards may add their L to this roll. Wizards from the school of Evocation may add a +1 to this Puzzle roll. A failure results in everyone needing to make a L2 Constitution against poison. Failing results in losing 1HP. Halflings may automatically pass this save.

Puzzle-Trap L5. Rogues and Wizards may add their L to this roll. Wizards from the school of Evocation may add a +1 to this Puzzle roll. A failure results in everyone needing to make a L2 Constitution against poison. Failing results in losing 1HP. Halflings may automatically pass this save.

30 A. Mama Rat Room- Weird Monster

30 B. Mama Rat Room- Weird Monster

30 C. Mama Rat Room- Weird Monster

The Bloated One L4 Weird The Bloated One L4 Weird The Bloated One L4 Weird Monster, 4 HP, 1 Attack, Normal Monster, 4 HP, 1 Attack, Normal Monster, 4 HP, 1 Attack Treasure Treasure* Mama Rat: 3 Dire Rat vermin

Mama Rat: D6+3 Dire Rat vermin are in the room with her. Alerted: If heroes activated the fountain trap in area 29, all the monsters will ambush the heroes as soon as they enter the room and attack first. Poison: Characters damaged by the Giant Rat must save vs. level 2 disease or suffer another 1 point of damage. Halflings add their level to save.

Mama Rat: 5 Dire Rat vermin are in the room with her. Alerted: If heroes activated the fountain trap in area 29, all the monsters will ambush the heroes as soon as they enter the room and attack first. Poison: Characters damaged by the Giant Rat must save vs. level 2 disease or suffer another 1 point of damage. Halflings add their level to save.

are in the room with her. All 3 have 2 HP. Alerted: If heroes activated the fountain trap in area 29, all the monsters will ambush the heroes as soon as they enter the room and attack first. Poison: Characters damaged by the Giant Rat must save vs. level 2 disease or suffer another 1 point of damage. Halflings add their level to save.

Reactions: Always fight

Reactions: Always fight

Reactions: Always fight

*Treasure Option: 85 gp, 3 gems worth 3d4 x 10 gp, 5 daggers, human sized light leather armor, a shortbow -1 with 6 arrows, a potion of healing, and a gold ring worth 10 gp

Treasure: 85 gp, 3 gems worth 3d4 x 10 gp, 5 daggers, human sized light leather armor, a shortbow -1 with 6 arrows, a potion of healing, and a gold ring worth 10 gp

31a A. Empty room

31a B. Empty room

31a C. Empty room

31b. A Caltrop Hall Corridor- Minions

31b. B Caltrop Hall Corridor- Minions

31b. C Caltrop Hall Corridor- Minions

Caltrops: The floor is covered with caltrops. If characters attack with ranged weapons or spells normally, even if they are in the front row of the marching order. If attacking in melee combat with the goblins, then a hero gains no Defense bonus from any shields or armor. Simply roll a D6 for Defense. Rogues still get to add their level to their Defense rolls.

Caltrops: The floor is covered with caltrops. If characters attack with ranged weapons or spells normally, even if they are in the front row of the marching order. If attacking in melee combat with the goblins, then a hero gains no Defense bonus from any shields or armor. Simply roll a D6 for Defense. Rogues still get to add their level to their Defense rolls.

Caltrops: The floor is covered with caltrops. If characters attack with ranged weapons or spells normally, even if they are in the front row of the marching order. If attacking in melee combat with the goblins, then a hero gains no Defense bonus from any shields or armor. Simply roll a D6 for Defense. Rogues still get to add their level to their Defense rolls.

d6+3 Goblins. Level 3 Minion, treasure -1.

3 Goblins. Level 3 Minion, treasure -1*.

2 Goblins. Level 3 Minion. 2HP

Sneaky: Goblins will attack first round.

Sneaky: Goblins will attack first round.

Sneaky: Goblins will attack first round. Bows: Each goblin

Bows: Each goblin encountered has a bow and will attack with ranged attacks, standing on the opposite side of where all the caltrops are placed. Cover: These goblins have the advantage of cover. When attacking them, attack them as a L4 minion. When rolling your Defense rolls, defend against them as a regular L3 minion. Run for Reinforcements: If they fail a moral roll and run, they will alert the goblins in the next area. Those goblins will attack first before any melee or magic attacks. You will also need to add the number of goblins that ran away to their numbers.

Bows: Each goblin encountered has a bow and will attack with ranged attacks, standing on the opposite side of where all the caltrops are placed. Cover: These goblins have the advantage of cover. When attacking them, attack them as a L4 minion. When rolling your Defense rolls, defend against them as a regular L3 minion. Run for Reinforcements: If they fail a moral roll and run, they will alert the goblins in the next area. Those goblins will attack first before any melee or magic attacks. You will also need to add the number of goblins that ran away to their numbers.

Reactions: fight.

Reactions: fight.

encountered has a bow and will attack with ranged attacks, standing on the opposite side of where all the caltrops are placed. Cover: These goblins have the advantage of cover. When attacking them, attack them as a L4 minion. When rolling your Defense rolls, defend against them as a regular L3 minion. Run for Reinforcements: When down to just one goblin, roll moral, if the goblin fails the moral roll it will run and alert the goblins in the next area. Those goblins will attack first before any melee or magic attacks. You need to add this goblin to their numbers. If it is down to 1 HP in this encounter, it will likewise have 1 HP.

Reactions: fight. To access area 32, simply climb Treasure option: 2gp over the 3 foot wall. Treasure: 2 gp To access area 32, simply climb over the 3 foot wall. To access area 32, simply climb over the 3 foot wall. 32 A. Goblin Gate Room- Empty

32 B. Goblin Gate Room- Empty

32 C. Goblin Gate Room- Empty

33 A. Practice Range Room- Minions

33 B. Practice Range Room- Minions

33 C. Practice Range Room- Minions

d6+3 Goblins. Level 3 Minion, treasure -1 and key to area 34

4 Goblins. Level 3 Minion, 3 Goblins. Level 3 Minion, 2HP treasure -1 and key to area 34*. Sneaky: There is a 1 in 6 Sneaky: There is a 1 in 6 chance that the goblins will chance that the goblins will surprise the heroes and attack surprise the heroes and attack first round, they automatically first round, they automatically gain surprise if they have been gain surprise if they have been alerted. alerted. Bows: Each goblin

Sneaky: There is a 1 in 6 chance that the goblins will surprise the heroes and attack first round, they automatically gain surprise if they have been alerted.

Bows: Each goblin encountered has a bow and will attack with ranged attacks. Cover: These goblins have the advantage of cover. When attacking them, attack them as a L4 minion. When rolling your Defense rolls, defend against them as a regular L3 minion. Run for Reinforcements: If they fail a moral roll and run, they will alert the goblins in area 39. Those goblins will attack first before any melee or magic attacks. You will also need to add the number of goblins that ran away to their numbers.

Bows: Each goblin encountered has a bow and will attack with ranged attacks. Cover: These goblins have the advantage of cover. When attacking them, attack them as a L4 minion. When rolling your Defense rolls, defend against them as a regular L3 minion. Run for Reinforcements: If they fail a moral roll and run, they will alert the goblins in area 39. Those goblins will attack first before any melee or magic attacks. You will also need to add the number of goblins that ran away to their numbers.

Reactions: fight

Reactions: fight

encountered has a bow and will attack with ranged attacks. Cover: These goblins have the advantage of cover. When attacking them, attack them as a L4 minion. When rolling your Defense rolls, defend against them as a regular L3 minion. Run for Reinforcements: If they fail a moral roll and run, they will alert the goblins in area 39. Those goblins will attack first before any melee or magic attacks. You will also need to add the number of goblins that ran away to their numbers, as well as keep track of any lost HP when running that encounter.

To access areas 38 and 35, Treasure option: 1 silver flask of Reactions: fight simply climb over the 3foot wall. dwarven make (worth 50 gp) and a key to area 34 Treasure option: 1 silver flask of dwarven make (worth 50 gp) and a key to area 34 34 A. Goblin Stockade Room- Special Event

34 B. Goblin Stockade Room- Special Event

34 C. Goblin Stockade Room- Special Event

Unless heroes have the key to this room,the door to area 34 is locked and requires a L4 Save to either pick the lock or break down. Rogues may add their level.

Unless heroes have the key to this room,the door to area 34 is locked and requires a L4 Save to either pick the lock or break down. Rogues may add their level.

Unless heroes have the key to this room,the door to area 34 is locked and requires a L4 Save to either pick the lock or break down. Rogues may add their level.

To break the cage that the gnome cleric also requires a L4 save. The key will not work on the cage. Don’t forget to roll for wandering monsters on each failed attempt.

To break the cage that the gnome cleric also requires a L4 save. The key will not work on the cage. Don’t forget to roll for wandering monsters on each failed attempt.

To break the cage that the gnome cleric also requires a L4 save. The key will not work on the cage. Don’t forget to roll for wandering monsters on each failed attempt.

Once the Gnome is free he joins the party, if the party should so choose.

Once the Gnome is free he joins the party, if the party should so choose.

Once the Gnome is free he joins the party, if the party should so choose.

Treat him as a Level 1 Cleric with 5 HP. He can add ½ his level rounded down to normal attacks but can add his full level to attacks when fighting undead or kobolds. Like halflings, he can add his level to his Defense scores when fighting larger creatures. He has 3 healing spells and 3 blessing spells. Instead of using blessing, he may use Illusion spell instead (Wayfarers & Adventurers). Currently he has no armor or weapons so treat all Defense rolls as a normal D6 and any unarmed attacks at D6 -2. So long as the party doesn’t encounter wandering monsters, the party can go back to area 33 and grab some +1 goblin leather armor and a -1 short sword. He cannot use their shortbows. If heroes have any extra light armor, shields, or light hand weapons they may also loan them to the gnome cleric. Because he is a gnome, he may not wear any heavy armor and the only hand weapon he may use is a hand mace. However, the hand mace needs to be his size. If encountering any small sized minions with any maces, such as goblins or kobolds, he may use theirs. Otherwise, when finding an armory or buying maces at a town, there is a 3/6 chance that the maces are too large for him.

Treat him as a Level 1 Cleric with 5 HP. He can add ½ his level rounded down to normal attacks but can add his full level to attacks when fighting undead or kobolds. Like halflings, he can add his level to his Defense scores when fighting larger creatures. He has 3 healing spells and 3 blessing spells. Instead of using blessing, he may use Illusion spell instead (Wayfarers & Adventurers). Currently he has no armor or weapons so treat all Defense rolls as a normal D6 and any unarmed attacks at D6 -2. So long as the party doesn’t encounter wandering monsters, the party can go back to area 33 and grab some +1 goblin leather armor and a -1 short sword. He cannot use their shortbows. If heroes have any extra light armor, shields, or light hand weapons they may also loan them to the gnome cleric. Because he is a gnome, he may not wear any heavy armor and the only hand weapon he may use is a hand mace. However, the hand mace needs to be his size. If encountering any small sized minions with any maces, such as goblins or kobolds, he may use theirs. Otherwise, when finding an armory or buying maces at a town, there is a 3/6 chance that the maces are too large for him.

Treat him as a Level 1 Cleric with 5 HP. He can add ½ his level rounded down to normal attacks but can add his full level to attacks when fighting undead or kobolds. Like halflings, he can add his level to his Defense scores when fighting larger creatures. He has 3 healing spells and 3 blessing spells. Instead of using blessing, he may use Illusion spell instead (Wayfarers & Adventurers). Currently he has no armor or weapons so treat all Defense rolls as a normal D6 and any unarmed attacks at D6 -2. So long as the party doesn’t encounter wandering monsters, the party can go back to area 33 and grab some +1 goblin leather armor and a -1 short sword. He cannot use their shortbows. If heroes have any extra light armor, shields, or light hand weapons they may also loan them to the gnome cleric. Because he is a gnome, he may not wear any heavy armor and the only hand weapon he may use is a hand mace. However, the hand mace needs to be his size. If encountering any small sized minions with any maces, such as goblins or kobolds, he may use theirs. Otherwise, when finding an armory or buying maces at a town, there is a 3/6 chance that the maces are too large for him.

To travel in the dungeon with a 5th party member, simply place

To travel in the dungeon with a 5th party member, simply place

To travel in the dungeon with a 5th party member, simply place

one member in the middle 3rd position, with positions 1 and 2 taking up the guard and positions 4 and 5 taking up the rear. This cleric is only temporarily joining the party, to permanently join the party for future adventures, you must agree that on your next level up that you will give that level up to the gnome cleric. Not doing so will forfeit this opportunity. Also keep in mind that originally Four Against Darkness was meant to be a game where only four members may be a part of a party, whereas other roleplaying games did not provide this cap. If playing the game as is, simply swap out one of your party members for the cleric when you want to play him, or recruit the cleric for your next adventure when one of your party members retires. The benefit there being is that he will most likely be at level 2. If playing a five member party you may want to make your own house rule adjustments for future supplement encounter difficulties or XP level ups (such as requiring 15 minions instead of 10 for level roll).

one member in the middle 3rd position, with positions 1 and 2 taking up the guard and positions 4 and 5 taking up the rear. This cleric is only temporarily joining the party, to permanently join the party for future adventures, you must agree that on your next level up that you will give that level up to the gnome cleric. Not doing so will forfeit this opportunity. Also keep in mind that originally Four Against Darkness was meant to be a game where only four members may be a part of a party, whereas other roleplaying games did not provide this cap. If playing the game as is, simply swap out one of your party members for the cleric when you want to play him, or recruit the cleric for your next adventure when one of your party members retires. The benefit there being is that he will most likely be at level 2. If playing a five member party you may want to make your own house rule adjustments for future supplement encounter difficulties or XP level ups (such as requiring 15 minions instead of 10 for level roll).

one member in the middle 3rd position, with positions 1 and 2 taking up the guard and positions 4 and 5 taking up the rear. This cleric is only temporarily joining the party, to permanently join the party for future adventures, you must agree that on your next level up that you will give that level up to the gnome cleric. Not doing so will forfeit this opportunity. Also keep in mind that originally Four Against Darkness was meant to be a game where only four members may be a part of a party, whereas other roleplaying games did not provide this cap. If playing the game as is, simply swap out one of your party members for the cleric when you want to play him, or recruit the cleric for your next adventure when one of your party members retires. The benefit there being is that he will most likely be at level 2. If playing a five member party you may want to make your own house rule adjustments for future supplement encounter difficulties or XP level ups (such as requiring 15 minions instead of 10 for level roll).

Regardless of your choice, freeing the gnome cleric and kobold prisoners is worth XP point (technically the kobolds did “flee”).

Regardless of your choice, freeing the gnome cleric and kobold prisoners is worth XP point (technically the kobolds did “flee”).

Regardless of your choice, freeing the gnome cleric and kobold prisoners is worth XP point (technically the kobolds did “flee”).

35 A Trapped Corridor Corridor- Trap

35 B Trapped Corridor Corridor- Trap

35 C Trapped Corridor Corridor- Trap

Trapdoor: A trapdoor (level 4) opens under the feet of the

Trapdoor: A trapdoor (level 4) opens under the feet of the

Trapdoor: A trapdoor (level 4) opens under the feet of the

character leading the marching order. The character must roll d6 versus the level of the trap. Roll at -1 if you have light armor, and -2 if you have heavy armor, and at +1 if you are a halfling or an elf. Rogues add their level. A character failing the roll falls into the trapdoor, losing 1 life. In addition, it will take at least another character to help him out of the trapdoor. If you fall in a trapdoor and you are alone, you die.

character leading the marching order. The character must roll d6 versus the level of the trap. Roll at -1 if you have light armor, and -2 if you have heavy armor, and at +1 if you are a halfling or an elf. Rogues add their level. A character failing the roll falls into the trapdoor, losing 1 life. In addition, it will take at least another character to help him out of the trapdoor. If you fall in a trapdoor and you are alone, you die.

character leading the marching order. The character must roll d6 versus the level of the trap. Roll at -1 if you have light armor, and -2 if you have heavy armor, and at +1 if you are a halfling or an elf. Rogues add their level. A character failing the roll falls into the trapdoor, losing 1 life. In addition, it will take at least another character to help him out of the trapdoor. If you fall in a trapdoor and you are alone, you die.

If a character falls into the trapped door, a group of wandering goblins appear behind the party.

If a character falls into the trapped door, a group of wandering goblins appear behind the party.

If a character falls into the trapped door, a group of wandering goblins appear behind the party.

A 36 Goblin Bandits Room- Minions

B 36 Goblin Bandits Room- Minions

C 36 Goblin Bandits Room- Minions

d6+3 Goblin Bandits. Level 3 Minion, no treasure

8 Goblin Bandits. Level 3 Minion, no treasure

6 Goblin Bandits. Level 3 Minion, 2HP

Sneaky: Goblins have a 1 in 6 chance of gaining surprise, thus acting before the party. If they do act before the party, roll d6 on their reactions table below. Sap: If rolling a 1 on a Defense roll, the player must take a -1 penalty to their next attack roll.

Sneaky: Goblins have a 1 in 6 chance of gaining surprise, thus acting before the party. If they do act before the party, roll d6 on their reactions table below. Sap: If rolling a 1 on a Defense roll, the player must take a -1 penalty to their next attack roll.

Sneaky: Goblins have a 1 in 6 chance of gaining surprise, thus acting before the party. If they do act before the party, roll d6 on their reactions table below. Sap: If rolling a 1 on a Defense roll, the player must take a -1 penalty to their next attack roll.

Reactions (d6): 1 flee if outnumbered, 2-3 bribe (5 gp per goblin), 4–6 fight.

Reactions (d6): 1 flee if outnumbered, 2-3 bribe (5 gp per goblin), 4–6 fight.

Reactions (d6): 1 flee if outnumbered, 2-3 bribe (5 gp per goblin), 4–6 fight. No treasure

37 A Trophy Room Room- Boss Monster/Quest

37 B Trophy Room Room- Boss Monster/Quest

37 C Trophy Room Room- Boss Monster/Quest

L5 Locked Door. Don’t forget to roll for wandering monsters if a

L5 Locked Door. Don’t forget to roll for wandering monsters if a

L5 Locked Door. Don’t forget to roll for wandering monsters if a

1 is rolled.

1 is rolled.

1 is rolled.

White Dragon Wyrmling Level 4 Boss, 6 Life, 2 Treasure rolls, morale +2, 2 attacks.

White Dragon Wyrmling Level 4 Boss, 6 Life, 2 Treasure rolls, morale +2, 2 attacks.

White Dragon Wyrmling Level 4 Boss, 6 Life, 2 Treasure rolls, morale +2, special attacks.

Cold Immunity: Immunity to Cold, Paralysis, or Sleep spells. Fire Weakness: Is not immune to fire based spells. Ice Breath: It uses its Ice breath on its first turn and every 4th turn. The first 3 characters in marching order must save vs level 4 cold or lose 2 life.

Cold Immunity: Immunity to Cold, Paralysis, or Sleep spells. Ice Breath: It uses its Ice breath on its first turn and every 4th turn. The first 3 characters in marching order must save vs level 4 cold or lose 2 life.

Reactions: fight

Alternate treasure: 100 gp, dragon-shaped, jade-carved figurine 20 gp, crystal goblet 5 gp, twenty-four piece fine silverware set 24 gp

Flyer: Wyrmling can fly Cold Immunity: Immunity to Cold, Paralysis, or Sleep spells. Fire Weakness: Is not immune to fire based spells. Ice Breath: It uses its Ice breath on its first turn and every 4th turn. The first 3 characters in marching order must save vs level 4 cold or lose 2 life. It will try to make this attack in the air. Off Attack: When it can’t use its Ice breath, the wyrmling will make 3 attacks (two claws and one bite), however it cannot make these attacks while flying and must be adjacent to its target. Because of this, its target gains a free opportunity attack before these three attacks.

The door leaving this chamber is likewise a L5 Locked Door and must be either broken down or picked by a Rogue.

Reactions: fight

The door leaving this chamber is likewise a L5 Locked Door and must be either broken down or picked by a Rogue.

Reactions: fight Treasure: 100 gp, dragon-shaped, jade-carved figurine 20 gp, crystal goblet 5 gp, twenty-four piece fine silverware set 24 gp The door leaving this chamber is likewise a L5 Locked Door and must be either broken down or picked by a Rogue. 38 A. Goblin Pantry Room- Empty

38 B. Goblin Pantry Room- Empty

38 C. Goblin Pantry Room- Empty

39a A. Dragon Haze

39a B. Dragon Haze

39a C. Dragon Haze

Room - Special Features

Room - Special Features

Room - Special Features

Due to the special haze in this room, wandering monsters are also encountered when rolling 2s.

Due to the special haze in this room, wandering monsters are also encountered when rolling 2s.

Due to the special haze in this room, wandering monsters are also encountered when rolling 2s.

39b A. Empty Corridor

39b B. Empty Corridor

39b C. Empty Corridor

40 A. Goblinville Room- Minions

40 B. Goblinville Room- Minions

40 C. Goblinville Room- Minions

d6+3 Goblin Bandits. Level 3 Minion, no treasure

6 Goblin Bandits. Level 3 Minion, no treasure

4 Goblin Bandits. Level 3 Minion, 2HP

Sneaky: Goblins have a 1 in 6 chance of gaining surprise, thus acting before the party. If they do act before the party, roll d6 on their reactions table below. Sap: If rolling a 1 on a Defense roll, the player must take a -1 penalty to their next attack roll.

Sneaky: Goblins have a 1 in 6 chance of gaining surprise, thus acting before the party. If they do act before the party, roll d6 on their reactions table below. Sap: If rolling a 1 on a Defense roll, the player must take a -1 penalty to their next attack roll.

Sneaky: Goblins have a 1 in 6 chance of gaining surprise, thus acting before the party. If they do act before the party, roll d6 on their reactions table below. Sap: If rolling a 1 on a Defense roll, the player must take a -1 penalty to their next attack roll.

Reactions (d6): 1 flee if outnumbered, 2-3 bribe (5 gp per goblin), 4–6 fight.

Reactions (d6): 1 flee if outnumbered, 2-3 bribe (5 gp per goblin), 4–6 fight.

Reactions (d6): 1 flee if outnumbered, 2-3 bribe (5 gp per goblin), 4–6 fight.

D6 Hobgoblins. Level 4 Minion, Treasure +1.

4 Hobgoblins. Level 4 Minion, Treasure +1.

3 Hobgoblins. Level 4 Minion, 2HP

Reactions (d6): 1 flee if outnumbered, 2–3 bribe (10 gp per hobgoblin), 4–5 fight, 6 fight to the death

Reactions (d6): 1 flee if outnumbered, 2–3 bribe (10 gp per hobgoblin), 4–5 fight, 6 fight to the death

Reactions (d6): 1 flee if outnumbered, 2–3 bribe (10 gp per hobgoblin), 4–5 fight, 6 fight to the death

This encounter is worth 2 XP

This encounter is worth 2 XP

This encounter is worth 2 XP

Characters also find a medic kit which has D4 bandages in it. Also players can find any number of light armor, light weapons, and small shields (for halflings, gnomes, or lutins) in this room.

Alternate Treasure: Characters find a medic kit which has D4 bandages in it. Also players can find any number of light armor, light weapons, and small shields (for halflings, gnomes, or lutins) in this room.

Treasure: Characters find a medic kit which has D4 bandages in it. Also players can find any number of light armor, light weapons, and small shields (for halflings, gnomes, or lutins) in this room.

41 A Hall of the Goblin Chief

Search rolls: If characters perform a Search roll, they will find one of these items on each successful search roll (failing does introduce more wandering monsters): 1) one small statue worth 30 gp, 2) a duplicate statue, 3) three small silver rings set with moonstones worth 20 gp appiece (60 gp), 4) a heavy armor (+2 Defense)

Search rolls: If characters perform a Search roll, they will find one of these items on each successful search roll (failing does introduce more wandering monsters): 1) one small statue worth 30 gp, 2) a duplicate statue, 3) three small silver rings set with moonstones worth 20 gp appiece (60 gp), 4) a heavy medium sized armor (+2 Defense)

41 B Hall of the Goblin Chief

41 C Hall of the Goblin Chief

If players are entering from area If players are entering from area If players are entering from area 40, all the monsters gain 40, all the monsters gain 40, all the monsters gain surprise. surprise. surprise. Goblin War-Chief Level 5 Boss, 5 Life, 3 Attacks, +1 Morale, Treasure: 1 normal and 1 magic Elf Hatred: Hates Elves. Reactions: fight

Trapped chest: a Level 3 Poison Needle Trapped chest. The key is on the Chief. Goblin War-Chief Level 5 Boss, 5 Life, 3 Attacks, +1 Morale, Treasure: 1 normal and 1 magic Elf Hatred: Hates Elves.

Goblin Cleric: L3 Boss, 4 Life, normal morale, 1 treasure roll on a scrolls table and one treasure roll on the magic treasure. Bane: On her first turn, she will curse a random character, which gets a -1 on Attack and Defense rolls until Blessed. Immune: Immune to poison. Poison Spray: All heroes wounded by this range attack must save vs. L4 poison (hafling, barbarians and ogre-sized characters add

Reactions: fight Goblin Cleric: L3 Boss, 4 Life, normal morale, 1 treasure roll on a scrolls table and one treasure roll on the magic treasure. Bane: On her first turn, she will curse a random character, which gets a -1 on Attack and Defense rolls until Blessed. Immune: Immune to poison. Poison Spray: All heroes

Throne: The goblin chief’s throne is against the north part of the giant stone well. Next to his throne is a Plant Pet which is stationary and can only attack a hero standing next to it. The Chief will try to fight from his throne to gain the support from his Twig Blight. If the chieftain is fighting from his throne or next to the well, any Defense rolls of 1 have a 1 in 6 chance of resulting in the hero being thrown down the well (see the note below). Trapped chest: Serving as the chieftain’s footstool of his throne is a trapped chest. It is a Level 3 Poison Needle Trapped chest. The key is on the Chief. Goblin War-Chief Level 5 Boss, 5 Life, 3 Attacks, +1 Morale, Treasure: 1 normal and 1 magic

+1/2L, dwarves add +1) or lose 1 additional LIfe or drop their shields or lose the Attack bonus for 2-handed weapons (choose). Multiple effects of poison are cumulative. Ward: Counts as L6 if targeted by a Sleep spell. Healing: Will spend up to 3 rounds healing 1 point of health to the Goblin Chieftain. High Ambitions: If the Goblin Chieftain is slain, you may roll on reactions if you should so choose. A peaceful roll results in her aiding the party to defeat any remaining hobgoblins. Once they are eliminated, any remaining goblins will swear allegiance to her. If you accept her Quest, her Quest is to kill the Final Boss in the lower dungeon. Reactions: 1-2 Quest, 2-4 bribe (1 magic item). 5-6 fight to the death.

wounded by this range attack must save vs. L4 poison (hafling, barbarians and ogre-sized characters add +1/2L, dwarves add +1) or lose 1 additional LIfe or drop their shields or lose the Attack bonus for 2-handed weapons (choose). Multiple effects of poison are cumulative. Ward: Counts as L6 if targeted by a Sleep spell. Healing: Will spend up to 3 rounds healing 1 point of health to the Goblin Chieftain. High Ambitions: If the Goblin Chieftain is slain, you may roll on reactions if you should so choose. A peaceful roll results in her aiding the party to defeat any remaining hobgoblins. Once they are eliminated, any remaining goblins will swear allegiance to her. If you accept her Quest, her Quest is to kill the Final Boss in the lower dungeon.

D6 Hobgoblins. Level 4 Minion, Treasure +1.

Reactions: 1-2 Quest, 2-4 bribe (1 magic item). 5-6 fight to the death.

Reactions (d6): Fight to the death d6+3 Goblin Bandits. Level 3 Minion, no treasure Sneaky: Goblins have a 1 in 6 chance of gaining surprise, thus acting before the party. If they do act before the party, roll d6 on their reactions table below. Sap: If rolling a 1 on a Defense

4 Hobgoblins. Level 4 Minion, Treasure +1. Reactions (d6): Fight to the death 7 Goblin Bandits. Level 3 Minion, no treasure Sneaky: Goblins have a 1 in 6 chance of gaining surprise, thus

Elf Hatred: Hates Elves. Reactions: fight Goblin Cleric: L3 Boss, 4 Life, normal morale, 1 treasure roll on a scrolls table and one treasure roll on the magic treasure. Bane: On her first turn, she will curse a random character, which gets a -1 on Attack and Defense rolls until Blessed. Immune: Immune to poison. Poison Spray: All heroes wounded by this range attack must save vs. L4 poison (hafling, barbarians and ogre-sized characters add +1/2L, dwarves add +1) or lose 1 additional LIfe or drop their shields or lose the Attack bonus for 2-handed weapons (choose). Multiple effects of poison are cumulative. Ward: Counts as L6 if targeted by a Sleep spell. Healing: Will spend up to 3 rounds healing 1 point of health to the Goblin Chieftain. High Ambitions: If the Goblin Chieftain is slain, you may roll on reactions if you should so choose. A peaceful roll results in her aiding the party to defeat any remaining hobgoblins. Once they are eliminated, any remaining goblins will swear allegiance to her. If you accept her Quest, her Quest is to kill the Final Boss in the lower dungeon.

roll, the player must take a -1 penalty to their next attack roll. Reactions (d6): fight. D6 Twig Pets. Level 3 Vermin, No treasure Poison Sap: Any character taking damage from the Twig Blight’s claws must save versus level 3 poison or lose 1 life. Halflings add their level on this save. Immune: Immune to poison, paralysis, and sleep Fire Weakness: Fire spells do double the damage. Reactions (d6): fight. Shaft: In the center of the room is a giant well shaft. Climbing down this shaft leads to level 2 of the dungeon. Experience: You gain 2 XP for encountering the minions. If you defeat the goblin chief you may make one XP roll at +1, if you defeat or negotiate with the goblin cleric, you may make a regular XP roll. Accomplishing her quest results in an epic treasure.

acting before the party. If they do act before the party, roll d6 on their reactions table below. Sap: If rolling a 1 on a Defense roll, the player must take a -1 penalty to their next attack roll. Reactions (d6): fight. 3 Twig Pets. Level 3 Vermin, No treasure Poison Sap: Any character taking damage from the Twig Blight’s claws must save versus level 3 poison or lose 1 life. Halflings add their level on this save. Immune: Immune to poison, paralysis, and sleep Fire Weakness: Fire spells do double the damage.

Reactions: 1-2 Quest, 2-4 bribe (1 magic item). 5-6 fight to the death. 3 Hobgoblins. Level 4 Minion, Treasure +1. 2HP Reactions (d6): Fight to the death 4 Goblin Bandits. Level 3 Minion, no treasure, 2HP Sneaky: Goblins have a 1 in 6 chance of gaining surprise, thus acting before the party. If they do act before the party, roll d6 on their reactions table below. Sap: If rolling a 1 on a Defense roll, the player must take a -1 penalty to their next attack roll.

Reactions (d6): fight. Shaft: In the center of the room is a giant well shaft. Climbing down this shaft leads to level 2 of the dungeon.

Reactions (d6): fight. 1 Twig Pet. Level 3 Vermin, No treasure 4HP

Experience: You gain 2 XP for encountering the minions. If you defeat the goblin chief you may make one XP roll at +1, if you defeat or negotiate with the goblin cleric, you may make a regular XP roll. Accomplishing her quest results in an epic treasure.

Poison Sap: Any character taking damage from the Twig Blight’s claws must save versus level 3 poison or lose 1 life. Halflings add their level on this save. Immune: Immune to poison, paralysis, and sleep Fire Weakness: Fire spells do double the damage.

Treasure Option:

Reactions (d6): fight.

A signet ring worth d66 gp,


scale male (+2 Defense) are on the Goblin chiefs person, inside the locked chest is: 231 gp, two onyx gems worth 30 gp apiece (60 gp), two doses of antitoxin (drink this to remove the effects of poison or to negate the effects of poison for one encounter), one scroll (knock, unlocks a locked door), and one potion (if wearing light armor, the drinkier of this potion can add +1 to their Defenses for one encounter or before a trap). One of the hobgoblins has a gemmed necklace worth 50 gp, one has two silver earrings worth 20 gp apiece (40 gp), and the last hobgoblin has a single silver earring.

In the center of the room is a giant well shaft. Climbing down this shaft leads to level 2 of the dungeon. Any Minions or the Twig Pet Vermin you are fighting near the Well may be tossed over the well on an explosive 6 roll. Likewise if heroes are fighting near the well, any rolls of 1 on melee Defense rolls result in a 3-6 chance of the hero being thrown over the well. Thankfully there are thick vines growing inside of it that act like ropes. If thrown down the well, the hero must make a L3 Dexterity Save to catch themselves (Swashbucklers and Rogues may add their level). Failure results in the hero's death. Their items may be picked up in the area below. Experience: You gain 2 XP for encountering the minions. If you defeat the goblin chief you may make one XP roll at +1, if you defeat or negotiate with the goblin cleric, you may make a regular XP roll. Accomplishing her quest results in an epic treasure. Treasure A signet ring worth d66 gp, scale male (+2 Defense) are on the Goblin chiefs person, inside the locked chest is: 231 gp, two onyx gems worth 30 gp apiece (60 gp), two doses of antitoxin (drink this to remove the effects of poison or to negate the effects of poison for one

encounter), one scroll (knock, unlocks a locked door), and one potion (if wearing light armor, the drinkier of this potion can add +1 to their Defenses for one encounter or before a trap). One of the hobgoblins has a gemmed necklace worth 50 gp, one has two silver earrings worth 20 gp apiece (40 gp), and the last hobgoblin has a single silver earring. End of Level 1. If the players wish to go down to level 2 to clear out the dungeon or complete a Quest, then players can Rest in area 41 (if players accepted the quest from the Gnome Cleric, you can thematically view this as her giving healing aid to the party instead of resting). When a character rests they regain 1 HP, a single spell slot or cleric’s healing or blessing slot refreshes per character that can use those slots, the use of bandages becomes available, any character trait that specifies once per adventure, such as Barbarian Rage, becomes reusable. If the goblin cleric is slain and characters did not clear out area 40, then characters must roll wandering monsters before descending to Level 2. If characters do not wish to go down to Level 2, then the option to Rest is not available to them and they need to exit the dungeon either from the dungeon entrance or if they have found a secret way out of the citadel. Don’t forget to roll for Wandering Monsters when retracing your steps. Alternatively you could treat Level 2 as an altogether separate dungeon and come back to it at a later time when your party has healed up.

42. A Compost Garden Room- Minions

42. B Compost Garden Room- Minions

42. C Compost Garden Room- Minions

D6+2 Skeletons. Level 3 undead Minion. No treasure.

6 Skeletons. Level 3 undead Minion. No treasure.

2 Skeletons. Level 3 undead Minion. 3 HP

Brittle: Crushing weapons attack Skeletons at +1. Arrows are at -1 against both skeletons. Mindless: Skeletons never test morale.

Brittle: Crushing weapons attack Skeletons at +1. Arrows are at -1 against both skeletons. Mindless: Skeletons never test morale.

Brittle: Crushing weapons attack Skeletons at +1. Arrows are at -1 against both skeletons. Mindless: Skeletons never test morale.

Reactions: always fight to the death

Reactions: always fight to the death

Reactions: always fight to the death

D6 Mature Twig Blights. Level 3 Minion, No treasure

6 Mature Twig Blights. Level 3 Minion, No treasure

2 Mature Twig Blights. Level 3 Minion, 3 HP

Poison Sap: Any character taking damage from the Twig Blight’s claws must save versus level 3 poison or lose 1 life. Halflings add their level on this save. Immune: Immune to poison, paralysis, and sleep Fire Weakness: Fire spells do double the damage.

Poison Sap: Any character taking damage from the Twig Blight’s claws must save versus level 3 poison or lose 1 life. Halflings add their level on this save. Immune: Immune to poison, paralysis, and sleep Fire Weakness: Fire spells do double the damage.

Poison Sap: Any character taking damage from the Twig Blight’s claws must save versus level 3 poison or lose 1 life. Halflings add their level on this save. Immune: Immune to poison, paralysis, and sleep Fire Weakness: Fire spells do double the damage.

Reactions (d6): fight.

Reactions (d6): fight.

Reactions (d6): fight.

You gain 2 XP for this encounter

You gain 2 XP for this encounter

You gain 2 XP for this encounter

After four rounds of combat, if combat is still going on, a group of wandering monsters join the fight.

After four rounds of combat, if combat is still going on, a group of wandering monsters join the fight.

After four rounds of combat, if combat is still going on, a group of wandering monsters join the fight.

43. A The Great Hunter Room- Boss

43. B The Great Hunter Room- Boss

43. C The Great Hunter Room- Boss

Bugbear Hunter. Level 5 Boss, 7 Life, 2 Attacks, treasure 2 rolls, morale +1.

Bugbear Hunter. Level 5 Boss, 7 Life, 2 Attacks, treasure 2 rolls, morale +1.

Bugbear Hunter. Level 5 Boss, 7 Life, 2 Attacks, treasure 2 rolls, morale +1.

Ambush!: There is a 4 in 6 chance of gaining surprise. Morningstar: Once per turn, if a character rolls a 1 on Defense, they take one extra damage. (or may choose to break their shield to negate this extra damage point)

Ambush!: There is a 4 in 6 chance of gaining surprise. Morningstar: Once per turn, if a character rolls a 1 on Defense, they take one extra damage. (or may choose to break their shield to negate this extra damage point)

Ambush!: There is a 4 in 6 chance of gaining surprise. Morningstar: Once per turn, if a character rolls a 1 on Defense, they take one extra damage. (or may choose to break their shield to negate this extra damage point)

Reactions: 1-2 bribe (50 gp), 3-4 fight, 6 fight to the death

Reactions: 1-2 bribe (50 gp), 3-4 fight, 6 fight to the death

Reactions: 1-2 bribe (50 gp), 3-4 fight, 6 fight to the death

d6 Dire Rats. Level 3 Vermin. No treasure.

6 Dire Rats. Level 3 Vermin. No 2 Dire Rats. Level 3 Vermin. treasure. Venomous: Characters Venomous: Characters Venomous: Characters damaged by the Giant Rats damaged by the Giant Rats damaged by the Giant Rats must save vs. level 2 disease or must save vs. level 2 disease or must save vs. level 2 disease or suffer another 1 point of suffer another 1 point of suffer another 1 point of damage. Halflings add their damage. Halflings add their damage. Halflings add their level to save. level to save. level to save. Loyal: So long as their master Loyal: So long as their master Loyal: So long as their master is fighting, they will not test is fighting, they will not test is fighting, they will not test morale. morale. morale. A successful Search roll reveals A successful Search roll reveals A successful Search roll reveals a secret passageway (Exit) out a secret passageway (Exit) out a secret passageway (Exit) out of the dungeon. of the dungeon. of the dungeon. 44 a. b. c. A. The Rift Corridor- Empty

44 a. b. c. B. The Rift Corridor- Empty

44 a. b. c. C. The Rift Corridor- Empty

45 A. Rift Node Room- Vermin

45 B. Rift Node Room- Vermin

45 C. Rift Node Room- Vermin

D6+ 1 Worm Monster Level 3 Vermin, treasure roll

6 Worm Monster Level 3 Vermin, treasure roll

1 Worm Monster Level 3 Vermin, 6 HP

Molten Burrow: 2-6 chance of surprising the party

Molten Burrow: 2-6 chance of surprising the party

Molten Burrow: 2-6 chance of surprising the party

Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-3 flee if Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-3 flee if Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-3 flee if outnumbered, 4-6 fight. outnumbered, 4-6 fight. outnumbered, 4-6 fight. Alternate Treasure: 2 sapphires each worth 50 gp apiece (100 gp)

Treasure: 2 sapphires each worth 50 gp apiece (100 gp)

46 A. Old Shrine Room- Clue

46 B. Old Shrine Room- Clue

46 C. Old Shrine Room- Clue

The door is stuck and requires a L5 Strength Save to open.

The door is stuck and requires a L5 Strength Save to open.

The door is stuck and requires a L5 Strength Save to open.

Make a Search roll to find the clue.

Make a Search roll to find the clue.

Make a Search roll to find the clue.

Don’t forget to roll for wandering Don’t forget to roll for wandering Don’t forget to roll for wandering monsters if both the door and monsters if both the door and monsters if both the door and

Search roll’s fail.

Search roll’s fail.

Search roll’s fail.

47 a-f A. Goblin Laboratory Room- Special Features

47 a-f B. Goblin Laboratory Room- Special Features

47 a-f C. Goblin Laboratory Room- Special Features

Searching the central commons area allows the heroes to find the ingredients to make an alchemical healing remedy. If the heroes have a halfling, Wizard, Conservationist, Druid, they automatically know how to mix the kit. If the party has an Elf or a Cleric, then there is a 50/50 chance they know how to. Once the remedy is taken, it will heal D4 HP. The kit is worth 5gp. If heroes do not use the components, then they can sell them for 1D10 gp. To find and make this kit, heroes need to clear out all the areas of the laboratory. Heroes do not need to worry about wandering monsters when in this room.

Searching the central commons area allows the heroes to find the ingredients to make an alchemical healing remedy. If the heroes have a halfling, Wizard, Conservationist, Druid, they automatically know how to mix the kit. If the party has an Elf or a Cleric, then there is a 50/50 chance they know how to. Once the remedy is taken, it will heal D4 HP. The kit is worth 5gp. If heroes do not use the components, then they can sell them for 1D10 gp. To find and make this kit, heroes need to clear out all the areas of the laboratory. Heroes do not need to worry about wandering monsters when in this room.

Searching the central commons area allows the heroes to find the ingredients to make an alchemical healing remedy. If the heroes have a halfling, Wizard, Conservationist, Druid, they automatically know how to mix the kit. If the party has an Elf or a Cleric, then there is a 50/50 chance they know how to. Once the remedy is taken, it will heal D4 HP. The kit is worth 5gp. If heroes do not use the components, then they can sell them for 1D10 gp. To find and make this kit, heroes need to clear out all the areas of the laboratory. Heroes do not need to worry about wandering monsters when in this room.

A.the barracks: d6 Sleeping Goblins. Level 3 Minion, -3 to treasure roll

A.the barracks: 3 Sleeping Goblins. Level 3 Minion, -3 to treasure roll

A.the barracks: 2 Sleeping Goblins. Level 3 Minion, 2HP

Reactions (d6): 1-2 flee if outnumbered, 3-4 bribe (5 gp per goblin), 5–6 fight. b. Goblin winery: d6 Goblin Venters. Level 3 Minion, - 3 to treasure roll

Reactions (d6): 1-2 flee if outnumbered, 3-4 bribe (5 gp per goblin), 5–6 fight. XP- there is a 50/50 chance that this encounter does not give you XP

Optional Treasure: 2 gp Sneaky: Goblins have a 1 in 6 chance of gaining surprise, thus acting before the party. If they b. Goblin winery: 3 Goblin do act before the party, roll d6 Venters. Level 3 Minion, - 3 to on their reactions table below. treasure roll

Reactions (d6): 1-2 flee if outnumbered, 3-4 bribe (5 gp per goblin), 5–6 fight. XP- there is a 50/50 chance that this encounter does not give you XP Treasure: 2 gp b. Goblin winery: 3 Goblin Venters. Level 3 Minion, - 3 to treasure roll Sneaky: Goblins have a 1 in 6

Reactions (d6): 1 flee if outnumbered, 2-3 bribe (5 gp per goblin), 4–6 fight. XP- there is a 50/50 chance that this encounter does not give you XP c. tailor: d6 Goblin Tailors. Level 3 Minion, treasure -3

Sneaky: Goblins have a 1 in 6 chance of gaining surprise, thus acting before the party. If they do act before the party, roll d6 on their reactions table below. Reactions (d6): 1 flee if outnumbered, 2-3 bribe (5 gp per goblin), 4–6 fight. XP- there is a 50/50 chance that this encounter does not give you XP

Sneaky: Goblins have a 1 in 6 chance of gaining surprise, thus acting before the party. If they Optional Treasure: 3 gp do act before the party, roll d6 on their reactions table below. c. tailor: 3 Goblin Tailors. Level Reactions (d6): 1 flee if 3 Minion, treasure -3 outnumbered, 2-3 bribe (5 gp per goblin), 4–6 fight. Sneaky: Goblins have a 1 in 6 chance of gaining surprise, thus XP- there is a 50/50 chance acting before the party. If they that this encounter does not do act before the party, roll d6 give you XP on their reactions table below. d. Surgery: d6 Goblin Surgeons. Level 3 Minion, treasure -1. (core)

Reactions (d6): 1 flee if outnumbered, 2-3 bribe (5 gp per goblin), 4–6 fight.

XP- there is a 50/50 chance Sneaky: Goblins have a 1 in 6 that this encounter does not chance of gaining surprise, thus give you XP acting before the party. If they do, then they will unstrap the Optional Treasure: 1 light goblin Dire Rat they are experimenting leather +1 armor on. The goblins and the Dire Rat will attack first. d. Surgery: 3 Goblin Dire Rat Experiment. Level 3 Surgeons. Level 3 Minion, Vermin. D6 Life. treasure -1. (core) Characters damaged by the Giant Rats must save vs. level 3 disease or suffer another 1

chance of gaining surprise, thus acting before the party. If they do act before the party, roll d6 on their reactions table below. Reactions (d6): 1 flee if outnumbered, 2-3 bribe (5 gp per goblin), 4–6 fight. XP- there is a 50/50 chance that this encounter does not give you XP Treasure: 3 gp c. tailor: 3 Goblin Tailors. Level 3 Minion, treasure -3 Sneaky: Goblins have a 1 in 6 chance of gaining surprise, thus acting before the party. If they do act before the party, roll d6 on their reactions table below. Reactions (d6): 1 flee if outnumbered, 2-3 bribe (5 gp per goblin), 4–6 fight. XP- there is a 50/50 chance that this encounter does not give you XP Treasure: 1 light goblin leather +1 armor d. Surgery: 3 Goblin Surgeons. Level 3 Minion, treasure -1. (core)

Sneaky: Goblins have a 1 in 6 Sneaky: Goblins have a 1 in 6 chance of gaining surprise, thus chance of gaining surprise, thus acting before the party. If they acting before the party. If they do, then they will unstrap the

point of damage. Halflings add their level to save. Goblin Reactions (d6): 1 flee if outnumbered, 2-3 bribe (5 gp per goblin), 4–6 fight. XP- there is a 50/50 chance that this encounter does not give you XP e. Armory: 5 goblin light scimitars, 6 short bows, and 40 crude arrows f. Entrance to area 44’s corridor

do, then they will unstrap the Dire Rat they are experimenting Dire Rat they are experimenting on. The goblins and the Dire on. The goblins and the Dire Rat will attack first. Rat will attack first. Dire Rat Experiment. Level 3 Dire Rat Experiment. Level 3 Vermin. D6 Life. Vermin. D6 Life. Characters damaged by the Characters damaged by the Giant Rats must save vs. level Giant Rats must save vs. level 3 disease or suffer another 1 3 disease or suffer another 1 point of damage. Halflings add point of damage. Halflings add their level to save. their level to save. Goblin Reactions (d6): 1 flee if Goblin Reactions (d6): 1 flee if outnumbered, 2-3 bribe (5 gp outnumbered, 2-3 bribe (5 gp per goblin), 4–6 fight. per goblin), 4–6 fight. XP- there is a 50/50 chance XP- there is a 50/50 chance that this encounter does not that this encounter does not give you XP give you XP Treasure: Vile of Poison worth Optional Treasure: Vile of 5gp. Throwing the vile at a Poison worth 5gp. Throwing the monster has a 50/50 chance of vile at a monster has a 50/50 causing 1 damage (unless they chance of causing 1 damage are immune to poison) (unless they are immune to poison) e. Armory: 5 goblin light scimitars, 6 short bows, and 40 e. Armory: 5 goblin light crude arrows scimitars, 6 short bows, and 40 crude arrows f. Entrance to area 44’s corridor f. Entrance to area 44’s corridor

48 a-b A. The Garden Gallery Room- Boss

48 a-b B. The Garden Gallery Room- Boss

48 a-b C. The Garden Gallery Room- Boss

There is a 50/50 chance that the gardener is in area a or b.

There is a 50/50 chance that the gardener is in area a or b.

There is a 50/50 chance that the gardener is in area a or b.

Bugbear Gardener. Level 5 Bugbear Gardener. Level 5 Bugbear Gardener. Level 5 Boss, 6 Life, 2 Attacks, treasure Boss, 6 Life, 2 Attacks, treasure Boss, 6 Life, 2 Attacks

2 rolls or 1 magic treasure roll (player choice), morale +1.

2 rolls or 1 magic treasure roll (player choice), morale +1.

Ambush!: There is a 4 in 6 chance of gaining surprise in area b and a 2 in 6 in gaining surprise in area a. Long Sythe: When it is the heroes turn to attack her, they must decide if they are fighting her in their regular formation or if they are surrounding her. If surrounding her, then the Bugbear gains four attacks. If they are fighting her in their regular formation, then there is a 50/50 chance that she will attack the heroes positions 3 or 4 in the marching order, if she does, then each point of damage does one additional damage.

Ambush!: There is a 4 in 6 chance of gaining surprise in area b and a 2 in 6 in gaining surprise in area a. Long Sythe: When it is the heroes turn to attack her, they must decide if they are fighting her in their regular formation or if they are surrounding her. If surrounding her, then the Bugbear gains four attacks. If they are fighting her in their regular formation, then there is a 50/50 chance that she will attack the heroes positions 3 or 4 in the marching order, if she does, then each point of damage does one additional damage.

Reactions: 1-2 bribe (50 gp), 3-4 fight, 6 fight to the death

Reactions: 1-2 bribe (50 gp), 3-4 fight, 6 fight to the death

Ambush!: There is a 4 in 6 chance of gaining surprise in area b and a 2 in 6 in gaining surprise in area a. Long Sythe: When it is the heroes turn to attack her, they must decide if they are fighting her in their regular formation or if they are surrounding her. If surrounding her, then the Bugbear gains four attacks. If they are fighting her in their regular formation, then there is a 50/50 chance that she will attack the heroes positions 3 or 4 in the marching order, if she does, then each point of damage does one additional damage. Reactions: 1-2 bribe (50 gp), 3-4 fight, 6 fight to the death Treasure: One healing potion.

Treasure Option: One healing potion. 49 a-d A. Arboretum Room- Minions

49 a-d B. Arboretum Room- Minions

49 a-d C. Arboretum Room- Minions

a Southern Arboretum

a Southern Arboretum

a Southern Arboretum

d6+3 Goblins. Level 3 Minion, no treasure.

5 Goblins. Level 3 Minion, no treasure.

4 Goblins. Level 3 Minion, no treasure. 2HP

Sneaky: Goblins have a 1 in 6 chance of gaining surprise, thus acting before the party. If they do act before the party, roll d6 on their reactions table below.

Sneaky: Goblins have a 1 in 6 chance of gaining surprise, thus acting before the party. If they do act before the party, roll d6 on their reactions table below.

Sneaky: Goblins have a 1 in 6 chance of gaining surprise, thus acting before the party. If they do act before the party, roll d6 on their reactions table below.

Reactions (d6): 1 flee if outnumbered, 2-3 bribe (5 gp per goblin), 4–6 fight.

Reactions (d6): 1 flee if outnumbered, 2-3 bribe (5 gp per goblin), 4–6 fight.

Reactions (d6): 1 flee if outnumbered, 2-3 bribe (5 gp per goblin), 4–6 fight.

b Southeast Arboretum

b Southeast Arboretum

b Southeast Arboretum

D6+ 1 Worm Monster Level 3 Vermin, treasure roll

6 Worm Monster Level 3 Vermin, treasure roll

1 Worm Monster Level 3 Vermin, 6 HP

Molten Burrow: 2-6 chance of surprising the party

Molten Burrow: 2-6 chance of surprising the party

Molten Burrow: 2-6 chance of surprising the party

Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-3 flee if Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-3 flee if Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-3 flee if outnumbered, 4-6 fight. outnumbered, 4-6 fight. outnumbered, 4-6 fight. c Northeast Arboretum D6+2 Skeletons. Level 3 undead Minion. No treasure.

Alternate Treasure: 2 sapphires each worth 50 gp apiece (100 gp)

Treasure: sapphire gem worth 20 gp

Alternate Treasure: sapphire gem worth 20 gp

c Northeast Arboretum

Brittle: Crushing weapons attack Skeletons at +1. Arrows are at -1 against both skeletons. c Northeast Arboretum Mindless: Skeletons never test morale. 9 Skeletons. Level 3 undead Minion. No treasure. Reactions: always fight to the death. Brittle: Crushing weapons attack Skeletons at +1. Arrows D6 Twig Pets. Level 3 Vermin, are at -1 against both skeletons. no treasure Mindless: Skeletons never test morale. Poison Sap: Any character taking damage from the Twig Reactions: always fight to the Blight’s claws must save versus death. level 3 poison or lose 1 life. Halflings add their level on this 3 Twig Pets. Level 3 Vermin, save. no treasure Immune: Immune to poison, paralysis, and sleep Poison Sap: Any character Fire Weakness: Fire spells do taking damage from the Twig double the damage. Blight’s claws must save versus level 3 poison or lose 1 life. Reactions: always fight Halflings add their level on this save. d Northern Arboretum Immune: Immune to poison, Empty paralysis, and sleep

3 Skeletons. Level 3 undead Minion. No treasure. 3HP Brittle: Crushing weapons attack Skeletons at +1. Arrows are at -1 against both skeletons. Mindless: Skeletons never test morale. Reactions: always fight to the death. Twig Pet. Level 3 Vermin, no treasure 3HP Poison Sap: Any character taking damage from the Twig Blight’s claws must save versus level 3 poison or lose 1 life. Halflings add their level on this save. Immune: Immune to poison, paralysis, and sleep Fire Weakness: Fire spells do double the damage.

Fire Weakness: Fire spells do double the damage. Reactions: always fight

Reactions: always fight d Northern Arboretum Empty

d Northern Arboretum Empty 50 A. Red Dragon Shrine Room- Special Feature

50 B. Red Dragon Shrine Room- Special Feature

50 . CRed Dragon Shrine Room- Special Feature

If a character is able to cast a spell that Detects Magic or Decipher's Language, or if a Wizard passes a L6 Puzzle save (to which they can add their level). If you have the codeward, Dragon King, then you may add a +1 to this roll. If successful, the caster has temporarily gained a Charisma Blessing. This Blessing allows the character to either add a +1 or -1 to all Reaction rolls for the remainder of this adventure and for D10 x 2 encounters of that character's next adventure.

If a character is able to cast a spell that Detects Magic or Decipher's Language, or if a Wizard passes a L6 Puzzle save (to which they can add their level). If you have the codeward, Dragon King, then you may add a +1 to this roll. If successful, the caster has temporarily gained a Charisma Blessing. This Blessing allows the character to either add a +1 or -1 to all Reaction rolls for the remainder of this adventure and for D10 x 2 encounters of that character's next adventure.

If a character is able to cast a spell that Detects Magic or Decipher's Language, or if a Wizard passes a L6 Puzzle save (to which they can add their level). If you have the codeward, Dragon King, then you may add a +1 to this roll. If successful, the caster has temporarily gained a Charisma Blessing. This Blessing allows the character to either add a +1 or -1 to all Reaction rolls for the remainder of this adventure and for D10 x 2 encounters of that character's next adventure.

d6+2 Shades. Level 3 undead Minion, treasure +1, never tests morale.

4 Shades. Level 3 undead Minion, treasure +1, never tests morale.

1 Shades. Level 3 undead Minion, never tests morale. 4 HP

Light Hatred: Shades hate light and any extra attacks must be directed at the party’s lantern bearer or to other characters carrying other sources of light. However, any character carrying a light source (lantern, torch or magic item that counts as a light source) attacks shades at +1 in melee. A vial of holy water thrown at these undead creatures will automatically kill a shade. Immune to Magic: Immune to

Light Hatred: Shades hate light and any extra attacks must be directed at the party’s lantern bearer or to other characters carrying other sources of light. However, any character carrying a light source (lantern, torch or magic item that counts as a light source) attacks shades at +1 in melee. A vial of holy water thrown at these undead creatures will automatically kill a shade. Immune to Magic: Immune to

Light Hatred: Shades hate light and any extra attacks must be directed at the party’s lantern bearer or to other characters carrying other sources of light. However, any character carrying a light source (lantern, torch or magic item that counts as a light source) attacks shades at +1 in melee. A vial of holy water thrown at these undead creatures will automatically kill a shade. Immune to Magic: Immune to

magic attacks except Holy water. Immaterial: Crushing weapons are at a -1 and defenders do not gain any benefit from shields or armor when rolling Defense rolls. Drain Strength: If the shade hits a hero, you can either choose to lose one HP or add a -1 to melee attacks for the remainder of the adventure. This can cumulate and goes away after a long rest. Guardian: This minion will not attack the heroes if they should choose to retreat and flee.

magic attacks except Holy water. Immaterial: Crushing weapons are at a -1 and defenders do not gain any benefit from shields or armor when rolling Defense rolls. Drain Strength: If the shade hits a hero, you can either choose to lose one HP or add a -1 to melee attacks for the remainder of the adventure. This can cumulate and goes away after a long rest. Guardian: This minion will not attack the heroes if they should choose to retreat and flee.

magic attacks except Holy water. Immaterial: Crushing weapons are at a -1 and defenders do not gain any benefit from shields or armor when rolling Defense rolls. Drain Strength: If the shade hits a hero, you can either choose to lose one HP or add a -1 to melee attacks for the remainder of the adventure. This can cumulate and goes away after a long rest. Guardian: This minion will not attack the heroes if they should choose to retreat and flee.

Reactions: Always fight to the death

Reactions: Always fight to the death

Reactions: Always fight to the death

Alternate Treasure: A successful Search roll reveals 2 Fireball potions and 34 gp hidden within the shrine. Failing the roll does not alert wandering monsters.

Treasure: A successful Search roll reveals 2 Fireball potions and 34 gp hidden within the shrine. Failing the roll does not alert wandering monsters.

51a A. Empty Corridor/Steps

51a B. Empty Corridor/Steps

51a C. Empty Corridor/Steps

51b A Dragon Library Room- Special Feature

51b B Dragon Library Room- Special Feature

51b C Dragon Library Room- Special Feature

Three separate Search Rolls can be made. Failing them does result in a wandering monster surprise encounter. The first time a wandering monster roll is required, the heroes are not allowed to perform additional Search Rolls.

Three separate Search Rolls can be made. Failing them does result in a wandering monster surprise encounter. The first time a wandering monster roll is required, the heroes are not allowed to perform additional Search Rolls.

Three separate Search Rolls can be made. Failing them does result in a wandering monster surprise encounter. The first time a wandering monster roll is required, the heroes are not allowed to perform additional Search Rolls.

Successful Search Roll #1: You find a spell scroll called: Pyrotechnic Display. This can be cast immediately after a

Successful Search Roll #1: You find a spell scroll called: Pyrotechnic Display. This can be cast immediately after a

Successful Search Roll #1: You find a spell scroll called: Pyrotechnic Display. This can be cast immediately after a

Reactions roll. Doing so allows the heroes to sacrifice a light source (their lantern) and successfully retreat/flee from the encounter.

Reactions roll. Doing so allows the heroes to sacrifice a light source (their lantern) and successfully retreat/flee from the encounter.

Reactions roll. Doing so allows the heroes to sacrifice a light source (their lantern) and successfully retreat/flee from the encounter.

Successful Search Roll #2: The hero finds a spell scroll called: Acid Arrow. Casting it allows an automatic hit on a single target that does 1 damage.

Successful Search Roll #2: The hero finds a spell scroll called: Acid Arrow. Casting it allows an automatic hit on a single target that does 1 damage.

Successful Search Roll #2: The hero finds a spell scroll called: Acid Arrow. Casting it allows an automatic hit on a single target that does 1 damage.

Successful Search Roll #3: Dragon’s Tome. The hero has 2 options if they find the tome, 1) they can sell it and gain 150 gp from the town’s local wizard, b) they can keep the tome and once they reach expert level they may spend an XP roll to take time and learn how to read the book. In doing so they gain the expert skill: Dragon Lore. A character with the Dragon Lore skill may always add a -1 to all Reaction rolls with a dragon. After a character has learned this skill, they may not sell the book nor permit this skill to be learned by another hero.

Successful Search Roll #3: Dragon’s Tome. The hero has 2 options if they find the tome, 1) they can sell it and gain 150 gp from the town’s local wizard, b) they can keep the tome and once they reach expert level they may spend an XP roll to take time and learn how to read the book. In doing so they gain the expert skill: Dragon Lore. A character with the Dragon Lore skill may always add a -1 to all Reaction rolls with a dragon. After a character has learned this skill, they may not sell the book nor permit this skill to be learned by another hero.

Successful Search Roll #3: Dragon’s Tome. The hero has 2 options if they find the tome, 1) they can sell it and gain 150 gp from the town’s local wizard, b) they can keep the tome and once they reach expert level they may spend an XP roll to take time and learn how to read the book. In doing so they gain the expert skill: Dragon Lore. A character with the Dragon Lore skill may always add a -1 to all Reaction rolls with a dragon. After a character has learned this skill, they may not sell the book nor permit this skill to be learned by another hero.

52 A. Underpass Empty stairs and corridor

51b B Dragon Library Room- Special Feature

51b C Dragon Library Room- Special Feature

53 A. Study Room- Special Features

53 B. Study Room- Special Features

53 C. Study Room- Special Features

The door leading to the goblin boss’s study is locked and it takes a L6 lock or strength Save to open it. Don’t forget to roll for wanding monsters on a roll of 1.

The door leading to the goblin boss’s study is locked and it takes a L6 lock or strength Save to open it. Don’t forget to roll for wanding monsters on a roll of 1.

The door leading to the goblin boss’s study is locked and it takes a L6 lock or strength Save to open it. Don’t forget to roll for wanding monsters on a roll of 1.

Three separate Search Rolls

Three separate Search Rolls

Three separate Search Rolls

can be made inside the study. Failing them does not result in a wandering monster surprise encounter. Instead, a firetrap is set off which attacks D4 random heroes, who automatically lose 1 life. Setting off the trap burns any of the heroes’ chances of finding anything else useful, and therefore they cannot perform any more Search rolls in this room.

can be made inside the study. Failing them does not result in a wandering monster surprise encounter. Instead, a firetrap is set off which attacks D4 random heroes, who automatically lose 1 life. Setting off the trap burns any of the heroes’ chances of finding anything else useful, and therefore they cannot perform any more Search rolls in this room.

can be made inside the study. Failing them does not result in a wandering monster surprise encounter. Instead, a firetrap is set off which attacks D4 random heroes, who automatically lose 1 life. Setting off the trap burns any of the heroes’ chances of finding anything else useful, and therefore they cannot perform any more Search rolls in this room.

First successful Search roll: You find an Entangle scroll spell. This spell shoots roots from the ground that entangles D6 minions who can not attack for 2 rounds of combat. Usually this spell can only be cast outdoors, but due to the nature of level 2 of the citadel, this spell can be cast in this dungeon.

First successful Search roll: You find an Entangle scroll spell. This spell shoots roots from the ground that entangles D6 minions who can not attack for 2 rounds of combat. Usually this spell can only be cast outdoors, but due to the nature of level 2 of the citadel, this spell can be cast in this dungeon.

First successful Search roll: You find an Entangle scroll spell. This spell shoots roots from the ground that entangles D6 minions who can not attack for 2 rounds of combat. Usually this spell can only be cast outdoors, but due to the nature of level 2 of the citadel, this spell can be cast in this dungeon.

Second successful Search roll: You find a Protect from Poison spell scroll. This spell removes lost HP due to poison from a single character. It must be cast within ten minutes after that character was infected. It also can be cast on a character to prevent damage from a poisonous attack. Used in this way, the character is protected from a number of points of poison damage equal to the level of the caster.

Second successful Search roll: You find a Protect from Poison spell scroll. This spell removes lost HP due to poison from a single character. It must be cast within ten minutes after that character was infected. It also can be cast on a character to prevent damage from a poisonous attack. Used in this way, the character is protected from a number of points of poison damage equal to the level of the caster.

Second successful Search roll: You find a Protect from Poison spell scroll. This spell removes lost HP due to poison from a single character. It must be cast within ten minutes after that character was infected. It also can be cast on a character to prevent damage from a poisonous attack. Used in this way, the character is protected from a number of points of poison damage equal to the level of the caster.

Third successful Search roll: You find a Druid’s Spell Book. This spell book contains 6 random basic Druid spells (which can be found in the Wayfarers and Adventurers

Third successful Search roll: You find a Druid’s Spell Book. This spell book contains 6 random basic Druid spells (which can be found in the Wayfarers and Adventurers

Third successful Search roll: You find a Druid’s Spell Book. This spell book contains 6 random basic Druid spells (which can be found in the Wayfarers and Adventurers

spellbook). They can only be cast by Wizards, Elves, or Druids. Only druids would be able to add their level to attacks. If players do not own W&A, then a local healer in the village will buy this spellbook for 150 gp. Alternatively, if a hero keeps this spellbook and does not use any of its spells, then when that hero reaches Expert level, they may spend an XP roll to study the extensive study notes that are earmarked throughout the tome. Doing so allows the user to learn its spells and it to their repertoire of spells, if they can do so that is, as well cast druidic spells as though they were druids.

spellbook). They can only be cast by Wizards, Elves, or Druids. Only druids would be able to add their level to attacks. If players do not own W&A, then a local healer in the village will buy this spellbook for 150 gp. Alternatively, if a hero keeps this spellbook and does not use any of its spells, then when that hero reaches Expert level, they may spend an XP roll to study the extensive study notes that are earmarked throughout the tome. Doing so allows the user to learn its spells and it to their repertoire of spells, if they can do so that is, as well cast druidic spells as though they were druids.

spellbook). They can only be cast by Wizards, Elves, or Druids. Only druids would be able to add their level to attacks. If players do not own W&A, then a local healer in the village will buy this spellbook for 150 gp. Alternatively, if a hero keeps this spellbook and does not use any of its spells, then when that hero reaches Expert level, they may spend an XP roll to study the extensive study notes that are earmarked throughout the tome. Doing so allows the user to learn its spells and it to their repertoire of spells, if they can do so that is, as well cast druidic spells as though they were druids.

54 A. Grove Gate Room- Minions

54 B. Grove Gate Room- Minions

54 C. Grove Gate Room- Minions

d6+3 Goblins. Level 3 Minion, -1 treasure

8 Goblins. Level 3 Minion, -1 treasure

4 Goblins. Level 3 Minion, 2HP

Sneaky: Goblins have a 1 in 6 Sneaky: Goblins have a 1 in 6 Sneaky: Goblins have a 1 in 6 chance of gaining surprise, thus chance of gaining surprise, thus chance of gaining surprise, thus acting before the party. If they acting before the party. If they acting before the party. If they do act before the party, roll d6 do act before the party, roll d6 do act before the party, roll d6 on their reactions table below. If on their reactions table below. If on their reactions table below. If the characters set off the the characters set off the the characters set off the firetrap in the previous area, firetrap in the previous area, firetrap in the previous area, then they will automatically gain then they will automatically gain then they will automatically gain this surprise and will attack the this surprise and will attack the this surprise and will attack the party as soon as they enter. party as soon as they enter. party as soon as they enter. Help!: Roll for morale. If they Help!: Roll for morale. If they Help!: Roll for morale. If they fail, instead of running away, fail, instead of running away, fail, instead of running away, they stay and fight. As soon as they stay and fight. As soon as they stay and fight. As soon as the heroes enter area 54, they the heroes enter area 54, they the heroes enter area 54, they must fight Twig Pet wandering must fight Twig Pet wandering must fight Twig Pet wandering monsters. monsters. monsters. Reactions (d6): 1 flee if Reactions (d6): 1 flee if Reactions (d6): 1 flee if outnumbered, 2-3 bribe (5 gp outnumbered, 2-3 bribe (5 gp outnumbered, 2-3 bribe (5 gp per goblin), 4–6 fight.

per goblin), 4–6 fight.

per goblin), 4–6 fight. Treasure: 4 gp Alternate Treasure: 4 gp

55 A. Twilight Grove Room- Vermin

55 B. Twilight Grove Room- Vermin

55 C. Twilight Grove Room- Vermin

If the goblins called out for help in the last room, a group of Wandering Twig Pets appear and must be fought right away.

If the goblins called out for help in the last room, a group of Wandering Twig Pets appear and must be fought right away.

If the goblins called out for help in the last room, a group of Wandering Twig Pets appear and must be fought right away.

D6 Twig Pets. Level 3 Vermin, no treasure

4 Twig Pets. Level 3 Vermin, no treasure

D4 Twig Pets. Level 3 Vermin, no treasure, 2HP

Poison Sap: Any character taking damage from the Twig Blight’s claws must save versus level 3 poison or lose 1 life. Halflings add their level on this save. Immune: Immune to poison, paralysis, and sleep Fire Weakness: Fire spells do double the damage.

Poison Sap: Any character taking damage from the Twig Blight’s claws must save versus level 3 poison or lose 1 life. Halflings add their level on this save. Immune: Immune to poison, paralysis, and sleep Fire Weakness: Fire spells do double the damage.

Poison Sap: Any character taking damage from the Twig Blight’s claws must save versus level 3 poison or lose 1 life. Halflings add their level on this save. Immune: Immune to poison, paralysis, and sleep Fire Weakness: Fire spells do double the damage.

Reactions: always fight

Reactions: always fight

Reactions: always fight

This area is very large and it will take about 200 feet before the party gets to area 56. The area is also covered with briars, making movement even more difficult. What is more, several Twig Pets hide amongst the briars.

This area is very large and it will take about 200 feet before the party gets to area 56. The area is also covered with briars, making movement even more difficult. What is more, several Twig Pets hide amongst the briars.

This area is very large and it will take about 200 feet before the party gets to area 56. The area is also covered with briars, making movement even more difficult. What is more, several Twig Pets hide amongst the briars.

When moving 50 feet, the party encounters a D6 Tig Pets. However their reaction is changed to the following.

When moving 50 feet, the party encounters a D6 Tig Pets. However their reaction is changed to the following.

When moving 50 feet, the party encounters a D6 Tig Pets. However their reaction is changed to the following.

Reactions: 1-3 fight to the death, 4-6 they do not fight..

Reactions: 1-3 fight to the death, 4-6 they do not fight..

Reactions: 1-3 fight to the death, 4-6 they do not fight..

This represents the party being

This represents the party being

This represents the party being

able to slip past the sentries without alerting them. However, moving silently through the briar is difficult. For every hero in your party who is not small in size (Halflings, Dwarfs, Gnomes, Lutins ect) you must add a -1 to this reaction roll. For every Druid in the party you can add a +1 to this reaction roll.

able to slip past the sentries without alerting them. However, moving silently through the briar is difficult. For every hero in your party who is not small in size (Halflings, Dwarfs, Gnomes, Lutins ect) you must add a -1 to this reaction roll. For every Druid in the party you can add a +1 to this reaction roll.

able to slip past the sentries without alerting them. However, moving silently through the briar is difficult. For every hero in your party who is not small in size (Halflings, Dwarfs, Gnomes, Lutins ect) you must add a -1 to this reaction roll. For every Druid in the party you can add a +1 to this reaction roll.

You must do this a number of 4 times until the party reaches area 56.

You must do this a number of 4 times until the party reaches area 56.

You must do this a number of 4 times until the party reaches area 56.

Using magic spells such as Lightning or Fireball in any of these encounters will alert the final boss in area 56.

Using magic spells such as Lightning or Fireball in any of these encounters will alert the final boss in area 56.

Using magic spells such as Lightning or Fireball in any of these encounters will alert the final boss in area 56.

*Special Note Keep track of how many of the Twig Pet encounters you bypassed.

*Special Note Keep track of how many of the Twig Pet encounters you bypassed.

*Special Note Keep track of how many of the Twig Pet encounters you bypassed.

56 The Walled Courtyard Room- Final Boss Tournament Tournament Style Play This final encounter will be fought like a Tournament (for more information about tournament style play, see Tournament of the Undead Viscount). A Tournament is basically split up into four encounters that all happen simultaneously. At the beginning of the tournament, you will need to select each of your remaining heroes to engage in one of these encounters. Each encounter is classified into four types: 1) The Leader, 2) The Champion, 3) The Wild Card, 4) The Underling You will need to select which of your heroes will face off against which encounter. The Leader of the enemy combatants is the Final Boss, who is a male human Deranged Druid. The Champion of the Druid is a male human Possessed Warrior (read the encounter text in Sunless Citadel for more details). The Wild Card is a female human Possessed Wizard. And the Underling in the encounter is a group of Vampiric Frog and Twig Pet vermin.

Combat Order You can play each encounter separately or you can play all four at once and just keep track of which rounds you are on. The order of combat will be as follows: The Champion will be the first combatant, the Wild Card will be the second combatant, the Leader will be the third combatment, and the Underling will always attack last. If you cast a spell or used any fire based attacks in area 55, all of the enemy combatants will get to attack the party before each individual party member attacks them. If there are only three heroes, then the Leader will stay behind and begin casting buffs on first the Champion and then the Wild Card. If his buff spells have run out, then he will join his Champion and fight whichever hero is fighting him. If there are only two heroes left, then the Underlings will split in half. The Twig Pets will join the Champion and the Vampire Frogs will join the Wild Card. If there is only one hero left, then her or she will have to fight all combatants as one continuous combat. A Fifth Hero If your party actually has five members to their party (the heroes may recruit a cleric inside this adventure), then the fifth hero may team up and most likely join the weakest hero in your party. Defeating A Challenge If a hero defeats their challenge, they have two choices: 1) they may join any of their comrades and aid them in their own combat fighting side by side. 2) Or they may attack the mysterious dead looking tree in the center of the Courtyard. Fighting the Mysterious Tree The Tree has 6 Life and does not fight back. When fighting the Tree you can decide to either successfully hit it and remove one Life, OR you can chance it by rolling a d6: If a 1 is rolled, your foot gets tangled and the attack misses, rolling a 2-5 deals one damage to the tree, if your roll a 6, it explodes and you do two points of damage (3 damage if you rolled another 6). As soon as the Tree loses one point of damage, any remaining Twig Pets will spend all of their next rounds defending the Tree. If the tree loses 3 HP, the Deranged Druid Leader will attempt to defend the Tree from losing any more health, if he is able. If the Tree has lost any damage and an enemy combatant defeats the hero they are fighting, then they will go over to the Tree and defend the Tree from further attacks.

Killing the Tree As soon as the Tree has been defeated, stop where you are at in the combat and read: Special Event 1, which is below. Defeating Everyone If you defeat all the combatants and the Tree still has Life, end the encounter and go ahead and read the Special Event 1 below. Combat Twist In area 55 you were told to keep track of any Twig Pets you bypassed. At the beginning of Round 3, a group of those Twig Pet will show up and begin fighting whoever your current combatant is (if you are doing your fights one by one), fight a random hero, or defend the Mysterious Tree if it has lost any health. By Round 4, another group will show up. Each group of Twig Pets you did not encounter in area 55 will show up each subsequent round. So if you bypassed each Twig Pet group, then one group will show up in each of the following rounds: 3,4,5, and 6. If you defeated all of the Twig Pets in area 55, then no extra Twig Pets show up and you can ignore this Twist. HCL HCL stands for Highest Character Level. When determining the Level of a boss, simply take the level of the highest character of your party and add any additional level modifiers within the bosses stat information. The bosses level remains the same at whatever it was at the beginning of this Tournament. So if at the beginning of the Tournament a boss was Level 4, they will remain Level 4 for the entirety of the Tournament, even if the character with the HCL in the party leveled up again at some point in the encounter. Once the bosses’ levels are set, they can not go up anymore. XP Any hero that defeats the Leader, Champion, or Wild Card, may make an immediate XP roll before deciding what to do next. Total Party Kill If the whole party dies, then go and read Special Event 2, below. One Final Thing To Consider… The Warrior and Wizard are clearly possessed and not of their own mind. You may decide to try to knock them unconscious instead of killing them outright. As with special Quests, to knock a character unconscious you are assumed to be fighting in a non-lethal stance and must add a -2 to all attack rolls. Doing any lethal damage will require a d6 roll once they fall unconscious.

On a 5-6 the wounds are minor and will heal over a short rest. They come to and will walk with you out of the dungeon (but they are too weak to fight on their own and will need to be protected by the other heroes). On a 3-4 your blow has resulted in them bleeding. They cannot walk on their own and must be carried out by two heroes. This can be rectified if you can give them one bandage or one healing. Doing so will only require one hero to help walk them out of the dungeon. Whichever hero you choose can only fight one handed and must add a -1 to all Attack and Defense rolls when fighting Wandering Monsters and can no longer fight with two handed weapons, bows, or use a shield, as their free arm is being used. 2 The injury is very severe. Not only will they need to be carried by two heroes, but they also will need that bandage or healing, otherwise they will die. 1 They are killed outright. ENEMIES LEADER Deranged Druid, Level HCL + 3, Life HCL + 4, never test moral Barkskin: The Druid loses no life unless at least 2 damage is done to him (usually by means of an exploding 6). As soon as that happens, he loses only one HP, but is no longer protected by his Barkskin. If he is attacked by magic or by a firebase attack, his Barkskin does not protect for that damage. Hand Sickle: If in Melee combat, he attacks with a hand sickle. If your hero is wearing heavy armor or is fighting with a shield, they may add a +1 to their Defense rolls. If they have both, they may add a +2. As always, rolling a 1 on a Defense roll is an automatic fail. Druid Spells: If the Leader is not in combat with anyone, then will cast buffing spells off to the side. Roll a d6 each round of combat to determine which spell he has cast. 1-2 Summon: 1 single Twig Pet is summoned and immediately joins whichever combat is currently going on, or whichever combat has a hero with the least HP and Level. 3-4 Entangle: A hero gets entangled and cannot make their next attack. This hero should either whichever hero is currently fighting if you are running combats one by one, whichever hero has caused the most health loss to either the Possessed Warrior or Wizard. If neither the Warrior or Wizard have lost health yet, then the Druid will cast Entangle on the hero fighting his Underlings. 5-6 Shatter Weapon: A random hero (roll D4) must make a Level 6 Spell Save. Wizards, Elfs,and Druids may add their level to this Save. Halflings may add a +1 to this Save. If you fail this save, then that hero's current weapon, so long as it is not magical, is automatically destroyed. The hero must spend their next turn taking out their backup melee weapon. If they have no other weapon to fight with, then they must use their fists and feet and must fight with an automatic -2 to each Attack roll. CHAMPION Possessed Warrior, Level HCL + 2, Life HCL + 5, 2 attacks, never tests moral

WILD CARD Possessed Wizard, Level HCL, Life HCL + 1, never tests moral Spell Caster: Each round you need to decide which spell they are casting. Roll a d6 1-2. Fireball. You need to make a Magic Save. The difficulty is HCL+1. Wizards and Elfs may add their level to this save. If you fail, you lose 1 damage. 3-4. Lighting. You need to make a Magic Save. The difficulty is HCL+2. Wizards and Elfs may add a +1 to this save. If you fail, you lose 2 damage. 5-6. Special. If this is the first time you rolled this option, the Possessed Warrior automatically receives one extra Life point, even if they haven’t begun fighting yet. If this has already happened, then the Possessed Wizard makes a frantic melee attack. See the Sickle attack in the Leader’s stats. This attack is identical to that attack. UNDERLING (A) D6 Vampire Frogs / (B) 4 Vampire Frogs / (C) 1 Vampire Frog 4 HP, level 4 Vermin, does not test moral (A) D6 Twig Pets / (B) 4 Twig Pets / (C) 3 Twig Pets 2HP. Level 3 Vermin, does not test moral Poison Sap: Any character taking damage from the Twig Blight’s claws must save versus level 3 poison or lose 1 life. Halflings add their level on this save. Immune: Immune to poison, paralysis, and sleep Fire Weakness: Fire spells do double the damage. Special Event 1 The Tree turns out to be a Vampire Tree, and the Druid’s main source of power. As soon as the tree is destroyed, all Twig Pets fall like dead sticks to the floor, and the Possessed Warrior and Wizard, if they are still conscious and alive, fall to the floor unconscious. The Demented Druid and Vampire Frog, if they are still alive, turn around and flee. One hero of your choice may immediately perform an XP roll. OR, if none of your original party members are at Level 3 yet, then you may boost them all to Level 3. Treasure, the tree itself has eight pieces of fruit. Each piece you eat has the same effects as a Healing Potion. If either the Warrior or Wizard are still alive, you can give them each one of these fruits. Doing so will heal them and bring them back to consciousness. They can be escorted out of the citadel as normal. If either of them are dead, both wear the same family signet ring (perhaps they were siblings), both rings are worth 20 gp apiece (40 gp), if you own a physical copy of the original 3e edition of Sunless

Citadel, the the heroes instead receive 125 gp for returning the rings back to their family members. If you own a physical copy of Tales of the Yawning Portal, then you get 100 gp. If you are the owner of either PDFs, then the rings are worth 75 gp. Add an additional 75 gp to your company’s revenue if either the Warrior or Wizard made it out alive. Or 125 gp if they both made it out alive. If the Druid is dead, you find on his person one Wand of Entanglement. It can cast Entangle twice and counts as a crushing light hand weapon. And one random Magical Treasure or one random Spell Scroll, your choice. Entangle. This spell shoots roots from the ground that entangles D6 minions who can not attack for 2 rounds of combat. Usually this spell can only be cast outdoors. Exiting the Dungeon You must still exit the dungeon. Perhaps you have found a secret way out, otherwise, you will need to exit from the first floor as you did when you entered the Citadel. Don’t forget to roll for wandering monsters. Ignore all Twig Pets on the Wandering Monster’s table and do not have to fight a wandering monster in that area. If the Final Boss fled, and you accepted the Quest from the Goblin Cleric, then there is a 3 out of 6 chance that any Goblin or Hobgoblin Wandering Monsters are in fact fighting the escaping Druid, and otherwise preoccupied with attacking the party. If you killed the Final Boss, and accepted the Quest from the Goblin Cleric, then you may completely ignore all Goblin and Hobgoblin wandering monsters entirely. If you completed this Quest, you are permitted your roll on the Epic Rewards table before trying to exit the dungeon. Special Event 2 It turns out that the Mysterious Tree is in fact a Vampire Tree. Your original party is not dead but were in fact engrafted into Vampire Tree and are now Possessed versions of their former selves. You can form a new party and try this adventure again straight from the beginning. If they make it all the way to Area 55, then instead of finding the Possessed Warrior and Wizard from above, they instead find 2 random Possessed heroes from your original party. Their Level equals your current party’s HCL + whatever Level that original hero died at. Their Health equals whatever would have been their starting Health +1. They get any other benefits their character would have otherwise had. Killing the original Possessed party members allows you to grab any items, gear, and weapons that were in their original possession plus any gp that was in that hero's possession (you can never find the original signet rings from the original Possessed Wizard and Warrior). If you do not kill those original members and they survive your encounter, then they can rejoin your party of four on the next adventure, returning to the Level and Max Health that they would have had when they died.