Focgb4 Ak GQ 5 [PDF]

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Group A

Group B

5.2 Reported speech

5.2 Reported speech

Exercise 1

Exercise 1

1 if I had written: We use if or whether to report yes/no questions. 2 that she hates: We don’t change the verb form in reported speech if the reporting verb is in a present tense. 3 hadn’t gone: We usually move the verb one tense back in reported speech. 4 I should wear: This is a reported statement, so we don’t use if. 5 I won’t apply: We don’t change the verb form in reported speech if the reporting verb is in a present tense. 6 to see me: We use the to-infinitive to report promises, orders and requests. 7 if I had graduated: We usually move the verb one tense back in reported speech. 8 if they could: We use if or whether to report yes/no questions. 9 he wouldn’t: Will changes to would in reported speech. 10 what I wanted: We change the word order in reported questions, and we don’t use do, does or did.

1 would apply: Will changes to would in reported speech. 2 if she had heard: We change the word order in reported questions, and we use if or whether in reported yes/no questions. 3 I mustn’t: This is a reported statement, so we don’t use if. 4 looks: We don’t change the verb form in reported speech if the reporting verb is in a present tense. 5 he had started: We move the verb one tense back in reported speech. 6 if we were going: We change the word order in reported questions, and we use if or whether in reported yes/no questions. 7 why she was: We change the word order in reported questions. 8 to help: We use the to-infinitive to report promises, orders and requests. 9 whether it had gone: We use if or whether to report yes/no questions in reported speech. 10 won’t change: We don’t change the verb form in reported speech if the reporting verb is in a present tense.

Exercise 2 1 that I wanted to go: We usually move the verb one tense back in reported speech. 2 if she had any experience: We change the word order in reported questions, and we don’t use do, does or did. We use if or whether in reported yes/no questions. The verb moves one tense back. 3 not to worry: We use the to-infinitive to report promises, orders and requests. 4 where he lived: We change the word order in reported questions, and we don’t use do, does or did. The verb moves one tense back. 5 that he is/’s sorry: We don’t change the verb form in reported speech if the reporting verb is in a present tense.

© 2016 Pearson


Exercise 2 1 not to accept : We use the to-infinitive to report promises, orders and requests. 2 whether I was interested: We change the word order in reported questions, and we use if or whether in reported yes/no questions. The verb moves one tense back. 3 that I should get up: Should remains the same in reported speech. 4 that it would be: Will changes to would in reported speech. 5 what I was doing: We change the word order in reported questions, and the verb moves one tense back.



Group A

Group B

5.5 Reporting verbs

5.5 Reporting verbs

Exercise 1

Exercise 1

1 B: We say that someone apologised for doing something. 2 A: We say that someone refused to do something. 3 C: We say that we warned someone to do something or not to do something. 4B: We say that we invited someone to do something. 5 B: We say that someone suggested doing something. 6 C: We say that we advised someone to do something. 7 B: We say that we remind someone to do something. 8 C: We say that we persuaded someone to do something. 9 B: We say that someone denied doing something. 10 B: We say that someone agreed to do something.

1 B: We say that someone recommends doing something. 2 C: We say that someone insisted on doing something. 3 B: We say that someone proposed that you do something. 4 C: We say that someone objects to doing something. 5 A: We say that you urged someone to do something. 6 C: We say that we convinced someone to do something. 7 C: We say that we warned someone to do something or not to do something. 8 C: We say that we accused someone of doing something. 9 A: We say that we begged someone to do something. 10 B: We say that someone admits that they did something, or they admit doing something.

Exercise 2 1 to be: We can say that someone claims to be or have something. 2 I should visit: We can say that we convince someone that they should do something. 3 that he had broken: We can say that someone admitted that they had done something. 4 that we go: We can say that someone recommended going or that someone do do something. 5 on wearing: We can say that someone insisted on doing something.

© 2016 Pearson


Exercise 2 1 they would pay: We can say that someone agreed that they would do something. 2 that she had eaten: We can say that someone denied that they had done something. 3 to clean: We can say that someone promised to do something. 4 for forgetting: We can say that someone apologised for doing something. 5 that she had been promoted: We can say that someone claimed that they had done something.