FMZ5000 FHM20en Rel5.2 Installation [PDF]

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Operating Instructions

Fire Detection and Extinguishing Control Panel FMZ 5000

General information: This manual provides information on how to handle the fire alarm and extinguishing control panel FMZ 5000 in a safe and efficient manner. This manual is an integral part of the system and must be kept in its immediate vicinity at all times. Before commencing any work, the personnel must have carefully read and understood this manual. It is essential for the safe operation of the system that all safety information and operating instructions provided in this manual be observed. In addition to the information provided in this manual, all local accident prevention and general safety regulations applicable at the system's location must be observed. All images contained in this manual are intended to provide a general understanding and may vary from the model of the system you purchased. The original of this manual was written in German. Each edition of this manual not in German is a translation of the original German manual.

Device manufacturer: Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Industriestraße 10/12 23840 Bad Oldesloe Germany Phone.: Fax: E-Mail: Internet:

+49 4531 803 - 0  +49 4531 803 - 248 [email protected]

Document identification: Documentname / Language

FHM20 en

Document no.




Part no.


Approval / modification no.








Issue date


© 2014 Minimax GmbH & Co. KG


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Abbreviations This documentation uses the following abbreviations:


Zone control panel


Fire alarm panel


Fire alarm and extinguishing control panel


Centre National pour Prévention et Protection (France)


German Standards Institute


European Standard

Ex i

Explosion proof type, intrinsically safe


Fire service display panel


Fire command panel


Fire department key depot


Parallel display panel


Product line


Remote transmission unit


Association of German electrical engineers


Association of insurers (VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH)


Central card

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Contents 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12

Safety and general notices Qualification of the target group ...................................................................12 Explanation of symbols and notices .............................................................12 Intended use .................................................................................................13 Safety ...........................................................................................................13 Rules, directives and standards ...................................................................14 User's obligation ...........................................................................................15 Alterations and modifications ........................................................................16 Documentation of additional system components ........................................16 Spare parts ...................................................................................................16 Technical developments ...............................................................................16 New versions of the firmware for modules or cards .....................................17

2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.6.1 2.6.2 2.6.3 2.6.4 2.7 2.8 2.8.1 2.8.2 2.8.3

Installation and connection General notes on cabling ..............................................................................18 Installation checks ........................................................................................19 Mains connection ..........................................................................................19 Earth connections .........................................................................................20 Overvoltage protection ................................................................................21 Conductors ...................................................................................................21 Calculating the line resistance ......................................................................22 Permitted line specifications .........................................................................22 Cable types ..................................................................................................23 Detector loop lines ........................................................................................23 Electromagnetic compatibility .......................................................................24 Environmental compatibility ..........................................................................24 Protection against electromagnetic interferences .........................................25 Protection against climatic conditions ...........................................................25 Protection against mechanical loads ............................................................26

3 3.1 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3

Assembling Requirements of the installation location of the control panel ......................27 Installation - control panel housing ...............................................................27 Installation - control panel wall housing ........................................................28 Installation - freestanding housing ................................................................28 Cable feed ....................................................................................................29

4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4

Mains connection for basic designs Connection of the mains supply in the fire alarm control panel (FACP) .......32 Connection of the mains supply line to the mains power supply ..................33 Mains connection with report printer .............................................................33 Power supply of the modules .......................................................................34


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Contents 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.9.1 4.9.2 4.9.3 4.10 4.10.1 4.10.2 4.10.3 4.11 4.11.1 4.11.2 4.11.3 4.12 4.12.1 4.13 4.13.1 4.13.2 4.13.3 4.13.4 4.13.5 4.13.6

Installing additional modules in the fire alarm control panel (FACP) ............ 35 Fuses in all basic designs ............................................................................ 37 Power supply of FMZ 5000 mod 4, mod 12 and mod XL ............................. 37 Mechanical installation of the power supplies .............................................. 38 Power supply NT5100 3 A ........................................................................... 39 Internal wiring with NT5100 3 A ................................................................... 40 Technical data NT5100 3 A .......................................................................... 41 Approvals NT5100 3 A ................................................................................. 42 Power supplies NT5000 5 A and 15 A ......................................................... 42 Internal wiring with NT5000 5 A and 15 A .................................................... 44 Technical data NT5000 5 A and 15 A ........................................................... 46 Approvals NT5000 5 A and 15 A .................................................................. 47 Power supplies NT5100 8 A and 12 A ......................................................... 47 Internal wiring with NT5100 8 A and 12 A .................................................... 49 Technical Data NT5100 8 A and 12 A .......................................................... 50 Approvals NT5100 8 A and 12 A .................................................................. 51 Power supply units connected in parallel ..................................................... 51 Electrical design of the parallel connection .................................................. 51 Batteries ....................................................................................................... 54 Battery monitoring ........................................................................................ 54 Released batteries ....................................................................................... 55 Connection of the batteries .......................................................................... 56 Series connection of batteries (normal case) ............................................... 56 Parallel connection of batteries (special case) ............................................. 56 Installing the batteries .................................................................................. 57

5 5.1 5.2 5.3

Module power distribution Area of application ....................................................................................... 60 Module description ....................................................................................... 60 Block diagram .............................................................................................. 61

6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7

Ground fault module Technical data .............................................................................................. 62 Use ............................................................................................................... 63 Function ....................................................................................................... 63 Functional test .............................................................................................. 63 Installation of the module ............................................................................. 63 Test voltage .................................................................................................. 63 Connecting terminals ................................................................................... 64


Central card, redundant central card

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Contents 7.1 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.2 7.2.1 7.3 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.3.3

Central card ..................................................................................................65 Status LEDs ..................................................................................................66 Jumper .........................................................................................................66 Redundant central card ................................................................................69 Status LED ....................................................................................................70 Firmware update of central card and redundant central card .......................70 Firmware update on PC ................................................................................70 Firmware update on central card ..................................................................71 Firmware update on redundant central card .................................................72

8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.4 8.5 8.6

Zone control panel Position and meaning of the connections .....................................................73 Function ........................................................................................................74 Ribbon cable connector to MxMBus .............................................................74 Input side X1 ................................................................................................74 Output side X2 ..............................................................................................74 Front panel connection .................................................................................75 Connections of external contacts .................................................................75 Firmware update ...........................................................................................76

9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6

Module remote transmission unit Technical specifications ...............................................................................78 Connection configuration ..............................................................................78 Terminal configuration of fire department control panel connection .............79 Connection of remote transmission unit and fire department control panel .80 Connection of fire department control panel - Switzerland ...........................81 Firmware update ...........................................................................................81

10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.4.1 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8

Module Loop AP and AP XP Technical specifications ................................................................................82 General notes on wiring the loop ..................................................................83 Connection configuration Loop AP ...............................................................83 Connection configuration Loop AP XP .........................................................84 Replacing an AP loop module with an AP XP loop module ..........................85 Meaning of status LEDs ...............................................................................86 Connections of the detectors ........................................................................86 Connection of explosion-proof detectors ......................................................88 Firmware update ...........................................................................................89

11 11.1 11.2

Conventional module Technical specifications ...............................................................................90 Connection configuration ..............................................................................91


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Contents 11.3 11.4

Connection options ...................................................................................... 92 Firmware update .......................................................................................... 94

12 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.7.1 12.7.2 12.7.3 12.7.4 12.8 12.8.1 12.8.2 12.9 12.10 12.10.1 12.11

Reflex module Technical specifications ............................................................................... 96 Module description ....................................................................................... 96 Units of the module ...................................................................................... 96 Connectable detectors ................................................................................. 97 Connectable valve units and monitoring devices ......................................... 97 Connection of the external components ....................................................... 98 Connection configuration ............................................................................. 99 Connections of the spark and fire detectors ............................................... 100 Connection of solenoid valves ................................................................... 103 Connecting with monitoring card MVA LÖ .................................................. 104 Connection of monitoring transmitters ....................................................... 104 Connection of the valve unit transmitter ..................................................... 105 Connection of parallel inputs and outputs .................................................. 105 Parallel outputs of the detector groups ....................................................... 105 Parallel inputs of the extinguishing areas ................................................... 106 Controlling a relay ...................................................................................... 106 Connection of spark test inputs .................................................................. 107 Quiescent currents of spark and flame detectors ....................................... 108 Quiescent current measurement ................................................................ 108 Firmware update ........................................................................................ 109

13 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9

Spark test module Technical specifications ..............................................................................111 Module description ......................................................................................111 Units of the module .....................................................................................111 Connectable test actuators ..........................................................................111 Connection configuration ........................................................................... 112 Connections of the test actuators ............................................................... 112 Cables to the test actuators ....................................................................... 113 Connection of the spark test outputs .......................................................... 113 Firmware update ........................................................................................ 114

14 14.1 14.2 14.2.1 14.2.2 14.2.3

Module control group Technical specifications ............................................................................. 116 Connecting the consumers ........................................................................ 116 Solenoid valve ............................................................................................ 116 Monitored horn ........................................................................................... 117 Unused control group ................................................................................. 118

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Contents 14.3

Firmware update ......................................................................................... 118

15 15.1 15.2 15.2.1 15.3 15.4

Relay 8 module Technical specifications .............................................................................121 Pin configuration of external relay card connection ....................................121 Output current per pin .................................................................................121 Connection configuration card A / B ...........................................................122 Firmware update .........................................................................................123

16 16.1 16.2 16.4

SIO1 and SIO3 modules Technical specifications .............................................................................125 COM1 port ..................................................................................................125 Firmware update .........................................................................................128

17 17.1 17.2 17.2.1 17.2.2 17.2.3 17.3 17.3.1 17.3.2 17.3.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 17.6.1 17.6.2 17.6.3 17.6.4 17.6.5 17.7 17.7.1 17.8

Module MxNet Module description .....................................................................................129 Connections and interfaces ........................................................................130 COM1 port ..................................................................................................130 Plug connector connection X1 for path 1 ....................................................130 Plug connector connection X4 for path 2 ....................................................131 Meaning of the status LEDs .......................................................................131 LED H1 - Data line fault ..............................................................................131 LED H1 - System faults ..............................................................................131 LED H2 and H3 ..........................................................................................132 Diagram of ring-shaped wiring ....................................................................132 General specifications ................................................................................132 Hardware configuration of the card ............................................................133 Setup of the sliding switches S1 and S2 ....................................................133 Baud rates and maximum line length .........................................................133 Jumper positions ........................................................................................134 Setting the node address ...........................................................................134 Setting the baud rates for the network lines ...............................................135 Commissioning of the network ...................................................................135 Basic instructions for configuration .............................................................136 Diagnostic program MxNet.exe ..................................................................136

18 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4

ModBus module Module description .....................................................................................138 COM1 port ..................................................................................................139 COM2 interface ..........................................................................................140 ModBus module connection to the master .................................................140


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Contents 18.4.1 18.4.2 18.4.3 18.5 18.6 18.7 18.8 18.8.1 18.8.2 18.9

Data transfer via RS422 interface .............................................................. 141 Data transfer via RS422_multi ................................................................... 141 Data transfer via RS485 ............................................................................. 143 Connection via fibre optic lines .................................................................. 144 Commissioning ........................................................................................... 145 Service program ......................................................................................... 146 ModBus simulator ...................................................................................... 146 Settings of the master ................................................................................ 146 Connection to the master ........................................................................... 148 Test procedure ........................................................................................... 148 Firmware update ........................................................................................ 150

19 19.1 19.2 19.2.1 19.2.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 19.5.1 19.6

WEBmodule Module description ..................................................................................... 152 Interfaces ................................................................................................... 153 Serial interface ........................................................................................... 153 Ethernet interface ....................................................................................... 154 WEBmodule assembly ............................................................................... 155 Configuration in the MxSysCon .................................................................. 156 Configuration via the web browser interface .............................................. 157 Menu structure ........................................................................................... 159 Risk & exemption from responsibility when using the WEBmodule ........... 169

20 20.1 20.1.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.4.1 20.5 20.6 20.6.1 20.6.2 20.6.3 20.7 20.7.1 20.8 20.8.1 20.8.2

Commissioning General ...................................................................................................... 171 Tools required ............................................................................................. 171 Support measures during maintenance tasks ............................................ 172 Display of control panel firmware faults ...................................................... 172 Central display field .................................................................................... 173 Division of the LC display ........................................................................... 173 Energy supply ............................................................................................ 174 First control panel startup ........................................................................... 175 Startup without flash card ........................................................................... 176 Startup without configuration data .............................................................. 176 Startup with incorrect configuration data .................................................... 176 Loading the configuration data ................................................................... 177 Configuration data transfer ......................................................................... 178 Initialisation of the fire alarm control panel (FACP) .................................... 180 Control panel start-up ................................................................................. 180 System start messages of FMZ 5000 ......................................................... 181 Starting fire alarm control panel with details about configuration ............... 181 Details about the firmware of the central card ............................................ 181

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Contents 20.8.3 20.9 20.9.1 20.9.2 20.9.3 20.9.4 20.9.5 20.10 20.10.1 20.10.2 20.10.3 20.10.4

Startup with errors ......................................................................................182 Starting the control panel without flash card ...............................................182 Lack of power supply for the loop module ..................................................182 Basic settings after system start .................................................................182 Changing the service code .........................................................................183 Setting of time and date .............................................................................183 Setting the LC display contrast / brightness ...............................................183 Alternative operation for contrast / brightness setting ................................184 Setting the illumination period ....................................................................184 Functional checks .......................................................................................185 Energy supply .............................................................................................185 Fire alarm state ...........................................................................................185 Error detection state ...................................................................................186 Shut-down state ..........................................................................................186

21 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.3.1 21.3.2 21.3.3 21.3.4 21.4 21.5 21.6 21.7 21.7.1 21.7.2 21.7.3 21.7.4 21.8

Inspection - service General .......................................................................................................187 Support measures during service tasks .....................................................187 Maintenance intervals .................................................................................188 Daily checks ...............................................................................................188 Monthly checks ...........................................................................................188 Quarterly checks .........................................................................................188 Annual checks ............................................................................................189 Lamp test ....................................................................................................189 Operation test .............................................................................................189 Battery test .................................................................................................189 Functional test ............................................................................................189 Functional test of detector and control groups ...........................................190 Soiling of addressable detectors ................................................................191 Detector type XP95 ....................................................................................191 Detector type Discovery .............................................................................191 Measures after cleaning of the detector .....................................................192 Resetting the drift values and the maintenance display .............................192 Functional test of control sequences ..........................................................193 Test end ......................................................................................................193

22 22.1 22.1.1 22.1.2 22.2

Appendices Notes on the functional modules ................................................................194 Conventional module ..................................................................................194 Control group module .................................................................................194 Networking panels ......................................................................................194


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Contents 22.2.1 22.2.2 22.2.3 22.3 22.4 22.5 22.5.1 22.5.2 22.5.3 22.5.4 22.5.5 22.5.6 22.5.7

Release 5.2 ................................................................................................ 194 Release 4.1 ................................................................................................ 194 Operation of a PAT in the network .............................................................. 195 Notes on the central card ........................................................................... 196 Configuration of loop coupler groups ......................................................... 196 Notes on printers. ....................................................................................... 196 Interfaces ................................................................................................... 196 Printer IPP 144 ........................................................................................... 198 Printer FMZ 5000 ....................................................................................... 199 EPSON LQ 300+ ........................................................................................ 200 AP1200 ...................................................................................................... 201 GPT 6223 ................................................................................................... 201 GPT 4222 ................................................................................................... 201

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Safety and general notices


Safety and general notices

In the appendix of this document are included other important informations about the functioning of the fire alarm control panel as well as installation, commissioning and maintenance.


Qualification of the target group The activities described in this manual for the installation, commissioning and  servicing of the fire alarm control panel require special knowledge. Consequently these activities may only be carried out by an electrician qualified to DIN VDE 0833-1 or by persons with training in an electrotechnical profession in the field of communications engineering, information technology or measurement engineering and control  technology etc. In addition, general system knowledge of hazard warning technology is essential as well as successful participation in training courses given by Minimax GmbH & Co. KG which impart further necessary knowledge on the installation, commissioning and servicing of the FMZ 5000.  Personnel who do not have these qualifications must not carry out the work described in this manual.


Explanation of symbols and notices Safety notices and important explanations are indicated in this documentation using the following pictographs:

This combination of symbol and signal word indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

This combination of symbol and signal word indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

This combination of symbol and signal word indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.

This combination of symbol and signal word indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in property and environmental damage.

Provides further general notices and explanations. 12

Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Safety and general notices


Intended use This device is solely to be used as a fire alarm control panel and as a combined fire alarm and extinguishing control panel. The operation only takes place as intended in the permissible ambient conditions. The ambient conditions are valid with regard to the climate, temperature and electromagnetic influences (see 2.7 "Electromagnetic compatibility" and 2.8 "Environmental compatibility"). Any other or additional use is not as intended. The manufacturer is not liable for any damage resulting from such use, which is entirely at the risk of the user. The intended use also includes: - installation and commissioning by qualified personnel as described in section 1.1. - observing all notices contained in the operating manual - complying with the operating, servicing and maintenance conditions prescribed by the manufacturer.


Safety The device described here was manufactured in accordance with the latest state of the technical art and accepted safety rules and features a high degree of operational safety. However, the device can pose hazards or impair the line or other property if used improperly or other than intended.

Damaged device is in an inoperable condition Malfunctions such as fire alarm messages that are restricted or are not reported. Extinguishing systems may not be activated. The device is only to be used in an undamaged, fully operable and sound condition with regard to safety. If you suspect that non-hazardous operation is no longer possible (e.g. in the case of damage), put the device out of operation without delay and secure it against accidental commissioning.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Safety and general notices


Rules, directives and standards

When planning and installing the fire detection and activation of a gas extinguishing application in accordance with the CNPP – Centre National pour Prévention et Protection (France), it is additionally absolutely compulsory to observe the instructions, requirements, and limitations laid down in the manual "FMZ 5000 and MX1230 fire extinguishing systems – planning and installation in compliance with CNPP regulations" article no.: 915888 de (915889 fr). The proper and safe operation of this system requires the observance of basic safety notices and safety regulations as well as - national safety regulations - national accident prevention regulations - national assembly and installation regulations - generally accepted technical principles - operating instructions including the safety and warning notices contained therein - system characteristics and technical specifications

The following regulations, directives and standards must be observed in particular:



Fire detection and fire alarm systems

DIN 14034

Graphical symbols for fire brigade

DIN 14095

Ground plans for components for buildings for fire brigade use

DIN 14661

Firefighting equipment - Fire-brigade control panel for fire detection and fire alarm systems

DIN 14623

Signs for orientation at automatic fire detectors

DIN 14675

Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Design and operation

DIN 4066

Information signs for fire brigade

DIN VDE 0833

(Part 1+2) Alarm systems for fire, intrusion and hold-up

DIN EN 50130-4

Immunity requirements for components of fire, intruder and social alarm systems

VDE 0100

Erection of power installations with rated voltages up to 1000 V

VDE 0800

Telecommunications; general concepts; requirements and tests for the safety of facilities and apparatus

VDE 0804

Particular safety requirements for equipment to be connected to telecommunication networks and/or a cable distribution system

VDE 0845

Lighting protection, protection of fire detection and alarm systems

FM 3010

Approval Standard for Fire Alarm Signaling Systems


National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code

Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Safety and general notices ISO standards ISO/TR 7240-14

Guidelines for drafting codes of practice for design, installation and use of fire detection and fire alarm systems

VdS directives VdS 2031

Lightning and overvoltage protection in electrical systems

VdS 2095

Guidelines for the planning and installation of automatic fire detection systems

VdS 2105

Rules for physical security devices - Key deposit boxes

VdS 2496

Guidelines for the triggering of fire extinguishing systems

VdS 2833

(Draft) Protective measures against overvoltage in hazard detection systems

All regulations in their current edition

Always observe the national and company internal safety and accident prevention regulations applicable in the country of use.  Additional requirements at the installation location must be considered.


Operator's obligation The operator must only allow persons to work at or with the device who - are familiar with the basic regulations of occupational safety and accident prevention and have been instructed in the use of the device and the complete system, - have read and understood the operating manual including the safety and warning notices. Areas of responsibility, competence and monitoring of personnel must be clearly specified by the operator.


User's obligation Prior to commencing work, all persons working with the device are obliged to - observe the basic regulations of occupational safety and accident prevention, - have read and understood the operating manual including its safety and warning notices.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Safety and general notices

Electrostatic charge Destruction of components due to electrostatic discharges. Malfunctions that appear after a delay due to pre-damaged components. During all work on the components of the FMZ 5000 a safe equipotential bonding between persons, workplace and control panel must be established.

The personnel for assembly, operation, maintenance, inspection, and repair must have the relevant qualifications for carrying out these tasks.

Any queries regarding the operating manual must be resolved with the appropriate superior or the manufacturer of the system as soon as they arise.


Alterations and modifications Unauthorised alterations and modifications of the device are not permitted and invalidate any manufacturer liability.


Documentation of additional system components Where the device is used in conjunction with other components from Minimax GmbH & Co. KG (or another manufacturer) proper operation of the system must be ensured prior to commissioning the system and the respective manufacturer documentation must have been read and understood. For proper operation, all components in the system must be listed in the fire alarm control panel or must have been approved by Minimax GmbH & Co. KG.


Spare parts Spare parts must meet the technical requirements of the manufacturer. This can only be guaranteed for original spare parts or spare parts that have been released by the manufacturer of the fire alarm control panel.


Technical developments The manufacturer reserves the right to modify the line in the interest of technical development while retaining the key features of the device type described without corrections to this operating manual. The appendixes of this document include up-to-date information on special functions, operations or features.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Safety and general notices


New versions of the firmware for modules or cards In the course of further development, Minimax provides new versions of the firmware for modules or cards for update on its Intranet. The updates can be loaded onto a PC per download. The firmware can then be updated with special programming devices. Instructions for updating the firmware for modules of the MxM bus, the CAN Bus as well as zone control panel and central card are given in the manual  FHM20.6 “Service case FMZ5000, description service case application”, part no.: 908560. The manual is available for download on the Minimax Intranet.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Installation and connection


Installation and connection

Always observe the installation regulations of the devices to be installed. These are shown on the corresponding supplementary sheets.

In the appendix of this document are included other important informations about the functioning of the fire alarm control panel as well as installation, commissioning and maintenance.


General notes on cabling The cable network must be installed in accordance with the accepted technical rules and building regulations. The following notes must always be observed in order to ensure safe transmission routes and thereby the protection concept as a whole: - Electromagnetic interferences upon the cables must be avoided. - Only tested quality cables matching the technical specification of the system must be used. Preferably MINIMAX fire detection cables should be used. - Protect cables from mechanical damage. For reasons of mechanics, select a cable diameter of  0.8 mm (AWG 20). - Where possible run cables separate from the cables of other equipment. - Always avoid parallel runs or crossing over of energy cables. - Securely tighten cable clamps, preferably use wire end ferrules. - Avoid unnecessary contact points and soldered connections. Cable extensions using luster or twisted connectors are not permitted. - When connecting spark extinguishing systems use flexible cable due to pipe vibration.

In individual cases special measures may be required for the screening or earthing of the cables of spark extinguishing systems. Request the advice of the manufacturer’s service department in this regard. - If lines are run through the distributors of other fire detection installations, the connection terminals must be marked in red.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Installation and connection


Installation checks After installation the following points must always be checked: - Correct fit of all internal connections of the fire alarm control panel and connected devices, e.g. ribbon cable connectors and terminals. - Correct nature of installation cabling with regard to: - no short circuit, - no ground contact, - no connection with external voltages. The following protective measures must be carried out: - protective measures against overvoltage (overvoltage earth wire, device protection), - protective measures against lightning discharge, - correct connection to the potential equalisation of the building, - mechanical protection of cable, distributors and devices.


Mains connection

Danger through contact with high voltages! Danger to life or of injury due to electric shock. De-energize all circuits on which work is carried out prior to starting the work. The mains connection must only be carried out by qualified and authorized persons. The fire alarm control panel must feature a separate power supply which is protected by its own, specially marked fuse (10A delay action). The switching-off of other equipment must not affect the FACP. Before this fuse only one fuse must be present up to the low-voltage side supply feed of the electrical mains (location of the energy supply feed into the building containing the FACP). The supply cable must have a minimum wire cross section of 1.5 mm2 (AWG 16). The mains supply feed must be run over the shortest distance within the housing. Excess cable length must be run outside the housing of the FACP.

Relays for the switching of mains voltages must always be connected to the mounting rail with the power supply input terminals or to separate mounting rails. Lines carrying mains voltages must only be run separately from other lines inside the control panel and over the shortest possible distance.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Installation and connection


Earth connections

Non insulated live metal parts! Danger to life or of injury due to electric shock. De-energize all circuits on which work is carried out prior to starting the work. The mains connection must only be carried out by qualified and authorized persons. The PE conductor is connected to the PE terminal of the mains supply terminal strip. The potential equalisation is connected to the interior housing wall with screw bolts.

National regulations, valid directives and regulations must always be observed.

The control panel does not feature a ground connection monitor because the detection, control lines and all functions maintain full functionality even with a single ground contact. A double ground contact will cause a short circuit with corresponding message.

In explosive areas with protection type Ex i the GND of the detection or loop lines is connected to earth via the EX barriers. A ground contact on the plus conductor will cause a short circuit and is displayed as such. Where ground connection monitoring is installed, Zener barriers with electrical decoupled Ex i- output must be used.

When using Ex i detectors on a detector loop, Zener barriers with electrical insulation must always be used. Control panels with FM approval always contain a ground contact monitor, therefore electrically insulated Zener barriers are mandatory.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Installation and connection


Overvoltage protection

Danger of overvoltages on all components of the fire alarm system due to lightning or induced voltages Failure of the fire alarm control panel due to damages on all components. Interruptions due to false alarms or erroneous activation of fire extinguishing systems. Damages caused by extinguishing agents (e.g. water damages). Take all necessary measures against overvoltages and lightning.

The operator of the fire alarm system must be advised of the necessity to install the protection elements on site by the installation company of the fire alarm and extinguishing control panel. Comprehensive protection against damage from lightning and overvoltage can only be achieved by internal (fine, medium and coarse protection) and external lightning protection (lightning interceptor systems, grounding and potential equalisation  measures). This requires protective measures such as screening and earthing, for example. The required measures depend mainly on the installation location of the system components and devices connected to the fire alarm system.

Detailed information on the design of protective measures against overvoltage can be found in the following publications: VDE 0845 part 1 “Protection of communication systems” Directive VdS 2833 “Overvoltage protection”  Directive VdS 2031 “Lightning and overvoltage protection in electrical systems” Amendments to VdS 2095 “Planning and installation of automatic fire alarm systems”.


Conductors To ensure the proper functioning of parts of the fire alarm system, here referring to the loop detector, spark detector and solenoid valves in particular, the lines must exhibit specific properties. The following sections provide instructions for calculating the line cross section and selecting the cable type.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Installation and connection 2.6.1

Calculating the line resistance To ensure the proper functioning of the fire alarm system the maximum permitted line resistance must not be exceeded. For lines to detectors on a single loop the maximum line capacities must also be considered.

The line resistance RL (for copper conductors) can be calculated using the following formula: 2l

R L = -------------56  A

l = single length of the line A = cross section of the line in mm2

Calculation of the required line cross section A

2l A = -----------------------Rmax  56 The length is doubled on account of the run and return line in the cable.


Permitted line specifications For the connection of detectors and consumers to the FMZ 5000 the following line resistance values must not be exceeded: Component

Limit values

Max. line length (cable type) 700 m (2297 ft)

Conventional detector groups

Resistance: 50 

Primary control groups

Resistance: 3 

125 m (410 ft) (A = 1.5 mm² /AWG 16) 210 m (688 ft) (A = 2.5 mm² /AWG 14)

Detector loop

Impedance: 100  Capacity: 200 nF Inductivity: 4 mH

1100 m (3609 ft) (Minimax fire detection cable) JY(ST)Y 2x2x0.8 mm (AWG 20) 2000 m (6562 ft) when using two parallel wires each for both the line run and return

(Minimax fire detection cable 20) J-Y (ST) Y)

0.8 mm (AWG

Tab. 2.1 Limit values of the lines


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Installation and connection 2.6.3

Cable types For installing the fire alarm system the cable types given in the table should  preferably be used. Cable use for:

Prescribed cable type

Pairs / Wires

Standard cable for detector lines

J-Y(ST)Y Minimax fire detector cable

2 x 2 x 0.8 mm

Detection cable for unfavourable EMC conditions

LiYCY with braided screen

5 x 0.5 mm2 (AWG 20)

Explosive areas behind barrier

JE-Y(ST)Y blue

2 x 2 x 0.8 mm

Supply cable for detector lines


Number of wires 2 x 2 x 0.8 mm (AWG 20)

Mains supply feed and control of consumers with increased power consumption


Number of wires x  1.5 mm2 (AWG 16)

(AWG 20)

(AWG 20)

Tab. 2.2 Cable types

 Always use cables with static or braided screens for the cabling of fire detectors on conventional lines or detector loops.


Detector loop lines When installing detector loops the very different parameters for achieving a correct function must be taken into account. To check that the intended layout (number of detectors, line length, loop current, etc.) is valid in accordance with the parameters of the loop module, either the loop calculator by Minimax GmbH & Co. KG or Apollo Ltd. has to be used.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Installation and connection


Electromagnetic compatibility Where negative electromagnetic interference is expected the cables must be  screened.

EMC interference can be expected in particular where lines run next to electrical switching devices, in power stations, or next to high frequency systems (transmitter, heat generation, welding etc.). The interstice wires and screens of input and output lines must be connected to each other in the detectors. If a connection to the detector housing is made, the housing must not be connected to the earth potential. The interstice wires and screens must only be connected to the earth potential at one end because otherwise equalizing currents flow through the detector cable and may result in malfunctions.  Special contact studs are available in the housing of the control panel for this connection.

Screens of detector loops must not be connected to earth potential in the control panel but must be drawn away insulated from each other and from the earth potential.

Screens of spark detectors must be connected to the cable glands (screw connections) of the detector housing.

An electrically well conducting connection of the control panel housing to the potential equalization of the building must be ensured.

Details of laying cable screens and connecting them to the earth potential are found in the installation instructions and leaflets of the devices to be connected.


Environmental compatibility The fire alarm control panel FMZ 5000 has been tested in accordance with the following standards and directives and complies fully with the environmental requirements contained therein.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Installation and connection 2.8.1

Protection against electromagnetic interferences Requirements from standard DIN EN 50130-4 "Immunity requirements for components of fire, intruder and social alarm systems” Sections


Test conditions

Section 9

Electrostatic discharge during operation

Intensity: Atmospheric discharge on insulating surfaces with discharge voltages of 2 kV, 4 kV, and 8 kV. Contact discharge on conducting surfaces with discharge voltages of 2 kV, 4 kV, and 6 kV. Positive and negative polarity, 10 discharges each per test location in intervals of at least 1 second between two discharges.

Section 10

Radiated electromagnetic fields

Intensity: Frequencies 80 MHz - 2 GHz, Field strength 10V/m, sinusoidal amplitude modulation 80 % at 1 kHz.

Section 11

Conductor-induced errors, induced electromagnetic fields

Intensity: Frequency 0.15 - 100 MHz, voltage (EMC in V) 10 V Amplitude modulation 80 % at 1 kHz.

Section 12

Voltage peaks, fast transient disturbances (bursts) during operation

Intensity: 2 kV between mains inputs and on protective conductor via coupling network, 1 kV on direct current supply lines in low voltage range.

Section 13

Voltage peaks, slow transient disturbances of high energy during operation

Intensity: For AC mains supply lines wire-to-wire: 0.5 kV and 1 kV, wire-to-earth: 0.5, 1, 2 kV via a 10  coupled resistor. For signal and data lines wire-to-earth: 0.5 kV and 1 kV via a 40  coupled series resistor.

Section 8

Mains disruption and mains voltage interruptions during operation

Intensity: Voltage drop 30 %, 60 %, 100 %.

Section 7

Supply voltage fluctuations during operation

Operation at minimum (-10 %) and maximum (+ 15%) mains supply voltage.

Tab. 2.3 Sections of the standard DIN EN 50130-4


Protection against climatic conditions Tests in accordance with EN54-2: No./Issue


Test conditions

IEC 68-2-1

Cold conditions during operation

Intensity: Temperature -5 °C (23 °F) +/- 3 °C (37.4 °F), duration 16 hours

IEC 68-2-3

Humid heat during operation

Intensity: Temperature +40 °C (104 °F) +/- 2 °C (35.6 °F/28.4 °F), humidity 93% rel. +2% -3%, duration 4 days

IEC 68-2-3

Humid heat long-term test

Intensity: Temperature +40 °C (104 °F) +/-2 °C (35.6 °F/28.4 °F), humidity 93% rel. +2% -3%, duration 21 days

Tab. 2.4 Climatic conditions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Installation and connection 2.8.3

Protection against mechanical loads Tests in accordance with EN54-2: No./Issue


Test conditions

IEC 68-2-6

Sinusoidal vibrations  during operation

Intensity: Frequency 10 - 150 Hz, acceleration 0.981 ms-2, corresponding to 0.1 gn, in 3 axes for 3 passthroughs

IEC 68-2-6

Sinusoidal vibrations  during operation

Intensity: Frequency 10 - 150 Hz, acceleration 4.905 ms-2, corresponding to 0.5 gn, in 3 axes for 20 passthroughs

IEC 817

Impact during operation

Intensity: Impact energy 0.5+/- 0.04 J,  3 impacts each per test location

Tab. 2.5 Mechanical loads

Danger due to overvoltages, electromagnetic influences, high temperatures, humidity or vibrations.  Failure or impairment of function of components of the fire alarm system. Protection against fire may be reduced. Only use the FMZ 5000 under service conditions which are never expected to exceed part of or all requirements specified in section 2.8 "Environmental compatibility". If this is not ensured, contact the manufacturer to clarify the use of the FMZ 5000 prior to commissioning!


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0





Requirements of the installation location of the control panel The room in which the fire alarm control panel (FACP) is to be installed must always meet the requirements of VDE 0800-1 and VDE 0833-2 as well as DIN 14675 and must be coordinated with the relevant authorities and institutions. Key requirements are: - The FACP must be installed in an easily accessible room within the object to be monitored - The room must be protected against harmful external influences from dust, dirt, liquids, gas and vibration - No harmful influences by gas, water or heat, for example, must affect the FACP through the room - The room must always be accessible - The lighting must be sufficient to allow an unrestricted operation of the control panel The room must be monitored by automatic detectors. The room must be adequately air conditioned in compliance with the requirements of the FACP: - ambient temperature during operation: -5° C (23°F) to +40° C (104°F). The humidity can be a maximum of: -

temporary: 95% rel. humidity (without condensation)


constant: 70% rel. humidity (without condensation)

Marking - The room must be signposted with a sign in accordance with DIN 4066 reading  "FACP" on the door. The same applies if the FACP is located in a cabinet. - The way to the room with the FACP must be signposted.


Installation - control panel housing

Prior to installing the FACP the installation location must be checked for sufficient load bearing capacity and firmness! The weight of the FACP including the emergency power supply batteries installed in it must be taken into account.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions



The FACP must be installed such that all display elements can be read and the control elements are easily accessible. All control and display elements of the control panel must be arranged between 0.8 m (2.6 ft) and 1.8 m (5.9 ft) above the standing space of the operator.

During the construction phase, the FACP must be sufficiently protected against dust and dirt by covering it with plastic sheeting!


Installation - control panel wall housing The wall housing of the FMZ 5000 is designed for the installation on smooth walls. 1.Mark bore holes using the bore hole template supplied or with a measuring tool (item 1).


2.Drill holes to the diameter of the wall plugs to be used and insert the supplied wall plugs. 3.Screw in hexagonal screws (item 2). The screws for hanging the wall housing should be left protruding for about 6 mm (0.02 ft).


4.Hang the wall housing. 5.Insert bottom screw(s) from the inside of the housing into the bore hole(s), slide the distance tube over from the outside and insert further into the wall plugs. 6.Tighten all screws. 7.Check for vertical and tight fit of the wall housing. Fig. 3.1 Installation of the control panel wall housing


Installation - freestanding housing Freestanding housings must be secured against falling over by anchoring the base of the housing with the foundation.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0



Cable feed

3 1


Fig. 3.2 Cable feed showing the example of mod 12

Pos. Designation 1 2 3

Pre-punched holes Cable glands Potential equalization rail, fixing the cables with a plastic cable tie

Cable feed to the housing and the components The following steps are illustrated by figures of mod 12. Proceed accordingly for other housing variants of the FMZ 5000. 1. Open cable ducts to the component to be connected. 2. Open the pre-punched holes for metric screwed cable glands (item 1, view from below) at the underside of the housing for the connection cable required. 3. Fit metric screwed cable glands (item 2) and feed cables as required from below into the housing. 4. Run cables to the components and shorten to the required connection lengths and strip off insulation. 5. Connect screens or interstice wires of detector cables to the contact stud of the potential equalisation rail (item 3) by fixing the cables with a plastic cable tie. The instructions for screenings in the sections 2.1 and 2.7 must be observed. 6. If necessary, fit wire end ferrules on the stripped wire ends. 7. Connect the components. Connection references and configuration of the  individual components can be found in the respective sections. 8. Sort cable looms and tie together with cable ties. 9. Secure the connecting cable by tightening the cable glands. 10. Make sure that the cables are correctly connected and firmly seated. FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Assembling 11.Close cable ducts. 12.Close FACP.

Lead the lines coming from above between the rear side of the housing and the wall.

The subsequent procedure for connecting all cables to the device components (modules) of the FACP will be detailed in the following sections.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Mains connection for basic designs


Mains connection for basic designs



Fig. 4.1 Terminal strip of power supply for mod 4 and mod 12

Terminal block





PE conductor connection


zero conductor connection


zero conductor connection


L1 230V~ connection

Tab. 4.1 Configuration of terminal strip X101

Terminal block





GND internal


GND internal

24 V

24 V internal

24 V

24 V internal


GND external

24 V

24 V external

Tab. 4.2 Configuration of terminal strip X110 mod 4 and mod 12



Fig. 4.2 Terminal strip of power supply for mod XL




1 2

X101 mains connection X110 power supply 24 V FACP

pre-fitted in control panel pre-fitted in control panel

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Mains connection for basic designs Terminal block





L1 230V~ connection


L1 230V~ connection (optional)


zero conductor connection


zero conductor connection


PE conductor connection


PE conductor connection


PE conductor connection

Tab. 4.3 Configuration of terminal strip X101 (example)

Terminal block





GND external


GND external


fuse 24 V external


24 V external


24 V external

Tab. 4.4 Configuration of terminal strip X110 mod XL (example)

The following instructions apply for all variants of the FACP.

In individual cases the terminal strip of the supply voltage can be provided with a different number of terminals by special constructions in the FACP. The structure of X101 and X110 is however always as shown.


Connection of the mains supply in the fire alarm control panel (FACP)

Only the connections for the power supply input must be made. All internal wiring of the power supply units in the FACP has already been made at factory.

The wires must be run to the connection terminals via the shortest distance. If reserve cable lengths are to be provided these must be outside the housing. 1. The mains cable must be fed into the control panel via a separate cable gland (screw connection). Use the PG screw gland lying closest to the terminal X101. 2. Connect the wires of the mains cable to the corresponding terminals of the terminal strip X101. 32

Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Mains connection for basic designs 3. Secure the mains supply feed by tightening the cable gland.


Connection of the mains supply line to the mains power supply

The mains supply of the FACP must come from its own separately fused circuit. - For the power supply input use a separate pre-fuse (10 A / time-lag) in the power distribution system. - The series fuse must be marked by a red sign with “FACP” in white writing and if  necessary also with the number of the FACP for network connections.


Mains connection with report printer 2




Fig. 4.3 Terminal strip of the power supply with printer option

Pos. Designation


1 2

24 V power supply for FACP Mains connection


Additional fused terminal F2 for printer


Additional power supply for printer

pre-fitted ex works pre-fitted ex works pre-fitted ex works Fuse 0.5 A/250V part no.:150136 pre-fitted ex works

A report printer installed in the FACP needs a separate power supply unit with its own F2 mains fuse. The power supply is mounted on the support rail next to terminal strip X101. The internal wiring of the power supply with the report printer can be seen in the  Fig. 4.4 "Internal interconnection of printer and power supply unit".

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Mains connection for basic designs


1 3



4 Fig. 4.4 Internal interconnection of printer and power supply unit

Pos. Designation 1 2 3 4


Power supply unit If printer is installed Mains Printer

Power supply of the modules

For more information on power supply of the modules see chapter 5. The power supply of the modules is always fed at the end of a module series. For this the voltage must be connected star-shaped from the voltage distributor to the 10-pole terminal at the bottom of the module housing. Terminal 7 and 8

+24 V connection

Terminal 9 and 10

GND connection

This supply is carried out at factory for all the modules used.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Mains connection for basic designs


Installing additional modules in the fire alarm control panel (FACP)

Mechanical load must not be applied to the plugs and sockets on the underside of the modules. First mount the modules individually on the mounting rail and then push them together. Mounting additional modules on mounting rail with existing modules 1. De-energize the FACP. 2. Remove the 10-pin terminal strip on the right underside of the currently last  module. 3. Mount the module on the mounting rail. If there are several modules, mount these individually on the mounting rail. 4. Push the module(s) against the currently last module by pushing on the side of the module at the height of the underside of the module so that the connectors on the module underside are correctly connected. 5. Plug the 10-pin terminal strip with the connection cables of the supply voltage and the terminators in the free socket on the right side of the last module positioned on the outside right of the mounting rail. - The power supply to the modules is established in this way. Installing additional module series on other mounting rails 1. De-energize the FACP. 2. Mount the modules individually on the mounting rail and push them together by pushing on the side of the module at the height of the underside of the module so that the connectors on the module underside are correctly connected. 3. Remove the 10-pin terminal strip on the right underside of the hitherto last module. 4. From the socket that has been freed by this on the right side of the module, establish an electrical connection to the connector on the left side of the first new module by using the connection cable “module expansion cable set”  for mod 12 part no. 904101 and for mod XL part no. 905113. If the required supply current for all the added modules including their connected consumers is >1 A, the added module series must be provided with its own star-shaped voltage supply. For details, see Fig. 4.5.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Mains connection for basic designs


3 4 Module expansion cable set Article no. 904101 for mod 12 Article no. 905113 for mod XL 3



Fig. 4.5 Power supply of the modules

Pos. Designation 1 2 3 4


Existing modules Added modules +24 V terminal 7 and 8 GND terminal 9 and 10

Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Mains connection for basic designs


Fuses in all basic designs Item




Mains fuse power supply

4 A / 250 V time-lag fuse; part no. 150276


Mains fuse power supply NT5100 3 A

3.15 A / 250 V time-lag fuse; part no. 908576


Mains fuse power supply NT5100 8 A / 12 A

6,3 A / 250 V time-lag fuse; part no. 908577


Mains fuse printer (only when printer is installed)

0.5 A / 250 V time-lag fuse; part no. 150136


Output fuse 24 V DC

2 A / 250 V time-lag fuse; part no. 150240


Battery fuse 1

20 A / 32 V flat; part no. 904021 25 A / 32 V flat; part no. 905080 (do not use auto fuse)


Battery fuse 2  (only with batteries connected in parallel)

25 A / 32 V flat; part no. 905080 (do not use auto fuse)


Mains fuse 3  (only with power supply units connected in parallel)

4 A / 250 V time-lag fuse; part no. 150276


Mains fuse 4  (only with installed switch cabinet light)

4 A / 250 V time-lag fuse; part no. 150276

F7, F8

Fuses Outlets NT5100 3 A

3.15 A / 250 V time-lag fuse; part no. 908576

F7, F8

Fuses Outlets NT5100 8 A / 12 A

12.5 A / 250 V time-lag fuse; part no. 908579

Tab. 4.5 Fuses in basic designs


Power supply of FMZ 5000 mod 4, mod 12 and mod XL

There is no supply voltage feed-in to the consumers. Malfunction and possible destruction of the module.  Consumers may not be activated. The power supply connections of all external consumers with a current consumption of >0.5 A must be connected separately to the module. For this, connect the line connections from the terminals "24V" (not protected) and "GND" of the terminal strip X110 with the corresponding terminals "+24DC" and "GND" on the terminal strips X1 to X4. Connect the supply voltage of the consumers preferably to the power distribution module. See section 5 “Module power distribution”. It must be possible to draw the maximum release current either solely from the power supply unit or from the batteries. The voltage supply of the fire detection control panel depends on the total power consumption of all internal and external components as well as the emergency power battery capacity needed. FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Mains connection for basic designs Five different power supply units can be used for the FACP. Which power supply unit can be used in which housing variants is shown in Tab. 4.6. The maximum of connectable batteries is based on the respective power supply unit. Power supply unit NT5100 3 A Part no. 908452

mod 4 (7,2 Ah)1

mod 12 (26 Ah)1



26 Ah


40 Ah

NT5000 5 A Part no. 901037

mod XL (115 Ah)1

Maximum connectable battery

NT5000 15 A Part no. 901038


115 Ah

NT5100 8 A Part no. 908453


115 Ah

NT5100 12 A Part no. 908454


115 Ah


maximum that can be set in the housing

Tab. 4.6 Power supply unit and battery options of the basic designs

Only batteries in the permitted capacity range of the power supply unit used must be connected.


Mechanical installation of the power supplies

Danger to life or of injury due to electric shock. Ensure prior to installation of the power supply ensure that mains supply to the mains cables are switched off. Disconnect the mains cables and secure them against being switched on again. Comply with applicable national safety regulations! The devices are ready for installation onto a 35 mm (1.38 in) support rail in accordance with IEC 60 715. On the back of the power supply there is a bracket to snap onto the support rail. The method for mounting the support rail can be seen in the Fig. 4.6 below. For removal the power supply is pressed down after which the procedure is in the reverse order.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Mains connection for basic designs

Fig. 4.6 Mounting the power supply unit on rail

Always mount the temperature sensor close to the batteries for precise measurement of the battery temperature. It must not lie in the waste heat flow of a component.


Power supply NT5100 3 A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Fig. 4.7 Power supply NT5100 3 A

Pos. Designation



F1, Mains


Mains terminal L, N, PE


F7 power supply fuse of control panel


F8 fuse of external power supply

5 6 7

Connecting terminal Temperature sensor Connecting terminal

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Mains fuse 3.15 A inert H (5x20) Part no. 908576 Connection of the mains supply line 3.15 A / 250 V time-lag fuse (5x20)  Part no. 15 02 40 3.15 A / 250 V time-lag fuse (5x20) Part no. 908576 Internal, external, battery power supply Temperature-controlled battery charging Faulty power supply

Operating Instructions


Mains connection for basic designs

The mains voltage input automatically adjusts to the mains voltage applied. No changeovers must be made.


Internal wiring with NT5100 3 A

1 2

3 4 5

Fig. 4.8 Internal wiring with NT5100 3 A

Pos. Designation 1 2 3 4 5

Power supply unit Mains Module Terminating resistor Low Bus 120E Terminating resistor Can 120E

All connections of the power supply unit are already completely wired in the control panel. No connection work is necessary at the installation site.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Mains connection for basic designs 4.9.2

Technical data NT5100 3 A Parameter


Input voltage

115 V AC / 230 V AC ±15%, Automatic switchover of the ranges


50 Hz / 60 Hz

Max. current consumption

1.3 A (115 V) / 0.7 A (230 V)

Output voltage rated value

24 V DC

Output current Imax a

3 A – C/20 C = battery capacity

Output current Imax b


Short circuit current without battery

3 A +15 % at an output voltage of > 60% UL

Max. charging current


Permissible battery capacity

7.2 Ah to 26 Ah

Maximum internal resistance of the battery Rimax

650 m ±10%

Internal consumption from the battery in case of power failure

approx. 55 mA

Number of voltage outputs

2, User 1 (control panel) and User 2 (external supply)

Fuses for voltage outputs

3.15 A inert H (5 x 20)

Fuse for battery output

4 A, self-resetting

Mains fuse

3.15 A inert H (5 x 20)

Total discharge protection

21 V ± 3 %

Failure detection

Power failure Battery missing Impedance of the battery too high Fuse output 1 or 2 defective

Failure message

Indication through relay contact and LED

LED Indication

green: operation yellow: power failure red: battery or output fuse defective

Relay contacts for failure messages

max. 30 V / 1 A (DC), changer, potential-free

Repetition rate Repetition rate test battery available -  Internal resistance and low voltage

Every 3 s to 15 min. after switching on, subsequently, every 15 min. every 4 hours

Relay contacts for failure messages

max. 30 V / 1 A (DC), changer, potential-free

Repetition rate Repetition rate test battery available -  Internal resistance

Every 3 s to 15 min. after switching on, subsequently, every 15 min. every 4 hours

-5 °C (23 °F) to +50 °C (122 °F), at 100% capacity  Derating -2 W/°C from 50 °C (122 °F) to 70 °C (158 °F)

Ambient temperature Max. relative humidity (not bedewing) FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions

96 %, without bedewing


Mains connection for basic designs Parameter


Length x width x depth (from the mounting rail)

185 x 105 x 65 [mm] (7.28 x 4.13 x 2.55 [in])


0.8 kg (1.76 lb)

Tab. 4.7 Technical data NT5100 3 A


Approvals NT5100 3 A The power supply unit with the  0333-CPD-075232 certificate of conformity is certified as complying with EN54-4:1997 + A1:2002 +A2:2006 "Power supply equipment for fire detection and fire alarm systems in buildings".

The VdS approval number is G209209


Power supplies NT5000 5 A and 15 A















Fig. 4.9 Power supplies NT5000 5 A and 15 A


Pos. Designation


1 2 3 4 5 6

LED Sliding switch X2 connecting terminal X1 connecting terminal X4 connecting terminal X3 connecting terminal


X5 connecting terminal

Normal operation indication Settings for the CANBus Power supply input Temperature sensor, CANBus Battery connection Supply of control panel and external consumers Fault signal, supply voltage for external consumers (idle in event of power failure)

Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Mains connection for basic designs All connections of the power supply unit are already completely wired in the control panel. No connection work is necessary at the installation site.

Fig. 4.10 Position of connection terminals and fuses of 5 A and 15 A

Fig. 4.10 shows the position of the connection terminals and their meanings. The position and meaning of the terminals is identical for both power supply units. The jumper for setting the charging curve must be set to "Battery 2". The sliding switches for configuring the CAN bus communication can be set to any positions because the CAN bus is currently not used.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Mains connection for basic designs 4.10.1

Internal wiring with NT5000 5 A and 15 A






5 5

5 12 7

8 13 6 9 10 Fig. 4.11 Internal wiring with NT5000 5 A and 15 A

Pos. Designation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Power supply unit (PSU) Mains Modules Terminating resistor Low Bus 120E Battery 2x12 V / max. 40 Ah 5A, max. 130Ah 15A Central card 24V external fused Fuse monitored PSU fault Cable shield Alternate battery arrangement with 15A-PSU 4x12V serial/parallel and  capacity >36Ah External Internal

If the output X5.1 is used, it must be protected with an external fuse (2 A time-lag for NT5000 5 A or 5 A time-lag for NT5000 15 A). The output is short-circuit proof, however in the event of overload it could result in faults without external protection.

The voltage on X5.1 and X5.2 only exists when mains voltage is connected. 44

Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Mains connection for basic designs Consumers whose function is not absolutely necessary in the event of a power failure, e.g. a printer, can be connected to this voltage output. This output can also be used over a 24 V relay to switch specific parts of the system with the "power failure"' function.

The "Fuse Monitor" input on X5.3 is used to monitor the fuse for external consumers. If the input is not used, it must be connected with X5.1 ("unbuffered 24V"). 1 2

3 Fig. 4.12 Fusmonitoring of external consumers

Pos. Designation 1 2 3

Fuse monitored 24V (X3) External consumers Fuse monitoring (X5.3) (fuse monitor)

The "General Fault" output is set when the voltage at this input (X5.3) drops below 15 V.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Mains connection for basic designs 4.10.2

Technical data NT5000 5 A and 15 A Parameter

NT5000 5 A

Input voltage

NT5000 12 A

115 V AC +10% / -15% 230 V AC +10% / -15% Automatic switching of range


50 Hz / 60 Hz

Max. current consumption

3.0 A (115 V) / 1.7 A (230 V)

6.5 A (115 V) / 4.3 A (230 V)

Efficiency at full load

approx. 84%

approx. 86%

Output voltage rated value

24 V

Output voltage range

21 V to 29 V

Output voltage at 20 °C (68 °F)

27.9 V (battery 1)

Output voltage at 20 °C (68 °F)

27.3 V (battery 2)

Load dependency open circuit / full load A1

approx. 0.08 V

approx. 0.20 V

Load dependency open circuit / full load A2

approx. 0.02 V

approx. 0.11 V

Output current at A1 Imax b


15 A

Output current at A1 Imax a

3.5 A

10.3 A

Charging current at A2

1.5 A

4.7 A

Output current at A3



Maximum internal resistance of the battery Rimax

400 m

100 m

Ripple at A1 with full load

approx. 20 mVss

Ripple at A2 with full load

approx. 20 mVss

Permitted battery capacity

7.2 Ah to 40 Ah

18 Ah to 115 Ah

Quiescent current from battery during mains failure Voltage drop during battery operation (full load)

approx. 40 mVss approx. 50 mA

0.25 V

0.65 V

Overvoltage trigger-level

33 V

Deep discharge protection cut-off

21 V ± 0.4 V

Relay contact

max. 30 V DC / 0.5 A DC X1:10: NO, switching to GND during failure X5:4: NC, inverse to X1:10

Battery test repeat frequency

60 s

Battery test duration

100 ms

Battery test discharge current


Differential voltage for battery failure


Ambient temperature

-5 °C to 50 °C (23 °F to 122 °F)

Max. rel. humidity (non-condensing)

96 %

Storage temperature

-20 °C to 80 °C (-4 °F to 176 °F)


190 mm (7.48 in)

250 mm (9.84 in)


129 mm (5.07 in)

150 mm (5.90 in)

Depth (measured from supply rail) Weight

103 mm (4.05 in) 1.3 kg (2.86 lb)

3.2 kg (7.05 lb)

Tab. 4.8 Technical data NT5000 5 A and 15 A


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Mains connection for basic designs 4.10.3

Approvals NT5000 5 A and 15 A The power supply units with the  0786-CPD-20360 certificate of conformity for NT5000 5 A and 0786-CPD-20282 certificate of conformity for NT5000 15 A are certified as complying with EN54-4:1997 + A1:2002 +A2:2006 "Power supply equipment for fire detection and fire alarm systems in buildings". The VdS approval number are G204140 for NT5000 5 A G204139 for NT5000 15 A


Power supplies NT5100 8 A and 12 A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Fig. 4.13 Power supplies NT5100 8 A and 12 A

Pos. Designation


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Connection of the mains supply line Status indicator Connection forwarding messages Supply of external consumers For measuring the battery temperature Supply of control panel Battery connection

Mains terminal LED Connecting terminal Connecting terminal Temperature sensor Connecting terminal Connecting terminal

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Mains connection for basic designs

6 7 8 5 1

2 3


Fig. 4.14 Position of the connection terminals and fuses 8 A and 12 A

Pos. Designation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NC: NO:

Mains Temperature sensor Output Util 2 Output Util 2 Output battery Mains fault Battery fault Power supply fault Normally Closed (normally closed contact) Normally Opened (normally open contact)

Fig. 4.14 shows the position of the connection terminals and their meanings. The position and meaning of all terminals are identical for both power supply units. F1

Fuse: 6.3 A


Voltage output 2: 12.5 A


Voltage output 1: 12.5 A

All connections of the power supply unit are already completely wired in the control panel. No connection work is necessary at the installation site. The power supply operates both with 230V AC and 115V AC 50Hz/60Hz mains voltage. Thanks to an integrated voltage identification, the power supply switches automatically over to the respective voltage range. All outputs are protected against short circuit and overvoltage (due to internal failures). The batteries are safely protected from total discharge, as the power supply switches off the charging output in case of low voltage. The batteries are periodically checked and monitored by the power supply. If the batteries are disconnected from the power supply or if the impedance of the battery exceeds a defined value, then the power supply sends an error message. Reversed connection of the battery will also cause an error message. Thus, any destruction of the power supply is ruled out. The charging voltage follows a defined temperature curve and is controlled by a temperature sensor permanently fitted to the power supply.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Mains connection for basic designs 4.11.1

Internal wiring with NT5100 8 A and 12 A 1


9 7

9 6

3 3 3

Fig. 4.15 Internal wiring with NT5100 8 A and 12 A

Pos. Designation



1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9

Central card 24V external fused External Internal

Power supply unit (PSU) Suppressor (only FMZ 5000 mod XL) Modules Terminating resistor Low Bus 120E Terminating resistor Can 120E

For the power supply to the fire control panel, output UTIL1, and for the power supply to the consumers, such as solenoid valves, hooters, flashlights, etc. output UTIL2 shall be used. Each output can be loaded with a maximum of 8 A or 12 A whereat the sum of the currents shall not exceed 8 A or 12 A. The wiring of the consumers shall be at least 2.5 mm² (AWG 14). When connecting both batteries, make sure that the polarity is correct. A reversed connection will not result in a destruction of the device. The power supply activates the ‚BATTERY‘ failure relay. The possibly existing battery fuse F4 may respond. After correct connection, replacement of the fuse, if any, and a waiting time of approx. 1 to 3 min. the device is again ready for operation.

The voltage outputs UTIL1 and UTIL2 are protected each by means of a non-resetting inert fuse of 12.5 A with the characteristic H. The battery charging output is protected by means of a self-resetting fuse. FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Mains connection for basic designs 4.11.2

Technical Data NT5100 8 A and 12 A Parameter

NT5100 8 A

Input voltage

NT5100 12 A

115 V AC ±15% 230 V AC ±15% Automatic switching of range


50 Hz / 60 Hz

Max. current consumption

1.3 A (115 V) / 0.7 A (230 V)

Max. make current

1.3 A (115 V) / 0.7 A (230 V)

75 A, limited by NTC

Output voltage rated value

24 V 27.2 V ± 2%

Off-load voltage UL Minimum output current Imin


Output current Imin a

8 A – C/20 C = battery capacity

12 A – C/20 C = battery capacity

Output current Imin b


12 A

Short circuit current without battery

6 A (0.75 x Imax b)

9 A (0.75 x Imax b)

Max. charging current

18 Ah to 85 Ah

18 Ah to 115 Ah

Permissible battery impedance Rimax

164 m ±10 %

Internal consumption from the battery in case of power failure

approx. 55 mA

Number of voltage outputs

2 (UTIL1 and UTIL2)

Fuses for voltage outputs

12.5 A inert H (5 x 20)

Fuse for battery output

16 A, gG Line Protection F (self-resetting)

Mains fuse

6.3 A inert H (5 x 20)

Voltage drop during battery operation (full load)

0.3 V

Total discharge protection

0.3 V 21 V ± 3 %

Failure detection

Power failure Battery missing Fuse output 1 or 2 defective

Failure message

Indication through relay contact and LED green: operation yellow: power failure red: battery or output fuse defective

Relay contacts for failure messages Repetition rate

max. 1 A / 24 V (DC) Directional floating contact every 30 s to 20 min after switching on, subsequently, every 15 min

Repetition rate test battery available impedance and low voltage

every 4 h

Ambient temperature

-5 °C (23 °F) to +65 °C (149 °F), at 100 % capacity

Max. relative humidity (not bedewing)

20 % to 95 %

Storage temperature

-25 °C (-13 °F) to 85 °C (185 °F)

Length x width x depth (from the mounting rail)

226 mm x 182 mm x 78 mm (8.89 ft x 7.16 ft x 3.07 ft)


2.22 kg (4.89 lb)

Tab. 4.9 Technical data NT5100 8 A and 12 A


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Mains connection for basic designs 4.11.3

Approvals NT5100 8 A and 12 A The power supply units with the NT5100 8A 0333-CPD-075214 NT5100 12A 0333-CPD-075215 are certified as complying with EN54-4:1997 + A1:2002 +A2:2006 „Power supply equipment for fire detection and fire alarm systems in buildings“. The VdS approval number are NT5100 8 A G210080 NT5100 12 A G210081


Power supply units connected in parallel There are basically three reasons for connecting two power supply units in parallel: 1. To increase the maximum output current. 2. To increase the maximum connectable battery capacity. 3. For redundancy, i.e. to continue a guaranteed voltage supply when one power supply unit fails.

The NT5000 5 A power supply unit can be connected in parallel for all three applications. Parallel connection of power supplies NT5000 15A NT5100 8 A NT5100 12 A is only for increasing battery capacity and due to reasons of redundancy. Parallel connection must not be used to increase the available current. Only power supply units of the same type must be connected in parallel. If more than the maximum current a power supply is needed for a fire alarm control panel, proceed as follows: 1. Divide the plus branches of the consumers appropriately into two groups. 2. Wire these separately and in each case connect to the output of a power supply unit (X3:3 / X3:4) or UTIL2. 3. The negative conductor of both power suppy units must be connected (at least 2.5 mm² (AWG 13)) so that all consumers of the fire alarm control panel have the same potential.


Electrical design of the parallel connection In all cases an external double diode must be provided for the parallel connection. For this, use the Schottky double diode 2x200 A/45 V part no. 904442. Mount this directly onto the housing of the FACP using 6 mm screws. The electrical connection must be achieved via the cable lugs A 6, part no. 907275.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Mains connection for basic designs Connect the outputs of both power supply units (X3:3 / UTIL1) with the anodes (outer connections), the cathode (middle connection) is a joint output.

Fig. 4.16 Housing of Schottky diode

To ensure fault-free operation, connect batteries to output A2 or BAT to both power supply units. The fault outputs ("General Fault" or further messages) can be connected with each other.  In the case of a fault, an LED indicates the faulty power supply unit. 11





6 2


5 13





14 8



4 9


Fig. 4.17 Parallel connected power supplies NT5000 5 A and 15 A


Pos. Designation



1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Fuse monitoring Power supply disrupted Cable shield Suppressor Rectifier module External Internal

Power supply Mains Module Central card Battery 2x12V / max. 38Ah 5A Terminating resistor Low Bus 120E 24V external fused Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Mains connection for basic designs 4

4 2





intern intern





3 6 7

Fig. 4.18 Parallel connected power supplies NT5100 8 A and 12 A

Pos. Designation



1 2 3 4 5

8 9 10 11 12

Terminating resistor Low Bus 120E Terminating resistor CAN 120E 24V external fused External Internal

Power supply Mains Module Suppressor Rectifier module

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Mains connection for basic designs




Battery monitoring

The battery capacity must be selected depending on the required standby time for power supply. The maximum capacities for each power supply unit used must be taken into account. At a storage temperature up to 25 °C the used battery might not be activated for more than 18 month. With storage temperatures > 40 °C the battery might be activated 3 month at the most. The activation date is debossed onto the housing. With longer activation times the battery has to be charged before use. With a terminal voltage of < 10.5 V the battery must not be used any longer.

If an uncertain battery status occurs it might be indicated as a pulselike battery fault, because of very precise battery monitoring. The key requirement of the EN54-4 A2:2006 standard is very precise checking of the batteries. Not only the presence of the batteries but also their impedance is tested as an indication of the available capacity. All resistances of the supply lines and fuses are also assessed in this test. The permitted values for the sum of battery impedance and resistances of the supply lines lie between 200 m and 650 m! Due to a simultaneous extension of the test intervals, it takes significantly longer until a battery fault is registered or reset (see Tab. 4.10 "Battery test properties"). It is also possible that the battery fault is displayed several times and disappears again if the measured battery impedance is close to the threshold for an intolerably high impedance. This phenomenon can occur more noticeably with new batteries that are used for the first time in the control panel or with older batteries that have been in operation for more than four years. If batteries are connected that have been in operation for a longer period and the battery fault is displayed, this can be caused by the impedance of the battery being too high. If the fault cannot be reset even after a further charging time of approx. 30 min., the batteries must be replaced. Test Test interval Battery present


NT5100 3 A

NT5100 8 A/12 A

NT5000 5A

NT5000 15 A

Every 30 secs. up to 15 min. after switching on: then every 15 min.

Every 30 secs. up to 20 min. after switching on: then every 15 min.

5 min

5 min

Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Mains connection for basic designs


NT5100 3 A

NT5100 8 A/12 A

NT5000 5A

NT5000 15 A

Test interval Internal resistance of the battery, undervoltage

every 4 h

every 4 h

each min

each min

Max. internal resistance of the batteries

450 m

100 m

400 m

100 m

Max. resistance of the supply line incl. fuse

200 m

100 m

200 m

100 m

Tab. 4.10 Battery test properties


Released batteries Note: The actual capacity of the batteries may differ from that stated in the table.  Further information is given in the manufacturing standard E3-18-03 part 1. Designation

Part no.

Battery 12 V / 7.2 Ah


Battery 12 V / 12 Ah


Battery 12 V / 18 Ah


Battery 12 V / 26 Ah


Battery 12 V / 45 Ah


Battery 12 V / 65 Ah


Battery 12 V / 85 Ah


Battery 12 V/115 Ah (no VdS approval)


Tab. 4.11 Batteries released by Minimax

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Mains connection for basic designs 4.13.3

Connection of the batteries 4



-1 3

+2 -2 2 Fig. 4.19 Batteries (connections and series connection)

Pos. Designation

Pos. Designation

1 2

3 4


Battery 1 Battery 2


From power supply Wire marking




Battery positive terminal of power supply

Connection designation on the wire 1+


Series connection to positive terminal of battery 2

Connection designation on the wire 1-


Series connection to negative terminal of battery 1

Connection designation on the wire 2+


Battery negative terminal of power supply

Connection designation on the wire 2-

Bat. 1

Bat. 2

Tab. 4.12 Battery terminal connections


Series connection of batteries (normal case) Two 12 V batteries are always connected in series.


Parallel connection of batteries (special case) To increase the standby time for power supply, the batteries may be connected in  parallel. Prerequisites for parallel connection: - The NT5000 15 A power supply unit is used - Acc. to VdS only connect batteries >36 Ah in parallel - The connections between the batteries must be carried out with  cross sections => 4 mm² (AWG 12). - If there are voltage differences >300 mV between the two series connections, both series connections must be charged separately in advance. Connection of batteries in parallel:


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Mains connection for basic designs Two batteries are connected in series, two of these series connections are connected in parallel. F4



Power supply unit +




Power supply unit Fig. 4.20 Parallel connection of batteries

Only batteries of the same type (identical capacity and voltage, same manufacturer and same manufacturing period) may be connected in series or parallel.


Installing the batteries In principle, the following applies for all housing variants: 1. Insert the batteries into the supports and mountings provided for this purpose. 2. Use angled holders or attached belts to prevent the batteries from shifting.

Battery installation mod 4

1 2

Fig. 4.21 Battery mounting mod 4

Installation of the batteries in the housing: 1. Place the batteries on the floor of the housing with connections (1) towards the housing sidewall. 2. Attach fixing bracket (2) and screw together with the housing rear wall. FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Mains connection for basic designs

Battery installation mod 12

Fig. 4.22 Belt positioning of the battery mounting for mod 12

Battery installation mod XL

Fig. 4.23 Belt positioning of the battery mounting for mod XL


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Module power distribution


Module power distribution




4 Fig. 5.1 Module power distribution

Pos. Designation 1 2 3 4

Supply of consumers Supply of consumers GND of consumers GND of consumers





1.1 1





+ 24V DC 1

+ 24V DC


+ 24V DC


+ 24V DC



+ 24V DC


+ 24V DC














Tab. 5.13 Terminal configuration of the outputs

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Module power distribution


Area of application The power distribution module supplies power to modules that have a high power requirement, e.g. control group modules. Due to the high potential drops, this power should not be led via the contacts of the bus system connections, but directly via wires in a star-shape from a central collective power distributor.  The module should be positioned on the outside of each modular series on the mounting rail, i.e. where the power supply input is fed from the power supply or a power distribution card in the modules. The supplies of external consumers are to be protected by fuses. The power distribution module provides protection against transient overvoltages. This results in a surge resistance that lies above the standard requirements for alarm systems, which is intended for rougher ambient conditions.

The power distribution module does not replace the lightning surge protection measures that are specified in the respective sets of rules and regulations! In an industrial environment (e.g. switching station, substation and transformer stations in power stations, induction furnaces, etc.) additional protective measures for the external lines at risk, such as in the case of lightning surge protection, must be taken.


Module description The module is supplied with power via the bus connector located on the underside of the housing. All modules of one series are supplied via these bus connectors. Two power varistors limit transient overvoltage levels in the 24 V / GND low voltage system of the fire alarm control panel to values between 60 - 100 V relative to protective ground (common mode transients). This also applies for the low voltages of other additional modules in the context of the performance of the protective diodes on the external connections. A protective diode limits any symmetrical transient overvoltages (differential mode interference) and the smoothing of differential HF interference signals is effected by a capacitor. Six terminals for connecting the supply voltage of external consumers (e.g. power supply input to control group modules is always terminal 1 to connections X1-X4) are located above the connectors on the top side of the housing. The maximum current from the module to the consumers is 4 A.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Module power distribution


Block diagram The following block diagram shows the rough circuit parts in graphical form.

3 2



4 Fig. 5.2 Block diagram of module power distribution

Pos. Designation 1 2 3 4

MxM Bus + power supply Gas discharge protection element Distribution terminals Top-hat rail

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Ground fault module


Ground fault module

Fig. 6.3 Ground fault module


Technical data Designation


Operating voltage

18 - 30 V DC

Quiescent current

approx. 7 mA

Operating current at ground connection

approx. 15 mA

Response threshold

50 k

Trigger delay

max. 7s

Shunt capacitance of the device

max. 20 μF

Resistance of the GND - PE module

approx. 620 k

GND - PE test voltage

500 V AC, 700 V DC

Open collector output: - max. voltage

max. 29 V DC

- max. current

max. 100 mA

Ambient temperature

-5 °C (23 °F) to +50 °C (122 °F)

Cable cross section

max. 2.5 mm² (AWG 14)


Polyamide PA6.6, green


DIN top-hat rail 35 DIN46277

Tab. 6.14 Technical data of ground connection module


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Ground fault module


Use The module monitors the electrical isolation between the protective ground (PE) and all secondary DC voltages including the ground lines as a reference potential in a single device. The DC voltages must lie in the range from 0 V to 30 V. This includes the lines from the detector groups, horn controls and supply voltages for alarm devices.


Function If the resistance between these DC voltages and the protective ground drops below a specific value, the open collector output is triggered on X1.6. This open collector output of the module can be used to relay the ground contact or to control a corresponding malfunction input or a fire alarm control panel. A detector line in threshold technology that is set to the alarm state in the case of a ground contact can be connected to terminals X1.7 and X1.8.


Functional test The functioning of the module is tested by connecting terminals X1.1 and X1.2. A test button can be connected to do this.


Installation of the module The module is mounted on a top-hat rail.  The voltage to be monitored, the test button and the forwarded reporting must be connected to the appropriate module terminal.

The GND lines of the line voltages from the detectors and switches in explosive areas with the intrinsically safe protection type Ex i are connected to the PE via an upstream safety barrier.  It is not possible to use the module in this case.


Test voltage The test voltage between 0 V (GND) and PE according to IEC950 is 500 V AC or 700 V DC.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Ground fault module


Connecting terminals

Fig. 6.4 Ground connection module connection


Terminal Function



1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

GND Open collector output GND alarm line Alarm line + voltage

Test (test button) PE GND +24V (control panel)

Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Central card, redundant central card


Central card, redundant central card


Central card H6 H2


H4 H5 H3





3 2 1











Fig. 7.1 Central card overview

Pos. Designation

Pos. Designation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Serial connection, RS 232 Key switch connection Door contact connection Ribbon cable connector Front panel buttons connector LCD background illumination LC display Front panel collective LEDs connector Zone control panel(s) connection



Functional module connection Screen connection System errors Jumper or Solder bridge Reset button Jumper Jumper Connector strip for redundant CC Connector strip for redundant CC




Loading the configuration data



For internal use



Door contact behind front panels



Connector for SIO adapter for firmware update













Caution: high voltage

MxMBus, CANBus, power supply

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Central card, redundant central card Item





Screw connection



Output CPU error, power supply input error



Watchdog enable



Hardware reset button



Bootstrap loader



Debug mode



Redundant central card



Part no: 903051

Tab. 7.15 Overview of the connecting terminals and jumpers on central card


Status LEDs Type





Operating system running



Watchdog is being triggered



Data traffic on MxMBus



Data traffic on CANBus



Write/read access to compact flash card

Tab. 7.16 Meaning of the status LEDs on central card


Jumper The card is provided with jumpers which must be positioned in a certain way during operation (see the following tables). X3 Watchdog Type X3





Watchdog disable

During software update


Watchdog enable

Operation state

Tab. 7.17 Jumper configuration X 3 on central card

X8 Debug Type X8




During software update


Operation state

Tab. 7.18 Jumper configuration X 8 on central card


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Central card, redundant central card X9 Bootstrap Type X9




During software update


Operation state

Tab. 7.19 Jumper configuration X 9 on central card

X10 Connection of MxMBus Type




If no ZCPs or no function modules are connected to the MxM bus of the central card

X 10 open

Both ZCPs and function modules are connected

Tab. 7.20 Jumper configuration X 10 on central card

X72 Connection of the function module to the central card Type

X 72





+ 24 V

Power supply of the CC



Power supply of the CC



Data line MxMBus A



Data line MxMBus B



Data line CANBus High



Data line CANBus Low



Data bus is assigned



Test line



Address assignment signal


HBus connect

Module available signal

Tab. 7.21 Connection of the module to the central card

X26 Connection of system messages Type





Power supply error

Power supply of power supply unit interrupted


CPU error

CPU failure



Screening of cable from the modules (not used, screen is connected to pos. 11 by means of an eyelet bolt)

X 26

Tab. 7.22 Connection of system messages on central card

Redundancy connection X1, X2 Connector strips to insert the central card redundant part no. 903051.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Central card, redundant central card

FMZ 5000 Assemblies 11









12 3 24




26 27 13 28



22 5

14 15 15

19 20

18 20

21 17



Fig. 7.2 Terminal strips of the central card


Pos. Designation

Pos. Designation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Central card LCD Front panel LED Connection ZCP Connection top-hat rail module RS232 Door contact Software update Front panel keyboard Flag buttons front panel Illumination LCD background Flag collective LED front panel Zone control panel (ZCP) LED and Button front panel ZCP

Operating Instructions

Ribbon cable 10 pin Module if necessary, use as an output Antenna PC with standard serial cable 9 pin Cable shield Power supply faulty Configuration alternative maintenance SIO adapter (part no. 800101) Fire Fault Shutdown CPU faulty Operation FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Central card, redundant central card The terminal strips of the central card that are required for commissioning and technical understanding are shown in Fig. 7.2. The position of the terminal strips are illustrated with regard to its position to the edges of the central card.


Redundant central card If the control panel is used for monitoring and activation by more than one extinguishing zone or if more than 512 detectors are connected to it, an additional redundant central card must be installed to ensure that the control panel is operated in accordance with the regulations. The card is attached to plug strip X1 and X2 of the main central card.






4 5

H1 Fig. 7.3 Redundant central card overview Item 1 2 3 4 5

Designation Jumper Jumper Ribbon cable connector Jumper Jumper or solder bridge

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Central card, redundant central card






1-2 debug mode as an alternative to X16 on main central card open operating state



1-2 bootstrap mode  open operating state



Connector for SIO adapter for firmware update



1-2 debug mode redundant central card open operating state



1-2 Watchdog disable 2-3 Watchdog enable (operating state)

Tab. 7.23 Position and meaning of the jumpers on redundant central card


Status LED Type H1

Colour yellow

Meaning Redundant card operating (central card defective)



Operating system running



Watchdog is being triggered

Tab. 7.24 Meaning of the status LEDs on redundant central card


Firmware update of central card and redundant central card


Firmware update on PC In order to update the firmware, the following files must be held together in one directory of the PC: File


flashitcom1.bat flashitcom2.bat

The files for starting the firmware update. Data traffic over COM1 or COM2


The new firmware of the central card

FlashPrg.exe FlashTools.dll boot.out eurosmon_flash.out eurosmon_ram.out

Program files for flashing the new firmware

Tab. 7.25 Files for the firmware update of central card and redundant central card

Contents of the batch file flashitcom1.bat: FlashPrg.exe com1 57600 -boot boot.out eurosmon_ram.out -erase 0 -1 -erase 1 -1 eurosmon_flash.out 50zkarte.out Contents of the batch file flashitcom2.bat: FlashPrg.exe com2 57600 -boot boot.out eurosmon_ram.out -erase 0 -1 -erase 1 -1 70

Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Central card, redundant central card eurosmon_flash.out 50zkarte.out The batch file 'FlashitcomX.bat' can be changed if required.

Only edit the file with an editor such as Editor or Wordpad. Never use editors such as Word, Framemaker etc. If necessary, another serial interface must be selected. In order to do so enter the number of the desired interface immediately behind the word com.


Firmware update on central card 1. If present, take the redundant central card from the central card before flashing the central card. 2. Connect the central card to the supply voltage. Connect the ribbon cable of the SIO adapter to the "SIO Adapter" connector (see Item 4 in Fig. 7.1) of the redundant central card.

Destruction of the central card Do not plug the SIO adapter into the zone control panel (ZCP) connector, Item 9 in Fig. 7.1. 3. Plug the SUB-D connector of the SIO adapter into the serial interface of the PC (only use the interface selected in the batch file). 4. Set jumper X8 (Debug) and X9 (Bootstrap) on the redundant central card. 5. Connect solder bridge X3 on the redundant central card so that WD dis (Watchdog disable 1-2) is connected. In newer versions of the central card the X3 is a pluggable jumper. 6. Briefly press the reset button (Item 14 in Fig. 7.1) of the central card. 7. Wait during the startup process of the central card until the “CPU error” LED is off. 8. Immediately after the “CPU error” LED goes out start the batch file flashitcom1 or flashitcom2 depending on the serial interface used. 9. After an error-free program run, bring all jumpers and solder bridges back into their original positions. 10.Restart the control panel by briefly pressing the reset button (Item 14 in Fig. 7.1) of the central card. The control panel starts up with new firmware.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Central card, redundant central card 7.3.3

Firmware update on redundant central card The redundant central card must be attached to the central card. 1. Connect the central card to the supply voltage. 2. Connect the ribbon cable of the SIO adapter to the "SIO-Adapter" connector of the central card (see Item 3 in Fig. 7.3) of the redundant central card. Plug the SUB-D connector of the SIO adapter into the serial interface of the PC. Only use the interface selected in the batch file.

Destruction of the central card Do not plug the SIO adapter into the zone control panel (ZCP) connector, Item 9 in Fig. 7.1. 3. Set jumper X8 (Debug) and X9 (Bootstrap) of the redundant central card. 4. Connect solder bridge X3 so that WD dis (Watchdog disable 1-2) is connected. 5. Briefly press the reset button (Item 14 in Fig. 7.1) of the central card. 6. Wait during the startup process of the central card until the “CPU error” LED is off. 7. Immediately after the “CPU error” LED goes out, start the batch file flashitcom1 or flashitcom2 depending on the serial interface used. 8. After an error-free program run, bring all jumpers and solder bridges back into their original positions. 9. Restart the control panel by briefly pressing the reset button (Item 14 in Fig. 7.1) of the central card. The control panel starts up with new firmware.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Zone control panel


Zone control panel 1



4 5




Fig. 8.1 Zone control panel card overview

Pos. Designation 1 2 3 4


Pos. Designation

Ribbon cable connector Soldering tags Soldering tags Soldering tags

5 6 7 8

Soldering tags Flexible flat cable of front panel Ribbon cable connector Pin connector

Position and meaning of the connections Pos.





MxMBus connection output


X12 / X29

Connection of external contact 1


X30 / X31

Connection of external contact 2


X32 / X33

Connection of external contact 3


X34 / X35

Connection of external contact 4



Connection of button on front panel



MxMBus connection input



Programming connection

Tab. 8.1 Connections of zone control panel

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Zone control panel


Function The zone control panel contains 16 groups of LEDs, each with a red and a yellow LED for displaying the states of groups and detectors as well as controls, etc. There are also soldering tags for connecting 4 external contacts such as key switches, for example. A maximum of 27 cards can be used in one control panel.


Ribbon cable connector to MxMBus


Input side X1 Des.

X 1






Data line MxMBus A / Power supply of the central card



Data line MxMBus B / Power supply of the central card



Data bus is assigned



Addressing signal input


CPU error

Processor faulty



Bus control termination output


+ 24 V

Supply voltage


+ 24 V

Supply voltage



Supply voltage



Supply voltage

Tab. 8.2 MxMBus input connection


Output side X2 Des.

X 2






Data line MxMBus A / Power supply of the central card



Data line MxMBus B / Power supply of the central card



Data bus is assigned



Addressing signal output


CPU error

Processor faulty



Bus control termination input


+ 24 V

Supply voltage


+ 24 V

Supply voltage



Supply voltage



Supply voltage

Tab. 8.3 MxMBus connection output


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Zone control panel


Front panel connection The membrane buttons on the front panel are connected to plug X3 by a 5-pin flexible flat cable. Pin on X3



Membrane button 1


Membrane button 2


Membrane button 3


Membrane button 4


Common line

Tab. 8.4 Membrane button connection on the front panel


Connections of external contacts

Only contacts that are mounted inside the control panel housing can be connected to these inputs.  Remotely installed switches must never be connected with supply lines that run outside the control panel. Wires for connecting external contacts can be soldered to the soldering tags. A direct connection between two paired soldering terminals is detected as an event. Alarm or termination resistors must not be switched in the contacts. The supply lines are not monitored. Pin on X3




Ribbon cable connector

MxMBus connection communication output


Soldering tags

Connection of external switch 1


Soldering tags

Connection of external switch 2


Soldering tags

Connection of external switch 3


Soldering tags

Connection of external switch 4

Tab. 8.5 Zone control panel - connection of external contacts

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Zone control panel


Firmware update The firmware must be loaded and stored in the card for an update. The components required for this are included in the service case (part no. 905916) or can also optionally be purchased. The following components are required: Pos



PC that contains the firmware and carries out the communication to the programming device.


Cyclone Pro programming device, part no. 905917


Commercially available serial 1:1 connection cable between the PC and programming device.


FMZ 5000 cyclone adapter, part no. 905658


FMZ 5000 ZCP 8/9-bit converter adapter, part no. 905656


FMZ 5000 8-bit / 9-bit data converter, part no. 905071

Tab. 8.6 Components for the firmware update, zone control panel

How to carry out the firmware update is described in detail in Section 5 of the manual called "FHM20.6 Service Case FMZ 5000 Application Manual", part no. 908560. The manual is available on the Intranet in the fire alarm system section of the product line.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Module remote transmission unit


Module remote transmission unit


2 3


Fig. 9.1 Remote transmission unit module (RTU)

Pos. Designation 1 2 3


Connections to remote transmission unit (RTU), fire brigade key depot (FKD) Connections to the fire brigade control panel (FBF) F1, F2

Connections via cables with single wires Connection via 20-pin ribbon cable Fuses for RTU (F1) and FKD (F2)

The connection from the RTU module to the fire brigade control panel must only be made using a 20-pin sleeved ribbon cable. Part no. 800315.

Observe manufacturer's installation instructions / manuals of the module remote transmission unit, fire brigade control panel and fire brigade key depot!

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Module remote transmission unit



Technical specifications Current consumption

approx. 25 mA

Number of outputs

2 RTUs for fire / fault 1 fire department operating panel (parallel interface connection) 1 fire department key storage location

Release RTU

constant or pulsed

Output voltage

+24 V DC

Output current

Max. 1 A per RTU

Maximum possible contact load

1 A / 30 V DC,

Max. switching capacity

30 W / 62.5 VA

Max. cable cross section

2.5 mm² (AWG 14)

0.5 A /125 V AC

Connection configuration

Fig. 9.2 Connections of remote transmission module




1 X1



2 3


+24V DC

supply of RTU1


control of RTU1


feedback of RTU1



supply of RTU1


+24V DC

supply of RTU2


control of RTU2

2 3



feedback of RTU2



supply of RTU2


FKD open

control for opening FKD

FKD alarm

feedback for sabotage

2 3 4





FKD door

feedback for FKD – door open

+24V DC

supply of FKD

Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Module remote transmission unit Type



1 X4



3 4




supply of FKD


supply of FKD

+24V DC

feed from FACP


feed from FACP

Tab. 9.1 Terminal configuration of connections X1 to X4


Terminal configuration of fire department control panel connection Type






+24 V

+24V supply voltage for FBF


+24 V

+24V supply voltage for FBF


Not used


Not used



control line for remote transmission unit


RTU feedback

feedback from remote transmission unit


LED RTU triggered

triggering of LED


LED RTU switched off

triggering of LED


LED extinguishing system triggered

triggering of LED


LED acoustic signals off

triggering of LED


LED FACP reset

triggering of LED



operating element



operating element



operating element



operating element


Reserve LED


Fire control

potential-free contact in the FBF to terminal 18, no output of RTU module



BFS input



0V supply voltage for FBF



0V supply voltage for FBF

Tab. 9.2 Connection configuration of FBF (fire department control panel) ribbon cable





0.5 A / 125 V MICROF part no. 781223

Fuse remote transmission unit


0.5 A / 125 V MICROF part no. 781223

Fuse fire brigade key depot

Tab. 9.3 Fuses for RTU and FKD

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Module remote transmission unit


Connection of remote transmission unit and fire department control panel 1


9 8



11 12







4 Fig. 9.3 Connection of RTU and FBF

Pos. Designation

Pos. Designation

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12

RTU 1 RTU 2 Fire brigade control panel Fire brigade key depot adapter Confirmation door released Sabotage

Door release activation GND +24 V Fused 0,5 A Confirmation remote RTU Release RTU Ribbon cable (covered) 20+ shield

Connection of remote transmission unit (RTU) When connecting the RTU the following must be observed: - Control voltage: 24 V DC - For manual reset of the RTU a bridge must be set in the RTU1

1) See


information in the control instructions / manual of the remote transmission unit. Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Module remote transmission unit Connection of the fire department key depot (FKD) When connecting a key deposit box the following must be observed: - Control voltage for door: 24 V DC - Feedback signals door open and sabotage: enabled 0 V


Connection of fire department control panel - Switzerland Part no. 851596 VIP-2/SC/FLK20

1 2




4 5 6 Fig. 9.4 Connection of FBF - Switzerland


Pos. Designation

Pos. Designation

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

LED fire LED fault LED remote alarm Button acoustics

Button reset Main fault relay Ribbon cable 20-pin Module RTU, part no. 901969

Firmware update The firmware must be loaded and stored in the module for an update. The components required for this are included in the service case (part no. 905916) or can also optionally be purchased. The following components are required: Pos.



PC that contains the firmware and carries out the communication to the programming device.


Cyclone Pro programming device, part no. 905917


Serial 1:1 connection cable between the PC and programming device


FMZ 5000 cyclone adapter, part no. 905658


FMZ 5000 MxMBus programming adapter, part no. 905693


FMZ 5000 8-bit / 9-bit data converter, part no. 905071

Tab. 9.4 Components for the firmware update RTU module

How to carry out the firmware update is described in detail in Section 5 of the "FHM20.6 Service Case FMZ 5000 Application Manual", part no. 908560. The manual is available on the Intranet in the fire alarm system section of the product line. FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Module Loop AP and AP XP


Module Loop AP and AP XP 1




Fig. 10.1 Module Loop AP


Pos. Designation


1 2 3

Detector loops and spurs Only for Minimax Service Display of different operating states

Connections of the loop lines Programming interface Leds H1, H2, H3

Technical specifications Designation

Loop AP

Loop AP XP

Protection type



Relative humidity

95 %

95 %

Supply voltage module

18 V – 30 V DC

18 V – 30 V DC

Total current consumption from bus connection and terminals

48 mA – 70 mA

48 mA – 85 mA

Loop voltage

27 V – 27.8 V

27 V – 27.8 V

Current consumption via terminals

Note non condensing

Loops not activated,  UB = 27 V

max 1440 mA

loop current both 400 mA ULOOP = 27 V

Loop current

240 mA

400 mA – 500 mA

Number of detectors



Impedance of Loop

max. 100 Ω

max. 100 Ω

Wire capacitance

max. 240 nF

max. 240 nF

Wire inductance

max. 4 mH

max. 4 mH

Cable length of loop (ULOOP = 27V)

max. 2000 m (max. 2187.22 yd)

max. 2000 m (max. 2187.22 yd)

N ≤ 126, RL ≤ 100 Ω,  CL ≤ 240 nF

Tab. 10.5 Technical data module Loop AP and Loop AP XP 82

Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Module Loop AP and AP XP


General notes on wiring the loop Cable screens of loop detectors must be connected in the individual detectors and insulated from each other in the central panel and joined insulated from the earth potential.

Danger of signal cross-talk This may result in malfunctions in the detector monitoring and the fire alarm control panel. Do not lay together the wires of the loop. It is not permitted to lay together the wires of loops or spur lines of different modules in one bus cable.

The loop calculator by Apollo must be used with the loop data to test the function of the loop. See chapter 2.6.4.

When laying cables the following specifications must be met:


max. cable length of loop:

2000 m

max. impedance of loop:

100 

max. total line capacity:

240 nF

max. total line inductivity:

4 mH

Connection configuration Loop AP

Fig. 10.2 Module Loop AP connection configuration

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Module Loop AP and AP XP

Loop AP


Terminal 1





Loop 1 start

Designation +UL


Meaning Loop supply plus conductor No connection


1 start


Loop supply minus conductor


1 end


Loop supply plus conductor


No connection


1 end


Loop supply minus conductor


2 end


Loop supply plus conductor


No connection


2 end


Loop supply minus conductor


2 start


Loop supply plus conductor

2 3

No connection 2 start


Loop supply minus conductor

Tab. 10.1 Loop AP module terminal configuration


Connection configuration Loop AP XP This module is a further development of the AP loop module. The key benefits are the increase in the maximum current via the loop for supplying the loop devices such as horns and flash lights and the use of the 20I and 20D isolators as well as devices which include this isolator. It is completely compatible with its predecessor and can be used in existing control panels to replace defective AP loop modules without any modifications to the configuration. In addition, operation combining a control panel with an AP loop module and an AP XP loop module is permitted.

Fig. 10.3 Module Loop AP XP connection configuration


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Module Loop AP and AP XP

Loop AP XP

Type X1


Loop 1 start


Loop supply plus conductor


1 start


Loop supply minus conductor




1 end


Loop supply plus conductor


1 end


Loop supply minus conductor

+24 V





2 end


Loop supply plus conductor


2 end


Loop supply minus conductor

+24 V

Supply (alternative)









2 start


Loop supply plus conductor


2 start


Loop supply minus conductor


Supply (alternative)


Tab. 10.2 Module Loop AP XP terminal configuration

The external supply voltage must not be looped through the loop module. Permissible wiring star-formed from one point to each module or with double cable lug from terminal to terminal. It is prohibited to use wiring such as +24 V input at terminal X2.3, output at terminal X3.3 to the input of the next loop module input terminal X2.3. See section for error messages due to a lack of external supply voltage.


Replacing an AP loop module with an AP XP loop module If an AP loop module with devices already connected to is replaced by an AP XP loop module, care must be taken to observe the changed connection configuration of the loops. See also Tab. 10.2. The supply voltage connector must be attached to the connecting terminals of the module because the loops are no longer supplied by the system bus. The connection can be either X1 / 2 or X3 / 4. The supply voltage must be drawn from a power distribution module.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Module Loop AP and AP XP

The AP XP loop module behaves like an AP loop module and can therefore be used as a replacement without changing the configuration. The connection of the loop devices remains unchanged and is the same as described in chapter 10.6.


Meaning of status LEDs The module is equipped with three LEDs H1 to H3, see Fig. 10.1. The LEDs indicate different states. LED colour


LED flashes

LED steady light

H1 yellow

All processors ok

One processor failed (only for redundant processors)

Module failed completely

H2 green

Module in operational mode

Module in stopped mode

Module in pre-operational mode

H3 green

CAN configuration complete, address received

CAN configuration in  process

CAN configuration complete, no address received

Tab. 10.3 Meaning of status LEDs


Connections of the detectors (for connections of explosion-proof detectors, see chapter 10.7) spur line




Fig. 10.4 Connection of detectors XP95 / Discovery (spur line and closed detection circuit)


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Module Loop AP and AP XP Pos. Designation

Pos. Designation

1 2 3

4 5 6

Spur line Loop Spur line 1

Spur line 4 Start End




6 4


Fig. 10.5 Detector connections (loop module with spur lines only)

Connections of loop sounder without base RT SW ++- L2 RT L2 L1 Loop



+ + - L2 L1


Fig. 10.6 Connections of loop sounder without base

Connections of loop sounder with detector base

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Module Loop AP and AP XP

RR+ L2

L1 SW Loop






+ Fig. 10.7 Connections of loop sounder with detector base


Connection of explosion-proof detectors 1

Fig. 10.8 Explosion-proof detectors in the spur of a loop

Pos. Designation 1

Detector loop

Installation in explosive areas When installing explosion-proof detectors (intrinsically safe (Ex i)) from Apollo the following notes must be taken into account: - Explosion-proof detectors may only be installed in one spur of the loop. - Explosion-proof detectors must always be connected behind a Zener barrier of type KDFO CS Ex 1.54 (one channel barrier) or type KFDO CS Ex2.51 (two channel barrier) by Pepperl & Fuchs. See Fig. 10.8.  The use of other barriers is not approved! - A maximum of 20 detectors must be placed in the explosive area behind the Zener barriers. Optical smoke detectors are limited to 17. 88

Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Module Loop AP and AP XP - The protocol converter, Apollo part no. 55000-855, must always be used as in Fig. 10.8 "Explosion-proof detectors in the spur of a loop".


Firmware update The procedure for programming the firmware is same for both modules.  The firmware must be loaded and stored in the module for an update. The components required for this are included in the service case (part no. 905916) or can also optionally be purchased. The following components are required: Pos.



PC that contains the firmware and carries out the communication to the programming  adapter.


FMZ 5000 loop AP programming adapter, part no. 904556


Serial 1:1 connection cable between PC and 9/25-pin converter on the SIO adapter


SIO adapter, part no. 800101 and part no. 800303

Tab. 10.4 Components for the firmware update loop module

How to carry out the firmware update is described in detail in section 6 of the "FHM20.6 Service Case FMZ 5000 Application Manual", part no. 908560. It is also described in the product information for programming adapter FMZ 5000 Loop AP at the Loop module AP XP, part no. 912923. The manual is available on the Intranet in the fire detection systems section of the product line.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Conventional module


Conventional module




Fig. 11.1 Conventional module

Pos. Designation


1 2 3

Connections for external lines Short circuiting for the hardware reset of the module Display of the address allocation

Connections Reset pins LEDs

The line voltage of the conventional module can be adjusted within the range of 9V to 20V from the configuration. The line voltage allowed the use of components with explosion-proof detectors of the type Ex i must not exceed 12V.



Technical specifications Current consumption

approx. 2 mA to 50 mA with all end-of-line resistors (EOL) and detectors

Line voltage

9 V – 20 V DC, adjustable

Alarm current

5 mA – 80 mA, can be calibrated

Number of detectors per line


Max. cable cross section

2.5 mm² (AWG 14)

Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Conventional module


Connection configuration

Fig. 11.2 Connection configuration of conventional detector

Type X1








Line voltage +

Connection line 1 plus



Connection line 1 minus



Connection line 1 minus


Line voltage +

Connection line 2 plus



Connection line 2 minus



Connection line 2 minus


Line voltage +

Connection line 3 plus



Connection line 3 minus



Connection line 3 minus


Line voltage +

Connection line 4 plus



Connection line 4 minus



Connection line 4 minus

Tab. 11.1 Terminal configuration of conventional detector

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Conventional module


Connection options

Fig. 11.3 Connection of conventional detector S65 and relay base

2 1

Fig. 11.4 Connection conventional line

Pos. Designation 1 2

Alarm resistance EOL

The following table shows the values of the EOL terminator for approx. 5 mA line  current for various line voltages. Line voltage



1.8 K1/8 W

12 V

2.7 K 1/8 W

15 V

2.7 K 1/8 W

19 V

3.9 K 1/8 W

Tab. 11.2 Line terminators for various line voltages


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Conventional module

This table shows the values of the alarm resistance for approx. 20 mA increase in line current for various line voltages. Line voltage

Alarm resistance


470  1/8 W

12 V

630  1/4 W

15 V

750  1/3 W

19 V

1.0 K 1/3 W

Tab. 11.3 Alarm resistances for various line voltages

Quiescent currents of Minimax detectors To aid determination of the correct threshold values the expected quiescent current must be known. When using standard fire detectors the quiescent line current is mainly determined by the terminal resistor and the line voltage due to the low intrinsic current of the detectors. For other detectors the intrinsic current can no longer be disregarded, therefore the following table contains some quiescent and alarm currents for the conventional group. These values apply encl. terminal resistor 1.8 k at 9 V line voltage. Max. number / line

I quiescent [mA]





























FMX3501 EX










Tab. 11.4 Quiescent currents of Minimax detectors

Currently the quiescent current in the configuration program only represents an  unusable parameter. In future software versions it is intended to automatically compare the assumed quiescent current values with those actually measured and issue a warning during the commissioning phase of the control panel where necessary. Quiescent current measurement The quiescent current of a conventional line can be measured in two ways: 1. From access level 2 onwards the current line current and configuration values can be displayed in the operator menu under detector group state by entering the line number. 2. By measuring the current directly in the supply line.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Conventional module


Firmware update The firmware must be loaded and stored in the module for an update. The components required for this are included in the service case (part no. 905916) or can also optionally be purchased. The following components are required: Pos.



PC that contains the firmware and carries out the communication to the programming device.


Cyclone Pro programming device, part no. 905917


Serial 1:1 connection cable between the PC and programming device


FMZ 5000 cyclone adapter, part no. 905658


FMZ 5000 MxM bus programming adapter, part no. 905693


FMZ 5000 8-bit / 9-bit data converter, part no. 905071

Tab. 11.5 Components for the firmware update conventional module

How to carry out the firmware update is described in detail in Section 5 of the "FHM20.6 Service Case FMZ 5000 Application Manual", part no. 908560. The manual is available on the Intranet in the fire alarm system section of the product line.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Reflex module


Reflex module

1 2 4



Fig. 12.1 Reflex module





2 4 5 6

Programming connection LEDs Jumper X6 Jumper X7

LED colour

LED off

Note Connections of the lines, valves, transmitters, outputs and inputs for relays Programming and diagnostic connection Display of the module states Break contact / make contact changeover of output relay 1 Break contact / make contact changeover of output relay 2

LED steady light

LED flashes

H1 red

Control group 1 inactive

Control group 1 activated

Control group 1 faulty

H2 red

Control group 2 inactive

Control group 2 activated

Control group 2 faulty

H3 red

Relay 1 inactive

Relay 1 activated


H4 red

Relay 2 inactive

Relay 2 activated


CPU module faulty


H5 yellow


H6 green

Module in operational mode

Module in pre-operational mode

Module in stopped mode

H7 green

CAN configuration complete, address received

CAN configuration in process

CAN configuration complete, no address received

Tab. 12.1 Meaning of LED

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Reflex module



Technical specifications Current consumption

approx. 30 mA

Number of detector lines

2, wire-break and short-circuit monitored

Number of control groups

2, wire-break and short-circuit monitored

Number of monitoring lines

4, wire-break and short-circuit monitored

Number of detectors per line

8 spark detectors, 4 flame detectors

Output voltage

+24 V DC

Output current

max. 2.6 A constant

Module description The reflex module is a function module that is used exclusively in the fire alarm and extinguishing control panel FMZ 5000. It can be used in any of the design versions of the control panel - mod 4, mod 12 or mod XL.  The essential feature of the module is the almost immediate (not delayed) signal processing and forwarding of fire alarm as well as activation of fire extinguishing systems and other fire event controls. This means the FMZ 5000 can also be used in fire protection systems for applications that require fast detection and extinguishing such as pneumatic material transport routes, paint lines or machine tools. For the realisation of the almost immediate signal processing and forwarding, the module works independently of the central card, i.e. all functions for fire alarm, for activation of the extinguishing and other fire event controls as well as for monitoring of extinguishing processes take place without involvement of the central card.


Units of the module Each reflex module is provided with the following units: 2 detector lines for the connection of max. 8 spark or 4 flame detectors each. For each detector line two further lines are available: one for the transmission of a detector fault signal by self monitoring detectors and one for the supply of a pending alarm display of the detector. 2 control groups for the connection of max. 4 solenoid valves each or other monitored devices for extinguishing or burned material ejection. 4 monitoring groups for a maximum of 4 valve units for monitoring the position of the ball valve (blocking) and of the flow of water before / during / or after extinguishing. This determines leakage, normally or abnormally long extinguishing processes as well as the absence of extinguishing. 2 relay contacts (optionally make or break) that are almost immediately (not delayed) activated with the extinguishing process for the triggering of burned material ejection, for example. For the use of existing external spark test setups or the FMZ 5000 spark test module 8 part no. 906980, there are two inputs that suppress a fire message and extinguishing process when they are activated despite a fire signal being present. Corresponding inputs and outputs are also available for the not delayed activation of further reflex modules. Also refer to section 12.7 and 12.8.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Reflex module


Connectable detectors The following spark or flame detectors can be connected to the module. Spark detectors: FUX 3001 in all variants

Basic model: Part no. 800021

FUX 3200 in all variants

Basic model: Part no. 900860

FUX 4000 in all variants

Basic model: Part no. 904692

Flame detectors: FMX 3100 in all variants

Basic model: Part no. 801614

FMX 3100 Ex in all variants

Basic model: Part no. 801616

FMX 3501 Ex T 0.2 s in all variants

Basic model: Part no. 903137

FMX 3511 T 0.2 in all variants

Basic model: Part no. 902532

As the spark detector lines do not output a reset pulse for the user reset, flame detectors with constantly present alarm output (thyristor) must not be used.  Insert the jumpers provided into the detectors accordingly.


Connectable valve units and monitoring devices FLA G1 with LKM 2001

Part no. 842055

FLA G1 with LKM 2001 Ex

Part no. 843321

FLA G1 without LKM 2001

Part no. 842056

FLA G1 without LKM 2001 Ex

Part no. 843322

Leakage detector LKM 2101

Part no. 842054

Valve units mentioned above contain the following manufacturing standards: Solenoid valve, manufacturing standard:

M2-02-46 Part 1

Leakage detector, manufacturing standard:

M2-02-46 Part 2


The valve units are described in the manufacturing standard M2-02-45 Part 1 and  Part 2. All solenoid valves with the following connection conditions may still be used: Parameter


Minimum permitted triggering voltage

19 V DC

Maximum tripping voltage

27 V DC

Minimum coil resistance

15  at +20 °C (68 °F)

Maximum coil resistance

120 

Duty cycle

100 %

Tab. 12.2 Parameter for solenoid valve

The LKM 2001 leakage detector includes the LÖ leakage detector monitoring card part no. 800707. FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Reflex module This can remain in the leakage detector N and also be used in any other devices for monitoring a transmitter.

If no monitoring card is used: Use an alarm resistance of 470E / 0.25 W and a terminal resistor of 1.8 k / 0.25 W.


Connection of the external components

Undetected line damage, non functioning detectors, solenoids or monitoring devices. Non functioning of the fire extinguishing system during fires. Only use the line cross sections and cable lengths that were entered or calculated for the configuration of the reflex modules in MxSysCon.

Malfunction due to electrical influences. Non functioning of fire extinguishing system during fires or false alarms. Only use the cable types stipulated or recommended in the installation manuals and supplementary sheets of the detectors. Check the correct connection of the cable screen.

The line cross sections laid in the project must have the same value as that entered or calculated during the configuration of the reflex modul in MxSysCon. The cable lengths must not deviate from this. The extremely high requirements for the monitoring of detectors, monitoring transmitters and valves necessitate adherence to the values preselected or calculated during configuration with MxSysCon for the cable to be laid. On the basis of these values the configuration program calculated threshold values and loaded them into the reflex module. If significant differences in length (>15 %) are determined between the actual lengths and the values entered or calculated in MxSysCon, the inputs in MxSyCon must be corrected in order to generate new threshold values for the reflex module. Finally, the newly created configuration data must be loaded into the control panel.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Reflex module


Connection configuration

Fig. 12.2 Connection configuration of field side of the reflex module





Line 1 plus connection


Line 1 minus connection


Spark test signal line 1 input

(see section 12.9)


Display present for detector line 1

(see Fig. 12.5)


Detector fault line 1 connection

(see Fig. 12.5)


Output signal of event line 1

(see section


Display present for detector line 2

(see Fig. 12.5)


Detector fault line 2 connection

(see Fig. 12.5)


Output signal of event line 2

(see Fig. 12.10)


Line 2 plus connection

(see section 12.7.1)


Line 2 minus connection


Input of spark test signal line 2

(see section 12.9)


Control group 1 plus connection

(see section 12.7.2)


Control group 1 GND connection


Connection of external power supply control groups plus


Relay1 NO or NC contact


Relay 1 changeover contact


Parallel detectionl group 1 activated

(see section 12.8.1)


Relay 2 NO or NC contact

(see Tab. 12.5)


Relay 2 changeover contact


Parallel output of control group 2 activated

(see section 12.8.1)


Control group 2 plus connection

(see section 12.7.2)


Control group 1 GND connection


Connection of external power supply control groups GND


Connection of monitoring line 1 plus


Connection of monitoring line 1 GND


Connection of parallel activation for extinguishing area 1

(see section 12.8.2)


Connection of monitoring line 2 plus

(see section 12.7.3)


Connection of monitoring line 2 GND

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions

(see section 12.7.1)

(see Tab. 12.5)

(see section 12.7.3)


Reflex module Terminal




Connection of parallel activation for extinguishing area 1

(see section 12.8.2)


Connection of monitoring line 3 plus

(see section 12.7.3)


Connection of monitoring line 3 GND


Connection of parallel activation for extinguishing area 2

(see section 12.8.2)


Connection of monitoring line 4 plus

(see section 12.7.3)


Connection of monitoring line 4 GND


Connection of parallel activation for extinguishing area 2

(see section 12.8.2)

Tab. 12.3 Terminal configuration reflex module


Connections of the spark and fire detectors

The respective operating manuals of these spark detectors give further instructions for the connection of spark detectors and fire detectors. With explosion-proof detectors of the type Ex i further notes in these operating manuals must always be observed.

Operation manuals of spark detectors and fire detectors Spark detectors FUX3001

Part no. 905087 FHB39.1


Part no. 906269 FHB39.2


Part no. 906267 FHB39.5

Fire detectors FMX3501

Part no. 903526 FHB37.1


Part no. 903534 FHB37.2


Part no. 903528 FHB38.1

Fig. 12.3 and Fig. 12.4 show the connection of spark and flame detectors of the types: FUX3001, FMX3100.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Reflex module







1 8 Fig. 12.3 Connection of spark detectors without detector fault line

Position numbers in Fig. 12.3 and Fig. 12.4: Pos. 1 2 3 4 5

Designation Reflex module Detector line1 Detector line 2 Detector 1 Detector 2


3 7

Pos. 6 7 8 9 10



Designation Last detector +UL -UL Zener barrier Equipotential bonding




8 10

8 1 Fig. 12.4 Connection of flame detectors ex without detector fault line

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Reflex module Fig. 12.5 and Fig. 12.6 show the connection of spark and flame detectors of the types:  FUX3200, FUX4000 and FMX3511. 2

3 5






8 11


12 Fig. 12.5 Connection of spark detectors with detector fault line

Position numbers in Fig. 12.5 and Fig. 12.6:






1 2 3 4

Relfex module Detector line1 Detector line 2 Detector 1

8 9 10 11


Detector 2


6 7

Last detector +UL

13 14

-UL Uctrl Uconst LED Terminal unused Terminal resistors for detector and fault line for each 1.8 kΩ Zener barrier Equipotential bonding

3 9





14 13 7 14

8 1



Fig. 12.6 Connection Ex spark detector with detector fault line


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Reflex module

Faulty detector connection is possible. The interplay of detectors and control panels results in malfunction or non function. For the connection of spark and flame detectors the associated installation manual of the detector must always be observed.


Connection of solenoid valves 3

2 8

9 4 1


6 7

Fig. 12.7 Connection of solenoid valves12.6

Pos. Designation

Pos. Designation

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9

Reflex module Control group 1 Control group 2 Maximum of 4 solenoid valves Make or break relay contact

Output for external triggers Supply voltage of solenoids +Uctrl -Uctrl

Faulty connection of the valves. Valves are not correctly activated, fires are not extinguished. For the connection of solenoid valves the associated installation manual and specifications of the supply line must always be observed.

Connected solenoids are containing the monitoring module MVA LÖ Item no. 782932. It is necessary to connect terminal X1:2 with X2:1 with a wire jumper. Alternatively remove the card and connect a recovery diode 1N4003 from terminal. FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Reflex module

Connecting with monitoring card MVA LÖ Terminal



+ Feed line control group +24 V

(Cathode recovery diode)


- Feed line control group GND

(Anode recovery diode)


Wire jumper to X2:1 (cross section min 0.5 mm2/AWG 20)


Wire jumper to X1:2 (cross section min 0.5 mm2/AWG 20)


Terminal coil valve (wedge contact)


Terminal coil valve (wedge contact)

Tab. 12.4 Connection of magnetic valve


Connection of monitoring transmitters 2



5 6 7

11 8 12



1 Fig. 12.8 Connection of transmitters and parallel connections

Pos. Designation

Pos. Designation

1 2 3 4 5

7 8 9 10 11


Reflex module Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 A maximum of 4 transmitters per line


+UL -UL External triggering of control group 1 External triggering of control group 2 Terminal resistor of 1.8 kΩ 4 identical transmitters (flow monitoring or blocking);  Recommended: R1 ... R4 = 1K, R5 = 1.8 kΩ

Connect the correct alarm resistors in the transmitters. Connect a terminal resistor of 1.8 k in the last transmitter only. 104

Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Reflex module 12.7.4

Connection of the valve unit transmitter 2



5 6





11 1

Fig. 12.9 Connection of a flow and slider monitoring device

Pos. Designation

Pos. Designation

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11

Reflex module Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Blocking

e.g. ÜWA end switch Flow monitoring Leakage detector LKM2001 +UL -UL

The alarm resistors are already present in the transmitters. Connect a terminal resistor of 1.8 k in the last transmitter only.


Connection of parallel inputs and outputs Reflex modules can also provide a not delayed activation of the extinguishing area of other reflex modules through a hardware connection. In order to do so the parallel output of the activating detector line must be connected with the parallel input of the extinguishing area to be activated. All configured extinguishing areas and control groups assigned to them in the configuration of all reflex modules installed in a control panel can be activated from a detector line per hardware connection.


Parallel outputs of the detector groups The parallel outputs of the detector groups on the X6.3 terminal for detector group 1 and X7.3 terminal for detector group 2 provide not delayed switching of the GND potential in the form of a pulse of approx. 100 - 200 ms duration at every detected spark of the corresponding detector group. These can be activated not delayed by a wire connection to the inputs of extinguishing areas of other reflex modules. Additional activations can be carried out in this way (see section 12.8.2).

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Reflex module 12.8.2

Parallel inputs of the extinguishing areas The parallel inputs on the X9.3 / X10.3 terminals for extinguishing area 1 and X11.3 / X12.3 terminals for extinguishing area 2 are used for not delayed activation of the corresponding extinguishing area by detector lines of other reflex modules. For activation, a wire-connected pulse-shaped GND potential must be applied to these terminals. The X9.3 terminal is connected to X10.3 and X11.3 terminal is connected to X12.3 in the module. Example of parallel activation of control groups 1. Spark detector group 1 activates control group 1 of reflex module 2. 2. Spark detector group 2 activates control group 1 and 2 of reflex module 2. Note: A diode must be inserted to decouple the activation of detector group 1. 1





Fig. 12.10 Connection of parallel inputs and outputs

Pos. Designation

Pos. Designation

1 2

3 4 5

Example 1 Example 2

Reflex module 1 Reflex module 2 Diode 1N4002 or similar

Controlling a relay External components such as relays can both be controlled by the output of the detector group and the output of the control group. Output of a detector group The function of the X2.3 output of the detector group 1 and X3.3 of the detector group 2 can be configured per MxSysCon. If the configured condition is met, the GND potential is permanently present on the outputs until the detector line is reset. Output of a control group The X6.1/2 and X7.1/2 terminals are connected internally with a potential-free contact.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Reflex module Sliding switches on the top of the module can be used to determine whether this functions as a make or break contact. The contacts are triggered according to the sliding switch setting if the control group is activated. Terminal

Function for

Sliding switch


X6.1, X6.2

Control group 1


1-2 break contact, 2-3 make contact

X7.1, X7.2

Control group 2


1-2 break contact, 2-3 make contact

Tab. 12.5 Parallel drive outputs of the control groups





1 Fig. 12.11 Connection of relays


Pos. Designation

Pos. Designation

1 2

3 4

Relfex module Retransmission detector group 1

Retransmission detector group 2 + 24 V DC

Connection of spark test inputs The spark test inputs of the detector groups on the X1.3 terminal for detector group 1 and X4.3 for detector group 2 are used for connecting a test signal of a spark test group to a spark test module. The detector group is notified of the start of a spark detection test by a GND signal via a wire connection from the output of the spark test module. The spark detection carried out by the test does not then normally lead to a fire warning and extinguishing (configuration-dependent). The wiring of the spark test inputs is explained in Chapter 13 "Spark test module".

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Reflex module


Quiescent currents of spark and flame detectors To facilitate the determination of the correct threshold values the expected quiescent  current must be known. In the case of spark and flame detectors the intrinsic current cannot be disregarded, hence the following table lists the quiescent and alarm currents that must be connected to the detector lines for a rated detector line voltage of 10 V. Detector

Max. number / line



















Tab. 12.6 FUX detector currents


Max.number / line




FMX3501 t 0.21





FMX3511 t 0.2










1)Keep the cable length as short as possible, but not longer than 120 m (2 detector in alarm

condition). Tab. 12.7 FMX detector currents

Currently the quiescent current in the configuration program is merely an unusable parameter. In future software versions it is intended to automatically compare the  assumed quiescent current values with those actually measured and issue a warning  during the commissioning phase of the control panel where necessary.


Quiescent current measurement The quiescent current of a line can be measured in two ways: 1. From access level 2 onwards the current line current and configuration values can be displayed in the operator menu under Detector line - Status by entering the line number. 2. By measuring the current directly in the supply line.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Reflex module


Firmware update The firmware must be loaded and stored in the module for an update. The components required for this are included in the service case (part no. 905916) or can also optionally be purchased. The following components are required: Pos.



A PC that contains the firmware and carries out the communication to the module.


SIO adapter, part no. 800101 and part no. 800303


Serial 1:1 connection cable between PC and 9/25-pin converter on the SIO adapter


FMZ 5000 reflex program adapter, part no. 906915

Tab. 12.8 Components for the firmware update

How to carry out the firmware update is described in detail in Section 6 of the "FHM20.6 Service Case FMZ 5000 Application Manual", part no. 908560. The manual is available on the Intranet in the fire alarm system section of the product line.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Spark test module


Spark test module


3 2 4

Fig. 13.1 Spark test module

Pos. Designation


1 2 3 4

Connections of test actuators and signal cables to the reflex modules Display of the module states Connection of the programming adapter Manual hardware reset

Connections LEDs Connector Button

LED colour

LED off

LED steady light

LED flashes

H1 red

Output 5 inactive

Output 5 activated

Last spark test current faulty

H2 red

Output 6 inactive

Output 6 activated

Last spark test current faulty

H3 red

Output 7 inactive

Output 7 activated

Last spark test current faulty

H4 red

Output 8 inactive

Output 8 activated

Last spark test current faulty

H5 red

Output 1 inactive

Output 1 activated

Last spark test current faulty

H6 red

Output 2 inactive

Output 2 activated

Last spark test current faulty

H7 red

Output 3 inactive

Output 3 activated

Last spark test current faulty

H8 red

Output 4 inactive

Output 4 activated

Last spark test current faulty

H9 green

Module in operational mode

Module in preoperational mode

Module in stopped mode

H10 green

CAN configuration complete, address received

CAN configuration in process

CAN configuration complete, no address received



CPU error


Tab. 13.1 Meaning of LEDs


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Spark test module



Technical specifications Current consumption

approx. 20 mA

Number of test actuators


Max. test current

3 A (testing one actuator at one time)

Function monitoring

connection and function of the test actuator

Max. cable cross section

2.5 mm² (AWG 14)

Module description To test the function of installed spark detectors light pulses of defined intensity and length are sent out by the spark test actuator and detected by spark detectors  arranged opposite to them. The spark test actuators are activated by the spark test module. The current of the test actuator determines the light intensity and is controlled using the configuration data of MxSysCon or data that result from tests. The presence of the test actuators is monitored before and during the activation. The allocation of the test actuators to a spark detector line and the time of the test is entered through the configuration in MxSysCon. Spark messages through a test light pulse should not lead to the triggering of an extinguishing device or machine shutdown. Therefore the reflex module is notified that a spark test is taking place by a signal from the test module over a wire trunk. Units of the module


Units of the module Each test module has 8 outputs for triggering and monitoring a test actuator and 8 outputs for signaling “Test activated” to one or more reflex modules. This line signals that a detector test is being carried out to the reflex module connected with it.


Connectable test actuators The test actuators listed below can be connected to the module. Test actuator

Part no.

Manufacturing standard

Test actuator FTX3000


Manufacturing standard E2-21-28 Part 1 in all construction types

Ex test actuator FTX3001 Ex Dust single hole


Manufacturing standard E2-21-29 Part 1

Ex test actuator FTX3001 Ex Dust L1 single hole


Manufacturing standard E2-21-29 Part 2

Tab. 13.2 Test actuators

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Spark test module


Connection configuration

Fig. 13.2 Connection configuration of field side


Connections of the test actuators Terminal




Test actuator 1 +

Connection test actuator line 1 plus


Test actuator 1 GND

Connection test actuator line 1 minus


Test 1 output

Test active 1, connection for reflex module


Test actuator 2 +

Connection test actuator line 2 plus


Test actuator 2 GND

Termination test actuator line 2 minus


Test 2 output

Test active 2, connection for reflex module


Test actuator 3 +

Connection test actuator line 3 plus


Test actuator 3 GND

Connection test actuator line 3 minus


Test 3 output

Test active 3, connection for reflex module


Test actuator 4 +

Connection test actuator line 4 plus


Test actuator 4 GND

Connection test actuator line 4 minus


Test 4 output

Test active 4, connection for reflex module


Test actuator 5 +

Connection test actuator line 5 plus


Test actuator 5 GND

Connection test actuator line 5 minus


Test 5 output

Test active 5, connection for reflex module


Test actuator 6 +

Connection test actuator line 6 plus


Test actuator 6 GND

Connection test actuator line 6 minus


Test 6 output

Test active 6, connection for reflex module


Test actuator 7 +

Connection test actuator line 7 plus


Test actuator 7 GND

Connection test actuator line 7 minus


Test 7 output

Test active 7, connection for reflex module


Test actuator 8 +

Connection test actuator line 8 plus


Test actuator 8 GND

Connection test actuator line 8 minus


Test 8 output

Test active 8, connection for reflex module

Tab. 13.3 Terminal configuration of test actuators and test line


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Spark test module


Cables to the test actuators Selection of the cross section of the supply lines is dependent on the length and the current that is anticipated through the test actuators. A higher current can be expected for greater pipe diameters. The maximum current can be up to 3 A. As the final values are only determined during the commissioning, a safety margin must be factored in. The formula for calculating the length of the cable is given in section 2.6 of the chapter 2 "Installation and connection". Cable lengths for a maximum actuator current of 3 A Maximum line resistance 4

Selected cross-section

Maximum cable length

1 mm2 / AWG 18

112 m / 367 ft

2.5 mm2 / AWG 14

280 m / 919 ft

Cable lengths for 1.5 A maximum actuator current Maximum line resistance 9.4 


Selected cross-section

Maximum cable length

1 mm2 / AWG 18

261 m / 856 ft

2.5 mm2 / AWG 14

653 m / 2142 ft

Connection of the spark test outputs Which spark test actuator is to test which spark detector line is defined during the configuration with MxSysCon. Each test output of all test modules installed in the control panel can be allocated to each detector line of all installed reflex modules. The spark test signals should not normally lead to a fire warning and activation of the extinguishing. Because of this the reflex module must be notified that a spark test will be started via a wire connection from the spark test module. To do this, all spark test outputs of the spark test module that are assigned to a detector line must be connected with their spark test input to the reflex module. Figure Fig. 13.3 shows an example of the wiring from the test signal outputs to the detector group. Fig. 13.3 shows an example of the wiring between the test input of a spark detector group and the spark test outputs of spark test modules.  In the example detector group 1 is tested by a total of 8 test actuators. Test actuator 1 to 5 of test module 1 and  test actuator 1 to 3 of test module 2

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Spark test module




Fig. 13.3 Connection of the spark test output with a detector line

Pos. Designation 1 2 3


Relfex module Spark test module 1 Spark test module 2

Firmware update The firmware must be loaded and stored in the module for an update. The components required for this are included in the service case (part no. 905916) or can also optionally be purchased. The following components are required: Pos



A PC that contains the firmware and carries out the communication to the module.


SIO adapter, part no. 800101 and part no. 800303


Serial 1:1 connection cable between PC and 9/25-pin converter on the SIO adapter


FMZ 5000 reflex program adapter, part no. 906915

Tab. 13.4 Components for the firmware update

How to carry out the firmware update is described in detail in Section 6 of the "FHM20.6 Service Case FMZ 5000 Application Manual", part no. 908560. The manual is available on the Intranet in the fire alarm system section of the product line.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Module control group


Module control group

2 1

Fig. 14.1 Connections at the control group module

Pos. Designation


1 2

for external consumers SI 2 A / 125 V MICROFUSE

Connections Fuses




1 X1




consumer +

plus – control group 1

consumer -

minus – control group 1

+24V DC

supply for consumers 1 - 4


consumer +

plus – control group 2

consumer -

minus – control group 2



+24V DC

supply for consumers 1 - 4


consumer +

plus – control group 3

consumer -

minus – control group 3


supply for consumers 1 - 4



3 1 X4


3 2






consumer +

plus – control group 4

consumer -

minus – control group 4


supply for consumers 1 - 4

Tab. 14.1 Control group module terminal configuration

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Module control group

There is no supply voltage infeed to the consumers. Malfunction and possible destruction of the module.  Consumers may not be activated. The power supply connections of all external consumers with a current consumption of >0.5 A must be connected separately to the module. For this, connect the line connections from the terminals "24 V" (not protected) and "GND" of the terminal strip X110 with the corresponding terminals "+24 DC" and "GND" on the terminal strips X1 to X4. Connect the supply voltage of the consumers preferably to the power distribution module. See section 5 “Module power distribution”.

Malfunction during release of extinguishing systems and fire event controls The power supply unit or the batteries must be able to supply the highest current required in total for an alarm signal and/or release as a result of an event, in addition to the quiescent current of the control panel and the maximum charging current of the batteries. Imax_PSU > Imax_activation + Iquiescent_control_panel + Imax_battery_charge Imax_battery_charge = battery capacity [Ah] / 20 h.


Technical specifications Current consumption

approx. 25 mA with all end-of-line resistors

Number of outputs

4, wire-break and short-circuit monitored

Output voltage

+24 V DC

Output current

1 A constant


Connecting the consumers


Solenoid valve 1

2 Fig. 14.2 Connections of monitored solenoid valves


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Module control group

Pos. Designation 1 2

Control group module solonoid valve control +24V (OV) , power supply from fire alarm panel

Connection of a solenoid valve to the control group module with monitoring module MVA-LÖ in the solenoid valve: - Terminating resistor 1 kin MVA-LÖ module - Groups 1-4 are connected to the corresponding terminals X1 - X4


Monitored horn 1

2 Fig. 14.3 Connection of monitored horns

Pos. Designation 1 2

Control group module horn control +24V (OV) power supply from fire alarm panel

Connection of a monitored horn to the control group module (group 1) with monitoring module in the horn: - R* terminating resistor 1 k in monitoring module - Groups 1-4 are connected to the corresponding terminals X1 - X4

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Module control group 14.2.3

Unused control group Unused control groups need only be terminated with a resistor if they have been configured in the configuration program. Non-configured groups will not be terminated. 1

2 Fig. 14.4 Control group module not used

Pos. Designation 1 2

Control group module not used +24V (OV) , power supply from fire alarm panel

The control groups of a module can be used in a number of ways. Horns, solenoid valves and events (see Appendix A) can also be operated or detected simultaneously at the same module.


Firmware update The firmware must be loaded and stored in the module for an update. The components required for this are included in the service case (part no. 905916) or can also optionally be purchased. The following components are required:




A PC that contains the firmware and carries out the communication to the module.


Cyclone Pro programming device, part no. 905917


Serial 1:1 connection cable between the PC and programming device


FMZ 5000 cyclone adapter, part no. 905658


FMZ 5000 MxMBus programming adapter, part no. 905693


FMZ 5000 8-bit / 9-bit data converter, part no. 905071

Tab. 14.2 Components for the firmware update 118

Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Module control group

How to carry out the firmware update is described in detail in Section 5 of the "FHM20.6 Service Case FMZ 5000 Application Manual", part no. 908560. The manual is available on the Intranet in the fire alarm system section of the product line.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Relay 8 module


Relay 8 module




Fig. 15.1 Relay 8 module

Pos. Designation


1 2 3

Potential-free changeover contacts Open collector outputs1 Illuminates when relay is enabled

Connections External relay card connection Control LEDs 1)

to GND switching transistor output max. 100 mA

The maximum possible contact load of the relays is 1A/100V DC, 0.5A/125V AC, 30W / 62VA.

Contacts are not suitable for switching mains voltages Switching of mains voltages results in malfunctions and damage to the relay 8 module. Use separate relays with suitable contacts for switching mains voltages.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Relay 8 module



Technical specifications Current consumption

approx. 10 mA

Starting current per relay

10 mA

Number of relays


Output current

1 potential-free change-over contact

Contacts per relay

1 A / 30 V DC, 0.5 A / 125 V AC

Max. switching capacity

30 W / 62.5 VA


Time-controlled, constant, pulsed, inverted

Max. cable cross section

2.5 mm² (AWG 14)

Pin configuration of external relay card connection An external relay card can be connected to the plug at pos. 2 in Fig. 15.1 using a 10pin ribbon cable. The external relays are activated at the same time as the corresponding internal relays of the module. Each output is an open collector that provides a GND signal when activated.  Pin no.



Open collector output, K1 relay


Open collector output, K2 relay


Open collector output, K3 relay


Open collector output, K4 relay


Open collector output, K5 relay


Open collector output, K6 relay


Open collector output, K7 relay


Open collector output, K8 relay


Not used


Not used

Tab. 15.1 Configuration of external relay ribbon cable plug

The interface configuration corresponds to the connection of  RK8 TQ, part. no. 800843 and RK8, part no. 802587.  These can be directly connected.


Output current per pin The total maximum power loss of all outputs is 1 W. The maximum current per output must not exceed 500 mA. The maximum output current reduces if several outputs are activated at the same time. If constantly activated, it is: with up to 2 outputs, 500 mA per output with 3 outputs, 350 mA per output

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Relay 8 module with 4 outputs, 280 mA per output with 5 outputs, 210 mA per output with 6 outputs, 190 mA per output with 7 outputs, 170 mA per output with 8 outputs, 130 mA per output

3 3




:3 :3




:2 :2

:3 :3

6 8



1 1




3 3



X7:1 X8:1


:3 :3



1 externe Relaiskarte




:2 :2

K 1 2

Relais 8 X3:1 :2 X4:1 :2



1 1 X5:1 X6:1

X2 X1:1 :2 X2:1 :2 Modul:

Card B


3 :3 :3



Card A


Connection configuration card A / B



Fig. 15.2 Relay 8 module connection configuration





X1 (X5)

Relay contact K1 (K5)

changeover contact

Relay contact K1 (K5)


make contact

Relay contact K1 (K5)


break contact

Relay contact K2 (K6)

changeover contact

Relay contact K2 (K6)

make contact

Relay contact K2 (K6)


K1 (K5)

K2 (K6)

3 1

X3 (X7)

break contact

Relay contact K3 (K7)

changeover contact

Relay contact K3 (K7)


make contact

Relay contact K3 (K7)


break contact

Relay contact K4 (K8)


X4 (X8)

2 3 1)


break contact


X2 (X6)


K3 (K7)

K4 (K8)

changeover contact

Relay contact K4 (K8)

make contact

Relay contact K4 (K8)

Values in brackets relate to the second relay card

Tab. 15.2 Terminal configuration of relay 8 module


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Relay 8 module


Firmware update The firmware must be loaded and stored in the module for an update. The components required for this are included in the service case (part no. 905916) or can also optionally be purchased. The following components are required: Pos.



A PC that contains the firmware and carries out the communication to the module.


Cyclone Pro programming device, part no. 905917


Serial 1:1 connection cable between the PC and programming device


FMZ 5000 cyclone adapter, part no. 905658


FMZ 5000 MxM bus programming adapter, part no. 905693


FMZ 5000 8-bit / 9-bit data converter, part no. 905071

How to carry out the firmware update is described in detail in Section 5 of the "FHM20.6 Service Case FMZ 5000 Application Manual", part no. 908560. The manual is available on the Intranet in the fire alarm system section of the product line.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


SIO1 and SIO3 modules


SIO1 and SIO3 modules

1 2






5 6 Fig. 16.1 SIO1 and SIO3 modules

Pos. Designation


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Serial data channel COM2 (RS422/485 optically decoupled) Ground for serial data channel COM2 Properties COM2 Properties COM3 Serial data channel COM3 (RS422/485) Ground for serial data channel COM3 Status LEDs for COM2 and COM3 Serial data channel COM1 (RS232) Status LED of COM1

Plug connector X1 COM2 Plug connector X2 COM2 DIP switch S1 DIP switch S2 Plug connector X3 COM3 Plug connector X4 COM3 Status LED H1 - H6 Sub-D plug COM1 Status LED H1 and H3

The serial ports of the modules are used for the data transfer to internal and external devices. Printers, building management systems etc. can be connected. For the networking of control panels and operating panels in the ring-shaped MxNet network the MxNet module is additionally required.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

SIO1 and SIO3 modules



Technical specifications Current consumption

approx. 42 mA / 58 mA (SIO 1 / SIO 3)

Outputs of the SIO1 module

COM1 RS232 SUB-D port

Outputs of the SIO2 module

COM1 RS232 SUB-D port COM2 RS422 / RS485 opto-decoupled on terminal blocks COM3 RS422 / RS485 on terminal blocks

Interface parameters

adjustable per configuration

Max. cable cross section

2.5 mm² (AWG 14)

COM1 port The SIO1 module and SIO3 module have a COM1 interface of type RS232. This interface is not optically decoupled, the GND connections of transmitter and receiver are connected.

Only connect appliances to the COM1 interface that are within the control panel and supplied by the power supply of the control panel. External appliances and appliances that are supplied independently must be connected via a converter which optically decouples the data path. Standard data cables with 9-pin SUB-D connectors can be used.

Configuration of connector of COM1 Pin







Modem connection has been configured




Receive data




Transmit data




Data equipment is ready






Data equipment is ready




Request to send




Data can be accepted



Tab. 16.1 Connector configuration for COM1

Meaning of status LED for COM1 port LED colour

LED off

LED flashes

LED steady light

H1 yellow

All processors ok

One processor failed (only for redundant processors)

Module failed completely

H2 green

Module in operational mode

Module in stopped mode

Module in preoperational mode

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


SIO1 and SIO3 modules LED colour

LED off CAN configuration complete, address received

H3 green

LED flashes

LED steady light

CAN configuration in  process

CAN configuration complete, no address received

Tab. 16.2 Meaning of status LED for COM1


COM2 and COM3 ports The SIO3 module also has two COM2 and COM3 interfaces of type RS422 / RS485. The type can be set by means of a sliding switch. COM2 is optically decoupled, COM3 has no decoupling.

The RS485 interface is not suitable for the transfer of messages using the MX2 protocol. Only the RS232 or RS422 interfaces must be used for this purpose.

Use a twisted-pair 6-core cable as a data cable. In each case, lay the transmitting and receiving lines into a wire pair. The third wire pair should be used as the GND. A cable screen is optional.

Configuration of connectors X1 and X2 for COM2 Pin


Type Output


X1.1 -

Sender T- (B)

Transmit data


Sender T+ (A)


Transmit data


Receiver R- (B)


Receive data


Receiver R+ (A)


Receive data



X2.2 - X2.4


Tab. 16.3 Connector configuration for COM2

Functions of switches on S1 for COM2 Switch

Default state





Bus termination  deactivated

Bus termination activated









Tab. 16.4 S1 switch settings for COM2


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

SIO1 and SIO3 modules

Always set S1.2 and S1.3 identically.

Meaning of status LEDs for COM2 LED colour H1







LED flashes Transmit data to COM2

Transmitter COM2 deactivated

Transmitter COM2 activated Receive data to COM2

Tab. 16.5 Status LED for COM2

Configuration of connectors X3 and X4 for COM3 Pin




X4.1 -

Sender T- (B)


Transmit data


Sender T+ (A)


Transmit data


Receiver R- (B)


Receive data


Receiver R+ (A)


Receive data



X3.2 - X3.4


Tab. 16.6 Connector configuration for COM3

Functions of switches on S2 for COM3 Switch

Default state





Bus termination  deactivated

Bus termination activated









Tab. 16.7 S2 switch settings for COM3

Always set S2.2 and S2.3 identically.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


SIO1 and SIO3 modules Meaning of status LED for COM3 LED colour


LED flashes

H4 green

Transmit data to COM3

H5 red

Transmitter COM3 deactivated

Transmitter COM3 activated

H6 yellow

Receive data to COM3

Tab. 16.8 Status LEDs for COM3


Firmware update The firmware must be loaded and stored in the module for an update. The components required for this are included in the service case (part no. 905916) or can also optionally be purchased. The following components are required: Pos.



A PC that contains the firmware and carries out the communication to the SIO module.


Adapter, 10-pin. Must be created by the user himself. See FHM20.6 manual


Serial 1:1 connection cable between PC and 9/25-pin converter on the SIO adapter


SIO adapter, part no. 800101 and part no. 800303


FMZ 5000 MxMBus programming adapter, part no. 905693


FMZ 5000 8-bit / 9-bit data converter, part no. 905071

Tab. 16.9 Components for the firmware update

How to carry out the firmware update is described in detail in section 6 of the "FHM20.6 Service Case FMZ 5000 Application Manual", part no. 908560. The manual is available on the Intranet in the fire alarm system section of the product line.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Module MxNet


Module MxNet

1 2 3 8 7



5 Fig. 17.1 SIO1 and SIO3 modules


Pos. Designation


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Connection path 1 Display of sending status Display of path error Serial data channel COM1 (RS232) Connection path 2 Terminators for path 2 Terminators for path 1 Connection power supply 24 V DC

Plug connector X1 Status LED H2 and H3 grn Stauts LED H1 red Sub-D plug COM1 Plug connector X4 DIP switch S2 DIP switch S1 Plug connector

Module description The FMZ 5000 MxNet module forms a network node and the interface to the node in the route-redundant ring-shaped MxNet network. All control panel variants of the  FMZ 5000 and FMZ 4100 series as well as PAT, FAT and building management systems can be used as nodes either directly or via the Minimax OPC server. One MxNet module must be used per node. The maximum length between two neighbouring nodes must not exceed 1.2 km  (0.74 mi), the total network length must not exceed 38.4 km (23.86 mi). The baud rates for the data transfer in the network and to the nodes can be set via hardware jumpers or configuration. For the commissioning and configuration of the card and network the configuration program "MxNet.exe" is recommended.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Module MxNet


Connections and interfaces


COM1 port This interface is used to communicate with the node and is of type RS232. The data transfer protocol MX2 is supported in all versions. Pin







Not used




Transmit data




Receive data




Not used




GND supply voltage




Not used




Data can be accepted




Request to send




Not used

Tab. 17.1 Connector configuration for COM1

The data to be transferred must be received from an SIO1 or SIO3 module. For this the COM1 port of the MxNet module must be connected to COM1 of the SIO module. A pre-assembled ribbon cable is included in the scope of delivery of the MxNet module as a connection to the SIO module.

The SIO module must always be positioned immediately next to the MxNet module as the last modules of a module series at the outside right of the mounting rail.


Plug connector connection X1 for path 1 This connects the data line for path 1. This line leads to the connection of path 2 of the MxNet module in the following node. Pin




Line path 1

Data line, leads to path 2, connection 1


Line path 1

Data line, leads to path 2, connection 2

Tab. 17.2 Connection path 1


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Module MxNet 17.2.3

Plug connector connection X4 for path 2 This connects the data line for path 2. This line leads to the connection of path 1 of the MxNet module of the previous node. Pin




Line path 2

Data line, leads to path 1, connection 1


Line path 2

Data line, leads to path 1, connection 2

Tab. 17.3 Connection path 2

Use a twisted-pair 2-core cable as a data cable. A cable screen is optional.


Meaning of the status LEDs


LED H1 - Data line fault LED H1 (red) indicates faults in the transfer paths 1 and 2. The rest state is LED off, a fault is indicated by a flashing signal. Fault


Indicated by

Path 1 is faulty

flashing once

Path 2 is faulty

flashing twice

Both paths are faulty

flashing five times

LED H1 - System faults LED H1 also indicates system faults. If one of the following characteristics are noticed at H1, the MxNet module is faulty and must be replaced. In case of a system fault the LED is always energised and is briefly switched off as described in the cycle characteristic in Tab. 17.4. Fault type

Duration of fault indication

Number of cycle breaks

EEPROM faulty



No space in transfer memory



Stack buffer full



EPROM faulty

60 s


RAM faulty

60 s


Illegal Opcode

60 s


Reset by voltage watchdog

Reset, no indication

Reset by program watchdog

Reset, no indication

Tab. 17.4 Meaning of the status LED H1

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Module MxNet 17.3.3

LED H2 and H3 The green LED H2 (path 1) and H3 (path 2) indicate data traffic on the respective data paths by briefly switching off.


Diagram of ring-shaped wiring


2 3 4 2 3

2 4 5

3 4 6

Fig. 17.2 Diagram of network wiring

Pos. Designation 1 2 3 4 5 6


Main panel X1 path 1 MxNet Module X2 path 4 Device n Device 1

General specifications - Up to 32 FMZ 5000 MxNet modules can be connected to each other in a ring network. - FMZ 5000 MxNet modules connected to each other in a ring segment must have the same bit rate configured for the transfer paths. The bit rates on the path 1 and path 2 of the FMZ 5000 MxNet module may differ. - If instead of copper lines fibre optic lines (optical wave guides) are used with the UN55955 and UN8795 modules of Niebuhr Optoelektronik, the bit rate in this segment must be max. 125 kbit/s. - The module FMZ 5000 MxNet in the main control panel must b e configured as main node with the node address 00. All others must not be configured as main nodes. - The line terminators must be enabled via the switches S1 and S2.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Module MxNet - The lines on both paths of an FMZ 5000 MxNet module must be laid at a distance from each other. - The FMZ 5000 MxNet modules are fitted with a fine protection. If network lines leave installation area 1, the corresponding medium or heavy protection must be installed at the area transitions.

Notes on the installation of protective devices against overvoltages can be found in directive VdS 2833. The operator of the FACP must be advised by the installation personnel of the necessity to install the protection elements on site.


Hardware configuration of the card


Setup of the sliding switches S1 and S2 The S1 and S2 switches switch on the resistors to terminate the data lines. Normally the terminators must be switched on and therefore all three switches must be in the ON position.

Always set S1 and S2 to be the same.


Baud rates and maximum line length The permitted maximum transfer speed on the network segments depends on the line length of the segment (line between two MxNet modules). The baud rates of the segments can be set differently.

The baud rate of the interfaces of both MxNet modules at each end of the data line of a segment (path 1 at module 1 and path 2 at module 2) must always be the same.

Baud rate

Max. line length [m]

62.4 kBd


125 kBd


250 kBd


500 kBd


Tab. 17.5 Bit rates and corresponding line lengths

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Module MxNet 17.6.3

Jumper positions

top / back = below


2 3 4

5 6

Fig. 17.3 Jumper positions

Pos. Designation





X104 15 -16


X104 13 - 14

4 5 6

X104 1 - 12 X300 5 - 8 X300 1 - 4

Function Jumper inserted: Storing new configuration Jumper removed: Stored data are being used Jumper inserted: MxNet module for the main control panel  Jumper removed: MxNet module for all other nodes Jumper inserted: Baud rate COM1 9600 Baud Jumper removed: Baud rate COM1 4800 Baud Node address (see section 17.6.4) Baud rate path 1 (see section 17.6.5) Baud rate path 2 (see section 17.6.5)

Setting the node address The node address is set in hexadecimal code. The value of the jumper position in square brackets [ ] must be noted. Note: Tab. 17.6 only shows the principle of setting the node addresses. For this reason not all possible addresses are shown, missing address ranges are marked by "...”.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Module MxNet

Node address

X104 1- 2 [1]

X104 3-4 [2]

X104 5-6 [4]

X104 7-8 [8]

X104 9 - 10 [16]


















0 1










28 29


30 31


Tab. 17.6 Setting the node address


Setting the baud rates for the network lines Jumper is „X“ in the table. Baud rate kBaud

Path 1 X300: 1 - 2

Path 2 X300: 3 - 4

X300: 5 - 6

X300: 7 - 8

62.5 125



250 500





Tab. 17.7 Network line baud rates


Commissioning of the network

To put the network into operation the instructions from other manuals must be observed.  Only a brief overview of the MxNet.Exe configuration program and the work required for putting the network into operation is given in the following section. The following manuals contain detailed information and instructions for putting the network into operation and must be observed for this work: - "Operating manual MxNet.exe" - "MxNet commissioning / configuration" - MxNet in ring topology - guidelines for configuration and commissioning - "Configuration program KonfHZ" Existing manuals can be downloaded from the data provision of the PL-FAP or requested directly from the PL-FAP (fire alarm panel product line). FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Module MxNet 17.7.1

Basic instructions for configuration

Each node in the network must registered on the main control panel. Non-registered consumers cause incorrect messages to the main control panel. Only nodes which have been registered at the main control panel with node number, consumer number and node type may be connected to the network. If messages arise, non-registered consumers send messages to the main control panel which displays them along with the preset consumer number "1”. Messages of a non-registered node and a node with configured node address "1” cannot be differentiated.

Repeaters in the network must always be operated with a power supply with emergency backup. If the permitted line lengths between two MxNet modules is exceeded, a MxNet  module can be connected as a repeater in the line. These repeaters must divide the line in such a way that the two resulting line lengths are within the permitted parameters. A power supply with emergency backup must be provided for the repeater. When connecting a FAT the version of the MxNet data protocol must be set in the SIO module and possibly also the FAT in addition to the correct setting of the interface parameters. In addition the transfer and representation of the message texts must be observed. If FATs are to be operated in the MxNet network as nodes they must be able to automatically switch the unit number issued by the main control panel. Only in this way is correct operation of the network guaranteed. As described in section 17.6, the network can be set up and commissioned just by plugging jumpers onto the cards of the module. Alternatively, the "MxNet.Exe” configuration program can be used for this.


Diagnostic program MxNet.exe The commissioning and diagnostic program MxNet.exe is intended to simplify working with the ring-shaped network for the user. It enables configuration on the PC from a central location and replaces the manual configuration. An individual FMZ 5000 MxNet module in the network can be parametrized or its current state queried; in addition all MxNet modules in the network can be controlled and set remotely. All parameters of the modules FMZ 5000 MxNet, e.g. node address, type of node art, baud rate in the network segments and to the fire alarm component can be set. Faults of network segments or the connections to the fire alarm components and the error maps of the individual FMZ 5000 MxNet modules can be displayed of queried via key entry or mouse click.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

ModBus module


ModBus module

4 3




1 Fig. 18.1 SIO1 and SIO3 modules Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6


Designation Status LED H1 and H2 Status LED H1 - H6 Connector X2 COM2 Connector X1 COM2 DIP switch S1 Sub-D plug COM1

Note Status LED of COM1 Status LEDs for COM2 and COM3 Ground for serial data channel COM2 Serial data channel COM2 (RS422/485 optically decoupled) Setting of COM2 properties Serial data channel COM1 (RS232)

Module description The FMZ 5000 ModBus module is used as a ModBus slave for data communication using the ModBus protocol. The COM2 port is used for the ModBus data transfer  (see section 18.3 ). A bus operation (several ModBus slaves for one ModBus master) can take place via both RS422 and RS485.

If an RS 485 interface is to be used for ModBus communication, the ModBus RS485 module part no. 906853 must be used. A separate ModBus module must be used for each control panel. For redundant data traffic two modules can also be used in a control panel. For networked control panels the modules in the subordinate control panels must also be used, their use in a main control panel is not permitted. 138

Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

ModBus module Messages of the control panel are displayed as set input bits, commands to the control panel are displayed as set output coils. Before operation the ModBus master must be configured so that it recognizes the addresses and knows the meaning of the input bits and output coils in the ModBus slave. The transfer parameters are set with the MxSysCon configuration program. Designation

Technical data

Transfer protocol


ModBus interface


Slave address

Range 1 to 255

ModBus interfaces

RS232, RS422, multi-RS422 (bus operation with RS422)

ModBus baud rate

9600, 19200 and 28800 baud


Even, odd, none

Tab. 18.1 Technical data for ModBus transfer


COM1 port The COM1 port of type RS232 is used exclusively to connect a PC for the output of data on the configuration and the status of the ModBus module. This interface is not optically decoupled and the GND connections of transmitter and receiver are connected.

The COM1 is not used for connecting the ModBus. Only a service PC can be connected. Standard data cables with 9-pin SUB-D connectors can be used for connecting the PC and module. The fixed interface parameters are: 19.2 kBaud, 8 data bits, no parity bits, 1 stop bit. Configuration of COM1 connector Pin







Modem connection has been configured




Receive data




Transmit data




Data equipment is ready






Data equipment is ready




Request to send




Data can be accepted



Tab. 18.2 Connector configuration for COM1

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


ModBus module Meaning of status LEDs for COM1 port LED colour

LED off

LED flashes

LED steady light

H1 yellow

All processors ok

One processor failed (only for redundant processors)

Module failed completely

H2 green

Module in operational mode

Module in stopped mode

Module in preoperational mode

H3 green

CAN configuration complete, address received

CAN configuration in  process

CAN configuration complete, no address received

Tab. 18.3 Meaning of status LEDs for COM1


COM2 interface Meaning of status LEDs for COM2 LED colour

LED off

H1 green H2 red

LED flashes

LED steady light

Transmit data via COM2 Transmitter COM2  deactivated

H3 yellow

Transmitter COM2  activated Receive data via COM2

Tab. 18.4 Status LEDs for COM2

The COM3 port is not used.


ModBus module connection to the master Data communication between the ModBus slave and ModBus master takes place over a serial interface using the RS485 or RS422 standard.  The connection is made via copper or fibre optic lines.

Only use twisted pair cables as data cables. The sender and receiver cables must each be laid into a wire pair. The screen should be used as the GND.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

ModBus module 18.4.1

Data transfer via RS422 interface If the data transfer to the ModBus master takes place via RS422, the sender of the ModBus module is constantly switched on, allowing only one ModBus slave (the ModBus module) to be operated on the bus.


Fig. 18.2 Data transfer via RS422

Pos. Designation 1

ModBus master with RS422 interface

If the data is transferred via the RS422 interface, a cable with at least 2 twisted wire pairs (one wire pair each for sender and receiver) must be used. The ground connection is established with the cable screen. The sliding switch in S1 must be set as shown in Fig. 18.2. Meaning

ModBus module connection

ModBus master1 connection

Receiver cable ModBus module


RxD (B), (P) or (1)

Receiver cable ModBus module


RxD (A), (N) or (0)

Sender cable ModBus module


TxD (B), (P) or (1)

Sender cable ModBus module


TxD (A), (N) or (0)

Ground connection


Ground / Common


The designations may vary with different manufacturers

Tab. 18.5 Cable connections for RS422


Data transfer via RS422_multi In RS422_multi mode several ModBus slaves can transfer their data to a ModBus master via a common data bus. If the data transfer to the ModBus master takes place via RS422, the sender of the ModBus module is only switched on while the ModBus module is sending, allowing several ModBus slaves to be operated on the bus. If the data is transferred via the RS422 interface in multiple mode (see Fig. 18.3), a cable with at least 2 twisted wire pairs (one wire pair each for sender and receiver) must be used. The ground connection is established with the cable screen. The sliding switch in S1 must be set as shown in Fig. 18.3.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


ModBus module


Fig. 18.3 Data transfer via RS422 in multiple mode

Pos. Designation 1

ModBus master with RS422 interface

ModBus module 1 connection

ModBus module n connection

Receiver cable



RxD (B) or (1)

Receiver cable



RxD (A) or (0)

Sender cable



TxD (B) or (1)

Sender cable



TxD (A) or (0)

Ground / Earth



Ground / Common


ModBus master connection

Tab. 18.6 Cable connections for RS422_multi


Ex works





Bus termination deactivated







Bus termination activated

Tab. 18.7 Switch settings for RS422

Always set S1.2 and S1.3 identically.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

ModBus module 18.4.3

Data transfer via RS485

For RS485 interface only use ModBus module RS485 module, part no. 906853. In most cases data transfer via RS485 is used. For this the senders of all ModBus nodes are only switched on during the time of sending, allowing the operation of  several ModBus slaves on a single data bus. A cable with twisted wire pairs (one wire pair each for sender and receiver) must be used.  The ground connection is established with the cable screen.



1 Fig. 18.4 Data transfer via RS485

Pos. Designation 1 2

ModBus master with RS485 interface Bustermination resistor 220 

A 220  resistor must be installed on each of the bus ends for termination. The bus length must not exceed 1200 m (3937 ft). Cable specification acc. to IEC 61158 cable type A: characteristic impedance 135  to 165 , capacitive coating < 30 pF and loop impedance 110 /km.

Cable example:  Unitronic BUS-L2/FIP 1x2x0.64  fixed installation, part no. 2170220 Unitronic BUS-Yv L2/FIP 1x2x0.64  buried cable, part no. 2170223 Supplier: Lappkabel No sliding switches need to be set here.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


ModBus module


Connection via fibre optic lines Fibre optic lines can also be used for data transfer over greater distances or in order to achieve higher immunity to outside electrical interferences. The data cables of the ModBus coming from the ModBus module via an RS422/485 interface module are connected to optical fiber cables. The cable connections from optical fibre cables to the electrical interface of the ModBus master must also be made via an interface module. Two fibre optics cables must be laid so that each of them connects the sender output with the receiver input of the other side.





4 5






Fig. 18.5 Connections for fibre optic lines

Pos. Designation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


ModBus module Optical fibre converter ModBus master Optical fibre Port A Transmitter TD Receiver RD

Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

ModBus module


Commissioning During commissioning errors can occur that are usually caused by work steps that have not been carried out completely. The following checklist queries the essential points of each step.

Check point Configuration of Master

Y/N Has the master received a complete current list of all input bits and output coils used? Is the master configured according to this list? Has the master correctly set the ModBus module address as a slave address? Are all interface parameters for the ModBus protocol set precisely as they were configured in MxSysCon for the ModBus module? Is the ModBus RTU protocol set?

Setting of ModBus module

Are the sliding switches correctly set according to the type of interface that is used? Is the ModBus module correctly configured when the control panel is started?


Are the correct types of cable laid according to the type of interface used? Are the wires correctly laid at the ModBus module and at the master? The polarity of the data cable (A/B,T+/T-, R+/R-, N/P, designations depend on the manufacturer of the hardware) must not be reversed. For RS422 and optic fibre cables, is the sender of one side always connected with the receiver of the other side? If the RS485 interface is used, have the terminal resistors been inserted? Is the power supply of the ModBus master connected?

Cable length

Does the cable length exceed the maximum of 1200 m (3937 ft)? Are fibre optic lines or repeaters used for length >1200 m (3937 ft)? Has the maximum cable length for the fibre optic type that was used been adhered to?

Tab. 18.8 Checklist for commissioning ModBus

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


ModBus module


Service program

Detailed information about the service program can be found in the manual FHT20.4 ModBusMaster Configuration.


ModBus simulator If the ModBus master in the project is not active or not yet installed when the commissioning is carried out, the proper operation of the ModBus module must be checked with the aid of a ModBus master simulator. This simulator is an application that runs on a PC with the Windows operating system. There are many simulators, we recommend the simulator from Calta Computer Systems. Fig. 18.6 shows the data of the software and of the software manufacturer for easier identification of the software. The software can be purchased and downloded from the site The test of the ModBus module as ModBus slave with the above-mentioned ModBus master is described in the following section. The master must have been installed. Start the program, the start screen appears.

Fig. 18.6 Data of the ModBus simulator

Click OK to get to the main menu.

18.8.1 146

Settings of the master Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

ModBus module Further settings must be made for the test that are described in the following section. Click on Configuration and the following window appears: .

Fig. 18.7 Settings of the master

Necessary settings: Parameter






Comm. Port

Serial port on the PC for the ModBus protocol

Slave No.

The configured ModBus module slave address


Type of ModBus protocol / communication settings Baud rate / Parity.  All settings must be set exactly as in the configuration program MxSysCon.

Database Points Coils

Output coils used in the test, Start: 2  Number: Number of output coils in the test: 10 to 20

Database Points Status

Input bits used in the test  Input bits for the display of states where the first 29 represent the states of the control panels (system messages). The others represent the states of groups or detectors etc.  Start: 2  Number: Number of input bits in the test (approx. 100).

All other settings can be left as shown in Fig. 18.7.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


ModBus module 18.8.2

Connection to the master The ModBus module uses either an RS422 or RS485 interface for communication with the ModBus master. Normally only an RS232 interface is available on the PC. For this reason, the connection must be carried out using an RS422/RS485 -> RS232 converter. The Minimax V11 module part no. 852278 may only be used when the RS422 interface is used. When the RS485 interface is used, a commercially available converter, e.g. PSM-ME-RS232/RS485-P by Phoenix Contact, part no. 27 44 41 6, must be used. Connection of the converter module The converter is connected to the PC via a commercially available data cable with sub-connectors. The connections to the ModBus module must be established as described in Fig. 18.2, Fig. 18.3 or Fig. 18.4. The converter is switched on instead of the ModBus master shown there. X1 RS232 data line to the PC

X2 RS485/422 data line to the ModBus module


Pin 2 TxD Transmit

Pin 1 T-

Terminal X1:3 R+

Pin 3 RxD Receive

Pin 2 T+

Terminal X1:4 R-

Pin 5 GND

Pin 3 GND

Terminal X2:1 GND

Pin 7 CTS

Pin 4 R-

Terminal X1:1 T+

Pin 5 R+

Terminal X1:2 T-

Tab. 18.9 Terminal configuration of the V11 converter module

For RS485 only use the wire pair 1 -2 and plug jumpers X4:1, X5:1 in the V11 module.

Test procedure The test is started by clicking on Main menu >> On. The status query of the slaves is recorded through the master sending the respective telegrams.

Display of transmitted and received telegrams. Click on Main menu >> Display >> Monitor. The telegrams are displayed in a separate window. The telegrams sent to the slave are marked with TX and those received by the slave are marked with RX.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

ModBus module Display of the input bits (status bits) In a separate window the left column displays the numbers and the right column displays the states of the input bits of the slaves.

Display of the coils In a separate window the left column displays the numbers and the right column displays the states of the coils of the slaves.

Setting input bits To check the proper transfer of input bits, the door contact can be operated, for example, or a group switched off or on at the control panel in which the slave ModBus module is used. The test is successful when the respective bit is shown as set or reset in the status bit window.

Setting of coils In order to test the  proper transmission of the coils, coils can be selectively set/reset in the ModBus master simulator. To do this, click on Main menu >> Control when the test is swiched on. The window shown here at the side opens. Enter the desired coil address, e.g. for a group shut-down, and click on On to set it or on Off to reset it.  A telegram is sent to the slave. Only when the slave has set the coil is this also set in the coil window of the simulator. 

The ModBus slave, i.e. the control panel, must execute the desired action to pass the test. Do not mark Use Func. 15 because the ModBus module sets a group of several coils at the same time with function 15.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


ModBus module

End of the test The test is successful if all states of the control panel (ModBus slave) are shown by the status of the respective input bits (status bits) and all set coils and the respective actions have been carried out in the slave.


Firmware update If a firmware update is to be loaded onto the module, the module must be opened and the SIO extension card must be separated from the ModBus module card for the duration of programming. The SIO adapter (part no. 800101) must be connected to X7 of the ModBus module card via an interconnected pin strip (note PIN 1). The card must then be reinserted in the module housing and supplied with +24V voltage. The processor is then in programming mode. The components required for this are included in the service case (part no. 905916) or can also optionally be purchased. The following components are required: Pos.



A PC that contains the firmware and carries out the communication to the SIO module.


Adapter, 10-pin. Must be created by the user himself. See FHM20.6 manual


Serial 1:1 connection cable between PC and 9/25-pin converter on the SIO adapter


SIO adapter, part no. 800101 and part no. 800303


FMZ 5000 MxM bus programming adapter, part no. 905693


FMZ 5000 8-bit / 9-bit data converter, part no. 905071

Tab. 18.10 Components for the firmware update

How to carry out the firmware update is described in detail in Section 6 of the "FHM20.6 Service Case FMZ 5000 Application Manual", part no. 908560. The manual is available on the Intranet in the fire alarm system section of the product line.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0



WEBmodule 2


3 3









Fig. 19.1 FMZ 5000 WEBmodule Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Designation WEBmodul S WEBmodul N Plug COM Status / Reset Status LED yellow Socket RJ45 Status LED green

Note Can send switching commandsto the connected control panel Non switchable Serial data channel COM Mechanical switch for triggering a hardware reset Ethernet: transmission speed LAN connection Ethernet interface Ethernet: Illuminated means the connection is established

Module variants: Module FMZ5000 WEBmodul S, part no. 914345 (switchable) Module FMZ5000 WEBmodul N, part no. 914344 (non switchable)

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions




Module description



Fig. 19.2 Networking with WEBmodule Pos. 1 2

Designation Customer network FMZ 5000 networking with WEBmodule

The use of a WEBmodule offers the possibility to retrieve the available states of the fire alarm control panel FMZ 5000 and to visualize or record them. The coupling of the WEBmodule takes place by using a SIOmodule. Data communications between WEBmodule and customer's network occur via http. For each panel an own WEBmodule must be set. In networked control panels the module should preferably be placed in the main control panel, since only here all state information of slave panels is available. WEBmodules could be integrated into slave panels even for networked control panels. In this case, only the states of this panel is read, commands can also be transmitted to other control panels. The status display of the panel or the readout of the WEBmodule via a web surface can be made from any PC in customer network.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0





Serial interface The serial interface of the module is used for the connection to an SIO1 module (part no. 903466) or SIO3 module (part no. 903467). The connection must be established using a serial cable (part no. 909409). In this connection the cable length must be kept as short as possible.

Fig. 19.3 WEBmodule communication cable (part no.: 909409)

WEBmodule and SIO-Module are to be installed spatially directly next to each other. PIN











Transmit data




Receive data








GND potential

















Tab. 19.1 Configuration of the SIO connector

LED Color

LED off

LED flashes

LED green RJ45 socket

WEBmodule no physical connection to the network

LED yellow RJ45 socket

10 MBit

Data exchange between WEBmodul and network

LED steady light Module is supplied with voltage 100 MBit

Tab. 19.2 Meaning of the status LED for the WEBmodule

The SIO interface is of type RS232. This interface is not optically decoupled.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


WEBmodule 19.2.2

Ethernet interface Communication takes place on the network side via the TCP/IP protocol. 10BaseT and 100BaseT networks are supported. Connection to the IP network is through the Web module's Ethernet/RJ45 port. To connect the WEBmodule with the IP network a patch panel (order no.: 914347) is connected with the WEBmodule via a pre-packaged patch cable (order no.: 914349). The patch panel allows the network line on the field side to be easily hooked up using spring-loaded terminals. The shield network cable is connected to the earth potential via the patch panel.

Fig. 19.4 WEBmodule with Ethernet interface and patch panel with field-side network cable

To ensure electromagnetic compatibility, direct contact by the WEBmodule with the network on the field side is not permitted.

It is the responsibility of the customer to take appropriate safety precautions for network access of the WEBmodule. For the operation of the module the customer has to create and to document a safety concept. The MINIMAX GMBH & CO. KG absolve itself of responsibility for the safety of WEBmodule prior disorderly access through a third party. There can be no security concept provided by the MINIMAX GMBH & CO. KG because of the infinite variety of network structures and characteristics. More information and legally binding wording on exempting the operator from responsibility is found in chapter 19.6 "Risk & exemption from responsibility when using the WEBmodule".


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0



WEBmodule assembly 1. The FMZ 5000, into which the WEBmodule is installed, must be operated using the 5.1.X.X release version of the operating system or higher. 2. Notify the operator that the control panel has been switched off to install the WEBmodule. Caution: Inverted activated relays can trip while the control panel is de-energized. 3. Use the menu to shut down the FMZ 5000. 4. De-energize the FMZ 5000. 5. Disconnect the 10-pin plug at the end of the module row. 6. Assemble the SIO module and the WEBmodule directly on its right or left  (see Fig. 19.5, (1)). 7. Assemble the patch panel and lay the patch cable on the field side (including cable shielding, see Fig. 19.5, (2)) with codings (network-dependent) as listed in Tab. 19.3. The WEBmodule automatically detects the cable assignment and appropriately processes the signal flow. 8. As standard the jumper of the patch panel is connected and must only be removed in special application scenarios. 9. Connect the patch panel to the WEBmodule via the patch cable (see Fig. 19.4). 10.Connect the SIO module with the WEBmodule via the FMZ WEBmodule SIO adapter (see Fig. 19.4). 11.Connect the 10-pin plug with the end of the module row. Switch on the FMZ 5000 after the configuration has been customized (see Fig. 19.4).

Cable J 2


Fig. 19.5 The module row of SIO module + WEBmodule (1); patch panel with network cable on field side (2)

Patch panel Terminal

Ethernet TIA 568 A (preferably)

TIA 568 B



















FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


WEBmodule Patch panel Terminal

Ethernet TIA 568 A (preferably)

TIA 568 B







Tab. 19.3 TIA coding


Configuration in the MxSysCon (Valid for release 5.1:) After the placement of the WEBmodule in the hardware configuration, MxSysCon automatically recommends placing the WEBmodule to the right of the SIO module. Ignore this message. 1. Insert the SIO module and WEBmodule into the hardware configuration of the FMZ 5000 (see Fig. 19.6). To activate communication of the SIO module, in the hardware configuration select the "Communication" function under "Device" with the "FMZ5000 to WEBmodule" application. 2. Under "Device" set the SIO module configuration to "Communication" and the application to "FMZ5000 to WEBmodule" (see Fig. 19.6). 3. Enter a number that differs from the control panel number of the FMZ 5000 under "Control panel no. of the counterpart" (see Fig. 19.6). 4. Set the protocol version to "Minimax2Ver4" (see Fig. 19.6).

Fig. 19.6 Configuration in the MxSysCon

The interface parameters of the SIO module and WEBmodule have the same default setting and this setting must not be changed in these two modules for this application.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0



Configuration via the web browser interface When shipped, the WEBmodule is set so that the IP address is allocated based on the DHCP protocol. If the IP address is not allocated or there is no DHCP server available, the module can also be accessed using the fixed IP address This means the WEBmodule can be connected directly to a Windows PC. The IP address must be entered in the browser (Mozilla Firefox, preferably Google Chrome) and then the WEBmodule interface is displayed.

Fig. 19.7 Internet browser connection to the WEBmodule Commissioning

1. Connect the PC with the WEBmodule via an Ethernet cable (over the network or directly). 2. Start the PC. 3. Open your Internet browser (Mozilla Firefox, preferably Google Chrome) and enter the correct IP address. - When connecting the PC directly to the WEBmodule, the fallback address (permanently accessible IP address) (see Figure 6) is given direct access to the WEBmodule. - When accessing the WEBmodule over a network, use the IP address assigned to the WEBmodule by the router or system administrator.

The WEB interface opens and you can configure the WEBmodule under the "Settings" menu item (see chapter 19.5).

It is the customer's responsibility to institute security measures regarding access to the WEBmodule, to document these and to maintain it in accordance with the latest state of the technical art.

The WEBmodule is shipped with one user set up (observe upper and lower case): - User: minimax - Password: xaminim For security reasons, the standard user should be subsequently changed

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


WEBmodule Web interface The WEBmodule interface has four panels:



2 3

6 4

Fig. 19.8 WEBmodule – the WEBmodule interface







Minimax logo



All available menu items are shown. The serial number/descriptive text for the system are also shown.



Switch the interface language of the module


Command response

Display of responses by the central card when switches are carried out; if several users are active on the module at the same time, operating responses to commands by other users are also shown.



The content of this pane changes depending on the menu item selected.


Live messages

Shows the five most recent messages as well as the categories of all pending messages. Grayed out displays indicate that there are no messages in this category. The display is updated either every six seconds or as soon as a new message occurs.

Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

WEBmodule 19.5.1

Menu structure HOME:

Fig. 19.9 Menu WEBmodule - HOME

Home is the WEBmodule homepage. Home either shows a static graphic or the images of an IP camera (depending on the settings). MESSAGES:

Fig. 19.10 Menu WEBmodule - MESSAGES

It shows all messages pending when the page is loaded. The WEBmodule default setting shows 30 messages per page. If several messages are present, links can be used at the bottom of the table for browsing or the number of messages per page can be increased. Filter functions:

Fig. 19.11 Menu WEBmodule - Categoriy fields

The display can be filtered by clicking on the color-coded category fields (Fig. 19.11). FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


WEBmodule The categories are based on the standard set in the WEBmodule. Filter values can be additionally entered at the head of the columns and applied by clicking on the filter icon. Each time a filter is applied (Fig. 19.12) the page is loaded again and the filter is applied to the currently pending messages. The field for the date filter can only be filled out by using the calendar button to the right of the field.

Fig. 19.12 Menu WEBmodule - Filters

- Refresh Pending messages for the FMZ 5000 (accounting for the WEBmodule filter function) are shown in the WEB interface. - Reset filters The filter set for the WEB interface is reset. - Download For further evaluation it is possible to download and store the collected messages as a .csv file. Regardless of the current filter and number of messages per page, all existing messages are downloaded. It should be noted that messages are loaded at the moment of the query. Clicking on 'Download' loads all current data regardless of the most recently updated view. Because the live view is constantly refreshed even when no user entries are being made, the user can see when there are changes and the view must be reloaded. HISTORY:

Fig. 19.13 Menu WEBmodule - HISTORY

Displaying the history memory. The contents of the history memory on the central card of the FMZ 5000 can deviate from this. Messages which were only pending at the control panel while the WEBmodule was not connected are not stored in the history. If more than 40,000 messages accumulate, the first messages to arrive are overwritten. The WEBmodule default setting shows 30 messages per page. If several messages are present, links can be used at the bottom of the table for browsing or the number of messages per page can be increased ("Message per page" drop-down menu).


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0


Filter functions: As with displaying messages, a basic filter can be set via the column headers. For more information, see the "Filter functions" section in the MESSAGES chapter. - Download The history file can be downloaded as a .csv file for more extensive filtering. If only a part of the history is to be evaluated, the download scope can be limited. The fields for setting the begin and end date can only be filled in by clicking the calendar button. The fields can be deleted by selecting "Reset filter." If no filter attributes are set, the entire history file is downloaded. MODULE INFO:

Fig. 19.14 Menu WEBmodule - MODULE INFO

Various settings for the WEBmodule can be seen in this view but not modified. Changes to the settings of the WEBmodule can be made in the corresponding menu item. - Service application Shows the status of the service which is handling communication to the central card. - Module info Shows the system time since the last time the module was restarted in days, hours:minutes. The version numbers of the control panel communication service, the WEB interface, and the basic system are also displayed. - Network Shows the network configuration of the module. Regardless of all other settings, the module is always accessible using the fallback IP address - Service application Shows the parameters of the communication to the control panel.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions



Fig. 19.15 Menu WEBmodule - COMMANDS

The "Switch" menu item is only available in the S WEBmodule. This allows users of the module to send switch signals to the FMZ 5000. To execute a switch command, the corresponding control panel, group, and where applicable, detector and the command to be executed must be entered in the menu and the command transferred to the FMZ 5000 using the double-arrow key. Switch commands pre-configured by the user can be executed from this menu by quick access (see also MxSysCon configuration import on page 169).

More information on potential hazards related to switch commands are found in chapter 19.6 "Risk & exemption from responsibility when using the WEBmodule". SETTINGS: The menu item SETTINGS itself has no function, it only groups the lower-level menu items. The user must have level 3 authorization to be able to select these menu items. Otherwise the system displays a login dialog. SETTINGS – NETWORK SETTINGS submenu:


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0


Fig. 19.16 Submenu WEBmodule - NETWORK SETTINGS

- IP - internet protocol The IP address of the module can be set either manually or allocated by a DHCP server. The default setting is "Allocate IP address via DHCP." If the address is allocated by a DHCP server, the values for the subnet mask, gateway, and DNS server cannot be entered manually. Regardless of the settings, the WEBmodule can always be accessed using the as the IP address. - NTP – Network time protocol NTP is deactivated by default. The NTP server entered is for updating and synchronizing the internal clock of the WEBmodule (and also of the FMZ 5000). The NTP module client can be configured and enabled from the corresponding menu item. The time zone must also be set so that the WEBmodule can display the correct local time. If the NTP function of the WEBmodule is to be used for synchronizing the FMZ 5000 time, it is necessary to set the time zone for the FMZ 5000 (MxSysCon) configuration to "User defined" (Extras -> General settings).  The current status of the service is shown under the time zone. If the text is green, this means that the service has synchronized with a time server and adjusted the system time. If the text is orange, this means the service is querying the set time servers and checking their quality. If errors occur, a red error message appears.  If two NTP servers are set, the WEBmodule synchronizes with the NTP server which is easier to reach and has a better time source.  Europe

North America




South America

Tab. 19.4 Internationale NTP-Zeitserver (Quelle: Stand: 29.01.2013)

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


WEBmodule  If synchronization is successful, it may take some time until the system time corresponds with the real time because the NTP service slowly adjusts the system time to the real time when there are slight deviations. Manually setting the time can speed up this operation if the value set is close enough to the real time. If the system time deviates by more than 15 minutes from the real time, the NTP service sets the system time directly to the correct value after synchronization. To achieve this, the NTP service must be disabled once and then enabled again.  If the system time is manually set to a widely deviating time in synchronized time (green message), the NTP service detects this condition as invalid and may shut down. To reactivate NTP, the module must be restarted by marking the check box and applying the values.

Checking the server can take several minutes. If none of the servers can be reached, the message persists. - Set time manually If the time cannot be obtained via the NTP or the control panel, the time can be set manually. If only simple corrections are to be carried out, it is sufficient if only the field to be changed is entered. All blank fields are replaced by the current time. Example: To change the clock by one hour it is enough to enter the desired value under "Hr". All the other values remain unchanged. Click the "Set time manually" button to apply the entry. - Send time to panel If the NTP client is enabled, the module can send the system time to the connected control panel at the set interval. The default setting is a synchronization interval of 12 hours. If the WEBmodule is supposed to obtain the time from the control panel, "Never" must be set here and the NTP client must be disabled. If the service to the control panel communication is restarted, the interval for time synchronization is also reset.  In the MxSysCon Release 5.1.X.X configuration program the control panel can be set up as a time server via the free configuration of an SIO module. Caution: Set the synchronization interval of the WEBmodule in the network settings to "Never". By choosing these settings in the MxSysCon and in the WEBmodule the WEBmodule is adjusted to the time set on the FMZ 5000 (see Fig. 19.17).

Fig. 19.17 SIO-Module communication: freely configurable

Values for the free configuration: Configuration



Protocol version


Request status alignment


Status end


Send date, time


Transmission mode

Point to point Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

WEBmodule Configuration


Send messages


Evaluation of messages


After switching from summer daylight saving time to winter time, in the subsequent 24 hours (depending on the synchronization interval set) the time may be shown incorrectly in case the control panel is configured as the time server.

No manual changes to the WEBmodule time settings may be carried out during the automatic change from summer daylight saving to winter time (depending on the time zone) because otherwise the time settings could be incorrectly changed.

When setting winter time to summer daylight saving time, during the period skipped by the time change (e.g., from 2:00 AM to 2:59 AM) no manual changes of the time settings should occur (neither to the WEBmodule nor to the FMZ 5000 or the control panel network). If manual changes are made, different times may be indicated at the control panel and in the WEBmodule.

When setting up the WEBmodule as a time server with an automatic change of time from winter time to summer daylight saving time as well as automatic time adjustment via NTP, no separate command for the changed time is sent to the control panel. The new time is only transmitted to the control panel after completion of the synchronization interval.

- FTP automatic upload The FTP auto upload is disabled by default. The FTP auto upload saves messages on a network server. The WEBmodule can load the history of the previous 24 hours onto an FTP server every 24 hours. The parameters can be set here. In addition to FTP, the encrypted protocols FTPS and SFTP are also supported. The default port of the protocol is always used.   When enabled, the uploads take place at night at 1:00 AM local time. The name of the file is:  FDMXBN_< The date is in YYYYMMDD format>.xxx.csv  The serial number must be entered by the user in the SETTINGS – MODULE menu. Instead of xxx, a consecutive number appears, which is set back to 000 again after reaching 999, and is increased by 1 after every upload.  By pressing the “Start” link alongside “Check connection,” the parameters currently set in the module for the FTP upload can be tested. Please note that the data are only sent to the module after clicking “Apply”. FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions



Fig. 19.18 Submenu WEBmodule - MODULE SETTINGS

- Service application The service which carries out communication to the control panel can be stopped and re-started here. - Automatic reboot When the function is activated, the module is launched again at the time entered. Rebooting takes about 35 seconds and can cause an error message at the control panel. - My link Documents for online access can be stored in the “MY LINK” menu. These documents can be accessed from the WEB interface. No link is shown if the link title is empty. - Serial The values entered facilitate identifying the WEBmodule currently in use or to be used. The value is used in the menu, in the side title in the browser and in the FTP upload. The value is used in the menu, in the side title in the browser and in the FTP upload. This field entry is limited to 255 characters. - Home page A static image is set as default. The format of the homepage can be modified by uploading a static image or listing the address of an IP camera (image refresh rate adjustable). The camera image is displayed unscaled and has to be adjusted to match the screen resolution. The maximum file size for static images is 600 kB. The following formats are accepted: gif, .jpg, and .png.  The camera image is accessed and displayed by opening the WEBmodule home page. It must be ensured that the camera is accessible. The URL for the live IP camera begins with http:// and can contain a port number other than port 80 if desired.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

WEBmodule - Timeout for live display If the module is used with a dial-up connection, there is a possibility that an orphaned browser will not keep the connection open due to the live display constantly refreshing. The default setting is a value of three minutes. Once a value is entered, after the time elapses a static page containing no further connection to the WEBmodule is displayed. Every time a link is opened in the menu, the counter resets to zero. - Time-out for a logged on user When a user is logged on, the session times out after the specified value and the user has to log on again. The default setting is a value of three minutes. Every time a menu item is accessed, the counter resets to zero. Activities in menu entries with a lower access level than the active access level does not reset the counter to zero. - Module info Displays operating time information for the module since the last restart and the version numbers of the software components. Using the “Upgrade the module software” link, the WEB interface and/or the control panel communication service can be updated. The upgrade only works with HTML5 compatible browsers.


Fig. 19.19 Submenu WEBmodule - USER MANAGEMENT

New users can be registered, and existing ones processed and deleted. The user currently logged on cannot be deleted and the access level for this user cannot be restricted. No login is currently required for the main menu.

Deleting all the users with clearance for accessing level 3 is not allowed. If at least two user accounts with access level 3 clearance exist, there is a possibility of the users deleting each other, so that no user with authorization for the level exists. If the access data for all users with authorization for access level 3 are unavailable, the WEBmodule cannot be configured. The WEBmodule must be returned to the central Minimax factory for maintenance. - Operator protocol This menu item with the “Download” function is only available in the S WEBmodule and enables viewing of the IP address which the user has executed. The file is downFMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


WEBmodule loaded in .csv format.


Fig. 19.20 WEBmodule – CONFIGURATION submenu

Here configuration data must be entered which corresponds with the connected control panel. Release FMZ 5000

Protocol version MX2



The protocol version must be set to match the connected control panel (see settings of the protocol version for the corresponding SIO module in MxSysCon). For applications in the FMZ 5000, the “Automatically allocate control panel number” check-box is enabled as the default setting.

When first launching the control panel after switching from manual configurations to automatically obtaining the control panel number in the WEBmodule, the displayed control panel number of the WEBmodule should be checked. If the control panel number of the WEBmodule is assigned manually, the service for control panel communication or the WEBmodule must be restarted from the module settings. By setting the standard, incoming messages are categorized according to the standard. The standard should correspond to the standard set at the control panel. - Language of the control panel user texts The language set in the WEBmodule must correspond to the language used in the FMZ 5000 for user texts so that umlauts and special characters can be correctly displayed. The following languages are supported in the current versions of the WEBmodule: German, English, French, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish.  Additional language support is planned for later versions of the WEBmodule.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

WEBmodule - MxSysCon Configuration import Selected elements of the control panel configurations can be stored for quick access by means of a .csv file under the “Switch” menu item.  Quick access allows groups to be created which can be controlled. As a result, entry of the element labels for a control becomes unnecessary.  A reference drive to the .csv file can be entered in “Path to the configuration file”. This can be generated from the MxSysCon control panel configuration program starting with release 5.2. The .csv file loaded in the WEBmodule can hold a maximum of 1,000 elements (control groups, value limit groups, individual detectors) for direct control via the WEBmodule. MY LINK The link to a Web site or a file stored on the disk drive stored under module settings is opened. LOGOUT If this menu item is selected, the user drops down to the lowest access level in the WEBmodule and the “HOME” menu item is displayed.


Risk & exemption from responsibility when using the WEBmodule The use of the WEBmodule poses the risk of unauthorized external access to the fire detector and extinguishing control technology. Activating commands in the S WEBmodule can lead to these risks: - Detectors and groups being switched on and off, - Test state, - User reset, if doing so affects/prevents possible fire detection and extinguishing operations. There is further potential for risk both in the S WEBmodule as well as the N WEBmodule resulting from the incorrect adjustment of the internal control panel time via the WEBmodule. Setting the control panel time to the wrong time may adversely affect the time-controlled applications (timer modules, day and night switches).

WEBmodules may only be operated in networks with limited access and sufficient safety equipment with the express exemption from responsibility of the operator. Minimax GmbH & Co. KG thus not to be responsible regarding the effects of system parts as a consequence of switching functions.

To release the operator from responsibility, a signed and legally binding exemption from liability for the operator with the following text must be obtained by the customer/ operator:

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


WEBmodule „The undersigned company, being the buyer and/or operator of the system, was adequately informed about the risk of unauthorized manipulation of the fire detection and extinguishing control technology when using a WEBmodule (versions S and N) and wishes to use one of the aforementioned WEBmodules in its system despite the increased safety risk. In regard to the risks relating to unauthorized manipulation, the buyer and/or operator exempts Minimax GmbH & Co. KG as well as its distribution companies upon first demand from any liability for damage that results from an external manipulation of the technical system and undertakes to compensate Minimax GmbH & Co. KG or its distributor companies upon first demand for all costs incurred as a result of such manipulation. If the undersigned company is not the operator of the system, the undersigned company undertakes by this signature to obtain an analog liability exemption from the operator of the system. If the undersigned company fails to obtain or is not able to present a liability exemption from the operator, the undersigned company shall assume full liability and guarantees Minimax GmbH & Co. KG and its distribution companies an exemption from liability at its own expense." This exemption from liability must be considered in each order where WEBmodules are used.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0






If fatal errors are reported, the control panel no longer has a monitoring function. Fires in the monitored object will no longer be detected and reported. Extinguishing systems and other fire event controls will not be activated. Establish error cause and remove fault, if necessary arrange for fireguard.

Danger of fire alarms or triggering extinguishing devices Production stops, calling the fire brigade or triggering extinguishing devices are possible when the control panel is switched on. All controls of fire response controls or shut-down triggers for equipment must be disabled prior to applying the voltage supply to the fire alarm and extinguishing control panel. Block extinguishing systems mechanically. The protection of persons takes highest priority. The commissioning of the fire alarm and extinguishing control panel FMZ 5000 involves checking the installation, loading the configuration data and setting up basic system parameters (e.g. set-up of date and system time) as well as operation-specific parameters (e.g. allocating the access codes for the various access levels), and possibly the sorting out of error messages or notices on the LCD. In addition, the functions of the control panel and all connected devices for passing on the alarm and controlling a fire situation must be checked during commissioning.


Tools required The following tools and materials are required for the commissioning of the fire alarm and extinguishing control panel FMZ 5000: - all necessary access codes of the FMZ 5000 - project documentation - commissioning instructions - socket spanner and screwdriver set - multimeter - laptop with configuration software MxSysCon and dongle - optionally pre-configured flash card (instead of configuration program)

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Commissioning - oscilloscope (optional)

Commissioning must be carried out in accordance with DIN 14675 section 8 and appendix I and must be recorded in the commissioning report. All checks, measurements and notes must be entered. The commissioning report serves as a reference for comparing set points and actual values during subsequent servicing tasks. For proper commissioning the design documentation must always be complete. This includes, for example, the installation map, detector group list, system components and their control, etc.


Support measures during maintenance tasks The following points must be considered during commissioning: - The remote transmission unit must be switched off (if necessary, inform fire service about work on the FACP). - After commissioning has been completed the remote transmission unit must be switched back on and the fire brigade informed about completion of the work.


Display of control panel firmware faults

If errors are reported the fault removal must be started within 24 h. During this time the control panel has limited functionality. During the operation of the control panel external or internal situations may cause a state requiring the immediate stop of operation or some other measure. These situations could be, for example, the pulling of the flash card or software errors which are unavoidable in spite of careful programming and comprehensive tests. This displays an error message on the display describing the error present by an error code. This error code is an important indication for the subsequent investigation of the error cause and must be reported to the Minimax service team in all cases where the cause of the error is not apparent. The error message always consists of the system error message, the time of occurrence and the error code made up of three groups. Sometimes an additional error  description is provided. Example: SYSTEM FAULT 01.01.2004 08:00:00 ERR: M036-E002-L0521-R007 xxxx


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0


Error code



ID of the faulty software module, here e.g. 36.


ID of the error code, here e.g. 2.


Line in the faulty source code of the module, here e.g. 521.


Revision / version of the faulty software module.


Potential additional error description.

Tab. 20.1 Meaning of the error code

All faults are assigned to different error categories according to their graveness and possible consequences.

Error category FAT

Meaning The system has been stopped due to a serious fault and is now in an operationally safe state.

Fatal error

ERR Error

The system has detected a removable error which must be removed immediately for the safe operation of the control panel.

WAR Warning

The system has detected a minor error. The error correction is not necessary immediately for the safe operation of the control panel.

Tab. 20.2 Meaning of the error categories


Central display field All system messages will be displayed on the LCD. To facilitate a better understanding of the following sections the meaning of the display fields is explained here.


Division of the LC display The LCD is divided into four display areas: Header


Data/Dialogue Menu






Fig. 20.1 LCD display areas

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Commissioning Designation Header





Function/Display Current time and date, number of messages in the message memory, and details of access level. Messages of the currently highest category in order of their arrival with the first and last message received always being shown. Messages received in between can be accessed by scrolling if there is insufficient room to display them. The display of other categories can be selected by the user. Dialogue area for entering numerical data. For the display of system information, control acknowledgements, etc. The area of the data and dialogue window is normally taken by the message window if it is not used for other purposes. Showing the meaning of the soft keys, i.e. the context related directly executable action by the key underneath.

Energy supply

Live bare conductors carrying mains voltage. Danger to life due to electric shock. The mains supply must always be switched off at the mains fuse and safeguarded against being switched on again with warning signs.

The installation check must only be carried out by qualified and authorised personnel. All applicable directives must be observed!

If an uncertain battery status occurs it might be indicated as a pulselike battery fault, because of very precise battery monitoring. For details, see section 4.8. Prior to applying the energy supply all cable connections for the external and internal connections must be checked for tight fit.To check the connections and cables for measuring the feed and battery charging voltage proceed as follows:


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0


1. Open the housing door of the control panel (item 1). 2. For control panels with separate front panel (item 2) this must be turned forward. 3. Check all components of the FMZ 5000 for proper fitting. 4. Check the proper installation of all cables and connections inside the FMZ. 5. Disconnect plug of the cables from the power supply unit (item 3) to the last module (item 4).





6. Switch on mains supply. 7. Measure power supply (supply and battery charging voltage) step by step at the module plug or at the battery connectors.   The relevant connection configurations can be found in section 4.7 "Power supply of FMZ 5000 mod 4, mod 12 and mod XL".

Battery charging voltage and supply voltage must be approx. 27 V DC at 20 °C  (68 °F). 8. If all the values for the power suppy unit are correct, switch power supply input back off and plug the connector of the supply cables from the power supply onto the bottom bus connector of the last module.



Switch on mains again.


Reconnect batteries.

First control panel startup Once the mains supply has been applied all modules and the central card receive their supply voltages and therefore start up simultaneously. The fire alarm and extinguishing control panels requires for its operation a projectspecific setup of all parameters and details of the actions which are to be carried out in the case of a fire or error message. These data are created by the MxSysCon program during configuration and must be available on the compact flash card of the central card when the control panel is active.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Commissioning 20.6.1

Startup without flash card If no flash memory card has been inserted at the time of control panel startup, the following two error messages will be shown in the data / dialogue field of the display: System fault Date / time FAT Mww - Exx - Lyy and Please insert FLASHCARD  FAT M178 - E031 - L1108 - R116 System halted

The start will be interrupted and the control panel is not ready for use. To indicate this state the LED "CPU error" will also be activated. Insert the memory card and repeat startup by briefly pressing the reset button S1 on the central card (top longitudinal edge of the card, see Fig. 7.1 Item 14).


Startup without configuration data During startup the existence of configuration data on the CF card will be checked. If no configuration data exist, the message window will display the message. System fault Date / time FMZ 5000-MXK File missing and System fault Date / time Panel not configured and the following messages will be displayed in the data / dialogue window REMFILE.DAT File missing Again, the control panel is not ready for use. However, the LED "CPU error" is not activated and the control panel can be operated in this state. Continue with section 20.7.1.


Startup with incorrect configuration data If no matching configuration data for the hardware structure can be found on the flash card, the control panel enters the safe operating mode with a system fault message.  The CPU malfunction is displayed, the control panel can not be serviced and periodically performs a reboot. The message window displays one or more system error messages:: System fault  Date / time

Additional information on the configuration error

The data window displays: Information on the configuration error by specifying the error code ERR: Error codes FAT: Error codes System halted 176

Operating Instructions

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After launching with incorrect configuration data that is not matched to the FACP, the FACP is stopped and put into a safe operating state. In this state no data connection can be established to the FACP by the MxSysCon configuration program in order to download the correct data. Remedy: 1. All files on the CF card must be deleted. It is recommended to continue the CF card to reformat. 2. Then insert the card into the central card slot and restart the control panel by pressing the reset key S1. The control panel then displays the missing configuration data as a system fault „missing configuration data“. Then, the correct configuration data must be loaded into the FACP. Have the configuration data already been loaded into the control panel, please proceed with section 20.8 "Initialisation of the fire alarm control panel (FACP)". The following section shows the necessary steps for loading a configuration record created with the MxSysCon configuration data program into the control panel.


Loading the configuration data

The control panel can only be operated with complete configuration data. This record is loaded by series connection from a PC to the control panel. The configuration of the control panel, i.e. the project-specific settings, is implemented via a PC and the MxSysCon program. As a result, this program creates a configuration data record which must be downloaded to the control panel. To download the configuration data into the control panel, the MxSysCon configuration program must have been started up on the PC. It is the only way to connect to the control panel. Alternatively, the data record can be directly saved to the CompactFlash card. Then insert the flash card into the central card holder prior to commissioning the FACP.

For further information on the configuration of the FMZ 5000, refer to the operating manuals of the configuration program.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Commissioning 20.7.1

Configuration data transfer A serial data connection via data cable must have been established between the PC and the sub-D jack S14 on the control panel. Data cable for data download To communicate with the control panel a standard fully configured NULL MODEM cable with the following connection configuration can be used. 2


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Fig. 20.2 Null modem connection configuration

Pos. Designation 1 2

PC (RS232 port 9-pole) Central card (RS232 connector 9-pole)

The corresponding project must be opened in the MxSysCon configuration program. 1. Select "Commissioning >> Access" (F8) in the pulldown menu. 2. Select "Commissioning >> log in target system.. " in the pulldown menu. The window for the interface selection will be displayed.

3. Select interface for data transfer. 178

Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Commissioning The connection to the central card is established. The established connection is displayed in the message window with the control panel data.

4. Exit using the menu item "OK". 5. Select "Commissioning >> Load user program..." in the pulldown menu. Several windows with notices will then be shown. Configuration errors will be displayed and described in more detail in the message window. Incorrect configurations cannot be loaded onto the control panel. The option to save all project data on the flash card also exists.

After successful loading all information, windows will be deleted and "No error" will be shown in the message window. After completed loading the control panel restarts.

The restart can take up to a minute. During the start phase error messages for the serial data connection can be displayed in the message window. These are system-related and can be ignored during the start phase. 6. Switch the the online connection of the program back to offline using the "F9" key. The data transfer to the control panel is complete.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions




Initialisation of the fire alarm control panel (FACP) During the FACP start-up comprehensive tests of the control panel hardware and software and the configuration data will be carried out. The tests verify in particular whether the hardware stated in the configuration is actually present and that all addressable externally connected FAP components such as detectors and horns have been installed as entered. If deviations are detected, this is indicated as a system fault in the message window and as a fatal error in the data window. Prior to further commissioning work a configuration corresponding to the hardware design must be created.

The control panel enters the safe operating mode when a Fatal Error occurs, the "CPU error" LED illuminates. The control panel is not operational in this state. If no deviations are detected, the control panel enters the operational mode, which is indicated after approx. 15 minutes by display of the Minimax logo and the analogue clock in the LCD. The functions of the FACP can now be checked during commissioning.


Control panel start-up The start-up of the FMZ 5000 includes the following processes: 1



- The background illumination of the LC display (item 2) is switched on and the Minimax logo appears briefly on the display. - The collective displays of the central card (item 1) are briefly switched on. - During start-up the actions carried out are constantly shown in the data / dialogue 180

Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Commissioning window. For detailed information, see 20.4 "Central display field". - Individual displays of the zone control panel (item 3) are enabled. - The displayed messages provide the necessary indications for correcting faults during an improper initialisation. - If no messages are present after start-up, the ready state is indicated automatically by the company logo after a pre-set time has expired.


System start messages of FMZ 5000 This chapter lists and explains the most important messages shown on the display during commissioning. During the first start-up of the control panel the configuration data will be analysed. Furthermore, the necessary data structures will be created and basic control panel settings will be made. The data structures and settings depend on the module types used, their number and the configuration created. The analysis results are shown as a series of rapidly appearing messages in the data area of the display. These are negligible during an error-free start-up but become important in the case of errors. 1. For viewing the data one by one use the "menu" key (see operating manual) to focus on the data window. 2. You can now scroll through the messages using the cursor keys.

Starting fire alarm control panel with details about configuration Message


Configuration Panel 1 SW Version Testrack MXODN09 06.08.2014 15:10:11 PLC switches to RUN mode FMZ 5000 startup complete, System running

Sub-control panel number Version of the central card firmware Project name from MxSysCon Computer name where the project was created Time of project creation (seconds in system time) Switching on the control System in ready state

Tab. 20.3 Configuration information

Details about the firmware of the central card Message


OP CC Software: 50ZKARTE.OUT Item no: 902544 Version: Build: 05/05/2014 07:50:47

Software designation: name Part number Version and development status Creation date For the clear identification of the configuration data loaded in GUID 20F2EFCF-3AADDD-404D-3D52the fire control panel, a globally unique number is created for 3A705F106D06 every project. Tab. 20.4 Firmware information FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions



All control panel components have now been enabled and it is ready for operation.


Startup with errors If errors are detected during startup these are displayed in the message window and / or data window of the display and the startup process is continued or cancelled depending on the error type.

Starting the control panel without flash card Startup without flash card is not possible (see section

Lack of power supply for the loop module If the AP XP loop module has no external power supply, this is indicated by the following fault message:

Fig. 20.3 Voltage controller

If the lack of power supply is detected during operation, the following fault message can be additionally displayed:

Fig. 20.4 Missing voltage controller


Basic settings after system start After an error-free startup of the control panel and change into the idle state, a few final basic settings of the control panel must be made.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Commissioning 20.9.1

Changing the service code To make the unauthorised operation of the control panel more difficult, the factory setting of the service code for all access levels should be changed.

Record the new codes at a safe place.



The access level to be changed must have been enabled Press key [Menu]. Press key several times until the menu field appears. Press the key. Enter service code in the data window using the numerical keys [1...0]. Change the service code of the enabled access level using .


Setting of time and date The system time must be set for a correct documentation of date and time of all  messages of the control panel. Enter service code for access level 1, 2, 3A or 3B. Press [Menu] key Press the key several times until the menu field appears. Press the soft key In the entry field the current time and date is shown Operation:

Time: [h:m:s] _ :_:_

Date [D.M.YYYY] _._._

E nter time and date using [numerical key] 0...9. Press the soft key . Time and date are modified.


Setting the LC display contrast / brightness The contrast of the LCD display can be adjusted to the prevailing ambient conditions. Enter service code for access level 1, 2, 3A or 3B.  [Lamp test] + [up cursor] Display becomes brighter Operation: [Lamp test] + [down cursor] Display becomes darker LCD contrast is set to new values.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Commissioning 20.9.4

Alternative operation for contrast / brightness setting Activate access level 3B. Press [Menu] key Press the key several times until the menu field appears.  Press the soft key .


Press the soft key .  Press the soft key  Contrast becomes brighter. Press the soft key  Contrast becomes darker.  LCD contrast is set to new values.  The set values are saved.


Setting the illumination period The LC display is fitted with background illumination. This illumination will be enabled when messages arrive and during manual operations. The illumination goes out after an adjustable time period during which no further  operations take place.


Access level 3B Activate access level 3B. Press [Menu] key Press the key several times until the menu field appears.  Press the soft key . Press the soft key .  Press the soft key . The entry field displays:


Time fire [s]:_

else [s]:_ intensity [%]:_

 Time fire: Illumination period after a fire alarm else: Illumination period after other messages (time range for both settings: 10s to 60s) Intensity: Brightness of the illumination (0 % (no illumination) to 100 % (max. illumination) Press soft key . Selected settings are accepted and saved.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0



Functional checks Commissioning is completed by checking all the functions of the fire alarm and extinguishing control panel as well as the detectors and fire event controls. In addition it should be checked that the complete installed system matches the system documentation.

Danger of fire alarms or triggering extinguishing devices. Production stops, calling the fire brigade or triggering extinguishing devices are possible when the control panel is switched on. All controls of fire response controls or shut-down triggers for equipment must be disabled prior to applying the voltage supply to the fire alarm and extinguishing control panel. Block extinguishing systems mechanically. The protection of persons takes highest priority.

All measured values and checks at the control panel must be entered in a commissioning report. The FACP must be in ready state with correct configuration data. Only then are the signals from all detectors and sensors captured, reported in accordance with the configuration data, and the subsequent configured measures and controls executed.


Energy supply The current in idle state and the maximum current during an alarm must be measured. It must be checked whether the required battery capacity calculated from these values is sufficient for the required bridging time of the installed battery.


Fire alarm state

The call to the fire brigade must only be carried out at the end of the functional checks and after the local fire brigade has been consulted. All connected fire detectors must be triggered. It must be checked if the dispayed messages and the triggered fire control actions correspond to the system documentation. Especially the triggering of valves and horns must be tested for correct and timely process and correct assignment to the extinguishing areas.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Commissioning 20.10.3

Error detection state The automatic error monitoring and the transfer paths must be checked by creating a wire break and short circuit. The fault message of the voltage supply must be checked by switching the mains  supply off and disconnecting the batteries. The correct display of the error detection state and any reporting to other locations must be checked.


Shut-down state All detector groups, control lines, and individual detectors must be switched off. The correct display of each shut-down state and any forwarded reporting must match the system documentation.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Inspection - service


Inspection - service

Danger of fire alarms or triggering extinguishing devices. Production stops, calling the fire brigade or triggering extinguishing devices are possible when the control panel is switched on. All controls of fire response controls or shut-down triggers for equipment must be disabled prior to applying the voltage supply to the fire alarm and extinguishing control panel. Block extinguishing systems mechanically. The protection of persons takes highest priority.


General Inspections and service tasks must be carried out in accordance with DIN VDE 0833 part 1 and 2 at regular intervals by a specialised contractor certified to DIN 14675. The tasks must only be carried out by a qualified electrician. For VdS systems the service tasks in accordance with VDS 2496 must be carried out by an installation company approved for the fire alarm system.


Support measures during service tasks The following points must be considered during servicing: - The remote transmission unit must be switched off during servicing. Inform the fire brigade about the work on the system and the switching off of the remote transmission unit. - Obtain information about incidents since the previous service (from manager or internal inspection). - Obtain information about any changes or modifications to the system, the building or the rooms. - Check that the aims of the protective measures continue to be achieved despite the changes or whether further measures need to be carried out. Any measures that are required must be initiated and carried out immediately. - After service has been completed the remote transmission unit must be switched back on and the fire brigade informed about completion of the work. - Produce a protocol of all deficiencies determined here for the operator and have it countersigned by the operator. - In the case of any constructional changes it is important to check that the aims of the protective measures of the fire alarm system are still achieved or whether further measures on the fire alarm system need to be carried out. Determine any necessary measures with the operator, record them in a protocol and have it countersigned by the operator.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Inspection - service


Maintenance intervals To ensure the ongoing functionality of the system it must be inspected and serviced regularly.

For further information, see DIN VDE 0833-1.


Daily checks The operator should check daily whether the control panel is in the idle state. Every fault displayed must be entered into the inspection journal and the appropriate Minimax dealer or the authorised service company must be informed.


Monthly checks The operator must ensure monthly that the alarm relay to the fire brigade or some other manned location functions properly. For example, a manual detector or an automatic fire detector can be triggered for the inspection to check the proper functioning of the fire alarm control panel and the remote transmission unit. The test should also be carried out with the key release  element. At the same time checks can be made whether - fire alarm information is being received and processed, - the alarm is cancelled, - other alarm devices are being triggered.


Quarterly checks Every 3 months the installation company must have a qualified electrician carry out an inspection, testing - all monitored external lines and the proper triggering of the transmission devices, fire event controls, and signal transmitters controlled via the lines - control and display devices - energy supplies including batteries - the proper functioning of alarm, error and control functions in the control panel - the relay of error and event messages Furthermore, it must be checked that - the system documentation is complete and correct. - messages correspond to the message location and the system continues to meet the requirements of the safety concept. This might have changed due to construction measures.


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Inspection - service 21.3.4

Annual checks Once a year the installation company must carry out a complete service, - checking the batteries, - checking each detector for proper functioning, - replacing system components, e.g. detectors, if necessary, if they are no longer within the operational range specified by the manufacturer or a specified running time has been exceeded, - checking the control panel for the proper functioning of alarm, error and control functions, - checking adjustments and installation and repeat if necessary, - carrying out a walk-through to check all cable connections and devices for safety, damage and sufficient protection.


Lamp test The lamp test is part of the monthly checks.  It tests the function of all collective and individual LEDs.


Operation test The operation test is part of the monthly checks. This tests the proper function of the control panel by carrying out the lamp test and pressing the menu key.


Battery test The battery test is part of the quarterly test. The test is carried out as follows: 1. Remove battery cable and wait for the message "Power supply fault". 2. Measure the charging voltage on the battery supply lines. The voltage reading depends on the temperature and must match the temperature curve. After no later than 16 minutes the fault message must be displayed on the LCD. 3. Reconnect the batteries and switch off the mains supply. The voltage at each batteries must be at least 12.5 V DC. The batteries are maintenance-free and must be replaced if the above-mentioned voltage has not been reached or after 4 years in use.


Functional test The functional test of all control panel components is part of the annual checks. The functional test aims to check the detector, monitoring and control groups for functionality. The check can be carried out without triggering the fire event controls by switching on the revision mode.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Inspection - service 21.7.1

Functional test of detector and control groups Wire break on conventional lines: On all detector, monitoring and control groups a wire break is caused by removing the end resistor. An error message for the faulty group must be displayed. Wire break on detector loops: Due to the double feed to a detector loop a wire break does not cause a group error. - Initially the loop is open at one end. An error message for the loop (not a group) must be displayed. In this case the number of the module to which the loop is connected is shown at the location of the group number, and the number of the faulty loop (1 or 2) or spur (1 to 4) is shown at the location of the detector number. - Next remove a detector from the base. The message “detector removed" must be displayed. In the history memory of the control panel the wire break error messages can be read for all groups. The loop must be switched off and on again to reset the loop fault. Short circuit on conventional lines, monitoring lines and control groups: On all detector, monitoring and control groups a short circuit is successively generated at the line end (by connecting the plus and minus conductor). An error message with the number of the group must be displayed. Short circuit on detector loops: Generate a short circuit anywhere in the detector loop by connecting the plus and minus conductors. Due to the limitation of the effect of a short circuit by insulators on the loop a short circuit might affect either no user, only one group, or several groups. At least an error message for the loop (see wire break on the loop) must be displayed. If the short circuit is generated directly at the end of the loop, the failure of the loop supply feed will also be detected. In the history memory of the control panel the short circuit messages can be read for all groups. The loop must be switched off and on again to reset the loop fault. Event: For this the detector groups on conventional lines and detector loops are switched into revision mode. Event messages in these groups in revision are automatically reset by the control panel after 30 seconds so the testing of the automatic detectors can be carried out by a single person in one go1. All conventional detectors are also reset to idle state by this in contrast to the detectors

1) Conventional


detectors of the Orbis type are not automatically reset. Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Inspection - service of a loop group, which are reset automatically.

If only individual detectors of a loop group have been switched to revision mode, the event messages of these detectors are not automatically reset. On all detector and monitoring groups all detectors and transmitters are successively triggered. The control panel displays the configured detection type and the phrase "in revision" for each detected event. At the detectors and transmitters an LED might illuminate during operation.


Soiling of addressable detectors For all detectors with an open measuring chamber there is a risk of it drifting to a higher sensitivity due to the soiling of the measuring chamber. Various drift compensation measures have been implemented in the XP95 and Discovery detector types.

Detector type XP95 Loop detectors of the XP95 series feature an integral drift compensation of the  measuring device for soiling. The sensitivity adjustment is carried out by a special algorithm in the control panel.

Detector type Discovery Loop detectors of the Discovery series have no internal compensation of drift in the measuring device. To check how far the compensation has progressed, the analogue values of each detector must be queried from the control panel. All detectors with values in the range of the adjustment limit of >30 or with values 105 are not displayed on the PAT. Example: "Flashcard not inserted”


"PLC stopped“ ****************** Central card firmware: Version up to ÄI06 Multiple messages on the PAT after restarting the FMZ 4100 master control panel. Error: PAT displays any messages pending before the restart. Remedy: Restart the PAT.


Configuration of loop coupler groups The multiple detector dependency of a loop coupler group must be configured both in the configuration program of the “MxSysCon” control panel and also in the configuration program of the “MxLoopCon” loop coupler.


Notes on printers.



The settings of the serial interface on the printer and the settings in the configuration program for the interface to the printer must be identical. Generally, the serial interfaces of the Minimax control panels only have one input for querying the hardware handshake line of printers. This is the CTS input on pin 8. The


Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Appendices handshake output of all printer types must be connected to this input.

The COM2 and COM3 (RS422 / RS485) interfaces of the FMZ 5000 SIO3 module do not have this CTC input and thus cannot activate any report printer.

Commercially available interface converters can be used for potential-free connection of printers. Example: the Phoenix Contact PSM-V24/V11-P/BB (Phoenix part no. 2787305) or PSM-V24/V11-P/SB (Phoenix part no: 2787318). The power for the converter can be supplied with the plug-in power supply unit Phoenix Contact PSM-NT-230AC/15DC/100.

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions


Appendices 22.5.2

Printer IPP 144 Connection without electrical isolation for operation within the control panel. SIO1(3) module COM1

Printer IPP 144 Sub-D 9 pin.

3 TxD (output)

2 TxD (output)

8 CTS (input)

8 RTS (output)


5 and 1

Connection with electrical isolation up to a conductor length of 15m For operation outside of the control panel Connections to be established (sliding switch of PSM set to DTE) Function

PSM V24 connection A 25 pin


PSM V24 connection B 25 pin

Printer 9 pin


3 output

2 input

2 output

3 RxD  input


8 input

3 output

3 input






5 and 1

Connections with electrical isolation up to a conductor length of 1200m Connections to be established (sliding switch of PSM set to DTE) Function Transmit Handshake GND


SIO 3 output 8 output 5

SSM V11 X1

SSM V11 X2

PSM V11 15 pin

PSM V24 25 pin



Printer 9 pin 3 RxD input








Operating Instructions





FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Appendices 22.5.3

Printer FMZ 5000 Also applies to the GeBE printers GPT4222 and GPT6223. For the operation of the printer a separate power supply with 5 V output voltage is required. The power supply HMA 30, part no.: 904769 must be used.

Connection without electrical isolation For operation within the control panel (standard case) SIO1(3) module COM1

Printer SubD 9 pin

3 TxD (output)

3 RxD (input)

8 CTS (input CTS)

6 RTS (output)



Connection with electrical isolation up to a conductor length of 1200m For operation outside of the control panel Connections to be established (sliding switch of PSM set to DTE) Function Transmit

Handshake GND

SIO 3 output 8 input 5

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

SSM V11 X1

SSM V11 X2











PSM V11 15 pin


Operating Instructions

PSM V24 25 pin

Printer 9 pin


3 RxD (input)


6 RTS (input)




Appendices 22.5.4

EPSON LQ 300+ Connection with electrical isolation up to a conductor length of 15m Connections to be established (sliding switch of PSM set to DTE) PSM V24 connection A 25 pin

PSM V24 connection B 25 pin


SIO 9 pin

Printer 25 pin


3 output

2 input

2 output

3 RxD  input


8 input

3 output

3 input

20 RTS output






Connection with electrical isolation up to a conductor length of 1200m Connections to be established (sliding switch of PSM set to DTE) Function Transmit



SIO 3 output

8 input


SSM V11 X1

SSM V11 X2

3 input

1 output B

4 input B

2 output

11 input

4 input B

2 output B

5 input A

9 output A

2 output

PSM V11 15 pin


PSM V24 25 pin

Printer 25 pin

3 output

3 RxD  (input)

2 input

20 DTR  (output)



Connection without electrical isolation

PL FAP(fire alarm panel product line) does not assume any liability for the connection of a printer without electrical isolation. This should be restricted to exceptional cases. SIO1(3) module COM1

Printer SuB-D connection 25 pin

3 TxD (output)

3 RxD (input)

8 CTS (input CTS)

6 DTR (output)



Special features of connection to FMZ 5000 The printer is delivered with a baud rate setting of 19200 baud. The control panel must be configured and adapted accordingly. 200

Operating Instructions

FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Appendices 22.5.5

AP1200 The integrated printer can only be used for 19” variants. For the operation of the printer a separate power supply with 5 V output voltage is required. The power supply HMA 30, part no.: 904769 must be used. To connect the supply voltage and the data cable use the preconfigured connection cable set, part no.: 906261. The TxD port of the printer is not used. The printer does not have a SUB-D connection for the data input. Power supply connection Printer pin allocation


Power supply HMA 30 connection










Data cable connection


SIO (3) module pin allocation


Printer pin allocation


























GPT 6223 The printer is not released. SIO1(3) module COM1


Printer SubD 9 pin

3 TxD (output)

3 RxD (input)

8 CTS (input CTS)

6 DTR (output)



GPT 4222 The printer is not released. SIO1(3) module COM1

Printer Sub D 9 pin

3 TxD (output)

3 RxD (input)

8 CTS (input CTS)

6 DTR (output)



FMZ 5000 / 905494-04 en / Release 5.2.0

Operating Instructions
