Figure 1. Floor Plan of First Floor [PDF]

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Title Test Type Lab Number

Burn Tests in Two Story Structure with Hallways Reconstruction 08FR001 - 1 Authors Sheppard, Klein

Introduction A series of eighteen experiments were conducted in a two-story structure with long hallways and a connecting stairway. A gas burner was used to introduce heat into the structure and the resulting environment was measured. The experiments were conducted in the large burn room of the ATF Fire Research Laboratory in Ammendale, Maryland.

Test Description The tests were conducted in a two-story structure with two 17.0 m (671 inch) long hallways on each floor. A stairway consisting of two staircases and an intermediary landing connected the two floors. Figure 1 and Figure 2 provide overall floor plans of the first and second floor, respectively. Figure 3 and Figure 4 are detail views of the stairwell area of the first and second floor, respectively. There was a door at the burner end of the first floor hallway, which was closed during all tests. The end of the second floor hallway was open with a soffit near the ceiling. X1 X1






Figure 1. Floor plan of first floor

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Figure 2. Floor plan of second floor




Flue space barrier

X4 X3 X2

Figure 3. Detail view of first floor stairwell

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Flue space barrier

X4 X3 X2







Figure 4. Detail view at second floor landing

Figure 5. Section view at landing area Report Date: April 2, 2009 Project 08FR001 Sub 1

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Figure 6. Section A – Detail of soffit at the end of the second floor hallway Table 1. Floor Dimensions Dimension X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Z7

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inches 671 105.6 60.4 45.1 45.5 240.3 69 114.5 188.1 112.5 117.7 200.1 93.3 92.4 104.3 196.7 47.5 36 77

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Meters 17.04 2.682 1.534 1.146 1.156 6.104 1.75 2.908 4.778 2.858 2.989 5.083 2.370 2.347 2.649 4.996 1.207 0.914 1.956

Pulse Profile Tests

Construction Details Walls and Ceilings: Walls and ceilings of the test structure were constructed of 0.012m (0.5 inch) gypsum wallboard on 2 by 6 dimensional lumber spaced 0.41m (16 inch) on center. Floors: The flooring throughout the structure, including the stairwell landing floor, consisted of one layer of 0.013 m (0.5 inch) thick Durarock cement board on one layer of 0.019 m (0.750 inch) thick plywood supported by wood joists. Stairs: The first set of stairs, which had eight risers, led from the first story floor up to the landing area. The second set of stairs, which had nine risers, led from the landing area floor up to the second story floor. All stairs measured 1.130 m (44.5 inch) wide, had 0.152 m (6 inch) risers and tread lengths of 0.267 m (10.5 inch). The stairs were constructed of 0.025 m (1.0 inch) thick clear pine lumber. Stairwell Flue Space: The two set of stairs were separated by an approximately 0.42 m (16.6 inch) wide gap in the middle of the stairwell. This gap was separated from the stairs by a 0.91m (36 inch) tall 0.012m (0.5 inch) thick barrier constructed of gypsum board. The flue space was open to the first floor. The flue space was separated from the second floor by a 0.914m (36 inch) tall 0.012m (1/2 inch) thick barrier constructed of gypsum board. Door: There was a metal exterior type door at the end of the first floor near the burner. The door was closed during all experiments.

Instrumentation Figure 7 and Figure 8 show the instrumentation locations on the first and seconds floors of the structure, respectively. The location of all instrumentation was measured with respect to a common origin on each floor. The origin for instrumentation is shown Figure 7 and Figure 8 as the X-Y axis in the upper left corner of each floor. The Z-Coordinate of instrumentation was recorded as the height above the floor on which the instrument was located. X A







Figure 7. First Floor Instrumentation Locations

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Figure 8. Second Floor Instrumentation Locations Table 2 provides a description of the types of instrumentation at each location and the horizontal coordinates of each location. Table 2. Instrumentation Details Location A B C D E F G

X (inch) 511.3 237.5 19.5 22.4

Y (inch) 31.5 39.3 20 107

X (meters) 12.99 6.03 0.50 0.57

Y (meters) 0.80 1.00 0.51 2.72

158 590.5

20 34.8

4.01 15.00

0.51 0.88

Instrumentation Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature

Fire The fire source was a natural gas diffusion burner. The burner surface was horizontal, square and 0.45 m (17.7 inch) on each side. The burner surface was 0.37 m (14.6 inch) above the floor. The burner was constructed of 0.006 m (0.25 inch) thick metal open top metal box filled with gravel. The burner was located near the end of the first floor away from the stairs as shown in Figure 1. A picture of the burner is shown in Figure 9.

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Figure 9. Burner The natural gas used in the burner was provided by the local utility company and the flow rate of gas into the burner was controlled using a mass flow controller. The manufacturer’s reported accuracy for the MFC is ______. The heat content of the gas was measured as ______ using a _____ with a manufacturer’s reported accuracy of _____. Assuming a burning efficiency of 100%, and using the propagation of uncertainty approach [1] the uncertainty of the burner heat release rate in this report is ____. Four types of heat release rate (HRR) fires were used in the experiments. Three of the fire types consisted of a 60 second linearly increasing HRR to a steady fire. The other fire type was used an initial 60 second increasing HRR followed by ____ steady state HRR levels.

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Q ss Q 0 tss



Figure 10. Heat Release Rate Curve for Steady State Fires


Q ss (kW)

Q 0 (kW)

tss (seconds)

tend (seconds)

SS 50





SS 250

242, 250




SS 500





Thermocouples Thermocouples are temperature measurement sensors that consist of two dissimilar metals joined at one end (a junction) that produces a small thermo-electrical voltage when the wire is heated. The change in voltage is interpreted as a change in temperature. [2] There are many configurations of thermocouples which affect the temperature range, Report Date: April 2, 2009 Project 08FR001 Sub 1

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ruggedness, and response time. The information required to identify these factors for the thermocouples that were used during the experiment(s) conducted for this test series is provided in the “Thermocouple Measurement Description” table(s) in the Results section of this report. Thermocouples used during this test series were used in accordance with the method defined in FRL laboratory instruction “LI001 Thermocouples” [3].

Velocity Velocity is commonly measured by application of the principal of conservation of mechanical energy through conservation of fluid velocity to pressure (head). If the fluid is forced to change its velocity a change in pressure will occur [4]. Bernoulli’s equation [5] uses differential pressure and density measurements of a fluid to calculate the fluid’s velocity. Differential pressure is the difference between the dynamic and static pressure measurements of the fluid and is measured using a differential pressure probe and differential pressure transducer. The density of the fluid is typically calculated from the fluid temperature. There are various types of differential pressure and temperature probes that can be used to record the measurements necessary to calculate a fluid’s velocity. The characteristics of the various types of pressure and temperature probes affect the response and sensitivity of the measurements. The information used to identify these characteristics is provided in the “Velocity Measurement Description” table(s) in the Results section of this report. All devices used to calculate velocity were used in accordance with the method defined in FRL laboratory instruction “LI009 External Velocity – Differential Pressure Probes” [6].

Heat Flux Transducers A heat flux transducer is a device that measures the rate of absorbed incident energy, and expresses it on a per unit area basis. The operating principle of the Schmidt-Boelter heat flux transducer(s) used during this test series is based on one-dimensional heat conduction through a solid. Temperature sensors are placed on a thin, thermally conductive sensor element, and applying heat establishes a temperature gradient across the element. The heat flux is proportional to the temperature difference across the element according to Fourier’s Law [7]. There are many configurations of heat flux transducers which affect range, size, mode and sensitivity. The information required to identify these factors for the heat flux transducer(s) that were used during the experiment(s) conducted for this test series is provided in the “Heat Flux Measurement Description” table(s) in the Results section of this report. Heat flux transducers were used in accordance with the method defined in FRL laboratory instruction “LI002 Heat Flux Transducer” [8].

1.Taylor, Barry N., Kuyatt , Chris E., NIST Technical Note 1297, 1994 Edition, Guidelines for Evaluating and Expressing the Uncertainty of NIST Measurement Results,

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National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-0001, September 1994 2. The Temperature Handbook, 2nd edition, Omega Engineering, Stamford, CT, 2000. 3. Laboratory Instruction – Thermocouples - LI001, Revision 1, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives – Fire Research Laboratory, Beltsville, MD, 2005 4 Avallone E.A, Baumeister III T, “Marks’ Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers”, 9th Edition, pg.16-15 5. Munson, Young, Okiishi, “Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics”, 3rd Edition, 1999, pg. 109 6. Laboratory Instruction – External Velocity – Differential Pressure Probe – LI002, Revision 1, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives – Fire Research Laboratory, Beltsville, MD, 2004. 7. Barnes, A., “Heat Flux Sensors Part 1: Theory,” Sensors, January 1999. 8. Laboratory Instruction – Heat Flux Transducer – LI002, Revision 1, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives – Fire Research Laboratory, Beltsville, MD, 2009.

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