FE Speaking Test - Level 45 [PDF]

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Part 1: Social Interaction (3’) Test 1 A. Music 1. Do you like music? If yes, what kind of music do you like best? Why? 2. What is the most popular kind of music in your country? 3. How is music good or not good for people? B. English 1. Did you learn English at secondary school? 2. Should children learn English or not? 3. In what ways has children much improved nowadays? Test 2 A. Favorite places 1. Where do you usually go when you have spare time? 2. Are there many interesting places where you live for people to go at weekends? 3. In what way is café a great place for people to enjoy their free time? B. Favorite subject at school 1. What subject did you like most when you were at school? 2. Do you think English is a good subject for all students to learn at school? Why? 3. Do you think students are learning too many subjects at school now? Test 3 A. Hometown 1. Where do you come from? 2. Do you like living in your hometown? 3. What is it famous for? B. Career 1. What is your job? 2. How long have you been working?

3. Why do you like your job? Test 4 A. Hobby 1. What do you like doing in your free time? 2. Why do you like doing it? 3. How much time do you spend doing that? B. Let's talk about sports. 1. Do you prefer indoor or outdoor sports? Why? 2. Which sports do you like best? Why? 3. Do you know why people like to play sports? Test 5 A. Health 1. What do people where you live do to keep fit? 2. Do you think that they are practising in the right way? 3. In what ways is doing gyms good or not good for old people? B. Friends 1. What does your best friend like? 2. How did you meet your best friend? 3. In your opinion, what is the best quality of a good friend? Test 6 A. Let's talk about money. 1. How much did you spend last week? 2. What do you spend most of your money on? 3. Can money buy happiness? Why?/ Why not? B. Shopping 1. What is your favorite place to shop? 2. What was the last thing you bought for someone else? Where and why did you buy it?

3. Do you prefer going shopping on your own or going with other people? Why? Test 7 A. Social networks 1.What do you like social networks? 2.What kind of social networks are you using now? If yes, why? 3.What is your advice for social network users? B. Fashion 1. How important is fashion to you? 2. What sort of clothes do you prefer to wear? 3. Do you ever have to wear things you don't really like? If so, when, and why?

PART 2: SOLUTION DISCUSSION (4’) Situation: If you won a lottery of 2 billion VND, what would you do with the money? ● Buy a new house ● Start a business ● Deposit the money in the bank Situation: You have just received a sum of money from your father as a birthday present. How would you use the money? ● Saving up for the future ● Buying a laptop for the study ● Buying a fashionable smartphone Situation: An optional subject will be added to the curriculum for secondary students in your city. Which do you think is the best option for secondary students? ● Photograph ● Swimming ● Dancing Situation: You are going to take your secondary school students to the cinema. What kind of film do you think it best for the students? ● Cartoon

● Action movies ● Detective movies Situation: Your town plans to organize an Open Festival and many visitors will come. Which job below do you think would be most suitable for you? ● A tour guide ● A traffic instructor ● A master of ceremony Situation: Which plan below will you choose for your family this weekend? ● Going to the cinema ● Having meal in a restaurant ● Going to the beach Situation: Which present I give the best for your parent's wedding anniversary? ● A wedding cake ● A 3-days to the beach ● An album of the whole family


Topic: Discuss the topic as guided in the outline below.

Provide new learning experience

Be more convenient to study

Online courses

Your own ideas

Be independent in learning

Further questions 1.What advice would you give someone on how to study English? 2. Do you think being a student is the best time of your life? 3. Should a student's university education be free or should the student have to get a loan?

Topic: Schools should not give students examinations.

Further questions 1. Do you think schools are necessary? 2. How do modern technologies change the way people study? 3. Do you think that traditional schools will disappear in the future because of the development of modern technology? Topic: It is good to learn about a culture when you learn a language.

Further questions 1. Do you think it's good to understand other people's cultures? 2. What would you introduce first to a foreigner about Vietnamese cultures?

3. What would you like to learn about English —speaking cultures?