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Special Thanks Hélio Sampaio, my storyteller and friend, who taught me to use my creativity in the best way within the RPG. Without it, I wouldn’t be here today.

Developed By: Chrystian Rissoli Cover Art: Chrystian Rissoli Character Artwork: Mike Pifano Interior Cover Art: Sam Araya, Mark Kelly and Michael Chaney. Note: No content used in this book is intended to disprove, disqualify or undo other materials written by the publisher, only supplementary. All non-original artwork and illustrations in the book are public domain or belong to the publisher, and can be used in other projects based on Vampire: the Masquerade or Dark Ages.

Celly, great friend and player who always inspired my projects, helping me to create the best content and with the highest quality. Rô Amadeu, great friend who presented me with wonderful suggestions on how to continue the scenario in a manner consistent with the official books. Francisco Roque, friend of debates and responsible for the best suggestions of rules, powers and ideas within the Vampire universe. Gabriel “Donor Watches”, friend and player, who debated many valuable ideas with me, before the publication of this book. Mike Zairos Pifano “the Dwarf”, as well as an illustrator for some of the arts in the book, a great friend who helped me a lot with book suggestions, historical content and studies about Carthage. Filip “Diablerist”, Alê “Infernalist”, Raphael “Lover”, Higor “Cannot be Evil”, my players and friends who have been helping me all the time with revisions to rules, scenario ideas and other add-ons.

© 2021 White Wolf Entertainment AB. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Masquerade®, World of Darkness®, Storytelling System™, and Storytellers Vault™ are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of White Wolf Entertainment AB. All rights reserved. For additional information on White Wolf and the World of Darkness, please, visit: www.white-wolf.com, www.worldofdarkness.com and www.storytellersvault.com. 2


Table of Content Chapter One: Introduction 7 Carthage: A Forgotten Empire 7 The Mortal Society 8 Carthaginian Families 9 The Kindred Society 10 Arcaic Carthage 10 The Republic of Disputes 10 The Asphodel 10 The Punic Wars 10 Immortal Families 11 Old Behaviors Don’t Die 11 Punic Religion 12 How To Use This Book? 13 References 14 Population 14 Mortal Life 15 Hierarchy of Carthage 15 Kindred in Carthage 16 Chapter Two: History of Carthage 18 Background of History 18 Cultivating Bonds 19 Troile and his lover, Tanit 19 Dido’s Reign Triad of Conviviality

20 20

The Beginning of a Dream 21 Abdosir Reign 21 The New Triad 22 Justified Violence 22 Political Promisses The First Disaster The Red Night The First Houses Dominance War The Vampiric Senate, the Consillium Immortalem Development in Carthage Prohibited from Playing Dirty

22 23 23 24 25

25 26 26

Populational Growth 27 The Breed Policy 27 Conflicting Ideologies 28 The Monarch 28 Conflicted Diarchy 28 The Silent Dispute 29 Victory Belongs to Ba’al 30 Politics, for what? 30 Carthage Expansion FALL OF CARTHAGE


The Sicilian Wars 31 Magonid Dinasty 32 Rite of Blood 32 The Death of Mago I 32 The Philosophy of Tanitbaal-Sahar 33 The Naturality Pact 33 The Republic of Disputes 34 Divided Senate 34 Helena: Carthage’s Transformation 34 The Salvation of Tanit 35 The Servants of Amon and Ba’al 36 Political Embrace 37 Philosophy in Action 37 The Government of Hanno II 37 Finally, Republic 38 One Against All 38 The Peloponnesian War 38 Ideological Ascension 38 Moloch’s Motivations 39 Losing Control Decadent Leadership

39 40 3

Political Crisis Lost Power

40 40

The First Punic War Tanitbaal-Sahar Studies Alliance Between Kings and Shadows The Mercenary War Iberia Conquest

41 41 41 41 42

The Second Punic War 42 The Ventrue Offensive 42 The Immortal Uprisings 43 Delenda est Carthago 43 Helena’s Betrayal 43 Antedilluvian Awakening 44 Alchias, the King of Sicily 44 The Third Punic War 45 The Fall of Carthage 45 The Battle of Seventeen Nights 45 Chapter Three: The City Within 47 Silver City 47 Climate 47 North Region 47 South Region 48 Gardens of Carthage 48 The Arcaic Carthage 49 The Citadel of Byrsa 49 Dido’s Square 49 Abdosir’s I Square 50 The Old Harbour 50 Tombs of Carthage 50 The Temples 52 Military Camps 52 The Golden Era 53 The Great Walls of Carthage 53 Military Forces 53 The Port of Helena 53 Industrial District 53 Portuary Market 55 The House of Numu (Mint) 55 The Palace of Senate 56 4

True Faith In Carthage 57 The Trail of Divinity 57 New City 58 Megara 58 The Agora 59 Philosophy Schools 59 Modern Carthage 59 The Tophet 60 The Amphitheater 60 Immortal’s Palace 60 Chapter Four: The Rules of Carthage 62 The Differences Between Houses and Families 62 House Hierarchy 62 Overlord 63 Brátso 63 Priest 63 Chameleon 63 Advisor 63 Integrated 64 New Traditions 64 Houses of Carthage 65 House of Philosophers 65 House of Artificers 65 House of Shadows 65 House of Swords 65 House of Amon 66 House of Beast 66 House of Legacy 66 House of Souls 67 House of Haqim 67 House of Alexandrites 67 House of Ba’al 67 House of Immortals 67 Immortal Hierarchy 68 Monarch 68 Diskastis 68 Herald 68 Prosecutor 69 Sage of the Coin 71 Numeda 71


Rules and Laws of Carthage 71 The Citizenship 71 Senatorial Debate 71 The Elections 71 Dethroning the Enemy 71 The Provisional 71 The Judgement 71 The Fields of Peace: The Elysium 71 The Immortal Coins 72 Selling the Embrace 72 New Philosophies 73 Philosophy of Ba’al 73 Philosophy of Vitae 74 Philosophy of Sin 75 Philosophy of Numu 76 Rites of Carthage 76 Immortalization Rite 76 Blood Rite 77 Fertilization Rite 77 Organization of the Families 78 Sects Organization 78 Consillium Immortalem 79 Guardians of Eshmun 79 Collectoribus Caim 80 Immortals and Coexistence Convention 80 Dignataries Aurea 81 Progenitors of the Awakening 81 Backgrounds in Carthage 82 Status 82 Resources 83 Hoplite (Centurions) 83 Generation 84 Influence 84 Knowledge: Numismatics 84 New Merits and Flaws 85 New Bloodlines 89 Akunanse 90 Guruhi 92

Mla Watu Nkulu-Zao Salubri (Warrior Caste)

94 96 98

Chapter Five: Kindred Among Us 101 Malek al-Baddour 102 Ba’al Hammon, the Guardian of Cartago 103 Tanit, a Goddess 104 Summoning Ritual 105 Tanitbaal-Sahar 106 Troile, the Founder 107 The Sword of Troile 109 Etheyra, the Sage 110 Menele, the Spartan 111 Critias, the Philosopher 113 Ramsena 114 Naarden, the Rebel 115 Sardik 116 Amon, the God of Light 118 The Book of Amon 119 Diwan, the Ruler Najmar, the Herborist Eucarpia, the Lover of the Oceans Odysseu, the Humiliated Fassil, the Lord of Beasts Abey, the Auric Mihret II Polydora, a Numismatic

120 121 122 123 125 126 127 128

Helena “Portia” 129 Eskinder, the Collector 130 Sharman, the Corrupt 132 Himilcar, the Monarch 133 Prias, the Lover of Helena 134 Pria’s Sword 135 Yoel, the Remnant 135 Hall of Hade’s Court 136 Chapter Six: Power from Blood 139 Supernatural Power 139 Animalism 139 Celerity 140 Fortitude 140 Obfuscate 140 Presence 141 Potence 141 Protean 141 Quietus 142 Temporis 142 Infernalism of Carthage 143 True Names 143 Discovering True Names 144 Daimonion 144 Blood Sorcery 146 New Sorcery: Striga 147 Path of Diafthor 148 Path of Maleficia 149

How it Works?


New Necromancy Path: Path of Umzwelo 153 New Disciplines Abombwe Valeren (Warrior) Valeren (Guardian)

155 157 159

Chapter Seven: Storytelling 163 Carthage Scenery 163 Conflict 163 Kindred Politics 164 Mortal Politics 164 Playing Elders 165 The Influence of Religion 166 Carthaginian Cults 167 How the Cult Works? 167 The Other Faces of Faith 169 Passive Bonuses 169 Defensive Bonuses 170 Offensive Bonuses 170 Special Bonuses 171 Evolving True Faith 172 Entities and Deities 172 Theme 173 Mood 173 Chronicle Ideas 174

New Sorcery: Abyss Misticism 150



Introduction “Nature has made man happy and good, but society depreciates him and makes him miserable.” - Jean Jacques Rousseau

Carthage: The Forgotten Empire

the legends say that Dido, the first Queen of Carthage arrived in the region with the wealth of her late husband, Acerbas. It is said that Dido would have fled after his brother, Pygmalion having executed him, thus looking for new territory for himself.

Probably while studying history, mainly from Classical Antiquity, you may have already met the name Carthage. You would hardly have heard of his name, after all Carthage became one of humanity’s greatest classic cities, both in technology and in society. It is not to be expected that it became the main enemy of the Roman Republic at the time. However, it is somewhat difficult to know the details of its existence, since the Roman Empire insisted on erasing its record from history. Carthage, when destroyed, was completely forgotten by civilizations. Fortunately, some “historic marks” could still be recovered, but before playing in glorious carthaginian civilization it is important to know a little of its history. Built in North Africa, with its ports directly connected to the Mediterranean Sea, Carthage is exactly where we know today as Tunis, the capital of Tunisia. There is no correct date to define where Carthage’s history begins. The sources still contradict each other, although they roughly claim that it was founded nine centuries before Christ. Historians still affirm that it may have been founded around 825-813 BC, close to the founding of Rome. The reasons for its founding are almost a mystery, however

Dido, however, was a very beautiful woman and as soon as she stepped on those lands, she bought them from Iarbas, local chieftain. After the foundation of Carthage, Iarbas, impressed by Dido’s beauty, asked her to marry him. In order not to risk the lives of his people, Dido committed suicide on a pyre. There are other version of the legend were Dido suicided herself by order of Jupiter, after abandoning Aeneas, Son of Aphrodite and Hero of Troy and Rome, also her lover. Even if such versions of the story are not completely true, we have in mind that Carthage was a port city and having access to the entire Mediterranean Sea, made it one of the largest and most imposing cities of the time. Carthage had easy access to the Middle East and West via the Mediterranean Sea, was independent and was located in a strategically wonderful location for planting, fishing, commercial and military purposes. Unlike Rome, Carthage grew economically, becoming an Empire over time. Carthage created numerous trade agreements and brought together the alliance of a range of city states that were under its command. Those trade agreements transformed the carthaginian civilization in a Golden Empire,



the richest empire in the world at that time. Since its first century, the Carthaginian Empire has been maintained as a monarch kingdom, ruled by kings. Carthage only became a military power through its great economy, long before Rome. Its maritime strength has become unbeatable against opponents. Carthage hardly suffered attacks from pirates and for a long time, the Roman Republic undermined Carthage’s land forces to weaken them at sea. Approximately in the 4th century BC, Carthage became a Republic, completely changing its government. The Carthaginian Empire recreated political, organizational and cultural systems, trying to become the best developed civilization in the world. Carthage brought together the best cultural knowledge of each region that it has already achieved economically to apply in its territories. Clearly, Rome became a clear threat to Carthage and vice versa. When the Roman Republic expanded too much, creating the Punic Wars, caused initially by territorial disputes over Sicily. The strength of the Carthaginian Republic prevented Rome from growing, which could only become the largest empire in the world thanks to the fall of Carthage in 147 BC. The Romans destroyed the entire city and salted their land so that there was no possibility of planting. Carthage’s existence was erased from history on purpose.

The Mortal Society Although its history has been lost over time, it is still possible to reimagine based on the reports that managed to survive over more than two thousand years, how was Carthage as a society. However, part of the information cannot be proven, only theorized. Carthage was not so different from the cities of the time with its own hierarchical position and social castes. There was this kind of judgment about people, but in a different way than other cities did. The first fact to note before describing Carthage’s social class is that there were no rights that could not be bought in the city. If your family was wealthy, then you could buy the best benefits possible for any situation. Carthage grew so that financial thinking took over even the city’s policies. Initially, before becoming a republic, Carthage was ruled by a monarchy, obviously making monarchical families the wealthiest in the city. The monarchy allowed space for a carthaginian senate, in which dozens of extremely wealthy families ruled. Such wealthy families had, with the monarchy, a huge part of the privileges of the city 8

because they could buy them. These wealthy families were known as aristocrats and the aristocrats were part of a group, known as “the Elite”, which brought together monarchic families with the aristocracy. Starting by the men of wealth, the aristocrats. Carthaginian aristocracy was very different from other cities, after all Carthage was the richest city in the world. Aristocrats were not concerned with land, as in other empires, but with coins and purchased goods. Of course, land was valious for the empire, but not as valious as it was for the romans centuries later. It was possible to find an extremely wealthy aristocrat with huge rooms filled with gold and silver coins, trophies from other civilizations, documents that denoted establishments under his command, but hardly huge acres of land. The carthaginians had so much, but so much wealth, that coins were common and reigned as the main currency in the city. However, most aristocrats belonged to extremely powerful families, known as “Houses” by the carthaginians or in other historical documents, as “Clans”, a modern denomination. Aristocratic members belonging to these families found it very easy to enter the city’s senate, which for a long time was dominated by the wealthiest, especially after the creation of the republic. The republic withdrew the possibility of a monarchy, leaving the carthaginian senate completely at the mercy of the Elite, now the aristocrats and priests. Carthage’s priesthood has become very present over the years, almost compared to the clergy, of the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages or Dark Ages. The priesthood was made up of men, sometimes warriors, extremely educated and faithful to the city’s religions. They promoted festivities, blessed the citizens and sacrificed animals and even humans in honor of the Punic Pantheon. These priests had the assistance of women, who had lesser power within the temples. Temples were scattered throughout the city, usually one in each “neighborhood”, and each priest was responsible for his own temple. Women could only take care of the temple as soon as a priest was absent. In addition to being in the aristocratic castes, priests could also be part of political life in Carthage, voting in the senate in favor of the city or religion. Normally, any citizen could visit the temple to exercise their faith. While some of the aristocrats and priests were drowned in a world of money and politics, most citizens were nowhere near that. In Carthage, citizens were the most common social caste, although they could be poor or rich people. Every citizen of Carthage was fundamentally a man, women did not have citizenship and therefore


could not even participate in carthaginian politics. Some women even used their husbands’ names to attempt political infiltration. The slaves were at the bottom of the hierarchy. They had no rights, but could buy them and become citizens of Carthage with time. Not all slaves had negative relations with their masters and many of them were as wealthy as they could manage their masters’ affairs. It is believed that the aristocrats used their slaves as pupils and apprentices to conduct their business. There were paid slaves, who could collect some of their coins for their own purposes. Unlike any other citizen, slaves had to pay to manifest their faith or attend religious temples and were not admitted to places frequented by the elite unless another member of the aristocracy allowed them there.

Carthaginian Family All Carthage residents were organized into families, the Houses mentioned before. Be it the priests, the monarchy, the aristocracy and the citizens themselves. Each of them had a purpose based on family history and it was very common to see, for example, a renowned family of artisans training their future generations to maintain the family legacy. However, there was a difference between the elite, the priesthood and the citizens. Each of them cared

differently for the fame and recognition of their families. The monarchy cared for its reputation considerably and it was precisely what they used to maintain themselves in the highest caste of Carthage. Family achievements around the city, conquests, wars won were mainly used in debates and disputes of egos. Unlike monarchs, aristocrats were little concerned with renown and actually saw families for value and monetary gains. That is, if you had enough assets to be considered “someone of respect” for them. The aristocracy favored financial conditions and only then would they give due respect to other citizens and aristocrats. Although the priests did not have entire families running the temples, they were still very representative. The votes to become a priest considered much of the history, in debates in the senate, of that family. Some men of faith claimed to be direct descendants of the gods, believing that their families were chosen for the religious throne. With so many familiar concepts, citizens certainly could not escape such behavior. Perhaps the most diverse in Carthage, the citizens considered the means of work, the deeds, the tradition and the size of the family. It was likely that they would find entire families of artisans, who a few decades ago had immense respect for other



citizens precisely because they had made the best pieces in recent times. Just as it was possible to find families of military personnel who had influence in the armies and who claimed great victories for themselves. The difference was clear to citizens, priests, aristocrats and monarchs. While for aristocrats, monetary conditions were worth more than anything, for citizens, history and lineage had a big impact. So most citizens were concerned with knowing their family history, what they did and how important they were. There were no slave families. Many of the slaves were recognized as servants of the families, whatever they were. Only with citizenship and the due amount that slaves, after being freed, could have their own families. However, such an event was extremely difficult and many of them preferred to remain renowned with their masters’ families. Foreigners could set up their families, as long as they paid to become citizens of Carthage. From then on, they were subject to the same rules as citizens.

The Kindred Society In Carthage, there are three possible variations of scenarios. However, it is advisable to use the main scenario, starting in 422 BC. All other stories can be situated at different times in the city’s history. Each involves different challenges, moments, vampires and dilemmas to face.

Primis Capitulum: Arcaic Carthage In Arcaic Carthage, the main drama involves the arrival of vampires in the city, showing their true intentions to mortals, seeking to live in a kind of harmony. This stage is commonly associated as “The Brujah Dream” and is situated in 677 B.C. The Brujah Dream is a primal scenario, of coexistence, where both “races” are understanding each other’s customs. The humans founded Qart-Hadasht, trying to hide from vampires, but it seems to be a impossible mission. Vampires are still understanding their limits with mortals and dealing with challenges outside the city, fighting possible opponents trying to take Carthage. For mortals, the challenge is to accept the immortality of men who apparently arrived to “take” the city.

involving them in networks of mortal and immortal manipulations. There is a tension between the two and among the vampires itself. The nightly struggle of the immortals has been going on for a few years, while mortals resist to maintain their weakened grip on Carthage. The Punic capital is going through a critical moment of coexistence, when everyone is fed up with the way leadership is conducted in the city. Carthage is a powder keg and at some point it will explode. Without noticing it, the Baali influence started to take over the city. With the absence of the Founder of the Brujah Family, the vampires fought in their politics to make the city follow the “right way” and be greatful as their dreams showed them to.

Tertiu Capitulum: The Asphodel The immortals are said to have won. Clearly, no vampire can “play fair” with mortals. In 320 BC, the Baali are almost done. The city was filled with religious blindness imposed through centuries of manipulation. Everything works exactly as the Brujah dreamed, but in a unorthodox way. Mortals celebrate with immortals, infernalistic rites are frequent in Carthage, there is no greater force than the Punic deities. The immortals know the fate of the city. Since the Founder and Baal-Hammon were losing their consciousness to the Beast, by the great blood festivities, the vampires are now struggling to hold power and influence. The weakening of both two powerful figures in Carthage, Troile and Moloch are concerning. The question that extends to everyone is “Who will be in power?”.

Quartum Capitulum: The Punic Wars Every story goes through the beginning, middle and end. Carthage drew enough attention to displease many opponents, including the romans. The Punic Wars are divided in three chapters: The First Punic War, the Second and the Third Punic War.

Secondi Capitulum: The Republic of Disputes

Chapter One: In 265 BC, the Carthaginian expansion reached the Mediterranean. The discovery of Sicily would guarantee control to the carthaginians over the great sea that separates Europe from Africa. The Cainites, however, believe that there are superior forces to look for in Sicily and the Ventrue were ready to defend their territory.

Known as “The Republic of Disputes”, this scenario is the one recommended for playing your chronicle. Carthage is a few steps away from its peak in population, technology and expansion. Perhaps it is one of the most important political moments of the city’s citizens,

Chapter Two: After 220 BC, the second chapter explores military expeditions. Losing the war and control of Sicily, the Carthaginian vampires sent Aníbal Barca to Hispania for an expedition that could conquer Rome by land. The vampires decide to truly interfere in the war



and start to accompany the expeditions while the most diplomatic ones create ways to support Carthage with so many military expenses. However, Rome makes an unexpected offensive. Rome attacks Carthage with more than a hundred thousand men. Chapter Three: Carthage rebelled. Roman sanctions, not even the punishments received, are acceptable. The Ventrue accuse the carthaginians of being hellish and join forces to attack the best protected city in the world. The Helena’s betrayal is still unknown, but it is the main reason for the Roman victory. The confrontation will be bloody, but the carthaginian vampires will never give up on their dream of making Carthage great again. Finally, in 149 BC, Rome surrounds Carthage and for three years, prepares for the final confrontation. The Punic Wars are a long scenario, which, if well explored, can generate many emotions within a chronicle, full of political upheavals. Both Carthage and Rome are actively trying to fight and see who will prevail. The strategies used in direct and indirect confrontation are surprising and it is necessary to be cautious so as not to make the slightest mistake.

Immortal Families Although Carthage is kown the “city of dreams”, the dangers of being a vampire there are not absent. All vampires are always in danger wherever they are, but in Carthage mortals know their existence and live with them at many times. Mainly for the political and aristocratic involvement of vampires in city affairs. There is no scenario where vampires are not in danger. Even in the third chapter, vampires can be subject to fanaticism, leading to their final death. If the mortals are not the danger, than other vampires are. Naturally, Cainites settled in the city, creating their own Houses. The division of Families, known as vampiric Clans in the Dark Ages, is not as important as for carthaginian Cainites. In reality, what matters in Carthage is the House you belong to. Intelligent vampires created huge lineages belonging to a single House, however it is difficult to entertain other “Clans” in the city, after all, it is necessary to keep “pure blood”. Of course, such strains are not always full of vampires, but of ghouls and mortals. The Cainites use their Houses to infiltrate the carthaginian senate, play by the same rules as mortals and use this in an attempt to show that “there is nothing different between them and mortals”. Vampires formed their Houses as well as mortals. Unlike the Romans who treated Families as names for “Clans”, in Carthage, vampires treat Families as a Lineage or group of people,

vampires or not who live together. It is possible for a Cainite Member to arrive in the city to ask for assistance, but receive none for not belonging to his House. Members began to generate family lines within the city, with their respective importance, traditions, rules and forms of behavior. However, vampires never reveal their Traditions described in Librorum Sanguine, known later as the Book of Nod, to mortals. The relationship is purely for coexistence and an attempt at harmony, but with some secrets that are still kept under lock and key. In short, Houses are nothing more than brotherhoods, unions between vampires who believe in an ideal and are in the Carthaginian senate to defend this ideal.

Old Behaviors Don’t Die Vampires live together with mortals. It is true, but no mortal interferes within the Cainite Senate. The traditions still exist, however they have been slightly modified to the city’s behavior. Positions of power were created in Carthage and other knowledge about the Children of Caine remains blur. Not even vampires accept any kind of interference, although there are some meetings between vampires in which mortals participate, being able to listen to the agendas, but never giving suggestions or any decisions, unless when asked to. In Carthage, vampires created their own positions, with their different hierarchical levels of power and relevance. Kindred never let the presence of mortals directly interfere in their duties unless such mortals accept an agreement in communion with vampires. Most of the positions in which mortals could interfere were created only after the uprisings during the period of the Republic in Dispute. Precisely to calm the “spirits” of humans. Regardless of the small mortal interaction with the Kindred society, it must be made clear that mortals do not even have historical knowledge of Families, the Second City, the Autarkis and others. It is strictly forbidden to share this knowledge with mortals in the city. The mortals think that Cainites are immortal beings, blessed by the Gods with immortality. All vampires cannot tolerate their knowledge being lightly shared for no reason. Mortals are aware of the immortal condition and blood need of vampires, although they do not classify them as the romans classify: Estriges. Normally, when referring to vampires, mortals prefer to quote the names of their Houses and the position, if any. Vampires seek to do the same, although they often sin for arrogance. The agendas that vampires debate in the Consillium Immortalem (Kindred Senate) are then briefly passed on to mortals, who usually have a representative Monarch,



a King’s position. There are strict conditions for mortals to hold positions like those of the Cainites, but they are still not treated as equals, but as “respect ghouls”. Those who are most involved in the supernatural life can even earn respect among vampires, at great cost. Although it was difficult to consider this as a reality, each of the 13 Families described in Vampire: The Classical Era, 20th Anniversary Edition exists in Carthage and can be part of the Houses. Some of them, like the Ventrue are commonly mistreated by other vampires, or Malkavian are not even heard as in other cities. New rules have been added for each of the Houses and behaviors as well.

Religion The Punic Polytheism is the main religion in the city of Carthage, in which deities such as Tanít, Ba’al Hamon, Deméter and Coré took the Carthaginian minds. There is no exact record of the appearance or how Punic Polytheism was created, but it is known that the mixture of Phoenician, Greek and Egyptian deities originated the pantheon of Carthage. What makes discovering the origin even more difficult is the influence of other regions on the city, which brought other gods such as Isis, Eshmun, Amon and Demeter.

In the city, the main deity and protector of the Carthaginians is Tanít, Mother Goddess and Protector of the Punics and who worked together with Ba’al Hamon, the Father of all Gods and most powerful. Both ruled the Carthaginian lands, giving the blessings, profits and victories to the inhabitants of Carthage. In addition to Tanít ​​and Ba’al Hamon, Eshmun was another important deity. Eshmun is known as The God of Healing, responsible for keeping the Punics healthy, protected from disease and curses, as well as being a patron of Carthage. Amon, known in almost all of North Africa, was transformed into a God of Sun and Fire for the Carthaginians. Demeter and Kore became Deities of Fertility and Harvest. The Carthaginians regularly worshiped such deities, prioritizing Tanít, Ba’al Hamon and Eshmun as the main deities that would bring all protections and benefits to the inhabitants. However, there were quite a few heroes, legends, stories and considerable tales about the deeds of such deities, which have been lost through time. Unlike modern times when Ba’al is associated with pagan or diabolical cults by some religions, in Carthage this was not a reality. Citizens did not even see their actions as a symbol of evil and performed their rites because they believed that their beliefs were correct. Throughout the

Greek Gods

Phoenician Gods

God Title



The King of Gods, God of Weather



The Lady of Carthage, Goddess of Ferility and Regeneration


Resheph or Amon

God of the Fire, War and Plague



Goddess of Fertiliry, Sexuality and War



King of the Underworld, Protector of the Universe



God of Healing



Lord of Heaven, God of War


Baal Saphon

King of the Ocean



God of Agriculture and Fertility



Queen of the Underworld



history of the world there have been religions of different types that have caused the greatest types of atrocities and with them it would be no different. In Carthage, no one saw himself as a wizard, pagan, infernalist or any other association and adjective that gave them, although some other peoples already considered his practices completely insane, such as human sacrifices, especially children.

How to Use this Book? Vampire, the Classical Age: The Fall of Carthage is a scenario that recalls and brings everything you need to know about the city. Each chapter describes different characteristics of the city and how they can be used, how they correlate and what is important to know. The second chapter is about the historical record of the city of Carthage, approaching the maximum of what really happened, but with Kindred involvement in the plot. In addition to history, the involvement of vampires in the city itself is explored. The third chapter explores the region, geography, neighborhoods, places of influence and functioning of the city. Functional descriptions and how city areas are treated within the game are included in the chapter, to assist narrators and players during their chronicles. The fourth chapter describes customs, Cainite traditions, rules, Carthage laws, vampiric houses and the involvement of each Family within the city and new Legacies and Bloodlines. The fifth chapter brings new itens, characters for using into your chronicles, with their entire history, secrets, character sheet and other important descriptions. Other important and known character’s like Helena, Prias, Moloch, Critias and even Troile are also described in this chapter. The sixth chapter tries to complement some discipline ideas already evolved in the corebook, creating new blood sorceries like Abyss Mysticism, Necromancy and Striga. New discipline were also created and added to the scenario. The last chapter brings ideas for chronicles narrated in Cartagos, descriptions of how to storytell a chronicle into the city.

References Narratives in a city with so few historical resources may require some knowledge and exploration of what the scenario was like. Such content listed below was also helpful in writing this book. Carthage: The Roman Holocaust (2004) by Joseph Maxell. FALL OF CARTHAGE


Excellent documentary on the fall of Carthage, including strategies used by the Romans against civilization. Carthage Must Be Destroyed: The Rise and Fall of an Ancient (2012) by Richard Miles. Great book, which details the history of Carthage from its creation to its fall. Carthage: Rome’s Equal and Rival (2004), by Richard Miles. Another excellent documentary that portrays the events that made Rome turn against Carthage. Ancient History Encyclopedia (ancient.eu). A brilliant encyclopedia, which details not only Carthage but also covers much of ancient civilization. Constantinople by Night (1997), Jerusalem by Night (1999), published by White Wolf. The most brilliant books, in terms of history and textural organization, used as great inspiration for this book.

The Population of Carthage The Carthage periods were influencing factors for the population. As the richest city in the world, Carthage was constantly visited by aristocrats from all over the world to invest in the city. After all, slaves, phoenicians from other regions and many foreigners filled the vacant spaces of the city over the centuries. The challenges of the time forced vampires to become populous, more numerous than usual. The Second City had “recently” fallen and a phase of vampire repopulation began in the ancient world. Carthage probably had one of the largest vampire populations in the world at its peak. Initially, when Carthage was founded, its population should not contain much more than 10,000 mortal inhabitants. The first vampires to arrive in the city, accompanied by Troile, most likely, were also the main columns for strengthening the city’s economy and population. It was also likely that there were no more than five vampires in the city. In 677 BC, where the first chapter, were The Brujah Dream, takes place, Carthage would probably be two hundred years old, with almost 100 thousand inhabitants. The vampire population followed the deadly growth in the same way, probably spawning about fifteen to twenty vampires at that time, apart from visitors as Members of the Toreador, who completely transformed the beautification of the capital Brujah. It is possible to say that the Kindred themselves forced, with Presence, Dominate and other means, human reproduction, more than doubling the scale of inhabitants considerably. In addition to tactics to hide better in a crowded city, it was also a reason to have more food. 14

Considered a period of extreme importance for the city, possibly the era of the Republic brought many more inhabitants than usual. The move in the city bombarded it with traders who believed in the potential of the richest city in the world. Carthage could have more than 300,000 inhabitants at that time. Vampires, however, became more and more numerous, with almost 30 known vampires in the city, from different Families. The number of vampires that were hidden might no longer be counted. Near the peak of Carthage, in 422 BC it allowed the city to reach 500-600 thousand inhabitants. The vampire population was already well beyond the average. Carthage was already an empire, dominating almost the entire North African, together with the Iberian peninsula. There were no ships in the seas that did not find ships from Carthage. Vampires were easily over 75, accompanied by some ghouls at their command. The Punic Wars, however, was a period of reduction of the Carthaginian population, leading them to an incredible and rapid decay. Wars against the Roman Republic took thousands of Carthaginian lives with them, including Kindreds who went to wars to aid mortals in their city. Carthage lost more than one hundred thousand men in the Punic Wars and at the end of the empire, seventy thousand people were left, of whom fifty thousand were enslaved by the Romans.

Mortal Life Carthage’s life could be considered one of the best. Although the citizens of the city did not have the same monetary condition as the aristocrats, they were able to live well there. In whatever setting, Carthage’s inhabitants must be portrayed as loyal to their birthplace. Perhaps most great civilizations inherited a taste for their history and with Carthage, history does not change. Carthage citizens are happy to invest in the city. They are naturally proud of what they do and are not afraid to say that they are carthaginians. The city’s history and the fact that it is the richest city in the world probably inflates the ego of the mortals who live there. Even if they do not constantly war with other civilizations, Carthage mortals still beat their chests to say where they belong from. Their family, business, history and even lineage are used as a trophy to tell you where they came from. Such behavior completely helps the development of the city, after all everything that is produced for the city itself, is really done with care and without any fear. Mortals like to know that they belong and collaborate with the city’s history.


The services in Carthage are constant and there is no shortage of work. The city’s production area is well developed and always has space for one more worker. Even the mortals who are present in the Carthaginian Senate like to boast about their positions.

Hierarchy in Carthage The carthaginian senate is one of the most important parts of the city, defining almost all directions not only for Carthage, but for the empire itself. It is like in the Roman Senate, where the laws are not defined only for the city, but for the whole republic or empire. The senatorial position in Carthage were constantly dominated by the elite. First, with the presence of monarchic and aristocratic families, then only with the presence of aristocrats and priests. Carthaginians had positions within the senate, divided into three areas: military, judicial and political. At the beginning of Carthaginian empire, the position of Monarch was was elected or passed through generations as the main magistrate, with greater power in the senate, equivalent to the Roman Consul. A monarch was the “king of Carthage”, responsible for defining and approval of most of the decisions suggested by the entire senate. Over time, this position was transformend into a Suffete, that had the same tasks, but the senate itself could elect one in times of need. After Carthage grew, two suffixes were needed to cover the republic, one military and the other economic. Suffetes were usually elected annually, following senate votes. In the monarchy times, the suffete were a counsellor of the king. It was common for some chokers who made wise decisions to be elected for several years in a row. The carthaginian senate contained two to three hundred elite citizens. All of them had the responsibility to create votes and to assist decisions that would be passed by the suffixes, however a large part of the decisions could be approved by the senate itself. The senate was almost always responsible for decisions that Suffete did not need to worry about. Approval of laws that did not involve changes to the constitution, accept or refuse requests for assistance from the military, requests for new buildings in Carthage, proposals for peace or war and so on. Usually, the suffete could summon the senate when there were doubts about the decisions to be made in relation to the city. It was common for there to be agreement between both sides, but when there was no common sense, the people would be responsible for the decision. Thus, the citizens of Carthage could vote through the People’s Assembly. Although the People’s Assembly was not part of the senate, they could define who would be the participants

in the Senate. The elections to define suffixes, members of the senate, senior officials, leaders of the republic’s treasury, military commanders and priests were completely handed over to the Carthaginian citizens if not decided by the senate. Only citizens born in Carthage could vote, never slaves, foreigners or women. It is possible to say that perhaps this was the greatest power of the Popular Assembly, after all if they could knew who to choose, they could have great results. The People’s Assembly was also responsible for deciding what the senate and the sufete did not achieve in a common agreement. Senior officers were deployed across Carthage’s lands. Normally, five officers were appointed, who would act as judges in the Carthaginian court. In addition to them, another ten officers would be elected to be responsible for religious temples, usually priests, and another thirty men would be elected to handle the fees, taxes collected for the city and administration pourposes. The treasury would be under the responsibility of only one officer, who could enlist the help of other trusted citizens for the correct calculations. Additionally, there were officers who would be responsible for military commanders, paying attention to decisions and transferring such decisions to the senate. During the time of the republic, there were more than two hundred men working for Carthage, with the most different positions to maintain the entire structure created within the city and all territories included.

Kindred in Carthage Although the founding Family of Carthage are the Brujah, the vampires are divided into Houses. As described before, Houses are brotherhoods, represented by common ideologies that the vampires adopted, considered their leader as a Overlord, usually the eldest of the House. Vampires participate in the carthaginian senates when they want and manipulate for whatever they want, playing a dirty policy to prevent mortals from knowing their true intentions, at least until the third chapter, the Asphodel. However, the vampiric senate, known as the Consillium Immortalem, is active and many of the Cainites appear during their nights with proposals, plans and other matters to resolve. After all, it’s not because vampires have managed to get involved in this way with mortals who are free from problems within the city. The “democracy” created by vampires allows mortals to participate only when the issues discussed directly involve them. In order not to create a very striking differentiation, their Houses and names are used to represent ideology. It would be possible to find a Toreador, Member and



representative of the House of Immortals, who was directly disputing the space of an armory with a mortal who is leader of the House of Guardians. Such debates are usually arbitrated by Kindred judges. In times when there is an absence of decisions, and when vampires do not play dirty with their Disciplines, the needs of each are divided equally. Carthage is dominated by a Monarch vampire, who acts as a Prince. However, the city has two important positions, Diskastís and Herald. Naturally they become leaders of the city, one being legally skilled and the other traditionally. Just as humans were inspired by suffixes.


The biggest decisions for city vampires are in the hands of these two, who have the final say on almost anything when the monarch does not meddle in the affairs of the Consillium Immortalem. Carthage vampires live a policy much more constant than the policy practiced by vampires in Rome. After all, in Carthage it is not only disputed with immortals, but with humans as well. There is always a constant conflict of interest, in which each one defends his point tooth and nail. Sometimes conflicts get out of hand and lead to catastrophes.



CHAPTER HISTORY OF CARTHAGE “Ceterum autem censeo Carthaginem delendam esse” - Cato, the Elder

Background of History All cities have a history, starting from where they were founded, step by step. But Carthage does not. That city was a long-desired dream, planned since the beginning. Just as the Assamite Kindred had long sought a favorable place for Alamut to exist, Carthage was a long-standing desire and needed to be won. The fall of the Second City was a stake pierced in the heart of all the vampires who fought to keep it. In fact, losing the second home of all the Cainites, where they were venerated as deities, might bring a shock, a fright, to warn them that the world was no longer the same. All the Families left the territories cursed by the fire of the infernal Baali, devastated. Troile, a Dreamer, felt

no different. Some believe that Carthage was a complete mistake from the start, but I would say that it has become a mistake over time. The guilt? Troile. His story is the basis for all Carthage to exist. Troile, the Patricide traveled with some of the Brujah who decided to follow him, after the fall of the Second City. A small group, perhaps five other younger vampires. Troile wandered throughout the Middle East, discovering himself with his equals and his childe. The absence of a Sire to teach him his concepts of powers was weighing on Troile’s mind, which was less than half the power that the real Antedilluvian had. After all, Troile destroyed his own creator to usurp his throne, cowardly. It is clear. There is no real date on how long Troile walked or when Second City fell. The information is somewhat confusing, however the one that saved Troile from his anguish, which

Chronological Order 2100 a.C The Antediluvian still wandered completely adrift. His few offspring followed him faithfully, even during his outbursts of anger.


1500 a.C Tyre had already been founded. Coincidentally Troile meets Moloch and Tanit, his child. Moloch is attentive to Troile and being Monarch of Tyre, the Toreador introduces Tanit as his child for Troile.


removed him from the sea of ​​ignorance was known as Tanit. Toreador members disgust that Tanit was nothing more than an inconsequential cheater, embraced only for beauty. It didn’t look that way. Presented by her Sire, Moloch, the Toreador showed himself with enormous wisdom to Brujah, who fell in love with his mentality. How did the Antediluvian fall in love? I do not know how to answer. Someone so old and powerful allowed himself to be subjugated to the bonds of passion... Pathetic. In a conversation with Etheyra, the first of his childe, Troile’s anxieties were visible in having no source of knowledge as he had in the Second City. It is not as if Troile vented with Etheyra, but that his outbursts of fury showed his side completely disgusted at not meeting his own expectations. Troile was frustrated and saw an inspiration in Tanit. In the city of Tire, Brujah relearned countless concepts about his powers, which his own Lord had not taught him. Troile took advantage of the newly founded city of Tyre to make new offsprings, along with Tanit. The beautiful woman became a lover of Brujah over time, studied alongside him in Tyre, building the ideal of a new city, the Third City. Brujah developed a huge Third City project. Although this project no longer exists, it is said that the Antediluvian passed more than a hundred years before he finally left Tyre and traveled. Perhaps influenced by Toreador, the Brujah Antediluvian let himself be carried away by the perfectionism syndrome, often dreaming in his own thoughts about what the “perfect city” would be like. When the most anticipated moment of the Brujah came, together with Tanít, the Antediluvian met with other Cainitas Brujah and Toreador who followed in the footsteps of the beautiful lover and traveled in search of the perfect place to build the city.

Cultivating Bonds (969-783 BC) Although some may think that the journey to find

Troile and his lover, Tanit

It is not clear Brujah’s love for Tanit, however both Cainites spent a lot of time together. Their relationship was often one of love and hate, after all Brujah had to control his impulses and Tanit often tested him with personal challenges. The striking fact was that Brujah saw Tanit not only as a lover, but as a tutor. Although younger, Tanit was very well educated by her Lord and Brujah saw this wisdom as admirable. Some Members of the Brujah Family believe that it was nothing more than Vinculum Sanguíneo with Tanit, who ensnared him without realizing it.

the best construction site was quick, in reality it was the other way around. Haqim, the Assamite Antediluvian took decades, perhaps centuries or over a millenia looking for the perfect place for Alamut. Troile took three centuries to find the “golden territory”. Some reports say that Troile lived for a time with the Brujah, in Greece before migrating to QartHadasht (nomination for “New City”). Brujah Antediluvian created with his family the first concepts of philosophy, he warned against and governed, but he was still not satisfied. When he arrived in the territories where he would found the Third City, he met the small town Qart-Hadasht, better known as Carthage. Troile was obsessed. Some believe he was disturbed, deranged by the creation of a Third City that he did not even wanted to look elsewhere. Almost like a “faith” in the creation of the city, Troile convinced himself that it was the perfect place. The other Brujah suggested taking the city for themselves together with the Toreador, but the

Chronological Order 1102 a.C Troile leaves Tyre, with Tanít in search of the perfect land for the construction of the Third City. 814 a.C Carthage is founded by a group of mortals who were fleeing the vampiric domain installed in Tyre.

783 a.C The Brujah find Carthage and meet with mortals. None of the mortals desire the presence of vampires in the city and the first challenge is to win their trust. The climate of tension is constant.



Antediluvian did not want such a slaughter going on. The Autarki Troile believed that taking the city by force would simply transform it into a field of ghouls, not so different than what the Second City was. Troile wanted to conquer mortals. His ideal was to live together, through acceptance. Troile always showed impatience and such behavior was new even for his offspring. It was as if his fixation, his disturbance to create the Third City, inhibited him from banal uncontrolled. Thus, Brujah entered the gates of Carthage, completely stripped of arms or wards, ready to talk to the local leader and propose his construction plan.

Dido’s Reign (814-759 BC) Although Dido was mortal and compared to Brujah’s age, it was clear that she posed no threat to the Antediluvian, but Dido surprised Brujah. This was better than a threat. The queen proved to be one of the few examples of brilliant mortals, with great charisma and excellent diplomacy. Dido convinced Brujah with his words to come to terms with the city’s mortals. It is not as if she could face physical challenges, but her way of seeing Carthage delighted Troile. Dido’s reign was a “fair game” with Troile. The Antediluvian knew the city’s dependencies with Tire without even asking. Dido revealed the political problems that Carthage had with other nations and in return asked for help from vampires, known as “immortals” by the carthaginians. The Brujah Family usually tells the rest of the world that Dido died naturally. Perhaps as a way of not exposing weaknesses. However, mortals say it was suicide. There was

Service Payment Rumors say that Brujah has entered truly calm and compassionate. Their young children, at the time, would never dare to snoop around, so it is difficult to know exactly what happened. It is believed that the first agreement to have made with Dido would be that of violence against Carthage’s enemies. Invaders, bandits, thieves and even other soldiers would be repelled by vampires and in return, the inhabitants of Carthage would not attempt any repression. Troile found a way to get the Brujah to take out their fury on something.


no direct influence, in fact. Dido jumped on a fiery pyre when she found out she was being manipulated by Tanit all the time, and she would be forced to marry a tribal leader in the region to win peace between Carthage and the small local towns. Dido preferred suicide to being subjected to an abusive union. The vampires say they had offered the opportunity to Embrace, but the first queen of Carthage always opted for mortality. Not even a ghoul did she wanted to become and was completely untouched by the Cainite blood. No vampire has ever touched Dido in any way, even when hunger. If Troile respected her, then everyone would also “respect her”.

Triad of Conviviality Called the Triad of Conviviality, the first agreement made between Dido and Brujah was set in stone. Ordered by Dido, the mortals built a public square in Horna to such an agreement. The influence of Tanít somehow taught Brujah to control his egocentric impulses in pursuit of the dream. All vampires must comply with such rules, otherwise they would be severely punished by Brujah and Tanit. The first agreement had only three very restrictive laws for vampires. Fortunately, for the well-being of the Carthaginian people, vampires honored the agreement for fifty years, until the second change. The Defense: Every immortal, inhabitant and citizen of the city of Carthage has a duty to protect it from invading enemies. The Permission: Every inhabitant of Carthage is sacred. Immortals must ask for permission before they feed. The Stay: Vampires are not allowed to spend more than three nights in a row. Your stay should last for three nights, with a hiatus of six other nights.


Chronological Order 759 a.C Dido, Queen of Carthage dies of unknown causes. The rumors say it was purely for love. The agreement between the Brujah and mortals is weakened.

The Beginning of a Dream (782-759 BC) As much as carthaginian mortals detested the presence of Cainites there, the vampires made a treaty with Dido, Carthage’s first queen. There were some specific laws that both vampires and mortals should follow for multiple help. Although mortals did not know the true origin of the Cainites, they felt inside that they were actually monsters in sheep’s clothing. After the meeting, Dido devised a plan with the vampires. They would not inhabit the city, however they would defend it for a few years, so that they could build trust with the people of Carthage. The Cainites swore in a public square to mortals, in honor of the monument built with a stone plaque and its laws. Only thirty years later, vampires were admitted as residents of the city, being able to participate in the construction of Carthage. Initially the Brujah Dream moved slowly. However, from a vampiric point of view, thirty years is nothing. This was the argument used by vampires to keep their own equals cool with humans. Troile did not allow any rule to be broken and kept his entwined in his command. The Cainites spent little time in the city, before establishing their own refuges. They defended the territories of Carthage from any other threat and, like a wolf surrounding sheep, they gained enough confidence to enter the city. The city moved forward with the help of vampires, mainly with politics and structure, which was very inspired by the project that Troile was developing in Greece, centuries ago. In the beginning, wooden palisades were the walls of Carthage, but thirty years later, they were already made of rough stone. Vampires were not tired at all and could carry a lot of weight without even injuring themselves. Furthermore, the years of experience allowed Greek philosophy to be passed on to mortals. Gradually, the Cainites became common in the city, but not accepted. No matter the time

758 a.C The first debate to elect the next king takes place. Carthage starts to hold elections from then on. The Carthaginian Senate begins to be developed, along with its laws during the next reigns.

and place, mortals have always been afraid of vampires. Carthage was no different. Many mortals knew that the tendency was to normalize the presence of immortals in the city and for this reason they deal fearfully with the vampires who lived there.

Abdosir Reign (758-744 BC) Abdosir I, the Greedy took over the reign shortly after Dido’s death. The agreement made years ago by the vampires and by Dido became fragile. Mortals began to demand the removal of vampires. Abdosir spent his first three years controlling the population’s emotions. More and more, supplications came to the king to turn against the immortals, to try to destroy them. The brute strength that an immortal could have when carrying stones weighing more than half a ton on his back was frightening. In addition to protecting vampiric ideals for fear of retaliation, impacted by Dido having died so early, Abdosir did not accepted the idea that his death would soon beat at his door. His worst enemy would never have been the Kindred of Carthage, but his own mind. Abdosir became obsessed with the idea of ​​immortality, although he did not express this openly. When he took over, the king was only 22 years old. Abdosir maintained some political agreements at the time, including that of paying taxes to Tyre. There is clear evidence that Tanit was the main tool for this to happen, since her Sire Moloch was Monarch of Tire. Abdosir had been elected after a debate among the carthaginians themselves. Dido had no heirs. There were no successors to the throne, and Abdosir managed to win the votes of the debate within the senate with his charisma. The young man remained in power for eleven years, always seeing how beautiful, strong and healthy vampires remained. Envying them for their immortality, their vigor and incredible abilities. Although he was afraid of the presence of immortals, he admired them as idols.



The New Triad (747-744 BC) Influenced by Tanit, Brujah allowed the vampires to propose a new deal. They were fed up with obeying and more and more Troile was losing support from his allies, even if no one claimed it. Abdosir missed opportunities when the vampires proclaimed their desire for a new deal. This time, the deal had not been conducted by the Antediluvian, but by his lover. The agreement would allow vampires to live together in the city, be recognized as citizens of Carthage and be entitled to their own families, the Houses. In this way, vampires would also be within the senate. Abdosir, nothing stupid allowed only vampires to live in the city, but never interfere in politics. At most, immortals advised. Poor Abdosir, who tought he could manipulate vampires. It was difficult to make deals when Troile preferred to respect peace with mortals. His desire for a perfect city always spoke louder than his impulses. There were reprisals for the proposed ideas. Mortals were inflated with fear and then with fury. Although there were laws, the laws were not synonymous with protection against immortals. If they were able to hold stones with a ton, what would they be able to do with mortals themselves?

Political Promisses Incredibly, the Antediluvian had no interest in Carthage’s policy. Human conflicts were boring, tedious and the trauma of replicating the Second City was greater. Brujah always let Tanit care about politics. Gradually, Troile became more and more absent, always watching and observing the growth of his city. His only concern was still the Kindred. The Toreador Tanit was interested in knowing how many taxes Carthage was paying to Tyre, who their enemies were, how much aristocrats were paid for the seasonal harvest and how it influenced the city. Tanit was attentive to the events of Qard-Hadasht.

Justified Violence

Where did it come from? Were vampires showing signs of repression? No. There was no repression. But the mere fact that he understood that immortals could be immensely stronger, that they used humans to feed and strengthen themselves, completely terrified the citizens of Carthage. Although they had never been attacked, the city already had a bad record with Tire. This fear, passed from father to son, only increased with the presence of predators, side by side. Mortals, over time, decided to act.

For a time, Antediluvian Brujah did not want or allow vampires, who lived in the city, to interfere in mortal politics. However, it was untenable to do this. Although she believed that this was not the duty of the Cainites and that vampires would be instructors, not manipulators, the city needed strong and experienced leadership. Gradually, this condition became weakened. Brujah became ill and obsessed with Carthage. He was more and more lost in his thoughts when he observed and exempted himself. He was in a dilemma between not interfering and letting mortals do the destruction of themselves or allowing immortals to enter politics and rule over mortals. Both options were risky.

The First Disaster (745-744 BC) The second treaty created by Abdosir allowed vampires to came to Carthage, as citizens and inhabitants. Everyone would have the right to create their refuges and to belong to a House. Carthage used an archaic hierarchical system of Houses, which were like big families. From .

Chronological Order 748 a.C The Brujah Kindred propose a new treaty with the current King of Carthage, known as Abdosir I, the Greedy. Abdosir, seduced by the idea of immortality, accepted the treaty in exchange for the Embrace


746 a.C Vampires come to frequent Carthage as their true home, subject to the new laws of the Triad of Conviviality. They settle in the city as inhabitants and all gain Carthaginian citizenship.


be in the monarchy, but now immortals were there too.

The New Triad Created with Tanit, Abdosir modified the third rule created years ago by Dido. Kindred could normally be part of the city if they were recognized as members of a House. Furthermore, as citizens, they could participate in the political debates in Carthage, which infuriated the city’s mortals. The Defense: Every immortal, inhabitant and citizen of the city of Carthage has a duty to protect it from invading enemies. The Permission: Every inhabitant of Carthage is sacred. Immortals must ask for permission before they feed.

Knowing that immortals were asleep during the day, mortals gathered in their havens with all possible weapons and attacked vampires. Mortals destroyed some refuges, of which they knew and also discovered that the “immortals” could die with some ease, as they had an aversion to the sun. On the same day, Abdosir was destroyed. On the streets of Carthage, on fire, his head was completely torn from his body and exposed as a trophy. When it got dark, the surviving Troile and Tanit offspring came out of their enraged havens. The Antediluvian, awakened in fury with human reprisal, decided to behave as the mortals did and that night, Carthage was stained with blood. The idea that mortals had killed their young made him momentarily forget about the “Third City”. For minutes, his only wish was to set foot in the city as if he were destroying a sandcastle.

The Red Night (744 BC)

Troile destroyed the city, one by one while other Kindred were truly feeding like monsters. That night, mortals fled in terror from their homes, hiding where they could. Elderly, The Stay: Immortals are part of Carthage. All women, children and men died as equals. No one was those who belong to a Casa can live in Carthage spared. Carthage was already considerably large for a city as normal. at the time and even though they hadn’t arrived killing half the population, that was completely monstruous. Mortals begged for forgiveness after Cainite’s lack of control, asked for mercy, but all those who dared to attack vampires were nobles to commoners, every houses had a history and killed without any act of forgiveness. a reputation. Carthage’s citizens highly valued the When the Antediluvian calmed down, he called on history of the Houses. Troile created the House of the Philosophers and Tanit created the House of Artificers, the citizens of Carthage and their young to formulate an in homage to the Toreador Family. Vampires began to agreement, on top of that slaughter. Mortals heard his speech. Troile did not spare them from using their powers, meet with their peers, defined by their Houses. enchanting them with his speech. The Antediluvian’s only Abdosir was Embraced shortly after the agreement request was for peace. Nothing more, nothing less. The Red with Tanit. His “reborn” was not well received. The Night was marked as the first moment of peace between people of Carthage resented this news. Carthaginian mortals and vampires. Neither vampires nor mortals would citizens planned for a year to dethrone Abdosir. All that want to be destroyed and for the sake of both, mortals fear of reprisal by the immortals became fuel for the accepted the vampires’ peace proposal. courage to do something worse. Mortals decided to kill The People’s Assembly defined the elections for a new Abdosir and his peers, since before, only humans would

Chronological Order 745 a.C Abdosir is turned into a vampire. The Carthaginian population goes crazy with the idea of a vampire Monarch and proclaims justice.

744 a.C Blood Night happens, Carthage goes into a frenzy and all the inhabitants of the city decide to revolt against vampires. Abdosir is destroyed.



king. Hasdrubal, the Impartial was the only mortal with enough courage to stand for and represent the citizens of Carthage in relation to the Immortals. In addition to courage, Hasdrubal was truly impartial and did not judge by race, but by event. In this way, neither mortals nor vampires would be harmed. For the first time, vampires and mortals voted together for their own good.

The First Houses (740 BC) Tanit played the role of helping each and every citizen, with his few remaining child. Vampires begin to rebuild their image in Carthage. The first debate was rebuilt after the damage of the Red Night. Mortals began to live together, still afraid, but with controlled hatred for

vampires. No one would risk an action that could cost lives, neither the vampires would risk the Frenesi of Troile again. Tanit, also began to teach the mortal children about the Punic deities, making reference to herself and the vampires as sent from the Gods. Soon, mortals underwent a process of ideological manipulation by Tanit, doubting what their relationship with immortals should be. Troile, opened the doors of Carthage so that other Brujah could visit the city and settle there, swearing allegiance to the House of Philosophers and the House of Artificers. The city then began to be repopulated by Kindred. The growing population of Cainites brought about an even more accelerated evolution. Tanit, seeing

Chronological Order 743 a.C Vampires and immortals give the city the first chance to live together. After the trauma created in the Red Night, tension hangs in the air. However, Tanit and her youngsters start working for the benefit of mortals in the city, deconstructing the image that vampires have of monsters.


731 a.C The first Kindred started to be invited to come to the city. Assamite, Followers of Set and Toreador were welcomed by Tanit, after convincing Brujah to agree with his idea. Tanit finds out that he has a lot of influence over Troile.


ago and invested all their efforts in development. All, inspired by Troile.

Dominance War As time passed, Brujah moved further and further away from Tanit. The Antediluvian assimilated almost all the ideas proposed by Tanit and accepted them. However, Tanit was careless, believing she had complete dominance over Brujah. Conflicts of ideas began to emerge as soon as Tanit took a more aggressive stance on dominating mortals. Brujah came to see her as a possible destroyer of his dreams. Even Troile, with all the blocks and passions he had for Tanit, theoretically entwined by Vinculum, rebelled to overcome any dominion of his lover over his mind. When the Consillium Immortalem had been founded, Tanit invited Toreador members to visit the city and their Sire Moloch, in secret, to assist it in taming Troile. If some members believe that Tanit handled Brujah well, it is because they did not know Moloch. Another worrying fact was that Tanit was under Moloch’s tutelage at all times, even from a distance.

new possibilities, convinces the Antediluvian to allow the Assamite Members to come, to act as defenders of the city and Followers of Set to assist in the reconstruction of the image of the Cainites in Carthage. The Brujah began to develop really important buildings. Amphitheaters, arenas, markets and forums were built in the city. Such events were beginning to please mortals. Still persistent in the age of Third City, the Brujah would never have been shaken by the “little conflict” a few years

The first three Assamites appear in the city, founding the House of Haqim. The fraternity initially begins to represent all members of the Family, regardless of caste. Shortly thereafter, the House of Amon was founded by Amon-Bahet, an important and charismatic member of the Followers of Set. Consequently, the development of the city draws the attention of Lasombra arriving in Carthage, founding the House of Shadows.

The Vampiric Senate (Consillium Immortalem) Taking advantage of the Cainite expansions, Antediluvian Brujah founded the Consillium Immortalem or Consillium Tenebris (unusual name) of Carthage, together with Tanít. The lovers established positions for the Consillium Immortalem, which made them the city’s top authority. Initially, both would be Monarchs of Carthage. Vampires would follow the same Traditions imposed before, with some additions to those of the city. The only tradition ignored and completely modified was never to share its true nature, something that did not happen in Carthage. The Cainites held their meetings at the Consillium Immortalem, almost always without the presence of mortals, however mortals summoned vampires in the early evening for their meetings. There were no mortal meetings that did not have at least one Cainite as a witness. Although Tanit was trying to live without the use of powers, the task was complicated, which led to his own disappointment. Whenever he was close to making a decision about this, Troile would interfere and change her mind. Vampires constantly used their supernatural powers without any discretion in the city, which drew a lot of attention and disgust from mortals who realized this. Because of it, the Setites and Toreador began to change

Chronological Order 729 a.C Kindred found Carthage’s first Vampiric Senate. The representative houses become the House of Philosophers, the House of Artificers, the House of Amon, the House of Shadows and the House of Haqim.

725 a.C Troile and Tanit become Carthage’s first vampire Monarchs, working as a diarchy. Mortals, however, were only entitled to one Monarch.



Chronological Order 719 a.C The first set of laws is created in Carthage, by Hasdrubal, Tanit and Brujah. The set of laws expanded the rights of mortals and Cainites much more. The set of laws became known as “The Hasdrubal Legislation”.

706 a.C King Hasdrubal rewrites Carthage legislation, allowing vampires to act in the Carthaginian Senate as well as mortals.

the idea of ​​immortals as villains in the city. Under the command of Amon-Bahet, the Followers of Set became influential in the city, creating the first temples in honor of Amon.

and no other city has lived up to them. Followers of Set joined the public projects in Carthage, acting heavily as administrators. Mortals were increasingly influenced by the Setites, who infiltrated like snakes under a blanket.

Troile and Tanit created the Consillium Immortalem so that vampire decisions could be organized and coordinated by them. This senate would interfere only in the Cainites, but not in mortals, at first instance. However, shortly after the creation of the Consillium Immortalem, Tanit’s sudden disappearance caught the attention of the Cainites. Antediluvian Brujah became the sole Monarch of Carthage, carrying out almost all agreements and meetings involving the Cainites. In Tanit’s place, Brujah put Assamite Malek to be an adviser and judge of his decisions, but never as a monarch.

Antediluvian Brujah began its expansion plans and for the first time launched its ships overboard. Carthage began to conquer territories along the Mediterranean. It

Development in Carthage (719 BC) Troile erected a monument in honor of Tanit in the city center, with the first three laws of the Triad engraved at the foot of the statue. The monument showed the agreement between Tanit and King Abdosir I greeting each other in communion and peace. Troile told a story that Tanit left the city permanently, abdicating her position to travel across the Mediterranean. Hardly any vampire over a hundred years old would believe such a story. But no one would be insane enough to question the Autarki. Toreador members started to be called as architects, together with the Brujah, to work on the construction of public places considered important. Mortals gradually began to take the initiative to participate in such construction processes and in a short time they were building alongside the Cainites themselves. No city had developed its structures at the same speed as Carthage. During the day, mortals built and during the night, the Cainites continued their work tirelessly. The Brujah created together with the Lasombra a new ship while the Toreador improved with their own hands. Carthage’s ships have become the best in the region 26

Prohibited from Playing Dirty Troile was extremely averse to the use of powers in mortals. Although in the past he used a lot of such supernatural influence, Troile wanted mortals to live with vampires out of free choice and not slavery. In his view, if the Third City wanted to be different from the other two, he would need to conquer humans and not tame them. Knowing that mortals only accepted treaties by using the Presence destroyed with Troile’s ego, that he could not make his own race loved except by Disciplines. In 719 BC, Troile later went on to ban the use of vampiric powers in mortals. Together with Hasdrubal, Troile signed his agreement with that set of laws created by the Cainites. If any vampire were caught doing such actions, he would be tried by the Vampiric Senate and punished. Tanit, completely unfavorable to Troile’s decision, in a slight carelessness showed his true intentions with Carthage, resulting in Troile’s fury. Antediluvian Brujah temporarily ignored all his love for Tanit and staked his chest. Tanit imprisoned inside her own statue, in the center of Carthage.


seems that Troile was leading the city only while Carthage was unable to act alone. The previous departure had to be put aside and Troile took the lead again. He was acting as a leader and mentor to the Cainites. In addition to maritime conquests, Hasdrubal opened the door to foreigners, to boost trade in the city. Carthage believed to have created the first Mediterranean coin trade.

to the city’s fate. The Houses would be represented as mortals did. Vampires would have the same voting rights as mortals themselves. Carthage underwent a political overhaul that allowed immortals to be present within the senate. Mortals, used to making their own decisions, entered a political conflict of interest with the Cainites in a short time.

Populational Growth

What really caught Brujah’s attention was the fact that Moloch came up with ways to get mortals to get used to the presence of vampires without the use of supernatural powers. The Antediluvian shone his eyes when he heard of such a possibility, quickly allying himself with Moloch. It would be a long-term plan, but it would bring good results. Moloch created the House of Ba’al, with the permission of Brujah. The House of Ba’al was the only house with religious intentions, rather than political ones. Unlike any other House, the House of Ba’al did not accept Members of a specified Family, but from any one. Any vampire, even a newcomer, could ask to welcome the House of Baal. And Moloch would welcome and teach the religious concepts of the House.

Carthage ascended into the hands of King Hasdrubal. After all, Hasdrubal used to abuse the eternal life of the vampires who remained there in the city. Hasdrubal talked to Antediluvian often, both became amazing friends. The city was growing considerably with the proposals created by Hasdrubal. The opening to the surrounding commercial cities made the economy run smoothly. The ships, which started to set sail for exploration, made good deals. The vampires themselves worked hard with Hasdrubal to attract new inhabitants and merchants from the surrounding area to Carthage and soon the city became the largest in the region where it was. Carthage became big for the time. The legislation was taken seriously, especially with Assamite vampires assisting mortals. During the population rise of the city, Moloch arrived in Carthage with a revolutionary proposal of peace. Apparently, Moloch sympathized with Troile’s ideals and wanted to make the third city happen, as did Troile. Obviously, the Antediluvian came to think about the possibility that Moloch would be interested in keeping Carthage under his control, but the Baali was truly astute and left no sign of such intentions running through. What made Moloch calm about his dominance in Tyre was the fact that he was keeping his young Annazir as the Monarch there.

The Breed Policy (702-690 BC) At the end of Hasdrubal’s reign, the vampires were invited by the friendly king of Brujah to be truly part of the carthaginian senate, being able to vote and make changes

Taking advantage of the little faith of Carthage’s men in other deities, Moloch recruited the city’s priests, trained those men to teach what the power of faith was to the Carthaginians. Major temple construction projects began to be erected. Moloch reinforced Tanit as a deity to the youngest, indoctrinated the eldest, spreading evidence of deities to all sides of the city. Amon-Bahet, disputed religious influence in the city with Moloch. Amon hated the idea of ​​having to share space with a newcomer. Soon, Punic Polytheism became evident in Carthage and the faithful visited the temples more frequently. Clearly such a result would not be achieved with such speed, but in a hundred years, Carthage has become a religious city like never before seen. Mortals and vampires have become casual. The growing vampire population caused constant problems, either through its ghouls or carelessness. Antediluvian Brujah was always punishing one or another Cainite. Killing was not part of the policy that he so refused to break,

Chronological Order 704 a.C Moloch visits Carthage, introducing himself as Ba’al Hammon to the vampires and mortals of the city, but as Moloch to Troile. When presenting a proposal for coexistence between vampires and mortals,

Troile allows hist stay in the city. Three other houses are founded: the House of the Alexandrite, the House of the Guardians and the House of the Souls.



even if he wanted to. Some of the vampires themselves began to misrepresent some laws, others literally broke them. Meetings in the carthaginian senate became increasingly common, but Moloch took advantage of every rule break to build his empire of faith. All rule breaks were beneficial to Moloch, for whenever something happened that mortals were unable to cope with, Moloch took over as a religious leader to give them comfort. Always, presenting himself as Ba’al Hammon.

Conflicting Ideologies (698-693 BC) At one point, the patience to deal with the problems failed again and Brujah, instead of punishing, started to destroy. However, destroying Kindred due to the breaking of rules dismantled the structure that Brujah spent years creating, after all, each Cainite was responsible for something in the city. Malek, his military adviser, was always encouraging the destruction of Cainites who did not respect the rules. The Laws of Caine was aways clear. Rules are rules and should be respected. However, Moloch encouraged Brujah’s removal and re-appointment to a new Monarch. Troile was too old to spend his time destroying Cainites. This conflict of interest generated many conflicts between Malek and Moloch, who constantly fought to win the opinion of Brujah. Brujah heard constant discussions about points of view. Both Moloch and Malek. At one point, they were both right. Brujah, despite his great intelligence, seeing possible 28

scenarios of the city, chose to name a new Monarch and rule in the shadows.

The Monarch (689 BC-677 BC) There were no competing suitors to represent Troile in Carthage. His decision could not be more risky: The Autarki left the responsibility for the appointment of a Monarch in the hands of the Consillium Immortalem and gave Malek the job of Diskastís, the city judge. Moloch was named as Herald, Carthage’s religious and traditions leader. After such a decision, Troile became absent. No one else heard about his name or his presence in a long time. She didn’t even show up to represent his house, so her oldest child, Etheyra, took over as representative of the House of Philosophers. Brujah wanted to see the competence of both leaders and see who would do better in managing their own domains. Troile came to the conclusion that he would interfere when he saw need. Otherwise, he would remain exempt from any decisions. Carthage was in the hands of the vampiric senate and Troile believed that alone, they could see themselves as governors of the city. This was the told version. However, Troile was feeling the Beast like never before. The Autarki no longer felt satisfied, the vitae of mortals no longer satisfied him. Troile was absent to fight his internal impulses and not to destroy his plans and dreams.

Conflicted Diarchy (677662 BC) Both Kindred had ver y different personalities. Malek appealed to the fair and rigid side that Cainites should be imposing in the city. Moloch appealed


to the subtle side, that vampires should live with mortals and spread the same belief. The Houses were divided between both ideologies, each serving a cause. Moloch and Malek engaged in lengthy political debates with numerous attempts to dethrone themselves. When words no longer satisfied their hunger for power, violence took action. The vampires went to political war and the Houses split. The biggest problem arose when both began to affect mortals to strike each other, which King Hasdrubal did not like. Malek organized the Immortals Convention, which combined the House of Haqim, the House of Amon and the House of Shadows. Moloch created the Coexistence Convention, uniting the House of Philosophers, the House of Artificers, the House of Guardians and the House of Ba’al. The House of Souls remained neutral to the conflicts started, as it believed it was a mistake to repeat Jyhad. Hasdrubal was always convenient with the vampire stay in Carthage, but his convenience was reaching a limit. The agreement had always been one: If there was peace with humans, then there would be peace with immortals. The last years of his reign came when Hasdrubal took the initiative to interfere in Cainite affairs. For this reason, accustomed to the peaceful times when no vampire could even touch him, Hadrubal imposed himself against Moloch and Malek. The public debate between the three leaders was long, with proposals for dominance and power that came to no end. Only the elite of the carthaginian senate accompanied, along with the houses of each representative. The vampires did not agree, but Hasdrubal came to a conclusion. Any rules that were broken would result in war. Mortals would be ready to retaliate. Moloch, astutely, heeded Hasdrubal’s orders. Unlike his opponent Malek, who threatened the king publicly. In 676 BC, Hasdrubal declared an offensive to vampires. Mortals were allowed to counter attack any rule breaks from immortals. Mortals would be armed and taught how to fight.

The Silent Dispute was fought in the city. The atmosphere of tension worked between the vampiric Houses and the mortals, who could defend themselves at any moment. Hasdrubal’s decision reduced the amount of broken rules, generating what he always fought to avoid: Hatred between races.

The Silent Dispute (666-626 BC) Immortals have returned to the customs of acting in the shadows. The presence of vampires became more and more silent. Traditions were being taken for granted, even for Malek who wanted to take an aggressive stance, he knew he would lose the dispute if he openly attacked any opponent. His own allies, fearing the loss of this dispute, could leave him. The House of Beast joined Malek, seeking to rely on Diskastís as a way of increasing his influence. Hasdrubal the Impartial died some time after his order on behalf of mortals. Hanno I, the Mystic, took his place. Hanno was the nightmare of vampires in the city, because when he took over, he already knew the true origin of the Cainites and what they were. Hanno the Mystic started to arm the people with what could literally be Cainite weakness. Stakes, fire and during the day, sunlight. For sixty-six years, the Silent Dispute remained. The immortals returned to commit their atrocities, but in the shadows. Apparently some hunting groups were formed, mortals knew about Cainite existence and were prepared. Senatorial debates continued in full swing. Vampires fought conflicts with each other with mortals. Some places forbade the presence of vampires and others looked with bad intentions. The vampires began to retaliate, little by little. The victory of the Silent Dispute was in favor of Moloch, who used faith as his main weapon. From 667 onwards, Tanit and Baal became the main deities of Carthage. Moloch continued to perform blood rituals, still hidden from any other Houses and Troile. In some way, mystical rituals dominated mortals and incited

Chronological Order 667 a.C Moloch initiates his sacrifices to demonic entities and blood rites, at first, hidden. His flock of believers always accompanies him. The House of Legacy and the House of Beast a are founded in Carthage.

600 a.C The Sicilian Wars for the dominion of Sicily begin. Carthage enters the conflict over Sicily. The Greeks are Carthage’s main enemies. Kindred prefer not to be involved in the war.



them to lose control of pleasure and fanaticism, including important figures within the Carthage Senate. The first rites began with priests and some select mortals. For a long time, the rites took place annually, only for guests. Moloch promised mortals a “taste” of what immortality could be, making the deserving ones their ghouls. Amon prepared big plans out of the shadows while Malek spent Ba’al’s efforts on the Consillium Immortalem. Although he lost influence, he was also not winning. Even though Moloch was clearly older, Amon used some subterfuge as weapons to gradually evolve his tactics and soon, to become a resistant and powerful opposition against Moloch.

Victory Belongs to Ba’al (623 BC) Malek lost the possibility of leadership when Moloch converted most of the senators to his mystical cult. The Assamite might be very experienced in strategy and logic, but he certainly lost out on the religious and social strategies of Moloch, who had already gone through the malice and war of the Second City. There are no records that Malek was killed, but that he left the city. Others say that Malek destroyed himself in shame. None of the information is true. Moloch’s victory over Malek resulted in the dismantling

Politics, for what? It is easier to use all kinds of powers possible against mortals. After all, they are all extremely susceptible to vampires, aren’t they? Yes, they are. But they are numerous. Too much. Vampires, while powerful, were not skilled enough to control an entire city using either Presence or Domination powers, in addition to the defenses created by mortals. In addition, the population of Carthage easily exceeded 150,000 at this time. Spoken records say that mortals were managing to use witchcraft based on the Cainite vitae and their own blood. Thus, they created methods of protection against major Discipline powers. Hanno was not known as “The Mystic” lightly. Hanno is believed to have been the most difficult king to deal with in all of history. Remaining vampires from Carthage accuse Malek of having taught them before leaving, as revenge against Moloch.



of the Immortal Convention. Moloch was decorated Monarch of Carthage. The House of Haqim, the House of Shadows, the House of Amon and the House of the Beast became independent with the dismantling. However, Moloch kept power centralized in the Convention on Coexistence for a few more years. During this time, the last brotherhood was founded, the House of Immortals. The political fight turned into a conflict between mortals and vampires mainly. This time Moloch was fighting against mortals and King Hanno I. Hanno, though mortal, created dark alliances with the vampiric Houses that became isolated after Malek’s fall, including the House of Haqim, the House of Amon and the House of the Immortals. Mortals had a strange relationship, where Hanno turned a blind eye to those Houses. For Hanno, it was time to expel the immortals from the city, completely. The political dispute has become extremely fierce between mortals and vampires. Amon was playing a risky game with Hanno, using deadly fury against the Cainites for his own benefit.

Carthage Expansion Carthage’s expansion was the greatest moment of the Phoenicians. Tire had fallen, conquered by King Nebuchadnezzar II, freeing the city completely from its monetary pending. As soon as he heard the news, Moloch, still Monarch of Carthage, created a conquest project. Carthaginian ships would explore the Mediterranean, founding colonies in several other parts of the European continent. Moloch encouraged a treaty with city states that had agreements with Carthage to be protected by the power. The Monarch’s genius made sure decisions most of the time. Moloch applied a punishment or “fine” in services to all the Houses that stood against mortals, gaining even more popular confidence. Casa das Sombras was forced to conquer and expand Carthage’s influence on the seas, using its naval experience. The House of Amon was

obliged to pay monetary tributes to mortals, the House of Beasts was given the task of training the military in Carthage and the House of Guardians was obliged to serve Cainites, occupying the first positions as Númedas, vampires paid to serve others. . In this case, no payments. The ships were even more evolved, the Lasombra worked with the Artificers, reaching a level of knowledge so high that Carthage started to have ships so advanced that at the time, no other civilization would come close to the Carthaginian genius. The military became powerful and well armed. Carthage has never been in a better position. The city opened borders for the entire Mediterranean, which caused the city to populate in a meteoric manner. Carthage grew a lot in a short time, vampires also grew in population, following the expansion of mortals. Casa dos Alexandritas never grew as much as during the expansion. The influence of the Alexandrites reached such a great course that they were entitled to a lifetime charge for one of their members. Moloch had support from most of the Houses that did not suffer sanctions and was able to suggest projects of benefits and rights that were not common in Carthage. Years later, the Punics had contact with the Greeks, the Etruscans, Macedonians and Egyptians. The city knew many other empires, but it attracted wars in the process.

The Sicilian Wars The Sicilian Wars had no Kindred influence. The reality was completely different. When the vampires noticed such a conflict taking place, the debates within the Consillium Immortalem came to the conclusion that there were already too many conflicts within the territory of the city of Carthage. The Cainites chose not to get involved leaving the war completely in the hands of mortals. Moloch did not allow Lasombra to explore Sicily. Apparently Moloch was aware of some influence far

Chronological Order 623 a.C Moloch became the Monarch of Carthage. The House of Immortals was founded in favor and defense of vampires who suffered from the loss of the political dispute. Somehow the House offered some protection to the younger Cainites. Troile remained in the shadows.

549 a.C Magu I, the Sorcerer establishes the Guardians of Eshmun Sect as direct adversaries of the immortals. Magu I leads the sect politically, struggling to maintain control of mortals by the Senate.



greater than his and did not want to draw attention to that force anytime soon. His plans with Carthage were bigger than just a war over territories, said the Monarch. Carthage was supposed to be bigger than that and it didn’t care about Sicily. Some Lasombra vampires fled to Sicily and never came back.

Magonid Dinasty (550-340 BC) Hanno I could not die without leaving any marks among the Cainites. He knew that at one time or another he might die, so Hanno created a sect of deadly sorcerers, of whom he named successors for his throne. Hanno was poisoned during a banquet at his palace. His son Malchus the Stupid was the subsequent king of after his death. However, Malchus failed to stay long in the carthaginian senate and was assassinated in 550 BC. Malchus was too inconsequential when he took office, adopted hateful public policies and made attacks without even reflecting on his plans. When assassins entered his room, Malchus was stabbed like a pig and nicknamed stupid for his fragile reign. The first supernatural king took over in 549 BC. His name was Magu I, the Sorcerer. Magu started the Magonid dynasty. At the time when Hanno maintained his sect of sorcerers, Magu was the one who stood out the most. Over time, Magu is believed to have become Carthage’s best wizard, a complete danger to vampires. Some even debate that he might have been awake. Magu I did not accept the peace proposals imposed by the vampires and made his sect public, facing a direct front against Moloch. His sect, now known as the Guardians of Eshmun, fought against Moloch’s forces. They grew up influentially, founding the mortal House of Eshmun and gained prominence in politics. The vampiric Houses had to use their forces with intelligence, after all these mortals were not affected by their powers. The Carthaginian Senate became a political battleground, where Guardians of Eshmun gained strength against the other immortal Houses. Major rumors says these sect members were actually Awakened Mages.

Rites of Blood Blood Rites became a frequent cult among Moloch’s disciples. The Rites were accompanied by enormous bleeds, of which Moloch delighted with mortals and other offspring. Although Moloch’s opponents spread the idea that such rites would be purely religious desecrations, the Monarch of Carthage actually initiated them purely out of the need for vitae. For both Moloch and Troile, the lust for blood became more and more difficult to deal with. Moloch felt his hunger rise when he tasted the Antediluvian vitae and then created the Blood Rites as a way to confront his own hunger, still taking advantage of this fact to lead humans on their own path. After Moloch’s victory, Troile’s rapprochement became evident. Troile wanted to understand Moloch’s plans for Carthage. Seasonally, both met to debate and discuss their philosophies, which brought Troile closer to Moloch. Both had similar ideals for Carthage. Secrets between Troile and Moloch are now exchanged. Troile sees in Moloch the possibility of satisfying his hunger, not only because Moloch seems to be an old Cainite and an expert on the subject, but because he conveys confidence to Troile. Over time and both perform the Blood Vinculum. To Moloch’s surprise, after taking Troile’s vitae, an Antediluvian insatiable hunger struck him. Instigated by such a desire, Moloch presents the Blood Rites to Brujah. Gradually, Antediluvian Brujah began to participate in the services. Moloch knew it was a matter of time before Brujah was delivered to the Rites and that he could continue them freely. The Antediluvian, however, did not need a mortal vitae, but a supernatural vitae. Their alliance strengthened the Blood Vinculum, making them lovers.

The Death of Mago I (530 BC) The Sicilian Wars were a boon for vampires. No existing vampire touched Mago I, however other mortals did. Mago might be an excellent sorcerer, but he was not

Chronological Order 535 a.C Troile turns to Moloch, desperate not to be tamed by the Beast. Moloch makes the first blood bond. Experienced in this matter, Troile also forces Moloch to create a bond with himself. Both become companions. After, lovers.


527 a.C Tanitbaal-Sahar, child of Tanit, visits Carthage. Tanitbaal presents to the Cainites, mainly Moloch and Troile, the Philosophy of Sin. Apparently, as a way out to deal with their Beasts.


a good fighter or even resilient. Mage I died en route to Carthage after a battle wound. His death generated murmurs within the carthaginian senate, Guardians of Eshmun had lost a great mentor and ally, but they would not give up. Mago I’s apprentice and successor, Hasdrubal took the throne. There are mortals and Cainites who confuses, believing that Hasdrubal I, Mago’s successor was actually the same one who did Carthage’s legislation regarding vampires. However, Hasdrubal I became known as “The Priest”. The Guardians of Eshmun hated the presence of Hasdrubal I, the Priest, because his decisions were terrible in relation to mortals.

The Philosophy of Tanitbaal-Sahar (527 BC) The coming of Tanitbaal can be considered the beginning of the fall of Moloch and Troile. Tanitbaal had already spent the last few centuries studying ways that the Cainites might have to confront their Beast, but for the scholar this would not be possible. The possibility of this, however, was to surrender to the Beast. For Tanitbaal, the Beast could only be fought when satisfied and the idea presented to both Moloch and Troile was to increase the Philosophy of Sin for both. There were no effective methods in Carthage on what vampires would do to control their internal impulses, not for Troile and Moloch. Tanitbaal introduced to Methuselahs a way of giving in to impulses, a way of thinking that they would no longer be slaves to the Beast, but allies. Troile’s idea of f​​ leeing the Beast came close to Tanitbaal’s plan. Moloch, however, saw in Tanitbaal’s hands a chest of gold. Vampires could all enter into communion only if they followed the same path. Moloch believed in the belief, that the belief was the great decision maker of civilizations and changing the belief of a vampire in such a way would lead everyone to walk at the same pace, to act on the “same page”, with the same ideals.

The Naturality Pact (525 BC) Hasdrubal might be a great apprentice, but he was not a good ruler. In 525 BC, Hasdrubal proposed an agreement with the immortals. Guardians of Eshmun remained powerful in the carthaginian senate. No vampire could tame them and they were able to keep mortals safe without any vampire interference. Hasdrubal, believing that he could lead immortals for their own ends, proposed the Naturality Pact. The Naturality Pact aimed at an equivalent coexistence between mortals and immortals. However, Hasdrubal believed that religion was the best way to manipulate the mass and proposed that temples, priests and immortals always worship together. The days of worship would be optional, initially. Hasdrubal was trained to become a priest and believed faithfully that he would become more powerful if he could unite politics with the religion of Carthage. Hasdrubal was aiming for complete control. During the decision, Hasdrubal chose Moloch as his copriest. Ammon did not conquer the people of Carthage as much as Moloch. Although he was considered a Deity, Amon was behind Moloch in popularity. The Guardians of Eshmun, however, tried to excommunicate Hasdrubal by proposing such a deal to his most feared opponents in the senate. They did not believed in Hasdrubal’s potential and decision. In retaliation and afraid of being dethroned, the king condemned any witchcraft that could be performed in Carthage. For Moloch and any other vampire, this was a full plate, a victory. Immortals and mortals began to reorganize their rites, although they were not the Rites of Blood, the Punic deities were always present during the services. Hasdrubal, the Priest followed all the rites, took his traditions strictly, acting as an oracle of wisdom for mortals. Moloch and Amon acted as priests, but for immortals. The plans of Moloch of taming Carthage with religion were working, slowly, but soon he would conquer what he wanted to.

Chronological Order 505 a.C Helena arrives in Carthage. Her contact with the city makes her catch a glimpse of what the Cainites were building with mortals. Although it was not perfect, it could reach in the

ideal of perfection. Toreador introduces itself to the Cainite authorities, joins the House of Artificers and starts to conduct plans for cultural improvement of Carthage. No other city would be as beautiful and functional as this one.



The Republic of Disputes (510-402 BC) The cultural reformulation of Carthage took place almost one hundred years before the political transformation of Carthage into the Republic. Many events were pillars for Carthage to become a republic and both immortals and mortals went through a long period of transformation before such a decision. Cainite historians say with certainty that the three pillars of Carthage’s transformation were Helena, Tanitbaal and of course, Moloch. The Republic in Dispute begins with the death of Hasdrubal I, the Priest. Immortals realized that what was heading for a moment of peace has in fact become a complete turnaround. All Kindred faced Carthage’s most politically chaotic period. Although Hasdrubal I carried out the naturalness agreement, his death was the trigger for open conflicts in order to completely command the carthaginian senate. Hasdrubal I’s successor became known as Himilcar I, taking over shortly after Hasdrubal’s death. Himilcar was not as religious as Hasdrubal was, which further removed faith from the population. Himilcar believed that faith collapsed empires and bringing it into politics formalized a complete error, but it was no longer possible to completely undo Hasdrubal’s decisions. Himilcar could not undo decisions that were already ingrained. There was no vampiric involvement in the death of Hasdrubal I, many believe that Guardians of Eshmun murdered himin vengeance, after all the recent conflicts between the sect and the king have formalized reasons for this to happen. Not only Hasdrubal died, but other important senators who agreed with the Cainites. A real scandal. The death of Hasdrubal I moderately shook the faith of the inhabitants of Carthage, who believed in Moloch as a deity. However, Moloch had left Hasdrubal I to die in a cold murder. If Moloch, still worshiped as Ba’al, was a protector of that people, was able to allow the chief king and priest to die, then what would be the guarantees of protection that Moloch could give to the citizens? In this way, the weakening gave way not only to political war, but deepened Baal’s cold religious conflict against Ammon. Seeing himself as an easy target for retaliation, Moloch withdrew from Monarch’s charge, leaving the post to Asdrubael. Although Asdrubael was under the influence of the Blood Vinculum with Moloch, his strength 34

was powerful enough to resist and betray Moloch’s confidence. Asdrubael wanted to be a Monarch, but not ruled by another vampire. Asdrubael ordered the Consillium Immortalem to take a vote to elect a new Monarch because he was not in a mental position to hold office, handing Moloch over as a corrupt manipulator. After a few years, Asdrubael was destroyed.

Divided Senate (507 BC) Although it was a monarchy, the carthaginian senate increasingly proved that monarchical power was far from what it once was. The death of Hasdrubal I further divided power in Carthage. Now, aristocrats, monarchs, priests and immortals should vote. The decentralization of power made the power of kings more and more absent. Himilcar envisioned the not-too-distant decay of his lineage and tried to make decisions. Himilcar I was smart, but he couldn’t count on luck and good will when it came to supernatural beings. The primary plan of Himilcar I was to interfere in religiosity, indirectly, by giving worship to Baal and Ammon. Initially, both Moloch and Amon saw this as a mere cordiality, but Himilcar was dividing religious power in Carthage, as he knew that almost all the priests served Ba’al-Hamon. Amon responded offensively, snatching as many servants as possible, while Ba’al responded defensively, keeping his. Antediluvian Brujah was estranged from these political events, some reports even say that Brujah was undergoing intense training with Tanitbaal-Sahar, to learn the Philosophy of Sin. The Consillium Immortalem responded to Moloch with reprisals, which forced Asdrubael to deny what was said. However, trust with Moloch has greatly reduced and in order not to affect his plans, Moloch has left his status in Carthage, ruling by the shadows. Guardians of Eshmun secretly worked directly to protect mortals. Although they no longer had the support of the Senate, they still managed to convert other fetishists who were part of the city’s Senate. Eshmun’s Envoys still had study sites, secret temples and command posts scattered across Carthage.

Helena: The Carthage’s Transformation (505-300 BC) Helena transformed Carthage culturally. His coming to the city was a complete fluke, but it became a case of love and hate. Toreador, who had already lived throughout the Peloponnese, visited Carthage thanks to the fame that the city was taking. Initially, Helena sought with her lover, Prias, a single chance to live between mortals


and vampires, without both having to be on opposite sides. In Carthage, Helena believed she had found this. Toreador was enchanted with the city and as soon as she arrived, she asked for help from the House of Artificers. Helena met the city’s Toreador, met with the Brujah and saw with her own eyes how the Carthaginian Senate worked. When she decided to stay, Toreador declared to herself and to Prias that she would leave her marks in the city and that there, Helena would make a difference.

The Salvation of Tanit (492 BC) Moloch was enchanted by Helena’s architecture and taste, instigating her to enter the carthaginian senate. Moloch believed that someone with vision, like Helena, could be extremely useful for the growth of the city. Absent from the Consillium Immortalem, Moloch had to play with the tools he had in hand.

Her highlight began little by little in Carthage, remodeling the city’s structures. Helena saw that, although Carthage was a rich city, at its height, the city was not gleaming culturally and in beauty. Toreador founded the Carthageian Architecture Council. Vampires who had the same desire, but felt they were “out”, forgotten by the huge political conflicts, started to follow her as a leader in this council. Along with the Brujah and Toreador, Helena reformulated all the main routes in the city, transforming the roads with the most beautiful environment that has ever existed.

Moloch had discovered that his childe Tanit had been on the city’s central statue for centuries. Moloch recreated the center of Carthage to free her without Troile noticing, using Helena’s architectural knowledge. The markets are said to have become a stunning public square, with roads leading to the main sources of entertainment in the city. Both the arena, the congress, the Palace of Heroes, the military camp and the Trail of Divinities were created by both. Moloch aimed to remove his young, but at the same time aimed to show that Ba’al had not forgotten his people. His actions by Carthage took off in error, as Amon was making good use of the negative propaganda in relation to Ba’al. Both in the Consillium and in the senate.

Houses, gardens, military posts, even the walls have been remodeled. The famous port of Carthage, created by Helena and Critias. In two centuries, Helena transformed Carthage.

The last moments of contact between Tanit and Moloch happened when Baali released his child. Tanit, woke up enraged. Controlled by her Sire, Moloch expelled her from the city so that she would not swear



revenge and be destroyed by Troile. Many members of the Baali believe that Tanit never passed through Carthage, but the story really is that Tanit was enraged by Brujah’s reaction to staking her and by her Sire’s call for Troile. Tanit vowed never to fall into the same mistake as his Sire and fled Carthage, promising never to return. Her desire was to have the city completely destroyed. Tanit returned to Tyre, where it was planned for centuries later to use the armies of Alexander the Great and completely overthrow the governments established there. It is believed that until shortly after the fall of Carthage, Tanit was still Monarch of Tyre.

those people to be made immortal.

The Servants of Amon and Ba’al (491-460 BC)

Guardians of Eshmun went public as a third sect, but under a different name. Now, named Children of the Silver. The Children of the Silver created a policy of purification, in which all those who wanted to separate completely from the immortals who commanded the temples of Amon and Ba’al. The Children of the Silver, hierarchically speaking, changed only the names in relation to the Guardians of Eshmun. The difference is that the sect now no longer had the help of the Gods, but the mortals themselves. The Children of the Silver were as good sorcerers as Guardians of Eshmun, with the difference that they had spent part of the years training in skills other than witchcraft. They had returned to political struggles.

While Moloch was struggling to keep his herd when Amon created rumors around the city. He took advantage of the reformulation of Carthage, using the reason that Moloch was willing to just get rich, defamed him for removing the statue of Tanit from the city center, which was yet another proof that mortals and immortals should live together. In fact Ba’al was a selfish God. Amon created the idea that Ba’al was an enemy of Carthage. Moloch’s popularity declined further, while Tanit’s increased. The symbol of Carthage was transformed into the symbol of Tanit in reprisal against Moloch. Moloch, however, had already noticed Himilcar’s plans and was just waiting. He was absent more and more and appeared less. Moloch took cover and allowed Amon to gain prominence in the city. Moloch mobilized his servants to pretend to be Amon’s priests, believers and servants to create disorganization in the city. Guardians of Eshmun focused their attention completely on Amon with the absence of Moloch. Mass Embraces became a concern, and mortals were turned into food during the Ammon rites. Moloch made the Embraces falsely to be Amon’s plans, that he was actually getting huge sums for

Amon, however, was not willing to lose in such this political battle. The Follower of Set really began to embrace the idea of s​​ elling immotality as if they were blessings of the Gods and with each embrace, selling religious privileges within the carthaginian senate. Amon completely divided the population between those who hated him, those who hated Ba’al and those who hated both. Truly, the embraces started to happen and Amon started to create many other Followers of Set inside Carthage. The Elite paid, the vampires Embraced. Payment, in currency or favors, whatever, but they did happen.

The carthaginian senate was increasingly divided. Himilcar was seeing his plans work out, in relation to religious decentralization, but when the Children of the Silver entered the senate, Himilcar felt threatened and had to take a side. The aristocracy was not going to help him regain power, as they felt very well the way they were. He represented the monarchy and did not have enough heirs to share Carthage’s controls. Himilcar could only then join the religions or the Children of the Silver. However, Himilcar was anything but humble and would only accept

Chronological Order 489 a.C Moloch leaves the Consillium Immortalem and begins to act with his servants in the Carthaginian Senate, finding ways to use religious politics to his advantage. Gradually, Moloch introduces himself to Himilcar as a “mentor” and starts to act as an advisor, secretly influencing Himilcar.


475 a.C Himilcar is awarded the Monarch of the Consillium Immortalem. Mysteriously the previous Monarch was destroyed. Believing it to be a response from the Children of the Silver, the vampiric senate elected Himilcar for having a successor within the Carthaginian Senate, who would be king of Carthage. This decision would put vampires at an advantage over mortals.


joining one of the three sects if he were a leader. Clearly the Children of the Silver completely denied his request. Himilcar then turned to Moloch. Moloch accepted, but Himilcar would be Embraced.

Political Embrace (480 BC) Selling the idea of ​​the Embrace was brilliant. Moloch saw this as a possibility of victory. When Himilcar introduced himself as Immortal, to the orders of Moloch, he did not do so lightly. Moloch held a great celebration and worship, in which Himilcar I participated as a “main attraction”. Mortals would see Moloch do a Embrace like never before, which completely filled the eyes of the faithful. Moloch embraced Himilcar as if the young king was being blessed. The entire audience saw great sorcery going on during the ritual, invoking the power of Ba’al-Hammon. When Himilcar I became a vampire, the law remained clear: A successor was needed in his place and Himilcar, at most, would assume the position of Monarch of the Consillium Immortalem. By hereditary order, Himilcar’s succession took over the kingdom. His son, Hanno II became king of Carthage. Later, Himilcar was transformed into Monarch of Carthage. Amon discovered that from there, he had lost the religious war.

Philosophy in Action Critias came to Carthage after 423 BC. Critias believes in Carthage as much as Helena did and founds the Sofista school. Along with Helena, Critias meets Tanitbaal-Sahar and both create the Schools of Philosophy of the Immortals. Both mortals and vampires would visit schools to learn new ways to chain the Beast. At the time, the “young” Critais believed that there were many different ways, however not wrong, to chain the inner Beast. The idea of creating the Schools of Philosophy came about because Critias believed that it was not possible to live with mortals while the Beast dominated them. Perhaps somewhat naive, Critias never predicted that in the future his schools would be used for the ideological indoctrination of mortals and immortals..

The Government of Hanno II (480440 BC)

of his older brother. The carthaginian senate was in the hands of Moloch, who commanded Himilcar, who commanded Hanno.

It was much easier to manipulate Hanno for his relationship with Himilcar than any other supernatural method. Hanno grew up with his father, completely guided and tutored by Himilcar. It was almost impossible for his father’s suggestions to be ignored. For the forty years of power in which Hanno reigned, great challenges created by Amon have been completely swept away from Carthage.

When Moloch took comfort in taming Himilcar, he was more and more absent so as not to arouse suspicion and thus he would have time for his religious proposals and plans for the city to be further developed. Himilcar accused Amon of treason against the Consillium Immortalem, raising false evidence and placing rewards on Amon’s head. Before long, the vampire had to flee Carthage. The House of Amon was completely dissolved, and in its place the House of Damballah flourished. Himilcar’s decision scared some of the vampires at first, showing that the new Monarch was shot and decisive.

Hanno II took over with a new proposal, the proposal for the unification of Carthage. The young man could not distance himself from his father in any way. Hanno did not like to see that his closest loved one was now an immortal and therefore, both should be enemies. The king unified the monarchy together with the priests so that both would have divided power. Hanno II made agreements and proposals that made the aristocracy in his favor, like the advance and conquest of the whole Sicily. Hanno II appointed Himilco I, his younger brother, to rule the lands of Sicily. Such an achievement made the aristocracy support his reign, as Sicily was a highly desired territory in classical antiquity. Himilco I ruled the lands of Sicily for fifty years, even after the death

Himilcar withdrew the sanctions from the Houses that supported him, imposed a century ago to win the trust of some of the Houses. Now, their names would represent a new moment in Carthage’s history. Himilcar had some clashes with some of the Houses such as that of Amon and the Shadows, which resulted not only in the dissolution, but also in the renaming of the principles and traditions of the House. The decision infuriated some Lasombra, however Himilcar was a Monarch who was at the height of his influence and was “tolerated” at the Consillium Immortalem. Himilcar modified some of the



traditions and some of the hierarchical positions, making major changes for the Kindred. The decisions taken by Himilcar were purely his, with due advice from Moloch.

Finally, Republic It was clear that Carthage had grown so much that it had become a republic. However, it was not official. The aristocrats had taken care of everything, the priests were powerful in having the faithful in their hands, but the monarchs were not. The real union took place with Hannibal I, but not Aníbal Barca. Hannibal I was not the son of Hanno II or Himilco I, but an aristocrat who won the nobility award, by election. Himilco I was definitely the last monarch to take over by heredity. The monarchy in Carthage was transformed into a representative office with a few extra rights and the name “monarch” was changed into a suffix. Some other positions have been renamed to adapt to the new form of government.

One Against All (432-396BC) The last years of the Children of the Silver were just after Moloch’s victory over Amon. The Children of the Silver did not have enough allies to lead the senate, nor even resources. Gradually, the power that was acquired with the union of the aristocracy, with the priests and choirs became much greater than the Children of the Silver could handle. As time went by, Himilcar fought so that the Children of the Silver was not forgotten, but became a resource for immortals. The sect was losing strength. With the weakening of the conviction of the mortals who were involved with the Children of the Silver, it was possible to transform it into a House of Gold or House of Numu. Children of the Silver went from being a political sect to becoming a public good. The city’s main mint. Himilcar took advantage of the name to launch a new economic system in Carthage, which would bring new currencies in addition to those commonly used. Hannibal complied.

The original ideology of the Children of the Silver was forgotten after a hundred years of change. The rituals taught to mortals during the glory years of the Guardians of Eshmun continue to be disseminated to select mortals, who appear from time to time as opponents of immortals.

The Peloponnesian War (431-404 BC) Many believe that the first conflict between Brujah and Ventrue was the Punic Wars. In reality, the first fight between both Families took place during the Peloponnesian War. The Brujah disagreed with the region’s Ventrue thanks to the political conflicts that both mortals and Cainites were involved in. The Spartan Ventrue managed to overcome the Brujah’s military strategy. Although brute force was concentrated among philosophers, Ventrue wisdom knew how to use his soldiers and their forces to overcome them. Of course, with the support of one or another 4th Generation Ventrue, all conflicts are somewhat easier to deal with. In the end, the Peloponnese was under the command of Lysander and Arthemis, his Lady. The Brujah of Greece saw no alternative but to flee to Carthage, further increasing the population of Carthage’s vampires. There are Brujah Members who refused to visit Carthage due to ideological conflicts, moving to Iberia and other places.

Ideological Ascension (429-390 BC) Without ideological disputes, without political opponents, completely free from opponents to match, Moloch initiates was at the height of his religious indoctrination. Before long, Carthage becomes exactly what he always wanted. Mortals do begin to participate in cults, as do vampires. Mortals accept harmony between vampires. Moloch presents his “harmonic” feat to the Consillium Immortalem as proof that he is in favor of Carthage and regains part of his influence, but does not want any charge. Troile, the Antediluvian Brujah,

Chronological Order 432 a.C Cartago já é oficialmente considerada uma república. Os aristocratas dominam completamente a cidade e aos poucos a Ordem da Prata, sem aliados suficiente começa a enfraquecer.


430 a.C Moloch inicia junto com Himilcar e Hannibal, projetos de intervenções religiosas. Os cidadãos sofrem graves doutrinações para adorar as divindades púnicas. Amon foge de vez da cidade, caçado pelos vampiros que o consideravam inimigo público.


Moloch’s Motivations Although many condemn Moloch, his reasons are somewhat convincing for creating bloodbaths in Carthage. Besides, of course, being lost to the Beast, Moloch believed that there were demons far superior to mortals, vampires and any other beings in this world who, if not satisfied, would destroy everyone. Immersed in this disturbed fanaticism to satisfy the insatiable, Moloch transformed Carthage into a real bloodbath to save everyone. It is not as if he were right, but for him, the ends justified the means and no matter how, Moloch would not let everyone be destroyed because some cannot be sacrificed. Obviously his actions are reprehensible, and everyone will understand how crazy, but every vampire has his.

who has not appeared in centuries, resumes being part of the cults, and can be found now and then by immortals. The main religion that takes over the city becomes Baalinism. Punic deities become part of the rites as blessers of the city of Carthage. Tanitbaal-Sahar, still in the city, offers to help Moloch and, completely immersed in his plans, achieved results and created rituals, Moloch finds himself losing control of the Beast. Blood Rites, which were previously performed only by a select group at Moloch, are now disseminated throughout the city. All mortals, all vampires live together in rites of bleeding to the deities. Moloch instigates cauldrons of blood for vampires, gallons of wine and other drinks for mortals. Initially, the rites are “behaved”, but over time, Moloch loses control of what he is capable of doing.

Losing Control (390-350 BC) With so many rituals, both Moloch and Troile resume falling out of control of their Beasts. Overcome by bloodlust, demonic manipulations that Moloch thought he could control, both start to behave like addicts. Not only do cauldrons of blood become part of the rituals, but now sacrifices in the name of the deities have become commonplace. Moloch and Brujah do not accept behavior contrary to religions and rites. It is not as if all vampires FALL OF CARTHAGE


and mortals were forced to participate in the rites, but forced to respect. Everyone was condemned to accept the Blood Rites. Along with him, Moloch and Brujah managed to addict some of the Cainites who indulged in the rites. It was almost impossible to resist and when the rites took place, the aroma of blood lingered in the city for days after the rites. Mortals often bathed in vitae, mixed with the Cainite vitae to drink and revel in what was being donated to them. Everyone went into a trance, in a fullness of thoughts, almost as if they reached an ascension in the midst of addictions. As well as the Cainites, there were mortals who became addicted to vitae. Vampires were educated to follow philosophies, although they were not obliged. Philosophy of Sin, Philosophy of Ba’al, Philosophy of Dionysus and Philosophy of Vitae were adopted with pleasure. Vampires indulged in such behavior just as they indulged in hunger. Frequent provocations of frenzy happened, however all the ecstasy was so much that even mortals did not care for Bestial moments of immortals. Although the heyday of the Blood Rites took place between 390 and 350 BC, they continued to be held until the end of Carthage.

Decadent Leadership (350-325 BC) It was clear to the leaders of the Kindred Houses that Troile and Moloch had lost control. It was known that at one time or another they would fall in control of their Beasts. First, the rites started to be performed annually, then seasonally, now the rites have become monthly. Sometimes the Blood Rites took place twice a month. Both Troile and Moloch instigated the continuation of such rites. Hundreds or mortals became ghouls. Everything and everyone was losing control. Himilcar was lost in his own government. Once, a born leader. Now, a failure. Himilcar seemed tamed in ecstasy as much as Moloch and Troile and whatever might threaten the existence of the Blood Rites, Himilcar would fight against. In addition to ecstasy, Himilcar disappeared several times in a row from the senate and nominated other Cainites as temporary monarchs. A clear sign of madness. The situation was so serious that Moloch was no longer interested in the Consillium Immortalem meetings, as was Troile. Other vampires, their closest childe, who followed them blindly also followed suit. The Houses, disagreeing with the behavior of Himilcar, Troile, Moloch, and all those who followed them as soon as they began to envision a possible fall of both to the Beast. It was inevitable, an hour would happen. 40

Political Crisis (324-300 BC) The Kindred didn’t care how humans would dominate, but they couldn’t be dominated by addictions just as it was happening. Carthage’s vampire policy went into crisis, where the leaders of each vampire House began to work to prevent, assume or deal with the impending downfall of the city’s oldest vampires, Troile and Moloch. While in huge orgies and sacrifices, the Consillium Immortalem vampires were planning, trying to create escape routes, debating how to control them in an outbreak of insatiable frenzy. For the youngest and leaders of the Houses, the feeling that both Moloch and Troile could go into a frenzy was terrifying. Both could destroy the city in its outbreaks of frenzy. Such an event led the Houses to believe Gehenna’s rumors, that perhaps the end of time was near and a territorial dispute to define who would have the greatest political advantage began. Himilcar, the Coward came to be called that way, since he no longer made decisions. Such behavior caused the Houses to enter into constant disagreements. A city without a leader becomes a battlefield and it was no different with Carthage. The absence of Himilcar’s decisions allowed the Houses to create too much freedom, disputing with each other during the services. The lack of control did not belong only to blood rituals. Now chaos was present in politics, in addictions, in mortals.

Lost Power (300-270 BC) When they saw that Carthage was a lost plan, the House of Shadows, the House of Haqim and the House of Swords broke off completely from Carthage. The House of Shadows, renamed to the House of Dark Seas belonged to Lasombra. The House of Swords, belonged to the Salubri. Both Families refused to be part of that bunch of orgies and preferred to remove any influences they had in the city. The House of Haqim lost a large part of its members and only those who believed in the city or were too corrupt to be separated. Carthage was a pit of hedonism that was not worth investing in. This event reverberated in fame across the Mediterranean. The idea that Carthage was not so perfect started to circulate, in the form of rumors. The Lasombra vampires who experienced Carthage spread more information across the seas from which they sailed. Of course, selling them at fair prices. The Salubri swore to destroy the enemy. As soon as information began to arrive at the Abode of Peace in Jerusalem, the Cyclops began to form plans for how to destroy Carthage. They didn’t know how or when, but they would destroy Carthage so that no other city could


be as corrupt as the capital Brujah..

The First Punic War (264-241 BC) There are several reasons for the Punic Wars to happen, however it must be said that there was no active involvement of the Cainites of Carthage in the first Punic War. The immortals had reasons to conquer Sicily, but the fight with the Ventrues was not so violent. Initially, the war was considered purely territorial and Carthage disputed with Sicily the territory of Rome. At the time, Sicily allowed opening to both Rome and Carthage. Whoever had dominion over the small region could control maritime trade and military routes more easily. Theoretically, the seas would belong to the winner and clearly both powers wanted Sicily. Carthage wanted Sicily and Rome too, but this was part of mortal desire. Among immortals, Sicily was a Cainite desire for other reasons. It is believed that when the Lasombra left Carthage, part of the Family members moved to Sicily. Believing that they would reveal information about the great Carthage, the Consortium Immortalem of Carthage provided an excuse to convince aristocrats to conquer such lands. It is said that the arrogance of the Carthage immortals caused the power to lose the first war. Its main general, Amílcar Barca, led the Cartegineses ships for the sea battles. At the time, Amílcar had a mission to not only conquer land, but to destroy runaway vampires. The first battles of Amílcar were won in Sicily, some of the Lasombra were destroyed. However, somehow the information reached the Eternal Senate of Rome and even without Camilla’s endorsement, the Roman vampires chose to interfere. If Carthage conquered Sicily, then it would be like a stake aimed at the heart of the Ventrue: Rome.

Tanitbaal-Sahar Studies (149270 BC) Tanitbaal-Sahar believed he had reached a “limbo” of knowledge. The Philosophy of Sin was not enough to hold back the Beast and during the blood festivities, Tanitbaal came across some followers of Philosophy entering the state of frenzy too much. Baali then started to develop something more powerful, present and concrete. The Road of Sin would require study, and Tanitbaal knew that studies could call for a new journey. Experienced in knowing the world, Tanitbaal spared no effort and went out to sail, regain his ideas towards the opposing empire: Rome. In Rome, the young scholar met Camilla, who received him without any prejudices established by the Families. Of course, Tanitbaal presented himself as Toreador, as Tanit had taught him. His trip to Rome guaranteed the confidence of Camilla, who fell in love with the Carthaginian ideals. Camilla came to believe in Carthage as an inspiration. In this way, Camilla’s disapproval of the Punic Wars fell on the Eternal Senate. Camilla was completely handed over to Tanitbaal. The Eternal Senate was like a buffalo forcing the pulleys that held it to be completely destroyed. The Eternal Senate’s desire was purely to defend itself from Carthage, until the Third Punic War.

Alliance Between Kings and Shadows Carthage made the seas its battleground. Their ships, developed by the Brujah, enhanced by the Toreador and widely used in the past by the Lasombra, were huge and built to break the hull of opposing ships. While at the time, the trireme and quadrireme were the main ships in Rome, the quinquirreme was the main ship in Carthage. The beginning of the First Punic War seemed successful for Carthage. When the Ventrue decided to interfere in the battle, Lasombra seized the moment. During the night battles, Lasombra ships came with all their might to sink the Carthaginian ships by surprise. The fact that Lasombra knew Carthage’s strategies and naval resources made it very easy for victory to be won. The alliance made at that

time did not extend beyond a “spoken contract” between generals Ventrue and Lasombra. But it was the first step taken towards the destruction of Carthage.

The Mercenary War (241-238 BC) As if the unions between Lasombra and Ventrue were not enough, losses in the seas, Carthage was forced to face yet another internal conflict: The great civil war, later known as the Mercenary Revolt. Wars cost empires dearly, especially when two powers clash. When losing the First Punic War, Carthage signed a peace treaty with Rome. The Carthage immortals used the prerogative that they needed time to reestablish



themselves and thus be able to conquer Roman territory. Fortunately or unfortunately, for Carthage, the proposal was accepted. However, the war cost the Carthaginian power very economically, which triggered a certain limitation of monetary resources.

demanded immense tributes from civilization for losses at sea. Obviously Carthage refused to pay, which only resulted in more disgrace for both empires. The immortals prepared Aníbal Barca to face the Romans on land and sent him to Iberia, with more than fifty thousand soldiers.

The big problem comes when Carthage becomes economically unstable and unable to pay its own mercenaries, the vast majority, coming from Numidia. The Mercenary Uprising takes place. For four years, Cainites and mortals suffered at the hands of mercenaries who used Cainite vitae to become stronger, destroying and conquering territories around Carthage. General Amilcar Barca had a great call to return from his expeditions to defend his homeland.

The talented young Aníbal Barca was a nightmare for Rome. In Carthage, Hannibal received some of the real power of the immortals, becoming a ghoul. With you, Hannibal carried huge gallons of blood to feed himself during the months that passed. Hannibal was tutored to know the vampiric weaknesses and slept very well furnished, with huge pyres lit around him and stakes scattered around the place. All Hannibal’s genius won wars, but his strength was not enough to maintain his territories. Hannibal knew this and created an expedition in which both he and his army would invade Rome, the capital of the Roman Republic. Hannibal moved his armies through Gaul to reach the Italic Peninsula.

When the mercenary revolt ceased, the economic upheaval became even more serious. Now, with 20,000 fewer troops, Carthage now urgently needed to conquer new territories to pay all expenses. With Sicily strengthened after the four-year hiatus, it would be almost impossible to win against the Romans. The immortals then decided to leave for Iberia. It was time to dominate Rome.

Iberia Conquest (236-228 BC) Carthage lost the battles in Sicily. Amílcar Barca returned to Carthage alive and fighting the rebels, reporting all events to the immortals. At that moment, the Consillium Immortalem knew there was something wrong. The senate’s decision would be to conquer Rome territorially when they noticed that only Romans were retaliating. The Carthage immortals knew that the Lasombra were fierce in the seas and direct confrontations, however good their experiences with ships would be automatic losses. The advantage was guaranteed for the Ventrue. Other great advantage was the fact of the civil war disrupting more Carthage’s economy. Amílcar Barca spent a few years with his son, Aníbal Barca, conquering the lands of Iberia. Hannibal was young and made the most of the knowledge his father could provide him. Amilcar conquered much of Iberia before his death became real. Hannibal, enraged by the events, sailed back to Carthage, where he promised the Consillium Immortalem and the carthaginian senate that he would be responsible for destroying Rome. In this way, Aníbal assumed the post of General and Suffete of Carthage and left with an army of seventy thousand soldiers for the lands of Iberia.

The Second Punic War (218-201 BC) The First Punic War was a disaster for Carthage. Rome 42

Hannibal’s expedition lasted a few years. The young man walked with his armies, winning battles after battles, each time getting closer to the Roman center. Together with Hannibal, Carthage sent Asdrúbal, the second most influential and skilled General at the time. Carthage spent a total of ninety thousand soldiers for the expedition. The victory was certain, because Hannibal was a stragist genius and Asdrúbal was able to keep up with this genius.

The Ventrue Offensive In desperation, the Ventrue used one of their most brilliant generals of the time, known as Scipio Aemilianus or Scipio Africanus. Scipio himself proposed to the Roman Senate that the republic carry out an offensive, attacking Carthage directly. Hannibal’s troops would lose the war if the Carthaginian general’s homeland fell. The offensive was approved and Scipio met with some members of the Eternal Senate. These promised him glories if his conquests were successful. Then Hannibal was summoned to return to Carthage, to defend his homeland. His armies left Italy and returned to the city, ready to defend the walls. In the Battle of Zama, territory south of Carthage, Hannibal lost the confrontation. Scipio Aemilianus destroyed Hannibal’s armies while Asdrúbal’s armies stayed behind to protect the city. When Hannibal returned to Carthage with the news, he was exiled and banished from the empire. Neither immortals nor mortals accepted the fact that such a defeat had happened. Rome demanded taxes that Carthage would have to pay, in order not to be destroyed. In this way, the immortals accepted the temporary defeat and paid tribute


to Rome. Carthage weakened economically and lost many territories. To make matters worse, the Ventrue created a veto in which Carthage could not defend itself against opponents without Roma’s approval. The Ventrue saw Carthage as a horse that needed to be tamed and they were doing so.

The Immortal Uprisings The vampires of Carthage were gradually seeing their dreams being destroyed by the inconsequence of Moloch and Troile. The Houses came together in favor of Moloch and Troile, with the aim of asking for help from both. Carthage was sick of losses and so were immortals. Moloch and Troile realized the situation in which their city was passing late. The capital was already weakened militarily and economically, but it was not the time to give up. Both Moloch and Troile temporarily abandoned their festivities and started training mortals themselves. During that period of time, Carthage gathered its strength to resist. Troile and Moloch mobilized the entire city to produce against Rome and to rebel. Thousands of weapons, shields were forged, hundreds of ships were built, hundreds of men were trained and even the elderly started to train. Carthage was gathering the last breath against Rome and the aim was to take the empire by surprise. Vampires took almost every gallon of blood that they collected over the years to distribute equally to the citizens of Carthage. All citizens became Ghouls.

Delenda est Carthago! Lysander visited the great Carthage, hidden from roman Kindred and from carthaginian vampires. While his partner and ally, Camilla, lived a romance and defended Rome’s main enemy tooth and nail, it was time to stop it. Lysander wanted to prove that all of Camilla’s comments about Carthage were false. His goal in going to Carthage was purely to decide what he would do to make the Senate Eternal in his favor. All Brujah needed to be destroyed in Lysander’s mind. They were a true danger. In Carthage, Lysander witnessed not only purely practiced infernalism. Some rituals were maintained because Moloch believed in sacrifices and would not fail to perform them. In addition to completely insane rituals, Lysander saw an uprising in Carthage: The city was getting ready and was going to attack Rome. Lysander returned to Rome. Ventrue knew how much Camilla was holding on and when he heard that Tanitbaal was going to Carthage by ship, he paid Lasombra to destroy him completely. The deal was accurate, as Ventrue obtained the approval of Rome to destroy Carthage.

Helena’s Betrayal (150 BC) Helena is one of the greatest traitors in the history of vampires. Noticing the two losses during the Punic Wars, Toreador believed that it was impossible to beat Rome. Especially when Carthage lost the Second Punic War. Later, Helena witnessed the Battle of Zama with her own eyes, saw the voracious forces of the Romans. It was impossible to win. Scipio Africanus was unbeatable on the battlefield. The fear of losing her lover Prias woke up in his chest. Looking for exits, Toreador concluded that Carthage was completely sunk and the immortals’ lack of concern would lead them to the imminent fall. It was as if Helena had awakened from a coma. All the magic of the perfect city faded and Toreador was completely desperate. Determined to leave Carthage, Helena ran away with Prias, her lover to Rome. Without any trace, it was as if the Toreador had disappeared overnight. In Rome, Helena exchanged her “homeland” for security. Toreador sold all the information it knew about Carthage so that both she and Prias were protected. Helena became Pater Patriae of Pompeii. Many angry Brujah say the deal also involved security for Toreador who decided to help Rome. The truth is that the Brujah came to blame the Toreador for their fall, just as much as they blamed the Ventrue.

Antediluvian Awakening Lysander, on hearing Helena’s words about Carthage, realized that it would not be possible to defeat Carthage’s forces with Troile, the Antediluvian Brujah being there. Lysander decided to seek help, help from his tutor and went down to Sicily, advised by Tryphosa to talk to Alchias, a great companion and Malkavian ally who was keeping his Sire in torpor. Lysander woke Arthemis Orthia, who was horrified at the news received. In long conversations before carrying out a third attack on Carthage, Arthemis and Alchias decided to awaken the Toreador Antediluvian. Without another 3rd generation vampire, it would not be possible to defeat Troile in Carthage. After awakening, the Antediluvian immediately agreed to join forces when she heard about what was happening in Carthage. His memories soon brought him the sensations of what the Second City was, like a field of tormented hell. After consulting his oracular gifts, Ashtarte wasted no time in preparing for a conflict. He was certain that Carthage must be destroyed or the fate could be worse than what happened in the Second City, millennia ago. With her powers, Ashtarte summoned other vampires



to accompany her during the expedition.

The Battle of Seventeen Nights

It is strange to say the reasons why Antediluvian chose Sicily as its “retirement home”. Some of the rumors claim that in addition to strategic territory, the Sicily may have some supernatural origin or knowledge inexplicable to the incapable eyes of any other vampire but an Antediluvian. No wonder that centuries later, Lucien, Lasombra visited and founded the Shadow Fortress in the region.

When the three years of siege ended and Rome attacked Carthage, there were 17 days and nights of battle. The siege of Carthage was a complete hell for the men of both civilizations. It took roman soldiers about three days of consistent attacks to penetrate Carthage’s walls. Afterwards, they still voraciously fought against the Carthaginian citizens. For fifteen nights, Carthage’s scene was pure terror and destruction for vampires and soldiers.

Alchias, o King of Sicily Alchias had been guarding the Antediluvian Toreador for centuries, with all his efforts. Alchias was one of those responsible for joining his military forces in order to defeat the Carthageian government to recover lost territory. Later, Alchias united vampires Ventrue and Lasombra against Carthaginian forces in hopes of preventing invasions during the First Punic War. Alchias was right to do so. It is possible that Alchias met the spectrum of Malkav almost a millennium ago and was ordered to receive Ashtarte, the Antediluvian Toreador and protect it as if it were his own life. When he received her, Alchias fulfilled his duty as a guardian. The 5th Generation Malkavian has spent centuries manipulating everything it could to get the attention of the Cainites in Sicily.

The Third Punic War (149-146 BC) The Romans found all possible allies for the task. Not only mortals, but Cainites as well. The reputation that Carthage had become corrupted spread deeply throughout the empire. The Lasombra supported the Ventrue, the Salubri were ready for battle and other Families were called in to completely destroy the Carthaginians. Even elder Assamites who were once part of the city were about to start the confrontation, supporting the destruction of Carthage. The Assamites never imagined having to fight their own brothers who remained in Carthage to protect the Mediterranean from hell. The Third Punic War took place. Rome surrounded Carthage for three years before they achieved the real invasion. The murmurs spread throughout the empire during the siege, and more and more vampires came to assist. Lysander, Arthemis, Alchias and Ashtarte were the main figures to appear there. Even Cybele, Namtaru’s child and Moloch’s mortal enemy appeared to further disgrace Carthage’s fate. The battle was the most terrible conflict that took place during classical antiquity and the confrontation was a true genocide. Menele fled seeking help of the Gangrel for Carthage, but when he returned, it was all ruins and destruction. 44

Grand powers of the ancient Lasombra were able to hide the sun in the region for the seventeen days. Unimaginable powers used by the Baali summoned the worst demonic creatures, admired from the infernal depths. Firestorms, climate change, explosions and witchcraft clashes have exploded clashes in the Carthaginian territories. It was possible to see in the distance the blackened clouds and intense clashes taking place in the region. Those who were at a distance even felt tremors, war cries and the sounds of swords. Ashtarte was right: The Second City had been repeated. The city was burned, the inhabitants executed. The fugitives were captured and the survivors were enslaved. There was no mercy for the citizens of Carthage. Vampires were exposed to stakes and burned to pyre. Soldiers created great fire pyres made of human bodies. The buildings were destroyed along with Carthage’s history. The land was salted and it is believed that such an idea came from Cybele. Many vampires who were not even part of the confrontation were taken aback by the attack and had to fight for their lives. It was real confusion, chaos and hell on Earth. Troile is believed to have used his great sword and absorbed the powers of Antediluvian Ilyes before the battle. The bloody war only stopped at the Palace of the Immortals, when Troile and Moloch finally fell at the end of seventeen nights. Cultists believe that Moloch was planning a powerful demonic invocation that would be able to destroy all the military, whether Roman or Carthage. Everything would be taken to the ruins, however Carthage would still have won. Fortunately, the invocation was not possible, as Moloch was attacked before. Troile had to choose to lose the battle to save Moloch from a deadly attack, using one of his powers to merge with his beloved. Troile and Moloch were imprisoned by Cybele on the ground in Carthage when making such a decision, never to leave again and stayed there for a long time. The Brujah who witnessed Troile in confrontation with the Ventrue were never able to see anyone battling in an


equivalent way. Moloch, while not a combatant, was a defiant enemy for the Ventrue. At the end of the battle, only remnants of what was Carthage were left. The ruins of the city were the only remaining “inhabitants” and whoever had not fled, had died or had become a slave. Rome dominated Carthage and destroyed its remains so that future stories would not even remember such a city. Carthage has just become a legend in the empire, which many Brujah, still longing to be proud of. Some Brujah believe that the fury caused by the destruction of Carthage, reflected so much in the Antediluvian Troile that all Brujah started to bear

the mark of the beast. The Antediluvian’s screams of fury could be heard miles away from the battle, echoing through the skies like thunder and lightning, loud roars like those of an angry lion. At the end of the battle, no one even saw the Antediluvian Toreador, as if it had disappeared, purely. There were no records of what Ashtarte did, but the blurs and gusts of wind, stimulated by his great speed in confrontation with Brujah. Ishtar is believed to have headed for the Middle East and the last time it could have been spotted out in Byzantium, years later.




“Paradise does not have to be built by man or by any God. It is here and will be built by us.” - Troile, the Antediluvian Brujah

The Silver City During antiquity, it is already known that Carthage was the richest city in the world and there is no better way to start describing the city than by the local geography, which was one of the main factors for the city to be so well protected, of course, in addition to its military forces. The Kindred were clearly interested in the place and it was not without reason that Antediluvian Brujah became so passionate about the place. In addition to the beauty of catching a glimpse of the sea reflecting the moonlight every night, of feeling the winds brushing the skin at night and large green fields on the outskirts of the city, geographic positioning sharing space with hills also came to Brujah’s mind. Maybe even more than the beauty of the environment.

Climate Qart-Hadasht has a dry climate during the summer and rainy during the winter. The local climate is affected by the city’s latitude, with the moderating influence of the Mediterranean Sea and the relief of the hills. Winters in Carthage do not allow as much space for snow, however it is quite rainy. It is believed that during the cold season, it rains for two to three days in a row, refreshing the environment for a while and keeping the plantations well watered. Even so, the hot sun can easily warm the room until the next rains. Frosts are rare and there have been

few snowfalls in the city. Spring is beautiful, with a striking and colorful bloom, little rain and dominant sun after the morning period. The sea breeze can mitigate the heat, but sometimes the winds from the Mediterranean reverse this trend. In the fall, with the return of the rains, there are usually short storms, which can sometimes cause floods or even flood some parts of the city. Carthage’s nights are usually cooler. As the sun sets, the Mediterranean winds tend to cool the city. During the night, the rains are more prominent than during the day, since the sun does the work to return the water in a gaseous state to the clouds that frequently cover the sky. During the summer, Carthage’s skies are extremely clear and beautiful, featuring a sky blue color, filled with stars of different colors and a moon very visible to the citizens, which illuminates the city with silver color. The white colors of the houses usually allow a slight reflection of the moonlight, bringing the city’s fame as “Silver City”.

North Region The main region from which Carthage started is just in the north. The city of Qart-Hadasht was built on a hillside to the lake of Tunis. These hills contain structures such as Byrsa and the Senate Palace, among some towers that allow views of the entire region. The city is located between a small strip of land between Lake Tunis and Séjoumi. The “small” piece of land on which Carthage was built forms a natural bridge from which several important roads connecting Egypt



and other parts of Tunisia have branched out from it.

strengthen the city’s security from foreigners and invaders.

South Region

Gardens of Carthage (Carthage Woods)

When descending from the hills, in the southern region, the roads that reach Carthage enhance its political and economic importance not only in the region, but in North Africa and the Mediterranean Sea. There, it is possible to find not only the great Port of Carthage, known in the vampire scene as Port of Helena as a growing industrial zone that provides all kinds of support to the city. Considered the region with the largest flat areas, southern Carthage facilitates the creation of roads and even some small farms, taking advantage of the green fields that make room for grandiose wheat plantations. There, military camps are also positioned, helping to


Initially a small portion of land from which large and beautiful vegetation grew in the spring period, the Carthage Woods were increased and expanded in the city, in some of the regions as a form of beautification that the monarchs and aristocrats themselves found. In addition to all types of plants, flowers and trees, the Bosques de Cartago are especially scented by the aroma of nature. There, some paths were artificially created so that every citizen could visit him, to spend time and contemplate the beauty of the region in which they live. Perhaps one of Carthage’s exceptions, the gardens


present a beauty that other vegetation in the region cannot imitate. The green areas present a biodiversity considered common even for visitors, with several flowers and low plants with predominantly green colors. Something especially different from the Carthage Woods. The Bosques de Cartago were at the beginning a great place of concentration of energies little known to the Cainites of the time. Yet, for some reason, these energies exist and bring a very vivid sense of pleasure, almost like something supernatural. Such a sensation usually makes immortals feel like giving in to their most irresistible pleasures. This desire arises as soon as they step into the Carthage Gardens. Some Cainites use these gardens as havens and the most learned believe that there is a very strong connection with some kind of supernatural creature that may exist there and no one knows. It is known that approaching is dangerous. The vampires who reside there seem to be addicted to the almost eternal sensation of pleasures, defending it tooth and nail if necessary. That becomes your territory and brings the feeling of belonging. This sensation is so powerful that it is as if the Cainite Beast itself fought for such protection. However, these same immortals never kill in their refuge and always feed themselves away from there. Desecrating your refuge is a sin for them.

Arcaic Carthage (814-601 BC) Carthage grew for the past seven or eight centuries. The city experienced different moments in classical history and for many mortals, there is no division of what was the city before for now. Maybe it just doesn’t matter. But for immortals, this denotation is an important passage of time. Arcaic Carthage is the name given to structures that were built before the year 600, when the city was still beginning to climb its steps as something important in the Mediterranean. Some buildings were taken over by the growth of the city and no longer belong to archaic regions, as this separation is not done by regions, but by construction period.

The Citadel of Byrsa Carthage’s first conquest was the citadel of Byrsa. The victory of the newly arrived peoples of Tire over the local tribes guaranteed them safe space to establish themselves as inhabitants of those lands. Byrsa became the citadel and center of the small town, at the time, known as Qard-Hadasht. Gradually, the inhabitants there began to invest in the place, evolving the small walls, building

small houses and a small commercial center, later, military. Byrsa is located in the northern region of Carthage, installed in one of the highest parts of the city, allowing a view not only of the Gulf of Tunis but of the land around the city. Its reinforced walls offered great protection during times of conflict in Carthage and during the Punic wars. Byrsa has room for a small number of inhabitants compared to the size of the city, with a greater distribution of settlements for military personnel, in addition to fulfilling the duty to protect the most important inhabitants of the city well, as well as monarch or aristocratic families, when necessary. Besides protecting aristocratic families in times of need, below the Citadel of Byrsa there is a tunnel that leads out of the city if necessary. The tunnel has mechanisms with no “return”. Once activated, the path is destroyed. In this same tunnel, some vampiric figures have already taken refuge, with rooms prepared to protect them from attacks. Of course, privileged information like this cannot be found without a high amount to be paid. In the past, in addition to being the stage for mortal politics, Byrsa has been considered as an Elysium: A place of non-aggression that all inhabitants and visitors of the city should respect.

Dido’s Square During the first days of the city, Dido’s Square was built in honor of the first queen of Carthage. Dido, much admired by both immortals and mortals, was honored with a square, which would serve as a meeting place not only for Cainites but also for mortals. In the middle of the square, a stone statue of the queen was erected, with the first agreement between immortals and mortals, engraved at her feet. Often called Plaza of Dido, this important space is located in one of the flatest areas of Carthage, south of the city. There, spaces were created for inhabitants to sell and buy, like a market. For a long time, Dido’s Square was used as a space for debates between inhabitants, markets and a meeting place. Later, Dido’s Square was marked only as a space of memories about the former queen and commercial. Dido’s Square was brilliantly built, as each of the residences around it connects with each other. It is possible to access them by specific paths, almost like a small labyrinth. In addition to allowing opportunities for discoveries, escapes and hiding places, it also allows for a “dirty” trade between mortals and immortals. It is known that among such houses, there are illegalities being sold by Nosferatu. The Plaza of Dido has become a meeting point for Lepers and anyone who wants to do



business with them can find them there. Mortals, slaves, dirty services can easily be bought there. It is believed that some recruiters from Dignataries Aurea are always acting as scouts throughout the region, looking for more opportunities to discover new talent and get new services. They say that anyone can ask a favor for Dignataries over there, just throw a gold coin at the foot of the statue of Dido. This favor will certainly cost you dearly later. Other Kindred contest, saying that Dido Square is not just a “recruitment point” for Dignataries Aurea, but that more obscure sects use it as a focus of information. Certainly a conspiratorial idea. You cannot “put all your eggs” in one basket.

Abdosir’s I Square Abdosir I Square is one of the greatest symbols of coexistence between immortals and mortals. Abdosir Square recalls the Red Night, from which thousands of people died, as a result of the hatred spread throughout the city. Hasdrubal, after the death of the former king, played the role of building such a square. Antediluviano Brujah erected a monument in honor of Tanit, who stayed there for a long time, before being renovated by Helena. Abdosir Square has become a debate square, equivalent to an Agora, however without the necessary preparations for it. Mortals and vampires changed Plaza of Dido for Abdosir’s Square to meet during their debates. In the middle, as in Dido Square, there were also statues, but of Tanit and Abdosir I carrying out the coexistence agreement between vampires and mortals. While Dido’s Square became a point of exchange and sale of information, services and others, Abdosir I Square became a place of protection. It is not as if vampires run there to be protected, however due to the important representativeness of the place, the number of well-armed soldiers and some of them Ghouls, positioned around the square makes it safe. However, the services cannot be confused: These soldiers will not protect the Cainites. Their duty is to protect the square, at any cost using every weapon they might have in hands. In addition to the fact that Tanit was imprisoned in the statue for a long period of time, the square hides one of Troile’s refuges. Although no one has any confirmation of such information, the security and attention placed on the square make it a great place to do business safely. It has necessarily become a point without violence, as any physical conflict can become a massacre. It is possible that these military mortals are members form the Sacred 50

Band, the best trained soldiers group of Carthage.

The Old Harbour The city’s first port remained for almost two hundred years as Carthage’s only port, to be later replaced by the circular port, and Carthage’s most famous architectural structure. Before its renovation, the old port was initially close to the homes of the poorest people. There, the decks were made of wood, made to support fishing vessels and small ships from Carthage. The old port had an easy path to one of the main avenues of the city, in addition to being close to one of the first walls built to separate it from the rest of the city in the event of a maritime attack. Subsequently, with the growth of the city, the lowincome addresses were replaced by a small industrial zone, where large furnaces were built in order to produce all types of ceramics, for export in other cities. In addition, the “ceramics district”, as it became known, also had a small commercial area, which made it easier to buy and sell objects there in the port. At the ends, when it was still a small port with the inhabitants’ houses built there, the Tombs of Carthage were built so that inhabitants could bury their ancestors. The Old Harbour is a domain belonging to an important immortal, a member of the House of the Swords. It is believed that perhaps it is the Overlord himself, who uses the port to intercept incoming messages. Besides, of course, having knowledge of who enters and leaves the port. There are immortals who inhabit the port, paying for some services such as transport to other cities or receiving payments from vampires who have just arrived in Carthage. In the old port, there are messengers, used to deliver messages throughout the city when necessary. Is this “scheme” accepted? Possibly not. It is clear, however, that other Cainites gain many opportunities over this.

Tombs of Carthage Carthage’s Tombs are part of one of the oldest areas of the city. Initially, they were small spaces and contained few dead, but over time, the population of the necropolis increased in such a way that it was necessary to create the city’s tombs. Below the great necropolis, the tombs form eternal labyrinths, almost like a city of the dead underground in Carthage. The necropolis is estimated to have about two hectares, while the tombs form up to three hectares. Thousands of people are protected there and during the death festivities, the city starts to frequent the necropolis


more often. The necropolis and the tumabs are located next to the Old Harbour, after the walls. Before the construction of the great walls, it was possible to see thousands of tombs of Carthage’s ancestors. Since Carthage did not have a sewer system, vampires like the Nosferatu started to settle there. In addition to expanding a network of tunnels that connect directly to the necropolis, spread throughout the city. Sardik and Ramsena have already used many of the tombs as deadly experiments for future plans. The two immortals, belonging to the House of the Souls usually work together when they can on similar projects. It is possible that within such a location, experiments of the most ominous ones are to be found. No matter how,

whether with mortals or with Cainites, when they need it, they are always in the tombs. There is a very powerful belief that some artifact is lost among the hundreds of dead in the Carthage Tombs. Perhaps a sacred mantle, a chalice, you have no idea what it really is. But clearly no one wants to visit such a place. The presence of spirits is terrifying in the environment, and only those with a very good command of spiritual behavior are able to cross this maze without fear. The Tombs can be full of physical and spiritual traps. Crossing them is an adventure, in fact. In the end, good rewards can arise or certainly the loss of some members or worse mental torture. For the desperate, venturing there in times of bloodhounds is like shooting an arrow in the dark and hoping it will hit the Beast in the eyes.



The Temples There are at least a dozen temples scattered throughout Carthage. However, there are the largest and most frequented, usually the most archaic temples. These, the first temples of Carthage took a while to be erected, however there were, in the city, small altars scattered throughout the city, in honor of the Punic deities. Before the arrival of Ba’al Hammon, the first temple built in honor of Tanit was one of the main projects in ancient Carthage. Initially simple, then renovated by the House of Artificers, the Tanit Temple was very frequented by the inhabitants of the city. Other temples built afterwards like the Temple of Eshmun, the Temple of Amon, the Temple of Ba’al and the Temple of Demeter also became visiting points of the city. There was no other form of faith in the city, mortals and inhabitants of the city were forbidden to worship other gods, so these were the main temples in the city until the third century BC. Later, all the temples started to have a ritualistic and preparatory area for sacrifices. Before the construction of Tophet, all the rituals performed in Carthage counted on the temples, being the main stage for the enormous bleeds performed. Tophet was the acquisition that “unified” all mortals in one place. The temples have, in addition to the sacrifice area, rooms for their faithful to spend their nights, with kitchens and warehouses. Temples were also designed for times of drought. Therefore, every temple has a stock of food and drinks. This would prevent mortals from starving in times of war and keep them warm during the cold winters in Carthage. Each temple normally serves a deity and therefore reaps responsibility for itself. The temple-related deity will usually show how priests perform. A Melqart temple tends to be more rigid, usually suitable for military personnel, reserving space for Carthage’s glorious warriors when they need support or assistance. Temples such as Tanit or Demeter would be more welcoming, acting as matriarchs of mortals who need help. Any mortal can visit the temples and everyone has a right to spend one night a week in a temple. Without paying anything. Just for drink or food. The rooms are usually clean and simple, with at most a chest and a comfortable bed. In addition to keeping mortals with their active faith by welcoming, believing that the Gods are responsible for such acts of kindness to happen, the priests also gain credibility for possible political maneuvers and the Cainites manage to keep mortals ensnared by faith, at least and by blood .

The Military Camps 52

Carthage’s growth forced the foundation of Praça dos Militares to take place. The Praça dos Militares is actually a large military camp that was inside the outskirts of the city in order to protect it. The military trained, ate, slept and exchanged shifts there. In addition to a camp for them, it could be visited by anyone to contact them as authorities, if necessary. Subsequently, the service of the military began to be paid and not everyone could hire them. The First Military Square is the smallest military post in the city, with some watch towers, however outside, after the walls, there is a second much larger post. Carthage’s armies make a night and day patrol to garrison the city. During times of war, half of the military retreated to defend the walls of Carthage.

Military Force It is believed that Carthage had a total of thirty thousand soldiers properly trained and recruited, separated between the most diverse hierarchical posts, whether land or naval. Carthage’s army, at its peak, was facing the Roman fleets and was capable of destroying civilizations if they wanted to. In addition to the military camps, which help the organization of soldiers, the walls were made with rooms and spaces to allocate them in several possible ways. Many soldiers could sleep inside the walls if they wished. That way, if Carthage were to suffer a sudden attack, the soldiers would be ready for battle.

There are some vampires who act within the Military Camps as commanders, trainers, influential personas. At the end of Carthage’s days, a belief was created that the army was so incompetent in defending the city due to the presence of a Ventrue within the military circle, almost as a betrayal against the motherland. This rumor has never been confirmed, but proud Brujah vampires will never take the blame for their mistakes. Military camps have become valuable due to the fact that some Cainites can only be found there, when available. Some Gangrel take refuge in those territories, if not in the Walls of Carthage. In addition to security, it also allows many of them to live in a more violent and


harsh environment with life. It is as if they were able to sympathize with the military point of view and for this reason they were “among equals”. Other vampires who adopt similar points of view frequent the military camps more frequently.

built in favor of maritime and land trade routes, which allowed a large number of people to visit it every day. For this reason, located further south in relation to the old port, the Port of Helena grew so much and became an icon of the city.

The Golden Era (600-401)

When Helena came to Carthage, the port was redesigned. New Harbour was transformed not only into a commercial but also a military port, in which both areas could be treated. In addition to being military, there was space for making and repairing ships much larger than the old port would allow. The new port has a walled structure, with space in the middle, allowing the seas to “enter” the city’s territories. Then there is a circular structure, with gates where the military works. Both areas of the port, commercial and military, allow easy entry to Carthage and great defense against invaders.

The most important buildings and developments in Carthage were created from the great expansion of the city. The period that involves the rise is known as the Golden Age among the citizens of Carthage. At the same time, great ideas emerged and the city underwent a cultural rejuvenation, leaving the city’s appearance stunning.

The Great Walls of Carthage It was during the golden period that the great Walls of Carthage were designed. Designed to cover an extensive area, so that they could protect both farms and mortals, the walls fulfilled their role well despite persistent Roman attacks. Scipio Aemilianus had to reason the siege against Carthage very well, as the walls had three defenses. Carthage’s walls were about 45 feet high (14m), 10 yards wide with huge stone blocks. They were truly impassable walls. In front of the walls, there were two more enormous ditches five meters deep and stone structures as wide as the walls themselves. Among these ditches, there were huge wooden palisades, with stakes pointed upwards, to the bad luck of anyone who fell inside. Inside the structures, there were spaces for more than a thousand horses, hundreds of elephants and space for more than six thousand soldiers. Carthage’s walls covered all the space the city needed and its large gates were strong enough to withstand the throwing of one or two catapults simultaneously. The protection created by the excellent strategists in Carthage was enough to sustain a three-year siege of Rome, before the destruction.

The Port of Helena When Carthage grew up, the city needed a port, which was built south of the city. Some know it as New Harbour, others know it as Port of Helena. In fact, this port was built before Toreador’s life, but the way Helena transformed the structures of that port marked it as “The Port of Helena”, and some believe that this was one of their greatest architectural works. At the beginning of the traditional period, when Carthage opened its doors to explore the world and receive visitors, the port was only commercial, without a military zone. Because it was bigger than before, it allowed a truly industrial zone to be produced there. The new port was

Industrial District Driven by the huge numbers of foreigners visiting Carthage, by sea or by land, the industrial district was built in the south of the city, especially next to the great port. In that territory, the old Abdosir Square was maintained, even with the old addresses, it was swallowed. Kings and immortals wanted to keep it in existence so that every visitor to Carthage could see the grandeur of the city’s advances. Unlike the small ceramic district, the industrial district has become especially larger. Besides that the development of all types of tools started to be carried out there. The industrial district is a huge area, inhabited by blocks of buildings by artisans, blacksmiths, engineers and other important areas for the city. Any type of service can be hired there. Some immortals strongly believe that Carthage is only so powerful economically because it has such a well-separated and developed industrial zone. Hundreds, thousands of materials leave there every day to be taken to the markets, which have easy access to the industrial district, and to the ports. From there, the materials are sold to the rest of the world. This possibility of the best materials being made available in the Industrial District allows a very large commercialization in the place of artifacts and trinkets. There, some of Carthage’s best and best-known sculptors, blacksmiths and craftsmen are located. Large swords have already been forged there and perhaps even Prias built his weapon in that district. The sect known as Collectoribus Caim is constantly surveying artifacts that enter and leave there, judging whether or not they are part of its interest. Due to the proximity to the territory of the active Dignataries Aurea, some conflicts are constantly



happening there. Normally, both sects collide with each other, vying for influence not just on information, but on what gets there. These territorial disputes often potentially increase the “climate” of tension in the area. Because it is a “neutral” or almost lawless area, any vampire walking through the potentially unprotected Industrial District can be a plaything or something of an attack as an attempt to reach the opposing sect. One of the Mint House are located in the Industrial District. Hidden from most of the buildings built there, the Casa da Moeda is very well disguised, so it is difficult to find any record of it.

Helena, as the only port market in the city.

Portuary Market

The Portuary Market is located just in front of the Port of Helena. Its extension is so big that it occupies more than two blocks, besides being known as one of the biggest commercial zones in the world. There, literally what the inhabitant of Carthage wants, he can find. Unlike other areas that started small and developed, the Port Market was, from the beginning, a major investment by Carthage’s aristocrats. The idea was precisely to create a shopping area so grand that visitors would see how much wealth Carthage spends and would like to move to the city at the same time.

Ancient immortals often say that there are two port markets. The first, built in the ceramics district and the second, developed in the Port of Helena. The youngest recognize only the second, developed in the Port of

It is truly possible to get lost in the markets. During the day, it is especially crowded, with hundreds or thousands of people walking, talking, shouting, selling, stealing, watching and among many other acts. The Porturary



Markets, as well as the industrial district is the most important economic zone in the city, it is believed that much of Carthage’s wealth should circulate there. The Portuary Markets are part of an economic triple. The Alexandrites took over, sharing it with the House of Amon and an independent immortal, wich might be Diwan, who somehow managed to gain enough influence to dispute control of the area. For this reason, the Houses and this immortal have a serious pact for the division of property. Everything is divided equally and when an agreement is made with one of the parties, the other is prohibited from interfering with the progress of that agreement. It is as if they are trying to “clean their hands” in the face of the corruption that circulates there so as not to harm themselves. Although it does not always happen. If the Industrial District is where you find everything, the Portuary Market is where you buy everything. Hugs can be sold there, large auctions, jewelry, objects from other kingdoms and places on the continent and even fake travel tickets. There, pickpockets are more common than you think and at night, it is one of the most special places because it does not become inhospitable. There is day trading and night trading, including being able to exchange and buy vampiric coins, produced by the Mint. The night trade is almost as full as the day, with the difference that this time some supernatural creatures are wide awake and ready for any deal.

The House of Numu (the Mint) In Carthage, the city’s wealth allowed coins to be the main means of economic circulation. The Mint was created to keep this currency in circulation. There are three mints in Carthage, one in the Industrial District, another in Old Harbour and another in Byrsa. The three perform the same tasks: Produce as many coins as possible daily. Both three Mint Houses are huge, with capacity for dozens of workers, who produce hundreds of coins daily. The houses work separately so that, if necessary, do not break the production routine. It is believed that there are two other Mint, not known to a large part of the population, for security purposes. The Consillium Immortalem coins are manufactured at the Byrsa Mint and the Ceramics District. From there, come the three types of coins needed, however less frequently than the coins known to mortals. All Mint Houses belong to a Sage of the Coin, who takes care and clearly checks that the work is being done correctly. The Sofós-Numismata is always on the lookout for falsehoods. Obviously, the Mint Houses are well

protected by ghouls and even some Numedas, specially hired to pay attention to local security. Stealing them is a somewhat challenging task, but not an impossible one. No immortal has been insane enough to try to plunder the Mint and hopefully there are none who can do it. Otherwise, a major problem would be created in Carthage’s policy, possibly blaming the owner. The House of Numu works with forges and although they are strategically well positioned, it is sometimes possible to see them through the chimneys exhaling a characteristic smoke. The heat of the forges makes it difficult for Cainites to approach, so only a few of the most exemplary are able to stay for a long time without suffering from the evils of the Beast.

The Palace of Senate When Carthage was financially stable, the Senate Palace was built as one of the city’s greatest wonders. The palace would have the political use of protecting the main political issues, whether by monarchy, by the senate, aristocracy, the priesthood or any other matter that involved the city. The Palace was not the scene of political debates, but of organization. Purely created so that it could speed up Carthage’s bureaucracy, the Senate Palace was a huge building, with gardens in the vicinity, a dozen military personnel strongly protecting the surroundings, with walls separating the majestic building from the rest of the city and fountains almost always functioning. After all, one of the main marks is that all the columns in the place have the main kings of Carthage carved, holding that palace. A tribute that if they weren’t for them, the citizens of Carthage would have no rights to build a palace like that. Any citizen or foreigner can visit the Senate Palace, which also functions as a diplomatic place to receive important visits from other kingdoms. There, there are rooms ready to satisfy the demands of the men of great importance who do business with the city. The Senate Palace has become the best acquisition for both immortals and mortals. Politics became more centralized and now, elections are being held inside the palace. Any citizen who was eligible for Carthage, without any pending issues, could vote inside the palace. Like the Roman Forum, the Palace has become a place of heated debates, especially with issues that define the direction of Carthage. For vampires, a plate full of knowledge. Of course, it is there that many manage to make their name. The Senate Palace has dozens of rooms, for different



reasons, charges and objectives appropriate to the needs of the place. In some rooms, personas of a lower level will never be allowed. However, senior citizens come and go wherever they want. Status Cainites tend to visit all rooms when they need to make deals or resolve some other matter. The palace also has statues, armor, engravings of Carthage’s greatest and most important heroes. The laws are transcribed in a library, hidden inside the palace and which can only be accessed by influential people. Inside the library, hundreds of scrolls allow knowledge hidden from the eyes of most vampires and mortals in the city. Bad languages ​​claim that even the occult is kept and lost inside, in even more obscure sessions. Conspiracies claim that the Sons of Silver are attacked there and prepare dirty games to overthrow the immortals.


The library is very restrictive and its entrance is not easy to find. In addition to the fact that no scroll can come out of there. This is strictly prohibited. Carthage’s laws are well kept and recorded, protected against possible fires, since the walls are made of stone. In addition to being well furnished, the place is protected by other forms of blood magic that are beyond common understanding. It takes a lot of effort and knowledge to be able to glimpse the wonders that the palace hides. In addition to the grand library, some other rooms hold plans never imagined by the average Cainites of the city. The statement “The Senate Palace is the safe of Carthage” is well founded and when it is said out loud, it is certainly seen with evil eyes. Any interest that is somewhat strange in the Senate Palace brings the immediate attention of the Consillium Immortalem, which will start to monitor the interested immortal in order to know its intentions.


Other sects try to enter there, but apparently still to no avail. There is no confirmation as to the veracity of such information, but it is said that there is a very powerful guardian, ready to act in the event of an attack.

True Faith in Carthage In Carthage, True Faith is not based on Christ or God. True Faith happens naturally, when a mortal believes in those deities so much that their inner strength projects powerful energy. Mortals do not believe in Punic deities as an evil representation, but as something benign. What is stranger is that the True Faith, even though it is directed towards the Punic deities who often do not represent the purity of the Christian God, still manages to hurt even the Cainites. There is no explanation for immortals and many of them see this as a complete mystery. Unlike the sense of purity that True Faith in the Christian God causes mortals and discomfort to Cainites, faith in Punic deities slips into higher and probably demonic entities. These entities do not transmit peace, but pain and despair. However, to mortals, they transmit pleasure and desire. Trust is the greatest weapon that can be obtained by placing faith in such beings. Thus, some places started to accumulate an energy that weakens even the vampires. Each location that presents the energy of True Faith requires a Willpower roll for any immortal who enters there. The difficulty to enter is equivalent to the level of True Faith of the place. The successes mean that the vampire is able to enter, however he feels a great deal of discomfort until he leaves the place. This discomfort is almost like instigating your Beast, a primitive instinct that tells you how terrifying that place is. Disgust projects itself into the chest of the vampire who enters there. True Faith increases the difficulty of all vampire checks after stepping on the spot by +1 for every two levels of True Faith (rounded up). Until he leaves the place, the immortal will feel constant discomfort. Failure means that the immortal will feel the pain and terror of being close to that place, moving away immediately. However, the character can choose to stay in the place and will feel his energy drained by the worshiped entities, losing one point of Vitality per scene. Being disabled by this means leads him to the final death. Botches cause the vampire to lose one Vitality point per turn. Additionally, he must spend one Willpower point per turn to stay there. If the vampire still decides to stay, after three turns, he will need to roll Willpower (difficulty 7). Failure leads to Frenzy, while Botches causes him

Cursed Sites Listed below are a selection of sites around Carthage and their Faith ratings: Name of Site

Faith Rating

The Woods of Carthage


Temple of Ashtarte


Temple of Eshmun


Temple of Melqart


Temple of Amon


Temple of Tanit


Temple of Ba’al


The Trail of Divinities


The Tophet 5 Note: The ambient Faith of these sites radiates in odd directions, the blood warehouse beneath the Tophet, for example, are painful for Cainites to endure, while the Woods of Carthage are almost discomfort free. Some Cainites theorize that this is due to the nature of the Faith each site engenders, the Tophet encourages worshipers to look indulge in their pleasures, while the Temple of Eshmun gained strength with the Guardians of Eshmun on their active time in Carthage.

to catch himself burning with the black flames of the Underworld while fleeing Rotshreck (taking three points of aggravated damage). It is necessary to remember that all the damage taken by True Faith is always aggravated.

The Trail of Divinity Although not a building or district, Trail of Divinity represents Carthage’s cultural and religious heritage. Passing between the Citadel of Byrsa and the Palace of the Senate, with a path full of green areas, many flowers and statues of Punic deities along the way, Trail of Divinity serves as a way of testing and faith for Carthage residents. Anyone who understands that he is in a time of trial visits the Trail of Divinities and ritualistically, all inhabitants born in Carthage are obliged to visit it at least once a year. The event is usually coordinated by a priest chosen



by the Suffet or Monarch of Carthage. Estrada das Divindades is a place of pursuit, of faith. The energy of the place is somewhat different, thanks to the number of people who walk this path with fervor. This energy began to manifest itself physically in the place, which keeps vampires at bay most of the time. Consider that each bow represents a moral challenge to the immortal and how it should reach him during his attempt at faith, in pursuit.

used as an example to emphasize the authority of the Consillium in Carthage. Being in New Town is playing a dangerous policy, without rules and that completely goes out of Carthage’s standard. Those who know how to play this policy are likely to stand out in the Senate’s policy because they understand very well who plays fair and who plays dirty. In the region, there is no one to cover you. Not even the laws. Nobody cares and nobody will help you. Caution.

The New City

The Farmlands

The “New City” was such an appellation because at the time it was created, it was known as the promise to be the extension of Carthage. The big problem is that the New City grew disorderly and very quickly, not allowing urban planning and planning to be created there. After it had become a large housing estate, with dozens of streets, New City started to use Carthage as its main business focus, where the inhabitants left there to work in Carthage. The aristocrats, noting that they had lost certain territory and with the idea that the city could expand further, sinking Carthage into poverty, reserved the surrounding territories than they could to create the farms and derivatives. The New City was to be the perfect territory in Carthage. Instead, its overpopulation has transformed it into a terrible human labyrinth, with thousands of people inhabiting the territory. It has become, however, a full plate for criminals and Kindred who get involved with the underworld in a variety of ways. There, the worst crimes happen, thieves hide and no one even hears their names anymore. The New City is dangerous for those who do not know how to walk, since it is very easy to get lost. Characters of the most varied types can appear there and most of the time it is considered a land without law. Because there is no leadership present, chaos dwells and there are no laws. The only respected laws are those imposed by the Consillium Immortalem, and the only green ones respected are the vampires that belong to the vampiric senate. Any other immortal is subject to the chaos and surprises he finds there. This lack of leadership, however, is benign for the underworld trade and for vampires involved with the worst types of contracts, as it allows them to act the way they want without any supervision. Incredibly, the fame of the New City is also benign for the Consillium Immortalem because it is an example not to be followed. The vampires who are deceived, who suffer the consequences of the lack of order there are 58

The Farmlands are a “defensive” creation for Carthage. The purpose of its creation was so that Carthage did not depend on foreign trade to be able to feed its own citizens. Most of the inhabitants are wealthy and successful men who were able to buy huge territories for themselves and create vast fields of plantations. These men are especially powerful and most of the farms are well protected by the military, always paid to do night and day rounds. More determined and unified groups, however, manage with some effort, to plunder some of them. The farms have a small presence of Cainitas, but usually those who want to exile themselves from Carthaginian politics. Usually these Cainites seek goals, protection or lifestyles outside the reality of the city. That is, some little debated knowledge, tests of morality and so on. Because they are such inhospitable and unexplored fields, these lands make room for other supernatural creatures. Meeting shapeshifters can be one of the surprises that will appear during your nights. Vampires who know how to deal with these creatures are usually the same ones who are living there and possibly provide support or make deals with the creatures in exchange for protection. It is believed that there are some vampires who went into exile in torpor underground in some of these territories. The farms were a wise decision, as the great Carthage was already in need of its own resources and the large-scale creation of farms helped a lot in the city’s economies. However, the inhabitants who had nowhere else to live decided to continue their expansion until the creation of Megara, a second huge housing development and somewhat more distant from Carthage.

Megara Slums are present in Carthage, too. Whether inside or outside, favelas exist. Many foreigners, hoping to earn hundreds of riches, were shamefully ill in their business, which led them to live in brown-colored brick shacks away from the city, usually located after the inner walls.


The favelas are the “invisible” part of the city, after all it is necessary to go out and see it, which makes an area considered violent and almost a city apart, since it is extremely different. Because it was created neither by vampires nor by aristocrats, favelas grew in a disorderly manner and without any planning. In addition to the colors that do not reflect the Silver City, the slums are almost like mazes for immortals and mortals. Many workers live there with what they have in hand and go to the city when they need to get some coins and survive. After farms and large fields for livestock, Megara became almost a city apart, but still in need of Carthage’s presence. Megara is a reason to be ashamed of the residents of the great Carthage, because it obscures all the brightness and importance that the city has. Megara is a planning error and the inhabitants appreciate the fact that it is considerably distant. As in Carthage, there are temples, shopping centers, agora, parks and other resources in Megara, but they are considered less important due to the region’s “fame”. Megara believes in a wealth proposal, since compared to Carthage, they are poor. Therefore, Megara’s culture highly values ​​the Amon deity, which in Carthage had already been abandoned. Amon, for Megara is the divinity of wealth and brings comfort to the inhabitants there, who dream of one day, having the same conditions as the citizens of Carthage.

The Agora Among the Greeks, the Agora is nothing more than a meeting place for people. The Punics borrowed the Agora from the Greeks when they met during the Sicilian Wars. There are two or three Agora in Carthage, some more frequented than others. The first Agora, built close to Old Harbour had the objective of bringing citizens together in a political pro. Debates were held there and great votes as well. Then, with the growth of Carthage, monarchs needed a calm space, building the second Agora in the city’s gardens. There, only the most select meetings would take place and then be passed on to the people. Such a space is not frequented by any mortal and is always protected by the military. The third and final Agora is next to the Senate Palace, created after the palace was built so that it could streamline decisions and be in a completely protected area. These are known as the Reunion Triad, as they are the most well-known Agora. There are other smaller ones, scattered throughout the Carthaginian territory. Carthage’s farms often function as vampiric Elysiums and are well attended. They usually have space for a large

group of philosophers, politicians and students.

Philosophy Schools It is no secret that Critias, in his moments of inspiration, gave Carthage a great gift: Schools of philosophy. Helena, meanwhile, gave Critias a gift, leaving them organized and beautiful. The initial idea of ​​the Socratic Schools was to bring philosophy to the world of mortals. Although they could already take advantage of such knowledge, only a select portion of the local inhabitants could pay for an experienced teacher who could teach them the knowledge imparted by the greatest existing philosophers. Critias wished to end this type of capitalization of schools and did what no one had yet done in Carthage: The public teaching method. In the beginning, his idea was completely approved, many mortals started to attend such schools. There were no seats and Critias reserved a few days a week for the agora to be the teaching stage. Over time, her friend Helena found ways to locate schools in visited regions of the city. Moloch understood schools as an opportunity to evolve the Cainites and started to use schools as a resource to teach the philosophies of Tanitbaal, among others. Moloch created the School of Sin, the School of Ba’al, the School of Vitae and the School of Immortal. Each focused on specific ways to chain the beast, with the exception of the Immortal School, which taught any philosophy as long as it had a teacher. Classes were paid for with immortal coins or favors. In this way, Moloch “formalized” the use of philosophies of thoughts for the immortals who lived in the city and in a short time, many vampires were adhering to the teachings of the schools.

Modern Carthage (400-201 BC) The Tophet (sacrifice area) When Carthage reached the height of religious fanaticism, Moloch created Tophet. For the citizens of Carthage, Tophet is a symbol of gratitude to the deities. Unlike other temples, Tophet is the representation of courage and practice, as it is the great altar of sacrifices that the Carthaginian citizens used together with Moloch in their sordid rites of blood. Tophet is a large area with several altars, with different elevations and importance, with different inscriptions and names. Each altar sacrifices a type of animal, mortal or fulfills a different need. There are stone benches and columns in the open with passages from the deities of Carthage. There is no roof, no roof in the Tophet, after all the references to the gods must be made out in the



open so that the rains clean up the place and take along the citizens’ desire. Tophet is a corrupt place and stinks of blood. Hungry vampires avoid going there at all costs, as they know that passing by Tophet is asking to suffer with the Beast’s call. In times of rites, the smell of vitae invades the city due to the windstorms directed to Carthage, forcing many of the vampires who do not wish to participate in the rites to find creative ways of not smelling the aroma. Moloch created Tophet with large drains, which lead to an underground structure, which accumulates blood. Rainwater is also stored in the same place to dilute the vitae. The accumulated blood is mixed with Cainite vitae and then used during the festivities to addict mortals and vampires. Tophet is located outside the city, south of the Carthage wall.

The Amphitheater Borrowed by the Greeks, the idea of an amphitheater only surfaced when Carthage became famous. The Carthage amphitheater is located in the Woods of Carthage. There, it is possible for citizens to present themselves with creative pieces, helping in the city’s economy. The theaters are mainly frequented by highclass citizens and are an inexpensive entertainment, since the largest amphitheater in the city is in the Woods of Carthage. Other amphitheaters were created in Megara and New City, however with less resources and less frequented. Carthage citizens are not even interested in copies. Vampires interested in art seek the largest amphitheater not only for the cultural beauty transmitted there but also for the local importance. The amphitheater was built in such a way that it could “chat” with the environment of the Woods, being completely decorated and pleasing to the eye.

The Immortal’s Palace When the Immortals had become cult deities in Carthage, Moloch’s great idea was that such knowledge be immortalized in architecture. The Palace of the Immortals


was created to become the first Elysium properly said, and acceptable even by the mortals themselves in the city. The Elysium in which the vampires would not hide and everyone would know that this was their territory. Guards would be complacent about the things said there and mortals would beg to hear vampiric matters. The Immortal Palace really inherits that name. It is located next to the largest Ba’al Temple in Carthage and spares no monetary resources by wasting wealth. Moloch wanted the Palace to be a reason for admiration, sculpting all the greatest vampiric heroes ever known. It is said that the thirteen mayor and family creators were carved there, and that among the sculptures, Troile led them to glory with his sword. The building was never completed, after all, the Punic Wars tried to destroy Carthage before something like that happened. There was nothing left of the temple when the Romans left Carthage, but some say that Troile and Moloch were imprisoned there, as it was in that temple where large ditches with decomposing bodies were thrown as an offering to the deities. Just as the Senate Palace was a great source of inspiration for the Palace of the Immortals. Immortals who visit the palace, which was later defined as the main Elysium of Carthage, have access to all kinds of treats. The Palace of the Immortals brought the Vampires a considerable amount of refuge, all protected from Cainite weaknesses. Cainite objects of importance, magicians and artifacts are kept under lock and key there. Vampires store information about immortals in the same way that the large library stores information about citizens in the Senate Palace. This includes knowledge of possible enemies of the Consillium Immortalem, discoveries about the city, classified information and objectives of the most important figures in the city. There are other places that have copies of such files, with less description than the original copies. Unlike mortals, it is believed that only a Prosecutor, a Diskastís, the Herald and the Monarch can access such files.



CHAPTER RULES OF CARTHAGE “The best way to infiltrate someone’s mind is to become their ideologies.” - Moloch, the God of Carthage

The Differences Between Houses and Families Carthage’s policy acted differently. Vampires were not recognized by their Autarch’s lineage, but by the House to which they belonged. The Houses were like brotherhoods that brought together vampires of similar ideology. The use of Family was merely a matter of understanding the origin of that Cainite. Clearly, some of the Houses would have a greater prominence for one Family or another, but this did not matter. The vision of the Carthage vampires is that one could not judge someone for the errors of the Family’s own past. Many “clans” had conflicts with each other over such judgments. These conflicts only brought destruction. Therefore, when a vampire arrived in Carthage, there was an oath of forgiveness, made to the city’s Dikastís and Monarch. The oath involved “forgetting” old problems among other vampiric lineages, with a promise that newcomers would not seek conflicts only for ideologies that their creators imposed on their minds. Troile had the ideal that the reason for the destruction of the Second City happened only because the strife among the Antediluvians reigned, together with conflicts of their offspring. If there were no such separations, then Carthage would be free of the fate of the Second City. Then the Houses were created and Antediluviano Brujah imposed, with the support of the city’s Cainites, that there would be no ancient 62

distinctions. Carthage would be different. The House of Philosophers, House of Artificers, House of Swords, House of Amon and among others became the first brotherhoods of vampires. These groups were not formed by a bloodline, but by an ideology or monetary condition. Immortals associate it with a way of life that allowed vampires with similar thoughts to come together. Troile’s strategy for avoiding vampire clashes did not work as well as he hoped. Although there were no conflicts for reasons of the past, there were conflicts for reasons of the present. The passage of time allowed some houses to have predominant families. House of Shadows, for example, was the main House of the Lasombra Family, united in the city for a long time. For Troile, the debate about the present was more important than the debate about the past. The present, transformed Carthage, brought a better future, but the past would only destroy Carthage.

House Hierarchy The House started with a simple hierarchical order. Initially there would be only one representative, but over time, the development of other duties and functions became paramount. The hierarchical order was somewhat different from Roman hierarchies. Many vampires even believe that Carthage worked with a less restrictive ideology than with the Roman Ventrue. This is not quite true. The positions established in the Houses had no gross power outside the brotherhoods. At the Consillium Immortalem,


power would come from those appointed by the city’s Monarch. This did not prevent a vampire who obtained a position appointed by the representative of his House from being respected. Truly, the fact of having a position already made it more important than any other that was not included in this medium, after all vampires with positions were turning the politics of the city.

Overlord (Suzerain) In most vampire groups, there needs to be a leader. If not, then chaos will overtake everyone. The Overlord represents the order. Usually, an Overlord is the leader and representative of a brotherhood. In the Senate, he will vote for the House, represent the interests and direct the House’s objectives. A suzerain is not always effective or supported by his brotherhood. Authoritarian overlords often conquer the disgust of their houses. Usually meetings are held between the confreres to define objectives in relation to the House, in which everyone can express their wishes. A Overlord who is not willing to listen to his fellow members who elected him can be removed from office in a short time, especially by showing incompetence.

Brátso It is especially difficult to take care of a group of confreres alone. It is at this moment that Brátso acts as the main ally of the Overlord. Brátso is his representative when the Overlord is not available. Brátso can make temporary decisions by its representative, represent the wishes of a House as a secondary opinion in the Consillium Immortalem, organize the members of the brotherhood and act as adviser to the Overlord. In addition to maintaining order in the fraternity, Brátso represented the suzerain when he was absent, having the power to make provisional decisions and which may or may not be withdrawn later. Interim decisions followed decisions within the Consillium Immortalem. Some decisions, such as approval of members, defining missions and the like do not have to be provisional, and can actually be demanded by Brátso.

Priest While Brátso is the right hand of the Overlord, the Priest is the left. A Priest is most often in charge of social relations within a brotherhood. The Priest is a mentor, advisor to the members, responsible for determining the Philosophies and traditions of the House, with the endorsement of the Overlord.

Unlike Brátso, a Priest is not mandatory for the operation of a brotherhood, although most brotherhoods have the custom of electing the Priest. Despite performing functions to facilitate the mandate of an Overlord, the Priest also correlates the brotherhood with religious commandments and commitments. If Brátso is the legal representative, the Priest represents the brotherhood ritualistically. Some religious decisions of Carthage, decisions in relation to Philosophies are represented by the Priest, in the absence of the Overlord. Most of the times, the Priest also acts as intermediary between the Overlord and the Herald.

Chameleon Although the chameleon does not make decisions for the House, he is a diplomat. The Chameleon mixes, listens, talks and makes agreements that can bring benefits to the House. Vampires who act in such a position are the “intelligence” of a brotherhood. Normally, a Chameleon does not make permanent decisions and can create a provisional for his Overlord, Brátso or Priest. When not one of the three is available, the Chameleon represents the House. In some houses, the chameleon is transformed into an important task. The Overlord sometimes grants you the right to make real decisions for the House, saving you time spent on provisionals.

Advisor or Instructor An advisor is nothing more than a tutor to newcomers and even older members of the brotherhood. The supervisor is not constantly tied to following Neophytes around the city, but he is there as someone who will take the doubts out of the integrated. The Advisor is also responsible for reminding the House’s moral code to young people and Philosophers, and may even act as a teacher for young people seeking a Philosophy. In some Houses, the Advisor stops being a theoretical tutor to also act as a practical tutor. That is, when a young person breaks some law, tradition or fixes a problem, the Advisor is responsible for correcting the fault with the newcomer. Thus, Advisers manage to avoid major problems in the Senate.

Integrated Everyone who is part of the brotherhood is known as Integrated. The integrated can assist the confraternity in several possible ways, but cannot represent it in any circumstances. The integrated is also recognized as a citizen in Carthage. Usually the integrated participates in the meetings in his brotherhood, being able to vote



for what he wants or abstain from voting. Like everyone else, he will be heard. Within the city, an Integrated is considered an ordinary vampire. It’s not like he has a position, but like he’s recognized as a member of the city, just.

Carthage immortals cannot embrace anyone until they are freed from their Lords, as they are still in the “learning phase”, but when freed, they can create new vampires without restrictions. The only thing to be accomplished is to introduce her to the most important vampires in the city.

The Traditions

The Sixth Tradition: The Coexistence

Some of the Traditions have been changed by Troile to better coexist within Carthage. Although Troile respected the old Traditions, the Antediluvian believed that they did not fit in Carthage and needed to undergo a reformulation. Unlisted Traditions remain the same, without reformulation.

“Don’t forget who you are. There is no shame in your nature, only glory. Show your glory without exaggeration. Mortals must recognize you for who you are.”

The Third Tradition: The Progeny “Until you are released, you are prohibited from creating. However, it will be your right to give immortality to the talented and demonstrate the power of non-life to those who deserve it. Make no mistake, it is your duty to introduce him to your House, your Monarch, your Diskastis and your Herald. ” While in other cities, the Tradition of Progeny should prevents the Immortal from having new childe without the permission of the Sire or leader of the domain, in Carthage the right of Progeny is released for vampires. However, all must be presented to the city’s Monarch.


Many of the vampires, when they changed that tradition, saw this as something difficult to happen. The main idea at the time was to prevent vampires from hiding. Troile could not create the perfect city with Tradition preventing it and therefore modified it. The Sixth Tradition, unlike the Silence of the Blood, imposed by Pater Patriae Camilla in Rome, allows vampires not to be afraid to show themselves to mortals. In Carthage, it is not forbidden to claim to be immortal. It is a privilege, in the view of vampires. Of course, many conflicts with mortals were generated after such a decision happened and it took a while for the acceptance of mortals to happen. This obviously did not happen with the abuse of power. For Antediluvian


Brujah, ancient vampires died for their mortal subjects because they abused their power and this is precisely what “demonstrates your glory without exaggeration” to say. Immortals cannot treat mortals as slaves, at least not directly. It is strictly prohibited.

The Houses of Carthage It is clear how the hierarchical functioning of the Houses in Carthage is and that each one has its own ideology. However, knowing what the ideologies are and what the fraternities defend as their goals within the city is also important. Next, you will be able to understand the positioning of each of the Houses and reach a conclusion on which one most identifies itself. When an immortal is interested in entering one of the brotherhoods, different tests may be required by the confreres. In some houses, such as the House of Haqim and Alexandrite, you can only enter by invitation. In others, such as the House of Ba’al or the House of Damballah, it becomes a member based on a test of faith and so on. Each House can request a test, favor or characteristic related to ideology. There is no standard for the requested test, which makes situations unpredictable. What you need to remember is that nobody enters “for free”.

The House of Philosophers The first and oldest house created in Carthage. The House of Philosophers preaches a democratic ideology of freedom and equality. The ideology’s familiarity with the Brujah’s thoughts is due precisely to their influence in the creation of the House. Normally, the House of Philosophers immortals follow Philosophies of neutrality, which stimulates justice, thinking, intelligence. Even vampires that fit Humanity are able to follow the thinkers’ ideologies calmly. The Casa dos Pensadores is considerably united, although some internal debates and disagreements happen occasionally. The House of Philosophers thinks a lot about the future of Carthage and they often sin for such behavior, as some of them tend to extremism, that everything must be done so that the city survives and remains glorious, perhaps reflecting Troile’s decisions with passing of the centuries.

The House of Artificers Tanit’s influence on the House of Artificers attracted many Toreador immortals to contribute to the House’s ideologies. However, the artisans do not see their brotherhood as a free way to create influence in the city, but as an expansion of Carthage’s culture.

The vampires who relate to the House of Artificers work on transforming the city. The House of Artificers, although it has this name, is a brotherhood that believes in transformation. The transformation, the change, which is different and perhaps this is one of the greatest contributions of the House. The craftsmen believe that they are responsible for keeping Carthage’s change always happening and one of the ways to create the change is through creation, be it art or any other resource.

The House of Shadows / House of Dark Seas Created by the vampires Lasombra, the House of Shadows was very similar to the Family’s way of thinking at the time. Bad languages ​​say that it may be the only House that has adapted the Philosophy of a Family as a method of behavior. For this and other reasons, the House of Shadows was later renamed, when Hamilcar assumed the post of Monarch. House of Shadows practiced a political ideology, however brutal. The Lasombra transformed the House into a means for them to impose their policy within the Carthage environment. Dominating commercial areas, mainly close to ports and markets. Lasombra often practiced the ideology of dominance and believed that the city would only be tamed by immortals if vampires imposed their commands, supernatural or not on mortals. There was an ideological deconstruction, which reduced the behavior of the vampires in this fraternity when the name change took place. The influence of the Lasombra, who were the majority in this fraternity, could only remain in Carthage if the Members were in agreement with the reconstitution of the name. Then, the brotherhood was renamed House of the Dark Seas and the Lasombra were forced by Carthage immortals to work differently, less brutally and more socially. House of the Dark Seas then used the influence it had conquered within markets, ports and the like to make the seas its battlegrounds. The historic moment converged at the time when the Lasombra appealed to piracy, but unlike pirates, they were under the protection of Carthage. The members of the House began to use their brutal influence in other territories and the ideology of the brotherhood became an ideology of conquest.

The House of the Swords / House of the Guardians At one point, Carthage had become famous even for the Laibon vampires. Among them, the Nkulu Zao, a Salubri bloodline visited the great city. There, they settled



as immortals, fighting for space within the city. Initially, the Nkulu Zao saw the same as many other immortals. They saw a chance to live with mortals. However, the Nkulu Zao believed that this experience should be on an equal footing. In the city, the Nkulu Zao set out to guard the knowledge and traditions of the city. Their protective ideology was accepted in the city and they would be the reasons for the memories of why the immortals arrived in Carthage. As time went by, their ideology embraced the idea that in addition to being protectors of traditions, they should remain in an ideal of coexistence on equal footing with mortals. House vampires were involved in politics in defense of mortals, most of the time. The Salubri heard that their brothers came to the city, but when they arrived, they noticed a difference in customs with the Nkulu Zao. The Nkulu Zao were much more diplomatic than the Warrior caste that had come to live in the city. So, because they belong to the same lineage and recognize the Nkulu Zao as Salubri, a division was made within the House. There would be no overlords, but the House would be guided by Brátso and the Priest. Brátso was in charge of the Salubri while the Priest was in charge of the Nkulu Zao. It is believed that due to the similarity of ideals, the Salubri truly united with the Nkulu-Zao in Carthage. Their decisions were represented in the Senate as one, there could not be two votes, regardless of the way the fraternity was organized. Few vampires except the Nkulu Zao and the Salubri became involved with the brotherhood precisely because although vampires lived with mortals, there were no commandments that said they should be just like them. Therefore, vampires often did not accept such a burden.

The House of Amon / House of Damballah Followers of Set never like to be left out. Be it politically, monetarily or religiously. The House of Amon initially acquired a great characteristic of the Family of Set. The ideology they preached was pure and simple of leadership, of control. The Followers of Set did not demonstrate that their goals were influenced by the Family and often sought to bring control of Carthage to themselves, in any possible way. Its dissolution came when the immortals saw that the House of Ammon was corrupted by the wishes of the Family. After Amon’s conviction, the House of Amon was renamed to House of Damballah. The Egyptian Followers of Set were not expelled from Carthage, but their brothers, 66

fervent in Damballah, took over the brotherhood under an oath never to again allow such influence from the Family to invade the ideologies of the House. Otherwise, the House of Damballah would be permanently destroyed. The House of Damballah began to focus its efforts on the city’s monetary and religious investments. Their ideology became an ideology of wealth in which they would worship their divinity based on offerings of wealth and conversion of the faithful to Damballah. Perhaps due to the immortals’ ignorance of Damballah, there was never any question about Damballah being a version of Sutekh for the Egyptian Followers of Set. New immortals adopted the brotherhood’s wealth ideology, but not the religious one. In the House of Damballah, the Priest acts as a Brátso and the Chameleon acts as lord of the House’s riches.

The House of Beast Similar to their Gangrel brothers, the Akunanse founded the House of the Beast. The House of Beast, although it had a suggestive name in relation to its Gangrel brothers in reality preached freedom. Not the freedom of the law, but the freedom to be able to be who you want to be. The idea of ​​the vampires who created this House is that vampires could act according to their nature. Casa da Besta defended the ideology that if mortals destroyed and conquered everything they wished to satisfy their innermost desires and that with the Cainites, it should be no different. The House of Beast argued that it was unfair to allow mortals to explore whatever they wanted while vampires were forced to get caught up in Philosophies so as not to let their inner “I” flow. Some Gangrel Members came to be part of the House, however this is one of the confraternities with the least Family influence ever created. The Casa da Besta actually received vampires from all types of families, because they thought very similarly. The House of the Beast was not dissolved or forced to change its concepts, although participating in a rebellion against the Monarchs would bring about the destruction of the Casa and the members belonging to it.

The House of Legacy Similar to the Ventrue of Rome, the Guruhi arrived in Carthage with the idea of placing order. Always considered the kings of African territory, the Guruhi were willing to command Carthage and other civilizations in the same way.


Guruhi behave like royalty, of importance. It is not as if they crave Carthage’s evil, but for them, if the city wants to grow, then it will need to allow them to lead. This type of ideology went on to transform Casa do Legado as a brotherhood that aims to protect mortals and Cainites through leadership. The House’s ideology is truly based on the protection of immortals and mortals. The confreres defend a struggle for the power of Carthage with the House of Thinkers and Craftsmen. Conflicts with such brotherhoods are almost constant, with different interests. The members of Casa do Legal believe that it is necessary to direct, dictate the inhabitants of Carthage so that everything happens as immortals idealize.

The House of Souls Everyone has a history full of victories and defeats. Full of achievements and goals. There are ways to get through our challenges without necessarily crossing the most difficult path. This is the Casa das Almas ideology, led by Mla Watu. Naturally priests and scholars of the spiritual world, Mla Watu shared a lot of space with the Cappadocians who visited Carthage. Their similar ideologies also allow Salubri and Brujah to embrace their cause. The confreres at Casa das Almas believed in knowledge, in studies and then in experience. If we study the past, we will not make the mistakes of the future. If we learn from others, we will face challenges in a clean way. Many of them study the spirits for this, because the spirits have already gone through experiences that the living did not. Casa das Almas protects knowledge, values a​​ nd transfers it. Much of what they fight for is that the knowledge of Carthage is in the hands of the inhabitants, but not only that, of those who are inspired by Carthage. Sometimes the members of the Casa das Almas sin for their complacency, because they believe that everyone is subject to errors due to the absence of experience and believe that behaving as guardians of mortals and Cainites can lead Carthage to rise..

The House of Alexandrites If the wealth of Carthage was the target of the confreres of the House of Damballah, the arrival of the Alexandrites allowed the wealth to fall into their hands first. Although many immortals associate the name “Alexandrite” only with the Ravnos in Carthage, their name was related to those who came from Alexandria, Egypt. The Ravnos founded the House of Alexandrites just before Carthage became the richest power in the world.

The confreres at the House of Alexandrites are especially wealthy. His custom of dealing with commerce and coins catapulted Carthage. They were primarily responsible for revolutionizing diplomacy and trade techniques. Their influence on the commercial rise of Carthage often makes their ego bigger than the height of the clouds, even greater because they are the third House responsible for the care of vampiric coins and the Numu. Alexandrites do not care about politics, about religiosity if they do not bring savings. The ideology of wealth governs the confreres of this House. The members believe that there is nothing that cannot be purchased, at the right price. There is a tenuous game as to how they use this phrase, since they have such great responsibilities to vampires. The confreres of the house hardly allow large scales of members because they like organization. In addition to the fact that they have very well-kept monetary secrets, which could damage their Status in the city. House of Alexandrites is believed to be the most difficult to become a member of the entire vampire community. He only becomes an Alexandrite by invitation, after a trial within the fraternity itself about the possibility of a new member joining.

The House of Haqim Assamites believe in an ideal of justice, the justice of Caine. At the time, Haqim was very present as a father of justice for Family members. It was no different in Carthage. The only House completely from a single Family was the House of Haqim. Assamite members would act as protectors and advocates of justice. The ideology of the House is very direct: to defend justice. Assamites are constantly trying to maintain their ideals with firmness and conviction. Assamites are often politically involved to correct their brothers’ mistakes. Back then, Haqim had not yet left the Assamites, but those in Carthage had not asked for any opinions regarding Haqim and were there on their own. Their decision was related to thinking that they couldn’t keep the vampiric world fair if they were inside Alamut. For this reason, many carried Haqim’s teachings with them to demonstrate this to Carthage and other cities they attended. Unlike the Alexandrite invitation, the Assamite confreres only invite other members outside the Family after a series of tests without the knowledge of the Cainite being tested. The tests involve situations where justice needs to be placed on the agenda. If approved, then Cainita is invited.



The House of Ba’al First created to dispute the religious domain of Carthage, Casa de Ba’al aimed to shelter anyone who wanted to adopt the principles of faith for themselves. Moloch idealized that the Casa de Ba’al would conquer everything through faith. The Casa de Ba’al ideology is purely to use faith as a means of unification, control and advancement. The deities only help the fervent and that is how the people of Carthage must behave. Casa de Ba’al charges its members to completely forget about their Families. In reality, they will start to treat the House itself as a Family. Another limiting factor is that the contract with Casa de Ba’al is for life, there is an entry, but there is no exit. Moloch believed that one cannot weaken the faith and allow members to enter and leave, it is to allow the House to weaken. This makes vampires consider long before choosing Casa de Ba’al as a brotherhood. Casa de Ba’al requires that its confreres have strictly respected laws, such as the participation of all cults, the worship of deities and optionally the adoption of the Philosophy of Sin as the main morality. It is believed that there are many Baali infiltrated in the House taking advantage of the prerogative of faith and the “forgetfulness” of their lineage.

The House of Immortals The House of Immortals simply preaches the rise of the Kindred. They aim at the good of vampires as their primary objective. No matter how, no matter the method, what matters is the Cainite ascension. Immortal ideology is linked to self-preservation. They seek to preserve vampires as immortal, powerful and respected beings. Perhaps the most populous House is believed to be that of the Immortals. They have no restrictions and even if there were Caitiffs, they could enter. No matter the means, method, if a Cainite believes that the important thing is to prevail, then they can accept it. For this reason, the House of Immortals is present in politics, economics and tries to be present in religion. The brotherhood’s “anything goes” policy takes some of the respect away and some immortals see this as a reason to fight in any area. Fortunately, the Antediluvian made it very clear about the right of the Cainites to position themselves when they adopted Carthage as the Third City and everyone must accept it as one of the main Houses of the city. Being part of the House of Immortals is to be part of a mixed “society”, in which you can find your archenemy and have to work with him for the “good of the Cainites”. 68

Immortal Hierarchy Em toda região em que os vampiros frequentam, a hierarquia existe. Na Primeira e Segunda Cidade foi assim, no Egito também, em Tiro, em Roma e outros impérios. Não poderia ser diferente em Cartago. Os vampiros criaramt seu próprio sistema hierárquico, que funcionava para a política da cidade.

Monarch While the Houses have Overlords as their representatives and leaders, the city of Carthage has a Monarch who normally acts in an almost absolutist way. Monarchs have supreme power in Carthage. They can create new positions, nominate candidates for positions, make a permanent law, execute the rioters, summon Blood Hunt and among other rights. They are like the Pater Patriae of Rome, however the fact that a Monarch has the right to do everything in an absolute way does not exempt him from consequences. Usually a monarch always has two advisers at his side, the Diskastís and the Herald. The decisions in relation to the city involve debates with the political position of each Overlord and his brotherhoods. The Monarch has full power to disregard any suggestions, however a Monarch who does not know how to do it, can end a revolt by knocking on his door. The Monarch is the only office that is not normally elected. However, the Monarch can order for a re-election to the Consillium, appointing a new successor or absent himself and define his own successor. It is more common for vampires old enough to defy the Monarch to take his charge, for a Diskastis or Herald to take over according to circumstances and for the Monarch himself to appoint a successor to rule in his place, absent from his power. The only restriction of power that a Monarch has is that he is not normally authorized to elect a Diskastis or Herald, being obliged to leave it in the hands of other Kindred from the senate. This decision was taken a long time ago to avoid ends of corruption among the Cainites. And it is the only decision that is taken without the consent of the majority of Overlords, a Monarch can be ousted from office immediately by reactions contrary to his decision..

Diskastís Monarch has a lot to worry about, since Carthage is a huge city. At other times, the Monarch may be going through a situation where his judgment is not at night. In this case, Diskastís is the Monarch’s legal advisor and judge responsible for the fulfillment of Traditions, the


mortal and immortal laws and the approval of laws or the transformation of provisionals into permanent ones for the Cainites. Often a monarch is not available for such tasks or does not even want to make a decision. In its place, Diskastís is responsible for all legal decisions. With or without the approval of the Monarch, Diskastís can make decisions related to vampire policy and law. Diskastís is also responsible for managing the effectiveness of the Overlords, being the one who the confreres can turn to if the plans get out of control. Both the Monarch, the Diskastis and the Herald can directly interfere in brotherhoods to change some customs that are not suitable for Carthage. A new Diskastís is elected every century and a vote is usually held with all city lords in the Consillium Immortalem. It is an honor for a Overlord to be able to elect someone from his brotherhood as Diskastís.

Herald Political wisdom can be delivered through the hands of a judge, but spiritual wisdom can only be delivered through the hands of an Herald. In this way, the Herald is responsible for the moralities practiced in the city, for the religious and religious-related judgments, for the administration of the priests of each brotherhood and for the monitoring of the rituals of mortals and Cainites. The Herald is credited as a chosen of the gods, as someone with a wisdom beyond understanding. Usually the Herald is the one who performs the vampiric cults around the city, being able to create, destroy, interfere or evolve existing rites. Religious laws are also in the hands of an Herald, who usually consults Diskastís regarding their approval. In addition, his influence on priests allows destitution and interference in the moral of a brotherhood. Like Diskastís, a Herald is elected every century. His opinion is consulted during the voting for final decisions related to Carthage.

Prosecutor The Ventrue accuse the Brujah of “copying” the position of Inspector. However, it is not known who copied whom, but it is an extremely important position. The Prosecutor acts as an Immune, with the difference that he has no right to execute the Cainites who break the laws. The inspectors may disagree, arrest, dominate with Disciplines or create blood ties, but never destroy another Cainite without the permission of a Diskastís, a Herald or Monarch. However the Inspector is in town to keep immortal laws on the agenda and if he can’t kill, he can order. FALL OF CARTHAGE


The Prosecutor has the right to create temporary or permanent sanctions with any other vampire in the city, including removing them from office. The Inspector is above any brotherhood in relation to the law and can execute it in a matter of minutes if the situation gets out of hand. No sanction created by the Inspector will have sufficient power to remove any law already created by a Monarch, Herald or Diskastís. Like other positions, the Prosecutor also has a vote within the senate. The main votes count on their votes in a city. Usually the Inspector is elected by a Herald or Diskastís, which dictates whether the sanctions in the city will be more religious or centered on the literal interpretation of the law. The Monarch can also elect a Fiscal, but the common thing is to allow if the Herald or Diskastís will be responsible for this task. There are rarer cases where two inspectors are elected in the city. An inspector’s term of office is a century.

Sage of Numu (Sofós-Numismata) In a city like Carthage, where currencies are the main means of economy, even for the Cainites, someone like Sofós-Numismata is needed. The vampire with such a charge is responsible for managing one of the Numu Houses, checking the quality of the metal and how the coin is made. Sofós-Numismata is also responsible for local security and currency security, with an obligation to work against corruption and piracy. The function of this charge is purely to protect “public” assets, after all he keeps Casa de Numu in order and struggles to prevent the coins not only leaving Carthage to other cities for smuggling but also there is no counterfeit coins market circulating by Carthage. There is a Sofós-Numismata for each Numu House. The vampires elected to this position do not always help each other. Often, a Sofós-Numismata from the House of Alexandrites could let what belongs to the House of Ammon be harmed to gain more influence as a Numismata. Although Sofós-Numismata does not have senatorial functions, it is still a respected post that can impose some limited orders. Normally, a Numismata is elected every hundred years.

Numeda In a city that so many Houses struggle to conquer space as in Carthage, the charge of Numeda is especially important. Numedas are vampires trained and prepared to protect those who pay them, being mortal or immortal. They are bodyguards, advisers, diplomats, whatever it is to protect the life and non-life of a Carthage citizen. 70

The values of a Number can vary. Favors, missions, contracts, coins, whatever is enough for Númeda to do the job. Other foreign vampires recognize Númedas as mercenaries because they accept any type of work, as long as they are for Cainita. Of course, no vampire in Carthage would admit this, it would reduce the fame of the post too much. Numeda is believed to have been inspired by the Numidians, African mercenaries Carthage hired to be part of their armies. They were well prepared for any situation. Although it is clearly not an official position, with a vote in the senate, it is recognized as an important function to be filled in the city. The Numeda can even act as a defender of an immortal on trial within the senate.

Rules and Laws of Carthage “The laws exist for everyone. They are the order. They are the responsibility and the benefit. They are protection and your guard.”, said Anorbaal, Dikastís during a trial. In fact, Anorbaal is right in what he says. Laws are protections for vampires and it is with them that vampires are able to stay alive much of the time, as laws, when used to their advantage, can leave you undefeated. In this way, vampires created laws for themselves in Carthage. The laws are not perfect, but if properly interpreted, they can create good functionality within the senate. Laws are subject to all vampires in Carthage, whether they are citizens or not. The difference is that as a citizen, you have benefits at your disposal.

The Citizenship Immortals will only be recognized as citizens when approved to be members of a House. Vampires who do not belong to any House are unable to have rights within the Consillium Immortalem, such as attending meetings, receiving some bonuses, voting or even receiving help from some other House when they are in trouble. Citizenship can be maintained even after a House has been shut down. The vampire does not have the obligation to remain eternally connected to a House, but he must at least have belonged to one of them. • Only citizens can hold office by election or nomination. • Only immortals with citizenship can defend themselves in the senate without the need for someone to do so. • Only immortal citizens can participate in the


Consillium Immortalem, as spectators, making suggestions or debating. • Unless for some sanction imposed by a Monarch, Herald, Diskastís or Prosecutor, it is impossible to confiscate the vampiric coins of an immortal citizen. • In the absence of a present leadership, every immortal citizen can create a provisional one, having to present it to the senate later.

Senatorial Debate Even before becoming a republic, Carthage was already in the habit of using the Senate to its advantage. Whether by Greek or any other influence, the Carthaginian vampires also allocated such a custom to each other. Some decisions are only taken with votes from the representatives of the Houses. The vampires elect a representative, who will be considered leader of the brotherhood for a short period of time and this leader will be able to vote for the House in the senate. During the meetings, only the Overlords, the Dikastís, the Herald, the Monarch and the Fiscal have the right to vote. Other positions may act only as advisers or lawyers, to debate and prove their opinions. In more adverse circumstances, they can become representatives and vote normally.

The Elections Monarchs are not elected, as already said, but they can choose to interfere in other positions to elect who best understands. Such a decision generates discontent and probably political conflict, however it can happen. In a brotherhood, the Monarch or the leaders of that brotherhood are the only ones with current rights to elect their leader. The leader will become a new Overlord, who will be able to elect a Brátso and a Priest. Diskastís and the Herald may interfere in such a decision with formal requests and election recommendations, however it does not mean that the Overlord will elect who was asked to be elected. After the positions closest to the Overlord, an Advisor and a Chameleon are chosen by the Overlord or the confreres to assist in their leadership.

Dethroning the Enemy In some moments, the supremacy of a Overlord could bring the frustration of his brotherhood. An inspector’s abuse of power could disrupt a city and so on. Because of this, dismissal is the weapon used against incompetence

in its duties. It is possible for a Overlord to be ousted from his position if it is proven that he is harming the brotherhood rather than helping it. However, it is a difficult decision to take, which involves a series of debates with Diskastís and the Fiscal. The same can happen with an Inspector, Diskastís and Herald, although it is more difficult to have any effectiveness in the dismissal request. In cases of dismissal of a Overlord, it is necessary that half or more of the brotherhood agree to take such action in the Senate. The dismissal of a Prosecutor, Herald or Diskastís must count on half of the current Sovereigns united in support of such a decision. Having the support of the Monarch is a great way to be effective in the task.

The Provisional In the absence of someone of Status, such as an Overlord or Inspector, the citizen who is in the leadership of a situation in which he needs to make a decision, the provisional measure can be called. The provisional is a non-permanent measure that can be undone by a vampire with a higher Status than the one who created the provisional. It will be up to a Diskastis to judge the effectiveness of a provisional, to know if it will make it permanent.

The Judgement In trials, there must be at least one witness to what happened. The Monarch, the Dikastís and the Herald are the only ones who can take permanent action after a trial. The Inspector can only use provisional measures, however, any Monarch, Diskastis or Herald can appoint a temporary representative so that decisions of “lesser importance” can be taken without his approval. Normally, the Inspector can earn this right.

The Fields of Peace: The Elysium The Eternal Senate determined a place to be the Elysium indefinitely. Elysium is an environment where physical or supernatural aggressions are not tolerated and are subject to punishment. However, the Consillium Immortalem used to invoke Elysium. Nicknamed “Immortal Paradise” by Troile, only a Diskastís, Prosecutor or Herald can invoke Elysium in one location. For security reasons, they must be accompanied by two other witnesses. The Immortal Paradise is protected by powerful Ghouls and Numedas vampires, protecting them from other influences or internal conflicts for one night. The time established for an Immortal Paradise to stay in a specific place is up to a week. Vampires were now



spaces like Immortal Paradise, since they were propitious places for debates. Entering Elísio comes at a cost, always requiring a silver coin for the visiting vampire. This coin is donated to Diskastís, who normally uses them as payment for the Numedas that protect Elysium and for other services. Payment is only made once per change, when Cainita visits Paradise. It is in Elísio that great debates, trials and elections for the Consillium Immortalem take place. The Paradise normally are only settled in one place per week, to make the job easier, sometimes a Diskastís or Herald left a place like Elysium for a little longer before moving. The plan to always change Elysium came about because of the deadly attacks, initially. Then, for the Cainite disputes. Soon, it became a custom. Usually, the summoner of Paradise himself hires a Cainite or orders a Ghoul to roam the center of Carthage and whenever someone appears looking for the Elysium, provided he is Cainite, he is in charge of informing the new location.

Immortal Coins In Carthage, there is a monetary system that both Cainites and mortals can use. Citizens use coins as the main means of contract, with each coin having its value for a specific task. If in some cities, favors are valuable, in Carthage currencies are valuable for favors to happen. The coin is the clearest appreciation of the word of an immortal or a mortal. Of course, there may be exceptions where a Cainite does a favor before receiving payment in coins and so on. There are three types of currencies, and both three have their specific values. The bronze coin, the silver coin and the gold coin. Each coin is made with the brotherhood symbol. Afterwards, this coin is returned to the Numu House, by her bearer and in return, she will receive the coins from her own House from a character. The gold coin represents an urgency and a need. It represents serious matters, which cannot wait and which require Status Cainites. When a vampire receives a gold coin, he already imagines that he will have an important mission or event to receive. The silver coin represents matters of interest, which may be important, but which do not represent urgency. Finally, the bronze coin represents matters of little urgency, importance or favors that are easy to carry out. These coins are the main form of exchange between immortals in the city. Coins are so important to some immortals that they themselves only accept some kind of conversation if a coin is handed over first. Although it seems pathetic, 72

Selling a Embrace The rumors that it was possible to buy a Embrace were present in Carthage. Truly, they happened, especially after the political fight between Moloch and Amon. To buy a Embrace it is necessary first that a mortal has a gold coin. The act of buying Embrace is not well regarded, which is why it is often done in the shadows. The mortal uses the currency as a method of exchange and as proof of his word and by offering what the Cainite who will embrace him wants, both can reach this agreement. When Embraced, the vampire will usually teach the basics necessary to avoid breaking the traditions and the senate. Normally, this makes the fledgling in debit with his Sire, even if it was paid. Kindred uses the immortality gift as argument to gain a little more from the recently embraced vampire. Usually mortals who attempt this maneuver are often ex-ghouls.

the currencies also represent influence in Carthage, since they serve as payment, as convocation of important meetings, as favors and even an entrance pass to some local regions. Often, a Overlord can charge a small tax to roam their territory, usually paid in vampiric coins. Carthage reflected very well the economy and elitism in the vampires. In all the interactions and favors that a vampire summons, he must hope that he will lose at least a coin. However, if he knows how to negotiate and charge in the right way, he can come out advantageous that night.

Philosophies Philosophy of Ba’al Nickname: Emuli Virtues: Conviction and Wisdom Theoretical: Ba’al’s followers of Philosophy serve the deity literally as fervent followers. They believe in Ba’al as a God and Moloch, as the representation or living incarnation of this God. It is an honor to follow Baal and fulfill his wishes, fight for him to be powerful and convert more followers to Philosophy. Philosophy


preaches servitude to Ba’al, so that the immortal follower places his faith above all others. It is more important to follow Baal’s wishes than to let futilities prevent him from doing so. Members follow such behavior, including being fond of the frequent sacrifices in Carthage on account of Moloch’s commandments. More than once, Moloch came to terms with his children, believing that sacrifices would be reasons for the deities to prevent grand and powerful demons from coming into the world. His followers understood the idea very well and are fighting to prevent this evil from happening. They are ready to do whatever it takes for Ba’al, to assist you in this “impossible mission”. Philosophy Ethics • Sacrifices are necessary. • You are part of Ba’al’s struggle, as he chose you as a follower. Do your duties. • Recruit. The more followers, the greater the strength of Baal. • You pay for those who cannot defend themselves. If others cannot get their hands dirty, you will get dirty. • If your Beast dominates you, who will fight for Ba’al?

Aura: Fanaticism. The followers of Ba’al’s Philosophy tend to create fanaticism in their minds that they hardly miss. They believe in a mission and will help as long as they can. In tests that involve defending your convictions, add the bonuses indicated.

Philosophy of Vitae Nickname: Bloodthirsty Virtues: Conviction and Instinct Theoretical: Those who adopt the Philosophy of Vitae believe in vitae as a hope for the Cainites. Perhaps due to a wrong or subjective understanding, the Cainites of this Philosophy understood that to indulge, to understand, to worship the vitae as the main object of their existence keeps the Beast away. The Philosophy of Vitae brings to the vampires the thought that in order to remain conscious, coherent, away from hunger, it is not necessary to be trapped but to indulge what they most need: hunger. The fanaticism of Philosophy is so present that the Cainites who follow this conduct begin to see in the blood an appreciation, an addiction, as a cult in honor of what blood is. They consume, seek, understand and treat blood as something

Hierarchy of Heresies against Philosophy of Ba’al RANK




Risk your existence by anything if not Ba’al

Take risks only by the water that protects you


Failing in satisfy your desires

He who does not put himself first, dies.


Letting yourself be tamed by the Frenesi

Ba’al doesn’t need idiots


Suffer from the Red Fear, the Rotshreck

Ba’al’s servant does not fear. He is accompanied by his God


Refuse to bring a soul in need to the side of Ba’al

Bring the desperate to Ba’al and they will show you the way


Do not seek material gain to the detriment of Ba’al’s interests

Glory chases Ba’al’s servants, seek his


Refuse to lead in necessity

If you don’t take control, who will take it for you?


Refuse to make sacrifices for Ba’al

Ba’al charges for your faith, demonstrate it!


Refuse to fill your Hunger

Ba’al takes responsibility for your well-being


Encourage false virtues

The only virtue that exists is that of Ba’al



special. They become addicts over time and dependent. The more an immortal is an expert in this Philosophy, the more connected he is to the vitae. Some say that this is precisely because many of them are in communion with their beast and the beast leaves them stains, marks of addiction or an exacerbation of blood worship. As if the more they were connected to the beast, the more difficult it would be to avoid quenching their thirst. The Bestial vampiric nature is implicitly linked to the segment of this Philosophy and worked throughout the studies of the immortal. It is said that this Philosophy seeks to addiction to these followers of Vitae, making them complete idiots who cannot remain healthy if they do not have access to blood. In contrast, the Philosophy of Vitae really exploits to the maximum the gains that the vitae can bring. Many of the participants in the Blood Rites that took place in Carthage started to follow the Philosophy of Vitae as a way to make the most of their opportunities. Philosophy Ethics • Accept your nature, forget your bonds. • Consume, satiate, live. The vitae is your food and

you must enjoy it. • Search for knowledge, search for blood and search for Caine. • The Beast is your ally, if you know how to quench it. Aura: Bestiality. In Intimidation tests, add the appropriate bonuses. Cainites who follow the Philosophy of Vitae tend to appear imposing and intimidating, making people feel like he is a hunter.

Philosophy of Sin Nickname: Sinners Virtues: Conviction and Instinct Theoretical: Before creating the Path of Sin, Tanitbaal idealized that vampires were too attached to the laws of mortals and even non-existent deities. The Philosophy of Sin was not as convinced and effective as the Path of Sin. Followers of the Philosophy of Sin believe in a liberation from the moral concepts standardized by mortals, in a cult of pleasure, in which they allow the Beast to become their ally, commanded by pleasure instead of hunger and anger. The Philosophy of Sin preaches that Cainites are

Hierarchy of Heresies against Philosophy of Vitae






Being subjugated to the Blood Bond

You are the master of your Philosophy, act as such


Do not use the Gifts of Caine to your advantage

If vitae is your nature, use it!


Fail to teach your Philosophy

The apprentice observes. The teacher instructed


Denying an Amaranth’s opportunity over a pathetic immortal

All blood must be used. If others don’t, then you will


Do not seek the knowledge that Cain demonstrates about Vitae

The Dark Father is an example to be followed


Imprison the Beast

The Beast is part of your blood. Commune with it or your will be controlled


Embrace unnecessarily

Not everyone deserves the Gift of Caine.


Taste, consume, delight

All blood must be tasted, consumed and used


Refuse to satisfy your hunger

To deny your hunger is to deny your nature


Deny your own nature

The first step is to accept who you are


Hierarchy of Heresies against Philosophy of Numus RANK




Failing to fulfill your personal desires

If everything you desire, then everything you must achieve


Stop accumulating personal wealth

If you stop, the Beast wins


Allow yourself to subdue the Frenzy

After all, weren’t you the one controlling the Beast?


Deny a chance of material gain

Do you really believe in what you are practicing?


Associate with losers

“Self-care” is a misused resource. Show them how it is done


Fail to honor your agreements

Who will believe you if you are a liar?


Helping someone if not for their own benefit

Your charity does not stop the Beast from punishing you for “doing good”


Do not charge for your agreements

If someone is going to win by your effort, it has to be you


Stop satiating your desires

There is only one way: Self-satisfaction


Don’t pay your debts

A man in debt is a man without wealth

Hierarchy of Heresies against Philosophy of Sin RANK




Acknowledging any moral restraint

You are beyond such weakness


Failing to indulge a new desire.

No pleasure should be denied to you


Allow the Beast to tame your thoughts

There is no pleasure if you are not conscious


Allow yourself to be tempted to act like other Philosophies

Let others have their own virtues, but you will not be tamed by them


Allow yourself to be a tool even in situations favorable to you

Is it your pleasure we are talking about or others?


Decline a chance of material gain

Their desires are superior to those of others


Act against your interests

Only fools sacrifice themselves


Refuse to kill when in your best interests

No life is more important than yours


Appeal food when appropriate

Don’t deny your greatest pleasure


Encourage agents of virtue

Virtue is a lie and a prison for the spirit



immortal and immortality comes from all the pleasures they can feel. Immortality is a blessing, something that is beyond the ordinary, of human laws. Immortality is a gift to be used and that vampires forget. Make pleasures your lifestyle and encourage the pleasures of others to free you from these currents called “civilization”. Ética da Filosofia • Immortality belongs to you. Enjoy it! • Conquer the Beast. Don’t let her make you a slave. • You are beyond the laws and time. Do not allow mortals to arrest you under laws that can perish. • Release the pleasure that is hidden inside your heart. Take courage and be who you really want to be. Aura: Seduction. Sinners have a natural temptation to carnal desires, managing to induce those in their surroundings to follow their desires. Apply bonuses on rollovers that involve Seduction of any kind.

Philosophy of Numus Nickname: Golden Fangs Virtues: Conviction and Instinct Theoretical: Numus is no deity really known. In fact, it is not even a deity. But ostentadores like to believe that yes and that Numus really exists. The Numus Philosophy preaches a unique and exclusively personal enrichment. What matters is your well-being, your personal wealth and what you have achieved. However, it values ​​others who follow the same behavior, in addition to the Numus Philosophy says that there is nothing that cannot be bought, including you. Vampires who follow this philosophy can be somewhat difficult to deal with, since they are very materialistic. When they are not materialistic, they are always asking for favors. Your selfishness is bought and often, if they save you without asking for anything in return, they will ask at the right time. They are mercenaries by nature and are proud of that. For the ostentador, everything can have value. However, a word given after a well-paid deal is honored. After all, who does business with a liar? The idea of ​​Numus’ Philosophy is that through wealth and personal satisfaction, the Beast is completely immersed in avarice, to the point that it will not show any signs of revolts against the immortal. The Philosophy of Numus scolds the beast on the basis of conquest and the followers of Philosophy believe that there is no better pleasure than to conquer something personal. Philosophy Ethics 76

• What matters is your ascension, only. • Conquer, and the Beast will calm down. Drown it in your personal wealth and it will disappear. • Everything has the right price, just negotiate. • Honor your agreements, as they are the reason for your rise. Aura: Diplomacy. Ostentadores have an impressive facility in dealing with any situations that may bring them personal benefits. Apply the correct bonuses in tests that involve negotiations.

Rites of Carthage Rites were part of the daily life of the Carthage scene. It is possible to say that if not weekly, they happened monthly, with a good part of the faithful population attending the calls of the Baalinist priests. Carthage managed to create the most ominous rites, of the worst types. From the sacrifice of people to bloodshed, the citizens of the city did not see their actions as acts of the purest and most vile evil. The inhabitants really believed that they were doing favors and child to their deities. It is important to remember that there were two extremely important rituals in the city: The Rite of Immortalization, of which the vampires made mass Embraces in the city and the Rite of Blood, of which the immortals were celebrated with blood. These offerings usually grown by the time. The bigger, the better. As a way of avoiding possible discomfort during reading, all rites should be in charge of the storyteller and what is best suited to the chronicle.

The Rite of Immortalization Every ten years, the Rite of Immortalization takes place, approved by the Monarch and Herald of Carthage. Normally, before it happens, both the Herald, Monarch and Diskastís meet in an Agora to decide whether it is time to perform the rite. Occasionally, other immortals are allowed to hear the meeting and pass it on to the Cainite society of Carthage. The Immortalization Rite was created by Moloch during his time as Monarch. Moloch believed that Carthage was going through a very drastic reduction in the Cainite population and as a way to increase the potential of the practitioners’ faith, he posed himself as Ba’al-Hammon, blessing mortals with immortality. Normally, Immortalization Rites are counted as a farce, to convince mortals that they are being blessed by divine forces. The Immortalization Rite must be performed on a


night with a crescent moon. All Houses are invited to participate, however not all of them actually appear. Participation through the Cainites is free and even if they do not belong to a House, as long as they are citizens of Carthage, the immortal will be able to Embrace a new mortal. In recent times, the Immortalization Rite would take place at the Palace of the Immortals or at the Tophet. If not in both places, it would be celebrated in the harbour market. Mortals organize themselves into rows to be embraced, introduce themselves and the Kindred who have an interest in them Embrace them. Then, the Rite involves a small blood fest, where everyone feeds their beasts for the first time. Nonembraced mortals, however, are “blessed” with the gift of immortals during that night, with celebration and exchanging unique experiences. In the next nights, the privileged mortals during that party are chosen to become ghouls and in the future, who knows, maybe to be “blessed” in another rite. Not every Cainite needs to be in the rite to Embrace. In reality, that night, the Embrace is theoretically free. The three most relevant positions must decide specific rules in this regard and whether or not they can embrace outside the rites. Normally, they know very well how to decide.

The Blood Rite The House de Ba’al is traditionally the conductor of such rituals, which started with Moloch. Among the most hungry, the Blood Rite is the most anticipated time of the year. Like the Immortalization Rite, it does not escape the debates, however the votes involve the Sovereigns of all participating Houses, who must pay a tribute in order to participate. The tax charged is in vitae. All House Members must have their minions’ Vitae available, at least enough to fill a small 500ml bucket. This vitae will be stored in Tophet, underground, where there are huge barrels of vitae. During the four seasons, the vitae will be stored periodically. Of course, Cainites usually create more than one ghoul so as not to sacrifice their servants. Cainite Blood is not mandatory, however there are those who have such a resource and are rewarded in Vampiric Coins for this. The Blood Rite is held annually during the beginning of the first night of the full moon after the passing of the four seasons. The Blood Rite lasts for a week, until the moon completely disappears in the skies and changes to a new phase. During the week, the Cainites celebrate in vitae, the food is free and mortals enjoy the frenzy of vitae guaranteed by the blood donated by other Cainites

over the seasons. Anyone can delight in the red liquids and the priests who conduct the rite encourage freeing themselves from social bonds. This week is the time when mortals believe they are completely purified, as well as the Cainites, freeing themselves from their mental currents. During the Blood Rite, the city tends to be scented, with a mixture of vitae and other incense and substances placed there by the priests. Frenzy checks are constant, since the Beast is always provoked. The storyteller must consider the difficulty according to the situation. Usually the rites performed in these days are responsible for the birth of many children, since mortals surrender themselves to the pleasures of life very easily. Only Houses that donated vitae can participate in the rite.

The Fertilization Rite While the Blood Rite is responsible for creating a constant Frenzy of freedom in mortals and immortals, the Fertilization Rite is purely a Cainite action to instigate mating among mortals. Knowing that the vampire population of Carthage is above average, the need for mortal population growth is increasingly necessary. Tanitbaal-Sahar created the Fertilization Rite, donating this idea as a “gift” to Moloch. The Fetilization Rite uses the same prerogative as the Blood Rites. Vampires work together to leave mortals in Frenzy, however the main idea is to instigate the loss of consciousness and allow pleasure to come. The speeches given by the Herald or Priests this time are linked to the abandonment of their moral concepts, to the possibility of “giving light from the divine seed”, to allowing more blessings and children to come into the world. This rite takes place every ten years. In this way, adults who had no chance in the past or were too young would have a chance to participate in this glorious celebration. It is to be expected that the Kindred blood mixed with the vitae of mortals in the middle of a vitae bath would generate entire families of ghouls. Some mortals began to be born stronger, well developed and powerful, even having the need to ingest vitae from time to time, in addition to being more susceptible to the Beast than ordinary mortals. Unlike other rites, fertilization can take place anywhere in the city, as long as there is mating. Mortals who are parents are then “honored” in later rites, and may ingest larger doses of blood or even be chosen for the Embrace. Of course, everything can be just a theater, nothing real. It is no small reason that immortals were condemned by almost all vampires in the Mediterranean, when it was discovered that they did this. Carthage has become



a complete danger to any other civilization, as it has turned part of its citizens into a hive of half-vampires. Some say that the Tzimisce used much of that inspiration to create their Revenant families. Then they replied in the Carpathians. Carthage was an unsuccessful test.

usually believe in this point of view and can avoid spreading hatred among Families. It is better for Carthage’s behavioral control. However, the smartest believe that Jyhad is anywhere a vampire inhabits because vampires are Jyhad.

Organization of the Families

There are areas that belong to the Houses and there is a certain conflict when Cainitas of Families considered “non-grateful” appear. Usually conflicts that are then taken to the Senate for some atrocity that occurred. Each Family thinks and acts differently in relation to Carthage. If confraternities have their ideologies, so do Families. The reasons why some of them stayed or sought Carthage are as varied as possible.

Although the city’s political organization is centered on Houses, brotherhoods, positions and the Consillium Immortalem, Families are still, a little important. The rules are clear about vampires “abdicating” the concepts taught by their lineages, however it is an especially difficult task to carry out, especially for newcomers to Carthage. Others, which prioritize family Status, such as Lasombra or Guruhi, may be an impossible task to proclaim. Cainites have been educated since the Embrace to have an ideology to which they probably had attachment during their lifetime. Non-life is often an extension of this. Within the Carthage scene, immortals often tended, planned and spread strength to strengthen not only their Home, but their Family. The Ventrue say that the Houses were nothing more than “an excuse to pretend that your Family did not have a putrid past”. It is clear that they have a point. Despite thinking like this, this leads us to a question: Really, what is the difference between the Houses for Families? If it is not clear, besides a hierarchical difference, the fraternity does not prevent anyone from being part of the ideology. The brotherhood normally operates with a semi-democratic system of elections and all members normally have an active voice. In addition to fighting for an ideology that is for the benefit of immortals and Carthage. A Cainite’s loyalty to his family is expected to be the same with his brotherhood, but this is not always the case. Immortals avoid bringing “family” judgments or passing from lineage to lineage because this is normally viewed in a bad sign in Carthage. However, this social rule is somewhat hypocritical, since there is a strong prohibition and disadvantage to Ventrue in the city. In any case, keep in mind that there are indeed judgments based on lineages, but they are not normally exposed. If they are, mainly in the Consillium Immortalem, it is a crime that can be lost in office and hierarchy. Immortals at all costs avoid this kind of exposure of thoughts because they believe that Jyhad is repeated only thanks to ideological thoughts passed from lineages to offspring. Older Kindred see this as a tool. Younger vampires 78

In the next chapter you will be able to know, besides characters, the motivations for the stay of each of the Families in Carthage. Vampires belonging to Ventrue, Tzimisce and Malkav are almost irrelevant in the city. The Ventrue’s reason is linked to the Brujah hatred, while the Tzimisce simply have no interest in Carthage, besides for studying their behaviors and replying after. At the time, meat molders are vying for territory with Carpathian creatures. This makes them interested in strategies to make mortals stronger. The Malkavians appear from time to time in Carthage, but because they cannot get space due to their afilliation with the Ventrue vampires and strong influences in the city, they decided to search in other kingdoms. Also, the Malkavians are normally taken as a threat because of their ability to read the future. The Etruscans and Greeks were their targets for long centuries, while maintaining alliance with the Ventrue.

Sect Organization In Carthage, the need for ideological groups is almost non-existent. The Houses could be considered sects, since they preach different ideologies to the Kindred. However, the Houses are limited only to Carthage and nothing else. In addition, of course, to follow the hierarchy of morality and establishment in the city. They cannot and will not escape this policy rooted in the city. Sects, no. They can and most of the time will be independent. The sects seek greater goals than the Houses in Carthage and everything is really a “curtain” to smudge their true intentions. The sects defend real events and often do not care about Jyhad. There are exceptions from sects that are very attached to the roots of Vampiric politics, such as Dignataries Aurea. Even this still has its reasons beyond pure politics. All mentioned sects have one or more leaders. Some


of them do not have records of hierarchy or method of work, they are so secret. Others are well known and probably many have already interacted with them. In Carthage, sects seek to act independently, but are almost always subject to the city’s laws and traditions, which usually creates a scenario of conflict with the Consillium Immortalem. When these groups break the rules, much bigger problems arise. Some of the aforementioned sects have weakened over time or simply disappeared. There is no greater enemy for the Cainite than time, and time has led each of them to an end and a destination. It is possible to find remnants of them even centuries after the existence of the Sects or even to find immortals old enough to try to rebuild them or share knowledge with the younger ones. In any case, sects are a great narrative resource and can be used in different ways at any time.

Consillium Immortalem Founded by Troile, the Consillium Immortalem is the largest organization that governs Carthage. Its objective is clear, from the beginning: To transform Qart-Hadasht into the Third City and to keep this kingdom in operation. Order needs rules and for this reason, the Consillium Immortalem has systematized both the hierarchical functioning of immortals. Dozens of laws, positions and working methods have been created to maintain order and law, and everyone is subject to this. Critias once said that “The Consillium Immortalem is the physical representation of a fortress, materialized in politics”, and he was not wrong. Everyone must respect Carthage’s laws and failure to respect them will result in severe punishment. The sect’s authority is highest and no words can pass over the Consillium Immortalem. Nobody has this right and nobody will pass. No matter where the Kindred is from, he is subject to the authority of the Council as soon as he arrived in the city and for this reason the Consillium Immortalem can be configured as a sect. All Houses are under such authority and it is quite clear that city rules are part of the vampiric senate. The Council crushes its enemies and there are rare exceptions that manage to come out unscathed by challenging them. Some of the Ventrue are believed to have seen such expansion as detrimental to their plans in the Mediterranean, and in addition to the evidence of infernalism, they used the propaganda of a dictatorial regime to convince other immortals to embrace the cause of destroying Carthage. Over time the Consillium Immortalem became an invisible entity, but it still moves the game. They becam an idea. When introduced into a

forming mind, it is hardly taken away. Kindred will fight to defend him, even if unconsciously.

The Guardians of Eshmun There is no more difficult task than organizing a sect with little time remaining while its opponents have had centuries ahead of them. So it was with the Eshmun Envoys. During a period, they managed to get a lot of influence in Carthage due to its founder, a spectacular supernatural being. Initially, the Guardians of Eshmun aimed to match the Kindred political and supernatural power to prevent them from dominating Carthage in all ways. The sect was made up of mortals who refused to demean themselves to vampiric forces. Later they transformed into the Children of Silver. At the time, they were already weakened and years later they were dissolved. At its peak, the sect was facing vampires in the carthaginian senate, representing strong opposition to immortals. Sect members were deadly, however, wizards who had powerful abilities to confront vampires. They say Mago I was an Awakened sorcerer, who were capable to block the vampire powers easily. He gained power and transfered that power to his sect. Maybe if he was still alive, they could have done much more. Some still believe that Mago I has achieved immortality through spells and mystical knowledge and for this reason, even centuries after Carthage, sects like this have emerged to destroy the Vampires.

Collectoribus Caim While the Roman vampires used little of the influence that the Collectoribus Caim could have, the Punics had a strong appeal with the Sect. Collectoribus Caim was a union of Elder vampires, who came together to dispute information control with Dignataries Aurea. Unlike Dignataries Aurea, Collectoribus Caim chose to use the collection of history, artifacts and exploit them in its favor, without “outsourcing” the work carried out to the sect. Although there is a strong dispute of information between Dignataries Aurea and this sect, in times of need both tend to enter into agreements for multiple aid. The numerous resources of the Dignitaries are valuable to the Collectors, while for the Dignataries Aurea, the ancient power of the Collectoribus Cain is an overwhelming force that must be used. Their main opponents became Tal’Mahe’Ra and the Progenitors of the Awakening, two very powerful sects during classical antiquity. Unlike Dignataries Aurea, the Collectoribus Caim



was able to explore an area that no one would risk to conquer: the occult. Collectoribus Caim gradually became an organization to collect occultism, lost knowledge and protect them from the strong infernalist influence that flooded Carthage. After the fourth century BC, the Collectoribus Caim gradually distanced itself from Carthage’s reign, until they became independent from any hierarchical order in the city and gradually built up forces. The idealism created during the construction of the Third City never disappeared from the minds of Sect members, however its objective became much greater: to prevent important knowledge from being distanced from the hands of malicious vampires. Collectoribus Cain is said to be the sect responsible for hiding the Troile Sword.

Immortals and Coexistence Convention During the height of disputes in the Carthaginian Senate, the Immortals Convention was created, led as a powerful opposition to Moloch. The Immortals Convention aimed at total control of Carthage in order to combat the political interests of the Convention of Convenience. Obviously there were no fallacies in the city, of vampires spreading that would dominate Carthage


to turn mortals into their slaves, but in the end the main objective was complete dominion over the city. Vampires were “born” to be leaders and not live in harmony. On the other hand, the Coexistence Convention preached precisely harmony and coexistence. Moloch created it with the aim of manipulating mortals without making them uncomfortable or even knowing their intentions. The idea of ​​an ideological war where he would “support” humans was purely a mask for his innermost plans. Moloch’s religious influence managed to be strong enough to divide Carthage and eventually win the Immortals Convention. In both sects, the entry of a brotherhood was free, but there would be no way to redo the decision. The confreres only needed to agree and choose “one side” and fight for the same ideals. There was the possibility of independence or neutrality, as the Casa dos Alexandritas did. After the dissolution, the Immortals Convention became just a small group of vampires who try to sabotage the plans of the Houses that were against the sect. They are a secret group, which few have any idea of ​​whether it is still active or not. Unfortunately, for Carthage, this convention was successful and the Houses that participated gained greater power in Carthage after


the conflict. The Coexistence Convention has already been dissolved, however there are still some traces of its influence.

Dignataries Aurea Known as the “Golden Dignitaries”, this is one of Carthage’s most active sects. They are especially well known and often a headache for Consillium Immortalem. Dignitaries are not affiliated with the Carthaginian forces and act as an independent sect for exchanging information. They are believed to have eyes and ears at every corner and everywhere. In the last centuries, with the absence of Troile and Moloch, the strength of this sect has increased considerably. It is believed that they are responsible for most of the information exchanges that take place in the city. Their services are hired by the Houses frequently, which further hinders the dissolution of such a sect. While they may be enemies, they are necessary. Vampires who identify themselves as members of that sect pay a tribute to it, usually on information. Their services are performed on behalf of the sect, but they are often vampires who work independently and without major aid from the sect. Although the Nosferatu are the main Family that is infiltrated in Dignataries Aurea, vampires from other Families may be part of the sect. It does not mean that entry will be easy and the immortal will probably have to do a series of favors before he belongs to the sect. His loyalty will be tested, based on the sect’s three main policies. Leaving Dignataries Aurea is also another challenge, since the vampire must be cleared of any agreements he owes to members of the sect, in addition to making some agreements and pledges of non-betrayal. Nothing is as simple as it looks. Nobody gets in and out of Dignataries Aurea lightly. The sect has three very strict policies. The first involves the independence of its members: Every Dignee is independent and any help from the sect confabels a new favor in the responsibility of the independent. The sect never betrays the trust of its customers in relation to the requested missions, however it will act to the detriment of its customers if paid well. The sect does not take ideological, political sides nor does it actively act on mercenary missions. Dignataries Aurea has some locations and centers of activity across the Mediterranean. You can find them in markets, squares and mainly in the underground tunnels of Nosferatu. The Nosferatu Family has a

coexistence agreement thanks to Abey and Fassil, two former Nosferatu who represent the family in different ways. Abey acts as leader of the sect, while Fassil is said to be Mayor Nosferatu. This agreement allows Nosferatus to have an easier entry into the sect, but must still go through the same testing process. The sect works similarly to many families, without privileges. Treatments are the same and fair. Ventrue will have the same treatment as Brujah. What matters is respect for the sect’s policies. The relationship between Nosferatu and Dignataries Aurea is treated in a pragmatic way. Although they are from the same family, it does not mean that the services will be free. However, some Dignitaries usually charge cheaper services from Nosferatu. Needless to say, although they share space in the sewers, Kindred of other families cannot even get there. There are unwritten rules of treatment that only Nosferatu understand among themselves, regardless of sect. At some point, when looking for the sect, keep in mind that they will usually find you.

Progenitors of the Awakening First known as the Orphans, the Progenitors of the Awakening are a sect infiltrating Carthage and sent, directly by Nergal when he heard about Moloch’s presence within the city. While Moloch wants to make the sacrifices to keep the powerful demonic entities satisfied, the Progenitors are there to ruin their plans, solely and exclusively. Its ultimate goal is to awaken the powerful sleeping entities. Some of them, have the feared blood sorcery known as Striga and act against Moloch’s forces in the city. There is a tendency for Baali immortals to join the sect, but the Awakening Parents can and will corrupt those they see as interesting creatures to keep in control. Obviously, they will privilege those who have the greatest potential to cause destruction within the territory of Carthage. It is believed that exists three main divisions within the sect itself that are sent for different purposes. The Progenitors were very inspired by the Assamite castes, containing sorcerers, diplomats and warriors. A clear provocation to the Assamite elders, who normally, when he hears such a name, knows who he is referring to. But clearly, a wise strategy for their pourposes. The Progenitors of the Awakening act against Carthage, along with demonic pacts and other Cainites who aim to see the total destruction of Carthage. Some believe that Tryphosa and Cybele were probably active members of the Progenitors. This sect is secret and was created exclusively to stop Moloch during the height of Carthage. After the fall of Carthage, the Progenitors hunted



down weakened vampires and fled the city’s destroyed territories. The Progenitors were dissolved after the fall of the Roman Empire.

Backgrounds in Carthage There is no better resource in the non-life of a Cainite than a well-used Background. In Carthage, some background changes are slightly changed to accommodate the rules and structure of the scenario. Generation, Resources and Status are slightly different. Their usefulness, however, remains almost the same as before. The descriptions are the biggest change present, and the cost of the Background also remains.

Status Status is linked to its relevance in Carthage. Most of the time your home is the only way to ascend to greater relevance. The higher a character’s Status, the more well recognized and respected he is within the city. Status characters are also heard more often and sometimes their Status can set the tone within a Senate vote. Foreign characters cannot have this Background to be recognized as members of a brotherhood and citizens of Carthage. His deeds are not discarded and he is still known and respected for what he did or for those outside the city, but he will not have a voice in Carthage. The same works for vampires who belong to Carthage and wish to use their City Status outside it.

• Citizen: You are recognized as immortal in Carthage. Possibly already part of some House. •• Respected: You probably acquired a small position within your fellowship and are respected by the members there. Otherwise, he is respected as someone who had such a responsibility. ••• Influent: They say that you are close to the leadership of a House. Perhaps you are a Priest or a Brátso. Before other eyes you are someone who must be heard. •••• Representant: Overlord, Sage of the Coin or Prosecutor, you have an extremely respected 82

influence in Carthage. You have active voice in the senate. ••••• Líder: You are probably an Herald or Diskastís. Your votes in the Senate are decisive and after Monarch, you are probably one of Carthage’s most respected immortals. Status 6 is tied to the Monarch. Characters who become members of such relevant positions receive this Status automatically. It is a challenge to reach that stage.

Resources Carthage was once the richest city in the world. There is evidence of this, but there is confusion as to how the city’s currency system really worked. Carthage initially used the drachma system as its primary currency. Drachmas could be made of silver or bronze, having different weights. The bronze drachma was heavier than the silver one and therefore had more value. The value of coins was defined by their weight and, the heavier, the more valuable. Later, when Carthage became the richest power in the world, the shekel was added as the main currency. In Carthage a shekel was made of gold and was the most valuable currency, as it weighed more than the drachma. Drachmas were normally used for less relevant businesses, such as local trade, sales, etc. The shekel, however, was used for a larger scale, such as financing the construction of an establishment, large sea and commercial expeditions, paying a large scale for employees, and so on. From 4th BC, Carthage started to produce electrum coins, which mixed silver with gold and the electrum shekel replaced bronze. The silver coin weighed about 11g, while the bronze coin weighed 17g. The electrum weighed 27g. The gold coin weighed 44g. For simplicity, a gold shekel is equivalent to


ten electrum coins. Consider that the electrum is Hoplite (Centurions) equivalent to twenty bronze drachmas. Finally, one There are no centuries in Carthage, since they bronze drachma is equivalent to forty silver drachmas. were Roman inventions, however the military has an armada known as hoplite. During classical antiquity, • Poor: You have enough to own a hoplites were the most feared warriors before the small house in Carthage and you are sometimes centurions came. Typically, hoplites were equipped hungry. You have no stable income and possibly with spears up to 6m away, swords, copper helmets just a small bag with up to ten silver and one bronze as well as pectorals and metal shields. With great agility, Carthage’s hoplites were able to destroy entire drachma. troops before they even approached them. •• Common: You own a family home. Unlike Rome, where anyone who obtains influence You must be a worker, with one or two helpers and get enough wealth to feed a family. It is likely that and resources will be able to recruit them, in Carthage you have a small bag with up to ten bronze drachmas one can only obtain such an Antecedent if it is directly and a chest with almost 400 silver drachmas. If you linked to public office. Naturally, a small group of go bankrupt, you would be able to support yourself hoplites was provided to a politician for reasons of for a month, saving money. Weekly, you earn up to protection. These hoplites could accompany him on excursions to other cities, however it would be 72 silver drachmas or 1 bronze drachma. under the politician’s obligation to pay for them ••• Commerciant: You probably already during the trip. It is mandatory that a character has have some employees and pay them considerably. minimal Influence 1 to purchase this background. You have one or two shops, live well and have a comfortable home. You have a small group of employees who work for you. You have up to five • Your personal guard is a pair of two well-prepared electrum coins, a hundred bronze drachmas, plus a hoplites. thousand silver drachmas. Every week, you receive •• Your personal guard can have up to five wellup to seven bronze coins and more than 200 silver prepared hoplites. coins. If your employees work hard, you may be able ••• Ten hoplites have been provided to you to to get up to a coin or two of electrum in a month. protect you (Requires Influence 2). If you lost everything, you could live well for up to •••• Fifteen hoplites are at your disposal (Requires a year, with no savings. Influence 3). •••• Rich: You are rich. In the markets, you probably have two of the best stores or perhaps ••••• Twenty hoplites accompany him daily to be an entire set of the common ones. You probably his swords and shields, ready to protect them from have dozens of employees, one or two extremely any danger (Requires Influence 4). comfortable houses. Some say you could risk a big Generation mansion just outside Carthage. You have dozens Carthage is divided between historical periods, of gold coins, hundreds of electrum coins and which allows for great variation in the generational thousands of drachmas. Your wealth is enough for order of vampires. Consider that in chronicles you to live up to ten years comfortably if you stopped that are prior to the 5th century BC, the youngest working. vampires are in the 10th Generation. With the ••••• Golden Boy: You could build a religious growth, mass Embrace rites destabilized golden palace and there would still be resources left the “natural order” of immortals. Chronicles that for you to build another one. You have an immense are located after the fifth century must consider that amount of business, most of the merchant ships are vampires reached the 12th Generation of Caine, probably yours and the port fees are in your hands. with the lowest generation available to players being Even if you lose everything, you would still have the 7th Generation. enough resources to support your family’s costly expenses for up to three generations. It is irrelevant to define how much you own in currencies. • Ninth Generation: 14 blood points, FALL OF CARTHAGE


you can spend 2 blood points per turn. •• Eigth Generation: 15 blood points, you can spend 3 blood points per turn.

for the empire and for the entire population, as long as he convinces part of the senators. Add the antecedent Influence on all social moves involving the policy of Carthage.

••• Seventh Generation: 20 blood points, you can spend 4 blood points per turn and • Little influent. You have the right to vote have Characteristics up to 6 points. •••• Sith Generation: 30 blood points, and possibly are a member of the People’s Assembly. you can spend 6 blood points per turn and have Maybe you will vote when Senators are bored enough to do nothing. Characteristics up to 7 points.

••••• Fifth Generation: 40 blood points, •• Moderately influential. You may have been promoted to a higher position, capable of you can spend 8 blood points per turn. running some area of the city. You may be in an administrative position, such as a tax collector or a Nota: Do not forget that the table above is suitable for the religious commissioner. initial Carthage scenario (before 600 BC). Other scenarios ••• Position of influence. You are possibly a should follow the recommendation to start with the 12th member of the Senate, otherwise you are an official Generation and if so, just follow the padronized rules by or diplomat who represents the laws of the Senate. Vampire: The Classical Era, 20th Anniversary Edition. Your position can already somehow command an area in the city region like wine, ships, armoury and Influence etc. In Carthage, politics is somewhat different from Rome. Everything is decided directly in the capital of the empire and in some cities, there is a small senate or council that sends requests for decisions to the capital. In smaller cities, it is even possible to hold administrative positions and run the small city senate, however it is especially difficult to influence the empire from a small city. Carthage’s lowest positions are related to the People’s Assembly, which votes when the Senate has not made a decision or when there is a very large division there. The assembly may even suggest laws and decisions, which are sometimes heard. Then, administrative positions operate in the city, capable of creating small sanctions, perhaps taking away some rights, punishing or suggesting obligations to citizens, direct to the senate. When a character becomes a member of the Senate, the scenario changes a lot, as he is getting closer and closer to being one of the decision makers for the city and regional. It is a position of respectable influence. Above the senate are judges. They are largely responsible for what is or is not approved in Carthage. There are usually a group of five to ten judges and if the character is not in that position, his word is likely to be heard as such. Members at this level are senatorial leaders, capable of influencing most senators in a few words. Finally, an imperial leader or direct advisor to a suffete is almost unbeatable. It is especially complicated to testify against a senator with such influence and it is probably a trap to do so. At this level, the senator can make decisions 84

•••• Ample personal power. In addition to being a member of the Senate, you can be a member of the Pentarcas, a group of Carthage judges who are able to oversee laws. Others could decorate you as a state supervisor, operating as a writer of laws or similar influence. It is possible that many of the decisions in other cities and even Carthage are within reach. ••••• Very influential, an imperial leader. You could be a direct adviser to Suffete or the King, influencing the primary decisions of the entire empire.

New Knowledge: Numismatics Occupying important hierarchical positions such as the Sófos-Numismata or acting as a scholar may require Numismatics knowledge, especially in Carthage. Numismatics knowledge is one of the secondary skills created for Vampire: The Classical Age, 20th Anniversary Edition. Numismatics involves a study of the coins in Carthage, knowing their values and knowing how to compare their due amounts. In addition to that Immortal Coins are usually analyzed for this knowledge. Making a coin, falsifying, identifying values, weight and veracity of the immortal currency may require this skill. Naturally, any Numismatic Sophos has such knowledge.

• Poor. Some say you mistake the coins for random pieces of metal found in your pocket.


•• Mediocre. You could know some basic measures used by Casa de Numu for making coins. ••• Good. You could indicate some errors and even correct them, also identifying some of the brotherhood symbols, carved on the coins.

old), which left your Physical Attributes undeveloped and made your interaction with certain layers of mortal society difficult. You cannot have more than two points in Strength and Stamina, except when you increase them by spending blood points, and the difficulties of all checks made to try to control or direct adult mortals are increased by two. This defect also includes the effects of the short stature defect, so no character can have both.

•••• Specialist. Your skill is remarkable. Minimal errors are noticeable to you. They say that Equidna’s Childe (Physical Flaw, 4 points): At some you are responsible for creating, correcting and point, your physical form was deformed. Whether for making new currencies. There are no brotherhood symbols that you don’t know and the measurements Embrace, for some poorly performed ritual, a Baali curse or even being tortured by an Assamite. You are are on the tip of your tongue. ••••• Teacher. They say you are the creator of the coins. The patterns used for creating the coins may have been suggested or even created by you. Owned by: Numismatas, Sófos-Numismata, Merchants, some Cainites or counterfeiters Specialties: Counterfeiting, currency measurements, brotherhood symbols, weight, different values, etc.

New Merits and Flaws As in Rome, Merits and Defects are also available in Carthage. All of these characteristics can be altered at the narrator’s charge for the best progress of the chronicle and serve only as an example for a chronicle in Cartago. Melqart’s Fury (Physical Merit, 5 points): It is common knowledge that immortals belonging to the Brujah have a natural susceptibility to the Frenzy. Thinking about it that some Carthage warriors learned to centralize their thoughts, channeling their inner anger to purge the Beast at will. With this Merit, the immortal can concentrate for one turn, expending one point of Willpower and immediately enter Frenzy. In addition to receiving the normal effects of that fury, the vampire gains control over his Beast for an amount of turns equivalent to his control Virtue (be it Instinct, Self-Control or Wisdom).

horrible and incredibly monstrous. Your skin is probably deformed, the fluids that were once in your body are projected outwards, you have deformations in various parts of the body and you may smell an unexplainable odor.

Now your physical form reflects the Beast that roars within you. Characters with this Flaw look like wild or repulsive monsters and have an Appearance value of zero. All social tests while failing automatically, with the exception of Intimidation, which has the values reduced by two points. Nosferatu cannot buy this defect because they already have it as their Family Weakness. Aristocratic Lineage (Social Merit, 2 points): You were born into a noble and well-known family of aristocrats. His blood still runs in his veins, albeit altered by Cain’s blood. Although you may have lost any title or land that would be yours if you were still alive, you still retain your inheritance (and perhaps your family name). This reflects favorably with those who value a good birth and aristocratic lineage (like most people in Carthage). You get -1 for all social difficulties when dealing with those who would be impressed by your lineage and on all etiquette and behavior rolls in the Carthaginian Senate.

During these turns, the character can only use Physical Disciplines, however he has +2 to Strength, +1 to Dexterity and +2 to Stamina. The most destructive consequence happens when the turns of control are over. This hability cannot be used if the character is already in Frenesi by any other reason. The character must make a check to calm his inner Beast, with +2 difficulty (to a maximum of 9). Only one success is needed, however.

Sacred Band of Carthage Contact (Social Merit, 3 points): You have contact with a soldier who belongs to the Sacred Band of Carthage. The soldiers of the Sacred Band are an especially well-armed military group, all belonging to the aristocratic lineages. The Sacred Band of Carthage is the largest and best armed company in Carthage, which is there to defend the most important men in politics. You can ask your ally to do some work for you, using your influence. However he must ask for something in return. This ally is an exceptional human and will possibly get what he wants.

Child (Physical Flaw, 3 points): The Embrace Rituals were quite punitive for you, because when you were Embraced, you were still a child (between 5 and 10 years

Recruited by the Sacred Band (Social Merit, 3 or 6 points):With three points, you are a former soldier of the Sacred Band. This means that in social situations



where other citizens of Carthage know your name, you get +2 dice in social tests. You are respected and can be heard in the senate on military matters. With six points you are still part of the military group. In addition to the social bonuses, you can enjoy the equipment guaranteed by the senate to the Sacred Band, being the best weapons and armor in Carthage. If you are smart, you will be able to convince some members of the Sacred Band to carry out missions with you, but of course everyone will demand payments. In addition, you receive a senatorial contribution sufficient so that you will never be in need. As long as you are an active member of Sacred Band, your Resources will never drop to less than two points. Characters with this Merit should automatically purchase Aristocratic Lineage, by two points.

penalties in Carthage, however you will not have any protection from the state. Characters with this Flaw will only be able to acquire Background Status and Influence by spending 5x the standard score, plus they will always be recognized as ex-outsiders and will have +1 more difficulty in social tests with anyone who knows of such condition.

Numeda Contractor (Social Merit, 2, 4 or 6 points): One Numeda owes you for some reason and you hired him. The power level of this Numeda is according to the points spent on this Merit. With two points, Numeda is a Neophyte, while with four points the character is Ancilla. With six points he will have the power of an Elder. The powers and characteristics of this character are under the storyteller’s responsibility. Be careful, after paying the debt he will charge for future services or, if you conquer his fury... He will take revenge.

Ventrue Family (Social Flaw, 7 points): The Ventrues are not citizens of Carthage because of a clear rivalry against the Brujah. This is reflected in the way they are treated in the city. In social tests with vampires who know of their offspring, the difficulty increases by two. In addition, the preference is always to harm you and even in a “fair” trial, the culprit would be you.

Immortal Lover (Social Merit, 5 points): You are in a relationship very similar to a marriage with another vampire. Married couples present the benefits of the True Love quality to each other. Your consort is probably equal to you in power and status, but together you represent a formidable “front”. You would kill and die for each other, and may Melqart protect the fool who stands between you or hurt your beloved. Public Enemy (Social Flaw, 2 or 3 Points): Perhaps you were excited about one of the debates within the Senate, whether vampiric or Carthaginian and publicly offended a Carthage citizen. You declared your rivalry to the man and now you pay the price for it. You have a political opponent who is prepared to harm you within the Senate and will strive to make it happen. With two points, this defect is limited to mortals only, but with three points this defect includes a Cainite as a public enemy. Remember that members of the senate know about such enmity and can try to influence one or the other. Non-Citizen (Social Flaw, 4 points): You may have lost your citizenship due to mistakes made in the past or you were no longer a citizen of Carthage. In any situation, the results are catastrophic for you. You are subject to 86

Excommunicated (Social Flaw, 4 points): You are not part of the Rites because you openly declared your disinterest in the traditions created by immortals. The Herald, furious, made a point of expelling you and now all those who are faithful to the rites see your with evil eyes. Add +3 difficulty to any social tests performed on mortals and immortals who are active members of the rites performed in Carthage. Soon you may be “gifted” with one or two enemies.

Even if you belong to a House, your character is the scum and the immortals will insist on ruining your plans. The most putrid Baali is considered a saint by your side. You will hardly get any assistance and will probably have to deal with your problems alone. Ventrue characters acquire this defect automatically. Traveller (Mental Merit, 2 points): Before arriving in Carthage, you traveled around the world, saw many different cities and met with many members. There is a chance that you will recognize the name of a vampire from another city when you hear it. This is an intelligence roll (difficulty 10 minus the vampire’s Status). Punishment of Ba’al-Shammen (Mental Merit, 4 points): The Gods probably hate you and you don’t even know it. Although theories exist about your conditions, you probably acquired them through some Baali or ritual that caused this type of conduct. Every night you are plagued by an insatiable thirst for the blood of other creatures. Every time you taste someone else’s blood, you must make a Self-Control roll (difficulty 8, maximum of 10) or you will fall into a Starvation Frenzy and do anything to drink as much blood as possible. Once in a while you find yourself thinking about other Cainites, especially about the taste of the immortal Vitae, as containers of blood instead of Kindred like you. Prophetic Visions (Supernatural Merit, 3 points):


You have prophetic visions that reveal the future to you. Unlike Auspex, these visions come only when they want to and you have no command over them. The character can have a vision that will reveal an important piece of the events of that story. The vision, however, is enigmatic and does not deliver ready-made answers. When the Storyteller thinks you are in a position to see an omen, he will ask you to make a Perception + Occult roll, with a difficulty equivalent to the degree of exposure of the omen. If successful, you can make an Intelligence + Occult roll to interpret what you saw, the difficulty again depending on the complexity of the omen. Demonic Contact (Supernatural Merit, 3 points): You have a demonic contact who comes to visit you to exchange favors. Both you and the demon can make pacts and agreements. It does not mean that they are friends, but that they act in favor of each other, for a certain price. In rare moments, this demon helps you with some complicated task, but it doesn’t mean that he likes you. He will charge for most services. Cheating on him is an unwise decision, as he will make an enemy for the rest of his non-life. Revealing such an alliance is also a mistake, since no one will approve of such a contact and possibly try to sabotage it. Member of the Bastions of Ugliness (Supernatural Merit, 5 points): You managed to be recruited for your skills to participate in the Bastions of Ugliness. The elite group of Nosferatu now counts on you to carry out the main missions for the Nosferatu. Once per session, you can make a Charisma + Streetwise roll (difficulty 8) to see if you receive any valuable information related to Dignataries Aurea or the Bastions of Ugliness. Your privilege allows you to only get information because you are a member of this important group. It must be remembered that the bastions are an elite group, not a sect and are likely to receive missions worthy of their power. Players of this quality are required to perform services for Fassil, the Guardian of the Nosferatu. Otherwise, they may lose it. The storyteller is responsible for the information he receives, but he can also dispense with rolling when he does not bring advances to the chronicle. Neonates are discouraged from acquiring this Merit. True Name Holder (Supernatural Merit, 7 points): You believe you are one step closer to discovering a demon’s real name. Perhaps you have already discovered it, maybe even the name you came for doesn’t even work. But if it is true, you will probably have a slave on hand if you know how to use it. The demon’s characteristics must be in charge of the storyteller, but keep in mind that when you FALL OF CARTHAGE


use the name, you will probably get a cunning enemy. Animate Shadow (Supernatural Flaw, 3 points): Your shadow has a bizarre unlife of its own, reaching out with claws to grasp the shadows of those around you in a parody of feeding or billowing to a demonic mien when frenzy threatens to overtake you. Some Lasombra believe this curse afflicts only those who delve too deeply into the mysticism of the Abyss, other vampires attribute it to infernal pacts, the wrath of God or a shameful lack of self-control. Regardless, you lose two dice from all Social rolls with other Lasombra who know of your problem. This Flaw occasionally manifests among vampires who do not belong to the Family of Shadows, but such accursed individuals invariably disappear under mysterious circumstances, perhaps swallowed by their own alien darkness. Reflex of Death (Supernatural defect, 3 points): Por for some reason, your character generates a poor reflection. Your reflection always shows the state of decomposition you would be in if you were dead. Any vampire older than a few decades of age generates the reflection of an advanced skeleton. Younger vampires appear as rotten corpses. Demonic Enemy (Supernatural Flaw, 3 points): You either practiced hellish diablerie and then tried to break the bonds, or you angered hellish diabolists, whether Baali or deadly cultists. Whatever the case, you are the target of a demon’s evil efforts. This demon constantly tries to cause all kinds of problems for you, but it will hardly be powerful enough to face you directly. Demon-hounded (Supernatural Flaw, 1 to 4 points): A demon from below has taken a special interest in you. It appears to you occasionally, using threats, bribes or honeyed words to win you to its cause. Sometimes it just asks you to perform innocuous favors. Sometimes it asks you to become its eternal servant. Sometimes it offers favors or information without any apparent catch. In any case, it is not your interests it serves, but those of its diabolical masters. For some reason, the demon sees you as an especially useful tool for ensnaring the mortal souls it craves, and although it may occasionally provide you with a short-term benefit, you are disposable to it. At some point in the chronicle, it is likely to try to dispose of you in some decidedly uncomfortable fashion. The details of the demon and its personality are largely up to the Storyteller, but the point level determines some generalities. With 1 point, this may be minor demon, like an annoying imp, incapable of doing anything more than distracting you, 88

thieving small items and pleading for souls. Its plans are unimpressive, but they can be frustrating. With 4 points, the demon is a greater creature is your physical equal, and it can concoct horribly devious plans to make you its slave. Light-Sensitive (Supernatural Flaw, 5 points): You are even more sensitive to sunlight than other vampires are. Sunlight causes double normal damage, and the light of the moon can cause lethal damage in a manner similar to the sun, though it must shine directly upon your skin. Followers of Set and Lasombra, who are already light-sensitive due to clan weakness, may take this Flaw to represent especially acute sensitivity. They double the augmented damage that the sun causes to a member of their clan Demonic Patron (Supernatural Flaw, 5 points): You made a poorly thought-out pact with a demon much more powerful than you and this demon is now your Patron. This demon charges you for much more services than it gives you benefits, and when it does, it is not enough. He explores you in the best possible ways and this nightmare seems far from over. However, sometimes this demon frees your face from any problems that you cannot deal with. Some achievements still impress him and the Patron sometimes teaches him something of value like any lesser knoelwdge, Daimonion or some Blood Sorcery. The relationship of both is a mystery because it is not possible to know if he has any appreciation for you or just wants to quench your infernal sadism. Harbinger of the Abyss (Supernatural Flaw, 6 points): You are a conduit to the ultimate darkness that lies Beyond. Lights dim in your presence and shadows rustle at the edge of vision in dire anticipation of your blasphemy. Small fires extinguish when you draw close and the chill of the Void is in your touch. Your player must roll your Obtenebration, Daimonion or any dark sorcery rating against the soak difficulty of any mundane flame within 2 meters/yards of you. This roll is reflexive and mandatory, and success extinguishes the flame. This dimming is in addition to suffering the effects of Touch of Frost and Eerie Presence (Vampire the Classical Era, p 422). The Flaw conveys one benefit: Your unnatural radiance reduces the difficulty of all Intimidation rolls by 3, to a minimum difficulty of 4. Characters must have at least one dot of those Disciplines listed before to purchase this Flaw. Curse of Hades (Supernatural Flaw, 7 points): This Flaw is connected to some powerful curse that awakened in you. Perhaps your character’s Obtenebration is awakening these effects or perhaps you have such a powerful connection to demons when using Daimonion that created this evil aura. Maybe your necromantic sorcery “gifted” you or


even became old enough, like a Matuselah, empowering the Caine’s Curse in your blood. Anyway, you exude the spiritual blight of death. Insects die if they fly too near you, while most small plants shrivel and die within a foot of your presence. Even large trees take on blight in the places you touch. Larger animals, including humans, suffer one level of lethal damage for every hour they spend in close proximity to you. Such damage has no outward sign, manifesting as inexplicable weakness. This curse also sets mortals and even vampires ill at ease, adding 1 to the difficulty of all Social rolls not involving Intimidation. Unlike the Flaw Touch of Frost, you really do leave a swath of desiccated grass and leaves as you pass. Cappadocians and Mla Watu vampires may take this Flaw in place of their normal Family curse, in which case they receive only two points and suffer their usual social or other difficulties, but may vainly show a “Blush of Life” if they so desire. Cappadocians who take this Flaw in addition to their clan curse receive the usual number of bonus points and cumulatively sum their Social penalties, adding +2 to the difficulty of all Social rolls not involving Intimidation. Antediluvian’s Thirst (Supernatural Flaw, 10 points): Perhaps you are over two thousand years old, or you have ingested the powerful vitae of a member of the 4th or perhaps 3rd generation. Whatever the reason, you were completely cursed. Simple mortal blood has no effect on you, the supernatural must be extremely powerful to nourish you. Your hunger is insatiable and you live a constant nightmare. Your Beast cries out for forces you can’t handle or have to fight to cope. With this Flaw, your character cannot feed on vampires who are not at least 5th generation. The blood of supernatural creatures like werewolves only satiate half of what you consume, the fairies have lost nectar and whenever you eat, you get only one point of blood from them. Demons,

however, are a full plate for you! Their vitae is delicious and guarantees strength for many days. Be careful from who will you eat. Storytellers are encouraged to give the ten points for the defect to players who choose this challenge, leaving the standard limit of a maximum of 7 points of defect. This defect is discouraged for Neophytes, Ancillae and even younger Elders, due to the level of difficulty.

New Bloodlines Carthage has grown enough to attract the attention of strains. From the True Brujah to African lineages, known as “Vampiric Legacies”, the Laibon. Although these vampires were not commonly found in the Mediterranean, they were quite present in Carthage, even disputing influences with the main Families. The chance they won to compete for influence was mainly because immortals in the city chose to choose brotherhoods instead of Family, at least try. Carthage was a full plate for African lineages or other Families that were not as prominent in any other city. Perhaps for this reason that attracted the attention of so many vampires, in addition to being considered the Third City and presenting a “coexistence” between mortals and vampires. In this book, two new varieties are available for the Salubri, the Warriors and the Guardians. Both strains, especially important for the Family and Carthage. In addition to them, the Guruhi, the Akunanse and the Mla Watu, Laibon vampires with their respective ties to the Families commonly known on the European continent. Each lineage presents a new characteristic, unique stories and important events to further enhance your gambling in Carthage or the Classical Era.



“When you accept that your greatest enemy is the Beast, Jyhad will soon become just a game for children” In distant times, the story that the end of the world already happened ran from Sire to Child among the Akunanse. Legends say that these vampires are actually remnants of the last end of time. They are the pillars and the reorganization of the civilization. So, when the first Akunanse was Embraced, the responsibility for caging the Beast was passed on to him. The Akunanse could never establish themselves in a single territory because they were condemned to feel the Beast more than anyone. Their burden would be passed on to the entire bloodline, so that the order among the immortals would remain intact. At least that’s what some vampires in this Legacy believe. Before Carthage, The main stories about the existence of vampires in the territories of the African continent were still unfounded. Always full of rumors. The arrival of the Akunanse was confirmation for many that vampires did not exist only in the Mediterranean, but in another part of the world, still unexplored. Initially introduced as explorers, these vampires roam the unknown territories collecting all the 90

knowledge they can. They are travelers by nature and never stay in the same territory for a long time. The Akunanse have settled across the Mediterranean to protect knowledge. Most of them know that the end of time will happen again someday and for this reason they fight to avoid it. Others, however, struggle to make it happen because they believe that this is how leadership will be in the hands of these vampires. Nickname: Wanderers, Remnants Disciplines: Abombwe, Animalism and Fortitude. Weaknessess: The Beast is an opponent of every Kindred. Gangrel are brutally affected by it when in Frenzy, however the Akunanse constantly feel the power of the Beast. The Akunanse Beast cries out for a type of food, just as a predator seeks its prey according to its hunger. As soon as the Akunanse awakens, in addition to the need for vitae brought by mortals, he will have to consume an animal of the type that his Beast desires. This request is so intense that it cannot be denied, otherwise the Beast will manifest its presence in Akunanse. For every night the Akunanse does not find, feed or refuses to obey their Beast, one bestial characteristic of the prey they want to feed will appear. If the Akunanse’s Beast wants a bird and he doesnt feed of one, in that


night he may manifest feathers, a bird beak or bird eyes. Only after he feeds of the chosen animal, he may get rid of those characteristics. The animal chosen is usually an animal known to the region, however Akunanse who change territory may miss an animal from their former region. Normally these vampires carry one or another animal from the region in which they live with them until they adapt to the change of territory. The Akunanse gains one animal feature per night. He can grown up to five characteristics, however when he arrives at the farm, Akunanse loses a permanent point in one of his Social Attributes and gains a permanent animal characteristic. The Akunanse scholars say that this frequent manifestation of the Beast comes about through the agreement they have with it in manifesting Abombwe’s powers. It is believed that by controlling the Beast’s impulses so well to transform them into strength, the Akunanse also often coexists with the Beast’s weaknesses. Appearance: There is a very clear distinction in the way a young Akunanse behaves in relation to an elder. The young Akunanse looks for mortals like his friends, still trying to maintain a sense of mortality that is gradually disappearing. Young people do not accept the loss of humanity for bestiality very well, even if this does not involve being tamed by the Beast, but by acquiring social characteristics. On the other side of the coin, the Akunanse elders prefer to use animals as their best friends. They start to behave like animals, creating an empathic relationship, almost like a bond with them. It is likely that an elderly Akunanse already has some permanent animal characteristics, to the point of not being able to relate to mortals as well. Therefore, this situation generates comfort when being among its equals. Haven: Accustomed to traveling a lot, the Akunanse usually maintain dozens of refuges. The youngest, still inexperienced, seek one or another refuge, but the older ones leave more than one refuge in the same region. Like the beasts, the Akunanse protect this territory with Retainers (ghouls or animals), with traps or hide it very well, so that no one can find them. It is also common for their Herd to live within their refuges, especially when

inside cities. The Akunanse always look for ways to not be discovered. Background: Driven by their Beast, the Akunanse are commonly travellers. Their Beast aways asks for new animals and after they feed from all of the animals from that area, they must search for a new one. It’s rare for a Akunanse stops only in one place. They may return after a few years of travelling, but they never settle. That’s why they became storytellers, collecting the knowledges of the mortals, exploring new lands and leaning new histories. They usually embrace mortals who are familiarized to travel or from the regions they’ve passed. They like to meet new people because this means they may learn new knowledges. Altough the Akunanse usually chooses a mortal who had empathy with them and has the characteristics listed before. Character Creation: Usually due to their bestial nature, the Akunanse have a preference for Physical Attributes as primary. However, a predator cannot be an idiot and Mental Attributes almost always come as secondary. Their Habilities favor Knowledge (such as Popular Wisdom, Religion and Ritualistic) as primary, Talents (such as Empathy, Streetwise and Alertness) as secondary and Skills (such as Survival, Stealth and Crafts) as tertiary. O r g a n i z a t i o n : Un l i k e traditional Akunanse, who have no known organization, the Akunanse managed to meet in Carthage. By forming ties with the Gangrel, their clan brothers, the Akunanse were able to settle in Carthage and form an internal sect, belonging to the two Families only. Knowing that they always need to travel, but that they always want to return to their territories, the Akunanse created an occultism exchange sect, where they assist the Gangrel of Carthage. When they are away from the city, the Gangrel assume as leaders to assist them. It is natural that from time to time they switch positions, “lending” temporary leadership to each other. The most influential Kindred believe that Collectoribus Caim was founded by the Akunanse together with the Gangrel, however the sext too protected to know if they were really the geniuses behind the sect.



“Sit and listen, child. Now you obey my command and satisfy my desire. I am the king and you will respect me.” The story of a king is not only built on victories and glories. Defeats are what make kings strong, powerful, and prepared. Kings also fall. They also suffer. They also get beat up. But above all, kings show resilience, leadership and command. These are certainly your greatest weapons and this is the Legacy of the Guruhi.

was empathetic, restrained and persuasive. Your missions? Guard the continent from the awesome dangers that existed inside and outside it. Be the leaders that immortals like them will need in times of need. Since that time, the Guruhi have not only united tribes in search of protection from danger, but have taken on the burden of guiding races to glory. Even if they claim to be bearers of order, these immortals know that such an achievement is far from happening and that is why they need hard work.

Millennia ago, when the forgotten continent was still an obscured fog of mortals hiding from the abominable creatures that inhabited those lands, the first Guruhi appeared. T h r o u g h darkness, the Matriarch spawned three kings. The three kings were actually three brothers. Two men, one woman. At the time, Protestants to inherit the great throne of the continent and become responsible for creating peace and guiding peoples to eternity. The Matriarch chose them for their qualities, which represented the characteristics of kings.

The name Qart-Hadasht could be heard from the most distant parts of the continent. Knowing about the city’s fame, Guruhi members moved there to bring order and progress to the capital. The Guruhi saw in Carthage not only the opportunity to be inspired by their own cities, but the opportunity to do what they have always sought. That is why they seek the command of Carthage, opening a margin for control of the Mediterranean.

The eldest was undaunted, a born and determined leader. The middle sister was responsible, wise and strategic. While the youngest 92

Facing lesser dangers in the Mediterranean than on the African continent, some Guruhi imposed themselves the mission of conquering territories


there, being able to create facilities and bases for their own lineage and if they ever need, have somewhere to go to. Nickname: Kings Disciplines: Animalism, Potence and Presence. Weaknessess: Knowing the Guruhi is a parent clan of the Nosferatu, their weakness would be similar. The Guruhi are driven by the mood of their Beasts. Their appearance changes when they sleep. Once per day the Guruhi makes a Self-Control, Instinct or Wisdom (difficulty 8) roll to tame their Beast. If they have a success, the Beast does not manifest in his appearance in that night. This resistance consumes an extra point of blood when they wake up. However, if they fail, their Appearance Attribute drops to zero, but they do not spend an extra blood point. Appearance: The Guruhi changes their Appearance constantly. They can change from monstruous to angelical and that is part of their weakness, but does not prevent them to prepare for the changes. Normally, a Guruhi tries to be part of the ambient he lives and to dress as his appearance. When it comes to its monstrous appearance, the Guruhi can dress up like a poor man or a leper, using old and torn rags. When in his standard appearance, normally beautiful, the Guruhi dresses in the best clothes, the best fabrics and colors, representing the power he wishes for his opponents. Haven: Known as Kings, the Guruhi likes a beaulty palace, house or fortress. They like to show power in front of strangers. Their haven is choose wisefully because of their weaknessess and the Guruhi cannot risk to let other mortals to see his monstruous appearance. In Carthage, it’s not different. These vampires spends their time on their large homes of the finest neighborhoods. Background: Their bloodlines comes from greatness in their home, Africa. So, their childe will be great before its embrace. The Guruhi aways watch for their childe before embracing them. They put their efforts testing every situation of their chosen one to see if its sucessor has the capabilities of being a Cainite. This does not mean monetary success, but the hability to evolve itself in every situation, place or need. Their childe must be diverse and adaptable because of its constant change from appearances.

Character Creation: Guruhi characters usually tend to choose Physical Attributes in primaries, in the case of judges. However, Guruhi who get involved in politics prefer Socials as their primary. In any case, Mental Attributes tend to be secondary, as Guruhi highly value wisdom. It is preferable for a Guruhi to prioritize his Knowledges Habilities rather than his Talents, for example. Organization: As in Africa, the Guruhi of Carthage maintained their original organization. There are two segments of this bloodline. The first one redeem their original purpose. They believe their clan were chosen by God to lead the vampires into greatness. The second segment evolves the Guruhi who believes they are judges of the Cainites. Their mission is to kill or punish those who break the laws among the Cainites. When a Guruhi follows the first segment, he is most likely to approach from political games, trying to gain power for their clan. Their motivations can change, but every one of them are influenced by their beliefs. Their legends says that they were meant to rule together with the judges, but they have grown differently to the point that it was not possible to follow that. Although the Guruhi are split into these two segments, they treat each other with respect. Obviously, this only maintains when they are personally close to each other. After that, this may not happen and the two segments may try to kill each other, but it’s the behavior of the legacy. The Guruhi and the Nosferatu: Although the Nosferatu who know about the existence of the Guruhi claim that they are nothing more than a lineage, no Guruhi will admit to such an insult. On the Guruhi, the Matriarch imposed on them the duty to defend and bring order to the immortals and they are fulfilling their mission, since no one is able to carry this position but them. The Guruhi do not even correlate their curse with the Nosferatu and do not even believe that there is a connection between the two. It would be offensive to admit that the Nosferatu, treated most of the time as outcasts, are descendants of a Family as powerful and respectable as the Guruhi.



“If death is the mystery of life, then the one who controls it, tames life. If immortality allows us to control both, then we are guardians of life and death.” The erudites say that the antiquity of the Mla Watu surpasses the antiquity of the Cappadocians, because their history is more related to the Antediluvian than their newer brothers. In the distant past, after the fall of the Second City, Ashur’s search for the world of the dead has become incessant. Ashur traveled to the African continent in search of answers and left his marks there. Even before Ashur expanded what we know today as Cappadocia, he had already embraced the first Mla Watu. Ashur left it as a mission that his African offspring sought to understand death through its control. His goal was that the more Cainites there were at his side, searching for similar forms of understanding, the faster he would reach the goal. However Ashur did not teach his secrets to his African offspring, leaving them to discover what death means to them. Teaching a repeated path would be to fail and Ashur would certainly not repeat it. 94

The Mla Watu then created their own conception of death and life, based on their oldest rites and religions. However, unlike shamans, priests and spiritual leaders who sought religion as a source of help for the living, the Mla Watu sought death as a tool. They created their own knowledge and organization, but not forgetting their main objective. They focus on control death to tame life. Thats why they have immortality. It is said that the Mla Watu never met Ashur or his Cappadocian brothers and Carthage was the first contact created, including by the exchange of experience between them. There are members of this lineage who do not even know who their creator was. The Mla Watu of Carthage, however, changed their point of view in part after some conversations with their Cappadocian brothers and for this reason they started to work differently. However, it is always possible to find someone who works the old way. Just search. Nickname: Death Bearers Disciplines: Animalism, Dominate, and Necromancy. Weaknessess: It is possible to state that the Mla Watu are the clearest stereotype of the vampire. They have to sleep in coffins, tombs or graves. The erudites say that their empathy with death, their studies forces them to do so. Other vampire scholars says that this is a curse given by the God of the Underworld when he gave them the task of guarding


the the living and the dead. Whatever the reason, the Mla Watu cannot recover Willpower points unless they sleep in one of these three types of locations. In addition, Mla Watu have an early aging, as their appearance becomes cadaverous for each century of unlife. For each century of unlife, the difficulty for any check of Appearance raises by one, to a maximum of 9. Elder Mla Watu are commonly associated with corpses. However, they can they can take advantage of this, as each century reduces the difficulty of hiding between corpses in one, to a minimum of 4. Appearance: As their brothers Capadoccian, the Mla Watu share the same social weakness. They are commonly associated with corpses, however for them this is not always a cause for shame or fear. Some Mla Watu associate death as a sign of power. These vampires believe that if you can dominate death, then you can are a master of life. However these immortals are divided into two behaviors. There are those who dress with the best utensils, clothes of noble fabrics and pose as kings. Their selfconfidence is complete and they really believe in you. On the other hand, there are Mla Watu who can no longer associate with other creatures than the dead and this affects them psychologically, making them literally dress like bodies. Elders normally hide among the corpses of the Carthage necropolis. Refuge: Usually lonely, Mla Watu has unique refuges. Naturally, an Mla Watu seeks to create a refuge that contains the needs he seeks, in addition to having a field of studies there. Necromancers necromancers, the Mla Watu usually have an entire room for scholarships. It is common to find artifacts of the dead or the living, such as skeletons, tapestry, skulls, among others that bring the sensation desired by Mla Watu. In addition, they often use books as notes of their knowledge, if they do not bring the books of their master or older vampires. It is common to find closed scrolls in a refuge for a Cainite like this. Background: The Mla Watu do not seek the understanding of death as Cappadocians do, however the Mla Watu has a duty to death and life. For this reason, they seek to learn mastery over it so that they can tame

life. Whether this duty is going to be done well or not is the vampire’s responsibility. For this reason, when a Sire is looking for a childe, he searches for a mortal who can adapt to the curious profile of the world. Someone who normally seeks answers or someone who would to be a good guardian of death and life. These would be the most well-known stereotypes. There are other reasons for embracing a new mortal. Teach a lesson, need a servant, or even fight the dead. There are no restrictions other than that the mortal must be intelligent. For Mla Watu, this is his main focus of his embrace. Character Creation: Mental, Physical and Social Attributes. It is in this order of preference that vampires of this legacy seek to have their mortal spawns. Although they have time, Mla Watu hate to lose it to futility, so they choose offspring that will bring them results. Children that show to be “leaning”, without initiative or that give too much work end up abandoned. Usually the Habilities vary. Occultism, Heart Wisdom, Medicine, Philosophy, Religion, Awareness and others. It doesn’t matter as long as the childe has the above listed characteristics. Organization: In Carthage, the Mla Watu are divided. There are those who changed their point of view after talking to their blood brothers, Cappadocia and started to work for the dead, but using them to reach a conclusion and there are those who see nothing more than mere tools. The dead are slaves and must be used for the living. This makes the work between them somewhat difficult, since many debates are generated in Carthage about the procedures used. However, this does not matter. In the end, all Mla Watu work together towards a single goal. Even if there are differences, even with his Cappadocian brothers, respect is multiple and present. There are no family lines, but there are debates. There are studies and conversations. Diplomacy reigns between them and they respect each other because Ashur is their creator. Simply. In a conflict, this union generates strength because both will help each other as they can.



“Peace can be won... Through war. Decisions are not made without will. Change is not made without pain. And there is no peace without war. Become your own war.” Since the times before the Second City, when Enoch was still the largest concentration of immortals, the warrior Salubri exist to completely eliminate the enemies of the Cainites, be they vampires or other creatures. At the time, healers were responsible for salvation, while warriors were the bearers of death and destruction. Some assumed the roles of judges, even though members of the Assamites were already considered to be in charge of the tasks of the trial. The creation of Salubri warriors only became possible when Samiel, Saulot’s most powerful child was trained to destroy his enemies. Samiel learned the art of combat from the best Antediluvians of the time. Gangrel and Brujah, probably Ilyes and not Troile, were his tutors. Samiel’s first test was to wander the Lands of Nod unarmed and return alive after 30 nights. Just like that, Samiel was ready. It was not long after Enoch’s fall from the flood and the founding of the second city, even when the Baali were a little-known threat, that the first 96

version of the Code of the Warrior was being written by Samiel. This, which is the great base for Salubri warriors. The Baali Wars, however, occupied the time and affairs of all immortals of the time. The Salubri even had to unite with brothers who detested to fight the demonic forces that invaded those lands. Although many thought otherwise, the destruction of the Second City had been a good event, as Samiel brought together almost all of his and Saulot’s descendants in the small city, then known as Jerusalem, to establish an organization. In Jerusalem, seeking to recover from the damage suffered after the fall of the immortal city, Samiel rewrote and finalized the Code of Samiel, updating it to the teachings of the time. When the Abode of Peace was founded, Samiel was able to put all the plans of the immortal Salubri warriors into practice and train them so that the Baali forces would never be able to touch the earth plane again. Not only did they fortify the city to transform it into an impassable fortress, but the Salubri kept themselves hidden in hard training. Samiel sought the greatest weapons from his descendants, even learning to use the power of angels. The warrior caste grew strong, first with the objective of eliminating only the Baali forces, but later


with the objective of eliminating any and all opponents of mortals. The Cainites were no longer a priority for the warrior Salubri, only brothers of the same Family. The rise of the great kingdoms had been the starting point. The warrior Salubri were sent to the great capitals of the world, where they would have checkpoints, exchanges of information together with their brother healers and some Nkulu-Zao to defend them. The Salubri of this caste infiltrated the policies of each city and tried to bring about raw and cold change. Although they were not as radical as their Nkulu-Zao brothers, the warriors learned to manage within each city and to lose some moral barriers to work as defenders of mortals. Carthage was no different. Nickname: Defenders, Kin-Slayers Disciplines: Auspex, Fortitude or Potence, Valeren (Warrior Path). Warriors are capable of enduring terrific amounts of punishment, and those who spent time as ghouled warriors often have a knowledge of Potence as well. Weaknessess: If a Salubri learns but one dot of Valeren, she manifests the Discipline’s signature third eye. Salubri Warriors must test their strength and establish martial dominance, they must succeed on a Willpower roll (difficulty 6) if they attempt to feed on someone whom they have not vanquished in a fight, or suffer a two-die penalty on all rolls for the rest of the night. This may be defined as a duel to the death, or a simple brawl to Incapacitated. A few Warrior Herds comprise of companions who’ve been beaten down in the training yard. Character Creation: Physical Attributes are invariably primary, especially Strength and Stamina. Swordsmanship is prized amongst the Salubri, and no deliberatelyEmbraced Warrior has less than two dots in a Combat Ability. Multiple Languages are strikingly common Retainers act as warriors and fighting men. It is common for Salubri of this caste to have a tendency to unite in secret societies of warriors and influential mortals, where in addition to possessing information, they gain the economic benefits of society itself. Some even

act as “loan sharks” for needy immortals. It is common to see that warriors seek Philosophies of Honor and Justice, such as the Philosophy of Hades or the Thinker. However, Philosophies like Numu, Blood or Destruction are not so uncommon for those who wish to simply close the fate of the bastards with their desire for revenge. Do not confuse things! Although fair, most warriors tend to be merciless to their enemies precisely because they have been trained to do so. Appearance: No Warrior receives the Embrace without having seen the battle for the first time. Without exception, warriors must be ready for war. They carry weapons and keep well-groomed armor close at hand, as well as bandanas and scarves to hide their clan’s third eye. Some carry the garments of their respective societies or neutral tones within them, usually to pass unnoticed by any crowd. Haven: There is no preference for places, just refuges with space to practice their arts. Organization: It is common for warriors, although separated by sects or secret societies, to always keep in touch with each other. Loyalty among the warrior Salubri tends to be almost unshakable, although this is not always the case. There is a tendency for traditionalist behavior among them, always teaching Samiel’s laws. Every warrior remains for a time as a Ghoul before being transformed into immortals. Of course, they also undergo painful training processes until they are deserving of the blessing of immortality and Samiel. When they are not in cities, it is very common to see them on pilgrimages to Jerusalem. From time to time, the warrior Salubri return to the Abode of Peace to transmit all their discoveries, this when they do not send their ghouls or messengers. Warriors are extremely respectful of the Salubri hierarchy. This rigidity is related to an almost military treatment of each other. In their domains, they may act as soldiers with their clanmates. But it is also common to see them treating each other outside their domains as longtime friends. Becoming an ally of a warrior Salubri can be an arduous task, but definitely worthwhile.



“What is the problem with using the same weapons as the enemy? It is for the greater good! You don’t win a dishonest dispute with honesty.” Salubri are commonly known to be reputed to be “good guys”, protectors of mortals and the just. True, but not for the Nkulu-Zao. When the Second City fell, Saulot had noticed that the presence of the Jyhad, of an unbelief given to the Salubri and that the Baali infiltrations had destroyed the plans of the Cainites. Saulot knew at that moment that he would need someone to be a guardian of the Salubri. In this way, Saulot Embraced the Nkulu-Zao while studying possible paths to Golconda, in Africa. Saulot understood that the Cainites and mortals had the Salubri to protect them, but if he were not present, who would be the support of the Salubri themselves? They assumed a mission considered impossible, disrespected by some and teased by others. Being a guardian is a burden, a responsibility. It is not as if Saulot did not trust his family’s warriors and healers to be incapable, but that he believed there was something missing. They needed more assistance. The Nkulu Zao would be this aid. The Nkulu Zao were kept in Africa for a long time so that other Cainites, the Europeans, were unaware of their presence. It is almost impossible to find an opponent when you are unaware of his existence. They would simply act like Salubri, in case anyone suspected. When they were among the Europeans, they would be infiltrated, they would protect the Family even before other forces thought to attack them. They would be the mind, those who would think ahead and ultimately, they would be the shield of the Salubri. The Nkulu Zao are guardians, ruthless 98

protectors who do whatever it takes to prevent their Salubri brothers from being destroyed. Conspiring vampires who knew of their existence believe that Saulot predicted something in the future, creating the Nkulu Zao as a record, so that the Salubri would not be lost in oblivion if they were destroyed. Others say that this record took place while Saulot created the Zao-Xue in Asia, centuries later with a similar goal, but to collect the history and save it for the Salubri. It is no wonder that the Zao-Xue are powerful there. Saulot allowed them both to use the same Valeren line as they have similar paths. Both are supports for the Salubri. Both do their duty well. There are some rumors that the Nkulu-Zao are beginning to change their path, seeking to learn the powers of the Salubri Healer, in order to manipulate the souls of their targets in a practical way. Nickname: Protectors, Soustealers (pejorative) Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate or Obfuscate, Valeren (Guardian Path). Weaknessess: If a Nkulu-Zao learns but one dot of Valeren, she manifests the Discipline’s signature third eye. While for some Salubri, the best way to feed is with a victim who is willing to do so, for Nkulu-Zao it is the other way around. Perhaps the Nkulu-Zao’s mission to become protectors of the Salubri at any cost has distorted their minds. Nkulu-Zao can only feed on victims who are in extreme pain, agony and preferably, reluctant or resistant to their attempt to feed. If seen by your Salubri brothers, the Nkulu-Zao will most certainly


be considered degenerates. It may seem easy for a vampire to find this kind of prey, however, for Nkulu-Zao it is an internal struggle. For in most cases may mentally torture, extort or intimidate a victim so that it works, which can make him perform Virtue and Humanity tests frequently. Feeding in any other way inhibits Nkulu-Zao from regaining Willpower for that night. Appearance: As the known Salubri, the Nkulu-Zao also has the third eye. They’re normally associated with arabians by the way they dresss, but that’s usually a tatic of the Nkulu-Zao to camouflage themselves in the environment. Haven: Any location that gives you a strategic advantage over an opponent of any kind is enough for Nkulu-Zao. They do not seek refuge meticulously and are practical. Usually these vampires think about how the location helps them to achieve their goal. Background: If there is a goodness in the Nkulu-Zao, that goodness is linked to their Embrace. Usually the Nkulu-Zao embrace people who are lost in life. Their goal is to teach people to have a goal, a bigger goal than what they believe in for themselves. They are people who will be taught what sacrifice is, what it is to work in the shadows so that the good prevails and to dirty their own morality for the good of others. The Nkulu-Zao embrace people who have not had a chance and consider that the hug is a chance to become important. It is helping you to get out of your mediocre life.

Character Creation: Mental, Social and Physical are the main order used by the Nkulu-Zao, altough there are other who make the Physical Attributes their second one. One thing to keep in mind is that these vampires aways put their Mental in primary. There are two kinds of Nkulu-Zao. Those who prefer to act undercover by his Obfuscate and those who like to use their social at their favour. Both of them preserve Occultism, Heart Wisdom and Ritualistics, because this helps them to know who thei’re dealing with. But, the infiltrators, who acts undercover normally uses Stealth, Athletics, Awareness and Empathy for their missions. A Nkulu-Zao who uses Dominate, privileges Subterfuge, Intimidation, Empathy and Leadership. Organization: In Carthage, the Nkulu-Zao created a small sect together with a select few Assamites, in support of the city’s destruction. Through the shadows, Assamites and Nkulu-Zao unite to eliminate a target, dominate a ghoul, or take any other action that delays the work of a vampire who agrees with what the city has become. However, the organization of the Nkulu-Zao is very dependent on how many there are in the city. If there is a pair, they will work together. If there is another Salubri, there will be an attempt at union. If there are more than three, then they form a group and so on. However, this organization is talked about and there are no written or said rules for creating it. It all comes from the vampires themselves.




CHAPTER KINDRED AMONG US “Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat” - Alchias, to Lysander

Important Figures During its heyday, Carthage had almost sixty vampires, who lived in politics with mortals. So many characters can often be disposable. However, there are those that really stand out and can keep the story going. They are important personalities, who occasionally appear as the main figures in Carthage. The narrator must know how to use them. Powerful characters like Troile, Tanit, Moloch, Malek, Amon and others are a real nightmare if misused. During sessions, consider using them only when necessary. Vampires like these don’t waste time wandering around the city looking for reasons to cause problems. They are key pieces of your chronicle and if used lightly, they lose their value and respect. As a narrator, you can change everything listed here, including character sheets. The narrator is also encouraged to create his own characters for the advancement of the chronicle in Carthage. To facilitate the understanding of elder characters, reading Elders: The Guide for Old Vampires is recommended. The guide explains in detail the behavior of the elder. The Troile character sheet used there is different from the version used in the Carthage scenario, as the Carthage scenario assumes that Troile did not make the diablerie.

Assamite The coming of the Sons of Haqim to Carthage was

mainly due to the longing and need for importance that the Assamites had. Its history confined to Alamut resulted in an exploration of new lands and an introduction to Jyhad. In Carthage, the Assamites conquered their own home and space. It is very difficult to imagine that the judges could be corrupted, but some of them fell on the dark side that the Baali brought to Carthage. However, most Assamites gave up on the city and only returned afterwards to destroy it. In 422 BC, the Assamites still have an interest in Carthage’s success. Some of them already see ideals that are far from reality, but believe that they can save the city. The Assamites lost a lot of respect after the fall of Malek, former Carthage Diskastís. Some positions have been vetoed indirectly and it is more difficult to get them with the Baali influence growing so much. Gradually, the Assamites are losing influence, while their brotherhood is clinging to an ideal that is gradually lost. Others have already given up and started to act as mercenaries, working as Númedas or with other services.

Malek al-Baddour

Former Diskastís and Overlord from the House of Haqim History: The Assamite non-life is certainly full of rules and appeal to traditionalism. At least, it was. Malek only became truly important in Carthage, building his reputation in the city’s history, after all he spent much of his vampire experience in Alamut or traveling through the Middle East. Malek’s Creator saw in the healer a potential to develop a



form of Cainite healing in addition to the gifts properly taught by Haqim and Cain. When he was ready, Malek could assist his Lord in discovering secrets that were to be discovered. At the time, Haqim was conducting expeditions in order to perfect Alamut’s defenses. Despite all the training, research and searches, Malek was not content with how the Assamites were content to let only the Mayor of the Family work for them. This discomfort was not just for Malek, but for some of his brothers. Not only did he see it as a waste of time and potential to leave almost all Assamites imprisoned in Alamut, he also understood that a standing empire is a failed empire, and Malek took this thought away from the fall of the Hittites. Ideas of exploring the world blossomed in Malek’s mind. To escape Alamut would certainly be dishonor and complete betrayal. Gradually, Malek joined with part of his brothers who had similar desires in a meeting to leave Alamut. The Old Man of the Mountain at the time granted them permission to know the world and gain strength for the Assamites. The world was an infinite place and his desires were insatiable. Malek traveled through the Middle East with his brothers.

use witchcraft for their own defense. Malek taught mortal blood sorcery, believing it to be one of the proper strategies to eliminate Moloch’s servants and revolted mortals. Refuge: Malek takes refuge in Megara, in one of the simplest houses in the region. The house where he takes refuge, however, has a hidden underground room. Over there, Malek performs his rituals, plans his steps and rests during the days. Influence: Malek achieved real influence among Eshmun’s Envoys, becoming an authority figure among the sect’s mortals. However, unlike Moloch, his influence among mortals was small. Some of the military groups respected him, but Malek had some difficulties in positioning himself among mortals for his partial way of dealing with challenges.

The group learned the languages ​​of the Kingdom of Tire when they settled there and divided into two groups. Malek’s group had discovered about Qart-Hadasht, fascinated by the fame of a city as developed as this one. The other group, had discovered the Peloponnese and their fascination was caged by the philosophies discovered by the Greeks. Malek and his group went to Carthage in search of innovation and for centuries, the city has become their new home. Image: After the removal of Carthage’s leader, Malek went on to change his clothes. Always using many cloths that cover their weapons and amulets. Malek usually uses colors that blend into Carthage’s nighttime atmosphere. Interpretation Tips: You believe that you rewarded your Family for opening doors in Carthage. You are partial in many cases, pending your plans and missions for the benefit of the Assamites. When dealing with people, such partiality can be turned into social conflicts, since most plans must be carried out your way. However, you are not a fool and do not express your thoughts openly, but act when necessary. Even without permission from those who have higher status than yours. Its most recent objective involves recovering the lost leadership in Carthage, no matter the means. Secrets: Since the beginning of the conflicts with Moloch, Malek was responsible for teaching mortals to 102

Destiny: Some immortals believe in Malek’s death. Others believe that Assamite ran away cowardly. However, Malek became a member of Eshmun’s Envoys and later, of the Children of Silver. Assamite went on to work secretly among mortals, looking for ways to topple Moloch from the leadership. Malek already knew what Moloch truly was, but he knew his opponent and facing him in a direct confrontation would be suicide. Assamita, however, sought to seek political solutions. S ire: Unknown. Embrace: 1202 BC Nature: Autocrat

Demeanor: Competidor

Generation: 7th Generation. Apparent Age: by the 30’s


Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3, Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2, Perception 5, Intelligence 4 e Wits 4. Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Brawl 2, Expression 2, Empathy 1, Intimidation 1, Leadership 3, Streetwise 1 and Subterfuge 2. Skills: Crafts 2, Archery 2, Etiquette 1, Performance 2, Melee 4, Ride 2, Stealth 3 e Survival 1. Knowledges: Academics 3, Enigmas 4, Investigation 4, Heart Wisdom 3, Law 1, Medicine 5, Occult 4, Politics 2, Ritualistics 4 and Religion 2 (Phoenician). Disciplines: Dur-An-Ki 5, Auspex 4, Quietus 4, Celerity 3, Obfuscate 3 and Presence 2 Dur-An-Ki Paths: Path of the Guardian 5, Path of Vitality 4 Rituals: Defense of the Sacred Haven, Domain of Life, Purity of Blood, Deflection of Wooden Doom, Preserve Blood, Protection Circle (Cainites, Ghouls), Walk Through Blood, Mystical Sense, Samirah’s Kihanah and Walk Trough Fire. Backgrounds: Status 5, Contacts 3, Influence 3 (Guardians of Eshmun), Resources 2, Allies 2 Virtues: Conviction 3, Self-control 5, Courage 3. Morality: Philosophy of Hades 5. Willpower: 6 Derangements: Nero’s Disease [Blood Sweat] Merits and Flaws: Daredevil (Physical Merit, 3 points), Favor (Social Merit, 2 points), Enemy [Moloch] (Social Flaw, 5 points) and Excommunicated (Social Flaw, 4 points) .

Baali It would be strange to say that the Baali have influence, since there is no organization in its own right as a Family or Clan. However, the House of Baal was responsible for the unification of evil. More and more, Baali vampires grow in Status, power and influence. Although they are moderately populous, the Baali manage to corrupt more Cainite brothers to think exactly as they do. The trigger for this avalanche of corruption was after the Philosophy of Sin was taught to the Cainite brothers. The Baali have an Herald as their religious leader. In the current “government” of Monarch Himilcar, one of its Inspectors is also a Baali.

Ba’al-Hammon, the Protector of Carthage

Troile’s Lover, former Monarch and Herald, member and creator of the House of Ba’al History: Even though it seems that Moloch is completely malicious, the version of the story is completely different. Moloch was embraced from an accident, along with two other Baali. Its creator, until then, is not known who it really was, however it is known that Moloch adopted the path of infernalism as a burden. Moloch understood the powers of the Baali as tools to fight his brother Nergal, who saw hell as a weapon to bring about the destruction of everything and everyone. Moloch then studied hellishly as he worked hard to face Nergal. Perhaps Moloch’s failure was to think that it was possible to control the chaos of powers and demonic evil. In Carthage, Moloch was actually fighting to prevent a greater evil from happening. Moloch created the sacrifice rituals because he believed that sacrificing a considerable number of mortals would prevent the fury of demons infinitely superior to vampires from coming to Earth. Moloch was also working to create forms of containment and defense against his brother Nergal. Image: Always well dressed, with the best fabrics, Moloch is described as a man with a long, curly beard. His hair is dark in color, curly. His skin is brown and his eyes are brown. Moloch is a man of medium height, with a thick voice, but melodious and with fit physique. Interpretation Tips: You are manipulative and charismatic. Usually a born strategist, who is always thinking two steps ahead. You are smart and smart. However, his age takes away his patience against those who try to hinder his plans by mere arrogance. You hate this type of behavior and especially those that are driven by small desires and offal. Possibly acts like these are responsible for forcing you to cause the destruction of some Cainites. Finally, you think that you can control the infernal forces, but little by little they have been taken by them with such power that you are increasingly surrendered to the infernal ways. Secrets: In addition to his past, Moloch is linked with Troile. In addition, the Rites of Immortalization, Blood and Fertilization are purely frames for their purposes. Moloch is using them to sacrifice children and babies to greater demons from the underworld. Refuge: With the exception of the Palace of the Immortals, which has its own chambers prepared with deadly traps to protect it, inside the Port of Helena there



are some hidden rooms, which Moloch takes advantage of when he can. Influence: Former Monarch, Former Herald and now a religious leader, Moloch is a famous figure in Carthage. Recognized as a God, all figure-believing mortals are automatically susceptible to his words. Destiny: Moloch is losing his consciousness to the Beast. His fall is inevitable, as is Troile’s. Moloch can no longer feed on mortals, having to enjoy only supernatural blood. Your addiction to vitae will be your downfall. Sire: Saulot or Ashur. Embrace: c. de 3900 BC Nature: Survivor

Demeanor: Chameleon

Generation: 4th Generation. Apparent Age: Unknown. Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 6, Charisma 8, Manipulation 7, Appearance 4, Perception 6, Intelligence 7 e Wits 5. Talents: Alertness 6, Athletics 4, Awareness 6, Brawl 2, Expression 7 (Inspiration, Encouragement, Idealization), Empathy 5 (Mortal Psichology, Cainite Demeanor), Intimidation 5, Leadership 6, Streetwise 4 and Subterfuge 7 (Convincing, Trustworthy). Skills: Animal Ken 2, Crafts 4 (Religious Architecture), Archery 1, Etiquette 5 (Traditions), Melee 5, Performance 6 (Ritual), Ride 3, Stealth 4 e Survival 4.

Merits and Flaws: Strong Blood (Supernatural Merit, 5 points), Iron Will (Mental Merit, 3 points), Leadership of Alexander (Social Merit, 1 point), Nightmares (Mental Flaw, 2 points), Cursed Mark (Supernatural Flaw, 2 points), Demon-hounded (Supernatural Flaw, 4 points) and Antedilluvian’s Thirst (Supernatural Flaw, 10 points).

Tanit, the Goddess of Carthage

Troile’s Lover, former Monarch, Overlord and founder of the House of Artificers History: Embraced by her beauty and fidelity, Moloch saw in Tanit someone he could count on. Tanit was a true ally and someone worth having around. Her convictions were her Lord’s convictions for a long time. Tanit believed in the same ideals and worked together with Moloch to avoid the terrible fate that everyone could face with demons acting among mortals. When she met Troile. Tanit saw the opportunity to make her goal a reality. Someone with the power of Troile, if put to good use, could be a huge weapon in her hands. Tanit manipulated Troile for centuries, with the aim of creating a city and handing it over to his Sire. Someone with the power of Troile was too valuable to roam the Middle East without even knowing how to change his own clothes. Tanit then took on the role of tutor, lover, friend. Whatever it took to conquer Troile and who knows, conquer his powers.

Knowledges: Academics 3, Investigation 5, Heart Wisdom 5, Law 5/6 (Tyre, Carthage), Medicine 4, Occult 8, Politics 6, Ritualistics 5, Philosophy 4/5 (Politics, Society) and Religion 6 (Punic, roman and greek) Backgrounds: Status 6, Herd 6 (Congregation), Influence 5 (Religion), Retainers 5, Contacts 5 (Senate, Priests), Resources 5, Fame 4 (Ba’al-Hammon, God of the Phoenician Empire) and Hoplite 4 Disciplines: Daimonion 9, Auspex 8, Presence 7, Obfuscate 6, Fortitude 6, Dominate 5, Dur-An-Ki 5, Celerity 4, Vicissitude 4 and Animalism 2. Dur-An-Ki Paths: Magic of Curses 5, Magic of Climate Control 4, Path of Djinn’s Bless 4 Virtues: Conviction 3, Instinct 2, Courage 5. Morality: Philosophy of Sin 3. Willpower: 8 Derangements: Compulsion [He MUST sacrifice], Phlegm [Desensitization] 104

Image: Tanit is literally an incarnated Divinity. The texture of your skin recalls the best satins, with a small aroma of herbs and incense that Tanit passes. Its curves, very well designed, almost like a living sculpture. Tanit lavishes riches on the way he dresses, with the best clothes,


usually with colors that represent the nobility. In addition to clothes, the use of jewelry, tiaras and utensils that show their wealth are part of the composition.

Influence: Before being imprisoned, Tanit influenced Carthage and the surrounding area. Then, when she freed, she began to influence Tyre.

Interpretation Tips: You are a living Divinity. There is no mortal as beautiful as you in this world. Mortals worship her when they are not enchanted by deciphering all aspects of her image. Usually, quietly, you only refer to those who are really important to your plans or those you can take advantage of. Lower subjects don’t even deserve to hear your voice. You hate the inferiority that many have. Everything has become boring for you, but Carthage’s plans have been a reopening of your non-life. You believe in Carthage and will fulfill your ideal.

Destiny: Tanit must be released from the stake in her heart and make a decision. Either Tanit will seek vengeance against Troile or he will flee to Tyre and try to recover the city for himself.

Secrets: Tanit is manipulating Troile. All that she really wants is to take the city and offer it to Moloch, her Sire. Deeper secrets indicate that Tanit would plan to diablerize Troile.

Sire: Moloch (Ba’al-Hammon) Embrace: c. 2200 de BC Nature: Director

Demeanor: Idealist

Generation: 5th Generation. Apparent Age: mid 30’s. Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3, Charisma 6, Manipulation 7, Appearance 6, Perception 4, Intelligence 4 e Wits 5. Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 2, Awareness 5, Brawl 3, Expression 5 (Diplomacy, Clarification), Empathy 3,

Refuge: Citadel of Byrsa.

New Discipline Power •••• The Summoning Ritual (Daimonion) Only experienced Baali can outright command the host of Hell with their accursed power, but even those of weaker blood can widen cracks in the Abyss to call forth a fiend. As with all infernal summoning rituals, the Baali must know the Celestial or True Name of the demon she wishes to summon. Armed with that name, the vampire may draw a circle of blood and invoke the fallen into the world. As an added benefit, the vampire can consecrate a potential host, prepared reliquary or location to make possession easier for the demon. This Discipline technique only summons demons; the vampire must find other means to control or bargain with the monsters she releases into the world. System: The vampire spends an hour preparing a circle of blood requiring five points of her own vitae. At the end of this ritual, the player rolls Intelligence + Ritualistics. The base difficulty is the demon’s Willpower rating +2 if the vampire uses the demon’s common name, or Willpower rating with a True Name. A difficulty above 10 makes the ritual impossible. A botch prevents the vampire from ever summoning the targeted demon with this Discipline technique. A failure means the vampire wasted the blood and effort, but she may try again with a new circle and a new attempt. Success opens a burning vortex in the center of the circle, from which the demon emerges. The demon ignores the pull of the Abyss for as long as it remains within the circle, or until sunlight touches the painted blood. Once either of these conditions takes place, the circle loses all power and the demon must contend with the weight of Hell. Preparing a host, reliquary or demesne requires the vampire to paint unholy glyphs on the consecrated object or person using a point of her own vitae, while the player makes a separate Intelligence + Occult roll (difficulty 8). This preparation also takes one hour. Potential hosts must be willing or restrained for the ritual. Each success reduces the difficulty of the demon’s first attempt to possess the consecrated object or person by –1. As stated previously, this Discipline technique only summons demons and cannot compel their service. The Baali must use other magic or have mortal acolytes present to perform a standard binding ritual.



Intimidation 2, Leadership 5 (Inspiring), Streetwise 2 and Subterfuge 6 (Seduction, Convincing, Lie). Skills: Crafts 4 (Sculpting), Commerce 4 (Sea) Etiquette 4, Melee 2, Ride 4, Performance 6, Stealth 3. Knowledges: Academics 4, Enigmas 4, Investigation 3, Heart Wisdom 6, Law 4 (Carthage), Medicine 2, Occult 4, Politics 5, Ritualistics 2, Philosophy 3 (Emotions) and Religion 5 (Phoenician) Background (Before Exile): Status 6, Contacts 4 (Senate), Resources 5, Fame 4 (Goddess of Phoenician Empire), Retainers 4, Influence 4 (Politics) and Allies 2 (Monarch Family)

of behaving, always polite and bringing confidence to the youngest shows an unusual etiquette. When not in worship, Sahar wears simple, traveler’s clothes, with notes he carries with him wherever he goes.. Interpretation Tips: You are curious and studious. You are always looking for ways to discover, discover and improve not only yourself, but your studies. For you, the Beast is something that needs and should be explored, rather than chained. You seek answers to the unknown because others do not have the same courage as you.

Disciplines: Presence 8, Daimonion 6, Dominate 6, Obfuscate 5, Auspex 4, Fortitude 3, Celerity 1 and Animalism 2. Virtues: Conviction 4, Self-control 5, Courage 5. Morality: Philosophy of Divinity 8. Willpower: 7 Derangements: Eroticism Merits and Flaws: Minerva’s Sense (Supernatural Merit, 6 points), Efficient Digestion (Physical Merit, 3 points), Glamorous Voice (Social Merit, 2 points), Heavy Sleep (Mental Flaw, 1 point)

Other Baali of Note Tanitbaal-Sahar

Priest from the House of Ba’al, creator of the Philosophy of Sin Although Sahar’s story has already been told, the young man was born in the city of Phenicia in Tire. There, he served as a singer at the Melqart Temple. Sahar attracted Tanit with his oratory and beautiful voice, but what truly won the desire to make him immortal was his curiosity to find out. Tanit presented him with immortality so that Sahar could contribute to studies that would complement vampires. During his travels, before arriving in Carthage, Sahar visited the entire Middle East. He was a guest within several Clan strongholds, including Setite, Assamite, Brujah, and Tzimisce, being drawn to places of faith and knowledge despite the pain True Faith inflicted on him. In Carthage, he spent years in seclusion, compiling what he knew into what would become the main philosophies of the Philosophy of Sin and later evolving to the Road of Sin. Image: Young, handsome and polite. Sahar uses white and transparent robes most of the time. His way 106

Secrets: The Philosophy of Sin is not truly functional. You are still developing something that complements this, but no one knows. You have not yet discovered the true path to becoming a master in your Philosophy, but you are looking for it. They say, immortals have a tendency to go into a frenzy over this. Refuge: Sahar takes refuge in the Ba’al temple, in his study room. If not there, Sahar has another refuge near the industrial zone, hidden in one of the alleys. Influence: Named as Priest of the House of Ba’al, for the time he served, Sahar influences young people who follow not only the Philosophy he himself developed but also the members of the House of Ba’al. Sire: Tanit Embrace: 986 BC Nature: Philosopher Demeanor: Architect Generation: 6th Generation. Apparent Age: mid 20’s Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2, Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Appearance 4, Perception


3, Intelligence 5 e Wits 4. Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Awareness 4, Brawl 1, Expression 5, Empathy 4, Intimidation 2, Leadership 2, Streetwise 2 and Subterfuge 3. Skills: Etiquette 3, Melee 2, Performance 3, Ride 3, Stealth 4 e Survival 3. Knowledges: Academics 3, Investigation 4, Heart Wisdom 5, Law 2, Occult 3, Politics 4, Philosophy 4 (Enigmas, Society), Ritualistics 4 and Religion 5 (Phoenician Gods). Backgrounds: Contacts 3 (Scholars, Priests), Resources 3, Status 3, Retainers 2 (Explorers), Influence 2 Disciplines: Presence 5, Daimonion 4, Obfuscate 3, Celerity 2 and Auspex 1. Virtues: Conviction 5, Instinct 4, Courage 2. Morality: Philosophy of Sin 8. Willpower: 7 Merits and Flaws: Destiny (Supernatural Merit, 4 points), Traveller (Mental Merit, 2 points) and Demonic Enemy (Supernatural Flaw, 3 points)

Brujah There is no greater influence in the city than the Brujah influence. In some ways, it is as if a Brujah’s word has an especially greater weight than the others. The fact that Troile founded the city, even though he is absent, hidden, is a great achievement and a reason for flattery by the Brujah. During the polls, Monarch Himilcar, when participating, usually counts the votes of the Sovereign Brujah or any other as a priority. This kind of injustice often creates intrigues that would not even exist if it were not for the Monarch’s bad decisions. Although Himilcar is absent in most decisions, when it comes to a Brujah, he intrudes on his biased influence to solve the problem. The Brujah are treated as if they were the Ventrue when the Roman Empire reached its peak. Often other vampires measure words twice before disrespecting a Brujah. Bringing a Brujah to trial is, in most cases, almost an automatic loss to the other side.

Troile, Founder of Carthage

Former Monarch, Overlord, creator of the House of Philosophers, founder and protector of Carthage, leader of the phoenician and Antediluvian of the Brujah. History: There are no reports on his Embrace, on

what were Troile’s relations with his creator, Ilyes or Brujah. However, there are reports that at a certain moment, there was a rupture between the relationship of both, so that Troile committed the act to diablerie in its creator. What many do not know is that the act was subsequent to a series of attacks made with his sword, now known as the Troile Sword. Legend has it that the antediluvian’s blood touched the sword and that Troile was unable to fully diablerize it, losing part of her creator’s consciousness to the sword. Of course, they are legends. What matters is that de Troile destroyed his creator. Other sources believe that Troile consumed Antediluviano Ventrue in a courageous act in an attempt to protect the Second City. However, those closest to Troile believe that diablerie was not advantageous, as the Mayor was unable to profit from the acquired generation. There is no confirmation of which story is the true one. The destruction of Ilyes cost Troile a lot, who at the time did not understand much about what it was to be a powerful Cainite. Troile saw the Second City fall and without much power in his hands to fight voraciously, he fled at the end of the battle with his oldest offspring, at the time. However, the flight created a taint, as strong as a compulsion, that he could have done more. Troile wandered for centuries, beating herself with her young. The True Brujah Uprising took place and Troile fought against those who were once his brothers. Troile battled those who claimed to be the True Brujah with fervor, yet melancholy knocked daily at his door. Troile became fond of an idea of ​​the Third City. Troile traveled through the Middle East with her young, looking for ways to increase her performance and knowledge, to study possibilities of creating a city and Embracing new vampires. When Troile arrived in Tire, he met Tanit and Moloch, and Carthage’s story began, with his practical plans. Interpretation Tips: Troile must be spiteful, passionate, furious, but not out of control. Sometimes he is driven only by hunger, which makes im agrressive. There is a fine line that will have to be present between Troile being a man of great fury and at the same time presenting impeccable self-control. With great wisdom, the Antediluvian still has many dreams and believes that the Third City is getting closer and closer. Troile believes that there are no mistakes in her city and she has reached perfection. Troile himself became a spectator because he understood that he cannot control his hunger and fury anymore. In order not to destroy his lifework, Troile



left the leadership of Carthage. At the moment, his main goals are to acquire control of hunger before the Beast takes over his mind, to protect Carthage from his enemies and to stole completely the power from Ilyes that resides on his sword. Secrets: Troile is addicted to Cainite blood. Their relentless hunger is no longer sated simply by mortals. After all, his sword is a great secret that if discovered, will surely guarantee good enemies. Troile is also blood blonded with Moloch because of his vice. Influence: The entire city of Carthage and all the territories that belongs to Carthage. Refuge: The entire Citadel of Byrsa and the Palace of Imortals. Destiny: With the help of his childe, Menele, Troile may absorb the conscience of the sword. But Troile will also fall with his city and Moloch, being imprisoned into the soil for centuries after the destruction of Carthage. Image: Troile’s true appearance is unknown. This remains a mystery to this day, in Vampire: The Masquerade. The appearance of this character must be the responsibility of the storyteller, including assuming whether Troile is a woman or a man. Sire: Ilyes Embrace: circa 6.000 to 3.000 BC Nature: Rebel Demeanor: Architect/Survivor Generation: 4th Generation Apparent Age: by the 30’s Attributes: Strength 7, Dexterity 9, Stamina 8, Charisma 7, Manipulation 5, Appearance 5, Perception 7, Intelligence 6 e Wits 7. Talents: Alertness 8, Athletics 8, Awareness 6, Brawl 8, Expression 7, Empathy 6, Leadership 6, e Subterfuge 4. Skills: Animal Ken 3, Archery 6, Etiquette 4, Melee 9, Performance 5, Ride 5, Stealth 4 e Survival 4. Knowledges: Academics 7, Investigation 6, Heart Wisdom 5, Law 8 (Carthage, Phoenician Laws, Greek Laws), Medicine 6, Occult 7, Politics 8, Philosophy 5 (Enigmas) Ritualistics 3 and Religion 6 (Phoenician, Etruscan, Greek and Babylonic Polytheism) Backgrounds: Status 7 (Founder of Carthage), Resources 6, Contacts 5 (Senate, Priests, Monarchy), Influence 5 (Army of Carthage), Hoplite 5, Allies 5 (Senators), Retainers 4 and Herd 4. 108

Disciplines: Celerity ​​9 [10], Potence 9 [10], Auspex 7, Fortitude 7, Obfuscate 6, Presence 6 [10], Animalism 5, Dominate 5 and Protean 4. Virtues: Conviction 3, Instinct 5, Courage 5. Morality: Philosophy of Sin 4. Willpower: 10 Derangements: Melancholy [Overcompensation], Voices and Nero’s Disease [when using Sword of Troile] Merits and Flaws: Self-Confidence (Mental Merit, 5 points), Iron Will (Mental Merit, 3 points), Courage of Mars (Mental Merit, 3 points), Minerva’s Sense (Supernatural Merit, 3 points) and Celestial Atunement (Mental Merit, 1 point), Antedilluvian’s Thirst (Supernatural Flaw, 10 points) [caused by the Sword of Troile], Devourer of Souls (Supernatural Flaw, 4 points) and Conductor Objective [to Create the perfect city].

Sword of Troile Description: The Sword of Troile exists even before the death of the Ilyes. There are no records that explains how the sword was made, but it was originally made with a mixture of cold iron, steel and silver in it’s blade. The sword changed into a legendary weapon after the blood of the True Brujah Antedilluvian touched it. When Troile striked down Ilyes, her blood transformed the mixture of the sword into a blue crystal. Erudits believe that Troile may have created a ritual to make that happen. It is believed that her conscience was trapped in the weapon after its death. Her powers, including the Third Generation abilities came together with her powers. Those who knew Troile personally may know that he carries a sword, protected with his unlife. The crystal varies between blue and red colour. When using it, Troile can take advantage of the 3rd generation power’s. Characteristics: The Sword of Troile requires Strength 5 to be carried. The sword is believed to measure 1.8 m in length from the base of the pommel to the tip of the sword, with a 1.2 to 1.5 m blade and 30 to 45 centimeters of handle. The weight reaches 3.2 kg. The damage done by the sword is equal to Lethal Strength +7 for vampires, but it causes Aggravated to Fae and Werewolves due to the silver and cold iron mixed in the crystal. There are two ways of activating the Sword of Troile. The first one requires fifteen blood points of the Kindred and it guarantees instant powers. The effect lasts one scene. The sword hilt has some spines that facilitate instant absorption. The second way involves an hour ritual, but it guarantees the same effect, with more time of using


it. Altought, the sword can be used without activation. When active, the sword’s colour changes to red. The Cainite gains the Third Generation powers, such as blood pool, bloodpoints per turn and the vampire’s characteristics can rise naturally to 10. It is believed that part of the powers of the Antedilluvian Ilyes are impressed in the sword, giving +5 in Potence, Celerity or Temporis and Presence to its carrier, however this must be up to the Storyteller. The Crystallization Ritual: The Crystallization Ritual is the name given to the rites performed for those who wish to activate the sword. The sword is believed to absorb vitae in an incomprehensible way. The absorbed vitae is only derived from Cainite vitae. This gives argument to those who believes that say Ilyes’ conscience is in the sword. The sword bearer must sacrifice one or more Cainites untill he has 15 blood points.

soon as the effects end, the vampire feels a destructive hunger, so mortals are not enough to satisfy him. The abrupt and temporary strength of a third generation generates enough sequelae that the vampire’s blood pool reduces to five points. For the rest of the time the vampire does not feed until he is completely satisfied with his hunger, that is, filling his blood pool, all checks to resist the Frenzy or control increase the difficulty by 2. Third Generation: A vampire of Third Generation can full his blood pool up to 75 blood points, spend 15 per turn and achieve its natural characteristics in 10. Erudits say that It would be possible to use the sword as a way to Embrace Cainites of lower Generation (4th), however it is a powerful risk. Storytellers must think before using such a narrative resource. Stories tells that this is due to the power of the conscience of Antediluvian Ilyes. However, it opens the door to questions that would say that if Troile Embraced his childe using such a sword, then they would not be his descendants, but Ilyes’s. Such questions remain unanswered.

There are two ways to perform this ritual, one being more violent and the other “peaceful”. In the first way, all the blood of the Cainit must be removed and placed in a deposit large enough to fit the sword and vitae. The sword will be left in the barrel for fifteen hours, while absorbing the entire vitae. Once absorbed, the vitae crystallizes on the sword, changing its color to red. The duration of the effects is longlived, more than usual when performed in this way. Instead of a scene, the powers are active for fifteen consecutive hours. The second way involves the same effort. It is faster, but it can be less effective. In the second ritual, the sword must be shoved into a Cainite’s chest. Such an act may instantly involve his final death, if it has poor resistance. The sword will absorb its vitae and vitality completely until it turns to dust. Note that the Cainite must be “alive” for the duration of the ritual, wich is the same 15 hours as before. Unlike the first version, the effect lasts for an entire day. The effects cannot be added together and one must wait to finish the activation before proceeding with another one. Weaknesses: The effects can be spectacular for sword bearers. However, the consequences are catastrophic. As

The Power from Blood: It is recommended to say that all the characteristics and upgrades that a vampire can achieve with the sword returns to his original state when the effect is done. However any characteristics acquired from Diablerie or other methods of winning power are fully in charge of the Storyteller. If the vampire keeps all the power of the Diableries that he commits? His Embraced childe will have 4th generation? Will he have Derangements? Whether he will keep the original generation or those he destroyed by ingesting their blood? Or whether he may retain any other characteristics will be a mystery to be unraveled in his chronicle. Let your creativity flow and adapt to the story. Remember, it is YOUR story.

Other Brujah of Note Etheyra, the Wise Childe

Actual Overlord and former Bratso from the House of Philosophers History: Although the least remembered by the Brujah, Etheyra was the wisest of Troile’s offspring. Perhaps because he has no great deeds compared to his brothers, however he was one of Troile’s chief advisers in founding



Carthage’s laws and development. Even when Etheyra was still young and wandered with his Sire, he acted as a wise adviser. Etheyra caught Troile’s attention because he is a man of a certain age, a traveler and somehow very intelligent. Troile embraced him because somehow, Etheyra gave him calm and reflection, almost as something natural of that man. Of Assyrian origin, Etheyra was a merchant at the time of the empire, who worked with trade routes throughout the Middle East. It was in this way that Etheyra happened to encounter Troile, and Troile rewarded his wisdom with the Embrace.

Image: Etheyra has a youthful appearance, of a man in his forties. Always dressing appropriately for the occasions she attends, Etheyra has a good habit with regard to clothes. Normally, he does not wear armor, but he is always accompanied by guards, ghouls. Refuge: On one of Carthage’s farms, which is his domain.

Etheyra distanced himself from Troile more and more as the Sire gave himself into the arms of hedonism and hellishness. It was as if the child knew of the evil intentions, but its Sire’s disturbances did not allow him to be heard. The sage kept the Casa dos Pensadores away from such practices as long as he could. Etheyra meanwhile started to study practices of how to return his Sire to mental sanity and when he discovered the studies of the time, he was not only attracted by the contemplation that such knowledge brings but he understood that this was one of the ways to save Troile. The sage has studied time since then, looking for ways to save his Sire from total insanity. Etheyra does this in secret, because he knows the risks of studying such “lost” knowledge. Etheyra knows that Carthage, while standing, can only be saved if Troile is healthy. Interpretation Tips: While for some men, emotions rule them, for you wisdom rules. You are calm and reflective, always premeditating your steps. You don’t make decisions influenced by others or your emotions. You believe in the potential of people, although you see that many people do not take advantage of them. This makes you make some of your wisdom available to those who come to you as a tutor. You care about a person’s virtues and this is how you judge whether or not they should be helped. Some believe that you are truly a philosopher, perhaps one of the first. Regarding Cartago, your most sincere objective is the prosperity of the city as you deepen your knowledge of yourself and your skills. Segrets: Etheyra recently discovered interest in the arts of the time, practiced by the ancient Brujah. The interest in saving her Sire made him look for Temporis as an alternative. Although she is loyal to Troile, the knowledge of time is a practice that fascinates her and Etheyra clearly disagrees with her Sire’s decisions. 110

Interpretation Tips: Etheyra is very calm, however showing concern about the future of Carthage. He appears to be a reflective man, with wise decisions and who always seeks the best result for himself and for everyone. Etheyra is often fair, and is proud to be a member of the Brujah. His main fear is losing his Sire and other family members. For this reason, Etheyra measures well the steps he takes. Influence: Overlord of the House of Thinkers, Etheyra not only influences the Brujah there, but also influences the land trade caravans in parts, with contacts around the city that can help him in his goals. Destiny: Theyra is developing his skills in relation to Temporis. Recently, Etheyra is managing to use time as a variable speed effect. He adds three points of True Celerity to his record. Remember that True Celerity only guarantees extra actions, different from the Speed used by the Brujah of the Classic Era. Etheyra must decide whether to leave Carthage when he notices that the city has become hellish or if he will die along with the vampires there, forcing himself to change the city. Sire: Troile Embrace: Unknown (possibly 2300 BC). Nature: Philosopher Demeanor: Pedagogue


Generation: 4th Generation. Apparent Age: 60’s Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4, Charisma 3, Manipulation 5, Appearance 2, Perception 5, Intelligence 6 e Wits 5. Talents: Alertness 5, Athletics 2, Awareness 2, Brawl 2, Expression 4, Empathy 4, Intimidation 3, Leadership 3, Streetwise 3 and Subterfuge 4. Skills: Crafts 3 (Masonry), Commerce 5 (Trading routes), Etiquette 3, Performance 4 (Oratory), Ride 3, Stealth 4 (Hiding) e Survival 3. Knowledges: Academics 5 (Ancient Kingdoms history, Commerce philosophy), Investigation 3, Heart Wisdom 2, Law 4 (Carthage Laws), Occult 5 (Supernatural Time and Disciplines), Politics 4 (Political Maneuver), Philosophy 4 (Society and Commerce) and Religion 2 (Assyrian). Backgrounds: Influence 4 (Commercial), Resources 4, Retainers 4, Status 4, Domain 3 (Farmland), Contacts 3 (Merchants and travellers) and Allie 1 (Erudit of Carthage)

witchcraft learned in the Mediterranean, opened schools of philosophy with Critias, including a training and combat school. Meneleus invested in the development of the walls of Carthage, even after Helena, invited by himself, had visited the city. All this investment brought Meneleus closer to Troile, who saw in his cub an ally that he could use for his desires. The rapprochement between the two was inevitable. Menele found out about Troile’s past and devoted his research time to helping him. Meneleus became one of Troile’s most loyal offspring. Once, King, Menele saw Carthage’s astronomical growth as an advantage not only for the Brujah, but as an achievement for Troile and if his Creator was happy, he would be too. However, what mattered most was the mystical side that Carthage was taking, influenced by the rites performed in the city. Menele was in paradise and he knew it. Carthage was a springboard to develop as a sorcerer.

Disciplines: Presence 7, Potence 5, Temporis 4, Auspex 4, Dominate 4, Fortitude 3 and Obfuscate 2 Virtues: Reflection 4, Wisdom 5, Courage 4. Morality: Philosophy of Thinker 7. Willpower: 8 Derangements: Nervous Breakdown and Phlegm Merits and Flaws: Dark Secret (Social Flaw, 1 point), Prodigal in Discipline [Temporis] (Supernatural Merit, 5 points) and Traveller (Mental Merit, 2 points).

Meneleus of Sparta

Priest from the House of Philosophers History: Meneleus enchanted Troile just as Etheyra did. When Troile briefly visited the Peloponnese, Menele was a great king and philosopher whom Troile believed was advantageous to have with him. After the Embrace, Meneleus was one of the offspring that Troile instigated to travel. Menele traveled through the Middle East, Asia and returned to Europe centuries later. His great interest in mysticism grew when he was traveling through Persia. Meneleus discovered there that there was much that could be done with the vitae, far beyond vampiric disciplines. With the Persian sorcerers and occultists, Menele learned the blood witchcraft used by vampires. In Carthage, Meneleus was delighted just like anyone else who heard about his name. In Carthage, Meneleus put all his efforts. He taught those who wished for

Image: At about forty, Menele has a youthful appearance, long straight hair, but with a few entries. The custom of dressing well has not disappeared and Menele mixes ancient Greek garments with modern, Phoenician armor. Usually, with various necklaces, utensils and interesting objects to cover it with riches. Interpretation Tips: With a personality completely different from Etheyra, the Spartan Menele is biased, hard with life and ruthless. Although wise, Menele often makes decisions a little more passionate and led by his desire to see Carthage grow and grow. Menele is the classic and true general that everyone can imagine, always acting somewhat brutally, however with reasons



Embrace: c. 1200 BC

Meneleus e Helena Meneleus and Helena have a pure hate relationship. In the Classical Era, the rivalry between them already had many frictions, but it did not border on death as it did after the fall of Carthage. Meneleus did not have the insane desire to destroy Helena as he has in modern times. The rivalry between them was purely for completely different points of view on how to act in relation to Carthage, at the Consillium Immortalem. Consider both as rivals, with a joint history. They know each other well, they know each other’s weaknesses, but they play a game of cat and mouse. However, they do not try to kill themselves. Some vampires might consider “healthy masochism”. Menele only wants to destroy Helena when he finds out that Toreador was the great traitor to Carthage, who gave everything to the Ventrue..

Nature: Visionary

Demeanor: Architect

Generation: 4th (trough Diablerie) Apparent Age: 30’s Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4, Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2, Perception 3, Intelligence 5 e Wits 4. Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 4, Awareness 3, Brawl 4, Expression 2, Empathy 2, Intimidation 3, Leadership 4, Streetwise 3 and Subterfuge 2. Skills: Archery 2, Crafts 3 (Blacksmith), Etiquette 2, Performance 4 (Harp), Melee 5, Ride 3, Stealth 2 e Survival 4. Knowledges: Academics 3, Investigation 3, Heart Wisdom 3, Occult 4, Politics 5, Philosophy 3 (Society), Ritualistics 4 and Religion 2. Backgrounds: Retainers 4, Allies 3 (Priests), Influence 3, Resources 3, Status 3 (Priest) Disciplines: Blood Magic 6, Celerity 5, Potence 4, Auspex 3, Fortitude 3 and Presence 2 Blood Magic Paths: Climate Control 5, Path of Vitality 5 (same as Dur-An-Ki path) and Magic of Spirits 3

strong enough to do so.

Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 3, Courage 5.

Influence: Carthage ritualists, even mortals, enjoy his presence and respect him as superior. If necessary, they will help you and will want you nearby.

Morality: Philosophy of Humanity 3.

Refuge: Menele takes refuge close to Praça de Dido, where he can see all the regional activity. His refuge is filled with some hellish protection rituals, which could take a Cainite to dust in minutes.

Derangements: Choleric

Secrets: Meneleus knows about Troile’s past, and wants to help him. Meneleus knows where Troile settles, what his Sire’s plans are and where the sword is, but he is too loyal and will never betray him. Destiny: Menele suspects that Moloch is not a Toreador, but a Baali. He knows that telling Troile could lead to the destruction of Carthage in a face-to-face confrontation with Ba’al-Hammon. For this reason, Menele seeks rites that can guarantee the powers of the sword for Troile and thus ambush Moloch. When Carthage is attacked, Menele will be distant, like a diplomat seeking help from Gangrel and Nosferatu. He will only know of the destruction of his beloved city when he returns to the ruins. Sire: Troile 112

Willpower: 9 Merits and Flaws: Indomitable Soul (Supernatural Merit, 7 points), Mercury Balance (Physical Merit, 1 point), Erisicton’s Hungry (Mental Flaw, 4 points).

Critias, the Philosopher of Athens

Integrated from the House of Philosophers History: During his lifetime, Critias lived in Athens and was a popular philosopher who populated Sophist teachings. His philosophies made him many enemies among the nobility of the city and when the plague hit Athens they accused him of corrupting the cities youth and exiled him. But before he could go anywhere, he was visited by a dark stranger who introduced himself as Menele. The two discussed their philosophies till the dawn and then Menele offered Critias the possibility to carry out his role for all eternity. Critias accepted. Afterward, the city’s authorities tried to execute him, but he returned and, in a fit of Frenzy, killed and drained the entire household


of one of his executioners. He fled together with his sire to Cyrene, feeding from the blood of his sire and generating a blood bond that, because of Menele’s potent vitae, has been strong even after the two parted ways. Critias traveled to Carthage, fascinated by the ideal of a world where Kindred and kine would live side by side. In Carthage, he met Helena and other influent vampires and transformed the city completely. Even if Critias were a Neonate, he was so intelligent that this gave him attention. Critias evolved some philosophical issues the Cainite had and transformed built some of the àgoras of the city. Image: Critias is an old man, who transmits a tone of calm. His mortal age brought him a new meaning for his non-life and when he was Embraced, he just expanded his knowledge. Critias dresses in a simple way, without much greed or luxury. Refuge: Critias likes to take refuge in places where he can interact with both mortals and other Cainites. Following Socrates’ example, Critias has a tremendous passion for debate and is always accompanied by one or another group of debates in Carthage.

Secrets: In one of his conversations, before leaving the city, Critias discovered information that would change his non-life and perhaps that of other vampires in Carthage. The vampire is then organizing a caravan to travel the world in search of such a goal. Destiny: Because of his abilities in debates, he was made the city’s envoy and traveled the world in order to find allies. Because of this, he was not in Carthage when the Ventrue of Rome destroyed it. Furious, he traveled to Rome, dedicating all his efforts to destroy it as Rome had destroyed Carthage. He began by stirring up the farmers against the landowners, but the revolt was quickly beaten down. He tried to create struggle between Rome and other Italian cities, but the Ventrue were able to quash the conflict. Sire: Menele Born: 478 BC Embrace: 423 BC Nature: Guru

Demeanor: Visionary

Generation: 5th Generation Apparent Age: 30’s Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3, Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2, Perception 3, Intelligence 5 e Wits 5. Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 1, Awareness 3, Expression 4 (Debate), Empathy 2, Intimidation 2, Leadership 1 and Subterfuge 2. Skills: Crafts 2 (Architecture), Etiquette 3, Performance 4 (Philosophical Arguments), Melee 1, Ride 2, Stealth 1. Knowledges: Academics 3, Investigation 3, Heart Wisdom 3, Occult 2, Law 1, Philosophy 5 (Enigmas) and Religion 2 (Greek). Backgrounds: Mentor 5 (Menele), Fame 2 (Philosopher of Athens), Herd 2 (Philosophers), Resources 1, Contacts 1 (Merchant) and Status 1. Disciplines: Presence 1 and Potence 1 Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 3 Morality: Philosophy of Humanity 7

Interpretation Tips: Critias is charismatic, curious and instigating. He does not judge by Families or Houses, he simply debates and is interested in knowing, knowing the stories. For him, Jyhad is still a defining concept and the Cainite world is full of mysteries. Critias is using Carthage as his learning stage and wants as many people as possible with him to accompany them and enjoy such companies. Critias usually appears in the Cainite debates to suggest, give ideas and evolve Carthage.

Willpower: 6 Merits and Flaws: Concentration (Mental Merit, 1 point), Logical (Mental Merit, 1 point), Prestigious Sire (Social Merit, 2 points), Political Reputation (Social Merit, 4 points),

Cappadocians Cappadocians are oracles in Carthage. They don’t



care so much about understanding, infiltrating and manipulating politics, but about the results that the city achieves as a whole. A Cappadocian’s influence is closely linked to what he is capable of doing with his knowledge of what material influence. They are usually consulted as a “second opinion” to solve intrigues, with another point of view.


Advisor from the House of Souls History: In a world of misfortune and corruption, Ramsena was the light that brought Caias’s heart back to life. Ramsena was, in her lifetime, a priestess of Ahura Mazda. At the time, the young woman presented a striking wisdom, with an intense connection to the spiritual world and that in a way intrigued Caias. Even as a mortal, Ramsena was one of the few who listened and talked to spirits without even understanding necromancy. Her calmness also calmed them and her way of dealing with the dead was what Caias found most interesting.

creatures. The welcoming countenance she shows to the undead is never the same when dealing with the same species. Ramsena shows little interest in Cainites and has a very particular view of whether a Cainite deserves to live or not. Secrets: Ramsena guarantees the final death of every vampire destroyed in Carthage, without anyone knowing. She created one ritual capable of doing these things. With one of her rituals, the Sealing Ritual, Ramsena completely destroys any possibility of returning or transforming that immortal into a spectrum.

Caias’ other brothers often saw spirits as mere objects of study, but Ramsena was a born oraculist, who did not treat them in such a way and truly saw the dead with divine respect. Ramsena won immortality as a gift and started to walk with Caias, through Europe, then by Erciyes. The mountain of Erciyes, however, was not striking for Ramsena, who traveled through Europe, getting to know the Peloponnese, being interested in its mythologies, then by the Etruscans, the Iberians and the Egyptians. Ramsena heard about Carthage in Alexandria, Egypt and decided to go to the city. In Carthage, however, she noted that there was much to be done, both for the dead in the Necropolis and for the living who were yet to die. Ramsena has established a mission for you. She could not change Carthage, but she could help and the dead who went to the spiritual plane would count on her help for a peaceful and calm passage. The living were not of interest to her, but the dead were. And when they needed it, they would have it to help them. Image: When in the necropolis, Ramsena dresses like a corpse, with clothes that are aged and torn, even dusty or grayed by time. When in town, Ramsena dresses in simple and comfortable robes, always with a little leather protection under the clothes. Refuge: Ramsena takes refuge in one of the tombs of Carthage’s first necropolis. Interpretation Tips: Ramsena is a good person, with mortals and spirits. Not with Cainitas. There is a clear change in how she deals with immortals and any other 114

Destiny: Ramsena’s final death approaches at the same time as the fall of Carthage. Ramsena must be diablerized by her young during the invasion of Carthage. However, if someone saves her, Ramsena will destroy her young and return to Ercyies to deepen her knowledge with the elders of her Family. Sire: possibly Caias Koine Embrace: 912 BC Nature: Guru

Demeanor: Celebrant

Generation: 5th or 6th Generation Apparent Age: 20’s Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3, Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3, Perception 6, Intelligence 4 e Wits 4. Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Awareness 5, Expression 4 (Diplomacy), Empathy 4 (Emotions), Intimidation 1, Leadership 3, Streetwise 3 and Subterfuge 3.


Skills: Animal Ken 1, Etiquette 4 (with Spirits), Performance 4 (Oratory), Melee 2, Ride 2, Stealth 1 e Survival 3.

for control of the necropolis, for different reasons. Naarden wants to use the dead as tools and Ramsena wants to save them.

Knowledges: Academics 3, Investigation 3, Heart Wisdom 5, Occult 4, Philosophy 3 (Enigmas), Ritualistics 4 and Religion 5 (Zoroastrism).

Image: Naarden dresses like any other trader, mixing with the environment. Her contact with the House of Shadows taught her to dress normally and only occasionally, in a wasteful way.

Backgrounds: Allies 4 (Gravediggers of the Necropole, Guards), Resources 2, Status 2, Retainers 2 and Herd 1. Disciplines: Auspex 6, Necromancy 5, Fortitude 3, Serpentis 2 e Ofuscação 1

Refuge: Naarden takes refuge in the Old Harbour, from time to time, to keep his eyes on Ramsena. Her real refuge, however, is in New City.

Necromancy Paths: Corpse In Monster Path 5, Ash Path 3 Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 4, Courage 3 Morality: Philosophy of Minerva 5 Willpower: 6 Merits and Flaws: Spiritual Sense (Merit, 2 points), Minerva’s Sense (Merit, 6 points).

Other Cappadocian of Note Naarden Integrated from the House of Shadows History: Embraced by Ramsena for her oracular talents, perhaps Naarden was her Sire’s greatest mistake. With extremely different personalities, Naarden believes in using powers as tools to fulfill his plans and goals, while Ramsena uses them to help the dead. Naarden was Embraced when she stood out among mortals for predicting the future with great precision. Some treated her like an oraculist or sent from the gods. Neither Moloch nor Troile was interested in Naarden’s talents, as that seemed little to both of them. However, Ramsena saw in Naarden a possibility of predicting deaths and offered immortality to Naarden without reflecting twice. Her hasty decision was a major failure to demonstrate wisdom. Naarden is the complete opposite of Ramsena. When she studied hard enough to understand that vampires could do much more than they were capable of, her personality completely distorted. Naarden went on to challenge his Mistress’s authority more, which for being too kind, he did not punish her firmly. Over time, Naarden distanced himself from his Lady and both became almost rivals. Naarden hates the way Ramsena acts and Ramsena abhors Naarden’s childish behavior. However, Naarden has the help of her home and Ramsena will not risk destroying it. Both compete

Interpretation Tips: Naarden hates his Mistress and all the concepts he has been taught. If possible, Naarden strives to forget them. His attitude is compared by many Cainites to that of a “revolted teenager”, who did not accept the house rules. Naarden, however, is so revolted because she never wanted to become what she is today. Neonate believes that she has a very strong leadership personality and believes that it is possible to lead the Cainites, always showing an air of inspiration and bold plans for the future. Secrets: Naarden plans to diablerize his Mistress, Ramsena. Naarden knows about the fall of Carthage in his dreams and believes it is a waste of time trying to save the city. Destiny: Naarden hates the way Ramsena deals with challenges and believes that her creator wastes power. Naarden will be able to diagnose it when appropriate. If successful, Naarden will travel to Egypt to study the world of the dead there. Sire: Ramsena



Embrace: 622 BC Nature: Autocrat

Demeanor: Opportunist

Generation: 7th Generation Apparent Age: 20’s Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3, Charisma 1, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2, Perception 3, Intelligence 3 e Wits 4. Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 1, Awareness 4, Brawl 2, Expression 2, Empathy 1, Intimidation 3, Leadership 1, Streetwise 3 and Subterfuge 3. Skills: Commerce 2 (Navigation), Etiquette 1, Stealth 3 e Survival 1. Knowledges: Academics 3, Investigation 2, Heart Wisdom 1, Law 3, Occult 2, Politics 3, Philosophy 2 (Comprehension). Backgrounds: Status 1, Contacts 2 (Local thieves), Resources 2 Disciplines: Necromancy 3, Potence 2, Auspex 2 and Obtenebration 1 Necromancy Paths: Corpse In Monster Path 3 Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control 3, Courage 5 Merits and Flaws: Prophetic Visions (Merit, 3 Points) Morality: Philosophy of Humanity 4. Willpower: 5 Merits and Flaws: Resentment of the Sire (Flaw, 1 point)

Mla Watu Not unlike their Capadócio brothers, the Mla Watu follow a similar line of reasoning, however maintaining the ideology of the brotherhood of which most of them are part. The Mla Watu that belong to Casa das Almas maintain the role of protectors of knowledge and stories, always trying to use them during debates. Both an Mla Watu and a Cappadócio are seen in the same way and are great advisers to give you an amplified view of the situations. The House of Souls Overlord is believed to have a personal study project on Carthage. His project would apparently involve the Land of Shadows, studying how cities are reflected there.

Sardik was a victim of vampirism for having committed, in his past, an injustice with an entity that needed help. Even as a childe, Sardik was an oracle in one of the villages in the region. Of great wisdom because of his abilities to speak with the undead souls, Sardik had a peaceful understanding of life and death, an ideology that everything is a cycle and passes. On one occasion, in one of the village rituals, Sardik irritated a spirit that begged for help, by expressing himself badly with the spirit. Taken by fury, the same spirit turned to one of the region’s vampires, an Mla Watu, who punished Sardik with the Embrace. If for Sardik, everything was a cycle, then his life cycle would be broken. During the non-life, Sardik was taught the basics of what he could learn to deal with spirits. His Sire sentenced him to be an eternal judge of the souls lost by our plan, chained to help them whenever he can. However, the idea of ​​a destroyed philosophy of life revolted Sardik. Instead of following what his Sire taught him, Sardik became the opposite of what was planned. Sardik watched time go by for everyone he knew except for himself. When he departed from his Sire, Sardik traveled across North Africa in search of answers to who he truly was and how to cure his condition. Sardik wanted to go back to the life cycle, but he has no idea how to do it. Its creator showed him justice, piety and benevolence. Sardik practiced injustice, cruelty and malevolence. Whatever was needed to cover the pain of immortality. Although he was a fair man, Sardik became cold and unforgiving, doing whatever it took to achieve his goal. Any spirits he deserved would be used as tools. Sardik would turn his opponents to dust, if necessary. His weapons would be death until he found life and could leave this plan alone. Image: Vestimentas simples fazem parte do costume de Sardik. Com roupas normalmente de origem animal, misturadas à tecidos leves, Sardik se veste da mesma maneira que se vestia quando ainda era shaman. Por alguma razão, o Abraço deturpou sua aparência, deformando-o de maneira imutável. Sardik aparenta ser uma criança ao invés de um homem.


Refuge: The necromancer takes refuge near one of the agora. There, he feels comfortable in always listening and debating with mortals and immortals, about his view of the non-life.

Overlord from the House of Souls History: Philosophy reigned over Greece for a long time, but Sardik knew it even before Tales and Miletus. Born and Embraced in the north of the African continent,

Influence: Among the living, Sardik is a real terror. The living fear that when killed, they may be used as guinea pigs by Sardik and for this reason, those who hear of his fame, tend to obey him. Naturally, Sardik gains



greater command over poorer places, who believe they are unprotected by the Gods..

Generation: 7th Generation Apparent Age: 10’s

Secrets: Sardik is looking for ways to create a Ritual in which he feeds on Cainite spirits who have become apparitions, thus stealing his talents. This understanding of death will help you take a step further in search of your salvation. With this, Sardik can even murder other Cainites for his own benefit and consume their unprotected essences.

Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4, Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 1, Perception 4, Intelligence 4 e Wits 2.

Interpretation Tips: No matter the consequences, Sadik will get what you want. If the world once had no mercy on its mistakes, Sardik will also have no mercy on others. If they get in the way, Sardik will blow them like dust. Sardik respects traditions a lot, especially the ones he carries from when he was alive and respects the rules and traditions created by others, as long as they are led by personal goals. However, Sardik does not respect those who are carried away by rules imposed on them. Freedom is something to be achieved and for Sardik, the cure for immortality is his freedom. Therefore, only those who understand their personal goals are respected.

Skills: Archery 2, Crafts 3 (Herborist), Animal Ken 2, Etiquette 3, Melee 1, Stealth 2, Ride 2 e Survival 1.

Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 1, Awareness 4, Expression 3, Empathy 4, Intimidation 1, Leadership 3, Streetwise 2 and Subterfuge 2.

Knowledges: Academics 2, Investigation 3, Heart Wisdom 4, Law 1, Occult 4, Politics 3, Philosophy 2 (Logic), Ritualistics 3 and Religion 4 (African Mithology). Backgrounds: Contacts 4 (Priests of Carthage), Status 4 (Suserano), Resources 3, Influence 2, Herd 2 and Retainers 2 Disciplines: Necromancy 5, Animalism 4, Dominate 4, Auspex 3 and Obfuscate 2 Necromancy Paths: Path of Umzwelo 5, Path of Azrael Flames 3 Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-control 5, Courage 4 Morality: Philosophy of Humanity 3. Willpower: 7 Merits and Flaws: Child (Physical Flaw, 3 points), Spiritual Sense (Supernatural Merit, 2 points), Celestial Atunement (Mental Merit, 1 point)

Followers of Set

Destiny: Sardik does not believe in the salvation preached by the Salubri. He believes there is a salvation, but not in the way that the Cainites understand. It may be that Sardik finds a way to his salvation with the influence of other characters, or that he simply gives up and becomes the executioner of souls, dissatisfying his pain in the spirits. Sire: Unknown.

Even though they no longer have an influential leader, the Setites are still looking for the same resources they had before the fall and dissolution of the House of Ammon. The Setites reorganized, bringing a strategy of infiltrating at least one in half of the Houses and trying to gather influence to see how they can regain their power.

Amon, the God of Light

Embrace: 967 BC Nature: Monster

Setite scholars believe that the Setites’ height of influence in Carthage was when Ammon was leading them. The Followers of Set did not lose respect even when Ammon was exiled from Carthage. In reality, his African brothers came as representatives to change the view of the Followers of Set. In Carthage, religious, political and economic responsibilities are disputed by members of the Family.

Demeanor: Penitent

God of the Light, founder and former Overlord from the House of Amon FALL OF CARTHAGE


History: During the New Egyptian Kingdom, Ammon was a prophet, creditor of the coming of the God of Chaos. His oratory convinced many Egyptians that a new deity was ready to be born into the world, adopt mortals as their offspring and turn everything into nothing. The Chaos God, however, was not Ra, Set or any possible deity that could create destruction. For Amon, Chaos was the unknown, something that was not yet present among mortal minds. Amon believed in a God who was not born. Nakhthorheb embraced him for his ideology, until then, solitary. Amon’s almost blind belief in a deity won the attention of Nakhthorheb, who gradually converted his point of view to the worship of Set. However, Amon never lost his belief in the possible divinity, believing that one day, he would summon her to reign with Set on the earth plane. Ammon was indoctrinated to believe that Set and Chaos would be together, like kings of the world. In Egypt, Ammon was part of the Hierophants, led by his Creator. On one of his expeditions to gather knowledge for the Followers of Set, Amon stole from a tomb a dark brown tome, apparently a book of witchcraft. This book is believed to have been responsible for Amon’s madness. When released from his Sire, Ammon found out about Carthage’s existence. Egypt already belonged to Set and it was necessary to begin its work of devotion where Set’s presence had not yet arrived. Ammon went to Carthage, presenting himself first as the Divinity of Light, as a herald who would give hope to the people who often suffered from the absence of an imposing divine power in Carthage. His mission force was powerful enough to enshrine him among the Punics as a deity proper. However, Moloch’s strength was immensely greater. Age was a determining factor for Amon to lose his dispute. When exiled, Amon swore Carthage, promising to destroy it at any cost. There is no knowledge that can determine whether Amon is indeed dead. The Setite held a book in his hand, which he carried and kept diligently. Ammon went into the middle of the desert, opening his book to invoke chaos over Carthage. Accompanied by one of his servants, Amon is believed to have sacrificed himself to bring chaos to Carthage. Not only his followers, but his children believe that the sacrifice was true and responsible for the destruction of Carthage. The book was lost in history, centuries later. It is believed to be a profane book of obscure and unknown witchcraft even to the most learned of hell. Image: Amon was an especially handsome man. His presence on the streets of Carthage inflated the eyes 118

and his interactions made the ego of mortals magnify. Ammon had a natural Charisma. He is described as a tall, healthy-looking man. His skin, brown in color, with honey-colored eyes, which reflected according to the moonlight. Walking with him, imposing and confident, always. His lips, thick and lighter in color than his skin. Amon was always dressed in white or yellow robes, to represent his presence as a deity of pure light among the citizens of Carthage. Interpretation Tips: Amon is gracious to his mortal followers, acting literally as a deity of goodness, captivating their hearts almost permanently. Being with him during preaching is a complete blessing. However, this is yet another lying face that Amon has learned to show with the inspirations he creates in religion. Amon is a selfish bastard, looking for achievements for the Followers of Set and for a “deity” he believes to exist. This selfishness borders on religious, almost blind fanaticism, which Ammon tries to hide through a pile of tissues in his body.. Refuge: Amon is protected by dozens of mortals daily who guard his Temple. Amon is believed to have an underground chamber in his temple, unique and exclusively built so that only he could access it. The true secret of the chamber is unknown, but it is known that there is witchcraft there. Influence: All religious and creditors in Ammon are under its influence. Secrets: Amon may have been converted to hell thanks to the book. Few are the ones who know what the book truly is about. Even Ammon doesn’t fully understand the complexity of what he has in his hands, but he keeps it like a precious gold ring. Destiny: Amon will fight for religious and political influence in Carthage. Loss of it, however, will lead to an almost unbearable longing for revenge. In the desert, during one of the full moon nights, Amon will perform the Rite of Sacrifice, also performed in Carthage, but with the aim of bringing chaos to the city. The mortals who followed him will be destroyed as much as he is. His book, however, may be redeemed. Sire: Nakhthorheb. Embrace: 1720 BC Final Death: possibly in 422 BC Nature: Smart

Demeanor: Martyr

Generation: 5th Generation Apparent Age: 30’s Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5,


Charisma 5, Manipulation 5, Appearance 4, Perception 4, Intelligence 5 e Wits 3. Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 3, Awareness 4, Brawl 3, Expression 3, Empathy 4, Intimidation 3, Leadership 5, Streetwise 3 and Subterfuge 4. Skills: Archery 4, Animal Ken 2, Etiquette 3, Melee 1, Ride 3, Stealth 2 e Survival 3. Knowledges: Academics 2, Investigation 3, Heart Wisdom 4, Law 5 (Egypt and Carthage), Occult 5, Politics 3, Philosophy 3 (Religion) and Religion 4 (Egyptian). Backgrounds: Influence 4, Contacts 4 (Priests), Status 4 (Overlord), Resources 3, Herd 2 and Retainers 2 Disciplines: Serpentis 7, Presence 6, Obfuscate 6, Dominate 5, Auspex 4 and Potence 4 Virtues: Conviction 5, Self-Control 4, Courage 4 Morality: Philosophy of the Divinity 9. Willpower: 8 Derangements: Voices, Choleric and Lunatic Merits and Flaws: Blessed Existence (Supernatural Merit, 5 points), Blood Vinculum Immunity (Supernatural Merit, 3 points) [acquired by the Tome of Blood], Cursed Fate (Supernatural Flaw, 5 points)

The Book of Amon The Tome of Chaos, the Tome of Blood, the Dark Tome There is no knowledge of when it was written, by whom it was written or how long it has been in this plan. Occultists say the Blood Tome, often mistaken for Librorum Sanguine, may even be the same book. They believe that the Tome of Chaos was written by demons who have long lived in the deepest roots of the underworld. There, they sent this book as a “gift” to mortals, however the purposeful gift was only a tool to invoke demonic forces. The Dark Tome completely fills the knowledge of witchcraft and rituals, limited to what mortals and immortals can understand. It is believed that those who donate donate some of their sanity to gain knowledge. System: Chaos Tome requires a blood payment. As soon as he cuts his hand and marks it on the cover of the book, the character acquires a permanent Disturbance. This disturbance cannot be cured even by powers like Valeren, of the Salubri. Each use of the book will cost a temporary Willpower point, however, each time a character expends half the Will points, another permanent disturbance will be acquired.

The tome teaches Dur-An-Ki, Blood Magic or any other knowledge of temporary witchcraft. Whenever he consults the tome, the character also temporarily acquires Occult. Knowledge lasts for one scene. This knowledge will never be learned, since it is forgotten minutes after use, making the user dependent on the book. Writing it is useless, since the character will not be able to understand the writing itself, as if he were suffering from a dementia effect or trying to understand an old language. Nodists believe it to be the first of all languages. Passing on spoken knowledge is also flawed. Characters who hear the words receive them as demonic curses in another language, giving them temporary disturbances. It is believed to be truly the first artifact to teach Infernal Witchcraft to its bearers. When looking for a witchcraft, ritual or knowledge of the occult, the character must perform an Intelligence + Occult roll (difficulty 6 for Occultism Knowledge, 7 for rituals and 8 for any Blood Sorcery). The character will search the book’s writings, however the failure prevents him from using those pages that night. This learned knowledge reaches the maximum allowed by the generation of a character. Like Blood Sorcery, knowledge is forgotten minutes later.

Gangrel The low presence of Gangrel members in Carthage gives them minimal influence. Gangrel are rare and sometimes insignificant in Carthage. His Akunanse brothers tend to take their places and often carry the name and honors that Gangrel could earn. In general, they are still often seen as “the brutes who can defend us when we need them”, however this way of thinking only drives away other members of the Family who do not like it and refuse to be used as playthings. For this reason, many Gangrel do not even reveal themselves when they are in Carthage, acting only in the shadows with some smuggling of information or taking advantage of what they can to then leave the city again.

Diwan, the Ruler

Citizen of Carthage History: Diwan is one of the few prominent Gangrel when it comes to social situations. Somehow, Diwan was more interested in dealing with mortals when he arrived in Carthage. Something piqued his interest in the city’s mortals, something enchanted him, and even Diwan can’t say where so much fascination comes from. Perhaps living with immortals, perhaps the genius of city planning or even culture. If he were not a Gangrel,



it is likely that Diwan would be mistaken for Toreador. His coming to Carthage happened little by little. Diwan knew the entire political system. In his view, the system was flawed and participating in a brotherhood scheme was not what he wanted. Diwan saw no future if he was connected to the Houses, however Gangrel knew the rules and lived for almost a century or two as a member of the House of Immortals.

Carthage. Gangrel will try to gather forces against the Carthaginian Senate and take complete control. He will count on external help and say the bad languages that even Dignataries Aurea will try to help him.

When he paraded, Diwan used the influence he built in Carthage, across the criminal world, to establish himself as an information dealer. Diwan lost influence among the Houses, but soon recovered it when he started working for everyone, simply by selling information. At one point, Diwan was confronted by Dignataris Aurea, who affiliated him. Since then, Diwan has enjoyed a comfortable position to influence crime, using the sect as his main ally. Diwan believes that at some point, he will be able to use his methods to evolve the Cainite political system in Carthage. He believes faithfully in the city and in mortals and has as a dream, to make it eternal. Image: Diwan dresses simply. Usually, dressed in clothes that barely stand out, but always wearing some armor under the fabrics. Normally armed, Diwan manages to intimidate many men due to his large height, of 6.15ft. Refuge: There is no record or knowledge of where Diwan’s refuge is. It is believed that it does not have just one, but dozens of refuges. However, there are those who say that Diwan mingles with the walls of Carthage every night when he is about to sleep. Interpretation Tips: Charisma is its essence. Dealing with people is especially easy, however when you need it you can use your biggest weapons, whether physical or political. You know where you’re stepping, you’re smart and you know how to interpret when you’re trying to deceive him. This is why you are good at what you do. Always being careful with words, you are unlikely to deliver any information that could harm you, unless you are dealing with someone better than you. Influence: Diwan dominates the world of crime very well, being one of the main informants of Dignataries Aurea. His main area is information trafficking. There are your eyes and ears all over the city. Secrets: Diwan plans to strike a blow to the Carthaginian Senate Cainites and will do so in an hour. Gradually, Diwan has sought help to carry out his already secular plan and make it happen. Destiny: Before the fall of Carthage when he saw his plans evaporate in his hands, Diwan decides to take 120

Sire: Gilgamesh (claimed). Allegiance: Dignataries Aurea and Gilgamesh Embrace: 810 BC Nature: Visionary

Demeanor: Architect

Generation: 8th Generation Apparent Age: 20’s Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4, Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 4, Perception 3, Intelligence 4 e Wits 3. Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Awareness 3, Brawl 3, Expression 1, Empathy 1, Intimidation 3, Leadership 2, Streetwise 5 (Information, Domain) and Subterfuge 4. Skills: Animal Ken 3, Etiquette 4 (Street Rules), Melee 1, Stealth 4 e Survival 4. Knowledges: Investigation 2, Heart Wisdom 2, Occult 2, Politics 1 and Religion 1 (Carthage). Backgrounds: Mentor 6 (Gilgamesh), Contacts 5 (Mercenaries, thieves, brutes), Retainers 5, Scouts 4, Allies 3 (informers), Resources 3, Herd 2 e Status 1 Disciplines: Fortitude 4, Protean 3, Animalism 3 and Dominate 1 and Potence 1 Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control 4, Courage 5 Morality: Philosophy of the Humanity 4.


Willpower: 6 Merits and Flaws: Sacred Band of Carthage Contact (Social Merit, 3 points), Phobia [Haphephobia ] (Mental Flaw, 2 points)

Akunanse While the Gangrel brothers seek freedom from Jyhad, the Akunanse often try to immerse themselves in it. In vampiric experience, the Akunanse are younger than the Gangrel and therefore some of them still believe they have the power to control Jyhad. Each Akunanse’s wandering past gives them certainty of this because they think they “have seen it all”. However, the absence of social resources makes it difficult for Akunanse to conquer space, often having to act in lower positions or gaining respect with screams and kicks. This type of behavior is reflected in Carthage as the Akunanse seek a non-life ideal for themselves in the city.

embraced him and Najmar settled in Carthage to take care of his Sire. Image: Brown-skinned, Najmar always dresses in light cloths and hundreds of small pockets, from which he can store his herbs and make his poisons. In its body, several bags, small and medium, also guarantee space for other resources. Najmar is a tall man, with an air of mystery. It seems impossible to read his face’s true intentions. There are some marks, almost like scales that are marked on your skin, a clear sign of your Beast. Refuge: Najmar takes refuge in one of the farthest farms from Carthage, but still within the domain of the city. Usually presenting themselves as the owner of the same or sending one of their servants to deal with visitors. Najmar prepared the rooms and chambers both for his Lord and for himself.

Najmar, the Herborist

Bratso from the House of Beast History: Najmar’s distant past demanded a variety of trips that his own Laibon Legacy purposefully inserted into his non-life. When mortal, Najmar was a Tuareg, a descendant of traveling peoples. His family, always involved in street commerce, moving from city to city and often crossing the Sahara desert. Najmar’s non-life began when his family sacrificed him to a Cainite. Although Najmar had learned a lot from his mortal family to use trades as a way of life, the poor conditions came for them. The dry, lean times forced his family to take drastic action. Najmar, the healthiest son in the family, was sacrificed as food for his Sire, who they believed to be a deity. Hungry, his Sire could not help draining Najmar, but he saw in the young man a possibility of transforming him into something more. Najmar was Embraced and became a Laibon. Your Creator has given you the opportunity to take revenge. Najmar, raised as a good-natured man, did not blame his family. Obviously, the relationship was ended, but Najmar sought shelter around the world, together with his Sire. Both traveled through North Africa, driven by their Beast and the need to consume new foods. His Creator was a great source of inspiration. With great wisdom, the Sire of Najmar taught him the knowledge on how to deal with the Beast and understand his hunger. In Carthage, his Creator felt the need for rest, eternal sleep

Influence: Najmar works a lot with the Assamites selling their mystical and natural poisons. His ability to use Abombwe has guaranteed him incredible poisons and this is one of the main commercial means that Najmar has found for himself. Within the criminal world, Najmar provides poison for murders to occur. Among the Cainites, it is not much different. Believed to be Carthage’s best herbalist. Interpretation Tips: Najmar is especially suspicious. When dealing with other Cainites, although he has a good heart, he has few traces of confidence and will probably investigate him. His greatest fear is letting his Sire be discovered, so Najmar uses his contacts to find as much information as he can about who he deals with. Secrets: The Sire of Najmar is kept in a stone crypt, in



the basement of his residence. Inside there is a tomb in which the elder Laibon rests peacefully. Destiny: Najmar feels that there are more and more eyes looking for his Sire, for some reason. Perhaps he was already famous in Carthage and Najmar did not know him. However, Najmar knows that at some point he will need help. Soon, the curious will try to take their Sire for themselves. Sire: Ek-Hamin Embrace: 636 BC Nature: Smart

Demeanor: Mercenary

Generation: 9th Generation Apparent Age: 21 years old. Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 5, Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2, Perception 4, Intelligence 2 e Wits 3. Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Brawl 3, Expression 1, Intimidation 2, Leadership 1, Streetwise 2 and Subterfuge 4. Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 3/4 (Herborism, Poison), Commerce 3 (Routes) Melee 3, Stealth 3 e Survival 4 (Localization). Knowledges: Academics 1, Investigation 3, Heart Wisdom 3, Occult 3 and Religion 1 (African Myths). Backgrounds: Contacts 3 (Vendors, herborists), Allies 3 (Hunters), Resources 2, Retainers 2, Status 2 Disciplines: Abombwe 4, Obfuscate 3 and Animalism 2 Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-control 5, Courage 3 Morality: Philosophy of Humanity 5. Willpower: 5

Lasombra Always creditors that they are a Family created to lead, the Lasombra de Cartago had no different position. Wherever they are, it is difficult to say that a Lasombra will not attempt any position of power. In Carthage, Lasombra have influence, they have respect, but the piece they lack to achieve what they want is precisely a position of Status outside their main fraternity. The most recent achievement achieved was to enshrine a Lasombra as leader of another House.

Eucarpia, the Lover of the Oceans

Overlord from the House of Shadows History: Eucarpia could be considered a typical figure 122

of the great Greek myths. Somehow, the sensation of discovery always screamed in his chest, asking for the search for something greater than even Eucarpia could understand. This desire for conquest, this sensation and the search for freedom drew the attention of his Lady, who embraced her because she believed she was a great addition to Lasombra. Eucarpia became after Embrace the first and perhaps greatest figure of the seas during classical antiquity. When other Cainites began to venture into the seas, Eucarpia already owned them. His naval and strategic skill defeated his enemies with ease. Eucarpia met the Carthaginian forces at sea. First, she was an enemy of Carthage, but over time she became an ally. Lasombra established itself in the city after being enchanted by the quality of the Carthaginian ships. During the height of the great Carthage, Eucarpia allied with the Punics and began to act with their strategies and naval forces in favor of Carthage. Her influence lasted for some centuries until Eucarpia started to fall out with the local influence, of the Cainites and the Consillium Tenebris. The Lasombra of Carthage loyally support Eucarpia, as she is an authority figure in Carthage. What most stimulated the desire for revenge against Carthage was the loss of influence in the city. The House of Shadows being undone was an act of betrayal for the pioneer. Since then, Eucarpia has been preparing to leave Carthage completely and who knows, to turn against Moloch in the near future. Image: With a strong body, determined expression, Eucarpia draws traces of the old Troia. Always wearing armor, even if light, Eucarpia shows the clear features of a fearless warrior, who is always confident about her abilities. His white skin, however, is the characteristic that most distinguishes him from other mortals who came from the same region. Her eyes show a fire of achievement and inspiration for those who follow her, but intimidation for those who don’t support her. Refuge: Your ship is your own home. Eucarpia is not afraid of the destruction of the ship and believes that her own shadows will defend it. The Eucarpia ship is a quinquirreme, one of the largest, best and most resistant ships ever built in classical antiquity. Influence: Carthage’s naval forces are under the control of Eucarpia until she wants to disengage from Carthage. She is possibly responsible for Carthage’s victorious sea battles and even for the city’s naval development.. Interpretation Tips: Eucarpia has an almost unbreakable loyalty to her family. No matter what


happens, Eucarpia never gave up on Lasombra’s goals and didn’t even forget them as soon as she entered the city, being a completely biased leader. Her air of decision and command is the purest stereotype that reigns in the ideals of House of Shadows. Eucarpia does not care for those who are not from her Family, and if she needs it she will be treacherous, stabbing her opponents in the back.

2, Expression 1, Empathy 3, Intimidation 5, Leadership 6 and Subterfuge 3. Skills: Commerce 3 (Sea routes), Navigation 4, Etiquette 3, Melee 4, Stealth 3 e Survival 2. Knowledges: Academics 2, Investigation 2, Heart Wisdom 3, Occultism 4 (Obtenebration) and Politics 3. Backgrounds: Status 4, Resources 4, Scouts 4, Retainers 3, Contacts 3, Influence 3 (Military) and Fame 3 (Pirate) Disciplines: Potence 7, Obtenebration 6, Dominate 4 and Auspex 4 Virtues: Convicction 2, Wisdom 5, Courage 4 Morality: Philosophy of the Ares 8. Willpower: 7 Merits and Flaws: Harbinger of the Abyss (Supernatural Flaw, 6 points), Animate Shadow (Supernatural Flaw, 3 points), Light Sleep (Mental Merits, 3 points)

Odysseu, the Humiliated

Secrets: Eucarpia is working to completely remove Casa das Sombras and untie the Lasombra from Carthage. Those who wish to accompany you will be welcome. After witnessing Moloch’s visible manipulations, Eurcarpia lost interest in Carthage and each day gathers more information to overthrow the Carthaginians. Destiny: After unlinking the Lasombra from the city, Eucarpia will lead the maritime attack against Carthage at the Battle of the Seventeen Days and destroy, together with his allies, until the last ruin of the city. It is possible that Eucarpia is destroyed by Moloch during the battle. Sire: Unknown (possibly Khanom Mehr) Embrace: 1001 BC

Advisor from the House of Shadows History: The young Odysseu was Embraced by Eucarpia, it is believed that by an egocentrism coming from the conqueror. Odysseu is the antagonistic reflection of Eucarpia. Fearful, introspective, disreputable are characteristics of which Odysseu most demonstrates. Unlike his lady, Odysseu is studious, dedicated and traditionalist. These very different characteristics made Eucarpia Embrace him. Unlike many Lords, Eucarpia is harsh, humiliating whenever she can the characteristics of Odysseus, showing complete power and dominance over the young man. The relationship between the two is nothing but something used by Eucarpia to feel better than someone else. These constant displays of contempt have turned Odyssseu into a vindictive psychopath, who plans at night what to do when his Lady is in her greatest need. Odysseu became interested in the occult, looking for witchcraft and wanting to learn ways to manipulate the shadows in a way that his Lady never imagined. Odysseu sees blood sorcery as a defense tool to one day take revenge on his lady. Because Eucarpia is constantly on her sea voyages, Odysseu gets enough time to distance herself, study and get her influence without her help..

Death: Possibly 146 BC Nature: Emotion Hunter Demeanor: Eye of the Storm Generation: 5th or 6th Generation Apparent Age: 30’s Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5, Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3, Perception 4, Intelligence 2 e Wits 3. Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Awareness 1, Brawl

Image: Skinny, apparently shy, Odysseu has the face of a boy who has never seen anything beyond the domain of his home. His face expresses an academic life, little adventurous and alone. He usually dresses



like an ordinary citizen, always trying to learn from his elders what he is capable of. Odysseu does not have any physical characteristics that attract attention and in fact is capable of being the subject of jokes when it comes to physical characteristics.

Knowledges: Academics 3, Investigation 3, Heart Wisdom 3, Law 2 (Carthage), Occult 4, Philosophy 3 (Enigmas), Ritualistics 4 and Religion 3 (Greek Myths).

Refuge: Odysseu takes refuge in the coffins of the Carthage lighthouse. The tower is a refuge from the completely obscure Abyss that can bring creatures from the depths to assist Odysseus during need.

Disciplines: Obtenebration 4, Abyss Mysticism 3, Dominate 3 and Potence 2

Influence: Odysseu is not influential and is lampooned by his fellow Lasombra. Only ghouls and some neophytes understand their pain and are able to respect it. Interpretation Tips: Odysseus is seen as a failure because he acts as such. He does not inspire confidence, leadership or any inspiration. Odysseu seems almost always defeated, however such appearance hides a magnanimous intelligence that can be the solution of great problems, if well explored. When interpreting it, consider it as closed, suspicious and fearful compared to other Cainites. Secrets: Mysteriously, Odysseu learned to lead the forces of Abyss Mysticism. There are rumors that demons taught him. Odysseu is planning how to destroy his Lady in the most humiliating way possible and will enlist the help needed to do so. All Odysseus wants is revenge. Destiny: Perhaps Odysseu will be able to destroy his Sire. When confronting Eucarpia, there are only two destinations Odysseus can witness, the first being destroying his creator during the Battle of the Seventeen days or being shamefully destroyed by her, like a cockroach trampled by a mortal. A third fate involves being helped by someone, seeking exile, destroying the Blood Vinculum and moving further and further away from his Lady and completely forgetting his existence with her. Sire: Eucarpia. Born: 623 BC

Embrace: 599 BC

Nature: Masochist

Demeanor: Philosopher

Backgrounds: Resources 2, Influence 2, Retainers 1 and Status 1

Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-control 5, Courage 3 Morality: Philosophy of the Humanity 3. Willpower: 4 Merits and Flaws: Inapt (Flaw, 5 points), Repugnant Sire (Social Flaw, 4 points), Ex-Ghoul (Social Merit, 2 points)

Nosferatu There is no specific House in which Nosferatu participate. There are no positions or even political positions. Nosferatus are actually intruder mice that have bred too much until it is impossible to get them out. They are truly the only independent Family in the city. Nosferatu are strongly linked to Dignateries Aurea because it is precisely the sect that keeps them alive. It is precisely the work they do that makes them tolerable in Carthage without even being considered citizens. It is common to find Nosferatus in the city who are not even recognized as members, but are tolerated as if they were.

Fassil, the Lord of Beasts

Guardian of the Nosferatu, Protector and Warden of the Sewers History: The Lord of Beasts, Fassil, is one of Carthage’s most terrifying figures. Fassil came from the most dangerous territories, disputed by the Laibon and the Beasts. Nosferatu left its comfort in the past and returned with a learned learning that no one could ever teach you. He went through conflicts, wars, struggles in the darkest and most mysterious areas of the African continent.

Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 1, Awareness 4, Expression 3, Streetwise 1 and Subterfuge 2.

In Carthage, Fassil is proclaimed Lord of Beasts and claims to be protector of the Nosferatu. Fassil has promised to protect the Nosferatu from the Nictuku, who are hunting them like lions after their prey. Fassil set up his domain in Carthage and was responsible for unifying the city’s Nosferatu, creating the Nosferatu’s completely illegible tunnel network. In agreement with Abey, Fassil became a protector while Abey became a political leader of the Nosferatu and both started to work in this way.

Skills: Crafts 3 (Ritualistic tools), Etiquette 3, Melee 1, Ride 1 and Stealth 2.

Fassil invites, through Abey, new Nosferatu every decade, to come and protect themselves under his

Generation: 7th Generation Apparent Age: 20’s Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 1, Stamina 4, Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 1, Perception 4, Intelligence 5 e Wits 4.



protection. Both Fassil and Abey do not take sides in Carthage and have very little interest in the houses and political fights that the city brings. The strength of the Family is what matters to Fassíl and this is how he will work. Fassil created a Nosferatu protection group, trained to protect his brothers from Nictuku forces. In the sewers, this elite group is used as a guard and protection, well trained and armed to keep their brothers safe. To enter the tunnels belonging to the Nosferatu, it is believed that it is necessary to go through the Bastions of Ugliness, as they were nicknamed. Image: It is almost impossible to truly describe Fassil’s appearance due to the grotesque masses of skin, mixed with hair and pus, leaving his body. However, some believe that it is just an ordinary Nosferatu, without hair, with yellowish or greenish skin and some bruises from ldepra and other diseases, by the body and face.

His age brought him little patience, however the fear of meeting some much older Nictuku makes him calculate exactly the steps he has to take, even in order not to be discovered. Fassil does what he wants and when he wants, because he can. And if needed, he will use the resources of any Nosferatu he believes to be important to his mission, harming him or not. Influence: Fassil is considered a “father”, an Autarki for the Nosferatu of Carthage. Everyone is under subjugation of him because they accepted this in exchange for protection. Fassil remains fair with those of his lineage allowing the Nosferatu to do whatever they wish, as long as they do not harm the Family. Secrets: Fassil is looking for a Third Generation Cainite, to become a true protector of his Family and completely destroy the Nictuku threat. Fassil is using Abey’s influence to seek out a weakened Antediluvian, an easy target. Destiny: Fassil is destroyed a few years before Carthage falls. Apparently, an ancient Nictuku managed to pass through all the defenses, completely destroying and destabilizing the city’s Nosferatu. Others say that Fassil was actually destroyed by one of the Antediluvians while trying to diablerize them with his elite group, the Bastions of Ugliness. Sire: The Matriarch Embrace: 3rd Millenium BCE Death: 3rd century BC Nature: Architect

Demeanor: Survivor

Generation: 5th Generation Apparent Age: Irrelevant

Refuge: It is not known where Fassil is a refugee. Rumors say there is a cave hidden on the coast of Carthage, where no mortal or sham immortal can access it. Interpretation Tips: Fassil hates stupid decisions, mainly on the part of the Nosferatu because he knows the risk that his Family runs in relation to the Nictuku. Therefore, Fassil does not tolerate mistakes, mainly coming from the elders and that may harm the position of his Family. This makes Fassil somewhat intimidating, as he cunningly punishes his “children” when he believes he should punish. Fassil is not interested in defending the Nosferatu from other Families because the Nictuku are, in his view, the biggest concern.

Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 5, Stamina 7, Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Appearance 0, Perception 6, Intelligence 6 e Wits 5. Talents: Alertness 5, Athletics 6, Awareness 6, Brawl 5, Expression 4, Empathy 5, Intimidation 5, Leadership 6, Streetwise 5 and Subterfuge 3. Skills: Animal Ken 8, Crafts 6 (Blacksmith), Melee 6, Stealth 7 and Survival 6. Knowledges: Academics 4, Investigation 6, Heart Wisdom 6, Law 5, Medicine 4, Occult 6, Politics 4, Philosophy 4 (Critical Tought) and Religion 5. Backgrounds: Fassil does not use his own background, taking advantage of all those who have accepted to be his “children”. Fassil uses this exchange of protection in favor of himself. It is likely that a Nosferatu character will



at some point be summoned by Fassil to “lend” his small forces to Methuselah. In any case, the only Background that Fassil truly has is Retainers 8 (Animals).

of information is almost entirely under his hands. All information arrives in Abey and he is responsible for the biggest decisions by Dignataries Aurea.

Disciplines: Animalism 8, Potence 7, Obfuscate 7, Fortitude 6, Auspex 5, Presence 4 and Protean 4.

Secrets:Abey is constantly expanding its forces, making Dignataries Aurea a potential sect that will operate in all territories around the world. His goal is for his sect to become so powerful that there is no empire that does not need its existence.

Virtues: Conviction 4, Wisdom 3, Courage 5 Morality: Philosophy of the Ares 5. Willpower: 9 Derangements: Choleric, Melancholic

Abey, the Lord of Law

Dignataries Aurea’s Leader History: Abey is one of Carthage’s most unknown names. Nobody knows what his face is, what he does, where he comes from or what he is. They don’t even know if Abey is a Cainite, in fact. The Nosferatu often claim that Abey belongs to them, one of Carthage’s most respectable members. Abey is believed to be the current leader of Dignataries Aurea. His past is a sea of ash and mystery. Nobody knows where it came from, what its goals are what Abey does with the information he has. The only thing that is known is that Abey is increasingly spreading Dignataries Aurea across the Mediterranean Sea without anyone noticing his presence. Among the Nosferatu, Abey is the name of greatest influence in the Mediterranean. Image: Nobody knows what Abey’s real appearance looks like. Refuge:Your refuge is one of the most difficult to reach. Abey is in the deepest areas of Carthage. There is no record of any Cainites who are not Nosferatu who managed to get through the dozens of traps alive and confronted Abey. The labyrinths that protect his refuge are extremely complicated to decipher and only someone of importance could reach him. Interpretation Tips: Unlike Fassil, Abey is calmer and more focused. For Abey, mistakes are tools and openings for opportunities because mistakes are the reason why everything happens. If everyone was perfect in their decisions, perhaps the world would be perfect together. Therefore, Abey always finds a way to turn everything he can into favors and an accumulation of influence for Dignataries Aurea. Abey forgives mistakes, but favors favors. Abey does not punish, but gives services and acts by expanding his influence in this way. Influence: Abey is believed to be one of the most influential figures in the Mediterranean Sea. The exchange 126

Destiny: The Third Punic War destroyed with Abey’s plans. His main mistake was to concentrate the large parts of the Dignataries Aurea in Carthage alone, while in other places there were only small refuges for the Dignataries Aurea. If Abey had a little more time, perhaps the situation would have been different. Abey is believed to have been taken to Torpor, but was saved by one of his childe, who took him to the Middle East and hid him there. Sire: Unknown

Embrace: Unknown

Nature: Idealist

Demeanor: Visionary

Generation: 6th or 7th Generation Apparent Age: Irrelevant Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4, Charisma 4, Manipulation 6, Appearance 0, Perception 4, Intelligence 6 e Wits 5. Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 3, Awareness 4, Brawl 3, Expression 4, Empathy 5, Intimidation 6, Leadership 5, Streetwise 7 and Subterfuge 5. Skills: Animal Ken 4, Etiquette 4, Ride 1 and Stealth 6. Knowledges: Academics 3, Investigation 3, Heart Wisdom 2, Law 6 (Carthage, Etruscan, Peloponnese), Occult 4, Politics 5, Philosophy 3 (Logistic) and Religion 3. Backgrounds: Influence 6, Resources 6, Status 5, Retainers 5, Contacts 5, Domain 5 (Sewers of Carthage), Allies 4, Herd 4 and Scouts 3 Disciplines: Obfuscate 6, Potence 6, Animalism 5, Dominate 3 and Protean 3 Virtues: Conviction 3, Instinct 5, Courage 5 Morality: Philosophy of the Numus 8. Willpower: 7 Derangements: Choleric Merits and Flaws: Favor (Social Merit, 6 points), Honor Code [Philosophy of Numus] (Mental Merit, 2 points), Loki’s Gift (Social Merit, 2 points), Permanent Injure (Physical Flaw, 3 points) [Atrophied Arm] and Insomnia


(Physical Flaw, 2 points).

Guruhi The Nosferatu brothers’ job is to be in the shadows, but not the Guruhi’s. It is to govern. Many attribute the Guruhi to the Ventrue, which is a complete offense to them. The Guruhi have their own divisions, but they contend for positions of influence and truly infiltrate Carthage’s political manipulations. It is believed that there are possibly two more Sofós-Numismata in which one of them is a Guruhi in disguise.

Mihret II

Citizen of Carthage History: When mortal, Mihret belonged to a family of kings and queens that ruled some of the continent’s territories. Known for their strength and wickedness over their enemies, Mihret’s lineage sold the losing warriors as servants to other African kingdoms. Mihret was chosen by his Lord during the great territorial expansion that his family conquered. First, he became his Lord’s ghoul and later on, he became a vampire. During his life as a ghoul, Mihret worked especially with the smuggling, selling and trading of mortals for Laibon vampires, who needed servants for their desired tasks. When his Lord went into torpor, Mihret went on to act alone in the mortal trade business. Cainita heard about Carthage as the “Silver City”, a dream for any merchant and migrated there. Mihret’s Lord was left under protection in one of the Laibon refuges in African territory. In Carthage, Mihret opened a pleasure brothel, where he chooses inattentive mortals as victims, captures them for pleasure and then sells them to interested Cainites. Thus, Mihret maintains his influence around the city, as a mortal dealer, also using his tavern as an Elysium, where no one is authorized to commit any infraction. Image: When not under the influence of his curse, Mihret looks like a healthy man in his forties. His body, athletic, but not muscular. His skin appears to be extremely soft and attractive. His face, symmetrical and especially beautiful. Mihret has black skin, above average height and a respectable beard. Refuge: It would be obvious to think that your refuge is in your own inn, so Mihret uses this prerogative to make it appear that this rumor is true. Mithret, however, lives in a grand mansion, well protected by mortals in the city’s wealthiest neighborhood.

Interpretation Tips: Mihret has no qualms about what is good for you and others. In reality it will always benefit your own pleasure, no matter who has to go over it. However, somehow this raises questions in itself for thinking that something is missing that he has not yet found. Mihret is always feeling a deep emptiness in him, almost impossible to fill and for this reason he increasingly seeks an escape from such emotion. Influence: Mihret has many contacts on the black market, being able to do any type of smuggling, including people, that he wishes. Secrets: There are suspicions that Mihret started to traffic Cainitas along with the mortals. Apparently he kidnaps young people, puts them to sleep and sells them to other older vampires. Destiny: Mihret is a man of vision and as soon as he sees a possible fall from Carthage, he will migrate all his businesses to Alexandria, Egypt. There, Mihret will settle for a few centuries until Rome grows and migrates again, but this time to the capital of the world. In AD 62, the year were the corebook situates in, Mihret is in Rome, performing the same function as before. Sire: Ahkrmet. Born: 912 BC

Embrace: 780 BC

Nature: Penitent

Demeanor: Visionary

Generation: 7th Generation Apparent Age: 40’s Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3, Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 5, Perception 3, Intelligence 4 e Wits 3. Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 1, Awareness 2, Brawl 1, Expression 3, Empathy 4, Intimidation 3, Leadership 3, Streetwise 3 and Subterfuge 4. Skills: Animal Ken 3, Etiquette 3, Performance 4, Melee 2, Stealth 1. Knowledges: Academics 3, Investigation 3, Heart Wisdom 2, Law 4 (Carthage Laws), Occult 3, Politics 4 and Philosophy 3 (Human Behavior). Backgrounds: Resources 4, Retainers 4, Domain 3, Fame 3, Herd 3, Contacts 2 and Status 1 Disciplines: Animalism 5, Presence 4, Potence 3 and Obfuscate 2 Virtues: Reflection 3, Instinct 4, Courage 3 Morality: Philosophy of the Dionysus 4. Willpower: 5



Merits and Flaws: Patrician (Social Merit, 3 points), Supernatural Contact (Social Merit, 3 points)

Ravnos Normally treated as an outcast, the Ravnos managed to conquer a space in Carthage that would completely reverse the situation. Carthage’s politics, economics and religiosity go very well with the way the Ravnos there deal with it. These illusionists were responsible for creating a respectable House and won a position of importance and respect within the scope of the city. Politically, Ravnos have many resources, sometimes even capable of competing against the most influential Overlords.

Polydora, the Creator

Sage of the Coin, Integrated from the House of Alexandrite History: The Hurrite Empire was home to Polydora for a long time before his Embrace. At the time, a mass Embrace created by the Ravnos to destabilize a vampire leader was the reason why Polydora became Cainite, shamefully a vampire of the tenth generation of Cain. At the time, Polydora felt no difference in how she was treated, but when she visited cities where Cain’s power was strongest, things changed. Polydora spent a century in Akkad, capital of the empire. Before traveling to Asia, Polydora learned what hierarchies and generations were like, the history of the Cainites and their descendants. As a blacksmith, Polydora learned to create, use the forge as one of her greatest talents and, inspired by her desire for learning and willpower, specialized in making objects. Later, Polydora became interested in making armaments and so on. Somehow, the more the vampire learned, the more she was able to get rich both with Cainitas and in the mortal world. Polydora, perhaps because she came from a humble family, was never entitled to any luxury. When Polydora left Akkad, her destination was to travel to the unknown lands of Asia. There, Polydora truly knew the Ravnos, met supernatural creatures that Westerners would never hear of, and expanded her talents perfectly. Asia was her home for a long time. Her contact with the Phuri Dae opened doors for her to know much in a way never before imagined by Polydora. When she returned to the West, Polydora visited Africa, visiting Alexandria, Egypt. The Egyptian Empire dubbed it Alexandrite, along with the caravans of gypsy mortals that Polydora traveled with. In Egypt, other knowledge 128

that fascinated him was religions and Cainita explored part of its mystical side. Her stay in Egypt was shortlived, because her hunger and need to evolve might have turned Polydora into a hunted diablerist. Exiled from Alexandria, Polydora visited Tire, where she heard about the Third City project. Curious, Polydora sought to learn a knowledge that escaped her mind. Cainita found out about the existence of the Second City. Knowing about the idea of ​​a Cainite city appealed to him. Polydora traveled with Tanit and Troile. Ravnos volunteered to be part of the Qart-Hadasht construction group. Polydora was accepted to demonstrate her innumerable gifts, even though she was so far from Cain. It is possible that Polydora is still one of the rarities that has lived in Carthage since the beginning of the city. Her loyalty to Troile may no longer be the same, but her loyalty to the city is certainly eternal. Image: Polydora dresses simply. She is a woman with black skin, curly hair, but with a thin body. Akkad was going through a period of famine when Polydora was embraced and, although she is a beautiful woman, her body still shows physical traces of the hunger that plagued her hometown in those times. Interpretation Tips: Polydora is centered and fair. Although she knows that many Cainites are not worth the mortals who drink, Polydora still tries to help everyone. Her role is especially important and Ravnos never disregards her role. It is very difficult to get Polydora out of her way. Cainite is one of the rare exceptions that try to get influence in the right way, without cheating, but sometimes it has to break its code of conduct to dance Jyhad. Influence: Polydora was the creator of Casa de Numus. This creation gave him immense influence throughout the city. Polydora is Numismata not only for the Cainites, but for mortals in general. All currency changes go through her hands, even to be able to influence charges from other citizens of the city of Carthage. Secrets: Polydora seems to have recovered part of Librorum Sanguine and perhaps some pages of the book are with her. As an occultist, the quest to discover the Second City attracts her, even if in ruins. In addition, Polydora met with some supernatural creature who designed a necklace for her while she was in Asia. Polydora’s necklace allows her to exceed the generational limit of characteristics (skills and attributes) as if she were a generation below the common limit. Destiny: Polydora will discover a few remaining pages of the diary and leave her position for a successor. Under his


influence, Polydora will call a challenge at the Consillium Immortalem to elect the immortal capable of exercising his function. Then, his departure for the Second City, apparently located in the Middle East, may cost him non-life. Polydora believes she has felt some “divine” call to the Middle East. Others, however, believe they are inventions of their own twisted mind.

Disciplines: Chimestry 5, Fortitude 5, Animalism 4, Potence 3, Presence 2 and Dominate 2. Virtues: Reflection 3, Wisdom 3, Courage 5 Morality: Philosophy of Thinker 5. Willpower: 9 Derangement: Soul of the Mind Merits and Flaws: Hightened Sense [Vision and Hearing] (Mental Merit, 2 points), Calm Temperament (Mental Merit, 3 points), Cursed Embrace (Supernatural Flaw, 4 points)

Toreador While the Brujah assume the leadership of Carthage, the Toreador compete with the Baali for the most influential position in Carthage. The Toreador Family is believed to have enormous respect and influence in the city. The best and most important vampires were members of the Family. The creation of the Casa dos Artífices, although coming from a Baali which passed as Toreador, was an achievement for the Family. They are everywhere, with all kinds of influence. They are the second highest caste in Carthage, acting almost as the right arm of the Brujah. Both Families often work together and have an extreme alliance with each other.

Sire: Heptodet, the Stupid Embrace: 1998 BC Nature: Judge

Demeanor: Mercenary

Generation: 8th Generation (through Diablerie) Apparent Age: 40’s Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4, Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3, Perception 4, Intelligence 5 [6] e Wits 4. Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Brawl 2, Expression 4, Empathy 2, Intimidation 2, Leadership 3, Streetwise 4 and Subterfuge 3. Skills: Archery 3, Crafts 6/5/4 (Artifacts, Blacksmith, Armory), Commerce 3 (Trade), Etiquette 3, Performance 2, Stealth 3, Ride 3 e Survival 4. Knowledges: Academics 3, Investigation 4, Heart Wisdom 3, Law 4, Occult 5, Politics 3, Philosophy 3/2 (Society and Commerce) and Religion 3 (Assyrian, Egyptian and Hurrite) and Numismatics 5 (Identify). Backgrounds: Resources 5, Allies 4 (Numismatist and Politicians), Status 4, Influence 3, Retainers 2, Herd 2 and Fame 1.

Helena of Troy

Bratso from the House of Artificers History: Born to an Achaen king in the early 1200s BCE, Helena has always known power. Word of her political acumen and surpassing beauty spread far beyond the Aegean Sea. The whispers attracted the attention of Minos, who visited Argos and sought an audience with the king and his fabled daughter. Helena distrusted the old man immediately. He held an eerie sway over others, and only came skulking about after sundown. She begged her father to drive him out, but the king announced their betrothal. Helena escaped the palace with her handmaiden and fled south along the shore. When exhaustion demanded they rest, the women sought shelter in a sea cave. At dawn they were discovered by a prince from Asia Minor who was exploring the Aegean coast. The stunning man offered them protection from Minos in his city to the east. Helena and Prias became lovers, and for the next 10 years, she lived peacefully among his noble family. Minos tracked her to Prias’ palace, where the prince and his brothers were no match for the vampire. He



left Prias for dead and dragged Helena back to Argos. He spent the next several months slowly draining her. When he finally Embraced her, he enacted his cruelest punishment: Minos locked his blood-starved childe in a room with one ancient old man, whose warm blood drove her to frenzy. As clarity returned, Helena was horrified to find the ruined corpse sealed in with her was her father’s Defeated, Helena married Minos and crowned him king. Thirteen years into their reign, Prias returned to Argos. He found the vampires where they slept and drove his spear into Minos’ heart. It is now known what really happened there. Finally free, Helena and Prias ruled Argos. When Helena noticed her lover aging, she offered to Embrace him. Prias refused. However, he accepted an alternative: By drinking Helena’s potent vitae, he gained power and longevity without the vampire curse. Helena searched with Prias a “paradise”, where both of them could live together. Carthage was the place. Image: Helena is always at the height of her beauty, using the best fabrics, the best clothes and styles, adapting to the events that go on and bringing enchanted looks to her appearance. However, nothing is as beautiful as Helena’s spontaneity when she is with Prias, showing a real smile of joy and passion.

Helena and Prias know exactly the way and go to get there. Interpretation Tips: Helena experiences a grand demonstration of inspiration, creed and goals of existence. Toreador is at the height of her romance with Prias in Carthage, where everything is pretty perfect. Toreador feels that her greatest duty is to protect her beloved Prias at any cost. Another great motivation is to believe in the potential of Carthage. Helena recently arrived in the city and is gaining influence and still believes that Carthage is a dream, not a reality. She is totally blinded by what was preached in the city and will fight for this dream. However, some factors displease her, such as a difficult rise to power. Helena only wants political power to defend herself with Prias. At her age, Helena still shows traces of a dreamy Cainite, who has already had some challenges to face and knows that she cannot be naive. However, the evil of acting against other Cainites only happens when Prias or his integrity is impaired in any way. Helena is friendly and charismatic and presents many dreams and plans for Carthage, which can inspire even the coldest True Brujah. Influence: Helena gained respect within the administrative field of Carthage. Approve construction of buildings, destroy them, interdict them, actions as such are under her command. Besides, Helena is very respected in the field of architecture and politics of the city. Secrets: Helena destroyed Minos a while ago. Maybe was through diablerie, maybe not. Helena cannot let this secret to be reavealed to the Toreador of Carthage. She hides this secret very skillfully and if discovered, many enemies could be conquered for both Helena and Prias. Destiny: Helena will betray Carthage a few years before the Second Punic War begins. Both she and Prias probably saw some reasons such as the fact that Carthage was doomed to defeat, the fact that she was almost discovered by the murder of her Sire and the fact that she loved Prias, looking for a life together with him. Sire: Minos. Born: 1233 BC Embrace: 1207 BC Nature: Visionary

Demeanor: Idealist

Generation: 4th Generation (through Diablerie) Refuge: Perhaps your refuge is one of the best protected in Carthage because Helena built it in such a way that some of the most dangerous traps were specifically placed. Discovering the secret passage that leads to your master bedroom is a major investigative challenge and then crossing the path there is a survival challenge. Both 130

Apparent Age: 30’s Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4, Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Appearance 5, Perception 3, Intelligence 4 e Wits 3. Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Awareness 4, Brawl


2, Expression 5 (Oratory), Empathy 4, Intimidation 2, Leadership 3 and Subterfuge 4 (Seduction).

he can, Eskinder seeks to understand, revere and learn them. However, this can be a little scary now and then.

Skills: Archery 3, Crafts 5 (Architecture), Commerce 4 (Sea), Etiquette 4 (Royal), Performance 3 (Singing), Ride 3 and Stealth 2.

Interpretation Tips: Eskinder has a dynamic personality, always telling a different story every time he is asked who he really is or was. His life is actually several lives. Eskinder does not tell a single story, but it does tell stories that share commonalities. One of the main traits they have already managed to gather is that Eskinder is descended from the Babylonians. He believes

Knowledges: Academics 4 (Ancient Kingdoms history), Investigation 3, Heart Wisdom 4, Law 5 (Troian and Carthaginian), Occult 4, Politics 4, Philosophy 3 (Enigmas) and Religion 3 (Greek). Backgrounds: Contacts 6 (Artists, Architects and Philosophers of Carthage), Resources 5, Fame 4, Status 3, Influence 2, Retainers 1 (Prias) Disciplines: Presence 6, Auspex 5, Celerity 4, Dominate 3, Fortitude 3 and Potence 2 Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-control 4, Courage 5 Morality: Philosophy of the Humanity 5. Willpower: 7 Derangement: Eroticism, Visions Merits and Flaws: True Love (Social Merit, 4 points), Powerful Ghoul (Supernatural Merit, 5 points) and Derangement [from Diablerie] (Mental Flaw, 7 points)

Eskinder, the Collector

Diskastís, Integrated from the House of Artificers History: Eskinder never tells his true story. In reality, he is a true story collector. For some reason, Eskinder has a very clear conviction that he is either a Daeva or an Ahura. He does not believe that he is a Cainite, embraced by some descendant of Cain, but a Daeva. Perhaps his master imposed this madness on him, perhaps he developed it himself or who knows what reason made him believe it. It is a fact, however, that Eskinder knows the Cainites very well, to the point of not saying this all the time and knowing how to dose their fallacies very well. Although his origin may be unknown, Eskinder has created for himself that there is a mission in this world that he must fulfill. Eskinder believes he is a story collector, an immortal who was chosen simply to keep all the stories to himself. For some reason Eskinder sparked this passion for stories and every story he hears fascinates him, almost always. Eskinder experiences, seeks and seeks new stories and learns them. He reviews and transmits his knowledge and believes in changing everything from the stories. Eskinder is in Carthage simply experiencing it. The history of the Cainites there is always fascinating and when

that everyone has a duty Gradually, the Toreador can reveal more facts of its history. Image: Eskinder always dresses as if he is prepared for big occasions. However, the reason for this is the purest demonstration that Eskinder believes to be the great driver of Carthage. Wearing thin, labeled clothes, Toreador always maintain an eloquence worthy of the greatest poets of antiquity, showing a passion for talking and speaking. Refuge: Eskinder takes refuge in one of the best protected and grandiose wineries in Carthage, which maintains the planting of the best grapes in the kingdom. His refuge is always well manned by heavily armed men and ghouls protecting him, all the time. Influence: Eskinder is a Diskastis, all the influences that a Diskastis can have are in your hands. He handles the Carthage rules as he pleases. Secrets: Eskinder is making up the final story. He believes he is shaping the history of Carthage. For him, Carthage is a tale with a beginning, middle and end. The Cainites are moving towards the end and Eskinder believes he is the driver of the story and he will bring it



to an appropriate end. Eskinder will be the greatest writer of all time, as his story is coming true.

them there constantly. There is no position in Carthage that a Salubri can easily govern.

Destiny: Eskinder is going crazy. This is clear. However, his madness will lead to destruction, along with Carthage in the Battle of the Seventeen Days. Eskinder can be saved during the battle, when he is shot by an arrow in the heart.

Sharman, the Corrupt

Sire: The First Ahura Embrace: 1804 BC Nature: Enigma

Demeanor: Perfeccionist

Generation: 6th Generation (trough Diablerie) Apparent Age: 30’s Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4, Charisma 3, Manipulation 5, Appearance 3, Perception 5, Intelligence 4 e Wits 3. Talents: Alertness 5, Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Brawl 2, Expression 4 (Oratory), Empathy 4, Intimidation 3, Leadership 3, Streetwise 3 and Subterfuge 4. Skills: Archery 3, Etiquette 4, Melee 2, Performance 5 (Storytelling), Ride 2, Stealth 3 e Survival 3. Knowledges: Academics 2, Investigation 3, Heart Wisdom 3, Law 4, Occult 4, Politics 4, Philosophy 3 (Enigmas) and Religion 4 (Zoroastrism). Backgrounds: Status 5 (Arauto), Allies 5 (Priests of Carthage), Retainers 4, Resources 4, Herd 3 and Contacts 3 (Politicians), Influence 3. Disciplines: Presence 7, Auspex 6, Celerity 5, Dementation 4, Fortitude 3, Obfuscate 3 and Potence 2. Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-control 5, Courage 5 Morality: Philosophy of the Humanity 2.

In Carthage, Sharman became overlord of his House and managed to establish himself in the city. However, with a few years of experience, a brother known to Illumer presented him with “just” convictions about how Sharman should deal with the Carthage immortals. Illumer, although he had a good appearance and “good attitudes”, was in reality a corrupt diabolist who managed to shape what Sharman was trained to be. Perhaps out of naivety or inexperience, Sharman believed in the proposed ideals. Sharman numbed his senses. The subtle changes gradually transformed him into a merciless monster. Before, Salubri was fair, pious and kind-hearted. Later, Sharman believed in an ideal similar to the Baali. It was necessary to sacrifice so that even greater demons would not interfere on the earth plane. Sharman then became a prophet of corruption along with his brother Illumer. Image: Sharman is always in armor. As usual Salubri, he always dresses in simple clothes that do not attract his attention. Refuge: Unknown.

Willpower: 8 Derangements: Compulsion [to Conduct Carthage], Lunatism Merits and Flaws: Demonic Patron (Supernatural Flaw, 5 points), Political Reputation (Social Merit, 6 points) Numeda Contractor (Social Merit, 4 points)

Salubri Of all the Families, perhaps the one who has lost the most influence and respect is the Salubri. Their Nkulu-Zao brothers have enough experience to know how to adapt to the situation, but the warrior Salubri’s sense of being virtuous often gets in the way. The Salubri have become the least influential in Carthage, being bombarded by manipulations by the Baali and others who do not want 132

Overlord from the House of Swords History: Manipulated by a Baali who wished to sacrifice a pure soul in exchange for the real name of a powerful demon, Sharman became evil with a few years of experience in Carthage. When he left Jerusalem, the Sharman warrior visited Carthage to seek knowledge of what the city was and to establish a base for the Salubri to work there. Sharman had a mission to be a protector of mortals and immortals.

Interpretation Tips: Sharman is committed to corruption and will put his efforts to assist Illumer at any cost. Forget Salubri ideals. What matters is the ultimate goal. Secrets: Sharman sends lying and adulterated reports to his brothers Salubri, from Jerusalem. The reports sent by Sharman usually take the attention of his brothers, directing them with information full of half-truths. These letters usually contain sayings about “alleged Baali” or demons seen in other cities, deceiving the Salubri who seek to help him. Sharman gives a view that Carthage is under control and that his plans are working. He takes advantage of the responses of his brothers Salubri, passing it on to Illumer as a way to keep his plans in order.


Influence: Sharman is the main means of contact with the Salubri. All reports and letters pass through your hands. The decisions of the Salubri of the city are under their subjugation and adulteration, which generates suspicions of their brothers who often find the “blind eye” of the Salubri inadmissible.

Wisdom 2, Law 2, Occult 3, Politics 2, Philosophy 2 (Enigmas) and Religion 1 (Jewish). Backgrounds: Status 4, Retainers 4, Resources 3, Aliados 3 (Messengers), Contacts 3 (Informants). Disciplines: Valeren 4 (Warrior Path), Fortitude 3 and Auspex 2 Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-control 3, Courage 5 Morality: Philosophy of the Humanity 3. Willpower: 5

Others Himilcar, the King of Carthage

Also kown as the Pale, the Coward, the Monarch History: Himilcar was decorated Monarch thanks to Moloch. All the resources acquired from him were thanks to Baali and everything that Himilcar achieved did not come from his own effort. Perhaps this is the factor that weighs most on your mind, but if a situation is clear, it is that Himilcar is purely a plaything of Moloch. Destiny: Sharman is the victim of an unholy rite, even if he doesn’t know it yet. Corruption is just steps away from becoming enough to be sacrificed. Sharman’s decisions have strongly displeased other Salubri brothers who disagree with his point and feel helpless and without a brotherhood with the same ideal, taking them away from the city. However, those who follow his ideals believe in Sharman as the ideal leader. The sacrifice must take place, but perhaps the demon can be prevented from coming. Sire: Nakhthorheb. Embrace: 778 BC Nature: Director

Demeanor: Pedagogue

Generation: 7th Generation Apparent Age: 30’s Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4, Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3, Perception 3, Intelligence 2 e Wits 3. Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Awareness 2, Brawl 3, Expression 3, Empathy 4, Intimidation 2, Leadership 2, Streetwise 1 and Subterfuge 3. Skills: Archery 3, Crafts 2 (Carpentry), Etiquette 2, Melee 4, Stealth 2, Ride 2 e Survival 3. Knowledges: Academics 2, Investigation 3, Heart

His absence is due to the fact that Himilcar managed to notice the “hole” in which he is. Before, having believed in Moloch, Himilcar thought he had made the right decision, however the idea of reigning with Moloch mentoring him is a nightmare. Moloch is a monster that will do whatever it takes for Carthage to rise and all that Himilcar wants is to get out of this nightmare. Image: Himilcar, when he appears, tries to maintain the pose of an inspiring, courageous man, always wearing gold-colored armor to show his radiance and grandeur. Usually wearing a white cloak, Himilcar extends his chest and shows a minimum of confidence when he wants to, as any mistake can result in mental torture. Refuge: Centuries ago, a cave outside Carthage was empty. Himilcar took advantage of such a place to hide there when he succeeds and thus have a distance from Moloch. Himilcar avoids appearing and most of the time hides there with his servants. Interpretation Tips: Himilcar is a coward. It is true, however such cowardice is not originally created by Himilcar. The mental tortures, manipulations and persecutions that Moloch imposes on Himilcar transform him into a fearful puppet who is afraid even to trip over a stone. Himilcar is undecided and does not know how to make decisions, as he makes them with fear and fear of being punished. His lack of courage usually makes room for other positions to lead on his behalf and for



this reason, Himilcar often prefers not even appearing to Kindred. Influence: None. All the influence that Himilcar has is “borrowed” by Moloch or if Himilcar conquers his own, it is stolen by his Mentor.

embodiment of a farce, a legend of cowardice and shame. Family: Brujah

Sire: Unknown.

Embrace: 480 BC

Final Death: 146 BC

Nature: Survivor

Demeanor: Conformist

Generation: 7th Generation Apparent Age: 30’s Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3, Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2, Perception 3, Intelligence 4 e Wits 3. Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 3, Awareness 2, Brawl 1, Expression 3, Empathy 1, Intimidation 2, Leadership 2, Streetwise 1 and Subterfuge 3. Skills: Etiquette 4, Melee 1, Stealth 2 and Ride 2. Knowledges: Academics 3, Investigation 2, Heart Wisdom 2, Law 3, Occult 2, Politics 3, Philosophy 1 (Enigmas) and Religion 1 (Punic Polytheism). Backgrounds: Mentor 6 (Moloch), Status 6, Influence 5, Hoplite 5, Herd 4, Retainers 4, Contacts 3 and Allies 3 Disciplines: Presence 2, Potence 1 and Celerity 1 Secrets: Himilcar thanks each night that Moloch becomes more and more addicted to vitae and often tries to hide from his Mentor. Himilcar has put look-alikes in his place to walk around the city and is looking for someone to take his job. His absence is purposeful and whenever he succeeds, Himilcar allows a new temporary appointment of a Monarch to happen, to escape his responsibilities. The excuses increase from time to time and each time he makes a political decision, Himilcar is forced to justify himself to Moloch. What’s more, Himilcar seeks help and protection and is finding a way to go into torpor so as not to suffer from the nightmares that Moloch imposes on him while he is awake.

Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-control 3, Courage 2 Morality: Philosophy of the Humanity 4. Willpower: 4 Derangement: Melancholic Merits and Flaws: Weak Will (Supernatural Flaw, 3 points)

Prias, the Lover

Destiny: Himilcar manages to enter his torpor. New Monarchs are elected from time to time, but the young vampire is awakened by one of his ghouls a few years later, when the Punic Wars are about to begin. Moloch, at this stage, is already completely indulged in his pleasures and does not even remember Himilcar. During the season, Himilcar believes he is at the right time to rule Carthage and decides to take the lead again as Monarch.

The Ghoul of Helena, the Swordsman History: Prince Prias was once a ruler of a city in Asia Minor, and known for his beauty. At one time he happened upon a beautiful woman hiding in a cave with her handmaiden. This was Helena, at the time still a mortal woman, who had fled from King Minos who intended to make her his bride. The beautiful couple knew they were meant for each other, and Prias escorted Helena to his city to be safe. However, Minos was a vampire and not so easily deterred. He tracked the Helena into Prias’ city and attacked with his soldiers. Minos easily bested Prias’ defenders, captured Helena and left Prias for dead.

Relieved, the Consillium Immortalem accepts Himilcar as a leader so that they can find a common means of leadership when Moloch and Troile are lost. However, the Third Punic War results in Himilcar’s death with a single arrow of fire after a fervent speech about leadership, courage and war. Himilcar is condemned forever to be the

However, Prias had managed to survive. Over the next 13 years, Prias raised his own army with the help of his relatives and searched for Minos and Helena, eventually finding them in a Greek town of Argos. By that time Minos had already turned Helena into a vampire under his thrall. With the help of his soldiers, Prias managed to



stab Minos through the heart with a spear. Helena leapt at the opportunity to destroy her hated sire and be free from his influence. She devoured Minos’s heartsblood right then and there.

3, Expression 4, Empathy 3, Intimidation 4, Leadership 3, Streetwise 3 and Subterfuge 4.

Helena then told Prias how she now had eternal youth, and could grant this to Prias as well. Prias refused, terrified at the thought of drinking blood of living humans. Then Helena explained that there was another way, by drinking the blood of vampires humans could achieve immortality without being turned vampire themselves. This offer Prias accepted. Prias then sent his soldiers back to Asia Minor and lived happily with Helena as her ghoul.

Knowledges: Academics 2, Investigation 3, Heart Wisdom 4, Law 1, Occult 2 and Politics 4.

Image: Prias is a jovial and extremely handsome man. He usually wears robes and armor under his clothes, however he dresses in an intimidating, elegant and beautiful way. Dark-haired, Prias also has dark, mysterious eyes. Interpretation Tips: Prias is protective and mysterious. Such a mystery is purposely created to protect your Lady. Unlike other mortals, Prias is somewhat kind to those of his own race, but do not expect any pity for Cainites and their servants who try to harm you. He must not confuse, as Prias is not a fool and will never attack anyone or cause a situation in which his Lady may be in danger. Influence: None, if not by Helena. Refuge: Prias takes refuge with Helena. Destiny: The same as Helena. Secrets: Prias já desconfia de que Cartago não é tão bela assim e de que não é a melhor cidade do mediterrâneo, no entanto sabe que revelar muito de suas intenções é um perigo. Aos poucos, Prias tem demonstrado para Helena que Cartago é uma perdição e que ambos podem ir para outro lugar. Prias já possuí más intenções de fugir de Cartago e sabe que precisará recorrer à meios extremos se quise fazê-lo (como trair a cidade junto com Helena). Outros Cainitas podem ouvir seu discurso vez ou outra, quando revelar seu ponto de vista. Family: Toreador

Sire: Helena.

Born: 1330 BC Nature: Caregiver

Demeanor: Conformist

Generation: 4th Generation Apparent Age: 30’s Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5, Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 5, Perception 3, Intelligence 4 e Wits 3. Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Awareness 2, Brawl

Skills: Archery 2, Crafts 3 (Swords), Commerce 2 (Armory), Etiquette 3, Melee 4, Stealth 2 and Ride 3.

Backgrounds: Mentor 5 (Helena), Contacts 3, Resources 3 and Scouts 2. Disciplines: Auspex 3, Presence 3, Potence 2, Fortitude 2 and Celerity 1. Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-control 4, Courage 4 Morality: Philosophy of the Humanity 6. Willpower: 7

The Sword of Prias When Prias arrived with Helena in Carthage, his encounter with Polydora yielded him a great artifact. Both forged a masterpiece, capable of destroying Cainites with great ease. Polydora found Prias a great ally and vice versa. Prias uses his sword on expeditions when he decides to hunt down Helena and hers enemies. System: The Prias Sword is the size of a gladius, with two silver blades, dealing Strength +3 lethal damage. However, in some way, the damage caused by the sword cannot be cured in a common way. Affected vampires can only heal by mixing vitae from other Cainites at the affected location, which will cost both the injured and the injured three blood points for each healing point.

Yoel Petros, the Remnant The Revenger, the Philosopher of Time, the Destroyer of Carthage History: While his brothers fought the fall of the True Brujah, Yoel prepared to dethrone Troile. Born directly from one of Ilyes’s children, Yoel Petros is one of the remaining members of the Second City, as old and almost as powerful as Troile. Although the True Brujah are reputed to have no feelings, Yoel was unable to maintain this behavior. The absence of emotions did not impact Yoel to the point of giving up revenge, dirty and cold. True Brujah spent time and a lot of effort to destroy Troile and his plan began as soon as he heard of Carthage’s creation. Yoel arrived in Carthage through the shadows, hiding from view, doing enough so that each Carthage “column” of construction was gradually being destroyed. Being a Methuselah powerful enough, every situation that came



up, Yoel interfered. When Troile put a stake in Tanit’s chest, Yoel spread rumors. When Malek ran against Moloch, Yoel sabotaged Assamite’s plans. When Ammon almost won the religious victory, Yoel was there to harm him. None of these Cainites really knew what was going on. Perhaps Moloch had some notion, however his objective was greater and a victory was getting closer and closer. In the case of Yoel, Carthage was to be destroyed at any cost and this was in his plans. Yoel interfered in the policies of Carthage, in the policies of Rome. His goal was solely to get his revenge on Troile and it is believed that he did. He did not wish for glory, as his name remained unknown. He did not want honors, but revenge. In this way, it is possible to affirm that Yoel is one of the only members of his lineage that somehow interfered in Carthage, managing a little in the way of its destruction. Image: Mysteriously, Yoel dresses in dark or gray clothes to mix with Carthage’s nights. He never stops carrying

a gun and is always prepared for future conflicts. His skin resembles very pale flesh, almost blackish gray. It is unknown any reason other than vampirism that justifies such a characteristic. Those who came into contact with Yoel felt a very strong dark energy from Methuselah. The effects of Temporis sometimes disrupted and went beyond the vampire’s reach. The weather was so powerful in Yoel’s hands that it instinctively affected his appearance and sometimes even his surroundings. Yoel conveys an almost unique feeling of antiquity, felt as soon as the first contact is made. Not only because of the way he calmly observes every step someone takes, but also because of a supernatural shiver caused by his presence. Refuge: Unknown. Influence: Yoel Petros had no direct, but indirect, influence. Whenever he heard about Carthage-related matters, Yoel was there, looking for ways to harm one

New Discipline Power ••••• •• Hall of Hades’ Court (Temporis) The master of this power may alter the subjective passage of time within an enclosed or determined space, letting an entire night pass in the space of a moment. This is most often used defensively or socially. The former purpose allows the vampire to enter his haven at dawn and spend what seems to him to be a few minutes drowsing and vulnerable, only to emerge fully rested at the following sunset. The latter is used to extend clan gatherings through an interminable night, de-laying the need for sleep in the interests of political or social pursuits. However, there are recorded applications of this power for more martial purposes, the most noteworthy being the “adjustment” of a former Malkavian’s night of gambling and his subsequent demise as he walked out of the tavern into Carthage’s sunrise. System: The player spends one blood point per hour of normal time that this power will affect and rolls Stamina + Occult (difficulty is equal to the number of real hours to be compressed or extended, minimum difficulty 4, maximum 10). The amount of compression or expansion is determined by the number of successes rolled. If time is being compressed, hours in the outside world are experienced as minutes within this power’s area of effect, if it is being extended, an entire night in the vampire’s favorite Elysium may only last an hour in real time. Hall of Hades’ Court allows the vampire dilate one area equivalent to 10m³ for each Temporis level or may be applied to a single enclosed space: a cave, a haven or a building up to the size of a palace. Success Effect Time 1 Success

Double or half speed

One hour equals to 30 minutes

2 Successes

Quadruple or one-quarter speed

One hour equals to15 minutes

3 Successes

Sextuple or one-sixth speed

One hour equals to ten minutes

4 Successes

12x or 1/12 speed

One hour equals to five minutes

5 Successes

60x or 1/60 speed

One hour equals to one minute



side or the other. Roughly speaking, it is possible to say that Methuselah had an influence over all Carthage.

the battle against Troile, however aware that his objective was fulfilled and that Troile knew that he influenced the fall of Carthage. Family: True Brujah Sire: Joshua Embrace: 3rd Millenium BC Final Death: possibly 146 BC. Nature: Loner

Demeanor: Chameleon

Generation: 5th Generation Apparent Age: around 50’s Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5, Charisma 4, Manipulation 6, Appearance 1, Perception 5, Intelligence 6 e Wits 6. Talents: Alertness 6, Athletics 4, Awareness 5, Brawl 5, Expression 4, Empathy 3, Intimidation 4, Leadership 4, Streetwise 7 and Subterfuge 5.

Interpretation Tips: Although some Methuselahs become bloodthirsty out of control, this is not the case for Yoel. He always needs to stay in the shadows for his goal to be fulfilled and only kills when he understands that something could harm him in the city. Yoel may even want to count on the help of one or another Cainite, but he will never reveal his true plans. He is especially reserved and trying to guess or read his decisions is useless. Yoel is a true and insurmountable emotional barrier that cannot be understood, even if he keeps Troile’s hatred with him. Destiny: Yoel’s story is an impasse. There are two strands of Cainite historians who claim different positions. In one, Yoel is purely fictional, created to satisfy the ego of the True Brujah. In the other, Yoel really existed and was responsible for the fall of Carthage. It doesnt matter. The story happened one way or the other. It is believed that Yoel was one of those responsible for awakening Antediluvian Toreador, along with Alchias and Lysander to destroy Carthage. During the Battle of the Seventeen Nights, Yoel showed himself to Troile using an ancient power created by the Gangrel with Animalism, but evolved as Presence by the Brujah to enrage the Beast. Yoel was destroyed during

Skills: Archery 5, Animal Ken 2, Etiquette 4, Melee 4, Ride 3, Stealth 5 e Survival 5. Knowledges: Academics 3, Investigation 5, Heart Wisdom 7, Occult 7, Politics 5 and Philosophy 5 (Society). Backgrounds: Alternative Identity 6, Allies 5, Contacts 4, Retainers 2, Resources 2 and Herd 1. Disciplines: Presence 7, Temporis 7, Potence 6, Fortitude 6, Auspex 5, Dominate 5, Obfuscate 4, Animalism 3 and Protean 3. Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-control 5, Courage 5 Morality: Philosophy of the Humanity 2. Willpower: 10 Derangements: Phlegm and Nervous Breakdown Note: Yoel avoids using too many resources in his Background so as not to compromise his “unknown presence” in the city. However, if he wishes, Yoel has enough intelligence and power to change the situation of his resources in a few days or even hours. Yoel is committed to his cause and is unlikely to let it go. His apparition should be a tool to advance the story, never detrimental to any of the players. Yoel is a narrative resource, not a “narrative weapon”.




CHAPTER POWER FROM BLOOD “The greatest power is in your Beast. Just remember it.” - Tanitbaal-Sahar, the Hedonist

Supernatural Power

with blood. Animals trapped by Vinculum Feroz power can also be used as an extra source of resistance.

The Disciplines in Carthage are particularly the same as in the base book. Vampires practice their own sorcery, some of the Lasombra have ventured into the Abyss in response to their wishes and the Laibon brought some news to the city. The astronomical rise of the city resulted in new combinations of Disciplines, new blood sorcery and other knowledge addressed within the Cainite world. Carthage grew a lot and the result of that was the growth of the hidden with you.

System: When suffering any damage, the vampire can transfer the effects to an animal that is in sight with a Stamina + Animal Ken roll (difficulty 8). The animal must be linked to the vampire and each success transfers a point of health damage suffered.

In the following pages, you will have some new Disciplines, new variations, witchcraft and knowledge valid to be used in game. Take the opportunity to explore new Merits and Defects created especially for the Carthage scene. When purchasing variations in the levels of Disciplines, use the same system presented in Vampire: The Classic Era, 20 Years Anniversary Edition.

New Discipline Levels Animalism ••• Transfer Punishment The connection of an animal linked to a Cainite vitae is perhaps one of the strongest weapons he can have. This one can exploit this to the fullest. The character is able to transfer any damage suffered in Vitality to an animal that is bound

••••• Focusing the Power of the Beast The true creator of this power is unknown to the Cainites. During the height of Carthage, religious conflicts could often result in an uncontrolled frenzy throughout the city. The Cainite masters of Animalism passed and concentrated their power so that they would take fruit from the Beast instead of allowing the Beast to control them completely. System: Activating this power requires the vampire to take a turn of concentration. The character rolls Stamina + Animal Ken (difficulty 8). Each success adds an extra level of Strength data, exceeding the limit of its generation. The vampire remains with the Extra Strength for one scene. If the roll fails, the character will have to roll Self-Control (difficulty 7) to avoid going into Frenzy or expending a Willpower point to ignore the fury that turn. In the event of a Critical Failure, the Frenzy is automatic and at the end of the spell, the vampire will receive a temporary Derangement. Example: Abdaamon belongs to the Nosferatu and knows that his



power is not enough to lift a full carriage. Therefore, Abdaamon wishes to concentrate his Beast to draw internal forces. In a Stamina + Animal Ken check, Abdaamon scored 2 successes, adding +2 Strength during the scene.

Celerity ••• Hands of the Artisan It is said that while Helena was creating her architectural works for the project that Carthage would become, Toreador had created this power as a way to accelerate the entire creation process. System: Hands of the Artisan allows the vampire to spend an amount of blood points up to the maximum of his Celerity rating to accelerate the production time of his works. In addition to the expenditure of blood, the vampire must spend one point of Willpower in that scene. Each bloodpoints expended saves an hour of work for a given task. The artist focuses completely on his work, building it at incredible speeds. This focus can be broken by external interferences or by Cainita himself, which causes the interruption of the artistic process. Example: Helena is planning to create an Ionic column, adapted to the Punic divinities. However, Helena knows that such work will take six hours of effort and Toreador does not want to waste that much time. With Using Hands of the Artisan, Helena can spend an amount of blood points equivalent to her current level of Speed. Therefore, Helena can only spend up to 4 blood points. This means that Helena reduced her working time by 4 hours in just a few minutes.


•••• Mastery of Sleep Some vampires of Carthage entered in Torpor before it’s fall. But what saved them was this power. With Mastery of Sleep, a vampire can enter in a “controlled” torpor, awakening when he wants. System: The vampire spends five blood points, exceding the generation limits. Then he must go into torpor on purpose, already determining when he wants to wake up. This power ignores the time of torpor determined by the Philosophy of a Kindred. Mastery of Sleep also allows a Cainite to wake up after falling in torpor on a physical fight. The character must spend the same blood points reflexively plus a Willpower point. Or the vampire automatically loses a point in one of his Physical Attributes to recover more quickly. Then the character will roll Stamina + Survival (difficulty 7) to wake up. The character must have a success to raise in a few hours (equivalent 11 - the vampire’s Philosophy 140

score). With two successes, the Kindred manages to wake up for half the time. Finally, with three successes, he wakes up instantly. However, its important to remember that this power only works only one activation per hour if used in combat.

••••• •• Reshep’s Bless Created by the Salubri, they believe that this power was teached by Reshep, God of the Sun. With this Reshep’s Bless, a vampire may riefly walk in the brightest sunlight without fear of injury. The scholar’s believe that the vampire Fortitude allows the sun to burn the Curse within, instead of killing the Cainite. Other vampire believes that Reshep’s Bless is about the Cainite conviction in being protected. System: The vampire may reflexively spend one blood point whenever the Cainite is exposed to sunlight. Until the vampire exhausts his blood pool, he need not make Rötschreck rolls. The sun damage is rolled, rather than applied as automatic successes, and soaked normally with only Fortitude. Each level of injury burns one point of the Cainite’s vitae rather than inflicting actual wounds; once the vampire runs out of blood, he suffers damage normally and must fear frenzy.


••• Bestial Invisibility Developed by Guruhi, Laibon vampires who were used to dealing with animals at all times that could not notice their presence, Bestial Invisibility allows a vampire to go unnoticed by animals when using his Obfuscate. System: Bestial Invisibility requires the cost of one Willpower point. Once activated, the power lasts for a scene and allows any Obfuscate power to be effective against animals in the same way as it is against mortals and other supernatural creatures. With this power, the Beasts ignore the vampire’s presence, instead of growling or searching for their tracks.


•• Inspire Sincerity This power inspires targets in the vampire’s vicinity to speak the truth. The vampire’s presence is defined by those characters the vampire can hear, for this reason, Auspex adds another dimension to the power’s usefulness. The truth for this power depends on the speaker, a character may impart untrue information that they believe to be true, but may not deceive a listener. The power is quite obvious in its effects, and a character may opt to resist the vampire’s presence spending Willpower.


System: The character must spend one blood point for the activation of the power. Then he rolls Charisma + Leadership with difficulty equal to the highest Willpower points among all the targets. Every successes increase the difficulty for social tests that involves lies against the Cainite’s Presence (to a maximum of 9). This power lasts for a scene.

Potence •• Ehsmun’s Knowledge Eshmun was wise and found many ways to bless his followers. At least, this was the story that the Brujah vampires made up after their fighting in the arenas. In Carthage, immortals, especially warriors, understood that Potence not only as a way of causing physical damage, but of learning from the supernatural force. The Antediluvian Brujah taught his children this Potence effect, so that they all knew an enemy’s true physical potential while fighting. System: This power is activated reflexively. In physical confrontation, Brujah is able to extract knowledge of the impacts suffered. This requires a blood point to function and lasts for a single turn. Any attack that hits the vampire allows it to make an Perception + Brawl roll (difficulty 7). Each success guarantees information about the target’s Physical Disciplines, that is: Potence, Celerity ​​and Fortitude. The information is specific, so think carefully about what to ask the Storyteller. Example: Melgor was hit by an attack. His opponent used some different levels of Disciplines. Melgor’s Perception + Brawl roll guaranteed him two successes. Melgor uses the first success to find out what his opponent’s first Potence level is and the second success to find out if his opponent has Celerity. The Brujah then discovers that his opponent does not have the Discipline Celerity, but does have Potence 1 - Natural Power.

••••• Melqart’s Destruction Hercules is for the Greeks just as Melqart was for the Punic. The Brujah developed this power when the arenas became the main attraction in the city. Spreading Melqart’s Destruction allows a Brujah to spread the damage of his Power to more targets within an area without the need to touch them. System: Activating this power requires the use of three bloodpoints and it covers an area of ​​three meters of circumference. The vampire can only reach an amount of opponents equal to his current Potence level. Each opponent chosen will increase the difficulty of +1 (up to a maximum of 9). After the hit, the damage is

not automatic, requiring a Strength + Brawl + Potence roll. The end result can be absorbed normally with Vigor and Fortitude, if the targets have it. The effects of this power do not cause Lethal damage to opponents around, even if the vampire in question has Barbarity (Potence 2) activated that turn. Only the opponent who receives the direct physical attack can suffer the effects of Lethal damage. This power can be activated once per turn. Example: Melgor is fighting three opponents and makes the decision to use Melqart’s Destruction. Because he has Potence 5, Melgor could hit up to five enemies, however he is only fighting three. The activation costs him 3 bloodpoints in the turn. During the hit, Melgor will roll Dexterity 3 + Brawl 4, difficulty 9 [7, 2, 6, 10, 9, 3, 6]. During the damage, Melgor will roll Strength 4 + Brawl 4 + Potence 5 (difficulty 6) to destroy them. Melgor achieved 6 successes as damage. After the hit, all the enemies received 6 points of damage and may roll Stamina to soak.


••• Stonemeld Used as a variant of Earthmeld, the Akunanse who learned Fortitude developed Earthmeld to adapt to rocky regions. After some centuries, this power became a variant of Protean, by the Gangrel. It is believed that this power was developed in Carthage, so that they could join in the surroundings, in the most beautiful stone houses and on the city walls, hidden from their opponents. While Earthmeld allows the vampire to unite only with the earth, Stonemeld allows the vampire to unite his body with any structure or environment that is made of stones. System: Just like Earthmeld, with the difference that the vampire is now able to unite with the stone surfaces. If destroyed, the vampire is automatically awakened and expelled from his stone “bed”.


••• Judge Resilience (Hematus or Cruscistus) While learning to master blood, Assamite vampires developed this power as a way to maintain resilience even in the face of adverse blood expenditures. The power allows an Assamite to recover some blood points after having spent them with his main Discipline, Quietus. System: When activating Quietus, the player must perform a Willpower roll (difficulty 8). Success allows the vampire to be able to retain the use of that blood so



that the effects of power work and the vitae returns to his body. Each success allows the recovery of one point of blood spent per hour. During that night, after activating Quietus, each hour that passes will return a blood point to the limits of a vampire’s Generation. That is, an 8th Generation Member could recover up to three blood points in the same night. However, the three points recovered could not exceed the limit of 15 points imposed by Generation. This power is always active, however its effects can be canceled by the vampire’s will. Example: Zagreb used Quietus 2 (Scorpio’s Touch), spending a blood point in the process. His 7th Generation allows him to recover up to 4 blood points in one night, so Zagreb does the Willpower roll (difficulty 8). Since he had three successes in the test, he will recover three blood points in a period of 3 hours during that night.

System: Activating this power requires two blood points. The vampire must touch the target and concentrate for one turn. Then, a Manipulation + Occultism roll (difficulty 7) will reveal the result. Each success on the roll guarantees the target a point of lethal damage, absorbable only by Fortitude (difficulty 8). The age of a Cainite target can increase a maximum number of years as determined by the following table, although the player may choose to apply a lesser effect. The Narrator remains the final arbiter of the effect of time on an object, but living beings whose age goes beyond a natural life span quickly perish. Successess

Time Passed

1 Success

One year

2 Successess Five years


3 Successess Ten years

••••• • Kiss of Lachesis The best capabilities of a True Brujah are in the domain of the physical time of objects and people. The Kiss of Lachesis expands a vampire’s power to control the age


and aging of objects or people, and can return them to youth or take them to dust.

4 Successess Fifty years 5 Successess One hundred years +6 Successess Up to a century for success over 5


Removing the effects of time requires more effort, increasing the difficulty of the activation test by one. Objects cannot return to a previous or incomplete state. A silver coin may lose its stain and look newly made, but it will not revert to a misshapen block of metal. Likewise, while an adult can reverse the imminence of his adult age or a child to a newborn, he cannot regress to a prenatal state. In addition, this power is only responsible for damage and wear due to time. The amputated man reverted to a young man, will not have his lost arm regenerated, nor will a broken sword become anything but fragments worked. In any application, this power does not change a subject’s mental or mystical properties. Sentient beings retain all memories and Derangements. A vampire regressed to the point of death remains a vampire, not an inanimate corpse and the regressed Cainite still remembers all Disciplines and maintains any changes in the Generation, due to diablerie. However, a vampire old enough pales considerably or loses any signs of diablerie in his aura. It is possible to activate this power as a useful tool for survival, negating the effects of a natural poison or recovering damage points received. However, for some reason any source of supernatural damage remains unchanged (even those caused by Temporis). This use of this power requires the Brujah to roll Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 8). The big difference is that in addition to spending his blood points, the vampire still spends an extra point of Willpower. Each success allows a point of damage to be recovered or negative a success of damage caused by mundane sources.

Infernalism in Carthage The infernalism in Carthage appeared disguised as religion and good reasons for doing what they did. Demons are more common in Carthage than in any other city and some of them teach their skills to Carthage’s immortals, for a price. There are demons working against, for and among vampires. Do not think that saying you are hellish and shouting praises about hell, celebrating belonging to the Baali will be well regarded. Even in Carthage, this type of act is misinterpreted and can lead to death. It may be hypocrisy, but this is how it works in the city and hell is always disguised as any other task. The ideal is to know that before playing with a hellish character, a Baali or similar, how a demon works and what are the rules for the demon to stay here, in this plan. See page 380 of

Vampire: The Classical Era, 20th Anniversary Edition. Carthage is truly the typical environment in which everyone knows what you are, but does not want to and will not admit what you are. Everyone tolerates what you do, but they look down and will scold you as soon as they truly know why city politics is nothing more than a politics of appearances. All who claim to be pure are truly complicit in what happened in Carthage.

True Names Any being has a real name. However, demons can have several names that are used to summon him. Name of a mortal of which he has mastery, a name invented by himself to be recognized or even the angelic name he had before becoming a demon, in the case of a fallen one. But his real name is unique. Demons are almost unbeatable when on this plane, and knowing a demon’s True Name makes it easier to summon him, follow him, command him, target him as part of a ritual or destroy him. Those who use a demon’s real name against them also gain advantages against those who fall into mental or social situations. A demon’s real name is what he received as soon as he was created. The real name is usually not pronounced by the languages ​​known and created by mortals. He represents the true nature and identity of a demon and that is why demons guard him very carefully. Some powers and rituals performed with the Daimonion Discipline or Blood Sorcery may require the real name of a demon. It’s not like he’s going to reveal it, which may require thorough research on a demon, exchange of favors, or other characteristics. Make no mistake, it is not just demons that use real names and any supernatural or natural creatures may have a real hidden name that they don’t even know. An intelligent infernalist knows how to use this to his advantage, capturing that predominant energy over his target and using it in his favor. Consider that invoking the real name of a demon removes their natural resistances to the Disciplines of vampires, described in Vampire: The Classical Age, 20th Anniversary Edition. There are rare powers capable of doing such an action, or the storyteller may charge a system similar to the one mentioned later on how to capture real names of demons, however, for Cainites and other creatures.

Discovering True Names In ancient times, it is possible to say that it may be more difficult to find information about demons than



today, as there are no computers or large occult libraries at your disposal. A character would really need to search hard to discover a demon’s real name. The possibility of discovering the real name of a demon in Carthage is what scares them and for this reason, although the frequency of demons in Carthage is higher because they are summoned constantly, those who can avoid it at all costs. Demons do not influence Carthage and preferably want distance. The smart ones know that they cannot underestimate vampires who are “regaining” the knowledge of real names and that is why they are probably fighting the forces of Carthage to completely destroy it. The demons do not want that knowledge to be in the hands of mortals and immortals. In Carthage, demons are enemies of the infernalists, because although they have common goals, they know who they are dealing with. It is a “cat and mouse game”. As described in Demon: The Fall, Revised Edition (pg.255), a demon’s real name is much more than a set of letters. It is a configuration of supernatural power that requires a lot of research and investigation. It is not easy to find a real name and it takes time to make it possible. And even when “finding”, a character will never know if that is the real name. He will have to test. A character must accumulate at least 10 successes for weak demons, fifteen to twenty successes for medium power demons and thirty to forty for very powerful demons. There are a few ways to find real names, listed below: • Find historical records such as scrolls, some stone tablet with hidden information or an archaic room that has some energy or information recorded there. The investigation may require an Intelligence + Occultism roll (variable difficulty for the character to understand). Remember that such places are normally protected.

about the successes. Keep in mind that the test difficulty must be at least 7.

Daimonion ••••• Infernal Pact The main way that the Baali found to keep their agreements signed was through this power. Infernal Pact uses a target’s blood forcing it to comply with a pact while it lasts. The pact cannot normally be broken, but if at Baali’s wish, the effects can be undone... at a cost. System: This power requires no blood expenditure, but it does cost a price. The agreement between the two must be recited by each member included in the agreement, containing the details of the pact. All details must be included, and in some pacts, even the consequences of breaking that agreement will be included. Afterwards, the Baali and the compactor must ingest each other’s vitae or arrange some means for it to remain in their system. The Baali must roll Intelligence + Occult (difficulty equal to the target’s Willpower). As in Condemnation, successes must be distributed in duration and consequence. Breaking a pact is a complicated act to do. There are interpretive ways, such as finding a loophole to show that the pact is wrong or proving that Baali has not fulfilled his vows. This breach can be demonstrated for another who has the same power, a demon or for Baali himself. He will be able to renounce the pact, obligatorily having to have the amount of successes that Baali had. Make no mistake, no one will do it for free. Another way to break it is to literally break your word, which has a disastrous consequence.

• Watch the demon. Behavior, way of speaking, way of acting and the like, looking for ways to get information from it (Perception + Occultism).

The Baali may choose to enhance the strength of the pact, rather than the consequences or the duration. He may even distribute the successes between the two characteristics mentioned above (duration and consequence), adding the strength of the pact to that “account”. The more successes a Baali deposits under the pact, the greater the difficulty a character has to endure in order to break it. The first success deposited under the pact strength requires the expenditure of 1 point of Willpower and a subsequent roll, on difficulty 4. Extra successes deposited add the expenditure of Willpower and difficulty of the roll by one per point. In this way, before attempting to break a pact, both the Baali and the compactor must test Willpower.

It must be kept in mind that the difficulty of such tests varies. The storyteller should discuss with the players how the interpretation of such research is being done and

Do not forget that the rules of the pact apply to both the Baali and the compactor, however it is possible that a smart Baali will mitigate the consequences for himself

• Interrogate, investigate or manipulate the followers of a demon to discover some traits that could lead to the real name (Manipulation + Empathy, Subterfuge or Intimidation). • Find the sanctuary, a demon’s rite and search it, in order to obtain information about his behavior (Intelligence + Ritualistic).



during the creation of the pact. This pact can be made with anyone, from mortal to supernatural creature. If the pact is broken by any manners, both creatures feel it like a chain being broken. Example: Elemek has just created his pact with another vampire. In the Intelligence + Occultism roll (difficulty 5), Elemek scored 7 successes. He divided two successes for duration (one year of pact), three successes for consequence (loss of a virtue in case of breaking the pact) and two other successes in the strength of the pact (costing the expenditure of 2 temporary points of Willpower and a test in difficulty 6 to try to break the pact).

••••• • The Re-Embrace The ritual of Re-Embracing is not a complicated one, but does require a willingness to endure a tortuous realignment of one’s soul, or whatever Kindred have left of one. When The Re-Embrace is invoked, the sire takes their would-be childer by the throat and bleeds them into four bowls inscribed with ancient and demonic runes. This is to remove that which dictates their current state of being, very similar to a normal Embrace. The sire then fills another four bowls with his own blood, surrounding the childer with them in alternating order. At the initiate lies on the ground, bleeding and reaching ever closer to their final death, the sire calls forth a soul fragment of the bloodlines’ most powerful demon, Namtaru, and combines it with the childer’s soul to corrupt it and draw their spirit closer to that of a Baali. This process can take hours to complete.

If this part of the ritual is completed with finesse and meticulous attention, the childer may just make it out alive. All of the blood in the surrounding bowls flies into the air, entering the childer’s mouth, mixing and merging with their new soul in an explosion of dark energy. When they awake, they are now of the Baali bloodline, blasphemous in their glory. System: The player spends 2 Willpower, and then rolls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 8) against the target’s Willpower (difficulty 7). If the childer is of a lower Generation than the new sire, they receive a +1 dice bonus, as their soul is extra resistant to the change. Leftover successes are then compared to the effects below. Success Effect No Success

No effect, the childer writhes in pain until they meet Final Death.

1 Success While the transformation is complete, the childer will forever appear with an aura of one who has committed diablerie. 2 Successess

The process transforms the childer’s soul, but their undead body could not retain much of its power. They lose one dot of a Discipline they know.

3 Successess

The childer is so overcome with Namtaru’s soul, that they enter a coma for (10 – childer’s Stamina) days. Once they awaken, they have joined the ranks of the Baali.



1 Success

Half year

“The void will be present in you, the laziness will be your sister” — For 1d12 days, the character will have +3 difficulties in Willpower tests

2 Successes

One year

“The dead may rest” — The character enters Torpor for the time determined by his Philosophy

3 Successes

A decade

“There is something to be sacrificed, a simple cost, like the sacrifice of a virtue” — The pact breaker loses -1 in his weakest Virtue

4 Successes

A century

“Weaknesses will be part of your daily life” — The vampire gains a four to seven point Flaw

5 Successes

Five centuries

“Your greatest aspirations fail immediately, disgrace is part of your non-life” — The character automatically loses an entire Background.

+6 Successes

Consequences (Example)

Eternal or as long as Baali “Breaking the pact puts its existence at risk” — The breaker can be wishes automatically destroyed by breaking the pact. Roll Intelligence + Occultism of the Baali, difficulty 5 to cause damage (this damage is unsoakable).



4 Successess The ritual is a complete success, with no negative impact on the character.

huge scrolls lost in the Middle East, which were later stolen by vampires, but not destroyed.

5 Successess

When Striga became a witchcraft, the Baali followers of Shaitan replied to their neighbors. Through favors or exchanges of knowledge, Striga became an obscure knowledge, held by the infernalists and often kept deep. In Carthage, Striga became a practiced witchcraft again, brought by a sorcerer who met Moloch personally. Younger scholars want to believe that Striga is new knowledge, a perversion of Blood Magic practiced by Strixes. They fools, who think they know the truth.

Not only are they transformed, but the childer’s body and soul embrace their new life as a Baali.The childer receive Daimoinon 1, for free.

Blood-Sorcery in Carthage Blood sorcery in Carthage is commonly practiced by both Baali members and other Families. The reason for this is believed to be due to the very strong religious influence that inhabits the territories of the city. Many of the priests tend to relate to witchcraft because they believe it is a way of approaching the occult, since religious books were not common in antiquity. The way to prove religious power beyond the Disciplines is purely through witchcraft. The other party who learns any blood magic simply wants knowledge, power or any other influence. Unlike today, in Vampire: The Mask, the sorcery practiced by the infernalists is known as Striga. There is no such thing as “Dark Thaumaturgy”, there is only one. Blood Magic, used by the Strixes, also exists in Carthage, in the same way. Any witchcraft taught by a demon must fall into the Striga category, but with the difference that there will always be a price. The user of a hellish witchcraft will pay something more, however the witchcraft they teach tends to be more powerful.

New Blood Sorcery: Striga The Blood Sorcery known as Striga took a while to evolve into just a Discipline and then disappear from history in the Dark Ages. In Carthage, Striga was a well-known infernalistic Blood Sorcery practiced by demonologists, the Baali and some practitioners of occult magic. Striga involves hidden knowledge and completely unknown to mortals and many immortals. Its true story is a mystery. It is believed that for millennia, Striga was created in Babylon or Assyria and that its real name is lost in history. Only very old creatures would be able to remember it. Profane occultists clearly state that Daimonion, practiced by the Baali, could have been witchcraft before it evolved into a Discipline, powerful as it is today. In the case of Striga, the Assyrian sorcerer known as Bardhasam invoked a powerful demonic entity with an unimaginable sacrifice. Even before he became a vampire, Bardhasam learned hellish witchcraft and transcended it in what can be known as “The Nine Scrolls of Bardhasam”. They are


Striga is one of the few blood sorcery that uses an ancient language, not commonly pronounced during the Classical Era. Erudite vampires, Nodists, know that the language practiced by the witches of Striga is the same language used during the First City. Other members, such as those of Tal’Mahe’Ra, would know from afar to hear some words spoken by those who practice Striga. Striga has several paths. Some powers are ritual and others are instantaneous. Any vampire who wishes to learn Striga needs to study the Ghemalish or Assyrian dialect, lost for centuries. If no one teaches him or there are no sources of study, it is impossible to practice new knowledges. However, once you’ve learned the first Path, elevating any other path of Striga is easier. The learning cost for Striga is Level x7 for primary lines and Level x6 for secondary lines.

Path of Diafthor The Diafthor Line was the first written witchcraft used in Striga. In classical antiquity, it was adopted by cults of witches who became vampires. Later, in Europe, when Striga witchcraft evolved into a Discipline, the witches of Gaul and Germania began to practice it. Some, without even knowing that such knowledge had once been a tool of hellish sorcerers. Practitioners of this Line use corrupt energies as a primal weapon. This energy presents you with skills, abilities and effects arising from the powers of vampiric blood. The Diafthor Line, later dubbed Striga, became part of the witch cults, creating powers of European traditional folklore. However, this only happened after the fall of the Roman Empire. Diafthor practitioners sacrifice permanent Appearance points, as a remnant of their youthful vitality when they learn this line. Your skin becomes brown, rough and oily. Every wizard with the Diafthor Line cannot raise his Appearance Attribute above 1 point.


• The Demon’s Words Knowledge is power. The bad tongues say that when uttering the ancient and sacred words, the summoners of this power bring demonic energies through the forces of the winds, which bring them everything that is being said about them. Their hearing becomes highly keen to hear gossip, as if they are commenting on the facts with the wizard. System: This power costs one blood point. The infernalist speaks a word, from the old dialect. He doesn’t have to shout the word, just talking to himself or in a low voice. The winds start to hiss and with a range of Intelligence + Ritualistic (difficulty 7), only one success becomes necessary to hear anyone talking openly to the winds in a river of 1km / mile from the infernalist. The sorcerer does not understand the language spoken, in the case of a different language, making power limited to his knowledge. Obfuscate powers prevent the use of this sorcery,

•• Summon Rot Insects and worms are part of the disease. They are also the main weapons of the Baali and can make the infernalist be mistaken for one. This power invokes small creatures like a swarm of insects, worms, capable of inciting terror in their victims. No, they do not cause injuries, in addition to leaving a characteristic odor, but they distract and annoy your targets. System: This power has no cost. The infernalist speaks the summons and rolls Charisma + Ritualistics (difficulty 6). The worms emerge from the earth, from the stones, or in the case of some impossible place to penetrate, from the sorcerer’s own skin. Worms have no intelligence and cannot be controlled, acting on pure instinct. The difficulties of any action taken when dealing with such worms increase by two. Success Result 1 success Vermin gather, but act normally (eating food, scurrying about, but not attacking people). 2 successes The vermin swarm, concentrating on a single target, whom they bite. 3 successes The vermin swarm through an area, attacking anyone in it. 4 successes

The vermin attack any designated targets, following them as best they can.

5 successes The vermin swarm in a mad rage. Hundreds of insects respond, biting and stinging everyone in the vicinity. FALL OF CARTHAGE


••• Masca

••••• Fractura

The name of this power derives from both the Latin for eating and from the word for a mask. By drinking the blood of a bird or beast, the infernalist can mask herself in the creature ’s form and carry out her dark business. The transformation lasts until the next dawn, and the infernalist gains all the advantages of the animal form. However, the infernalist cannot use any other Disciplines while wearing the mask.

This power is a small ritual and requires only one turn of concentration. The infernalist summons up some old words sequentially. Stressful situations may require a concentration test. His skin then bubbles and falls to the ground, creating reddish-colored arms that grow to protect him.

System: No roll is necessary and the transformation is automatic, but blood points must be spent depending on the animal form assumed. Transforming into a small creature such as a bird or mouse costs only one Blood Point, whereas changing into a large beast like a wolf costs three. Becoming a huge animal such as a bear costs five or more blood points. Only animal forms may be assumed, though any inherent traits of a beast (claws, poisonous bite) are available to the strigmaga.

•••• Spit of Doom This effect is a powerful curse, capable of turning the most resistant immortals to dust in an instant. The sorcerer must concentrate an amount of vitae in his mouth and spit it at his target. The spit is not acidic, however it rots to anyone who touches it. Somehow it is as if the corrosion was due to the necrotic energies created by the vampire. System: The infernalist must spit blood on his target. In a combat situation, this can cost a Dexterity + Athletics roll (difficulty 6). This spit costs one blood point and requires an Intelligence + Occultism roll (difficulty equal to the target’s Willpower). Each success guarantees one point of Aggravated damage to the target. This damage manifests itself as an unholy slime that mutates, eroding and sapping the target’s vitality. It corrodes objects in the same way. However, in a critical failure, the infernalist corrodes himself inside before spitting out the necrotic energy.

System: A Stamina + Occult roll (difficulty 7) must be made, each success costs one Blood Point and enables one tentacle to be extruded. Each tentacle is six feet long and has Strength and Dexterity scores of 5. Additional blood points may be “fed” to the tentacles to increase these parameters (each Blood Point spent increases either Strength or Dexterity by one). A tentacle does Strength +2 lethal damage and has four Health Levels (although the “parent” does not suffer any wound penalties from damage suffered by the tentacles). The infernalist may choose to make a soak roll for a tentacle, should this roll fail, however, she takes the damage instead of her tentacle. The blood spent on creating tentacles does not return to the infernalist’s Blood Pool when the power ends. There are rumors that a infernalist can be diablerized via her tentacles, but few are willing to test the theory.

Path of Maleficia Taught by demons to the Malkavians of ancient Babylon, Maleficia was replicated in Carthage as a Blood Sorcery, created to desecrate, invoke plagues and generate curses. Maleficia uses the madness of an insane mind as fuel for more powerful effects. Maleficiary Malkavians are feared for its effects. Meleficia’s words are powerful enough to bring permanent disruption to her practitioner. As soon as he learns the first level of witchcraft, the vampire is struck by mental insanity.

Version Differences In other versions of Vampire: The Dark Ages, Maleficia and Striga were unique Disciplines, used by Malkavian bloodlines and vampire witches from the vampire scenario. In Classical Era, both Disciplines were transformed into Witchcraft. Striga was transformed into hellish blood sorcery, obtaining a Line that reflects the effects of previous vampire editions. The Diafthor Path does exactly what Striga did, however it has been revised for the 20-year Edition. Maleficia became a line of the blood sorcery Striga. For the sake of consistency, greater opportunities within the game and openness to rituals, both Disciplines work better as witchcraft rather than separate powers. The stories of both Paths were reformulated to deepen them in the scenario.



• Evil Eye Evil Eye was taught by the Arcanael, the Demon of Lies. The legends says he made gifted a Malkavian named Ambor as a exchange for a service. With this power, the infernalist to afflict someone’s life with a minor mishap. This may prove fatal in combat. System: Evil Eye requires one Willpower point from the infernalist. The character must roll Wits + Ritualistic (difficulty 7). Each success cancels one success from the next roll of the adversary.

three blood points and the sorcerer must touch her victim. This power requires a resisted Willpower test (difficulty 8) between the infernalist and victim. Whoever loses is afflicted by the curse, the effects of which last for one year. During the four seasons the victim is unable to sleep comfortably (suffers + 1 to all difficulty tests), takes on the appearance of a leper (Appearance drops to 0), and suffers all the effects of a Minor Curse. Vampires are able to resist the effects of a Greater Curse by spending an extra four blood points as they sleep each day.

••••• Tanit’s punishment

•• Curse of Ashtart This power causes the victim a string of mishaps and accidents. The Malkavians says that Ashtart herself taught this sorcery power to them. System: The player rolls Intelligence + Occultism (difficulty 6) and spends one Blood Point. Only one success is needed and this power lasts for one scene. This effect makes the character to ignore the highest die on any roll that the affected character makes for the duration of the curse. This can be disastrous for characters with low levels in critical abilities.

••• Disgraceful Verse When chanting strange verses, the infernalist causes her foes to be distracted and unable to concentrate. Once begun, the psalm is heard by the victim wherever he flees, so long as the infernalist keeps chanting. System: Using this power costs one bloodpoint from the infernalist and can be used only in one target per turn. After, with a roll of Manipulation + Ritualistics (difficulty 6), each success reduces the dice pool of the victim for one scene. Any target of this power can try to resist the effects of it by one Willpower check (difficulty 8). Each success maintains one die from the vampire’s dice pool. This power can be extended to a group, however the infernalist must spend one bloodpoint per target in vicinity. When used on a group, the same rules must be applied as well. All the adversaries in vicinity must roll Willpower to resist the curse.

•••• Demon’s Touch Demons are the father’s of torment. They know that since the first days, tormenting someone is the best way to torment the mind of a soul. But demons like to play with lucky and this power is the best opportunity of it. With this power, the target of this suffers torments night and day, her skin breaks out in boils and she is shunned by others. System: The curse is invoked with the expenditure of

This power is a ritual. The vampire uses cursed energies to impede the possibilities of continuity for a vampire or mortal. With this power, the target becomes sterile and any change to having a new offspring is completely destroyed. In the case of vampires, their ghouls lose their Vinculum (with the exception of those who were in complete subjugation). The attempt to create new vampires is automatically unsuccessful. Any form of Embrace is infunctional. For humans, it is impossible to have a child. System: The vampire must have a single object, important to the target or its real name. Then, use a mortal as the object of your curse. The infernalist will make a cut at the level of the abdomen, going down to the genital region while allowing his vitae to spill over the body and say the old words aloud. Operation requires a Intelligence + Ritualistic roll (difficulty equal to Stamina) of the target. One success is enough to completely sterilize targets. This effect cannot be removed unless by True Faith (requiring successes equivalent to that performed in the ritual), a Purification Rite performed by another sorcerer or the infernalist himself undoes the ritual. Undoing this ritual can have painful consequences, as the same process must be performed, however it must be used on the target. The difference is that the ritualist will speak words of liberation.

New Blood Sorcery: Abyss Mysticism Lasombra sorcerers believe in Abyss Mysticism as the maximum power of the forces of Obtenebraton. In Carthage, Lasombra were very interested in the occult arts of Obtenebration, dividing themselves between two groups: the sorcerers and the traditionalists. Clearly the traditionalists were those who did not wish to take any chances in the study of shadows because they knew of



the dangers that could be brought to them.

1 - Shadow Sorcery.

This clear differentiation created some distinct ideologies among the Lasombra of Carthage. Sorcerers believe that Obtenebration is not merely a manipulation of the shadows, but a much larger and more powerful force, hidden from the eyes of the fools who use it. Tenebrosity is a tool and gateway to the Abyss and its characteristics. They venture into the blackened lands of the Abyss, seeking answers to the unknown and bringing resources never seen before. Often, morality becomes a futility, which forces Lasombra who acquire such knowledge to adopt some cooler Philosophy, which controls their instincts. Naturally, Abyss mystics lose their humanity as they approach full knowledge of their blood sorcery.

Normally, a character with Shadow Sorcery makes great use of the Occultism, Heart Wisdom and Ritualistic knowledge commonly used to perform the rituals. Lasombra sorcerers tend to favor Stamina, Intelligence and Wits to resist the forces of the Abyss and to perform their rituals with ease.

How the Abyss Mysticism Works The following rituals do not follow the same rules as other blood sorcery precisely because the Abyss Mysticism is based on the Discipline of Obtenebration. In other editions of Vampire, this blood sorcery is earned separately from the Obtenebration of the Lasombra, as a separate Discipline, but configured to be a blood sorcery. In Vampire: the Classical Era, Abyss Mysticism is one of the Obtenebration levels and follows the same level as the character’s Discipline. This does not mean that the character automatically receives Abyss Mysticism levels, but that he can buy them up to the same level as his Obtenebration, with XP or Bonus Points. The vampire cannot buy a ritual that is better than his Obtenebration level. When a Lasombra learns Obtenebration 1, he can now choose to learn Shadow Play or Shadow Sorcery. When learning Shadow Sorcery, the character gains his first Abyss Mysticism ritual. Rituals can be purchased later as the character advances his Obtenebration. He may also choose to purchase other effects from the same Discipline and is not required to continue using his rituals. This modification allows a vampire to vary his Darkness while having access to the abyssal sorcery. This ease of learning Abyss Mysticism always requires a price. All rituals performed by the vampire have a bad, if minimal, consequence. Lasombra believe that it may be the result of the forces of the Abyss surrounding it with greater presence. Some narrators may ask the Abyss to send one of their servants so that a Lasombra can learn such knowledge or take the vitae of a more powerful Lasombra. In any case, the way and how a character learns must be discussed between narrator and player. It is also necessary to remember that Lasombra cannot acquire other rituals if it does not have Obtenebration 150

The purchase values ​​with bonus points from Abyss Sorcery follow the same as in the basic book table, with the slight difference that the character will pay one point more than the standard cost for Disciplines at the first level. With XP, as well as the small increase in the cost of Bonus Points, the character must purchase the first level of blood sorcery as if it were a new Discipline. Then, the player must follow the same rule of “Choosing your Powers”, on page 169 of Vampire: the Classic Era, Edition of 20 years of Anniversary.

• The Shadow Sorcery Shadow Sorcery is the initial step that a vampire takes when he wishes to become a sorcerer of the Abyss. It is the opening for the vampire to conquer, little by little, his space with the shadows. This level allows a Lasombra to naturally manipulate the shadows around it. For the rest of the night, Lasombra can focus and control the naturally occurring shadows, making them move, act or obey his commands. As long as the vampire takes no further action, he can control any shadow that is not being controlled by another individual. System: This ritual only allows Lasombra to control natural shadows, not the shadows created by Obtenebration. Shadows controlled by the character can gain or lose a small amount of size (thus, a woman’s shadow might look like a man’s, but a dog’s shadow cannot.) Only one of these shadows can be controlled at a time. The Storyteller is the arbiter of what types of shadows are simply too big for this power to affect (like the shadow of a fortress). The effects of this ritual last until the next sunrise. Side Effect: The shadows are attracted to the character and, when not controlled, try to move towards him, until the point of bending against the light. The shadows are so agitated that somehow even mortals gain an unconscious perception of their vampiric nature. This makes them uneasy and feeling bad in your presence. The difficulties of all tests relating to social interaction with mortals are increased by two points.

•• Transubstantiation of Essence The sorcerer uses his blood, concentrating it with


the dark essences of the Abyss. Thus, when ingested, blackened forces are able to heal you more effectively than your own vampiric abilities. This cursed cure has already saved many Lasombra from the most difficult situations like naval battles or wars between civilizations.

a greyish tone and its veins pulse like black rays. This abyssal infusion guarantees the character an increase in his Physical Attributes equivalent to his Darkness level. Obtenebration powers up to level 3 receive -2 difficulty, and the blood spent to use them is reduced by half.

System: The character must spend an entire turn in meditation, which may require a concentration test in a physical combat situation. Then, when spending Willpower, the sorcerer must roll Stamina + Occultism (difficulty 7). Failure guarantees a level of Aggravated damage. Each success achieved allows Lasombra to spend one blood point and heal two. This power allows you to exceed the generational limit of blood expenditure for the purpose of healing only.

Side Effects: Although the effects of this power are very beneficial to Lasombra, they have a high cost after use. The color of Lasombra’s skin darkens slightly as you use the power. This pale darkening is permanent, reminiscent of the Assamites’ curse. Lasombra elders who used a lot of this power tend to be confused with murderers. In addition, Lasombra must spend an amount of blood points equivalent to its Obtenebration for the duration of the power. Even if you disable the effects, this cost remains active. Failing to pay this “price” automatically revokes the blessings of the Abyss. Additionally, the character’s shadows take triple damage from sunlight and his Appearance points drop by one while the full effect is active.

Side Effect: The Abyss takes a toll. As long as the vampire cannot satisfy his hunger, the vampire cannot satisfy his own hunger. For this, the character must consume twice as much Health cured in blood points to have the right to indulge himself. No vitae will enter the vampire’s “system” until the cost is paid. In addition, this power cannot be used more than once in the night.

••• Drinking the Blood of Ahriman “If used well, the Abyss becomes your right arm”, at least that’s what the sorcerers who use this power think. Drinking Ahriman’s Blood guarantees the sorcerer an incomprehensible mystical power. The character must fuse his blood with an Abyssal essence conjured at that moment and ingest it. The effects are gratifying. System: The mystic summons a small shadow on the palm of his hand, an Abyssal essence. This requires the use of a Willpower point. With a clear knife, which has never touched any vitae, he will cut his hand, mixing it with the black essence. The sorcerer will then lick your hand and the black essence will enter your veins. Shadows are infused into his body. This process can be time consuming and lasts for an amount of turns equivalent to 11 minus Lasombra’s Obtenebration Level. During these turns, the character has -2 dice for the agony he is feeling with the shadows dissipating through his body. At the end of turns, the character must roll a Stamina + Ritualistic roll (difficulty 8). Failure means that the shadow is sucked in by the abyssal energies that accompany the sorcerer, while a critical failure means that the character loses a blood point for every point he has in Vigor. Lasombra stays can stay with this active power for an amount of days equivalent to its Darkness. Success makes the character’s eyes a darker color, almost impossible to see through. Lasombra’s skin darkens in

•••• Aura of Darkness The best and greatest defense that the Abyss can give a Lasombra is its dark presence. When Kindred who know nothing about the Abyss are in front of this entity, the reaction of madness and despair is immediate. With Aura of Darkness, Lasombra gains temporary “support” from the Abyss, guarding it not only from supernatural powers, but intimidating its mortal enemies. System: Lasombra must make a cut on the chest, at the heart level and with a silver dagger. The blood will flow down the blade while casting the shadows, which gradually take over the silver thread. As soon as the shadows of the Abyss are summoned, the vampire must stab his own heart, allowing the darkness to enter his inner being. When doing this, Lasombra automatically takes three points of Aggravated damage. Your Willpower is drained at one point and another point of blood is lost, as a “payment” for the Abyss. As soon as the shadows take over the heart, the skin gradually regenerates while taking on characteristics such as blackened veins. Lasombra’s lips darken, his eyes too and his hair blend into the shadows around him like smoke. Around your body, shadows will remain for an entire night, as if Lasombra were part of the shadows. Anyone who uses oracular powers against Lasombra, be it Auspex, Dementation or any other variation, must roll a Willpower roll (difficulty 8). Success guarantees a temporary Derangement. The failure guarantees permanent Derangement while a critical failure



automatically sends the vampire to the Frenzy, along with his disturbance. This is because anyone who observes the Lasombra supernaturally will be seeing the Abyss and the Abyss will look back.

as the vampire himself will feel compelled to ignore his inner will to do good, if he has it. Preventing your will from being satisfied costs a Willpower roll (difficulty 9) to Lasombra.

Additionally, the shadows around Lasombra make it a monstrous creature to behold, ensuring Intimidation data equivalent to its Obtenebration level. Any mortal who sees Lasombra, except for supernatural kind, will enter a cycle of temporary insanity and despair. Supernatural creatures must roll Courage (difficulty 7) to not enter in Rotshreck. The shadows also cause a freezing cold around Lasombra, putting out torches and small sources of fire. The Obtenebration that touches those who are close by in a number of meters equivalent to the vampire’s Obtenebration level guarantees +2 difficulty in any action against Lasombra, as if they were intimidated or compelled to flee. The sense of awe and fear is constant even for the most virtuous.

••••• Commune With the Abyss

The effects of True Faith make mortals immune to the intimidation and fear caused by this power. However, they still suffer from the penalties if they are against Lasombra. Side Effect: During an amount of days equivalent to Lasombra’s Obtenebration, all tests related to Virtues fail automatically and Lasombra always follows the Abyss’s macabre desires to indulge his desires no matter the moral costs. No act of kindness will be done during these days,


The main reason why the Abyss sorcerer should be feared is that he is able to get almost any answer. The Abyss listens to him, however it ties him into his secrets to challenge his apprentice’s intelligence. With this power, the sorcerer joins completely with the shadows, making his mind “one” with the Abyss. Then, the character can ask a question, in which the answer may or may not be hidden. System: By casting this ritual, the vampire draws into herself the surrounding shadows and darkness. Once they are gone, the vampire falls into a deep torpor-like sleep from which she cannot awaken. The character may then ask one question, which may be as mundane or as complicated as she desires. The Storyteller gives this question a rating based on how obscure or difficult it might be to answer, from one to ten. The rating may even be higher than ten if the question is truly momentous. Each night the vampire remains in their torpid slumber, she rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 9) and keeps a note of her cumulative successes. Once the amount of


successes equals the rating of the question, the vampire awakes suddenly knowing the answer. This answer will be true and complete, and not hidden in a riddle. The Abyss only hides the truth, it does not confuse it or guard it jealously.

necromancer, increasing the difficulty of the test to 8. Then, the necromancer must perform a Perception + Empathy roll (difficulty 8). Each success will guarantee a piece of information about the place or spirit sought.

Should the vampire fail to gain any successes on one of the rolls, the interval between making rolls moves from days to weeks. Continued failure moves this interval from weeks to months, to years, millennia, and even further. It is said that ancient mystics have lain for centuries contemplating the ultimate questions of the universe.

1 Success Laibon knows the main emotion of the spirit or place, such as anger, sadness, despair, etc.

Side Effect: The touch of shadow never leaves those who have communed with it in this way. After each use of this ritual, the vampire reduces all Intimidation roll difficulties by one, but increases her Social roll difficulties with non-Abyss Mystics by one as well. These modifiers are cumulative and gradually divorce the vampire from those not comfortable with the shadow. They also permanently gain the Haunted Flaw.

New Necromancy Path Path of Umzwelo Created by the Laibon, the Path of Umzwelo was a Necromancy Path that allows the spiritual leaders to deal with spirits with respect, helping them to solve their own spiritual problems. The Path of Umzwelo is similar to Ash Path, but instead of interacting directly with the Shrould, the Laibon percieve and interacts with the wraiths and local spirits.

• Gather Emotion Gather Emotion allows a necromancer to identify the reasons for the death of a soul. Not only that, but that you can feel the emotions of death in an environment or in a spirit. However, this power does not allow direct interaction, such as speaking or listening to the spirit, just feeling. The Laibon use it to learn how to solve the death of a soul and thus, free it from this world.

Success Result

2 Successess The necromancer discovers the form of death on the spot or in the spirit, such as suicide, murder, accident, etc. 3 Successess Any desired information about death, such as time (two nights ago), reason (the killer wanted the family inheritance) or how it happened. This power can only be used in a place where a death occurred at least a week ago, or with the soul of the dead person present. If the murdered soul is not present, it is only possible to identify the reasons for the death, but not to know which spirit died. We must remember that Gather Emotion does not work like Auspex. The information received is purely by felt emotions and not visions. It is possible that some spirit is roaming the place of death. Laibon will know that it was not the same soul that seeks tuning. Example: Mlawee is in the Palace room, where a senator was murdered three days ago. Laibon attunes to the room with a Perception + Awareness check (difficulty 6), having 3 successes. He knows that there is a spiritual presence there, exactly the murdered senator. With a Perception + Empathy roll (difficulty 8), Mlawee scores two successes. Soon, he discovers that there is an extremely powerful emotion of hatred and betrayal in the room, and that the senator was hanged in that room.

System: The use of this power requires a Willpower point. The Laibon must concentrate on the room where death occurred or where there is a lost soul. Information can only be collected if related to death in a place or spiritual creature.

•• Death Sense

With a Perception + Awareness test (difficulty 6) to tune in to the place. The attunement will tell whether there is a soul there or not. Or you will say if there is a strong emanation of emotions there. In places where many deaths have occurred, emotions can confuse the

System: This power is always active and has no cost, although Laibon can disable it whenever it wishes. Laibon automatically senses when a death occurs in the vicinity, although it does not know the reasons and where it occurred. The narrator can request a Perception

This power is the guarantee that a Laibon will not be caught off guard when a death occurs, as it allows Mla Watu to notice when a death occurs within a radius of up to a kilometer away.



+ Awareness test (difficulty 7) for Laibon to perceive a death in more detail.

Willpower roll (difficulty equivalent to Laibon’s will). The successes cancel out the effects imposed by the vampire.

••• Manipulate Emotions

•••• Pact of the Dead

Some souls can be difficult to decipher or to deal with. Others may even attack Laibon while it is solving a problem. Manipulating Emotions can be used for both good and ill, since Mla Watu can calm or irritate an apparition.

Pact of the Dead is the guarantee that a Laibon will “force” the dead person to keep his word as soon as they sign a deal. Laibon cannot compel spirits to make a deal and the apparition must willingly carry it out.

System: This power is activated when a Willpower point is spent. Laibon must be in tune with the soul to manipulate emotions. With a Manipulation + Empathy roll (difficulty equal to the target’s Willpower), the Laibon can temporarily master a soul’s emotions.

System: When making a deal with a spirit, Laibon must spend one point of Willpower. For the agreement to work, it is necessary to have a bone that will symbolize the agreement. Mla Watu must have the bone in hand while he is carrying out the agreement, signing and engraving his words exactly on the bone.

Laibon must choose between four primary emotions to influence, being Fear, Calm, Hate and Love. In addition to the imposed emotion, Laibon must indicate the reason for the emotion. Angry appearances can attack someone, while calm spirits can help Laibon. The success chart below defines the strength with which emotions reach the appearance. The effect lasts for one scene and if the spirit finds out it was used as a tool, it can focus its efforts on harming the vampire in question.

Both Mla Watu and the spirit must perform a Willpower roll (difficulty 6). The greater the number of successes, the greater the strength of the contract on the character. One success can mean normal compliance, easy to be circumvented while five successes can mean total devotion to the agreement.

necromancer planned.

System: When attuned to an Wraith, Mla Watu can cause terrible visions about the death that spirit suffered, making him relive the moments of pain with even greater suffering. In charge of the Storyteller, Mla Watu may need an object of which the Wraith has some fixation or a memory. This object must be used against the Wraith, as a way to remind her of her most painful emotions.The necromancer must spend a blood point and perform a Manipulation + Empathy roll (difficulty 8) to convert that spirit’s emotions into pure pain. Each success guarantees a level of damage on the Willpower of the Wraith. Failure on the roll can cause a point of unsoakable lethal damage to the vampire, while a Critical Failure adds a temporary Derangement.

The bone must be painted with Laibon’s blood and buried soon after the agreement is signed. The contract term will last for a century, until it deteriorates completely. Sucessess Result This power can be especially dangerous to a Laibon who 1 Success The spirit is slightly influenced by does not know how to carry out his agreements, after all he can find himself in a dead end for a century if he is Laibon, obeying emotions hesitantly. not careful. 2 Successes The influenced spirit feels the emotion normally, acting as an ordinary person ••••• Nightmare would, without going too far from the Nightmare makes the necromancer a real enemy of necromancer’s will. the apparitions because it allows the Laibon to torment 3 Successes The spirit makes sense of what Mla the soul making it relive the moments of its death with Watu wants, reacting the way the excruciating mental pains. 4 Successes

Mla Watu influences that soul abruptly, reacting even violently to the imposed emotion. The soul itself responds exactly to the stimulus proposed by Laibon.

5 Successes

Laibon invades that soul’s emotions so powerfully that the spirit is seized by a frenzy of emotions, acting even beyond what Laibon wants, uncontrollably.

This power works in a similar way to the Presence, but for spirits. Each success, in addition to influencing that soul, guarantees extra data to deal with that spirit when the tests are related to that emotion. However, souls know they are being influenced and can try to resist with a 154

When the Wraith’s Willpower reaches zero, it is completely destroyed, but the necromancer may choose


to expend a point of Willpower and send it back to the weakened Land of Shadows instead of destroying it.


The Akunanse makes his lair inside natural formations, plants, or earth by melting into the darkness hidden under their surface. A natural object significantly altered or sculpted by man is not suitable for this power; a wooden hut cannot be used, but a tree with carvings on it might do.

It is unclear who developed Abombwe, but it is clear that both Bonsam and Akunanse have different views. For the Bonsam, Abombwe is an uncertain manifestation of inner darkness, transformed into brute force. For the Akunanse, it is the most complete domain of the Beast and how it presents itself to immortals.

System: The player spends a blood point. Unseen Hibernation is automatic and takes a turn to complete. The character falls into a consciousness one step above torpor during this time and his player must make a Philosophy roll (difficulty 6) for the character to rouse prematurely.

The Akunanse understand the Beast as a ferocious and almost indomitable weapon of battle and for this reason they work in their Discipline so that this weapon is in their favor. Although Abombwe is not commonly taught to Cainites for their difficulty in dealing with the Beast, their Gangrel brothers have a certain similarity when they show the talents of Metamorphosis to the Akunanse.

The difficulty of rolls to locate the character increase by two. Astral individuals cannot affect him directly, instead meeting with writhing darkness as their hands pass through him. Violence upon the submerged vampire expels him from the object in a blinding spray (everyone near the vampire, and the vampire are at +2 difficulty on Perception for the turn). The vampire subtracts two from his Initiative for the first turn upon expulsion, but may act normally after that.

New Disciplines

• Predator’s Communion The Laibon is the greatest predator in his territory and senses whenever a potential ally or rival is nearby. System: Spend a blood point. For the rest of the scene, the Laibon can sense predators in the area, including vampires, shapeshifters, ghosts, predatory animals, mortals, and ghouls with a Philosophy rating of 4 or less. To pinpoint the location or find a hidden creature, the player rolls Perception + Survival (difficulty 6, modified by the strength of the predator as determined by the Storyteller, stronger predators are generally easier to detect). Altought, this power doesn’t work with any Disciplines used for hiding (Obfuscate, Chimerstry and etc).

•• Invoking the Predator Sculpting the malleable darkness inside him and pushing it outward, the Laibon can copy aspects of predatory animals. System: This transformation takes one turn and requires one blood point. The character might grow claws that inflict Strength +1 lethal damage or a tail for balance. Most transformations are automatic, but particularly exotic ones such as poison glands require an Intelligence + Survival roll (difficulty 7). A botch results in a successful transformation, but adds cosmetic changes such as scales or stripes. This power does not suspend the laws of physics; the Laibon cannot create wings or spider webbing strong enough to carry his weight.

••• Unseen Hibernation

•••• Powers from Darkness The Laibon lets darkness flow out and over him like black, clotted blood that clings to his body. This grants him power and special abilities even as the light repels it. System: This power costs two blood points and is automatic. One transformation may be active at a time, lasting for a scene, during which resisting Rötschreck is at +1 difficulty. Examples of use are listed below, but players and Storytellers are encouraged to come up with their own changes: Hands – Punches inflict Strength +2 aggravated damage. Head – Gain the ability to see perfectly in normal darkness and a -2 difficulty for seeing in supernatural darkness. Spit a toxin by rolling Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 7) that paralyzes any enemy’s limbs it touches unless the target succeeds at a Stamina roll (difficulty 7). Torso – Sprout four spider legs which allow for one additional attack as part of a multiple action in a turn. Climb actions automatically succeed, and attempts to escape by running are at -2 difficulty. Legs – Kicks inflicts aggravated damage. Leap up to 10m more than normal jumping distance and receive -1 difficulty to landing safely after a fall or jump. Throat – Emit a primordial roar. Mortals and ghouls must succeed at a Courage roll (difficulty 9) or flee,



whilst supernatural beings must succeed at a Courage roll (difficulty 8) or become weak with terror (all dice pools reduced by half, rounded up).

••••• Predator’s Sense Predator’s Sense may be one of the best Discipline powers a vampire may have. The Akunanse trained their Beast to use her exceptional tracking skills, identifying and sensing trails of another beast through the spiritual ether rather than relying on physical senses alone. Their Beast can sense and follow the path of another vampire’s Beast, tracking it even when the prey takes physical precautions against being followed or found. The Akunanse’s inner Beast can even detect the true form of the target’s by sensing their Beast. System: This power requires one Willpower point. The main use of this power relays on tracking a vampire. The player must roll Perception + Survival (difficulty 8). One success reveals the track the individual so long as they are within 10 yards/meters. With two successes, you may continue to track the individual so long as they are within 100 yards/meters. With three successes, the vampire can track her prey so long as they are within 1km of distance. Four successes gives the tracks of a 10km distance from the Akunanse. With five successes, you may sense specific individuals who have been in a location within the last three days, though you may not track them unless they are still currently within 100 yards/meters. Every supernatural way to avoid screening through this power must follow the rules descibred in Sense the Unseen, of Auspex in the corebook of Vampire: The Classical Era 20th. Obfuscate and Chimestry applies to the same rules. As a side effect of the Predator’s Sense, the Akunanse can see the true forms of the Beast from another creature through the expenditure of a blood point. With this effect, the vampire can see Gangrel Protean forms, the shadows of the vampiric forms from Disciplines such as Obtenebration, Serpentis, and Vicissitude. The forms of the Lupines and other shape-changing beasts, the half-real dream forms of fairies can also be felt. Further, the Akunanse can tell which form is “native” or original to the subject. The player rolls Perception + Awareness (difficulty 6). One success gives the character knowledge of the individual’s native form, regardless of the form that the user inhabits at the time. Three successes allow the user to see all forms that the individual in question may assume, and know the Disciplines used to achieve those forms. With five successes, the user may see the images of all forms assumed by non-vampires (such as Lupines 156

or Fae), though the user may not understand the powers used to transform into those shapes. This ability does not reveal the visual changes of Obfuscate, as those are not truly transformative powers. Higher Discipline levels from the Akunanse’s Abombwe cannot be detected. For example, a vampire with Protean 6 cannot be revealed and so on.

••••• • Predator’s Transformation The Laibon slays a predator and consumes a part of it, be it heart, liver, flesh, or blood. He then becomes that creature as his vitae fully absorbs its essence. System: The player spends one blood point and rolls Stamina + Survival (difficulty 7). If successful, the Laibon physically transforms into the creature. The creature must be predatory in nature and at least the size of a cat. Humans and supernatural beings may be duplicated, but this does not include powers. Predator’s Transformation lasts until sunrise or the Laibon ends the power. A Laibon may duplicate a previous transformation without consuming another creature. This requires a Stamina + Survival roll (difficulty 10) with difficulty reduced by one for each time he has killed and transformed into a creature of that type, to a minimum difficulty of 6. With mortals, vampires, and other humanoids, the Laibon takes on an average appearance for his victim’s ethnic group, unless the player succeeds on the roll at difficulty 9, in which case the previous transformation is perfectly duplicated.

••••• •• Incarnate Darkness Emulating the horror that created his lineage, the Akunanse becomes a mass of darkness, writhing and turning as it tries to emulate predators not known to man. In this form, the Laibon becomes the ultimate hunter: both deadly and unseen. System: This power costs three blood points, but requires no roll, as the Laibon’s blood bursts from his skin and transforms him into roiling darkness. The vampire may take on one of three basic shapes: winged (allowing for flight at 25 mph/40 kph), insectoid (burrowing through earth and rock, and granting automatic success on climb rolls) or brutish (all brawling damage increased by +1 lethal). In addition, his Physical Attributes each increase by three dots, while all Social Attributes drop to zero (however, the vampire may substitute Strength for a Social Attribute for purposes of intimidation). The Laibon becomes the perfect stalker, decreasing the difficulty for all of the Laibon’s Perception and Stealth rolls by two. His claws and teeth inflict Strength +2


aggravated damage and inject the victim with an inky poison that causes one level of damage per turn in living victims until the toxin is nullified.

Valeren (Warrior Path) While Valeren used by Salubri healers has a special focus on calm, blessings, healing illnesses and rest, the Valeren used by warrior Salubri has another purpose. When fighting with their Baali enemies in the Second City, warriors, especially Samiel, developed this variation of Valeren, in which they focus their efforts on resilience and destruction of the opponent. Usually Salubri warriors are excellent fighters, with an innate combative endurance ability, while at the same time overwhelming destruction. The warriors’ Valeren is truly a powerful Discipline against the most fearless opponents. The warrior’s Valeren follows the same rules as the Discipline described in Vampire: The Classical Era, 20th Anniversary Edition.

• Sense Death A healer learns a subject’s illnesses to cure them. The warrior learns so they know where to strike. System: This power works identically to Sense Vitality,

save that Sense Death may not see how many wounds a target has suffered nor scrutinize a mortal’s blood. In exchange, Warriors may analyze the target’s soak rating (for two successes) and determine the amount of vitae currently in a vampire or ghoul’s blood pool (for three). Questions may pertain to the subject’s physical prowess, combat Disciplines or philosophical stance towards killing. Knowing both Sense Vitality and Sense Death grants an additional two dice to the Perception + Empathy or Medicine roll; if known, they may be activated with a single roll, with successes counting towards both.

•• Morphean Blow Healers use sleep to accelerate the healing process. Warriors use sleep to incapacitate enraged foes. Stories abound of Salubri Warriors quelling lupines with a single slap, leaving the beasts vulnerable to the killing blow. System: This power works identically to the Gift of Sleep; despite the name, Warriors may dull their wound penalties with this Discipline. Knowing both Gift of Sleep and Morphean Blow grants an additional two dice in the resisted Willpower roll to pacify the target. This Discipline may be used in combat as part of a Brawl attack.



••• Burning Touch The character’s grasp inflicts searing pain akin to being burnt with a red-hot iron. This power inflicts no damage, but painfully disrupts the vital energies of the target. The Warrior can use prolonged or repeated exposure to this power in order torture a victim. System: The vampire must grasp the target (a Dexterity + Brawl roll). The character spends at least one blood point to activate this power; each blood point spent reduces the victim’s dice pools by two for so long as the Cyclops grasps the victim and for the next turn thereafter. Each activation of the power causes one level of bashing damage to the target from sheer physical strain. The pain triggers Rötschreck in vampires (as “being burned”), and Warriors have occasionally used it as a blunt demonstration of the victim’s spiritual weakness.

•••• Armor of Caine’s Fury The third eye opens, blazing redder than the setting sun. This radiance spreads along the Salubri’s desiccated veins in a flash until their entire body is enveloped in a web of radiant light that defies wounding. The Warriors consider this (and their talent at Fortitude) to be the chief reasons they are so feared in war. System: The player spends two blood points and rolls Stamina + Melee (difficulty 7). For each success, the vampire gains one point of armor, to a maximum of five points. This stacks with any worn armor. Additionally, for every two successes rolled, she gains an additional die to resist Rötschreck. This power lasts for the scene.

••••• Ending the Watch The Warriors trace their origin to Samiel’s ancient fury in the days after the Second City. Yet ancient tales record the Salubri of Enoch walking the streets, laying hands upon the terminally ill and freeing their souls from mortality’s coil. In return, the Salubri gained both wisdom and strength of will. Despite their anger, the Warriors retain the fundamentally peaceful disposition of Clan Salubri, and this power reflects their hewing to the clan’s original nature. When acting as death watch, the third eye’s iris flares gold, absorbing the essence of the mortal’s departing soul into the Salubri’s own. This power may only be used on a dying mortal (Incapacitated in lethal damage, but not yet dead) or one who truly wishes death without coercion. Generally, the mortally wounded or the elderly are targets of this power, but those of a deeply melancholic temperament or torture victims are equally viable. Tremere whisper 158

rumors of unforgiving Warriors afflicting captives with the Burning Touch, then taking their souls when they beg for death. System: The Salubri spends a Willpower point and lays a hand over a valid target’s heart, peacefully and painlessly killing them. If the vampire kills with a melee attack, they may make a reflexive Dexterity + Brawl roll to touch the target and activate this power. This is a mercy killing, for all the difference that makes to a vampire walking their Road; as always, killing done outside the heat of battle may necessitate a Degeneration roll. The player then rolls the character’s Perception + Empathy (difficulty 7); upon a success, the target’s soul is absorbed. For each success on the absorption roll, the Salubri may do one of two things: •Recall facts of the target’s memory, requiring a separate Intelligence + Empathy roll (difficulty 5) for each fact of significance. With the soul’s vitality residing inside the Salubri, he knows much of what the dead man did — interesting secrets, rare treasures, or vital documents. The Salubri may choose to let pertinent or pressing information come to him (Storyteller’s choice) but this raises the difficulty of the roll to 7. •Absorb the living energies of the mortal’s soul to bolster their own; each success allows the Warrior to recoup a point of Willpower. The Warrior may store these Willpower points above their normal maximum (to a total of 10). The soul remains within the Salubri’s own for as long as he wishes, but only one soul may be contained at a time. Once the successes on the roll have been used by either or both options, the remnants of the soul fade, venturing to their final destination. The corpse of the target may be fed upon, regardless of clan weakness. Their blood tastes rich and hot, even many nights after death; however, they may not be Embraced.

••••• • Vengeance of Samiel Invoking the name and spirit of her long-destroyed progenitor, the Salubri retaliates with superhuman speed and unerring accuracy. System: This power costs three blood points, and may target any foe who has struck the Salubri (even if the strike did no damage). Any melee-range attack made by her strikes as if the Warrior had succeeded with all of his Dexterity + Melee or Brawl pool (including dice from Celerity), with two dice added to the damage pool. Armor only affords half its rating against the fury of the


blow. This power may be used only once per turn, and only works with bare limbs or melee weapons.

target’s Manipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty 8). A success reveals to Nkulu-Zao whether the speech in question is cheating or not. Two successes reveal an ••••• •• Sword of the Righteous intention of the target in question (deceive, hide, It was not only by firmness of mind and rigorous guard and etc.), however it does not distinguish any training that Samiel’s Warriors managed to reject the reason for this. With three successes, Nkulu-Zao can Baali. The most talented were also able to invoke this distinguish where lies the lie in the speech (“the power, which makes their swords burn with the purifying woman killed the childe!” - Something is not right flames of justice. in “killed”). Four successes allow for a very clear System: Running your hand along the entire blade of conception of the lies told, including the target’s your weapon and bathing it in your blood (causing a level intentions, in greater detail (this lie hides someone, of letal damage) a Salubri can make the sword burn with he is cheating to protect something, he tries to gain divine fire. After the blood has been applied, the Player an advantage). Five successes or more allow more rolls Strength + Occultism (difficulty 7). If he succeeds, specific questions to the storyteller about the target the sword burns with golden flames that last until the and its lies. end of the scene. It must be kept in mind that the target does not stop lying and Nkulu-Zao will still need to prove the These flames are not merely decorative. They cannot lie. The simple word may not be enough. Another be extinguished with shadow forces of a lower level, and anyone attacking a Salubri using this power suffers a +1 factor that is important to remember is that this difficulty modifier on all rolls due to the intensity of power does not predict the future, does not glimpse the flame’s light. In addition, the sword now deals an the real reasons with visions or gives clear answers, but leaves clues on the way for Nkulu-Zao to discover additional +2 Aggravated damage. the reason for what happened.

Valeren (Guardian Path)

•• Watch the Enemy’s Weakness

Guardians, in addition to infiltrators, are information collectors. They needed to learn the purest soul readings in order to achieve their goals. The Guardian’s Path revolves around this, obtaining information and infiltrating. This is usually how guardians act.

The Nkulu-Zao are the prepared by knowing who their enemiy is. With this power may watch the strength of a target’s resolve and identity, often as an exploratory prelude to influence their adversaries.

The Salubri are known for their three paths, that of the Healer, that of the Warrior and the Vigilante. The first is healing, the second is causing pain, and the third is calming. However, the guardian’s path consists of dominating the target’s soul. The Nkulu-Zao believe that Saulot taught them the Way of the Guardian as a gift, so that they could deal with forces greater than the Salubri.

System: The activation of this power costs one Willpower point from the Nkulu-Zao. The vampire’s player rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty 7). Without any mental protections, the target does not sense any mental intrusion or foreign malevolence unless the player roll botches. After observing his enemy traits, the Nkulu-Zao may precisely gauge the rating of one of the following Traits: permanent Willpower, Philosophy rating or any selected Virtue. This power can be used multiple times against the target. Each failed attempt adds one to the difficulty of subsequent rolls (to a maximun of 9). Obviously, the vampire does not perceive such ephemeral concepts as will and valor in terms of numerical quantities. The vampire simply compares the target’s force of mind with his own psyche.

• Sense Truth Knowing where the darkest untruths reside, especially when looking for who is truly your opponent, is mandatory for Nkulu-Zao. The third eye opens, then narrows in close scrutiny. The Salubri’s eye begins to discern truth and deception as easily as light scattered from a crystal. Lies become obvious The player may interpret this information more to the third eye’s sight, allowing a perceptive Salubri accurately according to the mechanics of the game. This to easily come to judgment. power does not require eye contact, although the vampire

System: While examining a social situation, speech, must be able to see the target clearly. or similar situation, Nkulu-Zao must perform a Perception + Empathy roll (difficulty 6) against the ••• Discouragement’s Touch

While the calm can be one of a Watcher’s greatest



weapons, the Willpower is one of the Guardian’s greatest tools. Going unnoticed requires the vampire to use his leadership over the soul to manipulate his opponents. Thus, the plans take place as they should. For Nkulu-Zao, the Guardian’s job involves using this tool. This power allows a Nkulu-Zao to discourage a enemie’s next actions. System: The Guardian spends two blood points and a Willpower point and touches an enemy hostile to him. For the next three turns, any self-benefit decision the target makes demands a Willpower roll, with difficulty increased by 2 (up to a maximum of 9). If the target fails the test, he gives up his action for one scene. A critical failure causes the target to completely forget the initial idea. In a dangerous situation, where a character’s life is at risk, he may choose to spend a Willpower point to do the action, dispensing with the Willpower check. The Nkulu-Zao cannot use this power over himself. Knowing Gift of Sleep or Morphean Blow increases the duration of two turns (up to a maximum of 7).

•••• Destroy the Outcast Will’s The destabilization of your enemies begins when their Willpower is destroyed. At least, the Nkulu-Zao believe that they learned to wield this power. This level of Valeren allows a Nkulu-Zao to weaken his opponent where it hurts him most: In his Willpower. System: When spending two blood points, Nkulu-Zao opens its third eye, focusing on the target in question. Unlike other Valeren powers, the light projected by the eye affects the Aura of the Nkulu-Zao and the target, changing the color of both to a purple, connected by silver energy. This Aura can be detected by Auspex powers without the slightest difficulty. Nkulu-Zao then rolls Manipulation + Occultism (difficulty 8). Each success allows a temporary Willpower point to be absorbed by Nkulu-Zao. However, this removed point can only be recovered when a week has passed.

orb becomes as a reflection of the sun itself, illuminating the area and searing the flesh of the undead. System: The vampire stares in the general direction he wishes the power to illuminate, while his player spends one point each of blood and Willpower and rolls Conscience, Conviction or Reflection (difficulty 6). Success causes the Cainite’s third eye to open and glow as described. The light has the same effects as direct sunlight and inflicts one to three levels of aggravated damage per turn to all vampires in visual range according to their exposure. As the power’s light emits as radiance rather a beam, it knows neither friend nor foe. Even the Salubri is not wholly immune to his light, suffering three dice of lethal damage each turn, soaked normally. Any wounds the Salubri suffers manifest as a torrent of bloody tears weeping from the third eye. This power lasts only one turn, after which its duration may be extended for as many turns as desired (though the player must make the same expenditure each turn). A vampire who perishes as a result of using this power falls to the earth, his normal eyes closed in an expression of beatific rapture even as his third eye dims. His corpse blazes in searing white light, carrying his scattering ashes upward to the possibility of redemption.

••••• • Soul Judgement Chosen by Saulot to be the Guardians of the Salubri, the Nkulu-Zao are also Judges of the Unworthy. The Nkulu-Zao pronounce judgment on those who misuse it. His third eye glowing as the purest silver of Carthage. The vampire renders a portion of the target’s vitae inert, blocking them from powering their Disciplines or healing their undead frame by sheer effort of will. The target feels their blood seize within them, clotting into dead dark chunks. Even powerful elders fear repeated use of this power.

••••• Protection of Melqart

System: The Guardian spends a Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + Occultism or Empathy (difficulty 7) against a target of a Cainite within line of sight, contested by the victim’s Willpower roll (difficulty 9). For each success on the roll, a blood point in the target’s pool is rendered unusable for any purpose, like healing, Disciplines, ghouling, or anything else. The target may spend one point of Willpower per blood point to unclot their vitae, but otherwise may not spend or discharge the dead blood in any way.

Upon invoking this power, a Nkulu-Zao’s third eye opens impossibly wide and burns incandescent gold. The

This power cannot be combined with Discouragement’s Touch.

The power can be used more than once on the target, however other levels of mental protection like Obfuscation or Fortitude can help the opponent to defend himself against this power. If the target’s Willpower reaches zero, it enters Torpor, only rising after the time determined by its Philosophy. The points absorbed by Nkulu-Zao can be used as if they were your own Willpower.



••••• •• Renewal of the Spirit Made by an Elder Nkulu-Zao, this power is one of the legacy’s greatest weapons against its enemies. It is believed that it was created to avenge its diablerized Salubri brothers against the Baali, being used only with diablerized Salubris. It is not possible to use this power as an attack or to bring diablerized vampires from other Families. The Nkulu-Zao are trained to use this power to rebuild their Salubri brothers who were “destroyed” by the Diablerie of the unworthy. This power is a ritual. The Nkulu-Zao must cut the palm of his hand with a knife prepared ritualistically for this and throw the blood on the face of his opponent or directing his bloody hand on the chest of the opponent, activating the power. Immediately, the third eye opens, and the diablerist vampire’s Willpower is sucked into the Salubri’s body. This is a secret of the Guardians. No Guardian shares this power commonly and they hide from all possible enemies. It would be a serious failure against members of the lineage to share this type of tool. System: This power costs three points of Willpower. The Guardian cuts the palm of the hand with the ritual knife with the blade made from the bone of a dead enemy. When you do this, it automatically receives an Aggravated vitality level. Then he spends a blood point, which will gush out of his hand and throw at the diablerist vampire’s face. Automatically, Salubri’s third eye opens, glowing red, sucking the willpower of the target. The Guardian makes a Manipulation + Occult roll

(difficulty 7) while the diablerist vampire resists with his Willpower, with the same difficulty. In the meantime, the vampire cannot move or look anywere else if not at Salubri’s third eye. The first to reach zero loses the contest. The victory allows Nkulu-Zao to bring the soul of his brother Salubri absorbed by Diablerie, completely weakening the enemy’s spirit. As Nkulu-Zao wins, sucking the Diablerist vampire’s Willpower, the third eye opens on the diablerist vampire’s forehead. If the target wins, Salubri automatically falls into torpor. By winning, the Nkulu-Zao makes the soul of the diablerized Salubri take over the target’s body (with only the third eye on the forehead as a difference), with all the memories of the diablerist vampire, which allows the resurrected Salubri to infiltrate with certain ease in other Families. However, the resurrected vampire retains the Derangements of the previous vampire. Kindred with half the Nkulu-Zao’s Willpower cannot resist power, even though they take the contested test, considering the absorption phase as an automatic success. If this power is done on a vampire who already has his Willpower drained by another power or in torpor, it works automatically. When used on a Cainite who did not diablerize a Salubri, his Willpower can still be drained, causing the target to fall into Torpor, but guaranteeing permanent disturbance to Nkulu-Zao. If the spirit of the diablerized Salubri has not been destroyed, he will return to the diablerist’s physical body, with the same physical characteristics, but now also with all the diablerized memories.




“The endless story is sad, decadent and porous. There is no better work than a complete story, a completed cycle.” - Eskinder, the Collector

The Scenery of Carthage Storyteller’s and players must always agree with their decisions, objectives during a chronicle and facts that are or are not accepted during an RPG session. If you made it this far, you may have noticed some difficulty in narrating such an ancient scenario, with a range of very powerful vampires and perhaps a narrative within the scenario could be somewhat complicated to accomplish. In some cases, yes. Everything should depend on how you use the characters. The Carthage narrative has its originality and unique characteristics pertaining to the scenario. As it is a unique city with different times, very different from each other, the immersion of feeling in a changing environment, full of politics and risky decision-making is constant. The base book of Vampire: the Classical Era already offers many narrative resources, however different and non-standard scenarios may ask for a deeper understanding of this subject. This is what this chapter exists for.

Conflict The dispute in Carthage is present throughout the Kindred nights. The Consillium Immortalem is often worse than an Elysium created by the Pater Patriae of Rome because access to debates, ideological discussions and even exchanges of warm arguments are present. The Houses separate the Cainites between ideologies and there are often no pyro discussions

than those involving beliefs and what we believe. The vampiric senate is inundated by this characteristic, that everyone has a point to defend and are often too stubborn to realize that what they understand or know is not always correct. Although this political characteristic is very present, city vampires often work with ghouls. Carthage is the most populous city of the time, before the height of the Roman Empire and it is especially difficult to run so many areas of the city alone. The fact that the ghouls are not expert perfectionists in their actions, some of them being holders of a generation below the standard makes them inconsequential, believing that they can have equality with Cainites and often leading them to death, bringing much more conflicts than they already exist. The city exudes conflict, political, religious and social instability. All areas of the city are potential powder barrels, as they end up linked to an ideological or religious fanaticism. This constant dispute between the Cainites, who do not even remember that they are repeating the same steps as Jyhad, is what makes Carthage a complete battlefield. In one moment, the city was created to be what any other city in the world would never be or was, but in another it was exactly what any city played by Kindred becomes after a few centuries, but bigger. Even those who avoid falling into Jyhad can hardly escape it in Carthage. However, unlike Rome where corruption was the main aspect of politics, in Carthage it is not the same way. Although everything can



be bought, as it is the largest capital in the world, the commitments have an honor that is strangely respected. In Carthage, the economy and currencies have a value like no other city and being paid is almost mandatory for the performance and honor of a service. Most of the underplot that happen in Carthage hardly involve back betrayals or surprises, but because of political maneuvers that turn that act into a turnaround. You will hardly see a Cainite in Carthage who will openly betray another Cainite because that is extremely frowned upon within the Consillium Immortalem. Traitorous Cainites are unwelcome, hardly able to get charges because they are seen as outcasts or too hateful to take on a responsibility that can harm the city. Intrigues usually involve debates, false or true evidence, lip service, murders and paid services, but they do not involve betrayals.

Kindred Politics Cainite politics and intrigue happen frequently within the Consillium Immortalem. The reasons that form a fuel for them to happen are that they vary. In Carthage, the ideological disputes are as big as you have read and many times the intrigues are created between the Houses themselves trying to acquire influence. Be it Lasombra trying to win a charge at the Mint, or the House of Thinkers trying to keep a Brujah Monarch in control. The influence happens due to the interests that the brotherhood defines for itself or believes that it is better to maintain the city’s dominance. Carthage being the largest, most successful and best fortress in the world, dominating it is somewhat seductive. To have full control of an empire like these is the wish of those who are interested in Jyhad, whether for trivial or justified reasons. Political intrigues naturally involve interests. Even those who wish to get away from Jyhad are overwhelmed by this matrix force that was created in the city, forcing them to participate in such conflicts. Vampiric coins force the Kindred population to exchange favors to have a minimum prominence or wish fulfilled while belonging to a brotherhood, at least in the first instance it is essential for a Cainite to obtain support and be recognized within the city. The way in which the political hierarchy was built forces immortals to move to be part of this oppressive system. Carthage does not offer space for those who will not strive for it and this is perhaps the greatest ideology in the city.

Mortal Politics While immortal politics is complex and full of ideological disputes that the Cainites themselves fight 164

tooth and nail to defend them, mortal politics is purely an almost impossible attempt by a child to defend itself against adult aggression. Mortals have no freedom in the city and some know it. They understand that they have no choice and fight against a much greater force than they do because immortality guarantees a huge advantage over the years of mortality. The Senate is influenced by ghouls who discount their deepest desires or grudges held by their Sires for not being Embraced or for being disloyal. The ghouls act with mortals the way the Cainites act with them. In this way, even though they are not using their powers in a public way, they are imposing their pressure on their opponents, using Disciplines such as Presence and Dominate, influence and resources to satisfy the wills of their Sires. Within this oppression, mortals struggle to try to defend their desires, in an endless urge to know that they are fighting over a lost game. The most hopeful try, through the shadows, to direct the city. Victims of fanaticism and secular manipulations created for the inhabitants of Carthage, those who awaken from this network of manipulations are not heard and when they gain prominence, they “disappear” a few days later. The idea that mortals would live with Cainites was in the past, when Carthage was created. Respect for human intrigue, non-involvement and use of powers are just a dream that is over. Now, humans are nothing more than tools that still struggle to resist, but increasingly accept the nightly lashes given by immortals. It is no wonder that for a long time vampires had constant conflicts with mortals. These conflicts were a struggle, a breather, with greater resistance. The Carthage mortal has no freedom, he thinks he does and that’s how the Cainites want it to be. Within his madness, Troile would never admit that his city became just another slave camp like any city in which Kindred play, because Troile is proud of his creation and refuses to wake up from this dream to fall into a nightmare. The Antediluvian does not accept to fail and will not interfere, whether in the Cainites or mortals for several reasons already mentioned in previous chapters, with the addition of this. Accepting failure is for the virtuous.

Playing the Elders While playing your chronicles, you will come across stronger characters and your storyteller will use them. This topic is especially dedicated for game masters, to understand the usefulness of powerful characters and to move the course of history, as some mentioned in the chapter of characters.


In any chronicle you narrate, especially in Carthage where the involvement of very old vampires is very present, but you must remember that characters like that do not make futile decisions. Troile will not appear “suddenly” to a group of Neonates simply because they have broken one rule or another. It is possible that players will never find any clue that Troile really exists in the city. Perhaps when they are more than three centuries old, they will have any detail because characters like Troile are cunning and will not reveal their presence lightly. Someone will appear and not always at his behest. In the same way that Moloch will not emerge from the shadows to “compel” a player character to do what he wants, becoming a cultist. This is not the way these characters work. Methuselahs or even Elders feel that there is no need to distribute Discipline utility in the city because they have acquired sufficient skill for this. No Kindred is well regarded and respected if he is using his powers lightly. Mostly Elders and older vampires. Another factor that can affect the use of characters on this scale is the status and age they are dealing with. They are characters of great power and who probably have enemies to match. It may be interesting to introduce Helena in the game so that the players get to know that personality, however it is not rational to use her powers to compel the players to do an act for her that does not

develop the story. The recommendation is that the use of these characters is present to move the story and make it intriguing, but not to make it boring and conductive, like a script. Elders usually have their own mania and derangements. Many do not even want to leave their havens and when they do, they are looking to deal with other vampires of equivalent age. It is strange to imagine that an Elder will spend his time to “punish a fledgling” and show how bad he is. This doesn’t happen. Elders often feel a huge difference in society over the centuries or even in relation to their Beasts and if they do not spend time trying to understand themselves, they will likely suffer from the same evil that Troile or other vampires suffered: Indifference . Living centuries repeating the same stories is boring. It’s boring. Some of them still stick to Jyhad because they are looking for alternatives to justify their existence while others have accepted that their destiny is lonely. It is up to the narrator to justify their presence in a chronicle and use them correctly. The players’ characters almost always have to deal with challenges at their height, finding one or the other a little bigger than their knowledge, however encountering astronomical challenges make their sessions unreasonable. It gives the feeling that there is no reason to evolve a



character if suddenly an Elder will appear to rule over him. So be very careful when using old characters in your chronicle. They are great forces and direct the scene, but it is not good for your chronicle to make them pathetic personalities who appear to “teach lessons”.

The Influence of Religion While growing up, religious fervor was not a potential political tool in Carthage. However, due to the dozens of political maneuvers created by different situations, the city has potentially increased the number of faithful over the centuries. In the end, Carthage was completely attached to religion and nothing would convince them that they were wrong. It is important to think about how religion influenced the lives of Carthage’s mortals and immortals. During your narratives, keep in mind the historical period and how religion is positioned at that moment in the city. In the early decades of Carthage, religion is almost non-existent. Punic polytheism has not flourished or developed and there is little influence from the Phoenicians and Egyptians. The city had not yet faced the problems of a diverse super population, with cultures of different peoples and from each region of the world. It is interesting to interpret that at this moment, which is possibly in the eight hundred BC, religion was just hope and an extra reason to believe in our goals. Mortals used religion as inspiration. The Cainites disdained religiousness, including those who thought they were living deities. When immortals set foot in Carthage, the transformation of beliefs became a reality. While only mortals experienced the growth of the small town, the idea that deities would descend from the higher planes was purely a myth. The coming of the Cainites was the physical representation of that. However, mortals expected heroes and found villains. Those beings, who claimed to come from the most powerful entities in the world ever created by human minds, were far from the charm, goodness and purity of the Gods. In reality, they imitated intellect, perfection and arrogance. Thus, mortals discovered that they were fragile creatures in the world. The first century was the breaking of mortal expectations. The current conflicts between mortals and the vampire demigods were a revolt, an attempt to demonstrate any kind of equivalence. The reality has shown otherwise. Immortals were much better than they looked. Religious beliefs have grown exponentially and some of the immortals have seen opportunities to turn 166

their fame into reality. They would literally be gods. Tanit, Amon and Ba’al Hammon were the greatest examples of this, not to mention Ashtarte, who appeared in the city only in the Third Punic War to destroy Troile’s dream. The seventh and sixth century BC were the greatest moment of mortal attempt, not to be tamed by immortals. Many let themselves be believed in the presence of vampires as mythical creatures out of fear, some because they were deceived by their eyes and others because they were in despair. Questioning ceased to make sense when it was possible to see an immortal carrying a stone of one or two tons without much effort. During that time, it must be kept in mind that mortals were gradually allowing themselves to surrender to fears and increasingly accepting the vampiric presence in the Carthage domains. Often a mortal not only accepted fear but also believed that he could be blessed and possibly gain longevity. There have always been rebels. Mago I was the one who raised the flame of hope in the chest of the mortias. The Guardians of Eshmun were the hope that the people needed. The religious confrontation between Amon and Moloch helped a lot to divide the city between creditors and deists. Now, mortals had a representativeness, a minimal word and the ability to deny the orders of immortals. Those who had already converted and donated themselves to immortals, however, would struggle to maintain their existing belief. Among mortals, there were always those who would struggle to protect the system and those who would struggle to break free. The reign of Mago I was the culmination of where it was possible to find men who would fight to protect their ideologies. However, this time still does not carry the weight of religious fanaticism, only the weight of the religious struggle to maintain its convictions. The death of Mago I and then the dissolution of the Guardians of Eshmun extinguished the flame that would protect mortals. Some began to act on their own to defend themselves against immortals. Others began to join small advocacy groups to help each other. However, the vast majority have increasingly migrated into the arms of faith. Moloch and Amon were doing an unforgettable and especially effective job. Their maneuvers were so unpredictable and powerful for mortals that it was especially difficult to identify what their next intended intentions, movements or ideals would be. Immortals have always been a complete mystery to humans and remain so. This has always been the Cainites’ greatest weapon: the mystery. When the Blood Rites of Carthage started to happen,


the convictions and willpower of humans lost their strength to addictions and pleasures. To show that religion was not the villain, but that which would save Carthage brought many mortals who were blinded by what they saw happening. Blood Rites transformed the ideals of mortals. Those who did not believe in Punic polytheism began to look for other alternatives, such as changing cities or moving away from society. It was especially difficult to distance oneself from religion when man’s greatest vices were materialized every month. The pleasure of sex, food, rest, the pleasure of feeling immortal for a few nights was priceless. Mortals indulged themselves in the vampiric blood treats to have days of pleasure and wait for the next month to come. When there is no room for contradiction, it means that fanaticism has taken over. In the last centuries of Carthage, there was no denial. There was no questioning. There were no other truths or disagreements. Religion was planted in mortal minds, from childhood to old age. Mortals alone struggled to maintain this because they needed such a resource. It was extremely important and necessary to maintain existing beliefs and they would do this as often as necessary.

Carthaginian Cults of Blood Since you discovered how religion worked on mortals over the centuries, the main question that must remain is “How to interpret this in a chronicle”? The answer is not simple, it requires a lot of effort on the part of the Storyteller, but it can make your chronicle even more indepth. The most important thing to do is to separate the information read about religion so far and identify how we scale the power of faith in polytheism. To make it easier, we will separate it into Arc I (The Brujah Dream), Arc II (Republic of Disputes) and Arc III (Asphodel Fields). It is clear that in the first arc, religiosity must be treated as an option, as a hope. Remember that it is not as powerful and active as in other scenarios. Mortals are deconstructing and rebuilding their beliefs all the time when they see the Cainites’ achievements. There is an air of doubt and uncertainty in all questions related to deities. There are no confirmations of what they are capable of doing and the idea of ​​fear, attachment or detachment from religion can be quite common. Mortals who detach themselves do so because they discredit their gods when they see immortal deeds. Humans who become attached do so to demonstrate resilience. Fear must be the main factor in guiding religion. Religion is the flame in the darkness, which will illuminate everything else and save you from your fears.

The second arc will involve a recurring religious battle. It is precisely the moment of revolt. Identify as if they were two ideological masses fighting. There are those who will agree and those who will disagree. Those who fight against religion see it as a toxic factor for the city, as a tool and as a villain and for this reason, prefer to believe in their own concepts. However, the indoctrination of those who protect it prevents them from wiping this side and for this reason they will fight to keep their convictions intact. This moment in history is moving towards what will be extremist in the future, towards what will become fanaticism. Families start to leave if they speak for disagreements and friends separate if necessary. Everything to keep the beliefs active. However, there is still freedom. Freedom of speech and also of expression. The third and final arc completely discards freedom. There is no freedom. A huge part of the population will not listen to you and your speech will probably be discarded. If you are against religion, you will feel the weight of judgment. It is not as if you are forced to be religious, but you are not able to disagree with religion. Even for vampires, to disagree is to step on thin ice. It is necessary to measure words very well in order not to be excommunicated by a simple choice of misinterpreted words. Understand that everyone can be a potential enemy and almost everyone agrees with the deeds in Carthage. Rare are those who will be at your side, if you are not religious too. The idea of ​​paranoia and mistrust must be the basis for the religious progress of this scenario.

How the Cults Works? After the second arc, the formation of small religious cults becomes part of the plot. Mortals, ghouls and even Cainites unite in small faith services to the deities. The major and major major cults are clearly the Cult of Baal and the Cult of Ammon. As described earlier, there is a polarization between cults. Understand that all cults have hierarchies. Everyone believes in an ideal and works on a discipline scheme. The capture of the mind by faith. Those who participate in services feel important and this is the main reason for their existence. In a world like World of Darkness, where hope is a joke, a vague idea, the need to feel important takes care of mortals who find themselves buried in heaps of misfortune. Therefore, the reasons usually involve what has been described before, in addition to feeling important. These cults act on behalf of the deity or the cult leader, obeying him as the savior of all. Of course, not everyone is involved with Cainites, crimes, fanaticism and bad things.



Some simply come together as a sister to proclaim the words of faith. Within this situation, it must be remembered that behind almost every cult there is a priest of the religion. If there is not, then the cult probably disputes with the priest of that deity. Usually cults are hidden, practices that do not appear to the naked eye. They are obfuscated for different reasons: To perform acts of fanaticism (like the Cult of Moloch), to practice their faith without immortal interference or simply ashamed of what they believe and fear. Although it seems strange to practice something and be ashamed to say what is practiced, it is very common in times of hatred. Not all cults are in politics. In reality, politics is for the few, as you have seen. Consider that the greatest cults are those that the chief priests gather. Smaller cults, if not under the tutelage of a priest, are probably small with groups of some people. There are dozens of services in Carthage and it may be interesting to introduce the idea of ​​a group like these in your chronicle. Cults do not always have to be religious, the Guardians of Eshmun and Children of the Silver are the greatest example of this. Sometimes the tradition also takes care of the practice of the faith and the cult becomes a brotherhood, like the Houses created by the immortals. When creating your service, remember to ask yourself a few questions that will help you fit them into the story. When you are able to answer some of these questions, it will be much easier to introduce them into the story. • Your cult is religious or ideological? • Is your cult known? If yes, by whom? • How many members are part of the cult? • Who is the leader of your cult? Why? • Is this cult loyal? How often do members come together? • What is the reason for this cult to exist? What are his goals? • Are any supernatural creatures involved? • What does your cult do? Because? Where do they work? • What are the religious and political ideologies of your cult? In addition to being able to implement a story involving religious and ideological cults in the Carthage environment, with these questions answered you also get reasons for player characters to sympathize or become enemies of the cult created. Remember that there are always two sides to the story and most of the time the ideologies of members of a cult make them believe they are correct. 168


The Other Faces of Faith

it can be more difficult than you think.

In Vampire: The Classic Era, a 20-year anniversary version, we saw the example of faith in the Christian God. It is interesting to raise a debate, since the Fall of Carthage is earlier to christianity and, therefore, the Christian God was known as Nameless-God. True Faith is an inner force, capable of manifesting itself through the deepest beliefs of a mortal. However, there are different possibilities that can awaken faith. Higher entities like Elohim (God), lesser Deities (Zeus, Ba’al-Hammon, Amon-Rá, Odin and others), vampires or even demons could be able to awaken powers in mortals as rewards from faith. For this reason, it is interesting to diversify the way in which True Faith can be presented from the alignment in the divinity in which it is believed. In this topic, by determining your character as a follower of a religion or deity, you can assemble the characteristics of your character’s True Faith in that deity. You must purchase the True Faith (Supernatural Merit, 7 points). The effects of True Faith on other deities are powerful however World of Darkness considers God as the Creator of everything and being the most powerful creature in the universe. Faith in other Deities cannot and cannot subdue True Faith in him, Elohim. Even in a dispute of faith, the advantage will always be that of those who have True Faith in God. However, some disadvantages such as the need for humanity at an especially grandiose level no longer exist, but it is still necessary to follow the alignment of your chosen divinity (good or bad). The character’s bonuses are chosen by the storyteller in conjunction with the player. The primary effect of True Faith is a passive bonus. Something that does not require activation and serves as a support. The first and second level are a defensive bonus, while the third and fourth level are offensive. Finally, upon reaching the fifth level of True Faith, the character can choose a special effect for that faith. There is no need to follow this order, but it is necessary to choose the amount determined for power. Don’t forget to talk to your narrator and define what your faith levels will be, according to your divinity. When playing or narrating, you will probably come across a mortal who has True Faith in deities like Mithras, Zeus, Ba’al Hammon or Sucellus. For this reason, this topic is important for those who wish to diversify and create their own manifestation of the faith. Consider that there is not only one manifestation of the faith, but several. Evolving True Faith in other deities must be as costly as evolving faith in God. Do not think that because it is another entity, the task should be easy. Far from it,

Fervent characters cannot simply “change” their faith. Once the effects are chosen, they will be like that for the rest of your journey. The narrator is encouraged to make the challenges immensely difficult if a player decides to change divinity to achieve a new combination of powers. Faith must be taken as something unique and special, not as frivolous as a joke. The interpretation must be coherent and in the first place according to the character’s belief. However, challenges that prove that change of faith is consistent can be recognized. The storyteller is the final arbiter in this regard. Consider that in a dispute of True Faith, faith in Elohim will always have an added advantage over faith in any other creature. Characters who have True Faith in evil creatures like Baphomet or Asmodeus receive the same penalties as a demon trying to resist True Faith in God. Any success will have twice as much effect against one who believes in evil.

Passive Bonuses (Choose One) • The Resistance of the Fiery: The fervent acquires a supernatural resistance to the damage suffered by worldly sources. This effect makes you immune to diseases and poison caused by natural means. After all, the character must add his True Faith to rolls absorbing supernatural and lethal damage. • The Resistance of the Undaunted: While for some the inner strength is a reason for laughter, for the fervent it is their greatest weapon. Characters with this characteristic are especially determined. In any Willpower roll, add your True Faith as extra dice, and you can spend your Faith points as Willpower points during the rolls. • Nume’s Protection: Supernatural powers are the main weapon of evil against mortals and even against immortals. With this effect, the fervent becomes resistant, to the point of canceling the effects of Disciplines and other powers used against him that turn. Suffering from a source of harm or supernatural influence, the fervent can choose to impose his faith to resist the weapons of the occult. After being the target of some supernatural power, roll your True Faith (difficulty 5) against the opponent’s dice. Your success cancels one of the opponent’s. • The Prophet’s Vision: Prevention is better than cure. Prophets and oracles specialize in their visions for a reason. When a fervent person is determined to fight evil, he can prophesy events. Once a night, the fervent can take a True Faith test (varying difficulty) to gain insight into the future. This difficulty varies according to the forecast. A tangle of vampire politics to dethrone



Moloch could be difficulty 9 while a vampire plotting against you the next night could be difficulty 6. The visions are vivid and detailed.

Defensive Bonuses (Choose Two) • The Pain of Faith:There is no greater pleasure for the enemy than to have his hands on your neck to strangle you. However, this power transforms the action of touching it into an act of complete displeasure and pain for any creature. Those who touch it suffer from distressing pains. The opponent takes an amount of Lethal damage equivalent to the character’s True Faith level. Whenever a creature touches you without your permission, it must roll a Willpower roll (difficulty 4 + True Faith). Success on the Willpower roll allows the opponent to reduce the potential for damage and keep it lethal. Failure of the Willpower roll causes even more unremitting pain on the target, having to absorb Aggravated rather than Lethal for each turn that remains in contact with your skin. Botches can send the enemy to the Rotshreck, costing a Courage roll (difficulty 8) and an abrupt, frightened withdrawal. Immortals and creatures with Fortitude can absorb the damage taken. This effect costs a Willpower point and lasts for one scene. • Divine Healing: The mortal extends his gifts beyond pain or guesswork. There is no more sacred power than healing and at this moment, the believer learns to utter his faith as a Divine healing. Now, the power is enough to heal the worst of the sick. By expending a Willpower point, the character rolls his True Faith (difficulty 6 for mortals, 8 for supernatural creatures). Each success makes you able to heal a point of Contundent or Lethal damage. However, healing Aggravated damage requires two successes for each point healed. This power also works on himself. •A Resiliência do Abençoado: A maior das virtudes é a igualdade e humildade. Este poder te permite mostrar que para te influenciar, é preciso muito mais do que trapaças sujas e sobrenaturais. Por uma quantidade de turnos equivalentes à tua Fé Verdadeira, o personagem se tornará imune à poderes de manipulação mental e emocional, como Dominação, Auspícios, Quimerismo, Demência, Presença, Feitiçarias de Sangue e outros efeitos pelo custo de um ponto de Força de Vontade. A partir deste momento, nada pode enganá-lo, nem mesmo as poderosas mãos do Diabo. • Nume’s Perception:Realizing the danger is not a complicated act to the fervent. It only takes a moment to focus. By concentrating for one turn, with a Perception + Awareness roll (difficulty 6), you are able to discern 170

whether you are facing a supernatural malignant or benign creature. When you spend an extra Willpower point, you are able to discern what that creature is in its essence and presents little or no danger to its integrity.

Offensive Bonuses (Choose Two) • Presença das Trevas: You cause discomfort wherever you enter. Their Faith manifests itself as an intimidating aura. Oracular powers identify your magnificence with great ease. By expending a point of Willpower, with a gesture you are able to ward off the bastards with a True Faith check (difficulty 7). Each success removes a single target by 1 meter per success. Failure has no effect on the target, however addressing yourself in any unpleasant manner requires a Courage roll (difficulty 6). When physically attacking you, supernatural creatures must perform a Courage roll (difficulty 7) so as not to be terrified by the power of their convictions. Your faith projects unshakable confidence and everyone can see him as a leader to be respected. • Consecration: This power requires a Willpower point, then a True Faith check (difficulty 7). At this level of faith, you are able to consecrate a place. When consecrating a location, characters opposed to your beliefs, opponents whom you wish all the evil will suffer -2 in his dice pool as penalties for all actions against you, with the exception of Virtues checks. Consecration lasts for one scene and can only be used once a night. The fervent can consecrate a place of two meters in circumference for each level of True Faith. True Faith points are added as extra dice for any action of the fervent against his opponents. It is possible to share the benefits of extra dice from faith to companions, however it requires an extra Willpower point to be spent. • The Blessing of the Convicted: While Consecrating allows a character to transform an area into a temporary place of faith, this blessing allows objects to become sacred. The fervent must perform a True Faith check (difficulty 8). Each success transforms the objetc into a artifact for one night. Also, the damage given by the artifact converts to Aggravated damage (Strength + Object damage) against creatures that are opposed to the position of the fervent. It is possible to spend an extra point of Willpower to make the blessing permanent. The fervent is also able to place the Passive Bonus of his own faith on the object, allowing others who carry that artifact to be able to share the same gifts. The object maintains the same level of faith as the one who blessed it. Anyone with a similar alignment to the character can equip him without penalty. Those of the opposite alignment can


only carry the object after a Willpower roll (difficulty 6) for approach and a Courage roll (difficulty 7) to not abruptly flee in fear.

Special Bonuses (Choose One) • The Purge of Faith: In dozens of myths, we have heard profane creatures being banished back to their wretched homes. The great heroes of history have already been able to perform miracles with this feat. The Purge is exactly the power of faith destroying the presence of that creature here on Earth. After spending a point of Willpower, the believer must start a contested roll against his opponent. The clash of wills lasts for an amount of turns equivalent to the exorcist’s True Faith. Both must roll Willpower (difficulty 7) against each other. Each success that the fervent has in addition to the enemy’s successes will count as one point of unsoakable Lethal damage. Successes against the exorcist revert the damage to blunt to the fervent. If the fervent manages to incapacitate the creature, it will be sent back to its original plane, pulled by energies greater than mortal understanding. The banned entity may return after a while, but until then the fervent will have time to prepare. This power can be used on creatures that belong to the earth plane, but it will only damage the creature instead of banishing it. • Divine Punishment: The strength of faith is beyond common understanding. By using Divine Punishment, your words are capable of bringing redemption or destruction to creatures that dare to challenge your presence. When using Divine Punishment, the character spends a Willpower point. If the goal is to bring redemption to the creature, the words of the fervent cause the targets to roll to resist Rötschreck with difficulty 9 or they will be forced to flee during the scene. If they cannot escape, then they will shrink to the corners and hurt themselves physically, trying to end their own inner agony. However, if the objective is to destroy the creature, the fervent person tests True Faith (difficulty 7), excommunicating the creature. The words cause incessant pain and each success guarantees a point of Aggravated damage against the creature. The creature, however, will become more enraged and will be able to test Frenzy (difficulty 7) to avoid jumping on its neck. • The Underoworlf Curse: Curses are part of a supernatural world. They appear in all tales. Faith, however, is capable of bringing curses to the wretched. Speaking words of subjugation are necessary actions when it involves punishing the supernatural. The character spends a Willpower point and tests True Faith (difficulty equals to enemy Willpower). Successes determine the effects of the curse.

Success Effect 1 Success The cursed one feels bad. Any Willpower roll has difficulty increased by one. 2 Successes

The effects are beginning to become serious. The target loses a temporary point of Willpower for the rest of the scene.

3 Successes In addition to losing a die on any roll, the target also loses two temporary Willpower points for the rest of the night. 4 Successes The next roll made by the accursed has automatic failure. Two dice are penalized for any test, with the exception of Virtues and three points of temporary Willpower are lost for the night. 5 Successes Half of the target’s temporary Willpower is lost. Add the previous effect. • The Miracle: The miracle is the greatest power of faith and this is true for everyone. It doesn’t matter if you believe it, the miracle is the greatest demonstration of that energy that we can see. It does not happen lightly and when it does, it encourages even the most desperate. Once per story, the character can perform a miracle by expending a Willpower point. The narrator may ask for a True Faith test, although it is not necessary. This act only happens after a pure, liberating desire to accomplish an achievement. The miracle can have terrifying consequences the moment it is performed. All other effects of faith can be done with the miracle, at the player’s choice or some effect outside of those listed, such as the potential healing of a curse, the destruction of an unbeatable creature or the transformation of an evil being into a benign one. At the behest of the narrator, the player should debate to see if what he is doing is possible.



Evolving True Faith When creating your True Faith hierarchy with your narrator, keep in mind that other levels cannot be purchased. For interpretive reasons, this is justified by the reason that faith manifests itself in each creature in a unique and different way. Some will do miracles, others will do purges. But not both. Faith is a powerful force, much more than we can even imagine and it would be frivolous to allow a character to have a great variability of effects. Do not forget that once you have purchased the level, there is no return. Evolving True Faith will cost the same as the sevenpoint Merit (or Level x7 in XP) commonly used, based on belief in Elohim. There are no changes except in the effects and functioning of the faith and some different charges for each effect.

Side Effects There is no possible list of side effects. Faith will influence the character’s life and not life. The way he will behave with others around him and how he will see the world will be brutally invaded by the character’s beliefs and convictions. With this information in mind, a character who believes in Lucifer, for example, would probably be a born hedonist, corruptor and seducer. The


way he would try and distort mortals would be very much inspired by what he believed to be the Lucifer concept. The same is true for any other deity. The mortal will be influenced by such energies. The physical manifestation of faith will be different. It would not be coherent for a believer who was strongly linked to the concept of Thanatos (Divinity of Death) to manifest his healing powers as rays of light, silver and pure. The narrator can make this a purely interpretative effect or add something systemic. It would be possible for that same believer to heal, however instead of expending only Willpower, he would lose a point of Vitality and so on. Interpret how faith will influence your character’s life. If necessary, place restrictions, but show his life by revolving entirely around the belief. Of course, over time it may even produce fanatic behavior. The important thing is how much you can interpret and bring the influence of faith to the character.

Entities and Deities Can any deity donate power to the character? Not usually. In Vampire: The Classical Age, a higher power is mentioned, won by vampires and characters worshiped as deities as soon as they are worshiped by hundreds or dozens of mortals. This power is especially rare. Only a


few select supernatural creatures have been able to prove what the manifestation of faith is capable of doing. It is like a vicious cycle in which belief breeds power and power breeds belief. That is why some characters manage to lend a small amount of this manifestation of belief to mortals or very specific creatures and apparently considered “special”. Thus appear the manifestations of the True Faith. It is purely a mortal receiving a power borrowed from some being considered divine or in some rare cases, from himself. In some chronicles, deities do not exist and cannot exist. They represent hope and the idea of ​​the World of Darkness is just the opposite of this. Therefore, it is up to the narrator to decide if there are representations of the divinities that are active and that they will be able to demonstrate a little of their divine power, lending to the fervent character. The storyteller is the final arbiter of how faith should work and for what reasons it is such a powerful power. Faith can be the manifestation of belief, it can be magic, it can be a higher entity or any other reason that the narrator finds. The story is purely yours and you must be the driver of the reasons and the facts.

Theme The theme is the main story of a chronicle. It is the interpretation of the challenges that the characters will face and their goals in game. Themes can vary from scenario to scenario, further expanding Vampire: The Classic Era. • The Brujah Dream: Newly arrived in Carthage, the vampires try to construct the idea of a dream. However, the task will not be easy. In this scenario, the characters are “forced” to deal with challenges that extend outside the city of Carthage, with regional creatures, such as the shapeshifters, policies between tribes and villages that constantly try to conquer Carthage and the mortals themselves, inhabitants of the city of Carthage . The tension is constant between vampires and mortals, who look closely at each misstep that immortals take. Some traditions and laws were created to prevent greater splinters between them, however do they work well? Troile’s pacific policy makes it difficult for mortals to command, but it is a matter of time before they get used to it. •The Republic of Disputes: The peak of Carthage is happening. There was no greater cultural, political and economic moment in Punic history. Recently made a Republic, Carthage is going through a powerful confrontation between mortals and vampires, who are vying to take control of the Senate. At the same time,

a religious conflict between vampires, with the aim of gaining power, is increasingly present. Amon disputes with Moloch for religious leadership, while mortals fight for space in the Senate against the Cainites, suffocated and tired of the manipulation of immortals. • The Asphodel Fields: The winners tell the story. Carthage became strictly religious, thanks to Moloch’s victory. But the millennial disturbances, together with the addiction to vitae and lack of interest in such small political games, led the most powerful figures in the city, Moloch and Troile to lose themselves in their Beasts, more and more. The confraternities know that both will lose their consciences at one time or another, but who will have the command after the loss? Monarch Hasdrubal is considered weak and Carthage needs strong leadership. Who will win the political dispute? • The Punic Wars: Fear, indecision and threat are words that define Carthage’s final nights. The Punic Wars have arrived and with weakened leadership, it is becoming increasingly difficult to make wise decisions. The senate is weakened, Carthage is constantly losing battles to the Romans and sees its possible end approaching. The mistrust of possible traitors is present. The disorganization caused by religious fanaticism has made Carthage a difficult city to control. Who will be left next to Carthage?

Mood Unlike the Theme, Climate is the answer to the emotions, sensations and fears that the characters will have during the chronicles. The mood is set to accompany the theme, creating a tangible immersion while the chronicle is being storytelled. • The Brujah Dream: Danger. The word that best describes the feelings of Carthage’s most primal era is danger. Vampires are bogged down with enemies, even among themselves, mortals are harsh and do not want their presence and other creatures take the day to hunt them down. Ignorance about the region increases the feeling of perdition and loneliness. • The Republic of Disputes: Mistrust. There is no greater treacherous feeling than that generated by those who deal with politics. The strict rules created to calm mortals do not serve as much as before, vampires constantly fight for leadership and fight among themselves, some mortals are acquiring the capacity to conquer space in the senate. It is strangely difficult to trust someone, the walls have ears and enemies can knock on the door at the slightest sign of weakness.



• The Asphodel Fields: Incerteza e temor. O fanatismo se descontrola cada vez mais. Muitos mortais estão tornando-se adeptos do Baalinismo púnico, muitos vampiros estão entregando-se às suas Bestas, inspirados pelas heresias de Troile e Moloch. O confronto no senado vampírico é violento e cada um utiliza de seus recursos para saber quem tomará o poder, de um Monarca covarde e isento de quaisquer decisões. • The Punic Wars: Fear. There are no better words that define the Punic Wars like these. Neither the Romans nor the Carthaginians know the results of that war and everyone is fighting with total effort not to be destroyed. The outcome of the war is a complete mystery and everyone they talk to is putting their plans into practice to try to sabotage the Romans. Note that although players know the final results, their characters do not. • Strangers in Carthage: The characters being young in Carthage, the sensations can be the same as described in the last four scenarios, with the difference that the characters are foreigners and are seen as such. Neighborhoodism is clearly present in the city, which sees foreigners as a danger. In times of war, ideological fanaticism can even lead to death. The terror of being in a city that hates you is present in your non-lives. Whatever the reason they are in Carthage, it is a matter of time to get the inhabitants to like you or expel you.

The Brujah Dream The Entity

During an expedition led by older Cainites, the characters discover a few kilometers away from Carthage, a rocky cave with some apparently arcane structures. The large doors of the structure are sealed and made of stones, but with little effort they can be opened. Upon entering the place, the characters find themselves in an ancient temple of forgotten deities. There are stone statues never seen before, huge columns and an advanced aqueduct system for the time. Inside the cave, as they explore more and more, pass through rooms that are apparently empty, the characters discover that there was probably a refuge for some archaic group of sorcerers. In the last room, there is a powerful aroma of vitae and in the middle of it, a man raised with open arms, attached to a tomb of rough stone. The man, naked and with long hair, with a physically fit appearance is apparently unconscious. The mere presence of the characters becomes sufficient to awaken him. It is not possible to face the man, because he is much older than 174

the characters. As soon as the man defeats the characters, without killing them, he flees the temple in question. Later, the characters will discover that he may have been the first wizard to complete the ritual of the non-life and became an extremely powerful vampire. Now, it is the role of the characters to investigate further and discover the past of this target, which is nearby and perhaps defeat it.

The Plague At one point, the inhabitants of small Qart-Hadasht begin to experience symptoms of an almost incurable disease. Vampires, concerned with the situation, appeal to supernatural ways to cure them, but stubborn mortals, prefer a natural alternative. Or find the answers to what is really going on in Carthage. During the investigation, the characters unite to look for a culprit or a reason for what happened. Apparently, during the incessant search, the immortals see that some of the regional lakes are infested with some kind of viscous liquid, brownish in color. The occasion raises doubts and it is believed that there may be something a little bigger and even supernatural there. The brownish liquid is so powerful that it infects even the Cainites, who feel the effects of the disease for a period of time and become carriers of it. Cainites who fed on sick mortals also become infected. Whether through witchcraft, disciplines, some oracular gift or contacts, vampires are able to unravel the Cainite responsible for the viscous liquid poured into the river. Apparently that is a trait of Vicissitude and possibly the characters are dealing with a powerful Tzimisce. There are several ways to use it in favor of the characters, either to get some benefits, exchange information or give his head to some Status Cainite.

The Pact During one of the visits of one of the local cities to Carthage, one of the princesses of the city’s monarch family was asked to marry. Denying the request will lead to a war against the city. Players are sent to the city in question at the behest of the princess to infiltrate the city, murder her suitor and gather information for Carthage to invade her and conquer territory. There are supernatural beings in the city, however not so well established. The political situation of immortals is somewhat unstable and only basic positions have been used so far. The gathering of information reveals to the players that the city’s vampires can be revolutionaries working in Carthage and the city’s mortals live in a climate of


peace with each other. There are no apparent problems there. The ties created during the infiltration weigh on the players’ conscience, who have to choose between decimating a people who have achieved their own peace or finding another way to convince them to give in to the power of Carthage.

The Republic of Disputes The Middlemen

After some conflicts between some brotherhoods in the Vampiric Senate, the situation in the Senate has worsened. The two powerful sects in the city declared open ideological war. It is not possible to reach consensus. However, the characters are designated by their fraternities to be diplomats of one or both sects. These diplomatic missions can involve infiltration, agreements, intermediation and assassinations, missions that are especially dangerous for the integrity of the characters. The first mission, however, will be a meeting where the characters must designate the territorial space of their sect with an advantage over the other. Obvious that the diplomats of the other sect will also aim for the same success for you.

The Bride One of the characters has a vision while in a daze. The vision involved him as the aggressor and murderer of his wife. Emotions were etched in his mind and the sensations caught his attention. Investigating with his companions, the character discovers that the woman from whom he suffered the attacks was the wife of a man from one of Carthage’s mortal houses. This man has influence and all that the visions indicate is that the soul of the murdered bride wants revenge. The character can commit the act of revenge or try to influence him, but in any case, he will find out later that the man was a ghoul of a medium-sized vampire in the city.

The Guilty The characters are accused of committing a serious crime against the city’s mortals and immortals. Apparently, in addition to breaking traditions, they killed some important politicians. All of this happened because it was evident in your territory. However, a doubt was raised during the debate in the Senate, which allowed them to have a chance to resolve this impasse: Someone other than them was seen committing the crimes. Characters gain a few weeks of time until they find the real culprit or they will be severely punished.

While investigating, the characters are constantly harmed and judged by their opponents. However, they discover possible suspects, including a Cainite who came to the city especially to circumvent the rules. It is not known what the reason is, but it is known that he may be the target. With little time left, they choose to hunt the target. The final discovery involves an immortal who is trying to destabilize immortals little by little, for not believing in what Carthage could become in the future. Characters can choose to try to help or harm you.

The Asphodel Fields Strangers in Carthage

The characters are instrumental in the city. Whatever kingdom, empire or region they came from, Carthage reached their ears and they decided to visit it. The first nights were interesting, Carthage is a very big city and at least for mortals, it is difficult to perceive them as foreigners except by their accent or appearance. However, as the nights go by, the characters feel increasingly cornered by the strange atmosphere that the city brings. People are too solicitous or too upset, with frequent mood swings. Apparently on some nights, there will be some Rites, of which nobody is interested in giving details. There is a certain religious pressure on foreigners and the Cainites are foreign to the new presence. The longer they stay in Carthage, the more they notice that there, they are not the predators, they are the prey.

Debts and Deals In a certain negotiation, a companion, lover, Sire or child of one of the characters went into Frenzy and destroyed some immortals who were in a condition of temporary peace with the characters’ brotherhood. This situation generated great debates in the senate, which resulted in the execution of his Sire and in the debt left to him, as directly responsible for solving the problems caused. The characters now have limited time to solve the problems caused.

The Night of the Beasts It was only a matter of time before everything got out of hand. During the nights of the Blood Rites, several Cainites began to lose their grip on the Frenzy. The characters are constantly tempted by the aroma of vitae, which spreads throughout the city. Several attacks take place around the city and there is no security in walking on the streets.



During one of these nights, the characters discover that this Frenzy is being stimulated by some vampire who wants to cause discord. At the same time, the frenzy and desire for blood prevents the authorities from thinking rationally. Survival and order depends on the solution and discovery of the vampire causing it. Maybe that way the characters will be able to avoid a bigger conflict even in the future.

The Punic Wars Carthage’s Betrayal There is a strong suspicion that some Toreador traitors are hanging around the city. At this point, Helena has already committed the act of treason against Carthage, however the players do not know. However, her distrust of some other characters is alarming them. For a few weeks, they begin to investigate their targets looking for reasons to incriminate them and find out if they have managed to prevent betrayals. The investigation takes time, but they discover the betrayals when the Romans are already coming with their ships and troops to attack Carthage. Nevertheless, they discover that the


great traitor was Helena, someone who once thought they had an ally.

The Escape Attempt Rome is at the gates. The most frequently heard war cries from the Roman military outside the city walls is “Delenda est Carthago!” during the training of the Roman centuries. The muaralhas have been enduring the siege of Rome for two and a half years and all the citizens of Carthage are working hard to resist the overwhelming Roman force. Players have already noticed that there is no way out and that Carthage will be slaughtered. There are more than fifty thousand men on the other side of the wall and Carthage has less than thirty thousand well-prepared men. It will be a genocide. The characters decide to flee Carthage and have a few months to prepare for their escape, before Rome truly invades the city of Carthage. During this journey, they will need to get rid of all the political web that has been caged over the years. The slightest suspicion that they are leaving Carthage at the moment could lead to their death and the idea that they are traitors will also lead them to the ashes. It’s time for caution and care.


Carthage: A City Built from Blood The grandeur of one of the largest cities in the world hides centuries of history, forged from blood. Carthage, the perfect city became exactly what immortal vampires wanted: The idealization of coexistence between mortals and Kindred. Is this coexistence exactly the way the inhabitants paint there? No. And it is probably far from that.

A Reflex of the Second City Kindred say that the Second City built by vampires millennia ago was nothing more than a huge field of slaves and servants. Although it was created as a peace proposal, in 422 BC, Carthage is on its way to becoming what some immortals fear most, but what others desire most: A huge city of blood. Political disputes by immortals invade the senate like an avalanche. Religious indoctrination has become part of everyday life and now mortals are looking for a sigh of freedom. What will define your destiny is knowing which side you are on?

Fall of Carthage includes: • The entire history of Carthage among Kindred, from 800BC to 146 BC, containing detailed descriptions and historical facts; • A entire new political and hierarchical system for Vampire: the Classical Age 20th Anniversary Edition; • New Disciplines, Blood Sorcery, a True Faith revised system, revised Backgrounds adapted to Carthage and new Merits and Flaws; • Four new Bloodlines, including Guardian and Warrior Salubri, Akunanse, Guruhi and Mla Watu;