F Control of Non - Conforming Product Procedure [PDF]

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Quality Assurance Manual

Document: CIV QAM

Control of Non-Conforming Product Procedure Section 6

Rev: E 0 Date: 15/08/2009 Page: 1 of 3

Process flow for the control of non conforming product

Quality Assurance Manual

Document: CIV QAM

Control of Non-Conforming Product Procedure Section 6

Rev: E 0 Date: 15/08/2009 Page: 2 of 3

Process flow for the control of non conforming product Purpose:

To ensure controls are implemented for the identification, documentation, evaluation and segregation where possible of








requirements to prevent unintended use or installation Scope:

All material used in the manufacturing process, from receipt through processing to final hand over to the client

Objectives: No non-conforming product to be used except under concession.

Ste p 1




Activity Non-conforming product may be identified anywhere within the installation process. Inspection and test results will be the basis to classify product as non conforming Depending on the nature of the non-conforming product, the following documents are to be used to record the non- conformance. Daily diary or snag sheet for non-conformities which can be fixed immediately. All other nonconformances shall be recorded on the Non conformance report, or if not considered serious, noted as an observation and corrected. Non-conforming product which cannot be fixed immediately shall be identified by suitable means, either marking or by tags and where possible segregated to stop any inadvertent use. Non-conforming product identified during receipt inspection will not be off loaded except under concession. The nature of the nonconformance will be identified on the delivery document and the purchasing department notified Records of supplier non-conformances shall be maintained by Contracts manager.

Responsibilit y All personnel

Contract manager / Site agent

Reference document Inspection/ Test Records Daily diary / Snag sheet Non conformanc e report

Contract manager / Site agent

Contract manager / Site agent

Nonconformanc e report. Delivery notes


Quality Assurance Manual

Document: CIV QAM

Control of Non-Conforming Product Procedure Section 6

Rev: E 0

Non-conformance reports are to be registered, identifying date raised and person responsible to address the problem. The actual cause of the non-conformance should be determined and the necessary steps needed to address the problem and stop the problem from recurring identified within the Non conformance report. Non-conforming product may be reworked to meet specified requirements, used under concession or scrapped. If product is reworked it will be re inspected in accordance with planed arrangements

Contracts manager


Concessions may be requested however, only the Contract manager may approve the request. Depending on the nature of concession requested and contractual requirements it may be submitted to the client for approval

Contracts manager


Records of all Non conformance reports shall be kept for a minimum period of one year


Should non conforming product be detected after delivery or whilst in use the procedure for corrective action is to be followed

Contracts manager / Management Representati ve All personnel


Contracts manager

Date: 15/08/2009 Page: 3 of 3 Nonconformanc e report registers. Corrective action procedure Quality control plan and applicable inspection reports Non conformanc e report / Correspond ence with client Procedure – Control of records Procedure – Corrective action