Expert Facebook Hacks: The Blueprint Guide To Setting Up & Scaling Facebook Marketing Campaigns [PDF]

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Expert Facebook Hacks The Blueprint Guide To Setting Up & Scaling Facebook Marketing Campaigns.

5 Steps to a Successful Facebook Campaign This is the framework that you need to use to set up your Facebook ecosystem and scale the sh*t out of it!

Finding and targeting your niche.  1. What Do They Read and Watch? 2. Who Do They Follow (influencers/mentors)? 3. What Groups Or Associations Are They In? 4. Do They Use Mobile or Desktop? 5. Demographics (age? / gender? / family status?)  6. Geographic (live? / holiday at? / travel to?)

Crafting your ad Call Out Your Customer/User Attention {defined demographic} What Question Will Resonate With Your Customer? Are you having this problem xxx What’s Your Offer? Or What Separates You From Competitors?

Add Scarcity. Is There a Limit? Expiration? On Your Offer. What Makes This Offer So Great? Offer Lots Of Value. Is Your Image or Video Relevant To The Problem You Are Solving? Does It Stop Someone From Scrolling? What’s Your Call to Action? Does It Make Sense For Your Offer?

Crafting your Sales Funnel  WhereAreYouSendingTheProspect? Website - home Landing Page - offer or product Registration Page Contest Other Lead Magnet Does Your This Page Match The Offer In The Ad? Same Images Same Offer Similar Copy Will They Be Willing To Give It Up Their Information For What You Are Offering (Would you? Ask 5 other people)? Create Trust How Do You Reassure Their Private Information Is Safe With You? Add Social Validation Add Humanization Do You Have A 2nd Funnel Page Set Up? Thank You Confirmation Download Page Order Summary 

Bonus Offer (discount, BOGO etc) Upsell/Downsell Are You Asking Them To Take Action? Call Now OrderNow Upgrade Now Refer A Friend Add Tracking (Facebook, Google Analytics etc)? Website OptinPage Thank You Page StorePage Purchase Page Facebook - Tracking Events? Lead PageView Registration Complete Add To Cart Purchas

Using Automation Is An Auto Email Sequence Set Up How Many Emails Are You Sending (start with 6-10 weeks)? How Often (every 2-5 days, increase wait as they get further into drip)? Do You Emails Add Value? Do They All Have CTA's (purchase, download, book, apply etc) Include Conversion Boosters Thank them  Tell a personal story Display scarcity (increase security as drip goes on)

Social proof Have you tested your funnel Do Emails Fire Is Tracking Working What Else Can You Automate? Automation in Facebook Abandon cart (15 days) Registrion not complete (15 days) Lead form not complete (15 days) Page remarketing (30 days) Page or post engagement remarketing (60 days)

Scaling What Is It Costing You? Pay Per Click Pay Per Lead Cost Per Add To Cart Pay Per Purchase Pay Per 1000 Reach What’s Your Click through & Conversion Rates? Is Audience Is Responding To The Ad (1%+ for CTR) Does You Conversion Rate = Profit (e.g. Rev - Cost = $$$ If not, what conversion rate do I need?) Adjust the below to improve conversion rates Click Through Rate Increase Social Validation (use Facebook dark posts) Cost per Click Remove negative comments Change the audience, offer or image (in that order)

Duplicating Sets To Scale The Budget Duplicate Your Campaign At The Ad Set Level With New Upgraded Budget Scaling with Custom Audiences (minimum 150 Pixel Fires) Types of events that you need to make audiences from and remarket to. Make sure each one is excluded from the other. Pixels (Lead, Purchase, PageView, Cart etc) Upload email list  Facebook or Instagram Engagement (% of video watched, page engagement, post engagements etc) Scaling With Look-a-like Audiences Create LAL's from the custom events Target the 1% first (use this until you are getting 20+ conversion a day) Then the scale 2,3,4,5 and make sure you exclude the prior amounts. Use the 5% or 10% LAL's as prospecting a super wide targeting, make sure you are getting at least 50-100 conversion a day to the Facebook pixel can work it's magic finding you, new customers. 

Optimization Watch Your Cost Per Acquisition always look at ROAS and CPA for optimization first Then look at CPC, CTR and CPM Refresh Your Ad Content Every 2-3 Weeks Test 2-3 Images And 1-2 Copy Variations For New Ad Concepts. Then Scale The Combination That Works The Best. Keep Frequency For Prospecting Under 5 Over 14 Days Keep Frequency For Remarketing Under 10 Over 14 Days

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