Exercises On Suffixes [PDF]

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ĐẶNG NGỌC DIỆP_20A7510028_K20ATCA Exercises on suffixes I. Deduce the meaning of the following derivatives from the meanings of their constituents. Explain your deduction. What are the meanings of the affixes in the words under examination? reddish, a. -red: đỏ -ish: hơi =>reddish: hơi đỏ overwrite, v. -write: viết -over: quá, qua =>overwrite: ghi đè, viết quá dài. irregular, a -regular: thường xuyên -ir: không =>irregular: không thường xuyên illegal, a -legal: hợp pháp -il: không =>illegal: không hợp pháp/ bất hợp pháp retype,v. -type: đánh máy -re: lại =>retype: đánh máy lại old-womanish, a. -old-woman: người phụ nữ già -ish: hơi =>old-womanish: (nói về người đàn ông) hơi cầu kỳ, hoặc nhút nhát disrespectable, a. -respectable: đáng trọng, đáng kính, đứng đắn -dis: không =>disrespectable: không đáng kính trọng, không đứng đắn.

inexpensive, a. -expensive: đắt -in: không =>inexpensive: không đắt. unladylike, a. -ladylike: có dáng quý phái (đàn bà), ủy mị như đàn bà. -un: không =>unladylike: không có dáng quý phái, không ủy mị như đàn bà, tầm thường. disorganise, v -organise: sắp xếp, tổ chức. -dis: không =>disorganise: không có tổ chức, lộn xộn. renew, v. -new: mới -re: lại =>renew: làm mới lại eatable, a. -eat: ăn -able: có thể =>eatable: có thể ăn được. overdress, v. -dress: mặc -over: quá =>overdress: mặc quá nhiều quần áo, ăn mặc quá diện. disaffection, n -affection: sự yêu mến, cảm giác thích thú -dis: không =>disaffection: sự không bằng lòng, sự bất bình, sự không thân thiện với ai đó. snobbish, a -snob: người quá coi trọng địa vị xã hội và giàu có, xem thường những người có địa vị xã hội thấp kém, kẻ hợm hĩnh. -ish: hơi =>snobbish: thái độ hợm hĩnh, trưởng giả học làm sang. handful, n.

-hand: tay -ful: nhiều =>handful: một nhúm, một ít. tallish, a -tall: cao -ish: hơi =>tallish: khá cao, dong dỏng cao. sandy, a. -sand: cát -dy: hơi =>sandy: có màu cát, như cát. breakable, a -break: làm vỡ -able: có thể =>breakable: dễ vỡ, có thể đập vỡ. II. Explain the difference between the meanings of the following words produced from the same root by means of different affixes. Translate the words into Vietnamese. watery – waterish, - Watery: chứa đựng nhiều nước, nhiều ẩm, loãng, nhạt. - Waterish: làm nước quá, ẩm thấp (không khí), lù mù, chập choạng (ánh sáng). embarrassed - embarrassing. - Embarrassed: tập trung miêu tả cảm xúc, trạng thái xấu hổ. - Embarrassing: tập trung miêu tả tình huống xấu hổ. manly- mannish, - Manly: có tính chất đàn ông, hùng dũng, mạnh mẽ, kiên cường. - Mannish: cư xử giống đàn ông nhưng không phải đàn ông. colorful - colored, - Colorful: nhiều màu sắc. - Colored: có màu sắc, mang màu sắc. distressed - distressing, - Distressed: đau buồn, đau khổ (chỉ cảm xúc) - Distressing: làm đau khổ, làm đau lòng (chỉ tình huống)

respected-respectful-respectable - Respected: được tôn trọng. - Respectful: thể hiện sự tôn trọng. - Respectable: đáng được tôn trọng. exhausting- exhausted, - Exhausting: làm kiệt sức. - Exhausted: kiệt sức, mệt lử. bored -boring, - Bored: buồn chán (chỉ cảm xúc của người) - Boring: nhạt nhẽo, tẻ nhạt (chỉ sự việc, sự vật) touchy - touched - touching. - Touchy: dễ động lòng, hay giận dỗi. - Touched: xúc động. - Touching:gây xúc động. III -phobia (fear or hatred of) -cide (killer, killing) -gamy (marriage) Put each of the above suffixes in its correct place in the sentences below. (a) Those rose-bushes need protection. Spray them with insecide . (b) He gets very tense and nervous in enclosed spaces like lifts and the underground. He suffers from claustrophobia . (c) The custom of having more than one wife or husband is known as ‘polygamy’ (d) Some people, and some animals, are terrified of water. This aversion is known as aquaphobia. (e) His problems overwhelmed him and he finally comitted suicide . (f) When he was arrested and charged with bigamy both his wives stood by him. (g) His Anglophobia comes from some bad experiences he had in England. (h) Following the man's death, his wife was charged with homicide . IV Explain the meanings of the following words and phrases. (a) germicide : diệt vi trùng (b) xenophobia : sự bài ngoại, ghét người ngoại quốc. (c) patricide : người giết cha mẹ. (d) a monogamous society: xã hội 1 vợ hoặc 1 chồng. (e) tratricide: kẻ giết anh. (f) agoraphobia: chứng sợ khoảng trống. V -maniac (obsessed person) -phile (lover of) -monger (dealer in) Instructions as above. (a) A person who makes and exploits war is called a war-maniac (kẻ cuồng chiến tranh) .

(b) He has always been a bibliophile and has amassed a vast collection of books over the years. ( ông ấy là một mê sách và đã sưu tầm được một lượng sách khổng lồ trong những năm qua) (c) He has a shop selling pots and pans, tools and other metal goods. He's an ironmonger (thợ rèn) . (d) He's unbelievably self-centred and arrogant. He's a complete egomaniac . (e) She loved the year she spent in Italy and has been an Italophile ever since. (f) Some journalists are perfectly honest and well-meaning but she just makes a profit from gossip and rumour. She’s just a cheap scandalmonger . (g) A kleptomaniac (kẻ ăn cắp vặt, tắt mắt) is a person who has a compulsive desire to steal. (h) His fondness for drink became an addiction, and his doctor says he's now a dipsomaniac . VI Explain the meanings of the following words and phrases (a) a pyromaniac:người mắc chứng cuồng phòng hóa. (b)Francophilia : những người yêu thích nước Pháp. (a) a fishmonger: 1 người bán cá. (d) an Anglophile: 1 người yêu nước. (e) a mania: 1 kẻ ngốc. (f) a film maniac: 1 người nghiện phim. VII -worthy (deserving, fit for) -like (similar to) -most (furthest) (a) To me, at 14, the film-stars I saw at my local cinema were godlike creatures. (b) John O'Groats in Scotland is the northernmost town in mainland Britain. (c) We are pleased to present you with this award for your praiseworthy work among the poor of this city. (công việc đáng khen) (d) In the old days it was not considered ladylike for a woman to smoke in public, if at all. (ngày xưa, những người phụ nữ hút thuốc nơi công cộng không được coi là nữ tính) (e) Architecture during that period was very boring. Almost every building was a box-like structure, with no variation or decoration to please the eye. (f) We're looking for an honest, reliable, trustworthy person to handle our legal affairs. (g) He betrayed the innermost secrets of his country's government to the enemy. (h) A small accident like that won't appear in the papers. It isn't newsworthy enough. VIII Explain the meanings of the following phrases. (a) a business-like manner: cư xử như một doanh nhân. (b) his foremost thought: suy nghĩ quan trọng nhất. (c) a roadworthy car: chiếc ô tô có điều kiện tốt để lái mà không có bất kì nguy hiểm nào.

(d) a noteworthy comment: một bình luận đáng chú ý. (e) a life-like statue: 1 bức tượng như thật. (f) outermost defences: những sự phòng thủ cuối cùng. IX -wards(in the direction of) -esque (like, in the manner of) -some (causing, making) (a) I have a backache which is a bit troublesome at times. (b) He cast his eyes heavensome as if imploring God for help or pity. (anh ta giương đôi mắt nặng trĩu cầu xin lòng thương xót Chúa) (c) It's very picturesque here, with the trees attractively framing the view of the river. (d) From Colombia we went southwards through Equador, Peru and Bolivia to Argentina. (e) Man's first view of the earth from space was an awesome sight. (f) The back garden faces seawards so you can always be sure of a pleasant view. (g) I'm afraid I find her constant chatter gets a bit wearisome after a while. (h) The architecture here is rather Romanesque . Look at the round arches and thick walls. X Explain the meanings of the following phrases (a) quarrelsome boys: những cậu bé hay gây sự. (b) outwardly confident: hướng ngoại. (c) a statuesque figure: người phụ nữ có dáng đẹp như trong tranh. (d) a downward movement: 1 xu hướng đi xuống. (e) a tiresome person: 1 người mệt mỏi. (f) a Kafkaesque novel: 1 cơn mộng kiểu Kafka. XI -scape (scenery) -scope (means of observing) -ette, -let, -ling (small) (a) Even the most powerful telescope does not make the smallest stars visible. (b) I watched a dropscope of rain move slowly down the window. (c) His most famous seascape (bức tranh về cảnh ở biển) was painted in 1879 and hangs in the National Gallery. (d) A gosling is a young goose. (e) The award takes the form of a silver statuette (tượng nhỏ) of the Greek god, Adonis. (f) The first television picture of the hitherto mysterious moonscape (quang cảnh cung trăng) was the most dramatic sight I have ever seen. (g) His home is in the country and he's wondering if he can afford to buy a flatlet in London too. (h) The crew of a submarine just below the surface can see what is happening above by looking through the periscope

(i) Travelling by car, you have the chance to stop in the countryside to admire the landscape. XII Explain the meanings of the following words and phrases. (a) a microscopic insect: 1 con côn trùng siêu nhỏ (b) a piglet: 1 con lợn con (c) a duckling: vịt con (d) a kitchenette: 1 căn bếp nhỏ (e) a marvellous cloudscape: đám mây kỳ diệu (f) a booklet: 1 cuốn sổ tay nhỏ. XIII -ist Make sentences by connecting each person on the left below with the correct phrase on the right. (a) An ornihologist …g….speaks many languages. (b) A philatelist …f…performs post-mortems on dead bodies. (c) A feminist …n…is interested in birds. (d) A numismatist …h…writes plays. (e) A philanthropist …m…sets fire to property. (f) A pathologist …d…is interested in stamps (g) A linguist …f…stuffs dead animals. (h) A dramatist …p…is interested in coins, (i) A seismologist …c…believes in equal rights for women, (j) A manicurist …o…hates women. (k) A pharmacist …r…is an expert on China. (l) A meteorologist …e…gives targe amounts of money to charity. (m) An arsonist …i…is an expert on earthquakes (n) A taxidermist …k…makes up medicines. (o) A misogynist …r…looks after people's feet. (p) A somnambulist …j…looks after people's hands and fingernails. (q) A Sinologist …a…is a handwriting expert. (r) A chiropodist …l…studies the weather. (s) A graphologist …b…walks in his or her sleep.