Exercise (Deadline Final-Term) [PDF]

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HỆ THỐNG BÀI TẬP LÝ THUYẾT DỊCH Hệ thống bài tập nộp cô Họ và tên: Phan Ngọc Diễm Mã số sinh viên: B1908962 Số điện thoại: 0943121743 Ngày nộp: 23/12/2020

CHAPTER 1: FORM AND MEANING EXERCISES A. Identifying change of meaning versus change of form. Some of the following pairs of sentences differ in their form. Some differ in meaning. Indicate if the primary change is in the form or in the meaning. 1. The students like to study semantics. The students like studying semantics.

 Change of form 2. I bought a pair of horseshoes. I bought a pair of leather shoes.  Change of meaning 3. He saw the bird. She heard the cat.  Change of meaning 4. Philip went walking. Philip took a walk.  Change of form 5. Go to bed. I want you go to bed.  Change of form

6. I came; I saw; I conquered. I came, saw, and conquered.  Change of form 7. Two weeks later he came. After two weeks he came.  Change of form 8. There is a table in the book. There is a book on the table.  Chang of meaning 9. The young man had a Greek grammar stolen. A Greek grammar book was stolen from the young man.  Change of meaning 10. He was awakened by a thunderclap. A thunderclap awakened him.  Change of form

B. List as many grammatical forms as you can which realize the same meaning as the one given below. Then put the same meaning into a language other than English in as many forms as you can. 1.    2.    3.   

the water jug The jug, which keep waters The jug that content water The jug is used to keep water John bought a car A car was bought by John. This is a car, which was bought by John. This is John who bought the car. a hot day It is hot today. Today is hot. This is today, on/in which is hot.

4. Mother’s long blue dress  Mother has a long blue dress.  This is a long blue dress whose mother.  Long blue dress of mother. 5. Peter’s house  That is the house of Peter.  This is the house whose Peter.  The house that belongs to Peter.

C. All of the following have the same grammatical form. With the change of lexical items, there is a change of meaning in which is signaled by the lexical item, apart from the referential meaning of the word itself. What meaning is signaled in each of the following possessive phrase? Answer by restating. How can that meaning best ne expressed in another language which you speak. 1. the doctor’s office.  The doctor work in the office. 2. the doctor’s patient  The doctor cures for the patient treats. 3. the doctor’s book  The doctor read book in the office.

4. the doctor’s brother.  The doctor has a brother. 5. the doctor’s hand  The doctor always main their hand clearly and carefully.

D. (Adapted from Barnwell 1986:24-5). For each pair of sentences, sates whether the two sentences are (1) the same in meaning or (2) different in meaning.

1. (a) It rained all night. (b) Rain fell all night.  Different in meaning 2. (a) There is a book on the table. (b) There is a table in the book.  Different in meaning 3. (a) John was very surprised when he heard the news. (b) The news very much amazed John when he heard it.  The same meaning 4. (a) It was hot today. (b) The day was hot.  The same meaning 5. (a) Peter’s house. (b) The house that belongs to Peter.  The same meaning 6. (a) He remained silent. (b) He did not say anything.  Different meaning 7. (a) I bought cloth to make Mary a new dress. (b) I bought a new dress for Mary.  Different meaning

8. (a) I bought vegetables in the market. (b) I bought tomatoes and onions in the market.  The same meaning 9. (a) My parents are well. (b) My mother and my father are well.  The same meaning 10. (a) John is ill; he has a bad case of malaria. (b) John is very ill indeed.  The same meaning 11. (a) There are four rooms in the house. (b) The house has four rooms and a kitchen at the back.  Different in meaning 12. (a) In my opinion, the government is doing well and making many improvements in the country. But there are many people who do not agree that this is so. (b) Opinions are divided concerning the government. Some say they are doing well and making many improvements in the country. Others do not agree.  Different in meaning

CHAPTER 2: KIND OF TRANSLATIONS EXERCISES A. In each of the following pairs of sentences, decide which is more idiomatic English, a or b? How would the meaning be expressed idiomatically in a second language which you speak? 1. (a) The storekeeper said that we will refund your money. (b) The storekeeper promised to refund our money. 2. (a) A certain boy told me this letter story at a party. (b) He is one boy. He told the one little story. This is a game he said. 3. (a) An International Alphabet would inevitably bring about a spelling reform as well. How many children have shed hot tears about spelling! (b) An International Alphabet would inevitably bring about a spelling reform, too. And how many hot children’s tears have not been shed on spelling. 4. (a) He then reported his misfortune to the police, who are searching diligently for the thief. (b) He then mishap reported to the police, who are the thief intensively searching. B. Look for literalism in the following translations into English and underline the words or phrases that do not sound natural in English. Suggest a more idiomatic way of saying it. 1. We offers as attraction horse trip or car by fields and forests. (Tourist Brochures)  We offer attractive a trip to fields and forests by car and on horse. 2. To move the cabin push button of wishing floor. If cabin should enter more persons, each one should press number of wishing floor. (Instructions in elevator/lift)  To move cabin, push button of wishing floor. If the cabin should enter more persons, each one should press number of wishing floor. Driving is then going alphabetically by natural order. Button retaining pressed position shows received command. 3. The archeological matters in Egypt indicates that the princesses in those days had used natural cosmetic to polish their beauty. (Newspaper)  The archaeologist indicates that the Egypt Princesses in those days had used natural cosmetic to polish their beauty. 4. Since 1976, the women have joined the popular army, and had been permitted to join the armed forces to acquire an equal military rank. Other laws have extended

the mother’s leave before and after delivery, and granted the mother an additional two-year leave to take care of her child under for years of age. (Newspaper) Since 1976, the women have joined the army and have been permitted to join the armed forces to acquire an equal military rank. The law also has extended maternity leave and also has granted the mother an additional two-year leave to take care of her child under for one year of age. 5. A hold – up (robbery) took place if a motorcycle rider at Kampung early yesterday morning. (Newspaper) A motorcycle rider was robbed hold-up in Lampung early yesterday morning. 6. When you feel cold, because of the climate, or you feel something had in your bones, please rub Param Kocok Super Kecil. Shake well solution before use. (Direction with medicine) When you feel cold or had in your bones because of the climate, please rub Param Kocok Super Kecil and shake it well solution before using. 7. Guatemala City is always of surprises. It has a delicious climate, for reasons of its altitude – 1500 meters – but not so high as to affect people from low-lying areas. (Magazine of an airline) Guatemala City is always surprising. It has a delicious climate because of its altitude, 1500 meters, but it not so high as to affect people from low-lying areas. 8. Villages spend most of their energies in producing corn and beans for their families. Those are the principle products, including coffee, greens and fruit. (Magazine of an airline) Villages works hard to produce corn and beans for their families. Those are their main products. In addition, they also grow coffee, greens, and fruit.

C. The following are sentences written by Sudanese who are not yet fluent English speakers. The form used shows examples of how their mother-tongue language structures have been carried over into English…

  

 

1. Sir, the problems of before don’t forget. (Sir, please don’t forget the problem we discussed before.) Adding word “please” because it is imperative sentence. Put the word "don't forget" in front of the object “problem” to correct the imperative sentence structure in English. Adding the phrase “we discussed before” to make meaning of “problems before” clearly. 2. If there is any means, send me a letter to Riwoto. (If there is any way to do so, send a letter to me at Riwoto.) Change the word “means” to “ways” Change grammatical structure “send something to me”

 Change the preposition “to” to “at” 3. I will think you time to time day and day. (I will be thinking about you often everyday)  Change grammar “will think” to “will be thinking”  Change the word “time to time day and day” to “often everyday” 4. I am very grateful to inform you with this letter. (I am very happy to able to send/write you this letter.)  Use the word “happy” to replace the word “graceful” for the true meaning.  Use the word “to write you this letter” for the correct word choice 5. I am a man who has been to Juba for 15 years. (I have now lived in Juba for 15 years.)  Change the way of saying the sentence from complex sentence to simple sentence "I am the man who has been to Juba for 15 years" to "I have lived in Juba for 15 years".

CHAPTER 3: THE SEMANTIC STRUTURE OF LANGUAGE EXERCISES A. In each of the following there is at least one example of skewing between the deep (semantic) and surface (grammatical) structure. Underline the words which represent this skewing. Then rewrite the sentence so that the skewing is eliminated.

     

1. The sheep was taken to the slaughter. The sheep was slaughter. 2. They were told of the death of Susan. They were told that Susan was dead. 3. Suddenly there was a great earthquake. Earthquake happened suddenly. 4. Her singing is loud. She sings too loud. 5. Eating is very necessary. It is necessary to eat. 6. The man knifed him to death. The man killed him to death by the knife.

7. Length is unimportant  It is not important to be long.

8. Prayer comes first each day.  The very first thing people do each day is pray. B. The grammatical form may change without effectively changing the meaning. Below, a paragraph is given first with the grammar and semantics nearly matching. Here every event is realized by a finite verb, every participant by a noun, every relation by an overt marker, etc. Then three possible surface structure are given keeping the meaning constant. (1) a. b. c. d. e. (2) a. b. c. d. e.

Yesterday John went to town and bought a car. He drove it home and showed it to Mary, who was very happy. “He” refer “John” “it” refer “car” “He drove it home” “Yesterday John went to town and bought a car.” “He drove it home and show it to Mary, who was very happy.” John bought a car yesterday when he went to town. Driving it home he showed Mary the car, which made her happy. “He” refer “John” “it” refer “car” “Driving it home” “John bought a car yesterday when he went to town.” “Driving it home he showed Mary the car, which made her happy.”

(3) a. b. c. d. e.

John bought a car in town yesterday. Mary was very happy when he brought it home and show it to her. “He” refer “John” “it” refer “car” “he brought it home” “John bought a car in town yesterday.” “Mary was very happy when he brought it home and show it to her.”

C. Using the deep structure propositions in B above, translate the information into a language other than English. Rewrite in two or three different forms, keeping forms, keeping meaning the same. (1) Hôm qua John đến thị trấn và mua một chiếc xe. Anh ấy đã lái nó về nhà và khoe với Mary. Mary đã rất vui vì điều đó.


John đã mua một chiếc vào ngày hôm qua khi anh ấy đến thị trấn. Sau đó, anh ấy lái chiếc xe về nhà và khoe với Mary khiến cô ấy rất vui.

D. Rewrite the following in English, changing the form but keeping the meaning as constant as possible. Rewrite the paragraph several times. Use natural, clear English sentences. At 10 o’clock, Jane left her house on a beautiful dat and drove her car to the post office. When she got there, she was frustrated because of not open the doorknob. However, she was not only angry but also wondered if Mr. Smith was sick. E. Using the information given in the paragraph in D above, translate this story into a language other than English. Rewrite the paragraph several time using different form time. Vào một ngày đẹp trời, Jane đã rời khỏi nhà lúc 10 và lái xe đi đến bưu điện. Khi đến đó cô ấy đã rất ngạc nhiên khi không thể nào mở được cánh cửa. Dù vậy, cô ấy không hề tức mà giận mà đang lo lắng không biết rằng ông Smith có phải đã bị bệnh rồi hay không?

CHAPTER 4: IMPLICIT MEANING EXERCISES A. Identify and make explicit any implicit THINGS or EVENTS in the following: 1. Forgiveness was difficult for some people. Forgiveness was difficult to do for some people. 2. The people of Nigeria are hard workers. The people of Nigeria are hard Nigeria workers. 3. It is a country where there are vineyards to give wine and grain for making bread. There are vineyards to give wine and grain for making bread in the country 4. Testing has been going on at depths of more than 18,000 feet. Testing has been going on at depths of more than 18,000 feet depths 5. Women generally get up well before dawn and long before their husbands to relight the fire and begin making breakfast. Women generally get up well before dawn and long before their husbands to relight the fire and the women begin making breakfast B. In the following a proposition, or part of a proposition, is left

implicit. Identify and make explicit the implicit proposition. (See chapter 3 for a definition. 1. The King summoned his wise men and asked them to interpret his dream.  The wise men came to see the King. 2. But I never did have to chop it with an axe because I had brothers; I only had to use a long knife.  Brothers chopped it with an axe for me; I only had to use a long knife. 3. Then my mother told me to make myself a little head covering, that she would show me how.  Then my mother told me to make myself a little head covering that she would show me how to make it. 4. No time. Let’s handle it with a telephone call.  No time to meat in person. Let’s handle it with a telephone call. 6. I didn’t teach after all because Mr. Jones arrived.  I didn’t teach after all because Mr. Jones arrived to teach the class. C. The following paragraph is a rather literal translation from Baka (Sudan, data from Wanda pace). The implicit organizational and situational information makes the paragraph difficult for a non - Baka’ speaker to understand… When groom’s family have finished proposal ceremony, they return home. Then bride’s family decide on the date for the marriage. And groom’s family prepare for the marriage ceremony. Bản dịch: Kết thúc lễ dạm ngõ, nhà trai trở về nhà. Sau đó nhà gái chọn ngày lành để tổ chức hôn lễ, còn nhà trai sẽ chuẩn bị cho lễ cưới. D. The following the story is a modified literal translation from Kalinga (Philippines). A person who does not Kalinga culture would not understand the story. Study them carefully and the rewrite the story in good idiomatic English (or your mother-language) Bản dịch: Người ta nói rằng những người ở thượng nguồn đến từ Malaya đã xây dựng nhà của họ ở ngã ba nơi các con sông đổ ra biển. Họ hạnh phúc vì họ được tự do và họ không cho phép bất kỳ ai kiểm soát cuộc sống của họ bởi vì họ rất to lớn, rất mạnh mẽ và rất dũng cảm. Họ là những chiến binh bất khuất vì mỗi khi đi săn đầu người, họ đều mang theo một cái bình để đựng đầu như một chiến lợi phẩm. Trên

đường đi họ hát vang. Mỗi khi họ đến cổng làng và hét lên để ăn mừng chiến thắng, tiếng la hét của phụ nữ vang lên đáp lại tiếng la hét của đàn ông. Và không thể nghe thấy gì ngoài tiếng trống um-um-um-ed và cứ vang lên không ngừng. Nhưng những người Kalinga sống gần đã khiến họ bị những người da trắng bắt. Điều này kiềm hãm bản năng săn đầu người của họ. Sau đó, người da trắng đến xả súng và làm những người ở vùng thượng nguồn kinh hãi.

CHAPTER 5: STEP IN A TRANSLATION PROJECT EXERCISES A. Name and discuss the four T’s of a translation project. a. The Text: The translator should examine his reasons for choosing the text and the potential for its use by the receptor language audience. b. The Target: The form of the translation will be affected by questions of dialect, educational level, age level, bilingualism and people's attitudes towards their languages. c. The Team: The team may include: + Translators + Consultant d. The Tools: + Testers + Any dictionaries + Reviewers + Lexicons + Technical people (typing, + Grammars proofreading) + Cultural descriptions + Publisher + Distributor B. Explain what is meant by exegesis. Exegesis analyses the text to understand the meaning. C. What are the goals of the translator as he prepares the initial draft? In preparing this draft, the translator is transferring from the source language into the receptor language. As he does so, he must always keep his target audience in mind. This draft needs to be decided upon and may need to be checked with other speakers of the receptor language. D. What is the purpose of the evaluation? The purpose of the evaluation is threefold: accuracy, clearness, and naturalness.

E. What kinds of evaluation checks can be made?

1. Does the translation communicate the same meaning as the source language? 2. Does the audience for whom the translation is intended understand it clearly? 3. Is the form of the translation easy to read and natural receptor language grammar and style? F. How is the revision draft different from the initial draft? - Initial draft: + The translator begins drafting piece by piece, section by section. + The transfer results in the initial draft. + In preparing this draft, the translator is transferring from the source language into the receptor language. + He must always keep his target audience in mind. + Every text has a set of words which are crucial to the content and correct communication of the theme. + Some translators prefer to do a quick rough translation so that the material flows naturally. + Others prefer to prepare a proposition-like semantic draft, being sure that all the information is accounted for, and then reword it for naturalness; that is, reword it in the idiomatic form of the receptor language. - Revision draft: + A revised draft made on the basis of the feedback received. + Have suggested many rewordings, may have expressed misunderstanding. + The translation team now words through this material, honestly accepting the evaluation, and rewording the material accordingly. + How much re-drafting will be needed will vary depending on the results of the evaluation. G. What is the consultant concerned about when he checks a translation? The consultant will want to know how the exegesis and initial draft was done and what tools were used. The goal of the consultant is to evaluate the quality of the translation as to meaning, naturalness, and its potential acceptance by the receptor language audience. They are also interested in training and helping the translator improve and learn to make even more adequate translations. H. How will the final draft be different from the revision draft done earlier? The final draft: + The translator incorporates into the translated text the suggestions made by the consultant, checks them again with mother-tongue speakers to be sure they are warranted, and makes any other minor changes which have come to his attention. + It will need to be tested. A final editing for spelling and punctuation will need to be made

THEORY OF TRANSLATION (OUTLINE) 1. What is translation? Translation is the communication of meaning from one language (the source to another language (the target). Translation is basically the change of the language. When we speak ò the form of the language, we remember about words, sentences, clauses, phrases, paragraphs. It is called surface structure of the language. The purpose of translation: The purpose of the text is to show that translation consists of transferring the meaning the source language into the target language. And that is done by going from the form of the first language to the form of a second language by way of semantic structure. It is meaning which is be transferred and must be held constant. The form change, source language – the form from which the translation made, and receptor language – the form into which it is to be changed. Translation, then, consists of studying the lexicon, grammatical structure, communication situation, and cultural context of the source language text, analyzing it in order to determine its meaning, and then transfer this same meaning using the lexicon and grammatical structure which is appreciate in the receptor language and its cultural context. 2. What are form-based and meaning-based translation? According Larson, translation is classified into two main types, namely form-based translation and meaning-based translation. Form-based translation attempts to follow the form of the source language (SL) and it is known as literal translation, while meaning-based translation makes very effort to communicate the form of the SL text in the natural forms of the receptor language. 3. What are five language characterisricts that effect translation? Characteristics of language that affect translation: -


Meaning component are “packaged” differently into lexical items, but they are “packaged” differently in one language than in another. Example: Boy has three meaning components: human, young, and male The same meaning component will occur in several surface structure lexical items (forms) Example: The words lamb, ram, and ewe also include the meaning sheep. They include the additional meaning components of young (in lamb), adult and male (in ram), and aldut and female (in ewe).







One form will be used to represent several alternative meanings. Example: The English word “run’ has fifty-four meanings. In English, we can say the boy rún, using “run” in its primary meaning. We can also say the motor runs, the river runs and his nose runs, using “run” in secondary sense with different meaning. A single meaning can be expressed in various forms. Example: the English possessive phrase my phone may mean “the phone I own”, “the phone I buy”, “the phone I borrow”. Skewing (Figuarative/ metaphorical meaning) that is the diversity or the lade of oneto-one correlation between form and meaning. Example; his heart is cold (meaning he his unfeeling, has no emotion sympathy) 4. What are the four types of translation. Briefly describe them. Give example. Form-based translation attempts to follow the form of the source language and are known as literal translation. These literal translations are very useful for purpose related to the study of the source language. A literal translation sounds like nonsense and has little communication value. Example: Chuave (Papua New Guinea): kan daro Literal translation: your-name call Idiomatic translation: meaning-based translation make every effort communication the meaning of the source language text in the natural forms of the receptor language. Such translations are called idiomatic translations. Example: Chuave (Papua New Guinea): kan daro Idiomatic translation: What is your name? Most translations who tends tend to translate literally actually make a partially modified literally translation. They modify the order and grammar enough to use acceptable sentence structure in the receptor language. Example: Chuave (Papua New Guinea): ohombo ngusifu pamasibogandi Modified literaly translation: I fastened her in my heart.


Unduly free translation is not considered acceptable translations for most purposes. They are unduly free translation if they add extraneous information not in the source language, if they change the meaning of the source language, or if they distort the facts of the historical and cultural setting of the source language text. Example: “I was glad when Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus arrived, because they have supplied what was lacking form you.” It was translated: “It sure is good to see Steve, Lucky and ‘Big Bam’. They sort make up for your not being here.”


5. How many semantic propositions are there in this sentence: “The dog treed the cat”? Write the proposition (s) out. Then, translate the sentence into Vietnamese. There are two propositions in this sentence: “The dog treed the cat”. The first semantic proposition is: “The dog chased the cat.”, and second is the cat went up into a tree.” Translate: The dog treed the cat: Con chó đuổi bắt con mèo và con mèo đã chạy tót lên cây. 6. What are the three kinds of meanings? Describe them. Three kinds of meaning are referential meaning, organizational meaning, and situational meaning.

+ Referential meaning is something that a word or sentence refers to. Referential meaning is what the communication is about. It is the information content because the word refers to a certain thing, event, attribution, or relation which a person can perceive or imagine. Example: the word “apple” refers to a fruit that is produced on certain tree. Mary peeled an apple and Mary ate an apple. + Organizational meaning organized into a semantic structure. The information bits are "packaged", that is, they are put together and expressed by a variety of combinations. Organization meaning is signaled by deictics, repetition, groupings, and by many other features in the grammatical structure of a text. Example: If “apple” has been referred to in the text and then “apple” is referred to again. + The message is produced in given communication situation. The relationship between the writer or speaker and the addressee will affect the communication. When the communication takes place, the age, gender, and social status of the speaker and hearer, the relationship between them, the cultural background of the speaker and the addresses, and may other situational matters result in Situational meaning. 7. What is implicit meaning? Give an example. Then translation the example into Vietnamese. Implicit meaning: Information is part of the meaning which is to be communicated by the translation, because it is part of the meaning intended to be understood by original writer. Capable of being understood from something else though unexpressed, unspoken. For example, the sentence “The shooting of the hunter” is ambiguity in English. It has two different semantic structure. If the implicit information is made explicit, it may mean either ‘someone shoots the hunter” or “the hunter shoot something”.

Translation into Vietnamese: The shooting of the hunter: Người thợ săn bắn con thú hoặc Ai đó bắn người thợ săn. 8. In communication, why do people leave some information implicit? When we talk about something, we leave out some of the information because the address already knows these facts and might even be insulted if they were included. It may imply that they were stupid or uninformed. And so, in every communication, the information if left implicit in conversation or written text. All communication is based on share information. It may include shared language structure, culture, previous conversation, having read the same material, a common experience, etc. In every text that one may want to translate, there will be information which is implicit. Some information or meaning is left implicit because of the structure of the source language; some because it has already been included elsewhere in the text, and some because of shared information in the communication situation. Example: someone asks: “How many people came?” The person asked may answer: “Ten” It means “Ten people came.” The reference to “people” and “came” is left implicit in this answer. 9. From what you have learnt in the course, what is a good translator? In my opinion, a good translator should have several of the following qualities. Firstly, they must be fluent in at least both the native language and foreign language. Besides, they need to have a good knowledge of the cultures of the two languages or the two countries that use them. Secondly, the translator needs to have a good understanding of the principles of translation, and always ensure it. Thirdly, translator must understand meaning-based translation, and translate on the meaning of the text. To do that, they must analyze the text and use the form of the receptor language to convey the meaning. However, translator also maintains the dynamic character of the source language text. Finally, if translator is involved in a translation project, they need to equip several soft skills such as teamwork, communication, and time management skills, and translation skills, understanding the steps taken to complete a translation project. 10. Translation exercises. a. Woman generally get up well before dawn and long before their husbands to relight the fire and begin making breakfast. Bản dịch: Hầu hết mọi phụ nữ đề thức dậy sớm trước mặt trời ló dạng và sớm hơn chồng mình để bắt đầu nhóm lửa và bắt tay vào làm bữa sáng. b. It is a country where there are vineyards to make wine and grain to make bread. Bản dịch: Đây là một đất nước mà các vườn nho được trồng để làm rượu vang và ngũ cốc được trồng để làm bánh mì.

c. Rice is grown in Vietnam. Bản dịch: Ở Việt Nam, người ta trồng lúa. d. The effects of these landslides can be quite dramatic, sometimes involving the loss of human life. Bản dịch: Những trận lỡ đất như thế này có thể để lại những hậu quả lớn không ngờ, đôi khi chúng còn có thể tước đi tính mạng của con người. e. Although the development of the downhill skiing has aided the creation of economic property in many mountain areas, it has also resulted in many negative consequences for the physical environment. Bản dịch: Mặc dù sự phát triển của môn trượt tuyết xuống sườn dốc giúp ích cho sự hình thàn nền kinh tế phồn thịnh ở vùng núi, nhưng nó cũng đồng thời tạo nên nhiều hậu quả cho môi trường sống xung quanh. f. The development of mountain tourism requires the construction of hotels, apartments and associated infrastructure, placing increased pressure on land resource and animal habitats. Bản dịch: Việc phát triển ngành du lịch miền núi đòi hỏi việc xây dựng các khách sạn, các căn hộ cho thuê và các cơ sở hạ tầng liên kết với chúng. Điều này đã tạo thêm nhiều sức ép lên tài nguyên đất và môi trường sống của các loài động vật. g. Just as tourism has resulted in detrimental environment effects in coastal, it has also caused negative impacts in some mountain ecosystems. Bản dịch: Cũng giống nhu những hệ quả tiêu cực về mặt môi trường mà ngành du lịch đã gây ra cho khu vực ven biển, một vài hệ sinh thái miền núi cũng phải gánh chịu những ảnh hưởng xấu từ nó. h. Can’t Stand the Quite A Singaporean Malay friend in Perth recently bought a plot of land and decided to build his own house on it. When I looked at his plans, I exclaimed “But why have you chosen to live so close to a highway.” “It’s the silence.” Said he “I just can’t stand it. I just have to have more noise, else I get lonely.” Some call it peaceful, others lonely. Bản dịch: Không thể chịu nỗi sự tĩnh lặng Một người bạn Singapore gốc Malaysia hiện đang sống ở Perth vừa mua một mảnh đất và quyết định xây nhà ở đó. Khi nhìn vào bản thế kế của anh ta, tôi đã thốt lên: “Nhưng tại sao lại quyết định sống gần đường cao tốc?” “Tại sự tĩnh lặng cả.” – anh ta đáp – “Tôi không thể nào chịu nổi nó. Tôi phải sống ở nơi nào huyên náo ấy, bằng không tôi sẽ thấy cô đơn lắm.” Một vài người xem đó là yên bình, nhưng số khác lại chỉ thấy cô đơn.

11. How many steps are there in a translation project? List them out. There are seven steps in translation project:  Step 1: Establishing the project  Step 2: Exegesis  Step 3: Transfer and initial draft  Step 4: Evaluation  Step 5: Revised draft  Step 6: Consultation  Step 7: Final draft 12. What are the four T’s in the first step? Describe them. The four T’s in the first step are: the text, the target, the team, and the tools. + The text refers to the source language document which is to be translated. Most text often it is to communication certain information to people speaking another language and share the enjoyment of the source text. + The target refers to the audience. The form of the translation will be affected by question of dialect, educational level, age level, and people’s attitudes towards their language. + The team refers to the people who will involve in the project. The team may consist of co-translators, a translator with the other a specialist in the receptor language, and receptor language matter and an advisor or consultant; and a committee working together with specific responsibilities delegated to each one. + The tools refer to the written source material which will be used by the translators as helps. These include the document to be translated, any dictionaries, lexicons, grammars, cultural descriptions, etc. of both source language and receptor language.