Ever Green Clearings Compressed [PDF]

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50 Ever-green Access Consciousness®



*All the tools, clearings and processes  in this document are from the founders of Access Consciousness® Gary M. Douglas & Dr. Dain Heer www.accessconsciousness.com

Ask the following questions with wonder-filled curiosity. Don't look for an answer. Let awareness come to you from anywhere & everywhere... and let it take you along for a possibilities-filled fun-ride !


All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory!

What else is possible?

How does it get better than this? 


Who am I today? How can I inspire myself today? Who or what can inspire me today? If I am truly creating the joy of living / life today, what would I choose today? what grand and glorious adventures will I have today? How much more can and will I receive today? What are the infinite possibilities? I wonder what amazingness will show up for me today?  What happiness can I choose today? If I would have no past... what would I choose today? What would I like my life to be like? What is it that I dream of? Am I dreaming big & expansive enough?

What would my life be like if I would create what I would really like? What contribution can I be to my life, living, reality, & body today? Where do I need to put my energy today in order to bring this to fruition? What energy, space and consciousness can I and my body be, to know what exactly I would like to create and bring it to fruition with total ease? Who/What can I contribute to today? If I was choosing my reality today, what would I choose? What can I institute today that will generate more money, fun, joy, possibilities, and consciousness now and in the future? What is this?
 What do I do with it?
  Can I change it?
 How do I change it?

What energy is required here?
 What choices do I have here?
 What question can I ask here?
 What possibilities do I have here?
 What space can I occupy that would all of this to change? I wonder what it would be like to generate, create, actualize and receive more money and ease today than I never imagined possible? What awareness am I having that I am not acknowledging? Who does that belong to? Is it yours or someone else’s? What’s right about this I’m not getting? What would it take for this to be easier and more fun? What energy, space and consciousness can I be today to live my life as a total celebration? What else can I add to my life? What does the planet require of me today?

How many people can I inspire and bring laughter to today? What awareness is this situation facilitating me for? If I were living my life for the joy of it, what would I choose right away? What does the planet require of me today? What is it that I want to create here? 'If I choose this, what would my life be like in 5 years? If I don’t choose this, what will my life be like in 5 years? What if it was about everything becoming a possibility? What can I do or choose today that will create something greater in my life? What am I grateful for? What question am I not being? What else is possible now?
