Evans V Dooley J Obee B Excel For Kazakhstan Grade 7 Workboo [PDF]

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Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Contents.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Contents 11/1/17 7:57 PM Page 1

Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley – Bob Obee Translations by: Natalya Mukhamedjianova

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Published by Express Publishing Liberty House, Greenham Business Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 6HW, United Kingdom Tel.: (0044) 1635 817 363 Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463 email: [email protected] www.expresspublishing.co.uk © Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley – Bob Obee , 2017 Design and Illustration © Express Publishing, 2017 Colour Illustrations: Victor, Kyr, Angela, Andrew © Express Publishing, 2017 First published 2017 Made in EU All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. This book is not meant to be changed in any way. ISBN 978-1-4715-5787-3

Acknowledgements Authors’ Acknowledgements We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book. Thanks for their support and patience are due in particular to: Megan Lawton (Editor in Chief); Mary Stevens and Sean Todd (senior editors); Steve Miller (editorial assistant); Peter Moghan (senior production controller); the Express design team; Warehouse (recording producers); and Kevin Harris, Steven Gibbs and Christine Little. We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book. The authors and publishers wish to thank the following who have kindly given permission for the use of copyright material. Photograph Acknowledgements 2a: E.T. © everettcollection/www.iml.gr on p. 13; 6a: One Tree Hill © everettcollection/www.iml.gr on p. 40, Journey to the Centre of the Earth © imago/www.iml.gr on pp. 40 & 87; Use of English 6: Friends © everettcollection/ www.iml.gr on p. 93; Vocabulary Bank 6: Goofey & Mickey Mouse © everettcollection/www.iml.gr on p. 112, Oscar Award Ceremony © J. Vespa/Wireimage/www.iml.gr on p. 112, Vienna Vegetable Orchestra © Ruth Fremson/The New York Times/Redux/www.iml.gr on p. 112, the news © WPN-IMAGE-ID/www.iml.gr on p. 112, Twilight © everettcollection/www.iml.gr on p. 114 Every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders. If any have been inadvertently overlooked, the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.

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Contents Module 1 – Hobbies & Leisure

Module 7 – Natural Disasters

1a ...................................

pp. 4-5

7a ...................................

pp. 48-49

1b ...................................

pp. 6-7

7b ...................................

pp. 50-51

1c ...................................

pp. 8-9

7c ...................................

pp. 52-53

1d, e, f ............................

p. 10

7d, e, f ............................

p. 54

1g ...................................

p. 11

7g ...................................

p. 55

Module 2 – Communication & Technology 2a ...................................

pp. 12-13

2b ...................................

pp. 14-15

2c ...................................

pp. 16-17

2d, e, f ............................

p. 18

2g ...................................

p. 19

Module 3 – Holidays & Travel 3a ...................................

pp. 20-21

3b ...................................

pp. 22-23

3c ...................................

pp. 24-25

3d, e, f ............................

p. 26

3g ...................................

p. 27

Module 8 – Healthy habits 8a ...................................

pp. 56-57

8b ...................................

pp. 58-59

8c ...................................

pp. 60-61

8d, e, f ............................

p. 62


p. 63

Module 9 – Clothes & Fashion 9a ...................................

pp. 64-65

9b ...................................

pp. 66-67

9c ...................................

pp. 68-69

9d ...................................

pp. 70-71

9e, f, g ............................

p. 72

9h ...................................

p. 73

Module 4 – Space & Earth

Use of English 1 ................

pp. 74-83

4a ...................................

pp. 28-29

Use of English 2 ................

pp. 84-87

4b ...................................

pp. 30-31

Use of English 3 ................

pp. 88-89

4c ...................................

pp. 32-33

Use of English 4 ................

pp. 90-91

4d, e, f ............................

p. 34

Use of English 6 ................

pp. 92-93

4g ...................................

p. 35

Use of English 7 ................

pp. 94-95

Use of English 8 ................

pp. 96-97

Use of English 9 ................

pp. 98-101

Module 5 – Reading for pleasure 5a ...................................

p. 36

5b ...................................

p. 37

5c ...................................

p. 38

5d ...................................

p. 39

Module 6 – Entertainment & Media 6a ...................................

pp. 40-41

6b ...................................

pp. 42-43

6c ...................................

pp. 44-45

Vocabulary Bank 1 ...........

p. 102

Vocabulary Bank 2 ...........

pp. 103-105

Vocabulary Bank 3 ...........

pp. 106-108

Vocabulary Bank 4 ...........

pp. 109-111

Vocabulary Bank 6 ...........

pp. 112-115

Vocabulary Bank 7 ...........

p. 116

Vocabulary Bank 8 ...........

p. 117

Vocabulary Bank 9 ...........

pp. 118-119

6d, e, f ............................

p. 46

Translator’s Corner ..........

pp. 120-125

6g ...................................

p. 47

Prepositions ......................

pp. 126-127

Presentation Skills ...........

pp. 128-143

Irregular Verbs .................

p. 144

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1a Vocabulary


• Activities
















form the names of









































































































































































































b) Use the adjectives from the puzzle to talk

a) Match the words to

rock hang model bungee collecting ice

a b c d e f

seashells gliding climbing skating making jumping

b) Use the activities

from Ex. 1 a to complete the sentences.




5 6

People often go ..................... on frozen lakes in the winter. I want to try .......................... and fly through the air like a bird. Inzhu enjoys .......................... on the beach and taking them home. You need strong ropes to keep you safe when you go ......................... . People that go ...................... often jump off bridges. Erasyl likes ............................. and he usually builds ships and planes.

about the activities in Ex. 1 a.

Bungee jumping is thrilling.

3 1 2 3 4 5 6



a) Find ten adjectives.


1 2 3 4 5 6



Complete the sentences. Use: chasing,

concentration, screen, supports, tournament, talented.

There's a problem with my computer ................... - I can't see the pictures very well. Zaida is a ................... dancer. She's brilliant! Max always does his work with amazing ................... . I hope our team wins the ................... on Saturday. My dog loves ................... his ball when I throw it. Everyone in my class ................ our school football team.

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1a • Hobbies


b) Which of the hobbies in Ex. 4a

are outdoor hobbies? Which are both

a) Label the pictures.

indoor and outdoor? Put them into the correct column.


1 p...................

Both indoor & outdoor

2 a...................

3 k.......... r ............

4 g...................

5 1 5 p...................

6 i......-s................


3 4

7 p...................

8 g...................



Replace the words in bold with a


In tournaments, gamers try to defeat other gamers. b __ __ __ Everyone was so amazed to see a gorilla that they were looking at it for a long time. s __ __ __ __ __ __ We always spend time at the youth club. h __ __ __ o __ __ We can play basketball at the community court. l __ __ __ __ Paintball can be painful. h __ __ __



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1b Use of English

• Present continuous vs present simple

• Present continuous

1 1 2 3 4 5


★ Complete the gaps with the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

Mrs Omarova ............................. (shop) in the town centre now. They ......................... (do) their homework at the moment. Look at Raushan! She ............................. (wear) a beautiful dress. Sholpan ............................ (think) about going out tonight. I ........................... (work) in a shop for the summer.


Look at the pictures and correct

the sentences using the verbs: sleep,

play, run, shop, read. 1


Lee is having breakfast. Lee isn’t having breakfast. He is sleeping.

Bruno is playing football. ........................................ ........................................


They are watching a film. ........................................ ........................................

4 1 2

4 5 6


Orla is cooking dinner. ........................................ ........................................

7 8




They are cycling in the park. ........................................ ........................................

Put the verbs in brackets into the

present simple or the present continuous.

Hi Altyn, I hope you are well. I 1) .................................. (have got) two summer jobs. I 2) .......................... (help) my sister in her café for a few weeks. We 3) ........................... (get up) at 7 am because my sister 4) ............................. (open) her café at 8 am. I 5) .......................... (finish) at 2 pm and 6) ............................... (go) home for a rest. I 7) ........................ (also/work) in a DVD club in the evenings this month. Today is Sunday so my sister and I 8) .............................. (relax) in the garden and 9) ................................ (enjoy) the sunshine. My dad 10) ........................... (do) the gardening and my mum 11) ............................. (cook) a big Sunday lunch. Well, that’s all for now. Sally

3 3


Circle the correct verb form.

Assel is wanting / wants to become a nurse. We are starting / start school at 9 am every day. Kuandyk works / is working in a café every weekend. Maya is believing / believes her mum is a great cook. Zhambyl knows / is knowing all the answers to the questions. The train leaves / is leaving at 6 pm every day except Sunday. Sanjar moves / is moving to New York next month. They go / are going out tonight.


Write three things you usually do

at the weekend and three things you are doing this weekend.

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1b • Comparative – Superlative

6 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 A: B:

★★ Write sentences as in the example. Brazil/big/Italy – Brazil is bigger than Italy. Klara/tall/Salima – ...................................... Enlik’s dress/nice/Kulpynai’s – .................... This bicycle/expensive/my bicycle – ........... .................................................................. Miras/short/Artyom – ................................ Marzhan/happy/Aisulu – ............................

• Use of English revision


...... on Saturdays, Kairat? A Do you work B Are you working C Does he work


Baltabek ...... early every day. A isn’t waking up B does wake up C doesn’t wake up


...... for their exams at the moment? A They are studying B Do they study C Are they studying


Marat ...... about buying a new laptop. A is thinking B thinks C think


I ...... staying in bed at the weekend. A am loving B love C would love


Aidar is the ...... player on the team. A better B best C better than


Madiyar is ...... taller than Pete. A much B more C many


Aynash is ...... slim as Asyl. A much B as

comparative or superlative form.

A: B:

Is Nazim 2) ....................... (clever) Miras? Yes. Nazim is 3) ......................................... (intelligent) girl in the class.

A: B:

Is Askar a good singer? No! He is 4) ..................................... (bad) singer in the world.

A: B:

Do you like Vienna? It’s nice but I think Prague is 5) ................. .............................. (beautiful) Vienna.

A: B:

We won again. I know. Your team is 6) ............................. (good) ours.


1 2 3 4 5 6

Complete the sentences with too or

London is ...... than Lisbon. A more expensive B the most expensive C as expensive Balym is ...... to get up. A lazy enough B enough lazy C too lazy


This shop is much ...... expensive for me. A too B more C enough


...... that hard work is good for you? A Do you believe B Are you believing C Is he believing

enough. Maria is ............. tired to do any work today. Aibarsha is not old .......... to get a driving licence. Is Ulan fast ............. to win the race? These shoes are ............. big for me. Gaukhar isn’t well ....... to go to school today. That mobile phone is far ............. expensive for me.

C very


• Too – Enough


Choose the correct answer.


Put the adjectives in brackets in the

What is 1) ............................... (good) job in the world? I think it is teaching.

★★ Compare two members of your 10 family. Use these words: old, tall, short, happy, beautiful, patient, young. WORKBOOK


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1c ★★

Vocabulary ★


b) Use the phrases from Ex. 2a to

complete the sentences. Label the pictures with: sharp claws,

falconer, soar, dive, endangered species.

1 2


3 4 5 ................... 2

The lion is a ...................... that people call the 'King of the Jungle'. Falconry is an ancient sport and is part of Kazakhs’ ....................... . ............................... are important because they help endangered birds to survive. The eagle is a ............................ because it hunts for its food. The steppe is huge and it's a ................... .




a) Listen to a conversation

between Dave and his friend Alice. Match the people to their activities.



................... 4

1 2 3 4 5

................... 5

Alice Dave Dennis Emily Kate

a b c d e f g h

b) Which activities (a-h) can you see

in the pictures (A-D)?

A ...................

2 1 2 3 4 5





a) Match the words.

bird breeding breathtaking national noble

a b c d e

programmes creature identity of prey sight


painting ice-skating kart racing model making dancing playing music photography gaming


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1c Reading ★


Read the text and answer the questions T (true) or F (false). Correct the false


1 2 3 4 5 6

People still play traditional sports in Kazakhstan. Baiga is usually for young boys. Alaman baiga races are shorter than ordinary baiga races. In kumis alu, players have to throw coins to each other. There are two players in a game of kyz kuu. People play baiga, kumis alu and kyz kuu to practice their horse riding skills.

There are many traditional sports with horses in Kazakhstan. Some are hundreds of years old and they are still popular today. Baiga is a horse race. Usually, boys between seven and fourteen years old take part. Baiga races cover different distances, starting at just a few kilometres. Alaman baiga races can be up to 100 kilometres long and are very tiring! Kumis alu is a race to pick up the most coins from the ground – except all the competitors are on horses and they can't get off or even slow down! They have to lean down from the saddle and pick up the coins as they ride by. The winner is the person with the most coins. Kyz kuu is like the playground game 'kiss chase' – on horses! A man and a woman ride their horses towards a finishing line. If the man wins, he can kiss the woman. However, if the woman wins, she chases the man back to the start of the race and, if she gets close enough, she can even hit him! This is a very popular event with locals and tourists. Long ago, Kazakh people played these sports to help them practise horse riding, an important skill out on the steppe. These days, sports like baiga, kumis alu and kyz kuu are just for fun, but they also remind the Kazakh people of their proud history.




Listen and fill in the gaps.

Climbing Courses for Beginners Are you thinking of taking up a hobby? How about trying out 1) ....................... ! Join one of our new climbing courses for beginners at 2) .................... today! The classes take place 3) ....................... , on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and start at 4) ....................... . You need to wear 5) ....................... , plus the usual rock climbing equipment – a 6) ....................... , ropes and a harness. All the equipment is included in the price, which is 7) £....................... for the course. Visit our 8) ....................... for more details: www.lakesideclimbing.org



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1d, e, f Vocabulary


Everyday English

Complete the sentences with:

improve, combines, fashion, fitness, activities,



1 2 3 4 5 6

2 1 2 3 4 5 6

These exercise classes are great for increasing your physical ................. . Skateboarding ................. fun and exercise. Does the Youth Centre offer leisure ................. for free? Taekwondo helps ................. strength and balance. Running in the park provides a great ................. for the body and mind. Skateboarding is the latest street .............. .

a) Match the columns.

junk soft couch self healthy martial


a b c d e f

esteem potato arts drinks food lifestyle

b) Use the phrases from Ex. 2a to

complete the sentences.

1 2 3 4 5 6



Karate and kung fu are popular ................ . Exercise is an important part of a .............. . Some sports help to improve ................ and teach different values. Many people enjoy eating ................, but it's not very healthy. He is a ................! He watches TV all day long. Drink fruit juice or water instead of ................ , which are full of sugar.

Complete the dialogue with the

correct phrase.

• • • • •

Do you want to come kayaking with us? That's fine. Why don't you come along, too? What time? What about Saturday?

Bibigul: Hello, Erasyl. We're going ice-skating for Anara's birthday on Friday evening. 1) ........................................................ Erasyl: Sorry, I can't. I'm having a snowboarding lesson. Bibigul: 2) ........................................................ Are you busy then? Erasyl: Not really. Why? Bibigul: 3) ........................................................ Erasyl: Sure, why not? 4) ........................................................ Bibigul: At 11 o'clock. Erasyl: 5) ........................................................ See you there!



Write a dialogue similar to the

one in Ex. 3. Use the ideas below.

• going kart racing on Saturday • having a dance lesson • play golf on Sunday (12 o'clock)

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1g Writing • An article about a hobby


Read the article and put the

3 1

paragraphs in order.




Gamers play electronic games and try to win. They usually play at home, although sometimes they visit an Internet cafe with their friends. They use different equipment depending on the type of game they want to play. Some use a special games console, and some use an ordinary computer with an Internet connection. B All in all, gaming is fun and exciting, and it can also be a social activity. Many gamers play online and chat with people from all over the world. In fact, gaming is a great way to make new friends! C Gaming is a popular hobby for teenagers. Anyone can play – it doesn't matter how big or strong you are, where you live or even what language you speak.


4 5


2 1 2 3

Replace the topic sentences in the

Rewrite the sentences using the

linkers in brackets.

Windsurfing is great. It can be tiring. (though) ................................................... .................................................................. Many people enjoy model making. Others find it boring. (However) .......................... .................................................................. Skiing is a thrilling sport. It can be expensive. (but) ........................................ .................................................................. Dancing is fun. It's good exercise. (as well) .................................................................. Collecting seashells is free. It is relaxing. (too) .........................................................


Look at the information below. Use

it to answer the questions in the plan.

• archery – an interesting hobby • people of all ages, from young children to parents/grandparents • shoot arrows at a target • indoors or outdoors, alone or with friends • a bow, some arrows and a target • fun and exciting • improve concentration, strength • way to make friends

5 ★



Use your answers from Ex. 4 to

write an article about the hobby of archery.

article with the topic sentences below.


Gamers have fun playing games and enjoy meeting new people. These days, many young people enjoy gaming. People who play electronic games really want to win.

Para 1: What is the hobby? Who can do it? Para 2: What do people do in archery? Where do people do it? What equipment do they need? Para 3: Why is it a good hobby?



Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 2.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 2 11/1/17 8:28 PM Page 12

2a Vocabulary

• Communication & Space

• Means of communication


a) Find the means of communication in the

pictures in the word search. D A S Q J M H Q A U D D R T T















3 1 2

3 4 5 6

b) Which of the means of communication do


you use to:

1 2 3 4

video chat with your friends? ........................................ post photos? ................................................................. send a message to your mum or dad? ........................... talk to your friends? ......................................................


satellites, exploration, scientist, capsule, system, greeting, station. Space .................. will benefit everyone on our planet. Our school buried a time ........................ and hopefully someone in the future will find it. How many planets are there in our solar ........................? The spacecraft is on a ............ to find life on other planets. Do you know how astronauts sleep on a space ...................? My uncle is a ...................... working for NASA. Over 2,000 ...................... are currently orbiting the Earth. Arujan shouted out a ................... to her neighbour, Mr Iskakov.

2 1







Answer the questions about yourself.

How often do you send text messages? ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... When was the last time you wrote a letter? Who to? Why did you write it? ............................................................ ...................................................................................... Which means of communication do you use the most? Why? ............................................................................ ...................................................................................... How often do you use the Internet? Where? What for? ...................................................................................... ......................................................................................

a) Fill in: mission,

b) Fill in: launch, explore,

land, receives. 1


3 4

They plan to ..................... a satellite to monitor global warming. NASA .................... messages from Voyager about all the planets it passes. When did the first spacecraft ..................... on the moon? As a child, I wanted to ............ space.

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2a 4

Complete the sentences with the

verbs in the list in the correct form.

2 3 4 5


Weather satellites ...................................... signals back to Earth. How would you .......................................... someone who doesn’t speak your language? Language and traditions ............................ the civilization of a country. In 1977, Voyager 2 .................................. a message from planet Earth. Mobile phones and the Internet help people ............................... with each other easily.


2 3 4

6 1

2 3






S 3

E 2




Choose four words/phrases from





Exs 3 & 4 and write sentences using

.................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. ..................................................................







Do the crossword.


• transmit • communicate • carry • greet • represent 1




P 4



Circle the correct words.

The captain was waiting to shake / greet the astronauts as they boarded the spacecraft / capsule. Would you like to live on a desert / dessert island where nobody else lives? The human / people race has always been fascinated by the possibility of discovering extraterrestrials. A time capsule was sent with Voyager 1 and 2 as a messenger / carrier to inhabitants / population of other planets.



Imagine you are an astronaut on a

NASA mission. Write a short paragraph about what you can see, what you’re doing,

how you feel. Use the vocabulary on this page. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. WORKBOOK


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2b Use of English • Can/Could – Be able to


Circle the correct words in bold.

Then write what the words in each sentence express (ability in the present/ past/future, opportunity to do something, ability in a specific situation in the past).

1 2 3 4


Akerke could / can speak French from the age of ten. (ability in the past) You can / could use the computer now if you like. (...........................) In 100 years, we can / will be able to go on holiday in space. (...........................) The computer is working again. Nurislam was able to / could fix it in half an hour. (...........................) You can / are able to go out with your friends if you finish your homework now. (...........................)

• Past habits (used to)


★ Match the verbs 1-6 with phrases a-f, then write sentences about Kairat when he was younger. Use used to/ didn’t use to.

1 a 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 WORKBOOK


play work read wear listen eat

a b c d e f

video games (✓) to vinyl records (✓) as a doctor (✗) comics (✓) a tie (✗) ice cream (✓)

Kairat used to play video games. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. ..................................................................


★ Make a list of four things you used to/didn’t use to do when you were 8 years old.

1 2 3 4

................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. .................................................................

• Adjectives


★ Put the adjectives in the correct order.

Take a walk through the 1) ................................................. .......................... (old/beautiful/big) park in Greenwich, London to the Royal Observatory and its 2) ....................................................................... (cone-shaped/new/exciting) planetarium. Stand with your feet in two time zones, then look through the 3) .................................................................. (metal/huge/amazing) telescope. After this, watch a show about the solar system on the 4) ................ ................................................. (new/big/digital) projector. Don’t miss the 5) .................................. .................................. (thin/green/powerful) laser pointing up into the sky to mark the 00 meridian timeline.

• Time words

5 1 2 3 4 5 6

★ Circle the correct tense. If you leave / will leave now, you won’t miss the bus. Don’t eat now. Let’s wait until Dad will arrive / arrives home. Let me know as soon as you will finish / finish using the computer. When will Luiza call / Luiza calls you? I’ll call you when I get / will get home. By the time you wake up / will wake up, I’ll be at school.

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2b • Use of English revision

• -ing/-ed ending

6 1 2 3 4 5


★ Complete the gaps with the correct form of the words in brackets.

I’m so ................... (bore) today! There’s nothing to do. I think it would be ................... (amaze) to go into space. Nurlan was very ................... (surprise) to see Zhibek at the party. I’m really ................... (excite) about going to the Science Museum tomorrow. The robot exhibition was very ................... (interest).

yourself using -ing adjectives and three

4 5 6

-ing: I find Geography lessons really interesting. .................................................................. .................................................................. -ed: .................................................................. .................................................................. ..................................................................

..... to play with toy cars? A You used C Did you use B Did you used


I saw a really ..... science-fiction film last night. A excite B excited C exciting


Aidar ran ..... across the park. A quick B quicker

★ Underline the adverb in each sentence

As soon as this programme ....., we’ll eat. A finish B finishes C finished


I find Mr Green’s Science lessons very ..... . A bored B bore C boring


He’s got a(n) ..... video game. A exciting new Japanese B new Japanese exciting C Japanese new exciting


Kanat ..... speak three languages by the time he was seven. A can B is able to C was able to


Can you stay here until John … ? A arrived B will arrive C arrives


My CDs are in that … box. A brown big wooden B big brown wooden C wooden brown big

and write M (manner), F (frequency),

D (degree), P (place) or T (time). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

My brother runs fast. ...... We are going to the zoo tomorrow. ...... She stood up suddenly and left the room. ...... Kanat visited his grandparents yesterday. ...... Kuanish is rather old to be at home alone. ...... Karlygash and Miras always do their homework after school. ...... It was raining, so we stayed indoors. ...... Damir is very funny. He makes everybody laugh. ......

C quickly


• Adverbs


★ Choose the correct answers.


★★ Write three sentences about using -ed adjectives.

1 2 3



Saule didn’t … have her own computer. A used to B use C use to


Dana is really … in science and computing. A interested B interesting C interest

Write sentences using the 10 ★★ adverbs: slowly, quite, tomorrow, never,




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2c Reading



★ Read the text. Then decide whether the 1


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WORKBOOK


An American company has built the first flying car. You can fly from your home. It costs a lot of money to use the airport. The vehicle does not need petrol. They have sold very few flying cars due to the high cost. The cars will be less expensive in the future. It takes twenty hours to become a sports pilot. The flying car cannot fit in a garage. According to manufacturers, all car drivers can fly the vehicle. The design of the flying car will change in the future.

....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .......

complete the sentences about the Transition.

statements are T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say).

Have you ever imagined how much fun it would be if your car could transform into an aeroplane? It sounds unbelievable, but now it can really happen. An American company has produced the Transition, a car with folding wings. You simply drive it to the airport, unfold the wings and take off. The vehicle can fly for 500 miles on one tank of petrol. Scientists designed the first flying car in 1949, but they never built it. Today, new materials and improved technology have made it possible for a car to actually fly. A group of university students designed the Transition and then formed a company to make and sell the vehicles. The cars cost nearly $200,000. They are expensive, but they may get cheaper in the future. To fly these amazing vehicles you only need a sports pilot’s licence, which you can get after twenty hours of training. It takes just 15 seconds to change from a car to an aeroplane and at the end of the day you can park it in your garage. In the future, the skies may be full of flying cars. The manufacturers say that we must stop thinking that flying is difficult. According to them, anyone who can drive a car can fly this machine as the controls are the same. So, sixty years after the first design, the dream of a flying car is finally coming true!

★★ Read again and




3 1



The Transition car is different because ................................. .............................................. .............................................. Scientists probably didn’t build the Transition in 1949 because ................................. .............................................. .............................................. To be able to fly the Transition, you have to get ..................... .............................................. You can get this after ............ .............................................. When you have finished flying the Transition for the day, you can ........................................ ............................................ . The manufacturers of the Transition believe that ........... ................................. because ............................................ .

★★ Answer the questions. Why do you think the Transition is so expensive? ..... .............................................. .............................................. Would you like to have one of these flying cars? Why/Why not? ...................................... .............................................. .............................................. Do you think we will all have flying cars in the future? Why/Why not? ...................... .............................................. ..............................................

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2c Vocabulary

4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10

5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

★ Fill in the sentences with the

6 1

correct word related to computers.

She sent an e......................... to her penfriend in Japan. The d..................... got stuck in the printer. Bob can b.................................. CDs on his computer. My mum does all her shopping o................ . The I............................. is a great source of information. I was trying to d.............................. the file all morning. He is the only one who knows his secret p.......................... . I have a w.............................. on my computer so I can see my cousin in Australia through the Internet. Attach s........................ to your computer if you want to listen to music through it. It is important to have an a......................... program to remove harmful software.

2 3


★ Answer the questions. What do you use your computer for? ........ .................................................................. Which search engine do you use? .............. .................................................................. What is your favourite website? Why? ......................................................... .................................................................. How can you protect your computer from viruses? ........................................................ .....................................................................



Listen and match the people to

the means of communication they use the most.

People 1










★ Fill in: save, chat, prepare, surf, read, print, design. My computer won’t ................... the DVD, so I can’t watch it. Can you ................... the document and leave it on my desk? Don’t forget to ................... the file before you switch off the computer. My brother and I ................... the Net every evening. They .................. online in the evenings. Larry is going to evening classes to learn how to ................... websites. Sam has to ................... a PowerPoint presentation for a meeting at work.

Means of communication A telephone B SMS C email D letter E fax F chat room G mobile phone H pager




Listen and write.

Teenagers in the UK spend about 1) .................................. a week online. The 2) .................................. of them use the Internet to 3) .................................. friends and 4) .................................. . Many also use it to 5) ................................. them with their 6) ............................... and a few use it to read 7) .............................. .



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2d, e, f Vocabulary


Everyday English

★ Match the words to form phrases. Use them to complete the sentences.

3 A:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1




5 6 7


1 2 3 4



overcrowded industrial coalmining power working steam by standard of

a b c d e f g h

machines housing conditions industry engine hand living revolution

The ............................................. began in England in the 18th century. Lots of factories opened with new machines. .............................. in the 1850s were very difficult. They were unhealthy and wages were low. James Watt invented the ............................ in the 1760s. Then engineers used it to ................................................ in factories. The ....................................... grew quickly in the 19th century because steamboats and trains needed coal to make steam. The things factories produced gave people a better ................................................... . Before the 18th century, people didn’t work with machines. They worked ................... . In 1850, many people lived in cities in poor, ................................................................ .


A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B:


★ Read and circle the correct answers. I don’t know how to copy this song to my memory stick. Can you help me? 1) a Of course. b That’s OK. First insert your memory stick into the slot in the tower. 2) a All right. b No problem. Now click on the file for the song you want to copy. 3) a Sure. Is it OK? b Got it! What’s next? Click on ‘Copy this file’ and a window will open. 4) a Sounds good. b Then what? Click on ‘Removable disk’ and then on ‘Paste’. 5) a Is that all? b What else? Yes. Don’t forget to remove the stick!


Your friend is helping you to copy

some photos to your memory stick. Use the pictures below to help you write a dialogue. Use the dialogue in Ex. 3 as a model.



★ Fill in: eat, take, offered, talk. English people .................. most of their food with a knife and fork. Please .................. off your shoes before you come inside. Don’t .................. with your mouth full. When we finished our meal, our host .................. us more to eat.



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2g Writing • A for-and-against essay



★ Underline: a) the sentence which gives


★ a) Put the sentences below in the

★ Read Jane’s essay and complete the table.

Jane’s opinion, b) the topic sentences in the main body paragraphs.

correct order to make a main body paragraph. Which is the topic sentence? ...................... .

A B Computer games are becoming more and more popular with teenagers. Is this good or bad? Computer games can be good for teenagers. 1) Firstly, some games are educational. 2) For example, they can improve your maths, reading and problem-solving skills. 3) Also, they are a safe way to spend your time. If you are at home with your friends, your parents know where you are. 4) On the other hand, some people believe that playing computer games is bad. They say that some games are very violent. They could change your personality or even encourage you to commit crimes. They can also distract you from more important things. You may fall behind with your homework, 5) for instance. 6) All in all, there are both good and bad things about playing computer games. 7) However, teens should be careful about the kind of games they play.

Computer games advantages examples/details Some games are They can improve your educational. skills. disadvantages



★★ b) Write an alternative topic sentence for the paragraph.

.................................................................. ..................................................................

5 1


3 4

2 1 2 3 4

★ Which of the linking expressions in bold:

list points? ................................................ give examples? ......................................... introduce the opposite opinion? ............... introduce a conclusion? ............................

First of all, it would help them a lot with their work. Also, it could help teachers to make lessons more interesting. It could be good for all teens to have their own laptop at school. They could use the Internet, for example, to find information. Students could use webcams to communicate with students in other schools, for instance.


★ Match the arguments to the examples. make good friends in chat rooms opportunities to meet interesting people can be dangerous take up too much time



b c


talk to teachers, experts, etc., around world strangers try to harm you fall behind with school work/ neglect friends easy to find people with your interests

Portfolio Use the ideas in Ex. 5 and

the plan to write an essay called Should teens use chat rooms? (90-100 words).

Para 1: state the topic Para 2: advantages/examples Para 3: disadvantages/examples Para 4: conclude & give opinion



Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 3.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 3 11/1/17 8:29 PM Page 20

3a Vocabulary • Extreme sports


Use the hints and the pictures to do the crossword.

Across 5 looking at the fish 6 sliding down snow Down 1 flying like a bird 2 a rapid paddle 3 falling through the sky 4 hot wheels 5 tricks on a board

1 3



5 5


• Experiences




complete the sentences.

a) Match the columns to form


1 2 3 4 5

the time of dense travel unique feel

b) Use the phrases from Ex. 2a to

a b c d e

experience alive my life abroad rainforest

1 2

3 4 5

It took us five hours to make our way through the ............................ . When people ................................., they have the opportunity to learn about different cultures. Hang-gliding is really exciting and it makes me ............................! The safari was amazing! I had ...................! I've visited many rainforests, but the Amazon is a ............................ .

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3a 3 1 2 3 4 5

Choose the correct word.

Staying in Bali was a memorable moment/experience. Bakhytzhan had the gorgeous/unique opportunity to win the competition. It's important to learn about other ways/cultures of life. Maria believes that nothing compares/recommends to travelling abroad. We set up camp just before time/nightfall.



1 2

Choose the correct item to complete Sezim’s

blog post.

Fill in the correct form

of the verbs in the list.

• ride • camp • travel • swim • climb • try



4 5 6


It's very difficult to ................. a mountain. Tomorrow night, I .................. on the riverbank near the forest. Nurzhan wants to ................. an extreme sport like motocross. Right now, they .................... camels into the desert. My dream is to ...................... with dolphins in the wild. I hope we can ........................ abroad this summer.


Write a comment on

Sezim's blog about your travelling dream. Where do you want to go? What do you want to do?

Hello, everyone! Welcome to my blog! I'm Sezim and for years my dream has been to 1) travel/make/feel abroad and see the world. Well, I've finally done it – I'm here in Africa, about to start the greatest adventure of my life! I'm starting my journey here, in Egypt, and tonight I am 2) putting/stopping/camping on a river bank of one of the most famous rivers in the world – the Nile! Tomorrow I am joining a tour group and we are 3) riding/driving/using camels across the desert to see the pyramids – I can't wait! I've got lots of other plans, too. I want to 4) get/climb/fly a mountain – Mount Kilimanjaro – when I get to Tanzania and 5) see/sit/swim with dolphins when I reach the sea in South Africa. I also hope to 6) go/join/try an extreme sport – maybe skydiving if I'm feeling brave enough! What about you? What's your travelling dream? Post a comment and keep reading my blog for updates on my latest adventures! Post a comment

.............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. ..............................................



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3b Use of English

• Have been – Have gone

• Present perfect

1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


1 2

3 4 5



Write the past participles of these

verbs. see – ..................

do – ................... drink – ............... bring – ............... sing – ................. make – ............... catch – ............... ring – ................. leave – ............... feed – ................

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

arrive – ............... swim – ............... fall – .................. fly – ................... take – ................. give – ................. read – ................ hear – ................ find – ................. come – ...............


Write negative sentences.

I/not see/the dentist I haven’t seen the dentist. Ayajan/not move/house yet .................................................................. I/not read/any science-fiction books .................................................................. the plane/not arrive .................................................................. he/not finish/his homework ..................................................................

been (to) in the correct form. A: Is Kirill there? B: No, he .......................................... the supermarket.


A: Kuandyk speaks Spanish very well. B: That’s because he ................................ ............................... Spain many times.


A: Can I talk to the kids? B: I’m afraid they aren’t here. They ......... ............................................. the park.


A: Where’s Tanatar? B: He’s not here. He ................................ ............................. his friend’s house.


A: Have you visited Rome? B: No, I haven’t. But my sister ................. ...................................... there. She left a week ago.


A: Where do you want to go today? B: Let’s go to the zoo. We .......................... not ..................................... there for a long time.

present perfect.


Fill in: have/has gone (to) or have/has


Complete the sentences in the

Fariza .................................... (just come) home. We .................................................... (be) to Spain twice. Azamat ......................................... (leave) for work. She .................................................. (live) in Ireland since 1999. The author .................................... (write) a lot of best-selling novels. He ................................................... (buy) lots of gifts for everyone. Gaukhar .......................................... (win) two gold medals so far.

• Expressions of time



Make sentences in the present

perfect using the prompts below, as in the example. Use since or for.

1 2 3 4 5

I/not see/Assel/long time I haven’t seen Assel for a long time. he/not eat/anything/yesterday afternoon .................................................................. I/not visit/my grandparents/months .................................................................. they/not hear/from Daniar/last summer .................................................................. Ainash/not have/a holiday/two years ..................................................................

Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 3.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 3 11/1/17 8:29 PM Page 23

3b 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

• Use of English revision

Circle the correct item.

They haven’t booked their places at the camp already / yet. She has for / just come in. Enlik has yet / already gone to sleep. Have you ever / yet visited Japan? It hasn’t rained just / for three weeks. Don’t come in here! I’ve just / yet cleaned the floor! He hasn’t been to his grandparents’ house already / since last summer. Ed has lived in Russia for / since 1995. Has Marat left yet / just? I haven’t talked to him since / for days. Nurlan has ever / never met such friendly people. Has Baltabek yet / ever tried snorkelling?

• Present perfect vs Past


1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8

Circle the correct item.

Marzhan has come / came back from her hiking trip. She’s exhausted. When we were on holiday we have walked / walked for two hours every day. Madiyar left / has left for the airport three hours ago. Aisulu has decided / decided to buy a new computer last week. The Ibrayev family don’t live here any more. They moved / have moved to Liverpool two years ago. Diaz didn’t make / hasn’t made any plans for the weekend yet. The children saw / have seen a lot of exotic animals at the zoo last Monday. Nuriya has heard / heard that joke before.

Choose the correct answer.


......... the new documentary about sharks? A Did you see B Have you seen C Do you see


Nurlybek ........... home from his trip. A has just come B has just came C just come


They’ve never ........... in a helicopter before. A flew B flown C flowed


Sanzhar has ........... packed his things. A yet B so far C already


Have you ........... all the food? A eat B ate C eaten


Saule has lived here ........... 1999. A for B since C as


Zhenis is out. He ........... to the shops. A has gone B go C has been


Have you ........... been to Rome? A never B yet C ever


Aidar ........... scuba diving yesterday. A has gone B went C has been




We have played tennis ........... several years. A since B for C by


Has Aisara finished work ...........? A just B yet C ever


Where ........... last night? A have you been B have you gone C did you go



Use the adverbs to write

sentences in the present perfect or the past simple.

• two days ago • last night • since last summer • for two years • just • yesterday • for • already WORKBOOK


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3c Reading



gaps with the correct item (A, B or C).


3 Extreme Cello is 1) ............. extreme sport that you might not have heard 2) ............. before. Along with Extreme Ironing, it’s one of 3) ............. extreme sports around. In 2003, two teachers and a university professor from England started playing their cellos in unusual outdoor places to raise money 4) ............. charity. 5) ............. then they have earned fame as the Extreme Cello Players and have given performances in extreme locations all over Britain and Ireland. In 2006, they played on the roofs of 42 churches around England in 12 days. The team has also climbed the four highest mountains in Britain and Ireland with their cellos. That’s 4,445m of climbing! As Clare Wallace, the oldest member of the team, explains, Extreme Cello is not just about music: “Extreme Cello is actually a physical 6) ............. . A cello is a big instrument and we have climbed many stone stairs and steep hills on our adventures.” The team spend a lot of time in the gym to keep 7) ............. and follow a healthy 8) ............. . But what’s next for the Extreme Cello team? James Reese, the youngest member of the team, says that Extreme Cello will continue: “We’ve done a number of challenges in the past, but we are always looking for something new – something even more extreme.”


Read the text again and answer

the questions.

Read the text and complete the




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


the for newest to Since game in form plan


a about newer of From sport in fit diet


one by the newest for By fun in shape food




When did the team start playing their cellos in strange places? .................................... ................................................................ How many members are there in the Extreme Cello team?............................................... ................................................................ Why does the team do Extreme Cello? ..... ................................................................ Apart from Britain, where else has the team performed? .............................................. ................................................................ Why do team members need to be in good shape? ..................................................... .................................................................. What kind of challenges does the team want to try in the future? ......................... ..................................................................



complete the sentences.

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

Match the words. Use them to

board check import release break lose

a b c d e f

the name the law a flight the luggage passport endangered species

You need to show your passport before you ................................. . It is against the law to ............................. . The police haven’t ................................. of the man they are looking for. If you ..................... your ..................... you can’t travel abroad. There are trained officers who ................... before it goes on a plane. People who ............................... should go to prison.

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3c 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


Carl missed / lost his flight and had to wait for another one. Many people are late to work because of train jams / delays. When entering the country you must declare / preserve any valuable goods. The customs officer / ranger arrested the man for transporting live animals. It is illegal to enter / import endangered species. The police charged / broke the man with theft. The airline missed / lost my luggage so I had to buy new clothes. They looked / checked his luggage for strange contents. Drivers spend a lot of time in traffic delays / jams in the city. The man put the dead animals in a special liquid to preserve / keep them. The airline released / declared the name of the crash victims.


Circle the correct word.


You will listen to Fiona and

Stewart talking about their weekend plans. For questions 1-5 choose the correct answer A, B or C.


Next weekend, Fiona is going to a(n) ....... . A extreme sports camp B outdoor activity camp C canoeing camp


The camp doesn’t provide ....... . A a helmet B a paddle C goggles


Every Wednesday, Fiona ....... in the park. A goes skateboarding B does an extreme sport C plays football


When he was in Australia, Stewart ....... . A won a swimming race B went snorkelling C went fishing


At the weekend, Stewart is going to ....... . A go camping B go canoeing C play cricket

Circle the correct preposition.


7 1 2 3 4 5

Have you heard for / about the shark attack? They charged him with / of robbery. You need to think about / for the risks. When did you arrive on / in Astana? It was scary but for / at least no-one was hurt.


Listen and fill in the gaps.

A 1) ....................................... boarded a flight from Singapore to London. When he arrived he didn’t 2) ....................................... but customs officers found 3) ..................... ....................... in his luggage. They said that he 4) .......................................... because he lied to them and he tried to 5) ................. ......................... . They arrested him and 6) .......................................... him.



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3d, e, f Vocabulary

1 1 2


Choose the correct word to

complete the sentence.

The beautiful scenery ....... my breath away. A snatched B grabbed C took Cockroach racing is the weirdest sport ....... the planet! A on B in C at The men rode their horses at a ....... gallop. A full B skill C speed


I'm not speaking to Makhmud because we ....... an argument. A did B had C disagreed


Kumis alu is the best ....... for horse riders. A racing B riding C training

2 1 2 3 4

This river runs from the mountains to a lake and flows/borders into the sea. Loch Ness is a large wildlife/body of water in the north of Scotland. Lake Ontario doesn’t have a(n) outlet/shore into the sea. The sturgeon is the fish that produces evaporation/caviar.

Compete the exchanges using the

phrases below.

• I can’t • Are you doing • I’d rather



Complete the dialogue with the

correct item.

• That’s a good idea • Why don’t • I’d love to but I can’t • How about A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B:

Hi Owen. Have you made any plans for tomorrow? No, not yet. 1) ................................................... going scuba diving? 2) ........................................................... . Why? What’s up? I’ve got a sore throat; no diving for me! Oh! 3) ................................................. we hang out and play video games? 4) ............................................................! Shall I come to your place then? OK, see you tomorrow.

Choose the correct word.

Everyday English




A: ................... anything tonight, Charles? B: No, I haven’t made any plans yet.


A: Would you like to go cycling? B: ............................... not. I’m a bit tired.


A: Do you want to come scuba diving with us? B: I’m afraid ............................... . I’ve got to study.



Write a dialogue similar to the

one in Ex. 4. Use the ideas below.

A Ask about plans for tomorrow. Suggest snorkelling. Ask why. Suggest cinema instead. Suggest meeting time.

B Say no plans. Say you can’t. Got an earache. Accept.

Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 3.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 3 11/1/17 8:29 PM Page 27

3g Writing


• a letter about your holiday


Replace the words in

bold with the correct subject/object pronoun or possessive pronoun.

Look at the letter and answer the questions.

1 Who is it from/to? ..................................................... 2 Is it formal or informal? Why? .................................... Hi Rupert, A Greetings from Ireland! We’re having a fantastic time here. We’re travelling around and staying in guesthouses along the way. B It’s a very beautiful country and surprisingly the weather has been excellent. It hasn’t rained at all since we arrived two weeks ago. So far we’ve been to the south and the west. We went to Blarney on our second day and I kissed the Blarney Stone. They say that people who kiss the stone become great speakers. Then we travelled up the west coast to Galway, a lovely coastal town. We’ve been to lots of lovely villages too. I’ve taken loads of photographs. We haven’t been to Dublin yet so I haven’t done much shopping. C I love it here. The people are very hospitable. I’ve made so many friends. The fish and seafood is delicious too. I hope you are well and I look forward to seeing you when I get back next month. Take care, Kairat







Berik and Aidar do lots of sports. Berik and Aidar love the outdoors. ............................................. Jane joined a tennis club. Her mum bought Jane a tennis racquet. ............................................. Assel plays squash. Assel has a match tomorrow. ................ ............................................. Where’s Dave? Have you seen Dave? ............................................. Alikhan is very upset. They lost Alikhan’s luggage. .............................................


Imagine you are

abroad on a holiday. Think of: where you are, where you

2 1 2 3 4


you describe what you have/haven’t done so far? you say how you feel about the place? you say where you are and where you are staying? you describe the weather?

are staying, what the weather is like, what you have/haven’t done, how you feel about the place. Write sentences.

Read the letter again and say in which paragraph:

Complete the table with

phrases from the letter.

Formal I am writing to … We have been to … Yours faithfully,


...... ...... ...... ......

............................................... ............................................... ............................................... ............................................... ............................................... ............................................... ...............................................

Formal & informal style When writing to friends we use informal style: short forms and everyday vocabulary and phrases. We use formal style when writing to people we don’t know.


★★ Now, use your sentences from Ex. 5 and the letter in Ex. 1 as a model to write a letter to your English pen friend about your holiday. WORKBOOK


Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 4.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 4 11/1/17 8:30 PM Page 28

4a Vocabulary


• Environmental problems

1 1 2 3 4 5

Match the pictures to the problems.

deforestation energy waste endangered species rubbish air pollution






Complete the sentences with the

verbs in the correct form.

• save • worship • threaten • survive • protect • preserve • face • clean up 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



Several forms of pollution .......................... the environment. The local green group ............................... the beach next Saturday. In ancient times, people ............................ a variety of gods. We need to do more ................................. the environment. Greenpeace is doing a lot .......................... whales. Archaeologists are not sure if the monument .......................... for long. Conservationists are doing everything they can .......................... the temple. A number of animal species ....................... extinction unless we do something.

3 1 2 3 4 5 6

Circle the correct preposition.

Many ancient monuments around the world are in / at danger. Everyone of us is responsible of / for keeping the planet clean. Stonehenge is at / in risk because of air pollution. The effects on / of water pollution on sea life can be terrible. The Greeks built the temple in / at the 5th century BCE. You should turn off your computer when it is not on / in use.

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4a ★


Complete the sentences with the

correct word.

b) Use six of the phrases from Ex. 5

to complete the sentences.

• cultural • polluted • rising • responsible • melting • public


The Sphinx is a .......................................... of Egypt.

1 2

......................... seas worry many islanders. ......................... ice is putting many seals at risk. Using ......................... transport can help reduce pollution. Stonehenge and the Tower of London are two ......................... sites in the UK. The coast of California has got a lot of ......................... beaches. Many people believe that industries are ......................... for pollution.

3 4 5 6


The pollution in the sea and on the beaches is spoiling many .......................................... .


Car exhaust fumes can damage monuments located along .......................................... .


Cutting down trees causes ......................... ........................... .


Many people have difficulty breathing in hot and ................................. .


More and more plants and animals are becoming ................................

5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

a) Match the words.

endangered traffic busy car national humid global holiday

a b c d e f g h

symbol destinations roads pollution weather warming species parks

............................... .

6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Circle the correct word.

We all have the power / strength to make a difference in the world. Heavy rain hurts / damages old buildings. Stonehenge is an important cultural site / sight of the UK. Conservationists are working hard / hardly to save the building. We will face / meet many problems in the future. There are drawings of extinct / lost animals in the caves. It is very important to preserve our historic / historical monuments.


Write your own sentences with

words from Ex. 6.



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4b Use of English • Will

1 1 2 3 4 5

2 1 2 3 4 5

3 1 2 3 4 5



• Be going to


Fill in the short forms as in the


• play football • go shopping downtown • plant a tree • buy a new bicycle • go on holiday • clean up the beach 1 They’re going to play football.

2 Zauresh ...................... ................................... ...................................

the words in brackets.

Fill in will or won’t to write your

the people going to do? Write

going to, as in the example.

Make on-the-spot decisions, using

It’s raining outside. (take an umbrella) I’ll take an umbrella. It’s very cold. (close the window) .................................................................. The kitchen is very dirty. (clean it) .................................................................. This exercise is difficult. (help you) .................................................................. My bicycle is broken. (fix it for you) ..................................................................

Look at the pictures. What are

sentences using the phrases below and


She will go on holiday soon. She’ll go on holiday soon. He will not be home early. .................................................................. We will be there at 6 o’clock. .................................................................. I will not need your help after all. .................................................................. He will not buy a computer. ..................................................................


3 Artyom ....................... ................................... ...................................

4 Madina ...................... ................................... ...................................

predictions for the future.

Forests .............. disappear. Governments .............. manage to reduce air pollution. There .............. be a water problem in the near future. Many animal species .............. become extinct. Temperatures .............. rise all over the world.

Diaz and Sanjar ................................... ................................... 5 6 Asiya .......................... ................................... ...................................

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4b 5 1

A: The time of the meeting has changed to 7 o’clock! B: Don’t worry, I ....................................... (not/be) late!


A: I ................................................ (drive) to the mall today. B: Great! I ..................... (come) with you.


A: Look out! Your glass .............................. (fall). B: Thanks for telling me.


A: Your skirt is dirty. B: I know. I ............................................... (wash) it later.


A: What are your plans for the weekend? B: I ................................... (attend) a rock concert with Jane. Here are the tickets.


A: I think I ..................................... (make) an omelette for dinner. B: Sounds great. I ..................................... (help) you!

• Will vs present continuous

6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

• Use of English revision

Fill in: will or am/is/are going to.


Choose the correct answer.


What ...... do next weekend? A you will B are you going to C will you to


I think I ...... to bed. I’m tired. A going B am going C will go


They ...... study together tomorrow. A will B will go C are going to


Temperatures ...... probably rise in the future. A going to B will C are going to


What ...... the weather ...... like tomorrow? A is ... going B will ... be C will ... to


How about meeting at 7:00? I can’t, I ...... visit my grandparents. A is going to B will C am going to


Kanat ...... on holiday to Spain tomorrow. A is going to go B will C is going to


Be careful or you ...... . A will fall B are going to fall C are falling


Jake ...... during his holiday in Cuba. A will dive B dive C is going to dive

Circle the correct verb form.

Did you hear? Mary will get / is getting married. John will meet / is meeting Helen at 4pm. They look good. I will try / am trying one. Marzhan is having / will have her baby soon. Are you helping / Will you help us with the clean-up? I think I am seeing / will see his new film when it comes out. Will you leave / Are you leaving tomorrow? People will not have / are not having paper money in 2050. The temperature is rising / will rise tomorrow. This is too difficult! Are you helping / Will you help me?


I’m fed up! ...... making that noise? A Are you stopping B Will you stop C Are you going to stop


Oh, it’s freezing in here. I ...... the heating on. A am going to turn B turn C will turn


Look! They ...... fall. A will B is going to


C are going to

★★ a) Write four things you are going to do this weekend.

★★ b) Write five predictions for the future.



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4c Reading


Read the text below and answer the

questions T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say).

Mars One is also going to send a rover in 2018 to test some of the technology the astronauts will use. Then, in 2020, another rover will land on Mars. Its job is to find a good place for the humans to build their village. In 2022, six spacecraft will travel to Mars carrying everything the astronauts will need to live on Mars, including a machine to produce water and make the air safe to breathe. Two years later, the astronauts will land and their adventure will begin!

Would you like to go into space? How would you feel, looking back at Earth? It would be amazing, wouldn't it? But how would you feel if you had to stay up there? Believe it or not, a Dutch organisation is planning to send humans to live on the planet Mars! The purpose of the Mars One project is to build a small village on Mars where people can live. Thousands applied for a place on the mission, but only 24 people can go on the first spacecraft. However, before they leave, there is a lot of work to do. The astronauts have to train very hard for their mission and study science, technology and medicine.

1 2




Mars One is a Dutch project. Mars One will send thousands of people into space on the first spacecraft. The people who apply for the mission must be experts in science, technology or medicine. The astronauts train every day for their mission.



6 ..... 7 .....



The first rover will land on Mars in 2018. ..... The scientists at Mars One have already decided where to build the village. ...... Six astronauts will land on Mars in the year 2022. ..... They will need a special machine to breathe safely on Mars. .....


Read the text and complete the notes.

The NASA scientist, Dr Harrison Gray, will give a talk about the planned mission to Mars on Thursday 14th at 6 pm. The talk will take place in the Hobson Room of the Great Library. There are only 50 seats, so please arrive early to get a place. Dr Gray will give you an information booklet, but please bring your own books and pens if you want to take notes during the talk. WORKBOOK


Speaker Subject Date Time Place What to bring

Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 4.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 4 11/1/17 8:30 PM Page 33

4c Vocabulary


Fill in: land, turn, aim, send, board in

the correct tense.


5 1

1 2

3 4



After landing on the Moon, scientists .......... their attention to the planets. The astronauts .......... the Apollo 13 spacecraft on 11th April 1970 and set off for the Moon. The rovers Opportunity and Curiosity are constantly .......... information back to Earth. The Soyuz mission carrying Scott Kelly and Mikhail Kornienko ............ in Kazakhstan on 1st March 2016. Everyone was pleased to see the astronauts back on Earth. NASA ............. to send people to Mars in 2030.

Fill in: agency, system, surface,

Listen and choose answers A, B or C.

What date will the mission leave Earth?


3rd July 2



What will the astronauts find difficult when they return?


A 3 A

neighbours, temperature. 4

Saturn Fact File

1 Saturn is in the outer solar ............... . It is the sixth planet from the Sun. 2 Its closest .................... are Jupiter and Uranus. 3 Saturn doesn't have a solid .................... – it is a ball of gas. 4 The average .................... on Saturn is -178°C! 5 The American space .................... sent a mission called Cassini to Saturn in 1997. It took seven years to reach the planet!


How many satellites has Saturn got?






Which planet is the hottest?

A 5

8th July

6th July



What is Anara doing?







Listen and fill in the gaps.

The Sun is a 1) ....................... . It is made of two gases, hydrogen and helium. The Sun is huge, but there are billions of stars just like it in our 2) ...................... , and some of them are much bigger! The 3) ...................... of the Sun is hot, but the middle is even hotter – it's about 15 million 4) ...................... Celsius in there! The Sun gives us 5) ...................... and light. Without it, there would be no life on Earth. WORKBOOK


Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 4.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 4 11/1/17 8:30 PM Page 34

4d, e, f Vocabulary


★ 1 2 3 4 5 6

a) Match the words.

ozone harmful aerosol fishing critically air

3 a b c d e f

1 villages pollution endangered layer sprays chemicals

2 3 4 5

b) Use the phrases to complete the

Circle the correct preposition.

The ozone layer filters in / out the harmful rays of the sun. Many species are in / at danger of disappearing. Chemicals are harmful for / to most animals. The WWF is famous for / to protecting wildlife. The hole in the ozone layer continues for / to grow.


1 2 3 4 5 6


Some farmers and factories throw ............. ............... in rivers. Traffic jams cause a lot of ........................ . The ............................... protects the Earth from the sun. The saiga antelope is ....................... and is facing extinction. The tsunami destroyed several ................... ............... . ..................................... are responsible for a lot of pollution.

Use the verbs in the list in the correct

3 4 5 6 7 8




Layers of gas ..................... the Earth. Light from the sun takes 8.4 minutes ..................... the Earth. Scientists ................. a new planet in 2009. Deforestation .................. animals’ natural habitats. The ozone layer doesn’t ..................... harmful sun rays through. The hole in the ozone layer ..................... all the time. The sun ..................... in the East and sets in the West. We need to do everything we can ..................... the hole in the ozone layer.

Complete the dialogue with the

correct item.

• Why don’t we • How about • I’m afraid I can’t • That sounds great A: B: A: B:

form to complete the sentences.

• destroy • reach • surround • allow • fix • discover • grow • rise 1 2

Everyday English




Hi Bob. Did you hear that the school is holding a charity concert for WWF? Really? 1) ............................... . When is it? Friday evening at 9 o’clock. 2) .................... go together? 3) ........................... . I have to work in the shop. Oh, that’s too bad. Wait! I have an idea. 4) ......................... asking my sister to work instead? She hates concerts. Brilliant idea! Let’s call her.


Use the poster to write a dialogue

similar to the one in Ex. 4.

Help us save the pink dolphin of the

Amazon River Join our 24h Marathon Basketball Tournament Saturday 9th May, 9am

School Gym

Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 4.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 4 11/1/17 8:30 PM Page 35

4g Writing • An essay stating a problem


Read the essay and label the


state the effects C summary of opinion D


state the problem offer solutions

you use to start the second and third the paragraph number.

paragraphs with the correct heading A, B, C or D.


We could also fine people for dumping rubbish. The problem is that there is litter all over the beach … We can solve this problem by doing a few simple things. We don’t understand why people are doing this. 2nd paragraph


More and more people are coming to the beach near our town. Unfortunately, many people are leaving their rubbish behind them. 2

This means that our beach is full of rubbish and it is becoming too dirty and dangerous to swim there. People will cut themselves on broken glass or tins, and sea creatures will die when they swallow plastic bags or other rubbish. 3

Fortunately, there are a few simple solutions to this problem. First, we can organise a clean-up day; we’ll all help clean up and also inform people of how important it is to keep the beach clean. We should also put bins on the beach and put signs up to tell people to put their rubbish in these bins. 4

To conclude, we can all help keep our beach clean for everyone to enjoy and at the same time help protect the marine life in the area.


Replace the words or phrases in bold

3rd paragraph

Your teacher asked you to write an

essay offering solutions to the litter problem in and around your school. Match the problems, effects and solutions.




Students throw The litter sweet wrappers builds up. in playground.

Put more bins in and around school.

There are not enough bin.

Students volunteer to pick up litter everyday.

Litter everywhere.

There is no-one Students have Put signs up to pick up nowhere to telling students litter. put their litter. to use bins.

5 2

Which of the sentences below can

paragraph of the essay in Ex. 1? Write

& offering solutions




Now write your essay. Think

about: what the problem is, what the

effects are, what the solutions are. Use your answers from Ex. 4 to help you.

in the text with these words/phrases:

in conclusion, to begin with, luckily.



Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 5.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 5 11/1/17 8:31 PM Page 36

5a Vocabulary


• Character

1 1 2 3 4



Fill in: risk-takers, aggressive, sensitive,

brave, ambitious, arrogant.

1 2

Captain Hook from Peter Pan wants to succeed. He is .................... . Lyra from His Dark Materials doesn't show fear. She is .................... . Oliver from Oliver Twist gets upset easily. He is .................... . The White Witch from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe thinks she is better than everyone else. She is .................... . Fred and George Weasley from the Harry Potter books like doing dangerous things. They are .................... . Shere Khan from The Jungle Book is violent and wants to hurt Mowgli. He is ............... .

3 4

5 6


• The Hound of Baskervilles


a) Match the words to form phrases.

1 2 3 4 5

bank coal-black dense higher quick

a b c d e

ground steps of fog hound fog

b) Use the phrases from Ex. 2a to

Fill in stare, drift, spring, hang, leap,

break in the correct tense. Everything was quiet until a loud cry ................... the silence. It was a sunny day, and small white clouds ................... slowly across the sky. When I get home, my dog Judy ................. down the front path to greet me. We couldn't do anything. We had to ................... helplessly as the tree crashed onto the roof of our house. The wind was blowing and a thick fog ................... over the moor. My brothers .................... out of the shadows to scare me.

Read the sentences and mark them

F (first-person narrative) or T (thirdperson narrative).


2 3 4 5


He looked both ways and then crossed the street. She sat down to enjoy the best meal of her life. I couldn't bear to watch. We only just reached the station in time. They arrived and he carried the luggage to the waiting train.


...... ...... ...... ...... ......

Rewrite the following sentences

in first-person narrative.

fill in the gaps.

1 1 2 3 4 5 WORKBOOK


We moved to ............................. when the river flooded. They heard ............................. on the path and looked up to see who was coming. She watched as the white .......................... moved closer and closer. The ......................... was much larger than an ordinary dog. ..................................... covered the moor.



As he was waiting, he heard a sudden, loud noise quite close by. .................................................................. Jane had always suspected there was more to Mr Morley than people imagined. .................................................................. The group followed the trail for some time, until it disappeared at the edge of a fastflowing river. ..................................................................

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5b • The Time Machine


★ b) Use the phrases to complete the sentences.

Label the pictures.

• buildings • chamber • trees • well • flowers


They rested a while under the beautiful trees. The city has lots of ......................... and green parks. The villagers get water from a(n) ................ ....................... . In the hot summer weather, the ................................... beneath the castle is nice and cool. The children picked ................................. from the garden and gave them to their grandma.

2 3 4

5 1




★ a) Match the columns.

3 3



1 2 3 4 5 6


make light get disappear stop run

a b c d e f

to rest away friends a match down used to the dark

b) Use the phrases from Ex. 3a to

complete the sentences.






★ a) Match the adjectives to the 3

words in Ex. 1.

• beautiful • small, dark • sweet-smelling • splendid • underground 1 2 3 4 5

beautiful trees ............................... ............................... ............................... ...............................

chamber buildings well flowers


5 6

There's not much light in the cave, but you can see once your eyes ............................. . He is popular and he finds it easy to ................................... . My dog is so small I'm afraid he might ................................... a rabbit hole. If you see a bear, you shouldn't try to ................................... . It will chase you and probably catch you! When the electricity stopped working, we had to ............................ to see each other. I'm tired! Let's find a quiet place and ................................... . WORKBOOK


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5c • Maadai-Kara



Label the mythical World Tree with:


roots, branches, heaven, underworld, trunk. 2 1) ....................... 2) .......................

3) .......................

3 4 5

Fill in: reign, enemies, slaves, ruler, age.

Ancient kings and queens had ................... that worked but didn't get paid. People call the time between 500 and 300 BCE 'the golden .................... of Greece' because there were so many good ideas and beautiful artworks and buildings at this time. Elizabeth I was the Queen of England and her ................... lasted 45 years. Cleopatra was the last ................... of ancient Egypt. Genghis Khan had many ................. who wanted to hurt him.

4) .......................

5) .......................

2 1


3 4 5 6 7 8



Complete the sentences. Use: ride,

lose, dwell, face, defeat, grow, take, fall in the correct form. Alexander the Great built a huge empire, but he never .................. old because he died when he was just 32. Voldemort .................. his powers after he attacked Harry Potter and he became very weak. I'm so tired! I can't watch a film now – I think I .................. asleep. Please can you .................. care of my cat while I'm on holiday? The heroes in legends have to .................. many dangers. The Athenians .................. the Persians at the Battle of Marathon in 490 BCE. We .................. our horses to the river so that they could have a drink. In the story, people .................. in houses underground.



Replace the words in bold with

their antonyms: peace, clear, glorious,

new, lost, poor. 1 2 3 4 5 6

The King's reign was disastrous. ................. As he got older and weaker, he gained power. .................... The baby was found by a wealthy woman on the Black Mountain. .................... Kögüdei was the previous ruler of the kingdom. .................... Under Kögüdei and Altyn, the steppe became a place of war. .................... Tonight the skies are cloudy. ....................

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5d • The Magic Garden of the




column in Ex. 2a to complete the sentences.

Label the pictures.

1 2 3 4






3 1 3)




2 3 4 5





4 1


a) Match the words to their



3 1 2 3 4 5

hesitate wise address possess enter

b) Use the words from the first

a b c d e

have speak to go inside wait clever


The old king was very ...................... and he understood many things. They don’t ...................... many things, but they are very happy. We saw him ...................... outside the door for a minute before he went inside. Children under 12 can’t ...................... the cinema to watch the film because it’s very frightening. Before the show, the director came out to ...................... the audience and tell them about it.

Fill in: upside-down, far and wide,

disease, gold, disaster. During the storm, …………………… struck and the ship sank to the bottom of the sea. The pirates travelled to many places and searched ……………………. for the treasure. He felt sorry for the birds, which were tied … ………………… by their feet. The sheep were all sick with a terrible ……… …………… . They found a chest full of …………………… buried in their garden.


Fill in: fail, slam, spring, dig in the

correct form.

We planted some seeds and, a week later, some flowers .................. up. The children went to the beach and .................. a big hole in the sand. They tried to climb the mountain but because of the bad weather, they .................. in their attempt. Lucy was very angry. She shouted at us and then ran upstairs and ............. her bedroom door shut. WORKBOOK


Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 6.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 6 11/1/17 8:32 PM Page 40

6a Vocabulary • Adjectives

1 1


Jack told us a(n) ...... story that made us laugh. A childish B amusing C awful The film has got ...... special effects. A funny B educational C brilliant It was a very ...... documentary; you should see it. A funny B terrible C interesting


With its ...... plot, the film is going to be a success. A boring B gripping C special


It’s a ...... film with brilliant acting. A delicious B destroying C thrilling


Oh, look at Wall-E! He’s so ......! A cute B terrible C childish


Unscramble the words to find types

of TV programmes, then use them to

Circle the correct item.



• TV programmes

label the pictures.












wsoh imfl


















Complete the sentences with the

correct word from the list.

• silly • boring • educational • awful • fantastic 1 2 3 4 5



I nearly fell asleep during the film! It was so ......................! That police drama is ...................... . The acting is top quality and so are the storylines. I find those nature documentaries very .................. . I always learn a lot from them. That sitcom is ......................! It isn’t funny and the acting is very poor. I found the comedy show too ................... . The jokes were ridiculous and childish.

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6a 4 1





6 7

★ Fill in: news, documentaries, chat, sitcom, soap opera, quiz, fashion show. I prefer to live my own life rather than follow the daily lives of others on a daytime ............... . In the evenings, I like watching my favourite .........................; it always makes me laugh. Watching the ........................ can be depressing because there are so many reports of terrible events. I really enjoy that .................. show that tests your knowledge against that of a 10 year-old. The charity held a .................. with famous models to raise money for their cause. I enjoy watching ................... about ancient civilisations. Many .......................... shows are interesting because you get to listen to people talk about their problems.

• Films


1 2

3 4 5



programmes you like/don’t

2 3






I like ...................................... because ................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. ..............................................

sound action computer science awards

a b c d e

packed ceremony fiction animated effects

Star Wars is a(n) ...................................... film that is set in the past on many different planets. The ................................ of the latest James Bond film were so loud that people jumped every time something exploded. It was a(n) .............................. film with a really exciting plot. Wall-E is a(n) ............................. film about a robot that the whole family will love. The actress wore a fabulous dress to the ...................... .

Use the verbs in the list in the correct tense to

complete the sentences.

• direct • build • star • release • win • play • compose

Write four sentences

about types of TV

Match the words to form phrases. Use the

phrases to complete sentences 1-5.

1 2 3 4 5




4 5 6 7


Jennifer Lawrence, who stars as Mystique in X-Men: Apocalypse, ........................... many awards for her films. Who ....................... the music for Phantom of the Opera? Most blockbuster films are .......................................... in the summer. Andrew Stanton ................................... the animated adventure film Wall-E. The robot Wall-E was .................................... by humans to collect rubbish. Tom Cruise usually ................................... the role of the hero in his films. Arnold Schwarzenegger ................................... in many science fiction films during the past 30 years.


Write a few sentences about your favourite

film. Use these words:

• was directed • stars • plays the role • wrote music WORKBOOK


Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 6.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 6 11/1/17 8:32 PM Page 42

6b Use of English • The passive – present simple

1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Fill in: is or are.

• The passive – past simple ★★


Rewrite the newspaper headlines

in full sentences. Use the passive past tense.

Traditional Irish music .......... played on the tin whistle. New films .......... released every week. The world’s only action film festival .......... held every year in Astana. The 2005 film Pride and Prejudice .......... based on a novel by Jane Austen. The actor’s new movie .......... expected to become a box office hit. Actors .......... asked to read a script aloud so the writer can see if it sounds right. Acting classes .......... often taken by famous actors to improve their skills. The TV show Kazakh Ely ....... set in 15th century Kazakhstan. George Lucas .......... best known as the creator of the Star Wars films.

What are the steps to producing a


2 Twenty-seven


people killed during ice storm

Pitt was nominated for best actor.

.................................. ..................................


Film Studio destroyed by fire

.................................. .................................. PICASSO PAINTING SOLD FOR £50 5 MILLION

.................................. ..................................




.................................. .................................. 6


.................................. ..................................

a) Use the information to write

questions and answers, as in the

theatre production? Use the verbs in

example. Use the correct passive tense.

brackets to complete the sentences in the passive present tense.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WORKBOOK


First, the rights to the play are bought (buy). A good location ............................. (find). A list ............................................ (make) that includes all the costs of the production. The production staff .................................. (hire) to help with lighting, set design, etc. The director ................................. (select) from among the many available. Auditions ....................................... (hold) for actors and actresses. The costumes ............................ (design). Rehearsals ...................................... (plan) by the director. The play .................................. (promote) through the media. Tickets ........................................... (print) for the shows.

Name: The Globe Theatre Location: Bankside, London Founder: Sam Wanamaker Completed: 1997 Made of: green oak Reason built: so people can see how a play was performed in Shakespeare’s time


2 3 4 5

where/located? Where is it located? It is located on Bankside, London. who/founded by? when/completed? what/made of? why/built?

Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 6.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 6 11/1/17 8:32 PM Page 43

6b ★★

• Use of English revision

b) Use the information about the

Globe Theatre and write a short text about it. Use passive tense forms.

.................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. ..................................................................


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Is ...... someone in the room? A a B there C it


Who was the music for the ballet The Nutcracker composed ......? Tchaikovsky. A for B by C of


...... is a theatre next to the bank. A That B There C It


The Golden Globe awards ceremony ...... last week. A held B is held C was held


...... the Harry Potter films all set in Britain? Yes. A Were B Was C Did


Where ...... William Shakespeare born? A was B is C did


The old Globe Theatre ...... by a fire in 1613. A destroyed B is destroyed C was destroyed


The film ...... to win an Oscar this year. A is expected B expects C are expected


Wolverine ...... best known for his razorsharp claws. A were B is C are

Fill in: by or with.

Guernica was painted .............. Picasso. The Colosseum was built .............. concrete and stone. The TV was invented .............. John Baird. The costumes were made .............. paper from old magazines. Hamlet was written .............. Shakespeare. The film was directed .............. Wes Ball. The stage was lit .............. special lighting. The song was sung .............. Adele.

• It/There


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

................’s a pleasure to meet you. ................ was the best film ever. ................’s someone waiting for you. Who’s ................? My friend, Assel. ................’s a cinema near here. ................’s a performance tonight. ................’s hot today. How far is ............... to the cinema? ................’s 11 o’clock. Hurry up! ................ was a great performance.

Choose the correct answer.


• By/With


Fill in: it or there.


...... was cold yesterday. A There B It

C That


Who was Pride and Prejudice ...... by? A wrote B write C written


Lake Baikal is in Russia. ......’s a very deep lake. A There B This C It



Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 6.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 6 11/1/17 8:32 PM Page 44

6c Reading




Read the text and complete the gaps with the


correct missing word.



The Sydney Opera House 0) is located in Sydney, Australia. Visitors travel 1) ................. all over the world


to enjoy performances that range from opera and ballet to theatre 2) ................. live musical productions. There 3) ................. even special programmes for children that include dancing, music and theatre. For many people, just visiting The Sydney Opera House is entertaining. It is


4) ................. impressive piece of architecture and visitors







5) ............... . Guided tours are available that take you behind-the-scenes in the world-famous Concert Hall or


Opera Theatre. Jorn Utzon, 6) ................. young architect from Denmark, designed the building. He entered a contest in 1956 to design a concert hall in Sydney and 7) ................. announced the winner in 1957. The unique design caused many difficulties and the Opera House was not completed 8) ................. 1973. Fortunately, the building became a huge success and is now considered 9) ................. many to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. The Sydney Opera House 10) ................. earned a reputation as a world-class performing arts centre and is a proud symbol of Sydney.




★ Answer the questions. Who visits the Sydney Opera House? .............................................. .............................................. What kind of performances can you see there? .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. As well as watching a performance, what else can visitors do there? .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. Who was the building designed by? .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. Why did this person design it? .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. Why did it take a long time to build? .............................................. .............................................. ..............................................

★ Would you like to visit the Sydney Opera House? Why/Why not?

.............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. ..............................................

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6c Vocabulary



Do the crossword puzzle. 2




Jane talking to Doug


about a music performance. For


questions 1-5 choose


A, B or C.



2 4 6 7

1 3 5


Across A building where valuable items are on display. A place where people go to see plays. In this type of centre, interesting objects are displayed. A place where people go to watch films. Down An event where people get to see a live performance by a band or orchestra. A large building where sports events are held. A group of people and animals who travel around to different places and perform under a big tent.

Fill in with an appropriate word/

2 3 4 5


You can buy a ticket for the concert until A Thursday. B Monday. C Wednesday.


A ticket costs A £8.

B £7.

C £10.


The concert will take place in the school’s A auditorium. B gym. C theatre.


Jane’s friends’ band is called A The 2200s. B The 2001s. C The 2020s.


Jane and Doug will meet at A 6:30. B 6:45.

C 7:00.




Listen and complete the email.

phrase from the list in the correct form.

• create • range from • depend on • high-quality • audience 1

Listen to

There is a variety of music in the film. It ................................ classical to electronic. They ............................... instruments from vegetables. The success of a film .................................. choosing the right director and cast. The orchestra produces ............................. sounds using vegetables. The .............................. clapped at the end of the performance.

Hi Hayley! I went to a great 1) ............................. last night with my friends! There were lots of bands and they played all kinds of different music – rock, jazz, pop and 2) ............................... . My favourite though was a 3) ................................. band called ‘Zig zag’. They were so loud, especially 4) ..............................., but they were absolutely 5) ................................! Afterwards, we all went out for 6) ................................. . It was an amazing evening. Write back soon. Love, Christine WORKBOOK


Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 6.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 6 11/1/17 8:32 PM Page 46

6d, e, f 1



break, surfs, attract, tools, spends, dropped.

a) Match the words to make phrases.

1 2 3 4 5

string ancient made long style of

a b c d e

music neck times instrument from

1 2 3 4

b) Use the phrases to complete the


gaps in the text.





Pat: Justin: Pat: Justin:


r ad i

o n mx zk f i n t ern e

q tac

ws lne

papers mrt



Justin: Pat: Justin:

media in the whirl.


Use the sentences to complete the

dialogue. There is one extra sentence.


a) Find and circle four types of

g azi ne s x x ma b

★ • • • • •



Electronic media are useful .............. for students. Kairat’s marks have .............. . He should study more. Assel .............. the Net in the evenings. Why don’t you take a ..............? You look tired. Mr Omarov tried to .............. the waiter’s attention in the restaurant. He .............. most of his free time watching TV.

Everyday English

................. . It’s The guitar is a popular 1) ........................ has got a 2) .................................................. wood and strings. In 3) .................................................. with six ruments were 4) ......................................................, similar inst ece, Italy and played in countries such as Egypt, Gre of flamenco, a Turkey. The guitar is a famous part Spain. Today 5) ............................................ and dance from instrument in the electric guitar is a very common rock music all around the world.


b) Complete the sentences. Use:

Oh no, not that. I just hate social dramas. What time is it on? Well, Terminator is on later. Do you fancy watching it? The Flash is on Channel 3 at 8:00. 1) ......................................................... Not really. Why not? My favourite programme is on at 8 tonight. You know, Sherlock. 2) ....................................................... . What else is on? 3) ......................................................... Let’s watch that. 4) ............................... 10:00 on Channel 5.


You are discussing what to watch

on TV tonight with your brother. Write a dialogue. Use the dialogue in Ex. 3 as a model.



Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 7.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 7 11/1/17 8:33 PM Page 48

7a Vocabulary • Natural phenomena


Find nine natural phenomena.

Use the words to label the pictures.






























2 4


1 2


.................. 3 4 5 5










Use six of the words from Ex. 1 to

complete the sentences.

We saw the ............................ in the sky before we heard the thunder. The river broke its banks and caused a(n) ......................... . Three alpine skiers were injured in a(n) ........................ yesterday. All the plants are dying because of the ............................. . Several buildings collapsed during the ............................. . The ........................... covered the island in water.

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7a 3 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8

Fill in: grabbed, burst, swept, pulled,

shouted, washed, came, had. The man .................... the child’s hand and pulled him back from the edge of the cliff. She desperately .................... for help, but unfortunately no one came. The waves .................... crashing onto the beach as the storm intensified. Heavy rains caused the rivers to ................. their banks. When Stella was young, she .................... terrible nightmares about drowning. The strong winds .................... away everything as they passed through the town. The bridge across the river has .................... away in the heavy floods. John quickly grabbed Susan’s hands and .................... her out of the water.

• Injuries


★ Fill in with the correct present tense form: survive, rescue, collapse, shake.


5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

6 1 2 3

5 6

HOTEL 3) ................... AS EARTHQUAKE 4) ................... BUILDINGS IN CAPITAL CITY

from the list:

• shocked • lonely • lost • safe • relieved • lucky • sorry



★ How did each person feel? Choose

7 8 9

“I was shouting for help but it felt like no one was around.” “I was fortunate because it happened the day after I left.” “The earthquake was a complete surprise and I was very scared.” “I still think of the poor people whose homes were destroyed.” “I was out of danger and on my way home.” “I didn’t know where I was, but I kept running.” “I was so happy that the terrible experience was over.”

...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......

Choose the correct word.

It was very cold and the wind was blowing/shining the leaves off the trees. The spring sunshine is always a welcome roar/change from the winter rain. There was a warm/crystal breeze coming from the open window. Everyone was screaming and swallowing/ pointing at the volcanic eruption. I tried to reach/arrive the surface as the tsunami swept me away. Suddenly, a hand grabbed/passed me and pulled me to safety. I pulled/gasped for air as I went under the water again. People were running in panic/force away from the avalanche. Many of the locals missed/lost their homes in the earthquake.



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7b Use of English • Past continuous


person doing at 5 o’clock yesterday


Julie ................................ ............................. (walk) home from school.

The boys ......................... .............................. (play) basketball.


Sally ................................ ............................. (read) a book in the park.






Mr Smith ........................ ............................. (cook) dinner.


Look at Kairat’s schedule and



4 1 2

7:00-8:00 have breakfast

12:00-13:10 eat lunch with friends


8:00-8:20 go to school

16:00 - 17:00 play tennis


9:20-11:00 have a Maths lesson

19:00 - 20:30 study for History test



At 7:15, Kairat was having breakfast.

2 3 4 5 6

.................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. ..................................................................

yesterday afternoon at 6 o’clock? Write

Greg/read comics? (surf the Internet) Was Greg reading comics? No, he wasn’t. He was surfing the Internet. Alan and Mark/play football? (do their homework) .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. Rita/tidy her room? (walk her dog) .................................................................. .................................................................. Jack/play in the park? (do the shopping) .................................................................. .................................................................. Tammy and Frank/cook dinner? (sleep) .................................................................. ..................................................................


Write sentences about yourself.

Use the past continuous. What were you doing …

write what he was doing at:

• 7:15 • 8:15 • 9:25 • 12:10 • 19:20 • 16:45

What were the people doing


5 4

questions. Then, answer them, as in the

Look at the pictures. What was each




6 7 8

at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon? .............. .................................................................. at 10 o’clock this morning? ....................... .................................................................. three hours ago? ....................................... .................................................................. last Saturday? ............................................ .................................................................. at 8 o’clock last night? .............................. .................................................................. last summer? ............................................. .................................................................. at half past seven yesterday morning? ....... .................................................................. this time last week? ................................... ..................................................................

Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 7.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 7 11/1/17 8:34 PM Page 51

7b • Use of English revision

• Past simple vs Past continuous

5 1 2 3 4

5 6



Circle the correct answer.

They watched / were watching TV when the earthquake happened / was happening. The tsunami hit / was hitting the coast yesterday morning. Mary was waking / woke up and was getting / got dressed. The children screamed / were screaming when the lightning bolt struck / was striking a tree in their garden. George was burning / burnt his hand while he was cooking / cooked lunch. The group was skiing / skied down the slope when an avalanche was occurring / occurred.

Put the verbs in brackets in the past


Choose the correct answer.


Timur ...... football at 8 pm yesterday. A played B were playing C was playing


It was cold but the sun ...... as we left home. A shone B was shining C shined


Paula and John .... when Paula burnt her hand. A were cooking B was cooking C cooked


Inkar was tidying her room and her mum ...... dinner. A cooked B were cooking C was cooking


They were cycling in the park when they ...... and hit their heads. A crashed B were crashing C was crashing


What ...... this morning at eight o’clock? A you were doing B did you do C were you doing


We ...... when you called but we had the TV on loud. A didn’t sleep B weren’t sleeping C wasn’t sleeping


Emily ...... a great film at the cinema on Friday night. A was seeing B did see C saw


How ......? A was it happening C it happened

simple or the past continuous.

ast night, there 1) ........................................... (be) a major car accident on the M1 motorway. A car 2) ...................................... (smash) into a truck. Fortunately, everybody 3) .................................... (be) OK. The driver 4) .......................................... (tell) us that as he 5) ........................................... (drive), he 6) ............................................... (see) a deer that 7) ......................................... (run) towards his car. He 8) ........................................ (try) to avoid the animal, but he 9) ............................................ (lose) control of the car. The car 10) ................................. (spin) round and round until it 11) ................................................... (crash) into a truck that 12) ......................................... (be) on the side of the road. Nobody knows where the deer 13) ............................................... (go) or if it’s alive. It just 14) .................................................. (disappear).

B did it happen


...... Serik ...... for the bus when he saw the accident? A Did ... wait B While ... waited C Was ... waiting



Use the adverbs to write sentences

about you. Use the past simple or the past continuous.


last week when as yesterday afternoon WORKBOOK


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7c Reading

1 1 2 3


Read the text and write T (true) or F (false).

Earthquakes don’t happen quite often. There are a lot of earthquakes in California. Even weak earthquakes can do lots of damage.


....... ....... ....... 1



Read the text and choose the correct answer

A, B, or C.

2 3 4

Earthquakes are actually more common than most people think. In fact, in some places around the world, like California, earthquakes can occur every day. Most of these earthquakes are not that strong. The location of an earthquake is a big factor in whether or not it will cause damage. When an earthquake occurs a long way from the earth’s surface, it doesn’t do any harm to people or buildings. However, when an earthquake occurs near or on the surface, there will be problems. An earthquake doesn’t have to be high on the Richter scale to cause damage; it just has to happen at the right place. The best thing you can do in an earthquake is stay calm and know how to protect yourself. 1






In places like California, earthquakes A can happen daily. B don’t happen daily. C happen every week. When an earthquake happens far from the surface, A there is a lot of damage. B there is no damage. C it does harm to people. An earthquake causes damage when A it’s high on the Richter scale. B it’s low on the Richter scale. C it happens at the right place. The best thing you can do in an earthquake is A help other people. B not to panic. C stay still.

5 6 7 8

4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fill in: terrified, escape,

tell, realise, neighbour, distance, collapse, survive, hike, rescue. It was really scary, but we lived to .................. the tale. My .................. saved my life during the earthquake. Dan was able to .................. from the volcanic eruption. New buildings will not .............. in most earthquakes. I was .................. when I saw the tsunami getting closer. Do you .................. how lucky you are to be alive? All the skiers managed to .................. the avalanche. In the .................., we could see the tornado.

Circle the correct


A tornado can lift you off / up your feet. It’s wet and windy so hold at / onto your umbrella. The sun was shining on/in the sky. I was lying on / over the grass under the hot sun. We drove back / to home in the pouring rain. The wind was blowing against / into the windows. It was the longest drought on / to record. Everyone ran off in / at all directions when the rain started.

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7c 5

★ 1 2 3 4 5 6



Match the words to make phrases.

dark raining strong frightening cuts be in

a b c d e f

winds pieces heavily and bruises clouds experience

Use the phrases from Ex. 5 to


Listen to

Nick’s story and circle A, B or C.


What happened to Nick? A He twisted his ankle. B He sprained his wrist. C He broke his leg.


What was he doing when it happened? A He was playing tennis. B He was playing football. C He was going home.


Where did he go after he got hurt? A He went to hospital. B He went home. C He saw his doctor.


What did they do to him? A They gave him an injection. B They put his leg in a plaster cast. C They put an ice pack on his leg.


When can he play sports again? A In two weeks. B In a month. C In a year.

complete the story.

As I went to bed that night, I could hear it 1) ................................... . I never expected that it would turn into the worst flood ever. I woke up the next morning at my usual time, but it was still dark. I opened the bedroom curtains and saw the 2) .............................. which looked almost black. It was still pouring down and the 3) ........................ were almost blowing the trees over. Then I looked down and saw that the street was a river of dirty water! I watched as it picked up my car and smashed it into a wall! My beautiful new car 4) ........................... and bits of it were floating away. I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t get downstairs as everywhere was under water. Then, from the bedroom window, I saw a small boat with firemen in it. They helped me climb out of the window and got me to safety. It was the most 5) ...................... of my life, but I was lucky to get away with just a few 6) ............... . I can’t say the same about my car, though!




Listen and fill in the gaps in

the story.

Matthew was driving along a 1) ......................... road when suddenly it started to rain heavily and 2) ................................. struck his car. Matthew 3) ......................... control of the car. It slid off the road and hit a tree. Matthew felt a severe 4) ......................... all over his body. He thought that he was in 5) ........................ condition and was very afraid. Then he woke up in hospital in a 6) ........................ cast. He escaped with a 7) ................................ leg. The doctors say he was fortunate to 8) ......................... such a serious crash. WORKBOOK


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7d, e, f Vocabulary ★


Label the pictures with.

• lollipop lady • firefighter • paramedic • police officer

3 1 2 3 4 5 6

Fill in: helmet, destroy, monument, patrol, burnt,

force. The .................... reminds people of the terrible disaster. Madiyar wants to join the police ................. after he finishes school. Make sure you wear a .................... when you are on your motorcycle. 13,000 houses ............ down in the Great Fire of London. An avalanche can .................. anything that gets its way. The police .................... the streets and protect us all.

Everyday English 1




2 1










Use the words in Ex. 1

to complete the exchanges.

A: Look! There’s a robbery at the bank! B: Oh no! Let’s call a ........... . A: This is a very busy road. B: It is. We should cross with the ............. . A: This man needs to get to a hospital now! B: I’ll phone for a ................ . A: Did anyone rescue my cat from the blaze? B: Don’t worry. The .............. saved it.


★ • • • • • •

Serik: Aliya: Serik: Aliya: Serik: Aliya: Serik: Aliya: Serik: Aliya: Serik: Aliya:


Complete the dialogue with the correct item.

Where were you at the time? Did you get hurt? You’ll never guess what happened. Did you have a nice holiday? I’m glad you got home in one piece! What happened then? Hi Aliya. 1) .................................................................. It was great. 2) ............................................................ What? While we were in Oklahoma, there was a huge tornado! Wow! 3) ....................................................................... We were driving back to the hotel. Suddenly, we saw the tornado in the distance. 4) ................................................................................. It went through a house and totally destroyed it. 5) ................................................................................. No. The tornado was far away. 6) ................................................................................. Me too!


Your friend experienced a flood while they

were on holiday. Write a short dialogue narrating the experience.

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7g Writing


• A story ★


Read the first paragraph of the

story in Ex. 1 and complete the table.

Read the story and put the events

(a-e) in the order they happened.

Time A It was a beautiful morning last summer and a warm gentle breeze was blowing when my dad and I left the harbour in our small sailing boat. My mum was standing on the pier waving happily. “Be careful, won’t you?” she shouted as the boat moved slowly in the water. B We sailed for about two hours before we reached our favourite bay. Dad let down the anchor and tied the boat to a large rock on the shore using a long rope. We put on our masks and fins and dived into the warm water. There were fish everywhere. It was amazing! Time passed by and suddenly the sky became dark grey and a strong wind started blowing. We were swimming back to the boat when suddenly a large wave came our way and threw my dad against a rock. I swam towards him and saw that he was unconscious. I grabbed him under the arms and pulled him to the yacht. It was difficult but somehow I managed to get him back on the boat. C I was terrified but I knew I had to save my dad. I used the boat’s radio to call for help. Within minutes a rescue boat arrived and took us to the shore where an ambulance was waiting. My dad had a broken shoulder and a lot of cuts but he recovered quickly. I was glad that I saved him but it was the most frightening moment in my life. a b c d e

2 1 2 3 4 5

Place Weather Characters


• winter • school holidays • in the mountains • snowing everywhere • my parents, my brother and I



Put the events of a story in the

correct order.

a My brother was lying unconscious in the snow. b We couldn’t wait to get to our chalet in the mountains. c A helicopter came and took us to hospital. d We went skiing down the slopes. e I was relieved that he was OK. f I used my mobile phone to call for help. g My brother had a broken leg and arm but he left hospital after a few days. h We were going really fast and my brother hit a tree.

which paragraph tells us:

....... ....... ....... ....... .......

in the list to write the first paragraph

A school magazine asked students to write a story about a frightening or dangerous experienced they had.

Read the story again and say

when and where the story took place? how the writer felt about what happened? what happened in the end? what the climax event is? who the main characters are?

Read the rubric and use the words

of the story.

a large wave threw my dad against a rock a strong wind started blowing they took us to the shore we sailed for about two hours we dived into the water




Now write the story in Ex. 4. Use

the sentences in Ex. 5 as well as the paragraph you wrote in Ex. 4. WORKBOOK


Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 8.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 8 11/1/17 8:35 PM Page 56

8a Vocabulary

the headings Dos and Don’ts.

• Healthy/Unhealthy habits ★


b) Now complete the table under

a) Complete the crossword puzzle.



1 .............................. 1 .............................. 1



2 .............................. 2 ..............................


3 .............................. 3 .............................. 4




4 .............................. 4 .............................. 5 .............................. 5 ..............................







Healthy lifestyles 9






Use the phrases to complete the sentences below.


1 2 3 4 5

1 2 Across 1 eat ... & vegetables 3 eat late at ... 5 ... plenty of water 6 ... too much TV 8 do a .... activity



Down 2 surf the ... lots of hours 4 eat too much ... food 7 have a ... 9 play ... games too often 10 get a good night’s ...

Match the words to make phrases.

3 4 5

share my balanced physical boost your suffer from

a b c d e

activity stress performance problems diet

When you have a ....................................., you eat all the vitamins you need. My doctor told me that I need to do more ........................................ . My family is great! I can always .............. ............................. with them. Getting plenty of sleep is a great way to ........................................ at school. Many young people .................................. ................... when they are taking exams.

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8a 3

Circle the correct word.

5 6 7 8

1 2 3 4 5 6

Many teenagers like to snooze / sleep in at the weekends. If you don’t get enough sleep, you will suffer from support / tiredness. Dmitry has gone to bed early. He wants to catch / concentrate up on his sleep. It’s a bad idea to go to bed on a full stomach / stress. There is a simple support / solution to lack of sleep. Karen began to feel full / sleepy and decided it was time for bed.




3 4

Fill in: average, lack, fit, overweight, full,

stressed, routine, support. You can give .................... to your friends by listening to their problems. If you feel ......................, don’t forget to take a break. I was ................... before I started doing plenty of exercise. Playing sport is a great way to keep .................... .

Complete the sentences with the

verbs in the list in the correct form.

• switch • follow • concentrate • sound • go • feel 1 2 3 4



On ...................., adults need less sleep than teenagers. .................... of exercise makes it harder for you to sleep. Aizhan did well in her exams because she had an excellent daily .................... . It can be difficult to exercise when you have a .................... stomach.



I soon ........................ more positive about myself after I stopped eating junk food. You just want one more piece of cake. Does this ........................ familiar? Aisara always ........................ off her gadgets an hour before going to bed. My healthy lifestyle will help me to ........................ my dreams and become a top athlete. This morning, I didn’t wake up when my alarm ........................ off. Are you finding it hard to ........................? Perhaps you need more sleep.


Is your lifestyle healthy? What do

you do? What don’t you do? Write a few sentences.

.................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. ..................................................................



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8b Use of English • Zero conditional

1 1


3 4 5

• Second conditional


Use the phrases to make


you / put / sugar in tea → it / taste / sweet ................................................ boil / water / at 100°C → it / evaporate ................................................ air / be / hot → it / rise ................................................ freeze / water → it turn / into ice ................................................ you / mix blue and red → you / get / purple ................................................





• First conditional

2 1





Circle the correct answer,


A or B.

If you eat late at night A you would get a stomach ache. B you will get a stomach ache. If you spend too much time on the computer, A you won't be able to sleep. B you aren't able to sleep. If she does exercise every day, A she'll feel better. B she felt better.


If they don’t stop bullying him, A I will tell the teacher. B I told the teacher.


If you drink plenty of water, A you wouldn't get dehydrated. B you won't get dehydrated.


If we don't get enough sleep, A we feel tired tomorrow. B we will feel tired tomorrow.


Complete the following exchanges with the

correct form of the verbs in brackets.

A: What would ............................................. (you/do) if you ........................................ (have) a bad cold? B: If I ........................................... (have) a bad cold, I ........................................... (drink) tea with lemon juice and honey. A: I really want to join an exercise class, but I don't have enough money. B: If your parents ..................... (give) you the money, you ................................... (be able) to join a class. A: What would .................................. (you/say) if you .............................. (know) your friend was a bully? B: If I .............................................. (know) my friend was a bully, I ....................................... (talk) to her and ask her to stop bullying people. A: The doctor says I'm overweight. B: If you ...................................... (eat) less junk food, you ....................................... (not/be) overweight. A: I get really bored in the evenings. B: If you ..................................... (have) a hobby, you ..................................................... (not/get) bored. A: Why is he not doing well in school? B: Because he doesn’t study a lot. If he ....................... (study) more, he ...................... (do) well in school.

• Zero, first or second conditional


write sentences.

join a school club exercise every day not eat not go to bed early not eat fruit and vegetables

1 c 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Match the situations to the actions. Then,

If If If If If

a b c d e

you you you you you

get fit be tired make friends get ill get hungry

you join a school club, you will make friends. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. .................................................................................

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8b 5 1 2 3 4 5


Complete the sentences.

If I pass my exams, .................................. . If it stops raining, .................................... . If I had a headache, ................................. . If my friends had a problem, .................... . If I play well, .............................................. .

8 1

2 3

• Modals (must/have to/need to/might)

6 1 2 3 4 5

7 1 2 3 4 5

Fill in with the correct form of

4 5

mustn't, don't need to/don't have to. We don't have to/don't need to be at school until 9 o'clock. You ........................................... get stressed about the homework – it's easy. You .................................................. eat too much junk food – it’s bad for your health. She ............................................ change her diet – she always eats healthy food. The children ................................................ watch too much TV – it's bad for their eyes.

Rewrite the sentences using must,

Rewrite the sentences using might.

Perhaps she will lose weight with her new diet. She might lose weight with her new diet. It is possible he'll feel better tomorrow. .................................................................. There is a chance I'll get a good night's sleep. .................................................................. I'm not sure if he will take up a hobby. .................................................................. It's possible that they'll follow my advice. ..................................................................

• Use of English revision


Choose the correct answer.


If it ...... very cold, the river freezes. A will get B gets C got


What ...... if he doesn’t call today? A do you do B would you do C will you do


If the weather gets worse, we ...... sailing. A wouldn’t go B won’t go C didn’t go


You will feel ill if you ...... all that chocolate. A will eat B ate C eat


You should try netball. You ...... like it. A might B must C need to


You ...... ride your bike here. It's against the rules. A don’t need to B mustn’t C don’t have to


What ...... if someone was bullying you? A will you do B do you do C would you do


If people ...... more exercise, they would have fewer health problems. A did B do C will do

mustn't, need to, has to, don't have to. It's a good idea to eat a healthy diet. You need to eat a healthy diet. It isn't necessary for children to buy a ticket. Children .................................................... It's our duty to look after our health. We ............................................................. It's necessary for Assel to do her exercises. Assel .......................................................... It's against the rules to play football here. We ............................................................



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8c Reading



Read the text and complete the gaps (1-10) with the correct missing word.

Imagine a poor caveman trying 1) ....................... feed his family. Leaving the cave as the sun rises, he looks for some berries or nuts 2) ....................... the forest. Then he heads to the river to catch a fish. Getting some fresh meat can be dangerous 3) ....................... the animals he wants to eat often bite back. As the sun goes down, he arrives back at the cave, tired and still hungry. Life for a caveman wasn’t easy, but in fact he had a much healthier diet 4) ....................... ours. Scientists say that cavemen didn’t suffer from diet-related illnesses. There was no junk food around and two-thirds of their diet came 5) ....................... plants. A nomadic lifestyle and avoiding all the animals that wanted to eat them meant that cavemen were 6) ....................... physically active than us. There 7) ....................... no overweight cavemen because there was no chance of overeating. So the 8) ....................... time you want something to eat, think like a caveman. Don’t eat too much; eat slowly and enjoy what you have. Buy from local shops so you can walk there and get 9) ....................... exercise. Avoid all processed food. Choose fruit and vegetables and go for organic meat. Get fresh fish. Shop like a caveman – you don’t need to travel far and you don’t need to worry 10) ....................... getting eaten by wild animals.

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 WORKBOOK


Read the text again and mark the sentences


T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say). Cavemen spent a lot of time looking for food. Cavemen lived a lot longer than we do. Meat was the largest part of a caveman’s diet. Cavemen did not live in one place all of the time. It’s not a good idea to eat your food quickly. Buy from shops that are far away to get exercise. It’s a good idea to drink plenty of water.

.….. ...... .….. .….. .….. .….. ......


Would you like to eat

like a caveman? Why/Why not?

.............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. ..............................................

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8c Vocabulary



Match the words to form phrases.

Use the phrases to complete the



Listen to Amy and Jack talking

about a picnic and match the friends to

sentences 1-6.

the food they will have on the picnic. There are two extra answers.

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

5 1 2 3 4 5 6

dairy homemade in good a balanced sugary high in

a b c d e f

shape proteins drinks products diet food

It is healthier to eat ........................ than junk food. Too many ........................ will damage your teeth. Some people are allergic to ........................ like milk and cheese. Eating food that is ........................ helps you build a strong body. David has to work really hard to keep ........................ . If you have ........................, you can avoid lots of health problems.

Fill in: nutrients, store, muscles, fuel,

repair, dehydrated. Our bodies ......................... carbohydrates until we need them for energy. Don’t get ......................... when you exercise – drink lots of water! Athletes go to the gym to strengthen their ......................... . Fish is a great source of the ......................... we need to stay healthy. The food we eat becomes the ..................... for our active lives. Athletes eat protein so that their bodies can ......................... themselves.


Friends 1










a b c d e f g

pizza chicken sandwiches burgers salad cheese sandwiches yoghurt apples




Listen and fill in the gaps.

Nurlan’s a top-class athlete. He eats a special diet because he needs the 1) .............. to take part in competitions. For breakfast, he has cereal with milk, toast, and a 2) ................... with some nuts. Lunch is a large green salad with plenty of 3) ..................... afterwards. For dinner he has lots of pasta, 4) ................. and vegetables. At the end of the day, he has a protein 5) ................... before he goes to bed. He doesn’t eat junk food and avoids 6) ..................... drinks. Nurlan eats to win!



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8d, e, f Vocabulary



Fill in: prevent, contains, ailments, kills,



You can put it on your salad and use it to make pickles, but vinegar has got many other uses, too! The type that is made from apples 1) .................... lots of vitamins, but it’s also a great natural remedy. Gargling with water and vinegar before you brush your teeth 2) ..................... bacteria and makes your teeth whiter. Soaking your feet in water with a little vinegar makes your skin softer, relaxes your muscles and 3) ..................... you sleep. You can also mix vinegar with warm water and honey – it’s great for 4) ..................... such as coughs and colds. Research suggests that a drink made with vinegar can also help weight loss and 5) .......................... problems with blood sugar.


2 3 4 5

4 A: B: A:


terrible natural active poor vitamins

a b c d e

circulation cold and minerals remedies lifestyle

b) Use the phrases from Ex. 2a to

Fill in the verbs in the correct form.

• ignore • stand up • stamp • make • hit The bully ................... on the boy’s foot and took his money. The girl was crying because her classmate ................... her on the face. You must .................. to bullies. Don’t let them get their way. If people call you names, just ................... what they say. Children .................. fun of her appearance because she always wears strange clothes.

Everyday English

a) Match the columns.

1 2 3 4 5

B: A: B: A: B:

Complete the dialogue.

• That’s a good idea • Why don’t you • What should I do • if I were you, I’d Hey Paul, how are you? Not so good. A boy from my class is calling me names. 1) ..........................................? Well, 2) ........................................ I would tell a teacher about him. If I tell a teacher, he will tease me even more. 3) ........................... tell him how you feel? How will that help? He’ll just laugh at me. No. If you tell him in front of people, he will get embarrassed and stop. 4) .............................................................!

complete the sentences.

1 2

3 4 5



Eating a spoonful of honey to help a sore throat is a good example of a ................... . Uncle Alihan suffers from ..........................., which is why his hands and feet are always cold. Fruit and vegetables have got lots of ......... ......................... which help us stay healthy. If you exercise and have an ......................., you keep fit and healthy. Dariga has got a ................................. and she wants to stay in bed.



Use the ideas to write a dialogue.

A Ask how B is

Suggest telling parents Suggest telling him how you feel Say no / he get embarassed

B Reply not so good / Say boy bullying you at school / Ask for advice Say he tease more Ask how that help Say it’s a good idea

Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 8.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 8 11/1/17 8:35 PM Page 63

8g Writing • A letter giving advice


Read the two letters and put the paragraphs in the second letter in the correct order.

Dear Anabel,

Your Agony Aunt Dear Annie, hate I have acne on my face and I ould it. How can I get rid of it? Sh I get cosmetic surgery? Anabel, 15

and that A I hope my advice helps you. Just try to underst in most cases acne is only temporary. I think that I B I was sorry to hear you feel this way, but can help you. find out the cause of your C You should visit a doctor to ause of poor diet or acne. Sometimes people get acne bec t vitamins or minerals. It because they aren’t getting the righ r eating habits. This can would be a good idea to change you Sometimes stress causes dramatically improve the situation. ng more sports and acne. Have you thought about doi activities to help you relax? This will

Giving advice If I were you, I would ... You should ... Why don’t you ... Result This will ... If you do this, you ...

help you feel better. Take care, Annie


Replace the phrases in

bold in the text with the


Match the advice to the



phrases below.

• If I were you, I would… • Why don’t you do … • I think the best thing would be to…


Read the letter below.

Advice 1 2 3 4

What is Laurie’s problem? Dear Annie, I’ve put on six kilos and I don’t feel really comfortable. What should I do? Desperate Laurie (16)


join a gym or sports club buy loose-fitting clothes don’t change anything eat more fresh fruit and vegetables


they will make you look better b you won’t put on any more weight c you will keep fit and lose weight d people will accept you the way you are

★★ Use some of the ideas in Ex. 4 to write a letter to Laurie giving your advice (100 words). Follow the plan. Para 1: express sympathy – I’m sorry to hear ... Para 2: your advice – Why don’t you ... Para 3: closing remarks – I hope that my advice helps you ... WORKBOOK


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9a Vocabulary

b) What are you wearing now?

• Clothes, Footwear & Accessories



Complete the crossword.

.................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. 1


2 3



7 5 8

1 2 3 4 5 6




what each person is wearing.



1 5




a b c d e f

of clothes show than air of a kind pump dress

complete the sentences.


2 3 4 5

fashion hand evening set lighter one

★★ b) Use the phrases from Ex. 3a to



a) Match the columns.

a) Write sentences describing

3 1

Billy is wearing a T-shirt, shorts and a pair of trainers. Jane ........................................................... Anne .......................................................... Todd .......................................................... William ......................................................



Laura is looking for a beautiful ................. ...................... to wear at her brother's wedding. I need to blow up 50 balloons for the party. Have we got a ..........................................? Every year in Paris, a famous ....................... ........................... takes place called ‘Paris Fashion Week’. Mark made his own costume – it's really ............................................! I'm glad I took a spare ........................... ........................... because I got wet in the rain and I had to change. I guess a dress made of balloons feels ............................................!

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9a 4 1 2 3 4 5 6

★ Fill in: wear, fit, squeeze, take, earn, attract in the correct form. Rio Fashion Week ..................... people from all over the world. The winner ..................... the title of Miss Kazakhstan. Those jeans are really nice – they ................ you perfectly. It ..................... Zarina hours to decide what to wear for Yerbolat's party last week. These gloves are for cooking and you can only ..................... them once. I bought these jeans five years ago and I can only just ..................... into them because they're so small!


Choose the correct response.


A: Do you like these gloves? B: a It's OK. b I don't really like them.


A: What do you think of this skirt? B: a I like them. b It's fabulous.


A: Do you like these sandals? B: a No, I don't. They're horrible. b No, I don't. I love it.



Look at the pictures. Choose one

and describe it to your partner. Think about:


• where the people are • what the weather is like • what they are wearing/doing

Complete the blog post

with: squeaky, creations,

designers, models, masterpiece. A

Greetings from Las Vegas! I'm at the Balloon Fashion Show. I've seen some amazing 1) ............................ here, from dresses to suits, all made out of balloons! They sound a bit 2) ........................ but they look fantastic! I've met some of the 3) .......................... and even watched one of them make his 4) ............................ – a red balloon dress with a white bow. The 5) ............................ who wore it looked brilliant. Check out my Gallery page to see some of my photos from the show!


Post a comment



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9b Use of English

• Relatives (who/which/ where)

• Verbs + -ing/to-infinitive/ infinitive without to

1 1 2 3 4 5 6

2 1 2 3 4 5 6




★ Fill in the gaps with a verb from the

form correct sentences.


list below in the correct form.

• lend • wear • visit • wash • buy • go


I would like ........................ a hat and scarf from your shop, please. You should ........................ some black shoes with that coat. Zamanbek hates ........................ shopping. Can you ........................ my suit? I need it to be clean for the concert tomorrow. I don't mind ........................ Ylena my jacket as long as she gives it back. They want ........................ the Museum of Fashion this weekend.

2 3 4

★ Complete the exchanges with the

5 6

This is the shop The people The tie These are the trainers That’s the island Is that the girl

B a b c d e f


verbs in brackets in the correct form.

We would love ................................. (join) you at the skate park later. They may ................................. (meet) us at the shopping centre after school. Zhadyra likes ................................. (try) new fashions. I love ................................. (wear) my hoodie – it's so warm and comfortable. He would like ................................. (win) the Best Designer award. I might ................................. (ask) Zulfiya to come shopping with me on Saturday.

Match column A with column B to

which I wear to school is red. who works in the shoe shop? where the famous designer lives. where I saw the blue dress. who designed the clothes are over there. which I bought last week.

Fill in the gaps with who, which or



A: Where did you buy those boots? B: In the shop ................. is next to the library.


A: That shirt is very nice. B: Thanks. It's the one ................. I bought for Maksat's party.


A: Do you know Aigerim? B: Yes, she's the girl ................. is taking a course in fashion design.


A: Where can I find a dress like yours? B: In the department store ................. Lashyn works.


A: What's the name of the man ................. designed you sister's wedding dress? B: I can't remember, but I can ask her.

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9b 5 1






★★ Join the sentences using the

• some – any – every – no &

relatives who, which or where.

Aset is a designer. She is 28 years old. .................................................................. .................................................................. This is the shop. They sell clothes for skaters. .................................................................. .................................................................. Damira bought a pair of jeans. They were very expensive. .................................................................. .................................................................. I spoke to a model. She was from Kazakhstan. .................................................................. .................................................................. That's the building. We live there. .................................................................. .................................................................. You can have the clothes. They are too small for me. .................................................................. ..................................................................


7 1 2 3 4 5 6


6 1 2 3 4 5 6

I've tried on .............. the jackets, but none of them suit me. I'm afraid there are no .............. shoe shops in town. This is the only one. .............. the clothes on the first floor are for children. These are my only sunglasses. I haven't got any .............. . If you don't like that dress, there are .............. you can try on. We've got some .............. coats arriving tomorrow. You can come back then.

It's your birthday, so you can choose nothing/anything you want from the shop. There's no one/anyone at the cash desk. We'll have to wait. Are you looking for nothing/something special? Everything/Anything you need for the show is in your bag. Your trainers must be anywhere/ somewhere here. Is everyone/someone ready? It's time to go!

★★ Circle the correct item.


Can ....... help me choose a pair of boots? Of course. What colour do you want? A everyone B no one C someone


A: Which shop do you want to visit first? B: I don't mind. We can go ....... you like! A everywhere B anywhere C nowhere


Have you got ....... black jeans? No, I'm afraid we only have blue ones. A any B some C every


Have you read this magazine article? It's so interesting! Yes, the model tells us ....... about the secret world of fashion. A nothing B everything C anything


A: Did you find your hat? B: No, and I've looked .......! A anywhere B somewhere C everywhere


A: There is ....... I love more than fashion! B: I know! I'm crazy about it, too! A nothing B everything C anything

• Determiners (all – other(s)) ★ Fill in all or other(s).

★ Choose the correct item.



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9c Listening

2 1

Listen and choose answers A, B or C.

A 3

A 4


Look at the pictures. Fill in: gondolas,

stripes, beret, straw.

What is Jack wearing?

A 2





Sue wears a ........ hat in summer.


Bob loves his blue T-shirt with white ................ .


In Venice, people travel along the canals in .......... .


Kenje wears a ............ in the autumn when the weather starts getting colder.

Where are the girls?



What does Emma want to buy?




What colour skirt is Lucy going to wear?



Listen and complete the gaps.

Hospital Uniforms in Wales

A 5




What time does the shopping centre close on Sundays?


In Welsh hospitals, nurses must wear their uniforms at all times. The uniforms are made up of a shortsleeved top and a pair of baggy 1) ............... . They are different shades of 2) ................... and green, but the exact colour depends on the nurse's job. For example, specialist nurses 3) ................... bright blue uniforms and support workers wear dark green. The uniforms come from the hospital, but nurses have to buy their own 4) ................... . They must be black and, for women, have only a small heel. If nurses feel cold, they can wear 5) ................, but they must be black or dark blue.



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9d Use of English • Reported statements

1 1 2














Complete the sentences with the

correct time expression.

I’m going out today,” he said. He said that he was going out ................. . “They’re in the department store now,” she told me. She told me that they were in the department store ................. . “I bought a new dress yesterday,” Assel said. Assel said that she had bought a new dress ................. . “We can’t go camping next week,” they said. They said that they couldn’t go camping ................. . “I’ll pick up my boots tomorrow,” she said. She said that she would pick up her boots ................. .

★ Choose the correct item. “I borrowed this scarf from my friend,” she said. She said that she had borrowed this/that scarf from her friend. “I’ll be there at eight o’clock,” he told me. He told me that he will/would be there at eight o’clock. “I make my own clothes,” she said. She said that she made/was making her own clothes. “I have saved enough money for the jeans I want,” he said. He said that he saved/had saved enough money for the jeans he wanted. “I can’t talk right now because I’m trying on dresses,” she said. She said she can’t/couldn’t talk then because she is trying/was trying on dresses.

2 3 4 5 6


★ Report the sentences. “I can wear my own clothes to school,” Serik told me. Serik told me ............................................. “Gulnaz broke her sunglasses,” he said. He said ...................................................... “I’ve finished my shopping,” she said. She said .................................................... “We’ll call when we’re outside,” they said. They said .................................................. “I don’t follow fashion,” she told me. She told me .............................................. “We’re waiting for you,” they said to us. They said ..................................................

★★ Rewrite the dialogue in reported speech.

Akbota: I watched the fashion show on TV last night. Inkar: I'm not really interested in fashion shows, but I like going shopping. Akbota: I'm going shopping tomorrow. You can come with me. Inkar: That sounds great! I'll meet you at the skate park at ten o'clock. Akbota said that she had watched the fashion show on TV the night before. ...

• said – told

5 1 2 3 4 5 6

Fill in said or told.

Aiman ............ that she liked my new jeans. Nurzhan ............ me that his trainers cost 30,000 tenge! I ........... Saltanat to wait for us at the bus stop. They ............ that they had been to the fashion show before. He ............ me that he was going shopping. Timur ............ to Ruslan that he couldn’t meet him after school.

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9d 6

• Reported commands/

Complete the dialogue with said or


A: Where are Sezim and Bibigul? B: I’m not sure. I 1) ............... them to meet us outside the shopping centre. They 2) ........... to me that they would be here at 8:30. A: I 3) ............... you that they would be late! Sezim always takes a long time to get ready. B: I know! Bibigul 4) ............... that she took two hours to choose her clothes for your party last week! A: No kidding!



1 2



• Reported questions


1 2 3 4 5


★ Report the questions. “Who is she?“ he asked me. He asked me who she was. “Can you pick me up later?“ she asked him. .................................................................. “When does the shop open?“ Nurlan asked. .................................................................. “Can we sit here?“ they asked us. .................................................................. “Where do you live?“ he asked me. ..................................................................


1 2


questions into reported questions.


2 3 4 5

“Have you ever been on TV?“ Sholpan asked the model if/whether she had ever been on TV. “Where are you from?“ .................................................................. “What was you first job?“ .................................................................. “Do you like being a model?“ .................................................................. “Can you speak English?“ ..................................................................

“Sit down,“ he said to us. He told us to sit down. “Put on your jacket,“ he said to me. .................................................................. .................................................................. “Don't be late,“ they said to us. .................................................................. .................................................................. “Close the door,“ she said to us. .................................................................. .................................................................. “Please help me fold this dress!,“ she said to me. .................................................................. ..................................................................

★★ Gulya is a model. Report 10 commands/requests.

★★ Yesterday, Sholpan interviewed a famous fashion model. Report the

★ Report the commands/requests.



“Don't walk too fast.“ The instructor told Gulya not to walk too fast. “Stand up straight.“ .................................................................. .................................................................. “Please look at the camera.“ .................................................................. .................................................................. “Don't smile.“ .................................................................. .................................................................. “Turn your head, please.“ .................................................................. ..................................................................



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9e, f, g Vocabulary



................... dress


complete the sentences.

Label the pictures with the words:

flared, flat, polka-dot, tartan, tight-fitting.


1 2


.................... skirt .................... skirt


................... jeans 5

3 4 5


Look at the pictures and describe



★ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Emma is wearing ........ ................................... ................................... ...................................


Jane is wearing ........... ................................... ................................... ...................................

B: A: B: A: B:

a) Match the words to make phrases.

baggy brand hooded skate long rock social perform hang positive

a b c d e f g h i j

names park tops shorts media tricks attitude out jeans music

A: B:


Complete the dialogue with the

correct phrase.

• • • •

what the people are wearing.


Arujan and Saltanat often .......................... together in their free time. Sezim likes loose-fitting clothes. She often wears ....................................................... . Inju is very fashion conscious and only wears expensive ................................................ . Bibigul posts lots of videos on .................... ................................................................ . Aybek is a very happy guy and he always has a .............................................................. .

Everyday English

.................. shoes

4 2

b) Use five phrases from Ex. 3a to

it really suits you She has great taste in clothes You look great in that skirt It fits you perfectly

Hi, Jane! 1) ............................................. . Is it new? Yes, I bought it yesterday with these shoes. 2) ............................................................. Thanks! You look good, too. Really? Do you like my top? Yes, 3) .................................................... . It’s lovely. Thanks! It’s a gift from my mum. 4) ..................................................., then.


Write a dialogue similar to the

one in Ex. 4. Use these ideas.

• jeans look nice • from my mum • nice polo-neck jumper

Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 9.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB Mod 9 11/1/17 8:38 PM Page 73

9h Writing • An article describing a




paragraphs in the correct order.


2 1 2 3 4

4 1






sentence for the paragraph below.

Rewrite the sentences using the

linkers in brackets.

George has got short brown hair. He has got blue eyes. (and) ........................................ .................................................................. She’s clever. She’s got a great sense of humour. (too) ........................................... .................................................................. Oliver is very friendly. He can be a bit insensitive. (but) ....................................... .................................................................. He is very easy-going. He can be lazy at times. (however) ...................................... .................................................................. Anargul is slim. She is quite tall. (as well) .. ..................................................................

Think of someone you know. Answer

the questions in the plan. Plan Para 1: Who is the person? How are you related? Para 2: How old is she/he? What does he/she look like? What clothes does she/he wear? What is he/she like? Para 3: What are her/his hobbies/interests? Para 4: How do you feel about her/him?

Replace the topic sentences in the

article with the topic sentences below.

Mark does lots of things in his free time. Mark looks really good and has many friends. In conclusion, I think Mark is fantastic. Mark is one of the people I like best.

Write a topic

..................................................................... She is very kind and caring and is always ready to help people. She is also very outgoing and makes friends easily. However, she can be a bit sensitive at times.

Read the article and put the

Mark looks really cool and is quite popular. He is 14 years old and is tall and wellbuilt. He has got brown eyes and short black hair. He usually wears casual clothes such as a jeans and T-shirt or loose-fitting shirt. He is very easy-going and open-minded and has got a great sense of humour. Although he gets on well with most people he can be a bit reserved at times. B All in all, I think that Mark is a great guy. I love hanging out with him. I hope that we can be friends forever. C One of my favourite people is Mark. I first met him about four years ago at a football match and now we are very good friends. D Mark has got lots of interests. He is crazy about football. He plays almost every day and is the best player on the school team. He hopes to become a professional player one day. He collects football outfits and goes to matches all the time. He also likes basketball and volleyball.




Use the answers in the plan to

write an article about the person. WORKBOOK


Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB GrammBank.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB GrammBank 11/1/17 8:21 PM Page 74

Use of English 1 Pronouns/Possessive adjectives SUBJECT PRONOUNS

I, you, he, she, it, we, they


me, you, him, her, it, us, them


my, you, his, her, its, our, their


mine, yours, his, her, –, ours, theirs

• • • •

Subject pronouns go before the verb. I am Mary. Object pronouns go after the verb. Look at me. Possessive adjectives go before nouns. It’s my bike. Possessive pronouns never go before nouns. This is mine.

INTERROGATIVE Have I/you/we/they got? Has he/she/it got? SHORT ANSWERS Yes, I/you/we/they No, I/you/we/they have. haven’t. Yes, he/she/it has. No, he/she/it hasn’t.

Present simple AFFIRMATIVE

I sing. He/She/It sings. We/You/They sing.


I don’t sing. He/She/It doesn’t sing. We/You/They don’t sing.


Do I sing? Does he/she/it sing? Do we/you/they sing?

can/have (got) AFFIRMATIVE

I/You/He/She/It/We/You/They can dance.


I/You/He/She/It/We/You/They cannot/can’t dance.


Can I/you/he/she/it/we/you/ they dance?


Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/you/ they can. No, I/you/he/she/it/we/you/ they can’t.

• Can is the same in all persons. The negative of can is cannot or can’t. (NOT: can not) • We use can before another verb to express ability. I can ride a bike. • We use the verb have got to: a) show that something belongs to somebody. Paul has got a motorbike. b) describe the characteristics of people, animals or things. Karen has got long blonde hair. c) talk about relationships. They have got one son. AFFIRMATIVE Long Form I have got you have got he/she/it has got we/you/they have got

Short Form I’ve got you’ve got he/she/it’s got we/you/they’ve got




Long Form

Short Form

I have not got you have not got he/she/it has not got we/you/they have not got

I haven’t got you haven’t got he/she/it hasn’t got we/you/they haven’t got

Yes, I do. Yes, he/she/it does. Yes, we/you/they do. SHORT ANSWERS No, I don’t. No, he/she/it doesn’t. No, we/you/they don’t. Spelling 3rd person singular • Most verbs take -s. I forget – he forgets, I climb – she climbs • Verbs ending in -ss, -sh, -ch, -x or -o take -es. I miss – he misses, I push – he pushes, I catch – he catches, I fix – he fixes, I do – he does • Verbs ending in a consonant + -y, drop the -y and take -ies. I cry – he cries • Verbs ending in a vowel + -y take -s only. I buy – he buys Pronunciation -s/-es in the third person singular is pronounced: • \s\ with verbs ending in \f\, \k\, \p\ or \t\ sounds. knit – knits • \Iz\ with verbs ending in \s\, \S\, \tS\, \dZ\ or \z\ sounds. touch – touches • \z\ with verbs ending in all other sounds. read – reads We use the present simple for: • daily routines. He wakes up at 7:30 every morning. • habits. She surfs the Net in the evening. • permanent states. Matt lives in London. • general truths or laws of nature. The sun sets in the west. • timetables. The train leaves at 8 pm. Time expressions used with the present simple: always, usually, etc, on Mondays/Tuesdays, etc, in the morning/afternoon/evening, every day/week, etc, at night/the weekends, etc

Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB GrammBank.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB GrammBank 11/1/17 8:21 PM Page 75

Use of English 1 Pronouns/Possessive adjectives

1 1 2

Complete the exchanges with the


A: B: A: B:



B: A: B:





Hi. ............... name's Marzhan. Pleased to meet ..............., Marzhan. Are ............... and Tom good friends? Oh, yes. ................ are in the same class at school. Is that ............... bag, Danny? No, it's not ............. . I think it's Emma’s. We live in this street. That's ............... house there. Wow! ......... have got a fantastic garden. It's Adam's birthday tomorrow. ...........'s sixteen. I know. I want to buy ............... a CD.

Ask and answer questions,

he/go running in the park? Can he go running in the park? No, he can't. he/play tennis? ............................................. Yes, ...................................... he/reach the biscuits? ............................................. No, ....................................... they/dive? ............................................. Yes, ......................................

Alex & Max & Amy Katie ✓ ✓



MP3 player


1 2



Tracey has got a laptop and an MP3 player. She hasn't got a car. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. ..................................................................

Present simple


as in the example.

3 4

as in the example.




Look at the table and write sentences,

correct pronoun/possessive adjective.

A: B: A:


have (got)

4 1

2 3

4 2 5 6 7 8

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the present simple.

Alice ............................................. (finish) work at 6 o'clock, but ................................ .................... (not/get back) home until 7. What ...................................... (you/want) to eat for dinner tonight? Enlik ..................................... (not/go) out during the week. She ......................... (go) out at the weekend. .......................................... (your parents/ read) a lot of books? Yes, they .................. ........................ . My uncle ....................................... (drive) to work every day. We ....................................... (not/get up) early on a Saturday. Gary ......................... (lie) on the sofa and ........................ (watch) TV in the evening. ................................. (Lucy/have) Spanish lessons on Tuesdays? Yes, she .................... . WORKBOOK


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Use of English 1 Adverbs of frequency These include always, frequently, often, once, twice, sometimes, never, usually, ever, hardly ever, rarely, occasionally, etc. • Adverbs of frequency are normally placed before the main verb. I rarely drive to work. He hardly ever goes to the cinema. • However, adverbs of frequency are placed after the verb to be and after auxiliary verbs. Susan is often late for work. I have always wanted to go on safari.

Question words We use the following question words to ask about people, places, things, etc. • People: who/whose Who is Jason? He’s my brother. Whose pen is this? It’s Mary’s. (possession) • Things: what/which What is that? It’s a camera. Which hat is yours? The blue one. • Place: where Where is Pete? At school. • Time: when/how long (ago)/how often/what time When is your birthday? 3rd November. How long is the film? About 2 hours. How often do you go jogging? Almost every day. What time is it? It’s 7 o’clock. • Quantity: how much How much money have you got? €10. • Number: how many How many people are at the meeting? Twenty. • Manner: how How are you? I’m fine. • Reason: why Why are you happy? It’s my birthday today. • Age: how old How old are you? I’m sixteen.

Prepositions of time/place • We use prepositions of time (on, in, at) to say when something happened, happens or will happen. • at is used for time (at 5 o'clock), holidays (at Christmas, at Easter, at the weekend) and in expressions (at the moment, at present, at dawn, at midnight, at lunchtime, at the same time). • in is used for months (in January), seasons (in summer), years (in 2015), centuries (in the 21st century), and in expressions (in the morning/ afternoon/evening, in an hour, in a minute, in a week/few days/month/year, in the past, in the future). • on is used for days (on Friday), dates (on 5th January), a specific part of a particular day (on Saturday morning) and an adjective + day (on a cold Tuesday). • We use prepositions of place (in, on, under, behind, next to, between, in front of, opposite) to say where somebody or something is.

• We use in with names of cities and countries. in Madrid, in Spain

a/an – some/any – (how) much/many – a lot/lots of – a few/a little • We use a/an with nouns when referring to an unspecified thing. Bill has got a car. The car is red. • We use a before singular countable nouns which begin with a consonant sound (a house, a unicorn). We use an before singular countable nouns which begin with a vowel sound (an orange, an hourglass). • We don't use a/an with uncountable or plural nouns. In these cases we use some (some milk, some apples). • Much and many are usually used in negative or interrogative sentences. Much is used with uncountable nouns and many is used with countable nouns. We don't have much butter. Are there many cars on the street? • How much/many is used in interrogative sentences. Much is used with uncountable nouns and many is used with countable nouns. How much time is left? How many potatoes do we need? • A lot/lots of are used with both plural countable and uncountable nouns. They are normally used in affirmative sentences. The of is omitted when a lot/lots are not followed by a noun. Were there lots of people at the party? Yes, there were lots. • A few means not many, but enough. It is used with plural countable nouns. I have a few eggs. I can make an omelette. • A little means not much, but enough. It is used with uncountable nouns. I have a little cheese in the fridge. I could have a sandwich. • Note: few/little means hardly any, not enough and can be used with very for emphasis. There were few people on the street because of the rain. There is very little milk in the fridge so I need to buy some.

Adverbs of frequency

5 1 2 3 4



Put the words in the correct order to form sentences.

goes/Saturday/Max/out/usually/on/night .................................................................. Fran/friends/phone/the/often/is/on/her/to .................................................................. restaurants/Harry/out/eats/never/at .................................................................. large/I/always/breakfast/have/a ..................................................................

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Use of English 1 Question words

6 1 2 3

Complete the exchanges with the

A: B: A: B: A:


A: B: A: B: A:


B: A:



B: A: B:

There's a new girl in class. Really. .......................... 's her name? .......................... does the lesson finish? In about ten minutes. Excuse me. .......................... is the train station? Go down this street and turn left at the bottom. ...................... does your family eat out? About once a month. .......................... do you look so sad? I can't go to the football match tonight. ........................... do you do at the weekend? I hang out with my friends. ........................... pizza do you want? The big one or the small one? The big one, of course! .......................... old is this milk? I think it's from last week.

Fill in the gaps with: in (x2), next to (x2), on (x2), opposite, in front of, between, above.

correct question words.

B: 4


The living room is my favourite room 1) ................... the house and I spend a lot of time there. I like sitting 2) ................... the sofa 3) ................... the TV. There is a fireplace 4) ................... the window and the door. 5) ................... the fireplace there are some pictures. There is a small table 6) ................... the rug 7) ................... the sofa. There are two armchairs 8) ................... my living room. One is 9) ................... the fireplace and the other is 10) ................... the sofa.

a/an – some/any – (how) much/ many – a lot/lots of – a few/a little Prepositions of time/place


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fill in: at, on, or in.

Dad's birthday is ........... 24th August. Come on! The film starts ........ five minutes. Sam always goes skiing ........... Christmas. He wants to do some shopping ........... lunchtime. We always stay at home ........... Sundays. The weather is warm and sunny ........... summer. The streets are usually empty ........... midnight. I can’t hear a word when the twins speak ........... the same time.

9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Circle the correct word.

We haven't got any / some eggs in the fridge. You can have a / an orange or a / an banana. Do you want some / a few ice cream? How much / How many orange juice do you want? There are a few / a little sandwiches on the plate. How much pasta do you want? A lot / Lots of. Do you have much / many free time? There are lots of / a lot people at the restaurant. How much / How many biscuits can you eat? There is a few / a little milk in the bottle.



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Use of English 1 Present continuous

Present simple vs Present continuous

AFFIRMATIVE Long Form I am reading. He/She/It is reading. We/You/They are reading.

Short Form I’m reading. He’s/She’s/It’s/reading. We’re/You’re/They’re reading.

NEGATIVE Long Form I am not working. He/She/It is not working. We/You/They are not working.

Short Form I’m not working. He/She/It isn’t working. We/You/They aren’t working.

INTERROGATIVE Am I talking? Are we/you/they Is he/she/it talking? talking?

Present simple permanent states & facts Sam has a red car. Water boils when you heat it. habits/routines I walk to school every morning. timetables The plane arrives at 4:15 am.

Time expressions used with the present simple: every hour/day/week/month/year/etc, usually, always, etc, every morning/afternoon/evening/night, at noon, at night, in the morning/afternoon/evening, etc. Time expressions used with the present continuous: now, at the moment, these days, at present, today, tonight, nowadays, etc.

SHORT ANSWERS Yes, I am. No, I’m not. Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn’t. Yes, we/you/they are. No, we/you/they aren’t. Spelling • Most verbs add -ing. talk - talking, cook - cooking • Verbs ending in -e drop the -e and add -ing. make - making, skate - skating • Verbs ending in one stressed vowel between two consonants double the consonant and add -ing. begin - beginning, stop - stopping • Verbs ending in -l double the -l and add -ing. travel - travelling • Verbs ending in -ie drop the -ie and add -y + -ing. lie - lying Use • for actions taking place now/around the time of speaking. I’m eating a sandwich. • for future arrangements. Jane’s going to the cinema tomorrow. • for temporary situations. We’re staying in a hotel. Note: Some verbs do not normally have continuous tenses because they describe a state rather than an action. be, have (=possess), want, like, love, hate, know, believe, need, etc.



Present continuous actions happening now/around the time of speaking Mum’s talking on the phone at the moment. future arrangements I’m going to the cinema tonight. temporary situations We’re looking for a new house.

Present continuous the exchanges with the 10 Complete correct form of the present continuous.





A: ...................................... (Tom/swim)? B: No, he ............... . He .......................... ............ (lie) by the pool. A: Dad .......................................... (cook) dinner tonight. B: Oh no! A: The phone ........................................... (not/work)! B: Don't worry. They ................................ ............ (fix) it at the moment. A: ............................................................. (Mum and Dad/go) out tonight? B: Yes, they ....................... . They ........... ........................... (meet) some friends.

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Use of English 1 Present simple vs Present continuous

the words in the correct order to 11 Put make sentences.







painting/weekend/his/Sam/the/at/room/is/ living ......................................................... .................................................................. for/moment/is/new/at/job/the/a/She/ looking ...................................................... .................................................................. snow/the/closing/They/schools/are/of/ because/the ............................................... .................................................................. the/tomorrow/is/to/Rebecca/hairdresser's/ going ........................................................ .................................................................. now/brother/washing/dishes/the/is/My .................................................................. .................................................................. are/the/moment/not/We/at/using/the/ computer .................................................. .................................................................. Read Ulan’s list. Write questions and

12 answers, as in the example. Don't forget …

lunch with Berik at Italian restaurant at 1 pm haircut at 2 pm English lesson at 4 pm meet Assel at the cinema at 7 pm





have/lunch/Assel/today? A: Is Ulan having lunch with Assel today? B: No, he's having lunch with Berik today. get/haircut/at 1pm? A: ............................................................. B: ............................................................. have/Italian lesson/at 4pm? A: ............................................................. B: ............................................................. meet/Berik/at the cinema/at 7pm? A: ............................................................. B: .............................................................

the verbs into the correct form of 13 Put the present simple or the present continuous.






A: ......................................... (you/want) to go out? B: I can't. I ................................... (study) for a History test at the moment. A: It's very quiet. Where is everybody? B: Mum ......................................... (visit) her aunt and Dad ................................ (walk) the dog. A: We .............................. (go) on holiday every August. B: Us too! We ................................... (fly) to Italy this year. A: What time ............................................ (the bus/arrive)? B: It ..................... (get) here at 6 o'clock. A: .................................... (Fran/tidy) her bedroom? B: No, she's tired. She ........................ (lie) on her bed, and ................... (watch) TV.

in with the present simple or the 14 Fill present continuous.

Dear Jake, How are you? I hope you're well. I 1) ............................... (write) to tell you what I 2) .................................... (do) this summer. Every morning, my brother and I 3) ........................................... (stay) in bed until late. Then I 4) ................................... (surf) the Net and my brother 5) .......................................... (watch) TV. Later I 6) ................................................. (meet) my friends and we 7) ................................................ (hang out) together. I 8) ................................................ (have) a great time! Today's a little different though. It's my brother's birthday and we 9) ............................................. (eat) out at a Chinese restaurant. After that we 10) .................................... (go) to the cinema. Got to go now. Mum 11) ............................................. (call) me. Write back soon. Saule WORKBOOK


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Use of English 1 Comparative – Superlative

Comparative - Superlative Adjective Comparative short adjectives -y adjectives

slow fast easy busy

slower faster easier busier

Superlative the the the the

longer interesting more adjectives interesting

slowest fastest easiest busiest

the most interesting

• With one-syllable and two-syllable adjectives, we form the comparative by adding -er and the superlative by adding -est. long - longer - the longest • With adjectives of more than two syllables, we form the comparative with more and the superlative with the most. popular - more popular - the most popular • We can use less in the comparative and the least in the superlative as the opposite of more ... than and the most ... . less important - the least important • With some two-syllable adjectives, such as friendly, clever, narrow, etc, we form the comparative and superlative either with -er/-est or with more/the most. friendly - friendlier - the friendliest or friendly - more friendly - the most friendly Use • We use the comparative to compare two people, animals, things, places, etc. We can use than with the comparative. An elephant is bigger than a lion. • We use the superlative to compare one person, animal, thing, etc, with more than two persons, animals, things, etc in the same group. Sue is the prettiest girl in the class. We use the ... of/in with the superlative. We use in with the superlative when we talk about places. He’s the cleverest student of all. Russia is the largest country in the world. (NOT: of the world) Study these: • very + adjective/adverb She was very rude. • much/a lot/far/a little/a bit + comparative form of the adjective He seems much better today than yesterday. • (not) as + adjective + as Lucy is (not) as thin as Beth. Adjective little



Comparative less

Superlative the least

many/much/ more a lot of

the most



the best



the worst


farther/further the farthest/furthest

15 Circle the correct items. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Do computer programmers earn much / more money than graphics designers? Jack is much bravest / braver than Simon. Sultan Kosen has bigger / the biggest hands in the world. Surgeons need to be very much skilful / skilful. John’s haircut is better / worst than Freddy’s. Jill is the most short / shortest person in my classroom. Helen is very reserved / more reserved than Monica. Sarah is thinner / thinnest than me.

in the sentences with the correct 16 Fill comparative/superlative form.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Almaty is ........................................... (far) from Astana than Pauladoro. Going to the cinema is .............................. ............... (expensive) than renting a DVD. ......................................... (fast) car in the world can travel at 257 mph. A woman from China has .......................... ........... (long) hair in the world at 5.627m. Dana is much ............................................ (happy) today than she was yesterday. Falconry is ................................................. (popular) than archery. Sulu’s haircut ............................................. (bad) than Fatiha’s. He has the ........................................ (big) collection of stamps in the world.

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Use of English 1 the free-time activities in the 17 Compare table. Use the comparative and the superlative, as in the example.




Free-time activity Exciting Boring














For Karat, kart-racing is the most exciting of the three free-time activities. For Karat, photography is not as exciting as kart-racing. For Karat, gardening is the least exciting of the three. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. ..................................................................

18 Circle the correct item. 1

Mrs Jones is the friendliest ...... all our neighbours. A in B than C of


Robert is ...... than Jim. A tall B taller

C the tallest


Mary is ...... patient person I know. A the least B less C little


Kate is very tall, so she only wears ...... shoes. A flat B flattest C much flat


I think the green dress suits you ...... . A more well B better C good


Alex is ...... more sociable than his sister. A very B much C as

the second sentence so that 19 Complete it means the same as the first.


The red dress is more expensive than the blue one. The blue dress isn't .................................... .............................................. the red one.


I don't know a kinder person than Burt. Burt is the ................................................. ...................................................... I know.


Helen is 1.60 metres and Chris is 1.95 metres tall. Chris is much ............................................ ................................................. Helen.


Mrs Thomas is the most patient teacher in our school. There isn't a .............................................. teacher than Mrs Thomas in our school.


Sarah’s hair isn’t as curly as Tina’s. Tina’s hair is .............................................. .............................................. than Sarah’s.


Max is not as popular as Askar. Askar is much ............................................ .................................................. than Max. WORKBOOK


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Use of English 1 Singular/Plural nouns We use singular verb forms with: • mass nouns: butter, cheese, bread, air, gold, wood etc The bread we buy from that bakery is always fresh. • school subjects: maths, geography, physics etc Maths is my least favourite subject. • games: football, billiards, dominoes etc Jane thinks that dominoes is a boring game. • diseases: measles, mumps, flu etc Measles is a disease which causes the skin to have red spots. • some other nouns: news, advice, information, money, furniture, hair, homework, rubbish, jewellery, luggage etc The information he gave us was very useful. We use plural verb forms with: • objects consisting of two parts: items of clothing (pyjamas, trousers, shorts etc), tools (scissors, pliers etc), instruments (binoculars, compasses etc) • group nouns: family, team, police, staff etc, when we mean the individuals that make up the group. However, we use singular verb forms when we refer to them as a unit. My family have different ideas about where we should spend our holidays. (We mean the individual members of the family.) Christina’s family always spends Christmas together. (We refer to them as a unit.)

too - enough • Too comes before adjectives. It has a negative meaning and shows that something is more than enough, more than necessary or more than wanted. too + adjective/adverb + to-infinitive The sea is too cold for us to swim. (The sea is so cold that we can’t swim in it.) • Enough comes before nouns but after adjectives or adverbs. It has a positive meaning and shows that there is as much of something as wanted or needed. adjective/adverb + enough enough + noun



Linkers We use linkers to join two sentences together and show the logical relationship between sentences or parts of a sentence. Use • We use and, also, as well or too to join similar ideas. James wants to visit Rome and Paris. James wants to visit Rome. He also wants to visit Paris. James wants to visit Rome. He wants to visit Paris too/ as well. • We use but, however or though to join opposing ideas. Extreme sports are exciting but/though they can be dangerous. Extreme sports are exciting. However, they can be dangerous.

Singular/Plural Nouns the verbs in brackets in the correct 20 Put present form.

1 2 3 4 5 6

+ to-infinitive

He plays well enough to be in the school team. (He can be in the school team.) They have enough money to go on holiday. (They can go on holiday.)


• not ... enough + to-infinitive (negative meaning) He is not old enough to drive a car. (He is young, so he can’t drive a car.) • too ... (for somebody/something) + to-infinitive (negative meaning) The shelf was too high for me to reach. (The shelf was very high, so I couldn’t reach it.)

7 8 9

Short hair ............................................. (suit) you very much. Her luggage ........................................... (be) too heavy to carry. How much ............................................. (do) the jeans cost? Their new furniture ....................................... (look) really nice. The money he gets from his new job ............ .............................................. (be) very good. Do you know any people who ........................ (have) unusual jobs? My new pyjamas ............................................ (not/fit) me very well. Why .......................................... (be) there so much rubbish in the garden? Mrs Laurie always wears jewellery which ....... .......................................... (cost) very much.

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Use of English 1 too – enough the second sentence so that 21 Complete it means the same as the first.

1 2 3




This shirt is too small for me. This shirt isn't big enough for me. Damir isn't old enough to go to school. Damir is ........................... to go to school. Korkem is too short to reach the top shelf. Korkem isn't ........................... to reach the top shelf. The living room is too dark for me. The living room isn't .................................. for me. The smart TV is too expensive to buy. The smart TV isn't ...................................... to buy. Katie speaks too quietly for me to hear. Katie doesn't speak .................................... for me to hear.


23 Circle the correct word or phrase. 1 2 3 4 5 6

the appropriate linkers to rewrite 24 Use the sentences in as many ways as possible.


James wants to buy new jeans. Another thing he wants is a T-shirt. ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. .................................................................


Sophie is very hard-working. She can be lazy at times. ............................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. ..................................................................


Photographers do very creative work. However, they are not always paid well. ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. .................................................................


Sultan has a moustache. He has a beard. ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. .................................................................

the sentences using too or 22 Rewrite enough, as in the example.







The weather is good. We can have a picnic. The weather is good enough for us to have a picnic. Zhaniya can run fast. She can win the race. .................................................................. .................................................................. The TV is very expensive. You can't buy it. .................................................................. .................................................................. Tom is very strong. He can move the bookcase. .................................................................. .................................................................. The exercise is very difficult. I can't do it. .................................................................. .................................................................. Nurlan is very tired. He can't go out tonight. .................................................................. ..................................................................

You need to be fit to become a police officer. You as well / also need to be brave. Doctors work long hours. They work shifts too / however. Angela has red hair and / but green eyes. Alex is a really friendly person. He’s very polite as well / also. Film actors get paid well. However / And, their work is stressful. This T-shirt fits you perfectly. Too / However, the colour doesn’t really suit you.



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Use of English 2 can/could – be able to • We use can/be able to to show ability in the present. Jack can/is able to cook delicious meals. • We use can for an opportunity to do something. We can sit outside if you like. • We use could/was able to to show ability in the past. She could/was able to ride a bike when she was three. (She had the ability in the past.) • We use was/were able to to show ability in the past in a specific situation. Pam was able to find the answer in five minutes. (She managed to.) • We use will be able to to show ability in the future. He’ll be able to buy a new car as soon as he gets money. Note: In questions and negations we can use either could or was/were able to.

• When is followed by the present simple if it is used as a time word. Give me a phonecall when you arrive at the hotel. (NOT: when you will arrive.)

should/shouldn’t • We use should/shouldn’t to give advice. You should take an umbrella. (It’s a good idea.) They shouldn’t eat junk food! (It’s better if they don’t.)

can/could - be able to


Write what Nurzham can(’t)/is(n’t) able

to do now and what he could(n’t)/ was(n’t) able to do when he was 8.

1 3

used to/didn’t use to Used to • We use used to to talk about past habits or things that do not happen any more. Used to has the same form in all persons, singular and plural, and is followed by the infinitive. Emma used to go swimming when she was young. (Emma doesn’t go swimming any more.) • We form questions with the auxiliary did. Did John use to have short hair when he was young? • We can use the simple past or used to to talk about past habits with no difference in meaning. She used to live in Chicago. She lived in Chicago. Note: We can’t use used to for actions that happened at a stated time in the past. She moved yesterday. (NOT: She used to move yesterday.) I, You, He/She/It, etc. used to AFFIRMATIVE exercise. NEGATIVE

I, You, He/She/It, etc. didn’t use to exercise.


Did I, you, he/she/it, etc. use to exercise?


Yes, I, you, he/she/it, etc. did. No, I, you, he/she/it, etc. didn’t.

surf Net now ✓ age 8 ✗

4 play the guitar now ✓ age 8 ✗



drive a car now ✓ age 8 ✗


Murzhan can/is able to surf the Net now but he couldn’t/wasn’t able to surf the Net when he was 8.


.................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. ..................................................................

3 4


Write true sentences about yourself, using can/could/be able to in the correct form.

Time words • We do not use the future simple after time words: while, before, until, as soon as, after, if, and when. We use the present simple instead. Wait here until the bus arrives. (NOT: ... until the bus will arrive.) • When can be used with the future simple if it is used as a question word. When will you take a vacation? I'm not sure when the bus will leave.

take photos now ✓ age 8 ✗


1 2 3 4 5

When I was 6, I ....................................... . Now, I ..................................................... . When my friend was 5, he/she .................. ................................................................ . When my parents were teenagers, they ..... ................................................................ . When I’m 30, I .......................................... ................................................................ .

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Use of English 2 3

Fill in the gaps with can, could or be

able to in the correct form.

In the past, the only way we 1) ............... travel to other places was on foot or with a horse or other animal. Now, we 2) ................... go from one place to another in a variety of quick and comfortable ways. In the future, maybe we 3) ...................... travel in cars that fly!


With all of the computer technology we have now, we 7) ....................... communicate with other people in a variety of ways. We 8) ....................... even see the person we are talking to on our computer screen! We 9) ....................... do that 15 years ago!

used to/didn’t use to


a) Write sentences about Sally. Use

used to/didn’t use to.

play with dolls ✓ play computer games ✓ send text messages ✗ read a lot of books ✓ have a mobile phone ✗

form of the verb in brackets. Use used

to/didn’t use to or the interrogative. 1 2 3

Before the 1960s, most people 4) ....................... imagine travelling into space. However, now that technology has advanced, people 5) ....................... see a future in space travel. In fact, many people believe that one day we 6) ....................... travel into space and live there!

Complete the sentences with the correct


Kanat ............................................... (live) in Almaty. Now he lives in Astana. We ................................................. (have) an Internet connection, but we do now. ............................................. (you/watch) DVDs when you were younger? I ...................................... (have) a laptop, but now I can’t live without it.

Time words

6 1 2 3 4

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

When you ..................................... (finish) your homework, give me a call. Don’t start watching the DVD until I ............................... (arrive)! By the time Jane ........................... (finish) work, it’ll be dark. I’ll cook dinner as soon as I ........................ (get) home.

should – shouldn’t


Read the text below. Then give Mark advice, using should or shouldn’t and the verbs in the brackets.

1 2 3 4 5

She used to play with dolls. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. b) Now make questions out of your sentences about Sally.

1 2 3 4 5

Did she use to play with dolls? .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. ..................................................................

Mark is a bully. He calls the kids in his school names. Sometimes he forces the other students to do things they don’t want to. He often makes fun of his classmates and they are afraid to tell the teacher. Mark sometimes steals money from other students.

1 2 3 4

You ................................................ (steal) money from other students. You ........................................................... (respect) your classmates. You ............................................... (make) other students to do things. You ................................................... (try) to make friends. WORKBOOK


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Use of English 2 Adjectives • Adjectives describe nouns and tell us what something is like. They have the same form in the singular and plural. a cheap laptop - cheap laptops, an expensive car expensive cars • Adjectives go before the nouns they describe. It is a long movie. They also go after the verbs: be, look, seem, smell, sound, feel, taste, etc. She is tall. He seems bored. She feels good. • There are opinion adjectives (beautiful, good, etc.), which show what a person thinks of somebody or something, and fact adjectives (long, strong, young, etc.), which give us factual information about somebody or something. They describe what somebody or something is like in reality. Order of adjectives • Opinion adjectives go before fact adjectives. a beautiful young woman • When there are two or more fact adjectives in a sentence, they usually go in the following order: Size Age Shape Colour Origin Material Noun a small old oval green Italian clay pot • We do not usually use a long list of adjectives before a single noun. A noun is usually described by one, two, or three adjectives at the most. Alan bought a small Italian pot yesterday.

• Adverbs of frequency go after auxiliary verbs and the verb to be, but before main verbs. Dan can never wake up early. Sally is always late. Dad sometimes cooks dinner. • Adverbs of manner go before the main verb, after the auxiliary verb or at the end of the sentence. He easily scored the first goal. She is patiently waiting for a bus. Sam closed the door quietly. • Adverbs of degree (absolutely, completely, totally, extremely, very, quite, rather, etc.) go before an adjective, an adverb, or a main verb, but after an auxiliary verb. It’s very hot in here. She quite liked the meal. I didn’t totally agree with the decision. • Adverbs of place and time usually go at the end of the sentence. Let’s go inside. Should we go now?

quite – rather (Adverbs of degree) • Quite and rather are adverbs of degree. Quite means ‘less than very’. We use it in sentences with a positive meaning. This smart watch is quite cheap. Quite goes before a/an. It’s quite a good phone. • Rather means ‘to a high degree’. We use it in sentences with a negative meaning. Tom can be rather rude on the phone. Rather goes before or after a/an. It’s rather a long email. It’s a rather long email.

-ing/-ed ending • Adjectives ending in -ing are used to describe things. The book was interesting. (What was the book like? Interesting.) • Adjectives ending in -ed are used to describe feelings. Mike was bored. (How did Mike feel? Bored)

Adverbs • We usually form an adverb by adding -ly to the adjective. bad – badly • Adjectives ending in -le drop the -e and take -y. possible – possibly • Adjectives ending in a consonant +y drop the -y and take -ily. easy – easily • Adjectives ending in -l take -ly. hopeful – hopefully • Adjectives ending in -ic usually take -ally. basic – basically BUT public – publicly • Some adverbs are not formed according to the above rules. They have either a totally different form or the same form as the adjective. good → well; fast → fast; hard → hard; early → early; late → late




8 1 2 3 4 5

Rewrite the sentences, putting the words in the right order.

He/short/is/a/man He is a short man. good/It’s/printer/a .................................................................. looks/Sam/happy .................................................................. brilliant/scientists/are/they .................................................................. food/smells/delicious/that ..................................................................

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Use of English 2 9 1

Rewrite the phrases, putting the adjectives in the right order.


5 6


excited/exciting Joanne is .................................... about her trip to the Science Museum. The house of the future sounds very ...................................... .



in the gaps with an adverb formed 11 Fill from the adjectives in the list.

• loud • happy • good • slow

4 1 3 2

1 2 3 4 5 6

a pair of brown/new/winter boots .................................................................. a rectangular/huge/silver screen .................................................................. a pair of tall/wooden/old speakers .................................................................. a science-fiction/American/brilliant film .................................................................. a(n) small/expensive/new fax machine .................................................................. a big/lovely/modern house ..................................................................

3 4

12 Put the adverbs in the correct place. 1 2 3 4

-ing/-ed ending Complete the sentences with the

10 adjectives. 1 2

3 4

My brother speaks German really .............. ....................... . I can’t hear you. Can you speak more .......... .......................? Drive ...................., Tom. The roads are icy. ‘I love my computer’, Sally said ................. ....................... .

I’m happy with my new printer. (very) .................................................................. Sam is playing. (outside) .................................................................. John plays computer games. (often) .................................................................. Jo is going to London. (next week) ..................................................................

quite – rather

13 Fill in: quite or rather.

surprised/surprising I was very .................................................. to see a robot doing Uncle Rob’s housework! It’s not ........................... that children learn how to use computers from a young age.


A: What is their new house like? B: It is ........................................ modern.


A: What’s the weather like in Kazakhstan at the moment? B: Actually, it’s ............................... warm.

bored/boring I don’t enjoy playing computer games. I find them ...................................... . Andy sometimes feels ................................ in the school holidays.


A: Do you want to go for a walk? B: I’d love to but I’m ....................... tired.


A: Do you like this red dress? B: I’m not sure - it’s ........................ short.



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Use of English 3 Present perfect

just – yet – already – since – for

Form: have/has + past participle

• We use just to show that an action finished only a few minutes earlier. He's just arrived in the office. • We use yet in questions and negatives. Have you finished your work yet? No, I haven't finished yet. • We use already in positive statements and questions. The film has already started. Have you already eaten lunch? • We use since to state a starting point. Sam's worked as a lawyer since 2007. • We use for to express duration. Sam's worked as a lawyer for three years.



I/You/We/They have/’ve arrived. He/She/It has/’s arrived.

I/You/We/They have not/haven’t arrived. He/She/It has/hasn’t arrived.



Have I/you/we/they arrived? Has he/she/it arrived?

Yes, I/you/we/they have./ No, I/you/we/they haven’t. Yes, he/she/it has./No, he/she/it/hasn’t.

• We form the present perfect with the auxiliary verb have/has and the past participle of the main verb. • We form the past participle of regular verbs by adding -ed to the verb. visit – visited • We form the past participle of irregular verbs differently. take – taken (See the list of irregular verbs at the back of the book.) • We form questions by putting have/has before the subject. Have you been to Greece? • We form negations by putting not between have/ has and the past participle. She has not/hasn’t written the letter yet. Use We use the present perfect: • for actions which happened at an unspecified time in the past. The exact time is not mentioned because it is not important. We put more emphasis on the action. She has started a new job. (When did she start? We don’t mention the exact time because it is not important. What is important is the fact that she has a new job.) • for actions which started in the past and are still going on in the present. She has lived there since 1999. (She started living there in 1999, and she is still living there.) • for actions which have recently finished and whose results are visible in the present. She has lost some weight. (We can see that she lost weight. She used to be much heavier.) • with today, this morning/afternoon, etc. when these periods of time are not over at the time of speaking. He has read two books this morning. (It’s still morning so this period of time is not finished.) BUT He read the book in the morning. (Now it is evening.) • for experiences. He has travelled to Ridder twice. Time expressions used with the present perfect: for, since, already, just, always, ever, how long, yet, lately, never, so far, today, this morning/afternoon/ week/month/year, etc.



have been (to) – have gone (to) • We use have been (to) to say that someone went somewhere but has come back. She’s been to Paris. (She went to Paris, and she came back. She is no longer there.) • We use have gone (to) to say that someone went somewhere and is still there. He has gone to the supermarket. (He has not returned yet).

Present perfect vs Past simple Past simple – We use the past simple for: • an action which happened at a stated time in the past. He went to bed at 10. (When? At ten.) • an action which started and finished in the past. He lived in Rome for two years. (He isn’t in Rome any more.) BUT She has lived in Rome for two years. (She is still in Rome.) Time expressions used with the past simple: ago, yesterday, last week/month/Monday, etc. Present perfect – We use the present perfect for: • an action which happened at an unstated time in the past. He has been to London twice. (When? We don’t know. The time is not stated.) • an action which started in the past and still continues in the present. She has been a teacher for ten years. (She became a teacher ten years ago and she is still a teacher.) • an action which has recently finished and its results are visible in the present. She has lost some weight. (So her clothes don’t fit her well.)

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Use of English 3 Present perfect

1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


just – yet – already – since – for

Put the words in the correct order to form sentences.

thieves/The/have/police/arrested/the .................................................................. food/eaten/Chinese/you/ever/Have? .................................................................. morning/five/has/emails/sent/this/Nurlan .................................................................. liked/always/have/basketball/I/playing .................................................................. known/How/Kanat/you/have/long? .................................................................. different/Perizat/moved/area/has/a/to .................................................................. have/I/France/to/never/been ..................................................................

Look at the table below and ask and answer questions, as in the example.

Korkem Sveta go skydiving

win a competition

try snowboarding

3 1 2 3 4






Korkem/go skydiving? A: Has Korkem ever gone skydiving? B: Yes, he has. Sveta/go skydiving? A: ............................................................. B: ............................................................. Korkem and Sveta/win a competition? A: ............................................................. B: ............................................................. Korkem/try snowboarding? A: ............................................................. B: ............................................................. Sveta/try snowboarding? A: ............................................................. B: .............................................................

A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B:

Have you seen Berik yet / just? He's since / just arrived. Have you worked here for / since long? I've worked here for / since February. Have you tidied your room yet / just? I've already / since finished. Are we there yet / already? No, and we're just / already half an hour late. We need to hurry up. A: I haven't written to Malika since / for ages. B: Really? She's since / just sent me an email.

Have been (to) – Have gone (to)

4 1 2 3 4


Circle the correct word.

Complete the sentences with have/has

been (to) or have/has gone (to). Mum ............................................... to the supermarket. The fridge is full of food. Diaz and Erkejan ....................................... Uzbekistan. They are staying in Tashkent. Askar is not here. He .................................. ................... skateboarding with his friends. They .......................................................... the cinema twice this month to see Avatar .

Present perfect vs past simple

5 1

Circle the mistake and then correct it, as in the example.

I have spoken to him last Friday, but I A

haven't seen him since then. spoke 2


Gulnara has lived in Almaty since she A

has been four years old. 3


They have started work last month. They A

have been a great help. 4


Where have you been? I didn't see you for ages.





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Use of English 4 Form

will (future simple) Form • We form the future simple with will + the infinitive without to. Will is used with all persons. I think she’ll call tonight. I think I’ll make some soup. • We form the questions by inverting will and the subject. Will Jane drive us to school tomorrow? • We form negations by adding not in front of will. The short form of will not is won’t. They will not/won’t lend us the car. AFFIRMATIVE Long Form


I am, You are, He/She/It is, We/You/They are going to buy it.


I am not, You are not, He/She/It is not, We/You/They are not going to buy it.


Am I, Are you, Is he/she/it, Are we/you/they going to buy it?

Short Answers

Yes, I am./No, I’m not. Yes, you are./No, you aren’t. Yes, he/she/it is./No, he/she/it isn’t. Yes, we are./No, we aren’t. Yes, they are./No, they aren’t.

Short Form

I/You/He/She/It/We/You/ I/You/He/She/It/We/You/ They will visit. They‘ll visit. NEGATIVE Long Form

Short Form

I/You/He/She/It/We/You/ I/You/He/She/It/We/You/ They will not visit. They won’t visit.

Present continuous (fixed arrangements) • We use the present continuous for fixed arrangements in the future, especially if we know the date or time. Sandra’s having a birthday party on Saturday. Affirmative


Will I/you/he/she/it/we/ you/they visit?

SHORT ANSWERS Yes, I/you/he/she/it will./No, I/you/he/she/it won’t. Yes, we/you/they will./ No, we/you/they won’t.

Use We use will: • for on-the-spot decisions. I’m hungry. I’ll cook some pasta. • to make predictions based on what we think or imagine. Cars will fly in fifty years’ time. • with the verbs hope, think, believe, expect, etc. I think he’ll pass his exams. • with the expressions I’m sure, I’m afraid, etc. I’m sure she’ll win the race. • with the adverbs probably, perhaps, etc. Perhaps it’ll rain later.

be going to Use We use be going to: • to talk about future plans and intentions. Martha is going to spend her holidays in Greece this summer. (She’s planning to.) • to make predictions based on what we can see. Look at that wave. It is going to hit the boat.



Short Answers

Will (future simple)

1 1 2 3 4 5



I’m meeting, you’re meeting, he’s/she’s/it’s meeting, we’re/you’re/they’re meeting I’m not meeting, you aren’t meeting, he/she/it isn’t meeting, we/you/they aren’t meeting Am I meeting? Are you meeting? Is he/she/it meeting? Are we/you/they meeting? Yes, I am./No, I’m not. Yes, you are./No, you aren’t. Yes, he/she/it is./No, he/she/it isn’t. Yes, we/you/they are./ No, we/you/they aren’t.

Complete the exchanges with will and the verbs: call, close, get, rain, do.

A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B:

It's very cold in here. I ....................................... the window. Why do I need an umbrella? Perhaps it .................................... later. Is the phone ringing? Yes, I ................................... it. I hope I pass the test. I'm sure you ................................. well. Sally phoned an hour ago. OK. I ............................. her back now.

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Use of English 4 Mystic May has made some predictions


for the future. Put the words in the correct order to form her predictions.

4 1 2 3 4

1 2 3



species/more/be/there/will/endangered ....... .................................................................. recycle/people/things/will/more ................ .................................................................. exhaust/pollution/increase/air/will/car/fumes .................................................................. .................................................................. will/weather/extreme/be/phenomena/there/ more ......................................................... .................................................................. layer/scientists/fix/the/will/ozone ............... ..................................................................

5 6 7

Fill in: will or be going to and the verb in brackets.

George really hopes he .............................. (find) tickets for the concert. Oh, no! I’ve spilt coffee on the carpet. I .............................. (clean) it immediately. It’s Linda’s birthday today and we ............. (take) her out to dinner. By the looks of it, it ................................... (start) raining pretty soon. Karen has decided that she ........................ (not/spend) her holidays abroad. ............................. (you/see) who’s at the door, please? I’m on the phone. I can’t come to the cinema tonight. I ........ ........................................ (have) dinner at my grandparents’.

Present continuous (fixed arrangements)


Complete the dialogue with the present continuous.

Be going to Use the phrases below to make


sentences about Sam and Paula’s future plans.



3 4 5 6

sell their car (✓) They are going to sell their car. plant some trees (✓) .................................................................. waste water (✗) .................................................................. throw away plastic bags (✗) .................................................................. recycle their rubbish (✓) .................................................................. leave lights on (✗) ..................................................................

A: 1) ....................................... (we/go) to the cinema tonight? B: Sorry, I can't. I 2) ............................. (help) my dad fix some shelves. A: What about tomorrow night? B: Not really. It's Mum's birthday. We 3) ........ ............. (have) a family meal. A: Friday night then? B: I 4) .......................... (meet) Damir and Sultan at the park. We play basketball on Friday. Oh, wait. They can’t come this week. They 5) ...................... (visit) their grandparents. A: So 6) ................................... (you/do) anything on Friday night? B: No, I'm not. Let's go to the cinema! A: OK then. See you there! WORKBOOK


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Use of English 6 b) it is unimportant. Wine is made in France. (Who makes it is not important.) c) it is obvious from the context. The burglar was caught. (It is obvious that the police caught him.) d) the subject of the sentence is people, one, someone, they, he, etc. People eat rice in China. – Rice is eaten in China.

The passive Form We form the passive with the verb to be in the appropriate tense and then add the past participle of the main verb. The Empire State Building was completed in 1931. Present Simple




They hold the The Cannes Film Cannes Film Festival Festival is held in in May. May.


They don’t hold the The Cannes Film Cannes Film Festival Festival isn’t held in in June. June.

Do they hold the Is the Cannes Film Interrogative Cannes Film Festival Festival held in in May? May? Past Simple




George Lucas directed ‘Star Wars’.

‘Star Wars’ was directed by George Lucas.


George Lucas didn’t ‘ET’ wasn’t directed direct ‘ET’. by George Lucas.


Did George Lucas direct ‘ET’?


We use it/there as the subject when there is no natural subject in a sentence: • We use there + is/are to introduce something new. There’s something on your coat. • We use there + is/are to say that something exists in a particular place. There is a cinema in the mall. • We use it to talk about weather (It’s rainy today.), time (It’s quarter to one.), distance (It’s about 3 km from the school to the city centre.), temperature (It’s hot today.) and after: It seems that, It appears that, It looks like, It is said that, It doesn’t matter etc. It’s too late to go to the park now. It looks like we’ll have to stay at home. • We use it to comment on/identify something/ somebody. It was great to be there. It’s nice to meet you. Who is it? It’s Ann.

Was ‘ET’ directed by George Lucas?

Changing from the Active into Passive Subject James Cameron


Verb directed

Object ‘Avatar’.

Verb was directed

Agent by James Cameron.

The passive – Present simple & Past simple

1 1

Subject PASSIVE ‘Avatar’

a) The object of the active sentence becomes the subject in the passive sentence. b) The active verb changes into a passive form. c) The subject of the active sentence becomes the agent in the passive sentence.




• We use the passive voice when we want to show that the action of the verb is more important than the person who carries out the action. The injured athlete was taken for an X-ray. • The agent (the person who carries out the action) is introduced with the preposition by. The role of the robot was played by Robin Williams. (The identity of the agent is important.) • The agent is not mentioned when: a) it is unknown. The bank was robbed yesterday. (We don’t know who robbed it.) WORKBOOK



Make a passive sentence from the words in brackets.

Was the actor good? Yes. .......................... .................................................................. (he/nominate/for an Oscar) What happened? ....................................... .................................................................. (Earth/destroy/robots/hit/tsunami) Why was he late? ...................................... .................................................................. (he/stop/the police for talking on his mobile) Have they opened the new mall? Yes. ........ .................................................................. .................................................................. (opening ceremony/hold/last week)

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Use of English 6 2

Put the verbs in brackets into the


correct passive form.



‘Friends’ 1) .............................. (say) to be one of the most successful sitcoms of all time. It ran for 10 years on NBC. It 2) ..................................... (show) in over 100 countries. The series 3) ...................................... (film) in a Warner Bros. studio. It is about six friends who live together and share expenses. Audiences 4) ....................................... (attract) instantly to their attempts to make it in New York City. The six actors who 5) ......................................... (cast) for the main roles, were almost unknown. After 10 years of one successful season after another, they became huge celebrities. At first, the sitcom 6) ....................................... (call) ‘Insomnia Café’. Finally, it 7) ............................................ (name) ‘Friends’ which proved to be the right choice. Throughout the ten years the series won a lot of awards and 8) ............................................ (nominate) for 63 Emmy Awards. Today, reruns of ‘Friends’ 9) ............................................ (show) worldwide.


it – there

4 3 1

Answer the questions using the passive present tense, as in the example.

Is Central Park located in the heart of Paris? (New York) No. Central Park isn’t located in the heart of Paris. Central Park is located in the heart of New York.

Are most sitcoms filmed on location? (in a studio) ...................................................... .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. Is Halloween celebrated in February? (October) ................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. Is the Mona Lisa painted by Michelangelo? (Leonardo da Vinci) .................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. Was the music for the film Mamma Mia written by U2? (Abba) .............................. .................................................................. .................................. .................................

1 2 3 4 5 6

Fill in the gaps with it or there where necessary.

............... ’s rainy now. What time is .................... ? .................... ’s 4 o’clock. ............... ‘s a new cinema downtown.. How far is ............... to the theatre? ............... ‘s nice to meet you. Who is ............... ? ............... ‘s Natalya. WORKBOOK


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Use of English 7 Past continuous

Past continuous vs Past simple Past simple – We use the past simple for: • an action which happened at a stated time in the past. Melanie won the competition last Monday. (The time is stated. The action is complete.) • actions which happened immediately one after the other in the past. She arrived home, went to the kitchen and made a snack. (The time is stated. The actions are complete.)

AFFIRMATIVE I was playing. You were playing. He/She/It was playing. We/You/They were playing. NEGATIVE Long Form I was not playing. You were not playing. He/She/It was not playing. We/You/They were not playing.

Short Form

I wasn’t playing. You weren’t playing. He/She/It wasn’t playing. We/You/They weren’t playing.

INTERROGATIVE Was I playing? Were you playing? Was he/she/it playing? Were we/you/they playing?

Time expressions used with the past simple: ago, yesterday, last week/month, etc. Past continuous – We use the past continuous for: • an action which was in progress at a stated time in the past. (We don’t know when the action started or finished.) At ten o’clock yesterday morning, Bazargul was having a Maths lesson. (We don’t know when she started or stopped having the lesson.) • two or more actions which were happening a the same time in the past. (simultaneous actions) Nurlan was having lunch while Max was watching TV. Time expressions used with the past simple: ago, yesterday, last week/month, etc.

SHORT ANSWERS Yes, I/he/she/it was. No, I/he/she/it wasn’t.

Yes, we/you/they were. No, we/you/they weren’t.

Use We use the past continuous for: • an action which was in progress at a stated time in the past. We don’t know when the action started or finished. Last night, Samuel and Joan were watching a film at the cinema. (We don’t know when they started or stopped watching the film.) • a past action which was in progress when another action interrupted it. We use the past continuous for the action in progress (longer action) and the past simple for the action that interrupted it (shorter action). I was surfing the Internet when the lights went out. • for two or more actions which were happening at the same time in the past (simultaneous actions). Jake was washing the car while Mike was making lunch. • to give background information in a story. It was snowing and the wind was blowing when we arrived at school. Time expressions used with the past continuous: while, when, as, all day/night/morning, all day yesterday, etc. Note: When/While/As + past continuous (longer action) When + past simple (shorter action)



Past continuous

1 1






Complete the exchanges with the correct form of the past continuous.

A: What .................................................... (Sally/do) on Thursday afternoon? B: She ................... (work) on her laptop. A: It ..................................... (rain) earlier this afternoon. B: I know. I ................................... (walk) the dog at that time. A: Where .................................. (you/go) when I saw you? B: I ..................................... (go) to work. A: What .................................................... (they/talk) about? B: I don't know. I ..................................... (not/listen). A: .......................................... (you/shop) in the town centre yesterday afternoon? B: No. I ....................................... (sleep). A: .......................................... (aunt/stay) with you last weekend? B: Yes, she ............. .

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Use of English 7 2

What were the people doing yesterday morning at 11 o’clock? Write questions.


Read the text and put the verbs in the past simple or past continuous.

Then, answer them, as in the example.







Jenny and Sue/watch TV? (listen to music) Were Jenny and Sue watching TV? No, they weren't. They were listening to music. the Smiths/drink coffee? (have a snack) .................................................................. .................................................................. Daniya/talk on the phone? (study for a test) .................................................................. .................................................................. the children/eat? (swim in the pool) .................................................................. .................................................................. Tony/ride his bike? (relax at home) .................................................................. .................................................................. Nurlan/work in his office? (wash his car) .................................................................. ..................................................................

Past simple vs past continuous

3 1 2

3 4 5


Six Nights in a Tree David George 1) ........................................ (have) a terrible experience while he 2) ............................... .............. (camp) out in Queensland, Australia last summer. As he 3) ...................................... (return) home, his horse 4) ...................................... (get) and David 5) ............................................ (fall) off. He 6) ................................ (tell) his horse to carry him back, but the horse 7) .............................. (take) him into dangerous crocodile country. David 8) ................................ (know) that he was in a lot of trouble so he 9) ...................................... (climb) up a tree. It was soon midnight, but David 10) ......................................... (not/sleep) because two crocodiles 11) ...................................... (wait) for him at the bottom of the tree. Back home, people 12) ................................ (look) for David at the same time as the crocodiles 13) ...................................... (look) for lunch. David 14) ....................................... (spend) six nights up the tree before a team arrived and 15) ........................................ (rescue) him. David 16) ....................................... (have) only two sandwiches to eat during that time, but at least the crocodiles 17) ........................................ (not/have) David to eat!

Circle the correct answer.

The tornado was hitting / hit the city and destroyed / was destroying many buildings. Mark was breaking / broke his leg while he played / was playing football with his friends. When they saw / were seeing the snake, they were starting / started to run. Fatiha wrote / was writing a letter when the lights were going out / went out. Jason was watching / watched a film on TV when he heard / was hearing a deep, rumbling noise. Saule worked / was working on her computer when the phone rang / was ringing.

5 1 2 3 4 5

Complete the sentences with your own words.

I was walking home when ......................... ................................................................ . They were talking quietly while ................. ................................................................ . As Berik was watching TV .......................... ................................................................ . We were driving to the beach ................... ................................................................ . Akbota was studying in her bedroom as .... ................................................................ . WORKBOOK


Use of English 8 IF-CLAUSE (hypothesis)

MAIN CLAUSE (result) would + bare if + past simple infinitive

Modals Have to – don’t have to • We use have to to express necessity. I have to feed the baby every 4 hours. (It’s necessary.) • We use don’t/doesn’t have to to express lack of necessity. They don’t have to go to school today. It’s a holiday. (It’s not necessary. There is no school on holidays.) Must – mustn’t

• We use must/mustn’t to express obligation or duty. She must finish her work on time. (She has a responsibility.) • We use must/mustn’t to express very strong advice. You must drive carefully. You mustn’t drop litter. • We use mustn’t to express prohibition. You mustn’t take photographs in the gallery. (It’s against the rules. It’s not allowed.)

• We use must when we think something is necessary

Second conditional Unreal (present- If I had more money, I would future) travel the world. BUT I don’t have more money. (untrue in the present) If I were you, I would ask for help. (advice) Use: imaginary situation, unreal in present or future; also used to give advice

• When the if-clause comes before the main clause, the two clauses are separated with a comma. If I go to the cinema, I will invite my friend. – I will invite my friend if I go to the cinema. • We can use were instead of was for all persons in the if-clause of Type 2 conditionals. If Tony was/ were taller, he would go on the roller coaster.

and have to when someone else thinks something is necessary. I must buy some milk on my way home. (I think it is necessary) My teacher says I have to work harder. (Someone else thinks it is necessary) Need • We use need to express necessity. My hair needs cutting/to be cut. (It’s necessary) Might • We use might to express possibility. He might come with us if he finishes early. (It’s possible.)

Conditionals 0-2



Write sentences using the words.

be a good swimmer to go water skiing. must/have to drop litter in the street. You mustn’t be old to enjoy gardening. don’t have to walk alone in cities. be quiet in the countryside.

Conditional clauses consist of two parts: the ifclause (hypothesis) and the main clause (result).

Zero conditional General truth

IF-CLAUSE (hypothesis)

MAIN CLAUSE (result)

if + present simple

present simple

If you heat iron, it melts. Use: something which is always true, laws of nature IF-CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE (hypothesis) (result) First conditional if + present will + bare Real (presentsimple infinitive future) If he doesn’t wake up early, he will miss the bus. Use: something real, likely to happen in the present or future WORKBOOK


1 2 3 4 5

.................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. ..................................................................

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Use of English 8 2 1 2 3 4 5

3 1 2 3 4 5

Fill in: mustn’t, must, might, don’t have

to, have to. If you’re ill, you ................................ go to the doctor immediately. People ................................ drop litter in the streets. It’s illegal. They .............................. come if they don’t want to. Anna ........................... come to the cinema with me tonight if she finishes work early. They ....................... be at work at 9:00 am.

1 2 3 4 5

Read the statements and use the phrases to make first conditionals, as in the example.

1 2 3


Complete the sentences with your own

“I drive fast.” (you/get a ticket) If you drive fast, you will get a ticket. “We will play well.” (we/win the match) .................................................................. “She is going to work late tonight.” (she/ miss the party) .......................................... .................................................................. “We want to travel to Brazil.” (we/go on a jungle safari) ............................................. ..................................................................


At a swimming pool, you must .................. ................................................................ . At school, we don’t have to ....................... ................................................................ . In the museum, you mustn’t ..................... ................................................................ . This evening, I need .................................. ................................................................ . This weekend, I might ............................... ................................................................ .




6 1




Write zero conditional sentences.

you heat ice (it/melt) If you heat ice, it melts. you eat a lot of junk food (you/put on weight) .................................................................. you mix red and white (you/get pink) ....... .................................................................. you freeze water (it/turn to ice) ................. .................................................................. you go out in the rain (you/get wet) ......... ..................................................................

7 1 2 3 4 5

Write second conditional sentences.

The charity doesn’t have enough money, so it can’t help all the families. If the charity had enough money it could help all the families. He makes fun of people, so he doesn’t have friends. ...................................................... .................................................................. They don’t have enough money, so they can’t go on holiday. .................................. .................................................................. She doesn’t work many hours, so she has time to study. ............................................ ..................................................................

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

If you exercise, you .................................... (become) fit. If it ............................. (rain) tomorrow, we ................................... (not go) to the park. If I ......................... (win) a lot of money, I ......................... (travel) around the world. If you are ................. (happy), I am happy. If I .............. (be) you, I would go to sleep. WORKBOOK


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Use of English 9 5

Relatives • The relative pronouns who and which and the relative adverb where introduce relative clauses. Relative Pronouns people


Relative Adverbs place


objects/animals/ideas which

• We use who to refer to people. The man who/that is with Tim is his dad. We use which to refer to animals, objects or ideas. This is the house which has got a swimming pool. We use whose to show possession. That’s the book whose author has won the Nobel Prize. We don’t use a relative pronoun with another pronoun (I, you, he, him, etc). I know someone who is an athlete. (NOT: I know someone who he is an athlete.) We use where to refer to places. Where is used after nouns like place, house, street, town and country. This is the beach where we go swimming.

• • •

There are two types of relative clauses:

6 7 8

9 10


This is the company ...... main offices are located in Thailand. A whose B who C where This is the man ...... works as a fashion designer. A who B which C where This is the house ...... John bought a week ago. A whose B who C which Saule bought a T-shirt ...... matches her new skirt. A who B which C where I didn’t enjoy the meal ...... she cooked for me. A who B whose C which This is the place ...... name I can’t remember. A whose B where C which

Join the sentences. Use the relatives in brackets.

• a defining relative clause gives necessary information and is essential to the meaning of the main sentence. We do not put the clause in commas. The people who moved next door to us are very friendly. (Which people are friendly? Those who moved next door to us.) • a non-defining relative clause gives extra information and is not essential to the meaning of the main sentence. The clause is put in commas. Helena Stephens, who used to be a famous ballerina, gives dance lessons to children. (Helena Stephens gives dance lessons to children – the meaning of the sentence is clear. – who used to be a famous ballerina – the relative clause gives extra information.)


1 1 2 3 4








Choose the correct item.

This is the shop ...... I ordered my trainers. A which B where C who Jason knows the person ...... stars in the film. A who B which C whose That’s the girl ...... brother is a doctor. A whom B whose C which I didn’t know anyone ...... was at Lisa’s party. A which B whose C who


Taraz is a beautiful city. People can see historic buildings. (where) ........................ .................................................................. This is my friend, Askar. He is studying at university. (who) ....................................... .................................................................. This is my new bicycle. I bought it last week. (which) ..................................................... .................................................................. These are my old shoes. I’m going to throw them away. (which) .................................. .................................................................. Bayanaul Park is a popular destination. Lots of people like to spend their holidays there. (where) .................................................... .................................................................. .................................................................. Mr and Mrs Stokes are my neighbours. They have lived in this area for many years. (who) ................................................................... ...................................................................

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Use of English 9 3

Fill in the gaps with the correct relative pronoun.

5 1

This is a city for people 1) ........................... want to experience culture and want to have fun, too. It’s a place 2) ........................... you can visit amazing tourist attractions like the Sagrada Familia and the Picasso Museum, but it’s also a great destination for those 3) ........................... want to relax. Barcelona has a great harbour and beach 4) ........................... are only a short walk from the city. Visit Barcelona and you will have an experience 5) .......................... you will never forget!

2 3 4 5

6 4


3 4 5 6 7


9 10

which, where and your own ideas. Astana is a city .......................................... .................................................................. A beach is a place ...................................... .................................................................. I like people ............................................... .................................................................. I’d like to live in a house ............................ .................................................................. My best friend is someone ......................... ..................................................................

Match to form sentences and fill in the relative pronouns or adverbs.

Fill the relative pronoun. Put commas where necessary. Write (D) for defining, (ND) for non-defining.


Complete the sentences. Use who,

Ulan, whose sister is in my class, is my best friend. ND That is the fashion designer ................. has recently participated in Fashion Week. ........... This is the town ................. fish market is the best in the country. ........... My aunt Sue ................. lives in Panama is an archaeologist. ........... Farida is the girl ................. father has travelled all over the world. ........... That elephant ................. is two years old was born in the wild. ........... Astana ................. is the capital of Kazakhstan has a population of 835,153. ........... Kamilya Kuspan ................. is a famous Kazakhstani photographer now works in Paris. ........... The shopkeeper ................. served me was very helpful. ........... Aru ................. I went on holiday with goes to the same school as me. ...........

1 e That’s the suit 2 Is that the lady 3 This is the office 4 2016 is the year 5 That’s the bag 6 Is that the reason 7 Is that the little boy 8 That’s the man a b c d e f g h

....................... daughter is a fashion model? ....................... goes to your son’s school? ....................... Bakyt is upset? ....................... owns the Italian restaurant. which Adar wears to work. ....................... Zoya works. ....................... I carry my books in. ....................... I start fashion school.



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Use of English 9 Verbs + -ing/to-infinitive/ infinitive without to We use the -ing form: • as a noun. Watching TV is his favourite pastime. • after the following verbs: like, dislike, love, hate, enjoy, prefer, start, begin, finish, stop, etc. It started snowing an hour ago. • after the verb go when we talk about activities. They often go bowling at weekends. • after prepositions. Sam isn’t interested in joining a sports club. • after the following phrases: be busy, it’s no use, it’s (not) worth, there’s no point (in), what’s the use of, can’t help, can’t stand, have difficulty (in), look forward to. John is busy making some calls. • after the following verbs: avoid, appreciate, admit, confess, consider, deny, continue, imagine, involve, mind, regret, risk, spend, suggest, etc. Susan avoids taking the car to the city centre. We use the to-infinitive: • after the following verbs: advise, agree, decide, expect, hope, manage, offer, plan, promise, refuse, seem, want, etc. She advised him to rent a bigger house. • after be + adjective (happy, nice, sorry, etc). I’m happy to hear your news. • with the adverbs too and enough. It’s too cold to have a picnic. • to express purpose. She bought flour to make a cake. We use the infinitive without to: • after modal verbs (can, may, should, etc). They may buy a car. • after the verbs let and make. They don’t let their cat leave the house. You shouldn’t make him stay. (BUT in the passive: He shouldn’t be made to stay)

• We can use others to talk about something that has already been mentioned. I don’t like this top. Are there others in the sale?

some – any –every – no and their compounds • some, any, and no are used with uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns. There were some nice things in the shop. • every is used with singular countable nouns. Every room in the house has been redecorated. Positive somebody/ someone, People everybody/ everyone something, Things everything somewhere, Places everywhere

a positive meaning and takes a verb in the plural. It is the opposite of none. They are all students at the fashion school. All of the clothes are half-price. They all received a prize. • We use other to show difference. There are other shops we can visit. When other is used with a noun, it has no plural form. Where are the other files? (NOT: …others files?) It can come after some, any and no. Do you have any other suits? They’ve got some other boots at the back of the shop. I’m afraid there are no other shoes in your size.


anything anywhere

nobody/ no one, not anybody nothing, not anything nowhere, not anywhere

something etc) in the affirmative. However, some and its compounds can be used in the interrogative when making offers or requests. They have a house somewhere in the countryside. Would you like something to drink? • We use any and its compounds (anyone, anything etc) in interrogative sentences. Has anyone seen my glasses?

Verbs + -ing form/ to-infinitive/infinitive without to

7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


anybody/ anyone


• We use some and its compounds (someone,

Determiners (all-other(s)) • All refers to more than two people or things. It has


Circle the correct verb forms.

We might to go / go to the mall today. You mustn’t park / parking here. We’d love coming / to come for dinner on Friday. Could you to pass / pass me the salt, please? Do you want go / to go ice skating this afternoon? I don’t mind helping / to help my mum with the housework. Aizhan loves shopping / to shop.

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Use of English 9 8

Use the words to write true sentences.

like don’t mind would love might want hate

1 2 3 4 5

live in a big city do homework meet new people wear baggy jeans go to museums be late for school play football

I like going to museums. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. ..................................................................

4 5 6 7

Complete the exchanges with some, 11 any, every, no and their compounds.

1 2



1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Fill in all, other or others.

Are there any .................. red hats in the shop? The Fashion Show attracts attention from .................. the media. These trainers are small. Have you got any ..................? The Foot Guards of Buckingham Palace .................. wear special uniforms. I’m afraid there are no .................. jeans this colour. They have got some .................. T-shirts half price in the department store. .................. designers want to earn the title of ‘Fashion Designer of the Year’.

some – any – every – no and compounds

10 Underline the correct item. 1

2 3

It’s boring here. There is nothing/anything to do. I looked for the blue skirt but I couldn’t find it somewhere/anywhere. He said that he didn’t want anything/ something to eat.

I could see something/everything in the distance but I wasn’t sure what it was. He has disappeared. He is somewhere/ nowhere to be found. Everyone/Everything likes ice-cream! Some/Someone students hadn’t done their homework.


A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B:

What’s wrong Assel? I think .................... stole my sunglasses. Is this a new clothes shop? Yes, you can find their stores .................. these days. I haven’t seen ................ shopping here. I know. ............. in there is so expensive. I’m looking for a new jacket. Have you got ............................ in black? Sure. Let me see if I can find one in your size.

12 Fill in the gaps with the words given. • someone • anyone • something • everyone • nothing • anything

1 2 3 4

A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B:




B: A: B

Did you meet anyone nice at the book club? Yes, I made lots of new friends! Can I make myself a snack? Sorry, there’s ..................... left to eat. What’s wrong, Nurasyl? I think ..................... stole my phone! How can we help you today, sir? I need a smart tie for work, do you have ..................... with red stripes? I want to get Mira ..................... special for her birthday. How about some jewellery, like a ring? I really didn’t like that café. Really? ..................... I’ve spoken to said it was nice. WORKBOOK


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Vocabulary Bank 1 • Daily routines


Use the ideas in the pictures to ask your partner questions about their daily routine.

What time …?

Do you …?

When do you …?

Where …?

What do you do in the afternoon/evening?

A: What time do you get up? B: At 7 o’clock.

get up

go to school

start lessons

do homework

have dinner

watch TV

help with household chores

go to bed

• Free-time & hobbies


Tell your partner what free-time activities you like. Use: every day, at

weekends, once/twice a week, in the evenings.

• hang out with friends • listen to music • watch a DVD • play sports • surf the Internet • do gardening • send text messages • read a book • chat on the phone • play computer games• go shopping • go skateboarding • play the guitar • go kart racing • go ice-skating



not mind

not like


A: I like listening to music and surfing the Internet in the evenings. How about you? B: Oh, I don’t like surfing the Internet, but I love … etc. WORKBOOK


Vocabulary Bank 2 • Means of communication


Label the pictures.

• telephone • fax machine • pager • mobile phone • Internet • letter • satellite • email • MMS • SMS 3













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Vocabulary Bank 2 1

• Technology & Computers


Match the words to the computer parts.

• webcam • speakers • screen • keyboard • CD/DVD drive • mouse • printer • scanner • laptop 2


.......................... 6










.......................... 7





.......................... 8


Circle the correct answer.

My sister cannot live without the Internet. She ..... online all the time and meets new people. A downloads B chats C saves You should always ..... a back-up of your files, otherwise you’ll lose all the work you’ve done so far. A chat B design C keep My teacher liked the PowerPoint presentation I ..... on endangered animals. A prepared B played C burnt My brother Pete loves ..... computer games when he has free time. A doing B using C playing If you want to ..... a web page, the first step is to decide what you want to publish on it. A save B surf C design You can’t see your emails if you don’t ..... a password. A have B make C burn It’s illegal to ..... music from the Internet unless you pay for it. A make B download C prepare


.......................... 9


3 1 2 3 4 5 6

4 1 2 3


Find the words.

You use this to burn CDs/DVDs. You can use this type of computer anywhere. You use this to make a copy of a photo. You use this to move around the screen. You use this to print documents. You use this to type.

__/___ _____ ______ _______ _____ _______ ________

Answer the questions about yourself.

Do you think a webcam is useful? Why? ........................................................................ Which one is better, a laptop or a PC? Why? ........................................................................ Do you use a scanner? ........................................................................

Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB VBank 1-4.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB VBank 1-4 11/1/17 8:46 PM Page 105

Vocabulary Bank 2 • Body language Label the pictures.


• bow • hug • kiss on the cheeks • shake hands • make the OK gesture • look somebody in the eyes • cross legs


.................... ....................


.................... ....................

Complete the crossword.


1 2




........................... ...........................

.................... ....................



.................... ....................

........................... ...........................


.................... ....................

Fill in the gaps with: makes the OK gesture, kissing on the cheeks, cross your legs, look somebody in the eyes




Across 2 I always give my mum a kiss on the ....... before I go to school. 4 The ballerina gave a ....... after dancing her solo. 5 When people tell lies, they often don’t look you in the ....... . Down 1 The manager always makes an OK ....... when he is happy with his staff’s work. 2 When I sit on a chair, I usually ....... my legs. 3 When we meet someone for the first time, we usually ....... hands with them.

Body language differs from one culture to the next. You can easily make mistakes and offend people from different cultures if you are not careful. For example, in Thailand it is very rude to 1) ................................ because it’s an insult to show the soles of your shoes. In Japan it is impolite to 2) ................................ but this is not the case in Italian culture where looking directly at someone is natural. French people are very comfortable 3) ............................. when they meet people for the first time. Kissing someone means you’re pleased to meet them. On the other hand, English people feel very uncomfortable doing so. Also, when someone 4) .................................... in England, it means that something is fantastic, but in France it simply means zero. So, misunderstandings of body language can easily happen even though they are usually unintentional.

4 1 2 3 4 5

Write T (true) or F (false) for yourself.

I never cross my legs when I sit on a chair. When I meet my friends, I kiss them on the cheeks. I can’t look somebody in the eyes when I’m lying. I never shake hands when I first meet someone. I always bow to my teacher.

...... ...... ...... ...... ...... WORKBOOK


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Vocabulary Bank 3 • Extreme sports a) Match the pictures to the sports.


• bungee jumping • white-water rafting • skateboarding • canoeing • hang-gliding • rock climbing • motocross • mountain biking • snowboarding • snorkelling • skydiving • white-water kayaking 3









.......................... 10














b) List the sports from Ex. 1a under the headings.






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Vocabulary Bank 3 • Equipment


Write each sport next to the correct



Match the words to the pictures.

• goggles • flippers • gloves • racquet • bat • mask • snowboard • batting pads • paddle • helmet


• • • • • •




.......................... 3

golf • bungee jumping white-water rafting • skydiving badminton • tennis • canoeing hang-gliding • rock climbing • cricket snowboarding • football mountain biking • hockey

4 go

.......................... 5

.......................... 6

.......................... 7




in the example.

hang white-water rock boarding diving



Combine words to write the sports, as

1 2 3 4

biking jumping sky mountain climbing

hang-gliding ........................... ........................... ...........................

5 6 7

snow rafting gliding bungee

........................... ........................... ...........................




.......................... WORKBOOK


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Vocabulary Bank 3 • Holiday problems



miss a flight • lose passport get sunburnt • car break down get a puncture • get a flat tyre lose luggage • someone stealing a wallet



1 2

3 4

5 ..........................

.......................... 3



3 1


.......................... 5

2 3


4 5 6 ..........................

.......................... 7




2 .......................... WORKBOOK



people are talking about, as in the example.

Match the phrases to the sketches.

• • • •

Write what holiday problems these

“Oh, no! I can’t travel to Dubai without it!” lose passport “It happened while I was on the bus. Someone took it from my pocket!” .................................................................. “Don’t worry! We’ll catch the next one!” .................................................................. “Don’t touch me! It hurts! Just take me to a doctor please!” .................................................................. “All my clothes and even my laptop were in there! What am I going to do now?!” .................................................................. “We’ve got a spare tyre in the boot of the car!” .................................................................. Circle the correct item.

I am so sorry you missed / lost your flight! What time does the next one fly out? William lost / missed his passport. He can’t go anywhere without it! I got / broke a flat tyre on my way to your house; that’s why I was late! A man stole / missed my wallet while I was on the bus to work. I got / lost all my luggage! The first thing I have to do now is buy new clothes! Call this number if you car goes / breaks down. Answer the following questions.

What’s the worst thing that has ever happened to you while on holiday? .................................................................. .................................................................. Have you ever got sunburnt? What did you do? .................................................................. ..................................................................

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Vocabulary Bank 4 • Environmental problems Label the pictures.


• rubbish/household waste • water pollution • air pollution • acid rain • endangered species • global warming • energy waste • deforestation













Match the two columns and



then use the phrases to





a) Match the problems to the solutions.

complete the sentences.

1 2 3 4 5 1

2 3 4


endangered air energy acid global

a b c d e

waste rain warming pollution species

When .............................. falls, old buildings and monuments can be damaged. Fumes from cars cause ............ ....................... . The increase in the Earth’s temperature is called ............. . People can protect .................. .................................. by giving money to the WWF. One way in which we can reduce ......................................... is by washing our clothes at a lower temperature.


air pollution in cities


animals facing extinction




energy waste


polluted beaches


rubbish/household waste

a b c d e f

plant trees use public transport clean up beaches recycle protect endangered species turn off power when not using appliances

b) Now write sentences using the phrases from Ex. 3a above, as in the example.

1 2 3 4 5 6

To avoid air pollution in cities we should use public transport. .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... ....................................................................................



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Vocabulary Bank 4 • Weather Label the weather conditions.


ice hail lightning drizzle sleet

• • • • •



• • • • •

hurricane gale snowfall sunshine breeze

• heat wave • thunder • tropical storm • tornado

• thunderstorm • storm • shower 1



































Match the words to the definitions.









5 6

heat wave drizzle

a b c d e f

a type of storm with wind that spins very quickly over land a period of extremely hot weather light rain a short period of rain light and heat from the sun an extremely strong wind

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Vocabulary Bank 4 3

Fill in the spidergram with the words: drizzle, sunshine, snowfall, sleet, gale, breeze, heatwave, hail,

5 1

ice, showers, storm, tornado

2 .................... .......................... ......................... .................... .................... .......................... ......................... ....................

.................... .......................... ......................... ....................

.................... .......................... ......................... ....................

3 4 5 6 7




2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Circle the correct word.

3 Jane hates sunshine / thunderstorms. She gets scared by the flashes of lightning. The roads were very dangerous to drive on because of the ice / heat wave. There was heavy snowfall / storm last night, so everything is white today. The light evening gale / breeze felt so good after the long hot day. A flash of tornado / lightning appeared in the sky. A Pacific island was hit by a tropical storm / snowfall. Last week’s sunshine / heat wave was terrible. It was too hot to go outside. The tornado / gale blew in very quickly and damaged most buildings in the town. We should watch the thunder / weather forecast tonight if we want to go on a picnic tomorrow. The showers / hail last night smashed a living room window.

tropical storm – earthquake – storm – thunderstorm snowfall – avalanche – tsunami – flood hail – hurricane – breeze – drizzle drizzle – shower – tornado – rain hail – sleet – ice – thunder sunshine – heat wave – drought – flood freezing – wet – frosty – cold

If necessary make the sentences true about your country.



Circle the odd one out.






We never have snow in winter. We often have snow in winter. It always rains in my country. ................................................ In summer we sometimes have heat waves. ................................................ There is a lot of sunshine in springtime. ................................................ We sometimes have hail storms in late winter. ................................................ The hot weather in summer is very enjoyable. ................................................ In autumn the weather suddenly becomes very cold. ................................................ There is always a nice summer breeze in late August. ................................................



Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB VBank 6-9.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB VBank 5-9 11/1/17 8:50 PM Page 112

Vocabulary Bank 6 • TV Programmes Label the pictures.

1 • • • • •

children’s programme • drama show • soap opera music programme • sports programme fashion show • the news • awards ceremony cartoon • play and film • police drama • sitcom nature programme • comedy show




















1 2 3 4 5



a) Match the two columns to make

music soap comedy police awards

13 a b c d e

programme drama opera ceremony shows

correct collocation from Ex. 2a.


2 3



b) Complete each sentence with the







My little brother loves ..............................! He can’t stop laughing whenever he watches them. I watched the ..................................... last night. Kate Winslet won an Oscar. Your favourite .................................. is on. They’re playing the video from Leona Lewis’s new song.


3 1

2 3 4


Answer the questions about yourself.

Which is your favourite type of TV programme? .................................................................. How often do you watch them? .................................................................. Which type of TV programmes don’t you like? .................................................................. Which type of TV programmes do you watch at the weekends? ..................................................................

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Vocabulary Bank 6 • Films


Label the pictures.

• • • • • • •

2 1 2

3 4

5 6


comedy • romance fantasy • horror • western silent film • science fiction action • animated cartoon musical • historical adventure • documentary detective





























Write the type of film.

A film that makes people laugh. ______ A film about life in space or in the future. _______ _______ A film about a love story. _______ A film that uses singing and dancing. _______ A film that scares you. ______ A black and white film with no sound. ______ A film about dragons and fairies. _______

3 1 2 3 4 5

4 1 2

Fill in: horror, action, animated cartoon, documentary, westerns

Sue likes ......................... films like Mission Impossible. She thinks they are very exciting. Are you going to watch the ......................... about snakes on Channel 9 tonight? Amy doesn’t like ......................... films. They scare her and give her nightmares. Steve is a fan of ......................! Watching the adventures of cowboys in the Wild West is better than anything for him. My cousin Lilly enjoys watching ....................... films. Her favourite character is Bugs Bunny. Answer the questions about yourself.

Which is your favourite type of film? .................................................................................... Did you watch a film last weekend? What type was it? .................................................................................... WORKBOOK


Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB VBank 6-9.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB VBank 5-9 11/1/17 8:50 PM Page 114

Vocabulary Bank 6 • Vocabulary related to films


a) Put each verb under the correct

To be one of the main characters in a film to .............................................................. 1 To act as a character in a film to .............................................................. 2 To make something (film, video game, CD) available to the public 3 to .............................................................. To write/produce music to .............................................................. 4 To be responsible for a film and tell actors how to play their roles to .............................................................. 5 b) Put each phrase under the correct definition.

• sound effects • gripping plot • special effects

Robert Pattinson 1) ...................... in the romantic-fantasy Twilight. It was 2) ...................... by Catherine Hardwicke. The film also features Kristen Stewart who 3) .................. the girl who falls in love with Robert Pattinson’s character. Carter Burwell 4) ..................... the music for the film which Summit Entertainment 5) .................... in 2008.

3 1 2 3 4


sounds that make a film more exciting and interesting


2 3 4



artificially produced images 5


exciting and interesting events in a story 6 WORKBOOK




sound computer gripping excellent

a b c d

animated effects cast plot

words from Ex. 3a.

very successful film 4

a) Match the words to make

b) Now complete the sentences with


talented actors


correct form to complete the text.


• excellent cast • computer animated • blockbuster

film showing computer images that look like they’re moving


Use the verbs from Ex. 1a in the


• direct • release • star • compose • play



4 1 2

Shrek is a popular ............................... film. The graphics are so good that the characters look real. The film has a(n) .................................. . It will keep you on the edge of your seat. The film has a(n) ....................................... with many award-winning actors. I liked the film because of its ................... . The noises made me feel like I was really in the middle of a war. Answer the questions about yourself.

Do you like computer animated films? .................................................................. Who is your favourite actor/actress? ..................................................................

Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB VBank 6-9.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB VBank 5-9 11/1/17 8:50 PM Page 115

Vocabulary Bank 6 • Musical instruments


Label the pictures.

• drum • harmonica • violin • acoustic guitar • sitar • bass guitar • flute • saxophone • harp • cello • accordion • piano • tin whistle • synthesiser • electric guitar
































List the musical instruments from Ex.1 under the headings:

..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................

..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................

..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................

..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................

3 1 2 3 4 5

4 1


Match the instruments to the types of music.

cello saxophone electric guitar synthesiser tin whistle

a b c d e

folk classical electronic jazz heavy metal

Answer the questions about yourself.

Which is your favourite type of music? ................................................ Which musical instrument do you want to learn? .......................... WORKBOOK


Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB VBank 6-9.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB VBank 5-9 11/1/17 8:50 PM Page 116

Vocabulary Bank 7 • Natural phenomena


Label the pictures.


• flood • earthquake • tsunami • avalanche • tornado • volcanic eruption • lightning • hurricane • drought .......................... 2


.......................... 6


.......................... 7






3 1 2 3


4 Down Air that spins very fast and destroys everything in its path. 2 An enormous wave in the sea. Across



3 4



.......................... 8

Do the crossword.



When there is not enough water for plants and animals. A large amount of ice, snow and rock that falls down the side of a mountain.


4 1 2 3

.......................... 9



Fill in the gaps with words from Ex. 1.

Many houses were destroyed by the ............................. which measured 6.5 on the Richter scale. An earthquake on the seabed caused the ..................... . Water from the ............................ filled the streets and damaged many houses. They watched the ............................ travel over the land and lift cars from the roads. The ............................ caused plants and animals to die from a lack of water. After the ............................, lava came flowing down the mountain. Fill in the gaps with true information about yourself.

I am afraid of ................ because ............................... . If I were in a flood, I would ........................................ . If there were an earthquake, I would .......................... .

Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB VBank 6-9.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB VBank 5-9 11/1/17 8:50 PM Page 117

Vocabulary Bank 8 • Healthy eating


Label the food and food categories. Present the food pyramid to the class.

• Fruit & Vegetables • Starchy Foods • Dairy Products • Fats & Sweets • Meat & Poultry • Fish • Seafood

29 ..................


28 ..................

26 ..................


• pasta • mussels • corn • apples • cucumber • cheese • beef • trout • ice-cream • cake • chicken • lamb • octopus • milk • bread • carrots • bananas • crab • salmon • cereal • shrimps • sardines • squid • rice • strawberries • oranges • turkey • lobster • tomatoes

27 .................. ..................................

19 ................. 18 ................. 20 ................. 21 .................

23 .................


......................... .........................

17 ................. 16 .................

22 ................. 24 .....................

15 ................. 13 .................

14 .................

25 .................

..................... ..................... 9 ...................

5 .......................

1 ........................

10 .................

11 .................

6 ...................

7 ....................

2 ........................

3 ........................


12 .................

8 .......................

4 ........................



Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB VBank 6-9.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB VBank 5-9 11/1/17 8:50 PM Page 118

Vocabulary Bank 9 • Clothes, Footwear & Accessories


a) Look at the pictures and write the words, as in the example.

• hat • shirt • jeans • shorts • top • sandals • T-shirt • skirt • suit • jacket • boots • socks • trainers • tie • coat • jumper • gloves • belt • dress • trousers 4 3








7 18



12 19

14 16 1 2 3 4

hat ................... ................... ...................

5 6 7 8

................... ................... ................... ...................

9 10 11 12

................... ................... ................... ...................

13 14 15 16

................... ................... ................... ...................

17 18 19 20

20 ................... ................... ................... ...................

b) Now put them under the correct category.


2 1 2 3 4 5 6


Circle the odd one out.



suit – coat – gloves dress – skirt – tie belt – hat – shorts socks – shoes – jacket jeans – top – jumper trainers – boots – tie


Look at the picture and write


2 3

what Martha is wearing.

5 Martha ....................................... .................................................. ................................................ ............................................... .............................................. ............................................ WORKBOOK


6 7


Answer the questions about yourself.

What are you wearing today? .................................................................. What do you never wear at school? .................................................................. Do you often wear jeans? .................................................................. What do you wear at parties? .................................................................. What do you wear when you go out with your friends? .................................................................. What do you usually wear in the summer? .................................................................. What do you usually wear in the winter? ..................................................................

Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB VBank 6-9.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB VBank 5-9 11/1/17 8:50 PM Page 119

Vocabulary Bank 9 Label the pictures.


• polo-neck jumper • tight-fitting jeans • short-sleeved T-shirt • flared skirt • loose-fitting top • tartan skirt • polka-dot dress • flat shoes



........................... ...........................

........................... ...........................







........................... ........................... 6





........................... ........................... 7

........................... ...........................

Circle the correct answer.

Mary likes wearing tartan / flat shoes. She finds them very comfortable. It’s really hot today, so you should put on a short-sleeved / polo-neck top. I think I’ll wear my polka-dot dress / flared skirt with my short-sleeved shirt. I always wear polo-neck / polkadot jumpers when it’s cold outside. They keep me warm. Tartan / Flat skirts are worn by Scottish people. They’re part of their traditional costume. Where are my tight-fitting / polo-neck jeans?


........................... ........................... 8

........................... ...........................

........................... ...........................

Look at the pictures and fill in the gaps with the correct adjective.















Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB TranslCorner.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB TranslCorner 11/1/17 8:45 PM Page 120

Translator’s Corner Translate these words/phrases into your language.



Hobbies & leisure (Student’s Book pp. 5-7) rock climbing dancing hang gliding model making bungee jumping windsurfing snowboarding archery kayaking kart racing painting collecting sea shells model making

..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... .....................................

Useful phrases Why don’t you come along, too? Sorry, I can’t. Not really. Why? Sure, why not? That’s fine. See you there, then.

..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... .....................................

Write the sentences in your language.

1 2 3 4 5



What equipment do you need? .................... ..................................................................... I enjoy hanging out with my friends. ............ ..................................................................... I am very proud of my country. .................... ..................................................................... Then why not try skateboarding? ................. ..................................................................... Martial arts are not easy. .............................. .....................................................................



Means of communication (Student’s Book p. 17)

send an email send a text message chat on social media talk on my mobile chat on skype send a letter talk on a landline

..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... .....................................

Space (Student’s Book p. 18) space exploration spacecraft mission transmit time capsule solar system launch into space transmit signals

..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... .....................................

Computers (Student’s Book p. 22) CD/DVD drive scanner webcam screen mouse keyboard printer speakers

..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... .....................................

Useful phrases Can you help me? First, insert the stick into the slot in the tower. Now go to your files. Got it! What’s next?

..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... .....................................

Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB TranslCorner.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB TranslCorner 11/1/17 8:45 PM Page 121

Translator’s Corner Click on “Copy this file”. ..................................... Then what? ..................................... Is that all? .....................................

Good etiquette (Student’s Book p. 25) bow offer flowers kiss on the cheek eat with fork and knife give sweets

..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... .....................................

Write the sentences in your language.

1 2

3 4 5 6

The Internet helps communication. ..................................................................... How often do you use your computer? What for? .............................................................. ..................................................................... I often surf the Net in the evening. .............. ..................................................................... Which are your favourite websites? .............. ..................................................................... Jason can design web pages. ........................ ..................................................................... Do you chat online? ..................................... ..................................................................... MODULE


Holidays & Travel (Student’s Book p. 31) go on a safari travel abroad swim with dolphins try an extreme sport camp on a riverbank ride a camel climb a mountain fly in a hot-air balloon

.......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... ..........................................

Useful phrases How about going sailing? ..................................... That sounds great. ..................................... I love it there. .....................................

Why don’t you come with me? I’ll have to ask my parents first. Let’s ask them together.

..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... .....................................

Write the sentences in your language.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Want to know why? ..................................... ..................................................................... I’ve never seen so much wildlife. .................. ..................................................................... It was a unique experience. .......................... ..................................................................... It was my first time abroad. ..................................................................... Have you ever missed a flight? ..................... ..................................................................... What’s wrong? ............................................. ..................................................................... I’ve lost my passport. ................................... ..................................................................... MODULE


Environmental problems & Solutions (Student’s Book pp. 41-50) rubbish air pollution endangered species deforestation energy waste water pollution cut down trees recycle things factory waste poison rivers car exhaust fumes harmful chemicals destroy the ozone layer animals lose their natural habitat animals become extinct rivers dry up global warming melting ice temperatures rise

..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... WORKBOOK


Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB TranslCorner.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB TranslCorner 11/1/17 8:45 PM Page 122

Translator’s Corner clean up beaches plant trees use public transport turn off power preserve monuments

..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... .....................................


6 7

Planets (Student’s Book p. 46) Sun Venus Mars Jupiter Mercury Saturn Earth Uranus Neptune

...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ......................................................

Useful phrases Why don’t we join in? It sounds like fun. I’m afraid I can’t. Never mind. I’ll go by myself. How about meeting at 9:30? Why don’t you ask them to come along too? Sure. Why not? I’m sorry but I can’t. That sounds great.

..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... .....................................

Write the sentences in your language.


2 3




Deforestation and hunting are threatening its survival. ................................................... ..................................................................... This small animal is facing extinction. ..................................................................... The list of endangered species is getting longer. ......................................................... ..................................................................... As the hole in the ozone layer continues to grow, the planet will be in danger. .....................................................................

The problem with fumes from cars is that they poison the air. ...................................... ..................................................................... There are some solutions to the problem. ..................................................................... In these ways, we can reduce the amount of air pollution. ................................................ ..................................................................... MODULE


TV programmes (Student’s Book p. 63) documentary soap opera drama show the news & weather quiz show cartoon fashion show chat show sports programme comedy show sitcom play children’s programme awards ceremony nature programme

..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... .....................................

Films (Student’s Book pp. 63-65) science-fiction film computer-animated adventure direct a film star in the film compose music release film it’s a must-see sound effects gripping plot excellent cast educational blockbuster

..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... .....................................

Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB TranslCorner.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB TranslCorner 11/1/17 8:45 PM Page 123

Translator’s Corner Music (Student’s Book pp. 68 & 71) orchestra musical repertoire group of musicians concert hall opera house classical music musical instruments high-quality sounds on stage bass drums audience wind instruments string instruments percussion instruments

..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ........................................ ..................................... .....................................



Natural Phenomena (Student’s Book p. 75) flood earthquake tsunami avalanche tornado volcanic eruption lightning hurricane drought

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. .............................................

Adjectives (Student’s Book p. 77) Useful phrases Do you fancy watching it? What else is on? What channel is it on? Quiz shows are boring. That sounds great. What time is it on? Let’s watch that. I just hate social dramas.

..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... .....................................

Write the sentences in your language.






It’s a fast, action-packed film with great sound effects. .............................................. ..................................................................... It is a computer-animated film directed by Andrew Stanton. .......................................... ..................................................................... The film’s plot kept us on the edge of our seats. ........................................................... ..................................................................... The film was released in 2015 and became a success immediately. .................................... ..................................................................... Who was the film’s music composed by? .....................................................................

abandoned massive shocked relieved calm unharmed huge horrified

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. .............................................

Useful phrases Did you have a nice ..................................... holiday? ..................................... You’ll never guess what ..................................... happened. ..................................... Did you get hurt? ..................................... Where were you at ..................................... the time? ..................................... Oh my goodness! ..................................... I can imagine! .................................................... Write the sentences in your language.

1 2

Suddenly I heard a lour roar. ........................ ..................................................................... I felt lonely and lost. ..................................... .....................................................................



Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB TranslCorner.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB TranslCorner 11/1/17 8:45 PM Page 124

Translator’s Corner 3 4 5 6

It was a terrible experience. ......................... ..................................................................... He felt happy and proud. ............................. ..................................................................... He ran out of food and water. ...................... ..................................................................... He managed to survive for two weeks. ......... ..................................................................... MODULE


Healthy habits (Student’s Book p. 87) Dos get a good night’s sleep do a physical activity drink plenty of water eat fruit and vegetables have a hobby

..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... .....................................

Don’ts surf the Internet lots of hours eat too much junk food eat late at night play video games too often watch too much TV

..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... .....................................

Food & diet (Student’s Book p. 92) dairy products starchy products food and drinks high in fat and/or sugar sugary drinks nutrients proteins vitamins

..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... .....................................

Useful phrases What’s wrong, Rita? What should I do? Could you give me some advice?



..................................... ..................................... ..................................... .....................................

That’s a good idea. ..................................... They’re no good for you. ..................................... Write the sentences in your language.

1 2


4 5

Why don’t you run around the park? ..................................................................... Do not make fun of somebody’s appearance. ..................................................................... At my new school my classmates make fun of my accent. ..................................................................... It’s the perfect natural remedy. ..................................................................... If you follow these tips, you will boost your performance at school. ..................................................................... MODULE


Footwear/Accessories (Student’s Book p. 93)

sandals trainers scarf gloves tie belt cap

........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ...........................................

Clothes (Student’s Book pp. 102-103) polo-neck jumper tight-fitting jeans flared skirt loose-fitting top tartan skirt polka-dot dress hooded top baggy jeans

........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ...........................................

Adjectives kind polite tolerant

........................................... ........................................... ...........................................

Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB TranslCorner.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB TranslCorner 11/1/17 8:45 PM Page 125

Translator’s Corner sensitive wonderful cheerful outgoing generous bossy selfish

........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ...........................................

Write the sentences in your language.

1 2 3 4

Useful phrases You look great in that polo-neck. It matches the colour of your eyes. They fit you perfectly. Your dress really suits you. They are the right size for you. Your aunt has got great taste in clothes.

..................................... .....................................

5 6

The designs are original and really amazing. ..................................................................... What do they believe in? .............................. ..................................................................... Never give up! ............................................. ..................................................................... They usually wear jumpers in winter. ........... ..................................................................... What does he look like? ..................................................................... She has a great sense of humour. ................. .....................................................................

..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... .....................................



Excel Gr 7 KAZ WB Prepositions.qxp_Excel Gr 7 KAZ WB Prepositions 11/1/17 8:51 PM Page 126

Prepositions Choose the correct preposition.

Module 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Sports help young people learn respect for/ from others and themselves. The steppe eagle is an important symbol by/ of Kazakhstan. Alexandr always tries to/as beat the other gamers at video game tournaments. Kadir competes with/over other chess players from all over the world. It is bad for your eyes to sit too close against/ to the television. Instead of/for eating cake and crisps, you should eat fruit and vegetables. Doesn’t everyone want to take part about/in a fun and interesting hobby? Maria is part on/of a paintball team. Radif wants to tell his friends about/around his new hobby. In the UK there is a wide range for/of martial arts schools. It’s not healthy to stare out/at a computer screen all day long.

Module 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WORKBOOK


NASA wants to find over/out more about space. Do you know how to copy files onto/inside a memory stick? A smart house could contact the police at/in case of a burglary. People have wondered if aliens exist until/ from the beginning of time. The Industrial Revolution turned small towns into/upon big cities. It’s very rude to talk to/with your mouth full. Arman often dreams about/along the future of technology. The Voyager spacecraft was sent on/to a mission into space. Oleg was happy to walk between/through his front door at the end of the day. The next generation of/with smartphones will have better cameras.


Space exploration allows us to search at/for life on other planets.

Module 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The northern part in/of the Caspian Sea is only 6 metres deep. To/At the customs officer’s surprise, there was a snake in the man’s luggage. Kumis alu is a popular sport on/in Kazakhstan. We were sitting in/on a café in Paris after a long day of sightseeing. The Caspian Sea is not connected between/ with any ocean. Do you have any plans of/for tonight? The Caspian Sea is home with/to a variety of wildlife. There was plenty of/in time to see all the sights on our holiday. The only way to get through/about the forest is to follow this narrow path.

Module 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

People are responsible for/with most of the damage to cultural sites. The rainforests are on/at risk of complete deforestation. A temple appears in/on the flag of Cambodia. The sun’s rays may become harmful to/of our skin and eyes. Kazakhstan is famous about/for its steppe. We need to do more to protect monuments at/in danger. When not on/in use; turn off your computer. One solution through/to the problem of air pollution is the use of public transport. We need to reduce the amount on/of fumes in the air.

Module 5 1 2

Wouldn’t it be amazing to find a chest full in/ of gold? Kögüdei Mergen left home when he was ready to live at/on his own.

Excel Gr 7 KAZ WB Prepositions.qxp_Excel Gr 7 KAZ WB Prepositions 11/1/17 8:51 PM Page 127

Prepositions 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Shafik doesn’t believe to/in monsters or ghosts. My brother isn’t afraid on/of anything! My weekend plans depend on/in the weather. There was once a rich man who offered in/to buy a poor man a gift. Kögüdei Mergen faced monsters in/on his way to Kara-Kula. Maria hopes she doesn’t fail in/on her exam. Does this book belong to/with you? A poor woman took care of/in the baby Kögüdei Mergen.

5 6 7 8 9 10

Module 8 1

Module 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Ghostbusters was directed from/by Paul Feig. In Terminator Genisys, robots fight against/ after humans. Wall-E takes place at/to a time when people have left the Earth. Dombra strings are made from/for nylon. Seilda loves science-fiction films about people who go back in/on time. What channel is the quiz show on/in? The dombra is called the queen to/of Kazakh musical instruments. The film was so exciting that it kept everyone at/on the edge of their seats! I use my smartphone to keep on/in touch with my friends. The United Nations organisation was founded in/on 1945. Askhat likes many styles on/of music. My mum always told me never to play with/ for my food.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

2 3 4

Ahkmet couldn’t hold into/onto his umbrella in the strong wind. If we stop the car, the tyres will get stuck at/ in the snow. The rescue crew managed with/to save everyone from the fire. Tauman ran the engine of/for a few minutes to warm up the car.

It’s important to eat plenty in/of fresh vegetables every day. A diet that is high with/in protein is good for muscles. I think it’s important to believe to/in yourself. I didn’t feel confident about/around my appearance so I went on a diet. Be careful not to stamp in/on anyone’s feet! Don’t eat too many sweets as they are no good for/at you. Thanks for/to your advice, Alyona! Carbohydrates are a great source for/of energy. A healthy diet will provide your body with/of all the nutrients it needs.

Module 9 1 2 3 4 5 6

Module 7 1

Be careful or you will get on/in trouble! Gabit is very proud of/with his son. Qabdesh survived a hurricane thanks to/for his quick thinking. The Great Fire of London was one of the worst disasters for/in history. Earthquakes happen in places that are located to/on seismic active zones. What is Samat pointing at/in?

7 8 9 10 11

Millions of/in tourists come to Venice. Skaters often post videos of their tricks on/in social media. Marat only listens at/to rock music. Esther was the winner in/of the competition. Dana is happy with/at her physical appearance. I would be delighted for/to go to the cinema with you tonight! Do you want to go ice skating with me at/to the weekend? I’m looking for a new set of/in clothes with a jacket and some trousers. My mum has got great taste in/on fashion. My friend Kamila can be bossy at/for times. My best friend has a great sense at/of humour. WORKBOOK


Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB PresSkills.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB PresSkills 11/1/17 8:43 PM Page 128

Presentation Skills Introduction Informative Types of presentations

Persuasive Ceremonial

Present Body language

Describe Presentation Skills Necessary skills for professional and personal development

Dos & Don’ts

Prepare Rehearse



Invite questions & thank the audience Conclusion Get feedback

Narrate Why we give presentations


Communicate How to structure

Main body


What is a presentation? Presentations describe, narrate, persuade or communicate ideas. Presentation skills are necessary for personal and professional development.

Types of presentations There are different types of presentations: • Informative e.g. school presentations, technology & science conferences, business seminars. • Persuasive e.g. in sales, debates, to a group of peers, politicians’ speeches. • Ceremonial e.g. graduation, wedding toast. Presentation skills are also needed in interviews (job & TV), project reports at a meeting, social events, toasts at an event with family, friends or colleagues etc.

Why we give presentations We give presentations to: A describe a product, an invention, a place, people (e.g. myself, a famous person). B narrate an experience, a story, a myth, a fable, an event (e.g. natural disaster). C persuade by presenting arguments for & against an issue, expressing our opinion on an issue, stating a problem & suggesting solutions, political discussions, campaigns etc. D communicate in panels, debates, conferences etc.

How to structure a presentation A presentation consists of a(n): • Introduction, in which we greet the audience, present ourselves and the topic. • Main body, in which we present the main points. • Conclusion, in which we summarise the main points, invite questions from the audience and


thank the audience for listening to us. We can sometimes get feedback from the audience.

Opening/Closing Techniques To start a presentation we can: 1 address the audience by asking a question e.g. Have you ever thought about swimming with dolphins? 2 use a quotation e.g. As Aristotle said, “Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.” 3 ask a rhetorical question e.g. How can we save rainforests? 4 make a statement e.g. We are cutting down square miles of forests faster than we can replant any. 5 narrate a personal or general story e.g. It was a warm, sunny day. I was in a thick jungle when I spotted a beautiful waterfall ahead of me. It seemed like the perfect day, but suddenly ... 6 set the scene and stimulate emotions e.g. Imagine a homeless person on the street. He has no home, no job and no hope. People walk past, but no one looks at him. 7 use visuals (photos, charts, pictures, films etc) e.g. Let’s look at this chart. It’s clear that more and more teenagers use mobile phones every day. 8 use music (a song, a soundtrack etc) e.g. Let’s listen to the music. It reminds us of ... 9 use humour (a joke, a riddle etc) e.g. If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, what does an onion do? It keeps everyone away! It is true that onions smell bad but they are one of the world’s healthiest foods.

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Presentation Skills 10 use a rhyme or a short poem e.g. Since I was a little child, I’ve been so very blessed To have a special family, they simply are the best. To end a presentation we can: 1 address the audience by asking a question e.g. Let me finish by asking you this: are you the problem or are you the solution? 2 use a quotation e.g. As Abraham Lincoln said, “In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” 3 ask a rhetorical question e.g. What type of world will we leave to our children? 4 make a statement e.g. We need to act now to save our environment. 5 narrate a personal or general story e.g. I’ll never forget my first day at work. The children were so excited to meet their favourite Disney character and I was so happy to see them smile. 6 stimulate emotions e.g. It is the small, seemingly unimportant actions that make a difference in our everyday lives. 7 use humour (a joke, a riddle etc) e.g. What goes up but never comes down? Your age. And having the perfect birthday party is the best way to celebrate just that. 8 ask a “what if” question e.g. What if the tropical rainforest is completely destroyed? 9 use a rhyme or a short poem e.g. My mother, a tender smile to guide my way, you’re the sunshine to light my day.

Ways to get feedback from the audience (optional) After you have presented your points you can check if your audience has understood your topic. There are several ways to get feedback and check understanding. These are: 1 Pop quiz style questions in teams: Split the audience into two teams (A and B) and ask questions about the presentation topic. e.g. It’s time for a quiz in teams! The team that gets the most answers correct wins! e.g. Team A: When was ...built? ... Correct! Team B: How old is ...? 2 Open discussion: Invite the audience to share their own similar experiences. e.g. Now I’d like to hear about your.../Would anyone like to share his/her own similar experience? 3 Polling questions: Ask the audience a question. The audience can answer by raising their hands or standing up. e.g. How many of you recycle on a regular basis? Raise your hands. 4 Focus groups: Divide the audience into groups of 3-4 people and give questions for them to discuss and report back. e.g. Which superhero would you like to be?/What do you think was the most interesting idea?

5 Game: Prepare a Y/N or T/F quiz with questions/ statements based on the presentation. e.g. Is the Gherkin made of glass and iron?/Do its windows look like diamonds? If the answer is YES/TRUE, the participants stand up, if the answer is NO/FALSE, they remain seated. 6 Make a list: Summarise the most important points of your presentation. Write the initial letter of each word/phrase on a PP slide/a flipchart/the whiteboard. Ask the audience to find the correct words/phrases. e.g. What can we do to protect the environment? Recycle/Reuse/ Save water/Plant trees/Ride a bike to school, etc.

Recycle Reuse S... P... R...

Prepare Steps to follow 1 Read, brainstorm & prepare a spidergram to organise your notes. 2 Research resources from videos, texts within the module, the Internet, encyclopaedias etc. 3 Prepare your presentation. Decide which points to include and how to present them. 4 Rehearse your presentation in front of a mirror or friends, videotape or record yourself.

Present Dos & Don’ts while giving a presentation Dos • Be prepared & know your material. • Make sure your equipment works (check connectivity, program versions, hyperlinks, etc). • Look confident & professional. • Have positive energy & smile. • Keep eye contact with your audience. • Use positive body language (stand up straight, use gestures and facial expressions to convey meaning, etc). • Keep your presentation simple & clear. • Keep slides short & clear. • Use clear text & diagrams for slides. • Attract the audience’s attention with an interesting beginning (a story, a joke, a video etc). • End your presentation by summarising the topic or by making a closing statement.

Don’ts Don’t read directly from the screen or your notes. Don’t stand with your back to the audience. Don’t fold your arms. Don’t speak in a monotonous voice. Don’t rush. Don’t break the flow of the presentation by using fillers while speaking (e.g. um, er, ah). • Don’t use confusing graphics (e.g. dark fonts on dark backgrounds). • Don’t carry a lot of items with you. • Don’t wear casual clothes (e.g. shorts, flip flops). • • • • • •


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Presentation Skills Body Language Body language is very important when you give a presentation. It is part of communication and helps you maintain your audience's attention and interest.




Remember to be polite and smile.

Don’t read directly from your notes.

Stand up straight and maintain eye contact with your audience.

Don’t stand with your back to the audience.

Use appropriate facial expressions and gestures to make your presentation clear.

Don’t fold your arms.

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Presentation Skills Using Presentation Software To engage your audience's attention, you can use presentation software, like PowerPoint or Keynote. This way you can support and highlight your points, and make your whole presentation more interesting.

1 Use a simple layout This will help the audience to follow your presentation easily.

4 Use dark fonts on light backgrounds or light fonts on dark backgrounds This will make your slides easier to read.

2 Use a title

5 Use clear and easy-to-read fonts

This will let your audience know what you are speaking about.

Members of the audience will lose interest if they cannot read your slides easily.

3 Use visuals Visuals capture the attention of the audience and make your presentation more interesting.

6 Use notes rather than long sentences This will ensure that your audience can understand your points and focus on listening to the presentation rather than reading long sentences.


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Presentation Skills 1 Model analysis name of hobby

Take Up a Hobby Your school has got a computer club and they have invited you to speak to them. Imagine you are a gamer. Present your hobby.


Hobby activities

Read the presentation about Alex’s


hobby and talk about it using the points in the spidergram. Then complete the spidergram in your notebook.


a) Read the underlined parts of the presentation in Ex. 1. Which opening/ closing techniques does the speaker use?

Hello. My name is Alex Jacobs. I’m 14 years old. I want you to imagine having a long, stressful day. You’re tired and you just want to relax. Some people watch TV, some people read a book. I play computer games because gaming is my hobby!

b) Which technique does the speaker use to get feedback from the audience?

Your turn Take Up a Hobby Your school has got an outdoor activities club and they have invited you to speak to them. Imagine you are a paintballer. Present your hobby.

Unlike a lot of hobbies, gaming doesn’t need lots of equipment. I just use my computer at home, an Internet connection and a really good graphics card. I compete with other gamers all over the world in online tournaments. My fans watch me play online on my YouTube page, and I also travel to different places so that people can watch me play live. All in all, I really enjoy my hobby because it helps me to relax. Writer Alexandra Robbins calls gaming “one of the only times you have to focus on one thing” and that’s true. When I play computer games, I don’t think about anything else – and I also have a lot of fun! Now it’s your turn. How many of you think that my hobby sounds interesting? … Lots of you! Great! How many of you want to compete in a gaming tournament? … Quite a few. Excellent! Feel free to ask me anything! … Thanks for listening.


a) Read and listen to the text on p. 6 of the Student’s book. Watch the

about hobbies, then talk about it using the points in the spidergram. b) Copy the spidergram into your notebook and complete it using information from the text on p. 6 of the student’s book. name of hobby


length of game







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Presentation Skills 1 •

Plan & Useful Language

a) Read the extracts (A-B) from the introductions of


presentations. Match them to the techniques (1-2).


What do you like to do in your free time? Photography? Painting? Reading? My hobby is a bit more energetic. In fact, sometimes it feels like I’m in an action movie! In my free time I’m a tournament paintballer. B

Imagine you’re hiding in the woods. You know your enemy is out there somewhere waiting for you, but you don’t feel scared. After all, this is just a game! You’re paintballing and you’re having fun! That’s what my hobby is – paintballing. 1 2

setting the scene and stimulating emotion asking rhetorical questions

b) Read the extracts (A-B) from the conclusions of presentations. Match them to the techniques (1-2).


This weekend I’m playing in a tournament in a local forest. I’m a spy and I have to reach my enemy’s base without them catching me. It’s exciting playing in the forest because there are so many places to hide. I’m really looking forward to it! B

As paintballer Morgan Davis said, “Only those who play understand.” So why not try paintballing for yourself and find out what it’s really like? 1 2

using a quotation narrating a personal story


Read the extract below. Which way to get feedback from the audience does the speaker use? Now let’s have a quiz in teams. Listen to my questions. The team that answers the most questions correctly wins. Team A: How long does a paintballing tournament last? ... Team B: Where can you go paintballing?


Follow the plan. Use the completed spidergram from Ex. 3b to prepare your presentation. You can use phrases and the opening/closing techniques from the Useful Language box and/or Ex. 4.

Introduction • Greeting: Hello/Good morning etc. • Introducing yourself: My names is … . I’m … years old. • Introducing the topic/opening technique: (narrating a personal story) In my free time, I pretend to be a different person. Sometimes I’m a secret agent, sometimes I’m a character from history. It’s all part of my hobby, but I’m not an actor. I’m a tournament paintballer! Main body • When/Where: Every … , I travel … . Sometimes I play in/inside … and/or … . • Rules: You need … . Members of one team … . A tournament can last … . • Roles: We also take up different … : one week I might … . Conclusion • Summarising: To sum up/ In conclusion, to be a good paintballer you need to be a team player. It’s a fun and exciting hobby and every tournament is different. • Closing technique: (making a statement) I’d recommend paintballing to anyone; it’s a great way to make friends and exercise your body and your mind. • Feedback technique: (optional – polling questions) How many of you are paintballers? … And those who have never played paintball before, how many of you would like to try it? … • Inviting questions: Feel free to ask me anything! • Ending: Thanks for listening.

Checklist When you finish writing your presentation, make sure you: • introduce yourself and the topic • mention all the points from the spidergram • use appropriate opening/closing/ feedback techniques Rehearse and then give your presentation.


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Presentation Skills 2 Model analysis A Time Capsule Imagine that NASA is preparing a time capsule to send into space. It will include items that represent every country in the world, and they have asked your school to contribute items from your country. Present items that represent your country's history and culture at a school assembly.


Read Peter's presentation about his time capsule and talk about the points in the spidergram. Then, copy the spidergram into your notebook and complete it with information from the presentation.

Good morning! I’m Peter Allan. Of all the achievements of mankind, how can someone pick the ones that best represent us? Our school has been asked by NASA to suggest items that represent the UK for a time capsule to be sent into space. It was hard to pick just a few items, but here they are! The first item I've put in my time capsule is an important part of the history of the UK: our flag, the Union Jack. As you can see, our flag is red, white and blue. Its design is a combination of the flags of three of the nations that make up our country: England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The next item represents the UK’s traditional culture. It's a copy of Shakespeare’s Hamlet. People in the UK are proud of William Shakespeare, and Hamlet is one of his most important plays. The modern culture of the UK is also very important. The symbol I’ve chosen is a model of a double-decker London bus. The reason I've chosen it is because they are such a famous sight in the capital city! To conclude, I believe that these items represent history and culture in the UK. But before I modern history finish, let me ask you this: what do you think the chances are that intelligent culture extraterrestrial life forms will discover the time capsule? And most importantly, are we ready for their answer? Time Capsule Please get into groups of 3 or 4. Do you agree with the items I’ve chosen? ... Why? ... Does anyone have a question for me? ... traditional Thank you! culture


a) Read the underlined parts in Peter's presentation. Which opening/closing techniques does he use? b) Which technique does Peter use to get feedback from the audience?


Copy the spidergram into your notebook and talk about it in class. Then complete it with notes about items that represent your own country.

Your turn


A Time Capsule Imagine that NASA is preparing a time capsule to send into space. It will include items that represent every country in the world, and they have asked your school to contribute items from your country. Present items that represent your country's history and culture at a school assembly.


modern culture

Time Capsule traditional culture

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Presentation Skills 2 •


Plan & Useful Language

a) Match the extracts (A-B) to the opening techniques (1-2).

A Picture this: you're flying in a spaceship. You spot a capsule floating towards your ship. You open it to discover a message from another planet! NASA has decided to send such a message into space in the hope that extraterrestrials will find it. They have asked our school to help by choosing items that represent our country's history and culture. B Corrie ten Boom, the Dutch writer, once said, “Memories are keys not to the past, but to the future.” I think time capsules are a perfect example of this. NASA is sending a time capsule into space, and they've asked our school to contribute items that represent our country. If anyone out there finds it, our memories will certainly be the key to communicating with these extraterrestrials. 1

using a quotation


setting the scene

b) Match the extracts (A-B) to the closing techniques (1-2).

A I'm proud to share these items not just with you, but with any extraterrestrial life out there in the universe. The joy of sharing our country's history and culture is only compared to the joy of a possible discovery. B What if extraterrestrials found NASA's time capsule? What if they liked what they saw and came to Earth for a visit? 1

stimulating emotions


asking “what if” questions


Find appropriate visuals (photos or props) for your presentation as in the model presentation in Ex. 1.


Follow the plan. Use the completed spidergram from Ex. 3 to prepare your presentation. You can use phrases and the opening/closing techniques from the Plan & Useful Language box and/or Ex. 4. You can get feedback and use visuals to make your presentation more interesting.

Introduction • Greeting: Hi/Hello/Good afternoon. • Introducing yourself: I'm/My name's ... . • Introducing the topic/Opening technique: (narrating a general a story) In 1977, NASA sent a message about Earth into space. There hasn’t been an answer yet, but scientists continue to hope for a sign of intelligent life out there. In fact, NASA has asked our school to contribute items that represent our country for a time capsule they will send into space. These are the items I've selected. Main body • History: The first item ... is an important ... . • Traditional culture: The next item I’ve chosen represents ... traditional culture. This ... is a valuable part of ... because ... . • Modern culture: ... is also very important. The symbol I’ve chosen is ... . Conclusion • Summarising points: To conclude, I believe that ... , and therefore they will be excellent additions to NASA's time capsule. • Closing technique: (making a statement) In 2008, scientists discovered three planets similar to Earth, so maybe our time capsule will reach a planet with intelligent life! Let's get ready! • Feedback technique: (optional – polling questions) How many of you agree that these items represent ...? • Inviting questions: I am happy to answer any questions at this point. • Ending: Thanks very much.

Checklist When you finish writing your presentation, make sure you: • introduce yourself and the topic • mention all the points from the spidergram • use appropriate opening/closing/ feedback techniques • use appropriate visuals Rehearse and give your presentation.


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Presentation Skills 3 Model analysis Lakes Imagine you are a Geography teacher. Present the Dead Sea to your class.


a) Read the teacher's presentation. Can you identify the purpose of the presentation?

Good morning. Can you answer this riddle? Its water is salty and it's called a sea, but no sea creatures can live in it. What is it? ... It's the Dead Sea, a lake in the Middle East! The Dead Sea is between 3 km and 18 km wide and it's 377 m deep at its deepest point. It borders Jordan, Israel and the West Bank. The waters are very salty because, although the Jordan River flows into it, there are no outlets. The Dead Sea only loses water through evaporation, which leaves the salt behind. No creatures can live in the Dead Sea because it is too salty, and that's where it gets its name. It is over 8 times saltier than the sea! But the water is very good for people's health, especially for people with skin problems. The shores of the Dead Sea are the lowest point on land; they are 429 m below sea level!

The Dead Sea is an amazing place. There is nowhere quite like it in all the world. But the Dead Sea is shrinking! In 1930, its surface was 1050 km2 and by 2014 it was just 600 km2. So take a minute to think. In another 80 years, the Dead Sea might be gone for good. Now let's have a quiz in two teams. The team with the most correct answers wins. Let's start! Team A: How wide is the Dead Sea at its widest point? ... 18 kilometres, that's right! Team B: Which three places border the Dead Sea? ... Jordan, Israel and the West Bank, great! Team A: Which river flows into the Dead Sea? ... The Jordan River, yes! And finally, Team B: What creatures live in the Dead Sea? ... None, you're correct! Well done – it's a draw! Do any of you have any questions? ... OK! Let's open our atlases and look at a map of the Dead Sea.

Your turn

b) Talk about the Dead Sea using the points in the spidergram. Then, copy


the spidergram into your notebook and

Imagine you are a Geography teacher. Present the Caspian Sea to your class.

complete it with the information you talked about.

interesting facts home to


The Dead Sea waters



Read and listen to the text on p. 38 of the Student’s book. Watch the


about the Caspian Sea, then copy the spidergram into your notebook. Talk about the points in the spidergram


a) Read the underlined parts in the teacher’s presentation. Which opening/ closing techniques does he use? b) Which technique does the teacher use to get feedback from the class?


with your partner and then complete it. home to


The Caspian Sea



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Presentation Skills 3 •


Plan & Useful Language

a) Read the extracts (A-B) from the introductions of presentations. Match them to the techniques (1-2).

A Look at this picture. It shows a beach by the sea. Or does it? This is actually a photo of the shore of the Caspian Sea, a huge lake. B Imagine you’re at the beach. It’s a very hot day and you decide to go for a swim. The water is salty, but you’re not swimming in the ocean. You’re in the Caspian Sea, an enormous saltwater lake between Europe and Asia. 1

using visuals


setting the scene

b) Read the extracts (A-B) from the conclusions of presentations. Match them to the techniques (1-2).

A The Caspian Sea is a unique and interesting place, and it is one of Earth's treasures. I hope that at least some of you get the chance to visit this amazing lake one day; it's a once-in-alifetime experience. B The Caspian Sea is a beautiful and fascinating place to study. 1

making a statement


stimulating emotions


Read the extract below. Which technique does the speaker use to get feedback from the audience? Can you name the five countries that border the Caspian Sea? Use

Introduction • Greeting: Good afternoon. • Introducing yourself: I'm/My name's ... . • Introducing the topic/Opening technique: (addressing the audience) Does anyone know which is the largest lake on Earth? ... Lake Baikal, good guess! That's the deepest, but it's not the largest. The largest is the Caspian Sea, although not everyone agrees that it's a lake. Main body • Size: The Caspian Sea is the largest ... . It is ... km2. The northern part of the lake is ... and the southern part is ... . • Borders: It borders five countries: ... . • Waters: Many people think it's a sea because ... . • Home to: The Caspian Sea is home to ... . Conclusion • Summarising points: So, the Caspian Sea is actually the largest lake in the world, but its water is salty, which makes it seem like a sea. • Closing technique: (asking a rhetorical question) It’s a unique and fascinating place to learn about, isn’t it? • Getting feedback: (optional – a Yes/No game) Now let’s play a game. Listen to my questions. If you think the answer is ‘yes’, stand up. If you think the answer is ‘no’, stay seated. Let’s start! Is the Caspian Sea a real sea? ... Do five countries border the Caspian Sea? ... • Inviting questions: Have you got any questions about the Caspian Sea? • Ending: That’s it for today.

the letters K, R, A, I and T on the board to help you. ... K-azakhstan, R-ussia, A-zerbaijan, I-ran and T-urkmenistan – great!


Follow the plan. Use the completed spidergram from Ex. 3 to prepare your presentation. You can use phrases and the opening/closing techniques from the Useful Language box and/or Ex. 4. You can get feedback and/or use visuals to make your presentation more interesting.

Checklist When you finish writing your presentation, make sure you: • introduce yourself and the topic • mention all the points from the spidergram • use appropriate opening/closing/ feedback techniques • use appropriate visuals Rehearse and give your presentation.


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Presentation Skills 4 Model analysis Monuments in Danger Imagine you are an archaeologist and you have been asked to appear on a TV talk show to discuss monuments in danger. Present the problems Angkor Wat (a temple in Cambodia) faces and how we can help.


Read Gregory’s presentation about Angkor Wat and talk about it using the points in the diagram. Then, copy the

Description Angkor Wat: ... Solutions & Results

Problems • ... • ...

• ... • ...

• ... • ...

• ... • ...

diagram into your notebook and complete it with information from the presentation. Good evening. I'm Gregory Johnson. Have a look at this photo. It's a picture of a temple complex that was built almost a thousand years ago. Isn't it incredible? This temple complex is known as Angkor Wat. It's an important national symbol of Cambodia. Unfortunately, this site faces several problems. Firstly, Angkor Wat faces environmental issues. Humid weather and vegetation are damaging the temples. One solution for this is to remove the vegetation growing on the temples. This will stop further damage. Another issue that is affecting Angkor Wat is tourism. Around 600,000 tourists visit the site each year, and they often leave litter behind. I think that making visitors pay a fine if they are caught leaving litter will help. In this way, people can still enjoy Angkor Wat, but it will remain safe as well. All in all, Angkor Wat is a fascinating temple complex which faces problems created by both nature and man. However, these problems can be solved by taking better care of the site and fining people who break the rules. I think everyone wants Angkor Wat to be enjoyed for many years to come. To lose it would be a tragedy. Does anyone have a question for me? ... Thank you for listening.


Read the underlined parts in Gregory's presentation. Which opening/closing techniques does he use?

Your turn Monuments in Danger Imagine you are an archaeologist and you have been asked to appear on a TV talk show to discuss monuments in danger. Present the problems Stonehenge faces and how we can help.


a) Read and listen to the text about Stonehenge on p. 42 in the Student’s Book. Then, talk about it using the points in the diagram. b) Copy the diagram in your notebook and complete it with a description of Stonehenge and the problems for which the solutions and results are given.

Description Stonehenge: ... Problems


Solutions & Results

• ... • ...

• cordon off the stones • tourists can see but not touch stones

• ... • ...

• move busy roads and car parks away • less traffic pollution

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Presentation Skills 4 •


Plan & Useful Language

a) Read the extracts (A-B). Which is from the introduction of a presentation? Which is from the conclusion?

A Bill Bryson, the American author, writes in one of his travel books that “Stonehenge really was the most incredible accomplishment.” I couldn’t agree more. B It is important for people to be able to enjoy its beauty and mystery for generations to come. After all, when was the last time you saw a 5,000-year-old mystery? 1

addressing the audience


using a quotation

b) Match the extracts (A-B) to the opening/closing techniques (1-2).


Find appropriate quotations, like the one below, to use in the introduction or conclusion of your presentation.

As Marcus Garvey, the Jamaican political leader, once said: “A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” •


Find appropriate visuals for your presentation.

Introduction • Greeting: Hello/Good morning ... . • Introducing yourself: My name is/I'm ... . • Introducing the topic/Opening technique: (narrating a personal story) I’ll never forget the first time I visited Stonehenge. I was so excited to see this amazing ancient site! Sadly, Stonehenge is not what it once was because it faces some serious problems. Main body • Description: Stonehenge is a ... located in ... . It was built ... ! Some people believe ... . • Tourism: problem, solution & expected results: Right now, Stonehenge is in serious trouble. Let's begin with the problem of ... . Stonehenge is visited by ..., and these visitors ... . However, the problem could be solved if ... . As a result, ... . • Traffic pollution: problem, solution & expected results: Another problem is ... . There is too much ... . A solution to this problem is ... . This way, ... . Conclusion • Summarising points: In conclusion/To sum up, Stonehenge is facing problems because of the large number of tourists as well as the high level of traffic, but we can help by cordoning off the stones and moving car parks and roads away from the site. • Closing technique (asking a “what if” question): What if, someday, we lose this amazing example of history and culture? • Inviting questions: Any questions? • Ending: Thanks for listening.

Checklist •


Follow the plan. Use the completed diagram from Ex. 3b to prepare your presentation. You can use phrases and the opening/closing techniques from the Plan & Useful Language box and/or Exs 4 & 5. You can use visuals to make your presentation more interesting.

When you finish writing your presentation, make sure you: • introduce yourself and the topic • mention all the points from the diagram • use appropriate opening/closing techniques • use appropriate visuals Rehearse and give your presentation.


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Presentation Skills 5 Your turn

Plan & Useful Language The Solar System

Imagine you are a Science teacher. Present a lesson about the solar system to the class.

• Listen about the solar system on p. 47 in the


Student’s book. Copy the diagram into your notebook and talk about the solar system using the points in it. Then, complete it with information about the solar system.

The Solar System The Sun

The inner planets The outer planets Asteroids (Mercury, Venus, (Jupiter, Saturn, Earth, Mars) Uranus, Neptune)

location size interesting facts

a) Read the extracts (A-B). Which is from the introduction of a presentation? Which is from the conclusion?

A Scientists have learned so much about our solar system already, and they are sure to make new and amazing discoveries in the future as well. B What is always there, but we only see it during the day? It’s the Sun, of course! The Sun is the star at the centre of our solar system, and all of the planets, asteroids and moons move around it. Today I’m going to tell you more about our solar system and its parts. 1

using a riddle


techniques (1-2).

• Follow the plan. Use the completed spidergram from Ex. 1 to prepare your presentation. You can use phrases and the opening/closing techniques from the Plan & Useful Language box and/or Ex. 2.


Main body • The Sun: The Sun is … , and it’s the … . Did you know … ? • The inner planets: Closest to the Sun are the inner planets: … . They are also … . Earth, Mercury and Mars have … , but what makes Earth special is … . • The outer planets: Farthest from the Sun are the outer planets: … . They are … . Also, they have …!

• Summarising: The solar system is made up of the Sun, the planets and the asteroids that move around it, and we are still learning more about them. • Closing technique: (asking a rhetorical question) Who knows what discoveries we will make in the future? • Feedback technique: (optional – make a list) Let’s make a list of the planets in our solar system. The letters on the board will help you: M-, V-, E-, M-, J-, S-, U- and N• Inviting questions: Are there any questions? • Ending: Thank you.


making a statement

b) Match the extracts (A-B) to the opening/closing


• Greeting: Good morning/afternoon. • Introducing yourself: My name is/I’m ... . • Introducing the topic/Opening technique: (narrating a general story) Long ago, people wondered what was in outer space, but now we know so much about our solar system. Let’s talk about it.




When you finish writing your presentation, make sure you: • introduce yourself and the topic • mention all the points from the spidergram • use appropriate opening/closing techniques • use appropriate visuals Rehearse and give your presentation.

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Presentation Skills 6 Your turn

Plan & Useful Language A Musical Instrument

Imagine you are a music teacher. Present a unique traditional musical instrument, the dombra, to your students.


Read and listen to the text about the dombra on p. 71 in the Student’s book and talk about it using the points in the spidergram. Then, copy the spidergram into your notebook and complete it with information from the text.



in the past

Musical Instrument

type description


Read the extracts (A-B). Which is from the introduction of a presentation? Which is from the conclusion? Which opening/closing technique is used in each one? (see pp. 126-127)

A What if you could play any traditional musical instrument? Would you choose the dombra? B Everyone loves music, don't they? Some musical instruments are part of the culture of the country they are from. One of these is the dombra. •


Read the extract. Which technique does the speaker use to get feedback from the audience?

Now, how many of you enjoy dombra music? Raise your hand. … Wow! Fantastic! How many of you would like to learn how to play the dombra? … That's great! •


Follow the plan. Use the completed spidergram from Ex. 1 to prepare your presentation. You can use phrases and the opening/closing techniques from the Plan & Useful Language box and/or Ex. 2. You can get feedback and/or use visuals to make your presentation more interesting.

Introduction • Greeting: Good afternoon. • Introducing yourself: My name’s … . • Introducing the topic/Opening technique: (using a quotation) ) In the words of Korean pop singer Psy, “The world’s most famous and popular language is music.” This is especially true of traditional music. Main body • Name: This beautiful instrument is called the …: the queen of … in Kazakstan. • Type: It is a ... instrument. • Description: It’s got a … body with a … and it’s got … strings which were once made from … but today they are made from … . • In the past: The … has been around for a long time. It is usually played … or to accompany … . • Today: It sounds great as … too. Today, some … even create music with an … . Conclusion • Summarising: To summarise, the dombra is a wonderful instrument that is part of the culture and history of Kazakhstan. • Closing technique: (stimulating emotions) The sound of this instrument gives the Kazakh people a feeling of pride and honour. • Getting feedback: (optional – a Y/N game) OK, I’m going to ask you some questions. If the answer is yes, stand up. If it’s no, stay seated. First question: Is the dombra a string instrument? … • Inviting questions: Do you have any questions? • Ending: Thank you.

Checklist When you finish writing your presentation, make sure you: • introduce yourself and the topic • mention all the points from the spidergram • use appropriate opening/closing/ feedback techniques • use appropriate visuals Rehearse and give your presentation.


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Presentation Skills 7 Your turn

Plan & Useful Language

Teens & Electronic media You are in the school debate club. Present the pros and cons of teens using electronic media and ways to prevent the problems caused to the other members of the club.


Watch the video, then read and listen to the text about teens and electronic media on p. 72 in the Student’s book and talk about it using the points in the spidergram. Copy the spidergram into your notebook and complete it with information about teens and electronic media. benefits


Teens & Electronic media



Read the extracts (A-B). Which is from the introduction of a presentation? Which is from the conclusion? What opening/closing technique is used in each one? (see pp. 126-127)

A Have a look at this picture. A group of teens are sitting together. However, instead of having a conversation they're texting, surfing the Net or posting things on social media. This is becoming a common sight all over the world. B In my opinion, teens should have mobile phones, but not use them so much. After all, we don't really need to spend all of our time with our eyes ‘glued’ to a screen, do we? •


Find appropriate visuals for your presentation.


Follow the plan. Use the completed spidergram from Ex. 1 to prepare your presentation. You can use phrases and the opening/closing techniques from the Plan & Useful Language box and/or Ex. 2. You can use visuals to make your presentation more interesting.


Introduction • Greeting: Hello/Hi, everyone. • Introducing yourself: I’m … . • Introducing the topic/Opening technique: (using sound) Listen to this sound. Very familiar, right? It’s the sound of a ringing phone! We’re all used to hearing this. However, there are both pros and cons to the use of electronic media, especially for teens. Main body • Benefits: There are many … . For instance, they can be useful … . They’re also a great way to keep in touch with … who live … . • Problems: However, … . For one, they can cause a student’s grades to … if … . In addition, they can cause students to waste … that could be spent with … instead. • Solutions: There are some ways … . For example, having a … and taking … are important. Also, students shouldn’t use electronic media while …, or in … . Furthermore, teens should remember to … . Conclusion • Summarising: All in all, electronic media has both advantages and disadvantages, but there are ways teens can prevent these problems from affecting them. • Closing technique: (using a rhyme) Just remember: The Internet is great and lots of fun, but not until your homework’s done! • Inviting questions: Any questions? • Ending: Thanks for listening.

Checklist When you finish writing your presentation, make sure you: • introduce yourself and the topic • mention all the points from the spidergram • use appropriate opening/closing techniques • use appropriate visuals Rehearse and give your presentation.

Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB PresSkills.qxp_Excel 7 Gr KAZ WB PresSkills 11/1/17 8:43 PM Page 143

Presentation Skills 8 Your turn

Plan & Useful Language Food for life

Imagine you are a dietician in a panel discussing nutrition at a conference. Give a presentation about food for life.

• Read and listen to the text about food for sport on


p. 92, in the Student’s Book and talk about it using the points in the spidergram. Then, copy the spidergram below into your notebook and complete it with information from the text. types of food

what each type of food does

Food for life


• Read the extracts (A-B). Which is from the


introduction of a presentation? Which is from the conclusion? Which opening/closing technique is used in each one? (see pp. 126-127)


A person’s diet should be made up of healthy foods. It is important to know what foods are best, and that is what we’ll talk about today. B

If you need a reminder, listen to this: Carbohydrates are your muscles' fuel; for bones, protein is a useful tool; and water is what keeps you cool! •


Find appropriate visuals for your presentation.


Follow the plan. Use the completed spidergram from Ex. 1 to prepare your presentation. You can use phrases and the opening/closing techniques from the Plan & Useful Language box and/or Ex. 2. You can get feedback and use visuals to make your presentation more interesting.

Introduction • Greeting: Hello/Good afternoon. • Introducing yourself: My name is ... . • Introducing the topic/Opening technique (addressing the audience/using humour): What runs, but never gets tired? It’s water! Not only does water run, it helps you run, too! And so do other types of food. Main body • Types of food: There are several types of food that are important for a healthy living, including/such as ... . • Examples: Carbohydrates include ..., ... and ... . Protein is found in foods like ..., ... and ... . The most helpful isn’t a food at all, but a drink; it’s ... . • What each type does: Each type of food works in a different way ... Carbohydrates are ... and your muscles use them as ... . That's why ... . Protein helps your muscles ... . In addition, ... . Finally, water is essential because ... . Conclusion • Summarising points: All in all, a balanced diet with carbohydrates, protein and lots of water will keep you healthy and strong. • Closing technique (asking a rhetorical question): After all, all people want to be fit, don’t they? • Getting feedback (optional – a Y/N game): Let's play a game! If the answer is 'yes', stand up. If it's 'no', remain seated. Are potatoes a type of protein? ... Does water keep your body hydrated? ... • Inviting questions: Any questions? • Ending: Thank you all very much.

Checklist When you finish writing your presentation, make sure you: • introduce yourself and the topic • mention all the points from the spidergram • use appropriate opening/closing/ feedback techniques • use appropriate visuals Rehearse and give your presentation.


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Irregular Verbs Infinitive


be \bi…\ bear \be´\ beat \bi…t\ become \bI"køm\ begin \bI"gIn\ bite \baIt\ blow \bl´U\ break \breIk\ bring \brIN\ build \bIld\ burn \b‰…n\

was \wÅz\ bore \bO…\ beat \bi…t\ became \bI"keIm\ began \bI"gœn\ bit \bIt\ blew \blu…\ broke \br´Uk\ brought \brO…t\ built \bIlt\ burnt (burned)

burst \b‰…st\ buy \baI\

burst \b‰…st\ bought \bO…t\

burst \b‰…st\ bought \bO…t\

can \kœn\ catch \kœtS\ choose \tSu…z\ come \køm\ cost \kÅst\ cut \køt\

could \kUd\ caught \kO…t\ chose \tS´Uz\ came \keIm\ cost \kÅst\ cut \køt\

(been able to \bIn "eIb´l t´\) caught \kO…t\ chosen \"tS´Uz´n\ come \køm\ cost \kÅst\ cut \køt\

deal \di…l\ dig \dIg\ do \du…\ draw \drO…\ dream \dri…m\

dealt \delt\ dug \døg\ did \dId\ drew \dru…\ dreamt (dreamed)

dealt \delt\ dug \døg\ done \døn\ drawn \drO…n\ dreamt (dreamed)

drink \drINk\ drive \draIv\

drank \drœNk\ drove \dr´Uv\

drunk \drøNk\ driven \"drIv´n\

eat \i…t\

ate \eIt\

eaten \"i…t´n\

fall \fO…l\ feed \fi…d\ feel \fi…l\ fight \faIt\ find \faInd\ fly \flaI\ forbid \f´"bId\ forget \f´"get\ forgive \f´"gIv\ freeze \fri…z\

fell \fel\ fed \fed\ felt \felt\ fought \fO…t\ found \faUnd\ flew \flu…\ forbade \f´"bœd\ forgot \f´"gÅt\ forgave \f´"geIv\ froze \fr´Uz\

fallen \"fO…l´n\ fed \fed\ felt \felt\ fought \fO…t\ found \faUnd\ flown \fl´Un\ forbidden \f´"bId´n\ forgotten \f´"gÅt´n\ forgiven \f´"gIv´n\ frozen \"fr´Uz´n\

get \get\ give \gIv\ go \g´U\ grow \gr´U\

got \gÅt\ gave \geIv\ went \went\ grew \gru…\

got \gÅt\ given \"gIv´n\ gone \gÅn\ grown \gr´Un\

hang \hœN\

hung (hanged) \høN

hung (hanged) \høN

have \hœv\ hear \hI´\ hide \haId\ hit \hIt\ hold \h´Uld\ hurt \h‰…t\

had \hœd\ heard \h‰…d\ hid \hId\ hit \hIt\ held \held\ hurt \h‰…t\

had \hœd\ heard \h‰…d\ hidden \"hId´n\ hit \hIt\ held \held\ hurt \h‰…t\

keep \ki…p\ know \n´U\

kept \kept\ knew \nju…\

kept \kept\ known \n´Un\

lay \leI\ lead \li…d\ learn \l‰…n\

laid \leId\ led \led\ learnt (learned) \l‰…nt

laid \leId\ led \led\ learnt (learned) \l‰…nt

\b‰…nt “b‰…nd‘\

\dremt “dri…md‘\


“l‰…nd‘\ WORKBOOK


Past Participle been \bi…n\ born(e) \bO…n\ beaten \"bi…t´n\ become \bI"køm\ begun \bI"gøn\ bitten \"bIt´n\ blown \bl´Un\ broken \"br´Uk´n\ brought \brO…t\ built \bIlt\ burnt (burned) \b‰…nt “b‰…nd‘\

\dremt “dri…md‘\





Past Participle

leave \li…v\ lend \lend\ let \let\ lie \laI\ light \laIt\ lose \lu…z\

left \left\ lent \lent\ let \let\ lay \leI\ lit \lIt\ lost \lÅst\

left \left\ lent \lent\ let \let\ lain \leIn\ lit \lIt\ lost \lÅst\

make \meIk\ mean \mi…n\ meet \mi…t\

made \meId\ meant \ment\ met \met\

made \meId\ meant \ment\ met \met\

pay \peI\ put \pUt\

paid \peId\ put \pUt\

paid \peId\ put \pUt\

read \ri…d\ ride \raId\ ring \rIN\ rise \raIz\ run \røn\

read \red\ rode \r´Ud\ rang \rœN\ rose \r´Uz\ ran \rœn\

read \red\ ridden \"rId´n\ rung \røN\ risen \"rIz´n\ run \røn\

say \seI\ see \si…\ sell \sel\ send \send\ set \set\ sew \s´U\ shake \SeIk\ shine \SaIn\ shoot \Su…t\ show \S´U\ shut \Søt\ sing \sIN\ sit \sIt\ sleep \sli…p\ smell \smel\

said \sed\ saw \sO…\ sold \s´Uld\ sent \sent\ set \set\ sewed \s´Ud\ shook \SUk\ shone \SÅn\ shot \SÅt\ showed \S´Ud\ shut \Søt\ sang \sœN\ sat \sœt\ slept \slept\ smelt (smelled) \smelt

said \sed\ seen \si…n\ sold \s´Uld\ sent \sent\ set \set\ sewn \s´Un\ shaken \"SeIk´n\ shone \SÅn\ shot \SÅt\ shown \S´Un\ shut \Søt\ sung \søN\ sat \sœt\ slept \slept\ smelt (smelled) \smelt

speak \spi…k\ spell \spel\

spoke \sp´Uk\ spelt (spelled) \spelt

spend \spend\ stand \stœnd\ steal \sti…l\ stick \stIk\ sting \stIN\ swear \swe´\ sweep \swi…p\ swim \swIm\

spent \spent\ stood \stUd\ stole \st´Ul\ stuck \støk\ stung \støN\ swore \swO…\ swept \swept\ swam \swœm\

spent \spent\ stood \stUd\ stolen \"st´Ul´n\ stuck \støk\ stung \støN\ sworn \swO…n\ swept \swept\ swum \swøm\

take \teIk\ teach \ti…tS\ tear \te´\ tell \tel\ think \TINk\ throw \Tr´U\

took \tUk\ taught \tO…t\ tore \tO…\ told \t´Uld\ thought \TO…t\ threw \Tru…\

taken \"teIk´n\ taught \tO…t\ torn \tO…n\ told \t´Uld\ thought \TO…t\ thrown \Tr´Un\


understood \Æønd´"stUd\

understood \Æønd´"stUd\

woke \w´Uk\ wore \wO…\ won \wøn\ wrote \r´Ut\

woken \"w´Uk´n\ worn \wO…n\ won \wøn\ written \"rIt´n\




spoken \"sp´Uk´n\ spelt (spelled) \spelt “speld‘\


wake \weIk\ wear \we´\ win \wIn\ write \raIt\