ESR Overview [PDF]

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Tabletop rules for recreating the Napoleonic Wars

Et sans résultat! A detailed, yet highly playable, perspective based wargame

The Overview

Published by The Wargaming Company, LLC

Et sans résultat! The Overview

Designed & authored by David M. Ensteness

Et sans résultat! Second Edition Game Design, Text & Charts: David M. Ensteness Layout: David M. Ensteness, Rebecca J. Ensteness & Aaron Peterson Photography & Graphics: David M. Ensteness Concepts: David M. Ensteness & Rebecca J. Ensteness Core Mechanics: David M. Ensteness, Rebecca J. Ensteness & Jeff Nelsen Analysis of Mechanics and Implementation: Rebecca J. Ensteness, Michael R. Barnes, Jeff Knudsen, Jeff Nelsen, Kevin MacDonald & Phil Feller Proof Reading and Revision: Rebecca J. Ensteness, Phil Feller, Jeff Nelsen, Michael R. Barnes & Dave Page Chart Layout and Consolidation: David M. Ensteness, Rebecca J. Ensteness & Aaron Peterson Historical Considerations: David M. Ensteness & Bill Haggart Play Testing & Feedback: The South of the River Gang (Rebecca J. Ensteness, Bruce Wiese, Scott Nelson, Michael R. Barnes, Michael Weston, John Treadwell, Dave Page, Scot Gore, Mike Askins), Alcohol, Tobacco & Fire Arms (Jeffrey Knudsen, Elliot James, Joe Knight), The Gentleman’s Wargame Club (David Bannister & Jeff Nelsen), The Saint Paul Irregulars (Kevin MacDonald, Jack Ladd, Dave Wheeler, Lance “Uhlan” Day), The Centurions (Tom Zwirn, Jim “Fitz” Fitzgerald) Eugene Orr, Jim Dawson, James Drozdz, John Meyer & Phil Feller Special thanks to: Rebecca J. Ensteness, Todd Fisher, Matt DeLaMater, Bill Haggart, James Arnold, George Nafzinger, Mark Severins & William Ove Art: Complete Player’s Guide & Essential Player’s Guide covers: Antoine-Jean Gros (French, 1771-1835), Napoleon on the Battlefield of Eylau, 1807, oil on canvas, 41¼ x 57⅛ in. (104.9 x 145.1 cm), Toledo Museum of Art (Toledo, Ohio), Purchased with funds from the Libbey Endowment, Gift of Edward Drummond Libbey, 1988.54 Photo Credit: Photography Incorporated, Toledo. Introduction cover: Antoine-Jean Gros (French, 1771–1835), Bonaparte at the Bridge of Arcole, 1796, oil on canvas, 51⅕ x 37 in (130 x 94 cm), Palace of Versailles, MV 6314 ; RF 271. Player’s Guide cover: Jacques-Louis David (French, 1748-1825), Napoleon Crossing the Alps, 1801, oil on canvas, 102⅓ in x 87 in (261 cm x 221 cm), Château de Malmaison Raising an Army cover: Vasili Vasilyevich Vereshchagin (Russian, 1842-1904), Napoleon Near Moscow Waiting For A Boyar Deputation, 1892, oil on canvas. Planning for War cover: Edwin Austin Forbes (American, 1839-1895), title unknown, 1887, etching. © 2009-2016 The Wargaming Company, LLC, All Rights Reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America

Quel massacre! Et sans résultat! – "What a massacre! And with no result!" Marshal Ney, February 9th, 1807, while riding over the blood stained snow of Eylau.
























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Et sans résultat!

Et sans résultat! Introduction


INTRODUCTION 1. INTRODUCTION Et sans résultat! is a grand tactical wargame for recreating Napoleonic battles focusing on the friction of warfare in the Napoleonic Age: the timing of commitment and coordination of command. 2. LEARNING ET SANS RÉSULTAT! Et sans résultat! is offered in multiple forms: The Overview is a high level introduction to Et sans résultat! It provides an overview of each phase of the turn sequence with enough detail that a new player can learn the game while assisted by a seasoned player. The Overview is available for free download as a PDF or purchase as a pre-printed, book approximately 30 pages in length. The Essential Player’s Guide is the way for players to start learning ESR on their own. It expands on the Introductory Player’s Guide through thorough explanation of each mechanic and the inclusion of over 30 pages of examples, each dedicated exclusively to the step-by-step use of a single mechanic. The Essential Player’s Guide is available for purchase as a pre-printed, coil bound book approximately 90 pages in length. The Complete Player’s Guide includes all the content of the Introductory and Essential Player’s Guides but also includes Raising an Army, the definitive guide to assembling armies for use with ESR, and Designing for War, the guide to designing scenarios for use with ESR. Raising an Army includes over 30 pages of organization examples for the five major nations plus, an additional 30 pages of recommended ratings for leaders and units for the Early, Mid, and Late War. Designing for War provides an introductory scenario to ESR and then picks it apart creating a step-by-step walkthrough of the elements necessary for scenario design, including the hows, whys and nice-to-haves. The Complete Player’s Guide is available for purchase as a coil bound book approximately 200 pages in length. The Quick Reference Guide offers the sequence of play and all necessary reference charts to play Et sans résultat! on two pagesIt is expected that, once a player becomes familiar with the terminology and execution of mechanics, reference to either of the Player’s Guides will be largely unnecessary. The Quick Reference Guide is included with each of the Player’s Guides, available for free download as a PDF, and for purchase pre-printed on highly durable polyester paper. 3. GAME SCALES Et sans résultat! may be played at any ground scale the players deem fit. All rules and mechanics provided are ground scale agnostic, and measurements of distances provided in the Player’s Guides and the Quick Reference Guide are in scale yards. Quick Reference Guides are also available preprinted on highly durable polyester paper and via download from at a variety of popular ground scales ranging from 50 to 200 yards per inch. The time scale of Et sans résultat! is inexact, three turns are considered one hour, but turns do not represent a specific period of time. Therefore, some turns may represent a longer duration than others, but three always equate to one hour. As Et sans résultat! does not require any specific ground scale, it may be played with any scale of miniature figures from 2mm to 28mm. In fact, the game mechanics support playing without miniatures at all, and various forms of counters could be easily substituted by players wishing to try out the game before building a collection of miniatures. Et sans résultat! allows players to use: • Any ground scale from 50 to 200 yards per inch • Any scale figures from 2mm to 28mm • A time scale of three turns per hour


Et sans résultat!


INTRODUCTION 4. GAME SCOPE Players act as senior commanders and direct the actions of large masses of troops. Players command what are analogous to ‘corps’, which go by a variety of titles during the period. They will each receive an objective from their army commander and issue directives to their subordinate divisions in order to meet those objectives. In Napoleonic warfare the battalion was the gauge of infantry strength. Similarly, cavalry squadrons, grouped into squadron groups, measured the strength of the mounted arm, while batteries reflected available artillery. These basic elements are referred to generically as ‘units’. Infantry battalions, cavalry squadron groups, and artillery batteries are represented on the tabletop as the basic units of maneuver but are rarely practical to move or control independently. Rather these units typically move as a part of their parent formation. Combat is resolved at this unit level quickly in an abstracted die roll contest reflecting the balance of quality and luck. Tactical units are present on the tabletop and provide a variety of color and visual interest. Mechanics drive grand tactical play, requiring the player to consider the battlefield both as a whole and in grand tactical sectors in order to achieve success. With unit tactics mostly outside the scope of the game, players are invited to observe the fate of their battalions while focusing on the coordination of their divisions to win the day. 5. GAME CONCEPTS Et sans résultat! uses a variety of concepts, new and old, to simulate the concerns of grand tactical command within the constraints of a game that is fun and practical to play. These concepts include the use of persistent orders – orders that persist from turn to turn – both enabling and requiring players to think beyond the current turn to achieve their objectives. Fatigue is used as the primary result of pressure against large formations of troops, fatigue is an indicator of how responsive, combat effective, and reliable a division is. To drive fatigue, artillery and skirmishing are abstracted into a pressure based mechanic where the stress exerted against an enemy formation can be focused to result in fatiguing that target. The combat system is primarily concerned with displacing the enemy and breaking their combat effectiveness rather than damaging individual units. 6. A BRIEF NOTE TO NEW PLAYERS A lot of players have asked the obvious question: Where did the name come from and why did you pick that? From just inside the front cover it is clear that Et sans résultat! is from a longer quote by Marshal Ney the day after the Battle of Eylau and translates thusly: Quel massacre! Et sans résultat! What a massacre! And with no result!* Some players have presumed this meant the author had a special affinity for Marshal Ney, which I do not. Others have observed with humor that the title of the game is “with no result”, this is oddly a little more on-target. When looking for a title for ESR I wanted something of the period, this led me in the direction of a period quote by a major actor of the time. While there are many quotable people and certainly many quotes by Napoleon himself, it struck me that Ney’s observation at Eylau, as to the ultimate futility of war, was a very human perspective on a period of really more than two decades, that had witnessed a seemingly endless loss of humanity. War offers no results. I was determined that ESR would clearly break the stereotype of Napoleonic wargames being boring events where little occurred, as the joke goes, the casual observer may way past the table once ever several hours and see no obvious change, or as a friend of mine once put it: “I played six hours, moved twelve inches, and killed one Frenchman!” ESR was decidedly not going to be that game. It would offer fast and decisive action with clear decision points that articulate relevant concepts, made available by straightforward mechanics. It would offer results. With that, the motto of The Wargaming Company, LLC was decided along side the release of its first product: War may be without results, wargames need not be. Get a result: Et sans résultat! * This is the literal translation. There is also a practical translation I’ve seen which differs slightly: “What a massacre! And all for nothing!”

Et sans résultat!



INTRODUCTION 7. A NOTE TO OWNERS OF THE ORIGINAL VERSION Et sans résultat! was originally begun as an in-house rewrite of Matt DeLaMatter’s Legacy of Glory in 2009. Some years later it had become its own project entirely that bore little but conceptual similarity to Legacy of Glory. It was about that time ESR was realized to be complete enough it could be released commercially for others to use and enjoy. After a couple more years of development, revision, and play testing, ESR was released, having its public debut at Little Wars 2015 outside Chicago, Illinois. Along the way ESR inherited additional concepts and ideas from Geoffrey Wooten’s Corps d’armée and Todd Fisher’s Revolution & Empire – both excellent games. ESR’s original release was focused on being focused, an acceptance that rules are implicitly inclusive. If the rules do not explicitly state how a situation is to be handled, they necessarily then accept all methods of handling that situation. This was done purposefully to keep the writing tight and the page count short, according to the philosophy that it would allow players to locate the needed section quickly when reference was called for. While it is true that the original release of ESR was not explicit, this was done deliberately. If a variety of interpretations of a given rule did not impede game play, did not lend themselves to ‘gamey’ play, and did not break the intention of the mechanic, then that rule was not made any more explicit. This style received criticism from some: that it was not well written, not explicit enough, not clear enough, too difficult to discern the intended meaning of, and did not offer enough examples. This “banded” second edition of ESR – so called for the colored banding on the title page – formalizes the implementations of a lot of the concepts that were indicated or implied but not necessarily spelled out in the original edition. Based on feedback from players and further play testing and development, the turn sequence has been further streamlined and the order system simplified. The skirmishing and artillery mechanics were radically overhauled to allow for the removal of casualty tracking, which many correctly felt had a negative visual impact on game play. The Assessment system was rolled into each the nowcombined Artillery & Skirmishing Phase and the Combat Phase, making the application of Assessments less conditional and more procedural. Players also wrote in with desires for more background and supplemental information on the organization of armies and designing of scenarios. Major additions to this edition include extensive examples of army organization throughout the period and a guide to developing scenarios for use with ESR. It’s my hope that the revisions offered in this edition of Et sans résultat! offer players a yet-faster game, explained in a more approachable way, and provide ample resources to make players’ gaming experience even better. 8. CHANGES FROM THE ORIGINAL VERSION This second edition of Et sans résultat! makes several changes from the original version summarized here. Simplification of the command system: • Reduction to two order indicators: objectives for higher level organization and directives for lower. • Formalization of order conversion. • Formalization of Formation statuses. Clean up of the visual appearance of games: • Consolidation of casualty ‘hits’ and fatigue. • Formal recommendations on using maps and rosters instead of any form of on-table order markers. Enhanced differentiation between Units, Formations, and Commanders: • Formalization of Unit characteristics providing greater differentiation that varies beyond combat quality. • Introduction of Commander and Formation characteristics. • Separation of Commander rating recommendations to vary by Early, Mid, and Late War. Streamlined four phase turn sequence: • Consolidation of Skirmishing and Artillery Phases into the Artillery & Skirmish Phase. • Consolidation of Assessments into the Artillery & Skirmish and Combat Phases. • Consolidation of Leader Fate into the Artillery & Skirmish Phase. Revised instructional style: • Explicit statements of the expectation and meaning of rules. • Addition of three to six pages of examples, including diagrams, for each phase of the turn. • Formal separation of the period into the Early, Mid, and Late War. Addition of background, context, and supplemental content (included in The Complete Player’s Guide): • 25+ pages of example army organizations. • Dedicated section of instructions for developing scenarios.


Et sans résultat!


INTRODUCTION 9. MATERIALS NECESSARY TO PLAY To play Et sans résultat! several items are needed: Six-Sided Dice

Each player will require a pair of regular six-sided dice, i.e. 2D6.

Measuring Devices

Each player will require a measuring device, such as a tape measure.

Orders of Battle

Each player will require a roster of their Units and of their Force’s organization indicating the ratings and characteristics of their Commanders, Formations, and Units. Rosters can be structured to allow for the logging of orders, statuses, and fatigue on the roster itself.

Order & Status Markers

Alternatively, players who do not wish to log orders on a roster sheet may do so may using tabletop indicators of their choice. These may be as complex or simple as the player desires, ranging from using a dedicated die for fatigue to using a casualty figure.


Tabletop gauges allow the quick determination of the 45º arcs of Units.

Playing Surface

Typically a table, the size of which can vary greatly depending on the ground scale chosen.

Miniature Figures & Terrain

While not strictly necessary, the best way to play tabletop miniature games is with miniatures.

Essential Player’s Guide or Complete Player’s Guide *

A copy of either the Essential or Complete Player’s Guide should be available during game play in case reference or clarification is necessary.

Quick Reference Guide

Each player will require a copy of the Quick Reference Guide to play.

* The Introductory Player’s Guide is insufficient to play ESR from without either previous familiarity or the assistance of a seasoned player. Seasoned players are encouraged to provide new players with a copy of the the Introductory Player’s Guide to familiarize them with the concepts and scope of ESR prior to their first game.

10. RECOMMENDED BASING Et sans résultat! may be played at any ground scale with figures based in almost any way, the following recommendations are made for players seeking guidance as to appropriate Unit footprints for a variety of ground scales. APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS






150 yards 112 yards 75 yards

3” 2¼” 1½”

2½” 1½” 1”

1½” 1” ¾”

1¼” ¾” ½”

1” ¾” ½”

Infantry Battalions 300 men or Less 300-500 men 500-800 men 800 men or More

112 x 112 yards 150 x 112 yards 190 x 112 yards 225 x 112 yards

2¼ x 2¼” 3 x 2¼” 3 ¾ x 2¼” 4½ x 2¼”

1½ x 1½” 2 x 1½” 2½ x 1½” 3 x 1½”

1 x 1” 1½ x 1” 2 x 1” 2¼ x 1”

¾ x ¾” 1 x ¾” 1¼ x ¾” 1½ x ¾”

½ x ½” ¾ x ½” 1 x ½” 1¼ x ½“

Cavalry Squadron Groups 1-4 squadrons

150 x 112 yards

3 x 2¼”

2 x 1½”

1½ x 1”

1 x ¾”

¾ x ½”

Artillery Batteries 8 guns or Less 10 guns or More Small Limber* Large Limber*

112 x 112 yards 150 x 112 yards 112 x 300 yards 150 x 300 yards

2¼ x 2¼” 3 x 2¼” 2¼ x 6” 3 x 6”

1½ x 1½” 2 x 1½” 1½ x 4” 2 x 4”

1 x 1” 1½ x 1”

¾ x ¾” 1 x ¾” ¾ x 2” 1 x 2”

½ x ½” ¾ x ½”

Reformation Area

150 x 300 yards

2 x 4”

2 x 4”

1½ x 3”

1 x 2”

¾ x 1½”

50 x 50 yards

1 x 1”

¾ x ¾”

½ x ½”

¼ x ¼”

¼ x ¼”

UNIT Commanders* Army Commander Force Commander Formation Commander

Engineering Companies*

*Basing should be altered as the player sees fit to accommodate figures.

Et sans résultat!



WARGAMING THE NAPOLEONIC WARS 11. WARGAMING THE NAPOLEONIC WARS The Napoleonic Wars began in 1805, following Napoleon Bonaparte’s 1804 declaration of the Empire of France and the brief two year period of peace after the Wars of the French Revolution. The period ended in 1815 after Napoleon was forced to abdicate the French throne for the second time. 11.1 PERIODS OF THE NAPOLEONIC WARS The ten year period was a series of connected wars largely waged against Napoleonic France by various continental protagonists and fueled by English financing. Et sans résultat! divides the Napoleonic Wars into three sub-periods:


War of the 3rd Coalition War of the 4th Coalition

Mid War


Beginning of the Peninsular War War of the 5th Coalition The Finish War The War of 1812 The Great Patriotic War or the Second Polish War

Late War


War of the 6th Coalition or the War of Liberation Conclusion of the Peninsular War War of the 7th Coalition

Early War

11.2 ARMIES OF THE NAPOLEONIC WARS Raising an Army is included in The Complete Player’s Guide. In Raising an Army, the ratings of Commanders and Units, in addition to the characteristics of Commanders, Armies, and Units are outlined within these sub-periods. This allows players to represent that the armies of the Early War were materially, as well as organizationally, different than those of the Mid and Late Wars. Raising an Army also provides extensive examples of army organization for each part of the Napoleonic period and provides players a jumping-off point in raising their own Armies. The Wargaming Company also publishes a series of Campaign Guides which offer players scenarios, army organization and ratings, and uniform painting guides. The recommendations offered in Raising an Army and the Campaign Guides are subject to the opinions of scenario designers, game hosts, and players. These recommendations should form a starting point for reference. Due to the variation in terminology between different national armies over the course of the period, Et sans résultat! uses four generic terms to identify the organizational structure of the militaries: Army

Any gathering of two or more players’ commands constitutes an Army.


A player’s command, typically composed of multiple Formations.


A Formation is a grouping of Units. Multiple Formations generally make up a Force.


A Unit is an infantry battalion, a cavalry squadron group, or an artillery battery. A grouping of Units constitute a Formation.

11.3 DESIGNING SCENARIOS FOR THE NAPOLEONIC WARS Also included in The Complete Player’s Guide is Designing for War, Designing for War provides players and game hosts guidelines and recommendations for how to begin designing scenarios that will provide excellent games for Et sans résultat! An example for potential scenario designers is included: a small scale fictional scenario that players can use to introduce themselves and their friends to Et sans résultat!


Et sans résultat!

Et sans résultat! The Overview



If using a pre-designed scenario, these parameters will be provided by that scenario. If playing a pickup game, players should agree upon these conditions before beginning the game. Players are advised that Et sans résultat! does not provide any weather specific rules or guidelines, and those are left to either the players, the host, or the scenario design.

In smaller scenarios the Army Commander may simply be the senior Force Commander and command their own Force as well as issue orders to the other players of their army. In very large scenarios it often makes sense to have multiple Army Commanders, each running their own ‘wing’ of multiple Forces. These additional Army Commanders may act as a form of biased umpire for their side, assisting newer players with methods and mechanics.

If using a scenario from ESR Campaign Guides, specific briefings and maps are provided for each army. Game hosts may share these briefs with players and have them form their battle plan and issue their initial orders from the less exact information of the briefing – before revealing the game table.

The general arrangement of a Formation is to have Units in front, followed by the Formation’s reserve, and lastly the Formation’s Reformation Area. This allows the status of the Formation and its elements to be determined just by looking at the game table.


1. SETTING UP THE GAME Setting up the game includes determining the circumstances of the scenario. These would normally include the size and terrain of the battlefield, the sub-period of the battle – Early, Mid, or Late War – the opposing nations and their available armies, the number of players, and the weather conditions. Once the game space and opposing armies are prepared, players should select their sides by whatever method is amenable to the group. When in doubt, players are encouraged to dice-off for sides: each player rolls a die, with the high rolls taking one side and the low rolls taking the other. After players have been allotted, each side should choose an Army Commander for each army. Some scenarios will have no need for an Army Commander as none was historically present. When in doubt, follow the scenario design or in the absence of a pre-designed scenario do what works best for your gaming group. 1.1 ORIENTATING THE PLAYERS The game host should provide players a brief overview of both the scenario being played and of Et sans résultat! The scenario overview should give players a general understanding of the context of the battle, the troops available, number of commands, and objectives. The ESR campaign guides provide this information in briefings. If available, a game host should provide different information to each army. One side may have a better or different understanding of the terrain or of their enemy’s dispositions. This better represents the variable military intelligence that would ordinarily be available to each side and causes players to consider the battle from the information they have rather from an omnipotent player perspective. Players new to Et sans résultat! should also be orientated as to the general parts of the ESR game system. This should include an overview of the turn sequence and game mechanics, as well as identification of the various game pieces and terminology. 1.2 GAME PIECES Et sans résultat! uses game pieces – normally painted and based miniatures – to represent elements of Napoleonic armies. The most unique game piece in Et sans résultat! is the Reformation Area. This is a marker that indicates the rear area of a Formation. It serves as a rally point for Units that have left the battle wave, typically due to a combat loss. It is also used to determine the Formation’s rear and flanks.




Formation Commander

Head of column

In Formation reserve


In column

In battle waves

Uncommitted Artillery

In Formation reserve

In Formation reserve

Formation Reserve

Behind units in column

Behind battle waves

Reformation Area

Behind Formation reserve

Behind Formation reserve

Et sans résultat!


SETTING UP THE GAME 1.3 THE CHARACTERISTICS OF AN ARMY Each Commander, Formation, and Unit of an Army have different characteristics which influence how they act. Commanders are rated for both Leadership [LR] and Tactical [TR] abilities, while Units are provided a Combat Rating [CR]. These are provided by the scenario or game host. A summary basis of ratings is provided here. COMMANDER CHARACTERISTICS Leadership Specialties Lead Mass Cavalry [MC] Lead Grand Battery [GB] Lead Advanced Guard [AG] Lead Rear Guard [RG]

Allowed to command mass cavalry assaults. Allowed to command grand batteries. Higher ratings when commanding an advanced guard. Higher ratings when commanding a rear guard.

Luck & Death Charmed Death [CD] A Date with Death [DD] Wandered Off [WO]

Reduced risk of harm during battle. Increased risk of harm during battle. No risk of harm during battle.

Raising an Army: Characteristics (2) provides additional details on the application of characteristics to different Armies during different campaigns. Game hosts can use these recommendations when constructing scenarios.

FORMATION CHARACTERISTICS Brittle [BR] Stoic [ST] Enthusiastic [EN] Determined [DT]

More susceptible to fatigue. Less susceptible to fatigue when defending [D]. Less susceptible to fatigue when attacking [A]. Less susceptible to fatigue. UNIT CHARACTERISTICS

Lights [L] Irregulars [I] Shock [S1, S2, S3] Engineers [E] Rifles [RF1, RF2, RF3]

Advantages in bad terrain. Advantages in bad terrain and may involuntarily evade. Advantage during first combat round of a turn. A Specialty Unit that provides an advantage in built-up-areas. A Specialty Unit that provides an advantage in skirmishing. COMMANDER LEADERSHIP RATINGS [LR]


Very decisive and responsive. Moderately decisive or responsive. Indecisive and/or plodding. COMMANDER TACTICAL RATINGS [TR]

+3 +2 +1 +0

Genius tactician and exceptionally inspirational. Exceptional tactician or very inspirational. Average tactician or moderately inspirational. Poor tactician and not inspirational. TYPICAL UNIT COMBAT RATINGS [CR] AND CHARACTERISTICS


Guards Heavy Cavalry Lancers/Uhlans

May be considered to have Shock [S1, S2], French Old Guard [S3]. Some Guards may be considered Lights [L].


Line Infantry Light Cavalry

Grenadiers and similar elite infantry may have Shock [S1, S2]. Light cavalry and infantry would be considered Lights [L].


Poor Infantry Landwehr

Aggressive troops with poor staying power may have a lower CR and Shock [S2] such as Late War conscript French.


Cossacks Freikorps

Irregulars [I], Late War cossacks may sometimes have Shock [S2, S3] to represent the fear they inspired.

Et sans résultat!

The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries by Jacques-Louis David



THE TURN SEQUENCE 2. THE TURN SEQUENCE This section briefly outlines the sequence of game play.

The phases of the turn are color coded to match the tables used on the Quick Reference Guide as well as to match the borders of the pages in the Player’s Guide. This way, when a player has a question about something on a table, they can quickly thumb through a rulebook to find the appropriate section by color. Similarly, when reading the rulebook, a reader can easily find the referenced table on the Quick Reference Guide.

2.1 GAME TURNS The first game turn follows the setup of the game and any initial briefing by the game host. Each game turn is divided into four phases. At the conclusion of the fourth phase of the turn, the sequence is repeated. Games end when the victory conditions of the scenario are met by one side or the other, the number of turns allotted by the scenario has expired, the host or umpire rules the game in favor of one side or the other, or the players choose to call the game.

Et sans résultat!

The sequence of each game turn is divided among four phases: Scale Yards Et sans résultat! by David M. Ensteness TURN SEQUENCE Each phase and step in the turn sequence is highlighted by a color corresponding to the relevant charts and section of the Player’s Guide. COMMAND MOVEMENT ARTILLERY & SKIRMISH COMBAT Order Conversions Order Conversions Activate Order Artillery & Skirmishing Movement Combat Resolution Issue Orders Leader Fate Ploy & Deploy Assessments Leader Actions Assessments Fatigue Recovery Order Conversions



ORDER DIRECTIVES CAVALRY Each phase is divided into aSTATUSES variable number of steps. The INFANTRY Sequence of Play table on DEPLOYMENT GENERAL & FOOT & HORSE Reserve [R] Attack [A] Retreat [RT] STATUS OFFICERS ARTILLERY the[D] Quick Support Reference Guide shows each color of its corresponding Defend [S] Broken [BR] step highlighted in the ARTILLERY Move [M] Rally & Reform [RR] Ployed on-road 1800 yards 2250 yards 3600 yards tables and section of the Player’s Guide. LEADER ACTIONS Ployed off-road or Take or Abandon Personal Cmd 1 Dispatch Imperial ADC 2 Change Own Objective Commit a Specialty Unit Commit an Artillery Battery Recall Committed Artillery Battery 1

Displace Unlimbered Battery Create Detachment Create Grand Battery Rally a Unit Inspire Formation 2

Abandoning Personal Command of a Retreating [RT] or Broken [BK] Formation does not require a Leader Action Test. 2 No Leader Action Test required.

MODIFIERS Roll 2D6 to attempt an Order Activation or a Leader Action.

Issuer is Personally Commanding:

This Formation Another Formation

Receiving Commander’s Leadership Rating [LR]:


Force Commander Changing Own Objective:

Subtract Army Cmdr’s [LR] Every 3600 yds to Army Cmdr

1500 yards

1800 yards

2700 yards

1125 yards

1500 yards

MODIFIERS Retreating [RT] or Breaking [BK]

x1/2, must attempt to stay 900 [RT] or 1800 [BK] yards away from the enemy.

Rough Terrain

Lights & Irregulars: No effect. All others: x1/2.

Dense Terrain

Lights and Irregulars: x1/2. All others: x1/2, entrance and exit cause a halt.

+3 +2 +1 add LR (again) subtract LR +3 +2 +1

Receiving Commander was Removed


Limber Artillery

Corps & Army Commanders may attempt Leader Actions for Formations within the chain-of-command until one fails.



Unlimber Artillery

ORDER ACTIVATION & LEADER ACTIONS Pending orders may attempt activation once per turn.

Issuing Commander’s Leadership Rating [LR]:

on poor roads

Varies +1 Fails

Issuing Commander has Superior Vantage Point


Every 1800 yards from Receiving Commander


Per Fatigue Marker

-1 each

Per Delay Marker

-1 each

Leader Action: Displace Unlimbered Battery.

PLOY & DEPLOY Roll 2D6 to ploy or deploy units from a Formation after it has completed its Movement. MODIFIERS Leadership Rating of Formation’s Commander:


+3 +2 +1

Per Fatigue Marker

-1 each

Each Full Third of Movement Used


French, Poles & Italians:

+3 +2 +1

Guard Line 1804-1808 Line 1809-1812, 1815

Other French Allies 1806-1812, 1815


Austrians & Russians through 1805


Prussians through 1806


Deploying into:

Rough Terrain Dense Terrain

-3 -5

Only Deploying Cavalry


Rush Deployment, take +1 Fatigue on classes rushed


Currently on Reserve Order


Either Party is within:

900 yards of the enemy 450 yards of the enemy

-1 -3

Formation is:

Reserved Retreating Broken

+3 -2 -3

Ploy or deploy the resulting number of units. The last unit is automatic as is artillery transferring to a deployed reserve.


12 or More

Up to 5 Units.

8 to 11

Up to 4 Units.

Commit Artillery Battery from Formation Reserve RESULTS

Everyone & Everything Not Listed

+/- 0


7 or More


4 to 7

Up to 3 Units.

3 to 6

Delay Order Half 1D6 Turns Leader Action Failure

3 or Less

Up to 2 Units.

2 or Less


Units transitioning between ployed and deployed may be moved up to 225 yards and may contact the enemy.

Battle of Montmirail 1814 by Mikhail Mikeshin


Et sans résultat!

Et sans résultat! THE OVERVIEW


Scale Yards 3. THE COMMAND PHASE This is the first phase of each game turn. The Command phase is the primary decision Players should focus the TURN SEQUENCE making opportunity of the turn. There are three steps in the Command Phase. majority of their consideration

Each phase and step in the turn sequence is highlighted by a color corresponding to the relevant charts and section of on this phase of the turn, as it COMMAND MOVEMENT & ARTILLERY willSKIRMISHING determine what will happen and what lesser subset of Orde Activate Order Order Conversions Artillery & Skirmishing choices the player will have Com Issue Orders Movement Leader Fate during the rest of the game A Leader Actions Ploy & Deploy Assessments turn. Orde

3.1 ORDERS & STATUSES LIST OF ORDERS & ACTIONS OBJECTIVES DIRECTIVES Forces and Formations receive orders from their superior Commanders during theSTATUSES Issue Town or Village Fort may or Fortification Reserve [R] the Activate Orders step of the Command phase. Orders then be activated during Table Edge Defend [D] Orders step of any subsequentRoad turn’s Command Phase. Retreat [RT]




OPTIONAL RULE: Ployed on-road 1800 yards 225 Broken [BR] Alternatively, instead of using Ployed off-road or Rally & Reform [RR] 1500 yards 180 maps or rosters, order Orders are made up of objective of on poor roads directives may be represented Forces and directives of Formations on a order of battle, roster, or map. Deployedmarker on the 1125 yards 135 by a physical LEADER ACTIONS tabletop. These markers would MODIFIERS Take or Abandon Personal Cmd Displace Unlimbered Battery Statuses indicate that either a *Dispatch Formation has failing morale or that it Create is presently trying be placed behind Rough Terrainthe specified Lights & Irregulars: No e Imperial ADC* Detachment Commanders’ base on the Scale Yards inCompany to improve its condition by reorganizing; neither case is it capable of following Commit an Engineer Create Grand Battery Lights and Irre Et sans résultat! by David M. Ensteness tabletop andTerrain moved with these Dense Commit an Artillery Battery Rally a Unit TURN SEQUENCE All others: x1/2, entranc orders. Commanders. Each phase and step in the turn sequence is highlighted a color corresponding to the relevant charts and section of the Player’s Guide. RecallbyCommitted Artillery Battery Inspire Formation Unlimber Artillery Fre COMMAND MOVEMENT ARTILLERY & SKIRMISH COMBAT * Indicates no Leader Action Test required. Order Conversions Order Conversions Activate Order Artillery & Skirmishing Limber Artillery Leader Action: Displac 3.2 ACTIVATE ORDERS Movement Combat Resolution Cross Roads River or Stream Bridge or Ford objectives and Valley

Woods or Forest Marsh or Pond Hill or Ridge directives; players

Move [M] Attack [A] may Support indicate[S]the

Et sans résultat!

Issue Orders

Leader Fate

Ploy & Deploy


Leader Actions Assessments Recovery Order of Conversions ACTIVATION & LEADER ACTIONS The first step of the Fatigue Command PhaseORDER is to attempt activation pending orders. LIST OF ORDERS & ACTIONS MOVEMENT Rolling to activate a pending orderPending is always optional. Playersactivation may electonce not to orders may attempt perattempt turn. ORDER DIRECTIVES STATUSES INFANTRY CAVALRY DEPLOYMENT GENERAL & FOOT An &order HORSE that successfully a pending order activation until order to delay. Attack [A] Retreat [RT] a later turn in STATUS OFFICERS Move [M] ARTILLERY Defend [D] Broken [BR]& Army Commanders may Corps attemptARTILLERY Leader Actions for Formations Reserve [R] Support [S] Rally & Reform Ployed on-road 1800 yards may 2250 do yards or3600 yards activates is an ‘active order’ and[RR]governs what the Formation is required to within the chain-of-command until one fails. LEADER ACTIONS Ployed off-road or 1500 yards 1800 yards 2700 yards do during the turn. Active orders are persistent on poor roads turn-over-turn. An active order only Take or Abandon Personal Cmd MODIFIERS Displace Unlimbered Battery Change Own Objective Deployed 1125 yards 1500 yards – Create Detachmentaccomplished its order, activates a new replacement expires when Commit an Artillery Battery the Formation has MODIFIERS Roll 2D6 to attempt an Order Activation or a Leader Action. Create Grand Battery Dispatch Imperial ADC a Unit Retreating [RT] or with x1/2, must attempt to stay [RT] or 1800 [BK]without order, converts its orderIssuing orRallyreplaces its active order a yards status. A 900 Formation Commit a Specialty Unit Inspire Formation Commander’s +3 Breaking [BK] A away from the enemy. Recall Committed Artillery Battery Rough Terrain Lights & Irregulars: No effect. All x1/2. defend an active a status isBroken always considered active Leadership Rating [LR]: B to be acting on anothers: +2 Abandoning Personalorder Commandor of a Retreating [RT] or [BK] and Irregulars: x1/2. Formation does not require a Leader Action Test. Dense Terrain C All others:Lights +1 directive.No Leader Action Test required. x1/2, entrance and exit cause a halt.


Roll 2D6 to ploy or deploy units from a F completed Movemen






Issuer is Personally Unlimber Artillery This Formation Free. Limber Artillery Leader Action: Displace Unlimbered Battery. Commanding: Another Formation

add LR (again) subtract LR

3.2.1 OrderPLOY Activation Test & DEPLOY Receiving A or deploy units from a Formation after it has +3 Pending orders may attempt activation once per turn.Commander’s Roll 2D6 to ploy To activate a pending order the player+2 Corps & Army Commanders may attempt Leader Actions for Formations completed its Movement. Leadership Rating [LR]: B within the chain-of-command until one fails. MODIFIERS choosesC a Formation and uses +3the Order+1 MODIFIERS Leadership Rating of A Roll 2D6 to attempt an Order Activation or a Leader Action. Formation’s Commander: B +2 Force Commander Activation Subtract Army Cmdr’s [LR] table Varies & Leader Actions of the C +1 Issuing Commander’s A +3 Changing Own Every 3600 yds to Army Cmdr +1 Leadership Rating [LR]: B +2 Objective: Per Fatigue Marker -1 each Quick Reference Guide. The player sums the C +1 Each Full Third of Movement Used -1 Receiving Commander was Removed Fails Issuer is Personally This Formation add LR (again) French, Poles & Italians: Guard +3 applicable modifiers from the list included Commanding: Another Formation subtract LR Vantage Line 1804-1808 +2 Issuing Commander has Superior Point 1815 Receiving Commander’s A +3 in the table andLine 1809-1812, +1 adds 2D6. A modified score+2 Leadership Rating [LR]: B +2 Other French Allies 1806-1812, 1815 +1 Every 1800 yards from Receiving Commander C +1 of ‘7’& Russians succeeds. Scores of ‘3’ to -1‘6’ result in-1 Austrians through 1805 Force Commander Per Fatigue Marker Prussians through 1806 Changing Own Objective: Subtract Army Cmdr’s [LR] Varies a delay while aRough lower modified -2-3score of -1 ‘2’each Deploying into: Terrain Issuing Commander has Superior Vantage Point Per Delay Marker +2 -1 each Dense Terrain -5 orDeploying less fails. Delays are determined Every 1800 yards from Receiving Commander -1 Only Cavalry +3 Either Party-1 each is within: 900 yards of the enemy -1 Per Fatigue Marker Rush Deployment, take +1 Fatigue on classes +7 randomly by rolling 1D6rushed and delaying half-3 Per Delay Marker -1 each Currently on Reserve 450 Order yards of the enemy +5 Either Party is within: 900 yards of the enemy -1 the resulting number in turns rounded up.+3 Everyone & Everything Not Listed +/- 0 Formation is:-3 Reserved 450 yards of the enemy RESULTS the orders are discarded and-2 Formation is: Reserved +3 For failures Retreating Ploy or deploy the resulting number of units. The last unit is Retreating -2 -3 must Broken -3 automaticbe as is artillery transferringAny to a deployed reserve. or Force Broken re-issued. Army 12 or More Up to 5 Units. Commit Artillery Battery from Formation Reserve +2 Commit Artillery Battery from Formation Reserve +2 Commander in a UpFormation’s command 8 to 11 to 4 Units. RESULTS 4 to 7 Up to 3 Units. 7 or More Success RESULTS hierarchy may perform the activation test, 3 or Less Up to 2 Units. Delay Order Half 1D6 Turns 3 to 6 7 or Units More Success Leader Action Failure between ployed and deployed may be moved buttransitioning only one attempt to activate an order up to 225 yards and may contact the enemy. 2 or Less Failure Delay Order Half 1D6 Turns 3 tomay 6 be made in a turn. ORDER ACTIVATION & LEADER ACTIONS

Leader Action Failure

Et sans résultat!

2 or Less

Et sans résultat! by David M. Ensteness


MODIFIERS Leadership Rating of Formation’s Commander:


Per Fatigue Marker Each Full Third of Movement Used French, Poles & Italians:

Guard Line 1804-1808 Line 1809-1812

Other French Allies 1806-1812, 1815 Austrians & Russians through 1805 Prussians through 1806 Deploying into:

Rough Terrain Dense Terrain

Cavalry Formation Rush Deployment, take +1 Fatigue Currently on Reserve Order Everyone & Everything Not Listed RESULTS

Ploy or deploy the resulting number of uni as is artillery remaining in r 12 or More

Up to 5

8 to 11

Up to 4

4 to 7

Up to 3

3 or Less

Up to 2

Units transitioning between ployed and de up to 225 yards.


Et sans rés



Players should indicate the orders of each Force and Formation by logging them on their respective orders of battle or rosters. Alternatively, players may choose to use tabletop markers or indicate their orders on a map of the tabletop.

Scale Yards


TURN SEQUENCE 3.3 ISSUE ORDERS After existing orders haveturn tested for activation during the Activate Orders step Each phase pending and step in the sequence is highlighted by a color corresponding to of the phase, players may issue orders to Forces and Formations. Formations without an COMMAND MOVEMENT ARTILLE active order directive default to a defend [D] directive. Orders issued are considered Order Conversions Order Artiller ‘pending Activate orders’ until they are activated on a subsequent turn during the Activate Movement Issue Orders Le Orders step of the Command Phase. Formation Order PloyDirectives & Deploy(3.6) may not be Actions As issued to Leader Formations which are under a Formation Status (3.7). Fatigue Recovery LIST OF ORDERS & ACTIONS ORDER DIRECTIVES Attack [A] Defend [D] Support [S]



Retreat [RT] Broken [BR] Rally & Reform [RR]

Move [M] Reserve [R]


LEADER ACTIONS 3.4 ORDER CONVERSION Take or Abandon Personal Cmd 1 Displace Unlimbered Battery Some order directives may be converted during the Order Conversion steps of the Change Own Objective Create Detachment Movement and Combat Phases. Order Conversions allow a Force or Formation to be Commit an Artillery Battery Create Grand issued a new order and test for its activation immediately, outside Battery of the Command Dispatch Imperial ADC 2 Rally a and Unitothers do not. Phase. Some Order Conversions require an Order Activation test, Commit a Specialty Unit Inspire Formation 2 Recall Committed Artillery Battery 3.5 1FORCE ORDER OBJECTIVES Abandoning Personal Command of a Retreating [RT] or Broken [BK] An objective indicates the objective of a Force. The Formations of the Force issued the Formation does not require a Leader Action Test. objective must all conduct so as to converge on the objective. Objectives are 2 No themselves Leader Action Test required. typically geographic features that can be clearly identified. Objectives should indicate a clear geographic location, such as a town, wood, or bridge. The Army Commander issuing the objective declares to the player receiving the order ORDER ACTIVATION & LEADER ACTIONS which specific town or village the objective refers to at the time the order is issued. Pending attempt activation once per turn. Game hosts can aidorders players may by providing names for substantial features of the tabletop Corps & Army Commanders may attempt Leader Actions for Formations either on a player’s map or the game table. within the chain-of-command until one fails. Examples of order objectives would include: MODIFIERS Game hosts may assist players by providing names for the most dominant or significant terrain features either with tabletop labels or preferably on a scenario map provided to players prior to the start of the game.

Roll 2D6 to attempt an Order Activation or a Leader Action. Town or Village Issuing Commander’s Leadership Rating [LR]: Road or Trail

A B C Designated Table Edge

Issuer is Personally Commanding:

River or Stream

Bridge or Ford

This Formation Another Formation

Roads Receiving Cross Commander’s Leadership Rating [LR]:

Woods A or Forest


Valley or Depression

Marsh, Pond, or Lake +3


Retreati Breakin

Rough T

Dense T

Unlimbe Limber

Roll 2

Leaders Formati

+2 +1

Per Fati

add LR (again) subtract LR A Specific


Hill or Ridge

Enemy+3 Formation

Each Fu

+2 +1

Other F



Issuing Commander has Superior Vantage Point


Every 1800 yards from Receiving Commander



Force Commander Changing Own Objective:


Fort or Fortification

Ployed on poor

Subtract Army Cmdr’s [LR]

Per Fatigue Marker

-1 each

Per Delay Marker

-1 each

Either Party is within:

900 yards of the enemy 450 yards of the enemy

Formation is:


Et-1sans résultat! -3 +3


Only De

Rush De




THE COMMAND PHASE 3.6 FORMATION ORDER DIRECTIVES Formation order directives indicate the action each Formation will undertake. They are issued by the Force Commanders to their subordinate Formations during the Issue Orders step of the Command Phase of a turn. Formation directives are actions the Formation will take: attack [A], support [S], move [M], defend [D], or reserve [R]. These directives indicate what the Formation is required to do or restricted from doing. Some directives provide additional options and flexibility. Players should indicate the order directive for each of their Formations on their order of battle or roster unless using tabletop markers. 3.7 FORMATION STATUSES Statuses are only applied to Formations. Statuses replace the Formation’s active order and are removed by reducing the Formation’s fatigue level so that it no longer meets the criterion of either a retreat [RT] or broken [BK] status. Formations may not be issued a new order directive while under a status but may convert to defend [D] during the Order Conversion step of the Movement or Combat Phase if the Formation’s fatigue level is below that of the retreat [RT] status.

Et sans résultat!

At the end of the Combat Phase of each turn, Formations which resolved combat check their fatigue and determine if their fatigue level is high enough to cause a status to be applied. Statues are applied only during the Assessment step of the Combat Phase Yards of a turn. If the fatigue level of a Formation reaches the level of a Scale status during a phase Et sans résultat! by David M. Ensteness other than Combat, the status is not applied. TURN SEQUENCE Each phase and step in the turn sequence is highlighted by a color corresponding to the relevant charts and section of the Player’s Guide. COMBAT

There are three types of statuses: retreat [RT], broken [BK], and rally & reformARTILLERY [RR]. COMMAND MOVEMENT & SKIRMISH Retreat [RT] and broken [BK] statuses are negative conditions that result from a Order Conversions Activate Order Formation’s fatigue level becoming too high. The Movement rally & reform [RR] statusArtillery is a & Skirmishing Issue Orders Leader Fate Ploy & Deploy corrective statusLeader appliedActions by a player to remove a retreat or broken [BK] status. Assessments

Order Conversions Combat Resolution Assessments Order Conversions

Fatigue Recovery

LIST OF ORDERS & ACTIONS 3.8 LEADER ACTIONS ORDER STATUSES Leader Actions are DIRECTIVES tactical interactions between an Army or Force CommanderDEPLOYMENT and Attack [A] Retreat [RT] STATUS Formation. There are ten Leader Actions a player may attempt to perform. Move [M] Defend [D] Support [S]

Broken [BR] Rally & Reform [RR]


Take or Abandon Personal Cmd 1 Change Own Objective Commit an Artillery Battery Dispatch Imperial ADC 2 Commit a Specialty Unit Recall Committed Artillery Battery 1

Displace Unlimbered Battery Create Detachment Create Grand Battery Rally a Unit Inspire Formation 2

Abandoning Personal Command of a Retreating [RT] or Broken [BK] Formation does not require a Leader Action Test. 2 No Leader Action Test required.




Ployed on-road

1800 yards

2250 yards

3600 yard

Ployed off-road or on poor roads

1500 yards

1800 yards

2700 yard


1125 yards

1500 yards

MODIFIERS Retreating [RT] or Breaking [BK]

x1/2, must attempt to stay 900 [RT] or 1800 [B yards away from the enemy.

Rough Terrain

Lights & Irregulars: No effect. All others: x1/2

Dense Terrain

Lights and Irregulars: x1/2. All others: x1/2, entrance and exit cause a ha

Unlimber Artillery Limber Artillery


Leader Action: Displace Unlimbered Battery



Pending orders may attempt activation once per turn. Corps & Army Commanders may attempt Leader Actions for Formations within the chain-of-command until one fails.

Roll 2D6 to ploy ordes deploy unitsrouges from a Formation after it has Trompette lanciers (2eme completed itslanciers) Movement. regiment chevau-légèrs de la

MODIFIERS Roll 2D6 to attempt an Order Activation or a Leader Action.

Et sans résultat! Issuing Commander’s

Leadership Rating [LR]:


Issuer is Personally

This Formation

+3 +2 +1 add LR (again)

garde impériale, 1er Empire, by MODIFIERS Maurice H.A Orange Leadership Rating of Formation’s Commander:


Per Fatigue Marker


+3 +2 +1

-1 each

Each Full Third of Movement Used


French, Poles & Italians:





Et sans résultat!

4. THE MOVEMENT PHASE The second phase of the turn is Movement. Movement by Units is limited by the active directive or status of the player’s Formations and by the actions taken during the Command Phase. Transition of Formations between ployed and deployed states also Scale Yards Et sans résultat! by David M. E occurs during the Movement Phase. Lastly, fatigued Formations may recover fatigue. TURN SEQUENCE There are four steps in the Movement Phase.

Most movement is performed simultaneously, however, there are priorities that take precedence. These are outlined in Movement Priorities (4.2.2).

Each phase and step in the turn sequence is highlighted by a color corresponding to the relevant charts and sectio COMMAND MOVEMENT ARTILLERY & SKIRMISH Order Conversions O Activate Order Artillery & Skirmishing Movement C Issue Orders Leader Fate Ploy & Deploy Leader Actions Assessments Fatigue Recovery O

LIST OF ORDERS & ACTIONS MOVEMENT 4.1 ORDER CONVERSIONS ORDER DIRECTIVES STATUSES INFANTRY The first step of the Movement Phase is Order Conversions. Formations whose active DEPLOYMENT & FOOT Attack [A] Retreat [RT] orders allowMove conversion to another order may do so at the start of theSTATUS Movement Phase. [M] ARTILLERY Defend [D] Broken [BR] [R] order to another, either the Formation’s current active order or its To convertReserve from one Support [S] Rally & Reform [RR] Ployed on-road 1800 yards class (infantry, cavalry, artillery) must allow it. The Order Conversion occurs LEADER ACTIONS Ployed step off-road or prior 1500 yards on poor roads to the Personal Movement may not be Take or Abandon Cmd 1step of the Movement Phase, Order Conversion Displace Unlimbered Battery Change Own Objective Deployed of Formations 1125 yards performed during the Movement Create Phase Detachment as a reaction to the movement Commit an Artillery Battery during the Movement step. Formations underBattery a status but which no longer meet the MODIFIERS Create Grand Dispatch Imperial ADC 2 Rally a Unit Retreating [RT] or x1/2, must attempt t fatigue threshold [D] directive. Commit a Specialty Unit of retreat [RT] convert to a defend Inspire Formation 2 Breaking [BK] yards awa Scale Yards Recall Committed Artillery Battery

Et sans résultat!

Et sans résultat! by David M. Ensteness Rough Terrain Abandoning Personal Command of a Retreating [RT] or Broken [BK] 4.2 MOVING UNITS & FORMATIONS TURN SEQUENCE Formation does not require a Leader Action Test. Dense Terrain second step of to thetheMovement Phase is Movement of Units and Formations. Each phase and step in the turn sequence is highlighted byThe a color corresponding relevant charts and section of the Player’s Guide. 2 No Leader Action Test required.

Lights & Irregulars:


Lights and

InAllthe others: x1/2, entr MOVEMENTMovement step ARTILLERY & SKIRMISH COMBAT the Units of a Formation may move within theUnlimber bounds Artillery of their active Order Conversions Order Conversions Artilleryrestrict & Skirmishing orders. Some orders movement while other orders require it. Commanders also Leader Action: Dis Movement Combat Resolution Limber Artillery Leader Fate Ploy & Deploymove during this step. Assessments Assessments ORDER ACTIVATION & LEADER ACTIONS Order Conversions Fatigue Recovery PLOY & DEPLO


Activate Order Issue Orders Leader Actions

Pending orders may attempt activation MOVEMENT once per turn. Roll 2D6 to ploy or deploy units from Corps & Army Commanders may attempt Leader Actions for Formations completed its Mov STATUSES INFANTRY CAVALRY DEPLOYMENT GENERAL within the chain-of-command until one fails. & HORSE & FOOT MODIFIERS


Retreat [RT] STATUS OFFICERS ARTILLERY MODIFIERS ARTILLERY Broken [BR] Leadership Rating of Rally & Reform on-road 2250 yards 3600 yards Roll[RR] 2D6 to attemptPloyed an Order Activation1800 or ayards Leader Action. Formation’s Commander: LEADER ACTIONS Ployed off-road or 1500 yards 1800 yards 2700 yards Issuing Commander’s A +3 on poor roads Take or Abandon Personal Cmd 1 Leadership Rating [LR]: B +2 Displace Unlimbered Battery Per Fatigue Marker Change Own Objective Deployed 1125 yards 1500 yards – Create Detachment C +1 Commit an Artillery Battery Each Full Third of Movement MODIFIERS Create Grand Battery Dispatch Imperial ADC 2 Issuer is aPersonally This Formation add LR (again) Rally Unit Poles & Italians: Retreating [RT] or x1/2, must attempt to stay 900 [RT] or 1800French, [BK] Commit a Specialty Unit Commanding: Another[BK] Formation subtract LR Inspire Formation 2 Breaking yards away from the enemy. Recall Committed Artillery Battery 1

Move [M] Reserve [R]

Receiving Commander’s

Abandoning Personal Command of a Retreating [RT] or Broken [BK] Leadership Rating [LR]: Formation does not require a Leader Action Test. 2 No Leader Action Test required.

Force Commander Changing Own Objective:

A B C Used

Guard Line 1804Line 1809-

A Rough Terrain

+3 All others: x1/2. Lights & Irregulars: No effect.

B Dense Terrain C

+2 x1/2. Lights and Irregulars: Other French Allies 1806-1812, 1815 +1 exit cause a halt. All others: x1/2, entrance and

Unlimber Artillery

Austrians & Russians through 1805


Prussians through 1806 Limber Artillery Leader Action: DisplaceVaries Unlimbered Battery. Subtract Army Cmdr’s [LR]

Commander has Superior Vantage Point ORDER ACTIVATION & LEADERIssuing ACTIONS


Deploying into:


Rough Terr Dense Terr

Pending orders may attempt activation once per turn. Every 1800 yards from Receiving Commander -1 Roll 2D6 to ploy or deploy units from a Formation after it has Only Deploying Cavalry Corps & Army Commanders may attempt Leader Actions for Formations completed its Movement. Per Fatigue Marker -1 each within the chain-of-command until one fails. Rush Deployment, take +1 Fatigue on cla MODIFIERS Per Delay Marker -1 each MODIFIERS Leadership Rating of A +3

Party Action. is within: Roll 2D6 to attempt an Order ActivationEither or a Leader

-1 -3


Issuer is Personally Commanding:

This Formation Another Formation

Receiving Commander’s Leadership Rating [LR]:


French, Guard BrokenPoles & Italians: Line 1804-1808 Commit Artillery Battery from Formation Reserve +2 +3 Line 1809-1812, 1815 +2 RESULTS Other French Allies 1806-1812, 1815 +1 7 or More Austrians & Russians through 1805Success

Force Commander Changing Own Objective:

+2 Formation is: +1 add LR (again)

Subtract Army Cmdr’s [LR]

Issuing Commander has Superior Vantage Point



Issuing Commander’s Leadership Rating [LR]:


900 yards Commander: of the enemy Formation’s 450 yards of the enemy

subtract LR


3 to 6


Per Fatigue Marker Reserved Each Full Third of Movement Used Retreating

+3 -2 -3

Prussians through 1806Delay Order Half 1D6 Turns Deploying into: Rough TerrainFailure Leader Action Dense Terrain

Currently on Reserve Order

+2 +1 Everyone & Everything Not Listed


-1 each -1 +3 +2 +1

Ploy or deploy the resulting number automatic as is artillery transferring 12 or More



8 to 11



4 to 7



3 or Less


Et sans résultat!

-3 Units transitioning between ployed an -5

Et sans résultat! Scale Yards



Et sans résultat! by David M. Ensteness


and step in the turn sequence is highlighted by a color corresponding to the relevant charts and section of the Player’s Guide. MMAND MOVEMENT ARTILLERY & SKIRMISH COMBAT Order Conversions Order Conversions ate Order Artillery & Skirmishing Movement Combat Resolution e Orders Leader Fate Ploy & Deploy Assessments er Actions Assessments Fatigue Recovery Order Conversions

4.3 DEPLOYMENT Formations are considered either ployed in a march column or deployed for battle. Formations may ploy or deploy Units at the end of the Movement Phase, regardless of their orders. Formations may not moveMOVEMENT after ploying or deploying Units. LIST OF ORDERS & ACTIONS





Retreat [RT] Broken [BR] Rally & Reform [RR]

Move [M] Reserve [R]



Ployed march columns allow a Formation to move 3600 quickly along roads across long Ployed on-road 1800 yards 2250 yards yards Ployed off-road oralignment or line dressing. However, a ployed column is distances without concern over 1500 yards 1800 yards 2700 yards on poor roads Displace Unlimbered Battery also very fragile and, therefore, highly to enemy Deployed 1125susceptible yards 1500 yards – attack. Create Detachment


on Personal Cmd 1 Own Objective Artillery Battery mperial ADC 2 Specialty Unit ed Artillery Battery

Create Grand Battery Rally a Unit Inspire Formation 2


Retreating [RT] or Breaking [BK]

x1/2, must attempt to stay 900 [RT] or 1800 [BK] yards away from the enemy.

Deployed FormationsRough areTerrain arrayedLights in& Irregulars: one orNo effect. more waves for battle. Waves provide All others: x1/2. support for front lineDense Units and offer Lights protection and Irregulars:that x1/2. potentially prevents a combat Terrain All others: x1/2, entrance and exit cause a halt. setback from turning into a Artillery rout. Unlimber Free.

g Personal Command of a Retreating [RT] or Broken [BK] rmation does not require a Leader Action Test. 2 No Leader Action Test required.

Limber Artillery

Leader Action: Displace Unlimbered Battery.



ing orders may attempt activation once per turn. Commanders may attempt Leader Actions for Formations within the chain-of-command until one fails. MODIFIERS

6 to attempt an Order Activation or a Leader Action.

der’s g [LR]:



+3 +2 +1

This Formation Another Formation

add LR (again) subtract LR

ander’s g [LR]:


r bjective:

Subtract Army Cmdr’s [LR]

+3 +2 +1 Varies

der has Superior Vantage Point


from Receiving Commander



-1 each -1 each


Roll 2D6 to ploy or deploy units from a Formation after it has completed its Movement. MODIFIERS Leadership Rating of Formation’s Commander:


+3 +2 +1

Per Fatigue Marker

-1 each

Each Full Third of Movement Used


French, Poles & Italians:

+3 +2 +1

Guard Line 1804-1808 Line 1809-1812, 1815

Other French Allies 1806-1812, 1815


Austrians & Russians through 1805


Prussians through 1806


Deploying into:

Rough Terrain Dense Terrain

-3 -5

Only Deploying Cavalry


Rush Deployment, take +1 Fatigue on classes rushed


Currently on Reserve Order


900 yards of the enemy 450 yards of the enemy

-1 -3

Reserved Retreating Broken

+3 -2 -3

Ploy or deploy the resulting number of units. The last unit is automatic as is artillery transferring to a deployed reserve.


12 or More

Up to 5 Units.

8 to 11

Up to 4 Units.


4 to 7

Up to 3 Units.

3 to 6

Delay Order Half 1D6 Turns Leader Action Failure

3 or Less

Up to 2 Units.

2 or Less


Battery from Formation Reserve RESULTS or More

Ploy: [ploi] verb Military Archaic. To move (troops) from a line into a column. Archaic: [ärˈkāik] adjective A word no longer in everyday use but sometimes used to impart an old-fashioned flavor.

Everyone & Everything Not Listed

+/- 0


Units transitioning between ployed and deployed may be moved up to 225 yards and may contact the enemy.

4.4 FATIGUE RECOVERY Formations on an active defend [D] directive, farther than 900 yards from the enemy, and which did not perform an Assessment during the Artillery & Skirmish or Combat Phases of the previous turn, recover one fatigue of the commanding player’s choosing.

Prussian Life Guard Grenadier Regiment in 1813, artist unknown

Et sans résultat!




5. THE ARTILLERY & SKIRMISH PHASE The third phaseScale of theYards turn is the Artillery & Skirmish Phase. During this phase the results of artillery fire and skirmishing, and leader fate are determined. There are three TURN SEQUENCE steps in this phase.

Small caliber batteries such as 3-pdrphase and 4-pdr gunsindothe notturn sequence is highlighted by a color corresponding to the relevant charts and section of the Player’s Guide. Each and step contribute to a Formation’s MOVEMENT SKIRMISHING & ARTILLERY COMBAT Artillery &COMMAND Skirmish Score but may still allow the player to Activate Order attemptIssue Artillery & Skirmishing Orders if they Leader are committed Actionsand unlimbered within range and arc.

Order Conversions Movement Ploy & Deploy

Order Conversions Combat Resolution Assessments Order Conversions

Artillery & Skirmishing Leader Fate Assessments

PERFORMING ARTILLERY FIRE & SKIRMISHING LIST OF ORDERS & 5.1 ACTIONS MOVEMENT Therefore, light guns still To perform STATUSES artillery fire and skirmishing the Formation must have at least one have OBJECTIVES DIRECTIVES INFANTRY CAVALRY DEPLOYMENT GENERAL provide an opportunity to force & FOOT & HORSE committed, unlimbered artillery battery within 900 yards and 45º arc of the target, or Town or Village Fort or Fortification Reserve [R] STATUS OFFICERS an enemy to perform an ARTILLERY ARTILLERY Road Table Edge Defendmust [D] have deployed infantry battalions within 450 yards of the target. Retreat [RT] Assessment.

Cross Roads River or Stream Bridge or Ford Valley

Woods or Forest Marsh or Pond Hill or Ridge

Move [M] Ployed on-road Broken [BR] Attack [A] Ployed off-road or Rally & Reform [RR] A[S]Formation must perform artillery fire and Support on poor roads

1800 yards

2250 yards

3600 yards

skirmishing whichever enemy 1500 yardsagainst1800 yards 2700 yards target For mation is most Deployed 1125 yards 1350 yards – LEADER ACTIONS within its 45º arc and closest to ARTILLERY FIRE & SKIRMISHING MODIFIERS Take or Abandon Personal Cmd Displace Unlimbered Battery Declare target Formation(s), intensity of artillery and skirmishing, sum Oppos it. Use the Artillery & Skirmish each Artillery and Skirmish modifiers, add All 2D6.others: x1/2. Rough Terrain Lights & Irregulars: No and effect. *Dispatch Imperial ADC* Create Detachment table Grand of the Quick Reference ARTILLERY (0 TO 900 YARDS) MODIFIERS Commander’ Commit an Engineer Company Create Battery Lights and Irregulars: x1/2. Dense Terrain Artillery score may not be less than ‘0’. Commit an Artillery Battery Rally a Unit Guide, sum the applicable All others: x1/2, entrance and exit cause a halt. Combat Rati Defending Fo Per Two Gun Section: 3 & 4-pdrs +0 each Recall Committed Artillery Battery Inspire Formation modifiers, adding 2D6. If theUnlimber Artillery Free. 6, 7 & 8-pdrs +1 each Attacked from * Indicates no Leader Action Test required. French 8-pdrs resulting Artillery & SkirmishLimber Artillery Leader Action: Displace Unlimbered Battery. Formation is British 9-pdrs +2 each Vs Cavalry, P is ‘10’ or more, the Russian 12-pdrs ORDER ACTIVATION & LEADERScore ACTIONS Vs Infantry, P 12-pdrs +4 each Vs Artillery, P target Formation must perform Pending orders may attempt activation once per turn. Per Artillery Fatigue Marker -4 each Opposing: an Assessment. PLOY & DEPLOY Snow, Heavy Rain, or Mud x½


Corps & Army Commanders may attempt Leader Actions for Formations within the chain-of-command until one fails.

Intense Artilleryunits Fatigue) x 1½ it has Roll 2D6Bombardment to ploy or(+1 deploy from a Formation after SKIRMISHING (0 TO 450Movement. YARDS) MODIFIERS completed

The number and caliber of Skirmish modifiers MODIFIERS are ignored vs attacking cavalry. the Effective Doctrine [ED] Line Battalion +2 each Rating of A [L] Battalion o fLeadership Per deployed: Light +3 each +3 Commander: Irregular +3 each +2 Formation’s B [I] Battalion ID] Ineffective LineCBattalion +1 each +1 Doctrine [ID] the Per deployed: Light [L] Battalion +2 each

Players and game hosts canMODIFIERS guns in each battery, and find Roll examples 2D6 toand attempt an Order Activation or a Leader Action. skir mishing doctrine recommendations of what Issuing Commander’s A +3 Formations should be infantry Formation [ED or Leadership Rating [LR]: B +2 considered to have an effective should be provided by C +1 or ineffective skirmish doctrine game host or scenario. IssuerinisRaising Personally This Formation add LR (again) an Army. Commanding: Another Formation subtract LR

Per Fatigue Marker


Won by ≥ 4

Won by ≤ 3 Tie

-1 each +1 each

Irregular [I] Battalion

Committed Company [RF1, RF2, RF3] EachPerFull Third ofRifle Movement Used

Lost by ≤ 3

+1, 2, 3 each -1

Lost by 4-6

Per Infantry Fatigue Marker

-3 each French, Poles & Italians: Guard +3 Lost by 7-9 Receiving Commander’s A Fatigue) x 1½ If the Formation+3 has multiple Intense Skirmish Assault (+1 Infantry Line 1804-1808 +2 Lost by ≥ 10 Leadership Rating [LR]: B +2 Line 1809-1812, 1815 +1 FATE valid targets, its Artillery & LEADER C +1 French Allies 1806-1812, 1815of +1 Skirmish Score is split betweenOther them. Artillery batteries contribute points against Ro Roll 2D6 for cmdrs within 900must yards artillery or 450 other enemies. Force Commander Subtract Army Cmdr’s [LR] Varies MODIFIERS Austrians & Russians through 1805 -1 whichever target is+1most within their arc and closest. Infantry battalions must contribute 11 or More Changing Own Objective: Every When there are situations that 3600 yds to Army Cmdr -2 Army or Force Cmdr. Personally Commanding Formation Prussians 1806 -2 points against targets yards.through The Formation’s 2D6 roll may only be made 9 to 10 Receiving Commander was Removed Fails within 450 allow points to be allocated Characteristics:

Wandered Off


7 to 8 against Charmed / Invincible +1 -1 into: one Death Rough Terrain against one of multiple to the Deploying score used target. The Force Commander Issuing Commander has Superior Vantage Point once and only added +2 A Date with Death -1 5 to 6 Dense Terrain -2 potential targets, the player player controlling -1the Formation may choose which Harmed target to the ‘2’ 2D6 roll against. Every 1800 yards from Receiving Commander Commander on ause Modified or Less. 4 or Less may choose how they wish to Cavalry Formation +3 The choice of which Per Fatigue Marker -1 eachtarget to use the 2D6 roll against must be made before rolling.ASSESSMENTS divide the points. The purpose Rush Deployment, take +1 Fatigue +3 is notMarker to prevent this but to Per Delay -1 each Roll 2D6 to perform an Assessment if: the opposing Artillery & Skirmishing S Currently on Reserve Order +5 require some level of diffusion during Leader Fate, enemy contactand with the Formation’s Reformation If multiple Formations select the harmed same target, each tallies theirinpoints their 2D6 Either Party is within: 900 yards of the enemy -1 among targets. Therefore, all by &a Everything grand battery, Formation takes one Assessment per point Everyone Not Listed +/0 of the grand 450 yards of the enemy -3 rolls. The resulting Artillery & Skirmish Scores are then combined. If the total Artillery targets must be allotted some MODIFIERS RESULTS Formation is: Reserved points. & Skirmish Score+3 is ‘10’ or more, the target Formation must perform an Assessment. Commander’s

A +3 A Formation is: PloyLeadership or deploy the[LR]: resulting number of units. The last unit Retreating -2 Rating Bthe +2 is free target Formation performs only one Assessment during Artillery & Skirmish Phase as is artillery Broken -3 C remaining in reserve. +1

Commit Artillery Battery from Formation Reserve

no matter how many Formations target it, unless it is targeted by Up aArea grand battery. Grand Tactically Outflanked or Reformation 12 or More toAttacked 5 Units. +2


7 or More


3 to 6

Delay Order Half 1D6 Turns Leader Action Failure

2 or Less


Et sans résultat! by David M. Ensteness

Per Ten Points of Opponent’s Artillery & Skirmish Score

-1 each

Per Three Combat Losses this Turn

-2 each

8 to 11



to 7 Marker Per4Fatigue

Up to 4 Units. Up to 3 Units.

Per In Short Range 3 orEnemy LessBattery: Up(450 to 2yards) Units. Enfilade Fire Units between ployed&and deployed Pertransitioning Friendly Battery of this Committed Unlimbered upFiring to 225 yards. Formation or within 225 yds: Intensely

Current Status is

Any Friendly Form -1 each -1 each Formation is Occ -1 each may+1be moved each +1 each

Et sans résultat!

RESULTS 10 or More

No Effect.


THE ARTILLERY & SKIRMISH PHASE 5.2 GRAND BATTERIES Grand batteries are the massing of artillery under a central command authority for a © 2016 The Wargaming Company, LLC specific Fire Mission (5.2.2). Grand batteries are normally difficult to relocate, due to ARTILLERY FIRE & SKIRMISHING COMBAT RESOLUTION the amount of artillery and train equipment present. The benefit of a grand battery is Declare target Formation(s), intensity of artillery and skirmishing, sum Opposing units in contact each roll 2D6, compare result. each its Artillery and Skirmish modifiers, and add 2D6.for otherwise unobtainable MODIFIERS that central leadership allows coordination of fire and ARTILLERY (0 TO 900 YARDS) MODIFIERS Commander’s Tactical Rating [TR] varies resource control. Artillery score may not be less than ‘0’. Combat Rating [CR] varies Per Two Gun Section:

3 & 4-pdrs 6, 7 & 8-pdrs French 8-pdrs British 9-pdrs Russian 12-pdrs 12-pdrs


+0 each +1 each

Defending Fortification or Strong Point


Attacked from Rear or Limbered Artillery


Grand batteries may select any enemy Formation and 900 yard Formationwithin is Broken the [BK] or45º Unit isarc in own Reformation Area range -5 +2 each Cavalry, Per Two Fatigue of its artillery batteries. Grand batteries areVs not required to combine their Artillery & -1 each Vs Infantry, Per Three Fatigue +4 each Vs Artillery, Per Four Fatigue Skirmish Score with other friendly Formations targeting the same enemy Formation. By Per Artillery Fatigue Marker -4 each Opposing: Larger Unit(s) -1 Snow, Heavy Rain, or Mud may Multiple Units to total its Artillery-1 & declaring a Fire Mission (5.2.2), ax ½grand battery choose Characteristics: Shock [S1, S2, S3], 1 round of turn only +1, 2, 3 Intense Bombardment (+1 Artillery Fatigue) x 1½ Skirmish Score separately from other friendly Formations targeting the same enemy Engineers [E] vs built-up-area +1 SKIRMISHING (0 TO 450 YARDS) MODIFIERS © 2016 The Wargaming Company, © 2016 Wargaming Company, LLC LLC Lights [L], inThe dense terrain +1 Skirmish modifiers are ignored vs attacking cavalry. Formation. This can result in the target Formation performing multiple Assessments. Irregulars [I], in dense terrain +1 ARTILLERY COMBAT ARTILLERYFIRE FIRE&&SKIRMISHING SKIRMISHING COMBAT RESOLUTION RESOLUTION

Grand batteries can choose whether they wish to combine their Artillery & Skirmishing Score with that of other friendly Formations against a specific target. This is different from other Formations, which must combine their scores against the same targets.


Effective Doctrine [ED] Line Battalion +2 each Declare target intensity of sum Declare targetFormation(s), Formation(s), intensity ofartillery artillery and and skirmishing, skirmishing, Per deployed: Light [L] Battalion +3 eachsum each Artillery and and add 2D6. andSkirmish Skirmish[I]modifiers, modifiers, each Artillery Irregular Battalion and add 2D6. +3 each ARTILLERY (0 TO ARTILLERY (0Line TO900 900YARDS) YARDS)MODIFIERS MODIFIERS +1 each Ineffective Doctrine [ID] Battalion score may be Per deployed: Artillery Light [L]not Battalion +2 each Artillery score may not beless lessthan than ‘0’. ‘0’. PerTwo Section: [I] Battalion +1+0 each Per 3Irregular each TwoGun Gun Section: 3&&4-pdrs 4-pdrs +0 each Per 77&&8-pdrs +1 Rifle Company6, [RF1, RF2, RF3] +1, 2, 3 each each Committed 6, 8-pdrs +1 French 8-pdrs French 8-pdrs Per Infantry Fatigue Marker -3 each British +2 British9-pdrs 9-pdrs +2 each each Skirmish Assault (+1 Infantry Fatigue) x 1½ Intense Russian Russian12-pdrs 12-pdrs 12-pdrs +4 each 12-pdrs +4 each

RESULTS Opposing Opposing units units in in contact contact each each roll roll 2D6, 2D6, compare compare result. result. Won by ≥ 4 Infantry vs Cavalry Hold, otherwise Breakthrough. MODIFIERS MODIFIERS Won by ≤ 3 Hold position. Cavalry +1 fatigue. Commander’s varies Commander’s Tactical Tactical Rating Rating [TR] [TR] varies Tie +1 fatigue, fight again, artillery retire. varies Combat Combat Rating Rating [CR] [CR] varies Lost by ≤ 3 Retire.Strong Cavalry & Infantry vs Cavalry +1 fatigue.+1 Defending Defending Fortification Fortification or or Strong Point Point +1 Retire Limbered if supported, otherwise rout to Reformation Area Attacked from -3 Lost by 4-6 Attacked from Rear Rear or or Limbered Artillery Artillery -3 and +1 fatigue. If Cavalry retire +1 fatigue. Formation -5 Formation is is Broken Broken [BK] [BK] or or Unit Unit is is in in own own Reformation Reformation Area Area -5 Lost by 7-9 +1 fatigue, rout to Reformation Area. Vs Cavalry, Per Two Fatigue Vs Cavalry, Per Two Fatigue Lost by ≥ 10 +1 fatigue, remove Unit. Vs -1 -1 each each Vs Infantry, Infantry, Per Per Three Three Fatigue Fatigue Vs Vs Artillery, Artillery, Per Per Four Four Fatigue Fatigue LEADER FATE Per -4 PerArtillery ArtilleryFatigue FatigueMarker Marker -4 each each Opposing: Larger Unit(s) -1 Opposing: Roll 2D6 for Larger Unit(s) -1 commanders who were harmed. Roll 2D6 for cmdrs within 900 yards of artillery or 450 other enemies. Snow, xx ½ Multiple -1 Snow,Heavy HeavyRain, Rain,or orMud Mud ½ Multiple Units Units -1 Invincible! “Send me a courier who won’t get himself MODIFIERS st 11 or More st Characteristics: Shock [S1, S2, S3], 1 fight of turn only +1, Intense Bombardment (+1 Artillery Fatigue) x 1½ Characteristics: Shock [S1, S2, S3], 1 fightnext of turn only +1, 2, 2, 3 3 Intense Bombardment (+1 Artillery Fatigue) x 1½ shot just standing to me!” Army or Force Cmdr. Personally Commanding Formation -2 Engineers [E] vs built-up-area +1 Engineers [E] vs built-up-area +1 SKIRMISHING (0 TO 450 YARDS) MODIFIERS SKIRMISHING (0 TO 450 YARDS) MODIFIERS 9 to 10 Minor wound, ratings reduced to zero for 3 turns. Characteristics: Wandered Off Exempt Lights +1 Lights [L], [L], in in dense terrain modifiers are vs Unhorsed & [I], stunned, command SkirmishCharmed modifiersDeath areignored ignored vsattacking attacking cavalry. cavalry. +1 Skirmish / Invincible 7 to 8 Irregulars in dense terrain converts to defend. +1 Irregulars [I], EffectiveDoctrine A Date with Death Effective [ED] Line Battalion +2 each 5 to 6 Severely Wounded. Remove from game. Doctrine [ED] Line Battalion +2 -1 each RESULTS Per Light Perdeployed: deployed: Light[L] [L] Battalion +3 each each Commander Harmed onBattalion a Modified ‘2’ or Less. +3 4Won or Less outright. Remove fromBreakthrough. game. by Infantry vs Hold, otherwise Won by ≥≥ 44 InfantryKilled vs Cavalry Cavalry Irregular +3 Irregular[I] [I]Battalion Battalion +3 each each Won Hold Won by by ≤≤ 33 Hold position. Cavalry +1 fatigue. ASSESSMENTS Ineffective Line +1 IneffectiveDoctrine Doctrine[ID] [ID] LineBattalion Battalion +1 each each Tie +1 Tie +1 fatigue, fatigue, fight again, artillery retire. Per Light [L] +2 each Perdeployed: deployed: Light [L]Battalion Battalionif: the opposing +2Artillery each Roll 2D6 to perform an Assessment & Skirmishing Score is ‘10’ or more, Formation’s commander Lost Retire. Lost by by ≤≤ 33 Retire. Cavalry Cavalry & Infantry vs Cavalry +1 fatigue. Irregular [I] Battalion +1 each Irregular [I] Battalion +1 each harmed during Leader Fate, enemy in contact with the Formation’s Reformation Area or Formation resolved Combat. If targeted Retire Retire ifif supported, supported, otherwise rout to Reformation Area Per Rifle Company [RF1, RF2, RF3] +1, 2, 3 each PerCommitted Committed Rifle Company [RF1, RF2, RF3] +1, 2, 3 each by Lostgrand by 4-6 4-6battery commander’s Leadership Rating [LR]. by a grand battery, Formation takes one Assessment per point of Lost the and and +1 +1 fatigue. fatigue. If Cavalry retire +1 fatigue. Per -3 PerInfantry InfantryFatigue FatigueMarker Marker -3 each each MODIFIERSLost +1 Lost by by 7-9 7-9 +1 fatigue, fatigue, rout to Reformation Area. Intense Skirmish (+1 Fatigue) xx 1½ Intense SkirmishAssault Assault (+1Infantry Infantry Fatigue) 1½+3 Formation is: ≥≥ 10 Brittle+1 [BR] Commander’s

A -1 Lost fatigue, remove Unit. Lost by by 10 Determined [DT] Leadership Rating [LR]: B +2 +2 LEADER FATE LEADER FATE Stoic [ST], if defending C +1 +1 for Enthusiasticwho [EN],were if attacking Roll harmed. +1 Roll for within 900 yards or Roll 2D6 2D6 for commanders commanders Roll2D6 2D6 forcmdrs cmdrs withinor 900 yardsof ofartillery artillery or 450 450 other other enemies. enemies. Grand Tactically Outflanked Reformation Area Attacked -3

5.3 LEADER FATE During this step of the Artillery & Skirmish Phase the fate of commanders is determined. Napoleonic era generals were at high risk of harm, as front line leadership was considered the standard of the day.


5.4 ASSESSMENTS FROM ARTILLERY FIRE & SKIRMISHING Formations whose opponent achieved an Artillery & Skirmish Score of ten points or more, must take an Assessment. Formations whose opponent did not achieve an Artillery & Skirmish Score of ten points, but whose commander was harmed as a result of Leader Fate, or have an enemy Unit in contact with their Reformation Area, also “Send me a courier who won’twill get himself Status Invincible! Retreat -2 Invincible! “Send[RT] an Assessment. by a is: grand battery Fire Mission take MODIFIERS MODIFIERS Per Tenperform Points of Opponent’s Artillery & Skirmish Formations Score -1 targeted each Current 11 11 or or More More shot justorstanding next to me!” Rally [RR] Broken [BK] -4 shot -2 Army or Cmdr. Personally Commanding -2 Army orForce Force Cmdr. Personally CommandingFormation Formation Per Three Combat Losses this Turn -2 each one Assessment for each point of the grand battery Commander’s Leadership Rating 9 to 10 Minor wound, ratings reduced to zero for 3 turns. Any Friendly Formation: Retreat [RT] within 450 yards 9 to 10 Minor wound, -1 Characteristics: Exempt Characteristics: WanderedOff Off Exempt Per Fatigue Marker Wandered -1 each Broken [BK] within 900 yards -3 to Unhorsed & command converts to defend. to 88 Unhorsed & stunned, stunned, Charmed CharmedDeath Death//Invincible Invincible +1 [LR], therefore a grand battery may+1 up 7575to three Assessments. InDeath Short Range (450 yards) -1cause each Formation Town/Fortification Per Enemy Battery: AADate -1 Datewith with Death -1 to 66 Occupying: Severely Wounded. Remove from game. +1 to is Severely Enfilade Fire CommanderHarmed Harmed on onaaModified Modified ‘2’ ‘2’ or or Less. Less. Commander Per Friendly Battery of this Committed & Unlimbered Formation or within 225 yds: Firing Intensely

-1 each or Less Less 44 or +1 each +1 each ASSESSMENTS ASSESSMENTS

Fortified City Remove from game. Killed outright. Killed Strong Point

+2 +1


Roll2D6 2D6to toperform performan anAssessment Assessment if: if: the the opposing opposing Artillery Artillery & & Skirmishing Skirmishing Score Score is is ‘10’ ‘10’ or more, Formation’s commander Roll Effect. 10 or More harmed duringLeader LeaderFate, Fate,enemy enemy in in contact contact with with the the Formation’s Formation’sNo Reformation Area or or Formation Formation resolved Combat. If targeted harmed during Reformation Area Cavalry may evade. Irregulars [I] andAssessment Impetuous [IM]per roll point 2D6, 4 [I] evade andbattery [IM] attack. +1 Fatigue. [LR]. 5 to 9by byaaFire FireMission, Mission,Formation Formation takes one additional Assessment per point≤of of the grand takes one additional the grand commander’s 0 to 4

Irregulars [I] and Impetuous [IM] roll 2D6, ≤ 8 [I] evade and [IM] attack. Cavalry may evade. Artillery retires ½ 1D6 batteries. +2 Fatigue.


-1 to -4 Irregulars [I] and Impetuous [IM] roll 2D6, ≤ 10 [I] evade [IM] Cavalry may evade. Artillery Formation is: Brittle Brittle [BR]retires 1D6 batteries. +4 Fatigue. Commander’s +3 and Formation -1 Commander’s

AA +3 Determined Irregulars [I] break [BK], cavalry Artillery retires all batteries. +5 Fatigue. Determined [DT] -5 to -9 Rating Leadership Rating[LR]: [LR]: +2 are removed. +2 Leadership BB +2 Stoic Formation converts to Retreats Stoic [ST], defending +1 -10 or Less CC +1 Irregulars [I] & cavalry are removed. Artillery retires all batteries. [RT]. All ifclasses’ fatigue increased to+1 1½x. Enthusiastic [EN], if attacking Enthusiastic +1 GrandTactically TacticallyOutflanked Outflankedor orReformation ReformationArea AreaAttacked Attacked Grand -3 -3 STATUS CHECK Current Status Status is: is: Retreat [RT] Current Retreat -2 Per TenPoints Pointsof ofOpponent’s Opponent’s Artillery Skirmish Score Per Ten Artillery Skirmish -1 each each -1 If fatigue equals the&&number ofScore deployed Units, move the Formation to 900 yards from enemy. Replace orders with a retreat status. Retreat Rally [RR] Rally or Broken [BK] -4 PerThree ThreeCombat Combat Lossesequals thisTurn Turn -2 each each Per Losses this -2 If fatigue 1½x deployed Units, move Formation to 1800 yards from Formation: enemy. Replace orders broken status, Break Any Friendly Formation: Retreatwith -1 Any Friendly Retreat [RT]awithin 450 yardsremove cavalry. Per Fatigue Marker -1 each each Per Fatigue Marker -1 Broken [BK] within 900 yards Broken -3 PerEnemy EnemyBattery: Battery: InShort ShortRange Range(450 (450yards) yards) -1 each each Formation is Occupying: Per In -1 Town/Fortification Formation is Occupying: Town/Fortification +1 EnfiladeFire Fire -1 each each Enfilade -1 Fortified City Fortified +2 PerFriendly FriendlyBattery Batteryof ofthis this Committed Committed&&Unlimbered Unlimbered +1 each each Strong Point +1 Per +1 Strong Formationor orwithin within225 225yds: yds: Firing FiringIntensely Intensely +1 each each Formation +1 RESULTS RESULTS

OPTIONAL RULE: A curiosity of warfare is the premonition of one’s own death before battle. At the Start of Game players should each roll 2D6 for their commander, on a roll of ‘2’ they are considered to have a premonition of their own demise and are treated as having A Date with Death.

A Force Commander who takes personal command of a Formation is considered far more exposed than the Formation Commander. While the Formation Commander may be doing a variety of tasks to manage the Formation, it is assumed that a Force Commander who takes personal command is leading from the front and is necessarily more exposed. For those that feel losses among commanders are too high, consider approximately 80% of Napoleon’s marshals were wounded at least once.

Et sans résultat! by David M. Ensteness

10or orMore More 10 to99 55to to44 00to -1to to-4 -4 -1 -5to to-9 -9 -5

No Effect. Effect. No Irregulars[I] [I]and andImpetuous Impetuous [IM] [IM] roll roll 2D6, 2D6, ≤≤ 44 [I] [I] evade evade and and [IM] [IM] attack. attack. Cavalry Cavalry may may evade. evade. +1 +1 Fatigue. Fatigue. Irregulars Irregulars[I][I]and andImpetuous Impetuous[IM] [IM]roll roll 2D6, 2D6, ≤≤ 88 [I] [I] evade evade and and [IM] [IM] attack. attack. Cavalry Cavalry may may evade. evade. Artillery Artillery retires retires ½ ½ 1D6 1D6 batteries. batteries. +2 +2 Fatigue. Fatigue. Irregulars Impetuous[IM] [IM]roll roll2D6, 2D6,≤≤ 10 10 attack. attack. Irregulars Irregulars [I] [I] and and cavalry cavalry must must evade. evade. Artillery Artillery retires retires 1D6 1D6 batteries. batteries. +4 +4 Fatigue. Fatigue. Impetuous

-10or orLess Less -10

Irregulars[I] [I]are areremoved, removed, cavalry cavalry rout, rout, cavalry cavalry Formations Formations break break [BK]. [BK]. Artillery Artillery retires retires all all batteries. batteries. +5 +5 Fatigue. Fatigue. Irregulars Irregulars[I][I]&&cavalry cavalryare areremoved. removed. Artillery Artillery retires retires all all batteries. batteries. Formation Formation converts converts to to Retreat Retreat [RT]. [RT]. Fatigue Fatigue increased increased to to 1½x 1½x total total Units. Units. Irregulars STATUS CHECK CHECK STATUS

Retreat Retreat Break Break

fatigueequals equalsthe thenumber numberof ofdeployed deployed Units, Units, move move the the Formation Formation to to 900 900 yards yards from from enemy. enemy. Replace Replace orders orders with with aa retreat retreat status. status. IfIffatigue fatigueequals equals1½x 1½xdeployed deployedUnits, Units, move move Formation Formation to to 1800 1800 yards yards from from enemy. enemy. Replace Replace orders orders with with aa broken broken status, status, remove remove cavalry. cavalry. IfIffatigue

Etsans sansrésultat! résultat!bybyDavid DavidM. M.Ensteness Ensteness Et

Et sans résultat!




Et sans résultat!

6. THE COMBAT PHASE Resolution of combat occurs exclusively in this phase. Combat resolution represents all forms of combat: morale contests of will, musketry firefights, point-blank artillery fire, and mêlée. All opposing Units in contact during the Combat Phase resolve combat.

There may be times during the Combat phase when no opposing Units are in contact and subsequently contact is made. This is because the Order Conversion step at the Multiple rounds of combat may occur, and there may be additional combat Scale end of the Combat Phase, after Yards opportunities that did not exist at the beginning of the Combat Phase. Upon conclusion Assessments, allows the of the Combat Phase no opposing Units will be in contact. There are four steps in the possibility of additional rounds TURN SEQUENCE Combat Phase. of combat. p in the turn sequence is highlighted by a color corresponding to the relevant charts and section of the Player’s Guide.



er s ns

Order Conversions Movement Ploy & Deploy




r Fortification able Edge ds or Forest rsh or Pond ll or Ridge


Reserve [R] Defend [D] Move [M] Attack [A] Support [S]

Retreat [RT] Broken [BR] Rally & Reform [RR]


Artillery & Skirmishing Leader Fate Assessments

Order Conversions Combat Resolution Assessments Order Conversions

6.1 ORDER CONVERSIONS DURING COMBAT MOVEMENT Formations whoseINFANTRY active orders allow conversion to another order may do so at the start CAVALRY DEPLOYMENT GENERAL & FOOT & HORSE of a Combat Round. To convert from one ofSTATUS the Combat Phase or after the completion OFFICERS ARTILLERYcurrent active order or its class (infantry, order to another,ARTILLERY either the Formation’s Ployed on-road 1800 yards 2250 yards 3600 yards cavalry, artillery) must allow it. Order Conversion (4.1) details the conversion of order Ployed off-road or directives. 1500 yards 1800 yards 2700 yards on poor roads Deployed


onal Cmd ADC* Company Battery ery Battery


1125 yards

1350 yards

6.2 COMBAT ROUNDSMODIFIERS Combat in&‘rounds’. ofx1/2. Combat Resolution execution and Rough Terrainis resolved Lights Irregulars:ANoround effect.consists All others: Assessments. Combat rounds may be caused either by movement during the Movement Lights and Irregulars: x1/2. Dense Terrain Phase or by order conversions made during the Combat All others: x1/2, entrance and exit cause a halt.Phase.

Displace Unlimbered Battery Create Detachment Create Grand Battery Rally a Unit Inspire Formation

Unlimber Artillery

tes no Leader Action Test required.


Limber Artillery RESOLUTION Leader Action: Displace Unlimbered Battery. 6.3 COMBAT The order in which Formations resolve combat is left up to players. Combat between R ACTIVATION & LEADER ACTIONS Units in a Formation is resolved from the attacking player’s right to the attacking ers may attempt activation once per turn. & DEPLOY player’s left. If bothPLOY Formations are attacking, resolve from the right of the Commander nders may attempt Leader Actions for Formations © 2016 The Wargaming Company, LLC Roll 2D6 to ploy or deploy units from a Formation after it has with the higher Leadership Rating. If he chain-of-command until one fails. ARTILLERY FIRE &completed SKIRMISHING Movement. COMBAT RESOLUTION the opposing Commanders have the Declare target Formation(s), intensity of artillery and skirmishing, sum Opposing units in contact each roll 2D6, compare result. MODIFIERS MODIFIERS each Artillery and Skirmish modifiers, add 2D6. players MODIFIERS same Leadership Ratingand[LR], mpt an Order Activation or a Leader Action. ARTILLERY (0 TOof 900 YARDS) MODIFIERS Commander’s Tactical Rating [TR] varies Leadership Rating A +3 mayArtillery rollscoreoff with dice or decide Combat Rating [CR] may not be less than ‘0’. varies A +3 Formation’s Commander: B +2 Defending Fortification or Strong Point +1 Per Two Gunamongst Section: 3themselves & 4-pdrs +0right each whose B +2 C +1 6, 7 & 8-pdrs +1 each Attacked from Rear or Limbered Artillery -3 C +1 will be resolved from. combat French 8-pdrs Per Fatigue Marker -1is each Formation Broken [BK] or Unit is in own Reformation Area -5 This Formation Another Formation

add LR (again) subtract LR


+3 +2 +1

Subtract Army Cmdr’s [LR] Every 3600 yds to Army Cmdr

as Removed

Varies +1 Fails

Superior Vantage Point


ceiving Commander

-1 -1 each -1 each

900 yards of the enemy -1 Trooper of the 7th Hussars by 450 yards of the enemy -3

Jean-Baptiste Édouard Detaille

Reserved Retreating Broken 17

+3 -2 -3

om Formation Reserve






+2 each +4 each

Vs Cavalry, Per Two Fatigue -1Three Fatigue Vs Infantry, Per Vs Artillery, Per Four Fatigue

Both players determine the Combat Italians: Guard +3 -4 each Opposing: Linemodify 1804-1808 of their Unit and it per Snow, HeavyRating Rain, or Mud x½ +2 (+1 Artillery Fatigue) Resolution Linetable 1809-1812, 1815 Characteristics: +1 Intense Bombardment x 1½ the Combat of the SKIRMISHING (0 TO 450 YARDS) MODIFIERS Other French Allies 1806-1812, 1815players roll +1 Quick Reference Guide. Both Skirmish modifiers are ignored vs attacking cavalry. Austrians & Russians through 1805 -1 Effective Doctrine [ED] Line Battalion +2 each 2D6 and add their modified rating. Per deployed: Light [L] Battalion +3 each French, Poles Per Artillery Fatigue Marker &

Prussians 1806 through Irregular [I] Battalion

Won by ≥ 4-2

+3 each

Won by ≤ 3

Ineffective Doctrine [ID] +1 each Deploying into: Line Battalion Rough Terrain Per deployed: Light [L] Battalion +2 each Dense Terrain Irregular [I] Battalion +1 each

-1 each

Larger Unit(s) Multiple Units

-1 -1

Shock [S1, S2, S3], 1st round of turn only Engineers [E] vs built-up-area Lights [L], in dense terrain Irregulars [I], in dense terrain

+1, 2, 3 +1 +1 +1

RESULTS Infantry vs Cavalry Hold, otherwise Breakthrough. Hold position. Cavalry +1 fatigue.

-1 Tie +1 fatigue, fight again, artillery retire. The difference between the two Lost by ≤ 3-2 Retire. Cavalry & Infantry vs Cavalry +1 fatigue. modified ratings determines the result Retire if supported, otherwise rout to Reformation Area Per Committed Company [RF1, RF2, RF3] +1, 2, 3 each Lost by 4-6+3 CavalryRifle Formation and +1 fatigue. If Cavalry retire +1 fatigue. of the Per Infantry Fatigue Marker combat, with the -3higher each Lost by 7-9+3 +1 fatigue, rout to Reformation Area. Rush Deployment, take +1 Fatigue Intense Skirmish Assault (+1 Infantry Fatigue) x 1½ +1 fatigue, remove Unit. modified rating winning and the lower Lost by ≥ 10 Currently on Reserve Order +5 LEADER FATE modified rating losing. Everything Listed Roll Everyone 2D6 for cmdrs&within 900 yards Not of artillery or 450 other enemies. MODIFIERS


Army or Force Cmdr. Personally Commanding Formation

Ploy or deploy Characteristics: Wanderedthe Off resulting Charmed Death as is/ Invincible artillery A Date with Death 12 or MoreHarmed Commander 8 to 11


British 9-pdrs

12-pdrs Used Each Full Third ofRussian Movement


+/-2D6 0 for commanders who were harmed. Roll

11 or More

number of units. The Exempt remaining +1 in reserve.

Up on a Modified ‘2’ or Less.


to 5 Units.

9 to 10 last unit

Invincible! “Send me a courier who won’t get himself shot just standing next to me!” Minor wound, ratings reduced to zero for 3 turns. is free

Et sans résultat!

7 to 8

Unhorsed & stunned, command converts to defend.

5 to 6

Severely Wounded. Remove from game.

4 or Less

Killed outright. Remove from game.


Roll 2D6 to Artillery & Skirmishing Score is ‘10’ or more, Formation’s commander 4 perform to 7 an Assessment if: the opposing Up to 3 Units.


THE COMBAT PHASE 6.4 CAVALRY ASSAULTS © 2016 2016 The The Wargaming Company, Company, LLC LLC © 2016 The Wargaming Wargaming Company, LLC CavalryARTILLERY were aFIRE unique battlefield force, highly flexible © and mobile, but also incredibly & SKIRMISHING COMBAT RESOLUTION ARTILLERY FIRE & SKIRMISHING COMBAT RESOLUTION ARTILLERY FIRE SKIRMISHING Declare target Formation(s), intensity of artillery and skirmishing, sum Opposing units inCOMBAT contact RESOLUTION each roll 2D6, compare result. fragile. The use of &cavalry alsoskirmishing, variedsum greatly. Napoleonic employed cavalry Declare target Formation(s), intensity of artillery and Opposing units France in contact each roll 2D6, compare a each Artillery and Skirmish 2D6. Declare target Formation(s), intensitymodifiers, of artilleryand andadd skirmishing, sum Opposing units in contact each roll 2D6, compare result. MODIFIERS each Artillery and Skirmish modifiers, and add 2D6. MODIFIERS eachARTILLERY Artillery and(0force Skirmish modifiers, and add 2D6. mass shock on the battlefield, responding to threats with huge numbers of MODIFIERS TO 900 YARDS) MODIFIERS Commander’s Tactical Rating [TR] varies ARTILLERY (0 TO 900 YARDS) MODIFIERS Commander’s Tactical Rating [TR] varies ARTILLERY (0 TO 900not YARDS) MODIFIERS Commander’s varies Artillery score may be less than ‘0’. Combat RatingTactical [CR] Rating [TR] varies Artillery score may not be less than ‘0’. Combat [CR] varies horsemen. The Allied armies predominately usedRating cavalry in smaller allotments, mass Artillery score not be less than ‘0’. Combat Rating [CR] varies Defending Fortification or Strong Point +1 Per Two Gun Section: 3 &may 4-pdrs +0 each Per Two Gun Section: 3 & 4-pdrs +0 each Defending Fortification or Strong Point +1 Gun 3 +0 each Defending Fortification or Stronglargely Point +1 Per Twocavalry Section: assaults 6,&7 4-pdrs & 8-pdrs +1 being a far less +1 common tactic. This was a difference Attacked from Rear or Limbered Artillery -3of 6, 7 & 8-pdrs each Attacked from Rear or Limbered Artillery -3 6, 7 & 8-pdrs +1 each French 8-pdrs Attacked Rear or Limbered -3 French 8-pdrs Formationfrom is Broken Broken [BK] or Unit Unit Artillery is in in own own Reformation Reformation Area Area -5 Formation is [BK] or is -5 French 8-pdrs doctrine: British 9-pdrs +2 each practical the French army trained and exercised tactics based on large masses British 9-pdrs +2 each Formation Broken [BK] or Unit is in own Reformation Area -5 Vs Cavalry, Cavalry,isPer Per Two Fatigue Fatigue British +2 each Russian9-pdrs 12-pdrs Vs Two Russian 12-pdrs Vs Cavalry, Per Two Fatigue -1 each Infantry, Three Fatigue Russian 12-pdrs of cavalry; the Allied armies focused on smaller, unit level tactics. The result was -1 that 12-pdrs +4 each each each Vs Infantry, Per Three Fatigue 12-pdrs +4 -1 each Vs Infantry, Per Three Fatigue Artillery, Per Four Fatigue Fatigue 12-pdrs +4 each Vs Artillery, Four Per Artillery Fatigue Marker -4 each Vs Artillery, Per Four Fatigue Per Artillery Fatigue Marker -4 each Allied cavalry was commonly better thanOpposing: their French opponent, but was also Opposing: Larger Unit(s) Unit(s) -1 Larger -1 Per Artillery Fatigue Marker -4 each Snow, ½ Opposing: Larger -1 MultipleUnit(s) Units Snow, Heavy Heavy Rain, Rain, or or Mud Mud xx ½ Multiple Units -1 Snow, Heavy Rain, or Mud outnumbered multiples xto ½ one. Multiple Units -1 commonly Characteristics: Shock [S1, [S1, S2, S2, S3], S3], 11 round round of of turn turn only only +1, +1, 2, 2, 33 Intense Artillery Fatigue) Fatigue) 1½ Characteristics: Shock xx 1½ Intense Bombardment Bombardment (+1 (+1 Artillery


x 1½ Intense Bombardment (+1 Artillery Fatigue) SKIRMISHING (0 TO TO 450 450 YARDS) YARDS) MODIFIERS MODIFIERS SKIRMISHING (0 SKIRMISHING (0 TO 450 YARDS) MODIFIERS Skirmish modifiers are ignored vs attacking cavalry. Skirmish modifiers are ignored vs attacking cavalry. Skirmish modifiers are ignored vs attacking cavalry. Effective Line Battalion Battalion +2 each each Effective Doctrine Doctrine [ED] [ED] Line +2 Effective Doctrine [ED] Line +2 Per deployed: LightBattalion [L] Battalion Battalion +3 each each Per deployed: Light [L] +3 each Light [L] Battalion +3 each Per deployed: Irregular [I] Battalion Battalion +3 each each Irregular [I] +3 Irregular [I] Battalion +3 each Ineffective Line Battalion Battalion +1 each each Ineffective Doctrine Doctrine [ID] [ID] Line +1 Ineffective Doctrine [ID] Line Battalion +1 each Per Light [L] [L] Battalion Battalion +2 each each Per deployed: deployed: Light +2 Per deployed: Light [L] Battalion +2 each Irregular [I] [I] Battalion Battalion +1 each each Irregular +1 Irregular [I] Battalion +1 each Per [RF1, RF2, RF2, RF3] RF3] +1, 2, 2, 3 3 each each Per Committed Committed Rifle Rifle Company Company [RF1, +1, Per Committed Rifle Company [RF1, RF2, RF3] +1, 2, 3 each Per -3 each each Per Infantry Infantry Fatigue Fatigue Marker Marker -3 Per Infantry Fatigue Marker -3 each Intense Infantry Fatigue) Fatigue) 1½ Intense Skirmish Skirmish Assault Assault (+1 (+1 Infantry xx 1½ Intense Skirmish Assault (+1 Infantry Fatigue) x 1½


st st

Shock [S1,[E] S2,vsS3], 1st round of turn only +1,+1 2, 3 Engineers built-up-area Engineers [E] vs built-up-area +1 Engineers [E]dense vs built-up-area +1 Lights [L], [L], in in terrain Lights dense terrain +1 Lights [L], in dense terrain +1 Irregulars [I], [I], in in dense dense terrain terrain Irregulars +1 Irregulars [I], in dense terrain +1 RESULTS RESULTS RESULTS Infantry vs vs Cavalry Cavalry Hold, Hold, otherwise otherwise Breakthrough. Breakthrough. Infantry Infantry vs Cavalry Hold, otherwise Breakthrough. Hold position. position. Cavalry Cavalry +1 +1 fatigue. fatigue. Hold Hold position. Cavalry +1 fatigue. +1 fatigue, fatigue, fight fight again, again, artillery artillery retire. retire. +1 +1 fatigue, fight again, artillery retire. Retire. Cavalry Cavalry & & Infantry Infantry vs vs Cavalry Cavalry +1 +1 fatigue. fatigue. Retire. Retire. Cavalry & Infantry vs Cavalry +1 fatigue. Retire ifif supported, supported, otherwise otherwise rout rout to to Reformation Reformation Area Area Retire Retire ifand supported, otherwise rout to Reformation +1 fatigue. fatigue. Cavalry retire +1 fatigue. fatigue. Area and +1 IfIf Cavalry retire +1 and +1 fatigue. If Cavalry retire +1 fatigue. +1 fatigue, fatigue, rout rout to to Reformation Reformation Area. Area. +1 +1 fatigue, rout to Reformation Area. +1 fatigue, fatigue, remove remove Unit. Unit. +1 +1 fatigue, remove Unit.

To reflect this, Et sans résultat! employs the Lead Mass Cavalry [MC] commander Won by ≥ ≥4 4 Cavalry [MC] characteristic may characteristic. Commanders with the Lead Won Mass by Won by ≥ 4 Won by by ≤ ≤3 3 Won perform mass cavalry assaults. Won by ≤ 3 Tie Tie Tie Lost by by ≤ ≤3 3 Lost Lost by ≤ 3 Lost by 4-6 Lost by 4-6 Lost by 4-6 Lost by by 7-9 7-9 Lost Lost by 7-9 Lost by by ≥ ≥ 10 10 Lost Lost by ≥ 10

6.5 ASSESSMENTS FROM COMBAT Assessments during the Combat Phase are performed immediately after each Formation completes the Combat Resolution step. A Formation must perform an LEADER FATE LEADER LEADER FATE FATE Roll 2D6 for for commanders commanders who who were harmed. harmed. Roll 2D6 for cmdrs within 900 yards yards of of artillery or or 450 other other enemies. enemies. Roll Roll for Assessment it resolved if an enemy Unit isInvincible! in contact with the Formation’s Roll 2D6 2D6 for commanders who were were harmed. Roll 2D6 2D6 for cmdrs cmdrs within withinif900 900 yards of artillery artillerycombat or 450 450 otheror enemies. “Send me me aa courier courier who who won’t won’t get get himself MODIFIERS Invincible! “Send MODIFIERS 11 or More Invincible! “Send me a courier who get himself himself MODIFIERS 11 or More shot just standing next towon’t me!” 11 or More shot just standing next to me!” Reformation Area. To perform an table of the Quick Army or Force Cmdr. Personally Commanding Formation -2Assessment, use the Assessment Army or Force Cmdr. Personally Commanding Formation -2 shot just standing next to me!” -2 Army or Force Cmdr. Personally Commanding Formation 9 to 10 Minor wound, ratings reduced to zero for 3 turns. 9 Minor wound, reduced to for Characteristics: Wandered Off Exempt Characteristics: Wandered Off Exempt 9 to to 10 102D6, and Minorconsult wound, ratings ratings reduced to zero zero for 3 3 turns. turns.of Wandered Off Exempt Reference Guide, sum the applicable modifiers, add the results section 7 to 8 Unhorsed & stunned, command converts to defend. Characteristics: Charmed Death / Invincible +1 7 to to 8 8 Unhorsed & & stunned, stunned, command command converts converts to to defend. defend. Charmed Death Death // Invincible Invincible +1 7 Unhorsed Charmed +1 A Date with with Death Death -1 to 6 Severely Wounded. Remove Remove from game. game. A -1 Severely the table to with determine the Assessment’s result. 555 to A Date Date Death -1 to 6 6 Severely Wounded. Wounded. Remove from from game. Commander Harmed on a Modified ‘2’ or Less. Commander Commander Harmed Harmed on on a a Modified Modified ‘2’ ‘2’ or or Less. Less.

4 or or Less 4 4 or Less Less


Killed outright. outright. Remove from from game. Killed Killed outright. Remove Remove from game. game.

Roll 2D6 to perform an an Assessment if: if: the opposing opposing Artillery & & Skirmishing Score Score is ‘10’ ‘10’ or more, more, Formation’s commander commander Roll Roll 2D6 2D6 to to perform perform an Assessment Assessment if: the the opposing Artillery Artillery & Skirmishing Skirmishing Score is is ‘10’ or or more, Formation’s Formation’s commander harmed during Leader Fate, enemy in in contact with with the Formation’s Formation’s Reformation Area Area or Formation Formation resolved Combat. Combat. If targeted targeted harmed harmed during during Leader Leader Fate, Fate, enemy enemy in contact contact with the the Formation’s Reformation Reformation Area or or Formation resolved resolved Combat. If If targeted by a grand battery, Formation Formation takes one one Assessment per per point of of the grand grand battery commander’s commander’s Leadership Rating Rating [LR]. by by a a grand grand battery, battery, Formation takes takes one Assessment Assessment per point point of the the grand battery battery commander’s Leadership Leadership Rating [LR]. [LR]. Commander’s

A Commander’s A Commander’s

A Leadership B Leadership Rating Rating [LR]: [LR]: B Leadership Rating [LR]: B C C C Grand or Reformation Area Area Attacked Grand Tactically Tactically Outflanked Outflanked or Grand Tactically Outflanked or Reformation Reformation Area Attacked Attacked Per Artillery & & Skirmish Skirmish Score Score Per Ten Ten Points Points of of Opponent’s Opponent’s Artillery Artillery Per Ten Points of Opponent’s & Skirmish Score Per this Turn Turn Per Three Three Combat Combat Losses Losses this this Per Three Combat Losses Turn Per Fatigue Marker Per Per Fatigue Fatigue Marker Marker Per Enemy Battery: In Short Range Range (450 yards) yards) Per In Per Enemy Enemy Battery: Battery: In Short Short Range (450 (450 yards) Enfilade Fire Enfilade Enfilade Fire Fire Per Committed & & Unlimbered Unlimbered Per Friendly Friendly Battery Battery of of this this Committed Committed Per Friendly Battery of this & Unlimbered Formation Firing Intensely Intensely Formation or or within within 225 225 yds: yds: Firing Firing Intensely Formation or within 225 yds: 10 10 or More 10 or or More More 5 5 to to 9 9 5 to 9 0 to 0 4 0 to to 4 4

-1 -1 to -4 -1 to to -4 -4 -5 -5 to to -9 -9 -10 -10 or or Less Less Retreat Retreat Break Break


Formation is: +3 Formation +3 Formation is: is: +3 +2 +2 +2 +1 +1 +1 -3 -3 -3 Current Status is: is: -1 each each Current Current Status Status is: -1 -1 each -2 each -2 -2 each each Any Any Friendly Friendly Formation: Friendly Formation: Formation: -1 each each Any -1 -1 each -1 each Formation is Occupying: -1 -1 each each Formation is Occupying: Formation is Occupying: -1 each -1 -1 each each +1 each +1 +1 each each +1 each each +1 each +1 RESULTS RESULTS RESULTS

Brittle [BR] Brittle Brittle [BR] [BR] Determined [DT] [DT] Determined Determined [DT] Stoic [ST], [ST], ifif defending defending Stoic Stoic [ST], if defending Enthusiastic [EN], [EN], ifif attacking attacking Enthusiastic Enthusiastic [EN], if attacking Retreat [RT] Retreat Retreat [RT] [RT] Rally [RR] [RR] or or Broken Broken [BK] [BK] Rally Rally [RR] or Broken [BK] Retreat [RT] [RT] within within 450 450 yards yards Retreat Retreat [RT] within 450 yards Broken [BK] within 900 yards Broken [BK] [BK] within within 900 900 yards yards Broken Town/Fortification Town/Fortification Town/Fortification Fortified City City Fortified Fortified City Strong Point Strong Strong Point Point

-1 -1 -1 +2 +2 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -2 -2 -2 -4 -4 -4 -1 -1 -1 -3 -3 -3 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +1 +1 +1

No Effect. Effect. No No Effect. Irregulars [I] [I] and and Impetuous Impetuous [IM] [IM] roll roll 2D6, 2D6, ≤ ≤4 4 [I] [I] evade evade and and [IM] [IM] attack. attack. Cavalry Cavalry may may evade. evade. +1 +1 Fatigue. Fatigue. Irregulars Irregulars [I] and Impetuous [IM] roll 2D6, ≤ 4 [I] evade and [IM] attack. Cavalry may evade. +1 Fatigue. Irregulars [I] and and Impetuous Impetuous [IM] [IM] roll roll 2D6, 2D6, ≤ ≤8 8 [I] [I] evade evade and and [IM] [IM] attack. attack. Cavalry Cavalry may may evade. evade. Artillery Artillery retires retires ½ ½ 1D6 1D6 batteries. batteries. +2 +2 Fatigue. Fatigue. Irregulars Irregulars [I] [I] and Impetuous [IM] roll 2D6, ≤ 8 [I] evade and [IM] attack. Cavalry may evade. Artillery retires ½ 1D6 batteries. +2 Fatigue. Irregulars [I] [I] and and Impetuous Impetuous [IM] [IM] roll roll 2D6, 2D6, ≤ 10 [I] [I] evade evade and and [IM] [IM] attack. attack. Cavalry Cavalry must may evade. Irregulars evade. Artillery retires 1D6 batteries. +4 Fatigue. Irregulars [I] and Impetuous [IM] roll 2D6, ≤≤ 10 10 [I] evade and [IM] attack. Cavalry must evade. Artillery Artillery retires retires 1D6 1D6 batteries. batteries. +4 +4 Fatigue. Fatigue. Irregulars [I] [I] break break [BK], [BK], cavalry cavalry are are removed. removed. Artillery Artillery retires retires all all batteries. batteries. +5 +5 Fatigue. Fatigue. Irregulars Irregulars classes’ fatigueto increased 1½x. Irregulars [I] [I] & & cavalry cavalry are are removed. removed. Artillery Artillery retires retires all Fatigue increased 1½x totaltoUnits. all batteries. batteries. Formation Formation converts converts to to Retreats Retreats [RT]. [RT]. All STATUS CHECK If equals the the number number of of deployed deployed Units, Units, move move the the Formation Formation to to 900 900 yards yards from from enemy. enemy. Replace Replace orders orders with with aa retreat retreat status. status. If fatigue fatigue equals If If fatigue fatigue equals 1½x deployed Units, move Formation to 1800 yards from enemy. Replace orders with a broken status, remove cavalry.

Et sans résultat! by David M. Ensteness

Et sans résultat!

Commander Characteristics (3.1) in Raising an Army offers details on the characteristics Commanders may have such as Lead Mass Cavalry [MC] or Lead Grand Battery [GB].

Formations do not wait for other Formations to complete Combat Resolution before they assess. Immediately after a Formation completes its Combat Resolutions it must assess. Because Assessments are done sequentially, as Combat Resolutions complete, this can cause a battle line to crumble as a setback spreads panic across the field.

While the Assessment step is performed in both the Artillery & Skirmish and Combat Phases, the Status Check step only occurs in the Combat Phase. Therefore a Formation may only retreat [RT] as a result of a terrible Assessment result (-10 or less), or at the end of the Combat Phase during a Status Check.



ET SANS RÉSULTAT! ET SANS RÉSULTAT! SECOND EDITION ESR Second Edition is available from The Wargaming Company:

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The Essential Player’s Guide

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Et sans résultat! A detailed, yet highly playable, perspective based wargame

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The Complete Player's Guide also includes two supplements: Raising an Army Designing for War These supplements provide examples of the military organization of all five major nations for every campaign during the Napoleonic Wars, extensive Commander and Unit rating recommendations, and guidelines for designing your own scenarios.

Master of the World, 1812 in Russia, Phase One: The Invasion is the first ESR Campaign Guide. It provides nine scenarios covering the major engagements of the French Main Army from Mir to Borodino, a campaign framework for linking the scenarios, and a Mid War uniform guide that includes over 600 images, detailing ever Unit involved in the scenarios.

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