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ERROR IDENTIFICATION 1. SIGHTINGS of this SPECIES of bird have been FEW AND FAR BEHIND, even in NATURE RESERVES. FEW AND FAR BEHIND -> FEW AND FAR BETWEEN: sparsely distributed 2. As he engaged IN BINGY drinking on a daily BASIS, he gradually DEVELOPED symptoms of cancer. BINGY -> BINGE 3. Once CONSIDERED meaningless and RATHER distracting, gesticulation is now being taken more SERIOUSLY as a MEAN of communication, and has been the subject of a great deal of research in recent years. MEAN -> MEANS 4. The money I DERIVED from working WAS paid DIRECT into my BANKING account. BANKING -> BANK 5. ‘You DIDN’T NEED TO BUY that’, SIGHED my wife on HEARING that I had purchased ANOTHER vase. DIDN’T NEED TO BUY -> NEEDN’T HAVE BOUGHT 6. When SEARCHING for the BURIED treasure, we noticed a strange INHUMANE sound COMING from a distant place, warning about an animal lurking somewhere. INHUMANE -> INHUMAN 7. They HAD no option BUT to cut SHORTLY their holiday when a member suddenly fell ILL. SHORTLY -> SHORT 8. ‘Who wants to GO THROUGH hardships BY THEMSELVES without friends?’, she asked me, her hand closely TIED to MY. MY -> MINE/MY HANDS 9. In THE latest edition OF the encyclopedia, you can notice A number of up-to-date ENTRANCES. ENTRANCES -> ENTRIES 10. You have to abide BY several STRICT code of PRACTICES while WORKING in this enterprise. PRACTICES -> PRACTICE 11. IN SEARCH OF green canopies, I accidentally found a vast space covered WITH trees which was the REMAIN of A WOOD. REMAIN -> REMAINS 12. IN EVENT OF a nuclear war, THE human RACE is TO BLAME FOR the extinction of other species. IN EVENT OF -> IN THE EVENT OF

13. UNLIKE him, I did not major IN CONTRACTED FARMING at university, WHICH partly accounts for my lack of knowledge about this subject. CONTRACTED FARMING -> CONTRACT FARMING 14. I made it CLEAR to them that I WOULD LIKE my house TO BE PAINTED white THROUGH THROUGH -> THROUGHOUT 15. He was a TRUE ORIGINALITY whose behaviour was DIAMETRICALLY different from OTHERS. ORIGINALITY -> ORIGINAL 16. To the BEST of my knowledge, when I studied with him, my Japanese was not on A level with HIS: he spoke Japanese INDEFINITELY better than me. INDEFINTELY -> DEFINITELY/INFINITELY 17. Among OTHER significant contributions the army MADE to the improvement of the conditions of life WERE the investigation of the relationships AMONG health, climate, and architecture. WERE -> WAS 18. IN THE WAKE OF his heroic DEEDS, Nguyen Ngoc Manh was AWARDED ‘Certificate of Honour’ IN RECOGNIZANCE OF his bravery. IN RECOGNIZANCE OF -> IN RECOGNITION OF 19. The Covid-19 pandemic NOTWITHSTANDING, THE economy of Vietnam witnessed GROWTH in 2020 at a RESPECTIVE 2,91 percent. RESPECTIVE -> RESPECTABLE 20. I was AWOKEN to the REALISATION that our marriage was OVER by my friend’s ADVICE. AWOKEN -> AWAKEN 21. After PUTTING IN A HARD DAY’S WORK, he arrived home TIRED, sat on the sofa, and slipped UNAWARELY into sleep. UNAWARELY -> UNAWARES 22. The editor DROPPED IN, notifying me that our novel WOULD BE COME OUT the following month, A PIECE OF NEWS which made me OVERJOYED. WOULD BE COME OUT -> WOULD COME OUT 23. HAVING TAKEN a LEISURELY stroll in the park, we decided to have a SUMPTUOUS meal at an opulent eatery and had to pay a bill just SHY FROM 15,000,000 VND. SHY FROM -> SHY OF 24. As revealed by some journalists, people HAILED as real-life heroes and their private LIVES are the STOCKS-IN-TRADE of THE tabloids. STOCKS-IN-TRADE -> STOCK-IN-TRADE

25. On the spur of THE moment, I decided to visit the bookstore on my way HOME to buy some STATIONARY and LIGHTED UPON a former classmate of mine. STATIONARY -> STATIONERY 26. IN the field of astronomy, COSMIC distance is measured ON LIGHT-YEARS. ON -> BY 27. In the LAST 10 years, VIETNAMESE government has increased its GDP GROWTH rate TO about 2,91%. VIETNAMESE -> THE VIETNAMESE 28. Jane Addams, social worker, author, and SPOKEWOMAN for the women’s suffrage MOVEMENTS, SHE RECEIVED the Nobel Peace Prize in 1939 for her HUMANITARIAN achievements. SHE RECEIVED -> RECEIVED 29. Nguyen Trai’s poems and LITERARY works, which are to some EXTENT philosophic and humanitarian, established THEM as a leading FIGURE in the history of literature. THEM -> HIM 30. All tournament chess games are PLAYED WITH a chess clock – THAT IS two clocks ATTACHED together. ATTACHED -> JOINED 31. Elon Musk’s Space X company is continuing its exploration of the Solar System, AT WHICH rate all THE planets will have been contacted WITHIN the NEAR 50 years. NEAR -> NEXT 32. Some writing systems WERE published and achieved a MEASURE of popularity for a while, but almost all, until the present day, FELL eventually IN disuse. IN -> INTO 33. DANCE notation GOT OFF to a much later start and has undergone a long SUCCESS of FALSE attempts. SUCCESS -> SUCCESSION 34. THOSE so many successful BEGINNINGS were MADE in the field of film-making IS not surprising. THOSE -> THAT 35. There is also an important difference BETWEEN realism and reality, ALTHOUGH this DISTINCT is often forgotten. DISTINCT -> DISTINCTION 36. The young HAVE the power to change the world, rid it forever WITH war and injustice and suffering, PROVIDED they know HOW, know what to do. WITH -> OF 37. Many scientists and experts BELIEVE the idea of TERRFORMING MARS is extreme AND not ridiculous.

AND -> BUT 38. Tourism is always considered A key element in the ECONOMICS of ARCTIC zones and many DESERT areas. ECONOMICS -> ECONOMY 39. Just as causes and QUANTITIES of stress are SUBJECT to personal factors, so is the way in WHICH a person deal with THEM. THEM -> IT 40. Stress is SAID to be the culprit IN a high PERCENT of heart problems and stomach DISORDERS. PERCENT -> PERCENTAGE 41. SQUADRONS of planes can save fuel by flying in a V FORMATION, and many scientists SUSPECT that migrating birds do the SIMILAR. SIMILAR -> SAME 42. Speech is really SUCH integral a form of human activity THAT it cannot be regarded AS an entity in ITSELF. SUCH -> SO 43. This is the vital point ABOUT their discovery: there is AT LAST a THEORETICAL possibility that smaller planets COULD BE ORBITING inside the orbit of this planet. AT LAST -> AT LEAST 44. The global RECORDING industry has launched its largest wave of legal ACTIVITY against people SUSPECTED of sharing MUSIC FILES on the Internet. ACTIVITY -> ACTION(S) 45. EVERYDAY we get COLD CALLS on the phone from total strangers TRYING to sell us something. That’s ANNOYING! EVERYDAY -> EVERY DAY 46. There’s a coffee shop CALLED Highlands near here WHERE the customers spend hours DISCUSSING ABOUT the food. X 47. The STANDARD length of the marathon is 42.4 kilometers but this one is 240 kilometers LONG and SPENDS seven days TO COMPLETE. SPENDS -> COSTS/TAKES 48. According to recent ESTIMATION, about THREE MILLION people worldwide have died BECAUSE OF THE COVID-19 pandemic. ESTIMATION -> ESTIMATES 49. The best DETERRENT AGAINST shoplifting is the PRESENT of staff properly TRAINED IN how to identify potential shoplifters. PRESENT -> PRESENCE

50. H-C Travel Motorcycle Tours TO India, Bhutan, Nepal and Tibet OFFER something for everyone: FROM the beauty of Sikkim to the SPLENDER of Rajasthan. SPLENDER -> SPELENDER 51. Uranus is the ALONE planet in THE solar system WHICH is tipped in ITS side. ALONE -> ONLY/SOLE 52. A new battery FOR domestic appliances IN THE HOUSE is AS thin and flexible as PAPER. X 53. Communication satellites CAN BE either LAUNCHED by rockets AND carried into SPACE BY SPACE shuttles. AND -> OR 54. We are reluctant TO ORDER more EQUIPMENT from that firm because the last SHIPMENT was received so LATELY. LATELY -> LATE 55. Converse All Star is offering substantial SAVINGS on athletic footwear this month, but not ALL types are available IN all SHOES SIZES. SHOES SIZES -> SHOE SIZES 56. Joseph Priestley is IMMORTAL in the HISTORY of CHEMISTRY as the DISCOVERY of oxygen in 1774. DISCOVERY -> DISCOVERER 57. Tyrannosaurus rex GREW to A HEIGHT similar to a GIRAFFE. GIRAFFE -> GIRAFFE’S 58. When in a RELAXED state, the muscles in AN ASLEEP bird’s feet CONTRACT, holding the bird on ITS perch. AN ASLEEP -> A SLEEPING 59. The most frequently SUNG SONG in the world ‘Happy Birthday to you’, was actually WRITTEN with OTHER set of words by the Hill SISTERS in 1893. OTHER -> ANOTHER 60. The kiwi, a NOCTURNAL bird in the country OF New Zealand, is ALIVE only after NIGHTFALL. ALIVE -> LIVELY 61. THE reader may BE GAINING an impression that this text is BEING WRITTEN to criticize, not to COMPLEMENT. COMPLEMENT -> COMPLIMENT 62. After the workshop, THE MAJORITY agreed that they gained a new appreciation OF life and the RELATIONSHIPS they had FORMALLY taken for granted. FORMALLY -> FORMERLY 63. Most schools ARE BASED on the fundamental PRINCIPAL that each child SHOULD DEVELOP ITS full potential.

PRINCIPAL -> PRINCIPLE 64. Many people have to RELY ON the government to cover the BEAR NECESSITIES such as rent and EMERGENCY medical treatment during the pandemic. BEAR -> BARE 65. Last week, I visited THE beach in Kitty Hawk WHERE the Wright brothers MADE their HISTORICAL first airplane flight. HISTORICAL -> HISTORIC 66. A CLASSICAL novel is a novel that represents a GENRE or a writing style, OR it can be a novel that makes a CONTRIBUTION TO literature. CLASSICAL -> CLASSIC 67. BESIDE music appreciation and singing, girls also SCORED higher responding MEANS than boys FOR PLAYING the recorder and other INSTRUMENTS. BESIDE -> BESIDES 68. The test is initiated by the driver PLACING the sensor head in HIS mouth then taking a few deep BREATHES and BLOWING into the device. BREATHES -> BREATHS 69. Whether you CRAVE sweet, savory, decadent or HEALTHY, we have hundreds of toprated DESERT recipes TO SATISFY your taste buds. DESERT -> DESSERT 70. THE curricula of American public school IS determined by individual states, NOT by the FEDERAL government. IS -> ARE 71. Neither the mathematics department nor the biology department at State University REQUIRES that the students MUST WRITE a thesis in order TO GRADUATE with a MASTER’S DEGREE. MUST WRITE -> (SHOULD) WRITE 72. THE WILD AREA TO the north of the lake COMPRISES of CONIFER FORESTS and small lakes. COMPRISES -> CONSISTS 73. THE rose has LONG been A symbol of love, romance, and IT IS VERY BEAUTIFUL. IT IS VERY BEAUTIFUL -> BEAUTY 74. Up the World War II ALMOST ALL important RESEARCH in physic had been MADE in universities, with only university funds FOR SUPPORT. MADE -> CONDUCTED/CARRIED OUT/IMPLEMENT 75. The schoolboy’s excuse wasn’t CREDITABLE at all – Nobody IN his classroom believed in the FAR-FETCHED story he TOLD. CREDITABLE -> CREDIBLE

76. WHEN I got my case back from my friend, it HAD BEEN damaged OVER repair – HOW annoying! OVER -> BEYOND 77. This last lesson ON SURVIVAL SKILLS came INTO HANDY when a group of soldiers nearly found us along A riverbank. INTO -> IN 78. HAVING FINISHED his term paper BEFORE THE deadline, IT WAS DELIVERED to the PROFESSOR BEFORE the class. IT WAS DELIVERED -> I DELIVERED 79. Such characters AS fairies or witches in Walt Disney ANIMATED cartoons, which ARE LOVED by most children, are purely IMAGINATIVE. IMAGINATIVE -> IMAGINARY 80. I HAVE LIVED near the harbor for SO long that I’ve grown FAMILIAR to the noise OF the ships and boats. FAMILIAR -> ACCUSTOMED 81. THE new librarian HAS BEEN FOUND to be not only inefficient BUT ALSO lazy HAS BEEN SACKED. HAS BEEN FOUND -> FOUND/ WHO HAS BEEN FOUND 82. Neither of the GIRLS HAVE turned in the term papers TO THE INSTRUCTOR YET. HAVE -> HAS 83. The deadbolt is THE BEST lock for entry doors BECAUSE it is NOT ONLY inexpensive but INSTALLATION IS EASY. INSTALLATION IS EASY -> EASY TO INSTALL 84. Life insurance, BEFORE available ONLY TO young, healthy persons, can now BE OBTAINED for old people and EVEN for pets. BEFORE -> ONCE/PREVIOSLY 85. The head proctor tells the students when they should BEGIN the exam, how long THEY HAVE to complete it, and what THE PROCEDURES are for TURNING IN. TURNING IN -> TURNING IT IN 86. Comets, which are HEAVENLY BODIES with star-like NUCLEI and tails, appear LUMINOUSLY when visiting our SKIES as many as five or more times each year. LUMINOUSLY -> LUMINOUS 87. Ice COVERS roughly ten percent of the EARTH’S land surface, which is ABOUT the same NUMBER as farms. NUMBER -> AMOUNT 88. Experts believe that GOVERNMENTS will be hesitant TO ALLOW large PAYMENTS to be made anonymously BY bitcoin. BY -> WITH

89. WHICHEVER the weather, and HOWEVER far from the farmhouse they are working, our neighbors come home AT midday TO their dinner. WHICHEVER -> WHATEVER 90. A major collection like THOSE of London’s National Gallery IS HOUSED in numerous rooms, each with dozens of WORKS, ANY ONE of which is very expensive. THOSE -> THAT 91. Today’s viewer is deterred AGAINST trying to EXTEND that spontaneous, immediate, self-reliant kind of reading WHICH would originally HAVE MET the work. WHICH -> THAT 92. JUST think! Next month you will be in your TEENAGE and it seems like ONLY yesterday you WERE a baby. TEENAGE -> TEENS 93. President Clinton’s proposal will help ENSURE WHICH parents in EVERY STATE have access TO the information. WHICH -> THAT 94. They need TO DETERMINE the quality of their schools and IDENTITY AREAS IN WHICH improvement IS NEEDED. IDENTITY -> IDENTIFY 95. Psychologists are therefore RAISING the POSSIBILITY that genius IS the PRODUCTION of teaching. PRODUCTION -> PRODUCT 96. The argument that PERSONABLE presenters help DRAW viewers into shows is now OUTWEIGHED by the fashion for making them the FOCUS ON the programmes. FOCUS ON -> FOCUS OF 97. A sequence of smaller maps SHOWS the world’s population density, EACH country’s birth and death RATES and gross national product in terms of PER CAPITAL INCOME. PER CAPITAL -> PER CAPITA 98. In our Vietnamese TRADITION, women are more CERTAINLY TO BOW the head than TO SHAKE hands. CERTAINLY -> LIKELY 99. IN the beginning of the twentieth century, A new science emerged, IN WHICH many theories of past WERE DISPROVED by the scientific method. IN -> AT 100. Evan INVALIDS, CONFINED to beds or wheelchairs, BECOME tired as the evening WEARS OUT. WEARS OUT -> WEARS ON 101. For the PAST eight years, many musicians HAVE GATHERED together IN Switzerland’s MOST GLITZY ski resort to play, to teach and socialize.

MOST GLITZY -> GLITZIEST 102. Verbier is home FOR three weeks TO more than 100 young musicians, STARRIED-EYED about getting a CRASHING COURSE at the highest possible level. CRASHING COURSE -> CRASH COURSE 103. Today’s African savannah grasshopper manages TO REMAIN largely undetected by ITS predators, BY CHANGING color AT the spot. AT -> ON 104. TALK show producers say they provide useful information and HAVE HELPED to create A more sensitive and EDUCATIONAL public. EDUCATIONAL -> EDUCATED 105. In the harsh economic CLIMAX that exists at present, VERY FEW people are lucky enough TO FIND a job in the first PLACE. CLIMAX -> CLIMATE 106. The Internet makes IT easier for educators to check FOR plagiarism as a simple Internet SEARCH FOR a quote will be enough to IMPOSE copying. IMPOSE -> EXPOSE 107. In many TV COMMERCIALS, men are often seen as useless, CHILDLIKE oafs who are unable TO PERFORM the simplest household TASKS. CHILDLIKE -> CHILDISH 108. Alexander Calder, who was ORIGINALLY interested in MECHANICAL engineering, LATER became a SCULPTURE. SCULPTURE -> SCULPTOR 109. THE FIRST national park IN WORLD, Yellowstone National Park, WAS established IN 1872. IN WORLD -> IN THE WORLD 110. Globes and maps HAVE ALWAYS BEEN important throughout history, BUT never AS MORE so THAN today. AS MORE -> MORE 111. STUDYING the SCIENCE OF logic is one WAY TO cultivate one’s REASON skills. REASON -> REASONING 112. Because vitamins ARE contained IN A wide variety of FOODS, people seldom LACK OF most of them. LACK OF -> LACK 113. In addition to traditional TREATMENTS such as strawberry SHORTCAKES, strawberry tarts and strawberries dipped INTO chocolate, THERE IS strawberry pizza! TREATMENTS -> TREATS 114. INCLUDED in this list of ‘tools’ are: education, social kills, cultural awareness and the acquisition of LANGUAGES, the most important of these BEING the LATER.

LATER -> LATTER 115. This ONE-LANGUAGUE phenomenon could be CONTRIBUTED to a combination of factors, IN WHICH the monolingual environment PLAYED a strong role. CONTRIBUTED -> ATTRIBUTED 116. Many individuals are sick TO the death of SEXY jokes from their peers which POKE fun AT women. SEXY -> SEXIST 117. Perhaps those who argue the CONTRAST are guilty of a STICK-IN-THE-SAND mentality WHICH is often not CONFINED TO their own language. STICK-IN-THE-SAND -> STICK-IN-THE-MUD 118. E-book technology is EVOLVING rapidly, and WITH some of the latest HANDHOLDS you will even get INTERNET access. HANDHOLDS -> HANDHELDS 119. The production process FROM first plan by author UNTIL delivery to the printer has been DOING ELECTRICALLY for a while now. DOING -> DONE 120. SURVIVING in the music industry requires an INTRICATE knowledge of HOW a record company IS FUNCTIONED. IS FUNCTIONED -> FUNCTIONS 121. The PRINCIPLE cause of the WHIRLWIND is intense insulation, which produces an OVERHEATED air mass just ABOVE the ground. PRINCIPLE -> PRINCIPAL 122. What makes THOSE educated people leave their countries should BE CONSIDERED and a DISTINCT between push and pull factors must be MADE. DISTINCT -> DISTINCTION 123. With more entrepreneurs TAKING their INVESTMENTS abroad, developing countries are MISSING an opportunity of WEALTHY CREATION. WEALTHY CREATION -> WEALTH CREATION 124. MOST of the measures MADE so far have not had any SUCCESS in alleviating the EFFECTS of brain drain. MADE -> TAKEN 125. A more global SIGHT must take into consideration the PROVISION of adequate working and living CONDITIONS in the SENDING COUNTRIES. SIGHT -> VIEW 126. THIS was one of the LIMITS of the technique: life COULD NOT exist on such LARGE PLANETS. LIMITS -> LIMITATION

127. A growing RECOGNITION that zoos ought to be in the VANGUARD of the fight FOR the devastation of our natural world HAS BEGUN a zoological revolution. FOR -> AGAINST 128. HEALTH experts warn that this WINTER’S breakthrough could be as serve as the 1989 epidemic, which KILLED 25,000 people in Britain ONLY. ONLY -> ALONE 129. An ENVIRONMENTAL story of mankind would HAVE TO be a history of the SPIRAL demand for natural resources and their inevitable DEPLETION. SPIRAL -> SPRIRALLING 130. Entrepreneurs are now looking INTO the limits of land, sea, AND sky; the new target is THE stars and, more especially, ASTEROIDS. INTO -> BEYOND 131. SEASONAL thawing at the BASIS of the glacier helps FACILITATE the SLIPPAGE of the ice along the ground surface. BASIS -> BASE 132. An endangered species is A population of an organism which is BOTH few in numbers, or threatened by CHANGING environmental or PREDATION parameters. BOTH -> EITHER 133. The experts SAW bureaucracy as both the most EFFICIENT POSSIBLE system, and a threat TO the basic liberties he FELT dear. FELT -> HOLD 134. Real relaxation is A state of alert YET at the same time passive awareness, IN WHICH our bodies are IN REST while our minds are awake. IN REST -> AT REST 135. The need to FARTHER improve the quantity of mattresses SHOWS the importance of THE bed as a piece of furniture in A home. FARTHER -> FURTHER 136. A student who STUDIES how to USE a dictionary effectively will be able to work INDEPENDENTLY for much of THE time. STUDIES -> LEARNS 137. Biologists tend TO ASSUME that the COMPELLING qualities of human activities are DERIVATIVES of basic DRIVES. DERIVATIVES -> DERIVATIONS 138. If any given activity can BE SEEN to facilitate adaptation WITH the environment, it makes sense in BIOLOGICAL terms. WITH -> TO 139. When a blue whale is COMPLETELY GROWN, its heat is the same HEIGHT as a tall man and WEIGHS as much as a horse DOES.

COMPLETELY -> FULLY 140. It’s certainly too soon to say IF the SIGHT of several tigers IN WILDLIFE is an indication of a POPULOUS recovery. POPULOUS -> POPULATION 141. ONCE you have calmed DOWN, things won’t look half as BADLY as you first THOUGHT. BADLY -> BAD 142. AGAIN AND AGAIN it MAY BE a good idea TO GIVE your opponent an opportunity TO MAKE a mistake. AGAIN AND AGAIN -> NOW AND AGAIN 143. The first CASUALTY of the REORGANIZATION will be the bus service, WHICH will be stopped ALL TOGETHER. ALL TOGETHER -> ALTOGETHER 144. A good food wine WOULD be a nice COMPLIMENT to GRILLED dishes or ONES with cream sauces. COMPLIMENT -> COMPLEMENT 145. A panel of UNINTERESTED judges who HAD never met the contestants BEFORE judged the SINGING contest. UNINTERESTED -> DISINTERESTED 146. Chester VISISTED the beach in Kitty Hawk WHERE the Wright brothers MADE their HISTORICAL first airplane flight. HISTORICAL -> HISTORIC 147. Solar eclipse can have an EFFECT on plants and animals that are USED to the regular CIRCLE of DAY AND NIGHT. CIRCLE -> CYCLE 148. It is DESIGNED to help each APPLICANT to make an INFORMATIVE decision before applying for a particular PROGRAMME of study. INFORMATIVE -> INFORMED 149. Now most of THE paint had been PEELED AWAY by SUCCESSFUL reasons OF sun and rain. SUCCESSFUL -> SUCCESSIVE 150. People who watched a SPORTS event on TV, with all THEIR movement and action, VALUED the still image as a REMINDER of the game. THEIR -> ITS