ENM CLI - Alarm [PDF]

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alarm get < Back To Alarm


Syntax to get open alarms in the network alarm get scope [quick_filter] [filter] [options]

Scope Use the scope to specify node names or collections or both to search on. is a list separated by ";" of: NetworkElement id (it allows the use of the wildcard "*" for matching characters) ManagementSystem id (it allows the use of the wildcard "*" for matching characters) FDN of NetworkElement FDN of ManagementSytem FDN of VirtualNetworkFunctionManager FDN of MeContext (if it has been created) FDN of ManagedElement (if the node has been synchronized and the MeContext is not present) is the name of a collection of managed objects. The supported managed objects are: NetworkElement, ManagementSytem and VirtualNetworkFunctionManager. One or more collections can be defined as scope. Multiple collection names must be separated with a semi-colon, for example: Collection01;Collection02 Partial collection names are not supported.

Saved searches are not supported.

Names with special characters listed in following table must be used quoted (e.g. "Special@Name_12")




full stop


question mark


exclamation mark


at sign


percent sign




circumflex accent


low line




vertical bar








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dollar space

Quotes are not required with supported characters.

Quick Filter Use the quick filter to limit the output of alarm get command by specifying either the severity, state or both. If not specified, all instances are involved. -ack, --ack

Filter acknowledged alarms. -cle, --cleared

Filter alarms that are cleared. -closed, --closed

Filter closed alarms. -cri, --critical

Filter alarms with severity critical. -ind, --indeterminate

Filter alarms with severity indeterminate. -maj, --major Filter alarms with severity major. -min, --minor

Filter alarms with severity minor. -unack, --unack

Filter unacknowledged alarms. -und, --undefined

Filter alarms with severity undefined. -war, --warning

Filter alarms with severity warning. --primary Filter alarms with root primary. --secondary

Filter alarms with root secondary.

Filter Use the filter to limit the output of the get command by specifying an alarm attribute. -, --

Specify a list of values to be used for filtering the alarms for a specific attribute. The is either a two-letter or three-letter abbreviation. The filter criteria for text attributes is always "contains". The available values are: -addi, --additionalInformation -aid, --alarmId https://enm2.mtnirancell.ir/#help/app/cliapp/concept/syntax_alarm/get



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-alobj, --alarmingObject -als, --alarmState -an, --alarmNumber -ao, --ackOperator -boi, --backupObjectInstance -bs, --backupStatus -co, --ceaseOperator -cop, --commentOperator -ctx, --commentText -cv, --correlatedVisibility -evt, --eventType -fmxg, --fmxGenerated -lao, --lastAlarmOperation -mc, --manualCease -oc, --oscillationCount -oor, --objectOfReference -pc, --probableCause -pd, --problemDetail -pra, --proposedRepairAction -press, --presentSeverity -prevs, --previousSeverity -ptx, --problemText -pty, --processingType -rpc, --repeatCount -rt, --recordType -sp, --specificProblem -ss, --syncState -ti, --trendIndication -tz, --timeZone -vis, --visibility -id

Specify the alarmId to filter alarms. Note that alarmId is not unique in the ENM scope. To get a single alarm, filter also by objectOfReference. -ta, --timeAttribute

Specify the attribute to be used by--beginand--endoptions. The available values are: eventTime insertTime lastUpdated ackTime commentTime ceaseTime




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-b, --beginSpecify a starting date or time for filtering the alarms. The default attribute is the eventTime The format is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss. The time part is an optional attribute (00:00:00 is assumed). -e, --end

Specify an end date or time for filtering the alarms. The default attribute is the eventTime. The format is YYYY-MMDDThh:mm:ss. The time part is an optional attribute (23:59:59 is assumed). --correlation-group

Specify a correlation group to filter related alarms. Alarms are ordered by root column.

Options Use the options to further restrict the output specification. --count, -ct

Show only the number of matching alarms. --export, -xp

Export to a CSV file the matching alarms. --list, -l

Specify the format of the output as a list. The default is a table. --verbose, -v

Show all the attributes: presentSeverity NodeName specificProblem eventTime objectOfReference problemText alarmState alarmId probableCause eventType recordType alarmingObject alarmNumber backupObjectInstance backupStatus trendIndication previousSeverity proposedRepairAction ceaseTime ceaseOperator ackTime ackOperator problemDetail additionalInformation https://enm2.mtnirancell.ir/#help/app/cliapp/concept/syntax_alarm/get



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commentText insertTime eventPoId processingType fmxGenerated visibility lastUpdated commentTime repeatCount --view-correlationInfo, -vci

Add the following attributes to the default view: root ciFirstGroup ciSecondGroup The ciFirstGroup and ciSecondGroup attributes refers to correlation UUID alarm and they can be used to retrieve alarms belonging to the same group (see --correlation-group filter option for further details).

Description alarm get is used to query alarms for the network nodes. The output is ordered by severity from critical to cleared. The output is ordered by event time from the more recent to the less recent. Command Consequences No consequences with the alarm get command.


Get all the alarms in the network alarm get * Response This command displays the following information for all the alarms in the network. The output is formatted as a table: presentSeverity NodeName specificProblem eventTime objectOfReference problemText alarmState alarmId probableCause eventType https://enm2.mtnirancell.ir/#help/app/cliapp/concept/syntax_alarm/get



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recordType Total number of alarms fetched for the given query is :78

Get all the alarms for a node alarm get ERBS001 Response This command displays the following information for all the alarms of the specified node. The output is formatted as a table: presentSeverity NodeName specificProblem eventTime objectOfReference problemText alarmState alarmId probableCause eventType recordType Total number of alarms fetched for the given query is :5

Get all the internal alarms and alarms for a node alarm get ENM;ERBS001 Response This command displays the following information for the alarms. The output is formatted as a table: presentSeverity NodeName specificProblem eventTime objectOfReference problemText alarmState alarmId probableCause eventType recordType Total number of alarms fetched for the given query is :10




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Get all the alarms for a collection alarm get MyCollection Response This command displays the following information for the alarms of the nodes in MyCollection. The output is formatted as a table: presentSeverity NodeName specificProblem eventTime objectOfReference problemText alarmState alarmId probableCause eventType recordType Total number of alarms fetched for the given query is :17

Get all the alarms for a VirtualNetworkFunctionManager alarm get VirtualNetworkFunctionManager=ECM_01 Response This command displays the following information for the alarms of the specified VNF Manager. The output is formatted as a table: presentSeverity NodeName specificProblem eventTime objectOfReference problemText alarmState alarmId probableCause eventType recordType Total number of alarms fetched for the given query is :1

Get the alarms with specific severities for the nodes that match a string starting with a specific name alarm get ERBS* -cri -war https://enm2.mtnirancell.ir/#help/app/cliapp/concept/syntax_alarm/get



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or alarm get ERBS* --critical --warning Response This command displays the following information for the alarms specified by filter options. The output is formatted as a table: presentSeverity NodeName specificProblem eventTime objectOfReference problemText alarmState alarmId probableCause eventType recordType Total number of alarms fetched for the given query is :3

Export the alarms with specific severities for the nodes that match a string starting with a specific name alarm get ERBS* -cri -war --xp or alarm get ERBS* --critical --warning --export Response Number of alarms found is : 3 Download started for file : /ericsson/tor/no_rollback/fmexport/dat a/administrator_AlarmCli_1494598540407.csv

Get the alarms with all the attributes and specific severities for the nodes that match a string starting with a specific name alarm get ERBS00* --critical --minor --verbose Response This command displays the following information for the alarms specified by filter options. The output is formatted as a table: presentSeverity NodeName specificProblem eventTime objectOfReference problemText https://enm2.mtnirancell.ir/#help/app/cliapp/concept/syntax_alarm/get



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alarmState alarmId probableCause eventType recordType alarmingObject alarmNumber backupObjectInstance backupStatus trendIndication previousSeverity proposedRepairAction ceaseTime ceaseOperator ackTime ackOperator problemDetail additionalInformation commentText insertTime eventPoId processingType fmxGenerated visibility lastUpdated commentTime repeatCount Total number of alarms fetched for the given query is :8

Get the alarms with specific severities starting a specific date and time for the nodes that match a string starting with a specific name alarm get ERBS001* --critical --minor --verbose --begin 2016-08-23T10:04:28 or alarm get ERBS001* -cri -min -v -b 2016-08-23T10:04:28 Response This command displays the following information for the alarms specified by filter options. The output is formatted as a table: presentSeverity NodeName specificProblem https://enm2.mtnirancell.ir/#help/app/cliapp/concept/syntax_alarm/get



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eventTime objectOfReference problemText alarmState alarmId probableCause eventType recordType alarmingObject alarmNumber backupObjectInstance backupStatus trendIndication previousSeverity proposedRepairAction ceaseTime ceaseOperator ackTime ackOperator problemDetail additionalInformation commentText insertTime eventPoId processingType fmxGenerated visibility lastUpdated commentTime repeatCount Total number of alarms fetched for the given query is :8

Get all the alarms acknowledged until a specific date and time for the nodes that match a string starting with a specific name alarm get ERBS001* --timeattribute ackTime --end 2016-08-23T10:04:28 or alarm get ERBS001* -ta ackTime -e 2016-08-23T10:04:28 Response This command displays the following information for the alarms specified by filter options. The output is formatted as a table: https://enm2.mtnirancell.ir/#help/app/cliapp/concept/syntax_alarm/get



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presentSeverity NodeName specificProblem eventTime objectOfReference problemText alarmState alarmId probableCause eventType recordType Total number of alarms fetched for the given query is :2

Get all the alarms for the network raised in a specific date and time interval alarm get * --begin 2016-06-20 --end 2016-06-21 Response This command displays the following information for the alarms specified by filter options. The output is formatted as a table: presentSeverity NodeName specificProblem eventTime objectOfReference problemText alarmState alarmId probableCause eventType recordType Total number of alarms fetched for the given query is :1

Get all the alarms in the network with a specif attribute name alarm get * --specificProblem "Database Space Warning Level" or alarm get * -sp "Database Space Warning Level" Response This command displays the following information for the alarms specified by filter options. The output is formatted as a table: https://enm2.mtnirancell.ir/#help/app/cliapp/concept/syntax_alarm/get



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presentSeverity NodeName specificProblem eventTime objectOfReference problemText alarmState alarmId probableCause eventType recordType Total number of alarms fetched for the given query is :1

get the default attributes for the alarm with a specific Id alarm get * -id 403969345 Response This command displays the following information for the alarm with the specified id. The output is formatted as a table: presentSeverity NodeName specificProblem eventTime objectOfReference problemText alarmState alarmId probableCause eventType recordType Total number of alarms fetched for the given query is :1

get and display as a list all the alarms for the nodes that match a string starting with a specific name alarm get ERBS001* --list or alarm get ieatnetsimv5036-01_LTE01ERBS001* -l Response This command displays the following information for all the alarms of nodes matching the specified string in their name. The output is formatted as a list:




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presentSeverity NodeName specificProblem eventTime objectOfReference problemText alarmState alarmId probableCause eventType recordType Total number of alarms fetched for the given query is :8

Get a single alarm in the network alarm get * --objectOfReference ManagedElement=LTE04dg2ERBS00001 -id 53400 or alarm get * -oor ManagedElement=LTE04dg2ERBS00001 -id 53400; Response This command displays the following information for the alarms matching the search criteria. The output is formatted as a table: presentSeverity NodeName specificProblem eventTime objectOfReference problemText alarmState alarmId probableCause eventType recordType Total number of alarms fetched for the given query is :1

Get alarms using MeContext value to search nodes alarm get SubNetwork=NET1,MeContext=NODE1;SubNetwork=NET1,MeContext=NODE2 --critical Response This command displays the following information for the alarms of the searched nodes. The output is formatted as a table: https://enm2.mtnirancell.ir/#help/app/cliapp/concept/syntax_alarm/get



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presentSeverity NodeName specificProblem eventTime objectOfReference problemText alarmState alarmId probableCause eventType recordType Total number of alarms fetched for the given query is :13

Get alarms using ManagedElement value to search nodes alarm get ManagedElement=NODE1 --warning Response This command displays the following information for the alarms of the searched nodes. The output is formatted as a table: presentSeverity NodeName specificProblem eventTime objectOfReference problemText alarmState alarmId probableCause eventType recordType Total number of alarms fetched for the given query is :11

Get alarms using MeContext and ManagedElement values to search nodes alarm get SubNetwork=NET1,MeContext=NODE1,ManagedElement=NODE1 Response This command displays the following information for the alarms of the searched nodes. The output is formatted as a table: presentSeverity NodeName specificProblem https://enm2.mtnirancell.ir/#help/app/cliapp/concept/syntax_alarm/get



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eventTime objectOfReference problemText alarmState alarmId probableCause eventType recordType Total number of alarms fetched for the given query is :11

Get and display default attributes, including correlation information, of all the alarms in the network alarm get * --view-correlationInfo or alarm get * -vci Response This command displays the following information for all the alarms. The output is formatted as default: presentSeverity NodeName specificProblem eventTime objectOfReference problemText alarmState alarmId probableCause eventType recordType root ciFirstGroup ciSecondGroup Total number of alarms fetched for the given query is :8

Get and display default attributes of all primary alarms in the network alarm get * --primary Response This command displays the following information for all the alarms. The output is formatted as default: presentSeverity https://enm2.mtnirancell.ir/#help/app/cliapp/concept/syntax_alarm/get



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NodeName specificProblem eventTime objectOfReference problemText alarmState alarmId probableCause eventType recordType Total number of alarms fetched for the given query is :5

Get and display default attributes, including correlation information, of all secondary alarms in the network alarm get * --secondary --view-correlationInfo Response This command displays the following information for all the alarms. The output is formatted as default: presentSeverity NodeName specificProblem eventTime objectOfReference problemText alarmState alarmId probableCause eventType recordType root ciFirstGroup ciSecondGroup Total number of alarms fetched for the given query is :12

Get and display default attributes, including root attribute, of all alarms with specified correlation UUID in the network. Alarms are ordered by root column (PRIMARY first). alarm get * --correlation-group 81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6 Response This command displays the following information for all the alarms. The output is formatted as default: root presentSeverity https://enm2.mtnirancell.ir/#help/app/cliapp/concept/syntax_alarm/get



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NodeName specificProblem eventTime objectOfReference problemText alarmState alarmId probableCause eventType recordType ciFirstGroup ciSecondGroup Total number of alarms fetched for the given query is :12

