English For Finance and Banking's Case Study [PDF]

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Division of English for Specific Purposes English for Finance and Banking Vietnam National University, Hanoi University of Languages and International Studies

Case Study Summary

Alignment to the Course Learning Objectives:

Description: In this Case Study, students are supposed to apply the understanding of what they have learnt in the course of English for Finance and Banking, i.e. Money, Financial Institutions, Savings and Investment and Taxation, from setting priorities, creating an investing and savings or either goal, tracking spending and learning about tradeoffs required to achieve financial goals. They take on the role of a graduate to develop various options and strategies to achieve a budgeting goal.

Students will be able to ● Describe their budget plan ● Recognize the value of young people investing and/or saving early to extract maximum earnings from their investments. ● Explain why asset allocation and diversification are key strategies for successful investing and savings ● Explain what financial institutions are and how they are used to construct funds ● Understand the difference between investing tools such as stocks, index funds, mutual funds, and other more or less risky investments and the costs and benefits associated with each ● Understand the different sources of savings ● Identify the pros and cons of different methods to implement an investment and/or savings strategy ● Explain types of taxation applied in each situation

Internet Usage: Required Format: Invidividual work

SAVINGS/INVESTING PLAN You are a graduate, earning VND 12,000,000 (NET) per month. You attribute your financial savvy to the current job and the courses (i.e. English for Finance and Banking) you have held over the past four years. These jobs helped you save VND 50,000,000. You are currently making a savings and/or investment plan for 6 months, starting from May to November 2020. In order to make a feasible plan, you are advised to develop a basic plan tracking every VND you spend over the course of a month (Step 1). After this, you should study various sources of savings and investment (or either) to weigh pros and cons of these tools (Step 2). Following this, Step 3 develops a savings and investment (or either) plan to boost your budget. In your writing, you need to: (1) Explain why you save and invest (or either); (2) Analyze at least 2 tools of investment and savings (or either) to justify why you have chosen them for your saving and investing (or either) plan; (3) Explain returns and risks you may have; (4) Identify type(s) of tax applied in these cases. Note: Your writing should have about 1,000 words in total.


Step 1. Developing a basic spending plan To make sense of all of this information, you organize the information by using the budget template provided below. In the category column, you will list all of your various expenses. In the Monthly Cost column, you will total up the cost for each of the expenses. In the last column, you will calculate how much that item is as a percentage of your total costs. This should help you determine where you spent most of your money in the past month. 1. Complete this chart with the information provided above: Category

Monthly Cost

Percentage of Total Costs

Coffee Movies/ Entertainment Food Clothes Education Gas Cell phone bill Others (Please specify) …. TOTAL COSTS Answer This: 2. After completing the chart, do some quick math to compare how much you should be saving per month and to compare it to how much you are spending to determine your savings and investment (or either) plan.


Step 2. Study various sources of investment and savings (or either) Study a list of investing and savings (or either) sources ( at least 3 for each) and weigh pros and cons of these sources.


Step 3. Developing your saving and investing (or either) plan (1) Explain why you save and invest (or either); (2) Analyze at least 2 tools of investment and savings (or either) to justify why you have chosen them for your saving and investing (or either) plan; (3) Explain returns and risks you may have; (4) Identify type(s) of tax applied in these cases.