Ebook Reparacion de Laptop Por Adie Dkhaz [PDF]

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop


Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop TABLE OF CONTEN Reading Schematic.................................................................................................................................. 5 COMPONEN SYMBOL ,CARACTERISTIC & HOW TO TEST ......................................................... 6 1.CAPACITORS ......................................................................................................................................... 6 -

HOW CAPACITOR WORK .............................................................................................................. 6


DECOUPLING CAPACITORS ........................................................................................................ 7

-MEASURING CAPACITORS ON CIRCUIT ......................................................................................... 8 2.DIODE ...................................................................................................................................................... 8 -MEASURING DIODES ............................................................................................................................ 9 -CONTINUITY TEST ................................................................................................................................. 9 3.FUSE ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 4.NODE VOLTAGE ................................................................................................................................. 11 4.VOLTAGE REGULATOR ................................................................................................................... 12 5.CRYSTAL CLOCK OSCILATOR ...................................................................................................... 12 6.CONECTORS........................................................................................................................................ 13 7.INDUCTORS ......................................................................................................................................... 14 -TESTING INDUCTOR ON CIRCUIT ................................................................................................... 15 8.MOSFET TRANSISTOR ..................................................................................................................... 16 -TESTING P CHANEL TRANSISTOR ON SIRCUIT ......................................................................... 17 -MEASURING AND TESTING N CHANEL TRANSISTOR ON CIRCUIT...................................... 18 -MEASURING TRANSISTOR BY LOGIC GATE CARACTERISTIC ............................................. 19 -GATE AMPLIFIER ................................................................................................................................. 20 9.RESISTORS .......................................................................................................................................... 21 1.SWITCH POWER BUTTON ............................................................................................................... 21 11.C MOS BATTERY (RTC CLOCK BATTERY) ............................................................................... 22 12.SMPS REGULATOR ......................................................................................................................... 23 13.VCCORE /POWER PROCESSOR REGULATOR ........................................................................ 24 14.DJ JACK CONNECTORS ................................................................................................................ 24 15.BATTERY PACK CONNECTOR ..................................................................................................... 25 16.SATA HARD DISK CONNECTOR .................................................................................................. 26 17.SATA OPTICAL CONNECTOR ....................................................................................................... 27 ELEKTRONIC LANGGUAGE ............................................................................................................... 27 1

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop Sample of Motherboard Code ............................................................................................................. 28 Sony Vaio MBX-149 ............................................................................................................................... 28 Apple 820-2532 ....................................................................................................................................... 29 Clevo 6-71-M550-003B-GP ................................................................................................................... 29 Quanta LA-4201P ................................................................................................................................... 30  COMPONENTS CODE and ABBREVIATION ON LAPTOP MOTHERBOARD DAN SCHEMATIC ......................................................................................................................................... 31 Measurement Methode on Circuit...................................................................................................... 38 HOW TO CHECK 3V_5V(RT8206b) SMPS SYSTEM ON LAPTOP MOTHERBOARD to Produced 3V and 5VALW. .................................................................................................................... 40 ISL6237. .................................................................................................................................................... 43 RT8223M ................................................................................................................................................... 44 RT 8205. .................................................................................................................................................... 45 Power sequences Variation................................................................................................................. 46 

FIRST RESET SIGNAL .............................................................................................................. 57

Power States (S0-S5)................................................................................................................. 63

MICRO CONTROLLER .................................................................................................................. 66

Bios Chip .................................................................................................................................................. 72 

How to reprograme Bios .............................................................................................................. 76

Instaling software of EZP 2010 bios programmer ................................................................. 80

 instaling EZP 2010 driver.if some problem persist temporary remove any firewall on windows 7 due instalation. .................................................................................................................. 81 

Driver file .......................................................................................................................................... 82

Components ,Chips and Connector on Laptop Motherboard ............................................ 99

Jack Power....................................................................................................................................... 99

SMD INDUCTOR ........................................................................................................................... 100

P Channel Mosfet ......................................................................................................................... 103

N Channel Mosfet ......................................................................................................................... 104

N Cannel 3 Pin............................................................................................................................... 104

Battery charger ............................................................................................................................. 105

SWITCH MODE POWER SUPLAY(SMPS) REGULATOR ................................................... 106

This SMPS ic function to produced 3VALW and 5VALW Power. ........................................... 106 2

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop 

Embedded controler . ................................................................................................................ 108

SOUTHBRIDGE AND Northbridge ........................................................................................... 116

Hand shake between cpu-sb and clock ......................................................................................... 117 SB POWER BUTTON TIMING ............................................................................................................ 118 S1 AND S2 RESET TIMING ................................................................................................................ 118 S3 TIMING............................................................................................................................................... 120 S4 AND S5 TIMING ............................................................................................................................... 122 HAND SHAKE BETWEEN CLK_GEN WITH CPU AND ICH ........................................................ 122 SAMPLE OF SOUTHBRIDGE CHIP .................................................................................................. 123 BASIC USE PSU (POWER SUPLAY UNIT) ..................................................................................... 125 THE MOST POTENTIAL SHORT ON WALE SECTION ................................................................ 128 -VCCORE SECTION ............................................................................................................................. 129 SHORT CIRCUIT CARACTERISTIC.................................................................................................. 129 FINDING SHORTED ON CIRCUIT ..................................................................................................... 134 -SHORT CIRCUIT ON APPLE CIRCUIT ........................................................................................... 135 -ACER CIRCUIT..................................................................................................................................... 136 ALALYSES PROCEDURE NO POST PROBLEM ON CIRCUIT .................................................. 137 FINDING THE INTERMITTENT FOULD ON ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS ...................................... 141 MAKING SERVICE LOG BY FOLOWING THE SYMPTOM .......................................................... 142 1.DEAD MOHERBOARD /NO POWER ............................................................................................. 142 -TROUBLESHOOT ON TOSHIBA C640 DEATH MOTHERBOARD ........................................... 144 -TROUBLESHOOT ON TOSHIBA L745 NO POWER .................................................................... 145 VALW (VOLTAGE ALWAYS) SHORTED CIRCUIT ....................................................................... 145 SMPS 3V AND 5V SYSTEM ................................................................................................................ 146 2.NO DISPLAY MOTHERBOARD ...................................................................................................... 146 3.POWER DROP ................................................................................................................................... 147 4.LVDS PROBLEM ............................................................................................................................... 147 

LVDS Power Needs ...................................................................................................................... 148

LVDS PANEL DIAGRAM ..................................................................................................................... 148 30 PIN LVDS PANEL ............................................................................................................................ 149 TROUBLESHOOT LVDS PROBLEM ................................................................................................ 150 -SONI VAIO MBX 270 ........................................................................................................................... 150 3

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop -ACER ZE7 ............................................................................................................................................. 151 -TOSHIBA L645 TE2............................................................................................................................. 152 -LED FUSE PROBLEM ........................................................................................................................ 152 MONITORING CURRENT TO NARROWING PROBLEM AREA ................................................. 153 BGA PROBLEM..................................................................................................................................... 154 CHECKING SHORT ON CHIP ............................................................................................................ 155 TROUBLESHOOTING .......................................................................................................................... 158 1.APPLE MACBOOK AIR (820-2179) ............................................................................................... 158 2.APPLE (820-2330) ............................................................................................................................. 159 3.ASUS K42JR....................................................................................................................................... 160 4.HP DV2 QUANTA QL6 ...................................................................................................................... 161 5.HP G42 AX2 ........................................................................................................................................ 162 5.LENOVO G400 LA 9632P ................................................................................................................ 163 6.DELL N5010 DG5............................................................................................................................... 164 7.ACER ZE7 ........................................................................................................................................... 165 8.ACER AOD 270 ZE7 .......................................................................................................................... 166 9.TOSHIBA C640 MANUS 10 ............................................................................................................. 167 10.ASUS K42 SV ................................................................................................................................... 168 11.TOSHIBA L645 TE3 ........................................................................................................................ 169 12.COMPAQ CQ41 COMPAL LA 4107 ............................................................................................. 170 13.DELL INSPIRON N4050 ................................................................................................................. 171 14.TOSHIBA C640 CT10 ..................................................................................................................... 172 15.ACER V5-471 HUSK PETRA......................................................................................................... 173 16.ACER 4738 QUANTA ZQ9 ............................................................................................................. 174


| Copyright@adiedkhaz

Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop Success in repairing laptop motherboard,which bring results and covered experiment cost.since 18 years of my job as a research technician i make service log data ,troubleshoot record and some general theory of Laptop motherboard power system and signal ,this information given an accurate measurement to get know what happen and find the problem .I am sure this repairing knowledge could be an profit alternate than change new expensive motherboard with not sure available. This book contents a Notebook computer electronic circuit repairing method for advance or elementary technician with basic electronic knowledge , step by step problem checking analyses. Electronic tolls tutorial and troubleshoot for general Laptop electronic circuit design.

Reading Schematic The purpose of electronic circuits is to control the flow of electric currents, it has been found experimentally that the intensity of various electrical effects is related to the amount of the charge that passes by a certain region per unit time. By controlling this amount we can vary the intensity of these effects. That's why this quantity , which is called the current, presents a special interest in engineering. In practice, the flow of the current can be controlled by various electronic components. A network of interconnected components that can accomplish a certain task is referred to as electronic circuit. The current can be measured by an ammeter. A voltmeter can be just an ammeter with a series-connected high-value resistor through which the current proportional to the measured voltage is forced to flow. Impedance by definition is the ratio of the voltage to the current. Components in a circuit can be connected in series or in parallel With series connection, the same current flows through all elements and impedances add up. With parallel connection the same voltage is applied to all elements and conductans add up. In both cases the location of any element in the chain does not matter. Every circuit design starts with the development of a schematic. A schematic diagram is a drawing where components are represented by graphical symbols and that can communicate information about a circuit. Before starting to find the problem on the motherboard we will try to implement the symbol and layout components contained / schematic diagram depicted on the motherboard, so we understand where the portion referred to in the diagram on the motherboard. This tutorial should turn you into a fully literate schematic reader! We‘ll go over all of the fundamental schematic symbols:


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Capacitors (Presented as Leter C or PC)

There are two commonly used capacitor symbols. One symbol represents a polarized (usually electrolytic or tantalum) capacitor, and the other is for non-polarized caps. In each case there are two terminals, running perpendicularly into plates. The symbol with one curved plate indicates that the capacitor is polarized. The curved plate represents the cathode of the capacitor, which should be at a lower voltage than the positive, anode pin. A plus sign might also be added to the positive pin of the polarized capacitor symbol.



There are two ways to describe how a capacitor works. Both are correct and you have to combine them to get a full picture. A capacitor has INFINITE resistance between one lead and the other. This means no current flows through a capacitor. But it works in another way. Suppose you have a strong magnet on one side of a door and a piece of metal on the other. By sliding the magnet up and down the door, the metal rises and falls. The metal can be connected to a pump and you can pump water by sliding the magnet up and down. A capacitor works in exactly the same way. If you raise a voltage on one lead of a capacitor, the other lead will rise to the same voltage. This needs more explaining - we are keeping the discussion simple. It works just like the magnetic field of the magnet through a door. The next concept is this: Capacitors are equivalent to a tiny rechargeable battery. They store energy when the supply-voltage is present and release it when the supply drops. 6

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop These two concepts can be used in many ways and that's why capacitors perform tasks such as filtering, time-delays, passing a signal from one stage to another and create many different effects in a circuit.



A Decoupling Capacitor can severe one, two or three functions. You need to think of a decoupling capacitor as a miniature battery with the ability to deliver a brief pulse of energy when ever the line-voltage drops and also absorb a brief pulse of energy when ever the line voltage rises (or spikes). Decoupling capacitor can range from 100n to 1,000u. 100n capacitors are designed to absorb spikes and also have the effect of tightening-up the rails for high frequencies. They have no effect on low frequencies such as audio frequencies. These capacitors are generally ceramic and have very low internal impedance and thus they can operate at high frequencies. Capacitors above about 10u are used for decoupling and these are nearly always electrolytics. Decoupling means "tightening-up the power rails." The electrolytic acts just like a miniature rechargeable battery, supplying a small number of components in a circuit with a smooth and stable voltage. The electrolytic is usually fed from a dropper resistor and this resistor charges the electrolytic and adds to the ability of the electrolytic to create a "separate power supply." These two components help remove spikes as an electrolytic cannot remove spikes if connected directly to the supply rails - it's internal impedance is high and the spikes are not absorbed. Decoupling capacitors are very difficult to test. They rarely fail but if a project is suffering from unknown glitches and spikes, it is best to simply add more 100n decoupling caps on the underside of the board and replace all electrolytics. Some small electrolytics will dry out due to faulty manufacture and simply replacing every one on a board will solve the problem. Some of the functions of a decoupling capacitor are: Removing ripple - hum or buzz in the background of an amplifier Removing glitches or spikes. Separating one stage from another to reduce or remove MOTORBOATING - a low frequency sound due to the output putting a pulse on the power rails that is picked up by the pre-amplifier section and amplified. 7

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Diode (Presented as leter D or PD)


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop Basic diodes are usually represented with a triangle pressed up against a line. Diodes are also polarized, so each of the two terminals require distinguishing identifiers. The positive, anode is the terminal running into the flat edge of the triangle. The negative, cathode extends out of the line in the symbol -MEASURING DIODES

Measuring Diodes Voltage on circuit having 2 way ,it's depend on diode application on circuit. The Picture above showing in same direction diode ,Pin 1 as an input and should be passing the voltage to the pin2 output with same vallue ,voltage will flow to the arrow direction and not allow to install reverse direction . in other application look at figur 2 diode having pin to the ground, this diode not pass the voltage .pin 1 should be in zerro voltage .if this diode having continuity short will happened.


Some multimeters have a "buzzer" that detects when the probes are touching each other or the resistance between the probes is very LOW. This is called a CONTINUITY TESTER. You can use the resistance scale "x1" or "x10" to detect low values of resistance. Set the pointer to "0" (right end of the scale) by touching the probes together and adjusting the "zero ohms" control. When taking a reading, you will have to decide if a low value of resistance is a short-circuit or an 9

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop "operating value." For instance, the cold resistance of a 12v car globe is very low (about 2 ohms) and it increases (about 6 times) to 12 ohms when hot. The "resistance of a circuit" may be very low as the electrolytics in the circuit are uncharged. This may not indicate a true "short-circuit." The measurement across a diode is not a resistance-value but a "voltage-drop" and that is why the needle swings nearly full-scale. Leads and wires and cords have a small resistance and depending on the length of the lead, this small resistance may be affecting a circuit. Remember this: When a circuit takes 1 amp, and the resistance of the leads is 1 ohm, the voltage drop across the leads will be 1v. That's why a 12v battery supplying a circuit with these leads will have 11v at the circuit. Note: Turn off the equipment before making any continuity tests. The presence of even a small voltage (from an electrolytic) can give a false reading. You can determine the resistance of a lead very accurately by taking the example above and applying it to your circuit. If the battery is 12.6v and the voltage across the circuit is 10v, when the current is 2.6 amps, the resistance of the "leads" is 12.6 - 10 = 2.6 R=V/I = 2.6/2.6 = 1ohm. By making the lead shorter or using thicker wire, the resistance will be less and the voltage on the project will increase. When taking readings in a circuit that has a number of diodes built-into IC's (Integrated Circuits) and transistors, some Continuity Testers will beep and give a false reading. The following circuit has the advantage of providing a beep when a short-circuit is detected but does not detect the small voltage drop across a diode. This is ideal when testing logic circuits as it is quick and you can listen for the beep while concentrating on the probe. Using a multimeter is much slower. 3.FUSE

(Presented as letter F or PF)


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop

Fuses and PTCs – devices which are generally used to limit large inrushes of current – each have their own unique symbol .Testing Fuse just using Continuity test ,if both terminal loosing their continuity it is mean Fuse is broken. 4.NODE VOLTAGE

Sometimes – on really busy schematics especially – you can assign special symbols to node voltages. You can connect devices to these one-terminal symbols, and it‘ll be tied directly to 5V, 3.3V, VCC, or GND (ground). Positive voltage nodes are usually indicated by an arrow pointing up, while ground nodes usually involve one to three flat lines (or sometimes a down-pointing arrow or triangle).


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop 4.VOLTAGE REGULATOR

(Presented as letter U or PU)

Some of the more common integrated circuits do get a unique circuit symbol. You‘ll usually see operation amplifiers laid out like below, with 5 total terminals: a non-inverting input (+), inverting input (-), output, and two power inputs. Often, there will be two op amps built into one IC package requiring only one pin for power and one for ground, which is why the one on the right only has three pins.


(Presented as letter Y or X)


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop

Crystals or resonators are usually a critical part of microcontroller circuits. They help provide a clock signal. Crystal symbols usually have two terminals, while resonators, which add two capacitors to the crystal, usually have three terminals.


(Present as letter J,JP,CN and others)

Whether it‘s for providing power, or sending out information, connectors are a requirement on most circuits.


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop 7.INDUCTORS

(Present as letter L or PL)

Inductors are usually represented by either a series of curved bumps, or loopy coils. International symbols may just define an inductor as a filled-in rectangle.


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop -TESTING INDUCTOR ON CIRCUIT

Inductor allways present in the end of any voltage supply on Laptop motherboard circuit,we could identified any Voltage rail on it to check wether Voltage need are present .Processor voltage supply could be measure at the Vccore inductors ,they always placed near the processor socket ,Southbridge inductor will located on soutbridge chip ,memory inductor will placed near memory socket.if one of pin inductor having voltage present but the other one not it mean inductor damage .this component should passing the voltage from input pin to output pin to supply the voltage needs. NOTE: TESTING ANY CONTINUITY SHOULD REMOVED ADAPTER SUPPLY BEFORE DOING A TEST.


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop 8.MOSFET TRANSISTOR

(Present as letter Q or PQ)

MOSFETs have three terminals, but this time they‘re n amed source (S), drain (D), and gate (G). And again, there are two different versions of the symbol, depending on whether you‘ve got an n-channel or p-channel MOSFET. There are a number of commonly used symbols for each of the MOSFET types: The arrow in the middle of the symbol (called the bulk) defines whether the MOSFET is nchannel or p-channel. If the arrow is pointing in means it‘s a n-channel MOSFET, and if it‘s pointing out it‘s a p-channel. Remember: ―n is in‖ (kind of the opposite of the NPN mnemonic).


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P channel mosfet will find on ADP+ main lone circuit .They shoud passing away the voltage from source (input) to drain output at same vallue .if they not check gate vallue as a triger to release input voltage to the output drain.


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This N channel usualy use for swicthing regulator,Source input must ready in the very begining before gate open .Gate will giving a triger to release the voltage to the output drain as much as Gate vallue voltage.


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N channel mosfet logic lo w (vi) that mean mosfet not close circuit between the drain and source ... v_out you got vdd voltage via resistance . (Hi) ...when you apply vi = Hi in N-Channel mosfet RESET_OUT#=> ICH_PWRGD => PLTRST# => PCI_RST=> H_PWRGOOD CPU generate the first cycle to read the BIOS code CPU bus DMI LPC SPI CPU ===> GMCH===> ICH===>SIO ===> BIOS

CPU MASTER POWER VR_ON Enable--->+VCCORE 08VS to 1,5VS Memory +VTT and +V1.5VS (DDR3) is ok, the PGOOD VTT_PWRGD pull high to CPU First nd ICH will tie H_PWRGD to high ,then NB will tieCPURST# to reset CPU.

Crystal clock Oscillator CLOCK SUMMARY (1) 32.768KHz to SIO Required +V_RTC and to ICH(chipset) also Required +V_RTC (2) 49.152MHz to (audio controller) Required +V3S (3) 27MHz : to Graphic chip (video controller)Required +V3S (4) 14.318MHz : X1 to (clock Generator) Required +V3S Make sure crystal is oscillating for EC(SIO),SB/ICH/PCH and VGA or it will no post Clock Generator Elementary required 1) Power : +V3S (2) Crystal : 14.318MHz (3) Control : PCISTOP# , CPUSTOP#_ is HI When +VCC_CORE is ready, CLKEN#will go high to enable clock-Generator and turn all clock. PCI_STOP# and CPU_STOP# must beat high otherwise some clocks will be turned off.

Clock out -->SIO(EC)-->PCH/SB-->NB-->CPU LPC_Frame-->SB output signal is high Note High signal can be identified by measuring 3.3V available


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop

Voltage Swithes (VS) VS is the voltage that appears after swicht on.This section activate after S5_ON ,EC and bios chip powered well and surely both firmware working. This is General power system needs to running for all VS power rail

LAPTOP MOTHERBOARD SYSTEM SWITCHING Laptop requirements in order to switch on first are the availability of 3V and 5VALW. Careful when finding 5VALW missing , switched on first cause of several motherboard, 5VALW appear after switch on .Than 3V_ALW or 3VPCU provide power supply to the EC , BIOS IC , South Bridge ( SB ) , clock generator and oscillator on ALW voltage . VSB or switch voltage button (3.3V) will appear after Bios and EC powered. some of laptop motherboard will found 17V switch voltage on one of pin switch button but after switch -on voltage is changed to be 3.3 V. This is normal. Press power button ( short to ground ) then 3.3VSB will turn into 0V and back to 3.3V.and if standby VSB 17V press power button VSB become 0V and back to 3.3V. than power button is a good sign . steps further is the signal being sent to the EC ( Embedded controller NPCE 885LAODX ) signal names is NBSWON # most other brands of EC signal name may SW_ON, EC_ON or whatever name of the signal as long as signal coming from SW1 sent to EC , this voltage must respond in the same manner of testing power button , BIOS IC and firmware connected to SPI interface to the EC .Signal 59

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop confirmation to ensure EC BIOS working properly is RSMRST # for3.3V.RSMRST# signal sometimes appear after switch on and other motherboard without switch on 3.3 V already present .Modern Motherboard has 2 or 3 IC BIOS. Identified EC BIOS which is usually onepage schema with EC names EC BIOS. Other important signal from EC is DNBSWON # ,this is PWR_BTN signal to switch on South bridge sent by the EC after receiving NBSWON # signal from power button . DNBSWON # 3.3V must be present otherwise it would not switch on , after this signal appears then the SB will sent SUSCLK # signal back to the EC and turn on VS as trigger for all switching gate driver as VR_ON , Suson , MAINON , S5_ON or SLP_S3 , SLP_S4 and SLP_S5 . and for all the Vs voltage to the Device .

How switching system work on Laptop motherboard :

Laptop requirements in order to switch on first are the availability of 3V and 5VALW. Careful when finding 5VALW missing , switched on first cause of several motherboard, 5VALW appear after switch on .Than 3V_ALW or 3VPCU provide power supply to the EC , BIOS IC , South Bridge ( SB ) , clock generator and oscylator on ALW voltage . VSB or swuitch voltage button (3.3V) will appear after Bios and EC powered. some of laptop motherboard will found 17V switch voltage on one of pin switch button but after switch -on voltage is changed to be 3.3 V.This is normal. Press power button ( short to ground ) then 3.3VSB will turn into 0V and back to 3.3V.and if standby VSB 17V press power button VSB become 0V and back to 3.3V. than power button is a good sign . steps further is the signal being 60

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop sent to the EC ( Embedded controller NPCE 885LAODX ) signal names is NBSWON # most other brands of EC signal name may SW_ON, EC_ON or whatever name of the signal as long as signal coming from SW1 sent to EC , this voltage must respond in the same manner of testing power button , BIOS IC and firmware connected to SPI interface to the EC .Signal confirmation to ensure EC BIOS working properly is RSMRST # for3.3V.RSMRST# signal sometimes appear after switch on and other motherboard without switch on 3.3 V already present .Modern Motherboard has 2 or 3 IC BIOS. Identified EC BIOS which is usually onepage schema with EC names EC BIOS. Other important signal from EC is DNBSWON # ,this is PWR_BTN signal to switch on South bridge sent by the EC after receiving NBSWON # signal from power button . DNBSWON # 3.3V must be present otherwise it would not switch on , after this signal appears then the SB will sent SUSCLK # signal back to the EC and turn on VS as trigger for all switching gate driver as VR_ON , Suson , MAINON , S5_ON or SLP_S3 , SLP_S4 and SLP_S5 . and for all the Vs voltage to the Device .

How switching signal work with EC and Southbridge and measuring point to get know if there are missing voltage and enable signal : VS voltage magnitudes can be seen in the schema motherboard in question (VS voltage rail). VS for Strap Boot device: 1.Procesor (VCCORE) rail voltage 0.9 V-1.5V 2.Ram (VCCRAM) Voltage 1.8V rail for DDR2, DDR3 VTT 1.5 V to 08V-0, 99V 3.Vga chips and input / output control, hub chip (VCCP) 1.5v rail voltage, 1.8 V, 3v VS to Device (Lcd / led, hdd, optical, usb, wifi, bloutooth, keyboard, sound, camera etc.) For details on each Rail Voltage VS can be seen in the schema and Datasheet motherboard and components as well as the device in question. Signal the wave triger / Sensor / 2-way confirmation signal / data interface signal function open / close gate charge of organizing stages enable / disable each component or PCI (Peripheral commucition interface). Microcontroller System signal is governed by where the manufacturer has made a firmware binary command to set logic gate interface and low count pin into each IC bios on each motherboard. Differences sircuit and arrangement on the motherboard of course require different settings Microcontroller, so that each of each different motherboard brand and series firmaware will necessarily require different settings. This system can accept input signal, process it and deliver the output signal in accordance with the program in the contents into it.Microcontroller input signal derived from the sensor information from the environment (discrete) while the output signal addressed to the actuator (an electronic circuit for moving or controlling a mechanism or system) then give effect to the environment. The microcontroller can easily analogized as the brain of a device / product that is programmed to be able to interact with the surrounding environment, embedded system is often referred to 61

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop as the control systems that are embedded in a product. Embedded System can not stand Alone Microcontroller need to trigger the CPU clock oscillator working on one instruction to the next instruction in microcontroller operation time of one or several clock cycles to run. There are several types of memory found in the microcontroller, ROM (ReadOnly Memory) and RAM (Random Access Memory). ROM is used as storage firmware while in modern electronic circuit use type EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) and EEPROM (Electrical Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory). CPU, memory, clock oscillator, and I / O are in one integrated circuit. If some elements omitted, then the system can not work. Unlike the simple Embedded controller, microcontroller on sircuit LaptopMotherboard more complex embedded systems which have an external rom called the BIOS IC separate even they actually are part inseparable.

VS voltage magnitudes can be seen in the schema motherboard in question (VS voltage rail).

VS for Strap Boot device: 1.Procesor (VCCORE) rail voltage 0.9 V-1.5V 2.Ram (VCCRAM) Voltage 1.8V rail for DDR2, DDR3 VTT 1.5 V to 08V-0, 99V 3.Vga chips and input / output control, hub chip (VCCP) 1.5v rail voltage, 1.8 V, 3v 62

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop VS to Device (Lcd / led, hdd, optical, usb, wifi, bloutooth, keyboard, sound, camera etc.) For details on each Rail Voltage VS can be seen in the schema and Datasheet motherboard and components as well as the device in question. Signal the wave triger / Sensor / 2-way confirmation signal / data interface signal function open / close gate charge of organizing stages enable / disable each component or PCI (Peripheral commucition interface). Microcontroller System signal is governed by where the manufacturer has made a firmware binary command to set logic gate interface and low count pin into each IC bios on each motherboard. Differences sircuit and arrangement on the motherboard of course require different settings Microcontroller, so that each of each different motherboard brand and series firmaware will necessarily require different settings. This system can accept input signal, process it and deliver the output signal in accordance with the program in the contents into it.Microcontroller input signal derived from the sensor information from the environment (discrete) while the output signal addressed to the actuator (an electronic circuit for moving or controlling a mechanism or system) then give effect to the environment. The microcontroller can easily analogized as the brain of a device / product that is programmed to be able to interact with the surrounding environment, embedded system is often referred to as the control systems that are embedded in a product. Embedded System can not stand Alone Microcontroller need to trigger the CPU clock oscillator working on one instruction to the next instruction in microcontroller operation time of one or several clock cycles to run. There are several types of memory found in the microcontroller, ROM (ReadOnly Memory) and RAM (Random Access Memory). ROM is used as storage firmware while in modern electronic circuit use type EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) and EEPROM (Electrical Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory). CPU, memory, clock oscillator, and I / O are in one integrated circuit. If some elements omitted, then the system can not work. Unlike the simple Embedded controller, microcontroller on sircuit LaptopMotherboard more complex embedded systems which have an external rom called the BIOS IC separate even they actually are part inseparable

Power States (S0-S5)

The System Power States are often referred in the AMT documentation. This blog post attempts to explain the various System Power States (S0-S5).


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop The overall power consumption of the system is referred to as System Power States. There are a total of six different power states ranging from S0 (the system is completely powered ON and fully operational) to S5 (the system is completely powered OFF) and the States(S1, S2, S3 and S4) are referred to as sleeping states, in which the system appears OFF because of low power consumption and retains enough of the hardware context to return to the working state without a system reboot. The key characteristics of the eachstate that we care about are:

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The overall Power the system consumes in a given state - Power Consumption. Retention of the system context (such as the volatile registers, memory caches, and RAM) - Context Note on power state transition: System is Waking Up when the system is transitioning from the OFF State (S5) or any sleep state (S1-S4) to the ON State (S0) and the System is going to Sleep when the system is transitioning from ON state (S0) to OFF state (S5) or sleep state (S1S4). Please note that the system cannot enter one sleep state directly from another, as it must enter the ON state before entering any other sleep state.

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System Power State S0 the ON state: The system is completely operation, fully powered and completely retains the context. System Power State S1 the Sleep state: The system consumes less power than S0 state. All Hardware & Processor context is maintained. System Power State S2 the Sleep state: The system consumes less power than S1 state. Processor loses power and processor context and contents of the cache are lost. System Power State S3 the Sleep state: The system consumes less power than S2 state. Processor & Hardware context, cache contents, and chipset context are lost. The system memory is retained. System Power State S4 the Hibernate state: The system consumes the least power compared to all other sleep states. The system is almost at an OFF state, expect for a trickle power. The context data is written to hard drive (disk)and there is no context retained. System Power State S5 the OFF state:The system is in a shutdown state and the system retains no context. Note that in power state S4 the system can restart from the context data stored on the disk, but in S5 the system requires a reboot. Global states

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G0 (S0): Working G1, Sleeping subdivides into the four states S1 through S4:


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S1: All processor caches are flushed, and the CPU(s) stop executing instructions. Power to the CPU(s) and RAM is maintained; devices that do not indicate they must remain on may be powered down. S2: CPU powered off S3: Commonly referred to as Standby, Sleep, or Suspend to RAM. RAM remains powered S4: Hibernation or Suspend to Disk. All content of main memory is saved to nonvolatile memory such as a hard drive, and is powered down. G2 (S5), Soft Off: G2 is almost the same as G3 Mechanical Off, but some components remain powered so the computer can "wake" from input from the keyboard, clock, modem, LAN, or USB device. G3, Mechanical Off: The computer's power consumption approaches close to zero, to the point that the power cord can be removed and the system is safe for dis-assembly (typically, only the real-time clock is running off its own small battery). Furthermore, the specification defines a Legacy state: the state on an operating system which does not support ACPI. In this state, the hardware and power are not managed via ACPI, effectively disabling ACPI. Device states The device states D0-D3are device-dependent:

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D0 Fully On is the operating state. D1 and D2 are intermediate power-states whose definition varies by device. D3 Off has the device powered off and unresponsive to its bus. Processor states The CPU power states C0-C3are defined as follows:

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C0 is the operating state. C1 (often known as Halt) is a state where the processor is not executing instructions, but can return to an executing state essentially instantaneously. All ACPI-conformant processors must support this power state. Some processors, such as the Pentium 4, also support an Enhanced C1 state (C1E or Enhanced Halt State) for lower power consumption.[7] C2 (often known as Stop-Clock) is a state where the processor maintains all softwarevisible state, but may take longer to wake up. This processor state is optional. C3 (often known as Sleep) is a state where the processor does not need to keep itscache coherent, but maintains other state. Some processors have variations on the C3 state (Deep Sleep, Deeper Sleep, etc.) that differ in how long it takes to wake the processor. This processor state is optional.


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop Performance states While a device or processor operates(D0 and C0, respectively), it can be in one of several power-performance states. These states are implementation-dependent, but P0 is always the highest-performance state, with P1 to Pn being successively lower-performance states, up to an implementation-specific limit of n no greater than 16. P-states have become known as Speed Step in Intel processors, as Power Now !or Cool 'n' Quiet in AMD processors, and as Power Saver in VIA processors. 

P0 max power and frequency P1 less than P0, voltage/frequency scaled Pn less than P(n-1), voltage/frequency scaled

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Microcontroller is a microprocessor system SET contained in a chip. Contains components of the system supporting the microprocessor, memory and interface provider (interface) Input output controller, the difference with the microprocessor usually only contains the CPU alone. (Except Sandybridge CPU). Significant difference between microprocessor and microcontroller is, a microprocessor CPU (Central Processing Unit) with no memory and I / O support, while the microcontroller consists of a CPU, memory, I / O specific and supporting units, for example Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) that have been integrated in the microcontroller. This system can accept input signal, process it and deliver the output signal in accordance with the program in the contents into it. Microcontroller input signal derived from the sensor information from the environment (discrete) while the output signal addressed to the actuator (an electronic circuit for moving or controlling a mechanism or system) then give effect to the environment. Easily the microcontroller can be analogized as the brain of a device / product that is programmed to be able to interact with the surrounding environment, as prescribed by the microcontroller .The system is often referred to as embedded system control systems that are embedded in a product. Embedded System can not stand Alone 66

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop Physically, the workings of a microcontroller can be described as a cycle of reading instructions stored in memory. Microcontroller will determine the address of the program memory to be read, and the process of reading the data in its memory. Then the data is read interpreted as a command called the program counter. Microcontroller need to trigger the CPU clock oscillator working on one instruction to the next instruction .Each small step from microcontroller operation time of one or several clock cycles to run. There are several types of memory found in the microcontroller, ROM (ReadOnly Memory) and RAM (Random Access Memory). ROM is used as a storage media program while in modern electronic circuit use type EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) and EEPROM (Electrical Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory). CPU, memory, clock oscillator, and I / O are in one integrated circuit. If some elements omitted, then the system can not work. On this note I will discuss how the application of a microcontroller on the board circuit especially on laptop motherboards. Unlike the simple Embedded controller, microcontroller on circuit Laptop Motherboard more complex embedded systems which have an external rom called the BIOS IC separate .even they actually are part inseparable. EC bios as Embedded firmware controlling Power management and other controls in accordance with the programming commands that are already regulated by inter-IO interface available with programming sircuit The difference arrangement will cause the system to malfunction. The storage capacity of the ROM is also much larger so that programming is more detailed and complex to do. Almost the entire System switching on Laptop motherboard governed by this system, even microcontroller in the system can perform the switching stage 5 at the same time , known as Sleep State. Microcontroller can receive input ADP + as a command VALW standby on Line Power major in circuit, the input signal is set based command programming so that if the signal input (adapter current detector) recorded in accordance with a range of programming, the EC will allow ADP + entry into circuit and when the input detects Excessive analogue system will propel ground to deter entry into ADP + sircuit and enable OVP (over voltage protection) Embedded systems are also set based on the input signal when to instruct perform laptop battery charging system, this signal is usually referred to BAT_IN and active when the battery is 67

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop installed, this detection will give the order to make the filling by sending a signal CHG_Enable Charger IC. Embedded systems are so much involved in laptop motherboard, they set up almost the entire input-output communication interface in circuit. Beginning with a switching system in which the EC receives signals EC_ON for Embedded activated controlling and turn signal VS (State enabled) then sends a signal to activate the gate driver power state based on pre-defined sequence.

Bios chip as firmware storage to run microcontroller

Modern Laptop circuit have 2 Bios Chip to stored separated Embedded controller firmware and PCH (southbridge) Firmware . 68

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop EC Bios rom size usually smaller than Main Bios, This Bios chip stored a firmware to run micro controller on Embedded controller (SIO) this firmware controlling Power management including switching system and Sleep state . Embedded controller is a computer inside the chip ,to get runing this EC need firmware that we call EC bios file (firmware).Signal confirmation power OK name RSMRST. EC bios controlling Power management and other controls in accordance with the programming commands that are already regulated by inter-IO interface available with programming sircuit The difference arrangement will cause the system to malfunction. The storage capacity of the ROM is also much larger so that programming is more detailed and complex to do. Almost the entire System switching on Laptop motherboard governed by this system, Microcontroller can receive input ADP + as a command VALW standby on Line Power major in circuit, the input signal is set based command programming so that if the signal input (adapter current detector) recorded in accordance with a range of programming, the EC will allow ADP + entry into circuit and when the input detects (over voltage protection)and shoot down the entire system. Embedded systems are also set based on the input signal when to instruct perform laptop battery charging system, this signal is usually referred to BAT_IN and active when the battery is installed, this detection will give the order to make the filling by sending a signal CHG_Enable Charger IC . Embedded systems are so much involved in laptop motherboard, they set up almost the entire input-output communication interface in circuit. Beginning with a switching system in which the EC receives signals EC_ON from switch button, Embedded activated Southbridge by giving switching signal and turn signal VS (State enabled) then sends a signal to activate the gate driver power state based on pre-defined sequence.

See the diagram below to get more detil :


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Main Bios is a firmware to run Southbridge most main function are running LPC Bus interface. with the programming commands that are already regulated by inter-IO interface available with programming circuit The difference arrangement will cause the system to malfunction. The storage capacity of the ROM is also much larger so that programming is more detailed and complex to do.


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There are 2 ways to measuring Bios chip IC ,EC Bios storage EC or SIO firmware having power on S5 state ,it's mean ones adapter plug in this voltage will present , Vcc pin is main supply voltage for 3.3V the other pin need 3.3V supply is Pin 7 and pin 3 .if one of this voltage missing EC will not able to access the firmware bios from this IC ,Pin 4 is ground and others pin direct to EC or SIO


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop How Main Bios connected to PCH here :

Main Bios is a firmware for Southbridge,This Southbridge (PCH) need a firmware to run properly to controlling Low pin count (LPC) and controlling communication interface with EC-PCH-CPU and Graphic Chip .Signal confirmation power ok name PLT_RST#.

Knowing Bios Chip and how they work

Bios Chip BIOS (Basic input output system) Serial Flash memories provide a storage solution for systems with limited space, pins and power. The 25X series offers flexibility and performance well beyond ordinary Serial Flash devices. They are ideal for code download applications as well as storing voice, text and data. The devices operate on a single 2.7V to 3.6V power supply with current consumption as low as 5mA active and 1μA for power-down. All devices are offered in space-saving packages. The W25X10A/20A/40A/80A array is organized into 512/1024/2048/4096 programmable pages of 256-bytes each. Up to 256 bytes can be programmed at a time using the Page Program instruction. Pages can be erased in groups of 16 (sector erase), groups of 256 (block erase) or the entire chip (chip erase). Erasable sectors and 2/4/8/16 erasable blocks respectively. The small 4KB sectors allow for greater flexibility in applications that require 72

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop data and parameter storage. Supports the standard Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), and a high performance dual output SPI using four pins: Serial Clock, Chip Select, Serial Data I/O and Serial Data Out. SPI clock frequencies of up to 100MHz are supported allowing equivalent clock rates of 200MHz when using the Fast Read Dual Output instruction. These transfer rates are comparable to those of 8 and 16-bit Parallel Flash memories. A Hold pin, Write Protect pin and programmable write protect, with top or bottom array control.

There are several physical model of Bios IC ,they marked by amount of soket pin . new motherboard model usually use SO 8 Bios IC ,there 2 kind of SO 8 marked by size 200ml and 150ml Bios IC have several capacity : 256MB~512MB~1MB~2MB~4MB ~8MB and 16MB.identified capacity of bios chip by marking kode by look at the end of valuable code : Example : 25xxx08 = 1MB ,25xxx16= 2MB,25xxx32= 4MB,25xxx64 = 8MB. Persistent BIOS infection "Persistent BIOS infection", is a method presented in Can Sec West Security Conference (Vancouver, 2009) and SyScan Security Conference (Singapore, 2009) where researchers Anibal Sacco and Alfredo Ortega, from Core Security Technologies, shows error code insertion into the decompression routines in the BIOS , allowing for nearly full control of the PC in any start-up, even before the operating system boot. Proof-of-concept does not exploit a flaw in the BIOS implementation, but only involves the normal BIOS flash procedure. Thus, it requires physical access to the machine or to the user in the operating system to be root. Despite this, however, researchers underline the profound implications of their discovery: "We can patch the driver to make a fully working root kit. Has 73

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop even a small code that can remove or disable antivirus in bios rom. Changing bios chip / reprograming / erase / backup / updated bios After understanding the bios chip , functions and how it works can be understood if the bios corupted / crashes or there is a bug / virus / data error in bios , can cause the entire motherboard or partly paralyzed can not work ( totally dead ) . EC bios that can still boot up go into bios settup / hank on logo or are still able to get into windows enough to just do an upgrade on latter bios version . Download programe run the exe file , follow the next command in the updater program that has running don't forget to ensure battery and adapter attached . Low power while updating process updated bios will fail . Can not go in / boot windows , updating bios can do by booting through dos bootable flash disk. Several different way on each different brand and series .example for acer aspire one boot bios updated by using the fn + esc key , Compaq laptop using windows key + B and toshiba laptop using ctrl + U key . If the updater fails on both the above methods , flashing with erase / delete the data and replace the old bios / flashing new data or if the bios chip using Bios eprome programer. Modern motherboards of Laptop have 3 kind of Bios 1, Main bios is that we usually find in general the motherboard to control the basic input output system on SB/NB/VGA Instrumental in setting chipsets (ICH-PCH-SB-NB) ... Bios Bug can cause the chipset can not function properly. This firmware managed all chip interface communication. 2. EC Bios (embedded controller bios). EC firmware bios related to the main bios and save settings for embedded controller chip .This firmware managed all power signal management include GPIO/SM_BUS/Keyboard controller including system switching signal, password security controller (see datasheet for more detail EC Fiture) 3.ID Bios which only store data to determine information about motherboard ID. Bios IC has a ROM to save EC Bios firmware for SIO/EC microcontroller management. This work like a computer inside the IC's. SIO managed all signal, stepping sleep state thermo controller ,protecting error etc.(get the detil info download the Datasheet) Even whole component onboard ok and power well will stop working if EC Bios Firmware damage . To check Firmware ok ,there is a signal test confirmation on EC/SIO pin name RSMRST# .This pin must available 3.3V(tolerance 10%) than Bios Confirmed OK. Check the power need also Bios IC and SIO need 3.3V powered VCC for working well ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) power management ACPI is defined as a platform interface to the hardware detection, monitoring power management configuration. Determining the multiprocessor specification and Plug and Play devices. Besides power management aims to conserve power by stopping the power supply when not in use. Stages are controlled by the embedded operating system or known as Bios firmware file. This firmware is executed with SPI Flash (Flash memory) electronic storage media that can be 74

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop erased and reprogrammed electrically. (EEPROM electrically erasable programmable read-only memory). Firmware this only works when run on the same circuit that has been in the program with Embedded controller and PCH were recorded. This firmware is used to execute commands Basic input output system by sending a signal switches on the command input (trigger) S5_ON at SIO or embedded controller then forwards the order to the PCH (south bridge) switching system that activates the power supply to the Processor , Memory, Graphic Chip and others. BIOS IC There are several physical model of Bios IC ,they marked by amount of soket pin . new motherboard model usually use SO 8 Bios IC ,there 2 kind of SO 8 marked by size 200ml and 150ml Bios IC have several capacity : 256MB~512MB~1MB~2MB~4MB ~8MB and 16MB.identified capacity of bios chip by marking code by look at the end of valuable code : Example : 25xxx08 = 1MB ,25xxx16= 2MB,25xxx32= 4MB,25xxx64 = 8MB. Persistent BIOS infection "Persistent BIOS infection", is a method presented in Can Sec West Security Conference (Vancouver, 2009) and SyScan Security Conference (Singapore, 2009) where researchers Anibal Sacco and Alfredo Ortega, from Core Security Technologies, shows error code insertion into the decompression routines in the BIOS , allowing for nearly full control of the PC in any start-up, even before the operating system boot. Proof-of-concept does not exploit a flaw in the BIOS implementation, but only involves the normal BIOS flash procedure. Thus, it requires physical access to the machine or to the user in the operating system to be root. Despite this, however, researchers underline the profound implications of their discovery: "We can patch the driver to make a fully working rootkit. Has even a small code that can remove or disable antivirus in bios rom. Changing bios chip / reprograming / erase / backup / updated bios After understanding the bios chip , functions and how it works can be understood if the bios corrupted / crashes or there is a bug / virus / data error in bios , can cause the entire motherboard or partly paralyzed can not work ( totally dead ) . EC bios that can still boot up go into bios setup / hank on logo or are still able to get into windows enough to just do an upgrade on latter bios version . Download programe run the exe file , follow the next command in the updater program that has running don't forget to ensure battery and adapter attached . Low power while updating process updated bios will fail . Can not go in / boot windows , updating bios can do by booting through dos bootable flashdisk. Several different way on each different brand and series .example for acer aspire one boot bios updated by using the fn + esc key , Compaq laptop using windows key + B and toshiba laptop using ctrl + U key . If the updater fails on both the above methods , flashing with erase / delete the data and replace the old bios / flashing new data or if the bios chip using Bios eprome programer. 75

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Power management hardware trigger events called system control interrupt (SCI), or simply setting the stage language that is tailored to the trigger signal power distribution stages. The following outlines the stages of Power state governed by ACPI 1. S0: Trigger / gate driver signal or ordered by ACPI ready to pass power used by the device. 2. S3: Suspend State Signal. Suspension of the power distribution awaiting confirmation of Embedded controller to be enabled. 3. S5: State soft-off signal. All activities will cease, In addition to managing the transition between phases of the distribution of power, ACPI also manage the power supply of the individual devices to a fine level. For example, if two or more devices sharing the same power supply, the information can be encoded in the ACPI tables so that the power supply is only active if one or both of the devices are being used. ROM (FIRMWARE STORAGE MEDIA) EC Bios requires a main power supply for 3.3V ( VCC) pin 8 on the IC , we see that in the series. Pin 7 and pin 3 is also connected to VCC, Beside power and ground others Pin connected to the EC (embedded controller) as a two-way interface to process binary data and run circuit power management.

How to reprograme Bios


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Reprograming Bios firmware to fix bios bug or any dumb bios file .EC bios common problem are ,Totaly deadh but 3_5V already available ,no switch problem and power drop problem causeS5onfailure. Main Bios common problem, power drop ,no display/no post problem .


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Make sure pin 1 position on the white spot position


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Put Soic on the top of programmer


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop  Chip position when reading and writting. (1 )If the programmer is linked to PC, the chip must be placed in the socket

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Instaling software of EZP 2010 bios programmer


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  instaling EZP 2010 driver.if some problem persist temporary remove any firewall on windows 7 due instalation.


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Driver file


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  Run EZP 2010.EXE and make sure programer connect to the computer.


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  Detect chip will automaticly on this programer ,if detected error message coming ,fixs bios chip position on soic 8 .if problem persist it may bios chip damage.


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  Chip model detection and capacity


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  Read the original chip and save to compare with new clean bios firmware wich reprograme.


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  Save original bios file in case needed later.


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  Erase the chip and wait until complitely proces done


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  load file wich is tested as a new firmware .


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  ensure the new file bios same with motherboard wich will reprograme.


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  write the new file to the chip


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verifiy sucsess ,new bios already program and save to the bios chip.


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop General Power and switching system on Laptop Motherboard 1.VALW / Power Always or MAIN DC POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT LINE Power used is DC ( Direct current ) DC voltage in use 19V 3.2A generally but there is also 15V - 20V adapter RANGE voltage used depend on LAPTOP brands. It better to use motherboard manufacture by using Motherboard code ,we would know how much adapter voltage usage. Clavo motherboard manufacture usually use for 18.5V~3.2a Quanta 19V~3.4a Toshiba(15V-19V) , IBM(16V-19V) CompalInventec-Winstron- etc. ) . VALW also supplying adapter current sensor detector detected by charger IC (see datasheet to know how system charging/discharging work) ,When the charger ic sensor detects current adapter present ACIN~ACDET function pin on schema )and confirmed to SIO to manage charging system . Acin / ACEDET is important as the voltage sensor for ic voltage charger to pass (adp) Adapter fets current, passed several resistor voltage 19V voltage scaled according to demand charger ic (V.i.R).. The are standard voltage for sensor each Charger ic .Open datasheet ic charger concerned for more detail .


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop VALW /Always Voltage The main VALW supply comes from adaptor, Started from DC jack flow to MAIN VALW Circuit. this is a MAIN POWER INSTALATION ON CIRCUIT ,some of using FUSE (F) to safety reason some not. This main power supply circuit using 1 or more P Channel mosfet transistor to maintain stabilized power and distribute power for Charger IC and DC/DC main power supply IC as VCC Power supply. This is important power need to activate that component .Main power also contribute N channel source adapter voltage need processed by the DC / DC main power supply IC (see the datasheet to know how this ic work) produced 3V and 5V_ALW and supply whole 5V and 3V device. if one of this Power missing motherboard will not be able to live or referred to the dead . Before discussing the Power 5V and 3V_ALW should we understand the pathways 19V_ALW . Starting from Jack Power Adaptor sure incoming voltage by a voltage adapter . example is work at 19V~3.2a Make sure the voltage is present 19V_ALW or (according adapter voltage) for ic charger / Battery ic VCC and for adapter current sensor detector (greater than 2.4V). missing this supply 19V stop by CSIP than 19V blocked by Analog ground coming from charging IC .some other board blocking 19V by closing/opening gate P channel mosfet . Than 19V stop and won't supply to +BAT line and deactivated motherboard 3V and 5V system. DC / DC main power supply ic and upper /hi N channel (Source )need 19V adapter voltage as VCC power to activated component.


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop How to work the upper and lower N channel 5V and 3V voltage distribution

2.VS the Power Switch VS is voltage that appears after switch on than switch button send a signal through EC_ON# (different board manufacture may have different pin name) to SIO or lately know by EMBEDDED CONTROLLER(EC) .than EC started to regulated signal by given signal gate to powered any device on VS state . VALW main power supply standby to get N channel Sources when the signal ( open / close Gate ) transistor to pass voltage through Mosfet ( Drain ) as much as gate requirement than become Source for VS voltage . The first one that must be understood is how the system works to enable/disable Power on VS Laptop requirements in order to switch on first are the availability of 3V and 5VALW. Careful when finding 5VALW missing , switched on first cause of several motherboard, 5VALW appear after switch on .Than 3V_ALW or 3VPCU provide power supply to the EC , BIOS IC , South Bridge ( SB ) , clock generator and 95

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop oscillator on ALW voltage . VSB or switch voltage button (3.3V) will appear after Bios and EC powered. some of laptop motherboard will found 17V switch voltage on one of pin switch button but after switch -on voltage is changed to be 3.3 V. This is normal. Press power button ( short to ground ) then 3.3VSB will turn into 0V and back to 3.3V.and if standby VSB 17V press power button VSB become 0V and back to 3.3V. than power button is a good sign . Steps further is the signal being sent to the EC ( Embedded controller NPCE 885LAODX ) signal names is NBSWON # most other brands of EC signal name may SW_ON, EC_ON or whatever name of the signal as long as signal coming from SW1 sent to EC , this voltage must respond in the same manner of testing power button , BIOS IC and firmware connected to SPI interface to the EC .Signal confirmation to ensure EC BIOS working properly is RSMRST # for3.3V.RSMRST# signal sometimes appear after switch on and other motherboard without switch on 3.3 V already present . Modern Motherboard has 2 or 3 IC BIOS. Identified EC BIOS which is usually onepage schema with EC names EC BIOS.

Other important signal from EC is DNBSWON # ,this is PWR_BTN signal to switch on South bridge sent by the EC after receiving NBSWON # signal from power button. DNBSWON # 3.3V must be present otherwise it would not switch on , after this signal appears then the SB will sent SUSCLK # signal back to the EC and turn on VS 96

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop as trigger for all switching gate driver as VR_ON , Suson , MAINON , S5_ON or SLP_S3 , SLP_S4 and SLP_S5 . and for all the Vs voltage to the Device .

VS POWER SUPPLY for BOOTSTRAP DEVICE : There are three BOOTSTRAP device : Processor -Sodim -NB/SB/GPU chip ,each device has a different names of power PROCESSOR power name by VCCORE-CPUCORE. SODIM power name by VCCRAM. CHIP power name by VCCP . With out this power the device won't display or not able to load boot up process . VS for Strap Boot device : 1.Procesor ( VCCORE ) Standard voltage 0.9 VS - 1.5VS see VCCORE ic power required and how it works How to test the voltage spike VCCORE ( processor power surge ) 2.SODIM/RAM ( VCCRAM ) Standard Voltage rail for DDRII is 1.8VS and 0.9VTT and for DDRIII for 1.5VS and 0.75 VTT


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop see each chip datasheet to get Voltage rail get know their power sources come from including stepping signal enable through S5~S0 sleep state.

VS to Device ( Lcd / led , hdd , optical , usb , wifi , bloutooth , keyboard , sound , camera etc. ) For details on each Rail Voltage VS can be seen in the schema INDEX FOR EACH DEVICE.

3.Signal ( the wave trigger / sensor /2 way confirmation signal / data interface) Signal function is open / close gate charge of organizing stages enable / disable each component or PCI ( Peripheral communication interface ) . system signal regulated by Microcontroller where the manufacturer has made the format settings the form of firmware that is planted into the bios IC to managed embedded controlling input output system for each ic interface. . Differences circuit and component arrangement on the motherboard of course require different settings Microcontroller , so each different motherboard brand and series firmware will necessarily require different settings .


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Components ,Chips and Connector on Laptop Motherboard 

Jack Power

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Power jack ,power cord or DC connector will fine on very first to check for power sources ,they could identified by DCIN,PJP,JCCD,JDC or depend on manufacture location code.


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also called a coil or reactor, is a passive two-terminal electrical component which resists changes in electric current passing through it. It consists of a conductor such as a wire, usually wound into a coil. When a current flows through it, energy is stored temporarily in a magnetic field in the coil. When the current flowing through an inductor changes, the time-varying magnetic field induces a voltage in the conductor, according to Faraday‘s law of electromagnetic induction, which opposes the change in current that created it.


Capacitor Type on Laptop Motherboard Capacitor is a passive two-terminal electrical component used to store energy electrostatically in an electric field. The forms of practical capacitors vary widely, but all contain at least two 100

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop electrical conductors separated by a dielectric (insulator); for example, one common construction consists of metal foils separated by a thin layer of insulating film. Capacitors are widely used as parts of electrical circuits in many common electrical devices. Capacitor is basically divided into 2 parts: Capacitors Polar and Bipolar/non polar . They work on different way.Polar capacitor has a positive pole and a negative valve. The installation should not be reversed. Non-polar capacitor does not have the positive pole or negative pole. Indiscriminate installation. The legs of the capacitor may be mounted upside down on the pole voltage. Testing this Polar Caps if there is continuity between their pin it mean capacitors short and testing bipolar with no pin connected to the ground , if there is continuity it's mean GOOD.no need to pull them up from circuit ,test on circuit with avometer/multitester diode test/buzzer/beep continuity. Look at schematic to get know which is bipolar used on circuit.A lot of bipolar type using on polar character on circuit. This Polar capacitors is the most common cause of short on circuit.a little cracks due over heat could make positive and negative poles together.Pay attention to bipolar capacitor if they put on polar line they will be a polar function on circuit. Capacitor Polar stored energy electrostatically and to be come energy reserves when power spike coming . Boot strap device have a biggest power spike and making trouble on boot up process .A lot of case found when power spike happen to (VCCORE) processor and graphic chip power . make a system down on boot process ,That happen on Toshiba series blue screen trouble or other no post Laptop problem.Adding some more capacitor on VCCORE and VCCP power are alternated to avoid power spike

Capacitors Polar and Bipolar/non polar . They work on different way.Polar capacitor has a positive pole and a negative valve. The installation should not be reversed. Non-polar capacitor does not have the positive pole or negative pole. Indiscriminate installation. The legs of the capacitor may be mounted upside down on the pole voltage. 101

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop Testing this Polar Caps if there is continuity between their pin it mean capacitors short and testing bipolar with no pin connected to the ground , if there is continuity it's mean GOOD.no need to pull them up from circuit ,test on circuit with avometer/multitester diode test/buzzer/beep continuity. Look at schematic to get know which is bipolar used on circuit.A lot of bipolar type using on polar character on circuit.

Polimer Capacitor


Diode is a two-terminal electronic component with asymmetric conductance; it has low (ideally zero) resistance to current in one direction, and high (ideally infinite) resistance in the other. A semiconductor diode, the most common type today, is a crystalline piece of semiconductor material with a p–n junction connected to two electrical terminals.[5] A vacuum tube diode has two electrodes, a plate (anode) and a heated cathode. Semiconductor diodes were the first semiconductor electronic devices


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop Resistor

A resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical resistance as a circuit element. Resistors act to reduce current flow, and, at the same time, act to lower voltage levels within circuits. In electronic circuits resistors are used to limit current flow, to adjust signal levels, bias active elements, terminate transmission lines among other uses. Highpower resistors that can dissipate many watts of electrical power as heat may be used as part of motor controls, in power distribution systems, or as test loads for generators. Fixed resistors have resistances that only change slightly with temperature, time or operating voltage. Variable resistors can be used to adjust circuit elements (such as a volume control or a lamp dimmer), or as sensing devices for heat, light, humidity, force, or chemical activity.

P Channel Mosfet

 

Use For Power amplifier for ADP (adapter) and Battery

Fet 103

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N Channel Mosfet

 

Use For Power amplifier for ADP (adapter) and Switching transistor. 

N Cannel 3 Pin


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Battery charger

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The bq24745 features Dynamic Power Management (DPM) and input power limiting. These features reduce battery-charge current when the input power limit is reached to avoid overloading the AC adaptor when supplying the load and the battery charger simultaneously. A highly accurate current-sense amplifier enables precise measurement of input current from the AC adapter, allowing monitoring the overall system power. If the adapter current is above the programmed low-power threshold, a signal is sent to host so that the system optimizes its performance to the power available from the adapter. An integrated comparator monitors the input current through the current-sense amplifier, and indicates when the input current exceeds a programmable threshold limit.


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 

The MAX17035/MAX17435/MAX17535 provide a

digital output that indicates the presence of the adapter, an analog output that indicates the adapter or battery current, depending upon the presence or absence of the adapter, and a digital output that indicates when the adapter current exceeds a user-defined threshold. The MAX17035 operates with a switching frequency of 1.2MHz. The MAX17435 switches at 850kHz, and the MAX17535 switches at 500kHz. 


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This SMPS ic function to produced 3VALW and 5VALW Power.


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The RT8206A/B dual step-down, switch-mode powersupply (SMPS) controller generates logic-supply voltages in battery-powered systems. The RT8206A/B includes two pulse-width modulation (PWM) controllers fixed at 5V/ 3.3V or adjustable from 2V to 5.5V. An optional external charge pump can be monitored through SECFB (RT8206A). This device also features a linear regulator providing a fixed 5V output. The linear regulator provides up to 70mA output current with automatic linear-regulator bootstrapping to the BYP input. The RT8206A/B includes on-board power-up sequencing, the power-good outputs, internal soft-start, and internal soft-discharge output that prevents negative voltages on shutdown. A constant on-time PWM control scheme operates without sense resistors and provides 100ns response to load transients while maintaining a relatively constant switching frequency. The unique ultrasonic mode maintains the switching frequency above 25kHz, which eliminates noise in audio applications. Other features include diodeemulation mode (DEM), which maximizes efficiency in light-load applications, and fixed-frequency PWM mode.


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Embedded controler

Embedded systems are also set based on the input signal when to instruct perform laptop battery charging system, this signal is usually referred to BAT_IN and active when the battery is installed, this detection will give the order to make the filling by sending a signal CHG_Enable Charger IC. Embedded systems are so much involved in laptop motherboard, they set up almost the entire input-output communication interface in sircuit. Beginning with a switching system in which the EC receives signals EC_ON for Embedded activated controlering and turn signal VS (State enabled) then sends a signal to activate the gate driver power state based on pre-defined sequence. Embedded systems also receive input detection sensors turn off the heat and power system if the temprature exceed specified limits .

 

Microcontroller input signal derived from the sensor information from the environment (discrete) while the output signal addressed to the actuator (an electronic circuit for 108

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop moving or controlling a mechanism or system) then give effect to the environment. Easily the microcontroller can be analogized as the brain of a device / product that is programmed to be able to interact with the surrounding environment, as prescribed by the microcontroller .The system is often referred to as embeddedsystem control systems that are embedded in a product.

Physically, the workings of a microcontroller can be described as a cycle of reading instructions stored in memory. Microcontroller will determine the address of the program memory to be read, and the process of reading the data in its memory. Then the data is read interpreted as a command called the program counter.

Analogized as the brain of a device / product that is programmed to be able to interact with the surrounding environment, as prescribed by the microcontroller .The system is often referred to as embeddedsystem control systems that are embedded in a product. Embedded System can not stand Alone Physically, the workings of a microcontroller can be described as a cycle of reading instructions stored in memory. Microcontroller will determine the address of the program memory to be read, and the process of reading the data in its memory. Then the data is read interpreted as a command called the program counter. Microcontroller need to trigger the CPU clock oscillator working on one instruction to the next instruction .Each small step from membuthkan microcontroller operation time of one or several clock cycles to run. Embedded systems are also set based on the input signal when to instruct perform laptop battery charging system, this signal is usually referred to BAT_IN and active when the battery is installed, this detection will give the order to make the filling by sending a signal CHG_Enable Charger IC. 109

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop Embedded systems are so much involved in laptop motherboard, they set up almost the entire input-output communication interface in sircuit. Beginning with a switching system in which the EC receives signals EC_ON for Embedded activated controlering and turn signal VS (State enabled) then sends a signal to activate the gate driver power state based on pre-defined sequence. Embedded systems also receive input detection sensors turn off the heat and power system if the temprature exceed specified limits

Crystal Clock Oscilator

A crystal oscillator is an electronic oscillator circuit that uses the mechanical resonance of a vibrating crystal of piezoelectric material to create an electrical signal with a very precise frequency.This frequency is commonly used to keep track of time (as in quartz wristwatches), to provide a stable clock signal for digital integrated circuits, and to stabilize frequencies for radio transmitters and receivers. The most common type of piezoelectric resonator used is the quartz crystal, so oscillator circuits incorporating them became known as crystal oscillators,[1] but other piezoelectric materials including polycrystalline ceramics are used in similar circuits. Quartz crystals are manufactured for frequencies from a few tens of kilohertz to hundreds of megahertz. More than two billion crystals are manufactured annually. Most are used for consumer devices such as wristwatches, clocks, radios, computers, and cellphones. Quartz crystals are also found inside test and measurement equipment, 110

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop such as counters, signal generators, and oscilloscopes. Crystal Characteristics: Typical 32.768 kHz crystals have an operating temperature ceiling of 60 °C, thus limit the test temperature accordingly. In addition, the temperature coefficient of these crystals can cause time-loss of approximately 3 sec/ day at 60 °C. Fork Capacitor Tuning: The timekeeping of the RTC is dependent on the RTCX1 input voltage swing. Oscillation that is marginal may result in failure to meet Vih of this input and thus ―ticks‖ of the clock may be missed resulting in time-loss. Optimum Vpp of this RTCX1 signal is achieved by accurately matching the crystal‘s C-load specification (typically 12 pF). Board Leakage: Since this circuit operates at such low current, it is very sensitive to sources of leakage on the motherboard. Manufacturing residue can cause leakage as well as condensation on the board encountered during temperature and/or humidity testing. Timekeeping Baseline Device: Time of motherboards is typically compared to a baseline device, like a watch or other baseline clock device believed to be accurate. The case is that most timekeeping devices like this are not sufficiently accurate. This can cause an additional source of error Heat will damage the crystal when reworking the boards. Follow the specification of the crystal to set the right temperature for operation. Crystal clock Oscilator CLOCK SUMMARY (1) 32.768KHz to SIO Required +V_RTC and to ICH(chipset) also Required +V_RTC (2) 49.152MHz to (audio controller) Required +V3S (3) 27MHz : to Graphicchip (video controller)Required +V3S (4) 14.318MHz : X1 to (clock Generator) Required +V3S Make sure crystal is oscillating for EC(SIO),SB/ICH/PCH and VGA or it will no post


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Elementary required 1) Power : +V3S (2) Crystal : 14.318MHz (3) Control : PCISTOP# , CPUSTOP#_ is HI When +VCC_CORE is ready, CLKEN#will go high to enable clock-Generator and turn all clock. PCI_STOP# and CPU_STOP# must beat high otherwise some clocks will be turned off.

Battery CMOS or Real Time Clock (RTC) Battery

Since the RTC circuit is very sensitive and requires high accuracy oscillations, reasonable care must be taken during the layout and routing of the RTC circuit. Some recommendations are: •Reduce trace capacitance by minimizing the RTC trace length. The ICH/PCH requires a trace length less than 1 inch on each branch (from crystal‘s terminal to RTCXn pin). Routing the RTC circuit should be kept simple to reduce the trace length measurement and increase accuracy on calculating trace capacitances. Trace capacitance depends on the trace width and dielectric constant of board‘s material. On FR-4, a 5-mil trace has approximately 2 pF per inch. •Trace signal coupling must be reduced. Avoid routing noisy periodic signals close and parallel


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop to RTCX1, RTCX2, and VBIAS. •Ground referencing is highly recommended.

Functional Block RTC

The Real Time Clock (RTC) updates the computer‘s time and generates interrupts for periodic events and pre-set alarm. The RTC also makes hardware leap year corrections. The SB‘s RTC includes a 256-byte CMOS RAM, which is used to store the configuration of a computer such as the number and type of disk drive, graphics adapter, base memory, checksum value, etc. Functional Blocks of RTC The internal RTC is made of two parts—one part is an analog circuit, powered by a battery VBAT, and the other is a digital circuit, powered by a main power VDD. Figure 1show the block diagram of the internal RTC. The SB has added hardware-based daylight saving feature and makes adjustments (spring forward or fall back) at the designated dates/times. Both the date and hour for the daylight and standard time are fully programmable, allowing for different daylight saving dates and hours for different parts of the world. operates at a very small current. Care must be taken when working with this circuit. To ensure the accuracy of the ICH/PCH RTC circuit for each specific board design and RTC circuit layout, the external load capacitance should be optimized by choosing correct values of the tuning fork capacitors C1/C2. The occurrence of time-loss under environmental stress conditions is dependent on motherboard factors (cleanliness, discrete component characteristics, layout, fork capacitor values), and condensation. If time-loss is observed on your system, check all of the sources of inaccuracy listed in this document to improve immunity of the internal ICH/PCH oscillator to time loss.


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop DDR Memory Power and Voltage Terminator IC

Before Checking VCCORE IC this Memory Terminator should active otherwise Enable signal for VCCORE IC won‘t present.

VCCORE IC (Processor Power Suplay)

The RT8856 is a single/dual phase PWM controller with two integrated MOSFET drivers. Moreover, it is compliant with Intel IMVP6.5 Voltage Regulator Specification to fulfill its mobile CPU Vcore power supply requirements. The RT8856 adopts NAVPTM(Native AVP) which is Richtek's proprietary topology derived from finite DC gain compensator peak current mode, making it an easy setting PWM controller that meets all Intel AVP (Active Voltage Positioning) mobile CPU requirements. 114

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Thermal Sensor IC

Temperature sensor for local and remote temperature-monitoring applications. Communication with SMBus-compatible serial interface and dedicated alert pins. ALERT asserts if the measured local or remote temperature is greater than the software-programmed ALERT limit. Converts temperatures to digital data either at a programmed rate of eight conversions per second or in single conversions. Temperature data is represented by 8 data bits (at addresses 00h and 01h), with the LSB equal to +1°C and the MSB equal to +128°C. Two additional bits of remote temperature data are available in the ―extended‖ register at address 10h and 11h (Table 2) providing resolution of +0.25C. ADC and Multiplexer The averaging ADC integrates over a 60ms period (each channel, typ), with excellent noise rejection. The multiplexer automatically steers bias currents through the remote and local diodes. The ADC and associated circuitry measure each diode‘s forward voltage and compute the temperature based on this voltage. Both channels are automatically converted once the conversion process has started, either in free-running or single-shot mode. If one of the two channels is 115

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop not used, the device still performs both measurements, and the user can ignore the results of the unused channel. If the remote-diode channel is unused, connect DXP to GND rather than leaving DXP open. The conversion time per channel (remote and internal) is 125ms. If both channels are being used, then each channel is converted four times per second. If the external conversion-only option is selected, then the remote temperature is measured eight times per second. The results of the previous conversion are always available, even if the ADC is busy. Low-Power Standby Mode Standby mode reduces the supply current to less than 10μA by disabling the ADC and timing circuitry. Enter standby mode by setting the RUN bit to 1 in the configuration byte register (Table 4). All data is retained in memory, and the SMBus interface is active and listening for SMBus commands. Standby mode is not a shutdown mode. With activity on the SMBus, the device draws more supply current (see the Typical Operating Characteristics). In standby mode, the MAX6642 can be forced to perform ADC conversions through the one-shot command, regardless of the RUN bit status. If a standby command is received while a conversion is in progress, the conversion cycle is truncated, and the data from that conversion is not latched into a temperature register. The previous data is not changed and remains available. Supply-current drain during the 125ms conversion period is 500μA (typ). In standby mode, supply current drops to 3μA (typ).


The Southbridge is an integrated circuit on the motherboard that is responsible for the hard drive controller, I/O controller and integrated hardware such as sound card, video card if present on the motherboard, USB, PCI, ISA, IDE, BIOS, and Ethernet. The southbridge gets its name for commonly being South of the PCI bus. The southbridge is one of the two chips in the core logic chipset on a personal computer (PC) motherboard, the other being the northbridge. The southbridge typically implements the slower capabilities of the motherboard in a northbridge/southbridge chipset computer architecture


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop Hand shake between cpu-sb and clock


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The SB controls the system reset signal timings, which are provided in this section. ROMRST# ROMRST# is used for resetting the LPC system ROM. The SB generates ROMRST# and controls the required timing for this signal. Depending on the system configuration, the timing of ROMRST# may be referenced to RSMRST# or A_RST#. Enabling the Embedded Controller (EC) will force the SB to deassert ROMRST# with respect to RSMRST#. This allows the EC to access the ROM before the system access cycle begins. The ROMRST# timing is shown with respect to RSMRST# and A_RST# indicates the timing value that are applicable to each platform configuration.


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop S3 TIMING


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop S4 AND S5 TIMING

HAND SHAKE BETWEEN CLK_GEN WITH CPU AND ICH Operates at a very small current. Care must be taken when working with this circuit. To ensure the accuracy of the ICH/PCH RTC circuit for each specific board design and RTC circuit layout, the external load capacitance should be optimized by choosing correct values of the tuning fork capacitors C1/C2. The occurrence of time-loss under environmental stress conditions is dependent on motherboard factors (cleanliness, discrete component characteristics, layout, fork capacitor values), and condensation. If time-loss is observed on your system, check all of the sources of inaccuracy listed in this document to improve immunity of the internal ICH/PCH oscillator to time loss.


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intel HM 65 Soutbridge


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intel CG82 NM 10 Southbridge

intel 8201 HBM Southbridge

AMD SB-820 Southbridge


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BASIC USE PSU (POWER SUPLAY UNIT) Beside using PSU to replace adapter need, this adjustable voltage and current can use to quickly find any circuirity sortage and voltage injection due testing replace missing power and signal needs.

The SMPS meter is a meter that controls the consumption of the current flow whenever feeding a board with it. If the voltage is not applied to the board then the amperage will read 0000. On the top of the unit you will find 2 displays; one located at the left and is labeled Current. This will be used to read the current consumption, and the another display is located on the right side. It is labeled Voltage and it can reads the voltage applied. If the current meter shows 1000, this will mean that the consumption of the current has reached 1 ampere. While if it reads 0100 this means 0.1 amperes has been used and so on. Limit the maximum amperage up to 5A. Lowering and raising the ampere meter can be done through the pots by turning them to the left or right. If left current will be lowered. But if turning it to the right we will raise the amperage. Each SMPS has two pots; the pots located to the left side raise or lower the current/voltage slowly, while the pots located to the right side they raise or lower the current/voltage fast. The Voltage Meter is the screen located to the right and it is being used to monitor the applied 125

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop voltage. If 19V is displayed on the LCD, this mean that the voltage available at the positive JACK of the PSU has reached 19V. the maximum Voltage that can be reached with this unit 30 Volt. The voltage can be changed accordingly to the needs, ranging from 1V up to 30V by rotating the voltage pot. How to raise and lower the voltage is the same way as lowering and raising amperage explained above. Avoid changing the voltage while the jack is plugged on the motherboard to avoid use of excess voltage during the voltage value setting. If the plug ground has not been used this will be not a big deal. Attach Cable jacks on the positive and the negative pool at the PSU, you should make test first with a voltmeter to determine the positive from the negative cable. Once this done it should be not be reversed. But when by mistake the cables were reversed the PSU will remain protected. PSU is equipped with 30 universal adapter jacks. So that the technician will simply replace the jack in accordance with the model of jack laptop needed. Make sure that the applied voltage is in conformity with motherboard needs before use. If at the time of use, the PSU goes off. Or the voltage that was set dropped drastically while the ampere meter high increases, this means that there is a short on the motherboard. Connecting cable is used to inject voltage to point / track voltage loss. clamp can be used as the probe so that the cable connection is longer.

Universal jack adapter


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Shorted Motherboard could be happen in very beginning VALW section .it mean short already happen on DC jack adapter , DC regulated power supply besides using it to power up electronic circuit it can also be use to troubleshoot and find out a shorted component in a motherboard? Assuming you have confirmed that the VCC supply lines shorted to ground through some faulty components, you can easily detect it with the use of a variable digital DC regulated power supply Using DC regulated power supply short circuit could identified by the PSU ampre meter after plug in jack adapter ,Current suddenly goes high and voltage drastically down or drop . Voltage usage 19V and current start at Zero before plug in and Look at the both monitoring current (Red) and Voltage (Green) after jack pug in to monitoring short circuit on VALW section.

VALW section on Laptop motherboard have 3 block of section calls VIN or ADP+ ,VBAT or B+ and 3V_5V system (most common circuit design 3V_5V on VALW) but some of circuit design 3V_5V section on S_5 state or appear after switch .


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To check with multimeter use set to X 1 Ohm and measure between the supply pin and the main board ground and then reverse the probes. A good board should not show two similar reading and if you get two similar ohms reading then this means that the line had shorted to ground through some faulty components. Most potential cause of short on VALW section are capacitors ,They use as filter and 1 of pin embedded to the ground side . To find shorted component using PSU by pushing the voltage on that sort circuit and shorted component will goes hot and easy to find .To avoid any damage use lower voltage than ADP+ needs. For example if ADP+ 19V use 10V to inject and current not higher than 1.5Amp. The other potential cause of short are N channel, when there is a leak on that mosfet ,lower n channel became leak and connect negative line to positive line .Do not lift lower N chanel if upper N channel leaking ADP+ sources will be get in to smps gate or enter to 3V or 5V section and could damage all component with is maximum voltage allowed only 6.3V Vcc core Line also most potential N channel leak ,same as 3V_5V system Vcc core got 4 N channel too.(left and right side N channel) or I call them Upper and Lower N channel. Each Upper N channel on this line having source from ADP+ .As a switching transistor they only having out put as their Gate Value .If this and Upper channel leak than Lower N channel will leak also and connect negative line to positive line to stop ADP+ coming to Vcc core line .


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop -VCCORE SECTION

Note : Short could be happen to VALW Source and VS_5,S_3,S0 VRAM,VCCP,VGFX.


Quite often whenever electronic equipment don’t function or work, we would immediately suspect a faulty switch mode power supply. But do you know that defective or shorted components in the motherboard or main board could cause the power supply to stop working too. Switch mode power supply (SMPS) are designed so efficiently that whenever there is any short circuit occur in the main board , power supply would shut itself off and totally stop working. If you have no experience about troubleshooting switch mode power supply, you may think that the power supply have problem where in fact the main board is the real cause of no power problem. Switch mode power supply have a current sense circuit and if there is short circuit in the output side (either in inductors output 3V and 5V section), the current drawn would be increase and this will lead the PWM IC to stop generating output to the power fet and thus the power supply 129

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop would shut down. All this happen in a split of seconds and you do not have the chance to know if there are output voltages at the secondary side.

Same way as inject VALW ADP+ section but the Voltage not allowed to inject more higher than Section inject Value . For example if short (feedback) Happen on inductor 3V section the maximum voltage injection not higher than 3V. If short happen on 5V inductor ,we not allowed to inject higher than 5V. Remember to not inject more than 1.2Amp or PCB could be burned.

Why don’t I immediately turn the output voltage from the dc regulated power supply to 19V or 3V5 volts(depend of section short line identified If do this and if the faulty components turned 130

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop hot too fast, this will lead the faulty component to open circuit. If the faulty component open circuit, the current draw will drop and the only clue that you have to identify the culprit has been destroyed! If this thing happens then you may not have a higher rate to repair the board. Of course you still can by replacing one by one the SMD spider IC’s but this will surely eat up lots of repair time. Now connect the alligator clip from the positive output supply in the main board and the negative output to the main board ground, plug in the dc regulated power supply. Slowly vary the knob clockwise and see the voltage increase. At the same time the current draw can be seen from the current digital meter readout. From experienced, if there is a short circuit in the main board, whenever the voltage is increase, the current will rise dramatically and if no short circuit there would be less current draw.

if you observe that the current drawn also increase (rapidly) as proportion to the rise in voltage setting, you are now for sure that there is component shorted in the main board. What does this mean? It is a good news to us, because if the current drawn too much we can know the culprit by touching on the hottest components in the main board. Using your finger you can touch on any components that are very hot. Touch on the IC’s, diodes, transistors, capacitors and etc. Once you located that only one component that is extremely hot to touch then that was the culprit! That’s the real cause of shorted circuit and replace it an other one. Some time when inject the current on the suspect circuit doesn’t found any warm or hot component event current already increase at maximum setting ,Big possibility cause of short is a Layer short. it mean negative terminal connected directly to positive terminal like showing picture bellow :


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop Cause of screws damage

Layer short cause of corrotion


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop FINDING SHORTED ON CIRCUIT A short circuit is simply a low resistance connection between the two conductors supplying electrical power to any circuit. This results in excessive current flow in the power source through the 'short,' and may even cause the power source to be destroyed .in accordance with the laws of electronics, if the positive line connected to the negative supply rail (Ground) ,voltage definitely on the positive track will be changed to zero

Laptop motherboard Voltage requirements to life are ADP + _5V and 3V. the fast way to identifying ADP+ present in all measuring point needs is measuring on the SMPS IC input sources (VIN) and discrete Upper N channel mosfet source , if this voltage present no need to check ADP Fet and Bat_ fet on VIN and BAT +VALAW section anymore . They should be already present. Then measure the PL (inductors) for 3V and 5V for 3_5V system if they not present first step to check whether there is a feed back on 3V and 5V section lines by testing continuity to ground. If there is a feedback 3V and 5V system will not present although LDO and auxiliary power already present. Remove the Inductor (PL) with have a feedback , if pin 1 reply buzzer (diode continuity test)definite short coming from SMPS or discrete upper/lower N channel, n-channel leak test method by testing continuity (buzzer) pin 8 and pin 1 if there is continuity it‘s means mosfet leaking and need to replace .Check on schematic that lower upper string of n channel is connected to ground (lower) pins 1,2,3 if the upper n-channel leak it will also lower become leak and connected to ground to withstand voltage n-channel source into the path of 3V and 5V .do not lift lower n channel if this case happen, otherwise adp+ will passing through to 5V3V section and damage all capacitors with maximum 6.3V allowed . 134

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop Leaks will also enter through the gate n channel to track the H1 / H2 and can damage the SMPS ic itself or the surrounding capacitor. Make sure all positive paths are not being connected to ground. If Feedback coming from pin 2 inductors short are coming from +3V_5V output lines. In order General of Power supply system on laptop motherboard some of difference board ,3_5V system with auxiliary power cant detect by 3_5V inductors. This power both or one of them coming after switch on (VS) ,easy way to identified the system working whit is finding auxiliary power supply to powered Embedded control ic and Bios chip ic . After All above mention power present than unit could switch on than power goes drop causing VS feedback the easy way to find out any feed back are by indentified any inductors for VS supply .Same way with finding short circuit on VALW section or cut of VS jumper point (JP) if available and testing ground continuity there ,note any maximum voltage allowed before voltage inject on voltage rail to find short on VS lines. Injecting over voltage and current could harmful and damage the circuit board .


Apple Macbook air A 1237 (820-2179) totaly death ,14.5 V already have in TPS 51120 pin 22(Vin) but no Vreg3 and Vreg5 output present .before claim TPS 51120 damage i check Vreg3 135

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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop and Vreg5 LDO output by dioda tes buzzer 0001 ohm,tes continuity to the ground also 0001 omh positively there is a feed back on Vreg 5 line .pull tps 51120 out than inject 5V using PSU to finding shorted componen on that line to save time and found Caps C 7604 become hot and replace with good one than put TPS 51120 again on place and Vreg3 present for 3.3V and Vreg5 present 5V.current monitoring on PSU goes up to 0.8a .it's mean board is switch on it self I put adapter of concerning hit sink fan not install yet to avoid chip and processor damage. after that ,test it again well fan running without switching . -ACER CIRCUIT


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Acer 4738 Quanta ZQ9 Totally death .Current usage 0008 amp .Open Quanta ZQ9 schematic on Page 37 to measure adp+ circuit need .This acer using 19V adp+ Voltage .Checking PQ13 N channel source pin 5,6,7,8 19V present. PQ 14 N channel source same way to check PQ 13 .This both upper n channel are power source for 3V and 5V_ALW need. RT 8206 (dc pwr sply) controlling trigger gate driver trough pin 4 gate PQ13 and PQ14 and supply 3V_and 5V motherboard power need requirement to live..There is no trigger for both of 3V_5V system it mean there are no power for VSB(voltage switch button) ,Bios ic,EC ,SB .this motherboard even can't switch . Analyses goes to RT 8206B as a gate trigger .checking main power input for RT8206B trough VIN pin 5 (19V present) checking ONLDO input pin 4 (9V present) it mean all power input available for this IC. checking LDO output Zero .in normal condition if VIN and ONLDO presented LDO should get output for 5V.this voltage become VL signal enable to activated 5V_EN and 3V_EN .without this gate trigger for 3V_5V system will not present .suspected this IC damage take off from circuit board before replace with a new one checking LDO output for feedback...test continuity 0000 ohm to the ground..using PSU set 5V started pushing current 1amp and found caps PC70 become warm and checking continuity positive this PC70 cause a feedback and hold LDO output .replace caps and put back RT8206B .Testing both gate N channel 3V and 5V trigger available .checking PL13 5V_ALW present ,checking PL 14 3V_ALW present .

ALALYSES PROCEDURE NO POST PROBLEM ON CIRCUIT First thing to do is Power Drain ,remove battery pack, with out power adapter push Power switch button for 30~50 second to realist EMI inductions .get the power try to boot up again. If still no response ,follow stepping procedure below : 1a.Take of all non onboard device : Hdd, Odd, keyboard, bloutoht , webcam , modem , wifi , card reader (any plug in device using S0) to identified any conflict reading by PCH. 1b.processor/SODIM tested , SWITCH on again . 1c. physical analysis components : memory sockets loose , component crashes , burns , cracked , broken or any form of physical damage .(Make a replacement if any) 1d.check processor vcc core voltage ( schema apply ) or any discrete vcc core circuit to powered processor . example ic / chip For cpu power is : ( schema languages : VCCORE / CORE CPU /CPU DC / POWER processors ) Example : Vcc core IC (ADP3166 ADP3170 ADP3421 AIC1567 CS5322 FAN5056 ITC1709 MAX1710/MAX1711/MAXl712 HIP6004 , ADP3212'MAX8760 , MAX8770 , MAX8771 , ISL6260 , ISL6265A , ISL6266A , ISL62882 , ISL6262A,ISL6218CV


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop - T , ISL6269CCR .. etc ) Get detail of datasheet info to knowing any pin description and enable signal . 1e : check for memory and power voltage conductors and ground socket interface memory Vcc ram usually require voltage 1.8 /0.8VTT(DDR2) or 1.5V/0.75VTT(DDR3) plus sign indicates that it may be more than nominal voltage Similarly, the measure vcc core , the schema index view we can perform schema checking on orders examples of memory / power SODIM ( schema languages : VDDR / POWER MEMORY / VTERM / DDR PWR ) ic examples : (MAX8794 NCP5201 SC1486/SCl486A SC2616 TPS51020 ISL6520 ISL6537 CM8501 , ISL6224 ISL6225 , TPS51116EGR , RT8207A ... etc ) . 1f.cek voltage on S.I.O /EMBEDDED CONTROLLER chip S.I.O managed manyt of signal, start from power button signal, switching VALW to VS power and stepping process signal sleep state. We can detected normal ic and firmware bios from confirmation signal of RSMRST#3.3V .If SPI setting ,IC bios and firmware not working ,this S.I.O will not working. This S.I.O program by micro controller .(download example S.I.O datasheet to get more information) S.I.O chip samples are : (WINBON/ENE/ITC/NOUVOTON/ PC97338 , PC87392 , FDC7N869 , FDC37N958 , LPC47N227 , LPC47N267 PC87591S / PC 87591L / PC 97317IBW/PC 87 393 VGJ PC87591E , WPC8768L , KB926D etc ) . This Embedded controlling chip is having processor inside to execute firmware and controlling input output switch state signal ,powering PCH and controlling LPC bus interface between EC and PCH. This firmware store in bios chip and could erase or reprogramming LPC Assumptions and Functionality Requirements • Only the following class of devices may be connected to the LPC interface: Super I/O (FDC, SP, PP, IR, KBC) => I/O slave, DMA, Bus Master (for IR, PP) Audio=> I/O slave, DMA, Bus Master Generic Application Memory, including BIOS => Memory Slave BIOS Firmware Memory => Firmware Memory Slave Embedded Controller => I/O slave, Bus Master • Interrupts are communicated with the serial interrupt (SERIRQ) protocol. • The LPC interface does not need to support high-speed buses downstream, nor does it need to support low-latency buses such as USB. SYNC Time-out There are several potential error cases that can occur on the LPC I/F. The host starts a cycle (Memory, I/O, DMA), but no device ever drives a defined (non reserved) SYNC cycle. If the host observes 3 consecutive clocks without a defined SYNC, it can conclude that no peripheral will respond and can abort the cycle.


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop SYNC Error Indication The SYNC protocol allows the peripheral to report an error via the LAD[3:0] = ‗1010b‘ encoding. The intent of this encoding is to give peripherals a method of communicating errors to aid higher layers with more robust error recovery. If the host was reading data from a peripheral, data will still be transferred in the next two nibbles. This data may be invalid, but it must be transferred by the peripheral. If the host was writing data to the peripheral, the data had already been transferred. In the case of multiple byte DMA cycles, an error SYNC terminates the cycle. Therefore, if the host is transferring 4 bytes from a device, and if the device returns the error SYNC in the first byte,the other three bytes will not be transferred. After receiving an error SYNC, the host has several options. If it has an ISA bus, it may choose to assert IOCHK#. If it has a PCI bus, it may choose to assert SERR#. Other options are to route the error condition to SCI or SMI#. A final option is to take no action to alert higher levels. 1g.Checking Bios IC chip and Voltage need. there are three types of bios ic 1.ID Bios 2.EC Bios 3.Main Bios 1.ID bios usually only restoring for motherboard id information. 2.EC Bios ,storing of Embedded controlling firmware command and most function are for power management regulation. 3.Main bios ,storing of PCH command and most function to control Low pin count Bus interface cycling. 1.h.check voltage and sensor accurasy at the thermal sensor ic ( heat sensor ) is a sensor chip that detects heat safe limits to maintain security motherboard chips. almost all laptops have a thermal sensor to control microprocessor maximum heat and some motherboards have a thermal sensor for controlling Graphic chip operate maximum chip. . Thermal sensor will give orders to the bios if it detects a maximum heat limit to disconnect power to the processor or vga or just turn off bootstrapping ( command to boot ) and stop the interface between components that aims to keep the excessive heat damage the chip ( protect error ) . Detect due to frequent excessive heat can cause thermal sensor or a faulty memory detection and sensor commands do not get along ( Fals alarm ) . Thus the chip detects heat temperature maximum continuous conditions , although they are not. To reconcile the sensor detection is by lifting the chip from the motherboard and put back to give the induction . if the sensor is already damaged and could not be reset we will have to replace the sensor chip that is still accurate . ic examples : ADMI032 , EMC1402 , EMC4402 , EMC4401 , GMT781 , G768B , MAX6642 , MAX6657 , SMC1423 ..etc 1.check voltage or frequency of the clock generator . sample clock generator chip : ALPRS355B MLF64PIN , CK505 , CK408 , K410M , CY2854LVXC , ICS9LPRS387 , ICS9LPR600 ICS951412 , ICS954213 , ICS9LPR363DGLF - T , ICS950810 , SLG8SP626 , SLG8SP513V ,


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop SLG8LP465VTR SLG8SP553V , SLG8LP55VTR , SLG8SP513VTR ... etc. 2.Checking PCH voltage needs (VCCP power rail) PCH could do replaced Graphic chip function .The main function of this chip are controlling low pin count bus (LPC) interface cycling .Checking voltage needs according voltage rail available are the first think to do and make sure there are no discrete component feedback blocking the output enable signal and enable signal phases could see on power sequence of circuit require. A link bus to check are SPI device-SPI bridge-LPC bridge-LPC Device.

2.a Checking PCH conductors according intermittent faulty Repairing conductors on chip . ( Fixing oxidized bga / tin loose chip due to heat ) ,PCH solder pad vanished, short or damage chip or any discrete circuit component for value impedance decreased. Check the PCH datasheet to get detil LPC bus Device arrangement and stepping state trigger enable signal Major PCH function : Reset SGPIO Signal Usage , RTCRST# and SRTCRST# Clarification , PPM of 25 MHz Option for CLKOUTFLEX,SATA Alternate ID Enable Definition , SATA Hot Plug Operation , GPIO13 Voltage Tolerance , EHCI Configuration Programming , PCH Thermal Sensor Temperature Range , Secondary PCI Device Hiding Register Attribute Clarification , GPIO Lock Clarification , GPIO13 Voltage Well , SLP_SUS# Clarifications , PME_Turn_Off TLP , GPIO Clarifications , Power Button Override and Deep S4/S5 , Power Management Clarifications , Deep S3/S4 Exit Clarification , RAID 1 Description , V_PROC_IO Definition , Manageability Signals Clarifications , ACPRESENT Definition , SPI Overview. 3.Graphic chip failure. Check on VGFX section and get the schematic to find measuring point, make all voltage rail present for this device.VGA chip also need video ram and they need powered too. this chip controlling LVDS,CRT and HDMI output and waiting signal from CPU and Southbridge. Check any input enable interface from Processor and Southbridge if they were available but no output signal enable for LVDS,CRT and Hdmi do a reballing procedure before replacing the chip. Intermittent in electronic repair definition means sometimes equipment will work and sometimes not . Intermittent problems can occur in any conductor and in every electronic circuit . If you found error ( for example , sometimes display sometimes not ) Laptop work properly throughout the day without any problems and can last for a day and did not have a chance to see the error .


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop FINDING THE INTERMITTENT FOULD ON ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS Intermittent in electronic repair definition means sometimes equipment will work and sometimes not .Intermittent problems can occur in any conductor and in every electronic circuit . If you found error ( for example , sometimes display sometimes not )Laptop work properly throughout the day without any problems and can last for a day and did not have a chance to see the error . However , sometimes the laptop does not work at all . First think to do is updating Bios by executed new revision ofBios.exe .ensure adapter and battery in use when updating Bios. Intermittent problems big possibility caused by dry joint ,broken tracks , loose connection / cracked/ bad conductor area ~ Bad components/ crashes and etc. . This is a problem that has led to many electronic repairers become frustrated and if it does not have a better way to solve the problem and may be losing valuable time . Observing for each solder connection to all circuit '. Looking for some small cracks around the solder pad. If you can not see the dry joints , Power On motherboard and gently tapped the motherboard ( or suspected area ) with the handle of a screwdriver .Usually, the line circuit /track will not break by itself , Moreover, since the intense price competition, Laptop motherboard made thinner with less conductor material to reduce the cost of production . Problems can arise when the chips repair ( reballing/ replacement) . Broken circuit track and obvious dry joint during reballing process could be happen when we use unstandard BGA tools . This could be due to overheating , unpresition center board , bad flux or errors in the method of repair / desoldering chips .Decayed glue ( glue decay )Decay glue can conduct electricity , it has the ability to create an intermittent problem in electronic circuits , shorting of components that are located close to the glue that rot . For information , I have seen the glue that lies rotting under BGAchip and could not removed . We can not see the glue rot from the top andshould pull BGA off from circuit to check. Splash of acid -containing beverages( soft drinks or coffee ) to the electronic circuits . can lead to complete failure in electronic circuits besides error can intermittent. damage the components and pathways ( conduction ) . although it can be cleaned with the of Thinner , the circuit will be unstable and cause problems including intermittent fault .Each component : Integrated circuit (IC) resistor, Semiconductors, inductors, Capacitors , Crystals etc can cause intermittent problems in electronic circuits if not properly etched . This can cause damage to fully or sometimes works and sometimes does not . Easy way to make whole motherboard component properly etched, heat sup to the boiling point of lead using Oven .Cooking oven will be an alternative if you don't have special electronic circuit oven.


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Service log is made by technicians to make a record of faulty motherboard electricity and signal system , every single voltage and signal measurement are notice in this log .To narrow the search of missing voltage and signal, divide by checking symptom of faulty to be :

1.DEAD MOHERBOARD /NO POWER Does not have led indicator at all , no fan moving ,no power .This motherboard require an adapter voltage (12V_15V_16V_18.5V_19V_20V) also 3V and 5V to completely VALW power supply need. without this ADP+ impossible motherboard to a life. Starting with checking power jack to ensure adapter continuity supply P channel mosfet transistor(adp fet's) ended to P channel mosfet transistor for battery fet. This line power contribution called Main circuit line of VALW power supply . Open schematic (ensure match motherboard and schematic code)for charger IC page and trace started from DC jack to adp P channel mosfet (or same motherboard using Inductor or Diodes to replace transistor on circuit) make sure continuity Adaptor supply for charger IC coming . Common problem happen to this section cause some Fuse cut adapter voltage or some transistor P channel damage. Problem cause of Over voltage protection while Charger IC detecting over voltage on AC_IN(Adaptor current in detector) . If Charger IC detected High on ACIN pin Charger IC will cut of the power by pushing analog ground on Adaptor current input positive pin to block Adaptor Voltage trough VALW resistive filter .


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VALW the Power Always or major installations Power used is DC (Direct current) DC voltage that is in use 19V 3.2A generally but there is also a 15V-20V (depend to the Laptop Band) VALW installation Battery supply the regulatory arrangements in which the IC, ic battery sensor detects the current adapter (acin, ACDET) and confirmed to SIO to set the charging system on a laptop while using the adapter and the adapter when not using ic battery charge to divert distribution from the power supply adapter to the battery pack. Ic battery also features the data collection on the battery pack so that the system understands when charging the battery is full and stop charging the battery ic. Acin / ACEDET is important as the voltage sensor for ic voltage charger to pass adp fet, passed several resistor voltage 19V voltage scaled according to demand Battery ic. Standard voltage adapter to know we can see the curent sensor datasheet ic charger is concerned. This sensor detected over/low voltage and will block ADP+(adaptor Voltage) through CSIP (current sensor input positive) and shoot down the system by stopping ADP+ . VALW (Always Voltage / Power always there) to get the main line of the main voltage adapter 15V - 20V (depending on the features of the motherboard) and then processed by the DC / DC main power supply regulator IC to be 3V and 5V. Laptop motherboard requirements in order to live are VALW (15V - 20V) and 5V, 3V. one of power lost on the laptop motherboard will not be able to turn on.


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop Before discussing the Power (5V and 3V_ALW) should we understand the pathways 19V_ALW. Starting from Jack Power Adaptor sure incoming voltage by a voltage adapter. Voltage generally 19V adapter. Make sure the voltage is present 19V_ALW for ic charger / Battery ic VCC for power above 19V. Common charger IC and adapter current input problem -TROUBLESHOOT ON TOSHIBA C640 DEATH MOTHERBOARD

Toshiba C640 Manus 10 Totaly death motherboard .ADP +19V couldn't reach ADP fet and SMPS VIN Sources to generate 3V and 5VALW.Opening schema by identified Jack power location code CN 600 page 6 and check adp+ voltage on jack 19V present ,trace D6005 19V ok check Q6002 sources pin 5,6,7,8 present for 19V no gate triger present ,of course drain will not comes out .tray to inject 19V prom PSU 19V on Q6002 but no drain output .lift this N channel mosfet and replace with nwe one but drain wont comes out event having 19V gate driver injected.direct inject to Q6002 drain no shorted indication. Some fiture of this charger IC blocking ADP+ through Curren sensor input positip (CSSP) by pussing analog ground to stop ADP+ entering the circuit doe over voltage protection .Checking Adapter current input (ACIN) on pin 19 Max 17435 available for 1.7V this is normal according Max 17435 datasheet .Checking Charger IC power good (ACOK 3.3V) not present ,LDO also zero volt and get 0ohm on that line,injeck 5V there Max 17435 become hot.lift max 17435 short gone ,replace Max 17435 .plug


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop in adapter to check Q6002 drain saw led ligh already on ,it mean ALL VALW and 3V_5VALW already present .


VALW (VOLTAGE ALWAYS) SHORTED CIRCUIT Adapter led Blinking or drop ,Current high Voltage down, no movement at all(Dead shorted motherboard) This feed back comes from VALW main power supply line. Checking this on schematic by opening Charger IC page and trace any sorted component on VIN and VBAT+ section. Finding shorted by checking all component having Cathoda and anoda (any components having pin connect to the ground).this are most potential component conduce shorted. Faster finding short components using PSU with Soft Short voltage regulation ,pushing this short section will make shortage components become warm an easy to find.


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop SMPS 3V AND 5V SYSTEM

Main Voltage coming from VIN (adaptor voltage ) and B+ section when using Battery DC/DC main supply input power pin call Vin and output pin cal LDO to produce auxiliary power to enable S_5 and opening SMPS gate to produce 3V and 5V to supply whole circuit system. Measuring point for this 3V_5V system are on they inductors .Some of motherboard using auxiliary power 3 and 5V coming after switch on .Some of other 3 and 5V already present before switch on. To ensure they coming after switch check VSB (Voltage sw_Btn) available ,3V_EC and 3V Bios chip VCC for 3V. if they not present it is better to ensure EC firmware first before checking any circuit failure. Signal confirmation EC Bios working name is RSMRST# for 3.3V No switch/Can not Switch on There are few system switch found for different circuit manufacture. measuring switch voltage on one of switch button pin, before switch standby power available for 17~19V comes from 51_ON#and after switch on power switching (VSB) 3.3V replace 51_ON# supply than EC_ON# one of pin Embedded controller reacted for on/off mode. Switching system shorted power switch to the ground, while shorted VSB (Voltage Switch Button) become zero volt than 3,3V_vsbc replace 51_ON# 1719V become 3.3V.This signal read by Embedded controller to switch on or switch off the system. The other system used 3 or 5V switch button VSB .this system using curve signal reading .when 3or5V shorted to the ground by switching button ,3V will drop to zero volt(for 1 second) EC will reacted to power on the system and when 3or5V shorted for more than 3 second ,EC will reacted to power off the system. Make sure this system running properly beside checking for EC Bios, Firmware running on this EC and EC powered well. Can not switch also will happen if NBPWR_BTN# or what ever pin called. if this signal missing event all system above checked well, the switching power on system will not work.

2.NO DISPLAY MOTHERBOARD led indicator on, switch on but no internal or external display. There are 3 boot strap device supported to make motherboard load to display of course after Bios system working properly : A. Processor Without this motherboard will not be able to display. Power name is VCCORE or CPU Core and enable signal called VR_ON or V_RON as a trigger from Embedded controller (EC) to enable or disable VCCORE IC .Processor need power supply greater than 1.05V but some AMD processor only need power greater than 0.9V.

B.SODIM Sodim power called VCCRAM. There are 2 power need to make sodim working ,1.5V and 0.75VTT


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop for DDRIII and 1.8V_0,9VTT for DDRII. Get the schematic and find VCCRAM/VTT measuring point to ensure sodim powered well.

C.CHIP's(SB/NB/VGA) Chip Power called VCCP. There are very complex power supply system. Chip need 19VALW5/3VALW-5/3VS-1.2VS-1.05VS.Chip also have they own RAM and need power supply to work Finding measuring point on chip by opening chip page on schematic or by checking Voltage rail for specific motherboard. Signal confirmation chip was ok on chip PWRGOOD for 3.3V or tolerance 10%

3.POWER DROP Led Indicator on ,switching on, Running for few second after that back off. This symptom happen because Over Heat (Thermal Protection) ,power spike or there is shortage on VS line. Processor and Chip are most which can cause power spike, look at VCORE and VCCP circuit line ,circuit has provide stockpile empty pad to add some more capacitor to anticipate power spike during boot up process. The other problem of power drop are some shorted on VS line , after switch on VS running, 1 or more VS line got a feed back caused power down and shutdown the system.

4.LVDS PROBLEM LVDS( Low-voltage differential signaling) knowing as LCD panel is a measuring point to get know Power requirement present or missing. Missing power on this point may cause LCD/LED loosing the power and can't display .Inverter Supply or inv_pwm enable signal missing could cause back light off and monitor goes dark . Missing +3VS_LCD make LCD video loose the power .BL_EN_CON is enable signal from BL_EN and some of enable signal missing cause no output from PCH .Trace any missing voltage and signal source to found the problem ,try to inject any missing voltage from psu and if they work, we just need to get same voltage from somewhere near to jumper. Get the LVDS measuring point to analyses any missing power and enable signal


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LVDS Power Needs

LVDS( Low-voltage differential signaling) knowing as LCD panel is a measuring point to get know Power requirement present or missing. Missing power on this point may cause LCD/LED loosing the power and can't display .Measuring this LVDS pins should plug in LCD cable and internal display. Inverter Supply or inv_pwm enable signal missing could cause back light off and monitor goes dark . Missing +3VS_LCD make LCD video loose the power .BL_EN_CON is enable signal from BL_EN and some of enable signal missing cause no output from PCH .Trace any missing voltage and signal source to found the problem ,try to inject any missing voltage from psu and if they work, we just need to get same voltage from somewhere near to jumper.

LVDS PANEL DIAGRAM 40 pin LCD PANEL Missing LCD VIN 19V will couse Inverter off ,no back ligh will happen


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30 PIN LVDS PANEL Missing DIS_OFF will cause LCD/LED off ,this enable signal come from BK_OF and finally signalized from Embedded controller (KB930QF).LCD POWER CIRCUIT also get enable signal from PCH and VGA to activated +LCDVDD_CONN. No Back light ,missing Led Inverter source


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Sony Vaio MBX 270 No back ligh issue ,check on LVDS panel pin 28,29,30 zero volt ,phisicly checking found F1 damage.


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White dispply missing LCDV no video led but back ligh coming

Acer ZE 7 Missing LCDVCC3V no video for Led power change U 19 output pin 1 zero, beep pin 1 to ground there is beep value 0000ohm ,positive cause a feed back, inject 3V 1.5Amp found C310 very hot lift the caps short gone . test plug in power amd switch on U19 pin 1 output coming for 3.1V .


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop -TOSHIBA L645 TE2

Toshiba L645 TE 2 Missing LCDVCC,PQ 40 source 15V missing cause resistance EMI on R328 ,reset resistor by inject 3V to pin 2 R328 resistance reset 15V present .


Acer AOD 756 LA 8041P No Back light on Led ,I have Check LVDS panel Led Vout present for 19V ,inv_PWM 3.3V present i have check Led cable also fine .open the led board and found F2 damage ,change with good one .Problem solved with out changing Led Monitor. This can be happen to other 30 pin Led also.


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MONITORING CURRENT TO NARROWING PROBLEM AREA Beside using a multi tester to measure Voltage rails need ,we also using Regulator Power Supply to monitoring current usage on no display .Event they have variation amount of current usage we could identified however Southbridge already running on specific current usage . The Southbridge is an integrated circuit on the motherboard that is responsible for the hard drive controller, I/O controller and integrated hardware such as sound card, video card if present on the motherboard, USB, PCI, ISA, IDE, BIOS, and Ethernet. The southbridge gets its name for commonly being South of the PCI bus. The southbridge is one of the two chips in the core logic chipset on a personal computer (PC) motherboard, the other being the northbridge. The southbridge typically implements the slower capabilities of the motherboard in a northbridge/southbridge chipset computer architecture Reballing is a process when we lift off the defective chip and repair it by applying lead based solder on the chip and placing it back on the board or replacing the component with a new one while also applying lead based solder on it before soldering it back on the circuit board. The BGA consists of hundreds of connection densely packed together in rows or patterns to save space on the circuit


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop BGA PROBLEM Checking resistance value on specific board with same chip will having deferent result of value.


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop CHECKING SHORT ON CHIP

Checking Short on Chip



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identified missing pad before placed

Over heat chip after reballing or replacing the Chip. To increase RPM Fan speed,we could jumper fan positive cable direct to the USB power. Note: Some of circuit doesn‘t allow us to do this ,example on clevo board if modification on fan ,beep sound will be appear and shutdown the system.

modification cooling system on chips due Over heat chip after reballing or replacing the Chip


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Tracking joining pad by testing continuity on chip


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop TROUBLESHOOTING

1.APPLE MACBOOK AIR (820-2179)

Apple Macbook air A 1237 (820-2179) totaly death ,14.5 V already have in TPS 51120 pin 22(Vin) but no Vreg3 and Vreg5 output present .before claim TPS 51120 damage i check Vreg3 and Vreg5 LDO output by diode test buzzer 0001 ohm, test continuity to the ground also 0001 ohm positively there is a feed back on Vreg 5 line .pull tps 51120 out than inject 5V using PSU to finding shorted component on that line to save time and found Caps C 7604 become hot and replace with good one than put TPS 51120 again on place and Vreg3 present for 3.3V and Vreg5 present 5V.current monitoring on PSU goes up to 0.8a .it's mean board is switch on it self I put adapter of concerning hit sink fan not install yet to avoid chip and processor damage. after that ,test it again well fan running without switching .


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop 2.APPLE (820-2330)

Apple 820-2330 no boot post current usage 0.7amp ,detect-read-backup-erase-reprogram ,error on verifing -replace bios ic -reprograme with original backup.


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop 3.ASUS K42JR

Asus K42jr Rev 4.0 No display ,current usage 1.2amp checkingPLT_RST# present present for 3.3V .i dont touch any main bios firmware ,Vccore 1.1VS present, Vccram for ddr3 1,5V present VTT 0.75 present.Checking bypass checking SB_VCC cause PLTR_RST# PCH power good already present at the begining..Checking +AVDD_ATI 1.8V present,+A2VDD_ATI 3.3Vs Present ,+DPLL_VDDC_ATI 1,1VS also present ,no more suspect faulty fauld on Graphic chip checking Quad Mux/DeMux Bus Switch IC PI5C3257QE ,VCC present for +5VS no EDID_DAT_VGA and EDID_CLK_VGA for ATI M92 VGA CHIP ,no L_VDDEN output signal for 3.3V ,checking L_VDDEN_PCH enable signal from HM55 Southbridge not present .Reballing HM 55 L_VDDEN_PCH present and all missing signal for ATI M92 VGA CHIP present, L_VDDEN output signal for 3.3V for LVDS present .current usage 2.1amp


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop 4.HP DV2 QUANTA QL6

Hp DV 2 Quanta QL 6 Power Drop after switch on ,Identified Boot Device Inductors there are no feedback at all ,measuring any boot up device power rail by holding up avo meter on each inductors while switching on got all power need for 1 second before losing the power. checking VTT on PU 4(no inductor) also get 0.9VTT memory terminator before power drop. Checking +VGA1.1V(no inductor)on PU 5 =0V.checking PU5 Source +1.8V available, mainon VENable also present 3V.but VO(Voltage Out) for +VGA1.1V =0V.check for feedback got buzzer 0001ohm and pull up L37 to cut the line .short gone. checking on other L37 side pin feedback still presented .Inject voltage for 1V~2.0a Nvidia NB9M getting hot .concluding feedback coming from this chip pull up the chip with BGA Machine and check feedback again to make sure there is no other shorted on circuit evidently still have a feedback. inject again 1V~2.0a found C638 burned .pull it up shorted gone. Reball the chip with already removed and put it back .checking feedback again are gone .testing switch again power after switch running stable but no post. checking all boot device again all voltage rail presented. drain for induction by pressing power button for 40 second and change memory sodim just in case but still no post on external display current usage showed 1.4A.this should be a normal consumption on whole circuit for boot strap Start thinking failed on rebaling process before reiterate BGA procedure try to check with internal Led .evidently already display


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop

5.HP G42 AX2

Hp G 42 (AX2/7) AMD with SB 820 south bridge no post ,Current usage 0.7amp . missing PCI_RST and NB_PLTRST, with no check for SUS_C signal .than reball SB820 with no results. before decided to replace with new one, i check bat Cmos .got some case on AMD's wont response if bat cmos removed or on low power . .i found cmos on good condition and trace +AVBAT not reach into SB820 pin B1 and B2 through R469 ..wondering if this power missing motherboard should can't be switch on cause +AVBT should charging by +3VPCU with supply EC to activate micro controller .trace +AVBT found D23 diode no issue but +3VPCU present .it mean EC got +3VPCU .change D23 and got VDDBT_RTC_G to powered crystal input power to run clock system on SB. Check SUS_C again signal available for 3V.than current usage 1.2amp check on external display problem solve


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop 5.LENOVO G400 LA 9632P

Lenovo G400 La 9632P totally death check 20V is coming to supply SMPS PU 401 and Enable pin present for 3V but LDO 0V.lift PU 401 check there is a feed back on pin 5 LDO out .inject 3V KB 9012 become hot ,there is no possibility other component short on that line, lift KB 9012 feedback gone .Replace KB 9012 switch on 3V coming but no display .current usage only 0.2 amp on my PSU current monitor . I need to reprograme this KB 9012 for Lenono G400 LA 9632P using RT 809F programmer to flash EC Firmware to KB 9012 SLP_S3 and SLP_5 coming ,current usage 1.4Amp but still no display on external monitor ,put the laptop original Led current usage become 1.7Amp and boot up process working fine


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop 6.DELL N5010 DG5

Dell N 5010 Berry DG15 no display current usage 1.2amp ,usually this current consumption have been post except some thing wrong with random aces memory or Graphic chip. Starting checking +3.3V_RUN_VGA presented~+1.8V_RUN_VGA presented~+3.3V_RUN_VGA presented~+1.0V_RUN_VGA but Missing +1.5V_RUN, check switching N channel U4203 Source(input) pin available on pin 5,6,7,8 for 1,5VSUS and gate signal (switching trigger) pin 4 available for+1.5V_RUN_ENABLE .checking N channel Drain (output) got 0V before executed N channel damage checking if there is a feedback there, testing by buzzer (continuity)to the ground than i found a feedback .it's mean there is one or more shortage component on this line..Using PSU set 1,5V than inject maximal allowed value on this line found warm capacitor on C4208 ,pull them out and testing out side by buzzer 2 of pin with 0000ohm .replace with new one and testing again +1.5V_RUN present without changing Switching n channel U4203.Problem solve . Note : Check any Voltage and signal missing before doing BGA reballing process .


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop 7.ACER ZE7

Acer ZE 7 Missing LCDVCC3V no video for Led power change U 19 output pin 1 zero, beep pin 1 to ground there is beep value 0000ohm ,positive cause a feed back, inject 3V 1.5Amp found C310 very hot lift the caps short gone . test plug in power amd switch on U19 pin 1 output coming for 3.1V .plug in led problem solved


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop 8.ACER AOD 270 ZE7

Acer AOD 270 Quanta ZE 7 switch on Led ligh on ,current usage 0.25amp ,no post ,no fan spinning Check +3VPCU and +VPCU on PL3 and PL 4 both are present ,check S5_ON 3.3V present,+5V present on PQ12 ,+5V on PQ22 pin 1 zero ,check PQ22 source pin 3 present for +3VPCU but no gate (MAIND) pin 2 not present ,this gate trigger should have 3V to pass source voltage into drain for +3V .so many usage on this missing voltage including +3.3V_PRIME_ON and stop +3VSUS coming


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop 9.TOSHIBA C640 MANUS 10

Toshiba C640 Manus 10 Totally death motherboard .ADP +19V couldn't reach ADP fet and SMPS VIN Sources to generate 3V and 5VALW.Opening schema by identified Jack power location code CN 600 page 6 and check adp+ voltage on jack 19V present ,trace D6005 19V ok check Q6002 sources pin 5,6,7,8 present for 19V no gate trigger present ,of course drain will not comes out .tray to inject 19V prom PSU 19V on Q6002 but no drain output .lift this N channel mosfet and replace with new one but drain wont comes out event having 19V gate driver injected. direct inject to Q6002 drain no shorted indication. Some fiture of this charger IC blocking ADP+ through Current sensor input positive (CSSP) by pushing analog ground to stop ADP+ entering the circuit doe over voltage protection .Checking Adapter current input (ACIN) on pin 19 Max 17435 available for 1.7V this is normal according Max 17435 datasheet .Checking Charger IC power good (ACOK 3.3V) not present ,LDO also zero volt and get 0ohm on that line ,inject 5V there Max 17435 become hot. lift max 17435 short gone ,replace Max 17435 .plug in adapter to check Q6002 drain saw led light already on ,it mean ALL VALW and 3V_5VALW already present .switch on Toshiba logo appear .


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop 10.ASUS K42 SV

Asus K42 SV Board code K42JR no post ,Following no post procedure VCCore present 1.1VS ,checking Memory Power 1.5VS present but no VTT present ,Checking PU 9103 UP7711U8 ddr voltage regulator Voltage control(VCNTL) present for 5VS ,Vin present for 1.5V but no VOUT on pin 4 .testing connecting to the ground 0ohm ,lift the IC short gone ,replace with new one measuring VOUT 0.75VTT coming .


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop 11.TOSHIBA L645 TE3

Toshiba L645D Quanta TE3 external monitor display ,internal no display look like a Dim display problem but flashlight no sign of life .check LVDS connector CN3 ,LCD_BK_PWR 19V present ,DISPON 3VS present ,other +3V present ,no LCDVCC and LCD_VADJ ,no output from E9 and F7 pin on ATi 216-0752001 ,it may cause BGA oxidized .lift the chip and testing ground continuity on both pad no shorted on that pad .Reball the chip still no result but current usage increase from 1.2amp to 1,4amp .check LCD_VADJ has 1.8V there but still no LCDVCC. Replace Ati 216-0752001 problem solved .


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop 12.COMPAQ CQ41 COMPAL LA 4107

Compaq CQ41 Compal LA 4107 No display current usage 0.7amp to 0.9amp not stable ,missing PLTRST output D5 HM 55 ,measuring point on U2 ,reprograme Main bios firmware PLTRST present .


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop 13.DELL INSPIRON N4050

Dell inspiron N4050 model DV14 HR MB dual graphic having problem with AMD/ATI 2160809024 ,after lifted the chip there are some active pad missing .it is useless to reball or replace a chip .Thinking of keep removing AMD 216-0809024 chip trying to editing Main bios to deactivated AMD chip and using HM67 only using Hex editor .as we know intel HM 67 has a fiture for dedicate intel graphic HD 3000 on this South bridge and Binggo it work but intel driver wont detect on windows .While trying to have some more information about using HEX ,i found the other series of Dell 4050 using single chip intel HM 67 chip .backup original main bios of DV4HR version 01M and compare the file and found some difference on Address 004000 to 004D40 .just incase this happen again on the other series. Well it work fine after QC test for last 4hours.


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop 14.TOSHIBA C640 CT10

Toshiba C640 CT10 no power missing +V3LA and +V5A ,checking Tps 51125 page 8 inventec calcutta 10 mb ,no ground feedback on L6200 and L6201 ,checking TPS 51125 SMPS IC regulator input Vin (pin 16) presented 19V,checking output LDO Vreg3 (pin8) presented 3.3V,checking VREG5 (pin 17) presented +V5LA ...checking Enable input Entrip1 (pin 1) and Entrip2 (pin 6) not present..tracking +V5LA to Logic Gate IC U6100 voltage source Pin 3(VCC) presented 5V,pin 5(MR) presented 5V but output reset pin 1 not present .checking ground feedback on pin 1 no ground feedback, checking gate VSEN pin 4 not present .this Vsent should be present 3.3V as a trigger gate to make output reset pin 1 present to powering +5AUXON source...check Vsen (pin 4) sources from +VBAT 19V adapter usage resistive by R6104 and R6103 it should present 3,3V but 0V present ,checking R6104 it should 510k but found immeasurable, checking R6103 also immeasurable, changing both Resistor got 3.3V on VSEN pin, checking pin 1 (reset) present for 5V ,checking +V5AUXON also present for 5V ,back to SMPS IC D6201 input +V5AUXON present for 5V on pin 3,checking pin 1 and 2 present for 1.2V..it mean Entrip1 and Entrip2 already present. checking SMPS inductor L6200 and L6201 +V3LA and +V5A present .Problem Solved.


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop 15.ACER V5-471 HUSK PETRA

Acer V5-471 Husk Petra rev2 power switching problem ,current usage 0.013amp Checking SMPS inductors PL 4101 and PL 4102 3D3V and 5V presented ,checking RSMRST 3.3V presented, checking KBC_PWRBTN on PWRCN1 (Voltage switch button) present for 3.3V.shorted VSB direct to the ground no response, trace to NPCE 885P pin 93,shorted to ground current response from 0.013 to 0.9amp and power on and display .check R2757 KBC_PWRBTN# to KBC_PWRBTN#R resistance 470K was ok ,no more tracking point on schema, it may some conductor broken ,jumper from R2757 pin2 direct to PWRCN1(pin3) problem solved.


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Adie dkhaz Book of Laptop 16.ACER 4738 QUANTA ZQ9 Acer 4738 Quanta ZQ9 Totally death .Current usage 0008 amp .Open Quanta ZQ9 schematic on Page 37 to measure adp+ circuit need .This acer using 19V adp+ Voltage .Checking PQ13 N channel source pin 5,6,7,8 19V present.PQ 14 N channel source same way to check PQ 13 .This both upper n channel are power source for 3V and 5V_ALW need. RT 8206 (dc pwr sply) controlling trigger gate driver trough pin 4 gate PQ13 and PQ14 and supply 3V_and 5V motherboard power need requirement to live..There is no trigger for both of 3V_5V system it mean there are no power for VSB(voltage switch button) ,Bios ic,EC ,SB .this motherboard even can't switch . Analyses goes to RT 8206B as a gate trigger .checking main power input for RT8206B trough VIN pin 5 (19V present) checking ONLDO input pin 4 (9V present) it mean all power input available for this IC. checking LDO output Zero .in normal condition if VIN and ONLDO presented LDO should get output for 5V.this voltage become VL signal enable to activated 5V_EN and 3V_EN .without this gate triger for 3V_5V system will not present .suspected this IC damage take off from circuit board before replace with a new one checking LDO output for feedback...test continuity 0000 ohm to the ground..using PSU set 5V started pushing current 1amp and found caps PC70 become warm and checking continuity positive this PC70 cause a feedback and hold LDO output .replace caps and put back RT8206B .Testing both gate N channel 3V and 5V trigger available .checking PL13 5V_ALW present ,checking PL 14 3V_ALW present .Problem Solved.

Copyright-adie dkhaz 2011-2017


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