E Book Codebook - 4148188 [PDF]

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NUMBERS TO LIVE YOUR LIFE BY Everyday number codes

anyone can use to create success and wellbeing DR GRIGORI GRABOVOI


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A registered/licensed educational centre for the Grabovoi® Methods and Teachings. AN APPEAL TO ALL HUMAN BEINGS OF THE THIRD MILLENNIUM OF PLANET EARTH.

Dr Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi

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Disclaimer This book is designed to provide you with the tools and methodologies to improve your life on a daily basis. It should not be used as t o s e l f - d i a g n o s e o r as a substitute for any m e d i c a l o r p s y c h o l o g i c a l treatment that has been prescribed or recommended by your practitioner.

These methodologies are based on scientific principles, however the experience of each person will vary. These teachings are best applied in a complementary manner to any ongoing medical treatment, as part of an integrated approach to your health and wellbeing.

The author and publisher expressly disclaim any responsibility for any adverse effects occurring as a result of the use or misuse of information contained in this book.

This book is offered for your own education and information only. As always, never begin any health program without first consulting a qualified health care professional.

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NUMBERS TO LIVE YOUR LIFE BY “Everyday number codes anyone can use to create success and wellbeing ” ©2014 Elixir Centre

a registered/licensed educational centre for the Grabovoi® Methods and Teaching ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher. For more information, please visit the Elixir Centre website at http://www.elixircentre.com.au/ For all enquiries, please email: [email protected] or call 61411 73 93 93

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CONTENTS DR GRIGORI GRABOVOI ...................................................................................3 Special Edition ......................................................................................................3 A calling to all human beings ...........................................................................8

The Choice is Yours ..............................................................................................9 UNIFIED SYSTEMS OF KNOWLEDGE ........................................................ 11 (From Dr Grigori Grabovoi’s book) ............................................................ 11 BASIC NUMBER CODES AND IMPORTANT TIPS ................................. 12 Important Number Codes ............................................................................... 14 Codes for general use........................................................................................ 16 Codes for optimizing daily life ...................................................................... 21

Codes for healing serious diseases of the body .................................... 22 Codes for healing minor diseases of the body....................................... 28 Codes for Business ............................................................................................. 29 Codes for restoring parts of the body ....................................................... 31 Sport ......................................................................................................................... 32

CREATION OF THE “SAVIOUR CELL” ........................................................ 33 Technology of vision renewal ....................................................................... 35 Technology of a double cone for funnel structure .............................. 36 FORMING A DOUBLE CONE ...................................................................... 36 APPLICATION: ................................................................................................ 37

Working with the light stream (flow) ....................................................... 39 Symptoms of DNA activation ........................................................................ 40 WELCOME TO ELIXIR CENTRE! .................................................................. 47 Page 7

A CALLING TO ALL HUMAN BEINGS You are the World, You are Eternity. Your powers are immense, Your possibilities are endless. You are the Embodiment of the Creator. His Will is in You, Through His pre determination You are transforming the World. His Love is in You. Love all living things as He does, He who created You. Do not embitter your Heart. Think about good, Do well. The good will reciprocate with longevity. Love will give you immortality, Faith, Hope, Wisdom. With Faith and Love Your invisible powers will be awakened. And You will attain what You have been dreaming of. Immortality – that is a face of Life. The same way as Life is – a trail of Eternity. Create, in order to live in Eternity. Live in order to create Eternity

~ Dr Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi ~

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THE CHOICE IS YOURS The number codes set out in this book have been chosen to help you live life well. Special areas of interest have been selected so that you can focus on areas of your life that are important to you right now. Always start with what is accessible and practical in your daily life. This will make it easier for you to measure the change in your life as these codes become integrated into your regular practices.

It is important to focus on how obtaining success in what you are seeking can also benefit others – will you inspire others, have greater resources, more time to share. Importantly, work with a firm intention and relaxed attention, and approach the codes softly - the results will come. The term Creator is used throughout this book as the name for the energy that some call God, others the universe or Spirit. Please feel free to use the name that sits with you best. A NEW WAY OF BEING: TERMS AND CONCEPTS

NORM OF THE CREATOR – this is a state of ultimate harmony in health life and events.

Bringing or harmonizing of events health relationships etc to the highest level of harmony –to the level of NORM of the Creator.

NORM OF EVENTS – safety and harmony in all of the external events happenings and structures in the World

NORM OF HEALTH – ideal health that is given to us from the Creator Page 9

PROGNOSTIC GOVERNANCE – A process of effecting change in the desired direction with help of our mind. Directed governing of events via consciousness – by working with familiar concentrations and techniques. This may include symbols, numbers, words, colours, music, geometrical shapes and constructs. THE AIM OF GOVERNANCE– is a concrete task, which is decided prior to governance. Some may refer to this as intention.

THE FORM OF GOVERNANCE – is a thought form that we use to direct the task we are focusing on

SPACE OF GOVERNANCE – is located in front of us at the distance of the stretched arms. I call it huggable space because you can embrace it with your arms. In this space, you build optical systems – SPHERE for example, and you fill this sphere with the desired information.

THE RESULT OF GOVERNANCE – the change of thought form/pattern/blueprint which results in change on the physical level - in reality according to the aim of governance. THIS IS MATERIALISATION.

SPACE AND TIME – are construction of consciousness

THOUGHT – is information which like a link connects consciousness spirit soul and the body FEELING – is emanation of a Soul through the part of the Spirit, which is connected with the consciousness and the body.

CLEAR-VISON (or clairvoyance) – is a universal approach to the information.

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The simple exercises provided below will assist you in gaining greater clarity, focus and accelerate the successful achievement of your intention.

If you cannot complete the selected exercises at the recommended time, imagine that you are mentally moving the clock to desired time and connect into the exercise you wish to gain greater proficiency in. • • • •

Focus your attention on the index finger of your right hand between 10:02 - 10:04 PM. Imagine the results that you want. PROBLEM RESOLUTION - concentrate for three consecutive days on the little finger of your right hand between 10:00 and 10:03 PM; visualise your task or aim.

DEVELOPMENT OF CLEAR VISION ‐ concentrate on the soles of your feet between 10:00 – 10:05 PM. This activates your brain cortex. It is desirable that you do these concentration exercises every night between 10:00PM and 11:00PM. 10:00 – 11:00 PM. Work according to the book of Dr Grigori Grabovoi - Daily Concentrations. These concentration exercises will speed up your spiritual development and increase the speed of your thoughts.

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The numbers for direct contact with the Creator are 11981


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1888948 - The code for transformation of negativity into positivity, and for achieving peace and serenity.

10-17 – (ten to the negative power of 17) - Repeat this code if you feel under stress or have experienced an avalanche of negative thoughts, emotions and events. Write down these codes s o m e w h e r e , s u c h a s your desk, documents, diaries or computers.

Start working on Daily Concentrations by Dr Grigori Grabovoi for immediate and long-term benefit and results. ( Access to the online programs that offer daily instruction and guidance can be obtained at www.elixircentre.com.au/30dayprogram ) Read books from all of the following Russian authors - Dr Grigori Grabovoi, Dr Arcady Petrov and Igor Arepyev.

Completely let go and surrender to the Creator and you will enjoy in a very short time working with people who are similar to you and who are on the same path of development and Eternal life.

You are going to work a lot but you will be more joyful than ever before. Always give priority to guaranteeing Eternal life to all; even to the people you interact with in business and in everyday life. Page 12

Educate people wherever you go. Consciousness of people is rising with enormous speed and everyone is thirsty for new knowledge. It is leading to Eternal life, health, joy and the beauty of living. Be grateful for every little bird and every little flower and everything around you because the Creator sent them directly to your life to make you joyful and to see the smile on your face.

On a financial side, always remember to state that you are working toward Eternal life and Eternal development ‐ for the good of all and connect this aim with Macro salvation. This will grow your business and finances. Make detailed plans of your business to such a level that all of the elements can produce the most effective foundation for Eternal life for all.

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IMPORTANT NUMBER CODES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

12370744 ‐ Connection with the Creator. 11981 ‐ Addressing the Creator.

1231115025 ‐ Presence of the Creator in everything for the benefit of all. 3582295 ‐ Telepathic connection with Dr Grigori Grabovoi.

17981 ‐ Enhanced acquisition of Dr Grigori Grabovoi’s Teaching. 1489999 ‐ Eternal Life.

1001105010 ‐ Point (space) of serenity and internal balance. 719 – Restoring and optimization of health.

1888888...9…1 ‐ Expansion of consciousness (note that the dots indicate a short pause when reciting the code). 881881881‐ Development of clairvoyance. 35986 ‐ Development of intuition.

5983240 ‐ Memory improvement.

25122004 ‐ Resolution of problems. 212309909 ‐ Business stability.

71427321893 – Resolution of finances and defining one’s aim. 9187948181 ‐ Developing the body.

14888948 ‐ Balancing of the immediate environment. Page 14

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8888488888 ‐ Restoring health.

88888588888 ‐ Healing of all people.

1895132 ‐ Reducing side effects of traumatic shock.

51245424 – Spasms in general.

1258912 ‐ Life threatening states and conditions

4185412 ‐ Acute poisoning.

1888948 ‐ “NORM” of serenity through the transformation of negative into positive (this includes bringing any laboratory results to a state of NORM).

Note that the term “NORM” is used and said every time situations and events need to be balanced within the flows of the universal plan and consciousness.

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71381921 – geometrical centre. This number is useful for anchoring in the present moment. State this number aloud three times. It finds the geometrical centre of the person who is performing the exercise.

17938 + 91893 – this number finds the beginning of governance in order to control the point of observation. The first number, 17938, is a Space and 91893, is your Aim. 189317514 –resolves all problems 10 years in advance.

91738919 –fixes/seals the result and spreads the information about the result to all systems of the World.

975198931 ‐ is a number for people that are homeless or looking for a place to live. This code is compressed and it solves the problem related to the living space.

8193719831 ‐ divides the problem into 10 parts. Every number works with one part. 8931719 + 519381 ‐ these two code numbers shed light and illuminate a problem or task from two sides in such a way that it will be resolved. 193751891 ‐ this fills in the problem with the knowledge and awareness of the solution and thus is resolved.

817219738 ‐ is a number code which acts like a personal talisman, always and everywhere.

391728519 ‐ enhances the structure and resolution of the problem. It brings the problem to light and resolves it in a moment. Page 16

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91371895 ‐ this number code guarantees non‐ repeating of the problem if the numbers are spread out in space and time.

9372185319 ‐ corrects and harmonises any connections you make and whatever you work with.

97513181 ‐ is one of the most powerful diagnostic codes because it illuminates problems from all sides. It finds the cause of the problem and the solution to it within the NORM of the creator. 7391891 + 198 ‐ is an educational packet.

198 is capable of transmitting concrete knowledge.

9718318 ‐ is the acceptance of the awareness that everything is going to be well. 97189179 ‐ the problems will be solved in inter‐ processes.

398 ‐ resolves many problems at the same time. This number is projected on the inside surface of a 5 metre sphere where it is illuminated and starts spinning with enormous speed. In this way, it compresses the problem and resolves it.

918 ‐ is the continuation of the above code; this code reveals problems of a person from the beginning of their development.

97319819 ‐ this code is like a boomerang because it is projected into SPACE and bounces back with the gathered concrete experiences for solving the problem.

3917518941 ‐ multiplies your ability to solve a problem by filling you with the experience of many solutions.

918197185 ‐ this code is the number for absolute accuracy. Everything is resolved with 100 percent success. Page 17

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81739519, 81739814, 7139189641 ‐ these codes are actually found free within the SPHERE. They are instruments/tools for Governance and are responsible for emitting Knowledge and for the manifesting of a desired result.

915777918934198 ‐ this code creates a collective consciousness where Eternity is Norm. It synchronises time and space so there is enough time for you to do everything that you want to do.

978914512791 ‐ is a code that extends from you to your aim. It is filled with a beam of light that holds the experiential solution related to similar problems and tasks. Time here is a generator of progress. 97183179 ‐ this is macro‐dimensional and reflected in my actions.

9738151 ‐ all actions reflect on the macro level. This code balances interpersonal relations with the actions of everything.

931751891 ‐ this code improves water resources. To improve the quality of water it is necessary to add 1 and 3. At the same time we add 1 for the East, number 2 for the West, number 3 for the South and number 5 for the North. 97317819 ‐ it is a code for the happy future of everyone.

97318541218 ‐ is for ecological safety everywhere on the planet.

971391817 ‐ is prevention of both global and local catastrophes or any kind of disaster. 91753217819719 ‐ transforms thinking into Eternal development and speeds up the development of Technologies. Page 18

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713218519 – is a system of help regardless of where you are living. 917318 ‐ is for social action and creation. 821421751 ‐ is for political action.

9175854171 ‐ this code resolves the task on a spiritual level and then transfers Technologies from it. It transfers Technologies from the viewpoint and action of the Creator ‐ it is thus the Creator’s Technology. This code shapes the transition of thoughts into Eternal development.

9718319575148179 ‐ this code starts with multiple actions, and the moment you look at it, it harmonises and synchronises everything.

317518412 ‐ increases the intensity of currently finalised tasks.

93178151 ‐ a positive transformation of external information. By adding the numbers 1 and 3 this positively created code can enter into any kind of problem and resolve it. 1489999 – Eternal life.

2145432 ‐ Eternal life and rejuvenation.

9187758981818 ‐ for protection of the body.

4748132148 - the immediate stopping of negative actions.

721348192 ‐ connection with positive information. This code can manifest the particle of eternity 25122004 - is for the removal of mistakes and problems. 212309909 ‐ stabilises business and the economy.

88148194 ‐ realisation of continuous development. Page 19

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89189318 ‐ is the code for harmonious development. 71042 – harmonises the present moment.

148721091 – harmonisation of the future.

7819019425 – harmonisation of the past.

811120218 – for concentration on plants.

555142198110 – concentration on animals. 9721854218 – dissemination of knowledge.

5555555 – is for the accurate and precise processing of information.

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4812412 ‐ optimization of body weight.

1891014 ‐ restoring optimal state of your eyesight. 212585212 ‐ achieving better academic results.

28 5555901‐ restoring balance in family relations.

978 8819719 ‐ resolution of a particular task.

1485 432 923 17914 –solving alcoholism addictions. 5333353 ‐ solving drug addiction.

19751– urgent resolution of a particular problem.

417 584 217 888 ‐ is the number code for sourcing all information about eternal development. Silvery white light from this number will fall on you and you will get a clear thought regarding the question that you asked or about what interests you.

881 979 759 19 ‐ sharing of information according to the teaching of Dr Grigori Grabovoi.

14 888 948 ‐ harmonization of your immediate space. 125 7814 ‐ acute respiratory insufficiency. 2145432 – Self‐rejuvenation, self‐healing. 811 120 218 ‐ working with plants.

1421384; 2145432; 514 – Rejuvenation.

817 992 191– restoring your health according to NORM of the Creator.

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CODES FOR HEALING SERIOUS DISEASES OF THE BODY • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Tumours ‐ 8214351

Lymphoma of skin ‐ 5891243 Uterine tumours ‐ 9817453

Pancreatic tumours ‐ 8951432

Cancer of the stomach ‐ 8912534 Skin cancer‐ 8148957

Breast cancer ‐ 5432189

Prostate cancer ‐ 4321890

Cancer of colon ‐ 5821435

Thyroid cancer ‐ 5814542 Sepsis ‐ 58143212

Syndrome of Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) – 5148142 Cardiovascular diseases ‐ 1289435 Atherosclerosis ‐ 54321898 Heart attack ‐ 8914325

Congenital heart conditions ‐ 9995437 Myocardial insufficiency ‐ 8542106

Rheumatic diseases ‐ 8148888 Dis‐eases of joints ‐ 5421891

Rheumatoid arthritis ‐ 8914201

Rheumatism ‐ 5481543

Respiratory diseases ‐ 5823214 Page 22

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Asthma ‐ 481543271

Acute bronchitis‐ 4812567

Lung candidiasis‐ 4891444 Pneumonia ‐ 4814489

Lung cancer ‐ 4541589

Tuberculosis ‐ 8941234

Emphysema ‐ 54321892

Dis‐eases of digestive tract‐ 5321482 Gastritis‐ 5485678

Hepatitis‐ 5814243

Appendicitis ‐5432114

Constipation ‐ 5484548

Candidiasis ‐ 54842148

Chronic colitis‐ 5481238

Food allergies ‐ 2841482

Chronic inflammation of the gallbladder ‐ 5481245

Liver cirrhosis ‐ 4812345 Entero‐colitis‐ 8454321

Gastric ulcer – symptomatic ‐ 9671428

Kidney and urinary tract diseases ‐ 8941254 Pyelonephritis ‐ 58143213 Renal colics ‐ 4321054

Chronic kidney failure ‐ 5488821

Inflammation of the bladder ‐ cystitis ‐ 48543211 Page 23

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Vascular dis‐eases ‐ 1843214 Anaemia ‐ 48543212

Lymphogranulomatosis ‐ 4845714

Acute radiation dis‐ease ‐ 481543294

Endocrine/Metabolic diseases ‐ 1823451 Diabetes ‐ 8819977

Thyreo‐toxicosis (Graves‐Bazedov disease) - 5143218

Obesity ‐ 4812412

Tumours ‐ 4541548

Acute poisoning ‐ 4185412 Snake bites ‐ 4114111

Wasp and bee bites ‐ 9189189

Infectious diseases ‐ 54211427 Botulism ‐ 5481252

Hepatitis A and B‐ 5412514

Flu ‐ 4814212

Dysentery ‐ 4812148 Measles ‐ 4214825

Acute respiratory diseases ‐ 4814548

Food poisoning due to bacterial contamination‐5184231 Scarlatina ‐ 5142485

Childhood diseases‐ 18543218 Haemophilia ‐ 548214514

Allergic diathesis – 0195451

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Jaundice in newborn ‐ 48155457

Pneumonia in newborn ‐ 5151421 Rachitis ‐ 5481232

Staphylococcus infection ‐ 5189542

Cranial trauma during delivery in newborn ‐518999981 Gynecological and obstetrics problems ‐ 1489145 Ectopic pregnancy ‐ 4812311

Hypogalactia – insufficient production of breast milk‐48123147 Infertility ‐ 9918755

Ovarian cysts‐514 8538

Menopause, menopausal symptoms ‐ 4851548 Endometriosis ‐ 8142522

Cervical erosion ‐ 54321459 Headache ‐ 4818543

Vertigo ‐ 514854217 Stroke ‐ 4818542 Coma ‐ 1111012

Meningitis ‐ 51485431

Migraine ‐ 4831421

Trigeminal Neuralgia ‐ 5148485

Faintness (syncope)‐ 4854548 Herpes zoster ‐ 51454322

Sleep disturbance ‐ 514248538

Psychological problems ‐ 8345444 Page 25

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Alcoholism‐ 148543292

Chronic states ‐ 8142543

Drug addiction ‐ 5333353

Neurosis ‐ 48154211

Progressive paralysis ‐ 512143223 Schizophrenia ‐ 1858541

Sexual disturbance ‐ 1486891 Impotency ‐ 8851464 Frigidity ‐ 5148222

Dermato‐venereal diseases ‐ 18584321 Warts ‐ 5148521

Dermatitis ‐ 1853121

Candidiasis ‐ 9876591

Psoriasis ‐ 999899181

Eczema ‐ 548132151

Surgical diseases ‐ 18574321

Prostate tumour ‐ 51432144 Appendicitis ‐ 54321484 Piles ‐ 58143219

Hernia ‐ 95184321

Breast cysts ‐ 4851432

Colitis ulcerosa‐ 48143211 Mastitis‐ 8152142

ENT diseases ‐ 1851432

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Acute tonsillitis‐ 1999999

Laryngitis ‐ 4548511

Cold/rhinitis ‐ 5189912

Otitis‐ 55184321

Nasal polyp‐ 5519470 Sinusitis‐ 1800124

Chronic tonsillitis ‐ 35184321 Pharyngitis –1858561

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1891014 - Eye problems (this number can be used for any eye/sight related problem even when the diagnosis is not known). 142 1543 – Astigmatism.

518 2432 - Atrophy of an optical nerve.

548 132 198 - Short sightedness (myopia). 5131482 - Glaucoma.

5189988 - Far sightedness (hypermetropia). 518 9142 – Cataract.

518 4324 – Conjunctivitis. 518 543254 - Strabismus.

185 1760 - Ablatio retinae (detachment of retinae). 514 854 249 – Sty.

148 8514 - Diseases of mouth and mouth cavity. 548 432 123 - Periodontal gum disease. 514 85 84 - Dental decay.

518 2544 - Acute toothache.

1884321 - Unknown conditions and states.

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41981971981–growth of a small business to a medium business. 719 419 811 ‐ development of international business.

819 419 714 ‐ financial independence of a small business.

914 819 87 ‐ help people acquire the knowledge of technologies for new consciousness through your business.

518 491 617 ‐ creation of an independent source of financing for technologies of eternal development.

419 875 ‐ organize oneself better in order to successfully apply technologies of eternal development.

514 918 919 – acquisition of new and necessary knowledge that develops an eternal business structure

914 419 81 ‐ create priority for a given event rather than its precise timing. 419 814 – optimization of your work: what to pay attention to and what not to!

419 818 719 914 481 – development of a good reputation for people connecting to your work.

814 418 719 –creation of harmonious relationships with family and friends.

519 498 719 41 ‐ development of business technologies in production and sales.

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28914801890498 – reconciling unfavourable past events in business – following concentration on this number, start concentrating on the number 914 312 89 – which reconciles past and future events.

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89180149156481 – helps to improve your energy levels and to create fresh, new ideas.

73918531791 – helps you to exhale and relax when stressed.

9189481 – Number for FREEDOM. Try to imagine the whole world free. There are no borders between countries, everyone is free to go wherever they choose or visa required. 91371895 – this number guarantees that a problem will not return. Use this number for a repetitive problem in your life. 212309909 – Business stability.

71427321893 – for improving your financial state. State your personal financial aim clearly.

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Head ‐ 1819999

Neck - 18548321

Right hand ‐ 1854322

Left hand ‐ 4851348 Torso ‐ 5185213

Right Leg ‐ 4812531

Left leg ‐ 485148291

How to use the above codes?

Apply the number code for the unknown state/condition –

1884321. When diagnosis is not known, then add the corresponding number code for the part of the body that you wish to heal – for example, the number for the head – 1819999.

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21489419518 ‐ this is a code for improving sports performance through the development of the physical body. Concentrating on this code, and the numbers to follow, improves physical capabilities. 481988491091 ‐ this code improves sports performance through the development of spiritual capabilities.

481988491091‐ is a code for achieving very high levels of physical performance.

4949819179 ‐ is the code for building up resistance and strength.

91801841 ‐ is the number for improving physical strength.

81421435617 ‐ is the number for improving speed results in sports.

Use these codes for sport in combination with other codes from this code book that you like.

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CREATION OF THE “SAVIOUR CELL” Imagine purple spheres which are 30 cm in diameter around and close to your body. These spheres are the closest particles/areas of your consciousness.

Then create a circle of purple spheres that are further away from your body – they are your remote areas of consciousness.

The most remote circle of spheres around your body are the most remote area of consciousness (they might be as far away as the Polar Star).

One of the most remote areas of your consciousness will lighten up like a tiny spark. This spark is called a Saviour Cell. Bring this Saviour Cell closer to yourself and start working with it. 1. 2. 3.

Position it in front of the third eye. Increase it to 30cm in size.

Fill it in with purple colour.

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Enter the words SAVIOUR CELL into this purple sphere.

5. Enter the number code for harmony and serenity 14111963 (this Cell is perfect).

6. In the middle of the Saviour Cell put the sign for eternity 8 and the sign for infinity ∞.

7. If there is a particular dis‐ease you are working on then find the corresponding number code for it and also insert it into the Cell. 8. Illuminate this code with powerful purple light. Now, the Saviour Cell is ready for work.

9. Introduce/enter this Cell into the dis‐eased organ (or body part) with the aim of re‐setting/restoration of this organ to health. Start moving the Cell in a clockwise direction through that organ (or body part). 10. Observe; the Saviour Cell starts to multiply and restore (heal) the organ/body part. Imagine the organ glowing with a bright purple light.

This is the NORM of that organ – a healthy organ. Now imagine that organ in a neutral colour as if you were looking into an anatomy book.

Everything is POSSIBLE on the informational plane of existence – to create, restore, and rejuvenate. This information is transferred to the physical level/plane.

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TECHNOLOGY OF VISION RENEWAL This is one of the technologies for vision renewal.

Imagine a sphere 5cm in size in front of you. Place the governing number sequence 1891014 in this sphere and move it into your head. Take your glasses off and imagine silver‐white coloured rays originating from this sphere are shining through your eyes. Governance is finished.

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First, mentally construct a double cone (funnel) with the tips touching. Join thumbs and index fingers of both hands to make a circle. The size of that circle indicates the correct size of the cone. Right-sided cone (the cone on the right‐hand side) is an entrance for events that you want to transform, for example: disease, pain, unemployment, relationship problems.

Left-sided cone (the cone on the left‐hand side) is an exit for desired events according to the NORM: health, contentment, satisfactory job, harmonious relationship, etc.

Connecting point (where the tips of the cones meet) this is the place that norms (transforms) the entered information. Concentrate on your goal and send the information into the right side of the double cone.

Simultaneously, when you connect the 2 cones, place the number 8 at the connecting point - it is the sign for Eternity. Then illuminate the number 8 with a silvery‐white light (which is the colour of The Holy Spirit; of the Creator). Your information/goal reaches the connecting point and is transformed into NORM, and leaves through the left side of the Page 36

double cone.

Number 8 is a sign for eternity. In this way, the transformation acquires an eternal effect. Once the transformation is complete, the cone construction disappears.


Example: High Blood Pressure (hypertension)

Imagine a double cone structure positioned at 90° in relation to your body. Simultaneously, at the connecting point of two cones, place the number 8 illuminated by a silvery‐white light.

Turn the double cone structure clockwise. The right‐sided cone is now directed towards your body. Mentally release your high blood pressure into the right‐sided cone. It moves through the connecting point where the information gets transformed into normal blood pressure. At the same time you state: “Harmonization of high blood pressure on a cellular level, according to the Norm of the Creator.”

The information – normal blood pressure, leaves through the left‐sided cone with the same informational density with which it entered into the right‐sided cone. Density is the speed at which the information is processed. When you work with colours, make sure that they are as dense and shiny as possible. That provides a high-speed of transmission to create the desired effect.

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WORKING WITH THE LIGHT STREAM (FLOW) In the system of governance, there is the existence of an impulse system and a flow system. Impulse is like a rapid pumping and is used when something needs to be done instantaneously.

The stream appears as a totality of an infinite work of the impulses that are flowing into one. Imagine a silvery‐white colour stream of light. It is like a big tube, or column, that goes to infinity. This is the colour and the light of the Creator. This stream of light solves both, the tasks of macro salvation and your personal tasks – micro salvation.

Before you enter this light stream, you can set a task. Set the task for self-regeneration. You can enter this stream yourself or with your family. You can put your pets inside or plants for regeneration. You can also put someone else inside, in order to help them. Why is it important to learn how to work with the light stream? It is necessary to learn both how to accept and how to incite these light streams. It is your light, your inner light. It is a skill to be able to see, with your inner vision, this colour that unites us with the Creator.

In the technology of governance, two streams are used. There is a bright silvery‐white light and a bright white light with the golden glow. Golden glow is a stream of eternity. In his work, Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi pays significant attention to this stream of eternity. To see this light draw a black dot 5‐7 mm in size on a sheet of paper. Hang it on the wall and concentrate on this spot from a 2‐3 meter distance.

After a while, a bright halo will appear around this spot. This is the one indestructible, eternal light of the Creator out of which everything was created. Page 39

SYMPTOMS OF DNA ACTIVATION The following information will show you the symptoms of DNA activation. Currently, many people are experiencing these symptoms, and many are becoming aware of what is really happening to them. What is actually happening is the activation of all of the levels of their consciousness, and, increasing their vibrational frequencies: 1.


3. 4. 5.

The first symptom is a sleep disruption. Waking up in the middle of the night - insomnia. Refrain from t h e overpowering desire to sleep. The more you want to sleep the more you will feel tired. Use the moments of insomnia to meditate for internal transformation. If it becomes very difficult, ask your Higher Self to give you a deep and healing sleep so you can recover. Worry, feeling worried.

Feeling of heat in the soles.

Feeling tired and disoriented in the morning.

Feeling of activity at the level of the seventh centre in the area of your head.


Buzzing, feeling of heaviness, do not be afraid, that is your opening for the Devine energies.


Periods of depression which occur spontaneously, and cannot be explained by anything in particular. Don’t worry, your heart chakra is cleansing.



Feeling as if something is crawling over your spine and skull.

Unusual nervous breakdowns or spontaneous happiness. That is the heart chakra as well. It gets activated and it will Page 40

push you to resolve all negative relationships. Remove from your life everything that does not match the rising of your vibrational level.

10. Continuous emergence of situations that tend to push you out of balance when meeting with people that are causing negative emotions to appear. Certain situations in relationships are forcing you to become cynical. 11. Those are the lessons on which you should work. Accept them with gratitude. 12. And start getting rid of things forever.

13. Change in bodyweight - losing or gaining weight. All your fears will resurface, you have to face them now or you might subconsciously try to face them or the opposite, you might totally lose sense/desire for food.

14. Food can become disgusting for you. The advice is very simple. Before every meal or during a meal, simply fill your food with love and tell yourself that your food will serve to your progress in a spiral of a spiritual evolution. That will serve as an inspiration for your spiritual hunger. Listen to yourself and the body will tell you what kind of food do you need or you don’t need. You do need to change your attitude toward food, anyway. Occasionally, you might feel that you don’t need food at all in order to feed your body. If this happens, there is only one advice – listen to yourself. Don’t listen to anyone else. 15. Change in eyesight. Losing sharpness of sight. Tired look. Your sight is not focused on one thing. 16. You can see tiny and shiny particles in the air, aura around the plants, or/and animals; some objects might become transparent.

17. You can see the rainbows quite often and in the most unusual places. Page 41

18. When you close your eyes, you don’t see darkness but light.

19. You can start seeing geometrical figures, colours and beautiful scenes with your eyes closed.

20. The colours around you will become more vivid and clearer.

21. With the increase of your level of perception, you can start seeing objects, not with your physical sight, but with your inner vision. Those are objects from the other levels. The world in between is not separated and you can start discerning them.

22. During the sunrise and the sunset you can notice with your peripheral vision white lines - these are your conductors. Your sight will go through significant changes, do not be afraid of the things that you have not seen before.

23. Increase or decrease in your hearing. Noise in the bus can be unbearable at times. You can hear noises, buzzing, music, crunching sound, sound of water falling....It can be difficult for you to understand what other people are saying as if you have forgotten your mother tongue. Later, you can hear some strange voices, as if someone is above you. Do not be afraid. Listen attentively to everything that is happening to you in your life.

24. Pulse acceleration. You can start tasting poisonous and harmful ingredients in your food and that will be very unpleasant for you; while other food will have a delicious taste. 25. Sharpening of your perception. From time to time you can see colours that don’t exist around you.

26. Rash, allergies. New energy will cleanse all toxins, which will be eliminated through the skin. Those can be emotions Page 42

which we have been suppressed deep within and which need to be resolved, that need to be eliminated.

27. Moments of hyper activity when you feel the need to run, to jump, to do something.

28. Apathy and tiredness which are the consequence of the profound changes that happened within you. Do not be afraid, and accept these changes which are happening, with deep gratitude.

29. Changes on the level of meditation. You can notice that it became more difficult for you to concentrate during meditation. You can feel that you spend shorter time in meditation because your contact with the spirit is more intimate and it is easier for the spirit to communicate with you. You can communicate with the spirit on a direct level, not just during meditation.

30. Influx (inflow) of energy. You can feel brief, powerful influxes of energy from the head to the feet. This can make you feel uncomfortable. 31. You can sweat more than usual. Do not be afraid, think about that that is a Devine Energy, let it flow in with gratefulness.

32. Pain in head, neck and back. You can feel as if you got a flu or cold. 33. Problems with digestion.

34. Muscle spasms and twitching

35. Amplified pulse, heart rate in the chest area. 36. Changes in sexual desire.

37. Desire to be silent, or pain in a jaw. 38. Decrease of a muscle tonus.

39. Changes in a physical appearance. You will feel more Page 43

youthful thanks to increase in your vibrations.

40. Vivid dreams which will have a message for you. You will remember what is important for you.

41. Some things will happen that will drastically change everything – your outlook on life, on the world that surrounds you. You can be filled with the energy of love and compassion toward everyone and everything that surrounds you. You will have a desire to be free, to burn all the bridges. You can have a spontaneous wish to get rid of all old things that you previously liked; clothes, furniture, anything....You might have a wish to burn it all. You are freeing yourself from everything that might be pulling you back.

42. Desire for solitude. Lack of interest to be in a company.

43. You can lose desire to communicate with other people. Mundane conversations will be irritable and senseless; talking can bother you. You might want to disappear from all of your social networks. Your Higher Self is telling you that you need to focus on your‐self and changes that are happening around you. 44. Urge to be creative. You can have beautiful ideas and patterns for creation. Try to at least write down your ideas. God can tell you what is your mission – in which way can you help in healing the planet. 45. Sense that time accelerates. Focus on the present moment.

46. Be patient. Feeling that something is about to happen. Calm down and accept that everything will happen in a timely manner, when you are ready for something to happen. Impatience is just one form of insecurity in your‐self and in your Higher Self.

47. You can feel that you are not the way you were before, that your life has changed completely. That you have Page 44

become more opened and honest with yourself and to what surrounds you. Freely say NO – to everything that you don’t want. And state clearly YES, only because you want it yourself. There is nothing that you need to hide anymore.

48. You feel strong connection with the Planet Earth and with the Nature that surrounds you. You are much gentler in a relation to it. 49. Computers, radios, phones might start malfunctioning in your presence. Ask your Angels to protect your personal things from breaking.

50. Everything happens exactly the way you planned. Every day, you observe one little miracle happens. That’s the sign that you are going in the right direction. And if you have gotten off track, unpleasant things might start happening. That’s the sign as well.

51. Appearance or intensification of paranormal abilities. Out of body travels, telepathy, conversations with God.

52. Feeling of Unity with everything that exists - Infinite, unconditional love. Gratitude toward everything that surrounds you - endless joy and realization that you are not alone. 53. You are serene and plants respond to your love.

54. Your thoughts and desires are fulfilling much quicker and in a more efficient way. Control your thoughts. Be careful with your wishes/desires. You are getting closer to the fifth dimension, where all the thoughts are instantaneously manifested. 55. Changes in activity of a left hemisphere of a brain - loss of memory, concentration, and inability to write or read for a prolonged time. In one moment you might be attracted by intense bright pictures, music, communication, with unusual people, tantra, working in nature, long walks. You Page 45

are attracted by understanding and getting to know spiritual information. That’s the right hemisphere. Allow it a bit of rest.

56. Dizziness. Falls, sprains and strains - if that happens that means that you are not grounded and that you need to become aware of some life situation and to get rid of something unnecessary. To be grounded – it means standing firmly with both legs on the ground. Go into nature more often, have baths more often. Observe yourself with passion. Listen to your emotions listen to your‐self.

57. Accelerated growth of hair and nails.

58. Tremendous desire to meet your other half. Now, as never before, you need spiritual support. You want to have your loved one, your close (intimate) man/woman, next to you. 59. Periodical bouts of depression. Feeling of loneliness. Desire to return home. Feeling that you are losing your mind because no one around you understands you. Don’t worry about that, in this moment that is all normal. Don’t worry, because you are not alone. There are millions of people like you. And there are more of us every minute.

When you feel something that we mentioned here, you can ask your Inner Self for help. Listen to your soul and body and they will help you to find the best solution.

Approach the process of DNA activation with awareness and with gratitude, because this is a real miracle. You are going to become the one that you truly are and that is the miracle. This is coming home. I am here. I am ready.

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It is with great joy that I am able to teach the work of Dr Grigori Grabovoi. I am very excited to be working on new ways of bringing this work to you and creating a community in which we can all share and grow together.

I believe that these teachings if utilised can transform your life with long lasting impact. The ultimate aim is to live life joyously and with purpose. My greatest desire is to reach as many people as possible, so I invite you to contact me if you would like me to come to your city, run a webinar or to discuss a problem that you would like further guidance on how to resolve it. By creating new and different opportunities, we can all benefit and embrace a new way of living.

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The Elixir Foundation which is currently being established has been set up to support and advance the wellbeing of people associated with the teachings of Dr Grigori Grabovoi and the work of the Elixir Centre. The creation of the Foundation is the most concrete way that we can express our deepest gratitude to you for being a part of our community. I look forward to connecting with you soon. Love and Light, Nevena.

Dr Nevena Jelovac-Pavelic (MD Europe)

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Nevena is a trained doctor and homeopath. The teachings of Dr Grigori Grabovoi inspired her to completely change her life and become a Licensed Grabovoi® Teacher Nevena is licensed to teach in:


SOUTH AMERICA ~ NORTH AMERICA ~ CHINA To contact Nevena either: • Ring on 61411 739393 • Write to her at: [email protected] If you want to find out more about: • Recent news ,free talks workshops and seminars • Books and eBooks • 30 day concentration course • Ruby membership program Visit the website

http://www.elixircentre.com.au/ and click on the appropriate tab Youtube channel Nevena Elixir https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCvGoeueMiG3QRRHll94diQ

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