Dungeon Master's Guide To Odyssey of The Dragonlords - The Homebrewery [PDF]

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Dungeon Master's Guide to Odyssey of the Dragonlords

art by : Marc Simonetti



his community guide is a rpg aid for Odyssey of the Dragonlords DMs, an epic adventure book for 5E who blends classic fantasy with Greek mythology. This document expands the campaign and many of its scenes, and gives explanations to some inconsistent points. It was made compiling stuff found or discussed with other DMs on the discord server "Odyssey of the Dragonlords", and i added some things i designed mostly myself (Here be dragons, Oath of Peace...) but based on needs. Use that document as you wish in your campaign, hear though it's based on multiple DM's experiences! Most of us consider this campaign is one of the best for 5th edition, but we also feel it needs modifications & adaptations. But beware : if your players are more into rolling dices with friends than into lore, this campaign might not be what you need. My YouTube presentation : https://youtu.be/P_3D9fAD1-A Free player's guide link : https://www.modiphius.net/products/odyssey-of-thedragonlords-players-guide-free

Credits :

"Odyssey of the Dragonlords" is a book from Drew Karpishyn, Jesse Sky and James Ohlen at Arcanum Worlds. All texts, images and links by me (Logain) unless stated otherwise. Cover art by : Marc Simonetti. This page's art by : Lius Lasahido. Made using : https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/


DM's Guide to Odyssey

Special thanks to :

DMs from the discord server for their work (https://discord.gg/hzBZC8Zhr2), especially : Charalampos Koundourakis for his divine symbols. CrashGem "DMing RAW ? I get bored just thinking about it." for all his work. His 2 Odyssey games are streamed : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClDTsirj93XEtJn7XGvSnkg Josh "out of adventures that are good, this is probably the hardest to run with CoS"."This adventure should never be run as written, if a dm wants to run something as written they should run something else. It has a huge amount of potential but you have to put the work in." Snacktime "I don't think this module is meant to be plug and play, you have to read it. Not only for the story but for these big traps that should honestly not have been published RAW". KyoTe44 "running any game RAW is cool and all... But like, you should really work to not let your players just get Merc'd at every corner". oktoblivion : remember why they are fighting the Titans, not just fighting for fighting's sake. (as Kyrah) : "I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.” " Lionhead Gaming, who also streams his Odysseay variant https://open.spotify.com/show/3DEn4X0ev5oSYF91TaX3qs Kaleton for his added islands and adaptation of the Odyssey Anthology and all others.

art by : Lius Lasahido

(Blemys, Gygan, Goatling, Marble golem)

Table Of Contents

1 Dungeon Master's Guide to Odyssey of the Dragonlords 2 Introduction 3 Preparing the campaign 3.1 Session 0 3.2 DMing 3.3 Important DM concepts 3.4 Analyzing important NPCs & situations 3.5 Facing Sydon and Lutheria 3.6 DM's history of Thylea (Logain, Kazy & others) 3.7 Investigating the lore of Thylea (Logain) 3.8 World creation myth (Logain) 3.9 The Godragons reveal 3.10 Links 3.11 Travel times 4 Chapter help 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Temple of the Oracle 4.3 Estoria. 4.4 Land encounters 4.5 Labours 4.6 The Four Winds subplot enhanced (Crashgem & me) 4.7 Mytros side quests 4.8 The Ultros 4.9 The Great Games 4.10 The Odyssey 4.11 Random encounters at sea 4.12 The Cerulean Gulf 4.13 The Forgotten Sea 4.14 The Nether Sea 4.15 The Battle of Mytros 4.16 After the Battle of Mytros 4.17 The New Pantheon pre-BoM variant 4.18 Myrmekes infestation 5 Companions and Romances 6 The Oath of Peace 6.1 The Oath's content 6.2 Heroes's position 6.3 The Five God's view 6.4 The Twin Titan's view 6.5 Renewing the Oath 6.6 Tricky peace situations 6.7 Written Oath of Peace 7 Other Lore aspects 7.1 Justice & morality 7.2 Cosmology (Masha) 8 Misc rules 8.1 Fame (Logain) 8.2 Monster knowledge 8.3 Divine fatigue (Logain) 8.4 Sacrifices & prayers 8.5 Path of divinity

9 Other divine figures 9.1 The Lost Pantheon 9.2 The Lost Titans 9.3 The Titan kids (oktoblivion) 9.4 Delphia's kids 9.5 Helios 10 Here be Dragons (Logain) 10.1 Raising dragons 10.2 Dragon statblocks : 10.3 Rebuilding the order of the dragonlords 11 Epic paths 11.1 A "content to unlock" 11.2 Epic paths summary : 11.3 New Epic paths summary : 11.4 Versi's visions dialogues 11.5 Design (Crashgem & me) 11.6 New Epic paths 11.7 Integrating the Myrmidon (Reddit) 11.8 Integrating the Bastard (Whaleman) 11.9 Integrating the Exile (Josh) 11.10 Integrating the Masterpiece (Kaleton) 11.11 Integrating the Psychopomp (Kaleton & josh) 11.12 Integrating the Timeless One (Reddit) 12 Improving Odyssey of the Dragonlords with Theros Content : 12.1 Supernatural Gifts of Thylea 12.2 Gods 12.3 Monsters: 12.4 Mythic foes. 12.5 Items: 12.6 Odyssey of Theros Piety [Chyroptera & Crashgem] 13 Game aids 13.1 Chondru's ravings 13.2 Collected quotes from Rizon Phobas 13.3 The Xanderiad, definition 13.4 Chondrus's history of Thylea 13.9 How the Oath of Peace came to be (by Kyrah) 13.10 History of Estor Arkelander 13.11 Estor's Journal (Sgt Durandal & me) 13.12 Wine festival plays 13.13 Timeline, milestones and eggs 13.14 NPCs & Heroes 13.15 Dragons 13.16 Crafting variants 13.17 Specific metals 13.18 The Versica (Percyyog) 13.19 Alternate Villains & items 13.20 Divine symbols (Charalampos Koundourakis) 13.21 DM's list of Thylean gods: 13.22 Hexia's monologues (Kaleton) 13.23 Encounter with Lutheria (by N.O.K) 13.24 Odyssey of the Dragonlords: Pronunciation Guide 13.25 Variants 13.26 Best DD5 Campaigns 13.27 Best DD campaigns, to adapt

Source master thread : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eWfzo_KXEUXisVGbtAEWG5xdmZ DM's Guide to Odyssey


2. Preparing the campaign Session 0 Ethic Concerns

Many adult topics & moral choices to check with players : Gender role (Amazons are really into it raw). Racism (vs cursed Minotaurs and Medusas). Slavery (minotaurs) Child sacrifice (Mossy Temple, Mytros, Fates ?) Prostitution (Siren's roost...) Cannibalism (Mossy Temple) Choice given to be cruel (killing baby Trogs...) PVP (nightmare)

Lore, immersion, alignment.

YouTube presentation https://youtu.be/P_3D9fAD1-A Immersion is what this game is about, a greek themed campaign where deities walk among mortals, huge powerhouses in their own domain but also flawed elsewhere, where you prove you are heroes, to rebuild the order of the Dragonlords, and embark on an Odyssey to confront the Titans (either to negociate a new Oath of Peace or battle them). Either play it : epic good : the five support good aligned champions and want them to be better than the original dragonlords were (colonization, Estor...), and wouldn't want to replace the evil Titans with evil champions. Reward heroic & morale actions by giving inspiration, follows Kyrah's temper. greek tragedy (the end justifies the means). Reward heroic and tragic actions by giving inspiration. Remember Kyrah is with the group : her main role is to provide PCs information about the strong particular background and its history. She's not supposed to fight. Explain oaths and curses (don't discuss technic aspects).


Some players want their cleric character to feel special by not going mainstream. They don't know the 5 are so important in the story. I advise you suggest your clerics to focus on one of the 5, it will put them a lot more in the heart of the lore and of the story, and give them more immersion and roleplaying opportunities. At least don't allow player characters to choose Sydon or Lutheria as their god, it's messy. /!\ Statblocks have them as human instead of celestial.

Group composition

Your group will attune better to the story if a least one player has a Paladin, or chooses the Vanished One or Gifted One Epic Path (motivation to rebuild the order of the dragonlords & compare with the original one). The races and classes in the module provide the best immersion. If they want to use a concept from "outside", work with them to tie their character more closely to the world of thylea. It is more about making sure everyone is playing something that aligns with the flavour of the game. 4

DM's Guide to Odyssey

To give a sense of uniqueness, and to cover more scenario possibilities, suggest your group to choose different races, classes and epic paths.

Epic paths

Explain epic paths are a way to link a character's motivations to the campaign in an epic way. Show its importance to story and roleplay, and tell them that awarded items are examples (allow players to ask alternate equivalent items), and remember divine blessings will arrive late (path's completion) and shouldn't be important in epic path choice. Warn your players that Lost One has less connexions to the story (raw he just wants to exit), and that demi-god, vanished one and gifted one feel somewhat main character.

Character death

Cover loosely the fact that though some encounters are deadly, the game itself has systems in place in case your chosen one dies too early, so they won't be blindsided. Some players don't like that kind of thing.

Odyssey races (CrashGem) Settler Races

Dwarves, elves, gnomes and halflings are all descended from the original settlers or an outsider who arrived during the last five centuries. Half-elves are descended from a union between a native elf and native human. Since there are no orcs on Thylea, all half-orcs come from a small community in Mytros that has existed since its founding. Tieflings can come from a union between a mortal spellcaster and a fiend. A dragonborn could be someone who has the blood of a dragon in their veins. Common Humans, Halflings (Ghostwise are rare), Dwarves (Underdark variations Duegar and Derro are rare), Elves (Subraces besides high and wood elf are rare), Half Elves



Gnomes Aasimar, (Deep Genasi, Grung gnomes are Islanders, Half rare), Firbolg Orcs, Locathah - Oldwood, - Aquatic, Lizardfolk - Tiefling, Tortle Islanders Islanders

Thylean Native Races

Thylea is also home to new mythical races. Arcanum errata : Centaurs, Medusa and Minotaurs are monstrosities. Satyrs and Nymphs are fey. Sirens are celestial. You should make them dual typed (humanoid / whatever). We advise Minotaurs be medium sized instead of large. Common

Uncommon Rare

Centaurs, Thylean, Leonin, Minotaurs Nymphs, (Thylean - recently cursed - or Theros Sirens, - 2d -), Satyrs, Thylean (ban Theros Triton Satyr). (Theros)


DMing Encounter balance

The campaign is a pure marvel, but is less balanced than usual modules, partly because it has several big consecutive sandboxes (labours, mytros, gulf, forgotten sea). Also sometimes the challenge is too strong, especially before Mytros, often weaker afterwards (see chapter help). 5e RAW is not that balanced around real D&D parties. It's balanced around 4 SRD characters, no feats, no insane meta builds and multiclass combos, no homebrew, no magic items, and certainly not groups of 6 players with pets and companions... which Odyssey is about. You'll need to adapt. Tell your players some fights are not fair. Being the chosen of the gods doesn't make them invincible. This campaign's charm comes from being mature, should reward sneaking and discussing with NPCs and "monsters" when possible. Improve bosses:

Give plot-relevant NPCs a bit more survivability: https://github.com/BaritoneBard/Odyssey-of-the-DragonlordsGGMM-Creatures add hit points, lair and mythic actions. Create Paragon creatures : https://theangrygm.com/elemental-boogaloo/ Ban Sleeping draught Add the following specific feats : VIP feat.

This creature succeeds on all death saving throws. In essence, these NPCs can only be killed by massive damage or by deliberate coup de graces : “if we didn’t see them die, they probably survived it”. Stun Resistance

Stun monk ability is absurdly powerful in a game that features boss fights. Give this ability to "bosses" : If this creature would be stunned, it is staggered instead, for as long as the original Stun effect. Staggered condition : your speed is halved and you have disadvantage to attack rolls. Attack rolls against you have advantage.


We suggest you use the milestone system, easier to follow, makes it epic as level up occurs after important events. See appendixes. It is suggested to make the party level up quickly, for example level 2 after facing the Great Boar level 3 after the Oracle's temple. You could give them each PC an adapted supernatural feat (see part 8 - Supernatural Gifts of Thylea) during the first fight that looks bad for them.

At low level, during the labours. Kyrah has some scrolls of resurrection, but you probably don't want your players think she has unlimited raise dead. If she pledges an oath of protection for a character you can consider it is fulfilled once she revives them, which would mean one scroll for each character. At higher levels, in Mytros, the heroes gain access to Vallus, raise at will (but they won't know it beforehand). Lutheria being both cuning and insane, and goddess of death, could deny such resurrection on an NPC 50% of the time. Epic path boon : remember all characters have some free way to get a raise dead or similar effect.

Build bridges for the late game

There is much lore that should be available from the Academia at least, or/and through Kyrah, that you can subtly prepare: Play and add lore hints. For example have Kyrah spit on Estor's grave with Perception DC 18 to see that. Give multiple references to Aresia (presence of the monks on Scorpion Island & at the Great Games including a spy, party learning Narsus's story from Kyrah, words from Ekoh's quest, information on Karpathos's treachery), so the city and its general story (longtime rival of Mytros, captors of Narsus, protected by a city-wide artifact) are known. Dropping minor hints at inconsistencies in the history of Thylea, leading them to question the nature of the Oath of Peace and the real origin of the gods. Referencing the City of Sirens (having it sinking be seen from one of the Lotus Witch's windows, its fate being a Lotus Witch question, a siren NPC that wants the party's help in finding relics from their city), so it's already established as a catastrophe of unknown cause. Establishing that the Titans and the Five are not the only "gods" (someone came from a village that worshipped Helios, they know Narsus exists, sirens are mentioned to have worshipped other gods, presenting Hellios and Narsus's kids in Mytros), setting up the lost pantheon with very od documents showing divine symbols of lost gods... maybe working Karpathos into being the primary cause of Xander's fall through treachery, making him less of a random high-level side quest, and more the appearance of a villain they've heard stories about for a long time and thought was long-dead.

Resurrecting the heroes

There are many ways to raise the heroes, so don't hesitate to hit them hard, especially as most encounters aren't well balanced (mostly too easy, some traps or Cerberus too hard). DM's Guide to Odyssey


Important DM concepts

It is a myhtologic setting where all-mighty and all-knowing gods don't really exist : the gods are supermen who walk the land and have human features, qualities and perks. Two gods have ascended, and became invisible forces that don't act much on their own : Mytros and Thylea. After a war between Titans and dragonlords, an Oath of Peace has been taken by the native gods (the Twin Titans) and the settlers gods (the Five). Those gods do not take active actions against the others. The Oath of Peace also had a part preventing people from knowing it was the remaining dragons who became gods. You should consider the survivors of that era are magically bound by that (detect thoughts should fail because of that divine oath).

Explaining Thylean gods (Logain)

Players usually have a hard time understanding how gods work in Thylea. I did a mashup presentation of OotD, MOoT and homebrew : The gods of Thylea are far more active than the deities of most D&D worlds : they are not heaven-dwelling deities but familiar faces who walk among their people. The gods can assume any form they choose, but they most commonly appear as humanoids or Titans (depending on their pantheon)—the form in which the people of Thylea most easily imagine them. They have been known to take mortal husbands and wives, rule over cities, and sire demi-god children. But that doesn’t mean they are ordinary creatures—they aren’t mere mortals, nor are they simple monsters. The gods of Thylea aren’t omniscient, though they can see and hear everything that occurs inside their temples and before their altars when they focus their attention there. They have perfect recall of everything they experience. Gods can appear in the dreams of mortals or manipulate natural phenomena to create omens. The gods of Thylea aren’t omnipotent. Although they are physically and magically powerful, ageless, and all but immortal, resurrecting at their temple, their actions are bound by the natural cosmic laws of Thylea, more than anyone else : Oaths are expected to be honored upon the life of the swearer, and guests can be expected to be shown hospitality even in the homes of their fiercest enemies. It is believed that the idea of the existence of gods, as it grew in popularity among the people of Thylea, didn’t bring the gods into being by itself. Something, probably reverence and worship, turned universal ideas into divine sparks, brought from the dream-substance of Nyx. And those divine sparks were fused with Thylea's childs and champions, who became deities. Gods need dedication, sacrifices and prayers to fuel their divine spark, and grant their clerics the ability to cast spells. Worship remains crucial to the power of the gods, though mortals are generally not aware of their influence. Were a god to cease being worshiped, their might would dwindle.


DM's Guide to Odyssey

They can effortlessly duplicate the effect of any spell they could grant (any domain spell from their domains). They also have broad influence over aspects of the world associated with their portfolios, beyond what can be defined by spell effects. For example, Sydon can call up a storm or a drought. Gods can bestow supernatural blessings on mortals, and they can lay terrible curses. They can also create Nyxborn creatures to serve as messengers or emissaries. When physically present in the mortal world, the power of the gods exceeds that of any mortal being. But a god is not capable of devastating physical attacks like those presented in Mythic Odyssey of Theros (Heliod’s spear striking the polis of Olantin caused it to sink forever into the sea, and an errant blow from Purphoros’s hammer shaped the mountains). In rare cases, Gods can ascend to Nyx where any direct interaction between the gods and the mortal world becomes impossible. There, they often seem to be walking across the dome of the sky, with their feet disappearing just below the horizon. Any part of a god’s body that isn’t directly lit takes on the appearance of the starry night sky of Nyx.

Oaths and curses

Players must understand oaths and curses. The game provides them examples & situations : Oath of hospitality at the Garden of Helios with Helios, and probably at the Mossy Temple with Demetria. Curse of the Graverobber with Claus at Estoria, to prepare for Telamok's visit. Oath of Service from Pytor or Kyrah to the players. Also although slavery has been banned by Vallus, a countermove from Sydon allows Maximus, slavemaster, to transfer an oath of service from an owner to another, thereby a form of slavery market as hunters search and attack Minotaurs to force them an oath of service. Are Oaths written, and is destroying the writ canceling the oath ? I would say the following : when Oaths are made, the Furies usually hear them and decide to enforce them, so the intention is binding, not it's written representation. But sometimes the Furies don't see or don't care when it is broken (raw they check gods, kings and beggars first). Writting an oath ususally is only to remember it (the guardian of the forge is the only case destroying a written oath cancels it, we can assume it is a written condition of it).

Analyzing important NPCs & situations The Twin Titans's behaviour

Lutheria is becoming mad (preventing people from entering Thylea magically, the charge Thylea gave her), and Sydon craves for revenge after the first war's events. The Twin Titans now prepare the end of the Oath of Peace, putting big pressure on the settlers, and planning for war. Being evil and used to Oaths, having the right of appeasement, they act a lot to create indirect consequences : offering dragons to Acastus or immortality to Estor, storm on Mytros and drought on Estoria, "natural" random lighning welcoming pcs in Mytros, sending misleading dreams to PCs or Boreas or Demetria... They are cautious to talk about their plans in front of the Furies who rule about the Oath's validity (see Oath of Peace). The theological debate with the Twins is more along the lines that this is their world - 'good' and 'evil' are concepts the Dragonlords brought. Before that, 'good' was what the Titans demanded, and 'evil' was what went against them.

The Five gods are silent

The settler's civilization benefited from the oath the Five obtained, and expanded. The 5 are now silent, as they are bound by the Oath, and as their time is passing. They can not attack the Titans or their followers or even ask their followers to do that, and they can't deny the Titan's right of appeasement. They know their age is coming to an end, but can't say so. The gods have different reactions to the situation, which you must understand to roleplay them correctly : Vallus guides the settlers with her wisdom and the support of ascended Mytros, trying to mix the different cultures, and works for peace, marrying Acastus and inviting Chondrus and Gaius to the city's council. Pytor tried to be helpful : he participated in the first war, in the Aresian wars, became King to overthrow a tyrant. But Hexia punishes him for being a womanizer and leaving his dragon life, and his portfolio being blocked by the Oath of Peace he's depressed. Volkan mourns his wife and the loss of the forge, and isn't that interested in the settlers agenda. A spark of interest will be seen when PCs look for the Forge, or when they speak of Mytros, or of Balmytria. Kyrah [played music in the 4 winds band, she profited from her godhood knowing it will disappear]. But, morale boosted by Versi's visions she made a cunning plan. Kyrah now plays around the oaths posing as a music teacher with the god's name.

She hopes the heroes will take initiative against the Titans, for example understand that she is not responsible for her follower's brash actions, but this has to be subtle else she'll be considered oathbreaker. She has to find worthy champions to take the lead, to replace the Five when they will be gone. However she doesn't want to win at all cost, she won't support evil actions from the Heroes, as it would only cause the Five to be replaced by evil champions, and wouldn't want to make a choice between lesser evils, to have Thylea dominated by evil dragonlords instead of evil Titans. Of course, she should never break the Oath of Peace, bluntly asking the heroes to attack the Titans or their followers, or denying them their right of appeasement. Those are the reason she asks the heroes of the prophecy : to prove themselves, to gain fame among the population and gain credit, some DM would add also to gain experience, to become worthy champions able to defend the settlers in her place after the Oath of Peace ends, to negociate a new Oath of Peace if possible. But if a new Oath isn't feasible, which she rightly supposes, she still will have managed to train heroes for the coming war, and she hopes the hints she will provide will allow the heroes to win this ! Outsmarting the Titans and Oaths is the name of the game for her, and that should slowly appear to your players as being their moto too.

Worshipers of the gods

Worship is not only a matter of alignment and cruelty. Look at real world gods. Old Testament god was a real asshole. The Greek gods? Rapists, tricksters, jealous babies. But they also controlled the weather, could rain down destruction, curse you forever, steal your girl or boy. Etc... Many of the natives worship the Titans, as it has been since the dawn of time on Thylea. You worshipped them so you didn’t get wrecked, which is exactly the point with Sydon and Lutheria. And like anyone in an abusive relationship you looked for the good stuff. Well... Sydon is very strong. Which can be compared to real world leaders. A large proportion of the world's population believes might makes right, even in supposedly democratic nations... Lutheria can be considered cool to some people, proposing sex, drugs and alcohol ? Also she sort of like the settlers. In comparison, the five are gods only to the settler races, they came from another culture, they are good aligned and do not push for tribute. Which doesn't work as much as they hoped in this world. People's faith is wanning, dawn of age of mortals, shift of powers going back to the Titans.

Kyrah's plan into motion

She learned a lot about the Titans, the way they play with the Oaths's limits, causing actions that indirectly have bad consequences for the Five but do not breach the Oath of Peace. Kyrah's plan is to use Versi's Prophecy to sponsor a band of heroes, tools towards her goals : DM's Guide to Odyssey



Acastus and Vallus try a policy of appeasement "Peace for our time". Acastus intends to have weapons to strengthen his bargaining position (dragons & aging potions) with the Titans, and as Sydon gave him dragons, of course he thinks the titans can be reasoned with, but it is something he can't say, as noone knows their origin (even Vallus has doubts). He thinks the gift means he will get a peace after the Oath of Peace ends. And that's just Sydon's trap. Remember Aesop's quote on him. Acastus just want weapons and his dragons potions of aging, and doesn't care abut the noble link between dragon and rider the Dragonlords of old had. Something the Vanished One or Gifted One or a Palladin shouldn't like.

Versi and the Fates

We may be tempted to look at the Fates through a modern eye, assuming they are impartial and unswayable because that is how fate is often portrayed in modern fiction, whereas here they are evil hags who have at least a certain level of allegiance to the Titans (Balmytria knew she could not kill the Titans with the Fates on their side, so she tricked them in The Game of the Gods). So, if we instead view them as hags that have an absurd amount of power, happy to form grudges and play with the destinies of mortals for their own cruel amusement, perhaps that would be a more interesting characterisation. They compete with Versi to bend the future to their will. For example, the relationship between The Fates and Versi. Versi sees the future, The Fates weave the future. The Fates want her dead. Perhaps the hags are tired of Versi telling the mortals about their plans ? Meanwhile, The Vanished One is part of the Versi's vision of the future. Perhaps The Fates saw how she had grown attached to this individual, and decided to hit her where it hurts, incorporating her lover and pet into the only path of destiny that leads to the salvation of Thylea, so even if Versi wins, she loses? The "return to me" part cold be to go back to the temple after the boar, to save her as she knew the heroes of the prophecy would free her from disaster (Heleka). The Vanished One was saved from certain death at Praxis. Her placeholders are Jasena Ventrak (Narsus's rider) and Gregor Huorath (Hezzebal's rider). Long term wise, the prophecy that Versi saw on the end of Thylea is falsely linked to the end of the oath of peace, everybody thinks that this is the danger, but in reality the way the characters handle the war and the battle of Mytros killing Sydon and Kentimane is how they make an enemy of a maddening Lutheria that will be the true designer of the end of Thylea : the Apokalypsis.

Restoring the order of the Dragonlords


DM's Guide to Odyssey

Your players should be interested in their mission, which should include restoring the order of the dragonlords to lead the settlers's civilization. They should slowly understand the Five count on them more than they should, some players will see meta game on your part (have the players resolve the problems instead of the gods), but ultimately should take the lead. Such a thing will make them interested in lore, and said lore should help them in their quest, when confronting Estor and Karpathos for exemple. Regardless of your epic paths, restoring the order should consist of : Having a leader with the crown of the dragonlords. Find the fortress of the dragonlords (Garden of Helios). A magic item, can be made a very cool flying fortress. Find the treasure of the dragonlords (Mirror prison). If your players don't restore the order, the order of Sydon will claim it upon their return as it belongs to them since Nicholas Phobas changed the order of the dragonlords into the porder of Sydon. Raise dragons and pronounce the oath of the dragonlords (Fire island's brass egg, Vallus's egg, Praxis's silver egg, Fates's copper egg, Paladin's egg, optional silver egg in the Ultros or bronze egg at Isle of the dragon...). All those dragons will be small, only tinkering for example with the island of time would allow them to be mounted, raw they will ride the godragons at the battle of Mytros. Disagreeing with Acastus's way of raising dragons as weapons and not as beings. Resisting corruption (Karpathos and Estor's examples, maybe Jasena's too) and follow a good path.

Complex moral choices (Hevchenko)

The Five, in my opinion are some of the most human "Gods" players can encounter playing D&D. The best write up I've seen for the five is one which attributes to them the Five Stages of grief - it gives a wonderful starting point for making them three dimensional characters and it in my opinion begins to solidify the central themes of the Campaign. Inevitably, if you want to elevate a campaign you want to think of its core themes that will rise up and both challenge the players and allow the players to explore that meaning. Grief is the first theme in my campaign or rather dealing with loss; legacy and identity is my second. I imagine there are many other central themes the campaign has space to be adapted to and for: power, responsibility, family, perserverance, redemption, sacrifice - all possible literary themes that explore the nature of humanity. The Campaign has a lot of space for complex moral choices: Godhood, Slavery, Worship, Colonialism, Sacrifice, the need for Theocracies and Monarchies that provide stability in difficult times, beautiful lies vs hard truths (eg. the past wrongs of the Dragonlords vs The symbol of hope they need to represent now).

Facing Sydon and Lutheria A new Oath of Peace

Vallus & Kyrah shoud ask the PCs to renew the Oath of Peace. 2 reasons : they hope it can work, and the Oath prevents them from directing an attack against the Titans. We can presume that PCs will not accept the Titan's bargain (like the Fates, a fake bargain proposal by designers the PCs will seldom agree to) and "fail" such negociation. You can play it by the book, with negociations turning sour, then Titans attacking the PCs, or letting PCs attack (especially Sydon with a wild Nephele). Since the Titans are weakened during that initial confrontation (divine sparks from the 6), there is no reason they should fight to their death. As written, Lutheria does because she is goddess of death and respawns (Mytros), and Sydon will flee.

Sydon encounter at Praxis

I personally think the lamest thing for my groups of players would be letting them kill Sydon outright at Praxis, with a 'is that all?' blank stare. I feel that often good stories are about the bad guy escaping, especially for a guy like Sydon, presented as a powerful and wise god. He should flee as written. But we also have different variants : Sydon should make a stand (Kuann)

Having the players go all the way to Praxys, fight their way up the tower, only to have Sydon do a WoW style stun and say, "Enough of this! I have more important matters to attend to..." is SUPER lame, and one of the weakest parts of the adventure. Players will feel like they whooped his butt and will have no reason to care at BoM (already beat him once), or they will feel super disappointed because the fight they came all this way to have won't even happen. You'll need to consider who will lead the attack against Mytros in his place. Sydon has gone missing (CrashGem)

Maybe just missing (especially if your players don't want to negociate) him could be better than fighting super hard and then him noping out. If your players are up for a fight, have remaining Sydon kids be like "Father? You just missed him... Don't worry, we'll fill in for him."

Facing the Titans

As DD is often basic about killing the bad guys, i suppose it will work if your group is into hack and slash, or if the Battle of Mytros is the campaign's end for you (following chapters are less good). As written, Battle of Mytros was the end of the initial story, before they added kickstarter rewards. Sydon would fight to the death, you might do the same with Lutheria or have her roguely escape which won't change her from being the ultimate enemy. My opinion is that if you continue your campaign after Battle of Mytros, having your PCs who killed the Titans (the "King of Gods") face other worthy opponents will be strange. You have several ways of making the Twin Titans more formidable, which will enhance for the PCs the feeling they battle deities. Lotus Witch and The Fates could give such information during the Odyssey.

The Titans raise

In that variant, you should consider all gods, including the Twin Titans, respawn at a consecrated temple if killed, like the Five do. It would explain why their sibblings or the Lost Pantheon were emprisonned rather than killed. You could consider some kind of ritual is needed to supress that ability for some time. Still, Lutheria being the epilogue's bad guy, and ruling over the Death domain, she will resurrect despite all this. Marcus Aquilla considers the Titan's immortality has been stolen by the Five, but after the oath ends, the titans will regain their immortality, Praxy and Hypnos need to be destroyed to stop them returning. The Titans resist normal damage

You can consider that the Titans have resistance to damage. Weapons made from orb of starmetal would be needed to inflict normal damage, briefly cancelling their Titan resistance for one round. Those weapons would be : Xander's Axe, in Xander's tomb. Titansbane, at Themis. Titansbane was lost by Damon at the end of the war, Lutheria took it and hid it. When her Amazon queen pawn took power, she changed its hiding place to give it to the Hydra. Pythor's weapon, to craft if demi-god if needed, the Myrmidon's Spear. The Titans have enhanced stat blocks

After the Oath of Peace ends, Lutheria and Sydon's statblocks should improve greatly as they get 6 divine portfolios back from "the 5". Capturing the Twins

Your players might want to capture them (goodness, fear of Kentimane, seeeing they never kill gods; or knowing that killing tyhem just makes them respawn). Exemples : Throw her into Tartaros or the Kraken's prison cube? If nothing else, it'll take her time to crawl her way back out use the petrification process Lutheria used on the 4 sibblings ? Versi or the Fates can give them a bottle or glass sphere that holds Lutheria and they players can carry her around for bad advice. Make her swear an oath to hold an underworld revel for the next decade. Someone could learn their spark stealing ritual.

Titans after Battle of Mytros ?

Then, if your campaign continues, why would Sydon and Lutheria not resurrect again afterwards ? A usual raise, or some ritual from his priests ? Sure, a frustrating thing for usual player parties, but so different than usual, so normal when facing a god. Why kill gods at level 11 then play several more scenarios post BoM with opponents who are more powerful than the titans ? After BoM, a mature game might have Sydon understand he lost the war, he could try negociate a new more balanced oath, becoming a distant NPC or even steping down in favour of his surviving childs, like Chalcia. Or not, and the players's first quest after BoM would be to find a way to stop him from resurrecting, or more simply making a prison for gods. DM's Guide to Odyssey


DM's history of Thylea (Logain, Kazy & others)

Beware as the PC's timeline is flawed by time and by the Oath of Peace. Official secret timeline is (with fan additions between brackets) :

Age of Gods

Thylea grows weary of war : she flees the Ancient Gods war, and is followed by her champion, Kentimane. Thylea ascends and becomes the Land and Golden Heart. Thylea shuts the area from the world, [making it a demi plane], to avoid pursuits. Kentimane eats Thylea's fruits, throw the seeds in the ocean, which gives birth to the Titans. Titans led by Talieus feel lonely and create the lesser races, but Sydon & Lutheria do not take part and isolate.

War of the sibblings

Lutheria tricks Talieus to create the Myrmekes [or any folly you prefer]. Kentimane banishes them to a sealed island, and as punishment gives Sydon Talieus's powers. Talieus becomes Sydon's prisonner under Praxis. Sydon wins Hergeron's challenge, and captures him. Lutheria captures Versi, Yala and Goloron on what becomes Titan Island in the Nether Sea. Sydon and Lutheria seal Chalcia under Fire Island. Twin Titans absord their sibblings's powers and portfolios, and take credit of the lesser races creation. War of the gods

Phaeros, a corrupted angel [from the Ancient Gods War], manages to enter Thylea. He sees the truth and tyranny of the Twins [& Kentimane] and tries to change Thylea for the better. He gathers the greatest champions of each race at the City of the Sirens, and creates a Pantheon to wage war against the Titans. Kentimane releases Scylla, and the Titans win against those new gods : they are tricked by Lutheria and locked away in their temples, Phaeros falls to Scylla. The Titans sink the City of the Sirens to the depths of the ocean and give that area to the ancient beast as payment. Twin Titans rule unchallenged.

Dawn Age (DA)

2000 DA Height of the Gygan empire. Thylea's seals weaken : first settlers arrive. Kentimane destroys their ships & Lutheria blocks magical entries. They live in fear of the natives and survive thanks to sacrifices Sydon demands. Lutheria prevents Sydon from destroying the settlers. Sydon curses settlers villages, creating the Minotaurs. 24: Arrival of the dragonlords, who defend settlers. 18: Kingdom of Telamok founded. 5 others will follow.

The first war


DM's Guide to Odyssey

14: The first war begins as Dragonlords strike Gygans who where amassing an army outside Mytros. Dragonlords initially win battle after battle. Gygan kingdom destroyed by the Arkelanders. Minotaurs defeated by Phobas & Xander. The Ultros is built. 12: Natives pray for the Titans to march to war. Several dragonlords kingdoms fall like Telamok. Estoria remains. Xander dies through treachery [Karpathos or Jasena or Estor ? DM's choice]. Momentum shifts, settlers start losing. History tells Sydon kills the last dragons [False, or could be unnamed dragons ??]. Estor's dragon mount leaves him. 10: Balmytria gains godhood and ascends, the Titans lose the power they stole from their sibblings, 4 new gods walk the land and wage war against them. 5? : Momentum shifts again in the favour of the settlers who conquer the lands. Sydon's forces retreat to sea, and Lutheria's to the Nether world. ??: Estor is approached by Lutheria, and is cursed 01: A desperate expedition to Praxis with the Ultros fails, Adonis and Telamok die. Situation looks grimm. 01: History tells Mytros ascends (false). ?? [Damon animates Xander as an undead?].

Current Age (CE) Oath of Peace

0: Due to the stalemate and to keep both sides from annihilation, Titans and Gods sign the oath of peace under the Golden Heart, a move presented by Versi. 0: Damon comes back with the bodies of the raid on Praxis, and is said to have the Oath of Peace with him [Vallus's copy]. 0: Hezzebal liberates the Kraken from its prison and becomes stranded there. 01: Mytros kingdom founded [by Vallus ?]. 28: The Ultros disappears [at Dead Falls], after Estor ravaged Thylea, then tried a ritual that failed to free him.

Golden Age.

35: Construction of the Necropolis 125: Aresian campaigns begin [to liberate Narsus, Ekoh's challenge being the official reason] 1??: Volkan creates the Twin Colossi 330: Pythor becomes king of Estoria 400: End of the last Aresia campaign 468: Acastus becomes king of Mytros

Sydon and Lutheria prepare for war

Worship of the Titans increases among settlers. 370: Lutheria makes Kraken attack Mytros 37?: Kraken kills Fire Island's brass female 4??: Sydon raises copper & bronze to mate Nephele. 4??: Sydon takes power at Fire Island & takes egg. 488: Lutheria supports coup at Themis. 489: Acastus is given dragon eggs by Sydon (with potions of aging), as a sign of peace. Their mother, Nephele, fails escaping. Sydon chains her up and slaughters mates. ???: Sydon sends Ventis to Indigo Island. 49?: Oracle's Prophecy reveals the doom of Thylea. Along with Kyrah, goddess of trickery, Versi puts a plan in motion that could save Thylea. Enter Heroes. Ready? Start.

Investigating the lore of Thylea (Logain)

Your player characters are in a situation in which they can investigate the origins of the war. Some answers are complicated, as the players guide is misleading and some informations aren't compiled correctly. Each following section has the official lore, then the informations to give to your players through NPCs or library research, and then gives the information to keep for yourself because it is linked to the Oath of Peace. This lore is the campaign's backbone, reason why having a dragonlord connexion (Gifted One or Vanished One epic path, or Paladin class) and a connexion to the gods (Demi God, characters venerating them) is a great addition. Information between [xxx] correspond to fan changes / additions.

Who are the Dragonlords?

The Dragonlords were settlers who came across the sea during the Xanderiad, along with their bounded dragon mounts. They took the side of the settlers, then waged war on the natives and their gods Sydon and Lutheria. Tide of war shifted several times, until an Oath of Peace was signed by new gods. PCs might find following infos :

Xander Huorath, oathsworn of Balmytria, first leader of the Dragonlords and initiator of the crossing (the Xanderiad). Died during the first battles aganst the Gygans -12, rumours have it it was due to treachery. Buried at Telamok. Cosmo Phobas. Cosmo was the first-born son of Rizon. He succeeded Xander as the leader of the Dragonlords. [Might have been second Oathsworn of Balmytria]. Survived the war. Buried at Telamok. Adonis Neurdagon, oathsworn of Raspytrion, killed during the battle at Praxis -1. Buried at Telamok. Telamok Arkelander, oathsworn of Tysophale, created the kingdom of Telamok, had great political influence in the order, died at Praxis -1. Buried at Telamok. Ochos Arkelander [Might be oathsworn of Hexia]. Ochos is another in the Arkelander family, but he was a soldier rather than a king. Buried at Telamok. Gregor Huoarath [Might be oathsworn of Hezzebal] The body of Gregor of the Huorath family was never found. Empty tomb at Telamok. Rizon Phobas, oathsworn of Sybolkorax, won against the Minotaurs, survived the war. [Her quotes were collected into a book, Aesop and Corina have a copy]. Buried at Telamok. Myrto the Magnificient was the grandson of Adonis. He used his family wealth to bribe the other Dragonlords, so that he would be elected third leader after the death of Cosmo. Buried at Telamok.

Isadore Huorath was the granddaughter of Xander. Buried at Telamok. Damon served as her chief advisor when she ruled the Dragonlords as 4th leader. After she died, Damon retreated from life in the city of Mytros and came to the Necropolis to be its guardian, and to watch over Isadore in particular. Lysis Arkelander was the great grandson of Estor, and he was the last of his family to rule Estoria. The Arkelanders had ruled Estoria as kings for over a century, but Lysis proved to be a mad tyrant who stained the throne with wanton murder and torture. The god Pythor, unable to stand by and watch, overthrew him and took the throne in 340. Buried at Telamok. Damon, unbound wizard, creator of the academy, was in love with Isadore Huorath and is still alive, enigmatic guardian of Telamok. Estor Arkelander, oathsworn of Arkyraniah, great but cruel general who dismantled the Gygan empire, created the kingdom of Estoria. Disappeared with his ship, the Ultros. Made a pact with Lutheria to achieve immortality. Haunts the Ultros. Wants to get his magic Xyphos back and possess the Ultros's new captain. Empty tomb at Telamok. Jasena Ventrak, oathsworn of Arystonar, disappeared and considered a traitor by Damon. Can be made male, good Vanished One possibility, a dragonlord who was convinced by Versi that the real war would be fought 500 years in the furture (good choice for a Medusae curse : she broke her oath to the order when vanishing, but did it for a greater good). Or she might have tried to infiltrate Praxis to get her captured dragon back (see Aesop's message who thinks they were captured) and her stuff can be found there, or she died in Aresia out of grief trying to find him as she tracked him there. Karpathos [Aresianos], oathsworn of [ ? who became a Dracolich ?], traitor, left the dragonlords with Damon's Cadiceus, and founded Aresia. Was cursed and became a Vampire the heroes will face during the last chapters. Dorion Neurdagon was the last of his family to take up the mantle of Dragonlord. [5th leader of the order ?] Nicholas Phobas was the very last of the Dragonlords. He ruled and died one century ago, though the order had long been corrupted at that point. In his lifetime, Nicholas swore fealty to Sydon as a symbolic gesture of peace, earning the blessing of the Titan. The Order of Sydon modeled themselves after his example. The leaders of the order were : Xander Huorath (died -12), Cosmo Phobas (until after the war), Myrto Neurdagon, Isadore Huorath, ... [Dorion Neurdagon], ... Nicholas Phobas.

DM's Guide to Odyssey


Who were their dragons ?

Balmytria was a huge silver dragon, oathsworn of Xander Huorath, the greatest of the Dragonlords. A mosaic at Telamok depicts the Silver Dragon (Balmytria) + 4 "bronze" [make 1 be bigger than the others] dragons arriving with riders and establishing friendship with the beleaguered settler races, helping them to blossom under the leadership of the Dragonlords.

[Dragons died in battle when Sydon decided to wage war and counter attack]. Epitaphs at Telamok mention oathsworn dragon names. [Fan addition : use dragon names at Telamok and elsewhere to name the dragons and keep mystery on the twist reveal : Sybolkorax (Volkan) Raspytrion (Pythor) Arkyrania (Kyrah) Tysophale (Vallus) Arystonar (Narsus)] PCs might find following infos :

[Some Copper dragons could have been killed in battle against Sydon. Sydon took the eggs and gave some to Acastus & grew Ventis] A brass dragon named Hezzebal disappeared [good Vanished One’s choice], and found / hid the dragonlords’s treasure in the Nether Sea. [Gregor Huoarath's remains found there ?] A brass dragon went on Fire Island and was killed there. Hexia the green dragon was taken under a bronze [Sybolkorax]’s wing, and eventually became partner of a bronze youngling [Raspytrion]. Later on she left them. [Would that info be protected by the oath ? I don’t think so] [Could also be VO's?]. A bronze dragon named Arystonar left [VO's choice also] Aesop thinks that the last bronze dragons might have been captured. Chondrus believes this is false - his personal notes in a book says he believes that the last 4 bronze dragons weren't captured but were instead transformed into "something else". They will understand the mosaïc is false.

Oath of Peace secret

Balmytria ascended at her death. The 4 became gods thanks to the game of 20 squares. Narsus also became a god, but left the 5. Hexia didn't want to leave her dragon condition and refused to become a god. The mosaïc can be considered an artist's view made by Damon or Kyrah, an hommage to the five in their dragon forms, or you can change it.

Are the walking gods true gods ?

In some games, players find the walking gods somewhat lame. Remember them the setting is all about that and Greek mythology : gods are supermen with human traits, not invisible all-knowing beings. Only Thylea and Mytros ascended to get godhood we usualy see in DD settings, and so doing aren't interacting with the world. When comparing to usual high fantasy, you could consider they are demi gods. 12

DM's Guide to Odyssey

PCs might find following infos :

They can resurrect at the Temple of the Five. You can show it having Kyrah be killed, to come back the day after thanks to her super speed. [This feat should be added to all gods, even Titans]. They have stats higher than 20. They have legendary resistance to auto succeed saves. They are allowed some godlike feats. They grant spells to their followers (but see "Secret"). [I allowed them to shapechange, so Pythor is able to father many sibblings from different races and Kyrah can disguise better]. [I upgraded their proficiency bonus to 7, maxed hit points, and gave them additional spells (their domain spells)].


In reality Mytros grants spells for the Five, but there is no way player characters get to know it. Also the "achieving godhood" section mentions: the hero is unable to grant spells to their followers until they ascend to true godhood. [But then why do Titans grant spells to followers, or does Thylea have the same effect ? But then what about the lost pantheon, are they unable to have followers ? It doesn't matter much, but i'll advise you change that secret part (looks like it comes from someone who prefer classical settings) and allow walking gods to grant spells to theif followers].

About Balmytria’s death

In her final stand against the tyranny of the Titans, the silver dragon threw herself heedlessly against them, tearing and clawing, even after suffering numerous mortal injuries. When at last her energy was exhausted, she collapsed to the ground dead, and the Twins spat on her corpse. PCs migh find following infos :

Her horn was made into a Mytros artifact. Her body was buried at Telamok, skull missing. Her skull is at Praxis.

Oath of Peace secret

In reality, Balmytria willingly sacrificed her blood by killing herself during the game of 20 squares against Sydon, and didn't die in battle.

Where is Balmytria’s body?

Balmytria's body is entombed at the Necroplis, a tomb that can't be accessed. PCs might find following infos :

Her skull is actually in Praxys. [If PCs get some surnatural power and visit the tomb, they should be able to see it is empty : the tomb has been made in hope her skull could be retrieved]. Hergeron mentions the clone while raving in pain. Using her skull, Sydon has made Nephele, a (soulless) clone of Balmytria.

Oath of Peace secret

Her soul ascended and became Mytros

What is the horn of Balmytria ?

A relic of Mytros located in Estoria at the Dragon Shrine. PCs might find following infos :

[Balmytria lost a Horn battling against Gygans]

Who are the “Five Gods”?

Mytros (oracle), Volkan (forge), Vallus (wisdom), Pythor (battle), and Kyrah (music). Mytros is the most respected and renowned of the Five Gods. She saved the City of Mytros from destruction at the end of the First War, and ascended. PCs might find following infos :

Narsus was part of them but refused to help out during the First War and the 5 disowned him. Mytros is mentioned as one of the Five Gods (reinforcing the belief that Balmytria was a completely different entity than Mytros). [Fan addition - use dragon names at Telamok and elsewhere to name the dragons and keep mystery on the twist reveal : Sybolkorax (Volkan) Raspytrion (Pythor) Arkyrania (Kyrah) Tysophale (Vallus) Arystonar (Narsus)]

Arrival of "the Five”

Balmytria’s death ripped a hole in the very fabric of reality that rippled throughout the multiverse. Inspired by her sacrifice, five celestial beings answered her prayer and came to Thylea to protect her people. PCs might find following infos :

Some say that it was the Dragonlords who summoned the Five Gods. Others say that it was the silver dragon, Balmytria. So much time has passed now; the truth may never be known. —Aesop, Keeper of the Dragon Shrine Oath of Peace secret

In reality, Balmytria challenged Sydon to a Game of Twenty Squares where the Titans poured their divine powers into the game trying to win. Balmytria willingly sacrificed her blood by killing herself...at which time the Titans' powers replaced her blood - i.e. she “stole” their power - allowing her to ascend to godhood and giving her family the powers of gods (divine spark and portfolio).

What exactly is in the Oath of Peace ?

A 500 years long peace between the Titans and the 5, and its end is nearing.

No content was given RAW… Approaching truth should be : Peace is sworn for 500 years : no god nor Titan may wage war or deliberately harm on the other party until then. Sydon and Lutheria give one divine spark and portfolio to each of Balmytria and her family, 6. The Oath’s content is secret. [We can suppose Sydon asked it to be secret, as he didn’t want it known that a random band of dragons became gods and took part of his divine power (!)]. Once that period of time is finished, the Oath and all its content becomes obsolete. This divine oath imposes itself on all that know of it. [Potent magic (Damon, Lotus Witch, Fates, Hexia, PC reading it…)].

How was the Oath of Peace signed ? All is known is that Damon came back with the Oath of Peace and gave it to Vallus. PCs might find following infos :

The 4 walking gods signed the Oath under the tree of Thylea with the Twin Titans, so the story of Damon giving it to Vallus is either fake news or manipulation.

What happened during the raid on Praxis ?

The war was basically a stalemate: most dragonlords and dragons were killed. Telamok and Adonis died during the raid, as did the rest of their Ultros crew [Did they go with other forces ?] Damon came back alone, with an Ultros full or corpses.

Did that raid really happen ?

[If so, we can imagine an army attacking Praxis, maybe also with the fortress of the dragonlords, and / or some kind of diversion while the four were challenging the Titans ? The battle was a blood bath on both sides, and the Titans accepted Vallus’s offer of peace].

What is the Xanderiad ? PCs might find following infos :

Xander was the leader of the fleet that came to Thylea, with 700 people, several ships and dragons. What was the Xanderiad's destination ? [Either they where going elsewhere and got stuck on Thylea, or they knew of Thylea (through legends about Pharos maybe ?) and wanted to go there]. Why did they leave their world ? [Either they wanted to follow Pharos's call to pursue the Titans, or/ and they were fleeing something from their world (a coup ? Massive destruction ?) and looked for somewhere safe] which can be linked to Island of Time visions, especially if you have a Lost One.

PCs might find following infos :

A copy is held by Vallus (the one Damon had). A copy is held by Sydon at Praxis. [What happens if they try to read it ? They become bound by it !?]

Oath of Peace secret DM's Guide to Odyssey


Xander's death

Xander is a key character from the past the PCs can meet at Telamok. PCs might find the following infos :

History tells that Xander was killed in 12 DA (p455). Many dragons disappeared the same year. Still, history from player's guide tells Balmytria made the Five gods appear 10 DA. Oath of Peace secret

Kyrah, goddess of Music, could tell them the following : "My mother believed that he would carry on fighting even in her absence, but after she ascended, he seemed to no longer care whether he survived to see the peace restored." There's some kind of contradiction here, as Kyrah's speech shows Xander was alive after Balmytria ascended. It could mean they were away 2 years. Or you could ignore Kyrah's quote.

Pythor & Hexia

If you have a demi god or a consort to Pythor, the part becomes important. PCs might find the following infos :

One of the plays during The Wine Festival (pg 42) is Pythor and the Five Sisters. Which is described as "tragedy describes the tumultuous love affair between Pythor and his jealous wife Hexia." The Warrior constellation's description (p134) also tells such a story, but it differs on some points. People who know about Pythor (like people at Estoria or the Demi-God), should know that (p50) "those he loved the most have almost always come to gruesome ends thanks to the green dragon Hexia. No one knows why the dragon has so much hatred for Pythor". Easiest answer to this contradiction is that while people know Hexia abducts Pythor's wives, know the theatre drama from Lutheria's troupe, or the story of the constellations, it is more litterateure and myth than history. People consider the play is a metaphor, just an unintentionally accurate one. She keeps stealing pythor's lovers! Wouldn't it be funny if she was an ex-lover! And of course we can't afford to have a big dragon on the stage, so a green haired/eyed woman is a good standin (Oktoblivion). Oath of Peace secret

While she was jealous of Pythor's consorts, the real reason she has so much bitterness and hatred towards Pythor is that she never forgave him for giving up his dragon form when he became the God of Battle (p183), a step more towards abandoning her.

The stolen portfolios

At the start of the campaign, your players will know the god's domains but lore will be needed to understand their origin. PCs might find the following infos :


DM's Guide to Odyssey

If you play Crashgem's Chalcia variant on Fire Island, your players will understand portfolios have changed hands more than once, leading to a hint of the 5 gods stealing their godhood from Sydon. Interaction with the other ancient Titans will do the same. Oath of Peace secret DD5 Domain

Initial Titan

Twin Titan







The "five"

Sydon's kids

Volkan Hergeron ? Pytor












Beauty ?!



Narsus Talieus?

Prophecy ?!



Mytros Versi

World creation myth (Logain) Expanding on the world creation myth.

Location & purpose

The White Book of THylea can be found at the Island of Time. Enigma, if cured, and the Lotus Witch know its location. It's purpose is : Provide lore on the reason Thylea isolated herself, creating a demi-plane : to protect Kentimane, whose hands are bloody from his young years. Provide lore on why external forces keep trying to interfere and enter Thylea : Pharos and Xander seek an age long forgot vengeance from Kentimane's deeds. Explain the nature of divine sparks : having many sparks in different places helps the demi-plane to remain shut. But it weakens because of the god's thirst for such sacrifices, and notably of the collection of sparks the Twins absorbed.

Thylea, of the Old Gods

Thylea was of the Old Gods, ancient even when the world was young. Gentle and generous, she was born into a time of war and chaos among her kind. Refusing to take sides in their disputes, she lived her entire life in contemplative silence, never speaking a single word. Yet though she was silent, she possessed a powerful resolve that the other Gods sensed and respected. Even Kentimane of the Hundred Hands —the most violent and warlike of them all— was drawn to her quiet strength. She alone of all the Gods could quell his furious temper with her calming spirit. Eventually, Thylea grew weary of the endless strife and conflicts. She isolated herself from the other Gods, seeking respite on the farthest edges of Nyx's ocean. Kentimane — now her lover and protector— followed, turning his back on war and violence to walk with Thylea on the path of tranquility. Alone, the pair were happy for a time. But Kentimane had made himself many enemies during his wars, and they continued to find ways of reaching them, of tormenting him from afar. Thylea felt Kentimane's pain and suffering like a million arrows piercing her gentle soul, and shared his burden. In time, her joy gave way to despair until, unable to bear it any longer, she drowned herself. Yet her death was not a surrender... it was a glorious sacrifice. Thylea’s body came apart; her head and torso floating back to the surface to become a chain of virgin islands. Her heart burst from her chest and transformed into a great tree rising up from the center of the continent she had birthed. Her limbs sunk to the bottom of the sea, stretching and twisting into great roots that connected each island, nurturing the fertile plants and gentle animals that sprang into being on the islands’ surface.

Thylea, the demi-plane

Then that chain of island separated itself from the world, and became a demi-plane that took her name, somewhere between Nyx, the Shadowfell and the Feywild.

This is how the goddess Thylea removed Kentimane from the strife of her fellow old gods, limiting connections to other planes, while she herself ascended, back to Nyx. She shaped the world to her needs. Thylea also released numerous divine sparks, into golden and white animals, and also in the form of children meant to give Kentimane company and help. Those divine sparks were meant to spread, to seal Thylea from the outer planes. Thylea had a burning desire for justice, wanting to have Kentimane cleared of his unjust accusations, as she relentlessly defends him from his opponents on Nyx. This aspect of her was deeply woven in the frame of her new world in the form of the Furies and the Oaths they enforce. This new world's existence was rarely known, but still, Kentimane's enemies continued to fuel their desire for vengeance, and were able to create interplanar passages through storms. Passage from other worlds began : marine creatures drawn by whirlpools, winged creatures blown of course, lost ships from mortal civilizations... Binding himself to what was left of his lover with a solemn vow, Kentimane became the ward and protector of the islands, taking up an eternal vigil in the waters around their untouched shores, while his daughter Lutheria was given the task to block magical interplanar movement. His other children populated her world with fey and giant creatures. Fed by Thylea’s generous spirit, life in the Forgotten Land flourished into a perfect, unspoiled paradise. And finally, the Goddess who never spoke was content!

The age of dawn

Then the natives began sacrificing Thylea’s divine animals to the gods. Then Talieus started toying with forbidden lore. He created artefacts meant to kill and create gods. He created portals to other worlds like Hades, disrupting Lutheria's task. She lured him into the creation of the Myrmekes, a dangerous fast breeding fast learning insect race. Kentimane had to ally with Sydon to repel them, in what is known as "the First War", a war the Titans erased from memories. Kentimane had to punish him, but this led to escalation, and to what is known as "the war of the Titans". Sydon emerged victor, having absorbed his sibbling's sparks. The number of passages that opened into Thylea were increasing. Kentimane's enemies used those new breaches to send an agent into Thylea, who was able to create a whole new pantheon of gods to oppose Sydon and Kentimane. But they were no match for the combined strength of Kentimane, Sydon, and Lutheria. Allied with Scylla, they won "the war of the Gods", and that new pantheon became the lost pantheon. The Lord of Storms decided to hide its existence from history, so it doesn't remember how he was challenged. Now Sydon rules unmatched, his sister-wife by his side, Kentimane becoming more and more difficult to reason with after all that time, after all he’s endured, while entrances through the Maelstrom increase dramaticaly. A fleet of 10 ships and almost a dozen dragons landed on the coasts recently, with 700 people aboard. Their leader, Xander Huorath, took the lead of the settler's cause and disrupts the natural order of things. Was his fleet really stranded here, or did he came here for Kentimane's blood ? DM's Guide to Odyssey


The Godragons reveal

It's a nice mystery, giving hints and having players find about the dragons becoming gods. What i don't like is : their names at Telamok reveals everything too soon, keep it if you don't want to play the mystery. murals at Telamok on dragonlords arrival or other info regularly mention 4 bronze and 1 silver as the dragons, which makes it easy to guess but also isn't consistent with the campaign.

Shapeshifting gods

Consider gods as well as adult dragons can shapeshift. Told that in my game when talking about gods (Pytor posing as Zeus to shapeshift and have sex with anyhing, especially if you have a demi god from a special race) and later said the same about dragons. Nobody made the link they can be the same persons, but it's a hint, a piece of the puzzle.

Dragon gods names (Rowena)

Mytros's dragon name was Balmytria. Let's give dragon names to the others & change Telamok epitaphcs as well : Sybolkorax (Volkan) Raspytrion (Pythor) Arkyrania or another if needed (Kyrah) Tysophale (Vallus) Arystonar (Narsus) Not only to hide the godragon reveal, but it would be logical they have had dragon names like Balmytria, then hide it due to the secret imposed by the Oath.

Moooore Dragons

If we go RAW, documents & murals should mention more than 4 bronze & 1 silver dragons : Narsus as a fifth bronze (added as KS bonus should be the reason of him being absent) which makes it more difficult to guess for PCs as he's somewhat disconnected from the 5 as a god, 1 brass (Hezzebal, in the Mirror Prison) 1 green (Hexia, who would be a dragon without rider, you can add a rider if you change the binding spell) Karpathos's dragon (as he's mentionned being a dragonlord traitor). You can also add other dragons to the dragonlords team, considering dragons aren't from Thylea : Fire island's brass dragon (Hezzebal's mate, who fled the war after losing her rider), Nephele's mates (2 dragons captured by Sydon during the war), Helios isn't from Thylea too, you'll have to think about something about Apokalypsis's reds and blacks.


DM's Guide to Odyssey

Doing this makes the godragonreveal a lot more difficult to guess while only adding lore and logical things. Even using Arkyraniah as Estor's mount name, but she's known as someone who is found of her name and don't like changing it !



Estor's conquest one shot

https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/S1DTpXS5r Monster stats : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y0HdMaRw9N697Fh9PR_P1CM nDljviDGUwIWs/edit

The Xanderiad one shot


Music selection


Kaleton's brew : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U21yL


Fateweaver artificer


The end of the Oath clock

Travel times

A consensus here, we feel Thylea is REALLY too small (1 square = 15,6 miles), and going raw is ridiculous, be it for land or sea travel times : Estoria is just a suburb of Mytros, and the labours are just hours away. Also islands are all within quick reach. If you make every mile a league, it becomes around 3.5 times bigger, roughly real Greece.

Land travel times

Having travel times between Estoria and Labours to be more than a day, allows for encounters and reading constellations at night with Kyrah. It also makes the decision to go to Mytros more complicated which is good, as the adventurers are meant to finish at least 2 labours before going to Mytros. Following table gives new corresponding travel days (- a bit less and + a bit more), with leagues equivalent under the Xs. N°



Sour Vintage







X 2d


8 2d

2 Temple of the Oracle 13L X 1d 3



Mossy Temple

8L X 2d+ 1d+ 2d- 3d 6d 16L X


Mithral Mines








X 6d


Dead Falls


42L X



Mytros to outer reaches of Heartlands = 3,5 days travel. Also beware, during the Odyssey land movement can become a problem on Themis or Indigo vs the end of the Oath.

Sailing travel times

Big discussions on the 60 days timer that starts when the heroes embark on the Ultros : some DMs are afraid their players won't manage, and some players are completists and want to explore everything they can. Some DMs prefered to go for a longer delay. I feel 60 days is alright. We even had a DM complaining that his players were 14 days quicker than the timeline and didn't know what to do in Mytros. I think it really depends on how you play things as a DM, more than on your players's choices : If you allow Versi to cast divination once a day, she will look useful, and the players will understand the link between the locations and Constellations quicker. You can have your Kyrah / Vallus / Estor explain that using magic (Boreal Harp control weather for example, cheaply made by Volkan through flying Keledone) or sacrifices to Sydon can reduce travel times down from 3 to 2 days. If you play fights heavily (many and/or challenging), if Praxis becomes a big dungeon full of fights, PCs will need more long rests. Did you embiggen Thylea, do you consider the PCs will walk days on Themis or Indigo ? Land travel times on big islands can wear vs the clock. I had Themis temple be some hours away from ship's arrival & commercial port to avoid days walking. Some islands are really weak (Titan's Folly, Manticore...) and some depend on your epic paths (Exiles, Roc...) : being completist isn't really needed. Adding new islands of course means taking more time. Maybe using the weak islands as an adjustment factor (used as "random" encounters and not as destinations) is an idea here. Do you allow crafting ? And if so do you have siren or keledone craft delivery, or do the PCs need to go to the forge to get their items ?

Thylea is also so small RAW you also cannot justify long sea travel between the islands, making the league change important. A sailing travel table was fan designed, which heavily modifies the sailing times between destinations to something that feels a bit more realistic, and changed the 60 days countdown to one year. However, even if the proposed system in the book looks unusual (3 days whatever destination is chosen), i don't recommend changing it for the following reason : the characters's choices will be guided by geographic proximity, where i feel the original game concept is to have their choices of location really matter. you AND your players won't control the remaining time until the Oath of Peace. long voyages are boring, nothing to gain here. long rests are one in 365 days and don't matter, while a one out of 60 does. You can also add to the lore that the islands are always moving around, so between that and constant storms and sea monsters, navigation is a real pain, making the search for the Ultros and the use of the Antikytera mandatory. DM's Guide to Odyssey


4. Chapter help


eware, as the PC's timeline at the begining is the common knowledge timeline. It doesn't line up with the truth on many points.

Introduction Sour Vintage intro

Kyrah "Versi issued more invitations, but some didn't make it in time for our meeting here. We can't wait anymore". Gives pressure to players showing there are other potential heroes.

Alternate introduction

Fate of the Oracle can make a nice opening : https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/arcanagames/fate-ofthe-oracle-a-greek-adventure-for-5e

Giant Boar

Don't hesitate to give him legendary actions. See https://www.dmsguild.com/product/307926/LegendaryBestiary-Legendary-Actions-for-LowLevel-Monsters or use this boar, especially if your boar attacks the npcs first rounds.

Temple of the Oracle

Don't forget to give the tarnished dragonlord coin before having them leave.

Temple speed run

This dungeon gains intensity if made without rest : acolytes will tell heroes a dangerous hag captured Versi and animated killing swords to protect access to the stairs, they can hear Versi's screams of agony. It then becomes a "race" to free her before she dies (or before Heleka takes her away). Give your Vanished One a map of the complex. Also Kyrah & VO will find it strange a new door has been added. Alternatively, to save your heroes hit points, have statues issue riddles and a dancing sword fight for each failure (TinyAdorableShopkeeper).

Order of Sydon encounter

This one is tricky. You should skip it or make them a roleplay encounter (that could transform in a battle if the heroes fight), as having it as a direct fight vs the order so soon complicates things for the PCs and their comprehension of the Oath of peace, and it's also too close to the Mephits. Pitch could be the orders Gaius gave were to "check on rumours of troubles at the temple", to have an alibi as Heleka's order was to kidnap Versi and go. But Braeca Braeca is confused, and will let the heroes to take the risks and hopes he'll be able to be the saviour when whatever did this kills them.

Why was the oracle captured ?


DM's Guide to Odyssey

If you want to show Versi is a real oracle, let her say this : "I knew something bad was going to happen to me, but i also knew that Kyrah would come back in time with you after killing the boar to save me". And this will allow her to become Thylea's defender in their minds : "I knew there was a risk, that you wouldn't come back in time, and that i would be killed, but that was a price to pay to save Thylea, as you coming back in time means you are on the right tracks to become the heroes we direly need".


A lot of Greek stories revolve around tricks of word play. Encourage the players coming up with creative solutions that feel like cheating, reward it as it fits the tone of the game perfectly. Their characters would know that tricking the gods by obeying the letter of the law is an age old tradition... A player used the wording being "chained to the rock of Estor" and made Anora a bracelet with a piece of the rock before hiding her away. The best way is to satisfy the terms of sacrifice without the intent : kill the basilisks in advance and either put themselves or with Anora on the rock for 24 hours or whatever - terms satisfied, everyone survives : "The Lord of Storms requires the city pay a worthy sacrifice to have him remove the drought that hits Estoria's region. I name the sacrifice to be Anora, Pythor's daughter." Gaius - Commander of the Order of Sydon. The book provides 2 solutions.

Kyrah and Pythor should tell the PCs it is a bad idea. If they persist, the fight as written should be very difficult : up to you to give them a fair chance in changing stats, or to add story consequences (like Pythor leaving the throne to Baenor). I had my Siren archer want to use fly & bow for an easy win : make it Mad max's thunderdome or give fly to Sydon's chosen.

Drought consequences of failure

The real consequence of failing to honor Sydon's sacrifice should be that the drought will stay until the end of the oath of peace, which will be enough to destroy farmlands, cause an exode of its inhabitants, and Pythor will be more depressed & leave its crown. The mostly empty city will then fall without a fight during the battle of Mytros (as we can consider the centaur army will attack Estoria at the same time, to make it more challenging). Razing Estoria ?

“As an offering to the great and terrible Sydon, Lord of Storms, First Lord of all Thylea, the sacrifice shall be led unadorned of weapon or magical items onto the Rock of Estor at dawn and chained there until sunrise as an offering". It doesn't say they can't hide weapons on the rock or kill the basilisks etc.

The book says "If this sacrifice is not accomplished by the next full moon, then all the gathered tribes of the centaurs will descend upon Estoria and raze the city to the ground." But how is that compatible with the Oath of Peace and its understanding by your player characters ? Baenor is the army's general. Does he report to Gaius, or did he answer Sydon's call ? In both cases, we can consider Sydon did not order the army to attack. Only a zealous guy would do that, disobeying Sydon and incurring his wrath (as accepting it could mean breaking the Oath). I'd say the best thing to do is to consider the army is there to put a big pressure on the citizens of Estoria, to remind them of the power of Sydon. The army won't attack if the sacrifice isn't made, but the doubt is enough to make people afraid, and anyway they know that army will be able to take Estoria at the end of the oath of peace. The other more brutal solution, closer to the book, would be to consider that his right by appeasement allows him to do that. “Should a sacrifice worthy of the Lord of Storms himself not be offered, the gathered tribes of centaurs shall descend upon Estoria and the gods have mercy upon those within, for the centaurs’ vengeance shall have none.” We would just wonder why such things haven't been done 4 centuries sooner, you only have " the Oath is weakening" answer to that, which might be enough to your table.

The mysterious Rock of Estoria

Pythor's conquests

Sacrifice through combat on the rock

Characters should replace her, or be added to Anora's sacrifice : "How about this you so called Chosen Ones. You want to be on the Rock so bad, I'll accept you all instead of Anora. If you think you can withstand the mighty creatures of Sydon!" - Gaius, Commander, Order of Sydon It isn't meant to be a sacrifice of a defenseless victim, but oriented as a "sacrifice through combat", surviving means you gain respect of the gods. The chain is there to check you don't flee the scene, PCs wil likely get rid of it still as it limits mobility. Have the monsters go in and out of the water. In my games, Harpies were there to witness how the sacrifice went, not to compensate Basilic's failure. No weapons variant (Cupcake)

Make it mysterious : each day at dusk, a sphere of magical darkness appears, which vanishes a dawn. That magic originates from the iron ring and maintains some mystery as to what happens at night (basilics aren't known). Basilisk Bile

Allow basilisk bile to turn stone to flesh (which the creature's description & previous editions points to), also useful later on Themis. The way the basilisk is described in 5e - the basilisk's gut turns its contents back into flesh to be digested, a good nature or medicine check might be able to figure out a way to use the stomach acid as a salve to use on a petrified PC. It'd probably hurt like hell.

Pythor can flirt with the highest charisma PC women, might lead to bedding then wedding him (after 2d labour and after Anora's sacrifice). Being queen of Estoria is fun and adds to Hexia's story especially if you have no demi god. Making her pregnant for a post BoM birth is a nice idea also. I had Pythor try with 3 of my PCs (2 games), both Nymphs accepted and became Queens, adds lore (Hexia anyone ?!), cool background for the player, and fun moments. Demi god : "So you're my step-mom now ?". I also pointed the strange fact that Pythor proposed no wedding oath (him flirting a lot and his bad experience with Hexia...).

Centaur ritual combat DM's Guide to Odyssey



I play it after Anora is saved and at least one labour has been done, as they approach the rock's heroes for help. You might skip it or transform it in a social interaction encounter, PCs bullying the bandits into fleeing / stopping / making a deal with woodhike to work as lumbers, especially if your players discuss Korteva's child out. While being depressed, Pythor could even be made to intervene if his precious cider source is menaced.

Estoria's Copper Mine

The dwarves live in a nearby copper mine. They regularly go to Estoria to sell their stuff and drink at the tavern. They'll give the Mithral Mines skull quest, and some can be made to relocate to the Mithral Mines after it has been retaken.

Land encounters

I used most land encounters during labours, no island travel looked interesting enough to save them for later.


A good place can be to have him in the Mithral Mine's centaur group that encounters the player characters, the group he joigned after the recent death of his partner. He'll be impressed by their successes when they get out, and will ask for a wrestling challenge against their champion. Whatever the outcome, he'll ask if he can join, as they have morals that fit him. Don't forget to have him tell his story at camp one evening, about Scoprion island and his curse, his quest to find a partner to replace the one that died. You can add a sense of urgency.


This encounter can be placed on the road back from the Mossy Temple, or from Telamok. It introduces the 4 winds subplot. Euria is an old Nymph that lived with Rizon Phobas centuries ago, and she doesn't understand Boreas's recent behaviour. When she heard a storm was hitting Mytros, she pieced things together, and thinks Lutheria might have influenced Boreas. Her geas aims at giving the new dragonlords a clue about the item's existence and whereabouts, to help Notos as she regrets taking her instrument. She isn't that used to communicating, isn't that confident in mortals : that's her way of helping. Of course she's still high on laying new dragonlords in her bed, male of female has no importance.


This encounter can be placed on the road back from the Mossy Temple, or from Telamok, or on the road to the Dead Falls. It introduces Helios.

Lutheria's nightmares They are easy to forget. 20

DM's Guide to Odyssey

After Temple of the Oracle or first labour, when their destiny starts. After third labour, when they have proven to be worthy of Versi's vision. After embarking the Ultros and starting the Odyssey. Third nightmare causes pvp. If your players arent into that, give long terme madnesses that will affect them on one or two islands.

Labours Generality on labours

The most complicated thing is that the labours are presented sandbox style. Players are encouraged to play them in the order they want, which needs the DM to adapt on the fly depending on the party's level (damages from traps, challenge rating and number of monsters...). That let's read is nice on the subject : https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/lets-read-odyssey-ofthe-dragonlords.861852/page-2

Mossy Temple Corinna and the Goatlings

Even if she was charmed when entering the temple, and ran going away, Corinna should remember some things about it : consider she was sleeping in the glade when Laureus shook her to go away. Estor's shield

You could make Estor's shield a broken +1 shield, 2 days reparation needed & 40 gp at the forge. Demetria

You can consider Demetria's hatred was improved recently by Lutheria, fueled because the arrival of the end of the Oath, and kids kidnappings are the start of her Maenad army. The pact she has with Lutheria might be recent, she was a follower of Sydon before. She's a result of the recent dispute between Sydon and Lutheria. Demetria is a weak boss (just a Dryad), but a child of Sydon. Unless it is the PCs first labour, when Demetria dies have her meld into earth then resurrect, binded to the tree stump of her sister. See "Enraged Demetria part 2/2" : she becomes connected to the entire roots system that is binding the cavern and the temple above. Lair actions cause the ground to shudder or rocks to fall from the ceiling. Demetria has six tree branch limbs with long reach to sweep at passerbys but she can also plunge the branches into the ground to cause them to erupt some distance away and grapple people. Also read angrygm's or giffyglyph's paragon actions on the web. Have Demetria's plot spinning in the background to keep the fire lit under the party. She's a good tool to make Lutharia's threat more palpable in the early going, and she gives some insight into the truth behind the Dragonlords legend, notably foreshadowing Estor. Dematria can be made a Duskthorn Dryad if it's not your player's first labour https://www.5esrd.com/database/creature/dryad-duskthorn3pp/

It is also possible your group wants to negociate, despite the kids's cooking. One of my group understood the dark ritual process, but agreed to the oath of friendship, and proceeded removing the children from the table while talking. Good persuasion check(s) & accepting hospitality, maybe drinking wine (and leave the horn after drinking from it ?), Demetria can promise stopping building a Maenad army with her dark ritual in exchange of a promise from the heroes to come back with her sister's tree from the Ultros before the end of the oath, which would allow her resurrection. Demetria: "If your words are more than poisonous wind, prove it. Swear an oath to the gods and the fates here and now that you will do everything in your power to return my sister to me, and i will swear an oath that i will stop my dark rituals and abductions until the end of the oath of peace". But Demetria's sister is something they won't know is also very important for them (drinking from the horn might already make them feel they made a mistake, as they need it for their odyssey and they can't afford dismantling it), so they might have to come back to Demetria to renegociate her bargain (for example trade that promise against the promise to kill Estor when they find his haunt AND to bring the sister back after The Ultros is of no use anymore). If so, a vision from Versi can tell the following augury : "never will he taste death by another's blade". They could also get a new mast blessed by Thylea in the golden heart or something?

Demetria's subplot greatly enhanced (Kuann) This version takes Demetria’s static plan (slowly gather humans and convert them into maenads… forever I guess) and replaces it with a grand scheme that will culminate in the destruction of Estoria and the committal of every soul in it to Lutheria. Throughout it, your players will have many chances to engage with Demetria’s schemes, culminating in a final battle for the sake of Estoria’s souls. Full scenario here : https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/f3__tIwmTwUp

Negociating with Demetria

DM's Guide to Odyssey



Telamok can be considered as a test devised by a doubting and half mad Damon to see if the player characters are worthy of the dragonlords. Telamok can be devastating as there are many unbalanced traps, but those can be avoided if the party is cautious and respects the dead. In reality the Necropolis is a nice way to add lore to the campaign concerning the dragonlords of old, the only mandatory dangers being in Xander's tomb. Traps and consecrated tombs

The Graverobber encounter isn't meant for the PCs to take the curse then rob the tombs ! You should definitely run it in Estoria before tthe PCs go to Telamok, as it is essential preparation worldbuilding for Telamok. As written, consecration can be detected by Detect Evil and Good, and by Divine Sense, and arguably even by Detect Magic. However, the true danger comes from the traps, and ambushes, which are spread among both the consecrated and unconsecrated tombs. Meaning, if you emphasise that a tomb is not consecrated, they may think you are saying it is safe, and you will have them be torn to pieces. Simply have Damon warn them that looting will have consequences, then if they forgot it have Kyrah remind them the prophecy said they're after "claiming the armaments of the first dragonlord" (which should be interpreted as claiming from Xander & not looting other tombs). Epitaphs and lore

If you like the dragon god twist, then use Dragon names instead of Gods names on epitaphs : Sybolkorax (Volkan), Raspytrion (Pythor), Arkyrania (Kyrah), Tysophale (Vallus) : Dragonlord


Telamok Arkelander Oathsworn of Tysophale Adonis Neurdagon Oathsworn of Raspytrion Rizon Phobas

Oathsworn of Sybolkorax

Xander Huorath

Oathsworn of Balmytria

Estor Arkelander

Oathsworn of Arkyrania

Estor Arkelander

Oathsworn of Athekria* (alternate)

Some prefer using Aketria instead of Arkyrania, to further disguise the link to Kyrah. I used Arkyrania, none of my groups found out, even if they mentioned it, it doesn't work for other gods, so Kyrah would be "and what ? Just because my name is the same as part of that name you jump to such a conclusion ?" and leave the group to its ideas. Kyrah is also the one who, being undercover, uses the same name as her god's name, so i like it like that way. "Me, being the goddess of Trickery ? It wouldn't be a subtle move from Her". Remember that she is bound by the Oath of Peace but isn't against leaving subtle hints especially as a god of trickery. If you use the recommended errata on "Bond of the Dragonlords", you can also change Cosmo Phobas's epitaph.


DM's Guide to Odyssey

If you consider there were other dragons used by the dragonlords : Hezzebal's rider sould either be mentionned or be Jasena. Gregor Huorath fits, Xander's child who was lost at sea when Hezzebal disappeared with him in the Nether Sea. Narsus's rider should either be mentionned or be Jasena's or Karpathos's. Hexia was brought with Volkan as his foster child, so could have been Oathsworn to someone like another Arkelander brother like Ochos, but its an important choice to make regarding lore (also you need to allow the bond with chromatic dragons). Dragonlord Cosmo Phobas

Epitaph Second Oathsworn of Balmytria

Ochos Arkelander Oathsworn of Hexia Gregor Huoarath

Oathsworn of Hezzebal

The mosaïc showing an arrival of a silver and several bronze dragons could be modified according to your modifications (see next page). The labyrinth

You can either double the scale of the maze so Graxis can be large without clipping through the walls (just know the lever is too far away from the squish trap for anyone to run back in that case) or make minotaurs medium sized, which we recommend for PCs and enemies trhoughout the campaign. If not enlarged, that dungeon is original as it learns your players to fight in a very tight situation. Start with a simple "random" encounter with 4 skeletons, 2 at the front (1 in front with short sword and shield, one behind with lance hitting at -2 because of cover from his buddy), two at the back (same thing) coming from behind, from somewhere they didn't go. Don't forget -2/-5 penalties for covered targets (like shooting through a friend's space). Then alternate fixed encounters and hits from Graxis. I had the 2 "random" skeleton minotaurs encountered later on, while fighting a dimnished Graxis. Graxis

Graxis : https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/980514graxis-the-butcher Unless it is the first labour the heroes do, use this Graxis : https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/1169727-graxis-thebutcher without Cursed Transformation (Mythic Only). Graxis was part of a bloodthirsty tribe created by Lutheria, who was cursed by Damon when they surrendered. He now is linked to the tomb he defends, killed his mates to put them out of their misery, and hates the dragonlords. He will tell his tale in the tomb if the PCs let him speak. If your group wants to remove Graxis's curse so his soul can leave in peace, they should make their plea to Damon and succeed a persuade check. Allow inspiration to the pc having that idea.

Mino labyrinth map (Josh)

Give this black & white map to Minotaur PCs to make him feel "Minotaur".

Death awaits any who would desecrate the great warrior within Disturbing images adorn the walls and door of this tomb entrance. Rather than heroic battles, the carvings largely depict a man slaughtering unarmed dryads and satyrs in gory detail. Clear pain and fear mark his victims’ faces. In one panel, his dragon companion appears to beg for mercy on behalf of a group of nearby creatures.

Telamok descriptions enhanced

Either have the murals be outside the tombs, or have traps and such activated only by opening the sarcophagus, so that the player characters can learn about the Dragonlords without being forced to loot and face those traps. This and the mentionned other changes would change the descriptions to match this (copy & paste on vtt, or print & cut irl) : The descriptions that follow : consider the murals are OUTSIDE of the tombs, or that each tomb has a glass panel made out off indestructible glass which allows to peek in : they get the info, its morbid and shows the kinda warped pride the dls had. take into account the use of dragon names. consider Cosmo became 2d Oathsworn of Balmytria make use of added epitaph mentioning Hexia , Hezzebal. Labyrinthian made nice prictures of the tombs, available on the discord server. 3 Telamok Arkelander Oathsworn of Tysophale Death awaits any who would desecrate the great warrior within The carvings on the door and around it depict a proud warrior, slaughtering enemies of every kind: men, women, centaurs, satyrs, cyclopes, and more.

4 Adonis Neurdagon Oathsworn of Raspytrion Most beautiful of Dragonlords If but his sword work had been as beautiful. Death awaits any who would desecrate the great warrior within The carvings that line the entry walls and the door ostensibly depict the great battles of the First War. There is a clear emphasis on the beauty of the dragonrider rather than his prowess in combat, a handsome warrior wearing a suit of armour that is more ornemental than practical.

6 Rizon Phobas Oathsworn of Sybolkorax Death awaits any who would desecrate the great warrior within This tomb door and wall entrance is lined with murals of grand battles. The murals feature an imposing woman riding a bronze dragon. The main panel depicts the heroic warrior triumphing over a group of formidable-looking minotaurs.

7 Cosmo Phobas Second Oathsworn of Balmytria Son of Rizon Phobas Death awaits any who would desecrate the great warrior within No carvings appear on the door and entrance walls.

8 Myrto the Magnificent Death awaits any who would desecrate the great warrior within A handsome man can a be seen throughout the tomb’s door and entrance murals, which depict him as a man of immense wealth. Inlays of gold, silver, and precious stones glitter from the murals, all in sharp contrast to the fading colors that surround them.

9 Isadore Huorath Death awaits any who would desecrate the great warrior within Murals in the tomb entrance and on its door show an athletic woman of regal bearing competing in foot races, javelin throwing, and other competitive games. Always at her side is a man in a cloak that resembles the one worn by the lich that guards the Necropolis.

5 Estor Arkelander Oathsworn of Arkyrania DM's Guide to Odyssey


10 Lysis Arkelander The Mad King Death awaits any who would desecrate the great warrior within The walls of the tomb's entrance display the brutal behavior of a king with a glint of madness in his eye. The main panel shows his downfall at the hands of the god, Pythor.

11 Ochos Arkelander Oathsworn of Hexia Death awaits any who would desecrate the great warrior within The murals on the walls of this tomb's entrance depict the man leading an army of hoplites in several clashes against the centaurs in the grasslands north of the Arkelon River. The man is shown wearing a simple bronze breastplate

12 Dorion Neurdagon Death awaits any who would desecrate the great warrior within No specific murals are visible on this tomb's entrance.

13 Gregor Huorath Oathsworn of Hezzebal Death awaits any who would desecrate the great warrior within The murals of the entrance and its painted door tell the story of a young man traversing the islands and waters of Thylea. The man, however, is absent from the final panel. This simply shows a grieving woman looking across a stormy sea from a palace balcony.

14 Nicholas Phobas Blessed of Sydon Death awaits any who would desecrate the great warrior within The entrance murals are bright and the paint has not completely faded. The images adorning the walls and door depict a man who is equal parts sailor and king. He wears a breastplate adorned with a maelstrom swirl, the symbol of Sydon.

15 Balmytria


DM's Guide to Odyssey

Unlike most of the art in the Necropolis, the mosaics that line the walls and ceilings here are pristine, almost new in appearance. The panel closest to the entrance depicts majestic dragons soaring through the heavens. A formidable human warrior is mounted on each dragon.

The next mosaic is dominated by the verdant coast of Thylea. While a flight of colored dragons remain aloft, the silver dragon is shown making landfall on this new continent. Her rider greets a haggardlooking group of humans on the shore.

If your players study the flight of dragons on the mosaic, said flight should be at least of 5 bronze, one being bigger. Depending on your choices, you should allow other colours be present here, like 1 green (Hexia), 2 brass (Hezzebal and [Orichalkos], 1 copper ([Chaerastis]... See "Dragons" appendix. Grand total could be of 10 dragons on this mosaic (1 big silver, 1 big bronze, 4 small bronze, 2 brass, 1 copper, 1 green). It is both very logical (all those dragons are mentionned as being with the dragonlords, or there are clues leading to believe they were) and prevents your players from guessing the dragon gods twist too easily. Subsequent mosaics show human civilization on the continent blossoming from tiny towns to great walled cities under the leadership of the Dragonlords.

16 Xander Huorath First of His Order, Oathsworn of Balmytria Death awaits any who would desecrate the great warrior within The tomb is sealed with a marble door that has an inset bronze handle. Lesser tombs can be seen on the left and on the right They name : Aetius, Pericles, Eustace, and an unnamed one

Xander should just say "take the mantle of dragonlords, but do it better. Be the dragonlord we should have been" before giving the Vanished One / Gifted One his crown (+ VO's info through a vision) , then will stop talking and rest again in his tomb. We can consider he's been animated by Damon. Maybe Versi told him to, due to her visions.

Mithral Mines

Use one of those alternate version of Cerberus, as the one in the book is too strong for your party (rare combat occurence). https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/underworld-cerberus

You should plan on intelligent king to surrender after suffering heavy loses, up to you to see if he's afraid enough or if he'll try a kamikaze desperate assault after Cerberus.

Ship docking

After they reclaim the mithral forge they recover an ancient dock to go there with a ship, the Ultros later on. There's various schools of thought on this : You could sail up the River Arkelon from the Cerulean Gulf in the south, Greek ships could be carried across land (like the ford in Estoria) and this was a relatively common occurence. Make a little alteration to the map to have a spur of the river empty out to the west of the continent, north of where that map says the necropolis is. Constellation 15's use on the Antikytera could lead here. Crafting

The forge is a dangerous tool to use. Your player characters already have plenty of equipment planned (Epic paths, Xander's armaments...). Repairing Telamok's items will take 2 weeks, after which thay can optimize their equipment, making the campaign easier. Ideas for those who like crafting with components : https://www.gmbinder.com/share/MCQVkP5zMGjwBbKlkW2 I allowed a repair of the Mossy Temple shield featuring Estor, for 2 days / 40gp to have it become a +1 shield. Mithral Mines history :

1. Dwarves mine the Mines, get Dragonlords interest. 2. Volkan & dwarves invoke Slamander to fuel a forge. 3. Dwarves & Volkan make cool stuff for the dragonlords 4. Lutheria sends a cerberus to destroy them 5. Dwarves flee, heavy losses, mine is abandoned. 6. Cerberus has death dog babies. 7. Creature of the deeps [Behemoth] kills the cerberus. 8. Death dogs eat mum, one becomes young cerberus. 9. Trogs retreat from creature of the deep to caves.


Introduce him in the Centaur group when they finish mines. Elevator deadly trap

You can either allow to disarm when it starts to work, of have Kyrah remember there's a trap or even have her give the password to bypass the trap in the mine. You could also have Volkan tell them of the password if they talk to him about their quest to reclaim the mines. Troggs

When I ran mines I made it a mass fight in the dark tunnels as first fight is noisy and alert was given. So all Troggs came save hatchery guards. You run it like a scene from Aliens : Trogs on the walls, on the ceilings, coming out of holes (Lionhead Gaming).

DM's Guide to Odyssey


The Four Winds subplot enhanced (Crashgem & me) This subplot makes use of land encounters with Euria and Zephyr, and enhances the chances of a "Control Weather" solution of the Mytros hurricane.

Kyrah and the four winds

Kyrah is known as "Notos, the South Wind" : she was known as music teacher at the Academia of Mytros, and became part of "The Winds", a performing band of musicians. They other Winds know she has taken the name Kyrah, but do not know she is the true Goddess of Music. When she was a child, Volkan made her magic music instruments, which were regularly borrowed by the other winds. They made music and had a rule of not intervening into politics. Kyrah enjoyed her time left before the end of the oath of peace as god of music, playing music all time long, her way of reacting to people turning away from the gods and the foressen doom of the settlers. But when Versi told her she had seen a way to a brighter future, she decided to manage the heroes of the prophecy. Doing this ended up getting kicked out.

Lutheria's plan

Lutheria knows the Boreal Harp could stop Sydon's hurricane on Mytros, and wanted to avoid it be available, without breaking the Oath of Peace. Lutheria sent dreams to Boreas, showing Notos was supporting the Five, not respecting the wind's neutrality, and made him think the instruments of the Muse belonged de facto more to the Winds than to Notos, especially the Boreal Harp Boreas affectionned. It worked, and the winds stole Kyrah's music instruments, Boreas keeping the Harp.

Kyrah has been robbed !

During a stay at Estoria, have an annoyed Kyrah mention that she has received word that her room at the Mytros Academia has been robbed of some of her music instruments, so the party knows about the Four Winds stealing her. Have her mention the instrument's powers at that moment, and again when Volkan moves to the Mithral Mine with his item craft list. If she vowed an oath of protection to the heroes, she will explain "Kyrah and the four Winds". If not, she'll be reluctant to show she was dispirited. Still she would like Volkan not to hear about that (she "lost" the toys he made for her, and isn't keen about that).

The tower of Euria land encounter

Euria, the Autumn Wind : East Wind (CN oread), owns The Euros lyre, lives a the ruined guard tower. Might be the one who lived with Rizon Phobas for a time. Have the encounter with Euria happen some time after the Robbed! event, for example on the road to the Mossy Temple, or on the road to Mytros, just so that they get the chance to have it be made, and follow the PCs interest.


DM's Guide to Odyssey

If they play it through, they should have her Lyre, either through Euria's geas to return with the Boreal Harp (which they can do after using it) or theft / killing her.

Action against Sydon's hurricane.

Boreas the Winter Wind (NE satyr minstrel), owns the Boreal harp, at Mytros. In case of a fight, make the water elemental a wine elemental can be fun. The book doesn't plan to give heroes time for a voyage to the Mithral Mines to craft the Boreal Harp and come back, as too much time has passed and the population is on the edge. It also doesn't give them time to go for Boreas. But strangely enough it allows the gods to group and do the miracle thing (you could rule that Pytor and Volkan can be summoned by magic and teleport to the Temple of the Five to make it happen fast, and in that case Kyrah will have to admit she is the Goddess of Music if she hasn't done so before). During the council on their arrival, if the heroes have given interest to Euria, they have learned about the Boreal Harp and will want to look for it. If they object and propos to find the harp, a good move should be to allow Acastus to give the heroes one day to look for it. When they'll go for Boreas, if they don't think of robbing him, they will most certainly accept his winemerchant quest. Having him smash the harp will frustrate the PCs a lot, but also reveal his duplicity with Lutheria. It would be fair to allow insight checks when Boreas proposes his quest and when the PCs comme back, a success can reveal he's up to no good, so Pcs have a chance to avoid that if they act with care, else go for the Miracle or sacrifice route. You should consider using Control Weather is denying the Titans their right of appeasement (see oath of Peace), so the 5 will not ask the PCs to use the harp, but will secretly hope they do, Kyrah giving subtle hints if needed (trickery goddess).

Zephyrus land encounter.

The Summer Wind : West Wind (CN satyr minstrel), Zephyr lute, forgotten temple of Helios. Foreshadows Helios. Make the encounter with Zephyrus on the road to the Dead Falls or when coùming back from the Mossy Temple, and make Zephyrus the summer wind worship Helios.

Music instruments of the Muse DC for spells should be +1, not +2.


Many DMs feel it shouldn't be enough to play the Boreal Harp to dispel Sydon's Storm, and that a ritual is needed to accompany its use. Air elementals attack the team during the ritual, and the team must protect the bard. If your team has no bard, Loreus can do it. Some prefer to involve the five in the ceremony, it becomes more epic, but i didn't want the five directly involved in dispelling Sydon's storm, his right of appeasement.

Mytros side quests

The four winds alternate quest should be ended on arrival, see previous page.

The Lutheria temple side quest

On their first meeting, Vallus asks the heroes to investigate the temple of Lutheria (be careful, she shouldn't ask the heroes to strike it by violence, the Oath of Peace shouldn't allow that). The Boreas encounter should also present the Lutheria winery quest, which gives the same result. That quest can be wrapped up quickly. I made it a greyer situation, thanks to Cult of the Snake or investigation they find out drugged younglings are taken to the temple of Lutheria's secret basement. In the basement there is a ceremony, a cow is sacrificed and its blood poured over a child (cult says such a drugged condition is necessary to contact their goddess), combat occurs, cow is animated (greater zombie), priests surrender at the end of the fight. After that, if they were not killed, you can have a trial scene where Trellus and Septia are sentenced for their crimes, with Chondrus arguing that they're probably too politically important to execute, which Acastus and Vallus (begrudgingly) agree with. So they'll both show up on the Island of Exiles and want revenge, which will spice up that island (SirMixADrink). The pcs are accused of entering a temple without authorization to embarass them.

Acastus's dragons

Give rumour about Acastus's official deal with a silver protecting a copper clutch before Mytros, see p89. When Tarchon and his dragons meet pcs on the road to Mytros, PCs are forbidden to speak to them by the knights, which should raise their interest. When PCs meet Vallus, if asked about the dragons she tells them about aging potions (looks like raw aging potions need divine blood, i considered it's hers). When they travel in the palace, they see Icarus with fearful guards and servants, but they also can see the coppers at the king's stables who are less guarded. Interaction shows how underdevelopped mentally they are / uneducated vs their size on a successful Arcana check. PCs will also understand there is no dragonlord oath. Also if talked to (succeedind fear save + persuade) and questionned on the subject, Icarus will answer he doesn't know about a deal concerning the copper clutch, which should show Acastus lies or at least something is wrong.

Stavros the exiled

You can introduce fresh news that Stavros, one of the richest merchants of Mytros, was banished to the isle of the Exile for poisoning a competitor's child. Maybe one of your characters migh know him (family, customer...) and believe in his innocence, which might or not be true. Competitor could be a mad Trellus, who tricked him, having poisonned his rebel child himself to sacrifice him to Lutheria.

https://docs.google.com/document/d/12qqFqvFoiF0mBpgKttr0uoR_FsoC_ usp=sharing

The Cult of the snake

The lady of coins quest line could be presented by Vallus on their first meeting (there is a disturbing thieve's guild known by the name "cult of the snake" that is becoming popular by taking from the rich and giving to the poor, and who also frees slaves. If you have time, it would be nice to investigate that). If they do not take this bait just have Taran Neurdagon send for them after a week, he's more brutal however as he'll be asking the PCs to take down the Cult of the Snake. Have Moxena wear an "amulet of medusae health" (amulet of health also making wearer immune to petrification) as your PCs will imagine creatures aren't immune to their gaze (usual case, also raw in mythology), and it will make the fight a real boss fight (otherwise she'll petrify herself!). If Moxena is killed, have the PCs find documents about Themis so they have interest going there (see Themis). I had her plan include kidnapping minotaur slaves to move them to an island close to indigo island, where the slaves live without possibility to come back, without possibility to fulfill their oath. They now are free, but cursed. Moxena hopes to free them by destroying their contracts, and have their aid in her coup against the Amazon queen. When Moxena surrenders, she can propose : stopping her trade agreement with Hexia vs demi-god, an oath of peace between her and her cult and whoever the PCs want but NOT the amazon queens. tell her tale (see Themis chapter) : amazons are now on Lutheria's side, she prepares a coup. She'll propose a 1 year long oath of service to the PCs if it includes them helping her against the usurpators within that time. use her contacts and her guild to help the heroes. give 6 potions of basilic bile hidden under her bed (curing petrification).

The Minotaur slave trade

Minotaur slavery is a form of racism, maybe some of your players will not like it and you can just skip the whole thing and consider there are no slaves in Thylea. But i had minotaur characters in both my group, and they liked playing the free Minotaur character that takes the quest to free the slaves. One even dedicated a win at the games to the Minotaur cause instad of dedicating his win to a god. The quest can be started by your minotaur characters, by characters who just consider heroes have to be against slavery, or by Vallus "Slavery is a concern to me. I forbade slavery, but the order of Sydon now gives warrants to the slave master that they can sell Oath of services. I can't do anything against it without alienating the order and some nobles from the city, unless we can prove oaths are imposed on captive Minotaurs". People in Mytros are used to slavery and consider it normal, but the rich are those that benefit from it, while there's a growing hostility amongst the poors.

Academia (Snacktime) DM's Guide to Odyssey


Who are the "slaves" ? Justice can result in forced labour, a forced oath of service, with a time limit. People can propose an oath of service to someone to thank him, like Pythor or Kyrah can do with the PCs. Better have a limit included, like "Me, Pythor, god of battle, swear you an oath of service for one year, provided you don't ask me to break previous oaths i might have". Some might not be happy, having forgotten to add limits. People who are forced into an oath of service after a fight. We can separate "fair fights" or cases in which the winner spares his enemy but asks such an oath from abductions. What can be wrong solutions ? You should consider killing Maximus won't be enough to end slavery, as another warrant will be given by Gaius to a replacement slave master, and the Order make an inquiry in justice vs the PCs. Depending on how you play it, destroying written contracts could be enough to free slaves, but wouldn't take care of oral oaths (there's a difference between a written contract, like the Forgekeeper's, and the written version of an oral Oath, like the Oath of Peace) and so would not be enough to end slavery. Buying slaves to free them would only feed the system, with Maximus baiting other minotaurs into becoming slaves, and ... propose them to the PCs's auction. Vallus does not want to go into a fight with the Order of Sydon about the slave master charter. Maybe it is something she can't refuse as it woulod be part of the "old ways" the Oath of Peace agreed to stay. A good idea (proposed by Moxena) would be to prepare an infiltration / heist session : during a reception at Maximus's place / night raid, documents can be found at Maximus's house that show his strategy is to force oaths upon the minotaurs (paying explorers to find remote Minotaur villages and kidnapp them, then force them an unlimited oath else they be killed) and make a profit from them & keep that source from the general public, and rich buyers don't care. That document will be proof of his vilainy and ban him to the isle of the exiles, and will stop the slave trade as the situation showed how evil one can be with such a powerful charter. You can consider Taran Neurdagon also has such documents and is implicated / could be the true mastermind. Or could be willing to pay his accusators to stay clean, and swear an oath to stop. Slaver's Auction House & Compound First floor :

Auction Entryway - Once inside the walled compound, the front doors lead into the entryway of the auction house, where one immediately finds themselves nose to nose with an imposing statue of the very self-important owner. Auction House Floor - The main floor of the Auction House is spacious and well-lit, with a raised platform toward one end, where the auctioneer shows off the items for sale and conducts the bidding from the bidding floor. Auction House Packing Room - Just behind the main platform, tables strewn with boxes packed with straw and goods for sale are prepared for sale and travel to their new owners.


DM's Guide to Odyssey

Auction House Back Room - Behind the packing room lay a small chamber with a stairwell leading into the basement and two doors, one leading northwest into the main storage chamber and one leading northeast into the owner's office and personal quarters. Guard Rooms - Guard rooms with 6 beds apiece lay on the east and western wings of the Auction House. Meeting Room - A private meeting room lay in the east wing, off the main Auction Floor, where VIPs and others can hold meetings with clients or gather to strategize on bids. Moneycounter's Quarters - southeastern section of the auction house. Head Enforcer's Quarters - half-orc enforcer's quarters in the southwestern section of the auction house. Small Kitchen/Storage - Not a full kitchen, but an area with food and other storage for the 1st level folk of the Auction House is located in the western wing. Stables - A stables is located in the southeastern corner of the compound. Storage Shed - A storage shed is located in the northwestern corner of the compound. Second floor :

Guard Chamber - Walking downstairs leaves you in a broad guard's chamber with a cell door to the west and a wooden door to the east, populated by weapon racks, guard table and some storage. Group Holding Cell - Immediately to the west upon arriving downstairs is a holding cell, where slaves/prisoners can be held prior to selecting a cell or sale. Guard Barracks - There are two additional guard barracks on the west and east side of the basement structure (8 beds each). Torture Chamber - On the southwest side of the chamber, some of the more deviant members of the slavers use this room for their wicked pleasures or to extract information from prisoners. Individual Cells - There are 7 individual cells on both the west and east side. Storage Room - A large storage room for shipments, oil, ale and other goods lay on the southeast part of the basement. Meeting & Viewing Chamber - Guests with particular tastes can find themselves invited to a special meeting with the owner/proprietor to view specific slaves (or prisoners) while they dine and speak of business. Lower Office - A lower office housing some of the proprietor's prized possessions, wealth and some secrets lay deep within the basement. Contains the documents, in a trapped chest.

Battlemaps using Slaver's Auction House & Compound [35 x 24] by Jeff Todd

Links : On Facebook in the "D&D / RPG Maps" group : https://www.facebook.com/search/posts? q=maximus&filters=eyJzZWVuX3Bvc3RzOjAiOiJ7XCJuYW1lXCI6XCJp And soon on https://www.patreon.com/morvoldpress? fbclid=IwAR2VdLVibYY2bsFhuY6nnkGfcn7LhIgblbwOFrFWSuYlhaPI

The Ultros

This quest is presented just after the hurricane event, but PCs sometimes don't priorize it and focus on the city. Vallus might borrow them a ship to sail them close to the Dead Falls. There are many discussions on Estor. I think he's primary a tool : a neat way to show a dragonlord who turned evil and was corrupted by Lutheria. What will his future be in your game ? : a simple boss to be killed here - his weapon is Ebony. a haunt to the ship or to the captain until... either the PCs recover his weapon in the treasure of the dragonlords (Xyphos of slaughter) to confront him, or he becomes able to control a new body / parts from the heroes to create himself a kingdom, rival to the existing ones.

Kyrah's speech upon arrival

Before arriving at the Ultros, Kyrah talks, telling that, if anything happens, she wants them to remember how important it is that they remember why they fight : "I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.” (i.e. civilisation) - this serves the purpose of reminding them why they fight, but also showing Kyrah was afraid of what was coming. Roleplay the fact that Kyrah isn't well when Estor is in the vicinity (or when someone talks about Estor more generaly). Estor being bound by the Oath of Peace's secret part will just show he knows her, and taunt her saying she's weak.

Playing the Ultros raw, dungeonlike

Steps are straightforward but lack some explanation : 1. Explore the ship in the flesh. 2. Speak to drummer to start Estor's dream. 3. Traitor's quest vision & killing traitors. 4. End the dream by swearing the oath to be captain. 5. Estor's false bargain for power to possess captain. Your players will likely just want to fight Estor in the dream instead of killing the traitors (his enemies). If you keep to raw, he just shouldn't be available during the dream after presenting his request, until the traitors are dispatched. Possession is quite hard : it transforms a PC into an NPC. You should allow an insight check to understand something is wrong. If bargain is accepted i'd suggest 2 possibilities. Possession could be happening only for a short time after captain rolls a natural one (with a DC16? wisdom check, and a new try to remove him end of each round). If you think your player won't like it, have his character just be haunted by a whispering Estor. You could also have the possession end when the heroes meet Acastus, Estor stealthily taking control of him, which is another way explaining his change of mind at the battle of Mytros.

Crashgem & others variant

Arachnid Arcana, TinyAdorableShopKepp, earthcubed, OktOblivion... There's no dream vision thing / quest.

Upper deck & the mast

Upon boarding the ship, PCs feel a presence in the mast. When someone touches it, they see a flashback to Demetria's sister, Delphia, being killed by Estor and his men in the Mossy Temple and her tree cut down to make the mast. They understand the Ultros's potent magic originates from the mast. They might see her etheral form watching them, even talk. Storage cabin

See appendixes for an alternate Estor's journal. Meeting Davos the quartermaster

Davos is alone on the bridge, and welcomes the visitors. He'll be happy to discuss, but will summon 6 specters and fight if hostile. So, you are here to take the Ultros? That would be bold. Some would say stupid. The Captain does not take kindly to stowaways. Believe me, I know. I've been here since the beginning. 500 years, give or take a decade or so. He wouldn't like it, i would have to kill you. Meeting Metron the navigator

Metron is alone in a hammock at the Thane's quarters, and welcomes the visitors. He'll be happy to discuss, but will try to possess a character, one after the other, if hostile. If the characters present themselves as heroes or dragonlords, he will ask them if they want to free the captured souls he has. Play as in the dream, save that he won't try a possession at the end. When all prisonners are freed, he'll become friendly. I have the paladin's silver egg, an egg from Balmytria's clutch, be in that cool box. Estor plans to hatch her when he gets free from the curse. However, removing all specters stops the "fridge" effect maintining it in stasis. Meeting Skathon the first mate

Skathon is sitting on the chair of the captain's cabin as in the dream, and will welcome the visitors. He'll be happy to discuss, but will order Ebony and Azurescale to attack if hostile. He will recognize the Vanished One if any, and will ask the characters if they want to sign into the crew or pay for passage, else they must leave the ship. Discussing with the Thanes

They will be hostile if attacked or if the heroes mention hostility to Estor / wanting to take over the ship. Their memory is bad, but they know they have been betrayed and cursed. They might tell their tale, in which they say they are bound to obey Estor. "One night Lutheria herself visited us. I saw the Captain walking up, when the Lady of Dreams arrived. I remember arguing with him, before Lutheria transfixed us all with a wave of her hand. And there before all of us, the Captain consummated the deal he had struck with the Goddess of Death. He then slayed us all, one by one, with his blade. From that day onwards, we were slaves to his will. We are as one. The ship, the crew, the Captain. We are bound to his will, helpless as babes. Cursed to undeath. But I was there. I was there 500 years ago when the deal was struck. " Becoming friend with Metron or a successful persuade check DC17 might obtain the following : DM's Guide to Odyssey


I heard the terms with my own ears. His blade was still fresh from our crew's blood, when the Lady of Dreams told him : "You have your due. You will never taste death by another's blade". The Captain proclaimed his immortality, since then he's bound to the mortal plane by the ship. Destroy his body here, and perhaps that connection can be severed.

Meeting Estor

After having visited the ship's Thanes, Kyrah will look physically ill upon seeing a figure at the end of the ship, on the upper deck. Estor Arkelander. He looks at you, and a smile breaks over his face. (To Kyrah) "Well well, look who it is. Kiki, its been a while. So you've finally come crawling back home, and you've brought some pups with you! Is this your new troupe? Did you tell them you were bringing them to their deaths? ... What, nothing to say after all these years?" (To the pcs) : "And you! Oh, I've heard of the supposed 'Oracles heroes'. Destined to save all Thylea even! Hah. Versi told you that? And you believed her? A daughter of Sydon himself? Well, believe ME when I tell you there can be no victory against the powers of the Titans head-on. I experienced it. It is folly. Join me in the conquest of this land. Disregard the titans and gods both, and rule the settler races in their stead as a new and mighty Order of Dragonlords. (to settlers races PCs) You, my settler friends, swear an oath of protection to this vessel, of service to me as your leader, and I shall allow you to captain it. (to native races PCs) And you, native scum, swear an oath of service to me if you want to live" Either your players will be fed up at this point and refuse those oaths, and a fight has started, or have Kyrah answer "We might find a way to help you rest, to help you break this curse. Cooperate, relinquish control of the ship to the new dragonlords". Can also happen during the fight. Then Estor starts the fight "New dragonlords ? Is it what those dragonlords really are ? Listen you coward, you bitch, i will not give up the ship. I will add your soul and your divine spark to fuel it". Davos will summon his guards and join, if present. Mentioning interest in Acastus

You could add Estor ordering his ship to move, and ask the PCs the following (which you must expect your players to refuse) : "Bring me to Acastus Arkelander, and this fine vessel that you seek shall be yours. Be assured, I will make much better use of my bloodline than he does". Fighting Estor :

Phase Possible template




Death Knight

17 Kyrah needed


(Giant) Skeleton

7* Giant skeleton parangon



4 Use book's stats




Kyrah's intervention

Haunts the ship

At some point (pcs down or fight becoming desperate vs phase 1), Kyrah will be fed up : 30

DM's Guide to Odyssey

"Estor, it is enough. You won't insult a goddess or the dragonlords anymore. I'm done with this. You're definitely beyond redemption. He laughs at her. _"It's all your fault. If you hadn't left, Lutheria wouldn't have tricked me. The curse, what happened to the crew - its all your fault! And now, I'm going to take everything you love, 1 by 1. I'm going to break your heart, again and again. And then I'm going to break you." "No Estor, I'm done with this. You claimed you have nothing to do with us or the Titans anymore, so i suppose the Furies can't consider you protected by the Oath of Peace. Kyrah has her hands together and they begin to glow. "I have felt guilty because of you for far too long. You will not hurt anyone I love. Ever. Again." Kyrah forcibly tears her hands apart. A bright light envelopes all of you (Heal heroes back to half their hit points if needed. ) As the light fades, you see that all spectres on the upper deck disappeared. Where Estor stood is now a crumbling, skeletal apparition. Its eyes glow with an ominous blue light and it feels as though its held together only by the power of its own hatred. The apparition roars."What have you done?!" Start the fight with phase 2 Estor... Some DMs did consider Kyrah burned her whole divine spark or part of it (several permanent levels of exhaustion only major sacrifices or wins at the games could heal). If your players don't like Kyrah's presence, you might even have her be killed, and reappear at the temple of the Five with or without her divine powers. The Fire Island encounter could restore her divine powers.

Estor's return & Lutheria's curse

Lutheria told Estor "you will never taste death by another's blade". What Estor heard: "I'm immortal!". That information can be obtained multiple ways (his journal, he might have boasted this, a thane might tell, a divination from Versi, info from Fates / Lotus Witch... Truth : only his weapon (lost xiphos of slaughter found in the nether sea) can slay him. After this boss battle on the Ultros, killed Estor became a haunt to the Ultors's captain, then Estor's haunt claimed Ocho Arkelander's skull at the Mirror Prison to raise with his Xyphos, a phase 1 version for a second boss battle.

Captaining the ship

The phantom of Delphia will appear after Estor becomes a haunt, asking the survivors "Tell me, who is the new captain of the ship now ?". After a captain has presented himself, she presents him with her oath of service, see : "I swear that i shall serve you, my new captain, with honor, if you swear the same to me, so that our fates will be bound". Then she asks "How do you choose to man your ship, captain, the path of the living, or the path of the dead ?". If the path of the living is chosen, which can be done upon arrival at Mytros, all undead are released and the ship becomes motionless, relying on wind and a new crew. If the path of the dead is chosen, the ship remains manned by its spectre crew but will make embarking recruits more difficult.


Have the games finish the day before Ultros is repaired, giving them a party before they leave.

The Great Games

The Games

Attendance The Games are series of athletic competitions among Consider Sydon and Lutheria attend the games, they are representatives of city-states held in honour of the gods, with invited but don't attend usually. But this time is different, they athletes dedicating their victories to their liege god. My send Yala and Hergeron to represent them, to present them version is more focused on behind the scenes event and quick (to prepare their ascension to godhood for after the end of the stat rolls for resolution. Oath). Having the Twins attend could pose problems if your Odyssey is about renegociating the Oath of Peace Proximo's version : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rzgVPo1TwsJTQcZZ3N3iFTg4gOpening of the Games VXze7imNNwrXqenj0/edit#heading=h.ie6yafsjg9rk The athletes run the sacred torch from the Sirens’ Gate all CrashGem's version. the way to the top of Volkan’s Mountain and the center of the great colosseum (colosseum on the provided map (22) is way Involving player characters way too small, add it northeast of the city “just off the map"). Kyrah tells the PCs that winning events would bring a surge in worship to the 5 gods, while having the titans's champions Athletes presentation win events would have more people worship them. Awards Guest friendship is offered to all athletes, which are are for best city-state and best athlete. presented to the folk, each vowing an Oath not to use magic nor drugs during the Games (vs curse of the treacherous). Apart from the simple fame the games can give, the challenge will be to prevent Sydon's athletes from getting medals. That Contenders also represent city-states : Mytros, Estoria, can be achieved in winning events against them, directly or Aresia, Themis, Praxis. If only one or two PC are interested, indirectly with other NPCs. You could add a permanent level simply add them to their home city. If many want to take part, of exhaustion if Sydon and Lutheria win more silver than the add an extra "Heroes of the Oracle" team. 5 for example, or win a Palme d'or. And remove one in the opposite cases. Sacrifice to the gods A massive sacrifice ceremony takes place. Athletes sacrificing Before the games 25 gp worth or more will get advantage to one roll of their choice for one event, 100 gp allows for 2, 500 allows for 3... Qualifiers Before the Games, PCs must run qualifiers for each event A slave minotaurs fight will then take place, not to death but they want to participate in : fights between minotaurs often become messy... they will auto-qualify if they meet certain requirements, Bard support otherwise they must succeed at a DC13 check, see table. Bards NPCs will each give advantage to ONE hero on ONE event (Sylla, Xollos, and Gondros if freed, Loreus for his Training Roleplay the meeting with the training athletes. Any PC companion), but not Kyrah (she'll be posing as Kyrah, goddess character may train 6h/day for a specific competition during of music). A Bard character can also do so during ONE event the days before the Games, allowing him to gain advantage he doesn't participate in. on one roll during qualifiers and one during the event, or 2 if training is 12h a day. Resolving the Games The competitions that make up the Great Games are listed in New athletes the below Games blocks. One competition is held each day, Praxis has sent elite athletes along with Jorges and Pancras : over a series of ten days, with celebrations every night. Each Pelopia the Maenad, Priam the Centaur, Duris the Gygan, competition is resolved with simple checks, as indicated in Pancras the Oread. They'll be secretive. the table (add both rolls). PCs can get advantage on rolls thanks to training, bards, sacrifices or specific abilities. For Halcyon is an Aresia officer posing as an athlete. He won't each event, check the table hereunder to compare the PCs's train much, and spy. PCs might blow his cover away. checks with the top NPCs. Place PCs accordingly, they The following NPCs may participate if PCs are smart or just dedicate their result to their city and gods. social with them, which might prevent some Praxis medals : Awards Bullbug will participate if the PCs defend the Minotaur cause. Show her bare handed skills for boxing and If a contender wins more traditional or modern events than wrestling during the ritual sacrifice were they meet her. any other (in case of a tie, 2d and 3d places), he becomes the She might take 1st place in boxing. "Pentathlon Champion" of those game. Awards are : Pholon will represent Aresia to prove his wrestling skills. [Silver medal] to event winners (+1 to fame) He might take 2d place. (Bronze medals) to runner-ups Corina will come to Mytros to represent Estoria if a PC Copper medals for third place had connexions with her (remind them they know she's Modern games Pentathlon champion (+1 to fame) very good in archery). She migh take 1st place in archery. Traditional games Pentathlon champion (+1 to fame) Palme d'or to the Decathlon champion (+1 to fame) DM's Guide to Odyssey



DM's Guide to Odyssey

Base Contender model Page


Herald Discus Javelin Jumping Running Wrestling Riding Brawling Archery Pancrace Racing God top3 top3 top3 top3 top3 top3 - top3 top3 top3 top3 top3 awarded


Maenad 422 Praxis














Centaur 376 Praxis Hero























Gygan Hero

380 Praxis









Soldier, 431 Praxis Captain










407 Praxis












Martial 430 Aresia Master














Martial 430 Aresia Master














Martial 430 Mytros Master













Leyland Gladiator DMG Mytros

































[39] 39


Veteran DMG Estoria

(38) --


Satyr 430 Estoria [39] Minstrel


Amazon 428 Themis Warrior













(Bullbug) Minotaur 390 Mytros Hero














Scout DMG Estoria













(Pholon) Centaur 376 Aresia Hero













Intepreting the table : scores are sum of NPC's both competition checks. [Highest NPC score] (Second NPC score) Trial

Auto-qualify if :

Competition checks :

Herald Proficiency (Persuasion or Perform) or CHA 15+ and Trumpet

Perform check & Persuasion check.

Throwing, Proficiency (Martial Weapons or Acrobatics) or STR 15+ discus

STR Ranged attack roll, Acrobatics check.

Throwing, Proficiency (Martial Weapons or Athletics) or STR 15+ javelin

STR Ranged attack roll, Athletics check.

Jumping Proficiency (Athletics or Acrobatics) or STR 15+ or DEX 15+ or any feat or ability related that enhances jumping

Athletics check (with advantage if any feat or ability related that enhances jumping) & Acrobatics check.

Running Proficiency (Athletics) or STR15+

Athletics check (with advantage if natural land speed above 30’), Constitution save

Wrestling Proficiency (Athletics or Acrobatics), STR or DEX 15+, any Athletics check (with advantage if feat or ability feat or ability related to grappling related to grappling) & Acrobatics check. Horse riding

Proficiency (Animal handling or Athletics) or WIS 15+

Brawling - Proficiency (Athletics) or Str 15+ or unarmed strike or Boxing natural weapon

Animal handling check & Athletics check. STR Melee attack roll (with advantage if unarmed strike or natural weapon) & Dexterity save.

Archery Proficiency (Martial weapons, Longbow) or Dex 15+

DEX Ranged attack roll, Perception check.

Chariot Proficiency (Land Vehicles or Animal handling) or WIS racing 15+

Land vehicles check (WIS skill) & Animal handling check.

Pancrace Proficiency (Athletics) or Str 15+ - MMA

STR Melee attack roll (with advantage if unarmed strike or natural weapon) & Constitution save.

DM's Guide to Odyssey


The Odyssey

After "The Labours" and "Mytros" sandboxes, departure of the Ultros opens a new sandbox in the Cerulean Gulf, with specific rules. This is the biggest sandbox, which opens to many different islands. Have the party tell you the next two islands they plan to visit to prepare ahead of time, which makes it way more manageable.


You could give each of your character one or 2 constellation stories at start of the campaign, fitting their character. You can hope they will roleplay that knowledge before this chapter, and Kyrah will also tell one such story each night camping outside of a city. The group will get knowledge of those stories beforehand, and when presented with the Antikythera, it would become a game of guessing destinations, and not about telling those stories AFTER the heroes's choice was made. Remember constellations were built in the Antikythera 5 centuries ago, maybe before Amazons moved to Themis for example. Some links are complicated to guess. The Queen : could be to show Mytros keeps an eye on the barabrian settlers who decided to live on Indigo island. The Twins : story could be about the place the Twin Titans were born, after the pit floated from Golden Heart. Amazons and Indigo barbarians would know that the Amazons left Indigo island to live at the place the Twin Titans were born. Fire Island : research on the Dragonlords's allies could mention the Lizardmen, living under the Prisonner. The story and constellation of the Blacksmith are nice for a Mithral Mines access

Are 60 days enough ?

DMs and players are afraid with that time limit. However calculation (2 days travel for each non nether one + 1 day average spent there means 20 islands are possible) and experience from DMs shows it's more than enough, even allowing for some return trips (Mytros, some key islands) and bonus islands. Beware making the heroes lose time unnecessarely (days walking on big islands, sailing in the nether sea, have long rests due to heavy fights). You can also play with Island of Time visit winning some day / heroes losing track.

Vallus's parting speech

If you want to respect the stricter version of the Oath of Peace, when Vallus makes her speech in "Time is running out", she won't say the last sentence as is. Replace with "With the right knowledge, you might negociate a new Oath of Peace, and with sufficient power, you might resist the Titan's wrath if you fail".

Odyssey Checklist (CrashGem)

This campaign part is more of a checkbox : you don't want to forget something. 34

DM's Guide to Odyssey



Gifts from Trinket table rolls, animals, items. Citizens Legendary Vallus explains she took care of the base Crew crew, but it's up to the PCs to add additional crew who either will directly accept or might need Persuade / payment. Tour of the Show off the ultross new "repaired" map, and Ship the navigation table. The Vallus gives the most responsible PC this Antikythera item and explains how it works and that it misses a mechanical piece : until it is found, Forgotten Sea destinations can't be salied. Looks like Gaius took it. Explain Due to difficult currents, shifting winds, "sailing" currents, and moving islands, sailors usually follow the coasts. Vallus tells using the Ultros and the Antikythera make it for 2 to 4 days travel time. Wind magic and sacrifices could help going faster. Sailors will ask for sacrifices to Sydon, but PCs might deny those. Present Let them know which islands they 100% travel know how to reach. You can explain other options. islands they can attempt to find, or leave it a mystery. Intro If you had Volkan propose forging items, he Keledone has a Keledone messenger board the Ultros, and craft. who can bring ingredients and orders from the PCs, then come back with items. Get letters to santa of items party wants to build so you can populate the islands with the appropriate ingredients. The Dragon Egg.

Vallus gives the Gifted One (or to most appropriate PC ?) an egg. It was stolen from Sydon's gift to Acastus : it could be Brass from Fire Island, or Copper, Bronze or Silver if from Nephele. Could also be from Tysophale.

Timer Remind heroes that time is running out. Either Reminder. play the 60 days thing, or make it loose and fun maintaining an approximation, that we are closer to SOON than we have ever been. Versi's Versi's presence should mean a daily free divinations. divination spell, to help better understand constellations and islands or help link their goals to the islands to visit. She also can make her Vanished One divination on the Fire Island dragon egg, or even do it if you have no Vanished One.

The Ultros https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1X6J36ZpcooO_VCYl0O4J0HKMk0q-ehht8JsisAmhobU https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Undead_Whale_(5e_Creature)#:~:text=

Missing part

Gaius, head of the order of Sydon, stole a key part of the Antikythera, to prevent the heroes reaching the Forgotten Sea / Sydon and succeeding in their prophecy. As it is stored in the palace, it was more stealthy for him to take that small piece away and go away unnoticed, compared to taking a larger item or axing it. PCs must recover it in Yonder, and need a Jancan (Steros / Brondt) or maybe Volkan to fix it.

Random encounters at sea New and weak islands

Some islands are weak by themselves of because your party doesn't have the corresponding epic path. You can have the Ultros navigate along them as if they were random encounters during a sea travel. Those "sea random encounters" islands can be added to the Antikythera afterwards by a Jancan ally. Island


Travel hook & other interests

18. The Black Star x. City of 19. The Echo the Sirens 20. Gaïa x. Forlorn 21. The Lone Lost One crew, Vanished One Island Star descendant, Dragonslayer home town ?

Forlorn Island (oktOblivion)

Under the Constellation of the Lonely Star sits the Forlorn Isle. https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/GAV5k617k If the heroes do not sleep on the island, they will turn into geese the next time they sleep, probably on the Ultros, then you have two options: The crew decide to return to the island, thinking that the heroes have gone missing. The crew know the heroes are the geese, and a 'b-team' is sent back to investigate. In both cases doing that takes a day, leaving the gooses to themselves to find a solution & deal with Trellus's thugs. Bandits are cautious as they saw The Ultros and anchored a different cove. Another take could be to consider that the priest of Lutheria is not Trellus but another one from long ago, and that she is alone there since centuries. Not sure it would be better to unlink from Trellus. But would make the Constellation legend more ancient, more logic. Lost One Epic Path

This island allows Lost One to find some of his crew. Dragonslayer Epic Path

You can aso consider the old abandoned town is actually built on top of an even older, burnt town - where the dragonslayer grew up. They'll later sail past the island again on the way to Themis, and hear singing again - but this time, it's the dragonslayer's grandmother, who will be ecstatic to see her (each having thought the other was long dead)

Althaia could be Vanishe One's descendant. She's living in the Temple because...she was abandoned there by herself, it's the biggest and nicest building, and her family home had too many bad memories. But once she finds out she wasn't abandoned she might want to go back just to visit before leaving with the heroes. She can take them to the house in the town that was her father's to reminisce, take some personal stuff including an old family heirloom that the Vanished One will remember as being hers.

Island of the Sleepy Dragon

Nice to add if you have a dragonborn character or if you have that race stick closer to Thylean lore. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_JBKLd4dDKfIPc5m0WDpsIF5M

Adpatation of the Odyssey Anthology (Kaleton)

DM's guild provides 3 scenarios providing a large number of islands that can be used here, under the name "Odyssey Anthology". Kaleton adpated them all, praise his name : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Vci-IPh16RSOPw4RWZ2hQSa0MptESTdaamn1hjt3c4/edit#heading=h.eu18fo1z9 Kaleton "I've used several of them since starting (the mashup for Golden Heart and Three Sisters, the Coral Throne combined with a plot thread from Iolaah and the Shallow Sea merfolk tribe, etc) Amvenitos, Seat of Affliction

Running the Isle of Affliction as a place with a cure for petrification, so they'll probably go there before Themis Phaistyn, the Isle of Splinters

A place they can find the airship engine. I'd like to include the airship guy from Yonder to have his engine, and the airship's wreckage, amongst the Isle of Splinters. Volkan or Steros/Bront can integrate the engine to the Ultros, reducing travel time from 3 days between islands to 2 days. This does not make it fly/turn it into a spelljammer though, unless you're really daring lol."


If the party has a bronze dragon wyrmling with them, precede the dolphins encounter with the dragonlord not being able to find their dragon, noticing Kyrah gazing happily overboard, and then the dragonlord finding their dragon swimming in the water, playing with the dolphins.

World Turtle

Consider they're stranded on Thylea too.

Vanished One Epic Path

DM's Guide to Odyssey


The Cerulean Gulf Island




0.The Bear

Starting position on the Ankithera

Travel hook & other interests

1.Isle of 1.The Gygan Yonder, Vanished One, Yonder center of Dragonslayer, Sydon Gygan HQ, Lost One empire revamped, Antikythera, Visiting the library 2.Fire Island

2.The Prisonner

Vallus Vanished One, Freeing tells of Chalcia, Steros the the eggs Jancan Cyclop

3.Golden 3.The Heart Story Timeless One, Divine Heart makes it spark animals, Thylea, clear dragon disappearance 4.Chimera 4.The Island & Trickster alt Island of the Exiles

Mytros Remove sailor threat, sailors The Bastard, Recruits, know discuss with exiled npcs

5.Island of 5. The Bard The Bard Haunted One, the Fates knows so Doomed One, do the Dragonslayer, Fates Questioning the Fates 7.Scorpion Island

7.The Centaur

Story Cursed One, makes it Revamped Lost One, clear Pholon quest, questioning the Lotus Witch

8.Indigo 8.The Queen Barbarian Moxena's freed Island PCs minotaurs, alliance &NPCs with the tribes for the know coming war, info that Sydon disabled their forces (sent a dragon) 9. Themis 9.The Twins Barbarian Amazon pc, Moxena, and Haunted One, Amazon Timeless One, Hatria, PCs Bront & Steros the &NPCs Jancan, Cyclop Alliance know with Amazons for the coming war x.Aresia x. Mithral Mines

6.The Warrior alt

Mytros Diplomacy with sailors Queen Helen know

15.The Story Docking the mine Blacksmith makes it (alt) clear

Titan's Folly

I've decided to cut Titan's folly : though a nice idea, i think this doesn't add anything to the Odyssey or to the Theme. Talieus's folly will be something else, either crafting Titan's Bane, Caduceus, or opening portals to elsewhere (Isle of the fates, Typhon). Could also be just near the Maw.

Mithral Mines 36

DM's Guide to Odyssey

The Blacksmith description goes very well with the Constellation description and with the dock the PCs found at the Mithral Mines. PCs will like to have the forge as a base. If you use that alternate Blacksmith Constellation, you will need to find a backup for the Island of Time if you want to keep it, or scrap one of the weakest islands.

Aresia (oktOblivion & me)

It can be an acceptable Odyssey destination, just make Narsus unreachable. Odyssey quests can be : PCs can get an audience with Helen for peace talks. A panicked soldier will tell the Queen that some gygan tombrobbers have breached the Tomb (mentioned in K2, p272), they can go fight then hunt the released Spawn. Some masked guy could contact the heroes to buy their game medals. A collector ? An athlete who wants to pose as a winner ? They might meet Zakroth for the first time, who is campaigning for Aresia to go to war with Mytros to free the minotaurs or something. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g5DhLZ4Na3VaikXQFUvpibKdK Warrior constellation looks like a good choice. To make players really pay attention to Aresia is having an army on the way to Mytros. They were initially mobilising to aid Estoria as per the treaty but as the threat has subsided they are heading to the Heartlands for military "games". Heavily implying that Aresia is being bold and invading Mytros's borders.

Chimaera Island (KyoTe44)

Island is rather weak, i fused it to Isle of the Exile in the same constellation. Normal sailing is possible from the one to the other as one can see the other. Travel hook : sailors talk of the Manticores that sometimes snatch sailors in the gulf. Several days after the storm quiets, town criers shout about it all over Mytros warning sailors and ships to be warry of traveling the gulf now as the great Chimera (buff it a lot) has been seen again. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f_mknv1Kw8YRiJ5UfEFMoz1Gz0S WsPQXjfhCOVplE/edit#heading=h.z0j5im7bhz84 Keep manticores on the island, a pair swoop in on arrival and snatch 2NPCs off the deck to add some drama to it. Place some NPCs from a previous chimera hunt hiding on the island hiding to allow players to feel really heroic to save people who were helpless and stranded on the island. Exiles are desperate and survival is made complicated by the manticores.

Isle of the Exiles (Churrog)

Island is rather weak, unless you have a Bastard. Rewrite or skip murder investigation or skip completely, or add a false Hydra https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hmRTFZ3Pcrlbmg5dO4UPG2LCzx UMh6J5Y5wc/edit You might also consider Isle of the Exile & Chimaera Island are the same island, Trickster constellation.

Indigo Island (SirMixADrink, DerErlenkonig, CrashGem) Travel hooks

Hook 1 : Book mentions they are unusualy quiet, information available in Mytros or through Ultros's sailors. Hook 2 : Sydon has sent Ventis to neutralize the indigo tribes during the coming war. That information is available in Themis and in Yonder. This should be a good hook for the heroes to go there if they have time. Indigo's political positioning

Raw, they fought alongside the Titans during the first war, although they were settlers. I changed that : they fought along the dragonlords but suffered heavy casualties and ressent the dragonlords for not being able to help them enough. Then some women (escpecially those who lost their loved ones) decided to leave and founded Themis becoming neutral. Civil unrest

There's civil unrest currently, intertribe warfare over how to deal with the end of the Oath: Dolphin, the elven leader of the Tribe of the Dolphin, has used divination magic and know Ventis is a crazy rogue dragon from Praxis. She also knows that the Oath of Peace is ending (she can be made old enough to have fought in the First War), and proposes to test the heroes to see if they're worthy of the tribes' aid in the upcoming war, if they remove that threat, either by diplomacy or by force. The Dwarves of Whale effectively have Ventis as their ally, chilling in the center of the island and waging war on those not onboard with Sydon. Could even have Ventis hiding with Shapechange, noone knows that influent tribe member and Ventis are the same person (plays to the lore and strength of a copper, aka a trickster). Maybe Ventis is an elf, in her elf form she has "no idea where this dragon came from!" but stirrs up dissent about it. Gorac's tribe of the Shark blames the dragonlords of releasing a rogue evil dragon on Indigo Island. They will be suspicious of the PCs, especially if they have a dragon with them, and will ask them to prove they have no link with evil dragons by removing him. Loopywoopy's tribe of the Eel has debates, some saying they need to avoid getting involved, some saying they should travel to Themis to join their forces The island where amazons originaly came from now has Moxena's cursed Minotaurs, those she "freed". Their curse will be ended if their oaths of service contracts are burned / cancelled, and they will gladly assist Moxena or the PCs if they are allied to Moxena. Tom's variant

Ventis, in Dwarf form, has killed Chief Delg and is now impersonating him with Shapechange, advocating for a policy of "appeasing the scaly beast so it doesn't kill us all" and sending warriors out to stop any other tribes from hunting down Ventis. So she is spending part of her time pretending to be Delg and the rest admiring her hoard/hunting food/harassing the other tribes. Kyrah having truesight might be startled during a meeting, then give subtle intell to pcs.

Dolphin is a secret worshipper of Mytros, but has not revealed her use of divination to her tribe for fear of being branded a heretic, as most Dolphin tribespeople worship the Titans (in my game, at least). Misc

A Vanished One could have descendants here. Put starmetal in the dragon's hoard if you have a Demi-god and aren't afraid of having the demi gods weapon too soon.

Fire Island Strange game texts

There are some inconstancies in description especially on the dragon turtle shells and the purple worm skeleton bridge, but the map makes it clear : the stables (2) is overcrowded (6 giant lizards). especially on VTT, make it so the rooms all have roofs, better for dynamic lighting AND to allow sneaking. Polyphorus too large for the map so switch rooms 12 and 13, and it seems logical Jankor as the last room. - Because of the map, it will be difficult for Jankor to retreat to his room... Jankor's wyrmling

If your players try capture the wyrmling, allow them to turn him to good alignment as he's been corrupted, have him ask them many question on morality, see "Here be dragons". My players loved that. New event : Chalcia's vestige (CrashGem)

Before going on the island, have Kyrah tell that Lizardfolks were allies of the dragonlords. Then, from the moment the party sets foot on the island, Kyrah is irritable. This keeps intensifying, as she feels a connection with Chalcia the first, and she's in rage, pain and stuck in a tight spot. She won't say why she feels that, but PCs might see her mood changes. Then, when facing Jankor, she'll scream that Lizards mut be killed and participates in the fight, which is unusual for her (she's possessed by Chalcia, who reaches through their common portfolio, against the Lizards who maintain her captive). Kyrah's flesh slowly burns away. After the fight is over, she could frenzy attack the party then burn Jankor's Staff and levitates to enjoy fresh air. If a party member attacks her with something else than the Axe of Xander, she just says "stay your weapon, it would take a greater weapon than that to fell a titan." She tells the party her story. Of the origin of mortals. Of the Twins' jealousy. Of the myrmekes. Of the fall of her siblings. Of Kyrah having her old divine portfolio. She offers her greater boon (blessing of speed) in exchange for an oath to free her (stopping sacrifices meant to quiet the sleeping god or to Sydon, or a major sacrifice to Chalcia, or an erthquake, or a journey through fire in the volcano...). Then the body falls to the ground, Kyrah is trembling and trying to get her composure back. She'll say she sensed something arriving, let it happen as she was curious about it.

DM's Guide to Odyssey


Scorpion Island Understanding the Curse

Centaurs turn to scorpions at 18. The change is irreversible and they lose their personality. Additionally, they turn to dust if they try to leave the island before. The exception is the follwing : if someone becomes their life partner, they can leave the island as long as its with them. If that person dies the centaur has until that persons soul passes into the afterlife (typically three -six months, what death is busy - see Isle of the Lost) and then they turn into scorpion fellows. Pholon is a great encounter to foreshadow Scorpion Island, and should be encountered during labours or at Mytros. The lotus witch did this to punish their arrogance, as the only way to live is to be subservient and "friendly" to others. Also see the Constellation story. Still it's a terrible curse, and some could find she should be ashamed of making it (Charampoulos) Negociating with the Lotus Witch

Your team might ask her to release the kids, and / or to remove the curse. If they were polite and had some success at answering her questions, you could have her accept in exchange of a quest : have her sibblings at Island of Time accept her return, in which case she would leave this island. Riddle : They are two sisters, one does give birth to the other, and at their own time the latter give birth to the former. Answer : Day and Night. She abused of her power (Crashgem)

She could have been outcast for an abuse of her power, basically she uses it to bully and manipulate people, at one point she even set herself up as a godlike being (the sphinx feel that while they are superior in everyway, and all powerful, that was taking things too far) - essentially hubris was her greatest crime (CrashGem). Stair's windows

The stairs's windows are somewhat lame. You could have them show important events from the past to have them learn Thylea's history instead. Thylea's ascension, creating islands in a forgotten sea, then Kentimane eating her fruits and the Titan's birth. A Titan crafting forbidden things (alien insects, the caduceus, portals...), then punished by his father. Sydon, Lutheria and Kentimane fighting strange native gods, then winning with the aid of Scylla. A City populated by Sirens sinking due to Sydon's wrath. Estor breaking the Gygan empire then bedding Lutheria. Damon finding the fabled Caduceus, giving it to Karpathos, and his treason. Mytros centurions besieging Aresia, led by Pythor, and their assault failing at the last moment. Who really is the Lotus Witch (Kairos)

So let’s see who is the Lotus Witch per raw

The sphinx is an exile from the Island of Time. We don't know why she was exiled. She hates those who destroy knowledge (centaurs) and punished them, cursing them. Instead of killing she reverts those who defied her in the tower into infants.


DM's Guide to Odyssey

About the island of time, her hometown : “Who or what constructed this place is unknown to anyone—even the gods know nothing of it”. What is a Sphynx ?:

Riddles and knowledge. In d&d : servants of gods that protect artifacts. And time sheningams. So they still follow the idea of protectors and of a neutral party. Originally in the myth of Oedipus, it was not clear what was the riddle (the theater play of Oedipus Rex solidified as we know today). According to an old tradition (Pausanias to be precise) the sphinx was not a monster, instead she was the daughter of Layo (Oedipus father) who knew the secret of the Theban kings. After the death of Layo those who attempted to guess the secret were killed, Oedipus did learn the secret in a dream and was accepted as the legitimate successor and King : a form of kingmaker.

First impressions

If she was just evil and threatened the multiverse or the protection of their tasks then she would have being killed by the Isle of Time's Sphynxes, not exiled. She is an exile, so she did something that displeased her sibblings or broke the sphinxes laws, putting time and other things at risk, but not irredeemable threats. As she death-cursed the centaurs because of their arrogance, we know she is not good aligned. Just sit there & protecting artifacts doesn't seem her moto. Island of Time could have been built by Thylea, as Sphinxes are agents of ascended Thylea.

Sphynxe's task for here & Island of Time

It's more like she sees herself as an agent, with a task. A task that her sibblings didn't support : she has a temper and was banished from the Island of Timr, but continues her work : Select candidates to share godhood with. The Lotus Witch knows the secret of Godhood, and many other things. But more importantly she in a way can know if someone can have the wood to be a king or god. Asking questions and riddles have been proved to not always be a good method of testing, that’s what the old fashioned Sphinxes of the island of Time do. She will test the heroes in her own way. Those who gain her favour answering her questions she will guide to the Island of Time, as she thinks they can change the future. The others she turns into babies. Prepare Noah's ark. As someone who can see into the future she knows that Thylea is doomed. And while she can survive the cataclysm that will come, the cultures and the people of Thylea would be lost and that is unacceptable. Collecting Lore of course is fun and nice. Collecting visitors from this land, she has in a way created an Noa ark, if the worst happens the races of Thylea will be still saved. To her it is not an evil thing, she saves them for a better world as they aren't fit to change this one.

Yonder Turtle World

On the road to Yonder have them encounter the Turtle World so they can trade their stuff. Had non healing potions's cost divided by 2. Note that the Sea Turtle travels between worlds, so either consider they are stranded here and can't leave, or tell that the Turtle goes were the undersea current wills : the sea people never knows where they will end up to, whiwh wouldn't make for a suitable transport. Yonder Heist (CrashGem, earthcubed)

Besides Praxis itself, Yonder is the main base of the entire bad guy army. A prolonged front door battle just won't work, make it clear to them beforehand this is an extremely well defended island. Allow for recon & inflitration : they know they need the gear (some important books/scrolls/intel) and maybe to free the dragon(s) or assassinate Gaius. After their raid, Gaius won't pursue them, he's got an invasion to prepare. My game

Yonder was played in a 6 hours session, as a Heist. They hid in a cove and avoided the tower. They had intell on the library : They used Versi's daily divination on the way here to find about Anthykera and Dragonlord's weapon. So they knew "the enemy of your enemy's enemy has it". As they have many weapons already, made the Dragonlayer's weapon a Krytonite-like token to attach to a weapon instead. They knew Gaius has VO's armour as chief of the Order (from Xander). They had Aesop's message about the 4 missing bronze dragons, but didn't see any reason they could be there. They didn't know about the prisonners, Chondrus told them, which made them change their plan (one is Lost One's cpatain, Enigma stole the White Book from the library, lost it at Island of Time facing Sphynx, and was taken prisonner again and they tortured him to know where the book was). They explored with arcane eyes, several spells, so they understood how the place works. Eye read Gaius's note, they didn't understand who the horned arcanist was until it saw Chondrus going out of his room to take a book. They sent 2 invisible characters to meet him, they discuss, he took his stuff (including his history books) and joined the others to part gifts and ask for passage (a big yes, they just asked him why he so much wanted to come : present them to his mistress to negociate new oath, nothing more to do here as Gaius wants him removed, Sydon wants full scale war not Lutheria). But doomed one was still weary, knows from Fates she wants him dead. Lost One bard was buffed, invisible and gaseous form to enter prison, cast sleep on guards, potion of gaseous form on outsider prisonner so he flees, stealth to take armour then dim door with Enigma. I asked a Luck Roll to know if alarm was given soon, they rolled a 1 so were attacked by Argyn on the way back, it was fun to see them scrambling to the Ultros pursued by Argyn.

What are The Fates ? (Josh) Purpose assign mortals their fates, and cut them short before they get out of hand. Desire

enjoy ironic destinies and cruel twists. Hate their jokes ruined by oracles telling mortals.

Allegiance personifications of a force of nature in thylea, like the erinyes are for oaths = true neutral. What they personifications of destiny, a force of nature in are thylea, akin to a unique form of nymphs.

Encounter with the Fates

You have to choose how to interpret The Fates : The Greek Fates were cruel in a way but more neutral than pure evil like these. In Greek mythology, they're neutral, they wouldn't bargain like these hags do. These Fates looks like they were taken from Macbeth, it makes them just like a Night Hags coven combat encounter, which allows even to take the Loom from them, with role playing propositions many normal heroes will refuse. Also, while the world thinks the Fates are all-seeing and allpowerful, they didn't see the Oracle's Chosen coming to kill them... We provide different solutions : The Fates as a greater power (Logain)

Take this option if you feel that normal hags shouldn't deceive the Gods who come to the Fates, to make deals with them. It becomes a roleplaying encounter with one of the biggest power on Thylea, a mythic feel. Add to each of the Fates the action "Loom work : snap a thread to kill an opponent, success on a Wisdom save DC 20 allows him to fall at 0 HP instead (magic resistance has no effect against this)" and give them boss advantages & resurrection. Remember the doomed one needs to either make a bargain with the Fates, or steal the loom, you may need to adapt. In my game she gave a life for information and her greater item, and was happy with it. Just Hags with an artifact (close to raw)

In this case, the Fates are readers of fate only, they play this big powerful entity, but it's the loom made from an extraplanar dragon's bones they found that lets them read fate. Their evil nature uses it to manipulate mortals and gods into thinking they're this insurmountable entity, but they're just hags at the end of the day. Or it is a sentient Loom of Fate born from Thylea that uses the hags. Keep it as hags with non acceptable offers becoming a classic combat encounter, and they know a fight is probable. When The Fates die, you can have Versi propose to become your "The Fates Warlock" new patron. You could even make them revive and go after the heroes to search for their Loom.

Island of the Fates DM's Guide to Odyssey


Daughters of Adrasteia (churrodog)

The Fates are daughters of the original Weaver, a spider who lived in Thylea's hair when she first came to make this world. Their cavern is currently hollowed out from the Weaver's body, spinneret intact to continue weaving threads of fate for the daughters to manipulate. Replace shambling mound with a nerfed Theros woe strider, have the medusa servant participate, bound by oath of service to the Fates. No lamia. Split GG solo boss hps, damage & paragon actions, add each got one legendary resistance, maybe also foresight. The maiden got an "unravel the thread" ability (recharge 5-6) and a few enchantment spells; the matron was tanky and got a "mistress of curses" ability (recharge 4-6) from the Book of Beautiful Horrors crones, as well as some evocation spells; the crone was squishy but had unlimited finger of death spells and the grim jester "mock the dying" and "ridicule hope" (recharge 4-6) abilities. Whenever someone went down in the cave, an ephemeral golden thread appeared tethered to their torso. The crone would take out rusty scissors and move towards them. After Fates are defeated, have the party face Adrasteia. Thousands of tiny spiders leave the loom behind, emerging from crevasses and shadows around the cavern, carpeting the floor. They swarm the corpses of the Fates, dismembering their limbs and dragging their pieces to the center of the room. With spider silk, they begin stitching the body parts together, and you see a single monster begin to take shape, a vaguely female humanoid shape fused with a vaguely arachnid body, her hair made of spider webbing, in a voice that sounds like the movements of many spider legs clicking and rubbing together to produce the frequencies of speech, she says, “Damn your prophecy! You cannot kill me. I am Adrasteia, the daughter of Fate. Even my mother could not stop me. What could mortals possibly do?” A blood-red braid of three interwoven threads emerges from her back, tethering her to the loom. Alternate Fates Pawns of Lutheria ?

The Fates could be corrupted by Lutheria, who wanted her own Oracle pawn after Versi the first's demise. In that case feel free to add an intrigue to have the characters help the Fates break lose from that (maybe they became Hags because of corruption), in which case they will give a bargain part freely to the heroes. Then The fates will drive their warlock (if any) to destroy Lutheria and eventually supplant her as god of death. Corrupted by Apokalypsis (DerErlenkonig)

What if the thing that corrupted the Fates was the Apokalypse itself? Since they see the extremely awful future, that withered their souls and turned them evil. Bargains (kjell)

Either they love their job, and are happy to talk about it, or you keep them bargaining : the Fates sell information on what the future is likely to be and how to change it, to fuel their imortality, their purpose.


DM's Guide to Odyssey

To make the bargaining of the fates a bit more interesting (as right now it's more a checkbox if you're a psychopath or not), you can use this system. Check the importance of the bargain first : Questions category


World & lore, free from the Oath of Peace.


Breakthroughs in epic paths not linked to gods. Average Major breakthroughs in epic paths linked to gods Major (Doomed One, Haunted One).

The hags propose to take specifics parts of the PC as their part of the bargain, which has to choose & accept without knowing the exact effect : Give me your...

Cost A PC that accepts this bargain...


Minor gains disadvantage on History, Arcana, Religion or Nature checks.


Minor gains disadvantage on saving throws related to fear effects.

manhood Minor cannot have childs anymore after a fathering a newborn hag. strength

Minor gains disadvantage on Strength-based checks and saves.


Minor imposed one disadvantage to a skill or attack roll each session, dm's choice.

dragon Average give a dragon egg. egg final breath

Average dies after 2 failed death saving throws.


Average reduce movement by 10 feet.


Average gains disadvantage on Perception and Insight checks.


Average gains disadvantages on Charismabased checks.

swiftness Average gains disadvantage on initiative rolls. breath

Major gains only half his hit points during a short or long rest.

body Major gains disadvantage on saving throws resilience related to strength, dexterity and constitution. mind Major gains disadvantage on saving throws resilience related to charisma, intelligence and wisdom. agility

Major gains disadvantage on Dexterity-based checks and saves.

endurance Major gains disadvantage on Constitutionbased checks and saves. second life

Major remove one of Doomed One's lives

They bet on a probable future in which the heroes fail, while Versi bets on an unlikely future in which the heroes succeed. Thus they know Versi's efforts with the heroes menaces the probable future. They have no interest in the heroes succeeding, hence their harsh offers.

Themis Island (CrashGem & me)

Many changes from the book's lore are proposed, especially by CrashGem. To enter this plot : an amazon characters would know some rumours from the 13 years old events, or Vallus's exiled guards. a discussion with Moxena in Mytros would give her point of view. if your PCs did not play the Cult of Snakes side quest, have Moxena and some of her allies apply to the Ultros's crew, or as stowaways (they have the money they need to foment a counter coup). Even if they end up being captured or killed, your party will end up having info on the Themis plot. Hatria from the Great Games shows support to Praxis's athletes, which shows Themis moved from neutral to Titan's side. Doesn't feel like the size of things and the time spent in places has been really factored in vs the 60 days. If you use the "league instead of miles" scale, the island will look very big. Make the ship arrive near the commercial port, who himself is not far from the temple and the (empty?) palace. The coup

13 years ago, Lutheria, always down for treachery and betrayal, convinced 3 amazon sisters (Leah, Nastura, and Moxena) that they would be better rulers than the current Queen Thesilea VI. She aided the efforts of the three sisters, gifting them with powerful magics, and promised them an unkillable monster (the Hydra, who ate Titansbane to hide it). Lutheria makes that move to control the mazons herself (maybe they were neutral, or maybe they were under Sydon's Yala patronage ?). The sisters staged a coup against their leader, which cursed them, turning them into Medusa. They killed Queen Thesilea V and all her blood relations except her daughter, Darien, who was spared. Themis rumours

13 years ago, the queen became very ill. When she recovered she was tinged with madness, now, she often feels like two different people, neither resembling the queen in her youth. The quality of the queen’s guard’s armor and weapons has recently become the stuff of legends. It’s said those most loyal to the queen often receive weapons and armor of unmatched quality Nastura and Leah's dark rituals

Nastura and Leah are lifemates, and use Lutheria's rituals : Silver helmet. Their helmet functions both as a powerful helm of disguise and non detection, using Thesilea’s bloodline (a dark ritual using Darien's blood) to flawlessly impersonate the queen, so that no amazon knows the truth. The pair often switch roles. They become simple helms of disguise without the ritual. Chosen of Lutheria. Using the Hydra's bile through another dark ritual, they become unkillable and eternal : only weapons soaked in the hydra’s blood can harm the two sisters. One hit with such a weapon, they become vulnerable for a time (an hour).

Lutheria's Blessing. This last dark ritual is also done for the pair's elite guards. It makes the target immune to petrification and coul give some other advantages. Leaves a mark, a twining knot of snakes (celtic knot) on the neck. For a more challenging encounter for Nastura and Leah, use the stats of Hythonia from Mythic Odysseys of Theros (though you may wish to remove her Shed Skin ability) or make one an Euryale. Moxena

Moxena was the only one to break Lutheria's charm. Disgusted by what she and her sisters had done, she fled Themis, vowing to raise an army and return to restore the power of the throne to the rightful bloodline (or to herself if necessary), no matter what the cost. The reason could be one or both of : Moxena could be in love with Darien (Romantically Darien isn't a teenager) Moxena thinks restoring her to the throne will cure her curse. She wants to join the ittiménos Tribe, a small tribe opposed to queen who still supports the 5 gods (or Yala, the Amazon patron?). The sacred temple

It's somewhat strange that the sacred temple hosts the prison, the temple and the palace. It could be interesting to change and have different locations. If you keep original map, just consider that since they took power the sisters seldom are in the palace and dwell in this secured fortification. The sacred temple could be originaly built by the Dragonlords during the first war as an outpost used in the battles here. When the Dragonlords left, the structure was abandoned, the Queen repurposed it into a max security prison about 13 years ago. You can change chambers, for example : invert 11 and 12 to make the temple "public" (otherwise the temple is more of a private shrine to the Queen). add or tranform the men's rest room to be an alchemical lab used for the dark rituals, with Darien's blood vials, a pentacle, and potions of reduce size. Hydra

She looks strong but she will fight alone and has bad saves : many spells can neutralize her. You can consider she's blessed with a divine spark by Lutheria (legendary resistance) or use paragon rules (angrygm or GiffyGlyph's). Brondt

Brondt is a prisonner, his size prevents him from going out. He needs a potion of reduce or similar magic to escape, he was given one to enter. You can add two fire island lizardfolk who are forced to assist him in his smithing and sleep in the prison. One is close friends with the disposed lizardfolk queen. Encounters

Also people don't fight to the death usually. Combat can start and stop. Heck combat is a role play encounter if you dont just look at the numbers. DM's Guide to Odyssey


Themis Heist - social & intrigue

Goal : turn most of the Temple exploration into more of a social intrigue encounter. Means : Disguise, pretense, stealth, until the final confrontation, run it as a heist. Skill check to scout out, plan, prepare : they explain what they're gonna do and how it'll help e.g. getting amazon clothing/guard uniforms, trying to find plans to the temple, etc, then they roleplay through what they do. During steps 1 and 2, the women PCs can pretend to be amazon or guests, the guys to be servants (you could consider they've brought in new captives if you told your players adult men are usually banished) or cross dressing as women, think FFVII. For male characters to enter in coming social skill checks, a disguise check is needed (for example to enter Commercial Port unnoticed as women or servants). A failure counts as a skill challenge failure as his cover was busted which raised alarm. The main goal of the infiltration should be to expose the queen (Exile Epic Path & and win the loyalty of the amazon for the battle with the Titans & Haunted One Epic Path), to free Brondt to get a Jancan companion, to kill the Hydra to get Titansbane (Timeless One & Titan immunity lore). Skill failures : think about what you do if they botch a roll or interaction, instead of "the gig is up, fight your way out" it just costs a skill challenge failure. Moxena gave general infos if she tried negociate, if killed infos were found in the colossus, or if Cult of the Snake was skipped she can be on The Ultros as a a stowaway with some friends and her money. PART 1 - Gathering info skill challenge:

Start a skill challenge (3 failures end it, 7 successes win it). Step 1. Bypass Ultros's interception by Amazon Triremes (either Survival to hide in a nearby cove, or Persuade / Deception to be admited in the port). One success is needed to start step 2. Step 2. Bypass the foot patrols. Stealth (with advantage if at night), Deception or Persuade check vs guards to enter tavern or other places. One success is needed to start step 3. Step 3. Get infos in the commercial port. Each character / companion cas try once. Successful intimidate or persuade or deception check gives following informations, in that order: 1. There’s a banquet taking place tonight / tomorrow in honour of Hatria the athlete, in front of the Queen’s temple, as she won a medal at the Games. 2. Thessliea VII uses that place for a living as she seldom goes to the palace or elsewhere anymore. She supervizes delivery of fine quality weapons and armours to tribes renewing their Oath of Service 3. Yala, child of Sydon and ancient patron of the amazons attends. 4. The Queen’s Hydra guards the place, it is rumoured she has an underwater access. 5. Ancient map of the prison complex (will give one auto success next phase). Having difficulties on steps 1 and 2 will mean less info.


DM's Guide to Odyssey

Allow one auto success if Moxena is with the group (Moxena will advise hiding in a cove, then go to commercial port by foot under disguise, and has connexions : an Ittimenos rogue will agree to guide them and will provide Amazon clothes, and an official entry to the banquet). PART 2 - Banquet infiltration skill challenge.

The queen is hosting a banquet of the amazon tribal chiefs amongst the statues at the entrance of the complex, honouring Hatria, and cementing alliances. Improvise a skill challenge based on what they do (which is why you want them to tell you their rough plan before). Allow things like the queen at the banquet has a key to the cell, so the players being guests need to distract her while one of the players thats a waiter pickpockets her, get info from attendees on social checks...

PART 3 - Exploring the dungeon

They need to get to the dungeons, rescue darien and Brondt, find evidence of the Queen’s fake posture etc. Have on the way skill checks: a few traps (Perception to see, Investigate to disable), closed doors (Thieves Tools or magic or Athletics to open) patrols (but don't run any combat) : deception / persuade / stealth. What about the underwater entrances? Can have an 'alert level' which goes up the more failures they have : 1st level, guards are more aware - disadvantage to Persuade checks. 2nd level, additional guards - disadvantage to Stealth checks., 3rd level, the guests are asked to leave and guards go to search for intruders : failure. - disadvantage on Deception checks. If they are seen or recognized, the person finding them is confident they can call down hell at any moment, they don't need to immediately jump to bloodshed. They can hope to gain something from the players. Laboratory

Adamantium locks on laboratory & Moxena's doors making it difficult to enter. Brondt can make adamantium Thive's Tools in 1 hour, or keys must be stolen from The Queen or Leah, or teleport like spells looking through key opening. Laboratory content: Scroll of "Impersonate" ritual involving blood from targets bloodline & prayers to Lutheria. Scroll of "Chosen of Lutheria" ritual using Hydra bile & prayers to Lutheria and Oath of service. Becomes unkillable and eternal : only weapons soaked in the hydra’s blood can harm. Scroll of "Queen’s Blessing" ritual using prayers to Lutheria and Oath of service. Makes you immune to petrification. Potion of Reduce x10 Darien's blood vial. Spilling it on someone benefiting grom impersonate would neutralize it, as can be deduced by a DC15 Arcana check in the secret lab in which Darien's blood is transformed. Once they have darien, they have to get away, each person says how they plan to get out and rolls a corresponding check

It is possible they can reveal Nastura's real face as being that of a Medusa : through a difficult Dispel Magic, by spilling the queen or Leah with a vial of Darien's blood. the Queen will also reveal her face if a fight goes badly for her or if she's provoked into it. In that case the players characters don't need to roll persuade, and will face "only" the most loyal people. They also will have more allies : regular amazons will flee during the first round of combat, but the Queen will need to kill all witnesses not loyal to her, pushing her to kill fleeing people instead of defending against heroes during the first rounds. For such a fight, you can consider : Moxena and Leah neutralize themselves. If freed and not reduced, Brondt could hold the Hydra. You can consider Hydra is in her cave if the fight is too hard for PCs.Hydra would kill then eat her slave master if she his convinced, earning 2 precious rounds. Yala doesn't intervene. She wouldn't be displeased of gaining influence on the amazons. PART 5 - Yala’s attempt

Themis was neutral, then under Sydon's control through Yala, then Lutheria took over. Yala was the Amazon's patron before the whole coup. Shows Sydon and Lutheria have disputes. Yala could challenge Darien to a non lethal duel for leadership of the amazons if the queen is deposed. Darien will invoke being weak from prison, and nominate the heroes as her champion. Yala will answer "It's supposed to be one champion...but hey, bring 'em on, I don't care". You could consider she's one of the kids who isn't outright evil-aligned, and could only ask to be reinstated as patron of the amazons, telling she didn't know of Lutheria's schemes, as she hasn't seen her for centuries.

PART 4 - Deposing the Queen

Exposing the Queen would need proofs they could find during the dungeon exploration, then revealing them during the banquet. This should be a final battle encounter, between the queen's loyalists and the "rebels". It is possilble they will tell Moxena's story with minor proofs only. They roll Persuade checks against the attendees's resistance DC, see table. In case of success, that faction is convinced. In case of failure by 5 or more, they will assist the queen. The Queen and Leah will not reveal their medusa powers and give orders, then use only normal weapon attacks. DM's Guide to Odyssey


The Forgotten Sea Island


11.Island of the Dragon

11.The Dragon


Travel hook & other interests

Title fits, Demi god, Moxena, story less Pytor's pc wife if any, a bard npc close to the PCs that was abducted and sent away at start of Mytros chapter & Ophea

12.Aerie 13.The Spear of the Roc

Try remove sailor threat ? The Exile

13.Typhon 10.The Ant

Titan's Folly is outer plane access

14.Garden of Helios

14.The Chariot

Chariot Dragon slayer, Gifted sun One, Zephyr symbol encounter & fortress of the Dragonlords

15.Island of Time

12.The Nymph

Timeless Revamped Lost One & One Lotus Witch, Aging knows dragons, Lotus Witch quest

16. Praxis 16.The Titan 17. Charybdis

17.The Dreamer

Cursed One, Revamped Lost One, remove dragon corruption

Story Meeting Sydon, Many makes it Epic paths... clear Chondrus Nether Sea access knows


Some constellations are hard to guess. You could : Give info when speaking about Helios that the Chariot is often linked to the forgotten sun god, who rides it during the day to give sun to Thylea. Nymphs could be said to have been created in the island of Time from Dryads and gods. My Nymphs gained a Timeless One Epic Path part and know that story. Spear mentions an Estorian event, so either that story shouldn't be the one known when Antikythera was made, or said king was Estor.

Aerie of the Roc

Unless you have an Exile (see new Epic paths), island is quite weak and can be cut. Make it a "mandatory" sea encounter to fill the last part of a session.

Island of the Dragon

There are several ways to play the encounter with Hexia. If you have a demi god, or had a PC wed Pythor, you have someone very interested in resolving the Hexia problem, probably by killing her, but not only. If your characters were curious about the Dragonlords and had them find evidence Hexia was into the order and married to Pythor before, they might want to discuss with her.


DM's Guide to Odyssey

Hexia and Pythor were married in Thylea. Marriage involves oaths. The two vowed never to harm each other, but that doesn't stop Hexia from harming all of Pythor's loves. Pythor seldom takes new oaths since then (in my game PCs sacrificed Basilisks to him after freeing Anora so they benefited from his oath of service), even with his new wives. Hexia's monologues

See Kaleton's work at the end of the document on presenting Hexia's monologues the PCs would hear when they advance in her lair. They could lead to dicsussion. Fighting Hexia

Hexia needs some support if there is to be a memorable fight, you can add some Fey (Nymphs / Satyrs) Bards. Hexia variant stats : https://www.electricrain.net/2021/08/29/hexia-mercury-dragon/ Animated statues (pukuni)

Give Hexia the ability to animate some of the petrified musicians she’s got from Moxena like the Medusa on Lesbos from Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey does. Your PCs will know that destroying a statue means killing one of Hexia's prisonner, being almost worse than her (remember Basilic bile or Stone to Flesh allows to sort of raise them). Also add lair actions (Green dragon spells ?) and auto save successes from Paragon actions. Hexia's eggs (lordoftime)

I'm adding an egg from Hexia - using the amazing speech from the DM Guide, but adding the additional flair that Pythor abandoned her after she had eggs, and at least one is still viable in her acid pool. Her death (oe redemption) will be the trigger of the egg hatching, a bronze dragon with some green-eyed heterochromia that could join the order of the dragonlords. But some rolepley will be needed to explain what happened to mum.

Island of Time

So what is happening here ? A mysterious island, mysterious Sphinxes, Titan slaying arrows, and the Island just vanishes when the heroes leave. So wtf is going on ? Island of Time looks weak as raw it has no sense which might frustrate your players, but has potential. You need to link it more to the story, otherwise players just won't understand what's going on... same as you... Maybe the Sphinxes who were created by Thylea test visitors, looking for heroes who can drive Thylea to a positive future, to give them tools to achieve that result, including in my campaign aging dragons, then leave, their job done. They are calmly waiting / hoping for that since ages, and Lotus Witch having a temper left to Scorpion Island to have better visibility to test the visitors and show them the path to the Island of Time. Read Scorpion Island for more on the Sphinxe's task. So Time Island Sphinxes will test the PCs's wisdom & mettle (visiting 2 places or bold enough to visit 3), battle skills through combat without mercy (if the PCs die, they aren't made for the task), intelligence (riddles)... A fun thing, whatever your players do, consider they did the good thing to become Thylea's chosen. 0. Timeless one's hut

A passage leads to Gynosphynxe's hut, where the Timeless one lived. But only the Timeless One sees it, but it doesn't count against the 3 locations. Going there allows for some discussion with the strange Gynosphynx. 1. The Pit of Stars - might

I had 2 Hieracosphynxs fight my level 9 team for this test of might. Using their time trick well can make for a memorable fight. Opening the vault allows to get a (small) boon against the Titans. If you use the White Book of Thylea, it is in there too, the Sphinxes took it from Enigma who took it from Yonder, then they returned Enigma to Yonder. 2. The Stone Table - intelligence

Used the same way the Lotus Witch turns people into babies, read Noah's Ark in the Sorpion Island part. You might have a Sphinx with riddle games here for each player character to propose them a test of wits : losing a riddle sends you on the table. Those that succeed must succeed the other tests to liberate them, and of course it depends a lot on the order they chose (Pit of Stars first means bigger chances of winning the fight with a full team). Wheel of Fortune variant (knightveritas) Instead of the Stone Table on the Island of Time, we have... the Frozen Wheel! With the same unconscious people with crazy hair situated, but instead of around a table, they're placed as if playing a game around the Wheel of Fortune. It can move, but they cannot.

If you have a Lost One / character from outside, show it is his people invading Thylea, to have him decide if he really should go back home or not... If not, hint that those people and the ogres come from outside, which could be a way to convince come PCs Thylea needs to remain shut. Maybe if you use the White Book of Thylea, show Kentimane being killed by strangers in third or fourth vision while trying to keep them out, and Thylea crying. Maybe make views of the telescope 0/10/100/1000/10000 years instead to make those events less distant. Informations found here could be used during Androsphynxe's riddles, or the Gynosphynx could appear after they use the telescope to test their wisdom, asking them what they saw and what they think about it, what they would do with that knowledge. Giving absolutely no clue or answer as to what could be a good or wrong answer. Ending the island of Time

When the player characters decide to stop visiting the island, a sphynx tells the player characters they are deemed successful and are allowed to spend time here. Androsphynx - Courage

If your characters visit locations 1 to 3, consider they are alloed to face the last test, the test of courage. When faced and defeated, the Androspinx will raise. Gynosphynx - Wisdom

If your characters chose to visit only 2 locations and obey the Gynosphynxe's advice, consider they succeeded in a (second ?) test of wisdom. The Gynosphynx will appear. Time chamber to grow dragons

You can consider time fluctuates in strange ways here. Thanks to the Androsphynx or the Gynosphinx, see possible endings, the time flow could change so that each day on that island would mean 1 year aging for the people setting foot there. That means the raised dragons can become of young age (see Here Be Dragons part) after 5 days, but don't forget the end of the Oath is near, so the player characters won't stay for too long ! The Fates & the Lotus Witch know of that possibility and can tell that information against a bargain. The island will disappear for good anyway after the heroes prove they are Thylea's chosen, so the time chamber shouldn't be much of a problem for post Battle of Mytros stuff.

3. Overlook - wisdom

Overlook's purpose will be to give hints on the possible future to Thylea's possible rulers and gods. Some are beyond the scope of this adventure. DM's Guide to Odyssey


Garden of Helios Problems with raw situation :

raw, Helios lives on the smaller island next to the island named after him, but the PCs have no way of knowing this, so they'll most likely ignore it and venture up the cliffs to the main island, where they will meet with the cyclopes, who will invite them to join Helios ... on the other island. But there's no indication of how they get from one island to the other. Consider the cyclopes have galleys, and a fortified port. Also, what are the 1 and 2 on the map for? There are no corresponding numbered locations in the text. The cyclopes wear AC16 armor, chainmail. Why is Helios stupid, breaking hospitality rules ?

Introducing Helios

the land encounter with Zepyros. his false son at the Siren's roost. research on gods at the academia / Yonder library, or questions to Lotus Witch / Fates should give results.

Common knowledge for players :

Helios is represented as a radiant, golden-haired man. His portfolio is the domain of light, coming from the sun. As Thylea is a demi-plane, he is charged of crossing the sky every day aboard his chariot of dawn, to bring sun to Thylea. He makes infrequent visits to mainland Thylea, mostly to check on various ancient shrines that were constructed to honor him, centuries ago. He is still revered by many small tribes of native creatures, including cyclopes, nymphs, centaurs, and satyrs. Somewhat like Pythor, he loves women of all sort, and some bastards are said to be his. But unlike him he travels under disguise. Uncommon knowledge :

There is an almost forgotten legend that the skin of “the Sun God” grants immortality to any who wear it. He's supposed to live at the Gardens of Helios, an island inhabited by Cyclops who serve him. He made them build a fortified port there during the last decades. History books suggest he exists since less than a millenia, as he was given the sun portfolio from Sydon, who had it from an old forgotten god.

The Flying Fortress

You could replace the Instant Fortress by a cool small Flying Fortress, the one Damon build that Sydon conquered. The place at the lake is just a place he meets people. Helios now lives in the stolen flying fortress of the dragonlords with a Jancan artificer and some Cyclop guards, and a fey steward with his charmed humanoids. A bound fire elemental drives his chariot everyday from there. A steam elemental generates clouds around the castle. You can play it as a small dungeon after Helios is dispatched. Interrogated Cyclops will tell there is a hidden castle in the clouds. The Chariot will be available at night to move there. Most inhabitants will take their chance at combat, but flee or surrender rather than fight to death. If the team has a Dragon Slayer :

The dragon slayer is one of Helios's childs, and he will recognize him as he'll see fire in his eyes. Helios was recently warned by Sydon (who had it from the Fates) that his death would come from one of his children. He killed those he knew of (hence the destruction of the dragonslayer's village, but he was away). You should also have Axios be murdered at Mytros. When they meet, he will try to divert his attention to win him some time and create a dangerous situation where he could lose his life, mentionning the dragonslayer's prey might be a dragon like Hexia, Ventis, or one of Praxis's dragons. Maybe the one to kill him is another of his childs ? Helios's fate :

Helios (NE polymorphed adult gold dragon) came on Thylea as a wyrmling 600 years ago, blown off course while flying between continents. At first, he was merely a dragon masquerading as a god by dazzling his worshippers with his polymorphed form. Centuries ago, Helios swore an oath of service to Sydon in order to protect his island and the flying fortress of the dragonlords he hides in the clouds, and received godhood in exchange, as well as the Sun Godess's domain (from the Lost Pantheon).

A better story migh be having Helios betray the rules of hospitality on purpose when he sees he won't win the fight, both to survive the dragonslayer (better be on the island of the oathbreakers, under the protection of the only entities Lutheria cannot cross : the Furies, than lose his life) and to avoid commanding his Cyclops children to war. Helios is terrified of death in Thylea, as he knows Lutheria consumes the souls of the dead. Helios has only the faintest traces of good left in his heart, which manifests in the love he has for his “children” the cyclops of his island. He is sad that his cyclops will have to go and fight in Sydon’s war.

Behaviour :

Kairos's version

DM information : History :

Helios is suspicious of anyone who comes to his island. Sydon warned him long ago that Thyleans would send heroes to kill and flay him for his beautiful golden skin. 46

In spite of his understandably suspicious nature, Helios is always pleased by the prospect of visitors. The company of cyclopes leaves much to be desired as they are crude, often violent folk. Helios also seeks knowledge about current events in Thylea. He will not reveal his dragon form to visitors until he has decided whether or not to devour them, or they directly attack him. The heroes will be on the menu if he decides they represent a threat to his domain, or to Sydon. He has been training his cyclopes to wear armor and to wield mauls, in preparation for the Titan’s forthcoming battle against the mortals of Thylea. However, Helios cares for his cyclopes as if they were his children, and he dislikes the idea of sending them to war.

DM's Guide to Odyssey



Your party and you need to anticipate this dungeon, otherwise either the only parts your party will go to are the throne room, or it could become a long boring random dungeon. Some kind of knoledge, like a vision by Versi telling "Sydon's home holds many ways to defeat him", will help raise your player's interest. There are many different views on how to handle Praxis. Sneaking in

The silver light

Silver light watch tower will pierce through any illusion, so how do heroes get there undetected? We can suppose heroes would get information on this from NPCs, like Chondrus, Sterros, Brondt... The Ultros needs to stop a few miles from Praxis to allow the PCs to sneak in. At around level 10, with their allies, they could be able to enter undetected by the star'sl light and Praxis's inhabitants. since the star is a prisoner, it wants the players to come free. The light might come across the players if they fail their stealthy entry, and pause like it’s considering something, then move on. But yet, no alarm would be raised. This could key the players into the idea that there’s something up with the light, that they should investigate. Going up using the pipe system.

Water intakes are easy to see and lead to the water pumps in the basement. From there the basement's bronze pipes (S4) lead to : Pipe 1 : Forge level (S5 water wheels & S10 golem workshop). Pipe 2 : The Heavens (S19 baths). Pipe 3 : Forge level (S13 kitchen, if tiny size).

In my version, heroes will be there to negociate with Sydon (not sure yet if he'll be there), also to spy on him. I suppose most Praxis residents, that is unless specified otherwise, should be like roleplay encounters : "ha, came to pay hommage to our lord Sydon ? We will escort you to guest rooms were you'll be able to rest until an audience is possible", allowing for sneaking & spying while Sydon buys himself time versus the end of the oath, and wouldn't attack on sight. If you play it as a dungeon, it might take days of dungeoneering versus the end of the oath because of long rests between endless fights. Also see the "Facing the Twin Titans part" Undermining Sydon's power at Praxis

The keys to an epic session are to have some of the following scenes happen before meeting Sydon : Finding Nephele and getting her help. Meeting the Furies and understand they don't care about Sydon. Opening the vault Meeting the star Meeting Hergeron p221 will give informations. Freeing him will colapse Praxys. Furies

Alecto – Punisher of moral crimes (anger, etc.) Megaera – Punisher of infidelity, oath breakers, and theft Tisiphone – Punisher of murderers

Alternate Sydon


Going up through the Elevator

The Forge S6 -> The Heavens S17 -> The Throne S36. Going up through the central stairs

Central stairs are heavyly guarded. Allies

They can get help from people like : Ramsus (S13). Hergeron (Chamber level 1). Prisonners (Chamber level 3). Nephele (Heavens, S25) Prisonners (heavens, S26). Main enemies

The ancient Sea Hag (Basement) Garzoon, the mad Jancan blacksmith (Forge level) Talieus, Sydon's children (Heaven level, S23) 3 corrupted dragons Chalcia, Sydon's child (Throne, S28)

An encounter-heavy dungeon ?

You have to plan if you want to run Praxis as a heavy encounter dungeon or not. DM's Guide to Odyssey


The Nether Sea Island of the Oathbreakers

The prisoners are guarded by an Ultroloth and some mezzoloths, you should consider they're meant to ensure that prisoners don't escape and they're fine with people coming to the island to talk with the prisoners, but they'll ask to be present to keep people from aiding others in escaping

Treasure of the dragonlords

If you need a decent justification of why Gregor Huorath would be dumb enough to try and store all the Dragonlord treasure IN LUTHERIA'S REALM? Seems awful foolish, without even considering the literal Kraken unleashing. 1. Lutheria's madness began to affect him? 2. Versi / the dragonlords wanted to hide it in the spot that it was least likely to be searched, right under Lutheria's nose next to a dangerous kraken's prison seemed like a good idea. And it was a nice place to hide... until the kraken escaped. Versi might have foreseen that the treasure would be safe and useful to the next dragonlords.


Hezzebal is the mate of the Brass Dragon killed on Fire Island by the Kraken. As such, he is the father of Fire island's eggs. If explained to him, even if not cured from his madness, he will realize that they are his children. He will depart the Nether Sea in search of the Kraken and leave his children in the party's care. He is unlikely to be seen again. He will be aware of this if cured, but will go nonetheless. Hezzebal specific actions (SirMixADrink) Illusory Flare (Costs 2 legendary actions).

Hezzebal carefully flashes his fire breath at the Cursed Mirrors, invoking their magic and granting him the effects of the Mirror Image spell. Blinding Flare (lair action).

Hezzebal creates a blinding flash against the Cursed Mirrors. All creature in Hezzebal's lair that can see him must make a DC15 Constitution Saving Throw, or be blinded for one minute. Creatures can repeat this save at the end of their turns, ending the effects on themselves on a success. Radiant Flare (lair action).

Hezzebal makes an otherworldly flash against the mirrors. Any Creature of Hezzebal's choice in his lair of must make a DC18 Wisdom Saving Throw or take 9 (2d8) Radiant Damage. Creatures who fail the save by 5 or more are Banished until initiative count 20 of the next round. Undead, Elementals, Fey, and Fiends have disadvantage on this saving throw.


DM's Guide to Odyssey


Also see the "Facing the Twin Titans part". Maybe add a sea ambush encounter with some Drowned Dead to weaken the PCs a bit before they reach Hypnos. Follow the guide.

If Chondrus is with your players, dungeon can be rather straightforward : he will try to take them to her and wouldn't be interested in visiting Hypnos. They could even fly from The Ultros to the top of the barge directly, making Hypnos quite short. In both case, i suggest you have trickster Kyrah or oracle Versi recommend to spy somewhat on her ship on the way in, in case they can find some hints or leverage in discussions (which is possible). Dungeon fight or visit ?

The only room where combat occurs because of denizens's actions raw is H7. You could change that if the players behave and visit. You should ask yourself if Lutheria would care if she lost servants during their visit ? I'd say she's goddeath of the grave and death, and mad, so she wouldn't care. Also she's a master schemer, and manipulating & discussing with the Heroes of the Prophecy should bait her into ignoring that. But maybe she'll just pretend she's offended by the PC's behaviour to gain some leverage in discussions. Lower level

The purpose of the lower level of the Hypnos is for the Lamia's to use their intoxicating touch on the party, and the jackalweres try to sleep gaze them all so they can be taken to Lutheria as prisoners. The intoxicating touch in particular is super dangerous against the party, since WIS saves are relatively common for Lutheria to cause. Consider replacing lamias with some maurezhis. Oathbreaking ?

Guest friendship

Of course Lutheria hasn't invited them, so no guest friendship. If they claim they followed Chondrus's invitation, she'll tell he's in disgrace & isn't the landlord here. Oath of Peace

If your players think they are protected by the oath of Peace, consider heroes entered uninvited and broke in invites legitimate defense in a waning Oath of Peace, should do the job regarding the Furies. Game of 20 squares stakes

The fact Lutheria chooses the stakes should be a surprise, but will be enforced by the coming of The Furies. You could allow a very difficult history check if you are nice, to have that known by a character beforehand. Discussing with the goddess of Dreams

Normaly previous sessions gave your players much intel (Chondrus from Yonder, Oresteia & Versi the first from Nether sea) to laugh at her jokes and play the Royal Game... Your players could want to : try negociate the Oath of Peace (which will fail raw)

see if there's really a split between Sydon and her (true), know what her plans are, about after the end of the Oath (shows no interest), know what she does about the dead (isle of the lost : gain power killing souls). PCs should also understand she's really mad. You could consider that she will give informations : 1 subject of interest to the PCs if she's in a better mood (they laughed to her jokes), 1 subject more if they play Game of 20 squares against her, given during the game. 3 subjects more if she wins the game. maybe more for good roleplaying and persuade checks. What would the "boons" won from losing the game of 20 squares be ? Informations, gifts, powers ? Why not some kind of alliance against Sydon ?

htt the-la

Alliance vs Sydon (Crashgem)

Lutheria playing 20 squares is such an epic scene but makes setting up the post game very difficult. I have her maneuvering against Sydon and allying with the heroes to make her post game plans easier to achieve and less “surprise I never really died lol!!!”. She is insane but she is also described as a master manipulator: she's both, and will embark the pcs in her schemes if they show respect laughing and or let her win : if she can take out her bro, get his power, and ally with the new powers that be... that all seems like a win for operation entropy If they dont laugh and win the game she's just too upset. Fighting Lutheria, or not

A fight is the expected outcome of this encounter by the book, but no fight can also be a nice variant. It sure is a better scene if it starts with roleplay before becoming a fight. There are several reasons discussion can transform into a fight: 1. PCs attack her outright. Depending on your play style and your player's, it can happen. 2. Shocked PCs attack because of Lutheria's behaviour (hints at madness, her jokes, after losing the Game of 20 squares, her demands versus an Oath of Peace renewal)... 3. You can have Lutheria attack if she loses the Game of 20 squares or if PCs don't show proper respect. 4. Lutheria will joke and provoke a Doomed One, but having the artifact that protects him from his doom might be enough for Lutheria to avoid starting a fight. 5. Haunted One. Lutheria should want to kill her to correct her mistake & HO needs to destroy the Scythe, making it a non combat encounter difficult, you'd need to adapt it. Make sure a fight against the goddess of death and dreams is something to be remembered : prepare it well and adapt her statblock to your group (the book's statblock certainly will be weak for your party). If you consider people killed by Lutheria's Scyte are unraisable (their soul were harvested, and only destroying the weapon would allow them to be raised), it will be a major problem if she flees with it. Alternate Lutheria : https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/1814915-the-lady-ofdreams DM's Guide to Odyssey


Lutheria's Lair Actions

On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Lutheria takes a lair action. She cannot use the same lair action twice in a row. She can cause one of the following effects: Dark Stride:

The Magical Lights on Hypnos create magical darkness instead of light, and Lutheria can move up to half her speed. After she has moved, the lights go back to normal. Waking Nightmare:

One creature on Lutheria's choice that she can see is affected by the Phantasmal Killer spell (wisdom saving throw, DC 20) until initiative count 20 of the next round. Summon Undead:

Lutheria summons up to two undead servants, wich move on initiative count 10. She cannot use this lair action again until all her summoned undead servants are dead, and the total CR of the servants cannot exceed 8. Power Word Kill

The Island of the Lost (Kaleton)

The Island of the Lost is several miles across, though its exact area is impossible to discern as it is covered in an eldritch mist of stars and dust that often draws those who wade into it towards unknowable horrors. Once, the Island of the Lost might have been a paradise for souls waiting to move on to their final resting places, but lately it has become a place of misery and suffering, where souls wander as their essence is slowly eroded away and used to power Lutheria’s magics. Across the island many gardens, great pillars, and marble ruins can be found. Coming to the Island

Once the party has reached the Nether Sea, they are capable of reaching the Island of the Lost. If the party has a Psychopomp in it, then visiting the Island of the Lost is part of their Epic Path. The Docks & Phylaskias & Merrenoloths

The docks of the Island of the Lost have long since fallen into disrepair, though they still show signs of having once been grand. Lengths of marble now pockmarked by the acidity of the Nether Sea stretch out like bleached white finger bones, some cracked and partially sunken. Shipwrecked triremes are partially beached here, clogging up the harbour. One or two Phylaskia guard the docks of the Island of the Lost, intending to ensure the separation of the living and the deceased. If Lutheria is slain, they gain two levels of exhaustion until she returns for the Apokalypsis. They are hostile to living creatures that attempt to make berth on the island; they do not attack servitors of Lutheria, such as Chondrus, lampads, merrenoloths, or PCs that have pacted with Lutheria. Such servants can allow access to the heroes. From the docks, one can occasionally catch glimpses of Merrenoloths as they pass by, rowing slowly against the strange waters of the Nether Sea. An Insight check #15 allows to understand they ferry nothing.


DM's Guide to Odyssey

As yugoloths, the Merrenloths can be bribed to aid the party - either in finding Hypnos, or even in shepherding some of the souls on the island to their eternal rest. Marble Ruins & Pillars Shades

Shattered temples, bathhouses, gymnasiums, and libraries are scattered across the island. These structures were once utilized by the souls of the departed while they rested and meditated on what was to come for them in the next life as they waited their turn to be ferried to the afterlife. Since Lutheria put the souls on the island to a new purpose, she stopped having her servants tend to the structures, letting them fall into ruin. Whatever treasures they once housed are largely decayed now. Stealing what objects remain may afflict the thief with the Curse of the Graverobber, at the DM’s discretion. Jutting up hundreds of feet into the strange skies of the Nether Sea, these marble pillars make eerie landmarks across the Island of the Lost. What their original purpose was, none can say. Climbing the pillars requires five DC 20 Athletics checks, one for each level. On a failure a creature begins slipping. Failing the DC by 5 or more causes a creature to plummet 10 ft x attempted level to the ground below. If a creature successfully ascends one of the Broken Pillars, they can see glimpses of Titan Island, the Mirror Prison, and several Puzzle Cubes. With a DC 25 Perception check, they may spot Talieus pulling Hypnos, Throne of Dreams. Dark Gardens & Lampads & Springs

Thorny gardens gone to seed and covered in wild bramble or otherwise left to turn to desiccated husks line broken streets and fill rolling black hills across the island. Once these were places of great beauty with fragrant flowers from across Thylea, and herbs of all manner, cultivated by nymphs for the pleasure of the shades that dwell on the island, but they have long been left to rot. PCs attuned to nature such as Druids and Nature Clerics may feel a profound sense of sorrow in these gardens. Springs of strange water can be found across the island. Pools of silver, mercury-like liquid remain, vats of basilisk blood, and fonts of black water with filled with shining stars are plentiful, though they all pose a risk to the living, and are unsafe for consumption. While exploring the gardens, the party may come across lampads, laying in the dead flowers, their arms folded over their chest as though they were a corpse in a coffin. Once the lampads tended to the needs of the shades on the island. Now, they are purposeless. Some still attempt to aid the shades, others to protect the island from threats, and some have gone mad, seeing the island so horribly perverted by Lutheria. Lutheria, mistress of the dead

Once, these were places for the souls of the deceased to rest and meditate as they waited their turn to be ferried off to their final resting places. In ages gone by, the merrenoloths would ferry the souls of those on the Island of the Lost to the Astral Plane through a gate. When the Five arrived on Thylea, they brought with them their conception of good and evil. The destinations began also to be gates to Elysium or Asphodel. But then, Lutheria has told them they no longer need to make the journey,

as she has put the souls on the island to a new purpose and sealed the gates.They have since fallen into ruin as in her madness Lutheria has elected to put the souls towards a different purpose, harvesting them to fuel her power. To her, the soul shades now are a power reserve that is slowly consumed and transformed. Discussing with the Phylaskias, Lampas, Shades and / or Merrenloths can allow to understand the situation. Fighting Undead.

If you have a combat heavy campaign : Some corporeal undead could roam the island. Any undead stats can work, but Returned (Kakomantis, Palamnite, and Sentry) are appropriate for enemies meant to be stronger than zombies, ghasts, and ghouls. For a truly difficult encounter, employ a nuckle. Use ghost stats if you truly wish to allow the party to engage against shades. If destroyed, these shades return to the Island of the Lost after 1d4 days. Shades of the Lost

The Shades on the Island of the Lost are the essence of souls who have passed on. They are incorporeal undead, but do not truly count as ‘creatures’ and as such cannot be damaged or do damage to others. Lutheria uses the shades on the island to empower her necromantic magics. Once a shade has been stripped of all of its energy, it becomes a specter. Several specters haunt the island, lost, confused, and filled with rage. Almost any NPC that has died during the events of the game could be found on the Island of the Lost. Listed below are a few ideas for unique encounters with specific NPCs from the story or from the background information of NPCs and PCs. Ankaios.

Pholon's lover and former rider, an Aresian shield monk that was slain in battle, can also be found on the Island of the Lost. He and Pholon share a tender moment, and Ankaios finds peace after being able to say goodbye. Demetria.

If slain at the Mossy Temple, the dryad can be found desperately searching for her younger sister. If the party brings Demetria towards the Ultros, she lets out a terrible wail upon seeing the dread ship. The Ultros' mast begins to shimmer with lights the colour of autumn leaves and the form of another dryad - a woman with skin pink like a flower petal with hair like autumn leaves - walks from the Ultros' decks, reaching to Demetria. The two embrace, and those aboard the Ultros note that the mast seems to have autumn leaves growing on it. The leaves quickly fall away and dissipate into the aether. Demetria and her sister are at peace if reunited. As a reward, the Ultros now takes one day less to travel between islands, empowered by the sisters’ grateful spirits. Commander Gaius.

If killed on Yonder, Gaius appears with a squad of 2d10+5 (LE undead) soldiers that have been slain over the course of the party's many battles with the Order of Sydon. Gaius believes Sydon will make Lutheria raise him from death once the Oath of Peace has ended, and is training to resume his campaign against the forces of the Five.


Argyn is mentioned as being somewhere on the island, but is shunning Gaius - that fact is not mentioned by Gaius, however. Hexia.

If slain, Hexia appears on the island and takes the form of an elven woman with hair as green as pine needles. She stands elegantly, coldly, looking on after Pythor if present. Hexia merely says that she truly loved him, more than life itself, before turning into her draconic form and flying into the fog of the island. Moxena’s Sisters.

The medusa sisters who usurped the throne of the Amazons will berate Moxena and the party, cursing them for undoing everything they achieved on Themis. Thesiliea VI.

The true Queen of Themis is grateful if the usurper sisters have been removed from power and her daughter returned to the throne. She disdainfully eyes Moxena if present. If the Exile is in the game. Thesiliea appears wearing a platinum helm, her chakram raised. She lets out an Amazonian battlecry and runs towards the Exile. The Exile can parry with the weapon they received from defeating the usurper that replaced her mother. She is immensely proud of her daughter, and is glad to know Darien was reunited with the Exile, if present. Darien alternative. The same occurs, with Darien instead. The two share a quiet moment as Thesiliea tells her daughter she is proud she has reclaimed Themis. The Bastard’s Mother.

The form of the Bastard’s mother is that of a ghostly silhouette, framed by flickers of silver flame. She weeps and embraces her child. If Idylla is present, she seems confused; Idylla warns against telling her the truth, as it would crush her. If the truth of Acastus’ cruelty is revealed to her, it breaks her heart beyond comparison. The Cursed One’s Ancestor(s).

If slain at Typhon, the Cursed One’s ancestor can be found on the Island of the Lost, alongside many other members of the Cursed One’s family that were afflicted by their curse. If the curse has been broken, the spirits seem at peace and are both thankful of their progeny, and proud of what they have achieved. The Doomed One’s Parents.

The ethereal forms of the Doomed One’s parents are lined by wounds that resemble those dealt by a hideous scythe. Proud looks line their faces, marred with a sadness that they have missed so much of his life, and were unable to protect them from the misfortunes Lutheria heaped upon them. The Psychopomp’s Lover.

See ‘Running the Psychopomp’ for more on this encounter.

DM's Guide to Odyssey


The Battle of Mytros

Sydon and Lutheria will be at full strength (you should create a boosted profile) during BoM because they get 6 divine sparks back. Also remember Battle of Mytros is NOT about beating Sydon first, it is first about protecting Mytros and their loved ones from destruction and death. Thats one reason there are so many npcs and links to create in that campaign.

Dragon gods at the Battle of Mytros

Despite their age, Vallus, Pythor and Kyrah will be Young Bronze dragons with huge size. We can assume they aged but are weakened by the loss of their divine spark and from not having used their dragon form for ages. Volkan was supposed to be an ancient Bronze dragon. If your party really needs it, make him an adult bronze dragon (ancient weakened by the loss of his divine spark).


The Battle of Mytros should be epic, don't hesitate to have the least loved gods die as heroes : Vallus would sacrifice herself to save Mytros from damage Pythor would sacrifice himself to save the heroes, especially the demi-god or a loved one (maybe in display of strength e.g. holding up kentimate from stamping on a hero to buy them time to get out, or charging straight at him) Kyrah would sacrifice herself to take a dying blow meant for one of the heroes. Volkan...could do it to either save Mytros (his wife's namesake) or to save one of his kids (e.g. Pythor)

Kentimane's fate

If your players kill Sydon in BoM, Kentimane will appear, like 15 to 20 miles of the coast of Mytros, approach the city slowly, kind of godzilla style. His goal will be to punish the heroes for killing Sydon, so a smart move would be to lure him out of Mytros to avoid destroying the city. You can play out a battle, but discussing with him should be possible, with difficult persuade checks DC25. This ties into the classic Greek devolution of power, chaos to civilization. Points that could allow player characters to roll a persuasion check could be : make an oath to protect Thylea. consider as a fact that the time of Titans is over. show him all the wrongs Sydon commited. if they helped some lost Titans, and tell him that, Kentimane could understand that "if these mortals helped my children, maybe they aren't all bad". lure him to an encounter at the Isle of the Golden Heart. A success would make him decide to ascend to join Thylea.

Thylea's tempest 52

DM's Guide to Odyssey

An ultimate endgame goal could be that the storms separating Thylea from the outside world dissipate, and you could consider Kentimane is its cause. Kentimane would need to be defeated, to ascend, or be convinced to stop it. And maybe they wouldn't like that !

Maintain Thylea isolated ?

Have an endgame challenge presented as "Shall we maintain Thylea's isolation or not", presented notably when opposed to Kentimane, with advantages and drawbacks for each, and let the players chose if they become the new gods or have their say. Something like : NO : isolation was needed in ancient times, when the cosmos was young.

But it leads to stagnation, xenophobia and so forth... It's something that now can and must be overcome. The natives have already been sort of conquered. There is no need to take Lutheria's place. Thylea could be forced out of isolation to solve the internal myrmekes threat. Only together with great heroes from other planes do you stand a chance of protecting THYLEA from The Watcher / whatever big menace. YES :

isolation keeps Thylea safe from conquest from alien armies, safe from alien gods worship mentality. A new Lutheria is needed to take the burden of maintaining isolation. Peace must be made between natives and settlers as Thylea natives would not be able to survive. It's not the heroes' place to decide, if they aren't native.

Mass combat

To resolve mass battles, i prefer to have player characters respond to timed events that can or not change the face of a pre-decided result of the battle. You can build the battle in advance and divide it in sequences, each sequence giving scripted possibilities for PCs to engage and change the outcome, which is roughly what OotD designers had in mind as it appears. You could also play the battle of Mytros using UA's mass combat system, with Sydon and his kids going after the dragons as first target, then the heroes. https://media.wizards.com/2017/dnd/downloads/2017_UAMassCombat_M

After the Battle of Mytros The Doom of Thylea

With the imminent end of the Oath of Peace, the Oracle has prophesied the Doom of Thylea: the death of the gods, the destruction of the sacred tree, and the total annihilation of all mortal races. She links the end of the Oath to those events, but a campaign twist (looks raw) should be to consider that it is the heroe's implication and actions against Sydon and Lutheria that will anger Lutheria and provoke that risk.


As Mytros will be busy recovering after the Battle of Mytros, have Aresia expand, laying claim to the Hearthlands, hoping to be unchallenged. Dragonlords had last names, and when they created a kingdom it took their name. Give Karpathos the Aresianos last name : Karpathos was the first King of Aresia.

regain his godhood eliminate any competition. Basically there's no Sphere of Annihilation, just him, stealing the power from the dying Forgotten Gods, and then trying to take out the (not-yet godly) PCs so he can ascend and have Thylea (and its praise) to himself. ## The Nether Sea

The Palace of Empyreans

The final fight for the post game seems, anti climatic. At least for a very epic adventure.

An idea for the group to fight Lutheria's sentient sphere of annhilation (since it probably has absorbed some of the Empyreans in the first place) ? There should be at least some kind of theme, obstacle, conclusion. Some sort of grand finality.

Karpathos (oktOblivion)

He could have a dragon. A dracolich looks nice, with Exsanguination Breath. If you never talked about Karpathos before, have him as a lesser dragonlord that fell under Lutheria's sway. He's the one that whispered in Estor's ear. However, the real big fish is his wife (after all, all the Aresian Queens are the strong ones) Sorceress, Damon's rival and maybe one time lover. Despite a powerful wizard in her own right, she was jealous of his knowledge (especially of necromancy), she murdered Isadore. Damon is the one that made the seals over their tombs.

Queen Nemosyne as Jasena Ventrak.

If you have no Vanished One, or didn't use Jasena Ventrak as the Vanished One's placeholder, consider they were associates and lovers. The oath they broke with Karpathos to Lutheria was that they were supposed to steal the Caduceus for her, but kept it for themselves in an attempt to live forever. Lutheria, as punishment, decided to give them what they wanted, transforming them into the first vampires. Karpathos never afforded his wife (Jasena/Nemosyne) a title, he was so reviled that after his death, when Calliope became "The First Queen of Aresia", the country as a whole just collectively buried his existence, and vowed never to have a king.


Use Tromokratis from Theros as the Kraken. The book considers the 5th Nether Titan is Scylla, spawned by Typhon, the maw, father of monsters.

Narsus as the final twist variant

Narsus isn't just a "Hey, I know the path to godhood, help me out here" and vanish NPC anymore. His exile maddened him, he sees the fall of the Titans and restoration of the dragons as an opportunity: to be the one true most beauteous god. But to do that he needs to DM's Guide to Odyssey


The New Pantheon preBoM variant

Needs much work, but maybe work this chapter and the sunken kingdom pre-battle of Mytros. Like maybe the three artifacts and / or becoming gods are needed in order to defeat sydon in the final battle? Or to put kentamine to sleep? The idea is to play "A New pantheon" before battle of Mytros, annd have an epic Battle of Mytros. Pre-Mytros, you have to introduce Karpathos Aresianos through Kyrah or Aesop as a traitor, the Aresian Wars through Pythor, the Sunken City through your Siren character or a story by Kyrah.

TinyAdorableShopkeep’s variant


Oktoblivion’s variant


Closer to the book variant provide information on becoming gods

The closer to RAW sould be through Ekoh pointing to Narsus, leading to Aresia. Narsus knows he will lose godhood and wants to prepare becoming a god again just after the end of the oath. He tricks the characters into believing he's proposing that to the heroes of the prophecy for Thylea's sake (without breaking the oath of peace's godragon reveal). He might also do that to sort of ask forgiveness to his Vanished One if he was his dragon. Else it's an information that can be obtained from Fates or Lotus Witch. adding Aresia Constellation during the odyssey

Changes needed as we are pre-end of the Oath, and situation is different (Zakroth's rebellion because Narsus doesn't sho up anymore maybe ?). Reduce challenges on the Aresia dungeons as it's a Cerulean Gulf access adding Sunken City access

Could be Charybdys's Dreamer Constellation, or The Echo fan constellation. Reduce challenges on the City as it's a Forgotten Sea access Impact on end of Oath :

60 days while including 3 more big dungeons. Battle of Mytros changes

Change bom challenges, and make use of Caduceus as an anti-twins weapon, and of promethean fire. work in progress : https://docs.google.com/document/d/13OWWXklmljUwWyGBcBtisMMDwH3ZkYTLmblRDF5WY9o/edit? usp=sharing


DM's Guide to Odyssey

Myrmekes infestation

Myrmekes aren't essential to the campaign, Titan's Folly can be replaced by something else. If you keep it, here is how to play their invasion.

Actions in the Main Game that have an effect on this Visiting Titan’s Folly : Never visited / Visited the island The Queen in Praxys : Freed / Dead Queen of the Amazons : Darien / Moxena / Thesilea / A PC The Fate of Talieus : Freed / Imprisoned (Lutheria alive) / Imprisoned (Lutheria deceased)

Signs of Trouble

Warnings of the threat the Myrmekes pose can come in many forms: The encounter described on pg. 154 (A World of Dirt) Reports coming to coastal communities from ships that have encountered Myrmekes vessels at sea, or by way of Siren messenger inland. An Amazonian PC that rules Themis (alone or alongside Darien) will have their lands come under attack. Another island or coastal dwelling PC or ally may learn of the Myrmekes when their warships are spotted off the coasts. Talleius, if freed, may send word that his creations have come back to haunt Thylea

The Consequences of Inaction durin the Apokalypsis

If handled last, Titan’s Folly becomes an impregnable stronghold that consumes the entire island, above and below ground, now home to three Hive Mothers and many more Myrmekes Queens. Themis becomes a similar superpower, with its own Hive Mother attended to by many Queens, and a completed grand harbour from which Myrmekes ships begin to assault all of the nearby islands of the Cerulean Gulf, many of which are already under simultaneous attack. Soon the Myrmekes will reach the Forgotten Sea, and once they have conquered all the islands of Thyla, they will make their way to the mainland, and fall upon it like a great tsunami. At this point, only a new pantheon of gods can hope to strike down the threat posed by the Myrmekes.

Battles at Sea

Multiple warships (such as the one described in the encounter on pg. 154 (A World of Dirt) now threaten the Cerulean Gulf. There is a 40% chance of encountering them while sailing through the Gulf, replacing the first 40% of encounters on the Random Encounter charts.

The Colony at Themis

Themis is the first of the islands to come under attack by the Myrmekes once they have decided to journey beyond the reach of the Wall of Dreams. Alternatives to Themis

The Indigo Islands can make a suitable alternative to Themis, as could any island that a PC has claimed as their own and/or developed a new settlement on. Status of the Amazon Forces

The First Titan

If the Myrmekes are the first of the ‘Nether Titans’ to be dealt with, their forces on Themis and their ships at sea are fewer, making random encounters with them less frequent, and reducing the number of Queens on Themis by 3.

Depending on who is Queen and when Themis is traveled to, the Amazons may be holding their own, or reduced in numbers to the point they are fighting the Myrmekes with little more than guerrilla warfare. If allied with, the Amazons can provide rhinoceros mounts, and travel with the party (1d4+3 if reduced, 2d6+2 otherwise) Amazon Warriors, mounted on rhinoceri, each accompanied by Stimfay (if reduced, the Amazons no longer have access to their Stimfay).

After the First Titan

Myrmekes Outposts

If the Myrmekes are not tackled early enough, they threaten to overrun Thylea.

If the Myrmekes are dealt with as the second-to-mid range of the Nether Titans, the threat they pose is still grave, but still manageable. The adventure proceeds unchanged as described below.

These outpost towers are hexagonal, eighty feet tall, and covered in window slits. Approaching any tower by stealth is practically impossible, unless the party utilizes invisibility.

Near the End

If the Myrmekes are one of the last ‘Titans’ to be faced, their forces threaten to overrun Themis, with battles raging constantly without rest. The Amazonian Queen is one of the few survivors now using guerrilla tactics with her fellow warriors to retake the island. Two additional Myrmekes Queens can be found inside the colony. The Last of the Apokalypsis

DM's Guide to Odyssey


The Only Way to Be Sure

To defeat the Myrmekes at Themis and truly retake the island, all five of the Myrmekes Queens, their larvae, and eggs must be destroyed. This can be accomplished in a number of ways: Actively engaging them in combat and taking the time to slay the larvae and destroy the eggs (larvae can be considered noncombatants, or use the Swarm of Insects stat block). Using spells such as Earthquake to collapse the Nursery and Royal Chambers. sing the Firestorm spell to destroy the eggs in the nursery. The Purge of Titan’s Folly

Defeating the Myrmekes will require traveling to Titan’s Folly and destroying the Hive Mother(s) there, and utterly annihilating the Myrmekes as a people, to prevent the threat from returning to haunt Thylea in the future. Return to the Wall of Dreams

The Wall of Dreams has been shattered. Navigating through it requires a series of DC 20 checks with Vehicles (Sea), Navigator’s Tools, and other skills you deem appropriate. Five successes before three failures. Failing causes a ship to hit a ‘reef’ of glass from the Wall of Dreams, leading to a Myrmekes Ship (as per World of Dirt) attacking the party’s ship. If the party is mounted on dragons, they can circumvent this obstacle. The Myrmekes Harbour

Several ships (as per World of Dirt) are being prepared with supplies by 2d4+4 Myrmekes. If the party is mounted on dragons, they can use breath weapons to raze the harbour and trap the Myrmekes for a time. Option 1: Facing the Horde The party will encounter numerous Squadrons, Legions, and Hordes will have to be fought to reach the Hives and pass through the defences at the colony. Option 2: Infiltration A series of checks (five successes before three failures) based on Stealth, Sleight of Hand, Survival, and other skills you deem appropriate are required to pass by the keen senses of the Myrmekes. Option 3: Waging War If at least one of the major cities has been freed, the PCs could rally them and the forces of a number of other locations to form a fleet that can set out for Titan’s Folly. In this case, proceeding to the Hive is easier, as there are few (or no, at your discretion) encounters along the way through the island, as the PCs armies have occupied the Myrmekes’ forces above ground. In addition, 1d4+2 Veterans and 1d2+1 Warrior Monks can assist the party in the rest of the campaign against the Myrmekes. Delving into the Hive

Facing the Hive Mother The Hive Mother is accompanied by one or two (party level dependent) Myrmekes Squadrons, and a number of Queens (as described above depending on conditions and choices made earlier in the module).


DM's Guide to Odyssey

Lair Actions On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the Hive Mother takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects. The Hive Mother cannot use the same lair action on subsequent turns.

1. A swarming cloud of insects fills a 20-ft. radius sphere centered on a point the Hive Mother chooses within 120 feet of her. The cloud spreads around corners and remains until the Hive Mother dismisses it as a bonus action, uses this lair action again, or dies. 2. The area in the cloud is lightly obscured. Any creature in the cloud when it appears must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) piercing damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one. A creature that ends its turn in the cloud takes 10 (3d6) piercing damage 3. The Hive Mother causes four Myrmekes Workers or two Advanced Myrmekes to appear in unoccupied spaces that she can see within 60 ft. of her. 4. Up to three allied creatures within the lair can use their reactions to move up to their speed and make one weapon attack.

Bug Smashers

Weapon, Very Rare (Requires Attunement) This grotesque pair of gloves are made using the barbed exoskeleton and harvested remains of giant insects and fallen Myrmekes. These gloves crit on rolls of 19-20. On a critical hit made with an unarmed attack roll using these knuckles, the target takes an extra 2d6 poison damage and must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the start of your next turn. Unarmed attacks with these gloves deal either bludgeoning or piercing damage (your choice). You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with your unarmed strikes. Myrmekes are considered to be vulnerable to all damage dealt by Bug Smashers.

5. Companions and Romances


he group should get help from many NPCs, if they accept it. The following rules base seem nice to handle minor NPCs without playing them with a normal character sheet (inspiration mechanic was cool but my groups don't handle it, too complicated): https://www.dmsguild.com/product/192283/CompanionSystem Allow 1 companion for each player character, which can be changed outside of combat. The other companions will stay at the PC's base of operation Companion Wounds Main power

(Estoria, Mytros, Ultros), helping with their non-combat power when needed. When a companion mentions a skill upgrade, either chose to give advantage (especially if you create them as Beyond feats as i do), or the PC gets : proficiency if the PC doesn't have it, expertise if the character is proficient, advantage to his rolls if he already is expert.

Secondary power

If Loyal added power :

Becomes Loyal if

Kyrah (Sour Vintage)


Kyrah's Song of Heroism (2/Short rest). Until knowledge. the end of her next turn, all allies who History and hear her song can reroll one dice roll of Religion their choice or stabilize. skill upgrade.

Bronze Automaton (Volkan's Forge)


Volkan's Volkan's knowledge (1/Long rest) : cast sight Legend Lore concerning an item or (1/Short Mending. rest) : cast Detect magic or Identify.

Korteva's child (Woodhike)


Crush Imposing presence. Athletics and Guard (1/Short rest). He interposes (1/Short Intimidate skill upgrade, disadvantage himself in front of an attack that rest). Your to your Persuasion checks against targeted you, taking the hit instead. melee settlers. attack deals maximum damage.

Herkus (Mossy Temple)


Bad feeling. Insight skill upgrade.

Laureus (Mossy Temple)


Inspiring Song (3/Short rest). Add your proficiency bonus to any d20 you just rolled.

Corinna Phobas (Mossy Temple)


Scout. On target !. Gives advantage to ranged Dragonlord heir. You gain advantage Survival kill attacks. on Persuasion checks related to upgrade. Dragonlords.

Bullbug (Mytros)


Minotaur Strength. Athletics skill upgrade.

Crush (1/Short rest). Your melee attack deals maximum damage.

Guard (1/Short rest). Bullbug Freed from interposes himself in front of an slavery. attack that targeted you, taking the hit instead.

Moxena (Mytros)


Smart mind. Deception skill upgrade.

Friends In Low Places. Moxena can introduce you to a trusted contact in almost any settlement you travel to.

Cult network (1/Long rest). Benefit Gets an oath from an information after 1d3 days. to make her or Darien Queen of Themis.

Sulla Neurdagon (Mytros)


Acolyte. Religion skill upgrade.

Healing (3/Short rest). Heals your proficiency in hit points.

Squirrel form. Does not count against the companion limit.

Song of Rejuvenation (1/Long rest). Heroes Any ally who hears the song is make a cured of all disease, all poison, and major all of the following conditions are sacrifice to removed: blinded, deafened, and Kyrah. paralyzed. Any character with 0 HP is cured to his proficiency hit points. Can fly from the forge to the PCs Embarkment position / spell? / soul found

Idea ?

Survivalist. Nature and Survival skill Madness is upgrades. cured.

Lover Before a Fighter. When a PC with Soothing Song. When recovering hit Demetria is Loreus assigned deals enough damage points by expending hit dice, neutralized to a creature to reduce it to 0 hit Loreus allows you to add your points, they can choose to knock it proficiency to each die rolled. unconscious rather than kill it without having said so in advance, even when dealing damage with a spell or ranged attack.

Dragonlord heir. You gain advantage on Persuasion checks related to Dragonlords.




Companion Wounds


Main power

Secondary power

If Loyal added power :

Becomes Loyal if

Pholon (random encounter)


Drinker Pholon Beatdown. When making a melee attack, you Centaur mount. Your move PC becomes allows you to score a critical hit on a 19-20. allowance increases to 40 life partner. take and use a feet potion as a bonus action.

Estor (The Ultros)


Whisperer. Possession. When you roll a 1 on a d20, Vicious. When making a Possession History and Estor uses his possession power (Wisdom melee attack gainst a native, Intimidate skill save DC16, initial & at the end of each turn you score a critical hit on a upgrades. to end it). Your character becomes cruel and 19-20. obsessed by immortality, and gains neutral evil alignment.

Versi (Temple of the Oracle)


Foresight (1/encounter). Transform any roll to a 10.

Oracle’s Hand (1/Long rest). You benefit from the Foresight spell for 1 round.

Oracle of Thylea (1/Long rest). Cast Divination.

Vanished One, or any hero upon embarkment.

Darien (Themis)


Stimfay. Perception skill upgrade.

Amazon warrior. (1/Short rest). You may enter reckless attack mode.

Sharpened weapons. Add your proficiency to your weapon damage.

Companion of the Exile

Steros (Fire Island)


Lenses. Blasting lens (3/Short rest). Cast Scorching Mastersmith. Steros accepts Perception and ray at character's level. to work at the Mithral Investigation Forge. skill upgrades.

Nessa (Scorpion Island)


Healer Druid Cast Druidcraft and Speak with Centaur mount. Your move PC becomes Medecine skill Animals at will & and cast 'Calm Emotions' allowance increases to 40 life partner. upgrade. (1/Long rest). The save DC of the spell is 10 feet + your proficiency.

Chondrus (Yonder)


Master scholar. Magical Flourish (3/Short rest). Chondrus Master arcanist (3/Short PC promised History and grants you advantage on an attack roll rest). Cast (DC 17, +9 to to discuss Arcana skill against a creature within 30 feet by causing hit): magic missile or with upgrade. magical arcs of (harmless) energy to crackle lightning bolt at a target, or Lutheria. and leap at and distract the target. mirror image, fly or dimension door on you.

Idylla (Isle of the Exile)


Cunning politics. Insight skill upgrade.

Knowledgeable advisor(3/Short rest). You gain advantage on any Intelligence skill.

Ophea (Isle of the Dragon)


Maestro Perform skill upgrade.

Inspiring Song (3/Short rest). Add your proficiency bonus to any d20 you just rolled.

Iolaah (merfolk enc)


Reckless. Your attacks have advantage, and attacks against you have advantage.

Druid Shapechanger. Cast Druidcraft and Speak with Animals at will. Iolaah can polymorph into a human or a dolphin.

Aegis (dead whale enc)


Survivalist. Survival skill upgrade.

Mythomaniac. Deception skill upgrade.

Enigma (Yonder)


Master scholar. Master arcanist (3/Short rest). Cast (DC 15, Arcana and +7 to hit): magic missile, misty step, Medecine skill upgrade.

Mickael (Yonder)


Ship captain. Survival & Nature skill upgrade at sea.

Quinn (castaway)


Noble patron Persuasion skill upgrade.


Lost One crew

Dengran (castaway)


Guard (1/Encounter). Dengran interposes himself in front of an attack that would hit you, taking the hit instead. He takes an injury for each multiple of 10 damage.


Lost One crew

Heliope (castaway)


Shadow magic. Deception & Stealth skill upgrade.

Master Arcanist. Misty step on PC & companions.

Lost One crew

Rutger (castaway)


Stealthy Stealth skill upgrade.

Lucky(1/short rest).Reroll1d20.

Lost One crew

Brondt is freed

Friends In High Places. Idylla Bastard, or can introduce you to a promise to trusted contact in almost return her to any settlement you travel to. Mytros Legendary resistance (1/Long rest). Succeed at a save.


Underwater swimmer. You Promise not can benefit from the to tell her amphibious trait, and a 30 father ft. swim speed.

Cured from madness Lost One crew

Companion Wounds

Main power

Secondary power

Becomes Loyal if

If Loyal added power :

Dragon Hatchling


Aerial support Add Breath attack (1/Long rest). Oath of the dragonlords. Does not count Oath of the 1d6 piercing to 4d8 energy damage, DC12 against the companion limit. Dragonlords your attacks within (dexterity save). 30ft.



Aerial support Add Breath attack (1/Long rest). Blind vision. Perception skill upgrade. Oath of the 1d6 piercing & 1d6 6d8 energy damage, DC14 Oath of the dragonlords Does not count Dragonlords energy to your (dexterity save). against the companion limit. attacks within 30ft.

Pegasus (Golden Heart)


Winged mount. You Healing vibe (3/Short rest). have the ability to You heal hit points equal fly (50ft.). to your proficiency.

Roc hatchling (Roc's Aerie)





Automated Helper. Administer a potion to a willing creature within 30 feet, or stabilize a dying creature.

Winged mount. You have the ability to fly (40ft.)

Reactive. Gain advantage to your Initiative checks.

Rider regularly feeds him golden apples and uses a Pegasus briddle. LG ?

Symbol of royalty Advantage to social skills vs Amazons


Distracting Nuisance. Your Piercing Screech. (1/Short rest) A target Does not melee and ranged attacks within 30 feet must succeed a count against deal proficiency additional Constitution DC8+proficiency save or the damage. If you rolled even, take proficiency d6 psychic damage companion target loses his next and be deafened until the beginning of limit. reaction. your next turn.


I like to put romance possibilities for the characters, up to the players to take it or not. OotD is rife with NPCs. Romances in Mytros are especially usefull, as they make the PCs attached to the town they will want to defend.

When she's saved, i have her jump into the arms of a serious character, "my hero". During the feast and the player's labours, she questions that PC about state affairs, showing her concerns for the people and also that she's good at that. She'll accept advances from a hero, into a marriage that could help her rule Estoria, but is too shy to ask herself.

Kyrah (Sour Vintage)

Loreus (Mossy Temple)

Not sure she should be a romance from start. During the first chapters, she must be used as a guide. But after, why not.

Obvious choice, let's says he doesn't care about race nor gender, he's a Satyr after all ! Love has no borders.

Versi (Temple of the Oracle)

Corina & Sulla Neurdagon

Loves the Vanished One she saved from death at Praxis.

Aesop (Estoria)

He loved Adonis, could fall in love with a new dragonlord.

Thobos (Estoria)

There aren't that many halflings. So don't hesitate to make him a she or a gnome, and have Thobos fall in love after the PC's aid in the Korteva sub plot if it suits the campaign.

Pytor (Estoria).

I have him go after the highest charisma of warrior female character, if any, even the dem-God before she reveals herself as her kid. Players are tempted, it's a God and a King after all, even when you play him regularly drunk. Very fun when that character hears about Hexia's story and becomes a target. Much roleplay in such a relationship, especially when faced with his decision to leave the throne, then to accompany the characters in the Ultros.

Princess Anora (Estoria).

If you age Corina somewhat, she can make for a suitable romance for a Gifted One, as well as being a Phobas. Same for Sulla, Great Dragonlord romance.


Make him a she if you have a Minotaur character.

Siren's roost companions

Play them as information brokers, if player characters pays them, and let them become fond of those heroes.


If there's an Exile in your group, Darien is a childhood crush rather than the Queen's child.

Pholon - Nessa If you have a Centaur PC Euria

Rather short sexual romances. DM's Guide to Odyssey


6. The Oath of Peace


fter the Game of Gods, and the bloodbath that followed, the Five Gods and the Titans agreed to a temporary truce, called the Oath of Peace, for five hundred years. Versi arranged the meeting under the Golden Heart, and they cut their hands and made blood handshakes, agreeing to a solemn truce for five hundred years, and their oath was written so all remember. It is an important part of the campaign : "Even the gods are bound by oaths and prophecies", but Odyssey of the Dragonlords never presents the complette text, so it is up to the game master's style to interpret it, hence this chapter to help understanding it.

The Oath's content

This section lists what was written in the book.

Written Oath

History and reality are different on how Damon's return happened, but both tell he came back with a scroll of parchment, upon which the Oath of Peace was written. Players will undoublty search for that parchment. We can assume Vallus still has the Five's copy in a hidden vault, and we know Sydon also has one version in his vault at Praxis. Destroying the writ wouldn't have any effect, it is only a copy of the words that were said in front of the Furies.

The Five's divine essence

Balmytria's gambit during the Game of Gods allowed her to steal part of the Twin Titan's divine power. The Five agreed to give that divine power back at the end of the Oath of Peace, p241 "One of the conditions of the Oath of Peace was that the Five Gods wouls eventually surrender their power". Titans are patient beings.

The Five's secret identity

The people of Thylea do not know the true nature of the Five Gods (p8). Only the gods and some rare exceptions (Versi, Damon, Furies, Lotus Witch, Hexia) know it, but we know that all who read the Oath are forbidden to talk about it. Reading a written version would submit the reader to its secrecy. We can suppose this secret clause is the reason they can not resume dragon form. We can suppose Sydon added this secret clause, as he didn't want his reputation stained (some random dragons stole some of his divine essence !).

The Titan's right of appeasement 60

DM's Guide to Odyssey

As shown p8, Sydon and Lutheria have sworn not to take vengeance upon the mortals of Thylea for a period of 500 years, provided that daily sacrifices to the Titans would resume, and that their temples would be maintained and honored.

Definition of Peace

The definition of an oath of peace (p14) indicates that a person swearing the oath will commit no violence against the other party or any of their servants. It is sworn in both ways : p17 : When ... the Oath of Peace ends, ... the Titans are free to attack Mytros. p23 : until the Oath of Peace comes to an end, the Five Gods are forbidden from fighting Sydon, Lutheria, or their allies. They can advise the heroes, but generally speaking, they cannot assist the heroes in battle. Interpretation

There is interpretation on what is a servant, and on the possibility to order a third party to attack. In the fist exemples (Temple of the Oracle), : Sydon tells Heleka (a third party) to kidnap Versi, not to kill her, because Versi is labelled a servant of the Five. At the same time, Gaius tells Sydon guards to attack the heroes. It could be acceptable as while they were called by Versi who is a servant of the Five, they didn't get her vision yet, and while they are led by one of the Five, Kyrah is in disguise, neither the heoes or the guard know it. Servants of the Five

But later, they get the prophecy to face the Titans, then understand that the Kyrah who accompanies them IS the goddess of trickery (clearly she pushes them to fulfill her agenda & Versi's favorable vision). It becomes difficult to consider the heroes are not servants of the five (in a loose definition), especially when your characters worship the 5, as they : follow one of the Five, to fulfill a prophecy helping the Five against the Titans, given by a servant of the Five. Don't think too hard (OrangeReaver)

The true solution could be to tell your players in session 0 "dont think too hard about it". The Oath of Peace is a plot device, nothing more and nothing less. It doesnt have to be spelled out and it doesnt have to 100% make. It's just such a complex setting and story and such a meekly defined thing that its almost impossible to do. Going with : the 5 being able to send subordinates against the titans, but either choosing not to (not wanting a destructive allout war as they are good aligned) or not having the power to actually do damage against the titans themselves. The twin's places of worship in towns can't be attacked, as the twins have a right to offerings and religion. What's forbidden is the 5 & twins intervening themselves and the twins destroying the mortal races' settlements and cities.

Heroes's position

PCs are usually at a loss when starting the campaign, you'll have much to explain about oaths.

Heroes become servants of the 5

As seen in the previous point, i feel none of the Five should ever ask the heroes to attack the Titans or their servants. You could even consider that telling the heroes they aren't under the oath and can attack would be a breach of the Oath (i play it so, as the gods should refrain their retainers from attacking the other side, or be randed as oathbreakers). But Kyrah "the goddess ot trickery" and Vallus "the wise" will push the heroes to be in position where they can fight the Titans.

Heroes operating “outside of fate”

However, the easy position many DMs take is to consider the heroes can do their thing because they weren't "hired", they were chosen by "fate", are "outside of the oath". But i discussed that with my veteran / seasoned players, and they didn't buy that. The thing is, my players like to be in front of a situation and be able to think it out. I can't do that if it's an "accidental ingredient". Lotus Witch's explanation (crashgem):

“You... you are the accidental ingredient. You are the curve ball. You few... were never supposed to happen. And now? Anything can happen.”

The Five God's view

The Five Gods seem to consider they can not interfere against the Twin Titan's servants : Pytor can't wage war against the Centaur army, and it reads like he didn't since the Oath of Peace exists. This, added to Hexia, is clearly the reason he's depressed, and just waits the end ot the Oath. I miss my mother dearly, but I wish she had never devised the Oath of Peace. Five hundred years without a battle to test me—five hundred years without a real victory. It's worse than anything the Titans might have dreamt up to torture me.”

Volkan is also depressed since Mytros ascended. Only relighting the Mithral Forge will help to lighten his mood and he will help the heroes through forging only. Vallus tries to act through diplomacy and tries to appease the Order of Sydon. She hopes the oath can be renewed. She is desperately worried that, at the time when the Oath of Peace ends, the powers of the Five Gods will be fully spent. She also hints the Titans are weaker than ever.

If you cannot renew the Oath of Peace, then I fear to think of what will befall this city. The armies of the Titans will slaughter the people of Mytros and soak the land in blood. The Titans are weaker now than they were in the First War.

Vallus's speech after oath's end : This was the inevitable outcome of the Oath of Peace. Five centuries of scheming, followed by one battle to end all battles. Our mother gave this land a second chance for peace, but neither gods nor mortals seem to truly desire it.”

Kyrah doesn't act openly, and uses her "Trickery" portfolio. She participates indirectly only in the PC's quest, writing their deeds, fueling their fame, giving lore and hints, using song abilities. Her disguise of "Kyrah, Poet Laureate of Mytros" is to fool the Furies, and voluntary weak. Would the goddess of trickery disguise and keep the same name ? She hints the heroes can take their own decisions against the Titans. Even with the Oath of Peace in effect for the last five hundred years, the Titans have discovered numerous ways to meddle in the affairs of mortals. Sydon and Lutheria are afforded certain rights under the terms of the oath, including the right to appeasement by sacrifice. Many families have been destroyed indirectly, by the workings of their servants, including overzealous priests desiring to curry favor. I would not be surprised to discover hundreds of orphans who have seriously contemplated seeking vengeance against the Titans, at whatever cost.

Kyrah hopes the heroes will guess part of the situation with her hints, that they will make their own decisions, including hitting the Titans, which she won't ask them to do directly. We gods can only do so much to keep the peace, especially when the priests abandon our temples. In these dark times, it is we who must have faith in mortals, rather than the other way around.

Heroes are obviously Kyrah's playthings and a normal oath of Peace prevents from harming the other party and their servants. "... demands that the person swearing the oath will commit no violence against them or any of their servants." Her disguise is to allow servants of the Titans to attack the heroes, and she hopes they will advance her agenda, retaliate to the point they will slay the Titans, without her giving any order to attack them, without breaking the oath. DM's Guide to Odyssey


The Twin Titan's view

The Titans know how to manipulate oaths to their benefits. The Titans can absolutely wreak havok on the world and people. But obviously must be clever about how they do plan things. Time is with them. Even with the Oath of Peace in effect for the last five hundred years, the Titans have discovered numerous ways to meddle in the affairs of mortals. Sydon and Lutheria are afforded certain rights under the terms of the Oath, including the right to appeasement by sacrifice. To this effect, their actions are mostly indirect. They corrupt monsters who dwell on the road like the Giant Boar. Versi's abduction. Sydon asks Heleka to take Versi to Praxis, not to kill her. The Centaur army facing Estoria is more of a show of strength to boost faith in Sydon than a real menace : Sydon does not plan to attack Estoria, but to press for worship. Sydon creates a drought on Estoria and a Hurricane on Mytros, with his right of appeasement by sacrifice. If a few buildings get damaged by a hurricane, or random guys are hit by lighning, then that's fine : it's their fault for not being properly reverent. Many families have been destroyed indirectly, by the workings of their servants, including overzealous priests desiring to curry favor, like the Order of Sydon's intervention at the temple of Versi. Lutheria's cult abducts children through persuasion and deception. Also the lightning upon arrival at Mytros shouldn't be viewed as a way to kill the heroes, but as a warning, even better a way to help Acastus capitalise on it by saying they look like in poor shape for chosen heroes. Lutheria's dreams are a form of communication. Even adding a level of exhaustion in case of failure could be interpreted as having bad sleep.

The Furies as an asset.

If Sydon breaks the Oath, the furies should act, if they haven't acted, he hasn't broken it. That would explain why the Furies are present on the Hypnos and in Praxys, or that they are used by the Twin Titans. We can imagine Maegara sitting in the corner of the throne room, shaking her head at different battle plans she hears. Also have corkboard maps full of moments of "did this break the oath of peace?", with plenty of loopholes to check.

Renewing the Oath

Vallus and Kyrah ask the heroes to try renew the Oath of Peace before the Titans make their move. It isn't what is likely to happen, which corresponds to Versi's prophecy, because both Lutheria and Sydon ask for indefinite oath of service. Most heroes will refuse, making the option of renewing the pact not feasible, and either confront them or go back to Mytros.

Tricky peace situations 62

DM's Guide to Odyssey

As the oath isn't written, and as the books seems to give contradictory information, your interpretation of it will matter. We DM must make those difficult situations believable to our players, whatever your interpretation, you must have the clearest picture i hope i provide. Some situations might not look satisfactory in my interpretation. I look for things i might have missed, but my players prefer it my way. But ultimately it will depend on playstyle i suppose, on npcs being zealous or not, on players prefering fights or not, on how you rule it.

Temple of the Oracle

So in this scene you have : 1. a letter by Sydon to Heleka asking to return her daughter, where designers explain Sydon was cautious not to break the oath, and they explain the torture and acolyte's attack is because she overacted. 2. the Order who attacks the PCs with no explanation other than Gaius sent them to kill them. The oath looks like it applies to people the gods protect or to a large definition of servants, otherwise Sydon would have taken Mytros long ago. So the order of Sydon shouldn't be ordered to attack the characters. You could consider : Gaius overacted (did the designers forget writing that for the order but not for Heleka ?), the order defends the temple of Sydon against intruders. Looks really weak as it's Versi's place and it was attacked... by Sydon's Hag. they aren't part of Kyrah's servants until they have had their vision, so it's the last chance to try killing them openly ? Weak. they aren't part of Kyrah's servants as she's in disguise and thay weren't told their prophecy yet ? Best explanation. But to me, even with that best last explanation, having the order of Sydon fight the PCs at the temple of the Oracle is somewhat too soon. PCs might understand they are at war against the order, while the Order of Sydon is perfectly accepted in the mortal cities.

Vallus's speech on embarkment

During the embarkment on the Ultros, Vallus's speech is "You would be wise to gather what power you can on your journey. With the right weapons and knowledge, perhaps you could even challenge the Titans directly, and destroy them for good." Gods are not allowed to attack the Titans, so i believe telling a third party, the heroes, to destroy the Titans is a contradiction you should change, even if of course she hopes that. Otherwise Sydon could just have told his armies to attack Mytros and Estoria centuries ago... Changed it to "You would be wise to gather what power you can on your journey. With the right weapons and knowledge, you could find the best ways to confront the Titans."

Centaur army at Estoria

The book says the army will attack Estoria and succeed if the sacrifice isn't made. Bluff (me)

You can just consider they are here to put pressure and fuel worship for Sydon instead if you consider such a thing breaches the Oath of Peace. Zeal & venegance (Earthcubed)

Closer to the book : The centaurs themselves are just happy for an opportunity to take vengeance on the mortal races. They're not following Sydon's orders explicitly; if they're following any orders, it's Gaius's orders to hold back and simply show their might. They respect Gaius as a mouthpiece of Sydon. Gaius's perspective, as I interpret it, is that the mortals have strayed from venerating the Titans as they should. For their own sake, to avoid their wrath, the mortals should properly worship them. But he's harsh. If the mortals don't cooperate, they can be made an example of. He doesn't expect it to actually come to the centaurs razing the city, but Gaius doesn't bluff. Still Baenor can act out of vengeance or zeal, like Heleka at the temple of the oracle, which wouldn't be an oath's breach.

By that text, breaking guest friendshipp CAN lead to the curse of the treacherous : "The Furies are widely known to be the arbiters of Guest Friendship disputes, and few are willing (or foolish enough) to suffer their wrath : those who violate the tenets of guest friendship are AT RISK of being cursed by the offended host or guest." Breaking powerful oaths

We understand from the book that the Furies are especially keen to enforce oathbreaking to gods : "Breaking an oath made to the gods will almost always cause the offending mortal to be cursed". What we can understand here, is that the Oath of Peace is an oath from gods to other gods, and is under specific scrutinity from the Furies. But we also know that they are not enforcing other oaths equally : "but a person MIGHT also become cursed for breaking an oath to an especially powerful king, or EVEN a pious beggar". It means that sometimes, they just don't consider a response is needed (Have a luck check ? Was it too minor an oath for the Furies to bother ? -> up to the DM). Curse of the treacherous

The vision sees the heroes "facing" the Titans. During the confrontation with the Titans, heroes should be considered as the new God's allies / servants / worshippers, so the Oath should prevent the Titans from attacking first, unless invoking one of the following reason : 1. either the end of the oath is near and the Furies don't care the Oath isn't respected, 2. they weren't invited in their homes and the Furies would allow to attack invaders - trespassers, 3. saying "no" to Sydon's proposal "You must either accept my terms or meet me on the field of battle." could mean a smart wordplay by Sydon to consider the heroes chose the option to fight him.

The effect of this curse is directly related to the injustice of the offense. The Furies determine the severity of the offense. When they have agreed upon a necessary response, they can banish the target to the Island of Oathbreakers, dispatching erinyes to punish the target (see Erinyes hunters, p16). By that text, although the outcome should be related to the severity of the offense, but only one punishment is mentioned here if they decide to respond. But we also know that the Furies dissolve Lutheria into nothingness when she breaks her oath to the Empyreans. They pronounce judgment on Lutheria: she has broken her oath to the Empyreans, violating the most fundamental rule of godhood. If you make a small change and consider that minor oath breakers may suffer the curse of the Medusa, which will fit with your Medusa character, the punishment choice they have now is : 1. nothing (not noteworthy / wasn't noticed), raw. 2. curse of the medusa (minor), added. 3. banishment to the isle of oathbreakers (major), raw. 4. dissolve into nothingness (for a god), raw.

The Furies & oaths

Game stats

Confronting the Titans

Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone (LN erinyes) are called “the Furies,” and they are the queens of the erinyes. Law enforcers

They look like law enforcers of some cosmic power, who might even fuel their power. Think "Judge Dread". Oaths are natural laws that were woven into the fabric of Thylea at the dawn of time. Even Sydon and Lutheria must honor their oaths or suffer dreadful consequences. The Furies are enraged by the presence of oathbreakers. They gather to discuss how vengeance should be exacted in accordance with the customs and laws of Thylea. The curse of the treacherous afflicts those who abuse guest friendship or break powerful oaths. Guest friendship disputes

You should consider Erinyes & Furies are not only stat blocks : Erynies are able to take Helios when he breaks hospitality (and her rope of entenglement succeeds), and the Furies also dissolve Lutheria into nothingness... There is only one power in Thylea that I fear more than the Lady of Dreams: the Furies. Megaera and her sisters are not to be trifled with. Those who disrespect the laws of Thylea soon learn this. — Chondrus, Priest of Lutheria They take no sides

The Furies treat heros with a politeness verging on indifference. The Furies have no love for Sydon, and they have no loyalty to him. They check the game of 20 squares between Lutheria and the Heroes : Lutheria is annoyed, the Erynies prevent her and the heroes from backing out. The Furies ensure that the wager is honored either way before departing. DM's Guide to Odyssey


Written Oath of Peace

You'll find my take at a written version of the Oath of Peace on the following page. I did my best and also used work from other DMs, but some noted it might be best to keep it from the PCs. Still raw it is possible the player characters will take Sydon's version, and my first group tried a heist at the Mytros Palace to get Vallus's version, being frustrated about its secret part (!).

Oath of Peace variant


DM's Guide to Odyssey

By this Oath shall the mortal races sacrifice and devote at least a tithe of their worship and possessions to the Esteemed Titans. By this Oath shall the cities of the mortal races have sanctuary against the wrath and vengeance of the Esteemed Titans. By this Oath do the five Gods agree to shed their dragon scales and don the mantle of Gods, the power taken from the Esteemed Titans. By this Oath the Titans shall allow the five Gods to retain their stolen power, until such a day as the Oath is null, then shall the powers be returned to the Titans forevermore. May this Oath be upheld in blood and honour for Five hundred Years and a day. May this Oath sworn between the empyreal titans and the divine gods. By the witness of the golden heart, the fates, and a mortal soul. May it be and so it is sworn.

DM's Guide to Odyssey


7. Other Lore aspects Justice & morality

If some characters want to play roguish, why not, but they should better be cautious as justice awaits : this campaign is supposed to be epic, for heroes. The gods who patron them, especially Kyrah, expect them to succeed WHILE maintaining good morality (not being like Estor, so for exemple not killing the baby troglodytes at the Mithral Mines after hearing of Estor slaying baby Gygans). Heroes are also not supposed to bring justice themselves, for example by slaying Maximus in the open or killing someone they don't like (Acastus anyone ?) : they need to find proof and present them to justice, or act in self defense, or be very stealthy about it.


If someone is delinquent in paying a debt, they have one week to pay it. After that, the debtor may be brought before the court forcibly. Unless the debtor pays the amount owed, the debtor is forced to serve the person he owes for a period of one day for every gold piece owed until the debt is paid.

Theft and assault.

Punished by enslavement (oath of service) for a period no less than one year, up to a life sentence. The guilty party may choose death instead. Mytros : oarsman aboard a ship chosen by the courts [Estoria : as a miner in the copper or silver mines].

Capital Offenses.

Murder, bribery of a court official, and treason are punishable by death by “the Dragon.” This is also the fate of anyone convicted of burning a building within the city (or on the outlying farms and settlements). Death penalty.

Death penalty here results to the guilty party being sacrificed with no weapon : Mytros : to the Dragon. Estoria : on the rock of Estor. Banishment

The court can banish the guilty party to the isle of the exiles for major crimes, when there are mitigating circumstances. Which curioulsy often happens when wealthy or powerful characters are concerned.

Cosmology (Masha)

Masha created this Thylean cosmology, which is very removed from the traditional models, and changes Thylea to become e demi plane. This knowledge can be given to any who are proficient in Arcana.

Thylea 66

DM's Guide to Odyssey

Thylea itself is a demi-plane, situated between the Material plane and the Feywild, created when the goddess Thylea removed herself and Kentimane from the strife of her fellow old gods. This limits connections to other planes, making some nigh unreachable. Because of this, their existence is rarely known to the populous.

Echo Planes : Shadowfell & Feywild Both the Echo Planes of Shadowfell and the Feywild cannot be freely accessed and are more akin to mystical influences, but because of the proximity to the Feywild there are places brimming with fey energy.

Elemental Planes

The Elemental Planes are similarly limited in their connection, with elementals only slipping through when great catastrophes shake Thylea, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods and storms. Because the Titans have dominion over these events, with the waning of the Oath of Peace they have become a more common occurrence.

Outer Planes

Most of the Outer Planes are unreachable yet alone known to the populous. The main exceptions are the planes where souls linger before they are reborn, and the plane of Nyx, both being known to any who are proficient in Religion or Arcana. The soul cycle (Logain)

I changed Masha's work and adapted it with Kaleton's Isle of the Lost. In Thylea, souls arrive in the Nether Sea, the domain of the dead (in the Island of the Lost), to be ferried to the plane where they will be reborn by the goddess of death. The Astral Plane is known as the main place where souls travel after death. Since the arrival of the Five, and their concept of morality (evil and good) which wasn't really known before, more and more souls have to be judged. Some are now ferried to Elyseum and Arcadia, others to Hades and Tartarus. The Astral Plane

The Astral Plane is a void; sometimes shimmering white, sometimes coruscating purple, sometimes a shifting colour that has no name in the tongues of elf or man. It contains more demi-planes, pocket realms and portals than any other plane. The rest of the planes – all that exist, save the Far Realms – float amid the Great Realm and thus the Astral Plane is coterminous with all others. It also serves as the great highway of the planes, and travellers of all sorts are common. https://www.5esrd.com/gamemastering/the-planesof-existence/astral-plane-3pp/

Elyseum and Arcadia

Elysium are the heavenly fields that generally virtuous and good souls travel to after their death. In a great lake at their center is the Island of the Blessed, leading to Arcadia, realm of heroes and the truly righteous good. Hades and Tartarus

Hades are the gray and barren wastes where souls that were judged to be evil are condemned to. Far in its depths is the entrance to Tartarus, a prison plane for the worst of the worst and the most dangerous beings. Rumours of Returned

Dead who have escaped their fate - make it almost a certainty that somewhere in the depths of the Hollow World exist entrances to the Underworld. Outer plane of Nyx

Then there is Nyx, the realm of the gods, perceived in the night sky by the people of Thylea. It is said that it is a realm of veritable paradise, an endless plane of existence where the powers of potentiality and belief hold sway. However, gods that ascend, like Thylea or Mytros, have only a limited connection to the realm and its people. Both goddesses are silent observers, and while they can bless their believers, they cannot speak directly to them. Followers of Mytros and Thylea have learned to read the signs, instead of expecting concrete responses.

DM's Guide to Odyssey


8. Misc rules Fame (Logain)

Check the main events that could lead to fame, and use them to fuel the fame system : deeds award fame points, with x fame points needed to achieve fame level x. They should have roughly fame level 7 when leaving Mytros. Kyrah will do a lot of the lifting when it comes to spreading their exploits, especially regarding the events in the three seas, or the labours : she will fuel their fame : basically at night or when they are just doing downtime in cities, Kyrah is out singing their songs to literally anyone with ears, whether they wanna hear it or not. Because Kyrah is fast you can have her literally run ahead of them when they first reach Estoria. When they go to the inn, people were talking about their fight with the boar : "rumors seems to travel faster than the birds do". If they happen to go to a tavern, they'll find her sing their odyssey. It's her way of contributing to the Heroes being aknowledged by the population. If Kyrah isn't welcome in the group, heroes get 1 fame point less from each award.

Possible fame awards and values :

Refusing payment for a task (for example dwarf skulls) (1) Being called Heroes of the Prophecy by Versi (2) Killing the Great Boar (1) Stopping Estoria's drought (3) Preventing Anora's sacrifice (2) Rescueing kids from the Mossy Temple (2) Taking the Mithral Mine back from the Cerberus (3) Have Woodhike at peace from Korteva's gang (2) Claiming the armaments of the first of the Dragonlords (3) Stopping Mytros's storm with PC solution (4) Captaining the Ultros (3) Stopping the Minotaur slavery (2) Rescuing kids from Lutheria's temple (2) Having a major result at the Great Games (1 each silver and title)) Freeing Fire Island lizardmen from Sydon's influence (3) Freeing Themis from Lutheria's influence (5) Stopping Ventis from being a danger to Indigo islands (5) Remove Helios from Cyclop leadership (5) Stopping Hexia from being a danger to Estoria (5) Facing Sydon in Praxis : negociation / fight (5/8) Facing Lutheria in Hypnos : negociation / fight (5/8) Winning the Battle of Mytros (10) Quelling Zakroth's rebellion at Aresia (6) Ascending to Godhood (15) Saving the world from the Nether Titans (20) Saving the world from Lutheria's scheme (25)

Possible fame penalties :

Cruelty (killing Trog childs for example) : -1 fame level. Being called to court : -1 fame level until cleared. Being convicted of robbery : -1 fame level. Being cursed through a non respected oath : - 1 fame level. Being convicted of murder : lose half fame levels.


DM's Guide to Odyssey

There was a discussion on fame penalties, some feel it is "harsh" in a greek tragedy context. I consider this campaign is more epic than tragedic. Kyrah wants her agenda to move forward, but her agenda is about sponsoring good aligned champions who will take her place to oppose the evil Titans. She won't support future Estor-like characters & won't invent fake deeds to cover their failures.

Monster knowledge

D&D5e house rule for character knowledge about monsters. To know what skill to use, use this table, or your own intuition or your players' interpretation based on the exact nature of the monster. Creature type Abberation Beast

Skill Arcana Animal Handling or Nature














Medecine or Nature


Medecine or History


variable : Arcana or Animal Handling







Legendary creatures History

Difficulty check

Difficulty of the check would be 10 + challenge rating or 8 + hit die, whatever suits you best.


On a success, give general information and randomly one of the following categories : attacks, defenses, special, social/motivation. If character is proficient, beating the DC by five would give another category, beating by 10 would give them all.

The book presents a new mechanical concept, divine exhaustion. It is a nice way to mechanically help the DM take account of the Five's divine spark waning, them being silent, their freshness when encountered, but should only be presented narratively to your players.

Iy your Kyrah used part / all of her divine spark to help the heroes, have a Lutheria nightmare sequence. "Now your little poet has burned away so much of her power to save you from my little toy, who is going to wake you from my little daydreams? Do you even know what she gave up for you? Or, like all mortals, do you just take those things you don't understand for granted?"

Book examples

Sacrifices & prayers

Divine fatigue (Logain)

That concept appears at the following moments : using Forge Fires (Volkan), temporary. saving the demi-god's life (Pythor), permanent. saving Mytros from the storm through the temple of the Five's destruction (Volkan, Pythor, Vallus, Kyrah), permanent, reduces the city's faith. saving Mytros from the storm through the divine miracle (Volkan, Pythor, Vallus, Kyrah), permanent, but bolsters the city's faith.

Expanding the concept

You should expand that jauge, with other actions or events that can affect the Five's divine spark that will fuel the game : The Five could already be weakened from the start of the adventure, with one level of exhaustion (permanent). Kyrah using part of her divine spark against Estor, if you chose that alternative story, should cost her some exhaustion levels (permanent). Anora being sacrificed would cause one level loss to Pythor, permanent. Adding one level of exhaustion after the Ultros starts the Odyssey, then others the last days.

Allowing for recovery

The players could be interested in supporting the Five to recover permanent exhaustion, which would lead to this: The player characters's major sacrifices (the Boar, but if you allow others it could be accepted for cases like the Cerberus, Themis Hydra...) should restore one level of exhaustion to the god who benefits from it. An athlete dedicating his victory to one of the Five would honor him enough in front of mortals to have him recover one level of exhaustion. An athlete dedicating his palme d'or to one of the Five would honor him enough in front of mortals to have him recover one level of exhaustion.

Encouraging sacrifices and prayers

Players see the Boar's sacrifice, and feel like they have to do it repeatedly, as it feels in tone with the campaign. But there's nothing else in the game as written. You can consider its unique effect to be because it seals a link with the prophecy. I find it weak. You might prefer to encourage sacrifices and prayers to all gods, to improve the mythologic aspect. Instead of using Hero Points (from DMG), you can use such an alternate rule : At each level a character resets his Faith Points to 0 then gains (proficiency + WIS bonus) points. Faith points can be used to ask for divine favour through prayers and sacrifices. The favour must be something the god can provide through his portfolio.


If sacrifices can result in blessings, why not prayers? While not as strong as a sacrifice, gods still feel and appreciate the love & repect. People pray to the gods every day ! Limitations are the following : A character can pray for a god's favour or protection, respectively as a bonus action or as a reaction. If a character already prayed a god during a scene, he can't pray him again that scene, but can pray a second god during the same scene. Note that Gods don't like to be third on the list and will not answer a third call, or you would highly risk disfavour. The god's blessing must be used during the same round the prayer was done.

Impact on the battle of Mytros

The book already has a mechanic, despite their age the five are presented with a younger dragon version of their dragon form. It is also to give more importance to the player character's actions, of course, as having Volkan as an ancient bronze dragon could shift the battle. Members of the Five who had too many leves of exhaustion could keep one or two.

Lutheria making fun of Kyrah's sacrifice DM's Guide to Odyssey


Sacrifices are a way of life. They’re done to honor and thank the gods, to ask for protection and favors. Sacrificing to a specific god gives them a boost in power proportional on the quality of the sacrifice, and if the sacrifice pleases them, one of a few different blessings might be given. Gods don’t always know who is performing a sacrifice, or what has been sacrificed. It often presents to them as a transfer of love, energy, or health, and the god may reciprocate with a blessing, if they wish. There are, however, limitations : A character can't benefit from more than a sacrifice a day. A sacrifice must be done as a 1 hour long ritual ( a normal an animal for a minor favor, a rare animal for a major favor, and a special sacrifice (animal with divine spark, legendary creature, god's enemy) for a greater favour. Enemies of a god may receive his blessing (he will either appreciate the gift or not realize who sent it). The character in office can have members of his small group of bonded individuals receive the blessing. He then uses one or more Faith Points, and the DM will give him a corresponding advantage. That advantage must usually be used before the next dawn or dusk, whichever the latest.


The blessing can take any form that links to the god's portfolio. The blessings on this table are typical for heroes in need; not typical worshippers who are hoping for good weather, safe travel, and healthy harvests. Players may always ask the DM for a blessing that is less potent and more mundane, and may often receive it. Note that gods may adjust the power of the blessing based on their mood, or how they feel about those performing the sacrifice. Prayers or sacrifices

Minor favor (1 Faith Point):

Add 1d6 or advantage to an attack, ability check. Add proficiency bonus on a non proficient skill. Add your proficiency bonus to a save it normally doesn't apply. Add 1d6 or advantage on a save. Gain temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus. Impose disadvantage on an enemy attack or ability check used against you.

Major favour (3 Faith Points):

Allow for an extra movement action. Impose disadvantage on an enemy save against one your spells or abilities. Re-roll the damage of an attack, variable numeric effect of a spell or ability or other effect caused by you. You may choose which of the results to use. Gain 1 free use of an ability that requires a short rest. Cause your opponent to re-roll the damage of an attack, variable numeric effect of a spell or ability or other effect caused to you. You may choose which of the results to use. Automatically stabilize.

Greater favour (5 Faith Points):

Regain the uses of abilities as though you had taken a short rest (don’t gain any other benefits of a short rest).


DM's Guide to Odyssey

Get 1 free use of an ability that requires a long rest. Take an additional turn. Prevent Instant Death. God

Portfolio boons examples

Pythor, Kentimane

attacks, strength checks and saves


wisdom checks and saves, Lore spells*, scarab or protection


intelligence checks and saves, temp hp


dexterity checks and saves, deception, speed


all saves, Augury, Heroism


charisma checks and saves


constitution checks and saves, resistance, Hands of Kentimane


temp hp, lore checks, Charm of vitality, charm animal


beautiful weather, calm sea, charisma checks vs order of Sydon


death save, blessing of protection, Vicious mockery*

'* as spell effect, caster level = character level, 1 round.

Path of divinity

Expanding the Domain Feats to become quests that the party undertakes, albeit with the freedom to choose how they fulfill the requirements, even allowing the players to describe what they want to do as their feat if they don't like the options offered. also, some of these will have a decent amount of overlap; breaking into the High Garden of Elysium to find a panacea to cure the plague running rampant in the mortal realm would count as a Domain Feat for both the Trickery and Life domains, so if your players are going for those two you can kill two birds with one stone

New Mechanics:

Claim Soul: when a creature you can see dies, you can attempt to claim its soul. The creature must make a CHA save with a DC equal to your level, and if it fails, its soul belongs to you. The creature automatically fails this save if you were the one to kill it. The creature can still be restored to life normally, but if it is you lose its soul, and you become aware that it has been revived. Channel Power: in some circumstances, you can draw in powerful energy. If you try to do so, make a DC 20 CON save. On a failure, you gain one level of exhaustion, and must repeat the saving throw. This continues until you succeed on a save or until you die. If you succeed on a save, you gain a blessing of the DM's choosing. Godhood: upon completing a Domain Feat, you gain one epic boon of your choice, and the benefits of becoming a god. Epic Boons: These are usually earned through the Path of Divinity, but can be earned as a reward for achieving another Epic Destiny. A challenge of similar nature to a Domain Feat should be accomplished as part of this. Further Epic Boons can be earned as part of one's ongoing adventures in the mortal realm.

Domain Feats:

Forge: you must enhance a magic item. you will need a rare material for this, determined by your DM after deciding on an item. the upgrade results in the magic item permanently gaining a new trait. Grave: you must claim the soul of a powerful immortal. Knowledge: you must uncover a well-hidden secret. a personal secret that others don't know won't suffice; this needs to be something deliberately hidden from the universe itself. you could try seeking out Prometheos in Tartarus, or the library of the skull lords in Hades, to find this secret. Life: you must cleanse the world of a terrible sickness. you could seek a cure for a plague in Elysium, destroy the wyrm dwelling beneath the Heart of Thylea, or heal Daedalus in Tartarus. Light: you must rid the world of a terrible evil. you could destroy the nightwalker that dwells in Hades, destroy an evil artifact in Limbo, or you could broker peace between Mytros and Aresia.

Nature: you must channel powerful nature magic. you could do so in the High Garden of Elysium, or you could do so after slaying the wyrm dwelling beneath the Heart of Thylea. Tempest: you must channel powerful chaotic magic. you can do so in Limbo, or within the clouds atop Mount Olympus. Trickery: you must defy the divine laws and survive. this could mean infiltrating Mount Olympus, freeing a prisoner from Tartarus, or stealing from the High Garden of Elysium. Twilight: you must channel powerful magic, either light or dark. you could do so atop Mount Olympus, or in the depths of Hades. War: you must vanquish a powerful enemy in combat. this could mean single combat with a worthy opponent, fighting alongside your allies to slay a powerful foe, or leading an army into war. Death: you must claim 100 souls. you can gather these over the course of your adventures, or you could deliberately choose a course of action likely to expose you to widespread death. additionally, the skull lords of Hades possess a large number of souls, which you could take from them by force. Protection Domain you could also have a self-sacrifice one - something about interposing yourself in the way of a lethal blow meant for another? Ambition You must receive a mortal curse and be cured. Prophecy You must complete your Epic Path. might need some tweaking, given the Epic Paths are designed to be resolved by the end of the Battle of Mytros, or shortly afterward Unity You must swear an oath of protection to another hero or immortal Arcana You must deliver the killing blow to a creature of CR 20+ using a 9th level spell slot Fire Domain - You must land the killing blow on a creature of CR 20+ with fire damage, or cast a spell that deals fire damage with a 9th level spell slot. Strength Domain - You must succeed on a Strength Check of DC 30. Protection Domain - You must be unharmed by an attack result of 22. (For my Shield Monk, who is going to have her shield give her more AC eventually) Prophecy Domain - You must alter a die roll to a natural 20. (Made for my Fates Warlock, turned out a bit easy but still pretty flavorful)

DM's Guide to Odyssey


9. Other divine figures The Lost Pantheon

Appearance of those gods should be from native races, as Phaeros gave godhood to native heroes to fight the Titans (stealing Talieus's items ?). Some are Leonid candidates if you added them as a native race (Theros content). Surname Name Inspiration Symbol Sun Sekmah Sekhmet Goddess Sky Father Ghost Lord

Lioness Siren (or Light, Life head, Leonid?) bright red armor

Hanu Horus/Anu Eagle's head Nergol


Fire King Gebil


Native Claimed Race domains

black lion's head mask

Gygan Death, N Cyclop Knowledge

humanoid Jancan Forge with red Gygan beard and wild eyes


serpent's Nymph Nature tail lower (Nereid) body


lioness Nymph Arcana head and (or tail Leonid?)



Moon Inanya Maiden


Great Aremis Hunter

Artemis cat's eyes, Nymph War clawed (Oread) hands (or Leonid?) Seth

jackal head, goat horns



The Lost Titans

The Lost Titans quest belongs to the new Timeless One Epic Path, but can also be accomplished if noone takes that Epic Path, if your group is so interested : Sydon's old enemies should interest your PCs. Especially for your native characters related to the Titans. You can consider Pytor's Hammer can be used instead of Kentimane's staff, or have the Staff linked to a PC.

Finding and Freeing the Lost Titans Finding the Lost Titans is one thing - freeing them is another. The module suggests the use of the Wish spell, however alternatives are provided here: Chalcia, Titan of Swiftness, under Fire Island


DM's Guide to Odyssey

Talieus, Titan of Craft, pulling Lutheria’s Barge in the Nether Sea.

Centaur Tempest, CN Twillight

Fish Nanshi Queen

Vile Seth Trickster

Freeing Chalcia is a matter of stopping the sacrifices on Fire Island. Once a day has passed without a sacrifice on the island, Sydon’s seal will become visible. The Timeless One will hear their mother’s voice and receive a vision of themselves jumping into the lava. Once the Timeless One jumps in, a pair of Kentimane’s arms leap from the Staff and encircle them. They sink low enough in the volcano for the arms to rip a hole big enough for Chalcia to Alignment escape. This should be a dramatic moment, possibly LN destroying part of the island in the process. Saving Talieus requires defeating Lutheria, followed by using his sword, Titansbane, to free him from bondage. Hergeron, Titan of Strength, imprisonned under the Tower of Praxys.

Hergeron can be freed by using the Staff of Kentimane or Pytor's Hammer - the Timeless One will receive another vision from their mother. By stamping it upon the adamantine spikes the character summons a series of the Hands of Kentimane to free Hergeron and to hold up the tower in Hergeron’s place. Petrified Titans on Titan Island



Yala, Titan of Beauty Goloron, Titan of Wisdom Versi, Titan of Prophecy Freeing Versi (partially petrified) and the others on Titan Island requires the combined use of the Staff of Kentimane (or Pytor's Hammer) and Titansbane. Combined, the two tools can be used to ‘chisel’ the stone off of the Lost Titans. A single swing upon each Titan causes the stone to fall off of their bodies in hundreds of falling pieces.

What Becomes of the Lost Titans?

The Lost Titans each represent a powerful potential ally. For example, Hergeron is statted as an Elder Empyrean (CR 21). It is possible that, if they are freed in time, the Lost Titans will aid them in the Battle of Mystros. If this occurs, the number of turns it will take Kentimane to destroy the city is doubled, and the Lost Titans can buy the party more time to heal/rest during the battle before confronting Sydon or Kentimane. Alternatively, the Titans may depart Thylea, or fade away from existence after having bestowed a portion of themselves into the Timeless One. This could make for several heartbreaking scenes, especially when it comes to the Timeless One’s mother. This could also happen after the Battle of Mytros. If the Lost Titans survive the Battle of Mystros and are still present in Thylea, they retire to their mother’s golden island to live in peace and solitude as they recover from their eons of torment.

But What About the Madness?

Following the communion with Thylea, have the Mother Tree bear a single great golden fruit the size of an ox. It does not weigh nearly as much as one would expect. This fruit could be used to create Ambrosia, but the Fates know of a way to create a brew that could cure the mind of any number of maladies. This fact could be revealed in the visions from Thylea, by the Oracle, Vallus, the Lotus Witch, or by the Timeless One’s mother in the Nether Sea. Feeding some of this brew to any of the Lost Titans - a single fruit is enough to make a batch large enough to cure all the Lost Titans. Followers of the Twin Titans may seek to steal this fruit to alleviate the mad mind of Lutheria. If this occurs, make sure that the fruit is recoverable and not lost forever (have it turned into the brew already, with Lutheria having refused to drink it, believing herself perfect as she is).

The Battle for Mytros

If the Lost Titans have been freed, they may appear during the Battle for Mytros, attacking Sydon’s fleet and armies. If this occurs, the number of turns it will take Kentimane to destroy the city is doubled, and the Lost Titans can buy the party more time to heal/rest during the battle before confronting Sydon or Kentimane.

What About Kentimane and the Battle of Mytros?

Kentimane will still attack Mytros after the deaths of Sydon and Lutheria. Though his other children live, he still desires vengeance for the Twin Titans, and now represents ‘Old Thylea’ clashing with the heroes, who represent a new age for Thylea. The Lost Titans should join in on this battle. They feel utterly betrayed by their father, who left them to their respective forms of torture for millenia, and as such have no qualms in aiding the party in killing him. But the Lost Titans should not get the killing blow against Kentimane, and effort should be made to show that they are not the focus of the battle, rather the party is. Also, remember the Titans l

The Titan kids (oktoblivion)

Kids of Sydon, and Lutheria aren't that developped. Use Young Epyreal stats, and add a few extra glamoury spells and abilities to all.

Talieus, young Titan of Beauty

Described as very handsome, is proud and a braggart : use the Trickery statblock. He's a spoilt playboy, like Narsus but more cruel. Chalcia, Yala and Hergeron are dismissive of Talieus, who thinks he is the best but is too proud to notice they only really humour him, don't listen to his input and slag him off behind his back. Sydon plans to give him Kyrah's trickery domain after the war.

At ease with words and a cunning planner, he also is a crafter. Sydon plans to give him Volkan's sun portfolio after the war. He's all about the numbers and planning : use the Sun statblock because forge. He oversees the Games at Mytros for the Praxis team.

Goloron, young Titan of Swiftness

Mad, the only encounter is him off at sea surveying : use the Tempest statblock. He's the black sheep, the reason he's sent out to survey the seas is because he's kinda mad like his mother. He's Lutheria's favourite though. May have him make some comments if the party meets him about how he's the only one that understands her suffering, the poisoning of her mind in her shielding against the Far Realm, etc. None of them like Goloron or even invite him to the throne room for meetings/planning

Yala, young Titan of Strength

Born a fighter, Sydon plans to give her Pythor's War portfolio after the coming war. She has been a patron of the Amazons, before Lutheria's coup at Themis. She's the most straightforward one : use War statblock. She oversees the Games at Mytros for the Praxis team.

Chalcia, young Titan of Wisdom

She's chosen to be Sydon's successor. Mix Knowledge & War & Tempest statblock. She's the clear favourite and most wellrounded. Chalcia respects only Yala and Hergeron.

Their relationships:

Yala and Hergeron being kind of mirrors of one another- the warrior and the planner, the 'barbaric' one and the 'cultured' one - Yala patron of the Amazons, Hergeron patron of the Order of Sydon and the Jancans. Planned to be advisors to Chalcia in her position as Sydon's Heir, and the only two that actually had any contention to be heir instead of Chalcia. Yala and Hergeron have (like their parents), a love/hate relationship in which they often argue in court and then are going at it like rabbits behind closed doors. They both respect and are (not very secretly) jealous of Chalcia.

Delphia's kids

Sydon had childs with the dryad Delphia. Those are : Versi (see Temple of the Oracle & NPC section). Demetria (see Mossy Temple). A third unnamed dryad who was killed by the dragonlords who took her tree to make the Ultros's mast, which i called Ultraia, and i had her haunt the ship.


Helios is represented as a radiant, golden-haired man. His portfolio is the domain of light, coming from the sun. [As Thylea is a demi-plane, he is charged of crossing the sky every day aboard his chariot of dawn, to bring sun to Thylea]. More information in chapter help / Garden of Helios.

Hergeron, young Titan of Craft DM's Guide to Odyssey


10. Here be Dragons (Logain)


dyssey of the Dragonlords suggests an epic possibility : to have and mount a Dragon. However it isn't that well done : the gods will propose themselves as mounts... instead of the oathbound dragons. The reason is that raising dragons takes time. If you go by the books, Wyrmlings take 5 years to grow to the Young archetype... but the Battle of Mytros is only months away ! Players interested in the Order of the Dragonlords will probably like to mount THEIR own dragon during the battle of Mytros, which means Young age (large). Also players could feel strange bounding / mounting the old gods as suggested by the book. Also, Dragons can bring jealousy at your table, as some eggs are better than others (young dragons range from CR6 for brass to CR9 for silver), and some eggs can be found sooner than others. Add to this that some characters have specific links with eggs : by the book, a good guide is the Paladin (non-gold egg at level 4, a Wyrmling level 7 and a large dragon level 15). the Vanished One & the Gifted One epic paths, who get the crown of the dragonlords and have eggs planned (Brass Fire Island & Copper Vallus), the weakests! nothing in the book prevents other characters from taking an Oath with a Dragon, like with the Silver egg on Praxis, ... which is the better one raw. So some could feel cheated if they have a specific path or class and get lesser dragons than non specific characters. Paladin might think his class advantage means nothing if all characters have the same dragon advantage, which is partially untrue as he'll still have a specific bond.

Raising dragons

The system i propose assumes the colour of the dragon has no impact on its challenge rating : a Silver dragon will be as powerful as a Copper at the same age, makes for variety. I feel you should "give" dragon eggs to everyone who is interested (having Vallus's Gift to the one most interested in dragonlords lore if you have none, having Fire Island's vision even if you have no Vanished One and transform it to a clutch of 2 or 3 eggs), so there is no jealousy at your table. Just remember your paladin will feel he deserves an advantage. I suggest you use "companion rules" for the Wyrmling, then use them as normal characters when young through 5 stages. Then you have to decide either making them age during play (see the system i devised, with a vision from Versi pinpointing at the Island of Time), or not and having them mount the gods at BoM.

Hatching eggs

Consider eggs are kept in condition to be viable. We can rule that a specific care has to be done to force them to hatch, which takes 3d6 days. Praxis's silver egg is an exception with 1d6 : we can suppose specific care was started (gamewise it's because Praxis is late, so players can make him hatch sooner). 74

DM's Guide to Odyssey

"Bond of the Dragonlords" forces hatching in 1d4 days.

Hatchling Companion

If you use the suggested milestone system, the first eggs (Palladin, Vanished One, Gifted One) should hatch in the Gulf aboard the Ultros when the PCs are level 7 to 9. Show Kyrah and Pythor are interested and find that event cute. The Hatchling would have the following powers : Bite attack : when your melee or close ranged (up to 30 foot) attack hits an opponent, add 1d6 piercing damage. Breath attack (1/Encounter). The dragon exhales energy in a 15-foot cone (if silver) or 40-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that area must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) energy damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Oath of the Dragonlords. The dragon becomes Loyal, and gains inspiration when he becomes a Wyrmling.

Wyrmling Companion

Make the Hatchling grow to Wyrmling after the Ultros visited one or two other islands. The Wyrmling would have the following powers : Bite attack : when your melee or close ranged (up to 30 foot) attack hits an opponent, add 1d6 piercing damage and 1d6 energy attack. Breath attack (1/Encounter). The dragon exhales energy in a 15-foot cone (if silver) or 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that area must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 27 (6d8) energy damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Life link (inspiration). Before a death save, you can instead choose to roll a 20, and gain 1 level of exhaustion.

Young Dragon

The Wyrmling would grow to the "Young" age, stage 1, if any of the following happen, then one stage older for each of those events : Potions of aging : it is possible to find some in Hypnos, and in Mytros on the black market (prices rocket with Acastus buying them all, he asks Zorin to make some with blood taken from Vallus). PCs could ask Kyrah to give some blood. Using 5 such potions would age the dragon to Young, stage 1. The Oath of the Dragonlords should prevent them from giving one. If they do, each potion after the first should give him 1 permanent level of exhaustion or some other similar penalty. The Island of Time : You could have the dragons age one step or more when they sacrifice several days there, through training in a time loop. During « The End of the Oath » scene, Pytor & Kyrah can burn though their remaining divine power to make the Dragons they learned to like on the Ultros grow one step or more. Downtime after the battle of Mytros. Downtime after the Sunken Kingdom.

Riding a dragon (mounted combat).

Normaly, either it's on your turn in which case you gain the benefits of that initiative compression and enhanced mobility at the cost of it not making attacks, or it has its own initiative and you're along for the ride. Bond of the Dragonlords (read the spell) allows for better mounted combat : you control them fully, and they act on your initiative, but they lose multiattack and breathe only once.

Young Dragon, stage 3

Dragon statblocks :

21(+5) 10*(+0) 19*(+4) 14(+2) 13*(+1) 17*(+3)

Young dragons stage statblock :

Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) piercing damage. Claw Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage.

Young Dragon, stage 1 Challenge Proficiency Armour Class HP Initiative 6 STR


17 CON


110 WIS


Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage. Claw Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage. Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). DC 14 Elemental breath damage, 39 (7d10).

Young Dragon, stage 2 Challenge Proficiency Armour Class HP Initiative



17 CON


119 WIS



18 CON


142 WIS


Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). DC 15 Elemental breath damage, 50 (9d10).


19(+4) 10*(+0) 17*(+3) 12(+1) 11(+0) 15*(+2)


Challenge Proficiency Armour Class HP Initiative

Young Dragon, stage 4 Challenge Proficiency Armour Class HP Initiative 9 STR


18 CON


168 WIS


21(+5) 12*(+1) 21*(+5) 16(+3) 13*(+1) 19*(+4)

Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) piercing damage. Claw Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage. Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). DC 16 Elemental breath damage, 55 (10d10).


19(+4) 10*(+0) 17*(+3) 14(+2) 13*(+1) 15*(+4)

Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage. Claw Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage. Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). DC 15 Elemental breath damage, 44 (8d10).

Young Dragon, stage 5 Challenge Proficiency Armour Class HP Initiative 10 STR


19 CON


178 WIS


23(+6) 14*(+2) 21*(+5) 16(+3) 13*(+1) 20*(+5)

Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft. Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) piercing damage. Claw Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage. Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). DC 17 Elemental breath damage, 60 (11d10).

DM's Guide to Odyssey


Young dragons common stat block :

Young Dragon Size Large (allows mounted combat) Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft. Languages Common, Draconic Senses Blindsight 30 ft., Darkvision 120 ft. Skill proficiencies : Stealth, Perception (+4 racial) Multiattack The dragon makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Metallic origin stat block :

Brass Dragon Special Speed burrow 20 ft. Alignment chaotic good Damage Immunities Fire Skill proficiencies : Persuasion

Fire Breath. The dragon exhales fire in a 40-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Sleep Breath The dragon exhales sleep gas in a 30foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or fall unconscious for 5 minutes. This effect ends for a creature if the creature takes damage or someone uses an action to wake it.

Bronze Dragon Special Speed swim 40 ft. Amphibious The dragon can breathe air and water. Alignment lawful goodDamage Immunities Lightning Skill proficiencies : Insight

Lightning Breath The dragon exhales lightning in a 60- foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Repulsion Breath The dragon exhales repulsion energy in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is pushed 40 feet away from the dragon.


DM's Guide to Odyssey

Copper Dragon Special Speed climb 40 ft. Alignment chaotic good Damage Immunities Acid Skill proficiencies : Deception

Acid Breath The dragon exhales acid in an 40-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Slowing Breath The dragon exhales gas in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature can't use reactions, its speed is halved, and it can't make more than one attack on its turn. In addition, the creature can use either an action or a bonus action on its turn, but not both. These effects last for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself with a successful save.

Silver Dragon Alignment lawful good Damage Immunities Cold Skill proficiencies : History, Arcana

Cold Breath The dragon exhales an icy blast in a 30foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a Constitution saving throw, taking cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Paralyzing Breath The dragon exhales paralyzing gas in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Native spellcasting variant

https://www.dropbox.com/s/1z5nwl4ygw032pz/Dragons%20as%20Innate %20Sample%20Spells.pdf?dl=0

Rebuilding the order of the dragonlords

Often DMs here are like, "there's an order to build but no way to do it". The possibilities are the following : Collect eggs during the Odyssey (Versi's vision on Fire Island and Vallus's gift, The Fates's egg, Praxis's egg, added eggs for Estor & Hexia). Aesop's message telling them four missing bronzes might be prisonner of Sydon gives them hope, then Chondrus will tell they were seen on Golden Heart. Hezzebal might come to his senses. Time chambers proposal to age the wyrmlings they collect. Gifted One's fortress of the Dragonlords, make it a flying fortress. Turning evil dragons (Jankor's wyrmling and Acastus's coppers), see hereunder.

Bond of the Dragonlords errata

Raw, several problems pushed us to errata that spell : having it work only on a hatchling : how old were Balmytria and Volkan when bound by humans ? => also allow it on a willing dragon. the part on the one dying when the other dies : what happened with the gods, with Balmytria after Xander's death especially makes it complicated to understand => drop that part, espacially since a partner can break the link if the other doesn't respect the oath (not possible when dead). having it work only on some metallic dragons : was Hexia part of them or not ? => allow it on all dragons, also allow you to give cool specific dragons, to your Paladin for example making it unique. Bond of the Dragonlords (errated) 2nd-level enchantment Casting Time: 1 minute Range: Touch Components: V, M (the oath of the dragonlord must be intoned in the Draconic language, while money and magic items worth at least 2,000 gp are consumed. Duration: if a recipient ever breaks the oath of the dragonlords, his partner may end the bond.

Effect: You permanently bond with a newly-hatched wyrmling, or with a willing dragon. The Dragonlord considers all dragons of the dragon's type to be of his or her bloodline. You can confer the bond to another recipient who you are touching when you cast the spell. This spell fails if one of the recipient already has such a bond.

Turning evil dragons

Some dragons should be too old to change, like Ventis, but your players might be interested in turning some young dragons to their side. Acceptance (Josh)

The question is to decide if they would accept to be the recipient of that spell, to say that Oath. When eggs are delivered by the titans or by one of their followers, they presumably have been corrupted by the Fates. Those dragons are not born evil, but they are made susceptible to evil’s influence. Those that have not been raised long enough by evil npcs could be turned back. When characters discuss with those young dragons, show "something is not right about those dragons", have them be unsettling during discussion and classes, with personalities more befitting chromatics with the player character expecting metallic personalities. Then allow for a skill challenge to change their alignment and make them agree to say the oath. Targets :

Jankor's Brass.

Your players might try to capture ou persuade Jankor's Brass Wyrmling. I feel you should allow them to try it. Would then need another successful persuade check to accept a bond, but even then something is amiss, see corruption. Acastus's coppers.

My Vanished One took time to talk to those dragons and to think about integrating them to the order. But having them bond before the Odyssey wouldn't look right, as your characters would ask for large dragons on the Ultros, so they shouldn't consent before the Odyssey's departure, but if rolls & role play are ok show they are considering it, curious about it. Show the player he's not fare from succeeding, but that he doesn't know what would do the trick. Coppers join after battle variant (Josh)

You might have the captains and their dragons yield at 0hp and swear the bond of the dragonlords after the BoM in my game, that sounds pretty cool to me. Corruption Effects

You could show they have sins through roleplaying (sloth, pride, glutony, lust, greed, wrath, envy). If they act with the party, have them do nothing useful but defend themselves / look for cover each time they or their associated character roll a 1, until the end of the next round, and show it as an expression of a sin. Removing corruption

During the Odyssey, have Fates / Lotus Witch / Yonder library show a possibility to remove corruption from young dragons, the younger the easiest. Could be a ritual at Typhon, especially if you have no Cursed One. It would allow the characters to come back to Mytros before the end of the Oath to try have those dragons on their side, meaning they would need to choose their NPCs and PCs partners. DM's Guide to Odyssey


11. Epic paths


pic paths are a major and new thing in this campaign, a character personalization kit.

A "content to unlock"

Remember part of the Epic Path description is a spoiler, something to unlock. For exemple, the Demi God character doesn't know what he will have to do to sober his father up, or the Dragonslayer's character doesn't know from start he's supposed to become a Dragonslayer. Versi tells them. Epic paths should have made a difference between the "background known from start" and the "background to unlock", especially for the Demi God.

Epic paths summary :

Demi-god = redeem your father, follow in his footsteps be better than him greater than him. Vanished one = finish the fight do what you failed to do last time. Gifted one = prove to the rest of the world that you are worthy. Haunted one = this journey will help find out what happened to your family. Dragon slayer = this journey will help you get revenge on the person that destroyed you village. 2/5 Doomed one = this journey will help you need your bad luck. Cursed one = this journey will help you end your curse. Lost one = Find a way home or crave your own place in this new world.

New Epic paths summary :

The Bastard = avenge your mother and find your father, take your rightful place back. The Timeless One = defeat your treacherous siblings and rescue the lost ones with the help of your divine parents. The Exile = return home to take back your throne. The Psychopomp = find your lost lover through interacting with the dead. The Masterpiece = get yourself a soul and finish your maker's work

Versi's visions dialogues

Versi: "Please, let me recieve you, and I shall share with you that which I promised..."

The Cursed One

"You, Cursed One, whose veins run black with the foulest of hexes, and punishments are disproportionate to the crimes committed ages ago. I see that you must travel to the City of the Dead, there you must speak with the silent guardian that watches over all of Telamok. He shall reveal the nature of your curse, for he was there when the curse was placed upon your blood." 78

DM's Guide to Odyssey


The Demigod

"You are a beauteous thing you, but a flower cannot bloom if its stem wilts. So too must you, to see your destiny through, go to your divine parent, Pythor, now King of Estoria. He wallows in his wine and his grief, long having lost the luster of his glory days. You shall forge the weapon he could never wield, defeat his ancient foe, and save his true love. In doing so, you shall walk a path that would allow you to outshine your father in heroism, and perhaps even join him in godhood."

The Doomed One

"You whose birth was cursed, whose joyous day of coming to the world was spoiled, I can see the torment that has been laid at your feet, but my sight is obscured from seeing the perpetrator of your misfortunes. Speak with my sister, Demetria, where she weeps and rages in the Oldwood. She has a connection to that which is fated to be your ultimate doom."

The Dragonslayer

"I see your destiny is one bound in blood and glory. You shall be the bane of wicked wyrms that would torment mortals and fae alike. To become this glorious figure, and to right the wrong that was done to you and yours, you must seek out the one trapped in the fires of the great forge. She can provide insight into the weapon that is meant to slay the setting sun."

The Gifted One

"I am pleased to have one with such a lofty destiny come before me. I see you are meant for greater things yet - to ride at the forefront of a flight of reborn dragons... but have you ever wondered the source of your great gifts? Pondered whence they came? I shall reveal it to you. You and I, you see, are kin. My father, Lord of All, once loved a mortal sorceress. She was your grandmother. My father's sister-wife, Lutheria, convinced him to murder his mortal lover, however. You must avenge her, and in doing so, her spirit shall guide you to your great destiny... Now, allow me to gift you something of hers - a memento that I know she would wish for you to have far more than I."

The Haunted One

"My condolences for your loss, O' Haunted One. While I cannot see the fates that befell your loved ones, I can see their memory clinging to you like so many ghosts. I know now the silver light of dawn shielded you from the wrath that so terribly fell upon your family. Yet they need not haunt you, phantomwise, forever. You may yet save your dearly beloved family, but to do so, you must retrieve the artifacts of your (house/tribe). Seek out my sister, Demetria, where she dwells in the darkest part of the forest, for her servants have delivered to her a relic, stolen from your fallen family."

The Lost One

"I sense distant shores upon you. Your very venture here to these lost lands is an odyssey in and of itself. But your journey has only just begun. Seek you a way to return home or to carve out a place for yourself here in forgotten Thylea? I cannot say. What I do know, fabulous wealth was brought to this land by the last great arrivals, the Dragonlords of yore. You must recover their lost treasure - with those boons in hand, you will find a way to sail back through the Forgotten Sea, or to make yourself a legend here in these lands."

The Vanished One

"My heart, the fates are cruel indeed to rip us apart so quickly after you have come to my rescue. Before I speak to you of your great destiny, I would ask you to swear an Oath to me, here and now, that once you have accomplished your fate and prevent the Doom of Thylea... that you will return to me. And let our hearts forever sing as one. (let Vanished One answer) "I always had such a 'soft spot' for mortals... but I had no idea what it meant to love, not truly, before I laid eyes upon you (Vanished One’s name). I shall speak now of your fate: you are destined to see your order rise once more - I see you, once more wearing your famed armour and crown. You must retake them. Seek them out in the Necropolis at Telamok. Old friends wait for you there."

The Myrmidon

"I can sense that you are of honorable ancestry : your lineage can be traced to the original Myrmidons and their fabled heroes. I can see that you are destined to follow his path, doing great things, and maybe you will be capable of uniting Thylea against the Titans. You need to find the Banner and the Spear of the Myrmidon to have that order rise from the ashes, and become the hero Thylea desperatly needs. The gods might know more about the Myrmidons of old, and their fabled weapons."

The Bastard

"You carry an unkind name that burns deep to your noble soul, Bastard. I admit that the identity of your father and your mother’s killer is obscured to my sight, but I can see greatness throughout your long-reaching family tree. The token of his that you carry, once given to your mother, is known as a burnished dragonlord coin, and I can see that it was one of the first to be minted. Take it to the City of the Dead and present it to the silent keeper of that place. He will show you the way to the tomb where a member of your blood restlessly sleeps.”

Design (Crashgem & me) Demi-God

Easy to understand : your dad is Pythor. The demi-god is so classic greek, and it let us show the 5 gods as much more "human" and mortal via family arguments, drama, and dinners. It makes Kyrah, Pythor, and Volkan very accessible for the players, and because of this, the players are invested in the 5 gods and supporting them. Play heavily into the "Pythor is in decline and a drunk, you need to finish what your father couldn't", should be a great motivation. The difficulty : a classic "But I'm the prince!" problem. The Player claims god/noble privilege. Just allow some, it doesn't really matter, just remember Estoria is broke. Demi god's weapon (oktOblivion)

Volkan had a huge list of random shit Pythor kept asking him to include in the Weapon. For a wizard the obvious suggestion is Staff of the Archmagi. "Volkan: "So instead of a staff that turns into 50 different things, including looks at list...a bottomless drinking horn, you think it should instead be able to channel powerful magic direct from the weave? Yep, that makes sense. I'll still need star metal to contain the energies, of course, but it should be doable with a fair amount of work". For a Paladin you could have a Holy sword.

Vanished One

The hardest path to set up : you need to really understand the lore, myth, and history of the campaign world, and it's honestly a bit of a mess. In that way, you need to be willing to rewrite it to include your vanished one into that history in a meaningful way (for example, is she Jasena Ventrak, rider of Narsus, or Hezzebal's rider?); otherwise, why bother. The Vanished One's story serves as a grand narrative device to learn more about the history of the campaign world and the shifting attitudes of the settlers, dragonlords, and current party. The biggest problem with it: it feels VERY main character. VO's relation with Versi should be based on a vision that he'd be needed in the future, and she sort of kidnapped him prior to the assault on Praxis (which saved his life) and kept him there for 500 years in a dreamy haze, waiting for the true need Versi understands from her visions. If you or your player considers VO didn't consent to losing 500 years here, you'll play a relation in which the character will resent Versi, which i feel is bad for the story as you sever a link between the character and Versi who fuels the Odyssey, but why not, feels Greek mythology too. Possible choices of true identity are : Jasena Ventrak (who decided to abandon the dragonlords to go into Versi's frudge) + Narsus, Gregor Huorath (who went missing at sea) + Hezzebal, unnamed dragonlord + Hexia (she came from abroad with the dragonlords, but you need to change the Oath of the Dragonlords (only metallics in it). You could consider the VO's egg was a reincarnation, so that dragon specifically can and wants to be aged. Means you can have a good quest now for them discovering the origins of the aging serum. DM's Guide to Odyssey


Doomed One

The Doomed One will play very differently depending on its settler or native origine. A native is better as she can be related to the Titans (Demetria and Versi's sister or cousin ?) which adds background, and can benefit from a mashup with the Timeless Epic Path backgound. Also have her serve as a target, make her suffer and kill her (she's the only one having 3 "lives"). A nice variant can be to consider the Doomed One is the child of Lutheria and Estor, conceived when Estor made his dark pact. She hates that situation and makes DO suffer to make her pay as a symbol, and/or a prophecy came telling she'll be her doom.

Gifted One

An easy to understand path : i'm basically a demi-god, my grandpa is the main villain, i'm the chosen one, i get a dragon, i'm supposed to be the leader of the new Dragonlords... This is another "main character" path but somewhat cliche and boring. It lacks the exciting dynamic of my dad is a failed god that the real demi-god path has. It lacks the cool time traveler angle that the vanished one has. It's every golden boy/girl PC story I have ever heard. Change ideas : He finds dragon eggs (plural) and starts raising and caring for them, super cute. You find, hatch, and raise the dragons FOR THE FUTURE DRAGONLORDS. After the battle of Mytros integrate Acastus's dragons. Grandma could take over Nephele's body at Praxis and stay, that way if you gave other player characters hatchlings, GO keeps an edge on dragons. Grandma sticks around to help, unlike written. The fortress of the dragonlords could be a badass floating castle, lost during the assault on Praxis. Add an entire side quest to liberate it one of Sydon's child or Hellios who uses it as a clubhouse. Also, when gifted one confronts sydon about being his grandkid, he will pull a Thanos punchline "I don't even know who you are."

Haunted One

This is the hardest Epic path to run, because no one knows about it, and no one can talk about it. It's a neat idea, and it has led to some cool roleplay moments, but it's very... awkward in play. Still ther's a lot of potential here, but it comes online much later in the campaign. The Haunted One is a sorrowful path, with a prolonged burn. While the revenge factor against lutheria is pretty powerful, it is definitely a path better suited for a player who doesn't mind being away from the spotlight. Have Mytros communicate visions through the haunted one since they are connected anyways by the protective magic Mytros placed on her, without telling your character the source.


DM's Guide to Odyssey

If Queen of Mytros is out as a settler race : the PC will be "elected" by the native races to serve as the liaison between the settlers, the gods, and the native people of Thylea. I may even have Thylea back this and have the PC become the "Speaker of Dreams," basically the oracle of Thylea herself. You can also imagine adding part of the Psychopomp's epic path. A fun addition is to consider the egg Vallus gives on the Ultros is her bronze child, Mytros asked her to do that & she doesn't know that the Haunted One is her child - HO's sister.

Cursed One

You have to push on the fact that the cursed one doesn't suffer from classic racism, but by being cursed by the gods that makes that character rejected. So, we have had to explore more about the curse. The curse is in her bloodline. The curse drives the women in her family insane. Nice combo with Amazon characters & Exile epic path. The curse affects both the body and mind differently for each member of her bloodline. The PC is the end of her bloodline and is receiving all of the curses one after the other in a big pileup. She is a medusa... sure, but eventually she will be a monstrous, snake bodied medusa (Euryale), insane with selfish evil though and monstrous desires. She will cease to be herself, and become just another living war machine of the titans. Have a very monstrous medusa Euryale encounter at some point as another preview of "what is waiting for her." An Amazon Medusae can be related to the Themis ruling family, and can even be old enough to be the origin of the curse and an ancestor to the queen of Themis. Just tell her that part of her curse is to forget old things, like the children she had, otherwise she will ask for spoiler information. The character in the Maw can be her ancestor, or the one that tricked her to be cursed (that version of the Epic Path makes her become the origin of her family's curse !). Work scenes with her family to show how INSANE they have become, as a preview of what is waiting for her, a fun thing is also make them racist versus monsters.


Quite easy to understand : i'm in for revenge against the dragon that destroyed my village, and will become the bane of evil dragons. But that path is rather straightforward, unless your player just likes fighting. And in that case, it might also frustrate him that Helios flees, that PCs might want to discuss with Hexia (so don't change Ventis!)... Some epic paths milestones could be added : Mysterious dragon bonus background

For both ideas here, change the background so the dragonslayer doesn't clearly know what colour the dragon is : when he saw a dragon flying away after his village was burned, he didn't see its color as he was facing the sun.

The mysterious stranger

My second dragonslayer didn't want the destroyed village part. His story is he was out hunting, when he got on the track of a golden animal. He encountered a stranger, who proposed they could share the prize (hunter the animal, stranger the spark). When they killed the animal, stranger double crossed him, cursed him (transforming him in a Minotaur) then transformed in a dragon in front of the setting sun, and took the corpse. Story is nice so i accepted it, but it complicates things : a vengeance because of a curse isn't as strong as the destroyed village is. The mysterious ancestor (Fongie_Jr)

Bastard epic path background : add an unknown father to the Dragonslayer in Versi's vision. Helios was given a divination his demise would come from someone he fathered. As he had used his shapechange ability to flirt with some women, he destroyed their village. During the character's stay at Mytros, have Axios from the Siren's Roost bestialy assassinated. Meeting Helios : Helios the sun god greets him with this big smile and hug, recognizing his descendant. He explains that the dragon that burned down his village is the same that trapped him here, because she was a danger to him, so he should go slay her. If you have no demi god, said dragon should be Hexia, else use Ventis. Of course it's a lie : he hopes such a fight might kill his son, and at least give him more time before his demise. The characters could understand he's lying : allow insight or not), find it strange those acid dragons could have burned a village, use divination magic, get info from the Fates if a bargain was made, or get answer from Hexia / Ventis... Then play the confrontation as written, with a bigger reveal for the dragonslayer. Salamander encounter

The book doesn't cover the Dragonslayer's encounter with the Salamander. He should need to explain Versi's prophecy, that his village has been burned to the ground. The Salamander : "That must be a fire dragon you want to fight, you would need this to resist his fire attack". Gives minor boon (had her twist one of her spine into a ring). "Also, the Jancans Cyclops were the best blacksmiths in Thylea, and crafted weapons designed to kill dragons, maybe a relic of their art can be found in Yonder, where they dwelled". Chondrus will learn Dragonslayer's story in Mytros, and will give it to him as a token of goodwill for that reason.

The Lost One reworked (otkOblivion & me)

This path requires almost as much work as the Vanished One (so, a lot) to make it work. You need to work with your player about who they are, where they are from, what they left behind, how they got here, how bad they want to return. The objectives and rewards aren't that good, and the path also doesn't integrate the character well in the story : he's not that concerned about Thylea's future, only by finding the treasure and returning home. Adjusting the path

Adding milestones that integrate to his story (how to go back to his world) and to Thylea (the Path of Divinity). Could be mashed with the Curious One or the Seeking One, but replace the "Go back to your world" by "find a way to sail back through the Forgotten Sea, or to make yourself a legend here in these lands", to give him the option to stick to Thylea. Kyrah's descendance. My LO bard comes from the dragonlords's world. He always had dreams of someone calling him from Thylea, trying to wake him. In reality he doesn't know he's a descendant of the child she had with Adonis, which was left in the care of Adonis's parents before the Xanderiad. Thanks to that specific link she was able to contact him in his dreams, which build his will to make the trip to Thylea, but she fears he'll be angry at being manipulated and transformed into a hero of the prophecy. The White Book developped hereunder accomplishes : 1. Sets up that Kentimane must be dealt with at some point. 2. Shows the LO his people will hurt Thylea if he goes back. 3. Sets up that, in the siege of Mytros, getting Kentimane to the Isle of the Heart, if you have rescued some of his children, may be a solution to shutting Thylea. On the Ultros : Kyrah informs the Lost One that there is a fabled grimoire chronicling the creation of Thylea : The White Book of Thylea. This book might give information on how Thylea connects to other worlds. She suggests seeking out for Thylea's greatest sources of information. Research at the library of Yonder : Chondrus / The Libray mentions The White Book, now missing. If Greater Restoration is cast on Enigma, he will be able to tell that the last thing he remembers is being with the book on a strange island, on an overlook, looking through a magical telescope. Mikhael is the survivor of an expedition sent to look after the Lost One, who became heir to his noble family. Consulting the Fates : They will tell they have information to sell. If The Lost One pays a bargain fee, or frees the Fates from Lutheria's corruption, the Fates will use their loom, and will tell The Lost One that the book is lost somewhere on the Island of Time, having been in the possession of another seeker of knowledge that went mad there. Consulting the Lotus Witch : for a price, she talks about the book. She will say that isolation of Thylea comes from its divine sparks, provide hints as to where to seek out the Lost Titans. At the Island of Time, The White Book will be found in the adamantine vault. See Appendix. It says isolation of Thylea is due to the importance of divine sparks living in it, and also that the only way to safely leave would be to soften the terrible wrath of Kentimane, however, only Thylea herself could ever calm him. Third view of the telescope will show that the invading army comes from the Lost One's world, and has banners of his house / nation. Do they come to get him back, or was his return the root of this invasion ? Divination magic will tell the second version is true. Gives the Lost One a bone to chew at : should he return or stay ? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zMPlHYRuYZHb8oLid1NwnEFg-k1g9hW3DsdNGhcNI8/edit?usp=sharing DM's Guide to Odyssey


New Epic paths

The best fan made epic paths selection :

The Bastard (Whaleman)

You grew up knowing little more than your mother’s love. Yours was a hard life, but you had each other, and you had the many stories your mother told you of your father - though she never revealed the identity of the man. Your mother bemoaned that you were both denied the lives you were owed by your birthright, as you were both kept from your father by his wife’s jealousy. For players who love: Oedipus, Jon Snow

You returned home one day to find your house ablaze. Forcing your way inside, you managed to pull your mother out of the fires. With her dying breaths, she revealed that your home was attacked by someone, and told you to find your father, giving you the last token of him that she still possessed: a single burnished coin. Adventure Hook:

The Oracle can set you on the path of finding your father and avenging your mother’s death. Possible fusion:

Looks compatible with ? Heroic Tasks to unlock

Find your father Avenge your mother’s murder Claim the heirlooms of your father’s fathers. Pick one lesser and one greater magic item from this list: (lesser) Stone of Good Luck (greater) Nine Lives Stealer (any weapon), or Dancing Sword (any weapon), or Scimitar of Speed (any weapon)

The Exile (Josh)

Your mother was the Amazon Queen of the Island of Themis, Thesilea VI. Thirteen years ago, a group of three sisters murdered your mother and her main supporters in a single night of bloodshed, stealing her identity and her throne. For players who love: The Amazons, Wonder Woman

They now rule over the main island and the smaller tribes scattered throughout the Cerulean Gulf. You escaped in the chaos, and have been preparing for your return ever since. News from Themis is dire. Bands of maenads roam the island, accompanied by their goat-headed children and leagues of leering men, keeping the populace in check. Bloody bacchanals are held every night, all in the name of Lutheria. You must overthrow the usurpers, prove that your worthiness extends beyond your blood, and reclaim your crown. Adventure Hook:

The Oracle claims to have seen how you can reclaim your throne. Possible fusion:

Looks compatible with the Cursed One. Heroic Tasks to unlock

Defeat the usurpers Prove yourself worthy to rule through a Trial of Strength Reclaim the symbol of your family’s rule (Choose one): Bracers of Defence, Frostbrand Chakram, Flametongue Chakram, Oathbow

Divine Blessing

Blessing of Resilience: When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.

Divine Blessing

Blessing of Leadership. You may order your allies to attack. Each creature of your choice you can see and that can hear you may use their reaction to make an attack or cast a cantrip. The blessing cannot be used again until after a long rest. Restrictions: You must be a mortal from Thylea


DM's Guide to Odyssey

Restrictions: You must be a woman and a native to Thylea

(from https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U21yLuBHz800G6957I_0jxD8KyA

The Psychopomp (Josh & Kaleton)

You lived a strange life - the spirits of the dead and dying have always called out to you, and you have long sought to either comfort them, or to escape their sepulchral cries. But even in your darkest hours, you had your true love by your side. For players who love: Katabasis, The Sixth Sense

Until the day they vanished, that is. They were later found, dead, but with no discernable injuries. They came to you the next night, bearing an unholy green aura, begging you for help, for release. As quickly as they came, they were gone. Having lost the one light in your life, you are determined to save them, by whatever means necessary. Adventure Hook:

The Oracle can tell you how to save your lost lover. Possible fusion:

Looks compatible with Haunted One. Heroic Tasks to unlock :

Learn how to ease the souls of the restless dead Put the damned crew of the ghost ship, the Ultros, to rest Save your lost lover Obtain the tools of a true Psychopomp. Choose one lesser and one greater item from the following list: (lesser) Pipes of Haunting or Sentinel Shield or Wand of Web, (greater) Gem of Seeing, or Staff of Withering, or Sunblade

Divine Blessing

Blessing of the Grateful Dead. You gain immunity to contracting disease, have resistance to necrotic damage, and cannot be possessed against your will. Restrictions: None

The Timeless One (Kaleton & ?)

You are the child of Versi the First, the Titan of Prophecy. Having foreseen the downfall of she and her siblings at the hands of Sydon and Lutheria, she sent you to the Island of Time until you had the opportunity to defeat her traitorous siblings. For players who love: The story of Zeus and Cronus, Captain America

You spent ages on the Island of Time, your near endless adolescence, in a camp. It may now be either perfectly preserved, or appear to have been abandoned for centuries. You know the gynosphinx on the island, who looked after you during your stay with maternal feelings, which also may have been a friend of your mother. Five years ago, you returned to Thylea, and grew to adulthood with an Oldwood tribe that still honours your mother. This new Thylea is strange, and many creatures not of the Titans now walk it. They build cities and honour new gods, but they are not your enemy. Sydon and Lutheria hate them fiercely, and you know the cruelty that the Twin Titans can inflict. Perhaps these settlers can even help you in your quest. Adventure Hook:

You have learned that there is a new Oracle, one that bears your mother’s name. Hopefully she can divine what happened to your family. Possible fusion:

Looks compatible with Doomed One. Heroic Tasks to unlock :

Recover the Staff of Kentimane Commune with Thylea Find the Lost Titans

Divine Blessing

Blessing of Prophecy: When you finish a long rest, roll one d20 and record the number rolled. You can replace any attack roll, saving throw, or ability check made by you or a creature that you can see with this roll. Restrictions: You must be a native to Thylea

DM's Guide to Odyssey


The Masterpiece (Kaleton)

Many spend their entire lives wondering who they truly are, what their purpose is, and why they were born. You have no such doubts. You know your purpose, you know your creator, and you know the reason for your being. During the First War, Volkan the God of Forges, sought to create a weapon that could battle the Titans in place of mortal suffering, but his great plans to revolutionize warfare never came to be. He only ever managed to create one perfect living weapon: you. You remained dormant for centuries while Volkan tinkered away. He has recently activated you. The Oath of Peace is ending, and the war you were created to fight is soon to begin again. For players who love: Pygmalion and Galatea, Mewtwo/Urdnot Grunt

Adventure Hook:

The Oracle claims that the war you were created to fight in is at hand. Heroic Tasks to unlock :

Obtain a soul Fulfill your purpose Return to your birth forge for upgrades. Pick one lesser and one greater magic item from this list (you cannot be disarmed of these items as they were designed to effectively become a part of you; unequipping any of them takes an action): (lesser) Ring of Protection, (greater) Defender (any weapon) or Spellguard Shield or Wand of the Warmage +3

Divine Blessing

Blessing of the Forge: You gain immunity to poison damage, the poisoned condition, and the petrified condition, and you are immune to any spell or effect that would alter your form against your will. In addition, you suffer the effects of exhaustion as if you had one level less than you do. Automaton template

Unlike other Epic Paths, The Masterpiece also provides a template that is meant to be applied to the race you choose for your character. Your appearance marks you to have been made of marble, or else you bear a metallic sheen and have visible joints. Constructed Resilience. You were created to have remarkable fortitude, represented by the following benefits: You have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned, and you have resistance to poison damage. You don't need to eat, drink, or breathe. You are immune to disease. You don't need to sleep, and magic can't put you to sleep. Sentry's Rest. When you take a long rest, you must spend at least six hours in an inactive, motionless state, rather than sleeping. In this state, you appear inert, but it doesn't render you unconscious, and you can see and hear as normal 84

DM's Guide to Odyssey

The Myrmidon (Reddit)

While the Dragonlords were the champions of the First War, wars are not one by individuals alone. To support the Dragonlords, legions of hoplites were recruited. The first of these legions, the Myrmidons, sported the symbol of an ant upon their banner as they faced the armies of the Titans, symbolizing unity and the ability to stand together against otherwise insurmountable obstacles. No one is certain what became of the original Myrmidons, but you know one thing: your ancestor stood amongst them. You have lived a simple life as a soldier of Mytros, but feel it is your duty and destiny to reclaim your family’s lost honour and complete their task of vanquishing the armies of the Titans and standing alongside the Dragonlords. For players who love: The 9th Legion, 300 (film)

Adventure Hook:

The Oracle knows of your ancestry and can give you information that would allow you to restore the army of the Dragonlords Heroic Tasks to unlock

Recover the lost banner of the Myrmidons Recover the Legionnaire Commander’s weapon Be conferred the title of Master of Myrmidons by a true Dragonlord

Divine Blessing

Blessing of Elysium. As an action you can call forth the spirits of the ancient Myrmidons, summoning 1d4-1 (minimum 1) Legionnaires (use Gladiator stats). Once used, you cannot summon the spirits again until seven days have passed. Restrictions: You must be a native to Thylea

Integrating the Myrmidon (Reddit) Divine Boon

If the Myrmidon is ever killed, the spectral image of their ancestor comes into view and stands with a shield and spear over the body of the Myrmidon, over the next minute (60 seconds, 10 rounds) the Myrmidon is rescued by other members of the first legion and brought to a safe place, while left at 0 hit points they are considered stable and will recover over the next 24 hours. This can only happen once.

1/ Meeting the Oracle

The Oracle knows of the character’s Myrmidon ancestry and knows that they are going to do great things, and are capable of uniting Thylea against the Titans. She informs them that Queen Vallus might know more about the Myrmidons of old, and their fabled weapons.

At the Battle of Mytros, consider adding an additional epic event wherein the Myrmidon can rally the remaining defenders of Mytros, its centurions and soldiers, to regroup and make a stand against the Titans’ armies. This could occur either in around the palace, near the Colossus of Pythor (as the forces try to awaken the construct in vain), or near the colosseum, trying to reach King Acastus for orders, also in vain. Under the Myrmidon’s lead, the forces begin pushing back against the armies of Sydon.

Banner of the Myrmidon Legion

Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement) Crafted from a thick, red fabric, this banner measures 5 feet high and 3 feet wide. The ant symbol of the Myrmidons is displayed on the fabric with round, metal plates sewn into it. It can be attached to a 10-foot pole to serve as a standard. Furling or unfurling the banner requires an action. The banner has the following properties. Mark of Courage.

Volkan forged the equipment of the first Myrmidons. He will tell them of the properties of the banner and of the spear. If asked, Pytor will tell them to see him.

As a bonus action, you can touch the unfurled banner and cause it to emanate courage. You and your allies are immune to the frightened condition while within 20 feet of it. This benefit lasts for 10 minutes or until the banner is furled. Once you use this property, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

3/ Meeting Estor

Sentinel Standard.

2/ Meeting Volkan

If the Myrmidon allows themselves to be possessed by Estor, he will reveal the location of the Spear of the Myrmidon. Kyrah advises against this, believing that someone else could help, and that Estor shouldn’t be trusted.

4/ The Banner, present from Vallus

Vallus speaks to the Myrmidon and informs him of his order's feats, and will reveal that she is in possession of the rod from the Banner of the Myrmidons. She will gladly give him, but will add that a new magical Banner needs to be weaved. Maybe The Fates or The Lotus Witch knwo how it can be obtained.

5/ The Fates

The Fates will agree to weave a new banner with their loom if the Myrmidon does them a service. They can also let the last Myrmidon know that the Lotus Witch might have some information on the original Myrmidons.

6/ Consulting the Lotus Witch

The gynosphinx in the tower on Scorpion Island will know about Myrmidons. She can share that the Spear of the Myrmidons can be found in the lost treasure of the Dragonlords, as well as the whereabouts of the treasure.

7/ The spear, in the Treasure of the Dragonlords The Spear of the Myrmidon is found among the treasure of the Dragonlords in the Mirror Prison in the Nether Sea.

You can see invisible creatures while they are within 20 feet of the unfurled banner and within your line of sight. Standard's Shield.

As a bonus action, you can touch the unfurled banner and invoke this power. Any ranged attack roll that targets you or an ally of yours has disadvantage if the target is within 20 feet of the unfurled banner. This benefit lasts for 1 minute or until the banner is furled. Once you use this property, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

The Spear of the Myrmidon

Weapon (Spear or Longspear), Legendary (Requires Attunement) You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. This weapon has 6 charges and regains 1d4+2 expended charges each day at dusk. While holding the spear, you can expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it (save DC 16): mirror image (1 charge), phantom steed (1 charge), speak with dead (1 charge), or spirit guardians (2 charges). Spectral Warrior.

Once on your turn when you hit a creature with an attack using the spear, you can choose to summon a spectral warrior from the weapon. Until the start of your next turn, that creature is haunted by the warrior. That creature has disadvantage on any weapon attack it makes against you until the start of your next turn. This property has no effect against undead creatures.

8/ The Battle of Mytros DM's Guide to Odyssey


Haunting Phalanx.

You can use an action while holding the spear to expend 3 charges and point it forward commandingly. 5 spectral, spearwielding warriors appear before you and march in a 25 by 50foot line in a direction you choose. Any creature within that line's area must make a DC 16 Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 3d10 necrotic and 3d10 psychic damage and are under the effects of the weapon's spectral warriors property. On a success, the creature takes half damage and isn't affected by the spectral warriors. Undead creatures automatically succeed on the saving throw. Once this feature of the spear has been used, it can't be used again until you finish a short or long rest.

Integrating the Bastard (Whaleman)

King Acastus received a prophecy when he was young. The Oracle claimed that she saw no great deeds in his future, and that everything he did accomplish would be overshadowed by his progeny, who was one day destined to take his life. Acastus has lived in fear of death and obscurity ever since. Afraid, Acastus ensured he would never sire a child by keeping a close watch on his concubines and remaining distant from his wife. When the Bastard’s mother - Acastus’ favourite concubine, whom he gave a family heirloom to in the form of a unique coin, which she wore as a pendant - happily told Acastus that she was pregnant, she hoped that he would legitimize the child. Instead, he plotted to have her executed. Vallus learned what was happening and could not abide it. She secreted the Bastard’s mother away, informing her that she was exiled, knowing that the woman was too charmed by Acastus to believe the truth of his betrayal. Only one other person witnessed this exile, the King’s mother, and Vallus forced her to swear an oath that she would not reveal what she had seen to Acastus. After many years of searching for the Bastard and their mother, Acastus found them. He ordered one of his men to take their dragon to the Bastard’s home and burn it down with them inside (any neighbours the Bastard may have had were threatened or bribed into silence, or otherwise did not see the deed carried out). Fate protected the Bastard, though their mother was not so fortunate.

1. Meeting the Oracle.

Versi reveals that while the exact identity of the Bastard’s father is obscured to her sight, she sees greatness stretching back in their family line. She recognizes the coin as being a burnished dragonlord coin, and that judging by its age, it was one of the first of such to ever be minted. She believes it may have special properties beyond what the coins typically carry, though it is currently ‘dormant.’ Versi encourages the Bastard to show the coin to Damon in the Necropolis at Telamok, and states that ‘a member of your blood sleeps restlessly in the necropolis.’

2. Meeting Damon.


DM's Guide to Odyssey

Damon will not take the coin from the Bastard, instead he will tell them to bring the coin to the tomb of Telamok Arkelander, revealing that one of the Bastard’s ancestors resides in that tomb.

3. The Tomb of Telamok.

When the Bastard enters this area, the sarcophagus containing Telamok’s undying corpse begins to stir. Once opened, he reaches out towards the Bastard, gesturing for the coin. At his touch, the coin gains the properties of a Stone of Good Luck. He spits, full of dust, and claims that the Bastard is not ‘his’ but is instead part of his “fool brother’s lineage.” He will then attack, focusing on the Bastard.

4. Summoned by the King.

After the matter of the storm is dealt with, Acastus will dismiss the party - save for the Bastard, with whom he wishes to speak to privately. You may wish to run the event ‘Summoned by the Queen’ separate to this meeting, as Vallus would prefer to speak to the party without the Bastard being present (see below for more on Vallus’ treatment of the Bastard). If the Bastard wears the coin openly, Acastus immediately recognizes it. Otherwise, he notes the resemblance between him and the Bastard, and has thus connected the dots, so to speak. He will ask the Bastard about the coin, and should come to relay to them that he gave it to the ‘love of his life.’ Acastus acts overjoyed to have his child returned to him and feigns acceptance of them. He will explain that Vallus had their mother banished due to her jealousy. If the Bastard tells Acastus about their mother’s death, Acastus lies and says that he expects that Vallus used her godly powers to reign down fire upon the house. He asks the Bastard to keep quiet about this theory, however, as Vallus is popular in the city and, of course, is a goddess. Before Acastus will officially recognize the Bastard, he asks them to deal with the matter of the Ultros, after which he promises to shower them with the love and glory that they so rightfully deserve. Secretly, he hopes his ancestor will slay his progeny.

5. Estor's Frustration.

Upon meeting Estor, the ghost immediately recognizes the Bastard as being of his blood. He laments Acastus’ cowardice, sending his own child to deal with him rather than coming to meet his fate himself. Regardless, he will state that the Bastard should consider ‘bringing honour to the family’ by captaining the Ultros.

6. Return to Acastus.

Upon returning to Mytros, Acastus will feign delight at the Bastard’s success. Secretly, he is furious, doubly so if the Bastard has become captain of the Ultros. He will then make a show of presenting the Bastard to the city, allowing them to join him on the balcony of the palace and flying over the city on Icarus. During the speech he gives to Mytros’ people, he will attempt to claim that the Bastard’s great deeds are a result of the blood they share. Be careful when wording this, as it should not be too obvious that Acastus is just using the Bastard. If asked for his weapon, Acastus will state that he will ‘give it to them when the time is right,’ and that he still has need of it to protect Mytros.

7. The Wisdom of Vallus.

During the Embarkation, Vallus will quickly pull the Bastard aside. She quietly states that, ‘the truth will be revealed beneath the stars of the Warrior’ and that ‘someone who knows the truth waits for you there,’ to the Bastard. This refers to the Island of Exiles and Idylla Arkelander.

8. Meeting Idylla.

Upon meeting the Bastard, Idylla immediately recognizes them as being Acastus’ child, noting their resemblance. She will be overjoyed and immediately begin ingratiating herself to them. She will reveal the whole story of the Bastard’s background to them, including the truth behind Acastus’ treachery and plans to have their mother murdered something she vehemently tried to dissuade him of - and about the real reason for their mother’s ‘exile.’ She reveals that Acastus spent years hunting them down, and that when he learned Idylla knew what happened to them all along, he had her exiled (this is only partly the reason for her exile, but it is the reason Acastus allowed it to occur). Idylla will invite the Bastard to her home on the island. Just before her exile, she secured a number of luxury goods to take with her, and smuggled something special alongside them: a silver dragon egg. She states that it is from the same brood as Icarus, and will reveal where Acastus got his dragons. Idylla pushes to join the Bastard on their journey, offering her considerable influence, political skills, and playing on their family ties to convince them to bring her along. If they agree, she dotes on them frequently, and provides advice periodically. She attempts to persuade the Bastard to take vengeance on Acastus, and to claim the throne - all in an attempt to return herself to power.

Acastus learns of the Bastard’s trip to the Island of Exiles one way or another (spies on the Island of Exile, one of his false Dragonlords tails the Ultros and regularly report back to him on their progress, or a spy on the Ultros). Sensing that his ruse has been revealed, he decides the time to act is nigh. He sends a number of his false Dragonlords (two or three Mytrosian centurion captains with maximum hit points riding on young copper dragons) to find and kill the Bastard and the rest of the heroes. The dragons will flee if their riders are slain.

10. Confronting Acastus.

Idylla warns against confronting Acastus too soon. She claims that they must focus on their destiny first, and that when the time is right, they will return to Mytros and take both the throne, and vengeance.

11. The Battle of Mytros.

The time for vengeance will finally have come. During the Mad King event, Acastus will reveal everything he has done while raving. When his sanity is restored, he will apologize for what he has done to his child, finally feeling remorse. He gifts the Bastard their greater artifact (this weapon replaces Acastus’ Nine Lives Stealer, if that option was not chosen, and if the Nine Lives Stealer was chosen, it returns to having its maximum number of charges) and begs them to save his city.

12. Claiming Their Legacy.

If Vallus still lives, after the Battle of Mytros she may abdicate the throne to the Bastard. Otherwise, as Acastus’ heir - and at Idylla’s urging - the Bastard may take the throne for themselves. This may conflict with the Haunted One epic path. DMs should use discretion when handling who takes the throne of Mytros, and ensure both the player and the character are okay taking on the role of ruler of the city.

Divine Boon

If the Bastard is ever killed, the spirit of their mother will appear over their body and weep. As her ghostly tears fall on them, they immediately return to life at full health. After being revived, the Bastard is under the effects of the Bless spell for one minute, no concentration required. This can only happen once.

9. The Assassination Attempt. DM's Guide to Odyssey


Integrating the Exile (Josh)

Thirteen years ago, a group of three sisters, each an advisor to the Amazon Queen, Thesilea VI, was tempted by Lutheria with great power should they act on the ambitions of the eldest sister and usurp the throne. In a single night of bloodshed, the Queen and her main supporters were murdered as the sisters stole their lives and identities. For this deed, at the end of the bloody night the three sisters were transformed into medusae, as both a reward from Lutheria, and a curse for their treachery. The Exile was aided in escaping by the youngest sister, Moxena. When the eldest sister ordered Moxena to clear out the deposed queen’s living quarters, she found the soon-to-be Exile as a defenceless child. Rather than killing her as ordered, she snuck the child on a boat and pushed it out to sea, trusting in Fate to protect her. Years later, either out of regret for the betrayal, or in hopes of seizing greater power for herself, or perhaps some mixture of the two sentiments, Moxena attempted to overthrow her two sisters and claim the throne. This ended poorly, and led to Moxena’s flight from Themis, and her eventual rise as the Lady of Coins in Mytros, after being rescued by Hexia.

1. Meeting the Oracle.

Versi will tell the Exile that she has a great treacherous path ahead of her, but she need not walk it alone. The woman who once saved the Exile’s life waits for her in Mytros, in the head of god. Beyond that, Versi will tell the Exile that she must prove her worth extends beyond her blood, and that the Amazons must fight alongside the settlers if the Twin Titans are to be defeated. "Your Highness. Thank you for coming before me. I can see the path to your throne is a treacherous one indeed, but you needn't walk it alone. In the head of god, there is a woman. She could offer you either aid, or be the first villain to fall to your duly deserved revenge. Beyond her, I see that you must right the wrong the Amazons committed long ago. Only if they stand by the people of Thylea against the Titans can the Twins be felled. To retake your throne, you must not only exact brutal vengeance, but prove your worth lies beyond your blood."

2. The Lady of Coins.

Moxena will invite the Exile to the Colossus of Pythor after the party handles the storm Sydon sent to assault the city. The messenger (spy) that Moxena sends makes it clear that this offer is one of Guest Friendship. Over the course of a lavish meal in the head of the Colossus of Pythor, the Lady of Coins will explain to the Exile the events described under Betrayal (see above), and that she has come to greatly regret betraying the Exile’s mother, and is willing to pledge herself to the Exile and her effort to reclaim her throne.


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After revealing her side of the story, Moxena will offer an alliance by way of a mutual oath. The Exile will not take vengeance upon Moxena for her role in the coup, and in return, Moxena will aid her in retaking her throne, and serve her as Queen. If the Exile rejects the alliance, she may leave in peace, as per Guest Friendship. Following that, hostilities will commence, and Moxena will send the forces of the Cult of the Snake against her.

3. Arrival in Themis.

The Amazons of Themis believe that Thesilea VI executed her own daughter after being deemed unfit for the throne. Her return confuses them, especially if the Exile (and Moxena, if present) attempt to explain what truly happened thirteen years ago. The Amazon Hunting Party encounter will still take the party to the Sacred Temple/Amazon Prison to see the false Thesilea, while the Amazon War Party encounter has instead been sent by the false Queen to assassinate the Exile.

4. The Role of Darien.

Darien is not an heir to the throne or the child of Thesilea VI, but instead the daughter of one of the Queen’s closest allies. Darien and the Exile were childhood friends, confidants, and constant training partners. It is possible the two were going to become Lifemates one day, be it out of sororal or romantic love. Darien survived that night in the same way described in the module, but instead of Thesilea forcing the three sisters to swear an oath to spare Darien’s life, it was one of Thesilea’s advisors, who surrendered her life in exchange for her daughters. Darien desires vengeance for her mother and to be reunited with the Exile above all else. She will support the Exile’s bid to become Queen of the Amazons, and will only agree to become Queen herself if the Exile either dies, or if it is because the two rule the Amazons together as Lifemates.

5. The False Queen.

The imposter Theselia VI speaks in a voice unnervingly similar to her mother, but with a serpentine accentuation to it. She curses Moxena’s name for letting the Exile escape all those years ago.

6. The Trial of Strength:

In order to become the true Queen of Themis and of the lesser Amazon tribes of the Cerulean Gulf, the Exile must defeat the roc that dwells in the Forgotten Sea, and sacrifice it in the name of the sisterhood of equals. When running this encounter, ignore the existence of the second roc, unless the party defeats the first one too easily.

7. The Battle of Mytros:

Should the Exile have reclaimed her throne and completed the Trial of Strength, Amazon raid ships enter the harbour behind Sydon’s forces, and after a moment of terror for the locals and temporary celebration of the gygans, attack the Titan’s forces from behind. This reduces the casualty count by 1/3 at the end of the battle, unless the city is completely destroyed, in which case the Amazons lose most of their warriors in a failed assault.

Divine Boon

If the Exile dies, the ghost of her mother, the true Thesilea VI immediately appears above her, righteous and proud. She grabs hold of her daughter and lets out an Amazonian battlecry that rouses the Exile from their eternal slumber. The Exile comes under the effects of the True Resurrection spell. This can only happen once.

Integrating the Masterpiece (Kaleton)

The Masterpiece was created by Volkan during the First War, though they never saw action during that conflict, as the Mithral Forge was shut down during the war. Volkan kept the Masterpiece inactive in his forge in Estoria for several centuries, tinkering away, trying to perfect them without access to his full range of tools in the Mithral Forge. Doing so made the process of perfecting his ‘living weapon’ take several centuries longer than it would have otherwise. But now that the Oath of Peace has begun to wane, Volkan has decided it is time to unleash his Masterpiece on the Twin Titans.

1. Meeting the Oracle.

Versi voices an amount of sympathy for the Masterpiece, designed only to be an engine of war. She states that until they find a soul, they will never know anything of life beyond death and combat. The Oracle tells the Masterpiece that they must seek out a soul that would be willing to bond with them forever, at which point they will become ‘whole.’

2. Reuniting with Volkan.

Upon returning to Volkan’s Hall, the God of the Forge will dote on his favourite invention in the way a helicopter parent might. He fusses over whether or not they were ‘damaged’ and if they are ‘functioning properly’ thus far. If present, Kyrah will appear somewhat jealous of the affection Volkan shows for the Masterpiece.

3. The Mithral Forge.

Everything about returning to the Mithral Forge seems familiar to the Masterpiece. They are haunted by hazy memories of their creation, and of seeing countless ‘siblings’ of theirs that failed to reach the same status of sentience as they did. Upon entering area F20, the Masterpiece will find the exact place they were created. If the Masterpiece is made of marble, they will find the plinth upon which they were carved, along with the hammer, chisel, and tools with which Volkan wrought them from stone. If the Masterpiece is made of metal, they will instead find the mould that was used to cast them. This scene should evoke some strange feelings in the Masterpiece. How does it feel to return to the place they were ‘made?’ What does it really mean to be alive? Who are they really, beyond another weapon that this forge gave rise to?

4. Meeting the Forgekeeper.

The Forgekeeper recognizes the Masterpiece as one of ‘Volkan’s attempts at a super soldier.’ In return for aiding her in destroying her contract, she will agree to bestow upon the Masterpiece their Lesser Artifact. If the Forgekeeper perishes, this item can instead be found at the place of the Masterpiece’s creation (see above).

DM's Guide to Odyssey


5. Crafting Your Upgrades.

Upon returning the Mithral Forge to working conditions, Volkan and the Forgekeeper will be able to craft for the Masterpiece their Greater Artifact. Item Defender

Days GP 5

Primary Ingredient

Secondary Ingredient

5000 Orb of Star Metal

Spellguard Shield 10

8000 Flail Snail Shell

Wand of the War 3 Mage (+3)

3000 Mithral Ingot

Mithral Ingot

6. The Wisdom of Vallus.

During the Embarkation, Vallus will inform the Masterpiece that the Fates may know of a way to obtain a soul for the Masterpiece to call their own, though she warns of their wicked hearts and wanton cruelty.

7. Meeting the Fates.

The Fates will inform the Masterpiece on how to obtain a soul if they fulfill a task for them; alternatively, should at least two of the hags be slain, the third will relent and, in exchange for her life (and an Oath that they will do her no harm), she will relay what she knows to the Masterpiece. The Fates inform the Masterpiece that there are many ways by which they can obtain a soul: examples include finding a sentient item that would be willing to relinquish its spark to them (the Fates know of one kept in the belly of the hydra on Themis), by finding a ‘restless soul’ that would join with them, or by obtaining Lutheria’s scythe, in which the Goddess of Death has trapped innumerable souls that she has harvested.

8. Soul Searching.

With the information obtained from the Fates, the Masterpiece can now begin looking for a soul in earnest. Below are several options for obtaining a soul: Sentient Item, The Axe of Xander. The Axe of Xander communicates only through transmitted emotion. It will relay a sense of wanting to aid the Masterpiece, but only if the Masterpiece has slain a number of giants and appears to possess the desire to protect Thylea and its settlers, rather than merely waging war. If they meet the criteria, the Axe of Xander will consent to becoming a part of the Masterpiece. Should this occur, it is up to the DM whether or not the weapon itself ceases to exist, but if it does continue to exist, it is no longer sentient. Sentient Item, Titansbane. Titansbane is capable of communicating with the Masterpiece. It assures them that if they free Taleius, the Titan of Forge will surely be able to fashion them a soul. To do so, they must use Titansbane to free Taleius from his bindings at Hypnos, Throne of Dreams. Upon freeing Taleius, he bestows Titansbane back to the party, and at this point Titansbane will consent to becoming a part of the Masterpiece. Should this occur, it is up to the DM whether or not the weapon itself ceases to exist, but if it does continue to exist, it is no longer sentient. 90

DM's Guide to Odyssey

Estor Arkelander. Upon returning to the Ultros from the Island of Fates, Estor will come to the Masterpiece once they are alone. He will tell them he has long thought of them as a ‘worthy successor’ to the Dragonlords, as they were made for the very purpose of destroying the Twin Titans, he will be especially forward if the Masterpiece became captain of the Ultros. If the Masterpiece agrees to become a permanent host for Estor, the shade will descend into their form. See Estor’s Bargain (pg 123) for more info about being possessed by Estor and how that should affect the Masterpiece’s personality. The Demon in the Bowl. While the Fates do not suggest this option, Chondrus - if he is with the party - will suggest that if the Masterpiece is so desperate for a soul, he could contact an otherworldly entity he knows of. If the party peered in the bowl in Chondrus’ quarters on the Island of Yonder, they may have already spoken with this entity: an arcanoloth who will, in exchange for an Oath of Service, obtain a soul for the Masterpiece by some dubious means. The Scythe of Lutheria. If the party manages to shatter Lutheria’s crystal scythe, a number of shades will appear. These lost souls have forgotten themselves, having been imprisoned by Lutheria for thousands of years. They are willing to become a part of the Masterpiece, as they are unable to move on from this realm without a real identity. Upon joining with the Masterpiece, they assimilate the Masterpiece’s personality and blend seamlessly into the Masterpiece’s being. Pacting with Lutheria. If the party decides to ally with Lutheria, she will impart a soul onto the Masterpiece. She claims that it once belonged to a worshipper of hers who defied her thrice, and as a result she stripped everything of who they were bare, leaving this soul ‘blank’ and perfect for imparting to a new host. A Boon from Mytros. If the Masterpiece fails to obtain a soul from all other sources described here and others you may come up with, consider having Mytros bestow a soul upon them after the Battle of Mytros.

9. Becoming Ensouled.

Upon gaining a soul, the Masterpiece feels truly alive. This could be described as though the Masterpiece has lived their whole life wearing a pair of gloves, and now the gloves have been removed, allowing them to truly experience the world. Upon becoming ensouled, the Masterpiece gains the benefit of a Bless spell for the next 24 hours (no concentration required), as a manifestation of the jubilance they feel.

10. Fulfilling Your Purpose.

When this goal is considered to have been fulfilled varies. Suggested features include defeating Lutheria in Hypnos, battling Sydon in Praxys, or upon entering the battlefield during the Battle of Mytros. Divine Boon

If the Masterpiece is ever killed, Volkan will appear within one hour and surrender a portion of his divine spark to raise them back to life. This can only happen once, and Volkan suffers one level of permanent exhaustion as a result.

Integrating the Psychopomp (Kaleton & josh)

The souls of the dead in Thylea never see the Elysian fields or the wastes of Asphodel, every single mortal instead ends their journey in Lutheria’s grasp. Those sacrificed to Lutheria find themselves locked away within her crystal scythe, their soul slowly drained of its power, until eventually they are snuffed out. This is the fate in store for the Psychopomp’s loved one, unless they are saved.

1. Meeting the Oracle.

Versi tells the Psychopomp that a powerful servant of the Dragonlords dwells within the Necropolis at Telamok. He has studied the nature of death for centuries, and was able to transform himself into an undying being of great power. Should the Psychopomp present him a Burnished Dragonlord Coin, he might teach them some of his craft and offer counsel. The Oracle also sees that the Psychopomp must undergo a katabasis, a descent into the Underworld, for it is there that they will reunite with their lost love. However, they will need a guide to navigate the primordial depths of the Nether Sea. She knows that there is a spurned servant of Lutheria in Mytros that would do anything for a chance to return there, but he will not be amiable to any sort of agreement during their first meeting with him. "Psychopomp, I see that you have lost your heart, the light of your life that kept you above water when the spirits threatened to drown you in their sorrows. To reunite with your love, you must brave the depths again. Seek out the guardian of Telamok, for he has studied the nature of death for centuries and made unto himself an undying being of great power. He can guide you in how to better use your gifts. With this knowledge, you must undergo a katabasis, a descent into the Underworld, for it is there that you will find your love. Beware though, for the primordial depths of the Nether Sea cannot be navigated alone. You will need a guide... I see a spurned servant of Lutheria currently in Mytros - he would do anything for a chance to return there."

2. Meeting Damon.

Damon knows well what the Psychopomp is going through, for he lost his own loved ones long ago. He conveys to them that the restless dead become much more agreeable once appeased and offered the chance to move on. He offers to teach the Psychopomp how to use their powers, granting them the ability to cast the Last Rites spell as a ritual, without consuming material components. He also grants the Psychopomp their lesser artifact.

3. Chondrus the Arcane Master.

If approached in Mytros, Chondrus is dismissive of the Psychopomp and their powers. He will not become inclined towards an alliance until the party encounters him in the forbidden library on the Island of Yonder, likely after they have shown their strength in defeating the Order of Sydon’s forces.

He will beg to be taken with the party to the Nether Sea, offering to be their guide, attempting to sweeten the deal with a powerful magic item. This is the Psychopomp’s greater artifact.

4. The Ghost Ship Ultros.

Estor will be pleased when the Psychopomp shows up on his vessel, saying that, “For ten years I have tried to lure Acastus here, but he was too much of a coward. As it turns out, I was talking to the wrong progeny...” revealing that the Psychopomp is a descendent of the unholy union between he and Lutheria. Estor will suggest the Psychopomp take part in the quest to become captain, to see if they’ve inherited any of his skills as a sailor, but does not play favourites with them. Regardless, Estor will brag that he is the one shade the Psychopomp can never put to rest, as his deal with Lutheria means he can only be felled by his own blade. While he believes that he can only die by his own hand, Lutheria twisted their deal, creating a loophole that allows anyone wielding the Xiphos of Slaughter to kill him.

5. The Wisdom of Vallus.

Vallus suggests that the Psychopomp seek out the Fates, as it is likely that if anyone can discern what exactly happened to the Psychopomp’s lover, it would be them. She warns them that the Fates are capricious and cruel, and to be wary of them. Additionally, she will suggest the Psychopomp consider seeking out Chondrus on the Island of Yonder; while she despises the man, and warns the party against trusting him, she does believe he is equipped to guide them to and through the Nether Sea.

6. Meeting the Fates.

The Fates are interested to find the Psychopomp on their doorstep, for they have long known that a child descended from Estor and Lutheria would come to have powers over life and death, and that they were fated to break Lutheria’s tyrannical rule over Thylea’s dead. They once attempted to strongarm the Psychopomp’s lover into a deal, which they refused. Out of spite, the Fates alerted Lutheria that the Psychopomp’s lover had knowledge that could lead to her demise, which prompted her to reap their soul. The Fates relay this as if it were a particularly juicy bit of gossip.

7. A Guide to the Nether Sea.

Navigating the Nether Sea is a difficult task, and locating Hypnos is impossible unless Lutheria wishes for her barge to appear. To survive the underworld, find the Psychopomp’s lost lover, and find the Mistress of Death’s ship, Hypnos, the Ultros’ crew will need a guide. Here are several options: Chondrus (see above) A lampad will guide the party if they can persuade them A merrenoloth will guide the Ultros in exchange for two burnished Dragonlord coins

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8. The Island of the Lost.

Whomever is chosen as the guide to the Nether Sea will inform the Psychopomp that souls of the departed linger on a particular island in the underworld known as the Island of the Lost, and it is there that they should seek out their lost lover. Any of the three options presented above can provide a description of the following description of the island: its original purpose was to be a place of rest and meditation for the souls of the departed while they waited their turn to be ferried off to their respective afterlives, but Lutheria has since put the souls to a ‘different purpose’ that few know of, and fewer wish to speak of.

9. Love Lost.

On the Island of the Lost, the Psychopomp can reunite with their lost lover. The shade of their love is fading. They explain that Lutheria is using the souls of the departed to power her dark magics, and that she has been draining more and more souls as of late, preparing to weave a dark ritual that could curse countless mortals (this refers to Lutheria’s plans for the Battle of Mytros, but the lover’s soul does not know this). The lover explains that the only way to stop this, and to save the souls of Thylea’s dead, is to destroy Lutheria’s crystal scythe, which she is using as a conduit and battery for her magics. Beyond that, however, Lutheria herself must be stopped, lest she continue torturing the departed and keeping them from their final rest. The soul of the Psychopomp’s lover is the only shade on the Island of the Lost that is able and willing to leave the island with them, and will accompany the party to Hypnos.

10. Banishing Estor.

The lost treasure of the Dragonlords of old is hidden away in the Mirror Prison located in the Nether Sea, and among the many treasures located here is Estor’s old weapon, the Xiphos of Slaughter. Estor will try anything to regain this weapon, no matter how underhanded the method. This weapon alone can be used to destroy Estor’s spirit, and banish him to his duly deserved hell. When confronted with true death, Estor fights like a wild animal, frightened for the first time, and bloodthirsty for vengeance against whoever attempts to finish him.

11. Confronting Lutheria.

Lutheria will thank the Psychopomp for delivering her the souls of so many of Thylea’s restless dead - she just doesn't have the knack for helping them move on. She's tried everything. Screaming at them, hitting them, mocking them. Nothing works! Finally they are at their rightful place, in eternal service of her. When a fight breaks out, Lutheria will gleefully swing her scythe at the Psychopomp, claiming that she wishes to reunite the Psychopomp with their lover.

12. Destroying the Crystal Scythe.


DM's Guide to Odyssey

Upon defeating Lutheria the party obtains her scythe, which is the only thing left behind when her body fades away. Whoever holds the scythe knows that it is currently draining the energy of the souls of the dead, and is nearly done absorbing the soul of the Psychopomp’s lover. The Psychopomp hears the voices of the dead, pleading for them to destroy the scythe and free them.

13. Love Never Dies.

Upon defeating Lutheria and destroying her scythe, the soul of the Psychopomp’s lover returns to its full form. Countless shades stripped bare by Lutheria’s magics appear, featureless and cold. They are lost to oblivion now, but are grateful to the Psychopomp and in return for what they have done for the dead, they give all of themselves to the Psychopomp’s lover, using what energy they have left to restore the lover to life. This acts as a True Resurrection spell, allowing the Psychopomp and their lover to return to Thylea together.

14. The Vacant Throne.

While destroying Lutheria’s scythe releases the souls of all the lost dead within it, Lutheria’s demise may present a problem. Unless a new god of death rises after the Apokalypsis, Thylea will be without a figure to properly shepherd the souls of the deceased to their appropriate afterlives.

Divine Boon

If the Psychopomp is killed, they awaken on their turn as an undead with 1 hit point, unable to be healed or restore hit points until the end of their next long rest, with an equal number of temporary hit points as their maximum hp, still bearing all the wounds they had when they were struck down. These temporary hit points last until the end of the next completed long rest, at which point their wounds close, they are alive again, and they are restored back to their maximum number of hitpoints. This can only happen once.

Encounters with Spirits

There are numerous possible encounters with the dead that can occur in this adventure. This path presents an opportunity to have the stories within the Secrets and Myths of Thylea section told from the point of view of those that died within them. An area with restless dead might feel unnaturally cold or leave the Psychopomp feeling uneasy. The Rock of Estor.

The cries of thousands of animals haunt this island. A feeling of unease sets in as the braying of animals turns into the shrieking of men, women, and children that were chained to the Rock. Blessing this site will cleanse it of the uneasy feeling that permeates it, but will also anger Sydon. The Mithral Forge.

Two of the four dead men cling to unlife here as restless spirits, and can name the killer. The problem is they are both criminals themselves, and do not name the same person, as one lies in order to take vengeance on another exile. This effectively reduces the number of possible explanations from three to two. Scorpion Island.

The grateful spirit of a centaur will be briefly visible to the Psychopomp after the slaying of any giant scorpion. Themis.

If the party slays the medusa sisters and places Darien (or the Exile) on the throne, the spirit of Queen Thesilea VI, who will thank them for the good they’ve done for the Amazons and for Themis itself.

Near the body of the dead Cerberus, the Psychopomp receives a brief vision: a dwarf is being chased by something massive. The elderly smith knows he is too slow. The exit explodes and collapses, locking him inside with the beast. A loud growl starts behind him, then another, then another. Then darkness. Bringing the skulls of the dwarves that died in the Mithral Mines back to their kin in Estoria will allow them to rest in peace.

The Island of Yonder.

The Mossy Temple.

The Island of the Dragon.

A profound sense of wrongness permeates the Mossy Temple. Upon entering the Ancient Glade, the Psychopomp comes to feel that a terrible crime against Thylea herself occurred here. Approaching the heartwood stump and the urn containing the ashes of Demetria’s sister grants a vision of Estor sacking the temple. Demetria and her sister cried out, attempting to surrender and offering peace, but instead Estor had Demetria’s sister bound to her heartwood while he chopped it down with an axe. The Necropolis at Telamok.

Most of the dead here are at peace. The human and minotaur skeletons that roam the labyrinth are not. The only way for the minotaur clan’s restless dead to be at peace is if Graxis is slain, for he is the final living link that binds them to Telamok. After dealing with Graxis and interacting with Xander, the ancient Dragonlord’s soul can also be put to rest, knowing that a new group of heroes is there to carry on in his place.

Carpeted with the bones of its former giant inhabitants, the Island of Yonder was once the capital of the gygan empire before it was razed in Estor Arkelander’s genocide. The island is teeming with restless spirits that can only be put to rest by vanquishing Estor himself. While on the island, the Psychopomp receives a vision, telling the story of Estor and the First War. A feeling of unease permeates the jungle, full of the skeletal remains of unburied elves, killed by Hexia for sport. The Maw of Typhon.

The petrified remains of the victims of the euryale Medusa require burial. The Nether Sea.

Spirits of dead allies, enemies, or other NPCs that have died in the campaign may appear before the Psychopomp as they remain in this realm, offering advice, requests, threats or curses, as appropriate.

The Ghost Ship Ultros.

The crew of the Ultros can be put to rest either by slaying them in their undead forms, or by leading a mutiny against Estor. Of the thanes, Metron has a task tied to the Psychopomp. The only way for the tortured souls of Estor’s victims trapped within the box to find peace is if they are destroyed in their spectre forms. The Island of the Fates.

There are many lost souls here, not dead but trapped within cursed bodies. Only death will free them from the curses laid upon them by the Fates. Their spirits will thank the Psychopomp before moving on. The Island of Exiles. DM's Guide to Odyssey


Integrating the Timeless One (Reddit) 1. Meeting the Oracle

The Oracle foresaw two things: first, the Timeless One must recover the Staff of Kentimane from the depths of the Mossy Temple, and second, that they must bring the staff to the island of the Golden Heart to commune with Thylea. She cannot say what truly befell the Lost Titans, for her father jealously guards that secret, but knows that she and her siblings were named after them as a final insult. She believes, however, that knowledge of their fates waits for the Timeless One at the sacred tree. "Cousin, strange cousin, you are an anomaly. Lost to the sands of time, yet returned to Thylea in the here and now. This was fated to be, foreseen by my namesake - your mother, Versi the First. I wish I could say what happened to her, cousin, but my father jealously guards such secrets. All that I can say is that Sydon named his children after his lost siblings as some sort of final insult. Still, I have seen you fulfill her prophecy, now given to me. For your hand to guide Thylea's new dawn, you must seek out the Hand of Kentimane that sleeps in the heart of the Oldwood, and take it to the Island of the Golden Heart. There, you shall commune with our grandmother, Thylea herself."

2. The Mossy Temple

The Staff of Kentimane is sequestered away inside of Demetria’s sacred tree, placed there when the tree was just a sapling, long before it gave rise to Demetria herself. The tree is located in area T10: The Den of Lush Flowers. These fey came to the temple, in addition to hoping to try and talk down Demetria, because they have anticipated the arrival of the Timeless One. They are followers of Versi the First and they inform the Timeless One that the ‘hand’ they require is within Demetria’s sacred tree, but warn that cutting the tree down will kill Demetria. Cutting down the tree causes it to bleed, and if Demetria is still alive, her screams ring through the Mossy Temple; this is considered an evil act. Demetria knows that ‘some relic’ was placed in the tree before her time, but she rarely enters her tree, instead preferring to sleep in her lavish chambers. The Timeless One can potentially convince Demetria to enter the tree and remove the staff herself.

3. The Wisdom of Vallus

Before departing aboard the Ultros, Queen Vallus will inform the Timeless One that they should seek out the Lotus Witch, as she hoards lost knowledge from across the ages. Vallus may also suggest the Fates as a source of knowledge, but warns that they are fickle and cruel, even compared to the Lotus Witch, and have historically been biased in favour of the Twin Titans. She will also inform the Timeless One that, in order to properly commune with Thylea, they will likely need to perform a large sacrifice.

4. Communing with Thylea 94

DM's Guide to Odyssey

Bringing the Staff of Kentimane (along with appropriate sacrifices in the form of a golden animal, or many more normal animals) will allow the Timeless One to commune with the Mother Goddess, Thylea. During the communion, Hands of Kentimane and branches from Thylea’s tree reach out to form a cocoon around the Timeless One as Thylea grants them visions of the history of the Elder Titans, the birth of the Titans, and other early days of Thylea, including the moment when Thylea decided to become the land itself. These visions are accompanied by feelings of hope and profound sorrow, emanating from Thylea as she remembers her children. After the communion, the Staff of Kentimane receives the rest of its powers.

5. Seeking Knowledge

Either the Lotus Witch of the Fates can tell the Timeless One that their aunt ‘slumbers beneath Fire Island’ and that their mother “Strains against chains, blinded on an island in the Nether Sea alongside two of her forgotten siblings.” She can also relay that they will need their uncle Taleius’ lost weapon from Themis (“Hidden in the belly of the beast the usurper queen keeps as her pet”) and the empowered Staff of Kentimane to free the other Lost Titans. Both the Lotus Witch and the Fates are also capable of aiding the Timeless One in turning the golden fruit into a brew that can alleviate the madness of the Titans, but only if they answer a number of the Lotus Witch’s riddles, or perform a task for the Fates.

6. Island of the Titans

Depending on how much has been accomplished, Versi will have different information to impart. • If the Timeless One does not yet have Titansbane, she will inform them of its existence and its whereabouts (you may wish to have Lutheria simply have it aboard Hypnos or hidden in a prison cube or other Nether Sea island if you want to skip a trip to Themis at this point). • If the Timeless One has not discovered what became of Chalcia, she will inform them that she escaped the fate that the Titans on this island now suffer, and that she fled beneath a volcanic island to escape Sydon’s wrathful storms. • If the Timeless One has not yet learned how to make a concoction from the fruit obtained from the sacred tree on the Golden Heart, Versi can impart knowledge of how to create the brew to her child.

7. Return to the Island of Time

Ask the Timeless One’s player to describe their feelings returning to the island - are they nostalgic, fretful? Did they consider it a home or a prison? On the island, you can include an additional fourth location that may not count against the timer, or add an additional roar. The gynosphinx will warn them, that she can no longer protect them against the lord of the island, anfd of the dangers across the rest of the island.

Divine Boon

If the Timeless One dies, they will come under the effects of the True Resurrection spell as they are engulfed by a pair of the Hands of Kentimane, and re-emerge from the hands, bathed in Thylea’s golden light at the start of their next turn. This can happen only once.

Interacting with the Twin Titans

When Sydon and Lutheria interact with them, the Titans act disdainful, or even boastful about their past victories over their siblings. Meeting Lutheria in Hypnos

Lutheria may haunt the Timeless One with dreams of their mother and their life before their stay on the Island of Time, accompanied by visions of the torture that the Lost Titans have endured over the ages. Should the Timeless One have already reunited with their mother, Lutheria will mock them and lament that she could not have been there to witness such a ‘heart-wrenching display.’ If the Timeless One has managed to free their mother, Lutheria will be both furious and frightened. Lutheria will toy with the Timeless One in conversation and will prefer them as an opponent in the Royal Game. Meeting Sydon in Praxys

The Order of Sydon may declare the Timeless One a heretic for worshipping ‘dead gods’ that stood in opposition to the Lord of Storms. If the party has freed Hergeron, possibly the last Titan needed to be freed, Sydon will be furious, and consider the Timeless One the greatest threat in the party, as they have undone eons of his work.

Staff of Kentimane

Staff, Legendary (Requires Attunement by someone from native origin) A relic of the Titans, this staff is a magic weapon covered in grasping, earthen hands. The Staff of Kentimane has 10 Charges. It regains 1d6+2 charges each day at dawn. While holding it, you can use an action to expend a number of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC (alternatively, the Staff uses your Constitution to determine the DC, if you do not have a spellcasting DC normally). Mage Hand (0 Charges) Bigby’s Hand / Arcane Hand (5 Charges) Stone Fist (0 Charges) Hand of God (3 Charges) Earthen Grasp (2 Charges) Row of Rue (2 Charges)

As an action you can spend 2 charges from the staff to summon a pair of spectral arms below your existing ones. These arms last for up to 1 minute before disappearing. While active, you can use the arms to manipulate an object, open an unlocked door or container, stow or retrieve an item from an open container, or pour the contents out of a vial. Each arm can carry up to 10 pounds. The arms stay attached to your torso at all times and cannot be moved to other parts of your body, but can be turned around to face the opposite direction. As a bonus action you can expend 1 charge to empower the arms to immediately make two unarmed melee attacks. The arms have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls and use your proficiency bonus and spellcasting ability modifier when making attacks. Each strike does 1d4 magical bludgeoning damage plus your spellcasting ability modifier upon a successful hit. Additionally, you can expend 1 charge to double the arms’ carrying capacity and increase their duration to 5 minutes instead. Freeing…

Chalcia grants the Staff of Kentimane the ability to cast the following spells: Haste (3 Charges) and Expeditious Retreat (1 Charge). Talieus grants the Staff of Kentimane the ability to cast the following spells: Creation (5 Charges) and Fabricate (4 Charges). Hergeron grants the Staff of Kentimane the ability to cast the following spells: Enlarge/Reduce (2 Charges) and False Life (1 Charge). Yala grants the Staff of Kentimane the ability to cast the following spells: Enthrall (2 Charges) and Dominate Person (5 Charges). Freeing Goloron grants the Staff of Kentimane the ability to cast the following spells: Skill Empowerment (5 Charges) and Enhance Ability (2 Charges). Versi grants the Staff of Kentimane the ability to cast the following spells: Augury (2 Charges) and Clairvoyance (3 Charges).

Slaps of the Father

While holding the staff, you can use an action and a charge to direct up to three hands to attack a creature you can see within 15 feet of you. Each hand makes a melee attack roll with your spellcasting modifier. On a hit, the hand deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage. If you hit a target with all three hands, it must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature's is stunned. At the end of each of its turns, it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. Arms of the Father.

DM's Guide to Odyssey


12. Improving Odyssey of the Dragonlords with Theros Content : Supernatural Gifts of Thylea

A conversion of Theros Supernatural Gifts for Odyssey of the Dragonlords. Most heroes of Thylea have some kind of supernatural aid to help them achieve their goals. Often this aid comes from the gods, but some heroes might find their support from other beings, such as the sphinx, an oracle like Versi, or a repository of mystical knowledge. Some heroes are born with supernatural power or born as a result of supernatural events. A character in Thylea begins with one supernatural gift chosen from those in this section. Work with the DM to decide where your character’s gift came from. Is it tied to the god you serve? Was it the result of a fateful encounter with a sphinx or an oracle? Does it indicate the nature of your birth? Each gift’s description also includes a table to spark your imagination as you think about your character’s giftt. These supernatural gifts are intended for starting characters, but some might be bestowed by gods as rewards :

Fates, favored by the

You are a tad insane as a result of being too close to the weavings of fate. This gives you a supernatural awareness of the world and how it works. Gain the Keen Mind feat.

Helios, blessed by

Lutheria, a valued playing piece of

Lutheria works her magic through you. This connection to the realm of the dead gives you powers and abilities some might call, unnatural. Gain the UA Shadow Touched feat. (Int, Wis, Cha)

Mytros, a champion of

Your charisma and leadership are often compared to the Mother of the Five. You gain the Inspiring Leader feat.

Narsus, “Sempai noticed me”

It’s not easy being perfect. You begin play with the Prodigy feat (ignore racial restrictions).

Nyxborn (insanely powerful). Change: resist necrotic or radiant, not both

Pious (too weak).

Change: Religious studies. You gain proficiency & expertise in religion.

Pythor, drinking buddy of

Pythor’s love of battle is carried in your mighty heart. Gain the Tavern Brawler feat.

You excel as dazzling others with you charm and presenting the face you want them to see. Gain the Actor feat.

Oracle (as written)

Heroic Destiny (as written)

Sydon, grudgingly respected by

You too can mary sue!

Iconoclast (as written) Gods are a joke

Who needs gods?

You were the sole survivor of a deadly storm sent by Sydon. As a reward for your indomitable endurance he bestowed his blessing upon you. Gain the Tough feat.

Thylea, beloved of

Preferred gift of the Leonin

You are connected to the land itself. Gain the Fey Touched UA feat. (Int, Wis, or Cha)

Inscrutable (as written) Kentimane, tolerated by


Good fit for Lost Ones

I received the blessing of the 100 handed one. Gain the UA feat “Crusher”

Kyrah, cheered for by

Fleet of foot, possessed of great speed blessed by the goddess Kyrah? Gain the mobile feat

Lifelong Companion (as written) 96

You are Samwise Gamgee

DM's Guide to Odyssey

Retains short rest refresh. Addition: Each time you suffer damage, reduce the damage dealt by 1.

Vallus, blessed by

Vallus blessed my birth with potential and skill. You gain the skilled feat.

Volkan, creation of

Anvilwrought - you a robot. BEEP BOOP


Using the Theros Pantheon looks like there is a risk. The 5 are what saved the Settlers and to see them losing their godhood gives the players the role of Defenders of mankind. Taste would be different if 10 other settler gods exist. I apologise this might not be as organised as it could be Ol' Cousin Cotton :


Two-Headed Cerberus can replace the relatively dull death dog statblocks in the Mithral Mines. They breath restraining magma. Replace the Young Cerberus with an Underworld Cerberus. The art is phenomenal, and with a couple TwoHeaded Cerberus to back it up it should be a spicy fight. They all have pack tactics and restraining magma. Use the Theran Chimera for the unusually hostile chimera of Chimera Island. Apply the Mountain Creature body, essentially giving it fly-by attack, and any head, tail, and breath you feel would be fun. The Colossus of Akros could be an interesting alternative to the Thylean colossus. Half the HP, but cooler actions. No legendary actions though. It has range though. Have Aphemia lead the harpies on the path to the Necropolis. Instead of normal harpies, she can have a flock of conveniently low CR (1/8) Blood-Toll Harpies following her. Allow some of the harpies to perform their charming song despite it not being on their statblock. Aphemia can command the undead of the path below to attack anyone who falls down with her Grave Calling Song action. The Ironscale Hydra is BEEFY. Do we dare replace the hydra on Themis with this bad boy? Fuck it, let’s do it. Polukranos. The philosophical ideal of Hydra made manifest. We have to find a place for this gal. Don’t worry, we will. Lampads. Have them just be common sights in the Nether Sea, and maybe wandering places of great slaughter, such as Yonder Island looking for souls to psychopomp to the Underworld. No combat necessary, just let them be there. The Phylaskia guard the entrances to the Underworld. Basically really cool large skeletons. I am going to have 2-4 of these just be standing on the deck of the Ultros when vision returns after the chaotic entrance via Charybdis. Typhon. I mean look at this amazing boi. I am going to replace the Cerberus in the Cursed One Epic Path’s finale with this fella. Have it be a fight. I have not figured out how I will handle getting the party down there. But the Island is called Typhon. This dude is called Typhon. He will be the manifestation of the curse. Woe Strider. Form from the souls of those who’ve broken the bonds of destiny. The Fates have already got servants in their lair who are the twisted remains of mortals who have broken their deals with them. Instead, have these poor sods be there. Heroes that managed to escape their fated tragedies, captured and twisted by the Fates in spite. They have a beholder’s antimagic area, should be a double edged sword in a battle involving a hag coven.

Here is the meat of the bestiary. Hythonia. CR 17, amazing medusa. Did I already suggest having Themis have an upgraded hydra? Yes. Can I resist using this lady? No. We can’t use the Mythic version, but we can absolutely use this lady for Queen Thesilia VI. Just have her be alone. It will be ok. I promise. Tromokratis. Theros turns Kraken into a commodity, then makes a BIGGER KRAKEN. I have half baked ideas regarding having the kraken you constantly meet in the Forgotten Sea end up being a weird ally to battle alongside the party against this monstrosity created by Lutheria. Could be fun, right?


Flying Chariot. I would use this over the chariot already in Helios’ hoard. His one is basically unusable in terms of the controls, this one is cool though. Helm of the Gods. Just gotta do a bit of work to make it have The Five, Narsus, Lutheria, Sydon, Kentimane, Thylea and any other titan freed by the party on there. Pyxis of Pandemonium. This is a SPICY item. After the third dream sent by Lutheria where the party beat each other to a pulp, this item will be on the deck of the Ultros. An amazing boon to the party’s ability to rest up, but with a dangerous effect. Absolutely in character for Lutheria so give this to the group. This is part of what makes me think I can get away with spicing up some of the encounters a bit more. Eophixis, Bow of Nylea. A powerful bow with special arrows based on the four seasons. I don’t have a bard in my party, so if my party recovers all four instruments of the seasons, Volkan can turn them into this for our bow user. I will just remove the piety effects. You could also replace the Piety thresholds with Fame thresholds. Khrusor, Spear of Heliod. Why not, Khrusor, Spear of Helios. Yeah I’m just going to have Helios drop this. Mastix, Whip of Erebos. Well, Lutheria will need a new weapon during the Apokalypsis, right?

Mythic foes. DM's Guide to Odyssey


Odyssey of Theros Piety [Chyroptera & Crashgem]

You may choose to champion a god a character creation (You do not need to do so). Doing so will start you on their Piety track at 1 (You start at 2 if you are a cleric follower of the god or a paladin follower of the god). This track goes from 1-50 and at certain thresholds you will receive blessings from these gods. You may at any time turn away from the god you are championing for and begin to follow another. Doing so resets your Piety to 1 and begins you moving up their track. Each of the Gods has a list of things that you can do that they like and a list of things you can do that they don't like. Generally Piety only over goes up or down by 1 at a time. If you do something that greatly impresses a god it can increase more, likewise if you do something antithetical to that god you may lose more piety. In addition all gods enjoy ritual sacrifice in their names. Most prefer it to be livestock of value. Some don't mind if a sentient creature is used and prefer it. Player characters in Odyssey of the Dragonlords should champion Versi or one of the 5 : Mytros, Volkan, Vallyus, Pythos or Kyrah. Using piety system will contribute to making them gods in the eyes of your players, and also to roleplay better their goals & portfolios. Beware of other possibilities, and don't allow Lutheria & Sydon. Don't forget to boost PC's opponent with piety traits ! Thylean God or Piety Made/Adapted Titan From Theros Source Available to characters ?

Kyrah is revered as the trickster goddess of music and poetry. She is the swiftest of all the gods, capable of disappearing in the blink of an eye and she can travel great distances with each step. Her voice is said to be more beautiful than any musical instrument. There are very few shrines to her, except among bards, who revere her as the Muse. Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Kyrah when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these: Pulling a prank on a figure of high standing Telling a joke that makes a large crowd laugh or groan Passing yourself off as another person Beating someone in a foot race or any game of chance Creating art that inspires or entertains Your piety score to Kyrah decreases if you diminish Kyrah’s influence in the world, contradict her ideals, or make her look ridiculous or ineffectual through acts such as these: Bringing order in times of chaos Losing a foot race or any game of chance Telling the truth to someone you despise Taking too long to do something, any excessive indecisiveness Wanton acts of bloodshed and cruelty Kyrah’s Devotee (Piety 3+)





Fate's variant









Keranos + Thassa + Scratch


As a devotee of kyrah, you have proven yourself accomplished at deception. You can call on Kyrah’s blessing and cast disguise self with this trait. While the spell is active, your shadow still resembles your original form. You can cast the spell in this way a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.




Kyrah’s Votary (Piety 10+)



With caution, they are evil and enmy to Versi



With caution, he sides with the Twins

Kentimane Mogis

With caution, he's not that important



With caution, he's note that important



With caution, she's not that important

Lutheria Erebos Sydon


No No

I would advise you don't give the piety advantages to your players, so they discover them when improving, and so they won't chosse a god because of the advantages he would get.


Kyrah, Goddess of Music (Domain: Trickery) - Phenax

DM's Guide to Odyssey

Your words are inspired by Thylea’s greatest trickster. You have advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks. Kyrah’s Disciple (Piety 25+)

When you are hidden from a creature and miss it with an attack, making the attack doesn’t reveal your position. (or something related to movement speed) Creatures have disadvantage on attacks of opportunity made against you. (Possible Change?) Champion of Deception (Piety 50+)

You can increase your Dexterity or Charisma score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.

Mytros, Goddess of Dawn (Domain: Life, Light) - Ephara

Mytros, called by some the ‘Silver Queen’ is the most benevolent of the Five Gods and the patron goddess of the most important kingdom in Thylea. She is widely credited with the survival of the city during the destruction and aftermath of the First War, and she is said to appear to her priests as a warrior queen clad in shimmering golden armor. Having ascended to the heavens after a cataclysmic battle with Sydon and Lutheria, she no longer walks among mortals. She is the most powerful of the Five Gods, and the source of most priestly magic in Thylea. Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Mytros when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these: Defending a city from a major threat Defeating a tyrant who threatens a city’s freedom Creating a masterwork, such as a building or a poem Expanding and strengthening civilization Your piety score to Mytros decreases if you diminish Mytros’ influence in the world, contradict her ideals, or let her down through acts such as these: Betraying one’s trust to commit acts of corruption or tyranny Destroying a civic institution or sowing chaos within a city Willfully breaking just laws for personal gain Mytros’ Devotee (Piety 3+)

Mytros grants you insight into how people communicate. You can cast comprehend languages with this trait, requiring no material component, a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell. Mytros’ Votary (Piety 10+)

You gain advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks while you are within a city. In addition, when you fail an Intelligence check or Intelligence saving throw, you can reroll the die, and you must use the new roll. Once you use this reroll, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Mytros’ Disciple (Piety 25+)

You can cast Mordenkainen’s private sanctum with this trait, requiring no material components. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell. Champion of the Polis (Piety 50+)

You can increase your Intelligence or Charisma score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.

Pythor, God of Battle (Domain: War) - Iroas

A son of Mytros and Volkan, Pythor appeared to the settlers during the First War and fought tirelessly against the centaurs and gygans that threatened to overwhelm the city of Mytros. His praises were sung for centuries after, and he is said to have walked among the settlers in mortal guise, taking women to his bed and fathering demi-god children. A few centuries ago he became the king of the city of Estoria when he overthrew a mad tyrant. Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Pythor when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these: Achieving a great victory Overcoming long odds honorably Defeating a skilled foe in single combat Winning a great feat of strength or skill Success at romance Your piety score to Pythor decreases if you diminish Pythor’s influence in the world, contradict his ideals, or make him look weak and cowardly through acts such as these: Showing cowardice in battle Besting an honorable foe through deceit Harming innocents or noncombatants Losing a loved one Pythor’s Devotee (Piety 3+)

As a devotee of Pythor, you have earned his favor through victories won in his name. You can cast compelled duel with this trait a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell. Pythor’s Votary (Piety 10+)

You can cast crusader’s mantle with this trait. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell. In addition, you have advantage on saving throws against being frightened. Pythor’s Disciple (Piety 25+)

As a bonus action, you can call on Pythor’s blessing, gaining the following benefit for 1 minute or until you are incapacitated: creatures within 30 feet of you can’t gain advantage on attack rolls against you. Once you use this trait, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Champion of Victory (Piety 50+)

You can increase your Strength or Charisma score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.

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Vallus, Goddess of Wisdom (Domain: Knowledge) - Klothys

Vallus is revered as the goddess of wisdom and beauty, and she is believed to know as much about Thylea’s history as Sydon and Lutheria. She was once known to travel far and wide, surveying ancient ruins and collecting lore concerning the origins of the land and the fey races. Prayers are offered to Vallus when guidance is needed and information is scarce. She is the oldest daughter of Mytros and, in many ways, she has inherited her mother’s legacy, serving as both queen and patron goddess to the city. Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Thassa when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these: Supporting those who would reform or overturn institutions that oppress people, ideas, or beliefs Solving a challenging riddle or puzzle Smiting the unwise and foolish in Vallus’name Using knowledge, wisdom, and adaptability to resolve conflicts and solve problems. Your piety score to Vallus decreases if you diminish Vallus’ influence in the world, contradict her ideal of gradual change, or attempt to impose artificial order through acts such as these: Jeopardizing others through rash or foolish actions Abusing laws to control and oppress people, ideas, or beliefs Willingly subverting or impeding a wise course of action Failing to plan appropriately for a challenge Giving in to wanton fury and destruction, a loss of one’s senses. Vallus’ Devotee (Piety 3+)

As a devotee of Thassa, you have proven yourself a worthy representative of the god of the sea. You can cast sanctuary with this trait. You can cast the spell in this way a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell. Vallus’ Votary (Piety 10+)

You can cast clairvoyance with this trait. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell. Vallus’ Disciple (Piety 25+)

You are wise enough to recognize when you are not of sound mind or body; you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened. Champion of Logic (Piety 50+)

You can increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.


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Versi - Fates Variant Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Versi when you expand their influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these: Defeating a creature that has stepped out of its place or placed itself outside of Fate’s grasp. (A great example would be a Lich) Repairing a significant wound dealt to destiny by the gods’ ambitions Teaching people about Versi and her potential Creating additional temples, art, and followers for Versi Your piety score to Versi decreases if you diminish their influence in the world, contradict their ideals, or threaten the integrity of destiny through acts such as these: Undoing a deserved punishment or curse suffered by another creature Willfully destroying a natural wonder Assisting a creature in undermining the natural order or exploiting destiny Increasing your piety with another Versi’s Devotee (Piety 3+)

As a devotee of the Fates, you can manipulate the bonds of destiny that invisibly entangle every living thing. You can cast command with this trait a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell. Versi’s Votary (Piety 10+)

You can cast clairvoyance with this trait, requiring no material components. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell. In addition, you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed. Versi’s Disciple (Piety 25+)

You develop a second sense, allowing you to intuit the tug and pull of destiny. You can’t be surprised, provided you aren’t incapacitated. Champion of Destiny (Piety 50+)

You can increase your Dexterity or Wisdom score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.

Volkan, God of the Forge (Domain: Forge) - Purphoros

Not much is known about Volkan except that he is the husband of Mytros. He concerns himself with artifice and crafting and is primarily worshipped by dwarves, smiths, and wizards. He is depicted as an elderly and wise-looking man (and sometimes as a dwarf). He is rumored to travel through the Heartlands on the winter solstice, distributing toys and sweets to children. Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Volkan when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these: Making discoveries, especially regarding machine life and constructs Taking decisive action on impulse Destroying or repairing and improving something that has outlived its usefulness Creating something wondrous in Volkan’s name Defeating opponents with your cunning and intelligence Your piety score to Volkan decreases if you diminish Volkan’s influence in the world, work against freedom or selfexpression, or allow tyranny to take hold through acts such as these: Being lazy or lackadaisical Creating something shoddy or flawed Destroying something useful, especially something wondrous like clockwork or magical items Backing down from a fight or a contest Volkan’s Devotee (Piety 3+)

As a devotee of Volkan, you have drawn the notice of the forge god with your skill. You can cast shield of faith with this trait, requiring no material components, a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. In addition, you know the mending cantrip. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Volkan’s Votary (Piety 10+)

You can cast heat metal with this trait, requiring no material components. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell. In addition, you have advantage on saving throws against being knocked prone. Volkan’s Disciple (Piety 25+)

While you are standing and an effect would push you 1 foot or more, you can use your reaction to not be pushed. Champion of the Forge (Piety 50+)

You can increase your Strength or Intelligence score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.

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Helios Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Helios when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these: Exacting vengeance for a significant wrong done to you Building or restoring a temple to Helios Doing something impious towards one of the Five Accumulation of wealth and power Your piety score to Helios decreases if you diminish his influence in the world, contradict his ideals, or make him look ridiculous or ineffectual through acts such as these: Killing another one of Helios’ devotees Destroying or failing to restore a shrine to Helios Donate time, power, or resources without receiving any compensation. Helios’ Devotee

Piety 3+ Helios trait As a devotee of Helios, you have proven yourself a worthy champion of the sun god. You can call on Helios’ favor and cast bless with this trait, requiring no material components. Helios’ blessing manifests as a nimbus around the affected creatures, causing them to shed dim light in a 5-foot radius until the spell ends. You can cast the spell in this way a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell. Helios’ Votary

Piety 10+ Helios trait You can cast daylight with this trait. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell. Helios’ Disciple

Piety 25+ Helios trait You grow accustomed to the blazing radiance of the sun; you have advantage on saving throws against being blinded, and you have resistance to fire damage. Champion of the Sun

Piety 50+ Helios trait You can increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.

Kentimane, The Hundred Handed (Domain: Destruction) - Mogis

Kentimane was the most powerful of the Titans. He is believed to be both the husband and eternal guardian of the Great Mother. Many references are found to him in the poetry of the gygans and the centaurs, but few credible sources have survived the ravages of time. Kentimane is usually depicted with one hundred heads and one hundred hands. Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Kentimane when you expand the titan’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these: Taking vengeance against a powerful foe Burning a polis or a settlement to the ground Building or restoring shrines to Kentimane or Thylea Preventing or stopping destruction to the land Your piety score to Kentimane decreases if you diminish Kentimane’s influence in the world, contradict his ideals, or make him look weak or ineffectual through acts such as these: Publicly displaying weakness or compassion Rejecting a duel or a challenge out of fear Destroying the landscape Kentimane’s Devotee (Piety 3+)

As a devotee of Kentimane, you have shown yourself to be a brutal combatant. You can call on Kentimane’s favor and cast wrathful smite with this trait. Kentimane’s blessing manifests as a blood-red glow around your weapon, causing it to shed dim light in a 5-foot radius until the spell ends. You can cast the spell in this way a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell. Kentimane’s Votary (Piety 10+)

You can cast blinding smite with this trait. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell. Kentimane’s Disciple (Piety 25+)

Countless battles and vicious visions have given you focus. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened. Champion of Destruction (Piety 50+)

You can increase your Strength or Constitution score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.


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Narsus, God of Beauty (Domain: Beauty)

Five hundred years ago Narsus, the God of Beauty was stolen away from Mytros by the queen of Aresia. For half a millennium, her descendants have kept Narsus as the patron god of their city. Many wars have been fought to free him— but the Aresian campaigns have amounted to nothing. Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Narsus when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these: Finding, collecting, and wearing new apparel, jewelry, make-up and other cosmetics to make yourself more attractive Creating a piece of beautiful art, preferably of yourself Refining the world around you to render it more beautiful, such as cleaning up a beggar, refurbishing a rundown or abandoned building, or removing hefty amounts of trash and litter. Going out of your way to preserve your self image or piece of art Your piety score to Narsus decreases if you diminish Narsus’ influence in the world, contradict his ideals, or make him look ridiculous or ineffectual through acts such as these: Willingly allowing yourself to be dirtied, disfigured, or otherwise uglied Defacing art that depicts beauty Putting the beauty of yourself or another creature above that of Narsus Narsus' Devotee (Piety 3+)

As a devotee of Narus, you have done your best to make yourself a figure of beauty through diet, exercise, and fashion. You can call on Narsus' blessing and cast charm person with this trait. While the spell is active, the target not only finds what you say to be beautiful, but your body as well. You can cast the spell in this way a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell. Narsus' Votary (Piety 10+)

Tales of your beauty have reached new heights. You have advantage on Charisma (Performance) checks based on sight. Additionally, you can cast the enthrall spell once with this trait. Once you cast it in this way, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell. Narsus' Disciple (Piety 25+)

You know the difference between true and magical beauty. You are immune to being charmed and dominated. Champion of Beauty (Piety 50+)

You can increase your Strength or Charisma score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.

Thylea, Great Mother of All (Domain: Nature) - Karametra

Thylea is the namesake of the Lost Land. She takes the form of a gargantuan tree on an island at the heart of the Cerulean Gulf, and her followers believe that her roots reach deep into the earth, binding the world together in an eternal embrace. Thylea is believed to be a generous, life-giving goddess. The Druids of the Oldwood believe that her will is communicated through the changing of the seasons, rather than through words. Long winters, for example, signal her displeasure; long summers are a sign of her approval. Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Thylea when you expand the titan’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these: Caring for the natural world and maintaining a healthy balance between civilization and the natural world. Feeding those who are starving Caring for young. Successful diplomacy between settlers and natives Showing great patience and forgiveness Your piety score to Thylea decreases if you diminish her influence in the world, contradict her ideals, or undermine her civilizing influence through acts such as these: Hurting the natural world and destroying the balance between civilization and the natural world. Hoarding resources, especially food Harming the young. Inciting unrest between settlers and natives Losing your patience, and holding grudges. Thylea’s Devotee Piety (3+ Thylea)

As a devotee of Thylea, you have proven yourself a worthy potential champion of the nature titan. As a bonus action, you can invoke her protection; spectral plants cover you, providing you with a +1 bonus to AC for 1 minute. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest. Thylea’s Votary (Piety 10+)

You can cast speak with plants with this trait. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell. In addition, you have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned. Thylea’s Disciple (Piety 25+)

By performing an hour-long ritual, you can conjure enough grapes to fill three vials (4 ounces each) of wine. Each vial serves as a potion of healing for 24 hours, after which it loses this property. Once you use this trait, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Champion of Harvests (Piety 50+)

You can increase your Constitution or Wisdom score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.

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Lutheria, Mistress of Death (Domain: Grave) - Erebos

Lutheria takes the form of a beautiful, black-eyed woman who sleepwalks through the underworld, greeting the spirits of the dead. She carries a crystal scythe, which she uses to harvest the souls of those who displeased her in life. Lutheria commands her followers to live without remorse, to drink, dance, and feast to their heart’s desire, because any day could be their last. She is a mother to the fey races of Thylea, who she strongly favors. Worship of Lutheria is rare among settlers, but she is nevertheless honored with many feasts and festivals because Sydon demands it. Whenever any drink is poured, a libation must be made to Lutheria or else a swift punishment is sure to follow. Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Lutheria when you expand the titan’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these: Convincing a group of people to accept misfortune Easing someone’s death or assisting with funeral arrangements Thwarting the schemes of the Five Encouraging people to give into baser instincts and desires Sowing chaos and confusion Gaining power over someone through seduction or duplicity Your piety score to Lutheria decreases if you diminish Lutheria’s influence in the world, weaken her dominion over death, or alleviate misfortune without good cause through acts such as these: Saving a life without securing compensation for Lutheria Forsaking your duties to Lutheria for personal gain or pleasure Allowing a soul to escape Lutheria’s grasp Being fooled or deceived Lutheria’s Devotee (Piety 3+)

As a devotee of Lutheria, you have proven yourself an executor of Death’s grim laws. You can call on Lutheria’s favor to cast bane with this trait, requiring no material components, a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell. Lutheria’s Votary (Piety 10+)

You can cast vampiric touch with this trait. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell. In addition, you have advantage on saving throws against being frightened. Lutheria’s Disciple (Piety 25+)

When a soul is sent to its rightful place, you can draw on the energy of the Underworld to empower you. When a creature dies within 10 feet of you, you can use your reaction to gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your level. 104

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Champion of the Dead (Piety 50+)

You can increase your Constitution or Wisdom score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.

Sydon, Lord of Storms (Domain: Tempest) - Keranos

Sydon is the Lord of the Oceans and all that flows from them. He takes the form of a colossal, bearded man with three eyes, and he carries a terrifying black glaive. He surveys both land and water tirelessly, summoning storms to punish those who displease him. Sydon is a jealous and vengeful god who makes no allowances for the worship of any god but himself or his sister-wife, Lutheria. Every temple in Thylea fears the wrath of Sydon. Daily sacrifices are offered to him in every village, even as the settlers continue their silent prayers to the Five. Whenever thunder rolls through the skies of Thylea, you can be sure that someone has provoked Sydon’s anger. Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Sydon when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these: Smiting the unwise and foolish in Sydon’s name Publicly denouncing the Five Building or restoring a temple to Sydon Acts of incredible strength and courage Your piety score to Sydon decreases if you diminish Sydon’s influence in the world, contradict his ideals, or make him look ridiculous or ineffectual through acts such as these: Diminishing his strength or perceived strength Bowing to the desires or demands of another god Using magic to calm the sea’s fury Sydon’s Devotee (Piety 3+ Sydon)

As a devotee of Sydon, you have proven your wisdom and your allegiance to the Lord of Storms. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can deal an extra 1d6 lightning damage to the target. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Sydon’s Votary Piety (10+ Sydon)

When you fail an Intelligence or a Wisdom saving throw, you can reroll the die, and you must use the new roll. Once you use this trait, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Sydon’s Disciple Piety (25+ Sydon)

The energy of the storm fills your being, granting you advantage on initiative rolls. Champion of Storms Piety (50+ Sydon)

You can increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.

12. Game aids Chondru's ravings Chondrus is a master arcanist, chief of the Cult of Lutheria in Mytros and member of the council of Mytros. This page can be found at Yonder.

Demetria saw the truth of things: the Dragonlords may have been saviors to their people, but they despoiled the lands of Thylea with their lust for battle and conquest. It was wise of the dryad to seek justice from the Lady of Dreams, who is gracious and good to her servants. I have no sympathy for the minotaurs. True, they are not the brutish beasts that the people of Mytros would have you believe, but all it takes is one monster wearing skulls for ornaments to show the world that your kind is not to be trusted. The Wine Festival is my most cherished childhood memory. There was little else for a young tiefling to look forward to in Stygian Row. There is only one power in Thylea that I fear more than the Lady of Dreams: the Furies. Megaera and her sisters are not to be trifled with. Those who disrespect the laws of Thylea soon learn this. My sojourn into the Nether Sea was a time of joyful awakening. The Lady of Dreams dotes on her most loyal servants like a jealous mother, but she relentlessly tortures those who defy her. Surrounded on all sides by such death and darkness, one cannot help but feel alive. Letter to Lutheria Divine Lutheria, Mistress of Death The demon in the bowl has told me much about the creatures imprisoned in the cubes of the Nether Sea. This knowledge will be useful to thee, I am certain. Seeking always to satisfy thy desire, I have faithfully rendered seven years of service to thy insipid husband and his sycophantic followers. What more must I do to once again earn my place at thy rapturous feet? Thy eternal servant, Chondrus

Lutheria despised her role as caretaker of the iron cubes. I think she took pity on the creatures locked within. Perhaps one day she will release them.

There was a time when Lutheria shared the throne of Praxys with her husband, and the tower was said to be a place of great beauty. But eventually, the Lady of Dreams grew bored with her insipid twin and began to play practical jokes on him. Sydon once demanded a chorus of voices be raised to celebrate the forging of his glaive. Lutheria captured hundreds of sirens and brought them before the throne demanding that they sing for her husband. They sang for days on end, until their voices were raw. When at last their voices gave out, they began to transform into hideous harpies. Sydon has never forgiven his sister for infesting his tower with the loathsome creatures, but Lutheria still laughs about it to this day. Sydon and Lutheria bore children together several centuries ago, intending to create a new pantheon of young empyreans. The Twins disagreed on few things more than how the children should be raised. In the end, the Lord of Storms had his way. Our loyalty to the Lady of Dreams does not waver, even in the event of her death. To my knowledge, Karpathos and his brood are the only creatures of their kind in all Thylea. It was the Dragonlords who brought their foreign notions of good and evil to Thylea. Before their arrival, it was understood that the gods and Titans are not to be challenged; they are only to be honored and appeased. If lives must be sacrificed to calm their anger, then that is the ultimate good. Clinging to life is not only pathetic; it's an insult to the Mistress of Death, who has been charged with shepherding each soul at its appointed time. Of all the cyclopes, I hate the blemys the most. Don’t make the mistake of feeling sorry for them. That just makes them angrier The greatest honor that the titans can bestow is the gift of godhood itself. This is a gift rarely given, and it is beyond foolish to demand it. I need no such honor myself; I desire only to serve the Lady faithfully. Truthfully, even I cannot stomach the thought of encountering a dread boar. They are altogether revolting. I really hate goatlings. They say that truth is often stranger than fiction, and history is often not quite what it seems. The silver dragon, Balmytria, was indeed responsible for the summoning of the Five Gods, but she did not beckon them down from the heavens. They were not some foreign, celestial saviors. —Chondrus, Priest of Lutheria

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Collected quotes from Rizon Phobas Rizon Phobas was the oathsworn of Sybolkorax. She was a brash warrior who was well-loved by the soldiers under her command, and is known to have defeated the Minotaur armies. She was the only Dragonlord to survive the First War, living to a ripe old age.

Historians also collected quotes she dispensed during her life. The books can be found at the Academia or through Thericles.

The beasts of Thylea are not like those of other lands. Today, we lost twenty men to a great boar with tusks like spears. It spoke to us of death and justice, even as it devoured our comrades. (12 DA) I still remember those quiet hours leading up to our first battle against the armies of Sydon. We were not prepared for the wrath of the Storm Titan. (12 DA). Xander Huorath was the oathsworn of Balmytria. He was our leader, the leader of the Dragonlords, who essentially founded the Order and led us across the oceans to the new world. His death in battle against the native races is a great blow to us. (12 DA) When the mithral deposits were first discovered, I saw little reason to celebrate. It was not until I first held a mithral weapon that I appreciated the ingenuity of Volkan and his dwarven smiths. (6 DA) Telamok Arkelander, king of Telamok, oathbound to Tysophale and Adonis Neurdagon, oathbound of Raspytrion were killed during the Praxis raid. My beloved Cosmo also died during the raid. Isadore Huorath became our new leader, and Damon serves as her advisor. (1 DA) Estor Arkelander, king of Estoria, oathbound to Arkyrania, captain of the dragon lords armies and of the Ultros, has disappeared. (0 CE) The native and cursed races of Thylea are fearsome enemies, but those who side with us against the Titans are valuable allies. I cannot fathom betraying my own kind as they have, but I find it is better not to question their motives. They choose to fight alongside us; that's all that matters to Xander, and so it's good enough for me. (15 CE) We entered the tomb expecting naught but deathly silence. How strange it was to instead be greeted by the sound of clear voices singing. (16 CE) Even with the gods on our side, we were never the same without our dragons. And when Xander died, all hope of victory died with him. (38 CE) Jasena Ventrak, oathbound to Arystonar, was a strange and secretive woman. She disappeared, and Damon considers her to be an oathbreaker (41 CE) I will tell you what I know of Damon. He drank knowledge like others drank wine, and his eyes were like portals into the depths of time. He knew things that no mortal should have the means to learn, and yet he never seemed to thrill at the acquisition of lore. In the end, when Estor took the Ultros to wage his final war upon the Titans, I think Damon knew that it would spell the Doom of our sacred order. But with Xander gone, who could stop him? (47 CE) 106

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Nothing was more terrifying than witnessing Sydon on the battlefield in all his wrath. It was like being caught in a storm that fervently wished you dead, with deafening thunder and lightning that vaporized entire columns of soldiers. I would rather face an army of centaurs alone than witness such destruction again. (47 CE) Estor Arkelander, oathbound to Arkyrania, did a terrific job as our general. He slaughtered the armies of the Titans indiscriminately. He won us the last battle against the Gygans and razed their capital. (51 CE) I once allowed myself to become an oread's pet, though his charms were less effective on me than he believed. He was a skilled hunter, in more ways than one, and I'll always cher ish the time we spent together in “Paradise.” (54 CE) Damon never bonded a dragon. Instead, he devoted his time and energy to studying the arcane arts, and founded the academy at Mytros. (58 CE) Myrto was the grandson of Adonis but wasn't much of a dragonlord. I think he used his family wealth to bribe the other Dragonlords, so that he would be elected leader after the death of Isadore. Perhaps one day our sacred order will be resurrected, but I cannot see it happening in my own lifetime. It would require courage, foresight, and leadership equal to that of Xander himself. (60 CE) I am proud Cosmo became our new leader when Xander died, but Telamok Arkelander had its say until their death. (61 CE) It was unthinkably brave of Queen Calliope to lock her cursed family away in the tombs. How many young warriors would have the stomach to do such a thing? The people of Mytros spit on the names of the Aresian queens, but I have great res pect for Calliope, who possessed the strength of will both to save her city and to seize the god of beauty. (62 CE) There were always whispers of a deep terror lurking in the bowels of the oceans, something even more ancient and terrifying than the Kraken. Xander believed it, but he always put more stock in the native legends than I did. (62 CE) When you cross the oceans with an army, surrounded on all sides by death, with no end to your journey insight, you soon learn the value of loyalty. (63 CE)

Rizon Phobas wrote about the Xanderiad. But what is the Xanderiad, just a crossing of the sea to settle in Thylea and the story of the dragonlords ? Who really was Xander, why did he come to Thylea ?

Damon might have turned Xander's corpse into a wight to keep a friend, or he might be haunted by his failure, or Karpathos’s use of the Caduceus to betray him might have made him an undead. That would mean he could be given eternal rest either by transmitting his charge to the heroes (crown of the dragonlords) during the labour, or after the battle of Mytros.

Written info on the Xanderiad

When did Xander really die ?

Written info on Xander

Why did Xander go to Thylea at all ?

The Xanderiad, definition

Telamok's hall has mosaics that illustrate the history of Xander and the Dragonlords who came to Thylea five centuries ago : The initial mosaics show great kings and queens granting Xander and his companions the ships and money needed to embark on a great voyage of discovery. Next, they show [the] five dragons making an alliance with Xander. The central mosaics show the discovery of Thylea. The final ones detail the war of conquest against the inhabitants of Thylea, including the centaurs, minotaurs, and gygans. We know from the book that : He was the first of the dragonlords : he founded the Order, the country the settlers colonized was initially named Xanderia, the dragonlords made their first coins with his face on it. He led the dragonlords across the oceans to the new world. The Xanderiad tells of those seven hundred ancient mortals who on the eve of the Oath answered the call of silver-helmed Mytros and braved the black-bladed waters of the merciless Wavemaker... Xander's alignment is true neutral. His qualities were courage, foresight, and leadership. He had a cleareyed gaze alight with hope. He always put more stock in the native legends than Rizon, was never one to shy away from battle, and possessed a certain nobility of spirit that the other Dragonlords lacked. A Titan-killing sentient axe is named after him, and was buried with him. He was buried with 3 other artefacts : the crown of the dragonlords, the Golden Shield of Volkan and the Breastplate of Mytros. He was killed before the disappearance of the dragons, in 12 DA. He was taken by treacherey. When Xander died, all hope of victory died with him. Balmytria chose to serve him, and believed that he would carry on fighting even in her absence, but after she ascended, he seemed to no longer care whether he survived to see the peace restored. Damon was Xander's closest friend.

History tells Xander was killed in 12DA, before the god's arrival, but a sentence by Rizon shows that he lost faith when Mytros ascended, that Xander died after the dragons disappeared. That doesn't fit as Mytros’s ascension is 10DA raw. Unless maybe he really died in 12DA, became a haunt that tried to remain in a bizarre hidden distant command in his undead form, then gave up when Mytros ascended ? Also, if he died before the god's arrival, we can assume the shield and brestplate were made by Volkan for other dragonlords after he dies. They could have been buried with him when Telamok Necropolis was build, decades afterwards. Maybe in hope the haunt would rest. It looks like the dragonlords arrived on Thylea on purpose. Several ideas come to mind : The Dragonlords could be like spanish colonists discovering and using Thylea for their benefit. He doesn’t really fit with the Oath of the Dragonlords, but why not. Maybe they came to look for old artefacts, like the promethean fire, their sponsors wanting to become gods ? I like the version in which he was sent to that remote location due to old grudges. Some ancient power sent him in a quest. Maybe to kill Kentimane, a murderer at the dawn of time, which Thylea tries to protect. He was given the sentient Titan-slayer axe, but he died to soon and couldn't win the war, and that quest was forgotten. Sort of Phaeros's successor, which was another try from outside at killing the Titans.

Xander's myth expanded How was Xander killed ?

A sentence by Rizon shows he was killed by treachery. No other explanation is given. It could be Jasena's doing (if you have no Vanished One) or Karpathos's, using the Caduceus. Why is Xander an undead at Telamok ? DM's Guide to Odyssey


The Xanderiad, by Rizon Phobas

Starting from you, Xander, I shall relate the tale of those seven hundred ancient mortals who on the eve of the Oath answered the call of silver-helmed Balmytria and braved the black-bladed waters of the merciless Wavemaker... Though you were ten years gone, taken from us by treachery, still we could feel your steady hand guiding our ships as we sailed into darkness and doubt; still we could feel your cleareyed gaze alight with hope. Xander Huorath, you were the oathsworn of Balmytria. You were our leader, the leader of the Dragonlords, who essentially founded the Order and led us across the oceans to the new world. Don't you remember ? Your nobility of spirit, courage, foresight, and leadership gave us an example of what it was to be a dragonlord. To protect the settlers, to teach the natives the values of morality. You always kept in mind the importance of the legends of Thylea. Dragons and dragonlords

Our expedition was funded by kings and queens, as you were invested with a secret holy mission, given by an ancient power you didn't name. An ancient power whose support allowed us to get your Titan-killing axe, and the support of eleven noble dragons, to which we bound our best warriors. At their head was the dragon you mounted, silver Balmytria, noble of spirit. My dear Cosmo was coming of age at the time of your death, and was elected to become her second oathsworn. We were very proud of that honour. When she died facing the Titans, she blessed us with the appearance of the Five, who came to our help in such a desperate time of need. At her side was Sybolkorax the bronze, the loyal dragon i mounted. Mad with grief after his mate's death, we lost him, he never was the same again. They came with their bronze progeny, who all met their doomed fate after Balmytria's death : Tysophale, oathsworn to our master tactician, Telamok Arkelander, who died the last days of the war, during the raid on Praxis. Raspytrion, oathsworn to our beautiful Adonis Neurdagon, who died the last days of the war, during the raid on Praxis. Arkyrania oathsworn to our general, Estor Arkelander, who disappeared later with the fabled Ultros at a time we really needed them both. Arystonar, oathsworn to mysterious Jasena Ventrak, who abandoned us not long after losing her dragon, lost in her bargains with The Fates. Along with the family came other allied dragons : Hexia the green, oathsworn to Ochos Arkelander. She was adopted by Balmytria, after her evil mother was killed by Sybolkorax. A few years after Ochos died at Sydon's hand, after Balmytria's death, Hexia abandoned us. Hezzebal the brass, oathworn to your son, Gregor Huoarath, young father of blessed Isadore, who never knew him. Gregor and his dragon disappeared during a quest Estor gave them, above the forgotten sea 108

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Orichalkos the brass, oathsworn to bold Nikandros Caliros. But when Nikandros was killed in battle against Sydon, Orichalkos became mad and took his corpse to fly away, never to be seen again. Chaeristis the copper, oathsworn to dear Alina Davanos. They both were killed during a sour battle against Sydon. Zarmulax the red, mounted by Karpathos Aresianos. Karpathos betrayed us, stealing Damon's Caduceus and using it to kill you, our best warrior, our beloved leader. And his dragon followed him. They created their own kingdom in Aresia, but time and the queens of Aresia gave us vengeance. I will tell you what I know of Damon, Xander's archmage friend. He drank knowledge like others drank wine, and his eyes were like portals into the depths of time. He knew things that no mortal should have the means to learn, and yet he never seemed to thrill at the acquisition of lore. Damon never bonded a dragon. Instead, he devoted his time and energy to studying the arcane arts, and founded the academy at Mytros. A foreign land

Our first years were successful. We met the locals, who made us their kings and queens, and we protected them from the bullying natives. Their villages became cities and received fortifications. We built libraries and teached them all sort of things. The beasts of Thylea are not like those of other lands. One day, we lost twenty men to a great boar with tusks like spears. It spoke to us of death and justice, even as it devoured our comrades. There were always whispers of a deep terror lurking in the bowels of the oceans, something even more ancient and terrifying than the Kraken. Xander believed it, but he always put more stock in the native legends than I did. Soon Xanderia was a large territory, with many settlements, some of which became led by dragonlords like Xander, Telamok and Estor. Still, the situation on the borders was tense. Our border patrols met several Centaur nomad tribes, scattered Fey forest people from the Oldwood under the Dryad Ultraia, and some minotaur villages. But the main native civilization was the Gygan empire. Our best generals, Telamok and Estor, considered it the main danger to our kingdoms, and made plans. First years of war

10 years after our arrival, when an army of Gygans and their allies was mustered close to Xanderia, our port capital, it was time to strike : all out war began. With our dragons the Gygans couldn’t withstand our mighty army and we routed them there, and pursued the effort. We won battle after battle, and broke their empire in a matter of years, laying waste to their giant cities, quickly pushing the borders of Xanderia. Estor’s methods were efficient, but rather brutal. He dispatched the dryad-queen of the fey and made her tree the mast of our new capital ship, and relentlessly pursued and killed the fleeing Gygans, even their elders and kids. His dragon couldn’t stand any more, and left him. But he didn’t care, captaining his new ship and raiding the Gygan islands, to continue his task.

The native and cursed races of Thylea are fearsome enemies, but those who sided with us against the Titans were valuable allies. I cannot fathom betraying my own kind as they have, but I find it is better not to question their motives. They choose to fight alongside us; that's all that matters to Xander, and so it's good enough for me. The wrath of Sydon

After those initial years of war, they called their gods for help. Sydon, lord of Storms, answered the call, and came himself to lead their forces to battle. I still remember those quiet hours leading up to our first battle against the armies of Sydon. We were not prepared for the wrath of the Storm Titan. Nothing was more terrifying than witnessing Sydon on the battlefield in all his wrath. It was like being caught in a storm that fervently wished you dead, with deafening thunder and lightning that vaporized entire columns of soldiers. I would rather face an army of centaurs alone than witness such destruction again. Our grounded dragons weren’t of much use against his might, and we lost our first battles, our first dragons and dragonlords : Orichalkos, Chaeristis, Ochos, Alina, Nikandros... Even worse, Karpathos betrayed us during such a battle, using the artefact Damon had built, and killed you, our leader. Some said another of their gods, one Lutheria, Sydon’s twin sister, had made a deal with him. Karpathos left with his dragon, to lead his own kingdom of Aresia, in the war south east. The tide of battle shifted completely. Diminished, and without your leadership times looked grim. We tried to do what we could with my dear Cosmo, and decided to head your distant advices, but Telamok also tried to take the lead, making things complicated. In truth, it was Balmytria who kept us together for several years. The new gods

Then our dragons decided to fight a difficult battle. Versi told us that in her final stand against the Titans, the silver dragon threw herself heedlessly against them, tearing and clawing, even after suffering numerous mortal injuries. That’s when, using her last breath, she was able to summon the celestial beings the Oracle of Thylea had foreseen. We had lost our last dragons, but we now had gods who came to our aid. Their help allowed us to shift the tide of battle again. Mytros made us win the first battle almost by herself, as we weren’t present, sacrificing her mortal form to ascend. Then we conquered the lands back. We followed the lead of Pythor, god of battle. He was fighting Sydon relentlessly, even going back to battle each time he died, and was enhanced by Vallus’s wisdom and magic. Kyrah was in charge of strategy, while Volkan forged us items of power. I must say that when the mithral deposits were first discovered, I saw little reason to celebrate. It was not until I first held a mithral weapon that I appreciated the ingenuity of Volkan and his dwarven smiths. The Titans were no match against teh gods. Soon the lands were ours, and Sydon kept only control of the sea and its islands, while Lutheria stayed hidden in the nether sea.

That stalemate was the start of a new kind of war, based on raids. Many natives and settlers were killed in those years. Jasena discussed a lot with Versi, and decided to meet the dangerous Fates to find a solution. But we never saw her again, Damon marking her as a traitor. Estor and Telamok held a dispute, the former had ordered Gregor and Hezzebal a secret mission, but we never saw them again. Even with the gods on our side, we were never the same without our dragons. Against the god’s advice, our numbers greatly reduced, Telamok decided to launch a desperate raid of the Dragonords on Praxis, with Adonis, Damon and our Myrmidons. I was to guard our capital city with a small force in the meantime. But the assault failed. In the end, when Estor took the Ultros to wage his final war upon the Titans, I think Damon knew that it would spell the Doom of our sacred order. But with Xander gone, who could stop him? Xander, what would you have done in such a case ? We lost so much unity and wisdom without you. I see it now, this assault could only fail : we were doomed without Estor and his Ultros. Another traitor. The Oath of Peace

Settlers and natives were weary of the war. Versi arranged successfull parleys between gods and titans, and Damon came back with the Oath of Peace, such a boon for us. We were on the verge of collapse. So many lives had been lost. Our dragons, so many dragonlords. Dragonlords without dragons ! Xander, you never told us : what are we supposed to do now in that foreign land, that slowly becomes ours ? What will our order become ? Perhaps one day our sacred order will be resurrected, but I cannot see it happening in my own lifetime. It would require courage, foresight, and leadership equal to that of Xander himself. I wasn't able to take keadership, instead i allowed myself to become an oread's pet, though his charms were less effective on me than he believed. He was a skilled hunter, in more ways than one, and I'll always cherish the time we spent together in “Paradise.” When you cross the oceans with an army, surrounded on all sides by death, with no end to your journey insight, you soon learn the value of loyalty. We definitely lacked some. At least we had revenge from Karpathos. We entered the tomb expecting naught but deathly silence. How strange it was to instead be greeted by the sound of clear voices singing. It was unthinkably brave of Queen Calliope to lock her cursed family away in the tombs. How many young warriors would have the stomach to do such a thing? The people of Mytros spit on the names of the Aresian queens, but I have great respect for Calliope, who possessed the strength of will both to save her city and to seize the god of beauty.

A deadly stalemate

DM's Guide to Odyssey


Chondrus's history of Thylea, part 1 Chondrus is a master arcanist, chief of the Cult of Lutheria in Mytros and member of the council of Mytros. This document in five parts can be found at Yonder's library.

The Legend of Creation

Thylea was of the Old Gods—ancient even when the world was young. Gentle and generous, she was born into a time of war and chaos among her kind. Refusing to take sides in their disputes, she lived her entire life in contemplative silence, never speaking a single word. Yet though she was silent, she possessed a powerful resolve that the other Gods sensed and respected. Even Kentimane of the Hundred Hands—the most violent and warlike of them all—was drawn to her quiet strength. She alone of all the Gods could quell his furious temper with her calming spirit. Eventually, Thylea grew weary of the endless strife and conflicts. She isolated herself from the other Gods, seeking respite on the farthest edges of the ocean. Kentimane—now her lover and protector—followed, turning his back on war and violence to walk with Thylea on the path of tranquility. Alone, the pair were happy for a time. But Thylea still felt all the pain and suffering in the world like a million arrows piercing her gentle soul. In time, her joy gave way to despair until, unable to bear it any longer, she drowned herself beneath the water. Yet her death was not a surrender... it was a glorious sacrifice. Thylea’s body came apart; her head and torso floating back to the surface to become a chain of virgin islands. Her heart burst from her chest and transformed into a great tree rising up from the center of the continent she had birthed. Her limbs sunk to the bottom of the sea, stretching and twisting into great roots that connected each island, nurturing the fertile plants and gentle animals that sprang into being on the islands’ surface. Kentimane’s grief over his lover’s death was inconsolable. Without Thylea to temper his moods, he succumbed once more to his most violent urges. Screaming his fury at the heavens, he thrashed and raged in the oceans around the body of his lover, unleashing terrible storms and massive tidal waves that threatened to swallow the new-born islands. Yet even after her death, a part of Thylea’s spirit remained in the great Heart-Tree at the center of the islands. She reached out—silent as ever—and brushed against her mad husband’s mind, soothing his tortured spirit with a soft caress. Sensing her presence, the hundred-handed giant transformed his grief into a new purpose. Binding himself to what was left of his lover with a solemn vow, Kentimane became the ward and protector of the islands, taking up an eternal vigil in the waters around their untouched shores. Fed by Thylea’s generous spirit—and with Kentimane keeping the evils of the outside world at bay—life in the Forgotten Land flourished into a perfect, unspoiled paradise. And finally, the Goddess who never spoke was content.! 110

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The Birth of the Titans

In the beginning, the islands of Thylea were populated only by harmless plants and gentle animals—the flora and fauna a reflection of the nurturing spirit of the Mother Goddess that sacrificed herself to create them. A virgin paradise, the Forgotten Land was kept safe from the perils and evils of the outside world by the giant Kentimane of the Hundred Hands —Thylea’s lover and protector. And together, the two were content. But one day, the tree at the center of the islands—the transformed heart of the Mother Goddess herself— blossomed with seven strange fruits. Each the size of a boulder, they shimmered and pulsed with vibrant, shifting colors, almost as if alive. Seeing the tempting bounty sprouting from the branches, Kentimane reached from the ocean and plucked the fruit. His fifty heads gorged themselves on the succulent flesh, tearing and chewing until all that remained were seven spike-covered pits, which he tossed into the ocean. Instead of sinking, the pits floated on the waves, bobbing up and down. Offended by their taunting presence, Kentimane seized each pit in a clenched fist, squeezing so hard the spikes bit into his flesh and drew blood. Howling in rage, Kentimane slammed the pits down beneath the water, burying them deep beneath the muddy bottom of the ocean floor. But the next morning the pits floated back up to the surface. Before Kentimane could seize them again, the pits burst open and the children of Thylea and Kentimane sprang forth into existence. The hundred-handed god stared in wonder at his offspring: eight Titans born from the fruit of Thylea’s tree, fertilized by the blood of Kentimane himself. Each of the first six pits had incubated a single child blessed with a different attribute drawn from one of their parents: Strength; Beauty; Wisdom; Craft; Prophecy and Swiftness. As these six Titans grew from children into adults, they became demi-gods, each representing the aspect of their parents they most embodied. However, from the seventh pit two Titans were born: Sydon and Lutheria, twin brother and sister. Sydon embodied his father’s raging fury, and as he grew he became the God of Time and the Lord of Storms. His sister, Lutheria, inherited her mother’s stillness and calm... but without Thylea’s compassion or gentleness, she would eventually become the Goddess of Death and the Lady of Dreams. Having deposited the children in the warm bosom of their mother, Kentimane returned to the sea and resumed his eternal vigil, bound by his sacred vow to keep Thylea—and now also their children—safe from the outside world.

Chondrus's history of Thylea, part 2 The Creation of the Fey Races

For a time the eight children of Thylea and Kentimane lived quiet and contented lives, sheltered on the islands spawned from the body of their mother. But, in time, contentment became loneliness. They were gods, but they had no purpose. Talieus, the God of Crafting, first born of the siblings, gathered his younger brothers and sisters together and proposed they create races of mortal creatures to worship and revere them. Of all the Titans, only Sydon and Lutheria, his youngest siblings, refused: they were united by the powerful bond, and did not feel the empty loneliness of their kin. The other Titans created centaurs, satyrs and nymphs, who quickly spread to populate the islands. Next, they created the cyclopes and gygans, great giants capable of moving earth and stone to build massive temples in honor of Talieus and the others who had given them life. Sydon and Lutheria regarded these new mortal races with contempt. They became bitter and resentful, and isolated themselves on the last uninhabited island of Thylea, where their hatred festered. One day, Lutheria approached Talieus, claiming she and her twin had grown weary of their solitude. Offering praise and flattery, she urged him to create a new race, one greater than all the others, to dwell on her island. Weakened by his sister’s adulation, Talieus did as he was bade and the myrmekes were born. An industrious, insect-like race with a shared hive-mind intelligence, the myrmekes quickly spread out from their isolated home, overwhelming and conquering the native species on nearby islands. The other Titans condemned Talieus for creating such aggressive and dangerous creatures. Talieus, burning with parental pride, refused act against his newest children. It fell to Sydon, the God of Storms, to halt the myrmekes’ advance. As they piled into their ships, he unleashed the fury of the sea, dashing their vessels to smithereens with howling winds, drowning them beneath the waves. Even Sydon could not halt their advance forever. The other Titans, fearful the myrmekes would continue to spread, begged their father for help. Moved by the fears of his children, Kentimane used his hundred hands to gather all the myrmekes onto a single island. Calling on the strength of Thylea herself, he bound them there with powerful magic so they could never leave. As punishment for his foolishness and pride, Kentimane stripped Talieus of his power and gave it to Sydon. Using his older brother’s former power against him, Sydon bound Talieus and presented him to his sister and now wife as a gift. Lutheria took no pity on her helpless elder brother. She blinded the mighty Titan and sewed his lips shut, so he could never tell the others the truth of his downfall. Then she bound his power to her crystal scythe and forced him to wander eternally in the Nether Sea, dragging her throne-ship across the waves behind him by a great chain strapped around his neck. Seeing Talieus’ fate, the other Titans were horrified. Together they began plotting revenge against the twins, but Lutheria and Sydon were ready for them.

The War of the Titans

Kentimane did not foresee what his offspring would one day become. He could not imagine the strife and suffering the Twins would bring to the peaceful islands. - The Fates, oracles of Thylea. For a time the children of Thylea and Kentimane dwelt together in peace. But after Lutheria and Sydon enslaved their eldest brother for creating the myrmekes, the remaining siblings decided upon revenge. Hergeron, the second eldest brother and the god of Strength and Valor, challenged Sydon to a duel, brashly confident in his own abilities. But Sydon had absorbed much of the enslaved Talieus’ power, and he easily bested his challenger. Sydon imprisoned the defeated Hergeron beneath a great tower, chaining him to so that the full weight of the building was forever pressing down on Hergeron’s enormous neck and shoulders. The remaining four siblings, realizing Sydon had grown too powerful to challenge directly, decided to strike at Lutheria. In secret, they traveled to her island but the Goddess of Death had set a trap for her kin. Through the ritual sacrifice of a thousand basilisks, she had created a great pool of poisonous blood at the heart of her domain. When the invaders set foot upon the island they triggered wards of power that released the magic of the foul pool in a lethal burst, instantly turning three of them to stone. Only Chalcia, the Goddess of Swiftness, was nimble enough to escape. Knowing the Twins would come after her, Chalcia took shelter beneath a massive volcano. There she could use her speed and quickness to survive in the labyrinth of tunnels and lava tubes. When Sydon learned of the failed attack against his sister-wife, his fury knew no bounds. In a blind rage, he summoned a great storm to lash all the islands of Thylea, seeking to flood the chambers where Chalcia was hiding. The storms threatened to wash away Thylea itself, something that Kentimane would not allow. Kentimane had stayed neutral in the battles of his children but, once the safety of all of Thylea became threatened, he was forced to intervene. Kentimane blunted the storms, and he forbade Sydon and Lutheria from destroying the volcano that sheltered their fugitive sister. Sydon was loathe to let Chalcia escape retribution, but even he was not strong enough to defy his mighty father. Lutheria, cunning as ever, knew of another way to get revenge. Uniting their power, and the power stolen from their fallen siblings, the Twins reached deep into the foundation of Thylea. They shifted rock and stone, careful not to disturb the islands above as they sealed off the tunnels and chambers beneath the volcano one by one. Chalcia ran from their relentless work, driven ever deeper beneath the earth. In the end, the elusive Goddess of Swiftness found herself trapped in a tiny chamber at the very heart of the volcano itself. Instead of crushing her, the Twins stopped at the last instant, entombing their sister for all eternity in a crypt of searing heat and noxious fumes.

DM's Guide to Odyssey


Chondrus's history of Thylea, part 3 The Arrival of the Dragonlords

Their siblings gone, Sydon and Lutheria ruled supreme over the lands of Thylea, worshipped and honored by the gygans, centaurs, nymphs and other fey. Ages passed, and the dead Titans were forgotten by the children they had created. As far as history remembered, the Twin Titans were the authors of all. But the remote continent birthed from their mother could not remain hidden forever. As the centuries passed, the socalled civilized races, humans, elves, dwarves and their like, began to stumble across the islands at the far reaches of the Forgotten Sea. The first to arrive were refugees and castaways, survivors of ships gone astray. Half-drowned, they crawled onto island shores and carved out a meager existence among the native fey races. Sydon ignored these newcomers. They were too weak and pathetic to acknowledge. Lutheria found something compelling in their nature. When others came, the explorers and settlers, she stayed Sydon’s fury and allowed them to land safely so she could study these strange folk. As their numbers grew, the civilized races established small villages along the coasts. Bit by bit, they spread across the islands of Thylea, until their numbers brought them into conflict with the original inhabitants. At first, the civilized races suffered losses whenever they encountered the fey folk. They had neither the strength nor numbers to challenge the gygans or centaurs in battle. They lacked the power to resist the magic tricks and temptations of the nymphs, dryads and satyrs. Everything changed with the arrival of the Dragonlords, a band of heroes who fought astride great winged mounts. Their leader was Xander Huorath, with his mighty silver dragon, Balmytria. The second in command, Xander’s chief rival, was Rizon Phobas, who rode Balmytria’s mate, a great bronze dragon. Joining them were Adonis Neurdagon, beautiful and vain; the brothers Telamok and Estor Arkelandor, ruthless and savage warriors; and several others who have since been forgotten. Each warrior was oathsworn to a dragon, and together, they were nigh unstoppable in battle. The arrival of these magnificent creatures stoked Lutheria’s fascination with the newcomers. The dragons were unlike anything found in Thylea. At his sister’s urging, Sydon ignored the pleading of his worshippers to cleanse Thylea of the invaders. Under the leadership of the Dragonlords, the civilized races entered an age of unprecedented expansion. Villages became towns, and towns grew into great walled cities. Encounters between the newcomers and the native races became more frequent, and more violent. Now the newcomers were winning. The native races were pushed back, retreating into the unexplored wilds. Still, out of respect for his sister-wife’s curiosity, Sydon held his fury in check, just waiting an inevitable spark that would ignite the fires of allout war. He did not have to wait long.


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Estor and the First War

Of all the Dragonlords, the brothers Telamok and Estor Arkelander were the most ruthless and savage. Telamok, the elder, dreamed of being a great king. He offered his protection, and that of his dragon, to any who would swear allegiance to him. He promised a future in which the socalled civilized species had utter dominance over Thylea and the fey creatures. Mortals of all races flocked to his banner. He built fortresses and walled cities to protect his followers from attack, the foundation of what would one day become the great kingdom of Mytros. The ranks of his armies, under the command of his younger brother Estor, swelled. For Telamok, war was merely a tool, a way to build and secure the future of his people. Estor, however, cared little for the future. He had no desire to rule or govern, and his only joy was battle. Most, including his dragon, thought he was a brave hero, seeking glory. The truth was far worse, for war was the only way that Estor could satisfy his bloodlust and cruelty. His victories on the battlefield meant nothing beyond the chance of slaughter and carnage. As Telamok’s kingdom grew, it expanded into gygan territory. Knowing the one-eyed, six-armed giants would not welcome outsiders, he commanded Estor to lead his army against them. In Telamok’s mind, his brother would break the gygan ranks and force the giants to bend the knee. Estor, however, had other plans. Riding on his dragon, he led the charge that routed the gygans. The giants fought bravely, but were no match for the Dragonlord and his mount. Once they knew the battle was lost, they threw down their weapons in surrender. Estor refused to take prisoners, and refused to parley. To the horror of his noble dragon mount, he ordered his troops to massacre every single gygan warrior. The gygan threat was gone, but Estor was not finished. He pushed his soldiers onwards to the towns where the gygans lived. Their warriors slain, the remainder were now defenseless. Estor’s dragon begged him to show mercy, but he was deaf to her pleas. His army massacred mothers and children, the old and the infirm. Only a handful of gygans escaped to warn the other fey folk of Estor’s atrocities. The unbridled slaughter revealed Estor’s true nature and his dragon abandoned him. The consequences of his actions went much further. Seeing the slaughter, Lutheria finally recognized the threat the newcomers posed, and she released Sydon from his vow to not harm them. With his fury finally unleashed, Sydon gathered a great army of fey creatures and led them against the civilized races that had butchered the gygans. Sydon meant to drive the invaders into the sea. The First War had begun.

Chondrus's history of Thylea, part 4 The Curse of Estor Arkelander

The atrocities of Estor Arkelander drove his dragon to abandon him. But even without his mount, Estor continued his murderous campaign against the native creatures as the captain of the Ultros, a magical ship with a crew nearly as savage and bloodthirsty as Estor himself. The crew of the Ultros ravaged the islands of Thylea, leaving slaughter in their wake. Sydon threw everything against the vessel, trying to smash it with hundred-foot waves or drag it down to the bottom of the sea. The magic of the Ultros was so powerful even the God of Storms couldn’t sink it. With Sydon’s failure, it fell to Lutheria to find a way to end Estor’s reign of terror. She approached the barbaric Captain in a dream: if Estor swore to end his massacres against her children, she would give him and his crew eternal life by ritual magic. Estor was naturally wary of a trap, particularly when approached by a naked goddess in his dreams, but he knew that he was safe on the Ultros. Even the Goddess of Death could not harm him. Seduced by the Goddess, he woke from his dream and slit the throats of his officers as a blood sacrifice to begin her immortality ritual. Lutheria came to him on a cold wind, swooping in from void of a moonless night to land on the deck of the Ultros. The Captain, as Estor now styled himself, was enchanted by her cold, cruel beauty and lay with the Goddess to consummate the arrangement. The two were surrounded by the leering corpses of his butchered men. As the first rays of sun climbed over the horizon, Lutheria vanished. The officers that Estor had murdered rose to their feet. Though all knew how Estor had betrayed them, Lutheria’s ritual bound them to his will. When they saluted their Captain, Estor let out a great, roaring laugh. He knew he had been blessed by Lutheria and would never die. The blessing of the Goddess of Death soon revealed its nature as a curse. Estor and his crew could not die, but they still felt pain: wounds would not kill them, but neither would they heal. Instead, they festered and rotted. Age could not touch them, but they felt the ravages of disease and illness. Lutheria was true to her word: as the years turned to decades and then centuries, they did not die. They endured as twisted and disfigured creatures, trapped in a world between life and death as they were slowly driven mad. After centuries of torment, Estor and his crew tried to break Lutheria’s curse with a second ritual. They sought the release of death, but the Mistress of Death would not grant them peace. Their bodies decomposed and fell away, but their spirits were bound to the Ultros, now a ship manned by ghosts and doomed to forever sail the seas of Thylea.

Summoning the New Gods

"Some say that it was the Dragonlords who summoned the Five Gods. Others say that it was the silver dragon, Balmytria. So much time has passed now; the truth may never be known. —Aesop, Keeper of the Dragon Shrine At the beginning of the First War the civilized peoples won many victories. Led by the Dragonlords, they rode roughshod over the armies of the Titans. The children of Thylea could not stand against the great dragons and were routed time and time again. The armies of gygans and centaurs prayed to Sydon and Lutheria for aid, crying out to the Twins to save them from extinction. They begged the Titans to destroy the dragons, so that they could meet the civilized races in equal strength on the battlefield. Sydon and Lutheria heard their laments and joined the struggle. The tide of war turned in favor of the native races: even a dragon cannot stand against a Titan. Whenever the dragons took to the skies, Sydon lashed them with raging winds and blasts of lightning, forcing them to the ground, where they became vulnerable to the wrath of Lutheria, who assailed them with her wicked scythe and death magic. Many dragons were lost, and others fled. But the silver dragon, Balmytria, knew that Lutheria and Sydon would eventually find them all. In her final stand against the tyranny of the Titans, the silver dragon threw herself heedlessly against them, tearing and clawing, even after suffering numerous mortal injuries. When at last her energy was exhausted, she collapsed to the ground dead, and the Twins spat on her corpse. Balmytria’s death ripped a hole in the very fabric of reality that rippled throughout the multiverse. Inspired by her sacrifice, five celestial beings answered her prayer and came to Thylea to protect her people. These beings are known as the Five Gods, who we still worship today: Mytros, Volkan, Pylor, Vallus and Kyrah. The Five pledged themselves to protect the civilized races, restoring the balance of power. In the years that followed, an uneasy truce was brokered, creating a peace that has lasted for 500 years. In any case, this is how the story is usually told...

DM's Guide to Odyssey


Chondrus's history of Thylea, part 5 The Oath of Peace

The Dragonlords made their final voyage into the Forgotten Sea, and great battles were fought over land and water. Eventually, the centaur armies were broken, and the gygan armies were all but exterminated. Sydon and Lutheria had very little left with which they could fight—but they were still gods. Lutheria lay claim to the vast underworld of the Nether Sea, capturing the souls of the dead to make up for what she had lost. Sydon secured his hold on the waters of Thylea, generating great storms that battered the mortal cities into submission. In this way, they forced a stalemate in the war, with the hope that they might recover from their losses. As the Titans consolidated their remaining power, they struck a revenge blow against the mortal armies. They hunted down and slaughtered most of the remaining Dragonlords, including Estor Arkelander, the captain of the Ultros. The true fate of these brave warriors is largely unrecorded in the histories. In the end, both sides of the war were threatened with total annihilation. Finally exhausted, the Titans and the Five Gods met once more beneath the great tree of the Golden Heart. They cut their hands and made blood handshakes, agreeing to a solemn truce for five hundred years. This agreement became known as the Oath of Peace, and Mytros, the Goddess of Dawn, sealed the oath with most of her remaining power. Damon, the great wizard of the Dragonlords, saw it done. He carried the scroll of the oath and the bodies of the fallen Dragonlords back to the city. And then he disappeared into history.


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The Golden Age

Now, the time of mortals had come. The settlement of Mytros expanded into a great city, and it was protected by the twin Colossi forged by Volkan—beacons of civilization on the shores of a wild frontier. New settlers came from beyond the Forgotten Sea, and the mortal population of Thylea swelled. The children of the Dragonlords became kings, and their dynasties ruled over new cities that sprang up across the land. As the worship of the Five spread, their power over the land and oceans grew, until every village boasted shrines to Volkan and Pythor. The dominion of Sydon and Lutheria was nearly forgotten. Five centuries seemed like an eternity to mortals, but the time now grows near.

How the Oath of Peace came to be (by Kyrah) Tale from the Five, for when the Oath of Peace ends. "If you desire it, I will tell you the story of how the Dragonlords were destroyed, and how the Oath of Peace came to be."

—Kyrah, Poet Laureate of Mytros

The Game of the Gods

They say that truth is often stranger than fiction, and history is often not quite what it seems. The silver dragon, Balmytria, was indeed responsible for the summoning of the Five Gods, but she did not beckon them down from the heavens. We were not some foreign, celestial saviors. Balmytria saw that unless the Titans were stopped, they would destroy all of Thylea. The Dragonlords had no solution. She vowed action. Knowing that Sydon and Lutheria were proud creatures, Balmytria challenged the Twins to the game of twenty squares, which is also called the Royal Game. She summoned them to the island of the Golden Heart, which is the home of the Mother Goddess herself. They would play beneath the great tree, with the mother of the Titans as their sacred witness. The stakes would be simple: she would wager her life and the lives of all her kind against the divine power of the Titans. In this way, the war could be ended. Lutheria saw the trap right away, but her husband would not listen. Sydon had never been defeated at the Royal Game in all his centuries. He accepted Balmytria's terms, and the game began. When gods play the game of twenty squares, the pieces symbolize entire armies, and the fall of the dice are like the hammers of Fate, drenching the earth with the blood of those armies. Thousands of soldiers may live and die by the turn of a single gambit. Balmytria knew that Sydon had never lost at the Royal Game. Accordingly, she chose her moves with extreme care, taking the full time allotted—one rotation of the stars per turn. And all the while, she was maddeningly silent. Sydon shouted at her, demanding that she look him in the eyes, rise to his taunts, or just say anything at all. He quickly lost patience with the game, rolling the dice as soon as his turns began, simply to have it over with. His impatience proved his undoing. Balmytria won the first game, shattering the Titan's winning record and his pride. He raised his fists to the sky and mountains crumbled, so angry was he. But before his sister-wife could calm him, he had doubled the stakes and challenged the silver dragon to a rematch. This continued for five more games. Balmytria remained patient, neither speaking nor eating even as a full month passed. Meanwhile, Sydon spiralled into a wrath such as the world had never seen. Lutheria clawed at her own face, furious with her husband's idiocy. She could not interfere with the game directly, for the magic that enforces the game of twenty squares is woven deep into the fabric of the multiverse.

The 7th Game

But she knew that the seventh game was sacred. "Seventh game takes all," they say. If Sydon could win the seventh game, then the six previous matches would mean nothing. The Titans would have their way. As her husband lost game after game, Lutheria sat quietly, weaving magic into the dice. Even the greatest spells in Thylea seemed to have no effect. Desperate, she began to pour her divine power into the dice. As the magical energy took hold of the dice, she felt herself growing weaker—and Sydon began to win. No matter how carelessly he threw the dice, they delivered victory. And as the final game drew to a close, it was clear that Balmytria was about to lose eveything. Laughing, arrogant, triumphant, the Twin Titans threw open their mouths and shouted in the face of the silver dragon, "You are nothing. You are nothing." But Balmytria only smiled. "I have staked my life on this game, and you have staked your divine power. You gave your divine power to win this game, but now I give my life to match your sacrifice." With this, she plunged a dagger into her chest, and her blood spilled across the twenty squares, soaking the enchanted dice. When Balmytria's blood mixed with the magic of the dice, the fate of the world was forever altered. Balmytria knew the dragons could not defeat the immortal Titans unless they became immortals themselves. That was her plan all along. She never intended to kill Sydon and Lutheria, for she knew that the Fates were working against her. Instead, she sought to steal the divine power of the Titans for her own blood. As Balmytria's blood drained from her body, the Titans' divine power replaced it. She ascended into the heavens as Mytros, the Goddess of Dawn. Her husband became Volkan, the God of the Forge. Her children became Vallus, the Goddess of Wisdom; Pythor, the God of Battle; Narsus, the God of Beauty; and Kyrah, the Goddess of Music. Together, this new pantheon would turn the tide of the war completely. History says the dragons are gone, but that is not entirely true. The dragons are still here, but they have been changed into something even greater. Mytros won the war that could not be won by sacrificing herself and ensuring a future for all the mortals of Thylea. With the arrival of the Five Gods, the Titans faced an existential threat. They were badly weakened from the fighting of the First War, and much of their divine power had been sapped away. Joined by the power of the Five Gods, the mortal armies were nigh unstoppable.

DM's Guide to Odyssey


History of Estor Arkelander This is tyhe raw resume from 2 books found on the Ultros. Next page you'll find a "journal version" by Sgt Durandal

Estor and the First War

Of all the Dragonlords, the brothers Telamok and Estor Arkelander were the most ruthless and savage. Telamok, the elder, dreamed of being a great king. He offered his protection, and that of his dragon, to any who would swear allegiance to him. He promised a future in which the socalled civilized species had utter dominance over Thylea and the fey creatures. Mortals of all races flocked to his banner. He built fortresses and walled cities to protect his followers from attack, the foundation of what would one day become the great kingdom of Mytros. The ranks of his armies, under the command of his younger brother Estor, swelled. For Telamok, war was merely a tool, a way to build and secure the future of his people. Estor, however, cared little for the future. He had no desire to rule or govern, and his only joy was battle. Most, including his dragon, thought he was a brave hero, seeking glory. The truth was far worse, for war was the only way that Estor could satisfy his bloodlust and cruelty. His victories on the battlefield meant nothing beyond the chance of slaughter and carnage. As Telamok’s kingdom grew, it expanded into gygan territory. Knowing the one-eyed, six-armed giants would not welcome outsiders, he commanded Estor to lead his army against them. In Telamok’s mind, his brother would break the gygan ranks and force the giants to bend the knee. Estor, however, had other plans. Riding on his dragon, he led the charge that routed the gygans. The giants fought bravely, but were no match for the Dragonlord and his mount. Once they knew the battle was lost, they threw down their weapons in surrender. Estor refused to take prisoners, and refused to parley. To the horror of his noble dragon mount, he ordered his troops to massacre every single gygan warrior. The gygan threat was gone, but Estor was not finished. He pushed his soldiers onwards to the towns where the gygans lived. Their warriors slain, the remainder were now defenseless. Estor’s dragon begged him to show mercy, but he was deaf to her pleas. His army massacred mothers and children, the old and the infirm. Only a handful of gygans escaped to warn the other fey folk of Estor’s atrocities. The unbridled slaughter revealed Estor’s true nature and his dragon abandoned him. The consequences of his actions went much further. Seeing the slaughter, Lutheria finally recognized the threat the newcomers posed, and she released Sydon from his vow to not harm them. With his fury finally unleashed, Sydon gathered a great army of fey creatures and led them against the civilized races that had butchered the gygans. Sydon meant to drive the invaders into the sea. The First War had begun.


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The Curse of Estor Arkelander

The atrocities of Estor Arkelander drove his dragon to abandon him. But even without his mount, Estor continued his murderous campaign against the native creatures as the captain of the Ultros, a magical ship with a crew nearly as savage and bloodthirsty as Estor himself. The crew of the Ultros ravaged the islands of Thylea, leaving slaughter in their wake. Sydon threw everything against the vessel, trying to smash it with hundred-foot waves or drag it down to the bottom of the sea. The magic of the Ultros was so powerful even the God of Storms couldn’t sink it. With Sydon’s failure, it fell to Lutheria to find a way to end Estor’s reign of terror. She approached the barbaric Captain in a dream: if Estor swore to end his massacres against her children, she would give him and his crew eternal life by ritual magic. Estor was naturally wary of a trap, particularly when approached by a naked goddess in his dreams, but he knew that he was safe on the Ultros. Even the Goddess of Death could not harm him. Seduced by the Goddess, he woke from his dream and slit the throats of his officers as a blood sacrifice to begin her immortality ritual. Lutheria came to him on a cold wind, swooping in from void of a moonless night to land on the deck of the Ultros. The Captain, as Estor now styled himself, was enchanted by her cold, cruel beauty and lay with the Goddess to consummate the arrangement. The two were surrounded by the leering corpses of his butchered men. As the first rays of sun climbed over the horizon, Lutheria vanished. The officers that Estor had murdered rose to their feet. Though all knew how Estor had betrayed them, Lutheria’s ritual bound them to his will. When they saluted their Captain, Estor let out a great, roaring laugh. He knew he had been blessed by Lutheria and would never die. The blessing of the Goddess of Death soon revealed its nature as a curse. Estor and his crew could not die, but they still felt pain: wounds would not kill them, but neither would they heal. Instead, they festered and rotted. Age could not touch them, but they felt the ravages of disease and illness. Lutheria was true to her word: as the years turned to decades and then centuries, they did not die. They endured as twisted and disfigured creatures, trapped in a world between life and death as they were slowly driven mad. After centuries of torment, Estor and his crew tried to break Lutheria’s curse with a second ritual. They sought the release of death, but the Mistress of Death would not grant them peace. Their bodies decomposed and fell away, but their spirits were bound to the Ultros, now a ship manned by ghosts and doomed to forever sail the seas of Thylea.

Estor's Journal (Sgt Durandal & me)

...Several entries later... 1 Dawn Age.

My dragon has abandoned me. She didn't have the courage nor the fortitude to do what must be done to secure these lands for the future of the civilized peoples of Thylea. Her cowardice will be forever remembered in the histories that we record. But it matters not. I don't need her anymore for now I have the Ultros. Now that the mainland is secure this mighty vessel will be the instrument from which I bring death and defeat to the savages that dwell on the islands of the Cerulean Gulf and the Forgotten Sea. I will be remembered as the greatest of all the Dragonlords. Greater than the simpering fool Xander. Greater than even my brother the king. Soon even the Titans will tremble at the mention of my name. I will live forever… I have gathered a group of the greatest fighters, sailors, and warriors Thylea has ever seen. I have made them my Thanes and they will crew this great vessel. 200 of the deadliest men and women this land has known will set sail on the morrow and the islands will be bathed in the blood of our enemies. Glory and immortality await! We have been at sea for ten days. The impotent mad Titan of the Sea, Sydon has thrown everything against us and still the Ultros sails on. He has smashed us with 100-foot-tall waves and tried to drag us to the bottom of the sea with whirlpools. He has assaulted us with hurricanes and cyclones yet still we move towards our destiny. I would pay any price to see the look on his face as our ship continues to sail past all obstacles he places before us. Surely, he must know fear now that he knows nothing can stop me. The Gygan Stronghold on the Island of Yonder has been put to the sword and cleansed with flame. The strength of the Gygans is forever broken. Indeed, if any gygan still draws breath in all Thylea they must know that their race is ended. And they must know that it was I, Estor Arkelander, that was the architect of their doom. I can still hear the screaming of their children and the lamentation of their woman as we drove them before us. But being an island, they had nowhere to flee. Even now my men celebrate their mighty victory while their blood dries on our blades. This is what it means to be alive! Tomorrow we begin the utter destruction of all temples and shrines to Sydon on this cursed island. I hope every idol we smash to dust is like a knife in his eye. ...Several entries later...

My brother Telamok is a fool. He should have waited for me and my ship to raid Praxis. I told him i had a solution, but he decided the time had come for a show of strength with his new gods. He didn't want to wait for my plan to bear fruit. As usual, too much of a politician, but not much of a general. Why do so many continue to follow his lead ? It's beyond me. His expedition with vain Adonis is doomed without my Ultros. Those new gods he so much counts on are too softhearted, not strong enough : they won't manage to kill the Titans. ...Several entries later... Finally, she has revealed herself to me. She comes to me in my dreams. Lutheria, Mistress of Death. She begs me to spare her children! The goddess begs me! A man! The Titans see it now. They see that I cannot be stopped. She says she has an offer for me. Something that only she can give me that I desperately want. It is obviously a trap but what can she possibly do? She is powerless while I am aboard this vessel. Not even her brother's power could touch the Ultros. Even the Goddess of Death cannot harm me here. ...Several entries later... This is what I've been waiting for! Eternity is finaly within my grasp. Lutheria came to me on her hands and knees, naked and weeping. Beautiful and terrible. I have power over Death herself! We met at the fires of Typhos. She offered this oath: If I swear to end the massacres against her children, she will give my crew and I eternal life by ritual magic. The ritual itself is simple but bloody. My men will understand once they have life everlasting at my side. Tomorrow a new god is born, Estor, God of Thylea. I woke the next morning and slit the throats of my officers as a blood sacrifice to begin Lutheria's immortality ritual. That night Lutheria came to me on a cold wind, swooping in from the void of a moonless night to land on the deck of the Ultros. I was enchanted by her cold, cruel beauty and lay with the Goddess to consummate the arrangement. We were surrounded by the leering corpses of my butchered men. As the first rays of sun climbed over the horizon, Lutheria vanished. The officers i had murdered rose to their feet, as promised. Lutheria’s ritual bound them to my will, even those who thought i had betreyed them. When they saluted me, i let out a great, roaring laugh. I knew it had worked, i had been blessed by Lutheria and would never die. ...Several entries later...

2 Dawn Age

0 Dawn Age.

12 Dawn Age.

Another Gygan fortress destroyed at the island of the Fates ! But it is not enough! The infestation is too deep. I could live 5 lifetimes and not have enough time to rid this land of the filth that inhabits it. There are too many islands. Too many hidden and secret places for them to cower in. I once thought to become immortal by deeds. To be remembered forever as the mightiest warrior in all the world. But now I see that for me to carry out my mission I must find a way to have more time. I have learned things. Things that no mortal has known. In my dreams this knowledge has come to me. I know there is a way for a mortal to become like a god. I will find it. Soon. For whom could possibly stand in my way.

The expedition on Praxis had surprising results. As i anticipated, the fleet was sunk, the army destroyed, there weren't many survivors. My dear Telamok will be remembered as the mastermind behind this failure. His city has already changed his name to become Mytros, history will forget him! I will outshine him! But the new gods managed to obtain an Oath of Peace from the Titans! I must carve myself a new kingdom in that new world!

DM's Guide to Odyssey


...Several entries later... 26 Current Age.

The blessing of the Goddess of Death revealed its nature as a curse. Me and my crew can not die, but we still feel pain: wounds will not kill us, but neither will they heal. Instead, we fester and rot. Age can not touch us, but we feel the ravages of disease and illness. Lutheria was true to her word: as the years turn to decades, we do not die. We endure, as twisted and disfigured creatures, trapped in a world between life and death. My crew is slowly driven mad. ...Several entries later... 28 Current Age.

After decades of torment, we tried to break Lutheria’s curse with a second ritual. We sought the release of death, but the Mistress of Death would not grant us peace. Our bodies decomposed and fell away, but our spirits were bound to the Ultros, now a ship manned by ghosts and doomed to forever sail the seas of Thylea. We make the Deadfalls our base of operations.

Wine festival plays Detailed plays from Estoria's theater troupe.

The fall of Estor (Estoria) ACT I

The tragedy starts with a dramatic reading of Estor Arkelander (played by Seema) as he plans to throw everything he has at the Titans. He boasts of the righteousness of the Dragonlords and the tyranny of the titans He gives an impassioned speech to inspire the hoplites and the other Dragonlords to sail with him on his grand ship, the Ultros, and give everything they have to defend the innocent of Thylea, including the centaurs and cyclopes whom are ignorant to the titans’ oppression upon them. ACT II

The play shifts to the second act, which features the battles as Estor gives the occasional prayer to Mytros that the natives knew not of what they did and were under the spell of the titans He is depicted sailing to various islands, gathering warriors of various barbarian tribes as well as a few gygans. He meets with the other Dragonlords where he tries to give an impassioned speech about entreating with Lutheria instead of fighting with Sydon. The other Dragonlords belittle him and he set sail with only his crew of settlers into the sea. The scenes change again and is shows Estor and his crew falling asleep, then meeting with Lutheria (played by Aria). She hears him out but shrugs and says that she cannot control her brother, but offers Estor a way to live eternally if he swears loyalty to her. Estor passionately monologues and swears that the Titans will get their comeuppance. ACT III

The last act is Estor returning to find most of the dragons and Dragonlords dead. He weeps and there is a large portion where he waxes philosophical about their role on Thylea before the scene changes. The next scene shows Estor sailing on the wind, fighting alongside the Five Gods. The battles end in victory after victory, but Estor's heart isn't in it. The final scene, which is said to be in the future, depicts Estor, decades after the Oath of Peace, trying to hold the kingdom of Mytros together under the leadership of Commander Cosmo of the Dragonlords. He is depicted as being fed up with the weak stance he takes in protecting the settlers, fed up of the Titans being left scott free by the Gods, and finally he provides the ending monologue of how he will take his mighty ship to Lutheria, on her diamond throne in the nether sea, and will end this once and for all. Dramatic music plays as the play ends with his crew setting sail off the side of the stage.


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Pythor and the Five Sisters (Estoria) ACT I

The tragedy starts with Pythor, played by Aria, who is looking to find his place in the world as the God of Battle now that the Oath of Peace has begun. He has several monologues about his duty to stand vigilant for the next 500 years but he is portrayed as someone who seems to not be able to keep his attention on any one thing for too long and makes very bumbling remarks. The first act ends with him finding a strong elven woman named Hexia, played by Seema, who was adopted into a family with four other sisters, and how their powerful personalities ignited a passion between one another. Pythor ends the act exclaiming that his love Hexia, and not the battle between the titans, is his purpose in life as he gets married to her. ACT II

Act two portrays Pythor having a very rocky relationship with Hexia as their personalities clash and anger erupts from both of them and Pythor’s incompetence infuriates Hexia. They smash things and scream at each other but then will make up with their passion. However, Pythor’s roving eye causes him to start looking at Hexia’s four sisters, played by the elven actors. One by one, Pythor starts to have an affair with each of them. Hexia suspects Pythor but is never able to prove it. She is incensed with him constantly and he become more of a drunk and professes his love to the other sisters. Act two finishes with Pythor falling for the youngest sister of Hexia, but she is promised to another. Pythor returns home to ignore his enraged wife while he drinks into a stupor. ACT III

The last act starts with the wedding day of the youngest sister, but it is interrupted the tyrant king of Estoria, Lysis Arkelander, played by a corpulent satyr. Lysis demands that the sister be his wife against her will and she is kidnapped. Pythor, in a complete state of drunkenness, is told the news by Hexia who still has no clue about his affairs with her adopted sisters. Pythor, deep in his cups, is depicted stumbling to the palace and challenging Lysis for his crown. Lysis, ever arrogant, believes he can take down the god in his pathetic state and accepts the challenge. They duel and Pythor is losing badly, but ultimately he trips over his own feet, landing on a cart that is pushed into a pile of barrels. One rolls, knocks into the back of a horse who kicks a man nearby, dislodging a tooth that goes flying into Lysis’s eye. Lysis grabs at his face, temporarily blinded, and ends up tripping over his cape and falling on his own sword. Pythor is heralded as the new king and the sister is saved. Pythor, in his drunken state, pulls the sister in for a kiss as Hexia watches. The end of the play shows Hexia completing a monologue detailing how she puts the pieces together about Pythor’s affairs with all her sisters and she appears to go into maddening jealousy. The closing lines are her professing that if she can’t kill her husband, she will just have to kill any woman he falls in love with, no matter who they are.

The Plight of Pellenia (Estoria) ACT I

This comedy depicts Pellenia (played by Aria) who is a bard from a small settlement who seems quick-witted and sharp. The girl composes poems that are smart and witty, but her delivery is awful and just simply not funny. The human and elven actors don’t laugh at her jokes. The audience is dying laughing at this performance. Pellenia doesn’t seem to understand how her jokes aren’t funny to anyone. She hears a rumor that Lutheria believes she is a comedian herself and decides to go and prove to the titan that she can make it in comedy. ACT II

The second act portrays Pellenia searching far and wide across Thylea for information on how to find Lutheria. The scenes vary, but Pellenia continues to try to show off her wit and call it comedy to no avail. The audience continues to hoot and holler and laugh raucously. Eventually, Pellenia comes upon an old, senile human sailor who finds her hilarious. The way he responds to Pellenia has the audience in stitches. He lets her rent a small boat that she can row out to sea and tells her to keep her eyes on the constellation of The Dreamer and it will show her the way. The act ends with her being swept up in a storm and begging Lutheria to spare her so she can prove her worth. The final moment of the second act shows a Satyr dressed as Sydon pissing at a small version of the boat and Lutheria, played by Seema, comes up and tells him to knock it off, she knows the struggle of trying to be a comedian. ACT III

Act three has Pellenia waking in Hypnos, the Throne of Dreams. Lutheria is charming and sympathetic to Pellenia as she tells her she has seen her struggle. Pellenia gets huffy and decides to challenge her to a duel of comedians. Lutheria at first declines, saying there is nothing to be gained and continues to be sympathetic in her struggle. She gives her the advice to simply keep practicing. Pellenia starts losing her cool in a very over-the-top way that makes the audience howl with laughter. Finally, Pellenia swears an oath saying she will allow Lutheria’s servants to torture her for the rest of her life if, in a head to head comedy battle, she cannot make her servants laugh harder than Lutheria can. The tale wraps up with Pallenia making terrible jokes that are too high-brow for the servants while Lutheria uses wit and charm to make the jokes both intelligent and hilarious. The crowd maintains a constant state of laugher as Lutheria roasts Pallenia over and over until Pellenia screams “NOOO!” and the satyr actors with fake goat heads poke at her with fire pokers off the stage.

DM's Guide to Odyssey


Timeline, milestones and eggs Inspired by Violet's work


DM's Guide to Odyssey


NPCs & Heroes Inspired by Percyogg


DM's Guide to Odyssey


DM's Guide to Odyssey


Crafting variants

For DMs & PCs who like crafting, which will boost your characters :

Variant 1 :

https://www.gmbinder.com/share/MCQVkP5zMGjwBbKlkW2 Use the link to determinate crafting time and cost for Volkan crafting at the Mithral Mine with Pythor's hammer. The forge accelerates the rate at which such items may be crafted, without increasing the overall cost. HHH is harmund's harvesting handbook Arkadia is a 3rd party 5e supplement MOOT is Mythic Odysseys of Theros


DM's Guide to Odyssey

In a normal forge, you should double the number of days needed. If the crafter is a normal blacksmith (background), crafting times are doubled. If the crafter is an expert blacksmith (see scenario), crafting times are x 1,5, round down. If the crafter doesn't have Pythor's hammer, add to normal & assisted crafting time (up to double the crafting time): +1 day for uncommon items, +2 days for rare items, +3 days for very rare items, +5 days for legendary items. The blacksmith may only have one assistant. If the assistant is an expert blacksmith (see scenario), assisted crafting time is reduced by one (minimum half the crafting time).

Variant 2 :

DM's Guide to Odyssey


Specific metals

Giving PCs the possibility or not to melt their medals is fun and can lead to role play : every event awards three medals— one for each of the top three athletes: bronze (250 gp value) for third place, adamantine (500 gp value) for second place, and mithral (1,000 gp value) for first place. Consider that melting a medal would allow to retrieve 0,25 ingot, the rest of the value being craft and fame. Raw one ingot is enough to craft a weapon or an armour or 10 ammos.

MITHRAL Cost & Ingots

Mithral ingot is worth 500 gp (trog king scepter is an ingot). 1 ingot is needed for a weapon or a light armour or 10 ammunitions. 2 ingots are needed for a medium armour. 4 ingots are needed for a heavy armour.


Previous version consided mithral heavy armour as medium armor, and mithral medium armor as light armor. If the armor normally imposes disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks (Scale mail, Half plate and all heavy armors), the mithral version of the armor doesn't. If the armor normally has a Strength requirement (Chain Mail, Splint, and Plate), the mithral version of the armor doesn't. Meaning that raw, mithral has no game effect on chain shirt and breastplate. You could allow chain shirt to be used like it was light. Maybe the same on Breastplate.


Mithral weapons can be forged by only master craftsmen (Blacksmith background, Volkan, Jancans...) and for roughly 500gp + (10 x base price) and have the following properties: If the weapon is Heavy, it is no longer so. If the weapon isn't Heavy, it becomes Light and gains the Finesse property. +1 to Attack Roll. If the weapon is Two-Handed it is now instead Versatile. Consult the table for damage changes. Is a magic weapon for purposes of overcoming resistances. Light

Any item forged from Mithral has its weight halved, and an AC of 21 against attempts to damage it.

ADAMANTINE Ingots and cost

Adamantium ingot is worth 500 gp. 2 ingots are needed for a weapon or a light armour or 10 ammunitions. 4 ingots are needed for a medium armour. 6 ingots are needed for a heavy armour.


DM's Guide to Odyssey


Whilst wearing made of Adamatine, you are immune to the additional effects of a critical hit, turning it into a normal hit, [unless the weapon is made of Adamantium or equivalent]. Weapons

When scoring a critical hit with an adamantine armour, you can roll an additional weapon damage die and add it to the damage of the attack. Adamantine wepons with the Heavy or Versatile propriety gain the "Siege Weapon" property. Unsunderable

Items fashioned from adamantine are immune to all damage from non-magical weapon, except siege weapon, and have AC 23 against attemps to damage it. Adamantine picking lots are needed to pick an adamantine lock.

The Versica (Percyyog) Versi's poem Thylea, the land and the Goddess, Hidden and protected by her lover. Kentimane, her hundred-handed loved one, Raging through the ocean as her fortress. Their coupled offspring within their cover, Sydon and Lutheria rule legion. The Titans Twinned, bound in matrimony, Gave rise, revered by, Thylean natives. Sydon, lord of the storm unforgiving, Fair to those under his hegemony. Lutheria, of all palliatives, Lady of dreams and those ever resting. Mytros, the dead and divine arisen, Left her kin to guard the people foreign. Volkan, of craft and the flaming hammer, Father to his children with no mother. Vallus, with beauty and wisdom unmatched, Second matron to a city detached. Pythor, sole son of battle and vigor, Lost, guideless, commensurate to neuter. Kyrah, speaker of this flowing vision, Useless, but this is not my confession.

Alternate Villains & items

Those are examples of modifications to beef up some villains, with lair / legendary / paragon actions. Other versions of Graxis, Demetria of Cerberus can be found in chapter help.

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DM's Guide to Odyssey

DM's Guide to Odyssey


Divine symbols (Charalampos Koundourakis)

This is a document you can give players during their searchs on old gods, presented as a collection of divine symbols having no additional comments.

DM key, from left to right :

Thylea, Kentimane Goloron (wisdom), Hergeron (strength), Talieus (craft), Versi (prophecy), Yala (beauty), Sydon (), Lutheria (dreams), Chalcia (swiftness) Sky Father, Fire King, Ghost Lord, Fish Queen, Moon Maiden, Great Hunter, Sun Goddess, Vile Trickster Chalcia, Goloron, Hergeron, Talieus, Yala, Helios, Versi, Demetria Mytros, Volkan, Kyrah, Pythor, Vallus, Narsus

Download link : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/114FXFoEEplMbzJBWBee87vwSrn_1m7d Player handout : With added Versi 2d and Demetria symbols.


DM's Guide to Odyssey

DM's list of Thylean gods: Oath of Peace secret Domain

Initial Titan

Twin Titan



Sydon Volkan Sydon

Strength Hergeron Sydon Swiftness Chalcia

The Sydon's future plan five" for his kids Pytor Yala

Sydon Kyrah Talieus

Wisdom Goloron Sydon Vallus Hergeron Beauty


Lutheria Narsus Chalcia



Lutheria Mytros Goloron

DM's Guide to Odyssey


Hexia's monologues (Kaleton)

You enter the tunnel leading into Hexia's lair. Sunlight pours in through holes in the cavern ceiling, and vines drape the walls like curtains, while moss and grasses carpet the flooring, interrupted only by the occasional jagged stone and broken bit of bone. A deep, powerful voice echoes throughout the cavern. "Do you think that I would forget, or forgive? How could I, when it is because of you that I am trapped in this awful land..." You enter an area, large enough to accomodate the great dragon's serpentine bulk, though Hexia herself is nowhere to be found. The immense cavern is lush, filled with tropical plants and blooming flowers. A great skylight allows sunlight through, though it is obscured by a lattice of thorns and carefully cultivated roses. You hear Hexia's voice boom once more. "Still I am sworn to uphold Oaths on your behalf. To keep your secrets and honour vows made by you, when you could not honour the ultimate vows you swore to me on our wedding day!" A great lagoon makes up the centre of the cavern, a billowing green fog surrounds its lapping edges. A lonely island occupies the lagoon, the isle itself replete with wealth. Heaps of gold, shimmering silver, and burnished copper coins gleam. Nigh numberless emeralds dot the horde like a spray of green blood upon the coins. Sitting in a chair amidst the dragon's horde, next to a massive harp of gilded gold that appears to be studded with emeralds, is Ophea. She plays the harp as beautifully as you remember from your childhood memories and your hazy dreams of her. She looks to you with relief, and holds back tears of joy. A trace of fear remains in her eyes, however. "I have made this place a memorial to me and my suffering. Look upon its walls and gaze at your own follies, at each insult you delivered to me, and each bit of happiness I knew I had to steal back from you!" At Hexia's command, the vines that make up curtains across the cavern begin to recede. The walls are pockmarked with niches, in which the skulls of hundreds of humanoid creatures have been stuffed. Beneath each one, carved with a dragon's claw, is a name. Five hundred years worth of Pythor's consorts and of bards are on display in this place, their hollow eye sockets staring you down, the emptiness in them somehow still following you. Pythor gazes on in abject horror. His eyes are wide, with tears that flow freely from them. Sweat marks his brow and his jaw hangs slack. He shakes slightly, taking in the sight of his countless lost loves. "Each nymph you dallied with. Each handsome athlete. Each beauty with a charming voice. Every noblewoman, every scullery maid, each fawning sycophant, every 'great love' that you flaunted before me!" The surface of the lagoon stirs and bubbles, and Hexia's massive form rises from it. Water washes down her wellpolished jade scales. Her teeth, razorsharp and bleached white, are bared before you as she gnashes them over each word. 132

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"But you - Pythor," and she spits the name as though it doesn't belong in her mouth. "Were my great love. My only love! To whom I was forever faithful!” It is difficult to say, covered in water as she is, but it almost seems as though Hexia is weeping. “My life has been a tragedy. From the death of my own mother at the hands of the Dragonlords before Sybolkorax ‘adopted’ me, to the state of utter ruin I live in today - you, you were the one fleeting bit of happiness I could call my own! The one bright light amidst the dark." Hexia throws her immense body around, her great finned tail toppling part of her horde, sending coins cascading down into the waters of the lagoon. Ophea startles, though she continues playing nonetheless, with great elegance, poise, and skill. "You robbed me of EVERYTHING," Hexia smashes her great taloned hands down onto the ground, shaking the cavern. "And now another of your spawn has come here to try and rob me of my life as well!" Hexia's yellow eyes focus on you, her slit-like pupils growing thinner as they follow your movements. "I know you," she says darkly. "And I know why you've come. I am your destiny. Your last great labour to overcome!" She spits again. "As though I have not had my own sorrows, as though I am not the wounded party in a playboy god's torrid series of love affairs! The wife he had forsaken!” Her tears are apparent now, though the ferocity in her voice does not waver “I fought so hard to overcome my nature, to be a soul virtuous and worthy of you and your love, and you - you discarded me... threw away everything we had, spat on everything I had ever done for you!” She calms. Takes a deep breath, and coils back, half in her lagoon and half stretched onto land. Her eyes dart back to Ophea, then to you, Pythor, and the rest of the heroes present. "I was happy once," she says. "I was happy once. But no more. And never again." Her voice stirs with anger once again. "Fine then. Let this be the end! The end of you, the end of him, of her, of me if it must be! Let it be the end! Let it all come crashing down!" she cries, lunging forward, noxious green gas billowing in her throat and pouring from her mouth.

Encounter with Lutheria (by N.O.K) Introduction:

“Greetings great heroes or is it villains. It is so hard to tell these days… here have a drink, I must insist. I won’t have rational minds in my presence tonight. And it’s also my job to make sure everyone is having a great time tonight. My favorite way to entertain is to tell all time famous jokes. You are in for quite the delectable little snack.” As I get older, I remember all the people I lost along the way. Maybe a career as a tour guide though the lower circles of hell was not the right choice. A man and a woman are walking through the old woods at night when the woman says, “I’m scared”. “How do you think I feel?” The man replies. “I have to walk back alone.” Why is it that when I donate one kidney to the medicine houses in Mytros, people love Me. But when I try to donate 100 kidneys, they chase you out with pitchforks!

Riddles [fan addition]

It appears as Lutheria is preparing to say her next joke, but then stops as she is surprised, looking past the heroes. “Ahhh, at last! My minion is back from the Isle of time with some of their most famous riddles! Please heroes, please join in on the fun! You see a young Maenad boy, looking worse for ware for his journey, approach queen of madness. He utters his first riddle… Riddle one:

If Gerry has 12 watermelons, he then eats 5 of them in one sitting. Since Gerry really loves watermelons, he wants to make sure he has enough watermelons to last. He takes 4 seeds from each watermelon and plants them. After they grow, how many watermelons does Gerry now have (35 watermelons) It doesn’t take a perception check to see that Lutheria is furious. She proclaims loudly “Marcus you dolt, Gerry is stinking fat storm giant if he is eating that many watermelons. That isn’t even a riddle! are you sure you went to the right island! Well, go on, what’s the next riddle! Riddle Two:

What fierce and powerful creature stalks the forests of Chimera Island. It has the head of a dragon that can exhale fire to the outstanding length of sixty feet! The head of a goat that can shatter the thickest of stones. The mouth of a lion that is used to sniff out prey from miles away. And the snake tail…. Lutheria interrupts! “Who are you David Attenborough!!! You said the answer to the riddle in your proclamation you little pisspot. A CHIMERA is the answer. A triple faced no good, stinky Chimeria. Did you even leave the Nether Sea you big dolt! Thought you can get out of work by hiding in a cave somewhere thinking of these terrible riddles! She takes a deep breath and seems to calm down. Saying the word “goosfraba” repeatedly, as if it is being used as a calming technique. She then turns to the heroes

“Heroes, lets make this next riddle interesting… Let’s make a little wager on the answer on the riddle. you have precisely a minute and five seconds. Answer incorrectly and I polymorph you in cute little party hats! Answer it correctly, and I will give you …. Well cute little party hats. Don’t question where I got them, got it good. I am glad you accept! Ohhh, and minion, if the riddle isn’t good, you will be on the dinner menu for tomorrows bacchanal.” The Maenad trembling utters the next riddle. . . . “Ummm, Uhmmmm, What’s the difference between a raven and a writing desk”. So, heroes, have you figured out the riddle yet, Lutheria interjects immediately. “Have figured you figured out the riddle yet? I, being my intelligent self, solved the riddle almost instantly. Its not that hard like the previous riddles.” If it has been more the 65 seconds, Lutheria interjects once again, “well heroes, do you have an answer.” There is no answer to the riddle as the Maenad misremembered the riddle. If the heroes don’t give a convincing answer, Lutheria calmly and correctly says. Poppycock, to be truthful I don’t have an answer either. I hoped you would, proving these riddles not to be a waste of time. Her nails begin to grow like outstretched talons. She lunges towards the maenad as she rips out his still beating heart with one fell swoop. “You mega dolt! You must make a riddle tough enough to stump them and NOT ME how difficult can that be! She then takes the heart and squeezes the blood over her wine glass like a very macabre lemon on a long island iced tea. She then takes a deep breath while starting to sip on her wine. . .

Lutheria's ravings

“I bet you are wondering why I am as mad as hatter. Maybe each human being lives in a unique world, a private world different from those inhabited and experienced by all other humans. . . If reality differs from person to person, can we speak of reality singular, or shouldn't we really be talking about plural realities? And if there are plural realities, are some more true (more real) than others? What about the world of a schizophrenic? Maybe it's as real as our world. Maybe we cannot say that we are in touch with reality, and he is not, but should instead say, His reality is so different from ours that he can't explain his to us, and we can't explain ours to him. The problem, then, is that if subjective worlds are experienced too differently, there occurs a breakdown in communication ... and there is the real illness. Not madness, but just a breakdown in communication. She now finishes her wine bottle, now turned Bloody Mary, in one long several second gulp. “But the truth is “It is sometimes an appropriate response to this cruel reality to go insane.” And fact, it isn’t me that’s just crazy, but no doubt that all women are crazy; it's only a question of degree. And the reason they are all crazy. You see heroes, the main reason women are crazy, is that men are stupid. With their vainglorious schemes and shallow ambitions.

Riddle three. DM's Guide to Odyssey


Many of them like to argue who is the strongest for instance, like my “son” Yala, like they are from planet strongest, and they have something to prove. Some like to conquer land just to say they have it, like my dear husband and brother Sydon. Many like to dominate woman just to say they done it, Like my useless son Talius. They like to kill just to prove that they are capable of shoving the pointy ends of things in places where it doesn’t belong, like my mad son Goloron. All men really love to do that last one, and all possible ways you can interpret it.” Lutheria Then takes the heart, still from beating, all blood wringed from its aorta, and starts eating it, like the world’s second most forbidden apple.

“But that is not why I am mad. Madness is the reason I exist, not to be mad, but to spread madness; for true madness is nothing but a genius mind far beyond what lessor minds can understand. To me you are the mad ones at least, by your own definition. So, you know what I raise my drinking glass to the ones you call “mad”. As she stuffs the rest of the heart into her mouth and swallows, she takes the wine glass and jams in in the empty chest cavity of the maenad, filling it up completely. She then starts emitting a high-pitched laugh. Intermittingly in-between the laughs she continues to speak. . . Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race and titan-kind forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” Run the twenty squares encounter as written in the book

Lutheria’s Offer:

You heroes are not so bad Afterall. not many people could entertain me for so long as you did. But let’s get down to business! Lutheria interrupts the first hero that speaks “Be silent and listen: have you recognized your madness, and do you admit it? Have you noticed that all your foundations are completely mired in madness? Do you not want to recognize your madness and welcome it in a friendly manner? You wanted to accept everything. So, accept madness too. Let the light of your madness shine, and it will suddenly dawn on you. Madness is not to be despised and not to be feared, but instead you should give it life...If you want to find paths, you should also not spurn madness, since it makes up such a great part of your nature...Be glad that you can recognize it, for you will thus avoid becoming its victim.


DM's Guide to Odyssey

Madness is a special form of the spirit and clings to all teachings and philosophies, but even more to daily life, since life itself is full of craziness and at bottom utterly illogical. Man strives toward reason only so that he can make rules for himself. Life itself has no rules. That is its mystery and its unknown law. What you call knowledge is an attempt to impose something comprehensible on life. So, join me on this mad escapade, live how you want, when you want. Swear an oath of eternal service to me. I am not like other cruel gods. I do not demand religious fervor, abstinence, or for you to forgo the other pleasures in life, I demand the opposite. Give in to your carnal desires! Do this, and I promise I will keep my dominion to the old wood and here in the Nether Sea. But do know the message I preach will have no borders. What say you heroes or was it villains. Honestly, it never really matters”

Combat Dialogue Phase One (at the start of combat):

You can tell a lot about a woman by her hands, for example if she’s holding a scythe, she’s probably stark raving mad! Phase Three (at around 2/3rds hp):

Don’t be afraid of Death – death is just to blink for an exceptionally long period of time. Phase three (1/3 hp).

I do not fear death. The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time. Dying words.

Lutheria falls don own her knees, blood pouring from the many wounds she sustained. She slowly reaches her arm to the sky, as if trying to reach for something that isn’t there. Her voice becomes less deep and refined, almost like that of a toddler. “Mother, it has been so long since I could remember you clearly. For so long since I have been born of your blessed fruit. Before you shook your mortal coil you said, “follow dads orders, he loves you dearly his most favored child you are”. And I did! I followed every order. I protected this realm from beings of incomprehensible evil. Ancient ones that defy reason, Dragons so large their wing beats created typhoons, sea creatures so vast they dwarf cities. I beat them all mother. Every time I beat one though, they took a part of me and traded it for something far worse. But know I can see clearly again. It’s been so long since I could see. She looks at the hero that slew her, as she weeps tears from all her three eyes and whispers a soft and delicate whisper, inaudible to anyone else “thank you”.


you see Lutheria slowly petrify into stone as she fades from this world. Behind you; see the three furies. They announce loudly enough for everyone to clearly hear them “greetings heroes, be not afraid. My name is Megara, queen of the furies. We have come to witness the final hours of one who has dedicated everything she was and would have been to the protection of others, even though it can be said she truly died centuries ago. We will bring of what remains to a place of reverence. We also came to deliver a warning, RUN some of the seals were tied to Luthe…………….” All of the sudden your sense of hearing seems to go. Followed quickly by your sense of touch and smell and taste. Your sight is the only sense still working for you. You see the Nether cubes around you in the distance start to shake. The teraesques Cube remains dormant, however. One cube starts to open from the bottom. You see what looks like to be a massive snake. It is as wide as the cube, but far longer. It’s as if the cube was bigger on the inside as a giant sea serpent, miles long at least fall from the cube. As the cube is draining. . . You see another cube, grow an orange hue, as it begins to melt. The waters of the nether sea around the cube seem to evaporate instantly covering the whole area and think blanket of scourging steam. You see an outline of a dragon with a wingspan of over 100 meters beyond the steam. Finally, you turn around, and see a creature with a dozen tentacles, wider than ancient tree trunks appear looming over the ship, it has the head of a shark with jaws sharp enough to tear through bars of wrought iron. You recognize these three creatures from legends of yore thought to be only myth. Scyla, Scourge of Yonder, Slayer of the never-ending vortex of Charybdis A sea treader Leviathan known by ancient lore as Jörmungandr, said to be able to grow large enough to encircle the whole world. And finally, the massive black dragon, rumored to be able to generate enough heat to evaporate whole lakes known as Ancalagon the Black.

Plot hook for next session:

Moments later you start to fall asleep as you lose your last sense, vision. As your eyes start to close, they seem to open. You are seemingly somewhere else. The room is faintly illuminated, if you have Darkvision, it seemingly has no effect. You see the outline of a figure ahead of you. Moments later the lights turn on and it appears you are on stage with a podium in front of you. There appears to be a game board with five columns that are numbered down 100-500 in 100point intervals. Play this audio clip! https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=_WbMdH51AqU You see a old, weathered man. A man that is wearing a name tag that says “Alex Trebeck” on it.

DM's Guide to Odyssey


Odyssey of the Dragonlords: Pronunciation Guide

Acastus - Ahh-Cass-TUS Adonis Neurdagon - AH-dohn-Iss New-urr-day-gone Aesop - Ayy-Sopp Aresia - Arr-EE-see-Ahh Arkyrania - Arr-KEY-ray-knee-ah instead of Ar-KAI-ray-kneeuh Arystonar (prn. ah-RIHS-toe-nahr) Aurae - Orr-ayy Blemys - Blem-ees Cetus - See-Tuss Charybdis - Karr-Ib-dis Chondrus - Ch-ohn-Drus Damon - Day-MON Darien - Dar-ee-enn Empyrean - Emp-EE-ree-Unn Estor Arkelander - Ess-TOR ARK-ull-An-Dur Estoria - Ess-TOR-ee-Ah Euryale - Your-ayy-ull Gaius - G-aye-US Gigantes - Jigh-Gant-uss Goloron - Go-Low-Ron Graxis - Gracks-iss Gygan - Gigh-gun Helios - Hee-Lee-Ohh-ss Hergeron - Her-Gerr-On Hexia - Heck-see-Ahh Hypnos - Hip-No-ss Icarus - ICK-ahhh-Rus Ichthys - Ick-thiss (???) Iolaah - Eye-Oh-Lah Jancan - Jan-sen Jasena Ventrak - Jah-Sen-Ahh Ven-TRAK Jocasta - Yo-Cast-Ahh Karpathos - Karr-Path-Ohh-ss Keledone - Kell-ah-doh-nn Kentimane - KENT-ih-Mane Kyrah - Kigh- Rah Loreus - Lor-ayy-uss Lutheria - Looth-Eee-Ree-Ahh Maenad - May-Nadd Magera - Mag-AIR-ahh Morta - More-Tah Moxena - Moh-shee-nah Myrmekes - Mur-muh-keys Mytros - My-TROH-ss Naiad - Nigh-Add Narsus - Narss-us Nereid - Near-Id Oceanid - Oh-She-ann-Id Oread - Orr-ee-Add Phaeros - Fay-Row-ss Pholon - Foe-lonn Praxys - Praks-iss Pythor - Pigh-THOR Raspytrion (prn. ras-PIH-tree-on) Rizon Phobas - Ree-zohn Foh-Bas 136

DM's Guide to Odyssey

Scyla - Sill-Ahh Sostrate - Soh-ss-Strah-Tayy Steros - Stare-OHH-ss / Steh-Ros Sybolkorax (prn. sih-BOWL-kohr-rax) Sydon - Sigh-Done Taleius - Tahl-EE-uss Telamok Arkelander - Tel-AH-mok ARK-ull-An-Dur Thylea - Thigh-LEE-ahh Thylean - Thigh-LEE-Unn Tysophale (prn. tih-SOE-fah-lee) Vallus - Val - Luss Versi - Verr-see Volkan - VOL - kuhn Xander Huorath - Zan-durr Hoo-OH-Rath Yala - Yawl-Ahh

Sessions intro (Hevchenko & me)

Settlers. Fey. Titans. Gods. Long ago, the various races lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when tensions between natives and settlers escalated into having the Titans march to war. Only the Dragonlords, riders of all dragonkind, could stop them, but when they were needed most, they failed. New Gods appeared and allowed for a stalemate, and managed a 500 years Oath of Peace to be signed. Five hundred years passed and the Oracle and I discovered the new Dragonlords, Heroes of the Prophecy. And although their destinies are epic, they have a lot to learn before they're ready to save anyone. But I believe they can save Thylea. vs In a land where even the gods are bound by oaths and prophecies... At the dawn of time, a war between the gods and Titans left the world of Thylea forever changed. Thousands of years later, the first mortals arrived, carried by ship and dragon. The Dragonlords were the champions who overthrew the Titans 500 years ago and forged the Oath of Peace. But the power of the Oath has waned, and now the Titans seek vengeance. You are one of the heroes called by prophecy to end the conflict once and for all. Poets will sing of your deeds for centuries to come... if you survive. https://youtu.be/P_3D9fAD1-A


At the dawn of time, a war between the gods and Titans left the world of Thylea forever changed. Which war ?

The Watcher variant (LionheadGaming)

Lost Pantheon existed before Titans

THYLEA is an Elder Titan, a primordial entity that forged the universe with a collection of other Elder Titans. CREATION STUFF HAPPENS HERE, COMPETITION, JEALOUSY, WAR. While this is happening something else has been created, something uninvited. The Watcher. It has watched the Titans build and bicker and build again and it grews hungry. It is a threat to all the Titans but they cannot unite to stand against it. They are incapable of it. MORE CREATION MYTH STUFF When Elder Titan Kentimane dies defending Elder Titan Thylea she takes his eye and drops it into her Realm. THYLEA creates Thylea. And she loves it. She becomes desperate to protect what her fellow Titans have made and she steals their Realms and runs across the Astral Sea with them. The Watcher had been eating them after killing their creators. THYLEA bears 9 Realms. She's slipped The Watcher for a time but her found her and consumed 4 of them. Now all that remain in her boughs are Thylea, Kaldheim, Seigai, Amonkhet, and Avalon. Balmytria, Damon and Xander are aware of this. They managed to contact THYLEA. They setup Xanders Challenge as the stepping stone to The Avengers basically.

Tiamat variant (oktoblivion)

Very similarly, THYLEA and KENTIMANE are Elder Titans, primordial entities that forged the world with a collection of other Elder Titans. Kentimne is the most powerful, as the primordial titan of chaos itself. Thylea is the eldest of three sisters, who together made much of the world we know. One god, TIAMAT (Name still undecided, but more sumerian tiamat than dnd tiamat), the Titan of War, always wanted more. Eventually, Tiamat rose up and betrayed the other gods, but was forcibly put down by Kentimane, the only titan powerful enough to best her, and exiled. Due to this bickering, Thylea grows tired and leaves the golden realm of the titans. Kentimane goes with her (leads off into the OotD backstory) Over time, their siblings similarly start to disperse, though some remain. Unbeknown to all of them, Tiamat has been forging an empire, demanding sole worship - but keeping quiet, lest she risk the wrath of Kentimane. She has been sending self-replicating golems out into the world, to find Kentimane, Thylea, and the others, and keep tabs on them and their fledgling pantheons. One of these will be present in the Nether Sea, having found its way into Thylea but unable to get back out. Once Kentimane has been killed/put to sleep, it will reawaken, use the knowledge it has gathered over the thousands of years to release the Apokalypsis Titans, then send out a unit to report back to the Empire of the One True God, walking along the seabed. That'll take, I dunno, 50 years or so. Just in time for a followup campaign!

You could consider it's about a war the ancient Titans waged against the native "Lost" pantheon, Kentimane winning and robbing them from their godhood. Lost Pantheon made by Phaeros (Kazy)

Considers angel Phaeros arrived from the Ancient Gods War, sees the truth and tyranny of the Twins and tries to change Thylea for the better : gathers the Greatest chamions of each race to the City of the Sirens and creates the Old Pantheon.

Karpathos & Estor plot (OtkOblivion)

It all started with Karpathos, you see. He's done well downplaying his own legacy, ill give him that. I remember a visit. Lifetimes ago. A whisper in the Captain's ear. Telling him that Lutheria could give him what he'd lost, and more. The power to take vengeance on his foes, and to make the Dragonlords and natives alike bow before him. Over time, he convinced the Captain that only one man stood in his way. Xander. Even then, Xander still trusted him, you see. He thought the Captain a weapon, a wild one, but under his control. But no man nor god can control the Captain, and neither should they trust him. The Captain could get close to him. And that he did, with his blade hidden in his cloak. But after, despite all of Karpathos' promises, instead of the Captain, the Dragonlords chose Rizon Phobas to lead them. And then, when that fool Adonis led his desperate charge into Praxys, we sailed into the Nether Sea, the heart of Hades itself. Only the Ultros could brave the corrupting waters of the land of the dead. Only the Ultros could face the might of Hypnos, the great ship of Lutheria herself. I do not know what happened on that ship, but I do know that the Captain came back pensive, and restless. He ordered us to sail back to the mortal realm, and that we did.

The Talieus incident (me, Crashgem, Kyote44, Mocrasar...)

In this variant, you consider that Titan's Folly doesn't exist (or is absorbed by Typhoon, see later on). Myrmekes are a great idea, but i think this doesn't add anything to the Odyssey. But i keep the lore about Talieus being outcast for crafting a folly. His sin(s) could be : crafting Titan's Bane, a Titan killer weapon. Ties in with the idea that a specific weapon/metal is needed to fully kill the twins. Crafting the Caduceus, which would allow mortals to become gods ? Also we know the staff is imbued with the life force of one of the ancient Titans. Then the weapon was taken from Sydon's armies during the war by Damon, who gave it to Karpathos.

War at the dawn of time DM's Guide to Odyssey


The point is that his sin is that Lutheria has suggested him to do something forbidden, but I think she never would have suggested the Caduceus. (natesummers) create a path between realms, giving access from or to Thylea. That Maelstrom that leads to hell on Typhoon. This would help explain the very "all of a sudden" post campaign stuff. Lutheria convinced Talieus to build a gateway to connect Thylea to other worlds, something her mom (and thus dad) would be INSANELY pissed about, after all Thylea is her retreat from the rest of the multiverse. Such a gateway serves so many plot purposes : expands on Lutheria's connection and obsession with the Far Realm provides a McGuffin for Lost One's to use to get home is essentially a dooms day weapon for Lutheria, using the gate to bring forth horrors, BREAKING the gate to usher in the end of all things, with a gate locked away at the bottom, guarded by the myrmekes if you keep them, or by machines that emulate life (explain why Volkan is so hung up on machines) as using the gate Sydon and his sister discovered. Combine Tyfoon and Titans folly, it has different biomes or automatons seemingly at random with different outsiders in it? That would allow the party to engage with factions that each want to control the gateway.

Awakened Ultros (Orlon, Kairos)

Starting here: The spirit of the semi-divine un-named dryad lingers on in the ship's mast, keel, and prow. (The parts of the Ultros made from the dryad tree.) As a daughter of Sydon, her spirit can get power from sacrifices. awaken her from slumber

Which will involve a sidequest given on Heart Island to go plant an acorn from the Heart in the stump of the dryad tree in the old forest temple and then a sacrifice of a magic item in her name. At first she only appear before the appointed captain, other members even if there is a psychopomp can't see her. Depending on how the new captain is will determine the relationship. If she offer help or just stay silent and never appear again will depend if she see that heroes are different from Estor. btw Estor never saw her. In case things go well, then she will show to the captain a pocked dimension inside her tree. In my game pc had to enter Demetria's tree to get the hand of kentimane. So it wasn't weird that Ajonia's mast being her tree could do the same. For the moment only him could enter. If he wanted to take advantage of the mast and other things he would need to restore her power. Players have to take her ashes and bring them to the ship, some soil from her grotto and soil from the Golden Heart to feed her. Mast is available to everybody. Now I'm thinking of your pocket dimension trick as an island in the middle of the dreaming. Like, stay near the mast and you won't get lost, but if you wander off, now you're on your own in this endless magic space. Might be risky if my guys decide to go exploring though. how would the players know about awakening her? she need to comunicate in a way or another, otherwise how would the party knows she can be restored? 138

DM's Guide to Odyssey

Only catch is how would the players know about awakening her? she need to comunicate in a way or another, otherwise how would the party knows she can be restored? I guess I've got two things going. First, her sister's on board, and has been known to give hints about the future. And based on the whole "now you're in a dream with Estor" bit, I've decided that the dreaming onboard ship is part of her power. So far she's appeared as a silent, ominous figure, the body of a graceful woman dressed in an archaic style, with a carved wooden dragon mask (that looks like the ship figurehead) instead of a face. She hasn't spoken yet, only lurked in the background of various dreams they've had. I was also thinking about the dryad-based lair actions, like you have. Was planning "ship stride", giving attuned crew members the ability to step through bulkheads (or the mast) and reappear somewhere else on the ship, say, proficiency times every long rest.

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family reunion

And then after fully awakening, she can take the mask off if she wants to, what I'm thinking. But at that point, she might not always want to. She's no longer only a dryad, and she's more than a ship. A semi-divine fey spirit with something interesting to do. She couldn't travel when she was a tree, but now she's going places! I think at that point, her main enemy is boredom. Part 2 might involve the family reunion scene on the island of the dead in the Nether Sea, where she steps off the ship and hugs it out with her sister Demetria. Maybe this is where she's fully awake? Trying to figure this out. Bring back Ajonia her creations. Once she and demetria had created a mushroom race, those mushroom love to serve their creators so the woild be delighted to get back to her and restore her health, (she is not fully death, instead in a sort of hibernation). 100% loyal crewmembers obtained. Ajonia stats are restored (I'm using conclave driad stablock), she get nymphs lair actions. Grants additional lair action to the captain inside the ship. Sacrificing to the Ultros

important sacrifices may make her stronger. Part 3 - any given legendary magic item that the party chooses to sacrifice to the spirit of the Ultros gives the ship more power. (For example, maybe you don't want a flying golden chariot, but you would like to have a flying ship - sacrifice the golden chariot to the spirit of the Ultros!) When full awakened, the spirit of the Ultros becomes a powerful fey spirit - the crew is her collection, and the Ultros the display case. She will want to travel new places, because going the same place every journey is super-boring. She will have strong opinions about the quality and style of any ship improvements that are planned. She will get grouchy if her favorites spend long rests off the ship.

Best DD5 Campaigns

War of the Burning Sky, converted to 5e. As far as campaigns go it's a bit similar to Red Hand of Doom, but with more varied scenario and a larger scope. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse.php? keywords=War+of+the+Burning+Sky&x=0&y=0&author=&artist=&pfro Journey to Ragnarok; norse theme : https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/257334/JourneyTo-Ragnarok--Adventure-and-Setting-for-5e

Rise of the Drow from AAW games is a 1-16 campaign, comes with lots of maps and cities etc. Empire of Ghouls : https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/313285/Empire-ofthe-Ghouls-for-5th-Edition?filters=44827_0_0_0_0_0 Call From the Deep : https://www.dmsguild.com/product/280922/Call-from-theDeep

DM's Guide to Odyssey