Drunvalo Melchizedek and Daniel Mitel Interview English [PDF]

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Drunvalo Melchizedek and Daniel Mitel interview about the new spiritual work on our planet Daniel: Hello Drunvalo Drunvalo: Hello Daniel Daniel: Drunvalo, remember the early 90s, you were talking about how important it was to be in your heart, and so many methods. Now, after almost thirty years we have this book all the methods are here. How important is it today to be in the heart? Drunvalo: It’s eternal. It will always be important. No matter where you are in the universe or what century you are in or what time it is in, it will always be the most important thing in the universe. This is the... we have inside our heart this place - tiny space of the heart. In science it’s called singularity. It’s the place without any polarity. What I’ve done in my research in the universe is that – this place is found in the center of the earth, the center of the sun, the center of the galaxy, and all stars and all planets, it’s always in the center. And that place is the same – they’re all interconnected over the whole place. So whenever you go into singularity, you are absolutely one with the universe. And that’s always the key to higher evolution, is being one with the universe. It is very important, I think. Daniel: You know, I was thinking. Do you think in other places, other planets, people connect with the universe in another way? Drunvalo: Oh yeah. That’s now scientifically – it hasn’t been proven, but what has been proven is that they can. Through the Cosmic Rays workshop –which I’m still writing that book and developing that work – when people see that they’ll understand, that things have changed from before. In science, we thought that the fastest thing in the universe was the speed of light. 186,200 miles per second. And it seems really fast – that could go halfway to the moon and back in a second. But when you look at the size of the universe, which is now – the newest understanding of how far it is, is 13.8 billion years. Light years across. So if I were going to talk to someone across the other side, I said “Hi” to someone at the other end of the universe, it would take 13.8 billion years to get there. Daniel: Yeah, too much... Drunvalo: And when he says “Hi” back, it’s going to take another 13.8 billion years to get back here again. So science has said, “There’s no way that the universe can communicate with itself, it’s not impossible.” Because they didn’t know. But now they know. Most of the world doesn’t know, but the inner level of science knows that there’s something called Birkeland currents, which is nothing but ordinary electricity that’s in a wall. That’s all it is – it’s the same thing. Only on our planet because of J P Morgan, he wanted to run it through a wire, and so all of our research and everything has been done on a limited use of that – of a wire. There was someone called Tesla who was beginning to understand how electricity moves through space. And we didn’t understand what the heck he was doing, but we do now. And there have been people who have figured out as far back as Birkeland, that was his name, in 1906 I think it was. And then later, in 1969, science rediscovered it again and it took them a couple of years to figure it out that it was figured out earlier, and then they called it the Birkeland currents in his honor. Birkeland currents and their first mathematics

when they came up with it was that Birkeland current would be moving at least 20 billion times faster than the speed of light. And that would mean that it would go all the way across the universe. Daniel: Instantly. Drunvalo: No, no, it would take about half a second and so that kind of makes it a little jumpy, but it’s possible. But now they know, they’ve gone further into this. Even if you said 900 billion times faster it’s too slow. Because they’ve now realised through their understanding is that time and distance or space is not real. Daniel: Absolutely. Drunvalo: It’s just something we create in our head and it has nothing to do with the actual reality. So now what they’ve found is that the Birkeland currents can move from anywhere in the universe to anywhere in the universe in zero time. Not even nanoseconds. Zero. It happens - the moment it leaves, it’s there. And this is what the whole universe is communicating with. So the universe is totally interconnected. And we never knew it, but it’s the truth. Daniel: Do you think we are ready to use this method? Can we use it? Drunvalo: I’m learning how to use it. And if I can do it anyone can do it. Daniel: That’s true. Drunvalo: And I’ve really learnt a lot on this because in order to do this, there’s something that’s been talked about in spirituality for a very long time… Daniel: Upanishads and all these books they were talking about these things, right? Drunvalo: Yes. They are. I believe that’s the only explanation for a lot of the things they say. To be able to explain how something can happen here… or even quantum physics. There’s something in quantum physics that nobody has been able to understand ever. They know it’s real, but they don’t know how it’s possible. So now Birkeland currents prove quantum physics. Because there’s something in there called quantum entanglement. So if two atoms are put together, or two anythings are put together and once they are together, you could move them any distance apart and when you do something to one, the other one responds. Daniel: Immediately, right. Drunvalo: Instantaneously. No matter how far away it is. And that is the definition of Birkeland currents. The only thing about Birkeland currents is not just point A to point B, from one side to the other side of the universe. It’s real clear to me that – it’s not clear to science, but it’s clear to me that because of the Merkaba template in the universe, it is real clear how this works. So if you put a very complicated message, a video message on the Birkeland currents, it’s like electricity -- there’s no difference, you can still do it -- and then shoot it into space, it will reach not just point A to point B, but it will reach every single place in the universe on that level of size, as well as all the bigger sizes and smaller sizes that go down. Infinitely, and infinitely out it will reach everywhere. There will not be anywhere that message won’t go. Daniel: You can imagine, all these holy books they said we can, and probably we will change in like 24 hours. So if we have one of these things, we might do the jump… Drunvalo: We’re just beginning to understand what the Birkeland currents are inside the human body. That’s where – that moment once we really get it, that’s what the Vedas talked about where-- or we’re going to learn about electricity, electromagnetism and all these other things, and we’re going to fly through the sky in metal boxes and all

that stuff. But the bottom line is as they say, that once something happens to us, there’s going to be a time when we get this things. And once we do, in a single day, 24 hours… Daniel: We change... Drunvalo: We drop all science and all technology and all that shit and throw it in the garbage, because we know that we can do anything from within our heart. Anything at all. There’s no limit. And of course, in that moment, we’re no longer human in the way that we think of ourselves in being human. We would be considered “gods” with a small ‘g’. But ah- it’s really, we’re intimately connected to God with the big ‘G’. It’s who we really are. And so, we’re not there yet. Obviously. And that’s another whole subject on why we are not there yet. But we will reach this point, it’s inevitable. Daniel: Well, I think connected to the heart -- what you said in the beginning of this talk.. and that’s the reason I keep pushing these people to this meditation and these workshops you know. I do these marathons, stay in the heart, and I push them - stay in the heart, more and more and more, and suddenly I see the change, you know? I think that is the only way. Drunvalo: Yes, I think it is too. The more you stay in the heart, the more you begin to understand who you are and what all life is about. If you do it from the brain, where most people are up here all the time, you’re polarised. All your thoughts are polarised, your conclusions are polarised, everything else is. And you can’t ever reach the understanding of oneness, of singularity, it’s just not possible. Staying in that singularity place slowly -- and maybe even very quickly -- gets you connected to all life everywhere. I’ve had some experiences now that I don’t think I can talk about here… but... or you’ll think I’m crazy… but, I’m really truly beginning to understand it at this point. This is why i want to write it into a book. A book is also polarised... Daniel: Yes Drunvalo: So it is difficult to get things from books. But I’m doing that so to define it the best I can. But once people understand it, you can’t control them. Because they’re going to go in the direction that they know is right for them, no matter what you say. And that’s the way it should be. So I’m going to do my part in all of this and try to get this understanding that is barely being held by this world right now. Just a few people get it. And it’s not out there. It needs to get out there. It will change how we communicate with each other. We don’t need cell phones, telepathy on any level. It’s really clear and it’s part of evolution, it’s nothing to be afraid of or concerned about or anything. It’s just what life is giving to us. And it’s in every one of us, there’s no exception. I don’t care if you’re a really bad person, you still have it inside of you. Daniel: And you can do it. Drunvalo: They can do it too. So it’s all about just relaxing and really, learning to love life because that’s so important in all of this - is not being so concerned. I went through a couple of years of really kind of losing it in a way. But in a way I see now I needed to lose it to see it again. Daniel: Yeah, you stayed in seclusion and meditated for the last two years but you came out with such a big thing you know, and it might change the world. Drunvalo: Well I really had a lot of help. The Mayans -- as I was trying to understand how the flow moves through the body, I was not...like I needed help. Because it’s very complex. [The] human body’s complex, but on these levels it’s really complex.

And I was really needing help, and I was asking, you know, for help. And my guys came in, you know Thoth and these people, but they didn’t know much about this either. And so in my asking, I had three Mayans called me up. In fact, they just called me a couple days ago, they got something they wanted to tell me, I do not know what it is. They said that they had something that they needed to give me -- this was about three years ago. Maybe two years ago, I don’t know. And they came up here to Sedona, and they wanted to give me something, but they didn’t tell me what it was until the last minute. And so for three days we did ceremony. I was just going through the ceremony, and was wondering where it was going with all this. And in the end they brought out thirteen crystal skulls. They were small ones. And then they introduced to me this crystal skull. I gotta ask permission for something- [Drunvalo and Daniel go into meditation] Okay. I’m going to show you. [Drunvalo gets up and comes back with a crystal skull] Drunvalo: I’m going to show it to the world right now… this is my little friend… Daniel: Wow, it’s like a whole universe in your hands… Drunvalo: And this was what they brought to me. This skull – which they say is one of the oldest skulls in Mayan history. And he was a man – he won’t tell me his name because he says, “I don’t have a name any more.” He says, “I can’t use a name because that’s not truthful.” And so he… so they gave me this and they said, “I can’t tell you much about it except that this is a really really old skull.” So I came home and I began to meditate with this. And he came out, and he’s a really nice person. And he said that he was Mayan, he was a human being, just like all the rest of us. This is 65,000 years ago. And that he wanted – he began to understand the same thing that I’m understanding now. And when he did what I’m doing now, he left this form – I’m going to put it down because it’s heavy, for a moment – and he went into an expanded state which is what we are all going to go through. And he’s here specifically to make sure that I do this right – the best I can make it happen well. And so there is a process inside the body. Our bodies is set up for this, we’re made for this. And it’s something that is talked about in spirituality but very few people have any idea what it means. The words: the human mortal coil. What does that mean? We are, according to spirituality and a lot of discussions around the world, we are a coil. Like a coil in the refrigerator or something. We are a way of channeling electricity— Daniel: A vortex Drunvalo: -- and so we have all the complex mechanisms inside our body, that if we breathe in a certain way, and we do certain things – and it’s all connected to the heartbeat. Everything is. The heart beats, when it beats every time it goes “thumpthump”, there is a flow of energy that goes out this way, and a flow of energy that goes out the bottom that we can’t perceive because it’s insulated inside of a tube. And when it gets to – and so this is every person is doing this right now– it doesn’t go out very far, it only goes up to about twenty feet above and below us, because you have to do something. And so when the heart beats, “thump-thump”, there’s this flow of electricity; and this flow of electricity creates a very powerful magnetic field that science through HeartMath and Stanford have been able to prove. Daniel: They demonstrated that, right?

Drunvalo: So that flow creates a magnetic field that starts right at the heart chakra and starts expanding, and starts getting bigger and bigger and bigger. And then when the next heart beat comes, another one comes right behind it and so there are these things, every time according to your heartbeat, they’re right behind it, and they keep expanding out to approximately, depending to your height, about sixty feet. Daniel: Wow. Drunvalo: Now Stanford can only test it out to about 10 feet, but Dr. Hardt and his equipment can see it up to 50 feet. But we know by the geometries of the Merkaba template it is actually bigger, a little bigger than that. And I just talked to this world class electromagnetic scientist who– I don’t want to use his name, I just don’t wanna, because he’s just too well known – but he, in my discussion, he was talking about, he’s doing this testing on Birkeland currents. He’s one of the people who are going to prove certain things about it. And I said, “What about the heart?” And he goes, “What about the heart?” And I said—and then I talked about Stanford and there’s a magnetic field that goes out. And I said, “There’s a magnetic field there, it’s created by an electrical flow.” Daniel: Right. Drunvalo: In order to make a magnetic field that far out, it takes a lot of electricity. So where is that coming from? And it’s all about the new mathematics of what Marko Rodin is doing and a lot of other things we’re learning. And so this is a whole new thing that – if there’s anybody on earth that knows about this, they’re probably not talking about it. This is my job. So this is important, and so I’m about to write three books. Actually, the first two are the most important ones. The first one is on, and is going to be called, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Volume III and Volume IV. Volume III will be the one to explain all this science and all this stuff and how it works inside the human body. This is, by the way, is very concerned by most of the governments because they made even the discussion of Birkeland currents illegal for a very long time. Daniel: They don’t want that, believe me. Drunvalo: From 1969 until just recently, you don’t see anything anywhere. Because nobody would give you any funding or anything if you even say the word “Birkeland currents.” But if you say the word “Birkeland currents” and “human coil” in the same sentence, that is their ultimate fear. Daniel: More dangerous! Drunvalo: Because one person becomes more powerful than anything on earth. But that person can’t use that…one person can’t and won’t use that in the kinds of ways that somebody may think in polarity. Because when you are in unity, or in this singularity, it’s just not possible. It just isn’t. You just can’t do those things. You can’t do anything to harm anything or anyone in the universe. Daniel: So you still have to be in the heart. Drunvalo: You have to be in the heart. You can’t make these, you can’t put all these things together if you are not in the heart. And not just anywhere in the heart. Not just in the outer fields, but in the tiny space. Let’s just talk about that. There’s this huge magnetic field – let me make it smaller – there’s a huge magnetic field goes around like that through the body. And it’s separate – whereas the field lines come together they are polarized. But they keep coming closer and closer and closer, and there’s

this place, in the heart, the tiny space, where they get so close they lose their polarity. And only for that little tiny instant of time, there’s no polarity. Daniel: Unity. Drunvalo: And so by existing inside that polarity, that’s the only way that you can begin to realise the truth of what this means. There’s nothing from your brain that will ever get there. Not ever. I don't care how brilliant. You could have an IQ of 2000 but it won’t make any difference. Because you have to literally exist inside that space when you do it. And so he really helped me, this guy, because he knew what I was going through, what I was trying to understand. And so when I was trying to do these things, he was saying “Well, you gotta do this, you gotta do that” and he’d tell me, and finally I was able to do it. I can do it now. It’s awesome. So I don't know what else I can say about this – let me think for just a moment. The other thing that is important to know is that you can’t do this under normal conditions, if you are just breathing. Even though it’s creating this huge energy field and making this huge magnetic field which is way more powerful than anybody understands about the human body, it isn’t enough to stream energy out so far that it actually connects you to the universe. The only way you can do that is through tantra. That’s sacred sex. And in tantra you can generate enough energy when you focus it properly and do the right thing – all these little details you gotta do it once, I can’t help it, it’s complicated. A stream comes out of you that actually activates your mortal coil. Daniel: Wow Drunvalo: And so suddenly you’re putting out not a relatively small amount of energy, you’re producing very very huge amount of energy. And they still can’t measure it because it’s inside an insulated tube. The tube that runs through the body is in three circles. There’s three different things. And the outer one is the positive electrical field moving either up or down, it can move both directions. And the inner field in the core of the whole thing is the negative field. And it’s the same way, it can move either direction, and both at the same time. But the space in the middle is chi, or prana. And it’s just there. It’s moving – it can go up and down also but it keeps the negative and positive separate from each other. For whatever the reason is, and I don't know why, science has never been able to measure this. It should be able to, but they haven’t that I know of anywhere in the world. So I know I’m not saying very much but that is what it is all about. Daniel: I believe you said a lot. A lot of new things. Good news. Drunvalo: So I’m working as hard as I can to get this together and we’re very close at this point. One of the things was – Marko Rodin, the mathematics, is something that no one’s ever really known before. They knew half of it, they knew Gurdjieff’s work, the Russian Sufi, and the enneagram. But they didn’t know that there were two enneagrams. One is electrical, energy rather, and the other one is matter, e=mc , opposite. And the matter one produces very huge amounts of energy, as you can see in the atomic bomb. But the matter energy flow was never really known until Marko Rodin came around. And there are people studying this and trying to understand. But for most of this audience who is hearing this, you have probably heard of the Fibonacci sequence, because that’s what makes life. And you probably believe, and all mathematicians on earth, almost, believe, that there’s only one Fibonacci sequence. 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, etc, 55, 89 … So it might be interesting for 2

you to know that there are actually six more Fibonacci sequences not seen before, and one more that is not actually Fibonacci but it controls the other six. Daniel: So we have seven more. Unknown. Drunvalo: There are seven that are never seen before. And what Marko showed me before he left was he did it by hiding it. Because he was teaching and somebody else was in the room. He showed me one of the Fibonacci sequences that made it look like it was a mistake. And then when he left he looked at me, he says, “If you figure this out, you’ll know everything I know.” And I went to bed that night, and I had a dream and I saw it all. And I jumped out of bed, neh-neh-neh-neh-neh… and just wrote it all down, all of them. It was perfect! And I go, “Ah, I get it!” And so now I know I understand, and it’s amazing. It really is amazing. Any mathematician that thinks he knows everything about math saw this, he would feel like a child. Because this is God mathematics. Calculus and algebra -Daniel: Cosmic mathematics Drunvalo: This is man-made mathematics, and it’s an approximation. It is not actual fact. And so – when you see it, your heart and mind both instantly know it’s true. You can’t help it. You know it’s true. There was a movie out that just came out, called Daniel: “Arrival”. Drunvalo: “Arrival” and- it’s still out there right now. And it’s very good at showing how the dimensions are separated by 90 degrees and all these kinds of things. But there was one thing that happened in that movie that I got , just like “Wow! They’re talking about this? They’re talking about the other Fibonacci sequences here!” So somebody knows something! And they’re in that cave-type thing, and there’s this invisible film running across… Daniel: Memories Drunvalo: And these seven-legged octopus type things come up, and at one point, he’s talking to this human on the other side this human. And he puts his hand on the thing, which has seven fingers. And she thought, “Okay,” so she put both of her hands on there. And “no-no.” And she took them down and she put one hand. Daniel: Just One hand, right. Drunvalo: That was the proof that they knew what they were talking about. So whoever did this movie really does understand something that probably very few people understand. We can’t ever have seven fingers, because 7 is not in our Fibonacci sequence. It goes, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5... Daniel: Eight Drunvalo: Eight. There’s no seven in there. But I can show you a Fibonacci sequence that does exactly the same thing as a Fibonacci sequence Daniel: With seven Drunvalo: And it has seven in there. So higher life forms are using that rather than what we are using. So E.T.s don’t have the same kind of DNA and everything else that we have. We’re really different. I couldn’t even sleep that night when I saw that, because I realized that there are other people out there that are getting this at the same time! That’s really cool. That’s the purpose right, everybody needs to know. Daniel: Yep. Drunvalo: Nobody has the copyrights on these kinds of thing. You can’t have it on geometry, and you can’t have it on mathematical sequences either. And so it belongs

to the world. And once they see it, you’re going to have a million movies coming on these other lifeforms, on how they are based on a whole different principles from what we are. So… that’s probably about it. Daniel: Thank you Drunvalo from all over the world that watching us now today, I’m sure we are coming with action. Drunvalo: I didn’t realise until this moment, but right behind us, there, is the mathematics of seven! Daniel: Seven, yeah. Drunvalo: That’s exactly what we are talking about. Daniel: Thank you. We love you and thank you for this. Drunvalo: It’s a total coincidence! Daniel: Thank you. Drunvalo: ok. Thank you.