Drawing Checking Procedure [PDF]

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Azerbaijan Strategic Performance Unit



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For Issue

Elchin Ismayilov

Elchin Ismayilov

Gunay Rzayeva



Reason for Issue





Risk Category - 0 Risk Level - 7


Engineering Fragola Government Services

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Next Review Date: 20.01.25

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Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Purpose......................................................................................................3 Objectives..................................................................................................3 Scope.........................................................................................................3 Compliance.................................................................................................3 General......................................................................................................3 Responsibilities...........................................................................................3 6.1. Engineering Team Lead...........................................................................3 6.2. Drawing Control Supervisor.....................................................................4 6.3. Project Engineer.....................................................................................4 6.4. Draftsperson and Drawing Checker............................................................5 7. Checking Practice........................................................................................5 8. Checking Method........................................................................................6 9. Drawing Print Checking Colours...................................................................7 10. Drawing Check List.....................................................................................7 Contractual Compliance..................................................................................8 General..........................................................................................................8 Drawing Contents Check.................................................................................8 Mechanical Check List.....................................................................................9 Piping and Tank Check List.............................................................................9 Piping and Tank Check List...........................................................................10 Structural Check List.....................................................................................10 Civil/Earthworks Check List...........................................................................11 Electrical and Instrumentation Check List.......................................................12

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1. Purpose This procedure has been developed to provide a standardized and consistent approach in checking for and correcting errors in AutoCAD and manual drawings for the FGS Drawing Office. 2. Objectives 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5.

Ensure standardization of information, presentation and organization on drawings. Deliver consistent drawing quality. Minimize drawing errors and construction changes. Promote ease of drawing interpretation and information understanding. Ensure completeness of information to be conveyed. 3. Scope

This Procedure outlines standard practices to be adopted when checking and evaluating completeness and accuracy of Project Drawings. 4. Compliance All persons involved in checking Project Drawings shall adhere to this Procedure to ensure that a uniform, complete and quality assured product will result. Compliance is expected in all cases and any required deviation from this Procedure must receive prior approval from Engineering Team Lead. 5. General This procedure is to be followed by all Engineering and Contract personnel directly involved with Project Drawing development or checking. 6. Responsibilities The positional responsibilities for the proper adherence to this Procedure on all FGS projects are as follows. 6.1.

Engineering Team Lead

6.1.1. Audit adherence to and compliance with this Procedure on all FGS Projects managed by the Technical Department/Projects Group. 6.1.2. Evaluation of any non-compliance and implementation of required corrective activities. Page 3 of 11

6.1.3. Review and update of this procedure every three (3) years. 6.1.4. Ensure understanding of this procedure by Strategic Planning personnel directly involved with project development. 6.1.5. Review and approval of all Drawings.


Drawing Control Supervisor

6.2.1. Ensure adherence to and compliance with this Procedure on all projects managed by the Technical Department/Projects Group. 6.2.2. Training of all Engineering personnel directly involved with project development. All personnel are to be initially trained and retrained every two (2) years. 6.2.3. Provide Drawing Checking assets and ensure all Drawings are properly checked and corrected. 6.2.4. Assign checking responsibilities, ensure competence of Checker, ensure proper information is provided to Checker and monitor progress of checking. 6.2.5. Ensure proper storage and control of Drawing Check Prints. 6.2.6. Review and approval of all Drawings and initiation of approval routing. 6.2.7. Ensure proper Drawing storage, Archive & Back-up. 6.2.8. Ensure proper storage and control of all Project Documentation.


Project Engineer

6.3.1. Submission of Project Scope, all sketches, specifications and other information required to complete requested Drawings and associated documentation and allow proper Drawing Checking. 6.3.2. Directly work with Drawing Checker to facilitate his/her efforts. 6.3.3. Ensure effective presentation of all required information to facilitate efficient construction. The Project Engineer is expected to directly work with the Drawing Office during the development of all documentation and timely provide direction and information.

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6.3.4. Review and approval of all Drawings and associated documentation. Ensure proper application and use of Design Standards, Material Specifications and Equipment Specifications.


Draftsperson and Drawing Checker

6.4.1. Ensure understanding of this Procedure and all referenced Procedures and compliance with these Procedures at all times. 6.4.2. Provide all services assigned by the Drawing Control Supervisor in an efficient and expeditious manner. Ensure all information developed and presented is accurate, complies with Standard Documentation, complies with Design Standards and Material Specifications, can be efficiently reviewed and used, and is practically error free. This will require dedication to detail and diligence with emphasis on Quality and Added Value. 6.4.3. Provide Check Prints, make corrections, retain marked Check Prints until Project completion, provide final Drawings and signed Drawings. 7. Checking Practice Project Drawings checking shall be completed by competent persons, as assigned by the Engineering Team Lead, according to the following guidelines. 7.1.

All project Drawings are to be checked for compliance with the Drawing Office Procedures, clarity, standard structure, technical content, quality completeness and adherence to design standards. Check prints are to be retained by the Draftsperson until project completion and are subject to audit.


All AutoCAD Drawings are to be checked for compliance with the Drawing Office Procedures and adherence to normal AutoCAD standards.


Drawing checking is not considered to be design checking although design is to be considered at all times. Any questions concerning design shall be discussed with and referred to the Project Engineer for his/her view and clarification.


Drawing checkers must be familiar with the requirements of the Drawing Office Procedures, standard drafting Procedures, the project scope and concept, relevant design standards and any additional information pertinent to the drawing to be checked.


Drafting personnel will not be the last check of their own work prior to seeking approvals. Page 5 of 11


When checking drawings, the checker and the draftsperson completing required changes shall use the colour markings defined in section 9.0.


The Checker shall use the drawing check lists provided in section 10.0 to ensure all pertinent factors are included and properly addressed. The checker shall use his/her judgement to determine applicability and pertinence and shall draw from the department expertise as required.


Manual checking of drawings shall be on bond paper Check Prints. A Check Print shall be so designated by stencilling “Check Print” in large bold lettering above the title block.


The checker shall use a “red” pencil to make all changes and comments, all mark-up text shall be printed and the checker shall give emphasis to neatness, clarity and conciseness.

7.10. The checker shall initial and date all comments and mark-ups requiring action and those not so marked will be deemed to require no action. 7.11.

Any errors in mark-ups shall be noted as such and lined through.

8. Checking Method Each Project Drawing is to be checked frequently during development by those directly involved with the work. Use of checking services does not diminish the responsibilities of the draftsperson or Project Engineer for thorough, complete and quality work. As drawing deficiencies are noted, they are to be corrected immediately and prior to Drawing Checking. 8.1.

The draftsperson shall be aware of the importance of quality work and shall check his/her own work frequently during drawing development. The Project Engineer shall work closely with the draftsperson and shall check each drawing at discreet intermediate stages or at least weekly.


When a drawing is deemed complete by the draftsperson and Project Engineer, the draftsperson shall produce a “check print” on bond paper and provide it to the Engineering Team Lead for review.


The supervisor shall make a cursory review of the drawing for basic content, structure and adherence to drafting standards. Any noted deficiencies shall be corrected and a new check print produced.


The Engineering Team Lead shall designate a Drawing Checker and provide him/her with the check print and all information required (scope, reference drawings, project criteria, applicable specifications, etc.) to properly review the drawing. Page 6 of 11


The checker is to thoroughly review all information on the drawing, ensure all standards are met, mark all required changes and return the print to the draftsperson.


The draftsperson is to review all mark-ups, clarify any questions and make the required changes to the drawing, the marked up check print is to be retained for future reference and a new check print shall be provided to the checker for any additional changes or corrections.


When a drawing (AutoCAD) is deemed complete by the checker, as per review of the check print, the Checker will check the digitized version of the drawing for compliance with the Drawing Office Procedures and normal AutoCAD standards. The draftsperson shall immediately correct any noted deficiencies.


After digital check, the drawing is to be printed on vellum, signed by the Draftsperson and Checker and provided to the Engineering Team Lead.


The Engineering Team Lead shall initiate routing of the Drawing for approval as per “General Drafting Practices”.

9. Drawing Print Checking Colours Colours used for marking of check prints are to be as follows, with no exceptions. Yellow Red Green Blue

Checked Ok All corrections or mark-ups Back-drafted Back-checked

(Checker or project engineer) (Checker or project engineer) (Draftsperson) (Checker)

10. Drawing Check List The drawing checker is expected to use the attached standard drawing check list to facilitate his/her efforts. The list was developed to provide a guide or outline only and is not intended to include all factors or cover all necessary issues. Documented evidence of checking is by means of the checkers signature or initial (and date) on mark ups of the check print so retention of the checklist is not required.

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This drawing check list is to be used by Drawing checkers, Draftspersons and Project Engineers to facilitate proper development of Project Drawings. This is not intended to include all factors or cover all necessary issues but to provide a guide to help ensure that all drawings are complete and comply with the Engineering Procedures – Drawing Office Procedures. Contractual Compliance Compliance to the Project criteria: Scope of Work, Sketches, etc. Compliance to relevant Codes, Procedures and Standards – Engineering, Material, etc. Compliance to Manufacturers data Practicality of Fabrication Practicality of Construction Operability and Maintenance Safety requirements Accesses and Clearances “Off the shelf” component availability Standardization of components and parts Uniformity within the drawing and relative to associated drawings Equipment numbering consistency and correctness General Drawing title Drawing numbers Revision Drawn by Date drawings commenced Reference drawings (check that they are applicable) Scale Drawing Contents Check Notes – General, Mech., Civil, Structural, Arch. & Electrical (Check spelling also) North sign (Orientation) Legend Key or Block Plan Any appliques (stickers) Plan Elevation – correctly orientated Section – called up and titled Detail Symbols Abbreviations as per Department standard list Datum’s, RLs Els WPs etc. Grid lines, Grid references – (Standard) Lettering – legibility and spelling Dimensional accuracy Use of “certified” drawings (Get Engineers approval if uncertified) Fit for purpose Linework ie. Centre lines Page 8 of 11







 Dimension lines  Match lines  New works  Existing works  Future works Drawing to Drawing interface “HOLDS” Units of measurement correctly specified Materials correctly specified Mechanical Check List Safety, clearances, etc. Machining tolerances Surface finish Surface treatment Component marking Signage – cranes Access to equipment Safety Guards Inspection/manhole access Crane maintenance access Equipment specification Piping and Tank Check List Check against P&IDs Direction of Flow Line number, size and materials Valves, elbows, reducers, etc. Instruments, gauges, etc. Traps, drains, vents, flushing points Any special fittings that are specified All equipment is correctly identified and labelled Ensure that: Pipe routes are clear of mechanical and structural works Piping drawings are in accordance with Engineering Specs Dimensions are accurate and sufficient for needs required Dimensions are clear location-wise, BOP, etc. Clearances between pipelines are standard A common datum is utilized over a set of drawings Access to removable equipment and fittings Match marking of drawings are consistent Piping and Tank Check List Head clearances have been looked at and are OK Check: Location, Elevation of mechanical equipment Allowances for expansion, insulation and gaskets Piping falls are allowed for Tank orientation about 0 degree Tank nozzle locations in Plan and elevations are consistent Flanges match associated equipment Valve, pipe and equipment listings Holes in flanges are off-center (two hole) Page 9 of 11







Tank earthing is provided as required Structural Check List Safety clearances, etc. Steelwork tolerances Surface treatment Member sized Member marking Floor grating – fixed, removable Floor grating span and direction Welding – Symbols,  Continuous,  Intermittent,  Seal,  Plug (AWS A 2.4-86) Temporary bracing Stair, ladder, handrail and platform requirements/STDs HD Bolts – mechanical/structural interface – grout allowance Transportation size considerations Civil/Earthworks Check List Foundations Reinforcements HD Bolts – mechanical and steelwork interfaces Grout allowance Falls and drainage Structural Check List Floor sumps Curbing Allow for vehicle traffic where necessary Check interfaces with existing concrete works particularly existing reinforcement Concrete treatment Construction joints Shrinkage joints Cast in steel Isolation joints Bollards Civil/Earthworks Check List Compaction Joint sealant Architectural Check List Cladding – roof and walls Ventilation – ridge vents Door access – vehicle clearance Natural lighting Electrical and Instrumentation Check List Check drawing against P&ID Symbology required for project in question Preferred equipment Equipment to be used Equipment numbering Page 10 of 11





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