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Payback Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at Rating: Archive Warnings: Category: Fandom: Relationship: Characters: Additional Tags: Language: Series: Stats:

Explicit Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage, Rape/Non-Con M/M 페이백 - 삼크 | Payback - Samk Yoon Jay/Lee Yoohan Yoon Jay, Lee Yoohan, Lee Hansoo, Song Myeonshin Heavy Angst, Guilt, Revenge, Blood and Violence, Rape/Non-con Elements, Suicide Attempt, Victim Blaming, Explicit Sexual Content English Part 1 of Payback. Published: 2023-08-03 Completed: 2023-11-28 Words: 274,132 Chapters: 73/73

Payback by Zaw_z Summary



Once I finish translating this, I will delete it from here because I don't want my acc to get taken down because of the novel. But I will create a Pdf and make a Discord server to post it there with the side stories included. That way we don't have to worry about it getting taken down. :)

Chapter 1 "Turning over a new leaf". That's a good saying. Letting go of the past, being a good person is the right thing to do. However, it would be best to have a situation where you don't have to turn over a new leaf in the first place. Unfortunately, I wasn't in the best situation. Because I was a complete jerk like a typical ruffian. Since middle school, I've been suspended frequently for doing all sorts of bad things, and I was expelled from high school after not attending for a year. My mother, who raised me and my brother without her husband, also stopped berating me with a desperate face when I was expelled from school. She must have been very tired. She must have wanted to give up on her son as she was busy working at a restaurant from dawn and making ends meet. After not attending school, I thought it was my world like a foal without reins, so I did anything I wanted to. I forcefully took money from people wearing school uniforms of the same age, stole the money from drunkards and drank alcohol every day. Being free from anyone's interference, I smoked two or three packs a day, and later I began to engage in drugs, starting with what someone gave me. I got a tattoo to show off, rode a motorcycle, hung out with guys like me, and fought. Probably because the only thing I knew how to do was fight, I led the group and enjoyed doing dangerous feats on the motorcycle in the middle of the night. I thought it was cool at the time. I thought that I was a great guy. Everyone was afraid of me, even fellows who were caught in school like pigs and only studied, they didn't even dare to meet my eyes. Little did I know that all of these gradually numbed me and pushed me into an inescapable abyss. From time to time, I hear some stories about people who turned over a new leaf, one of which says that one day he suddenly felt skeptical about himself and came to his senses. How nice would it be if I could do that too? It would have been good if I had looked in the mirror and got surprised by the blond haired delinquent and came to my senses. I know it's useless to regret now, but when I think about the past, the guilt weighs down my heart. When other people reached the age where they had to rush to prepare for university entrance exams, I worked for a loan business, saying I was getting a job. What I do is collect the money. Most of the people who couldn't pay back their money were people who could barely live by, but have nowhere to run away to because they're so poor. However, in my eyes, it was just extra pay. I committed violence, threatened children and women, waited until midnight and stabbed* them with a knife. I did anything to get the money. T/N: like back stabbing someone The amount of money I earned was greater than I thought, and I was as proud as ever. See, making money is easy. Everyone was still afraid of me and there seemed to be nothing I couldn't do. My mom who spent a decade working in the restaurant and couldn't get out of the basement single-room monthly rent was pitiful and irritated. So I never brought home the

money I earned. I was busy using them for entertainment. I drank expensive liquor every day, wandered around in high-end bars and pubs and enjoyed feeling like I was an amazing person. The only person I spent money on was my lover, Myeongshin. Having dropped out of high school like me, he was a pretty-looking man who could make people believe he was a woman. Myeongshin, who made me realise for the first time that I could sleep with men, didn't talk much but just followed me around like a puppy, spurred my protective instincts. There was no need to worry about getting pregnant and we could satisfy physiological needs at any time if needed. At first it was just that, but after meeting him for a year, I started thinking that he was my woman*. T/N: In a sense it's just a saying like Myeonshin had a very feminine aura both somewhat physically and in his behaviour Of course, I found out later that it was my own illusion. No, life itself at that time was an illusion to me, so I don't think he was anything special. Perhaps because of his outstanding appearance, he wanted to become a celebrity and diligently attended the academy with the money I gave him, and snooped around the entertainment agencies. I wondered if he would be able to act with that meek personality, but I didn't care much. It was my daily routine to comfort him, who was always deceived by fraud agencies, and lost money, and was depressed. Then a year passed and it became early summer. While guys my age have entered college and enjoyed college life for 2 years, I was still making money by threatening people. That day, I had a strangely bad morning. The boyfriend who was often tricked by his entertainment companies, came by a few days ago excitedly saying that this casting was real. If that was true, I'd be robbed of money again. Even thinking about it, his excited face strangely offended me. As I drank until dawn, I woke up late and left the house to go to the lender's office, but someone was waiting for me nearby. "Hyung." When I turned my head to a familiar voice, I saw my younger brother, who I saw when I went home a month ago, standing there in a middle school uniform that didn't fit his body. "What?" Why are you here during school time? As I frowned and approached the skinny kid, he opened his mouth to speak bluntly. "Mom is sick." "So?" "..." "What do you want me to do about that?"

"...Money. Mom's hospital bills." He must have hated saying that, as my brother's mouth closed and twisted. I didn't hide my irritation and took my wallet out of my pocket and checked the 10,000 won bills inside. "How much?" "How much can you give me?" I stopped trying to take out the 10,000 won bills and asked the first question that I should have asked. "What's wrong with her?" "...I don't know. She suddenly collapsed and needs to get surgery." Thanks to me working without a single day off, I was able to take out a 10,000 won bill, thinking about my mother who always lived with minor ailments. "Here." My brother took the money slowly, counted the money in his hand and asked bluntly again. "Can you give me more?" "Then how much is the hospital fee?" "4.2 million won." "...What?" Exactly how sick is she... The words I wanted to say did not come out of my mouth as I looked at my brother. It's hard to tell when he had grown up so big, but my brother now looked like a person who was borrowing money from someone else and not his family member. As if he didn't want to get involved with me anymore. "Can you give it to me? I'll give it back later." How can you pay me back? I barely swallowed my words and looked at my watch. "Come back later in the afternoon. I'm going to collect money today, so I can give you half if not all." Then, my brother nodded once, turned around and disappeared. Seeing my brother disappear, I realised that he must have been waiting here for hours. I'm going to have to ask a favor that I don't want to. The bad feeling I got today persisted as I went to collect money. Today, I had to collect from a couple running a Pojangmacha*. Compared to the couple who's in their early 40s, their child is only about 3 years old now. But because there was something wrong with the child's

leg, they had to borrow money to do the surgery. They cherished him because he is the only child they have at this late age, but because of him, they had to spend all of their monthly income to pay off their debts. But it was hard to make ends meet and in the end, they still could not pay the interest for three months already. This is the fourth time I have visited this couple. Every time I've been leaving empty-handed, but I can't afford to do that today. The reason is because I also need money so I'm going to use a method that I don't use often. T/N: a pojangmacha is a street stall made out of a tent that usually sells alcohol and street food "Huk (gasp)!! W-why are you doing this?!" The pale-faced husband shouted, next to his wife who collapsed, crying. "W-what are you doing?! Quickly put down t-the knife!" Like his wife, he looked like he was about to collapse, but maybe because he was a man, he managed to step forward. However, I grabbed the crying child's body and pulled him closer. In my other hand, there was a dagger with a sharp blade. "Hwaaaaaaa- hu waaaaa-!!" The child's small body was crying loudly and struggling as I held tightly that red marks were left on his body. When I held the knife to him, the man knelt down. "Please, please let go of the child... I beg you. I'll give you anything. Whatever it is..." I smiled at the sobbing voice and asked for one thing. "Bring me the monthly rent contract for this house." The man looked up, startled. "B-but then where are we supposed to live..." "Ahhhhh!! " I pressed the knife close to the boy's soft flesh. Perhaps because of the coldness of the knife, the boy panicked and started struggling to get out. The blade brushed against the skin, leaving a red thread-like wound. Then, the man called out the boy's name, reaching out with a trembling hand. "I'll give it to you! So please don't touch the boy already!" The man staggered to his feet and pulled out a contract he had hidden somewhere. He hasn't paid the rent for several months, so now he has only half the deposit left, but that's enough for my brother. I picked up the contract, rolled my eyes and threw the fainted boy onto the floor. The child's mother approached first and began to cry, hugging the child. I didn't take off my shoes when I entered, so I just opened the door, then turned my head to look at the sound behind me. "You..."

Now only the woman's cries filled the small single room, but I could hear the man's low voice clearly. Maybe it was because I saw his eyes full of anger. "You will receive retribution." "Retribution? Hmm, if there's something like that, then all the bad guys would be dead, dumbass. " I snorted and closed the door, behind my back, the woman's cry could still be heard. /// I slowly walked home after finishing some more work. It was the time that I would like to return to most if I could go back in time. But at that time, I only wanted to hand over the money I had earned easily to my brother and go back to hang out with Myeongshin. The only thing that can relieve the feeling of dread that I have been feeling since morning was his pleasant body. "Hyung, why are you so late?" He must have waited at that spot for quite some time. I frowned as I was about to take the money out of my pocket. This insolent guy, why's your expression like that? And why are you here now? It's annoying to have to give him the money. Normally, I would have punched him a few times but I took out the envelope with the money from my pocket and approached him. I just wanted to give it to him quickly and go home. "2 million won for now. I'll get more tomorrow..." I was about to say I would go get more if I could, but my brother's expression turned strange. No, he wasn't looking at me but staring behind me with startled eyes. What was it? As I turned my head, something suddenly passed by me quickly. Just when I realised that someone was running past, I suddenly heard a groan in front of me. "Urgh...! " As I turned around again, what came into my view was my younger brother who was shocked with his eyes wide open and his mouth opened. Someone was in front of him as if he were holding him in his arms. With one hand, he stabbed my brother in the stomach with a knife. He slowly turned around, it was the boy's father, as his angry eyes met mine, he muttered. "This is divine punishment." /// I couldn't remember what happened after that in detail. All I could think of was the crimson blood and when I woke up, it was dawn and my brother was dead. I don't even know how I got home. But doesn't the saying go that misfortunes come all at once? When I returned the next day and opened the door to my room, what I saw in the room was a mess as if the place had just been turned upside down. The 10 million won that I had to bring to the office

disappeared, and the landlord had withdrawn the deposit. I finally realised that I had been betrayed by Myeongshin. It would be nice if the misfortune ended here, but there was still one person left; the person who made my younger brother borrow for hospital bills, Mom. I went to see her two days after my brother's death, but the only thing that waited for me was news that my mother had missed her chance for surgery , and was now diagnosed as brain dead. At that moment, I couldn't accept this sudden situation. How did things become like this? Why did everything fall apart all at once? Then, I heard the doctor's inquiry. The sound was so clear that it seemed like the only word I had heard in days. "She's still alive as she relies on a ventilator, but she won't last long. If you're ready to let your mother go..." "Are you asking me to decide whether to kill my mother or not?" I already killed my brother, now he wants me to kill my mother too? No matter how crazy my life used to be, now I have no choice but to come to my senses that my brother died and my mother was dying in front of me. Even though the doctor said that only my mom's body was alive, I insisted on keeping her hooked to expensive equipment. I left the hospital and went to the loan company I worked for to borrow money to keep her alive. "So how are you going to pay me back?" The boss's question was filled with laughter. "I'll work like a dog and pay you back." He couldn't help but grin. "Everyone says that and borrows money. But none of them pay me back properly. Will you too? You know, you can't work for me anymore. I can't leave my money to a guy like you." "I'll do something else and pay you back." "Yeah, that's what they say." The office owner took a pile of money out of the safe. "You know what happens if you don't pay me back right?" "Yes." "What a headache. I'm looking forward to the day you kneel down and cry asking for help." Leaving my boss laughing amusedly behind me, I went to the hospital with the money to pay for the hospital fees. Then I returned to my real home after a long time. Still a stale place where the sun doesn't shine underground. The room that no one has entered for several days was filled with a sombre atmosphere. When I stepped in, it felt heavy as if it was about to collapse. The person who lived must have been in a hurry to get out as the blankets were only half folded and some clothes had fallen under the hanger. There were still signs that someone had lived here, but that only made me feel more suffocated. It felt like I was just a thorn caught in the middle of this perfect picture and

became an uninvited guest. I walked over to the monitor that was still blinking. As I approached and moved the mouse, the computer screen that was not turned off immediately lit up. For a moment, I frowned and muttered. "This guy, you didn't turn off the computer and went out..." Before I could finish my sentence, I stopped. Ah, that's right. My brother is already dead. I stood up and looked around the room. Traces of my brother and mother were left everywhere. Middle school textbooks and reference books were piled up on the desk, and a half-cut eraser in front of them. The timetable pasted on the wall was handwritten by my brother and beautifully drawn with colored pencils of various colors, making it look like it didn't belong to a boy. Come to think of it, I remember him saying he studied hard. As I turned away from the desk, I saw a small plastic basket full of small sample cosmetic items. All of my mother's makeup fits in that small basket. Whenever she went somewhere, she'd use it sparingly. This plastic basket I've seen since I was a child is now worn out and half-broken, so it is difficult to determine its color. Standing in the middle of the room, my eyes stayed there for a long time. Everything here has stopped in ordinary daily life, waiting for its owner and keeping a casual appearance. In the home of my dead brother and departing mother, I realised it. I am the only one alive.

Chapter 2 Chapter Summary


Chapter Notes

The timeline is different from manhwa (chapter 14-15 in the manhwa).

The people who I used to believe were friends all turned away because of my situation. I don't blame them. And now is not the time to worry about those things. I was in debt, and to pay it back, I had to work like a dog, just as I told the boss. So I started working properly for the first time. At dawn, I delivered newspapers, and from morning to evening, I worked at the factory, packaging. At night, I dressed up in ridiculous costumes and distributed flyers on the streets of entertainment districts. I slept about three hours a day, and ate two meals a day. That's how I started working. My mother lived three more months after that day. Contrary to the doctor's belief that my mother would not last a few weeks, she struggled for three months until her last breath, thinking about her son. She tried to keep me from being alone, even for a little while more. On the day I went to pay the last of the hospital bill, I also cleaned my mother's single room. I was really broke, so I had to go and distribute leaflets at the entertainment district. Wearing a suffocating mascot suit on a midsummer night, I handed out flyers of a newly opened karaoke room to people. It was the day I scattered the remains of my dead mother into the river, but there was no rest for me. Since three months before I started working, there was a part of my head that remained motionless and hardened. I don't know if it's because my feelings have been dulled, but I noticed something strange when I finished work at 2am and sat down in the back alley of the entertainment district. Did I really want my mother to live by paying the expensive hospital bills for three months? Why don't I feel sad at all? However, the questions that came to my mind were quickly suppressed by fatigue and disappeared in an instant. Since I still had to deliver newspapers in the morning, I planned to stay in a rental warehouse and sleep on a chair so that I could rest for 2-3 hours. But my body, which would usually have headed to the warehouse quickly, could not move easily. I sat in a daze in the animal suit when I heard the sound of fighting coming from somewhere. The sound of fighting in an entertainment district is not uncommon. But it would

be rare if the voices were not drunk but instead sober. Even so, it didn't catch my attention. But one word that someone said made me move. "Damn* you, bastard!" *T/N: "damn" in the religious sense. The more literal TL would be "receive divine punishment" but that sounds awkward. Following the voice of a rough man, there was the sound of clashes and fights. DANG, CLANK, THUD, CHANG! People and objects collided, the sound of bottles breaking continued. resounded. This type of sound was very familiar to me. As I walked around the corner, I saw a man surrounded by four men who were attacking. Of course, the one being confronted was on the defensive and driven into a corner, but the situation was almost neck and neck. I was good at fighting alone, but what I would not want is many attackers. They were in their early to mid-20s and looked like neighborhood gangsters who pretended to be strong and came out to play at night. With such guys, I could have handled them by myself. What surprised me was that one of them was fighting with only one arm. He was wearing a cast on one arm, but he managed to fight against the four people with an expressionless face. I don't know what happened, but the man with the cast seemed to have won in the end. If it wasn't the phrase that caught my attention in the first place, I wouldn't have paid attention, so I started to turn around. But just then, I saw one of the attackers taking something out. That was a dagger that I'm familiar with. The same kind of knife I've used before was held in that person's hand. Before I could realise it, my feet moved automatically. And when I came to my senses, my hands had already moved. "Argh-!" Clang. The thug dropped the knife and screamed when I grabbed his hand and twisted it. Perhaps it was because he was overpowered by me in an instant and broke his arm. The fight had stopped and all eyes were on me. Their eyes were glinting in shock. "Who are you?!" A dumbfounded thug asked in surprise. I glanced at him and then punched the screaming guy in the face again. Crash!~ As he rolled around the floor with a loud noise, the three other gangsters quickly ran to their friend and then stared at me. "Fuck, are you on the same side as that jerk?" I shook my head without looking at the person he was pointing at. But another guy jumped up with a shocked expression on his face. "This cheap bastard! Colluding with each other and attacking from behind?! "This coward..."

Complaining about what was cowardly, the pathetic gangsters picked up their friend who was on the ground, and ran away. The four of them couldn't even beat one person, so it must have been scary to deal with me. I turned around as I watched them run away. I should go to bed now. I set a goal in my head and was about to take a step, but the other person called me. "Hey, rabbit." Rabbit? I turned around in confusion and then realized that I was still wearing the mascot suit. This is why the gangsters looked bewildered when they saw me. As I was thinking of the people who ran away, I heard a slow voice. "How are you going to take responsibility?" As he took the cigarette out of his mouth, he added the reason with his eyes that seemed listless. "Thanks to you, the guys I was playing with ran away . " "..." "I'm asking you, Jihwaja karaoke." He read the name of the karaoke room on the advertisement I put on my chest in a cold voice. If someone else read this name, it would sound funny, but it sounded like a vicious word coming from his mouth. I turned around and looked directly at him. "So what do you want me to do." "You have to play with me." How old are you? He seems to be over his mid-20s, but I can't tell by looking at him. When I was working at the loan company, those potent eyes were like those of former bosses in that industry. his eyes shining with his life experience and extensive business experience. Eyes that never wavered no matter what. He talked in a relaxed tone but this made me rather nervous. I'm also a potent guy, but I realised it while working in a more potent world. You shouldn't get involved with people with eyes like that. I lowered my eyes and saw his arm with a cast. He was tall and had a similar body type to the guys I used to fight with and defeat. If I had met him a year ago, I might have come at him without knowing death. No, the other person can't use one arm now, so maybe it's worth a try to fight. Fighting isn't difficult. Anyway, that's the only skill I learned. However, today I wasn't in the mood. I felt frustrated in my heart, I had the feeling that if I fight right now, this frustration will only increase. Perhaps he took it as a sign that I didn't want to answer, he twisted his lips as he threw a cigarette about 1/3 burnt on the floor. "If you don't like it, I have no choice but to force you to play." As I watched him come closer, I blurted out something unusual.

"You're fine with guys too?" He stopped. He realised what I meant, and for the first time there was a smile in his eyes. His languid voice flowed into my ears. "If I'm the one doing the fucking." /// Wearing my mascot suit with only my lower half exposed, I climbed onto the man. Despite how ridiculous I appeared with the Chupa-Chups-like mascot head, neither the man in the cast nor I laughed. Lowering myself onto the man's stiffened cock I stifled my moans in pain... I couldn't laugh, because my entrance was being torn and my legs were shaking. "Do it slowly." The man even gave me serious advice. A strange sexual intercourse. No foreplay, just undressing and insertion without anything. There was nothing but pain, and I wasn't hard, I just bled and hoped it would end soon. Even so, I didn't tell the man below me to stop. For some reason he was hard even until I was exhausted and could no longer move on my own, he suddenly sat up and held me, not wanting to let me rest for a second. Regardless of whether my behind was bleeding or not, he grabbed my waist with one free hand and held me tight to prevent me from escaping, fucking me inside for a while. It took a really long time, as I endured in pain and fatigue with a dazed mind, but I suddenly noticed something when he entered me for the last time. I didn't realise it because I was panting, but i was crying. As I exhaled a hot breath under my mask, I suddenly realised that my face had been smeared with tears. I feel like I've been crying for quite a while, as I supported my upper body with my hand resting on the man's torso. Perhaps I needed to feel some warmth. However, I, who should be punished by the heavens, could not completely receive warmth. I wonder if this is the price of the pain I have to endure from the 20-minute intercourse. So is that why I was crying? As I cried, I was still holding the man's thing in my body. I raised my head and my eyes met him, who was looking at me expressionlessly. "You, if you're done crying, take off your mask". "....." There was a strange power in the naturally imperative tone in his voice. I might have taken my mask off, but instead I lifted myself from on top of him. I could vividly feel the genitals that had been vividly embedded in my body being pulled out. His cock came out and the cum dripped out from my hole but I started putting on my pants anyway. Noticing that I was about to leave, he stood up with his eyes darkened. "Hey, rabbit. If you want me to spoil you, then obediently listen".

Hearing the languid threat, I approached him with only my pants on. I stood in front of him as he looked up at me while sitting, and asked. "Is there such a thing as retribution in this world?" "No." I nodded slowly at the immediate answer. "Right. There's no such thing as retribution*." *T/N: btw I have been using 'retribution' and 'divine punishment' interchangeably. The same word is used in korean but I'm switching it up occasionally. The reality is that even if you are a person who deserves divine punishment, you just do worse things and live a good life. Yes, I wasn't receiving punishment. I'm just getting the consequences of my actions. Retribution may be a luxurious reason for me. To cast my sins away as punishment that does not exist in the world. I became like this only because I was unlucky, so I don't need such delusions. Then, I heard the man's slow voice. "However, punitive justice exists." "..." "That's why the world is so interesting." A small dimple appeared on the corner of his smiling lips. At that moment, I held out my hand, feeling like it was unsuitably cute. Then, "Argh!" The man grabbed his cast with his other hand and bent over, inhaling. His hand, which was halfway out of the cast, was swollen and dark red with bruises, so he must have been injured recently. He had twisted his hands, so he'll probably have to spend more time in the cast. I felt sorry for him, but I didn't have time to keep playing. I put the mascot suit on the floor on my arm and took some money out of my pocket. There was 200won I had received as a daily wage for wearing this rabbit costume and handing out flyers. I threw it in front of him and added: "Expenses for playing with me."

Chapter 3 Chapter Summary

Speak of the devil.

The consequence of sleeping for 200won with a man was greater than I thought. I remember having a hard time for almost a week. And thanks to the blood on the bunny suit that day (probably the thug's blood), it was thrown away the next day and there was no need to wear those bunny suits anymore. Instead, I found a part-time job at the road construction site at night, and again my day was filled with earning money like a dog all day. It was difficult to endure it every single day. Looking back now, I think that was the longest period of time I gritted my teeth in resignation to something in my entire life. Just like that, 4 years and 6 months passed. The total debt of 153,277,360 won was paid off by me at the age of 26. Of which, the principal amount was less than 20 million won. When I went to the boss for the last time to pay him back, he gave me a wry smile and praised me, saying that his job would be easier if everyone was like me. The old man grinned and said. "If you need money then look for me again." I didn't answer him, but he suddenly called me back as if he had just remembered something. "By the way, did you borrow money from other places besides me?" "No." "Is that so? Hmm, I heard someone is looking for you these days. When you first started paying off your debt, the employment agency I introduced you to contacted me. Did you cause any trouble while working?" When I first started paying off my debt, it was five years ago. What trouble could I have caused? The only thing the boss told me was the mascot suit and handing out flyers. "I didn't." When I spoke bluntly, he tilted his head with a 'hmm' sound. "I told them I didn't know you because I was in a hurry." He stared at me as if he wanted me to thank him, but I was done with what I had to do so I turned around. But he called me back again with a somewhat serious voice. "Hey, why don't you continue working under me? "

"I don't want to." "...You've really changed." Subsequently, I heard him ask "Did you turn over a new leaf?" but I left directly because I didn't have time. Time is precious while delivering. If I start running now, I won't be able to finish today's delivery. Today seems to be a lucky day. Or maybe it's just because I just paid off my debt that I feel that way, but I was able to finish the rest of today's work earlier than usual. When there was no one at home, all the people I called answered and told me where to leave the goods, and I didn't have to walk up more than three floors with heavy packages for any of the houses. I feel like I was really lucky. But my luck seems to have run out. As soon as I got into the car after finishing work, I got a call from the manager. 「Hey, the delivery guy to XX has a bit of a problem. The car is broken, please help deliver it!"」 The call was disconnected with a loud buzzing noise, the manager must have been going there himself. If it is XX, then it is located in the middle of a place where many agencies and offices gather. Because it has to be delivered before the end of work, time is really tight. Looking at the clock, it was 5:30 pm. Even if the truck turned into an airplane it would be too late I thought, as I turned the steering wheel. The last place I ran to as I sweated profusely was a seven-story building located in a prime location, in a place known for its sky-high land prices. I wasn't assigned to this area, so it's my first time here, but there are a lot of delivery orders in such places where the whole building looks like a company. The person in charge of delivering the order with the car that had broken down said it's okay to go slowly because there are people staying here until late at night, and it seems that's true. Even though it's past 7 pm, there are still a lot of people in front of the building, and there are quite a few people coming in and out. What is this place? I wondered, as the people standing in front of this building seem to be all women, middle and high school students. I took the parcel out of the truck and loaded it onto the trolley, ringing the bell at the entrance of the building. Inside the closed glass door, the security guard saw me and opened the door immediately. Then, I saw the girls standing outside sticking their heads out to see the inside of the open door. Immediately, the sound of 'kyaaa~ ' resounded and spread among the female students as soon as they saw the person inside. However, I don't know if this is a normal phenomenon, as neither the security guard nor the people walking around in the lobby seem to be bothered at all. It wasn't until I received an access pass from the security guard and pushed the cart in that I knew what this place was about. "I wonder if their parents know anything about their children doing that just to see the faces of their favorite celebrities." Listening to him grumbling, I turned my gaze to the floor-by-floor guide map on the wall behind me. The first line that catches the eye is the name of the company. DREAM ENTERTAINMENT

Searching through my memories, I recalled what Meongshin, my past lover, said. The best entertainment company he had always wanted to join. Ah, is that what it is? Turns out this is the place. Thinking back to a time when I couldn't even remember the name of a company, somehow I found it funny. I've forgotten about it for a while. My ex-boyfriend even betrayed me. I slowly pushed the cart into the elevator and watched the number of floors slowly change. The two girls that I was with were very excited and continued to chat until I reached the destination. "My heart is beating so fast that I thought I was going to die. Well, Director Yoon found out that the marketing department made a mistake." "Oh my, how did he know? " "I don't know. Anyway, you also know. Director Yoon always makes people shiver when he smiles. " "I know. When Director Yoon returned from overseas 2 months ago, I thought he was an easy-going person because of that smile, but there were one or two people who got fired, right?" Perhaps because it was really scary, the woman shrank her shoulders. "He is still young and had been at the foreign branch for 4 years, so I thought he'd be a freespirited person..." Ting~ The sound of the elevator rang and I finally got off out, the girls' voices also ceased. I quickly pushed the cart out of the open door, my mind was filled with the desire to finish the delivery quickly and leave. But because of the hat I was wearing, I couldn't see the face of the person who just entered the elevator at the same time I got out. I turned my head because of the voice. It's been 5 years, but it's still familiar to me. "Hurry up and come! Why are you so slow? I'm late for the shoot!" When I turned around to the direction of the annoyed voice, a young man standing in the elevator with his arms crossed was staring at someone running in a hurry in the hallway with his arms folded. Well-groomed hair, designer clothes and moderately muscular body. It was the person who ran away with my money 5 years ago, Myungshin. "Huff, huff... is this the right one?" A man in his mid-40s jumped in and held up a bottle of beverage in his hand. Probably because it was just taken out of the vending machine, there were water droplets on the surface. However, the drink that the man rushed to bring seemed to be useless. "No." Following those cold words were a string of profanities.

"Dumbass, don't you know what I like?" There was a look of embarrassment on the man's face, but the others didn't react. No one cared about Myeongshin being rude to an elder, as if it were a daily routine. On the contrary, it seemed like I the only one who stopped and watched. "I'll give you five minutes. If you still can't bring me the drink I want, I'll make you get fired from the place you've just come to. Understood?" The elevator doors closed with his irritated threat. His gaze briefly drifted over to me before the doors closed. It was only for a short while but I made eye contact with him. But he quickly turned to the man next to him. I could hear the elevator move after the doors closed, but my eyes lingered there for a while. It doesn't feel anything special. There was no anger or disappointment when he didn't notice me. Maybe it's because there are no more emotions left. His betrayal is now only a fragment of the past for the present me. "For the children 's school fees, for the children 's school fees..." Turning my head towards the source of the sound, the man with the beverage was muttering in his mouth as if he were quenching his anger. Then he sighed and turned around and started running. At the same time, I also turned around and returned to my work. I didn't think about these past memories until I returned to the elevator after delivering the order. But the person who took the elevator with me reminded me of Myeongshin again. The man was holding all kinds of drinks to his chest. Probably because he didn't know what kind of drink Myeongshin liked, he just bought them all from the vending machine. There was an appearance of a bitter smile. In the past, Myeongshin rarely spoke, but when alcohol kicked in, he often talked a lot about himself. Most of them were stories about being bullied at school, and he confessed that he hated running beverage errands everyday the most. The vending machine was far from the classroom, so it was hard to get there during a short break. However, the drinks that he picked out became useless. He said that he had to run to the vending machine again and again although he didn't want to, and eventually bought all the drinks from the vending machine. The allowance he received at home was used to pay for the drink every time. He couldn't cope with being bullied anymore, so he ran away from home, but still couldn't get rid of that dark memory. But now that he was in power, he was doing the same things as those bullies who bothered him did. CLANG. A bottle of beverage fell to the floor from the man's chest. I bent down and picked up a rolling bottle in front of me and stuck it out to the man. But the man was hugging a lot of cold drinks, so he didn't know what to do with the bottle I held towards him. "I'm sorry, but can you just put it on top of this?" As soon as he bowed down and asked for a favor, the other drinks fell to the floor. 'Aigoo', he exclaimed, and I picked up the second bottle for him again.

"I'll hold it." "Thanks." After greeting him, he smiled despondently as if he knew I was a courier who witnessed the situation a while ago. "Oh dear, I look funny right? I have no other choice, because I have to eat and live. This is the only place that accepts me after my company closed down, so I'm grateful that I can at least make a living..." He suddenly lowered his voice as if he had just remembered he was talking about himself to a stranger. "Ah just in case, you shouldn't post the incident you just saw about Song Yoohan online." "Who is Song Yoohan?" "Huh?" He opened his eyes wide. "Don't you know Song Yoohan? It's the damn guy who made me buy this... Cough, he is a celebrity." Celebrity... So he became the celebrity he really wanted to be. He changed his name, changed his face, and abandoned his weak image. If you don't pay attention, you wouldn't be able to recognize it. "Even though he doesn't receive an annual salary, he's getting quite popular lately. He's also done a lot of commercials. He also participated in a weekend variety show 2 months ago..." "..." "..." "Um, sorry but..." He suddenly stopped talking and stared at me. Just as I started to feel uncomfortable by his gaze, he suddenly made a strange request. "Can you take off your hat?" "I don't want to." I refused immediately, a flash of embarrassment appeared in his eyes. "No, I don't mean anything strange, it's just that your eyes are very beautiful. I just want to see your face a little more clearly..." Ting ~

It wasn't until I heard the elevator arrive that I remembered I didn't press the button to select the first floor, that I went down too. Drrr~ Looking at the open door, I put the two beverage bottles on the man's hand who was still trying to say something. "How old are you? Are you a student by any chance? I'm really not a weird person..." "5 minutes." I pointed towards the underground parking lot outside the elevator. "I think it's past that time." When he was reminded of Myeongshin, who had changed his name to Song Yoohan, this uncle jumped out of the elevator in surprise. But he still didn't forget to speak to me aloud. "Wait a moment here! Don't go anywhere, wait for a minute!" He disappeared into the parking lot with a reckless jump and the beverage almost seemed to drop again. I tried to press the elevator button to go up. I wasn't even curious as to why he told me to wait, and I wasn't surprised when Myeongshin, whom I met again after a few years, became a celebrity and didn't recognise me. Rather, I only thought of quickly returning to the distribution centre to complete the sorting for the night shift . However, the emergency stairs that was a little way from the elevator suddenly opened, and someone stepped out of it. Myeongshin, who I saw for the second time, was walking into the parking lot while talking with a man in a suit in his early 30s, walking in the opposite direction to the uncle running with a drink. The funny thing is, before he left, he glanced in that direction. Although it was a bit difficult to see because it was blocked by cars and pillars, he must have seen the uncle running in that direction, so he chose to go in the opposite direction. He smirked. That laugh made my feet move automatically without realizing it. I was just a little curious. A little curious to determine if he really had turned into a completely different person. I've never been interested in anyone or anything, I must have moved out of curiosity about this person I haven't seen in a while. No, I could have ignored it and went back. If I did, then I would have gone back to my daily life of still working on delivery services and lived like that. Little did I know that this small curiosity would change my life. ScreechThe sound of wheels of the cart screeching on the ground sounded exceptionally loudly underground. I stowed it next to the elevator and quietly walked towards the direction where Myeongshin disappeared. He disappeared behind a pillar at the end of the large underground parking lot with a man in a suit. Leaving the protruding wall of the elevator, I slowly walked to the place that was not visible from the direction the soda uncle had disappeared.

I wasn't expecting anything, I was just curious. I wanted to try to confirm it because I was surprised by his smile earlier. I wonder if it's still the Myeongshin that I know. Of course I knew. Maybe the guy from the past was just my own delusion, or maybe I may not have ever known what his true self was. Either way, I was betrayed 5 years ago. "Oh right, did you look into it?" When I could hear a barely audible voice, I stopped walking and hid behind a tall van. Following Myeongshin's voice, the voice of a person in the suit continued. There was a sense of helplessness in his voice. "I don't know the details either. I asked the Chief Park, who is Director Yoon's secretary, a little bit. But he refused to say anything about Director Yoon's work." "But Director Yoon was looking for someone as soon as he returned to Korea, right?" "Mhm, that is true but ..." "So who is he looking for? I have to somehow make ties with Director Yoon to get the lead role for the drama that will start next year. If I do well, I will give you a portion of the profit. You know, I'm a man who keeps his promises. " Since I didn't hear an answer, the man in the suit must have signaled that he understood. "Apparently it was someone he met about 5 years ago. I snuck a peek at the note that Chief Park wrote, the name was..." "Name?" "..." "What's the name?" "Jihwaja." Suddenly, there was silence. At that moment, I doubted my ears for a moment . I wondered if I heard the name correctly. Any parent who gave their child this name must have been out of their mind to be so optimistic. As I was thinking about it, I heard Myeongshin's voice in disbelief. T/N: "Jihwaja" is also another exclamation word. It's supposed to represent the sound of joyful song during times of peace...lmao "Ji ... hwaja?"

"Yeah, Chief Park still couldn't find that person, so he keeps cursing this Jihwaja name a lot. On top of that, this person also has a nickname."

"What's the nickname?" "Rabbit." "..." "His name is Jihwaja, but he must have a very cute face." "Does Director Yoon like the cute type?" When Myeonshin muttered, I heard the other party's rebuttal. "It might not be like that." "But he's looking for a person whom he has met once 5 years ago. Is it like, love at first sight or something like that?" "I thought so too at first, but it's Director Yoon." "..." Myeongshin immediately accepted the fact that the word 'Director Yoon ' covered the whole reason, so there was no answer. "Rather, he's probably seeking revenge for 5 years ago, that suits him more." "That's true." "Besides, I heard from a female employee at the office that Director Yoon laughed when he ordered the work. To the point that his dimples could be seen." "It must be his enemy." If you smile so wide that you have dimples, does that mean that person is an enemy? I doubted for a moment if I heard something wrong about the conversation that I didn't understand with ordinary common sense. "But just in case, find out more and let me know. Who knows? Director Yoon might really be looking for his first love... it's impossible to conclude immediately." "I'm sure it's an enemy. Still, I'll investigate and let you know as soon as I know. You're going to stop by again at night, right? By the way, aren't you late right now?" He asked in a hurry, Myeongshin replied in a calm manner. "Ah, it's late. But if I want my manager, I have to be late . " "Manager? Ah, CEO Choi who came here after his agency collapsed." "Pfft, what CEO."

Myeongshin snorted contemptuously, the other said back in a mocking tone. "But he's the CEO of the agency you were at before. Cut him some slack." "It's because of me that he's managed to come this far. On the contrary, how hard did I work when I was under him? He's the one who couldn't get a proper sponsor, and every day he said nonsense that I couldn't get a role because of my lack of acting skills. Then did all the guys who can play good roles just get their acting skills? Anyway, I knew that bastard would go out of business." A tone of sneering at a person sounded natural. It was enough to tell how often and familiarly it came out of his mouth. Even if the soda uncle ran over with the cold drink now, the results were obvious. I don't think I need to hear any more. Their conversation on the contrary only pissed me off so much that I wondered what I wanted to confirm in the first place. So I turned around and tried to return to my usual life. However, the following conversation held me back. It seems that the guy in the suit asked, if he left late, he'd have to drive a lot, what if he got into an accident, wasn't he afraid? Then Myeongshin replied. In a tone that sounded like he was bragging about something to be proud of. "Afraid? I was almost stabbed to death by a knife, what would I be afraid of." ...Stabbed with a knife? Maybe it's because what happened 5 years ago has occupied my mind, so I listened without realizing it. However, when asked by a man in a suit, "Really?" Myeongshin 's answer sounded strange. "Yeah, it was about five years ago. I'll tell you later, I have to go now." I heard their voices and footsteps and hid myself behind the pillar . Clack clack clack. The traces of the shoes were ringing in the basement, but for no apparent reason, I felt so bad that I couldn't hear anything. What Myeongshin said might be nothing. Maybe he was just talking about a different experience. Even though I thought that in my head, the dirty feeling spread inside like a light fog. After a while, I got out of hiding behind the van and went to the front of the elevator. A growl mixed with frustration came from somewhere that was as faint as a murmur, and then someone rushed towards me. The uncle with sweaty clothes, just like the drink he was holding, looked at me, panting and held out his business card. "I'm sorry. I'm in a hurry, I've got to go. Here's my business card, if you have time-" "I have time tonight." It's probably unbelievable that I would accept his offer immediately, so he just stood there blinking even though he was in a rush. "Ah, then that's good..."

"I'll come here. It's fine even if it's at dawn, what time do you finish work?" The uncle asked, "Really?"and soon changed his expression at the loud sound he heard from somewhere. Then he turned around, gasping for breath, and ran back to the direction he had come from in the first place. His face was red and sweaty, in his head there was only school expenses for children. I put the damp business card in my pocket and waited for the elevator. Now there was only one thought in my head. I needed to confirm it. Something nasty, it made me feel dirty.

Chapter 4 Chapter Summary

Turning over a new leaf has ended.

Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for notes

When I returned to Dream Entertainment after the night shift, the time was almost 12:50 pm. Still wearing the hat on my head and the sweaty old clothes that I had been wearing since dawn, I entered the shiny corporate lobby. Fortunately, the soda uncle informed me in advance, the security guard checked the business card and gave me an access card so I could enter. "He said to wait in conference room 312." The security guard spat out lazily. I nodded and got into the elevator and pressed the button on the elevator to the 5th floor. The lights came on and the elevator room started to move. Myeongshin was on the 5th floor when I delivered the parcel. So if he came back, he will most likely be on this floor. Fortunately, it was late at this time so on the 5th floor there was almost no one left and most of the lights were turned off, and I could move freely. I walked slowly and looked at each room. My old sneakers with worn-out soles barely made any sounds. The lights were on in the hallway, but a light leaked out from under the door, so I could tell which room was in use. I stopped at that place to listen. I could hear voices coming from the inside, but it was so low that I couldn't tell what they were talking about. I put the gum I had prepared in my mouth, chewed it, turned around, and walked along the hallway. Soon I found the light switch near the elevator and turned it off. Click. The lights in the hallway went out with a small sound. I paused for a moment to get used to the darkness and then headed to the front of the room that was still lit. I hid the gum in my left hand and knocked on the door with my right hand. As I turned the handle, the inner chatter stopped. The bright light inside poured out to the point where it was dazzling. "What was that?" A man in the suit asked with a frown, he must have been a little startled because he was talking about something secretive. Myeongshin and the guy looked at me, but thanks to the hood, they couldn't see my face clearly.

"I'm sorry. I must have entered the wrong room." I politely bowed and closed the door immediately. Of course, I didn't forget to glue the gum to the door frame before closing it. When the door latch is stuck with candy, the door will not close completely. A small gap is enough to be able to hear their voices. I leaned against the wall beside the door and tried to listen to the voices inside. The main topic of conversation between the two was the drama that will start filming next year. Myeongshin believed that he would be able to make it to the top if he was the main character of the drama. The drama seems to be in the early stages of planning. Only the director has been decided, investors have not yet been recruited. But both believe people would invest in the piece. The topic of the drama continued to be boring. Then, they started gossiping about the actors who were currently taking up the lead roles, and the topic then came to the person named Director Yoon, who was talked about earlier. "Did you look into it? About that Director Yoon." "Ah, Jihwaja." When the man in the suit nodded and said the name, Myeongshin laughed. "What a funny name. Is it because of this name that Director Yoon still remembers and is searching for him?" "No. I heard a little from Chief Park, this person named Jihwaja..." The man suddenly lowered his voice as if he was telling a secret. "5 years ago, he slept with Director Yoon for one night and then ran away with the money." "Oh my god, he stole the money from Director Yoon and ran away?" "No he left it." "...What?" Myeongshin asked back, dumbfounded. "W-what do you mean? He left the money behind?" "Indeed." Perhaps because I finally heard something interesting in the middle of their boring conversation, I subconsciously tilted my head to the side. Director Yoon is the person who captures enemies with a smile on his face, isn't he? But the reason that person became an enemy is because he left money behind. "He left his money in return for sleeping once. That's also..."

Then he said something about the amount, but the sound was too soft for me to hear. But, even if it's 200 won, there's no reason to become an enemy. If I received it, I would be grateful, but there's such a crazy person. As I was feeling that there are so many people in the world who need to be open minded, the topic of conversation suddenly changed. T/N: 200won = like 23cents ☠ that's when you know he's broke "If he is caught, he'll be crushed to death by Director Yoon's hands." "Mhm, that's right. Right, by the way, didn't you say you were almost stabbed to death?" When the story I was waiting for came out, I straightened up my body that had been leaning against the wall. Just like before, a voice filled with pride came out of Meongshin's mouth. "Yeah, about 5 years ago, someone suddenly broke into my house with a knife... Haven't I told you? At that time, I lived with an asshole who was worse than any other dog." "I think I've heard about it." When the man replied, a smirk appeared on Myeongshin's face. "Anyway, some guy who had lost his mind, held the knife and asked me if I had any relation with that thug. If so then he would kill me." "He really does sound like a thug." "Don't get me started. He is not much taller than me, but he is very strong. Even when he fights guys bigger than him, he'll bite and scratch until he could die, and eventually win. He's the kind of guy who just likes to go out and do bad things... I couldn't even talk to him properly when we lived together. " "Then why were you living with him?" "If I didn't say anything and just got along well, I could get quite a bit of money. I didn't have anything in my head, if I just acted a little teary, the dumbass would be deceived and pay for everything." My story came out in the open, but I was still as bored as I was when I was listening to them talk about the drama that was coming out next year. Fortunately, Myeongshin finally adjusted the focus of the story in the direction I wanted. "Anyway, because of that jerk I was scared to death. I could see that he was trying to take me hostage, but before my eyes there was only darkness." "And then?" The man who was listening matched the beat with a voice full of curiosity.

"But fortunately, that bastard's little brother was hanging around outside. He came once in the morning, but he was standing there in the evening too. So I told him. I wasn't even a family member, so if he killed me, he wouldn't even blink an eye. So I told him to kill this brother." "Did you really tell him to kill his brother?" "Then what else was I supposed to do? I didn't know what to say in that situation. I checked several times if the man was serious, so I searched the house and found a picture of that bastard and his brother and showed it to him. Ah, then he put away the knife and left. I really thought I was going to die back then." "Then what happened to the brother?" "I don't know. Whether he's dead or not. It's all that thug's fault." "Eh, why didn't you report it to the police?" Right after that, a giggle came out of Myeongshin's mouth for a long time. "Cough, well that's..." His laughter reached my ears as clearly as if he was right next to me. It resounded quickly throughout the room . "I was going to run away with all the money, how can I call the police? Hahaha~" /// Turning over a new leaf is a good saying, take me as an example. I threw away my ugly nature and at least lived like a normal person. But, have I really changed? I live with guilt and without forgetting that I am a sinner. Yes, I may have changed. But the laughter of someone who filled me told me, I haven't changed yet. Turning over a new leaf has ended. At the moment rage overwhelmed the sound of the laughter. I went down to the 3rd floor, which was not part of my plan. At first I had no intention of going to see the soda uncle and the thought of being a celebrity has never been a part of my life. But now the situation has changed. Squeak. When I opened the door and entered, the soda uncle who was sitting on a chair talking to a young man suddenly jumped up. "Ah, you're finally here! I heard from the security guard downstairs, but when I arrived, no one was here, so I was afraid you'd left. Where have you been?"

I looked at the clock on the wall, it was half an hour past the appointed time. "I went to the 5th floor." "5th floor? Why? Ah, you must have misheard the floor number? Oh no, then you must have been waiting there and cursing that I didn't come. Hahaha~" "Were you cursing at me?" "..." "..." "Cough cough, I think it's getting chilly in the evening." Finishing with nonsense, he gestured at me to sit in a chair. Then he gestured to the boy in his 20s who was looking at me with sparkling eyes. "Say hello. This is the child I'm in charge of." As he sat down and turned his head, he opened his mouth. "Hello. Wah, it's really nice to meet you! This is CEO Choi... no, he's just a manager now, but he's still a member of our family. Actually, there is still another celebrity that CEO Choi is in charge of, but only temporarily, plus... he's a bad person... um anyway, it's really nice to meet you!" He bowed his head, and greeted so loudly that his voice echoed throughout the room. Halfway through, the soda uncle smiled bitterly when he heard the title of Director, but immediately turned around and smiled brightly like a youth. In his hand was a sheet of paper that read 'Letter of Intent'. "You're interested in this place, right? I have to explain a lot first, but I'll check again first. You want to do this job right?" "Yes." "Then the hat... Hmm, can you take it off?" He asked me cautiously as he recalled my blunt refusal in the elevator. I took off the hat I wore all day long under the pressure of the two. Perhaps the appearance of my hair under the hat was ridiculous, but the two managed to look at my face with serious eyes without smiling. "..." "..." A long while passed. Just as I started to feel bored, the young man began to talk.

"Just like Manager-nim said." "Right?" I don't know what he was talking about, but the soda man nodded at me without taking his eyes off. "Definitely not the flashy handsome type." "..." "But I really like his eyes." As I stared at him, he looked at me a little more and opened his mouth. "Actors don't just have to have a handsome face. Of course, they have to act well, but before that, how should I say it..." He titled his head to the side as if trying to choose the exact words. "They have to have the charm to attract people?" I know because I've been in this industry for a long time. To be successful, you have to have something special that attracts people's attention. Especially the eyes... So someone like you." "Of course, that's a good thing. And looking closely like this, I really want to scout you." He added as if he were in a hurry to say that it was a compliment, but to be honest, I don't care what my eyes look like. No, I have absolutely no interest in this whole thing. But the soda uncle and the young man seemed to be very interested in me. Both of them excitedly picked up a polaroid camera and a spherical camcorder on the table. The soda uncle took up the polaroid camera and opened his mouth first. "However , there may be a difference between the actual appearance and that on screen. It's called being photogenic, right? I want to confirm that so I will need to take some pictures." I nodded, the uncle quickly pointed the camera at me and muttered. "But there's a scar on your forehead. If you want to be an actor, your face is your life. If you're going to do it, you can't hurt your face from now on." Nagging like an old lady, he pressed the shutter. After a while, a small picture came out. Perhaps because he was in a hurry, before it was completely finished, the soda uncle grabbed it and pulled it out. But the moment the uncle looked at the picture, the expression on his face froze. "Huh!"

"What's wrong?" When the boy was startled and asked, the soda uncle showed the picture with a stiff expression. "The picture is all black." "Eh? Is it because the film is too old?" "It can't be ... Ah! The picture is coming out!" "Oh? It's true. Ah, right. CEO-nim, polaroids are originally black at first, but then pictures appear. Haha~" "That's right. That's right. We're idiots, haha~" It was something a real fool would sue for if he heard it. I was skeptical as I watched the boring gags between the two of them. Is that a show to lighten up the mood? If not, then I really need to consider carefully. The condition of these two is a bit serious. While I was evaluating them, the two of them were also evaluating me. "Oh~ the sharp impression looks a little soft in the picture!" "I know right. You look a little rude in reality. Haha~" "That's right. It's because your expression is stiff. Haha~ Hey, you should take a look too..." "..." "...Are you angry?" "Yes." At this honest answer, the two laughed and became normal people for a while, but after a while they were back to being like mental patients when they looked at the camcorder. After barely suppressing my desire to call 119 while enduring receiving compliments, they finally came back to the main point. It was only then that I could ask what I needed. "You're better than I thought? It looks regular at first glance, but the more I look, the more attractive it is, right? That's your appearance. Of course, it's hard to evaluate only based on appearance, but appearance is still important. Besides , you don't seem uncomfortable or scared in front of the camera... Okay, so do you have any questions?" I do. Just one. "Do I have commercial value?" Perhaps because he did not expect I would use such a word, the soda man froze for a moment and then nodded.

"Yes. That's why we're facing each other like this. But calling yourself commercial value is..." "How high up do you think I can go?" When I asked expressionlessly, he opened his mouth, looking perplexed. "Um ... You know, if you want to be a star right away..." "It's not like that. I'm simply curious." Is that really so? His eyes were filled with suspicion, but the uncle soon shrugged his shoulders and looked at me seriously. After a long time, he opened his mouth. "If my senses are right, you can go up to the top." "What do I need to do for that?" Seeing me ask directly, the soda uncle and the boy looked at each other, then back at me. "Hey, you're getting ahead of yourself, the contract hasn't been signed yet, and if it's your first time... It's your first time doing this, isn't it?" Nods. "If it's your first time, there's a lot to learn first. Then improve your skills, build the foundation, experience this and that in small roles first, after a few years, you can become a supporting actor, then gradually get the leading roles... " "Other than that, tell me the fastest way." The two once again looked at each other with bewildered eyes. The uncle opened his mouth with a stiff expression, probably thinking he might have found the wrong person. "I'm sorry, but if you just want to make a lot of money and become famous..." "I don't need money or fame. I just want to get ahead quickly." "You said you don't want money or fame, but just want to take a quick route? What do you want to be an actor for?" I stared at the boy who said that. He blinked his big eyes a few times at the sudden glance. "Is Song Yoohan the bad guy that Manager Choi is temporarily in charge of?" He glanced at the uncle and replied. "Ah ... yes." "Why is he a bad person? "

" ... " The boy didn't answer, so I told him my guess. "He was a member of the same agency where your manager was the CEOof. Then he betrayed you, isn't that right?" The young man's eyes widened. "H-how do you know that? Yoohan hyung took the down payment and ran off to another company..." "Don't." The uncle interrupted the boy, looked at me and asked quickly. "Hey, do you know something about Yoohan?" I looked at him and answered with another question. "When you first met him, did you think he would make it to the top?" "... What?" "Did you sense that he would make it as much as me?" By that time, he abandoned the amicable expression and began to look at me warily. Just when I thought he was going to complain about that question, he just sighed and answered my question. "No. Not as much as you." "Then there's a chance of winning." "What chance of winning?" Ignoring that question, I answered the question he asked a while ago. "I don't know Song Yoohan." "But how..." "I only know Song Myeongshin." Judging from that stiff expression, he probably realised that it was Song Yoohan's real name. The boy next to us looked at us alternately with a curious face, but he didn't open his mouth, noticing that the atmosphere had become solemn. "Then did you meet me on purpose? Because of Myeongshin who changed his name to Yoohan?"

The reason I couldn't answer right away was because of the anger in his voice. Although we haven't talked much, I got a rough idea of what kind of person he is. He was probably a man who only does his work sincerely and foolishly. Maybe he really believes in his work. Then it would be difficult to deal with him. If I told him my true intentions, there was a high possibility that he would just let me go back. Well, even without his help, I could enter the entertainment industry or I could lie to escape this situation, cheat him, and get my revenge. Thinking of various options, suddenly my eyes fell on his hand on the table. There is a white patch of skin on the ring finger of the left hand. Like a circle around a finger. I lowered my gaze a little, and noticed that the sleeves were worn out. Old clothes and a finger without a wedding ring. "I want to ask you, Manager... What is the most important thing to you?" He raised his eyes and looked at me as if there was a question mark in his mind. "Is work the most important thing? To make the actor you've raised become the best?" "Why are you asking that all of a sudden?" "I just want to know. If you say yes, I will leave without regrets." He blinked at me as if he still did not understand. "Of course work is the most important thing to me..." "It's not family?" "..." "Aren't you doing this so your kids can go to school?" "Hey, what are you trying to say..." "Now you have to live for your family. I don't know what happened before, but in such dire circumstances that you had to sell your wedding ring, you had to put your family first." I looked down at his empty left hand and continued to talk calmly. "Betrayed by an actor you trusted, having the company collapse. You know, right? You can't live like a dream because the world is unfair. To get what you want, you have no choice but to adapt to an unfair world. So, please use me. Even if I'm a person who goes against the manager's beliefs, please accept it if you think I have commercial value." "..." "Unless you don't want to take revenge and get back what was lost." "...I never had any thoughts of wanting revenge." "But I do."

I told him my true thoughts. "I'm thinking about getting revenge." After the uncle went out, saying he would think about it, there was silence in the room. It wasn't that uncomfortable. I looked down at the polaroids on the table for a long time. The expressionless face staring at the camera only looked awkward to me, who had not even looked properly in the mirror for five years. That picture will probably be the beginning of my career in front of the camera from now on, but it doesn't feel real to me. "Did you know Yoohan hyung before?" Slowly raising my head, I made eye contact with the boy who had a serious expression. He was probably 21 or 22? That face was more cute than masculine. As soon as I stared at him without answering, he became a little embarrassed. "Ah, should I not have asked that question?" "No. You can ask whatever you want. But whether I'll answer is another matter. Because I don't trust you yet." "You can trust me." He added and promised. "Yoohan hyung doesn't like me either. CEO Choi treats me very well..." He frowned and lowered his eyes as if he was recalling the past. "Yoohan hyung is one of the few popular actors in our company. Even when we were in the same company, he had a self-centred personality so we weren't close, but I didn't expect him to betray us like that when the contract expired. Although the company is not big, there are rarely good people like CEO Choi in the industry. He respects the actor's will, supports what they want to do, and perseveres until they succeed. But just as Yoohan hyung had just risen to prominence thanks to the director..." Mumbling as if he was depressed, he raised his eyes again. "When it was time to extend the contract, he asked for a down payment in advance, so the CEO-nim worked very hard to gather several hundred million won. But it turned out that he had already signed the contract with another company. Really... when I think about what happened back then." "Then why didn't you get it back?" When I asked, he sighed loudly. "Of course we wanted to get it back. So the CEO filed a lawsuit, but Yoohan hyung's side responded that it was alimony because he didn't receive the money he earned while working for our agency, so the trial lasted a long time. But that's nonsense. He always took money

from the CEO in advance, saying that he needed it. Only our CEO-nim was made out to be a vicious business owner. It took about a year to get the first trial ruling. His lawyer was really tenacious... in the end, it was decided that we would only receive 1/5 of the original amount that was taken away. Tch, even if we received it, it wasn't enough to pay for the lawyer at that time. The problem is that we didn't even get the money because we appealed from the other side." Melancholy spread again in his eyes although he tried to tell the story in a cheerful voice. "That incident hurt the company a lot. After losing a huge sum of money at once, we still had to pay for the lawyer, and investors were trying to recover their money because popular artists were leaving... In the end, we had to cancel the lawsuit because we didn't have any money. As the company's situation worsened, all the remaining members left. It took so long for the company to grow, but it fell apart in an instant..." "You didn't leave." When I pointed it out, he scratched his head shyly, saying, "Ah, that's..." "I owe the boss a lot. In order to act, I've come and gone from place to place since high school, and the other places didn't accept me. Well... I have a camera phobia. Haha~ Funny, right?" "Yes. " "..." "..." "Hmm, but our CEO-nim's speed is very fast. The only company that accepted him was this one, he took me along with him and I watched him become Yoohan hyung's manager. The CEO-nim said it was okay, but I started crying initially. I told him, let's get revenge, but the CEO said that then you will become a dirty person like Yoohan. Honestly, I wanted the boss to quit. Although this was the only place that accepted us, it was very difficult. It was decided that he was to receive the profit depending on the actor he is in charge of. In the meantime, I have very little income..." I didn't say that the income generated by Song Yoohan would soon be cut off. I didn't have to tell him in advance that the manager might be replaced tomorrow. I swallowed back what I was about to say and looked at the door where the soda uncle has yet to return. "Does Song Yoohan have a sponsor?" Hearing no answer, I turned my head to see him with his mouth closed with an awkward expression. Seeing that difficult expression, I asked lightly. "The sponsor must be a man?" "Ah, how do you know?"

"I don't know much about this field, is it rare to have a sponsor?" "...No. It's common." If Song Yoohan is popular like that, his sponsor must have some power. I was speculating, but then I heard a small voice, as if telling a secret. "It's hard to succeed here just with acting skills. Especially on TV. The recognition rises depending on how much you show your face, so everyone is desperate to appear on TV an additional time. Because of that, you can't last long without money. You can appear on the screen once or twice, but how can you stand out like that? So in order to come out on TV continuously, you have to have the support of money... But if you want to do that, you must have a lot of money yourself, or sponsors. So that's how it is." He looked straight at me after hesitating. "If you want to grab a sponsor and get popular quickly, it would be best to find someone else. CEO Choi doesn't like to provide sponsors or give bribes to insert people into programs. And he doesn't have the ability to do that..." "I don't expect that kind of ability." "Isn't that what you need?" Of course I need it. I nodded as I examined the vague plan that had just popped up in my mind. "But I'll take care of that part." How will you do that? His expression was evident on his face but he held back. I ignored it and asked another question. "Other than that, how is CEO Choi's ability to train actors?" "Definitely the best." He answered firmly and smiled. "You know, at first, you kept being expressionless and talking stiffly at first but the more I talked to you, the more attracted I became." Then he mumbled 'CEO Choi's a good judge of character' and smiled. "I've told you so much, can you trust me and tell me the story? Are you acquainted with Yoohan hyung?" Nods. "Since when?"

"A long time ago." He seemed to want to ask more details about the vague answer, but soon moved on to the next question. "You said you're going to get revenge on Yoohan hyung? What did hyung do? Did you also lose money?" Money... Come to think of it, I had also lost money. I didn't even think about it at all and a laugh came out. I guess I smiled without realising it, the other person's eyes grew bigger in surprise. "Wah, when you smile, you look like..." "It's something similar." "What? Ah, you also got robbed. You must have lost a lot of money if you're seeking revenge." "Not really." "..." "..." "Um, if you didn't really lose much money then why must you take revenge..." "And there's our CEO who was robbed of hundreds of millions of won," I heard some additional mumbling afterwards. I know that the money I lost was a few million won, and it wasn't like Myeongshin actually killed my brother. The cause lies with me anyway. Like Myeongshin said, "I do not know. Whether he's dead or not. It's the thug's fault that things turned out like that." Yeah, it was my fault. Myeongshin's only fault was that he just wanted to live for himself. So it's only me, the person who needs revenge. Because I'm the same dirty guy. I learned this by living in the world. Retributive justice does not come just by waiting. It's only when I take action that retribution will come to the other party. Merely waiting for someone to be punished is like waiting for heaven's punishment. DrrrWhen the uncle came back, I pushed the chair and got up from my seat and told them to contact me. Before I turned away, I gave him my reason for getting revenge. "I've been free since yesterday."

Chapter End Notes

🚶, loving his long hair tho.

The times they call him not that good looking 🕳

Chapter 5 Chapter Summary

Keep the change.

Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for notes

The rooftop of the building was decorated like a garden. There were rows of trees taller than humans, and benches in between. This place, which was used as a resting place, was not crowded because it was early in the morning after 1.30 am. It was time to go to bed and sleep but my mind was very clear. I leaned against a chest-high wall and looked down at the scattered world that was like the red light of a cigarette butt. I've decided to take revenge, but there was still something holding me back. It was a pretty funny worry. What if I get so caught up in revenge and forget my faults? Until now, paying back the money has been a reminder to me like an alarm: you're paying for your sins now. What used to be a clear indicator has disappeared now, and now that I was concerned about someone else's sins, I feel useless anxiety. I made a mistake and I still have a lot more to atone for. I mustn't forget that. Then I suddenly thought, was I always this kind of person? I held back the bitter smile that was about to come out. I thought that my previous self came out, determined to take revenge, but the past five years must have had a great influence on me. Then I realised. The indicators that I need to punish myself are already in my head. A clear memory of that day five years ago was enough. Even as time goes by, I remember the feeling of entering an empty house as clear as yesterday. The room where the owner was stuffed with traces of life. Suddenly, I wanted to smoke. I haven't smoked in five years, but I guess my desire for cigarettes has revived along with myself from five years ago. Or maybe it was because of the faint smell of cigarettes. I must not have been the only one on the rooftop, as the smell was mixed with the wind as it blew. I took a step and went inside. Someone was biting a cigarette in front of a tall tree in the middle. I couldn't see his face well because it was dark, but I couldn't stand the desire for a smoke that had suddenly revived, and approached him. "Can I have a cigarette?" When I spoke, he glanced away as if nothing had happened. I wanted to give up at this point because I thought he was a jerk with that attitude of ignoring me, but the smell flowed strongly into me again in the wind. "I'm not asking for it for free. I just need one." Plop.

A burning cigarette fell near my feet. The other party's intentions were too obvious; smoke it and shut up. I looked down at it, which was still burning red, as I heard footsteps turning around. I bent down and picked up the cigarette that fell on the floor and bit in my mouth. The end was unpleasantly wet because it had been in someone else's mouth, but I didn't care. As I inhaled, the smoke ran down my throat and spread inside. Perhaps because it's been a while since I last smoked, I felt a little dizzy for a moment. But there was no problem doing what was needed. "Wait a minute." Fortunately, when I called the person who had already started walking away, he turned around. I could see his expressionless face stopped under the lamp. Looking at him, I took a coin out of my pocket and threw it. Clink, clink. Drrr~ As I looked at the 200 won coin that rolled a little and then stopped, I added. "Keep the change." And I tried to turn around, I paused as I saw his lips slowly curve upwards as he looked at the coin. There was even a small dimple next to the lips. People whose eyes naturally curve when they smile make a good impression. At that moment, I felt like I had seen it somewhere, but a light laugh interrupted my thoughts. "You miscalculated, idiot." The person in front of me could have made a good impression, given that smiling face and soft voice. However, the meaning of the words from him was the opposite. This tremendous difference made me alert. That smiling face and the familiar way of speaking. At that moment, tension rushed down the spine. There was only one thing that came to mind. He's a madman. "Are your ears blocked?" I stared at him while listening to the urge of his gentle voice. Then I saw the non-smiling eyes on his face. Was it because I fought a bit in the past and did bad things? That experience naturally allowed me to know who was stronger than me. Even if I get down on my knees, or deal with him, I would be the only one who suffers. The problem was me. Because I'm sure I won't get down on my knees. "That's right. I miscalculated. That's why I told you to keep the change." The corners of his eyes curved even more. But I couldn't smile. "Change? Ah, this." He stretched out his hand, showed me the 200 won, and added kindly. "Sure. If you give me 200 million won, this would be the change."

200 million won for a half-smoked cigarette? Is that jerk trying to strike a fortune with a cigarette that was thrown away. "Don't talk nonsense." He replied coldly in a lazy tone. "Should I tell you my one secret? I don't make jokes." The words came out lightly like a joke, but there was a cold look in his non-smiling eyes. "The price is determined by the seller. If you had asked me for cigarettes in the first place, you should have thought about the price." I frowned and stared at him. "Who are you?" As if the question was unexpected, the smile vanished for a moment but the lips soon returned to their original curves. "I'm sick of this. You've probably heard something from somewhere and taken a similar approach to what I'm looking for, but I've already come across people like you several times." I couldn't lift my frown as I tried to understand the bored voice. A similar approach? People like me? As I opened my mouth to tell him to stop talking nonsense, I suddenly remembered the first time I came here. There were high school girls waiting for someone outside the building with eyes full of anticipation. Ah, right. This was an entertainment agency. Did he mistake me for those kind of fans? I stared him in the face again. The more I looked at it, the more familiar it seemed. However, it was clear that I didn't know this person. "You must be mistaken, I don't know how famous of an actor you are, but even 200 won is too much for me." "... Actor?" "Or are you a singer?" "..." He smiled and stared at me with a somewhat languid gaze. What, was he a comedian? I was surprised, but I heard a dry question. "Don't you belong to this agency?" "No... Not yet." To my answer, he murmured, "'Not yet' huh," and took a step closer to me. As he approached, my hands tensed up subconsciously. But then as he stopped, he suddenly smiled.

"Let me correct myself. You are quite interesting, so I'll give you a discount. However, only if your value increases. Go through the interview first. Then I will give you a 1% discount." What interview? Anyway, it was absurd to have to pay more than that. "That's funny." "I'm sad. I even told you the secret that I don't joke." I frowned again at the languid voice. Then, I threw the half-burnt cigarette in front of him. "Let's do a refund. Give me my money." But instead, he put the coin in his pocket and took another step closer. "Take it* away from me. Then I'll give you a refund." *t/n: as in the 200 won coin The bored voice came from that smiling face again. "Although I don't think you have the skills to do that." It was clearly a provocation, and before I knew it, I raised my fist without realising it. But then in my head I remembered something, what the soda uncle told me. "If you want to be an actor, your face is your life. If you're going to do it, you should never hurt your face from now on." Tsk. Clicking my tongue, I took a step back. Seeing my actions, the other party looked disappointed. "You don't look like a coward... Ah, is it because you're afraid your face will get injured?" He hit the nail on the head. I was momentarily taken aback by his words, unable to respond. He was quick-witted, he smiled and approached me quickly. No, it was his fist that came first. Pa! I was hit in the stomach, which had been open because I was blocking my face. In an instant, I choked, and vibrations, along with pain, spread from the inside, starting from the affected area. I stumbled back and clenched my teeth and held out with two legs. Swish~ I turned my head to the side, and as his arm passed with a gust of wind, I quickly struck it with my hand and stretched out my other hand. Thanks to that crazy man who relentlessly aimed at my face and threw his fists, my lips had already cracked. It seemed to be a little grazed, but blood flowed from my lips with a burning sensation. I was busy blocking my face, but the smell of blood almost opened made me lose my temper. If I were the person I used to be, I would have just come at him without covering my front or back. But I guess I've changed a bit. It seems that he wasn't planning to give up

on my face even though I was beaten up horribly. Thanks to him, my body was in a state of exhaustion and now I'm rolling on the floor at his feet. Thud. When my body hit the hard cement floor, a loud sound resounded on the quiet rooftop. It was a good thing that I wrapped my hands around my face so it didn't get injured, but looking at my overall appearance, I got annoyed. Damn it, how can a comedian fight so well? I tried to get up with a dizzy head, but I unfortunately couldn't. "Ugh." I didn't raise my head and let out a short moan. When he approached me, he pressed down my neck with one hand. Then, he talked in a leisurely tone. "You're quite good." On the contrary, the compliment hurt my pride. Would the outcome have changed if I seriously attacked him? As I recalled with irritation, I felt something on my lips. I flinched. Turning my head in surprise, I saw his expressionless face. He swept my swollen lips with the other hand that was not pressing down my neck. He twisted his face as though he hated it but a smile came to his lips. Then, he pressed hard on my swollen lips that were already bleeding. "Urgh...!" I reflexively let out a pained cry and stared at him. I ran into a really annoying guy. "I like those eyes." Unlike the laziness in the tone, those cold eyes looked down at me. "Who scouted you?" "..." "Your name?" "..." When I didn't answer, a gentle smile that didn't look like a smile appeared on his face. He squeezed my neck even tighter as he smiled. "What's your purpose in approaching me?" I couldn't help but answer this question. "For cigarettes. Who knows who you are."

I spat out with a hoarse throat. For a moment, I thought he narrowed his eyes slightly, but before I knew it, a smile came back to his face. "You really don't know me." "I don't watch TV." His eyes curved like a crescent moon. Then, his hand came back to my lips. I reflexively flinched as my wound was pressed, but his thumb had already touched my lips. This time, I put up with him as he slowly traced the contours of my lips. A chill ran down my spine. "Take your hands off me." I muttered in annoyance, but he turned a deaf ear to my words and other words came out of his mouth. "You are not the type to be a celebrity. Because there is no aspiring celebrity who doesn't even watch TV." "..." "But you desperately covered your face to become a celebrity." The finger that was moving over my lips stopped. His expression disappeared, and he looked down at me with emotionless eyes. "You must have another reason?" It wasn't because he was pressing down my neck that I couldn't breathe. It was because of the creepy feeling as if the eyes looking down at me were penetrating through me. Still, I didn't avoid the gaze. I couldn't stand the sarcastic remarks. "It's not because of you, so it doesn't matter." The corners of his mouth went up slowly and a small dimple appeared next to it. There was something familiar with that appearance. I think I've seen it somewhere... Drrring~ Suddenly, a sound out of the ordinary woke up the atmosphere that had subsided. Before I could realise that it was the sound of my phone, someone's hand quickly snatched it first. Taking it out of my pocket, he turned the phone on at a height beyond my reach. I always set the volume to the maximum because I usually have to handle delivery calls when I'm outside. However, the sound now, which always felt small when I was running around with things in hand, resounded like a speaker on the rooftop in the middle of the night. 「Where are you? CEO Choi- I mean, manager-nim is back. I think he's decided to work with you. Actually, he doesn't like your purpose of getting revenge but...」 Clatter~

While he was distracted by the sound of his cell phone, I pushed him away, and the phone crashed onto the floor. Fortunately, the battery fell out so there were no more sounds. I quickly stood up and picked up my phone, cursing in my heart. I didn't want to deal with him anymore. 200 million or whatever nonsense, that's enough. If he blocked me again, I'm going to come at him regardless of my face. But instead of blocking me, he turnedhis body and let me pass. "Try to pass the interview well. That way, you can get a discount from me." He bit the cigarette back into his mouth. A red flame rose with the sound of the lid opening of the lighter, shining his face for a moment. Perhaps he noticed my gaze, he opened his mouth that was still holding a cigarette. "Or I can help you instead of giving you a discount." "What kind of help?" "Revenge. You're trying to be a celebrity because of that." I could have told him that what I heard on my cell phone had nothing to do with me and just turned around, but his next words stopped me. "I can be your sponsor." What I was curious about was that, as a man, he naturally said that he could be a sponsor. How did he know my inclination? I stared at him silently and opened my mouth. "I don't need you." "Since you didn't say that you don't want to, that means you're fine with men too." "..." "And you said you don't need me. That means you need another sponsor. Who is it?" There was no reason to answer, so I turned around as I heard a slow voice. "If you tell me, I'll cut the price of cigarettes in half." But the words that followed stopped me again. To be exact, it was a cold voice without laughter. "Or you'll have to work like a dog all your life and pay back the money." Didn't he say his secret was that he didn't make jokes? It was obvious from his voice that he wasn't joking now. I didn't know I would be threatened with money that I didn't have to pay back. For some reason, this situation felt funny. I turned my head and asked.

"Why are you curious about that?" "Just because." "..." "Don't worry. I'll keep the secret." Even if it wasn't a dry promise, he seemed to be able to keep a secret. Although he was a madman trying to strike a fortune with a cigarette, he seemed like someone who would keep his word. But that wasn't why I opened my mouth anyway. It was annoying; if I don't answer, I don't think he'll let me go and keep on bothering me. So I told him the person I wanted to target. "It's the Director Yoon of this company." At that moment, I felt that his gaze had changed strangely, but I only thought of the soda uncle who was waiting downstairs and walked away. I don't want to see him again. As soon as I made my way down to the floor where they were waiting, the soda uncle saw me and shouted. "Gasp! What's wrong with your face?!" "...Because of a madman." The uncle mumbled trying to understand my statement, and his eyes grew bigger. "Madman? In the company? At this late hour?" Even the boy opened his eyes wide like an old man and was shocked, and questions poured out. I eventually changed the subject first due to the burdensome gaze of the two. "Are you going to sign a contract with me?" "Huh? Oh, what you need to do with me is not a contract, but a promise for now. The actual contract is with the company, and you have to pass the interview... No, if you really want to do it, listen to me first and decide." Then he started to scare me. "You will never survive in this field if you're not determined. In order to succeed in the fast way like you want, you have to be especially determined to go through all sorts of things. This field is a complete survival of the fittest, so they do dirty things that you can't even imagine, such as even stealing small roles. Even if you are lucky to get a role through hard work, it is common for the role to change just the day before the shoot. If you're weak against failure or setbacks, it's better not to start at all." "I got it."

"It's not just that. It's common to be betrayed by someone you trust, and even do dirty things... If you want to find a sponsor, you need to be prepared to suck on the genitals of a 70yrs old man. Are you really going to do it?" "Manager-nim." When I called him, I looked at his eyes full of worries. "I'm not that naive or a nice person." "But, still..." "I just need you to help me the way you usually do. I'll do the rest of the dirty and tough work." Looking at me still for a long time, he asked me quietly. "What on earth did Myeongshin do?" "..." I hesitated for a moment. He was a good person, I could feel he was really concerned for me. I know I shouldn't be carried away by my revenge, but I probably won't get another opportunity again. That thought pushed away some of my guilt, and I opened my mouth. "Similar to what happened to you, CEO-nim." I added as if it was nothing special. "Just paying back what I went through." Then I got up from my seat and pointed at the clock hanging on the wall. "I want to go back to sleep, I have to go to work." The two of them also quickly got up from their seats. "Sorry for keeping you up late. I don't usually stay this late, if I knew this would happen, I should have ordered bossam*, or these days McDonald's is the best." *t/n: a korean pork dish As my mind and body were getting too exhausted to keep up with this conversation, the manager's phone rang. He picked it up and started with an apology. A gracious silence came and I hurriedly waited for the elevator to come. However, the voice of the manager answering the phone was strange. "Chief Park, you called me at this late hour! What's the m- Ah, you had to work overtime until this hour. You've worked hard. Ah- Are you crying? Eh? You want to quit your job because of your superiors?... Ah, you're just joking. Haha~ It sounded as if you were

serious... I'm sorry. By the way, what- Yes, that's right. Ah! Tomorrow? But... Eh? Y-you don't know if Director Yoon is turning up?! Ah, I understand." He nodded his head as he answered the phone with a bewildered look. "I'll take him there tomorrow." As soon as the uncle hung up, the elevator arrived with a 'ding~', but I couldn't get in right away. Because the manager was holding onto my hand tightly. "W-what to do? You have an interview tomorrow!"

Chapter End Notes



Chapter 6 Chapter Summary

All in the past.

Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for notes

After all what is that ?...I think it was a long day. As usual, I woke up at 6 a.m., went to work, and nothing changed, but a series of things happened. Like a sequence of events in one day like five years ago. The road in front of the building was deserted because it was already past 2 am. Black cement material and white lines show that this is a road only for cars. That path is tempting me to just cross over. The darkness and emptiness of the night give me a hallucination from time to time. Everything stops. The feeling of the moment frozen in that instant is as cool as the night air. " You must be very tired . " A voice called out to wake me up to reality . The boy was also waiting for the manager's car to bring me in front of the building. I came to my senses and blurted "Not really" to him, I'm not exactly tired either. "You said you were a delivery man, didn't you?" He nodded. " Woah , but you don't look like a delivery man at all. Because you can be seen any way as a person with a strong personality , me and the manager thought you were in a gang but wanted to reform the law like that , hahaha ... Um , are you really a gangster ? " " No . " " Of course . . . " " I do something else like that....Just kidding . " When the boy who was frozen in fear as if he was about to run away realised it was a joke, his face lit up in an instant. " Y-you wa- I didn't expect it . Haha , you , you know how to joke . Why do i suddenly feel that we are closer ? " Can you pretend I'm not joking ? I asked the question while thinking.

" By the way , how old are you ? I think you are older than me . " " 26 . " " I know that . I 'm 21 years old , second year in theater and cinema . Ah, what is your name ? " He shouted as if he was blaming himself for almost forgetting the most important thing, but a resounding noise swallowed his hearing loss. BRRR!!! The sound of a nearby car engine was so loud that I thought I could tilt the earth's axis, a sports car shot out from the basement parking lot of the building. Obviously it's not the manager's car we're waiting for. It was a luxury car , and it drove past us roughly . When the noise of the car faded away, leaving behind a haze of dust, a small grumbling sound came from next to it. "It's Yoohan hyung's car." He turned his head to look in the direction the car had disappeared, then shrugged at me. " Yoohan hyung is quite a car junkie. If he can drive a good car, he's more proud than being able to become like the artists he aims to be. He bought that foreign car when he transferred to this company. The funny thing is that the price of that car is exactly the same as the amount he cheated from the manager. Tsk... The more I think about it, the more angry I get." He glanced at the end of the empty street where the car had lost its shadow. I also followed and asked. " Who are they ? " " Yes ? " " Who is the artist he is aiming for ? " He tilted his head and listed several names . Most of them seem to be quite famous , because even I am somewhat familiar with these names . Immediately there was an explanation that supported my thinking. " They are all top leading actors . They are also under Dream. Yoohan hyung's forte is to look exactly like those people. The funny thing is that not only in dramas but also on TV shows , he tries to put on the same facial expression and tone of voice that those people use. So exhausting , who can do that. I can't believe he even has to act everyday." He suddenly shook his head and asked again. " Ah , name ! You must tell me your name. My name is Lee Hansoo. " "..."

"..." " Uh , name ..." " Lee Yoohan . " " Ah , Yuh ... Huh ? In ... So , Yoohan hyung 's name . . . " He frantically pointed at the disappearing car . " You have the same name....Oh no, that's just Yuhan hyung's stage name... Um, but didn't you say you two knew each other before? " I wasn't sure how to respond, but fortunately, at that moment an old car that looked like it belonged to the manager ran up to us. Brr ~ The manager stopped the car with the sound of an old engine. , excitedly lowered the car door and waved to us. " Come on , you guys get in the car. " " Manager! " Hansoo ran to the side of the car door, looked at me and shivered and cried out. " Do you know what ? His name ... is Lee Yoohan . " " Huh , really ? Nice name ... but . " The uncle stiffened at the boy 's words , then calmed down with an expression as if he were thinking whilst looking at me. "Well, it's just a name, you can use a stage name... Um, you're older than Hansoo right? So Hansoo should call you hyung." Seeing that the uncle was trying to change the atmosphere. and talking in a bright tone, Hansol also answered briskly. " Oh yes ...Can I call you hyung ? " " No... " " Huh? " " I don't like...Don't call me hyung . " I flatly refused and went to open the back door of the car. I could feel the two of them looking this way, but I purposely got in the car to avoid eye contact. After a long while, I closed my eyes as the car started to shift.

Sleepiness came as if wanting to end a long day. Because it's a big entertainment company, a lot of people come to be artists. The acting academy side also sends applications every month. But sent so many that it was impossible to meet all of them one by one. There are many other managers who like to go casting like me. Since the person in charge can't always go to the casting people like you, they hold interviews about 2-3 times a month. This interview itself is only held for those who already have a profile picture, so passing this round is considered to have passed a door. Of course, the interview was so brutal that most of it failed. "However, Yoohan... Hmm, it's extremely great that you're going to conduct a one-on-one interview without prior planning! Actually, I'm not sure what the ending is. Of course, I have informed him that you had been cast by me, but I did not anticipate him contacting me so quickly. Why am I so stressed? Maybe they believe in my eyes to open the interview in such manner... Or are they putting me through tests?" The manager worried for a long time and then begged me to come practice for the interview after work. If that's the case then we'll have to meet again at 12 o'clock at night, but that shouldn't be a problem. I only slept for 3 hours and went back to work, but I didn't feel sleepy or tired until the delivery was done. I'm not too worried about tomorrow's interview. But this morning's conversation with the factory manager kept stuck in my head. {" You're quitting your job ? " } {Yes} I replied, and he immediately complained . {" UAA more ... " } The surprising thing is that he was more worried about finding a new hire than getting me to stay . Don't people usually want to hold them back from quitting first? He stopped rubbing his head and let out a long sigh while I was still thinking. {" But you still have to stay until someone new ? Hm ? "} {"Why aren't you holding me back?"} He hesitated, then gave me an answer I didn't expect. {"You looked like you would leave at any moment." } {"..."} {"..."} {" Yoohan , although you never mentioned it before , how should I say... you work too hard . In more than 3 years of working here, You have no absence, You don't mind working during the holidays , You have done double deliveries than other staff, well sometimes there are people like you, but they do it because they need money, but you are a little different " }

{" What's the difference ? "} When asked , he mumbled "That ... " and scratched his head . {" Like this job is just one of your goals. And at some point, I knew you'll leave as if nothing ever happened. "Don't tell me you're worried? If you hadn't quit, I would've fired you anyways."} He smiled and pretended to be joking and then asked more. {" Do you have another job? "} {" Yes ...There's something I want to do. "} { "You will do well in anything."} He smiled and praised me , then pushed me to work. After work, I met the manager again in the middle of the night, I understood why the words of the factory manager still lingered in my mind . The language he used confused me to the point of being a little uncomfortable. "Something I wanted to do," I didn't afford to have something i wanted to do. We all met only at night , the manager , after greeting me with a smile , took me down to the basement of the building . I was led to a small empty room in a suite that looked like it was used for dance practice. Even though it was night, there were still many people in the practice rooms, the lights were bright and the music played softly. When I entered the practice room with a mirror wall on the front, the manager led me to the mirror. " It's an interview tomorrow , so you can't practice acting for a few hours, but at least you can't be too awkward . " When I stared at him as if in need of an explanation , he noticed.... and said something about the interview. "I've only observed a few times, first they would ask the contestants questions in turn. If they answered incorrectly or caught any errors, they would be kicked out immediately . In interviews , usually the contestants often shows off their special skills, those guys that have been preparing for the interview for months just throw away what they prepared after a few questions, it depends on who is in charge, they get a feeling, immediately after just a few words." The manager stopped talking and lowered his voice with a quiet look in his eyes. " There are many people who want to become such an artist . Everyone has to prepare for a long time and put in a lot of effort ...So it's best for you to give up on the idea of becoming a celebrity easily....Even if you have luck and talent, you must never relax. If you don't work hard, you will lose everything one day. "

" I understand . I will end it right before the moment I lose all that luck and talent. " " End... You mean you'll leave when you're done with your revenge? " " Yes ." "..." "Manager ...Let me make it clear again. I am intending to take revenge. That is my aim. So if you don't like it, I'll just turn around and leave immediately ." I hope he will understand the meaning of these words . He lowered his eyes and looked at his hands with an awkward look . "Yes. But I also need a few things. Like you said, I still have to earn money for the children's education. Actually, today I got fired from my management position. " As expected , but I still didn't say anything . He smiled and patted my hand to tell me not to worry because he thought I was confused . " So you do whatever you want ...Alright, let's try harder. You don't know. If you put in the effort, maybe your goal will turn into acting." While smiling , he suddenly asked . "Do you want to do anything other than acting ? " "I have nothing to do , but my goal is to be an actor . " "Really ? Yoohan... Is it because Myeongshin is an actor? " Nodding , I asked something that I was curious about the drama Myeongshin is aiming for next year . When I said the title , the manager answered the date. "It is a grand project. The original novel is already a bestseller, the movie version released last year was also very successful. So if the drama is also comes out, the popularity is guaranteed. But what about that drama? " "I think Myeongshin is aiming for the main role of that drama . " His expression slightly distorted at my words. " He's still not qualified to take on that role. Myeongshin almost always plays light idol dramas, his image doesn't match . Come to think of it , he is trying to change his image these days ...what kind, is it because of this?" The manager tilted his head and mumbled a little and asked. "And how do you know this?" I walked away instead of answering.

"He is hitting on director Yoon of this company because he thinks he will be the sponsor for the movie , does it have anything to do with it ? " " Y-, director Yoon ?!!!!! " The manager panicked, his eyes wide, looking like a cartoon character. It seemed that the manager was really scared so he held his breath for a moment and asked if It was really Director Yoon, I nodded. "Oh man... No matter how fast he wants to enter the entertainment industry, he has to dodge the person he needs to dodge. Why is it director Yoon..." The manager shook his head and said in a tone of voice, concerned. "If he is caught in a bad thing, even if you're a top star, Director Yoon can easily drag that person's head into the water, he is not afraid of anything." He still couldn't hide his sadness and worried tone, constantly saying that he would be ruined by fame no matter what . Maybe there's still a little bit of affection left. He sighed and looked back at me. "I'm sure there are many reasons why he wants director Yoon to become his sponsor. One, he grasps the true power of the company, so won't he receive the full support of the entire company if Director Yoon becomes his sponsor? I also heard that this place is one of the few entertainment companies that can put pressure on broadcasters, and can even participate in the editing process for dramas. So a lot of new rookies tend to aim for him, but that guy..." He shook his head. "No, he can't be taken lightly. He's extremely capable, looking at making a lot of profit in just a few years working at an American film investment company, I see the possibility. His box office strategy is excellent. Even after I moved here, the artists still changed a lot, but the first month was still terrible. once contacted through sponsors , they are not under absolute pressure so they can still maintain it to the present . Anyway , if not supported by the company , actors are just puppets . Myeongshin is also pursuing his goal, but... Well, if it's the lead role of that drama, it's probably due to copyright issues." "Copyright?" "Our company owns the drama rights to that work. So it's only natural that Dream wants to take on the whole movie's roles, including the main character. We're just at the standard stage . If you want to take on a role to get revenge from Myeongshin, I'll just laugh and listen, but if you...also want Director Yoon to be your sponsor, I would strongly oppose it." "....I'm not planning on having him as my sponsor." Though it's true I need him... "So what do I do now ? " When I changed the subject , the manager brought me closer to the mirror with a refreshed look on his face , forcing me to take a closer look at my face .

"Now let's practice for the interview. Answer the question I put to you and see how your expression changes. You should know what your face looks like, right?" When the manager spoke, I stared at myself in the mirror. A somewhat emaciated and emotionless face. The lips were a little swollen and scaly. It was the first clear view of myself in many years. It looked so strange, like I was looking at someone other than me . " If we had had more time, we could have prepared some special skills for the interview, but it's today. So you should also try to master some simple lines first." Lines, does that mean acting? At my questioning gaze, he shrugged. "Of course you'll be worried because you've never acted before. But it'll be fine. If you can't read the lines, just show your true self. Anyway, it's better to prepare in advance. Well, even if it's just reading simple lines, it's a bit difficult... " "I used to practice reading lines." I never thought that living with Myeongshin in the past would be as useful as it is now. Why not ? He was someone who wanted to be an actor, and I was just helping him memorize lines with a bored expression and read lines of the characters. At first, I just thought of it as a Korean book to read. However, he became more energetic and talkative during rehearsals, and he began to get frustrated with my nonchalant attitude. "Hey, read it with some emotion. If you're acting, you should act as happy as the person in this script!" " What is it? Are you shy? Haha, you're someone who known to be unbashful, turns out there's also something you can't do-" I was touched by his provocations and so deliberately read the lines in a more ridiculous way. The more I read, the more interesting I found it. Gradually, from a boring and annoying activity, it became a part of everyday life. We laughed at each other and eventually turned it into a joke. Those are memories long ago and now faded, but helped with the script the manager gave me, so now i could at least read some lines without looking awkward . At least I don't feel shy anymore. Leaving behind my manager's surprised expression, I didn't go home early in the morning, but went straight to the internet cafe. I put in the CD I received from the manager and put on headphones. I asked the manager to show to me the recordings of the actors he took on. He inserted the disk and the CD played automatically, a figure appeared on the screen. A boy whispered sweet words with a gentle smile. I chose a scene from the CD and watched it over and over again until dawn . When I left the net cafe, I felt like I was Myeongshin in that drama

Chapter End Notes

Thank you to those for leaving kudos, :) and thank you to those for leaving comments!!

Chapter 7 Chapter Summary

I don't plan on it.

The first day off work in 3 years, I woke up quite late, I entered the familiar building i've been coming for the last three days. The manager wasn't the only one waiting for me. When I saw Hansoo standing beside me, he held out his hand to me with a nervous look on his face like a manager. "Drink it...I thought it would be necessary so I bought it as soon as I got out of school . " I paid closer attention to it because of the serious tone, but still couldn't understand . What's the use of giving me tranquilizers? Besides, manager also took a step forward. "I don't know what's your religion, so I brought it all here." He brought out a necklace of crosses, a Christian rosary , and a short Buddhist rosary. I looked at what they offered in turn and opened my mouth. "I don't need any props " Maybe I should of told you in advance ? I felt a little guilty because he had to run here as soon as he finished school. Just in case, I took the props and put it in my back pocket. However, their expressions suddenly changed when they heard me speak. " ... Huh ?" After a long time , the manager made a strange sound and Hansoo cut in . "Are you a psychopath?" When I was still staring at him because I didn't understand what that word meant, the manager came to his senses and scolded Hansoo as if he had hurt me. " What are you saying ? Haha , this kid is just joking with you, because you don't seem to be worried at all." It was a swear word . Instantly, when I shifted my gaze to Hansoo, our eyes met and he cringed in fear . "I, I'm sorry."

Is that an American swear word? I squinted my eyes thinking, suddenly the manager exclaimed 'Ah! and pulled out a folded piece of paper from his pocket. "I have come up with a few stage names ... here . " Then , on the piece of paper he opened , I saw more than 100 names. Handing the paper to me with expectant eyes, the manager read out the names one by one. "Tell me which one you like. First , Lee Taemin..." "Yes, that one. " "Huh ? " "I chose that name, Lee Taemin." There was a bit of disappointment on the manager's bewildered face, but to be honest, the name didn't matter much. I reminded him of the time to distract him. "Can we go now ? " Fortunately it worked , the uncle quickly changed his expression, raised a hand to his heart and brought Hansoo 's tranquilizer to his mouth . "Okay, let's go!" I followed the manager inside with the sound of a small door. The manager held the religious trio in his hand, closing the door to cover Hansoo who was cheering in the back. The manager just saw the two people inside and came forward to say hello first. Two men, one in his 40s, one in his early 30s, were sitting on chairs behind a long table. The man in his 40s was wearing a casual suit, and the man in his early 30s was wearing a suit. The 40-year-old man also stood up and greeted the manager with a smile, presumably these two knew each other, but the man in his 30s with an angular face and a solid build just shook hands with the manager. This room was bigger than I thought, but behind the two people sitting opposite was a large black glass window and a door, I wondered if there was another room behind that. It was like the window in the police interrogation room that I used to see on TV. Is there really someone over there? While I was observing the room, the manager had stepped back, the 40-year-old man pointed to a place in the room and asked me to stand there. I stood in the middle opposite the two, the 40-year-old uncle turned on the camera placed on the table. "Look at the camera and introduce yourself first. " "Lee Taemin. 26 years old . " "..." "Is that all ? "

He looked up from the camera screen and asked. Then turned to stare at the person next to him with a 'Hm' voice at the nod of my head. Then, the tired looking 30 year old man stared at me, suddenly looked at the black window behind him and spoke in a firm voice. "Mr. Lee Taemin. What's wrong with your face? " Before I knew it he was pointing to my torn lip, a determined voice spoke up . "To us, you are a product. But if the product you are about to buy is defective , who will buy it ?" The manager was confused by his words, so he went forward . "Um , Chief Park , that wound is ..." Chief Park ? Ah, the one who cried because of the superior, huh. As I recalled, the party in question ordered the manager in a coercive tone. "Manager Choi, step back.... Mr. Lee Taemin. Do you have anything else to say ? Will you buy fruit that has been eaten by insects ?" "No." He frowned at my answer and waved his hand . "If you already know, then please go out . " "..." "Do you understand human language ? Your interview is done, please go out . " Instead of moving , I turned to look at the manager who was about to move forward . Once again, I put my hand out to stop him. Unexpectedly I actually had to use this prepared props. I took a step forward, recalling something the manager said. "- Just spread your true nature out. - " "Don't like it ." " ... Huh ? " I looked up at the 30 year old man who was surprised by my words, and slowly took the thing I had prepared earlier from my pocket. "Why are you deaf? I said I don't like it." The wind whistled past my fingertips. Not big , but suddenly quiet , attracting the eyes of everyone in the room . Clinck. clink Although it only takes a few seconds before it fully folds and reveals its silver luster, I know how flashy it can look with this flexible flip feature. Always the fastest way to intimidate the target, those uniformed students just shake their wallets at my beckoning. This is called a

Balisong, a butterfly knife. Even though my subject has now turned into a suit-clad interviewer, the look in his eyes when he caught the knife was no different from the students I used to deal with. " Wha- you even brought a knife in ..." He leaned back, exclaiming in fear. Then, when I got closer, he opened his eyes wide and his voice softened. " Hey , hey Mr. Lee Taemin ..." "It's bad, isn't it ? " I interrupted him , standing slowly in front of the table and turning the knife again . Swallow, swish. Confirming the hardening gaze of Chief Park at the sound of iron clashing, I asked again. "I don't want that either. I'm only here because the uncle over there kept annoying me to come and see what the interview was about. So you mean to tell me, I wasted my time trying to come here just to give you my name and get told to leave? " " No , I mean . . . " PAP ! The whole table shook with a loud noise as soon as the tip of the knife hit the table. At the same time, a broken groan came out from the mouth of Chief Park. " Huh....?" Thud! "..." "Isn't that too bad? " Mumbling under my breath, I stretched out my face close to him. Panicking when I was only a few centimetres away, he pushed his chair away and hurriedly opened his mouth. "You, are you threatening me ? Are you doing this just to pass the interview..." "I don't care about the interview at all. I told you...I'm in a bad mood." I grabbed his collar so he couldn't back down any further. He was panting because my grip was strong, but I purposely squeezed harder. "If you mean this, then it is a threat."

I can hear the manager calling me from behind and the camera guy next to me has also stood up, but I just focus on the manager Park in front of me. And whisper enough just for him to hear. "Is your wife beautiful?" I raised my other hand, using the tips of my fingernails to slowly slide own his cheekbones. Looking into his wide open eyes, I indifferently whispered. "Then remember to remind her not to open the door. " " ?! " "When the goods are delivered to your house." Manager Park's body immediately froze as the voice rang out along with the low laughter . "You, what do you mean..." I whispered, my breath coming out, leaning down and licking my lips. "Don't you know ? I'm a delivery man" Rack , someone quickly pulled my hand back with the sound of tables being pushed. "Tae, Taemin-ah! What are you doing?" The manager panicked and ran to separate me from Chief Park. When the chief Park was released, he leaned his weak body back on the chair, his eyes glazed over the table. His eyes fell on the knife that was still stuck in it for a long time making me wonder if he was still conscious, then he looked at me again with stunned eyes. "H-hey ....I don't know what you're trying to do , but if you dare touch my wife..." "I'm sorry." I lowered my head and lowered my eyes. The words that had just come out of my mouth suddenly made the surroundings completely silent. The 40-year-old man got up and was trying to block in front of the Chief Park, and there was also the manager who was trying to pull me, hearing that, they all stared at me, momentarily doubting their own reasons, and reacted. I tried not to make eye contact with them, deliberately acting weak, and spat out each word slowly. This is the monologue of Myeongshin, whom I watched over and over again last night . The 1-minute scene of begging for forgiveness replayed in my mind. "Really... I'm sorry. Sometimes I unconsciously , ah ... Sometimes I get angry and scream like it's not myself anymore. I scream madly, and then come to my senses.... Everyone who knows me , looks at me with fear, on the day they got angry and said nasty things... But it's really not me No matter how angry, it's not me... It's really not the real me."

Only my fading voice remained in the room. It's not that I can't raise my head. It's just that I have a feeling that if I meet their eyes, I will be discovered that I am just mumbling lines in my mouth, not acting. Fortunately , they were still stunned by this sudden change in atmosphere before belatedly realizing that I was acting. If it weren't for that, for them to see my true strength from the start, this kind of clumsy acting would have ended up as a joke. "I didn't mean to scare anyone. So... please don't look at me with those eyes." Finishing the last line, I slowly raised my eyes to look. The 40-year-old man was still bewildered and the head of the department Park had a serious look on his face. I heard the manager's whispering voice next to me. "The drama aired last week. Song Yoohan's apology scene." When I turned my head, I saw the manager still looking at me. With a confused look, he grabbed my arm and took a step back, looking at the Chief Park . "Do you know that ?" Then Chief manager Park said "Ah , I see " and nodded. However, his body still looked quite stiff, but when he realized the current situation, he relaxed his face and cleared his throat . "Hem , well... So , you were acting just now ? " Instead of replying, I stepped forward. Seeing that , Chief Park's thick shoulders trembled for a moment, but I pretended not to see, pulled the knife from the table and stepped back. "If you're scared, I'm sorry." When I formally apologized, Chief Park averted my gaze and forced a smiled. "Well, I'm not scared." But his eyes filled with tears when he spoke. "But you should have warned..." When he came to his senses, he was a little angry, about to raise his voice to blame, when a phone suddenly rang. It was Chief Park's phone. He took out his phone and looked at the name that appeared on the screen for a moment, then he looked behind, in surprise before carefully accepting the call. "Yes..Yes..Yes ? " It seems that the other party has a very high status, he was talking respectfully when he suddenly turned his head to look at me while calling in a surprised tone. "That, I thought so too, but... " He kept looking at me, to the point that I doubted they were talking about me, but he averted his eyes and nodded slightly.

"Alright let's do that first and then wait and see. " Tut. He hung up and called the manager while looking at the table. "Manager Choi." Manager stepped forward with a tense expression . " Yes . " "Let us start with the 1 month plan for now. " I don't know what the 1 month plan means, but I can see the surprise spread across the manager 's face . At least it wouldn't be a bad thing, Chief Park's next explanation was beyond my expectations. " You will be explained in more detail later by manager Choi, for now we will continue with a 1-month contract, we made this decision because your performance today left quite the impression on us....but what a re-contact won't be made if no further impressive improvements is seen in a months time...the contract will be terminated....we won't let it slide again when the 1 month period ends understood?" "Yes" I had to answer his question, but I found it a bit confusing. Did that really work?....However, I ignored the question in my mind, and Chief Park looked at the camera screen beside me and quickly skimmed what needed to be said. "Your the type to look better on screen compared to in real life... I see, Hmm..., If you were to be neatly groomed, it would be a lot better..." He muttered to himself and got up from his seat and looked at the manager . "Ah...your free to leave now. So...." A little scared , he cleared his throat and looked at the knife still in my hand . "Can you put that knife away now ?" I was awakened by his words and put the knife I held in my hand for the first time since I was a teenager into my pocket. Those 5 years when I was empty handed, I entered the inn with only a few belongings. Then I discovered this knife in my winter coat. When I was younger, I used to swing my knife around and steal money from kids my age. When I started working at the debt collector's office, I switched to a heavier one and now I can't even remember where it was, I only found one in the pocket of my winter coat. When I found it again, I didn't throw it away because I was lazy, and I didn't bother with it because I was busy. I never thought I'd be able to use it again, so I shoved it in the bottom of my only carry-on, which I didn't remember until before the interview. That is the only evidence that my old self ever existed. I didn't know if I'd actually use it. "The apology behind is just copying the drama, but where did you get the knife act from ? " Chief Park asked a question as if curious, and added.

"Do you practice swinging the knife ? " I was about to answer "no", but the manager grabbed my arm and stepped up. "That's right! Of course he did some practice. Aren't you Taemin?" "..." "Ha..ha...ha...." I mean, he's right...I didn't say anything yet, The manager replied as if he was hallucinating, and hearing that, a smile appeared on the head of Chief Park's face. "Is that so? I find that knife swing very real... And if it's just acting, then those words were all just apart of the act right?" "Sorry?" I raised my eyes. Mr Choi looked at me too, and Chief Park asked me with an obvious expression. " T-That...,don't tell me you really are a delivery guy.....Haha, isn't that right?" "I am one though..." "..." "Pardon...?" "I deliver packages for work." "..." "..." "..." "..." Manager Park suddenly turned pale as plaster, Mr choi dashed out the door whilst dragging me behind...Before the door was completely closed, manager Park pressed the phone with a trembling hand, followed by a voice that sounded like he was about to cry. "HELLO?!!! HONEY!! DONT OPEN YOUR DOOR TO ANY DELIVERIES!!!" A One month contact, There is a contract waiting to be signed by me right in front of my eyes, but I have no special feeling . I just find it annoying to have to read these long little lines carefully. Also, all of the above are restrictions on what not to do. Maybe it's good for me because I'm not ready to be a celebrity yet, but I really don't feel anything. Although the manager and Hansoo looked very excited.

" Woa- Even the kids at the acting academy have a hard time passing the interview, you even signed the contract!! That's amazing!" " Haha- I was shocked too. Ah, My heart is still shaking so much when the Chief Park told us to get out, I thought it was over, who would have thought that Taemin would prepare such a scene?!! " "Aiss, I want to see it too! Manager, how was it?" The manager started telling with a lot of excitement, like before, I stood up because I thought it would take a long time to end. After that, the manager also stopped explaining and looked at me . "Where are you going?" Bathroom...When I was about to return to answer, he suddenly complimented me. "You did a good job today." "Not really", I averted my eyes to reply, but in the end said nothing. He complimented me a lot, but I saw a complicated glint in his eyes. It's exactly the same as when he realised I was acting in front of department manager Park. "In the first scene, you acted with a knife while acting, the combination was really good. I was also surprised " So the problem is the second act. But, praises poured out of his mouth. "The second act is also very good. " "..." "You imitate very well. " Imitate?.... I looked at the manager quietly, he added in a troubled tone. "Because it's your first time, I can understand it, but acting isn't about imitating other people like that . " "..." "If you still hold that mindset, then I can't accept you anymore." "..." I kept the expression that I wanted to say something for a long time, looking directly into those stubborn eyes. So he's someone who won't accept being 'just decent'... "I have no intention of imitating Myeongshin... Nonetheless I'll do my best. " When I answered, the manager's eyes were filled with laughter again.

"Hahah alright!!, THATS the attitude!, Now leave that aside.. shall we go out to eat in celebrate of this happy occasion?!" "I'm all for it!!! Should I look for popular eateries?!!" "Sounds great!!" "Let's eat meat!!" Well.... I don't plan on just being decent anyway...

Chapter 8 Chapter Summary

'200 Won'

Because of the celebration, the two were in a fervent spirit again and began the search for a good restaurant with the intention of sweeping all kinds of dishes in the world. After 20 minutes of searching, I quietly left and entered the empty room right next to it. The 3rd floor is everywhere, there are small rooms like meeting rooms, which can be used by artists and managers to meet at any time. I stood against the wall next to the half-opened door, staring blankly into the empty room. I was just waiting for them to finish looking for a restaurant and come out to find me. The door was only half closed, so they could call me back as soon as they were out of the next room. However, instead of seeing the two people I was waiting for, I heard someone else's voice. " What is this? Why are you two here? " Following Myeongshin's bright voice, Hansoo 's voice rang out. "It's my right to be here. Is there a problem?" I turned my head to look out the door. Myeongshin was standing with his back half turned to me, coldly spitting each word at Hansoo who was standing opposite. "You haven't been fired yet? You can't even stand in front of the camera because of your phobia, what are you doing hanging around here?" The manager stepped in front of Hansoo, agitated by that statement and frowned. "Yoohan, what are you saying ? Hansoo..." "You too. I don't understand how you are still involved with this company even though you've separated from me and don't have any artists to take care of. Why.... am I so unlucky." Hansoo's face turned red as if offended by Myungshin's outburst. "We're the unlucky ones here ! Ah, but do you think just because your not here here the manager wouldn't have another artist to take care of ? Our manager has found someone new, He even passed the interview and signed the contract today! " Hansoo 's next words about my story made me no longer able to listen calmly .

"Manager Park is the one who interviewed him to see how good his acting is, and even cried ! He's an acting genius, an acting genius ! " Are you sure you're talking about me? "Don't worry about us anymore, if you want to be a great actor, go back and tell the company to support you well . Okay!" After raising his chin and spitting out his words, Hansoo grabbed the manager, who was still embarrassed, and pulled back into the room, closing the door. 'Boom! ' I watched the closed door for a short moment and then turned to look at the person still standing there. Only half of his face can be seen from here so I don't know what his expression is, but I'm pretty sure he's extremely upset. Seeing a scene like that, I really wanted to laugh. Nothing changed. In the past, Myeongshin was the type that always looked down on others, but in reality he was very attentive and made up his own mind about problems. Even if he had changed his image and become a famous actor who can drive a cool sports car every day, inside he is still the same Myeongshin as before. Like now, he could have ignored the director and former colleagues he had ruined, but he couldn't. Standing looking at the door for a long time, he quickly picked up the phone in his hand and went somewhere. I also left the room and quietly followed. He entered an empty elevator, stopping at the top floor. After confirming, I also went to the top floor and went straight to the rooftop without hesitation. On the top floor, when exiting the elevator, in addition to the door leading to the terrace, there was another door, but it could only be opened from the inside. I heard that behind this door is the operating room, so I don't think Myeongshin will be inside. Then only the terrace remains. I went up there once at night. Peaking behind the open door, no sound moving towards the source of Myeongshin voice was made. I hid behind a tree in the center and heard Myeongshin angrily shouting at someone on the phone. " ... Ah , I'm mad , it's really annoying, what ? ha , what do you mean , of course , I have to strangle them to death . If he dared to work with Director Choi, then I'll let him know what it's like to fail." I didn't care at all knowing that I was the object of his intense insults. On the contrary, my first reaction was that it was funny to see that he cared ' for me so much . Obviously he doesn't know who I am yet. Thanks to him, everything won't be boring because it's too easy from now on. I was still expressing my gratitude when Myeongshin , who was talking on the phone, suddenly turned around. "Who's there?! "

Shit....this is bad.....No matter how great the desire for revenge, in reality, I am just a poor and rural delivery man. If I continue to stand in front of a famous artist driving hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign cars, my ending will only be a laughing stock. So, no matter how funny it looks, I need to stay out of sight and keep my voice as low as possible so as to not be noticed. Clack clack. I heard his footsteps walking towards me. I glanced around to see if there was another place to hide, but there was no space behind me anymore. The exit door is on the opposite side. "I said who's there?" The high-pitched voice came closer and closer. "Do you think I can't tell your hiding there?!" ....At this rate, I'm.... "Who's hiding from you?" "Huh?" My body that was trembling from the situation was suddenly stiffened by another voice interjecting. Was there someone else here? I couldn't help but raise my head slightly to look in the direction of the voice. Myeongshin was standing not far from the tree where I was hiding. And a man was coming from the opposite side. I couldn't see the man's face because his tall frame obscured Myeongshin , but I could clearly see Myeongshin's expression when I caught sight of him. At least more surprised than me. So much so that it was clear that he had inhaled back at that moment. However, what made me more suspicious than surprised was the words that came out of Myeongshin's mouth towards him. "Huh !, let me apologize. " Realising who the other party is, Myeongshin apologized immediately. He slowly walked to the opposite side with a confused face as if he had just made a big mistake. "I heard a noise so I thought someone was eavesdropping on my call. I didn't know, it was Mr. Yoon. " " Where do you think this is ? " A soft voice interrupted Myeongshin. The familiar slow melody flows into my ears. I forgot about hiding and poked my head out again. " Is it your personal space ? " " No... " " And that call wasn't interesting enough to be eavesdropped on. "

That means he heard it all too. He has a thick face to add. "Just some gossip about stepping on someone new." A gentle voice as if he was praising him, but Myeongshin's face hardened. The person who was smiling was the madman i met two nights ago. He smiled with his eyes and pulled out a cigarette. "I would like to smoke alone." A reluctant smile appeared on Myeongshin's face. "You really haven't heard it all right?" "Cigarettes. " "Yes? Ah, you said you wanted to smoke a cigarette alone. " Myeongshin couldn't help but step back, he pursed his lips. "Next time please let me smoke with you." When Myeongshin talked with sparkling eyes, the madman rolled his eyes and smiled back . "I don't like that. " T/N: the face that says Fuck off lmao Myeongshin was unable to laugh... the madman pointed at the cigarette end in his hand towards the exit. Myeongshin looked at him with a regretful expression, only to leave his greetings and disappear at the door. Not long after, Myeongshin went down the stairs and left completely, but I still couldn't get up from the floor. Myeongshin is gone, but there's one more person here that I don't want to see. No matter how harsh the people in this country are, I don't want to meet him again. However, my wish could not come true. "200 won... why haven't you come out already?" Damned it....I have no choice but to curse in my heart. I slowly got up and walked out of the bushes and saw him with a cigarette in his mouth. Under the bright light, the smile hanging at the corner of his lips looked creepy no matter what. I knew he was the kind of guy who would say something hurtful with that relaxed look on his face. In addition , there is also Myeongshin's attitude towards him. At least he must be much more powerful than an artist....Perhaps because I met him for the second time, I felt more familiar. "Is it Song Yoohan ? The object of your revenge ? "

Unfortunately , it's not just the face that I feel familiar from the second meeting....have I met him somewhere before?...... "I'm asking if it's Song Yoohan, 200 won." This 200 won nickname...annoys me more than he knows Myeongshin is the objective of my revenge. I was about to swear, but found it too trivial and not enough to release all the frustration in my body A stronger curse. Ah, yes ....Hansoo's American curse words. "You don't have to know. Psychopath." Psycho is a curse word...., so -path must be for emphasis. I no doubt assumed it was on the same level as the son of a bitch, so I spat it out in a low voice. The opponent immediately reacted. Even if it was only for an instant, his eyes narrowed slightly. What?. He's back to normal, but I'm sure he was taken aback by my swearing. His next words upset me even more. "Well, I do hear that from time to time. " What the....does that mean it's not his first time being addressed as such?, turns out he's a person that I shouldn't deal with more than I thought. I was still wincing because I thought I couldn't keep up with his thoughts, he repeated the question again. "So it is Song Yoohan and that's why you chased him all the way here. " "How do you know ? " "Because I chased you." He has no shame.. With a cigarette in his mouth he head turned to one side. "I heard that you passed the interview ? The rumor that you were holding a knife in front of Department head Park that scared him to tears, has spread. " The corners of his eyes were curved up, and his eyes were looking towards my back pocket as if he can see the knife. "I heard you threatened him with actions like thugs, reading lines no less than like a 5 year old kid. You have easily turned the situation around, but if it weren't for the head of the department Park, being too cowardly. Then you wouldn't have stand a chance in passing the interview." That soft voice cut me like a knife. He had a smile on his lips, but his eyes were cold as ice. I looked at him and slowly opened my mouth. "That's right. There was no chance for me."

It seemed for a moment his smile had disappeared. However, as if it had formed a habit, the corners of his lips were raised again . "No special looks, nor natural talent for an actor, but you still want revenge ? " "None of your business. " I spat out brusquely, but the other party pretended not to hear me and put a smile in their eyes. At that time, he seemed very happy, laughter mixed in his voice. "With that strength, if you want to climb up to Song Yoohan's current position, you will have to work in this world for at least decades, unless there is a sponsor to support you. Ah, you said that you are aiming at director Yoon." At the same time, he scanned my body from top to bottom. "Relying only on yourself ? " Strangely, I didn't feel angry at all. Maybe it's because of that dry intonation. It's just like talking about an obvious fact. "I know. I'm in control myself. " I replied calmly , he replied immediately. "Yes, that's it." He took a swig of the flaming cigarette into his mouth and blew out a puff of white smoke. "Seems like you know that. At your level anything is impossible. I find you to be the type of person who is quite practical, not easily excitable. Isn't it interesting for an actor to not with the slightest prospect like you wanting revenge?" No, it's not interesting at all. I have a feeling I can't communicate with him, not least because he only says hurtful words. I instinctively seemed to have recognised the horror coming from him, such as the difference between that smiling face and the cold words. As he said, he will not hesitate to reveal all that I have hidden deep inside. "You, actually..." /// I screwed up...Only such thought remained in my mind ever since returning from the rooftop. How could I meet such a bad guy? I made the mistake of asking for a cigarette the first time I met him. Damned it.....There are people who can always see through the other as if looking at a ghost. Those are the ones that'll make me suffer forever if I make an enemy of them... {"If you have decided to stay at this company, you will still have to meet me a lot. And like I said, I find you quite interesting, so do you think, should I interfere a bit with what you 're trying to do ? Well, what will you give me? "}

I was threatened by a guy I don't even know his name. He was kind enough to give me his phone numbe , and gave me a week, I really wanted to ignore what he said but his attitude. Myeongshin's attitude towards him makes me hesitate. Just how powerful is he after all ? " ... Taemin ? " I turned my head to look at the hand shaking my shoulder, the manager and Hansoo were staring at me . "How are you ? What happened??! suddenly for you to come back with this serious face? " "Manager. " " Hmm? " "An artist in this company, about 30 years old, always has a smile on his face... nevermind. What were you going to ask? " There's no point in knowing his name. It's a mistake anyway. " Well, I was going to ask you if you had time to take a profile picture next week. I should have taken a picture right away, but I pushed it back a week to let the wound on your face heal first. That would be the first photo of your career. Chief Park also contacted me so he could see the photo, and then decide on the future direction for you. So you have to be very attentive....Well, I have to tell you first, the person taking the photo is really important. Just taking good pictures, anyone who knows how to use acamera can do it, but not everyone can capture the expensive points and color schemes. Fortunately, the studio affiliated with the company is a well known place to work, so there is nothing to worry about ahhah" ...I have nothing to worry about anyway. "In addition , it is necessary to supplement your resume, past activities such as your education level, for example. " The more he talked the more quietly, the manager glancing at the knife in my back pocket with concern . "Hmm , I was just asking just in case, Taemin did you do something bad in the past..." "Don't worry. I'm not an Ex-convict" "R-right?...I knew it..ahha" said the manager in an unsettling laugh "I Only had to go to the police station a few times." Their expressions suddenly stiffened.... Why are they so surprised?, looking back and forth between the two of them for a while, I asked softly. " Haven't the two of you ever been taken to the police station in your life? "

"..." "..." I couldn't understand this silence between the two, so I could only watch, Hansoo opened his mouth for the manager. " Well then , I'm just asking , high school... Did you graduate ? " " No. I was expelled when I first entered the school. " The manager 's eyebrows twitched wildly . " So you worked hard to earn money to buy medicine for your sick motherafter being expelled from school..." " I rode my motorbike and robbed the boys." Somehow the expressions on the two's faces looked so pale...Are they hungry? I thought about it and told them my only weakness. " So I'm a bit ignorant. Especially in English." The faces of the two of them were so white that it made me a little nervous, the manager opened his mouth to speak. "Well...from now on we're gonna leave everything about you to god and hope for the best....." Fortunately, They found a new delivery man so....I only needed to work an extra week. Handing over the car keys on the last day, I quietly left work without saying goodbye. From tomorrow, I will no longer work here, but somewhere else, but I have not really adjusted yet . However, I know. I will do my best to get revenge, just like I worked hard for 5 years to repay the debt. Maybe it's just an extension of time for me to pay off the debt. And maybe because of that, I calmly accepted it like that. Even if suddenly there was a problem on the first day of taking my profile picture. In my mind, it's very simple, just press the shutter button and you're done. So when I was taken to the studio with high ceilings like a warehouse, I felt awkward. Devices I don't know the names of are everywhere, and in the middle of them only a white background is hung I don't know what's in front of me, but I know what's missing here. Humans, there's no one here to operate them. "Sorry?! The Shoot will have to be cancelled?!!..... what do you mean by that?!!... I sent a confirmation call just yesterday! And didn't we already agree on this already?!! I even checked in with you twice that we will arrive at 1pm today?!!" The manager rarely gets angry. Only a female employee was present. However, the girl just repeated in panic over and over that she was just a part-time employee. 「"I apologise sir....I wasn't informed of the reason as well.....Everyone packed their equipment and left, early in the morning for an outdoor photo shoot today......They said

they'll be somewhere in the countryside....and said they didn't know when they would come back ..." 」 "All the photographers and makeup team? Including Mr. Park??" 「"Yes , including Mr.Park and the makeup team...received a text message this morning telling them to keep the office for a few days." 」 "!" The part-time employee is trying to call their superior and keeps explaining to the manager like their about to cry. But I can only hear the music of the phone playing and no one on the other end picks up the phone. The manager stands On the other side, he also tried to call, but his fingertips suddenly stopped at the staff's words. 「"I don't know either, I heard that Mr. Song Yuhan needs to take an outdoor pictorial urgently..."」 The employee who was connected to the other end hurriedly explained the current situation, but immediately her expression turned awkward when she heard it. Their conversation went on for a few minutes before the employee hanged up on the phone ending the conversation ... Tut. Tut. Tut.... " I'm sorry.... It seems Myeongshin is interfering with your work because of me..." "..." I was about to say that I wasn't surprised and that I heard Myeongshin talk about this on the phone on the rooftop, but I just kept quiet. Why should he apologise? It's just a photo shoot, right? "Can we take pictures elsewhere ? " Immediately , the manager 's face was a little embarrassed when asked . " Uh ... Well this is the place where the company signed a contract with... and If we want to shoot elsewhere , we have to report it to the top for permission.....or , we can pay for it ourselves....but well I'm kind of low on the funds right now...." "..." "Ah....I-Its okay!!! Even though you have signed a 1-month contract and have to send photos as soon as possible....But don't worry! There are plenty of people in the company who can take pictures too.......If it becomes urgent, then anyone can do it." "..."

Whoever ?...Didn't you explain to me how important the photographer is? On the contrary, the person who needs to be calm here is the manager, but I don't have a chance to interfere. " Taemin , go back first today , let me see them again the day after tomorrow" "..." "Will the day after tomorrow be ok ?" When the manager asked the employee who had hung up the phone at this time , she seemed to want to cry holding the schedule . 「"This ... He also told me not to accept reservations because the schedule is already full until the end of the month . "」 "Huh ? Ha , what about us ..." The manager unconsciously raised his voice but then lowered his voice, he knew that this girl over the phone was not at fault. "Please choose a date in advance . We can arrive early in the morning ..." The voice became smaller as if it was stuck in his throat so I couldn't hear it, with a pleading tone to the benevolent girl. He repeatedly told the girl to contact them as soon as they had time before they would leave the studio. Looks like he's starting to blame himself again, I wanted to comfort him but couldn't. "That's surprising, isn't it ? Haha , this job is always goes wrong, things like this happen every day . " The manager 's face muscles trembled slightly as he tried to smile . I also just nodded and got into his old car, because I thought that no matter what I said now he wouldn't hear. Then he gave me some papers to change the atmosphere a bit . " I have already prepared your upcoming schedule . " On the piece of paper he gave , all day was practice . Practice vocals , pronunciation , movements , dance ... In the dense schedule from morning to night , each day one or two time boxes are highlighted in red. The manager himself took it and explained it. "These are company-supported classes. Most of the participants are pretrained, so it might be hard for you to keep up. But don't worry people do them all the time. If they can do it, you can do it too." "..." I'm not worried at all, but like before, I didn't get a chance to say it. Because I was having time, the manager called me to listen to a lecture one class ago . However, the content of the call this time fell into the same situation as the call not long ago.

" What ? What does it mean to not accept the actors I take on ? The company has already supported it... The actors are still untested ?! He don't know anything so he have to learn ! Of course ! It's a contract support..." The manager who was still raising his voice suddenly fell silent. When I suspected he might have stopped breathing, he exhaled and whispered. " ... Is it Song Yoohan ? That brat ... Hello ? Hello ! " The manager blankly looked at the phone when the other party disconnected. I don't know the details of what happened, but it looks like my schedule for today is empty. I looked down at the paper in my hand. The schedule of the whole week is detailed in just one page. Draw lines and fill in the boxes , looks like a timetable that I used to use when I was in school . There are four such panels. I will spend a month. How will I spend a month as an actor signing a 1-month contract? I'm sure he put a lot of thought into it. " Taemin-ah, I'm really sorry. That's... That's..." He said something else, but at that moment I couldn't hear anything more. I have no power at all. I was self-aware from the beginning and still spent time thinking about it, but in reality,...I had no idea the opportunity had already come to me. It's just, I still silently cross out the opponent because he seems like a troublesome person and will probably drive me crazy for a long time. That psychopath, he was right. What can be done by relying on myself alone? Without any further consideration, I must seize this opportunity. No matter how crazy the opportunity may be. "Let's go back to the company first..." I grabbed the manager's arm and interrupted him. Then he turned around and and I told him what was wrong. "He's going to be mad." "Who?" I only replied with one name. "Song Myeongshin ." "What are you talking about?", followed by a series of silly words, then I asked another question. " What do you think of me ?" " Huh ? What ? "

" Do you find me interesting ? " " Well, instead of saying are you interesting , sometimes I just want to punch you . " I smile and laughed , he answered unexpectedly seriously, I picked up the phone . I found the phone number that I had conveniently saved and pressed . [ Madman] tiririri ~ After a moment , a familiar soft sound came through the phone . 「"Hello"」 "I'll give it to you." 「.... 」 I felt the puzzled look of the manager beside me , calmly adding when there was still no response on the other line. " So give me the deposit in advance first . " After a while, I heard a low chuckle along with a question . 「What do I gain by having you?」 Profit? Well then.. "I'll let you punch me once in a while Oh, and there's no refund." Click , Vroom I confirmed the sound of the car closing tightly, sat up and leaned back against the car seat. Perhaps because I went out to listen to the latter part of the call, the manager only heard the first part, his expression now mixed with concern and curiosity. "Who was that? After all, who did you say to give what? And what deposit? " I know it would be bad to be rude to the other person, but I had to ask another question to avoid answering him. "Who do you think is the best ? " "What is the best ? " "To take a pictures. " In the blink of an eye. He just looked at me without answering, so I had to tell him a little bit about what he was curious about.

"Someone agreed to help. " "Who? " When I heard that, I remembered that I didn't even know his name. "I don't know." The manager's expression cracked a little when he heard my sincere answer. "You don't know? Are you kidding?..." "I really don't know. But I do know one thing. " "What?" I opened my mouth to speak as soon as he asked back. "He is more powerful than Myeongshin " "..." " So who is the best photographer ? " "If we are talking about photos then, Photographer Mr. Lee is the best but, he won't take your photos for you. He's famous for not working with those who don't suit his liking. Wait, who is more powerful than Myeongshin? What does he do ? How do you know he is more powerful than Myeongshin?" "I saw Myeongshin crouch in front of him." I think that should be enough to explain everything. Considering the actions of Myeongshin that I witnessed, it looks like he bowed to someone more powerful than him. I realized because I had seen it many times before. Everywhere there are people who always rely on their instincts to find the stronger one and then have to go elsewhere. These guys may be annoying and despicable, but in reality it's because they're not as strong that they have to be so vigilant. The problem is that among them there will always be those with dark intentions who want to rise to the top. I have also witnessed with my own eyes a gang that has collapsed just because of the tricks of a certain greedy guy. This type of person is even more dangerous and tougher than the strong. Everyone thinks so. But obviously there are still some similar types of people. Myeongshin is trying to be the best, but still not the highest. So it was obvious what his actions meant. Because he was facing someone more powerful, he bowed his head like that. I thought this was a simple fact that didn't need much explanation, but the manager frowned and asked again. " Just because of that..., you asked some stranger that you don't even know ? " " Yes . "

He didn't know what to say and just looked at me silently, then mumbled in a low voice . "Seems like you're just living off of your instincts." Is it that obvious? After all, everyone lives by instinct. I wanted to ask the manager but stopped. "But what if that person is a dangerous person? Besides, if he asks you to do weird things, what would you do?" The manager hesitated a bit, then calmly expressed his point of view. "Although I don't like you looking for sponsors, but since you want revenge I can accept it, but you don't even know who they are yet. " " Manager, then would it be better if I let the month pass by with our hands tied just like this because of Myeongshin?" "Thats..." "Do you think I look like someone who is easily fooled ? " As soon as I finished speaking, I stared at him, he almost stopped breathing and did not move, after a while he sighed in response. "No." "Then just hand it over to me and let's go . " "Okay..." Manager answered and started the car. Suddenly he turned to look at me . "But where are we going now ? " The scene similar to when you first arrived at the studio opened up before your eyes. Unidentified equipment spread like a warehouse, without a single window, all the lights were directed towards the single white background hanging in the center. The photographer's studio, according to the manager, is the best today, as quiet as the previous location. "The photographer does not have any photo shoot today. We have not received any appointment from Dream." Inside, a single young man working at the computer desk, was rummaging through a sealed notebook schedule. Hearing that, the manager immediately turned to look at me. His eyes were filled with the same confidence that he confirmed to me before entering the studio. "That person said he would help you, right? " I nodded dejectedly in response.... "We do not have an appointment, but we need to take pictures. Do you know where Mr.Lee is?, if he comes to see us, he will know immediately."

"He's busy upstairs. So I was told not to disturb him today...." "Well, then just call him down, okay ? We have a good reason anyway, don't worry, just try calling." For a long time, the young man who had to keep calling under the urging of the manager, finally turned his back and started to whisper something. The manager looked at me with satisfied eyes and explained to me. "As you can see, to be able to set up a studio like this at a young age, Mr. Lee 's ability must be said to be number one.... But he is also very stubborn , he never shoots someone he doesn't like. So I was a bit worried, but the person you called on the phone said he would help already, so we'll probably get some pictures taken." There, I had to constantly hear raves about this Mr.Lee and then turned to look at the boy who ended the call. He tensed up, turned off the phone, and opened his mouth to us thoughtfully. "He said he would come down soon. But... he is very angry." "Huh ? Angry?" Stunned, the manager checked my expressionless face again, and gave me a wry smile "Looks like Mr.Lee still hasn't received the contact, don't worry, He'll definitely call him soon ." "Call who? " "Ah, it was... " the manager glanced at me again and whispered to me in a low voice so that the young man could not hear. "Hmm, it's not that I doubt you, but are you sure ? " "For now please believe me. This Mr.Lee will definitely take the picture." Seeing me, answer firmly. Thus, the manager immediately turned his head to look. "Haha, obviously he will contact Mr.Lee." "Who is that ? " "...!" "A very powerful person? " "Excuse me? " The young man seemed to want to cry, when he opened his mouth to say something, there were a series of footsteps going down the stairs. I don't know if it was because I was in the basement, but the bell and the door opened.

Boom! Then came a voice like thunder. "Ah, Damn! Who's bothering me?!" Just like the manager said, entering with the door open was a young man in his thirties, wearing only a pair of underwear. The most interesting thing in this world can be said to be standing aside and watching people tear each other apart, but if you keep repeating it over and over, it will eventually become boring. "I told you not to bother me ? Do you want to die? " "Boss, I don't want to bother you, but this guy from Dream, said that someone had contacted you about this...." "I've never been contacted?" "Ah... it seems like they haven't gotten in touch yet, so...." "No matter what Director Choi says! I haven't received any contact. And I told you not to bother me no matter what ! " "Boss ! But because they keep saying that they will contact us, I didn't know how to handle it. Manager, there is no contact at all!" "I'm saying they'll contact you soon Mr. Lee, and even though you know me, you still think i would lie? Huh? You don't trust me that much? " AAA ! Boss please trust me . Because the manager said he would contact..." It was like a loop. Seeing three people standing together in a triangle and saying it over and over again makes me feel extremely confused. Is that their hobby? I doubted, slowly walking towards the white background illuminated by the lights. I stood right in the middle of it and slowly turn around to look around at the devices around. These are things that I have to get used to from now on. Strangely, there was no fear or trembling at all. Maybe it's mostly because of my fearlessness, but I still can't understand. Why should I be afraid to stand in front of the camera? I stood looking at this pile of equipment that I assumed was to support the front-facing camera, then suddenly realized that at some point my surroundings had become quiet. When I rolled my eyes, the three of them were all looking at me with different expressions. Curiosity, grimacing and worried. Among them, the one with an annoyed face stepped forward. "Hey , you can't just go in there . " I cut off the young man who was waving at me to go out and turned to look at the person standing next to him. The person looking at me with curious eyes. "I heard you only take pictures for people you like, right?." At my question, mr.Lee who only wore pants with one eyebrow raised, replied.

"Yes. " "Then it doesn't matter. No matter who calls you. Since only you would be able to decide whether you'll take it or not after you see me in person. " He should have looked at me first and then made up his mind. Realising the meaning behind my words, he stood silently looking at me for a while. Then he tilted his head to one side and said. "Take off your shirt." It was an unexpected request, but I didn't care much to not follow it. Two crossed hands grabbed the collar of the t-shirt and pulled it up. Stretching my head and arms, I threw my Tshirt on the floor. And face him with a topless torso. I could feel the chill pass through my exposed skin, but I didn't see any problem. And no shame at all. Isn't there someone cooler in front of me? While I wondered if this Mr Lee was feeling more embarrassed, he watched my body closely until I started to get bored. As I just silently received his gaze, I heard a question. "Do you do any manual labor ? These muscles don't look like bodybuilding. " The manager next to him was quick to explain his conjecture . " Haha, not quite manual labor, Taemin only worked as a courier you see..." "If you talking about field work, I did those too...." "What?! But, didn't you say that you worked in delivery during the day and at a logistics centre at night?" " Yes, On weekdays. " "..." "I only did manual labor on weekends. " "Then when do you rest? " "I've never taken time off." "!" "!" I don't know why either, Mr.Lee took his eyes off the manager's stiff face. I turned to look at Mr Lee, For a moment I thought his eyes were smiling, but he immediately returned to normal and said, " Ah Well~ your just so average." "..."

"And it's not like your exceptionally handsome either, you're aware that a face like yours is over flowing in this world, right?...even if you heard a few times in your life that you have pretty good features, that means nothing here." "..." "Rather if we look at things only with your looks, then there's not even a place for you to squeeze in... I have a feeling that after a year or two , your face will be known a little bit more, but that's it, with that little bit of fame, it won't work in the end, after since there won't be many people who will recognise you..." The last sentence that predicted my future was filled with ridicule. I could hear the manager whispering angrily to Mr Lee, but was immediately buried by my question . "So you don't want to take my pictures?" When I asked dryly, the corners of his lips curled up slightly . "Nah I'll take them for you. " "Then let's do it.." At my conclusion he raised the corners of his lips higher and said to the manager . "Where did you find him ? The more you look at him the more interesting he becomes. " The manager's face, which was still a little tense, was now completely relieved by his words and smiled. "Right ? If you keep looking at him, won't you want to take his pictures?" "Of course I will take his pictures, but under the condition, of doing me a favour~" "If i may ask, what favour it is that you ask of....?" When the wary manager asked back, he smiled and pointed at night as if there had been a sad expression on his face. "I am working on a personal project and I want to take his photos for that project " Hearing that, the manager was no longer worried and nodded in relief. "Well of course you may take photos of him for your project, What project is it ? " "Nude. " "Haha, nude... What ? Mr Lee???!!!!" The smile on his lips started to shake as he laid steady eyes on the opponent. Mr Lee quickly expressed his intentions for the favor.

"Hey , director Choi, let me take his pictures, I've always wanted to take a picture of a body like that! I wish for a reality that truly shows the beauty of life, not a bunch muscles which were intentionally created !" "Absolutely not." "Okay I'll do it " Ignoring the doubt as to whether my manager would have a sore throat at that rate, I repeated what I had just interrupted. "I will let you shoot me. Nude. "

Chapter 9 Chapter Summary

Mr.Lee Baekwon.

Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for notes

Being allowed to take nude photos, Mr Lee happily wore only his pants and ran away to prepare for a representative photo. As for the young man, he called the staff to assist with the make-up and shaping, began to busy moving and inventorying the equipment, the surrounding gradually became more noisy. I don't know if the Mr Lee is the type of person who usually has to work on a whim, these people who were suddenly called in did the job quickly without any complaints. Meanwhile, I was dragged to a small room, taken to try on different clothes, make up and do simple hair. In less than an hour, everything was ready for Taemin to take photos. After the make up crew left the room, Manager Choi closed the door of the make up room. With the sound of the door closing, the manager with a serious face approached me. "Taemin , let's talk for a bit." "Okay, go ahead" I answered, he sat down across from me and the questions came pouring out. "Just what is the world are you thinking? Do you even know what nudes are?! Its where you have to take everything off, like literally EVERYTHING!!, what will you do if those pictures become your fall down later in your life?!......" "..." "Well, Mr Lee's work of course will be very well received, but it will definitely still have a big impact on your image. " " Yes. " " ... Are you really not afraid ? Haiz, Taemin....There's no need to take pictures for him, no matter what...." "..." "Didn't you say the person you called with earlier would help you out?, couldn't you just have your profile pictures taken without any bargains?"

"..." "You should talk to that person so Mr.Lee can take your photos without-" "They didn't say that" "Right they didn't say that.....huh?" "..." "It wasn't?!!!" The small room was immediately drowned out by the manager's loud shout . "What do you mean ? !! You said that person agreed to help you??!!, isn't that why you told me to bring you here?!!" "Yes, but I didn't say he would help me with this. " "But, when I asked you earlier on the way here, didn't you say that Mr.Lee will definitely take your pictures for you?!!! And that you believed in him...!!" "Ah...." "Yes that wasn't a lie. I believed in you Manager Choi....." I watched his face turn red from confusion. "What? Believed in me?." "I remembered you said that Mr.Lee would only takes pictures of people he wants to photograph. So I thought when he sees me, he will want to take pictures for me too." He looked at me with a puzzled expression, and I slowly explained it to him. "You are the one who selected told me that I had a charm in me that can attract the eyes of others and that I had the potential to go up to the top.... So I thought Mr.Lee would see the same thing in me . " " Just for that. Just because you believe in my words and eyes of looking at people ? " " Yes...." "So what if Mr.Lee said he didn't want to take your pictures?" Somehow I felt his voice shake slightly . "No way. He is the number one rated photographer by manager Choi. His eyes can't be wrong" I didn't need to say anything more, but he seemed to have understood where I was coming from. There was a moment of silence after our conversation. Meanwhile, the exaggerated expression along with the manager 's loud voice has completely dissipated.

"But why do you have to let me keep misunderstanding things like that? Besides, you obviously called someone to confirm before you came here right?. I thought you were calling for help but didn't you?" "It was the bank that called. I just confirmed the remaining balance of the demo account, and the reason why I left it misunderstand, is because I like that look . " "Like the face of a fool ? " I frowned and shook my head. "It is the appearance that does not pay attention to the face and tries to ask and urge the opponent. In the past, you always lowered himself and bowed before others. However, when Mr. Lee appeared with the image of the photographer. You jumped out and cursed, but you laughed again and raised your voice to argue." "You did a good job." He looked down at me with a small smile. "I used to use this thick face to ask for help. Before, but... have i always been so cowardly all this time ? " I didn't answer, but even so, He had a bitter smile on his face. "Right ? Cowardly, I can only bow my head... " Knock knock After a knock on the door, I was called outside to start taking pictures. As soon as I got up from my seat , the manager also stood up , his voice was back to normal , said in a low voice . "Thank you . " Turning to look, I saw his smiling face . "For believing in me..... " 'Manager Choi is the only person I can trust.' I didn't think it was necessary to say this answer from the bottom of my heart, so I grabbed the doorknob without saying anything, and heard a question again. "Ahem...So what the hell did you ask that person after all ? " "Nothing special." "I see......" Yes....Nothing special.... {「"What do I gain by having you?"」}

{"Sometimes I'll let you punch me a few times. Oh, and there's no refund".} {「"That's fun. But, I don't want to"」} { " Why ? " } {「"Well, because I have more trouble than that. To be honest you are not very interesting, I mean, I will still invest in you for making me laugh so much. First of all I will believe in your future and give you the deposit , you can raise your self-worth so I'll be more interested in you. You shouldn't assume that. If you don't want your useless body to be eaten away. "」} {「 "So what do you want as a deposit?"」} {"You. How much influence do you have over the agency?..."} {「" More than you think . "」} { " Then get an employee to be disciplined. " } {「' Who ? '」} {"Choi Deukpal. My Manager.... " } Click. Snap. The sound of the camera taking pictures was so loud that it could reach the ceiling. A bright light fell from above on my head. All eyes turned to me at once. A crowd of people stirred. Again the sound of the equipment being moved, the snapping sound of the camera snapping. And author Lee's voice directs me. "Lower your chin ! " Snap. "Lean a little and look at me ! " Snap. "Don't look like that , be as gentle as when you look at your lover ! " Click tap . "Ah that's not's fine you don't need to make that expression, my bad..." I almost lost my sanity. All I could do was focus on his voice and follow his advice. I can't even think about what I look like and what my expression will be. Standing in front of the camera and not thinking about it, it seems to embarrass me more than I thought it would. I don't know if it's because Mr Lee is pressing the camera shutter button while talking nonstop, that's why I'm like this. No matter how many times I was reminded to relax my shoulders, my

mind was still reeling until I was able to move my stiff body. It was then that I realized how stupid I had always been, and when I heard Lee's question, I had stopped now. "Let's take a break. You don't seem to take pictures very often, do you?" He was looking at the small screen to adjust the camera. "Your whole body is as stiff as a log. Your expressions are not varied. "..." "But his eyes didn't avoid it. He wasn't embarrassed either." When he raised his head, a strange smile appeared on his face. For me, this was too embarrassing, but I didn't have to tell him either, so I instinctively shut my mouth. Maybe he thinks I'm angry because there's no response, he laughs and shrugs. "Ah, it's just great. Because it's rare that someone looks straight into the camera and doesn't care about what's going on around them. Are you always so fearless?" Is it my hallucination when he looks like he's expecting my answer? There may be a slight difference , but I have received similar glances . The juniors who just joined the racing club that I used to lead, or the bullies who used to admire me when they went to steal money. Those eyes shone with unconditional admiration that my every word would not let them down. Of course, at that time, I purposely said some childish words to show off my prestige to satisfy all those expectations. To say that I have no hesitation now would be lying. I really want to say. But author Lee doesn't look like the type of person who would get hurt if I told the truth . "No." I added slowly, looking at the people around me, the appliances and the high ceiling . "I'm very scared now. I'm just good at hiding." This answer is given perhaps because I have changed , but also because I need to get used to it. To know who I am. Fortunately, Mr Lee didn't seem to be disappointed with my answer. I thought he wanted to tilt his head to the side, but a smile appeared on his lips instead. "Oh I thought you were the type to just look serious. It's true that the more I look at you the more attractive you get," he whispered as he approached me with twinkling eyes . " Hey, Mr. Lee Taemin. I can feed you too. If you think men are fine then..." "AHEM!!!" Suddenly I heard a loud cough, then saw my manager put his hand on Mr.Lee's shoulder . "I'll be to one to raise Taemin, so stop worrying about him and keep taking pictures Mr.Lee. " Surprised by Mr.Choi's appearance, he blushed and responded. "But, I can raise him better than that..."

"I can raise him much better . " When the manager of this side glared in protest, Mr Lee asked with a trembling voice...again . " So what if I can raise better and better ? " "Dream on. Because I can certainly raise better and better than that." "Only director Choi thinks so , and if I raised him good good good better better... " Is this a New game ? I looked suspiciously at the two of them, then a woman came over to fix my makeup and smiled at me. " I think Mr.Lee likes you a lot Lee Taemin, I haven't seen him joking around like he's outspoken about who to raise these days . " " Then why doesn't he do it these days ?" I asked lightly as if I was just talking about it, she replied softly. "He's lost his heart. Then he declares that he will only fall in love with the opposite side... Of course , his object of love is always different. Oh, please keep this a secret . " "Does the artist who broke Mr.Lee's heart have anything to do with my manager ?" I nodded and asked in response. As I watch my manager and the photographer continue to bicker like idiots. While the manager does looks a bit overzealous, Mr.Lee has the advantages of being a top photographer, but he still is somewhat inferior. Right from the beginning , the manager once said that there was a little problem with Mr.Lee . As I stared at the girl for no reply, she awkwardly turned away to look at the two still arguing on the other side. Now the battle between the two has escalated to a math problem when they suddenly count the wrong number of ' good together ' words . "Um, I didn't mean to tell you, but since you're in this world, you'll know anyway. But as you guessed it right." Her answer could not help but reveal a little smile. There are not many people who can be both. Mr Lee's gay object and the former artist of a manager choi who doesn't like sponsors like that. Sigh.....Wherever I go I can hear your name, Song Myeongshin. "It's Song Yoohan." Although no reply was given, it was okay. Her surprised look said it all. I left the manager behind and went back to the front parking lot to see the pictures I had taken in 2 hours. Perhaps it was because I had to do unfamiliar jobs that I felt extremely tired. I was walking and wanted to get in the car when someone called me from behind. I stopped at the parking lot gate and turned to look at the one who was calling me..... it was Mr.Lee. He quickly approached me but, kept looking behind him as if he were afraid someone was chasing him.

"Hey, where are you going ? " "Parking lot. " "What are you doing in the parking lot ? " "I was going to rest for a while in the manager's car. " Then Mr.Lee suddenly widened his eyes. "Tired? I see, in that case If you want , you can stay at my place on the 2nd floor ! Oh by the way we can also talk about the nude project there " He replied, pointing and looking up excitedly, my eyes followed to where he was pointing towards. "No need. " By the time I lowered my gaze, I saw him standing there with his hand raised . "Why? Ah, is it because of director Choi?, your manager Taemin ? " "No." "Is that so? Or do you not like me? Do you feel uncomfortable with men ? "' I observed Mr.Lee....'32 or 33' He looked around that age... with faint wrinkles around his eyes. But the disappointed expression on his face looked like a child's. "I don't hate it. It's not annoying either. But, that doesn't mean it's okay to just roll and play around. So, go find someone to be your real target. Come on . " To be honest , when I heard that he was once heavily broken by Myeongshin, it's not that I didn't think about whether it would be possible to take advantage of this. However, Manager Choi is enough, I don't want to drag someone who doesn't want revenge here anymore. Probably because most people are like that, Even when they were lost or betrayed, they did not choose revenge like Mr Lee and his manager, so Myeongshin could peacefully stand in the current position. However, that is only most, not everyone in this world is the same. Myeongshin probably overlooked that. There are still people equal to his own time and in genuine strength who will make him pay the price.......Like me here.... I don't know what Mr Lee will do after getting dumped, but it seems he's determined not to date any more artists. Therefore, I purposely said it in a dry tone so that the other person could hear the coldness in it. After his face was blank for a while, he opened his mouth again. " You... Woa ! What to do ! I'm going to fall for you ! " Huh ? I wondered if I had misheard and furrowed my brows, his excited voice confirming my thoughts.

"It's okay, I don't need you to feel anything for me ! Just let me play with you, I will do anything. Hmm ? " Is idiot?...

"What do you want ? I know a lot of people, I can contact them to shoot CFs ( commercials ) right away. Or, I also know a director of this movie, if you want it immediately... " " No need ! " Fortunately, a loud voice interrupted Mr Lee's words. The manager ran out of breath and came to stand in front of me and raised his chin. "That's enough ! I can support my own actors, so Mr.Lee please give up . " "But, I can give Lee Taemin what he wants ! " "What ? How do you know what Taemin wants?!, Ah?!! Taemin?! Did you tell him you want revenge on Myeongshin ?" "No, but now you've said it. The cats out of the bag." I should have noticed since the moment he brought all his worries about the his children's school fees to a strange delivery man he had never met, that he is in fact in open book. Unfortunately, Mr Lee stood by the line and listened to all of it before he could respond to the manager, who reacted. "Revenge? Did you enter the entertainment world to get revenge? Who is Myeongshin ?" Only then did the manager realise and gasped. "Ah..." Mr.Lee turned his head at the speed of light . "Myeongshin is Song Yoohan's real name?! " "Huh?! Mr Lee doesn't even know Yoohan's real name ? " Mr.Lee's eyes suddenly opened wide and he turned to look at me. "Woa , are you really going to take revenge on Yoohan ? That's great." Instead of looking at him, I turned to look at the manager. He met my eyes and shivered, taking a step back and grabbing the arm of the overjoyed Mr.Lee. "Hey Mr Lee, I was just joking. Haha, revenge? Aha....I made a mistake nothing of the sort.... "

The manager tried to fix the situation but it was no use, not even Mr.Lee would believe that..... "It can't be, On Director Choi's face it's clearly written that it's true. So, you want to avenge him too, Director Choi? Ah ah, let me in! I want revenge too!" Suddenly, I didn't want to get revenge anymore.

Chapter End Notes

T/N: Poor Mr.Lee... Getting his heart broken by Song Myeongshin and being discarded rip...

Chapter 10 Chapter Summary

Alice in wonderland.

It was after we had a simple dinner that I had to listen to the manager and apologize all the way back to the company. "Don't worry haha- I'll buy alcohol and brainwash Mr Lee into thinking it's all a joke, so it's okay...It's Mr Lee afterall." I was about to say I was starting to feel tired, when suddenly I heard a faint vibration somewhere. "Mr Lee has a very poor drink, so if I say it over and over again that it's a joke..." "You have a call." I pointed to the cell phone next to him. He stopped talking and looked at his phone, then happily pulled over to the side of the road, quickly putting on his headset to connect. When I was wondering who called him and was so happy, I saw the name ' Chief Park ' on the phone screen. Ah, that Chief Park who was sobbing. When I recalled the person who interviewed me, the voice of the manager sitting next to me suddenly became strange. "Yes ? Chief Park , what do you mean. Why am I being disciplined ? Yes. Yes , that is true . Bu , that's not what I mean...but it's not that I have any objections, it's that all scheduled classes are suddenly canceled, so I just wanted to ask..." While he unconsciously raised his voice, he looked at me and lowered his voice . "Wasn't it the company's fault that the originally registered classes were canceled ? I got it. I understand. But did Chief Park check why it was canceled? No, I'm not making excuses, I'm just explaining why I was disciplined for being against the officer in charge. And if I don't have that much of an opinion, how can I be a manager.. Yes, yes.. I got it . " Tut. Tut.... "...Haa" Manager hung up the phone with a serious face , looked at the phone screen for a long time. Then remained the same and opened his mouth . "Taemin ah , why don't you ask me what happened. Go..on... "

"What's happened ? " He raised his eyes but his expression remained unchanged, the eyes of a normally gentle human were now darkened, It was clear that he was angry. "Do you remember I called the person in charge of your canceled classes this morning? That's the problem. I was reported threatening an employee so now I have to pay a fine from my supervisor. So I won't get the basic operation fee for a month ." There was a faint smile on his face, but his eyes remained dark. Instead of being silent, I slowly spoke up. "Then I guess it can't be helped. Seems like there's no choice but to give up on the lessons." "!!" "I'll be fine, for learning I can just go to prep schools...." "It can't be fine!!. Because it's so absurd. Obviously your scheduled classes are all canceled by Myeongshin. " As soon as he finished speaking, he closed his mouth and lowered his eyes down as if thinking about something before lifting them up. "That's right, it was Myeongshin who was wrong first. Why should I be disciplined ? That fuckin bastard!!...." Hearing Manager curse words at Myeongshin for the first time made me smile inside. "So what are you going to do now ? " "Damn, I have to go to the company, even if I can't expose everything, I still have to erase my mistake. I should have went to the company in the first place.....I'm sure it's because I'm scared of stupid words..." He scolded himself and roughly started the car and drove away. Once the car had rolled away, I leaned back against the car seat and opened the window.... "Why don't you make a call instead of revoking the office." "What call ?" He asked again, I turned to look at him . "First let go see Chief Park . " Chief Park's office is on the top floor of the building. The executive offices are all gathered in one place, so we have to go through multiple closed doors with different levels of verification from the entrance to the lobby. We were able to get in through the manager yelling at Chief Park. I stepped on the carpet without a sound and entered the office not far from the entrance. Chief Park was sitting on the opposite side with a serious expression because he knew we

were here to protest, so he put on a face that had all the tough features of a man, but it didn't seem to be very effective, because I already knew he was a crybaby. "Manager Choi is very loud , so I asked the two of you to come up here to talk, but saying it in advance won't work. " He forcefully told the manager to let him lead the matter first . "I contacted the staff you called in the morning and they said it's true that you intend to oppose them.....Of course Manager Choi seems to be the victim but..." "So you know. I was in a bad situation." The manager interrupted and approached, causing the manager Park to close his mouth with a confused look on his face. After that, the manager neared out his name . "Yoohan, is it Song Yoohan ? " "Cough, let's see. I don't know. If you're just saying that without proof..." "Haha, I can give you it here." When he finished talking, he used his phone to send a message. Not long after connecting the phone to the speakerphone he had taken from the car, the phone rang. The manager smiled and gave the phone to the head of the Park department. "Listen carefully. Hello? Myeongshin right?" 「"What do you mean by that? What do you mean thanks to me?"」 I could hear Myeongshin's exasperated voice through the speakerphone. Now, the manager only smiled at him, no longer had to bow like before. " Ah , of course thanks for worrying about my newcomer. It's all thanks to the eldest hyung. Thank you for taking away all the studio photographers we signed with the company. Only then can Mr.Lee of studio XX could take a photo for him." When Myeongshin asked again, 「"Mr.Lee?...Don't make me laugh your over doing it with that bluff..."」 "It is indeed Mr Lee...Haha, by the way, I also filed a complaint with the company because the registered classes weren't for newbies who didn't know anything. That's why Head of Department Park gave us a dedicated instructor there! Ha ha, if it's not thanks to you, then what is it? Thank you very much indeed. This time the person who was brought in was a university lecturer... " Tut. Tut. Tut.. It seems that the other party has hung up so the only sound left is the sound of the phone coming from the speaker. The manager raised his head to look at department head Park. "If he now complains to you department head Park about dedicated instructors, then i'll be right? "

When asked by Mr.Choi, Chief Park put his hand on his forehead because he had a headache. "I know it is true, but if you lie like that and if he finds out ? The fact that it was photographed by studio XX's Lee is just a matter of checking ... " " It's real. " "Hah? " "I just brought Taemin back after taking pictures there." The manager said in a smug tone. It was a bit different from the image of the old manager running around holding a can of water in his hand that I met the other he's standing up straight and looking at the other person with confidence. Chief Park must have been surprised, then blinked and cleared his throat. "Cough, so what if I don't get a call ? " "He will call." "..." "..." "So if he phone calls, please let Taemin attend the classes as per your contract. Mr.Park, I don't care if there is an operation fee." Chief Park silently watched the manager speak in a serious tone and nodded . "Yes. I will." "Thank you, Chief Park. Oh yes, by the way Taemin said he has something to ask. " He remembered my request before coming here. The department head Mr.Park suddenly became a bit wary as if recalling the scene where I was holding a knife and 'threatening' him..... "Hmm, what do you want to know ?" " Please tell me who it is. " " Who...what ? " "The one who ordered to discipline my manager . " There were many reasons why I asked that Psychopath to discipline my manager, but the biggest reason was still that I wanted to know his identity. I could have easily asked him, but I wanted to double check before he told me. I wonder if he can really do anything I ask. And now the opportunity has come. But Chief Park's reaction was a bit strange.

" Huh ? " He seemed very surprised, so he just stared at me, I asked again. "To be honest, it's very strange. Why force discipline just because a phone call doesn't even count as a recommendation....It's like someone is behind the scenes manipulating everything. " Of course it was me.... " Ah... That's... It's..." He opened his mouth in shock but only stammered out a sound like an idiot with his eyes wide open. But why should he be so surprised? Although I knew he probably wouldn't answer easily, I didn't expect him to be so surprised. "Is it because the person who pressures you is an artist ? " The manager who was always watching beside me suddenly got angry and shouted at my question . " Artist ? Could it be Song Yuhan ? That guy??!!. " " Ah, Song Yuhan...and...Not an artist either . " This time it was my turn to be surprised when he waved his hand in denial....Hmm? Not an artist? So he's in another position to give him orders? I furrowed my brows and asked Chief Park to confirm once more. "Really not an artist ?" he Nodded in response " Then why are you so surprised ? " I couldn't help but ask, Chief Park then he swallowed and said . " I was really surprised. I didn't expect you would actually ask that question . " Really ask?....what?.... " I actually received an order. " " Order?... what order? " " When someone asks me about a disciplinarian, this is the answer . " He looked at me awkwardly and opened his mouth with difficulty. "Stop worrying about other people's business '200 won', you idiot.... That is it ." I turned my back , trying to swallow the curse words in my heart that were about to burst out . Okay, I admit. He really is much more of a pain in the ass than me. Manager and Chief Park

both wondered what the '200 won' was all about, so it took me a long time to change the subject and leave the company. I refused the manager's good will and walked to the bus stop alone. I got on the bus in the opposite direction from the way I usually go home. There reason was because, just as i left the company, at that moment, I received a message as if it was just waiting for me to leave. ["Come here now. " ] The sender was [ Madman ] . The lights in the entertainment district were brighter than during the day, making me a little dizzy. In other places, it is time to relax after a long day,...but it's only this place that is still bustling as usual. Busy people flowed on the street, long lines of sidewalk shops, cars moving slowly trying to cross the narrow road. Chatting , laughing , the sound of excitement mixed with the popular music crept through the buildings. Everyone seemed to be mesmerized and absorbed in that bustling atmosphere. Things that don't concern me. Music, noise, neon lights all left no impression on me . I still have not forgotten the fun of laughing and drinking with everyone back then. Maybe it's because I haven't touched it in years, that part of my past enjoyment seems to have been cut by a knife. From that moment five years ago. So, I feel like it will never change no matter how much time has passed. Like I can't go back. I stopped and looked at the sign hanging at the entrance leading down. Checking the string of English names that looked like phone fonts, I entered. Then, a muscular man in a black suit next to the entrance stood up to stop me. "You can't go this way." I looked down the stairs, and checked the name again, and continued on. I ignored him and moved, but this person who looked like a security guard continued to put his hand out in front of me. "This is a membership club, if you are not a member you cannot enter." "What if I am a member ? " The guard hesitated, then stepped back a little, watching me from below. Then he asked, looking suspiciously like he thought I didn't fit his standards. "Are you a member? " "No." Looking at his contorted face, I pointed down . "But, the person waiting down there is a member." The security guard immediately apologized and asked something into the receiver connected to the headset . I'm annoyed that he told me to go to such a troublesome place. So, I stood slightly tilted, the security guard was checking when suddenly asked me.

"What is the name of your companion? " "That ..." "Could you tell me the name of your companion ? " "!" "You have to give me your name so I can check..." "Let's see if anyone looks like a madman in there." "Huh ? " He raised his voice and grimaced. If I did, he might forcefully drive me away, so I took a big step back. That's it, anyway, he just told me to come this far, I've already done it, so it doesn't matter if I leave now. If he does come, I can just make excuses, so I turn around. As I was about to leave quickly, I seemed to hear someone running up the stairs and calling my name back. "Is it Mr. Lee Taemin ?" That's not my real name , so I thought it would be fine to just deny it and leave...However, I couldn't help but turn around at the next confirmation. "Ah yes, Lee Taemin is just a stage name, and his real name is Lee Baekwon, if it's you, then please..." When I looked over, I saw the security guard standing....I blushed in surprise at that so called 'real name of mine'. Because of my 'real name' Lee Baekwon, I have to trust this so-called club manager down below. Other than the speculation that this shop with a long English name would just look like a regular bar, the atmosphere here is like that of a high-class, classy and quiet restaurant. Classical tunes rang out , chandeliers hung from the ceiling and paintings hung everywhere in the small hall . Around the hall, narrow passages curved in various directions extending to three places, giving the place the feeling of the center of a maze. " This way . " Just as I stopped and looked around, he called out softly and led me into the leftmost aisle . "It's easy for first timers to get lost , so please follow closely behind me." Perhaps he was right, the strange passage met more corridors and branched again, it seems that i really would have lost my way if i missed the manager. The only distinguishing feature was the doors on either side of the corridors, all of them of different designs. The manager stopped in front of one of them, opened the door, and reached in. "Can you wait here for a moment?"'

Entering the small room with furniture that looked like a normal apartment, I asked him as he closed the door. " How long ?" He was about to close the door when he stopped and replied with a smile . " It won't take more than 30 minutes . " ClickAfter the door closed, I looked around the quiet room, sat down at the end of the long sofa and checked the time. 9:29 pm. "Come quickly..." I was mumbling when suddenly the door opened and someone walked in. "Hello sir." A beautiful girl approached and greeted. The lightly makeuped face looked like it came out of a painting and the skin was clean and spotless. Exalted by a deep red dress that revealed a high neckline under her bouncy hair, it looked even more white and glowing. This girl looks even more beautiful than many artists in the world, to the point that it can make people on the street turn their heads to look at each other, holding a tray of glasses and a bottle of Western wine in her hand. However, it was immediately apparent that she was clearly not a waitress carrying a glass of wine at all. With Serving a glass of wine or anything. With that side slit red dress and gorgeous jewelry, she looked more like a receptionist. The problem is why the receptionist entered this room. It's not like I haven't been to a place like this in the past so I know well, unless I'm a loyal customer, alcohol and women will never automatically be offered. Confused, I watched her gently sit down beside me. Before my gaze, the girl came to sit closer to me and smiled. "In the meantime , let's chat for a while" " No need " " Ah , don't you like to be disturbed ? Well then..." " I said no need." Staring at the girl. I coldly spat out. There was a hint of embarrassment on the beautiful woman's face, but I had no choice. Based on my experience, their job is to receive guests, so even if the man sitting in the room refuses, they can't just leave. I'm not used to this, so I thought I only had to refuse once. But, no matter how unlucky I am, I have to say it clearly. " Get out of here. " I pointed at the drink and asked in a low voice . The girl stopped breathing for a moment,and looked at me and realised it was true, and reluctantly put on a smile.

"Aren't you satisfied with me? Or should I bring forth another drink?" She was immediately able to return to her original bright voice, showing how well-trained the girl was. From the looks to training. Since it's mentioned as a membership, the quality here can be counted on to be quite high. Maybe that bottle alone is equivalent to half a year of my salary. "Tell me if you like any kind of wine. He told me to say to you that you don't have to worry about money, and just need to wait comfortably." The voice is as sweet as the song of a bird. I would be grateful if I could drink expensive wine for free, but... " I don't drink...So take it away." After the second comment , the girl finally got up from her seat. However, the girl left the wine behind and walked out the door smiling. " Looks like you're not happy with me. I'll call someone else over. " The girl left before I could say no, and after a long time someone actually approached. This time a handsome guy. Sure enough, also a face with a more beautiful appearance than many artists in the world, he smiled at me and entered the room. " Woah, you are so lovely..." " Get out...." I said , somehow I had an uneasy feeling that these words would have to keep coming out of my mouth . 9:59 pm. When the clock struck the right time, I got up from my seat immediately. From now on, men and women have had enough, taking turns entering, After all, taking turns entering , causing me to constantly chase them out, and in the end 30 minutes had passed. I really wanted to leave this room because I've had enough, but the door opened before I could even touch it. "Sorry to keep you waiting for so long . I have come to pick you up . " As soon as the face of the club manager who led me here first met my eyes , I really wanted to swear . It only takes one step faster to leave. I tried to suppress the regret in my heart and was dragged along with him through the labyrinth of corridors. Turn right, turn left, then turn right again. I had passed these passages enough for the back to gradually disappear from view, but I was not bored at all. Watching the doors change is also quite magical for me. I think I've seen this scene in some fairy tale. Labyrinth of corridors with different doors. T/N: Alice in wonderland reference She becomes huge and can also shrink, and a rabbit appears... "Do you want to go inside?"

When I looked up, I saw that he had opened an iron door at the end of the corridor and pointed inside. Ah,...I remembered that the girl entered the wrong door,and got into trouble, and so she fell into a wonderland. For some reason, I have the feeling that if I step inside, I will also fall into another magical land. But that feeling was gone in an instant. " Mr. Lee Baekwon ? " I lazily reacted to the name making it impossible not to wake up from reality . The manager who was over 40 walked in first and kindly explained. " We're almost there. Mr. Lee Baekwon." " ... " " Is there anything uncomfortable about Mr. Lee Baekwon ? " " No . " I replied briefly to confirm with him. Obviously he didn't mean anything by calling me that. Even so, the innocent person still felt awkward at my gaze and stepped inside. It was a storage room with stuff piled up on either side, but he slid right through them and opened another door on the opposite side and went in. Then, another corridor appeared. These corridors are a little different. No decorations, no music, like a corridor for employees who are busy moving. The manager crossed the narrow aisle, came to a nearby door, knocked and turned to look at me. " He is waiting inside. " Then he gently opened the door and stepped aside...I looked around once more before entering. Having a room deep inside this wonderland meant he couldn't at least be a guest...Or is he the owner of this place? " Who is the person inside ?" I tried to ask, he was a bit confused but immediately replied with a smile . " Of course it is the one who is waiting for you, Mr. Lee Baekwon. " I suddenly felt extremely regretful , when I only had 200 won in my pocket the day I first met him

Chapter 11 Chapter Summary

Never make the same mistake twice.

Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for notes

To be honest, if he was training a beast in the room with a whip, I wouldn't be surprised. Therefore, no matter how chaotic the interior was, I could still calmly observe. A Simple office furniture, phase numbers and desks that don't match the classic wallpaper and crimson carpet. It was a large room for one person to use, but the desks, drawers were all piled up with papers and thick folders. I closed the door and stopped when I saw the madman sitting behind a large desk in the front. He wore glasses, with his eyes darting back and forth between the two screens in front of him and the messy papers on the desk. Behind the thin silver-rimmed glasses is his expressionless face while working, it feels like a different person. " Sit down. " The brief command and low voice told me it was him. However, I was forced to slightly frown at his command. The only sofa that could be sat on was already occupied by piles of papers and other things. Seeing him still leisurely continue to work, I had to put the stack of papers aside and sit down. This situation was a bit unexpected for me. When I first arrived, I thought I would see a scene of him drinking to his heart's content and disturbing me. I even prepared myself for the worst case scenario of getting a few more punches, but in the end...what kind of hard work atmosphere is this? Looking at the pile of documents, more than half of them in English. " Who are you ? " I asked, Chief Park the same question, combined with the current situation, it's clear that he is not an artist. A question that should have been asked in the first place, he answered without even lifting his head. " A Shareholder. " Shareholder ? I couldn't immediately understand this but he might mock me if I asked him again. Fortunately, he explained further in a dry tone. "To be precise, one of the major shareholders" Well, even without asking, he's probably one of the shareholders of Dream. However, I do not understand the status of a major shareholder because I do not know these things very

well. Only by owning a lot of shares is it possible to freely go in and out of the company, have the actors bow their heads and discipline their staff... Come to think of it , when I first met him, I attempted to ask for a cigarette from him but at the time he talked to me as if I was the one who was intentionally trying to hit on him. Is this usually how it is for someone of the major shareholders position?. I felt like something was wrong here, but I couldn't think of anything to do with it, so I had to move on to the next question. "What's your name?" After hearing my question, he raised his head for the first time. He took off his glasses, held them in one hand and looked at me silently, then had that unique smile on his face again. "When asking for someone's name, you should tell your name first. Or do you like the name Lee Baekwon?" "Lee Yoohan. " I thought he would be surprised because it resembled Myeongshin's stage name, but he had no interest in his name and put on his glasses again . "Jay." Huh?....I frowned at him. But apparently because he had finished naming himself, he continued to look at the document and the screen again. Jay is an English name right? He didn't say his last name was ' Je ' or ' Yi' right? Suddenly my whole body fell apart. I thought that knowing his name and identity would feel like knowing a lot about him, but now there are even more things that I don't know about him. I turned to look at him and leaned back on the sofa. Then he turned his gaze back to the TV placed on the front wall. The large screen doesn't look like it fits in this office-like layout at all. I looked at the glossy black screen and counted in my heart. After I finished counting to nine, I was deciding in my heart to get up when something fell down beside me. It was a USB that he had thrown to me. I didn't take it, but looked at him, and heard him speak. " Open it up and have a look . " After he said that he continue back to his work and once again ignoring me. I followed in suit without saying anything more, because I felt like I shouldn't bother him. Perhaps because of a little curiosity, I did not rush to leave. The office is located in the corner of a bar, the face with glasses that doesn't smile while working, or even his name, it's all beyond my expectations. When I plugged in the USB Into the player under the TV and turned it on , the title appeared on the screen, the movie started . Five short films, each about 25 minutes long. In the last film, when the subtitles stopped showing up, suddenly I heard a voice coming from behind me . " How was it ? " "What do you mean how was it?"

" The films. " He changed his question when he saw that I couldn't answer. "Which ones did you like best?" I think back to the five movies I just watched. To be honest, I don't think it's all that interesting. I don't understand this genre of content with nothing special, nor any highlight, just simple footage of daily life with the camera. Still, there's something worth remembering here. " The first and the fourth. " At my answer, he slightly raised one of his lips. He better not laugh because I'm feeling rather pissed right now. But rather he looked like he was smiling , and that actually makes me even more annoyed . "I'm surprised...How did you know?" What?.....The way he looked at me like he is so shocked... " Both these films are produced by the same director. " So what ?...The purpose of me having to sit here and watch this boring movie for nearly 2 hours just to guess which movie has the same director of the same era? I don't know what the hell I'm doing here anymore,...I was about to get up when I heard a lazy voice that belonged only to him. "I need to pick a movie to invest into you see. A new director is of course a lot of risk, but if you choose well, the return on investment will still be as high as usual. We still have to considering the tastes of amateurs like you too." He lazily rubbed his neck with one hand, adding. " This is one of my jobs. Choosing movies to invest into, collect money, and make profits. Any more questions ? " I opened my mouth while looking at him with suspicious eyes. Why was he kind enough to explain it to me? Okay, if he's gonna be like that then I shouldn't betray his kindness now. "Is this your store? " " It's not. " Not his?, but how he can unilaterally use such an office , I don't understand....I don't know if it's because of my obvious expression, he has a smile on his lips. " I have shares here. " .....He invested his money here and there...

" But more than that, this store is very useful. Any other questions ?" "What's the reason for calling me here?, I didn't come just to watch movies right?" "It could've been the only reason, who knows or like planning to use a worthless person like you for something useful like that " "..." " But, yes, there is another purpose. " " What is it ? " "What do you think it is?" He was looking forward to what i would say. He took his hand off his neck, raised his head. I caught sight of those smiling eyes, but the fact that those eyes weren't smiling inside remained the same. So I couldn't take his words as a joke, it's just that his voice has softened a bit. "What were you expecting?...perhaps did you imagine me suddenly attacking you? Like the one were i shove my dick inside you and wildly thrust in and out continuously? Making an absolute wreck out of you~" Perhaps I should consider his personality a bit too corrupt. Despite admitting that the other person is stronger than me, I can't help control my emotions. Although the best solution in this case is to just let it go, but....only after I responded to his provocation. "That's right~ How'd you know that ? I'm just imagining a dick going inside and thrusting around like crazy. " Faced with that smiling face, I gave him the same laugh and beamed back at him . "But as me the one entering and Fucking you" I lowered my gaze and scanned his body from the bottom up. The buckled belt is the same color as the black pants that fit his body, hugging the waist to reveal a flat stomach, and the shirt being neatly tucked into his pants. Along the thin shirt that concealed his muscular chest, I slowly looked up and met his dark eyes. Different from the smiling mouth, the moment i met that emotionless gaze, coldness suddenly emanated from deep within. I subconsciously have a little regret, but my nature has suppressed it all. Whenever I meet anyone stronger, I always want to challenge them no matter how scared I am. "Whatever, maybe I can turn a blind eye and fuck you once." I purposely put on a dry tone to show that I wasn't shaken. No sarcasm, but I know this word will probably provoke the other party. So, I purposely looked him in the eye. The moment the darkness gradually faded, I felt the light spreading in those eyes, I heard a voice. "It's an honour. That I'm worth for you to fuck once, anyway it works for me."

Huh ?....I unconsciously furrowed my brows. He tilted his head to the side and put a smile around the corner of his lips as if he had found something interesting. "That means, it won't matter if I take the top position and can play you any time, rather than someone who can fuck me once like you. Isn't it ? " "Don't fuck with me.... " "What's the matter? It's fair. Since the person who wants to do the thrusting will have a chance to do it, no?." he added nonchalantly . "W-what?!" "I'm able to fuck you while turning a blind eye and i can make you suffer a thousand times like that." I looked at him silently for a long time, because I was holding back the vulgar words that were about to come out of my heart. However, even though I thought that the side that was distracted first would be the loser, but I couldn't stop my harsh tone from coming out. Honestly, I'm not familiar with a situation like this. Since 5 years ago, very few people have been able to stimulate me enough to make my emotions swing. It made me think to myself, how can I who knows about everything that Myeongshin has done and still suppresses my explosive anger, can react to this person each words like that. "That's just your opinion." "That's reflected in your mind. You said you will only fuck me once. You should be grateful that I will do what you want.." What reason is this? I stared at him again spouting those nonsense words, and suddenly remembered that he was the one who tried to get 200 million won from me just for one of his half-smoked cigarette. Ah, right. I'm dealing with a madman. "I don't have any intentions on being fucked by you!!. " " Why? " He put on a dumbfounded face with a seemingly innocent question. "Because I wasn't planning on messing around with you in the first place, Besides.." I paused for a moment, then gave the most important reason. "I've always been on the initiative side." At my answer, he straightened up, his eyes no longer bored as before. "Interesting. Always huh...then that means you haven't given your virginity to anyone so far?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he smiled as if he was enjoying something. So I nodded and opened my mouth. "Of course. No one, not a single-..." Before I could finish my sentence, something popped up in my head. A scene flashed through my brain like a full-color scene in a black-and-white video. The trembling memory of sitting on someone's body in a dimly lit motel. Damn, along with the cursing, the memory of 5 years ago gradually flashed into my mind. Maybe that was the time when I was still distributing leaflets. When I wore the stuffed animal mask and went to the motel with a man I happened to meet by chance at that time. It was the only moment in my life that I looked back on, but there was only one thing that I could clearly remember. The darkness inside the stuffed animal mask was damp and oppressive due to being used for a long time, the narrow viewing angle looked like a small hole and it felt like the vision was getting more and more blurred. Maybe it was the tears. I only noticed when the sticky tears mixed with sweat soaked my face and fell to my chin, making it almost impossible for me to see anything in front of me. I don't know if it was because I was just crying at that time that I couldn't remember anything about the other party. Or maybe it was because I didn't take it seriously at the time. "Go on." I was startled by the sudden voice and raised my eyes. Smiling, he urged me with cold eyes. "Not a single what?, keep going ? " "..." "What's wrong? Why won't you finish your sentence?" I couldn't help but open my mouth at the heavy commanding tone . "One...There is one person, But-." I swallowed back the words that followed and became suspicious. But who is it really? The memory of me crying at that time is so big that I can't remember anything else around, but strangely, there was a fear of not knowing the name of the one that still lingered in my mind. This terrible feeling of insecurity as if the other party was someone I knew. I think there must be something special about it... I was busy trying to recall the memories of that time, and suddenly realised that my surroundings had become strangely quiet. When I shifted my gaze, he was looking at me with the same expressionless face as when he did his job. His silence annoys me even more than when he said those nasty words. I don't know if it was because I honestly confessed that he lost interest, but I regained my composure and opened my mouth bluntly. " But, it was only one person. I was originally the top, and so will yo-..." " Who is it ? "

It was a monotone voice without any intonation, but strangely, I felt the pressure cut into my skin like a knife. I asked back like an idiot even though I already knew his intentions. "Who?" " Who is that person, that fucked you?. " " Why does it matter who it was?. " Why does this bastard want to know who fucked me?... "I guess you loved this person so much that you'd change your top position, for him right? " If I had heard this in the past, I would have laughed by now, But seeing his face that had lost his smile, I frowned. " Are you kidding now ? " " I told you, I don't joke. So answer it. " The anger boiled over again. Why do I have to answer? I was about to snap at him, but then stopped when I noticed he really wanted to know me. He's not joking, he's serious. Why? I wondered in my head and also came up with the answer myself. If he's serious, he'll probably keep asking until I answer. " There's no way it could've been that enough for you? " " Then why'd you do it? " "!" " I really like that look. " He lifted one corner of his lips and smiled at me. " Seems like the reason you did that is more important than your target. I'm getting more and more curious as to Who was it ? The one that took your virginity?" "Mind your own business." " No . " He replied lazily, taking a step to lift himself off the wall. "If I've paid for a non-refundable item in advance, then of course I should pay attention to it." As he replied, he turned around and headed straight for the desk. "It's only natural for me to want to know who you are, to know someone worth hiding your personality from."

" What do you know about my personality ? " "I know that, just because Song Myeongshin ran away with all your money 5 years ago, with your personality you wouldn't be the type to want revenge like this." He stopped in front of the computer and casually threw a sentence, but I couldn't take it lightly. How did he know that? Hansoo? Manager? However, I clearly remember I never told the two of them about the time ' 5 years ago ' . While I was stunned, he tapped the keyboard with his hand and added. " Of course, if you 're still the bum who dropped out of high school to drive race cars and receive money from a loan shark office like 5 years ago , then you certainly would. " "..." " Ah , but if you were the type of playboy who squandered money like garbage, fought like a regular, just liked to show off and swung his knife full of pride, then you would have rushed in and swung your fist first . The last time and raise your head to ask as if you have finished what you want to do. " He raised his eyes from the keyboard and added, "Sounds familiar?" "How do you know ?" My past is not a recorded. Even if I have done terrible things, it is only a story that exists in the memory of me and those who know me. Furthermore, it's been 5 years since I've had contact with anyone else, because I'm just a forgotten existence to everyone. So, in this present, finding someone to ask about my past is extremely difficult. My blood went cold and my skin stiffened with tension. His words aroused my vigilance more than surprise, to the point of causing my body to enter a fight-ready state and automatically recognise him as an enemy. To my question, he opened his mouth so slowly that I got a little impatient, but that was not an answer. " Your work history starts almost 5 years ago. So that means something happened 5 years ago and it changed you. I went through your résumé. And through that same thing, I found out your familial ties." I opened my mouth to stop him. Otherwise, I'll have to hear those words again. But his mouth was still faster. A bored voice resounded. " Did the death of your brother and mother cause you to change ? " When I jumped up from my seat, the stack of documents piled up beside me scattered all over the floor. However, the sound could not be heard anymore. My heart started beating unusually fast. The sharp pupils that stared at me expressionlessly as if they knew everything about my sin. Even knowing full well that reason couldn't have returned so soon, I still held my breath for a moment like a fool. It's funny, but also really scary. I have lived 5 years

without any problems, so I don't know how deep inside I have always been filled with darkness and guilt. The more I push my aspirations, the more I have to suppress my emotions, the more I work too hard, the more indifferent my mind becomes, the more darkness may have grown. After that, the familiar calm quickly calmed things down, but the fear I felt for that moment couldn't leave my heart so easily. " To be honest I can't believe it. " Finding the answer in my silence, he narrows his eyes and continued . "The death of your family was so big that it changed everything about you." "No" "..." " No...that wasn't it...They were no different than strangers. " I explained in a calm voice. I thought there would be such a question,"why?". But instead, he turned his gaze to the TV. He was holding a remote control in his hand. On the big TV screen, he used the remote to adjust the mode and open his mouth. "I called you here to watch a movie, but also to give you a small reward" He put the remote down when he had reached the screen he wanted, he asked with his usual smile. " I heard you were photographed by artist Lee of studio XX ? " "Who else did you hear that from?" Immediately, Chief Park's face popped into my head, but I turned my attention back to what he was about to say. " I don't know how you convinced the Mr Lee ], but it seems that everyone at Dream headquarters is quite surprised . " But in return, I also had to let him take my nude photo for him. I just looked at him quietly and asked again, because I thought it would be more troublesome if I told him the reason. " So what's the reward ?" The screen popped up on the TV at the same time as my question. The image of a small room was captured by a camera fixed at an angle on the ceiling. As soon as I looked at it, I had to frown for a moment when I realized I was the person in that room. Also wearing the same clothes as now. That's the room the manager told me to wait in before entering. When I looked over, he didn't take his eyes off the screen but opened his mouth. " I thought I would find something interesting, because you had fun playing in the past. "

Other than his disappointed tone, his face was still smiling. Walking out, I heard my own voice inside the monitor. "Did you test me ? " I stared without bothering to hide my displeasure. He looked at me blankly for a moment, then turned back to the screen. " Yes. " " Based on what ? " " Since I don't get a refund, I have to see if it's worth it. " There's nothing left to answer this brazen talker. It is true that I chose the wrong person, I suddenly regretted it, but i realised that this is not the reward he mentioned. Since he himself said it was a reward, then at least it had to be something that surprised me, not annoyed me like now. When I raised my head, the TV ended half an hour with me getting up. I could tell what he was talking about when I looked into the room on which the screen had paused. If it can capture my image, it can also capture someone else's picture. It is possible that other rooms also have similar surveillance cameras. Then, the question I asked him just now popped into my head. 'How do he know?' No one around me knows about my past. Except for one person.... "You filmed Myeongshin? " He narrowed his eyes slightly when I asked him directly, then immediately raised his eyes to smile. "That's pretty good." Every time he tries to compliment me, I feel dirty. His dimples became visible as he smiled. But the screen changed again there were two men sitting close together in a room twice the size of the one I had been in. On the lower side was Myeongshin, and holding his shoulder was the second guy who entered the room I kicked out at that time. [ Are you saying it's just a stage name? Why did you choose that name? ] The man asked Myeongshin, slowly placing his hand on his thigh. Not knowing if he was drunk or was infatuated with the feeling of hands touching his body, Myeongshin closed his eyes and opened his mouth. [ Mmm... Nothing special either. Just the name of someone I used to know. ] [ Someone you know? So you must really like that person. ] Myeongshin, now lazily leaning on the other's body, crouched down and laughed. [Like it? Khuc- Ah, I really liked him. When I was young. He really looked cool back then. ]

[ How cool was that? ] [ He was a high school dropout who went racing and received money from a loan shark office. ] The words that came out of his mouth were almost what the madman had said about me. [ He squanders money like garbage, fights like a regular, just likes to show off and swing his knife with pride. Now that I think about it, he really was the pathetic type, after all, I was still so naive back then. Why is that, he's obviously just a rude guy who thinks he's great. He is very cruel. Not too tall, but never let himself lose to those who are taller than him. ] I could feel his eyes staring at me that gave me goosebumps, but I remained glued to the screen. The man now put his hand on Myeongshin's waist and asked more. [Hmm, you must have watched him a lot. You said you used to like him?, didn't you and him live together? ] Myeongshin flexed slightly as the man's hand gently slid across the center of his stomach. [ Correct. We used to live together. He treated me very well. Ah, stop asking and hurry up. ] Myeongshin arched his back and placed his abdomen under the moving hand. The man smiled mischievously at Myeongshin's action and rubbed his bulging crotch at his will. [Then why did you break up with him? If he was being so nice to you? Did you get dumped? ] He chuckled and whispered beside Myeongshin. It was a very small voice , but it was still picked up by the camera and I could hear it, and of course Myeongshin also heard i clearly . He answered even though his face was already hot from being directly stimulated. [ Actually, I took all the money from that idiot and ran away. Ah, hurry up! ] Myeongshin raised his voice as if he couldn't take it anymore. The man skillfully unbuttoned his pants with one hand and slid his hands inside his bulging blue underpants. When an excited groan escaped from Myeongshin's mouth, the man hurriedly moved his rubbing hand. Meanwhile, the question didn't stop. [You stole his money? Yet he still hasn't come to find you? Surely he must have known Mr. Yuhan from TV? ] In an instant, Myeongshin's shrill moans were suddenly silenced, and grabbed the wrist of the man who was touching him, his face became expressionless. His aura suddenly changed as if he had become a different person. I narrowed my eyes and stepped forward to take a closer look. It's a demonstration that I didn't see 5 years ago. No, it was a demonstration he could never do. In front of the other's cold eyes, his whole body was as stiff as stone. [Why do you keep asking? ]

[ I'm just curious... Ah! ] Myeongshin twisted the man's hand and raised it high in the air. No longer like the thin image he used to have, veins emerged on his muscular arms. [ Just curious ? Anything else? ] [ Yes, that's all. ] That guy 's physique is bigger, so I thought he could forcefully separate from Myeongshin, but instead, he had a big smile on his face. [Actually, I'm a bit jealous. I was just wondering who the ex-boyfriend was because you got your name after him, afterall since he's so cool. ] Just as Myeongshin coldly looked at the other and grabbed his wrist, this time he suddenly changed his expression. [So soft-spoken as always. But. ] Instead of letting go of his wrist, he placed his hand on the man's cheekbone and pulled his face closer. After that, I couldn't hear that soft whispering voice anymore, but I think he said it like this. [" There will be no forgiveness next time. " ]

As soon as the man nodded with a stiff smile, Myeongshin pressed down on his shoulder. Then, extend his legs and give the command. [Because of you, I lost interest, shut up. ] The man without hesitation walked between his legs and lowered his head. Myeongshin quickly reverted to his original excited face, closing his eyes and tilting his head back. Then, he patted the man's head with his hand and groaned. For a while it was the sound of a man sucking on his penis and Myeongshin panting through the screen. For me, this boring, eyecatching sight almost made me fall asleep, but I'm not complaining either. I'm sure there must be some crazy reason for the screen to keep running like that. As expected, Myeongshin, who was slowly gasping for breath, grabbed the man's hair and muttered. [ Ah, harder. Today, ha, I was mad because of that son of a bitch manager Choi. Damn bastard. He's nothing, just lucky to be able to take pictures and complain to the company, but it's already showing up. Ahh!] As he spoke, he trembled as he came and let out a groan. Myeongshin kept grabbing the man's head down until the shaking stopped, and when the excitement was over, he let go of the hand that was grabbing the man's hair. When the man coughed for a while since he found it difficult to breathe, Myeongshin apologised and stroked the man's face.

[Still, you're the best at this. ] The man wiped his mouth with his hand and sneered, for a moment I thought he was looking at the camera, but the next moment, he straightened his back and sat on the chair. He sat next to Myeongshin, pressed the button on the table and brought the wine glass to his mouth. Well trained or not, he handled the situation calmly, he asked. [I heard that Director Choi has been removed from his management position? ] [ I removed him. Really, what bothers me is where did he get that bastard. ] He winced, then suddenly laughed again. [ So what, if he attends classes supported by the company, he will suffer even more. ] [ What do you mean? ] [ Ah~ I put an obedient guy in there. To step on the brat that old director Choi raised. He's coming here. ] I returned to reality before the madman's voice and looked away from the TV. I asked him what I needed to know. " When was this filmed? " After the manager called it was definitely today, maybe just not long ago? " While you were watching the movies. " Don't tell me... he intentionally let me watch the movie and then took all my information from Myeongshin as well as his reaction to the manager's call ? No, that's too much of a coincidence. What if Myeongshin didn't come here? The answer to my question was revealed in his next words. " This is where the actors of Dream usually come to. Plus there is a very thorough reservation mode. Otherwise why do you think I have a stake in this place ? " I suddenly remembered, his words when he said this place were very helpful. So this is what he meant. To monitor the actors. The more I know, the more uncomfortable I feel, I thought for a moment, looked at the paused screen again and opened my mouth. "Why did you stop at this part?" The person who just walked through this door must be the person Myeongshin called to step on me. And perhaps also the person that I have to study in the same class in the near future. Although it is a question, I didn't ask because i don't know the reason. Since he said the reward is over, that means I have to give something away in order to continue watching the next part, so this question was to ask what he wanted, and it was about to come out of his mouth.

"Tell me who." "Who are you talking about?" I didn't understand what he meant, so I just frowned and looked him straight in the face. Then he kindly explained more. " The person who fucked you once. " " ... " " Say it, and I'll show you the next part . " " What would you do if you knew ? " "Let's see" He mumbled and then smiled. " Want me to find and blow his head off ? So he can forget that memory. " What nonsense again. I still couldn't understand why he was so obsessed with this, so I just stared at him thoughtfully for a long time. Did he have other intentions? To do what ? But I can't think of anything. Meanwhile, he spoke up when he saw that I was silent as if he thought i was worried with something else. " Don't worry. I won't touch your head. I will forgive your memory. " My doubts are growing. What's the point of him pretending to care about me like that? " Anyway, say it. It's not that hard. " The soft, convincing voice gave me goosebumps strangely . On the contrary, I couldn't relax, but asked in return so as not to be dragged along by him. " If you think it's easy you do it, find the guy that fucked your ass and blow his head off . " " You think someone could fuck me? " "Tch.....Then go and find the person you fucked or something... " " I'm currently doing that... " " What?" I looked up at him to see if it was joking, but immediately realised he wasn't. He once again had a smile on his lips parallel to his unsmiling eyes. When I saw it, I couldn't help but have a bit of a negative thought, but wanted to laugh at him. " How many people are you looking for ? "

" One. " "..." " Surprised ? " Okay, I'm very surprised. I was even more surprised when I found out he wasn't joking. But the unusual tone that followed surprised me even more. " He's the only man I've slept with. And only once." I was so surprised that I couldn't answer right away, but on the other hand, I was also curious. Because it doesn't match. From what I have seen so far, it is clear to me that he has no objection to men. On the contrary, I thought he was more interested in men and even enjoyed spending time with them. So that one-time word didn't suit him at all. He probably won't have an indiscriminate sex life, but at least he looks like the type of guy who'll kick it when he wants to. To be more precise, to think of someone who could bear his 'one time' burden was not appropriate at all. My eyes automatically narrowed, because my intuition very rarely misunderstands someone stronger than me. It wasn't long before I opened my mouth to him, who kept watching my reaction as if it were amusing. " You don't have the natural tendency to like men. " If all situations don't suit him, then there is only one. It just happened once. He readily agreed to the conclusion that I had a headache coming up with. " Yes. " He replied lightly, but after listening to it, I became even more suspicious. So how attractive must the other person be that a guy with no interest in men like him wants to sleep with him? To the point of not being able to forget him so he's still looking for him. On the contrary, when I realised maybe this was a deep love affair, I frowned again. " You have no interest in men but love someone so much that you can't forget them and keep looking for them..." I was talking when I suddenly thought of it. That the case may be the opposite. " Not for love. " " Ah , yes. " He still had that smile on his face, but his words made me shiver. " It was because I was angry. " Although I did not know what had happened, I suddenly felt sorry for the other party. If he got caught, he should just go and dig his own grave that day. Was that person that stupid?

Well, if you just look at that smiling face, no one would know that he is a madman. If I say that, I feel like I'm more stupid because I knew it from the start. And then I discovered a strange point while still worrying about a stranger I had never met. So he means to say, even though he doesn't have any interests in men, he does have an interest to harass me? My mood started to get worse. " Then go find the person who pissed you off. Don't bother me. " I spat out because I wanted to end this conversation immediately, but I heard that distinct languid tone . "He is him, and you are you." "Huh?" "Why are you so suddenly stupid? I meant to say you're the second. The second man I would probably be able to sleep with." His voice was friendly and gentle. But instead when I heard that voice, I just felt a chill run down my spine. I could barely bear the obvious fact that he nearly made me take a step back. I could only quietly look at the person, until his smile disappeared, his face turned expressionless, he added dryly. "So now you can't hide anymore. Because I won't make the same mistake twice."

Chapter End Notes

The chapters are getting kinda long😅

Chapter 12 Chapter Summary

His guardian.

On the way home, I received a call from my manager. In a cheery voice, he recounted the news that Myeongshin had phoned Chief Park. 「"Now you can go to class without being hindered by Myeongshin!" 」 There was a hint of excitement in his voice as if he had just tasted a small sense of victory. Hanging up after hearing that there would be an official class a week later, I thought with amusment, 'I Have to wait a whole week?'. Because now I have another matter to worry about....., his words are still floating in my head. { "So now you can't hide anymore. Because I won't make the same mistake twice."} The day when I have to hide will never come, I'm not weak enough to run away either. Although I didn't want to admit it, it was true that I felt a strange sense of fear after hearing those words. Perhaps because it was his words....,it was easier for me to believe than the words themselves. That's right, he's not someone who will make the same mistake twice.... Before I knew it, I saw the entrance to the single, dingy basement room called home. When I think of the small room with no bathroom and the difficulty of moving when lying down, sleep comes over me, easily wiping away the frivolous worries. It doesn't matter anymore. Either way, he won't be so obsessed forever. Fortunately, the manager and Hansoo had a lot of free time, so the two of them spent a week cramming me with basic instructions. In the middle, the manager had been away for half a day, when I came back, I saw that he was holding my profile picture in his hand. I was a bit embarrassed so I just looked at them like I was looking at someone else's picture, but the two of them cherished them like it was a gift from god or something. " Woah- You look like a different person!" " Right ? Doesn't Taemin look really good in pictures? " " It's no joke! Your eyes look much more attractive in the picture. It's amazing. It's 100 times more beautiful than the actual! " " Yes, it's true. If people look at the picture and then look at the original, they might think it's a scam. Haha, right, Taemin?" "!!"

Suddenly it became quiet. The two people holding the photo in their hands met my eyes and stood still in the wind for a long time, then turned away. " Ahem, if you look closely, it actually isn't as beautiful as the actual person..... " " What's so bad about it, he didn't use his feet to take pictures. But ! It's true that it's not as beautiful as the real thing. Even if it's Mr Lee photograph, it doesn't show Taemin's natural beauty... " Right ? Even if it's Mr Lee... But wait, come to think of it, Mr Lee has been sending voice messages on my phone since yesterday? Ah... I listened to it after class.. {"I can't wait to roll with you naked hehe "} the voice mail left by Mr.Lee had a cheesy voice feeling chill! almost made me throw my phone away!

Hansoo and Mr.Choi became furious and baffled at the voice mail left by Photographer Lee. " No, that guy really dares to say that over the phone?!!" " What?!!...No way did manager give my phone number to that person?!!!" Being rebuked by Hansoo, the manager waved his hand with a confused expression. " No, I didn't mean to give him your number, but he kept insisting on Taemin's number to discuss business....yes.....He even threatened that if I didn't give him his phone number...then he wouldn't have sent over the rest of the I had to...say it was my actor's phone number and then gave your number..." " So you gave him my number?! Uh oh! The manager doesn't remember that he and I used to fight in high school? He dared to say in front of everyone that he didn't wanna take pictures of me because I'm not his type, so I even cursed at him directly. Then Mr.Lee also got mad. " Manager shook his head at Hansoo's outbursts . " Ah, really ? So what did you say then? " " Well, I cursed him to get dumped for the rest of his life. " " You are so cruel.. " "What is it?, I didn't expect him to actually get dumped so often." "Well, it's also because of his own fate" Then, while the two of them were rambling about the fate of Mr Lee, I picked up a photograph in front of me and looked at it closely. Lowered chin and eyes that looked straight into the camera from a slight angle. It's not a cool pose or smiling face, it's just an ordinary photo, but strangely enough, it catches my eye, maybe because it exposes who I am. I remembered the time when I took this photo while directing during the shoot, he asked me to use my memory to pull down my expression.

{ "Imagine the person you hate the most in the world standing in front of you." } A face pops into my head when the camera is pointed at me. Split, split. That face disappears with the shutter sound, but Mr.Lee 's expression when he lowers the camera tells me I did. His eyes looked at me like there was something magical. However, I didn't show any hatred in the picture he took, so it caught my eye in the first place. There's no obvious emotion, but I feel like something deep is captured in that picture. " Do you like this picture? " When I looked up, Hansoo who was sitting across from me looked at the picture. The manager sitting next to me also leaned down out of curiosity. " Oh, that's the photo that Mr.Lee likes very much. Nice picture, huh?. This is a photo that gives a kind of subtle feeling when looking at it. So, even though I actually had to choose a picture of you smiling for your profile picture, I kept getting stuck on this one. Hansoo-ah, what do you think? " Hansoo took the photo and carefully considered the manager s question. " Hmm, although it looks somewhat intense, but... " He examines the photo like a real expert, then raise his eyes and continued. " You look so sad. " He looked at me like he wanted to consult, and immediately passed the picture to the manager across to him. The manager takes a closer look at the picture, nods as if he agrees with that, and the two of them discuss more in whispers, but I can't hear them. Only the photos the manager gave me caught my eye again. I made eye contact with myself. Facing the face that I thought of when taking the picture, but now I don't feel anything anymore. Right before the day of admission , I received an identical message similar from last time... [" Come here now. " ] I was annoyed at the unannounced order, but I got up and went straight to the store. Strangely, I've never been happy to see him, but I've never had any other feelings of disgust either. Why ? Obviously, I still get angry at times. I threw my doubts behind me and approached the entrance, The security guard I saw earlier recognised me immediately. " Mr. Lee Baekwon. I have received word that you are coming. " "..." I stopped and measured the height of the guard. If I use a flying kick here, can I hit him in the head? I seriously thought, during that time, he led me to the back, not the entrance that i went

down the last time. When I followed him down a long corridor on the first floor, I came across a staircase that was even narrower than the passageway. " If you go down this way, someone will guide you below. " He politely bowed his head slightly as he pointed down the stairs. Until the end, he still showed his friendliness behind my back. " Have a nice time, Mr. Lee Baekwon. " After being sent down the stairs to meet my next guide, I realised it was too late and too much trouble to correct my name. An unfamiliar face was greeting me below with a bright smile. "Please, Mr. Lee Baekwon." The place that the staff with that impressive smile took me to was not the same room from last time. The only thing that I am familiar with is the corridor. The way out of the maze where employees frequented. I tried looking around to find the room I was in before, and not long after, the staff member was in front knocking on a certain door. Then stepped aside and motioned for me to go inside. " He is waiting inside. " The scene was the same as a week ago. I asked the same question as I did then when I asked the club manager. " Who is the person inside ? " This time I could hear a correct answer. " Our Boss sir. " Maybe a Guardian ? I thought it was little absurd in my mind, I opened the door and suddenly heard a gruff voice. "Are you the Lee Baekwon who seduced our Jay?" I furrowed my brows, looking at the man standing across from me. An overly muscular man in his 40s often seen in gyms, standing with his arms crossed, assessed me as soon as the door closed. Is he really that persons guardian? I laughed. If I had to choose one person in this world who didn't need a guardian, It would be that mad man. Rather his image is more like a manipulator behind the scenes. So that would be more appropriate if this man liked him and considered me as love rival. Don't tell me I'll have to listen to this uncle's nagging forever.... " What is this? He doesn't look so special at all? " The disgruntled uncle strode forward in front of me.

" Tell me, what did you use to seduce him? " His question made me rage and spit out a sentence. " Money. " " What?!!! " It seems he was really taken aback, to the point of taking a step back. " How much did you use to seduce him? " "...200 won." "!" His face was frozen with shock, his eyes staring at me for a long time. After a while, he changed his expression and spat out in a low voice. "You're pretty good." Huh?....This time it was my turn to look at him startled, a cold voice coming from him interrupted what I was wondering. " 200 won is not the amount of money, but your name. In other words, you are implying that you used yourself to seduce him?. At the same time, you saved the situation by making me laugh, right?...Heh, that's smart too. " It was a compliment, but I wasn't amused at all. I just kept silent the absurdity and anger in my body. After he finished his self-act, he crossed his arms again and leisurely watched me. I also looked closely at him and felt the aura of a director from his body. Although his short height and large build played a part, he was the type to show his strength on the outside, he seemed like a person who was qualified to be a leader. "However, you have to have something special to get Jay to bring you into his working room. Speaking of Jay, he's the type of guy who won't even glance at any of the kids begging to come in. So you must be Special!, especially since you're a man. So show me that you have something more special than the rest." "Why should I?" He replied immediately as if he had anticipated this question would come. " Otherwise, I will never allow you to set foot here again. " I think a slight smile appeared on my lips when I heard the good news. He caught sight of it and frowned. "Are you saying this is ridiculous? But smiling so nonchalantly in front of me. That only shows a little of what I want to test you for! Okay, at least you got the guts. Very brave of a

man ! " The meaningless interpretation ended with a compliment. And my frustration continues. " Come on, prove it with that spirit. " " Don't like it. " He froze, then reluctantly uttered a sincere expression as if he was about to lose his patience. " Phew, Sure enough, you mean you're not that easy right? Confidence and courage are admirable. " Even that tone. He had a lot to say to me, but I felt the echo that he still couldn't arrange to explain it to me. Okay, let's wait and see what happens. It all came to an end. I looked closely into his eyes while I concluded in a low and steely tone. Drugs ? I used my questioning eye, but I just walked away to an unexpected conclusion I never expected him to keep such clear and transparent eyes even at this age. I felt confused in my heart, then I heard a proposal. "If you have any questions, just ask. " Wondering what? Noticing my puzzled look, he explained as if he was about to go crazy. " You passed my first difficult interview, so you can ask me anything. What your curious about? " That first interview word ' caught my attention more than ' anything, does that mean there will be another interview after this? I asked myself the question, doubting if I had beenin a trap by that madman. " What's his name... Jay what's his name?" "Name? That's Jay's name." " Isn't that an English name? He must have a real name. " When the director showed such an unexpected reaction, I also braced myself in advance to avoid a second surprise....again...Sure enough, he widened his eyes and was surprised. Then he stared at the dark again for a long time before whispering in a low voice. " Real name... I didn't expect you to ask that question. You really are not ordinary at all. " Now all I can do is let these exaggerated interpretations slip out of one ear. " Jay is an English name, but also a Korean name. " After explaining, he somehow sighed and said a name. " Haizz, his real name is Han Jay. "

Maybe it was because of the director's expression that I couldn't react immediately. After saying his name, his face looked into space for a moment, somehow I could see a trace of sadness in it. That expression disappeared in an instant, but it still lingers in my mind. Why did he react like that to just one name? Then I remembered his fondness for exaggeration, and my suspicions were instantly extinguished. Never mind, it's not a big deal anyway. Besides, if his last name was Han, at least he wouldn't be Director Yoon. "Beautiful isn't it?" I heard a question in a surprisingly bright tone. " What do you want to talk about ?" " Well that name. Huhu, actually Jay hated his own name when he was young, but when he came to America, he loved it like a child, saying there was no need to give him a foreign name. Of course, he's a nice guy just like his name. Mostly his smile, it's like an angel." " Who's..." " I'm talking about Jay, why are you thinking of something else while I'm talking here. Ah ha... talking about names, your unique name popped up in my head, and so I thought about your painful past, when someone asks you to borrow 200 won to buy coffee at a vending machine, for you that must've been a misunderstanding as in I'm going to give myself away, naive pitiful youth when you felt mixed about your identity. hehe." But because he was too generous, before he could accept my explanation, he pushed me towards the door of the room after looking at the clock. "Okay, Jay is waiting for you, so let's go." Unable to resist the push, I turned around, grabbed the doorknob and opened it. I don't talk much, but I'm more tired than any other conversation. Thinking it would be better to face the madman, I hurried forward, but he called me back. " Ah wait, Lee Baekwon. " "..." " Huh ? What, why'd you just get shocked? " I couldn't help but be surprised to see him wonder like that. It was true that I had a slight sharp edge the moment he called me back. But how did he know when I had no expression on my face? I turned my head as soon as I was called by that name Baekwon as if it were really my name, so I was a bit shocked and stopped for a moment. " Do you have anything else to say? " " Oh, I forgot to say this. Please keep it a secret that I told you Jay's real name. "

Just saying the name, what does it matter? Moreover, I only know that his last name is Han. The fact that he kept repeating something that sounded serious to me made me unable to understand. " You absolutely can't tell Jay that I told you. You know right? It must be kept a secret..." " What secret ? " The question behind that is not mine. Immediately, I turned my head towards the voice behind me, and saw the madman leaning against the doorframe. "What secret that I shouldn't know about?" He smiled and asked softly. However, the temperature in the room suddenly dropped rapidly. The stunned director opened his mouth slightly as if he wasn't fooled by that smile like I me. But right after that, he cleared his throat and reacted a bit violently. "Huh? What are you talking about? A Secret?, there's no secret.....Did I say secret?" It feels like 100 secrets can be said by one person....And while it was obviously impossible that the madman didn't notice, he just silently looked at the director and gently signaled that he understood. The muscular uncle, who was suddenly overreacting, finally relaxed his shoulders and gave orders to both of us. "If you already know, then both of you should go out. As for Jay, don't hang around at my store anymore...Working until early morning...and the staff will imitate you and be kept busy and because of that, i'm under too much pressure about salary issues, okay?. If there is any tonics lying around just drink it and sleep. I don't want to see you anyways, so get off my face." The tone of voice seemed to be extremely annoying, but the content was strangely contrasting. Moreover, he who got angry and called him out, but in his hand he held two boxes of tonic for that madman. Saying "no one wanted them, so you take care of it.", he gave the boxes, even though it said in the box written in huge letters the name 'Jay's'. Of course the madman didn't take it, so I was forced to take them and go outside, and before the door closed completely, I heard a somber warning. "If you dare eat Jay's, you will die."

Chapter 13 Chapter Summary


Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for notes

Like a porter, I put the two boxes of tonics in my hands on the cluttered table. His previous office was still occupied by piles of papers scattered everywhere. At first I didn't know what they were so I didn't even notice, but now I can tell. Like the scripts my manager showed me this past week to get used to it. What piled up this whole office was the scripts. "What did you hear from the director?" A light question was asked, while my eyes were still scanning the script. Standing in front of the desk, he was checking something on the screen. Not to mention the director's unusual personality, even his attitude towards the madman was a bit strange. Under the guise of that gruff tone and harsh action, was a caring and warm heart filled with concern, I could feel it. Why doesn't he show it? Such unruly appearance does not seem to be the result of that unusual personality. At least he didn't hide his true feelings in front of me. That is to say, he was just acting so erratic in front of the person involved. I conclude briefly before opening my mouth. It's the madman who resists it. It seemed that he didn't want to receive that kind of kindness from the other party. "He asked me what I used to seduce you. " " So what did you say ? " " I said I seduce you with 200 won. " He slowly lifted his lips and looked away from the screen. "Is that so?...Then?" Then there was the secret that the director told me, he must be asking about it. The director told me to keep it a secret, but I didn't even consider it a secret. But of course I don't want to let him know that easily. "Then what?" When I asked coldly back, he laughed.

" Say, I'll halve the work today. " What does he mean by work ? As soon as he mentioned that, he stepped off his desk and threw something in front of me. Clatter It was CDs that he threw in front of me, by the looks of it, seemed to be around 10 CDs?. When I raised my eyes painfully remembering those bland short films, he laughed and added. " After watching all of that, then you can read the script in the room. All of them, of course. " "If necessary, there are tonics there, you can drink it and work. " He stood at the door, jerking his chin back to the side of oriental medicine that the director gave. I opened my mouth when I remembered the director's threat that if I ate it, I would surely die. " How long do I have to do this? " I thought it would be confusing for me to choose not to say it, but after a while, the person with the drooping eyes threw me a smile. " Until your done, of course. " My eyes scanned the room once more. How many books even are there? Even if you exclude half of them from English, it would take a month to read them all. " Oh, and I will bring more than this tomorrow too. " "..." " If you have something to say, say it. The work can be cut in half." There was a strange sense of power that this madman had as he spoke, not only that, his smile.....If it was someone else in front of him, they probably wouldn't be able to refuse. If it weren't for my intuition warning me for 24 hours, I might not have been able to control myself and would tell him everything, "Nothing to say?" "How long do I have to finish the whole thing?" The fake smile he had was gone, at least in my eyes it was. But why do I find it more like a smile? "You can take a break anytime but, you must ask my permission if you want to leave after finishing for the day." Just as he was about to leave, I quickly opened my mouth .

" Then let me go in advance today." I asked, because I saw him turn off his computer while leaving his desk. That means he'll be leaving for a while...and it's a pain in the ass to call for him, However, he turned around as he grabbed the handle of the half opened door, showing a bright smile. "No....I don't want to." /// Sure, I was trying hard not to fall asleep in front of a boring movie, but when I looked at the clock I suddenly realized that it was already 2 am. I thought it was time to find him, so I lifted my stiff body that hasn't moved for a while. Tomorrow is the official day of school, so the manager told me to come early to advise a few things. Thinking back to tomorrow's appointment, if I go home right now, I can still sleep at least a few more hours. But the problem now is that i have to ask that damn mans permission to leave.... I opened the interface on my old phone , selected [Madman] and dialed. I waited for him to pick up the phone but then it only went to his voice mail informing me that this person wasn't available as their phone is off. I closed the interface and was about to put it back in my pocket but I came across something next to the desk. It was a black bag and it looked like it belonged to him. So...He still hadn't completely left the store. I walked out the door to confirm that he was still here but then I ran into a staff member just in time to pass by. I called him over and pointed to the room I just came out of informing him of where that 'madman' was, the employee replied, "The Director is currently in the room with the client. " Director? But that Madman said he only had shares here, so his position here is director?. I speculated, then automatically silently hated this word from this room. Somehow, it felt a bit unfair to think that he was probably drinking somewhere right now. But the staff's next explanation made me think again. " He almost always entertains clients related to work here. " Must be related to work..... is that why he worked until early in the morning. Suddenly I remembered the director's words. The statement that I thought was an exaggeration that the employees here said that he was busy at work turned out to be true. Isn't it the same every day? Either in the office, or going to receive guests. It's rather unbelievable. He always put on that arrogant and cocky attitude, so I thought he would sit high up there and just give orders, drink expensive liquors at high-end bars and just splash money. No matter how i looked at it, he just looked like a rich young man who had never tasted failure, and only was able to achieve this position by riding his families cocktails....

But that room filled with scripts, movies and all sorts of TV related books made it clear to me, it was all just my prejudice. After all, who is he?...Inheriting a rich heritage, more confidence than others and always trying to do his best, I cannot accept such an easy answer. Suddenly the employee recalled and said, " But, just now I was passing by and saw that the director was out. " " Was is he going somewhere? " " Yes, maybe he is... " He confidently said it must be ' when suddenly ' he shut his mouth with a confused face. He seemed to know where he was going, but I didn't have time to ask why he hesitated. First of all, I'm tired, I need to sleep. " Where ?" " I think he went to the place he usually goes to, but I can't tell you..." He said this when another employee appeared and asked what happened. The original employee whispered something, I could only faintly hear two or three words in it. ' That place ' is not accessible ' ' with a smile... ' Probably somewhere that no one is allowed to access. However, the employee who arrived later said something for a long time, then pushed his colleague aside and approached me. "Excuse me sir, you are Mr. Lee Baekwon that was working in the director's office, correct?, Then the director is currently on the rooftop. I'll show you the way." A friendly smile appeared in front of me, but my eyes went back to the first employee next to me. Unlike his smiling colleague, he just stood there with his eyes closed. But the staff who wanted to show me the way stepped forward and urged me . " Follow closely behind me. " I turned around and followed behind, eyeing him with interest. Before he stood there, he must have sneered. The rooftop isn't a place that's meant something to me in this life, except for the occasional skipping classes I used to climb up there in high school. But from the moment I arrived at the Dream building, this place entered my life again. I know I've gone too far to only now realize that the rooftop terrace is not good for me, but the smile of the staff as they approach me from behind makes my thought even more certain. I've had two terrible encounters with that madman on the rooftop. As, I walked to the terrace decorated like a garden, a little nervous in my heart. Although I tried not to make any noise, the footsteps still sounded softly in the quiet night sky. Standing in the middle of the dark and misty terrace, I looked around and saw a bench to the left. A blurred figure of a person sitting there.

As I approached, I saw him leaning comfortably against the back of his chair, his head tilted back and him looking up at the sky. One arm crossed over the arm of the chair, making his body appear larger. Funnily enough he had a lollipop in his mouth that didn't suit his appearance. I didn't realise how ridiculous it was at first sight, but I regained my composure when I saw him so relaxed. For a moment, I thought It was just something superfluous, but immediately, I moved forward and stopped a few meters away from him. Judging from the behavior of the staff member who brought me here as if he had arranged it, I don't know if the curses or the fists would be first. Perhaps this is the place where he goes every time he wants to rest and if disturbed, he will punish me without mercy with that smile. I had a similar experience when I was trying to ask for a cigarette. But this time it might not be just another punch. Still can't let him ruin my face, after being defeated... " Do you want to eat it ? " " Huh ?" In the midst of the silent pressure, I asked him back like an idiot at the sudden question. Then he lowered his head and pulled the lollipop out of his mouth, I stepped back thinking he'd finally start to act violent. But he just held out his hand. While holding the candy that he bit into his mouth earlier. "No smoking zone." "..." " It's Delicious too. " I looked back and forth between his face and the candy. While i was preparing my body for a fight under the pressure, the opponent only gave me a candy in return. "What's wrong, don't like sweets?" I tried to open my mouth to him, who was spitting out a bit displeased. "That's all?" I added, looking at the empty space around me. " Don't you dislike being disturbed here when being alone?" I asked as he put the candy back in his mouth and smirked. " Yes....Should I curse or maybe punch you first?. " "..." " So if you knew then why would you still come? "

" I'm not afraid. " He looked like a harmless child when he bit into the candy. But that's just the appearance. Under the electric light, he was like a shining snake. " It makes me excited to hear that. " I frowned, thinking maybe fighting would of been a better option. To him on the contrary, the image of me made him laugh even more. "That look." Suddenly....I raised my tightly furrowed brows, but he pointed the candy at my face. " I also like that rebellious look. Those eyes make me excited. " He spoke in a gentle voice that did not match the frank words spewing from his mouth. The problem was that I also subconsciously lowered my eyes when I heard that statement. Although I quickly lifted it back up, I actually saw that the place in front of him was slightly swollen. This mother fu-....I had to spit out the curses in my heart, this shameless man just laughed and talked. "No need to be so concerned. If you want, I can put it in your mouth to soothe it." I am also a man, so I immediately recognized what he meant and looked him straight in the face. Even though I knew I would be swept up in his every move, I couldn't control myself. " If you want it to be bitten off, just try me." I threatened and spat out in a low voice, but all I could see was that the side's of his lips had curled up into a smile in reaction to my reply. "Your mouth is very dangerous, so what about the back? Mm?, Is your back tight enough to bite me as well?" " Don't make fun of me. " " I've told you many times. I don't joke around. " He stopped laughing and cut me off, twirling the lollipop in his mouth. "You mean, you still don't understand that I said I was going to fuck you?...." He said with a slight serious face " Why do you think I said yes when you were asking me for help in the first place? Really expect me to believe that the price......your value will go up?" The laughter was low in his voice and continued to grow slowly.

" I'm meeting you obviously because you make me horny. so It's only natural that I get 'excited' when I see you~." Unlike his soft voice, his eyes were burning so much that I couldn't look away. His eyes seemed to be telling me that he really wanted to fuck me right here. Although I wanted to punch him, but standing in front of those powerful eyes, it made my heart shiver. " There's no need to be afraid. I'll take care of that beautiful body of yours from now on. " " Preserve your body first. " Finally, I spat out and closed my eyes first. To be honest, I was suffocating to face him like that. Damned it... " It's funny that you were the one who said you would give yourself to me, but now you provoked me with such an innocent response. " Although it is true that I said I would let him do anything to me, but I really didn't even think about having sex at the time. Why not? Because I simply had a nervous feeling that every time I met him there was going to be a fight. "With that in mind, how are you going to take revenge?" I turned my calm face to the changed subject. I should have been delighted by that concern since I still needed to ask for his help, but I was unable to greet him after hearing those middle-aged uncle-like taunts in front of me. It's just that I'm annoyed that I decided to ask him for help... Come to think of it, I suddenly felt something was strange. Feels like I missed something. But what was it?. I was absorbed in my thoughts, when a voice called out to me. I didn't hear much, but I seem to understand what he was trying to say. A brief mention of the smiley face is enough to understand that he was angered by something. "Lee Yoohan." When I raised my eyes, he spat out with a cold face. " When you are with me, you should only focus on me. " "..." "So, I heard you will start going to class tomorrow. Any plans ? " I knew what he wanted to ask. After all, he was the one who showed me Myeongshin's CCTV. Furthermore, he knew who was after the pause, the culprit who will hinder me. " Not really. " I replied tersely, he smiled and bit into the candy deeply.

"If I find out who's harassing you, I'll take immediate action. Isn't that right? So tell me what I want to know. Then I'll tell you." Of course I thought he was referring to 'that' incident, to the conversation that I had with that uncle from earlier. I have no intention of making a fuss when I only know his name. I don't even consider it a secret. " Nothing special. What the director said- " " I didn't ask that." He cut my words off and immediately intervened, what?. He brought back my memories of seeing me looking at him. "The first man who fucked you." "Why do you keep wondering about that? " I asked out of curiosity about this unexpected persistence. Then, he flicked through the air as if thinking of an answer, and opened his mouth. " I don't know, I just got annoyed. I'm not in a good mood you see. And You feel annoyed too right ? " Huh ? I was about to ask again, but my instinct made me swallow back what I was about to say, a creepy feeling fell on the corner of my lips. " The fact that I also fucked someone other than you. Don't you see that? " No. I wanted to say but my answer fell back in my mouth. Standing up from his seat, he approached with a smile so deep that his dimples were visible. Stopping at a close distance, he slightly lowered his head and whispered. " Tell me. How do you feel ? " The faint sweet scent of the candy came over me, I raised my eyes and looked directly at him. " I don't feel anything . " At my answer, his eyes that were looking nearby lit up as if he were happy. "I saw your profile pictures, You know what? All of your expressions are awkward, except for the expressionless face you have." I replied, puzzled by this sudden change of subject. " So what? " " You will get more points on that from today's class, Would you like me to give you an instant changeable cure ? "

Then he handed the candy he was eating, out in front of me. The sweet scent of candy came as if it had reached the clue. "No need... Ngh?!" Immediately, the sweet taste of candy filled my mouth. But it wasn't the little lollipop that entered. While I was caught off guard, his lips suddenly came to pry open my mouth and he thrust his tongue inside with a sweet taste. I tried to turn my head away, but before I knew it, his arms grabbed my head and wouldn't let go. All I could do in that state was push him away with my hands, but while I was trying to move my head, his arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me close, filling the void so I couldn't push him away. "Nggh...mmph!!" Struggling unsightly, the tongue in my mouth slid deep inside. Ironically, the first thing that comes to mind is how sweet it was....Really very sweet. The sweetness is so good that it makes me feel slightly light headed. Only the tongue stirred inside, and then the short kiss ended, but my lips still had the lingering sweet taste of him. "Haa..." " Sweet?" I raised my annoyed eyes at that question. When I saw his honest smile that gave off a childlike feel, I heard him add. " When you want to arouse emotions, think of that sweetness...and think of this again~. " I felt his body release my waist and pull back, feeling the lingering touch still on his belt, it was still hot. My body became slightly stiff because of his touch, I also felt a little excited because of it. Damn it, is it because I've been holding back for so long?. He noticed my reaction when I was still blaming myself, I heard him whisper in a low voice. "Are you sure you don't feel anything?"

Chapter End Notes


Chapter 14 Chapter Summary

Childish pranks.

Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for notes

I went down to the basement where the classes were being held, just then I heard the manager complain about my eye bags maybe because I didn't get enough sleep. On one side, the manager explained that the class teacher was a famous lecturer as well as a good actor, pulling me by the arm before entering and handing me something with a hesitant smile. It was a tape recorder that was only slightly longer than his finger. " It's originally for you to hear what your own voice sounds like, but I thought it would be more helpful for you to record the lesson and listen to it." I took it and said thank you, he briefly explained how it works. After having a long conversation in front of the half-opened door, I was finally able to enter. There were a few people still chatting because it wasn't time for class yet, but as soon as I walked in, all eyes were on me. I put the manager's tape recorder in my pocket and approached them. A total of four men. The first person who came to talk to me was a blond boy with a bright aura just like Hansoo. " Ah, I heard that a new rookie was coming in today. Is that you? From now on you will be in the same class as us. I recently joined too, so let's help each other." When I took his outstretched hand, the man beside him crossed his arms and snorted. " I heard you got scouted by Manager Lee? Look at that face, looks like you don't have any money either, probably won't even last a month." Glancing at my shabby clothes, he, the ugliest person In all four, asked the man next to me, for everyone to hear. " I didn't know the standards here were so low? Where do these no names come from, really. " Then, the sharp-looking man beside him started to laughed and open his mouth to me. "You really don't have any money? Are you planning to go off in a rough style? It's no use these days."

He opened his mouth and harshly pointed at the last man standing next to him who still hadn't said a word. "He's is a good example, It's been 4 years and he still hasn't debuted. Because he's too old, there's nothing for him to do anymore, so he only takes lessons here. Because he doesn't have any money or connections ." I turned my gaze to the last man, whose seemingly gentle appearance made eye contact with me. He didn't get angry at those openly demeaning words, but just smiled bitterly and held out his hand. " You have chosen a difficult path. But welcome anyway. " Accepting his greeting, I bowed slightly to the four of them. " I am looking forward to the class we will attend together. " The four different people had different reactions to this calm greeting. Interest, frustration, indifference, wary. I kept these mixed reactions in mind. Then, as I watched them one by one, I heard the instructor enter the room. My first official class begun. The tape recorder the manager gave me was quite helpful. Today was a 4- hour class on vocal and pronunciation practice, listening to my own voice directly helped me apply what I learned by practise as it gave me a direct idea of where I needed to correct myself. During the three breaks, I tried to rehydrate, listen to my voice again and find a way to fix it immediately. After finishing a rather long class, I was packing up my things and putting them in my bag when the teacher called me on me back. Perhaps because it was my first time, the instructor advised me to fix here and there, as I tried to memorise it and nodded. " I heard you never took acting lessons, but your pronunciation is quite good. Your voice is also loud and clear. " My clear loud voice may be due to shouting in fights in the past. I just bowed my head to the teacher's praise, thinking that there was no need to explain anything. After saying goodbye to the lecturer, I returned to my bag and was about to leave the place, but I couldn't find the jacket I took off. For a moment, I realized I was the only one left in the room, so I picked up my bag and looked around. Obviously I had put my clothes in my bag. Furthermore, inside the jacket there was the tape recorder that the manager gave me. Just in case I didn't look correctly, I looked around the room again, when someone poked their head out through the open door. When that striking blonde saw me, he stretched out his upper half and waved at me. As I approached, he asked in a serious tone. " Did you lose anything? " " Yes. " At my answer, he bit his lower lip and said,

' ...ah ' He dragged me to the bathroom. Inside, the man whom I had the impression of having a gentle appearance, who had been here taking lectures here for 4 years, was looking with serious eyes at the innermost stall that had its door was open. When he saw me enter, he pointed inside. I moved my feet and approached the front of the stall where he was pointing at. The first thing that caught my eye in the small bathroom was my coat over the raised toilet lid. On it was a line in black ink that said 'Get the hell out of here, beggar.' But compared to that, what bothered me the most was the object inside the the toilet with yellow urine. The tape recorder I lost, was inside. If it weren't for this one thing, I would've been able to ignore these childish-elementary school kids-like pranks. If not for the tape recorder the manager gave me. I know how much burden he had to bear to buy this small machine. During the past week I have been with him and I found him only fill his stomach with three meals of instant ramen a day. When I wasn't paying attention, he probably skipped all his meals. He didn't care about himself to the extent that Hansoo had to rush to bring this and that to the manager, worrying if he would ever be exhausted from lack of nutrition. So it can be said that the little tape recorder was as big to him as hundreds of millions. " Looking down on others for not having money, and now he's foolishly done this..." " Disgusting, I really don't know why he's doing this." The man with the gentle impression clicked his tongue with the blond boy and disclosed who the culprit was. It was the one who ugliest guy out of the four of them. I stepped forward and reached into the toilet without hesitation. The blonde in the back who was watching, started groaning and getting nauseous, but even so, I pulled the tape recorder out of the yellow urine. When I turned around, the two of them both looked at me with surprised eyes, then quickly stepped aside. " You, what are you going to do with that? " What else... " I have to go get it fixed, " I replied, washing my hands and the tape recorder at the sink. They both said the culprit is that ugly guy, but I know from the look on that guy's face when he talked about my manager. The triumphant look on his face was like, he considered my manager to be nothing and trivial. In other words, I'm not worth his attention. If wasn't him, then there's only one thing that I should be bothered about. It was probably the person who had a connection with Myeongshin. I raised my eyes to look in the mirror, and saw the other two looking at me with surprised eyes. Which on of them is it? The rascal who dared to throw my tape recorder in the toilet. " Incredible. "

I stopped at the exclamation I heard as I was exiting the bathroom. Even though I washed it with water, but because the blondie thought I was still dirty, he didn't dare approach, just looked at me with his eyes as if he saw something interesting. "If I were you, I'd go crazy, but you don't look angry at all. Jimin hyung thinks the same, right?" He nodded when the boy next to him asked. In the same way, there was wonder in his eyes. " You seem like you have a cool personality, I really like it. How about you come with us? I was going to have a drink with Hyungseok . " " That's right, come along. " I slowly looked back and forth between the two of them, then shook my head. " Next time. My manager is waiting for me. " I thought it was just a normal answer with no big deal, but strangely the expressions of the two of them changed. The reason was mentioned by the blond boy named Hyungseok. "Woah, you really do have a manager. Well, it's just the first time I've seen it, because there are hardly any newcomers in the class who already have a manager. Ah but of course there are a few, but usually they have super outstanding looks, so they are promoted by the company, but otherwise, they would have to pay their own money to hire their own managers." The implication was too obvious. I am not like any of the usual cases. They stared at me with curious eyes as if waiting for my confirmation. I looked at the two of them in turn and slowly opened my mouth. " Then it must be the third case. " " The third case? " " Even without outstanding looks or the connections, potentials can be seen." These words may seem to them only as the ignorant complacency of a newbie. Their eyes glimmered with laughter, but they disappeared immediately after my next words. " Isn't it the most basic method of selection? " For a moment, the man with a gentle impression showed a bit of bitterness in his eyes. " But this is where that basics don't work." He then tilted his head to the side and smiled. " Can we go for a drink later? I know a great place. It's a place that only big people can go to, but sometimes I get a chance to go there a as well. "

The blonde mumbled softly as if he was surprised. " Hyung, are you going to take him there? " " Yeah, It's fine. We go there for free too. " The blonde mumbled "But...", then glancing at me, he blurted out in displeasure. Still in a small voice enough for me to hear. " You were told not to bring anyone in. " Then the man with a gentle impression opened his mouth. "Isn't it fine, since he doesn't have the looks or the connection and but still has the potential, right?" He turned to look at me with the same expression. " Will you come with us ? Is the day after tomorrow fine?, or is that day no good too? Since your manager must be busy waiting for you then too, no? " He said in a partially provocative manner, unlike this guy, the blonde was a little nervous. " The day after tomorrow is fine. " When I turned away, the man with the gentle impression asked . " Your not gonna ask why I didn't say tomorrow? " " No. " " ....." I answered briefly and was about to turn around to leave, but he burst into laughter again with a bemused face. " Haha, your personality is really interesting. Anyways It's because tomorrow, Taemin has some things to be careful of. " I turned my head away with my body slightly slanted, and he shrugged. " I don't know if you know that, but I do learn a lot of sports as part of a movement class. Tomorrow's class will be a bit difficult..." He shook his head with a face as if he didn't want to say anything up to this point. "See you tomorrow. If I told me further, you would only be afraid. " The voice on the outside contained worry, but the eyes that was filled with laughter showed it was just superficial words to get. The blonde standing to the side tilted his head to the side

inconspicuously to cover his mouth with a smile. I nodded at the advice and turned away. The tape recorder that was still wet in my hand, felt like a cool piece of iron. Once every two or three months, I get a call from my part-time job I only worked on weekends. This week, Hansoo was explaining about my classmates. " Woah, you've run into the worst guy ever." He said with a worried face, "This grumpy horse-faced man is very well known in the company because of his annoying way of speaking. I don't know but his father is the chairman of a credit union or something? So he's got lot of money, when he first joined the company, he paid his way to get his face on television multiple times, but I heard that recently he has to go back to school, because he couldn't do it with money anymore, since he's not good at acting. I've only seen him from afar, but that guy always thinks he's a top star even though he's only played a few supporting roles. He was even complaining about learning vocalization lessons. But since Director Yoon came back a few months ago. It turned into a huge deal, If you don't follow the company's policies or are considered useless, the contract will be terminated indefinitely..." Hansoo paused and tilted his head. "To be honest, I thought I would be the first to get fired, but they nothing was said, Why is that?" Before he stepped onto the stage, his face was paled and wobbled back and forth like a mess. Well, everyone has a reason. And this reason will probably be found in Hansoo's play which I will see in a little while. However, this guy still just shook his head in wonder and continued to explain. "Ah, I heard that he was so proud that he belonged to this company, so since then he started pursue the basics a few months ago, while crying, I heard. Ah, that's right, I also heard that there was a great actor in that class, but I can't remember who..." While Hansoo tilted his head again trying to remember, the manager came in, " What are you guys talking about? " " Manager!, who was it? I heard that there is someone who acts very well in his class. " " Oh, yes. They say just watching it once is enough to be impressed... who was it?" The manager, like Hansoo, began to sway back and forth like a mess. They shook their heads so hard that it I couldn't have the chance to say that I wasn't curious at all. Fortunately, at this time I received a call from my part-time job. When I saw the caller ID appear, I answered ' Hello', I heard the other end asking if I had time next weekend. I was about to refuse immediately, but suddenly thought of the tape recorder in my pocket, so I just hung up and replied that I still needed to think about it. This job pays very well because it is very tough. When I hung up the phone, Hansoo went backstage because the play was starting. The manager quietly led me to the end of the narrow auditorium with less than 100 seats, whispering.

" Although I can't remember who was the good actor in the same class as you, but if you just watch Hansoo, you'll see that it doesn't matter anymore. It's very worth it, so watch carefully. Well, even a stingy profit-only company realised that, that's why they don't want to let Hansoo go." I felt disgruntled with the word stingy but it had an impact and another meaning to me. That word erased the faintness of an ever-buried vague issue. Something, and a person appeared clearly in my mind. It was the face of the madman who introduced himself as a shareholder of Dream. Yes, I got it now, as to why i felt uncomfortable with his help, from the beginning I couldn't believe that he was simply helping me because he found me interesting. I couldn't find another reason so I put it in place of the rational excuse, but now I've found out what I missed in the manager's words. A stingy company that only ever cares about profits. Myeongshin, who I want to destroy, is a star that is growing and bringing profits to the company. Meanwhile, I'm just an ordinary rookie, with no looks, nor support. Therefore, there is no reason for the madman, a shareholder, to come and help me. Even if that crappy love at first sight shit is true, I am sure finding investments in high-margin movies will still be his top priority. In the end, he still had other reasons. A reason why he is using me to destroy Myeongshin while trying to disguise it as 'helping' me. Damn bastard. Suddenly, I raised my eyes and looked around, silence fell as if there was no one else in the auditorium. The falling white light created a circle on the stage in front of our eyes. A boy with a smile for show, walked every step entering the circle and began to monologue. Hansoo's dark and low voice gradually took over the auditorium. The manager was right, Hansoo's performance was very worth it. Even if I can't view this by the status of a real actor, it's a powerful performance enough to pull something out from the depths of my heart. Throughout the performance, he changed so much that it was almost impossible to remember what he was like. After that, when the play ended, he came out to greet the other actors, and I exclaimed from the bottom of my heart, 'Ah, so this is Hansoo'. To be honest, I don't remember much about the play. It wasn't interesting, but partly because I was so focused on Hansoo's acting. It's funny how I say this after just a few days into this field with my mind full of expressions, voices and emotions that I took in, things I normally never think of, but it seems like I got a feel for what I should do from Hansoo, who turned into a different person on stage, lowering his voice and changing his expression. Although it was just a blur, I seemed to have grasped the direction of the acting. Yet later, when my manager asked me how I was feeling, I just replied ,'I liked it'. He wanted me to be more enthusiastic, but I couldn't be honest. I don't want him to be expecting too much from me, and I also don't expect much from myself. As a proof of that, when the play ended, and I got some fresh air, my head was already full of other thoughts. Why would that damn madman want to destroy Myeongshin. Obviously it wasn't out of hatred like me, when talking to Myeongshin he didn't put any emotion in it. So why? //at Alice labyrinth

There was no contact from the madman that day. But I voluntarily went to Alice. However, I didn't go there to just to be ridiculously called 200 won several times on purpose, Instead the manager who guided me to the room acted as he knew I was coming, bring up an issue that made me irritated. "Today's homework is to be inspected by me." I stared at him without saying a word, but with a gentle smile on his lips as if he were a robot, he faithfully conveyed what the Torai had said. T/N: torai = Madman = Jay "If you feel sleepy, he said to use this to get coffee from the vending machine" He politely handed me a 100 won coin. Without answering, I looked at the coin in his palm of his hand and raised my eyes. "How am I going to use this to get a drink?" "He told me to tell you to spend the remaining 200 won with your own money." "..." "Would you like me to exchange the coin for you, Mr. Lee Baekwon ? " I gave him a look that was useless, in front of an unexpectedly friendly opponent. Yes, looking at a robot would only hurts my eyes. I picked up the 100 won coin from the hand of the man, who even if someone danced naked in front of his eyes, wouldn't lose his gentle smile, but even kindly add ' Would you like for me to turn on some music for you? ' " If I'm not sleepy, can I take this money?" I asked a question nonchalantly, his robotic smile became a little darker. " Yes. I will keep secret. " Today's tedious job, described as homework, was to read a thick script. As someone who hadn't touched any books in years, even as a student, even though I hadn't attended school for many years, It seemed that it would take days to read just one book. Moreover, this structure was strange. There is no description, only lines and difficult situation explanations on the pages, it made it impossible for me to understand the plot content here. There are also confusing symbols and terms that slow down my reading speed. Fortunately, there was a dictionary dedicated to recognising scripting terms, so I can look it up word by word and read through each page without scrolling for hours. Already halfway done, the content has been out of my mind for a long time, but I still want to read it to the end. But half way through, the robot manager stopped me. "Let's stop here for today."

I turned my gaze to the clock on the wall when he came and looked at me from the doorway. It was 2 am. If it wasn't for an empty room without its owner, I would still try to read it all the way to the end, but the manager's steady voice reminded me of where this place was. " It's time to close the director's office." Was this some kind of an amusement park? When I heard it was closing time, I almost burst out laughing but managed to swallow it in my mouth. That's right, there's nothing wrong with that robot man. I closed the script I was looking at and stood up as he suggested. Feeling a little uncomfortable after a period time of sitting stiffly in one place. I gently tilted my head from left to right and handed the 100 won out of my pocket to the manager who was waiting for me to go out. Then, for the first time, I saw a hint of doubt on his face. " Why did you give it to me? " " Entrance fee. " At a glance, he was smiling at the 100 won coin in his hand. Different from the labyrinth inside, the back path is for the staff, so it's normal, I can go up the stairs alone without the manager's guidance. The manager also knew that, so he didn't follow me, but I suddenly stopped at the narrow passage leading to the stairs into a long corridor. Four employees were standing in a line with their heads down and someone was standing in front of them with an angry expression. If you look at it, the atmosphere was unusual, but I didn't stop walking because of that. No matter who is disciplining the staff or scolding them, I don't care because right now I needed my tired body to rest first. Honestly, I really want to sleep. But the problem here is ' who'. "As I said before, I know everything." It was the owner of this place, his serious protest opened first then he again issued a warning to the employees who lowered their heads and raised their chin in a pose like a rigid robot. "My keen intellect and eyes can spot your lies at once. So it would be better to stop talking nonsense in the first place, do you understand." The words 'sharp intellect and eyes' almost made me burst out into laughter, but the reaction of the staffs who were stiff to those words, stopped me. One of them trembled as if his words were some horror movie, he then knelt down and burst into tears. "I'm sorry! Really, I really didn't mean that, it's just... " When he lowered his head to the floor and cried, the director looked down and interrupted the staff member. " okay, stop!, Everything has been revealed by your falling form. It isn't because your legs are weak, but it's like you were just pretending to collapse on purpose. Looking so forced, and at the same time your hands reaching out and touching the floor in advance. Apparently it was an instinctive reflex because you knew in advance that you were going to fall. Did you think if you plead guilty and then withdraw of your position, that it would be enough? Huh ? Do I

look that foolish?! Furthermore, it was the weakest of the four fingers he placed on the floor, because it stretched out and pointed in a certain direction. Oh ho~ It's the words of the unconscious injustice to reveal the real culprit! And pointing it at, is the guy at the end ! " The director pointed his finger at the employee standing at the end of the line. " You are the real culprit ! " The real culprit was unreasonably exposed. Everyone was crying and surprised. " Uu...ugh ! Boss... You really knew everything! " " Boss please forgive me! Heuheu... " My mind was already bewildered from sleep, now, even more stunned when witnessing the director's excellent reasoning skills. The two men were shocked. The director's paradoxical speculation came true, and the employee's belief in his speculation. I quietly turned around and walked back down the hallway. The pleas of the staff that grabbed the director's pants and the satisfied laughter of the director at the thought of his reasoning being right, was obnoxious. "HAHAHAH, MY PREDICTIONS ARE PERFECT!" Along with photographer Lee, I put him on the list of people I shouldn't often see. I met the friendly manager again in hallway corner. He saw me turn around, perhaps because he recognized the situation immediately, he offered to guide me. Then he looked back at me and said seriously, to the laughter of the director. "Isn't our Boss's predictions very scary?" "..." " Why did you suddenly stop ? " I'm more afraid of you, to tell the truth from the bottom of my heart. But instead of an answer that could only get stuck in my throat, I replied in one sentence. " Yes, it is scary. " He politely gave me a robotic smile to comfort me. " If you don't hide anything, he can be very friendly with you." I also put the manager on the list of people not to see often. Right now I just wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible, so I went up the stairs the manager pointed to, and then he called me back from behind. When I turned my head, I heard a robotic voice that was identical to his facial expression. " The director will come here the day after tomorrow. "

Unexpectedly, I just looked down at him for a moment. He didn't look like someone who would give out information like that. If Torai was coming the day after tomorrow, then I wouldn't have to come tomorrow, but why did he tell me in advance? His smile turned a little different as he saw my expression showed a bit of surprise. " This is a return for the entrance fee. "

Chapter End Notes

Should i just go with the nickname "Torai" or change it to "Madman"? I mean they both mean the same thing but which now do you guys prefer? Please let me know!!

Chapter 15 Chapter Summary


Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for notes

It wasn't that I was determined to do well in what I'm doing right now, but when it time to wake up, my eyes still open automatically. I only slept 3 hours, but this has been happening for the past 5 years, so I had to push myself out of this intractable sleepiness and sit up. Perhaps because yesterday I had to take a long day of vocal training, I recalled the words I heard at that time with a blank mind. How to pronounce correctly and voice loud enough so it can be clearly heard, when expressing emotions, i must use pronunciation like this. Trying my best to stay awake, I ignored it and placed my hand on the table next to me. That's right, I recorded yesterday's class. If I listen to it again... However there was no response when I press the button on the tape recorder in my hand. It was then that I completely woke up and remembered where it had fallen in. I thought just drying it for a day would suffice. After a few clicks of the buttons, I finally got up with the completely inoperable tape recorder in my hand. Moving to wash my face, I thought about how much a tape recorder could cost with my account balance. The class that the gentle impression (Jimin) told me to worry about was approaching, but I didn't think about it as much as they expected. When I met the manager in the morning and parted with him before going to class, I borrowed a computer from the office to find out the price of the tape recorder. The price was more expensive than I thought, more than the account balance i had in mind. I sent a definite feedback to the part-time job I talked to yesterday before entering the gym where the movement class was. Although it was difficult, but if I accepted it, it will definitely make up for the price of the recorder. Well, the manager will be angry if he found out later. I entered the gym, thinking I could buy an identical tape recorder, but there were four people already waiting for me inside, which they had prepared in advance. There were no instructors around, they were the only ones wearing comfortable sportswear and boxing gloves on their hands. Among them, the ugly guy, whose father was the president of the credit union, for some reason approached me with an angry expression on his face. As soon as he got close, he threw me an empty boxing glove that he was holding in his other hand. Thud . When I took the boxing glove with one hand, his exasperated voice resounded in the gym.

" Fuckin beggar. Put that on and fight me. I'll slap your mouth that's full of bullshit. " I averted my eyes and looked behind the man who was spewing swear words. The sharplooking man was standing with his arms crossed as if it was none of his business, the blonde and the man with the gentle impression was looking at me with curious and worried eyes. When our eyes met, they both turned away. I don't know what's going on, but let's with flow for now. I should ask the reason first, but arguing is more troublesome. I slowly put my hand in my glove and recalled the call I just had with my part-time job. { "Idol? Can't let your face get hurt? Hey kid, that's what we need. You were hired as a boxing partner and your forte is to K.0 opponents in a single note, you know that? Anyway, it's okay to take it easy!"} Take it easy.....I tried moving my hand in the familiar boxing glove and pointed towards the ring at the far end of the gym. "Can we fight over there?" I slowly walked over there first, without hearing an answer. Even though it's called a ring, it's just a simple simulation, all it takes is a pole on the floor and a rope around it. The place itself looks more like a fitness club than a gymnasium, so it would be even weirder if there really was an official ring here. I stopped in front of my destination and checked the rope's elasticity with my hand. Even so, the pillar was still firmly erected, and the rope that was pushed in a little, quickly returned to its original position with great force. The ugly guy who followed my path behind me kept spouting vulgar curses. "Hah, look at this mother fucker he's really insolent! And it seems to be also true that he's just a rat that only knows how to talk behind people's backs, this son of a bitch. You really must want to get a beating, Did you just wake up?...Hah?! You must really think I'm the type that can only get ahead by money? Oh I see, you crazy bitch, You don't even know where this place is, and you're making fun of me Is that it?" He became more and more furious as he pounded both of his gloved fists ' Bang, bang. I don't know what exactly happened, but someone seemed to want to fuel his hatred on me by telling him I talked behind his back or something. Childish jokes like elementary school kids, like the one with the tape recorder, this must be the work of the same person. But this is just a fleeting conjecture. I don't have any armbands or face saver...not even mouth guards....but even so I intend to confront him properly. No matter what the situation is, I'm not kind enough to be gentle with those who open their mouths to curse at me like that. Actually, I never learned boxing properly. I first became a sparring partner 5 years ago. Just because I knew a bit of fighting and was in dire need of a high paying job, and all they asked me was to have a good stamina. No matter how hard I tried to swing my fist, my opponent was still professionals preparing to go pro. Of course I was punched to death until I had bruises all over my face and upper body. But the next time, I took a job, after gritting my teeth, I survived to the 3rd round, but because I didn't want to get hurt anymore, I automatically imitated and learned from those who were my opponent.

Now 2 years later, I became the one who was hitting. So I don't think I will lose this match. It is true that I was knocked down by the madman a few days ago, but he was an exception. He is a monster. I can rule him out because he's one of the few people in the world that I can't beat even if I learn boxing to death. I didn't think the opponent in front of me was a monster like that madman. There are only four people here, so there's no need to rush. On the contrary, there was still one point that worried me. I want to take down this ugly guy in front of me immediately, but I also want to take care of the person who made this childish prank between the two of us. The problem is that I don't know exactly who he is. But this way is also simple, to handle all four at once. But the question is how can I challenge all four of them? The guy with the sharp face leaning against the pillar of the floor spoke to me. "You're really not smart at all...." The ugly guy cracked his knuckles, legs, and neck, pretending to be warming up as if he was trying to intimidate me. When I turned my gaze to the side, the guy with that sharp face looked me and laughed. He whispered softly enough for only me to hear. "Do you really want to fight him? Think about it....What do you think the guy that set this up wants you to do." His eyes followed the ugly man entering the ring. "If you get hit in this ring, only you will bleed, but if you face him and hit him even once, you and everyone involved with you will be kicked out one by one, out of the company. " After moving away from the pole, he shouted ' Knock him out! ' with people in the ring. I looked at the ugly guy in the ring who was staring at me, then back at the blonde and the man with the gentle impression who was also looking at me with an interested expression. Noticing my gaze, the two just calmly encouraged me to do well. I guess I stood still for a while. In the ring, the ugly guy's urging quickly rang in my ears. I moved my legs, and finally made eye contact with that sharp-faced guy. He lifted the corners of his lips with mockery in his eyes. I would be an idiot if i did what they wanted me to do. Honestly, what else can I do? My goal as someone who just signed a 1- month contract is to remain in this place. Yes, that's right, for now. I consumed the word ' for now ' like an iceberg. I walked to the center and opened my mouth to the ugly guy who was putting his weight on one leg. " I heard you were using your feet to act? Are you really going to do boxing now? I'm sure you're just going to spin around and fall down on your own, getting worked up over nothing." "This bitch! hey! " Whoa-! The fists flew in a large arc along with curses, passing before my eyes as I stepped back. I purposely made more mockery of him who was gasping for more. " See. Just because you put on boxing gloves, doesn't mean you know how to do boxing." Swish swish!

The man stubbornly waved his fist in anger. I continued to mock him as he was throwing his head back and forth across the ring. Its small and quite difficult to keep running in the ring. We soon began to become exhausted. His face reddened as if it was about to explode, roaring like an animal at me, who still dodged most of his attacks. " I'll kill you! " Dodging his lousy attacks, It was hard to multitask, to constantly dodge this guys fists and to search for the culprit, but fortunately, the sound of the thick iron doors opening saved my eye. As soon as the person who had just entered the gym saw us, he was startled and ran towards us. Finally, the instructor came. Just as I was running, I purposely tripped over the rope that was wrapped around the ring. A gust of wind blew past my already crouched shoulders. Despite avoiding this punching fist by a was still impossible to quickly move my body because of the imbalance when I bent down. Thwack! Before I could hear the sound, the impact on my shoulder told me that his fist had hit me. Even though the punch stopped halfway, it was still so close that I shrank for a second. I stretched my upper body and looked up with a mocking smile at the guy who was still overjoyed by that punch. " Are you scratching my itch? " " Shut up! " His fist flew towards my face. I reacted quickly to cover my face with my hands, but at the same time my whole body was attacked and had to be pushed back. I tripped and was shoved back here, but still didn't let go of the hand that was clutching my face. Naturally, the exposed abdomen became the target of the opponent's attack. Ugh! The punches directly aimed towards my stomach just below the my chest. Immediately, my knees lost their strength and bent, my body trembled and collapsed on the floor. The pain of shortness of breath put pressure on my upper body, so I couldn't keep my head up to observe the situation around me. All I know is, that ugly guy is staggering and cursing, and the sound of someone jumping into the ring to stop things from getting worse. Maybe it was the instructor, but the guy still didn't put down the fire and kicked my collapsed body with their feet. "Bitch! You'll never step foot out of this bottom! Damn bitch! " " Stop it! What are you doing? " When the instructor's loud voice rang out, moments later, the kicking on my body was ceased. It was only then that I let go of the arm that was holding my head and raised my head. The first scene that caught my eye was that ugly guy being dragged out of the ring by the instructor. I purposely raised my lips as I made eye contact with him.

"Even a five year old kid is stronger than you. " " He, he, he, that dog! " The more he got angry, the more physical strength the gym instructor used to pull him out. I just stood up to watch the guy being dragged away, when the guy with the sharp face frowned and approached. " Are you stupid? I gave you the answer, why didn't you listen? " I got up completely and passed him without answering. But he grabbed my arm from behind. I looked back, he was frowning and the he opened his mouth. " Want me to give you other advice? " " No. " I shook off his hand that had grabbed me, and walked over to the ugly guy still being held by the instructor. When he saw me approaching, the ugly guy turned violent again and the instructor grimaced. "You're the new student, aren't you? What the are you doing here?" I glanced at the ugly guy and opened my mouth to the instructor. " That was pretty awful.... " " What, what are you talking about? " " Because training in that ring looks like a kid's game, that's why he swings his arms and legs like he doesn't know. You think putting on boxing gloves is just boxing." At my words, the instructor was stunned and looked at me with unbelievable eyes. " Hey boy, why are you talking like that to me now? " " Bitch ! You haven't been beaten enough have you? You want to be punched to death again? " I turned my expressionless face over to see the ugly man squirming to attack me. "Forget it...If I was to talk to you with a decent attitude, would you change this setting? Teacher, I don't want to learn boxing like this, so in the future please remove me." As soon as I finished speaking, I turned around and walked slowly towards the door. When I pushed open the heavy doors, there were footsteps that followed behind. " Taemin, are you okay? " It was the worried voice of gentle impression (jimin). Followed by the blonde's ( Hyungseok) voice.

" You've been beaten so hard... Doesn't it hurt? " As I stared at them without say anting, they gave a weak smile, thinking it was awkward. "Even so, it's refreshing to defeat that guy with words. Your willpower is amazing....Even in such a situation, you weren't discouraged." " That's right. By the way, rumors spread here very quickly, maybe within a few hours the whole company building will know all about it. Well, it's pretty bad, if it's just about cursing the guy, then we've done it too, so we understand. But still, we only met yesterday, so when did you insulted him? " "I've never done that." After that, the two of them looked at me with shocked expressions. One of them is definitely acting, but I don't recognize it. Hmm....could be one of them that Hansoo and manager said has good acting? "So you really didn't? So why did that brat, come here to vent his anger? Ah Sorry....we thought it was the truth, so we didn't come out. If we stepped out and got targeted by that guy, we would be in a lot of trouble too. You understand that, right?" The person with a gentle impression smiled apologetically. " Yes, I understand. " As I answered, I noticed a strange glint in his eyes, but he quickly changed the subject. "Then to apologise, you don't need to bring anything to drink tomorrow. I mean you have give a tip too, but since it's your first time, you don't need to give anything. Okay?" I nodded in response, the blonde on the side also tilted his head. " But it's also hard to understand, then who was the one who instigated him with words that Taemin didn't even say? " That's right, I'm also curious, which one of you is it? Although there were a bruises on my body, my face was still safe, so fortunately my manager wouldn't know anything about it.

The inconvenience was that the next day in class, that ugly guy kept snarling whenever he saw me as if he wanted to rush in to kill me, but it enough to ignore the noise. He didn't touch me, indicating that if he used his fists in non-special circumstances, his money would be stamped by the company, so, that's why I didn't even need to react to that man who was so mad he was out of breath. At the end of the late-night class, I left under his intense gaze. The blonde and the person with the gentle impression was waiting outside. "Here..."

I approached the old, noisy mid-size car, the blond in the passenger seat sticking his head out the window. " Take the back seat. " Thud! As soon as I closed the door and sat in the back seat, the car started rolling. While the car stopped to change lanes, the person with a gentle impression looked in the rearview mirror. " Don't you want to know where we're going? " " No. " For a moment, an absurd glint appeared in his eyes, but immediately his eyes were filled with laughter again. "It's a little joke, isn't it?" "It's not." Silence came like a cold wind blowing through, I looked out the window without caring. It wasn't until a while later that I heard his words mixed in with a light laugh. " The place we're going to is very famous in this industry. It's Alice's Labyrinth. " It doesn't matter where we go, but he revealed the name of the place. Who or what kind of labyrinth is 'Alice' ? When I arrived and looked at the signboard, I realised that the situation had begun to become more confusing, ' Alice's Labyrinth ' This the place the madman has made me come to every day lately. By the time we got there, it was already past 9 pm. I don't know if it's due to a new guest or not, but at this moment the staff is rushing to and fro on the corridors. The attendant assigned at the entrance led us down a maze-like corridor to a blue door. The inside of the room was completely red, unlike the outside. The wall had a come through part in the middle as if it had been filled with a wide plank. As I sat on the dark red colored sofa, the two on the opposite looked at me and said. " Isn't this place really cool? " As I looked around the room without saying anything, they must have thought that i was amazed and kept talking like they were experienced, with ease. " As you have seen while we were entering, only members are allowed in this place. It's only for top stars, so it's really miracle that we are sitting here right now. " " How did you attain this miracle? "

" Um, that's..." The blondie mumbled at the end, glancing to the side and exaggeratedly shrugged his shoulders. " Just got lucky. " If it was this place, I would have guessed it without having to dig any further. I just can't understand why that guy would want to be Myeongshin's dog just to get into a bar like this. But after a while, I have realized this place is not just simply a bar of this type. At least that's what they're here for. " I have a question, may I ask you? " It seems to have been a while since I walked in and sat down, but I wonder why no staff member came to take my drink order. When I nodded, the person with a gentle impression said in a gentle tone. " I heard that you were photographed by Mr.Lee, how did you do it? " "..." "Is it hard to say? " " No " I shook my head and replied softly. " I decided to take off my clothes in return." After that, a dark smile spread in both of their eyes. As if they knew before. " What, so then Taemin are you fine men too...?" Of course. I didn't have the kindness to resolving their misunderstandings. "Yes, men are fine. " Then, I picked up the glass of water on the table and looked at the two of them in turn. " So what about you guys? Are you two okay with men too?." The blond was a little startled, but the one with a gentle impression who had been a trainee for 4 years showed a bitter smile. " Yes...Men are okay, I've been forced to do that for the past 4 years. " "..." " In that sense, Taemin is really lucky. You can just roll around with those nasty men without feeling much. "

He couldn't conceal his disgust in his statement about the nasty man. Instantly, an indignation flared up in his eyes. But soon he returned to his gentle image and asked a question as if he had suddenly remembered. " Ah , so you can't do it women, right? " " Women are okay too. " When I replied, the blonde next to him said interjecting, ' I'm jealous of you' . " What, so when you are with men, you don't care about being top or bottom? " I nodded in response. "Woah- I'm envious. I don't like to top, but since the old men I meet all want to bottoms, I can only hate stuffing it in those stinky butts." His brows furrowed as if he was truly disgusted. Then, the person with a gentle impression laughed loudly and patted him on the shoulder. "You are the unluckiest. Nowadays because there are many curious people who want to try sleeping with men, there are more tops." When listening to the conversation between the two of them, I was confused to the end. Are they aspiring to become a celebrity or an escort? " If you don't like it, you don't have to do it. " The room suddenly became silent as if my words had thrown a bucket of cold water into them. After a long while, the face of the person with the gentle impression stiffened, he let out an angry voice. "You gave yourself to photographer Lee and even got him to take pictures, and you can still say that ? " " I didn't feel uncomfortable with that suggestion. " I stared at the two of them in turn and added the remaining honorific word... "Yo...." But do you two not hate the act of eating some kind of insect? It was a statement that contains this meaning, but I'm not really wondering about the answer either, probably because it was too obvious. To survive in this industry, you have to do it with people you don't like. That's all, but I pretended to be naive and said it to to confirm. To pinpoint the exact culprit through this short chat. By looking at expresion that will be revealed soon. " So if you want a sponsor, you can choose women right?"

"There are very few women powerful enough to be a true sponsor. So the competition is fierce. Even if they're the rich lady in a wealthy household, the real power holder is still the husband. In the end, you only get pocket money, but men are different, as long as you are good. If you can endure the disgusting feeling in your heart and roll around with them, you can create opportunities to make them your sponsors. You will be able to stand in front of a camera." The blonde nodded in agreement with him. I looked at the two of them and expressed my sympathy as if I understood. " Male sponsors are really useful, and the chances of success is also higher." I asked gently as if just vaguely mentioned. " Like Song Yoohan? " Different expressions are evident on the two faces. I tried to hold back the laughter that was about to burst out in my heart. Yes, so it was you.

Chapter End Notes

It's so funny how he doesn't bother to refer to anyone by their real names in the whole story.😭😭

Chapter 16 Chapter Summary

Do you prefer the reality?

Three glasses of water on the table are placed in front of three different people. It's a bit strange. It has been 20 minutes since we entered the room, but still no one has come to take orders for drinks. While the blonde went out to go to the bathroom, the person with a gentle impression started a conversation with me, who was boringly waiting. " Why did you mention Song Yoohan? " " I know him. " " You...? How do you know him? " " He's famous. On TV. " He frowned slightly and spat out in a low voice... " Don't joke with me. " " My manager is the former director of Song Yoohan's management company. " Then he seemed to have just remembered something and let out an ' Ah'. "That's right. It was that way. Your manager, used to be the CEO of XX company, right. Then you've heard people say Song Yoohan has a male sponsor?" Instead of answering, I just looked at him and replied with another question. " If there is no sponsor, is there really no chance to be on screen? " " What do you mean? " He winced as i mentioned what I heard in class today. "The script that the instructor gave us today, said to practice a 5 line dialogue supporting role until next week, the best actor will have a chance to actually act." Before I could explain more, he laughed sarcastically. " Do you believe that statement? "

" Was he lying about appearing in a supporting role ? " " No, that's true. It's just that they throw a few small roles as bait to make us practise hard before. However, no matter how hard you try, the person to play the role is already decided." He stared into my eyes. " People like that get it every time, and this time is no exception. It's still the same whether he has the worst acting or the worst looks.... It's best if you don't expect anything. " He didn't say his name, but I automatically thought of the face of the ugly guy who had fighted me. Then I heard a dry question. " It sucks, doesn't it? " "..." "If you stay here for 4 years too, Taemin will understand. In the end, all you need is money and power. Even if it's just these small roles." " This time It will be different. " " Huh? " He stammered as if he didn't understand, but the conversation stopped because the door was open and blondie scurried in. " Hyung, everything is ready." Sitting down, he took a sip of water and asked for my opinion. "Can I start now?" "What?" When I asked, he looked to the side with confused eyes. " Huh? Didn't you tell while i was gone? " The man with a gentle impression just laughed and shrugged. " It's no fun if you know ahead of time." He stood up from his seat with a smile on his face and waved me to get up. I didn't know what to do, so I didn't stand up, but just watched, and the blonde instigated me. "What's wrong, are you scared? If you want to drink for free in this expensive place, it's obvious." Obvious? Standing against the wall? I didn't understand anything, but at their urging, I had no choice but to follow them closer to the wall. They let me stand at the end of the corner and

continued to smile weirdly. "What are you two doing?" " What do you mean? You really don't know?" The man with the gentle impression replied, stretching down to press the button hidden in the corner of the table. Then, I heard a sound right next to me. I turned my head in surprise and saw the wall next to us move. The noise of the next room, along with the light coming in through the openings. Could this be... "Just a blowjob in place of a free drink." With a belated explanation, someone's hand pushed hard onto my back, forcing me to take a step forward, I heard the sound of the door again behind me. 'Drrrr-' By the time I turned around, the door was almost closed. Then, I heard a chuckle from behind the door. " You know what? If you dare to leave there, you will be rumored everywhere as a weak man who can't even use his mouth to please. The uncles in there have big mouths. " I looked at the completely closed door and turned around, three pairs of eyes were all on me at once. Three men between the ages of 50 and 60 with flushed faces, greasy skin and cloudy eyes. It was only then that I realised that the room before was just a waiting room for guests. The situation is similar to when confronting the ugly guy wearing boxing gloves. The last words I heard from that voice. {Rumors will spread everywhere.} If i give a blowjob to these three people here, everything will just pass in silence, but if i resist, these people who have 'big mouths' will ruin my reputation. I wouldn't even be able to dream of having a sponsor. Perhaps the person planted by Myeongshin was aiming for the latter. The problem is that could I stand getting hit while boxing, but this time it's different. To be frank, I can suck the dicks of these greasy guys who just treat me like a piece of meat, since I have no pride to defend myself or to be more precise, I don't feel any value in myself. Day by day saving every penny to pay off that debt, only my body was working, and now this body is only still breathing for revenge. Then it wouldn't have mattered if i crawl under that high table and put those stinking wrinkled cocks in my mouth. It's just... as I continued to be lost in my thoughts, i was brought back to reality by the sudden interrupting voice coming from afar. "I've heard that he's rookie of Dream, doesn't he seem mediocre? What do you think?" "Let's see, I'm not that picky about faces....If they have a good tongue and mouth, that's all that matters." "Great!" The person sitting in the middle at this point unbuckled his belt and explained to the bald man sitting on the left. But my eyes were directed elsewhere. The ceiling was dark and

empty, nothing could be seen but electric lights. I just remembered when I walked in. Yes, there are surveillance cameras, plus the presence of the camera viewer is at the heart of the problem. I wondered why i was so mindful of the madman, but one thing is for sure, I have a feeling that if I choose to suck on the three things over there, there will be a lot of trouble in the future. I remember the room where Myeongshin was filmed and looked around for where the camera could be installed, I just stared at the corner of the ceiling, and then I heard a loud shout. "Hey, what are you doing?! If you've come here, shouldn't you crawl down and get to work quickly, get rid of that face immediately!" The man in the middle was screaming. Maybe he was the one who couldn't keep his mouth shut. When I looked down towards them, there were cursing sounds again, but my mind was busy thinking about many things right now. Does every room have surveillance cameras? Either there is one everywhere, or if I'm lucky enough there would be one in this room, so if the madman could see the current situation... With that personality he'd probably just watch. No, there's no reason for him to be a sword-wielding prince to save me. However, if he's watching, I should at least charge an entrance fee. I even had to pay the entrance fee to get into his room. I looked up at the corner of the ceiling again and grumbled in my heart, then turned back to the man sitting in the middle. "I think there is a misunderstanding here. " " Misunderstanding? Are you not Dream's rookie? " " Yes, I am ." "What nonsense are you talking about now?! I see that you are trying to run away. If you make me mad now and just leave, you should not even dream to set foot in this industry..." " I have already set foot in it. " I interrupted him, deliberately leaning over and looking down and around at this room that was prepared to receive guests, I didn't know it would be similar to the thought i had. The right that is only reserved for owners, do not touch anything without receiving permission. The ridiculous loyalty that only passes between nightclubs, somehow seems to work here as well. " I have a sponsor. I came today to meet him. " Luckily I guessed right. The man sitting in the middle showed a panicked expression. " What? I didn't hear that... Who is it? Or are you just lying? " " If you've been in this industry for so long, then you should know not ask who it is "

When I replied back firmly, he closed his mouth immediately. " Anyway, he is very shy, and doesn't like his name being talked about like that. But even so, he will definitely take care of what's his. So if you go too far..." I turned my head and stared at the ceiling, where the camera could be installed. " He's at the very top, even if it's a valuable product, if there is a small part that he doesn't like, he will take action without mercy. So if his product is about to be ruined, would do you think he'd do? " I hope I'm not talking just nonsense to the ceiling. If I hadn't realised, that he must have had a reason to want to help me, I wouldn't have done this. But it would certainly provoke him. " Just pretend you're helping me on the surface. " When I lowered my head, the three men frowned as if wondering ' What the hell is he talking about? ' with a vague look in their eyes. I explain simply. " In other words, if you touch what's his, you guys will no longer have a place in this industry, because of the evil rumors that may spread." They seem to be able to understand this. The two people on both ends look at each other in bewilderment. The man in the middle had a doubtful face, he didn't believe me easily. " You're clearly a newbie, so what I heard is only an invitation to have fun. I never heard him say you had a sponsor before. " It must have been Myeongshin who called you here to enjoy a newbie, right? "You do know i've dealt with guys like you a thousand times, right? You're just making things up, aren't you?" He looked straight at me with sharp eyes. It seems like I will be caught at any moment if I relax even a little or just show my fear. Even though he was drunk, that ferocious look told me that he wasn't as easy to deal with as I had expected. How long can i last? If this continues, i will most likely be discovered soon. If I insist, I would get caught. Seeing that I was just silent and standing like that, he looked at me maliciously and smirked. " You don't know what happened to the people who lied to me, do you? Look, in this industry..." DrrrrSuddenly the sound of the door opening behind me interrupted his words. When I turned around, I saw the friendly face of the club manager through the open door. "Ah, so you're here. I've been looking for you for a long time. The Director has also been waiting for you for a while."

He smiled gently when he made eye contact with me. I wanted to see the man's wide-eyed face more, but the manager had already gone out, so I quickly followed because I didn't want to lose him. I closed the door behind me and breathed a sigh of relief. I've made it through one crisis, but there's still more terror ahead of me. I wasn't scared at all, but somehow felt uncomfortable, so I hesitantly opened the door and went inside. His first words were beyond my expectations. "What did you bribe the manager with? " All the tension in my body went away immediately because of that absurd question. "Never bribed him." He seemed disbelieving, staring at me with half-closed eyes. I couldn't take it anymore, I added impatiently. " If there's a bribe to give, I'd rather spend it myself. " Then he mumbled 'well' and nodded. But there was still a doubt on his face. "Then why would someone like him who is always just doing his own thing, deliberately tell me? " " Tell you what? " " That you came here. He even nicely, took notes of the room number you had entered and gave it to me." " Must have thought i came to see you." " The manager is not stupid, I heard you came with other people. If anyone comes to my room without permission, their head will go flying off. " "..." " Hmm, that's strange. " Okay, I also find it strange. Feeling a bit confused, I recalled the 100 won coin I gave him. Was he going to payback 10 won each time? I cautiously doubted that, and heard a question again. "Have you read it all?" He leaned slightly against the back of the sofa and pointed at what was in my hand. It's script I read the other day. I didn't need to come yesterday because the manager said he wouldn't be here, but I really wanted to finish reading that script so I had to drag my exhausted body over to read it all. I thought it was natural for him to ask what happened in the previous room, so I got a little flustered and nodded.

"Mhm." " How was it? " " It was annoying. " He smiled in way I haven't seen in a while. But his eyes still didn't smile, to be exact I didn't see any smile in it. " What else? " " It's absurd that the father suddenly appeared at the last minute. Somehow finding his rich father right at the moment when he needed the money the most, it's funny. " He nodded ' That's right ' and seemed to agree. But soon he sided with that bland script.

"However, if it weren't for the father, the main character's daughter would have died in pain, and the main character would eventually come to a tragic end by becoming a criminal to earn money. " "That's the reality." "Yes. That's why in a movie, people don't want to see reality even if it's only a two hour movie." He casually threw the script on the floor and spoke with a dry tone. " Or do you prefer the reality of being in that room, crawling on the floor licking and sucking on men's cocks ? " I stared at him at the changed subject, and spoke the crucial conclusion. "Let me say this first, I don't mean to thank you." He raised his lips again. " I know. If you just looked at the camera and signaled for help, I would have absolutely not help you out. I helped because of the opposite, without me, you would have probably done what they wanted." The familiar slow voice rang in my ears, sounding cold as if he were just describing a product. I suddenly realised that my thinking was correct. The reason he wanted to help wasn't because he wanted to fuck me or was interested in anything else. I tried to provoke him by looking at the camera on the ceiling, but I really wanted to know when I met him in person. "Just like you. I simply want to destroy a company product. "

He rolled his eyes as if remembering this. "Ah, that's right. It's really interesting when you looked up at the ceiling and said that. It sounds unbelievable, but in recent years you've been the first person to make me so interested." "Why? You thought I was stupid, but I'm not? " " Same thing. I thought you would have fall for me and couldn't think of anything else, but that wasn't it. " What is he talking about? I really wanted him to tell what I had done so far, that he came to that conclusion. But he tilted his head as if he didn't understand whether all my actions could be considered a confession of love or not. " Besides, because I get 'shy' very easily, I can rarely be sincere with others." Yes, the fist that you hit me with the first time contained so much sincerity. I was about to reply, but I had a feeling it would only hurt my mouth trying to respond. I was a little afraid of the look in his eyes as he spat out the embarrassing word 'shy' that I used to describe him in the previous room. "After all, you yourself want Myeongshin to be ruined." But I did not expect his answer. " I don't care if Song Myeongshin gets ruined or not. " " Huh? But, he is a good product..." " I'm saying the problem is not Myeonshin. " "..." He looked at me silently, then lowered his gaze to the script he threw on the floor. " Want me to tell you something interesting? The end of the original work that the director wrote is like the reality you talked about. But no one was willing to invest in it, and when one place was finally found, they changed the ending like that on their own accord. The whole movie was completely ruined just like that." I frowned at the sudden change of subject and also looked down at the floor. It was already a movie. However, looking at the title of the script I didn't have any impressions. Then he returned to the original topic. " No matter how interesting Song Myeongshin is, or how interesting the original work is, is it not a problem if the investors want to interfere in the making of the movie?" Suddenly, I felt so lucky that i wasn't an idiot. I couldn't answer his cold, emotionless eyes. I've always had the feeling that if it weren't for that, I would have been branded as a fool who

doesn't understand, and that would only offend him. I don't know why I care so much about this. "Sponsor. So you're targeting Myeongshin's sponsor, right? " A cheerful smile spread across his face. But to me, it seemed that he very pissed off. " That's right. Because you see, his sponsor is a geezer that makes my blood boil."

Chapter 17 Chapter Summary

Next is you.

The next day after class ended, when I met again with the blonde and the person with the gentle impression, I realised they didn't know about what happened yesterday. " Aren't you angry? " Looking back at the person with the gentle impression, the blondie had a faint smile in his eyes. " Come on, I didn't tell you first because I was playing around. But you must have been able to predict it, right? " I looked at the two of them in turn and nodded to show that it was okay. "If nothing happened yesterday, that means you did a good job, right?" The blonde wondered and asked immediately. The person next to him was also curious about the same thing. Probably because he hasn't heard anything from Myeongshin yet. I think it would be surprising to them if they found out how I got out of there, so it's best to hear from Myeongshin himself. " Yes, everything is fine, no problem at all. It's not a big deal. " The person with a gentle impression who had a disgust for men slightly frowned. On the other side, the blonde felt smiled curiously. " Lucky for you. That you didn't feel repelled. " " Yes, I'm also thrilled. Maybe I can become as big as Song Yoohan. " This name has already come out of my mouth for the second time, but one the of them had the same stiff expression as yesterday. Of course, it's you. I turned my head away from an uninteresting confirmation. Up until now I had been ignoring the fierce glaring toward me, but now the ugly guy approached me. By the time I turned around, he was already standing nearby and raised his voice as if he had been waiting. "Don't miss the PE class next week. Is that clear? "

He used his whole body to give hints so clearly that even an idiot would know something was going to happen that day. I nodded at his best efforts. " Let's see. " He was so excited that his face turned red and he shouted. " Dumb ass! Come at me, you bitch! I've prepared something for you to look forward too ! " I turned around, but was still looking forward to what he said. Yes, I hope you have everything ready to encourage me. /// Time flies so fast, maybe because I'm studying acting for the first time in many years. Maybe it was the peace that played a part. The next day, after I met him at the bar called Alice's Labyrinth, I went there again and received good news from the club manager. He said he went on a business trip, so I don't need to see him in the near future. The manager gave me the news while looking at me as if to comfort me, but for me it was really good news. Blinded by the good news, I even forgot to ask why he helped me that day. After a long time peacefully like that, when the bruises caused by that ugly guy had faded, the day of the gym class he looked forward to came. Because of the sudden location change, the manager put me in the car and drove me from the office. But he looked back at me with a suspicious look as he gave me what I asked for before leaving. " The camcorder you wanted to borrow? But what are those things ? " It must be a little unusual to have to fiddle around with something in a bag like this. I answered nothing, then checked with my eyes to see if anything was missing. Even so, I confirmed it one more time before closing my bag. Bandages, cold spray, boxing shoes... That guy must really have a lot of money. That's the feeling I felt when I stepped inside. I don't think the company rented us a boxing gym because of today's PE class. Having only four nameless rookies is not worth spending so much money on. But if an individual rented out on his own, the company will have no idea. I approached the ugly guy who was kind enough to prepare everything. It tried to pretend to be a little surprised, but it's been a long time since I've had to hold back my laughter, so my acting lessons so far have all been abandoned. The one who opened his mouth first was the instructor with a helpless expression on his face. He was panicking as he looked at the boxing class, a class that only needed to teach the mists of postures, had develop to this. " Cough cough, Lee Taemin-ssi, so this is... " " Very well prepared, you must had to prepare like this probably because what I said last time about looking like a beggar . " When i gave credit, it's hard to say the ugly guy rented the whole place, he coughed again and averted his eyes.

" Then, Lee Taemin-ssi doesn't need to know out more, because he's already prepared a real ring..." He stopped talking and glanced at the ugly guy who was staring at me. " Can we fight properly this time ? " All eyes were on me. Frankly speaking, I have to fight the ugly guy again, and the three of them have nothing to do with it and just sit back and watch the good game. Everyone seemed to be waiting for my confirmation, but I dropped my bag on the ground first. Tap . I purposely looked down at the ground as if trying to buy time, it took me a long time to raise my head. "Is this mandatory?" The instructor looked at the ugly man again and nodded vaguely. " Well, it's part of class so you have to participate." " So what if I get hurt? I don't want to. " Then the ugly guy couldn't help laughing. "Coward. Are you afraid of being punched to death there like last time?" I ignored him and opened my mouth to the instructor. " I don't care if you're pretending to be light-handed or not, if it's a real match, then the risk of getting injured is very high, I can't do it. I don't want to be kicked out of the company because I injured myself. " " Ha! Hey, if you're that afraid then I'll make sure you don't get fired! " Again the reply was still the ugly guy. I looked at him and then asked the instructor again. " Can the lecturer guarantee? If I really do get any injury, I won't be punished? "

The ugly guy urged the instructor to answer because he was upset. The teacher just frowned and nodded. " Yes. Do it like a real match. In fact, if you get hurt... " He glanced at me surreptitiously and then asked again. " If you get hurt, you won't sue the company, right?"

I pretended to stare into space for a while and then nodded. "Yes. If there's no problem, I wouldn't mind. But anyway, you can never know what humans can do." I bent down and took the camera out of my pocket. " Let's put it here as proof. " The instructor had a stunned expression when the ugly guy stepped forward and volunteered to let him do it. While waiting for him to enthusiastically turn on the camera himself, I pointed at the other three with the instructor. " Of course everyone has to come up, right? " Due to the reason that the dressing room was full, I was kicked to the cramped and smelly bathroom, I changed my clothes, and fastened the laces of the boxing shoes I borrowed, and finally sitting on the toilet seat I started bandaging my hand. Slowly, and carefully wrapping the very important fingers, the door suddenly opened and the sharp-looking man entered. "Hey, if you're done, let's go..." Standing next to the half-opened door, he suddenly fell silent. I looked at him while wrapping the bandages, gesturing for him to continue. Then, he frowned more and more and finally opened his mouth. "...Did you ever learn boxing? " I stood up when I finished putting on my gloves. He was a little startled and tilted his shoulders back. " I didn't learn. " " But, you seem to be very familiar with the bandaging..." "It's just that, even a child can wrap it." I replied as I walked past to opened the door wide, with his footsteps following closely behind but sounding a bit delayed. Wearing the helmet that was prepared in the gym, I entered the ring thinking I would have to wait, but the ugly guy followed right behind me. "Bastard, you're going to die today." He brushed past me and whispered, but I turned my head to the instructor standing in the middle acting as the referee. "This is my first boxing class, so am I allowed to choose my first opponent?" Of course, the ugly guy jumped up and down in protest.

"You've come this far, yet you still want to run away?!" "You've been waiting so long, so why can't you wait a few more minutes?" I looked into his eyes for the first time and spat out, then I pointed to the three of them who were still leaning on the ropes looking into the ring. "You." The sharp-looking guy I pointed at immediately stepped back, his body stiffening. But he stopped and looked around to see if my eyes were really looking at him, and then made eye contact with the ugly guy. The ugly man ordered him as a matter of course. "Hey fucker, you go first, I still have to kill him so it's only going to take a while." He grumbled as he stepped out of the ring, but the sharp-looking man could barely move. It wasn't until he was scolded by the ugly guy who stepped outside the ring that he put on his helmet and approached me. He stopped at a fairly close distance and stared at me with unsettled eyes. He looked like he was about to say something, but the instructor grabbed our hands and bumped the gloves to announce the match, so he didn't have the chance to open his mouth. No, it's because there's no time for that. Swish. With the help of slippery boxing shoes, as soon as I stepped forward, my punch hit his stomach. Thwack! "Cough!" He bent over like a shrimp, looking at me with frightened eyes. But soon his eyes could not be seen anymore. I forcibly grabbed his shoulders that were trying to bend over and swung my other right hand up. Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! The consecutive punches hit the target with ease without any resistance. As soon as I let go of the arm that was holding his shoulder, his body collapsed with a loud thud. I stepped back, and his body which was still propped up on his knees had completely collapsed on the floor. Silence came as if time had stopped for a moment. I looked down at his motionless body for a moment, then turned him over with my foot. There is a little white foam coming out from the corner of the mouth around the helmet. Judging from the fact that his eyelids were closed without shaking, he must have passed out. I slowly raised my head and pulled the mouthguard out of my mouth onto the glove. I glanced past the stunned instructor and looked at the three people clinging to the rope. Then stopped in front of one of them while looking at the faces of nothing but amazement. "Next is you."

My voice wasn't very loud, but rang like it was the only sound left in the world. Immediately afterwards there was still silence, but it was clear that my voice which faded had changed the situation. Startle. The person who was pointed at took a deep breath so that he could calm down. Maybe it was because he was too scared, the person with the gentle impression had a pale face and looked back and forth between the two sides for a long time before opening his mouth. "Me? Are you talking about me? " I nodded slightly and turned to the ugly guy standing nearby. When I met his eyes, he was also startled and used his strength to grasp the rope. "Wait for one more person." "...What, w-what? Ah, ah... Okay, s-sure. " He raised his voice, avoiding my gaze to hide his surprise. "Tch, fucking coward, you dare hit the opponent before they even got prepared, I'll beat the hell out of you so don't get too hurt before that." Even though he tried to raise his voice, he couldn't hide his stiff body, but it was enough to satisfy me. If I just saw him fall and run away after just one guy down, I wouldn't find it interesting. The only obstacle here was that the instructor, who was now running to the collapsed guy. In confusion, he shook the fainted body and called out his name. In the end he still didn't wake up, he raised his head to look at me. "Tch, this... Mr. Lee Taemin, what is this? " I coldly looked down at that limp body. "He'll wake up in five minutes " "No, that's not what I meant." "Why don't you go and put a cold towel on him?" I pointed out with my chin and urged him, he became startled and started to pull the fainted person out of the arena. Once again, from the ring I urged another person who had no intention of moving. "Don't you think class is about to end?" The person with the gentle impression swallowed his saliva and trembled with a smile on his face. "I was very surprised. Suddenly punching like that..."

"It's just a cowardly trick to attack by surprise before the opponent can prepare to fight. " When I looked at the ugly guy as if confirming what he had said with his mouth, he put all his strength back into the hands that were gripping the rope. Just like that, my gaze returned to the original spot and then I spat out in a low voice at the person with a gentle impression. "Aren't you going to participate in this class?" His body reacted to the command. His face still pale, he hesitantly entered the ring, then looked back at the other two, but still no one stopped him like ' you don't have to go ' or something. He walked in front of me so slowly that it made anyone who looked at him annoyed, he left a certain distance and asked me with a suspicious look. "Have you learned boxing before?" "No, now put on your headgear." "Ah, this is..." He gave a wry smile, looking at the headgear in his hand. "This is not an official competition, it's just a gentle practice match, no need to..." " If you want your jaw to be broken, then alright. " I mumbled as I was starting to get annoyed. He probably heard my low voice, and he immediately put on his headgear with a serious face. Seeing that, I also slowly attached the mouthguard and raised my hand. I know they've all taken a boxing class together a few times before I arrived. Even so, they are still actors, have they mastered the familiar poses or not, the pose of raising their hands to face each other was not awkward. I don't know how strong they are, but sooner or later I will. Gently reaching my left hand to touch his glove, the match began. As soon as I touched him, he backed away. Unlike the first game, I don't intend to attack immediately, but I also don't want to linger for a long time. The class gradually passed quickly as if urging the other party. It is still best to act quickly before someone runs away. I took a few steps back, fixed my eyes on him, crouched down and stepped on my feet. Instead of a straight line, I stretched mylegs diagonally, quickly approaching the person who was backing away. Being startled, he swung his fist forward. I covered my face with my left hand, then used my right hand to attack his exposed hip. Thud! Immediately, I lowered my head to look at his wobbly body and moved closer. He stepped back in time, but I was still faster. No, he's too slow. At the moment when the point of attack came into view like a clear picture, my hand moved first. I retracted the fist that had touched his trembling body. Leaning back on the ring, but because I didn't want to let him fall, he was still able to stay on his folded legs. If there was a referee here, they would have separated us, but the instructor was still with the first person who was defeated, so he wasn't hear to see.

Thanks to that, the person with a gentle impression could only focus on one hip and support the whole body with his shoulder. To be honest, this counts as a violation of the rules, but if it is to be played appropriately, this is the only way. Otherwise, no matter how hard I try, I can't punch a guy lying on the floor. I could feel his body shaking as if it were convulsing when I approached him. The eyes had almost lost focus, and the corner of his mouth that was so wide open a tooth guard could be seen in it, saliva could not be swallowed but flowed down. " ...Cough!" Finally, a deep punch caused a groan to escape from his throat. Between the force of my punch and the bounce of the rope, his body shook violently and lost strength, his weight completely falling on me. Only then did I let go of my hand and step back. THUD - . Although he wasn't unconscious like the first one, he still fell to his knees, shivering like he was caught in the middle of winter rain and couldn't breathe properly. I took a step back, my front foot clattering on the floor. Then I pulled out the mouthguard, tapped the beat with my foot, and opened my mouth to count down the rest. "Four, three, two, one." " ... " "Down." I announce the results on behalf of the referee who was not present. He who may not have heard my kindness, was cowering like a fetus, wrapping his arms around the affected part. But that's okay. The next words I say would surely be understood. I looked up at the big clock hanging on the wall and said succinctly. "Get out. If you don't want to be forced to play round 2." I guessed right. Although he was gasping for air and was trembling, he still moved like a frightened rabbit. With one hand still clutching his right side, he left the ring crawling out with his other arm. I looked back at the time I checked earlier and turned my face to the other two. Their faces were now pale as if they had been turned into plaster statues. If it weren't for the fluttering eyes, those two bodies were so stiff that i could believe they were statues. However, when our eyes met, the two of them both shivered at the same time like twins. 'Why are they all down?' they may think the first game was just luck, but now find it strange looking at the second game. Besides. When I approached, the ugly guy leaned forward to ask the question. "You, y-you... You must have been taught. Right ? You learned boxing, but you deliberately lied to deceive us..." "I've never been taught."

"No- but why... " He gulped and glanced over at the person with the gentle impression who was collapsing on the side of the ring groaning. "D-don't make fun of me. How can you beat those two if you have never boxed before? " "Who hasn't? " "What? But you said you never learned boxing..." "I said I was never taught, I didn't say I never stood in a ring. " I interrupted him and turned around. I can still feel the eyes staring blankly at me without understanding what I'm saying. The ugly guy clutched the rope with both hands, probably couldn't believe that reality would be so different from what he thought it would be. Even if it was just a little, what surprised me was that he didn't run away from fear from the reality that was different from his expectation. Or perhaps his mind haven't come to sense yet. And i absolutely had to provoke him so he doesn't even think about running away. "It's better not to run away." The blonde was definitely thinking of leaving, unlike the ugly guy. His whole face was so stiff that he realise how much he was writhing. Taking a few steps, he tried to step back. "Don't run, brat." Frozen at my command he didn't step away. He grabbed the pole with one hand and then looked me straight in the eye. When I saw the fear in his eyes, I had a smile on my lips. He froze, even more alarmed than when he heard my warning not to run away. It must be very strange, why I was smiling. I replied the reason. "I'm the type of person who always leaves the delicious ones for last." Immediately, panic spread across his face, his mouth opening as if he wanted to say something, but no words came out. I turned to look at his pursed lips. He must have come up with a reason when he was about to ask why he was the last one. No, he couldn't ask because there was still a problem. Probably remembering what Myeongshin ordered him to do to me. Previously in the past, Myeongshin and I watched a horror movie at the cinema together. The sound effects suddenly resounded, the screaming voices and the bloodstains scattered everywhere. But it wasn't real, there was no reason for me to jump up or cover my eyes when I see that cold-blooded scene like everyone else. Of course it was boring 2 hours for me. What I remember is what Myeongshin said after that movie. "Living to the end is not a happy then why live? Since he was the one who had to endure fear the longest, he must have been completely rotten inside." Although unlike the last survivor in a horror movie, the blonde is the one who has the most stress out of the four here. Plus, I'm sure he's wondering how far I've realized. By the time I

turned around, I noticed that the ugly guy had moved to the center of the ring. I didn't push him, but he still went up there by himself. That surprised me even more than the fact that the guy didn't run away. It was so unexpected that I had to look at him with different eyes. "Mother fucker, who the hell are you?" Putting on his headgear, he spat out in a low voice. He fumbled a few times before he finally fixed the headgear on his head. "An acting intern. " "Who asked you that? This..." I heard another scream 'Damn it!' again and a small, whispering voice barely reached my ears. "Boxing... What about that?" To be honest, I had more than half predicted that he would run away. But right now, even though the guy in front of me looks scared, he still hasn't given up on his malice to beat me down. He's more determined than I thought. Even so, I don't see anything wrong with it.The point worth mentioning is that the guy who will probably get injured is completely different from the other two. I'm about to actually swing my fist to the point where the only remaining audience shudders even more. As I was putting the mouthguard back in, I heard another question. "Standing on the ring, what does that mean? " Like his whisper, I mumbled it in my mouth so that it was almost inaudible. "As I said. I have some experience as a boxing partner." " ...How long?" I put on my mouthguard and said. "5 years." Simultaneously with the answer, I swung my fist at the area i hadn't attacked the other two people at. The man who was punched in the center of his face staggered and took a big step back. Must have been dizzy, I slowly walked closer, deliberately waiting for the other person to come to his senses. And before reaching out to aim for the head again, I deliberately glanced at the blonde once. Confirming that the person who made eye contact with me was covered in fear. I smiled. Best to take a closer look, you'll be the one to get your face crushed next time.

Chapter 18 Chapter Summary

My sponsor?

Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for notes

The third match also ended so quickly, that it was boring. The only difference was that blood had flowed from the ugly man's nose and torn face, oozing out from the plaster all over his face. The ugly man didn't faint, but the instructor rushed over in time and shouted, only to find that the man was almost completely conscious, only his eyes were dull and lifeless. Of course, the instructor raised his voice to rebuke me. The ugly guy's face was now a mess, that made the instructor almost see me as a murderer, with that amount of blood, I'm not sure if I should show the video that i took as proof for him to keep his mouth shut or not. And the person who stood up to put an end to this situation was an unexpected person. The sharp looking man woke up and stepped forward. "Stop the fuss. We said we would do it." "But his face is bruised and bleeding..." When he came over, his hand was covering his injured area, and frowned down at the ugly guy the instructor was holding. "Hey." The ugly guy was staring blankly into the air, hearing the call, moved his eyes lifelessly to look over. But upon hearing the next words, that lifeless gaze changed immediately. "What are you going to do now? Your face is like a rag now." The eyes that were dazed by the word ' rag ' gave off a strong glint, He tried to sit up and spit out profanities, but when he opened his mouth all he could hear was groans because of the wounds. "I won't leave you alone... Argh... Wait and see, I won't let you bastard ever set foot in this industry again..." "I said, your face looks like a piece of rag now."

The sharp-looking man emphasised and interrupted. I don't understand why he had to repeat that, not even the ugly guy understood. He frowned and wrinkled his face, which had begun to become puffy. "What do you mean by that? " "Your face is messed up, it has to be fixed. " I still don't get it, but the ugly guy seems to get it. He forgot that he was in pain, suddenly sat up and opened his eyes. "Fix it? Ah... Right! I can go fix it... Whoa! " He covered his face again with his hand and let out a painful groan, but strangely there was laughter mixed in it. "Hehe- with a face like this, my father won't be able to object anymore. Right? Ha ha- I'm so excited! Make a reservation right now and fix it all! Ouch!" He looked up at me and I didn't know if he was laughing or crying, then he got excited as if he was the winner and said to the instructor, "It's our fault that we agreed to play at first, so please keep your mouth shut." The instructor froze with an incomprehensible expression, then became speechless. Now that the guy with the most problems has become like this, it seems that the rest of them didn't matter and gave up. The person with the sharp appearance who helped me relieve the siege now slowly approached me. He grabbed the rope and looked around as if observing the situation, after noticing the last one left his lips curled up as if he were amused. "You're pretty good." He asked, glancing at the blonde who was still standing diagonally off the ring. "The last one is him. How did you know he is the most retarded one ?" I was too lazy to answer so I just gave him a look, and then he turned to look at me. "Do you know what the second piece of advice I was going to give you? " "I was going to tell you to be careful with that guy. After he arrived... " He stammered and looked back at the gentle impressed guy. The meek who was still crouched down on the floor. "It's already stained." There is no explanation as to what was stained, but I understood. The bitter expression on the man with a gentle expression as he talked about having to go with a man for four years flashed in my mind. While sitting opposite the two in Alice's Labyrinth and giving that name

'Song Yoohan', the person with a gentle impression frowned for a moment. No matter how hard it was for him to choose to sleep with men, that repulsion could not be easily lost. Therefore, 'Song Yoohan' who managed to get a man as a sponsor to be able to be so successful became a problem that he couldn't accept. Being ordered to do childish things by such a person was too much for him. On the other hand, the blonde didn't show any expression with the name 'Song Yoohan.' He just simply averted his gaze. A person can lie but eyes can never, and since he knew that, he instinctively hid it because he didn't want others to see it. When I found out that blonde hair was Myeongshin's underling, It felt a bit unexpected because when looking at both of them, the one who led the situation more was the one with the gentle impression. Dragging the opponent in the direction you want without having the right to dominate is an inevitable part to pay attention to. It Made me reconsider what I consider trivial for just using those childish tricks. So I don't intend to take this lightly. Maybe that kid was thinking a lot while the ugly guy was punched to death by me. Well, what can he say? I was about to walk towards the blonde when I heard a whisper behind me. "I paid off the debt." As I took a step forward and shifted my gaze, the sharp-looking person added in a low voice. "Thank you for sparing my face. " It sounded like thanking me for hitting him. Thinking that this situation was a bit funny, I walked in front of the blondie. He gritted his teeth and tried to spit it out with a pale face like he had been waiting. "You'd better not touch me." Moving on, I leaned over and stared at him. "You probably... you already know who's behind me, then you should know not to even touch me. If this ends here then I'll tell Yoohan hyung well about you.. " "What do you mean Yoohan hyung? " I asked as if I really didn't know anything. He seemed to stop breathing and his eyes widened. "You already know everything, that's why you come up with all of this. Ah, or are you trying to make me say everything with my own mouth?" "I don't understand what you're talking about. What could I possibly know?" "..." "What do you have to say with your own mouth? " "..." "If there's nothing else to say, put on your gloves."

"..." "If you run away because you don't want to fight, then go ahead. If you skip, the other three who worked so hard will be very grateful." The blonde himself said that rumors could spread in just a few hours. He could let go of the accusations that he was a coward, but no matter what, he had to feel worried if he wanted to turn those three of them into enemies. "Don't you understand ? Put on your gloves." "I did it." "Ha?" "...The thing with the tape recorder. And also told the other guy that you cussed at him. I've said it all with my mouth, now. We are cool now, right?" "I told you, I don't know what you're talking about. If it's all your doing then why should I stop beating you on here?" " !! " "Are you deaf ? Want me to write it down for you to read?" I glared at him with a tone filled with annoyance. He closed his mouth, then spoke so low that it was barely audible. "If you stop here, I'll tell you. Why Yoohan hyung wants you to leave this industry..." "No need." I cut him off, he grimaced a little and mumbled. "Did you realise? Yoohan hyung is bothering you because of your manager." "Yes." "..." "So if you want to negotiate, then at least bring out what I don't know." He swallowed his saliva, so that his throat moved loudly. I boredly followed his movements with my eyes and urged. "Or do you want to be waded into the ring?" "The requirements have changed." He said hastily and lowered his voice when he saw that the others were also watching the place .

"Yoohan hyung knows it all. You got out of Alice's labyrinth thanks to your sponsor right? Instead of getting in your way, he told me to find out who your sponsor was first..... " "So?" Nothing special. As soon as I expressed my displeasure, he faltered slightly and then explained further. "I mean, that's why I've been following you for a few days now. You didn't notice, did you? I was also afraid of being discovered, so I sent someone else to do it instead. Then, how interesting it is, that you went to Alice's Labyrinth everyday. Not even from the front door but the back door." "..." "Your sponsor goes there every day, don't they?" I didn't answer because I was thinking about something. To be honest, I haven't figured it out yet. How influential is Alice's Labyrinth? Maybe he thought I was embarrassed because I was so quiet, he sarcastically said in a leisurely voice. "If not, you must be working there." When I looked up, I met eyes filled with mocking laughter. The blonde kept mumbling, as if I was really cared. "I heard some guys are working there trying to make their debut in the entertainment industry. Do you ever work as a waiter there?" "..." "Hmm, if you had sponsor, there's absolutely no way you go there riding a bus? Well, it doesn't matter, the important thing is that if i convey it like that, you will feel more comfortable knowing you are just a lowly waiter, then Yoohan hyung might just look down on you and don't care about you anymore. You don't like it either, don't you? Climbing up in this world, and being interfered like th..." "Whatever." "" He became startled, looking to tilt his head to the side. "I don't care about being interfered with. On the contrary, I welcome it. " I approached the man who was stunned for a moment, grabbing his shoulder and pulled. "Go tell Song Yoohan. My sponsor is very... very manly. " I lifted the corner of my lips at the person close in front of me, just a rope away.

"If you convey it like that, I will spare your face."

There were a few changes when I went to acting class the next day. Thanks to the company's strict attendance check that is more strict than high school, in the past time there was always no one absent, but today there were only three people in total, including me. The ones who were absent was the ugly guy and the blond guy. Both of them were seriously punched by me, so it was only natural that they couldn't participate, but the fact that the other two could come was quite unexpected. It seemed that they couldn't get up this morning, but they still managed to get out here. It was the day the instructor was going to announce the person who was going to play the small role in a drama as a prize. Maybe that's why the instructor was little embarrassed since the ugly guy who gonna take roll hadn't come. "Where are the rest of the class?" Didn't he hear the new yesterday? I thought after 24 hours there would be a rumor that a gangster had entered the company, but it seems that wasn't the case. When I saw the two of them sitting stiff, their eyes met mine. The gentle impression man had a bitter expression on his face, and the sharp looking man had a smile in his eyes. He then explained to the teacher about the ugly guy. "He is in the hospital. He went to have his face fixed." "His face? But his father was against it..." " Yes, it is true. He objected, saying why he wanted to fix the most handsome face in the world, but after all no parent can beat their children." There was a glint of surprise in the lecturer's eyes, but he immediately shook his head and wrote something on the piece of paper in his hand and turned his gaze to the person with the gentle impression. Then he, as if waiting to be asked, said the blondie's excuse. "He's sick." Glancing at me, he added tersely. "I think it's just a cold." For some reason, the instructor looked distrustful, but then just frowned. "Well, then today's acting competition is up next..." "Please do it with the ones that are persent. " When I cut in, the instructor looked up in confusion. Perhaps it would be difficult for him to do so when the person whom the reward should be given too was absent. He coughed, and turned to look at the rest.

"Wouldn't it be better to wait until the next time everyone was present and then proceed?" The two respondents turned to look at me instead of the lecturer. The instructor also looked at me awkwardly, as if they meant to do what I wanted. " So what I'm saying is, maybe the others have already practiced, so if we do it now..." "One said he had surgery." "But the other one is sick..." "He knows how to take care of his own body, shouldn't he?" I interrupted and asked for their opinion. "Let's do it ourselves, okay? " They both nodded obediently, looking like they were trying to hold back their laughter for some reason. The manager said this. My acting is still just imitation. I already know how to read the dialogues, and also got used to better vocal practice and pronunciation depending on the situation, but I can't put it into practice. My oral lines didn't contain any emotion, so I was advised to pay attention to put them in more. I'm grateful, but it's not something that can be done with just effort. Because I don't know how to do that. Suddenly, I had a feeling that this was impossible for me. But fortunately acting is emotional and has depth that isn't really necessary for what I intend to do. Unfamiliar expressions and voices, such as smiles, humorous intonation and intense anger, I can slowly practice and imitate at any time. On the other hand, Hansoo pointed out one of my strong points. That is, I have no fear. Most people are shy and hesitant to speak and act in a different way than themselves, but I don't have that. Fearless is just a nice way of saying, in reality it's better to say shameless. Maybe it's because I'm shameless enough that I'm able to pull off my clumsy appearance when acting out what I'm not. Thanks to that, even though I couldn't play the role according to the manager's wishes, with my ability after a few weeks of studying, I read enough lines to be said to do quite well. But that doesn't mean my acting is the best out of the three present today. I don't have enough time to do it well, and in my opinion there is someone who is also a beginner but is very good at acting. Different from his normal practice, acting with a serious look told me who was the very good actor that the manager and Hansoo mentioned. It's not just me, but other people can feel it too. That's why everyone was surprised by my suggestion just now. Because everyone who looked at me knew that I was the worst actor in the group, but I took the initiative to stop the lecturer. "All three of you did really well. You must have been doing a lot of practice last week. As for choosing the best actor to give the prize, well... Cough, I'll consider it a bit more.. " "Is it so difficult to decide? "

Perhaps because of the unhappy mood when being interrupted, the lecturer slightly frowned and turned to look. However, I was not interested in that, only for a workaround. " Let's vote." "Vote?" " Let us say who is the best out of everyone here. You said the same thing,acting would be the most accurate if viewed from everyone's eyes. Especially if it is ourselves. Wouldn't that decision make more sense, right?" The instructor couldn't give a clear answer, only mumbling 'Well...', only when looking at the other two did he reluctantly nod. The two wondered why I said that, but agreed to listen to me. The instructor threw a scowl at me again. "Then vote." "The person with the most votes gets the prize, right?" "..." "Right?" " ...Yes. Just do it." He replied annoyed, he pointed towards me first. "Then Mr. Lee Taemin should go first. Who do you think is the best?" There was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes. Maybe because I thought I would choose myself. Since the other two were strangely obedient to my words, it was understandable that he thought this was a plan for me to receive the reward. Really besides, it's not like I'm completely without such an idea. When I told my manager about the bonus, he said it was a good opportunity and hoped I will receive it. But I shifted my gaze to one person, and opened my mouth. "You. In my eyes, you are the best one." Hearing that, the person with a sharp appearance met my eyes and froze, gaping as if he didn't expect it. But it seems he's not the only one to be surprised. In a moment of strange silence, the person with a gentle impression asked me. "Really... what?" "Yes." I said nodding my chin at the sharp man who was still frozen. "You act great too...You did well, but this guy does better. "

The gentle man pursed his lips, then suddenly let out a weak laugh. " You got me. It's true that this time will be different... Instructor, I think so too... Actually, I have felt that for a long time. One of us was so good that he didn't need to learn anything else. Even we realise that, so the teacher must have realised that, right? " After class, I was about to pack up and go home when the gentle impression called me back. "You have to be careful Hyungseok. " I coldly looked at him, as I slung the bag over my shoulder. "Looks like Hyungseok was following orders to dig you up like that...But you probably already know." "Yes, I know...If there's nothing left to say then I'll go." I was about to turn around, when suddenly he took my hand. " I always thought that I would never be able to get a role just because of my acting skills. So after 4 years, I decided to play the role of a male prostitute, I started going around here and there." "Your situation is not my business." He let go of the force that was holding my hand and turned to look at the sharp man who was talking to the instructor from a distance. "As far as I know, that person hates sponsors, but even so he still chooses the side that can cling to those who hold power. That's because he knows, you can't just succeed with acting skills. All I want to say is, don't be discouraged. Today I saw that Lee Taemin has such an innocent side. This is not the place that you think it is." It wasn't until he finished speaking and reminded me to be careful again that he let go of my hand. Everyone who meets me wants to give me advice. Am I so helpless? I wanted to ask the manager, but when I met him, he had other things in mind because he was so excited about something else. "Hansoo received a casting interview! Well, his camera phobia has not gone away yet, but since the other party contacted me first, they must have seen Hansoo's play..." Because the manager was really looking forward to me being able to receive the acting award, so I feel very lucky that he was so happy. We both just ignored it without saying anything. I didn't plan anything, but I felt like today everything was going smoothly. There were no rumors about the boxing incident, and there was no need to look at those two eyesores. I thought my luck would last forever, but I had to meet someone I didn't want to see, in Alice's Labyrinth, where I used to go to work every day like the blonde said that day.

As usual, the club manager led me to the front door of the madman's office, he spoke in a respectful tone before opening the door. "He is waiting inside." For a moment I thought of the madman in my mind and asked back with a frown. "The owner of this room?" "No." Then who? Before I could ask again, he gave me a strange clue. "A very strict person, but also very emotional." So who is that? I couldn't ask again this time either. He smiled like a robot and opened the door first. In the middle of the room, that person, who was strict but full of affection, welcomed me. "Why are you 4 minutes later than usual today?" The director put his hand on his waist like last time and let out a stern voice like an officer. After determining who the other party was, I unconsciously let out a sigh in my heart. He wasn't a problematic person, but he was still someone who made people nervous in a weird way. I stood at the door silently looking at him, then opened my mouth. "The bus was late." He looked me up and down with wide eyes and asked. "You weren't late for any other reason?" "It was because of the bus." I emphasised again and again in case there were any more odd misunderstandings. "...It's too obvious. There must be another reason! You can't fool me! " I only caused more misunderstandings. I had only spoken a few words to him, but fatigue hit me as if I had been talking to him for hours. I thought he was a genius in a way and automatically ignored what he said, but the next words he said, I couldn't easily ignore. "Do you have a problem with your part time job?" "What do you mean by part-time job?" "I know it all. You always come straight here from your part-time job." "...Who is? "

"Who else is in here? It's you Lee Baekwon. Are you embarrassed about being caught? Huhu, but you have to get used to it from now on. There is no use in hiding anything from me. Ever." He warned in a dark tone like a final boss. I had no choice but to reiterate the question I posed when I first met him. Is he crazy? But as expected, he wasn't the type of person who would let his guard down so easily. He caught a somewhat revealing question. "Ah ha ~ Seems like you don't believe me then. But, if you keep making beginner mistakes and hiding things like your part-time job, you'll be treating me like an idiot." "What beginner's mistake ?" Then he raised his finger and pointed at my clothes. "Clothes. You always wear the same clothes." I looked down at my jeans and black shirt. Although I didn't have many clothes, I was too lazy to go shopping, so I just bought many shirts of the same color and design and just wore them out. Even so, there are times when I get babbled by my manager about how to improve my fashion sense more. But what does the same clothes have to do with a part time job? The question was resolved by the director's exclamation. "The uniforms look so casual these days. So, do you work at the gas station?" "..." "Because you are busy, it is fine to wear a uniform like this, but you should try wearing casual clothes every once in a while. Aren't you an aspiring celebrity? Why is your expression so stiff and aren't answering me. Afraid I'll be disappointed with your fashion sense Haha- It's okay. Men's clothes just need to be covered in the right places. Don't tell me your everyday clothes that you wear, is without any sense like your uniform, hm?" "..." "Isn't that right? Hmm?" "Yes...." After hearing my answer, he made a fuss about guessing everything right again and made me sit on the sofa. Honestly I didn't want to sit down and talk to him at all, but fortunately the changed subject caught my attention. "So what's the matter with Chairman Kim's trash chasing you like a rat?" Chairman Kim? Suddenly I remembered something. "Chairman Kim is actor Song Yuhan's sponsor, right?"

The director just looked at me silently without responding and suddenly raised his lips. I don't know if it's just an illusion, but that smile reminds me of the madman. I tried to confirm, but his reasonings were interrupting my thoughts. "Ohh- so it was Song Yoohan. The person your aiming for. So, because of Song Yoohan, you entered this industry even tho you had no interest in at all, and seduced our Jay. Hm, for a grudge? Dis Song Yoohan kill someone?" I just thought he was a ridiculous person. But right now, I find it hard to breathe, having the feeling that if I let out even the slightest emotion, everything about me will come out of his mouth. Why was I so careless? However, the attempt to conceal has no effect. The director casually looked at me and asked. "I guess the dead whos dead, is a family member, right?" Was because unlucky days follow good days? I could barely sleep, but just opened my eyes, the director's words that kept me awake all night occupied the previous night's mind. "You can tell me everything yourself, or let me investigate your background. Of course I won't let you take advantage of Jay no matter what. Hmm, maybe I'll start with a ban on your entrance. So decide quickly. Whether to tell me who you are, or not." His voice was hoarse but firm. /// The cold morning air that permeated the closed room seemed to have turned into his voice echoing around me. The fact that, I had to talk about myself. Am I the only one who feels this request is like a sharp knife at my throat? It doesn't matter if it's an easy question for others. This was the consequence of my carelessness. I was stupid enough to let my guard down around the boss. Everyone has their own knife. No matter how good of a person one is, the opponent can stab and hurt them. The reason, was simply because we are all humans. And I know that better than anyone. I had forgotten about it, because like an idiot i had gotten used to living normally. Have I not witness it myself, a simple sickly man who could only withstand being trampled by that debt collector, pull out his knife in a fit of rage? Or My brother's blood that dyed the whole world red and stopped flowing. Even now, sometimes the world seems be colored by red. Is that not enough? The regret that I was careless did not easily disappear from my heart. At this point, I have to make a decision. Which is more important, Alice's Labyrinth, or the story about me. I stood up and thought while getting dressed. Alice's labyrinth was an important place. And what about me? I have nothing, after all. I finished dressing and observed the space allotted to me. A 2 pyeong Goshiwon motel room, ( -6.6m2 ) width and with no windows. The yellow wallpaper in the corner had peeled off

like black rotting flesh, stuck in gray cement. In this musty place and suffocatingly narrow vision, there was nothing to see. Except for the old bed and desk, this cramped room with the a little space for two people to stand in felt like a coffin. I felt like i would get buried underground. Sometimes I keep thinking to myself that, once I hold the doorknob, maybe i'm already underground and if I open it, dirt might fall in. I'm not afraid of that. Sometimes I dream. I dream that I'm already in a coffin and my everything would end. It's easy. Death was the simplest outcome we can choose in life. However, when opening the door, the narrow and dark corridor was covered in a chilling silence. I'm frustrated with the fact that I'm still alive, but I keep walking. Stepping out into the open air, I realized that I still couldn't come to a conclusion. Which is more important, Alice's Labyrinth which was needed for revenge, or the insignificant me. /// Crosses, rosaries, and prayer droplets. The familiar religious trio that was my managers, welcomed me at the corporate office. Of course I still did't need those things, but it seems to be necessary for Hansoo, who was clutching on manager's hand and praying to all the gods in the world. I didn't want to disturb the two of them, who buried their heads in prayer, so I just stood still by the closed door. So today was Hansoo's interview that the manager was so excited yesterday. Unlike usual, Hansoo was now well-dressed and well-groomed. The problem was that his face had turned pale and looked a bit awkward to me. Looking at the empty shell on the table, he must have taken a sedative, but I think if he continued to act like that, he would still pass out during the interview. Another problem was that the manager's face didn't look very good either. "Oh, it's fine! There will be no camera so it won't be a problem! Even if the show's representative will sit in the front audience seats to watch you act, you won't be able to see it because they're sitting in the dark. You can do it. We'll get the lead role in one go! Just control your mind like last night!" "R- Right, Director? That's right. Just think normally!" It seems that along with the words, it was deeply engraved in Hansoo's head. By the way, this doesn't even count as an official interview but he was already like that... Even though I was looking at the two of them with expressionless eyes, I was still a little nervous. Next time I will call the shaman. It was a tumultuous morning. It's all thanks to the manager who recited strange spells and dialects based on prayers, saying, "I want to relieve all the stress on Hansoo, who will be as strong as a log." Regardless of whether the director of that movie was famous or not, both of them were excited about the director's name. From what i heard this seems like a great opportunity

although i don't know what it feels like to be cast as the main character. Hansoo has always done well in a place where there is no camera, so he will be able to show his full potential. The problem is that the pressure of these two people could not be eased. According to the manager, this was an opportunity that Hansoo hasn't had in a few years, that's why they were nervous. Fortunately, the heartless words I said helped both of them a bit. But thanks to that, I was kept for several hours just for them to beg for those cold words. Looking at them, I suddenly remembered a movie. A horror movie that I watched on TV when I was young, about a young girl with a ghost hiding in her body, and the priest who chased it away. Instead of being scared, I thought at the time. "It's amazing." But I only remember the sight of the girl vomiting green liquid that was a bit disgusting. Despite the manager's efforts, I had to sympathise with Hansoo, who was feeling extremely stressed, now even feeling like vomiting. Next time he will definitely need a shaman. I left the two of them behind because i had to attend the class, but when I entered the classroom, I started to get a little worried. Could be that, Hansoo had a fear of the person in charge, instead? While pushing away my useless worries, I noticed that the number of people present in class was different from yesterday. There is one more person. It's also not surprising that blonde can get up from bed in just one day. It's just, the look on his face that caught my eye. That bright smile when talking to the teacher before class. I put my bag down and looked over at the other two as I crossed the huge floor that looked like a ballroom. They were just stretching exercises to prepare for class, nothing out of the ordinary. But why does everything look so out of place in my eyes? One of the three who approached me after a particularly boring 4 hour class. I expected him to come talk to me, so wasn't a surprise. The person who came over was the sharp-looking guy who had been talking to me since yesterday. But what he said was beyond my expectations. "I couldn't say thank you yesterday." "..." "Why? I'm not doing this for you, so you know there is no reason to thank me." He smiled faintly and nodded. "That's right. It's just a polite greeting." I straightened up. The itch that I felt before class came again. The person opposite me is not a polite person, nor am I the one who needed this polite greeting. But there must be a reason I'm hearing this right now. Somehow the sharp man looked interested, as if he had noticed my expression had changed. "Do you know, you look regular at first, but the more I look at you, the more different you look? That's why I was so caught off guard at first. I thought you were just an idiot like the

other guys, full ambitions to be famous, using all sorts of tricks to succeed. But it turned out not to be. I was completely wrong." "What's the point of talking this nonsense?" "Let's see. Just take as a present, who knows." I frowned, but he just shrugged. "After all, I'm your senior, right? I know more than you. For example, one of the ways to get successful without a sponsor, is to befriend a rich guy, who's got a lot of money and get a spare role thanks to him. Should have told you all of this before." I understood why I felt that his words were different, it was strange. Like a last greeting. It was like saying hello one last time before you say goodbye. I slightly shifted my gaze to the blonde and the person with the gentle impression who was chatting happily on the other side. The sharp man followed my gaze and lowered his voice slightly. "Or with a sponsor, you can you wipe someone out and get some lines right away. If you all don't like that, then you can just fight with your acting skills.... However, when you see the reality that you won't get a single chance to showcase your talents after being a trainee for 4 years, then you will realize it later and start selling your body." He then looked back and made eye contact with me. "If you don't have any money, then I think these three are the only ways. Oh no, there is. Either way, all these ways are ultimately you stooping low and serving others. But when I look at you, I think you'll be different. Even if you choose the same method, you'll still get something different." "So what?" Rounding around and being questioned, he spat out with a nonchalant tone. " Well, do well. I'm getting out of here." What popped into my head immediately was the question 'Why?' It's just a small role, but it was a reward from yesterday, then the filming should start this weekend. He smirked, as if he had read my mind. "You still don't know, Right? The role I received as yesterday's reward has already been given to someone else." My eyes automatically fell on a person. The blondes laughter was especially loud today. Mixed in with the sharp looking man's voice. "In the end, without the tiger the fox would be king." "..."

"Normally it never works, but it's thanks to you that the guy could take advantage of it." It's because I got rid of the ugly guy. I heard a loud laughing sound again. The gentle impression who was talking just smiled, but the blonde looked like he was hearing the most interesting story in the world. "I was afraid you would misunderstand, so I said first." He finished speaking in a short time, but I thought I had been listening to it for hours. I looked back, he opened his mouth with his usual cold expression. "I'm not leaving here because of this. In the 1 year I've been here, I've seen a lot of things like this. So this is just salt from the sea. The day I went to sign the contract, it was already over. I heard the PD say the role is gone." "Then why should you go?" I guessed the answer is that there's no ugly guy to back him up so he'll just rest for a while, but he's not. He didn't open his mouth right away. Instead, he slowly looked across the room as if he wanted to carve it into the depths of his eyes. "I'm not sure.... If acting is really my hobby or not. Doing this is only possible if you have the desire to do it no matter how obsequious you have to be or how dirty it may be." " ... " "Don't lose your spirit." "I didn't have that in the first place." At my reply, he suddenly burst out laughing. Then he grabbed my shoulder and laughed. "You, you... I really like you." The laughter attracted everyone's attention, but this guy was whispering and laughing just enough to for me to hear it myself. "You will probably keep bumping into Song Yoohan until you change your manager." He suddenly changed the topic and advised. Then he straightened his back against my shoulder and made eye contact with me. "I followed the guy who is in the hospital, and also went out a few times with him to the place his father arranged. About 2 months ago, I had a drink with a senior, then for he was very drunk and said this." A small whisper came from his thin lips. "A monster that will rule the whole industry has appeared in Dream. The scary thing here is that the monster will soon swallow the Dream whole, but no one knows. Once that person has

started swinging their blade...all will regret it. The monster is already preparing to cut off the rotting roots." "Why bring that up to me?" "Think about who the monster is. If it's someone who can build it all by himself, he can take on the big sponsor behind Song Yoohan. He's almost impossible to get involved with, though." Taking his hand off me, he stepped back. "I'm used to being robbed of my role right in front of my eyes every time, but I can't get used to having to hold back my anger." He left after one last look at the blondie. Since when did my surroundings become quiet, for a moment, I stood still without moving, just looking at the floor. The sound of footsteps approaching me rang in my ears as if always waiting for their turn, I could see the shoe stopping nearby. I slowly raised my head and saw the gentle impression looking this way from a distance. As soon as his eyes met mine, he turned away. "Thanks to you I had a comfortable day off." The blond did not hide his sarcasm. "And as you requested, I also told Yoohan hyung that you seem to have a great man, as a sponsor. So I've paid off the debt right?" "Yes." The blondes eyes narrowed for a moment, but soon returned to normal. On the contrary, he threw a laugh. "Since I payed off the debt, I should also pay you the interest." I could no longer indifferently respond to the next words. "You know what? You are not the only one Yoohan hyung is after."

Chapter End Notes

Yoohann :(((

Chapter 19 Chapter Summary

Story about me.

Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for notes

I still don't understand why I was so surprised then. We only met a few weeks, he wasn't really friendly either. Just an outsider who is always attached to the manager and available when needed. Hansoo is just like that. But I was really surprised, like the blade popped out right in front of my eyes without even noticing because I thought I was protecting it from afar. I didn't realise that, obviously it was natural that Myeonshin would also mess with the other actor under the manager, Hansoo. "Yoohan hyung is really upset about your sponsor. He will trample everything before they can grow up, now he is gritting his teeth and getting ready." 7:30 pm. Because of the play, I went to the subway, remembering the manager and Hansoo at the small theater. The jolt from the train ran through his body, but the larger tremor was still the blonde's last words at the time. "Before I came here, I caught Yoohan hyung smiling. I asked him if something interesting was going on, and he said he finally pulled out a thorn." After an unusually slow 40-minute commute on the train, I was able to reach the small theater I had visited once. The manager's old car was nowhere to be seen near the theater. Thinking it wasn't here, I flung open the back door I had entered before, and crossed the dark and narrow corridor to the inside of the theater. However, when I went inside, I found Hansoo at the entrance stairs. Hansoo, now sitting at the bottom of the stairs, raised his head at the sound of the door. "Huh? What are you doing here?" He tried to smile as usual, the expressions he was trying to make were nothing but odd distortions. It was thanks to his red eyes and tear-stained face. How should I put it, it feels like I just got punched by Myeongshin. On the contrary, it only made me feel worse about myself. And that feeling was even stronger when I saw Hansoo. " I've been ruined like an idiot. Haha... Yes, there was a camera. I haven't heard about it... The moment I saw them trying to film my acting with the big camera... ' He couldn't finish what he was trying to explain with a smile.

It's funny how he couldn't even wipe away his tears and snot that was running down his face, but he worried for the manager first. According to Hansoo, it seems the manager chased after the person in charge. As soon as Hansoo saw the camera, he froze and couldn't say a word on stage, I could draw a rough picture of the situation. Of course, the whole situation is hidden behind who sent the camera. Hansoo kept cursing himself for being an idiot, and kept his head down in tears. The floor was so magically wet that I wondered how tears could have flowed so much. After looking at him for a while, I turned around and went out. I stood in front of the closed iron door and looked out into the dark street. Since it was dinner time, even in a small alley, people would still pass by in front of me from time to time. I don't realize how long I've been standing like that. Loud music blared from a certain store. When the songs in the same sequence began to repeat again, a familiar figure caught my eye. The manager dropped his shoulders and looked at the ground, walking with no energy. I had no choice but to pretend i didn't see him at first. I didn't know how to deal with manager so I was a bit confused. The manager recognized me as I approached, opening his mouth first. "Oh, it's Taemin. When did you come here?" "A while ago." "Is that the class good?" "Yes." When I answered briefly, he nodded "Alright then." with a wry smile. But then the forced smile disappeared. He looked down at the ground again, and was silent, then opened his mouth to sigh. "I'm sorry, but we'll have to do the daily scripts practise tomorrow. " "I have a question." "What is it?" He replied as I focused on his impossibly dark face and put Myeongshin's name out of my mouth. "Is Song Yoohan's sponsor a very influential person?" "Why are you asking that all of a sudden!" "It's just. If you want to fight back, you have to know." I said softly as if it was no big deal. The manager looked like he grimaced a little, then blurted out his displeasure. "He is a very influential old man. A supporting actor is nothing special, he can still put him in the position of a lead role or a full-time position in a popular variety show."

"But then why would Song Yoohan even want to target someone else?" "Someone else? Ah..." The manager whispered someones name, possibly recalling our past conversation. "You mean Director Yoon. Well, because it's Director Yoon." He looked up when I stared at him at the vague answer, as if asking for an explanation. "No matter how influential a sponsor is, it can't be compared to Director Yoon. The only one in this industry, perhaps, someone who can't feel something like pressure. That's why he has so many enemies, even I am afraid that he will be forced out of Dream." If Director Yoon is the monster the sharp looking man was talking about before, then the target I need to approach is obvious. Now what can I do with these empty hands? For me, just a promise to avenge Myeongshin was not enough for the pain I felt when I saw Hansoo cry. I didn't think twice but came to the place every day according to the madmans word, but this might be the last time I come to this place, so I need to rearrange my to-dos. I have to completely throw away my useless pride. "Do you have anything to say to me?" The director sat in front of the mother-of-pearl desk in his office and looked at me. "First warning, lying won't work on me, whose eyes are sharper than a hawk." Normally I would have laughed at him in my heart, but this time I just nodded seriously. Looking at me silently, he straightened up from his chair and placed his hands on the table. "Let's start." "You're right. I'm planning to get revenge on Song Yoohan." "Why?" "Did he really kill your family members?" "No. It was someone else who killed my family members." His eyes seemed to wrinkle slightly when he asked who it was. I opened my mouth to answer, but felt that my voice was different. "It was me who killed my mother and brother." They say, time is a medicine. As time goes by, no matter how much pain or suffering it will disappear. But if I didn't feel sadness in the first place, would time still be a medicine? I don't remember feeling sad about it. I didn't feel any pain or suffering because of the situation. Instead, the still heavy weight does not decrease, just like 5 years ago, actually it is still pressing in my heart like that.

Is it because of this? That I confessed to the murder of my mother and brother. One point of concern is whether the director will believe me after speaking, because my voice is still the same as usual. First, I need to continue to come to this place. The madman was here, but the real boss here is that person in front of me, so I should have tried to show him that i was a good person. A little regret was left, that dissipated in the long silence, but boredom took its place. The director showed no sign of wanting me to explain further, and I just watched silently. A long time later, when I was about to run out of patience to endure boredom without avoiding his gaze, I finally heard an order. "Sit over there." He pointed to the seat, my legs were tired so I did not refuse to do anything and sat on the soft sofa. Right after that, was a question. "When did they die?" "5 years ago." "Both of them?" Other than that long silence, the director's tone was still the same as usual so I thought he was simply confirming the truth. "Yes. My mother died only 2 months after my brother." "How did they die? " "..." "I know you were the cause of death, so please explain more." What a strange man to actually believe what I said, I looked at him and recalled the past 5 years ago. "My brother was killed, and my mother died in the hospital." " Was your mother... terminally ill?" "No. She suddenly collapsed, and then missed her treatment time..." "It seems that she missed the treatment time because of you." "..." "And you are the cause of your brother's murder." I paused for a moment and then nodded to confirm the question. "Yes.. " "So what did you do?"

I did not understand his question well so I just kept my mouth shut. In the meantime, he stood up and approached the sofa where I was sitting. "After your family died because of you, what did you do?" "I paid off the debt." "For five years?" "Yes", I replied, adding that I had paid in full, out of fear that he would think I was still being hunted for money owed. But the strange thing is that he didn't ask what happened 5 years ago to know why the cause. He was just curious about what happened after that. "What did you do?" "Anything that makes money right." He gave me a strange look at my answer. " 'Right ' ah. That is the point. " "..." "Hey, you." He asked gently, stretching his upper body to the opposite side. "How many days have you taken off work in the last five years?" "None." His expression was strangely distorted again. Although I found his expression strange, I didn't mind because the next question came again. "When your family died, did you cry?" "No." I don't want any more awkward questions. I answered lightly and was about to ask directly what I wanted to know. But I couldn't...The director's face, which was already distorted and hard to see, was now formed into a distinct expression. He was crying. Seeing my puzzled expression, he realised that he was crying. Then he straightened up and went out, saying it was because of the dust in his eyes. Of course I didn't believe it, no speck of dust can come in and make someone cry that much, unless it's the size of a fist. But when I was left alone and reflected on the conversation I had with the director earlier, I really couldn't think of anything that could make him cry like that. Fortunately, the director returned after only a few minutes. As soon as he sat down in front of me, he was decisive.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just allergic to dust so I only have tears in my eyes." Glancing at his bloodshot eyes and red nose from crying, I nodded at him to show that I understood. Then the unexpected questions started again. "Now explain about Song Yoohan. Why are you trying to get revenge on him?" I hesitated a little because I didn't want to bring this up, but he kept putting pressure on the 'no entry' of this place. So I just re-explained the situation briefly. However, the more he listened, the more strangely his expression changed again, and his voice was also a little shaky. "...So for 5 years, Mr. Lee Baekwon has atoned himself for his sins. He didn't cry at all, but only made money to pay his debts, hmm... While he was working hard, to make money, If there wasn't enough, the evil Song Yoohan, who had provided information to the killer who killed your brother, succeed with all these dirty and frivolous tricks? Have you ever met such a cheap guy!! Lee Baekwon who can't use even 200 won on himself and has gone through such 5 years of hardship..." I don't think I've ever lived a hard life. Furthermore, I have never wanted to do anything for myself, and have never thought of the past 5 years as an atonement, but I could not stop his words. Because if I wanted to do that, I had to make him stop crying first. "Director. Dust. I think you're allergic again. That's it." He averted his eyes and wiped his tears with his sleeve. I don't know if his eyes are really sensitive, but his emotions are obviously very sensitive. Suddenly, I remembered what the club manager said yesterday. 'A very strict person, but also very emotional.' Not just 'very' more like 'abundantly'. I put all the blame on the manager for not giving correct information, and heard a sniffle, sneeze, I don't know when he stopped crying and his eyes darkened. "A bastard like that who doesn't know his sins and lives shamelessly, should be taught a lesson! Now is not the time to sit around like this! " I don't want to sit around like this either. However, I couldn't help but ask the excited person over there. "Mr. Director." "What?!" "Did you believe everything I said?" Actually, what I wanted to ask was 'Are you out of your mind?' but I wanted confirm the basics first. He replied immediately. "Eh? You didn't lie, did you?" He naively asked that and changed the subject.

"So what are your future plans? Hmm?" "..." "..." "Really, you are even more unlucky since Song Yoohan's sponsor is the very powerful chairman Kim... Ah, that's right! Jay! You have Jay!" He urged me excitedly...I looked at him angry and realized one thing. That imagination, fostered by the deductive power he prided himself on, helped him fill in the gaps in my explanation. Was it possible that in his heart, I was mistaken for a pitiful good young man who really wanted to atone for my sins after 5 years? I guess, I can't help but get goosebumps. Feeling that I had guessed correctly, the director urged again. "What are you doing now? You have to go seduce Jay!" I feel a little more angry than confused. Was it time to remember why this conversation happened in the first place? As I braced myself and opened my mouth, another sound brought the director back to his senses. The familiar voice entered the room with the sound of the door. "Are you talking about something interesting?" The director and I both froze as soon as we raised our heads. I don't know if it was because I was sitting down and looking up, that the madman looked exceptionally large, slowly entering the open door. I didn't even commit a crime, but suddenly I felt suffocated. He stopped near the sofa, looked at the director and me, and then slowly smiled. Unlike that dimpled smile, his eyes shone with ferocity. For a moment, the breath that had stopped was frozen. He met my gaze and added in a lazy tone to us. " I heard my name . " We were both startled, and on the other hand felt uncomfortable. The problem is that the feeling of discomfort is not directed at the person who created this situation. It is selfdirected. For me, who was frozen and stunned just because of this. However, the silence came like a bucket of cold water, my head stiffened and couldn't move easily. Only one thing popped into my head. Definitely don't get involved with this guy. The visceral warning I felt when I first saw him on the rooftop had reappeared. But I know. I will still ignore this dangerous warning. If there was a difference from before, it was anger at someone else this time. Because the director is trying to tie me to him. "What, y-your name? W-what, what are you saying?" The self-proclaimed master of reasoning uttered lies that could be seen by anyone. Seeing him question the madman with that obvious stiff expression made me just feel embarrassed for him. With his voice even higher than an octave to the point of breaking, both his words and actions looked unnatural.

"Haha. Ha, you're thinking too much. We didn't say anything about you. You know I don't care about you...right Lee B-baekwon, do you care?" Voices in my head exploded like a landmines. At that moment, the madman looked straight at me. Seeing the smiling face, I couldn't help but glance away. It could be taken as a warning 'Then I will hear from you'. I felt my spine getting chilled. The director, who had caused this, called and forced me to lie along with him. as if believing that his acting skills were perfect . "Isn't that right, Baekwon?" "Yes..." The director 's voice returned to normal as if relieved after that. "See, we didn't say anything about you!" But it was too late....Now he was seen like he was the only one talking about the madman alone. However, the director still found confidence, stood up straight and put his hands on his belt. The madman didn't take his eyes off me but answered with a laugh. "Yes, I must have heard wrong." "Yes. It was a mistake. We never mentioned you..." "So what were you two talking about?" "...Hmm?" "What were you talking about." "Thats... we didn't talk about much at all." "If it's no big deal, then I might listen to it, as well." The boss turned his head to me suddenly. It was like a public admission to the madman that he was talking about me. Sure enough the madman turned his gaze to me. I couldn't help but open my mouth. "We were talking about me." There was no reason to hide it, so I said it bluntly. Of course, most of the inconvenience was that if I lied, the other party would obviously see through me like a ghost again. "About you, hmm. Now I want hear more." He still kept that smile on his face. But the room became more and more stuffy. If I had been a little weaker mentally, I would have told him everything I was talking about. Fortunately or unfortunately, no matter how strong the opponent is, my previous nature has kept me from losing my composure.

"You know that. My past, 5 years ago living like a thug and meeting Myeongshin, I was just explaining that I was trying to get revenge." "Why?" What 'why'?.....I didn't quite understand the question so I just frowned, that languid voice explained. "Why are you talking about that? Or are you just bragging about your past as a thug 5 years ago?" I knew there was no hope for me to not to answer back. If I punched him here, is there any chance of winning? Facing the gaze in front of me, a real smile was shining in his eyes. It felt like he was toying with me so I subconsciously tried to straighten myself up. However, the innocent voice next to him broke the tense atmosphere. "No, Baekwon used to be a bastard thug?" He looked at me from top to bottom with wide eyes. "I thought you were just a thug at the most, but you turned out to be a fucking bastard thug." I wanted to ask him how those two were so different. Moreover, in this situation, if I ask that question, what is the point of my explanation to the madman? But he only took one step forward and asked the madman. "Can you believe it? Five years ago, Baekwon was a fucking thug? Look at his current appearance, who would have imagined it. How can there be such a goddamn delinquent in this world? How can he be so humble and righteous. How could he have acted like a dog..." The word 'dog' was strangely annoying, but I couldn't express the displeasure in my heart. He forgot about the situation and quickly reverted to his previous feelings. "Can't believe the fact that someone that had the life of a bastard thug who got drunk every day with his gang, and harasses relatives and family with all kinds of actions, but completely cut them all off in one turn like this.. Withstood the shock to the point of spending 5 years atoning for his sins and living a beggar life like a monk... keukeu... " He sniffled and bit his trembling lower lip. Seeing that image, suddenly my strength and will to correct him was lost. Although it is true that I used to drink and have fun, I didn't get drunk every day. It's true that I've fought, but no one has ever come out for us, and we haven't even been visited by relatives or family even on a day off. Leaving me speechless, the director stood up from his chair, said that he had a dust allergy again and quickly left. Aren't you just acting so you don't have to face the madman? It happened so quickly that I had to suspected it, it was silent in the room when the two of us were left alone. I hardly looked away from the door and opened my mouth to him. "I'm not that miserable."

At my justification, he also looked away from the door, turned around and his smile disappeared. "Not interested." "..." "I don't care what your past was like. So, what happened here is that the director was moved by your story... Was he who asked first? He couldn't just sit back and watch you approach me so he told you that you had to tell him in order for you to keep coming to this place?" As if he had known through everything beforehand, I nodded slightly to him. If you already know, then why ask? I kept an annoyed expression on my face, he took a certain distance and asked more. No, it must be said that it was a testimonial in the form of an interrogation. "Then if the director heard about your past and was touched... he must have said he'll help you. " He flashed a creepy smile again. "He asked you to seduce me?" Didn't he already see everything on the CCTV? Just in case there was actually a camera in this room, I looked straight up at the ceiling. Then I snapped back at him smiling amusedly. "Yes. It's true that he asked me to seduce you. But don't worry, being this much involved with you is enough for now. " With no response, I looked around every corner of the ceiling and then lowered my eyes to look at him. He asked coldly. "Enough for now... Because your target is Director Yoon?" "Yes. It's not you, is it?" I wanted to quickly end this conversation because that's it. It's a topic I don't want to talk about in front of him. I'm sure he would just answer simple, so I asked without thinking. But the unnatural silence came again. When I started to feel strange, I heard a question. "How are you so sure?" It felt like he wasn't merely in the mood because i had said he wasn't the target i was aiming for. Hesitating at that feeling, he asked back in a light tone. "I can also be Director Yoon, right?" I know your last name is Han. Trying to swallow the words that were about to be said in my throat. To be honest, I was a bit surprised. While I thought it was a bit frantic when the director's request for absolute secrecy came to mind, he didn't miss my hesitation.

"You heard that my name is Han Jay." The voice came like a wind blowing through the cold stones. Why was he so sensitive when just mentioning his name? No, there's one more person. The director's reaction was also very different when he said his name. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't think of a reason. In the meantime, of course, he also found the person who said his name. Again, in a lazy voice, he pointed out the door. "Is it the secret that the director told you before?" "Why is your name a secret? " I responded with a question instead of an answer, he smiled and dimples appeared. "Because it's so beautiful." "Don't make fun of me." "I don't joke." He repeated the sentence I had heard many times and added softly. "I don't like the name." Is that all? Just because he doesn't like the name too beautiful, the director has to keep it a secret? Still feeling overwhelmed. This guy must have confirmed my doubtful expression, but he didn't care anymore, his eyes were smiling as if he was seeing something interesting. "Therefore, you'd better not say the name either." The threat that came out was more effective than a blade. He's just a madman, as soon as I came to the conclusion, the man with the sensitive eyes reappeared. Seemingly prepared this time, as soon as he entered, he forcefully opened his mouth to the madman. "I never talked about you." Discovered a long time ago. Words that can't come out of the mouth can only be whispered in the heart. At times like these, I only wish he could use that amazing reasoning ability he prided himself on to grasp the situation, but his eyes that were sharper than those of a hawk, had dust in them at this moment. Looking at him, he didn't even realize that the madman was deliberately smirking more clearly when he replied right away. "I know. I just heard about it. I heard he was explaining the situation to get revenge on actor Song Yoohan?" "Yes after I heard his situation, I decided to help him out..." "You must have wanted to involve him with a sponsor." The director was startled, but immediately cheered.

"Yes, that is it! Haha, that's exactly what I was thinking." At the same time, he winked at me, as a signal that everything was going to be fine and all right. But he could see something clearly stuck in my eyes. By the time I realized I had to stop this, it was too late. "Cough cough, so, I was going to make an offer before you come in here. If he wants to succeed as an artist and surpass Song Yoohan, he needs a sponsor who can defeat Song Yoohan's... Hmm, for example, you..." "He wants someone else." "Yes, right. Not you... Huh?" The director turned to look at me, his head snapping as it could make the sound of the wind. "What?! Are you aiming for someone else? Not our Jay?! " He was trying to help me anyway so I felt a bit guilty, but I couldn't hide the truth. Even if he was staring at me with murderous eyes as if he was looking at a traitor. "Yes. There is a person." "Who?" "Director Yoon of Dream." "..." "..." He was stunned for a moment with a dull expression on his face. I couldn't help but admire this so-called Director Yoon of Dream. An existence worthy of surprising this general boss. That is, he also sees the madman next to him every day. What makes that monster more interesting than the snickering madman in front of me? Even though we haven't met yet, my appreciation for that person was getting higher and higher. I heard a question whispered while thinking. " ... Who?" "It's Dream's director Yoon." Silence fell over him again. At this point, I'm really curious about this Director Yoon. To the point that the boss, who wasn't even an official of the company, was shocked. While waiting to open his mouth first, the director's expression was oddly distorted. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but then only managed to utter a single word. "Who?" Fortunately, I wasn't the only one who felt frustrated, the madman stood up to help.

"He was referring to Director Yoon of Dream. Not me." The director turned his stiff robot neck toward him. "Not you?" He nodded slightly and smiled brightly. "Because he already know my name is Han Jay." Immediately, the director's face turned white. My head also turned blank for a moment. Right after that, the director looked at me with the eyes of a traitor, and I turned to stare at the snake with the same gaze. But there was no effect. "Who could of said that to him, hmm?" "W-who knows." The director looked aside and replied with a voice like something was stuck in his throat. I struggled to get rid of those murderous eyes, but in my heart, I felt even more uncomfortable. There won't be any retaliation, I worried, but the madman's next words drew the director's attention in another direction. "I have already decided to introduce him to Director Yoon." The director's face was distorted again, but I couldn't tell if it was a worried or disgruntled expression. "You?" "Yes... That's why he started coming in and out of this place. But of course I want something in return." "What is it?" The director's question was directed at me. I looked at that still wrinkled face and answered there and answer succinctly. "Me." There were a few strange things in the conversation that day, but what I couldn't understand the most was the director's reaction. He slowly loosened his furrowed brows and turned to face the madman. But his face was recognisable. That he barely concealed his smile. "Lee Baekwon decided to give himself... So you mean you accept this price? You?" In an instant, the smile disappeared from the madman's face. On the contrary, an irresistible smile bloomed on the director's face. "Hmm, on that condition, if you have decided to help then I will also gladly assist..."

"No need." "Then I'll just cheer..." "Enough." "Then I'll at least watch..." "Mind your own business." "..." The madman interrupted the boss's words that made the listener next to him also lose face. The director glared at him for a while, but immediately his lips curled up again. He grinned with all his teeth as if nothing could break his happy mood. "Okay, I get it. Well you know, I'm so busy that I don't care about you at all." As soon as he finished, he gave me a fierce look. His message was clear enough, '-I'll see you later'. It might have been better for him to retaliate, but it's time to kick me and the madman out of the room. I reluctantly walked over to the door and opened it, taking one last look at the director before leaving. Surely there won't be any problems later, right? A flash of worry popped into my head. It was only when his eyes were not that needed at all, that he immediately noticed. Then he silently raised his thumb, whispering. "Don't worry. Actually, I'm not busy at all."

Chapter End Notes


"I could also be Director Yoon, right?" LMAOAO YOOHAN IS JUST LIKE ME FR

Chapter 20 Chapter Summary

I'll help you.

Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for notes

Five books. That's the number of scripts I read during his absence. Now I have to start another book, but I'm only on the first page. Honestly, I'm feeling very tired and sleepy. It was a long day, and a lot of things happened. Maybe it was because I had adjusted to the madman's office that I sat comfortably on the sofa and was lost in thought for a long time. In my mind, the manager's droopy shoulders, Hansoo's tears soaking the floor, the three separate faces I saw in the practice room, and Myeongshin's face merged. I needed the manager. And manager needed Hansoo. Maybe the manager accepted me because he had Hansoo, an actor who matched his ideals. With Hansoo, he will be able to take on an actor like me to compromise with reality. So if Hansoo falls, manager will probably fall too. Anyway, Hansoo's camera phobia is a weakness that Myeongshin can take advantage of at any time, so it's lucky that he was attacked first. The question is how long can Hansoo endure it? Surely it won't go to the point of having to completely leave the industry, right? Now is only the beginning. For this matter, I am not worried that the blonde and the gentle impressionist will openly monitor me in the future. Maybe that's why I feel like those two are just one piece in my plan that will gradually take shape. If Myeongshin can take advantage of both of them, then I can too. Unfortunately, this has to wait until later. I stepped onto this industry and stopped after only a few steps, but there was no rush. On the contrary, it was nice to see the problems arise right in front of my eyes. The distant goal that I have to achieve is a steep path to climb step by step, enough to become breathless, but even so I will still welcome it. I know, the harder it is, the stronger my anger will be, and the stronger my revenge will be. Now I can get use to it patiently and endure the times of suffering. Knowing that my heart is the one who is longing for that pain. "Is the first page so boring?" I was awakened by a sudden question. Ah, there's still the madman. I realised, looked at the script that I had held for a long time without feeling anything and looked back at him. He must have had something to say about my conversation with the boss, but when he came in he just turned on his computer and started working like I wasn't there.

"Don't know. Haven't read it yet." I replied, he looked back at the screen and let out a nonchalant voice. "You should remember that's the only thing you have to do when you're just a useless person to me." Rather, if there was a hint of laughter or contempt in his words, then I could be enraged by thoughts of wanting to oppose him. However, his voice was dry as if he was just talking about the scenery of everyday life, so the cold feeling came first. I stared at him and heard a question. "If you feel angry, you should know how to raise your self worth." "I think my worth is enough to be next to you, who is afraid to work alone." Even though I was being sarcastic, he still smiled and replied back as usual. "It's not enough. I'm scared to death." I choked so it took a long time to answer back. " ...Do you want me to carve a spell on you or something?" "There is a more effective way." Glancing, with only his eyes, he looked at my body with a glazed look. "If you crawled onto the floor and sucked on my dick right now, I might get better. Plus now my blood is rushing underneath there so I feel like I'm going to die." I frowned and spat out. "Don't make me laugh." Where did that kind of nonsense come from ? His sharp eyes fixed on me, on the contrary, he removed his hands from the keyboard and leaned back comfortably on the chair. "Don't believe it? You're a man so you know it too, If there's someone that makes you excited, it's only natural to think of them naked in your head and imagine doing all kinds of things to them, and the most exciting of all is to just push you down, force you to look straight in the eyes and take you. Right here in this office." His dry voice, coupled with his nonchalant stare, made me feel a little chilly. Damn madman. My body became tense and alert, I clenched my fist tightly, but he just stared at the screen as if nothing had happened. Every now and then I could hear the keyboard clicking, but I still couldn't take my eyes off him. I never imagined that I would become someone's sexual object, even that of the weaker position. To the point where I suspected those words were simply meant to scare me. If this is

true, then his intentions have been fulfilled to some extent. Even though it was only for a moment, I was really scared. I'm thinking what an idiot like this. Annoyed by myself, I rested my head on the sofa to cool off and a moment later, I heard the usual question as if nothing had happened. "How much have you read?" I opened my eyes to what the question was, looked at him and then looking at the script piled up on the table. I looked at that pile and said 'Five'. "Which book was worth reading the most?" "The third book." When I answered without hesitation, he looked away from the screen. I actually expected him to ask this question, because he always asks, I had prepared the answer in advance. Even without asking, the third script was really interesting, so much so that the first time I read it, I forgot all the time had passed. Sometimes, because I got used to the script's dialogue-only form, I understood the content better. Just as I anticipated his question, he would also know that I had prepared an answer. Sure enough, he turned around to ask the next question. "Have you seen his movies?" "Does he have movies?" He slowly smiled. It's true that the smile suits him very well. Furthermore, if a guy has dimples when he smiles, he will usually be called effeminate, but he doesn't have that feeling , so I feel even more annoyed. But that smile still makes me very uncomfortable. Because I always had the feeling that, all this time, it seemed that what I was looking at was just a perfect mask. Maybe it's because I'm one of the few people who can't smile back when faced with that smile? Or the only one. "Yes...Totally a failure." My eyes drifted to the table. I piled everything I had read in the past on the table to sort it out. His explanation as if I'd said the wrong answer, made me rummage through the memory of the other contents of these scenarios. But even if I think about it, I still find that except for the third book, the rest are boring. Then I heard the explanation again. "The actors didn't match." When I turned around, he was still looking at me with a gleam of interest in his eyes. "The lack of promotion also plays a part, but even if the actor's recognition is high, it wasn't the kind of impression that could be enough to represent the whole drama. The biggest reason is still the trash acting." Suddenly, I wanted to watch the movie. I read it and found it quite interesting, but is the acting alone enough to destroy the whole movie? His next words surprised me a bit.

"At first the script was forced to change, followed by an unplayable actor who turned the whole film upside down. That's why the director is going to quit right after finishing his current movie." The script changed? Ah... It wasn't until then that I remembered what I had read before. The ending was so abrupt that the whole plot became strange. So the rest are all written by the same person? The question flashed through my mind, but the feeling was different. While I was making sure, his topic turned to the script that I just stopped on the first page. "That's the last movie the director wants to shoot." The one shooting now? Looking at the script i'm holding in my hand. I think the scenario with the forced ending would be more interesting if it remained the same. Of course, that's just by my own standards, but if a non-specialist like me finds it interesting, wouldn't that also count as a decent work? But I felt a bit regretful that this was the last one. Of course it's a script with only lines of dialogue, so I don't know what it would look like if changed into a movie... At this point I stopped. Maybe it's because I've been practicing reading dialogue for the past few weeks, for a moment, the script that was supposed to be just letters printed on a page, suddenly appeared in stereoscopic form in my head. Then a previous movie with a similar feeling that I didn't know flashed. "The first short film I've seen." Just feeling vague, so I stopped talking, he waited for my next words with an expressionless face. I asked, after pointing out one of the short films that I said was worth watching at the time. "The same director, right?" I prepared to be laughed at if I was wrong, but the words I heard were completely unexpected. "You're not really boring either." "Huh?" "I mean cute, Ignorant thinking about it and just doing whatever is asked of you, but sometimes you give me a surprising animal-like feeling." My eyes glared fiercely at the guy. Yeah, I thought you told me to read the script without thinking. But at the sight of me glaring enough to make others take a step back, he just smiled more as if he was having fun. "I told you, that look makes me feel extremely excited." "Fuck off"

I spat out a swear word and was about to stand up. But he took off his glasses and muttered first. "I want to fuck you like much that I could kill you." He tilted his head to the side, his voice low. "Sometimes there are also a few hollow-headed guys trying to rebel against me. Those who can only see my outer appearance." "..." He had a smile on his face as if to show his appearance. "Even though you know me, you still glare at me like that, no one else can do that, you know." "Know what?" "How much I'm restraining myself." I looked at the guy's smiling face and spat out in a low voice. "Then what should I do to thank you for appreciating me when I'm just a useless person?" "It's okay, since you're cuter than I thought. I'd be happy too if you said that you could suck my cock, like any other men just for revenge, I would have forced you to do it once and then kick you out of here." The word other "men" reminded me of the room I had been tricked into by the blondie. If I couldn't think of any other way back then, I would have knelt at the feet of middle-aged men with big bellies and sucked on that stinking organ. As casual as nothing, like the madman said. Come to think of it, why did he abandon the idea of leaving me to do this to others? Obviously he is also the one who needs revenge. I don't know if it's because I show my bravery or not, he puts on a cold smile every time he meets the opposite eyes. "Don't worry. You just need to stay by my side. I'll be the one to contact Director Yoon for you." As reality emerged from his mouth, the temperature in the room seemed to have dissipated as if it was a bucket of cold water. Come to think of it, that's clearly a matter of necessity. "Are you sure? Do you have any relationship with Director Yoon?" "The relationship is close enough. Furthermore, how do you plan to seduce, when you meet Director Yoon?" "It's none of your business, so don't be worried. "

He smiled, revealed a dimple and said. "How could I not care. You gave yourself to me, but now if you say something like giving yourself to Director Yoon again, do you think I won't be angry? " "Those meaningless words said once is enough." "So what are you going to do with Director Yoon? " "..." "I'm asking how you plan to seduce him to be a sponsor." I should have just finished talking, but I hesitated. He is very sharp, so if I just give him a little time he will find the answer immediately, and I will have to say anything but that can't happen, and the other party did not disappointed this time either. He squinted his eyes, and words flew out of his mouth like a ghost. "You.... don't have any intentions of making him a sponsor?" "..." "That's it?" He drew firm conclusions even when I said nothing. I sighed inwardly, repeating over and over the regret I had. This should have had nothing to do with this guy. "Speak, I will keep it a secret." I forced myself to open my mouth at his urging. "Yes.... I just need him to look like my sponsor." "Are you just trying to cheat? " "Yeah." He narrowed his eyes when I replied. "Sooner or later you will be discovered." " I know.... So I'm make good use of this opportunity. Just once, at the right time, I just need to trick one person." There is only one person, as long as Myeongshin is fooled. All I have to do is create the right moment no matter how long it takes. Slow and thorough, I need to put all my heart into making that person appear on stage only once. This is the best plan I can make with these two empty hands. Wasn't it obvious from the beginning. I have no intentions to seduce director Yoon, because no man has liked me except this madman with a strange hobby.

I am not a young girl who dreams of being a Cinderella, nor an artist with vain ambitions to become a star thanks to a sponsor. What I want to do is just set traps and trick the opponent with all my might. And the other party just needs to mistake me for an aspiring artist to be a Cinderella holding onto her sponsor. However, since it was just a simple plan, I prepared in advance in my heart to wait to be laughed at, but instead, the madman just looked at me with an expressionless expression that could not be read. When the silence stretched to the point of heavy oppression, he let out a low voice. "You really want to be successful, don't you." Isn't that obvious? I suddenly felt illogical to hear that after such a long time. "Do you really think I'm an idiot who can only talk deliriously without thinking? " "I thought so. The revenge you intend to carry out is obvious to anyone who looks at you..... You're nothing." "..." His eyes widened as he glanced over at me. "But there are diamonds in that egg. I like you more and more, day by day." My bad mood made me wrinkled my brow irritably, but even so he smiled on the contrary. "All right. I'll really help you." It was a serious tone, but I only felt worse. So he's just saying that before he was just toying with me? "Don't bow down. You need me anyway, so just use me." I had no intention of bowing even before I knew he was also trying to destroy the sponsor behind Myeongshin. And of course, it doesn't matter to him. "There are many people who can replace you. But there is no one to replace me for you." "If I didn't meet you I would have met someone else." He raised his eyebrows slightly and asked again. "Who?" "Let's see, any man wants their cock to be sucked, a 70 year old man or a middle aged man or something." I replied coldly, he smirked. "Anyone... However, because of your plan, you will have to form a close relationship with director Yoon right ? Go to Dream, grab anyone and ask them. 'I wonder if there's anyone

who can at least greet him.' I can do that. I am the most important person." His eyes smiled, he added. "That's why seduce me. I'll fall for it. And I'll help you spread the word." I admit the madman is the one I need. Maybe he really is the most important person, as he said... So I should be grateful that he would pass on the word if I lured him in, but my first thought was still the intention of wanting to oppose that guy. Why am I so easily touched by him alone? /// The next day, going straight to the office, my mind was filled with more thoughts about him than the immediate worries. The reason why I wasn't worried about the manager or Hansoo was because when I got there, the manager looked the same as usual. The only unusual thing is that he was looking for a supporting role or a small commercial that I can play in. My manager said before that it would be better if I studied acting a little more and then worked because my ability was still immature. The clue is that the company will still do its best to support the conditions. Sitting in front of him, watching him intently talk on the phone, I knew the deadline was over. Is this also Myeongshin's doing? I started reading the script I secretly brought back yesterday. I'm a little curious about the director's final work, whos movie twice was ruined twice. Just a little curious, but i wonder how good it would be to see the final state of the film that he so determinedly chose to stop shooting at that time. However, when flipping through the first few pages, one thought unconsciously appeared in my head, Some of the contents were strangely similar to my current situation. It's pretty creepy to call it a coincidence, I couldn't easily take my eyes off it. I rechecked the content so engrossed that I forgot even the voice of the manager talking on the phone, but there were times when I still noticed that the surroundings had become quiet. When I looked up, I saw the serious-faced manager lowering his head. He flipped back and forth between the many pages of the phone number on the old notebook, seemingly looking for the next person to call. He was focused, so I just looked down at the script again, and heard a question. "Aren't you going to ask anything?" He still didn't take his eyes off the notebook and added briefly after that. "The company wants you to have something more impressive if you want to renew your contract." Flick flick. He flipped through a few pages to see if there were any other suitable phone numbers, then pursed his lips together' for a while. Rough fingers like that of a craftsman skimmed the numbers on the page. The tip of his finger paused hesitantly at a line of numbers he had scribbled.

"Would you be okay if the work were a little disappointing?" "It's okay." He didn't lift his finger from the number and raised his head. "Yes, you will do well in anything." He smiled and praised me, but I did not smile back at him. It's because that smile isn't real. It's just like his lips curled up like a habit. Is it because of Hansoo? The manager dialed the number he decided to call, in a friendly tone. " ...That's right, I've been working at Dream lately. I have a rookie right now, he's very good. He's good at everything. Huh? No, not a singer. An actor, I know, no one wants to have new actors with no fame, but look it up though. Ha? It's not like we've known each other for a year or two... Ah, of course the looks are also good. Very outstanding! The photogenicity is no joke. Do you know the Photographer Mr.Lee ? Mr. Lee is always chasing to get a few pictures with him." The manager's voice got louder and louder when there was some small hope seen on the other end, but my mood went down. There is something unusual here. After the call, the manager became even more apparent when he happily told me what to do. Except for what could be felt in that forced smile, he was too casual. "Director Choi is in charge of many events here and there. They said the only thing you can do now is at the level of a regular person's part-time job, is that ok?" "Yes." "It's very simple, there is no pressure or difficulty at all. It looks like there will be a talent contest in front of the mall, if you want to attract attention you must have supporters. That's why there are many cases where you'll hire someone to put it in first and pretend to cheer. You just have to do that much. The day is..." "Manager." I interrupted. He looked up while writing something in his notebook. "Where is Hansoo?" "..." "Is Hansoo not coming today?" "Not coming." He straightened his upper body and calmly added. "He won't come again. He wants to quit this job."

Did I hear wrong? The thought that without Hansoo the manager would give up on me was thrown into chaos by the manager's calm response. Perhaps the manager is a less emotional person than I thought? Maybe he could find another actor like Hansoo and fulfill his dreams. However, even though I tried to make simple deductions, it still felt uncomfortable. If Hansoo collapsing, would also be the cause of manager's collapsing, it would've been easier to deal with. It should be a good thing from my point of view, but I can't explain why I'm so upset. Probably because of the fact that I can't stop thinking about Hansoo in my head. Fortunately, there was nothing to worry about in the classroom. In place of the sharp guy and the ugly guy, a few new interns came to join the class. The blonde hair and gentle impression were absent for an audition. Obviously, after clinging to Myeongshin, something beneficial was done. Since there were no more eyesores, I left the classroom without keeping any memories and headed straight for another location instead of Alice's Labyrinth that I always went to.

Chapter End Notes

Jay is down bad for him lmaoa


Chapter 21 Chapter Summary

Still the same as I was before.

Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for notes

I have been to the university several times. When applying for a job in another area and doing a delivery job, I usually deliver to the university in that area. But a clearer view of the university in my memory takes place earlier than that. When I was working at a loan shark's office, I used to collect money from a college student. His school was a pretty famous university that even I knew about. This prestigious university student was of the same age as me. Perhaps because his exemplary past and hard work were completely opposite to mine, I came to him, harassed and took money, clinging to him more stubbornly than others. 'Look at that, burying his head in studying and living a decent life, only to have to kneel at my feet,' maybe at that time I just wanted to show to him like that. Although he later paid off the debt in full, but because he was too embarrassed, he couldn't go to school anymore. At that time I did not feel any guilt about what had happened. It was his fault for borrowing money in the first place, and also his bad luck when he ran into me. A world without divine punishment, but retribution exited. Even with a small mistake, just by making the wrong decision can have consequences. Sometimes, the consequences will be so great that we cannot bear it. Now I have realised a fact that I have always been unaware of at that time when my mind was only filled with smugness and pleasure. So, even while walking down a similar path that reminds me of my rude actions in college, I still don't seem to have any emotions at all. I just want to take the consequences for my mistakes, just as that college student had a tragic consequence for his mistake. When to receive, how to receive it, I do not know. I must pay the price for what I did. So many sacrifices, just to realise this one simple truth. The funny thing is, even though I've realised it, I haven't changed at all. I know I have to pay the price, but I won't stop taking revenge. Taking advantage of the necessary people, setting traps. But why am I here wasting my time in vain? Although my heart was troubled, I pushed it aside with the thought that I just wanted to meet Hansoo. I have to find him first. When I first went to the theater to find him and heard that he would have to stay up all night at school to organise an event, it was already dark. Entering the building with a small sign saying "The College of Arts" on a spacious campus, I was able to find the faculty office that

Hansoo attended without any problem. There was indeed an event coming up. Outside, in the bright light, I heard the voices of many people. The door was only half ajar so I pushed it open and went inside. At the appearance of a stranger, they stopped talking. All eyes were on me, I looked around for Hansoo, without saying a word, and then one of the students asked me first. "Who's are you?" "Where is Lee Hansoo?" "Ah... Hansoo, he went out to buy some things. He will probably be back soon." I nodded, leaving a message for a him. "Tell him I'm waiting for him." As I was about to leave, one of the students asked. "Can you tell me who you are so that I can pass the word on." "...Lee Yoohan." I close the door and heard whispers and chatter behind me. "Did something really happened with Hansoo? He suddenly wanted to drink and then ran to buy drinks... " How should I describe it. The dark and quiet atmosphere made the mood feel chilly. The silence is like belonging to a ghost realm different from the university during the day, which is always full of life. Students escaping from the vast expanses of parks and massive buildings seem to be emphasizing that this is only a temporary location. The derelict space where people enter and exit when needed is like a tidal current. Maybe it's because I don't belong to this kind of place called university that I feel like this. Is this a lonely place? And a stranger who shouldn't come here like me was sitting on a bench, feeling frustrated as if I were wearing a pair of shoes that didn't fit. However, Hansoo, who was supposed to return soon, still hadn't arrived after 2 hours. I thought about going to the office again, but on the contrary, I purposely didn't go, not for the fear of actually meeting Hansoo there. I didn't want to meet someone who didn't wanted to see me. And isn't it funnier to keep waiting for someone who doesn't want to show up? That's when I decided to get up after 30 minutes of dazed thinking. And then I heard footsteps stopping nearby. Hansoo was struggling to stand under the dim street lights. "Why are you still here?" I stood up and looked at Hansoo who was quite far away. "I was waiting for you."

"What's the matter? If I didn't come, isn't it obvious that I don't want to see you? You could've just go home or you could've just called me?" "I- I don't know your number...." Hansoo face changed, as if he was clearing his throat. "You don't know my phone number? Haa... That's right. You don't seem to care about me at all." Mumbling to himself, he asked in a troubled voice. "Why did you come all the way here?" It's the complete opposite of his always smiling and friendly demeanor, but on the contrary, this type of avoidance was even easier to approach. He must also be awkward because he always appeared to want get close to me. As soon as I became aware, I couldn't understand better that I was here. "I heard you want to quit. Is it true?" I asked while keeping a distance, Hansoo's expression stiffened. "Yes. Are you here to confirm?" "Why are you quitting?" This is not his first time having camera phobia, and he has also been preparing for an acting career for many years. I was going to add that obvious statement, but he just coldly opened his mouth. "It's not Lee Yoohan's business." "..." "If that's all you have to say, then I'll go inside-" "It's Myeongshin." I was supposed to say something like that, but hesitated and was silent for a moment. But when I saw Hansoo staring at me, I said the rest of the words. "It was Myeongshin who that did it. He purposely called the camera to the theater to make you fail." "So what?" "..." "Still can't change the fact how stupid I was. Even if an idiot like me has godly fortune, I don't want it anymore. Or do you want me to take revenge like you?"

The retort made me tongue-tied. To be honest, I thought he'd be angry if Myeongshin was to blame. However, when I saw a Hansoo without a smile in front of me, I realized that I didn't know him at all. No, I still mistakenly thought I knew him. Not only Hansoo but everyone else whom i thought I could in the direction I needed. "I'm an idiot, I can't take revenge. I can't do it. So just ignore me and do your thing. We're not even that close, are we ?" Hansoo's last words sounded especially clear. Ah, right. We weren't close. I didn't even think about it, so it's only natural. The fact that I didn't even know anything about Hansoo. "Goodbye." Hansoo greeted in a low voice, turned his back and disappeared. I waited for two hours and only to talked for less than a minute, but not entirely in vain. I looked around again and realised that no one was there. Hansoo can be seen as a consequence of what I did. If I hadn't decided to take revenge, he probably wouldn't have been targeted by Myeongshin and had to fall down like that. Whatever the consequences would have come sooner or later, but I'm sure it came faster just because of me. The fact that I feel responsible and caring to this extent... Yes, because he is ' Hansoo '. The first day we met, I remember feeling uncomfortable when he introduced himself. I guess I'm pretty sentimental, too. /// After a day's absence I went to Alice's Labyrinth', but the manager led me to the boss's office first. Since I foresaw that he would call me, I prepared myself mentally. I'm sure he'd tell me to do my best with the madman anyway. Furthermore, because I have something to ask the madman, I decided to end the conversation with the director quickly. However, but I was at lost for words from his sudden greeting. "You came from working at the gas station today too, right." "..." "Huhu, you don't always have to be surprised at my reasoning ability. Did you make a better plan?" What plan?... He immediately recognised the question on my face. "Ah, I said revenge, revenge! Don't we have to go beat that brat now?" The director swung his fist and pressed. "So when are you going to bring him down?" "... After getting everything ready."

The fact that it would take a long time to beat Myeongshin, I was about to answer but changed my mind, because sometimes he would intervene and ask more annoying questions. Fortunately, the excitement on his face was extinguished. "Preparing? Hmm, so you want Yoon... Director Yoon to be your sponsor? By the way... Baekwon doesn't know who Director Yoon is, right?" Yes, when I replied, he made a strange face and said ' Really ' . It was the same as last time, why should there be such a strange reaction when it comes to director Yoon. There was also that silent gaze. "Do you have anything to say about Director Yoon?" I asked probingly, he hastily coughed to hide his embarrassment. "Cough cough, no, I don't know what to say..." So there really was something to say. This time I narrowed my eyes and glared at him, he surreptitiously dodged and talked about something else. "About Director Yoon, go and ask Jay... Ah yes, if you want to approach Director Yoon, you better get closer to Jay." He said the same thing as the madman. Were these two really close? "Are you two longtime friends?" "... Something close to that?" "Something close? Relatives?" "Not relatives." Seeing his face wrinkled in displeasure, I let out a voice doubtful tune. "Are you two close?" "That's right! It's like we're one!" The director raised his voice excitedly, but immediately cleared his throat and lowered his voice again. "Cough cough, um, close to that area." "..." "Oh, it's true?" His voice broke, as if he was hiding something. I nodded to show that I understood and asked insinuatingly.

"Is the boss also close to Director Yoon?" "Of course I'm very close to Director Yoon..." I wanted to hear the next word, but the director swallowed his words and changed the subject. "You'll find out later, but why didn't you come yesterday?" It's not enough to take an attendance check from the madman and now I have to receive it from the boss too, I sighed and replied that something happened. Then he replied with, 'It wasn't a big deal....' "Is that so?... Something must of happened to the person next to you, and it seems you were told to mind your business." "..." "Furthermore, today..." "How did you know?" The rigid question I uttered unconsciously. Honestly, I got goosebumps. His nonchalant words struck a chord with me. However, the director still opened his mouth normally as if it was nothing. "You said something happened. Because of Baekwon's personality, you seem like you don't really care about anybody. Since you couldn't have talked friendly with the other person, so the results are obvious. The other party might've outright refused and told you to mind your business." He boringly explained quickly and nonchalantly added. "It's also not that unpredictable so it's nothing special, right? So please pay more attention to our Jay instead." Then he held out a business card. "Jay is waiting for you, so go there. Are you good at drinking? Jay is a poor drinker because he is innocent... haha, so take the opportunity to hold hands, hug and get closer to him so that others can't touch Jay, okay?" I couldn't see the director's face as he laughed and talked about Jays innocence. I knew this person was no ordinary person, but I was surprised again. It was the same case where he hit the bottom line against my will, but this time there was something more surprising. I should have realised then. Although the director said he would help me because he was moved to tears by my story, the most important person to him was still the madman. Someone I have to pay more attention to... But why did he not hesitate to set me up with him like that? I asked a simple question that should have been asked in the first place like an idiot.

"Why would you want to set up a man like me with Jay that you care so much about?" The director who was smiling at his imagination slowly lost his smile. If he had said it was because he wanted to 'help me', I would got out. But fortunately, I heard a sincere answer. "Because you're the one Jay cares about." "Is it okay even if I'm a man?" "This is the first time in 5 years Jay has shown interest in someone, don't you think I should grab on to it even if its a rotten rope?" You mean, I am that rotten rope. "Normally, if anyone approached Jay, he would either bury them neatly in society without any residue, or would trample them to the point where they could no longer leave their house. Baekwon is the first person he liked so much that he even brought you into the office." The second time I heard the word 'liked', I fell into chaos. Have I misunderstood what that means? "Plus, I couldn't help but want to help you after hearing about your story, Lee Baekwon... It's definitely not because I was touched or anything." He tried to control his eyes, but they were started to get wet. "Fortunately, I also like Baekwon's personality." "You have only met me a few times..." "Huhu, that's what I like." "..." "Usually people get help if they're offered immediately. They take it as a good opportunity and take advantage of it, but you asked the reason first. To be honest, I don't even know if the other party might get annoyed and stop wanting to help." "It's because I know nothing is free in this world. So I can't understand it at all." The director smiled again. But the smile brought a colder feeling than before. This time I'm sure that smile is very similar to that Madman. "Lee Baekwon." I could hear a gentle and kind voice, but I only believed in the other's unsmiling eyes. Questions like filtered sand flew into my ears and spread within. "Do you believe that people can change?" "No."

I replied without hesitation. Then, a satisfied smile spread across the director's emotionless eyes. "I think so too, people don't change. So no matter how you, who was an asshole in the past might have improved, your nature has not changed, that's why you're getting revenge. If you really had changed then you wouldn't want to avenge yourself." "What does that have to do with my question then?" "That's why. It's because I believe people don't change, so if Jay is interested in you, then It won't matter." "I still don't understand what you mean. If you think I still would haven't changed, then shouldn't that be more of a reason for you keep me away from him..." "I think you misunderstood, you're not the one whom I believe hasn't change." Immediately, I felt like I was splashed with cold water. The director realised that I understood and gave a bitter smile. "I hope Jay will be able to really laugh like he did before." It felt like hearing something I shouldn't have known. And after hearing the director's wish, that feeling became even more certain. "If it's Lee Baekwon, I really hope you can bring back the old Jay." It doesn't make any sense either way. It's chilling to think of that madman who wore a superficial smile all this time to actually wearing a genuine smile in the past, but telling me to bring that image back makes me feel even worse. I furrowed my brows and closed the door of the director's office, even though I ignored the words of that strange person, but I still couldn't feel any better. I remember the business card I was holding in my hand, the madman was supposed to be there. Suddenly I didn't want to go anymore, but because I remembered there was something I had to do, I forced myself to turn around and walk up the stairs. Just then someone called me back from behind. "Mr. Lee Baekwon, this way." The manager smiled like a robot, pointing in the opposite direction of the stairs. I held up the business card half-turned. "I was told to go there." "I know, but the boss told me to change your uniform first." I glanced down at the clothes I was wearing once and asked him. "Does this look like a uniform?"

"Yes." "... Let's go." I followed him to a room at the end of the corridor and saw clothes hanging everywhere, so much so that I thought I was walking into a fashion store. "This is the uniform provided to the staff working here." The manager walked in first, explained and turned to look at me. As if telling me to choose one, I didn't need to take a glance and reached for the nearest black suit. Then I heard the manager's voice again. "Do you want me to choose for you?" What are you saying, can't you see what I have chosen? "I'll take this one." Although the suit in my hand looked classy, he didn't budge, and as if he had prepared beforehand, he pulled out a suit in front of me. "How about this one?" I looked back and forth between the suit and him and asked. "It was the boss who had already decided in advance, right?" The habitual smile hanging on the corner of the manager's lips suddenly blossomed deeply. But he returned to his normal state and nodded like he always did. "Yes." "... Alright." When I received the suit that he gave me, I suddenly remembered and asked. "Why are you helping me?" "Because I have orders." 'You don't have to wear a tie', I heard an additional word as I took off the colorful tie. "I find Mr. Lee Baekwon very interesting." That first compliment I heard in my life, from him, as I stopped taking the clothes off the hanger, I raised my head. "Yes, just my name is interesting enough..."

As I silently cursed the name Lee Baekwon, which had become like my real name, I heard a mild voice. "I also like your honesty." Honesty? An explanation came out when I asked him with my eyes. "I can clearly see that you do not like the Director at all. At least when facing the director, you don't put up any pretense." It's not a big deal, I was about to reply, but he uttered a word that I heard for the third time. "Of course, that's why the Director likes you so much, to the point of bringing you here."

Chapter End Notes

Q- "Do you believe that people can change?"

Chapter 22 Chapter Summary


Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for notes

Unlike women, men's style is very simple. Put on a decent suit and you're done. It is important that the suit is suitable for the body. The previous loan office manager used to take me to pick a set on the first day I joined the job. Just wearing the right clothes can change your appearance so much that you cannot be looked down upon. Thanks to him, who was very attentive to the matter of dressing up unlike a creditor, I was able to learn how to wear clothes that fit my body shape. Maybe that's why, after 5 years of not wearing it, I still didn't feel awkward at all. And because I was dressed modestly, I was no longer stopped at the entrance of what looked like an upscale bar. What's unusual is that I have to go in there. I said the madman's name and asked to be taken to his room, but they didn't understand. "Han Jay? There's no one like that here." He shook his head, but I wasn't disappointed either. If there is no appointment, no one will intentionally reveal their name when going to a bar. So the madman didn't know I was coming? "Did someone call you from Alice's Labyrinth?" "A- Alice's Labyrinth. So you're from there, aren't you?" The polite attitude towards customers was gone, replaced by a mocking smile. "You should've said that from the start. Umm, but..." He looked me over from head to toe, then mumbled in a low voice. "Compared to the people who came before, you look pretty average.... Ah, I'm not saying that you're ugly, it's just that in Alice's Labyrinth there are a lot of handsome people like celebrities. I heard there are people who used to be artists there too, right?" He asked but I didn't answer because I had other thoughts. According to him, the people from Alice's Labyrinth had come here before because of that madman. The director's words flashed through my mind.

'Jay is a poor drinker because he's innocent.' Was he really a bad drinker? Still in disbelief, I followed the guide into the bar. Not to the point of being like Alice's Labyrinth, but I still had to turn here and there in the corridor and go deep inside. The previous employee kept glancing at me and chatting. "I heard there are also a lot of real celebrities going there. Especially the actors from Dream often have meetings there too right? Is XXX really that handsome? Hmm, I think if I met him in person, he would look cheesy like a foreigner." I didn't say a word, but he didn't mind and kept talking like that. By the way, where were we going? When I started to feel strange, he opened a door that looked like a storage room in the corner. "This is the waiting room, Just wait here until called." By this ponit, I had realized that no matter how troublesome it was, I had to be explained clearly what I needed. "I'm here to ask..." ... So please take me to the room of some guy who looks like a madman. The explanation that was about to be said was stopped by the voice of the woman inside. "... Yeah, see? It's much better to watch on TV. Why am I here, I overheard the news that a high ranking person from Dream is here so I came here. Just a word with him, you can debut immediately and even become the main character in a drama. Overhearing a conversation, someone asked. "Really? Is he that great?" "Yes, Director Yoon, the real holder of Dream. " Director Yoon? "Did you have anything to ask?" Standing at the door, I turned to looking at the employee and shook my head. "If so then please wait here."

It was not difficult to know where Director Yoon's room was located. Just pick up an employee and say 'Dream's director Yoon told me to go change the water in the room,' and then follow the staff when bringing the new glass. At the end of a long narrow corridor with rooms scattered on both sides. Like a king ruling the servants standing in two rows, there was a door much larger than the others on the front side. After confirming the room, waiting for

the staff to disappear from view, I moved. Standing in front of the door, I was about to lower my hand to grasp the knob, but raised it again. Knock knock. The small knock on the door flowed into my body through the tense hand. I had no plan. There was no need to do something like this. I just wanted to draw attention. No, the purpose is only to recognize at least their face. There was no answer to the knocks, I silently counted to five before reaching out to open the door. But then a sharp voice in the distance called out to me. "Who are you to enter that room?" My hand froze before reaching the door knob, it was a voice very familiar to me, I didn't even need to turn around to know who this voice belonged to. It was Myeongshin. "Hey, who are you?" The sound was swallowed up by the carpet, but I could still clearly feel the footsteps advancing behind me. It seemed like hours had passed in such a short amount of time. When I heard the prompting again, I was now frozen like a stone. "Can't you understand Human language?" The voice next to me seemed to be able to grab my shoulder in an instant. Dozens of thoughts ran through my head as I slowly let go of my hand. There are no suitable options for the plan, when now is not the time to meet Myeongshin. I stopped short when I couldn't make up my mind, and Myeongshin's whisper was heard again, chilling my mood. "Are you an aspiring actor? Did you want to climb the ladder to the top? I noticed it from the moment you knocked on his door,but that's not your place to go into. So hurry up and leave." I unconsciously raised my lips. Despite revealing my identity, I was about to turn around and give the answer I wanted. But I didn't even have time to look back when I only turned half of my body. Click. The door that didn't respond to my knocking before opened. In an instant, a tall man faced me at a closer distance than Myeongshin. I looked up and froze again. How could it...? I couldn't gasp the astonishment around the tip of my tongue and eye contact with the madman. He looked at me with a blank expression, then raised his eyes to look behind me. In a moment of silence, Myeongshin panicked voice was heard. "Hello sir. I didn't expect to see you here... what a coincidence..."

"Why are you here only now?" The madman's voice interrupted Myeongshin. However, I didnt know who he was asking because he was looking towards Myeongshin. But as soon as he finished speaking, he kept his distance and looked back at me. Slowly curling the corners of his lips up. Maybe it's because I'm looking at him from a close distance? It was still the same familiar smile, but my eyes have been swept away at some point. The fact that I couldn't take my eyes off was because of his voice, as low as a whisper. "What are you going to give me as a reward for waiting?" What?!, My eyes widened in surprise, suddenly a strong force circled behind my head. "Ngh?!" Before i could realise what was happening, there was a warm touch on my lips..... it was the madman's lips. I gasped as I struggled to distance myself from him, when a loud noise rang out. Bang! It was the sounds of the door shutting behind us, I was pulled by force into the room by my waist, my body became stiff as cement. Realising the reality, the first thing I did was put strength into my hands. Squeeze* I mustered all my strength to push the shoulder of the person in-front of me. But his body didn't separate as easily as i wanted. On the contrary, his arms wrapped around my waist pulled me even tighter. It became hard to breathe, It was a suffocating feeling as I was aggravated by the blocked lips. "Mmph!!..Ngh!!" The fact that I couldn't push the other person away with all my might and the feeling of losing my temper almost not belonging to me about who is kissing me right now. Because of that, there was no space left in my mind to think about Myeongshin, who might still be behind the door, or why the madman was in Director Yoon's room. All I could think about was how to escape from this embarrassing situation fast. Maybe that's the reason as to why I forgot where I was and as soon as the madman broke apart the kiss, I spat out curses from my mouth. "Fuckin?!, what do yo-" "It's past the appointment time, shouldn't you be leaving now, Director Kim?" As soon as I stopped pushing his shoulder at the question that just came out of his mouth, I realised that this incomprehensible question was directed at someone else other than me. That's right..., this room is Director Yoon's. I swallowed back the foul words I was about to spit out at the madman and quickly averted my stiff eyes. But there was no need to raise my head to look inside that was being obscured by the madman. The arm around my waist

relaxed and he stepped back, my field of vision widened and people who I couldn't see appeared. A man in his 50s and a girl in her early 20s were gaping in shock. The two of them who just made eye contact with me had opposite reactions. The man gave an unbelievable look, and the woman didn't hide the anger in her eyes. Still, there's something in common between them. Both of them, including me, couldn't open our mouths because of embarrassment. However, the reasons for these reactions were all different. At least my heart was frozen to the point of shock. Why are there only these many people in the room? After a quick glance at the two of them, I scanned the entire room and stopped on the madman standing in front of me. What about director Yoon? Why isn't there anyone in here who looks like Director Yoon? My mind stalled to the point where I couldn't think of any guesses about the answer. Thanks to that, I couldn't open my mouth to say anything and had no choice but to look at the madman. The only one who was calm, he turned around to face the other two completely. And spat out a cold voice that was different from the smiley face he had to the man called Director Kim. "Or do you have anything else to do?" "Well, no... I have nothing to do, but..." "I think I have talked enough with the niece you introduced... So let's end things now" As a 3rd party, Even I can understand the implications of this situation. However, more than that, the word 'niece' that the madman called drew my attention to the girl. Wearing a top with a cleavage and a short skirt, if she moved even a little, she could reveal her panties. In that state, but also sitting close to the thigh next to Director Kim. Anyone looking at them will only see a rich uncle and his young mistress. If she really is his niece, then all I can say is that the Director Kim's love for his relatives was amazing. "Well, then I'd be grateful if you could help me.... She's always wanted to get into Dream, and I also think she's very talented, so Director Yoo-" "If Director Yoon has eyes for talent then he... would recognise it as well." The word 'director Yoon' was emphasized by the madman and sounded like thunder. So where is Director Yoon? It felt awkward as if there was something I was missing, but director Kim's reaction was a bit strange. "What?" He spoke while showing an expression of incomprehension. His reaction caused me to raise an inner alarm that something was wrong. However, that uneasy feeling subsided once again when I heard the madman's voice.

"Director Yoon needs her to have a interview at the company, to have a complete evaluation. Do you understand what I mean?" At those words and smile, Director Kim nodded once and exclaimed 'Ah '! "Haha, yes, yes. So you're talking in a roundabout way. I see what you mean. You mean there has to be a formal interview right? So thank you very much. I believe it 'Director Yoon' would take great care of her in the interview." He also emphasised ' Director Yoon ' like the madman, laughing arrogantly as he told the girl what to do. I couldn't hear it very well, but he seemed to be saying "It's almost over." Perhaps this woman called for a favor from director Kim to get into Dream, thanks to making a good impression on director Yoon. But Director Yoon isn't in this room? Was he already out of the room, and left it for Torai here? This conjecture is not surprising. But that feeling didn't go away even when I came to such an understandable conclusion. Meanwhile, Director Kim stood up, led the girl to the front and said, "I invited you today, so how about you stay a little longer? Of course I'll leave as promised, but my niece will stay and talk to you..." He turned to me and narrowed his eyes. "Excuse me for asking this question, but is your preference male?" "Is that important?" Added the madman with a smile. "There is nothing more ridiculous than discriminating interests in this industry." "Yes, but..." Director Kim mumbled awkwardly, then opened his eyes and looked at me from below. Looking at his eyes, he must be regarding me as a male receptionist. "Actually I was a bit surprised. Kissing a guy publicly like that..." "Kissing alone is nothing special." "Nothing special? Hmm... I'm curious as to what kind of relationship you have, if a kiss is nothing special?" When asked a question with the hint of a mockery, the corners of his lips up to reveal dimples. He the grabbed my arm and pulled me aside and introduced. "Kissing is nothing special, so our relationship is obvious. He's my nephew." The faces of the woman and Director Kim suddenly stiffened like a plaster statue.

Is it because I have no predestined relationship with womens? While the madman went out to see Director Kim off, his niece sat on the sofa. The awkward silence passed, but I didn't mind it, as I'm not interested in women, and now I was too busy thinking about what I've missed that makes me feel insecure. However, every time an anomaly was detected, there was a premise to prevent it from coming back. The madman's last name is Han. On this point alone, he couldn't be Director Yoon. And if you put it in a real situation, it makes sense, but it still feels strange. The solution is to confirm Director Yoon with my own eyes... "How did you seduce him?" I heard a haughty tone as I lifted my sights from the table. The woman looked closely at my face as she crossed her legs and crossed her arms. "Even if your handsome, I don't believe that's the reason for making him fall for you, so how did you seduce him?" I recall seeing her for the first time, was it because of the anxiety contained in in that question? Her eyes looked at me with anger, not upset to see two men kissing, but because i was a rival. I just stared at her without saying a word, she had a mocking smile on her face. "What is it, a trade secret? Seeing that you were called here, you must be working at some company and trying to become a celebrity. If we are in the same situation, why don't you tell me? okay?" "Curious?" She nodded rapidly and stretched her upper body. "I'm really curious, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, no matter what tricks, they all rush at him by times, but he's never grabbed anyone like you. How did you..." "Using money." "... HIM?" "I used money to seduce him." The bewildered woman blinked her eyes for a while and opened her mouth. "Money?! H-how did you use money?" I told her the answer while she was still stammering. "I threw him 200 won and he fell for it." As soon as i finished speaking, the madman entered the room and called out to me as if to confirm that statement.

"Hey, Lee Baekwon." At his call I glanced at the woman who had this surprised look appear in the her eyes at my name. What did I say? That guy only needed 200 won to be seduced. Then I heard an unexpected question. "Why did you come here?" "The director told me to come." "For what?" Instead of replying, I thought of the director and resented him. Apparently he didn't tell jay and just sent me here. It was like an act of wanting to unite us. Then the excuse he said ... "What did he say when he sent you over?" "He... said you couldn't drink, so he told me to come and drink instead." I don't know if it was because he was too surprised or if it was due to being hit in the head, he just smiled at me for a long time and asked. "So are you a good drinker?" "Yes." It's nothing to hide, so I replied immediately, but the corners of his mouth lifted in amusement, that looked like it was a bad thing. "Okay. I'll keep that in mind." Suddenly I regretted whether I should of told him or not.... then a ridiculous question followed after. "By the way, aren't you going to thank me?" "Why should I say thanks to you? " "You didn't get discovered." I recalled Myeongshin that I had forgotten for the moment. To be honest, even if I did meet Myeongshin at that time, it wouldn't have matter, but if I did meet him It would definitely be disappointing it. Since I would be revealing a few cards i had up my sleeve. But in that situation, the madman appeared. Maybe I'm actually surprisingly lucky. But I don't want to say thank you, because the opponent was the madman. As if noticing my thoughts, he raised his lips as if he was amused. "Don't say it's okay if you got caught. I know you still want to keep this chance, you want to know the other party better, prepare thoroughly and then tell them. Right, because that's more

interesting." "Yes. You know that." I replied dryly, his eyes was smiling. "Me too. I want to keep a little more. Even though it won't last long." What? I asked in a low voice, but he suggested a request instead of an answer. "So how about a thank you?" "..." "If you don't want to say it, you can pay with your body." "If you don't mind a fist in your face." A smile hung on his lips as if something was interesting. "Ah, that's right. You're shy, aren't you? Don't worry. I'll guide you." Do I really have to use my fists to not be called 'shy'? While swallowing the anger in my heart, I suddenly remembered a forgotten existence in the room and turned to look. She couldn't keep her mouth shut from what was going on in my conversation with the madman. But when the madman followed my gaze, she quickly changed her expression and forced a smile. "You two must be very close." "Of course you have to be close to your nephew, right?" "..." "Is there anything else left to say? If not then it's time for you to leave." He said that in annoyance. However, the woman did not seem to want to miss this opportunity, so she stood up and moved to the side of the madman. Showing off her white thighs, she sat so close that there was no space left to touch the madman. "I also want to say thank you for today. With this body if possible." Glancing at me, she purposely glued her breasts in and stroked the madman's thighs. Perhaps gaining courage, when the madman just looked at her without any particular reaction, she boldly took his hand and placed it on her chest. "I'm shy too, Haa... Can you touch me too?" She panted sensually, and then heard a dry reply. "Why? Are your hands crippled?"

Her breathing was as quiet as if a bucket of cold water had been splashed across the room. Still motionless, she took the madman's hand with an expression as if to say 'Did I hear wrong?, he withdrew his hand and confirmed. "Or do you not know how to move your arms because you have a disability in your head? Why don't you practice in front of the mirror if you don't know, and also. Why don't you see yourself out." At the last cold command, the woman jumped and ran out of the room. With a bang, I couldn't take my eyes off the door that still seemed to have the sound of being closed, but a heavy weight was on my shoulders. "Don't be afraid. Just follow my lead." He whispered in my ear, before I turned my head, his arm had already found its way around my shoulder and pulled me back, whilst his other hand was groping on my chest. What, does this mean I'm disabled too?

Chapter End Notes

Guys it's normal to kiss your nephews


Chapter 23 Chapter Summary

Coincidence or Fate?

Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for notes

Just like an idiot. I was forced to kiss him in the name of showing my gratitude, so I ended up forgetting what I was supposed to ask when I met the madman. I returned back to finish script earlier than usual at the office. What I want to ask him is about the director. Even though it has been mixed with other works, I still think he will know more about the director because he clearly has an interest in it. Because this script was his last movie. "Oh, Taemin, you came early today?" The meeting room, where there are only tables and chairs enough for 4-5 people to sit, has now become as familiar as a workplace. Minimum space for a manager in charge of only one intern. Although if anyone needed it, we would have to leave this place immediately, but here every day he would let me practice the script and show me the essential materials on acting on the computer. Today, because I came first to read the script, he seemed to be in a good mood. "Are you reading something interesting?" When I showed him the title, he just tilted his head, said "It's the first time I've seen it". Then he complimented my first practice and started chatting about this and that. Maybe it's because of Hansoo that he's been so quiet the past few days, but today he's back to normal. But I knew he was just forcing himself to be normal. Even though he didn't say a word, I knew he was still waiting for a call and leaving a few messages every day to Hansoo. So I hesitated a bit as to whether I should talk about Hansoo now or not. I don't want to give him useless expectations. Wouldn't it be better to just ask the madman and deal with it on my own? For this reason, I just sat quietly listening to the manager talk, but suddenly he stopped. I wondered why, and realized he was looking down at the table. His hand was holding the phone on his knee, and he couldn't take his eyes off the message he had just received. "Was it sent by Hansoo?" "Huh? Ah..."

The manager raised his head in surprise and then smiled wryly. "It's sorry. I've been calling him repeatedly these past few days, but he never picked up. But... he just said that he was sorry." He bowed his head. Working hard through many hardships to become proficient at one thing. Burying things deep in your heart makes your heart gradually cool down. For some reason, I couldn't take my eyes off my manager, who was wandering around looking at the text message 'Sorry'. "Manager." He lazily raised his eyes, and I put the script director's name in the words out of my mouth. When I asked to see if he knew the person, he nodded immediately without thinking. "Yes... I know PD Jung." PD? I asked him if he was a movie director, and the manager explained. "Originally he was a drama PD, but apparently because of his dream of being a movie director, he left the company and switched to making movies. When he was a drama PD, he had tons of works they were really popular, so I also visited him often. To be precise, I went there every day to get roles. So what about PD Jung?" "Can you go back and ask for one more role?" "Huh? Do you want to be in PD Jung's movie?" Instead of answering, I opened a part of the script and showed it to him. "There's a very interesting role." He read aloud the description of the character I pointed to. "An actor who can't act when the camera is on because of a panic disorder and obsessivecompulsive disorder..." He couldn't read any more, but kept silent, and after a while, he raised his eyes again. "This, this..." "It's just a supporting role that doesn't get a lot of appearances, but Isn't it worth a try?.... We can make it look like it's real. Maybe it would be better if he acts while knwoing that he can't act in front of the camera. A true camera-phobia.... Can you try?" His whole body stiffened as if he had stopped breathing, then suddenly he let out a sigh and began to cry. "The director, I can bring him at any cost. But Hansoo..."

I bluntly interrupted him. "I will convince Hansoo." How? Instead of answering the question, I recalled the day I met Hansoo. "Even if an idiot like me has godly fortune, I don't want it anymore. Or do you want me to take revenge just like you?" He's halfway to finding that luck. Only half left. How will the kid react? When he hears about the fate and coincidence, that came to him. Coincidence, something that has never been pleasant for me. Habits ingrained in a body for a long time cannot be changed easily. No matter how late I sleep, my eyes still open at exactly 6 am. But it's still not easy to automatically wake up every day to go to work with this heavy body. Wanting to lie down a little longer, to close my eyes again, a temptation hard to refuse. The empty mind whispers wishes to remain in this state. You can lie down a little longer. It's okay to be a day late. Sweet words turned into a rope that tied me to the bed. It's a lot harder to get those things out of your head and wake up. However, it's always a win in these little struggles. And an obvious feeling also accompanies. This bastard, you want to live comfortably just because you're alive? bring some sense in your head, stand on your feet and taste self hatred. The cold sentence that I knew I was alive ran through my body again, making me wake up completely. Sure enough, that feeling was also ingrained as a habit. As I headed to the bathroom, my mind was already filled with other thoughts. It's been 3 days since the manager went to the province and said that he would bring the director here. Maybe today he will receive contact? So that means now I have to move too. The material to convince Hansoo must be put in place today. /// On the 4th floor of the building there was a large office used by the company's managers and employees. Desks were close together, computers are always on, phones always ringing all the time, printers and copiers are running clutteredly. Although it looks like a normal office, more than half of the seats are always kept empty. Most of those vacancies are occupied by dozens of managers. They drop by once a day, late at night or early in the morning to report on the schedules and progress of their artists. That's why the lights don't turn off for 24 hours. In case of going to the province for a few days like my manager, it will be replaced by a phone call, but this time it's different. 7:20 a.m. I went to the office today at the same time as yesterday to report on behalf of the manager. In a corner of the empty office, the night shift worker looked at me with tired eyes and turned his head to look back at the screen, but in that gaze still held the same thought I had seen yesterday. There's only one trainee and one inactive artist, so what's the point of reporting? Also, this early in the morning? I could tell even without hearing it out of his mouth from that

indifferent look in his eyes when I said I would report on behalf of my manager. Anyhow, even my manager had the same reaction when I said I would submit the report on his behalf. "Huh? I don't report often anyways?" He even tried to stop me. Sitting in the manager's place there was a computer in the corner, I started to put in the report on managers behalf, writing and sending ' Nothing outstanding, No schedule ' I finished the report in less than a minute, Of course, but that wasn't all, my actual goal was elsewhere. I shortly glanced at the person in charge who was focusing on the screen, slouched out like he was lying on a chair, not paying me any attention, I quietly pushed the chair up, moved to the location found yesterday. The schedule was written on the calendar and the sticky notes scattered everywhere on the table and on the wall. I crouched down in front of a desk with nothing but dust placed across from the manager's desk. Every now and then, looking at the person in charge, I turned on the computer and found the information I was looking for. [ January day x, Song Yuhan's schedule ] I found a suitable one at the bottom after looking at the daily routine in quite detail such as fitness club, hair salon, meeting room, meals at 00... 'Filming the drama outdoors from 5 pm at XX Fine Arts Exhibition.'

I know that university classes don't last all day like a high school student, so if I just passed by, I wouldn't be able to meet him. However, if I called first, the odds of not being able to meet are even higher because Hansoo will deliberately avoid me. So I went to the department office I went to last time and was prepared to wait a few hours, only to find that I didn't even need to wait a minute. 10 am. It was possible that no one else was here for the class, I gave up halfway and opened the door, but there was only one person there. A young boy was curled up like a baby sleeping on a sofa. I recognized from the half faced face that was buried in the chair that it was Hansoo, and slowly moved forward. He must have been sound asleep, so even when I made noises, he didn't move. When I stood in front of him, a faint smell of alcohol rose up. Probably blacked out. I lifted my leg at the same time as I thought. Pop! Screeched... ! I kicked the sofa with my foot, causing it to vibrate and move off the floor. Hansoo was startled by the sudden shock, and immediately opened his eyes with a grimace. "... Ah, what..." Slam!! Kick!

"Arghh!" For the second time, he was startled and straightened up. "What, who does what... huh?" One side of his head was pressed, his face was swollen, and his eyes were confused and stupid. The silly-looking boy froze like a stone. "Why are you here..." Because he had just woken up, his pronunciation was still unclear. I looked down at him and lifted my leg again. However, before the third kick, Hansoo stood up and shouted. "What are you doing?!" Hansoo hastily stood up, staggered for a moment, then shouted. Seeing that he was completely on his feet, I said what needed to be said. "Let's talk for a bit." "Well talk about it, why are you kicking the sofa... " BOOM! BOOM The sofa I kicked over made a loud noise. Seeing that Hansoo had stiffened his mouth, I spoke again. "Let's talk." Only then did the boy look back at me with serious eyes. "... What do you want to talk about?" " 6 o'clock at XX Fine Arts Exhibition." I just said the time and place and turned around, he immediately called me back. "What is it? I have nothing to say and I don't want to go." Looking at his frowning face, I slowly looked inside the office. "Although it's a different university, but I've been in a place like this for a few days. To find someone, I went to sit at his school, then I smashed everything inside and caused a commotion, so other students rushed at me, one of them got a broken bone by me as an example, but no one dared to call the police and i got the address book of that faculty student." "..." "If I want it to happen again now, it's not impossible."

I reminded him again as he widened his eyes in panic. "6 o'clock at XX Fine Arts Exhibition." I had a tour of the filming set several times as part of the class. Even though I only watched like other spectators, it was enough for me to realize that the scenes on TV were just the tip of the iceberg and got used to it. Surrounding the actors only visible on the screen were dozens of people and various filming equipment. I don't know exactly what role they play, but since they were a lot of people, the preparation seemed to take quite a while. Also, I also realized that, when starting to shoot a scene has to be shot with different cameras, so it takes a lot longer in reality, than it does on screen. So even though the filming schedule was at 5 o'clock, I was correct in thinking that Myeongshin would have to film later. On a weekday afternoon, Myeongshin appeared in the quiet outdoor exhibition hall, it was almost 6 o'clock the time i told Hansoo to come. Myeongshin had arrived, I was watching him start to put on his makeup from afar when the phone rang. And almost laughed when I realized it was Hansoo's phone number that I just newly saved. He said he wanted to give up, but he still hasn't deleted my phone number yet. Pressing the call button, I heard Hansoo's voice. [... I'm here.] His voice was stiff, he must have seen the filming inside. He seemed angry because he thought I purposely led him to a place full of cameras. "Wait in the restroom behind the annex." Later, I heard someone say something, but hang up and turned off my phone. After that, I moved closer to where Myeongshin was. In my hand I held a prepared drink and a card in my pocket. "I'm sorry." Calling a filming staff nearby, I pointed at Myeongshin. "I'm a fan, can you give this to him?" It was a pink card that only fangirls used, the staff looked at me funny, and received it along with the drink. I hid in the corner of the building and watched him approach Myeongshin. After the makeup was done, Myeongshin noticed the staff approaching and raised his head, and a moment later accepted them. He must have heard the interesting story from the smiling staff, that a fanboy gave them to him. Although he didn't show it on the outside, I know those words will please Myeongshin. And of course, as expected that he took to see the card first, the pink card was opened in his hand. I turned around without seeing what happened next. I can guess without looking. His face

must have been contorted to the point of ferocity, because the content on that card would be completely unpredictable. "I have proof that you used the camera to destroy my play. If you don't want it to be spread on social media and be humiliated, go to the restroom behind the annex right now." After the Fine Arts Exhibition was closed, only the filming crew remained inside. So no one would come to the restroom behind the annex located far from the set, except for Myeongshin who was walking alone right in front of me. Seeing that he had gone to the bathroom, I also caught up with him at a moderate pace. Neither of them will leave right away. First of all, a person will have a lot to say. Standing beside the open entrance, I heard a loud voice echoing inside without even trying to eavesdrop. "Fuck, social media? Okay, just try posting it all up, son of a bitch. No matter what kind of evidence you're holding, I'm not afraid. You're just an idiot in front of the camera. You're already silent and still threaten me? How dare you! Want to die?" "What are you talking about, suddenly bursting in? I'm waiting for someone else here..." Hansoo, who was also agitated, lowered his voice at the end as if he had just thought of something. Perhaps he was also vaguely aware. Who played a trick to let Myeongshin appear instead of him. When Hansoo stopped talking, Myeongshin cursing got louder. "This bitch, if you bring it up again then it won't just be a camera, but a knife-wielding gang that I'll send after you, got it? Thanks for stopping at this level. Just because we've known each other before, be grateful that I'll end it only to this. From the moment you accepted the casting without knowing what the it was about, I thought you hit your head but you were literally jumping around without knowing the theme. What's with that? Are you an idiot, what crazy director do you think would cast an actor who can't stand in front of a camera like you? It's your fault for choosing the wrong path. What proof do you have..." "So... so it was really your fault." Hansoo's heavy voice rang out. "I received a casting that didn't even exist." In a moment of silence, Myeongshin snarled again and let out a loud ' Damn it ' . As if he just remembered, he continued to curse and threaten. "What are you saying? I really did what? So what proof do you have to be speaking bullshit like that? Do you think you can fool me? You really want to die..." After hearing their conversation I thought to myself why do I find these malicious words so ridiculous? I proceeded to walk into the bathroom. Cop, cop. My footsteps echoed loudly on the tiled floor of the bathroom. After only a few steps, I was standing right behind Myeongshin, but I kept walking past him as if I was gonna use the

restroom, and stood in front of the mirror. And turn on the faucet for the purpose of simply washing my hands. Shhh– At the same time as the sound of running water, I heard Myungshin's threats become quieter as he was whispering to the other person. "If you really don't want to die, then don't appear in front of... me..." The words faded and the sounds disappeared completely. I felt a gaze on me as I washed my hands under the running water with soap in my hands. I Intentionally raised my head slowly to look at the person behind me who was staring at me through the mirror. A very short period of time, less than 1 second. But we were able to see each other's faces clearly. No, I already knew that so only the other party was confirming. For a brief moment, astonishment filled Myeongshin eyes. His pupils covered with a dark hue as if blurred by ink water. After confirming who I was, his face turned pale as if he had seen a ghost. It was a miracle that he recognized me immediately. Is it because I haven't changed much? I wanted to watch a little more, but he turned his head away. I stared at him in the mirror and turned off the running faucet. The stillness froze time as if no one was there anymore. I straightened my back while keeping my eyes on the mirror, but Myeongshin had completely turned away, he then frantically started running out of the bathroom as if he was being chased. Myeongshin's disappearance showed how terrified he must have been, but the sound of his footsteps still echoed inside for a while. "He must have really done something wrong." I turned to Hansoo's voice as I dried my hands with a tissue, he pointed at the entrance where Myeongshin had run away. "I didn't expect him to run away like that when he just saw you." I also looked towards the door. Well, let's see, maybe it's not just for that reason. The money I was robbed might have been a big sum for Myeongshin at the time, but it's nothing now. If he thought that, his only own crime was only the money, he wouldn't have to run away like that. So the reason was very simple. Probably due to the residual perception of the past. As soon as he saw me, his sense of fear that he had to turn his head immediately in the past overflowed uncontrollably. An experience that even if he thought he had forgotten it, at some point it would still resurface. But the next time we meet again, everything will be different. Given more time to adjust to the past fear he felt once, and because times had changed, he would be able to turn my value back to zero. Well, it's not that much of a concern. That would be much more fun. "Did you call me here for this? Really wanted to let me know it was Myeongshin hyung who did it?"

Not an angry intonation. On the contrary, he was very calm. I did not know whether my words would still have any effect or not, to the point of speculation. Did the manager's appeal on him did not work? Of course, it is impossible not to be honest. A bit bitter but still calmly, I opened my mouth. "It was just a little taste." Hansoo frowned when he knew I was talking about Myeongshin. "What do you mean?" "You said so. Even if someone like you have godly fortune, you didn't want it anymore. And said I want you to take revenge like me?" I looked at him as if to confirm, he also nodded slightly with a blank expression that showed he didn't understand anything. I tilted my head to the side, keeping a distance, and asked. "Say it again. You really don't want it even if you got lucky? " "Why ask that..." "There's a director who wants a fool like you." Hansoo's eyes widened for a moment, but immediately filled with disbelief. "I didn't come all the way here just to hear all that teasing." "I didn't come all the way here just to tease you either." "..." "What are you going to do?" "You must be teasing me. Damn, Myeongshin hyung was right about everything. I didn't even know what the theme was and just went in with it. What kind of director in the world would want an actor with camera phobia like this? " "That's why I'm saying it's lucky." However, Hansoo still refused to relax his frown because he couldn't believe it. "After all, what are you trying to say..." "It's a role that only someone like you, who gets frozen in front of the camera can play. So of course the director has to want you, right?" Hansoo stood motionless, just staring at me as if he had stopped breathing. The shaking body told me how he was feeling in his heart. "That... how could there be a character like that..."

"Yes. There is a foolish actor like you. In your role it's your job to expose your fear and trembling, shivering in front of the camera, got it? The acting you want to create will be the real you, isn't that interesting? It's this weakness of yours that gives you the opportunity and even If you still don't like this goddamn thing then call your manager and refuse. He's already bringing in the director." "!" "But it's up to you to refuse or not, and if so, you should know what your losing is not just an opportunity to act." It took a moment for Hansoo to regain his breath "What do you mean it's more than just an opportunity to act?" What else? I give the answer to the question in that question. "Revenge." I added coldly as he looked at the entrance where Myeongshin had disappeared again. "Your chance of revenge will also fly away." "You... You think I will take revenge?" "No. I never thought you would take revenge. Of course you don't want revenge. But, didn't you feel angry? Don't think of lying to me that you weren't angry at all when you heard what Myeongshin just said." I smirked at him. "You don't need to get revenge. I'll do it for you." "... Why? Is it because you need me to get revenge?" "Are you stupid? Why would I need you for revenge. " Hansoo clenched his fists each time and looked at me with complicated eyes. Right, you don't understand. To be honest, there was still some parts even I couldn't understand. That's why I do these things. "I just wanted to." While muttering, I suddenly wondered if it was the so called ' fate ' or a bad 'coincidence'. But whatever it was, it annoyed me. " You didn't like me either. The first time we met, you didn't even let me call you hyung." "Not even now. I still don't want you to call me hyung."

I Looked into his eyes. Who was becoming surprised and unable to understand anything, my voice became dry. "There is one thing I don't like about you." "What is that?"

"... Name." Was it a coincidence, or the damn fate. "My name?..." "You have the same name as my brother." "..." /// I was right in thinking the management would solve the problem in 3 days. As I left the dark art gallery and was on my way to the subway station, I got a call. 「"Tomorrow I will go to Seoul with PD Jung"」 There was an excitement in that voice as if he had finally convinced him. Then again mentioning whether he will leave early in the morning and arrive there at what time, or PD Jung because he is busy with work so he can't come back a day later, I just replied with "Yes , yes..." to answer back, but I know the person on the other end also wanted to hear something from me, and it is only when there was nothing more to say about the trifle reports that a hesitant question was asked. 「By the way... have you met Hansoo?」 I slowly stopped while talking on the phone and half turned around Hansoo , who had been silent, and just followed me silently since we got out of the Art Gallery, staring at the ground, then raised his head and made eye contact with me. "Yes." When I answered, the manager couldn't help but ask a question. 「What did he say? Did he hear your convincing words? Would he like to try?」 Instead of telling him what he wanted, I removed the phone from my ear and held it forward. When I suddenly reached out my hand like that, Hansoo was startled, and looked back and forth between me and the phone and blinked. "You want me to speak?"

I nodded. "Who is that?" "Manager." Although he looked stunned for a second, Hansoo slowly reached for the phone. A moment later, I heard him say, 'It's Hansoo. ' I started walking back to the subway station. Maybe it was because the call was too long, so I had to wait a long time at the subway station entrance before I could see Hansoo walking towards me. Because it was time to leave work, at this time, the entrance was crowded with people coming and going. I stood at a cluttered pedestrian corner that didn't interfere with my movement, but he was able to recognize me immediately and approached. "Tomorrow..." Hansoo hesitated for a long time without looking me in the eye. "I'll have an interview tomorrow." After saying that, the boy raised his eyes and calmly added. "I still don't believe it's really fate, but I won't run away either." Whatever. Looking at him with cold eyes, I reached out my hand to ask for the phone back. I don't want this to change the way he's always treated me. In particular, because of this, it was my fault that I felt even more uncomfortable. Perhaps understanding what I meant, he just looked at me and gave the phone. "Thank you, Taemin hyung." I raised my eyes when I just reached for the phone, but he just smiled sheepishly. "Is that okay? It's not your real name, it's another name, so attaching hyung won't confuse with your brother." "But I still don't like it." I spat out in a low voice and grabbed the phone as if it had just been snatched away. But even with that action, the smile on his lips didn't fade. "Yes. I'll call you hyung when we get closer. Right now I just want to say thank you... Ah... I'm sorry too. The words that I said when you came to school to find me." He brightened up and spoke with his mischievous image, but his voice was a little shaky. I know it's hard to stay calm, and act like you've quickly forgotten how you turned your back on a job you loved. Thanking me while still keeping his distance, he just said it softly like it was no big deal.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't do this for you. It's because Myeongshin will deliberately cause trouble later. I have no intention of wanting to help because I like you." "That's why I'm thankful." "..." "If you only wanted to help me out of pity, I would probably only feel more pathetic and no longer want to do anything." He had a sour expression but spoke calmly. "So now I will help you too. You also have to avenge on my behalf, I will help you with anything." "Take care of yourself first, and mind your business." I flatly refused, but strangely he also just smiled and easily replied "Yes." instead of feeling offended. Thanks to that, my mood became even more sour, but Hansoo didn't mind and pointed at my phone. "Oh yes, I saw a message in there. It came right in the middle of the phone call between me and the manager so I looked at it without realizing it." Before checking the phone that was passed, I heard Hansoo make an emotional sound. "I'm just asking, is that your lover?" I don't have anything like that... [You've missed me so much lately, haven't you? Me too. I'm waiting for Lee Baekwon so hurry and come quickly-] If the sender wasn't the madman I would have deleted it, but no matter how I looked at it, it was still a message from the madman. Did he send this to make me annoyed? I suspected, but there was still one more message after that. [Well, stop with the bad part-time job that take up our time-] ...So it was the boss. I don't know how he ended up sending messages with the madman's number, but when I think of the image of him being confident that his plan was perfect, I involuntarily furrowed my brows. I bowed my head for a long time and Hansoo asked. "But what's the point of waiting for 'Lee Baekwon', did you borrow 200 won form that person?" Hansoo was startled when I raised his sharp eyes to glance at him, but then he still couldn't contain his curiosity and said. "You still have a job? And what does it mean 'bad part time job'? Could it be a hos..."

"Stop it." I interrupted his surprised words and turned away, a hesitant voice holding me back. "By the way, you and your brother are very close, right?" Turning to look at him, the line of people next to him passed slowly like a paused image. "No." The short reply raised a question in his eyes. "Really? But you said you don't like my name because it's similar to your brother's name... Don't you dislike it because you're close to your brother?" "No." I repeated the same answer, Hansoo shook his head. "I thought it was a big deal, but it probably isn't. How old is your brother?" "... A 9th grader." "Woah- he's really young." Hansoo sighed, but I turned away. I just took a few steps, so I quickly blended into the crowd and hid my figure. I immediately had another thought in my head. The madman hadn't come to Alice's Labyrinth in recent days. It's not unusual if he doesn't come often, but if the director pretended to text me on his behalf, it looks like he will come today. I wasn't happy to see him, but I had other things to say. It felt like I had to explain to him about contacting PD Jung, and also tell him that I showed the script to the manager without telling him. At that moment, my phone buzzed. [Don't go to Alice's Labyrinth.] This time it was from the real madman.

Chapter End Notes

Myeongshit running


Chapter 24 Chapter Summary

Will he let me go.

Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for notes

The lightless building, stood in silence, as the windows reflected the departing workers in the dark. Perhaps it was because of the stillness of the towering lobby and the chilling atmosphere that had a particularly unsettling sensations of belonging to the lifeless. But why was it that at this hour when everyone was out of work, the madman was still at the company? It was only when I came here and was relieved that I didn't have to go to Alice's Labyrinth to meet the director that I had doubts. Even the first time we met, it was not surprising that it was also at the company, but I felt uneasy he was a shareholder. The fact that he had a unique relationship with Director Yoon and had access to the company's affairs was also entangled at some point. I can't undo this knot, but it feels like a big deal. Despite this, he normally had enough elements to make me nervous, so I went up to the rooftop he told me to come, in a fighting stance as usual. I've mentally prepared myself as to whatever he could possibly say to me. So that I won't be surprised this time, but it was all for nothing. When I found him, I was again stuck in another unpredictable situation. Upon the rooftop bench there was a lying dark figure, the dim light that shone over the individual resting on the bench couldn't illuminate as to who it was but as I got closer, the figure was who I expected. The person lying on the bench was the madman.... Why was he sleeping here? I don't know if the fighting strength that i had earlier had collapsed, but even my vigor had disappeared. Even when I was looming over his face, he was still sleeping like that without moving anything but breathing. Instinctively, I turned around to take a closer look at my surroundings. To check if there were any hidden cameras as to test me again? But on the overcast terrace, only a little chilly wind blew to cover the place. An empty space as well as the lobby. However, strangely, It did not feel empty at all, the mood was filled with something even I couldn't understand. Looking directly at the person who made me feel that way. I observed the man once more, how could he sleep in such an uncomfortable position. One of his legs were bent touching the back of the chair, and the other dangling off the seat. The surprise in my heart had dissipated, my eyes fixed on his face along with my first thought. This is the only chance to get a close look at him in his defenseless state, but that creepy and annoying smiling face, when approached looked like a different person in his sleep.

Come to think of it, he's also quite handsome, when I first met him, i assumed he was some sort of celebrity. Looking down at his face as if seeing it for the first time, for a moment I had déjà vu. Huh?...... Why does it feel like I've seen his face from above before? I leaned closely to his face. After that, the vague feeling became stronger and stronger. It was really like I had experienced seeing it before... Then a sudden force pulled me in causing my body to bend forward. Instinctively I reacted quickly to lift myself up, but because of the strong force that pulled me in I was pulled back first. Fortunately, I was able to resist by placing my hand on the back of the bench before I fell unsightly on top of him. This guy?! Wasn't he asleep? "Let Go-" I stuttered at the sudden surprise, but I regretted it soon after, not finishing off my sentences and not shaking his hand off... but it was because I was unable to, as I glanced at the resting madman who had grabbed me. His eyes remained closed, But as I tried to pull away he slowly raised his eyelids. His hazy eyes appeared as someone who had just woken up. He blinked a few times then stared at me again. "... It was you?" He said in a hoarse voice as he just woke up. My arm suddenly lost its strength to resist, all I thought was that is this guy a monster? He could even sense other people presences while sleeping and he just instinctively reached out his hand? While I was busy deciding whether he was a monster or not, he slowly rose up from his previous position whilst holding my wrist. I retreated in response to him standing up but he then pull my hand back, a nonchalant voice stopped me. "It made my face tickle..." He mumbled looking down at me with his eyes fully awake. "I'm glad it's you." I automatically furrowed my brows at that low, whisper-like voice. "Then go back to sleep, I'll watch you." "Hmm, that's a good idea. So the text that you sent... did you really missed me?" Text? Ah, really the boss... How the hell did he send it? "I didn't send that... weren't you the one who sent me weird text messages saying you missed me, right?" "There was a message like that? Hmm, show it to me. Maybe I did." I didn't answer to his request because, his face seemed to be amused by the situation. In response I turned around and began to walked away, but before I could have stepped forward,

he was dragging me back instead, It wasn't until the dragging situation turned into a joke. I then channeled all my strength into stationing my feet and my voice together. "Let go of my hand." I demanded. However, the guy with the phoney smile just turned around and tighten his grip on my hand till I couldn't feel them anymore. "Tch!..." I diverted my head away so I wouldn't let out a groan in my throat. Instantly a soft whisper came to my ears, "Stop being stubborn, It's just that I want to go together." I thought I misheard him because his tone sounded like he was comforting me however it didn't look like it belonged to him, making me forget my anger and asked. "Where are we going?" Instead of replying, he proceeded to walk, pulling to me to his side. "Going to sleep."

Tiriri- It wasn't until I heard the sound of the door closing behind us to realise where I was. I don't know if it was because there wasn't any time to sober up, or because it roughly took 10 minutes to drive from the company to here. I was confident in my own reckless driving when I was a courier, but It couldn't be compared to how nervous i was when this madman kept changing lanes, driving at such high speed. I criticized him for his driving, but he just glanced at me and said, "Afraid?" Teasing me, but he then slowed down. I was baffled as to what to say other than becoming more conscious of his unusual appearance. In my confusion, I just looked at him, with a watchful eye, he just brought me here without saying anything else. I thought he was kidding but, he actually brought me to his house. "Don't be scared. I won't attack you." It was unusual.... it wasn't the usual cold tone mixed with laughter, it was just comforting and soothing. I couldn't understand it, to the point that I belatedly forgot that I was angry earlier. Silently gazing at him, he tilted his head slightly and spoke, "Don't you have something to tell me? " Something to tell you? That's when I recalled that I had to tell him about the script. "How did you know? That I had something to say?" There was a hint of annoyance in his expression, but immediately I heard a friendly voice.

"You came to the office, and even followed me while being very obedient, it's unlike you." He finished the explanation so fast that It felt a little rushed, and he added in a lazy voice. The reason why he was so strange tonight. "Come over here quickly. I'm sleepy."

He said he was drowsy, but his appearance seemed to be normal, holding a small bottle of water and plopping down on the end of the sofa I was sitting on. The spacious interior had a beautiful view and expensive furniture. I was a little awkward because I was not used to these things, but I got a little comfortable with the books and scripts piled up on the table. Judging by his personality alone, I thought he must be a neat person, but when I confirmed that both his office and home were a mess, I somehow felt a sense of caution. He noticed my eyes on the mess around and explained. "It feels more like a human, isn't that nice?" "... You must really be sleepy." He smiled faintly and brought the water bottle to his mouth. "Even if it were someone like me, I would still be tired if I didn't sleep for three days... So what do you mean?" Drinking half the bottle of water in one gulp, he asked the question right away. Was he really that sleepy, is that why? I stared at the normal-looking person for a while, then proceeded to talked about the script that I had seen. "I showed it to the manager, and since there was something I needed to do, I also contacted the director... I thought I should tell you this." I couldn't bear to use the word 'permission' because it hurt my pride, but still i worried a little. It's because I arbitrarily used his script. To tell the truth, since there is was that precedent of the half-smoked 200 million won, I was preparing myself right now. As I've seen before, he never seems to let anything go by just like that. There was a bit of tension there, but what reached my ears was insignificant words. "Is that all?" " ... " Is this just the effect of his sleepiness? It didn't seem to be a big deal, even though I was suspicious, I nodded in relief. "That's all." It would have been nice if the conversation were just to end here so I could leave, but I blurted out a question, unlike my usual self. A question that would make me regret that I did

a useless thing, after saying it. "Why aren't you angry? I took the script out of the office and even showed it to the manager." Instead of replying, he just closed the bottle and looked at me expressionlessly. It was only when I felt annoyed, that he opened his mouth. "You must have have misunderstood. Don't you think that what you did was commendable?" "Huh?" I asked stiffly, but he just laughed and mumbled some nonsense. "You'll find out later on how great of a job you did." I knew he wasn't the type to talk nonsense, so I tried to guess what he meant but I couldn't think of anything. Did he think the movie would be a hit? I didn't think it would be popular, it was interesting, but there was no humor in it. It was a bit boring, like the first short film the director made. I'm not an expert, so I don't know if I'm wrong or not... I thought as I tilted my head to the side. He then questioned. "By the way, did you really think I would get mad about this?" "Yes." When I answered without hesitation, he had a smile on his lips. "How could I? Since I adore you so much." This bullshit again, I thought for sure, he was just joking around. So I purposely spit out a swear word that I used once before. "That must be because you are a psychopath." For a moment, I thought the smile had disappeared from his lips, but he nodded again seriously. "That's right." Just like last time, he calmly accepted such a vulgar word. This guy must of heard a lot of curses in the past.... "But I still treat you very well, right?" The brazen man turned toward me and rested his hand on the back of the sofa. "But you always act beyond my expectations, I didn't anticipate there being an honest side of you like that." "I just don't like the feeling of being in debt."

"And being so sincere." He added, as the corners of his lips pulled deeper. I changed my gaze to a fierce one. However, the feeling of displeasure turned into strangeness at the next question. "Have you ever genuinely cried?" What did he say? He saw the confusion in my eyes and said softly. "I have never felt the empathy to be really sad when someone cries. But only once, when I saw that person cry, I vaguely felt sadness. To the point where it really made me feel numb here." He said moving his hands to his heart. Dumbfounded at his words, my eyes followed his hands, but unfortunately what I just heard was not fully received. How sad was it that it made the viewers heart ache? I raised my head, facing his cold, and emotionless eyes. "Unfortunately, I lost that person. But when I first met you, I had the feeling when you indifferently said the word 'revenge' for the first time. If you really showed your feelings, this place will would probably also react again. " Impossible..... I'm an asshole who didn't even feel the slightest sadness, when I saw my only brother get stabbed and die right before me. I shook my head to hide the rebuttal from my heart. "You are wrong." "That's what you think. Because I am getting more and more convinced." As I was about to wince at that statement, I suddenly remembered what he had said before. "Is that person... the one who made you angry before?" Moreover, that person was his first male partner. At the time I heard about it, I felt pity for him thinking he would die if the madman ever found him, but it didn't seem like that. "Yes, It's him. The one who screwed me over." When I saw his expression, he was smiling so happily. I then suddenly felt respect towards that person, whom I didn't even know. He slept with this guy, cried sadly, angered him and then ran away. Even if you told me to do any of those three things, I wouldn't be able to do even one. But this guy.... he was still worth looking for even after five years. If the madman hasn't found him in these 5 years, does that mean he won't be able to find him indefinitely? "I can't find him." He narrowed his eyes slightly as he spoke, feeling a bit woeful. "He can be found though. Because I saw it."

"Saw what?" He mumbled to himself. "I saw it, when he turned his back to put on his pants." "What are you talking about?" I was worried if he might be more pent up than I thought from the lack of sleep, but he then stood up and motioned for me to follow him. Why? When I still sat down because of my opposing thoughts to confront him, he quickly spoke up as if he was starting to get annoyed. "If you've said what you want to say, then keep your promise." "What promise?" I said dumbfounded. "You said you'd watch me sleep." "..." "What's wrong? I said I'm sleepy?" Damn it, if he found the guy who touched his heart five years ago, would he let me go? ... Shouldn't I be looking for him in that case?

Chapter End Notes

Yoohan's braincells were missing for half of this novel...


Chapter 25 Chapter Summary


Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for notes

The shabby movie company I was called to in the evening was where Hansoo went for an interview. On the top floor of the stinking building that looked like it was about to collapse, I opened the door of the movie company and found a small office with a desk in it. Perhaps this was the company that planned this movie, when I entered through the open door, I saw a man who seemed to be his late 40s, who was most likely PD Jung, talking to a woman. With a serious expression and tone they were talking about the casting, that they didn't even notice that I had entered. Instead, the manager and Hansoo who got there earlier came to greet me. "Did you finish your class well?" The manager was like a parent sending their first child to elementary school. When I nodded, Hansoo approached the side and asked in a low voice. "But you don't really need a sedative, do you?" "What do i need that for?" Why would I need it? On the contrary, I wondered if everything was resolved and returned to the original state, as the manager and Hansoo looked at each other and talked as usual. "He really does have a strong heart." "Right? The first time he was interviewed at the company, I noticed that he didn't even blink an eye, like he had a stone heart." "Yes. He has a heart of a stone, so I'm sure he's more worried about what to eat for lunch right now than this audition." "Aww, that's true. But would he truly consider what to eat for lunch? Considering that his heart is made of stone? Taemin-ah, are you worrying about... " "..." "... Are you angry?" "Yes."

Both of them turned their heads at the same time and cleared their throats. It was surprising to observe both of them swiftly reverting to how they were in the past, but I didn't ignore Hansoo's red eyes. His face was also slightly swollen. After seeing his eyes that looked like they had just cried for a while, I turned to look at the manager. "But why are you asking me if I need a sedative?" "Huh? That's because you're going to audition today." "Who?" "You." "..." "Huh? Didn't I tell you? You'll do this audition too, I also bragged a lot to PD Jung about you." My stiff expression was buried in my manager's lively voice, then a neighboring voice confirmed the scenario for me. "Oh, isn't this the clever friend who appears average in real life but kills it in photos?" When PD Jung approached me I almost opened my mouth to ask. Who?

There was a set of desks and chairs that were only used by schools, placed in front of a pile of objects covered with a layer of linen stacked up to the ceiling. There, PD Jung was sitting next to the manager, and Hansoo and I were standing in front of them. Both Hansoo and I were holding a short script page in our hands. We were given 20 minutes in advance to learn, but to be honest, I was a bit appalled. When reading the script in class, the teacher explained the scenario situation in advance and gave simple instructions on how to read it with emotion, so this sheet of paper containing only this dense line of dialogue looked like a blank sheet of paper for me. But on the contrary, if you don't know anything, just rush in, there is nothing to be afraid of. The content of the dialogue was just a person explaining his daily schedule. I was trying to imagine the situation, but PD Jung announced the start. "Who wants to go first? You're Hansoo, right? The one with camera phobia." When Hansoo nodded with a stiff face, PD Jung motioned for him to try the lines. Hansoo glanced at the script, took a breath, and raised his head. Showing his true form in this place where there were no cameras. All the lines he memorized in a short time poured out of his mouth. I still can't figure out how to read these lines with emotion, but I heard a deep voice echoing in. The lines, which was nothing more than simply a list of a daily schedule, was changed into the melancholy of a person who had to suppress his suffering calmly convincing the other

person that he was doing well. The content was nothing special but made the listener heart ache. The final explanation about lunch, going to work, and even missing out on their favorite show, seemed to make one cry at any moment, but the story ended with an ominous smile. While admiring Hansoo's ability to feel deeply, I heard PD Jung's evaluation. "Not too bad." I turned my face to look at that disinterested tone, but in contrast, Hansoo just bowed and thanked. He said the acting was on a level which wasn't too bad? I got choked up, but PD Jung appointed me. "Over there, Mr. Lee Taemin, try it." Maybe it's because I had seen Hansoo's amazing acting earlier, that I felt my mouth getting dry. I looked down at the script in my hand and closed my eyes for a moment. I completely erased what I had seen from Hansoo from my mind and went back to a time when I still couldn't grasp the previous scenario. If you don't know, just do it. What did it mean to list someone's daily schedule? I opened my eyes, looked the script that I couldn't memorize, and started reading the lines. In a bored voice as if I was explaining work to someone. And when my performance ended, PD Jung told me how he felt. "You can't act." Of course, I did not intend to bow like Hansoo when I heard that. I just looked at him with 'ohh, is that so' expression. But the strange thing was that the manager sitting next to him showed a satisfied smile at PD Jung's assessment. When I changed my focus to look at him, the manager made eye contact with me, cleared his throat, and complimented me to PD Jung, with his thumbs up. "Still, it looks great on screen." Of course, PD Jung ignored the compliment. And gave Hansoo a second request. "Say that previous line again." "Do I need to do the same thing?" When Hansoo asked, PD Jung just shrugged, muttering 'It's up to you' and calmly adding. "But this time you have to stand in front of the camera." In an instant, Hansoo's whole face was almost without a drop of blood. Of course, he knew he would have to act in front of the camera, but he still couldn't help but feel scared. PD Jung's next words were very strange. "It would be more convenient to do the same thing as before when comparing with the shots."

He then reached out and pulled a small camera out from the pile of junk behind him. He put the red-on camera on the table and instructed. "Try it." In front of the camera, the first and second auditions were entirely different from the first. Hansoo repeated the same thing, who's voice couldn't come out because of his pale face and stammering voice. After the performance, PD Jung stopped recording, pulled the front camera back and looked at it for a long time as if checking the footage. He fast-forward it and stop at a few points, glancing at Hansoo while reviewing the screen. The rest of them kept silent while waiting for him, but PD Jung took a while to open his mouth as if he was used to the situation. "You know what this role is like, right?" The question was asked without specifying to who, but the manager and I both looked at Hansoo at the same time. Hansoo gulped from the pressure, his face still pale. "Yes... I know." "There aren't many scenes. Although as a supporting role the lines were a bit long and the content was symbolic, so I didn't originally plan to cast just anyone for that role." He mumbled, turning off the camera and looking up. "To be honest, I am very satisfied with you Lee Hansoo. Because you act it more realistically than anyone else." Hansoo's heart, who seemed to have stopped breathing, was pounding very loudly. Either way, he was standing in front of a camera. And I also think this experience will help him reduce that fear. The manager held his breath like Hansoo, asking PD Jung in a choked voice. "But is there a problem?" PD Jung slightly frowned and rubbed his forehead. "It's just that, as I told director Choi, the movie is an indie movie. I had to stop after shooting a few scenes in the movie and finally until a few months ago I found an investor. Only after getting an investor could I continue filming, but to be honest, I can't guarantee the salary for the actors, the filming equipment is also very limited so they may have to work very hard. You might have to take care of your own meals and arrangement." He paused, turning his gaze from the manager to Hansoo. "Even so, do you still intend to do it?" "... Yes." Hansoo spoke with difficulty, shaking his head and adding.

"Please let me play this role. I really want to do it." At that urgent and trembling voice, PD Jung smiled bitterly. "It was not as great as Hansoo thinks. I'm sorry." "No way, PD Jung!" The manager next to him with tears in his eyes suddenly grabbed PD Jung's arm. "How could it not be great! It's a movie made by PD Jung, who performed the best at the broadcast station and exceeded 30 % of the basic viewership rating, of course it must be great!" "Haizz, that's for dramas. Now, when I see actors who had previously worked with me, everyone who sees me pretends not to recognize me." PD Jung sighed deeply and continued with an exhausted voice. "When I was still filming dramas, everyone thought of how great of a person I was. Everyone always bowed their heads to look well in front of me, and I received compliments that what I filmed was very interesting. However, dramas and movies are different. I was greedy because I had grown accustomed to seeing the ratings for the next episode if I just placed some sort of comedy in each episode and added something that would pique people's interest. I had no idea it was so difficult to pack so much into a short film. Besides, I had no idea the movie scene was such a challenging area. After all, what did I, a simple worker, know back then? As a result, after a few movies, I ended up selling my house." The manager still listened calmly, then comforted him with a trembling voice at his last words. "I also had to sell my house... " With a faint smile, PD Jung smiled and looked up at me. "But how did you get it? My script." "I got it from an acquaintance." He pursed his lips. "Hmm" and tilted his head as if he couldn't understand. "I just sent the script to investors a few months ago. Besides, most of them have rejected and returned it, or just sent to the trash. So I'm curious to know who your acquaintances is? Or is it that hard to say?" "Yes." I answered and he said something weird.

"Actually, a rewritten scenario with a new role for Hansoo was recently released. There was only one investor who received it. No. He promised to find me and invest in me." Then he whispered again in a low voice,"Well, there was a condition". I asked about the investor when he paused for a moment. "May I ask who that investor is?" He looked up, opened his mouth like it was nothing. "If you keep it a secret, I will tell you. I heard Dream didn't know about it either because that person invested with his own money." Dream? Just as I started to feel that something was wrong, I heard a familiar name. "Dream's Director Yoon. That person is my investor." Huh? Once again Director Yoon with that madman was involved. It was so coincidental that it was hard to ignore. How did these two ended up being... Before I could dig deeper into this sticking point, I heard PD Jung's voice. "Then Hansoo will be filming when he goes to Seoul next week. And also," He turned to look at me and added. "Lee Taemin will also be filming." "Yes?" "What, you don't want to act in a movie without getting paid?" Instead of replying, I looked at him for a moment and then slowly opened my mouth. "You mean I'll get a part too?" Yes, he nodded, pointing to the camera and replied as if joking. "Because you look good on the screen." Right next to him, the manager gave a thumbs up and shouted. "A hundred times better than in real life!" It's an unpleasant compliment every time I hear it. I suddenly thought of that, PD Jung added with a smile. "Actually, there is a role that suits Lee Taemin very well. This small role is one of the main character's friends in the drama, an office worker. The role is very dry, but it seems to overlap with Lee Taemin's image. After listening to you read the lines, that feeling became even more clear."

I looked down at the script in my hand. So was he actually testing me? At that time, PD Jung briefly explained the role. "A friend who after doing his job nonchalantly as usual, committed suicide."

I couldn't sleep. The dialogue for the role that I received was only one page long, along with a few more conversations with the main character. Although this role was shorter than Hansoo's, I couldn't take my eyes off that short scene and thought about it all night. However, it was not the thrill of getting a chance to stand in front of the official camera for the first time. The lines of my role, which I read in that boring tone, was stuck in my mind. If it weren't for the part-time job, that the manager said was on the weekend, I would probably have read it over and over again. I reviewed the script all over again while heading to the company, even though i had memorized the dialogue in my head. When I entered the small meeting room that I usually came to, I was greeted by the manager, who was yelling in frustration at someone. "No, what is that?!? Actor! I said it! You are aware that he works for Dream, correct? But what do you mean he has to perform that kind of work? Even if he's not a host, shouldn't his face be visible if he's going to be on stage? Is this too much to ask?... What? You don't have time to look for someone else, so he has to do it?!" I was wondering why he was so agitated like that, and thinking that the call would be very long, i went back to the hallway to wait. And that reason was revealed before the door closed. "But what's the point of standing next to the host on the stage wearing a mascot suit! Mascot suit! Waving your hand cutely!" I thought as I walked over to the vending machine in central hall. So is the manager angry because of the mascot suit or because of the waving cutely part? For some reason I had a strong feeling that it was probably because of the latter, then suddenly I encountered an unexpected but familiar face in the lobby. I saw the gentle impression that I hadn't seen in a long time because I didn't come to class, and he was getting a drink from the vending machine. He was already carrying three more drink cans. Clank. A can fell under the vending machine, and the gentle impression bent down to pick it up. He noticed me and froze for a moment. What am I, a ghost? I was being sarcastic, when I remembered how I used boxing as an excuse to punch him hard. Well, that may come as a surprise. "It's you Taemin, how are you? Yes. I pointed my chin toward the vending machine he was blocking in front of me. "Are you still using it? "

"Ah, no. You can use it." When he backed away, I walked over to the spot and pulled every penny out of my pocket. Clink, Clink, Clink... As soon as the coin was inserted, I heard a voice behind me as if he had been waiting. “I’m going to start filming a drama next month.” I would have ignored it if it had been a boasting voice, but it sounded low and lackluster for some reason. 'Thump!' I heard when I pressed one of the red-lit menu buttons. The can fell. While he called me nervously, I bent over and reached for the exit. I turned around as I grabbed the can and heard some unexpected words. "I really don't know." "Know what? " "That Hyung-seok harassed you on purpose under the orders of someone." I didn't care if his words were true or not. I just didn't understand why he was talking to me like that. "It has nothing to do with me whether you know it or not." I spat out in annoyance, but he just smiled as if he was frustrated and explained why. "Just. I was just looking for an excuse. It's difficult to pretend to be this close while Hyungseok is around." He waved his hand and turned around to walk away, but he seemed to have just remembered something so he turned back. "Oh yes, if you meet us in class, Hyungseok won't bother you for the time being. I heard that Song Yuhan is really anxious to find and get rid of someone else, so you don't have to worry. " He might think that as a good news, but it wasn't for me. "Who is Song Yuhan trying to find and get rid of?" "Ah, that's...." Looking around for a moment, he took a step closer and lowered his voice. “Song Yoo-han is targeting Director Yoon of our company. There is someone who recently approached Director Yoon and became very close. If there were any tricks involved then that person should of been kicked out or stripped of their role, although I don't know who he is, he must have been a very great man."

"Man?" When I asked back in surprise, he nodded and whispered. "Yes, a man. He has a great name too. It's Lee Baekwon." ... Fuck you, asshole!! There was only one thing left in my head. The madman. Damn that son of a bitch. Prejudice is scary. Yoon and Han. Just because they had different surnames, they couldn't be the same person, a conclusion that was established like a thick and solid wall was easily broken like a sheet of glass. No matter what, that guy lied to me. This is exactly what I always thought was incompatible. The truth was that the madman was director Yoon. It's been a long time since I've been this angry. I could no longer hear the voice of the gentle impression. It wasn't until he called me a few times that I realized what the situation was like. "Taemin?" When I raised my eyes, he looked at me as if he were curious. "It's the first time I've seen someone who doesn't laugh when they hear that name." " ... " "Isn't it funny?" "It's not funny. " "..." The gentle impression was a little bit stiff, but I couldn't see it because I was still angry. Right now all I could think about was running straight to that bastard and immediately swinging my fist to vent my frustrations. However, the habit of living by restraining my temper for a few years was enough to stop me. First, for the most part, I must confirm this being true. I concentrated all my strength into my hand that was holding the water so I could suppress my anger. "How does Song Yoohan know? That person has grown close to Director Yoon." He shrugged and changed the subject. "I'm not sure on the details but I only heard that he caught a glimpse of Director Yoon publicly kissing the guy. So he became furious and went to investigate and the bar Director Yoon went to. Ah, you know that place, remember? The bar we went to? "... Alice's labyrinth."

"That's right, he seemed to have found the name there, but wasn't Alice's labyrinth famous for their extremely tight secrecy, so how did you know... Huh?" He stopped talking and looked at me in surprise. "Come to think of it, I heard from Hyungseok that you seem to be working in Alice's Labyrinth..." He stared at him without a reply. He kept silent, as if expecting a response from me, and eventually asked directly, as if curious. "Do you know anyone named Lee Baekwon?" "I don't know." I answered briefly and emphasized. "I don't know anyone with the name Lee Baekwon." He then nodded. "That's right, there's no way that the thorough Director Yoon would reveal the information of the person next to him so easily." The thorough Director Yoon. Yes, seeing him trick me like this is really thorough. No, I'm a clown. I'd rather be a clown than praise him. I gritted my teeth and gripped the cold can. The guy in-front of me then checked the time and frowned. "Ah, I have to go." He said hastily, clutching the cans in his arms with a smile. "When it's just the two of us talking like this, I'll act like we know each other." "Why is that?" He paused and then his expression stiffened after turning around. But he immediately realised it was just a curious question. He flashed a faint smile. "It's just. Because I like you Lee Taemin?" If that's the case, thank you. Even if we weren't close, having a source who knew the situation on Myungshin's side was useful. Still, I wanted to be certain. I felt compelled to give a warning to him. I consciously ignored the thought that this was comparable to when I was embroiled in Hansoo's business. "If it is found out that you are talking with me, you will probably have a bit of trouble later on. And by the way things are going Song Yoohan will hate me even more.'

As a result, there will be conflict. I believe he understood what I was saying. I don't think the friction he thinks is terrific just because he hasn't let go of his smile. It wouldn't be a big thing deal if I, who had just started acting, had a conflict with Song Myung-shin, who was very reliable. "If my situation deteriorates, I will take care of myself. Taemin-ssi might pretend not to know me at that point, and I'll be upset." Just before he was about to leave I stopped him again. "Is it worth it?" "What?" He said in confusion and I asked again. I looked down at the cans he was holding in his hands. "The current situation. You altered your views after four years and opted to get involved with men." "Hey, Lee Taemin, if you're trying to mock me..." "Although it's a tough decision, I hope you won't change your mind." He winced at the unexpected support. "Why do you have to say that?" "In the future, if you have a problem and need my help, with that mindset, I think of helping you." What's the problem? He asked again, but I just said "maybe this and that" and ignored it. He still looked at me confused, but in my eyes, I saw everything. In reality he was clinging to Song Myeongshin only so that he could climb up to the male sponsors which was difficult to accept, but there was no way Song Myeongshin, who he thought would support him , would let him keep up with him. Why would he let someone who was a rival in the same company as him rise? Song Myeongshin is someone who wants to destroy his former director of the company because he felt antipathy. And of course, the promise of support is just a cover. Just seeing that the gentle impression would be heavily tricked by Myeongshin, I saw that I could take advantage of that. But he only replied lightly as if he only considered my words a greeting. "That's correct. I've been on this journey of suffering, so even if there's an issue, I'm not going to leave. So help me out later." Maybe because it was already late. He disappeared at the end of the corridor with loud footsteps. I turned and went straight to the office where the manager was, anger flared in my heart again.

Madman. That crazy mother fucker. I'll make sure I get the evidence and that he doesn't lie.

Going to the big shopping mall to work part-time, all I could think of was the madman. No matter how hard I tried to calm my fury, my anger still swelled up to the point where my grip on the steering wheel was full of veins. He was planning Hansoo's appearance in the film by speaking with the company, the film company's office, and PD Jung, among others. He appeared to say something, but his head was elsewhere, and he merely muttered 'yeah, yes' from time to time, and then he was almost there. Something he was saying on the phone to someone at the corporation made my ears surge. "Euhahaha~ It's incredible that he's already been cast in a movie after only a month in the entertainment industry. It's nothing at all. It's not a huge deal. Of course, the director appreciated Taemin's acting, but can't any acting genius achieve that? Director Park knows everything; if you're a genius, landing a movie role in a month is as easy as chewing gum. Hahahaha~" Of course, I didn't pay attention when the boss brags about me to the crybaby Chief Park. I preferred shutting my ears to the manager's gibberish about my "acting genius." Just as I was debating whether to take the phone away if the genius crap continued, the manager who had been listening to the other person for a long time inquired. "Are you planning to renew the contract? Isn't it more than a month this time? yes? He has shown his acting genius in just one month, so it should be a year or more... Yeah? Do I need to seek permission from Director Yoon?" I turned a critical look at name Director Yoon's without even noticing it. The manager, who had been embarrassed, then returned my stare. "Ah, does Director Yoon do this with every new contract? ...No, I'm not lacking confidence; I'm just a little spooked out. Yes? He might have to have an acting test for Director Yoon?!" The manager, who had been ranting furiously, noticed me and tried to laugh. "We, of course, are very happy that Director Y-Yoo-Yoon is interested in us. Ha..ha..ha.. " Unlike his smile, manager's face paled at the name of Director Yoon. Although everyone in the company could sense his existence to some extent, when I heard that, only that name popped into my head. Fuck, the madman I gnawed at my anger, but he turned his head away and whispered, as if he didn't want me to hear. "Does Director Yoon have any long-term work plans? Ah, Director Park wept since he had said that he would only stay in Korea from now on... Yes, I know you were joking when you

said you cried. Of course, I know you won't cry even if you go back to the company's production and work overtime again, like you did today. You're also not someone who will cry because you missed your pretty wife since you're newlyweds. How manly is Chief Park! " He flattered department head Park as if he was telling me where the origin of where calling me a genius came from. Then he smiled and asked when the other end was feeling better. "In that regard, if Director Yoon has a favorite drink, please let me know... Yes? bribe? Absolutely not. As a drinker, I was curious to see what kind of alcohol executives preferred..." He looked at me again and raised his voice like before. "Of course, our Taemin is an acting genius, so extending his contract is simple. Hahaha~ So, what is Director Yoon's favorite part of a meat?"

Chapter End Notes



Chapter 26 Chapter Summary

Finally found you.

Afterwards, the manager, who persistently asked for Director Yoon's favorite color of socks, we eventually arrived at his destination and seemed to have found one thing. Slam! As we arrived to the place I noticed that Mr Choi had been tilting his head back and forth, It seems that the whole time he was teasing Chief Park, but there was something that he couldn't understand. As we left the car and followed along the parking lot to the entrance we were greeted by one of the employees and were skillfully led to the waiting room. The person in charge found us right away and gave us the necessary mascot suit. I was urged to change quickly and entered a room that looked like a storage room, the manager followed me and apologized. "Sorry for making you do this. It's something, you didn't need to do because you've been cast to star in the movie, but I couldn't cancel..." "It's okay." In Mr.choi's voice I could hear how nervous he was. A few moments later I set the dark furcovered plush suit aside and took off my coat. "No, it's not as simple as you think. From the outside, it appears like you may simply put on a mask and stand around, but..." "It's heavy, suffocating, sweaty, it stinks awful because it hasn't been washed, people passing by occasionally hit it, and kids attack unconditionally. Like this?" "You... you understand well?" I replied that I had done this job before, he then widened his eyes in surprise. "What? You've worked in mascot suits on the side? What the hell have you not done? You worked quite hard to earn money. If anyone sees it, they'll assume you owed a loan." "Yes, I owed a loan." "..." "..."

"R-really?" I nodded. For a moment his face had stiffened, he then asked in a low voice. "If you haven't paid yet..." "I already paid it off." A sigh of relief came from his mouth. "Phew- I'm really glad. Even so if you still did have a debt I will help you pay it off, but if you were still in debt, then you really can't do your job properly." He flashed a bitter smile and then suddenly asked in a trembling voice. "So you... did you also lose your home too?" Looking at those teary eyes, I knew for sure that I couldn't talk about home in front of him, even as a joke. Originally I had no home, so I changed the subject to a phone call with Chief Park to reassure him. "Did Manager Park say anything strange about Director Yoon?" "Huh? That's kind of..." He shook his head again like he did when he got out of the vehicle. I watched him as I pulled my t-shirt over my head and unbuckled my pants. "Recently, Director Yoon kept drawing strange patterns on paper while claiming to be looking for something. He appears to have caught a sight of it a few years back. Then I browsed through works related to India and found it, which he liked." India? I took off my pants, and put them on the chair and bent down to pick up the mascot suit. The manager's voice continued to resound from behind. "However, looking at the pattern, it appeared that Director Yoon was cursing. I thought I heard the word 'shiva'... But he might not like it, so I didn't inquire further. I'm not sure if I should offer him a piece of the Indian elephant sculpture if he has similar interests..... Huh? you!!" *sounds like 'fuck' in Korean* I put one foot in the mascot suit and turned my head when the manager called out to me loudly. He was pointing at me and his eyes widened in surprise. I wondered what was wrong with him, he rushed over and grabbed me by the shoulder and turned me around. "Tae, Taemin! Y-you, do you have a tattoo?" Tattoo? Ah... Only then did I remember a part of my body I had completely forgotten about. A long tattoo that runs from the waist to the buttocks. If I put on my pants properly, nobody

could see it, so no one noticed unless I were completely undressed. If you ask me why I got a tattoo in this position, the reason is because in the past there were girls who were always in the crowd when we were racing motorcycles in gangs. Right before our group tattoo day, I overheard girls talking about tattoos. Just below the waist, a tattoo that shows only a little when wearing pants would look very sexy. After hearing that, I got a tattoo to try to be popular, but I later discovered that the objective of looking sexy was for women. If a lady gets a tattoo in that position, it signifies that she is sexy. In the end, I was the retarded one. What's funnier is that I thought the model was cool. The vertical eyes in the center, as well as the oddly shaped letters written long below them. This tattoo represents the 'God of Destruction,' but no one knows what it signifies. Of course, the manager didn't recognize it either. "AAA! It's a tattoo! What the hell is this?! " "It's the God of Destruction." "... I didn't ask that." The manager who was serious, suddenly started pulling at his hair. "You-! It's a tattoo! Can it be laser erased? No, I heard it costs a lot of money. First of all, cover it up with duct tape when filming... " I left the worried manager alone and resumed donning the mascot suit. The unmovable weight and hardness felt familiar as the clothing hung up to my shoulders. In a few hours, I'll be drenched in sweat. When I put on a huge mascot head, it reminded me of the old days when I wore mascot suits and handed out fliers. People respond significantly better when I wear a mascot suit rather than simply hand it out. The adorable appearance most likely reassured them. Assurance? Something sprang to mind in an instant. I didn't have to gather evidence; I just had to go in and check it out myself. "Manager." I called out to the manager who was worried about the tattoo and asked what I heard earlier. “Does the company have a separate production?” "Ah, absolutely. Dream has another project in the works. The production office is located nearby at xx. However, security is extremely strict. I tried to meet with other producers previously, but I couldn't even get in the front door." So then the manager complained about the security there, but that wasn't much of a problem for me. Only one thing popped into my head. That guy had to be working overtime today.

The most strenuous part of wearing stuffed animals is to constantly move your body. If I stay still, people will look at me with weird eyes and ask, 'What is that?' Because in their eyes they could only see a giant stuffed animal. It's funny to just keep moving to match the background, but I didn't think it was difficult even after pretending to be cute on stage for several hours. My head was full of the madman. After finishing work that took longer than expected and coming down to the stage, the manager was talking to the organizers. When I got closer, the manager was now unilaterally angry rather than talking. "It can't be like this, how can he work overtime like this! Taemin's schedule is very busy, you know!" My schedule after that was to just going home. The organizers didn't know that, so they just kept patting the manager's hand and apologizing for what happened until it was completely dark. "We're sorry! The singer who was supposed to appear in the middle of the show suddenly showed up two hours late, we had no choice but to arrange it like that." "Well, that singer who sang only two songs? I don't even know their name." "Right? They aren't even well-known, but they arrived so late that we regretted calling them. More than that, President Choi, I'm sorry, so I added a bit extra money, so please relax..." "You don't need to pay extra." When I interrupted, they both said ' Eh?' then looked at me. I took off the smelly doll head and asked the staff member. "Instead, lend me this suit for a few more hours." Then the manager who looked even more startled than the employee, asked. "Huh? Borrow the mascot suit??!" "I was just going to surprise someone." "Who?" "The madman." /// The company's production office, where the manager told me the work was going smoothly, wasn't too far from my part-time job. If I took off the mascot suit, I needed a car because It was a lot of luggage to carry, but fortunately it was close, so I was able to wear it. Everyone on the street glanced at me, probably because I was still holding the balloons I received from my part-time job. Except for a few kids who came to ask for balloons, I got there without any

problems. There was an essential bakery right next to the company. I walked into that unclosed store and immediately told them what I needed. "May I have a box of a cake, please." The employee, surprised by the mascot suit, asked back with wide eyes. "Yes? C-cake?" "No. A cake box. I just need the box." As the waiter remained stunned, I stood crookedly and tapped the table as if to threaten. However, as though a mascot suit with balloons was amusing, the waitress quickly smiled and took a package from behind and handed it to me. "Just take it." After getting everything ready, I went to the production office with the cake box filled with stones and the balloons. Of course, I was stopped in front of the door, but I already thought of a good reason to be able to pass easily. "It's a delivery order sent to the head of Dream's Chief Park. If you say it was sent from 'Dear Wife' then he will know." The security guard called upstairs and it was approved immediately. The elevator took me to the 8th floor where the office is located. Damn madman, Let's hear how shameless your explanation will be. I could barely contain my anger, but the elevator doors opened. I then met the manager Park, who was waiting at the door. As soon as he saw me, his mouth was wide open and he raised his voice. "Did my sweetheart send you? Yes?" I looked around instead of answering. 'Dream Production' The sign was next to a nearby glass door. Sure enough, It was a place where you have to enter with a card key, but because the head of the department Park had just come out, so the door was already open. I walked away after giving him a balloon and a stone-filled cake box. He stumbled under the sudden weight of the cake, but struggled to collect the scattered balloons with his hands in the air. I simply entered the open door while he was distracted. There were just a few individuals remaining in the office after business hours, so it wasn't difficult to find who you were looking for. So, where was he? I scanned the vast office and many conference rooms before coming to a halt in front of a small conference room. A person gazing at a laptop on a large table with many papers. I pushed through the glass door without hesitation when I found him. And I said the phrases clearly, knowing that my voice would be muffled by the mascot suit. "Director Yoon."

The madman said, his eyes still fixed on the monitor, probably because he was preoccupied with his work. "What's wrong?" After answering in a dry voice, he added while moving the mouse around. "Found the document I mentioned?" I was kind enough to inform him he mistook me for an employee. "No. I don't know what document Director Yoon is talking about." I added through gritted teeth. "Ah, but if it's the document that Director Han Jay asked for, I'm sure I'll know." His movements ceased for a split second. He removed his glasses and carefully raised his head only then, as if he had just recognized who I was. "You, how are you here..." Raising his head indifferently, he suddenly froze, holding his glasses in the air. "Why? Are you shocked that the fool you've been working so hard to deceive is standing in front of you? I asked, trying to keep my angry voice down, but his reaction seemed odd. He must have recognized me a while ago, but there was something unusual in his gaze when he looked at me. It was uncharacteristic of him. The stunned expression. Why was he like that, rather than I, who was supposed to be angry? He eventually let out a hushed whisper. "... Shit, was it you?" What about me? What is this guy talking about? I forgot that I was wearing the mascot head and grimaced. He heard my voice and already recognized me, so what was the point of being surprised when he saw my face? It's not even my face, it was the mascot head. However, he got up from his seat with a fierce look in his eyes. kiik~ The chair was roughly pushed back, he stood up completely looking at me, and opened his mouth. "Say it again." I suppose wearing something like this got him angry. Did he believe I wouldn't be able to repeat it? I also glared at him with fierce eyes and put my hand on the stuffed mascot head. I was going to say what I wanted more clearly, showing my face, but he stopped me from doing it.

"Leave that on and say it again." I stopped at his words. I didn't intend to take it off anymore, but glared at him fiercely. Even so, it was simply a cute plush doll standing there, but I didn't notice and inclined my head to the side, as if threatening to grant him his wish. "Afraid to see my face? Want to hear it again, alright. Are you surprised that I showed up? Director Yoon?" The voice that came through the doll's mask was the first to hum and ring in my ears. But I know the other person heard it clearly as well. The guy's visage, which was still hardened with astonishment gradually transformed, as proof. However, this was also an unexpected reaction. For anyone to recognize, his eyes were filled with laughter. "Keep talking." Was he doing it on purpose to avoid being discouraged that the truth about his identity was revealed? I pursed my lips in suspicion and narrowed my eyes at him. But the guy with the smile on his face continued to talk nonsense. "It's good to hear your voice, so keep talking." "What?" When I asked him back, his eyes were already curved up like a crescent moon, and dimples appeared on his face. "You know? Memories, if you have even the smallest inkling, will come out as if bursting at some moment. For example, when I saw your mascot suit, I remembered how much I like your voice." Is he crazy? What is he talking about? However, he still couldn't help but laugh as if it was something amusing. "What do you call this? A Miracle?" "Insanity." I let him know and even asked. 'Are you insane?', to confirm if there was something wrong with him. But the guy who would normally respond with harsher words just twitched his lips and was happy. "It is clearer than ever. Why shouldn't I, knowing that I finally found it?" So you're saying you're like that because you discovered you enjoy a disguised voice right now? After observing the person who couldn't stop laughing, loss for words, I came to my senses. This is not the moment to pay attention to my voice. I barely remembered it and let the guy's remarks wash over me.

"If it's that good, I'll hand it over to you so you can write it down and talk to yourself. Oh, then I'll be able to get better as well. The fact that you pretended to be someone other than Director Yoon and played with me." After that, he seemed to have just realized my purpose so he dropped his smile. It wasn't until then that I was in a better mood for a while, he replied nonchalantly. "So what?" He placed his glasses that was in his hand on the table and spat out inaudibly. "It's good for you in any case. No, isn't that the best case scenario? Director Yoon, with whom you were so eager to contact, was me. And I mean..." He stretched out his words and raised one corner of his mouth. "You're an idiot who didn't even recognize it all this time and now you're coming to blame me? Even so, I've been nice to you." Yes, that's how he comes out. I suppressed my rage that was about to explode and took off the mascot head. The steaming hot breath that was bound inside spilled out into the air, making it easier for me to breathe. "That means you admit it. That you were playing with me." "Yes." "Was it fun?" I replied with a smile. He replied with narrowed eyes, as if sensing my smile was strange. "It wasn't boring either." Hearing his answer, I clenched my mouth. I came all the way here in rage, but I didn't intend to dispute with him and cry like a woman dumped by her lover. That would be absolutely silly if I came here with the purpose of raising a fuss without thinking about it. Isn't it the best fucking scenario, as the guy said? Even though I felt like cursing and punching, there is, of course, a true purpose. I didn't carry this hot and heavy plush suit all the way here just to reveal his true identity. "If you play, you have to pay the price." I swallowed the curse words in my heart and coldly added. "You have a noble status who can extort hundreds of millions for a half smoked cigarette. If you've been playing with me for a month now, do you know how much you have to pay? Moreover, you yourself didn't find it boring, and like you've said before, I won't refund at all."

Now, what are you going to say? I lifted my chin to look at him. This time, I was prepared to give him a punch. Because the answer is so obvious. That there was nothing to give, or something like he simply tossing 200 won back to me. I clenched my fist preparing to punch him but then I heard his answer. "All right. Make your price." Huh? He accepted it so easily that I suspected I had heard wrong. However, his next words confirmed that I heard correctly. "That's what you want too. Do you need my power for revenge? Yes, I'm happy to help. Everything you ask for." "..." "What else do you need? Money? The best role anyone can dream of? Tell me. I'll make you a famous star in no time." His contorted lips emitted a sinister laugh. Then it was my turn to be perplexed. That was the quick reaction to my request, but the unexpected response of offering everything as if he had waited left me stunned. One thought occured to me. Why? "I don't need any of that." Not sure if he was testing me or not, I spewed out warily. But he just shrugged and accepted it as if it was nothing. "If you change your mind later, just tell me." Seriously, why was he doing that? I was speechless again, but it wasn't over yet. "And I will pay you a price you can't even imagine." Can't imagine? Maybe I winced a little, he explained again with that crescent moon-like smile. "Look forward to it. Because it will make you happy." "..." "Are you satisfied with this much?" Was the price insufficient? I knew he was asking that, but I still couldn't open my mouth to that unbelievable reaction. To be honest, I was skeptical at first, how could he be so kind all of a sudden? Perhaps noticing my concerns, he stopped laughing and spoke dryly. “This is the only time you can get an offer like this. Because I feel really good right now.” Other than his indifferent expression, his voice sounded genuinely happy, so I hesitate. One side of my mind told me not to fall into the dangerous quagmire, but his words tempted my

decision, the only chance was now. Director Yoon, I can use him. "Okay. At that price, I'll treat your playing with me as being bitten by a dog and forget about it.” I tried to compare him to a dog on purpose because he still looked strangely happy, but it didn't work. He was just concerned with paying the price. He stated a strange condition. "You have to take it all. The price I will pay for. No matter what." "Fine." This crazy guy. When I gave a definite answer, he assuredly nodded with a scheming smile. "Ah, if you dare to give me a refund later, I will kill you."

Chapter 27 Chapter Summary


Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for notes

I felt upset. Did I show up in a mascot suit for no reason and make him feel better by meaning the opposite? I turned around as soon as I remembered it and looked around the office where he was. Was he obsessed with mascot costumes? As there was a terrifying speculation that the madman might be like that, a chill ran down my spine. There was this unsettling feeling when these confusing situations kept piling up inexplicably. Because I was busy today, I left the office with a warm greeting from the guy who advised that we go through the price starting tomorrow, but the feeling of being possessed did not disappear. Did I say something wrong? I said he had to pay and he really said he would pay, didn't he? It was completely unexpected and unimaginable to me. Was he going to convert millions of won for ten won and toss it at me if I asked for money? The worst-case scenario was already running through my mind. I put the doll mask back on my head as I stood in the elevator hall, but I heard a small sob in my ear. When I turned around, I heard it at the end of the corridor, near the bathroom sign. Ah, Chief Park. I heard crying in the only closed compartment as I went into the restroom, remembering him that I had forgotten about. "Ewh uhhhh... My baby... sent me stones... uhhh, heh, heh, heh! S-since I only work overtime every day, stones, stones... What would I do if you leave me now, Honey?" BANG! I kicked the door hard, and Chief Park, who was sitting on the toilet lid, looked at me in panic as if having a convulsion. "Heo-ek! What, w-why are you here?" He huddled in terror when a massive mascot burst through the door and stood crookedly. I remarked quietly as I took the cake box he was holding. "Wrong delivery."

As I turned to leave the bathroom, I heard the weak voice of Chief Park, who had come to after a while. "... Huh?"

I left the building right after, now I didn't have to go to Alice's Labyrinth because I knew for sure there wouldn't be a madman there, but I still went there on purpose. There are too many strange things. He liked my voice in this mascot suit, right he's definitely a lunatic, but It was annoying that he was willingly overpaying me as well as the fact that I still haven't heard the truth about his name. No, it's true that I didn't ask because I was out of my mind. However, I have a feeling that even if I ask him about this, it is unlikely that I will get a detailed answer. Surely there must be a reason as to why he reacted so strongly toward his name. So that is why I came here. Perhaps there was someone from whom I can hear part of the reason. Someone whose lying i could easily detect. "Well then, you said you were curious about me?" I asked if he had anything to say, and the boss brought up his business first. "By the way, Baekwon, why didn't you come the other day?" The other day... was the day I was taken by the sleepy madman to his house. Furthermore, the boss's edited text message emerged as a side leg. "Didn't you get anything from Jay? Like a text message or something." He narrowed his eyes at me. Since the other party was the person in front of me, I couldn't lie with that obvious expression of wanting to hear the truth. "Yes, I did." "What? Was it something like he came here because he missed you or something? "You knew that, right?" Shocked, he was surprised for a moment, and soon a smile came to his lips. “Huhu~ Isn't it great? My deduction skills?” I nodded as I heard his voice shake. Yes, if I asked this person, I might learn something. "To be honest, I didn't believe that text." I added immediately as he was about to say something. "How could you believe someone with the name Jay Han who is also the same person as Dream Director Yoon?"

The director stared blankly, then calmly asked. "Did you find out?" "Yes. I've verified it myself. That's why I can't believe it. The person with a different name could be the same person." "That's..." I shifted the focus of the conversation to him after hearing his uncertainty. Deliberately emphasizing. "But I also don't believe the director would lie to me. You're not the type to lie." Fortunately it seems to have worked. He nodded clearly. "Of course. I'm lying." "Then why are the names different?" He looked at me for awhile, as if he was contemplating. I was more interested in his reaction. What the hell is the significance of the name? However, contrary to expectations, the boss's response was comically straightforward, coming out simply as if he had already made up his mind. "Han Jay was his old name." "Previous name? Wait, you mean he changed his last name?" The director smiled wryly and confirmed "Ah yes, that's it". What happened to him for his last name to be changed? Nothing is as important as that point. And, if the name has changed, shouldn't I be told of the change? In the beginning, I concluded that the problem was the boss, who provided incorrect information, but he added nonchalantly. “That’s why he and I became completely strangers.” Huh? When I raised my eyes in surprise, a smile that I thought resembled the madmans formed around the corner of his mouth. "Don't you know? My surname is Han." "Then maybe his father..." "I'm just a relative. No, was once a relative." He coldly interrupted. "If you dare say what you just heard somewhere else, you'll see how painful it is to be alive. Got it?"

I nodded, feeling like the reason wasn't just because the secret was related to the director. There seems to be a reason other than that. Anyway, that's non of my concern. When I lost interest, the director returned to his original expression. "So you already checked with Jay? Hmm... Based on your personality, I don't think you'll get over it easily. Huh? Could it be that you used your fists?!" Rattle! He suddenly jumped out of his chair and shouted at me. "Huh? You punched our Jay?!" Are you kidding me? I barely held back what I wanted to ask. Even if he goes to K1 right away, he will win, but you are concerned about him being hit. I would be grateful if I could only punch him once. I was in a horrible mood, so I closed my eyes slightly. "We didn't fight." Then the director did 'Hmm", he the changed his expression and smiled in relief. "Haha, yeah. There's no chance our gentle Jay would fight." "..." "So what is it?" I was stunned, but I wondered what he was talking about, so I asked back, 'Yes?' "You must be having trouble understanding something in Jay's answer or actions." I'm used to it now, but it still makes me uncomfortable when he abruptly hits the spot. Still, I tried not to show it on the outside and responded lightly, as if it was nothing. "It's just strange. He fooled me, therefore I demanded a price, but he agreed too easily." "Jay?" The director seemed taken aback as well and raised one eyebrow. I nodded and added. "Yes, then he said he would listen to anything." The shocked tone in his speech appeared to rub off on him as well. He remained still for a moment, as if he couldn't believe it, until the boss abruptly muttered 'Ah' and laughed, as if something had occurred to him. “Did you visit Jay when he was at work? Late in the evening?” "Yes." "Wahaha- That's it. That's why."

When I didn't understand and just looked at him with eyes that needed explanation, he waved his finger with a relaxed laugh. "Wow, your so lucky. When Jay is tired and sleepy, he will become gentler and listen to all your requests. Of course, this very rarely happens." 'Other people get frustrated when they're tired and sleepy, but Jay is a wonderful kid, so he's not fussy,' he added uselessly. It was three days ago, I believe. It was perhaps because of this that he suddenly acted unusually soft when he said he was sleepy. However, while I somehow grasped something, I wasn't sure if the situation was the same as today. Because of this... "Huh? Why don't you believe me?" "..." Seeing that I kept my mouth shut, he looked at me like I was a child who needed to be comforted, then smiled again. "Of course, Jay listens to you because he likes you." This word again. No matter how many times I hear it, I can't get use to it. Finally, I couldn't help but to ask. "Which part does like?" To be honest, I expected nothing to come out of the boss's mouth. Even if an explanation is given, it will undoubtedly be their own thoughts, which I will be unable to comprehend. The shocked boss's statements, as if I didn't know, were unexpected. "What are you saying? Jay tolerates you talking casually to him, doesn't he? Huh? For a moment, my head went blank... It seems so.

I left Alice labyrinth, in shocked by the fact that even if it wasn't adoration, to some extent, the madman tolerated me. Come to think of it, with that personality, he didn't really get angry about my disrespectful nature. I was going back to the main entrance of the building when I almost bumped into a car that was about to stop, fortunately because of my good motor skills I was able to back up and not get hit, but I still couldn't keep my balance. I fell to the ground. Ironically, when I rolled down, I unconsciously put my hand over my face to avoid getting hurt. Looks like I've gotten used to being an actor by now. I sat up and thought painfully, then I felt someone hastily walked in front of me after the sound of the car. Clack! “You bastard, how dare you shove your filthy body in without knowing whose car it is?” When I raised my eyes, as I was about to get up, a giant-like figure in a black suit lifted his leg. The movements of his legs are obvious to anyone who looks at them. He was trying to kick me.

Swish! In reaction to his attack I quickly rolled around to dodge, the terrifying wind blew past where I had just sat. God damn it!! Cursing in my heart, I put strength into my lower body and stood up like a spring. As soon as I straightened up, a head with a body that was much stronger than mine approached me menacingly. Of course, I didn't care. I looked directly at him and spat out in a low voice. "How am I supposed to know whose car it is, you fucker." He winced for a moment at the cold words and twisted his lips. "This mother fucking sly bastard." Swoosh! A powerful punch flew towards me. Rotating my upper body to dodge the attack, I entered into a boxing stance immediately. I could tell how strong the opponent was just by the sound that cut through the air. Just brushing against me will throw me away. Tension ran through my body and my nerves were on edge from the tip of my head. Swoosh, swat, swatI frantically stepped back to avoid the series of fists. Then, in a crouching position, I stretched out my arm without missing an opportunity. POW! I instantly shifted to the side as soon as the attack hit the empty side. I was able to avoid his counterattacking fists by a short margin because of the rapid moves I learned in boxing. As I stepped away from his fist brushing my temple, the hair on my body stood on end. "This little rat..." He snarled as he strode after me. Of course, he was faster than me moving backwards, and the moment we were about to collide, suddenly a figure had interfered between me and the aggressive man. No, in front of me, it was the manager of Alice Labyrinth. He quickly looked up at the giant and spoke in a calm voice. "I'm sorry. There seems to be a misunderstanding." I gulped for air and turned to face the manager, who was blocking my path with frowning eyes. With a calm voice, he addressed the giant-like opponent. “Perhaps there is a misunderstanding. This person is the our stores gues-” "Misunderstanding? Then tell me what misunderstanding it is. Depending on the reason, I'll decide." The giant bared its teeth fiercely and tilted its head.

"Speak." I attempted to push the manager and take a step ahead. That son of a b*tch's unilateral attack was not my responsibility. However, when I took a step forward, the manager secretly extended his hand and shoved me away. As it was a sign telling me not to step in, the manager opened his mouth while hesitating for a moment. "It's seems this man didn't see the car when coming out. So it wasn't intentional... Ah?!" Smack! An eerie sound of being slapped on the cheek tore the air. "You call that an excuse? The president's car had to stop because of this fucking bastard. How are you going to compensate me?” I was speechless and could only look. I wanted to deal with the giant who used illogical force straight away, but the manager who bowed over stopped me again. Bend at the waist at 90 degrees, he shouted loudly. “I am really sorry. If anything goes wrong, we will, of course, compensate you for everything.” "Fuck, what are you going to compensate after the accident already happened? Kill people and apologize and that's it. huh?" What the fuck are you talking about? I was angry and wanted to step up again, but the manager blocked my back and pushed me away with his hand. “How can I make the president feel better? Until he feels better, we will take responsibility for everything today.” Slap! Slap! The Manager of Alice labyrinth's face rotated twice in a row. His body wobbled from not being able to withstand the force of the blow, but he still forced a smile. "Please come in." The giant lifted his chin and spat out a curse. Just when he was about to say something again, another voice stopped him. "Sangtaek, stop it." His voice was old and weak, hoarse as if there was phlegm in his throat. As soon as he heard that, the giant turned and crouched down. "Are you okay, Chairman?"

A short elderly man in his late 60s or early 70s stood close to the expensive car he was about to approach. But as his sight passed the oncoming giant, he turned to face me. When our gazes connected, chills erupted across my body for no apparent reason. I'd come across some non-human nastiness before, but this elderly man was in an entirely different league. He eyes were not human. “You… you are cocky.” His hoarse voice pierced my ears as if he was tearing a nerve, the old man asked as his snake eyes narrowed. "How dare you look straight at me?" When the old man's body wanted to turn completely towards me, my vision was blocked. "Haha, it's been a while since Chairman Kim visited here." The boss quickly stopped in front of him and led him to the entrance. After saying a few more greetings and finally moving, the old man turned his head before walking through the entrance. The twinkling snake eyes flashed, as if showing the will to just let me go this once. After he and the giant were out of sight, I realized that I was clenching my fists. At that moment, the person I had forgotten hurriedly whispered to me. "Get out of here, hurry up." Why? I looked straight at him with puzzled eyes, he added in a low voice. “Chairman Kim has arrived, so Song Yoohan will come soon.” And he quickly disappeared, but I couldn't move but just stood there, It took me a while to recall who Chairman Kim was. Sponsor. He was Myeongshin's sponsor.

Chapter End Notes

Chairman Kim


Chapter 28 Chapter Summary

Not human anymore.

Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for notes

I went back to Alice's Labyrinth despite the manager's advice since I disliked being in debt. "You were looking for me." He walked quickly down the hallway, narrowing his eyes slightly. He seemed to disapprove that I hadn't gone yet. So I just got straight to the point quickly. I thrusted my hand forward handing over a convenience store bag, the manager with a bruise on one cheek asked ' What ? ' and then blinked. Inside the bag contained different porridge packets. "Your mouth must have been torn." As soon as I finished speaking, I turned to leave, but he called after me. What is it? I questioned with my eyes. As he gave me a warm smile. "The director will contact you separately, but I think it is best for you not to come here for a while." "..." "A certain celebrity with Chairman Kim asked us to look for an artist." It was evident who the celebrity was. So who they're looking for is... "They are looking for someone named Baekwon Lee. We stated that we did not know anyone with such name. So I'm hoping that helps?" As I ascended the stairs, I kept thinking of the smiling manager with blue bruises instead of Chairman Kim with snake eyes or Myeong-shin searching for Lee Baek-won. The manager showed me the film's schedule and suggested we talk about acting, but it seemed like my head would continue to be troubling if I was alone. The weird behavior of the madman was also a factor, but most of them were Myeong-sin's sponsor, whom I only glanced at. I just looked at his face and sensed foreboding. It was like a nightmare in which the Myeong-sin whom I wished to avenge was joined to another Myeong-shin like a vine.

And when I opened the door to the office I came to shake off those thoughts, I was welcomed by a familiar sight I hadn't seen in a long time. "Hu oaaa- Manager, what if I don't shudder in front of the camera? I mean, what if I don't get what the director wants because I can't sense anything?" Hansoo brought about the most pointless worries on the planet. Of course, this was an issue because there was someone who entertained him. "It's okay!! In front of the camera, you're just like a fool! If there are people who are dumber than you in the world, tell them to come out!” The manager gave him a thumbs up and turned his actor into a fool. Hansoo then smiled brightly as if he was receiving the best compliment in the world. "Right? Isn't it true that I'm the best at trembling in front of the camera? Haha~ Yes, I can do it!” When Hansoo clenched his fist, the manager patted him on the shoulder like he was very proud. "Of course, there's no fool who can keep up with you." Yes, that's right. No fools can keep up with you two. Then suddenly two other people popped into my head as well. Maybe Photographer Lee and Alice Labyrinth's boss wouldn't have a hard time keeping up... Then I thought about it, I suddenly realised that I was a fool myself for even thinking about it, and gave up on my thoughts. Then, just in case that energy was contagious, I sat across the table from them. At that point, perhaps because I was thinking of that guy, the manager received a call from one of the two people I was pondering about. The manger answered the phone without looking at the caller with an enthusiastic voice. “Yes, this is Deukpal Choi from Dream Entertainment... Huh! Photographer Lee!” As he took a deep breath, the manager's face darkened with horror. Then he lowered his voice and whispered. "... What's the matter? Huh? Our Taemin?" The manager glanced at me once and then stood up to continue. "Oh, I've mentioned that before. Taemin is not currently in Korea. Yes, that's correct. Went to Amazon. Amazon. A place full with bugs that Photographer Lee despises and where the world's largest snake walks hand in hand with a crocodile. So, uh, don't... Huh? When are you coming?" The manager gave a quick glance then walked to the end of the room, banged his head against the corner of the wall and spat out.

"I'm not sure. My friend is sick... what? What is the name of my friend? Wa- wahoo or something? Why do you ask? What?!!! You think you're going to Amazon for a photoshoot?!!! You're going to find Taemin and take a nude photos of him while you're there?!" The manager shouted in the corner, then became silent for a long time. He then made a firm decision. "... Shoot me. I'll take it all off! I'll show you everything without hiding nothing! Don't be uncomfortable to shoot me... Huh? Photographer Lee? Photographer Lee? The manager who was shouting for Photographer Lee, who seemed to have hung up the phone, barely turned around from the corner. Then he said a word to us who were silent. "Haha. No big deal." However, when he returned to his seat, his face was filled with the determination to take nude photos. I of course had nothing to say as I was currently at Amazon. But where was Amazon? I think I heard it somewhere, but the manager asked as if he wanted to change the subject. "By the way, it must have been hard yesterday, aren't you tired?" Before I could answer that it was okay, Hansoo abruptly reported the news. "Did you hear? Our travel expenses were said to be covered by the company. We don't even need to sleep in a tent! Hee hee~" Travel expenses? Tent? I looked at the manager and wondered what they meant. “Ah, that… I’m sorry, I should have told you first, but it was decided all of a sudden.” "So, what is it?" I asked, but the manager, who was suddenly excited, only talked about other things. "I never expected such an outpouring of support. I was taken aback by a phone call this morning. Of course, doesn't this imply that the company places a great value on you and Hansoo? hahahaha~" "..." "Hmmmm, what did you ask?" When I looked at him with oppressive eyes, the manager finally gave me a proper answer. "Actually, after the filming schedule was set, I hinted at Director Park. It's a little role, but I didn't have any other commitments, so I viewed it as an extension of class, and I wondered if we could go to the movie set. However, this will not be temporary, and to be honest, I assumed that even if permission was granted, it would only take 3 or 4 days. Of course, I

wasn't expecting it, but I received a phone call this morning. The company will back you up, so go ahead and participate in the film as much as you like!" I calmly asked him, who was about to get excited again. "Did you tell them our scene is only 3-4 minutes long?" "..." I guessed the issue by looking at the manager, who kept his mouth still. He most likely exaggerated to gain approval. It's also quite large. However, another reason sprang to me faintly. The person who was supporting this work. Was the madman truly trying to help me by granting permissions? But I immediately became intrigued. Even if he has private feelings, I believe he will draw a line in public matters... Even if he said he would pay for anything I wanted. While I was thinking about something, the manager gloomily explained. "At first, it's just a short scene, but you still don't know if you go to the set to help? If any of the actors are unable to attend, they may require a replacement immediately, and the screen time will be extended. Movies, unlike dramas, will undergo significant changes during production..." The manager faltered at the end of the sentence and glanced at me. Hansoo next to him also had the same nervous expression. The atmosphere was like asking permission from me to report accurately to Chief Park. "... Let's go." Saying one sentence, the two held hands with excitement like children. I thought about whether I should go on my own even now, but there was something that caught me from the manager's words. “By the way, what do you mean going to the filming set and helping out?” "Huh? Uh... Ah, that's." Looking at him sharply, who was trying to blur his words, the manager confessed honestly. "You heard it from PD Jung, right? Because the film is practically at the level of an independent film, it appears that a lot of labor and equipment are required. Of course, there are others who can assist, but they'll most likely require more hands. So..." There may be more appearance sequences if you go and help. Is this a common occurrence? The manager's statements seemed like bluffing to someone like me who is unfamiliar with anything about movies. After all, the cast should have been chosen and filmed in accordance with the story. I didn't believe it, but the manager pushed me hard enough that I nodded without showing it. It makes no difference how hard I work. To become acquainted with this industry, I think carrying equipment on a film shoot may be as beneficial as an acting lesson. The only surprise was the timing of departure. “Are you leaving right away?”

When the manager asked us to start leaving, Hansoo asked back in surprise. "Yes. Producer Jung actually filmed about 1/3 of this movie, then stopped for about a month because the budget was tight, and then started again. So you should join soon. Who knows when it will stop?” For the first time he showed his managerial calculations, adding another reason. “And Chief Park wanted us to leave immediately as one of the conditions for going.” "Chief Park?" When I asked again, the manager also tilted his head as if he did not understand. "Yes. At the same time, he was begging to take you with me." Several scenes raced across my head at the same time. Chairman Kim and manager Alice, whom I saw the day before, urged me not to come for a while. Was it because of that? I felt odd when I learned that Director Yoon, the madman, was attempting to assist me in leaving. I suppose he was truly helping me. And I remembered the issue that had been gnawing at my neck all night. Chairman Kim. Myeong-shin's sponsor could be a very dangerous individual. To the point where the madman is attempting to conceal my identity. Then there was greater curiosity. Fortunately, I was accompanied by someone who appeared to know a little bit about this person. I opened my mouth to the manager who remained while Hansoo went home to organize his house. "Manager." After a moment of silence after calling to book a motel room, he lifted a happy face. "Hmm?" "You said before... That if I wanted to find a sponsor, I had to be prepared even if it meant sucking dick of a 70-year-old man." The manager's hand stopped in midair as he jotted down the motel's information in a notebook. "... What about that?" "Were you using Myeongshin as an example?" He put down a promotional ballpoint pen handed out on the street on the table. "Why are you asking that?" "Do you know anything about Myeong-shin's sponsor, Chairman Kim?"

As soon as the talk about Chairman Kim came out, his gaze turned serious. "You absolutely shouldn't touch that old man." I answered him as if joking as he spoke firmly. "You said the same thing when I mentioned Director Yoon." "No, Director Yoon is different. Director Yoon is a knife-like person, and you can only get kicked out of the company but..." He shook his head hastily added. "But with Chairman Kim, it's not simply for that reason. The problem. I mean that old man..." After he stopped talking, he bit his lower lip once and looked straight at me. “He is not a person. He's not human.” i know. Because his eyes do not appear to be human. As he grew older, he became more and more like a snake, with just selfish avarice remaining. "No way. Taemin-ah. If you want revenge on Myeong-shin, you should just take revenge only on Myeong-shin. You just have to work really hard to become a top actor and anger Myeongshin, right? Not Chairman Kim, though. Never, ever get that old man's attention." The last words were mixed with fear. "Did something happen to the manager as a result of catching Chairman Kim's attention?" "..." For a long time, there was silence, but the manager's mouth did not open. I twisted the corners of my mouth and smiled, which I couldn't help but do. "Am I right?" "Taemin-ah..." "I am right." Looking at him, who didn't respond till the end, I realized there was something more. I gently stated things that, of course, I had done in the past. "Did they come to your house to find you?" His eyes widened and my lips curled even more. "They must have walked into the house while wearing their shoes, grabbed the wife and children, and pulled out a knife in front of the manager. When the manager saw the children,

who were frightened, crying uncontrollably, and just calling for their father, the manager would have said that he would do anything." "... Stop it." Finally, the manager said something with a pale face. For a brief moment, an image of someone from his past flashed across his face, but he swiftly removed it from his thoughts. That strategy is always effective. "Is it because of that? The reason why you didn't want to take revenge even though Myeongshin hurt you so badly." Even without hearing the answer, I could tell from the manager's trembling eyes. And how Myeong-shin was able to run wild like that. He couldn't comprehend the period of obscurity and failure he underwent just because he was immature. So this was the reason. No matter how messed up they are, they carry an eerie presence on their backs that people who have been subjected to cannot respond against. Myeong-shin, how did he grasp Chairman Kim? Of course, that would not be a typical strategy. I asked forcefully, looking at the manager. “Myeong-sin didn’t just suck the penis of an old man in his 70s.” "..." "What exactly did he do? Didn't he do something that was perfectly suitable for Chairman Kim?" I urged the manager, who swallowed saliva with embarrassed eyes. "Like playing SM with an old man?" "Taemin ah..." "I have to know how terrible that person is so I can avoid him." He seemed to be conflicted with what to say, then he frowned slightly and opened his mouth with difficulty. "Chairman Kim... was not a well-known person in the entertainment industry. He had never been a sponsor for any artist before, but Myeong-shin found him in a secret meeting. " "What kind of meeting?" Hesitating again, he spat out a short English word with a sigh. But it was a word I didn't know. What does that mean? When I asked, I heard a word I knew this time. "Rape." "..."

"Chairman Kim's taste is... watching. The more he witnesses them being beaten to death, bleeding, and raped, the more he rejoices. That way, the old man's thing stands." Among the words the manager struggled to explain, there was one thing I couldn't understand. Myeong-shin is an actor. An actor's assets are an uninjured face and a tattoo less body. But if he was beaten to death and spilled blood, of course the wound must still remain... In an instant I understood everything, and I also realized that what the manager initially said was true. Myeong-shin is sucking the penis of a 70-year-old man. It's only that he's also producing the stimulation he needs to erect that old man's penis. Obtaining materials to be raped. At first glance, yellow haired and a good impression passed through my mind. Right. I thought it was just greed like elementary school kids that like to recruit juniors, but that wasn't it. Of course, finding someone to rape is difficult. However, giving money to prostitutes will not be exciting etheir. Because the acting is unavoidably visible. But what if there are groups of people who will gladly devote themselves to a man? It also provides them with advantages. There will be no regrets if you offer them a prize for only one role. It must have been a wonderful world that Chairman Kim could not let go of. Myeong-sin, who introduced him to new delights, was a priceless treasure. A treasure, huh... Song Myeong-shin, you bastard, you've been playing the part of a nasty pimp, haven't you? "Myeong-shin wasn't that kind of kid originally." I turned my cold eyes to the manager's small sigh. After meeting their eyes, he made an excuse on behalf of Myeongshin. "That kid wasn't the type of person, who would do such a terrible thing. Constantly getting his roles stolen, dirty rumors spread from competing actors that the management company couldn't keep up with. After that, he was trampled on a few times by the media. Because his work kept going against his will, he also gradually became more cruel. It was also my fault that he..." "People don't change." I interrupted, the manager raised his lifeless eyes. I smiled at him again. How strange, I keep smiling like that. "It's inherent nature." The selfishness that tells the man with the knife who to kill other than himself; it was because he had a heart with no conscience to report to the police in the first place. The Myeong-sin now is the one who hasn't changed. He simply cares about himself and doesn't care if someone is stabbed or raped. Just like I haven't changed either. However, the manager's eyes were clouded with guilt. People are strange. The size of the bowl that makes you feel guilty differs greatly. "Tell me. Do all celebrities have sponsors?”

"No, but..." "If not, you must have money to be successful right?" I asked him one last time when his mouth shut. “Is there another sponsor like Chairman Kim?” "... None." "Then don't feel bad for Myeong-shin, who chose the quick but dangerous path. It was just what he wanted." Giving advise to an older man is uncomfortable. Particularly when the other person hears it without becoming angry. The type who can reflect on himself and listen to what others have to offer. Maybe Myeong-shin was probably as uncomfortable with the manager as I was? "If the manager didn't warn me about Chairman Kim, was it because you thought I wouldn't really want revenge?" He nodded after a moment of silence as if my guess was correct. "Yes. And I expected your goals to change as you worked. Rather than destroying someone, I wanted you to grow and improve. Then revenge will be postponed by itself. But now it's a little frightening. I think you would concentrate on revenge while ignoring yourself." A sad glint appeared in the manager's eyes. "Of course, you're thinking that right now. But you don't know what will happen to us, so don't make hasty assumptions. And also." The manager, who stopped talking, emphasized once more. “You can’t touch him. Don't even think of running into that old man." "It's too late." The manager's eyes widened in an instant. He appeared to have stopped breathing before asking if he was ready to puke. “You- Have you met? Did you meet Chairman Kim?” I replied softly, fearing he would have a heart attack. "I just brushed right past him." Besides, I don't have anyone precious to be threatened with. I swallowed those words, but the manager's anxiety did not diminish. "Did you make eye contact? Didn't you hear something weird?"

I declined. The manager then sighed with relief. He considers it to be rebellious. It might not seem like a big deal, but if he is even the slightest bit offended or doesn't like something, he will make you weep and beg on the floor regardless, making him an extremely tough person to please. In retrospect, Myeong-shin is actually... The manager shook his head. "I'm curious how he can get along with that old man." Additionally, he's also after Director Yoon. Then it dawned on me all of a sudden. Perhaps Chairman Kim was aware that Myeong-shin was pursuing Director Yoon. They don't seem to be lovers as much as partners. Someone who supplies the rape victim while sucking his dick. Therefore, Myeong-shin may believe that the supply of sacrifices will go without a hitch if he gains more influence in the entertainment industry. Does that madman know all this? Of course he does. He hates Chairman Kim because of this. He views the "sacrifices" as being the company's property. Because of this, he's attempting to defeat Chairman Kim while simultaneously bringing Meong-shin down as well. And the reason he was eager to help me, someone he had only just met. The odd thing was Myeong-sin... Did he believe Director Yoon didn't know who he was? It is evident that he would refuse from his position as a company executive. That brat is still trying to seduce him, which is unusually foolish. "Why is Myeong-shin aiming for Director Yoon?" "It must be because of the drama you mentioned before. Our company is holding the copyrights to it, so if you want to get the role..." "Director Yoon may not know who Myeong-shin's sponsor is. But he must know what Myeong-shin is trying to pull the trainees for." The manager's face hardened in response to what I stated. I was certain. Myeong-shin was exploiting those aspiring celebrities as a sacrifice. "Of course, Myeong-sin will is aware that Director Yoon knows of him. Isn't it weird, therefore, to approach Director Yoon, who is certain to despise him?" "Hopeless... I think he knows that." When I looked at him with eyes that wanted to know more, it took a while and the manager unwillingly opened his mouth. "I'm not sure about this either. According to rumors, Dream's president has chosen Director Yoon as the future president. Director Yoon rose to the position of corporate executive solely on his own skills. There are shareholders who oppose the president, but one recently joined this side.” I heard that he was in the US branch, and was highly respected, so when he returned to Korea, he was immediately assigned the position of director. Director Yoon is also

very ambitious, but the problem is that the CEO's power is too weak to support Director Yoon. There are shareholders who oppose the president, but one recently joined this side.” I think I can guess without hearing any more. Chairman Kim, who has recently been interested in the entertainment industry. "I heard Chairman Kim purchased a large number of stocks. Director Yoon, while he won't be president right now, won't there be a day when he needs Chairman Kim's strength? Apart from the president, no one else supports Director Yoon. Many stockholders still hate Director Yoon. So Myeong-shin must have had that in mind. Even though Director Yoon rejects it now, he will grasp the truth and accept it one day. After all, Myeong-shin is Chairman Kim's." Shareholder.... Suddenly, I remembered that madman saying he was one of the shareholders for Dream before. "Looks like Director Yoon's stocks are not enough." "Huh? Probably so. Because, I didn't see Director Yoon's name on the list of major shareholders of the company." Huh? I feel like there was something strange here. I frowned while wringing my mind, when my mind suddenly recalled what the Director of Alice Labyrinth said to me. {"Really, you are even more unlucky since Song Yoohan's sponsor is the very powerful chairman Kim... Ah, that's right! Jay! You have Jay!"} If Director Alice has strongly recommended him like that, doesn't that mean he can confront Chairman Kim to some extent? But not a major shareholder... I couldn't understand it, so I grimaced. The manager asked 'What's wrong?' and I raised my confused eyes. "Who has the most power in Dream, or should I say stocks, who has the most?" The manager's answers were a bit strange, however. "Oh, that’s not a person, it’s a company." "Company?" "Yes. So, in terms of people, the company's largest shareholder is also Dream's major shareholder." Why was this so complicated? When I grumbled in my heart, the manager added it as if it was just a casual mention. "The retired chairman must be the company's largest shareholder. I heard he recently set up an inheritance... In any case, the Han family will inherit it immediately." Huh? The Han family?

Chapter End Notes


I don't kink shame but...

Chapter 29 Chapter Summary

Role change.

On the way to the filming location, I received a text from the madman. I was resting with my eyes closed at the time in the shaking car, so it wasn't until I arrived at XX city, 2 hours away from Seoul, that I checked the message. [Where?] After sending the name of the xx city as an answer, a text message came back after a while. [Every time you go somewhere, you have to let me know.] I stood there staring at the message on the screen, Hansoo, who was ahead of me, asked, 'What's wrong?' I replied while typing. "It’s an unpleasant text message." [Why?] Hansoo smiled and asked if it was a text from my enemy, but I lowered my head at the vibration in my hand. [Didn't you want to be repaid? I have to know where you are so i can pay it.] I felt like a debtor no matter how I looked at it. Why is this man child making a fuss because he can't pay for it? [Guve it to me when I ask for it.] I figured he'd have nothing else to say, but the next text still drove me insane. [It's 'Give' you idiot.] My anger ignited rather quickly but the messages continued. [What do you put under your head when you sleep, try writing, what it's called.] I should have disregarded it and ended it there, but I couldn't keep my rage under control in front of him. I also moved my finger quickly, trying to use the idiot. [It's a pullow, you idiot.]

[kkkk- It's 'pillow' okay 'pillow'] "Taemin-ah, are you okay?" I looked up at the manager's call and then realized I was panting. Right next to me, Hansoo also widened his eyes in surprise. "... Manager." "Huh? What happened?" I forgot my voice was trembling because of the frustration and took out the phone that had typed 'pullow' out. "This... Shit, is this wrong?"

For the next few days I kept getting text messages from the madman, and at the end of his every sentence was always the same thing. [Try writing this, what it is called.]

I knew that filming takes a few months at least and more than a year at the most, but I had no idea how long it takes to prepare to shoot a cut. Starting from finding the right location for the scene, even if found, it is not easy to contact, and in most cases, it has to be rented at an expensive cost. I didn't even know that the lanes, roads, train stations, bus stops, etc. that are commonly seen in movies necessitate previous notification and legal approval. And, of course, there wasn't much money to go around in PD Jung's film, which was made on a shoestring budget. As a result, I began working with heavy equipment on the first day I arrived. I had to finish all of the scenes in a certain amount of time, or we would have to shoot in an area where we were not permitted. As a result, I was able to adjust rapidly to film production, and I also discovered that my manager's wish was attainable. "Hey, it's too dark, raise the reflector a little!" At the camera director 's loud shout, the staff raised the reflector a little higher. We were at a small train station on the outskirts of the city. Because the filming had to be completed before the operation began at daybreak, everyone was rubbing their tired eyes and setting up camera equipment in the dark interior. My responsibility among them was to hang on to the shaky light.

PD Jung's expression was not very nice when we initially arrived here a few days ago. Instead it was a, 'why did you come?' embarrassing expression, but the manager claimed he wanted to help along with Hansoo for free, so he joined the filming. PD Jung appeared to

have fallen for the manager's emphasis on free assistance, but he was quite thankful later when we genuinely helped with the filming. But I wasn't paid though. In fact, all of the devices were old and out of date. I couldn't even hang on to the lighting, let alone the microphone and recording equipment for simultaneous recording, so it wasn't a big problem when the lights went out. "Pa!" It flashed with a sound, then the other lights went out. In the blink of an eye, everyone turned their heads towards the light. The bustling interior suddenly became quiet, and everyone immediately turned their eyes to PD Jung. At that moment everyone knew that today was the last day they were allowed to film here. All the other scenes needed here had already been filmed, so it was impossible to change the location. PD Jung stared up at the lights that had been switched off for a long time in the interior, which had become as quiet as dawn. Of course, buying new lighting and transferring it to this location would be expensive, but finding this location again and gathering actors to film it was a harder challenge. It could be because the performance money is low, but the majority of the actors came down for their screen time and then returned to Seoul once they showed their faces. Those whose looks were even a little known have participated out of loyalty to PD Jung in the past. Maybe that's why the filming environment was harsh, but one of the actors hadn't come yet. Of course, we were in such a rush to get a picture of him as soon as he came, but as the lights went down, no one moved. PD Jung, who had been staring at the lights for so long that I thought his neck might hurt, approached the camera director in the same tone of voice as before. “How much exposure do you have now?” "Well. I think it's about 2.8." The camera director confirmed with his assistant and replied, PD Jung nodded. “That's enough. Do we have another reflector?” At his words, the interior began to stir again. Someone ran outside and brought a reflector, and everyone was doing their own thing and didn't realize one thing yet. An actor who has yet to come. The assistant director answered the phone solemnly, while PD Jung and the camera director repositioned the camera and moved the equipment due to the lighting. "Yes? You just woke up now?" Hearing his voice, people glanced back at PD Jung. After finishing the camera setup, he approached the assistant director with a frown on his face. "That's why we changed the filming date. And you said you only have time today, so I told you to leave 2 hours in advance... No, I know that you're busy, but if we have adjusted it

several times to suit your schedule... Huh?" The assistant director stared in surprise at PD Jung who suddenly grabbed the phone, but the next words caused the rest of the group to have similar expressions. "You won't be able to come if you're so busy... Mmm, it's fine. By the way, I'll pay the appearance fee right away, so you don't have to come back. Your filming is over." PD Jung hung up the phone without listening to what the other end said and looked around. He's a man who doesn't get angry easily, but I can see he's angry now. Although the expression is the same as usual. And as he looked around the room, his eyes fell on me as I crouched holding the light stand. "Taemin, get ready." "Yes? " I asked startled, but he turned his head to look at the others. "Someone hold that one!"

Fortunately, the short scene ended on time. Even the train station staff, who was always annoyed by the filming, greeted us saying that they would go see the movie when it was released, probably because it was the last day. As expected by the manager, I should have been delighted with the unexpected appearance, but I felt a bit bewildered. What exactly did I do? I couldn't remember if I had done the lines correctly. Originally, this scene was about the main character meeting his closest friend in his previous hometown, so it wasn't awkward for me to play as one of his friends, but considering that best friend wouldn't appear in front, the content had to be changed. Putting me in a supporting role. I really didn't expect that one scene could completely turn my role upside down. It was early in the morning, and the bluish light hasn't yet arrived. When I was carefully loading the equipment onto the truck, I had no idea why the manager and Hansoo were making such a fuss. "W-woah~ !! I didn't expect it to actually happen!! I was just a little bit looking forward to it, but you're scenes really increased!” That's right. I doubt it will happen again, but he began to overreact. "Taemin, are you okay? If you have any tremors, tell me. I will buy you a carton of tranquilizers and..." In the end, the manager, trembling himself, couldn't finish his words and stumbled while holding on to his heart. Next to him, Hansoo, who had a similar expression, opened his mouth in fear.

"Why am I so scared when I'm not even the one in front of the camera? What should I do in the future. Uhuhu... When I saw Taemin-hyung filming, my heart skipped a beat... heuheu." Hansoo, who had stopped speaking because he was crying, began to search for various gods while holding onto the manager. Just as I was going to question why they were overreacting, I felt a vibration in the back pocket of my pants. I took out my phone without thinking, but my face was already frowning. Only one person sent me a message. The madman. For the past week, whenever he was bored, he would send me texts and give me spelling quizzes. Of course, hearing him call me an idiot made me feel awful, so I asked the manager and Hansoo. To the two who were startled that I had a friend who asked me such a question, I emphasized that this guy was merely a "madman." However, the two laughed and helped as if it were a joke between close friends. The difficulty of the problem the Madman gave, along with the fact that the manager and Hansoo who told me the solutions were incorrect, presented as a problem. Then came the response. [Who's there to help you? You are all idiots.] When I quietly showed the text, the two of them stared at each other for a long time and opened their mouths at the same time. "What crazy guy is this! " "What? This crazy guy!" Since then, every time he texted, both of them excitedly shouted as if they wanted to boycott the madman. Of course, we were all labeled as idiots. But now every time I look at the text messages I wince, both of the Manager and Hansoo immediately recognize my reaction and responded. "Ugh! Did that madman send you another question?" In a fit of excitement, the Manager who was aware of this madman's existence only yesterday took a stance. He then went and prepared to go get the Korean dictionary that they bought just recently. When I saw the message, I raised my hand to stop the manager. "Not a question." "Huh? He didn't send you a question this time? Is it not the madman? " It is the madman indeed, but... No matter how I look at it this time it wasn't a question. [Go to the building opposite the bank XX, intersection 00. Now.] Because I was more familiar with this small city already, I immediately remembered the 10th intersection that was not far from here. So what is the building opposite bank XX? Just out of

curiosity, I dragged my tired body to the location written on the message. I'll just check it out, then I will return to the motel and quickly take a nap. When I arrived, my eyes were on a building. The only luxury hotel in the city. And as if someone was watching me, a text message came just in time. [Room 1208]

Chapter 30 Chapter Summary

God of Destruction.

I pressed the doorbell and gazed at the white door's number. There was a breathless quiet in the corridor where I stood, as if I had to apologize to the hotel if I made even the tiniest noise. Simply a place to sleep. Maybe that's why I don't care about the hotel's cleanliness. ClickThe madman, who opened the door with the phone in his hand motioned for me to come in with his eyes. I wondered who he was calling this early in the morning, but the content of the conversation was in English, so I immediately ignored it. Instead, I looked around the large hotel room, then finally approached the blue-lit window. The only light inside was a small lamp at the door, so it was gloomy inside, with only a table and a sofa like in a living room. The light streaming through the slightly open door suggested that the madman had entered. I drew the thick curtains aside, through the large glass, i could see the quiet street with almost no traffic. Most of the buildings were dark, making me feel like I was the only one left in this city. Staring blankly at the sky, I rested my forehead on the glass and closed my eyes. It was the first time I felt the cold, and the glass, and my body temperature made me forget where I was leaning. I guess I was really tired. It could be from working all night, but it could also be due to the unconscious stress of shooting the unexpected scene. So I didn't notice... It wasn't until someone's arms were wrapped around my waist that I realised he was hugging me from behind. Being startled by the sudden realisation I tried to turn around but a strong force gripped my waist and pushed me back against the window. "Hey..." When I was about to utter my displeasure his lips touched my ear, whispering. "Be quiet. I'll make you happy." Make me happy?! I was unable to fully grasp the meaning. What I could tell was that he was expressing 'joy' in his voice. And an unsettling aura spread within me. The cold energy must have been transferred by the glass that hit my pressed chest. However, the reason the cold did not vanish

instantly was due to the presence behind my back. I couldn't fully comprehend my situation because my upper body was constricted to the point that even breathing was difficult. I didn't realize my lower body wasn't pressed up against the glass since his arms were wrapped around my waist, unlike my upper body. Because it was tough to do the right thing with my face jammed up against the window. I twisted my body and stretched my arms, barely pushing the glass aside, but I was no match for the pushing force of a guy bigger than me. But even if there was no chance, I would have fought my way out. I was unable to do so because I was out of breath. He lowered his head in the direction of my turned face. A murmur could be heard immediately over my temples, close to the movement of his lips. "Do you know... That everything is vital in a person's heart?" Then he let go of the pressure he was exerting. Naturally, I took advantage of the situation and shoved the glass with my hand. But that was the end of it. The hand, which had become rigid due to its strength, remained stiff. "Ugh!..." Fingers wrapped around my neck, just stopped under my chin. Then his thumb and middle finger pressed against my neck in two places, and I came to a halt like a switched-off doll. His hand, appeared to be pointing out where the vital points were, allowing the cold to sweep through me once more. Because it seemed so natural. He completed the motion of seizing his opponent's neck with one hand and compressing their windpipe without hesitation, as if it were second nature to him. What the hell is this guy? I wanted to ask loudly in words, but all that came out was a weak breath. When I stopped resisting for a moment, another hand that was already around my waist was brought up to my chest. Perhaps satisfied with my docile appearance, he opened his mouth where it was still barely touching flesh. "You know this place too." His hand came to a halt in the pit of my chest, lightly pressing on my flesh. Then, with a slow sweep, he moved his hand to the navel. I could feel his firm hands on my bare skin beneath the flimsy T-shirt. His fingers, which were resting on my navel, massaged the fabric in delicate circular strokes. "You know this place too, right?" As if to confirm, his finger pressed into the place that he had entered and hovered around. His whispers were almost inaudible. "However, it could also be the other way around." His fingers started moving slowly, like a stifled whisper. Slow enough to tickle like a creeping snail. As he trailed long enough for me to become used to the activity, a peculiar tickle spread across my slightly tense stomach. Maybe it's because I've grown used to the huge and heavy body pressing on my back.

No, it might of been because he stopped talking and that I've gotten used to his low breath on my skin. Before I knew it, my ragged breathing that echoed like a drum in my ears had become in sync with his. He remained silent, as if trying to comfort me and make me accept his existence for a long time. So, when the hand that was pressing on my throat was removed, I just quietly opened my mouth instead of trying to resist like before. "Fuck, you... what are you doing?" Despite the fact that the power crushing on my vital points had vanished, a giant hand was still clasping my neck. Instead of responding, he wrapped his arms around my neck and waist and drew me closer to himself. Surprisingly, the hand that remained on the glass became firmer. His meaningless lesson on vital points continued as I tried to twist my body out of strain. "But this is probably the weakest spot. " My ears were filled with a leisurely voice, but my attention was drawn to my pants. Without warning, his hand gripped my penis. A strange kind of goose bump crept across my body, like if I had been splashed by cold water. "I'm asking, what are you doing?" I let out a grunt and strained my arms to try to get away from him. But like a master pulling the reins of a horse, he grabbed my neck again. "Ugh... Let go..." "What. I told you already? I'll make you happy." Like this? A question that i couldn't hear popped out automatically. However, that question couldn't be said anyway, even without that suffocating hand. Zip, zip~ He gently unfastened the buttons and zippers on my pants and opened them wide with one hand. The tightness of the clothes, which suddenly went loose, caused me shivers. Maybe it was because I was instinctively expecting the next situation. He squeezed my penis through my thin underwear. My already weak breathing came to a halt, but this only made me focus more on his hands. His fingertips openly rubbed on my underwear tracing the shape of my penis as if he were drawing on top of it, in a slow motion as if to soothe me. His hand slowly glided away as if to coax me. But on the contrary, my body became more and more tense. Then his lips, which had moved to my ears, bit it. "How long has it been?" A whispered voice echoed in my ears along with the hot and humid breath. "It's been a while since someone else's hand served, right?"

Along with the words, his hand which was only lightly rubbing the surface, suddenly moved down and grabbed my testicle. "Ugh!" Unconsciously, I frowned and lowered my head. I don't know when his hand on my neck was removed, but I didn't notice it in time. The only thing that caused my nerves to itch were his hands brutally stimulating my bottom portion and his warm whispers. "Ah, it seems that it's been a while since you did it yourself?" "Don't... Ugh." The rebuttal that was about to come out of my throat was choked by a moan and disappeared. I don't know why, but his stimulation made me feel heat gathering down there. His hand quickly ran a fingernail along the rounded end on top of my underpants till my dick turned hard. A tingle and faint electricity extended to my abdomen in an instant. The man clinging to my back pressed his wet lips against my ear, as if he sensed my body's reaction. He asked again after deliberately rubbing the tip with his fingernail one more time. "Tell me, what did you do when you were alone?" Damn it, stop talking nonsense... "Did you rub your underwear like this?" Even though I attempted to ignore it, his question crept under my skin like a spell. His hand, which was both painful and stimulating to the numbness, pierced the voice deeper. "Doesn't it feel good to massage your testicles once? Like this." The hand that had been touching the genitals naturally went down and rolled the soft pouch underneath like a marble in his hand. In an instant, one of my knees was almost bent. My instincts told me that if I didn't fight back and push him away now, I would be overwhelmed by the sensation of blood pooling underneath, but his whispering voice kicked that thought away. "I can feel your penis burning up through your underwear. You're aware of it, right? The heat that felt like it would burn your hand if you held it and shook it." His words definitely brought that feeling to me, as if he had cast a spell on me. I recall sitting alone in a room a long time ago, grabbing my thing and shaking it. The genitals were becoming hotter and harder. It provides incredible pleasure. My penis actually grew in size as soon as I thought about it. My back wriggled on its own as his hands burned, still rubbing merely on top of my underwear. In a second, I heard praise mingled with laughter in my ears. "That's it~ Your lower abdomen is starting to get out of control and itches right? Remember it. The wonderful sensation of immediately grasping your dick and freeing it from your underwear. Hmm? The hand wrapped around your ecstatic genitals."

Gulp. The dry saliva flowed without my consciousness, but all I could think about was faithfully carrying out his words. How to get rid of the sense that empty feeling. That's right, the hand that grabs the genitals directly. That was exactly what was needed. A smothering movement that jolted me harder and quicker. Out of regret, I put strength into my lower abdomen and twisted my waist. Then, as soon as i felt the coolness below, a strong hand grabbed my penis. "... Ahh." Not knowing that my underwear had come off, I was distracted by the hand that grabbed my cock and started rubbing it hard. "Haa, haa!..." I began gasping for air, as I rested my head on my arm glued to the glass. My strength began to weaken. I already knew too well how to use my hands to masturbate, but this was a different feeling. As the other person clenched so tightly that it hurt and shook my lower body, I felt as if it would melt. Maybe because it's been a long time since I received this kind of stimulation, I lost my senses and easily collapsed in his arms like a fool. "Haa, ah... haa, haa... Ugh..." My exhales became heavier and heavier as I was suppressed by the underlying stimulation over and over again. It was hard to breathe. I couldn't breathe properly and I closed my eyes tighter, but I heard a whisper again. "Shake your waist, okay? Still not enough? You're leaking. Don't you want to cum quickly?" My suspended mind accepted his words. My body's desire to quickly receive the pleasure of ejaculation made my waist tremble to move according to his will. But because he was closely following me, I couldn't move leisurely. So my movement was nothing but rubbing my butt against his body. But with a head full of thoughts of wanting to cum quickly, I couldn't understand what my movements were. All my focus was on the feeling of the impending ejaculation as the hand moved faster and faster. So, without realising it, his other hand had grabbed my waist, pulling me back a step and pushed my ass out. I felt even better when he adjusted our position, this made it easier to move my hips. As the body rubbed against the firm wall behind it moving. Haa, haa, soon... I took a long breath and spit out the thing that had risen, not noticing the guy's heated erection with my squirming ass. "Ahhhh!" My eyes were closed and I was gasping for air, semen gushing out several times from my convulsive lower body. It burst out like an explosion and announced It's existence first with a sour smell.

It was a scent that I haven't smelled in a long time, to the point that it felt strange. I wasn't determined to lead a particularly celibate life, but it was evident that I couldn't afford to masturbate if my demanding daily schedule of only 3 or 4 hours of sleep each day continued. My legs were trembling, perhaps because I hadn't experienced the pleasure of ejaculation in a long time. I might have collapsed on the spot if I hadn't leaned against the glass with both arms. No, thanks to the hand on my waist, I wouldn't have collapsed. The hand, however, moved slowly. It wasn't until then that I realised I was in a half-crouched position. Clink, zipA small noise awakened my hazy consciousness. The sound of loosening a belt. Then, when I heard the zipper going down, I suddenly came to my senses. However, it was already too late. His hand roughly pushed my back as I tried to raise my upper body. Bang! "Huh?!" Next thing I knew, my shoulder slammed onto the glass window making a loud noise. I automatically yelled in response to the sudden force. Furthermore, the hand pressing down on the three lower backs of my neck caused my face to be pressed against the glass again. I couldn't push his hand away and stand up no matter where or how I grabbed it. Then, I heard his low voice as if reading my mind. "I forgot to tell you. I've learned martial arts a bit. Because of that, I'm good at breaking people's center of gravity. It's my speciality to keep opponents still so they can't move." Contrary to my slow explanation, I noticed that the lower portion of my bent waist had been exposed to the cool air, and my face turned white. No way, this bastard... I took a big breath as I realized what was going on. However, the guy who took the semen-stained hand could only hear the sound of rubbing it for a split second as if he was applying it elsewhere. And as it was, I did not move from the position in which I was forced to bend my back. But, his gaze was clearly felt to be looking down at my stripped lower body as if he were appreciating it. "Shit, you..." "Tryambakam." What? There was no time to be taken aback by the abrupt words that sounded like a spell, something touched my lower back. "Do you know what this is?" "Don't talk nonsense, and get your hands off me you son of a bitch." Perhaps he didn't care because I spat out rude remarks in an unseemly position that didn't pose any threat at all. Instead, he touched a sideways section of my back below the waist. The following guy's remarks made me realize that was where I got the tattoo.

"God of Destruction." My tongue was so stiff that I couldn't say anything. He continued to speak, but the head, realizing that he was stroking the tattoo area, couldn't think of another swear word. The searing heat that burnt my skin came from the guy's genitals. He was rubbing his erect penis across my skin. "The god has three eyes, but the middle one is always closed. It is said that when those eyes are opened the world will perish. By the way..." The tip of his penis came to a halt in the center of the tattoo. Above the tattoo in the shape of a clearly floating eye. "You have no idea how much I missed these eyes." The heat of his waist slipped down with his whisper. It was a small movement, yet goosebumps like icicles welled up inside me. The guy's penis nestled between my ass was slippery. My mouth instinctively opened when I realized it was my semen. "Fuck... what the hell are you doing?!" "I told you already. I will make you happy." What? Are you kidding me? I became enraged and twisted my body, but his hand suddenly blocked my back and pressed me until it hurt. Then I got angry at myself for being so stupid. However, I was so taken aback by the following guy's statements that I couldn't even feel my anger. "I'm just paying the price you want, so be good." He mutters nonchalantly, grabbing my waist with his free hand and pulling me closer, and lifting my ass to match his height. I was raised to the point where I had to tiptoe, but the first thing I needed to do was keep my balance because I couldn't move my suppressed upper body yet. Meanwhile, his penis between my ass began to move slowly. Only then did I notice that his breathing was a little faster. "Isn't it nice? I've tolerated it to point of making it so thick." Then he moved the hand that was holding my waist and wrapped it in front of me, and grabbing my penis. "Ugh!" A short groan escaped from my lips due to the sudden pain, and I heard his small laugh behind me. "Don't be afraid. I'll make you happy again. " The guy continued, pushing the thick pillar from between the buttocks to the perineum till it hurt.

"At this level, I, too, endured. So press your thighs together. And." As the hand that had forcibly seized my genitals squeezed the testicles beneath it, my head turned white. It hurt at first, and as I lost strength and bent my knees, he moved a deft hand and resumed stroking my penis. So the request of the person excitedly caressing my ass didn't go through. My penis quickly hardened again, so I obeyed his orders. "Shake your ass as you did just a moment ago."


I was utterly spent. After spending a considerable amount of time under the shower head in the hot water, I eventually recovered my wits. My stamina seemed to have run out after three ejaculations in his hands, which had never happened before, not even when I was working as a construction worker. Even if it's been so long that I don't recall masturbating, this is too much. Half of the anger towards him was directed at myself. Feeling ashamed of myself to fall so unbelievably easily. Damn madman. I frowned as I washed the area between my buttocks, which he had rubbed until it was red and swollen, with water from the shower. Later, when I came twice in his hand, his cock still hadn't deflated, he was still in heat for me. It happened without even giving me a chance to think about it, and when I eventually came to, I was in the shower like this. How can I beat that bastard? I gritted my teeth, washing off his semen that might have been left, but I stopped suddenly because it felt like something similar had happened in the past, so I stopped moving. Similar? While searching through my memories, I went back 5 years ago. That's right, I've been fucked once... As I considered it, I inclined my head. I was bleeding heavily at the time, so there was nothing similar to this situation. But what makes me think they're similar? I paused my washing and rested my hand against the bathroom wall. I felt like I was about to remember something as I dipped my head under the falling water, when a sudden sound interrupted my thoughts. “Would you like me to wash you?” I flinched, stepped back from the water, and turned my head. I'm not sure when he walked in, but he was resting against the door with his arms crossed. He was dressed differently than before. So there was most likely a second bathroom, but his hair was still wet. "Hey, get out now... “If you don’t like it, then wash quickly.” "Why do I have to wash quickly?"

"Want me to wash you?" I couldn't argue with this bastard. I extended my hand, realizing once more that he was just a madman. "Give me the towel next to you."

I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible, but there was only one reason I was seated on the same sofa as him. Let's see what excuse he comes up with. Still, my genuine objective was to grasp the moment and strike him, so I fist-clenched the hand I'd hidden beneath the cushion. "You." When I called out to him who was reading a scenario, he looked up, brushing his flowing bangs. 'What?' He spat out dryly at the questioning gaze. "Did you call me here just to do this?" I intentionally emphasized 'just' to let him know that what happened was not a big deal. Otherwise, my pride would suffer. No, it could have been because I was trying to hide the fact that I had lost my usual demeanor and got excited in front of that guy. In any case, it felt dirty. Still, I was certain. He'll laugh even harder if I leap up and swear I'm going to kill him right here. Rather of watching him laugh, I decided to keep my cool and accept those irritating comments. "I agree that it is just for this purpose. Don't you feel a little uneasy?" "I'm uneasy with myself for meeting you." I sarcastically intended to anger him even a little, but he was only serious about my bullshit. "I had no idea that not being able to execute it properly would feel this horrible. Honestly, I really want to enter you right now." At that leisurely statement, I subconsciously lowered my eyes and confirmed his half hard dick. I didn't know what to do but furrow my brows, and in my ear I heard a voice mixed with laughter. "But since you're so scared, I'll hold back this time as promised." I was more upset because he said I was too scared than because he said he would hold back. "Stop talking nonsense."

"It's okay. I'm the only one who knows you're scared. So the next time I'll put it in, I'll make you scream with pleasure rather than crying and bleeding. There's nothing to be afraid of." I didn't notice he said 'next time' since it was too absurd to be angry about. "Why are you doing this?" I struggled to hold back the curse in my heart, and added the following words. "Is this the price you said? Don’t you remember what you said back then? You said you would do anything I want. But does this look like what I want?” "No." He answered easily and showed his usual bright smile. "It's what I want." "You..." "And just so you know, it's best not to boast about your memory in front of me. I said I'd give you whatever you wanted in return, but I obviously added some conditions." When I tried to recall the situation when I met him in a stuffed animal suit, he explained first. "You have to accept any price I give you. Even if you don't want it. Got it?" That smiling face looked at me with tight lips and a low voice. "Anyway, it was good. It must have been a long time since you did it, the color was also dark. If I didn't hold you, then you would have fallen to the floor because your legs lost strength. Well, seeing you trembling in my arms made me even more hard, so I almost couldn't stand it anymore." "Fuck, stop talking." When I couldn't control my anger and swore harshly, his eyes curved like a crescent moon, and his voice was cold. "Your rebellion is cute, but draw your own line before you get trampled." The unsmiling eyes froze my insides with an eeriness that was different from Chairman Kim's. "My hobby knows no bounds, even if you cry and bleed, it's enough for me to enjoy it. Of course, when I say bleeding, I don't mean when I'm fucking you and shredding your lower body like a rag. I'll kill you and do it to your body, and still gasp with excitement." He waited, as if giving me time to understand, and then confirmed in a dry voice.

"Now, you're probably not displeased with the price I pay, right? I treat you with such affection." "... So you want me to thank you or what?" He let out a short laugh, then changed into a soft smile. "No, this level of resistance is fine. It's interesting. You say you don't care about other people, but you seem to be only reacting to me. I'm happy." A chill suddenly radiated from within like fog. Because he was aware of the anxiety I was feeling, I was unable to deny it right away when I should have. Something even I didn’t understand. Why do I get so excited and show my emotions only him? Damn it... He must have understood what I was thinking because he cocked his head to the side and gave me an odd look. “So, strangely enough, I'm getting more and more annoyed that you hate Song Myeong-shin and want to get revenge. Why?" There was only one answer for the guy who was tilting his head back and forth. Because you're fucking crazy. So you mean want to get rid of all my hatred for Myeong-shin? "You're crazy." I gave him a more precise diagnosis than the doctor, but he looked down and seemed to be buried in his own thoughts, as if he couldn't hear me. When I tried to say it again, a little louder, he muttered something to himself. "... That's right, I can just get rid of the annoying stuff immediately. As if he had come to a simple conclusion, he smiled and turned to look at me. "I'm going to sleep for an hour now." Thinking he wanted me to leave, I stood up without hesitation, but he immediately continued. "Sleep here." "No." As soon as I coldly refused, the guy smiled softly as if to reassure me. "I won't touch you. But I'll hold you, though. If you're so scared, I'll just want to touch you even more." I believe it was the sharp look he used to subdue others. I even doubt if the life I was living so far has been all a lie. So, I wanted to spit out as much sarcasm as I could, and blurt out what I had overheard from the manager.

"If you want something to hug, go to the Amazon's and roll with the biggest snake. It’ll feel good because he’ll wrap around you too." Then, a strange glint appeared in his eyes, and one corner of his lips lifted. "That’s surprising. You know about anacondas." The snake's name was Anaconda. I kept it in my head and stood up, but he held me back. "So do you know where Amazon is?" I was halfway up when I turned around and frowned at him. "What does it matter if I know where the country called Amazon is?" "..." I stood up completely, leaving behind the guy who seemed stiff for some reason, when a sudden sound attacked me. "HAHAHAHA!" Is this madman laughing? I couldn't believe he could laugh so happily, so I looked over with suspicious eyes. But really, he was bending over and laughing breathlessly, even shedding tears. Didn't Director Alice said something about that? He always had always put on a fake smile except when he was a kid. Then what is this, he's laughing really well. "Hey, you..." He barely caught his breath and looked up at me with eyes still filled with laughter. "Damn it, why are you so cute?" I'd had enough of this crap and turned around without hesitation. 'Are you going to sleep?' I heard from behind me. The best thing I did that day was ignore the question and slam the door.

Chapter 31 Chapter Summary

Worthless fortune.

Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for notes

It was still early in the morning and the hotel lobby was relatively quiet, so the sound of my footsteps echoed loudly inside. Clack, clack. Halfway through the polished marble floor, another sound stopped me. "Oh? Lee Taemin?" When I turned my head to hear a familiar voice, PD Jeong was looking at me with surprised eyes. He was just approaching me at the entrance to the cafe on one side of the hotel lobby. "Didn't you go to sleep with the other group? What are you doing here?" "I had some business to do. What about the director?" “Oh, I also have some business to attend to. I'm meeting someone." I knew who he was going to see the moment I saw his bitterly smiling face. Director Yoon, who invested in him. I pondered about the man sleeping above me. He plainly stated that he would sleep for an hour, but was he actually making PD Jeong wait on purpose? I was skeptical, but Producer Jeong explained everything to me. "Do you have time now? I have something to talk about. I arrived an hour and a half earlier than the scheduled time because I was afraid that if I slept, I wouldn't be able to wake up." I nodded and followed him into the cafe. In addition to a coffee cup, his seat was littered with scenarios, notebooks, and pens. However, what stood out the most was the ashtray, which already had several butts visible. "What are you drinking Taemin?" When the waitress arrived and delivered us the menu, PD Jeong swiftly put the scripts away and made place on the table. When I looked at the prices, which were twice as expensive as other locations, I saw that PD Jeong's coffee was cheapest. PD Jeong must have seen my gaze and gave an uneasy smile.

"I want to wake up a little bit. By the way, Taemin, you didn’t eat breakfast, right? Whatever you eat…” “The director hasn’t eaten either, right?” "Huh? Ah... I’m just fine with coffee.” It's probably fine because it's the cheapest. I looked up at the waiter and pointed to the most expensive breakfast set on the menu. "Could you please bring me two of these? And the bill can be sent to room 1208." The staff replied ' Yes? ' surprised, I said my name and told him to call him immediately to confirm. After he left, I pointed up and briefly explained to PD Jung who was still blinking. "Someone owes me money." Only then did he respond 'Ah~' and accept it. And, as we were conversing about nothing in particular, an employee approached me and informed me that it had been confirmed. As the waiter was ready to go, something occurred to me, and I stopped him. "Bring me the two most expensive ice-creams here." I decided to take out the cake on my way out, when I heard PD Jeong mumbling. "Ah, I also thought Taemin had come to see Director Yoon, but that's probably not the case." When I looked up, he smiled shyly again. "In reality, I came to meet Dream's Director Yoon. So I was wondering if Taemin had come to meet him because they are from the same company, but because you mentioned the person owed money, I'm guessing it wasn't Director Yoon." I didn't think there was any need to deliberately tell him, so I changed the topic to another direction. "You have something to tell me." PD Jung said, 'That's right.' and picked up the pen and pulled the notebook closer. Then his left hand turned over the script. "As you know, because future xx scenes have to be changed to Taemin's role, I am currently editing the script." Some places in the script were folded, as if he had indicated in advance where he would change. He stopped running his hand through the folds and raised his eyes. “The content is not changed, but the lines are just modified to fit the changed character, so there is no major problem.”

It was not a problem for him, but for me it was a bit of a surprise. So that means my scenes will suddenly increase. Perhaps because I was looking at him with an expressionless expression, he continued to speak quickly. "And you know, Taemin, you’re not good at acting, right?" He glanced up at me as if checking. When I nodded slightly to indicate no objection, he added with a smile. "But at that time, Taemin was the only actor I found suitable because even in front of the camera, there was no stress and fear in you. So, I don’t expect outstanding acting skills from Taemin. Still, it has to look natural enough to not break the flow of the play... So the method is to reflect Taemin’s actual appearance to some extent in the role.” Do you understand what I mean? He asked with his eyes, I replied 'Yes'. The main thing I learned in acting class was how to analyze a character and become a different person. Of course, as a beginner, it takes me a long time to study my character. However, PD Jeong doesn’t have time to wait for me now. So the only way was to reveal my true self as he said. But will that work? The doubts disappeared with PD Jeong’s words. "Fortunately, Mr. Taemin is actually very dry, so you're in luck. So, I would like Taemin to read the lines I want to change and tell me which one he is more comfortable with.” He told me his ultimate goal of why he wanted to meet me and gave me the notebook with the changed script. After that, we ate the ordered meal and discussed editing the lines until PD Jung's appointment time. The job wasn't as boring as I thought, on the contrary, it was quite fun, so when PD Jung stopped, I looked up with questioning eyes. "Let’s continue next time. Now it’s time for Director Yoon to come down." Only then did I look at the clock and realize that an hour had passed. So fast? It was a bit of a surprise, so I tilted my head slightly to help him arrange a seat. Then I added casually. “When you meet Director Yoon, ask for more production costs.” PD Jung smiled bitterly, recalling the situation where he had to eat kimbap because he couldn't afford a decent meal. “When I first received support, I promised to produce within that limit, so it’s difficult to receive more.” Why make such useless promises? I promised myself, that I should to order more cakes to spend the guy's money, but he asked with surprised voice. “But were you worried about me?” "No. Not really." He brought his hand to a halt and raised his gaze. I handed him the final script and opened my lips to clarify.

"Because you look excited. You look so excited about filming a movie. So I’m not worried." Still looking at me silently, he slowly opened his mouth and smiled. "That's right. It's a movie that I'm going to produce as I want without anyone interfering, so I'm actually excited even though there are problems every day." However, the smile quickly turned into a frown. "After this, I won’t be able to film a movie for a while." Even though he said that, he didn't seem sad, so the question came out easily. "Are you planning on doing something else?" "Ah... that's a bit..." He had an ambiguous expression on his face, and suddenly called out my name. "Taemin." "Yes." "You can never predict what will happen to people. Right? I used to film a drama while being treated like a king by the agency's executives, but now even the actor who cried and said he wouldn't forget my grace always switches off his phone when I call. A decent personality, recognized for not getting angry and being effective at enticing top stars, is being challenged as evidence of incompetence." Contrary to the content, a comfortable smile appeared on his face. "So, Taemin, when an opportunity arises, you should seize it well." Opportunity; was he referring to the increased screen time of this role? I nodded, and he had a smile in his eyes, like someone with a secret. "If it hadn't been for this film, if the production costs hadn't been so high, I would never have cast Taemin. You're a newcomer, who isn't particularly good at acting, or visually pleasing. But this is how we became acquainted." I didn't understand what he was trying to say, but I couldn't stop his soft, muttering words. "So show me. That you're an immature, but your acting shows that you can still be useful. No, perform it so good that it gives one chills and makes them want to use you again." I had to nod repeatedly before I was told to go home. I left the hotel with a box of cakes in both hands and glanced up at the 12th floor..... 'I have to accept the price even if i didn't want it?' Okay, it's dirty, but I'll accept the unwanted price. He clearly said he would give me whatever I wanted in return.

So now, shall we start looking forward to it? Revenge was coming more clearly. Despite the fact that the name is merely a motel, you usually wake up smelling mildew and the stench of a dirty bathroom in an establishment that is more shabby than an inn. I'm not sure if the manger got a discount for staying long term or not, but the innkeeper didn't even come to clean our room properly. Anyway, I was so busy that I didn't even have time to wash up or sleep. As a result, there was constantly a yellow blanket strewn about on the floor. I'm used to hearing the manager snore as soon as I lie down, so when I don't hear it, my eyes open automatically. Holding cake in hand, I went straight to our accommodation in a remote place, I thought of Hansoo and the manager who were sleeping there right now due to the fatigue that came with it. Since the filming starts after lunch time, the alarm should be set at around 12 o'clock. Keeping the time in mind, I crossed the parking lot behind the motel quickly because I wanted to get back to sleep a little more. But the conjecture that the other two were sleeping soundly in the room was wrong. I was almost at the back door when a faint voice caught my attention. I stopped. As I was about to step through the open back door, I realized that the voice was not unfamiliar to me. Silently, walking without a sound, I turned to the side of the building. Even with the windows closed, I could still see the road leading to the small hill, which caused all kinds of insects to fly into the room. And then I saw Hansoo standing towards the hill. Holding a script in his hand and acting . "... I am also going to Seoul. I want to find a job there. Someone told me to work here, but I didn't tell my parents. If I went to Seoul..." Hansoo read the lines with clear pronunciation as if someone was really standing in front of him. Maybe he already knew it by heart so he didn't need to look down at the script and even dropped his hand in a natural motion. For quite some time I stood in the corner, unable to move until he had finished speaking. The lines Hansoo spoke was the line I said at dawn. I was lucky to get the role because I wasn't nervous in front of the camera. I couldn't completely recall how I did it correctly since I was nervous, but I didn't think about forcing myself to think about it again. Because I thought it was already over. But after finishing my lines and seeing Hansoo now acting out the main character's lines, I suddenly lost sleep. Yes, I wasn't the only one there. There was Hansoo, and even though they were extras, there were two newcomers like me. Even if that role had fallen to me, I didn't care what they thought when they saw it. I had no idea how much they wanted to act. I'm curious how Hansoo, who is far more skilled than me, may have felt. He must have felt envious and sad that he couldn't overcome his fear of cameras. Still, I remembered how thrilled he and my manager were that my screen time had increased. The fact that his happy expression was sincere chilled my waking mind. Since when did that guy practice all his roles? The lines that flowed out of his mouth in a familiar way told me how often he had practiced, but I couldn't guess. Although he seemed to read the script every now and then, he had no time to practice separately. Even when we sleep in the same room... Ah that's right. Only then did I understand why I was always the first to wake up before the other two. He practices while I'm sleeping. Always like that.

The image of Hansoo's back didn't disappear from my mind until I turned around and entered the motel. And when I arrived at the door of the dorm, I found out that Hansoo wasn't the only one who wasn't sleeping. The manager's voice speaking on the phone could be heard faintly outside the door. "Yep. I'm eating properly. Did you receive your money this month? First, pay the overdue academy fees. I'll send you more next month. The new actor is doing better than I expected, thus the company is doing me well. Yes, it's true. Really good. He doesn't shy away from hard work and does it all, and he's a good kid. ...Yes, no, it's fine. Don't worry, all of my expenses are paid for by the company. Please express my apologies to mother-in-law. No! I'm not sure I want to go. I can't come due to work. We don't even have a home, yet we're not the only ones receiving.Why are you crying again ? It's okay I said. I'll start saving money again soon..." The voice gradually became inaudible, but it took a long time for me to move from where I was standing. I went outside again, sat on the floor, and placed the cake box close to the entry stairs. Once awake, my sleep was completely gone, but I had no time to enjoy the refreshing morning air. I kept hearing PD Jung's suggestion when we parted ways in my head. PD Jung's request that I heard when we parted ways kept appearing in my mind. 'So, Taemin, when an opportunity arises, you should seize it well.' Opportunity. I thought it was just insignificant luck. And I had no idea that I needed to take Producer Jung's advice to work harder seriously. Of course. The first reason I'm still an actor is for revenge. So it didn't matter if I went in now and rested my tired body. But I couldn't move and just stared up at the sky until my head hurt. When I finally looked down from the almost cloudless sky, the cake next to me caught my eye. Maybe I should have bought a sandwich. With a little regret, I got up and entered the motel. In my head, I was thinking about my script in the corner of the room. /// I handed the cake to the supporting staff members and sat at the far end of the parking lot, wiping my sleep-deprived eyes. This hideout was a little abandoned factory site on the outskirts of town, but thankfully, the owner granted permission to use it as long as it was only for a short length of time because it was vacant land. It was first cast as a site for a movie, but filming took a long time, so people settled there. Nonetheless, it was a location where we could leave various pieces of equipment and hired trucks without getting caught in the rain or dew, so we naturally gathered here. There was the inconvenience of having to keep an eye on the equipment, so 2-3 people would always take turns staying in the tent, but it was a comfortable place to rest when filming was delayed, as it is now. The director had gone somewhere with the camera director and assistant director and had not yet come, as though to check if there was a problem with the following scene. "Huh? You don't eat cake?"

Hansoo, who had a lot of cream on his mouth, came towards me, giggling pleasantly. He was holding two slices of cake in each hand that appeared to have been torn off by hand, so I narrowed my eyes and glared. If you come close and put cream on me, you will die. Then, shocked, Hansoo stepped back, realizing the veiled warning. Being wary of Hansoo, though, was futile. “Hahaha~ How is this cake is so delicious? Taemin, hurry up and eat some too... Ugh!” The manager ran over with a piece of cake in both hands like Hansoo, tripping over a rock and falling over. "Whoa~!" The manager, who narrowly avoided falling over while making an exaggerated noise, stretched out his legs forward to maintain his balance and smiled in relief. "Haha, did you see it? My flexibility without falling even when holding a cake in both hands. It’s all because my back supports it..." The manager was in the middle of talking when he suddenly realized the piece of cake in one of his hands had disappeared. Then, while looking for the piece of cake that fell off, he turned around and looked at me. Exactly on my upper body covered in cake. "..." "..." I looked up at him, wiping the cream off his face with my hand, and he took a step back. "... Are you angry?" Instead of answering, I vigorously shook the cream off my hands onto the floor. The manager walked next to Hansoo and asked in a trembling voice. "... Are you going to hit me?" "Can I hit you?" He flinched, and hid behind Hansoo, who was equally surprised, as if he was gonna cry. "I have herniated disc..." Where is the flexibility of the back? When I held out my hand to ask for a tissue, the two of them chuckled and nestled against my side. For a moment, I really wanted to hit him but then I felt a little vibration from my phone in my back pocket. I cleaned my hands with the tissue my manager had given me and took out my phone, the two of them had already reacted before. "It's the madman!"

When the manager was still in shock, Hansoo jumped up and ran off somewhere. "Uhaahh aaaaaaa!" A moment later, seeing the dictionary in his hand, I understood what he was shouting with his mouth full of two pieces of cake. Probably said that he would bring the dictionary, so as soon as he sat in front of me, he opened the dictionary and looked at it with fierce eyes. "Ah hurry! This time I will definitely be right, you madman!" The manager next to him gave me the same look and reinforced his resolve, but instead of feeling reassured by having new teammates, I felt annoyed. I looked at the text messages on my phone under pressure from the two people. It was, indeed, a problem sent by the madman. [What is the capital of Lithuania?] "..." "..." "..." Tap. After a long silence, the dictionary that Hansoo dropped broke the silence, but even after that we couldn't open our mouths. But I'm sure he felt the same way as I did. Ah really, this damn madman...

It's been three weeks since I came down to xx city. The longer we shot in the locality, the higher the cost of filming, therefore we worked extremely hard on the film without taking a single day off. To put it another way, time is money. So PD Jung didn't waste a single day, setting a precedent for how low-budget films should be shot. One of the reasons why production moved so swiftly was because the script was unspecific. PD Jung purposefully did not jot down any props required for the script. There was a good chance he wouldn't be able to find the essential props on site, so he had to make a quick decision on the necessary props and connect them to the narrative. Because of this, lines were modified on the spot, and predicted situations were changed, improvising some parts were modified to be more suitable for the movie. Of course, there were times when we couldn't get the scene we wanted even after taking dozens of shots. As a result, the crew had to run crazy, but there was no time to complain about the frantically filming schedule. If they came upon a spot they liked while heading to the next filming location, they stopped and shot right immediately. When it unexpectedly rained while filming, everyone got so relieved that they didn't have to use a water sprinkler, that they quickly wrapped the equipment in plastic and ran outside. Nonetheless, they took the time to

check out the critical locations. We had to film a police station scene, and they had one person eat and sleep at the police station for five days until they received approval to film it. The difficult days of not being able to sleep properly continued, and before I knew it, it had been 10 days since I met the madman at the hotel. And the film crews who filmed here before us were barely finishing filming after more than a month. In the meantime, the manager went up to Seoul a few times to run other errands, but Hansoo and I stayed here. Meanwhile, Hansoo was known for his bright personality and hard work despite being camera-phobic, thus he was adored by staff members. On the other side, probably due to my unfriendly personality, I didn't have anyone to talk to. To be honest, I felt comfortable with this because I had plenty of time alone and could reread the script several times. So I had no idea that my behaviors might be seen differently by others. I sat next to the lighting I was in in charge of from the morning and looked at the tattered scripts again, because I spent a lot more time sitting and waiting than being on camera. I could film all of the essential shots here tomorrow and then return to Seoul, but it wasn't a very comfortable situation for me. I appeared in one of the final scenes. It was a scene where I just ran without any dialogue, but after that, I had to act quite surprised when I reached the place i ran to. I couldn't quite grasp it, so I kept picturing it in my head. "What are you worried about?" A voice came from above, and I looked up and saw an actor, the main character of the movie. He was said to have a typical appearance, like one you might see on the street, and he was originally a theater actor who acted in movies primarily as a supporting role. He made a connection with Pd Jung after appearing in his previous film and agreed to appear here for free. Regarding the remarks PD Jung made while drinking, he stated that he was the only person who performed properly in the second movie. He acted so well, in my opinion, that I felt the main character in the play might be him in real life. He was more interested in theater than film, and he said he will return to theater after this film, so there would be few opportunities to work together again. And he was one of the few people who spoke to me openly. Thud. He sat down in front of me and said, 'Give it to me.' He held out his hand. I turned the page I was looking at and handed it to him. "Ah~ this scene. Well, it’s actually more difficult to act without lines." I feigned to understand what he was saying as he flipped to the back page and I opened my mouth. "I'm not worried." Then, the corners of his mouth rose. He raised his eyes with an expression as if he knew I was going to say that.

"Wow, isn’t it amazing? Some people say your way of speaking is offensive, but after speaking with you, it doesn't appear that way." Oh, there are people who think I'm offensive. I looked around and spotted a few people I could guess, I heard him say, 'How should I explain this...'. He opened his mouth and stared into space for a time, as though remembering an analogy. "Is it like a robot saying, 'I love you,' but without emotion?" "..." "Oh, it's not meant as an insult. That, I believe, is why you blend in so well with the character you're portraying in the movie." But I didn't understand what he was saying. The director mentioned something similar as well. He thought it would be natural because I appeared to be similar to the character. But the character and I had very little in common. He was a model student who studied in a normal household with both of his parents, obtained a nice career, and was a perfectionist and very neat guy. Except for the fact that the main character was his only friend, he had a normal demeanor. But I didn't think we were alike. Is it feasible for someone who has lived a different life than mine to share my sentiments and feelings? "He’s the opposite of me." I looked down at the script and frowned slightly. “But it’s awkward to play that role with my own emotions.” Although quickly, he managed to understand my concerns. "You can't accept this role as yourself, can you? Being in a specific environment and thinking if you can do the lines this way." I nodded, and he gave me a pleasant smile. "It's okay. It's a reasonable concern. In such instances, it is useful to seek advise from people around you. As I said before, you have the personality to play the part in this play successfully. You feel dry, so if you try too hard to act like someone else, it will just fall apart. So, in order to save it, it's okay to erase the characters in the play from your mind to some extent." 'Did I make it more complicated?' I shook my head at him. Then I reached out my hand, took the script from him, and reread it. 'Erase it to some extent.' Can someone who lives such a normal life be similar to me? I started by getting rid of the doubt in my head. And I simplified his existence, which I couldn't grasp, by changing it in my own way. It was a boring existence for a model student who simply studied. You must be persistent and suppress yourself. Furthermore, if you have to keep things tidy and be responsible for the task till the end... These will progressively eliminate the things you want, desire, and enjoy. It seemed as if the me within was gradually fading away. The previous five years then blurred

together. I was alive and breathing, yet I didn't exist. When I looked up later, I faced his weird gaze. "Is it resolved?" "Yes." When I nodded lightly, he stared and then opened his mouth. "Okay, then tell me. You have to run fast with me, check the grave, and be surprised. I'll stand there, devastated, and cry. What line are you gonna tell me? 'I'm sorry.' That is all there is to it. How would you express it?" "I'll take a step back." I explained slowly to him. "I’m not used to comforting anyone. And because I believe it is fully up to that person to let out their emotions, I think it is rude to stand next to them. So I'll just say 'I'm sorry'. I intend to take a step back until I'm no longer visible on the screen and only my voice is heard." "..." "What's wrong?" When I asked about the strange stare he was giving me, a smile slowly appeared on his face. He was four years older than me, but his expression somehow felt pure. "I'll tell you right now that I was surprised to learn that you had only been acting for a month. But I soon realized that it was very lucky. If the first role is a role that you can play easily, wouldn't it be great luck? Furthermore, next to you..." He turned his eyes to see Hansoo playing around with the staff. "Isn't there another unlucky genius?" He threw a joke and shrugged. “So your luck seemed bigger. That’s probably why other people think you’re a jerk.” “So you’re telling me to be humble?” I asked him in a harsh tone that others would think was offensive, but he smiled and shook his head. "No. I had just wanted to let you know that luck sometimes can be poison you. A role that is easy to play is appealing at first, but it will never help you improve your acting skills. In the end, if you exclusively hunt for roles that you are good at, you will wind up acting in stereotypical ways, become more and more reluctant to take on other roles, and eventually fall apart. And this is far from uncommon."

I listened to his advice and discovered something strange. 'I had just wanted to let you know.' I vaguely realized that his words were in the past tense, so I just looked at him quietly. Sure enough, what came out next was different from before. "But maybe..." He trailed off and tilted his head to the side. "Perhaps you don't need any advice. I believe you are a genius who cannot be recognized by luck." Are you kidding me? I looked at him questionably, but his face didn't look like he was joking. He must have noticed that I looked like I didn't believe him, so he added one more thing. "Weren't you born with a strong heart that doesn't get nervous?" When I responded with a look of disagreement, he chuckled and stood up. "So Taemin, maybe you only need one thing." "What?" "A heart that is determined to do something. Ah, I sometimes wonder if this is really what you want to do." He turned back, mumbling that the director was late, and asked the staff in a loud voice. "Why hasn't the director come yet?" From afar, someone said, 'He left in a hurry because a guest suddenly arrived.' I listened to the explanation with one ear and turned my head when I heard my name being called. "Taemin-ah." As soon as the advisor went away, the manager who had appeared as if he had been waiting, looked back with curious eyes. “What were you talking about so seriously?” {'I sometimes wonder if this is really what you want to do.'} Remembering his last words, I answered him that it was not important. But this time Hansoo rushed over. "Ah! Come, s-she's here." Even if that wasn't the case, the filming set went silent, and I knew who came there right away. An actress who appears in a supporting role. Even though PD Jung had complete creative control over this film, there were some elements that could not be avoided. The person who made the initial investment stipulated that they must hire a specific actress. It was

her first time acting, as it was mine, and she had connections, such as being the granddaughter of her uncle's best friend, the manager of an investment firm. There weren't a lot of scenes in which she appeared, but thankfully her acting wasn't too bad, and the director accepted it; the problem was her behavior. Every time she arrived, she arrived in a celebrity van, complete with a manager and coordinator, as if she were a big star. Of course, she expected everyone to treat her like a top star. She was so fussy about her chair that she brought her own. She sobbed and called her grandfather the last time she arrived since she didn't have her own chair, and after a while, the manager of the investment company called with a fatigued voice. PD Jung mentioned that because she didn't have many scenes, we should just bear it and move on, everyone hoped that her filming would be over soon. Today was the long-awaited final day. The familiar white van arrived on the site and came to a halt. Everyone came to a stop and peered at the van, then the door opened and the princess emerged. She looked pitifully thin, stared at us as if we were beggars, and walked to a shady seat prepared for her. In reality, because they didn't have many opportunities to wash, everyone indeed looked like a beggar. "I heard her father works at the Blue House." Hansoo whispered as he looked at the princess and the manager. "I heard her uncle is a lawyer." "Her management company was also founded by her grandfather." "I heard that the only artists working with the company are the princess and her two friends." “That friend is that stylist.” As I listened to the serious conversation between the two, a questions arose. Why do they know so much? However, their knowledge of princesses was endless. "Isn't there a show where dozens of regular people appear on a panel and solve problems with celebrities? She moved in front of the broadcasting station after appearing on the panel there because she felt inconvenient about people recognizing her on the streets." “But other than this movie, she's been doing nothing for two months.” When I opened my mouth to ask why they knew that so well, the vibration in my pocket surprised me. The two people who were discussing the princess's secret instantly widened their eyes and turned around when I took out my phone. Then they both stood up and went to get the dictionary, globe map, and common sense books. However, when I saw the text message on the screen, I stopped the two with my hand. [The 2nd floor of the building opposite]

Chapter End Notes


I think i'll update every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, because i'm very busy with my assignments and shi.

Chapter 32 Chapter Summary


[The 2nd floor of the building opposite] What? When I raised my eyes, I noticed a building across from the vacant lot where we were with a coffee shop on the first floor. No way... I frowned and stood up from my seat, 'Isn't it the madman?' I heard someone ask a question. I took a step forward and murmured short instead of responding. “I’m going to the bathroom.” What can you find on the second floor? I climbed the steps, came to a halt at the end of the short corridor, and peered around. However, the madman was nowhere around among the signs for clinics, architectural offices, xx accountants, and so on. I took a closer look at the interior, which appeared to be a new building with a faint scent of paint, and stepped into the corridor. Tap, Tap. My footsteps echoed especially loudly in the empty hallway. About 1/3 of the way down the hall, my eyes were focused on looking around to see where the madman might be when suddenly a strong force next to me pulled me back. Fuck, what... Before I could utter a curse word out of my mouth, a loud noise rang in my ears. Bang!!!! It was thanks to the subsequent shock I felt in my body that I realized it was an iron door that had closed with a loud sound. Thud!! My back hit the closed iron door so hard that I wanted to scream because of the force pushing me. But no scream came out either. This was because my mouth was blocked from screaming. "Nggh?!"

Someone whose face I couldn't even see pushed me towards the door and suddenly started kissing me. I instinctively pushed the guy's shoulder away and let out screams that couldn't escape my throat. However, I couldn't even distinguish where my hand was because my mind could not wake up due to the rough kiss sucked and bit my lips. In surprise, a hot tongue entered my mouth and mercilessly stirred the inside. "Ngh, mmph" I couldn't think of anything since I was so stunned. The only thing guiding my actions was the fact that I was trapped between the door and the body, and I couldn't even breathe owing to the arm wrapping around my waist as if it were about to snap. It was familiarity that made my foggy mind move without my being able to resist. Taller than me, the weight, strength, and smell. The body pushing down on me and kissing me was someone i already knew from experience. Why? There was only one guy that was this horny towards me. When I finally noticed who the other person was and stopped trying to run away from him, the pressure he had been repressing by force dissipated. As the pressure on me eased sufficiently to allow for easy breathing, the tension in my body, which had been as stiff as a piece of log, disappeared. Then his arms pressed harder on my flexible waist. Slurp. His lips, which were already covered with saliva and slick, made a faint sound. He continued to suck my lips and tongue with immense force, yet I didn't feel suffocated. My breathing returned to normal after the kiss, which slowed down before I realized it. His hand, which had been painfully clutching my back, moved slowly and caressing my waist. I had a better understanding of the situation now, but I was still perplexed. Just because I knew who the other person was didn't mean I was happy with the kiss. So I should have fought harder, but I couldn't turn away. What is this bastard doing? The lips that should have been shouting followed the other person's actions passively. I could now leave because I wasn't being held as tightly as before, but the heat of the soft skin moving on the lips that brushed my tongue, drew me in. I don't know. Was it because the repeated contact made me dizzy again? What was certain was that, I didn't hate it. Let's be honest. It felt good. Heat gradually crept from my chest into my body, and drowsiness settled in. My hand, which had been pushing his shoulder away, grasped his shoulder to keep myself from falling. And, without me realizing it, a little gasp escaped my mouth. "....Haa" The sound was scarcely audible. It was nearly a hot breath, but then everything came to a halt. His lips, which had been biting my lower lip and not moving for what seemed like an eternity, kissed me slowly and firmly before drawing away. The chill of the air contacted my wet mouth instead of warmth. When I felt the other person slowly raise his head, I opened my eyes to meet eyes peering down from above. "..."

"..." We were more apart than when we were kissing, and it felt oddly difficult to breathe. Even though my lips were no longer sealed, I had the impression that if I let out a breath, my hard breathing would be rough. Fortunately, the tension eventually returned my mind to normal. Only then did I recall what I had intended to say. What the hell are you doing all of a sudden?

The words were stuck on the tip of my tongue, but he moved first. Tap. He took a step back on the hard brick floor and looked down at me expressionlessly. Only then did I realize that this was a bathroom, but I didn't have time to look inside. He moved one hand up to my neck and grabbed the collar of my shirt. What else are you going to do? As soon as i had a doubt, he began to fix the collar of my shirt that was flipped. Like a parent who often prepares children's clothes, he opened the collar and used his hands to correct the wrinkles on my shoulders. Then, he took another step back and opened his mouth. "Go." ... What? I was so shocked that his name was halfway out of my mouth without me even realizing it. "Hey... you mad-" Click, click. At that time, I heard the iron door I was leaning against vibrate and I was so startled that I pulled away. As I turned my head, the handle shook. And then a man's voice was heard outside the door. "Eh? Is it locked?" As I looked down at the handle that kept clicking and clicking loudly, his hand reached out and unlocked the handle. Click. I took a step back when the door opened with a sound. In contrast, as he approached the door, I heard a faint murmur. “I can wait two more days with this.” What does he mean? I didn't understand so I turned around, but the cool outside air hit me

first through the fully open door. And I also clearly heard the voice of the person turning the doorknob outside. "Eh? The restroom isn't broken, right? No, but why did you lock the door...” The man walked past the madman and walked inside grumbling at me. Then, as if he was in a hurry, he unfastened his belt and entered the toilet stall, but suddenly stopped and looked back at me. I was trying to chase after the madman but stopped because of his expression. His eyes were as big as bells and he was pointing out with his hand. When I wondered why he was like that, he asked me with a trembling voice. "That, that, that!!! Was it Dream's Director Yoon? Right?!!!" I followed the hand pointing out and then back at the man who was talking emptyly. Then he clutched his pants as if he was annoyed and approached me.

“Oh, you don’t know? Aren’t you from Dream?” "..." "Huh? Isn't that right?" "Who are you?" It took a long time before he opened his mouth. "xxx manager." "Who is that?" The hand that was holding his pants was suddenly freed, and the heavy belt slipped down. His gaze shifted from astonishment to shock, and he spoke with shaky hands. "An actor who's filming with you."

Chapter 33 Chapter Summary

See you in seoul.

The princess's manager was Hyuk-dae. He seemed to have more to say, but his grumbling stomach looked more important, so he said, 'Wait!' and went into the toilet. Of course, I left him and returned to the set across the street. I didn't anything to talk about with him, especially when it came to the madman. However, there was still no Producer Jeong, so it was enough to listen to the manager and Hansoo curse at the madman in a frantic filming site. “Taemin, no matter how I think about it, shouldn’t we invest some money and buy an encyclopedia? Damn madman! I think we need to invest this much to fight against him, the devil's incarnation” "Yes. There is nothing better than an encyclopedia to help you win a hundred battles against the madman..." While both of them were immersed in cursing the madman and planning to spend their money on useless things. Hyuk-dae came running towards me in a huff. Next to him was the princess with an irritated expression. “Hey, what’s going on?!” The princess was angry, but Hyuk-dae calmed her down and stood in front of me. "You, it was him just now, wasn't it?" When I just looked up at him blankly, he lowered his voice and urged me again. “Oh, right? The person who was in the bathroom with you, was Director Yoon of your company?” But the others had already reacted to that word of director Yoon. "Ah! Director Yoo-Yoon? You mean from Dream?" The princess opened her eyes wide in surprise, and the person next to me also opened his eyes wide. "What!!! Is the D-Director Yoon here?!"

I couldn't help but frown as the manager's yelling nearly tore the eardrum in one of my ears. But before I could respond, Hyuk-dae became agitated and increased his voice. "Oh, that's right. I saw it with my own eyes. Besides, when I went out, I saw him talking to director Jung at the coffee shop on the first floor." The manager’s eyes lit up at Hyuk-dae’s words. He quickly saw through everything in the blink of an eye. "Ahh! That's correct, PD Jung went somewhere unexpectedly for an important guest, who turned out to be Director Yoon! Taemin saw him in the bathroom... Omg!! Taemin!! You... you..." He suddenly seemed to realize something, and he gasped and grabbed my shoulder tightly. As I twisted my shoulder to shake him off, I heard a question filled with emotion. "You went to the bathroom with director Yoon?!! " He burst out laughing, excited as if he had spent a night with the king. "Hahaha~ I can’t believe you took a piss standing side by side with Director Yoon! What kind of fate is this?!" Going to the bathroom was fate. However, the manager was already overjoyed, as if I had known him for a hundred years. "You peed alongside and didn't even chat. It would be good if you introduced yourself. Hm? Didn't you two talk?" "Yes." When I answered right away, the manager looked disappointed. "Why not? You were originally aiming for director Yoon... Hmm, anyway, it was such a great opportunity, but you didn’t do anything?” It's not that we didn't do anything, but I didn't want to talk about it. As I remained silent, he suddenly nodded, saying 'Ah' as if something occurred to him. “Yes, that’s right. I guess you didn’t know it was Director Yoon.” However, the Hyuk-dae opposed his opinion. "Did you truly not know? You didn't say anything? I thought they were only acting like they knew each other because they worked for the same company... It's odd, because when we passed each other, Director Yoon was smiling, as if he was satisfied with something..." That's because he's always smiling. However, I did not have a chance to speak up to tell the truth. The manager realized the reality and came to his senses.

"Huh! Now is not the time for this, if Director Yoon is here, we as employees should hurry up and say hello." He waved his hand to urge me and Hansoo to get up. "Ah, is it okay if i not go?" Hansoo nervously gulped and asked, the manager replied with a firm voice. "He's someone we don't see even though we work in the same company, so we should take advantage of this opportunity." Then the manager suddenly shook off the dust from his clothes, grabbed Hansoo's arm, and started moving forward. Then, Hyuk-dae, who actually brought the information, was so surprised that he grabbed the princess and went ahead of us. The manager saw that and started running, saying he had to say hello first. He competed, consuming unnecessary stamina, and reached his destination, where Director Yoon, was just about to get into the car parked on the road. He was exchanging greetings with PD Jung, who was standing next to him as if sending him off. “I’ll come see you when I go up to Seoul. You didn’t have to come down on purpose..." "There was another reason why I came." Before he could confirm his vague answer, PD Jung noticed the five of us first and turned around with surprised eyes. "Huh? Why are you here..." "Director Yoon!!" Hyuk-dae passed PD Jeong first and dragged the panting princess towards Director Yoon. "Hello sir. Haa... Haa... I'm really honored to meet you so unexpectedly. We..." Hyuk-dae greeted him by bending his waist to 90 degrees, but his attention was drawn elsewhere. Directly at our group. His gaze rested on me after passing between the manager, who was excitedly preparing to meet him next, and Hansoo, who was nervous. He pulled his lips upward as soon as his gaze met mine, which was irritated since I didn't like this situation. The manager was the one who reacted enthusiastically to his smile. "Ah! Director Yoon. Haha, do you still remember me? Two months ago we had a brief encounter in front of the company elevator..." When the manager trailed off as if he was unsure, Director Yoon opened his mouth with that usual smile on his face. "Yes, I know."

While Mr.Choi staggered from being touched by the fact that he still remembered him, Hyukdae that had been robbed of his spirit quickly entered Director Yoon's line of sight. Pushing the princess forward, of course. “Oh, Director Yoon, if it’s okay, can we talk for a moment? I would like to introduce you to a celebrity who is very talented and has good looks..." "Is it this person?" Director Yoon smiled and pointed at the princess, Hyuk-dae nodded as if his head was about to fall off. "Yes. You really do have eyes for talent. This child..." "Introduction means wanting to become apart of my company, right?" "You're correct. You have a very straightforward personality. Haha, I was afraid since I heard you were a powerful person in this industry, but after meeting you, it seems completely different." Afterwards, Hyukdae continued to move his mouth, but Director Yoon listened to the end with a smile on his face and nodded. "I get it. But I don’t have time right now." "Ah! Yes, then can we schedule a detailed interview..." “Let’s do it now." "Huh?" To the two surprised people, Director Yoon put his hands in his pockets and tilted his head to the side. "What is the point of making an appointment? If you are such a great talent, then of course you can do a quick interview here right now." "H-Here, right now?" When the embarrassed Hyukdae and the princess looked at each other, Director Yoon nodded, rolled his eyes and smiled. "If you don’t like it, you don't have do it." "No!" Contrary to Hyuk-dae, the princess stepped forward and showed a confident smile. “I’ll do the interview now. Ask anything. Even if you ask me to act, I can do it.” "There is no need for acting."

He spoke softly and stared at the princess with unsmiling eyes. "I just want to know if you have common sense that everyone has. Let's finish with a simple question." The two faces simultaneously lit up with the word 'basic common sense'. Perhaps because they thought Director Yoon had taken a liking to the princess, they couldn't hide their laughter and listened to Director Yoon's 'common sense' question. Common sense that everyone knows. "What is the capital of Lithuania?"

"..." "..." The smiles of the two suddenly froze. The three of us in the background froze even harder for another reason. Meanwhile, Director Yoon gave the two of them some time, took his hands out of his pockets and took a step towards the car. "You don't know? If you don’t even know that, you’re unqualified." Only then did the Hyuk-dae belatedly come to its senses and opened his mouth in panic. "Ah.. ha... ha, but such a ridiculous question... What on earth does that have to do with celebrities..." "It doesn’t matter. Didn’t I just say it was basic common sense?" And when he took one more step, Hyuk-dae refuted it again. "But who on earth knows that?" At the same time, the corners of Director Yoon's lips curled up and he looked down at Hyukdae with cold eyes. "Who?" When asked, he turned his gaze towards me. “Answer me. What is the capital of Lithuania?" I was convinced when I looked into his eyes. He only had a smile in his eyes when he turned to me. I frowned and reluctantly opened my mouth, wondering if I was being teased. "... Vilnius" When I answered slowly, he turned his eyes to Hyuk-dae again.

"Now that you know, take that piece of common sense and use that as a cue to leave right away." He spoke kindly as he opened the car door and glanced at us. The manager and Hansoo, who were as frozen as Hyuk-dae and the princess, were startled, but his eyes stayed on me. "... See you in Seoul." Slam. With the sound of the car door closing, the car soon disappeared before my eyes. However, due to the shock of common sense, no one could move easily even after that. Until after a while I heard the manager mumbling. "Oh my god... Why am I so grateful to the madman..."

The filming that day seemed a bit strange to the other staff. The princess, who always made everyone wait by putting on elaborate makeup for hours before filming, was half-fazed with her manager and started filming without saying a word. Moreover, throughout the filming, she muttered her lines as if he was reading a Korean book and quickly left the filming set with a pale face. What was more intriguing was PD Jung. He, too, surprised everyone by responding with an 'okay' and ended the princess's sloppy performance with a blank expression. The crew members were taken aback by how quickly the princess scenario, which they felt was the most challenging, was completed in half a day. As soon as the princess left, PD Jung stopped the staff one by one and began asking odd questions, raising their suspicions. "Do you guys know what the capital of Lithuania is? Huh? Hey, that's common sense, don't you guys know?" The staff also only had to come to a serious conclusion that he was overworked, so he was losing his mind. As I turned out the lights, I noticed the staff debating whether the director should be quarantined, and two people approached me. The manager and Hansoo appear to have come to their senses slightly. He was still clutching his chest with his hand, as if the shock of 'Vilnius' had not worn off. "Taemin-ah, don't you really need a sedative? My heart is still beating so hard." The manager said that while clutching the empty bottle of the tranquilizer bottle in his hand like a talisman, followed by Hansoo. “Wow... my heart is still shaking too. Who in the world would have thought Director Yoon would ask for the capital of Lithuania? Really, wow~ we really got so lucky! If it weren’t for the madman, none of us would have been able to answer...” Hansoo trembled, as if it were too terrifying to think about.

"... We might have been fired from the company.” The manager was particularly surprised and tapped my shoulder. I was just about to put the separated light into my bag when I looked up and he whispered in a low voice. "Contact the madman. Tell him to keep asking questions in the future." "..." "Tell him to ask you any question he wants, not just the capital, but also local administrative cities, counties, prefectures, towns, and villages... Gasp! You didn't get a call today, by the way? Why?" That's right, he came in and peed next to me. I simply swallowed the excuse that the manager would not be able to accept. If he had been shocked further, it appeared that sedatives would not have sufficed and he would have been carried to the emergency room. It would be less difficult to discover the identity of the madman later. I stood up after putting the lighting equipment on my shoulder. Clank. The individual light poles in the bag collided and made a loud noise. The manager and Hansoo showered praises, but I was having other thoughts. Could he have had a reason for asking that question? Was he not just making fun of me? I returned to the back of the truck after repositioning the lights and texted him for the first time. I sent the text message in part because the term 'price' came to me. Perhaps these questions were also one of his prices. [ Was the question you asked part of the price? Tell me. ] After moving the luggage a few more times and loading all the lights, I received an answer on my phone. [No. It was Just to piss you off.] Tut. I decided one thing when closing the phone interface with a sound. Let’s never doubt him from now on. This guy is just a madman. ///

Thanks to the short filming of the princess, the work here was able to be completed the next day as expected. Since most of the movie was about the city of xxx, it was no exaggeration to say that virtually all of the movie was filmed. All that remains is filming in Seoul. Years later, the main character lives in Seoul and visits his hometown friends one by one to see how they have changed. Most of the scenes for this were filmed several months ago, so the one to be filmed as soon as we got to Seoul was Hansoo's scene. Early in the morning, I left the motel where I had become accustomed of living there for so long. The owner, who was used to seeing guests leaving, just glanced at us as we walked out

the door with sleepy eyes. Perhaps because I had been wandering around XXX City for over three weeks, almost a month, I actually felt like I stayed longer than that. As I was leaving the toll gate, Hansoo, who looked like he had stayed up all night, kept looking back while I was driving. "It feels just like I left my hometown." As I entered the highway, I said ‘rest,’ and looked at the manager in the backseat through the rear-view mirror. He was still snoring in my sleep after drinking with the staff all night. “Can I do well?" When I turned my eyes to the absent-minded muttering, Hansoo's face was reflected in the window looking outside. “Am I really going to overcome my fear of cameras after I finish this scene? I’m a little scared because I don’t think anything will change." As I changed gears and increased speed, the old car made a louder noise with an 'ooh~' sound. I knew I needed to say it was going to be okay, even if it was just empty words, but the words didn't come out easily. Hansoo was someone that I couldn't understand. If I had heard Hansoo's worries before coming down here, I would have said something to stop his muttering. Comforts that can come easily. But something had changed. I still think Hansoo's concerns were confusing and annoying, but I can no longer ignore them. This may be because the only thing I did in the place I left was moving and installing lights, waiting blindly for filming, and getting scolded by the camera director for not being able to move the lighting position properly. I understood what I did while reading the script to the point of being torn to pieces. For the first time in my life, I seriously struggled and tried to understand someone other than myself. A being that does not exist and has only a brief background explanation. Maybe the few weeks I spent with him in were the reason why I couldn't come up with easy empty words. “Shall I tell you how?" When I got used to driving on the highway in the early morning with almost no cars, it took awhile for me to speak. He looked at me with questioning eyes, 'How?' “How not to fail." I added, shifting the steering wheel to my left hand. “Do you know why I don’t tremble in front of cameras?” Hansoo's ears perked up at these words, and I saw Hansoo straighten his body. "W-why don't you tremble?" "Get rid of the nervousness."

"Get rid of it?" When I held out my right palm and asked to put it up, Hansoo carefully held out his hand. I closed my hands and held his hand so tightly that it almost crushed. Soon a scream came out of Hansoo’s mouth "Ugh~!" He twisted his body and shouted, ‘It hurts!’ Only after shouting did I release him. Hansoo shed tears and made a crying sound. “Ugh, I thought I broke a bone...” But I couldn't hear everything he said. The manager who was sleeping in the back seat woke up at the noise and started talking loudly in his sleep. "Vilnius!!!!!" The sound of snoring took over the back seat again. After a long period of silence in the front seat, Hansoo opened his mouth. "I need to give the manager some tonic." I guess I was laughing at those words without realizing it. Hansoo looked at his and my hands in turn and smiled. “It definitely hurts so much that I can’t even feel nervous." "Yes. So sleep now." After exhaling dryly, I added to Hansoo who was looking at his hands for a while. "Before filming, I will hold it again."

Chapter 34 Chapter Summary

My name is Lee Taemin.

In conclusion, Hansoo's filming was only half successful. The filming, which took place in an indoor studio late that afternoon, was an encounter between the main character of the movie and a person who could be said to be the pinnacle of the strange relationships and people he met during the day. An actor with camera phobia. Outside the messy filming set, another real filming team surrounded the set. Hansoo, who was supposed to turn pale in front of the camera, actually turned pale and looked around before going in front of the camera and then ran towards me. "Ha, ha.. H-Hand." I heard the assistant director calling Hansoo, but Hansoo only held out his hand to me and couldn't even speak properly. I felt the manager next to me looking at me strangely, but I held his hand without saying a word. "Ahh!!" Hansoo screamed so loudly that the staff all turned around and headed towards the camera with his hands clenched. "What are you two doing?" The manager, who was nervous that Hansoo might not do well, looked puzzled and asked me. There was no need to control the lighting in the studio, so I stayed back and turned to the manager and brought up another topic. “Stop drinking." "Huh? Why? Did I do something wrong?” "No." "Then why?" I was about to tell him that if he continued, he would definitely immigrate to Lithuania, but I turned away at the director's 'Cut.' Hansoo, who had just started acting, was surprised by the director's words and opened his eyes wide. “That’s not it. You weren't nervous at all. How is it different from just reading lines?”

The director frowned in dissatisfaction, but Hansoo blinked as if he didn't understand what he meant. "Just act like you normally do. Since you have a fear of cameras, it's fine to just do as usual. Or did you think the camera was off?" When asked, Hansoo answered quietly, ‘Oh, no.’ and swallowed his saliva. Then the director signaled that he would do it again and to do well. There was silence inside as the assistant director stepped away from the slate checking the scene. Everyone just stared at Hansoo, and after looking at the floor for a moment, Hansoo raised his head and started speaking in a nervous voice. After that, the same shooting was repeated a few more times due to poor engineering and the director being dissatisfied, but I wasn't too worried. Like the mutterings of the manager standing next to me with his mouth half-open, I too was aware of Hansoo's condition. “That kid... he’s acting.” ///

The filming ended only when it became completely dark. And only when I came out did I realize that I was now back in Seoul. Everyone seemed to be exhausted due to the schedule without any break, so everyone was given three days of vacation. However, no one went home right away. The manager was already among the staff, probably about to have another drink. The reason I couldn't stop him was because Hansoo, who felt like he was flying in the sky, insisted on going first. "Ah~ Taemin, you are going too, right right?" As I grabbed my arm and violently shook off the dangling Hansoo, the manager clung to me from the other side. "That's right, Taemin let's go... On a happy day like this, we should have a drink together!” Only a few people were happy. Then i let go of the manager again, but Hansoo got involved again and the vicious cycle kept repeating. Just as my temper from 5 years ago was about to come back to life, fortunately the phone rang from a distance to save the two of them. When I took out my vibrating phone first, two people were wrapped tightly around me, their eyes shining. "The madman again?!" "The madman again?" The joy in their voices was now evident. I violently pushed the two who were hanging on as if they were already drunk and barely managed to check the text messages on my phone. The two people on the floor were talking nonsense about how powerful they were, but there was

no time to pay attention to them because of the content of the text. Although the sender was the madman, the content was completely different. [Are you in Seoul already? Come to Alice Labyrinth, and get here quickly. By the way, I thought about you all day and carried two 100 won coins in my underwear, and my body got hot.] As soon as I saw it, I immediately pressed delete. Are you sending me this dirty thing with a poisonous stain on my body as a temptation? And how on earth did Boss Alice know that I was in Seoul? While I was wondering if there was a tracker on my body, the two of them sneakily approached me again and showed interest in the text message. “If it's the madman tell him to come here. Let’s say hello and have a drink together. Hm?" "That's right, thanks to him we didn't get kicked out of the company, I also want to say hello." He said that he just wanted to say hello, but his facial expressions and eyes conveyed a desire to actually meet him and compete on a quiz show in person. "It's not the madman." "Then who was it?" "Fake madman." "..." "..." The two froze in shock and asked if he was a celebrity they didn't know. Technically, he was a little famous. Now that I think about it, I haven't heard from him at all today. When we met in XX city, he said he would meet me in Seoul so I thought he would call as soon as I arrived. Well, it's nice that I can go to a goshiwon and sleep comfortably for the first time in a while. I decided to go straight to the goshiwon and put my phone in my pocket, but this time the manager's phone made a loud noise. As soon as he saw it, he tilted his head and said 'It's the office.' He tilted his head and walked some distance away to talk on the phone. Meanwhile, I was about to tell Hansoo that I would go in first, but suddenly a staff member approached us with a surprised look on his face. “Have you heard the news about actor Cha Jongwoo?" The name I heard from the staff was that of a reasonably famous talent I knew. His dramas, as far as I know, have also aired in other countries, and he was a Korean Wave star. Of course, Hansoo was more aware. However, for reasons other than mine. "Huh? Cha Jongwoo is also from Dream. But what news?" "Ah, I only just heard the news on the TV. Well Cha Jongwoo..."

Just as the staff was about to say something, the manager came up to us with a serious look and interrupted. "Sorry, tell the director we'll have a drink next time." He quickly spoke to the staff and looked back at Hansoo and me. "There is an emergency in the office right now. All the managers said they were gathering so I have to go too..." “Oh, then I will follow you too. What’s going on?" The manager seemed rushed, so he hurried me and Hansoo to the car and explained briefly. Dream's star Cha Jongwoo's military service scandal broke out and caused an uproar, but that wasn't the issue. The company was already aware of the situation and was attempting to handle it quietly, but when evidence was put on the Internet, the matter escalated. The manager's hushed voice explained why there was an emergency. "A transaction in which the data disclosed was leaked from within the company." I tried not to follow because it had nothing to do with me, but something suddenly occurred to me, so I got into the manager's car. I remember the name Cha Jongwoo not only because it is famous. He was one of the actors Hansoo stated before about Myeong-shin attempting to emulate. So I wanted to check. The front of the company building was full of reporters and fans, so we had a hard time getting into the basement parking lot. Because of this, all company employees were unable to leave work, and the parking lot was still packed as usual. After sending the manager to the office, I headed to the lounge on the first floor with Hansoo to fill my hungry stomach. Although it was past 9 o'clock, more than half of the seats were occupied. After about 40 minutes had passed, the manager came down in a hurry, as if he wanted to give us some news, and grabbed the bread we had left for him. “This is a serious problem. Tsk tsk, the broker was caught by the police just this evening and he must have told the truth. Because of that, it became impossible to say that things that appeared on the Internet as evidence were fabrications..." The manager took a gulp of the cold drink with ice still floating around in it. “Then what will happened to Cha Jongwoo?" When Hansoo asked, the manager shook his head. "He's over. If you are caught up in a military scandal in our country, no matter how big of a top star you are, you are wounded for several years. Furthermore, given the current circumstances, it appears that he will be compelled to join the military." He tore a piece of bread into his mouth and swallowed, pointing out his finger.

"But how many did he do? In addition, I heard that he has already signed a contract for a future drama..." "How many?" "Huh?" "How many commercials did he do?" The manager blinked at my question and then pointed three fingers. "There are at least 5 for TV alone." "So all 5 of them have to choose a new model right?" "Yes. Taemin, are you going to aim for those..." I shook my head and started laughing. “I thought of someone else other than me who would be aiming for that.” "Someone else? Who..." As he realised the person I was talking about was Myeong-shin, he closed his mouth and shook his head. “I know what you’re thinking, but he's not there yet.” Then he immediately looked at me with serious eyes. “Taemin, do you think he might be involved in this..." The manager's words, which he was about to say, were suddenly interrupted by a laughing voice coming from behind him. To be exact, it was an exasperated laugh. "Ha! Taemin?" My head automatically turned at the name referring to me. But before that, I saw Hansoo across from me, his face turning white. Even if that wasn't the case, the familiar voice already revealed the identity of the person who called me. "You... You, what is this? Why are you here? And with these people?" Myeong-shin saw my face, his eyes flashed fiercely and he spat out. "Fuck. Lee Yoohan." Lee Yoohan. Probably because I kept being called by other names, I thought it would be a joke if I felt strange hearing it again. But it's just a useless worry. What removed the feeling of unfamiliarity was the intonation and pronunciation that clearly reminded me of the past. The same voice as before calling my name.

Maybe that's why, I should have panicked when I was suddenly discovered like this, but the funny thing is that I was delighted at first and almost burst out laughing. Although the moment of being caught happened before I could investigate further and make a concrete plan. "Shit. You..." Curse words flowed from Myeong-shin’s mouth again. As he was racking his brains to sort out this situation, he turned to me and checked with the manager and Hansoo. “What kind of fucked up situation is this? Fuck, it wasn't a coincidence that we passed each other at the art museum, right? That bastard Hansoo deliberately made a plan with you...” The manager next to me tried to get up at Myeong-shin’s words. With a stiff expression on his face, he opened his mouth as if to scold him because he couldn't bear it anymore. “Be careful of what you say. If you suddenly start swearing like that...” Myeong-shin glared at the manager and tried to say something, but I stopped the manager first. I held out my hand to prevent him from getting up and pushed my chair away. Drrr~ As I slowly stood up, Myeong-shin's gaze returned to me. And his face as he looked at me distorted for a moment. Oh yeah. I guess I couldn't hold back and laughed in the end. I asked slowly, realizing that his lips were twisted. "My name is Lee Taemin. Do you know me?" Myeongshin's eyebrows twitched greatly at the deliberately annoying tone of my voice. "Now you're pretending you don't know me..." "Lee Yoohan. Where have I heard that name before." With the same gaze, I took a step forward. “Ah, Song Yoohan. It’s the same as your name." His face, which had been distorted for a moment, became stiff. Tap. Tap. The sound of my footsteps was quickly drowned out in the noisy lounge, but surprisingly, Myeongshin reacted to the narrowing distance by flinching. I suppressed the laughter that rose up again. Maybe this is why the experience is so good. No matter how big the opponent is, the memory of him being so small will always stay with me. Because of that, even if he were to trample on me, I couldn't fill myself with fear. Because he is just Song Myeong-shin to me.

"It's funny. The name you’re swearing at is your own name." I stopped at an arm's length and stared at him expressionlessly. "So is the 'Lee Yoohan' that you know.. Me? I'm asking, Song Yoohan." "... You..." "Answer my question first. I'm really curious. Why is your name Song Yoohan?" The guy closed his mouth like a mussel and glared at me fiercely. I couldn't help but smile at him. And lower my voice enough for only him to hear. "I suddenly remembered something funny. Once upon a time, there was a brainless guy who complained that he wanted to be as strong as me. As a result, he also blabbered that my name sounded cool. "Fuck... That." He lowered his voice as much as I did and muttered under his breath as if he was suppressing his anger. "That's just in the past." "Then prove it." What? A question mark appeared in his angry eyes. I took a half step closer and spat out. "If you're strong, then go ahead. I'm willing to deal with you, you bastard. Then that way, I will also beat you right here in this place.” Clack. I could clearly hear the footsteps this time, even though they were not mine. Myeongshin stepped back and his jaw twitched, as if he was clenching his clenched teeth even harder. For a moment, his eyes and face were filled with shame for backing down. But that was only for a moment. A soft smile appeared on his lips, as if he was wearing a mask. "Yes, I guess I was wrong. Lee Taemin-ssi. I'll check it out more carefully and come back later." He kept his distance, narrowing his eyes as if trying to calm his slightly shaky voice. And then, as if something had occurred to him, he whispered in a joyous voice. "Just wait. I'll give you a proper match soon." As soon as he finished speaking, he turned away and quickly disappeared. However, a tremor that couldn't be overcome by his rage remained in the guy's voice that lingered in the air. I had to laugh out loud when I saw the guy fleeing, but all my smiles had already faded.

" Woah~ that was refreshing. But what did you say to make him run away like that?" Hansoo, who had come to the side, was talking excitedly, but the manager standing on the other side was worried. "Is it okay to meet like this?" "... No." I gave a quick response before turning around. This isn't very good. I didn't like the notion that I provoked him out of rage, that he would attack me savagely in the future as a result, and that I might not have enough time to prepare. Because it can't possibly end so quickly. I shouldn't get caught up in my emotions and lash out. I'll have to work at it gradually. I realized what I done would come back at me like a boomerang. In this world, there is still such a thing as revenge. Like this person, there are punks like me who aren't afraid to do dirty things. There are punks like me who aren't afraid to do dirty things like this guy. After reassuring the worried manager that I would take care of it, I headed to Alice for the first time in a while. I haven't been there for over 3 weeks, almost a month, but I still haven't forgotten the faces I see every time. However, I was stopped at the entrance. Not from the person who always guards the back entrance, but from an unknown face. “You can’t go in this way.” A security guard with harsh eyes and a different atmosphere than before blocked my path. From this point on, I felt a little anxious. When I stopped and stared at him without saying a word, he, who seemed to be a newcomer, looked at me with narrowed eyes. Perhaps because he was used to protecting something, he spoke out the necessary words without hesitation. “If you are a guest, please use the front door.” "I'm not a guest." He then gave me another full-body look. Looking at this casual, even shabby, clothes, it didn't appear that I was an employee who worked here. “Do you have an appointment with someone inside? First of all, I haven’t heard anything in advance, so please let me know and I will contact you below.” I said although I did not have an appointment I was planning to meet the boss. I realized the true nature of my anxiety when he asked the next question. "What's your name?" "..." He lowered his head as he dialed in the call below and then urged me, who did not respond. “Can you tell me your name?”

"Lee... Taemin." When I answered with the feeling that I had experienced this before, the security guard immediately contacted the person below via walkie-talkie. However, his expression upon receiving the answer was cold. “They say there is no such person among the boss’s acquaintances.” "Ask the manager." “He is busy. Make sure to contact us and come next time…” "... Won." "Yes?" I opened my mouth again when the security guard gave me a look that indicated he didn't understand what I was saying. I never thought there would come a day in my life when I would say these words myself. “... Say that someone whose real name is Lee Baek-won is here." For a moment, a look of disbelief appeared on the security guard's face, but he managed to say his 'real name, Lee Baekwon' over the radio. Then he touched the headset he was wearing again and blinked his eyes, cleared his throat, and stepped back. "Ah, ahemm, please come in. Lee... Baekwon-nim." If the guard changes again, don't come here again. I made up my mind as I passed the redfaced security guard trying to suppress his laughter, but strangely my anxiety didn't go away. As if something bigger was waiting for me.

Chapter 35 The employee who guided me was also my first time seeing him, so I felt a little strange and entered the president's office. What was even weirder was that he didn't understand my question before going in. “Is Director Yoon here?" He probably hasn't come because there was an emergency at the company, but I asked just in case, and the employee tilted his head with a puzzled look on his face. "Diector Yoon? We don't have anyone named Director Yoon in our store. If you are looking for one of our guests..." "No. Never mind." I interrupted and closed the door to the vacant boss's office, I noticed a lot had changed in Alice over the past month. Perhaps the cause is 'Lee Baek-won' that Chairman Kim and Myeong-shin are looking for. Thud. As soon as I sat down on the sofa in the unoccupied room, the closed door opened and the boss entered. He was talking on the phone in a loud voice, and as soon as he saw me, his eyes lit up with ominous joy. For a moment, I wanted to leave, but the content of the call caught me. "Oh yeah. Baekwon is in my room now.” Is he talking to the madman? As soon as I paid attention, I immediately regretted it. "Ah, speaking of Baekwon, it appears like just half of him is present. If he enters the room with only his head, would it be termed 50 won? Hahahah~" The director hugged his stomach and laughed like crazy at his own joke. I felt frustrated even though it wasn't even my real name, but I tried to hold back and just clenched my fists, empathizing with those who had that name. Fortunately, the other party didn't seem to respond very well, so the president's laughter died down quickly. "... What? Isn't that funny?" As if shocked, he glanced at me then turned away and spoke softly into the phone as if trying to convince the other person. "What do you mean, do you know how many variations there are to the joke? Instead of saying, "I want to go inside you," say, "I will make you 400 won," and you can set a pleasant mood..."

The director's proposal was immediately rejected. How did I know? "Huh? Hello? Hello!" The madman hung up the phone. The embarrassed boss shouted into his cell phone and then turned to look at me as if he was feeling unfairly treated. "Isn’t it fun? Plus, it's romantic! 'I will turn you into 400 won'!" "..." "Huh? Why such a dissatisfied expression... Ah!” The director seemed to notice something in my gaze and nodded. "I see, the correct expression is 300 won, not 400 won! Since you're only going to swallow the important thing, 300 won was enough. Hehe, it was my mistake.” I really wanted to throw my phone at the boss. I've never felt so jealous of a madman who could hang up, so I just clutched the phone in my hand. Of course, the boss completely trusted his own reasoning, so he called the madman again to resolve the misunderstanding. “Haha, Jay is so meticulous that he can’t stand it when he sees something wrong. ... Oh, Jay. It's me. So I mean 300 won... What? You're busy, so could I kindly quit talking nonsense? No, no!... Hmmm, hoo" The boss was already upset, and I secretly hoped that the madman would say something more severe, but instead, he quickly forgave the boss. “Someone is near you? Yeah, I understand. Such embarrassing stories... Ah, I got it. So what I’m trying to say is to let you know that I found it.” The boss sat across from me and smiled leisurely. He didn't say what he found, but the president's slow speech continued without interruption, as if it was important to him as well. "It was more useful than I thought. There is only one child in the age group you are looking for, and he also happens to have an unruly personal life and personality, so he is a perfect fit ...Yep. okay. I already wrote it down. It'll probably fall apart in a month When that time comes, it will be appropriate to be able to use it." As he spoke, the boss smiled an eerie smile without smiling eyes. "If you dare to mess up my shop like this, you have to pay a fair price." Coldly spewed out, he made eye contact with me and returned to his original expression "So I'll call back later." As soon as he hung up the phone, he leaned back comfortably on the sofa and asked me.

"You're curious, aren't you?" When I answered honestly, “Yes,” he smiled as if praising me. "Okay. I'll explain." I bent my upper body forward, intrigued about the fair price that the boss mentioned, or the person who uses it after a month. It was only a sensation, but I had a feeling it had something to do with Chairman Kim, so I watched the president's open his mouth. "Then listen carefully." I nodded. “There are many jokes other than 300 won that can be used under your name. For example, every time you take off your clothes, you can cut it into tens of won and use it to burn Jay’s heart.” "..." Fuck, are you kidding me... I was so upset for a moment that I furrowed my eyebrows, and when the boss looked at my face, he suddenly burst into laughter. “Hahaha~ I’m kidding, I’m kidding. Wow~ Why am I being so funny today? huh? From 300 won to a 10 won nude show! Hahaha~ What should I do, it’s so funny!” He rolled over on the sofa, holding his stomach, and began to twist as if he was choking. I stood up, thinking it would be nice if he could just suffocate like that. “Kkeukkk~ Huh? Haha, uh, where are you going?” With tears streaming down his face, he barely sat down and motioned to me. "Okay then I'll stop making fun of your name so don't be angry and sit down. I'll raise it to 2,000 won instead and call you... Fuhahaha~ Promoted to 2,000 won~" Bang, bang, he hit the sofa with his fist and I walked to the door without any hesitation, leaving behind him who was absorbed in his own joke. He quickly opened his mouth to see me off. “Oh, wait. Because of Chairman Kim, Jay doesn’t come often these days, but when he does, I’ll contact you right away.” The director wiped his tears with his hand and tried to continue. "I'm also keeping an eye on Song Yuhan." I'm already aware of his plans to travel abroad soon... Now that I think of it, if Lee Baek-won travels abroad, you can say you name is 2 dollar... Hahaha~ Ah, look at me, 2 dollar! The foreign name is 2 dollars! Hahaha~” BAM!

The door slams shut, but the director's laughter doesn't stop echoing through the hallway until I walk up the stairs. I'm not coming again.

It's nice to have people around you who can get the information you need the most, but if you're the one who feels uncomfortable first, it can be a problem. I looked up at the tall building, whose end was no longer visible thanks to the black sky, and got up from the railing where I had rested my butt. 11:55 p.m. Sleepiness gradually came. I drove early in the morning, stopped by the movie company in the morning, and film at the studio in the afternoon. And I met Myeong-shin. As I watched the cars quietly entering the building while feeling the wind, I lost concentration due to fatigue. When my eyes became so puffy that I thought I might have missed the madman's car, I decided to choose an easier way. There was no card to go through the main gate, but the security in the underground parking lot was a bit lax. I hid in the dark, carefully stepped past the security guard who was too absorbed in watching TV, and went down to the basement parking lot. It felt like a never-ending tunnel of curved and curved space. Perhaps it was the unique coolness and smell of the subterranean that made me feel like I was headed to a cemetery for a brief minute. However, I soon noticed cars filling the basement and stopped for a bit before walking around to find the elevator hall I needed. As I pressed the floor number in the elevator, I remembered his house I had visited once before. Take the exit and immediately turn left. A gray iron gate with a black line on the underside. I rang the doorbell once as a courtesy and sat down, leaning against the front door with my knees bent. I got out my phone and checked to see if I had received a call, but there were no missed calls or texts that I had not received. I called once , and also sent a text saying,'Are you busy?' Now all I need to do is wait . Because he couldn't go to Alice for the time being, but no matter how busy he was, he had to go home to get changed. I closed my eyes and thought. 'You should not sleep deeply'. I repeated it like if I were casting a spell, but as soon as I closed my eyes, the exhaustion of a hard day pressed down on my entire body. The cold marble floor's discomfort quickly faded, and I fell asleep as if knocked out. And I couldn't help but be bewildered for a second when I opened my eyes in surprise at the faint sound. Where am I? I forced my eyes that couldn't open properly. One thing that came to mind was that the soft bed I was currently lying on was not the cold hallway where I last closed my eyes. I was startled by this and tried to get up, but something was pressing down on my chest. uh? I was barely able to raise my head when I heard a whisper in my ear.

"It's my phone." Phone? Only then did I know that the noise that woke me up was the ringing of the phone. And as if to wake up my head that had not yet turned, the large body next to me raised its upper body in the darkness. As my eyes gradually adjusted to the faint dawn light, I noticed the madman sitting next to me answering the phone. He leaned his bare upper body against the head of the bed and ran his hands through his hair. The strong muscles strengthened through exercise were clearly visible even in dimly lit vision. "Okay." Hearing his low voice, I attempted to get up. But he sensed me like a ghost, without even glancing at me. ThumpMy head dropped back on the soft pillow because of the strong push on my shoulders. "Tell him to wait. I'll go now." ClickHe threw the phone lightly on the table and pressed on my shoulders. I was ready to turn around to avoid him out of habit, when the guy quickly pushed his lower body against mine, immobilizing me. Then he raised his upper body, one arm propping up the bed, and asked indifferently. “Did you miss me?” What nonsense are you talking about? "We met each other the other day." I assumed he was half asleep and reminded him of the memory, but he merely smiled politely. For some reason, that smile felt like he was angry, as if he was saying, 'that's not the answer,' so I frowned. "Don't you remember?" “It was so long ago that I don’t really remember.” Are you still in dreamland. I wanted to voice my doubts out loud, but the guy looking down from above felt strangely threatening. To respond lightly, the tension spread through my body and I slowly opened my mouth. "Why are you like this? I was the one waiting at the door because I didn’t hear from you.” “Why did you wait?” “I want to ask you something.”

"And?" "..." “Is that all? Say it right. Is that all?” The coldness in his voice was now clearly evident. Not only did I suddenly wake up in bed, but I also had to be pressed down by a half-naked guy and interrogated for no reason. I pushed away the arm of the guy holding my shoulder and turned my body to get away. “If not, what else should there be?” I pulled away from the still motionless man and added in a snarl. "This is why I never do things I've never done before. I waited for the first time in my life and..." Creak . The guy pressed my shoulder hard again, causing my half-raised upper body to fall onto the bed. Shaking from the recoil and looking confused, what is this? I looked up. But it was strange. The bloody aura had disappeared from the guy's face. Instead, he mumbled dryly with his softened eyes. " First time huh....It’s barely a brake." “What brake?” I was still angry, so I let out a low sigh, but the guy's mood completely changed and he smiled as usual. “But don’t worry, there’s no brakes down there at all.” At his words, I felt cold goosebumps inside me as I realized the hard object touching underneath me. However, I deliberately looked up straight as if nothing was wrong. “You were going out.” When I reminded him of the previous phone call, one corner of his mouth curled up. “Yes, if I had known this would happen, I would have woken you up when I saw you at the door.” "..." Now that I think about it, why didn’t he wake me up? I felt a little puzzled, but his hand came up to my forehead. I couldn't ask why because his hand was brushing my bangs softly. I couldn't believe it, but I felt like this touch was the answer. "Don't."

I spat out brusquely and grabbed his hand. But his eyes when he noticed my discomfort were filled with laughter. “That only sounds like you're telling me not to go.” This madman... I muttered to myself but he placed his hand back on my forehead. "Do whatever you want." The guy must have found my words funny, shaking his shoulders and laughing for a moment before asking. "Have you met Song Myeong-shin?" As my eyes widened in surprise at the sudden change of topic, he stopped laughing and lowered his head as he added, “Since yesterday, we have been searching all the computers to catch the insider who stole company secrets from yesterday.” It was cold. The lips that touched the nape of my neck made a wet sound and sucked the flesh. I couldn't resist properly because I was listening to the lips that opened above my neck. “The call from earlier was the news that a computer with evidence left behind had been found. Who do you think it is?” A voice filled with laughter tickled my skin along with a hot tongue licking my neck. But my body didn't stiffen from his actions. Perhaps it was because i had already predicted his next answer. "Your manager." He raised his head slightly to look at me and smiled. “They said your manager was the culprit.” No. My manager was not the culprit. The answer floating around in my mouth couldn't come out right away. His words made my mind spin like a whirlwind, preventing me from opening my mouth. The subject of the whirlwind is Song Myeong-shin. And what he said lingered around me, mixed with anxiety.

-I'll give you a proper match in a few hours.

How many hours has passed. If this is his work, he has kept his promise amazingly well.

"No." At the belated denial, the madman slowly raised his head. He gently licked his lips with his tongue as if tasting something delicious, dryly replied. “There is clear evidence.” "Evidence? It must be a computer. That's something anyone can use in my manager position. Everyone in the same office knows that my manager has been down at xxx city for a month, so his seat was empty. What idiot would do such an obvious thing as leave evidence on his computer?” "An idiot could still be the culprit. Besides, your manager hasn't always been in XX city. He came into the office multiple times." "..." “Any other excuse?” He stood up and stepped out of bed, waiting for an answer. I slowly straightened my upper body as his face faded and the hand on my shoulder vanished. He automatically turned his head left and right, as if to relax his stiff body, and opened his mouth lightly, as if nothing had happened. “Just saying ‘No’ is not enough. Even if it’s obvious to the eye, the evidence has already come out.” "You just need to figure out what you're missing. Evidence that things can be turned around..." “Then give it to me now.” He stopped talking, tilted his head to the side and looked down with indifferent eyes. "I have to go to the office immediately to discuss the handling of your manager. Even if your manager is innocent, this industry thrives on rumors. False rumors spread swiftly, yet even after the truth is exposed, people remember only the ones that spread widely. No matter how innocent your manager is, he has to be dismissed since he is no longer useful to the company. But.. The boring, drawn-out words continued with laughter. "You believe your manager is innocent?" "Yes." "The reason is?" Because I believe the real culprit is someone else. However, it was not enough to explain that it was because of what Myeong-shin said. It was just a feeling. I couldn't open my mouth

thinking about that, and then I suddenly realized that I was leaving out one thing. A question asked by the madman before saying that the company's culprit had been caught.

-Have you met Song Myeong-shin?

Why did he ask that? As soon as I thought of that, I stood up. The faint dawn light that shone in had no effect on him standing with his back to the window. I asked in a low voice, trying to look him straight in the eyes in the dark. “Why did you ask if I met Myeong-shin? Do you know something?” There is no link between the phone call notifying him that my manager was the culprit and my meeting with Myeong-shin. There's just one thing, unless it's an odd coincidence that he shares my suspicions. The impression that the culprit, Myeong-shin, was provoked by me and planned against the manager. "I met Myeong-shin." I spoke first to him who had kept his mouth shut. “As soon as we met, I said something to Myeong-shin, and Myeong-shin told me to wait a few hours. When you asked me if I knew who the culprit was, I was wondering if it was possible, that it was something Myeong-shin planned.” I told my story calmly. It was clear that he knew something. If I were wrong, given his personality, he would have cut me off and immediately said no. And I knew from experience that it was better to wait patiently than to get angry. But his silence was strangely getting longer. Why? Am I missing something or thinking wrong? "Didn't you already know something about Myeong-shin, that's why you asked me first? I suspect Myeong-shin created a trap by being agitated when he met me..." "Myeongshin, Myeongshin." He mumbled and curled his lips. “It’s so annoying.” What the hell is he saying now? When I suspected I heard wrong, the guy reached out to touch my face. Before I could dodge, his hand was already wrapped around my neck below my ear. "You said you were taking revenge, right? But why are you calling his name like you're close friends?" "... What?"

I was so dumbfounded that I couldn't even try to remove the hand of the guy who was holding my neck. I was seriously trying to tell him about my story and that's all he's paying attention to... But what was even more surprising was that he really seemed annoyed. "If this continues, I'll misunderstand. I wonder if it’s not just about revenge, but also some residual feelings. His thumb, curled around my neck, proceeded softly to brush the area behind my ear. The movement made me even more breathless than before. It was probably due to the laughter mixed in with the soothing tone. A quiet laugh with no joy, only a chill. "For the guy you used to fuck in the past." "... Stop talking nonsense." I spat out his hand and, surprisingly, the hand fell off obediently. "There are no feelings left. If it weren't for revenge, I wouldn't care how that guy spent his life." I remember the first time I saw him in the elevator. I remembered the first time I met him in the elevator. I really didn't feel anything, it was rather surprising. And it's also amazing that I'm being kind enough to try to explain this myself right now. "If there was any feelings left, I would have run away when I first saw him at work because I didn't want to be caught out as a sloppy delivery man." If that had been the case, I would not have met my current manager in the elevator again, and I would not have been intrigued by Myeongshin's change and overheard their talk. It's kind of funny now that I think about it. My heart was so empty that I didn't even care about him fleeing with the money. As a result, I got the opportunity to fill it with revenge. "Just revenge, huh." I raised my gaze to the indifferent voice. Although his face was still obscured by the darkness, I could tell that his smile had disappeared. "Is it really just revenge?" "What the hell are you talking about..." "There is something wrong with your obsession with revenge." "I realized this when I got annoyed by the name Myeong-shin." He ran his hands through his bangs, muttered something to himself, and then turned his eyes to me. “I heard you said that to Alice’s boss. That it was you who killed your brother and mother.” "What about that?"

Surprisingly, he just answered very casually. Hearing my dry voice, he slightly lifted his chin and looked down at me. "If you think your brother's death is your fault, isn't your obsession with Song Myeong-shin too big?" "..." "Tell me. All you want is revenge, right? I'll do it. I'll avenge you right now. If you wish, I can even throw Song Myeong-shin into the abyss, causing him to lose everything and being cast out on the streets. Should I do it? No, I really want to do that. So his damn name doesn't come out of your mouth anymore." "... No. Don't touch him." "..." “Revenge is mine.” He widened his lips in response to my threat-like remark. The mocking smile with the customary unmasked eyes said, 'see, you're too obsessed, like I said.' There were no questions, but the extended stillness seemed to be begging me to explain. Why was I so obsessed with revenge? I was the murderer. I wasn't sure if the actual time had passed was as long as I believed it had. But it felt like a long time when I opened my mouth and felt a dry sensation. "I have to pay the price for my sins." I spoke at regular intervals. “I have to pay for my sins. If I discovered one of the reasons that caused my brother's death five years ago, I can't just stay still. I have to deal with it. I, the guilty one, will take care of all the rest of the trash. There is no revenge for myself at all. It’s just revenge for that wrong time five years ago.” When I closed my eyes, a bright red alley came to mind. A world where blood rained down as if everything was covered with red paint. That time. That time when I looked into the eyes of my stabbed brother. “So don’t interfere with my atonement.” Long after my last, uninflected words had disappeared into thin air, his hand came up to my face again. This time, it covered my cheeks, not my neck. "It's interesting." He said quietly, lifting one knee on top of the bed and moving closer. "My heart moved."

As he got closer, I could see his eyes more clearly. “Your voice sounded like cry.” That can't be possible. My voice is no different from usual right now. The words I was trying to refute disappeared in his next words. “And it even sounds like you’re barely living to atone for your sins.” "..." "What are you planning to do once you've carried out your revenge, no, your atonement?" A sharp, cold voice approached me as if he already knew my answer in advance. I exhaled dryly without averting my gaze. “I’ll answer if you promise not to interfere with my revenge.” "Ah, I promise." I also answered easily when he gently promised so. "Nothing." "..." "Nothing. As long as I'm alive, I can't pay for my sins."

It only ends when I die. He removed his hand from my cheek, stepped back, and left the bed. And this time it was my turn to be sarcastic. “Is your anger gone after listening to everything?” "Yes." The unexpectedly honest answer actually made me feel less sarcastic. No, I think the guy's eyes in the dark seemed to be looking at me so intently that it seemed scary for a moment, so it may have disappeared it. As i frowned and thought that guy really didn't make any sense, he stood on the floor, spoke quickly while looking at the clock on the table. “There were two employees who were already suspected to be the culprits. The reason I asked you if you met Song Myeong-shin was because I know that one of the employees was close to Song Myeong-shin.” An employee close to Myeongshin? I remembered the person Myeongshin was talking to in the underground parking lot for the first time. “To assume that that person is the culprit...”

I realized that the other person was not the kind of person who would easily say something like that, and I saved the last words of my speech. “Do you have something to prove? That he was the culprit.” "Yes." He nodded. “And I was wondering if I could get him and Song Myeong-shin involved within a few days and handle it easily. But then I met you and played a joke like this. It has become a waste to handle it so easily. Is not it?" After asking, he turned towards the bathroom and raised one corner of his mouth. "I just came up with something interesting." He turned his head towards me and asked arrogantly. "Do you want to hear it?" "No." I refused immediately and was about to leave the room, but his words held me back. “Then your manager will be fired from the company like this.” I stopped and looked at him fiercely, but he smiled showing his dimples. "Okay, since I shouldn’t interfere with your atonement, I’ll just give you a hint. A key point that will turn this crisis around." "What is it?" "The other employee who is suspected of being the culprit is..." He turned his half-turned body completely towards me. Yeah, I didn't know what could happen if I knew the other one. Maybe find real evidence from that person, convince him or whatever. Following his mouth, I heard the identity of the other employee. "Cha Joong-woo's manager." What, was that celebrity betrayed by his close associates? I was dumbfounded, but I heard the madman cheering. “Think about it. But you'll have to think quickly. Song Myeong-shin is also at the company now.”

Chapter 36 Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for notes

“Are you rich?” The madman who got on first asked from behind as soon as I touched the first floor button on the elevator. I turned to see what he was talking about, seeing that the numbers for the third basement and first level that I had earlier tapped were red. Then he pointed to the button I pressed with his chin. "You said that you didn't want to get in my car."

"What does me not wanting to get in your car have to do with money?" I asked and then realized he meant taxi. This is why, bour... What was the phrase? Anyway, the wealthy. With my other hand, I took up my watch and tapped the scratched glass. “The first subway train is runs at this time.” I raised an eyebrow. As I turned to look straight, something occurred to me. How dare you talk about the capital of Lithuania without even knowing this basic common sense? I was about call him idiot right away, but before I knew it, the elevator had stopped on the first floor and the doors were just opening. And then the madman passed me and got off first. Suddenly, I was left behind and was so dumbfounded that I couldn't get off, but the guy turned around and urged me. "What are you doing?" “Why are you getting off?” "You said you'll take the subway?" When did I? I just said that the first train was running now. I couldn't express my resentment because I was in a hurry to open the elevator door that was about to close again. However, through the open door, the madman spoke first. "What's wrong? People like me, who are bour..."

He suddenly stopped talking, narrowed his eyes and looked at me. “What is the slang term for a rich person that starts with ‘bour’?”

At this moment, the resentment welling up inside me was also mixed with a little fear. Did the guy get blessed by a God to read people's minds? "What is it called?" "Bour.. jor?" I knew I was wrong when I glanced into his wide eyes. I realized I'd missed my moment to tease the guy who began laughing with his hand against the wall.

Fortunately, it was early in the morning, so no one recognized me riding the subway with the famous Director Yoon. I exited the familiar third floor and dialed the manager's number. The signal did not go off several times, but his nervous voice could be heard. "Where are you?" [T- Taemin? I am sorry but I'm a bit...] His voice shook slightly, toughened by tension. Perhaps he heard the news in the early hours and was summoned to the company. The announcement that he is the culprit will cause the sky to fall. "I heard the news. I’m at work now." There was silence on the other end of the phone, as if someone had stopped breathing, and then the manager spoke sternly. [Taemin, I’m not like that.] "I know. So I'm here. Where are you?” I hung up the phone after hearing about the location from him and proceeded to the stairs. I jumped up several floors at once, and when I got to the seventh story, I noticed the corridor leading to the executive suite. The manager stood with a tired expression inside the security door that blocked the hallway. He noticed me and opened the door from the inside, as if he was waiting for me. "How did you find out? The company would not have contacted you..." "Is Song Myeongshin in there?" I began asking questions and proceeded, but there was no sound from behind me. When I turned back, the manager was still standing in front of the door, solemn. "Do you have any information? I got a strange call early this morning and ran here, but I still have no idea what they're talking about."

With a mouthful of saliva, he asked gently. "Is Myeongshin involved in this?" "Maybe." "..." "Take the lead." As he stepped aside, I said. "Or you can just run away." He straightened his shoulders and passed by me after a while. I followed him to the center of the corridor and came to a halt in front of the door the manager was knocking on. The manager's voice was heard inside, pleading for understanding. "Sorry. The kid I'm in charge of was concerned and will accompany me." He signaled me as I stood in the hallway, and I entered a large, carpeted conference room. When I looked up from the long black table that took up the center of the room, I saw three people standing in the middle of the room. Director Park, an employee who was close to Myeongshin, and Myeongshin. At first glance, Myeongshin's eyes narrowed, but the voice answering the manager's words caught his attention. "Do you need a babysitter? Get out if this has nothing to do with you." The madman, who had half his hips on the table and was looking down at the laptop, raised his eyes and smiled at me across from the three of them. That polite smile you usually see. "Get out if it's none of your business." The corner of Myeongshin’s mouth rose at his firm voice. I looked straight at him, who was Director Yoon. "It's important. I've come to give my testimony. My manager spent the entire month with me at xxx." "A whole month? Manager Choi, as far as I know, has visited the office multiple times in between." The conversation I had just an hour before at his place was replayed. The second half was a little different. “And according to the computer’s records, the date the file was first saved was when Manager Choi came to the office.” He provided more details while checking something on his laptop, but I didn't listen because I was thinking about something else. Isn't it because of me that the culprit rushed to plant the

evidence? Is he claiming that the culprit planted the evidence on the same day the manager came to the office? Was he prepared in advance? "Anything else?" I snorted as I raised my eyes to the languid voice. "I'll have to listen to the situation before I can say anything else ." He turned to face the three men opposite him with a tiny dimpled smile. "I hope this information is precise as I woke up for this from the best sleep I've had in years." In contrast to the cheerful countenance, the eyes staring at the three were lethal if they made a mistake. After a brief period of silence, Chief Park, who seemed to shake his hand, made the first step and delivered the expected brief report. The indications of frequent access to wellknown entertainment websites where evidence was posted, and the amusing story was that evidence files remained on the computer. Chief Park also made a little update, maybe out of sympathy for the manager, stating that it was an entertainment site that everyone visited, although it was unclear if it was the site where the first item was placed. Then there's the issue with the evidence file. Song Myeongshin went forward and pointed to my manager as the idiot who leaves the evidence without removing it. "I'm familiar with him. Manager Choi isn't very adept with computers. He believes that simply placing a file in the recycle bin will result in its complete deletion. After all, he's done this before." The surprised manager shook his head and opened his eyes wide. "What are you on about? When did I..." "Don't you recall? You were posting nasty photographs of my competitors' past on the internet at the time. It wasn't until another employee saw images in that folder with information that hadn't even been placed on the Internet that I realized you were the culprit." "That's not me…" "It was your computer. Do you have anything to say?" The manager's teeth were clenched, in contrast to Myeongshin's comfortable expression. Oh, certainly, I alternately gazed at Myeongshin and the manager. That kid had done it before. As usual, he blamed the manager this time. That's where I'm connected... Gathering everything and preparing the stage early dawn. If that jerk had prepared evidence ahead of time, the situation would have been far worse. How should I proceed? Myeongshin, ecstatic with framing the manager, lightly pressed on rebuking the manager while continuing to speak with Director Yoon. I remembered his instruction to think of a quicker approach as he looked at them as if he was bored.

But how exactly? Another traitor, manager Cha Jungwoo, is a hint. If it was simply stated that he was the culprit, there would be no evidence immediately, thus the crime of framing would be added. Even if the madman provides evidence, it is not a very creative strategy. It'll merely appear to be a bogus charge, which will irritate Myeongshin...

"Stop utilizing such shady ways, Manager Choi. Don't you think what you did this time was a little funny? Slandering a high-profile figure who has nothing to do with it..." "I said no." I took a step forward and took a position in front of Myeongshin. Then, as if anticipating presence, he forced a smile on his lips. "Can't you see the evidence?" I raised my gaze expressionlessly to the files on the table. I noticed the madman who glanced at me with intriguing eyes before heading to Myeongshin, but I didn't have time to stare at him now. The guy was right. There had to be a way. A remarkable one that, hopefully, will reverse this in a single blow. I smiled slowly at Myeongshin. I opened my mouth to face the guy who turned cold in response to my smile. "Evidence? Then I'll prove it. That my manager is not the culprit." "... What do you mean, proof? How are you going to prove that..." Myeongshin, who was sharply exhaling, was aware of his surroundings and promptly grinned. "How are you going to prove it, Lee Taemin?" His voice, and even the aggression in it, had vanished as if transformed, replaced by a carefree laugh. The eyes that were looking at me vanished as if a spotlight was turned on and the guy began to act. "It sounds like I've been out here since dawn, lying on deliberately. Do I appear to be such a free man?" "You look free." I added carefully, watching the twitching, rising brows. "Yo*." *t/n: using honorifics

"Is that so? My goodness, I'm a very busy person." He smirked arrogantly, mimicking me and adding 'yo' late. "Then again, you can't even see the proof in front of you, so you don't even know how busy your senior artist is." "Yes, if that senior artist isn't an exceptional actor, I couldn't care less about his busy schedule," he muttered, his lips tightly sealed, as if suppressing a surge of emotion. Myeongshin managed to restrain himself, his smile deepening, as if he could effortlessly dismiss those trivial words as irrelevant. "It's a clear sign of someone who's unfamiliar with the ways of the world... What do you think?" After studying me for a moment, he shifted his gaze to Director Yoon. "I'm genuinely curious. I'm sure Director Yoon would place more trust in my words than in those of an unknown trainee. Go ahead, tell me." Myeongshin crossed his arms, assuming an air of indifference. I expressed my gratitude and turned away from him casually. I addressed Director Yoon, who was evidently enjoying our exchange. "Could you please ask this not-so-popular senior artist to leave? I'd like to have a conversation with you, Director Yoon." "Hey! Who do you think you are?" "And who are you, then?" I fell silent briefly and took a step forward. "Are you responsible for this situation, or are you a company executive here to hear the report?" "..." The room fell into a hushed silence as everyone's attention shifted to the man whose smile had disappeared. I then turned my gaze to Director Yoon. "Since you heard what he said over there, please listen to me as well. But my manager has been wrongly accused, so I'm hesitant to speak in front of someone." When I mentioned "someone," I pointed directly at Myungshin. At that moment, I could see the guy gritting his teeth, but I didn't get a chance to hear his response. "That makes sense." Director Yoon turned to the others and gave a command. "Now that you've heard it, everyone except Lee Taemin, step out."

"Director Yoon, you can't seriously believe the words of that trainee, can you?" "Song Yoohan." As his name was called, Myungshin fell silent and looked at the other person nervously. The madman's smile slowly transformed into dimples, but his eyes, devoid of a smile, remained focused on Myungshin. "I've said this before. When I woke up from the most pleasant sleep I've had in years, I hoped that it was reliable information. However, the recollections of the past that Song Yoohan shared are not worth discussing at such an early hour." As his dimples deepened, a sweet voice followed. "Fucking brat, did you wake me up for this?" Not only Myungshin but also the others stiffened, taken aback by the sudden profanity. Chief Park, in particular, looked visibly pale. However, the atmosphere became intense due to the soft-spoken response. "... That's all I can come up with. Do you have any truly compelling evidence aside from this?" Myungshin remained silent, biting his lower lip slightly. Director Yoon prodded him. "What are you waiting for? Aren't you leaving?" As the words left his mouth, Chief Park hastily left the conference room as if in a hurry. Myungshin took one last step, and as he passed by me, he couldn't resist offering me a bit of encouragement. "Good luck in vain." With a loud bang, the door closed, leaving only the manager and me behind. Director Yoon turned to my manager. "Aren't you leaving?" "Y-yes?" The manager glanced at both of us with a bewildered expression, his words stumbling. "S-should I leave too, or... but what Taemin is going to say..." "I will listen." He cut the manager off and gestured toward the door, indicating that he should depart. The manager looked at me, clearly wanting to say something, and left as if being chased out.

The room fell into silence once more with the sound of the closing door, and I turned my attention to my secret ally, who remained undiscovered by everyone. He got up from the table and began walking toward me. I attempted to convey my thoughts first, but even as he drew closer, his pace didn't slow. I wondered what he was doing. Then, suddenly, my shoulder was seized. By the time I realized what was happening, his arm was wrapped around my waist. In response, I did what I always did, pushing against his shoulder in an attempt to free myself. "What are you doing?" He pulled me closer to him as I struggled, his voice dry as he spoke over my head. "Have you thought of a solution?" Realizing he was asking about how to prove the manager's innocence, I stopped struggling. As I turned my head to look up at him, our eyes met. His gaze seemed to say, 'Tell me,' so I left a gap between us and shared the solution I had come up with. I didn't know if it was the intriguing solution he had in mind, but it was the best I could think of.

The most captivating twist arising from the revelation that Manager Cha Jungwoo was a traitor. "Is that so?" Does it align with your expectations? He cautiously curled the corners of his lips. "Very well." In response, his hand, which had been wrapped around my waist, slowly descended. I flinched, my nerves unknowingly on edge, and I sharply twisted my upper body. Soon, a soothing voice reached my ears. "I'm not doing anything." Then his hand was groping my ass. "You're already doing it." While I made a face, he lightly brushed my eye with his other hand and spoke whimsically. "You have swollen eyes." "They're not swollen..." I protested, turning my head to avoid his touch, but then I looked at his face and swallowed. He had only slept a few hours and woke up early in the morning, but his face looked unaffected.

"Yeah, it's good that you're not swollen." He lifted one corner of his mouth and responded in a dry tone. "But down there, it's starting to swell~" As a man, I immediately grasped what he meant, but I felt it firsthand from the lower half of my body that was in contact with his. It wasn't the first time I had encountered him in this state, but I was still not accustomed to it. Why was this guy aroused because of me? Numerous questions swirled in my mind. However, his next words diverted my attention back to the original topic. "Resolve it within three days. Until then, your manager's situation will be prevented from leaking out." "Does that mean I can proceed with 'that' approach?" To validate it, I needed Director Yoon's consent. Of course, since it was the method he had initially suggested, it was as if he had already granted approval, but to be honest, I found it a bit surprising. The success of this plan hinged on the manager's capabilities. I had faith in him as my manager and had been pushing for it, but it was even more peculiar that the madman shared the same sentiment. "Of course. I am responsible for obtaining the company's approval. I will prepare all the necessary documents perfectly. However, you have three days." There was a hint of a chuckle behind his voice, but the three-day deadline loomed ahead. A breakthrough had been achieved, but the concerns remained. Could we truly execute it within the given time frame? Then I remembered something I needed. "Tell me first. The evidence of Cha Joongwoo's manager betraying... Mmph!" His lips abruptly silenced me mid-sentence. The hand that already had a firm grip on the back of my head prevented me from escaping. It hurt as if his grip was about to leave marks; it was a kiss that I couldn't even distinguish as such. For a moment, it didn't even feel like a kiss— more like being overpowered by the forceful tongue that occupied my mouth much like the hand that clutched my head with unwavering strength. Ha-! The only thing I could manage on my own was to take a breath. Only then did I realize that it was his kiss as he fervently devoured me and swept through me. But by the time I had regained some semblance of awareness, the abrupt kiss, which had already begun without warning, had ended. The entire weight on my body was gone. It had occurred in such a fleeting moment that it left me stunned. When he opened his eyes, he took a step back and twisted his body as if nothing had occurred.

This bastard... "Hey." I called him as he headed toward the door and took a step forward. “Why on earth are you doing this?” He tilted his head, studying me with narrowed eyes, as if genuinely puzzled. It was as though he couldn't comprehend his own fascination and tried to suppress the excitement coursing through him. "I guess it's because you have shitty tastes that make you horny for me, but why on earth are you doing this?" "What do you mean?" He smiled and asked, but I struggled to provide a precise explanation. If I were to address it, it felt like I would be admitting to something true. Succumbing to sexual attraction, let's say it's just that bastard's desire to fuck me, but this felt different. This, no, even the previous bathroom kiss... there was something about it that couldn't be explained merely by sexual excitement. "I asked 'what'." "It's peculiar. Your kisses are uncomfortable." As I mumbled, he smiled and instantly accepted the remark. "Don't fret. You'll get used to it soon." "Get used to it?..." "It has nothing to do with your emotions." Suddenly, his previously chilly voice shifted and reverberated through the spacious conference room. His expressionless face, void of a smile, abruptly turned my way. "For the first time in my life I have to endure this much, so just shut your mouth and accept it. If you want, we can have sex right here so you won't have to feel uncomfortable anymore." Approaching me, his enigmatic dark eyes glistened with an emotion I couldn't discern. "My pace is only controlled to slow things down. I couldn't care less about whatever feelings you may harbor." As I maintained my unwavering gaze on him, he returned to his initial smile. "So, don't misinterpret my patience as me considering your feelings." "Fuck, I'm not misunderstanding."

I'd never assume for a moment that someone like him would ever be considerate of my feelings in the first place. Suppressing my inner frustration, I raised the inevitably nagging question. "Then why are you holding back?" Just as he was about to turn away, he responded casually. "In case I spoil it." With his head half-turned, emotionless gazes met. "If I kept you locked up and didn't care about your revenge, you'd probably slip out of my hands before I could enjoy you properly. I can't cling to a decaying corpse for the rest of my life, can I?" Are you suggesting that death is the sole escape from his clutches? Amidst those unfortunate words, the phrase 'the rest of your life' stood out particularly clearly. It was disheartening, but I wasn't enraged. This was the rare moment when I glimpsed his unsettling side. In any case, if you're going to have an adversary you'll need to escape from or fight later, you ought to get acquainted with the the real thing. It's also because the urge to fight that I had in the previous days is still there. The thrill I felt when I assaulted even the most unexpected foe. So, when I look at the madman, I get a weak but warm feeling in my heart, like if everything has vanish. “That’s an understatement. If it were you, you could even get excited and fuck the skeleton's bones." I made a sarcastic comment and headed for the door, but I received a serious response. "But it's not the same tightness." I halted my steps and looked up at the guy who seemed genuinely concerned. This lunatic. "Well, use a rubber band then." He smirked and seemed to approve of my solution. "Only you can make that rubber band, right?" I considered a quick retort about how the rubber band would be even tighter than I am, but I bit my tongue when I noticed the mischievous gleam in his eyes. Same eyes as when I said 'Bourjor'. Damn it, there's no need to entertain me with this useless conversation. With pride the size of an ant, I approached the door first, but the man following me spoke as he passed by. “So you can’t die without my permission.”

I paused. I had reached for the door but stopped and turned around. He grabbed the door handle and turned it first, but before opening it, he shared one last piece of information. "The proof of the military service scandal that's been circulating on the Internet is in a recorded file. The broker and Cha Jungwoo had a face-to-face conversation. Find it, crank up the volume, and listen carefully. There might be something interesting in the background noise." Is this the evidence that points to Manager Cha Jungwoo as the culprit? As I pondered this, the door clicked open. All eyes were suddenly fixed on us, as if they had been waiting for us through the open door. "Three days. Until then, while Lee Taemin gathers evidence, everyone should ensure that this matter doesn't leak." Director Yoon, who issued the command to the others, turned back to look at Myungshin and the staff members close to him after his statement and added, "And in three days, we will uncover the real culprit."

Chapter End Notes

I just found out that his name is spelled "Myungshin" not Myeongshin


Chapter 37 "Taemin, what was that all about?" The moment Director Yoon and Chief Park vanished into the room at the end of the hallway, my manager hurriedly questioned me. However, his voice got drowned out by someone else's words. "I don't know how you managed to slip through, but if the evidence is solid, your deceptions will be exposed soon." I didn't think I was misunderstanding the anxious undertone in Myungshin's sneering voice. I turned away from my manager and faced him. Myungshin, locking eyes with me, spoke with an icy expression. "Three days? Alright. Let me keep an eye on you for the next three days to watch how you hold on to your last breath. But I'm confident it won't make a difference." "Okay, just watch it carefully. That's what I want too." I retorted and glanced at Myungshin, and the employee beside him with a tense expression. Myungshin's demeanor barely changed at Director Yoon's words, but the staff member seemed visibly pale. And when I grinned, the employee's expression worsened. "You better prepare well in these three days as you watch." "Prepare for what?" "What you've neglected." I added, confirming that Myungshin's eyes were locked onto the employee. "Search carefully. I wonder what you've overlooked, like a fool, in the evidence you've planted." Tap. The employee gulped and took a step back. Muttering something urgently to Myungshin, they grabbed his arm and hastily retreated. Hurrying through the security door, the two of them disappeared in the direction of the elevators. I silently cheered them on inside. Yes, search thoroughly. So that you don't bother us or get sidetracked during these three days. There are no perfect lies in the world; every plan has its small loopholes. They'll find some trivial detail and panic. "Is there an issue with the evidence? Did you find it?"

My manager asked, sounding half-startled and excited. "No." "But you said something to those two..." "I was just bluffing." Disappointment swiftly swept across my manager's face upon hearing this response. He seemed to share the sentiment with Myungshin, thinking that I had only managed to buy three more days as they had suggested. "So... What did you say to Director Yoon? Do you have any way to prove it?" "Manager." I called him and gave him a hopeful look. The older man nodded eagerly like an eager child. "Yes, Taemin?" "There is a way. I even have Director Yoon's approval." "Approval?" He inquired, but I disregarded his question and carried on. "The only thing the manager needs to do is provide proof." "What is it? I'll do whatever it takes. I can do it." He momentarily forgot our location and raised his voice, the sound echoing down the hallway. "Absolutely. I'll do anything to clear my name. I didn't do this. Myungshin's words are all lies..." "I know." I cut him off abruptly, taking his arm and leading him towards the door. As I walked past, I inquired, "By the way, what's Cha Jungwoo's future like?" "Huh? Well..." He furrowed his brows, taken aback by the sudden shift in topic. "It depends on how he handles the situation. He'll have to complete his military service, of course, but the issue is that if he doesn't handle it well, it might take years for his career to recover. Cha Jungwoo is more of a star known for his handsome looks and manly image than his acting skills, so his marketability decreases as he gets older." Although he didn't elaborate further, the message was clear: Cha Jungwoo's public image needed to be restored, or he'd face a steep decline, potentially losing his remaining popularity in a few years.

"Is there no way at all?" Opening the glass door, the manager asked, 'Way?' He tilted his head. "Yes, if he falls from grace like this, it'll be extremely hard to make a comeback. It's also a significant loss for the company." I halted in the empty elevator lobby and fixed my gaze on the manager. "Does the manager have any solution?" “Well, if it were me.” He paused for a moment and let out a hollow laugh. “Recovering my image would be the top priority, so if it were me, I would do this...” He began to explain a few things but then shook his head. "However, neither the company nor Cha Jungwoo will ever consider my approach. And if you were to suggest it to the company..." “It may be Cha Jungwoo’s manager, the culprit who spread it on the Internet.” "What?!" I asked him who was surprised. "The biggest victim in all of this is Cha Jungwoo, right?" "Of course." "So it's relatively simple to prove the manager's innocence." I casually explained to him, and he blinked in confusion, not quite understanding where I was heading. "Cha Jungwoo is the victim, his manager is the culprit, and the manager has a way to redeem Cha's tarnished image. Therefore, the proof is..." I paused for a moment, locking my gaze onto him as his eyes widened in astonishment. "Remove Cha Jungwoo's manager and become his manager yourself. What could be a more effective proof than having the primary victim admit it?" It was also a clever way to give Myungshin a taste of his own medicine.

I left the manager seated in the familiar third-floor meeting room I usually frequented. It had already been two hours, and I had been staring at the wall, unable to decide if I was

indecisive or half-dozing. During that period, I took a break to freshen up in the common room with the vending machine after thoroughly memorizing my remaining lines from PD Jung's movie. Only two scenes remained. The first involved a line I'd tested when I initially met PD Jung, while the other was the suicide scene, which didn't require any dialogue. In the suicide scene, I only needed to act, so the focus was entirely on the first scene. However, memorizing the lines was an entirely different experience from when I had first come across them. These were lines I had seen a month ago, yet it felt like I was encountering them for the very first time. Each word felt fresh and unfamiliar. When I read them without context, I had no concerns. But now, my mind was clouded. It was just an ordinary arrangement of words, and I could act it out as written, but that wasn't enough. There was something subtly off, an intangible dryness that I couldn't quite pinpoint. I repeatedly went through the lines in my mind while reaching for the red ginseng beverage that the manager was fond of. As I bent down and retrieved the can, I heard a familiar voice coming from a distance. "I'm telling you, Cha Jungwoo is finished." With the cold can in hand, I instinctively moved away from the vending machine and positioned myself behind it, checking out the source of the excited voice at the entrance. I observed the yellow-haired guy, whom I hadn't seen in a while, engaged in conversation with a sharply dressed young man sporting an impeccable hairstyle. This was my first time seeing the well-groomed man. "The broker has already been caught, and the police have been notified and are conducting an investigation as of today. Will he be transported to the army within a month if he comes out of the investigation? Consider this: the company is preventing the press from reporting anything, but Cha Jungwoo has already struck a golf club at his manager. He said he was practically locked up in the house because he couldn't control his fury and plotted to kill them all." The yellow-haired man asked with an innocent expression and wide eyes. "Is Cha Jungwoo really that bad?" "No kidding. To the general public, he appears as a gentleman because he rarely appears in the media, but in the industry, he's known as a big spender with a bad attitude. Haven't you heard that Cha Jungwoo's stylist can't last two months? He's incredibly greedy for accessories, and he's notorious for pretending to forget to return watches and sunglasses he's sponsored with. So, it's not the first time the stylist has been questioned about it. He could easily buy hundreds of those things himself, but he's just messy. Moreover, he's very picky and only goes for luxury brands." The yellow-haired man shook his head and added slyly to the young man. "Because of that temperament, the company has practically given up on him, it's over now. All the executives have been in a meeting since dawn. With only half a year left on his contract, the company..."

He lowered his voice, making his next words inaudible, but I could guess from his hand gestures: he was mimicking scissors. 'The company will cut him off.' He said it in a selfsatisfied tone to the astonished young man. "Do you know how many endorsements Cha Jungwoo has done? To minimize the loss, the company has no choice but to promote other celebrities with a similar image from within the same company to replace him. Words are already circulating among the higher-ups. Can you guess who it is?" "Oh. Maybe...?!" The young man exclaimed and called out a name. The yellow-haired man smiled, draped his arm over his shoulder, turned around, and vanished into the hallway. They appeared as best friends from behind, but in my eyes, they were nothing more than prey caught in a spider's web. The yellow-haired man was soon to become another 'Myungshin of the rookies,' a position I did not know. He was poised to meet the same fate as Myungshin. Perhaps he was pondering his future under the name 'Song Yoohan,' the name the young man had mentioned as an answer. But what piqued my curiosity wasn't that Myungshin was the subject of their conversation or the yellow-haired man's words about Cha Jungwoo. I had one burning question: Who's the good-looking guy?

As I approached the conference room where the manager was, I encountered Hansoo, who was rushing down the hallway. "Huff, huff, what's going on?" As soon as he woke up, he heard my message and hurried over. He appeared disheveled, with his head hanging low, and his face was swollen. "I'm sorry. I fell asleep late last night, so I didn't see the message right away." He came closer, apologized, opened the door first to see if I was in a good mood, and continued chatting. "Yes, yes, as soon as I got home yesterday, I practiced in front of the camera... Oh, manager!" Hansoo dashed excitedly toward the manager, who still had a blank expression. He rapidly spilled out an explanation. "Ugh, manager, I practiced acting in front of the camera last night! I was still very nervous, and my voice was a bit stiff, but I did all the lines, regardless..." The manager, lost in thought, remained silent. "What's happening?" Hansoo, sensing something was amiss, looked back at me. Instead of answering, I took a seat in front of the manager.

Bang! I placed the red ginseng can on the table with a loud noise, startling the manager, who only now noticed my presence. "Cha Jungwoo is being summoned and investigated by the police today." The manager audibly gulped and nodded. I relayed the information I had obtained from the yellow-haired man to the manager, who was still unable to speak. "He'll be enlisting in the military within a month. The company is currently in a meeting to discuss whether it's advantageous to let him go as he is, especially since he only has half a year left on his contract." The manager, with a serious change in his demeanor, finally spoke. "If there's not much time left on the contract and it's on the brink of falling apart due to inaction, it might be better to let it go." As soon as he spoke, he seemed to be awaiting an explanation. "But Director Yoon granted you permission..." "Yes, with conditions." "C-Conditions?" I replied nonchalantly, despite the manager's shocked expression. "He told me to wrap it up within three days. Perhaps he wants to give it three days and make a decision based on the manager's response. It's a choice between letting the contract run out in six months, or if the manager handles Cha Jungwoo's crisis well, going against everyone's expectations and extending the contract as it is." "... three days is too short." "Definitely. The company didn't grant this opportunity because they have a high regard for the manager's skills." "..." "Still, I've got information from Director Yoon, so the task should be straightforward." "Information?" "He informed me that the traitor was Cha Jungwoo's manager." Watching the manager's eyes blink in confusion, I delved into the topic further. "Nevertheless, if Cha Jungwoo doesn't accept you as his manager, it will all be for naught."

Hansoo, curious about my conversation, asked a question. "Oh! Are you saying the manager should become Cha Jungwoo's manager? Why? What's happening?" To silence him, I realized I had to give him an explanation, however troublesome it might be. “To hit Song Myeong-shin in the head by falsely accusing him.” "False accusations?" Hansoo questioned once again, mirroring the manager's earlier blank expression, but I chose not to explain any further. "It wouldn't be difficult to inform Cha Jungwoo that his manager betrayed him. He probably has some idea, given that he's already attacked his manager with a golf club." "Golf... club?" "I think it wouldn't be too challenging to meet him, especially since he's been under house arrest after threatening to kill them all." "House arrest...?" "Shall we go to Cha Jungwoo's house and wait?" "Now?" "..." "...are you going to hit me?" Hearing his words, I unintentionally released my clenched fists. Instead, I turned to Hansoo, who then stuttered and sought confirmation with a more comprehensible explanation. "Let me get this straight. The manager was framed for Cha Jungwoo's case, and that was... Yoohan, I mean, Myungshin hyung's doing? So, to bring Myungshin hyung down and clear the false charges, the manager needs to become Cha Jungwoo's manager." "Exactly. That's what I've been saying." "..." I changed the topic and asked Hansoo, who looked somewhat aggrieved. "Can you find information on the internet about what I'm talking about?" "Of course, I will. Anything. But did Myungshin really frame our manager?" Hansoo clenched his teeth, his anger belatedly surfacing, and he glanced back at the manager.

"Manager, I'll do whatever Taemin says. Let's take him down, too. Why does Myungshin have to mess with people who just want to live a quiet life? I'm so angry! Arghh!!" Hansoo expressed his frustration and cursed Song Myungshin. The manager, with a determined look in his subdued eyes, nodded in agreement. "Okay, let's do it." He then stood up and called me. "Taemin." "Yes." "You're right. This is what I have to do. Even if I manage to overcome the current hurdle, Myungshin will likely plant something else against me. To put an end to it... I need to become Cha Jungwoo's manager, ensuring that Myungshin can't touch me. And it has to be Cha Jungwoo, who will secure the contract extension with the company. Haha... I see." The manager smiled sadly, his gaze distant. "This is a significant opportunity for me. If it weren't for Myungshin, I would have been stuck at the bottom of the company with only rookies, but thanks to him, my fate is beginning to improve." He continued to smile, but there was a hint of sadness in his expression. He suppressed a small sigh and turned to me. "And when I think about it, managing artists is what I do best. It's where I have nothing to fear." I smiled in response, and he checked his watch. "The police summon was postponed to today, so I can go see him now." "I'll go with you." He paused for a moment before emphasizing that he would do all the persuading and asked me to stay by his side. "Ah, then I'll..." Hansoo stood up and tried to intervene, but the manager shook his head. "No, you can find what Taemin asked for here." Their gazes turned to me, and I asked Hansoo to look for certain information while I left the room with the manager. I saw Hansoo rush to the laptop as we exited the room and closed the door. The manager seemed puzzled as to why I suddenly wanted to learn about luxury goods.

"But why do you suddenly want to know about luxury goods?" "Just because." I wasn't entirely sure about the manager's question, but I didn't have a concrete answer yet. It was just a hunch. I had a feeling that we might use the accusation of stealing luxury accessories that Cha Jungwoo had been sponsored with. While the manager went to the office to find out Cha Jungwoo's address or phone number, I headed to the underground parking lot. Leaning against the manager's old car parked in the corner, I peered into the car's interior. The bright lights couldn't fully dispel the darkness characteristic of basements. Once I acclimated to the invisible black, it felt like I might merge into that color and disappear. The silence in the basement drowned out the sounds from above and concealed all traces. But this delusion didn't last long. Squeak, squeak, squeak. Footsteps echoed through the basement. In addition, their conversation accompanied the footsteps, getting louder as they approached. Mostly, the voice of a middle-aged man dominated, with occasional short answers. Were they heading in my direction? Suspecting this, a group of people soon appeared next to the pillars that had been blocking my view. A man in his mid-50s and his secretary walking behind him, Chief Park and Director Yoon. I instantly regretted that I had forgotten to retrieve the car key from the manager. The man in his fifties was engrossed in conversation and didn't notice me, but it wasn't the same for Director Yoon. "It's inconvenient. Reporters are camped outside, so you need to intentionally come down to the parking lot. By the way, did you bring your car today?" He called out a name as if he were friendly, and the man who appeared to be his secretary approached the parked luxury car. This man was the President. He had half-gray hair, likely not dyed, and appeared to be in his fifties. He had a sad demeanor, but his eyes were sharp. Their casual conversation didn't seem very serious. In fact, the President appeared more inconvenienced by having to come down to the parking lot than anything else. Perhaps this was because Cha Jungwoo's issue had been postponed until three days later. The secretary got into the luxury car and slowly pulled it out of the parking lot, while Chief Park hurried forward to open the car door for the President. The madman behind him, nevertheless, beckoned him, stopped him, asked him to wait, and then abruptly turned around. Exactly towards of me. My mood of leisurely watching suddenly changed to tension at the sight of him. He only needed to address me by name. "Lee Taemin." As his low voice echoed in the basement, both the President, who was about to enter the car, and Chief Park, who had been unaware of my presence, turned to look. I pushed myself off

the car I had been leaning against, realizing that I had become the center of attention of four people. Why was he calling me? I met his gaze once more, but he lifted an eyebrow. It's comparable to asking, "Why won't you come if I call you?" Damn it. Naturally, in a normal situation, I would have responded, but since four people were looking at me at once, it was difficult for me to do so. The President looked at me in particular with a look of keen attention. I took my time moving in the heavy stare. The President, who looked at me from head to toe as if he were inspecting a product, Chief Park, who is still apprehensive of the fact that I was a courier before, and the President's secretary, who was watching from behind the wheel with curious eyes, were all present. I moved slowly under their scrutinizing gazes, feeling like I had walked a few dozen kilometers down a short street. Finally, I stood in front of him. "Do you have something to say?" I asked with a hint of sternness, and he extended a small card and an electronic key attached to a luxurious key chain from his pocket with a polite smile. I recognized it instantly. It was the item he had picked up from the table when I left his house at dawn. What was he up to? I raised my eyes, and he held out the objects further. "I saw you drop it this morning." "Me?" I questioned him, and he laughed out loud. "Yes, Lee Taemin." "It's not mine." "It's true. Could I have been wrong?" I almost responded with a blunt denial, but I hesitated due to the three people who were watching me with rapt attention, keen to catch every word. The President's secretary was leaning halfway over the passenger seat, Chief Park was sticking his head out like a curious duck, and the President himself stood nearby with a sharp gaze, the most daunting of them all. "You're mistaken. It's not mine." As I took a step back and shook my head, the madman moved closer, and the President followed suit. “I didn’t see it wrong. It’s Lee Taemin’s.” Then he held out his hand again and everyone's heads turned towards me. I was about to say no again, but the madman added with a laugh. “If you don’t have this, how are you going to get home this evening?”

Home? I had a moment of realization. This key was for his house. I became more certain about refusing. This jerk was just trying to give me his house key... "How will you enter the house without it?" the President interjected suddenly, urging me. "Take it, please." "This is not mine..." "Ahh, are you being shy?" I whipped my head around to look at the madman who was spewing utter nonsense. The guy wore a sly smile. "Are you blushing because you drooled and nodded off when we met on the morning subway? Or is it the embarrassment of sleeping with your mouth wide open, twitching in your sleep? I thought you were injured somewhere, but then you went back to sleep right away." Of course, this was complete balderdash. I hadn't slept on the subway; I had been busy keeping an eye on the madman who insisted on sitting next to me despite the abundance of available seats. When could I have possibly fallen asleep? But then, I suddenly recalled last night, the moment when he had caught me sleeping. I clamped my mouth shut. The President then interjected. "Subway? Jay, you took the subway this morning?" Jay responded to the boss with a simple "yes" but didn't take his eyes off me. "I know more, but I'll keep it a secret, so don't be shy and just take it." More? Did he create a comprehensive report based on observing me while I slept? The conversation was becoming increasingly annoying, so I grabbed the key from his hand with a sharp retort. "Thank you for protecting the secrets of my not-so-pleasant appearance and taking care of my key. I don't know how to express my gratitude." I greeted him sarcastically with a sharp tone. "Well, protecting the actors in the company is, of course, my duty." He replied unapologetically. The President once again scrutinized my face after learning I was an actor. "Hmm, so he's an actor." He then glanced back at Chief Park behind him, who stood calmly with his hands folded in front of him. As soon as he caught the President's gaze, he approached and explained in a hushed tone.

"The manager, Choi Deukpal, cast him, and he joined two months ago." The boss once more gave me a long look before nodding and saying, "Ah, CEO Choi." Contrary to the uncle-like impression, the interruption by the madman halted the uncomfortable gaze. "President, let's go." The madman seized his arm and turned, though the President appeared to have something else to say, he followed along. Just before getting into the car, he asked the madman. "I heard you came to work before 7 o'clock. Does the train run that early?" The madman, standing by the car door and waiting for the President to board, responded in a smug tone. "Of course, even the President should be aware of the first train's schedule." With that, the car door was closed with a tap, and the vehicle, which had waited for some time, slowly pulled out of the parking lot. The car vanished from sight, but I remained rooted in place. ... Why was this so upsetting?

Chapter 38 Reporters were camped in front of the luxury villa where Cha Jungwoo lived. The villa's security was tight, so they had to contact someone inside. The problem was that Cha Jungwoo had completely blocked his phone, so it was impossible to reach him. Nevertheless, the manager remained composed. Demonstrating his social skills and good connections, he made a few phone calls and managed to get in touch with Cha Jungwoo's road manager. "Do you recognize me? Yes, it's about work... Right. But right now, I'm at Cha Jungwoo's house. Oh, you're at Cha Jungwoo's place?" The manager spoke confidently, addressing the person on the other end of the line. As he continued talking, he glanced back at me and smiled, indicating that the situation was resolved. He then walked towards the villa's front door. I followed him, and I could hear him confirming with the person on the phone. "Yes, that's correct. Director Yoon sent me." It seemed that telling audacious lies was one of the manager's skills. After a while, a security guard came out and opened the iron gate at the villa's entrance. We entered the premises, and the manager gave me a gentle warning. "Even if Cha Jungwoo loses his temper and strikes me, you don't need to intervene." The road manager, who appeared to be acquainted with our manager, was a young man in his late twenties. Upon seeing him, I realized that the manager's concern might soon become a reality. The young man had swollen lips and a face marked with a bluish bruise on his cheek. He looked troubled, and instead of greeting us, he immediately got to the point. "Has the company made a decision? I was instructed to keep him here until the company contacts me." His battered face suggested that he might not have left the premises even with that order. "Why did Manager Choi come?" The young man asked quietly as we walked through the hallway. Without providing a direct response, the manager stood at the entrance to the living room, visibly taken aback. The very spacious living room appeared to have been ravaged, as if it had been through a war. The sofa was overturned and strewn about, a black table lay askew with a broken leg, and various shattered objects littered the area. There was even a fallen cabinet and a large TV with a shattered screen.

"Where's Cha Jungwoo?" The manager's voice resounded in the vast, chaotic living room. The road manager pointed upwards with his eyes and led the way to the kitchen. "He's been listening to loud music since morning." "Is there anyone else here?" Thankfully, in the kitchen, the road manager offered the manager a chair to sit on. The manager halted and turned rigid. "Ah, that's..." "Where is Cha Jungwoo's main manager?" The road manager bit his lip as if it was hard to speak. The manager pulled up a chair and sat down, asking in a calm tone. "Does Cha Jungwoo know? Does he know that it was his manager who recorded the file and leaked it?" "Uh! H- how did you know that?" The road manager widened his eyes in astonishment. The manager, observing his reaction, glanced toward me, expressing a subtle sense of relief that his assumptions had been correct. He then shrugged and turned his attention back to the road manager. "Well, the company had its suspicions." "Oh my God... so you mean it's true? Ha..." The road manager took a deep breath and sat down across from the manager. "I don't know how Jungwoo found out, but after the incident, the manager and the stylist were all called over, and it was chaos. I just wanted to vent my anger, but the manager was especially aggressive. It felt strange, but..." He shook his head vigorously. "Jungwoo hit the manager with a golf club, and he was taken to the hospital. When he was hit, he didn't say anything, but he wasn't angry when he went to the hospital. No, he only said one thing before leaving. Did he not betray him? What the hell is going on? "Shouldn't Cha Jungwoo be at the police station?" When the manager changed the topic, the road manager sighed again. "Oh, he should. Someone from the company even came this morning and tried to persuade him to respond to the police's summons for questioning, but he refused."

The road manager looked up and shrugged. "He's holding out, saying that if there's anything to investigate, the police should come to him. He curses at everyone who comes, accusing them of trying to screw him over." "I still want to meet him." "He won't even open the door. And why did the company send Manager Choi?" The manager stood up and left the kitchen. "Yes, they asked me to become Cha Jungwoo's manager from now on." "What?" Leaving behind the bewildered road manager, the manager exited the kitchen. I followed and found his excitement rather strange, considering the situation. It seemed he was thrilled at the prospect of finally getting a managerial job, despite the troublesome circumstances. Knock, knock, knock. "Cha Jungwoo, if you don't want to come out, just listen." It appeared that Cha Jungwoo didn't even register these words, as loud thumping noises were coming from inside. The mess here was even worse than downstairs, with a golf club and a small knife lying around, clear evidence of how he treated the people who came to talk. Nevertheless, the manager continued talking. "You must appear in front of the police today. Of course, if you don't want to go, you don't have to. If you hold out, the police will eventually come to arrest you with sirens blaring. Can you imagine the spectacle? It'll be broadcast nationally, where you'll get more attention than a serial killer being handcuffed and placed in a police car. The ratings will probably be several times higher than the dramas you've appeared in. Well, it might even reach 50% if it's a big hit. Hey, could it surpass the World Cup?" The manager looked back at the road manager in the distance and smiled. "Moreover, even when you go to the military, the viewership ratings will be through the roof, right? Adding that up, you'll easily reach 100%..." Bang! "Hey, who the hell are you?!" Suddenly, the door swung open, revealing Cha Jungwoo's face, which I had only seen in advertisements. Of course, in those commercials, he looked nothing like this, with disheveled hair and a bottle of wine in his hand. "Asshole, what are you saying? Do you want to die? Do you want me to rip your throat out right here?"

He raised his hand, towering over the manager, who was shorter than him. I instinctively stepped forward, ready to intervene. However, the manager held his hand up, signaling for me to stop, and he approached Cha Jungwoo. "If we add a murder charge for slashing my throat, reaching a 1,000% viewership rating will be a piece of cake." "You son of a bitch, do you think I can't do it?" A dull sound echoed through the room. Puck! The manager staggered backward, struck by Cha Jungwoo's fist. The assault continued as the bottle in his hand came crashing down, although it didn't hit its mark. "Shit, who are you?" With bared teeth, Cha Jungwoo directed his aggression towards me, as I held onto his arm, preventing him from inflicting more harm. I looked back at the manager, who was struggling to get back on his feet after blocking the attack. "Can I really not lend a hand here?" My question was answered in succession. "Fuck, what are you talking about?" "Ah! Taemin-ah, no, you can't hit him." The manager approached, concerned that I might use physical force, but Cha Jungwoo acted first. He reached out as if he was going to grab my collar, but even with my eyes closed, I could successfully thwart his drunken attack. Tak, thump! I deflected his hand and pushed his arm, causing him to lose balance and crash into a halfopen door with a loud noise. "Hey, damn..." He swore as he tried to regain his footing without toppling over. I retreated a few steps while keeping my eyes on him, and the manager, who was still in shock, attempted to speak, but paused upon seeing me pick up something from the floor, and then let out a deep sigh. "Ugh! Why did you do that?"

I had taken hold of a knife of suitable size, and I walked towards Cha Jungwoo, who was partially upright. The man, who was in the process of standing up by grasping the door frame, paused when he saw me and froze in place. It had been a while since I had a knife in my hand, but I quickly regained my old familiarity with it. I gripped the blade's edge, gazing down at him, tossing the knife into the air, and then catching it again. "If you want to fight, come at me." I spoke while tossing the blade in my hand. Whish! The knife, accompanied by a short whoosh, embedded itself in the wooden door. Cha Jungwoo, frozen in place and grimacing at me, backed away from the manager. I turned to the manager and gestured that he could speak now, but the manager couldn't open his mouth straight away as he stared at me in awe. Cha Jungwoo, still under the influence, was the first to break the silence. "You damn punk, did you let these guys in?" "No, it's because... the company sent them..." The road manager, fearing another attack, retreated. "Company? Shit... whether it's from that damn company or not..." "Oh, actually, we weren't sent by the company." The manager turned to Cha Jungwoo and added calmly. "I came here because I wanted to be your manager. I'm targeting the person who leaked the news about your situation." He paused, and Cha Jungwoo scowled at him. "Do you know who messed with me?" "We have no concrete evidence, but we're certain." The manager nodded in response to Cha Jungwoo's inquiring gaze. "Okay. I'm certain as well. Just like how you were certain that your manager was the culprit." Suddenly, a glimmer of interest appeared in Cha Jungwoo's eyes. "What are you talking about?" "I, too, was suddenly betrayed. I was falsely accused of something I didn't do." The manager smiled.

"Would you like to hear more? I've come up with a way to resolve this situation." "Solve?" "Yes, solve. If you follow my plan, you can continue your acting career after your military service and maintain your income through new advertising contracts. Instead of this being the end of your acting career, it can actually help improve your image." "How?" With an intense, threatening glare, Cha Jungwoo took a step closer to the manager. The manager glanced back at me briefly and then began to explain his proposal. He reiterated what he had said when I asked if there was a solution. The company and Cha Jungwoo would never willingly accept it. "It's simple. Just offer a sincere apology. People may get angry over your mistakes, but if you genuinely apologize and show remorse, they'll be more likely to forgive and support you." "What? If it all just ends with an apology..." "It's not just about saying 'sorry.' You have to genuinely mean it. Go to the police station immediately, confess your wrongdoing, hold a press conference, get down on your knees, and apologize. You should also admit that you've been involved with the broker since the time they first contacted you, which is about a year ago. Donate all the money you've earned in the past year to various charitable causes." "Are you calling that a solution now? Do you know how many billions I make in a year?" "Isn't it money you earned through illegal means?" "What?" "You'll have to give away a significant amount, several hundred billion won. But once you rebuild your image, you'll have the opportunity to earn that money again. Until you go to the military, engage in volunteer work without notifying the media. Focus on more challenging, less-publicized causes, not just orphanages or nursing homes. Live in the same conditions as those you're helping, endure hardships, and make sure you lose at least 5 kilograms. People need to see that you've experienced the rigors of military life. However, in reality, you should avoid leading a comfortable life." "You piece of shit, get out. Get out now!" "Just one more thing." The manager, who had interjected, added to the agitated Cha Jungwoo. "Work on your personality. Otherwise, you'll end up being betrayed by those around you once again."

"Is he going to contact you within three days as the manager said?" In the end, Cha Jungwoo had forcefully kicked us out. However, the manager wore a calm expression, so I couldn't help but inquire further. "I don't think he would ever give up the money," The manager couldn't help but laugh at my conjecture. "Isn't it funny? To be honest, even though it's billions of won, it might not be enough to exert real pressure on Cha Jungwoo. He's got a lot of money." He gazed back at the villa and let out a small sigh. "But I'd rather not leave just yet. If you can't see the future and hold onto the present, you'll eventually face ruin." The manager started walking again and glanced back at me. "Do you think he'll follow my advice? Well, I'm not certain, but I believe he'll get in touch. Rising to such a high position implies having a certain level of cunning. There's also a chance he'll reach out out of fear." Fear? Before I could ask a follow-up question, the manager took out his phone and made a call. It became apparent that he was talking to someone quite familiar by the cheerful tone in his voice. I wondered how he had established such a connection. "Haha, yes, it's me, it's me, Deukpal! How's Detective Park? Hey, when can we grab a drink? ... Mhm, right, I should treat you! More importantly, there's a case related to Cha Jungwoo, isn't there? ... Yeah, that's correct. He's an actor in the same company as me, and I wanted to ask you for a favor. ... No, not a bribe, quite the opposite. Cha Jungwoo won't go to the police station today. Send the police to Cha Jungwoo's house tomorrow morning. If you directly request a second summons, won't the police be praised for swiftly resolving the issue? And since the military issue is so sensitive, the higher-ups will appreciate it as well. So please, send a police officer dressed in uniform so that all the reporters can see. Handcuff him around the wrist!"

The next day, Cha Jungwoo's villa was all over the TV screens. The scene showed the police arriving at Cha Jungwoo's residence, as he refused to comply with the police summons. Since they couldn't enter through the front door, they had to use the back entrance. Public opinion, which was already negative, deteriorated further, and many people gathered at Cha Jungwoo's house to express their anger. Half of the three days promised by Director Yoon had already passed, but the manager remained as busy as ever. He spent the morning making calls and scheduling job opportunities for Hansoo and me. In the afternoon, he mentioned that he was planning to win

a small advertising deal and left the house in high spirits. Hansoo used the opportunity to vent his pent-up frustration, holding onto me. "Ugh, why is the manager like this? This isn't the time to find jobs for us. What are we going to do? Cha Jungwoo has to contact him and ask him to be his manager by tomorrow!" I gently disengaged from Hansoo's grasp and turned my attention back to my laptop. I had already skimmed through the materials that Hansoo had found, and now I was listening to the audio file of Cha Jungwoo repeatedly. Cha Jungwoo's voice was not very clear in the recording, but it had a distinctive quality. I felt like I had been listening to a 15-minute file all day. Finally, after listening to it dozens of times, I managed to find something. Amidst the background noises and various sounds, I picked up on a faint voice after the middle part of the recording. It sounded like someone was talking on the phone, but their voice was barely audible, almost like a whisper. I could only make out a few words. These included "Now," "Jungwoo," "Broker," and "This is the last meeting." There was also a mention of someone named "Yoon" two or three times, along with the phrase "did you buy it." What were they buying? Was "Yoon" the name of the other person in the conversation? The recording was too unclear to be certain, but I had extracted all the information I could. I took out my earphones, and noticed that Hansoo had been tearing up pieces of paper in his anxiety. "Why aren't you going to school?" "What?" Hansoo looked up in surprise. "Did the manager contact you?" "No, I'm just curious. Why aren't you going to school?" "Oh, I took a leave of absence for this semester." That was odd. I could have sworn I had seen him going to school before. He seemed to be there quite often. Hansoo explained with a wide smile, "I just hang out at school. Whenever I'm there, people keep buying me drinks and food, even when I offer to pay. Especially the older girls, they even buy me snacks when we meet." He mentioned that his juniors were also generous with gifts. I refrained from pointing out that people would buy him snacks even when he became a grandparent. He clearly wouldn't go hungry. "Oh, but have you seen this movie?" Hansoo handed me a script he had been reading. I had to shake my head since the only movies I had watched in the past five years were the ones the madman told me to or those I saw in acting class. However, the title sounded familiar, and upon closer inspection, I

remembered what it was. It was the script for a drama set to be filmed next year, and Myungshin was aiming for the lead role. It had originally been a movie. "Can I borrow this?" "Of course. I've already read it, so you can take it. No matter how many times I read it, it's still fantastic." Hansoo gave the script a thumbs up and added, "I had a feeling that a movie wouldn't be enough, but if it comes out as a drama... Huh? Wait a moment. Hello?" Hansoo's voice suddenly became louder as he answered a call. While he was on the phone, I skimmed through the script. To truly grasp the content, I knew I needed to read it carefully. Suddenly, Hansoo's voice grew louder, as i looked at the script. "Yeah, I know Mr. Choi Deukpal... What? He drank there and fell asleep there?" After that, I looked at my watch. It was becoming late, yet it wasn't time to drink and slumber. After the call ended, Hansoo stood up with a serious expression. "The manager didn't show it in front of us, but I think he's genuinely worried. He went to his regular bar and got drunk... I shook my head, refusing to let Hansoo come along with me. It was clear that he should stay behind and keep an eye on things here. "Stay. I will go." "But both of us should be there to help the manager..." I pushed the chair back and cut off Hansoo's words firmly. "I can handle it on my own. You stay here." I stared at Hansoo with a determined expression, emphasizing that he should not accompany me. "You're not coming." I left behind his bewildered expression and made my way to the regular bar where the manager was supposed to be. Drinking at this hour and falling asleep? What a cute excuse. If he were really drunk and asleep, the logical thing would have been to call someone to pick him up. It seemed that Hansoo was too bewildered to think of such a simple solution. There was only one person who would do something like this: an ex-colleague who knew Hansoo's phone number and was aware of the manager's favorite bar. If I wanted to meet him, I had no choice but to go alone. After a 30-minute bus ride, I reached my destination. As I got off the bus, the sun was beginning to set, and the streetlights started to flicker to life one by one. I walked away from

the noisy main road and into a quiet alley that led to the bar. The chatter from the surroundings gradually faded. After a short walk, I heard a voice coming from the parking lot of a building. "Lee Yoohan." I stopped and looked at Myungshin, who emerged from the dark parking lot. He kept his eyes hidden under a tightly worn baseball cap, likely to avoid being recognized by anyone nearby. "Didn't you say we needed a proper stage to talk?" He motioned for me to join him in the parking lot, as if he didn't want to venture out into the open any further. "Get in. We'll have a little chat." I contemplated the figure half-hidden in the shadow for a moment before stepping into the parking lot. However, before I could draw closer, I noticed a long shadow emerging from behind and halted. I wasn't expecting Myungshin to launch a direct attack. What concerned me more was the identity of the person behind him. “What, is that the guy?" The man who had moved to stand beside Myungshin stared at me, clearly surprised. "I remember that guy. Hey, do you remember me?" I did indeed remember him. The man appeared larger than I recalled as he took a step closer, casting his long shadow over me. "Damn, this guy must have slipped away like a rat from Alice about a month ago." He was the henchman who had been working for Chairman Kim.

Chapter 39 "Alice? Alice Labyrinth?" Myungshin asked the giant for confirmation, and the giant nodded. Myungshin then cast a brief glance in my direction and seemed to recall something. "Oh, yes. Lee Taemin was said to attend Alice's Labyrinth. And there's even a sponsor who helped you in a time of need?" He appeared to have just remembered what he had heard from the yellow-haired man when he didn't know who I was. Perhaps it did not match right away. He still doesn't believe it. That I came to Dream to become a celebrity. “I really don’t understand.” The narrow eyes looked at me, judging. “You mean one of the people going to Alice’s Labyrinth is your sponsor?” “...” “A sponsor powerful enough to attend Alice, huh. Do you know what I'm curious about more than his true identity?" The comfortable flowing voice was rather interesting. Myungshin came one step closer to me. "The life of a superstar with nothing but pretense and spectacular appearances, who must pucker their pride and roll their bodies with sponsors, and who seemed to be colleagues but cheated in numerous ways and suffered, and then, at some time, just did it nonchalantly. Do you mean you do these sorts of things? Lee Yoohan?” He inched even closer to me, his voice filled with curiosity. "Why?" His question was one of genuine curiosity. "Are you really Lee Yoohan?" Rather than respond, I maintained my silence. Myungshin kept his eyes fixed on me but eventually returned to his original position. He then directed the giant while keeping his gaze on me. "Go ahead. He'll wake up and speak. This idiot doesn't even realize that his situation has changed since five years ago."

With a mocking smile, the giant moved toward me. "Weren't you impressive five years ago? Did you even kill someone?" Despite his words, his eyes sparkled with madness, as if he had been given a drug. I had encountered guys like him a few times during my past fights. They derived pleasure from inflicting pain on others. It didn't matter if their victims bled profusely or screamed in agony. They had no empathy or guilt. On the contrary, they relished the greater damage their opponents suffered, as it boosted their sense of triumph. There was a term for such individuals—mad dogs. "Maybe." I responded in a mumble, and the guy's eyes grew even wilder with excitement. "Hehe, you find that exciting?" Whoosh! In the blink of an eye, the giant, who was standing two meters away from me, swung his fist with incredible speed. The whooshing sound of the wind was deafening, as if a heavy piece of iron was slicing through the air. Whoosh, whoosh! I swiftly shifted my upper body and retreated, narrowly avoiding the mad dog's punches as they came perilously close to my face. It became apparent that this large man was surprisingly quick, and he swiftly closed the gap between us. When I could no longer dodge his strikes, I raised my arms to shield my face. Whoosh! Thud! As I blocked his punches, the shockwaves coursed through my body, akin to being struck by a sledgehammer. The pain was so intense that it left my entire arm numb, but there was no time to focus on it. I took a step back, propelled by the force of repelling his attack. He reached out with an outstretched hand, his posture disarrayed and uncoordinated. In order to evade his hook-like hand, I twisted my upper body and retreated, pulling my leg back once more. I let out a muffled grunt, feeling as though my muscles were tearing as I struggled to maintain my balance with my legs alone. My body was pushed back, and I leaned as far back as I could, teetering on the brink of falling. In the brief pause, his hand swiped through the air before making a return pass without a moment's respite. He abruptly withdrew his hand, narrowly missing the opportunity to grasp my shoulder with the same hand that had blocked my other arm. However, it was impossible to block him completely. Pa-! He exerted an incredible force with his hand, shoving my upper body backward. As I took several steps back, I heard him mutter a profanity.

"Damn it, you rat." Tap, tap, tap. The sound of his footsteps reverberated like the beat of a drum, assaulting my ears as I bowed my head, striving to regain control of my body. It was too late to evade his blows. My boxing instincts, cultivated over the past five years, prompted me to raise my arms to protect my face. I bent my upper body as far as possible just in time to intercept his stony fist. Pa! I clenched my fists and endured the shock, which felt as though it were crushing my shoulder blades. My sole determination was to land a blow of my own. I unleashed a powerful punch into his exposed side. Wham! His movements momentarily halted, creating an opening for my counterattack. He staggered to the side, and I seized the opportunity to retreat. Huff, huff... My breath, which I had held during the exchange, now escaped me, and I finally realized that my heart was racing wildly. The cacophony of my heavy breathing and throbbing heart made my ears ring, and one of my shoulders throbbed intensely, preventing me from relaxing. The mad dog advanced slowly, a twisted grin on his face, as if he were thoroughly entertained. Tap, tap. He cracked his knuckles, turning his head left and right to produce a series of bone-cracking sounds. He then addressed Myungshin, who stood behind him. "Why did you introduce this cute little guy now?" "Don't underestimate him. I've seen this 'cute little guy' take down a few monsters like you." With Myungshin's back turned to the mad dog, the explanation continued in an indifferent tone. "He's one tough guy. Even when he appeared on the brink of death, covered in blood, he fought to the end, eventually causing his opponent to collapse from exhaustion. Remember my advice so that you don't meet the same fate. The way to defeat that punk is..." Myungshin fixed his gaze squarely on me in the darkness. "Just kill him so he can't get up again." "Hmm, it would be a waste to kill him now." The mad dog looked at me and bit his lip as if it were a pity.

"A kid like this should be bent over so that dozens of people can have their way with him from behind." I had anticipated that bubbles would come out of that mouth like a real mad dog, but Myungshin comforted him. "So, there's no need to kill him today. There's a lot to discuss. Why did you appear in front of me after five years?" Myungshin's gaze flickered to me briefly. "I mean, five years ago, after I'd drained you dry and escaped, I spent almost half a year in hiding. I thought you would show up right in front of me, ready to trample me underfoot. You're relentless, and once you hold a grudge, you would have gone to great lengths to track me down and seek revenge. Regardless of anything else, you would have roared like a madman, growling for days on end to avenge yourself." Listening to Myungshin's words felt like hearing a story from a stranger's past. Perhaps it was because those memories were less vivid compared to the unfamiliar narrative he was sharing. "After just half a year, I began to suspect that you weren't looking for me. So, I contacted someone close to you. But it turned out that you had never searched for me. On the contrary, no one knew your whereabouts. When I think back to that time, it feels like I was granted a second chance at life. You see, I know your character—you never look back once you lose interest. So, I thought I'd be free. But even so, when I appeared on TV for the first time in a small commercial, I was terrified. I wondered if you would show up. Of course, you didn't. Yet, I was still trembling. Have you ever wondered why I adopted the stage name 'Yoohan'?" After a brief pause, he looked up. His eyes, previously hidden beneath the brim of his hat, locked onto mine. "To overcome." "..." "To overcome the dread associated with the name 'Yoohan.' Because, apart from you, I have nothing to fear. So I took your name and wore it as my own. To convince myself that you are insignificant. Now the world knows the person called 'Yoohan' is me. I am the true 'Yoohan' now." He emphasized the name 'Yoohan' in his own voice, as if to mock it intentionally. Then, he returned to his perplexed expression. "In the last five years, my face has become widely recognized. During that time, I had forgotten about you, but... It's not enough that you suddenly reappear in front of me; you're even attempting to become a celebrity under the management of the person I despise the most? Even if the reason has nothing to do with me, I can't stand you any longer." The man mumbled something to himself, then turned to the mad dog.

"Get it over with." "Okay," the crazy dog responded and began to move. I looked at the approaching man, ready to face whatever was coming my way. My mind raced with possible tactics and strategies, but there was one thing I knew—I had to avoid getting hurt, especially with a photo shoot scheduled in just two days. As I contemplated my options, I suddenly heard a scream from behind me. "Ahhhhhh!!! No!!! Don’t touch Taemin hyung!!!!!!!!!!" It was followed by the sound of rapid footsteps, and before I could react, someone had collided with me. Thud! My body, which had remained resolute in the face of the mad dog, was unexpectedly knocked to the ground. "Argh..." A moan escaped my lips as the person pushed me down onto my already sore shoulder. I tried to support myself with my hands, but the person's weight made it more challenging. I struggled to lift my head and assess the situation. Hansoo had come to my aid, and while he was berating the mad dog, he was also preventing me from getting up. "Whoosh! Go away! Don't hit Taemin!! Why are you bothering him?!" I wanted to tell Hansoo that he was the one making things difficult for me, but my aching shoulder prevented me from speaking. I tried to swallow the pain, and Hansoo wrapped his arms around me, putting even more pressure on me. "Ahh! Don't come near me!! I'm calling the police! No, I've already called the police!" He shouted loudly into the empty alley. "Police, over here!!! There's a thug here!!!" Hansoo's voice carried far and wide, echoing through the narrow space between the buildings. Despite the pain in my shoulders, I couldn't help but admire his vocal prowess. "Hansoo, get away." "Go away~ Go away~ Stay away! Don't come near me!" I mumbled with great effort, but Hansoo was too focused on intimidating the mad dog, as if shooing away an unwanted stray dog.

"Scat, you crazy bear!" "Hansoo, move." "If you come any further, I'll cry!! I really will cry?!" "Hey, get out of the way." "If I cry, all of my sisters will come and scold you… huh?" At my third statement, Hansoo finally recognized me, gasped, and moved his upper body out of the way. "Ah, Taemin, are you okay? What's wrong? Where are you hurt?" Yes, it's gotten worse thanks to you. I didn't answer him. Instead, I looked at him for a moment and then got up. Hansoo stood up too and spread his arms in front of me, quickly blocking my way. He continued to threaten the mad dog, who looked dazed. "Back, go back!" Then he pushed me aside, allowing me to step back. "Yeah, keep moving back!" The mad dog, however, didn't budge an inch. "If you come any closer, I'll call not only my sister but also my brother-in-law! My third brother-in-law, in particular, is a strong man who passed the difficult civil service exam within a year!" Hansoo's persistent shouting attracted the attention of people in the alley. Myungshin, perhaps to avoid further attention, called the mad dog to retreat. "Come on, we have to go." Myungshin looked at me and couldn't resist a sarcastic comment. "How ridiculous. Some people are throwing themselves out to help Lee Yoohan? Haha, it's insane. Have you been prostrating in repentance at the temple for five years? Or does he still not know you're a bastard?" He chuckled at me and called back the motionless mad dog. The mad dog glanced at Hansoo as if he were absurd, then turned his gaze to me, grinning as his gleaming eyes sparkled. "Look forward to it. Next time, you'll be crawling on the floor like a dog, begging for cock." I heard Hansoo, who stood in front of me, flinch and swallow hard. I pushed Hansoo aside and responded to the mad dog's back.

"Yes, I'm looking forward to it." I smirked at the man who only showed his face. "You shaking your ass and struggling to put that mutilated child cock out." "This bastard..." He was about to turn around when the sound of people approaching grew louder. Myungshin quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him closer. "Hold it in. You can deal with that guy next time." Myungshin also turned around, pulling his hat tighter. I caught up to him just as he was about to move quickly. "Song Myungshin." Myungshin, still holding the mad dog's arm, flinched and stopped walking. Hearing his real name used in my voice seemed to have triggered memories of the past. Or at least, it felt that way. The man's face turned expressionless, but his narrowed eyes revealed his anger. "Don't call me that." "Remember you said you were curious? Why did I appear in front of you after 5 years?" Myungshin remained silent. "It's just as you suspected." "What?" Tap, tap, tap... The sound of footsteps from people approaching grew louder around us, but Myungshin abandoned the idea of fleeing and asked me sharply. "What is it that I suspected?" “Your anxiety is right.” I confirmed his slightly widened eyes by looking at him. “I became a celebrity to get revenge on you. So look forward to it too. I will bite you even as I bleed to death.”

The buses kept stopping in front of me, but I couldn't decide which one to take. After sitting on a bench and spending a few moments in frustration, I realized it was because I couldn't

decide where to go – back to the company or to the goshiwon? Even though there were only two choices, I felt indecisive. I tried to get up from my seat, but then I heard Hansoo's voice. I thought he had already gone to the subway, but he had approached and sat down in the vacant seat next to me. "Are you okay?" I turned to him with a questioning expression. He pointed a finger at my shoulder. "Your shoulders. You've been holding them. Did that guy hit you earlier?" I stayed silent. "At first, I saw two people fighting, and I didn't know who they were, so I didn't intervene. He bowed his head as if I had been hit because of him. I should have called the police. That way, Myungshin hyung would've come to his senses and never brought someone like that again." "Again?" I asked. Hansoo flinched and mumbled, "Myungshin hyung brought that guy to the office when he was having a dispute with the CEO over a lawsuit. It was almost closing time, so the CEO was alone... Hansoo lowered his head even more. "I looked inside through the open door from the outside and got scared, so I ran away." Hansoo dropped his head, and I could sense the regret in his tone. "I'm such a coward," he added.

A brightly lit bus pulled up, and people rushed to get on. I observed them as they boarded – the clarity of their destination contrasted with my own confusion. "Why did you follow me?" I asked. Hansoo took something out of his bag. "Oh, you didn't take this." It was the screenplay for the movie I had requested. "And coincidentally, the manager showed up..." Hansoo's voice trailed off, and he looked at me with concern.

"You didn't want me to come because you thought it might be Myungshin, right?" Instead of answering, I accepted the script and changed the subject. "You have three sisters?" Hansoo replied, "Four, actually." I didn't even ask, but he quickly told me all about his family relationship. "I'm the youngest. People assume that being the only son with four older sisters meant I was pampered, but that wasn't the case in our family. My father's side didn't particularly value having a son. When I was young, my sisters treated me like their servant." Hansoo's voice took on an indignant tone. "Unfortunately, because I was the youngest, only my mother adored me, but my older sisters simply told my father that we were viewed differently, so I was always scolded by my father. My older sisters trembled in front of our father and said, 'Dad, I love you~' and he promised to do anything for them. Tsk, and he was harsh with me, telling me that I needed to grow up tough since I was a man." He shrugged, smiling. "Still, when my parents opposed my acting career, my sisters supported me. They all came to watch me when I first appeared on stage. But the play was a comedy, and when I came out and performed, they all started crying. I was so confused. I live alone now because of school, but sometimes I miss them." Hansoo was naturally a talkative guy, so I knew that if I didn't intervene, I would end up hearing his whole life story. However, his next question made me pause and actually listen. "Taemin, you live alone, right? So you won't get to see your brother and parents that often, will you?" I sighed quietly before replying, "Yes." "Didn't you mention that your brother has the same name as me? If he's in middle school, there's quite an age gap. Don't you want to visit them often? I'm fifteen years younger than my eldest sister, and she cares for me almost like a son. She looks at me the way a mother looks at her child. Or maybe brothers are different? My sisters used to just check my report cards when I was in school. How does Taemin see his brother's report card?" "I don't have to check." I replied dryly, looking back at Hansoo and adding. "He studies well."

"Wow, that sounds like he's at the top of the country. Gasp! Is he truly a stellar student?" "Well," I mumbled a non-committal response and then received a call from an unknown number. "Yes?" [Hello? Oh, you're the one who came to Cha Jungwoo's house with Manager Choi yesterday, right?] With the voice, the other party's face immediately sprang to mind. Cha Jungwoo's road manager, with a bruise on his cheek. "Yes, that's me. What's the matter?" [Well, Jungwoo... He wants to talk. Not with Manager Choi, but with you.] "Why?" [I'm not sure...] The caller spoke hesitantly before lowering their voice as if in a whisper. [It's been a day now, and I think his anger has subsided a bit. He's considering Manager Choi's proposal, but before he talks to him again, I think he wants to find out more about Manager Choi.] It seemed that the manager had used the police to intimidate him to some extent. Or maybe he was being forced to make a choice since he was the one who had suggested a solution in a dire situation. I decided to play along. "I can't go right now." [What? Then when...] "Tomorrow morning. I'll arrive early, so tell him not to sleep and wait." The caller seemed taken aback by my response, but I hung up the phone. I then turned to Hansoo and brought up the request I had mentioned earlier. "Can you pick up the catalog I asked for tonight?" Hansoo blinked and replied, "Oh, the luxury catalog?" "Yes. I contacted a wealthy senior who is educated in this subject, and he agreed to give me everything he had. But he mentioned it would be available tomorrow." "Alright. I can go get it." "No, go get it now. And bring it to Cha Jungwoo's villa tomorrow morning at 10."

Hansoo looked like he had a lot of questions, but he simply nodded. "Got it. But you said you'd be going early. I can go earlier if needed." "It's fine. Let the person who's desperate wait." Hansoo, who was aware that he had hit the manager, smiled and stated he got it. He turned to leave, and as he hurried off, I got up from my seat and stared at the oncoming buses. Then, I remembered the dilemma that had brought me here in the first place – where should I go? As I stood there, lost in thought, my phone buzzed with a new text message. -Go to my house and look for a briefcase on the table. This jerk... did he really give me the key to boss me around? Inside, an outburst of rage surged. I looked down at my phone and then back to the subway. The decision to burn the briefcase quickly filled the inside. Perhaps it was fortunate that I didn't know where to go. But I didn't realize it as fully at the time. It was good to have something filling up inside of me.

Chapter 40 Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for notes

Beep~ The light at the entrance turned on when I pulled open the front door with an electric sound. Aside from that, the interior, which should have been gloomy, was already light. I stepped inside with caution since I was curious. The living room is in the heart of the strong light. It wasn't much that different from when I'd been there before. Scenarios, books, and papers that appear cluttered on the floor and table, a large window with a clear view of the dazzling night. Nothing out of the ordinary there, but the problem was the madman sleeping on the sofa. He was on his back, one arm concealing his face and the other dangling from the sofa. A paper full of English words was unfolded like a fan at the tip of his fingertips that reached the floor. My rage at being forced to run all the way here gave way to frustration. I was ready to turn back when I noticed a white briefcase on the cluttered table. I took up the documents and looked at the still unmoving man. I took the lighter from my pocket with the other hand. I don't smoke, but I bought it on purpose after getting off the bus. Obviously, to burn the papers. Click. The flame emerged from the lighter, striving to break free. However, as long as I held down the lighter's switch, I had to be in control. Just as I was about to bring the flame closer to the paper, I caught sight of the writing on the envelope. 'Cha Jungwoo' Huh? I had no idea the documents the madman had instructed me to seek for were linked to me. I instinctively shut off the lighter. When I saw a couple sheets of paper within, I pulled it out, and it appeared to be a familiar document at first sight. A format you've probably seen before. I realized why when I removed it fully. 'Contract' As I examined the document, it became apparent why it felt familiar. The bold title 'contract' and the format were unmistakable. But before I could delve deeper into its contents, the madman interrupted. "You don't need to see that." He raised his upper body and glanced at his wristwatch, drowsy from sleep.

"It'll just get torn up by Cha Jungwoo anyway." "What are you talking about?" "I heard that Cha Jungwoo only called you over?" Asking drowsily, he turned his shoulders as if to relax. "Take it to him when you meet him. If you say the company gave it to you, he'll look at it." "And rip it up immediately?" 'Ah, sure,' he mumbled, rising from the couch and twisting his neck from side to side. Did he get word from the road manager that Cha Jungwoo had called me alone? No matter how much time was granted, Cha Jungwoo is a valuable asset to the company and would not let it go... I frowned as I examined the contract. But had he already made a contract? It would be adverse to Cha Jungwoo if it was a contract that he would rip as soon as he saw it. In fact, the company had stated that they were aware of Cha Jungwoo's problem in advance. I remembered the facts the manager had told me, but something didn't feel right. Perhaps it was the casual way the madman had mentioned that Cha Jungwoo would tear it up. Nonetheless, his words brought me back to the present. "He needs to get the shock out of his system now, so that when your manager picks it up, he can sign it properly." "Do you trust my manager?" Did he think Cha Jungwoo will change his mind by tomorrow? The answer was also ‘no’. "No, I trust Cha Jungwoo." He checked his watch one more time to see if he had to leave, and picked up his suit jacket that he had draped over the back of the sofa. "The more you have, the greater your fear of losing. Cha Jungwoo is scared now, more than he's angry. We need to seize this opportunity to secure his signature." ... Aren’t you the Director? I couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment that all the intensive executive meetings seemed to lead to nothing more than signing a favorable contract with Cha Jungwoo. It was clear that the executives weren't as impressive as I initially thought. He asked casually: “By the way, have you listened to Cha Jungwoo's recording file yet?” “I did. However, the recording is no longer necessary. Cha Jungwoo already suspects the manager as the culprit, and we need the evidence to support it.” “I didn’t mean for you to use it against Cha Jungwoo.”

I looked up, slightly puzzled, as he jogged my memory. “I mentioned that you might find something interesting if you listen closely.” “Yes, I found it. The recording captured the voice of Cha Jungwoo's manager.” But he gave me a derisive smirk, which was quite irritating. Yet, I persevered, hoping to end this conversation with him as soon as possible. “Is this why you called me here?” Placing the contract back into its envelope, I inquired. The man in the coat appeared indifferent. “Do you think I had you come to the house just for this?” “Yes.” He hesitated for a moment, as if about to retrieve something from the table, then broke into a habitually twisted smile. He had a habit of speaking like that with a smile. His sharp tone reminded me once more of his lunacy. “No matter how much I enjoy your idiocy, I can’t simply keep smiling and listen to this.” Following his initial remark, he added, “Ah.” “Do you even know what idiocy means?” Damn it, this jerk.. “Yes, I do. Fuck, my only weakness is English.” I excelled in Korean, and surprisingly, I had an extensive knowledge of old-fashioned idioms. However, this madman quickly responded. “You're not great in geography either.” “And what about you? You didn't even know the subway's first departure time.” Furthermore, he had even acted arrogantly in front of the President when it was I who had informed him. This ignited my anger, but his reply only confirmed his lunacy. “That's not common knowledge.” “... Then, is the capital of Lithuania common sense?” “Of course. Lithuania has a lake that resembles the Korean peninsula, so it's only natural for Koreans to know.” "..."

What... What is this insane logic? I wanted to lash back at him, but I wasn't sure how. I expected to say "You crazy punk!" several times in a succession, but instead another sentence came out. “…You don't have any friends, do you?” Unfazed by the question, he continued to smile: “No. Many people consider me a friend.” “And what do you think of them?” His answer was swift and confident: “Subordinates.” I believe I had a rough life in the past, but when I saw this guy, I began to wonder. What are this guy's parents doing? He tenderly consoled me while I was engrossed in his family history. “Oh, but I don't see you as a subordinate.” It became foreboding in an instant. If he uttered anything like I was a plaything, I decided to flick the lighter on him, and as I put my hand in my pocket, one word followed. “Heart.” “...” “Should I say this?” The question he added slowly seemed directed at himself. I couldn't help but recall his previous words when he remained still, seemingly unsure of what he had said. 'My heart moved.' A voice tinged with strangeness, as if he couldn't understand it himself. His gaze echoed a similar sentiment to that moment. “How do you feel?” I raised my gaze, aware of his voice that had slowed down. “Not much.” I replied dryly, prompting him to circle around the table and stand directly in front of me. Despite his smiling lips, his eyes held a cold and piercing gaze. “As I said before, you can’t pay for your sins until you die.”

I glared at him when the subject that I didn't want to address came up. On the contrary, he just showed a dimple as if he was pleased. “Atonement only ends in death... So your current life must be painful. Living happily isn't considered atonement, so you intentionally choose a life that isn't. You try to block me out, attempting to avoid any thoughts related to me by pretending to be stupid. Because you understand that if you accept me, you'll find happiness.” “Stop spouting nonsense.” “Honestly, it's quite amusing to watch your feeble resistance.” “Stop talking. What do you think you know about me?” “I know you can’t cry alone.” "... What?" A sudden chill ran down my spine. What in the world was this bastard talking about? I felt a sense of unease mixing with the embarrassment. Perhaps it was because I realized that everything he was saying was true. Unable to utter another word, I watched him as he reached out and ruffled my bangs. However, beneath his seemingly gentle actions, there was a certain cruelty in his words. “Like I said before, I don't care what you do as long as you don't die. But if your denial of pleasure interferes with my own enjoyment, then I'll have to care. I want to hear you begging me for more when I'm fucking your insides. Isn't it as simple as that?” "That simple dream will never come true." “That kind of dream will never come true.” “We'll just have to wait and see. How about we give it a try after this urgent matter is resolved?” The hand that had been running through my hair now descended to touch my earlobe. Annoyed, I turned my head and swatted his hand away. “Do it by yourself.” "Sure. I plan to take care of it myself. You, who are so shy, just follow my lead.” “Wake up from your dream. Whatever you do...” Smack! I attempted to swat his hand away as it approached me again, but instead, he seized my wrist. Unfortunately, it was the same wrist that belonged to my injured shoulder. Thanks to a surge of momentary strength, I clenched my eyes shut and involuntarily let out a groan.

"Ahh-" My throbbing shoulder hunched up, and I swallowed down a stream of curses. But suddenly, a strong force twisted my aching shoulder. “Ugh!” This bastard! I lifted my head and glanced at him, knowing he had gripped my injured shoulder. However, the smile that had always stayed on his face disappeared and he asked again, this time with a fairly frightening expression. "What is this?" “Let go! ...I just got hurt.” I tried to wrestle my hand free, but he forcibly grabbed it and proceeded to tear my shirt without any consideration. Tap, tap~ The button was torn off with a sound, crashing to the floor. What is this guy up to now? Meanwhile, the man proceeded to strip my shirt off my shoulders. Almost reflexively, I glanced at my shoulder. Bruises, now deep black in color, spread across the area where the forearm met the shoulder. He examined the bruise with narrowed eyes before returning to his usual nonchalance and posing a casual question. “Why are you hurt?” "It just happened." He chuckled slightly at my recurring response. “Who hit you?” “...” I gazed at him in silence as he began rebuttoning my clothes. He even tidied up the mess that the buttons had made. Then, he took a step back and cocked his head to the side. “It looks ugly.” “It's because of you.” “Did you just get hit?” He nonchalantly inquired as I slipped my arms back through the re-buttoned clothing. “Were you just beaten up?” “Do you think I'd let myself be beaten like a fool?”

Of course, the blow wouldn't have left a bruise on the attacker. However, as if satisfied with my answer, he nodded. "Alright. Good job. So, who did this to you?” “...” “Who did it?” Though he spoke softly, it felt more like an attempt to pacify me and get a response than a genuine inquiry. “My revenge is my business.” “Yes, you handle it. But, as I've told you repeatedly, it becomes my concern if you're willing to die.” With a soft hum, he shifted his gaze into the distance, as though recalling someone. “Among Song Myungshin's associates, who could have caused you to look like this?” He then raised a corner of his mouth as if remembering something. “Ah, Chairman Kim's henchman.” "Is it that big guy?" he whispered, warning him rather than condemning him of being too big for your stature. “Don't go after that guy. He's my prey." But the man just smirked. Nevertheless, fatigue overcame me, and I turned to leave ahead of him. It's better not to see. But he reached out and grasped my shoulder again. "Ah." My upper body flinched, and he apologized verbally. "Sorry. I forgot you were hit here.” But his grip on my shoulder only tightened. “Hey, let go.” I scowled and grabbed his arm, attempting to push him away, but he simply wore a brighter smile. “Why? Does it hurt a lot?” “I told you to let go!”

"I don't want to." Perhaps my expression was exasperated. I was in disbelief, so when I half-mouthed a response, he smiled even more and looked down at my shoulder. "If I crush this bone, it will leave only my mark on your body, right?" “...” “You seem tired.” Slowly, he removed his hand from my shoulder and gestured towards the bedroom. “Go to sleep.” I couldn't respond due to the intensity in his eyes. For a brief moment, a shiver ran down my spine. The fear of not knowing what he might do if I moved even the slightest bit. It was only after I heard the sound of the door closing that I realized it. Bang~ In the solitude of the room, I was finally able to release the breath I had been holding.

Chapter End Notes

"If I crush this bone, it will leave only my mark on your body, right?" I died. ⚰

Chapter 41 After an uneasy night at someone else's house, I kept my promise and went to Cha Jungwoo's villa with Hansoo. A few days had passed, but reporters were still camped outside the villa. As time went on, it seemed increasingly likely that Cha Jungwoo would not leave the house. As I approached the entrance to the villa, I heard someone cautiously calling my name. “Taemin! Over here!" “Where are you?” I looked around and eventually spotted Hansoo, who was partially concealed against the wall of a nearby building. “Why are you here?” I wondered, and he pulled me into his hiding spot. “I've got all the catalogs and magazines rich people read, just like you asked.” He held up an envelope filled with brochures. “There was so much material that I had to list exclusive products separately. I stayed up all night working on this…” “Why are you whispering?” I asked, puzzled. Hansoo widened his eyes and signaled for me to be quiet. "Shh! Lower your voice!” “Why?” “The reporters are everywhere!!” Hansoo, keeping a watchful eye on the surroundings, urgently warned. I looked at him, puzzled by his vigilance, and pointed out a crucial detail. “No one out there recognizes us.” However, rather than easing Hansoo's concerns, this remark only seemed to make him more anxious. He insisted, pointing out a key fact. “What! We even shot a movie!” The movie hadn't even been released yet, and we hadn't made any public appearances related to it. Fed up with trying to explain, I left the hiding spot and walked on my own. I had only one magazine in my hand. Ignoring Hansoo's shouts from behind, I headed to meet Cha Jungwoo. It was past ten, but I knew he wouldn't be asleep. He probably hadn't slept since the incident broke out. “What took you so long?!”

I left the road manager behind and entered the living room. The mess was still there, but the only piece of furniture that appeared to be in order was the sofa. The road manager, who had been following me, rushed in front of me and pointed to the stairs leading to the upper floor. “Hurry up and go upstairs. He hasn't slept and he’s been waiting for you.” I ignored him and went straight to the living room sofa. Thud. I sank into the soft, highbacked sofa and opened the magazine I had brought. “Tell him to come down.” Even without looking to the side, I could sense how the road manager's expression had changed. Rustle, rustle. For a while, the only sound in the room was the pages of the magazine being turned. After a few moments, the road manager let out a heavy sigh, and I heard his footsteps going upstairs. Cha Jungwoo might not come down immediately, but that was fine because I needed time to go through the magazines. Hansoo had diligently marked the magazines. They contained details about new product releases, and the names were all too familiar to me. However, there were English descriptions that I couldn't fully understand, making the content a bit of a puzzle. Additionally, there were two pictures of watches that caught my attention, one new and one old. As I skimmed through the magazine, I was astonished to learn that one of the watches was worth tens of thousands of won. I stared at the image in bewilderment. What changed? I stopped flipping through the pages and scrutinized the information on the watches. The explanation was filled with unfamiliar words mixed with English, but I could grasp one key point: sophisticated appearance. But was it really the same watch? As I examined the two watch images, my eyes landed on the fine print beneath the advertisement. There were some words I didn't understand, but I noticed that it mentioned the watch's waterproof capability to a certain depth. Why would someone wear a watch while going swimming? Do rich people really do that? As this revelation struck me, I turned several pages until I reached the section marked by Hansoo. Under the complex English name, Hansoo had thoughtfully provided the Korean pronunciation. I awkwardly mumbled the words to myself as I continued reading. Just then, I heard footsteps descending the stairs. I feigned intense focus on the magazine to make it seem like I was absorbed in it. The footsteps drew closer, and someone took a seat across from me. And Cha Joong-woo's greeting followed immediately. “Hey, you little shit, is it morning already?” His curses were accompanied by the smell of alcohol. “Damn, I heard you've only been a trainee for two months. Do you find it amusing the way I am now? Someone like you would be fired by the company immediately...”

“What do you want to ask?” I interrupted, growing increasingly irritated. He cursed briefly and glared at me. “Watch your mouth. Who are you to interrupt me?” I fixed my gaze on him and spoke slowly. “Do you even have a clue yet?” “What?” “Do I look like someone who's afraid of getting fired from their job, or like an aspiring celebrity seeking popularity around you?” He furrowed his brow, scrutinizing me. I gave him a faint smile “Think again. Because if you swear one more time, you might end up with that broken table leg in your head.” “...” “What do you want to ask me?” “...Is your name Lee Taemin?” “Is that the only thing you want to ask?” I was about to stand up, indicating that I was ready to leave, when he restrained a curse that was about to escape his lips. “Is it true that your manager took responsibility for this? And to the guy who spread my work on the Internet.” “Yes.” “Who is he?” “Are you certain your manager betrayed you?” He clenched his jaw, clearly not pleased with the question. “Yes.” In that case, there was no real need to listen to the recorded voice. I thought and gave the response he sought. “Song Yoohan.” “Song... Yoohan?”

He stared at my lips momentarily, seemingly at a loss for words, and then double-checked. “Song Yoohan? The one who played my younger brother in the drama xxx?” I hadn't watched the drama "xxx," so I remained silent. Nonetheless, he burst into hearty laughter as if the show's title was of no consequence. “Haha, it's the guy who used to whine to the director every day that his role was pitiful because it interfered with his sister's relationship. That bastard screwed me over.” His anger surged, and he muttered harsh words to himself. “That damn bastard. I should've stomped on him a few more times to make sure he never got back up.” He broke into laughter, his eyes filled with malice. Yes, they were all the same. Then he suddenly recalled something. "Was that guy an actor under Manager Choi before?" I nodded, and he continued with another question. "Is Chairman Kim, the arms broker, still sponsoring him?" "... Arms broker?" I asked, taken aback, it was the first time I had heard about it. He reclined on the sofa. "Yes, an arms broker. He primarily dealt in importing weapons, but there were rumors about his involvement in other military supplies. He started his business in a foreign country but returned to Korea in his old age. Initially, there were rumors that he was nostalgic for his homeland as he grew older or that he was trying to reconnect with the family he had abandoned. But all of those stories are unbelievable. He's an old man who has made his business quite shady, and within a few years, he eliminated all his competitors. Moreover, he has some disgusting hobbies." Cha Jungwoo grimaced as he spoke, displaying his disdain. "I've heard that no one has survived under Chairman Kim for more than a month. But did Song Yoohan manage to win the old man over completely?" "I believe so." "Heh, that's incredible. I've witnessed all sorts of dirty deeds in this world, but Chairman Kim is truly a lunatic." "He must be out of his mind." I replied nonchalantly, to which he looked at me with a curious expression.

"Do you know Song Yoohan?" "Before." "Hmm," he said after observing me for a moment. "What's the story with that bastard?" "Shouldn't you be more concerned about your own situation right now rather than mine?" He turned around, biting his lower lip, and ran his hand through his bangs roughly. "Your manager... is he really serious about everything he told me?" His question gave me the impression that the manager was indeed capable of such words. "You must have known everything already. You know why he went bankrupt when he previously owned an agency." "What's your take on it?" His bloodshot eyes bore into mine. "He's serious." I answered and added nonchalantly. "He genuinely believes that this is the only way for you to survive." "And you?" I was getting frustrated with his persistent questioning, but I replied nonetheless. “I don’t believe in that method. I believe in the manager." "..." “If that person thinks so, then so be it.” As I answered, I lowered my gaze and contemplated for a moment. I was somewhat surprised by his reaction. Even if my manager could resolve things in this manner, shouldn't someone in his position seek advice from a capable individual or take strategic actions? Why was he so foolish that he merely drank his troubles away at home? Then he looked up, as if he had organized his thoughts. "So, because you trust your manager, you also believe that I can eventually make a comeback." "..." "No?"

"Does my opinion really matter?" Cha Jungwoo appeared to comprehend the frustration underlying my question. He smiled and shrugged as if feigning ignorance. "Perhaps it's because I know you, as you mentioned. Because I'm the type of person who will break my head with a shattered table leg. Tell your manager to come by in the afternoon. Let me talk to him again." His eyebrows were full of wrinkles, as if he felt bad about having to do something he didn't want to do. But simply talking wouldn't be enough. "I'll warn you, though, if you're planning to use my manager temporarily to get out of this situation, it will be more troublesome later. Once you sign a contract, you won't be able to dismiss Manager Choi." I handed him the envelope I had been given. I had reviewed the contract before coming here, and one thing stood out: once appointed, the manager could not be replaced under any circumstances without the mutual consent of both the company and the manager. The inclusion of the phrase "no matter what" surprised me. My own contract allowed for termination if the manager was found at fault. Cha Jungwoo glanced at the contract that had fallen to the floor, realizing there was no table nearby. "What is this?" I looked at him and he gazed back with a wary expression before picking up the envelope. But when he tried to pull out the contents, it only came out halfway. He stiffened, and for a moment, it seemed as if he had stopped breathing. Then, he asked in a hushed tone. "...Has the company... contacted you?" I noticed a key detail in his question: the company hadn't reached out to him in a while. The people from the company who had visited his home were likely just going through the motions to appear busy to outsiders, particularly the reporters. It was then that I noticed why he stayed at home, drank, and refused to look for any other way. I glanced over at the road manager, who was eavesdropping from a distance. He had been startled and hid in the kitchen. The fact that he was here in Cha Jungwoo's house, despite being beaten, was clear evidence. This manager was the one who reported to the company. In other words, the company had truly cornered Cha Jungwoo. Despite being a powerful celebrity, he was easily manipulated by the company. This revelation surprised me. Cha Jungwoo was a high-profile figure, but the company's hold on him seemed to be extremely tight. As he couldn't hide his astonishment, Cha Jungwoo clenched his teeth and stared at the contract, which he hadn't yet fully pulled from the envelope. "Damn bastards, they think they can take advantage of this situation?" The madman's expectations were realized right before my eyes.

Rip~! Rip! He tore the contract into shreds and started stomping on the pieces with his feet. "You bastards!! How much money did I make for them?! They got what they wanted, and now... fuck!" He fumed and suddenly picked up the phone that had been lying on the floor. He raised his arm as if to hurl it at the wall. However, I spoke slowly. "Do you like watches?" "What?" He turned to me, his expression fierce. I picked up the magazine I had been reading and pointed to the advertisement for a new watch. "A new product is coming out." "What... what nonsense are you talking about, you!" "It's scheduled to be released next month, so if you're off to the military, you won't even be able to see it in person." He now turned around threateningly, as if he was considering throwing the phone at me. But I continued, flipping to the next advertisement. "These sunglasses are due to arrive at a store next week, but they are already fully booked." "Fuck, you..." "Of course, you won't be able to see them either. Maybe not even after you complete your military service. You used to have mutual sponsorships, but unless you buy them with your own money, you won't be able to touch them." He momentarily stopped moving, but then his eyebrows twitched, and he retorted. "What are you talking about, huh?" "You're struggling here, and you'd be in the military for two years, so there'd be a gap. Meanwhile, the six-month contract with the company will expire. Then think about it: two years hence, can you still buy these goods to your heart's content?" "I..." After a hesitant moment, he added in a low voice. "You don't think I have that much money?" "There will come a day when you won't have that much money."

"..." "No one will hire you, and even if they did, they would offer you supporting roles that would bruise your pride. But with the face of a top star like Cha Jungwoo, how would you accept that? Moreover, your habit of buying all these expensive new watches will have to continue for the sake of your image. Because if you don't spend a bit, people will make judgments. They'll say, 'Cha Jungwoo must have turned into a beggar.'" My words made his breathing grow heavier, and he hastily flung his phone toward me. I didn't evade it, but stared into his eyes. Slam! The phone grazed my face and clattered to the floor. “Hah, hah..” Cha Jungwoo breathed heavily, his chest heaving, as though he'd just sprinted a hundred meters. "Get out. Get out of my house right now." I rose slowly and checked the time. "Until midnight tonight. Just know that if there's no contact by then, everything's over." I didn't think I had been there very long, but when I came out, 40 minutes had passed. And there were people who waited for me during that time. "Taemin! Over here!" Feeling like I had experienced this scenario before, I glanced over to see Hansoo gesturing from the corner of the neighboring building. Had he been hiding there the whole time? I approached, trying to avoid the reporters who didn't seem interested in us, and Hansoo led me out of their line of sight. "How did it go?" Instead of explaining, I handed over the magazine. "Well played." "No, seriously? Do you think it'll work?" "Yes." I surprised myself with how easily I responded. But I had a feeling. Pushed to a difficult spot, that guy would contact the manager. Hansoo seemed equally surprised, repeatedly asking if I was sure.

"I'm really happy. Ha~ I've heard that Cha Jungwoo has a nasty personality... Furthermore, the manager is correct. But if the manager clears his name and properly manages Cha Jungwoo, Myungshin hyung will be furious, right?" Hansoo's excitement was palpable, and he brightened up quickly as he thought about it. He rushed to take me outside again. "Oh, the manager called. He asked about our whereabouts, and I've been sweating the whole time." "Why did he call?" "He wanted both of us to be tested because there's a small flyer advertisement opportunity. Oh, and he got a call from the director too. The weather forecast for tomorrow predicts sunny weather, so they're filming Taemin's suicide scene first." I was puzzled about how sunny weather related to a suicide scene, but Hansoo's hurry to meet the manager pushed that thought aside. After a day spent doing various tasks, the three of us were so busy that we temporarily forgot about Cha Jungwoo. When we finally sat down for a late dinner and were slurping on ramen at a restaurant, the manager's phone rang. "Yes, this is Choi Deuk-" His words suddenly halted in the middle of his name, and Hansoo and I, who were eating our ramen, looked up. After a moment of silence, the manager calmly resumed the conversation. "Let's go now, Cha Jungwoo."

I dropped off Hansoo and parked the car near Cha Jungwoo's house. When I turned to inform the manager that we had arrived, he was still looking down at the envelope in his hand. I waited in silence, and after a while, he asked a question. "This must be a good opportunity, right?" "Even if it's a bad opportunity, let's make it good." He glanced at me, then looked away with a faint smile. "Right. I should. I know this industry is dirty anyway... For me right now, the best thing is not to get fired from the company and make money for my kids' education." His words seemed to differ from the worry that Cha Jungwoo might not cooperate with his instructions. I pointed to the envelope, the contract that he had been studying for a while. "When did you receive it?"

"Ah... in the morning. Chief Park handed it to me. They said that if he signs the contract today, my innocence will be proven." "What will you say when you give it to him?" Instead of responding, he looked at the contract with a furrowed brow. I felt like I had heard something, but in the end, he decided not to say it. "Taemin, don't worry about it. Let's go." Cha Jungwoo listened to the manager's instructions so calmly that he seemed like a different person. The living room was the same as in the morning, but the other person appeared completely transformed. "You have to turn yourself in to the police voluntarily tomorrow evening. The interview is scheduled for the following evening. I will provide you with the answers to the questions to be asked during the press conference in advance. Think of it as a script and memorize it. I'll inform the stylist about the clothing and makeup for that day. A few other things to note... First of all, keep your answers short during the police interrogation. Just respond with 'yes' or 'no.'" When Cha Jungwoo raised his eyes, appearing puzzled, the manager quickly added. "I have a contact with a detective who informed me beforehand. Most of the questions will be formal, so there's no need to be nervous. And then..." "You can speak comfortably." The manager, who was jotting down notes in his notebook, looked up. He gazed at his client silently and nodded. "Okay. The next significant point to remember is the press conference, but I'll discuss that tomorrow. Oh, and you can tear up, right?" "Should I cry during the press conference?" "No. You mustn't shed tears. When you cry, you look unattractive, and anyone who isn't your fan will mock you. However, you can have teary eyes, right? You need to convey the impression that you're on the verge of tears." Cha Jungwoo nodded. "Write down all the instructions you need and go over them. Including the amount of money to be donated." The manager glanced at him once more, but didn't say anything. "You don't have to lend the money right away. D-Day will be the day of your military enlistment, a date that people will gradually forget. Then it will become a topic of public interest again. The fact that you volunteered secretly on your enlistment day and the actual

donation should be published in the newspapers. This way, many reporters will wait for you two years later, as if they're anticipating the return of a reformed son with a different perspective." "I'll have the money ready within a month if possible." "You can take it out in advance, but private loans are not an option. Celebrities frequently employ private loans to protect their reputations, but..." "I won't need private loans." "That's good," the manager muttered and continued. "If you allow me to intervene, it would be a good idea to sell your house in addition to the money. People will sympathize when they see your actual wealth decreasing." "Yes." Afterward, I rose from my seat and went to the kitchen to pay more attention to the detailed conversation. There, I found the road manager wearing a gloomy expression. He jumped up and tried to stop me as soon as he saw me. "Stay. I came here for a glass of water." "I... is Manager Choi going to become Jungwoo's main manager now?" I retrieved a clean glass and poured water from the purifier while listening to his mumbling. He continued with a sigh. "How did things end so quickly?" "What do you mean?" "Yes? Oh... well." While sipping cold water, I looked at him, waiting for an explanation. His gaze drifted back to the living room as he spoke. "There is no solid evidence that former manager recorded the incident. I assumed we had simply jumped to conclusions, but the manager was unable to respond, so I assumed he had been caught. It's been a long time since they've been together. Of course, they were like brothers, so I assumed that the misunderstanding would be overcome and the two would reconcile. But Jungwoo hired a new management like that, and the previous manager..." He paused and shook his head. "I managed to get in touch with him today, but he gave up on Jungwoo without hesitation. He said he'll be out of the country for a few months, so don't contact him. I don't know when he prepared all this... Anyway, both of them moved so quickly. What is going on..."

Listening to his words, I walked to the kitchen doorway. In the living room, the two of them were still deep in conversation. Cha Jungwoo's demeanor had completely transformed into a more composed and serious one. He nodded in agreement with the manager's words and appeared to have completely relinquished his anger. I couldn't fathom how his emotions had shifted so swiftly. What had quelled his anger? I watched him with narrowed eyes, pondering the sudden change in his mood. The transformation from a hothead to... loser? Why did that word come to mind? I couldn't discern the reason. However, Cha Jungwoo's change in demeanor was evident from his words before leaving with the manager. "Hey." He called me over on the porch while the manager and the road manager were deep in discussion inside. Hands in his pockets, he leaned against the wall, his gaze focused on me. "What is it?" "Do you want some advice?" "No." Regardless of my reluctance, I heard his advice as I turned my body. "Do you know who you should be most cautious of if you want a future in this industry?" I heard a somewhat sour voice when I turned my head. "Competitive actors, managers, the media, or fans? No." I remained silent. "It's the company that owns you. The scariest thing is your own company." As I was about to turn my head thinking I didn't need to listen anymore, I heard a familiar name. “Especially watch out for Director Yoon.”

Chapter 42 Director Yoon. Director Yoon. I repeated the name several times under my breath. A nagging sensation crept over me, as if I had been purposely kept out of the loop on his work. There was a fear that diving deeper into this matter would stir up unwanted emotions. So, like a fool, I had overlooked the words I should have heard. The words that sounded strange in Cha Jungwoo's voice note file, "Yooni" and "Did you buy it," should have been about "Director Yoon." "I told you. Turn up the volume and listen to something interesting." Yeah, I should have completely believed what you said. Like the road manager's question, everything ended too early, the boss I saw in the parking lot didn't seem to care about the matter at all. That Cha Jungwoo had known the solid evidence and the culprit from the start. Once again, you were the root of it all. You are the true culprit behind this. "Where are you?" I sent a text message as I stood at the entrance to the train station, and the response came immediately. "Wait at home. I'll be there."

Perhaps it's because I'm used to it, but I proceeded without hesitation along the small hallway with only the front door lit and into the dark living room. A hand reached a place on the wall, knowing the position of the switch without looking at it. The little world came to life as soon as the lights were turned on. A living room with unorganized books and documents. But, oddly, it didn't feel dirty. Someone may have come and cleaned it so that there was no dust inside. It was probably correct, given that the water cups on the kitchen table when I left this morning were gone. Clean but not meticulously organized. I pictured the owner of this house instructing the cleaners, "Do not touch anything." Amid the belongings left unorganized according to his wishes, I found a pile of scripts I had forgotten about. I reached out and picked one up, simply examining it. Yesterday, he had left this script on the sofa, which he watched and then fell asleep on. I sat down comfortably, as I had yesterday, and turned the script over. Before I delved into the contents, a thought struck me—this place didn't feel strange at all. There was no unfamiliarity or unease, even though it was someone else's house, especially the madman's house. With my eyes, I searched for the part that I had read the day before and remembered, "Ah." Because of the things scattered all over the place. There was a sense of life here. The warmth of an invisible man remained in the air. living space. Was I

unconsciously at ease here? I felt strange. Because I always saw the contrary and found solace in it. Pathways to the graves filled with darkness, underground, and silence. Flip. I turned a page and focused on the new content that followed. My mind soon filled with the world of the protagonist, who went deeper and deeper into danger.

Click. A small sound immediately jolted my drowsy mind. Startled, I opened my eyes and found myself staring up at the living room ceiling. I had fallen asleep again, and I couldn't help but curse my own lack of control. I pushed myself up from the comfortable couch, and the depressed portion slowly regained its original shape. The sofa's comfort was to blame, I decided as I looked around to identify the source of the sound. But I didn't have to search long. I watched the madman emerge from the kitchen, he was wearing loose pants and his hair was damp, as if he had just taken a shower. He observed me who had awoken as he put the fresh bottled water to his mouth. I glanced at him blankly, trying to wake up entirely, but he stopped at the table and offered me the bottle of water. Still in a half-awake state, I hesitated to respond, but my hand automatically accepted the bottle he offered. I became thirsty as I watched him drink water. The cold water he had just gotten from the refrigerator cooled my mouth and went down my throat, washing away the rest of my sleep. Perhaps I must have been really thirsty. I took the empty water bottle and went in search of the trash can. "What are you looking for?" "The trash can." I had expected him to provide an answer, but he unexpectedly reached out his hand. "Give it. I'll throw it away." I looked at him skeptically, wondering if I had misheard, but he calmly took the bottle from my hand and headed for the kitchen. After a moment, he returned empty-handed and then inquired. "Aren't you hungry?" What struck me as odd was the relaxed smile on his face. It wasn't his usual perfunctory smile but rather a genuine expression. I sat up, my body tensed, and eyed him with suspicion. However, he settled down next to me, extending an arm over the back of the sofa where I was seated, and asked softly,

"What would you like to eat?" "... Nothing" I refused coldly, remaining stiff. But his mood only grew warmer. "You should've slept comfortably in a bed. Or did you fall asleep on the couch waiting for me?" He nodded and smiled, making dimples, as if he was in a good mood. "I was going to come earlier, but I had to wait for a call from the U.S., and it was a little late." Then he reached out to play with the side of my hair. "It's nice to see you sleeping, but it's even better to see you awake." At this point, fear began to encroach. I raised my arm awkwardly, like a robot, and brushed his hand away. I asked in a serious tone, "Are you very tired right now?" Even though I had pushed his hand away, he withdrew without any hostility and gazed into the air for a moment, as if pondering my question, before nodding. "Hmm, hearing it from you, it seems like I am tired." No, it's not "seems like." You are undeniably very tired right now! I wanted to scream, but his hand, which had been resting, reached out again. I grabbed his hand before it could touch my face, and he simply took my hand in the opposite direction. He said, "Alright, I will hold your hand." Bugs seemed to crawl beneath my skin. An unfamiliar sensation, accompanied by a shiver, numbed my thoughts. If it had been the usual annoying person, I would have blurted out curses. But his continuous smile and the way he delicately listened to me hindered my ability to respond. What on earth was this guy... "When was the last time you slept?" He looked at me with burdened eyes, thought for a moment, and then opened his mouth. "I think I had about 30 minutes of sleep when I came to see you here yesterday." "Before that?" "Two hours in bed with you three days ago." "... before that?"

Unlike his usual self, his head wasn't working properly, so he cut short his words and thought about it again. "Hmm... three days before that, an hour and a half." You came to meet me in XX three days before that. So you didn't even sleep and came down to kiss me for a couple of minutes? I urged part of me unable to fathom the situation and the other half in disbelief. "Then?" 'What "Then"?' he inquired, his eyes wide. Meanwhile, he was caressing my palm in a circular manner with his thumb. I realized it too late and gave it the strength it needed to pull it out, but the guy who stated he was exhausted had a lot of power. I had many questions, especially regarding Cha Jungwoo and the purpose of our meeting. I knew he would provide straightforward answers, but I hesitated. I didn't want to engage in further conversation with someone who had changed so significantly. However, deeper within, I was genuinely worried about his condition, which was quite different from his usual self. He seemed like a ticking time bomb, with his kind and gentle facade serving as a warning of an impending limit. It was as if he didn't know what he might do if something snapped, revealing the cruel nature that he typically concealed behind a filter. For instance, when I attempted to pull my hand from his grip. His smile instantly vanished from his face, and despite the cold sensation, I decided to speak bluntly. "You should go to bed." I nodded toward the bedroom with my chin, but he gazed at me with an expressionless face and forcefully took my hand once more. I immediately received a warning when I unconsciously moved my arm due to the force. "Be obedient." I met his gaze with a resolute stare, and he responded by smiling politely. "Say it again." "You should go to bed." "Why?" Well, it was because you couldn't sleep and you look more crazy than usual. I barely restrained myself from providing this honest answer and instead came up with a different excuse. I didn't understand why I had concocted this excuse. "... Because I'm sleepy."

As I replied, the cold look in his eyes briefly faded. With a look that seemed to say 'hm?', he inquired, "You're sleepy?" "... Yes." Of course, it had been a while since I woke up. He simply responded with an understanding "Ah~" and returned to the soft, warm expression he had displayed earlier. His crooked smile sent a shiver down my spine. I contemplated whether fighting and arguing would have been a better approach. While I mulled this over, the madman took my hand and stood up. "Alright, let's go to sleep for now." I resisted the pulling force to some extent and braced myself, but the guy, who appeared to be feeling better again, pulled me into the dark bedroom. How on earth was this guy so strong even when he was tired? He tried to climb onto the bed with me in tow, but I resisted by planting my feet firmly on the ground. He was about to climb onto the bed with one leg when he stopped, and the room was too dim for me to read his expression. "Let me go." "Why?" In one short sentence, I let out my true feelings without realizing it. "Uncomfortable. I don’t know why we need to lie down together.” My blunt answer hung in the air, followed by his slow voice. "Then you should sleep in the same bed with me more." "Why?" This time, he replied without hesitation, "Your life is about atonement, so it shouldn't be comfortable. That's why you deliberately sought discomfort instead of pleasure. If you're uncomfortable, it's only right to lie down with me." "..." I felt like my head was spinning from exhaustion and this peculiar logic, but I couldn't find a suitable response. With what strength I could muster, I gripped the edge of the bed with one hand, barely keeping myself upright, and spoke up. "I still don't want to." The pulling force that had been dragging me stopped, and his other hand came to rest on my shoulder. His tight grip on my shoulder made me aware of my condition, and his muffled

words seemed to further sway my resolve. "Saying no... sounds annoying." I contemplated for a few moments, wondering if I should just push him and engage in a fight with this lunatic. Ultimately, I discarded that idea and fabricated another excuse. "I need to wash up," I grumbled. This was, of course, a ruse to create some distance between us. I'd use the excuse of washing up and sleep on the sofa instead. But my plan was thwarted when the guy, who had pulled my hand to begin with, now pulled me onto the bed. I suddenly fell onto the mattress, and he brought his face close to my neck, murmuring, "It's okay. I like your smell." Despite my initial resolve to stay awake all night with eyes wide open, I eventually succumbed to slumber for several hours. The man, holding me within the circle of his arms, also drifted into sleep on his side, his breathing calm and steady. Though I had initially considered getting up, any attempt to move was promptly thwarted as he would restrain me with murmurs and gentle interventions. 'You don't need to shower.' 'Hungry?' 'Thirsty?' Finally, 'Should we...?' I closed my eyes and gave up on everything after those words. And the second time I awoke in his bed, I didn't wake up on my own. My lower abdomen was getting a faint tingling sensation. Of course, if you're a man, it'll feel familiar. And, while standing up in the morning was natural, waking up with quick breathing was extremely unusual. "... Haa." I took a hot breath and tried to move without realizing it, but then I noticed the arm that had restrained me. He was clinging to my back, wrapped around my waist under an unbuttoned shirt, resting on my side. His hands were stroking my thing through my bare legs with my pants off. "Hey..." As I let out a barely audible sound between his harsh breaths, the guy sucking my nape clinged to my back as if he had been waiting. "What?" He asked softly, moving his lips to my earlobe. And his hands became faster. My body, which had already been stimulated while sleeping, was unable to use its energy. "Fuck… What are you doing?" I wrenched my shoulders and spat. But the feeble effort was futile. After waking up, the guy who went back to the usual madman answered with a bold voice.

"Making you feel good." "Who… feels good... ah-" As he pulled on my genitals, a tingling sensation went through my lower belly, accompanied by pain. I could feel the man behind me more clearly after closing my eyes and bending my back. In addition, the area between my buttocks that had already been touched by his hard object was wet. Could it be that this bastard... has already cummed on my body while i was sleeping? However, all that came out of my mouth was a barely half-muffled moan. "Haa, haa..." "If you don't feel good, that's fine too." With a laugh, he increased the speed of his hand. “You want to be uncomfortable. Or do you feel good?” There was a squeaky sound at the same time as the question. As his hands raced fast into my genitals, moist with my already pouring body fluid, they made a wet rubbing sound. "Tell me. What do you feel when I shake it? Oh, it looks like you'll be cumming soon. Your dick is sizzling hot and about to explode." A cold sensation was felt. "And incredibly soft." A low voice entered my ear, caressing my ear with its tongue. The heat inside me boiled, like if a damp voice had encouraged it. He abruptly stopped moving while grasping the tip of my swelling penis. The pleasure that had been rising like a stairwell abruptly came to a halt. "..." I gripped his wrist, which had stopped moving, without realizing it. The ache of twisting in disappointment was exacerbated by the hand that prevented my climax. "... let go." Of course, the guy behind me picked up on the meaning of the words he couldn't quite hear because they were mingled with my breath. The lips that came down under my ears laughed on my skin once again, and then his body position abruptly altered. He grabbed me and straightened me out before quickly climbing up. He then put his knees between my legs, without forgetting my dick in his hands. He sat with his waist between my legs, which were already spread open, before I realized what was going on. My legs were parted uncomfortably as he held my waist with his other hand and pulled it tight. The issue was that his hand was still firmly gripping my penis. In a state where I couldn't ejaculate, my blocked penis dominated all my senses.

"Damn it... Let it go, haa!" My jaws gritted and my upper body twisted. However, no matter how hard I attempted to push his arm away with my hand in this position, I would fail. Instead, he took my hand in his and led me to another place. I didn’t have to look up to find out. He led me to the hot, hard pillar and commanded me as he looked down at me from above. "Hold it." The usual voice seemed hotter than my hands touching his penis. He placed his hands on top of mine, which were not moving, as I stared up with furrowed eyes and chest heaving, and pushed me to grip his own. The guy's eyes flashed darkly for a moment, and he took a short breath. "Fuck… Shake it that way." Then, he removed his folded hands, grabbed my waist again, and pushed his body further between my legs. "Your hesitancy can only mean one of two things. You enjoy touching me so much that you are unable to do so." He curved his lips and seized my restricted genitals, as if to squeeze them again. "Ah-!" I bent on my back and groaned in pain, but the guy didn't know how to wait. "Hurry. Don't you want to cum as well? Consider holding yours, shaking them, and try to move." Haa, haa... Perhaps because of the intense pain, I closed my eyes and began moving my hand without realizing it. The agonizing grasp on my genitals then vanished, just as promised. He opened his mouth and inhaled deeply. Then I felt the pleasure of gradually returning to my place. It was too late to be embarrassed or regretful. I hadn't even realized I was stroking a large pillar that wasn't mine. I just closed my eyes and focused on the tickling pleasure that filled me on the inside. The faster I moved my hands, the more pleasure I felt. I moaned as I twisted my back. "Haa… ughh, ha…" His hand holding mine stopped for a second, and his body tilted forward slightly. When the stimulation returned to the genitals, I realized it had been touched by something other than his hand. Before I knew it, his fingertips were on my hands, holding two genitals at once, he were holding my hands which i could not move properly. As he started rubbing our genitals together, the monotonous stimulation up until now suddenly exploded. Squench, squench...

His and mine were already gleaming and sticky with bodily fluids, making noises whenever we moved. He swelled up between him and my hand and stopped expanding. My back arched, I felt like I was about to ejaculate soon. Then I heard a command above my head. "Open your eyes." My gaze met his as I strained to open my eyes to the voice coupled with hard breathing. He licked his bottom lip with his tongue while staring at me. His eyes darkened with lust, like a beast with a prey in front of it. His stare remained fixed on me, and he tightened his grip on my waist. My heart fluttered at the increased sense of climax as I peered into his eyes, and eventually I closed my eyes again. No, it had to be that way. "Ha, haa, mmh, ugh!" My lower abdomen and thighs trembled convulsively, and cloudy semen flowed from the tip of my wriggling penis. The sour fragrance initially identified the hot liquid, which was halfcovering my palm and half-dripping on my stomach. I saw my hand was still moving after a few more wrigglings. Not by choice, but by the other hand. My heart was pounding inside like it was sprinting for a short distance. When I opened my eyes, however, I couldn't feel my heartbeat. A frown on his brow and a low breath emerging from his slightly parted mouth. He gripped my hand and stroked his genitals for a few more seconds before spouting hot semen similar to mine. His faint sigh of satisfaction rang in my ear for a long time. I lay motionless, watching his eyes open. For a brief moment, dark eyes mingled with languor appeared to smile. However, this feeling could not last long. He lowered his head and looked down at his wet hand, and placed it between my legs. As soon as the sticky, wet thing touched the entrance to my back, my daze disappeared, as if I had completely woken up. I body stiffened, and even though he must have noticed my changed reaction, he moved his other hand regardless. He elevated my legs by placing his hands beneath my bent knees. I was surprised and tried to raise my upper body, but I froze when a finger entered inside me without warning. With the help of the sticky semen, the guy inserted two fingers at once, groped inside and pushed in further. "Don't! Augh..." Aside from the ache, the discomfort caused the entire body to stiffen like a piece of wood. "Relax." The man spoke easily and poked my insides. "Fuck..." I mumbled obscenities and forced my attention upward. He narrowed his eyes and looked down at me where his finger was inserted. "Don't worry. I'll send you back in time for the shoot."

I took note of the guy's penis, which did not shrink even after ejaculating. I could tell he was serious by the excitement beneath his words. I was wrong to put you to sleep. The guy who slept and awoke couldn't keep his renewed stamina in check, so the tip of his swelled penis was already gleaming. "How... can i believe that?" The man who had been roaming around inside looking for something halted and barely raised his eyes. My heart dropped for a minute in the eyes that lost reason, in a different way than when I saw a crazy dog. Then he twisted his lips together. “Why don’t you believe it? I could barely breathe because he had stopped moving, so I puffed out my chest and muttered. "You're trying to bring down your company's star... Ha, you're an executive; how do I know you'll keep your word to a two-month-old newbie like me? You're only interested in fucking me..." I closed my eyes for a time to get used to the sensation of an alien body inside me. Meanwhile, there was no movement, and as I became accustomed to the discomfort, I was able to face him calmly. "After fucking me, you might leave and handle me how you did with Cha Jungwoo." For a brief while, the enthusiasm and laughter in his eyes vanished. I soon felt the nagging fingers that had been bothering me slowly go away. Instead, the hand was raised to the abdomen. As if wandering with his fingertips, his still wet hands prowled over my belly button. "Tell me straightforwardly." Despite the emotionless look in his eyes, his lips formed a soft smile. "Are you just trying to evade the situation, or do you genuinely believe that I'll betray you?" "Both." I replied, resting my elbows on the bed and lifting my upper body slightly. As our gazes locked, a subtle fear began to creep in. The fear that he might harm me in some way. But I kept my eyes locked on him, and to my surprise, he withdrew. He quirked his lips and mumbled, seemingly unable to contain his amusement. "How interesting." "What's interesting?" "You still look beautiful."

I frowned at his words, which were often used to compliment a woman's appearance. But he chuckled again, apparently finding the idea amusing, and lowered his head to place my leg over his arm. His lips touched before I realized what he was trying to do and pulled my legs away. Smooch~ He kissed the inside sides of my thigh as if sucking on it, then gently lowered my leg. I shifted back and sat down to close my bare legs at that point. "There's only one reason I would ever betray you." He spoke in a dry tone as he got out of bed. "When you've achieved your revenge and try to run from me." His naked body stood erect, and though his gaze was fixated on my stomach, he eventually shifted his eyes away. "And, of course, my intention is to fuck you. But if that were my sole purpose, I wouldn't be here savoring it." Unconsciously, my eyes were drawn back to his groin. "Other than that, what else is there?" I inquired calmly, while I struggled to divert my gaze from his genitals. Yet, a peculiar sensation was spreading within me. Why were his words causing my heart to race, and my arousal to heighten? "I don't know." I looked up at his abrupt response. Was he genuinely claiming not to know right now? As he made his way to the bathroom, he added nonchalantly: "I'll explain Cha Jungwoo's case after I've freshened up. If cold water doesn't clear my intentions, it appears they might change to fucking you." He left, and I found myself sitting on the bed in an awkward position. I, too, was naked except for a shirt, which was left unbuttoned and open. Moreover, when I tried to remove the shirt, I noticed that all the buttons had been torn off. Did that guy not know how to unbutton them?

After washing up in the other bathroom at his house and returning with just pants on, he was already seated on the living room sofa, engrossed in something. He asked without raising his head: "Are you hungry?"

Instead of giving a direct answer, I glanced at the wall clock. It displayed 7:20 in the morning. Despite not having slept extensively, it felt as if I had a refreshing night's rest. However, I quickly quelled this sensation as I found it unsettling. The notion that I had spent the night beside the madman was disconcerting enough, and upon waking up, I had already begun to feel drained. "Aren't you going to work?" Taking a seat beside him, I rested my wet head against the back of the sofa. I closed my eyes briefly, and as I did, I felt his fingertips brush against my face. This startled me, and when I opened my eyes, he was gently tracing my cheek and running his fingers through my damp hair. "Would you like me to dry it?" "Are you not going to work?" "I asked first. Are you hungry?" It dawned on me that I had initially ignored his question. I hesitated, feeling like I had missed something, but I didn't respond immediately. Instead, I turned my head to the side and replied, avoiding his hand: "Not really." "Eat anyway. We can go out together, grab some food, and then head to work." Glancing at his watch, he made these plans unilaterally. He then added with determination: "I'm not taking the subway." "Why? Are you afraid that the first subway train isn't running at this time?" The corners of his mouth curled upward. Although I had grown accustomed to his smile, it never ceased to capture my attention. "No. I'm afraid that if I can't endure it on the subway and undress you, you might feel embarrassed." Ironically, it might be even more intriguing. I could report him as a pervert and have him sent to the police station. As I began to formulate a response, my gaze landed on the script he was holding. This was the same script I had glimpsed the day before when Hansoo had handed it to me. Noticing my interest, he lowered his own eyes to it. "Do you want me to tell you something interesting? Cha Jungwoo was also vying for the lead role in this play, which will be shown next year. To be more precise, he's one of the few actors who has a good shot at playing the lead." "Then why did you want to get rid of him?"

“Because he was trying to run away.” The term "run away" echoed with the "run away" he had mentioned to me earlier in the bedroom. However, the explanation that followed had a distinct context. “I found out that he was in contact with another agency, with only six months left on his contract. Cha Jung woo is a big actor, and when the contract period is short, other agencies usually try to poach him. But if he actually intends to leave, it becomes a problem.” “...So instead of allowing him to become someone else's talent, you sought to undermine him beforehand?” My voice came out dry. The anger and disbelief that had initially consumed me when I first learned that he was behind Cha Jungwoo's scandal had somewhat withered over the course of a day. His response to my query was nonchalant. “Exactly. If he remains on our side, he's a product, but if he switches to another agency, he becomes troublesome refuse.” “...” “Fortunately, Cha Jungwoo also tried to part ways with his manager. So, I was able to handle it without the need to reconcile with the manager.” Suddenly, I recalled what the road manager had said when Cha Jungwoo asked if he was the perpetrator, mentioning that he had betrayed him first. It was in relation to this. However, I still couldn't comprehend. Cha Jungwoo wasn't just a mid-level celebrity; he was a top star. “Wouldn't it have been better to persuade and renew his contract rather than taking him down? Instead of cultivating another top star...” “It's far more profitable to create one from scratch.” “Celebrities are constructed. With only a few exceptional individuals, the industry manufactures them entirely. They are essentially lifeless dolls, serving the public with their attractive appearances on television. A top star like Cha Jungwoo? I assure you that I can place someone else in that position within two years. There are countless dolls scattered throughout this industry. However, they fail to understand that and allow their inflated egos to overshadow their actual worth. They are nothing more than dolls.” The term 'doll,' denoting an inanimate object, sent a shiver down my spine. I realized that, in his eyes, the agency's celebrities were not regarded as people. Rather, he might consider everyone else to be subordinates. A fleeting curiosity crossed my mind. How did he perceive me? However, as soon as the question arose, I dismissed it as irrelevant. “The evidence recorded by Cha Jungwoo’s former manager... You were the one who leaked it, weren't you? With the aim of implicating Myungshin's staff.” “I don’t need to get my hands dirty. Do I?”

He nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders. “Honestly, it didn’t have to be Song Myungshin. If it were information that could bring down Cha Jungwoo, any actor would have disclosed it themselves, not only Song Myungshin. However, given the opportunity, I thought that I could weave a plot and eliminate Song Myungshin using this incident. It didn't matter whether or not you had intentions of seeking revenge.” “The reason you ignited this scandal... are you planning to use it as an opportunity to oust Myungshin as well?” “Well, that's part of it too. The timing was perfect. I had to establish this prior to Cha Jungwoo's interrogation by the police, so it served as a convenient bait for the journalists.” Interesting prey... It must be Cha Jungwoo who'll appear at the police station. “For the issue to continue, something needs to explode every 2-3 days. That's the only way to keep Cha Jungwoo agitated, like a dog. However, I didn't anticipate that this incident would completely destroy Song Myungshin.” He then mumbled under his breath, "Well, there are still branches I can cut." I wanted to ask what that meant, but another question came to mind. Was he suggesting that dealing with Song Myungshin becomes more complicated when Cha Jungwoo is taken down at the same time? "Is it because Chairman Kim supports Myungshin?" "Oh, you don't need to be concerned about him." "..." “Why are you laughing?” Did I laugh? Most likely... “Because it sounds like you care about me. A lot, for a guy whose primary objective is to fuck me.” I thought he would respond with one of his usual eccentric remarks, but he remained silent. Then, he abruptly rose from his seat, turned around, and issued a brief command. “Get ready to go out.” What? That's it? It wasn't until he closed the door behind him and disappeared into another room that I realized I had won my first argument. Strangely, I didn't feel any satisfaction. In fact, it felt rather unsettling. My heart was needlessly racing due to his lack of a rebuttal.

Chapter 43 Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for notes

I had consumed a hearty breakfast, and now I was attempting to alleviate the discomfort in my stomach by focusing on my breathing. I was seated in a luxurious car that glided smoothly through the city, observing the passing scenery. The reason for my overeating was the madman. He had teased me playfully at the hotel's breakfast buffet, and as a result, I found myself eating several plates of food. Strangely, he had not indulged in the meal much because he was engaged in a lengthy phone call throughout breakfast. The conversation was in English, so I couldn't comprehend what was being discussed, but I could tell that he was frustrated with the other person, likely because things hadn't gone as planned. He had mentioned that he was awaiting an important call from the US, which was why he had arrived late the previous day. Perhaps the call hadn't gone well? After he hung up the phone, he drove in silence all the way to the company. It wasn't that the car was completely quiet; there was a constant background of a pop song playing on the audio system. I couldn't identify the singer, but the presence of a well-known pop song indicated it was a famous artist. I broke the silence when the car came to a stop at a traffic light just before reaching the company. "Drop me off here." "Why?" Did he genuinely not know? I stared at him in astonishment, and he avoided my gaze. "If someone sees me, rumors are scary, the crowded streets are more dangerous." He started the car when the signal changed. "Right, the company's underground parking lot will be very safe." "What difference does it make? If someone from work sees you, they'll assume I gave you a ride on the way, but if they see you getting off near the company, they'll suspect otherwise. What's the point of hiding it?" When he said it, I assumed it was true. I should never have gotten in this car in the first place. I felt a tiny regret, but he abruptly increased the audio volume. I was curious and asked because one song had just finished and another had just began. "Do you like this song?" "No." The answer was so firm that my mind, which had asked carelessly, was now filled with wonder. His expression played a role in my curiosity. As soon as the song started, he smiled,

twisting his lips as if thinking about something. Then he suddenly asked an unexpected question. "Have you read everything yet?" I nodded, knowing he was pointing to the screenplay I was holding on my lap. "I have some left." "Look at all that and see the original." "..." "That drama is a big company project, so there are lots of actors aiming for it." Even though it was a big project, I strangely felt indifference as if it was someone else's business. Why? When I was wondering, I heard him add something. "Especially Song Myungshin." Then, as if he remembered something, he smiled at me. "Of course you're after it, too." The words that fell readily from his mouth sent a chill down my spine. "... I never said anything like that." "No, not directly. However, when you stated that you would approach 'Director Yoon' first, it essentially means the same thing. Not someone else, but Director Yoon. Isn't Song Myungshin's sponsor the first person you should approach in order to get revenge on him? You can simply snatch him away. However, because you mentioned 'Director Yoon' separately, you must have known that Song Myungshin was attempting to approach me. Only for the sake of drama." This is why people with sharp minds can be disconcerting. I had no response, so I shifted my focus ahead, but he repeated himself. "Make sure to look at the original." Then he laughed coldly, as if he was talking to himself. "The ones who know a lot and prepare always win."

Before heading up to the usual small meeting room where I met with the manager, the madman greeted me in an unusual manner, saying, "See you in 10 minutes." As I opened the door to the conference room, I wondered about what would occur in the next 10 minutes. Inside, the agitated manager and Hansoo welcomed me with a loud exclamation. "Taemin!! Why didn't you answer your phone?" "Ugh~ I was so concerned because I couldn't reach you!" It was only then that I retrieved my phone from my pocket and noticed that it was switched off. I pondered whether the battery had died. When I pressed the power button, the screen displayed a full battery indicator and a vivid flame icon. What? I never turned off my phone. Meanwhile, the manager continued his complaints. "At dawn, the company suddenly called for an early morning meeting, so I tried to contact you, but you didn't answer your phone. I called again, thinking you might be asleep, but your phone was switched off. Taemin, did I bother you by any chance?!” Avoiding the manager, who seemed about to cling to my arm, I suspected another person had turned off the phone. I cursed under my breath. While gritting my teeth, Hansoo also clung to my arm on the other side. "I was genuinely concerned because I couldn't get through to you!" "Why worry? I just didn't pick up the phone." As I brushed off Hansoo and responded irritably, I soon discovered the reason behind their concern. "Of course, I'm worried! Director Yoon asked us to gather, but what can we do without Taemin, who has the face of a poker player?" So that was their concern. With my poker face, I decisively pushed away the two who were attempting to hold onto me once more. "Is Director Yoon some kind of a monster?" "Well, he's definitely madman," I muttered to myself, but the manager answered earnestly. "A monster might be preferable. Then I could scream and flee." Hansoo nodded beside him and added, "Director Yoon is pure terror, plain and simple." I gazed at the two with a thoroughly bewildered expression. After all, he seemed like a friendly guy on the surface. What was there to fear? "There's nothing to be afraid of. It's not like he's singling us out for termination."

At that point, the manager exclaimed, placing his hand on my shoulder with a pat. "You fool! Have you forgotten the meeting with Director Yoon in xxx city? He's the kind of person who casually quizzes us about the capital of Lithuania!" "..." "Yeah, judging by your expression, it looks like you've recollected. We narrowly escaped that challenging situation back then, thanks to the 'madman', but what if he throws more common sense questions at the meeting? We're like disposable wooden chopsticks at a Chinese restaurant, rolling around in drawers, irrelevant if they're discarded right away!" Why do I have to be associated with these people and become disposable wooden chopsticks? Since the 'madman' was Director Yoon, there's bound to be a way to handle such questions if they arise. I wanted to blurt it out, but I restrained myself. If you found out that the madman and Director Yoon are the same person, you might be even more terrified. "... think of Lithuania as a rare exception." "An exception? You consider the capital of Lithuania a matter of common sense?" "Yes." I reluctantly nodded and reluctantly explained to the stunned pair. "It might be common knowledge among Koreans that there's a lake in the shape of the Korean Peninsula in that country." "... Eh?" "... Huh?" Both of them made a dumbfounded sound at the same time, confirming that they were akin to disposable wooden chopsticks. Regardless, I didn't have time for idle chatter about their fear of Director Yoon. "So, there's no need to be afraid." As I gave them a firm push, the two bewildered people exchanged glances and blinked, saying, "Is that so?" Hansoo exclaimed, "Ah!" as if he'd had a revelation. "Oh, have you heard that rumor? Now that I think about it, maybe Director Yoon is actually a regular guy. He mentioned taking the train to work a few days ago!" A train? Beside the startled manager, I squinted my eyes. A rumor like... "Furthermore, he encountered a trainee from the company on the train, my goodness..." Hansoo suddenly lowered his voice and narrowed his eyes.

"As he got off the train, he dropped his belongings in front of Director Yoon. Then, he intentionally waited in the underground parking lot, latched onto him, and started wagging his tail!” Hold on, who is this about? While I was perplexed, the manager exploded in frustration. "No, how can there be such a sycophant!" "What's even more astonishing is that he's a man!" "What?! So... a brown-noser?! How can you train actors like that? What kind of person is their manager?!" You. "Right? It's also the manager's fault. The trainee's actions could have been deliberately ordered by the manager. I'd like to see what kind of actor is managed by such a person." You. However, this time, the truth remained concealed. The animated Hansoo supplied more information. "And this brown-noser, oh, it's astounding... he didn't just encounter Director Yoon in the underground parking lot, he deliberately approached him when he was with the President and even promoted himself shamelessly. It must have been a performance. Wow, how many layers of composure does he have on his face? Isn't that right, Taemin?" "..." As I stared at Hansoo in silence, my thoughts centered on my gratitude toward the madman, who said he didn't want to take the subway. This sentiment only grew stronger as I listened to the following words. "Well, anyway, because of that incident, not only the trainees but also the new actors have all been using the morning subway, causing quite a commotion. My goodness, did you catch a glimpse of the renowned xxx or ooo on the subway this morning?" "What a sight." As the manager shook his head, I turned to Hansoo and inquired, "You took the bus, right?" In response to my question, the manager glanced at Hansoo. Upon closer examination, I noticed that Hansoo, unlike his usual self, had neatly groomed hair and was wearing a wellput-together outfit. Caught off guard by our scrutiny, he averted his eyes and offered an explanation. "Well, it's just that the bus took forever to arrive..."

I considered reminding him about his earlier boasts of having six different bus routes to the company, but I decided against it because I was feeling annoyed. At this point, I just wanted to conclude the conversation. However, in response to Hansoo's excuse, the manager started to console me. "Taemin, don't let that brown-noser upset you. After all, you already have a unique relationship with Director Yoon, right?" Did you know he was the 'madman'? After studying my expression for a moment, he smiled kindly and gave my shoulder a reassuring pat. "You even went took a piss with Director Yoon. Who else can claim such a precious connection, hm?" The manager, laughing heartily and in high spirits, seemed to have forgotten his fear of Director Yoon as he left the room with Hansoo. Meanwhile, I stayed behind, unable to follow them immediately because I felt a little apprehensive. Should I just go solo?

Since the manager had been summoned, it was clear that others who had gathered three days ago were also called. As I had predicted, Myungshin, a company employee, and Chief Park were present at the same location as three days ago. And, of course, the madman was there too. However, the situation was the complete opposite of three days ago. Director Yoon motioned towards the manager who had just entered and tossed a file in front of Myungshin. "This is the evidence you brought from the other side last night to prove your innocence." "Evidence…?" Myungshin picked up the file with a determined expression. It appeared they were unaware of the Cha Jungwoo manager's case, possibly because they were busy trying to find inconsistencies in their evidence due to my words. Upon seeing that the evidence was Cha Jungwoo's contract, the first reaction was to wear a puzzled expression. "What kind of evidence is this?" He began to object but suddenly fell silent as if he had come across something in the contract. He gazed at the paper with an incredulous expression, indicating he had just noticed the new manager's name at the top of the contract. "What kind of evidence is this... please explain." Director Yoon instructed me, not the manager. Simultaneously, Myungshin turned his gaze toward me. As soon as his eyes met mine, they narrowed, and a smirk played on his lips, as if

to say, "Oh, by the way, you mentioned getting revenge on me, didn't you?" in a mocking tone. "Indeed. Would you mind explaining, Lee Taemin?" Seeing the manager's name on the contract, he likely anticipated what I would say, as there was no bewilderment in his eyes. The atmosphere was different from three days ago, or even two days ago. It might be because his attitude towards me had shifted. It was as if he intended to seriously consider my motive for revenge, knowing that he could easily eliminate me if I were truly determined. Myungshin saw me as a venomous adversary who clung to opponents even while shedding blood, and I returned his smile in kind. "You've seen it; do you still need an explanation? How do you memorize lines with that head?" Myungshin's faint smile faded, replaced by a cold tone. "Shut up. Can't you discern what you should and shouldn't say to your seniors in the presence of others?" He then turned his gaze to the manager standing beside me. "You've done an excellent job educating the newcomers." "Is that so? I thought you were the one I taught the best." The manager stepped forward and gestured towards the file that Myungshin still held. "As you said three days ago, if I had framed Cha Jungwoo, he wouldn't have hired me as his manager." Myungshin cocked his head, discarding the pleasant facade he had maintained in front of Director Yoon. "Cha Jungwoo might be unaware because he's a simpleton." The manager's expression darkened at the biting comment that came out without hesitation. Instead of anger, he gazed at Myungshin with a sorrowful look. "... Then, are you, who isn't as famous, more of a simpleton than Cha Jungwoo?" In the manager's words mixed with a soft sigh, there was still a lingering sense of regret for Myungshin. It seemed that there was a part in his heart that he couldn't let go of. Perhaps it was the memory of the kind Myungshin he had nurtured in the past. Rather than feeling frustrated, my initial reaction was curiosity. The fond memories from the past still resided in a corner of my heart, recalled through my memories. It was as if my heart, if you could take it out, would still be bright red, not gray like lime. I undeniably had pleasant memories with Myungshin, but my heart itself didn't feel any emotions. "If you made a mistake, Myungshin-ah, apologize."

The manager suddenly addressed Myungshin by his real name and took a step closer. "No matter how significant the problem, if you sincerely apologize, someday you will be forgiven." Though these words were aimed at Myungshin, my breath caught in an instant. Unintentionally, my gaze fixated on the manager's back as he stepped forward. He wore an old, faded jacket. His ensuing words echoed around me as though they came from a distant place. "You may think it's too late and that there will be no forgiveness, but no, there's always a final opportunity. So, ask for forgiveness. It's not too late yet. Apologize and acknowledge your wrongs. But if you let that moment slip by..." "Stop it, Manager Choi. You haven't outgrown that habit of preaching, have you? What if I miss that opportunity once again? Are you implying I'm not even human? Gosh..." Myungshin laughed and shook his head. "I see you're putting on a facade of being nice in front of Director Yoon, but don't get too excited just because things are working out in your favor." Then he turned around and placed the document on the table. "I'm a bit disappointed, Director Yoon. Isn't this simply circumstantial evidence? You have real evidence and even my testimony. Are you trying to absolve the culprit just because he's become Cha Jungwoo's manager?" "What if it's not just that?" "It's not... just that?" "What if there's substantial evidence and testimony that Manager Choi is not the culprit?" "There can't be any..." “Are you saying I’m lying? For Manager Choi?” Director Yoon pointed towards the manager with a smile. "What's so special about him? Oh, yes." His gaze shifted to me. In an instant, I noticed a glint of amusement in his eyes. "I could be acting this way because I'm interested in sleeping with a trainee who's only been here for a few months." A silence hung in the air for a while. Eventually, Myungshin responded with a sigh. "Of course, I know it's not like that. I just can't believe there's evidence."

While Myungshin spoke, the manager whispered to me. "He said he wants to sleep with you. Director Yoon is quite a joker." "..." "Hm? You don't seem surprised by Director Yoon's joke?" Then he patted me on the back as if to reassure me. Nevertheless, I didn't feel very reassured even with the manager's comforting words. Speaking nonsense in front of others, this bastard... But, apart from me, Director Yoon's jest did momentarily alleviate the tense atmosphere, and Myungshin took the chance to speak in a low tone. "Please inform me about the evidence. Then I will step down for now." "One step isn't sufficient." "Not enough? Are you suggesting that I, who only testified for the company, should bear responsibility for this?" Myungshin's forced smile faded, and his voice grew quieter. Unexpectedly, Director Yoon shook his head and eased Myungshin's apprehension. "That's not it. I'm not particularly concerned about whether Song Yoohan takes responsibility for this or not. I'm just doing my job. However, because it's connected to me, I have no choice but to hold you accountable." In essence, it indicated that he wasn't particularly interested in the company's work, but his involvement was more personal. Aside from whether this was coming from the company director, his response to Myungshin's question left everyone in silence. "What do you mean it's related to Director Yoon?" "Didn't I mention it when we gathered here three days ago? I said I hoped this information was accurate when I woke up from the most pleasant sleep in years. But if the information is incorrect..." "..." "What about my sleep?" What? It wasn't just me; the same thought likely crossed others' minds. Thoughts like, "So, in the end, you were motivated to solve this because you were annoyed about being woken up?" There was a genuine annoyance in his words, making it impossible for anyone to ask if he was joking. Meanwhile, Director Yoon gestured to Chief Park. Chief Park then took out a small recorder from his pocket and pressed the play button. As everyone was caught off guard by the sudden change in atmosphere, a noise that appeared to be a phone call soon emanated from the small speaker. A man's voice was mixed with it, restoring the seriousness to the room.

"I did it. Jungwoo... I secretly recorded actor Cha Jungwoo's corruption, handed it over to a company employee for money, and leaked it on the Internet. I can provide proof if needed." It was the first time I heard that voice, but it was clear who it belonged to without any explanation. It was Cha Jungwoo's manager. Among his words, one stood out: that he had been paid. I couldn't help but glance at Director Yoon. Myungshin had provided the money to bribe Cha Jungwoo's manager, who in turn used him to catch Myungshin. Myungshin must have seen the opportunity to use this evidence to bring down Cha Jungwoo. He was unaware that he had become entangled in Director Yoon's behind-the-scenes operation. Does intelligence really have anything to do with making foolish decisions? I couldn't help but admire it reluctantly. But then I heard Chief Park's question on the tape recorder. "Is it a company employee? Whom did you give it to?" In an instant, I observed the slight movements of two people in my field of vision. Myungshin clenched his fists with wide eyes, and he and the employee beside him took a step back with pale faces. But even before they could retreat, Cha Jungwoo's manager provided an answer. "Assistant Kim of Team xx. I handed it to him." All eyes focused on the employee immediately. Chief Park likely stopped the tape recorder, and the room fell into icy silence. At the center of the attention, the trembling employee was in disbelief. "No, that's absurd... he would have kept it secret..." Then, startled, he looked around at everyone with despair in his eyes and stammered. "I- It's not me. D- Director Yoon, it's not me..." Then, he turned to Myungshin and pointed his finger. "So- Song Yoohan instructed me to..." "What nonsense!" A sharp outcry interrupted the employee's words. The employee stood there with his mouth agape, staring blankly at Myungshin. He appeared as if he couldn't believe what he had just said to him, but Myungshin's rising voice expressed irritation. "You're lying to implicate someone else. I told you to do this? What? Do you have any evidence?" "Yoo- Yoohan... What are you saying... Are you trying to betray me?" "Betray? I think you're trying to implicate me because we were friends, but don't be mistaken. Did you do this? It was me who believed your words and accused Manager Choi. What betrayal are you talking about?"

With a clatter, the employee couldn't support his trembling legs and stumbled, his hands on the table. He appeared on the brink of collapse, his mouth open as if he were speechless. Myungshin stared at him coldly, then distanced himself from the employee, seemingly declaring his innocence. He turned back to Director Yoon, who was enjoying the situation with a smile. "That person is the culprit. I'm also quite surprised, Director Yoon." "You seem quite upset too. Did you not give the order?" "No. I never did anything like that." Myungshin let out a determined sigh, clenched his teeth for a moment, and cast his gaze downward, as if he had made a critical decision. Seizing the opportunity, the employee, who had been gasping for breath, suddenly shouted. "Don't listen to that guy! It was all done by Song Yoohan. Everything was orchestrated by Song Yoohan!" "I told you to shut up!" Myungshin growled lowly and twisted his face sternly, displaying a side of him I had never seen before. It was as if his true nature was revealed. "Song Yoohan... could you do this to me? Do you know how much I've sacrificed for you to make your place here?" "Stop talking nonsense!" "Nonsense? Will you say that even after hearing this? The money I gave to Cha Jungwoo’s manager, the money you gave me. Do you remember where you gave it to me? When I visited the bar where I met you, I had a hidden camera in my bag." The employee gripped the chair tightly, his knuckles turning white, his chest heaving as if he were out of breath. "Haa... I recorded it because I was afraid something like this might happen... I never thought I would actually have to use it. Song Yoohan, are you going to leave me to deal with this alone? Don't be absurd." The employee's pallid face appeared eerie. When Myungshin remained silent and didn't say anything, the employee turned to Director Yoon. "Now you know. It's all because of Song Yoohan. He gave the order in the first place..." "I told you to stop talking nonsense." "What? Weren't you listening? The camera-" "What about it?"

After countering the employee's claim, Myungshin turned back to Director Yoon, wearing a strangely composed expression. A faint smile played on his lips, a stark contrast to the situation, which was decidedly against him. As the others puzzled over it, his calm explanation continued. "It wasn't me. I am, in fact, a victim. I was deceived by that person and even testified against Manager Choi. I believe Director Yoon will trust me." "Why should I trust you?" "It's..." Myungshin's words were barely audible. The rest of the people in the room appeared to be baffled by what he was saying, but the madman, meeting Myungshin's gaze, seemed to grasp his meaning. He smiled broadly, with dimples showing, his eyes locked fiercely onto Myungshin. Myungshin repeated it more clearly. "Because of Dream Plan." Myungshin fell silent as if he had conveyed everything with those words, but Director Yoon didn't let it go. "What do you mean, it's because of Dream Plan?" "..." "Song Yoohan, give me the details. I don't understand." What Myungshin had said, while it was clearly understood by him and Myungshin, appeared as if it might be a lie to the others. Even though he immediately grasped the intent behind Myungshin's words, he deliberately sought to hear it directly, as if he were confirming whether his suspicions were accurate. After a pause, Myungshin offered a bit more explanation. "Dream Plan can be taken away." It was an explanation I still couldn't quite fathom, but Director Yoon refrained from further inquiry. Myungshin, sensing that Director Yoon had caught on, added cheerfully, as though any previous concerns had evaporated, making everything appear simpler. "Of course, I am not implying that someone is currently interfering with Director Yoon's personal investment in the US." The smile vanished from Director Yoon's face, and he regarded Myungshin, speaking slowly. "Interference... you mean that old man will definitely step into this." "Yes." Myungshin responded confidently to Director Yoon's confirmation and smiled.

"I have been on Director Yoon's side from the very beginning. So, you have believe me. Otherwise, I'll have no choice but to turn my back on Director Yoon." The final sentence was delivered with unwavering confidence. It was at that moment that I realized why Myungshin had revealed his true self in front of Director Yoon after reviewing the contract. He knew that a simple smile wouldn't be enough to sway him. The issue, however, lay in Myungshin's proposition, where the person named Chairman Kim seemed to be orchestrating something behind the scenes. What exactly was his plan? Dream Planning was a subsidiary drama production company of the corporation, and it appeared that Chairman Kim had even meddled in Director Yoon's U.S. projects. I attempted to make sense of these puzzling elements, but then I heard Director Yoon's measured response. "I understand. If Song Yoohan is on my side..." He curled his lips once more and fixed a cold gaze on Myungshin. "Then I have no choice but to be on Song Yoohan's side." A smile of victory spread across Myeongshin’s face as he faced him. "Thank you. As expected of Director Yoon." Director Yoon turned to Chief Park while listening to Myungshin's praise. "Did you hear? Song Yoohan had nothing to do with this. Let's resolve this by punishing Assistant Kim." Assistant Kim protested, claiming it was nonsense, but Chief Park promptly ushered him out of the conference room. As we watched him leave, creating a ruckus, an uneasy silence settled in the room. Myungshin looked at me and the manager with a self-satisfied smile, as if he relished the fact that he had outmaneuvered Director Yoon. It was as if he was saying, "No matter how much you try to bring me down, you won't succeed." "Manager Choi, you advised me to apologize before it's too late. I apologize now. I had thought that you had repeated your past mistakes. Now that I've apologized, will you forgive me?" His grin widened, and the underlying message was clear: "Next time we meet, I'll make sure to settle the score properly." Ignoring my presence, he turned to Director Yoon. "I'm relieved that we've found the culprit. Speaking of which, if you don't mind, I have a proposition. There's someone who's eager to meet you." "Is that so?" Director Yoon asked with a smile and readily agreed. "I've been wanting to meet him as well. Please set a time and let me know. My treat." "Yes, he'll be delighted too. He enjoys meeting new people."

"That's great." Director Yoon smiled lightly and then turned to me suddenly. "Since he enjoys meeting new people, the two of you should go together." Quickly, Myungshin turned his head to the manager, seemingly thinking that this offer was directed at him. "I appreciate Director Yoon's suggestion, but I believe Manager Choi may not be enthusiastic about it." Myungshin added with a pointed glance at the manager. "It's because there's someone he may not want to meet when he's with us." He didn't mention the individual by name, but from the manager's terrified expression, it was clear that he was referring to the crazy dog. "Manager Choi, am I right?" "... Yes." The manager responded in a barely audible voice, his fear of the crazy dog clearly evident. Satisfied, Myungshin then turned to me and spoke to Director Yoon. "I don't think this trainee will fit in well there, so there's no need to invite him..." "Lee Taemin, are you going?" He interrupted Myungshin to address me. I nodded, making eye contact with him for the first time since entering the room. "Yes, I'll go." Looking at Myungshin, who was clearly displeased with this decision, I expressed my gratitude. "Thank you for the invitation. I would be happy to join."

Chapter End Notes

"It might be common knowledge among Koreans that there's a lake in the shape of the Korean Peninsula in that country."

LMFAOO he's using Jay's words, that's adorable😭

Chapter 44 Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for notes

Hansoo was the one mainly chatting during the entire journey to the film set. Although the manager responded while driving, his occasional serious expressions suggested he was preoccupied with thoughts about Myungshin. I, too, was contemplating the morning's events, but my primary concern was the madman. Wouldn't he finally listen to Chairman Kim if he was interfering with his work? Perhaps, contrary to appearances, he is working too hard to succeed. No, his inability to sleep and clinging to work was evidence of it. He would walk up on the rooftop while working overtime, and he would make an office space in Alice and just keep working, but I didn't notice his efforts because his confidence obscured them. So I felt like I'd uncovered a new side to him. It was constantly in front of my eyes. And not sleeping enough and concentrating solely on work is something I couldn't do either. Perhaps this is why I believe he will win, despite my concerns about Chairman Kim. It's not because he's an overconfident bastard, but because he's working hard. During the car ride, I kept replaying the scene where I silently committed suicide in my mind. The intrusive thoughts bothered me, but as I concentrated, I found myself standing alone in a white, empty space. Sets appeared one by one: a grey cement rooftop, a chest-high fence, and the background was just the sky. Then I closed the iron door behind me with a loud bang. "Come, let's go die." Just as I began to fall from the sky, someone's voice shattered the space like glass. "Taemin, aren't you getting off?" When I opened my eyes, we had already arrived at the film set. The shooting schedule had one more scene than originally planned. It was the scene where my character wraps up work in the office before going up to the rooftop. The director had given me a new script, explaining that my role's importance had grown, although I couldn't quite grasp why. The scene involved preparing to leave the office. Luckily, there wasn't anything complex about it; my lines were minimal. My hair was straightened with gel while I wore a clean shirt, a nice tie, and a wrinkle-free suit. The glasses provided as props were awkward, but when I completed preparing and walked out, people's attention was diverted to something else. I was about to approach the desk where I needed to act when I noticed the manager and Hansoo staring at something. Their attention was drawn to PD Jung and a certain woman, who were conversing in the area where I would be acting. They were conversing about something, but when I approached, they turned away. Then they stiffened and opened their eyes wide. Why? When I turned around, they gave me a curious look, as if they were savoring something strange.

"Wow... he looks like a completely different person. It's incredible," Hansoo exclaimed. The manager chuckled knowingly, "I had a hunch. Taemin's not exceptionally handsome, but he can pull off various looks. Haha, I have an eye for these things." "Yes, the ambiance has truly transformed. Being a bit handsome makes a difference," Hansoo agreed. "Right, if you dress up, you need to be a little handsome like Taemin to look dressed up. Taemin-ah, isn't it great, you're just handsome enough?" "..." Crack, crack. The two took a step back at the same time and the manager opened his mouth. "There a-are people around... Are you going to hit me?" I remained silent, tempted to give the manager a piece of my mind, but the calls of my colleagues drew my attention away. I turned and walked towards the desk where I was to perform, leaving the manager and Hansoo behind, who cheered me on playfully, "Hehe~ good luck~." It was clear they were having a bit too much fun. As I approached the desk, I noticed PD Jung showing the script to an ordinary-looking woman my age and giving her instructions. The woman, dressed similarly to me, was a coworker I had exchanged a few words with at the end of the workday. PD Jung gestured with his hand, directing her where to stop and speak, considering the camera's positioning and the actors' movement. I observed closely and checked my lines in the script: "Deputy Kim, are you heading to XXX company tomorrow afternoon? What time will you be going? I have something to attend there too." I replied with "Four o'clock" and then proceeded to sit down and organize some paperwork. PD Jung guided me through the planned movements, just as he did with the actress. I had some time to get comfortable while waiting for the filming to commence. Only then did I synchronize my actions with the actress for the first time. Despite having only a few lines, I noticed her movements were remarkably natural. Watching this scene, it was evident she wasn't just an extra; she had some acting experience. During a brief pause for camera adjustments, she leaned against her cubicle and engaged me in conversation, taking advantage of the moment. "You've only been acting for two months, right?" "Yes." "It's quite a significant role for someone new to the industry. Aren't you nervous?" "I'm not nervous," "What did you do before acting?"

"Do I have to answer?" I responded bluntly. She chuckled, as if she had released a hidden smile she had been holding back. I remembered that Hyunjoon was the lead actor in the movie we were shooting. She offered a clarification, saying, "I'm part of the same drama company as Hyunjoon. Director Jung probably recommended me because they needed an actor for this role. It might require some acting skills." 'Deputy Manager Kim, what time are you leaving tomorrow?' requires acting skills? I tried to dismiss it as a joke. But then, I recalled the manager and Hansoo's hushed conversations about the actress, making me wonder if she was more well-known than I thought. Then her next words caught my attention. "Besides, there are already rumors circulating that the movie is turning out quite well." I found it hard to believe since we hadn't even finished filming. Was this just a jest? However, those doubts were pushed aside as filming resumed. Now, I couldn't help but feel a sense of nervousness as the director requested a different tone and movement for the scene he wanted. The scene involving the suicide on the rooftop didn't take place until after lunch. A clear blue sky with no clouds. "Isn't the sky really beautiful today?" PD Jung spoke with a hint of excitement in his voice, as if he really liked the sky. I didn't want to dampen his mood, but I couldn't help but ask, "What does the beautiful sky have to do with suicide?" My question seemed to extinguish his enthusiasm for a moment as he gazed at the sky, then refocused on me, saying, "Well, I think it'll add something special. And if the last sky you see before you die is this beautiful, wouldn't that be meaningful?" I gazed at the sky but remained unconvinced by his words. My response, or lack thereof, prompted PD Jung to discuss the upcoming scene. "Taemin, try to act naturally. Have you ever thought about the moment of your death?" I knew he was referring to the suicide scene, but it sounded different to me. "Yes, I have." "Let's go out now. The camera will be rolling continuously for long takes, so you don't have to worry about time. You can hesitate for a while before jumping, or perhaps mutter something to yourself before the final moment. They say people often take off their shoes

when they commit suicide, symbolizing leaving this world. You can do that. Um, anything else..." After some thought, I asked those around me, "What goes through your mind when you're about to commit suicide?" A few responses emerged: 'I'd want to call someone one last time and say hello.' 'I think I'd look up at the sky.' 'I'd like to sing my favorite song.' A few humorous answers drew laughter from the crew, and even PD Jung couldn't help but smile as he turned to me. "Ah, don't you need to run beforehand?" He pointed to a chest-high iron railing. The scene was set on a rooftop, but it had two tiers. The upper rooftop was set back a bit from the lower one, so even if I jumped off, it was only about the height of one floor. Underneath, there was an air mattress, and the camera was positioned at the edge where I would jump, capturing the moment in a narrow space where I could barely stand behind the railing. "I'll just do it. Suicide happens only once, and it would feel strange to perform rehearsed movements." PD Jung responded with, "Oh, you're right," patting me on the back before returning to his seat. I took my spot just inside the rooftop door, closing my eyes in preparation for the scene. I reflected on the script I had read countless times, channeling the perfectionist version of myself that had been superimposed over my original self. All the day's work was completed. I can die now. When I opened my eyes, I faced an iron gate. I lowered the long handle and revealed a gray cement floor as I pushed the door open. Other than the wall in front of me, there was nothing in my field of vision. Tap, tap, tap... As I walked onto the rooftop, my attention fixed on the iron railing in front of me, my target. Along the way, I raised a hand to check if the buttons on my jacket were properly fastened and tugged at the ends of my sleeves to straighten my attire. When I reached a closer distance, I placed my hands on the chest-high handrail and pulled myself up. In this position, I passed one leg over the railing and then the other, carefully positioning my foot on the available space. The space was small and offered no room to turn around, but it sufficed. I let go of the railing, brushed dust off my clothes, and shifted my body, with one foot suspended in the air. Without hesitation, I pushed off the ground with the other foot. Soon, the feeling of falling consumed me, a thrilling sensation of being drawn towards death.

Thud. The fall produced a loud thud, even though it was just a one-floor drop onto the mattress. Additionally, my unpreparedness resulted in a sharp pain in my left shoulder upon impact. It was the same shoulder that had been bitten by the mad dog, but I paid little attention to the pain as I stood up. I knew there would be more takes, but I couldn't help worrying that my movements might become unnatural as I unconsciously tried to avoid hurting my sore shoulder. "Are you hurt? Should we deflate the mattress a bit more?" The staff member waiting next to me questioned anxiously as I lowered myself to the floor, gripping my shoulders. It's fine, I answered curtly as I rose slowly. And I opened the roof entrance, expecting to have to ascend these stairs a few more times, but the environment above was completely different. Clatter, thud. Clatter There was a clamor of noises as the crew began dismantling equipment. As I approached those in front of the monitor, wondering if they were packing up due to dissatisfaction, all eyes turned to me. The staff members organizing the equipment also seemed to glance in my direction. What... When I looked around at the people with confused eyes, PD Jung, who had been focused on the screen, stood up and issued an order to Director Cho, "Pack up the equipment, and let's go to the office to edit a trailer together." Was he suggesting that the first take was sufficient? I stood still and stared at him. He glanced at the screen again and then spoke, "Taemin, when is your next shoot?" My next scene involved listing my daily routine before my character's death, which was scheduled to be shot in the studio two days later. However, before I could respond, the manager, who stood amidst the watching crowd, answered first, "Taemin's next shoot is in two days." The director nodded and requested the schedule from Director Cho. "Let's postpone it a bit." "When?" The manager asked, and the director turned his gaze back to me, his expression somewhat peculiar, as though he were intensely contemplating something.

When the manager pulled out his notebook and questioned, the director returned my gaze. But the way he stared at me was unusual. As though he were intensely contemplating something. "I'll contact you separately. You're not particularly busy, are you?" The manager agreed and inquired as to why. I could only hear a tiny mutter from PD Jung, but it sounded like this. He wanted to alter the lines a little bit. Of course, that didn't sound particularly inviting to me. Oh, I had already memorized all those long lines. I approached the staff member, who was organizing the equipment as normal, with a slightly depressed mood. I reached out to unplug the lighting that I had been in control of for a month, but was stopped by someone's hand. "Leave it be; we'll handle it." The employee, who were aware of my arrival, acted kindly and began to disconnect the lights themselves. That employee, in my memory, was someone who didn't like me very much. As I took a step back, I noticed that others were still standing in front of the monitor, watching the footage. I peeked over my shoulder because I felt like I was being watched. I looked down several times in a row. Did I rip my pants while jumping? When I turned to check my pants, I felt someone approach me. "Why?" Seeing that the other person was Hansoo, I asked, but instead of conversing like usual, he simply stared at me. Then, just as I was going to turn back because I couldn't take it any longer, he opened his mouth. "Truly." He locked eyes with me once more, speaking in a solemn tone. "Truly... It was eerie. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it felt like watching someone genuinely commiting suicide." "..." I remained silent. "Did you not realize?" Perplexed by his question, I tilted my head, and he replied in a hushed tone. "Taemin, when you jumped, you were smiling."

Later, the manager, had to leave separately because of Cha Jungwoo, so I decided to take the train back. Hansoo mentioned he needed to stop by the school, so I went ahead, changed my clothes, and left. However, the manager didn't leave and waited for me. "Where are you headed?" "The company." "Why the company?" "Just because" I answered vaguely. I had something I needed to find out. I stopped myself from uttering the rest of my thoughts, but the manager seemed unfazed by my response. "I'll give you a ride." "It's alright; you can go to work." However, the manager grabbed my arm and pretended that he was also going to the company. I followed him since I assumed he wouldn't listen if I refused again, but I heard a calm voice. "I believe PD Jung likes you. He stated that he was reworking the final draft and commended it because of you." Why is it because of me? I didn't understand, so as I turned around, the manager explained it himself. "He found inspiration in your acting. Being an actor who inspires creativity is a director's dream." He explained with a grin and a pat on my arm. "But I must admit, I was genuinely surprised. The way you just walked up and leaped like that, with no hesitation or even a glance at the sky. It was as though you had meticulously planned your clothing and the dust-off, like a character in a play. When did you plan all that so meticulously?" "... I didn't plan it at all." The manager turned around, saying, "Huh?" but I involuntarily continued uncomfortable with the praise, "It was a performance that came naturally to me." So there was nothing praiseworthy about it. “Was that a natural performance? No, you've done really well.” The manager praised, prompting me to burst into laughter. It truly felt natural for me.

"Manager." "Hm?" "You mentioned that no matter how significant a mistake one makes, sincere apologies will eventually lead to forgiveness." He nodded, recalling his earlier conversation with Myungshin. "Yes. Hm... but Myungshin.. Sigh." With a faint sigh, I shared my perspective. "Some transgressions are simply unforgivable, no matter how heartfelt the apology." The manager, seeming slightly flustered, appeared to think I was referring to Myungshin. However, I couldn't help but feel a suppressed laugh bubbling within me, making it difficult to hear his response. The one who held the power to forgive was no longer alive, so how could forgiveness be granted.

Chapter End Notes


Chapter 45 Chapter Notes

Warning this chapter contains sexual assault!!!

As if the manager's claim of having work obligations was merely a pretense, he hastily dropped me off and sped away. In the meantime, I genuinely visited the company to uncover some information. As I descended to the basement, where I had practiced acting for a whole month, the instructor, who had just concluded a class, recognized me and offered a friendly greeting. When I inquired about the good impression looking guy and the guy with yellow hair, his response aligned with my expectations. "Oh, I know he's currently in the hospital." With a solemn expression, he continued with a slight tilt of his head. "I heard that he was admitted two weeks ago, but considering no one has made contact since then…" I requested his contact information and left. Hospitalized? I promptly dialed the number the instructor had provided. Tri-ri. The dial tone persisted. Eventually, a message informed me that the call could not be answered. Undeterred, I continued to make several attempts. After persisting for a considerable duration, a low voice finally emerged on the other end. [Hello.] "This is Lee Taemin." [...] "Do you remember what you said before?" I continued, undeterred by the silence. "Changing your path after four years and switching to men." A small intake of breath was heard on the other end of the phone. Seeing his reaction to being put down by men, it seemed like my thoughts were right. "I hoped you hadn't changed your mind since you once claimed it was a difficult decision and that you wouldn't step back after entering this path with such determination."

[Stop...] His voice trembled, accompanied by heavy breathing. [Why did you call me?] "I was curious if you had a change of heart." [Why do you care?] Although I couldn't see him, I smiled as I could sense the mild anger in his voice. "Don't you recall? What else did I say when we had that conversation? I could help you only if you still held that conviction." A whisper followed, along with the sound of his breath. [Help? How?] "There is a way." As I walked down the corridor leading to the company's first-floor lobby, images of the company's actors were displayed. Myungshin's bright smile stood before me as I provided the individual on the phone with an answer. "A way to seek revenge."

Contrary to expectations, when I opened the door to the hospital room, the good impression appearance seemed remarkably well. His face, neck, and hands appeared unharmed. However, he struggled to stand and leaned against the window sill for support. The small, single room was sparsely furnished with a bed, a TV, a small refrigerator, and a table. There were no clothes hanging on hangers, and the table was devoid of soda bottles or water cups. It gave the impression that he had been hospitalized for a while. "...Did you know?" He greeted me with questions instead of a traditional greeting. The face that had once exhibited a carefree smile now appeared pallid and emotionless, as if concealed behind a mask. I approached the large window where he stood and peered outside. Beyond the fivestory window lay a narrow alley, surrounded by old, weathered, low-rise buildings. The journey to reach this place involved a lengthy subway ride, followed by a 20-minute walk, and an additional 10 minutes to locate the hospital amidst the residential buildings. The hospital's name was barely visible beneath its dilapidated exterior, and the elevator, which seemed to jolt while ascending, operated with a rattling noise. He had been admitted to a hospital on the outskirts of Seoul, a place seemingly forgotten by most. Aware that I was

surveying my surroundings instead of providing an immediate answer, he broke the silence. His first expression was a mocking laugh, contorting his lips. "When I woke up, I found myself here. I didn't even realize this place was in Seoul until a few days ago. Do you... do you know what happened to me?" "What happened to you?" "..." I repeated the question, taking a slow look around the cramped hospital room. "What happened to you?" "Don't... you already know everything?" His response carried an undertone of confusion, yet he continued to speak with bitterness. "Or are you here to mock me? Damn it... do you want to witness me going through this?" Despite the difficulty, he forced himself to stand and fixed his gaze on me. I was relieved to confirm that he had undergone a transformation. This guy could be of use. "I don't have all the details of what happened to you. But I can make an educated guess." Observing that his glaring gaze was beginning to soften, I delivered a solemn statement. "I heard that Song Myungshin plays the role of a pimp who lures aspiring actors and offers them as playthings to his sponsor. So, what kind of pawn have you been used as?" I added slowly, watching his eyes begin to tremble. "Have you been tossed around like a dog among men and raped? You tried to flee but was caught and sent to be punished. What was it that was stuck inside you? A bottle of alcohol? A piece of wood?" “S-Stop it...” "I think everyone would have been pleased to see you crawling with a bottle behind you. If you beg for help, you will be thrashed until you are bruised. Of course, what got hit was the part that was covered by clothes.” "Stop!" He staggered backward and averted his gaze. His heart raced, and his breathing grew labored. "Don't you want to remember?" He turned his eyes away with resentment. His piercing gaze seemed to say, "Are you asking because you don't know?" However, I needed a clear response.

“If you don’t want to think about it again, I have nothing to do here.” "If you'd rather not revisit it, I can leave." "... What? Why?" I turned to face him to emphasize the sincerity of my words. "As long as you try to avoid the pain, you'll never achieve revenge." I took a few steps toward the door, but before I could reach the doorknob, he called out to me. "Is there truly a way? Can I seek revenge?" His voice wavered slightly, and I slowly turned my head to see his clenched fist. "It's just what you heard over the phone. But even if there were a way, in your current state, you couldn't begin." "Why? What's the way?" "You must return to that den." He stared at me in silence, his breath held. His pallid face made him appear less human. He remained like that for a while before whispering, "I... have to go back there?" "Yes. Hide your scars casually. But right now, you can't even think it. So, give up. Seek revenge on your terms or however you want." I added, locking eyes with him. "Just live like that." This time, I grasped the door handle and began to turn it. But his words halted my departure. "... No. I don't want to live like this." He said, in a small voice. It was the response I had hoped for. "I want revenge. Fuck all those bastards... I want to take them down." I had not yet approached him; I leaned against the door and observed him from a distance with a detached expression. "I want to take them down" was insufficient. Recognizing my intent, he removed his hand from the window frame and straightened his uncomfortable posture. "You're asking what happened? It's just as you said. He told me it was all a game, covered my eyes, and led me to a room. But…"

His voice began to shake again, but he was still able to talk. "About five or six bastards stripped me naked and fucked me in turn. When I resisted, they tied my hands behind my back and beat me like a ball, knocking me unconscious briefly. I opened my eyes as something hot and terrible touched my body... They said to have lit a large candle in my anus. Falling down in front of them... naked... with only my ass held aloft. The wax dripping between my legs made me nauseous. The jerks screamed and chuckled when they noticed I was awake. And do you want to know what they did? They were singing Happy Birthday. It was the birthday of one of the bastards. Isn't it funny? Because it was his birthday, they lit the candles. Haha... ... I was the birthday cake. Birthday cake. Fuck, isn't that hilarious?" A single tear flowed from his distorted smiling face. But the voice returned calmly. "There was an old man watching from one side of the room while I was being the bastards' pee and semen pot. Giving directions in hushed tones. Fuck the two of you together, let numerous people cum in your mouth at the same time. Bastards always listened to what an old man said. But who do you think was sucking the dick between the old man's legs so hard? Song Yoohan. Only then did I realize Hyungseok had been coercing me and arranging a meeting with Song Yoohan in order to present me as a sacrifice. Hyungseok was aware. What Song Yoohan was up to, and what the old sponsor bastard desires." He paused and looked around the room. "Didn't you find this hospital weird when you first walked in? You know why I was admitted to the hospital, but why am I in the medical department?" His gaze was drawn to the pillow bearing the name of the hospital. “This is a place that cleans up trash like me. Of course, I wasn't the first person brought here, and the doctors and nurses didn't even bat an eye at my condition. My back was ripped and my thighs were all wax-burned. Rather, they were irritated by the difficulty of removing hardened wax from my anus. I've been in the hospital for three weeks. But I still have trouble going to the restroom. Because those jerks didn't touch my face because I was an actor, my face is alright, but the rest is a mess. Song Yoohan then advised me to come find him when everything was fine. As a reward, Song Yoohan then advised me to come find him when everything was fine. He stated I'd be cast in a key supporting part in a cable TV drama." After his lengthy speech, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes briefly. "For the past three weeks, no matter how hard I try to forget, the sound of their laughter won't leave my ears. I keep hearing the 'Happy Birthday' song they used to sing." He opened his eyes and calmly asked me, "As you said, if there's a way to seek revenge, I want to tear those fuckers apart and banish these haunting memories. But before that..." He cut off his words abruptly and eyed me suspiciously.

"Why are you trying to help me?" "I never said I'd help you." "What? But..." "I'm simply telling you how to exact revenge." "Isn't that helping?" I smiled at him for the first time. "Yes, I also have something to avenge against Song Yoohan. I'm using you to ensure my own revenge succeeds. So don't misunderstand." I expected him to get angry, but he gazed at me with an unusual expression. Then, after a while, he uttered unexpected words. "You're a very interesting person." "..." "If you're truly using me, shouldn't you refrain from saying that?" "Then what should I do? Your situation is dire, and you need help. Lying doesn't end in a single moment; it has to be maintained, which is a wearisome task. I only need to deceive the person I'm seeking revenge on." He seemed to flash a faint smile for a moment, then nodded. "Yeah, that's what's amusing. Your exterior may appear twisted, but it seems like you draw a straight line beneath it all. It's unexpectedly straightforward." I furrowed my brow momentarily before responding calmly. "Fine. Let me tell you one more thing while we're on the subject of honesty. There is something you must be prepared for if you want revenge, I'm talking about. There's a chance you'll have to give over your ass to those bastards again." "..." "So, if you don't like it, quit now. Just as you praised my honesty, I'm using you with no intention of providing help." I anticipated a prolonged silence, but he unexpectedly inquired, his expression void of emotion. "So, what am I supposed to do?" This time, I couldn't respond immediately. I looked at him and began to speak slowly.

"Accept Song Yoohan's offer. Tell him you're in on that thing too." He shook his head. "I can endure being tormented again, but I don't want to involve other people, trainees who know nothing about it." "You don't have to. You only need to pretend." "I'll get caught soon..." "You won't get caught. Song Yoohan will be filming abroad soon. You have a few days to deceive him. You don't have to do anything with the excuse that you're sick." Based on what Alice's boss mentioned earlier, it was certain that Myungshin would be going abroad. At least for three or four days, and at most, a week. "Once you're in the group, while Song Yoohan is away, work on inciting that guy, Hyungseok." "What?" I curled one corner of my mouth in his direction. "Song Yoohan must be sending Hyungseok out to find and bring in the necessary victims. And he will always be rewarded handsomely. Tell this to Hyungseok. Isn't it unfair that he's doing the most crucial work? Shouldn't he be the one sucking Chairman Kim's dick? All the roles that Song Yoohan plays should be his." "To make the two of them turn against each other? But Hyungseok is afraid of Song Yoohan and won't listen to me. Plus, Song Yoohan can easily dispose of Hyungseok." When he shook his head, deeming it difficult, my smile grew more twisted. "Then the solution is even simpler. Make Hyungseok unafraid of Song Yoohan and render Song Yoohan incapable of touching Hyungseok." "How?" I provided a concise response. "I'll handle that part; don't worry." He seemed to want more details, but he nodded and mumbled his understanding. "Alright, for now, I'll do what I need to do." "Then what about that old man? I don't think anyone can get revenge on Chairman Kim." "He will be dealt with by someone else."

"Who?" He waited for an answer with a surprised expression. But I had only one thing to say at this point. "There is someone. Someone who's crazy."

That night, I lay in bed, staring at the dark ceiling, unable to easily fall asleep. The yellowhaired guy needed someone's help to overcome his fear of Song Yoohan, and I required someone else's help to keep Song Yoohan preoccupied and away from the yellow-haired guy. Thankfully, I believed I could enlist the aid of these two people: Photographer Lee and Cha Jungwoo. Both were probably willing to join in. As the night dragged on, I could barely close my eyes, contemplating what I had to do in the near future. Strangely, it wasn't the impending tasks that preoccupied my mind. 'You don't need to worry about that person.' The madman who casually discussed Chairman Kim's demise remained in my thoughts until the end. I couldn't help but remember how he entered the room without a word when I suggested that he seemed worried about me. Why did I keep dwelling on such things like a fool?

The following morning, when I arrived at work, an unexpected person provided me with crucial information. I had arrived slightly early to consult the manager about Dream Plan. He looked exhausted, having stayed up all night with Cha Jungwoo, preparing for the upcoming press conference. Amidst his busy schedule, he hadn't forgotten to attend to the minor paperwork related to the paper advertisement test for Hansoo and me. Before Hansoo's arrival, an unexpected guest entered the small conference room where the manager and I were located, with some information to share. "Manager Choi, I have something to discuss... Huh!" Chief Park, who walked into the room and saw me, was taken aback. He cleared his throat and averted his gaze, but it seemed that he remembered the delivery service time. If he realized that the mascot who gave him the stone cake was me, he might have fled entirely. "Oh, Chief Park. What brings you here?" The manager ushered Chief Park, who felt awkward due to our peculiar history, and motioned for him to sit down. Seated across from me, Chief Park still couldn't bring himself to meet my gaze, maintaining his focus on the manager. "Um, I have something to discuss."

"Mhm? What is it..." "Hello, Chief Park." When I interrupted the manager's conversation and greeted Chief Park, he looked away awkwardly. "Mhm, yes. Lee Taemin." He cleared his throat again, about to avert his gaze, but I continued. "I assume you stayed up all night at work?" "Yes? Oh, well..." "Work related to Dream Planning?" I wondered if his head was about to turn stiff, and his surprised eyes shifted toward me. "Work related to Dream Planning?" "I'm aware of everything. There's a current issue with Dream Planning. Chairman Kim, the weapons broker who recently became a shareholder, is intervening." I smiled at him as he blinked in surprise, and then I turned to the manager. "Manager, do you also remember what Song Yoohan said to Director Yoon in the meeting room yesterday morning?" Only then did the manager nod with an "Ah" and began to address Chief Park instead of me. All I had to do was step back and listen to their conversation. "That's correct. Chief Park, what's going on? Is there something significant happening within the company? Speaking of Dream Planning, they should be busy attracting investors for the upcoming blockbuster drama. But why is Song Yoohan suggesting that Dream Planning might be taken over? What's happening?" "That's... Hmm, it's confidential." "Confidential? I think it's just a matter of time before the rumor spreads. Even if not, I overheard something peculiar in the office earlier." "What are you talking about?" As Chief Park straightened in shock, the manager lowered his voice as if sharing a secret. "There are whispers that Dream Planning might be entirely disbanded." "Is that so? How did you learn that?!" Chief Park was astonished, and the manager was too.

"Eh? Is it really true?" "Gosh! No, that's not what I meant..." "Huh! Chief Park said, 'how did you learn that'!" Chief Park, whose face turned pale, protested, "That's not it," but he couldn't keep up with the manager's eloquence, which was gaining momentum. "If the rumor is already circulating, that means everyone who knows already knows. Moreover, it would be a major issue if Dream Planning were to be disbanded. So, what's going on exactly? Oh, Chief Park, you know how discreet I am. I have a heavy tongue." I had never seen anyone as glib as the manager, but I didn't correct them, because I had a heavy tongue. "Please tell me; it's a company matter, and I'm concerned as well. Besides, with Song Yoohan's involvement, it doesn't feel like just anyone else's problem. Chief Park knows about it too, right? Gosh, I've suffered so much..." The manager sighed and pretended to wipe away tears that weren't actually there. "I got lucky this time, but if Yoohan gets involved in something shady and frames me again, I'm really... sigh. If I get ruined, will Chief Park take responsibility for not informing me?" "Manager Choi, what are you saying? Well, I... Oh, I shouldn't have said anything." After scratching his head in apparent agony, Chief Park finally divulged the information that had been bothering the manager. "The director who opposes the President plans to take the lead on the blockbuster drama in development. You know, didn't the drama director who will produce the show already get decided by that person? The director and that person will determine the cast, locations, and sponsors among themselves." The manager, who was listening intently, furrowed his brow. "Speaking of the director who's set to produce the drama, is it the former director from S Broadcasting Station? That man... isn't well-regarded." If the manager found him unfavorable, I assumed the man must indeed be quite problematic, a sentiment Chief Park shared. "Yes, it's him. Despite some issues related to his acceptance of off-the-books money, he has experience with such large-scale projects, and his skills are noteworthy. When the decision was first made, there was no opposition, but it turned out he was already in cahoots with the other side. Nonetheless, the contract has already been signed, so the director cannot be changed. Moreover, as if that wasn't enough, they are making a play for control over Dream Planning. As you know, although Dream Planning is a subsidiary, it's not fully integrated. The opposition is acquiring shares in Dream Planning. Although their financial power

appeared to be dwindling, it didn't initially raise much concern. However, someone emerged like a comet and purchased a substantial number of shares in the aforementioned Dream Planning." I had already heard something similar from the manager, but Chief Park's account was more detailed and precise. It became evident that the company was currently a battleground for various interests. As I contemplated this, I overheard the manager's muttered comment. "That comet... You must be referring to Chairman Kim." Chief Park nodded and then furrowed his brow as he continued. "Originally, if it weren't for Chairman Kim, Director Yoon would have had the most shares in Dream Planning within the company." "Director Yoon?" The manager was taken aback by this revelation, and Chief Park promptly clarified. "In return, Director Yoon had fewer shares in Dream Entertainment. In fact, the President brought Director Yoon to Korea by offering him shares in Dream Planning. Perhaps the intention at the time was for Director Yoon to eventually assume control of Dream Planning. But..." Then Chairman Kim appeared like a comet. "Thanks to this, it has now become a showdown between Director Yoon and the opposition. If Chairman Kim aligns himself with the opposition, they will completely take over the drama." At Chief Park's conclusion, the manager's expression contorted. "So, are you saying we need to align with Chairman Kim to prevent that?" "Well, at the moment, it seems like the best course of action." "Gosh! Why of all people...?" In his frustration, the manager clenched his fist on the table. "Director Yoon is the best in this field..." The mention of Director Yoon's name made him shudder, likely recalling what transpired in the xxx city, but it was apparent that he held Director Yoon in high regard. The manager lapsed into a somber silence. Simultaneously, Chief Park let out a sigh. "He keeps piling up work for me, and he's like a demanding king, but he's still incredibly skilled, and there's much to learn from him. But these days, because of my worries, I can't act cute in front of my sweetheart. Gosh."

Both the manager and I turned our attention to Chief Park at the same time. "...Act cute?" The manager uttered the surprising word, leaving Chief Park flustered. He shook his head. "Oh, no. That was just a slip of the tongue. Haha." However, the blush on his face revealed a man who acted cute often at home. Seizing the opportunity, I posed a question. "What's Chairman Kim's involvement with Director Yoon's work in the U.S.?" "Huh? Well, I don't know much about that..." "Then teach me how to act cute properly." Chief Park gasped and took a deep breath, shooting me resentful glances. I quickly added. "I've been thinking of taking up a part-time courier job since I have some free time these days." "Director Yoon worked at the Dream branch in the U.S., but he also had his own investment company. When he returned to Korea, he handed over the day-to-day operation of the company to someone else, but he still makes high-level decisions. Chairman Kim appears to be interfering with Director Yoon's work in the U.S. He's personally handling some of the work, so that's all I know." Chief Park confessed with a weary expression, and the manager patted him on the shoulder. "Good job, Chief Park." Chief Park wiped away the tears brought on by the manager's praise with the back of his hand. However, his revelation of the company's secrets meant that his tears were of little consequence. So, if one connected the dots from Chief Park's information, does that that mean the madman is in a dangerous state? "By the way, Chief Park, why did you come here?" The manager inquired as if he had just remembered. Chief Park, too, recollected his original reason for visiting and stood up. "Right, I'm getting sidetracked. Manager Choi, you've been quite occupied with Cha Jungwoo lately, haven't you?" "Yes," the manager replied. Chief Park retrieved his cell phone and said, "Lee Taemin and Lee Hansoo have been working quite hard these days, so I'm assigning a road manager to assist you while you're not around."

"Well, I'd appreciate it! Is it possible to get a young person who can keep up the pace?" The manager's preferences were relayed to Chief Park in a phone call. "It's me. I'm in the conference room on the 3rd floor, Room 16. Please come up... What? The elevator is out of order for maintenance? Then use the stairs... Your joints are aching, and you can't climb stairs? Oh, just come up. You're still in your 40s, so what if you strain your joints a little? Then where do you want to work part-time?" Frustrated, Chief Park went to meet a patient with arthritis in person. After he left, the manager spoke with seriousness. "Taemin, go buy a pain relief patch in advance."

Chapter 46 Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for notes

The arthritis man who replaced the manager was rather reserved. He dozed off while flipping his hair, revealing strands of white, at the place where Hansoo and I went to take the screen test for the advertisement. As the manager had mentioned, our task was to film a small flyer advertisement, and it was quickly approved. I changed into my outfit on the spot and posed for a few shots. By the time we finished our afternoon work, I was exhausted and famished. Hansoo, despite looking more at ease in front of the camera, seemed to have aged ten years due to the tension during filming. He turned to look at the arthritis-stricken man who was now comfortably sleeping in a chair. "If our manager were here, he would have already bought us some kimbap. That old man is drooling." Upon closer inspection, I noticed dried saliva marks on the arthritic man's half-open mouth. "Our manager would have made me forget how tired I am with a hundred compliments after we finished. The more I look at that man, the more exhausted I become." Hearing Hansoo's words only added to my weariness. "Go and remove your makeup," I urged with my eyes, and Hansoo weakly nodded, his curiosity piqued. "By the way, who are you waiting for?" "Huh?" "Your cell phone." Hansoo pointed at my hand, and only then did I realize I had been holding the phone and absentmindedly fiddling with it. There wasn't anyone specific I was waiting for. I muttered this, and Hansoo hurried off to wash up, promising to return soon. However, even when he came back, I found myself unable to look away from my phone. I was eagerly anticipating a contact from the madman. I could initiate it myself, but for some reason, I wanted him to reach out first. I was somewhat bewildered by my own actions. I deliberately stowed my phone in my pocket, but out of curiosity, I retrieved it, wondering if I had missed a call. It was just that Chief Park's mention of the company in the morning had sparked my curiosity about its current situation. But even as I repeated this explanation to myself, the real reason for my actions remained unclear. I wasn't accustomed to waiting, especially when it was

filled with impatience and irritation. So, when I finally decided to send a text message, I felt a brief vibration in my hand. It signaled the arrival of a text message, but I didn't immediately check its content. Strangely, my breath quickened, and a sense of eager anticipation enveloped my thoughts. Could it be him? Just before I checked the text message, all my impatience, irritation, and waiting transmuted into palpable tension. But as I gazed at the screen, it was as though a magical spell had been cast, dissolving all those emotions. The message was concise, just as it always was, but it brought an inexplicable sense of relief. — Come to Alice.

Before heading to Alice, I handed the screenplay to Hansoo. It had taken me some time to read, but the content was one of the finest screenplays I had ever come across. The storyline was, in essence, quite ordinary – the protagonist becomes entangled in an incident while on the trail of his long-lost father. Yet, there were unexpected twists and turns throughout, accompanied by thought-provoking elements. It seemed plausible that the novel had gained immense popularity, thanks to its script format with simple dialogues. Even for someone like me, who generally didn't enjoy reading, it had been absorbing. What was remarkable about the novel was the recurring pop song. It was portrayed as the protagonist's father's favorite tune, but the main character listened to it incessantly because his father had concealed a password within the lyrics of the song. This song held significant importance, initially providing hints when the lyrics were interpreted in Korean. However, as the story unfolded, a definitive solution could be discerned by combining words from the original English lyrics. "What song is this?" I inquired. Hansoo, who was stowing the screenplay in his bag, turned around to face me with a surprised expression. I wondered why he was looking at me that way. The disbelief in his gaze dissipated when he raised an eyebrow, but it was still a look of amazement. "Don't you know this song?" "..." "How can you not be familiar with this famous song?" "..." "Well, I suppose you might not know it."

Hansoo's voice grew softer, and he lowered his hand. Still, he continued to regard me as if he wanted to say more. Finally, before we parted ways, he sent me a music file on my phone. "It's this song. When you hear it, you'll probably think, 'Oh, this is the one.'" Hansoo, who had been playfully questioning whether the old phone could properly play music, tossed me the earphones and quickly darted away before I could retaliate. When I pressed the play button, a truly familiar pop song began to play. However, it carried a different sense of familiarity for me, as I was on my way to Alice. Where had I heard this before? It wasn't until I finally reached Alice that it hit me. It was the same song I had heard in the madman's car before. I also recalled the expression he had worn when he turned up the volume for this particular track. Had it triggered memories of the drama from that time? Thoughts about Dream Planning, which could be at risk, and concern about that guy once again filled my mind with worry. As I descended into the basement, burdened by unwelcome yet persistent discomfort, I was greeted by a familiar face. "Welcome, Mr. Lee Baekwon," the manager, whom I hadn't seen in a while, still wore the same welcoming smile, as if he had been informed in advance of my arrival. I nodded, exchanged greetings, and naturally made my way to the madman's office, but I was halted by the manager. "The boss would like to meet you first." He then led me to the owner's office, although I couldn't follow immediately. Why did he want to see me? Surely he wasn't going to harp on about the '200 won', was he? He was a person I didn't particularly wish to encounter, but I entered the office without displaying my reservations on my face. However, it was all in vain. The boss noticed immediately upon my arrival. "Ah, yes, Baekwon is here... huh? What's with that expression?" My expression had been a dead giveaway. I was preemptively suppressing my irritation, fearful that he might launch into nonsensical banter once more. Even though I tried to hide my emotions, the boss quirked the corner of his mouth as if he knew everything. "I can sense it, I can sense it... Your eyes, they seem like they're looking forward something..." For a moment, I felt a touch of nervousness that I hadn't even realized. In my mind, I thought, "How absurd, what is he even talking about?" But his words hardened my heart. At that moment, the boss raised his lips as if he had everything figured out. "Yeah, I understand. Did you want to see me? What clever linguistic tricks am i brewing this time? Hahaha, truth be told, my joke that day did shine bit of brilliance!"

His misunderstanding was most apparent, and on a day already filled with unnecessary tension, I cursed under my breath and positioned myself at the door, ready to leave. What frustrated me the most was that I was becoming accustomed to this peculiar personality, and it was starting to feel normal. I wanted to snap out of it, so I asked bluntly. "Do you have something to say?" "Sometimes, you know, I have moments of inspiration... huh? Oh, no, I don't have anything to say, I just wanted to see your face." "Now that you've seen my face, I'll be on my way." Simultaneously with those words, I forcefully closed the door with a resounding 'bang' and swiftly left. I thought I could hear a confused "huh?" through the closed door, but I kept moving, leaving the sound behind. When I arrived at the madman's room and opened the door, my anger flared up again at the person who had turned my name into 'Lee Baekwon.' Inside, as expected, he was seated at the desk, wearing his glasses. However, I couldn't help but furrow my brow when I looked at him. The moment he recognized that I had entered without knocking, he greeted me with a genuinely warm smile. It was a smile that made me forget what I had been thinking just moments earlier. Unconsciously, I held my breath and found my gaze locked onto his smiling face. It was as if time itself had paused until his voice broke the silence. "What's the matter?" My mind, which had briefly hardened at the low voice in my ears, began to fill with embarrassment before I even realized it. I watched him rise from his seat with a sliver of understanding. Though it might have been a very brief moment, it felt strangely prolonged to me, so my embarrassment deepened. Only then did I notice that the madman's expression had shifted to a more serious one. I pretended as though nothing was amiss and replied with a casual "What?" as he narrowed his eyes and followed me when I moved. "Is something bothering you?" This time, I responded briefly, "Not really," and took a seat on the sofa, intentionally avoiding his gaze. The embarrassment stemming from my uncharacteristic behavior should have dissipated by now, yet it clung to my racing heart. I couldn't quite grasp why I was feeling this way, and it was an unfamiliar sensation, so I likely appeared a bit sullen. The madman, who had seated himself beside me, persistently inquired. "Then what's wrong with your expression?" "What's wrong with my expression?" I turned to him and asked bluntly. He responded without a smile, his lips slightly curling. "As soon as you saw me, your expression hardened, as though you weren't happy to see me."

I could discern his displeasure from the icy tone of his voice, but I considered it a far better outcome than revealing that I had been taken stunned by his smile. "I'm never happy to see you." I threw out the words, then turned my head away again, worried that my lie might be too transparent. Nevertheless, this obnoxious man observed me from the side, making me feel self-conscious. "I'm telling you this because today is different." Different? I couldn't help but turn my gaze towards him, meeting his penetrating stare. "It's not like usual." "..." "Speak. What's going on." I was rendered speechless whenever this madman posed such bewildering questions, but this time, my silence ran deeper. Nothing out of the ordinary had occurred, so what did he want from me? "Have you crossed paths with Song Myungshin? Or Chairman Kim... no." As his words trailed off, I couldn't help but ponder why Chairman Kim had been excluded. "I'm asking if you've met Song Myungshin again." His tone grew sharp as he pressed for an answer, as if he could only envision Myungshin having an impact on me. I considered throwing Myungshin under the bus for a brief moment but ultimately abandoned the idea. If I attributed my mood to Myungshin, it felt as though he was ready to grab my hand and march off to scold him. "It's just that I'm tired." I replied vaguely, lowering my eyes and then raising them again. He still appeared skeptical, but he eventually accepted my explanation. "I've heard that some people's moods change when they're tired." That's you. Pretending to be someone else, how repugnant. The embarrassment that had initially engulfed me somewhat dissipated, thanks to my own bafflement. "Yeah, they say there is," I responded, emphasizing each word and silently screaming, 'It's you, it's you.' Yet, this fellow, acting as eccentric as ever, offered a slight touch of sympathy. "It's the first time I've witnessed it, but it seems you might be that type."

Why did conversing with this guy trigger such resentment in me? Even though I was well aware from past experiences that words couldn't triumph, sarcasm automatically slipped from my lips. "Congratulations. It's the first time you've met someone like me." "Well, I think I'd find someone like you annoying." Are you implying that I'm annoying? Just as my mood was about to sour, he added something as though speaking to himself while gazing into the air. "But if it's you, I wouldn't find it annoying." Then he turned to me nonchalantly and continued, “Rather, it makes me feel better. It looks like you're complaining.” "..." "You're acting very strange today. Normally, you'd vehemently admonish me for talking nonsense." "Don't talk nonsense." He chuckled and rolled his eyes, his smile radiating pure joy. His laughter had become more familiar to me recently. His eyes were no longer concealed by a cold, emotionless facade. A warm sensation stirred within me as I observed his laughter, revealing genuine happiness. It made it challenging for me to respond without a hint of a tremor. When I stayed silent, his laughter subsided, and he gently reached out, running his hand through my bangs. "You're clearly tired." I managed to turn my head to avoid his touch, and he chuckled once more, gesturing toward the sofa. "Why don't you lie down and rest here? I can't head home yet; I'm waiting for a phone call." He then rose from his seat and headed towards his desk. Watching his movements in a daze, I suddenly realized something significant. "Why did you call me here?" He sat down and pointed at the table. "The book on it." I noticed a book with a thick cover amidst a pile of items, as usual. However, what caught my eye first was the title, as it resembled the screenplay I had been reading. "It's yours. Read that."

I considered replying but decided against it, recalling the relatively pleasant expression he had shown when I scolded him with a simple "Don't talk nonsense." Instead, I picked up the hefty book since I had been searching for it anyway. However, the cover bore the label "volume 1." I wondered how many volumes there were. It seemed as though he understood my thoughts, as he provided an explanation. "There are only three volumes in total, so read them quickly." It had taken me days to read the screenplay, and I couldn't fathom how many weeks it would take to finish this. I didn't like the feeling that I was only following his orders, and I briefly contemplated tossing it aside. But as I opened the hardcover, I noticed someone's handwriting inside. "Lee Baekwon, enjoy reading." Followed by the first name beneath it. In fact, I had seen this name a short while ago, right in front of the hardcover. Realizing it was the writer's signature, I gazed at the paper for a moment before speaking. It was only then that another important question crossed my mind. "Hey, why did you get an autograph for Lee Baekwon?" The madman, who was engrossed in his work while fixated on the computer screen, responded in a nonchalant manner at irregular intervals. "Because I like Lee Baekwon." "You like the name Lee Baekwon?" "Yes," he answered briefly as he continued typing on the keyboard. After a moment, he added, "That's the name I gave you." The answer, although seemingly obvious, made me furrow my brow, trying to dismiss the strange warmth welling up in my chest. "Did you call me here to give me this book?" "No." When I turned my head to look at him, Director Yoon remained focused on the monitor, wearing glasses and typing away. Tap, tap, tap. His response was accompanied by the soft clicking of the keyboard. "Just to see you."

Before I had even delved into a few chapters, I had already realized that the screenplay mirrored the book's plot. I had been concerned about how long it would take to finish this thick book, thinking it might be tedious due to its length. However, as soon as I turned the first page, all my pre-reading apprehensions vanished. The main character's monologue started off dryly, and the morning seemed to be proceeding as usual. Although I knew what would unfold next thanks to the screenplay, I was rather eager to delve into it. Sure enough, it wasn't long before the main character headed outdoors, following his daily routine of listening to his dad's favorite pop song, only to become embroiled in the initial case. Unbeknownst to me, I lost track of time as I got engrossed in the various incidents ensnaring the main character. However, my reading pace was excruciatingly slow, and when I suddenly sensed a presence and looked up, I realized that I had barely covered a few dozen pages in an hour. "Is it interesting?" I couldn't tell when the madman had arrived, but he was now seated beside me, gazing at me much as before, causing me to lift my eyes from the book. I felt oddly self-conscious, probably because it felt like I had been caught in the act of focusing on something. So, I responded curtly. "It's still the beginning, so I can't say yet." He then tilted his head to the side and blurted out without hesitation. "Are you deliberately acting this way because you're shy?" What? I stared at him with a sharp gaze, wondering what nonsense he was spouting, and he once again curved his lips as if he were in a good mood. "There's no point in glaring at me like that. Whatever your reaction is, it amuses me. If it had been someone else, I would have wanted to beat them up." “It’s better that way. Then I will beat you too.” He let out a small laugh and his eyes curved. "Fuck, I'm getting horny." With this whispered obscenity, his true desire was revealed in his eyes. I gazed back at him, a mixture of defensiveness and confusion. He then added, as if to reassure me, "I won't. It’s more urgent to sleep now.” He pointed to the book with his eyes, as if asking whether I intended to continue reading. The expected response at this point should have been that if there was nothing else to see, I would be on my way. However, the words were swallowed.

"I'll read a bit more." When I offered this reply with deliberate coldness, he suddenly leaned his upper body toward me, as if it were the most natural thing. In that moment, taken aback, I raised my bookholding hand, and in the process, he stretched out, resting his head on my thigh. "What are you doing?" The action was so absurd that all I could do was hold my book in the air and ask him what he was doing. In theory, I could have simply pushed his head away. I actually intended to do so the very next moment, but with his eyes closed, he had already begun to utter his half-asleep words. "I'm sleepy." He then crossed his arms over his chest and started to breathe evenly. His closed eyelids were so tight that it made me wonder if he had truly fallen asleep. Soon, he naturally relaxed his body. I muttered to myself as I gazed at him, sound asleep with his glasses still on. "I'll push you onto the floor." Despite my threat, his chest simply rose and fell with each breath. His vulnerability was so evident that any intention to push him away evaporated. I was providing a lap pillow for this lunatic. Had I finally lost my mind after dealing with this guy? I was flabbergasted, but ultimately, I couldn't bring myself to push him, so I shifted my gaze back to the book in my hand. Strangely, the words on the page failed to hold my attention, and my eyes returned to his slumbering face. Pull yourself together. I muttered to myself, forcing my gaze back to the book.

I quickly lost myself in the book once more. However, an odd noise began to grate on my nerves. A whisper? It was so faint that it could easily be mistaken for the sound of the wind flowing in from outside. I set the book aside and concentrated on pinpointing the source of the noise, which I soon identified. The sound was incredibly slight, requiring me to strain my ears to make it out, but as I realized it was a human voice, I completely closed the book. It was evident that someone was near the door. I knew that Alice's boss was allied with the madman, but I remained cautious. Who could be attempting to eavesdrop here? I contemplated getting up, but halted myself. There was still someone fast asleep on my lap. For a moment, I considered just ignoring the noise since moving would likely wake him up. However, I dismissed this laughable thought with a sigh. To hell with it, whether this guy woke up or not. I looked down at him in silence, then gently cradled his head with my hand as I stood up. He didn't stir when I laid his head on the sofa.

As I attempted to sit up straight, a fleeting temptation swept over me. I truly wanted to push him onto the floor. He'd wake up, but he also had the unfortunate habit of sleeping poorly. So, should I seek revenge? Once more, I heard the bothersome sound. Realizing my original intent, I stealthily made my way to the door and pressed my ear to the crack. Through the narrow gap, I could faintly but distinctly hear a voice. It was a voice that fluctuated right behind the door. 'No doubt about it. Something must be transpiring inside. Baekwon is different today. My instincts are never wrong.' It was the boss. A faint response came from someone. 'I thought the same.' That someone was undoubtedly the manager of Alice's Labyrinth. However, the boss was insistent. 'No, something's different. My eyes can't be deceived. He might have become 300 won.' I barely suppressed a curse that was about to escape my lips, almost unconsciously. The boss's voice carried an air of anticipation when he mentioned "300 won." The manager interjected to prevent any potential misunderstanding. 'Shall we take a look, then? You might be seen as a pervert.' 'I'm a family member, so I'll check because I'm concerned. What's there to misunderstand?' 'Then you'll be seen as a perverted family member.' 'Hey! What...' The boss, who had been protesting, soon lowered his voice. 'Ahem. I can't hear anything now. It's okay to sneak a peek for the moment.' 'No one is as bizarre as you.' 'I know. And hey, manager. Don't you sometimes speak harshly to me?' When the boss spoke with a tone of sorrow, the manager responded with an even more mournful voice. 'Boss, where on earth will you find someone who understands you as well as I do...' The words after "where" were more pronounced and vivid. They echoed right in front of me as I opened the door. "There is... oh my God!"

The boss and manager, who were crouched together in front of the door, were sent sprawling backward in shock. While the boss's peculiar behavior was somewhat expected, the manager's reaction was surprising, and I focused on him, wondering why he was acting this way. Shouldn't you know better than to do that? For the first time, the manager appeared puzzled, as if he had discerned the meaning in my gaze. But true to form, he composed himself with a robotic smile and casually offered an excuse. "I was inspecting the door frame's measurements for interior repair. Isn't that right, boss?" "Hmm, yes. I was examining the door fram for interioepair." The manager's practiced lies fell flat due to the boss's clumsy support. Unable to tolerate it any longer, I spoke up. "Do you have something to say?" As I stood with the door half-open, the boss retracted his head and peered past me. However, as the madman was reclined on a sofa with high armrests, he likely remained hidden from the boss's view. The boss peered inside again with a bewildered expression and asked. "Did Jay go somewhere?" "No." I shook my head and indicated the sofa behind me with a nod of my chin. "He's sleeping over there." The boss suddenly froze as if shocked, leaving me to think I might have misspoken. I reiterated my statement. "He is sleeping on the sofa." "...” The boss, however, remained silent, his eyes filled with surprise. I wondered if I had made a mistake. Then he stammered in a trembling voice. "H-he's sleeping? H-here?" Was there some unspoken rule against sleeping here? I found myself wondering, I could hear the boss's voice quivering. "I see. Hmmm. So he's, he's sleeping. Jay doesn't usually sleep anywhere, but here, he's sleeping." What did he mean by "doesn't usually sleep anywhere"? I remembered him sleeping on the company's rooftop bench. I couldn't articulate my thoughts. The boss's quivering voice had an almost tearful quality to it. I couldn't fathom why he was reacting this way. His response

seemed unusually emotional. I was left perplexed, unable to comprehend. Finally, when his eyes began to well up with tears, he cleared his throat once more and turned away. "Hmmm, Jay seems to have found this place more comfortable now. Hmmm." It seemed like he was attempting to shield his face by shifting his body, but I had a faint suspicion that he was doing it out of joy. Furthermore, the manager congratulated the boss with a joyful expression. "I'm relieved, sir. I believe the director is sharing his feelings with you, just as he used to in his youth." "Wh- Why should there be any reason for relief? I- I don't mind. The idea of 'opening up' or whatever, hmmm..." Despite his words, he soon welled up with tears, returning to the topic of his dust allergy. Before vanishing, he made sure to give the manager a small request. If I heard it correctly, it might have gone something like this: "Manager, could you pass the rice cakes, please?" With that, the boss left to address his dust allergy, while the manager left the room to fetch the rice cakes. I turned around and spotted the madman seated on the sofa, engrossed in a phone call. However, after uttering a solitary word, "Fine," the call promptly ended. He swiveled his gaze towards me, a faint frown on his face, as if he had just awakened. "Why are you there?" Rather than replying, I shut the door and inquired. "What's your connection with the boss?" The madman looked at me for a moment and responded nonchalantly, "Uncle." Uncle? But the president had previously mentioned he was a 'former' relative... "So, does that mean the boss is also part of the Han family?" The eccentric man's original name was Han, and based on my understanding, the boss should also bear the Han surname. However, his response contradicted this: "No." When I fixed him with a puzzled look, he seemed to shrug off a bit of stiffness in his shoulders and explained casually. "He was initially supposed to be a Han, but he wasn't, and I was a Han, but I changed to Yoon."

The more he explained, the more my confusion deepened. It must have shown on my face because the madman rose from his seat and smirked. "It's not a big deal. It just means that both of us were ousted from the Han family. More importantly, I have an appointment." "What appointment?" "Song Myungshin and Chairman Kim." I cast my eyes down, observing the phone he still held in his hand. Was the phone call related to this appointment? "I heard that Song Myungshin is leaving the country in three days for a photo shoot and won't return for four days. I scheduled the meeting for the day after he returns." That's a week from today. I counted the days silently in my head when I heard his warning. "I told you beforehand, don't be surprised." Surprised by what? I looked at him as he walked over to the desk. He peered at the monitor and responded with a hint of laughter in his voice. “I'm thinking of losing the first round.”

Chapter End Notes

Bro doesn't even realize he's in love


Chapter 47 Two days later, in the morning, the news of Cha Jungwoo once again dominated the entire nation. Following a police investigation, a press conference was promptly convened. In the company break room, the morning buzzed with the dissemination of the news via television. Yesterday's live broadcast of the interview, alongside ongoing news and entertainment updates, had already covered the incident extensively, causing only a few to pay attention to the morning entertainment information program's recapitulation. As someone who seldom watched TV, I initially focused on the screen, which featured the manager. Cha Jung-woo appeared pale but locked his gaze onto the camera. Throughout his speech, he scarcely looked away, as if determined to confront his errors rather than project confidence. In a steady tone, he issued an apology. Although his eyes seemed to redden, and he appeared on the brink of tears, his voice remained unwavering. "I'm sorry, I admit my mistake," he expressed, his apology overlaid with the manager diligently writing those very words on a piece of paper. The manager meticulously recorded various details, including instructions like not resting his elbows on the table, avoiding covering his face with glasses, always maintaining direct eye contact, and lowering his gaze only momentarily before issuing an apology. When queried if such precision was necessary, Cha Jung-woo nodded. 'Of course. If you're not sincerely apologizing, you should at least convincingly fake it.' He added with a touch of bitterness, Still, there will always be people who can tell it's not genuine. A reporter on the screen then posed a probing question, in a manner strikingly similar to one scripted by the manager: Why did he go through all of this when he knew it was wrong? Surprisingly, the answer, meticulously crafted by the manager, followed below. 'Maintain eye contact with the reporter, pause for a few seconds, briefly lower your gaze, and then respond.' "I was terrified. I thought the most extraordinary day of my life had simply faded away. I kept having nightmares, fearing I wouldn't excel in the arduous military life there, and the persistent anxiety of being forgotten during my two-year absence never left me. It's a fear that everyone carries, but at that time, selfishly, I was the only one consumed by it." 'Place emphasis on the word 'selfish' to underscore the feeling of being treated unfairly. Maintain a calm and unagitated tone for the next part to leave a lasting impression.' "So when I heard that I could genuinely avoid the army, I was shaken. I knew in my head that this shouldn't be the way, but, on the other hand, the rationalization that I'm not the only one resorting to this expedient kept growing. Ultimately, I succumbed to temptation, and now I deeply regret it. No, I've come to realize how foolish I was."

He flawlessly executed the script and instructions set by the manager. I marveled at the expression on his face, which conveyed regret and anguish clearly to anyone. Yet, what truly caught my attention was the reporter's subsequent query. "I heard that it was your former manager who exposed your wrongdoing on the Internet, is that true? If so, how does it feel to be betrayed?" "The answer to the first question is not true. Consequently, I have no response to the second question." "But he has already fled to a foreign country..." "Don't make assumptions without all the facts. I still have faith in him, and I believe I have valid reasons for that conviction. Please refrain from writing speculative articles about my former manager. He did nothing wrong to me." A resolute voice attested to his trust in the former manager. I suppressed the laughter that threatened to erupt. His trust ran deep enough to wield a golf club. Right, you don't rise to the top without some acting skills. After the brief press conference scene on TV, the broadcast shifted to the studio. While there were mentions of Cha Jungwoo's apology, the predominant focus was on the past ten months, during which Cha Jungwoo had been giving back to society as a form of amends. It seemed this was a more significant issue than his apology, given the substantial sum involved, nearly 2 billion. "The internet is already in an uproar. There are people claiming it's all an act and hurling insults at him," said Hansoo, who had arrived a little earlier and was removing his bag. "Nevertheless, I believe the atmosphere has shifted. Cha Jungwoo's excuse was a story that resonated with many men, and most of them felt relieved because he was willing to donate such a substantial sum. Furthermore, news broke last night that Cha Jungwoo had put his house on the line to raise money. There's even a sense of sympathy, and now it feels like everyone genuinely believes he's reflecting." Hansoo grinned and added, 'Our manager is the best, as expected.' The reason we were sitting leisurely in the quiet lounge early in the morning, watching TV, was not just because we were newcomers with minimal work but also because we were waiting for someone. I had received a text message late the previous night. ― I contacted Hyungseok, saying I want to join him. I heard that Song Yoohan will come to work tomorrow morning, and we'll meet him. The break room was visible just after turning from the elevator lobby. There were times when the music in the break room spilled into the quiet lobby. I raised the TV volume with the remote control I had obtained while buying a cup of coffee. Whenever you turned on the TV, news of Cha Jung-woo was featured, so if you were waiting for the elevator, you would undoubtedly hear it. I had been watching the same interview scene several times that morning, but I never tired of it. It was because I was waiting for someone to take the bait and appear.

"Oh, by the way, I found a picture yesterday that's perfect for what you asked. I already edited it in Photoshop." Hansoo mentioned this as if it had just crossed his mind, and a smile played on his lips. "It's a photo from overseas, but I removed something quite amusing and made it absurd. I even added background music to make it a complete joke." "Did you post it on the internet?" He nodded. "Last night, I've already posted it in one place, and the reaction from everyone was positive, so I'm certain many people have reposted it. I checked, and it's been shared on the community that Song Yoohan visits daily. Judging by the number of views, it'll likely be on the list of top posts soon. Oh, let me show you. This one." Simultaneously, Hansoo took out his cell phone and displayed the saved photo. An expensive sports car that occupied two parking spaces in a crowded lot, the same model as Myungshin's car. In the next picture, it's nighttime, and all the other cars have left, leaving only the sports car behind. An even pricier car blocking it directly in front, with a speech bubble added to the expensive car. 'Try pushing me and go, you jerk.' "But will this work?" I asked as I examined the photo. Hansoo tilted his head as if he didn't comprehend my question. "To spread rumors about the car Myungshin hyung drives by making it as absurd as possible. Well, for me, it's fine if Myungshin hyung gets slightly irritated, but Taemin..." His words trailed off, but I could discern what he was trying to convey. Was this small revenge insufficient? Undoubtedly, it wasn't. It was the same with the TV, where I'd increased the volume. A lure to stroke his ego, exactly as Myungshin, alerted by the TV's sound, entered the break room. Myungshin, who walked in with his gaze fixed on the TV, halted midway. When he noticed me observing him, his brows furrowed for a moment, but his expression swiftly solidified. I intentionally held up the remote control in front of him and amplified the volume. "...During this press conference, we heard a sincere apology, and it is said that Mr. Cha Jungwoo's method of apologizing was effective—subdued and devoid of ostentation. Sources report that Cha Jung-woo put his house up for sale to fulfill his promise to return all profits to society after suffering substantial losses due to a stock price drop. While some question whether they are attempting to resolve the issue with money, more are inclined to sympathize with Cha Jung-woo's explanation. There are even reports of advertising companies that were initially seeking damages from Cha Jung-woo possibly continuing their contracts."

The room fell into sudden silence. The muted TV continued to display its contents, but no one was paying it any mind. There were only a few people in the break room, and they didn't particularly care if their voices vanished into thin air, either speaking in hushed tones or slouched from exhaustion. Except for one person. "Yeah, are you going mad, wanting to boast about that trivial thing?" Myungshin advanced a few more steps toward me and sneered. Deliberately, I remained seated, looking up at him as he drew nearer. "Well, you must be envious because the only thing you can brag about is a shitty car." "What?" He regarded me with a puzzled expression. "What nonsense are you spouting now? A shitty car? It's a car you couldn't afford even if I offered it to you. Spit it out, you bastard, what do you know." His reaction to the car topic was as expected. I couldn't help but be amused and shrugged. "Even if you sold that car, I'd never buy it, you little punk." Myungshin regarded me as if I were crazy, then ultimately chuckled, as if he didn't think my words were worth responding to. "Haha, I’m going crazy. You want to challenge my car, but you still don't know your place? I could squash a trainee like you as easily as I could squash a fly." "Then do it." "Yes, I will. You won't be able to set foot in this field much longer..." "Do it right now." I cut off his words and lifted my chin. "You said you could do it in an instant? So do it now. Just as you said, if you hold such a lofty position, you can squash a trainee like me with a single phone call." Instead of replying, Myungshin glared at me with clenched teeth. On the contrary, I laughed. "As expected, you're in a position where you can't even make a single phone call." "... How amusing. Keep talking. That way, I can have an even heartier laugh when you eventually fall." He maintained a firm demeanor and clenched his teeth while speaking, refusing to yield to my provocation. "Tell me more. I can listen to you as long as you're here."

If he no longer fell for light banter, I had to increase the intensity. "You're as arrogant as your car. Of course, I'll stick around a little longer." "Haha, you?" I nodded and answered lightly. "Because my sponsor will ensure it." Myungshin's breathing momentarily stopped, and he stiffened. Perhaps it had just dawned on him that I, too, had a sponsor. It was still hard for him to believe, though. "Moreover, my sponsor said he would give me anything I wanted, even if I didn't play the role of a pimp. So, I'm thinking of giving it a shot. I want you to crush me like an insect." He tried to restrain his anger, biting his lower lip as he seethed. "If your sponsor is that accommodating, you asked him to keep you as a trainee?" "That's right. That's what I requested. I'll rise based on my skills, so don't hinder me by damaging my pride. But it won't really bruise my ego to see you crushed." Myungshin accused, "You're only improving on your lies. If you had such a great sponsor, rumors would have spread by now. He must be an old man who doesn't care much." The gruffness in his voice sounded sweet to me. Yes, fall for it. Be wary of me and become competitive. "Then go and find out for yourself." "... What?" "I'm going to Alice this evening." Myungshin's eyes narrowed at the mention of Alice. He must have been thinking about the people who frequented Alice. He licked his lips. Among those he had reasons to be cautious of, it seemed he hadn't considered anyone as my sponsor. After all, in his eyes, my name wasn't Lee Baekwon anyway. "Of course, I'll do whatever you want.. Keep acting so brazenly even after your esteemed sponsor is revealed. Until you get a proper thrashing, no." Myungshin burst into laughter as if he'd suddenly remembered something. "I can arrange that right away. The guy who was trying to buddy up to you earlier is waiting with his neck-..." Myungshin abruptly fell silent and took a step back in surprise. Confused, I wondered what had rattled him. Then, he questioned me.

"Who are you?" I was taken aback when I realized that his gaze was fixated between me and Hansoo. In a sudden, collective realization, we all turned our heads in the same direction. "Ah!" Hansoo was even more startled. Someone was now seated on a chair between us, as though he had materialized from thin air. It was the new road manager. How was this possible? Surely, no one was there just a moment ago. I had been looking towards the entrance, so I hadn't noticed him entering from that direction. How had he silently seated himself without a trace? The shock on our faces mirrored Hansoo's expression, as if we had seen a ghost. Nevertheless, even as the three of us stared at him with bewildered eyes, he inquired with a grimace on his face. "When do you have breakfast?" "... We eat when we feel like it." I replied on behalf of Hansoo, who was still unable to speak. He raised his hand in slow motion and scratched his gray hair. "I heard the company provides you with meals." Another awkward silence settled in. This seemed to leave Myungshin momentarily speechless, and he turned and left, departing with terse words. “Oh, fuck. It’s annoying as a group.” Hansoo's inquiry reached my ears as he regained awareness, his gaze fixed on the receding figure of Myungshin. "Wow, you really caught me off guard, sir. When did you arrive?" I overheard a soft murmur, "A little while ago." It struck me as I pondered the timeframe. Someone had been sleeping at the table since my early-morning arrival. When did he come in? In amazement, I observed him, noting that he appeared younger than I initially assumed. While a considerable amount of gray hair adorned his head, he seemed more in his early forties upon closer inspection. Nonetheless, he maintained the air of an older man with a vacant expression. Moreover, his timid demeanor and mumbled speech demanded my utmost attention. "What do you mean 'a while ago'? You didn't need to arrive so early today. Our only plan is shooting a paper commercial this afternoon." With a slight nod, I caught his reply. "But I get paid by the hour."

"..." "..." I missed my manager for the first time.

Chapter 48 'The search term will appear soon. Nowadays, once a photo goes viral, it is immediately registered as a search term.' Hansoo, brimming with confidence, had it right. After my evening shift, I entered 'Fucking car' into the studio computer. Sure enough, Myungshin's sports car came up. Now, all I needed was someone to push his buttons. Before heading to Alice, I placed a call. Thankfully, Cha Jungwoo's road manager, who had a recollection of me, connected me to Cha Jungwoo. [Lee Taemin? What do you want, it's bothersome.] An irritated voice reached my ears. He was probably quite fatigued from what seemed to be the most challenging performance of his life. Ignoring his irritable state, I posed my question. "Do you feel stifled?" [Why are you asking that?] "I'll give you a breath of fresh air." [Don't be ridiculous. How would you know if I'm feeling stifled or not?] "It's tedious to remain at home, venting frustration on innocent people. I'll provide you with an outlet to vent properly." [By what means?] He inquired promptly. "Come to Alice. Song Yoohan is waiting there for you, ready to let you release all the steam you want." Silence filled the line at the mention of Myungshin's name. He was likely grinding his teeth at the mere sound of it. As expected, he spoke in a hushed tone. [Is that guy there right now?] "Yes. Furthermore, there are effective tactics to bruise his ego." [What are they?] "When you taunt Song Yoohan, mock his car. It'll work like a charm." When Cha Jungwoo skeptically asked, "How do you know that?" my lips curled involuntarily. How did I know? I had discovered it thanks to him. "Since the watch worked, it's only natural that a pricier car would do the trick."

To be completely honest, stepping into Alice made me feel somewhat uneasy. The source of this discomfort was the madman who kept occupying my thoughts, even when I attempted to disregard him. Thoughts like me waiting for him to initiate contact, as Hansoo had pointed out, or my confusion when I encountered him at Alice two days ago, still lingered, refusing to fade away. If it were possible, I would have chosen to avoid coming here altogether, but there was no more fitting place than Alice. Furthermore, the convenience of being able to freely enter and exit as a trainee wasn't something commonly granted. So, when the manager who greeted me informed me of the madman's absence, I breathed a silent sigh of relief. However, it was a relief too soon. "The boss is expecting you." I hadn't mentioned that I was coming, yet they were waiting? The manager responded with a mechanical smile, almost as if he comprehended the implications of my silence. "Actor Song Yoohan came by and asked me to inform him when someone named Lee Taemin arrives." He must have been quite preoccupied with identifying my connection. While considering him impatiently waiting, I asked as well. "Could you let Song Yoohan know in an hour or two that Lee Taemin is here?" "What if he leaves before that?" "He's not leaving." I chuckled and reassured him. "That brat won't budge an inch." As long as they regarded me as a rival, there was no way he would depart. I thought I should spend my remaining leisure time delving into the book the madman had given me. Of course, there were some tasks to attend to before that, so I steadied my resolve. "Should I head to the boss's room?" The manager nodded and led me in as usual. This time, I made up my mind not to be taken aback, regardless of what the boss might say, and I pushed open the door. However, the scene that met my eyes left me dumbfounded. The room was overflowing with a plethora of garlands and bouquets. The floral arrangements, which appeared to be congratulatory, featured ribbons with various messages, the most prominent of which read "congratulations, family reunion" and "great job, uncle." The boss was seated amidst this fragrant chaos, wearing a triumphant expression while tending to his work. I had already been acquainted with his extravagant personality, but

this display took it to another level. So, I couldn't help but be surprised. How in the world had he achieved success in business? "Ah, Baekwon, you're here?" I took a deep breath and entered this floral wonderland. However, the boss's demeanor, with his chin held high and his eyes gleaming, seemed somewhat peculiar, as if he wanted me to take notice of something. After a few steps, I pretended to survey the surroundings and pushed myself to ask. "...I suppose something good happened?" "Huh? Something good? No, no such thing, hahaha. There's nothing good, hahaha!" He rose from his seat, laughing as if he had been waiting for this moment. Then, he gestured towards the flowers surrounding him. "This is just a trifle. Oh, no matter what you've heard, people send things like this for no particular reason." Of course, they would, especially if you were doling out rice cakes. But 'great job, uncle'? Any observer would think he had been admitted to the 'Uncle Department' at Seoul National University. As I scrutinized the handwritten notes, the boss cleared his throat. "Ahem, you might not know this, but I was actually Jay's uncle." Indeed, this was a fact I had learned from the madman. However, I suspected that if I confirmed it, the overjoyed boss might distribute rice cakes to the entire village, so I simply nodded. He then displayed a hint of disappointment. "You don't appear surprised?" "Well, you did mention you were relatives before." "Ah, well, but..." His lower lip puckered, and he turned his head to the side. Perhaps, like the well-wishers who sent the floral arrangements, he anticipated a more enthusiastic response, but my expression remained somber. I had no intention of consoling him, though. Yet, there was a question on my mind when I entered the room. If the host who would be summoned to Myungshin's room happened to bring up his car, wouldn't that agitate that guy even more? If I played my cards right, I might be able to manipulate Myungshin into changing his car as I desired. Shaking my head, I began to speak slowly. "That's one thing, and in reality, the two of you look alike, so I assumed you might be close relatives." "L-Look alike?" I nodded, and his face promptly reddened.

"Ahem, well, I... I hear that often." Clearly, it was the first time he'd heard such a comparison. The boss's expression contorted, as if he was struggling to contain his joy. It appeared that if I were to ask a favor now, he'd agree to anything. That had been my intention when I offered the compliment, but the other person's response was remarkably genuine. The boss's eyes resembled those of a child, radiating an unbridled sense of joy. Observing this, I suddenly found myself hesitant to make my request. Even if it wasn't related to this request, I could still provoke Myungshin. I offered myself an excuse, but underlying that was a tinge of envy. Strangely my heart ached as I heard him express his joy at getting closer to the madman after noticing the subtle improvements in him. His heart responded quickly. Perhaps I envied him for being able to express himself, even through the seemingly trivial act of distributing rice cakes, something I couldn't do. Because I couldn't feel it. No, I had to suppress it, even if I did. Simultaneously, a face crossed my mind—the guy has been making me feel weird these past few days. "But I suppose you didn't come here to see Jay today, did you? I haven't received any notice from him about coming here." "Yes," I agreed with a self-assured nod. That's right, I had to get rid of this feeling now. Because I was reacting to the madman. Love, or whatever it might be. "I threw bait at Song Yoohan. He's scheduled to meet his sponsor here today. But, truthfully, I want him to run into Cha Jungwoo." The boss reverted to his typical expression and swiftly grasped my intentions. "I heard that Cha Jungwoo will be enlisting soon and going into hiding to volunteer, so by using him... Is it merely a small lure to lead him into a more significant trap?" I nodded. "It's a much larger trap." The thoughtful boss smiled and immediately discerned the core of my plan, to the extent that I felt a bit apprehensive for being caught so easily. "You're aiming to distance him from Chairman Kim." While waiting for Cha Jungwoo, my waiting area had essentially become the madman's space. Unlike the initial worry about when I would manage to finish a thick book, I had already made my way through about half of the first volume. I had also listened to the pop song, which held a central place in the novel, multiple times, and had become quite familiar with it. I hadn't kept track of how much time had passed, but the ringing of my phone drew my attention away from the book. "Yes."

[I'm inside the room. Where is Song Yoohan?] Glancing at the clock, an hour and a half had transpired since our previous conversation. It probably took some time for him to slip away. I hung up the phone, responding with just one word, "Wait." Leaving the room, I sought out the manager first. I had asked him to convey the message to Myungshin and then gradually made my way to the room where Cha Jungwoo was situated. Navigating the labyrinthine corridors I could never quite get used to, I finally came to a halt outside a door guided by an employee. I spent a moment gazing at my phone screen. However, there was no need to feign any further. I pretended to be engrossed in my phone, but right on cue, a familiar voice cut in. "Lee Yoohan, why don't you introduce me to the sponsor you've been boasting about so much?" Myungshin, emerging from the winding hallway, quickly positioned himself in front of me and scrutinized the door. "Is he in there? The idiot who sponsors someone like you?" Myungshin, with his confrontational demeanor, appeared already convinced that whoever was inside couldn't possibly match up to his sponsor, Chairman Kim. I grabbed the doorknob and pushed it open slightly, stepping aside so that he could peer inside. "Curious about the so-called idiot within?" Sensing something unusual in my casual tone, he turned to me, but I had already swung the door open. I locked eyes with the person seated on the couch across from me. Initially, he glanced at me, but soon locked eyes with Myungshin. While listening to the sound of a subtle breath beside me, I directed Myungshin toward Cha Jungwoo. "He's curious about the type of 'idiot' you are. Why don't you enlighten him?" With his gaze fixed on Myungshin, Cha Jungwoo slowly rose from his seat. "I'm curious too. What sort of 'idiot' could I be?" As he made his way forward, Myungshin, now more alert, let out a low growl. "You... Are you this punk's sponsor?" Hearing Myungshin's incredulous tone, Cha Jungwoo halted after taking a few steps and twisted his lips. "What nonsense is this? Why on earth would I sponsor a guy I've only crossed paths with a few times?" Myungshin then spun around and fixed his gaze on me. I crossed my arms, leaning against the door frame with the intention of observing. Observing me, he ground his teeth.

"Did you deceive me? You cowardly bastard..." "Were you being truthful when you lured me to the parking lot with the mad dog?" As I reminded him of how he had summoned me with his underling, a stern expression spread across his face. "Damn. Yes, you are the kind of guy who pays back what you got.” "That's right. So brace yourself. I have a lot to return." "It doesn't matter. You'll only amass what you owe." He sneered coldly, and with narrowed eyes, he murmured. "Soon, the burden will crush you, and you won't be able to stand up." After uttering this foreboding remark, he took a step back. Then, a faint chuckle emanated from inside the room. "Now that the numbers are on the table, are you thinking about stepping back?" Myungshin had no choice but to avert his gaze, and Cha Jungwoo turned his head, peering down at him. "You're pondering whether I'm an 'idiot' or not?" "..." Myungshin remained silent, and Cha Jungwoo observed him to gauge his reaction. Then, a blend of amusement and defiance filtered through the air. "Why the silence, you son of a bitch?" Cha Jungwoo locked eyes with Myungshin once more and asked. "I'm asking if you want to know if I'm an 'idiot'." When Myungshin continued to be speechless, Cha Jungwoo carefully scrutinized Myungshin from head to toe. "I might not know much, but here's what I can tell you. You look like crap. Did you actually leave the house dressed like that?" Then, he turned his attention towards me. "That trainee looks way better than you." "Cha Jungwoo, mind your language."

"Mind my language? Oh, right, I apologize. Come to think of it, your clothes are better. Well, just your clothing. It looked like garbage because you looked like garbage. After all, the original person is trash, so try dressing in high-quality clothes? Did you believe that a country peasant like you would resemble someone like me by wearing that? By the way, you've imitated me in the past and received a fair share of backlash. It appears you still haven't learned your lesson." "I'm more sane than you, who has become a laughingstock due to a military scandal." Upon Myungshin's retort, the smile vanished from Cha Jungwoo's lips. "The guy who will be torn to shreds, even worse than a rag, is just all talk." "What are you saying?" "You have so much faith in your sponsor, but if your sponsor truly cared for you, they wouldn't allow you to drive such a lousy car." When the conversation about the car resurfaced, it appeared that Myungshin sensed something was amiss, which was why he didn't respond immediately. Cha Jungwoo didn't let this opportunity slip by and burst into laughter. "That idiot wouldn't have a clue that the car's trash and would gleefully drive it, thinking it's cool." "What nonsense are you spewing?" "Look it up online. Find out the nickname of that juvenile sports car you're driving." For a moment, Myungshin's expression froze, as though he'd stopped breathing. For him, the car might serve as a tangible gauge of his success. If the car's value plummeted, he might feel that his own value was decreasing as well. No matter how costly the car was, he'd likely feel a sense of shame if it acquired a derogatory nickname. Just like how Cha Jungwoo was concerned about his watch. To Myungshin, the car symbolized the time he had accumulated. Cha Jungwoo delivered one final cutting remark to the man who remained silent. "Well, without a sponsor, you're broke and can't afford a penny to buy a more expensive car, am I right, you bastard?"

Observing the direction in which Myungshin had disappeared, I was confident that my plan had worked. Even if the military scandal broke out, I believed that Cha Jungwoo's words, which Myungshin had recently sampled, would serve as sufficient stimulus. Until his return from abroad tomorrow, Myungshin would likely be on edge, obsessing over the car. Perhaps it was time to make things a bit more intriguing. And meeting the good-Impression again wouldn't be too difficult.

[Hyungseok is currently in the midst of meeting and talking to him. I think that jerk is already feeling dissatisfied.] That's right, because all Myungshin does is suck Chairman Kim's dick. Myungshin, however, received all the benefits, so it was well worth it. I concurred. All Myungshin did was fawn over President Kim, but given the benefits he reaped, it was a worthwhile exchange. "Hey." When I had concluded my business and turned around, Cha Jungwoo, who was still present, called out to me. As I faced him, he cast a glance in the direction where Myungshin had vanished and asked. "Want me to introduce you?" To whom? My curiosity was piqued by his explanation. "Although he may not wield as much influence as President Kim, he could be of help to you." "I don't need it." "Why not? Do you believe you can handle this on your own? Get real. If Song Yoohan is alone, you might manage to uncover and exploit his vulnerabilities as you did now, but in the end, Chairman Kim is lurking in the shadows." I turned back to him and let out a dry sigh. "I'm not alone, so there's no need to worry." "You're not alone? Do you truly have a sponsor?" He widened his eyes in astonishment. "Who is it? They must be a heavyweight if they're going up against Chairman Kim." "You don't need to know." I replied coolly and offered some advice. "Just have some fun in moderation and head back. Don't make my manager fret." He loudly inquired about the sponsor's identity from behind, but I disregarded him and made my way to the back hallway leading to the office. I was so accustomed to exiting through this rear stairwell that I ended up here without realizing it. Nevertheless, it was where I needed to be. I didn't know how he had materialized, but the manager directed me back to the boss's office. I found myself back amidst the sea of flowers and held my breath as the boss handed me something. It felt familiar, having seen it before.

"Deliver this to Jay's house." I peered down at the herbal medicine box and suggested a more practical alternative. "Why don't you call a delivery service or courier?" "..." "Can't you go yourself?" He abruptly turned his head away and mumbled something under his breath. "... won't accept... won't open the door..." I couldn't catch the boss's soft muttering, but I could make an educated guess. It appeared that he had been rejected. After briefly lowering his head, the boss lifted his gaze with a determined expression. The overpowering scent of the flowers was momentarily forgotten as I waited for his sincere words. "Hey, Baekwon." "Yes." "It seems like things aren't going well these days. I think it's related to some business in America, but because he's trying to handle everything on his own, he can't sleep and has been working non-stop since he arrived in Korea." "..." "But these days, it seems really serious. I attempted to do something, but it doesn't appear to be working. So take this to him. It's all I can do." I looked at the boss and extended my hand to receive the box. "I can't guarantee that he'll accept it." Despite the attached condition, the boss still beamed with joy, like a child.

Chapter 49 Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for notes

Could I use the key for this? I pondered upon reaching the front door. I regretted accepting the boss's request at this point, but I knew it was too late to turn back. I shouldn't have met him. I needed to distance myself as much as possible from him to prevent the unsettling feeling from taking root. No, I had to forget about him for a week or even a few days to regain composure, but inexplicably, I found myself here. I seemed to have stood there for quite some time. Ultimately, I consoled myself, hoping that the madman wouldn't be inside, and decided to open the door with the key. The door swung open with a beep, and a bright light spilled out, accompanied by a faint, stern voice. It was the madman, speaking angrily in English to someone. The low, powerful voice had already unnerved me before I entered. This unease at the door completely swept away my earlier concerns. My resolute determination not to let my heart waver dissolved far too easily, and vanished into thin air. After removing my shoes and stepping inside, I spotted him standing near the entrance to the kitchen. He was on the phone, holding an unopened bottle of water while speaking in an angry tone. He issued a stern warning and roughly ran his hand through his hair. Then, he glanced up and noticed me. It felt as if his words were suspended for a moment, but the conversation quickly drew to a close. "..." "..." We stared at each other in silence, and he was the first to lower his gaze, focusing on the object in my hand. "Did you come for that?" That's correct. That's the reason I came. The boss at Alice's instructed me to deliver it. It was a convenient excuse, but I turned it into a question as if avoiding the matter. "What's going on?" He raised an eyebrow as if to ask about my meaning. Pointing to his phone with my chin, I asked with a dry tone. "You seemed angry during the phone call. Did something go wrong?" "..."

"Indeed, is Chairman Kim bothering you?" "..." I repeated my question, but he remained silent. Instead, his expression shifted. "Why are you smiling?" When I asked, he approached me slowly, and tossed the water bottle and phone he had been holding onto the table. They made a clattering sound. The water bottle rolled across the table and eventually hit the floor, but neither of us paid it any attention. He stopped a few paces away, wearing an unexpected smile on his lips. Then, he tilted his head to the side and gazed down at me. "Yes, you." "..." "Are you worried about me?" The question emerged with a light, almost joking tone. It was as though both of us already knew the answer I would provide. I was supposed to respond with curses, like 'Don't be ridiculous' or 'I couldn't possibly be worried about you,' and so on. But for the first time, I found myself unable to speak. Strangely, I no longer felt the weight of the herbal medicine box in my hand. My focus was solely on his shifting expression. Contrary to the smile on his face, his eyes held me even more captivated. "Lee Yoohan, were you worried about me?" "..." It felt like reality had frozen, akin to a photograph. I believed my heart had stopped, but it resumed beating only when he stepped closer and grasped my shoulder. It was only with the warmth of his breath brushing against my lips that my heart came back to life. Is sheer willpower insufficient for a person to restrain themselves? This was the fundamental question underlying my current state of confusion. When confronted with something I shouldn't want, what was I to do if I couldn't suppress it through sheer willpower? Perhaps it was because I hadn't expected it at all. I had never anticipated that I would develop feelings for someone, that I would allow my guard to drop so foolishly. Yet, I had been defeated. I had forgotten my vow to stay vigilant and not let strange emotions entangle me further; instead, I was acutely aware of it. It was only after the unresisted kiss that I had recognized the true nature of my feelings. I had begun to like him. The scene where he touched my face, parted his lips, and slowly lifted my head played on a loop in front of my eyes like a movie clip. Thoughts of him intruded upon my mind, even against my will. I realized I couldn't prevent this and felt defeated once more. The kiss from a moment ago had only been interrupted by the madman's ringing phone.

To be honest, I couldn't say for certain if it would have ended there if the phone call hadn't come at that moment. It seemed like he was still gripping my arm tightly, and I, unable to escape, was barely protected by a thin veneer of reason. My rationale only fully returned after the kiss had ended. I shifted my gaze away from him, who was muttering something incomprehensible in a solemn tone. The night view, which had appeared to be sprinkled with glitter, seemed to dissipate the heat that had built up inside me. I needed something to cool my head. Luckily, I found that remedy in my memory. Even though I was lacking the reasoning to control myself, that moment from the past could stand in my place. I had lived for 26 years, but oddly enough, all I had was that past from five years ago; that time had been everything. This single, solitary past should work this time as it had for the past five years. But it hadn't worked yet. "Damn it." When I redirected my gaze to the words I could comprehend, I saw the madman ending the call and fixing his gaze on me. I wasn't sure if his swearing was directed at the phone call or at me, I grabbed his arm with my hand and took a step back. Oddly enough, he released me, and he let out a brief curse once more. "Fuck." "..." "You're back to normal." Oh, is that so? I was relieved, so I opened my mouth. "Is there a reason to curse at me for that?" "You did this to me." Afterward, he quietly muttered, "I shouldn't have answered the phone." It was only then that I vaguely realized why he had released my arm so readily. He did it because he thought he was to blame. Perhaps forcibly suppressing himself after making a mistake was a blow to his pride. He gazed at me for a brief moment with an emotionless expression before inquiring. "What did you recall?" "Recall?" “What made you return to normal so easily?” His cold tone indicated that he, too, had returned to his normal state. It felt like I had doused him with a bucket of cold water. That's what you get for poking at it, you jerk. "There's nothing for you to know."

"The guilt of causing the death of your family?" He probed too effortlessly. He plunged into that point so casually that it felt cruel. "That you shouldn't be happy in that annoying form of atonement?" "Shut up." "Ah, shut up." Suddenly, he twisted his lips and fixed me with sharp eyes. "That's your issue. Avoiding it for so long. You only acknowledge the moment when you made a mistake and neglect the person you've been for the past five years." I glared at him and attempted to utter my usual response, "Stop talking nonsense." But in the next instant, he broke into a dimpled smile and said something that petrified me. "So you will never have to cry alone." The words I had previously heard now carried even greater weight. What the hell do you know? My eyes, glaring at him, reflected embarrassment and anger as if a secret had been uncovered. However, the man didn't abandon his smile. Instead, his eyes gleamed with intensity, as if they were even more angry than mine. "Listen closely, because I'm speaking like a true gentleman right now. If you try to push away the heart that reacts to me one more time and try to get rid of it," His eyes were like those of a relentless beast that wouldn't let go of its prey, to the point where it seemed there was a continuous growl accompanying his gaze. "In my own way, I'll overthrow the past that controls you. It makes no difference if you're in so much pain you can't breathe." For a moment, I was kinda mad at myself. Instead of getting angry at his veiled warning, I felt strangely relieved. Staring at him, I said something that didn't sound like me, a half-truth. "Don't get it twisted. 'My heart reacting to you'? How do you know that?" I thought it was a question he couldn't answer, so I could deny whatever he said. But I couldn't bring myself to interrupt him when he finally spoke. "How do I know? You endeavor to feign ignorance of my existence with your eyes, your expression, even the subtle movements of your fingers." He cocked his head to the side, and a faint, wry smile danced upon his lips. “Now that, even my heart is in heat for you.”

Chapter End Notes



Chapter 50 The manager, who was busy managing Cha Jungwoo's commitments, made an effort to secure jobs for Hansoo in his free time. Most of these gigs were relatively small or on par with the ads in the last newspaper. He stressed that the experience of standing in front of the camera and acting was invaluable, even if the pay wasn't substantial. However, as his voice grew louder, it began to sound like he was rationalizing his inability to land a significant role. Perhaps he genuinely believed his words, for he toiled alongside Hansoo and the unconventional road manager for several days. This turned out to be a blessing for me. Nothing helped me more than staying busy to suppress certain memories. My mind should have been solely focused on plotting my revenge against Myungshin, step by step. Yet, in my moments of relaxation, my thoughts invariably returned to my last exchange with that madman. When I hadn't said a word, he had sauntered away, his face satisfied. 'I'm leaving for America tomorrow morning. While I'm away, make sure to worry about me, okay?' Damn that bastard. "They say he's returning to Korea tomorrow." At Hansoo's words, my breath caught involuntarily, and I asked, "... Who?" Hansoo continued munching on his bread, answering casually, "Myungshin hyung." Oh, there was that prick. As I recalled, Hansoo swallowed the food and added with a clear pronunciation. "He must have arrived a day earlier than planned, probably due to some urgent matter. When I went to the office in the morning to pick up the materials my manager had requested, I overheard Myungshin talking about how he was going crazy." Urgent? It didn't seem to be related to the sports car. What could it be? I thought back to the good-Impression guy and the messages we'd exchanged over the past few days. — I'm trying to persuade him, but it's not going well. Song Yoohan must be quite intimidating. I didn't believe persuasion alone would bring him over. What was needed was something more forceful to overcome his fear.

— I'll create the right circumstances for him to change his mind, so keep the pressure on him. He's not getting what he deserves by being used by Song Yoohan, and we should take advantage of his absence. Then, the last message read: — Good news. Chairman Kim is coming to our company tomorrow for business, and Hyungseok said he'll accompany him. Until I saw this message, I had wondered if Chairman Kim wasn't content with just photos of the celebrities he would prey on and had decided to see them in person. Especially since Yellow Hair had decided to follow him around. It was an opportunity for Yellow Hair to get closer to Chairman Kim, but it didn't seem like a situation that would necessitate Myungshin's hasty return to Korea. So why had he come back so suddenly? It left me pondering whether it had something to do with Chairman Kim's visit to the company. At that point, Hansoo, who had finished eating all the bread, added one more thing while waving his hand. "Oh, and I heard a peculiar rumor at the office." "A rumor?" "The president of our company might step down from his role." I watched Hansoo tilt his head as I recalled the president I had encountered in the underground parking lot. "But isn't that strange? I'd heard that the former president was backing Director Yoon, but according to the rumors, the current president is handing over the position to someone else." "Someone else?" "His son. I'd heard he's been studying abroad, but it looks like he'll be returning to Korea soon after he's done, so..." Hansoo shared a bit more of what he knew, but I couldn't quite catch it. I didn't want to entertain the madman's request to worry about him, yet a question kept intruding on my thoughts. This had to be bad news for him,