DIN 53438 - en - 1984-06-01 - 13161 [PDF]

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DC 620.22 : 620.193.9

: 636.46



‘Testing of combustible


June 198


Response to ignition by a small flame


Surface ignition Prüfung von brennbaren Werkstoffen; Flächenbeflammung

Verhalten beim Beflammen mit einem Brenner;

In keeping with currentpractice in Standards published by the International a comnm has been used throughout as the dezimal marker.

Supersedes April 1917 edition

Organization for Standardization


Dimensions in mm


Field of application

This Standard specifies the method of test for determining the response of maferials tO surface ignition, referred tO in brief es method F. See DIN 53 438 Part 1, DIN 50 050 and DIN 50 051 for general information, erplanatory “oter, concepts and apparatus. See DIN 53 438 Part 2 for edge ignition (methcd K).


Test pieces

2.1 Take or prepare 10 tert pieces (sec subclause 4.1) from the product tO be tested. In the case of anisotropic products, take note of the direction of rampling and include this information in the test report. 2.2 The test pieces shall be 230 mm in length by 90 mm in width. Their thickness Shell depend on the rpecificetions for the product concerned or shall be agreed upon. Use only test pieces the thickness of which does not deviate from the thickness of all other tert pieces by more than * 10% at any Point. If the given permissible deviation is exceeded. the fest report shall contain a nute to that effect. 2.3 Make gauge markr on each of the test pieces et the following distances from what will be the lower edge when the test piece is in the test Position: 40 mm (lower gauge mark) and 190mm (upper gauge mark).



4.2 In the tert area (laboratorv) and exhaust hood, the ambient temperafure shall, at least at the Stert of each test, lie between 18 and 28”Cas specified in DIN 50 014. 4.3 Measure the thickness of the test pieces on the central longitudinal axir et distances of 40, 100 and 160 mm from their lower edges to * 0.1 mm, or tO * 0.01 i-nm in the case of test pieces lesr than 1 mm thick. Lay the test piece in the two-part frame (sec DIN 53 438 Part 1, June 1984 edition, subclause 4.1.3) so that the lower edge of the test piece coincides with the lower edge of the frame (sec figure). Join the two Parts of the frame using threaded or rpring Clips and suspend the frame vertically from the suspension device positio&d in the test chamber. With the burner (sec DIN 53 438 Part 1, June 1984 edition, subclaure 4.1.1) set in the vertical position. adjust the flame tO a height of 20 mm. With the flame et this height. leave the burner t~ burn for et least ooe minute Prior tO commencing the test, readjusting the height, if necessary, et the end of this period. Then incline the burner through 45’ and close the test chamber. 4.4 Slide the burner towards the test piece so that the flame impinges on the test piece in the centre of the lower gauge mark. The distance between the front edge of the stabilizer and the surface of the test piece shall be 5mm (See figurel.

of test pieces

Prior tO testing. the tert pieces shall be rtored in a DIN 50 014 - 23/50-2 Standard atmosphere. The duration of the conditioning period shall depend on the specification for the product under tert. or shall be agreed upon. If noother rpecificationobtainr. thenconditioning shall last for not less than 24 h.



4.1 The tert shall be carried Out on five tert pieces. If noclear classification in accordance with subclause 5.2 ie possible, the test shall be repeated on five further test pieces.

Figure. Continued on pages 2 and 3

BeYth“erlag GmbH.Berlhn30.tlas BXCIYW.aalenght6f0. c3*rlnmSfandard?i ,DIN-Normen, 08.85

DIN 53 438 Part 3


Price group 5 Saba NO. 0105

Page 2

DIN 53 438 Part 3

Apply the flame to the test piece for 15 seconds and then withdraw the burner. Take particular care to ensure that no disturbing draughts arc created ss a result. Measure the burning time (sec DIN 53 438 Pait 1 for concept) from the initial application of the flame until the flame on the test piece ceases to burn, or until the tip of the flame on the burning fest piece reaches the upper gauge mark. If the fest piece continues to glow after the flame is extinguished. mearure the afterglow time (sec DIN 53 438 Part 1 for concept) from the extinction of the flame on the test piece until gtowing ceases. Any particular observations during the course of the test shall be noted in the test report: these may include formation of smoke and soot. material falling and dripping from the test piece and whether such material continues to burn on reaching the floor of the chamber, appearance of the malten edge (e.g. whether a framework is leftl, burning on both sides or just on one, shrinkage of the test piece away from the flame. burning of a hole through the test piece. extent of burning. Then assessthe tert piece in accordance with clause 5 and assign it to a class. 4.5 The frame and the supension device shall have cooled to an ambient fernpersture of 18 to 28OC. aS specified in DIN 50 014, before a subsequent test rnay be commenced. 5


and evaluation

5.2 Evaluation in accordance with subclause 5.1 shall be subject to the following specifications: 1 If all test pieces of a material tan be astigned to the same class, the material shall be said to belang to that Cl%S. 2 If two of