Detailed Lesson Plan in Modal Verbs by Yvette [PDF]

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Guimba, Nueva Ecija Website E-mail; [email protected] Tel.Nos. (044) 943-0553 ; 611-0026 Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade 8 I.


At the end of the one hour lesson, the of the students are expected to: 1. construct sentences using appropriate modals; 2. cite the importance of using modals in the sentence.; 3. II. Subject Matter 1. Topic: Modals 2. Reference: 3. Materials: Projector, laptop, markers, manila papers. *video/song III.

Development of the Lesson

Teacher’s Activity I.

Student’s Activity

Routinary Activity A. Greetings

Good afternoon everyone! I am Yvette G. Viloria. I will be your facilitator for this afternoon’s discussion.

Good afternoon, Ma’am!

B. Prayer Before we begin the lesson this afternoon, let us first ask the guidance of almighty God and to enlighten our Let us put ourselves in the holy presence of the mind to completely understand the topic this afternoon. Lord… Would you please lead the prayer? (The students recite a prayer.) C. Classroom Management

Class, please arrange your seats properly and pick up the pieces of papers under it.

(The students will arrange their seats and pick up the pieces of papers under their chairs.)

D. Checking of Attendance Is there any absentee? Class secretary kindly check the attendance. Thank you! E. Motivation I have here a video clip and it’s called “18 school rules” and I want you to pay attention to the video and its message. After watching, you will answer the following questions.

Yes Ma’am!

1. What is the video all about? 2. What did the singers say to have a good day at school? Can you list them? 3. What are the things that you should and shouldn’t do inside the classroom? 4. What will you do when you’re at school? Am I making myself clear? (I am going to play the video two times)

Yes Ma’am!

Now, who can tell me what is the video all about? S1: The video is about the school rules. S2: It is about the things that we should and shouldn’t do to have a good day at school. Very good! How about having a good day at school? How can you have a good day at school? Can you list what the singers say? S3: You should eat a good meal. S4: You shouldn’t go to bed late. Very good! Did you eat your breakfast class? That’s good; while you were young you should always eat your breakfast, because breakfast is…

S: Yes, Maam! S: …the most important meal of the day!

Okay! That’s great. What else? What are the things that you should and shouldn’t do when you’re at school? S5: You shouldn’t eat in the classroom. S6: You should always make your homework. S7: You should take a shower before and after going to school. S8: You shouldn’t stay outside when you hear the bell. Very good. That is why should eat your meal before going to school. Right class?

S: Yes, Ma’am!

Are you doing your homework class? Whenever because it is for your own good. Who did their homework? Very good.

S: Ma’am!

As you can notice, the video gives you advice. Right class? Our lesson for today is about modals. Today we will dig deeper on the different modal and their functions.

S: Yes, Ma’am!

F. Presentation of Objectives Class this is our objectives for the day. Kindly read the objectives, Ana. At the end of our one hour lesson, students are expected to:

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Recognize the modal verbs used in the sentence. Choose the appropriate modal to complete a sentence. Cite the importance of using modals in the sentence. Understand the different uses and meanings of the modal verbs.

Thank you! G. Lesson Proper

What is a modal? Modal verbs are a special kind of auxiliary verbs. Like other auxiliary verbs, they are always used with a main verb but modal verbs express an attitude to what we say. They can express how certain or uncertain we are about an event, or how willing or unwilling we are to do something, for example. We will give attention to the four paired forms can and could, will and would, may and might, and shall and should and one of the singular forms- must.

Okay class, I have here different sentences. 1. How will express your ability and capability in something? 2. How will you give permission? 3. How can you offer someone an option? Who would want to read the sentences?

What did you observe from the sentences? Very good! So what is the function of can in the first sentence, John? Precisely! How about in the second sentence? Correct! In the third sentence? How about in the last sentence?

Meaning to say can is used to? There are three (3) functions of CAN and they are to… (The teacher will ask somebody to read the following from her PowerPoint presentation.) Is that clear? How about this… 4. How will you say request to someone politely? 5. How will you convey a suggestion? 6. How will you state possibility of something?

(The students will read the sentences provided by the teacher) 1. I can drive. 2. Can I use your phone please? 3. You can use my phone. 4. Students can pre-enrol the subjects. S1: The sentences uses can. S2: The word can in the first sentence state physical capacity or ability. The persona talking is stating that he is able to driving. S3: The word can in the second sentence ask permission or request. S4: In the third sentence the word can is used to give permission. S5: In the last sentence the word can is used to give an option.

S6: The function of CAN are the ff: 1. Showing ability 2. Suggest possibility or give an option. 3. To ask for or give permission. Yes Ma’am! S1: Could I use your phone, please? S2: We could go to the new restaurants. S3: It could rain today.

Very good! The functions of could are the following. Could you please read, Bea?

could functions as: 1. Polite permission 2. Suggestion/option 3. It also shows possibility.

Very good. Thank you!

7. How will ask permission in polite and formal way? How about these sentences? Who would like to read? What have you notice in this sentences? Yes Jane, How about the first sentence? How about the second sentence Mary Joy? …and the third? Yes John? Exactly! So what is the function of may? Can you differentiate may from could?

Very good! Who would like to read these sentences?

So what is the function of the sentences? You’re right! So might is used to show what?

S1: May I use your phone please? S2: It may rain today. S3: She may be at home.

S4: The first sentence express polite request. S5: The second sentence says possibility, more probable than could. S7: The third sentence is the same as the second one. May is used to: 1. Ask for a polite permission (formal way). 2. Give possibility, more probable than could.

1. It might rain today. 2. She might be at home. The probability of the event is greatly reduced when might is used. Possibility Ma’am.

Correct! Class, remember that may is used in writing because it is formal while might is more common in conversations. Are you still up? Modal are quite confusing but you should analyze the sentences to use the appropriate modals. Let’s continue. Who would like to read these sentences?

What does it have?

Very good! Base from the sentences what are the function of modal “will”?

Yes Ma’am!

(a student will read the sentences) 1. He will leave for the plane at 7am. 2. I will make dinner. 3. I will call you at 4pm. 4. The summer will be very hot. 5. Will you help me with these boxes? (a student will answer) The first sentence shows action for the future. The second sentence tells about a voluntary action. The third sentence is a promise. The next sentence after that is a prediction. The last question is a polite question. The functions of the modal will are the ff: 1. State future action.

2. Voluntary action. 3. Promise 4. Prediction 5. To ask polite question. Very good! Who would like to read these sentences?

1. When I lived in Manila, I would go to the mall every day. 2. Mark promised that he would help me with my Math homework.

How does “would” perform in the sentence? The first sentence indicated repeated action in the past. The second sentence indicates future time in the sentence that is in the past. Very well said! Do you understand?

Yes Ma’am!

How about these sentences? Who would like to read?

1. The defendant shall pay a fine of P2.000. 2. Shall we begin? 3. Thou shall not kill.

It is observable that the sentences have shall. What is the difference of function from each sentence?

The first sentence tells something about legal obligation. The second sentence of interrogative shows suggestion. The third sentence is a future action.

Very well said! So from the sentences mentioned, can you tell me the function of modal “shall”? That’s right! Would you please read these sentences? (pointing the student) Who can tell me the function of modal verb “should”?

Very good! And lastly, who wants to read and share his analysis about these sentences?

Function of shall 1. It state obligation. 2. Suggestion 3. Future action, rare, British 1. You should try the new restaurant downtown. 2. I should renew my driver’s license. 3. You should receive my letter in two days. The first sentence shows advisability. The second sentence tells about obligation. The last sentence shows expectation. Functions: 1. To give advice. 2. To show obligation. 3. To show expectation. 1. I must call my parent tonight. 2. She must be at home.

And what about these sentences? What does it tell us?

The first sentence tells about necessity and the other one shows very high probability.

What is the function of “must” in the sentence?

Function of must. 1. Indicate necessity or obligation. 2. Shows very high probability.

Do you all understand the different modal verbs? Formative (engaging and collaborative) Summative assessment after formative II.

Yes Ma’am! (the students will bring out ½ sheet of paper and pen)


In a ½ sheet of paper, answer the following activity. A. Choose among the choices the correct modal that is appropriate in the sentence. Write your answer in a ¼ sheet of paper. 1. She looks pretty sick. I think she _____ go to the doctor. (can, should) 2. You’ve been driving all day. You _____ be exhausted! (should, must) 3. Hey I’m lost! _____ you help me? (should, can) 4. I _____ do that if I were you! (could, should) 5. ______ we send the package by mail or by express? (Will, Shall) B. Paraphrase the sentences using appropriate modal. Write your answer at the back of the paper. e.g. It is possible that he comes with us tonight. (He might come with us tonight.) 1. There is a 100% chance of rain tomorrow. (It will rain tomorrow.) 2. It is possible for them to travel to Boracay Beach for the holidays. (They can travel to Boracay Beach for the holidays.) 3. Please drive carefully tonight, ok? (Would you drive carefully tonight?) 4. It is very unlikely that we get a loan from the bank, but it’s possible. (We might not get a loan from the bank.) 5. Perhaps Sarah lends Simon some money. (Sarah may lend Simon some money.) III. Generalization Who could give me the function of modal “can”? Very good! How about “could”?

That’s right! How about may and might? Thank you! That was right! So now, will and would?

The function of CAN are the ff: 1. Showing ability 2. Suggest possibility or give an option. 3. To ask for or give permission. Could functions as: 5. Past ability 6. Polite permission 7. Suggestion/option It also shows possibility. May is used in writing because it is formal while might is more common in conversations. Will function as: 1. State future action. 2. Voluntary action.

3. Promise 4. Prediction 5. To ask polite question. Would function to indicate a repeated action in the past. It also indicates future time in the sentence that is in the past. Okay correct! How about shall and should?

Function of shall 4. It state obligation. 5. Suggestion Future action, rare, British. Functions of should: 4. To give advice. 5. To show obligation. To show expectation.

Very nice! And lastly, must. Who would like to end it up?


Function of must. Indicate necessity or obligation. Shows very high probability.


Choose among the choices of modals to what is appropriate in the following sentences. 1. They _____ (must/may) be away for the weekends but I’m not sure. 2. He _____ (can/could) be French, judging by his accent. 3. I _____ (could/shall) go to the town plaza on Saturday. 4. This _____ (must/could) be the right answer but we’ll have to check with your teacher to make sure. 5. _____ (May/Can) you play the piano? 6. That looks very expensive! It _____ (should, must) have cost a fortune! 7. Hello Juan! Diego _____ (may, might) cook a viand if we visit him. 8. If I go to Laguna, I _____ (would, will) see the house of Jose Rizal’s family. 9. I think you _____ (should, can) take the train; it's faster than the bus. 10. _____ (Will, Would) you lend me two dollars to buy a coffee please?

End with a closure

Designed By: Yvette G. Viloria

Checked By: Wylene G. Herminigildo Ph.D.