Demon Gate Core Rulebook [PDF]

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Demon Gate Core Rulebook An apocalyptic dark fantasy tabletop roleplaying game set within a feudal, medieval era. You are a survivor, an adventurer fighting for your soul within a world filled with darkness and monsters. Delve into the ancient ruins of races long dead and otherworldly beings lost to the teeth of time. The black towers of the Void Gods hold untold treasures and mystic artifacts that wield esoteric technology, or what we call “magic”.



world with

Koth the

has final

suffered tragedy

through yet







legends say that the world was once infested by demons and for eons they have been imprisoned. Now stories are spreading around the campfires of the dead rising from their graves and the very darkness of the Veil Myst coming to drag souls to the Black Plane. If this is true, the Demon Gate has opened, and it will take more than just heroes to stop it.

The Apocalyptic Prophecies







the Pale Plague. The ashen hand will pass over mortals turning eyes black and flesh white. Take

“The first catastrophe that will mark the

heed the blood roots as the portent of doom to

beginning of the end of our world will be known


as the Shattering, the near destruction of Gana.

mercy for any who would pray for their children.

The moon will be lacerated by the Void Stone and

The white horde will wander the land to feast

it will break into pieces that will plummet from the

on flesh and then unto the realm of Hell. The

edge of the Never to Gaia, the land. It will bury

Order will bear false witness and break the lock of

our world, it will raise the oceans and the skies

Tartarus in search of truth.”

will burn. When the Tree of Zaghos trembles, the








-Caiman Mael

world will know its first slumber since the mortal

(9th prophet of Wyrmfire, 4 years Pre- Age of Bones)

dynasty, thus its second awakening shall come. The Tablet of Fate will be broken, and the eyes of Baal

will open in the depths of Tartarus.”

mortals. The army of Baal will rise and the quest to

- Vosow Moulung

“The third tragedy is to mark the dusk of

re-forge the soul gates will begin. They will march

(3rd prophet of Turad, 42 years Pre- Age of Falling)

over the world to burn, kill, and torture once the last seal is shattered. The atrocities that follow will be unspeakable and all will tumble into perdition.” -Azure Felling (Seer of Dalewynnd, 7 years Pre- Year of the Crow) 1

Chap te r I I

Table of Contents

Demon Gate Core Book

Chapter 1: Lore Pg. 4

Design Team Written & Created By: Brandon Williams a.k.a. “Rogue”

Chapter 2: Character Creation Chapter 3: Mortals of Koth

Pg. 13

Edited By: Amanda Williams, Richard Walker Art Direction: Brandon Williams

Pg. 45

Layout Design: Heather Christofaro, Rogue

Chapter 4: Classes & Abilities

Pg. 71








Williams, Heather Cristofaro, Michael Syrigos, Nele Diel, Piotr Chrzanowski

Chapter 5: Skills Pg. 168

Game Testers Steven Astacio, Todd Bauman, Ray Boettgar, Matthew

Chapter 6: Gods Pg. 218

Boggs, Jon Burlison, Daniel Chaplin, Guy Chaplin, Dave

Chapter 7: Combat Pg. 240







Dion, Lillard,


Francisco Ken


McCooey, Michelle







Ruiz, Adam Schmidt, David Smith, Simon Smith, Dan Ubach, David Whiting, Mandi Williams, Simon Yates

Chapter 8: Magic Pg. 270

Kickstarter Backers

Chapter 9: Equipment Pg. 329

Aaron Pothecary, Akiazoth, Alton Capps, Andrew Ferber, Angelo Pileggi, Anthony Thomson, Ben McArdle, Bez

Chapter 10: The Realms of Koth

Bezson, Boris J Cibic, Brian Young, Cameron Beach, Charlotte

Pg. 357

McCormick, Chelsey Thill, Christopher R. Tannahill, Craig Wright, Dan Lipman, Dan Ubach, Danny Groshong, Darren

Chapter 11: The Wilderness

Aldredge, Darren Forbes, Dave Creely, Dave “Wintergreen”

Pg. 397

Harrison, Dávid Csobay, David Lacerte, Dead Gentlemen, Dr. Donald A. TURNER, Edwin Ghigliotty Jr., Eric Moffitt,

Chapter 12: Game Master Rules

Felix Salazar, Fidel S. Arbolaez, Merry Crystal, Grant A.

Pg. 407

Carter, Fuzzy, Anton H., Haley Eskridge, Heather Fildes, Herman Duyker, Solistia, James M. Wood, James Unick,

Chapter 13: Creatures of Koth


Pg. 437







Jemiah Whiting, Jeremy Siemon, J. R. Howard, Joe Dunham, Joseph S Lipman, Jörg Bours, John Dallas DeWeese, John K, Jon Terry, Jordan White, Jordi Rabionet, Jose Fernandez, Joshua “MonKy” Downing, Kevin Lama, Two Tails, Amadan, Lucho Castro, Mark Crew, Mark Stanley, Martin


C h aracte r Cre atio n Wagner, Matt Wood, Matthew Wright, Max Bantleman, Strange






In a role-playing game the game master (GM) and


players (PCs) are going to make their own stories within this

Musselman, Michael Wenditz, Michael “Talthos” Willett,

world and play the game just how they wish to. A great deal

Michelle Pauley, Michelle Zuck, Mike Shema, Morgan Hazel,

of the lore in which you may read in these pages are often

Mark R. Lesniewski, Nicholas Muehlenweg, Oliver R Shead,

accounts from characters in the game, so not all are meant to

Marco Streekmann, Patricia Efird, Paul Umbers, Alexander

be exact or even true, only tales as they perceive them. Many

Haeberle, Robert Dion, Rob McKavanagh, Feral Gamers

creatures thought to be extinct, such as the dragon, actually

Inc., Ronald Pyatt, Ross Meats, Ryan Holdbrooks, M. Ryan

still do exist. Most of the world is rebuilt upon the ashes of

McKenzie, The Sage Experiment, Scott Smith, Sergio A

fallen eras. Thus, you are free to make your own stories out

Saenz, Stevan Allen, Steven Noll, Sylvain ‘Sly’ Pronovost,

of the lore you read. In the GM section you will find the

Taylor Emery, Glenn Berry, Timothy Baker, Tristan Wolfe

most accurate accounts of the actual chronology of Koth. This

DeRoches, Brandon Lee Wesley Tack, Wade Geer, Warren P

leaves it up to the GM to share information as they see fit.

Nelson, William Greer, Nick Colombo

The rules within are merely guidelines for you to

follow and if the GM and players feel like changing certain

Special Thanks

rules to “house rules” then so be it. The combat system of

Thanks to my wife and kids, if it were not for them I would

the game uses the Chaos System and it is quite brutal. Just

have finished this book years ago. Seriously though, I love

remember that if you want to survive then you must take

them and would not have been able to do this without

steps to strategize and try to think of what you would do

them either. Thanks to everyone that has helped make it all

in each situation, because one strong hit can kill you just as

possible. Game testers, crew, and backers, you all have been a

quickly as one wrong step. Survival is also a monumental part

great help and inspiration. Good gaming to you all!

of the game, finding food, water, and shelter in the harsh -Rogue

climates is necessary. Sunlight is a great tool for survival, it can blast a spirit back to its plane of existence, or turn an undead monster horde to ash. Use your skills, wits, and gear

Roleplaying in Koth

to keep yourself alive. You start with the bare minimum of equipment, totally broke and pretty much on the verge of

Demon Gate is meant to be a dark fantasy role-

only just becoming your actual character class at 1st level.

playing game. It uses an element of horror and high fantasy,

Your character class is defined by your skills at first, until you

then mixes it all up with some miniature battle rules. It is

begin to unlock your class specific abilities at second level.

a sci-fi alien world, trapped in a medieval fantasy era. The

stories that you create during gameplay are meant to have a


somber feel, grim, and dangerous. It is a post-apocalyptic

horrors. While doing this it also allows the game master

realm that over the past few centuries survived through many

and players to create amazing stories that are sure to be

devastating eras, such as the Shattering and the Pale Plague.

remembered for years to come. When you play a table-

It is prophesized that there is one more cataclysm still to

top roleplaying game you are not just rolling dice and

come, when the Demon Gate lets loose Hell upon the world.

killing monsters, you are creating a saga. Many movies, books,


and shows were even created from the very stories that were

become powerful enough to be immortals or even gods that

made in RPGs. So, let me shut up so you can start making

can quest against all the soul gates and destroy them. In the

your stories. Good gaming to you and may you conquer all

Demon Gate universe most worlds come with their own

of your demons.







The point of the game is to have fun though, in






Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory. All are surrounded by the layers




of dimensions within the multi-verse and the Spirit World is one of them. It is possible to die in one world and move onto

Check out other products

the next and continue your character.

by Arcanum Syndicate


Chap te r I

The Ever War

There is a conflict that began within the midst of

the great Void between light and darkness. An endless war within the Never; a place that exists simultaneously with our own, yet is hidden behind the umbra of the Spirit World. It is a place where ageless beings dwell in the coldest dark. An abode to ancient vile gods, that not even nightmares may birth shape to. It is believed that this war has always been since the times of the Travail and it will always be. Our story started at some unknown point within infinity. Eons, ages, unfathomable to mortals. For there are worlds scattered in the vast expanse of our universe amidst the sea of stars that have felt the echo of this war. Fractures of its existence ripple through the planes of reality. A battle between gods and devils that will not end. So, now we must fight for our place on the battlefield and huddle next to any light that might grant us sanctuary, any fire in an ocean of endless night. For it is the light that will keep the teeth in the darkness at bay. -Inscribed on the Tablets of Fate

The Traveler “In the darkest ages of mortals there was a secret that echoed through the stars. Scholars and wise men looked to the night sky and believed they knew the answer. They could not have been more wrong.” -Eldijar the Scribe of Vazuun Denaahl

“In the beginning there was only darkness, the Void

consumed all that there was and no life knew warmth nor solace. An ancient entity known as Zaghos the Timeworn, caused what is called the Travail as the entity shattered our universe was born and at that same moment the entity in its primordial form died. Eternal night did pass as the Fire Gods were formed in the Mists of Time. From their light, the Tree of Zaghos arose and it grew to manifest all worlds within its branches. These worlds gave birth to all things of spirit and around these spirits their physical forms did grow. For all things possess a spirit just as all things must die and then be reborn.


Lo re

Our world gave birth to the behemoths and the

leviathans but these things were too great and did not survive the ages. For they knew not but destruction and destroyed the land, sea and each other. Yet, from the fire gates the Dragon Lords did come. Through wyrmholes they traversed the Never to escape their dying god of fire, for upon the death of their god its power would shatter all surrounding worlds and take all their spirits with it. Thus, they came to Koth and brought us with them. We the thokk, the kin of dragons owe our very existence to these beings of fire.

For thousands of years we served the Dragon Lords.

Until one day the Void Gods came from the sky to wage war on our world. The dragons fought against the Void Gods and the skies filled with battle. The dead rained down upon our world and burned. They controlled the power of storms and fired lightning from staves of terrible magic. They flew inside the bellies of mertacullum beasts. They infected our world and leeched the life from the land with the construction of their black towers and the power to control the dead.

The Dragon Lords lost the war and went into

hiding or fled. The Void Gods harvested the power from the mertacullum and created magical gates to other worlds. Their dark technology and black magic was awe striking to behold and yet so terrifying to witness. They conjured wyrm devils, the demonic spirits of dead dragons to guard their gates. They used us as slaves to mine for centuries and then suddenly they stopped as if something in the stars troubled them. They withdrew all forces and left in such a hurry that much was left behind. Even their criminals were left in the dungeons of their black towers. Those criminals that over time grew twisted and ever viler, that in death they would become powerful demons that would await any foolish enough to step foot inside the black towers to pilfer. So, it came to pass that the Void Gods left our world unhinged. Did they leave in haste due to fear or had some other purpose fueled their flight?

A time of sorrow befell the land as we starved and

prayed to the Gods of Fire to help us. Many dark years tore at our hearts as we pled and sacrificed. To the twin stars Aos and Set we asked for mercy. Then, a star fell from the sky in a ball of flame and burst into a great light. The traveler had moved eons across the Void, now shattering the shadows into a thousand fires. He had heard our prayers and he had come to answer them. He had traveled so long across the Never that he had forgotten much. Yet, in time he put


Chap te r I the pieces together. As he unlocked the memories that the Void had taken from him, he became omnipotent. Baal was what he named himself and we bowed before our lord. He came to harness the powers of the Void Gods with ease. The Great One rewarded us for our obedience and gave us hope. He walked with us and brought down our enemies with the gift of storms. Baal stood beside us in our times of hardship and sought out the 10 Spirit Shards forged in the hearts of the twin stars that the Dragon Lords had hidden away, so that this realm would hold all manner of beings. Things of stone, things of fire, of ice, and things of flesh could all exist and walk with our divine creator. He taught us how powerful souls were. That all things contained spirit, yet the soul was the spirit of mortal things and souls held powerful energy. He wanted more souls for his quest of light. For it is known that the darkness of our world had been set for too long, for the cycle it was to come again. The Great One had arrived from far away in the stars to free us from our suffering, to save us from ourselves. Our Lord would lead us to paradise.” -Excerpt from the Book of Baal


Written in ezeethanall, the dead tongue of the thokk and the dragons, there

are ruins that still hold the words of the all-powerful Seraphim. The mighty angels of dominant dragons, these powerful spirits of fire ascended to the heavens in the battles that changed the world of Koth forever. As I run my torch across the images within the ruins beneath Wyrmfall I know why the thokk worshiped these beings. In life, their power was untouched and their wrath could bring doom to an entire city. Such is the legacy of Wyrmfall. This city once thrived on the coast facing the mystic country of Myen Wu. Now it lay in ashes, a skeleton of what it once was. Its ruins are filled with monsters and demons that wait until nightfall to hunt the land in search of mortals to feast upon. I have paid my fellow soldiers from Veldwar a hefty sum of silver to protect me in my research; I hope they hold true on their bargain for now I know half of them have gone looking for treasure. I warned them, this place has many angry spirits to stir up within its bowels.

These words in ezeethanall seem to be in an older dialect yet I can still

translate some. They were written by a thokk scribe who names herself Jezaphar. There are images with her words suggesting that a council was held during the “Trivium,” the eclipse when Aos, Set, & Gana align with Koth in a complete surge of power... or perhaps their word for mana is used here. It seems they used this time to council with other great wyrms from another world, possibly their home world. I can see images of a gate, unmistakably crafted from mertacullum by the look of the artistry depicting the shimmering metal. Yet then it is written that the council of the wyrms is interrupted or broken. The Wyrmdevils attack the Seraphim and shatter the Dragon Gate, destroying their passage home forever.

Could this be true? Perhaps this is merely a legend of their people, or perhaps the remains of the

old Dragon Gate still reside in the ruins here? The underground portion of Wyrmfall is said to be a vast and majestic labyrinth of passages, chambers, and awe-inspiring grottos. I cannot wait to delve deeper and unlock more mysteries of these tombs. I will find more tomorrow, seems as though the men have found something. -Last Entry (Gregory Lacell of Northwater)


Lo re

The Age of Bones

“The darkness of this world cannot be broken by the fires of the twin suns Aos and Set. Neither the Twelve Fates nor

the Gods of Light will be able to break the paradigm to save what is left of the reign of mortals. It is written in the Books of the Tao, chiseled into the Tablets of Fate, and etched into the minds of all the prophets who walk upon the surface of Koth that one day the Demon Gate will bring about the doom of our world. Everything ends and everything begins, so it is said and so it is written. So, shall the cycle continue to evolve and then perhaps a time will arise where there is no more war.

The year is 1378 of the 11th Era, the Year of the Crow. It is a time of darkness, where

light is precious and vital to keep things most foul at bay. Fire is a lifeline and as important as water within this ravaged world. It is the dead of winter, the time of the Algor when the land becomes engulfed in this darkness, in a night that lasts three-months long. I write by the light of my candle as the wind howls outside my windows which I have boarded up to keep the creatures out. The Algor is a time for hiding by the flames. “Keep the fire high,” is a common farewell known throughout the land and uttered by many in passing. The legends of black witches and the dead rising from the graves are becoming much more prominent of late. There are rumors of a fog that they call the Veil Myst. This mist comes in the dark of night and all the dead that it passes over arise to feed on the living, even those who are buried in graves find their way out of the cold ground. Many warn of this fog for it always carries with it all manner of twisted horrors. Some say it is a rift to the Black Plane, that opens and closes letting things in and taking them away. Many who have gotten lost in the Veil Myst are said to return possessed or mad. The night watch has had to kill many that return for they are filled with a maniacal rage and try to kill their neighbors. An old man told me last winter to board up my doors and windows this year. For if the Veil Myst comes even the darkness can come to life and tear at your flesh. It is harsh time living after the Pale Plague came and took so many lives. All are told to burn their dead now, so that they will not rise against us. If the light of the suns will scorch these demons to ash, banishing their broken souls back to the Spirit World where they belong, then I pray for it. I pray to the Gods of Light.

I believe that there is a Spirit World and that there are gods of light, shadow,

and dark that rule its kingdoms. Many pray to the gods and each race has their own beliefs, yet I think all of them hold similar truths. Our souls will move on when we die to a new realm and we will have a chance to live again. I think that our actions in this world will define or shape what our spirits become in the next life. I suppose some of us get caught between worlds. Perhaps those who die with unfinished business or those who die fueled by so much hate, maybe they get trapped here? Everything has a spirit, but the souls of mortals are the most powerful spirits. It is this power that the demons and djinn seek, or so say the scriptures of the High Order. For who better to know about death than they?

The High Order also preach about the Apocalyptic Prophesies and how they will come to pass. One cannot

dismiss the fact that these predictions have all come true so far, thus fear has gripped many and caused a great storm of panic among the people to rush toward any religious power for guidance and protection. I was not alive in the Age of Falling to witness what destruction the Shattering had wrought but I bear witness to its aftermath. One has only to cast a glance to the sky and see for themselves that our moon, Gana has been grievously wounded by the Void Stone. The Broken Moon and


Chap te r I the Shattered Isles lay for all to witness the wrath of the gods. Four great pieces of Gana float near it, with smaller bits trailing along and it has been this way since my childhood. They say when it happened the entire world trembled and pieces fell to the surface of our world. In an instant, entire cities were turned to ash. As well, I have read on the years that followed known as the Eternal Winter. There were 150 years of cold darkness. A time that makes the Algor seem like such a trivial thing.

Many adventurers seek fortunes in the ruined

remnants of what the Age of Falling left upon our world. It is written that the Shattering was the reason for the end of the thokk race. The people that were not eradicated by the destruction are claimed to have later been buried by the Eternal Winter. Their ruins can still be traversed, and their graves plundered, but it is said that they too went the way of their ancient masters, the dragons. Now they live on only in the myths and legends of our tragic tales. You can sometimes find their curious artifacts, ruins, and paintings on cave walls. I have heard that adventurers often quest for ancient void god technology or archaic weapons of age-old magic to trade and use. These artifacts must be worth a king’s ransom, filled with powerful runes, and shaped from mertacullum steel. The steel alone is a mystical metal that can channel magical energy through it and enhance it in terrifying ways. They must be a magnificent thing to behold.

The black towers of the old gods still stand after

ages and still hold deadly traps. They are also said to possess demonic and horrific beings within them that will forever guard their forgotten treasures. The Black Towers are said to be strewn across Koth where the old gods searched for mertacullum in the ground. Yet, they are difficult to reach or even locate. I wonder as well if they hide the Soul Gates that legends speak of within them? Perhaps if my life had been different, I too would have longed to travel the lands in search of adventure?

Regrettably, I was around for the Pale Plague which

surfaced in the year 1365 of the 11th Era. I had only witnessed 16 winters at the time when the plague hit my village in Kauldane, a hamlet called Vaswick. It would ruin my life and steal the lives of all those I held dear. It was my little brother Tibbun that caught the fever first, then my mum. Who with all the warnings that the village gave her and the priest that turned us away, she would not relent. She could not bear to let Tibbun suffer all alone and I could not blame her.


Lo re


Chap te r I

My father told me to leave the house and stay with my uncle until he called for me, but that call never came. My home, along with many others had been stigmatized by the white mark of the plague. They were boarded up and those inside were burned to death. That did not work for every victim, for it was too late. Some pale ones broke free and charged those who were not cursed. In what I have witnessed as pure rage, they would claw, bite, and trample the living without remorse and try to feast on their flesh. There is no longer a mortal in control of the pale body, this I know for sure.

It did not take long for the High Order to call upon all councils to enact a desperate law. They would call it

the Black Arbitration. These “arbitrators” were necromancers, all summoned to take part in trying to bring some kind of control. However, this did not work. The necromancers had the power to control the dead through the use of black magic, but the pale ones were not dead. They were cursed, infected, and uncontrollable. The light of the stars could not even kill them even though they behaved much like the mindless undead, they were something else. These arbitrators were disbanded, and many were treated in the worst manner. Some were blamed or burned at the stake as the laws quickly changed and the Black Arbitration was destroyed. These former arbitrators that were not chased off or killed discovered that once the pale ones finally died from the plague, they could be animated and controlled. This only granted necromancers a new weapon, known as the plague zombie.

Many have chosen to ignore the warning signs or choose not to believe them. There once was a time when the

demons enslaved our world, and vile devils such as Baal ruled us all. All these myths and legends are still told around the campfires and commoners do not want to believe the tales. The empire continues to operate as normal, selling slaves, gladiator games, counting their imperial coin, and enjoying lavish parties. Trade continues as normal on the Spice Road as the cities deal and barter. What else are we to do I suppose? I believe it is up to all mortals to unite! As we did in the old books, during the Thrall Wars, we must all join together again to fight the demons! I believe that the darkness is coming for us all and we need great heroes once again, who will fight the evil and seal the devils away into Tartarus once more. -Rynthro Kal of Candle Street, Northwater

Eldijar’s Calendar

Time is kept track of by eras, years, months, days, and hours. An era represents the amount of years in which a

matter of great importance takes place and will not be recorded until that age is finished in many instances. This subject of great importance quite often takes a length of many years and is often based on some worldwide event whether it is caused by nature, war, or gods. The first successful calendar was created by Junhammad Eldijar of Vazuun Denaahl. His studies in astronomy and the positioning of the moon and suns as they relate to Koth and surrounding planets are world renowned. Eldijar’s Calendar has now become the primary source of time keeping to all the realms. It spread quickly as it became the universal calendar for the merchants on the road or by ship. You may find the most accurate timeline within the game master chapter, it is the GM who may or may not wish to share the true history.

Years are all named individually just as ages are named. Years are often referred to as “winters” by many people.

This tradition has only just recently become popular. During the time of the demon lords it is believed that they did not keep track of time the same way mortals do. Since mere years mean little to the lifespan of immortals. There are 360 days in the span of one year, and every six years there is an extra day added to the calendar in the month of Frostfall. There are twelve months in every year, thirty days in each month. The Twelve Fates are astrological symbols made of star patterns in the night sky and they also represent the twelve months. There are 10 days in each week, thus three weeks in every month.

Each month in those 30 days there is a special day that marks the middle of that month and the beginning of the

second half. This special day is reserved for festivities and often a time of celebration in many ways. Different countries have different special days added within their own culture, yet Eldijar’s calendar is very widespread in its use now. This has become the most popular method of time keeping for most countries.


Lo re

Months Month

Season Description

Special Day (Half Month)



Ice Fang: festivals and prayers for strength to fight through the dark winter.


Melting Snows

Cleansing: celebrates winters end, Algor’s end, and the start of a new year.


Dead Remains

High Feast: bonfires light all over the realms and all drink and feast to the dead.


Spring Regrowth

Seed Day: planters’ day and fertility festivities and celebration of love.


In Bloom

Barter Day: time of major trade and trade agreements throughout the realms.


Green Thrives

Root Day: celebrations and tree festivals of spring’s arrival.



High Fire: bonfires and burning of enemy wooden sculptures. Lords grant gifts.


Summers End

Exodus: moving south for the winter many merchants migrate and plan for the cold.


Harvest Time

Day of the Dead: harvest and prayers are offered to respect the dead.


Fall Alignment

Convergence: all can witness the alignment of planets and celestial bodies in the sky.


Fall Fades

Falling Stars: meteor showers mark the dark days when even day is night.

Far Star*

Winters Dark

Eventide: the star Aos is seen far away and the eclipse brings total darkness.

*The Algor: the three months of darkness is thought to be caused by the dark gods and a deal made with the gods of light and shadow. Yet, some astronomers claim it is the elongated, elliptical orbit, and the great distance that is reached from Koth to the two suns Aos and Set during the winter. In truth this is not yet understood at all. This cold night, where fire is most vital begins on the day of Falling Stars, in the month of Falling. Shooting stars are often seen streaming across the sky in a brilliant yet foreshadowing event that serves as the warning of the coming dawnless days. The Algor lasts through the rest of Falling, Far Star, Frostfall, and finally comes to an end halfway through the month of Puritan on the day of Cleansing.

Days & Hours

Each day is comprised of 24 hours, which are separated into eight parts, thus leaving three hours within each of the eight parts of the day. The people of Koth often use the short version of the name for the day while the long, proper title is usually reserved for more formal matters such as during prayers, marriages, and notices posted by the magistrate. d10

Days of the Week



Name of Hours




Vorsadyn (vor-sah-din)



Twilight (Crepusculum)

1 to 3

1 to 3 am


Windadyn (win-dah-din)



Dawn (Matutinus)

4 to 6

4 to 6 am


Moljordyn (mul-yor-din)



Morning (Mane)

7 to 9

7 to 9 am


Theljordyn (thel-yor-din)



High Stars (Sidera)

10 to 12

10 am to 12 pm


Syndagdyn (sin-dawg-din)



Midday (Meridies)

13 to 15

1 to 3 pm


Hillsadyn (hil-sah-din)



Dusk (Opacare)

16 to 18

4 to 6 pm


Sudagdyn (soo-dawg-din)



Nightfall (Noctem)

19 to 21

7 to 9 pm


Ferisardyn (fair-iz-ar-din)



High Moon (Altum Luna)

22 to 24

10 pm to 12 am


Ursedyn (Er-sah-din)


Common greetings: “Hail”, “High day”, “Fair shine”, “Salute”.


Terisardyn (tair-iz-ar-din)


Common partings: “Opacare”, “Keep the fire high”, “Keep safe”.


ch aracte r cre atio n

Character Creation “Cherish every moment with those that you hold most dear, for each day tries to take them from you.” —Bayloff the Bard

In this chapter you will learn how to create a

character from scratch. You may choose from the character races and character class templates that are supplied within these pages. Following these steps will get you through the process with ease. Just follow the directions for the 20 steps to creating a character. If you are a novice to roleplaying games you may want to read through these following chapters. If you just want to get on with it then make sure to go through the checklist of 20 steps to character creation. The list of the 20 steps are on the following page and the order in which you will carry them out falls right behind this list in the following chapters.

Sometimes a player makes a healer just because

the party needs a healer and they end up not really caring about the character and put less into the story due to that. Everyone should pick what they want to be unless the GM wishes to place restrictions on a campaign. Yes, it is more strategic to build a party with a warrior out front to smash things, an archer or caster for long range, a rogue for picking those locks, and a healer to patch everyone up when they are beaten up, but it does not have to be like this. Choose what class you feel you want to play. Make a character that interests you.

Everyone should play their part in adding to the

story for that is what it is all about, making a great story together and having fun. Everyone should design their own interesting part within the game because it makes it that much more enjoyable when you get a bunch of players together who are willing to let themselves fall into the story. It is your willingness to accept your part that allows the characters to become believable. You must be willing to allow your character to be afraid, willing to have compassion, or to show feeling about situations as if you were in them. If everyone is willing to feed off the GM’s direction it will certainly help to build the story. Whatever you do though, we hope you enjoy playing your character.


Chap te r I I

20 Steps to Creating a Character Step Task: 1.

15. (Optional) Use the Disposition Table and roll twice to give your character 2 random dispositions if you like.

Choose your character race (Pg. 45).

16. Roll your physical beauty using 2d10; the GM may allow

2. Choose a character class; this is your profession (Pg. 71).

you to roll 3 times and choose one of the results.

3. Distribute 100 points to attributes no higher than 18, no

17. Alter any stats necessary if anything was changed. Add

lower than 3. Or add 4d6 but drop the lowest number.

2 points to each action point category and frenzy pool.

4. Modify attributes according to your racial modifiers,

18. Fill in the ranks, levels, and dice for every character skill

found on the page describing your race.

or attribute. Configure hit points.

5. Fill in attribute mods and stats: damage mod, defense

19. Roll a random name on the name generator or choose a

mod, toughness, etc. on the attribute table (Pg. 20).

name or nickname for your character.

6. Fill in your skills according to the character class

20. Create a brief back story for your character and you are

template, simply record them to your character packet.

ready to die!

7. Buy your skills with your skill slots found on your class template under character skills. (SC = Slot Cost) 8. Choose your languages according to your race and your intelligence attribute. 9. Fill in your racial abilities if applicable. 10. Fill in your starting equipment found on your class template, simply copy items to your packet. 11. Configure your starting money by rolling the die shown on your class template. 12. Choose character’s religious beliefs, God or Gods. Start the game with a Soul of 10 unless noted otherwise. 13. Fill in your spells if applicable; details are found in the magic chapter. 14. Use Ghost Saga points and get Character Traits if you wish to do so, you begin with 5 Ghost Saga to spend.


C h aracte r Cre atio n 1) Choose Your Character Race

lowest number you may place on an attribute is 3. Keep in mind when you are spending your points, that your character class

For player characters (PCs) they are given a list of different

template will recommend specific attributes that might help

races to choose for their character. Each race is explained in a brief

your skills perform a little better but it isn’t entirely necessary to

detail so that you can get to know what the race is like, a bit about

place the highest attributes where it says, that is your choice. For

their history, art, trade, and what strengths or weaknesses they

example; a warrior with low strength might not be such a great

possess. Some of the imagery that is displayed on the race layout

idea but it is up to you. If you would like an example on how to

will show you different versions of the species and subspecies that

divide your points up, use this: 18, 18, 16, 14, 12, 12, and 10. Then place

exist. There is usually never just one color, size, or shape. There

these numbers into the first attribute box on your character sheet

are many varieties and sometimes it depends upon the tribe they

as you see fit. Yes, these seven numbers add up to 100. It allows

originate from or from thousands of years of evolution. Racism

you to throw two 18s into your primary attributes, and it keeps you

certainly exists in the realm of Koth and this is something to

from getting too low of a score on any other attributes.

think about when developing your icon. Some races have a bad

reputation with other races, especially after decades of war

Another option for configuring your attributes is one I

like to refer to as “Hard Mode”. There are no rules that say you

between the different cultures. Every being that a PC may choose

cannot roll randomly for your attributes and if the GM wishes for

to play in this game is a mortal race. You may find and choose your

you to have a totally random and underdog campaign you can all

race starting on pg. 45.

roll for your 7 primary attributes as it was in the old school days of tabletop role-playing. If you or the GM wishes you to create

2) Choose a Character Class

your character using this method it is a good way to keep things

After choosing your race you will want to give your character a

more realistic and difficult. The odds are against you if you use this

specialty, trade, or profession. This is what your character class is.

method for the distribution of 100 points as listed above is quite

It may have been something else in your youth, yet once it comes

often more gratuitous than the random rolling and a lot faster.

time to play your character, whatever class you choose is what you

Yet, if you wish to use the random rolling method, a way that is

are once you begin the game. Character classes are first separated

often used is the 4d6 method. You will roll 4d6 adding the three

into two primary categories: mundane or caster. A mundane class

highest numbers together. These results will grant you no higher

is simply a character that does not possess the skill of sorcery

than an 18 and no lower than a 3 as is the rule of the initial attribute

(the ability to cast spells). So then a caster is obviously a mortal

configuration. There are many methods but this one fits well.

that does possess the ability to cast spells. If you are a mundane character, it is possible to become a caster but only if you choose

Attribute Checks

to multi-class your character, which may only be accomplished at

Your attributes will be used to make tests or checks to see if your

level 13 through 30. That will be talked about more later on though.

character may accomplish a specific task. The GM will ask you

Another category that divides the character classes apart

to make an attribute check to perform within a specific situation

is the character faction. You will find the classes on page pg. 71.

such as perception to notice something. Let us say the GM knows

There are four character faction types; Fighters, Rogues, Wizards,

there is a clue on the ground in the bedroom and it is barely

and Spiritualists. This usually only matters in times when the

visible under the dresser, so the GM asks everyone in the room

character is gaining an ability. There are class specific abilities,

to make a perception check to see if they notice the clue. The

there are open abilities (open to anyone), there are caster abilities

GM makes up the target number, or you can use the table in the

(only available to casters), and there are faction abilities that only

skills chapter to get an idea of what target numbers fit well for the

classes under the specific faction may gain.

difficulty. The clue is not very hard to see so the GM says the target number is 4. The GM does not have to tell everyone the target number but it is often more fun. With the target

3) Distribute 100 Points on Attributes

number being 4 everyone rolls their perception die or dice and

or Roll Them Randomly

tries to get a 4 or higher. The highest roll over the target number

You are given 100 points to spend on your 7 attributes as you wish.

most likely sees it first. Each attribute is described on the following

The highest number you may place on one attribute is 18. The

pages in detail and an example of an attribute check will be given.


Chap te r I I 4) Modify Attributes According to Race

damage modifier is added to the initial result. If any multipliers are thrown into the damage equation; power damage, combo damage

Remember that these attributes that you have placed may be

or critical damage, then you must add this damage (base damage

modified due to your race. Racial modifiers may take points

and modifier) before multiplying them.

away from a specific attributes, but they will also add points to others. Certain races may be genetically faster, smarter, stronger,

Weight Allowance: this represents what weapons and armor your

or more perceptive than others due to the manner in which they

character can use based on the strength attribute. Any armor you

have evolved. Humans are once again the base attribute scale,

find that has a weight allowance that is too high cannot be used.

therefore they do not modify any of their attributes but they do gain an additional skill slot. Every other race has its strengths and

VL = Very Light (1-3 strength)

weaknesses so to speak. Yet, any of their strengths will be balanced

L = Light (4-9 strength)

out by their weaknesses to keep most of the races balanced. After

M = Moderate (10-14 strength).

you mod the attributes due to your race, this may bring your score

At this strength you can dual wield 2 very light weapons.

over 18 or even under 3. Now you may move on to the next step.

H = Heavy (15-19 strength).

At this strength you can dual wield 2 light weapons.

VH = Very Heavy (20+ strength).

At this strength you can dual wield 2 moderate weapons.

5) Fill in Attribute Mods and Stats Attribute stats are the numbers that represent a character’s attribute and the modifers for them. This includes; damage modifi-

At a strength attribute of 30 you may dual wield 2 heavy

er, defense modifier, initiative modifier, mental defense, etc. These

weapons. At strength attribute 50 you can dual wield 2 very heavy

statistics are found on Pg. 20-23 on a table called the Attribute

weapons if the weapon is not specifically two handed. For instance;

Table. This is one of the most important tables in the book for

one cannot wield dual longbows. Use your judgment if it is simply

players and GMs to have handy for quick reference. Simply locate

ridiculous then do not do it.

your attribute on the table and see what modifiers you have to

write down on your character sheet. For instance, for strength you

attribute. If you possess strength of 16, you may multiply the

would have to find your damage modifier and your weight allow-

attribute by x 7.5 to find out how much you can carry before you

ance. For dexterity find your defense and initiative modifier. Also

are encumbered. Multiplying the result by x 10 will show you how

find your movement modifier and write it on your character sheet.

many lbs. or units of weight that you can carry before becoming

Do the rest of the stats just like this, simply jotting the information

over encumbered. Doing this will cause you to become fatigued

down on your character sheet according to each attribute.

Your weight allowance can be measured by your strength

and suffer points to your physical condition if you are over encumbered for an amount of minutes beyond your body attribute.


There are items and abilities that can help you out in carrying

This attribute represents the character’s physical strength.

more weight, but be careful not to carry too much.

This alters your damage modifier with melee and unarmed combat. It also gives you a certain weight allowance in order to use certain weapons or carry certain types of armor. When you punch some-


one in the face, hit someone with a club, or stab someone with a sword just add your damage modifier to whatever you rolled on

The agility and quickness of your character is mea-

your dice to find base damage! It also represents how far you can

sured by your dexterity attribute. Your defense modifier and your

throw weapons which is usually half your strength in inches. An

initiative modifier are based off of your dexterity. As well, your

example of a strength check would be trying to lift a heavy wagon

movement is configured and determined by what race you are and

off of an ally trapped beneath it.

the modifier to your base movement is altered according to your dexterity. You can gather this information from the Attribute

Damage Modifier: this damage is added to all unarmed and melee

Table. For the most part most characters start the game with the

attacks. From punches, axes, and swords you are adding this to

same defense and initiative modifier. Later you may gain abilities,

your base damage, which is the damage you roll on the dice. The

talents, or items that alter the two.


C h aracte r Cre atio n

An example of a dexterity check may be when trying to

subtracted from the damage you take to your hit points. Usually

jump over a pit of spikes. Trying to catch an item that an ally has

the only time toughness does not soak damage is if the damage is

thrown to you. A good example of trying to make a resisted dexter-

already within your body, such as the reoccuring damage of poison.

ity check would be your character trying to leap onto the back of a

another much larger creature.

Having a high body attribute will grant your character

more maximum hit points for each attribute point that you raise once you reach a body of 16 or higher. Actually, each time you are

Defense Modifier: this represents your bonus to defend physical

granted another point to your body attribute your bonus to your

attacks. This is the modifier that you add to your 20 sided die when

max hit points will be increased by the number shown under hit

rolling to defend an attack. Your types of defense, found on the

point adjustment. So, if you have a 16 body attribute and then

character sheet show you the Physical, magical, and mental mod-

moved to a 17 you would also gain 3 more max hit points, but these

ifiers. Write your current modifier into the physical and magical

are only gained when advancing in attributes after creation.

spaces. Mental defense is determined by your willpower attribute.

An example of making a body check would be when

Initiative Modifier: this will also be the same as your defense mod-

trying to hold your breath while swimming through an underwater

ifier to start. These things may be modified later during game-play.

cave. Perhaps you are running a long distance stretch with your

Your initiative modifier is added to your initiative die (d10) at the

gear on and your armor trying to hunt down some goblins and

beginning of combat scenarios.

you have to make it several miles before nightfall, this would fall under a body check for the endurance to do the task. Sometimes

Movement: this number given by your dexterity attribute is add-

when you are encumbered, carrying a weight that is over x 7.5 your

ed to the number of the movement given to you by your char-

strength attribute (in units of weight) and you have to make a body

acter race. The sum of this is your character’s movement, which

check to keep from falling into exhaustion. Losing 25% of you body

can be doubled if you are running. Some creatures may even have

attribute can cause you to also lose 25% of your max hit points. This

the ability to fly, which is normally x3 to your base movement.

is also lost at 50% and 75%. If you lose 100% of your body attribute, you also lose 100% of your max hit points.

5’ feet equals 1 inch (with miniature use and hex grids) = 1 movement. Many distance rules within the book will be expressed in

Body Save: whenever your character gets poisoned by venom,

inches for the use of miniatures.

toxins, suffers physical trauma, or suffers a chance of disfigurement; such as losing limbs you must make a body save. Some body

Example: many races start with a movement of 3, which when using

saves are reserved for instant kill shots as well. Basically this can

miniatures is 3 inches. If your dexterity is high enough you will

save you or kill you in some circumstances. The number of your

gain a +1 bonus bringing your movement to 4 which you will write

body save is actually the target number that you must match or

on your character sheet. If you want to run during the game this

beat while rolling a d20. As your body attribute increases your

can be doubled (x2) to mean you can run up to 8 inches during

body save will decrease, which is good. This is different from

your turn. If you are using miniatures it is recommended that you

normal body checks and is reserved for the most dangerous

use a battle map with hexes on it, or simply use a ruler or measur-

aspects of physical trauma effects.

ing tape.


Toughness: this number represents your body’s natural armor

Your character’s body attribute shows your restraint

rating and it defends against all physical damage. Any armor

against physical damage. It represents how much endurance you

defeating hits are still soaked by this number unless the damage is

possess as well, holding your breath, running long distances, and

already inside you, such as the damage dealt by poison each round.

how your body fares against sickness or disease. These things

You must add your toughness to your total armor rating to gain

depend upon your character’s body attribute along with other

your Total Armor Value.

details such as Toughness. Any physical damage taken by the body is soaked by toughness. Even during armor defeating hits, tough-

Hit Point Adjustment: The hit point adjustment that you gain for

ness is there. Toughness represents your body’s natural armor

raising your body attribute is always added to your maximum hit

rating and unless otherwise specified toughness is always

points. So if you move from an 18 body to a 19 you would gain +6


Chap te r I I Intelligence

more hit points. When starting your character, you are granted the starting HP bonus due to your attribute. Each time your body

increases, add the hit point adjustment shown to your max HP.

learning, understanding, and problem solving is all based off of

Chi: chi is the energy of your mind and body that can be harnessed

intelligence. Many character skills are based off of intelligence.

by any character that has the unarmed combat skill; martial arts.

Intelligence also helps when researching spells, spell effect modifi-

Adding you body + willpower will give you the starting result of

cations, or building items. When it comes to designing or crafting

your chi pool. You may look under the section on martial arts

things your intelligence is very important and having a higher in-

for more information on its power. Your chi is drained each time

telligence will allow you to craft and learn things at a much faster

you use it and once you go below zero you will take 2 points of

rate. Your character’s Spell Time: the amount of time it takes to

physical damage per chi drain and suffer 1 fatigue point.

learn a spell will be found on the stat table due to intelligence.


A character’s intelligence attribute is a representation of

how smart your character is. Mathematical equations, memory,

A good example of an intelligence check would be when

trying to remember the magical command word the wizard used to

Your perception attribute represents your ability to see,

lock the door. Another example of an intelligence check would be

smell, hear, or use any senses that your character may possess in

trying to figure out a puzzle created long ago by an ancient cult. A

order to notice things in your surroundings. Finding hidden items,

resisted intelligence check is two characters in a battle of wits.

following tracks, sensing danger, these are all things that fall under perception. The way that you perceive things around can be mea-

Spell Time: this is how long it will take you to learn spells in a con-

sured with this stat. It also helps a character in their ability to hide

ventional manner. You must roll the result whether it is months or

themselves. Characters with a high perception can also cause more

weeks, or days. This is how long it will take you to learn one spell.

damage with projectile attacks due to their precision in striking

This may be shortened by the use of certain skills such as research

vital areas of their enemy. Look to the perception attribute on the

as long as there is a library around to research from. You may also

stat table for your ranged damage modifier. To clarify when this

call forth the help of a tutor to gain the spell faster. If the spell is

damage is added, it is added to weapons such as the bow, crossbow,

too long for you or too difficult jot the info down and try another

sling, and all shooting weapons. It is not added to throwing weap-

until your intelligence is higher or your research skill is increased.

ons. Throwing weapons are still included as melee and strength damage modifiers because you can throw melee weapons and gain

Spell Effect: thanks to your capability of quick thought and a sharp

more damage off of your strength.

mind the power you harness through spells is exact and the focus

An example of a perception check would be when try-

of your magic grants you a bonus to the dice you roll. Thus if your

ing to notice the assassin sneaking up behind you. When moving

spell damage is a d6 x level, you have a spell effect of +1 you would

down a hallway and there is a noise around the corner you would

roll the d6, add the +1, and then multiply the result by your level.

use perception to try and determine what the sound is. Perception is also used when attempting to hide, using your perception to find

Fluent Languages: At the end of the skills chapter there are lan-

the best spot to make yourself unseen and discerning if you are

guages listed for you to choose from, considering the number of

able to be spotted within your location is important when hiding.

your languages. You always gain your first free language which is your races’ native tongue. The others that you choose are fluent

Shot Damage Mod (long range): having a high perception allows

languages. So you can speak them very well, it doesn’t necessar-

you to strike better hits or better damage with projectile attacks

ily mean that your accent is totally gone. If you wish to choose

such as bows and crossbows. Not thrown weapons! Remember

more languages, you may buy them with a skill slot. This language

thrown weapons work with melee attacks and already gain strength

first becomes a character skill that you must roll to speak and un-

damage modifiers.

derstand someone in a conversation. If you drop 2 skill slots into a language it makes it a fluent one. This means that you move the language from your character skills to the spot of your fluent tongues and you no longer have to roll for the language. More about this in the skills chapter under languages.


C h aracte r Cre atio n Willpower


This attribute represents the mental strength of a charac-

ter. This allows your character to resist temptation, resist mental

This attribute is commonly misconstrued by physical

appearance. Charisma in this game is not the same thing as a

damage, and restrain your impulses; these are all measured by a

character’s attractiveness, otherwise known as Physical Beauty.

character’s willpower. Your Mental Defense; a character’s defense

Charisma is a character’s charm, personality, their aptitude with

modifier against mental attacks and gray spells are found under the willpower attribute. Willpower also helps in finding your Chi

social skills. It is the way in which they carry themselves around

pool. Chi is configured by adding a character’s willpower and body

others, their manners, their behavior, and their ability to sympa-

attribute together. Mana is also important for spellcasters. It is

thize with others or show empathy. It is often a good idea for

configured by your willpower attribute added to your intelligence.

leaders of a party to have a high charisma, when leading warriors

in a fight it could keep you alive. It can also keep those troops from

A good example of a willpower check would be when

trying to resist the temptation of the beautiful succubus luring

fleeing the battle all together. Charisma also helps your character by

you into the woods. Another example of a willpower check might

giving you Reputation Points. A good example of a charisma check

be when you are addicted to the pipe weed and know that you should not smoke before you move into the dungeon but you sure

would be when you are finally being granted an audience to meet

would like a relaxing bit of smoke. A good example of a resisted

with the Duke of a hamlet. You may attempt to make your words

roll would be trying to withstand the maddening effects of some

more elegant by making a charisma check. This isnt meant to take

terrible, horror so you do not run away in fear or gain insanity.

away from roleplaying in any way of course but just like with any

Losing your willpower attribute to the point of 25% will also drain

other attribute, your abilities in real life are not the same as your

the max mana and chi of a character 25% as well. This continues at

character’s abilities. You might be a smooth talker in real life yet

50%, 75%, 90%, and finally 100% where all energy is taken from the

your orc warrior with a charisma of 7 is not. Another good example

body. Losing willpower in this manner will also deteriorate your

of using a charisma check in game would be when you do not own

mind and will cause you to gain insanity or mental afflictions.

the skill negotiation but want to try and bargain with a merchant. Mental Defense: this is the + to defend from any mental attacks

A resisted roll between the two is made in such a case.

at you. You will add only this modifier to those attacks that are mental. You will add this to your d20 to defend against most gray

Social Pool: a social pool will grant you a d6 to utilize once per day

magic or creatures using psionic powers, spells, or abilities.

for any social engagement. You must burn 1 frenzy to add the d6 to

Fortitude: this is the natural armor of the mind. Fortitude soaks

the result of your charisma attribute check or a skill that requires a

any mental damage done to the character when they are mentally

social interaction. Your pool will refill after a night of rest and you

attacked by gray magic, or the strange psionic abilities of some

may throw as many as you wish during a conversation as long as

demons and creatures. Fortitude is your only line of defense

you spend 1 frenzy each d6. This may be added after the initial roll.

against mental damage, so having a high willpower is a good thing. Mana: mana is the blood of the spirit world some would say.

Reputation: having a high charisma attribute will give you a

It is energy that makes up the aether and ties spiritualists and

reputation point bonus. Each time you raise your charisma

wizards to the spirit world. Mana is configured by adding the

attribute you will gain more rep points. Reputation points are great

character’s intelligence attribute to their willpower attribute. The

for those who wish to become legendary heroes or feared villains.

sum of this result is their mana pool. Whenever a spell is cast or

This bonus is added to your primary reputation points. If you

certain magical abilities or rituals are used, mana is drained. Once

travel the lands often and have accumulated reputation points in

this drain goes below zero, suffer 2 points of mental damage to

many different lands, you are allowed to distribute these points

your hit points per mana point, as well suffer 1 point of mental

into the different kingdoms of your choice. Yet you may only place


these points into areas where you have been.


Chap te r I I

Physical Attributes Strength










































































































































0 0
























































































































































































































































































Wt (weight allowance), vl (very light), l (light), m (moderate), h (heavy), vh (very heavy). Under weight allowance you will notice some use 2 separate abbreviations. The first letter is


what your normal weight allowance is for weapons and armor, the other is when you are using dual weapons, so you can carry 2 lighter weapons, one in each hand.

C h aracte r Cre atio n

Mental Attributes Intelligence































d4 y





d4 y




d4 y




d12 m



d12 m

Charisma S O C IA L











































d12 m









d8 m









d8 m









d8 m









d4 m









d4 m









2d6 w









2d6 w









2d6 w









2d6 w









2d6 w









1d8 w









1d8 w









1d8 w









1d8 w









1d8 w









1d6 w









1d6 w









1d6 w









1d6 w









1d6 w









2d10 d









2d10 d









2d10 d









2d10 d









2d10 d









2d10 d









2d10 d









2d10 d









2d10 d









2d10 d









2d6 d








Chap te r I I

Physical Attributes Strength



































































































































































































































































































































































































































*Lowest rating


C h aracte r Cre atio n

Mental Attributes Intelligence














2d6 d






2d6 d






2d6 d





2d6 d





2d6 d




2d6 d




2d6 d





50 51

Charisma S O C IAL


































2d6 d







2d6 d








1d10 d








1d10 d









1d10 d









1d10 d









1d10 d









1d10 d









1d10 d









1d10 d









1d10 d









1d10 d









1d8 d









1d8 d









1d8 d









1d8 d









1d8 d









1d8 d









1d8 d









1d8 d









1d8 d









1d8 d









1d6 d









1d6 d









1d6 d









1d6 d









1d6 d









1d6 d









1d6 d









1d6 d









1d6 d









1d6 d









1d4 d









Chap te r I I 6) Fill in Skills According to Class Template

9) Fill in Racial Abilities

Look to your character class template and copy down the skills

Each race has racial abilities that they are born with. Copy the

straight onto your sheet in the proper areas starting with Combat

racial abilities into the correct section of the character sheet. You

Skills. Your Unarmed Combat style is found on the class template

may have to alter a few stats or skills depending on what the race

page and the unarmed damage that your character dishes out is

and the abilities are for. As well, each race has its own starting

determined by your race, find it on your race page. Combat skills,

unarmed damage that should already be jotted into the unarmed

character skills, and language skills all work differently so be sure

combat portion of your combat skills section. If not do this now.

to check out the skills section for learning how to handle them.

You may find all racial information in the Mortals of Koth chap-

You can find the spaces on your character sheet for now to copy

ter. Remember a character that possesses martial arts gets an im-

your information onto it.

proved die level on unarmed damage; a d6 becomes a d8, a d10 becomes a d12, etc. Racial abilities start with the character’s vision

7) Buy Your Skills with Skill Slots

type. Nearly every race in this world uses chromatic vision, yet they shift to a new vision once in total darkness allowing their

Most skills in the Character Skills section costs 1 skill slot to

eyes to adjust. Some vision types are called secondary visions since

purchase a new one. When purchasing from the Combat Skills be

these can be shifted to from the creature’s normal vision type. This

sure to look for SC (slot cost). You may take your skill slots given to

usually happens at will, when in danger, or due to total darkness.

you by your character class and buy skills that you want. Whenever you buy the skill, it begins at rating 1 of course and then you must

Vision Type

fill in the skills level and dice using the equation: skill rating + attribute rank = skill level . This is covered in the Skills chapter. If you

Astral Sight

wish to purchase combat skills, it costs only 1 skill slot to specialize

When using astral sight you can see a distance equal to your per-

in a certain weapon. For instance you want to specialize in swords.

ception attribute in inches (x5’ in true range). You are looking into

You will spend 1 skill slot to gain +1 to hit with swords. Say for in-

the astral realm, the ethereal plane, or spirit world that co-exists

stance you’re a mage and want to specialize in red magic, well copy

around us. It is like looking into a dream and it exists within the

that information down in the combat skills after spending 1 skill

umbra of our world. You can see things of spirit and magic quite

slot and you can write: Red Magic +1 as a specialization. If you want

well in this vision. You can also make out the auras of creatures

to buy a proficiency which allows you to use a weapon type without

and sometimes see the truth about your surroundings. For instance

suffering negatives to use a weapon type, it also costs 1 skill slot.

a place of great negative energy will be seen as dark and twisted

terrain. You can identify colors of magic that swim around auras

8) Choose Languages

and items, making this a useful tool when identifying mage types

It is time to pick your character’s languages. The numbers of lan-

and magical items. When using this vision your eyes will glow the

guages you may choose are based off of your Intelligence attribute.

primary color of mana that swims within you so it is not good to

You always gain your native tongue. So if it says that you get 1

use this sight when in hiding. Undead see with astral sight and

language according to your intelligence, you get to add one more

their eyes emit a dull black glow that appears as a shimmering pale

fluent language other than your native tongue. These initial picks

shade over their dead eyes or sockets. It will let you see the color

are languages that your character speaks fluently. You may pur-

of mana that entangles a spell caster’s spirit. If the caster is a red

chase another language with a skill slot. If you purchase a language

mage, their mana is abundant with a red mist entangling their aura.

with a skill slot, write the language down in your character skills list instead of fluent languages because you are just starting to

Attack Vision (secondary)

learn the language and are not fluent in it. You can become fluent

Some creatures are born with the ability to petrify their

in it by spending another skill slot on it. There are dead languag-

enemies with one gaze, or use their eyes as some form of

es as well that you may choose, there is a list of languages on

attack. These take unarmed actions to perform unless otherwise

pg. 215. You can learn how to use language skills by reading the

described in detail. Frenzy may be burned in order to attack in this

chapter on skills.

manner. The range of the attack is usually determined by the creature’s perception attribute in inches (x5’ feet for true range).


C h aracte r Cre atio n Dark Sight

Chromatic Vision

On a cloudy day you see with normal chromatic vision as far as line

There are several types of chromatic vision but humans that

of site allows. Yet, in total darkness your eyes adjust within a few

are not color blind usually see primarily in trichromatic (blues,

rounds to a tetrachromatic type of vision that is much like seeing

reds, and greens). Chromatic vision or color vision is thought

within a black light. This allows you to see hidden details like

of as common vision for many mortals use it. Your perception

bodily fluids. In total darkness you see a distance as far as the line

attribute gives you a range in inches (for miniature use) of

of sight allows. In bright daylight you are mildly blinded by the

how far you can see while in a haze, fog, moonlight, or other

light thus your range is reduced to perception in inches (x5’ feet)

visually dense atmosphere. You are blind without some kind of

without some way to shield your eyes. Bright light has a way of

light source in total darkness. It usually takes a round or two for

spoiling your dark sight so the light of a torch will bring you back

your eyes to adjust when moving into darkness or stepping into

to trichromatic vision. You cannot see invisible creatures at all.

the light. Chances are you are probably using this vision right now. So, there is probably no real need to describe it further.

Far Sight (secondary) Sonic Sight

The power to enhance your sight at will is called far sight. This

Using echo location you are able to form pictures within your mind

character must state that they wish to shift to this mode from their

of what is near. Anytime there is sound at all you may “see” your

normal vision simply by spending 1 open action to concentrate on

way with sonic sight. In total silence you are blind, thus some crea-

something far away. At any other time their vision is normal yet

tures with this sight use clicking sounds or similar tactics so they

in far sight their vision enhances greatly during concentration, like

can see while moving. If there is a loud sound or sonic attack this

a spyglass does when you place your eye up to it. It simply takes

will cause the character to make a body save or suffer stun effects.

a moment of concentration in order to focus on distant objects.

They may also suffer x2 to x3 power damage from sonic attacks.


Ultraviolet Vision

Infravision is a type of sight usually adapted by reptilian

Those with U.V. sight see in the ultraviolet spectrum. There are

races. It is only used when in darkness; your eyes will adjust

certain advantages while seeing in this spectrum, such as bodily

from a dichromatic vision which is more blues and greens than

fluids like urine marks when a beast marks its territory or blood

the normal chromatic vision of humans. Once you adjust to

droplets on the ground. This often makes foraging much easier.

infravision which takes a few rounds, it allows you to see

Ultraviolet vision can be quite useful yet it is normally used by

different levels of hot and cold. Undead and coldblooded

creatures of the wild. Although it is similar to dark sight, those

creatures are still seen in this vision type yet they are not as

with ultraviolet vision do not shift to trichromatic sight, it simply

easily perceived. You will be able to see creatures using invisibil-

stays as is in light or dark.

ity as well and your range is equal to your perception attribute in inches once in total darkness. Things beyond that are pretty hazy. Twilight Vision Also known as low light, or night vision. You see in chromatic vision during daylight and at night if there is some kind of light at all your eyes adjust after a few rounds to twilight vision. Twilight turns your sight into a dichromatic type of sight with two colors sometimes greens and blues or blues and yellows. You see very well in moonlight. The light of a candle will illuminate a room as the moonlight illuminates the shadows of night. Even starlight can illuminate the forest for you. In total darkness the character is still blind, there must be some type of light source for your eyes to enhance, and even the dull emissions from certain magical items can allow you to see in total darkness as if you had a candle.


Chap te r I I 10) Fill in Equipment, Weapons, and Armor These items are found on your character class template. Your starting items should be written down in their respective areas on the character sheet. There should be places on your character sheet where you would specifically want to place these items. For instance there is a place to put things on your belt, or another place for your backpack. This is simply to differentiate how quickly a character can pull out an item once in combat. If an item is located on your belt, of course you can access it faster than if it was stored in your back pack. If there are any of these items you do not wish to have, you may ask your GM if you are allowed to sell them for a quarter of their listed price, or trade them for a different item. That is totally up to the GM what they wish to allow for their campaign. It is okay to allow the players to sell items for a quarter of the store price, in most cases. Then again some campaigns might want you to start off without any items at all, this will be up to your GM to decide.




25, 50, 100

The trade bar is usually made of silver or gold and used for large transactions

Mertacullum (Sovereign)


Often called sovereigns, they gleam with silver and cobalt hues. They are crafted

Valcrium (Ebon)


A strong, black metal with a shimmering red glint. These coins are only crafted


Also know as Talons, the gold coin is a sign of wealth and a symbol of luck to

Silver (Shilling, Shi)


Silver is commonly stamped with heraldic marks, shi is used in Myen Wu. Silver

Copper (Bronze, Cret, Drach, Zhu )


Trade Bars & Bank Notes

Gold (Talon)

made by merchants, treasury guilds, or royalty. They are stamped with their worth and the heraldic mark.

by the best artisans and the metal is known to conduct magical energy. (m)

by masters and usually only owned by the richest guilds. (v)

many kingdoms. Silver coins are more common but the wealthy possess gold. (g)

is of great worth, worn as amulets and known for its protection from demons. (s) The cret is copper or bronze and cut to weigh properly, stamped with the emperor’s bust. The drach or drachz are also from Aticraulys, the Zhu from Myen Wu often have a square hole in the center. (c) Bits: pence, bones, shards, irons, pfennigs, and pennies. It is the most common

Bit (Bone, Iron, Pfennig, Penny, Shard)


coin and often covered in runes. Many have the bank guild or maker’s mark upon them. Those of iron or cheap metals are primarily called pfennigs, pennies, and irons. Those of bone are called shards or bones. Yet, all equal 1 bit. (p) or (b)


C h aracte r Cre atio n 11) Configure Starting Money

A Cultist character is usually a member of an ancient re-

ligion that is not as popular as it may have once been. A very

Roll the die as listed on your character class template. The re-

common cult is that of the dragon worshippers. They pray to the

sult equals the amount of coin you own. Do not get too excited,

dragons and learn the tongue of ezeethanall in hopes the dragon

characters start out pretty broke in Demon Gate. It is up to you to

wars rise again and burn away the unworthy. Many cultists are also

get a job or start making money your way. The rules for maximum

beast worshippers; some barbarian tribes worship the great cave

continuance are up to the game master if they wish to allow it for

bear, or the winter wyrm. There are tribes that possess shamans

your coin roll. This table shows the basic units of currency on

that worship fire and call upon fire elementals. This is the way of

Koth, there are in fact many more units of currency, yet this table

the cultist. If you choose to be a cultist you must also choose which

will give you the basic run-down you will need to start your charac-

being you worship as a god or demigod.

ter. No one should start with a mertacullum coin, but if it happens

it would be a damn miracle! This table represents the worth of

A Fateist is any character who chooses to worship one or

all of the Twelve Fates. It is an old religion in which the belief lies

each coin in gold. Many coins hold imperial marks which of course

within the gods of the stars. The Twelve Fates make up the 12 con-

are crafted in the Aticraulian Empire, said to be the richest place in the world.

stellations and they believe that their fate is already written in the

12) Choose Your Religious Beliefs

You may choose one of the fates or roll one of them randomly on a

It is now time to choose your character’s religious beliefs and spir-

A Heretic character is one that wishes to bring about the

itual path. You may turn to pg. 224 to find the gods. You want to

downfall of religions or is more of an apatheist. Most heretics

find out what god or gods you will choose as your own. Each race

have been wronged in life and blame the Gods for their misfor-

has a list of deities that many of them follow in a polytheistic man-

tunes. Even heretics will possess a spiritual influence percent-

ner. The species and subspecies often follow the same beliefs but

age because even if they do not believe, the spirits are out there

stars from the time they are born under a specific constellation. d12 if you like. The Twelve Fates are found in the chapter on Gods.

they will be described enough for you so that you may decide on

watching them. The spirits of their ancestors will know what ac-

what your character’s religious beliefs are or if they even care about

tions have been taken throughout the trials of life. It is not pos-

gods. Your choices in this world are many but this list attempts to

sible to play a spiritualist character class and be a heretic for ob-

condense them down for you and keep it easily arranged. You will

vious reasons, they often find conflict with spiritualist classes.

want to write what your religious belief is, what path you think

A Monotheistic character chooses to believe in one god

your spirit should follow (light, shadow, or dark), your god or

and follow under his, her, or its rule. This does not mean that they

gods, and then if you need to elaborate the space is available. The

do not believe in the existence of other gods per say, quite often in

choices you may look upon are: Agnostic, Atheist, Cultist, Fateist, Her-

fact this is quite the contrary. They often believe that other gods

etic, Monotheistic, Paganism, and Polytheistic. These are some of the

exist within the pantheons and that others follow them, but only

most basic choices you may pick from and the descriptions are as

that their god is the best fit for them personally. While there are

follows. If you want something not listed here discuss it with your

some that believe that there is only one god, the ultimate creator.


Paganism is one who believes in the old gods. Ancient gods of this An Agnostic character is one that does not believe mortals

world are ones that most consider now to be the dark lords, the

are capable of knowing the truth or not because the gods are not

Void Gods, or Stygian Gods. This is the primary religious belief

of this realm, if they really do even exist. Therefore the agnostic

of the vatagi race as many follow the gods that are said to have

character chooses to remain neutral on the subject. It is not possi-

created them and others. Even though most see paganism on Koth

ble for an agnostic character to be of one of the spiritualist classes.

as a bad sign, some pagans simply believe in gods that are not very

An Atheist is one who does not believe in god or gods at

popular in the current era. Those that follow the Stygian Gods are

all. Those who choose to be an atheist cannot choose a character

considered pagans though, so if you choose to follow the Stygian

class that is of the spiritualist family for obvious reasons. It is

Gods, look to the chapter on Gods and choose what you will of the

possible to lose ones faith later in the game but during character

six dark lords whom are demons and devils. There are also those

creation this is not possible to be an atheist templar, or atheist

worshiping the Void Gods, the powerful demons that came from


the sky and enslaved the world.


Chap te r I I

13) Spells (if Applicable)

A Polytheistic belief is one that follows an entire pantheon

of gods. It is often very situational for them as well, due to what

Fill in your spells in the proper location of your character sheet.

is happening in their lives at the time. For times of war they call

You can find the stats of each spell in the magic chapter which

upon the god of war, in times of needing food, the call upon the

starts on Pg. 270. Be sure to write these stats down on your sheet!

deity of the harvest, etc. Usually though, a polytheist will choose three gods out of the entire pantheon in which they give most of

14) Character Traits & Ghost Saga

their prayers to, so in this case if you were to follow the human pantheon you should choose three in the pantheon best suited for

You start with 5 Ghost Saga. These are simply free points that

your worship and devotion.

allow you to flesh out that soul of yours a little and spice it up. Your ghost saga is only used during character creation. These may be used to purchase values from the character traits list. Character

Spiritual Path

flaws will give you more ghost saga. The ghost saga can be treated

The spiritual path is from the Book of the Tao or book

just like saga points where you can spend them on your character

of paths and is utilized throughout most religions in some way. It

to get more frenzy, hit points, mana, chi, raise skills, etc. Spend

has also been adapted into many pantheons as a way of bringing

them all or they vanish once the game starts. Poof, like a ghost, get

order to chaos. There are no alignments in this game so no choice

it? Yes, it took deep thought to create that! You are allowed 6 max

is forced upon you, for you must make your own decisions.

flaws and values all together when designing your character traits. You can choose no more than 6 though. You do not need to take any at all if you do not wish to. If you want you can simply take the

Path of Light: those who look to the stars for guidance, the twin

ghost saga and spend them on your character. For example; 5 ghost

suns Aos and Set. The light is guidance, warmth, energy, and pu-

saga can give you 4 more max hit points and 2 more frenzy to your

rifies evil and the undead. It burns away impurities and is often

frenzy pool. You may do this if you want to skip traits.

thought of as the road to the Heavens, and the destroyer of dark. Path of Shadows: those who care little for religion are shadow path

Character Traits & Disposition: these will not only help you build

walkers. Spiritualists believe there must be a balance of light and

on your character’s personality but certain modifications may be added to your character to help and sometimes hinder your

dark. They are survivors, often loners, lone wolves. Some believe in

actions. There are two types of character traits; Flaws and Values.

unity, neutrality, while others simply choose to be free.

Characters may not possess a Value and a Flaw that will cancel

Path of Darkness: the darkness was the beginning, it hides us when

each other out or interfere with how the other works.

we need to go unseen. It is cold, it is the everlasting Void that we so helplessly float within. It is where we will inevitably return to

Flaws: will grant you more ghost saga to play with, but they tend to

one day when it is finished with us. Those who shun the light are

de-buff your character in certain ways. Flaws are negative aspects

often dark path followers. It does not always have to be evil. If you

of your character that must be used during role-playing to properly

need more information on religions, review the Gods on Pg. 218.

play your character. Some flaws will have a severity which can be determined by rolling a d6. The severity table is on pg. 40.

Soul Be sure to add your soul points in the open field within

Values: These costs ghost saga to possess, yet they are there to give

this area of your character sheet, most races gain 10, terrans gain

your character some advantages. Sometimes you have to get a few

12. Soul points are reduced anytime you are killed and brought back

flaws to be able to buy the value that you want. So look through

to life, let us hope not often. When you are saved due to a spiritual

them and find something that fits well for you.

influence roll you do not lose points. If you happen to be resurrected because of a spell you will suffer a roll of the Lazarus Die,

Disposition is a random personality table that allows for you to roll

which will reduce your Soul by d3 points. You also lose soul when

your percentile dice (d100) in order to find out what your charac-

replacing body parts with mechanical or magical parts, if your GM

ter’s personality is generally like. You are allowed 3 rolls and you only end up choosing 2 from the list. This is not mandatory at all.

allows this. When this reaches 0 and is gone, so is your soul.


C h aracte r Cre atio n Archenemy (5 Ghost Saga)

Character Traits

higher than them at all times. The enemy will most likely have hired henchmen or mercenaries that operate with them. They always seem

Character Flaws

to know your every move, and for some reason they want you to suffer. This does not necessarily mean that the nemesis wants you

Addiction (3 Ghost Saga)

The character has a nemesis that remains at least 2 levels

dead, or perhaps they do? This is up to the GM to decide. Where

The character has a heavy addiction to something that is

and when your arch enemy strikes will be a mystery. The arch enemy

often a narcotic, alcohol, or something debilitating in some form or

will attempt to flee when it looks like they are losing. The nemesis

another. This causes them to seek it with vigor. The GM may decide

should possess the sneaky talents vanish and retreat to help in this

when the character must make a Willpower attribute check in order


to focus their mind on other things. An addiction to tobacco is not

Arrogant (3 Ghost Saga)

serious enough for the trait. You can also roll a d6 on the severity table for your addiction. If you are addicted to a narcotic or alcohol

This guy thinks he is the reason the world is here. He’s the

you may find these in the magic chapter near herbalism. The severity

best thing since the invention of black powder. He knows his friend

of the addiction can be equal to needed uses per day in many cases.

is in melee combat but who cares, he never misses. -1 to charisma attribute. This character is very confident in his abilities and thinks

Aggressive (4 Ghost Saga)

very highly of himself which makes him kind of a prick. The arrogant

The character is very hot tempered and easily angered.

character will ignore the fact that an ally is in line of sight if it comes

There are certain situations that do not call for hostility at all but

down to firing a crossbow or throwing an ax at an enemy. He must

this one likes to turn it hostile. Having this trait will permanently

pay no attention to this and attack if the opportunity arises.

drop your charisma attribute by 1 point, but add +1 to your initiative

Awkward (3 Ghost Saga)

modifier when in an aggressive mode. They are good to have around in a fight, but they are not the best to use in diplomatic negotiations.

socially with others. The character will suffer a -2 to his or her social

Allergy (4 Ghost Saga)

This character has problems when it comes to interacting

modifier when trying to have a conversation of value. Not all con-

The character has a horrible allergy that cannot be sus-

versations require you to roll a charisma check of course. So after

tained (an allergy to sunlight, silver, a certain herb, etc.). Whenever

making the social interaction roll just subtract 2 from the result.

the character comes into contact with this substance, they must make

Blind (8 Ghost Saga)

a body attribute check equal to your severity x3 as the target number. If failed, they will receive a -2 to attack and defend, -1 per severity to

This character does not possess the ability of sight. A blind character

all physical attributes which lasts d4 hours even after they have es-

must use all other senses as perception. They receive -2 to the per-

caped the source. You can make a severity roll on a d6 after this trait

ception attribute permanently. They must get blind fighting or blind

is chosen to see how bad the case is.

shooting skills or suffer up to -10 to attack and defend in many situations. Magic is very difficult until they gain the ability astral percep-

Amnesia (5 Ghost Saga)

tion so in order to play a blind spell caster you must choose a caster

The character cannot recall their past or perhaps remem-

that gains the ability astral sight or astral perception at some point

ber anything from their childhood. They lose 1 to their initial skill

or you will not be able to cast many spells that require a target to be

slots given on the character class template. There may be bad things

found. I must warn you that allowing a blind character in a campaign

from their past that might be interested in finding out where the

is left to the GM’s discretion to allow in their game.

character is now? The GM and the player may come up with a good

Bumbling Wizard (4 Ghost Saga)

background for the character. Whatever idea the player creates the GM must approve it.

This character has always suffered as the class clown of the

magic school and was always the one the archmages had to watch over with a counter spell in case the caster failed horribly on a spell.


Chap te r I I This flaw is sometimes a blessing in disguise. For many times the spells have failed during the incantations, but somehow the caster is still alive. Perhaps the gods humor this one? The caster can fail on a spell roll from 1 to 4; they must roll at least a 5 or higher for the spell to even succeed. As a normal caster fails with any spell of 1 to 3 on

Dark Past (1 Ghost Saga)

their d20, the bumbling wizard has a little more of a fail threshold.

Yet, the bumbling wizard is also granted the power to re-roll a result

tective over simple questions about their past. They would prefer

on the magical fumble table by spending 1 spiritual influence point

that others do not worry about their past life and not share expe-

to do so. This may only be re-rolled once per failed spell. This re-roll

riences with others about their childhood, especially if a question

is only used for the percentile when you have fumbled a spell on a

touches on the subject of their dark past or near to it at all. If some-

roll of natural 1 to cast.

one is able to break in and find out the secret that haunts them, this

These characters are often reclusive and tend to grow pro-

could ruin everything for the character and they would either have to


(4 Ghost Saga)

flee or perhaps even get rid of the one who knows their secret.

The character has definitely had too much pipe weed, opi-

ates, lotus, hallucinogens, alcohol, or something of the sort. Their

Deaf (6 Ghost Saga)

brain is fried from so much abuse! They always seem to be off in

their own little dream world. It usually takes two or three times to

smell. Not having the ability to hear will also take away the ability

realize that their name is being called. Lose 1 point of intelligence

of speaking a language properly so sign language is their preferred


method of speech. I will warn that this should be left to the GM’s

All perception is off of their senses of sight, feeling, and

discretion to even allow. It is harder to GM for characters that lack

Compulsive (2 Ghost Saga)

a certain sense. They receive penalties only under certain situations,

which the GM may wish to elaborate upon. They suffer -2 to their

They do everything routine. They do things a little too of-

ten and a little too much. For instance, counting everything, cleaning

perception attribute permanently.

everything, routine inspection of arrows every hour! “Where is the sixteenth arrow?! I had sixteen arrows in here!? Where is the other

Death Wish (5 Ghost Saga)

arrow?!” In certain cases it may come in handy when one of the party

says something like this, “I wish I could have remembered how many

For some reason, they do not enjoy their own existence; they care

steps there were in that wizard’s tower?” It is very possible that the

little for themselves and will throw themselves into the way of dan-

compulsive character might actually have counted them. The only

ger in the midst of a combat situation. Most of the time they will

problem is that during an episode they just might get the party in

not even take cover unless it serves a tactical purpose to help save

trouble when they are running from the horde of goblins and the

their allies or only in special circumstances should it be aloud. What

character has to go back to turn the door handle three times. Roll a

would a death wish character need with a shield? Most of these char-

d6 for use on the severity table.

acters do not live long at all. There is something that is still driving

The character is possibly suicidal but cannot off their self.

them to accomplish, be it vengeance or justice, thus they carry on to

Cowardly (4 Ghost Saga)

accomplish something. Remember do not choose this if you plan on

playing this character long, this is usually only good for one shots or

A coward must make a willpower attribute check in order

to stay in most combat situations that you run into, especially when

short campaigns.

the party is outnumbered. Cowards will never be in the front of the fight of course. They would seem to prefer ranged combat if any

Deep Hatred (1 Ghost Saga)

combat at all. The GM may come up with a target number based

upon the situation. If they fail the target number they may run or

race, cult, guild, or group of creatures. For some reason, anytime

cower in a corner or behind another character, roll on the fear table

they are around, the character gets pissed about it and sometimes

found under combat scenarios in the combat chapter. The coward

attacks (Willpower check to prevent a fight). Roll a d6 severity for the

also suffers -3 to the rank of their willpower checks when hit by a

deep hatred and multiply this result by x2 to get a target number to

fear attack.

restrain from attacking a member of their deep hatred.


The character holds a terrible grudge against a creature,

C h aracte r Cre atio n Disease (4 Ghost Saga)

Lost Love (1 Ghost Saga)

This character has a terrible disease that has not yet found

The character is almost completely obsessed with the

a medical or magical cure. They may get deathly ill at times or suf-

memory of a lost loved one. The fun they had together and the

fer mild penalties during play. Feel free to elaborate on the story

joy they once shared is no longer there. Now life seems to have

of this disease and game masters should certainly recognize good

no meaning without them. Willpower check if this happens during

role-playing when the player keeps up with the disease trait on their

the campaign with a target # 8. Those who fail could possibly gain

character. You are free to create penalties for this disease with no

another affliction later due to the trauma. The character should also

cure. Feel free to roll the d6 for severity as well. During an episode

make a willpower check when around something that reminds the

the character should suffer -1 to their strength attribute per severity.

character of the lost love or fall into a depression or violent shift of emotions. This feeling fades a bit over years yet it will always linger

Hunted (3 Ghost Saga)

there. When the character is forced to tell the story this does indeed

For some reason, there is a bounty on this character’s head.

rekindle the depressing emotions. Perhaps they were lost in the Pale

They are constantly being hunted by mercenaries and bounty hunt-

Plague or war? You decide what happened, only something tragic

ers who wish to destroy them or take them in. They are cautious and

will do.

find it hard to trust anyone they come across. Create an NPC that has put this bounty on the character and give them a hunted status

Merciful (2 Ghost Saga)

in a specific city, stronghold, country, whatever you like that fits your

back story, but do not add this reputation bonus to the character’s

will not, for any reason, torture another creature. They would rather

primary reputation points.

kill a creature and put it out of its misery then watch a creature suf-

The character cannot stand to see a creature in pain. They

fer. This doesn’t mean that they must kill any wounded creature they

Ill Repute (4 Ghost Saga)

see; your character would certainly wish to find a way to heal the

Your character will start the game with bad reputation so

others suffering. They will not allow their party members to torture

simply write in - 15 reputation into the bad rep area as well a 15 to

others, even if it helps their quest. If they cannot stop the act of tor-

your total reputation. If you gain any other reputation through gift

ture, they will not witness it and must leave the scene probably not

rolls you must add that to your total reputation and choose if you

in the best of moods.

want to add it to bad or good rep. Your prior actions that have led up to this moment were not all good deeds that is for sure. What did

Mute (6 Ghost Saga)

you do? You design what you did to put you on the path to villain.

The character does not possess the ability to speak. They

have lost it for some reason, and cannot use their vocal cords. They

Impulsive (2 Ghost Saga)

can only converse with hand signals or sign language. Spell casters

The character cannot suppress the urge to act now; they

cannot choose this trait due to the fact that the majority of all spells

cannot wait for others to make a decision half the time. They are

are somatic and verbal in their invocations. Be carefully when choos-

impatient and anxious. They must act immediately about things and

ing a life altering trait such as this, for this means that your character

often cut other players off during the forming of a plan.

will have a severe disadvantage throughout the remainder of your gameplay.

Insanity (4 Ghost Saga)

Oblivious (6 Ghost Saga)

You must roll on the mental affliction table for your form

of insanity. Any form of severe mental trauma has the ability to cause

This character doesn’t know what the hell is going on. They

insanity. If you wish to have more than one affliction when making

do not pick up on most of the sights and sounds around them. For

your character, this is fine as well. You may only take this flaw up

some reason, they always seem to be looking the other way. The

to 2 times, which includes rolling on the affliction table 2 times. It

character must suffer a -2 to their perception attribute permanently.

is possible however to gain more afflictions later during game play. Don’t get too crazy, you’ll be sorry. You will be rolling the severity

Old Battle Wound (5 Ghost Saga)

table as well for most afflictions.

The character must roll a d6 or a body part die (hit location

die). (d6) 1: L. Leg, 2: R. Leg, 3: Torso, 4: L. Arm, 5: R. Arm, 6: Head.


Chap te r I I Zealot (4 Ghost Saga)

There is a loss of -2 to an attribute concerning which location the wound is at. The Torso: -2 to body attribute, Arm: -2 to strength,

and Leg: -2 to dexterity. A result of the Head requires you to roll d6

to their god or pantheon is what matters most in life. They will

again to find out more sprecifics; 1-2: Perception, 3-4: Intelligence,

die for their order and to protect the theological structure from any

5-6: Willpower. The loss of -2 attributes is suffered yet it also makes

who oppose. Those who get in their way will find where the zealot’s

the character a little tougher giving them +1 to their Toughness, +1

true loyalties are. The zealot must do what it takes during situations

Fortitude, and +1 to their Charisma attribute. This was no ordinary

where their religious order is concerned. Priests, shamans, or high

wound when it was given, this wound almost took the character’s life

ranking members of their order are looked upon as the conduits or

and a major scar will be there until the flesh is no more.

messengers of their gods. Thus if they are given orders they must follow them. In times of deceit, treachery, or conflicting orders com-

One Eye (5 Ghost Saga)

The character is a fanatic of their religious order. Service

ing from a member of their clergy they will make willpower checks

The character lost their eye in a battle, an accident in their

with a -3 to the result of their roll. Opposing their deity or those

past, or perhaps they were born monocular. They can wear a patch if

within the order is not in their nature so this subject will be a diffi-

they wish to look normal, or they choose to possess a scar with one

cult one for them. This character does gain an additional +3% to their

white orb, whatever they want to look like. The character suffers -2

spiritual influence to start. They must also pay a 15% tithe at least

to their perception attribute permanently. The character also suffers

once a month or when possible.

a -1 to hit with projectiles due to the loss of depth perception. The character’s peripheral vision is not as good either and unfortunately their other senses are not heightened by the loss of only one eye.

Tormented (4 Ghost Saga)

The character was tormented night and day by horrific ex-

periences. These horrible experiences have caused trauma and created a type of mental affliction. It is up to the player or GM if this torment was during their childhood or during their recent past. Perhaps the character was a prisoner of war, or a slave? Whatever you choose, it has made a scar in the character’s mind. Roll once on the affliction table and a d6 for severity.

Uneducated (5 Ghost Saga)

This character has never received any proper instruction or

schooling during their life. They might be ignorant to many things that involve intellect but some still know well the skills of everyday life, or how to fight. The character must suffer a -2 to their Intelligence attribute permanently.

Unsightly (4 Ghost Saga)

The character is not easy on the eyes. Out of the three

physical beauty rolls made with 2d10 you suffer a -3 on all the rolls and can choose one that is no higher than an 8. Physical beauty usually only pertains to members of the same race, yet some species do intermingle and crossbreed. Any PB of a 3 or lower can sometimes cause common folk to be frightened or uneasy. This also causes a -3 to the result of a social roll when attempting to flirt with other characters.


C h aracte r Cre atio n

Character Values

wish to purchase a magical skill then you can take the 2 saga points that are left over and place them in your saved saga points but do not add them to your cumulative.

Alertness (-8 Ghost Saga) The character is very aware of their surroundings most of the

Attractive (-5 Ghost Saga)

time. They possess a sense of caution that keeps them checking their

back every few seconds. The character gains a +2 to their perception attribute permanently. This also makes them a very light sleeper

considered attractive. Being an attractive person may add +1 social

without penalties to their perception checks during sleep.

modifier when it comes to flirting with members of the opposite sex or attempting to seduce another character.

Ambidextrous (-6 Ghost Saga)

This character was born with a natural affinity to use both

Born Again Hard (-8 Ghost Saga)

hands with equal skill, never really preferring one over the other

when it came to wielding a sword or punching an enemy. They may

philim ancestors, or perhaps they were blessed by their Gods. Gain

hand but when it comes to combat they are well versed in the use of

+2 to their Body Attribute permanently for being extra tough.

either. Gaining this trait will take away 1 skill slot, or the cost of 10 saga points from purchasing the dual weapons skill. Any dual weap-

Bravery (-5 Ghost Saga)

ons skill normally costs 3 skill slots; with this trait you only spend 2

skill slots for it.

This character is remarkably brave, even in the most dan-

gerous situations. They gain +3 to their Willpower checks versus fear based attacks. Even during magical fear based attacks they gain the

Animal Affinity (-5 Ghost Saga)

+3 to add to their willpower roll.

This character has a rare empathic ability with animals and

a strong respect for certain creatures of the world. This lowers the

Brawn (-8 Ghost Saga)

target number by 3 points anytime a charisma check or animal kin-

ship check is made in order to alter the creature’s perception of the

This character has put a great deal of time into building his

or her muscles. Whether or not this was intentional or if they were

character. This can also allow the character a better chance of gaining

forced into hard labor is a part of their story that can be designed by

an animal companion if they choose to bond with one in particular.

you. The character gains a +2 to their strength attribute permanently

This trait will not stop an angry or enraged creature from attacking

and tacks on about 20lbs. of weight to their body.

the character unless there are very specific circumstances given by the GM.

Code of Honor

Aptitude (-6 Ghost Saga)

(-2 Ghost Saga)

This character has an honorable moral code that they must

live by. The player may design this code and talk it over with the GM

The character used a great deal of their free time reading,

to figure out what the code of honor entails. Even some assassins

studying, or listening to the lectures of scholars. They try to un-

will honor a code of ethics at times where once a mark is killed or

derstand a little about everything. The character gains a +1 to their

captured; the prize goes to the one who finished the target. Some

Intelligence attribute permanently.

honor codes are strongly embedded into the scriptures and liturgy of religious texts. Whatever the code entails the character must stay

Arcane Lore (-7 Ghost Saga)

This character was born with a natural, physical advantage

to their body structure. Perhaps a gift passed down from their ne-

still write (if they know how to read and write that is) with a specific

The character can gain a +3 on the roll of their

physical beauty check and the result must be a 12 or higher to be

true to his or her word of honor. Keeping this trait in line may some-

This character is adept at learning subjects containing the

times grant the character extra Saga points for upholding true to the

arcane arts. The character spends a great deal of their time learning

word, yet breaking the code could force the GM to take points away.

magical lore and thaumaturgical studies. They can move their spell time down by one rank (as if they possessed the next level in the intelligence attribute). They can also purchase any skill slot that is meant to buy a magical skill for only 8 Saga Points instead of 10. If you are gifted with a skill slot due to level advancement gifts and


Chap te r I I Combat Training (-8 Ghost Saga)

ger within the area of the character’s perception attribute (in inches

The character has made training in the discipline of war

for miniatures or x5’ feet in a radius around the character). It is also

a great part of their life. Whether it was with masters of the sword

strong enough at times to wake a character from their slumber. This

in the Far East, or if it was in the fighting pits of vatagi slave lords

value grants a character a +1 to their perception roll when attempting

they have become adept at combat. They can purchase a skill slot for

to sense danger.

combat skills with only 8 Saga Points instead of 10. If they use a skill slot to purchase a combat skill they can take the extra 2 points and

Devout (-4 Ghost Saga)

place them in their character’s saved Saga Point pool, but not their

cumulative pool.

or pantheon. They attend mass or prayer often and uphold the law of

The character has been strong upon the path of their god

the scriptures very well. The character gains a +2% to their spiritual

Cool (-5 Ghost Saga)

influence. This trait can be purchased with the Zealot flaw if you

The character is able to keep calm in many situations. As a

wish to gain the spiritual influence bonus, yet doing so will make

matter of fact, they are nearly always at ease. The character cannot be

you suffer -5 instead of just -2 to your willpower rolls concerning the

intimidated or interrogated easily. Those with the cool character trait

defense of your religious beliefs. If you possess this trait you must

never let their emotions show when they need to hide them. This

pay a tithe of 10% each month. If you have chosen both Zealot and

trait will add +3 to the rank of the willpower attribute when rolling

Devout you must pay 25% of your wealth each month.

versus emotional scenarios in which keeping their cool will help.

Driven (-6 Ghost Saga)

Common Sense (-4 Ghost Saga)

The character is always determined to meet their goal.

The character is sometimes struck by their common sense

They may see a situation to be a part of their destiny. Driven char-

when attempting to do something irrational. The GM may warn the

acters make good group leaders and will stop at nothing to complete

character that something the character is about to do might be dan-

their goals. They gain a +1 to their Willpower attribute. When their

gerous or even ridiculous. It is not always up to the GM to remember

mind is set on something it is hard to bring them off target.

everyone’s traits, so as a player you might wish to let the GM know

Eidetic Memory (-4 Ghost Saga)

by saying, “do I think this is a good idea? I have common sense.” This

They are not one to forget a face, sound, or even objects are

little warning is all that is needed sometimes.

strongly committed to memory. The GM may allow the player to

Craftsman (-5 Ghost Saga)

make an Intelligence check with a +3 to the roll of the check in order

This character has always been good at working with their

to use their photographic memory to recover a lost name or informa-

hands. They can build and learn skills of the trade with much more

tion that the character has seen before that the player may not recall.

aptitude than others. Whenever you wish to purchase a trade skill you may do so with 8 Saga Points instead of 10. If you use a skill slot

Emotionless (-5 Ghost Saga)

for a trade skill you can gain the additional 2 points left over and add

them to your saved Saga Points pool but not your cumulative Saga

ing them mental anguish. They may gain a +3 bonus to the roll of

Point pool.

their willpower check in certain situations such as fear, hatred, sor-

At times, this character can sever their emotions from caus-

row, or falling in love. The character can only gain this bonus during

Danger Sense (-8 Ghost Saga)

a willpower check that is made for resisting emotional pressure.

The character has a strange “sixth sense” when danger

lurks nearby. The sense may come to the character as a bad feel-

Friend (-4 Ghost Saga)

ing, hair standing on your arm, etc. The GM may secretly make the

character’s Perception check if they know it or simply ask the party

some time. This friend would fight by your side, charge into Hell for

to make a perception check, lowering the target number for this spe-

you, and would die to save you. You believe that you can trust this

cific individual by 3 to 5 points. This trait is another good one for

friend with your life and your very soul. Name this friend and create

the player to remind the GM that they have it by asking, “Do I sense

where he or she lives. You may visit the friend in times of need.

danger in the area?” This trait often allows a character to sense dan-


You possess a good friend that you have known for quite

C h aracte r Cre atio n Funny (-4 Ghost Saga)

Physically Adept (-5 Ghost Saga)

The character has a natural value that allows them to make

This character has always excelled in physical activities.

funny remarks at just the right time. They are good with humor and

Their body seems tuned to the physical skills in a way that it makes

quick with jokes that make them better with social interactions than

them easier for them to attain than other characters. Whenever you

most. They gain a simple +2 social modifier to their charisma check

wish to purchase a physical skill you may do so with 8 Saga Points

result when attempting to make light of a situation or to make a joke

instead of 10. If you use a skill slot for a physical skill you can gain

to impress people around them. This trait should not be taken with

the additional 2 points left over and add them to your saved Saga

the awkward flaw for they conflict with one another.

Points pool but not your cumulative Saga Point pool.

Intimidating (-5 Ghost Saga)

Prestige (-4 Ghost Saga)

The character is an intimidating creature. Perhaps they look

This trait allows your character to start the game with +15

dangerous or let off a dangerous aura around them that makes oth-

more good reputation. Something you have accomplished in your

ers feel a little uneasy, especially when they get angry. The GM may

days prior has given you a good word on your name. You cannot have

decide if enemies are intimidated around the character by making a

this value with the ill repute flaw because these two traits conflict.

Willpower check for the character’s foes. Characters can often use this to their advantage by making a charisma check at +2 to the rank

Quick (-8 Ghost Saga)

of the charisma attribute. This is to see how intimidating they are

being, this of course is resisted by their foes willpower check. This

You have always been agile and faster than others of your race. You

trait may be used to gain information from another without the use

do practice activities that enhance your agility often and try to keep

of torture or inflicting pain. This is not a cause fear ability that forces

your hand eye coordination finely tuned. For you, quickness means

enemies to run, grovel, or give up. Yet the GM may sometimes allow

more than strength. So in order to take this trait, you must possess a

the character to cause a target enemy to suffer fear effects in certain

higher dexterity attribute than a strength attribute.

This trait allows you to gain +2 to your dexterity attribute.

circumstances, such as a botch on their resisted willpower check.

Silver Tongue (-8 Ghost Saga)

Iron Will (-8 Ghost Saga)

The character has a very strong mental affinity. They have

The character is a smooth talker. Using the ability of speech

to manipulate minds and persuade other characters with their crafty

struggled through hard mental battles in their past that have given

words. The character gains a +2 to the Charisma attribute.

them greater resolve. Character gains a +2 to their Willpower attri-

Vagabond (-5 Saga Points)

bute permanently, and +1 to their Fortitude.

Mental Resistance (-8 Ghost Saga)

You are a wanderer and often thought of as a rogue. You

learned quite a few survival tricks during your travels so this makes

The character was born with a natural resistance to mental

you gain these types of skills and advance in them with ease. When-

attacks. They gain a +1 to defend against all mental attacks and +3

ever you wish to purchase a roguish skill you may do so with 8 Saga

ranks to resisted willpower checks. This bonus is only given to the

Points instead of 10. If you use a skill slot for a roguish skill you can

character when they are resisting willpower checks.

gain the additional 2 points left over and add them to your saved Saga Points pool but not your cumulative Saga Point pool.

Pain Tolerance (-6 Ghost Saga)

Well Educated (-8 Ghost Saga)

Pain makes you harder. The character has suffered through

great amounts of torture, physical pain, tooth infections, child birth,

The character studied at a major institute with a great teacher

lectures on theology, or some other forms of horrible suffering. The

of good repute. The character gains a +2 to Intelligence. The char-

character has a very high pain tolerance. They do not have to make

acter can also spend 8 Saga Points to purchase any scholarly skills

trauma checks. They can also lower a target number by 3 when mak-

during character creation. Thus if using their skill slots to purchase

ing a willpower check versus torture or pain. If they wish to spill

the skill they will have 2 saga left over that they can add to their saved

information they can, if not they may die keeping a secret. They do

saga pool but not to their cumulative pool. Mental Affliction Table

not suffer additional damage from specific pain attacks.

There are many ways of losing one’s mental stability. Some are born


Chap te r I I

Mental Affliction Table

Temporary Afflictions

Some afflictions gained during game play are only tempo-

rary. You might lose a willpower check and be forced to suffer a tem

porary affliction that is randomly rolled and given a random severity

There are many ways of losing one’s mental stability. Some

as well. This may only be a temporary affliction and after a short time

are born with an affliction of the mind; others gain mental torments

it may go away, or it may become permanent. The GM or player can

due to traumatic episodes within their lives or childhood. Some

roll the severity of the affliction on the d6 to see how serious the af-

afflictions are brought on by toxins in the body or addictions that

fliction is at first. The affliction can be forced into permanency after

alter the chemical make-up of the mind. Unfortunately there are not

rolling a 6 on the temporary severity and suffering for an extended

many cures to these problems in this dark age and very little magic

period of time with many episodes that unlock it permanently. You

is created to save someone from afflictions. Some alchemists and

may also obtain it permanently by having several psychotic episodes

healers may have some kind of treatment for you but it will most

within a short time period. The duration of a temporary insanity is

likely cost you.

completely up to the GM but may be based off of severity. For in-

The GM and the player may wish to elaborate upon

stance a 1 could be a d6 days with a 6 being 6d6 days.

the mental affliction, especially during character creation. If this affliction was gained before the player began playing his or her

% Roll Mental Affliction Result

character then this list is here for you to decide or roll on what affliction your character has. There are many afflictions here that

01- 02

leave design open to the player and GM to create. Many of the truly disturbing afflictions will be left for you to elaborate upon. You

ties due to the constant nightmares. An episode of this will cause the

can create some very horrific and dangerous gameplay using these

character to suffer -1 to their perception and willpower per severity,

afflictions as a character design so be careful what you make.

Nightmares: constantly assaulted by nightmares. This caus-

es a lack of sleep and causes physical impairment during daily activi-

for 1 full day without medical herbs to calm the nightmares.

Every affliction also has a severity which is discovered by

rolling a d6. The d6 is the severity die, a 1 being a mild case, a 6

03- 05

being a chronic case. This d6 also is multiplied by x 10 to give you a

Paranoia: uncontrollable paranoid delusions. The character

is constantly watching their back or searching for any signs of a

percentage as well. So when you roll a 3 (3 x 10= 30%) you possess a

stalker behind them or around them or on their gear. An episode of

30% percent chance of having an episode. Thus the GM rolls or will

this disorder causes the character to search their gear, their room,

ask the player to roll for this on occasion when an episode of the

their camp, they become overly suspicious of others. They believe

affliction is in question. The GM may alter this percentage as they

people are talking about them or plotting against them. It can be a

see fit and due to situations or special circumstances they may add a

very dangerous affliction, especially those with a high severity.

+10% chance to your severity and make a roll to see if your affliction fires up.


Touched: strange behavioral patterns that are odd to one’s

own culture. This character suffers a -1 per rating of the severity to their charisma attribute. An episode of this disorder causes the character to act very strange and out of the ordinary in their surroundings. This will certainly give them away as someone who is not right, in the head. Normally they are quiet, withdrawn, or have a certain type of tic. Sometimes they will repeat the same phrase over and over; some even seem catatonic at times. They begin talking to themselves and bobbing in the corner, saying things to others that aren’t there, shouting, laughing, dancing, crying, and all for some reason no one else can figure out, not even them. 08-09

Hermit: withdrawn from others, reclusive. The character

often spends time away from their party and will find it hard to


C h aracte r Cre atio n shack up with others, which can become dangerous when enemies

the character must have sex or please their self if there is no other

are nearby. They do not like social interactions and become with-

character available that sparks their interest. Many harlots or whores

drawn during an episode -1 x severity to the charisma attribute.

may suffer from this so they seek it and turn a profit from it. Your sickness could also take a darker path with a roll of 6, with an afflic-


Agoraphobic: this anxiety disorder is a fear of the environ-

tion such as necrophilia. There are many dark paths to choose from

ment as dangerous or unsafe. The character must take shelter during

here so be careful what you might choose with certain groups you

an episode and spend a half an hour to calm down. If in combat

play with.

during an episode they suffer -1 to attack and defend per severity, due to disorientation and panic attacks. They prefer to be home or in a


Neurosis: fear, panic, worry of everyday affairs. Without

place they feel safe within.

proper herbs or medicines the character will suffer -2 to their body, willpower, and charisma attributes x severity, during an anxiety at-


Megalomania: an obsession with oneself as being powerful,


wealthy, or better than everyone. The character suffers -1 to their charisma attribute per rating of severity. This loss is permanent.


During an episode of this disorder the character will act overly con-

the dark. This fear is automatically activated when in contact with

Phobia: extreme fear of something; heights, spiders, snakes,

ceited, or attempt to show off, and try to attract attention so that

their fear. They must make a willpower check with a target number

everyone knows how powerful they are.

= to the rating of the severity x2. If failed they must roll on the fear table found in the combat chapter under scenarios.


Cold Blooded: the feelings and emotions have become lost

to you, fear, love, hate, happiness; you are avoidant at a severity of


1, at 6 you are antisocial. All of these emotions seem to be stifled

the fifth dimension and coming from the 7th realm or the White

Angelic Voices: there are voices coming to you from beyond

by something. You have become dead inside and must fill the hole

Plane. You can hear the voices of the angels sometimes and some-

with something, maybe even bodies? Who knows but the emptiness

times they warn you or tell you things that must be true. You feel

is lonely and cold. You must suffer -1 per severity to charisma and

that you have been blessed by their light and even see the good or

willpower during an episode and you may gain this severity to the

evil in people at time, during an episode you may see the aura of a

level of a skill or rank of an attribute when resisting a check dealing

person or may receive messages from the angels.

with emotions. 29-30 17-18

Tongue Tied: loss of ability to communicate. Depending

Delirium: hallucinations, delusions, sleep deprivation, per-

upon severity the subject may even speak in tongues that are not

ceptual deficits. During an episode the character must suffer -1 to the

known by anyone else. Without proper herbs a character will not be

perception attribute, per rating of severity. You see things that others

able to make complete sentences properly and suffer -1 x severity, to

do not, as if you had not slept in two weeks. You might talk to the

cast spells with an invocation component during an episode.

dead, follow a woman into the woods who isn’t there, and follow a man into a burning building.


Bereavement: you suffer from the loss of a loved one; broth-

er, sister, father, mother, spouse, or child. As some pass through this 19-20

Love Sick: you have some form of sexual dysfunction which

period of grief you are consumed by the loss and cannot seem to

has a very broad plethora of other afflictions within it. Thus it is left

move on passed it. This grief can cause many other types of pain to

to you to determine this by the severity that is rolled to narrow it

arise over time. During an episode suffer -1 to the body and willpow-

down. A 1 may grant you a passionless dysfunction. You are uninter-

er attributes x severity.

ested in sexual activity or perhaps you find strange objects arousing? Suffer a -1 to charisma permanently. Without proper herbs or medi-


cation you will not have sex. However you are immune to seduction

flesh or scales. Character gains 1 to toughness and suffers -1 to phys-

in any way for you do not feel an urge to perform the act of intimacy

ical beauty. During an episode they will cause a d6x severity of dam-

at all. A roll of 3 may be a nymphomaniac with a heavy urge to have

age to their self.

sex at least once a day or more. During an episode of this disorder


Scrazies: uncontrollable urge to pick, scratch, and peel your

Chap te r I I 36-38

Erratic: total random shifts in moods. The character moves

or obtain a book every time they have an episode or pass a library.

from being happy to sad, fearful to angry with the snap of a fin-

They enjoy books and scrolls and must keep many of them around.

ger. During an episode of this disorder they will flip to the opposite

Anytime there is an episode they must attempt to seek out a book

mood that should fit their environment or surrounding at the cur-

or scroll. This could very well be the exact same book (with a higher

rent time. In combat this could be fear and they could flee instead of

severity); even if they have 10 copies already some only need the

fighting. This character suffers a -1 to the charisma attribute perma-

same book, some need to surround themselves with any type of

nently. Roll a d4 to see what mood is shifted to 1: Happy: + severity to

books at all, or a specific type of writing (those with a low severity).

charisma and does not wish to fight, 2: Fear (roll on the fear table), 3: Sad – severity to willpower, 4: Anger – severity to charisma.


Liar: uncontrollable urge to lie. During an episode the

character must create lies about anything during a conversation to 39-41

Psychosis: hallucinations, delusions, and disorder of

allies or NPCs. This character suffers a -1 to the willpower attribute

thoughts. The character suffers -1 per rating of the severity to their

permanently but gains the skill Deceive. If they already possess this

perception and intelligence attributes each time an episode occurs.

skill Deceive you may raise the rating by 2.

They will certainly see things and interact with things that are non-existent.


Prophetic Visions: you believe you have been given a gift

where at times these visions will hit you during an episode and 42-43

Driven by Demons: there are whispers and sometimes

you will see something of importance in a vision that you believe

visions of the demons in the darkness. You lose much sleep and are

can only be prophetic. There is usually a taxing toll on your body

constantly tormented by these whispers and visions yet only during

attribute determined by the severity of the affliction. The prophetic

an episode will it be of any note to you. Many times it is suppressed

vision may be explained by the GM yet not all of them are decipher-

and controlled yet during an episode it is hard to do so, willpower

able. The GM may allow some of these to be real if he or she wishes.

check versus target # of the severity x2. During the unsuppressed episode you must roll a d4 to see what episode you are stuck in. 1:


Happy: + severity to charisma and does not wish to fight, the demon

speech and attention. The character must suffer a -1 to intelligence

talks to you gives you advice, and expresses empathic relations with

permanently. During an episode they will also suffer -1 per rating of

you that seem to help out. 2: Fear (roll on the fear table), you are

the severity, to their intelligence attribute and perception. They often

horrified by what is happening and by what you see in the shadows,

lose where they are, what they were talking about, or what is going

behind trees, and under the hoods of those passing by, 3: Sadness

on at all.

Dementia: loss of time and the ability to calculate proper

– severity to willpower, the demons are driving you toward suicide, giving up, or you are just consumed with distress over what they


have taken from you, 4: Anger – severity to charisma you become

worry. Characters suffer a -1 to their willpower attribute permanent-

pissed and want to smash the skulls of the demons or seek them out.

ly. Without proper herbs, during an episode they will suffer - levels

Depression: unable to concentrate, feelings of doubt and

to skill checks = to the rating of their severity. 44-46

Cannibalism: you prefer devouring others especially if

starving. You have been feeling the urge to eat your own kind for


Delusional: they believe in something that is certainly false,

awhile now, yet now the urge is becoming unbearable. If you fail the

yet can be plausible. The GM or player and the GM may design

severity roll you must find some meat from a mortal. You do not have

a delusion for them to believe. During an episode they must act

to eat companions, especially if there are other commoners around.

out and create a situation surrounding these delusions which can

You must attempt to do this without being caught or finding dead

interfere with role-playing and sometimes even combat if their

bodies before they are burned. You must attempt to get away with

delusions distract them from the fight.

this and if caught you may be mistaken for undead, or imprisoned. 66-67 47-49






Bibliomania: obsession with collecting books. This charac-

friends, ghosts of loved ones or victims. During an episode of this

ter is not allowed to sell or give any books away. This does not mean

disorder the character will see and or hear hallucinations or become

that they have read the books at all, but they are required to purchase

extremely distraught. This could become dangerous to those that are


C h aracte r Cre atio n strangers. The severity of this affliction becomes the willpower check

short while in the night and pick off someone who they believe will

x2 to realize the visions are false.

not be missed, a thief, or a whore perhaps. As often as once a week at times.


Pyromania: uncontrollable urge to set fires. During an ep-

isode of this disorder, the character must set a fire. The fire must


Kleptomaniac: uncontrollable stealing. During an episode

consume an area the size of at least 10’ ft diameter per severity.

of this the character must steal something. The item should be close to equaling at least 1 gold per rating of severity. A dangerous disorder


Berserker: explosive rage. Characters with explosive rage

that can get the entire party in trouble by association.

must make a willpower check during their episode in order to keep from attacking or destroying something. The severity of the disorder


x2 represents the target number for the willpower checks to calm

es impairment while awake. During an episode of this the character

Insomnia: difficulty sleeping or staying asleep which caus-

down. During combat situations a check must be made each round

must suffer -1 to perception and body per rating of severity. This can

to keep from having an episode. Once all the enemies are slain the

become very dangerous and permanent without treatment. If they

character might even attack the closest character until the rage is

stay up more than 2 days in a row they will begin to notice hallucina-

over. If they are hit by an ally accidentally they will attack their ally

tions that only get worse.

at least once with a rage attack. The ally can sometimes help to calm the rage with attempting a combined team up roll with the characters


Curse of Many Faces (d6 personalities) these personalities

willpower check and the ally’s charisma result.

are created in order for the character to cope with certain trauma or situations. During an episode of this disorder, the character will im-


Obsessive: you are obsessive compulsive certain things

mediately shift personalities to fit their situation. Some have a mild

must be accomplished in a certain way and if they are not you will

case with only one other personality. Others have very many. There

lose your shit. Depending on your severity it can be something as

is an opportunity here for a lot of role-playing.

simple as counting the steps up to the room in the inn and counting all of the swords in the room, all of the daggers on belts, all the mugs


on the tables. Perhaps you must collect ears, scalps, fingers, skulls

when it comes to those afflicted. They are often affected by schizoid

Psycho: another term used loosely and often times poorly

or it will eat at you eternal. During an episode your willpower is -1 x

meetings with those who are not there. The severity will determine


how far gone the character is. A 6 will have the character the owner of the inn , talking to his dead mother and murdering people in their


Dependent: victim becomes dependent on another charac-

baths. While a 1 will have the character speaking to a friend named

ter, drug, alcohol, etc. The focus must stay by their side as much as

Earl in the alley again but for some reason no one else in the party

possible. If they are apart, they will worry exhaustively until they are

has ever seen Earl or met him. The character suffers a -1 to percep-

together again. During an episode if they are apart, they must seek

tion x severity during an episode.

out and locate their focus no matter what the cost. It will bring fits of paranoia and anxiety attacks. This affliction fits perfectly with ad-



suffers -1 to their intelligence attribute per severity. This loss is per-

Slow: you have trouble learning new things. The character

manent. During an episode of this disorder they seem very slow and 77-79

Murderer: obsession to kill. During an episode of this dis-

unable to think straight. Every time they purchase a skill with a skill

order a maniac must seek out at least one victim. While in combat

slot they must roll to see if an episode occurs, if so they must spend

the homicidal maniac acts much like the berserker disorder. They

an additional amount of saga equal to their severity to even gain the

must make a willpower check to calm down or they will attack the

skill. If they cannot afford it at the moment, they must make a note of

closest ally unless they were able to kill someone, if so they can of-

how much more it will cost and take it as if they are currently trying

ten find solace in hacking up the body for several moments after the

to learn the skill.

battle is over. The severity of the disorder x2 represents the target number for the willpower checks to calm down. A murderer who has


an episode during a calm stay at the inn will try to sneak away for a

by some in the apothecary the phases of the moon cause this. The


Lunatic: of course this is wrongly titled, for it is believed

Chap te r I I Mental Conditions Table

severity x2 is the willpower checks target number to fight the schizophrenic episode. A severe case would mean the victim sees and hears things that are not there and they are given orders to carry out.

While during a mild case the victim will have whispers telling them

of (charisma), psychosis (willpower), or perception of reality (intel-

what to do. A willpower check is needed during an episode to fight

ligence) may cause the character to also suffer a depletion of their

against doing something horribly wrong, like attacking an ally for

mental condition. Just as there is physical fatigue there is also mental

eating loudly. 95-97

fatigue. Many tables you may notice use a severity meter and your mental condition does the same, thus you may roll a d6 to randomly

Amnesia: or memory loss can affect some for short term or

create a condition for an NPC if you are the GM. It is monitored

long term. Some cannot form new memories; this is seen as a very

during a loss of 10% of an attribute, then 25%, 50%, 75%, 90%, and

severe type of amnesia. The severity roll will let you know how bad

finally 100%. As well when given a specific mental fatigue point it

the amnesia is so you may form this around the result. You will also

automatically drags your attribute down to the status of the severity.

lose 1 point of intelligence permanently = to the severity. 98-100

Suffering a loss of mental attributes from distress or loss

Thus, if you were unfortunate enough to suffer 1 point of mental fatigue from your situation you will drop to -10% of all your mental

Possessed: the character may seem normal most of the

attributes unless it is being targeted toward a specific attribute.

time, but during an episode the character will act as if possessed even to the point of hurting oneself or others around them. They


do believe that they are indeed possessed by a demon, djinn, or that an angelic entity is using their body as a vessel. Most of the time

d100 Mental Conditions











these are demonic possessions that are taking place, yet other types of spiritual possession is not unheard of. The demon will have a name that they have come up with or one that is known and they will “speak” through them at times as well. During an episode it may shock others when they discover that their exorcism skills are not working on the victim. Anything done that is wrong is often the work of the invader of course not the character. Sometimes a successful exorcism made by an ally or NPC may take place and allow the characters episode to end for a time as if it was actually successful.

improve your mental condition. Distraught: -1 mental attribute checks and skill rolls, loss of 25% max mana. Irrational: -2 mental attribute and skill rolls, loss of 50% max mana. T# 6 or temporary mental affliction. Unstable: -3 mental attribute & skill rolls, loss of 75% max mana. T# 12 or mental affliction. Maniacal: -4 mental attribute & skill rolls. 1 roll on mental affliction table. Senseless: -5 mental attribute & skill rolls as you


Severity Table

Agitated: no loss in stats, this is only a warning to

Roll a d6, a result of one being a slight case, six being a chronic case. This will also represent the percent chance that you will have an episode and have to deal with your problem. The game master is free to come up with a special scenario for what happens during your episode.


% Chance Episode


Slight Case



Mild Case



Moderate Case



Strong Case



Severe Case



Chronic Case


fall unconscious in d6 rounds. Lose 100% max mana. Gain a permanent mental affliction.

This table will decide the severity rating of your problem.




C h aracte r Cre atio n

Disposition Table (random Personalities)

This is the disposition table that is completely optional for your use if you wish to use it. This is for generating a few quick ideas

about your character’s personality. This is also a quick table for the GM to figure out what an NPC is like as well. So roll the percentile two times and use them both, one, or none at all. This table is completely up to you unless otherwise specified by the GM. If you do not want any of them, then pass this by and continue to step 16.

% Roll


% Roll


% Roll


% Roll










































































































































































































15) Optional Character Disposition The disposition table is designed for optional use if you would like to add a couple random additions to your character. This table is not in any way necessary because you have the freedom to design your character as you wish, yet it is handy for those who would like the challenge to create the random flare. It is also a useful table for the GM when designing NPCs (Non-Playing Characters) on the fly. Just roll the percentile 2 times and you have two additional ideas to round out a character.


Chap te r I I 16) Physical Beauty & Appearance

lands on a 12, thus meaning she is attracted to the rogue (at least physically) because she rolled under his PB. To find out if an NPC

is attracted the GM rolls a d20 PB check and must roll equal to your

physical beauty or under it. If they roll over it on the d20, they do not

Now it is time to find out how your character appeals to

find the character physically attractive.

others by way of their attractiveness. Your Physical Beauty (PB) is

determined by rolling 2d10 (two ten-sided dice). You are to roll these

The rogue can tell by the look and the coy smile that

she likes what she sees, so he moves in for the next step; to talk

two dice and add the results together, thus giving your character

to her. This is sometimes accomplished through role-playing and

a PB anywhere from 2 to 20. As the GM you may allow the player

sometimes it is not. Some game masters may wish to quickly move

to do this a total of three times and choose the best result or force

through this sexually fueled social engagement by rolling the dice

players to take what they roll the first time. Remember that your

and finding the result. The target number in a social interaction

physical beauty result will determine how physically attractive you

such as this would be the rank of the elven ranger’s willpower at-

are, primarily to your own race. This does not always constrict you

tribute, not the attribute stat itself, but the rank of the willpower.

to members of your own race, for instance humans and elves mix

Sometimes the other character may roll to resist the seduction

quite often. Humans and elves both fall under the racial species of

with their willpower check. In which case the character’s charis-

humanoids though so there is a close resemblance. So, the PB result

ma check should beat the NPCs willpower check result since they

is entirely situational to personal preference and the relativity of the

are trying to resist. Yet, in this situation the elf already thinks

species. Having a high or low PB can sometimes bump your charisma

the rogue is physically attractive, thus the rogue would use her

roll by giving you a social modifier during attempts of seduction.

willpower rank as the target number.

Making a Physical Beauty Check During game if a character is attempting to court or mate with another character there are usually a couple of rolls to make. A charisma check is necessary when finding out if a character likes the way you act and interact with them socially. The player may talk smooth but does it come out that way when the character does it? The physical beauty is for finding out if someone is physically attracted as well. When attempting to check, use this method: say your character is a rogue and he has been checking out the elven ranger in the corner for some time. He looks across the tavern and tries to make eye contact to let her know he is interested. She looks over just then and catches his glance. Your rogue has a PB of 15. The GM rolls her d20 to see if the elven ranger is attracted. The die

Physical Beauty


Description of Physical Beauty

- to 0


You must wear a mask or hood among mortals or you may sometimes suffer -3 to social rolls.



Wearing a mask or hood in public is necessary or suffer -2 to certain social rolls.



In certain social interactions you may lose -1 to the result of your social rolls.



There are no modifications dealt with a plain PB. This is the range of most mortals.



You are descent looking to those of your race. You possess an average to above average PB.



Better than average, there is no need to hide your comely looks you may be confident.



As attractive you may sometimes add a +1 to certain social rolls like seduction.



A very good looking mortal can often gain a +2 to certain social rolls when seducing.



You cannot get much better looking; you can sometimes gain +3 to your social roll.


17) Adjust Stats and Skills

operate as a simple tool for general names that might be used. Of course you are allowed to create your own name or alias at any time

If there have been any changes to your attributes or skills up to this

if you wish. Some new name or nickname might even be chosen

point you will wish to go through and make the changes so that your

after a few adventures have been accomplished. Some groups will

dice rolls will be correct. Just take a quick glance over your work. You are almost finished now. Not much more to do at all.

name a character after some deed that may have been performed

18) Fill In Ranks, Levels, and Dice


during a quest. Add-ons like “Giant Slayer” or “Goblin Bane” are not

You will now be able to fill in the correct ranks and dice for your

20) Create a Back Story

attributes. You can also fill in the proper level and dice for your char-

Now it is time for you to create your own back story for your char-

acter skills. These will be used a great deal during your game and will

acter. This is the final procedure during character development. You

change often when your attributes are increased. They will certainly

may place this on your character packet for the GM to review. You

change every time your skill rating increases. Each time you raise

may of course base this story off of information you gathered if you

your skill rating by one point by spending saga points on the skill,

chose to use the Life Path tables. You may have not used the tables

this will increase the level of the skill and the dice that you will use.

and have chosen to completely ignore them and create your very own

This table will allow you to quickly reference your stats and skills so that you may place the correct dice on your character packet.

back story which is also fine. At any rate you can jot down a small

19) Character Name

ly, where you were born, who your master was or where you got your

paragraph or more on your character that tells a bit about your famitraining from. This information should grant you a few saga points

Now you may choose a character name or roll one randomly by using

from the game master if it is worth 1 to 3 saga points. Now you are

the random name generators. The random name generators are for

ready to venture forth into the realms of Koth and get killed. Go and

the GM and the players’ convenience so they may quickly create a

die with honor.

name for a PC or an NPC. They are located on each race layout and


Chap te r I I

Dice Table Attribute

Rank or Skill Level



Rank or Skill Level




d2 (d6*)






























































































































































































*d6: a roll of 1-3 = 1, a roll of 4-6 = 2, a roll of 6 allows continuum.


C h aracte r Race s

Mortals of Koth

Sub-species: this represents the species that fall under the same cat-

“The Great One has not forsaken you, he has brought you from the

countries though they are freely accepted. You are able to choose

darkness so that for a brief moment you may know the light.”

the primary race to play as your character or some allow you a sub-

egory but hold some specific difference from their brethren. Some sub-species may include different tribes, half breeds, or even mutations. Most half breeds are shunned within normal society. In some

species to play. Make sure when adding your stats and modifiers to

-Amar Kaath (Book of KoloK)

your character that you are choosing the correct ones because the The mortal races of Koth in this chapter are those races in which you

subspecies sometimes have different racial modifications.

may choose to play during the game. This chapter will explain about

Average Height & Weight: this is of course the average height and

each race with enough detail that you may successfully play or game

weight of the race, not what is required. Some are over or under

master for each one. These races are those that have survived the Kin

weight; some are taller or shorter for their own people.

Wars and those that dwell within the northwestern most region of

Unarmed Damage: this is the unarmed damage that the race will deal

Koth and the map provided in this core rulebook.

when striking with hands, feet, elbows, etc. If they gain any bonuses

An eternity has passed since these races first arrived on

they will be listed in the racial abilities area. Some gain special racial

Koth. Most do not know nor would they believe that they are from

bonuses due to claws, teeth, or horns. Thus when attacking in that

other worlds. Many wars have been fought due to racial differences,

form you are normally given a bonus to damage.

beliefs, and the wish to own territories. Those were the Kin Wars

Movement: this is the starting movement of the race explained in

when all of the former slave races fought for their own territories.

inches for miniature battle use. You may double this number when

Yet in some lands all races are welcome to live among one another in

running. If you have a high dexterity attribute you will gain more

peace, or so it is written. Sadly it is a very rare thing when mortals

movement. Even though movement is shown in inches you can mul-

can put aside their differences and live in harmony.

tiply this x 5’ feet to find out how many feet it is considered.

Average Life Span: this represents the average amount of time that

With the arrival of these mortals followed their demons

as well, and all of their demons seem to want the same thing, the

the race has been known to live out their lives into old age.

destruction of our world where they can become the masters. They

Starting Hit Points: roll the die listed according to your race’s

need souls for power. Whether you choose the path of darkness,

starting hit points. Add the result of the roll to your body attribute.

shadow, or light you will no doubt one day be confronted with the

Those with a high body gain a bonus to starting hit points.

choice of who you really fight for in the Ever War.

Racial Abilities & Characteristics: these abilities and characteristics

are the gifts and weaknesses of the race. The type of vision that the


race uses will be found here as well. The different types of vision will

Mortal’s Title: the actual name of each mortal race is listed at the top

be explained in the character creation chapter if you need help in

of each page. This is the name that they have called their own people

finding out how to use your vision. If there are any skill adjustments

since the beginning of recorded history. The name beneath this is

listed that the character does not own due to his or her class, simply

the name that other mortals have given their race. It is a nickname if

modify the numbers given to the attribute that the skill ties to during

you will, an alias that they also go by.

game play. For instance the race gives a +2 level to Stealth but you

Species: to some that might study the ancient knowledge of crea-

mage doesn’t have the stealth skill, add +2 to the rank of your dexter-

ture lore you will know well of the different types of species on this

ity attribute when your character is sneaking.

world. Some races are of the same species and might even call these

Attribute Modifications: these are the modifiers to each of your at-

other races “brother, sister, or cousin” due to the close similarities in

tributes that must be altered when making your character. Simply

either culture or appearance. In ancient times these races may have

erase the stat you have listed on the sheet and place the new num-

even co-existed together upon the same home world. Humanoids,

ber in after modifying the number. These modifications due to your

goblinoids, reptilians, and therians are some of the primary species

race can bring you over an 18 strength sometimes, this is fine, racial

of mortals upon Koth. There are also hybrids and mutants which are

modifiers can do this. If you are choosing one of the sub-species of

mortals that were spawned by the mixing of a mortal parent and a

this race you also modify your attributes accordingly unless it tells

being from an alternate plane, such as those from Heaven or Hell.

you not to do so.


Chap te r I I I



After the Kin Wars the bogkroll were defeated by the


humanoid alliance known as the “Kindred Contingent”, and their

Species: Goblinoid

numbers severely suffered. Most retreated into the mountains and

Sub-species: Troll

the sub-species known as the troll, even more reclusive, fled beneath

Average Height: 8’ - 9’

the earth. Trolls have always been feared for they always seemed

Average Weight: 600 lbs. - 800 lbs.

more barbaric than their hill brothers. The goblinoid races have

Unarmed Damage: (d12)

always been questioned where their true loyalties lie; they all wear

Movement: 2

distinct similarities to demon-kind. It is believed by many that the

Average Life Span: 65 years

bogkroll race was spawned by demons and that their gods could very

Starting Hit Points: d12 + Body + Strength

well be cambion descendants. This is even more so toward the trolls who are rumored to have been made by dark magic or a curse. Yet,

Racial Abilities & Characteristics

the Thrall Wars were won with the help of the bogkroll, many ogre

Vision: Twilight (trolls gain: Dark Sight)

heroes fought side by side with humanoids and ascended to become

Lob: throw rocks, trees, large objects at 4d6 + Str dmg

saints and immortals. Just as the great hero that wears the name Gar

mod a distance = to 1/2 Str. (small items full Str in

DemonBane. It is written that he and his squad of trolls and ogres

inches). Without WP: Throwing skill suffers -3 to hit.

took out a cohort of vatagi warriors at “Widow’s Pass”.

Mule: carry items as if +10 more to strength.

Regeneration: (Troll only) regenerate 2d6 HP per round

are highly decorated. Some “ogres” as they are called by most races,

unless elemental damage is taken (fire, cold, etc.).

like to add titles to their names to describe their reputation or a deed

Weakness to Fire: (Troll only) trolls take x2 power

of their doing. Some examples of names by reputation and clans

dmg from fire and it destroys their regeneration.

respectively are; Grohn the Devourer, Baygore the Butcher, and Kogh

Hulk: consumes x2 food & HP is body + strength.


Oaf: -2 lvls Stealth & Concealment

Bogkroll often only use one word for names unless they

The bogkroll prefer the mountainous regions of many

lands. Their tribes can be found primarily in Oondar, Varagoth, the

Attribute Modifications

Neverlands, the Black Mountains of Baahltizar, and of course the

+4 Strength

Frost March. Varagoth is the closest thing they have to their own

-2 Dexterity

country yet it is still shared with the other goblinoid races.

+1 Body

Character Name Generator

-2 Intelligence -1 Charisma

Prefix (d20) d20

The bogkroll is the largest of the mortal races.

Prefix d20

Suffix (d10)

Prefix d10

Male Female

1 Ag 11 Mor 1 -ar -aim

They have great pointed ears that are bent at the top.

2 Bay 12 Mul 2 -da -ain

Their skin color often ranges from a tarnished brown,

3 Bor 13 Nar 3 -domok -da

gray, black, or greenish hue. Gnarled skin covers these

4 Dag 14 Nor 4 -gar -gola

giants and they are often adorned with small horn-

5 Gol 15 Og 5 -hun -grad

like growths and warts. Some bogkroll possess hair

6 Gr 16 Or 6 -og -jun

but not all of them do. Many have two large tusks

7 Hag 17 Rag 7 -ohn -kada

or lower canines that protrude upward from the

8 Jur 18 Ro 8 -or -may

mandible. Often in their elder years, the males

9 Kog 19 Ung 9 -ros -na

will grow horns from their head in many

10 Mag 20 War 10 -wok -tada

different styles and shapes.


Mo rtal s o f K o th


Chap te r I I I



sharply pointed. Those half breeds that have mixed with humans


(something that happens a great deal in the realm of Dalewynnd), they can usually be identified by their ears, they have a slight bend

Species: Humanoid

at the tip, where pure bloods have an extreme or sharper point. All

Sub-species: Shadow Elf, Half Elf

elves have many shades of skin color and facial features just as many

Average Height: 5’ - 6’

as humans do.

Average Weight: 90 lbs. - 160 lbs.

Unarmed Damage: (d6)

The sub-species of the race known as the shadulyn

eldrynn or shadow elves are a pale skinned race. These elves

Movement: 3

dwell beneath the surface world and dwell in total darkness with

Average Life Span: 600 years (half eldrynn 200 years) Starting Hit Points: d6 + Body

ink filled black eyes. This race of elves seem to favor the dark arts

Racial Abilities & Characteristics

ages ago. Since magic has been the backbone of elven society the

which is said to be the reason for the race to be split asunder surface dwellers believed there should be rules and laws to be

Vision: Twilight (shadulyn eldrynn gain: Dark Sight,

followed. The shadulyn disagreed so religiously that it tore the race

half eldrynn gain: Twilight)

apart and began a civil war against the tribes. The shadulyn are a

Forest Walk: (average elf only) +3 levels to Stealth or

race that often deal with the demons almost as if they believe they

Concealment while in forest terrain.

will win control over them in time. Through great necromantic

City Walk: (half eldrynn only) +3 levels to Stealth and

ability and control of the dark arts they can control even death. Their

Concealment skills within urban terrain.

surface cousins warned them of the dangers that the darkness could

Deep Walk: (shadulyn eldrynn only) +3 levels to stealth

not be controlled or even tamed and that magic is the same way.

and concealment skill within subterranean terrain.

They refused to listen and believe all magic is open to command.

Allure: +2 Physical Beauty (half eldrynn +1 Physical Beauty)

Eldrynn add longer last names by accomplishments in

Attribute Modifications

Thunderblade, are examples. They possess middle names that tell

their life path, or signs given by the gods. Stormcatcher, Maystaff, what family they come from. You may wish to wait on your last

-2 Strength (half eldrynn lose -1 strength)

name. Then you can create the addition once you have accomplished

+1 Dexterity (half eldrynn do not modify)

a memorable task.

+1 Perception

Character Name Generator Prefix (d20)

The eldrynn species are a race that have


Prefix d20

Suffix (d10)

Prefix d10

Male Female

built their entire culture upon the way of nature and

1 Adeus 11 Jealha 1 -ada -aija

magic. Many have entwined their lifestyle with the

2 Alleon 12 Kysta 2 -bos -ain

wild and most of the eldrynn tribes that dwell in the

3 Bael 13 Leath 3 -coi -ella

Shadynnar Territory are very protective over their

4 Coroth 14 Lynel 4 -dale -fae

forests and its secrets. Outsiders are forbidden,

5 Dane 15 Mael 5 -elon -ja

especially the races that they call demon spawn;

6 Elar 16 Natha 6 -fyan -naoma

such as the goblinoids and vatagi. The eldrynn

7 Ennae 17 Qual 7 -may -niella

race is humanoid and their features resemble

8 Faer 18 Raistan 8 -moryth -nyan

the human in many ways. They are usually

9 Foryn 19 Saydia 9 -rynath -quai

more slender in stature and their ears are

10 Innith 20 Tomyn 10 -sadua -sai


Mo rtal s o f K o th


Chap te r I I I



of what they kill goes to waste and seem to favor the bones of all


creatures in their tools and their art. This and their constant raids

Species: Arthropod

won them the title “bone hunters” or

Average Height: 5’ - 6’

hunters and reavers for short by most mortal tribes of the north.

“bone reavers,” becoming

Average Weight: 130 lbs. - 220 lbs.

Unarmed Damage: (d6+1)

they possess that may retract into their six vertical mouths. They use

Movement: 3

acidic saliva and these tongues to break down food. Their eyes are

Average Life Span: 80 years

often yellow, beady, yet possess snake-like slits. These eyes recede

Starting Hit Points: d6 + Body

into the sockets of their exo-cranium. Their spine is usually rigid and

Their prime source of scent is from the six black tongues

curved in a manner that gives them a hunched appearance and their

Racial Abilities & Characteristics

blood almost glows florescent blue.

Vision: Infravision

During reproduction there is no enjoyment of the process.

Resist Cold: 10 (soak 10 cold damage)

There is a gestation period of four months where a female may hatch

Winter Walk: the kuthalan body dehydrates and their

up to four eggs. This may happen only once during the female’s

blue blood does not freeze easily. They survive 6 times

lifetime unless they are a queen. Queens are born with the gift to

the cold temperature of most mortals without penalty.

reproduce every twelve months. Kuthalans are not known for their

Cryostasis: they can hibernate in times of danger for

compassion or moral values. The kuthalan mentality has always

weeks equal to their body attribute to survive brutal

revolved around power. Those who dwell with their hives regard the

cold weather, only twice a year.

hive as the primary source of their power. They treat their queen

Heart of Ice: the target # of emotional resistance rolls

mothers as demigods and will die in servitude of their orders with-

are dropped by 2 due to their lack of empathy.

out question. Those that stray from the hive due to quests or the

Chitin: toughness of 2, adds a +1 to unarmed damage.

destruction of their hive become more easily detached from their people. They become centered upon their own survival after

Attribute Modifications

going through a withdrawal period called the “hum nahar”. This is a

+2 Body

mental and physical disconnection from the hive that lasts for days

+2 Perception

and causes great pain and disorientation. The kuthalans are known

-1 Willpower

to be great survivors though and they make deadly adversaries.

-3 Charisma

Character Name Generator







Prefix (d20)


Prefix d20

Suffix (d10)

Frost March. They seem to thrive in the cold climates


even though they are arthropods that possess an

1 Ana 11 Ra 1 -ash -eka

Prefix d10

Male Female

exoskeleton. They also possess some endoskeletal parts.

2 Bra 12 Ro 2 -bard -fga

Their kind reveres the female of the species as they

3 Daah 13 See 3 -gath -gahi 4 Ga 14 Tha 4 -hash -hae

follow a hive structure within their society. Their queen mother rules their hive and males serve as

5 Ha 15 Tho 5 -heeth -icha

the warriors, hunters, and high ranking courtiers.

6 Ga 16 Un 6 -krag -jayle

They are great hunters, builders, and craftsmen.

7 Ka 17 Va 7 -kratch -nara

Kuthalans are known for their weapon and

8 Ko 18 Wa 8 -marh -na

armor skills nearly as profound as the

9 Mu 19 Yah 9 -nath -noth 10 No 20 Za 10 -zar -oae

mongru. They make sure that nothing


Mo rtal s o f K o th


Chap te r I I I

Mhen Tep

(men-tep) the finer things in life and seek wealth and luxuries through trade


and bartering. They are well known for trying to cut a better deal.

Species: Therian

Grimalkin are often bound to a creature that saves their

Average Height: 5’ - 6’

life. They will stay with that creature until they have returned the

Average Weight: 60 lbs. - 160 lbs.

“soul debt”, for that is the way that their destined paths have aligned

Unarmed Damage: (d6)

for them. Many of the mhen tep believe in destiny and fate, thus

Movement: 4

drawing them to the Fateists religion. Yet, most worship one of the

Average Life Span: 65 years

three Elder Gods a creed that still honors the Twelve Fates within it.

Starting Hit Points: d6 + Body

They possess many different colors and patterns on

their furs therefore there is a tremendous cultural variety in the

Racial Abilities & Characteristics

grimalkin tribes across the realm. The mhen tep can live in any

Vision: Twilight

climates yet many prefer the desert lands of Vazuun Denaahl or

Carnivore: does not eat plant food, it is revolting.

the far eastern realms of Myen Wu. There are other tribes that run

Climbing Claws: +3 levels to climbing skill checks.

plenty throughout Vasgar in the city of Underwall. The mhen tep

Great Leap: with a dexterity check T # equal to

usually elect the female of the species as a great fit for rule, poli-

inches they may leap to their max running movement.

tics, and diplomatic affairs, while the men make excellent soldiers.

Innate Senses: burn 1 frenzy to add +d6 to a perception

This is not always the case but in many of the desert tribes it is so.

check before the roll to smell, see, or hear is made.

They enjoy a life of trade and make their living doing work for the

Retractable Claws: +3 unarmed damage with claws out.

merchant houses and guilds. They are not very fond of sea faring

Shadow: add +1 to Stealth and Concealment rolls.

adventures, so they pay others to deal with their overseas affairs.

Skittish: prone to mental fatigue, target # is often + 1-3.

The mhen tep also enjoy magic and alchemy. After all it

makes things easier and easier is better. They try and stay far from

Attribute Modifications

any culture that sees magic as evil. It is a common site in the desert

-1 Strength

lands to see a large caravan of mhen tep traveling with alchemists

+2 Dexterity

and traders. In the realms of Myen Wu there are many well-known

-1 Body

clan of mu dai such as the Gray Claw Clan. After the Thrall Wars,

+2 Perception

many mhen tep migrated to the far east where they now flourish.

-2 Willpower

Character Name Generator Prefix (d20)

The mhen tep are a secretive race that have


luxuries in life. Yet, they are also known to be great

1 Ama 11 Kall 1 -ash -al

spies, thieves, or assassins. They are very agile with

2 Abba 12 Mohan 2 -at -day

their innate ability to great leap and climb. They are

3 Aka 13 Mow 3 -bo -dia 4

masters at stealth and concealment making them good

Prefix d20

Suffix (d10)

a reputation for being lazy, or simply enjoying the

Daye 14

Prefix d10

Nom 4

Male Female

-get -ela

hunters. Many grimalkin use their sign language

5 Eia 15 Os 5 -ja -et

as a means of communication in the wild. During

6 En 16 Pash 6 -ha -ni 7 Gun 17 Puo 7 -poa -nu

scouting and hunting parties they use the sign to

8 How 18 Ra 8 -shu -pa

remain totally silent. They tend to sleep more

9 Inu 19 Ro 9 -tat -taya

than most races when allowed. The mhen tep

10 Ju 20 Thon 10 -tet -tia

have never enjoyed hard labor. They enjoy


Mo rtal s o f K o th


Chap te r I I I



found where there are many about. The mongru do not shun the


light of the stars yet they prefer their homes to be heavily guarded. They make complex traps to insure thieves or enemies grow quickly

Species: Humanoid

discouraged. They enjoy drinking, tales of valor, and tests of strength

Sub-species: Pale Dwarf

or skill. The mongru hail from the country called Bor Gayden far to

Average Height: 4’ - 5’

the north and the northern mongru enjoy open waters and seafaring.

Average Weight: 140lbs. - 220 lbs.

The northern mongru are called “High Dwarves” by others of their

Unarmed Damage: (d6)

kind that hail from the south beyond the Aticraulian Empire.

Movement: 2

Average Life Span: 300 years

The mongru began as the humans did and thrived in

Starting Hit Points: d8 + Body

creating weaponry and armor. Their crafts are considered superb

Racial Abilities & Characteristics

and stone. The mongru take great pride in their work and the tools

quality by other races for they have an affinity toward working metal of their trade. They take their time and use most of their patience up

Vision: Dark Sight Stone






on paying attention to detail. In their beliefs the gods have written


their stories in stone, their fates are sealed upon tablets and there is

spirit of stone and by touching it they can sense where

no way to change the outcome.

passageways, minerals, and water may be found up

to a distance equal to their willpower attribute in

They have a greedy thirst for precious metals and gem

stones in order to make their tools, weapons, and armor. The pale

inches or (x5’ feet). A willpower check is necessary to

dwarves seem to be even worse when it comes to this appetite for

commune with the spirit of stone and a half an hour.

treasure. The pale dwarves and their dwarven cousins despise one

Shamans accomplish this within just a few rounds.

another. The surface dwarves and pale dwarves simply began as

Hard Headed: +1 to Body Save rolls vs. knock outs.

different clans but once the pale dwarves dug deep enough into

Resolution: +1 Mental Defense

the underworld, they unleashed things meant to be buried. The

Blood of the Smith: +2 levels to Armorer & Smith skills Dredge: (pale dwarf only) +2 levels to mining skills

possessed clans were corrupted by greed and began to wage war

Attribute Modifications

valcrium. The mongru have a very difficult time trusting other races,

against the surface dwarves over treasure, mertacullum, and but when they do they follow their word with strength and honor.

+2 Strength -1 Dexterity

Character Name Generator

+1 Body

Prefix (d20)

-2 Charisma


Prefix d20

Suffix (d10)

Prefix d10

Male Female

1 Bay 11 Kul 1 -adar -adale

Most mongru use tattoos for a symbol of rank

2 Bar 12 Mor 2 -ag -aday

or experience. The variety of skin tones range from dark

3 Bor 13 Mul 3 -agar -again

to fair, just as the humans. The Pale Dwarves, their deep

4 Dam 14 Nar 4 -ax -ay

dwelling cousins gain their name from their pale white

5 Dar 15 Nor 5 -gar -ga

skin. Much like the shadow elves they live deep under

6 Dor 16 Rag 6 -gor -gale

the surface and shun other races. All dwarves like to

7 Dorm 17 Rog 7 -had -gayne

keep their homes under the earth or inside moun-

8 Hag 18 Thar 8 -rad -hain

tains. They have evolved to develop a kinship

9 Helm 19 Thon 9 -rax -taya

with stone and earth spirits, so they are often

10 Jug 20 Thor 10 -tor -uva


Mo rtal s o f K o th


Chap te r I I I




prophecies of the dark lords, a warning. Something about the

Species: Hybrid

passage of time certain powers held by these hybrids yet wanes.

Average Height: 5’5” - 6’5”

Average Weight: 100 lbs. - 240 lbs.

Northman or some tribal men and women. They will easily pass for

Unarmed Damage: (d6)

humans and often choose to live amongst them. A nephilim’s eyes

Movement: 3

glow bright cobalt when glimpsing into the ethereal realm around

Average Life Span: 500 years

them. This can allow them to see demons that are incapable of

Starting Hit Points: d8 + Body

hiding from the sight. They can see magic and things of spirit in

nephilim worries the dark ones. It is known that throughout the Nephilim look just like humans do, yet most are tall like the

this manner as well. The nephilim also have the power of sixth sense

Racial Abilities & Characteristics

which can help in sensing things past, present, and future. Using

Vision: Chromatic and Astral Sight

these powers is dangerous for it will give a nephilim away for what

Sixth Sense: add +3 to perception rolls and shot dmg

they truly are. They are ancient descendants of a hybrid race bred

for 4 rounds with each glimpse. This may be used

from angels and humans. The joining of those two races created

three times per day and costs 1 frenzy to activate.

the nephilim. The first were very powerful, but as the angel blood

The eyes glow during use and the GM may allow

seems to dull over generations it also loses much of its potency. Very

visions through post or precognition, even remote

rarely, a descendant will possess stronger powers as if they had been

viewing. Glimpse brief past, present, or future events.

rekindled by an act of the gods. Some of the greatest prophets have

Resolve: Fortitude of 5

been nephilim. Whenever a new prophet is discovered, they are

Hunted: suffer the Hunted character flaw being

hidden from the world and none are so easily allowed to seek council

pursued by the Stygian Army and Order of Scion.

with them for fear of the Order of Scion, or stygian assassins.

Attribute Modifications

These mortal beings live in the realms wherever humans

can be found. They live in the lands of Baleklade, Thead, Dragon

+1 Strength

Guard, Kauldane, Espadosa, and Veldwar. It is the hope of all the

+1 Perception

forces of light that the nephilim will be able to return in strength and

-2 Willpower

once again help battle evil like the legends of old. Yet for now there are only few and most people even believe their kind to be extinct.

It is written in the dead tongue of Hebrew that

Character Name Generator

the nephilim first came through to the world of Koth

Prefix (d20)

from a place called Nod in the Forgotten World Terra. Also, that they were sent to help stop the forces of the dark lords during the Thrall War. The nephilim did help fight the gods of darkness beside their generals, the

Suffix (d10)


Prefix d20

Prefix d10

Male Female


Adr 11

Ka 1

-ad -aja


Ama 12


2 -ar -aine

3 Br 13 Ma 3

angels. They were called great heroes for turning the


tides of the war. They are called the watchers by some for they are keeping guard over mortals, awaiting the moment when the forces of light are needed. They are hunted by the Black Order and the

Dav 14 Mo 4 Mj 5

-bor -eva -dam -jai -eon -jes


Dur 15


Em 16 Ob 6

-gor -mae


Fae 17 Od 7

-hal -omi

8 Fr 18 Ra 8 -jo -ni

Old Gods. The dark armies of the vatagi have placed bounties on all nephilim heads. There must be something written in the


9 Ja 19 Ro 9

-nu -ya

10 Jo 20 Vor 10

-thar -yu

Mo rtal s o f K o th


Chap te r I I I


(org) a leader. When that one becomes old and weak he is defeated in


mortal combat by the new alpha. This ancient tradition has been

Species: Goblinoid

passed down for centuries and is called “Talamakh”. The male is

Sub-species: Dark Orc, Half Orc

the more dominant of the org species, although there are plenty of

Average Height: 5’ – 6’ (Dark Orc: 6’ - 7’)

female warriors as well. The ruler, king, or “Voktari” usually rule

Average Weight: 180 lbs. - 300 lbs. (Dark Orc: +50 lbs.)

an org horde or army. They usually have many wives and many

Unarmed Damage: (d8) Dark Orc (d10)

offspring. Org society is brutal and unforgiving even for these dark

Movement: 3

ages. Most young with deformities are slain and sacrificed to Mok

Average Life Span: 75 years

Tar the god of creation, not Rath the god of death, because Mok

Starting Hit Points: d10 + Body

Tar will return them whole. Slavery is legal through org society and is often the leading barter of their system. Org do not always kill

Racial Abilities & Characteristics

everything that they raid, they know that capturing slaves is very

Vision: Dark Sight (Half Orc: Twilight)

profitable, so they often attempt to do this when taking over a town.

Aggression: if insulted, taunted, or struck the org must

make a willpower check in order to suppress anger. If

prominent in the goblinoid ruled country of Varagoth. There are

failed they burn 1 point of frenzy to gain the aggression

tribes in Vasgar, Shademarsh, Baahltizaar, Oondar, the Frost March,

bonus. For 1 round they gain +1 to hit any enemy with

and some of the most feared Crow Wilderness where the dark

rage attacks or combo attacks.

orcs reign supreme. They also rule many areas of the subterranean

Dauntless: they gain +1 to checks versus fear attacks.

underworld, yet they do not often go too deep. There has been

Catch Scent: add +2 to perception results if it is

much trade between the org cities in Varagoth and the human lands,

possible to smell the target. (half orc: only gain +1)

especially in recent years and the spreading of Narcadia. The orc are

Agony: gain +1 to their Body Save versus trauma checks

believed to be direct descendants of demon kin by many and are rarely

and body saves versus pain damage or effects due to

trusted. It is said they still possess demon blood in their veins, yet

their high threshold for pain. (half orc: do not gain)

this may very well be a myth fueled by racism for ancient texts say the

The org live all over the realms yet tend to be more

slave races are not of this world. Half orcs are often a result of sexual

Attribute Modifications

assault. Although there are some that have mixed willingly this is not always the case. They find life hard but tend to be strong survivors.

+1 Strength (Half Orc gains; Dark Orc gains +2) +1 Body -1 Intelligence

Character Name Generator

-1 Charisma (Half Orc loses; Dark Orc loses -2)

Prefix (d20) d20

Prefix d20

Suffix (d10)

Prefix d10

Male Female

1 Ag 11 Mor 1 -ah -a

They are nocturnal yet do not hide from

2 Bod 12 Mul 2 -ak -aka

daylight, especially those that live in civilized cities. A

3 Bul 13 Nar 3 -dar -dech

half orc actually sits in the High Council of Northwater.

4 Dag 14 Nor 4 -dor -del

Yet many barbarian tribes are very aggressive and war

5 Gol 15 Og 5 -gar -gal

with one another as well as all other races. The org are

6 Gr 16 Or 6 -hag -in

quick to anger and will not often back down from a

7 Hog 17 Rag 7 -o -kada

fight even if they are outnumbered. The org often

8 Kul 18 Ro 8 -og -ona

fall under the largest, cruelest, most intimidat-

9 Log 19 Ung 9 -or -na

ing alpha male when it comes time to choose

10 Mag 20 Wok 10 -wor -wen


Mo rtal s o f K o th


Chap te r I I I



Lizard Kin

The mulpheen, which are the desert sub-species of the

Species: Reptilian

this obsidian armor. Most of them also have piercing, emerald green

Sub-species: Mulpheen

eyes. They wear nomadic garbs of the desert just like the bedouin of

Average Height: 6’ - 7’

Vazuun Denaahl. They are alike in many ways and yet so different

Average Weight: 200 lbs. - 300 lbs.

in morals. The mulpheen seem to lean more toward a dark path and

Unarmed Damage: (d8)

concern themselves with wealth and power. The sharpheen are filled

Movement: 3 (x2 underwater; sharpheen)

with honorable ideals and seem contempt with trade and peace.

Average Life Span: 200 years

Starting Hit Points: d10 + Body

jest of others deformities or failures. Sharpheen do not normally lie,

sharpheen have black scales. They can easily be distinguished by

The sharpheen do not easily understand humor nor do they

it is part of their culture to speak truth always and to remain bound

Racial Abilities & Characteristics

to ones’ word. The mulpheen are very different in this aspect for they

Vision: Infravision

are known to be raiders and slavers of caravans. The sharpheen often

Breathe Water: (sharpheen only) breathe underwater.

work as guides and scouts through swamps and jungle terrain. Many

Burrow: (mulpheen only) under sand to sleep or

live in what are called “Hiakas”, small ingenious huts under the water

ambush. Gain +5 lvls to concealment when in burrow.

filled with air, with an entrance to swim up into. The huts even have

Forest Walk: (sharpheen only) +3 levels to Stealth or

fire places with reed flues that run the length of the trees to let out

Concealment while in forest terrain only.

smoke or allow air inside the hut. They also make their huts in the

Desert Walk: (mulpheen only) +3 levels to Stealth or

trees with amazing engineering skills. They are fond of traps and

Concealment while in desert terrain only.

can capsize a canoe to raid trespassers in their lands. However, the

Scales: +1 toughness, Resist Fire: 10

subspecies of the sharpheen that dwell in the deserts obviously

Glide: (sharpheen only) +3 levels to swimming skills

prefer the heat and dry climates. They also make huts underground.

Climbing Claws: +3 levels when climbing.

The sharpheen are primarily from Haaktaahl a deadly swamp where powerful creatures native to the swamps hunt the fog-covered

Attribute Modifications

wetlands at night. They are tested to become warriors by spending

+2 Strength

two weeks alone in the wild. The mulpheen originate from Vazuun

+1 Body

Denaahl and have many tribes that dwell in subterranean areas.

-1 Intelligence

Character Name Generator

-2 Charisma

Prefix (d20)

They are a tribal people that wear netting and


Prefix d20

Suffix (d10)

Prefix d10

Male Female

hemp armor or clothing. Many of the lizard kin wear the

1 At 11 Naar 1 -ak -ana

skulls of prey as trophies of their kills. Those who hail

2 Ath 12 Ra 2 -ath -aral

from Shademarsh have adapted to more modern gear

3 Az 13 Saav 3 -dath -danah

though, because they enjoy the armor of other races and

4 Deh 14 Sha 4 -deeth -daeth

the technology they create. Their tails are long and

5 Ezu 15 She 5 -humm -hi

spiked, but rarely used as weapons, primarily they

6 Ha 16 Shu 6 -huzad -huzada

are used for balance. Sharpheen enjoy projectile

7 Haar 17 Su 7 -rigg -rea

weaponry and weapons that connect to the

8 Hy 18 Thr 8 -shath -sha

gauntlet is favored such as crossbows and the

9 Kaath 19 Ze 9 -thar -thay

Thuum Za “arm bow”, created by them.

10 Ku 20 Zu 10 -zu -za


Mo rtal s o f K o th


Chap te r I I I


(skog) sometimes eat raw meat and even meat that is nearly rotten without


getting sick from it. Although many prefer a cooked meal, it is not vital. Skog make their homes in the low class sections of civilization

Species: Therian

and enjoy the vast realms to roam. They are known to be a fearsome

Sub-species: Half Brute

race and would have conquered many countries during the Kin Wars

Average Height: 6’ - 7’ (Half Brutes: 5’ - 6’)

if not for united banners like the Kindred Contingent.

Average Weight: 200lbs. - 400 lbs.

Unarmed Damage: (d8)

carry elongated skulls, three holes on each side of the head for

Movement: 3

hearing, and they possess enhanced senses. The half brutes are often

Average Life Span: 100 years (Half Brute: 90 years)

half humanoid and half skog. Half brutes wear flatter faces, some

Starting Hit Points: d10 + Body

even develop pointed ears. In many ways their appearances vary from tribe to tribe just as most races do. Half brutes are outcasts and do

Racial Abilities & Characteristics

not often live through childbirth due to their “mutations”. The half

Vision: Twilight (Half Brute: Chromatic)

brutes are not normally accepted in skog society and even the skog

Fearlessness: +3 levels to checks versus fear.

do not call them skog, they have taken to calling them “half brutes”.

Howl: +1 to initiative for all allies within earshot. This

Pureblood or not they are nearly fearless, for their fates are sealed.

grants +3 max if 3 skogs howl. This gives away position.

Rot Gut: (only skog) can eat nearly rotten meat without

The skog race lives in many areas of the realms yet they

rule the countries Roth and Vasgar. Tribes are prominent in the

food poisoning. +1 to body save rolls ingesting toxins.

Frost March, the Neverlands, and the Auroon Hills. The skog enjoy

Fur Hide: gain +1 toughness and +3 levels to body

these lands and have warred with others for centuries. Even though

checks against surviving within cold climates.

they are completely war-like in nature some skog possess a great

Carnivore: (only skog) no plant food, it is revolting.

sense of honor. The “Huthra” or Bloodfang, will not kill an unarmed opponent in cold blood. The bloodfang are a type of skog knight-

Attribute Modifications

hood or samurai that possess an ancient warrior code. While many

+2 Strength (half brutes only gain +1)

skogs hunt down slaves for money, some children heed the stories

+1 Body

of the Bloodfang with great envy. Yet, many end up making imperial

+2 Perception (skog only)

coin selling slaves to Aticraulys, or fighting in gladiator pits.

-1 Intelligence -2 Willpower (skog only)

Character Name Generator

-2 Charisma (half brutes only lose -1)

The skog are called beastkin by more “civilized” folk. They

Prefix (d20)

Skogs study war in their early years as


Prefix d20

Suffix (d10)

Prefix d10

Male Female

children and are considered a race of warriors. They are all

1 Ag 11 Mur 1 -aga -a

treated harshly and forced to battle for food at times. The

2 Bock 12 Nahaak 2 -ak -aka

females and the males of the species are treated the same

3 Bur 13 Navar 3 -da -dai

in society and all must become soldiers at some point

4 Dag 14 Oklor 4 -do -de

in their culture. Most live in tribal communities in the

5 Gak 15 Og 5 -gar -ga

wilds where they hunt and trap for food and hides.

6 Gha 16 Oomar 6 -ha -inay

The skog do not eat plant life, they are carnivores.






7 Hak 17 Rhune 7 -hu -he


8 Jaha 18 Rovar 8 -og -on

survival will they eat mushrooms and berries

9 Lock 19 Unger 9 -mod -mai

which they usually find revolting. They

10 Mog 20 Yum 10 -var -zu


Mo rtal s o f K o th


Chap te r I I I




from them. Most of their technology is stolen from other people,

Species: Therian

those who later disposed of the items or died wearing them.

Sub-species: Blood Tark

Average Height: 4’ - 5’ (Blood Tark: 6’ - 7’)

garbage of other people they often live in mounds or huts composed

Average Weight: 80 - 120 lbs. (Blood Tark: 200 - 400lbs.)

of anything they find useful. In the underworld they create huts from

Unarmed Damage: (d6) Blood Tark (d10)

within stalagmites and cave formations. Their tunnel systems can be

Movement: 4 (Blood Tarks; movement: 3)

difficult to traverse for many and filled with dangerous traps. They

Average Life Span: 80 years

prefer the nocturnal life and are shunned by many, even treated like

Starting Hit Points: d6+ Body (Blood Tarks: +d10+ Bod)

diseased vermin. It is believed that it was Nymn Tat, their patron

and much of their clothing or supplies were once worn or used by Since many ratkin on the surface make their homes in the

deity that made it possible for the tarks to be carriers and not

Racial Abilities & Characteristics

victims. Although plagues can still mark them, they don’t kill.

Vision: Dark Sight

Carrier: they are immune to disease or plague, but they

the race and often end up being alphas of their nests. Some of these

can carry a virus and spread it to other races.

beasts grow to near the size of a bogkroll. Ratkin enjoy the concept

Bite: (+d8 unarmed dmg) If they are a carrier of a

of money and how it can make one powerful. Some have formed

disease it may be transmitted through a bite when a

treaties with the shadulyn eldrynn within the underworld. They have

victim fails a body save. (Blood Tark: bite becomes +d12)

shared the confines of the darkness and caverns for centuries though

Blood Guard: the tarks gain 10 toxic resistance (20 for

and have built great cities in the darkness. It is believed that the

Blood Tarks) and +1 to body saves versus toxins.

shadulyn eldrynn first taught the tarkanys shamans their magic and

Shadow: add +2 levels to Stealth and Concealment

the rest was stolen from the orgs, humans, and eldrynn.

skills. (Blood Tarks: do not gain the Shadow bonus.)

Pack Rat: carry +20 units in pack (blood tark: +50 units).

recently joined the High Council of Northwater and now sit at its

The subspecies known as the blood tarks are the largest of

Despite their abhorrent reputation the tarkanys have just

table. Beneath the lands of Dragon Guard there is a great city in the

Attribute Modifications

underworld called “Taj Dalm,” It is filled with their people and known

-2 Strength (Blood Tarks: switch this to +2 Strength)

to be one of their finest architectural achievements. Their tunnel

+2 Dexterity (Blood Tarks: switch this to -2 Dexterity)

systems reach as far north as Baleklade even under the Amure.

+2 Perception

Character Name Generator

-2 Charisma

Prefix (d20)

The tarkanys, or tarks make their homes within


Prefix d20

Suffix (d10)

Prefix d10

Male Female

sewers, caves, and other dark places. The underworld is

1 Am 11 Luz 1 -at -a

abundant with their cities and tribes while the surface

2 Bra 12 Mur 2 -az -ba

world holds sparse collections of nests. Tarks have grown

3 Daz 13 Nat 3 -bit -bay

quite a reputation for being thieves, spies, and hired

4 Drit 14 Nit 4 -cha -chai

thugs that may always be found in any slum. It is a

5 Ez 15 Ota 5 -dat -dei

harsh reality that they are primarily profiled in such

6 Far 16 Pax 6 -it -i

a way due to most of their activities. The truth is

7 Giz 17 Paz 7 -katch -ka

they have always been silent watchers of other

8 Itch 18 Ratch 8 -rik -rei

people. Dwelling in the shadows they watch

9 Iz 19 Riz 9 -zat -yin

the interactions of other races and learn

10 Kah 20 Wok 10 -zit -za


Mo rtal s o f K o th


Chap te r I I I


(tear-in) This has caused a heightened rise in the halveneldrynn species in the


realm of Dalewynnd. Although the half breed is looked down upon by most of their eldrynn cousins they are more eagerly accepted by

Species: Humanoid

the humans. This often causes the half elves to seek domicile in

Average Height: 5’ - 6’

human lands, especially Dalewynnd, for it is long known to be a

Average Weight: 100 lbs. - 180 lbs.

haven for half elves.

Unarmed Damage: (d6)

Movement: 3

humans have sought to explore the realms. The era of innovation

Average Life Span: 80 years

is at hand and the High Council of Northwater seeks an alliance

Starting Hit Points: d6 + Body

between all mortal races in an attempt to appoint emissaries from all the lands into one governing table. The Aticraulian Empire sees this

Racial Abilities & Characteristics

as a threat for they are currently the most powerful kingdom in the

Vision: Chromatic

realms. The emperor does not think too fondly of a political move

Intuition: humans begin the game with 1 additional

such as this. The empire seems to be engaging in more open trade

skill slot for a combat, character, or language skill.

with vatagi culture and profiting off of its slave trade. All mortals

Soul Fire: begin with 12 soul points. Humans are known

were once slaves and many humans see this as a moral outrage.

to contain more soul energy than most mortals and

are sought out by demons for it. They also seem more

in the Thrall Wars. Some say as well that the Demon Gate is no longer a fairy tale. It has become more than just a rumor to seers and

Attribute Modifications

prophets. Although many still do not believe this tale, the stories


of the dead rising from their graves are spreading. The Apocalyptic Prophesies seem to be coming true. If so, it would take all mortal

Terrans now thrive in the world after the Kin

races to unite together under one great army as they did in the Thrall

Wars. They did well in military campaigns and were more

Wars. Yet, that is a legend that is nearly 1,400 years old and it has

numerous as it is told. Legends also say they came from the

faded into myth for many terrans and many other races as well.

same world as the demon god, Baal. The most prominent

lands under their command are Thead, Veldwar, Dragon

Character Name Generator

Guard, Kauldane, Espadosa, the mighty desert lands of

Prefix (d20)

Vazuun Denaahl, and the Aticraulian Empire.

Humans still tell tales around the campfires, stories of

their ancient nephilim brothers and sisters that fought beside them

resilient toward physical alterations and modifications.

In more recent years, as during the “the Age of Bones” the


Humans hold strong family ties and their names

Prefix d10

Male Female

1 Ada 11 Ra 1 -adar -aja

begin with what their parents created for them, while

2 Aba 12 Ri 2 -abo -aine

their last name holds the family name so that others

3 Bor 13 San 3 -bor -ella

may know the family in which they were born into. In

4 Col 14 Su 4 -dax -jaya

most cases the males are the more dominant species

5 Dar 15 Tath 5 -eon -jes

in society, yet women have been known to rule their

6 El 16 Un 6 -gad -mae

kingdoms and tribes as well.

Prefix d20

Suffix (d10)

7 Ka 17 Va 7 -har -nomi

The humans have long warred with one

8 Le 18 Wo 8 -jak -nia

another and with all other races over the centu-

9 Ma 19 Yu 9 -nu -ya

ries. They have a bond with the eldrynn race

10 Nath 20 Zar 10 -thuk -yu

that is stronger than most alliances though.


Mo rtal s o f K o th


Chap te r I I I




demon kin that possess parents that are both vatagi as well. Those

Species: Hybrid

greater powers, much more than these pure bloods. Yet the race itself

Average Height: 4’ - 6’ (modified by mutation)

sees their own pure blood kin as perfection even though they are all

Average Weight: 200 lbs. (modified by mutation)

mutations. The nephilim call them abominations.

Unarmed Damage: (d8)

Movement: 3

appearance in many ways. Some wear large spiral horns and hair on

Average Life Span: 200 years

their flesh, while others have small horns with scales in patches or

Starting Hit Points: d8 + Body

in strange patterns. Some have no hair at all with charred, stretched

that were bred on the Sabbaths, true cambion were rumored to have

Since the vatagi are of mixed descendants they differ in

flesh. The variety of the species seems to change from colony to clan.

Racial Abilities & Characteristics

When a tribe lives together for centuries, they show very similar

Vision: Dark Sight

characteristics. You must roll on the Demonic Mutation Table to find

Demonic Mutation: on the following page you will find

out what genome you come from and what you will appear like due

the Demonic Mutation Table, roll d100 to find your

to your mutations.

tribe name and your dark gift.

Resistances: place 10 points where you feel they belong.

very good at political movements. They currently occupy the

Half Scale: Toughness of 1

countries of Vasgar and Baahltizar, and trade with the Aticraulian

Shattered Soul: all demon kin suffer a loss of 2 points

Empire. They believe in the old ways and open the slave trade

to their Soul in trade for their dark gift. Vatagi begin

when a new place is conquered. Slaves make up a large part of their

the game with only 8 Soul points instead of 10.

conquered populace. They have churches to the One God Kolok, or

The vatagi are a very warlike race yet they are also

to the pantheon of the six Stygian Gods and are feared by most of

Attribute Modifications

the world. There are always rebels within a race. Those who do not

*(Altered by your demonic mutations; find these on the

follow the rest of their kind and feel they are meant for a

following page under each specific “dark gift”.)

different path. These vatagi make good player characters for not all follow the old ways. Yet, now there are rumors that the dark lords will

The vatagi began as a race of hybrid beings

return. That the seals have been broken unleashing their ancient

spawned from the mixing of demon and mortals in

creators from Tartarus, the prison of Hell.

an attempt to make a cambion. A soldier race for the demon lords in the year 2,520 of the 5th Era. Many

Character Name Generator

methods were used to do this in the past and not all

Prefix (d20)

were made naturally. Blood magic was used during black




1 Akel 11 Ra 1 -ad -bai

incubi, succubae, and mortal slaves. Dark science and

2 Ba 12 Ro 2 -bal -cuj






alchemical magic was even applied and for many years

Prefix d20

Suffix (d10)

Prefix d10

Male Female

3 Dem 13 Sar 3 -eke -dali

without success. The cambion race was eventual-

4 Gar 14 Set 4 -gek -fin

ly spawned and for hundreds of years they warred

5 Grym 15 Than 5 -gu -gili

with others and amongst their own kind. They

6 Hag 16 Th 6 -hu -kai

worshiped the Stygian Gods and ancient De-

7 Ju 17 Vag 7 -ja -lana

mon Cults. After centuries passed the race be-

8 Lar 18 Zar 8 -kan -oin

came what they are now. They call the “pure

9 Mah 19 Zas 9 -mok -wyn

bloods” the vatagi. These vatagi are mortal

10 Nul 20 Zos 10 -vogol -zyn


Mo rtal s o f K o th


Chap te r I I I Demonic Mutations

trauma effects. Gain +2 to Willpower and +2 Fortitude.

01 – 07 Aravak: dubbed by some as goat men due to their

horns and hooves, sometimes mistaken as faun from afar. Yet, the

cloud up to 2” (10’ feet) causing a burning effect 2d6 dmg per round

Aravak face is more humanoid. Gain an additional +2 bonus to tough-

for 2d6 rounds, and body save or victim is partially blinded for the

ness. Your claws and horns add +2 to unarmed dmg. Your hooves

duration. Your bite causes the same effect. You may use this 3 times

grant +1 movement, as well you gain +1 dexterity, +1 charisma.

a day. Gain 10 toxic resistance, +1 BS vs toxins and +2 Perception.

08 – 14 Rake: pale flesh, orbs for eyes, sharp teeth and

claws. These gaunt, emaciated beings gain +d6 to climbing and

emaciated with patches of fur. Gain +2 Strength, +2 Perception and

have the racial ability to regenerate: +2d6 HP per hour and can grow

Necrophage: feasting on a body grants 2d6 HP x 1 round up to x 10.

limbs back after a d6 days. Gain +2 to the dexterity attribute. 15 – 21

Fallen: you possess horns and broken wings, with

a fresh corpse. You gain 2d6 HP x 1 round, up to x 10 rounds per

Half Wing: these do not allow flight yet when falling you may glide

body while corpse feeding. The hungrier you are the more dead you

and add 1 to the end of your max movement for every 5 rolled on a

appear. Add +d6 to your unarmed dmg from claws and bites, +2 to

dexterity check (or a flying skill check). This allows you to flap during

Perception, and you can shift to Far Sight, or Infravision by growling.

a high jump to gain distance. Fallen gain +1 dexterity and +1 to body.

22 – 29 Terradim: tentacles writhe from your back and

mutation allows you to copy other bipedal mortals that you have

grapple an enemy, holding a victim to suffer -4 to H/D. The tentacles

touched. You can grow and shrink a few feet and the change is pain-

add +d6 to your strength attribute checks when useable and to a few

ful. If you feast on a specific part of the copied creature’s brain you

physical skill rolls based off of Str. or Dex. such as; lifting, climbing,

can speak like them and share certain memories. The change takes 4

or juggling. Each of your tentacles hold 10% of your max HP if cut.

rounds, the clothing is not copied. Gain +1 perception and charisma.

They regenerate after a d4 days. Gain +2 to your strength attribute.

30 – 35 Black Imp: this mutation causes you to with-

light you suffer -3 to perception rolls, in dark you gain +3. You also

and nimble. You suffer -1 to your body attribute and -2 strength but

take 1 point of dmg per round under direct sunlight, so you must

gain +5 to dexterity. You also gain +1 movement and +1 additional

wear deep robes or cloaks. At night or in the dark you can use Sight

initiative modifier. Black Imps are also called Quicklings, they grow

Shift: your vision may change to Astral, Far Sight, or Sonic Sight.

sharp teeth and claws that add an additional +3 unarmed damage.

This makes your kind highly sought after as scouts of the vatagi race.

36 – 39 Pit Hulk: 8’ feet tall with a strength of +4 and

+2 to body. You have black spines on your back and small natural

40 fire resistance. Gain +1 toughness +2 body and the racial ability

suffer -2 dexterity and -2 intelligence. Hulks have the ability Lob,

Suffering: no pain damage nor need to make trauma checks.

like the bogkroll. Hulks may also use Blitz: adding +d10 unarmed or

melee damage when you can get a running attack off on up to two

94 – 99 Scratch: these gaunt, pale beings grow long

claws and sunken eyes. For 1 unarmed action shift to Feral: add +3

enemies next to each other, such as the rage attack hack allows.

to a body or endurance roll to gain the result on your max HP. For

40 – 47 Forsaken: these mutants may cause fear to some

every 5 points that are rolled gain a +1 to the Str dmg mod from your

l0w level characters. Their physical beauty suffers -4 thus they often

claws as well as +1 toughness. The Feral ability will last an entire

wear deep hoods. They gain +6 body and +10 toxic resistance. They

combat for sacrificing 1 action to activate it. Also gain +2 to body.

appear as victims of Pale Plague yet gain Exemption: immunities to

100 Cambion: the mutation worked, causing your wings

disease and plague. Succeeding a BS versus toxic dmg heals the dmg.

87 – 93 Immolated: your flesh is charred as if you were

burned at the stake (-3 PB). Your racial ability Fire Walker: grants you

armored scales on your arms and shoulders that add +2 toughness. You

80 – 86 Dark Walkers: your flesh and scale is albino yet

you gain +3 lvls to concealment. Gain +4 perception, -2 body. In the

er into a shorter, weaker, charred vatagi. Yet, your kind is very fast

74 – 79 Shape Shifter: your gaunt, pale, featureless form is

normal for you but you can change it by shedding your skin. Your

head. Your tentacles do not wield weapons but in melee they can

67 – 73 Blood Hunter: you are on the brink of being un-

dead. You possess Necrophage: it regenerates you after feasting on

holes in their leathery membrane. This racial ability is known as

60 – 66 Wendigo: cannibals, elders wear horns like a

stag, younger ones are often bald with sharp teeth. They appear

unarmed damage due to claws. Gain 10 toxic & cold resistance. They

54 – 59 Mephitic: sharp teeth, hazy pupils, and the nox-

ious air you exhale grants you Blinding Breath. You hack a toxic

and body to be beautiful and terrifying! You can fly (x3) movement.

48 – 53 Tortured: you suffer from painful extrusions of

Gain Charm: add d6 to charisma checks to those you lock eyes with.

bone growths but have a high pain tolerance, regenerating 2d6 HP

Gain +3 to Physical Beauty, and add +2 to all of your attributes.

per hour. Suffering: you do not take pain damage effects nor suffer


C las s e s & Abil itie s

Character Classes

Character Class Abilities: most of these abilities are unique to the specific character class that is chosen, these are called class specific abilities. After 12th level you may begin to choose your own abilities to shape your character into what you want. Yet throughout 2nd to

“The pilgrims of Elloriane told us to throw away our weapons and to

12th level your abilities define your character’s occupation and are

love thy enemy. Fools, they will drop their lotus leaves and plead for

class specific. You are given an ability each time you reach a new

our blades when the demons come.”

level. Your first class ability is given at level 2. Most of these abilities

- Faragorn of Veldwar

have ratings that you can improve upon when you are given a free class ability upgrade during level advancement, or when you increase

In the realm of Koth there are many character classes to

in level past 12th and are able to choose to upgrade or get new ones.

choose from. These essentially represent your job as an adventurer.

Primary Attributes: up to 3 attributes are given here to let you know

Whether you choose the path to hero or villain is up to you. Will

which attributes you may wish to place your highest numbers in.

you seek out to ruin the wicked and protect the innocent? Or will

This is not a requirement of course only a recommendation.

you choose to succumb to greed and the lust for power that so many

Combat Skills: these are the combat skills that are given to your

characters fall into? The world is yours and you can choose to pro-

character at the start of the game. Look to the skills chapter for

tect it or take from it what you will.

descriptions on your awarded combat skills. Simply copy this

One thing that must be remembered though is that wheth-

information to your character sheet.

er you choose good or evil, the demons of the gate will care not.

Character Skills: these skills are what every character of your

They will rape the land and kill all living things until it is a barren

occupation begins the game with and are primarily what defines your

wasteland that cannot be fed upon any longer, before moving on to

class at first level, until you gain your class abilities. These character

another world across forever. So during your life, whatever paths

skills reflect more in depth about what you have learned thus far in

you choose to walk know that somewhere in the shadows await the

your studies. Skill slots are given at the end of your character skills.

demons and that all of us will eventually be fighting for our souls.

If you gain any to spend, you may use these on what you wish to help

You and your party of adventurers will make many choic-

make your character more unique; combat skills, character skills, or

es that will be difficult for these are difficult times. We live in the

language skills.

Age of Bones, scraping to breathe the fresh air after the Pale Plague

Starting Equipment: this equipment you begin the game with is

putrefied the realms. Explore the world, destroy the demons, delve

very basic. Write down this information in the proper areas of your

into the ruins of the Fallen Age, and become legends. Choose your

character sheet by looking at the information in parenthesis. It will

character wisely and make sure it is one you will enjoy playing the

tell you where to place these items on your sheet. Here you will also

part of. Every character class within these pages can be good, evil,

find your starting pay. Roll the die to find out how much money you

or of any race in the book. This is entirely up to you as there are no

begin the game with. This roll can be given the rule for continuum.

alignments to hold you into one linear string of choices.. You have

Spiritual Influence: this shows you the percent chance as well as your

only the morale issues to deal with due to the repercussions of your

influence in matters of the spirit world. Write this percentage down

actions within the story. As you choose your part to play you must

next to what god or gods you pray to.

remember to become this character that you portray in this story and

Magic: These are the spells that your character starts the game with.

make decisions as your character would when trials come before you.

You may look to the chapter on magic to find details about your

Listed here are the Character Factions. They are groups of classes

spells so that you may fill the information in properly and do not

that fit into a specific category type.

have to slow the game later by looking up the stats. Chi Abilities: These abilities may be found at the very end of this

Factions of Character Classes

chapter. These are only given to two character classes. The monk and

Fighters Spiritualists Rogues Wizards

the mu dai. The monk gains a chi ability every other level starting

Ranger Templar Thief Mage

at level two, thus you only start the game with one chi ability and it

Sword Master Monk Assassin Summoner

is called Chi Strike. The mu dai gains a chi ability every four levels,

Warrior Priest Pirate Enchanter

or every time they gain their free talent. The mu dai also begins the

Barbarian Chaplain Scout Alchemist Demon Hunter



game with the chi ability Chi Strike.

Mu Dai


Chap te r I V


Plant Lore: 1 (int) Read & Write: 1 (int) Thaumaturgy: 1 (int) (Skill Slots: 0)

The alchemist is a magic user that primarily deals

with the creation and use of potions, powders, and crystals

Starting Equipment

of magical properties. They find and harvest the components

Witch Fire: 2 (weapons; alchemy) 2d6 x 2 fire dmg

of their formulas to craft helpful creations. They may also ex-

Personal Spell Book (equipment)

periment to find new alchemical uses. They study knowledge

Alchemist’s Bag (equipment)

of plants, animals, and minerals so that they know what com-

Healing Potion: 1 (equipment) +25 HP

ponents are necessary. The alchemist is known to train in the

Formulas: Witch Fire (Alchemical formula), choose 1 more

ability to throw these potions and powders at their enemies.

(Healing Potion, Mana Potion, Chi Potion, or Bane Salve)

Alchemists tend to keep their knowledge to themselves yet

(Starting Pay: d6 silver)

on occasion have been known to trade formulas with other alchemists. It is a dangerous occupation to have since one

Spiritual Influence: 2%

wrong additive could create a catastrophic situation. Thus, many of their abilities revolve around the art of fortifying


their skills and saving them when they go wrong.

Ignite and Douse (green magic)

Character Class Abilities 2nd: Wortcunning 3rd: Alchemy Bomb 4th: Pharmakeia 5th: Harvester 6th: Reagent 7th: Transmutation 8th: Elixir 9th: Catalyst 10th: Quintessence 11th: Compounds 12th: Fulmination

Primary Attributes Intelligence Willpower

Combat Skills Unarmed Combat: Basic Sorcery Weapon Proficiency: Throwing Weapon Specialization: Alchemy +1

Character Skills Alchemy: 2 (int) Creature Lore: 1 (int) Crystal Lore: 1 (int)


C las s e s & Abil itie s

Wortcunning (power 1): being an alchemist you should

Elixir (power 2): this ability allows an alchemist to

know about the medicinal uses of plants and herbs. Wortcunning

create a cure all potion using alcohol as one of the active ingredients.

adds an additional 10% to the availability of an ingredient when

Depending on what illness the potion is needed for will

it comes to searching for and locating herbs in the wild. You do

determine what other reagents are necessary. There should be at least 3

not have to activate the ability and it may be used anytime you are

different parts to the elixir with alcohol being one of them. The

searching for alchemical components. At max rating you can add 30%

alchemist can quickly whip up an elixir using a basic campfire,

to the chance of finding medicinal plants or alchemical herbs. MR: 3

cooking pot, and the mort and pestle from their alchemist’s bag. They

Alchemy Bomb (power 1): this ability allows the alchemist

will most likely need to seek out any available medicinal plants in the

to throw a potion, powder, or crystal a distance equal to half of

area that will be needed in the elixir and with rating 1 in this ability it

their intelligence attribute (in inches). Since throwing weapons are

will add a 10% to the chance of finding the specific medicine needed

usually determined by measuring half of your strength in inches.

to cure an ally’s ailment. The elixir ability should make it easier for

The alchemist may choose to use their intelligence attribute since

the alchemist to create a cure which will purify a specific illness,

it is more likely to be higher. For each rating in this ability you may

poison, or disease that an ally has been stricken with, or at least slow

add another inch (5’ feet) to the range you are able to throw. MR: 5

it down until proper treatment can be found. They may attempt to

craft a batch once every d6 days. Take -1 from the target number on

Pharmakeia (power 1): this ability is used during the

creation of potions, powders, and crystals. The alchemist may burn 1

the alchemy craft table per rating in the ability. MR: 3

Saga Point to add an additional d6 to their alchemy skill check. This

may be used even after the skill check fails. For every rating you may

increase the rate of their cook time to get a batch finished with much

add a d6 to the skill roll by spending another SP as well. MR: 3

haste by putting in a special additive of 1 saga point. This may be

used once per day, allowing even another batch attempt in one night

Harvester (power 2): this ability allows the alchemist to

Catalyst (power 2): this ability allows an alchemist to

burn 1 point of frenzy in order to add another die to the number of

where normally an alchemist is only aloud one batch. MR: 1

ingredients found when searching for alchemical components in the

wild. Depending upon the location being searched the table in the

known as aether or ether, sometimes called “the fifth element,” is

wilderness chapter allows for a certain die to be rolled to configure

obtained by using another element and a bit of magic. Electricity,

the amount of ingredients found. Burning 1 frenzy will allow the

fire, water, or mineral is altered with mana in order to obtain just a

alchemist to roll an additional die of the same type. At rating 2 the

small amount of spiritual residue. Thereby using this method you

alchemist may burn 2 frenzy to gain 2 additional dice, etc. MR: 3

may manipulate the state of this matter during the creation of an

Quintessence (power 3): the substance of matter that is also

Reagent (power 2): with this ability the alchemist may add

alchemical substance. The alchemist must burn 25 mana in order to

a new ingredient of a totally different type than what is normally

activate this ability during the creation of a potion or powder. This

used in the formula, to see if a reaction occurs. A roll of 5 more than

ability allows the alchemist to make a potion or powder batch 25%

the target number will allow a reaction. Roll a d6 to see what type

better than it was before, at max rating 4 you can make your batch

of reaction (negative= 1-2, nominal= 3-4, positive= 5-6). A negative

at +100% the effect with 100 mana drain. This is only used on certain

result will take away from the result and shouldn’t be used again. A

substances that will allow this type of additive. MR: 4

nominal result is not worth an additive. A positive increases the

potency by adding a +1 for every 5 points above target rolled on the

to create 1 more potion to their batch without raising the target

alchemy skill check. To certain potions you may add the result of the

number. They simply add more components as a compound and may

roll to the gain from the potion. Benefits are determined by what

add 1 more dose per rating in this ability. At max rating you may add

the specific potion does. Thus, it is possible to create more powerful

up to 3 more per batch. This ability costs nothing to activate. MR: 3

types of alchemy with this ability without having the alchemy skill at

3rd tier. This will be left to the GM’s discretion and player as to what

roll 2d20 for one of their attacks during a combat scenario. This is

he or she will allow. Max rating will bring a positive reaction on a roll

used for alchemical attacks only not for other attacks. The player may

of 4-6, a nominal reaction at 2-3, and a negative at 1. MR: 2

then determine which d20 roll they wish to keep for their attack roll.

Transmutation (power 2): this ability allows the alchemist

The player must burn 1 saga point in order to use this ability once

to re-roll a failed alchemy skill check once per day. The alchemist

per combat. This ability must be called before the attack roll is made.

must burn 1 SP to activate this ability. MR: 1

At rating 2 the player may use this ability twice per combat. MR: 2


Compounds (power 3): this ability allows the character

Fulmination (power 3): this ability allows the character to

Chap te r I V


Character Skills Stealth: 1 (dex) Concealment: 1 (per) Trailing: 1 (per)

An assassin is a silent and dangerous killer. They

Pick Locks: 1 (dex)

prefer to sneak up on their enemies and use the shadows

Climbing: 1 (str)

to their advantage. Although one might believe all assassins

(Skill Slots: 1)

to be evil creatures of darkness, some do live by a moral or honorable code. Quickness, remaining unseen, and striking

Starting Equipment

their target down for payment is often their primary goal.

Bone Knife (weapons) d10

Some prefer to do this from long range, yet as they become

Lock Pick (equipment)

masters they train to get close to their target, close enough to

(Starting Pay: d6 copper)

use a dagger. As an assassin’s reputation grows they become feared and respected. There are shadows everywhere in the

Spiritual Influence: 2%

city streets and there are daggers in those shadows. A high reputation as a deadly assassin will keep those daggers at bay. The name assassin covers a broad range of shadow warriors, from the ninja of Myen Wu, the sicarii of Vazuun Denaahl, to the mushavk of the mhen tep race, assassin covers them all. From cut throat to professional you may create your assassin as you desire.

Character Class Abilities 2nd: Stalk 3rd: Conceal Weapon 4th: Shadow Strike 5th: Distraction 6th: Shiv 7th: Avoid 8th: Mask 9th: Head Hunter 10th: Dark Blade 11th: Sniper 12th: Cutthroat

Primary Attributes Dexterity Perception

Combat Skills Unarmed Combat: Fighter +1 Weapon Proficiency: Projectiles Weapon Proficiency: Throwing Weapon Specialization: Knives & Daggers +1


C las s e s & Abil itie s

Stalk (power 1): the assassin may burn 1 point of frenzy to

GM may allow specific types of smaller weapons at their discretion.

add an additional d6 to their stealth skill whenever they are sneak-

This ability costs nothing to activate and brings quick sneak attacks

ing. They may also burn another frenzy to add the same die to their

up to x4 (or a rage x6) when combined with shadow strike. MR: 1

concealment skill check if they wish. Take note that you must burn 1

frenzy for stealth and 1 for concealment to add the same result of the

attempt to avoid an attack by adding a d4 to their defense die (d20).

stalk die roll. This ability must be used before they roll their stealth

This may only be attempted once by spending 1 SP. You may roll the

& concealment skill. For every rating of this ability, their die will

d4 and add it to your result after you have failed to defend. The rule

advance one step d6, d8, d10, d12, d20. MR: 5

of max continuum is applied to the d4. MR: 1

Conceal Weapon (power 1): normally the character must

Avoid (power 2): Once per combat the character may

Mask (power 2): when the assassin attempts to blend in

roll a concealment skill check in order to hide a weapon from a guard

with a crowd, or is attempting to disguise themselves as one of the

or another character. With this ability the character gains an addi-

enemy they may activate the ability mask. This ability allows the

tional d6 to their concealment check for a concealed weapon. This

assassin to gain +3 levels to their concealment skill when attempting

weapon must be of reasonable size in order to get away with such a

to blend in with a group. If they possess the disguise skill they may

task, especially if a guard is patting the assassin down in search of

also add +3 levels to the skill. This costs 1 frenzy to activate before the

hidden weapons. This ability costs 1 saga point to activate it and may

skill is rolled. At max rating they gain +5 levels. MR: 2

be used after the concealment roll is failed. You may raise the rating

of this ability by bringing the die rank up one level until you max the

assassin can force a character to re-roll a defense roll against their

rating at a d20. Thus the ratings are d6, d8, d10, d12, and d20. MR: 5

attack. This must be activated after the defender rolls. MR: 1

Shadow Strike (power 1): this ability allows the assassin

Head Hunter (power 2): once per combat and for 1 SP the

Dark Blade (power 3): during combat even if an enemy

to gain x1 power damage to any sneak attack made, which brings

is aware of the assassin, the assassin can make a resisted dexterity

a normal quick strike to a x3. This will make a rage attack with a

or acrobatics skill check against a foe in order to attempt a flank

shadow strike x5 power damage. Projectile weapons do not normally

attack. This dark blade attack will grant the assassin his or her Shiv &

grant sneak attack power damage, they only make the attacks armor

Shadow Strike bonus to power damage and an attack edge of 2d20

defeating. Now that you possess Shadow Strike though, even your

so you may choose the higher roll. This may be attempted once per

projectile sneak attacks will deal x2 power damage. Once per combat,

combat. Dark Blade costs 1 SP and 1 movement to attempt. MR: 1

per rating, you may gain a shadow strike on a foe who has their back

turned toward you by making a concealment skill check versus their

whenever the assassin fires a weapon into an unaware victim. This

perception check during one attempt per round. MR: 2

sneak attack from long range will instantly kill an enemy (-15 HP) if

Distraction (power 2): the assassin can throw a small object

they are lower level than the assassin and fail their body save. Even if

a distance equal to their perception attribute in inches by rolling a

they make their save they suffer an additional x1 power damage (per

d20 for throwing an item, +1 per rating to activate distraction. The

rating). Therefore added to the assassin’s shadow strike ability, snip-

roll becomes the target number of the enemies’ perception check.

er will cause x3 power damage to the unsuspecting victim. For each

If the target character fails their perception check, they will often

rating in the sniper ability you gain 1 more power damage, thus at

investigate the sound and then they will suffer -3 to that same

max rating you may add x5 power damage (with shadow strike added

perception check allowing the assassin and allies to sneak by the

in) to your shooting attacks against a target. Characters of equal or

guard or guards. Those guards that failed the perception check will

higher level can suffer power damage after a failed body save. MR: 3

all suffer -3 to the results of their perception but if they made their

check they do not suffer any modifiers. It also allows the assassin

using a blade you may instantly kill a victim that is lower level than

and allies to know what their target number is for sneaking. At max

you. They do get to make a body save, if they fail they drop to -15 hit

rating the ability will cause the guards a -5 to their perception check

points. If they make the body save or if attacking an enemy of equal

roll and +3 to throw the item of distraction, which is usually a coin

or higher level they will suffer x1 power damage (per rating) from

or a pebble. This ability may only be used once per scenario. MR: 3

the attack. Adding this power damage to the assassin’s shiv, shadow

Shiv (power 2): this ability allows an assassin x1 power dam-

strike, and sneak attack in melee range means the cutthroat ability

age to any sneak attack made on an enemy with a knife, dagger, or

will cause an unsuspecting victim x5 power damage from a quick

short stabbing weapon while in melee range and while unseen. The

cutthroat. You may add x1 per rating for this ability. MR: 4


Sniper (power 3): this ability is automatic and activates

Cutthroat (power 3): when attacking an unaware target and

Chap te r I V


Combat Skills Unarmed Combat: Brawler +2 Weapon Proficiency: Throwing Weapon Specialization: choose weapon type +1

The clans and tribes of barbarians are composed of

hardened warriors of the wilderness and many wild lands

Character Skills

beyond civilization. Barbarians are very territorial and wary

Climbing: 1 (dex)

of outsiders. They make excellent hunters and survivors;

Hunting: 1 (per)

they sometimes trade with caravans or other villages. They

Wilderness Survival: 1 (int)

have a well earned reputation for being warlike savages set

(Skill Slots: 1)

in the old ways. Some of them turn to raiding and slaving as many orc, skog, or vatagi tribes sometimes do. Some of the

Starting Equipment

most dangerous tribes have been known to eat the flesh of

Stone Spear (weapons) d8+d6

their enemies, paint themselves with their blood, or dawn

Bone Axe (weapons) 2d6

the body parts of their victims. The Crow, a race of dark org

Water skin (equipment)

that rule the Crow Wilderness in the south are some of the

(Starting Pay: d4 bits)

most frightening and have been known to ambush caravans and leave no survivors, sacrificing all captives to their beast

Spiritual Influence: 2%

gods or eating them. Some of the most famous of the northern tribes hail from Bor Gayden. These battle frenzy barbarians are the Iron Berserkers, dwarves who paint themselves for war, partake of fire water and dwell within the IronSkull Mountains. There are barbarian tribes all over the realms and they live in all different climates. Not all have to be beastly savages, but fighting is part of surviving and they do that quite well.

Character Class Abilities 2nd: Iron Hide 3rd: Beast Sense 4th: Blood Rage 5th: Battle Cry 6th: Blood Lust 7th: War Paint 8th: Improve Weapon 9th: Enrage 10th: Fury 11th: Scalps 12th: Brutality

Primary Attributes Strength Body Perception


C las s e s & Abil itie s

Iron Hide (power 1): this ability grants the barbarian an

intricate the war paint is until at max rating the war paint covers half

automatic upgrade of their toughness by 2 points. This ability is

the body. This requires one minute per rating to apply and lasts for

constant and costs nothing to activate. Add this toughness to your

d6 hours or until washed. This is used for combat benefits only, not

total armor value. The ability allows the barbarian to advance their

to learn spells. MR: 5

toughness by 2 points per rating to a maximum of 6. MR: 3

Improve Weapon (power 2): This ability allows the

Beast Sense (power 1): this ability allows you to burn 1 point

character to add +d6 damage to any weapon the character uses. Any

of frenzy to add a d6 to your perception check or skills based off of

weapon at all. The weapon is only improved while this character uses

perception such as foraging, hunting, and survival. This must be ac-

it, if they hand it to another character they do not gain the bonus.

tivated before you roll your dice. You may up the rating of this ability

For every rating this ability is increased by a new die rank; d6, d8,

by increasing the rank of the die: d6, d8, d10, d12, d20. MR: 5

d10, d12, d20. MR: 5

Blood Rage (power 1): this ability may be activated as soon

Enrage (power 2): this ability is used to taunt an

as the barbarian takes damage from an enemy. The barbarian may

enemy. It allows a barbarian to pull what is called aggro on their self

immediately enact the blood rage by burning 1 frenzy, even out of

instead of letting an enemy attack another character. Enrage allows the

turn, allowing the barbarian to gain +2 to their strength damage

barbarian to use their body attribute check (+1 to the roll per rating)

modifier, and a temporary +20 to their hit points (per rating). These

to roar curses and use rude or mocking body language at an enemy

bonuses are kept until the end of the combat; therefore once the

to provoke them. The enemy must resist with a willpower attribute

combat ends they lose these bonuses. It is quite possible for the

check. If the enemy fails their willpower check they must attack the

barbarian to lose the 20 hit points gained by this ability and then

barbarian instead for at least one round. Enrage may only be used

fall unconscious. At max rating 5, the barbarian gains a +10 strength

once per combat, per rating. At max rating 3, the barbarian may use

damage modifier and +100 hit points until the end of combat. MR: 5

enrage up to 3 times per combat. This ability is an out of turn ability

Battle Cry (power 2): before initiative is rolled during

(OOT) and is used during an enemies’ turn. Yet, it must be activated

combat or while it is being rolled the barbarian may scream out a

before the enemy makes an attack, because it may not be activated

battle cry that will instantly add +1 to the parties’ initiative results.

in an attempt to waste the enemies’ movement or actions. Once the

This ability costs nothing to activate and may only be used during

enemy to enrage is chosen that foe will possess their full movement

the initiative phase. This of course will let the enemies know of the

and the GM is able to reform their attack to charge the barbarian

barbarians whereabouts. So if they are trying to sneak around or

instead of the ally. If they cannot reach the barbarian in that round

have not been spotted yet it would probably be wise to not use this

and there is another enemy along the way, they may attack that

ability unless you do not mind having your location known. This

enemy. If they can use missile weapons they will attack the barbarian

ability may be stacked with one more barbarian’s ability to add +2 to

with those. This ability is used to taunt a foe, it does not force an

the party, or it may also be stacked by other initiative boosters. MR: 1

enemy to lose its actions. MR: 3

Blood Lust (power 2): this ability is activated after the

Fury (power 3): once per combat the barbarian may activate

barbarian has made a kill. For every enemy that is killed they get

a fury round by spending 1 SP and rolling a d6. A roll of 1-2 grants a

to add that number to their strength damage modifier and shot

+1, a roll of 3-4 grants: +2, a roll of 5-6 grants +3. This is added to your

damage modifier. At rating 2 the barbarian may add +2 to their

+ to hit modifier for all attacks this round. This must be activated

strength damage modifier for every kill until the battle is over. They

before your attack and is used for any attack types this round, even if

will max out once they reach their strength attribute in kills. MR: 2

you multi-class and cast spells. At rating 2 a roll of 1= +1, 2-3= +2, 4-6=

+3. At rating 3 a roll of 1= +1, 2= +2, 3-6= +3 MR: 3

War Paint (power 2): this ability allows the barbarian to

create war paint from any substance that could possibly be used

to paint symbols on the flesh or scales of yourself and allies. You

that is of equal or greater level can be scalped by the barbarian. The

may use blood, mud, clay, berry juice, whatever you have around

barbarian will wear these scalps and gain 1 additional saga point per

or in your equipment to make the war paint. Once it is made the

scalp that is able to be taken. MR: 1

barbarian can paint their self and one ally per rating to raise any

attribute they choose by 2 points (per rating). Therefore, the

1 SP and add x2 power damage to all attacks for 1 round, thus making

barbarian could war paint their own face with a symbol of strength to

this your brutality round. This may be activated at the beginning of

gain a +2 to their strength attribute. The higher the rating the more

your turn and ends just before your next turns begins. MR: 1


Scalps (power 3): any enemy that is killed by the barbarian

Brutality (power 3): this ability allows the barbarian to burn

Chap te r I V


Character Skills Barter: 1 (chr) Speech: 1 (chr) Choose: (Music or Singing)

The bard may go by many names; musician,

- Music (choose instrument): 1 (per)

minstrel, poet, writer, storyteller, skald, even troubadour.

- Singing: 1 (chr)

They often tell the tales of their travels with a song or

Stealth: 1 (dex)

inspirational story. They are good for adventurers to have

Story Telling: 1 (chr)

around due to their charismatic tales. They are specialists

Read & Write: 1 (int)

in building reputation and even keep many groups out of

(Skill Slots: 2)

trouble when it comes time to talk their way out of a fight. They are a jack of all trades in many aspects. Warrior, poet, rogue,

Starting Equipment

and they even gain some mystical abilities at higher levels.

Bone Knife (weapons) d10

Their powers border on magical as their sounds, tones, and

Musical Instrument: small enough to travel (equipment)

melodies seem to ever so slightly tap into the mystical world.

Sack (equipment)

Once the bard reaches 9th level their music begins to awaken

(Starting Pay: d6 bits)

unseen magical energy much like the sounds of an incantation resonating into the Aether and harvesting mana. The power is

Spiritual Influence: 2%

known as bardic magic and it is used to create what are called spellsongs. Yet, the bard is not considered a magic user and cannot reform mana as they do. Some of the more famous bards are Rynn Kalos of Thead, Timathet of Dum Dooh, and one of the last remaining Ghosts of Elkhorn; Hrothgar. He is known for his epic song “Tale of the Warhorse”.

Character Class Abilities 2nd: Battle Song 3rd: Tall Tales 4th: Calm 5th: Hail 6th: Melody 7th: Tavern Song 8th: Serenade 9th: Bardic Magic 10th: Legendary Tales 11th: Compose 12th: Lucky Break

Primary Attributes Dexterity Perception Charisma

Combat Skills Unarmed Combat: Fighter +1 Weapon Specialization: choose weapon type +1


C las s e s & Abil itie s

Battle Song (power 1): The bard can use 1 open action to

same night. With a skill result of 5 to 9 the party also gains 1 saga

make a music or singing skill check to grant all of the players an

point. On a result of 10 to 14 all gain 2 saga points, a result of 15+ the

additional +1 to attack or defend. This bonus must be chosen by the

party gains 3 saga each. This may be used as often as Tall Tales. At

bard during their musical performance check. At max rating, the bard

rating 2 it is possible to gain +4 SP on a roll of 20+, and on rating 3

can offer +2 to attack or defend. This ability lasts for 4 rounds before

it is possible to give everyone 5 saga points on a roll of 30+. MR: 3

it must be used again. The target number of the skill check is 7 for

gaining the bonus of +1, 15 for +2 when this bonus becomes available

alluring song or sing an enchanting tune in order to gain the favor

at max rating. If the first attempt fails, play it again for a 2nd action.

of a specific target of interest. The bard may play the tune to help an

Frenzy may not be burned to activate the song. MR: 2

ally gain the favor, or for themselves. For every 5 points they reach on

Serenade (power 2): this ability allows the bard to play an

Tall Tales (power 1): by using the skill of storytelling the

their result they will gain a bonus of +1 social modifier. For instance;

bard is able to spread the word of deeds done. The tall tale must be

the bard calls serenade and rolls a 16 on their skill check. This gives

heard by a handful of new listeners to gain any bonus for telling the

the bard’s ally a +3 to his or her charisma roll, allowing them to roll

story. They must make a skill check with a target number of 5. The

a higher check when attempting to persuade or negotiate with an

bard must distribute the result of the roll between party members for

NPC. At max rating the bard can use serenade for 3 characters. MR: 3

their reward of reputation points. Any additional points left over will

be given to the bard. So if the bard rolls a 12 on his or her storytell-

power to tap into the realm of magic by using music or singing as

ing skill, with a tale that involves 4 adventurers, each gains 4 points

incantations. This magic differs from other forms in the way that

of reputation. After a success this ability may then be used once per

the bard is not a spell caster at all, they do not gain access to mana

week or at least after several days with a different crowd to hear the

or the power to learn other spells. They can invoke a form of magic

tall tale. This is left to the GM’s discretion. MR: 1

through vibrations, notes, and tones that awaken it. The casting is

Calm (power 1): the bard may attempt to calm an ally that

accomplished by following the guidelines of the spellsong and it is

is under the affects of fear or if a character is suffering from some

cast by rolling the singing or music skill check. See yellow magic in

type of psychosis. This may sometimes work for animals as well in

the magic chapter for the spellsongs available to learn. MR: 1

Bardic Magic (power 2): this ability grants the bard the

certain circumstances and is left to the GM’s discretion. The bard

may attempt a charisma check for 2 unarmed actions in order to calm

allow their allies (a # up to the level of the bard’s storytelling skill) a

the target. The GM may set a target number equal to the severity of

chance to add their social pool dice into the result of their tall tales.

the affliction or the rank of an enemy spell caster’s willpower check

Thus allies can add to the grand story to gain more reputation. The

if it is a spell that is causing this. The bard must be within melee

1 SP covers the cost of one of their social pool dice as well as 1 from

range of the target in order to touch the target and calm them. MR: 1

each ally. Allies may burn frenzy to add more if possible. This also

allows the bard to transfer some of the gained reputation to another

Hail (power 2): with this ability, the bard is able to add a

Legendary Tales (power 3): the bard may burn 1 SP to

free d6 to their social pool during a first encounter with an NPC

location they have been. An amount equal to their skill level. MR: 1

without spending a frenzy. For every rating in the hail ability, the die

rank is increased; d6, d8, d10, d12, d20. MR: 5

their own spellsongs. The player creates the bonus that is given and

Compose (power 3): this ability allows the bard to create

Melody (power 2): the bard may use this ability to boost the

the mechanics of the song, while the GM will check this over and

result of the music or singing skill by burning 1 SP to add d6 to the

decide whether or not to allow it in their campaign. The bard can

result of the skill check. This is only for music or singing of course

base their spellsongs off of others in the book. The tier of the music

and may be activated after a roll has been made. For each rating in

or singing skill will matter in this as a basic skill will normally only

this ability raise the die one rank, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20. MR: 5

allow a +1 bonus to something, while expert opens up a chance to

reach a +2, and mastery opens a chance to reach +3 or more. You can

Tavern Song (power 2): the bard can play a tavern song and

must make a music skill check, singing skill check, or both. If both

use spell times for how long it takes to craft a spellsong. MR: 1

music and singing are used add the result and divide by 2 to get

the mean result (round up). Whatever the bard rolls on their skill

burn 1 saga point to roll 2d20 for their defense roll and they get to

check is how many reputation points are given to the bard and evenly

choose the one they want to keep. This can be used for any type of

distributed among all who the bard included in the song. This may

defense roll as long as it is the bard’s defense you are rolling for. This

be added to the results of the bard’s tall tales ability if used in the

must be activated before the defense is attempted. MR: 1


Lucky Break (power 3) once per combat (OpC) the bard may

Chap te r I V


Character Skills Healing: 1 (int) Plant Lore: 1 (int) Battle Chant: 1 (will)

Chaplains are an important part of the ministry and

Theology: 1 (chr)

are powerful missionaries. They are trained in the art of war

Read & Write: 1 (int)

to defend their church and those who follow its rule. They

(Skill Slots: 1)

are also great healers and learn the art of healing at an early age. They are taught to heal before they are taught to kill.

Starting Equipment

Chaplains walk all different paths and hail from different

Bone Mace (weapons) d12

churches yet they all serve the same purpose. They serve their

Healer’s Satchel (equipment)

deity, church, and allies to keep the faith. They are a perfect

Holy Symbol (equipment) +1% spiritual influence

mix of warrior and healer. Many cathedrals of war gods train

(Starting Pay: d6 copper)

their clergy so that they may be sent into battle as a part of the squad to operate as the medic and religious adviser.

Spiritual Influence: 10%

Some chaplains take up missions to spread the word of their god or gods and offer their healing abilities to small hamlets


or towns. Some of the more famous chaplains to arise from

Heal (white magic)

the Age of Bones are known as the Brotherhood of Set. A gallant group of humans, elves, and half elves out of Dalewynnd who have taken up a mission to purge the world of the Pale Plague and those who would exploit it.

Character Class Abilities 2nd: Faith 3rd: Repent 4th: Bleed Poison 5th: Sacred Steel 6th: Cleanse 7th: Holy Armor 8th: Remove Pain 9th: Holy Weapon 10th: Divine Shield 11th: Mend Wounds 12th: Codex

Primary Attributes Intelligence Willpower Charisma

Combat Skills Unarmed Combat: Fighter +1 Sorcery Weapon Specialization: Mace +1 Magic Specialization: White Spells +1


C las s e s & Abil itie s

Faith (power 1): the chaplain may call upon the gods for

used once on their armor until the holy armor ability wears off. For

help when it comes to accomplishing a task or a skill. For instance;

every rating in the holy armor ability the chaplain gains an additional

an ally or the chaplain needs an additional +d6 to add to an attribute

+2 to the bonus that they give for 1 vial of holy water. MR: 5

test or skill check so they burn a spiritual influence point to gain

the additional die, yet the GM rolls their S.I. percent. If the roll is a

may lay a hand upon an ally to remove their pain or trauma. If they

success they do not lose the S.I. point. This ability may be attempted

are suffering any pain damage or magically enchanted pain, this may

only once per day, per rating. They may activate this ability before or

be removed as well. The chaplain must also burn 1 saga point to ac-

after the attribute test or skill check is attempted. MR: 3

tivate this ability. This may be used once per combat. At max rating

the chaplain is able to use this ability three times per combat. MR: 3

Repent (power 1): the chaplain may burn 1 saga point in

Remove Pain (power 2): for 1 unarmed action the chaplain

order to activate this OOT (out of turn) ability where they must

recite the scriptures and make a theology skill check. The result of

ability, the chaplain may now pour one vial of holy water upon their

this check is then granted to a character of their choosing in the

armor and upon their primary weapon of choice. This weapon will

form of hit points. This may only be used once per combat and

now deal x2 power damage to undead or spirits of the dead. If the

activated at anytime. It may be used on their own body or an ally at

weapon is silver, this power damage is simply added together to deal

a range equal to the chaplain’s charisma attribute in inches (x 5’ feet

x4 power damage. This ability will last the duration of a d4 hours that

in real scale). Multiply the result of the check by the rating. MR: 5

is initially rolled when anointing your holy armor. MR: 1

Bleed Poison (power 1): with this ability the chaplain can

Holy Weapon (power 2): as with the chaplain’s holy armor

Divine Shield (power 3): the chaplain may burn 1 point of

cut the flesh of an ally or themselves dealing only 1 hit point in order

spiritual influence to grant a temporary bonus of +1 to defend. This is

to attempt to bleed a poison from the victim. The chaplain burns 1

an OOT divine ability that may be used at any time a character needs

point of frenzy to activate the ability and spends 2 melee actions.

only one more point to defend an attack. The chaplain must be able

This allows the victim of the poisonous attack to gain an additional

to see the ally. This ability may only be used once per combat. MR: 1

body save check versus the poison. This also lowers the character’s

body save by 1 point. At max rating 1 frenzy lowers the body save of

attempt at healing a severed limb or trauma damage to an organ.

Mend Wounds (power 3): this allows the chaplain an

the victim by 3 points. MR: 3

The limb must be available in full for this delicate process. The

Sacred Steel (power 2): with this ability the chaplain may

chaplain places the patient’s limb back in place and the limb must be

spend 1 spiritual influence point to bless a specific weapon of their

bandaged and set as if it were broken and needing re-alignment. The

choice. This ability will grant the user’s weapon a permanent +2 to

chaplain must make a healing skill check during this process, with a

damage per rating. This may be used only once per weapon and the

target number of 5 at minimum. If this is failed, the target number

blessing takes 2 magic actions to activate. If you raise the rating of

is then multiplied by x2. If this check is failed again this multiplier

your ability to 2 after you have already blessed a weapon with +2, you

will begin to grow (x3, x4, etc.). There will become a time if failures

must spend another spiritual influence point to gain the +4. This

continue where it will become hopeless. Once the check is made the

ability cannot be stacked upon by another chaplain. MR: 5

chaplain must use any means of magical healing that they possess

Cleanse (power 2): this ability allows the chaplain to

in order to complete the mended part. This healing process is not

remove disease or illness from the body of a victim by bathing them

instant. Although the magical healing has taken place, the body

and offering prayers. The rite of cleansing takes a few minutes and a

needs time. Every day after the mending the patient may make a

spiritual influence check must be rolled by the GM for this to work.

body attribute test in an attempt to reach target #15. For each day that

If the check fails then the victim is still stricken with the illness or

passes the target number drops by 2 points. The patient may make 1

disease and the cleansing may not be attempted again or by another.

body attribute test per day to gain full mobility back. MR: 1

At max rating 2 the chaplain gains a +10% to their spiritual influence

toward the baptismal ritual. If the check is a success the victim will

the holder x1 power effect to spells (as if the caster was one level

step from the water totally cleansed of the illness or disease. MR: 2

higher), +1 spiritual influence, and +1 to the roll of the Theology and

Codex (power 3): while the prayer guide is in hand it grants

Holy Armor (power 2): the chaplain may anoint an entire

Battle Chant skills per rating. This is your most prized possession

set of armor by splashing a vial of holy water upon it and giving it a

and if lost will take a very long time to get back (GM’s discretion).

blessing. This temporarily gives the character a bonus of +2 (per rat-

The codex also has the ability to contain 1 divine spell within its

ing) to their total armor value that lasts for a d4 hours. This may be

pages, per rating. Gold spells are often gained through prayer. MR: 5


Chap te r I V

Demon Hunter

Character Skills Circle Magic: 1 (int) Creature Lore: 1 (int) Demon Lore: 1 (int)

Demon hunters are trained to rid the realms of un-

Tracking: 1 (per)

natural demonic beings. They learn to locate, hunt, and wipe

Exorcism: 1 (will)

out spirits of the dead that roam our world and the evil beasts

(Skill Slots: 1)

of the mortal realms. The people call upon these hunters in times of danger when stories begin to spread throughout

Starting Equipment

the town of something evil in the woods. When cattle and

Silver Knife (weapons) 2d6 (x2 dmg undead & demons)

farmers end up missing or rumors of hag witches and

Bone Axe (weapons) 2d6

werewolves begin to spread. That is when the demon

3 Wooden Stakes (weapons): d12 (x3 dmg vampire hearts)

hunters are called to take care of these things. Many think

Holy Water: 2 vials (equipment) d8 x 10 (undead & demons)

demon hunters are insane, for who in their right mind would

(Starting Pay: d4 bits)

want to hunt demons? They are often feared and thought of as dangerous to have around. They are cast outs but a type of

Spiritual Influence: 2%

necessary evil. When the demons come from the Veil Myst to scratch at the windowsill, hunters are good to have around. Some of the more famous demon hunters are Jodas Black of Veldwar, Koga of Kade, or the infamous Thousand Silver Blades that have joined up with the Hands of the Justicarians on several quests to seal Soul Gates in Baahltizar and Narcadia. Some of the most prominent demon hunter schools can be found in the cities of Fanghaven and Hymnstat.

Character Class Abilities 2nd: Unnatural Senses 3rd: Spirit Ward 4th: Demon Hate 5th: Talisman 6th: Consecrated Weapon 7th: Ashes to Ashes 8th: Improve Weapon 9th: Destroy Undead 10th: Spirit Trap 11th: Expulsion Ritual 12th: Demon’s Blood

Primary Attributes Perception Intelligence Willpower

Combat Skills Unarmed Combat: Brawler +2 Weapon Proficiency: Throwing


C las s e s & Abil itie s

Unnatural Senses (power 1): the demon hunter can

components must be available during this process. MR: 3

sense unnatural beings that are within their vicinity (perception

attribute in inches) by simply making a perception attribute test.

the remains of slain undead is used as war paint to grant the hunter

Ashes to Ashes (power 2): collecting a pouch of ashes from

Tingles up their spine or the feeling of their flesh crawling, the hair

+1 to defend all types of attacks from demons and undead (per rat-

on their arm stands up, etc. The target number for such a test is 6 at

ing). This only works for the hunter. MR: 2

minimum but more powerful beings will raise the target number. For

every rating add a +1 to their perception tests. MR: 5

to any weapon the character uses, any weapon at all. The weapon is

Improve Weapon (power 2): the character adds +d6 damage

Spirit Ward (power 1): the hunter can block passages and

only improved while this character uses it, if they hand it to another

make magic circles using salts and other minerals. The ward is made

character they do not gain the bonus. For every rating this ability is

with an intelligence check or if the hunter wishes to make a protec-

increased by a new die rank; d6, d8, d10, d12, d20. MR: 5

tive circle to stand within they may use the circle magic skill instead.

This may be resisted by the willpower attribute of the spirit to defeat

this allows the hunter to create magic circle traps to catch their prey.

the ward. If the spirit fails, the ward acts as a magical barrier that will

The hunter makes a magical circle skill roll with the proper symbols

not allow the spirit to cross due to the ethereal cone of energy. Spirit

and components; powders, blood, salt, and chalk or ash. Construct-

wards can be used to protect items as well. It takes about two rounds

ing the prison can take up to 30 minutes. The hunter can make a

or around 10 seconds and a unit of salt to throw down a spirit ward.

perception check when attempting to hide the trap or a concealment

With this ability the hunter may add +2 to their circle magic skill roll

skill check if they possess the skill. This becomes the target number

when crafting a ward. At max rating they may add +10 to the result.

for the spirit to notice the trap. If a demon or spirit walks or flies

A handful of salt can sometimes stun a spirit if thrown true. MR: 5

over this circle they are trapped and must make a resisted intelligence

Spirit Trap (power 2): also known as a “sacramental prison”

Demon Hate (power 1): the demon hunter is a warrior that

check versus the circle magic roll to break free. The cone of magic

is bent on the destruction of evil spirits and undead. This ability is

is invisible to the naked eye but one who sees astrally can make the

permanent for the demon hunter and takes nothing to activate it.

cone of power out after it is activated (once a spirit has triggered it).

Demon hate allows the hunter to gain a +1 bonus to any attack at

The circle must be broken from the outside to set the spirit free. The

a spirit of the dead, or any type of undead. For every rating of this

spirit may attempt a new escape after days equal to the creator’s level,

ability, the hunter gains another +1 to hit. MR: 3

or if anything alters the circle and symbols. If someone attacks the

Talisman (power 2): the demon hunter must possess the

spirit they must be careful not to corrupt the circle. For every rating

components to construct their talisman or have one made and

the hunter gains +2 to the roll of their circle magic skill check. MR: 5

add to it their own personal sigils. The talisman will add +10 to a

resistance of their choice as well it allows the hunter to roll 2d20 to

may use holy water to splash upon the possessed victim in order to

defend from possession attacks and choose the higher result. The

gain an additional +2 (per rating) to the roll of their exorcism skill

talisman only helps the hunter, to anyone else it is merely jewelry.

check. The demon hunter shouts the Rite of Expulsion and throws a

MR: 1

vial of holy water upon the victim during the 2 actions of the exor-

Consecrated Weapon (power 2): the demon hunter may

Expulsion Ritual (power 3): during an exorcism the hunter

cism. The hunter must burn 1 frenzy to activate this ability. MR: 5

choose their weapon and begin the Rite of Consecration. The

demon hunter must choose a silver or silver edged weapon so that

causes a mild nauseating feeling that subsides after about 30 min-

it deals x2 damage to spirits of the dead, undead, and demon-kind

utes, which is the amount of time the “potion” lasts. This grants +d6

for this rite to work. During the ceremony the weapon is decorated

to their strength, perception, and willpower. These are all rolled with

with protective symbols and anointed with the ash of undead, ecto-

one die and the result is the same. They also gain this die to defend

plasm remains of spirit, or ash of a demon to create a single demon

possession attempts so it is rolled with the d20. For every rating,

rune. This weapon then adds x1 power damage to undead, spirits, and

increase this die one rank d6, d8, d10, d12. 1 vial per demon. MR: 4

demons for each rating, thus at rating 1 the silver weapon will deal

x3 power damage. This weapon has become an enchanted “demon

tect them from demonic possessions. They may create one tattoo

bane”. The hunter may only have one consecrated weapon and each

per rating. This ward causes a demon or spirit to suffer -2 to hit per

rating in this ability counts as a filled enchantment slot or demon

rating when attempting to possess and even if they are hit the ward

rune. The Rite of Consecration takes d4 hours to complete and the

will boost the bearer’s willpower roll by +2 per rating. MR: 5


Demon’s Blood (power 3): hunters drink the blood which

Demonic Ward: (power 3): this tattoo can be crafted to pro-

Chap te r I V


Read & Write: 1 (int) Tinker: 1 (int) Weapon Smith: 1 (int) (Skill Slots: 2)

The mystical enchanter or enchantress is a well

respected spell caster. This magic user is the one you seek

Starting Equipment

out when you wish to create or identify magical weapons,

Bone Hammer (weapons) d8+d6

armor, and other equipment. A good enchanter can take

Shoulder Bag (equipment)

your runes or magical components and make something very

Personal Spell Book (equipment)

special out of them. They are specialists when it comes to

(Starting Pay: d6 copper)

creating magical items and innovative tools. It is an art that takes a great amount of training and research to accomplish

Spiritual Influence: 2%

correctly. They are sought out all over the world from some of the richest nobles to even the most dangerous assassins


so that they may craft something that others cannot. Not

Astral Detection (blue magic)

only do they learn the art of shaping metals on the anvil,

Imbue Element (green magic)

placing magic into the steel makes their skill very powerful.

Ignite & Douse (green magic)

They must be wary of this craft as well though, for it is this curiosity with magic that has created much devastation.

Character Class Abilities 2nd: Charm Stones 3rd: Scroll Craft 4th: Verendum 5th: Rune Magic 6th: Bind Rune 7th: Weave Magic 8th: Spell Forge 9th: Crystal Magic 10th: Disenchant 11th: Spell Shatter 12th: Rune Craft

Primary Attributes Intelligence Willpower

Combat Skills Unarmed Combat: Basic Sorcery Weapon Specialization: Hammers +1

Character Skills Armorer: 1 (int) Crystal Lore: 1 (int) Thaumaturgy: 1 (int)


C las s e s & Abil itie s

Charm Stones (power 1): the enchanter has the ability to

smith, armorer, or tinker skill in order to achieve this successfully.

awaken certain energies that reside within a small stone, crystal,

The target number is 5 to craft a slot for the rune and place it into an

or gem by engraving the stone with glyphs of a specific attribute

item while invoking the power within it. They must speak the proper

and filling them with power. They may grant +2 (per rating) to an

invocation of the ritual. The chant will awaken the power of the rune

attribute of the enchanter’s choice. This takes the enchanter a total of

and it will then bind with the item. You may look to the magic chap-

6 hours to perform the Charm Stone Ritual. The enchanter makes a

ter for more information on enchanting items or empowering them.

crystal lore skill check with a target number equal to the rank of the

This ability allows you to power only one rune into an item no more,

attribute they are creating the stone for. If the skill fails, the stone

an act that takes a minimum of 6 hours to accomplish. It takes a d4

is shattered and lost. If successful the stone is awakened using the

hours to craft an actual slot into an item as well. This ability allows

vibrations of his or her chant and the ritual is complete. You may

you to make only 1 slot per item. Look to the magic chapter under

gain the benefits from only one charm stone at a time. You may wear

Runes on Pg. 323. MR: 1

them as jewelry such as; bracelets, brooches, anklets, etc. MR: 3

Scroll Craft (power 1): the ability to create magical scrolls

help save a failed rune magic or crafting skill test. This may be used

is useful when you wish to sell them or conserve mana during a

when making rune slots and runes once powerful enough. They must

combat by using scrolls. Make a writing skill check, the target

burn 1 saved saga point and it may be activated after a failed roll. This

number for this skill check is equal to the level of the spell

bind rune ability will add a d6 to their skill check result. For every

being written, yet no lower than 3. Initiate and advocate

rating in this you may increase the rank (d6, d8, d10, d12, d20). MR: 5

spells all have a minimal target # 3 to create them. A 6th

level robe spell has a target # 6 to create. You may write one scroll

to weave certain types of clothing or accessories and invoke magical

every two hours, only two per day (per rating) and must take

energies into them with symbols and sigils of power. The enchanter

the mana drain for doing so. Components for the spell are all

may weave magic into a once common cloak in order to enhance a

eaten by the mana and dissolve during the scroll creation. For every

certain skill such as concealment, thus creating a cloak of shadows.

rating in this ability you may craft up to 2 scrolls a day, yet remember

When the enchanter first begins this ability they may only add +1

each one takes a minimum of 2 hours. MR: 3

level to a skill. If the wearer does not possess the skill then they must

Verendum (power 1): your verendum is your personal chan-

add this bonus to the rank of their attribute that the skill falls under.

neling tool, which is usually a wand or staff. You must place a crystal

The enchanter must possess the proper material, such as a unit of

or stone upon your creation which is used to conduct energy. When

an animal pelt, wool, cotton, or silk in order to make such an item.

crafting a staff this is usually placed within a headpiece. With this

These items may usually be found or purchased in towns or from

ability you are able to craft a channeling rune for your personal use

hunters. Depending on what the enchanter is crafting this may take

within the item. This item becomes unique and bound to you during

many, many hours. You may use the Tinker’s Crafting Table found

the Verendum Ritual. During this age old ritual the caster should

in the Equipment chapter under gear. The enchanter must possess

use material that fits their astrological sign. The ritual must be per-

the proper skills such as sewing or weaving and make this skill check

formed during the time of day in which you were born and 3 drops

at a minimal target # 5. The higher result the faster the enchanter

of your blood must be rubbed upon the wand or staff at the point

may finish the work, or improve the look of the item. At rating 2 the

where magic will be released and your channeling rune will go. The

enchanter has the possibility to add +2 levels to any skill they wish to

verendum allows the caster to gain +1 to any spell cast while the

enchant their work with. They must roll a target # 10 in order to gain

verendum is in hand. The verendum also grants the caster a +1 to

the +2. At rating 3 the enchanter must reach a target # 15 in order

their magical defense while in hand. MR: 1

to grant the wearer +3 to a skill level. At rating 4 you may open the

Rune Magic (power 2): the enchanter is now able to craft

possibility to grant the wearer a +4 to a skill level by reaching a target

slots to place runes into items and enchant items with these runes.

# 20. Finally at rating 5 it allows the enchanter a chance to grant +5

The runes may be found in the magic chapter on Pg. 326. The

to the level of a specific character skill, the target # is 25. MR: 5

enchanter can place a single rune into a weapon, piece of armor, or

item in order to gain the bonus the rune allows. This does not allow

the power to charge a specific item with a specific spell, a process

the enchanter to create runes yet, only to awaken their power and

called charged enchantments. The item can be charged with almost

infuse them into an item. The enchanter must roll his or her weapon

any spell available to the enchanter or another present mage. This


Bind Rune (power 2): the enchanter may use this ability to

Weave Magic (power 2): the enchanter now has the ability

Spell Forge (power 2): with this ability the enchanter has

Chap te r I V is how items are enchanted with spells that can be used by speak-

ing a command word. Once the command word is spoken the magic

effects of an enchantment upon a character or item. For disenchant-

actions are spent according to the spell being cast. The command

ing sorcery cast on an ally the enchanter must burn half the mana

word is often written upon the item during forging. The enchanter

it cost to make the enchantment or a minimum of 20 mana points

rolls the proper smithy skill check depending on what item they are

and use 2 magical actions to attempt a resisted willpower check

working. At rating 1 you may add up to 2 charges in an item. Target

versus the one who cast the spell. The enchanter may add +2 to

# 5-9: allows the 1 charge. Target # 10-14: 2 charges. At rating 2 it is

their roll for every rating in this ability. This may be attempted only

possible to make up to 5 charges in an item. Target # 15-19: 3 charges.

once per rating as well. Frenzy may be used for this ability since

Target # 20-24: 4 charges, T# 25-29: 5 charges. At rating 3 in this

the enchanter is attacking the magical energy to expel it. When

ability it is possible to add up to 10 charges. T# 30-34: 6 charges, T#

disenchanting it is possible for the enchanter to make a thaumatur-

35-39: 7 charges, T# 40-44: 8 charges, T# 45-49: 9 charges, T# 50+: 10

gy skill check in order to identify the magic that is being used. A

charges. This is only to imbue the item with charges and once the

successful skill check will allow the GM to tell the enchanter what

amount of charges is configured the caster rolls the d20 to cast the

the target number is going to be. This is very useful for it allows the

spell into the item that many times and takes the drain. When the

enchanter to prepare themselves with any buffers if they are able to.

user of the item gives the command word, attack spells require the

When attempting to disenchant magical items this process takes a

user to roll a d20 to release the spell. The process of the spell forge

much longer amount of time and requires the enchanter to make a

requires 30 minutes per charge. Some spells, at the GM’s discretion,

skill check congruent with the one used to make the item. The target

are too powerful for an item to hold even more than 1 charge. MR: 3

number is created by the GM yet would be equal to the skill roll

Crystal Magic (power 2): this ability allows the enchanter to

that was made when the item was crafted. The mana drain on this

become an evoker of stones, gems, and crystals, mastering the ways

type of disenchant is 20 per rune, charge, or sigil within a weave.

of crafting these stones. These crystal powers can now be shaped and

Certain powerful artifacts require a disenchantment to take place at

awakened when they are found in the wilderness. From the list of

a location of powerful energy such as the crossroads of ley lines or

stones and crystals in the magic chapter you will find these stones

upon sacred ground. Then again some powerful artifacts cannot be

and the powers that may be awakened within. The skill of Crystal

unmade unless they are destroyed with a massive amount of energy

Lore must be rolled during the process of awakening them. If the

such as being cast into the heart of a volcano or a star. MR: 5

stone is in its raw form it must first be cut, which may be accom-

plished with the gem cutting skill. The gem must first be cut to be

once per rating the enchanter may attempt this out of turn maneu-

awakened so this may be a skill the enchanter may wish to pick

ver. When an enemy fires a magical spell at the enchanter or an ally,

up. This is not completely necessary for the skill may be accom-

the enchanter may call spell shatter and burn 1 SP. The enchanter

plished untrained at a higher target number. The enchanter rolls

must possess a single action attack spell that they can cast at the

their crystal lore skill and must reach a target number created by

attacker’s spell in an attempt to shatter it from the very air before it

the GM or is equal to the cost of the stone in gold. The target #

hits its target. The spell shatter attack must be equal to or over the

can be no lower than 3, this is up to the GM but can be used as a

result of the attacker’s spell in order to shatter it. If this succeeds

guideline. Without the gem cutting skill, it raises the target of an

then the enchanter has successfully shattered the enemy’s spell right

enchanter’s crystal lore skill check to awaken the stone due to it

out of the air, if not then the defender must roll their defense as

being poorly cut. If this is failed the stone becomes fragile and the

normal. The enchanter must activate this ability before the defense

power is lost. Once the enchanter has awakened the stone it is given

roll is made and rolls 2d20 choosing the highest result. MR: 2

a single charge to use while worn on the body. Many stones can

be activated in different ways, by simply placing them at certain

create a 2nd slot into items and place a 2nd rune into an item, weap-

chakra points through the use of the crystal lore skill, or by mutter-

on, or piece of armor. This allows the enchanter to make stronger

ing a command word or incantation that uses the charge due to the

empowered items. They now only begin to unlock the mystic power

vibrations of the words to activate it. At max rating the enchanter

that it takes to create 12th level runes from scratch, however few

may re-roll a failed crystal lore check by burning a saved saga point.

there are. Gaining this ability also allows the enchanter a new skill

The Ritual of Crystal Evocation takes about an hour to awaken one

at rating 1 called Rune Craft. Write this skill under your character

pre-cut stone. MR: 2

skills and it is based off of your intelligence attribute. This is a class


Disenchant (power 3): this ability is used to reverse the

Spell Shatter (power 3): once per combat scenario,


Rune Craft (power 3): this ability allows an enchanter to

C las s e s & Abil itie s specific skill only the enchanter may possess. When crafting runes

These runes will of course be limited in power to something similar

from scratch it takes the character’s spell time to do such a thing and

that your character level would be able to craft and handle. It will still

is no easy task. Just as with rune magic, the time it takes to empower

cost a great deal to manufacture the runes that you design due to the

a magic item with a rune (place a rune in a slot) is 6 hours minimum.

components that are necessary for making them. MR: 1

To empower an item with a 2nd rune there is a target number of 10 to succeed in placing it correctly, so the enchanter must be wary. A failure may result in a roll on the enchantment fumble table.

As with other skills the Rune Craft skill has 3 tiers. Gaining

this ability will of course allow you to have the first tier of the skill. Just as other character skills once you reach rating 8 you may unlock the 2nd tier of the skill (expert) by spending 2 skill slots to purchase it. Once you become an expert in the skill you are automatically givin a +1 to your skill rolls. An expert in Rune Craft will grant a +2 rating bonus to one of the trade craft skills of your choice (armorer, weaponsmith, or tinker). An expert in this skill will also allow you to improve the durability of an empowered item by 1 step (from moderate to strong). You can also make runes that are similar to other runes on the rune table as long as you are the correct level to design them.

A master of the skill at 3rd tier can still be achieved as

other skills, once you reach rating 16 in the skill you may spend 3 skill slots to master in it. This will grant you an immediate +2 to skill rolls and you may gain a bonus of +3 to the rating of a trade skill of your choosing (armorer, weaponsmith, tinker). You will also be able to engineer your own types of runes. That will be discussed with your GM and given an all clear based of runes on the list.


Chap te r I V


Character Skills Thaumaturgy: 1 (int) Conjuring: 1 (will) Circle Magic: 1 (int)

Mages are spell casters or magic users. They

Read & Write: 1 (int)

summon energy called mana in order to create spells that

(Skill Slots: 4)

alter reality. Mages usually study in magic schools or learn from a master who takes on an apprentice. Magic is ancient

Starting Equipment

and unreal thus often untrusted by many. It is a gift that is

Staff (weapons) d12

often seen in children at a young age, not all are born with

Shoulder Bag (equipment)

the ability to wield the gift. Some countries outlaw magic

Personal Spell Book (equipment)

in their lands and hunt mages often burning them at the

(Starting Pay: d6 silver)

stake for fear of their return as a blood mage or lich to seek vengeance upon them. In more civilized lands they are highly

Spiritual Influence: 2%

respected for their abilities. Mages begin as a fledgeling or apprentice before they reach their first “ring” of initiate. A


ring is what they call a mages’ status of power in the arts. As

Choose 3 initiate spells but each one must be from a different

they unlock each ring they begin to understand the magical

color of magic. You may only choose from the six primary

texts of more powerful spells. Some mages may choose to

schools of Red, White, Green, Blue, Gray, and Black. If you

specialize in a certain type of magic. These mages are given a

wish use the following page as a guide for it shows 3 initiate

generalized name known as a sorcerer or sorceress. Each

spells of each primary school.

is also given a different name depending upon which school or color of magic they study. Thus when choosing you may pick a mage open to any school, or a sorcerer/ sorceress.

Character Class Abilities 2nd: Astral Perception 3rd: Scroll Craft 4th: Verendum 5th: Mana Rite 6th: Familiar 7th: Sigil Ward 8th: Spell Focus 9th: Absorb Power 10th: Continuum 11th: Mana Flux 12th: Grimoire

Primary Attributes Intelligence Willpower

Combat Skills Unarmed Combat: Basic Sorcery


C las s e s & Abil itie s The mage class is the most common type of adept with knowledge in all forms of magic and its schools. The specialists in the art of sorcery are called sorcerers, which carry names to differentiate them from the mage. These specialists get to add a +2 to cast any spell from their school of magic. Yet when they attempt to cast a spell from another color other than their own they suffer a -1 to cast the spell due to their alienation with that school. Under the combat skills on your character sheet make a note of what color of magic you are specialized in (Red Magic +2). If you choose to take away the -1 to cast another color you must specialize in it to bring it to 0, then again to gain a +1. If you choose to make your character a sorcerer or sorceress, then make sure to take the name of the specialized class as well, or one similar that works (ie: Warlock, War Mage, or Red Witch). Sorcerers must also take the initiate spells below, instead of choosing like the mage does. When dealing with the added skills on the following page simply add these skills to the mage skills and only start with 1 skill slot. Here are the six basic schools of magic that you may choose from and the level advancement abilities that are gained for levels 2 through 12.

Warlock (red magic)

Witch (white magic)

Seer (blue magic)

2nd: Battle Rite 2nd: Attunement 2nd: Astral Perception

3rd: Red Athame

3rd: Circle of Protection

3rd: Read Aura

4th: Verendum 4th: Verendum 4th: Verendum 5th: War Caster 5th: Sanctuary 5th: Dowsing 6th: Mana Armor 6th: Familiar 6th: Augury

7th: War Ritual

7th: Aura Healing

7th: Dream Walker

8th: Spell Focus 8th: Spell Focus 8th: Visions

9th: Spell Blast

9th: Elemental Amulet

9th: Speculum

10th: Spell Breaker

10th: Protective Shield

10th: Astral Projection

11th: Will of War

11th: Spell Parry

11th: Prediction

12th: Grimoire 12th: Grimoire 12th: Grimoire Initiate Spells

Initiate Spells

Initiate Spells

Fire Orb Fire Dance Detect Life Ice Lance Hard Flesh Ethereal Orb Shock Orb Heal

Enhance Senses

Druid (green magic)

Psionic (gray magic)

Necromancer (black magic)

2nd: Hide of Oak

2nd: Psi Ritual

2nd: Blood Sacrament

3rd: Elemental Ritual

3rd: Psychokinesis

3rd: Bone Hex

4th: Verendum 4th: Verendum 4th: Verendum

5th: Beast Master

5th: Psionic Scream

5th: Death Lord

6th: Familiar 6th: Mind Power 6th: Raise Dead

7th: Sacred Grove

7th: Empathic Rite

7th: Dark Liturgy

8th: Earth & Air Ritual

8th: Mental Projection

8th: Black Altar

9th: Fire & Water Ritual

9th: Mind Trick

9th: Sacrifice Minion

10th: Elemental Blast

10th: Psychokinetic Shield

10th: Abomination

11th: Elemental Deflection

11th: Psychokinetic Shatter

11th: Soul Leech

12th: Grimoire 12th: Grimoire 12th: Grimoire Initiate Spells

Initiate Spells

Initiate Spells

Ignite & Douse Enthrall Bone Spear Light & Darkness Telekinesis Death Mask

Messenger Telepathy Necral Armor


Chap te r I V




Added Skills

*Suffer -1 to cast all other colors




Red Magic +2, Battle Chant: 1 (will)

(Skill Slots: 1)



Protection & healing

White Magic +2, Plant Lore: 1 (int)

(Skill Slots: 1)



Divination & detection

Blue Magic +2, Astrology: 1 (int)

(Skill Slots: 1)




Green Magic +2, Animal Kinship: 1 (chr)

(Skill Slots: 1)



Psionics & illusions

Gray Magic +2, Meditation: 1 (will)

(Skill Slots: 1)



Death, curses, & disease

Black Magic +2, Necromancy: 1 (will)

(Skill Slots: 1)


the Verendum Ritual. During this age old ritual the caster should

Astral Perception (power 1): also called spirit sight this abil-

of your blood must be rubbed upon the wand or staff at the point

ity allows a spell caster to see into the astral realm around them and

where magic will be released and your channeling rune will go. The

distinguish magic and spirit. The caster’s eyes begin to glow with

verendum allows the caster to gain +1 to any spell cast while the ver-

the color of mana that they possess most within them. The ethereal

endum is in hand. The verendum also grants the caster a +1 to their

realm is the realm that coexists with our plane of existence. You see

magical defense while in hand. MR: 1

almost as if looking through a dream or clouded water. Anything

that has mana will be seen clearly, spirits radiate an aura and you can

day. The caster may half the drain from one of their spells or abilities

make out the colors of the mana that surround other casters within

by burning a 1 SP to do so. During the casting or conjuring the mana

their aura. You can also see the truth about a place. Places with great

rite is added into the invocation and this simple act saves half of the

negative energy might look dark and ominous in the astral realm.

mana spent. At max rating the caster may use this ability twice per

The caster may activate this at will yet it drains a d12 mana per round.

day. MR: 2

The caster can see a distance equal to their willpower in inches, yet

they roll perception while looking astrally to notice things. MR: 1

the casters time to find their animal companion. This creature will

Scroll Craft (power 1): the ability to create magical scrolls

possess a spiritual and psychic bond with the caster. Both gain 1

is useful when you wish to sell them or conserve mana during a

point of toughness from the joining. The caster must befriend this

combat by using scrolls. Make a writing skill check, the target

small creature and allow it to choose the caster as an ally on its own.

number for this skill check is equal to the level of the spell being

Once this bond has been made the creature becomes the caster’s

written, yet no lower than 3. Initiate and advocate spells all have a

familiar. The caster may see through the creature’s eyes at will and

minimal target # 3. A 6th level robe spell has a target # 6 to create.

know its thoughts and its pain just as it knows the caster’s pain. It

You may write one scroll every two hours, only two per day (per

will attempt to help the caster in times of need. It is good to have a

rating) and must take the mana drain for doing so. Components for

familiar that will be allowed to join you in the cities. Creatures such

the spell are all eaten by the mana and dissolve during the scroll

as birds, ferrets, rats, cats, snakes, often make good familiars. If a fa-

creation. For every rating in this ability you may craft up to 2 scrolls

miliar dies you will lose your toughness. You may choose a new one

a day, yet remember each one takes a minimum of 2 hours. MR: 3

after nine moons have passed. MR: 1

use material that fits their astrological sign. The ritual must be performed during the time of day in which you were born and 3 drops

Verendum (power 1): your verendum is your personal chan-

Mana Rite (power 2): the mana rite may only be used once a

Familiar (power 2): this ability marks the beginning of

Sigil Ward (power 2): the mage has the power to create a

neling tool, which is usually a wand or staff. You must place a crystal

magical trap by burning their sigil into a surface with the enchanted

or stone upon your creation which is used to conduct energy. When

words of the ward rite. They must cast their desired spell into the

crafting a staff this is usually placed within a headpiece. With this

ward as normal and suffer an additional 10 mana drain for the ward

ability you are able to craft a channeling rune for your personal use

rite. They then make a willpower check to hide the trap at +1 per

within the item. This item becomes unique and bound to you during

rating in this ability. They may also add 1 spell per rating to the ward


C las s e s & Abil itie s trap. They must assign a command word in order to pass the ward


trap without setting it off. This is used to trap hallways, doors, even books. If a creature fails their perception or traps check and triggers the ward the spell is released and the caster rolls a new d20 to cast

the spell due to the energy transferring from one form to another.

burn 5 mana and add their strength and willpower attributes to

MR: 3

their max hit points for the duration of a combat scenario. These hit

Battle Rite (power 1): for 1 magic action the red mage can

Spell Focus (power 2): this ability allows the caster to create

points are lost a d4 rounds after the end of the combat scenario so

specific foci for certain spells at the GM’s discretion. For instance,

one must be careful to remember this. At rating 2 they must multiply

collecting the component for a spell will let the caster use the foci

the sum of the attributes by x2. At rating 3 this becomes x3. MR: 3

to gain an additional +1 (per rating) to their spell effect while casting

with the spell focus in their hand. This may be used only if the caster

dagger. The war mage does a small ceremony to grant the blade their

has a focus set for their specific spell. For instance the caster may use

one and only athame. This blade now becomes +1 to hit (per rating)

sulfur for their fire sphere spell focus. The foci must dissipate after it

and +d6 to damage. For one magical action this blade will return to

is successfully used. MR: 3

the mage’s outstretched hand when beckoned if a successful willpow-

er check is made. Each rating increases the dmg die (d8, d10). MR: 3

Absorb Power (power 2): when a spell is being cast at you

Red Athame (power 1): the athame is a magic user’s ritual

and you roll a natural 20 to defend you may activate absorb power.

The attacker rolls the damage as if they had hit you but instead you

channeling tool, which is usually a wand or staff. You must place a

Verendum (power 1): your verendum is your personal

transfer the damage to your mana pool. You may still counter attack

crystal or stone upon your creation which is used to conduct energy.

as normal. MR: 1

When crafting a staff this is usually placed within a headpiece. With

Continuum (power 3): this ability allows the caster to

this ability you are able to craft a channeling rune for your personal

lengthen the duration of a spell by double. This takes 1 SP to activate

use within the item. This item becomes unique and bound to you

the continuum when the spell is in effect. The caster may choose to

during the Verendum Ritual. During this age old ritual the caster

activate this ability at anytime during the duration, after it hits or

should use material that fits their astrological sign. The ritual must

even when it is about to run out. For each rating in this ability you

be performed during the time of day in which you were born and 3

may continue to duplicate the duration. MR: 3

drops of your blood must be rubbed upon the wand or staff at the

Mana Flux (power 3): once per combat and OOT, if the

point where magic will be released and your channeling rune will

mage is hit by a spell, or an ally within 15’ feet is struck the mage

go. The verendum allows the caster to gain +1 to any spell cast while

may roll a d100. The result will tell you how much damage may be

the verendum is in hand. The verendum also grants the caster a +1 to

transferred into drain from their mana pool. Yet, the mana the mage

their magical defense while in hand. MR: 1

spends must be doubled. At rating 2 the drain is not doubled. MR: 2

War Caster (power 2): the warlock may burn 1 SP in order

Grimoire (power 3): every mage and specialist gains a

to add an additional +1 damage to any red spell for up to 4 rounds.

grimoire at 12th level. The caster’s personal spell book has now

This must be activated before the combat spell is cast in order to

become a power source that adds +1 magical defense. The caster must

buff a specific spell. For every rating add another +1 to the damage,

use this grimoire in their hand while wielding their wand or staff in

therefore a rating of 3 they would add +3 damage to any attack spell

the other to aim their spells. The grimoire becomes a conduit for

effect for only 1 SP. MR: 3

magical energy and reading the incantation from the grimoire will

add x1 (per rating) to the spell’s power damage. This basically means

take 10 mana drain to gain +2 toughness and +2 fortitude. This power

the spell is being cast as if the caster is 1 level higher. You may also

lasts for 30 minutes. At rating 2 they may spend 20 mana to gain

add +1 (per rating) to the level of your spell craft skill while the book

+4 to toughness and fortitude, this continues to max rating which

is in hand. At rating 5 you will unlock a +2 magical defense. MR: 5

would cost 50 mana to gain +10 toughness and fortitude. MR: 5

Mana Armor (power 2): for 1 magical action the warlock can

War Ritual (power 2): once per combat the warlock may

shout out a war rite for 2 magical actions and 20 mana drain to grant every ally within their vicinity (inches per willpower) to gain a single d6 roll. This d6 roll result will let them know how many points of frenzy they are gifted to their frenzy pool. These frenzy are only


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temporary to the current battle and will dissipate after the fight is over. This ability will grant frenzy to as many allies as the caster has willpower. At rating 2 the allies gain 2d6 and get to choose which d6 is the highest. There is no rule for continuum on a roll of 6. During

a battle the allies will burn this temporary frenzy before using their

+1 (per rating) to the spell effects of their healing magic. The witch

own. MR: 2

must spend an additional 5 mana to gain this bonus. MR: 3

Spell Focus (power 2): this ability allows the caster to create

Attunement (power 1): this ability allows the witch to add

Circle of Protection (power 1): the witch may add an addi-

specific foci for certain spells at the GM’s discretion. For instance

tional +1 to the roll of their circle magic skill check (per rating) when

collecting the component for a spell will let the caster use the foci

crafting magic circles of protection. These circles are made with

to gain an additional +1 (per rating) to their spell effect while casting

magic circle components which usually consists of powdered bone,

with the spell focus in their hand. This may be used only if the caster

salt, chalk, candles, or sometimes blood and ash. Magical circles that

has a focus set for their specific spell. For instance the caster may use

are drawn upon the floor are protection from spirits and entities of

sulfur for their fire sphere spell focus. The foci must dissipate after it

other planes. The caster must draw a circle around a thaumaturgical

is successfully used. MR: 3

triangle within the center. The result of the roll becomes the target

number for the spirit’s intelligence check to break through. MR: 10

Spell Blast (power 2): the warlock may burn 1 saga when a

spell hits an opponent to add a d6 power damage to the spell. There-

fore you may simply add 1 to 6 more levels to the caster when using

channeling tool, which is usually a wand or staff. You must place a

Verendum (power 1): your verendum is your personal

spell blast. At rating 2 spend 1 SP to roll 2d6 and choose the highest

crystal or stone upon your creation which is used to conduct energy.

roll. MR: 2

When crafting a staff this is usually placed within a headpiece. With

Spell Breaker (power 3): the warlock is able to break a spell

this ability you are able to craft a channeling rune for your personal

that has been cast upon them or an ally by using this out of turn abil-

use within the item. This item becomes unique and bound to you

ity. To enact this ability the warlock burns 1 SP once an attack spell is

during the Verendum Ritual. During this age old ritual the caster

cast. The warlock must possess a single action attack spell to throw

should use material that fits their astrological sign. The ritual must

at the enemy’s incoming spell. The warlock’s attack must be equal to

be performed during the time of day in which you were born and 3

or higher than the enemy’s spell attack to break it. This ability allows

drops of your blood must be rubbed upon the wand or staff at the

the warlock to hurl their spell into the incoming enemy’s spell and

point where magic will be released and your channeling rune will

blast it out of the air if successful. This ability may be used once per

go. The verendum allows the caster to gain +1 to any spell cast while

combat and must be activated before a defense roll is made. MR: 1

the verendum is in hand. The verendum also grants the caster a +1 to

their magical defense while in hand. MR: 1

Will of War (power 3): the warlock is able to use this ability

once per combat. The warlock may burn 1 frenzy in order to add the

dice for their willpower attribute to the damage of any red spell. This

the parameter of a camp or hideout distributing small bags of

Sanctuary (power 2): during this ability the witch walks

ability must be called when the spell is cast and before the defender

components while muttering the rite of sanctuary. During this they

rolls. Will of war allows the warlock to build the power of the spell

call upon the powers that be to astrally guard the area by connecting

up greatly before unleashing it toward an enemy. At max rating it

to the ley lines of the primordial plane. This ritual takes at most

may be attempted 3 times per combat scenario. MR: 3

thirty minutes to perform and can reach a radial distance equal to the

Grimoire (power 3): every mage and specialist gains a

witch’s willpower in inches. The witch must possess small pouches

grimoire at 12th level. The caster’s personal spell book has now

containing the parts of three different small creatures such as chick-

become a power source that adds +1 magical defense. The caster must

en bones, frog’s legs, and a rattler of a rattlesnake. If an intruder

use this grimoire in their hand while wielding their wand or staff in

passes this area where the pouches create an invisible perimeter, just

the other to aim their spells. The grimoire becomes a conduit for

like an astral trip wire a warning will sound in the witch’s head. The

magical energy and reading the incantation from the grimoire will

witch will hear the croaking of frogs, the squawking of chickens,

add x1 (per rating) to the spell’s power damage. This basically means

the rattle of a snake, to warn them (depending upon the creatures

the spell is being cast as if the caster is 1 level higher. You may also

used in the components). The witch must possess such items to use

add +1 (per rating) to the level of your spell craft skill while the book

sanctuary, and may do this whenever he or she wishes. These compo-

is in hand. At rating 5 you will unlock a +2 magical defense. MR: 5

nents may be used once per rating before going bad. MR: 3


C las s e s & Abil itie s

Familiar (power 2): this ability marks the beginning of

Spell Parry (power 3): this ability allows a witch to use

the casters time to find their animal companion. This creature will

protective magic to force an enemy caster to re-roll their spell attack

possess a spiritual and psychic bond with the caster. Both gain 1

die by spending 1 SP. This must be activated after an enemy rolls to

point of toughness from the joining. The caster must befriend this

attack. This is used once per combat scenario. MR: 1

small creature and allow it to choose the caster as an ally on its own.

Once this bond has been made the creature becomes the caster’s

grimoire at 12th level. The caster’s personal spell book has now

familiar. The caster may see through the creature’s eyes at will and

become a power source that adds +1 magical defense. The caster must

know its thoughts and its pain just as it knows the caster’s pain. It

use this grimoire in their hand while wielding their wand or staff in

will attempt to help the caster in times of need. It is good to have a

the other to aim their spells. The grimoire becomes a conduit for

familiar that will be allowed to join you in the cities. Creatures such

magical energy and reading the incantation from the grimoire will

as birds, ferrets, rats, cats, snakes, often make good familiars. If a

add x1 (per rating) to the spell’s power damage. This basically means

familiar dies you will lose your toughness. You may choose a new

the spell is being cast as if the caster is 1 level higher. You may also

one after nine moons have passed. MR: 1

add +1 (per rating) to the level of your spell craft skill while the book

is in hand. At rating 5 you will unlock a +2 magical defense. MR: 5

Aura Healing (power 2): the witch spends 3 magic actions

and 30 mana to create an aura around them that heals their willpower dice x their level to the HP of those in the AOE. They do gain their spell effect bonus to this magical ability. For each rating the aura grows by 1 inch (5’ feet), you also gain +1 per rating to your spell effect. The witch will begin to glow white within the AOE. MR: 3

Spell Focus (power 2): this ability allows the caster to create

specific foci for certain spells at the GM’s discretion. For instance collecting an added component for a spell will let the caster use the foci to gain an additional +1 (per rating) to their spell effect while casting with the spell focus in their hand. This may be used only if the caster has a focus set for their specific spell. For instance the caster may use a hellhound’s claw for their fire sphere spell focus. The foci must dissipate after it is successfully used. MR: 3

Elemental Amulet (power 2): this allows you to craft a

personalized amulet that grants only the owner a resistance of 10 to an element of your choice (per rating). A drop of blood from the wearer is placed on the amulet. Design 1 per rating (for allies). MR: 4

Protective Shield (power 3): this ability allows the witch

to throw up a protective shield versus all physical missile attacks within a 1.5 inch blast radius around the witch. It will not alter attacks leaving the shield to strike outside targets or melee attacks within the AOE. The barrier defends against all physical missile attacks like arrows, thrown weapons, and physical spell attacks. It does not defend mental and psionic attacks. It grants all within an additional d6 to defend these types of attacks that the white mage rolls and adds to their allies’ d20 rolls. The witch uses 3 magical actions and 30 mana to activate the shield. Then they must use 2 magical actions each round and 10 mana to keep it active. Increasing the rating will increase the range from 1.5” to 2” and also the defense die the witch adds to a d8. Then at the final rating to a 2.5” shield and a d10. These added defense dice also gain the continuum rule. MR: 3


Grimoire (power 3): every mage and specialist gains a

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number of 6 will give only a slight amount of information, the higher the roll the better. The seer is granted +1 to the roll per rating. This is used to see the future and the GM may give hints to what is planned

Astral Perception (power 1): also called spirit sight this

or what may happen. They may even roll a random encounter for the

ability allows a spell caster to see into the astral realm around them

seer that will be used later. This may be used once per day and drains

and distinguish magic and spirit. The caster’s eyes begin to glow with

the same amount of mana that was rolled on the astrology check

the color of mana that they possess most within them. The ethereal

result. MR: 3

realm is the realm that coexists with our plane of existence. You see

almost as if looking through a dream or clouded water. Anything

is sleeping may they leave their body to enter into another’s dream.

that has mana will be seen clearly, spirits radiate an aura and you can

The seer must prepare for this and must possess a personal link to

make out the colors of the mana that surround other casters and the

the target in which they wish to visit. Such as with clairvoyance they

aura of characters. You can see the truth about a place. Places with

must have a lock of hair, or a small personal item that will allow them

negative energy might look dark and ominous in the astral realm.

to connect with the recipient’s dream. This will also only work if the

The caster may activate this at will yet it drains a d12 mana per round.

recipient is sleeping as well. Therefore this ability must be timed

The caster can see a distance equal to their willpower in inches, yet

correctly, yet if they possess the proper spells of scrying they will

they roll perception while looking astrally. MR: 1

already know when the target is sleeping. This may be used once per

Read Aura (power 1): for 10 mana per round this grants the

week and only lasts for minutes equal to the seer’s level. This may be

seer +1 per rating to their perception roll in order to read the aura of

used for many purposes, yet no harm can really come to either the

a target. This may be resisted with a charisma check if the target is

seer or the recipient... or can it (GM’s discretion)? During this night

aware of the seers prying eyes. The aura can show emotions, energy,

of dream walking, the seer loses all mana from their mana pool so

and even possible intent with a result of 25 or more. MR: 5

that they awaken at zero due to the strain of crossing the astral realm

Dream Walker (power 2): only during a time when the seer

Verendum (power 1): your verendum is your personal

on this quest. During a dream walk, the seer’s astrally projected form

channeling tool, which is usually a wand or staff. You must place a

can move across the planet in an instant if that is indeed where

crystal or stone upon your creation which is used to conduct energy.

the recipient is. However, the dream walker cannot project through

When crafting a staff this is usually placed within a headpiece. With

dimensions or across alternate planes. At max rating they may use

this ability you are able to craft a channeling rune for your personal

this 3 times a week. MR: 3

use within the item. This item becomes unique and bound to you

during the Verendum Ritual. During this age old ritual the caster

an object and “see” what happened to the object during the last

should use material that fits their astrological sign. The ritual must

energy source that was captured by it. For instance; this

be performed during the time of day in which you were born and 3

post-cognitive ability may let the seer know who last handled a blade

drops of your blood must be rubbed upon the wand or staff at the

buried in a dead man. This ability is difficult to pick up on very

point where magic will be released and your channeling rune will

detailed images though since the energy may be altered by other

go. The verendum allows the caster to gain +1 to any spell cast while

things. A low test result from the willpower dice may only show the

the verendum is in hand. The verendum also grants the caster a +1 to

arm or hand of the murderer, where a high roll may actually allow the

their magical defense while in hand. MR: 1

seer to see the killer’s face. The seer must make a willpower check to

Visions (power 2): with this ability the seer can touch

Dowsing (power 2): this ability allows a seer to gain a bonus

make a connection. At a base target created by the GM, with a simple

of +2 per rating when dowsing. Using a map or a divination mat and

test being target # 6. This ability takes only 2 magical actions to use

a crystal attached to a pendulum, they ask questions with a willpower

with the vision coming instantly to the seer’s mind. This ability may

check. The questions are sometimes answered or locations are point-

be used once a day per rating, for 25 mana. MR: 3

ed out on a map if the target is not protected from scrying. Swinging

the crystal pendulum over the map and calling a name, it only takes

called a speculum, also known as a black scrying mirror. This magical

a few minutes to be given an answer. MR: 5

mirror will allow the seer to see special visions by asking the spirits

Augury (power 2): the seer has now found the ability to

to reveal them. The crystal ball may be used as well as a speculum.

read omens in the stars. Make an astrology check while at the camp-

The blue mage must first possess a black mirror or crystal ball in

fire, then concentrate and watch how the flames dance. A base target

order to use this ability. It raises the target number but you may


Speculum (power 2): the seer may create or use a device

C las s e s & Abil itie s even use the reflection of a still pool of water. This may only be

attack by burning the SP to allow them or an ally to roll a defense

used where there is no sunlight, a dark place, or in the light of the

die. This ability may only be attempted once per day. MR: 1

moon. The seer has one charge to use the speculum, and then it

must be recharged by bathing the speculum in moonlight. Prefera-

grimoire at 12th level. The caster’s personal spell book has now

bly the light of the full moon gives the item its most potent power.

become a power source that adds +1 magical defense. The caster must

The seer makes a willpower check while adding a +1 to the roll per

use this grimoire in their hand while wielding their wand or staff in

rating in this ability. At a base target number of 6 the seer is able to

the other to aim their spells. The grimoire becomes a conduit for

gain a small amount of knowledge from the spirit world. The higher

magical energy and reading the incantation from the grimoire will

the willpower check the more information that can be gained. With

add x1 (per rating) to the spell’s power damage. This basically means

this device the seer is able to locate items that are lost or gain the

the spell is being cast as if the caster is 1 level higher. You may also

whereabouts of a person for whom the seer is seeking. This type

add +1 (per rating) to the level of your spell craft skill while the book

of clairvoyant image that is shown remains only visual to the seer.

is in hand. At rating 5 you will unlock a +2 magical defense. MR: 5

The seer may hear things as well from the speculum with a roll of at least 12 or higher on the willpower test. The seer does not need a link or personal item of a character, just a name. For every rating in this ability, the seer gains an additional plus to their willpower rank. Therefore at max rating the seer may add +5 to the rank of their willpower attribute. MR: 5

Astral Projection (power 3): using 2 magical actions the seer

is able to leave their physical form behind and astral walk as if they were a spirit. The seer may move a distance equal to their willpower attribute in inches to explore the world around them, invisibly to normal vision. One who looks astrally will see the seer as if they were gazing upon a spirit yet there will be a trail that connects the astral form to the body. With astral projection in effect the seer may pass through most doors but cannot pass through walls, metals, or earth more than six inches thick. The seer does have the ability to float while in this form so that they may reach higher levels, yet their movement remains the same. The seer may remain in astral projection for an amount of rounds equal to the character’s level. The seer takes 10 points of mana drain for every round they are in this state. At rating 2 the seer may travel x2 their willpower in inches, at rating 3 they may multiply this by 3, etc. During this time their body is completely vulnerable. They can see and hear with their astral body at +1 to the rank of their perception attribute per rating. No longer do they hear or see with their physical body. If they take any amount of damage or are jarred in any way they will instantly be pulled back to their physical form. If jarred back into their body by taking damage or being pushed they suffer a stunned effect roll called projection sickness. MR: 10

Prediction (power 3) this ability allows the seer a chance

to see an instant into the future and gives them a single chance to change its events. For instance, this out of turn ability allows the seer to force an enemy to re-roll their attack die. This costs 1 SP to force a re-roll. The seer may also use this as a way to save from a sneak


Grimoire (power 3): every mage and specialist gains a

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per rating. This control will last days equal to the level of the druid. At rating 1 the druid gains a +1 to their willpower rank per rating. This ability also drains 15 mana points during its use. MR: 3

Hide of Oak (power 1) for 1 magical action and 5 points of

Familiar (power 2): this ability marks the beginning of

mana drain the druid can call upon the power of the oak spirit to

the casters time to find their animal companion. This creature will

bless them with a thick hide, granting the druid +2 to their tough-

possess a spiritual and psychic bond with the caster. Both gain 1

ness per rating. This ability lasts for 20 rounds. MR: 5

point of toughness from the joining. The caster must befriend this

Elemental Ritual (power 1): the druid calls upon the

small creature and allow it to choose the caster as an ally on its own.

power of the elementals for a specific resistance by spending 1

Once this bond has been made the creature becomes the caster’s

magical action and 5 points of mana. For example the druid must

familiar. The caster may see through the creature’s eyes at will and

state that they wish to gain power to resist fire in the old tongue.

know its thoughts and its pain just as it knows the caster’s pain. It

During this quick 1 action ritual they acquire 10 points of fire

will attempt to help the caster in times of need. It is good to have a

resistance. The druid may also give this gift to an ally through the

familiar that will be allowed to join you in the cities. Creatures such

channeling of touch yet it costs the druid 10 points of mana drain.

as birds, ferrets, rats, cats, snakes, often make good familiars. If a fa-

This ritual will last for rounds equal to the character’s level. For every

miliar dies you will lose your toughness. You may choose a new one

rating the caster may multiply the result by the rating. The resistanc-

after nine moons have passed. MR: 1

es may be stacked or placed upon different resistances. MR: 5

Sacred Grove (power 2): the druid meditates within a

Verendum (power 1): your verendum is your personal

chosen area of the wilderness. In inches equal to you willpower

channeling tool, which is usually a wand or staff. You must place a

attribute (x5’ real range) the grove is created in your mind and the

crystal or stone upon your creation which is used to conduct energy.

overgrowth begins to change the surroundings around you, creating

When crafting a staff this is usually placed within a headpiece. With

your sanctuary. This grove grants you +1 toughness per rating and

this ability you are able to craft a channeling rune for your personal

you may possess one grove per rating. After an hour of meditation

use within the item. This item becomes unique and bound to you

and 50 mana drain your grove is created. You may decide if you want

during the Verendum Ritual. During this age old ritual the caster

your hut within a tree house, beneath the ground, or ground level.

should use material that fits their astrological sign. The ritual must

In this grove you can fit up to 4 normal sized mortals with ease.

be performed during the time of day in which you were born and 3

The very grove can sense intruders in a radius equal to the druid’s

drops of your blood must be rubbed upon the wand or staff at the

willpower attribute, beyond the edge of the sanctuary. It will warn

point where magic will be released and your channeling rune will

the druid of travelers and hide all within the hut with +5 levels to

go. The verendum allows the caster to gain +1 to any spell cast while

their concealment. The grove appears however the druid envisions it

the verendum is in hand. The verendum also grants the caster a +1 to

to become as long as the vision is agreeable to the GM. This grove

their magical defense while in hand. MR: 1

will stay in the chosen area of the wilderness until the druid dies or

Beast Master (power 2): the druid may use 2 magical actions

spends an hour in meditation letting it fade back to its original state.

to control the mind of a creature of animal intelligence by making a

The druid must tend to their grove at times to appease the spirits.

resisted willpower test versus the beast. The druid must first know

You may only have 1 grove per rating and it costs 1 spiritual influence

about this creature or have come in contact with one in the past. A

to create it. He or she who visits a sacred grove and eats any of its

creature lore skill check must be made in order to know this type of

fruit will recharge mana or chi at a d20 for 20 rounds per sacred fruit.

beast. This ability will help if their mount becomes too afraid to do

If the grove possesses water and someone drinks from it they will

something or if they wish to simply ask a beast to help them in a

recharge hit points in the same way. If the water or fruit is taken

battle. Beast master will not work against the familiar, spirit guide,

from the grove it becomes normal and grants no bonus. No tree

or animal ally of another mage, shaman, or ranger. The druid cannot

should be damaged within a sacred grove or it is possible that an

control a creature that is already under control. The druid does not

elemental may be summoned 10% per rating. MR: 3

intentionally send a mastered beast to their doom, something of this

manner would force another resisted willpower test. This ability can

the druid to conjure an earth or air elemental with more power

be used to protect adventurers in the wild who are being attacked as

than normal conjurers and with a better chance of controlling the

well. The druid may use this ability only on one creature per combat,

spirit. They must decide which elemental they will call upon, earth


Earth & Air Ritual (power 2): the earth & air ritual allows

C las s e s & Abil itie s or air. The druid makes a circle magic skill check and must possess

add +1 (per rating) to the level of your spell craft skill while the book

the circle magic components. Read up on conjuring if you do not

is in hand. At rating 5 you will unlock a +2 magical defense. MR: 5

understand how to conjure, it is found in the magic chapter. With this ability you gain an additional +1 to your conjuring skill roll per rating, you also subtract an additional -2 per rating to the elementals resisted willpower attempt which is adjusted even more if you supply a good offering. For every rating in this ability you may summon a greater power elemental which is represented by the spirit power. These stats are found on the spirit conjuring table. MR: 3

Fire & Water Ritual (power 2): the fire & water ritual

allows the druid to conjure a fire or water elemental with more power than normal conjurers and with a better chance of controlling the spirit. They must decide which elemental they will call upon, fire or water. The druid makes a circle magic skill check and must possess the circle magic components. Read up on conjuring if you do not


understand how to conjure, it is found in the magic chapter. With this ability you gain an additional +1 to your conjuring skill roll per rating, you also subtract an additional -2 per rating to the elementals

resisted willpower attempt which is adjusted even more if you supply

ritual by using 1 magical action to do so. They must drain 5 points

a good offering. For every rating in this ability you may summon a

of their mana to gain fortitude of 5. At rating 2 the mage may burn

greater elemental of that same spirit power, thus at rating 3 you are

10 mana from their mana pool, to gain fortitude of 10. The psi

able to summon a greater power 3 elemental. These stats are found

ritual takes only concentration of thought for 1 magical action with no

on the spirit conjuring table. MR: 3

somatic movements or incantations to activate the ability. The psi

ritual gives you this fortitude bonus for 4 rounds per rating. MR: 2

Elemental Blast (power 3) any spell that uses elemental

Psi Ritual (power 1): the psionic mage may conduct this

damage can be given a powerful boost by burning 1 SP and adding an

Psychokinesis (power 1): this ability allows the gray mage to

additional d6 to the damage of the spell. This may even be activated

boost any mental attack or relevant mental ability +1 to hit per rating.

after a victim is hit by the spell. The druid must call elemental blast

The psionic must spend 1 frenzy to do so. This must be activated

before damage is rolled. This may be used once per combat and once

before the attack roll is made. MR: 3

per rating. MR: 3

Verendum (power 1): your verendum is your personal

Elemental Deflection (power 3): once per combat and OOT

channeling tool, which is usually a wand or staff. You must place a

the druid is able to spend 1 SP to attempt to deflect any elemental

crystal or stone upon your creation which is used to conduct energy.

spell back at the caster who used the magic. The druid rolls a d20

When crafting a staff this is usually placed within a headpiece. With

casting one of their single action spells in an attempt to beat the

this ability you are able to craft a channeling rune for your personal

attacker’s spell. If they beat the spell the enemy caster must then

use within the item. This item becomes unique and bound to you

defend their own spell by rolling to defend the druid’s attack roll.

during the Verendum Ritual. During this age old ritual the caster

If the druid matches the attacker’s roll, the spell is deflected in a

should use material that fits their astrological sign. The ritual must

random direction (roll scatter dice). MR: 1

be performed during the time of day in which you were born and 3

Grimoire (power 3): every mage and specialist gains a

drops of your blood must be rubbed upon the wand or staff at the

grimoire at 12th level. The caster’s personal spell book has now

point where magic will be released and your channeling rune will

become a power source that adds +1 magical defense. The caster must

go. The verendum allows the caster to gain +1 to any spell cast while

use this grimoire in their hand while wielding their wand or staff in

the verendum is in hand. The verendum also grants the caster a +1 to

the other to aim their spells. The grimoire becomes a conduit for

their magical defense while in hand. MR: 1

magical energy and reading the incantation from the grimoire will

add x1 (per rating) to the spell’s power damage. This basically means

actions to push everything around them in a 1.5” blast radius back

the spell is being cast as if the caster is 1 level higher. You may also

1” inch (5’ real range). The psionic must burn 25 mana to activate


Psionic Scream (power 2): the gray mage may use 3 magical

Chap te r I V the scatter. The mage rolls a willpower check and those who fail to

Increasing the rating will increase the range from 1.5” to 2.5” to 3” and

resist it will all be pushed back 1” inch per rating and taking mental

also the defense die to a d8, then a d10. MR: 3

damage equal to the willpower dice roll x 2 per rating. MR: 3

Psychokinetic Shatter (power 3): the gray mage may throw

Mind Power (power 2) this grants the psionic a +1 bonus

psychokinetic energy in front of any mental attack in an attempt to

that will permanently increase their mental defense. At rating 2

stop it. This OOT ability requires you to spend 1 SP and a d20 attack

they gain a +2 bonus to their mental defense. This costs nothing to

roll of +1 per rating in this ability. The gray mage must roll equal to

activate and is gained through constant strengthening of the mind

or higher than the enemy attack roll to stop the mental energy. This

and mental training. MR: 2

may be attempted once per combat, per rating to shatter an attack

Empathic Rite (power 2) this rite may be used by the

at an ally or their self. This must be activated before a defense die is

gray mage in order to sense the emotional condition of another

rolled. The psychokinesis ability may be used to boost this bonus to

creature. The psionic must use 2 magical actions and make a resisted

hit the incoming mental attack. MR: 3

willpower attribute test versus the target’s charisma attribute with

the target. Most of the time the target is totally unaware that this is

grimoire at 12th level. The caster’s personal spell book has now

Grimoire (power 3): every mage and specialist gains a

happening since this rite is accomplished without somatics or incan-

become a power source that adds +1 magical defense. The caster must

tations. A low roll may spoil that. If the test is a success the gray mage

use this grimoire in their hand while wielding their wand or staff in

will feel the emotions of a character, fear, anger, sadness, happiness.

the other to aim their spells. The grimoire becomes a conduit for

The higher the success over the resistance the more knowledge that

magical energy and reading the incantation from the grimoire will

is obtained. The psionic gains a +1 to their result per rating. MR: 5

add x1 (per rating) to the spell’s power damage. This basically means

Mental Projection (power 2): using 2 magical actions the

the spell is being cast as if the caster is 1 level higher. You may also

gray mage is able to leave their physical form behind and travel as

add +1 (per rating) to the level of your spell craft skill while the book

if they were a spirit. The psionic may move a distance equal to their

is in hand. At rating 5 you will unlock a +2 magical defense. MR: 5

willpower attribute in inches to explore the world around them. While invisible to normal vision they may be spotted astrally and


will appear as an apparition with glowing eyes, with a misty link tracing back to the psionic. The psionic may pass through some doors and windows but not through the solid element of earth,

metal, or matter equal to 6” inches thick. They may also float or

their own body with their athame (ritual knife) or the body of a

levitate in this form but cannot communicate to others. They can

sacrifice in order to gain an additional die to their necromancy skill

hear and see with their mind’s eye, but not with their body in this

check. Burn 1 SP, roll damage and gain a d6 to the necromancy skill

form. Mental projection drains 10 mana per round and allows you to

roll even after a failed skill check is made. For every rating up the die;

multiply your max movement by the rating. MR: 3

d6, d8, d10, d12, d20. MR: 5

Mind Trick (power 2): at any time the psionic needs a little

Blood Sacrament (power 1): the necromancer may wound

Bone Hex (power 1) the necromancer uses 2 magic actions

more mental strength behind their willpower attribute test; they can

and a small pouch of bat bones and a pig’s tongue. By making a

burn 1 saga point to add a d6 to the check. For every rating you may

necromancy check at +1 per rating, the defender resists the hex with

raise your die rank; d6, d8, d10, d12, d20 (MR: 5)

their willpower or suffers mental damage equal to the necromancy

Psychokinetic Shield (power 3): this ability allows the

roll. From this point on the hex lasts for days equal to the level of

psionic to throw up a mental barrier versus all missile mental

the caster dropping a physical fatigue point once per day with losses

attacks that can shield all within a 1.5 inch blast radius around the

added to the mage. Any damage dealt to the victim is transferred to

psionic. It will not alter attacks leaving the barrier to strike outside

the mage as HP or as mana (their choice) that may temporarily boost

targets or melee mental attacks. The barrier defends against all mental

their max. If the hex bag is burned the curse is lifted. MR: 5

attacks and gray spell attacks but not melee or physical. It grants all an

additional d6 to defend these types of attacks that the gray

channeling tool, which is usually a wand or staff. You must place a

mage rolls and adds to their allies’ d20 rolls. The psionic uses 3

crystal or stone upon your creation which is used to conduct energy.

magical actions and 30 mana to activate the shield. Then they must

When crafting a staff this is usually placed within a headpiece. With

use 2 magical actions each round and 10 mana to keep it active.

this ability you are able to craft a channeling rune for your personal


Verendum (power 1): your verendum is your personal

C las s e s & Abil itie s use within the item. This item becomes unique and bound to you

during the Verendum Ritual. During this age old ritual the caster

may create an altar of bone. The altar must be constructed from the

should use material that fits their astrological sign. The ritual must

bodies of 6 human sized creatures. The bones of the bodies make up

be performed during the time of day in which you were born and 3

the altar. This altar is for creating undead servants upon it. This adds

drops of your blood must be rubbed upon the wand or staff at the

a d6 to the necromancy skill roll when it comes time to make the skill

point where magic will be released and your channeling rune will

check. The necromancer also gains an additional d6 to the willpower

go. The verendum allows the caster to gain +1 to any spell cast while

attribute once it comes time for the Rite of Binding, which is used

the verendum is in hand. The verendum also grants the caster a +1 to

to enslave the servant under the necromancer’s will. For every rating

their magical defense while in hand. MR: 1

the die rank may increase d6, d8, d10, d12, d20. MR: 5.

Death Lord (power 2): this ability allows a necromancer to

Black Altar (power 2): with this ability the necromancer

Sacrifice Minion (power 2): for one magic action the

take control of undead by burning 20 mana, making a necromancy

necromancer points to one of their minions and makes a crushing

skill check, and using 3 magic actions. This attack can take control

motion. The servant will shatter or crush to ash and the remaining

over lesser undead (skeletons, zombies, bloaters, thrall, etc.) up to an

hit points of the creature will heal the necromancer. MR: 1

amount equal to the level of the caster. The target number is the rank

of the undead creatures’ willpower with a +1 per additional creature.

black altar (not entirely necessary) to create abominations upon,

The mage shouts the Black Rite of Domination. Ghouls, vampires

which upgrade an undead servant an amount of hit points equal to

and stronger undead resist individually with their willpower check

the caster’s necromancy skill check. For every rating in this ability

and must be controlled individually. The mage does not have to limit


themselves to a number of minions when created from scratch, but

powerful undead that are often mutilated and enhanced with spikes,

controlled undead is limited to the caster’s level. For every rating in

blades, or other contraptions thought up by the intuition of the

this ability they may multiply the total number of controlled undead

player. The player constructs alterations to their abomination at the

that they may possess in their army by their level. MR: 5

GM’s discretion, and may come up with new and creative methods

Raise Dead (power 2) for 3 magical actions and 20 mana the

to upgrade minions. Alterations take 1d6 hours to do the dark ritu-

necromancer may create thrall, bloaters, skeletons, and zombies from

al, with the drain during the act being x 10 the creation time. The

the corpses that lay upon the earth. Thrall are lesser undead that

necromancer can possess 2 abominations per rating. MR: 5

Abomination (power 3): the necromancer can use their








can control weapons and armor, bloaters are undead filled with toxic

filth. The necromancer shouts the Black Rite of Awakening. This will

activate soul leech after rolling damage, which takes the life force of

Soul Leech (power 3): for 1 SP the necromancer may

animate an amount of dead bodies equal to the caster’s level if there

an enemy they have just damaged and transfers it to an ally or their

are enough to awaken. The mage must roll a necromancy skill check

own hit points. This may be used once per rating. MR: 3

with a target number of 5 minimum, yet adding 1 for every additional

body he or she is attempting to raise. For every 5 points rolled the

grimoire at 12th level. The caster’s personal spell book has now

black mage may gain 1 thrall or bloater, thus a roll of 15 would grant

become a power source that adds +1 magical defense. The caster must

3 if the GM allows. Thrall will pick up a weapon or seek them out.

use this grimoire in their hand while wielding their wand or staff in

Bloaters may arise if available and all these undead stats are found

the other to aim their spells. The grimoire becomes a conduit for

in the back of the book. These undead become mindless followers

magical energy and reading the incantation from the grimoire will

that are instantly under the control of the caster and can follow

add x1 (per rating) to the spell’s power damage. This basically means

certain commands such as “guard here” or “kill them”. The undead will

the spell is being cast as if the caster is 1 level higher. You may also

attack at the beginning of the necromancer’s next turn. If the caster is

add +1 (per rating) to the level of your spell craft skill while the book

killed the undead will attack the closest living creature. MR: 1

is in hand. At rating 5 you will unlock a +2 magical defense. MR: 5

Dark Liturgy (power 2): this necromantic ability will allow

the mage to burn 20 mana per undead mage in order to create a bone mage, or skeletal sorcerer. The creation of the bone mage takes close to 30 minutes. For every rating in this ability the bone mage can hold 10 charges of a combat spell. The bone mage can be given charges from the caster, another caster, a scroll, or items. MR: 4


Grimoire (power 3): every mage and specialist gains a

Chap te r I V


Character Skills Acrobatics: 1 (dex) Theology: 1 (chr) (Skill Slots: 0)

Monks train for a full ten years before they set out

into the world. Some decide to never leave their monastery,

Starting Equipment

to stay and seek out a divine level of consciousness. There

Prayer Guide (equipment)

are three paths according to the Book of the Tao. There is

Holy Symbol (equipment) +1 spiritual influence

the path of light, shadow, and dark. They must follow one of

Sack (equipment)

them and their god shows them that path. They are the foot

(Starting Pay: d4 bits)

soldiers of the gods. They crush the enemies of their god and seek to enlighten others of the path. With their skills in

Spiritual Influence: 10%

martial arts and the powers to channel chi some choose not to use weapons. Yet, once specialized in a melee weapon they

Chi Abilities

can channel their chi through it. Long range is often thought

Choose a single chi ability at 2nd level, and then every even

of as their weakness, but once they reach an enemy they are

level after that you may choose a new chi ability, or upgrade

a truly dangerous force. Some of the most famous monaster-

one that you own. You begin the game with Chi Strike. See Pg.

ies are found in Myen Wu. Also in Espadosa there is a place

162 for Chi Abilities.

called Pantheos Cathedral where many monks of all different paths dwell in peace.

Character Class Abilities 2nd: Kata 3rd: Cat Fall 4th: Blessing 5th: Chi Guard 6th: Discipline Mind 7th: Battle Mantra 8th: Spiritual Touch 9th: Battle Roll 10th: Kata Mastery 11th: Soul Strike 12th: Death Blow

Primary Attributes Dexterity Body Willpower

Combat Skills Unarmed Combat: Martial Arts +3 (Gain +1 unarmed combat action point) Blind Fighting


C las s e s & Abil itie s

Kata (power 1): the monk has trained for years in the kata

Battle Roll (power 2): once per combat the monk may

or “form” of their martial arts style. By spending 1 unarmed action

attempt a battle roll with an acrobatics skill check target # 15, if they

to use their kata the monk may add +1 to their defense for 1 round

are part of an area of effect (AOE) blast, in the line of sight (LOS)

until their turn again. At max rating the monk may spend 2 unarmed

of an attack, etc. They must first make the acrobatics check in order

actions to gain +2 to their physical defense for 1 full round. MR: 2

to gain a chance to roll 2d20 to defend. If they make the skill check

Cat Fall (power 1): the monk may fall a distance of about 30’

attempt they roll 2d20 for their defense. They choose the highest roll

feet or from a three story building without taking damage from the

and if they defend they get to move their character 1 inch (5’ feet) in

fall. In order to successfully pull this off a dexterity test (or acrobat-

any direction. MR: 1

ics skill check) must be rolled. Measure the distance in inches from

the monk to the ground to configure the target number (when using

kata ability allowing them to master in the form for defensive

miniatures). If you are not using miniatures the target number is 1

purposes. They may now spend 1 unarmed action to gain an

for every 5’ feet. If the dexterity attribute test result is lower than the

additional +1 to their defense for 1 full round. At rating 2 they may

target number the monk takes full damage from the fall. If the monk

spend 2 unarmed actions to gain +2 to their defense rolls for 1 full

reaches the target number or beats it, then he or she will not take

round. Therefore if they max the rating of kata and mastery and they

any damage. Each rating allows another inch (5’ feet). MR: 4

possess the unarmed actions to do so, they may sacrifice up to 4

Kata Mastery (power 3): this ability is added to the monk’s

Blessing (power 1): the monk may give a blessing to another

unarmed actions to go into a defensive stance and gain an additional

character by granting them a +1 bonus to hit before or as they are

+4 bonus to their physical defense from all attacks for a full round.

rolling their attack die. This drains the monk’s chi pool by 10 points

Using the general rule of defensive stance where you sacrifice all

and may only be used once per combat. The blessing works only for

actions for 2d20 as an edge to defend will work well with this. MR: 2

that attack. At rating 2 the monk can choose to burn 20 chi to give

an ally +2 to hit for a specific attack. This ability is out of turn yet at

influence point to add x2 power damage to an attack. This must be

rating 2 it may be used twice per combat. MR: 2

activated before the damage is rolled. This ability is a divine ability

and may only be negated with a divine counter. This ability may only

Chi Guard (power 2): the monk may burn 2d6 chi drain to

Soul Strike (power 3): the monk can burn 1 spiritual

add 10 to their armor rating once per combat. This may be activated

be used once per combat. MR: 1

after the damage is rolled. At rating 2 the monk may add 20 to their

armor rating for 4d6 chi drain. MR: 2

attack a character of lower level than the monk they may call the

Discipline Mind (power 2): due to many hours of

death blow. This must be an unarmed or melee attack and the roll

training the mind in meditation the monk may burn 10 chi to gain an

must be a critical hit of natural 20, not an improved critical hit. The

additional +1 to their mental defense. This must be activated before

victim is allowed a body save, if this is made the victim suffers a x3

the defense die is rolled. At max rating the monk may burn 10 chi to

critical hit instead of the normal x2. A roll of natural 20 to defend

add +2 to their mental defense roll before they attempt to defend a

will negate the possibility of a death blow. If the death blow is a

mental attack. MR: 2

success then the creature is instantly killed and no damage dice are

Battle Mantra (power 2): once per combat the monk may

needed. This may only be used upon normal sized creatures of ogre

burn 1 SP to make a theology skill check at the beginning of their

sized or lower. You cannot death blow massive beasts, giants, and

turn. This calls an amount of chi to their chi pool equal to the result

dragons no matter what the grand masters say... or can you? Most

of the roll. They may multiply this result by the rating. MR: 3

creatures of this size already possess the ability legendary, which

negates instant death attacks. Death Blow may also be countered

Spiritual Touch (power 2): the monk has the divine ability

to sacrifice spiritual influence to save an ally. They may grant the

Death Blow (power 3): if the monk rolls a natural 20 to

which means the normal x2 critical damage will be used. MR: 1

ally up to 5% spiritual influence per rating. They may use this ability OOT and even at a distance equal to the monk’s willpower attribute in inches. So if an ally missed their spiritual influence roll by 3% the monk can quickly reach out with spiritual power and bless them with that 3%. The drawback is that the monk loses whatever % that is given. This ability may be used only once per combat. This is a divine ability and may only be negated by a divine counter. MR: 3


Chap te r I V

Mu Dai

Character Skills Battle Chant: 1 (will) Read & Write: 1 (int) (Skill Slots: 1)

The mu dai are warrior mages. Their name is

derived from raikanu from the lands of Myen Wu, and the

Starting Equipment

name mu dai means “spell sword”. They concentrate on

Bronze Weapon (choose melee weapon type: swords, axes,

sorcery, martial arts, and melee training with equal

maces, flails, polearms, etc.) d8+d6

vigilance. The mu dai, much like monks must train a









Basket (equipment)


Personal Spell Book (equipment)

graduate they are called dai. The dai cho are the initiates

(Starting Pay: d4 bits)

into the art of the weapon, spell, and fist. The mu dai must choose a certain melee type weapon that they wish to

Spiritual Influence: 2%

become one with. This weapon becomes a part of them, as another limb. They are also pushed into the direction of


the martial arts and are not full mu dai masters until they

Detect Life (blue magic)

become a martial arts warrior and archmage. Some become

Mana Bolt (red magic)

skilled in armor as well, so that their magic may flow through it easily. Their fame has grown across the realms as mystical

Chi Abilities

and dangerous, yet it began within the hidden clans of Myen

Mu Dai gain one chi ability every four levels, thus every level

Wu in the far east. Some of the most famous mu dai are the

that you gain a free talent, you also gain a free chi ability.

Five Flying Claws that reside in a temple deep in the jungles

You begin with Chi Strike. See Pg. 162 for Chi Abilities.

of Myen Wu. They are mhen tep and masters of the art.

Character Class Abilities 2nd: Mystic Kata 3rd: Blade Ritual 4th: Blade Call 5th: Astral Senses 6th: Battle Caster 7th: Blade Shield 8th: Improve Weapon 9th: Power Strike 10th: Deflect Missile 11th: Spell Bender 12th: Blade Master

Primary Attributes Intelligence Willpower

Combat Skills Unarmed Combat: Martial Arts +3 (Gain +1 unarmed combat action point) Weapon Specialization: choose melee weapon +2 Sorcery


C las s e s & Abil itie s

Mystic Kata (power 1) the mu dai has trained for years in

it, if they hand it to another character they do not gain the bonus.

the mystic kata or “mystic form” of their spell and weapon style. By

For every rating this ability is increased by a new die rank; d6, d8,

spending 1 magic action to use the mystic kata the mu dai may add +1

d10, d12, d20. MR: 5

to their magical defense for 1 round until it reaches their turn again.

At max rating the mu dai may spend 2 magic actions to gain +2 to

an unarmed or melee attack to attempt a power strike at an enemy.

their magical defense for 1 full round. MR: 2

If the attack is successful they gain x2 power damage. This may be

Blade Ritual (power 1): the mu dai performs the blade ritual

attempted once per combat. At rating 2 this may be attempted twice

during a ceremony that links their bond between their melee weapon

per combat. This must be activated before the mu dai attempts to

and their self. Doing this ritual which takes about an hour to perform

attack an enemy. MR: 2

they kneel before their weapon in meditation and then practice their

kata with the weapon in hand to bond it with their form. This gives

from a projectile toward the mu dai or an ally next to the mu dai, the

their weapon a +1 bonus to hit as if they had placed a rune within

character may use this ability in an attempt to slash the missile(s)

the weapon. This ritual may be used on only their primary weapon

from the air. This is an out of turn ability and allows the mu dai to

of choice. If the weapon is lost forever or changed to a new one, they

roll an attack at the missile(s). If the mu dai rolls equal to or higher

may perform the blade ritual upon a new weapon and the old one

than the attacker’s roll, they successfully slash the missile(s) from

loses the bonus. Be sure to give your weapon a name. MR: 1

the air. This takes 1 SP to use and may only be attempted once per

combat. MR: 1

Blade Call (power 1): the mu dai may use 1 open action to

Power Strike (power 2): the mu dai may throw d20 chi into

Deflect Missile (power 3): when a weapon is thrown or shot

summon their ritual weapon to their hand by burning 5 points of

mana. The weapon must be within inches equal to their willpower

mu dai may attempt to intercept a spell that has been thrown at their

attribute for them to call it to their hand. The weapon will fly right

self or an ally by making an attack roll with a single attack spell. If the

into their hand with a successful willpower check, base target # 3. For

mu dai’s attack spell result is equal to or higher than the attacker’s

more difficult calls, the target number is of course greater. MR: 1

roll the spell has been successfully bent, which is not always totally

Astral Senses (power 2): by making a willpower check the

awesome, yet it is very entertaining to watch. The mu dai then rolls

mu dai is able to close their eyes in concentration for 1 magical action

the scatter dice to find out where the enemy spell went. This is an

and “sense” the presence of astral activity around them. They then

out of turn ability and is used after an enemy makes an attack with a

open their eyes and possess astral sight for 1 full round. This helps

spell. If the mu dai rolls a natural 20 on this ability they are allowed

if someone is using magical invisibility or an enchantment such as

to put the spell where they want it to go and the defender must

this. The mu dai may sense magical energy, spiritual energy, and

attempt to dodge a critical hit. MR: 1

often whether or not this energy is dark, shadow, or light. This will

work a distance equal to the character’s willpower attribute in inches

use blade master, which allows them to re-roll a result of natural 1

(x5’ in real range). When activated this drains 10 mana. MR: 1

on their to hit die. This may only be used with their specific ritual

weapon and costs 1 frenzy to activate it. MR: 1

Battle Caster (power 2): the mu dai may spend 1 SP in order

to add a +1 bonus to the spell effect of any spells for 1 round. They may activate this after they have struck an enemy with a spell. For every rating they add an additional +1 to their spell effect for that round, yet it always takes only 1 SP to activate. MR: 3

Blade Shield (power 2): the mu dai can use their primary

melee weapon as a shield to try and deflect many types of enemy attacks. The blade shield will even deflect arrows or bullets from a black powder weapon. You may add +1 to defend by burning 1 frenzy point, yet it must be activated before your defense roll is made. At max rating you may add up to +2 to your blade shield. MR: 2

Improve Weapon (power 2): This ability allows the

character to add +d6 damage to any weapon the character uses. Any weapon at all. The weapon is only improved while this character uses


Spell Bender (power 3): once per combat and for 1 SP the

Blade Master (power 3): once per combat the mu dai may

Chap te r I V


Character Skills Concealment: 1 (per) Looting: 1 (per) Seafaring: 1 (per)

Pirates are known by many names and may choose

Steal: 1 (dex)

to fall under any one of them if they wish to shape their

Swimming: 1 (dex)

destiny by this title; smuggler, corsair, raider, buccaneer, or

(Skill Slots: 1)

brigand. They are all considered scoundrels that live short lives filled with adventure and profit. Pirate ships are known for

Starting Equipment

robbing vessels throughout the waterways of Koth and they

Bone Knife (weapons) d10

are a constant nuisance to the naval forces and sea faring

Sack (equipment)

merchant ships. Their kind are not trusted and with good

(Starting Pay: d6 bits)

reason. Many simply call them thieves which is a mistake. Thieves attempt to steal without being noticed while pirates

Spiritual Influence: 2%

tend to take what they want through brute force. Not all pirates are ruthless murderers though, for some live by a code of honor. Some pirate captains have been known to let captives go free or offer them a new life as a pirate in their crew. Some of the most famous pirates come from the Pirate Isles in the Sea of Spears. Tamrella the Red and Black Powder Baron Malos are a couple of the most recent terrors in the isles that have made a name for themselves and now possess their own fleets.

Character Class Abilities 2nd: Trickery 3rd: Blind Side 4th: Plunder 5th: Sea Legs 6th: Helmsman 7th: Ahoy 8th: Improve Weapon 9th: Deflect 10th: Ransack 11th: Freebooter 12th: Corsair

Primary Attributes Dexterity Perception

Combat Skills Unarmed Combat: Brawler +2 Weapon Specialization: Knives +1


C las s e s & Abil itie s

Trickery (power 1): for 1 unarmed or melee action the pirate

Ahoy (power 2): this ability may only be activated during an

is allowed to attempt trickery upon an enemy during a fight. The

initial meeting of a character or crew. The pirate rolls their charisma

pirate makes a dexterity attribute test versus the enemy’s perception

check, if they wish it to be higher they may burn 1 saga point to gain

attribute in order to make them suffer -2 to defend the pirate’s next

an edge and roll it twice, choosing the best result. MR: 1

attack. At rating 2, the pirate may use 1 unarmed or melee action in

an attempt to make an enemy suffer -4 to defend their next attack.

character to add +d6 damage to any weapon the character uses. Any

This is usually accomplished by kicking something in their foe’s face,

weapon at all. The weapon is only improved while this character uses

or using some form of distraction to gain a bonus to strike an enemy.

it, if they hand it to another character they do not gain the bonus.

This is often viewed as dirty fighting, but who is the best at such

For every rating this ability is increased by a new die rank; d6, d8,

things? This may only be attempted once per combat, at rating 2 it

d10, d12, d20. MR: 5

may be attempted twice in one combat. MR: 2

Improve Weapon (power 2): This ability allows the

Deflect (power 2): once per combat the pirate may call

Blind Side (power 1): when sneak attacking an enemy

deflect and force the enemy to re-roll their melee or missile attack

in melee or unarmed combat there is x2 to the power damage,

roll. This may be activated before you roll your defense and by spend-

which is a usual thing for anyone that uses a sneak attack in melee

ing 1 SP to do so. Deflect may also be activated OOT if the pirate is

range. Blind side allows the pirate to add an additional x1 to that

in range of an ally who is being attacked. If the ally is being attacked

power damage. If using a bludgeoning weapon in an attempt to

and the pirate wishes to use deflect in an attempt to force an enemy

knock someone unconscious during a sneak attack they must roll

to re-roll their attack die, the player activates the ability before their

a 10 or higher to hit instead of an 11. The victim still gets a body

ally rolls his or her defense die and spends 1 SP to do so. In game this

save versus the knockout as well and suffers a -1 per rating in this

is visually displayed as a type of parry maneuver. MR: 1

ability. At rating 2 the sneak attack adds an additional x2 to the power

damage, while knock out blows are rolled at a target number 9 and

in two different ways. The pirate may burn this SP to gain a re-roll of

the victim’s body save is rolled at -2. MR: 2

their looting skill check that they were not happy with. If the pirate

Plunder (power 1): during the looting roll the pirate may

activated the ability plunder during the looting skill check then they

burn 1 frenzy in order to add an additional d6 to the looting skill

are allowed to re-roll the plunder dice as well. The other method of

check. For each rating in this ability the pirate gains another d6.

using this ability allows the pirate to re-roll a failed perception check

Thus at rating 3 the pirate burns 1 frenzy to roll an additional 3d6 on

when searching an area for something. By burning 1 SP the pirate

their looting skill check. MR: 3

may use ransack on an area equal to the character’s perception attri-

bute in inches (x5’ real range). As well, they get to add another d6 to

Sea Legs (power 2): at anytime the pirate is on a boat,

Ransack (power 3): For 1 SP the pirate may use this ability

ship, or in the water they may use this ability. Anytime the GM

the check result after activating ransack. MR: 1

calls for a dexterity check, strength check, or swimming check when

dealing with the movement of the boat, swinging on ropes, keeping

d6 to their stealth and concealment skill checks or attribute checks

balance, or swimming in the sea the pirate may burn 1 frenzy to add

when attempting to sneak or hide. The result of their d6 is added to

a d6 to the attribute or associated skill check. When used in this

both skill rolls. For every rating in this ability the freebooter allows

manner the character must call the ability before the roll is made.

another d6 to be added. This may be activated after the stealth and

The pirate may choose to use this ability after a check is failed by

concealment attempts are made. With higher ratings the pirate must

spending 1 SP instead. This check is not used for the piloting and

burn an additional SP for every d6 they wish to add. MR: 3

control of the vessel, but for control over their character’s move-

ments. For every rating in sea legs the pirate may upgrade their die

hit and defend in melee combat only. This is activated with 1 SP at

one rank (d6, d8, d10, d12, d20). MR: 5

the beginning of the pirate’s turn. This becomes your “corsair round”

Freebooter (power 3): the pirate can burn 1 SP to add a

Corsair (power 3): For 1 round the pirate is granted a +1 to

Helmsman (power 2): the pirate may burn 1 frenzy before

where all of your melee attacks become +1 to hit per rating. During

any piloting skill check is made to add a d6 to the result. If they

your defense this round you also gain an additional +1 to defend

wait they may spend 1 SP instead to use this addition after the

melee attacks only during your corsair round. When the initiative

check has failed. This is for piloting skills such as seafaring or

counter comes back to your turn the corsair bonuses are finished.

skyfaring and may be used each skill check. For each rating in this

At max rating 2 you gain +2 to attack and defend for 1 full round of

ability it will raise the die up by one rank (d6, d8, d10, d12, d20). MR: 5

melee combat once you activate your corsair round for 1 SP. MR: 2


Chap te r I V


Priests are magic users that devote their lives and

their souls to a god or pantheon of them. They use their magical abilities to heal and protect their allies. They often seek the divine magic of the spirit world. Priests take up servitude within a church where they use their talents to travel and operate as missionaries. They spread the word of



all over the realms and every city has a church, temple, or Espadosa in the Pantheos Cathedral which houses shrines to all known gods. As well as the Celestial Cathedral of Divinities found in the High Ward of Northwater.

Dark Priest Abilities 2nd: Curse

3rd: Consecrate

3rd: Malefic Chant

4th: Cure

4th: Cure

5th: Sacramental Weapon

5th: Death Lord

6th: Shatter Undead

6th: Raise Dead

7th: Purifying Light

7th: Dark Shroud

8th: Celestial Armor

8th: Celestial Armor

9th: Holy Word

9th: Unholy Word

10th: Exalted Deed

10th: Exalted Deed

11th: Last Rites

11th: Last Rites

12th: Codex

12th: Codex

Theology: 2 (chr)

Exorcism: 1 (will)

Exorcism: 1 (will)

(Skill Slots: 2)

Necromancy: 1 (will)

Magic Dark Priest

cathedral. Some of the greatest holy places are found in

2nd: Bless

Read & Write: 1 (int)

Theology: 2 (chr)

Spiritual Influence: 10%

demonic beings from the black plane. Priests come from

Character Class Abilities

Read & Write: 1 (int)

(Starting Pay: d6 copper)

Although some may turn to necromancy in an attempt to by

Thaumaturgy: 1 (int)

Healing Powders: 2; heals +3d6 hit points (equipment)

great power in this world and often damnation in the next. corrupted

Circle Magic: 1 (int)

Thaumaturgy: 1 (int)

Prayer Guide & Holy Symbol (equipment) +1% S.I.

Old Gods. These priests who study necromancy are granted


Circle Magic: 1 (int)

Club (weapons) d12

Dark priests worship demons, devils, or often follow the


Conjuring: 1 (will)

Starting Equipment

their God and use their talents to support those with them.


Dark Priest Skills

Conjuring: 1 (will)

(Skill Slots: 1)

help others that follow their deity. There are also priests that


Character Skills

Primary Attributes Intelligence Willpower Charisma

Combat Skills Unarmed Combat: Basic Sorcery


Aether Bolt (gold magic)

Aether Bolt (gold magic)

Heal (white magic)

Heal (white magic)

Hard Flesh (white magic)

Blood Vise (black magic)

C las s e s & Abil itie s

Bless (power 1): the priest may spend 1 spiritual influence

must spend 25 mana for its power to be unleashed. They roll the d20

point and 2 magical actions to give a +1 bonus to hit and defend for

once to hit and declare how they will divide the streams at which

an entire combat situation. This may be used once per combat, per

target(s). All streams must be fired within the priest’s cone of vision.

rating. At rating 2 the priest may spend 1 spiritual influence point

All targets must defend the same result. At rating 2 gain a +2 to hit.

to give two characters +1 to hit and defend. During non-combat

The range of this ability is equal to willpower in inches. MR: 10

situations this bless may be used to consecrate a marriage, absolve

someones’ sins, or to bless one unit of water to make 5 vials of holy

weapon and call upon the purifying light for 30 mana drain and 4

Purifying Light (power 2): the priest shall raise their

water. The priest announces the blessing and the GM will roll the S.I.

magic actions. This light is drawn from divine magic so any bonus

check, if it is a success they do not lose a S.I. point. MR: 2

to divine magic is given to the d20 roll. This light will destroy any

Consecrate (power 1): for 4 magic actions, a vial of holy

magical darkness within a 2.5 inch blast radius around them. This

water, and 10 mana the priest may consecrate an area equal to his

light does not allow even a shadow in this area of effect and any

or her charisma in inches. Evil spirits and undead suffer a -1 to hit

undead within the area suffer the caster’s willpower attribute x level

for an entire combat scenario, per rating of this ability as it tends to

for every round that they are within the area of effect. This also gives

slow their attacks on hallowed ground. If there is an altar or shrine of

all within the light a +2 bonus to the die roll to save versus poisons,

the priest’s deity in this area this will grant a temporary +1 spiritual

10 toxic resistance, and regenerates those within the AOE the priest’s

influence to the priest and all allies of the same god per rating, while

theology skill roll in hit points each round. This ability lasts for 4

in the consecrated area. MR: 3

rounds before it diminishes. MR: 1

Cure (power 1): the priest may use this ability to re-roll

Celestial Armor (power 2): divine power surges through

their healing skill check or the heal spell effect roll once per combat.

the priest for 1 magical action and 10 mana drain as they unveil the

Spend 1 SP to activate the ability in an attempt to alleviate the result

celestial armor. This is seen as random twinkling lights around the

of the roll that was made. MR: 1

priest that follows him or her as they move. The celestial armor is

Sacramental Weapon (power 2): the priest has the

actually divine energy that serves as temporary armor for the priest.

power to create their sacramental weapon by spending 1 spiritual

At rating 1 the priest may add 10 points to their total armor value.

influence point per rating and committing 6 hours to the Rite of the

Their normal armor soaks damage from attacks first and then their

Sacraments. The priest uses their primary weapon and must coat it

celestial armor soaks 10 damage, yet this is taken from their mana

in blessed silver. Any church can perform the rite of the sacraments

pool. All remaining damage over this is taken normally from their hit

and help with this rite by giving a descent tithe. The priest must use

points. Celestial armor lasts for 4 rounds. It may only be used once

three drops of their own blood and anoint the weapon in holy water

per combat. For every rating in this ability they may add 10 more

at the end of the rite to bless it with +1 to hit as well as x1 to the

to celestial armor. Yet remember for every point the celestial armor

power damage (per rating) against undead and spirits of darkness.

soaks, this is taken from your mana pool. MR: 4

Thus at rating 1 you are granted a weapon that is +1 to hit and x3

damage to spirits of darkness and undead beings. At rating 2 the

per combat, a distance of the priest’s charisma. The priest targets one

sacramental weapon gains +2 to hit and x4 power damage to spirits

evil being and makes a theology skill check versus their willpower.

and undead. At max rating, the priest is able to gain +3 to hit with

This ability takes 2 magical actions and 25 mana. If successful the

the sacramental weapon and x5 power damage to spirits and undead.

enemy suffers -1 to hit and defend for the remainder of the combat.

These powers actually fill 1 slot per rating into this weapon. MR: 3

At rating 2 the target suffers -2 to hit and defend. The holy word is

a shout of their God’s name and at rating 2 they may also target 2

Shatter Undead (power 2): for 3 magical actions the priest

Holy Word (power 2): the holy word can be attempted once

may attempt to shatter undead by outstretching his or her hand

enemies MR: 2

and shouting the Rite of Absolution. The priest deals an amount of

damage equal to their willpower attribute roll x the level of the

prayer to the priest’s deity as a promise to their god or gods that

priest. Each stream of light that fires from their hand acts as a level

they will be successful in their quest. If the quest is failed the priest

of damage. They may spread the streams out at several undead or

will lose a spiritual influence point, if it is a success they will gain a

focus all the streams into one undead. For instance; a level 12 may

spiritual influence point per rating. This ability is allowed once per

fire 12 streams into one target or 4 streams into 3 targets. The magic

quest at the GM’s discretion. MR: 3

ability is +1 to hit per rating. To use this magical ability the priest


Exalted Deed (power 3): an exalted deed is given during

Chap te r I V

Last Rites (power 3): Any character that drops below 0 hit

Dark Priest

points during an attack allows the priest or priestess a chance to activate the last rites. The GM rolls the priest’s spiritual influence check. If it is a success they lose a spiritual influence point but they

are aloud to enact an OOT Theology skill check roll x the level of

target by burning 10 mana, 1 Spiritual influence point, using 2 magic

Curse (power 1): the dark priest has the power to curse a

the priest. The result of this divine ability is used to soak the last

actions, and choosing one target per rating. The target suffers -1 to

damage taken by the target that sent them below 0 hit points. This

attack and defend for the entire combat scenario per rating. During

ability may only be used on a target dropping below 0 HP. It may be

this divine ability the GM rolls their S.I. Check, if successful the

attempted once per ally, but a successful last rites is only aloud once

priest does not lose S.I. MR: 2

per day, per rating. It will only return the amount lost from the last

attack, it will not heal more hit points than were taken. MR: 2

drain the dark priest has the power to curse a target by making a

Malefic Chant (power 1): for 2 magic actions and 10 mana

Codex (power 3): while the prayer guide is in hand it grants

theology skill check versus a target’s willpower test. If the skill roll

the holder x1 power effect to spells (as if the caster was one level

is higher the target suffers the result of the priest’s roll to their

higher), +1 spiritual influence, and +1 to the roll of the Theology and

mana, chi, or hit points chosen by the priest. This energy is then

Battle Chant skills per rating. This is your most prized possession

bestowed to the priest to convert into their body or an ally’s of their

and if lost will take a very long time to get back (GM’s discretion).

choice. Once the curse is enacted the priest continues to sacrifice 1

The codex also has the ability to contain 1 divine spell within its

magic action each round to continue taking this same energy form

pages, per rating. Gold spells are often gained through prayer. MR: 5

but gains a new theology roll each round. The curse is lifted if knocked unconscious. MR: 1

Cure (power 1): the priest may use this ability to re-roll

their healing skill check or the heal spell effect roll once per combat. Spend 1 SP to activate the ability in an attempt to alleviate the result of the roll that was made. MR: 1

Death Lord (power 2): this ability allows a dark priest to

take control of undead by burning 20 mana, making a necromancy skill check, and using 3 magic actions. This attack can take control over lesser undead (skeletons, zombies, bloaters, thrall, etc.) up to an amount equal to the level of the caster. The target number is the rank of the undead creatures’ willpower with a +1 per additional creature. The priest shouts the Black Rite of Domination. Ghouls, vampires and stronger undead resist individually with their willpower check and must be controlled individually. The priest does not have to limit themselves to a number of minions when created from scratch, but controlled undead is limited to the caster’s level. For every rating in this ability they may multiply the total number of controlled undead that they may possess in their army by their level. MR: 5

Raise Dead (power 2) for 3 magical actions and 20 mana

the dark priest may create thrall, bloaters, skeletons, and zombies from the corpses that lay upon the earth. Thrall are lesser undead that can control weapons and armor, bloaters are undead filled with toxic filth. The priest shouts the Black Rite of Awakening. This will animate an amount of dead bodies equal to the caster’s level if there are enough to awaken. The priest must roll a necromancy skill check with a target number of 5 minimum, yet adding 1 for every additional body he or she is attempting to raise. For every 5 points rolled the


C las s e s & Abil itie s priest may gain 1 thrall or bloater, thus a roll of 15 would grant 3

quest at the GM’s discretion. MR: 3

if the GM allows. Thrall will pick up a weapon or seek them out.

Bloaters may arise if available and all these undead stats are found

points during an attack allows the priest or priestess a chance to

in the back of the book. These undead become mindless followers

activate the last rites. The GM rolls the priest’s spiritual influence

that are instantly under the control of the caster and can follow

check. If it is a success they lose a spiritual influence point but they

certain commands such as “guard here” or “kill them”. The undead will

are aloud to enact an OOT Theology skill check roll x the level of the

attack at the beginning of the necromancer’s next turn. If the caster is

priest. The result of this divine ability is used to soak the damage

killed the undead will attack the closest living creature. MR: 1

taken by the ally. This ability may only be used on an ally. It may be

attempted once per ally, but a successful last rites is only aloud once

Dark Shroud (power 2): for 3 magical actions the dark priest

Last Rites (power 3): Any character that drops below 0 hit

shouts the incantation to summon the dark shroud. This takes 25

per day, per rating. MR: 2

mana and is centered upon a target creature or object. The dark

shroud then covers a radial area equal to the caster’s willpower in

the holder x1 power effect to spells (as if the caster was one level

inches. The shroud operates as an umbra to shield undead from

higher), +1 spiritual influence, and +1 to the roll of the Theology and

the rays of the two suns. This will even defend them from certain

Battle Chant skills per rating. This is your most prized possession

magic used to blast an area in ultraviolet light. All undead within

and if lost will take a very long time to get back (GM’s discretion).

the shroud gain an additional +1 to hit and an additional 10 HP per

The codex also has the ability to contain 1 divine spell within its

rating. The shroud will last hours equal to the caster’s level yet drains

pages, per rating. Gold spells are often gained through prayer. MR: 5

5 mana per hour keeping the shroud strong in daylight. Within the shroud it is not difficult to see for normal chromatic vision. MR: 3

Celestial Armor (power 2): divine power surges through

the priest for 1 magical action and 10 mana drain as they unveil the celestial armor. This is seen as random twinkling lights around the priest that follows him or her as they move. The celestial armor is actually divine energy that serves as temporary armor for the priest. At rating 1 the priest may add 10 points to their total armor value. Their normal armor soaks damage from attacks first and then their celestial armor soaks 10 damage, yet this is taken from their mana pool. All remaining damage over this is taken normally from their hit points. Celestial armor lasts for 4 rounds. It may only be used once per combat. For every rating in this ability they may add 10 more to celestial armor. Yet remember for every point the celestial armor soaks, this is taken from your mana pool. MR: 4

Unholy Word (power 2): the unholy word can be attempt-

ed once per combat, a distance of the priest’s charisma. The priest targets one creature and makes a theology skill check versus their willpower. This ability takes 2 magical actions and 25 mana. If successful the enemy suffers -1 to hit and defend for the remainder of the combat. At rating 2 the target suffers -2 to hit and defend. The unholy word is a shout of their God’s name and at rating 2 they may also target 2 enemies MR: 2

Exalted Deed (power 3): an exalted deed is given during

prayer to the priest’s deity as a promise to their god or gods that they will be successful in their quest. If the quest is failed the priest will lose a spiritual influence point, if it is a success they will gain a spiritual influence point per rating. This ability is allowed once per


Codex (power 3): while the prayer guide is in hand it grants

Chap te r I V


Character Skills Wilderness Survival: 1 (int) Tracking: 1 (per) Animal Kinship: 1 (chr)

Rangers are defenders within the vast realms of

Plant Lore: 1 (int)

the wilderness. They are skilled warriors and very adept

Foraging: 1 (per)

survivalists. They bring law to the wild lands and hunt

Hunting: 1 (per)

criminals, bandits, slavers, and all that would torment the

(Skill Slots: 1)

realm. Some even serve as bounty hunters tracking down outlaws for the right price. They are hardened warriors of

Starting Equipment

the wild lands and are reputable for being some of the best

Short Bow (weapons) 2d8

trackers coin can buy. Many rangers prefer the wild to the

Quiver and 20 arrows (ammo)

crowded, bustling streets of the cities. Rangers dwell in

Bone Knife (weapons) d10

almost every type of terrain and live all across the realms

Water Skin (equipment)

of Koth. Some prefer the use of long range weaponry while

Rope: 25’ feet (equipment)

others enjoy the blade in hand and up close combat. Some

(Starting Pay: d4 bits)

of the most famous rangers have been Aldel SilverStream of the Shadynnar Territory. She was a famous elf who helped

Spiritual Influence: 2%

defend the lands from the skog hordes during the Kin Wars. Also Leath Woodrynn a half elf who still lives in Shimmermere and trains rangers of Dalewynnd.

Character Class Abilities 2nd: Eagle Eye 3rd: Survivalist 4th: Ranger Cloak 5th: Animal Empathy 6th: Tracker 7th: Ranger’s Strike 8th: Improve Weapon 9th: Encampment 10th: Ranger Boots 11th: Warden 12th: Warden’s Strike

Primary Attributes Dexterity Perception Intelligence

Combat Skills Unarmed Combat: Fighter +1 Weapon Proficiency: Projectiles


C las s e s & Abil itie s

Eagle Eye (power 1): the ranger may use this ability to add

For every rating this ability is increased by a new die rank; d6, d8,

a d6 to their perception rolls and +2 to their shot damage modifier

d10, d12, d20. MR: 5

per rating. This ability lasts for 20 rounds and costs 1 SP to activate.

At rating 2 the ranger gains d8 and +4 shot damage. This ability may

give their entire party certain bonuses during camp. The ranger must

be used once per combat, or may be activated whenever the GM calls

make a wilderness survival skill check in order to set up a sufficient

for a perception check. (d6: +2, d8: +4, d10: +6, d12: +8, d20: +10) MR: 5

and defensive position. This can easily be accomplished with skills

Survivalist (power 1): the ranger may burn 1 frenzy in order

in survival and how to use the natural terrain around you to your

to add a d6 bonus to any survival skill that they possess or pick up in

advantage. For every additional member of their party that they wish

their adventures. This ability may be activated before the skill check

to include in their encampment bonus the GM may add +1 to the

is made. For every rating in this ability you may raise the die up one

target number. If the ranger makes the target number then all gain

rank, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20. MR: 5

the bonuses of encampment, if the ranger makes near to the target

Encampment (power 2): this ability allows the ranger to

Ranger Cloak (power 1): The ranger cloak adds 2 levels per

number he or she may give the bonuses to certain members as long

rating to the concealment skill while in a wilderness setting. The

as the roll was over the base target number. Those who gain the

cloak also adds +2 levels or ranks per rating to any survival skills,

bonuses gain +1 to their perception checks per rating during guard

body attribute tests, or endurance skill checks when attempting to

duty or while at camp. They also gain an additional +10% per rating

keep warm in the freezing cold or weather that can bring on sickness.

to HP gained back from eating and sleeping, as well as mana and

The ranger cloak also adds a +1 per rating to the armor rating. All of

chi. The GM may even allow the +1 bonus to certain camp activities

these bonus are constant while the ranger cloak is being worn. The

outside of this at their discretion. MR: 5

ranger must gain a cloak on their own during play to dub this their

ranger cloak. MR: 5

armor rating of 1 per rating in this ability. They can also add a d6 to

Animal Empathy (power 2): the ranger is able to perceive

the ranger’s stealth roll while in the wilderness terrain (per rating).

an animal’s behavior and sense emotions and intent. With this the

The ranger may use counter tracking techniques if they wish to do

ranger may make an animal kinship skill check in order to calm an

so, as to leave no signs of their passing. When this is attempted the

animal or even befriend it. This ability will add a d6 to the animal

ranger may add a d6 to their tracking skill (per rating) to counter

kinship skill by burning 1 SP and may be added after the skill roll

track. The ranger may choose which boots will become their special

is made. For each rating in this ability the ranger may raise the die

boots when they get this ability. Remember as well that heavy armor

one rank (d6, d8, d10, d12). This ability will especially help for rangers

or very heavy is not allowed to use this ability. MR: 2

who choose to gain an Animal Ally, as in the ability. MR: 4

Tracker (power 2): this ability allows a ranger to add a d6 to

lands and a protector of the territory in which he or she roams.

their tracking and hunting skill check while in the wild. The ranger

This ability gives the ranger a bonus to reputation and saga points

must burn 1 frenzy to activate this ability and add it to the result of

for bringing justice to those criminals, robber knights, bandits, and

your check as you roll. If you choose to add it to a roll that has failed

slavers that are wanted by the law. Any criminal the ranger brings

it costs 1 SP to add the die. For each rating in this ability you may

in will grant them extra reputation and saga points on top of what

raise your die by one rank (d6, d8, d10, d12, d20). MR: 5

the GM grants them as a reward and it increases per rating. Bringing

Ranger’s Strike (power 2): with this ability the ranger may

criminals into the magistrate alive grants +5 reputation and +2 SPs

burn 1 frenzy in order to gain an additional d6 to their d20 to attack.

per rating. Bringing in the head of a wanted criminal or bringing

This may be activated only once per combat, per rating. This must

them in dead grants +2 reputation and +1 SP per rating. Thus at rat-

also be called before the attack roll is made. The player simply rolls

ing 2: Alive (+10 rep, +4 SPs) Dead (+4 rep, +2 SPs). At rating 3: Alive

the d20 and the d6 together adding the result to hit at a specific

(+15 rep, +6 SPs) Dead (+6 rep, +3 SPs). At rating 4: Alive (+20 rep, +8

target. Ranger’s Strike may be used for any type of melee, shooting,

SPs) Dead (+8 rep, +4 SPs). MR: 4

or throwing attack. MR: 3

Ranger Boots (power 3): the ranger’s boots will add an

Warden (power 3): the ranger becomes a warden of the wild

Warden’s Strike (power 3): this ranger ability allows the

Improve Weapon (power 2): This ability allows the

ranger to spend 1 SP once per combat to force an enemy to re-roll

character to add +d6 damage to any weapon the character uses. Any

their defense die. The ranger may use this while they are attacking in

weapon at all. The weapon is only improved while this character uses

melee or ranged combat. This may be activated after the enemy has

it, if they hand it to another character they do not gain the bonus.

rolled their defense die.


Chap te r I V


Combat Skills Unarmed Combat: Fighter +1 Weapon Proficiency: Projectiles

Scouts make perfect spies, infiltrators, or sentries.

Character Skills

Those trained by the military often worked alone or within

Stealth: 1 (dex)

a small reconnaissance squad in order to gather information

Concealment: 1 (per)

from within or even behind enemy lines. They specialize in

Navigate Land: 1 (per)

stealth and hiding within the wilderness terrain; reading the

Observation: 1 (per)

signs, tracking, collecting enemy intelligence. They also lead

Listening: 1 (per)

the way and make sure it is safe for others to pass. It is an

Tracking: 1 (per)

extremely dangerous position due to the fact that they are the

Wilderness Survival: 1 (int)

ones who take point to learn what is ahead. This is why it is

(Skill Slots: 0)

very important for them to be well trained in the art of stealth and concealment. They must always remain alert, to be ever

Starting Equipment

vigilant of the dangers that roam the lands. Scouts are rogues

Short Bow (weapons)

of the wilderness, many enjoy using long range weapons yet

Quiver: 20 arrows (ammo)

some prefer to get up close and fight with steel. Scouts hail

Bone Knife (weapons) d10

from any kingdom in the realms and from every territory. The

Spyglass (equipment)

dark orcs of the Crow Wilderness use some fearsome scouts,

(Starting Pay: d4 bits)

as do the sharpheen lizard men in the swamps of Haktaahl. The Crow scout known as Yaar Five Bones is said to ride

Spiritual Influence: 2%

a deadly drake and could smell intruders coming through the trees from an impossible distance. Ragaath Dragonbone, son of Shar is known to have taken down several squads of imperials moving through the swamps in canoes, and leading them through traps.

Character Class Abilities 2nd: Light Foot 3rd: Trap Hunter 4th: Trail Blazer 5th: Take Point 6th: Keen Senses 7th: Low Profile 8th: Infiltrate 9th: Sense Weakness 10th: Sudden Move 11th: Know Strength 12th: Scout Cloak

Primary Attributes Perception Dexterity


C las s e s & Abil itie s

Light Foot (power 1): for 1 SP the scout may add a d6 to any

to hide. If they are trailing someone through the streets they may

stealth skill check after the stealth roll is made. For each rating raise

add the d6 to their trailing skill check. This ability may be activated

the die up one rank (d6, d8, d10, d12, d20). MR: 5

before the skill check is made. For every rating in this skill the scout

may raise the die up one rank (d6, d8, d10, d12, d20). MR: 5

Trap Hunter (power 1): the scout may activate this ability by

burning a frenzy and alerting all that they wish to look for traps. This

will raise their perception attribute check by adding a d6 to their roll.

difficult to pull off when the others have no skill. Whenever you are

If the scout gains the traps skill they may add this to the skill roll. For

attempting to infiltrate a complex the scout can burn 1 SP to drop

every rating raise the die by one rank (d6, d8, d10, d12, d20). MR: 5

target numbers by 1 per rating. Attribute and skill checks like stealth,

Trail Blazer (power 1): the scout can move through thick

concealment, and traps for up to 10 in a party will drop by following

forest with ease, making a trail for allies to follow and symbols for

the scouts lead and hand signals. This lasts an hour per rating. MR: 5

them to read. Scouts often leave messages such as alerts, warnings

of traps, signs of water or camp ahead. A broken branch, a pine cone

attempt to locate the holes in a suit of armor, or weak spots in a

pointing in a certain direction, or symbols for their allies to read

creature’s scales by making an observation skill check and spending 1

can be subtle signs to follow. The scout rolls the navigate land skill

open action. This will also work for inanimate objects such as doors

and can mark or tag specific targets for their allies. All allies roll

or walls. Doing a successful check versus the total armor rating will

perception and add to the skill roll. All is added up then divided by

allow the character to attempt to bypass an enemy’s armor rating and

the number of the party to get the mean. The scout can burn a frenzy

concentrate on 25% of the max HP by using called shots at the target

to add a d6 to the final mean result. This is a way of communicating

to cause trauma to the area. At rating 2 a high enough roll on the

back to the party and for them to decipher the signs. The higher the

observation check can sometimes even bypass a creature’s toughness

roll the more information that may be gained. For each rank in this

if they have any open wounds when beating their TAV as your target

ability the scout may move the die up d6, d8, d10, d12. MR: 4

number. This can be attempted once per combat, per rating and is

used for called shots only. Once the soft spot has been located by the

Take Point (power 2): when on point, the scout may burn

Infiltrate (power 2): sneaking into a complex can be

Sense Weakness (power 2): during combat the scout can

a SP to roll a master d6. This d6 will grant the scout 1-2: +1, 3-4: +2,

scout they can continue to attack with called shots. MR: 2

5-6: +3. The bonus of the roll will be granted to stealth, concealment,

observation, listening, and perception checks while on point. The

a d8 to their defense roll once per combat. This must be activated

scout must be alone or with another scout. At rating 2 the master die

before the defense roll. At rating 2 this may be activated before the

grants 1: +1, 2-3: +2, 4-6: +3. At rating 3; 1-2: +2, 3-6: +3. MR: 3

roll to hit, to gain +d8 to the attack roll once per combat. MR: 2

Keen Senses (power 2): scouts gain information in many

Sudden Move (power 3): the scout may burn 1 SP to add

Know Strength (power 3): this meta ability allows the scout

ways. They learn to read the signs of the terrain around them, they

to gain information about an enemy by making an observation skill

notice the reaction of animals, and they pay attention to the shift

check versus a target’s body rank. The range of this ability is equal

in the breeze and what new scent may fall down wind. They also

to the scout’s perception attribute in inches. This will give the scout

attempt to sleep lightly and may use this ability if they have not

basic information such as the level of the enemy, their basic + to hit

dulled their senses with narcotics and alcohol. If any danger moves

and defend, and possibly even their hit points (GM’s discretion). If

into range of their perception attribute in inches they may use

used in combat this ability costs 1 open action to perform per enemy

their keen senses to gain an edge. For 1 SP the scout may roll a

they study. If the scout has creature lore the GM may allow them to

perception check twice and choose the best result versus a dangerous

gain information on a monster’s abilities and weaknesses. MR: 1

enemy’s concealment and stealth. This allows the scout one chance

to notice an enemy before they gain ambush upon a party, which

create a special camouflage design by adding leaves, twigs, and

immediately puts the enemy at the top of the initiative order. MR: 1

branches to their cloak and hood. This cloak adds +2 levels to their

Scout Cloak (power 3): the scout can use their cloak to

Low Profile (power 2): this ability is used in two ways. In

concealment skill in wilderness terrain, per rating. The cloak also

the wilderness it grants an additional die to the concealment skill

becomes armored giving them an armor value of 1 per rating. The

check. In the city, in a large crowd of people the scout may blend

scout will change the cloak’s camouflage whenever they change the

with the surroundings. They often act like they are shopping at the

type of wilderness setting they are in to adapt it to fit and be more

fruit stand, fixing a wagon wheel, or asking for directions. The scout

useful to the terrain when possible. If the cloak is lost or destroyed it

may burn 1 frenzy point to add a d6 to their concealment skill check

will take the scout a d3 days to construct another. MR: 5


Chap te r I V


Healing: 1 (int) Wilderness Survival: 1 (int) (Skill Slots: 1)

The shaman is a witch doctor or a tribal spell caster

Starting Equipment

that dwells within the barbarian tribes or wandering clans of

Stone Spear (weapons) 2d8

nomads. They possess a spiritual bond with a creature that

Healing Powders: 2; heals +3d6 HP (equipment)

becomes what is known as a “spirit animal”. They are often

Magic Circle Components: 2 (equipment)

given the title of their spirit type they are tuned with such as

(Starting Pay: d8 bits)

crow shaman or wolf shaman. They can call upon the forces of nature to destroy their enemies, yet they are great healers

Spiritual Influence: 10%

as well. They dwell within barbarian tribes who often seek their council in times of need or fear. They are also known to


possess powers that allow them to speak with the spirits of

Heal (white magic)

the Outworlds. Shamans can be found throughout the realms

Light and Darkness (green magic)

wherever tribes and clans can be located in the wilderness. It

Ignite and Douse (green magic)

is rare to find shamans in the cities or rural areas but if so it is usually because their spirit animal can be found wandering that place as well.

Character Class Abilities 2nd: Medicine Bag 3rd: Animal Speak 4th: Prayer Feather 5th: Speak With Spirits 6th: Spirit Guide 7th: Ancestral Call 8th: Ritual Blade 9th: Spirit Walk 10th: Shape Shift 11th: Ghost Scream 12th: Storm Bringer

Primary Attributes Intelligence Willpower

Combat Skills Unarmed Combat: Basic Sorcery

Character Skills Conjuring: 1 (will) Circle Magic: 2 (int) Plant Lore: 1 (int) Animal Kinship: 1 (chr)


C las s e s & Abil itie s

Medicine Bag (power 1): the shaman may burn 1 frenzy to

Speak With Spirits (power 2): there is a 30% base chance at

add +2 to the healing or medicines skill roll per rating. This must be

all times that there is a spirit nearby in the spirit world, or on the

activated before the skill check is made. This will also multiply the

ethereal plane. The player may roll to see if there is one capable of

result rolled by the rating of this ability. MR: 5

speaking to the shaman through the smoke of their fire. Their words

Animal Speak (power 1): the shaman now possesses the

are carried to the spirit world within the smoke. If they are near a

mystic ability to actually communicate with animals by telepathic

waterfall it is a good chance they could contact a water elemental,

means. The shaman must be within range of the creature equal to

undine, or nymph. If the shaman is sitting simply at his or her

the shaman’s willpower attribute. If they are attempting to commu-

campfire it is possible that they will contact a fire elemental, or

nicate with their spirit guide, then the range is not limited by the

salamander. Perhaps they contact a spirit of the earth elemental,

shaman’s willpower because it may be accomplished through

tree gnome, or the air elemental or sylph. In a setting where a great

meditation over many miles. The shaman gains +1 per rating to their

amount of death took place it is possible to speak with spirits of

animal kinship skill roll when using this ability. They must make this

the dead who have not moved on. The shaman may attempt this

skill check with a target number equal to the creature’s willpower

once per day and it uses 5 mana every round or every 5 seconds.

rank. The shaman may speak with the creature by burning 5 mana

The shaman may only hold this connection open for rounds equal

per round. MR: 3

to the caster’s willpower attribute. This is primarily used to learn


quick information without conjuring a spirit. For instance, the

the prayer feather to grant them a +1 spiritual influence per








shaman may ask questions such as, “Do ogres live in these woods

rating, and +1 to their magical defense as long as the feather stays

and where?” Most answers from spirits in this manner are very

upon them within their personal belongings. For every rating

distant and minimal for it is not often so easy to pierce the veil. MR: 1

in the ability a new feather is added. The prayer feather is used

for smudging rituals, burning specific components for different

with an animal and befriends it, the shaman may connect with the

rites and wafting the smoke upon themselves and allies. Those

creature as his or her spirit guide. This ability grants both the animal

who choose to be part of the ceremony by the fire are blessed by

and the shaman a toughness of 2 and fortitude of 2. The shaman may

the smoke and will gain all modifiers for a duration of 1 hour per

even spend 5 points of mana per round to look through the eyes of

rating. The shaman must possess the proper components to

their spirit guide; for rounds equal to the willpower attribute of the

burn for each ritual and a shell to burn them in. For the healing

shaman. The shaman feels what the spirit guide feels and the animal

smoke ritual, sage is used. Those blessed may burn 1 SP which

feels what the shaman feels. They will fight to the death to protect

allows the shaman to re-roll the dice of a healing spell, once

one another from harm. This doesn’t have to be the shaman’s spirit

per combat. They may also be regenerated once per round by

animal, only an animal companion that the GM allows the player to

the shaman’s healing skill check, the result is multiplied by the

have after befriending it. For every rating in this ability the shaman

rating of this ability and is gained at any distance. For the

may add another spirit guide. MR: 3

spiritual protection ritual, cedar is burned and all blessed gain +1 spiritual

influence per rating, as well as +1 to defend spiritual possession or

shaman the power to call upon their ancestor spirits to aid them. The

attacks at the soul. Holy wood is used in the mana smoke ritual which

shaman must burn 10 mana during the call and 1 SP. This allows the

causes all magic spells to be cast at 1 level higher (per rating) and

shaman to make a conjuring skill check and gain the result to their

allows the shaman to regenerate the mana of all allies with their

hit points x the rating. If they wish to boost the call, they may blast

willpower check or battle chant skill check if they possess the skill.

an area of effect of 1.5” inch radius (7 ½ ‘ feet real range) by burning 25

This too is of course multiplied by the shaman’s rating in this ability.

mana and allowing their conjuring skill roll to effect allied hit points.

MR: 3

This power can boost them above their max hit points for a limited

Spirit Guide (power 2): once the shaman makes a bond

Ancestral Call (power 2): this ability is OOT and allows the

time. It may even be used as they are going below zero hit points in an attempt to save them. For every additional rating in this ability, the shaman can multiply this result by the rating of the ability. This ability may be used once per combat. The boost in hit points will last 1 hour per rating. MR: 5


Chap te r I V

Ritual Blade (power 2): the shaman must construct the blade

Spirit Walk (power 2): using 2 magical actions and 5 mana

which is usually a 3 or 4 edged ritualistic dagger. The hilt holds the

drain per round the shaman can step out of his or her body to

image of an angry spirit and the hilt is often crafted of bone with

become ethereal. Much like the form in which some apparitions can

symbols of binding and entrapment carved into it. This blade

take, the shaman sees astrally and can move invisibly a distance of

becomes part of the ritual and is used to bind a spirit to the

inches equal to the shaman’s willpower (5’ feet x willpower in real

dagger. It also offers a +1 to cast only white or green spells through it as

range). This is used to look around corners, step through doors or

a channeling device, and as if it had a channeling rune within it. This

explore rooms without actually going into them. The shaman must

bonus is given per rating. The shaman must also sacrifice 1 spiritual

be wary for their body can still be in danger while doing this and it is

influence during the construction. These ritual daggers can be very

usually good to have a sentry there to watch over them. In spirit walk

dangerous when found without their shaman. This often means

you can move as normal, you cannot fly or float, and cannot move

that the spirit bound to the blade may have been too powerful to

through earth or elements of more than 6” inches thick. To begin the

control. The final stage is completed when a spirit is hit by the blade

spirit walk you must partake of the spirit pipe, an item you must craft

and it traps the spirit’s soul within the ritual blade and its sub-

from clay or wood at the time of gaining this ability. For every rating

dimensional prison. This dagger becomes even more powerful when

in this ability you may multiply your rating by your willpower to see

the bone that it is constructed with is from the same body that

how far you may explore. MR: 5

originally held the spirit. Not only is this the more sought after ritual

method, but it is always the most powerful. Just a touch from the

the form of an animal by using 4 magical actions to do so, drain-

dagger and the spirit makes a body save or it is taken into the blade

ing 25 mana, and making a conjuring skill check target # 4. This

prison. The blade may only hold one spirit within it and the GM may

target number is altered by the GM during certain situations that

construct its hidden powers and gifts depending upon what type of

may alter the concentration. The first time that the shaman uses

spirit is trapped within the dagger. The ritual blade begins with a

this ability though, it takes them close to 2 rounds to shift, so the

d20 damage and once a spirit is trapped it will be granted a d6, d8,

shaman must get used to it before they may need it in combat. The

d10, or d12 additional damage due to a certain element or power that

shaman must possess something of the animal creature they wish

the spirit contained. For instance, if a fire elemental was trapped

to shift into, such as the feather of a hawk, the claw of a rat, or the

within the blade the GM might add a d8 fire damage and now the

tooth of a wolf. The shaman may only shift into one size of animal

blade erupts with flames curling around it once unsheathed. A very

per rating. For instance, you may see the game table under hunting,

powerful one might allow you to cast a fire sphere with 3 charges a

to get an idea of the animal sizes. At rating 1 you can shift into tiny

day. Thus it truly depends upon the spirit trapped within and to what

animals (rat, snake, rabbit, sparrow). At rating 2 you may change

powers the GM wishes to allow. The blade may contain 1 special pow-

into small animals (raccoon, cat, hawk, owl). At rating 3 you may

er per rating, thus allowing a +3 to hit at max rating. MR: 3

become medium sized creature (wolf, leopard, boar). They may only

Shape Shift (power 3): The shaman may shape shift into

shift into an animal that they have made a successful kinship with before, even if it was only for a moment through a cell in the city where slavers sometimes sell creatures in cages. When you shift into this animal all of your equipment and gear is transferred into a sub-dimensional space between planes. You gain the weaknesses and strengths of the creature, yet you keep the same hit points and mental stats but physical ones are very likely to be altered to 25% of the original or even a bonus of 75% for some. The damage, toughness, and all other stats may have to be given by the GM and be sure to keep track of these stats for when you shift again. The material component of the shape shift is not destroyed, you may use the item again. You may stay in this shape for hours equal to your character level. If you stay longer than that you have the risk of becoming the creature permanently. MR: 6


C las s e s & Abil itie s

Ghost Scream (power 3): this ability allows the shaman

to shift into an ethereal form as they move, giving them an edge and an additional d20 to their defense or attack roll to choose the highest one rolled. When under attack you call ghost scream, burn 1 SP and roll 2d20 to defend. If you successfully defend the attack you may also move your character an amount of inches equal to your normal movement in a direction of your choosing. This ability allows you to escape an onslaught and retreat without an attack of opportunity upon you away from further attacks in melee range. If your defense fails and you are struck you do not gain the movement. If you choose to use this during an attack you must burn 1 SP and roll 2d20 choosing the highest roll for the attack. You are also given a bonus of your normal movement. If the attack fails to hit the movement is lost and you must move back to your body. At max rating you may use ghost scream up to 3 times in a combat scenario. MR: 3

Storm Bringer (power 3): this mighty divine ability

allows the shaman to call forth a thunderstorm over the area for 6 magical actions by spending a spiritual influence point to do so. They may not burn frenzy to quicken the initial storm call. If there is a storm already present they do not have to summon the storm at all since it is already there. The primary point of the storm is directly above the shaman and reaches out a distance equal to the shaman’s willpower attribute in miles. Within this radius there is a great amount of electric activity above them due to the lightning storm raging in the clouds above. From this point on, the shaman may burn 30 mana to call down a lightning strike upon a target area that can be centered anywhere within the willpower attribute radius. This lightning blast deals 2d12 x the shaman’s level in electrical damage to all in a 1.5” inch blast radius of the target area. The shaman must roll the attack die once they target the area for 3 magical actions. This part of the ability is called the Lightning Strike and works much like a spell. The shaman gains a +1 to hit due to the rating, raising the rating of this ability allows the shaman to gain an additional + to hit with the lightning strike. The actual lightning strike cannot be defeated by the counter spell ability or the counter ability, but a divine counter will work. This ability can only be used under the open sky. MR: 3


Chap te r I V


Character Skills Thaumaturgy: 1 (int) Conjuring: 2 (will) Circle Magic: 1 (int)

The summoner is a specialist of conjuring and

Read & Write: 1 (int)

circle magic. They use their magical powers and abilities to

Creature Lore: 1 (int)

summon or conjure beings from the primordial realm or

(Skill Slots: 1)

alternate planes within the Outworlds. They bind these beings, using spirits and creatures to fight for them.

Starting Equipment

These beings are forced into servitude by the magic and the

Bone Scepter (weapons) d10

Rite of Binding, yet it is possible for the summoner to gain

Shoulder Bag (equipment)

allies. Some summoners enjoy the power and control that

Personal Spell Book (equipment)

is given, to command while others prefer to focus on the

Lupus Root: 3 (equipment)

awesome potential of the circles. Not only can they call

(Starting Pay: d6 silver)

beings from other worlds, but once strong enough they can learn to open doors to those other worlds and step

Spiritual Influence: 2%

through them. Perhaps it is the power that is held within this knowledge that can lead to the destruction and creation of


gates? Being able to wield such an ability is a dangerous and

Siphon Power (brown magic)

efficient tool that would be loved by many within the realms

Summon Shadow Imp (brown magic)

of Koth. Some of the most prominent schools for summoners

Summon Varg (brown magic)

can be found in the Nine Towers of Thead and in Aticraulys the imperial city of the Aticraulian Empire.

Character Class Abilities 2nd: Summoner’s Circle 3rd: Life Leech 4th: Verendum 5th: Link Senses 6th: Minion Tactics 7th: Blood Invocation 8th: Binding Ritual 9th: Blood Evocation 10th: Transference Rite 11th: Summoner’s Idol 12th: Rite of Exile

Primary Attributes Intelligence Willpower

Combat Skills Unarmed Combat: Basic Sorcery Brown Magic +2


C las s e s & Abil itie s

Summoner’s Circle (power 1): this ability allows the

Blood Invocation (power 2): once per day you are able to

summoner to add +2 levels to their conjuring skill, as well as their

summon the power of the spirits from the astral realm to power your

circle magic skill per rating. In order to activate this ability the

body and gain 25% of your max HP per rating of the ability. This

summoner must spend 1 point of frenzy for each of these bonuses,

invocation takes 2 magical actions to use and 20 mana drain. This

therefore if they wish to gain this bonus to both skills they must

ability only lasts rounds equal to your level. MR: 4

burn 2 points of frenzy before the skills are rolled. At max rating

they still only burn 1 frenzy per skill bonus to gain +10 levels. MR: 5

burn 1 SP and throw an additional d6 to the result of their conjuring

Binding Ritual (power 2): this ability allows a summoner to

Life Leech (power 1): the summoner can steal the hit points

skill to force a bind spell on the spirit so they may gain its true name

of a creature that it has summoned or conjured as long as it has

for future calling. At rating 2 the summoner gains another d6 to roll

control of its will. The life leech ability is used by spending 2

for 2 saga points. Rating 3 allows 3d6 for 3 SP. MR: 3

magic actions, burning 5 mana, and rolling a willpower check at +1 per

rating. The willpower result x the caster’s level is how many hit points

drain the summoner shouts the blood evocation and may grant an

may be taken from the being. If the result is higher than the beings

ally or a minion 25% max HP per rating. This ability may be used

current hit point then the summoner can only take what remains.

once per target in a day and lasts for rounds equal to the character’s

This can be used once per combat, per rating in the ability. MR: 3

level. They will lose this after the duration so be wary. MR: 4

Verendum (power 1): your verendum is your personal

Blood Evocation (power 2): for 2 magic actions and 20 mana

Transference Rite (power 3): this ability allows the

channeling tool, which is usually a wand or staff. You must place a

summoner to perform this rite of transference as their minions are

crystal or stone upon your creation which is used to conduct energy.

being summoned. The summoner must burn 10 additional mana

When crafting a staff this is usually placed within a headpiece. With

during the summoning to engineer their minions at the GM’s

this ability you are able to craft a channeling rune for your personal

discretion, allowing them to combine smaller minions into one or

use within the item. This item becomes unique and bound to you

two larger minions, or vice versa. Thus 6 tyrant spiders of normal

during the Verendum Ritual. During this age old ritual the caster

status could be combined into 2 tyrant spiders at x3 the power. MR: 1

should use material that fits their astrological sign. The ritual must

be performed during the time of day in which you were born and 3

with the circle magic skill. It contains runes and symbols that will

drops of your blood must be rubbed upon the wand or staff at the

allow the idol to contain a link from the idol to the world in which

point where magic will be released and your channeling rune will

the summoned being comes from. Once a spirit or minion is

go. The verendum allows the caster to gain +1 to any spell cast while

summoned or conjured the summoner must burn a d10 x 10 mana

the verendum is in hand. The verendum also grants the caster a +1 to

drain and may force a bound creature’s spirit into the idol before

their magical defense while in hand. MR: 1

sending it back to its world. After 5 hours the idol can be used

Summoner’s Idol (power 3): a small idol must be crafted

Link Senses (power 2): for 1 magical action the summoner

to summon the being for 2 magic actions by calling its name and

chooses a minion to link with and drains 5 mana per round. The

placing the idol upon the floor. The spirit can come from the idol and

summoner may then see, hear, taste, and even feel what the minion

no drain is taken. For every hour the being is in this realm it must

does while the link is made. The minion does not know that this is

rest x5 hours within its own. This may be used once every few days.

happening unless the summoner wishes it to. The summoner may

They may craft one idol per rating. MR: 3

communicate telepathically and give it orders this way. MR: 1

Rite of Exile (power 3): all who possess the conjuring skill

Minion Tactics (power 2): this ability allows the summoner

can banish, yet for 1 frenzy and 4 magical actions the summoner

to spend 1 or 2 magical actions using an astral connection with the

adds +2 levels per rating to their conjuring skill check, in order to

minions to give them a +1 or +2 to hit and defend for one round.

attempt to banish a being from our realm. The being may resist by

The bonus strictly depends on the actions spent by the summoner.

making a resisted willpower check. The summoner may also use

Minions do not gain the bonuses that are given by other allies and

this ability by burning 1 SP out of turn in an attempt to counter

rely on the bonuses of their summoner. The summoner may choose

the summoning spell of a caster as it is happening, by making the

to use this each round to have their minions gain these bonuses. The

conjuring (banishment) skill check versus the enemy skill check. The

ability is activated during the summoner’s turn and lasts until the

counter summoning rite may only be used once per combat just as

beginning of the summoner’s next turn when it must be activated

banishment may only be attempted once per spirit. If failed it cannot

again for 1 or 2 actions to give +1 or +2 to attack and defend. MR: 1

be attempted again for days equal to the spirit’s body attribute. MR: 5


Chap te r I V

Sword Master

Combat Skills Unarmed Combat: Fighter +1 Weapon Specialization: Swords +2 Blind Fighting

The sword master is a swashbuckler, a warrior that

specializes in the art of swordplay. Like most adventurers

Character Skills

they search for high adventure, coin, glory, and fame! The

Acrobatics: 1 (dex)

stereotypical sword master is arrogant and likes to show

Dancing: 1 (dex)

off their talent. They gain reputation by doing so and are

(Skill Slots: 2)

romanticized in the writings of the scribes and the songs









Starting Equipment

mention those deeds. This does not mean that all sword

Rapier (weapons) d10+d6

masters must follow under this same archetypical prose.

Bone Knife (weapons) d10

Their sword is the most important item that they can

Sack (backpack)

carry, and it is treated as their very close ally. It is a great

(Starting Pay: d6 bits)

dishonor for the sword master to lose their weapon. They train for years in the art of the sword dance, agility, and

Spiritual Influence: 2%

precision. They study specific styles and stances to master for fighting upon different types of terrain and what counters are necessary during different types of attack. There are countless numbers of mercenary guilds throughout the cities of Koth, but there are not countless masters of the sword. A few very famous sword masters of grand repute are Vincini Bertolli of the Aticraulian Empire, Alianna Lariette of Espadosa, and Galian Corav who ran with a group of Demon Hunters and with the Hands of the Justicarians. There is an excellent school of the art in Aticraulys, the imperial city, as well as “the Dancing Blade” within the walls of Vallagena in Espadosa.

Character Class Abilities 2nd: Blade Form 3rd: Disengage 4th: Beckon Foe 5th: Hone Blade 6th: Blade Dance 7th: Riposte 8th: Improve Weapon 9th: Displacement 10th: Improved Riposte 11th: Insistence 12th: Remise

Primary Attributes Dexterity Strength


C las s e s & Abil itie s

Blade Form (power 1): by spending 1 melee action to use

Riposte (power 2): once per combat and out of turn (OOT)

their blade form the sword master may add +1 to their defense for

the sword master may use a riposte after defending a melee attack.

1 round until it reaches their turn again. At max rating the sword

The sword master may burn 1 frenzy to launch a single attack back

master may spend 2 melee actions to gain +2 to their physical

at their enemy. These are very good when saved for a natural 20 to

defense for 1 full round. This is used by preparing oneself for an

defend, thus launching a riposte will grant a rage attack back at the

attack with a defensive technique and may even be used with the

enemy in that instance. MR: 1

defensive stance by sacrificing all other actions and frenzy. MR: 2

Improve Weapon (power 2): This ability allows the

Disengage (power 1): the sword master may use a resisted

character to add +d6 damage to any weapon the character uses. Any

acrobatics skill check versus the same or a dexterity check in order to

weapon at all. The weapon is only improved while this character uses

disengage from melee combat as long as the skill check is successful.

it, if they hand it to another character they do not gain the bonus.

If the character already possesses the sneaky talent called retreat, this

For every rating this ability is increased by a new die rank; d6, d8,

allows them to automatically disengage without making a check or

d10, d12, d20. MR: 5

suffering an attack of opportunity. MR: 1

Displacement (power 2): once per combat the sword

Beckon Foe (power 1) the sword master may use this as

master may spend 1 SP and choose to use either their acrobatic skill

a taunt ability to pull aggro upon their self instead of letting an

check or their dancing skill in order to deflect an amount of damage

enemy attack an ally. This is an out of turn (OOT) ability and may

taken to their body equal to the roll made. This amount of damage

be used once per combat, per rating. The sword master makes a

that is soaked by the skill roll is called the displacement. The sword

charisma attribute test (+1 to the roll per rating) while the enemy must

master gains a +1 to the result of the skill roll that they choose to

resist with their willpower check. If the enemy makes their willpower

use per rating. The only difference in the skill choice would be an

check by rolling the same result or greater the taunt has failed. If

acrobatic move or a display of footwork to defend an attack. MR: 10

they fail their willpower check they must attempt to attack the sword

master. They will charge at the sword master and must attack him

defend a melee attack, the sword master may gain one single attack

or her for at least one round. The sword master may not call beckon

back at an enemy, just as if they had rolled a natural 20 to defend.

foe after the enemy has already moved in an attempt to waste the

This gives the sword master a type of improved critical defense.

enemy movement. Once the enemy to beckon is chosen, that foe

This only works when the sword master is being attacked in melee

will possess their full movement and attacks. The ability must be

combat. This may be a good time to activate a riposte to gain 2 melee

activated before the enemy attacks another character. MR: 3

actions back at an enemy or a rage attack at their foe. MR: 1

Hone Blade (power 2): using a whetstone the sword master

Improved Riposte (power 3): on a roll of a natural 19 to

Insistence (power 3): once per combat the sword master

may spend an hour on a blade to keep it nice and sharp. This ability

may burn 1 SP to force an enemy to re-roll their defense die against

will allow this weapon an additional +1 to damage per rating. This

the sword master during a melee combat situation. MR: 1

costs the sword master 1 point of frenzy for every blade they hone

or sharpen and only lasts for 1 battle in which it is used. This ability

frenzy in order to gain an edge and roll 2d20 during their attack,

may even be stacked with others like Cutler. MR: 3

choosing the highest result. This may only be used with their sword

once per combat, per rating. MR: 2

Blade Dance (power 2): only when the sword master is

being attacked by enemies with melee weapons may they activate the blade dance. They do so by burning 1 SP and rolling their dancing skill (OOT). A target # 5-10 will give them an additional +1 to defend for this round only. A target # 11-14 grants the sword master an additional +2 to defend for 1 round. At rating 2 the sword master unlocks the ability to reach a target # 15-19 which will grant the sword master an additional +3 to defend. Rating 2 will also allow a target # 20 or higher to give an additional +4 to defend. This is for 1 round only and only against melee attacks at the sword master. The sword master must activate this before the defense roll is made to gain the bonus. This may not be used while in a defensive stance. MR: 2


Remise (power 3): the sword master may burn 1 point of

Chap te r I V


Combat Skills Unarmed Combat: Brawler +2 Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Weapon Proficiency: Throwing

Templars are holy or unholy warriors that serve the

Weapon Proficiency: Projectiles

church of their deity. Much like monks they serve as agents

Weapon Specialization: choose wpn +1

that spread the word of their lord throughout the lands while questing to serve their faith. They are the mighty, heavy

Character Skills

infantry of the church. They are the knights of the order

Exorcism: 1 (will)

that will lay down their lives to protect its cause. Templars

Theology: 1 (int)

of the pantheon of light find it hard not to help others in

(Skill Slots: 1)

need for there is always a sworn oath to protect the weak and to become the harbinger of justice. There are also known

Starting Equipment

to be what are called dark templars. Dark templars worship

Stone Hammer (weapons) d12+d6

evil gods and will kill anyone that stands in their way, if

Infantry Shield +3 (armor)

it is the will of their master. All templars of any pantheon

Padded Armor (armor) AR: 1

whether they be holy or unholy are powerful and honor bound

Prayer Guide (equipment)

vessels who will die in the name of their god. For one

Holy Symbol (equipment) +1% spiritual influence

day they will reach the spirit realm and it is their goal to

(Starting Pay: d6 copper)

forever become a vanguard of their order. Templars are found all over the world and are primarily sought out within a church

Spiritual Influence: 10%

or cathedral, such as the Pantheos Cathedral of Espadosa. The shining templars of Caerwynn are found guarding the chapters of the Grand Order in Dalewynnd, and the Temple of Six is a cathedral found in the city of Underwall of Vasgar. That temple is home to some of the most fearsome dark templars known.

Character Class Abilities 2nd: Toughen 3rd: Shield Ally 4th: Elysian Weapon 5th: Outrage 6th: Elysian Armor 7th: Defender 8th: Improve Weapon 9th: Absolve 10th: Sacred Shield 11th: Defiance 12th: Reverence

Primary Attributes Strength Body Willpower


C las s e s & Abil itie s

Toughen (power 1): this ability allows the templar to

Defender (power 2): Any allies that are within 1.5”

strengthen their natural armor permanently with each rating.

inches of the templar gain an additional +1 to their defense rolls. This

The templar gains their toughness through vigorous hardening

works against any type of attack but will not stack if two templars are

exercises making them able to sustain more physical damage. The

present. This ability is active at all times and only gives the templar’s

templar adds 2 point of toughness per rating. This ability costs

allies this bonus. MR: 1

nothing to activate and is constant. MR: 3

Shield Ally (power 1): this out of turn (OOT) ability allows

character to add +d6 damage to any weapon the character uses. Any

the templar to shield an ally from an attack as long as the templar

weapon at all. The weapon is only improved while this character uses

has his or her shield in hand and is within 1” (5’ feet) of the ally.

it, if they hand it to another character they do not gain the bonus.

The templar may add their shield bonus to the ally’s defense by

For every rating this ability is increased by a new die rank; d6, d8,

spending 1 SP to grant the ally the bonus if it is needed. This may be

d10, d12, d20. MR: 5

activated once per combat, per rating, and is called after the ally rolls

their defense roll. The damage must still be rolled upon the shield

order to pray for 1 day or 1 night before the altar, shrine, or statue of

if the attack is successfully defended. If the shield’s SHP (structural

their deity to use this ability. The templar must give 10% of their coin

hit points) are destroyed the remaining damage is soaked by the

(a tithe) to gain a +1 to their spiritual influence (per rating). This may

templar’s total armor value and then the templar’s HP. MR: 1

be used once a week or at the GM’s discretion. MR: 3

Elysian Weapon (power 1): by gifting the templar’s primary

Improve Weapon (power 2): This ability allows the

Absolve (power 2): the templar must visit their church in

Sacred Shield (power 3): the templar burns 1 saga point

weapon with 1 of their spiritual influence points, they are able to ask

whenever they have their shield in hand to roll 2d20 on their defense

their god(s) for the blessing of their grace. At rating 1 the templar

against any physical attack, even magical ones. This edge is used to

gains a +1 to hit with the weapon permanently. This makes an Elysian

choose the highest roll possible out of the two. The templar still adds

blade or hammer +1 to hit. At rating 2 the templar may spend another

their normal modifiers to their physical defense roll. This may be

spiritual influence point to give the weapon a +2 to hit. The templar

used once per combat, per rating in this ability. MR: 2

may only own one Elysian weapon. If the templar loses the weapon

or it breaks they must spend S.I. points to make a new one. MR: 2

they may burn 1 SP to roll a theology skill check (x1 per rating). The

Outrage (power 2): once per turn the templar has the

templar immediately gains the result of the roll to their hit points

ability to anger an enemy (1 per rating) during their turn by making

in an attempt to awaken from being taken down. This may be used

a Theology skill check for 1 open action and with a +1 to the roll (per

anytime the templar is dropped below 0 HP. MR: 5

rating). The templar points at who they wish to outrage and will

shout curses in the name of their god(s) toward the target(s). This is

use this divine ability to call upon the gods with great reverence.

used to taunt and to pull aggro toward them. If the enemies make a

The templar burns 1 spiritual influence point after they strike an

willpower attribute check that fails they must attack the templar for

opponent and roll a d6. The d6 determines the power damage:

at least 1 round when it becomes their turn. MR: 3

(1-2: x2, 3-4: x3, 5-6: x4). Therefore a rage attack normally deals x2

Elysian Armor (power 2): the templar chooses the specific

power damage, if the templar rolls a 3 on the reverence d6; this rage

piece of armor that they wish to have blessed by their deity and

attack becomes x5. Remember when using a combo attack the base

burns 1 spiritual influence point. This armor becomes Elysian armor

damage that is rolled is multiplied by the power damage and then it is

and gains an AR (armor rating) bonus of +2 as well as a durability

multiplied by how many attacks were called for the combination

upgrade. The templar may add this once to any piece in their set that

attack. Reverence must be called before damage is rolled. This ability

they wish. If they choose their helmet, then it becomes an Elysian

cannot be countered unless the enemy has a divine counter ability.

Helmet +2. When the templar gains another rating in this ability

At rating 2 the reverence die gains a greater advantage (1: x2, 2-3: x3,

they may bless a new armor piece with 1 S.I. point adding another

4-5: x4, 6: x6). MR: 2

+2 to the rating of the armor, granting a new piece of Elysian Armor. If this armor is ever lost or destroyed the templar may eventually make a new piece but must again spend a S.I. point. Every rating in this ability represents a new piece of armor to become the blessed Elysian Armor that is often honored and anointed in blood. MR: 6


Defiance (power 3): if the templar drops below 0 hit points,

Reverence (power 3): once per combat the templar may

Chap te r I V


Combat Skills Unarmed Combat: Basic Weapon Proficiency: Throwing Weapon Specialization: Knives +1

Thieves are found in every race and every culture.

This is not always by choice but is often due to survival, for

Character Skills

many must steal to eat or feed their families when there is

Stealth: 1 (dex)

no work. Thieves steal and that is what they are best at. They

Concealment: 1 (per)

go by many titles; bandit, pickpocket, cutpurse, swindler,

Steal: 1 (dex)

robber, or burglar. Some may hold a certain moral attitude

Lock Picking: 1 (dex)

while others are cold-hearted cutthroats. The professionals

Looting: 1 (per)

dwell mainly on the art or skill of defeating deadly traps or

Traps: 1 (int)

beating a score with untraceable results. There are many

Streetwise: 1 (chr)

gangs throughout the realms of Koth that swarm the streets,

(Skill Slots: 1)

sewers, and forest roads. They create organizations known as thieves’ guilds in order to mask a structured family that

Starting Equipment

shares in its rewards and protects its loyal members. Some of

Bone Knife (weapons) d10

the most powerful guilds are known on the tongues of many;

Lock Picks: 2 (equipment)

like the Silent Boot in the city of Soulbade. The Jewel of Set

Sack (equipment)

is a powerful guild in the desert lands of Vazuun Denaahl.

(Starting Pay: d8 bits)

There is a long list of many famous thieves but a few more recent names are Allowyn Dane from the Clan of Tal. They

Spiritual Influence: 2%

are a group of highwaymen that operate out of the forest of Everdark. Also Pathao Egral who is known as a deadly ratkin cutthroat and avid follower of the rat god Nymn Tat. The rogue, gnome Pogo of Gnollfirk is known for his many adventures with several different famous groups.

Character Class Abilities 2nd: Prowl 3rd: Fade 4th: Evade 5th: Lock Trick 6th: Trap Finder 7th: Quick Fingers 8th: Scale Walls 9th: Gambit 10th: Silent Strike 11th: Quick Shadow 12th: Nimble Foot

Primary Attributes Dexterity Intelligence Perception


C las s e s & Abil itie s

Prowl (power 1): the thief may use this ability in one of two

not multiply a loot horde or the GM’s planned treasure for everyone

ways. They may burns 1 point of frenzy and add a d6 to their stealth

to dish out. This is only used for the steal and the looting skill checks

skill attempt, activating this before the skill roll. If they choose to add

which are always personal and additional loot for the thief. MR: 3

the die after rolling the skill dice instead, they may do this with one

saga point. For every rating the die used is moved up one rank (d6,

weapon will deal an additional x1 power damage (per rating) to an

d8, d10, d12, d20). MR: 5

enemy. Thus with the normal x2 for sneak attacks in melee combat

Fade (power 1): the thief may fade by adding a d6 to their

this bonus will grant a x3 power damage from a sneak attack. At

concealment skill check before the roll, which costs 1 point of frenzy.

rating 2 the silent strike attack will add x4 power damage. At rating 3

If the thief chooses to wait and gain a d6 after the roll has failed the

the power damage becomes x5, rating 4 brings the power damage to

thief may burn 1 SP to add the die after the check is made. Only one

x6, while rating 5 brings the sneak attack to x7 power damage. Then

of these methods may be used per attempt at concealment, never

finally at max rating 6 you will sneak attack at x8 power damage. This

both. For every rating in this ability the rating die is moved up one

is when using a silent strike, sneak attack for only 1 melee action. If

rank (d6, d8, d10, d12, d20). MR: 5

you chose to attack with a 2 action heavy or rage attack, at max rating

you would deal x10 power damage. This costs nothing to activate, but

Evade (power 1): once per combat the thief may add a d6 to

Silent Strike (power 3): any sneak attack with a melee

their defense roll even after the d20 has been rolled to establish their

the enemy must be unaware of the attack from behind. MR: 6

defense result. This ability costs 1 SP to use. The d6 that is added

also has the max continuum rule (explodes) so that if you roll a 6 you

move silently and concealed at their maximum movement. This also

may roll it again to continue your result to defend. For every rating

allows the thief an attempt at gaining silent strike to power damage

in this ability raise the die up one rank (d6, d8, d10, d12). MR: 4

while in plain view during the midst of battle. The thief makes a

Quick Shadow (power 3): this ability allows the thief to

Lock Trick (power 2): the thief may use this ability once per

dexterity check or acrobatics skill check versus the enemy’s

lock picking attempt. This ability allows the thief to re-roll a failed

perception roll. If the thief wins they may quick shadow behind

lock picking skill check by burning 1 SP in order to re-roll the event.

the enemy and burn 1 SP to roll 2d20 to their attack, choosing the

MR: 1

highest roll. A hit allows the thief to gain their sneak attack power

Trap Finder (power 2): the thief may use this ability to add

damage. This ability is once per combat but may be attempted once

an additional d6 to their traps skill check after the result of the check

per turn until the SP is spent. MR: 1

has failed. This ability costs 1 SP to activate and covers an area equal

to the thief ’s perception attribute in inches. For every rating in this

to roll 2d20 to a defense attempt and choose the highest d20 roll as

ability raise the die up one rank (d6, d8, d10, d12, d20). MR: 5

their result. This ability as called before the defense roll is made in

an attempt to gain an edge over the attack. MR: 1

Quick Fingers (power 2): this ability allows the thief to add

an additional d6 to their steal skill check before the skill check is made by spending 1 point of frenzy to do so. This may be used only once per target. For every rating in this ability you may raise the die up one rank (d6, d8, d10, d12, d20). MR: 5

Scale Walls (power 2): the thief may burn 1 point of frenzy

to add +2 to the rank of their dexterity attribute or +2 to the level of their climbing skill when attempting to scale walls. This must be activated before the thief attempts the climb. The thief may add +2 for every rating in this ability, therefore at max rating the thief will possess a +10 to the rank or level to scale walls, for 1 frenzy. MR: 5

Gambit (power 2): this ability is a bit of a gamble. When

rolling the cache of your steal or looting skill you may choose to burn 1 SP in an attempt for more. Roll a d6: a result of 1 or 2 is x1 to your skill roll and a waste of 1 SP. A roll of 3-4= x2 loot, and 5-6= x3 loot. At rating 2: 1= x1 (no gain), 2-3= x2 loot, 4-5= x 3 loot, 6= x4 loot. At rating 3: your d6 roll is what you multiply the loot by. This does


Nimble Foot (power 3): once per combat the thief is able

Chap te r I V


Weapon Proficiency: Projectiles Weapon Specialization: choose weapon +1

Character Skills

The warrior is specialized in a broad range of combat

(Skill Slots: 4)

styles left open for you to shape your fighter into what you want. They have spent their lives training to be battle ready

Starting Equipment

at any moment and in any situation. Some warriors are lone

Bone Knife (weapons) d10

wolves that wander the lands thirsting for gold and glory.

Stone Axe (weapons) d8+d6

Other warriors are soldiers trained in warfare since they were

Short Bow (weapons) 2d8

young to work for the city guard or the military. Warriors

Quiver: 20 arrows (ammo)

come from all over the world and from any race. From the

Sack (equipment)

eldrynn tribal archers of the Shadynnar Territory all the way

(Starting Pay: d4 bits)

to the Aticraulian imperial infantry you are free to build your warrior as you see fit. They are given the primary combat

Spiritual Influence: 2%

skills that are necessary to open a path for you to specialize any way you wish. Many warriors have a reputation for being mercenaries and sell swords. A few famous warriors of legend are Wartoth the Unholy, a bogkroll general of Varagoth. Mouwltyen Zhu the female mhen tep archer from Myen Wu. Ralth Avanos a mercenary sell sword who rose from the poor street of Three Penny Palace and became an honorable legend among humans. There are endless names and legends to hear and hopefully you will create the next.

Character Class Abilities 2nd: Blood Rush 3rd: Vitality 4th: War Cry 5th: Opposition 6th: Weapon of Choice 7th: Combat Roll 8th: Improve Weapon 9th: Formation 10th: Battle Edge 11th: Wrath 12th: War Master

Primary Attributes Strength Dexterity Perception

Combat Skills Unarmed Combat: Brawler +2 Weapon Proficiency: Throwing


C las s e s & Abil itie s

Blood Rush (power 1): this is an out of turn ability (OOT)

inch (5’ feet) in an adjacent hex. This allows the warrior to jump out

and may be activated at anytime during a combat scenario, once

of incoming AOEs and LOS attacks at the group. If the warrior is at-

per combat. The warrior must burn 1 saga point to roll their body

tempting to use this as a retreat from melee combat with another foe

attribute and gain the amount rolled to their hit points due to a rush

they must make a resisted dexterity check or acrobatics skill check

of adrenaline. If the warrior possesses the endurance skill this may

to gain the movement. If they possess the retreat talent, there is no

be used instead of the attribute. This amount is multiplied by the rat-

need. At rating 2, they may burn another 1 SP to use this bonus d6 on

ing of the ability. D4 rounds after the combat the bonus is lost. MR: 5

an attack roll as well. They will add this d6 to their d20 result. MR: 2

Vitality (power 1): this ability grants the warrior an

automatic increase to one physical attribute of their choice. This increase will raise 1 per rating. You may place the 1 point into Strength, Dexterity, Body, or Perception. MR: 5

War Cry (power 1): during the initiative stage of combat the

warrior may shout out a war cry as long as he or she is not trying to hide. This grants all allies within the range of the warrior’s charisma check (in inches for miniature use) a +1 bonus to their initiative. This ability may be stacked upon other war cries, howls, and battle cries to gain a higher temporary bonus on initiative. Yet, it may only be

Improve Weapon (power 2): This ability allows the

added to a max of 3 other war cries from other warriors. The war cry

character to add +d6 damage to any weapon the character uses. Any

also adds a +1 to hit with any type weapon for 1 full round. MR: 1

weapon at all. The weapon is only improved while this character uses you

it, if they hand it to another character they do not gain the bonus.

make a dexterity or acrobatics skill check in an attempt to

For every rating this ability is increased by a new die rank; d6, d8,

receive a bonus to your physical defense modifier for one round. The

d10, d12, d20. MR: 5

bonus is only toward specified attacker(s). A result of 6-9 grants an

additional +1 to defend, a roll of 10-14 grants a +2 to defend. The

party are moving through an area you may call “formation”. By calling

warrior must burn 1 frenzy per attacker as they rush them or fire

this ability you may choose any one of the many different types of

upon them to gain the bonus. If you botch the check, you fall to the

military formations for your party to move in. The wedge formation

ground and suffer -1 to defend as normal. At rating 2 it is possible

is shaped like a “V” where one character is at point and the others

to gain a +3 to defend if a 15-19 is rolled, or a +4 to defend if a 20+

at 5’ or 10’ feet apart. Even a “line” formation is possible especially

is rolled on the skill dice results. This may only be used once per

during tunnels and caves with each character guarding in a different

combat and may even be used during a defensive stance. MR: 2

direction as they move. Using this ability grants all characters a +1

to their perception rolls, stealth rolls, and initiative per rating. If the








Weapon of Choice (power 2): with this ability the

Formation (power 2): during a time when you and a

warrior is able to add to the damage modifier of a specific

party is attacked they are already poised to strike. MR: 3

weapon of their choice by maintaining it before a battle. They roll a

d4 and are able to add the result to their damage modifier (strength

burn 1 point of frenzy to gain an edge and roll 2d20 to attack,

or shot). It must be taken care of, sharpened daily, taking 30 minutes

allowing them to choose the best roll. At rating 2: The warrior may

to prepare the weapon. The bonus is lost after the next battle it is

burn 1 SP allowing them to roll 2d20 on one defense roll and choose

used in. It may be given to an ally for them to use in a battle, but

the best one. MR: 2

there is only one weapon of choice. At rating 2 you gain an edge and

roll 2d4 choosing the highest roll for your bonus. MR: 2

is rolled to add x2 power damage to any attack. This may only be

Battle Edge (power 3): once per combat the warrior may

Wrath (power 3): the warrior may burn 1 SP before damage

Combat Roll (power 2): Once per combat the warrior may

used once per combat. This will allow a rage attack to deal x4 power

use combat roll by spending 1 SP to gain an additional d6 to try and

damage, or x2 power damage then x the number of attacks in their

defend an attack. This d6 result is added to the warrior’s d20 die

combo attack, if they possess that talent. MR: 1

roll and modifiers. The rules for max continuum apply, so if a 6 is

rolled you may roll it again and add it to the result. If the defense is a

rolls a natural 1 to attack, they are allowed to burn 1 SP in order to

success the warrior is able to move their miniature or character one

re-roll this attack. MR: 1


War Master (power 3): once per combat when a warrior

Chap te r I V Types of Character Class Abilities

Power Advancement Table

Class Specific Abilities are those abilities that are given to

a specific character class from levels 2 through 12. These abilities

cannot be chosen by other classes for they help define a character class during the characters employment in that profession. There will be only a few abilities that might be shared by other classes due specialist mages or sorcerers will gain the ability Verendum, yet this ability is for the construction of each mages’ staff or wand which is an important moment in every mage’s life. Another example would be the ability improve weapon. This ability is given to all fighter type classes or classes that use melee and shooting weapons more than 8th level due to the fact that enemies and NPCs will be getting much stronger as levels progress; therein it makes more since that the characters should be dealing more damage with the increase of level and experience. Class specific abilities will be listed with three asterisks

Caster Abilities are those abilities that may only be chosen


Power 4 abilities or lower


Power 5 abilities or lower


Power 6 abilities or lower


Power 7 abilities or lower


Power 8 abilities or lower


Power 9 abilities or lower


Power 10 abilities or lower


Power 11 abilities or lower


Power 12 abilities or lower


Power 13 abilities or lower



Some players may choose to multi-class a character. This

a mundane character class (non spell caster), to a caster. Most spell

multi-class into a caster. These abilities will be labeled with a single

casters are born with the ability to use magic in this world, they

* on the class abilities list.

slowly begin to develop their powers by training and in schools. A

Faction Abilities are abilities that may be chosen by any

multi-class character that becomes a spell caster at 13th level is a late

character class that falls under one of the same class factions;

bloomer if you will, one late to uncover that they had powers at all.

Fighters, Rogues, Wizards, and Spiritualists. Faction specific abilities

will be labeled with ** on the class abilities list.

You may choose to multi-class anywhere between 13th level

to 24th level. Let’s say you are a warrior and you want to multi-class

Power Advancement Table

into a mage at 13th level. You may prepare yourself by gaining skills that are necessary prerequisites to become a mage by checking the

This table shows you at what level your character must be

prerequisites for multi-classing table. You continue to advance until

to unlock certain abilities. There are certain times in the game where

you are about to hit 13th level, instead of becoming 13th level you

you might be gifted with a free ability, such as the first time you hit

would multiclass into a level 12/ 2 warrior/ mage. The prerequisites

a new reputation rank due to gaining reputation points. This allows

are listed for you to prepare. If the class you wish to be has pre-

you a free ability and you are only allowed to purchase one according

requisites be sure to purchase them or save up for them with skill

to what level you are. If you are a level 4 character you can choose

slots until you are ready to make the change. Suggested skills are

only power 1 abilities. Yet a level 10 character may choose either a

skills that are not mandatory but they do help you to define the

power 3 ability or one lower than that.

Power 3 abilities or lower

another class as well. This is one of the only ways to go from being

spells you will not be able to choose this type of ability unless you

Power 2 abilities or lower


is when you are playing one character class, but wish to become

by those who possess the skill in sorcery. If you are not able to cast

Power 1 abilities

Multiclass Characters

*** after the title on the class abilities list.

Power Rating

1-4 5-9

anything else in combat. This allows them to deal more damage at


to the fact that the class is similar in some aspects. For instance all

class. A free skill is of course the skill that you gain automatical-

Once you finish out your class specific abilities at 12th level

ly when multi-classing. The S.I. % bonus you see is for spiritualist

you will be ready to gain abilities of your choice at the moment you

classes. Simply add this number to your spiritual influence when

gain a level. Be sure to look at the table here for at 13th level you

becoming the new character class, for you should have to do a great

will be able to choose a power 3 ability or lower. Then again you

deal of praying along with others that may be assisting you in your

may always decide to promote one of your other abilities that you

transition within a church or grove. This allows you to become

already have. Promoting is when you up the rating of your pre-owned

noticed by the spirits and granted this bonus with the help of a mass.



C las s e s & Abil itie s Transition

Flaws of Multi-classing

Whatever level you choose to multi-class at, between

You gain saga points from the game master according to the

levels 13 and 24, earlier is often better. Let us say you choose

class you are working on, so some players might end up getting more

to do so at level 13 using the example of the warrior/ mage

points than you for being higher level, while you gain saga points as

as before. Instead of hitting level 13 at the threshold you hit

a novice in your new class. Another flaw is that once you reach 24th

level 2 in the new class and take the 2nd level mage’s class specific

level, those who do not multi-class get a special bonus that grants a

ability. Instead of getting to choose your own abilities you will now

free ability upgrade to go with their free talent, every four levels. This is

take the class specific abilities for your new class as normal. Any left

called the “Promotion” and it starts at level 24 then continues onward.

over saga point that you have from going over the 13th level mark

Another flaw is that you must purchase the skills of certain classes

will be added to the threshold of the 2nd level mark. Meaning if you

on your own to prepare for your change. A final flaw that weighs on

would have had 4 saga points over the 13th level character mark, you

the “to multi-class or not to multi-class scale” is that after 12th level

now add those 4 to the 16 saga points that it takes to reach level 2.

you do not get to choose your abilities like normal characters. They

This keeps you fairly above your mark as you should be and now

get to pick ones they want in order to shape their character the way

on your way to level 3 as a mage. You will continue to level up as

they want to, but for the next 11 levels you will not unless you gain an

normal and when you are awarded saga points by the GM you will

ability through a reputation status upgrade.

gain them as a lower level character would. You do not get what

Perks of Multi-classing

they call “rushed”. This is when you are traveling around with higher level characters and getting awarded saga points as if you were the

same level. The GM should grant you saga points according to your

entirely, which is pretty cool on its own. If you were not a spell caster

level, unless they wish to allow rushing in their campaign that is

before you can become one now, so you are a late bloomer and have

their choice. Higher level characters are granted more saga points

just begun to notice your powers. If there is ever an ability that you

as they level up, due to the fact that they begin to spend many more

gain for leveling, but it is the exact same ability that you already have,

during the game in combat scenarios, they deal more damage, and

you must upgrade the rating of that ability. If it is a rating one max

often have more effect on the story or combat than lower level char-

ability you are allowed to choose a new ability, just look at the Power

acters do. Once you reach level 13 as a mage, you may now combine

Advancement Table. Some players ask “If I am a specialist, sorcerer,

your points back into one saga point pool and your character can

blue mage or Seer, can I multiclass and become a red mage or war-

now be called a level 13 warrior/ mage. From this point on you will al-

lock?” The answer is yes. You will only have to spend 2 skill slots to

ways level as one united class and any character that becomes a spell

gain the +2 specialization in your new school. Yet now you suffer -2

caster will always roll on the gift table as a caster.

to cast all other colors if you are going to become a sorcerer twice.


The perks are rather obvious. You get to be another class

Chap te r I V

Prerequisites for Multi-Classing Character Class

Prerequisite Skills

Suggested Skills

Free Skills

S.I. % Bonus


Alchemy, Creature Lore, Crystal Lore, Plant Lore, Read & Write, Thaumaturgy

WP: Throwing




Stealth, Concealment, Trailing, Pick Locks, Climbing, WP: Projectiles

WP: Throwing




Foraging, Hunting, Wilderness Survival





Barter, Speech, Music (choose instrument) or Singing, Stealth, Story Telling





Healing, Plant Lore , Chant ,Theology, Read & Write

-White Spells +1



Demon Hunter

Creature Lore, Demon Lore, Tracking, Exorcism

WP: Projectiles




Armorer, Crystal Lore, Thaumaturgy, Read & Write, Tinker, Weapon Smith





Thaumaturgy, Conjuring, Circle Magic, Read & Write

Battle Chant




Check their skills; only pay 2 skill slots for +2 to cast from your specific school





Acrobatics, Theology, Martial Arts +3, Blind Fighting

Battle Chant



Mu Dai

Battle Chant, Read & Write, Martial Arts +3





Concealment, Looting, Seafaring, Steal

-WS: +1




Conjuring, Circle Magic, Thaumaturgy, Theology, Exorcism

Battle Chant



-Dark Priest

:::as above as well as::: -Necromancy

Blood Magic




Wilderness Survival, Tracking, Animal Kinship, Plant Lore

WP: Projectiles




Stealth, Concealment, Navigate Land, Observation, Listening, Tracking

WP: Projectiles




Conjuring, Circle Magic, Plant Lore, Animal Kinship, Healing, Thaumaturgy

Battle Chant




Thaumaturgy, Conjuring, Circle Magic, Read & Write, Creature Lore, Occult

Battle Chant



Sword Master

Dancing, Acrobatics, Swords +2, Blind Fighting

WP: Throwing




Exorcism, Theology, WP: Heavy

WP: Projectiles




Stealth, Concealment, Steal, Lock Picking, Looting, Traps, Street Survival

WP: Throwing





W.P. All



C las s e s & Abil itie s

Character Class Abilities

Power 7 Abilities (Levels 30-39) Abdicate, Alchemical Blast, Angel Ward, Attribute Pool, Blood Rite III, Demon Ward, Divine Counter, Divine Digression, Divine Dull-

Power 1 Abilities (Levels 1-4) Arcane







ing, Divine Influence, Ecosphere*, First Blood, Heavy Wound, In-


vention, Memento, Overkill, Psionic Defender*, Redemption, Rune

Cutler, Dodge, Endure, Fearless, Feather Fall, Feint, Harden, Hide,

Master***, Sever Emotions, Shadow Ward, Shout Orders, Skill Pool,

Hunter’s Senses, Improvised Shield, Improvised Weapon, Logic,

Summon Creatures II***

Manipulation, Mark of the Beast, Quick Bolt, Repair, Scribe, Scroll Maker*, Tend Wounds, Whisper Walk

Power 8 Abilities (Levels 40-49) Almighty Blow, Almighty Spell*, Blood Line, Cheap Shot, Dead Aim,

Power 2 Abilities (Levels 5-9)

Deep Hood, Demonic Curse, Dispossess, Evade Cold, Fire Cloak,

Agility, Animal Ally***, Anticipate Attack, Coordinated Attack,

Grounded, High Shield Master, Imbue Item, Mental Barrier, Merit,

Counter, Counter Spell*, Damager, Dual Block, Haggle, Hawk’s

Pay Homage, Rehabilitate, Rune Artifice**, Salvage, Show Off, Sixth

Eye, Herbal Additives, Improve Cover, Iron Will, Leap, Navigator,


Psionic Shell, Shield Bash, Struggle, Tank, Trick Ride, Ultimatum, Wood Strider, Zweihander

Power 9 Abilities (Levels 50-59) Amplify Armor, Amplify Weapon, Arcane Sorcery*, Chi Mastery,

Power 3 Abilities (Levels 10-14)

Counter Divine Spell*, Divine Acid Shield, Divine Fire Shield,

Blood Hound, Clothesline, Co-op Attack, Death Sense, Disorient,

Divine Ice Shield, Divine Storm Shield, Draw Crowd, Elemental Gate*,

Half Sword**, Improve Armor, Improve Weapon, Invisibility,

Glory, One Eye Open, Rune Supremacy***, Skull Collector, Spell

Keep Watch, Lose Tail, Lullaby***, Prana Ritual, Shady Associates,

Books*, Unburden, Vengeance, Weave to Spirit*

Spider Climb, Spirit Bond*, Taunt, Trample, Venom, War Fire, Wards*, Weapon Bond

Power 10 Abilities (Levels 60-69) Attract Enemies, Bitch Slap, Counterstrike, Decipher, Degrade,

Power 4 Abilities (Levels 15-19)

Demonic Sentinel***, Eat Magic, Elder Chief, Elder Might, El-

Aviator, Blast, Capture, Crowd Speak, Denizen*, Destruction, Detect

der Senses, Gridlock, Psion Aegis Master, Rune Lord***, Summon

Lies, Entomb*, Formation Fighting, Hired Thugs, Map Maker, No

Creatures III***, Seraphic Knight***, Temple Guardian***, Totem

Pain, Parry, Quick Dodge, Random Lore, Rune Shaper***, Second


Chance, Spell Master*, Stand Strong, Tactics, Weapon Master

Power 11 Abilities (Levels 70-79)

Power 5 Abilities (Levels 20-24)

Allied Chi, Allied Health, Allied Mana, Breath of Chi, Breath of Mana,

Arsenal, Astral Armor*, Awaken**, Battle Born, Blood Rite II,

Divine Intervention, Elder Agility, Elder Power, Elder Thoughts,

Clobber, Creature Command*, Dual Hack, Escape Artist, Gadge-

Elder Wisdom, Rage of God, Rune of Unique Power**, Soul Shatter,

teer, Ghost Dance***, Golem*, Grace**, Improve Magic*, Mighty

Summon Legendary Beings***, Transcendence, Treachery, Word of

Blow, Mighty Spell*, Path Finder, Psi Armor*, Psionic Focus*, Rune


Builder***, Shadow Walk, Shield Master, Shield Push, Spirit Call*, Spirit Shield, Summon Creatures***, Trap Master, True Aim

Power 12 Abilities (Levels 80-89) Artifact Builder***, Astral Possession*, Create Atrocity*, Discovery,

Power 6 Abilities (Levels 25-29)

Divine Invulnerability, Legendary, Regenerate Chi, Regenerate Life,

Astral Gate*, Battle Armor, Bombard, Cataclysm*, Cover Tracks,

Regenerate Mana, Weaken, World Gate*

Customize Craft, Dark Hatred, Exchange Gift, Evade Damage, Experimentation,







Power 13 Abilities (Levels 90-99)

Marauder, Psion Aegis, Remove Curse*, Retrain, Vision Quest***,


Word of Honor






Plane Gate*, Powerful Presence, Resist Elements, Summon Divine Being***, Theistic Aid

*Spell Caster Abilities, ** Faction Abilities, ***Class Specific Abilities


Chap te r I V

Character Class Abilities

fluence points. This may be used once per week or journey to a new city or town at the GM’s discretion.

These character class abilities are listed here in alphabeti-

Agility (power 2): this ability allows the character to add a d6 to an

cal order and include all character class abilities that may be chosen

attribute test of dexterity. You may burn 1 SP to use this ability after

by players as they progress in levels during the game. All of these

you have failed a check. For every rating in this ability you may raise

abilities are additional abilities, the primary class specific abilities

the die up one rank. This ability may be used only once per scenario.

that are given to each character for advancing levels 2 through 12 are

(D6, d8, d10, d12) MR: 4

explained directly after the character class template. The ones listed throughout these pages are free to choose by any class unless they

Alchemical Blast (power 7): this ability is for those who practice al-

are marked by an asterisk *. If so, read Types of Class Abilities on Pg.

chemy. Any use of alchemical explosions can be made even more de-

128 for a brief summary.

structive by burning 1 SP before the damage is rolled. Doing so will add x2 to the power damage per rating. This will also add 1 more inch


to the blast radius per rating. Thus if the potion deals 2d6 x 10 dam-

These are granted to those who do not multi-class and are

age, adding x2 to the power damage would make it 2d6 x 12. MR: 5

only achieved at level 24 and beyond. At level 24 the character not only gains their free talent and their free ability, they also gain a free

Allied Chi (power 11): this ability allows you to give or take a friend’s

ability upgrade. This upgrade is called a promotion. You may up-

chi for 2 actions. The chi may only be taken from an ally if they allow

grade the rating of any ability that uses them. From this moment on,

it, and must be accepted when given. This may be used once per com-

each time you gain a free talent you also gain a promotion point.

bat and as much may be transferred as needed. You must touch the ally to transfer power. You may not overfill your chi pool.

Ability Abbreviations

Some abbreviations you might find in this chapter are list-

Allied Health (power 11): this ability allows you to give or take a

ed here; AOE (area of effect), AR (armor rating), AV (armor value),

friend’s health for 2 actions. The hit points may only be taken from

Dmg (damage), GM (game master), HP (hit points), LOS (line of

an ally if they allow it, and must be accepted when given. This may

sight), MR (max rating), OOT (out of turn), OpC (once per combat),

be used once per combat, and as much may be transferred as needed.

SHP (structural hit points), S.I., (spiritual influence), SP (saga point),

You must touch them to transfer. A character cannot go over their

TAV (total armor value).


Abdicate (power 7): give an ally saved saga points or frenzy. This

Allied Mana (power 11): this ability allows you to give or take a

may be used out of turn, once per combat. The SPs are used as saved

friend’s mana for 2 actions. The mana may only be taken from an

points only and do not raise max SPs. At rating 1 you can throw an

ally if they allow it, and must be accepted when given. This may be

ally 1 SP and 2 frenzy from your own pool. At rating 2 you may throw

used once per combat, and as much may be transferred as needed.

an ally 2 SPs and 4 frenzy. At max rating 3 you may throw an ally 3

You must touch them to transfer power. A character cannot go over

SPs and 6 frenzy if you wish. This is only once per combat. MR: 3

their maximum.

Ability Craft (power 13): create your own abilities. This will be dis-

Almighty Blow (power 8): this improved critical hit will work with

cussed between the GM and player and used at the GM’s discretion.

all attacks that are unarmed and melee. Using melee, unarmed, and

This will allow you to expand on your own. This ability is made only

throwing melee weapons as you roll a natural 18 or higher on your

for the expansion of epic or legendary characters. It is only necessary

attack die will cause x2 critical damage. This is the highest upgrade

for those players who have ideas for their own abilities.

to the ability Mighty Blow, which must first be unlocked to gain this ability. A natural roll of 18 and 19 might be critical but the attack may

Absolution** (power 13): this ability is faction specific to the spiritu-

still be defended as normal, unlike the natural 20 to attack which

alists classes only. Those that are able may use absolution in order

requires the enemy to roll a natural 20 to defend. Critical damage is

to gain spiritual influence. For every enemy 80th level or higher that

always added to the end of the damage equation.

is converted from one path to your own, you gain a d10 spiritual in-


C las s e s & Abil itie s Almighty Spell* (power 8): this ability is an improved critical strike

for traveling around, else it must remain in the wild outside of town.

when casting magical spells or attacking with magic potions. You

The animal ally will attempt to protect the ranger with its life. The

must first unlock the ability mighty spell to gain this ability. This al-

ranger must never mistreat the beast for it will break the bond if it

lows any natural roll of 18 or more on your d20 to cast a critical spell

wishes, taking the toughness away and leaving for good. If the ranger

causing x2 critical damage. A natural roll of 18 and 19 might be critical

treats its ally well; the ranger will be respected in turn. The GM will

but the attack may still be defended as normal, unlike the natural 20

give you the stats on the animal ally after the animal kinship skill

to attack which requires the enemy to roll a natural 20 to defend.

check has been successfully made to make the bond and the animal

Critical damage is always added to the end of the damage equation.

empathy ability can be used to enforce the roll. You cannot ally with an animal that is hostile towards you and trying to eat you by natural

Amplify Armor (power 9): add more AR (armor rating) to your armor

means. It is up to the GM to let you know target numbers for creat-

for an amount of SPs equal to the rating of this ability. This will

ing a friendship with the beast. This creature is able to come to you

make the armor better, and may only be added by those who possess

when you call it, within 1 round, if the creature has moved away from

the armorer skill at 3rd tier. The target number is the armor rating

you. It should be able to warn you of coming danger with the animal

you are trying to reach. You must spend the SPs even if the attempt

empathy ability, not by talking to you of course, but by relaying nat-

failed. This may be used for other characters’ armor as well. It may

ural signs of the beast’s feelings.

not be used on artifact armor. Chances are it’s already been amplified. The target # for your armorer skill is the rating and the SPs

Anticipate Attack (power 2): the character may burn 1 or 2 saga points

you will spend on the piece of armor. Working on a piece of armor

in order to gain a +1 or +2 to their defense roll against an attack.

to amplify it may take an amount of days equal to the armor rating

This is used when the character needs more points to defend after a

divided by 5. At rating 1: +2 AR, rating 2: +4 AR, rating 3: +6 AR, rating

defense roll is made. It works against all forms of attack, even mental.

4: +8 AR, rating 5: +10 AR. MR: 5

This ability may be countered by the enemy so it is wise to use it strategically.

Amplify Weapon (power 9): add more damage to your weapon for SPs equal to the rating of the ability. This will make the weapon

Arcane Sorcery* (power 9): add another die to your spell effect. For

better overall and may only be added by those who possess the weap-

instance, add a d6 to your damage, or a d6 to your heal spell. This

onry skill at 3rd tier. If the skill fails to reach the target number,

is very powerful and is certain to cause some very destructive con-

which is the max base damage sum, you lose the saga spent. So if the

sequences, enjoy. At rating 1: d6, rating 2: d8, rating 3: d10, rating 4:

weapon deals 2d20 and you wish to add a d10 the target number is 50.

d12. MR: 4

This may be used on allies’ weapons as well. This takes days equal to the max base damage sum divided by 5. At rating 1: d6, rating 2: d8,

Arcane Tongue* (power 1): this may be used to speak with spirits of

rating 3: d10, rating 4: d12, rating 5: d20. MR: 5

the dead or spirits of nature by closing your eyes, sitting and mumbling the Sepulchral Rite. You must concentrate for nearly five min-

Angel Ward (power 7): this ability allows a character to create a ward

utes at the end of which you must make a willpower attribute check.

upon a door, wall, or even a tattoo on their body so that no angel

The GM may create a target number of their choice, depending on

can sense or scrye upon the character using magic. As long as that

their surroundings. Some places are filled with spirits as where oth-

symbol is there the angels and powerful spirits of light must de-

ers are void of them. You may roll to see if any spirits are available

feat a target number of the maker’s willpower roll +10 (per rating).

in the area with a 30% base chance. If the character is attempting to

The symbol grants the maker a high resistance to scrying eyes using

contact a spirit in an area where you know spirits will reside then

these symbols of power. MR: 3

there is no need to roll this chance, it is always up to the GM to decide this. You may communicate with a spirit for only a brief mo-

Animal Ally*** (power 2): this ability is class specific to the ranger

ment when they are contacted through this means and no others

only. The ranger must now choose an animal ally that will become

around you will hear the voice on the wind that you hear. You may

his or her closest companion. The ranger and the animal ally will

ask them a question for every 5 rolled on the willpower check, thus

gain 2 points of toughness and fortitude during this unity. It is often

if you rolled a 15 to 19 your connection to the spirit world was strong

wise for the ranger to choose a creature that would be let into a city

enough to ask three questions if you wish. The questions should be


Chap te r I V about the local area, its history, things of this nature; certain spirits

open a passageway to the ethereal plane. This cannot open a gate to

may not know all the answers and some spirits are evil or lie. It is

Hell, Purgatory, or Heaven directly. Hell or Heaven can however be

sometimes good to burn certain herbs such as sage in an attempt to

reached through other passages once within the spirit world and the

keep the evil spirits at bay.

astral gate. A soul gate is rather large and powered by many souls to open, as well soul gates stay open and often require sacrifice to keep

Arsenal (power 5): at any moment in time this character is able to

open. The magic circle symbols are crafted in a specific way to open

carry an arsenal on their character. This ability allows the character

the gate with a pentagram marking the entrance to the 5th plane of

to carry 20 more lbs. of weight per rating. At rating 5, it really stacks

existence. The mertacullum steel component serves as a catalyst and

up. MR: 5

conduit to boost and channel the energy of the circle, it is also spent after its use. The base target to open this gate is 25 on the circle mag-

Artifact Builder*** (power 10): this ability is class specific to the en-

ic skill check. A willpower check must also be made to keep the gate

chanter character class only. The ability allows the enchanter to cre-

open for longer than the duration.

ate artifacts. They possess the knowledge to craft the 10th slot into an item, to gift it with the power of the 10th rune, and to awaken the artifact. Crafting the artifact usually takes at minimum a week to do and is very exhausting to the enchanter. It is as if the enchanter places a part of their very soul within this item so the toll is heavy. The target number for adding the 10th rune is 50. The enchanter must also take a d6 points from their spiritual influence. At rating 2 the ability allows the enchanter to re-roll a failed skill check for any empowered item they are working on with 10 runes. They may burn 1 SP and re-roll the failed check only once. MR: 2 Astral Armor* (power 5): the caster uses this ability to gain armor against all magical damage. The caster gains an armor rating of 20 that will soak 20 points of damage from all magical attacks, per rating. The armor takes 1 magical action to initiate and lasts 8 rounds; the magical rite takes 20 mana drain during the activation. At a max rating of 10, armor soaks up to 200 points of magical damage. MR: 10 Astral Gate* (power 6): the caster may open a portal to the astral realm using an incantation that takes 6 magical actions, a unit of mertacullum steel as a component, a creature to sacrifice to actually get the gate to open, and a circle magic skill check. There is also a drain of 4d20x2. These gates will allow passage through to the spirit world as well as passage back. There is a base chance of 30% that there may be spirits nearby, or even demons that would love to come through. It takes 1 magic action to close the gate or it will close on its own in 4 rounds. Spirits of the dead cannot open these gates from the astral realm, so demons enjoy catching someone who can. An archmage that can open an astral gate is a well sought after being. This is not knowledge that should be flaunted freely or bragged about for one can easily find himself or herself hunted by beings from the alternate planes. An astral gate is similar to a Soul Gate yet this gate opens in a 2.5 inch blast radius and will only


C las s e s & Abil itie s Astral Possession* (power 12): while in meditation a caster may leave

Awaken** (power 5): for 1 spiritual influence point and 2 magic ac-

his or her body into their spirit form. You may attack, as well as be

tions, you may touch an ally that is wounded below zero hit points. If

attacked, just as normal spirits. If you are wounded in spirit form

they were not killed instantly and are bleeding out (-1 to -49 HP sta-

your body is not wounded. If your spirit is killed on the primordial

tus) then this divine ability will allow you to touch them and awaken

plane you are banished to the spirit world and your body slowly dies

them at d6 hit points. This may be used once per day. This ability

after days equal to your body attribute. There is no way to link your

may only be taken by those character classes that fall under the spir-

spirit back to your body after this time and a reaper will be sent to

itualist faction. At max rating this ability may be used 4 times per day

collect your soul. This may not be used in daylight unless you are

but never upon the same character in one day. MR: 4

within a body for you will begin to take 2d6x10 damage per round until you are blasted into the spirit world. It also requires 2 magic

Battle Armor (power 6): any character that wears a set of all very

actions with an unarmed possession attack in order to jump into the

heavy armor (VH) may take this ability. Through great training and

body of a victim. If the hit is a success, the victim is allowed a resist-

expertise in heavy armor they may lower their dexterity modifier by

ed willpower check. If you succeed you have control over the body

dropping a -1 from their penalty with each rating. Therefore at max

and may do what you wish using their powers and abilities as well

rating 3, they will actually gain back +3 to their dexterity attribute.

as your own. If you fail a willpower check you are instantly expelled

This will also take away 10 lbs of weight encumbrance for each rating,

from the body and may not possess the same body for days equal

allowing 30 lbs of additional weight to be carried by the character, at

to the target’s body attribute. To keep from doing acts that they do

max rating. MR: 3

not agree with the GM may sometimes allow a resisted willpower attempt to try and fight it. If the body is killed you are immediately

Battle Born (power 5): this character can drop below zero hit points

expelled, or if the rite of expulsion is used and you are exorcised

and fall unconscious. All of their abilities, buffs, or enchantments

you are expelled from the body. If a banishment is used upon you in

that were on them are still lost but the character has the chance to

spirit form you can be banished from the primordial realm. If your

roll a percentile and gain back an amount of hit points equal to the

spirit is killed on a different plane of existence then you are banished

roll. The roll is also granted +10 per rating in the ability. This may

from that plane and thrown back into your body. Since you are not an

be used by burning d4 saga points. If the saga point result rolls over

actual spirit you do not gain all of the powers of one so you may only

your amount saved, battle born fails and you do not gain the points

attempt this ability once per day and it drains you 50 mana.

rolled yet still lose the SP. This may be stacked upon other abilities that allow a chance when dropped below 0 hit points. MR: 10

Attract Enemies (power 10): For 1 SP you may attract all enemies around you in a 2.5 “inch radius to attack you for 1 round, or until you

Battle Scars (power 1): using this ability you may choose to raise any

are down! Enemies that are already in melee range with another will

attribute up by 2 points due to the intense training you have suffered

disengage to attack you instead. This may be used OOT, and once per

through during your travels. Each rating can be used to raise any

combat. You must make a charisma check to use this AOE taunt and

attribute up by 2 points. MR: 10

it is resisted by the enemies’ willpower attribute check. Bitch Slap (power 10): using at least 1 unarmed action as an attack Attribute Pool (power 7): spend 1 saga point to add a d6 to any at-

the character can attempt to bitch slap an opponent or “back hand”

tribute check. This may be used once per situation. This must be

whichever you prefer, in order to steal a saga point from an enemy. If

activated before the roll is made. Rating 1: d6, rating 2: d8, rating 3:

the back hand or bitch slap is successful and the enemy is hit by the

d10, rating 4: d12. MR: 4

unarmed attack the character rolls a d6 and steals the result rolled from the enemies saved saga points, adding the result to their own

Aviator (power 4): this ability allows a character that is flying, wheth-

saved saga point pool, but not their max. If the enemy does not have

er this is the character’s wings, on the back of a beast, or sailing

enough saga in their pool then the character steals what remains.

through the skies on an airship you may add a bonus of +2 levels or

Even if the character does not deal any damage they still steal the

ranks per rating. This ability may be activated by burning 1 frenzy

saga, it’s the principle of getting bitch slapped that is important here!

before the skill roll is made. MR: 5

The character may only attempt this once per combat, per rating. MR: 3


Chap te r I V Blast (power 4): just like the ability destruction is used to gain x2

Blood Rite II (power 5): this ability is an extension of the original

power damage to unarmed and melee attacks, blast allows the same

ability and allows you to have two blood rites. Doing so will grant

thing for missile attacks with shooting weapons. Anytime you are

you and your ally a toughness of 2 and the same rules apply when

firing a bow, crossbow, blowgun, black powder weaponry for shot

a blood brother or sister is lost in battle, you may pray for them no

damage, you may burn 1 SP after striking your enemy to add x2 pow-

matter how far apart you are because you will feel the loss. You must

er damage to the attack. This ability is activated after you hit an

unlock blood rite before gaining this ability.

enemy successfully and must be activated before damage is rolled. Blood Rite III (power 7): this ability is the continuation of blood rite Blend (power 1): the character has the ability to disappear within a

II of course. It allows you to add another ally to your blood brothers

large crowd. The player must make a concealment skill check once

and sisters. This will give you and the blood rite a +2 bonus to your

in the crowded area. If there are no enemies that beat the result

toughness until the blood rite dies. You must unlock blood rite II

by using their perception attribute, the character is gone. Not even

before gaining this ability.

the ability Hunter’s Senses will work to find them while they are blending in.

Bombard (power 6): spend 1 to 5 frenzy points in order to add +2 to +10 to the base damage for any type of explosive weapon or artillery.

Blood Hound (power 3): this allows the character a more superb

You must call this ability and activate it before the damage is rolled.

sense of smell in order to catch the scent of someone or something as long as it is possible to do so. For instance being down wind of

Breath of Chi (power 11): with this ability the character can burn 1

your prey would certainly allow you to burn 1 point of frenzy in order

SP to gain d6 x 10 chi back into their pool for 0 actions. This can be

to add an additional d6 to your perception attribute roll. For each

used OOT if necessary but only once per day. At rating 2 this is d6

rating in this ability you may raise the die one rank higher: d6, d8,

x 20, rating 3 it is d6 x 30, all the way to max rating 10 which is d6 x

d10, d12. MR: 4

100 chi back for 1 SP. MR: 10

Blood Line (power 8): the character must have living children for

Breath of Mana (power 11): with this ability the character can burn 1

this ability. For every child that lives on to tell your stories, you will

SP to gain d6 x 10 mana back into their pool for 0 actions. This can

gain a d6 x 100 reputation points in the country or city in which the

be used OOT if necessary but only once per day. At rating 2 this is

child dwells. The character gains this bonus once the child reaches

d6 x 20, rating 3 it is d6 x 30, all the way to max rating 10 which is d6

a suitable age that the GM decides is fit to spread the story of their

x 100 chi back for 1 SP. MR: 10

father or mother. This allows the character to gain this bonus to their reputation within that city.

Capture (power 4): in order to use this ability the character must possess some type of restraints or capturing device. This is

Blood Rite (power 1): the character may choose a creature of any race.

usually an unarmed attack unless you are using a web, a trap cage, or

This creature should be trusted as a true companion and is usually

polearm like the mancatcher. You must spend 4 actions to attempt

another PC. Those who blood rite together will gain a toughness of

the capture maneuver but if the victim does not defend, you have

2 for the duration of their lives. If the blood rite dies, then the tough-

successfully taken the victim down and restrained them. All four

ness goes away. A blood rite character will instantly feel the loss of

actions are used in this attempt, but a success means that the victim

their blood brother or sister and is allowed to pray for their lost ally

is restrained and on the ground. You may attempt this attack once

even if they are nowhere around, or in a far away country when their

per combat for every rating in the ability. MR: 2

blood rite falls. In order to blood rite with someone, you must both cut your hands and clasp the wounded hands together swearing an

Cataclysm* (power 6): the caster can call upon the forces of nature to

oath as allies to complete the ritual. You are allowed only one blood

ravage the land yet this is a very destructive force that is awakened

rite at a time. Even if the blood rite is not playing the game session

and very random. It can be devastating to both enemy and ally. Roll a

at the time of a player’s possible death, the blood rite has a chance to

d4 for results. These may only be used in open areas unless the GM

make a spiritual influence check to save their blood.

allows otherwise, or this is a result of a magical fumble. This ability takes 6 magic actions and costs 2d6x10 mana drain. A cataclysm lasts


C las s e s & Abil itie s for 2d6 rounds and may be performed once per week. This powerful

in real range) to the ground. If there is something to hold onto,

magic creates natural destruction for only a short time. As well, there

make strength checks or dexterity checks with a target # equal to the

is a 10% chance that this will cause the cataclysm to become real and

caster’s willpower check. If not, all are in for a ride. Those caught

remain for as long as the GM sees fit.

within blasts of debris will take 2d6x10 damage per round during

1) Tornado: a 2.5” inch blast radius begins at a target area,

moments of flying debris. There are random bursts of debris with a

and the caster makes a willpower check. The tornado will then

35% base chance each round for a moment that allows the character

scatter in a random direction. Those within the area must make a

to move to a different location. During these round checks a roll of

dexterity check and beat the willpower result. If they fail, they must

95 to 100% will mean those caught in the open this round will be

make a body save or suffer. First roll d6, then depending on what that

instantly killed by a large flying object if their dexterity check is

result is using that many d6 x 100 damage from debris. They will also

failed. If they can make it to safety where a solid structure can sustain

be taken up into the tornado and thrown into a scattered direction.

the winds and protect the character from debris, that is where they

Victims will then take falling damage. Roll a percentile (d100) for

should probably stay. The hurricane grows 100 inches in diameter

height in feet. On the second round, the tornado scatters in another

each round for a 2d6 more rounds. At the end of this duration there

direction. The caster will also reroll their willpower check, making

is a 30% base chance the hurricane will become real.

the target number for the victims to try and defeat. If this tornado becomes real, it will turn into a 5” inch blast radius and move off into

Charm (power 1): the character may burn 1 saga point while

a scattered direction upon a straight path of destruction.

conversing with an NPC. This allows the character to change all dice

from their social pool into a higher rank. This may be used once per

2) Earthquake: An earthquake is centered at a target area

and a willpower check is made. A fissure will open toward two

meeting. Rating 1: d8, rating 2: d10, rating 3: d12, rating 4: d20. MR: 5

scattered directions, so roll 2d10 for the scattered directions and scatter from a center point. Those in the path of the fissure must

Chi Mastery (power 9): in order to unlock this ability to use chi

make a dexterity check with a target # equal to the willpower

abilities you are granted one chi ability per rating once you become

result, or fall. There is a 40% base chance of having a ledge or roots

a champion in martial arts. This will allow you to choose a Chi

where they may have 1 more dexterity attempt to try and catch onto

Ability. For every specialization after reaching champion status (+7,

something before the fall consumes their life. There is a 30% chance

+8, +9, and +10) you may up a rating in this ability to unlock a new chi

that the earthquake will cause a chain reaction in another scattered

ability. At max rating, you may choose up to 5 chi abilities, yet you

direction that will open another fissure of 10’ feet in width (2” inch-

would have to be a martial arts master at that point. MR: 5

es). At the end of the duration you can make another check if you wish to see if the fissure grinds nearly to a close leaving major cracks

Cheap Shot (power 8): burn 1 saga point and 1 frenzy to use cheap

in the ground. An earthquake will cause severe damage to buildings

shot. This out of turn ability allows you one attack action at an

and mortal made constructs as well as the land around you. If there

enemy even within another’s turn. This is instant and used only once

are mountains you should probably make random checks for rock

per combat. This is sometimes used in order to attempt to counter a

slides. You can have each character roll a 30% base chance that there

character’s incoming attack.

will be a severely dangerous situation to avoid. Thus forcing the character to make more dexterity checks to escape. In a subterranean

Clobber (power 5): this ability is a maneuver that enhances your

situation, an earthquake will of course cause a very serious problem.

chance to knock an opponent out with your bludgeoning or blunt

3) Meteor Shower: A willpower check is made at the target

weapon. If you are using a sword you must use the pommel or

area, where one meteor will do damage to a 2.5” inch blast radius

the hilt of the weapon in order to attempt this attack. This takes 2

(12 ½‘ foot blast radius). Targets resist with their dexterity checks

actions as normal and only decreases the target number by 1 point

against the willpower result as the target number. Those who are hit

per rating. If the attempt was a natural 18 target number on the d20,

are most likely killed as a meteor will deal 2d10 x 1,000 damage. A d6

then it becomes a natural 17. When sneaking up on an opponent the

meteors will then hit the area each round, and scatter from the last

usual target number is as low as 11, be sure to look at knockout at-

point. After the meteor shower

tacks in the combat chapter. This ability also raises the enemy body

save die by 1 point per rating. MR: 3

4) Hurricane: A wall of mighty wind will slam into the

target area, throwing all within a 100” inch radius (500’ foot radius


Chap te r I V Clothesline (power 3): this OOT ability may be used anytime a

Counter Divine Spell* (power 9): the caster must see the divine

character attempts to run past you in melee range. A resisted

spell being cast in order to counter it. They must spend 1 spiritual

dexterity check must be made, if the victim fails the check they are

influence point in order to use this out of turn ability. This ability

knocked to the ground taking only 2d6 falling damage resisted only

may not be countered and it may only be used once per combat. The

by toughness. This may be used once per combat and can be attempt-

caster fires magical, divine energy from their verendum with 2d20

ed even when a character owns the sneaky talent called retreat.

mana drain as well as their spiritual influence point and then automatically blasts the enemy divine spell out of the air.

Co-op Attack (3): this ability allows a player to give another player one of their actions. They must be in view of each other and

Counter Spell* (power 2): much like the counter ability, this is used

this can be accomplished once per combat. The character with the

for countering a foe’s spell. This may be used OOT and only once

co-op attack may give an ally 1 of any open action per rating in this

per combat. The player must burn 1 saga point and 2d20 mana to

ability. This action can be used OOT as well, allowing the character

send a burst of magical energy to destroy the enemy’s spell. It may

to give their action to their ally, then the ally can use that action right

only be used if you know the enemy is casting. This ability cannot

away allowing them to perform an OOT maneuver. The player must

be countered. You may not counter divine spells with counter spell.

remember to subtract their actions that were given, from their very

This ability must be activated before the roll to defend is made.

next turn. MR: 4 Coordinated Attack (power 2): this ability allows you to hold an amount of actions and your movement if you wish, to use your held actions out of turn on an ally’s actions. This ability may only be used during an ally’s turn so that you may both act simultaneously. During this time you may finish your actions and attacks that were saved, once it comes back to your turn those actions are lost if you did not use them. This ability costs nothing to activate and may only be used once per combat scenario. Counter (power 2): this ability is used in order to counter character class abilities only. The player must burn 1 saga point in order to activate this and they may use this only once per combat scenario. Counter is used OOT and directly after the enemy calls an ability they are using. The counter ability may never be countered itself. This does not counter divine abilities (those that use spiritual influence points). You must use a separate ability called divine counter. You may counter the ability of your enemy if you are within the same area of combat, even if you can’t see your enemy. If you are

Cover Tracks (power 6): this counter tracking technique allows the

on the same battlefield you may use counter to help yourself or an

character to cover the tracks of an entire party in order to throw off

ally by negating the effects of the enemy counter. They must still pay

enemy scouts or rangers. The character must possess the tracking

the activation fee of their ability as if they had activated it.

skill in order to use this ability and must roll this to set a target number for the enemy to beat with their tracking roll. Any normal

Counterstrike (power 10): anytime you roll a natural 20 to

counter-tracking technique would severely slow a party down as far

defend, you now gain 2 attack actions back at the opponent that

as travel time, yet with this ability your travel time gains only one

attacked you, instead of just 1 attack. This may be stacked onto other

more step of difficulty.

counterstrike abilities or talents like riposte that offer a similar outcome. Allowing you to gain another action to counter attack your

Create Atrocity* (power 12): a spell caster may create their own

enemy with immediately.

creature using unique magic of their own design. This being will be


C las s e s & Abil itie s a servant to its master and a powerful bodyguard. The atrocity may

Dark Hatred (power 6): this ability simply grants those who fight for

be discussed by the GM and the player, as far as abilities, weapons,

the side of darkness a +1 to hit angels and other spirits of the light.

and stats. The atrocity will die to defend its creator (in most cases).

Dark hatred can be raised to rating 2 which gives the character a +2

It will begin with 10, 000 hit points x the rating of the ability, unless

bonus to hit spirits of light. MR: 2

the caster wishes to make more than one. In which case the creator may design an amount of atrocities per rating, all with the base hit

Dead Aim (power 8): this ability is the highest improved critical

point given. The creation time for such a servant is a base time of 3

ability for the archer or anyone using projectile or shooting attack

months per atrocity. MR: 3

methods. Any attack roll in this manner that lands on a natural 18, 19, or 20 is now a x2 critical hit. This however may still be defended

Creature Command* (power 5): the caster is able to command

normally unlike the natural 20 which may only be defended on a

animal creatures of low intelligence with a willpower check. The

roll of natural 20. You must possess the ability True Aim in order to

creature must resist with its own willpower. One attempt per

unlock this ability. Critical damage is always added at the end of the

target is allowed. If the caster is successful, the creature can be used

damage equation.

as an ally until it is killed or horribly mistreated. This ability takes 3 magical actions and 25 mana drain to perform and at max rating 3;

Deadlock (power 13): for d10 saved saga points, you may force 1

you may control up to 3 creatures. MR: 3

enemy to lose the ability to use any type of combo attack for 1 round. This is an OOT ability that may only be used once per combat.

Crowd Speak (power 4): the character makes a charisma check within a crowd or gathering. The result, if not a botch, is how many listeners

Death Sense (power 3): these characters cannot be automatically

will stop to hear what the character has to say. This ability is good

killed with instant kill abilities or stealth abilities such as cutthroat

when combined with others such as Tall Tales or Legendary Tales; in

or sniper. The character has the ability to sense the fact that they are

which case, you will gain an additional amount of reputation points

about to be attacked with some type of sixth sense or premonition.

as the result of the charisma check. You will gain a +1 to the result of

They can still fall victim to stealth attacks, but insta-kills are not al-

your charisma per rating in this ability. MR: 5

lowed without death sense first being countered.

Customize Craft (power 6): using this ability the character may

Decipher (power 10): this ability will add d6 to the skill check

add modifications to a craft that they own and these modifications

decipher or the intelligence rank test when attempting to decipher

can be used on anything from a wagon to a galleon. You may do

an unknown written text. This is useful when ancient writing or

these additions yourself if you possess the proper tools and skills to

pictograms are found within an ancient ruin. You may burn 1 SP to

construct these ideas, or you may pay a professional laborer to work

activate this ability once per scenario, even after the check has failed.

out these additions for you that will push your vessel beyond the

For every rating in this ability you may raise the die up one rank. D6,

normal boundaries. You may utilize this ability to add more mounts

d8, d10, d12, d20. MR: 5

or more handling per rating. You may discuss ideas with your GM as to what they will allow in their campaign. MR: 4 Cutler (power 1): this ability allows the character to sharpen a blade using a whetstone or grinder adding a +1 to the damage per rating, for one battle in which it is used. The character must spend a half an hour sharpening their blade with a whetstone or similar device. They may also sharpen one other blade taking a full hour, yet this only works on edged weapons. MR: 3 Theban Alphabet

Damager (power 2): the character may burn 1 saved SP to re-roll a

(Often used by mages, this is known as the “mage tongue”)

lame ass damage roll. This ability may only be used once per turn.


Chap te r I V Deep Hood

(power 8): wearing a deep hood can allow you to

ity and ask a favor to be carried out. Once this ability is chosen the

disguise yourself and your powerful aura, thus making you appear

character gains 100 ghost points to distribute on the character as if

to be lower level than you really are. If the hood or helmet is taken

they were saga points. If the favor is asked for while the character is

off, this ability does not work. You can activate the deep hood ability

dying, they will be healed by a d10 x 1,000 HP. During the favor if the

whenever you are wearing a hood or close faced helmet. This ability

character is not a worshiper of the old gods yet they will lose a d10

will also keep the exact location of your character from being found

spiritual influence points. Then they can either roll on the disfigure-

by hunter’s senses.

ment table to mutate, or gain a roll on the random afflictions. This is a divine ability and may only be countered by a divine counter.

Degrade (power 10): once you hit an opponent in combat you may

This curse may only save a character’s life if the character saves the

activate degrade once per combat by burning 1 SP. The victim must

demonic favor and asks for help from the dark gods as they are being

make a body save if they fail you can choose one of their attributes

consumed by the darkness at negative hit points.

to degrade by d6 points. For every rating in this ability you may raise the degrade dice up by one rank. D6, d8, d10, d12. MR: 4

Denizen* (power 4): for 4 magical actions and a conjuring skill check, a conjurer may summon a denizen native to the surround-

Demon Ward (power 7): this ability allows a charac-

ing region. This beast will follow the commands of

ter to create a ward upon a door, wall, or even

the summoner and even die for the caster if the

a tattoo on their body so that no demon can

conjuring roll is a success of course. Unlike

sense or scrye upon the character using

most summoning spells, this quick rite will

magic. As long as that symbol is there the

pull a being from the surrounding area.

devils and powerful spirits of darkness

This drains d6 x 10 mana drain, the GM

must defeat a target number of the maker’s

may determine how powerful the denizen

willpower roll +10 (per rating). The sym-

is based upon the drain of this magical rite,

bol grants the maker a high resistance to

one being small and six being huge. At max

scrying eyes using these symbols of power.

rating the summoner can call up to six den-

MR: 3

izens to fight for him or her. The drain is a d6 x 10 x the number of denizens. If a denizen

Demonic Sentinel*** (power 10): an evil priest or

is killed it is truly dead and its soul is sent to the

necromancer may use their dark magic to create an

spirit world. MR: 6

undead monster. The player and GM may decide on the outcome of the servant monster. At max rating up to 6 monsters can be made at

Destruction (power 4): used only in melee or unarmed combat.

5, 000 x rating in hit points. This ability takes a d6 weeks to complete

Destruction allows a character to burn 1 saved saga point in order

one monster on your own. The caster may actually use one of these

to deal x2 power damage. The ability must be called right after the

monsters as a sentry to guard a specific location. They may be set to

character successfully hits the opponent. If used with a combo attack,

guard your abode or in a location of your choice they do not travel.

you still only spend 1 saga point and the damage equation will look

These demonic creations need a sacrifice to use part of the sacrificed

like this (base dmg x 2 power damage x combo damage). This ability

soul to keep the creation alive. This is an evil ability and although it

creates power damage for an attacker, so adding it to a rage attack

is a lower class demon that is created, it is still a thing of hatred and

will make it x4 power damage.

darkness. The GM and the player may create this monster together. Detect Lies (power 4): a simple perception check or observation

MR: 6

skill check is made by the character. The opponent must resist the Demonic Curse (power 8): a demonic curse is given to those who ask

roll with a charisma check, acting skill check, or deceive skill. With

for it. You can gain this ability and wait to enact it for the right time,

the detect lies ability the character is able to burn 1 SP to add an

as you lay dying, or you may use it right away. Followers of any path

additional d6 to their result even after the opponent has made their

turn to the black path for more power, vengeance, to ask the old gods

result. For every rating increase in this ability it raises the die up one

for a favor, or to make a deal with a demon they will take this abil-

rank, d6, d8, d10, d12. MR: 4


C las s e s & Abil itie s Discovery (power 12): this ability allows the character to force a

Divine Ice Shield (power 9): calling to the gods and rolling a d6 for

random encounter by simply whispering a wish on the wind. The

how many spiritual influence points are lost will double your cold

character burns 1 SP and the random encounter goes into effect.

resistance for an entire combat scenario.

This could be a good or bad encounter and it is uncertain what will happen. This may be used once per week.

Divine Influence (power 7): spend a spiritual influence point in order to gain a +1 to hit an opponent. This may be used after they roll their

Disorient (power 3): any character attacking with a flash or blinding

defense roll and add up their modifiers. This divine ability may be

weapon can make an enemy that is hit suffer an additional -1 to

used once per combat.

defend or attack stacked on top of their normal -4 partial blindness. They may do this by activating this ability with 1 SP during

Divine Intervention (power 11): this divine ability may be used when

their blinding attack. This SP may be burned after the character

defending against an enemy attack. Once you find out you have

determines how many are hit by the blinding attack which can take

been hit you may call for divine intervention once per day. You must

place within a 7 ½’ foot radius (1.5” blast radius). For every rating in

activate this ability before the damage is called by burning 1 spiritual

this ability the character modifies the disorientation by an additional

influence point. The damage is then cut in half. This divine ability

-1. At max rating they may cause their enemies to suffer an additional

may only be used once a day.

-4 to defend from attacks for a duration of 3d6 rounds. MR: 4 Divine Invulnerability (power 12): burn a d4 spiritual influence points Dispossess (power 8): spend d4 spiritual influence points to instant-

to add 100 to your total armor value for 1 round only. This may be

ly drive a spirit out of your body or an ally who is possessed by

used once a week and takes 2 open actions to activate. For each rating

touching them and shouting the Rite of Expulsion. This divine

in this ability you may add 100 TAV. MR: 5

ability is used only once per combat. Divine Storm Shield (power 9): calling to the gods and rolling a d6 Divine Acid Shield (power 9): calling to the gods and rolling a d6 for

for how many spiritual influence points are lost will double your

how many spiritual influence points are lost will double your toxic

electrical resistance for an entire combat scenario.

resistance for an entire combat scenario. Dodge (power 1): burn 1 frenzy before your defense roll to add +1 Divine Counter (power 7): spend 2 spiritual influence points to

to your defense. This may be used to defend against any type of

destroy another creature’s divine ability. This ability may be used

physical attack. At max rating you can burn up to 4 frenzy before

out of turn and cannot be countered. It may only be used once per

you roll your defense against an attack, and gain an additional +4 to

combat and only to counter a divine ability which is one that costs a

defend. This may be used once per rating in the ability, per combat

spiritual influence to use it.

and may even be separated in its use. Therefore if you possess a max rating of 4 and wish to use it one round to defend at +2 then another

Divine Digression (power 7): spend a spiritual influence point in

round the other +2 that is fine. Once all of your dodge is used it is

order to degrade a foe’s attribute dice or skill dice by d6 levels before

gone for this combat. MR: 4

they make their attempt at the check. For every rating in this ability you may raise the die up one rank. The result of the cursed die does

Draw Crowd (power 9): you must possess the crowd speak ability to

not have a max continuum rule. D6, d8, d10, d12. MR: 4

use this one. Draw crowd will add more listeners to you by burning 1 SP to activate this ability. After using your other abilities like crowd

Divine Dulling (power 7): spend a spiritual influence point to make

speak and activating this ability the character rolls a percentile to see

an enemy re-roll damage. This ability is out of turn and may be used

how many more people have joined the crowd. This only works if

once per combat.

the amount of people rolled is even available. This may only be used once per visit to a new city and at the GM’s discretion. MR: 1

Divine Fire Shield (power 9): calling to the gods and rolling a d6 for how many spiritual influence points are lost will double your fire resistance for an entire combat scenario.


Chap te r I V Dual Block (power 2): you may only use this ability if you are a dual

Elder Chief (power 10): those with this ability will gain a +2 to their

weapon user, thus you fight with two weapons. Using both weapons

Charisma attribute per rating, this bonus is permanent. The elder

to block an attack allows you to burn 1 SP to add an additional d6

chief also gains +2% morale to troops per rating, if they possess

to your defense die (d20). You must activate this ability before you

troops under their command. MR: 10.

roll the d20 to defend. This ability may only be used to defend a physical attack. You may use this ability to add to an allies defense

Elder Might (power 10): those with this ability gain +2 to their

roll if they are standing right next to you and your dual weapons can

strength attribute per rating, this is permanent. MR: 10

reach them. This may only be used once per combat and your d6 is allowed the rule of continuum.

Elder Power (power 11): those with this ability gain +2 to their body attribute per rating, this is permanent. MR: 10

Dual Hack (power 5): a hack attack is when you are attempting to strike two enemies standing next to one another with a sweeping

Elder Senses (power 10): those with this ability gain +2 to their

rage attack at both targets. The dual hack allows you to attack with

perception attribute per rating, this is permanent. MR: 10

both weapons once per turn, which will add +1 to your strength damage modifier per rating and then double your strength damage

Elder Thoughts (power 11): those with this ability gain +2 to their

modifier all together during your damage roll. MR: 5

intelligence attribute per rating, this is permanent. MR: 10

Eat Magic (power 10): any roll of natural 20 to defend a magical attack

Elder Wisdom (power 11): those with this ability gain +2 to their

will result in the catching of the magical energy. The defender may

willpower attribute per rating, this is permanent. MR: 10

choose to eat the magic by burning 1 SP and gain d6 (per rating) x 100 hit points. This will not only heal the defender but they can also

Elemental Gate* (power 9): for 6 magical actions, a spell caster may

raise their max hit points according to the result (temporarily). This

use this ritual to open a plane gate that will drain 2d4x100 mana. This

raise in hit points only lasts for the remainder of the battle; once the

gate will take you to any elemental plane that exists around you once

battle is over they go back to what they had before. For every rating

the proper symbols are crafted within the circle magic. You must

in this ability you may add another d6 to multiply by 100 when you

possess a component of the elemental plane you wish to travel to.

eat magic. MR: 4

If there is not a component already around, you must produce your own. When stepping through a plane gate roll a % check to make it

Ecosphere* (power 7): this sphere will surround you and those around

through alive without being torn into subatomic particles within the

you within a 2.5 inch radius (12 ½’ foot radius real range). Within

bent fabric of space. Don’t roll 100%, or you will be praying to your

the sphere you are protected from harmful atmospheres, deadly

gods. Once stepping through the gate it is often wise to possess an

terrain, or areas without oxygen. The ecosphere is useless in a combat

ecosphere and to have it immediately activated due to the fact that

situation; aggressive energy focused on attacking those within it

you may step into the elemental plane and be instantly consumed

pass in and out of it. The ecosphere will float like a bubble and is

by fire, or ripped apart by wind, frozen in ice, drowned underwater,

controlled by the caster’s willpower. The drain of this ritual is 2d20x5

ripped apart by electricity, you get the picture. There are some very

per hour. Magical actions to activate the ritual are 4. This sphere

dangerous areas of the elemental planes that you may find yourself

can only last for an amount of hours equal to the caster’s level. This

within. The GM may roll a 30% base chance to see if the other side

powerful magic was created by the eldrynn for travel through the

is dangerous or if there might be dangerous elementals on the other

most dangerous areas of the Elemental Planes. It is often required

side where the rift is opened. The gate takes 1 magical action to close

for those who wish to travel through certain areas. It was also craft-

or it will close in 4 rounds on its own.

ed to stay afloat if the caster should lose consciousness and remain available for the duration, while still feeding off of the mage’s mana.

Endure (power 1): the character may burn 1 SP in order to add a die to a body check. This ability may be used after a body check is failed.

Elder Agility (power 11): those with this ability gain +2 to their

This may be used once per situation. MR: 4 (rating 1: d6, rating 2: d8,

dexterity attribute per rating, this is permanent. MR: 10

rating 3: d10, rating 4: d12).


C las s e s & Abil itie s Entomb* (power 4): this ability is used for those who create the un-

potions, yet some rare experiments have a great find every so often.

dead. When burying undead, these beings slowly gain power from

When this ability is used the character will make enough to fill 2

the magic of the earth itself. For each week that the creature remains

vials, one is used for experimentation, because of course sometimes

beneath the soil, it adds +10 to its maximum hit points (1 HP per day).

you will have to use a specimen to experiment on. You may use this

It will remain gaining this bonus for an amount of weeks equal to

ability once per night and the GM may wish to keep this a secret

its necromantic master’s willpower attribute. For every month that

until the potion is used on the experimental specimen. You may use

it remains buried, the creature will also gain +1 to hit and defend.

a d6 to determine severity with a 6 being the most volatile. You may

Yet this bonus ends at the rank of this ability. These buried will also

also roll another d6 to see what form the alchemical substance takes

sense any creatures walking over their graves at which time they will

when necessary; 1-2: liquid, 3-4: powder, 5-6: gaseous. Have fun with

activate and burst forth from the ground to kill all living intruders

it and modify it as you see fit. This table here is primarily to help the

unless they speak the command word. At which time they will crawl

GM come up with something for the substance. If you are more in-

back into their graves. MR 3

terested in expanding the alchemical experimentation you may wish to do some research on and look up the alchemical processes.

Escape Artist (power 5): the character may attempt a dexterity check or an escape artistry skill check with a usual base target # 15. This ability will add +2 to the roll per rating. MR: 3




Failure: this is a failure to create anything

worthwhile. The experiment is a waste as are the components. Evade Cold (power 8): once per combat the character may burn 1 SP


while OOT to soak a % of the damage from a cold based attack. They

very dangerous. Also roll another d6 with 1-2 liquid form, 3-4 powder

Toxic Properties: roll a d6 for severity with a 6 being

can still soak damage by using their toughness and cold resistance.

form, and 5-6 gaseous. You might even wish to roll the body part dice if you wish for this alchemical toxin to hurt a specific body part.

Evade Damage (power 6): once per combat you may evade 100 points


of damage dealt to you. This is damage that is dealt to you in a single

have the potion effect a certain body part with a negative reaction,

Disabling Properties: roll the body part dice to

strike so if it is more than 100 you will soak 100, if it is less then you

possible causing the shutdown of its use (in severe cases) or

will soak the full amount and the ability has been used. This ability

negative modifiers to a physical attribute due to the potions

allows you to soak 100 damage X your rating in the ability, thus at

debilitating effects.

max rating 10 you may soak 1,000 damage from one hit. MR: 10


Destructive Properties: these can range from acidic

in the liquid form, explosive in the powder form, to corrosive in a Exchange Gift (power 6): burn 1 saga point to re-roll a level advance-

gaseous form. Yet do not let this limit your imagination, just use

ment gift. When you go up a level and are allowed two or more

this as a guideline or to spark other ideas. Some powders such as

percentile rolls on the level advancement gift table. This may only be

demon bags must be shaken before they are thrown and explode. The

used once per level, to re-roll a roll that you do not want.

severity of the damage can be the result of the d6 represents how many d6 are rolled x 2 – x 10.

Experimentation (power 6): this ability allows an alchemist or any-


one who uses alchemy to create their own experimental effects by

with a 6 being the most dangerous. A result of 1-2 should have some

taking random ingredients and mixing them together. This ability is

type of animal mutation or polymorph, 3-4 more of an invisibility or

a great deal more chaotic than many know so one must be cautious

ethereal type of effect, and 5-6 could force a character to roll on the

in its use. With this ability you can throw three different alchemical

disfigurement table.

reagents into the mix and then roll on this table to see what is made.


If something good becomes of it then hopefully you remember the

water, 4: air, 5: spirit, 6: plasma or dark matter). Then another d6

formula and can write it down to use it again some time later. The

can determine if this is a 1-2: good effect, 3-4: neutral effect, 5-6: bad

GM and player may elaborate more on what ingredients are used and

effect and wherever that leads you, go ahead and travel there. Good

the results of new designs. At least two of the ingredients are never

effects might be beneficial to the character like pouring the potion

on the usual list of reagents and are often made up by the player or

of fire over your weapon consumes the blade in flames that deal an

GM. Experiments are rarely more powerful than the actual listed

extra d6 fire damage for 30 minutes. Perhaps the neutral gives you a


Mutative Properties: roll a d6 to see the severity

Elemental Properties: a d6 (1: earth, 2: fire, 3:

Chap te r I V resistance, and perhaps the bad one explodes when opened dealing

Fire Cloak (power 8): the character can burn 1 SP, once per combat to

elemental damage to all in a 1.5 inch blast radius?

soak a % roll of the fire damage dealt from an attack. The character


may also soak damage using their toughness and fire resistance as

Enhancing Properties: you can roll the body part die

to find out what location of the body is enhanced by the potion


when taken. For instance a roll of the leg might mean it enhances dexterity. A roll of the arm might raise the strength attribute whereas

First Blood (power 7): you may spend d6 frenzy points from your

a roll of the torso would be the body. A roll of the head could effect a

pool in order to re-roll your initiative. This may be activated after

mental attribute; d4 (1: eyes & ears (perception), 2: tongue (charisma),

everyone has rolled their initiative, just not after the combat has

3: mind (willpower), 3: brain (intelligence). Then once you get to the

actually started. This may only be used during the initiative phase of

severity of the potion you could have that represent the bonus in the

combat of course.

attribute. 90-99%

Magical Properties: of course you say its alchemy it

Formation Fighting (power 4): if you have three or more allies

is all magical! Yet what if this roll made you roll a random color of

together you can shout out formation fighting tactics to one another.

magic with a d8 from red spells, black spells, to divine spells. That

The allies must be within a 2.5 inch radius of one another to gain the

means the essence in the potion is filled with that color magic. Then

bonus of +1 to defend and +5 TAV per rating. The character must call

roll a d20 and base the potion off of the spell rolled.

the use of this ability once everyone is in formation and burn 1 SP


Unique Properties: this potion should be special, for

to activate it. This will last as long as the party can keep their forma-

whatever reason you rolled the 100%, it should probably excel or be

tion centered upon who called the formation. If an ally jumps into

a new find that could be produced and sold. Remember though, this

the area of the formation after the character has already activated

one might just be one of a kind and for some reason you are never

the ability, they too begin to gain the bonuses as long as they burn

able to quite duplicate it again. The GM may use discretion in this

1 SP as well at the time of entering the formation. At max rating the

result for special potions would also draw special attention.

character burns 1 SP and gives +2 to defend and +10 TAV. Again anyone that also wants the formation fighting bonus must spend 1 SP to gain from it. MR: 2

Fearless (power 1): the character knows no fear! Spells, items, abilities, are all easily ignored with a +10 levels or ranks to resist fear based attacks if struck by them. Any willpower check needed will

Funeral Pyre** (power 6): only character classes in the spiritualist

gain +10 ranks allowing much higher dice to be rolled. This may also

faction may use the funeral pyre ability due to their connection with

be stacked upon other bravery abilities if you possess fearless.

the spirit world. It allows the departed to take all of their belongings to the spirit world when they are burned on the funeral pyre. All of

Feather Fall (power 1): with a dexterity check, the character may

their items and their body will dissipate from the primordial realm

attempt to pull out of a fall of up to 40 feet. This does not work at

within 1 hour, while nothing but ash is left in our world. To anyone

very high speeds, like leaping off of a griffon at full speed! The base

witnessing the funeral pyre it is no spectacular event, it is a simple

target number for the dexterity check is 4 for every 10 feet of falling.

funeral pyre where the remains of the departed ally are burned upon

Even if a skill or attribute check is failed trying to save yourself from

a bed of wood or in a small boat with all of their belongings that

a bad fall you can half the damage of a fall up to the shown distance

they wish to take with them to the spirit world. If this is not made

if your roll is near to the target number.

available the character will awaken in the spirit world with nothing and must fend for themselves unless a reaper shows up to transport

Feint (power 1): for 1 melee action point the character may use a feint

them. The funeral pyre will also ensure that the departed will not

attack move where no attack roll is made, instead they roll a dexterity

return as undead.

attribute check at +1 to the roll per rating of this ability. The enemy resists the check with a perception attribute test. If the character’s

Gadgeteer (power 5): one of the favorite abilities of the dwarf or

feint is a success the enemy suffers a -2 to defend (per rating) the

tinkers of any race, this ability will allow the quick, inventive,

character’s next attack. Thus at rating 3 a successful feint will make

intuition of the character to create a useful item out of bits of

an enemy suffer -6 to defend the character’s next attack. This feint

seemingly useless whatchamacallits. For instance the party may need

attack may be used once per combat, per rating. MR: 3

a lantern. The gadgeteer may make an intelligence check or tinker


C las s e s & Abil itie s skill check to quickly craft one using a small piece of rope, a helmet,

Golem* (power 5): this ability is a ritual that takes a week with 6

and the remains of a small animal that was captured during the hunt

hours a night to work, yet may even take more to collect all of the

that night. This is up to the player to come up with ideas that might

items needed. The caster must be careful during the collection of

be possible and the GM must allow it before the roll is made. This

the body parts for the creation of the flesh golem due to the fact

ability will add +2 to the rank or skill check per rating, and allow it to

that this is easily seen as necromancy by many people. The caster

be crafted quickly. MR: 5

may gather body parts from many different bodies to use during the ritual. The caster may only possess one golem at a time for each

Ghost Dance*** (power 5): the ghost dance is performed around an

rating in the ability. They must also finish the ritual by sacrific-

unlit funeral pyre and is class specific only for the shaman. There

ing 1 point from any attribute that they possess that they wish the

is to be four fires set around the slain target(s) of the dance. The

golem to excel at. This loss is permanent, yet they gain a

shaman must use ink, blood, or some way to create the ancient

toughness of 2 from this bond and can feel if the golem is destroyed

and mystic markings that are needed upon the body, so that the

when they lose this toughness. At rating 2 the caster may create a

crow or reaper may stay at bay long enough to save the soul of the

stone golem. At rating 3 the caster may create an iron golem. The

victim. The shaman then uses music, chanting, and singing to evoke

GM may elaborate on the actual ritual and what all is needed but

the spirits of the dead to gather around the area upon their parallel

an intelligence check and the sacrifice of an attribute point is the

plane within the spirit world. Others may participate in the ritual

prerequisite. The GM will create the stats of your golem and may

by playing music and dancing, even adding a small bonus of +1 to

base the creature’s starting H.P. off of the intelligence check x 100

+3 during their skill check. Yet it is the shaman who must chant the

during it’s creation. These beings are dangerous once made but

incantation of the ghost dance. This dance is made in hopes that it

can defend or guard a location. They require a covered wagon to

will bring allies and loved ones back from traveling to the realm of

travel fast and draw attention in the streets but this is left to the GM

the dead to fight by their side once more. The spirit will remain on

discretion. MR: 3

the primordial plane for hours equal to their body attribute when killed. If the body has been dead longer than this time the ghost

Good Luck (power 6): this ability is used by a character before

dance will not work. If the living characters have already prayed to

them or their ally makes an attribute check or a skill check. The

their gods to bring their ally back it is far too late to use the ghost

character wishes them good luck, burns a frenzy point to lower the

dance. This ritual is accomplished by rolling the shaman’s conjuring

target number by 1 point. For every rating in this ability you may

skill. A result of 5-9 will only add a +1% to the spiritual influence of

lower the target number by how many frenzy points you wish to

all who will pray for their ally. A result of 10-14 will add +2%, 15-19 will

spend, as long as you have that same rating. This ability may only be

add +3%, 20-24 adds +4%, 25-29 adds +5%, 30-34 adds +6%, 35-39 adds

used once per day. MR: 3

+7%, 40-44 adds +8%, 45-49 adds +9%, and finally 50 or more will add +10% to everyones’ spiritual influence roll during their prayer for the

Grace (power 5): this divine ability allows you to give an ally up to

dead to come back to life. This may be attempted only once per death

+3% of your spiritual influence. These are never taken back and are

for any character. If a character dies and comes back to life as a result

given when the ally needs from 1 to 3 more. You may use this once

of a ghost dance that is the only time the ghost dance will work. The

per ally.

shaman that uses this power is immediately dropped to zero mana and loses 1 spiritual influence permanently due to the drain. The

Gridlock (power 10): an ability that is good for thieves and others that

ghost dance may be attempted once per week.

plan on being chased through city streets. The character knows how to create chaos among the populace or crowded areas. While they are

Glory (power 9): gain 1 instant saga point each time you roll a natural

running they can knock things over, toss obstacles in the way, make

20 to defend. For every rating in this ability you may add that amount

an animal freak and charge off through the crowd with its wagon

of saga points each time you roll a natural 20 to defend. This only

still attached, etc. The character uses 2 actions and a frenzy point as

counts for your character, not when you are rolling for a group of

they are running, to add a d10 to the target numbers of those who are

allies or an NPC this is only for your character. MR: 2

chasing. This may be performed each round if necessary.


Chap te r I V Grounded (power 8): once per combat the character can pull this

Harden (power 1): the character will gain +5 to toughness for 1 action,

OOT (out of turn) ability by burning 1 SP when they are hit by an

once per day. This ability lasts for 30 minutes.

electrical attack. The character soaks a % roll of electrical damage. They may still soak damage because of their electrical resistance and

Hawk’s Eye (power 2): the character may burn 1 SP in order to gain

their toughness, so this ability can certainly save the character’s life.

an additional d6 to their perception check. This may even be used after the check is failed. (Rating 1: d6, rating 2: d8, rating 3: d10, rating

Haggle (power 2): the character may burn 1 SP in order to gain an

4: d12) MR: 4

additional d6 to Barter attempts. This ability may be used once per scenario, even after the check is failed. (Rating 1: d6, rating 2: d8,

Heavy Wound (power 7): spend 1 frenzy to cause a wounded enemy

rating 3: d10, rating 4: d12) MR: 4

to bleed after taking damage from one of your attacks. Once activated d20 bleeding damage is rolled immediately and then every time

Half Sword** (power 3): this faction specific ability may only be

it gets to the character’s turn he or she can roll bleeding damage on

chosen by fighter classes. This is a combat maneuver that takes place

the enemy until the enemy heals the wound magically or stops the

during sword fighting and is used primarily toward targets adorned

bleeding. If the character wounds the enemy again they may burn

in plate armor. The term “half-swording” is a technique in sword

another frenzy to stack bleeding damage, causing 2d20 damage per

fighting where the attacker will grab part of the blade in order to add


quickness and strength into penetrating the armor of the enemy with a stabbing attack, while one hand supports the blade and the attack

Herbal Additive (power 2): this ability allows the character to add

by grasping above the hilt. You must use 1 melee action as an upkeep

medicinal herbs to potions or powders used for healing in order to

action to support this attack. Yet during your rage attack a successful

gain a bonus to the properties of the alchemical substance. These

hit will cause x3 power damage instead of the normal x2 and it will

additives are used to make the potion better by the amount rolled on

defeat up to 10 points of the enemy’s TAV. This may be used during a

a character’s medicines skill check. Thus if a potion formerly healed

combo attack as well but remember it takes 1 melee action of upkeep

25 hit points, yet you rolled a 12 on your skill check the potion will

to activate the ability. The ability adds x1 power damage and defeats

now heal 37 hit points. You must possess a medicinal herb to add

up to 10 armor. The character calls the ability before attacking and

to a potion in order to do this, as well as a mort and pestle to crush

must be using a sword with two hands upon it. You may have noticed

the herbs. You may use this ability on 2 potions per rating in this

some swords that possess a ricasso (grip above the hilt); this is used

ability. MR: 5

primarily for the half sword technique. This attack may be used once per turn for every rating in the half sword ability. MR: 3

Hide (power 1): the character may burn 1 frenzy to add an additional d6 to their concealment skill or perception roll whenever they are attempting to hide. This ability may be used before the skill check is rolled. For every rating of this ability, their die will advance one step d6, d8, d10, and d12. MR: 4 High Shield Master (power 8): this is the highest form of critical defense for the shield user. You must possess the shield master ability in order to unlock the high shield master ability. On a natural roll of 18 or 19 your defense becomes critical. This allows you to block a physical attack even against a natural 20, with a natural 18 or 19 as long as your modifications bring you equal to the attacker’s target number. If you are able to defend with a natural 18 or 19 then your shield will take damage from the physical attack due to the fact that it was due to your shield that you were able to defend. You still only gain an attack back at your enemy on a roll of natural 20 to defend.


C las s e s & Abil itie s Hired Thugs (power 4): the character can call this ability whenever

is used once per combat. For every rating in this ability you may add

they know there is about to be a fight and they are located within a

an additional +1 to the cover and still only spend the 1 frenzy to gain

city or town where their reputation is at least known. The character

the bonus. MR: 3

activates Hired Thugs by spending 1 SP and rolling a d6. The result of the d6 is how many rounds it will take for 2d6 low level thugs

Improve Magic* (power 5): this archmage is a very dangerous spell

to show up to help the character. The level of the hired thugs is

caster and with this ability unlocked your power has increased great-

determined by the GM. This ability may be used once per week.

ly adding another die to all spell effects. All spell dice now gain an additional d6, which you may raise by one rank per rating. Rating 1:

Hunter’s Senses (power 1): the character may use Hunter’s Senses

d6, rating 2: d8, rating 3: d10, rating 4: d12, rating 5: d20. MR: 5

in order to locate a target creature. The name must be known and thought over for at least 5 minutes. The hunter must make a percep-

Improve Weapon (power 3): this ability is open to all classes once

tion check with base target # of 6; the farther away, the higher the

they reach 10th level. This ability allows a character to add d6

target number. This ability may be used once per day in an attempt

damage to any weapon or item that they are currently using as a

to track down a target. It will not give an exact location, but it will

weapon. This ability costs nothing to activate and automatically

narrow down a search to a city block or even a room if the hunter

upgrades a weapon’s damage the minute the character picks it up. If

is close enough. If the target is in a far away country, the hunter’s

the character gives this weapon to an ally who does not possess the

senses will let you know what country a character is in or even a city

ability improve weapon then the additional die of damage is lost.

if the perception roll is high enough. This is after a half an hour of

The improve weapon ability does not improve a weapon’s damage

staring at a map or questioning folks around the area. If the tracker

permanently; it only improves the weapon while the character has it

knows the name of the target it will lower the target number from 1

in his or her possession. This ability works with any type of weapon,

to 3 points.

from a chair, to a sword, to a huge siege weapon. For every rating this ability is increased, the die is taken up one rank, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20. MR: 5

Imbue Item (power 8): do you wish to set up your item to one day be a relic, artifact, or even a family heirloom? Spend 1 spiritual influence point per weapon, armor, or piece of gear to give it an additional

Improvised Shield (power 1): the character can pick up any type of

d6 to damage, AR of 2. Give the weapon or armor a title. This may

object from a table top, to a dead body and use it as a shield for one

not be used on weapons or armor that are already relics or unique

unarmed action. These additional bonuses are added to the cover for

artifacts. You and the GM can come up with unique bonuses for

the remainder of its use to your character and those who join you

certain items that are imbued. The player will also grant the new

behind the cover. At rating 1 it allows +2 cover with a +20 SHP, rating

name for the item which may include their character’s name or what-

2: +3 cover at +30 SHP, and rating 3: +4 at +40 SHP. MR: 3

ever they like. Examples; (rating 1: d6 damage, 2 AR, +2 attribute bonus. Rating 2: d8 dmg, 4 AR, +4 attribute. Rating 3: d10 dmg, 6 AR, +6 attribute bonus. Rating 4: d12 dmg, 8 AR, +8 attribute. Rating 5: d20, AR 10, +10 attribute. MR: 5 Improve Armor (power 3): this ability allows the character to add a +1 bonus (per rating) to any piece of armor that is picked up and worn. This bonus does not transfer to anyone else. If the armor is given to an ally the bonus is taken away and the armor falls back to its normal status. This ability is constant and costs nothing to use. MR: 2 Improve Cover (power 2): this ability may be used to add an additional +1 to any cover you are behind or any shield you may be using for 1 full round. This ability may be activated before your defense roll is made and you must burn 1 point of frenzy to activate it. This ability


Chap te r I V Improvised Weapon (power 1): the character can pick up an item

Ki Power (power 6) using this ability allows you to burn 1 frenzy

normally not specialized in, from a chair to a broken bone and use it

during meditation and gives you back an additional d20 chi. The

as a weapon. This simply adds a +1 to hit and a +1 to the damage of

word Ki is simply another way of saying chi they are both used in

the item. This may be increased by upping the rating. Where most

the lands of Myen Wu just different dialects. For every rating in this

club-like weapons will deal a d12, this will add an additional +1 to the

ability you may add 1 more frenzy to burn during meditation to gain

weapon’s damage. For each rating in this ability increase +1 to hit and

another d20 ki back. MR: 3

+1 more damage. MR: 3 Leap (power 2): the character gains an additional 2 levels per rating Indestructible (power 13): a character with this ability can still be

to their dexterity check or jumping skill check when attempting any

saved or resurrected once they reach -201 through -300 hit points.

long or high jump. You must burn 1 frenzy to activate this ability

Usually a character that suffers enough damage to bring them passed

before a jump. MR: 5.

negative -200 means that their body is so severely damaged that there is not enough of their vital parts to be brought back to life by

Legacy (power 13): this ability allows you to pass on reputation points

resurrection magic. With this ability the character can suffer much

to characters that are lower level than you. You also give them a

more damage to their body per rating. At rating 2: 301-400, rating 3:

talent and a free ability upgrade simply by touching them, or

401-500, rating 4: 501-600, rating 5: 601-700, rating 6: 701-80+0, Rating

placing a hand on their shoulder. It can be used to grant these gifts

7: 801-900, and rating 8: 901-1,000. MR: 8

to your children or allies, whomever you choose. You may only use legacy upon a character once. You may include this in a ceremony if

Invention (power 7): this ability allows your character to add a die

you choose a ritual such as knighting a character is a good example.

to an inventive skill check. You can burn 1 saved saga point in order

Once they kneel before you, you shall burn 1 SP and place their blade

to add a d6 to the result of the skill check even after you have failed

upon their shoulder before giving them the sword back and they are

to reach the target number. Rating 1: d6, rating 2: d8, rating 3: d10,

granted d6 x 50 reputation, 1 free talent, and 1 free ability upgrade.

rating 4: d12. MR: 4 Legendary (power 12): Legendary characters cannot be killed by Invisibility (power 3): when you are not moving at all, your character

instant kill abilities like cutthroat and sniper. Also a


gains +2 levels to their concealment skill or perception rank (per

character may now add 100 reputation points per rating as their

rating) if you do not possess concealment. The character must

legend grows throughout the realms. At this point in your career

remain still and burn 1 frenzy point. They may use it every time

you have become a household name to your own race. So many

they wish to hide. At rating 2 you may improve this to +4 lvls to

people talk of you during the year that your reputation can grow very

concealment or perception rank. MR: 5

quickly at times. MR: 10

Iron Will (power 2): this ability allows the character to add an addi-

Logic (power 1): this character can burn 1 saga point in order to add

tional d6 to their willpower check. You must burn 1 SP to add this d6

an additional die to an Intelligence check. The ability may only be

to your willpower check and it may be activated even after your roll

attempted once every hour but may be added to your intelligence

is made. For each rating you may raise the rank of your die (d6, d8,

check even after failing a target number. (Rating 1: d6, rating 2: d8,

d10, d12). As well, for every rating in iron will you will gain 1 point of

rating 3: d10, rating 4: d12) MR: 4

fortitude permanently to your character. MR: 4 Lose Tail (power 3): the character makes a dexterity attribute check Keep Watch (power 3): while keeping watch or guarding, you

and a concealment skill check (perception test if untrained in con-

gain a +5 ranks to your perception attribute, as well as the +5 to

cealment) while moving through the crowded streets of a city when

initiative if something goes down. You must call that you are

they are being chased or tailed in any manner. This takes all of the

guarding or keeping watch to gain this bonus. If you are using

character’s actions for this turn and you gain the sum of both checks

miniatures you may wish to place it next to a door or in a specific

by adding them together to get a final target number. Those chasing

place that you are guarding.

the character must make a dexterity check and a perception check, adding the results together. If they fail to equal the target number


C las s e s & Abil itie s they have lost the tail. Not even the ability hunter’s senses will pick

gear, or magic if they wish to give the player the option is left to their

it up for another d4 hours. The character that uses this ability gains a

discretion. At max rating you may burn 3 SPs to gain 3 additional

+2 bonus per rating to the sum of their rolls during their escape. This

random, loot rolls. MR: 3

escape attempt usually lasts up to a few blocks within a city. MR: 5 Mark of the Beast (power 1): if at anytime you are rolling your Lullaby*** (power 3): the bard is able to use their power of song in

damage dice and you roll 6, 6, 6, on three of your dice then you

order to cast an enchanted song onto the mind of a beast of low

must shout mark of the beast! Then you spend 1 SP to make your

intelligence. The song will only work on a creature that is not

dmg x2 power damage. This ability may be activated while damage is

hostile towards the bard or their allies. The bard makes a music or

being calculated.

singing skill check that is resisted by the creature’s willpower attribute check. If the creature fails it will gently fall asleep and will

Memento (power 7): a memento is an awakening of memory. This

remain asleep until the song is over and sometimes even after the

is used for those who become mind controlled, hypnotized, etc.

song has finished. This ability is particularly good when a group

Memento is the escape artist of the mind. It may only be attempted

of allies are attempting to sneak by a beast without fighting it, or

once per situation with a resisted willpower check that takes 1 magic

stealing something from its lair without having to battle it. At max

action. This ability grants the character a bonus of +2 to the rank

rating the lullaby can work for up to 6 creatures. MR: 6

of his or her willpower per rating. This ability allows the character one last chance to break free from the immediate hold. It grants

Manipulation (power 1): this ability is primarily used out of

the character a moment of clarity or if possessed they are given a

combat. During a conversation the character uses 2 magic actions to

chance to see through the curtain that has been dropped over their

make a charisma check or a speech skill check that is resisted by the

eyes. The GM may allow the character to use their own actions for a

opponent’s speech or charisma. Both have a chance to argue with

round in an attempt to totally free themselves from the hold of the

their social pool in a battle of wits. If the character attempting the

enchantment, possession, or mind control. MR: 5

manipulation wins the enemy suffers –d6 to their willpower checks and social modifier for a half an hour per rating. With each rating

Mental Barrier (power 8): burn 1 frenzy per rating in order to gain +1

in this ability the character may raise the die up one rank and add

per rating in this ability, up to +3 to your mental defense roll. You

another 30 minutes to the duration of the manipulation technique.

must use this ability before you roll the defense. Your mental barrier

The ratings will increase as shown here; d6, d8, d10, d12. This may be

can be added during each mental attack as long as you have frenzy

used once per target per day and only takes 2 magic actions. MR: 4

to attempt it. Rating 1: +1 def, rating 2: +2 def, rating 3: +3 def. MR: 3

Map Maker (power 4): once every 26 hours you may create a map of

Merit (power 8): each time you are awarded saga points you gain 1

an area or path in which you have traveled y rolling your mapping

more. Therefore at a max rating of 5, you are granted 5 additional

skill or making a perception attribute test at +1 per rating in this

saga points every time your GM grants you some at the end of a

ability. You must possess parchment, ink, and quill or at least items

battle or mission. This does not include individual gifts from the GM

to design a map. State which area or location you are mapping and

for doing something funny in the middle of role-playing but during

later you or others using it will gain +2 levels to the navigation skill

main group awards of saga points. Merit is used when all players are

or perception rank (per rating) when following the map. Your maps

granted experience. MR: 5

will grow in detail as your rating increases and you may even be able to gain some coin for them if you wish to design them and sell them

Mighty Blow (power 5): this ability is an improved critical hit for

in your down time. MR: 5

those who have reached the 20th level or higher. Only in melee, unarmed, or while throwing melee weapons in combat will this

Marauder (power 6): spend 1 saga point to gain 1 additional loot roll.

ability work. Any natural 19 becomes a critical hit and will deal x2

The GM may decide whether the loot is just an additional bonus roll

critical damage. Natural rolls of 19 may still be defended as normal

of coin or if it can be used for additional random equipment, weap-

though. Unlike a natural 20, which you must roll a natural 20 to

ons, armor, or magical loot. The GM may even even ask if the player

even have a chance to defend. The x2 is multiplied at the end of the

using the ability wishes to search for more coin, weapons, armor,

equation as critical damage. This ability can be countered.


Chap te r I V Mighty Spell* (power 5): any sorcery roll or alchemical magic

Path Finder (power 5): this ability allows the character to add +2

attack of a natural 19 becomes a critical hit, therefore dealing x2

levels per rating to the tracking or the trailing skill. The character

critical damage just as a natural 20. This ability is also used for the

must burn 1 point of frenzy to activate this ability and it must be used

alchemist’s magic potion attacks that are thrown. A mighty spell

before the skill check is attempted. MR: 5

attack may still be defended as normal though, unlike a natural 20 where you must roll a natural 20 to defend to even consider defeating

Pay Homage (power 8): the GM may allow the character to pay large

the attack.

sums of gold to their church in order to raise their spiritual influence points. At rating 1 the character can donate 100 gold to gain 1 spiritual

Navigator (power 2): this ability will add an additional die to any nav-

influence point. At rating 2 the character may gain 2% for 200 gold,

igation skill check by spending 1 saved saga point. This ability may

etc. The character is not allowed to gain over 70% spiritual influence

even be used after the skill check is failed. Rating 1: d6, rating 2: d8,

using this method. MR: 10

rating 3: d10, rating 4: d12.MR: 4 Plane Gate* (power 13): for 6 magical actions a spell caster may open No Pain (power 4): if the character loses 90% of their hit points in

a plane gate that will drain 2d6x100 mana. These magical actions are

one attack they may burn 1 SP so that they do not have to make a

only after all other preparations have been made, hence the making

trauma check. This means that they can lose a body part and still

of the magic circle, the use of a unit of mertacullum shaped into

fight on like it’s no big thing as long as they still have hit points left

a conduit at the top of the portal, and a soul used as a sacrifice to

to do battle. It is possible to activate no pain as an adrenaline rush

open the doorway. This gate will take you to another plane of ex-

that allows the character to fight on even after a failed trauma check.

istence that connects to our world within the Tree of Zaghos. The Tree of Zaghos is said to contain the ten different planes of exis-

One Eye Open (power 9): when a character sleeps they are often

tence. 1st plane: the Outer Planes (where the Never is, or the Spirit

at their most vulnerable moment to get attacked. Not this charac-

World of the Void). It is said that this plane is one that connects

ter, they sleep with one eye open (so to speak) and do not take any

to all of the Outworlds and beyond. 2nd plane: the Mental Plane

negative modifiers to their perception checks. They are also not left

“the Labyrinth” also called the Dream World. 3rd plane: the Mortal

out of perception checks due to the fact that someone or something

Plane “the Primordial Realm” where we dwell now. 4th plane: the Fey

is sneaking up on your campsite. This character gets a chance to

Plane “the Otherworld” the place beyond mirrors and reflections.

awaken before they are ambushed.

5th plane: the Astral Plane, the Spirit World, “the Aether,” the first place mortals go when they die. 6th plane: the Black Plane “Hell”

Overkill (power 7): add x 1 per rating to power damage by spending

where evil spirits are taken by reapers and sold to devils. 7th plane:

the relative amount of saga points. Overkill must be called before

the White Plane “Heaven” where moral and good souls are taken by

damage is rolled, and it may only be used once per combat. This

reapers and sold to angels. 8th plane: the Shadow Plane “Purgatory”

damage multiplier is added as power damage to any type of attack.

the Realm of Chaos, where reapers take souls and leave them, or sell

If you reach rating 3 in this ability and wish to call overkill for 3, you

them to djinn. 9th plane: the Elemental Planes “the Nine Worlds”

must spend 3 saga to gain the additional x3 power damage. MR: 10

that surround the ethereal plane of fire, water, air, and earth. 10th plane: the Divine Plane “Pantheos”. When stepping through a plane

Parry (power 4): the character can burn 1 saved saga point in order

gate, roll a % check to make it through alive without being torn into

to force an opponent to re-roll their unarmed or melee attack. This

subatomic particles. Don’t roll a 100%, or you must make a spiritual

ability may only be used during melee or unarmed combat attacks.

influence check to save your life. In order to create a plane gate you

The character must call the parry right after the attack roll is made.

must possess the skill circle magic at 3rd tier. You may open a gate

Parry may only be used once per combat scenario and before your

parallel to the plane you are within with the target number equal to

defense roll. So remember, do not roll your defense die first before

a minimum of 10 for every parallel level you must ascend or descend.

the attacker.

You must make a magic circle upon the ground in a 2.5”inch radius. The symbols you craft in the circle will awaken the magic of the gate. You must make a willpower check in order to keep this gate open for longer than a d6 minutes. You may use this ability once per day.


C las s e s & Abil itie s Powerful Presence (power 13): characters that are under 20th level

Psionic Focus* (power 5): with this ability the caster can concentrate

must make a willpower check in order to engage you in combat un-

on a psionic attack with enough energy to add +1 per rating to the

less they are immune to fear. Their target # is your charisma attri-

spell effect of a gray spell. Doing this also adds a 5 additional mana


drain per +1, yet the results of the psionic focus can be brutal with a simple addition to the dice result. MR: 3

Prana Ritual (power 3): this ability allows the caster or martial artist a chance to suffer much less drain from their mana or chi

Psionic Shield (power 2): once per combat the character may burn

from a spell, rite, ability, or ritual. This may only be used once

1 SP to add d6 to your mental defense roll by activating this ability

per day and it may be activated by burning d3 saga points and

before your defense roll is made. This psionic burst of energy can be

rolling percentile (d100). This result of the percentile dice is the

learned by anyone that can possess psionic powers and can even be

percentage of mana or chi you will actually spend out of the entire

used to throw a d6 to an ally who is right next to your character. This

drain. For example; if a ritual takes 75 mana to use it, you roll a 2

psionic shield may be activated once per combat, per rating. If you

on a d3, burning 2 SPs to activate the ability, and roll a 36% on the

are giving the bonus to yourself and an ally during an attack at both

percentile. You only have to spend 36% of that 75 mana thanks to

of you, this will count as once per combat but will cost you 2 saga

your prana ritual. The fast and easy equation would be 75 x .36 =

points to gain the d6 for yourself and your ally. MR: 3

27. Thus, you want to roll low on the activation d3 to burn your saga points during the ritual and you also want to roll low on the percentile. If you do not have a d3 roll a d6 (1-2: 1, 3-4: 2, 5-6: 3). Psi Armor* (power 5): the caster can use this ability to gain an additional 10 fortitude to soak any mental damage. The caster must use 1 magical action and drain 10 mana points. This rite lasts for about 30 minutes and may be used once per combat. At max rating the character may gain 20 fortitude for 20 mana drain. MR: 2 Psion Aegis (power 6): this ability is the critical defender of mental attacks on a roll of a natural 19. This allows you to critically defend even a natural 20 as long as your modifiers are equal to or greater than the attacker’s target number to hit. A natural roll of 19 however does not allow you to gain an instant attack back at the enemy as a natural 20 to defend would. Psion Aegis Master (power 10): this ability is the critical defender of mental attacks on a roll of a natural 18 or 19. This allows you to critically defend even a natural 20 as long as your modifiers are equal to or greater than the attacker’s target number to hit. A natural roll

Quick Bolt (power 1): this ability allows a crossbowman to quickly

of 18 or 19 however does not allow you to gain an instant attack back

grab a bolt and load it into the mechanism by taking 1 action from the

at the enemy as a natural 20 to defend would.

task. Since loading many types of crossbows takes 2 or more upkeep, shooting actions this ability will help once per combat, per rating. If

Psionic Defender* (power 7): Any allies that are within 1.5” inches

you possess rating 3 in this ability you may use it up to 3 times per

of the caster gain an additional +1 to their mental defense rolls per

combat to take away a single shooting action from the process. MR: 3

rating if they stand within the area of effect. This only works against mental attacks. MR: 3

Quick Dodge (power 4): the character may burn 1 saved saga point in order to re-roll their defense roll. The character can do this once per combat. This can be used for any defense roll, even mental.


Chap te r I V Rage of God (power 11): you may burn 1 spiritual influence to add d20

marks, and other curses that are permanent. For every day the curse

damage to any unarmed, melee, or shooting attack, even after you

has lasted over the character’s body attribute, raise the target #. This

have rolled the rest of your damage. This cannot be used for magic

may only be tried once per creature, so time is of the essence as well

attacks, if you are interested in that ability look up word of god. This

as the material components are necessary to enact the long ritual and

divine ability may only be used once per combat.

make the connection.

Random Lore (power 4): the character takes a great interest in

Repair (power 1): this ability may be used to help repair anything that

learning from others and listening to tales or reading what they

has broken. From a wagon wheel, to a broken sword it can be used by

can when they can. Those with this ability have picked up enough

any character that is attempting to fix something after its durability

seemingly useless information in their head to gain a random

has run dry. The repair ability costs 1 SP to add a d6 to the result

chance of using it. At rating 1 the character is given a 25% chance of

even after the check has failed. For every rating in this ability you

knowing something valuable about local legends and lore that they

may raise the die up one rank. D6, d8, d10, d12. MR: 4

are searching for. For instance the party is searching for the remains of the old priest Catvius. The player calls random lore and rolls a 15%

Resist Elements (power 13): this ability allows the character to gain

on his dice. The character recalls that back in those days the people

a resistance to all elemental effects by 10 points per rating. At max

of this land would bury their priests in the highest elevated areas

rating you will resist 100 from all elemental damage. MR: 10

of the cemetery to put them closer to the heavens. Random bits of information such as this can be picked up at times while using this

Retrain (power 6): a character with this ability can count up all of

ability. At rating 2 the player gains a 50% chance of knowing some

their talents that they wish to re-roll. They erase these talents and

random lore. MR: 2

roll new ones in their place. This ability is unique in the way that you only use it once and it cannot be countered.

Redemption (power 7): each time you spend saga on gaining max hit points you get 2 HP for every 1 saga point from this point onward.

Rune Builder*** (power 5): this ability may only be taken by the enchanter character class. This ability advances the enchanter in their

Regenerate Chi (power 12): you naturally regenerate chi at a rate of

ability to make stronger empowered items. This ability allows the

d20 x rating per day. MR: 5

enchanter to make items with a 4th rune in them. The target number to add this rune is 20, and if it fails there is a roll on the

Regenerate Life (power 12): you naturally regenerate hit points at a

enchanter’s fumble table. Look to the magic section under

rate of d20 x rating per day. MR: 5

enchantments for more information. At rating 2 in this ability you may attempt to re-roll a failed check for attempting the 4th rune, by

Regenerate Mana (power 12): you naturally regenerate mana at a rate

spending 2 saga points to avoid the enchantment fumble table. MR: 2

of d20 x rating per day. MR: 5 Rune Artifice*** (power 8): this class specific ability is for the Rehabilitate (power 8): with this ability you may take away an

enchanter character class only. This ability allows the character

unwanted ability and trade it with one of like or lesser power. You

to craft the 6th slot into items and empowers items with the 6th

may do this once when this ability is taken and once for every rating.

rune also known as grand items or the power of the hexad rune.

MR: 10

This item has a target number of 30 to create and to fail is a roll on the enchantment fumble table. At rating 2 the ability allows the

Remove Curse* (power 6): this ability takes 2d12 hours to perform.

enchanter to re-roll a failed skill check for any empowered item they

The caster must make a willpower check target # 15, or resisted by the

are working on with 6 runes. They may burn 2 SPs and re-roll the

willpower check of the one who enacted the curse. Then they must

failed check only once. MR: 2

take a drain of 2d4 x 10 to their mana, whether the check was made or not. The caster must also possess something of the creature that enacted the curse. Such as the heart of the tainted being, or its ash. This ability will negate the effects of lycanthropy, vampirism, demon


C las s e s & Abil itie s Rune Lord*** (power 10): this ability is class specific to the enchanter

skilled enchanter to accomplish this task. The target number to reach

character class alone. This ability allows the enchanter an attempt to

this creation of the 7th slot and implanting the power of the 7th rune

create empowered magical items that contain the 8th rune, the octad,

is 35. A failed roll results in a roll on the enchanter’s fumble table. At

or archrune of power. This takes a completely powerful and skilled

rating 2 the ability allows the enchanter to re-roll a failed skill check

enchanter to accomplish this task. The target number to reach this

for any empowered item they are working on with 7 runes. They may

creation of the 8th slot and implanting the power of the 8th rune is

burn 2 SPs and re-roll the failed check only once. MR: 2

40. A failed roll results in a roll on the enchanter’s fumble table. At rating 2 the ability allows the enchanter to re-roll a failed skill check for any empowered item they are working on with 8 runes. They may burn 2 SPs and re-roll the failed check only once. MR: 2 Rune Master*** (power 7) this class specific ability is for the enchanter only. This ability allows the enchanter to craft a 5th socket into an item, weapon, or armor. It also allows the enchanter to place a 5th rune into the item and empower it with great magic. This 5th rune allows the enchanter to create master items with the power of the pentad rune. This target number is 25 to craft this 5th rune into the item, if this is failed roll on the enchanter’s fumble table. At rating 2 in this ability, the rune master may re-roll a failed enchantment attempt for any empowering attempt of 5 runes or less by burning 2 saga points to re-roll their entire skill check only once. MR: 2 Rune of Unique Power*** (power 11) this class ability for the enchanter class only. This ability is for enchanters that have reached 70th level. Those mighty enough to reach this power can

Salvage (power 8): this ability allows the character to salvage items

create unique items with the 9th slot into an item. The 9th rune, the

from ruins or lairs that are actually worth some good coin by

ennead or unique power must be crafted with a target number of 45.

ransacking and pilfering through the remains of the most valuable

Those who fail will roll on the enchanter’s fumble table. At rating 2

items. Even if they possess the looting skill and other abilities of the

the ability allows the enchanter to re-roll a failed skill check for any

sort they may add salvage to the result. At rating 1 they will gain a

unique empowered item they are working on with 9 runes. They may

d6 x 20 gold. For every rating in this ability they may raise the die

burn 2 SPs and re-roll the failed check only once. MR: 2

up one rank and the power effect will raise another x 20 per rating. Thus at rating 2 it moves to d8 x 40. This must be listed as salvage

Rune Shaper*** (power 4): this ability may only be taken by the

and to actually gain the gold from it it must be taken back to a town

enchanter character class. This ability allows the creation of more

or merchant for trade. D6, d8, d10, d12, d20. MR: 5

powerful runes and the enchanter can now add a 3rd rune into an item and create “high” weapons, armor, and items. The target

Second Chance (power 4): the character must burn 1 spiritual influ-

number for this to be successful is 15 to add the 3rd slot and the rune

ence point in order to gain 1 more chance for a body save. This divine

into its place. If this is failed you must roll on the enchanter’s fumble

ability allows a re-roll for any body save. This ability is once per day.

table. At rating 2 in this ability you may re-roll a failed attempt by spending 2 saga points. This may only be used once. MR: 2

Seraphic Knight** (power 10): a priest that serves under one of the gods of light has the ability to construct a powerful guardian of their

Rune Supremacy*** (power 9): this ability is class specific to the

place of worship. The player and GM may decide on the outcome of

enchanter character class alone. This ability allows the enchanter

the servant as to what the player might want to design for this golem

an attempt to create empowered items that contain the 7th rune,

like construct. At max rating up to 6 may be made at 1, 000 x rating

the heptad, or supreme power. This takes a completely powerful and

in hit points. This ability takes a d6 days to complete one guardian.


Chap te r I V The caster may actually use one of these beings as a sentry to guard

2, they may add +10 to their stealth and concealment. There must be

a specific location. They may be set to guard your abode or in a loca-

shadows around in order for this ability to be used of course. MR: 2

tion of your choice but they do not travel. These beings need a soul for the creation to come to life. The character may use the trapped

Shadow Ward (power 7): this ability allows a character to create a

soul of a demon in order to purify and reshape it to do good. The

ward upon a door, wall, or even a tattoo on their body so that djinn

GM and the player may create this knight together yet the character

cannot sense or scrye upon the character using magic. As long as

is responsible for giving the knight armor and weapons. MR: 6

that symbol is there the djinn and spirits of shadow must defeat a target number of the maker’s willpower roll +10 (per rating). The

Sever Emotions (power 7): this character can now sever their

symbol grants this high resistance to scrying eyes from the denizens

emotions when necessary so that they do not feel fear, hatred, love,

of the Shadow Plane as well.. MR: 3

despair, or any emotion that will cause a dangerous effect to take place that might cause the character to be manipulated by those very reactions. By burning 1 SP you may simply roll a d6 to degrade the target number that is necessary to keep your emotions from getting the best of you. This ability may be activated before your resisted check is made so you may lower the target number you will need. For every rating you may raise the die up one rank; d6, d8, d10, d12. MR: 4 Scribe (power 1): for every page that the actual player writes about their party or character’s adventures, they gain +5 to their reputation points per rating. Allies gain +2 reputation points at rating 1 and +5 reputation at rating 2 if they are mentioned by the scribe in her or his work. It is up to the GM to determine if what is written is a page

Shady Associates (power 3): the character must spend a d4 hours

or close to 250 words. This ability is given under the GM’s discre-

mingling with others in the marketplace, taverns, or places of ill

tion and may be altered as the GM sees fit to award the player. This

repute in order to establish themselves within a circuit. After the

ability is for those players who love to write down the stories of their

d4 is rolled the character makes a charisma attribute check in

adventures, which is always a great thing for a player to do. MR: 2

order to gain shady associates within a city. The target number is usually around 8 base, but should be altered if necessary. Having shady

Scroll Craft* (power 1): the ability to create magical scrolls is useful

associates within a city will allow you to find out information you

when you wish to sell them or conserve mana during a combat by

might be seeking or to locate items on the black market for sale

using scrolls. Make a writing skill check, the target number for this

that cannot normally be found with a regular availability roll. You

skill check is equal to the level of the spell being written, yet no

may call upon the shady associates in a city once they have been

lower than 3. Therefore initiate and advocate spells would all have a

established, once a day. It allows you to gain a 30% chance that you

target number 3 to write them. A 6th level robe spell would have a

may gain the information you were seeking, or locate a specific item

target number 6 to create. You may write one scroll every two hours

for sale that was not available in the marketplace. At rating 2 your %

and must take the mana drain for doing so. For every rating in this

chance becomes 40%, at rating 3 you gain 50%. MR: 3

ability you may add +2 to the roll of your writing skill check for making a scroll. You must have materials such as mystic ink, quill,

Shield Bash (power 2): the character that uses a shield may use this

parchment, and mana. MR: 5

ability to add an additional x2 power damage per rating when they attack an enemy with their shield. They burn 1 SP before damage is

Shadow Walk (power 5): the character can move into a shadow and

rolled to activate shield bash. Therefore at rating 2 the character may

appear from another one as long as it is within their movement.

burn 1 SP to add x4 to the power damage of the shield bash. MR: 2

While in shadow walk, the character gains +5 levels to their stealth and concealment skill checks by burning 1 SP. This does not allow

Shield Master (power 5): those that use a shield may use a defense

them to teleport it only appears as though they have. At max rating

roll of 19 as a critical defense roll, a roll that will stand up even


C las s e s & Abil itie s against an enemy’s natural 20 to hit as long as you possess a shield.

awarded. These enemies must be 20th level or higher and you must

You can use this improved critical shield defense to add your defense

collect them, brandish them, place them on pikes, hang them from a

modifiers up to see if they can match or beat the enemy roll. If you

net, in some manner show them off as a trophy of war.

are able to defend a natural 20 because you rolled a natural 19 then the shield will take damage even if your defense modifications are

Soul Shatter (power 11): those who possess this ability must activate

higher, because you have been saved only due to your shield master

it by spending 2 open actions before attacking. They call upon this

ability. The damage is dealt to your shield yet it is not critical, be-

power and then attempt the killing blow on an enemy. An enemy of

cause you rolled a critical defense as well. The shield master ability

at least 20th level that is killed during your soul shatter will be taken

will only defend physical attacks, it is useless against mental attacks.

in by you, granting you 1 HP to your max. Stronger souls will grant you d6 per kill to your max hit points. Each rating in this ability will

Shield Push (power 5): the character that uses a shield can push an

raise the die up one rank; d6, d8, d10, d12, and d20. At rating 5 you

enemy back 1d4 inches by simply using 1 movement, 1 melee action,

gain a d20 to your max hit points each time you shatter a soul. These

and a strength check. The enemy may resist with a strength check

soul fragments are released once you are killed. MR: 5

and if they succeed they stop the shield hammer from moving, if they fail they are pushed back a d4 inches and must make a dexterity

Spell Books* (power 9): this ability allows your character to craft

check versus the same target number or fall to the ground. This abil-

spell books with magical text as long as they possess the skill read

ity may be used once per round.

and write at 3rd tier. The caster must also know the spell of course that they wish to write the book about. It normally takes about a

Shout Orders (power 7): this ability allows the character to double

month of writing to finish a spell book. You may deduct days from

the range of abilities like tactics where the range is limited to the

the writing time after making a writing skill check and deducting

character’s charisma attribute. If the character must shout or commu-

days from the spell equal to what was rolled. These spell books may

nicate information to an ally that is farther away than the character’s

be sold to local libraries, traded to mages, or given as gifts.

charisma attribute in inches (chr x 5’ feet without miniatures), this ability will help to double the range. At rating 2 the character may

Spell Master* (power 4): spend 1 frenzy to re-roll a spell casting. This

triple the range. MR: 3

is called after the d20 roll has been made, or even after the defense is rolled. The enemy may choose to keep their roll or choose to roll

Show Off (power 8): anytime you wish to spend an action to attempt

again. The defender must state this before the attacker reports their

to show off, you may gain instant saga points for doing so during

new roll. This ability may only be used once per combat.

combat. During your actions you may attempt a dexterity or acrobatics check with a target # 25. If you land this target number while you

Spider Climb (power 3): when climbing any surface, the character

are attacking an enemy you will be granted +1 SP during your turn.

may spend 1 point of frenzy in order to gain +5 levels to their climbing skill or their dexterity attribute check if they do not possess the

Sixth Sense (power 8): at anytime the character fails a perception

skill climbing. At rating 2 the character will gain +10 lvls with only

check when there is danger about the GM may allow the player to

one frenzy burned. This must be activated before the skill roll. MR: 2

use their sixth sense after they ask to do so. To activate the sixth sense burn 1 saved saga point adding a d10 to your perception check.

Spirit Bond* (power 3): this ability allows the player to create a bind

This also grants a +1 to the roll of the check per rating in this abil-

spell within the conjuring circle by using bind runes and during the

ity. This ability can also work during camp when the character is

spirit’s resisted willpower roll versus the conjuring skill check the

sleeping and something bad is creeping up. MR: 5

spirit will become bound and may give the conjurer it’s name for future calling. They may then summon that same spirit at another time

Skill Pool (power 7): spend 1 saga point to add a d6 to any skill check.

or befriend the spirit, whether they are a spirit of nature or the dead.

This may be used once per situation. This must be activated before

The caster must also possess an offering for this spirit in order to

the roll. Rating 1: d6, rating 2: d8, rating 3: d10, rating 4: d12. MR: 4

use the spirit bond ability. Offerings are different for all spirits. The

Skull Collector (power 9): for every skull that you claim as your own

GM may help the caster to know what they will need for the offering

kill, you gain an additional saga point added to your total when

by reading about conjuring in the magic chapter. For every rating in


Chap te r I V this ability, that is how many spirits you will be able to bond with.

are pulled to the target area after the summoner suffers the drain

This ability may force the bond if necessary. The conjurer must also

from this ritual. The summoner must possess a piece of a being to

craft a totem that will link the spirit to it for future conjuring. The

call a specific one, such as hair, a claw, bone, or ash. If they have

totem can be made with an art skill check or a perception attribute

no material component, it will be random who is summoned.. Hit

roll during the conjuring ritual. MR: 6

points can be rolled and added to the base HP, their + to hit is for their primary attack and + to defend follows. Their damage is listed

Spirit Call* (power 5): this ability allows a caster to speak with a

for their unarmed damage. As most of these creatures use weapons

known spirit through a cross-dimensional mind link. The caster

the GM may allow them to appear with basic, shoddy weapons. Their

must already have a bond with the spirit for this to work. It may

movement is listed with their maximum in parenthesis. Remember

be used once per night while in deep meditation or within the

that flying creatures can move x3 their normal movement. The T is

caster’s dream state. This may be used for rounds equal to the caster’s

for toughness and the GM may allow the creature to wear armor if

willpower attribute, before the mind link is severed.

it is in fact one that would own it. Most of these creatures possess 2 action points and may spend 2 points of frenzy unless the GM grants

Spirit Shield (power 5): when a demon attempts to possess the

them more. The GM may alter these stats as they feel they should

character, you can burn 1 spiritual influence point. This spiritual

be altered these are just a base to follow and they do not contain

shield will add an additional +1 to defend from the possession. This

information on the special abilities of these creatures or talents.

is used after the defense roll fails by 1 point. This is a divine ability.

These creatures also possess different stats as they level, so a

At max rating you may burn 3 spiritual influences to gain up to a +3

higher level beast will of course have better stats in some areas. If an

to defend a possession attempt. MR: 3

asterisk is listed this means that there is a special type of attack such as poison or mental damage involved.

Stand Strong (power 4): this ability may be used once per combat; the character burns 1 SP to remain standing after being struck for an

Percent Creature




amount of damage over your body attribute.


Goblin: 2d6

20 +d10 +0/ +0 d6

3 (6)


+ H/D



Cave Imp: 2d8

20 +d6 +0/ +1


3 (9)


Struggle (power 2): this ability is used in order to add an additional


Gargoyle: 1

60 +d20 +2/ +1


4 (12)


die to a strength check. The character must burn 1 saga point in order


Dread Rats

12 +d10 +0/ +0


5 (10)


to gain a d6 to their roll. This may be used once per strength check.


Ogre: d4

30 +d10 +1/ +0

d8+d6+6 2 (4)


It may even be used after a roll is failed. (Rating 1: d6, rating 2: d8,


Hags: d6

30 +d6


4 (8)


rating 3: d10, rating 4: d12, rating 5: d20) MR: 5


Tyrant Spider: d8 30 +d10 +1/ +1


6 (12)


+1/ +1


Gremlyn: 4d6



3 (6)


Summon Creatures*** (power 5): this is a class specific ability that


Umberlax: d4

60 +d12 +2/ +2


5 (10)


may only be used by the summoner character class. The caster must


Trog: d4

30 +d8


4 (8)


possess the conjuring skill. They will make a skill check with a base


GM Creates


target # 6. After that the caster takes 4d12 mana drain, roll a % to see



5 (10)


what creatures have been summoned. These summoned beings will act at the beginning of the caster’s following turn, after going through 1 round of summoning disorientation. They enter play already under the mental control of the summoner and will obey the character’s every command. The creatures will vanish back to their plane of origin in 1 minute per level if not slain. Most of these beings are denizens from the Primordial Plane so if they are killed they are slain from this world permanently. This ability takes 4 magical actions to complete this particular summoning ritual. This may only be used once every 5 days. You may refer to the basic stats found here. During the summoning the quantity is rolled to see how many


Giant: 1

0/ 0 +1/ +1

80 +d20 +3/ +0

C las s e s & Abil itie s Summon Creatures II** (power 7): this is a class specific ability that

start the combat with 6 actions and 2 frenzy to burn each round. The

may only be used by the summoner character class and after the

GM may of course alter this as they see fit.

first summon creatures is unlocked. The caster must possess the


conjuring skill. They will make a skill check with a base target # 12.

01-09 Chimera

5,000+d10x100 +6/+4 2d20+d12+12 * 8(16)


After that the caster takes 4d12x2 mana drain, roll a % to see what

10-18 Wyvern

2,500+d10x100 +5/+3 d20+d12+8* 7(21)


creatures have been summoned as well as a d6 to see how many.

19-24 Gargoyle

Unless you roll 100%, only 1 young gundertot will be called. These

25-37 Giant

summoned beings will act at the beginning of the caster’s following turn, after going through 1 round of summoning disorientation. They enter play already under the mental control of the summoner and

58-66 Corpse Eater 1,000+d10x100 +4/+4

will obey the character’s every command. The creatures will vanish

67-75 Gorgon

back to their plane of origin in 1 minute per level if not slain. This

76-85 Fairies

ability takes 4 magical actions to complete this summoning ritual.

86-94 Gundertot

This may only be used once every week. These creatures usually

95-99 GM Creates

possess 4 actions and may burn 2 frenzy per round unless the GM


wishes to alter the stats of the beasts.

* These creatures possess special attacks such as the lethal poison of

Percent Creature


+ H/D




Dire Wolves 100 + d6x100 +2/+2


Were Rats

200 + % +3/+3



200 + % +3/+3



200 + % +3/+3



200 + % +3/ +3





76-85 86-94 95-99 100

500+d6x100 +2/+2




+ H/D

Move T




1,000+d10x100 +4/+3




38-44 Griffon

1,000+d10x100 +4/+3




45-57 Manticore

5,000+d10x100 +6/+5 2d20+2d6+10* 9(27)











200 +d6x100 +4/+6




5,000 + d10x100 +6/+4




1,000 +d8x100 +4/+3

? 12,K+d10x1,K

+8/+6 3d20+d12+20* 9(27) 20


the manticore and wyvern. The gorgon uses attack vision to turn to

2d12+5* 5(10)


stone. The fire breathing power of the chimera, and the all magical




powers of the fairies.

d12+d6+6 6(12)





Summon Divine Being*** (power 13): this ability is class specific to




the summoner class only and is activated by using the conjuring

d12+d6+3 5(15)


skill. They will make a skill check with a target # 50. If successful,



spend d6 spiritual influence and take 4d20 x 100 mana drain. You

200 + d6x100 +4/+3 d20+d6+6* 5(15)


summon 1 divine being to help you against your enemies. This takes


200 + d4x100 +3/+3




8 magic actions to use, and it may be used once every 6 months.


200 + d4x100 +3/+3




Rating 1: angel, immortal lord, dark angel, rating 2: archangel, reaper,

GM Creates Gundertot

100 + % +3/+2




? 2,000+d10x100 +5/+3

devil, rating 3: devilslayer, death lord, godslayer. This divine being 2d20+12 6(12)


will stay around for d6 hours only before returning to its own realm,

* These creatures possess special attacks such as attack vision, the

unless of course it is destroyed. MR: 3

basilisk can petrify with its eyes for 3 actions once every 4 rounds. The tormentor can mental attack an enemy with its eyes and cause

Summon Legendary Being*** (power 11): this ability is class specific

-d4 will, temporary insanity, and mental afflictions for 3 actions.

to the summoner class only. They will make a conjuring skill check with a target # 30. The summoner may attempt to call one of the

Summon Creatures III** (power 10): this is a class specific ability that

beasts on the following list specifically or the GM may force them

may only be used by the summoner character class and after the

to roll randomly. Take a drain of 2d6 x 100 mana. They will fight to

first two summon creatures abilities are unlocked. The caster must

the death for you for 1 minute per level of the caster or until they

possess the conjuring skill. They will make a skill check with a base

are killed. When they are killed they will vanish back to their plane

target # 18. After that the caster takes 4d12x3 mana drain, roll a % to

of existence, or they die if they were denizens of the realm where

see what creatures have been summoned. You may only summon 1

you summoned them. This may be used only once every d4 months.

of these beings unless fairies is rolled in which case roll a d6. Most

Legendary creatures are beings that possess a massive amount of

of these beings are denizens from the Primordial Plane so if they are

power. These beings that have a minimum of 20,000 Hit Points, +9 to

killed they are slain from this world permanently. This ability takes

hit, +7 to defend, toughness of 20, and varying damage and types of

4 magical actions to complete this particular summoning ritual. This

attacks that will grant you a plethora of tactical advantages. These are

may only be used once every 10 days or 1 week. These beings may all

formidable allies and you must possess a piece of one to summon it.


Chap te r I V d100 %

Legendary Being

for this golem like construct. At max rating up to 6 may be made at





one guardian, working on it by yourself. The caster may actually use


Bog Wyrm

one of these beings as a sentry to guard a specific location. They may


Frost Wyrm

be set to guard your abode or in a location of your choice but they


Storm Dragon

do not travel. These beings need a soul during its creation for the



guardian to come to life. The character may use the trapped souls of



5, 000 x rating in hit points. This ability takes a d6 weeks to complete

demons, djinn, even angels in order to purify and reshape it to do its

67-75 Behemoth

service for them and their god. The GM and the player may create

76-85 Titan

this temple guardian and the rest of its stats together. It may be given



a weapon, armor, or the character’s available gear. It is the creator’s


GM Creates

responsibility to arm the being. MR: 6


Void Terror Tend Wounds (power 1): this ability allows the character to add d6 to

Tactics (power 4): the character may call out tactics to their allies as

hit points that are gained by tending to the wounds of a character.

long as they are within hearing range or the charisma attribute of

You may use this ability in one of two ways. You may burn 1 point

the character and within LOS of their ally that is calling tactics. The

of frenzy in order to gain a d6 to your healing skill check before you

character spends 1 or 2 open actions doing so, therefore giving all

roll the skill check or you may burn 1 SP to gain the d6 after a roll

comrades a +1 or +2 to attack and defend for 1 full round depending

is made. For every rating in this ability the character gains another

upon the actions they wish to sacrifice for the bonus. Tactics may

d6, so at rating 3 you may add 3d6 to your healing skill check. MR: 3

only be called for 2 actions per group. If 2 allies possess the ability tactics, 1 may call it for 1 action while the other uses 1 action to call it

Theistic Aid (power 13): you may use this divine ability to add a +1 to

as well. It must be used every round to keep the bonus going.

your Body Save die roll so that if you are one point away from making your body save, you got it! This costs 1 spiritual influence point

Tank (power 2): the character can use this ability to soak damage

after it saves you. It may be used anytime you need it.

from any type of attack. The tank at first rating is only able to soak 25 dmg per rating. At rating 8 the tank can soak 200 dmg. The tank

Totem Builder*** (power 10): if a character has a strong bond with

chooses what attack they wish to tank after being hit by their enemy.

an animal or beast from an alternate plane, a shaman can carve a

To activate this ability you must burn 1 saga point, and it may only be

totem that will link with the spirit during this six hour ritual. Only

used once per combat. MR: 8

shamans perform this ritual. There is no mana drain taken from the character during the totem craft yet they may only craft one per

Taunt (power 3): this ability allows a character to call out a challenge

rating in this ability. The target number is made with a conjuring

to a single enemy on the beginning of the enemy turn. The challenge

skill check versus the level of the spirit as the target number. Three

must allow for the enemy to have movement to get to the challenger

drops of the character’s blood must be placed upon the totem for the

or be able to attack the challenger for this ability to work. With a

character and the spirit to be linked through the totem. The totem

charisma check versus the target’s willpower check the challenger

is placed within the center of a magical circle during this ritual and

may taunt the enemy into attacking him or her this round. If they

once it is a success the link between the two planes is made. The

fail their check they must attack the challenger until he or she is at

owner of the totem may call the spirit for 2 actions by whispering

least knocked down. At max rating you may challenge up to the four

the spirit’s name and the beast will manifest in place of the totem.

enemies to attack you. This may be used once per combat. MR: 4

The beast can remain in this world for hours equal to the rating of the shaman’s ability. The rating of this ability also adds +2 levels to

Temple Guardian*** (power 10): a priest that serves under one of

the conjuring skill check when crafting this totem. The rating of this

the gods of shadow has the ability to construct a powerful guardian

ability is also multiplied by 2 which is a gift of toughness that is

of their place of worship. The player and GM may decide on the

shared between the beast spirit and the owner of the totem. MR: 3

outcome of the servant as to what the player might want to design


C las s e s & Abil itie s Trample (power 3): this character is able to charge over smaller

to even have a chance to defend. The x2 is multiplied at the end of

creatures during their movement phase if they fail to move out of

the damage equation as critical damage.

the way of a resisted dexterity check. If the trampling character is mounted they may even use their riding skill versus the enemy’s

Ultimatum (power 2): during combat you may choose to hold your

dexterity. It doesn’t work on creatures larger than them. The charge

frenzy instead of attacking, to place a weapon toward your enemy

must be during running movement thus the second half of movement

and offer them a chance to surrender. You may use your charisma

and is activated by spending 1 frenzy. It does not cost any actions to

for 2 open actions in order to talk them out of fighting. The GM

attempt and may be attempted once per round. Damage is unarmed +

may allow a resisted willpower check for the enemy if they deem

strength damage modifier of the mount or the character that is doing

the situation requires one. If the ultimatum is accepted the target

the trampling. They are also granted x1 power damage per rating in

may drop his or her weapon, if not the two must make a dexterity

this ability. They may trample a max of three enemies per rating in

check on the enemy’s turn, if the enemy wins the frenzy are lost and

a straight line. MR: 4

battle resumes as normal. If the enemy fails the dexterity check the character offering the ultimatum gets to unleash their 2 frenzy upon

Transcendence (power 11): this ability will allow the character to burn

the target in the middle of the enemy’s turn. The initiative is not

2d6 spiritual influence points in order to gain a chance to re-roll a

altered during this ability as it would be when holding actions. This

spiritual influence check that has failed. This check will be made

may be attempted once per combat, per rating. MR: 2

after the drain is seized. This may be used only once per week. Unburden (power 9): this ability adds 25 lbs per rating to the Trap Master (power 5): this ability allows a character to add +1 to

weight allowance. This added weight allowance grants the character

their traps skill roll per rating, when creating a trap or defeating

less of a chance of becoming encumbered once they reach 75% of

one.. It will also add x1 power damage per rating to the trap that is

their max carry weight. MR: 4

designed. At max level the character gains +10 to the traps skill and x 10 damage to the trap by spending 1 frenzy point before the skill

Vengeance (power 9): anytime you are taken down past 0 hit points

check is made. MR: 10

by an enemy you may spend d10 saga points in order to gain 2 instant attacks (rage attack) at the enemy before you drop. Hope they

Treachery (power 11): this ability will overpower death sense

don’t have a counter left for you; that would suck! If you roll over the

and sense danger for the user must be thought of as an ally. The

amount of saga points that you have left, then you still drain the saga

attacker must spend a spiritual influence point. You must roll stealth

points but fall unconscious before you can claim vengeance. This

and concealment to attack the false ally, but the enemy must resist

ability may only be used once per combat and hopefully you do not

with their perception roll. You cannot use shadow walk or invisibility

have to use it more than that.

while using treachery. It will allow you to use cutthroat or sniper. If these are countered, the damage is still multiplied as normal. This is

Venom (power 3): this ability allows the character to add a d20

a divine ability that calls upon spirits of treachery to overcome the

additional damage to any poison they might be using. As poison

alertness of a target. For every rating in this ability you may add that

works to inflict damage per round to a victim, this makes venom a

as power damage. MR: 10

very dangerous tactic. The character must spend 1 point of frenzy while poisoning a blade or projectile tip to activate. This d20 lasts for

Trick Ride (power 2): whether you are on horseback, riding a kirin, a

the remaining of time the individual poison does, when the poison is

drake, or dragon riding, you may activate this ability to add +2 levels

finished so is the duration of this ability. MR: 1

to your riding skill per rating. It must be activated by burning 1 point Vision Quest*** (power 6): the shaman must partake of a narcotic,

of frenzy before your skill check is made. MR: 3

hallucinogen, the lotus is taken orally after the shaman prepares it. True Aim (power 5): only in projectile or shooting combat will this

The shaman first makes a medicine skill check to prepare the narcot-

ability work. Any natural roll of 19 becomes a critical hit and will

ic at a target # 4. If the shaman does not possess a narcotic it will take

deal x2 critical damage. Natural rolls of 19 may still be defended as

much longer to use this ability. They will have to refrain from food or

normal though. Unlike a natural 20, which you must roll a natural 20

drink for 4 days, attempting to stay awake so that they may reach a


Chap te r I V level where they will begin to naturally hallucinate. Once in this state

Weaken (power 12): spend 1 SP after hitting an enemy with a

the shaman may begin the incantation to invoke the vision quest.

combo attack for all actions and call weaken. Do this before damage

The shaman may allow another to partake of the vision quest by

is rolled, and it shall temporarily degrade a certain physical attribute

giving them the sacred narcotic and including them in the rite.

of your choice by d6 (strength, body, dexterity, or perception). This

The shaman may also send others on a vision quest by us-

curse may be removed or the victim may make a body save if they

ing this ability and offering guidance while interpreting the vision

survive the combat, else it lasts for as many days as the level of the

after their quest is complete. A vision quest may be used for dif-

character that used the curse. For each rating in this ability you may

ferent purposes such as divining one’s purpose or direction in life.

raise the weakening die up one rank, from d6 to d12. MR: 4

They may use the quest to discover their spirit animal, or to find out information that they are seeking that will be given to them from

Weapon Bond (power 3): the character is allowed to link special-

beyond this plane. The person that takes the vision quest must do so

ization modifiers from one weapon to another, thus granting you

away from civilization. It is possible to find yourself in much danger.

two weapons that will gain the same bonus to hit. Remember not to

They must make a body attribute check target # 3 to stay conscious.

add bonuses from runes. This takes an hour to perform the bond. If

A fail will result in death over time if they are not found or helped. A

one weapon has a specialization already, you simply use the highest

willpower check target # 3 must be made as well so that the traveler

bonus. This may only be used for one other weapon, for instance to

does not lose their head and gain a random mental affliction from

make your sword and bow possess the same bonus to hit.

the narcotic or the fasting. If these two checks are made the GM can create a small “trippy” quest for the traveler(s) to partake upon.

Weapon Master (power 4): once per combat the character may spend

They will gain a base of 5 SP minimum even without an

1 frenzy in order to re-roll an unwanted attack roll. This ability is

encounter for they will come to meet their spirit animal which may

used after the character makes their roll and even after the defender

be determined by a random animal chosen by the GM. It is often this

rolls their d20 to defend. This ability is used for all combat excluding

animal spirit that is a major part of the quest which is not always a

spells. When attacking unarmed, melee, shooting weapon attacks;

peaceful meeting. At the end they will also be given a gift on the level

kicks, blades, bows, thrown alchemical weapons and black powder

advancement table. They are allowed to gain 1 free roll on the table

weapons. The defender can choose to re-roll their defense roll as

even if they do not level from the saga points that are given during

well, yet they must choose whether they wish to re-roll their defense

the vision quest. The GM may allow a character a vision quest only

roll before the attacker announces their new roll.

once. At rating 2 those who take the quest gain 10 SP base and 2 random rolls on the gift table for level advancement. MR: 2

Weave to Spirit* (power 9): a spell caster has the ability to weave items to their own spirit or to others. When an item is woven to you,

War Fire (power 3): any fire damage you deal may be given a boost

it goes with you to the spirit world when you die. You must spend a

to the cumulative damage that is taken each round when someone is

spiritual influence for each item that you want woven to you. Even if

on fire, not the original fire damage sustained, but the damage that

you are killed and the weapon flies from your hand lost in the field

is taken when they catch fire. For instance rating 1: d6, rating 2: d8,

of grass it will travel with you to the realm of the dead. These items

rating 3: d10, etc. as the skill dice table goes. MR: 4

are often placed upon your funeral pyre if given one. Even strangers are compelled to bury or burn a woven item with your body.

Wards* (power 3): the player makes an intelligence check, target number 4 (x # of wards on a single trap). This burns the mage’s

Whisper Walk (power 1): the character may burn 1 saga point in order

symbol into a wall, door, a book, or a passage. Then, the caster must

to gain an additional d6 to their stealth check. This may be used even

cast a spell into the ward. This creates a magical trap. The caster

after the player knows that they have failed the check. (Rating 1: d6,

utters a command word that will let only those who speak it

rating 2: d8, rating 3: d10, rating 4: d12) MR: 4

bypass the trap. If those who pass or touch the object do not speak this word, the spell releases at the traveler. Wards cannot be used to

Wood Strider (power 2): when in forests, swamps, and woodland

enchant items; this may only be used for harmful traps. You may

terrain, you gain +2 levels (per rating) to the result of your stealth

place as many wards on an item as your rating. MR: 3.

or concealment skill checks while within that woodland terrain. Characters without the skills stealth and concealment may add 2


C las s e s & Abil itie s levels to their perception and dexterity ranks when trying to hide

place in which that item or object was taken from as long as the

or sneak in the forests. This ability costs nothing to activate. MR: 3

conduit was taken from an area within the ley line. The gate also takes a unit of mertacullum shaped into the apex piece of the magical

Word of God* (power 11): this ability allows a spell caster to burn 1

gate. This piece of magical metal is used up as a component of the

spiritual influence after they have rolled their damage to add a d20 to

gate’s power. When stepping through a world gate, roll a % check to

their spell effect. This ability may only be used once per day.

make it through alive without something very bad going wrong. At which point the gate may tear you into subatomic particles and scat-

Word of Honor (power 6): when assigned a quest or mission, you

ter them across the edge of the Void. Don’t roll a 100%! This ritual is

may choose to give your word of honor that you will not fail in any

powerful since it transports you to another part of the world. Most

of your duties. If you are successful in accomplishing the quest in

gates will have you dimension step into the same area just another

good parting, your character will gain an additional 5 saga points and

plane of existence. This will actually take you and others who jump

5 reputation points per rating. If failed, you lose 5 saga points and 5

through upon the wind of the lines, all the way across Koth. It is

reputation points. MR: 2

because of this power that you may only possess a certain number of connections equal to the rating of this ability and what are called

World Gate* (power 12): for 6 magical actions, a spell caster may

Winds. Each rating acts like a ticket to another kingdom. Only Four

open a world gate that will drain 2d6x100 mana. This gate may take

Winds are allowed at max rating. The gate takes 1 magical action to

you a great distance upon what are called the Ley Lines, which travel

close or it will close on its own in 4 rounds. MR: 4

through sub dimensional space, the span of the planet Koth. Therefore, you may go from the frozen northlands of Baleklade, to the

Zweihander (power 2): whenever you use a single, two handed

mystical mountains of Myen Wu. The caster must have something

weapon you get to add an additional d6 to the damage dice. For each

from the area in which they wish to travel to, whether it is a rock,

rating you may upgrade the die by one rank, yet at rating 5 you gain

pouch of dirt, or vial of water. The location chosen needs to hold

a d20 to add to your damage dice. (Rating 1: d6, rating 2: d8, rating 3:

a great deal of sacred energy. The gate will take you directly to the

d10, rating 4: d12, rating 5: d20) MR: 5

Chap te r I V

Chi Abilities

channel these energies into attacks or actions. Some abilities will allow you to channel them through specialized melee weapons as well. Thus allowing a monk or mu dai to add a chi ability to a staff

Chi abilities are only given to the monk or mu dai

attack, sword attack, etc. If the attack is labeled with the word strike,

character classes. Unless a character trains in the martial arts they

this is the indication that the chi ability can be combined into a

cannot unlock the ability to channel chi through their body into

melee attack, used in a kick, a punch, elbow, knee, headbutt, etc. You

attacks and chi abilities. Any class that gains martial arts will be able

must be specialized in a melee weapon in order to be able to channel

to gain the power known as chi strike. It is a fifth elemental power

chi strikes through it. When the chi ability is named with punch or

of spirit. Classes that are not mu dai or monk must then wait until

kick then it must be used in that manner.

they are a master of martial arts to gain an ability called chi mastery

in order to unlock the chi abilities in this book. This takes an avid

advantage. You know how much is within your chi pool by adding

The monk and the mu dai both start with the most basic

your Body + Willpower attributes. This shows you how much is in

of all chi abilities which is simply called the Chi Strike. This is the

your chi pool. If you use your Chi Strike ability you will drain a d6

first thing you learn when releasing chi from your body and into an

and the drain of chi abilities are used the moment you are attacking.

attack. The Chi Strike allows you to add an additional d6 to the

Thus you may roll your chi drain with your attack because you must

damage of your attack. This chi strike can be thrown into your kicks,

call the entire amount of chi abilities that you wish to use when you

punches, elbows, knees, throws, and even melee attacks as long as

attack to a maximum of 3 abilities at once. Example: “I jump up into

you are specialized in the melee weapon you are using. You also roll

the air and use Iron Foot, Flying Jump Kick, and Crushing Strike!”

a d6 for the chi drain. The chi drain is usually rolled at the same time

as your attack since you are throwing your chi abilities into your

level, they may choose to take a chi ability in place of a class ability.

until your skill level is high enough to unlock a 4th at Champion

That comes in handy if you don’t fancy any of the class abilities

in martial arts. This means once per turn you may throw in a 4th

for your level advancement. Monks or mu dai that multi-class do

chi ability, but only once per turn. Then once you reach a Master of

not gain this privilege. This is due to the fact that the monk has

martial arts you gain a 5th chi ability to use once per turn. Finally at

dedicated his or her entire training to the martial arts, as well as

the skill of Grand Master you may unlock the 6th chi ability.

being completely devout to the control of chi.

The monk and mu dai both gained the chi strike ability at

0 level so they start the game with the chi strike ability at 1st level of

Like character class abilities, chi abilities have ratings too.

You can read each chi ability to find out the details about increasing

course. The monk will gain a new chi ability every other level, thus

the chi ability rating and what that entails. You begin the chi strike

every even level that is increased. The mu dai only gains a new chi

as a d6, once you reach martial arts champion at +6 to hit you gain

ability every four levels, such as when they gain their free talents. On

a d8 on your chi strike and yet the drain to your chi pool remains a

the level advancement table you will know when to gain a chi ability

d6. If you reach a master of martial arts at +8 then you gain the +d10

for it will be labeled with an asterisk * next to the level when you

to the chi strike. Finally, a grand master in martial arts at +10 would

gain a free talent as well.

Monks or mu dai that do not choose to multi-class once

they reach 13th level gain a special privilege. Once they reach 13th

attack. You may only use up to three chi abilities at the same time

All characters possess chi in their bodies, yet only those

who learn the martial arts can unlock this flow and use it to their

amount of devotion to reach this point at a higher level.

These powers are learned by those who know how to

grant you a +d12 chi strike.

When it is time to gain a chi ability you may either choose

any one that you want or you may increase the rating of an already owned ability. You are not limited to a specific element alone. You can choose one chi ability from Air and then for the next ability choose one for Water if you wish to. If you do wish to stay within a specific element there is a bonus to staying within that element. Staying the same element or becoming a fire monk for instance, will raise all the ratings of the chi abilities in the fire sphere by 1 rating once they are all obtained.


C las s e s & Abil itie s


Air Walk: you may run across trees, up walls, and over wa-

ter as long as your feet touch a surface between your max movement. Between each round there must be a surface to jump off of, it may very well seem as though you can fly but you are not flying, you are forming chi energy to run across as light as a feather. Drain 2d8 per round. At rating 1 you may add 1 at the end of your max movement while running and while air walking only. At rating 3 you

may add 3 at the end of your maximum movement while running and air walking only. MR: 3.

weapon. Yes, if an enemy has a weakness to electrical damage all of your damage will be considered x2 power damage. Drain: d10, at rat-

Storm Kata: by spending one unarmed action to use the

ing 2 the damage is +d8+2. At rating 3 the damage becomes a +d8+3

storm kata, you gain 1 point of electrical resistance for every 1 chi

electrical damage. MR: 5.

point drained (up to 20 resistance per rating). At rating 2 you gain 2 electrical resistance for every chi point spent. At rating 3 you gain

3 electrical resistance for every 1 chi point drained. This lasts for 4

attack 2 targets that are within your normal movement of one another (not running or max movement). This is used to launch a combo

Flurry of Force: only when using a combination of

attack of at least 3 or more attacks at the targets. Those who do not

unarmed or melee attacks may this ability be thrown into your

defend will suffer the same damage from the attacks. At rating 2 you

attacks to knockback an opponent as well as deal damage to them.

may target up to 3 enemies within normal movement of one another,

You must call the chi ability as you attack and spend the drain, but

and at rating 3 you may attack 4 targets within normal movement.

if you hit the enemy and deal damage you may also push the enemy

Drain: 2d12 x targets MR: 3

back a d4 inches (5’ to 20’ feet) Drain: d12. At rating 2 in this ability you will knock an enemy back +1 inch to what is rolled, at rating 3;

you will knock an enemy back +2 inches. MR: 3.

Twenty Fists: used with the combo attack talent and you

must spend every unarmed action you have (including frenzy) at a target. These all become punches at an enemy. You gain 1 extra hit

Flying Jump Kick: this chi attack may only be used with a

per rating added onto your combo attack. Thus at max rating you can

rage attack and a kick. You can use this ability if you are at least 3

add x4 more combo damage to a single target. Drain: d20, MR: 4.

inches (15’ feet) from the enemy when attempting the flying jump

Whispering Wind: you may speak to the mind of others that are far

kick. If the attack works it will knock an enemy back a d4+1” inch (5

away. This chi ability takes at least one hour of meditation per 20

to 20’ feet). This attack deals an additional +d12+1 damage. At rating

miles. Drain: 2d12 x 1 (per 20 miles or days travel). The connection

2 (+d12+2 dmg and +2” inches), rating 3 (+d12+3 and +3” inches), and

only lasts for a brief moment, allowing you to contact the mind of the

rating 4 (+d12+4 and +4” inches). Drain: d20, MR: 4.

Tornado Attack: you must possess the combo attack talent

to unlock this ability. During the tornado attack at rating 1 you may

rounds yet +1 round for each additional rating. Drain: special. MR: 5

Shocking Strike: add +d8+1 electrical damage to your attack,

either unarmed or melee as long as you are specialized in the melee

target you are meditating upon. At rating 1 you may ask or receive 1 statement, at rating 2 you may ask and receive 2 statements or ques-

Great Leap: you may leap a distance equal to your

tions, etc. MR: 4.

normal movement x2, with the inches measured usually acting as a base target number. At rating 2 you may lower the target number by

1 point. With each additional rating in great leap you may lower the

Wind Dance: used before the defense roll is made. You

must call the bonus you wish to add to your physical defense roll. At

target number by 1 point per rating. Drain: d12 MR: 4.

rating 1 you may only add a +1 to your physical defense roll. At rating 2 you may choose to add +1 or +2. A +4 at rating 4 is the highest you may gain for the wind dancer, yet the drain is very expensive. Drain: d20 x + to def. MR: 4.


Chap te r I V

Paralyzing Touch: you must spend 3 unarmed attacks to

attempt this chi ability. You must call this attack before the roll. Due to the difficulty of the maneuver you must roll an 18 or higher to have a chance to even strike one of the correct pressure points. The enemy must fail to defend. The victim must also roll on the body save to see if they can keep from being paralyzed by a single strike. If they save, they are still stunned and must roll on stunned effects table. If the save fails they are paralyzed and cannot move until they take damage, are healed, or released by a pressure point. This attack deals 0 dmg. This maneuver is used in many forms much like the art of


Dim Mak. For each additional rating in this strike you may bring the target number down 1 point, thus at max rating your target number

Bone Breaker: this is a maneuver that attempts to summon

is natural 15 or higher to hit on your attack die. Drain: 2d20, MR: 4.

enough chi to break the bone of an enemy. This is only used during a rage or combo attack with unarmed or melee attack forms of the

Root Kata: spend one unarmed action to use the root kata,

bludgeoning type. This must also be a focused attack or called shot

then burn 1 chi for every point of toxic resistance that you wish to

to gain the additional +d6 to the damage. If the damage deals 20% of

have (up to 20 resistance per rating) this lasts for 4 rounds yet +1

the character’s max hit points and they fail their body save then you

round for each additional rating. At rating 2, gain 2 toxic resistance

may roll on the trauma table for that specific body part. The victim

for every chi point. At rating 3 gain 3 toxic resistance for every chi

does not slip into trauma though unless they suffer 90% of their max

point. Drain: special, MR: 5

hit points in one hit and fail a body save. Yet, you must roll on the trauma table to see what effects take place upon the body part. At

rating 1 the damage die is a +d6+1, at rating 2 a +d6+2, then +d6+3,

composed of the earth with a concentrated punch, kick, head-butt,

and finally +d6+4 at max rating. Drain: d12, MR: 4.

elbow, etc. This requires the use of a heavy attack, so 2 unarmed

Shatter: you can use your chi to shatter substances

action points must be used for the shatter. If your roll to hit is a

Boulder Tumble: use your movement as a trample, trip,

success the object shatters. Drain: d20 x inch up to 6 inches.

or knockdown on creatures you wish to move by. Make a resisted

At rating 1 you can only break wood, but rating 2 you can shatter

strength or dexterity check to knock an enemy down (determined by

stone. MR: 3 (1= wood, 2= stone, 3= steel).

GM). This chi ability does not deal any real damage it only knocks opponents to the ground. You can knock over 1 target per rating in

this ability, as long at they are within your movement and they fail

physical damage. Drain: d10 x 1 to 10 depending on what you choose

their strength check. Drain: d12 x targets, MR: 4.

to gain for toughness. For every rating in the ability you can drop

Stone Skin: gain 1-10 toughness for 4 rounds to soak

your chi drain die down one rank from d10, to d8, to d6. MR: 3.

Iron Fist: this is a type of punch in martial arts that is used

to cause crushing damage. At rating 1 you gain +d10+1 to the damage.

Submission: this maneuver takes 3 unarmed actions to

At rating 2 you gain a d10+2 damage, all the way up to a max rating

attempt. Victim suffers -6 to hit & defend when successfully held.

of 4 and a d10+4 damage. Drain: d10, MR: 4.

Each action the attacker uses to strengthen the submission move after the bar will make the victim’s strength roll -d6. The enemy may

Iron Foot: this crushing kick attack adds +d12+1 damage.

attempt to break the submission move for 2 unarmed actions and

This ability adds an additional +1 to the damage modifier per rating.

a strength check resisted by the attacker’s strength. If they fail the

increase the rating of this ability. Drain: d12, MR: 4.

strength check, they must submit or suffer a trauma result roll upon the consentrated area. At the point of physical trauma the victim

Iron Strike: add a d6+1 to any type of unarmed or melee

must roll a body save versus the broken limb. Drain: 2d6, for each

attack. At rating 2 add d6+2 damage, at max rating +d6+4. Drain: d10

rating in the ability you can drop the victim’s strength roll by an

MR: 4

additional -d6. MR: 4.


C las s e s & Abil itie s

Dragon Stance: if you are on your feet at the end of your

turn and are able to go into the dragon stance with one foot forward and the rear leg bent, you may call the dragon stance ability at the same time you would take a defensive posture or call the skill battle chant. You take the drain before you gain chi from the chant but you must also take double the amount of your body attribute to be knocked down for the entire round. At rating 2 you must take triple the amount of your body, and at 3 quadruple the amount. Drain: d20, MR: 3.


Dragon Strike: add an additional +d8+1 damage to any un-

armed or melee attack. This damage is fire damage but it does not cause an enemy to catch fire. Each rating will bring a +1 the damage

Burning Flurry: using this chi ability may be attempted

(d8+1, d8+2, d8+3, and d8+4). Drain: d10, MR: 4.

during three or more attacks using the combo attack; the victim must make a body save if hit. If the victim fails they must roll on the stunned table. Drain: d20, MR: 4.

Burning Strike: if you hit with this attack it causes a burn-

ing pain that deals additional pain damage of +d6 per attack that hit. The victim hit by this attack must take an extra +d6 points of damage each round for rounds equal to the attacker’s level. Those who do not feel pain are not affected by this additional damage. The burning strike is cumulative, so every time the victim is hit by this strike you may add another d6 to stack onto the damage with a max of 8d6 cumulative. Remember that combo attacks using this strike will add as many d6’s as attacks were made. At rating 2 you can multiply the

Fire Kata: by spending one unarmed action to use the fire

pain damage by x2 (not the initial damage added to your attack, only

kata, you gain 1 point of fire resistance for every 1 chi point drained

the pain damage). At rating 3 the pain damage may be multiplied by

(up to 20 resistance per rating). At rating 2 you gain 2 fire resistance

x3. Drain: 2d6, MR: 3.

for every chi point spent. At rating 3 you gain 3 fire resistance for every 1 chi point drained. This lasts for 4 rounds yet +1 round for each

Circle of Fire: you may add a d10 to your hour of meditation

additional rating. Drain: special. MR: 5

as long as you have fire, candles, etc. At rating 2 you may roll a d12 during meditation. At rating 3 you gain an additional d20. Drain: 0,

MR: 3.

your attack adds +d12 damage. The kick also adds +2 damage per ac-

Flying Dragon Kick: during a rage attack or combo kick,

tion (attack) spent, per rating, so if you kick your enemy with a rage

Dragon Claw: add +d6+1 fire damage to a punch attack mak-

it only adds d12+2, while a combo attack for 3 would be a d12+6.


ing all of the damage become fire damage. This may also be resisted

rating 2 you can add +4 damage per attack spent. Thus kicking an en-

by normal armor as well as fire resistance. A critical hit will catch a

emy 4 times would be +d12+12 at rating 2. This kick will also send an

foe on fire. With each rating the damage die will increase by adding

enemy flying back 1” inch per rating in this ability which will knock

+1 per rating to the d6. Drain: d10. MR: 3.

an enemy off an edge, or into another foe, etc. Drain: 2d12, MR: 3.

Dragon Foot: add +d10+1 fire damage to a kick attack. A

Resist Pain: take chi drain in place of physical damage only.

critical hit will catch a foe on fire. With each rating the damage die

This chi ability will not protect you from mental damage. Drain: 4 chi

gains a +1 to the damage die per rating. Drain: d10. MR: 3.

per 1 point of damage, MR: 3 (at max rating, 2 chi per 1 HP).


Chap te r I V by 1 for every 3 chi spent and will stop pain damage from causing further damage. The monk may heal in this manner up to their level x 10 in hit points with 2 unarmed actions. At rating 2 you may heal a patient by 1 HP for every two chi you spend. Finally at rating 3 you may heal 1 HP for 1 chi. Drain: special. MR: 3.

Maelstrom: this ability is used to control where an enemy is

standing as a setup for a more powerful attack at them. If the martial artist moves into melee range with several foes and they are scattered by more than 5’ feet (1 “) you can spend 1 unarmed action per target to plant your enemy next to another enemy by moving a target 5’ feet (1


“inch) so that they stand directly next to another enemy. This will set you up for a rage attack at both or a hack attack at several targets if

Dark Water: add +2 levels to stealth and concealment or to

you possess the abilities and talents to do so. In order to pull this off

the rank of your dexterity and perception when sneaking, for a single

the maelstrom chi ability is used as a form of grappling and hurling

sneaking attempt roll. You may activate this chi ability when the GM

opponents into the direction of your choice with a resisted dexterity

asks you to make a stealth and hiding check. Drain: d20, MR: 5.

check and 1 unarmed action per opponent you want to move. You can only move an opponent 1 inch (5’ feet) per rating and only if they fail

Fasting: you take no ill effects from going without food

on the resisted dexterity check. Drain: d6 per target MR: 3

for days equal to your body attribute. For every rating in this ability you may add an additional d6 days, to survive without food. Going

Purify: bless water to purify up to 1 unit (1 waterskin) per

without water is quite less taking your body attribute and dividing

rating from toxins or poisons before anyone can ingest the water.

the number by 6. With each rating in this ability you may add 1 day

Touching a poisoned victim gives them an additional body save to

to your survival time without water. Drain: 2d12 per day without food

take away or slow the poison or toxin. Drain: d20 x 2. MR: 3.

and water, so that you do not suffer any negative modifiers. MR: 3.

Tidal Wave: add +d20+1 damage to any unarmed attack

Fluidity: used before the mental defense roll is made. You

that is a rage or combo attack. This attack is considered a throw, so

must call the bonus you wish to add to your mental defense roll. At

pulling this off will put the enemy on the ground. The enemy will

rating 1 you may only add a +1 to your mental defense roll. At rating

be slammed to the ground 5’ feet (1” inch) in another direction. For

2 you may choose to add +1 or +2. For each rating up to 4 can get

every rating in this ability the +1 on the d20 damage is raised by 1

you up to a +4 defense if you choose, yet the drain is very expensive.

more point. Drain: d12 MR: 4.

Drain: d20 x + to def. You must activate fluidity before you roll your mental defense. MR: 4.

Tranquility: for one unarmed action you may gain 1-10

fortitude for 4 rounds, used to soak mental damage only. Drain: d10 x

Frozen Strike: this attack adds a +d8+1 ice damage to your

1 to 10 depending on what you choose to gain for fortitude. For every

attack roll. Any critical hit will also slow a victim that fails a body

rating in the ability the duration is extended by 1 round and the drain

save for d4 rounds, causing them to suffer a -2 to attack and defend

die decreases a rank from d10 to d8, and finally d6. MR: 3.

for this duration. This attack will cause fire-based enemies to suffer x2 power damage. For every rating in this ability you may increase

Water Kata: by spending one unarmed action to use the

the damage die by +1 to the d8. Drain: d8. MR: 4.

water kata, you may gain 1 point of cold resistance for every 1 chi point drained (up to 20 resistance per rating). At rating 2 you gain 2

Heal: by putting a hand on the wound you may actually

cold resistance for every chi point spent. At rating 3 you gain 3 cold

heal a patient for 2 unarmed actions using chi. This healing is not

resistance for every 1 chi point drained. This lasts for 4 rounds yet +1

magical, it will not close a wound or regenerate a nearly severed body

round for each additional rating. Drain: special. MR: 5

part, and it will not stop bleeding. This will however grant hit points


C las s e s & Abil itie s


Chap te r V


Character Skills

All character skills are based off of an attribute. So if

you see an abbreviation next to the Concealment skill (per), this

“If the pathway you have found is an easy one, it is very likely the

means that the concealment skill is based off of the perception

wrong one to traverse. ”

attribute. Some branch off of your intelligence, some off of your perception, and some off of how sly you are by branching off of your

-Gallavyn Fynch (eldrynn/ pirate)

charisma. Thus raising your attribute might affect quite a few of your A character uses their skills during the game to tackle

character skills. Some skill checks may be attempted by simply

challenges that many different circumstances will bring forth. They

rolling an attribute check if you do not have the specific skill. This

are used for many situations such as; to work, to craft, to hunt, and

is called an untrained skill check and may only be attempted in

to survive. Skills are a very important part of the game. Some of the

certain circumstances. An example is the skill Concealment. The

skill checks can sometimes keep a character alive. There are three

concealment skill is based off of Perception, so if you do not have the

forms of skills; combat skills, character skills, and language skills.

concealment skill you may roll your perception attribute when trying

All characters start with character skills and combat skills based

to hide. We will talk more on untrained skill checks later.

off of their character class. We can call these your primary skills, it

Improving Character Skills

includes all of your character and combat skills that are listed on your character class template. You can look at your character class

All character skills possess three tiers in their field. The

template and copy all of this information onto your character sheet.

first tier is the basic knowledge of that specific skill and that is what

Combat skills are gained from the start of game play due to the

you start with. You will begin at rating 1 unless otherwise noted on

training the character went through in becoming the class they

your character class template but if you are purchasing a skill with a

are now; they are also obtained during the course of a character’s

skill slot you always begin at rating 1 in a character skill. To configure

adventures. On each character class template you will notice a place

your skill rating, level, and dice you will have to look at the skill table

for skill slots located below the character’s character skills. This

on the next page.

should look something like this Ex: (Skills Slots: 1). In this case, the

character is given 1 skill slot that they may spend on a combat skill,

rating 1 in a character skill and wish to go to rating 2, you simply

character skill, or language skill of their choice as long as it costs 1

spend 2 saved saga points to go to rating 2. This not only raises your

skill slot. This chapter will explain how to buy the skills, how to gain

rating to 2, but it will raise your skill level up by 1 point as well, thus

skills during your adventures, how to use them and improve them.

making your dice move up one rank or level on the dice table. If you

For character creation you may use skill slots to purchase

want to go from rating 2 to rating 3 you must spend 3 more saved

more skills of your choice. Each character skill, combat skill, or lan-

saga points. Do not skip a step; say if you want to go from rating 2

guage skill may usually be purchased by spending 1 skill slot, unless

to 5 you do not simply spend 5 saga points. Grab a calculator for fast

otherwise noted on the quick skill table. You may also use them for

calculations and hit 3+4+5= 12 saga points. Thus it will cost you 12

advancement in a type of combat skill, or to specialize in a specific

saga points to jump from rating 2 to 5. If you don’t understand that,

weapon type. A skill slot is equal to 10 saga points as they can be

then stop smoking that stuff and read this paragraph again. Here is

purchased later during your adventures. Each character skill or lan-

the dice equation for skills.

guage skill that is purchased will begin with a Skill Rating of 1. Every

To increase the rating of the skill is easy. If you have a

Skill Dice Equation

combat skill that is purchased with a skill slot is either a weapon proficiency; which says that you know how to use this type of weapon,

(Character Skill Rating + Attribute Rank = Skill Level)

or it is to specialize in a weapon type in order to gain +1 to hit with it.

Once you know the skill level, you can look at the Dice Table on

Remember you may find out how many skill slots your character has

Pg. 44 and find out what dice you roll for your skill! Remember for

by referring to the bottom of character skills listed on your character

unskilled checks just roll the attribute dice that the skill is tied to.

class template (where you choose which class you want to be). The slot cost of each skill is found on the quick skill table in this chapter, it is how many skill slots the skill will cost to purchase. Note: skill slots can be purchased with 10 saved saga points.


S kil l s Untrained Skill Checks

Raising your attributes will eventually raise your skills

that fall under that attribute. Some character skills may be attempted without having the skill; this is called using a skill untrained. We will use concealment as a perfect example because it is used a great deal, when trying to hide yourself or an item. If the character is no thief or they just do not have the concealment skill but they wish to try and hide from a big bad monster, then there is no reason that they should not be able to try. Even as children we learn to hide and in this world you really should know a little about it. Instead of rolling the skill dice they simply roll the attribute die that the skill ties to instead. Not all character skills may be used in this manner. For instance if a warrior wants to make a black powder rifle but knows nothing about the weapon smith skill or how to even make black powder, there is no chance in Hell. As the GM use your discretion in moments of untrained skill checks for some are obvious and some everyone may talk about and set their own house rule.

When attempting a skill check without actually having the

skill, remember unskilled checks can raise a target number by at least +3 to +5 on the difficulty. The GM may use this rule only on standard skill checks not on resisted skill checks. Resisted skill

The 3 Tiers

checks are checks that another character makes in order to beat

The three tiers exist for character skills. The first tier of

the player’s check. So you are rolling against one another to see

most character skills may be purchased for 1 skill slot (or 10 saga

who rolls higher. Standard skill checks will have a target number

points also buys a skill slot); be sure to look at the skills slot cost on

predetermined by the game master. When the GM designs their own

the quick table when you purchase it. Once you reach rating 8 in the

difficulty they just need to keep in mind that certain target numbers

first tier of a character skill you can unlock the 2nd tier if you choose.

are normally for characters who possess a skill to try and defeat say

The second tier means that you have become an expert in that skill.

a lock for example. If the target number is normally 8 for the thief to

It must be unlocked with 2 skill slots or 20 saga points. Becoming

crack the lock with her lock pick, it is going to be much harder for

an expert in a skill grants you specific bonuses listed under the skill

the warrior who knows nothing about lock picking and is just rolling

descriptions. It also grants you a +1 to your skill roll for the specific

his attribute to try it out.


Making Skill Checks

Once you have reached a rating of 16 at tier 2 then you

may spend 3 skill slots (30 SPs) to gain 3rd tier in the skill, which is

mastery in that skill. A master of a skill is as good as you can get as

using the same premise to accomplish skill checks. Skill checks are

far as tiers go. If we are talking about a character skill where you are

used for when you have training in a specific arena of knowledge and

crafting items, as a master you are able to even engineer items within

gain an even more advanced roll than you would if you were simply

your field. This means that not only can you create items in your

rolling an attribute test. As an example let us say that you wish to

specific school of study, but you can design your own types of that

climb the wall of the guild house because you have the skill climbing.

item. A master is an engineer of that subject, so be sure to use this

The skill is based off of the attribute dexterity. So, let us say you have

power and speak to your game master about possibly engineering

a dexterity of 16. When we look at the dice table under attributes we

new things within your field of study if you wish to do so. Becoming

find 16 and pan over to the right to notice that the rank is 6. Looking

a master also means that you can gain +2 on your skill roll. You can

at your character sheet you see that your skill climbing is a first tier

find descriptions under each tier of the specific skill to find out what

beginner at rating 1. Adding the rank of 6 to the rating 1 of climbing

specific bonuses are gained for raising a tier in each skill.

makes the skill level 7. Then looking at the 7 on the dice table it says


Just like when you are making attribute checks, you are

Chap te r V The Rule of One (the Botch)

that we use d8+d6 for climbing. So, we must roll the d8+d6 to see how good we are able to scale the side of the guild house. The GM

believes that it should have a target number of 5 since it is an easy task there are many footholds and vines and handholds, thus all you

not a 1. Rolling a one is a botch when you only have 1 die to roll.

have to do is reach the number 5 with your d8+d6 roll. You roll the

No matter what bonus or modifier you have to add to the botch it

dice and add the result together to get the result of your skill check.

is still a botch. When you have more than one die and start using

If you roll a 6 on your six sided die, or an 8 on your 8 sided die you

two and three dice, you have to roll all 1’s for it to be considered

get to enact the rule of max continuance, or continuum. You get to

a botch. A botch is a critical failure and it means that something

roll that die again and keep adding to the result.

very wrong has happened that may hurt or possibly even kill your

Note: now everyone knows even though more attributes are

character in severe cases. It is highly loathed to lose a life during a

actually used in the skill of climbing, we base the skills productivity

skill check but in certain situations it is sometimes unavoidable. For

off of its primary attribute. In reality you could say that the skill

example; Jack is trying to climb from the 8th story to the 9th story

climbing uses your body, your strength, and your dexterity. There are

of the mage tower, a very dangerous thing to attempt and as the GM

many skills like this, but we will always default to what we believe the

you would want to warn the player in a dangerous case such as this

skill’s primary attribute should be based off of. You should do this as

before they make the attempt. Tell the player that the winds are high

well if you wish to design any new skills for the game, or change any.

Anytime a character rolls a 1 during a skill check it is a fail,

unless you have two or more dice and the additional die or dice is

and if you fail it could very well mean your death. Warning the player beforehand of something that their conscience might scream to the


character before they attempt to do something, does not break the

The rules for continuum or maximum continuance apply

wall into meta territory. That is something your brain would actually

for skill checks. If that isn’t too many names for one thing, some

scream to you while looking out the window of an 8th story tower,

games call it “exploding dice”. Who knows why, they don’t actually

knowing you are about to climb out and up to the next level with

explode!? How awesome would that be?! Any max result on a die

very little or no climbing equipment to help you. Let us say he has

should be rolled again and the result is added to the first roll. This

the skill Climbing at d8+d6 and he rolls two 1s. A roll like this means

may continue for as many times as you can roll the max on the die.

Jack slips and falls 8 stories most likely to his death.

For example, Jack’s skill dice are 2d8. He rolls and gets a 2 and an 8

(2+8=10, hell yea but it’s not over mother bitches). Since Jack rolled

In times like this it does suck to lose a character but then

again you warned the player and instead of using the stairs and at-

an 8, he rolls that die again. Blam, he rolls a 6. So the total of the skill

tempting to sneak by the guardian the player chose to try a different

check is actually 16. This can go on forever unless the GM wishes to

route. This is not a punishment at all by any means for you need

put a cap on it for their campaign, such as a 3 or 5 continuum rule.

not punish players for attempting to think of other ways to defeat

I suggest leaving it open because you can actually reach some epic

a problem, yet the dangerous task failed. If the damage does indeed

situations because of the continuum rule. It adds a level of realism

kill Jack then he still gets a spiritual influence check to see if he is

to the mechanics where certain things can be accomplished with

actually just near death, with many broken parts. The 1 will happen

astonishing results and not always just the known level of

in attribute checks and skill checks throughout the game and it is the

achievement. A higher level enemy can be killed with your dagger

GMs responsibility to come up with a colorful scenario to what has

from one well placed blow. A seemingly unbeatable lock can be

happened. It doesn’t always have to be deadly of course. Sometimes

picked by a lucky thief. It is fun to hit that max die and continue, so

when you botch a crafting check you will most likely destroy what

let them roll!

you were working on and have to restart the entire project paying for new components and all. If you are attempting to sneak, you might have just scraped your shoe across a stone on the floor or accidentally kicked a bone or bottle. There are endless ways to explain a botch, some may even be humorous more than anything and in fact many times they are.

If you are rolling two dice and one die is a 1 but the other

is a 5 then you still add these together with a total of 6. If you are an expert in a skill or master and gain a + to the skill check you still


S kil l s Resisted Skill Checks

get to add this to your dice as long as all of your dice are not 1s. For if they are all 1s it will not matter what + you have to your dice rolls

or what the target number is for that is the meaning of a botch, you have failed. Therefore as long as you do not roll all 1s you should be



actions is the defender.





During some resisted checks there will be certain cases

where the protagonists and antagonist is unclear, for instance on

number in their head or can roll one at random if they wish. It

an attribute test such as arm wrestling. Both opponents are going

really depends on the difficulty of the task at hand. This is for

into the match with equal force against one another in a planned

standard skill or attribute checks. The target number must be

contest. They must both make a strength check to see who wins the

matched or beaten to accomplish a task. Some target numbers are

match. In the case of a tie in this situation you are at a stalemate

determined from the resisted rolls of another character or creature;

and we should say that no one has yet won, that the game is still in

those are plainly called resisted checks. The GM does not have to let the

progress. They are still struggling to defeat each other thus have

players know what the target number is on checks if they do not

them roll again until one wins.

want to, even though it tends to be more exciting for the players

when they know what the target number is. It can be used as a tool

Another perfect example of the resisted check is when

someone is sneaking up on an enemy. Let us use the thief Jack for

to build tension when they know what number they have to reach.


that is being forced to make a check due to some other character’s

Difficulties and Target Numbers comes


being forced to make this skill or attribute check?” The character

with a funny scenario for what happens.



unsure of who the defender is just remember the question “who is

botches then they can cancel one another out and you can come up



resisted skill checks the tie goes to the defender. If you are ever

in a situation. If you botch a resisted skill check and an enemy also



progress in making a successful skill check happen. In the case of

fine. A botch is quite often the worst thing that could have happened


is an enemy or opponent involved that may hinder your

an example. He is going to try and sneak on board the ship and take

When a skill is unknown to a character, such as during an

out the orc pirate who is guarding the cabin. The orc is sitting on

untrained skill check they may attempt certain skills but the GM

a barrel and does not have his back to the wall. Jack sees a perfect

usually adds 3 to 5 to the target number depending upon the situa-

opportunity. He makes a stealth skill check and a concealment skill

tion. Difficulties and target numbers are shown on this table here for

check so that he is neither heard nor seen. Jack rolls a 6 on his stealth

quick reference. These target numbers represent a base example for

and rolls an 8 on his concealment. The orc pirate is forced to roll his

you to follow as a GM.

perception attribute test and rolls a 4! This means that he did not perceive Jack and the thief is able to sneak right up behind the pirate.

Difficulty Table Very Easy










Very Difficult





Chap te r V Teamwork

down time spent on skill training. In case a situation arises where the GM may allow a +3 untrained target number to be dropped down to +2 or +1. This is when the character makes an attribute roll when

The rule of teamwork works for both attribute checks

they have been training a great deal on a skill but have not obtained

as well as skill checks and can be handled in more than one way.

it yet. The GM may also charge less saga points for the skill slot to be

Certain skills will allow two or more team members to join forces

purchased if it is a skill that the character has been learning through

together to defeat a lock, or to push a giant shelf out of the way, or

role-playing and the variant method.

to lift a rock off of a friend. Some skills will allow you both to make a skill check and to add those results together to try and beat a target

Mentors, Schools, & Variant Skill Training

number. While others will allow only one character at a time to try and defeat a task. For instance, two maybe even three characters can

try to move the shelf out of the way by all using the strength checks

someone who is at least 5 levels higher than yourself, or if they

and adding them together to reach the target number. In fact some-

possess the teaching skill they do not have to be 5 levels higher. You

times that is the only way to beat some T#s. Other times, such as

must study extensively and have at least 4 to 6 hours a day to spare.

when trying to pick a lock only one character at a time can do that.

Schools may also train characters in certain skills, yet usually one

Yet in many cases you will want to reach what is called

must first pass a test to be granted into a school, a test that is often

the mean result. This is accomplished by all rolling the skill checks,

granted by a few good intelligence checks. When going through a

adding the results together, and then dividing it by the number of

school sometimes they charge a fee, and this is called tuition. This

characters who performed the task. This way you can all help one

is up to the GM to determine if a school will charge for a student

another out while at the same time getting only one result. This is an

to learn there. Some mage schools may charge around 20 gold

option that is left to the GM’s discretion and is only used for certain

talons for a month of studies. Tuition is all up to the GM of course

situations where it makes no since for all results to stack. It is best

for different schools will charge a different amount depending upon

used when other characters may offer advice while watching a task

what the character is studying. So, players may ask the GM what to

be performed.

pay if they wish to enroll in a school. Some NPC, such as Ragar the

Skill Advancement through Variant Training

weapon smith may teach a character the art of Smithery for free if the character just completed a quest for him. So the charging of training is situational and up to the GM to establish. Twenty gold is very

You may be trained to learn a skill, by being taught by

expensive, however tuition and buying a character’s time usually is.

You can “purchase” a skill slot by spending 10 saga points.

The first tier of most skills have a slot cost of 1 but make sure on the table for what skill you choose. Once you buy the skill you start with a skill rating of 1. We have gone over this as the traditional method of gaining skills and this is normally how it is accomplished. You can say that your character was learning the skill in their free time when doing it in this manner, or another character may have helped in the matter. Yet there will arise a time when characters wish to train in a skill during their down time or be taught a skill by another character in a more realistic manner through role-playing. Even though this is what we consider is happening when you gain a skill slot and use the conventional method you may use an optional variant method or tactic. This method allows some type of gain to be had through role-playing a period of training time or even paying coin to gain it. Although this method should not allow you to attain a skill without paying something for it, the GM has the option to allow some type of payoff. This is called Variant Skill Training and it is an optional rule that you may choose to apply. The player will always want to copy


S kil l s Training Time

Using Skills to Make Money in Town

First the teacher and student add their intelligence

During your stay in towns and villages it is often good

attribute together. Their combined intelligence will show you the

to have a job that takes up some of your character’s downtime as

result of the base training time. Then, the teacher rolls their teaching

well as makes money to cover the cost of boarding and food. This is

skill or just an intelligence check if that is all they have. The student

especially important when you are not a rich adventurer as those

then rolls their intelligence attribute test and the result is added to-

who start out usually are not. Some characters will often turn to their

gether then divided by 2 for 1 mentor and 1 student to find the mean.

skills while in town to make money. Many of the character skills

The mean of their roll is how many days are taken off of the base

found in this book contain a description of how much coin (in bits

training time. Once this training time is up, the player may even be

or bones) may be made during a night of work or upon completion

given 1 free skill slot toward the skill they were training for if you

of an item crafted. Some information will be given under each indi-

wish to allow the variant training method in this manner. If they still

vidual skill so that you may determine time or money gained for a

do not have enough to learn it then they must continue training for

days work at that specific job. This is usually not very much money

another skill slot. That skill slot may only be used for what they were

at all. Most jobs barely pay enough to feed a family for the evening

training for, so if it has to be saved until it is time then make a note

with a coin or two to save for the taxes one must pay to the king or

of this on your sheet or in your character notes somewhere. Some

lord biannually. The soldiers are usually sent out every six months

characters may study for some time and not be able to finish their

within the city to collect these taxes, with a squad of soldiers and the

training. This is okay as well and there is a way to figure the problem

tax collector. The collector is more often than not a scribe or mage.

out as long as you kept track of the training time that was involved.

If a thief strikes in the night upon a common rural family, it usually

For instance Raul wanted to learn the skill Demon Lore, he studied

means their tax money is gone. This can prove fatal for commoners.

in the school with a mentor for 2 weeks but still had a month and a

half left to go to finish his training when the city was attacked and

often simplify this as 6 hours to work on whatever skill they possess

his school was burnt to the ground. Well, the GM may allow Raul

that may be used to make money. So one day of work we shall say is

to spend 8 saga points to go ahead and gain a skill slot toward the

the usual 6 to 8 hours. Other time is spent doing other activities like

Demon Lore skill to purchase it and go ahead and finish off the train-

sleeping, praying, shopping, repairs, research, etc. So, when looking

ing. This variant method of training is all left to the GM’s discretion

through the descriptions of the character skills keep in mind one

and the rules are always given as a guideline.

day of work is considered 6 to 8 hours of your time. Some players

Anytime a character has downtime in the game to work we

may ask their GM if they can spend double the amount of time to do

Combined Intelligence

something and it is left to the GM’s discretion but you may of course

Base Training Time

allow this as long as they are sacrificing other activities in order to


2 Years


1 Year

10 - 12

10 Months

money during downtime so that you may calculate a set amount of

13 - 15

8 Months

money made per day due to the job that you are working. Having the

16 - 19

6 Months

20- 29

4 Months

30 - 39

2 Months

40 - 49

1 Month

would have rolled a 12 on the skill check they would have made 2 ex-

50 - 59

3 Weeks

tra bones. Most skills will pay a base set amount per day in pfennigs,

60 - 69

2 Weeks

70 +

1 Week

accomplish their duties.

You will most likely wish to simplify the task of making

player roll his or her character skill for the job is necessary. For every target number of 5 reached on the roll simply add an additional coin to the amount gained for the night. Thus if the job pays 6 bones and they roll an 8 on their skill check they make 7 bones total. If they

bits, bones, or pennies. Thus during high skill checks perhaps they made a little extra doing good work. So if the characters choose to stay in the town for one week (10 days) so that their spell caster may finish studying a certain spell, then the others may take up work for that week in order to gain some money. Whatever the case may be in


Chap te r V whatever situation, you do not need them to make 10 different skill

Job Type




to the coins made for that week of pay. Example: a character who has

Basic Skill:

the Armorer skill can perhaps work as a craftsman to gain 7 pfennigs

pay (1 day) in Bits




a day in Kauldane. He is working there for 10 days while his wizard

2nd Tier: Expert







checks. Have them make just 1 if you like and let them add the bonus

learns a spell in the library. He rolls his armorer skill to see how he

pay (1 day) in Bits

is doing and rolls a 12 on his skill check. Since he beat a 5, then a 10

3rd Tier: Master

on his skill check that will grant him 2 additional coins. Add those 2

pay (1 day) in Bits

coins plus 7 for being a craftsman and this equals 9. Therefore 9 bits x 10 days is 90 pfennigs were made in those 10 days. You should take out the cost of food and room for staying as well but that may be accomplished how you see fit. In the case of a botch, they probably made nothing for several days due to the fact that they were fired for screwing up their job.

Working in Town as Experts & Masters

When attempting to make money in your downtime as an

expert or a master it still works the same way yet you do gain more coin. Multiply the base pay by x2 for a 2nd tier: expert in the skill. Then you may roll the skill dice to gain an additional coin to the total for every 5 points that are reached on your skill roll, thus rolling a 15 would grant 3 extra coins added to your 2nd tier expert pay for the day of work.

A master of a skill will gain 3 times the amount of the base

pay from a skill just for one day of work for there is usually no one better in the town or city that can do work as well as a master of the craft. The master will also gain 1 additional coin for every 5 points rolled on the skill table. The table to the right will give an idea for the money that is made each day in bits or pfennigs. If the skill does not list the base pay you may always use this table to determine the pay for a daily job.


S kil l s

Combat Skills

Weapon Specializations

Combat skills cover all of your knowledge and training in

describe how they work. You have primary weapon specializa-

specific types of weapons, proficiencies, and your specializations

tions and secondary weapon specializations. All primary weapon

in these specific types of weapons. Everyone possesses the skill

specializations describe a group or family of weapons such as swords,

unarmed combat and everyone possesses the weapon proficien-

axes, or hammers. You may spend 1 skill slot to gain a +1 to hit with

cy known as melee combat. Unarmed combat covers any fighting

swords, then write on your character sheet WS: Swords +1 under

skills that the character has with punches, kicks, head butts, biting,

combat skills and weapon specializations. This means that any sword

clawing, wrestling, pulling hair, because everyone knows how to do

you pick up you will have a +1 to hit with it on your d20. You can

that to some degree. This does not mean everyone is good at it,

go up to a +3 in primary weapon specializations if you wish but you

but all know how to use their natural defense mechanisms without

must pay 20 saga points or 2 skill slots to reach +2 in swords. Then

suffering penalties. All of your combat skills will be shown here in

you will have to pay 30 saga or 3 skill slots to reach +3 swords. You

this section.

must pay each rank up you cannot skip from +1 to +3. This works the same way with magic as well. If you want a +1 in red magic you spend


For weapon specializations we will use two terms to help

1 skill slot or 10 saga to get a +1 to all red spells (MS: Red spells +1). So

Combat skills are purchased in order to become more

then in primary specializations you can go as high as +3. If you want

proficient with certain weapon types, spell types, and armor types.

to go higher it’s time for secondary specializations.

All characters automatically begin the game proficient in melee

combat. This means that any character can pick up a club and swing

Let us say you have WS: Swords +3 and wish to go to +4.

Now with secondary specializations you must specify what exact

it at an enemy without suffering a penalty of -3 to hit on their d20.

type of sword you want to specialize in. So, you may spend 4 skill

Other weapon proficiencies such as projectiles are needed in or-

slots or 40 saga to gain WS: Scimitars +4, or longswords +4. With

der to use a bow without suffering a negative modifier to hit. You

spells it works the same way except you are choosing a secondary

can still use a bow untrained, you simply suffer -3 to hit with that

specialization in them. Let us say you have maxed your +3 in red

bow on your d20 attack roll. Other combat skills such as Weapon

magic, now you must spend 4 skill slots or 40 saga to gain MS: Light-

Proficiency: Projectiles, WP: Throwing, these must be purchased

ning Bolt +4. You can go as high as +10 in secondary specializations.

with a skill slot in order for a character to become proficient with the

This is for all specializations in weapons and magic. Remember to

weapon type so you do not suffer the negative modifiers to hit. When

stay away from double specializations. For instance Marcus has a +3

a character does not possess the proficiency skill this does not mean

in red magic and he channels his spells through his staff which has

that the character cannot use the weapon, it means that they know

a +1 channeling staff due to his verendum. This gives Marcus a +4

little about it. There are also magic proficiencies and armor profi-

to cast red spells from his staff. Marcus cannot specialize in his staff

ciencies that work very similar. You must purchase the proficiency

to gain +5. Casters cannot specialize in channeling staves to gain a +

skill to keep from suffering negatives. After the weapon proficiency

to hit with their spells. A specialization in the staff itself would only

(WP) is purchased with 1 skill slot, you may then begin specializing

give a + to hit if the caster was trying to bludgeon an enemy with that

in a certain weapon type. The weapon proficiencies are described in

staff. There is nothing wrong with Marcus learning to fight with it,

more detail upon the next few pages. You will find weapon proficien-

just do not double stack specializations.

cies such as; WP: Throwing, WP: Siege Weaponry, WP: Dual Melee,

and WP: Blind Fighting.

Skill slots can always be used as 10 saved saga points

toward skills. You may not cash in a skill slot for 10 saga points unless the GM allows you to do so under certain circumstances. If you are ever confused about what you are allowed to specialize in just look at the combat skills quick table and it shows you what you can specialize in and what it costs. Gaining the proficiency skill first (WP) opens up the specializations of the skills.

Let us say you purchase the weapon proficiency WP:

Throwing for 1 skill slot. You may not specialize in WP: Throwing to


Chap te r V gain +1 to hit with everything you throw. That is wrong because it is a weapon proficiency and not a specialization. Anytime a weapon is thrown the attacker suffers -3 to hit, unless they own WP: Throwing. If you wish to specialize in throwing weapons, you must specialize in a weapon type such as shuriken or knives. If you are specialized +1 in knives but do not own the WP: Throwing skill, when trying to throw the knife you would attack at -2 now instead of -3. Yet if you owned WP: Throwing you now know how to throw weapons, taking away the -3 to hit. Thus getting the Knife specialization with the WP: Throwing proficiency you now have +1 to hit with the knife no matter if you throw it or stab with it. This goes the same for alchemy or any other type of weapon that may be thrown. Once you’ve purchased a weapon proficiency skill for 1 skill slot, jot it on your character sheet and leave it alone for good. Specializations are what you want to spend saga points or skill slots on. These weapon specializations include; black powder pistols, black powder rifles, blunderbuss, knives, swords, axes, hammers, maces, flails, alchemy, bows, crossbows, shuriken, and whips.








you may specialize up to a maximum of +10 to hit just like

Unarmed Combat

weapon and magic specializations, but with unarmed combat it is all primary specialization. You will want to look to the table on unarmed combat. When a character reaches martial arts or higher, they will

gain a +1 specialization bonus on any melee weapons that they are

The character begins with one as it is listed on the character class

specialized in. For instance, Yorig the human/ monk has the skill

template. Most who are skilled with sorcery and do not spend any-

Unarmed Combat: martial arts +3. He spends 1 skill slot to specialize

time fighting with their firsts, will begin with basic. To advance to a

in the Sword, therefore giving him a +2 to hit with swords because

+ in unarmed combat, the slot cost is configured by the + to hit mul-

of his +1 martial arts bonus. This is because the weapon becomes

tiplied by 10. Example: a +4 in martial arts has a slot cost of 4 (4 skill

“one” with your martial art form and links into your training. The

slots or 40 saga points), just like specializing in other combat skills.

character only gains this bonus the first time they specialize in a melee

As in all skills one cannot simply just jump the other skills, each one

weapon. Once it is given, the +1 bonus bringing the weapon to +2

must be paid for and earned.

There are four sub-classifications of unarmed combat.

initially, you must spend 30 saga points or 3 skill slots to reach +3 to

hit with that weapon (as normal).

character is not skilled in the arts. They throw petty punches and

Basic: this is the lowest form of unarmed combat. The

Weapons such as the cestus, glove nails, or blade gauntlets

kicks. Some characters with this basic skill in unarmed combat have

may not be specialized in. These are used with unarmed attacks and

been known to bite, pull hair, or scratch their adversaries! It is the

you must use your unarmed combat bonus when using these acces-

basic, primal form of defending oneself. For these characters it is

sories. Spiked knuckles and foot spikes are like the cestus in the way

usually a good idea just to pick up a chair or stick if there is one

that they are all just extensions of your unarmed combat attacks.

around and hit their enemy with it, they have no bonus to their d20

They are a way to boost the damage of your unarmed attacks. There

to hit.

are other methods to gain more of a + to hit modifier as well such

as; runes, abilities, talents, and other mystic methods that you must

armed combat. At least they have gotten in a few fights before in the

unlock yourself.

local tavern perhaps and know how to throw a punch or a kick with a

Fighter +1: these characters have had some training in un-

bit more accuracy. Most of their tactics involve punches and a bit of grappling. They are +1 to hit with unarmed attacks so they add +1 to their d20 to attack.


S kil l s

Unarmed Combat Table

Brawler +2: the character has had some form of training

in the art of unarmed combat. Maybe military training, maybe they were trained by a personal mentor. Perhaps they worked as a bouncer in the local tavern, served as a sergeant in the army, or trained in a few pit fights as a slave. The character can throw punches, kicks, and grapple well enough to make a stand in unarmed combat as a brawler with +2 on their d20 to attack in all unarmed combat maneuvers.

Martial Arts +3: The character has been trained in a deadly

martial art form. This does not necessarily mean you know kung fu, but that you are skilled in an elite form of unarmed combat. All races have their own styles of martial arts. Most are quite similar with only slight changes to the kata or form. Some are formless yet all share similar techniques or maneuvers. Some martial arts use all grappling

Fighting Style

+ to Hit











Martial Arts


chi pool (Body + Willpower), gain

techniques; some have more kicks than punches or look smooth

+1 unarmed action point, gain

while others possess a hard form. When you know that your character has the combat skill martial arts you may choose which style you would like to base it off of or create your own if you wish, something you perceive would be native to your people. Myen Wu has many different styles that are descendants of Kalari, Kung Fu, and even Ninjutsu that were brought to this world by Sóke or grandmasters from the Forgotten World. The martial arts of the bogkroll often


Martial Arts


Martial Arts

resemble wrestling styles and boxing with grappling techniques. Any character that uses the martial arts will gain an additional upgrade to their damage during unarmed combat, therefore changing the creature’s unarmed combat damage (found in Racial Abilities) and



Martial Arts


Martial Arts

making it 1 die level or rank higher on the dice table (ie: a d6 becomes a d8, a d10 becomes a d12, a d12 becomes d8+d6, etc).

Martial Arts

You should also gain 1 additional unarmed action point so

the martial artist should have 3 unarmed actions or attacks, for it is



Martial Arts


chi strike (chi ability) Unarmed Damage increases 1 die rank up. Unarmed Damage increases 1 die rank up. Unarmed Damage increases 1 die rank up. Chi Strike is d8 now. Unarmed Damage increases 1 die rank up. Unarmed Damage increases 1 die rank up. Chi Strike is d10 now. Unarmed Damage increases 1 die rank up.

almost the same as becoming proficient in dual weapons. Martial arts

Martial Arts

will also help a character during melee combat. When a character

(Grand Master)

knows one of the arts, they will gain a +1 bonus on any melee weap-

*(raise dice rank on unarmed damage. ex: from d6 to d8)

on that they specialize in (+1 to hit). Thus, when you spend one skill slot to specialize in swords, maces, axes, etc.; you actually gain a +2 weapon specialization in that melee weapon. They have adapted the melee weapon into their form. They do not gain an additional melee attack with the weapon, only the initial +1 bonus to their weapon specialization. Remember that you may go no higher than +10 in any specializations. Specializations in Unarmed Combat can go to a max of +10 (grand master) to hit. You cannot overlap specializations and you cannot specialize in unarmed weapons or weapon armor accessories such as a cestus, spiked knuckles, shoulder spikes, or blade gauntlets. These accessories are weapons controlled by your skill in unarmed combat; they simply add damage to your unarmed attacks.



Unarmed Damage increases 1 die rank up. Chi Strike is d12 now.

Chap te r V Chi

Melee Combat

Martial artists have yet another advantage, they are

All characters possess the Weapon Proficiency: Melee

allowed the use of chi or some may call it ki depending on where

because everyone can pick up a melee weapon and swing it without

you come from. During unarmed attacks they are allowed to

suffering the -3 to hit. Even if the character is untrained in melee

summon up to 3 chi abilities at one time in order to form special

weaponry they all have some form of natural knowledge with these

attacks and be given more damage or other bonuses. Martial artists

types of weapons. Nearly every child used sticks to play and play

also begin to incorporate their melee weapons into their art form as

fight. You know how to swing a melee weapon to protect yourself

it becomes an extension of their body. Some chi abilities allow the

and it is a natural thing to learn in these days no matter what class

fighter to channel chi through their melee weapon (if the character is

you are. Some are better than others though and those are the ones

specialized in the melee weapon).

who specialize in certain melee weapon types.

To find the amount of chi gained within your chi pool once

Melee weapons are those weapons that are used in close

you become a martial artists simply add the Body and Willpower

range combat. Swords, axes, knives, and maces are just a few melee

attributes of the character. The result is the character’s Chi Pool.

weapon types that we will talk about in this section. Some melee

You will burn the chi with each chi ability used but it will replenish

combat will also cover the use of certain ranged attacks since you can

after rest or meditation. The martial artist is granted the chi ability

throw your melee weapon at an enemy anytime you want to. Since

called chi strike once they learn martial arts +3, it simply comes with

this is a possibility, the Weapon Proficiency: Throwing falls under

the skill of learning the martial arts. With chi strike roll a d6 for chi

melee combat since it works with the same mechanics. All characters

drain when using Chi Strike; and roll it with your attack die because

begin the game with 2 melee actions or attacks. In order to gain a 3rd

this is when the chi is summoned from the body, at the point of the

attack with melee weapons you must either gain the skill dual melee

attack. This allows you to add an extra d6 to the damage of unarmed

so that you can successfully use two weapons at once, or you can

or specialized melee attacks, when you wish to throw it into your

unlock more action points in each talent tree. The talents are picked

attack. You must call it as you roll your attack and will lose the chi

up during level advancement.

drain even if you miss with the attack. Yet if you connect, you get to

add a d6 to your damage. Try rolling any chi drain while rolling your

skill) these are basic hand held weapons: swords, flails, hammers,

attack die to speed things up.

axes, spears, knives. If you can hold it and try to hit an enemy with it, then it’s probably a melee weapon. Weapon Specializations: (SC: 1

Regaining Chi

WP: Melee: (all characters own this weapon proficiency

for +1 to hit) Axes, Flails, Hammers, Knives, Maces, Polearms, Staves,

Chi cannot be thrown into weapons such as projectiles or

Swords, or Whips.

black powder weapons, but it can with melee weapons as long as

WP: Dual Melee: (SC: 3) Training in two weapon fighting

you are specialized in the weapon type. When chi is all used up, you

is sometimes a good idea. This is a weapon proficiency. You are

must meditate or rest to regain it. Meditation fills d20 chi per hour,

granted an extra melee action point only while using two melee

the same as mana. Six hours of good sleep will regain d20 x 6 chi,

weapons. Dual melee or paired melee refers to all melee

for more information on how chi can be used and to see some chi

weapons. So, with any two melee weapons that your strength allows

abilities refer to Pg. 162. Remember that any character that has sex in

you to carry, you get 3 action points while you have two in hand.

the game is reduced to zero chi. Drugs, toxic substances, alcohol have

You cannot specialize in dual melee, only in the weapons you are

this same effect. It becomes difficult to channel chi when your mind

holding. Also, only characters with a 20+ Strength attribute are

and body are not aligned. You could channel chi if you knew how to

allowed to carry two moderate weighted weapons. 30+ Strength

focus it, such as having the drinking skill which allows you to focus

allows the use of 2 heavy weapons. Check out the weight allowance

the connection of chi to your body. Some have used their drinking

due to your strength attribute to find out what you can dual wield.

skill to their advantage, these being called drunken style masters.

Ask the GM if they will allow this in their campaign. If a character

when throwing grenades, alchemy, knives, axes, etc. Yes, without

burns through too much chi it can start to temporarily degrade the

this skill you take a -3 modifier to hit while throwing a weapon.

character’s hit points by 1 point for every 2 chi used below 0.

Throwing weapons are ranged attacks but they do not operate by

WP: Throwing: (SC: 1) this weapon proficiency skill is used

using shooting talents with them during a fight. Throwing weapons Special Note: one can only use up to 3 chi abilities per attack.

ties to melee fighting and are congruent with your melee talents


S kil l s since they work best with them. For instance you might attack with

proficiency is one of the latest forms of shooting weaponry and is

your axe and then wish to throw it at another enemy, the axe still

very difficult for many to wield, load, or even handle correctly. For

gains the bonuses during the throwing of the weapon to hit, if you

instance mages, when do they have time to pull away from their

are not skilled in the art of throwing though you lose -3 to hit with

books, learning finger patterns, and invocations? The weapon is very

the weapon. When you purchase this proficiency skill you are now

dangerous, and many have been known to explode easily during

skilled in the art of throwing weapons and will no longer suffer a

fumble attacks. This skill gives you the knowledge of using and

negative to throw a weapon. If you want to specialize in specific types

maintaining your black powder firearms. These weapons are rare in

of throwing weapons then you should do so after you buy the weapon

these realms. The use of black powder is very new technology created

proficiency. Throwing weapons allows you to throw half of your

by powerful alchemists in the Far East. As well, these weapons are very

strength attribute in inches. Weapon Specializations: (SC: 1 for +1 to

dangerous. A roll of 1-3 to hit on a d20 is a fumble with black powder

hit) Grenades, Alchemy, Javelins, or Shuriken.

weapons, just like in magic. Yet with a roll of 2 or 3 you may still

WP: Blind Fighting: (SC: 2) this skill allows your

be able to steer clear of a fumble roll as long as you have a + to hit

character to fight with melee or unarmed attacks in total darkness, or

that brings you over a 3. If you do not, then roll on the fumble table

without the use of your sight. There are many different ranges in the

for shooting fumbles! These weapons are created with flint charges

negative modifiers that are suffered for fighting in darkness. For

that allow a single spark to ignite the powder and fire a bullet from

instance when in total darkness or you have no idea where your

within the metal pipe toward a target. So one needs bullets as well as

enemy is you often suffer a -10 to hit and defend modifier for

a powder charge for each shot. Thus in combat it is quite normal for

complete blindness and you end up attacking everywhere. This skill

a warrior to fire a single powerful shot and then turn to their melee

will drop -4 from any penalty modifier due to blindness in melee

weapons... or just blow their own hand off. Weapon Specializations:

combat. If you are only slightly blind at -2 this will not give you a

(SC: 1 for +1 to hit) Black powder rifle, Black powder shotgun, Black

bonus to attack, the skill only takes away from negative modifiers.

powder lance, Black powder pistol.

WP: Blind Shooting: (SC: 2) this skill allows your character

to fight with missile attacks in total darkness, or without the use of your sight. Owning this skill will let you fire missile weapons while taking away a -4 penalty from blind attack and defend modifiers while in shooting combat.

WP: Dual Shooting: (SC: 3) the ability to use two pistol

bows or black powder weapons at once will grant an additional action point while armed with the two weapons only. Instead of 2 attacks, you are allowed 3 shooting attacks as long as you are strong enough to carry both weapons and both are in hand during your actions. Reloading is a different story, as some weapons are simply 2 handed weapons. If you possess this skill as well as dual melee you can still gain this bonus action point while using one pistol and a melee weapon.

WP: Projectiles: (SC: 1) this weapon proficiency skill

allows the use of missile weapons such as a bow, or those that use a contraption to launch conventional ammo such as rocks, darts,

Shooting Combat

arrows, or bolts. Weapon Specializations: (SC: 1 for +1 to hit) Blow

Any character that picks up a black powder weapon, uses a

Guns, Bows, Crossbows, Hand Bow, or Sling.

siege or artillery weapon, or fires a bow, is considered using shooting

or using projectile combat. You will be using shooting talents and


shooting action points with these types of attacks.

suffer -3 to hit. This modifier is taken when attacking with


WP: Black Powder: (SC: 1) this weapon proficiency skill

must be purchased separately from WP: Projectiles. This weapon

WP: Siege Weaponry: (SC: 1) the ability to use siege and


artillery. if


Those one



proficient is


in the

this dice.

WS: (SC: 1 for +1 to hit) Ballista, Cannons, Catapults, Trebuchet, etc.


Chap te r V Armor Skills: Proficiencies & Specializations

Specialization in Shields

Another type of combat skill is to be proficient in the

When using shields you are only allowed to specialize once

use of armor and gaining specializations in specific types of

and the cost of doing this is high. You must spend 3 skill slots to

armor. Wearing armor can be severely cumbersome to your charac-

unlock a bonus of +1 cover to your shield. This is reserved for those

ter although it protects the character very well from damage, it will

who really enjoy using the shield bonus and need the modification

certainly slow the character down by degrading the dexterity

to survive. Thus usually templars or knights who are going to be

attribute the more armor you place upon your character. Many

using shields a great deal to protect their body and allies around

pieces of armor also have other negative modifiers that will weaken

them. Those who use shields must be aware that using most shields

your skills like stealth and concealment, even your + to cast spells.

will take up the use of one of your arms. Thus, you will need to use

In order to lessen the effects of the dexterity modifier you may

a one handed weapon and use the shield in the other hand. In some

become proficient in the use of armor. Armor Proficiency or AP will

cases the shield may be worn on the back and it is alright for the GM

be listed under your combat skills and is able to be purchased for

to grant a shield bonus for any attacks at the back of the character if

2 skill slots for each of the 3 separate weight categories. There are

they wish to allow this optional rule.

actually 5 separate weight categories but being proficient in light armor covers both very light and light classes. Being proficient in

Armor and Penalties

heavy armor covers both very heavy and heavy categories, thus you only have to be proficient in 3 primary categories. You may become proficient in all 3 weight classes of armor by purchasing armor proficiencies (AP) for each weight class. Doing so will allow you to take away up to a -3 in your loss to your dexterity attribute.

Specializing in Armor

You may also begin to specialize in certain armor types

Weight Class

Dexterity Modifier


-1 every piece


-1 every 2 pieces


-1 every 3 pieces

such as helmets, body armor, greaves, bracers, shields, and pauldrons. You must specialize under the three specific weight classes that you have unlocked due to your armor proficiency. Thus if you have AP: Light Armor you may specialize in light and very light body armor, or light and very light helmets in order to gain +1 to the armor rating of a specific type of armor. Specializing in specific types of armor will grant you a +1 to the armor rating anytime you place one of that type of armor upon your body. Even though there are other types of armor that can be placed upon the body, you may only specialize in the six basic parts that armor protects. Specializing in a type of armor will only be specific to the certain weight class, thus if you are proficient in light armor and specialized in helmets, you are only gaining a +1 armor rating to light or very light helmets. If you pick up a heavy helmet and place it on you do not gain the bonus. For armor skills you are allowed to specialize up to a +3 which would cost 3 skill slots to unlock (or 30 saga points). Remember that you cannot skip a slot; you must purchase them all one by one. So to advance from +1 to +2 would be 2 skill slots, then 3 more skill slots to a +3 armor rating. As well, you must first be proficient in that armor weight class before specializing, which costs 2 skill slots for the AP.


Armor Proficiency 3 pieces before losing any Dex. 6 pieces before losing any Dex. 9 pieces before losing any Dex.

S kil l s Language Skills








character begins with their native tongue. Then, due to their intelligence attribute they should gain at least 1 additional language of their choice. They may choose anyone that they wish from the list of languages found at the end of the skills chapter Pg. 215. Be sure that if Kothan is not your native tongue as it is for many, then be sure to choose it. Kothan is the trader’s tongue and is the common language for most countries. It was made during the Thrall Wars so that the slaves could communicate with one another. Then it was later adapted to the road for use by all merchants so they could do business together. If by any chance a character wishes to learn another language they may do this by spending 1 skill slot on the language. Once this is accomplished do not write the language into the Fluent Languages part of your character packet. A language skill that is just purchased or learned first becomes a character skill with a rating of 1, and it is based off of your intelligence attribute. Say your character has an intelligence of 18, at rank 7. They purchase the language Dumatos for 1 skill slot and place the language under character skills at rating 1. Therefore their Dumatos language has a skill level of 8 (rank 7 + rating 1 = skill level 8; which is a 2d8 for the skill dice). This means that if you hear the language Dumatos being spoken by a couple of dwarves around the corner then you get to roll the dice to see if you can understand what they are talking about. You will also roll the skill dice if you wish to speak the language to another character. This is only while learning the language.

You may specialize in the language if you would like to

make it a fluent language. If you would like to speak the language you bought fluently, simply spend 1 more skill slot in the language. Once you specialize in that language you can erase it from your character skills and place the language under your Fluent Languages space of your sheet. Thus meaning you no longer have to make skill checks when speaking or hearing that language. You may also become fluent in the language by raising the rating of the language skill up to a rating of 5. Once you have spent enough saga points to raise the language to rating 5 you will have become fluent in the language and may erase it from your character skills and write the name of the tongue under your fluent languages.

Most characters of this day and age do not know how to

read or write. If you own the skill reading and writing then it is automatically gathered that you know how to do this with any language you are fluent in. Many spell casters come with this skill due to the fact that this is how they learn their spells.


Chap te r V

Combat Skills Quick Table Unarmed Combat

Shooting Combat WP: Black Powder


Slot Cost




Slot Cost

-Black Powder Rifles






-Black Powder Lance






-Black Powder Pistols






-Black Powder Shotguns



Martial Arts



WP: Projectiles



Martial Arts



-Blow Guns



Martial Arts






Martial Arts: Champion






Martial Arts



-Hand Bows



Martial Arts: Master






Martial Arts



WP: Blind Shooting



Martial Arts: Grand Master



WP: Dual Shooting



WP: Siege Weapons















*Up damage die by 1 level (Ex: d8 becomes d10)

Melee Combat


Slot Cost




























WP: Dual Melee



WP: Blind Fighting



WP: Throwing















Purchase the Weapon Proficiency before specializing.

No need to buy WP: Melee, all characters have already.


S kil l s


Slot Cost

AP: Light Armor




AP: Medium Armor





AP: Heavy Armor



-Brown Magic



-Body Armor

+1 AR (+3*)


-Gold Magic




+1 AR (+3*)


-Gray Magic




+1 AR (+3*)


-Green Magic




+1 AR (+3*)


-Red Magic




+1 AR (+3*)


-White Magic




+1 cover (+1*)


-Yellow Magic



Armor Proficiency must be bought before specializing. (*)

Magic Combat


Slot Cost



-Black Magic


-Blue Magic


Armor Skills

This represents the maximum bonus that may be gained.

*Sorcery is a magic proficiency only attained by casters.


Chap te r V

Character Skills Quick Table Creative Skills

Physical Skills


Slot Cost













Drug Tolerance


















Lip Reading
















Slot Cost


Slot Cost







Gem Cutting



Glass Blowing





















Story Telling







Slot Cost

Animal Kinship















Detect Lies



Battle Chant






Blood Magic*






Circle Magic












Crystal Lore















Spell Craft*






Diplomatic Skills

Magical Skills

*Only spell casters may obtain these skills.


S kil l s

Medical Skills


Slot Cost






Plant Lore Poisons


Slot Cost


















Street Survival




Slot Cost













Weather Sense






Wilderness Survival






Escape Artistry




Slot Cost
















Bowyer & Fletcher



Pick Locks
























Leather Working









Siege Craft










Slot Cost

Roguish Skills

Scholarly Skills

Survival Skills

Trade Skills


Slot Cost




Creature Lore






Demon Lore



























Read & Write


















Travel Skills


Chap te r V

Creative Skills

Gem Cutting

shapes and make them more appealing to the eye and able to be sold by


This skill allows the character to cut precious stones into ideal

vendors for more money than just the raw stones. A good gem cutter

The character may use acting techniques to perform for

can usually craft a finely cut gem in a d6 nights with the right materials

a number of situations. Your character is able to express emotion

for cutting in their hands yet they may raise 7 bits per day at this work.

when it is not felt, or even hide emotion when necessary. You may


also make an acting skill check when you are attempting to play dead

in combat. In certain situations you may gain your social pool if

crystal, gem, or stone by making a simple skill check. With a good

interacting with other characters. (Charisma)

skill check they can gain +15% more value out of a well cut stone. As

-Expert: the character can convince a person of something

an expert in this skill you may now add +1 to your skill rolls. Add a

by acting convincingly enough to gain a +1 social modifier when

+1 to your perception attribute permanently once this is unlocked.

rolling this skill. Add a +1 to your charisma attribute permanently

Experts may add +2 to the rating of their crystal lore skill.

once this is unlocked.

-Master: with the 3rd tier, you can pretty much make

they can craft items such as crowns, scepters, etc. A gem cutting

any story believable. You are able to show great emotion in your

master can now become a jeweler and specialist making 30 bits per

acts. Gain a +2 social modifier during a display of your skill. This

day if they so choose and they also gain a +2 to the roll of their skill.

upgrade will also grant your character a +1 to your charisma attribute

A master in cutting can also add +30% to the value of a stone.

-Expert: an expert in gem cutting can appraise any form of

-Master: a master of cutting can not only appraise a stone,

permanently once this is unlocked.



This skill allows your character to make glass objects with

Drawing, painting, sculpting, war paint, tattooing. The art

heat and sand. At a basic skill in glass blowing your character is able to

that you choose to excel at is up to you but being good at art does

craft vials, bottles, jars, with a total completion of one in d6 days. The

allow you to show some skill in all forms of artwork. This also grants

artist must possess the proper tools and a kiln to make 7 bits a day.

the artist the ability to create mystic tattoos that grant +1 to any


attribute, one must possess mystic ink to make these with a hard

target number. You can sometimes finish a piece of art in d6 days

vials, bottles, jars, lanterns, windows, and more, with enough skill to

and raise 7 bits per day as an artist. (Perception)

gain 14 bits per day for their work. As an expert in this skill you may

now add +1 to your skill rolls. Add a +1 to your perception attribute

-Expert: an artist can create certain pieces of art and sell

-Expert: the 2nd tier of this skill allows the artisan to craft

them for copper equal to your art skill check or gain 14 bits per day

permanently once this is unlocked.

as an artist. If you create a masterful piece of artwork it can grant you

+5 reputation. An expert artist can also add +2 to any attribute when

that may assist with use of vials in combat and out of combat. What

crafting a rating 2 mystic tattoo. As an expert in this skill you may

of potion vials that allow you to drink 2 potions at once, or a device

now add +1 to your skill rolls. Add a +1 to your perception attribute

that launches potions into the air? Just a thought, feel free to engi-

permanently once this is unlocked.

neer your own ideas, gaining mastery in this skill will add +1 to the

-Master: the master artist may gain silver equal to your

character’s perception attribute permanently once this is unlocked. A

art skill check or make 21 bits per day. Masters gain a +2 to their

master gains +2 to their skill rolls. They can also gain 21 bits per day

skill rolls. You may also gain up to 10 reputation points for creating

as a master in the skill.

-Master: a master of this skill is also able to engineer tools

and selling a masterful piece of artwork. Masters can gain their skill check in silver. A master can create a +3 mystic tattoo that grants +3


to any attribute. A rating 3 mystic tattoo takes up 25% of the body.

One body can possess 3 different rating 3 mystic tattoos or up to +10

or creature or to entertain and trick others. This skill, along with dis-

in attributes all together. A master artist is also granted an additional

guise is a dangerous combination for an infiltrator. If you possess the

+1 to their perception attribute permanently once this is unlocked.

disguise skill you may gain a +1 to the rating in that skill (per tier),

To mimic the voice, mannerisms, and habits of a character

and vice versa. (Perception)


S kil l s

-Expert: at 2nd tier the impersonator may create sounds

course you must be able to actually travel with this instrument and

like monsters and mimic another character to where they may even

carry it to gain any benefit. You may always create your own ideas

pass as the character with a proper disguise. As an expert in this skill

for instruments used when playing non- human races if you like.

you may now add +1 to your skill rolls. Add a +1 to your perception

Such as the “skorn” the kuthalan wind and percussion instrument, a

attribute permanently once this is unlocked.

hollowed out skull and spine of an enemy. You may gain 5 bits per

night from the skill when playing at a tavern for a full night of work.

-Master: at 3rd tier the mastery of this skill will allow you

to gain a +2 to your skill rolls. Mastery in this skill will also grant the


character +1 to their perception.

-Expert: the 2nd tier of this skill allows the musician to

perform in the streets or a tavern and gain 10 bits for a night. This


is gained during a full nights work or performance, not just a song.

This skill allows the character to create maps of

The 2nd tier musician also grants you the right to choose another

areas that they are in, have traveled through, or the ability to read

instrument to become proficient in. An expert can grant +2

them accurately. These maps may even be sold in the marketplace for

reputation points per night of entertainment with a good roll. As

7 bones per day. Using a good map will allow a navigator to gain a +1

an expert in this skill you may now add +1 to your skill rolls. This

to +3 levels to their skill check. (Perception)

character also gains a +1 to their perception attribute permanently

when unlocking the 2nd tier.

-Expert: creating a map of an area as an expert cartogra-

pher will grant a navigation skill check +2 levels to the skill or to the

-Master: the 3rd tier of this skill allows the musician to

perception attribute test for those who are untrained in navigation.

gain an amount of 15 bits for one full night of performing. The

You may call it a +2 level map or make a note of this somehow for

musician also gets to choose their 3rd instrument that they can play.

those who read it. These maps may also gain you 14 bits per day,

This character gains +1 to their perception permanently once this is

while selling in the marketplace. If the player wishes to actually

unlocked. A master adds +2 to their skill roll. They can also grant up

sketch a real map the GM may award the player saga points for their

to +3 reputation for a night of entertainment.

time and creativity. As an expert in this skill you may now add +1


to your skill rolls. This character also gains a +1 to their perception attribute permanently once this is unlocked.

The skill of pottery is very common in these times

-Master: at 3rd tier, the master of map making can sell their

and in order to use the skill you must possess clay. There are 3

work in the marketplace for 21 bits per day. A master of mapping will

primary types of pottery to create which include earthenware,

add +3 levels to the navigation skill or the rank of their perception to

stoneware, and porcelain. With this skill you may craft pots, jars,

those who read their maps. Masters gain +2 to their skill rolls. This

decanters, etc. The skill does not only consist of crafting containers,

character also gains a +1 to their perception attribute permanently

yet all are works of art. They can be used by the character and his or

once this is unlocked.

her party or crafted to sell in the marketplace for 7 bones per day. (Perception)


-Expert: at 2nd tier a potter can use their skills to gain 14

When gaining this skill you must first choose a musical

bits per day. As an expert in this skill you may now add +1 to your

instrument that you wish to play. From the three basic families of

skill rolls. This character also gains a +1 to their perception attribute

instruments you may choose strings, woodwind, or percussion. In


the strings family some of your choices shall be; harp, fiddle or lyre,

lute, gittern, vielle, etc. Some instruments from the woodwind family

of 21 bits per day of work The character also gains a +1 bonus to

are; crumhorn, flute, trumpet, bagpipe, three-holed pipe, etc. Finally

their perception attribute permanently. A master adds +2 to their

from the percussion family you may choose from; bells, cymbals,

skill rolls.

-Master: at 3rd tier the skill may be used to gain an amount

tambourine, tabor, many different types of drums, etc. When choos-


ing the bard class this is a very important part of the class, for you shall begin the game with the musical instrument that you choose if

the music skill is in your arsenal. You may choose an instrument that

by many and very common. A seamstress or tailor can sew, craft

is not on this list of course if it fits within the game and era and of

clothing, upholstery, make sails, tapestries, book binding, and so


Yet another skill that is very basic in nature but is used

Chap te r V Storytelling

many other trades. This skill can make you 5 bits per day of work. (Perception)

when telling their tales. They may create or reenact stories that be-

-Expert: using this skill can grant you an amount of 10 bits

Storytellers can pass the deeds of heroes and villains on

per day working in the marketplace. You may certainly use it to craft

come entertaining to those around them. (Charisma)

a cloak or blanket for someone who needs it badly enough. You may

do so as long as you possess the materials, which cost 25% of the

per night from telling stories as long as there is a group to listen and

actual cost of the item you wish to craft. An expert can also create

spread the word of their deeds. A new group of listeners must be

hidden pockets at +2 levels to the concealment skill. They can even

available to continue gaining a reputation bonus. An expert in story-

make armored clothing with a max rating of 2 if they can reach a

telling can also come up with a story on a whim to entice people with

target number of 20. As an expert in this skill you may now add +1

a tale which will certainly catch their attention to stop and listen.

to your skill rolls. This character also gains a +1 to their perception

You may gain a +1 to your charisma attribute permanently once this

attribute permanently once this is unlocked.

is unlocked. Experts gain +1 to their skill rolls as well.

-Master: the 3rd tier of this skill allows the character to

-Expert: the expert storyteller can land +2 more reputation

-Master: at 3rd tier, the master storyteller can land +3 more

gain 15 bits for a day of work. At 3rd tier you may even craft what is

reputation per night from sharing stories. This also grants your

needed to make padded armor, or design your own types of clothing

character +1 to your charisma attribute permanently once this is un-

or armored clothing with a max rating of 3 if they can hit a target

locked. Masters gain +2 to their skill rolls.

number of 30. This character also gains a +1 to their perception attri-


bute permanently once this is unlocked. A master gains +2 to their skill rolls.


A skill often used in making baskets that many use for back-

packs. Tapestries, curtains, and so many other items may be crafted with this skill; it can become useful in certain situations. You may

This skill allows you to perform vocally with basic skill in

even gain 5 bits per day of work in the marketplace. (Perception)

the matter. The bards, minstrels, and troubadours can combine this

skill with other musicians and all make their skill checks while in a

per day of work in the marketplace. Some types of armor can even be

tavern. You can make 5 bits per night singing in a tavern. (Charisma)

made with this skill with a max rating of 2 if you are an expert in this

-Expert: the 2nd tier of this skill can be rolled along with

arena, you must pull off a target number 20 to get an armor rating of

your music skill if you are a bard allowing you to choose the best

2. You may gain a +1 to your perception attribute permanently once

result for your payment when playing songs for money. If you are us-

this is unlocked. You may refer to the equipment list to make baskets

ing it by itself, without an instrument, or simply singing while others

or containers that will carry a certain number of units. Mastery in

play their instruments, you will gain 10 bits for a night of work. This

this skill will allow you to craft your own type of upgraded items

skill can also grant you from 2 reputation points (does not stack

you might find on the equipment list that rely on this style of craft.

with the music skill but you may add them together and divide by 2

Experts gain a +1 to skill rolls.

rounding up). As an expert in this skill you may now add +1 to your

skill rolls. You may gain a +1 to your charisma attribute permanently

gain an amount of 15 bits per day of work in the marketplace. At 3rd

once this is unlocked.

tier you may be creative with the skill and craft things of your own

-Master: the 3rd tier of this skill will allow you to write your

design. You can even design certain types of armor with a max rat-

own songs and grant you 15 bits for a full night of work. This may

ing of 3 at this tier, as long as a target number of 30 is reached. You

also grant you from 3 reputation points. None of these bonuses stack

may gain a +1 to your perception attribute permanently once this is

if you are using music with it, doing so allows you to add the results

unlocked. Masters gain a +2 to their skill checks.

then divide by 2. Becoming a master singer also allows you to gain +1 to your charisma attribute permanently once this is unlocked. You may add +2 to your skill rolls as a master.


-Expert: using this skill can grant you an amount of 10 bits

-Master: the 3rd tier of this skill allows the character to

S kil l s


Diplomatic Skills

or come up with a believable story. The other character makes a

Animal Kinship

This skill allows a character to pull off convincing lies

perception check (or detect lies skill) to catch you in a lie or to notice

This skill allows you to become empathic toward a

what it is you are attempting to do. You may add your social pool to

creature of animal or beast intelligence. If the creature is very hostile,

this roll. (Charisma)

that’s a different story. This skill allows you to use your social pool.


fabricate lies well enough they can become a political figure. Pa zow

-Expert: this allows your character to communicate with

(a silly jest)! Experts gain a +1 to their skill rolls. You may gain a +1

a creature in a primitive way using empathic movements and body

to your charisma attribute permanently once this is unlocked. An ex-

language. You can even calm creatures that are hostile if others stay

pert at lies can be dangerous, causing two targets to believe you.

back during your attempts. You may gain a +1 to your charisma attri-

bute permanently once this is unlocked. Experts gain +1 to skill rolls.

attribute permanently once this is unlocked. A master may add +2 to

their skill rolls. They can lie to an entire group convincingly.

-Master: with mastery in this skill you can give a creature

-Expert: the 2nd tier of deceive allows a character to

-Master: a master of deceive gains +1 to their charisma

commands and they will understand those commands, if you be-

Detect Lies

friend them, which should not be a difficult task for you. If you have developed a bond with a creature and you are a master in this skill,

they will often die to protect you. With mastery in this skill you may

terns in the speaker’s postures and expressions. The character may

interact with a beast even in the company of another character. Mas-

listen as well as gain visual hints that they speaker might be telling

ters gain +2 to skill rolls. You may gain a +1 to your charisma attribute

a lie. (Perception)

permanently once this is unlocked.

-Expert: having a 2nd tier in this skill gives the character a

+1 on their skill roll. You may gain a +1 to your perception attribute


This skill allows the character to perceive different pat-

permanently once this is unlocked. An expert can detect the lies from

This skill allows the character to successfully negotiate a

a speaker by simply listening to their words.

better price on products, better pay for salvage, as well as for your

assignment, etc. The skill dice are rolled and a resisted roll from the

to gain +2 on skill rolls. You may also gain +3 to the rating of your

vendor is made. The vendor is the defender in this situation because

interrogation skill. Mastery in this skill will also grant your character

you are forcing his or her roll. As we know from other rules, the tie

a +1 to your perception attribute permanently once this is unlocked.

-Master: having the 3rd tier of detect lies causes a character

goes to the defender. When dealing with merchants there is a very


good chance they will possess this skill. The character may gain a 10% discount or increase in pay, unless a different amount is established

beforehand. The player and GM only need to roll if an actual fair

manners without the use of torture at all times. The interrogator can

barter is offered. If the price the player asks for is far too high there

use this skill to gain information from a target. This skill is resisted

is no need to even roll for an NPC to refuse. You may add alter this

by a character’s charisma attribute. You also get to add your social

result by adding your social pool to this roll. (Charisma)

pool during this skill. This is different from torture although these

-Expert: the 2nd tier of this skill allows the character

may be used in tandem, torture is often resisted by willpower and re-

to gain a 20% discount or rise in pay. You may gain a +1 to your

quires causing the subject pain and suffering to extract information.

charisma attribute permanently once this is unlocked. Experts gain a


The character is trained in interrogation methods and

+1 to their skill rolls.

-Master: the 3rd tier of this skill allows the character to

bonus to your skill rolls. You gain +1 to your charisma attribute

gain a 30% discount or rise in pay. At 3rd tier the character also gains

permanently once this is unlocked. Experts also filter out lies and

a +1 to their charisma attribute permanently once this is unlocked.

may lead the target into telling them truthful answers quickly.

Masters gain +1 to their skill rolls.

-Expert: being an expert in interrogation will grant a +1

-Master: a master of this skill gains a +2 bonus to skill rolls.

You gain +1 to your charisma attribute permanently once this is unlocked. A master can implant information for the target to admit.


Chap te r V Leadership


This skill is useful when gaining others to follow you or

This skill allows the character to make impressive and

help you establish a system of rank within a small group. In most

persuasive speeches to those around them. It may grant a charac-

cases the character with this skill and highest charisma is best suit-

ter a chance at an audience with a clerk to see about possible jobs

ed to be the leader of the party. They offer words of inspiration or

with guilds, banks, etc. You must usually establish yourselves as

can instill fear within their followers and friends. You do gain your

someone of note before you are allowed to seek an audience. You

social pool when using this skill. (Charisma)

will gain a +1% for every 5 you roll on the check, to your chance

-Expert: the 2nd tier of this skill can actually gain the

known when attempting to gain an audience with a high rank-

character an NPC follower that wishes to travel with the character.

ing official. You are allowed to add your social pool to your skill.

The character is an expert at leadership and gaining respect from


followers. The character may use this skill to rally a group to follow

the character’s orders against a common enemy in times of danger.

ability to add +1 to skill rolls. You will gain a +2% for every 5 you roll

You may gain a +1 to your charisma attribute permanently once this

on the check, to your chance known when attempting to gain an

is unlocked. Experts gain a +1 to skill rolls.

audience with a high ranking official or with royalty, a magistrate,

etc. You may gain a +1 to your charisma attribute permanently once

-Master: the 3rd tier of this skill can rally a force equal to

-Expert: the 2nd tier of this skill allows the character the

the leader’s skill check in times of war. It is also possible to gain

this is unlocked.

another NPC follower that wishes to travel with you on your adven-

tures. At 3rd tier your character gains a +1 to your charisma attribute

You will gain a +3% for every 5 you roll on the check, to your chance

permanently once this is unlocked. Masters gain +2 on skill rolls.

known when attempting to gain an audience with a high ranking

-Master: you have the skills in speech to be a diplomat.

official. As well, the character gains +1 to their charisma attribute


permanently once this is unlocked. Masters gain a +2 to skill rolls.

This skill is used for making advances toward characters of


the opposite sex, or the same if your character swings like that. This skill may be used to gather information and open up a connection

This skill represents the character’s ability to gain informa-

of trust between the two. You may gain your social pool during this

tion off of the streets by speaking with commoners and shady types

skill. Seduction is resisted with willpower. (Charisma)

in back alleys, slums, and black market areas. This skill is good for

-Expert: the 2nd tier of this skill allows the character to

those who have lived on the street for a long time. They know how

gain the trust of the other and add +1 to skill rolls. The character is

things are accomplished in the cities and how to talk to people in the

very good as seducing a member of the opposite sex and is allowed

darker parts of society. As this skill might go hand in hand with the

to add a 1 to their physical beauty in the eyes of their target, for every

skill speech, yet this one is not so much about speaking intelligently,

5 on the result of their skill check. Thus a roll of 16 would add +3 to

but speaking the slang of the streets convincingly and fitting in. You

your PB. You may gain a +1 to your charisma attribute permanently

may add your social pool. (Charisma)

once this is unlocked.

-Master: the 3rd tier of

from people in the shady areas of the slums, taverns, or dens within

this skill allows the character to

a city. Experts gain +1 to the skill roll. An expert knows right who to

gain +1 to their charisma attribute

go to and can dodge the peons that might cost an extra coin.

permanently when this is un-

locked. Mastery in this skill will

can save a bit of coin in bribes and learn a great amount of informa-

seduce the target character to the

tion from and about the city. A master gains a +1 bonus to their cha-

point where they believe that they

risma attribute permanently once this is unlocked. An expert in this

are in love with the character. At

skill will add +3 to the rating of a speech skill if it is owned. Masters

this point they may fight for the

of streetwise can find out where the local thieves guild is located, or

character, perhaps even die for

where the black market is in a new city by greasing the right palms.

them if need be. Masters gain +2 to skill rolls.


-Expert: an expert at streetwise can find out information

-Master: a master of streetwise adds +2 to skill rolls. They

S kil l s

Magic Skills

fluence from spending so much time in the stars and in awe of the godly creations and things of the world. The expert gains +1 to their


-Expert: an expert of astrology will gain +2% Spiritual In-

intelligence attribute permanently once this is unlocked. Experts

With the alchemy skill, your character knows the basics and

gain +1 to skill rolls. They can even make 20 bits per day as a palm

components of crafting magical potions and powders. Alchemists can

reader if they wish to do so in the marketplace during downtime.

make up to 10 bits per day working in the market as a specialist. An

alchemist must refer to the alchemy creation table in the magic chap-

ence. If it is nighttime and the stars are available to view, the master

ter. There is a great bit of information on ingredients and rules for

can actually call upon the ability of astromancy with a successful

alchemy such as the alchemy creation table. The ingredients can cost

enough check that they can force a random encounter on the party

25% of the base cost listed for a potion, or they may be gathered on

and the GM must tell the character what will happen before it does.

your own in the wild. Either way you must possess the correct for-

This astromancy may only be utilized once per week. The encounter

mula to craft the desired alchemical substance and the correct tools.

does not have to happen immediately it may happen the following

A character with 1st tier alchemy can make potions that range in cost

day. The master gains a +1 to their intelligence attribute permanently

on the potion table, from 1 to 14 gold pieces. If it costs more than that

once this is unlocked. Masters also gain +2 to skill rolls.

to buy in the market it is too difficult for your skill (Intelligence)

-Master: a master of astrology will gain +3% Spiritual Influ-

Battle Chant

-Expert: an expert in alchemy is granted +1 to their skill roll.

The expert alchemist may also gain +1 to their intelligence attribute

permanently and gain +2 ratings to the plant lore skill. The expert

in a combat situation. They regain an amount to either mana or chi

can create potions that range anywhere from 1 to 29 gold pieces on

that is equal to the result of their skill check. This may be used each

the potion table. An expert may also use this skill to break a potion

round and only after the character is finished with all of their actions

down and learn its formula as long as their skill level is high enough

and attacks. The character may only battle chant while in battle, they

to make the potions as well. This will waste one potion during the

have trained to channel the surge of energy while in the midst of

breakdown to find its components.

combat. (Willpower)

-Master: a master alchemist gains +2 to their skill roll. A

This skill is used for regaining drained mana or chi while

-Expert: the expert of battle chant will gain the amount of

master of alchemy can engineer their own type of potions as long as

mana or chi that is rolled on their skill dice with a +1 bonus to the

the GM discusses the ideas and approves them. The master gains a

roll. The expert of the battle chant also gains a +1 to their willpower

+1 to their intelligence attribute permanently once this is unlocked.

attribute permanently once this is unlocked.

A master alchemist gains +3 ratings to the herbalism skill. A master

in alchemy can read the formulas and craft potions that cost 30 gold

their meditation skill if they possess this skill. A master of battle

or more.

chant can gain mana or chi equal to what they roll on their skill

-Master: masters of battle chant gain a +3 to the rating of

check with an additional +2 to the roll. Masters also gain +20 to their


max mana or chi you must choose one. The skill user also gains +1 to

The study of the heavenly bodies, the 12 Fates, positions

their body attribute permanently once this is unlocked.

of the stars and their influence over living creatures. Astrologists

Blood Magic

can use the positions of the stars at night to gain certain divination information. For instance some might notice a bad omen, a good

omen, and allow the GM to give them a small amount of information

of sacrifices and the caster at times in place of mana drain and can

about future events. This skill goes hand in hand with the following

sometimes even take the place of material components that are need-

and knowledge of “the Twelve Fates” who have been given the 12

ed within certain spells. During the casting of a spell, during a ritual,

pointed star as their joint symbol, with each of their individual sym-

or during a conjuring a sacrifice is slain and the blood is used to

bols at the end of each point. Knowing this skill allows you to also

soak some or all of the mana drain depending upon the power that

know about the 12 fates. Thus if your character possesses this skill it

resides within the blood and the roll of the skill. This is known to

would be wise to look over the information on the Twelve Fates on

most tribes and cities as evil. It is a death sentence in many lands and

Pg. 237 in the chapter on Gods. (Intelligence)

is often used by some of the most foul of necromancers and demons.


This skill is often tied to the dark arts for it uses the blood

Chap te r V Circle Magic

The sacrificial blood loses its power after the mana is drained from it, thus you cannot re-use the blood. You must sacrifice again. It is

usually saved for the most draining of magical rituals and not for

conjurers, and characters that seek protection in dealing with alter-

lower spells. You must roll your skill dice; the result is how much

nate realms and spirits. Primarily you might use this skill to keep

mana is soaked by using the blood of the sacrifice. You can gain a

spirits trapped within the circle when conjured or summoned. A

bonus of +1 to +5 levels depending upon the innocence of the

spirit can break through a magic circle with a resisted intelligence

sacrifice. It seems to appease the evil spirits and this bonus will

check against the result of the circle magic roll. This knowledge

be decided by the GM. Animal sacrifices are more common and

allows you to identify circle magic as well as design it with the

do not often grant additional bonuses, but that of a young mortal

correct symbols, runes, or components necessary to make a magic

virgin would appease dark gods due to its innocence. Some northern

circle. The time it takes to craft a circle is from 5 to 35 min-

tribes of Oondar still practice this as well as the Crow tribes. Many

utes. Non-spell casters may perform this skill; they do not need

countries that catch practitioners of blood magic are usually burned

sorcery to do this. There is magic within the runes and magical

at the stake for black witchcraft. (Willpower)

energy develops in an invisible cone-like shape starting from the

drawn circle then up to a point at its apex. This may sometimes be

-Expert: the expert of blood magic will take the amount that









is rolled x2 from their mana drain. The expert in this skill will gain

seen when looking astrally. (Intelligence)

a permanent +1 to their Willpower attribute. Experts gain +1 to their

skill roll.

a second ring of runes adjacent to the first circle and connected

-Expert: the 2nd tier of this skill allows a character to add

-Master: the master of this skill will gain x3 to the result of

by a line of salt, blood, sand, or whatever the magic calls for. This

their skill roll. This result is then soaked by the mana drain that they

circle possesses a thaumaturgic triangle within it and is used for the

suffer from the current ritual they are performing. A master of this

conjurer to stand within. This allows for a second barrier to be in

skill will permanently gain a +1 to their intelligence attribute as well

place if the first one shall fall. Experts gain +1 to their skill roll. The

as a +3 to the skill rating of their necromancy skill if they possess it.

expert gains a +1 to their intelligence attribute permanently.

A master gains a +2 to their skill roll.

-Master: a master of circle magic may add a 3rd tier circle

as a 3rd and final barrier against the power of an angry spirit, as long as time allows. Making the 3rd circle takes 3 times the amount of time to craft. At this rank of the skill this character is also able to create their own magical circle components out of chalk, bone, candles, blood, salt, and other useful ingredients that they may find by making a skill check in their downtime. A master of circle magic gives them knowledge to create circles of the greatest power, with three seals to be broken. This also means that the designer can craft circles that allow gates to be created to other planes of existence or outer worlds. However, sorcery is also a part that is necessary to complete the actual act of opening a gate such as this. This is where a powerful summoner is needed. Masters of circle magic often create large summoning chambers so that a circle does not need to be recreated each time. A master gains +2 to their skill roll. A master also gains a +1 to their intelligence attribute permanently.


You must possess the skill sorcery to gain this skill. This

very dangerous skill can allow a magic user to conjure spirits of the dead and spirits of nature; such as different types of elementals. This skill may allow beings from outer planes into our own realm through the use of magical circles as gateways. Circle magic is part


S kil l s Exorcism

of the method used to open a doorway to another plane. Look to the magic chapter under conjuring for more information. The first

tier of the conjuring skill will allow you to bring forth power 1 & 2

You do not need to be a sorcerer to attempt this skill. For 2 magic

spirits of the dead, elementals, and outer planar beings. It is also

actions the character shouts the Rite of Expulsion in order to bring

used during summoning spells to bind spirits to the caster’s will.

the demon from the body and release their hold over the victim’s


soul. Once a demon has been exorcised, they may not jump into the

-Expert: an expert conjurer can call forth power 3 to 5

same body again for days equal to the body attribute of the character.

spirits if they wish to attempt it. Look to the random spirit table

Once the demon is out it is free. Yet you may now attempt to banish

under conjuring for more information on spirits to be summoned

it as long as someone owns the conjuring skill at expert level. You

and their stats. An expert in conjuring may also attempt to banish

cannot banish a spirit when it has possessed a body, it must be ex-

spirits for 4 magic actions. They do so at -3 to their roll if they do not

pelled first. The exorcist can throw holy water on the subject during

know the name of the spirit, or possess a totem of the spirit they are

the Rite of Expulsion to cause the demon an additional –d6 (no con-

attempting to banish. This may be attempted once per spirit. An

tinuum) to their willpower roll result. Sometimes holy symbols are

expert conjurer gains a +1 to their willpower attribute and may also

used to gain a bonus for the exorcism skill roll. (Willpower)

add +2 ratings to their circle magic skill. Experts also gain +1 to their

conjuring skill roll.

the Rite of Expulsion. The expert can also throw holy water on the

-Master: a master conjurer can call upon power 6 spirits or

subject during the Rite of Expulsion to cause them an additional –d8

greater if they choose to attempt it. Yet this can get very dangerous

(no continuum) to their willpower roll result. The expert also gains a

without the use of a coven to share in the drain. A master conjurer

+1 bonus to their willpower attribute permanently.

also gains +1 to their willpower attribute permanently and can add

+3 to the rating of their exorcism or creature lore skill, your choice.

This tier grants you a +1 to your willpower attribute permanently

Masters also gain a +2 to their skill roll.

once this is unlocked. A master also gains +3 ratings to their con-

-Expert: experts of the skill gain +1 to the skill roll during

-Master: a master exorcist gains +2 to the roll of the skill.

juring skill if they possess this skill. The master can also throw holy

Crystal Lore

This skill is used to drive demons out of a possessed body.

water on the subject during the Rite of Expulsion to cause them an

The character is skilled in the identification of crystals,

additional –d10 (no continuum) to their willpower roll result.

their powers, and knowledge of the chakra points or nadiis (points


where chi and mana flow through the body). They are also trained in the use of crystals and their mystical properties in order to gain

bonuses from the stones. The character may use an activated stone

mana or chi back for that hour, just as you gain d20 mana or chi for

by placing it on the proper chakra point of the body and making

sleeping each hour. Yet those with the skill meditation can also add

a skill roll. The stones and their uses can be found in the magic

the result of their skill check to the mana or chi gained back during

chapter. The character with this skill can identify many types

that hour. So make your skill check and roll your d20 and add the

of stones with a cost from 1 to 14 gold. Those with this skill may

result together for the full amount of mana or chi regained to your

channel power through 2 primary chakra points at the same time.

pool for an hour of meditation. If one wishes to meditate for 2 hours,


simply multiply the end result by x2. (Willpower)

-Expert: an expert can gain the properties of four of the

Any character can meditate for an hour and gain a d20

-Expert: the character with expert meditation will roll their

bonuses given from the stones or crystals at a time. An expert in

skill dice as normal and add a +1 bonus to the roll. Thus add this to

this skill can identify stones from a cost of 15 to 29 gold. The expert

the d20 mana or chi for that hour of meditation. The expert gains a

also gains +1 to the intelligence attribute permanently once this is

+1 bonus to their willpower attribute permanently once this is un-

unlocked. Experts also gain +1 to their skill check.


-Master: the crystal lore master can gain the bonuses of all

-Master: a character mastered in meditation can add their

7 primary chakras or mystical properties at once. The 3rd tier of this

skill roll to their regained mana or chi as well as the d20 that is given

skill allows a character with crystal lore to identify any type of crystal

for the hour with a +2 to the result. This skill grants you a +1 to your

or stone. The master gains +1 to their intelligence attribute perma-

body attribute permanently once this is unlocked. You also gain a +3

nently once this is unlocked. A master gains +2 to their skill roll.

rating on your battle chant skill if you possess it.


Chap te r V Necromancy

spells of equal or lower ring (or level). Also first tier spell craft will

This skill allows a character of sorcery to create an undead

only allow the creation of Initiate or Advocate spells. Base your

servant within a d6 hours. You must possess a corpse in order to

creations off of spells already designed to get a feel for them. Once

create the undead servant. If the corpse is only bone you can craft an

the spell is planned and the mechanics, the drain, actions, etc. are

animated skeleton. If it still has flesh it becomes a zombie. You do not

configured then you must look to your spell time for how long it

need the ability Death Lord when creating servants in this manner,

will take you to create this spell. The character may not use the skill

this skill and black sorcery is enough to start the corruption. When

research to remove days from the spell time since there is no spell

using this skill as your method of black magic, you gain control over

to research, for they are designing it. The character must make a

the undead being during your dark ritual. There is no need to make a

skill check for every day of spell time taken off (6 hour period). The

separate willpower check over the skeleton or zombie when it awak-

target number equal to the following rings. Initiate; 3, Advocate; 4 or

ens as long as your roll is high enough to defeat the willpower rank

5, Robe; 6 - 11, Magister; 12 - 19, Archmage; 20+, etc. A failed result of

of the being. This is usually the rank of the creatures’ willpower

even one day will result on the magic fumble table. The magic talent

as the target number. This can be used to make rot hounds, blight

Astral Link may save you, but only once per day. A roll result that

wolves, corrupted, awakened all types of lower level undead creatures

doubles or triples the target number allows you to take off 2 or 3 days

with the GM’s discretion. Some creatures that are very large are too

from the spell’s creation time. (Intelligence)

difficult for a 1st tier necromancer. (Willpower)

-Expert: an expert of this skill gains a +1 to their skill roll.

-Expert: experts at necromancy can now create thralls,

An expert may also create spells of the Robe and Magister rings as

bloaters, twitchers and other 2nd tier servants at the GMs discretion.

long as their own ring is of equal status. An expert gains a +1 to their

The result of your skill checks can be added to a servant’s base hit

intelligence attribute permanently once this is unlocked.

points as well. An expert gains a +1 to willpower. If you have the pow-

er to raise the dead and use this skill on raised undead you can add

spells of 20th level and up, as long as the character level is of equal

the result of your skill roll to your servants and divide it up evenly or

power. A master at spell crafting may also gain a +1 to their intelli-

place it into one. Experts gain a +1 to skill rolls.

gence attribute permanently; they may also gain +3 to the rating of

their thaumaturgy skill. Masters also gain +2 to their skill roll.

-Master: a master at necromancy may create a ghoul, or

-Master: a master of spell craft can begin making archmage

even higher undead as long as they have the blood of a similar


undead being to use in the dark ritual and a living subject. The other two tiers of the skill allow you to create only mindless undead. The

3rd tier of mastery opens your choices to those undead that still

symbols, potions, runes, even spells. This is a handy skill to have

have the ability to think on their own. Ghouls, blood raiders, blood

and is taught by magic schools during their first courses. You do

mages, and vampires are some of the undead you may create yet the

not have to be a caster to learn this skill. It is basic knowledge of

blood of one of them must be used to do so. The necromantic Rite of

magical properties, sorcery, its uses, and its techniques. Yet it seems

Corruption is used to tie their spirit to your command with

the primary use of this skill is for identifying basic magical items.

necromantic power. The body that is used in this procedure must


be living. So the 3rd tier of necromancy calls for a sacrifice. This is

an act of pure evil sometimes used to seal a deal with a demon. A

traps and cursed items. The expert of thaumaturgy doesn’t have to

master of necromancy may even begin to engineer their own type of

necessarily pick an item up to investigate it either. They cannot yet

undead at the GMs discretion. A master gains a +1 bonus to willpower.

identify unique items or more powerful items yet. The expert gains

Masters gain +2 to their skill roll.

+1 to intelligence. Experts also gain +1 to their skill roll.

Spell Craft

This skill allows a character to identify magical items,

-Expert: this skill allows the character to identify magical

-Master: this skill adds a +1 to the character’s intelligence

attribute permanently once this is unlocked. A master of this skill

A character that possesses this skill must possess the skill

can understand how to operate strange, magical creations. They can

sorcery. This spell caster can create their own spells with the help

even identify magic by viewing the traces of mana that still linger in

of the game master, for the game master has final say on what is

the air from a spell that was cast a couple of hours ago if they can see

aloud. They must talk about the spell and its mechanics in order to

astrally. They also have the knowledge to identify unique items and

completely craft a successful spell. The character can only create

artifacts. Masters also gain +2 to their skill roll.


S kil l s

Medical Skills

The medicines skill check may be used to prepare the herbal remedy


identify the specific plants needed so that you do not grab a

for treatment of the illness or disease. Healing time for illnesses and disease may take 3d6 days. The skill of plant lore also helps to

This allows the character to have basic knowledge in

poisonous plant on accident. (Intelligence)

healing; to stop bleeding, open airways to the lungs, to splint a

broken limb. The skill dice result rolled equals how many hit points

lower the severity of the patient by 1 step. If the patient was only

the target receives from the healing. A botch on this roll results in

at a 1 on the severity table then the medicines skill may cure the

a d6 more damage. This skill takes around 16 open actions so it is

patient with the correct medicinal applications. An expert can

wise to administer healing in non-combat situations. This may only

diagnose mental disorders as well as physical ones and know how

be used on a victim once per combat. However you can use it to stop

to treat them. An expert also gains +1 to their intelligence attribute

bleeding out and the loss of hit points. You may also use this skill to

permanently once this is unlocked. Healing time for illness and

make money at the local clergy for 8 bits per day. (Intelligence)

disease could take 2d6 days. Experts gain +1 to their skill roll.

-Expert: the 2nd tier of this skill is used to quickly sustain

-Expert: an expert in medicines may make a skill check and

-Master: a master of medicines has gained a great deal of

life in combat situations when magic is not an option. The result of

knowledge in illness and disease. They know about all known sick-

the skill check will result in hit points gained x2 to what you roll.

ness and their skill check will diagnose and drop the severity 2 levels

The character can also build a stretcher for a wounded victim and set

once the proper medicines are applied. A master in medicines may

broken limbs perfectly to heal. They may patch holes and stop bleed-

also add a +3 to the rating of the plant lore skill if it is owned. With

ing as normal but this may be accomplished by spending only 8 open

the proper medicines skill check and remedies, they may then heal

actions to do so. They have learned to use their healing skills in

the patient within a d6 days. It is possible for a master of medicines

the midst of combat and allow the stunting of bleeding out in 2

to even come up with new ways to cure ailments or even discover

actions. They grant half the gained HP in 4 rounds. Once the 8th

new ailments in rare cases. Masters gain +2 to their skill roll.

round is reached the full amount is then granted if still working on the

Plant Lore

patient. An expert healer gains a +1 to their intelligence attribute permanently. Experts gain +1 to their skill roll.

This is the study of plants and their medicinal or

-Master: the 3rd tier or the master healer can heal their

nutritional uses. With this skill you can identify plants that are found

victim in 4 open actions. The result of the skill check is how many

in the wild. The skill check is used to locate plants in the wilderness

hit points are given to the patient with x3 to the result from a

knowing where to find certain types, and make sure the ones that are

super fast bandage and salve applied or healer’s bag components.

found are not poisonous. This is a very helpful skill in herbalism and

Make sure you have a healer’s bag to use this skill as quickly as you

foraging. At first tier you will know more about plants that are native

can and efficiently. You can also help to cure many known illness-

to your homeland or places that you have traveled. (Intelligence)

es and even have the power to save dismembered limbs. You have

primitive surgical skills that can often save patients of traumatic

and will add +2 to the rating of your foraging skill. An expert can

damage if caught in time. You are a wounded victim’s best chance

identify plants from all over the realms and from many different

on the battlefield without magic. Masters gain +2 to their skill roll.

regions from deserts to mountains. You may also gain +1 to your

-Expert: this 2nd tier skill adds to your knowledge of plants

intelligence attribute as well as +1 to this skill check.


-Master: a master of plant lore is about the best you can get

This skill gives a healer knowledge in the methods of pre-

for knowing all manner of plant life that grow within the realms of

paring medicines, salves, and how to diagnose illness as well as treat

Koth. If you haven’t found it yet, you have read about it in a book or

it. As the healer skill is more about patching wounds in the field of

heard a story about it. Knowledge of subterranean and underwater

battle, the medicines skill is good for sickness and disease. When

plant life have not been able to escape your studies, nor have plants

someone contracts an illness or disease the skill check will first be

that have been recorded to live in different planes of existence. You

made to diagnose the patient and allow the healer to gain the knowl-

are a master of plant lore after all. This gives you a +3 to your rat-

edge of what is needed to help them. Use the list of diseases and the

ing in medicines. You also gain a +1 to your intelligence attribute

herbalism table (found in the magic chapter under alchemy Pg. 316).

permanently. Masters also gain a +2 to their skill roll.


Chap te r V Poisons

Physical Skills

A character with this skill has been taught how to identify

or craft toxic substances using venom, minerals, plants, bones, even


flesh from certain creatures. Many creatures of the swamp possess different types of poison that they use to cause death or affliction

to their enemies. Assassins have been known to use poisons during

can also get up on your feet without using half your movement to

combat to kill a target. There are many different types of poisons

do so with a successful kip up or similar acrobatic maneuver. If the

in the world and not all are designed to kill. A character with the

character owns the jumping skill, they may add +1 to the rating of

first tier of this skill can craft minor poisons and come up with the

this skill. (Dexterity)

antidotes to them as well. You must look to the poison table for de-

signing them. (Intelligence)

maneuvers. This allows you to pull out of melee range from only one

-Expert: the 2nd tier of this skill will allow the character to

enemy, if you are able to make a successful resisted acrobatic check

craft moderate poisons and the knowledge of creating counteractive

that is resisted by their dexterity attribute. If you have more than

antitoxins. You must look to the poison table for more information

one enemy on you, the others still get an attack of opportunity. You

on moderate poisons. Gaining 2nd tier in this skill also grants a char-

are given an additional +1 to your dexterity attribute permanently for

acter +2 to the rating of the alchemy skill if they possess it. Experts

becoming an expert. Experts also gain +1 to their skill roll.

gain a +1 to their skill roll.

-Master: at 3rd tier in the skill of poisons the character

to your strength, body, or dexterity attribute (you may choose two

gains a permanent bonus of +1 to their intelligence attribute for

different attributes to gain +1). You can now pull off an acrobatic

learning how to master even the deadliest of poisons. The character

maneuver resisted by the dexterity of your enemies, to pull out of

may now engineer some of the most dangerous poisons and with a

melee range without any of them scoring an attack of opportunity. If

high enough roll may even cause a negative to the victims body save

you possess acrobatic attack or acrobatic defense talents you may add

roll. You may also gain +3 to the rating of your medicines skill if you

another x1 or +1 if you can reach a target number 30. Masters gain a

possess it. You must refer to the poison table for more information.

+2 to their skill roll.

Masters gain +2 to their skill roll.

This skill allows you to do some basic acrobatic moves. You

-Expert: this skill allows you to do some advanced acrobatic

-Master: as a master, your training has granted you a +1


The climbing skill allows you to scale walls, trees, and build-

ings without the use of a rope. When climbing you can move 50% of your max movement without a rope and ladder. (Dexterity)

-Expert: the 2nd tier of climbing allows you to scale walls

a bit faster with your training in climbing. You can now move 75% of your max movement. An expert of climbing can make their own handholds and footholds as long as they have climbing tools to do so. Your character now gains a permanent +1 bonus to your strength or dexterity attribute (you may choose). Experts gain +1 to their skill roll.

-Master: with this skill you have mastered the art of climb-

ing. You can now move 100% of your max movement when scaling walls of normal difficulty. You may scale even the hardest of cliffs and walls, even those that are inverted, without the use of tools. Your character now gains a bonus to dexterity, and a bonus to strength, gaining a +1 to these attributes permanently once this is unlocked. Masters gain a +2 to their skill roll.


S kil l s Dancing

Drug Tolerance

This skill allows you to perform basic dance moves to im-

The character can handle more narcotic use than most. At

press those around you and to build agility in your footwork and

1st tier the character can still use and channel chi and mana even

movement. There are many types of dances, from those learned to

though you are intoxicated. You may also lower any target number

help in swordplay to those found on the ballroom floor. (Dexterity)

by 1 when you are forced to make a body check because of a drug. You

-Expert: a dancer can impress those around them with their

always make this skill check instead of a body check when it comes

agility and grace. It can land you a +2 reputation during festivities

to handling the strength of a narcotic or from overdose (-1 target

during a festival, for every 10 that you roll during your performance.

#). This does not have anything to do with your willpower versus

Add a +1 to your dexterity attribute permanently once this is un-

addiction. It may sometimes be used in place of body checks versus

locked. Experts gain +1 to their skill roll.

addiction. (Body)

-Master: a master of dancing can impress those around

-Expert: an expert in this skill is usually one that has suf-

them during every festival granting the dancer +3 reputation points

fered through many years of addiction and built up a strong toler-

for every result of 10 that is rolled. A master at dancing is also given a

ance. They may take up to two additional doses of a drug while low-

+1 to their dexterity attribute permanently once this is unlocked. This

ering the overdose target number by -2 or any target numbers that

skill is actually important to the sword master especially during their

have to do with drug tolerance. This character also gains 5 points of

blade dance. The master of this skill can get to their feet without suf-

toxic resistance and +1 on their skill roll.

fering a loss of half of their movement and this skill can sometimes

be used in place of a dexterity check if the situation allows for it.

cotics while lowering the target number for overdose by -3. As long

Masters gain +2 to their skill roll.

as the skill check is made they will gain the bonuses from the nar-

-Master: the master can handle up to three additional nar-

cotics. This would normally have knocked a character unconscious


or even killed many due to overdose because of the toxicity. The

The character can handle more alcohol than most. At 1st

character can use and channel chi as normal even though they are

tier the drinker can consume twice the amount than normal for their

intoxicated. The master of this skill gains a +10 to toxic resistance

weight, without getting totally pissed. You can also still use and

and may add +1 to their body attribute permanently due to building

channel chi and mana even though you are intoxicated. (Body)

up a high tolerance. This character can drop -3 from any forced body

-Expert: the drinker can handle three times the normal

checks due to drug use. The GM may want to make some checks ver-

amount that would come close to alcohol poisoning for most their

sus mental issues for this character due to prolonged effects to the

weight. The drinker is still able to use and channel chi, the expert

mind and take -1 from the character’s willpower attribute. Masters

will not take negative modifiers in combat when they are drunk. Ex-

gain +2 on their skill roll.

perts gain a +1 to their skill roll.


-Master: the master can handle 4 times the normal alcohol

before alcohol poisoning or passing out. They ecan use and channel

This skill allows you to run long distances or hold your

chi as normal even though they are intoxicated. They have possibly

breath for twice the amount of time than most. Encumbered

developed a disease of the liver by the time they reach this status,

characters with this skill only lose ¼ of their movement instead of

thus they do not gain any attribute modifier bonuses, but at least

half. A character with endurance can carry an extra 10 lbs. If this

they can out drink an entire squad of the night watch. The master

character has the running skill, they may add +1 to the rating of that

drinker has also gained a +1 specialization in bottles during combat

skill, and vice versa. (Body)

scenarios! Shweeee you win! Masters gain +2 to their skill roll.

-Expert: the expert can last 3 times longer than most in

endurance situations. The 2nd tier of this skill allows the character to only lose 1 movement instead of half when they are encumbered. The character can carry an additional 10 lbs. added to their 10 from 1st tier. You also gain a +1 to your body attribute permanently once this is unlocked. Experts add +1 to their skill roll.

-Master: the master can last 4 times longer than most in

circumstances of endurance and stamina. The 3rd tier also gives the


Chap te r V character a +1 to their body attribute permanently once this is un-

attribute permanently once this is unlocked. Experts add +1 to their

locked. They do not lose any movement when encumbered, at least

skill roll.

for minutes equal to their body attribute. The character may also

carry 10 more lbs. while traveling, added to the other tiers of course

or throwing weapons at a time without suffering more than 1 action

for a total of 30 lbs from all tiers. Masters add +2 to their skill roll.

to draw the weapons while juggling. A master at juggling can throw

-Master: at 3rd tier a master of juggling can juggle 5 items

very light items a distance equal to their strength attribute in inches.


Add a +1 to your dexterity attribute permanently once this is un-

This skill is used only for those character races that are ca-

locked. Masters gain +2 to skill rolls.

pable of flying. A check is really only needed while in combat, pulling


off daring maneuvers, or trying to carry another character which is very difficult. Being encumbered and flying do not mix very well for

the wings of the creature are only meant to keep one character in

movement in inches, since most mortals can only jump a distance

flight. The character will also gain 1 to their movement only added

equal to their normal movement (-1). Encumbered characters suffer

while flying. Therefore if a character has a normal movement of 3, it

an additional -1 to this range. The character must roll a jumping skill

is x3 when flying giving them a maximum movement of 9 in the air,

check and reach a target number often determined by the distance in

yet with this skill we add the +1 to their total making the character

feet. If the character owns acrobatics, they may add +1 to the rating

fly at 10 movement max. (Dexterity)

of that skill and the rating of this skill as well. (Dexterity)

-Expert: an expert of flight will grant the character 2 to

This skill allows a character to long jump their normal

-Expert: this character can add +1 to their normal movement

their movement during flight, remember this is added to their total

in inches when jumping (using miniatures of course). Therefore, if

movement after it is configured for flying. An expert at flying will

the character has a normal movement of 4, they can leap a movement

not have to waste movement to stand up after getting knocked down,

of 5 inches max as long as they reach the difficult target number. You

unless their wings are damaged. You may gain a +1 to your dexterity

may gain an additional +1 to your dexterity attribute permanently

attribute permanently once this is unlocked. Experts add +1 to their

once this is unlocked. Experts gain +1 to their skill roll.

skill roll.

-Master: this character can long jump their normal

-Master: this skill will grant the character a +3 at the end

movement +2 if they can reach the very high target number. If they

of their max movement while flying. The master of flying can add a

have any means of pole vaulting or using an accessory to help them,

+1 bonus to their physical defense roll if they roll a target number

they can vault up to their maximum movement. Characters with

of 20+ or higher while flying. You may gain a +1 to your dexterity

the 3rd tier gain +1 to their dexterity attribute permanently as well.

attribute permanently once this is unlocked. Masters add +2 to their

Masters gain +2 to their skill roll when jumping.

skill roll.



The lifting skill can add to feats of strength that require

This skill allows the character to juggle objects into the air

the act of lifting heavy objects. Their training in lifting heavy weight

for entertaining purposes and as a show of agility. They may juggle up

allows them to carry 10 units (lbs.) more while traveling. They can also

to three throwing weapons in combat without suffering any addition-

throw heavy objects 1 more inch (x5’ ft in real range). (Strength)

al actions for drawing three smaller weapons as long as the skill check

is a success. Add 5 to the target number for each item after the first.

to the weight they can carry (+20 units total). This skill also allows


them to throw heavy objects +2 more inches, or to bend bars or

-Expert: an expert at juggling may also juggle knives, hand

lift gates. This training due to heavy lifting has given the character

axes, or throwing weapons during combat to allow them the oppor-

an additional +1 to their strength attribute permanently once this is

tunity to have four throwing weapons at the ready without suffering

unlocked. Experts gain +1 to their skill roll when lifting.

the loss of more actions for drawing four weapons if they begin

juggling with success. You may also throw a weapon, potion, or small

another +10 units to carry weight and +1 more inch to throw range.

item to an ally for only 1 action by making a juggling skill check tar-

The 3rd tier of this skill allows an additional +1 to their strength and

get number equal to the target in inches. Add a +1 to your dexterity

body attributes permanently. Masters gain +2 to their skill roll.


-Expert: an expert in this skill gets to add another +10 units

-Master: a master in this skill allows the character to add

S kil l s Lip Reading


This skill allows a character to read the lips of another








character from a distance equal to the character’s perception attri-

on things about a character or a specific target area with their

bute x5’ feet (inches with miniatures). This allows the reader to un-

vision. They can pick up clues or notice additional things people

derstand what a character is talking about. They must be in view of

normally would not see. The character states they are going to

the character and the character must be fluent in the language used.

observe an area or target to roll. This skill does not often take the


place of a perception check when the GM calls for one due to the

-Expert: an expert in lip reading can understand what two

fact that the player must actively call out that they wish to observe

target creatures are saying as long as they are speaking in a language

something in particular. The GM may allow observation to be rolled

known by the lip reader. This gives the character a +1 bonus to their

instead of perception in some circumstances. (Perception)

perception attribute permanently once this is unlocked. Experts gain

+1 to their skill roll.

or trap if they are observing that area and make a successful roll.

Experts gain +1 to their skill roll. You may gain a +1 to your

-Master: a master of this skill can understand a conversa-

tion between three people from afar instead of just two. It also grants

-Expert: an expert in observation can find a hidden door

perception attribute permanently once this is unlocked.

the character a +1 to their perception attribute and grants the charac-

ter 1 free skill slot to go toward any language skill of their choice. Due

perception attribute permanently once this is unlocked. A master of

-Master: masters of observation gain a +1 to their

to the mastering of this skill it has allowed the character the chance

observation can also add +2 to their skill roll. Masters of observation

to learn the basics of a language from those he or she has practiced

also gain natural movement detection at a distance equal to their

upon with or without their knowledge. The language starts out as a

perception in inches, if any movement happens within their cone

character skill at rating 1 based off of the intelligence attribute. Mas-

of sight.

ters gain +2 to their skill roll.



A character with the running skill can add a +1 at the end of

Those that are very skilled in listening are able to increase

their max movement while running. Thus a character with a movement

their normal perception during hearing and can use their sense to

of 4 runs at 8 yet with this skill they run at 9. If this character has the

gain information about a distant conversation when behind a door

endurance skill, they may add +1 to the rating of that skill, and vice versa.

or within a surrounding area as long as it is within their perception


attribute in inches. (Perception)

-Expert: a character with expert running can sprint adding

-Expert: an expert of eavesdropping can gain a temporary

a +2 at the end of their max movement while running. You may gain

form of echo location. So if the character is in complete or magical

a +1 to your dexterity attribute permanently once this is unlocked. An

darkness, they can find their way by listening or making slight nois-

expert may add +1 to their skill roll.

es to sense objects, passages, or pitfalls nearby. The echo location

takes away 1 point of the negative modifiers that are given due to

end of their max movement while running. Those with the 3rd tier

fighting in darkness or blind. Having this skill adds a +1 to your per-

in this skill are also granted +1 to their body attribute permanently

ception attribute permanently. Experts gain +1 to their skill roll.

once this is unlocked. Even though the skill is based off of dexterity,

-Master: those who master listening gain a +2 bonus to

extended running will build better endurance thus you madd +3 to

their perception roll if someone is attempting to sneak attack them

the rating of your endurance skill. You also gain a +1 to your dexterity

in melee range and it is possible to hear them. The character’s echo

attribute permanently once this is unlocked. A master may add +2 to

location intensifies and takes away another point from the negative

their skill roll.

modifiers against them for fighting in darkness or blind fighting. Thus taking away a total of -2 from the negative -4 to attack and defend or whatever the current penalties are due to the situation. The 3rd tier of listening also gives the character a +1 to their perception attribute permanently once this is unlocked. Masters gain +2 to their skill roll.


-Master: a master of running can sprint adding a +3 at the

Chap te r V Swimming

Roguish Skills

The swimming skill allows your character to stay afloat in

rough waters, or if encumbered while in water. You will not need


to make a check for swimming if you possess this skill, unless there is danger. If the water has a strong current as it may in rough

waters, or if your character is encumbered that too would make you

instance; you are in the marketplace getting robbed by a vendor with

suffer a roll. You would have to make a skill check if you are in

a greedy deal. You are pilfering through a merchant’s bedchamber

combat and fall in while fighting, or when you are swimming with

looking for the most valuable items with little time to spare. Or you

full gear on is yet another example of when a roll should be made.

only have room to carry a certain number of items so might as well

Characters that are swimming only have 25% of their normal

grab the ones worth the most amount. Either way this skill may come

movement while in the water. With the swimming skill you have 50%

in handy for you can appraise basic items of their worth. This means

of your normal movement. (Body)

weapons, armor, gear, and jewelry, things that are not magical or rare

in the world. (Perception)

-Expert: an adept swimmer can dive from high distances

This skill is used to identify the value of items. For

without taking falling damage from hitting the water. An expert of

swimming can actually swim their normal movement without armor

magical items and rare antiquities. If you have the looting skill and

on. This skill also adds +1 to your body attribute permanently once

are an expert appraiser, you may add +2 to the rating of your looting

this is unlocked. Experts may add a +1 to their skill roll.

skill. They also gain a +1 to their perception attribute permanently

once this is unlocked. Experts gain +1 to their skill roll.

-Master: the mastery of swimming allows you to add +1 to

-Expert: the 2nd tier appraiser can identify the value of

your normal movement. Those with the 3rd tier in this skill are also

-Master: the 3rd tier of this skill allows the character to

granted +1 to their body and dexterity attributes. You no longer take

know where they might fetch the best price for the items that are

any negative modifiers when fighting under water as long as you are

appraised. A master will be able to locate any fence in a city by mak-

using stabbing weapons. Masters may add +2 to their skill roll.

ing at minimum a good skill check. At 3rd tier you may also gain +1 to your perception attribute permanently once this is unlocked. Masters may add +2 to their skill roll.


This “skill” is the art of successfully begging or asking for

donations in order to gain money from those around you, usually in an urban area. You may gain an amount of bones equal to your skill check within a day (close to 6 hours) of begging. Many monks often do this on the streets to raise money for their church or their own survival. They usually offer a blessing to any whom throw a coin in their cup, hat, or beggar’s bowl. A monk will offer a constricted blessing and once the funds of the day are collected by the monk he or she may even make a spiritual influence roll for their blessings of the day which the GM may offer. (Charisma)

-Expert: for some experts in this skill it may be

altered to become more than just harmlessly asking for coin on the corner street. At 2nd tier this skill is converted to swindler if the character so chooses this route instead of expert begging. At 2nd tier the player may actually change this skill to Swindle if they choose. Now what they will be doing is cheating people out of their money. They will gain their skill check in copper after doing this for a day of work but the GM must make a resisted intelligence check which can be an average of all targets for the evening of work. You must also


S kil l s gain +1 to your charisma attribute permanently once this is unlocked.

-Master: a master thief gains +1 to their dexterity attri-

Experts gain a +1 to their skill roll.

bute. They also use distractions or bumps in the crowd to pull some

-Master: masters in this skill may also change the title of

sleight of hand. Masters gain +2 to their skill roll. A master can take

this skill from swindle to Con Artist as they gain their skill result in

the ring from a lady’s finger without her even noticing it is gone. You

silver after a day of working the streets. A master of this skill that

may choose to gain your skill roll in silver for a night of pilfering.

pulls it off by beating the GM’s resisted intelligence check may get


away with the con and the NPCs will not even know what happened. You also gain a +1 to your charisma attribute permanently once this

is unlocked. Masters gain a +2 to their skill roll.

by using props, costumes, makeup, or other tools of the trade. An

This skill allows a character to disguise their self or another

ogre with a mustache is kind of silly; you must come up with ideas


on your own. (Perception)

This skill is used for hiding. It is the character’s ability to

-Expert: an expert can use disguise to even change their

blend in with their surroundings. You cannot run while concealed. It

race if your skill check is high enough. Experts in disguise gain +2 to

also represents your skill at concealing illegal weapons on your body

the rating of the impersonation skill to mimic the voice of another

or hiding items from others. (Perception)

if it is indeed owned. Experts may add +1 to their skill roll. They

also gain +1 to their perception attribute permanently once this is

-Expert: with this skill a character has actually trained in

hiding from the view of twilight, infravision, or dark sight as long


as there is cover to hide behind or heat patterns around to blend

with. An expert of concealment adds +1 to their skill roll. The expert

master also gains +1 to their perception attribute permanently once

also gains +1 to the perception attribute permanently once this is

this is unlocked.

-Master: a master of disguise may add +2 to a skill roll. A


Escape Artist

-Master: this skill allows a character to blend with their

surroundings to avoid being detected with even astral vision. This

This skill will allow you to slip from rope bindings,

works when there is at least something to blend with around the

manacles, and other basic restraints. Your training in this skill allows

area, for instance a tree does leave off a spiritual essence. It also

you to escape average bindings. (Dexterity)

allows the character to remain unseen while running their max

movement. A master of concealment may add +2 to their skill roll.

binds. Some may be locked cages or upside down legs and hands

-Expert: the escape artist at 2nd tier can get out of tighter

chained. An expert gains a +1 to their skill roll, they also gain +1 to dexterity permanently once this is unlocked.


-Master: a master escape artist can come up with a way to

This skill is used anytime a character is attempting to

escape from nearly any bindings, sometimes even magical ones. A

silently steal something from another. Some items such as swords

master escape artist gains +2 on their skill roll. They also gain +1 to

are too big to simply lift off of a character that is awake and aware

their dexterity attribute permanently once this is unlocked.

so the GM must use discretion on what is allowed. This is usually


reserved for picking pockets, cut-purses, and snagging a potion off of a belt. Thus the GM must use their better judgment upon the

scenario. A thief may use this skill for a night of pick pocketing by

as deeds of ownership or copied signatures. They can simulate the

This skill allows a character to create false documents such

making a skill check and gaining the result in bits. (Dexterity)

seals of business owners, etc. They must possess the skill reading

-Expert: the 2nd tier steal can bump a victim, or wait for a

and writing for this to work of course or they may work in unison

distraction within the streets. An expert can gain +1 on their skill roll.

with another to combine these skills for specific situations. They also

They also gain a +1 to their dexterity. A steal expert is skilled enough

possess the ability to notice false documents. (Perception)

to lift slightly larger items off of a target, if it is at all feasible in

reality. The character must come up with a ploy to gain larger items,

Experts can simulate the work of magistrates and city officials. An

or they may gain the skill result in copper for one night of pilfering.

expert in forgery gains +1 to their perception attribute permanently

-Expert: an expert of forgery will add +1 to their skill roll.

once this is unlocked.


Chap te r V

-Master: this skill allows a character to gain +2 to their skill

men, cutting out their gold teeth, etc. When your crew is doing a loot

roll. Those that are masters of forgery can craft false copies of signet

check you may call this skill to get extra loot equivalent to your roll.

stamps and rings of royalty. They may also create fake documents


and blood notes and banknotes. Gain a +1 to the perception attribute

permanently once this is unlocked.

per equal to the result of their skill dice check. An expert of looting

-Expert: an expert at looting may gather an amount of cop-

may add +1 to their perception attribute permanently once this is


unlocked. Experts gain +1 to their skill roll.

The skill of gambling allows the character a better chance

-Master: mastery in this skill allows your character to gain

at winning at the table. This may also be used to cheat if the player

an amount of silver coins, sometimes gold, equal to the result of your

wishes, which gives them an even higher bonus to win, but the other

skill dice check. A master of looting may add +1 to their perception

players in the room or others watching get to resist the skill check

attribute permanently once this is unlocked. Masters gain +2 to their

with a perception test. There are many methods a GM may use for

skill roll.

gambling and of course you are always free to come up with your

Pick Locks

own gambling mechanics. Yet this is a quick way to do it. Have each player roll a % percentile, the highest roll wins, simple as that. If us-

ing the gambling skill as normal this allows you to add +d6 to your

order to pick a lock you must possess a lock pick or a similar item,

percentile for every 10 points reached on the skill result. Therefore

or it is not possible. Basic locks include door locks and your average

if you rolled 12 on the skill check you would actually get to add 1d6

chests. (Dexterity)

to your gambling percentile roll. When cheating you may add your

skill check result (in this case +12%), but others get a perception test

into more difficult locks. Difficult locks would include manacles and

to notice you cheating. Their perception must equal or beat your skill

locks used on church doors and guild houses. An expert at this skill

roll. (Perception)

will allow a thief to break into a lock in 4 unarmed actions. An expert

also gains +1 to their dexterity attribute permanently once this is

-Expert: depending on the game and the dice you will be

This skill is used by thieves to pick basic tumbler locks. In

-Expert: 2nd tier pick locks skill allows a character to break

using a successful skill check which will allow you to add the equiv-

unlocked. Experts gain +1 to their skill roll.

alent of a +d6 to your percentile roll. As before you may add an ad-

ditional d6 for every 10 you roll on your skill check. If you are using

you possess this skill it is possible that you may defeat even the most

this skill to cheat you get to add your skill check x2. You also gain

difficult of locks in 2 unarmed actions. It is even possible for you to

a +1 to your perception attribute permanently once this is unlocked.

defeat magical locks if you can figure out the password or command

Experts get to add a +1 to their skill roll.

word that the mage lock was sealed with. This can sometimes be

-Master: 3rd tier pick locks is a master of lock picking. If

-Master: depending on the game and the dice you will be

accomplished by identifying the sigil of the mage that cast the lock.

using a successful skill check will allow you to add the equivalent of

Each one leaves their own sigil in the ward that is placed, unless step

+2d6 to your percentile check. As well for every 10 you beat on your

are taken to specifically hide that. Defeating magical locks is no easy

skill check throw in another d6 to add to your gambling percentile

task yet it is possible with a master of lock picking. A master can

roll. If you are cheating you may add the result of your gambling skill

sometimes trick the ward with a similar sound or a guess. You gain

check x3, to your percentile roll. The players get a chance to notice

a +1 to your dexterity attribute permanently once this is unlocked. If

this by matching or beating your skill check, without the x3 modifier.

you possess the skill escape artist you may add +3 to the rating of the

You also gain +1 to your perception attribute permanently when be-

skill. Masters may add +2 to their skill roll.

coming a master gambler. Masters get to add +2 to their skill roll.



This skill is used for moving silently, or performing an ac-

This skill allows the character to collect some extra bits

tion without sound. It is resisted by a character’s perception attri-

from the surrounding area. The result of your skill dice is how many

bute. You cannot run in stealth. Remember there are some situations

bits, bones, or pfennigs worth of small items or actual coins are

where a lot of noise in the area can mask a character’s stealth and

found. This skill may be used after a battle or when stealing from a

help them sneak. A GM may give you a bonus to your skill level, or

room or tent. It also counts as pulling rings from the hands of dead

lower a target number. (Dexterity)


S kil l s

Scholarly Skills

-Expert: an expert of stealth can silently open an old creaky

door or move across the leaves of the forest floor without alerting enemies. An expert of stealth can add +1 to their skill roll. They also


gain +1 to their dexterity attribute permanently once this is unlocked.

-Master: a master of stealth can actually run while still

This skill allows you to understand planets, moons, stars,

remaining in stealth. A master gains +2 to their skill roll. The master

and other celestial bodies within your sky. What they mean, their

of stealth also gains +1 to their dexterity attribute permanently once

position in the heavens, etc. At night you may actually use this skill

this is unlocked.

to help you navigate your way due to the positions of the 12 celestial bodies. (Perception)


-Expert: an expert of this skill knows the constellations (12

A character with trailing can follow a target creature

Fates), the relativity of it all to the gods, magic, and how these sub-

through the crowded streets of a city on foot without losing them, or

jects work together. An expert knows what the season, months and

without being seen. (Perception)

can even create a calendar based off of information gained from the

-Expert: a trailing expert can tail a target through the

stars. You may add +3 to the rating of your astrology skill. Working

crowded streets and gains +1 on their skill roll. An expert gains +1

in the city with other scholars can land you an amount of copper

to their perception attribute permanently once this is unlocked. An

equal to your skill result for a d6 days of studies, calculations, and

expert in trailing can defeat certain abilities that attempt to hide

research. You also gain +1 to intelligence and +1 on your skill roll.

characters as long as a successful skill roll is made.

-Master: a master in trailing can defeat the blend ability

of research. Using this skill will bring you to understand the use of

with a successful skill check. The master gains +2 to their skill roll. A

time, space, magic, and the gods. A master of this skill has a better

master also gains +1 to their perception attribute permanently once

chance of creating reliable portals. Any magic used involving gates

this is unlocked.

can be re-rolled or reconfigured in the event of a proximate failure

-Master: mastering this skill takes time and a great amount

due to miscalculations. You also gain +1 to your perception attribute permanently once this is unlocked. Masters gain +2 to their skill roll.

Creature Lore

This skill gives the character knowledge in animals and

beasts that live all over the realms of Koth. You have studied those that live in the air, sea, underground, and upon the surface. Using a skill checks you may know a creature’s strengths and weaknesses, if it is in fact edible and what part of the creature might hold value. Not just the creature’s hide, but specific parts of a creature might be very valuable to casters for ingredients or components. (Intelligence)

-Expert: the 2nd tier of this skill represents a character’s

knowledge of creatures that exist on the surrounding planes of existence. Perhaps you have studied manuals written by elemental travelers. You gain a +1 to your intelligence attribute permanently once this is unlocked. Experts add +1 to their skill roll.

-Master: your character has studied creatures throughout

all the realms of Koth and those beyond. Many piles of books written by dimensional travelers keep this kind of information to be studied. There is a chance you know of beasts from any realm in existence. Mastery in this skill will give you a +3 to the rating of your demon lore skill. You also gain +1 to your intelligence attribute permanently once this is unlocked. Masters gain +2 to their skill roll.


Chap te r V Decipher


This skill allows a character to decipher text or hieroglyphs

This skill gives you the knowledge of the flags and

as long as they have time to research the writing. This skill may only

symbols of lords, ladies, dukes, duchesses, kings, queens, kingdoms,

be used by a character that has the read and write skill. The character

and all of the many more that reside in the lands around your home.

must have a book on the language or linguistic studies or be skilled


in a modern dialect of the language to decipher the text. Depending

on the length of the text a character can usually decipher a single

have been placed upon scrolls, and the heraldic marks of basically

sentence in about an hour. (Intelligence)

every symbol in the realms of Koth. They also gain a +1 to their

intelligence attribute permanently once this is unlocked. Experts also

-Expert: the 2nd tier of this skill will allow the character to

-Expert: an expert in heraldry can identify signet rings that

decipher a line of text within a half an hour. As well the character

gain a +1 to their skill roll.

does not need to know a modern dialect of the writing. An expert

of decipher can gain +1 on their skill roll. You gain +1 to your intelli-

symbols of merchant lords and guild houses from all over the realms

gence attribute permanently once this is unlocked.

and even into the outer realms or alternate planes. If there is a

-Master: mastery in this skill allows a character to decipher

symbol out there, you have probably seen it before. You may also

any line of text within a few seconds. They may also read magical

gain +1 to your intelligence attribute permanently once this is

text and are able to decipher magical scrolls. A master of decipher

unlocked. Masters gain +2 to their skill roll.

-Master: a master of heraldry can identify even the many

gains +2 to their skill roll. This character is also granted +1 to their


intelligence attribute permanently once this is unlocked.

The knowledge of history can help in certain situations

that call for information on past events. This includes any culture that would have a chronological recording of their past. The character knows more about their own kingdom’s history or the kingdoms close to theirs of course, rather than the history of distant lands. (Intelligence)

-Expert: an expert historian can identify ancient civiliza-

tions and their writings, old artifacts left by the race, and their uses. The historian can give information from any culture near or far from their homeland. The expert may also add +3 to the rating of their

Demon Lore

decipher skill. You may also gain +1 to your intelligence attribute

The knowledge of secretive black magic cults and

permanently once this is unlocked. Experts gain a +1 to their skill

demonology. You can recognize their symbols and know what they


are capable of. You are able to recognize the signs of demon marks

and their methods. This skill can also help in identifying different

attribute permanently once this is unlocked. They can also gain

types of demons, their weaknesses and strengths. (Intelligence)

acceptance into any schools so that they may teach students their

-Master: a master in history gains a +1 to their intelligence

-Expert: with the 2nd tier of this skill you have become

vast knowledge, landing them silver equal to their skill check, for

knowledgeable in the many types of demons and their powers.

d6 days of work. A master historian can also add +3 to their skill

You also know weak points of specific demon types and can spot a

ratings in heraldry or thaumaturgy skill s, you may choose one.

demon better than most, even when they are hiding within a mortal

Masters of history are not only well versed in the past of our world,

host. An expert gains a +1 to their skill roll. You also gain +1 to your

but may know a great deal of history involving other worlds such as

intelligence attribute permanently once this is unlocked.

the Forgotten Worlds and other planes of existence. Masters gain +2

to their skill roll.

-Master: mastery in this skill grants your character

knowledge in demons, angels, and spirits of all kinds and dimensions, as well as their followers. Masters gain +2 to their skill roll. A master also gains +3 to the rating of their exorcism skill. You also gain +1 to your intelligence attribute permanently.


S kil l s Law


Allows knowledge of written laws and consequences

Philosophy: from the Aticraulian word philosia which

that exist locally and in the towns and cities around you. Laws are

means “love of wisdom”. This skill is knowledge in solving

different in distant countries yet many latch to the Draconian

fundamental problems connected with knowledge, existence, mind,

Laws of the empire. This is where you base your studies from, the

and body. This skill is often used to enlighten others and open

core of the knowledge in law spawns from the Aticraulian Empire.

their minds to ponder or rationalize a subject logically. You may


gain your social pool when using this skill to speak with others.









consequences that exist within the surrounding countries. You

could even become a constable or barrister with this amount of

of those who stop to listen. It can even be used to gain reputation

knowledge you possess in law. Gain +2 to the rating of your speech

when in larger crowds. It may be used once per week, allowing only

skill if you possess it. You are moving up in the world! Gain +1

your character to gain an amount of reputation equal to the result of

to your intelligence attribute permanently once this is unlocked.

your dice roll for a week of teaching. This skill can land you work at

Experts of this skill add +1 to their skill roll.

a local school, allowing you to also gain an amount of 12 bits per day.

You may add +1 to your intelligence attribute permanently once this

-Master: this character has studied laws from all over the

-Expert: 2nd tier of this skill is used to awaken the minds

realms of Koth. They have studied nearly all laws that have been

is unlocked. Experts gain +1 to their skill roll.

documented. They have enough knowledge on laws to write them

if they wish, to become a magistrate if they wanted, or part of the

your allies an amount of reputation equal to the result of your skill

imperial senate! Gain +1 to your intelligence attribute permanently

check x2 for a week of teaching. This must be divided up as the

once this is unlocked. Masters gain +2 to their skill roll.

philosopher sees fit. Having 3rd tier in this skill can also grant you

-Master: mastery of this skill can be used to grant you and

an amount of 18 bits per day of work at a school. It also allows your


character to gain +1 to their charisma attribute permanently once this

The character must possess the skill read and write to have

is unlocked. Masters gain +2 to their skill roll.

this skill. The character has studied many languages and may use

Read & Write

linguistics to make a very basic form of communication between other characters that do not speak their language. The character can

also choose a new language as a character skill, not a fluent language.

skill you may assume that you can read and write in all of your


fluent tongues. Those languages that have not yet become fluent








The basic knowledge of reading and writing. With this


will still need a read and write check to translate them with quill.

communicate with any race on the planet Koth that has the ability to

You will need this skill if you are planning on making scrolls of

communicate. The 2nd tier of this skill allows the character to choose

magical design.

another language for their character skills. They also gain +2 to


the rating of their read and write skill. Add +1 to your intelligence

attribute permanently once this is unlocked. Experts may add +1 to

in reading and writing. This will allow you to raise your reputation

their skill roll.

by points equal to your skill check result once you publish a set of

-Master: the character can attempt to communicate with

your writings. This is not gained from simply writing 1 scroll mind

any creature that speaks even ancient languages. Mastery in this

you, the GM may elaborate on how much writing must be completed

skill shows that the character has accomplished his or her research

to gain such a bonus. You may also find work in a clerk’s office or as

into dead languages and now any language skill taken automatically

a scribe gaining 14 bits per day. You may add +1 to your intelligence

becomes fluent on a successful skill check. A master of linguis-

attribute permanently once this is unlocked. Experts gain +1 to their

tics gains a +3 to the rating of their decipher skill. They may also

skill roll.

choose a new language, and add +1 to their intelligence attribute

permanently once this is unlocked. Masters gain +2 to their skill roll.

scrolls however if you do not possess sorcery then casting them

Working as a scribe can grant you 7 bits a day.

-Expert: this skill allows your character to become an expert

-Master: a master scribe has the ability to read magical

might be a problem. This only works for certain scrolls and is left to the GMs discretion when allowing non spell casters to use a magical


Chap te r V scroll. A master scribe can make an amount of 21 bits per day at a

intelligence attribute permanently once this is unlocked. You may

local library. A master scribe can add +3 to the rating of their

gain an amount of 21 bits per day as a university teacher. A master

Research skill. You are also granted 1 point to your intelligence

also has a chance to grant the student a specialized skill slot. For

attribute permanently once this is unlocked. Masters gain +2 to their

instance; a specific spell may be given a +1, a specific weapon such as

skill roll.

the long sword a +1. When dealing with character skills the master teacher may grant a specialized bonus of +3 ratings to a specific skill.


For instance; cooking: fish at +3 ratings. The master must roll very

This skill allows a character to do some investigations into

high to grant this (T# 30) and this is left to the GM’s discretion.

any subject matter as long as they have access to a library or materi-


als necessary to conduct research. They can also drain the amount of days it takes to study a spell by subtracting the result of the roll off of

This is basic knowledge of religious beliefs and the

the days left on their spell time, when in a library. (Intelligence)

practices of the paths and pantheons. This skill is used when you

-Expert: with the second tier in this skill you may use your

wish to express the ideals of your religious beliefs for this is the

skills to help others in the libraries of cities and gain an amount of

knowledge that you possess in that arena and how you express or

12 bits per day. Experts of research also gain +1 to their skill roll. An

convey it to others around you in a manner to enlighten or awaken

expert of research also gains +2 to the rating of their read & write

them. (Charisma)

skill. They may also gain a +1 to their perception attribute for locat-

ing things quickly. An expert in research may roll for 2 spells to study

known cultures’ religious beliefs and how theology ties into their

at the same time.

laws and government, if it indeed does such a thing within a society.

-Expert: this skill allows the character to understand all

-Master: a master in research will gain +1 to their intelli-

It grants your character +2% to your spiritual influence. It also adds +1

gence attribute permanently, once this is unlocked. They can also

to your intelligence attribute permanently once this is unlocked from

learn the properties of items or the components of how they are

learning all of the knowledge. Experts gain +1 to their skill roll.

made. This does not allow them to craft these items necessarily but

they can bring the information to those who can. You may also add

influence, but you may teach theology at a local school and gain an

+3 to the rating of your spell craft skill. Being a master in research

amount of 21 bits for a day of work as a teacher. A master of theology

grants you a +2 to your skill roll. You may also research up to 3 spells

may also gain +3 to the rating of the exorcism skill or conjuring skill

at a time.

this is their choice in which direction they have chosen to take their

-Master: Not only do you gain +3% more to your spiritual

studies. A master in theology also gains +1 to their charisma attribute


permanently once this is unlocked. Masters gain +2 to their skill roll.

With this skill you may teach other characters skills or

spells that you know. Look to the time it takes for learning skills at the beginning of this chapter. To learn spells you must look to the magic chapter. You may use this skill to become a teacher at a university or a school, or use it to teach any skill you possess. You may teach school in cities for 7 bits a day. The result of your skill check divided by 2 is the amount of days you may take off of your student’s spell time or study time. (Intelligence)

-Expert: having the 2nd tier of the teaching skill will take an

amount of time off of a character’s study time or spell time by days equal to the skill check result. An expert teacher gains +1 to their skill roll. A teacher may also gain an amount of 14 bits for a day of work. Experts also gain +1 to their intelligence attribute permanently once this is unlocked.

-Master: you have the master skill as a teacher and can

be considered or titled a professor. You are granted +1 to your


S kil l s

Survival Skills

to x3 on the catch of their meal die in areas where great fishing is allowed and you have the time to construct such a contraption.



An important part of the group is always the cook. With

This skill allows your character to track down plant food

this skill you can prepare meals for yourself and others with the

that is edible such as fruits, berries, seeds, flowers, stems, roots, etc.

right tools and food available. This usually only consists of a pot for

This skill allows the character to know just how to harvest the meal

boiling, and a knife. You often gather spices found while traveling.

from the plant as well as how it should be prepared. A successful skill

Pulling off a successful cooking check will give all who consume the

check will grant you an additional meal on the meal die for rolling a

meal an additional d6 hit points, mana, and chi if prepared properly.

successful harvest. (Perception)

They also add 1 meal to the fire during a good roll. (Perception)

-Expert: an expert in this skill may add a +1 to their skill

-Expert: an expert chef can whip up a meal for a large

roll and then add 2 additional meals to the harvested meals after a

group of people and give any who consume the meal 2d6 hit points,

successful find. An expert also gains +1 to their perception attribute

mana, and chi for eating healthy food. An expert gains +1 to their

permanently once this is unlocked. Experts of foraging also gain +2

perception attribute permanently once this is unlocked, as well as +1

to the rating of their plant lore skill.

to their skill check. An expert in cooking may also gain +2 to their

foraging skill rating. An expert cook may add 2 meals to the fire.

may add 3 additional harvested meals during a successful roll. A

-Master: a master in foraging adds +2 to their skill roll and

-Master: the master chef can cook a meal for a very large

master of foraging also gains +1 to their perception attribute perma-

group of people and give them all mana, hit points, and chi equal to

nently once this is unlocked. Masters of foraging also gain +3 to the

the result of their skill check. A master gains +1 to their perception

rating of their medicines skill.

attribute permanently once this is unlocked. Masters gain +2 to their


skill roll. A master chef will gain +3 to the plant lore skill rating.


This skill allows your character the attempt to provide food

for the party. It represents your skill to hunt an animal, clean it, take

A successful skill check while using this skill allows the

its hide, and harvest parts for sale or crafting as well. Keep track of

character to add 1 meal to the meal die. This skill also represents your

your hides, they can be sold or traded later. The target numbers

ability to craft a makeshift fishing pole or fishing device while in the

listed under the hunting table in the wilderness chapter are for a

wild. With the skill in fishing you also learn to dry your fish so that

successful hunt. They are based on characters that are using ranged

you can pack it and it will stay preserved for many days instead of

weapons to do so. Many animals are very perceptive and can dash

rotting by the next day. Fish will go bad quickly and eating it will give

away from a predator with great haste before one can ever get near

you food poisoning. Drying fish to preserve it will actually take 25%

them with a melee weapon. Any character not using a missile weap-

of your stock as well. (Perception)

on must add a +8 to the target number unless they are using traps

-Expert: a 2nd tier fisherman gains +1 to their skill roll. An

with bait. During the success, when you must roll a die for meals

expert at fishing also gains +1 to their perception attribute perma-

hunted you may add 1 meal to a successful roll due to owning this

nently once this is unlocked. A successful skill check while using this

skill. (Perception)

skill allows the character to add 2 meals to the meal die. Expert fish-

erman can also create nets or traps with the proper materials. This

may also add 2 to the meal die when a successful hunt is rolled. An

can sometimes allow you to multiply the result of your meal die x2 in

expert hunter may also gain +1 to their perception attribute perma-

areas where fishing is good and you have time to create contraptions

nently once this is unlocked. An expert of hunting may also add +2

for a large haul such as this.

to the rating of their tracking skill.

-Master: at 3rd tier a successful check by a master fisherman

-Expert: an expert hunter gains a +1 to their skill roll. They

-Master: a master hunter may add +2 to their skill roll. The

allows the master to add 3 meals to a successful meal die. Mastering

master of hunting may gain 3 additional meals on the meal die for a

the art of fishing also grants you +2 to your skill roll and 1 point to

successful hunt. A master of hunting may also gain +3 to the rating

your perception attribute permanently once 3rd tier is unlocked. A

of the stealth skill. They also gain +1 to their perception attribute

master of fishing can engineer traps and methods of bringing in up

permanently once this is unlocked.


Chap te r V Street Survival


This skill serves as your ability to live off of the streets

Those skilled in traps can create, locate, and disarm traps as

when times are rough. If you have no coin to rent a room or wish

long as they possess the tools to do so. The skill check result when

to walk the dangerous streets the target number is usually 6 as a

building a trap is the target number that must be met in order to no-

base (GM may alter as they see fit for a specific area). The result of a

tice the trap with a perception roll or observation skill check. At first

successful skill check will allow you to find or craft a makeshift

tier you may build dangerous traps that can deal varying types of

shelter for the night. You will also be able to find water at +10%. This

damage usually related to your skill roll. You can relate the skill roll

skill may also be utilized to find a quick escape route or place to hide

to the rank and skill level on the dice table to see what the damage

from predators or city guards. (Intelligence)

will be, thus if you roll a 12 the damage of the trap might be 2d12. You

-Expert: this allows your character to make a shelter for 2

may also add x2 or x3 power damage when double or triple the target

and gain +20% to the chance to find water. An expert at street surviv-

number is achieved. This is just one way to configure traps of course

al can gain a +1 to their skill roll. Experts in street survival can find

and the GM may do as they wish. (Perception)

escape routes, hiding places, or shelter much easier from city guards

or enemies. An expert also gains +1 to their perception attribute per-

the traps skill check is the target number for those who are passing

manently once this is unlocked.

to notice the trap. An expert in traps gains a +1 to their perception

-Master: a master can find shelter for 3 creatures for a night,

attribute permanently once this is unlocked. Experts automatically

as well as +30% to find water. A master at street survival gains +2 to

gain x2 power damage on their traps so any extra that is rolled may

their skill roll. If there are any hideouts around or escape routes,

be added to this power damage.

you better believe a master of street survival check will allow you to

know where they are. A master of street survival can also add +3 to

found around them. They can craft traps at x3 power damage nor-

the rating of their trailing skill. You also gain +1 to your intelligence

mally, so with a superb roll the GM may even grant them instant

attribute permanently once this is unlocked.

death traps that are body save or die. In which case if a body save is

-Expert: the trapper can add +1 to the skill roll. The result of

-Master: a master trapper can craft traps using basic items

made the victim still suffers x5 power damage. Masters of traps can


make checks at +2 to their skill roll. They also gain +3 to the rating of

You are skilled in the art of tracking. This skill is mainly

their escape artist skill. A master of traps gains +1 to their perception

used in the wilderness since it’s close to impossible to track people

attribute permanently once this is unlocked.

through the streets unless there is mud, dirt, or snow around to pick

Weather Sense

up tracks within. Certain things can lower or raise a target number due to the behavior of the weather. When hunting you would roll the

hunting skill, tracking is necessary for all other forms of pursuing

weather changes within a few hours time. This gives you a chance

someone or something through the wilderness by way of the path

to look to the sky and let others know what is to come in the near

they have left by footprints or broken foliage. (Perception)

future. (Perception)

-Expert: an expert in tracking can tell you the weight of a

This skill allows your character to sense approaching

-Expert: the 2nd tier of weather sense allows the character

target, how old the tracks are, and even what type of creature they

to sense the drastic change in weather even up to 12 hours before-

are tracking. An expert is also skilled in counter tracking, or covering

hand. An expert at weather sense also gains +1 to their perception

ones’ tracks. It slows you down to counter track but it can be useful

attribute permanently once this is unlocked. They also gain +2 to the

if you have a head start. You also gain +1 to your perception attribute

rating of their wilderness survival skill and +1 on their weather sense

permanently. Experts also gain +1 to their skill roll.

skill roll.

-Master: a master of tracking can give you a great amount

-Master: a master of this skill can predict the weather a day

of information from simple tracks and do so with enough speed to

in advance by looking at the sky. The character also gains a +1 to their

actually gain on a target that is not in full sprint at all times. Your

perception attribute permanently once this is unlocked. A master

counter tracking may also be accomplished at nearly full speed. A

also gains +3 to the rating of their navigation skills and may add +2

master also gains +3 to the rating of their hunting skill, +1 to their

to their weather sense skill roll.

perception attribute permanently once this is unlocked. They may also add +2 to their skill roll.


S kil l s

Trade Skills

Wilderness Survival

With this very helpful skill you understand basic tasks that

will keep you alive in the wilderness. You are skilled at finding water


with a +10% bonus to what the GM says the base chance is, if it is indeed available. You also know how to find or craft shelter. You are

able to find fuel for the fire and you know how to make one using

exists on the tables within. The character may build basic armor at

basic tools. You may read in the wilderness chapter for more infor-

25% of the listed price. It can take an armorer from one day, to a

mation and ideas for this skill. (Intelligence)

month to create certain pieces of armor. If you have the blacksmith

-Expert: as an expert you gain +1 to your skill roll. You have

skill or leather working skill you gain an immediate +1 to your rating

more training in the ability to locate water as well and can find it at

in your armorer skill. If you possess both of those skill you will gain

+20%. The expert of wilderness survival gains +2 to the rating of their

+2 to your armorer skill. An armorer is skilled in making armor out

hunting skill. When making fires you know how to hide them from

of all kinds of materials from creature hides and leather, to dragon

the view of enemies. You also gain +1 to your perception attribute

scales and mertacullum plates. Yet only masters in this skill can work

permanently once this is unlocked.

dragon scales and mertacullum. At 1st tier though, your character can

craft armor with a rating from 1 to 8 as a base. You may also make 7

-Master: with this skill you can build a nice shelter using

This skill allows a character to build and repair armor that

the surrounding terrain. You also gain +2 to your skill roll. Masters

bits per day working as an armorer. (Intelligence)

may add +30% on their chance to find water if it is indeed available.

You also gain +1 to your perception attribute permanently once this

armor for animal mounts, wagons, ships, and siege engines. You may

is unlocked. A master of wilderness survival also gains +3 to the rat-

base the armor off of armor from the book and pay the 25% of the

ing of their foraging skill. When looking for a suitable place to camp

listed price for the equipment needed unless you have the proper

you can find an area or build one that is strategically helpful to your

materials. If the vessel or mount is larger you should multiply the

party if attacked. It will also keep you safe against harsh weather.

cost by 2, 3, or 4 depending on its size. This goes the same for the

-Expert: this skill allows a character to build or repair

time to construct the armor. An expert armorer can craft armor with a rating all the way up to 16. You now gain a +1 to your intelligence attribute permanently. Experts also gain a +1 to their skill roll and may even roll well enough to improve the armor rating of armor within these pages up to a +1 if a 15 is reached.

-Master: you have the skills to engineer and create your

own types of armor. You may use the table in the book or base armor from a pre-existing set with special add-ons that are fabricated yourself. The GM and player can come to an agreement on engineered types and what they can offer. The 3rd tier armorer also has the ability to enhance the rating of most normal armor by 1 to 3 points for every 15 made on their craft skill check. A master of the armorer skill can craft armor at any rating; they can also work dragon scale now, and mertacullum. You now gain a +1 to your intelligence attribute permanently once this is unlocked and a +3 to the rating of your blacksmith skill. Master armorers gain a +2 to their skill roll.


The character can craft metal items such as horseshoes,

tools, and other basic iron items. They must possess an anvil, hammer, tongs, all the tools and the kiln to forge these items. This might prove very difficult while traveling unless one has a wagon to carry these items. Thus sometimes this skill might be used for downtime.


Chap te r V Everything they craft may be accomplished at 25% of the base cost

bonus to their perception attribute permanently due to their

due to the need for supplies. You may gain 7 bits per day working in

practice in the art of archery. The master can also re-string a broken

the market as a blacksmith. (Intelligence)

bow string in 2 shooting actions. The master bowyer & Fletcher can

-Expert: the character is able to gain 14 bits per day to work

engineer their own types of crossbows and bows; this may be

at a smithy’s shop. The character must possess all of the proper tools

discussed with the GM to see what they will allow in their campaign.

of the trade in order for this to be a success. An expert blacksmith

You now gain a +1 to your intelligence attribute permanently as well.

can make metal items at 25% of the listed cost. They can also gain a +1

You also may add +2 to your skill roll.

to their skill roll at 2nd tier. It is possible for an expert blacksmith to


make quick repairs to metal items while on the road if they possess proper tools. You now gain a +1 to your intelligence attribute.

-Master: a master of this skill can gain 21 bits per

things are needed for this skill and there are many ways of flavoring

Water, a starch source, and yeast for fermenting. These

day. The blacksmith must have a shop to work at that has the

or making a good ale or mead. It takes time to make the good stuff.

proper tools and kiln. The master of blacksmithing can create items

To make it only takes hours, for it to ferment and become drinkable

three times faster than a 1st tier blacksmith. The 3rd tier gives the

a minimum of 2 weeks. Take your skill result and divide by 5 to

blacksmith +1 to the strength attribute due to their constant

conclude how many jugs or bottles you may craft while using the

hammering and building of muscle. A master is able to engineer their

skill with all of the equipment, barrels, and jugs available to attempt a

own types of metallic items now, which means they can invent new

batch. Take up work in a brewery making 5 bits per day. (Intelligence)

items of metal to sell or use. You now gain a +1 to your intelligence

attribute as well. Masters add +2 to the roll.

character to work in a brewery and gain 10 bits per day. The

-Expert: using the 2nd tier of this skill will allow the

expert of brewing can craft some two times the amount of alcohol

Bowyer & Fletcher

in each batch they craft. An expert may also make wine and more

This skill allows a character to crafts bows, crossbows,

expensive types of drink. You now gain a +1 to your intelligence attribute

bolts, and arrows. They must pay 25% of the base cost to purchase

permanently once this is unlocked. You also gain +1 to your skill roll.

supplies, unless these are harvested from the wild. Actually gather-

Brew equation: skill result divided by 5 x 2= # of jugs.

ing the supplies yourself will add on quite a few hours to the work.

These hours can be rolled on 2d6 to establish the time it takes. It will

craft their own types of ale, liquor, and wine. They can also gain an

take a 1st tier bowyer 4 shooting actions to restring a bow if it breaks

amount of 15 bits per day working in the brewery. A master can also

and you have the string to do so. A starting bowyer and Fletcher can

craft x3 the amount in each batch. You now gain a +1 to your intelli-

craft a shoddy bow in a few hours with the right material. They can

gence attribute once this is unlocked. You also get to add +2 to your

also make 2d6 arrows in one day of work. A basic short bow has a

skill roll. Brew equation: skill result divided by 5 x 3 = # of jugs.

-Master: the 3rd tier of this skill allows the character to

target number 6 to craft it. A basic longbow can be crafted at a target


number 8 and normally takes d12 days. The recurve bow has a target number 10 to craft a suitable one. (Intelligence)









-Expert: this skill will land you an amount of 14 bits per

working. It allows a character to build a small shanty, shack, or a cart

day working in the market. You must possess the proper tools and

with the proper tools available. A hammer, some nails, axe, saw, and

equipment, and be at work in a shop that has these things available

wood for starters. You may gain 5 bits per day working as a laborer.

to you in order to make this kind of money for your hard work.


An expert bowyer/ Fletcher can also re-string a bow in 3 shooting

actions if their bow string happens to break in combat. An expert can

proper tools and equipment available. An expert can design a wagon

also begin crafting crossbows, pistol bows, etc. These usually take

if they have the proper equipment; doing such a thing would require

2d6 days to craft a real nice one, at a target number 12. You now gain

a great deal of work and supplies. You can pay 25% of the listed price

a +1 to your intelligence attribute permanently once this is unlocked.

of a wagon for the supplies and spend a d6 weeks crafting it. You

As well you gain a +1 to your skill roll.

now gain a +1 to your intelligence attribute permanently once this is

unlocked. Experts gain a +1 to their skill roll and can make 10 bits per

-Master: using this skill will grant you 21 bits per day

-Expert: experts of carpentry can build a house with the

day working in town.

working as a bowyer and fletcher. A master of this skill gains a +1


S kil l s

-Master: a master can craft their own creations using wood.

-Expert: this skill will land you 10 bits per day working as a

They may also build bridges, two story houses, and other build-

farmer. There are many available openings on most farms across the

ings. A master of carpentry is considered an engineer. A useful skill

realms. Many farms are eager to hire on farmhands. At 2nd tier an

to have if you want to build something instead of burn it down!

expert farmer can gather enough food from any crops to last a group

Mastery in this skill grants the character a +1 to their intelligence

of adventurers days equal to the skill check. An expert farmer gains a

attribute permanently once this is unlocked. Masters gain a +2 to

+1 bonus to their intelligence. They may also add +3 ratings to their

their skill roll and make 15 bits per day.

plant lore skill if they possess it. Experts gain +1 to their skill roll.


-Master: this skill will land you 15 bits a day while working

on the farm. A master at farming can plot, plant, and harvest an

This skill is used for working with clay or stone-like

entire crop for a village. The master farmer may also add +3 to the

materials to build walls, streets, houses, and more. Working on

rating of the foraging skill if they possess that. They also gain a +1

cobblestone roads is possible, like the Aticraulians while making

bonus to their intelligence attribute permanently once this is un-

the Imperial Road. You may work in larger cities for the local lord

locked. Masters gain +2 to their skill roll.

building walls and towers which is all honest but hard work.

Leather Working

Finding work in the city is usually not a problem. You may make 5 bits per day as a laborer. The GM may sometimes allow your skill

check result x 10 to be be added to the SHP (structural hit points) of

that is composed of leather. They would need a blacksmith to help

A leather worker can create tools, armor, and anything

a structure you have built if the situation allows. (Intelligence)

in forging studs unless they may aquire some elsewhere to create

-Expert: the 2nd tier of this skill will allow your

studded leather. Most leather workers and blacksmiths often work

character to make 10 bits a day working in the city. An expert of

near each other in the markets. They gain business together and can

masonry can craft a stone building with the proper tools, but stone

help each other out when crafting certain items. With this skill you

structures take a very long time. Now your skill allows you to craft

can build and repair leather at 25% of the base cost of the item. You

things from stone of your own design. Your skill result roll may now be

may also make 7 bits per day working the market. (Intelligence)

multiplied by x 20 to add to the SHP of your structure. You now

gain a +1 to your intelligence attribute permanently once this is

in the market. An expert gains a +1 to their intelligence attribute

unlocked. Experts also gain a +1 to their skill roll.

permanently once this is unlocked. An expert of leather working can

-Master: the master of this skill can gain 15 bits per

make leather armor and gains a +2 to the rating of Armorer if they

dayworking as a laborer. You can now invent new types of

posses it. They may even improve the armor rating of any leather

architectural designs. You can discuss creations and ideas with

armor if they wish gaining a +1 for reaching a 15 or higher on their

your GM. You may also multiply your skill check result x 30 to add

craft check. Experts gain +1 to their skill roll.

to the SHP of your structure. The character also gains +1 to their

intelligence attribute permanently once this is unlocked. Masters

ing the market.. A 3rd tier leather smith can craft their own types of

gain +2 to their skill roll.

leather creations. This is left to the GM and player to discuss if there

-Expert: with this skill you can make 14 bits per day

-Master: with this skill you can make 21 bits per day work-

is something unique the player wishes to craft. The character gains


a +1 bonus to their intelligence attribute permanently once this is

This agricultural skill is one of the most common skills

unlocked. A master leather smith can engineer just about anything

found across the realms. It is a necessity to learn how to grow your

they want using leather. They can also raise the rating of leather

own crops when there are cities and towns filled with hungry people.

armor a maximum of armor rating 3, gaining +1 for every 15 that is

Not so much for the barbarian tribes that hunt their food and follow

met while crafting. Masters gain +2 to their skill roll.

the herds. Using this skill requires you to settle in one place for months in order to gain from it. Most farmhands only gain about a 3 pfennigs a day for all their hard work but working as a farm hand on someone’s farm it is possible to make 5 bits a day as a laborer. This basic knowledge allows you to grow, tend, and harvest crops in the most efficient way. (Intelligence)


Chap te r V Locksmith

Siege Craft

With this skill the lock smith can craft and repair locks.

This skill allows the character to craft small siege

They also know how to break them or pick them. Owning this skill

engines for large scale battles and defenses needed to fend off

will add +1 to the rating of your lock picking per tier in this skill if

attackers. Siege shields, battering rams, oil cauldrons, etc. You can find

you have it. You may craft a lock and key at 25% of the base cost. If

construction time in the weapons chapter. These times require a full

you do not own the lock picking skill at all and wish to pick locks

crew to create these engines in the specified time. (Intelligence)

you may still add +1 to the rank of your attribute check per tier in

this skill. You may also make 7 bits per day working for coin in the

larger siege engines such as; trebuchet, ballista, and catapults. The

marketple. (Intelligence)

expert gains +1 to their intelligence. Experts gain a +1 to their skill


-Expert: an expert of this skill can gain 14 bits per day work-

-Expert: the 2nd tier of this skill allows the construction of

ing in the market. A 2nd tier lock smith can craft a more advanced

lock that needs 2 keys, or even can connect it to a trap if they like.

of the largest siege engines. You may construct siege towers and

The check result is the target number for a thief to try and defeat

also creations of your own designs. You are an engineer of siege

the lock. An expert gains a +1 bonus to their intelligence attribute

weaponry now and can create anything for large battles. This skill

permanently once unlocked. Experts gain a +1 to their skill roll.

also grants your character +1 to intelligence. You also gain a +1

combat specialization to hit with siege weapons. Masters also gain a

-Master: a master lock smith can gain an amount of 21 bits

per day working in the marketplace as a master locksmith.. A 3rd tier

-Master: the 3rd tier of this skill allows the construction

+2 to their skill roll.

lock smith can craft a lock that needs 3 keys or connect the lock to a


very dangerous or deadly trap. A master gains +1 to their intelligence attribute permanently once this is unlocked. Masters also gain a +2

to their skill roll.

now it is used for any who can craft small yet useful little items.

The tinker skill was originally given to tin smiths, yet

Stereotypically all gnomes are tinkers, but this is not true. A tinker


can craft almost any small useful item as long as they have the tools

Knowledge in mining will grant you information on

and components to do so. Tinkers make 7 bits per day working in the

where you may most likely find success in searching for minerals

marketplace. (Intelligence)

to mine. As well, you are able to assess your current depth when

underground. This skill also represents your skill in the act of

with their trade. If you want to invent things then you are on the

mining. You can make 5 bits per day working in the mines as a

right path. As long as you have some parts to work with you may

laborer. It is often hard work with little pay. (Intelligence)

talk your inventions over with the GM to craft something useful.

-Expert: the expert miner can find the locations of water,

Remember as well though, to create weapons you will need the

liquid, rock, crystal, or veins of metals. With a skill check they may

weaponry skill too. This goes with all skills that your invention

sense where to locate these items. You can make 10 bits per day

might fall under. This skill will also grant you 14 bits per day when

working in the mines. The shafts that you craft have a higher chance

you work in the market. You gain +1 to your intelligence attribute

of staying intact during explosions or earthquakes due to your

permanently once this is unlocked and +1 to your skill roll. An expert

skill check. The character gains a +1 to their intelligence attribute

tinker can also gain a +2 to the rating in any one trade, creative, or

permanently once this is unlocked. Experts gain +1 to their skill

survival skill. If it involves making something then the expert tinker


can add to it. Ask the GM if you need help.

-Master: the mastery of this skill will allow you to build

-Expert: the 2nd tier tinker has gotten a bit more serious

-Master: the inventive engineer no longer has to settle for

very safe shafts. You may locate valuable deposits in the rock and

small useful items. They can get serious and hire some hands to craft

have the ability to sense harmful gases in the area as well. A master

something serious. Again this is left to the player and GM to discuss.

will estimate how deep you are in the earth and where to find water.

A master tinker can make 21 bits per day in the market. The master

Gain +3 ratings to mapping skills or navigation checks. Masters gain

tinker gains +1 to their intelligence attribute permanently once this

a +1 to intelligence once this is unlocked and gain a +2 to their skill

is unlocked. They may also add +3 to the rating of any one trade, cre-

roll. Master miners gain 15 bits per day in pay.

ative, or certain survival skill but not the same one they raised during 2nd tier. Master tinkers get to add +2 to their skill roll.


S kil l s

Travel Skills


With this skill your character can build and repair

weapons. This represents all weapons yet mainly specializes in


melee weaponry. You may do so at 25% of the base cost, which is the cost for materials. You must possess the right materials for

This skill allows you to locate where you are and where

the job and you must have anvil, tongs, hot coals, and a hammer at

you are going when on land, in the sky, or at sea, without the use

minimum. This basic skill in weapon smith allows you to craft and

of instruments. You can use the two suns during the day to locate

repair weapons that can cause up to 19 points of damage. Thus a

direction and tell time. You may use the stars and moon at night to

d10+d8 weapon is possible. You can build and repair weapons within

guide your path and tell time. The use of a compass or other tools

these pages. Working in the market you can make 7 bits per day.

will help add levels to your skill check. (Perception)


-Expert: the character is able to gain 14 bits per day if they

allows you to keep track of where you are going in underworld

work in a shop. The expert can craft and repair weapons that can

settings, or underwater. An expert at navigation can save travel

deal up to 29 damage. They can build and repair the weapons within

time by hours equal to the remaining result rolled over the target

these pages and may even add a +1 to +3 damage to a weapon with a

number. The expert in navigation also gains +1 to their perception

high enough craft roll (+1 for every 15 reached). They have not quite

attribute permanently once this is unlocked and gains a +1 to their

mastered how to shape mertacullum or valcrium. The expert also

skill roll.

gains a +1 to intelligence. Experts also gain +1 to their skill roll.

-Expert: this is the 2nd tier of your navigation skill and

-Master: a master navigator can save time equal to hours,

-Master: the weapons engineer can craft new types of

days, even weeks equal to the result rolled over the target number. It

weapons that have not yet been designed. This skill also helps when

is completely up to the GM on the time that is actually saved by good

building artillery or siege weapons. If you possess the siege craft

navigation used and short cuts taken. The character with the 3rd

skill it will give you +3 ratings to that skill. You may also gain 21 bits

tier mastery in this skill also gains a +1 to their perception attribute

per day for working in the marketplace. The 3rd tier of this skill will

permanently once this is unlocked. They also gain a +3 to the rating

give you a +1 to your intelligence attribute permanently once this is

of their mapping skill. Masters may add +2 to their skill roll.

unlocked as well as a +2 to your skill roll. One who can craft black


powder weapons might be called a gun smith, yet these weapons can be created by 3rd tier weapon smiths. You may also work valcrium

This skill allows the character to safely ride horses and land

and mertacullum weapons now. As well for every 15 reached on your

based mounts that are similar to the horse. Some creatures like the

craft roll you may add a +1 to the damage of a weapon.

goblin or mungreel even ride wolves or warthogs. Those with the riding skill do not simply fall off without taking damage enough to knock them down. They can make a riding check to remain on the back of their mount. The target number is configured by calculating how much damage the character has taken that was over their body attribute. (Dexterity)

-Expert: an expert at riding can perform maneuvers on the

backs of their mount called trick riding. An expert can leap off of one mount and onto another with a moderate skill check. The expert also gains +1 to their dexterity attribute permanently once this is unlocked. Experts also gain a +1 to their skill roll. Trick riding will allow even acrobatic maneuvers on horseback.

-Master: this mastery in riding at 3rd tier allows the

character to ride winged mounts with great skill. Yes this includes dragons, pegasus, wyverns, griffins, etc. The master gains a +1 to their dexterity attribute permanently once this is unlocked, it also allows the rider to gain +2 to their skill roll.


Chap te r V Seafaring


This skill is used in piloting small boats, ships, and all

This skill allows your character knowledge in piloting

manner of smaller water crafts. This basic skill grants you the

smaller flying vessels and sky ships like air skiffs. It relies on the

knowledge in sailing, ship handling, and being able to operate all of

knowledge of how to utilize many instruments and tolls onboard the

the basic equipment on the deck of a vessel. (Intelligence)

vessel and how to catch wind currents to gain speed. (Intelligence)

-Expert: the 2nd tier of this skill allows the sailor the

-Expert: this skill allows your character the knowledge of

knowledge to control larger sea vessels. From drakkars to galleons,

flying larger sky ships, storm ships, and dragon boats. An expert is

your skill brings you to understand how everything works and could

good enough to earn the rank of first mate on board a sky ship. They

even grant you the status of first mate. You may also gain a +1 to your

are also given +1 to their intelligence attribute permanently once this

intelligence attribute permanently once this is unlocked, as well as +1

is unlocked. Experts also gain +1 to their skill roll.

to your skill roll.

-Master: the 3rd tier mastery of this skill will qualify you

fit to hold a legitimate rank of captain on board a sky ship. With this

to hold the legitimate rank of captain. Without this skill it will be

skill you can even build your own vessel with the right amount of

somewhat obvious that you are not fit to stand at the helm and run

coin. A master of skyfaring gains +3 to the rating of their navigation

a ship. A master of seafaring will grant you +3 to the rating of your

skill. A master in skyfaring also gains +1 to their intelligence attribute

navigation skill. A master in seafaring even has the knowledge

permanently once this is unlocked. Masters also gain a +2 to their

enough to build their own ship. A master also gains +1 to their in-

skill roll.

-Master: with the 3rd tier of this skill you will certainly be

telligence attribute permanently once this is unlocked. Masters also gain +2 to their skill roll.


This skill gives you knowledge in piloting carts and

wagons that are being pulled by oxen or other mounts. Once basic knowledge of piloting the vehicle is gained, it is all about your ability to control the beasts of burden with agility. (Dexterity)

-Expert: this skill allows your character knowledge in

piloting war chariots and battle wagons. With the second tier in this skill you may add a +1 to your skill roll. For every 10 reached on your skill check you mmay add a +1 to hit or defend with your vehicle. This may be added to any other modifiers you may receive due to your chariot. An expert also gains +1 to their dexterity attribute permanently once this is unlocked.

-Master: with the mastery of this 3rd tier skill you gain a +2

to your skill roll. A master of the chariots may also gain a +1 to their dexterity attribute permanently once this is unlocked.


S kil l s

Language Skills

with one another and trade goods with one another. Trade is an important








communication is the key to understanding. The kothan language

Each character starts the game with the language of their

has done a great justice for all the lands that they might come

people or the language that is spoken where they were raised. Due

together and enjoy the flourishing trade and commerce. Kothan was

to their intelligence attribute you may gain a number of additional

derived from the slave tongue T’yamin that was loosely made during

fluent languages. Remember that language skills branch off of the

the Thrall Wars. Yet later it was condemned as forbidden after it was

intelligence attribute. Be sure to write in the primary language of

broken by the Stygian Army. The language then formed into Kothan

your race that you want and then choose another from the list due to

by those who would later create the Council of Dragon Guard.

what your intelligence will allow. Some races have a few languages, simply pick the most common if it fits well with your character.

You may also gain a new language by spending 1 of


your skill slots. The initial languages chosen by the player during

Primary Languages

Bogkroll/ Troll



Anath, Anath Nalhall

to your intelligence attribute so; rating 1 + your intelligence rank=

Shadulyn Eldrynn

(sign), Elder Anath, Kothan

your skill level. Whatever your skill level is you can find out what



dice you roll to speak or hear that language. You may also specialize

Mhen Tep

Aza Benka, Noa Benka

character creation are fluent languages. Those learned later become character skills at a rating 1. These language/ character skill are tied

in a language skill for 1 additional skill slot to become fluent and no


longer worry about rolling dice to use the skill. Erase the language from your character skills and rewrite it in your fluent languages once you specialize in a specific language.

Mongru/ Pale Dwarves

Duma Tos, Kothan


Kothan, Oldyn, Oldyn Sign, Enochian

Just because you know how to speak the language does

not mean you know how to read and write it either, unless you

Org/ Dark Org

Kohu, Kothan

speak it fluently and possess the skill read and write. If you do not

Sharpheen/ Mulpheen

Ramahh, Huth Ramahh

possess this skill at all, you cannot read and write at all, not such an


Vohu, Rothic




Kothan, Oldyn, Oldyn Sign,

uncommon thing in these times unless you are a spell caster. Shamans might just be the exception to that rule though. If you possess the skill read and write then any language you are fluent in

Espadosan, Kauldanish,

allows you to read and write that language.

Aticraulian, Raikanu Vatagi

The Traders’ Tongue

Uroku, Nur’ oku (sign), Kothan

Kothan was crafted by the great minds that formed the

Council of Dragon Guard in the Age of Mortals’ Dawn. This high council is an assembly of great scholars and seers from many different countries that come together once a year to talk about news and troubles in the world. Emissaries that represent some of the greatest minds from each country or leaders from powerful tribes come to sit at this council and take part in decisions that affect the entire world. They all make this journey in the month of Council on the 15th day of the Convergence. The Council of Dragon Guard meets in the great city of Northwater.

One of these decisions was to complete the universal

language for the trade roads. Merchants could speak and write so that every mortal creature would have a way to communicate

Anath Writing


Chap te r V Ancient Tongues & Dead Languages

stay forgotten. It is said this tongue was one of the building blocks of

“A people without scribes is a people forgotten.”

of the eldrynn race in many ways. Many in ancient Hebrew texts

Oldyn and the written form holds an odd resemblance to the writing have come to name Baal “the False God”, for he is merely a powerful

-Gabriel Talum (terran/ seer of The Nine Towers)

devil, a demon that has stolen many ancient relics and such mighty secrets.

“There have been a great many languages lost to the tides

of time. Almost, I presume a close aquaintance to the number of

primarily been lost to humans that do not study alchemy or ancient

species lost to all the worlds out amongst the ocean of stars. Had it

magic texts. Even now these forms have turned into what is called

not been for the hard work of the scribes scribbling in the dark and

Oldyn. It is no longer taught in normal schools, only to a few mage

for all those who defended the texts with their lives, we too would


have lost who we are now. I have found my calling, my duty in life.

I find peace in the knowledge that I will spread the voices of the

Sumerian, or Hebrew is to humans.

Until the day that the empire kicks down my door and their demon

bought steel runs me through, I will keep on sending my words to

many races of Koth that were locked in servitude to keep knowledge

all. Knowledge must be kept intact and passed along, as if truth were

from the demons but abandoned when it was broken by them. The

the fading flame on the torch in the dark.

language is now the forbidden tongue to many races, yet it paved the

These are but a handful of the many lost tongues compiled

way for the Kothan tongue to be born.

over the years, within a myriad of the ancient libraries of the northwest. The terrans or humans as I like to call us have so very many different types of languages alone that have fallen from usage. Just as the other species they all seem to stem from a few or even a single root system. Here are some examples I have compiled for you.” -Gabriel Talum, Brother of the Truth Seekers Elder Futhark: a system of writing brought to Koth by

humans. A great deal of its influence is in the Kothan runes now and very similar to the mongru writing.

Ezeethanall: the dead language of the thokk race, a race

thought to be extinct by many. It is also called the dragon tongue, for some say that some dragons spoke the language while thokk scribes wrote of the legends and lore.








T’yamin (the Slave Tongue): the first tongue of the slave

clans before the Age of Thrall and the Kin Wars. It was made by the

the nephilim to guard and to teach. We must all play our part after

Oua Anath (Old Elvish): still spoken by some of the shadu-

lyn eldrynn and some elven casters of old. It is much like Latin,

dead with my writing, so that all may know the truth of their past.

Latin & Sumerian: still sometimes used in magic, yet it has


languages of the nephilim race was the language of Hebrew and the earlier form of Canaanite. This form of writing is responsible for the knowledge we have now of the Ever War from the Forgotten World, Terra, the birthplace of the human and nephilim race. This was also brought by the demons as well but is thought to have been eradicated by the hatred of Belial, the demon who named himself Baal. It is said by only a select few within obscure nephilim texts that he did so to hide himself from the scrying magic of other gods. That the name Baal means “the Lord” in his original tongue. The one false god who is perceived to despise that the truth be known of his origin. It is his wish that things from that world and all of the Forgotten Worlds


S kil l s Races and Their Languages

Org: the org race like all goblinoids has a system called

Kohu that is crafted to sound hard, rough, guttural, with quick syllables and easy pronunciation. The org and bogkroll have a very

similar system of spoken tongue yet the org writing is a bit more

Bogkroll: the Gargonian tongue is a hard, guttural tongue

elegant. The org scholar Omat Hakur also took part in crafting the

as most goblinoid languages are. The bogkroll language uses short

Kothan tongue as a universal system for all races.

one word syllables often and their writing is a system of scratches

that usually make lines in quick horizontal or vertical motions.

ished, for the most part yet sometimes it contains hissing sounds

Eldrynn: the smooth and eloquent language of Anath

and reverberating purrs. Certain growls that often begin a word then

is one of the softest sounds to the ear. Anath Nalhall is the sign

end with a vibrating suffix or the rolling of the tongue. There are

language primarily used for stealth missions. The shadulyn often use

many over-exaggerated punctuations and inflections yet it makes the

this tongue to remain absolutely silent. The writing of anath is one

speaker use their entire mouth and throat. The writing was made

of the most fluid art forms of calligraphy in the realms.

to be easily scribed with claws, and the long lost dragon tongue

Human: Kothan has become the most common of all

Ezeethanall’s influence is seen in their writing and heard in their

tongues due to it being derived from T’yamin (the slave tongue) and

spoken language. Huth Ramahh is called the “desert tongue” and it is

then becoming the Trader’s Tongue. Kothan sign is the language

a derivative dialect of ramahh made as another tool to separate races.

created and based off of Oldyn sign. Oldyn was the first tongue and

descended from dead languages such as Summerian, Hebrew and

with claws where it is easy to make symbols. The skog also speak

are also descendants from the Forgotten World.

Rothic which was created by the Five Tribes of skog that live in the

Kuthalan: Klynnish the hard, slithering, and clicking sounds

country of Roth. It is claimed that the tongue was crafted during

of the kuthalan tongue are often thought harrowing or that words are

the Kin Wars where mortals killed each other for territory more

being spoken in anger for those that hear it. Many of their words

than anything else. It is believed that the language was made so that

sound like hate or growls with many clicks. Having six tongues it

only the skog would understand the messages that moved by crow

makes sense for them to use these sounds and it comes easy to them,

or scout. They did not want any Espadosans or eldrynn from the

yet it is thought to be one of the most difficult for others to speak.

Shadynnar territory to find out their plans. Thus the Rothic tongue

Their writing is a little more elegant though.

is still used by barbarian tribes yet Vokhu is the true, skog tongue of

Mhen Tep: the race of the grimalkin creatures created a

popularity with Rothic being more of a dialect.

tongue called Aza Benka. Noa Benka is their sign language which

was designed by their assassin guilds rather than for the disabled

syllable sounds, quick and strong tempered. Nitchit’s form of writing

only allowed to speak sign when within their walls. They were the

is actually quite elegant and flows much like the eldrynn form of

innovators of a pictogram writing system that is a part of the Benka.

writing. “Not too close, bet elegant for a therian,” Eseverran Thorn

It is still thought to have some distant and forgotten connection with

wrote this about his eldrynn companion who gave him this “compli-

the ancient Egyptian race on Terra by many of their scholars.

ment”. He was one of the innovators of Kothan who belonged to the

Mongru: Duma Tos is the language created by the mongru

Coven of Raznuthar. They were a group of spell casters that ruled

race. The writing is extremely similar to Eldar Futhark for they use

over an ancient tribe of tarks said to exist in the days of Nymn Tat.

runes as well that are correlative to the old runes from the Forgotten

World. Some elders and scholars claim that this is not a coincidence.

Tarkanys: Nitchit, the name of the tongue is a strong repre-

sentative of many words in the language. Plenty of its words are two

to communicate. There are said to be some assassin guilds that are

Skog: Vokhu; a rugged, burly, sharp tongue of snarls and

growls. The written tongue is very similar to the sharpheen writing;

Latin. Espadosan, Kauldanish, Raikanu of Myen Wu, and Aticraulian

Sharpheen: Ramahh is a language that sounds smooth, pol-

Vatagi: the language Uroku is also called the Demon

Tongue. It is thought to have existed even before the vatagi were

Nephilim: Kothan is now their primary tongue just as it is

made and brought from Terra. It became very popular with the

for humans because they often dwell among them in hiding. Yet it is

spreading of vatagi throughout Vasgar and Baahltizar. Now, the vata-

believed that some tribes still speak Oldyn and some magical orders

gi pure bloods are taught it from birth as the purest of tongues. It

of the nephalim still speak in Enochian, the tongue of the angels.

is a deep and rigid language much resembling the skog tongue of

Enochian is a tongue of short syllables with strong words and is used

Vokhu, yet more polished and toned. Uroku is written using glyphs

in some divine magical spells for their incantations. Enochian is said

and sigils that are also angelic wards used in demonic rituals.

to be forbidden by Stygian cults and is sought out to be eradicated.


Chap te r V I


of ancient scrolls and shelved in the corners of the oldest library

“I thought you were dead for sure! I could have sworn that axe

How many angels died to try and warn mortals of the truth? Perhaps

cleaved through your skull!”

none shall know, for it is the ignorance of mortals to burn, pillage,

beneath a ruined Narcadian keep. How much blood was spilled to pass this knowledge on as a warning to mortals of what happened?

-Vagan Arl of Veldwar

and forget. To live under the stars, laugh, fornicate, and drink. Their

(after making a spiritual influence check for his Blood Rite)

lives are short and meaningless or so many believe. They do not see themselves as one entity that must fight onward through the trials

Through the hardest times during the Age of the

of time, to become the beings they were truly meant to ascend to.

Forsaken and the Age of Wrath all of the slave races began to learn

-Ziom Morne; Angel/ Templar

that their gods were no more. No prayers were answered by the gods

(Guardian of 12th Gate)

of men; the whispers to the Great Wolf fell on empty ears for the

“What God Do You Pray To?”

elves. The dwarves could no longer feel the thunder of Stone Father’s hammer. They thought the Gods had forgotten them, but the Gods

could no longer reach the realm in which their followers dwelt. Their

gods were now a part of the Forgotten Worlds and knew nothing of

comes time to choose your deity. Some may choose to be an atheist

their followers abductions. For all but the vatagi who followed the

if they wish, but it does not matter if they choose not to believe in

footsteps of Baal, the “one true god”, or so it was deceived. These

a God. These souls that have not chosen a deity are still watched

Godless ages were long and broken, but from them new Gods would

from the spirit world, whether it is by ancestors, curious spirits of

arise and take the place of the old ones. Those legendary heroes

the dead, angels, djinn, demons, or even gods at times. Every mortal

and villains that grew powerful by defeating immortals, dragons,

possesses a spiritual influence. This really is a chance to alter their

angels, and demons during the Thrall Wars created a new pantheon

fate. During character creation the religious beliefs on Pg. 27 can

once they reached the spirit world. These immortals did not know

explain in detail the choice you must make for your character’s

that once they reached the realm of the dead that their trials had

beliefs. If the character becomes powerful and makes a difference, a

only just begun. Those of the Ascension (the rise to immortality)

God quite possibly may choose them. Even though it is difficult for

would have to undertake The Reaper Trials in order to be deemed

ancestors to pierce the Veil and see into our world just as it is diffi-

worthy of divinity. The Reapers are immortals of the 8th plane, a realm

cult for us to see into theirs, it is possible for those who know how

with many names; the Realm of Shadows, the Realm of Chaos, and

to do it. Gods do not always have time to watch individual mortals

Purgatory. They tested the new spirits to see who was worthy of the

and one would have to make a great impact to catch ones’ attention.

Divine Ascension and so it became thus. The new pantheons were

This is an important question for your character when it

Spiritual Influence

born to this world just as each world has its own to govern over the planes of existence.

This realm was ruled by demons for thousands of years.

demons, or spirits will take notice of your character in his or her

Once the new Gods reached the Plane of Chaos they began to

time of need. A character may often call to the Gods for help and this

undertake the Reaper Trials. These ten tests were to wipe out the

(d100%) percent represents the chance that the spirits are listening.

Wyrm Lords for control over the domain of the dead. Much like an

This is also rolled when a character dies. This is a last chance effort

echo that scattered through time and space, this ripple that began on

to save a character’s life. Call it a fate save or whatever you want but it

the Primordial Plane collided with the Realm of the Dead and at its

does help sometimes, even if you only have a 2% chance. If it is used

end let slaves become Gods. For it was because of Belial the Deceiver

during character death as a last resort it is the GMs discretion to

that this all happened, if the thokk would have known that their one

allow the allies to pray for their fallen comrade at the point of their

true god was one of the Fallen they may have never helped to enslave

actual death, so that perhaps they do not die and really still have a

all races. It was an act that many claim foretold their own demise.

d6 hit points left; waking up with a gasp or labored breaths as their

So it is written in the Scrolls of Tartarus these truths that were to

allies attempt to revitalize them. If the spiritual influence check fails,

be lost. So many should die to keep such knowledge alive, yet only

the character is on its way to the Spirit World. Note: The GM is the

to be forgotten in the end. They were words merely written on a set

only one who should make the roll for spiritual influence.


This is the percent chance that the Gods, angels, djinn,

G o ds Asking the Gods for Help

Character Death

Spiritual Influence can save your life and when using it in

This percentile check is only rolled by the GM, as are all

game you will get lucky sometimes. Normally during a combat you

Spiritual Influence checks. No character is ever allowed to roll the

may allow a character a one time call to their God or Gods for help.

spiritual influence check. The game master represents the Gods

This is on their turn and some will say “I call to my God” or “shout

in matters such as this so it is the GM who rolls the spiritual

my God’s name”. The GM rolls the percentile dice to see if the gods

influence check. It should be an event that all players witness as

are listening. If you rolled their spiritual influence percent or lower

well. Some GMs will also allow other players to pray for their fallen

you can allow them a special bonus of your choice.

comrade in the middle of battle. This is rolled only after a

The GM may answer a successful god call in any way they

character is instantly killed, if the character’s HP status is between

please. They can make the failed attack actually strike the enemy,

-15 to -49 the character has 1 round to be healed to stabilize their

they can make a successful hit gain an additional x2 critical damage.

condition for at that point they are bleeding out. If they do not

It is up to the GM what they would like to grant them and it depends

reach a state where they can be saved, or if they are not magically

on what is happening in the specific situation. Players pray for all

healed in time and they die or bleed out, then it is time to roll the

kinds of things just as people do in life. They can choose to do so in

S.I. Wait until they have bled out and it gets back to their turn to

the middle of an attack or they can say a quick prayer before a skill

roll, you want to make sure they would be dead for certain for some

check, just as someone might do when worried they might fail. If the

characters have abilities that can save them at that status or they

check is made and the gods or spirits favor them, you can give them a

might be magically healed and therefore would have wasted their

little bonus to help them on their way. Perhaps you wish to give them

spiritual influence roll. If the character reaches the status instantly

an additional d6, a re-roll, or even an automatic success or hit. It is

killed, it is time to roll the Spiritual Influence check when it comes

completely up to the GM and should remain something believable.

to their turn.

Nothing should happen that is totally out of the ordinary, no beam

of heavenly energy shoots from the sky and obliterates all enemies

way with different house rules yet here are two options that

or anything, unless you are angels fighting in some biblical war in

you may follow if you so choose. Roll the S.I. check once for the

Heaven that might make more sense. It is best to leave the event as

player that died, if failed then you may allow any characters that fall

mundane as possible and to grant them +1 to their spiritual influence

under the spiritualist faction type to pray for their fallen ally as well.

points after a successful roll is often a good idea. Some classes have

The second option is to give all player characters that are allies, an

abilities that grant them Spiritual Influence points for deeds but

option to pray as well. Go around the table in the order the player

not all, so granting a free S.I. point every once and awhile is good,

chooses and ask, “will you pray for your fallen ally?” If the player says

especially when you believe the character has completed a holy act.

yes, let them tell you their spiritual influence percentage and make

Another time you will make a spiritual influence roll and

another roll for that player’s prayer. Then continue around the table

ask the gods for help is when a character dies. You usually only

using this free action. If all fail, the player dies. If one rolls a success,

roll a spiritual influence check for a character when it comes to

the praying character gains a +1 to their spiritual influence max, the

their turn on the initiative. You do not roll for a character’s S.I.

saved character will then awaken at a d6 hit points and should take

check when killed on the enemy’s turn, even if the player falls

this opportunity to either heal, or do what is called “play dead”.

below 0 hit points. Wait until the turn counter comes around to their

turn on the initiative counter. You should only allow a character to

not get a chance to roll for a prayer because they do not know of

succeed on a spiritual influence check once per combat. If they

their friend’s death unless they are the character’s blood rite. That

happen to be taken below -16 hit points but succeed on their

is an ability that makes two characters blood brothers or sisters and

spiritual influence roll go ahead and allow them to awaken on their

allows them to feel the death of their ally at whatever distance. Some

turn with a d6 hit points remaining. They should then do what they

GMs may wish to only allow priests or spiritual character classes

can to prevent dropping again, because if they are killed a second

the opportunity to pray for their allies in death which is also a great

time during the same combat they do not gain another spiritual

optional rule if you would rather use that one instead of allowing

influence attempt in order to save them. Spiritual Influence has a

everyone to pray. Then again it can still be fun allowing any player

once per combat rule when dealing with character death.

the chance to pray for their friend to save them.


Different groups may wish to take this on in their own

If a character dies away from their allies their friends do

Chap te r V I After the Flesh

d3 points from your Soul, this energy is lost eternal and transferred

into the Divine Plane, or so it is believed. Some say the soul is

So your character reaches a point beyond -15 hit points.

transferred into the Void. Losing soul points is a bad thing for when

Then the character bleeds out as the rest of the party decides the

it reaches 0 your character has no soul and no spiritual influence.

enemy is too powerful they must flee and sadly they had to leave

Jergen behind. He was a good mage but now he is dead. Once

As with all undead you gain the ability to see astrally due

to your closeness with the spirit world. A slight glow in the eyes

the player bleeds out or is hit for damage beyond -50 and killed

that resembles the foggy look in a dead man’s glare. See astral sight

instantly the spirit leaves the body, as long as they are not turned

under the descriptions on “types of vision” earlier in the book.

undead. Let us say that all the spiritual influence rolls fail and it

Another strength that some may see as a bit vile or revolting is the

is over. Jergen awakens in another plane, the Shadow Plane or

power of Necrophage. Also known as corpse feast; you may feast

the Veil. It is believed that a reaper will eventually find him and

upon your victims or the carcasses of animals to gain hit points back.

take him to the plane he belongs in. This often happens, yet

Normally undead gain 2d6x2 hit points for every 2 rounds, 2d6x4 for

sometimes circumstances do not allow the reaper to reach the

4 rounds, 2d6x6 for 6 rounds, to a maximum of 2d6x10 hit points per

soul. There are many lost souls wandering the Veil for whatever

victim. Some undead have different variations of these powers but all

reason, it does happen.

So first, you must roll the Lazarus Die (d3). This will drain

undead share some similarities. There is also the power of ageless-

During the death of a character it is usually a bad time

ness. You will not grow old and die from age. Undead suffer from a

for the player and it really depends upon how long they have been

different type of age deterioration known as madness. You can

playing the character and how attached they are. The truth of the

exist as an undead being for hundreds of years until finally your

matter is that sometimes characters die and if it happens you should

mind starts to erode away. The necrophage will keep your body and

probably just accept that it happened and make another character.

brain from total decay but after hundreds of years you will end up

Or if there is a complete party wipe you might want to continue

losing against the power of time as the soul wanes. The mind will

the characters in an afterlife campaign. This will be talked about in

eventually lose its abilities to determine friends from foe. You will

detail in the sourcebook called “After the Flesh”. You may contin-

become savage and kill any living being that you see to devour them

ue your characters in Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, or one of the many

and get a taste of that soul you have begun to miss.

planes. There are other alternate planes of existence that a spirit

may travel to, explore, and adventure. Death is not the end, but

One of the supreme weaknesses of the undead is their

inability to handle sunlight. The light of the divine and the rays

it does make it very hard to come back to the Primordial Realm.

of the stars will burn the body to the point of destroying it and

There are cities, animals, monsters, money, sex, murder, marriage,

you will become ash at a rate of 2d6x10 fire damage per round. The

everything you may find in this world. “As it was above then so be-

undead are not meant for the Primordial Realm, so only under a cloak,

low.” You can continue to play your character in the new realm as

darkness, shadow, or the drifting Veil can they walk unhindered by

long as the group agrees to, or make a new character and save the

the burning rays of the sun in this realm. Many undead wear deep

dead character until the others join them in the afterlife. Within

robes to escape these effects, and deep hoods or masks. This will

the pages of After the Flesh, new maps will be available for your

work for the undead being. As well in the months of Falling, Farstar,

afterlife campaigns. When you die, you will also lose a d3 points from

and Frostfall the darkness falls upon the land during the Algor

your Soul by rolling what is called the Lazarus Die (d3).

and you may move freely even during the day. The other supreme weakness of all undead is their allergic reaction to silver. All undead

Dying and Becoming Undead

suffer x2 power damage from silver when it breaks into the flesh, it withers the body causing unregenerate or aggravated damage that

will not easily heal.

Another fate that one must think about that can happen

in this world is becoming undead. In which case your character still









within a group of adventurers and do not have to be outcasts. Some

clings to this realm. There are strengths and weaknesses for undead.

players that are demon hunter characters will often find this hard

Do not worry, turning undead is not the end of your character, it is

to allow since they are sworn to destroy these beings or usually

just another metamorphic state that will be undone once you pass

have great contempt for the immortal monsters. Yet it is possible

into the shadow realm.


G o ds for an undead to remain within a party. There have been demon

to find a beautiful game animal to hunt, that would provide plenty

hunters that have turned undead from hunting them. This such thing

of good food for the follower. Some of these omens are very subtle,

always causes an inner turmoil in which the strong ones decide to

yet some can be quite obvious. Such as a beam of light coming from

use their powers to kill their own kind. Through good role-playing

the Heaven’s that illuminates a lost, magical blade. That would be

you may find a way for it to be in the interest of all to stay together.

considered a less subtle approach on sending an omen. Yet that sun

You may find a way to continue the story playing an undead being.

beam coming from one of the two suns could still have a chance to

The player must try to play the character as an immortal now. There

be dismissed as something natural, as omens should.

are certain hungers that are hard to fight against that the GM should

take into account. It will be a struggle that the character might find

their players. An omen should remain mysterious in a way that one

difficult to live with, such as a vampire trying the keep the sight of

would question “is this god trying to tell me something?” Yet they

an ally’s blood from their gaze. Just as a ghoul trying hard not to dive

should be able to be dismissed by non-believers as to be a natural

onto a carcass of one of their dead enemies and ripping into its flesh.

event, or a coincidence. As it is explained above not all omens are

There are ways to continue onward and as long as you can make it

good ones. Some characters may do something that seems like it

work it may turn out to be a great story.

would be against their beliefs. This game has no rule on alignments

Omens should operate in this manner between GMs and

where one must act in a certain manner or be forced to alter

Soul Points

their alignment. However if their god is one of justice

All characters begin the game with a soul.

and that kill was an unjust murder, their god might

It is the energy within that makes mortal beings

see fit to send a bad omen.

so different from other beings of spirit. Yes, all

things have a spirit such as the tree, the rock,

and what is sent really depends on the god that

the raven, and the river. Yet, all mortal beings

sends it. The character may fall very ill and suffer

possess more powerful spirits that are known

half of their physical attributes until the charac-

as souls. This is why demons, djinn, and angels

ter makes amends in some manner. The character

need souls in the afterlife to grant them power.

might have to do penance for their crimes against

The gods feed off of this energy source as well.

their gods. Do keep in mind though that the

The more souls that worship a certain god the more

gods do not pay attention to everything. If the GM

powerful the deity is.

Bad omens will also come in many forms

wishes to pay no attention to something a character does

You begin with a certain number of soul points due to

it is completely their call anyway. The GM does not have to send

what race you are. Nearly all races begin the game with 10 soul

an omen at all, or every time a character does something that their

points. Humans or terrans are born with 12 soul points which makes

god would not like. The gods rarely listen anyway. It is not just the

them unique. The vatagi race is only born into the world with 8 due

god that you worship in that spiritual influence roll though; it is the

to their mutations and some say because they are half demon-kin.

spirits of your ancestors, the spirits looking through the ethereal

It is easier to lose soul points than it is to gain them. When your

reflections, the unseen shadows that often spy and watch mortals

character is killed and then brought back to life this will cause you to

as well.

lose soul as stated before. The Lazarus Die must be rolled and drain

a d3 soul. If you lose a body part and are able to gain a magical or

playing the game with a higher spiritual influence roll is because this

mechanical replacement this will also drain from your soul points.

character represents a god, gods, or saints. A priest, templar, monk, chaplain, even a shaman, these are characters that hold a


The reason some religious type characters start out

better link to the spirit world. These types of characters are basically

Omens are a sign from the spirits or gods. There are good

ambassadors for Fifth Plane. They operate as a better conduit in

omens and bad ones, and they often represent a God’s disposition

which to reach your spirits and your god. So when one of these

toward a character or a group at the current moment of finding or

characters does something that the spirits take notice of, there is

seeing this omen. If the God is pleased the omen will be good and be

usually a better chance of an omen to come, and this can even be

conveyed in a manner that would be proper under the God’s sphere

determined through a secret spiritual influence roll by the GM to see

of control. For example a god of hunting might allow their follower

if they should send an omen at all.


Chap te r V I

Pantheons All, The One God



The Maker

Creation & Unity

Ring Cross




Ajok the Formless

Mysteries & Magic


Boglock BloodFist

Armor, War, & Iron

Spiked Gauntlet

Boch and Zymon

Light & Creation

Two Half Stars


Stone & Earth

Two Circles






Crescent Moon & Tear

Zuul the Eyeless

Darkness & Death

Black Circle





Nature & Animals

Tree with 12 Drops

Callin’ Diar


Broken Hour Glass



Two Fish Circling

Dunaryn/ Moseus

Life, Fire, & Sea

Two Stars one Larger


Sleep & Death

Sickle & Lotus Leaf


Smiths & Battle

Maelthorne Battle Bow


Disease & Famine

Dead Leaf


Music & Wine

Goblet & Harp


Magic, Knowledge

2 Cross Staves 2 Suns


Silence, Tranquility

White Mask


Misery & Pain

Eye & Tear Drop


Necromany/ Hell

6 Pointed Star



Three Wavy Lines


Seduction & Poison

Fang & Venom Drop



Evil Eye






Lightning Bolt















Hunters & Winter

Winter Wolf



Shield & Hammer

Caeltor Oak Father

Earth & Animals

Oak Tree


Music & Love

Harp & Rose



Star & Crescent Moon


Disease & Famine

Upended Cross in “V”


Time, Sands, Theft

Dagger w/ Hourglass


Smiths, Steel, Fire

Anvil within Flame


Merchants & Luck

Coin within Compass


Death, Dark, Magic

Skull in Broken Circle


Knowledge, Magic

Candle Upon a Book



Sword Over Eye


Sea & Winds

8 pt Star, 4 Runes





Light & Creation

Two Circles Entwined


Shadows (demi-)

Crescent within Circle


Darkness & Death

Dark Circle

Mhen Tep




Trade, Hunting, War

Moon 3 Claw Marks


Magic, Creation, Life

Star covers Half Star


Pain, , Dark

Black Pyramid





Skies, Wind, Seas

Ship & 2 Stars


Stone, Steel, Gems

Mountain & Hammer


Earth & Creation

Tree & Home in Roots

G o ds Org





5 Pointed Star, Runes


Crafts & Smiths

Broken Axe, Runes


Trade & Hunting

Stag Head, Runes



2 Axes, Skull, Runes


Darkness & Deceit

Circle & Runes

Mok Tar

Creation & Light

Triangle & Runes


Pain & Death

Bones, Skull, & Runes




Nagath “Dark One”


Broken Circle

Sathama “Great Fires”


Circle & Crescent





War & Darkness

Three Claws Down


Creation, Art, Light

Circle & Rays


Magic, Shadows, Mist





Abzeum the “Deceiver”

Deceit & Theft

Nail in Tongue


Devils & Hell

Crucifix Sword


War, Destruction

Horned Skull

Muldrakarth the Black

Dead, Necromancy

Pentagram & Bull


Pleasure, Lust, Pain

Manticore Tail


Plague & Poison

2 Headed Serpent




The 12 Fates


Special Day

Nymn Tat

Tarkanys, Shadows

Eye in Black Triangle

The Wolf


Ice Fang

The Witch


the Cleansing




The Serpent


High Feast



Figure 8 in Circle

The Nymph


Seed Day

The Trader


Barter Day

The Oaken


Root Day

The Dragon


High Fire

The Chimera



The Crow


Day of the Dead

The Wizard


the Convergence

The Warrior


Falling Star

The Shadow




Chap te r V I

The One God

Bogkroll Pantheon

A simple pantheon of deities composed mostly of things

There has been a rise in the worship of a new deity that

that the bogkroll see and know are real or are the elements that they

has been offered as the one god to all races and for all to worship.

can feel. Aside from their god of mysteries and magic they tend to

This one may be chosen by any race if any character chooses to

keep a basic group of 7 gods to explain their creation.

worship this, the one god of unity and all life. It is uncertain for sure but this may have been created from the ancient texts and compiled

Ajok the Formless

with a mixture of beliefs from the Forgotten Worlds. Found in the

Sphere: God of Mysteries, Magic, & Shadows

writings of Hebrew and Latin, the texts the nephilim have sworn to

Symbol: Spiral

protect are kept within the books of the Maker. This god’s temples

Power: Greater

will not be found within the walls of the new empire of Aticraulys.

Description: the formless god of shadows and mists was able to move as a cloud and without sound. He is said to be the one who

The Maker

carries the spirits of the slain to Heaven (Azuma) or Hell (Gralalu).

Sphere: Creation

His ogre priests often wear a deep hood or featureless, blank masks.

Symbol: Ring cross

His name is called when the Veil is seen or mists come to the land.

Power: Greater Description: the faceless god of the Maker has begun to rise in

Boglock Blood Fist

popularity but is still renounced by many towns and cities that

Sphere: God of Armor, War, & Iron

usually possess one race or strong individual ideals and beliefs. Its

Symbol: Spiked Gauntlet

very presence in any city sometimes gives rise to quarrels with other

Power: Greater

churches and followers. The priests of the Maker or the Father of All

Description: he is described by being covered in spiked armor and

Mortals comes from any race as in the book of life it tells that all are

blood as he kills without any melee weapons. He is often prayed to

welcome into his kingdom in Heaven and all are born from the same

after a battle where his followers drink the blood of their enemies.

root. They wear deep hoods and only rarely show their faces for their

He makes weapons and armor for his kin and gives them away as

God is a faceless one that does not judge by the way people are seen.

powerful artifacts to his greatest immortals as a reward of servitude.

He is a God that creates life and light and protects his children from

He does not need them to crush his enemies. His followers some-

the dark ones. It is believed that this religion began in Dalewynnd

times wear spiked pauldrons with skulls upon them as trophies.

where the elves and humans are united and its first church was born in the city of Tearg. They claim that other races with a monotheistic

Bokh and Zymon

belief often call their god by a different name but that he is one in

Sphere: the Gods of light (Creation)

the same. They do not take such offense if the Maker is called by

Symbol: Two Half Facing Stars

the name KoloK, Mok Tar, or Nymn Tat. It is simply accepted as a

Power: Greater

translation in that races’ tongue, or one of the Maker’s many names.

Description: The two brothers Bokh and Zymon are said to have

For, the Maker is unity and can take any form or name that “he”

destroyed a hundred Stygian Wyrms during the Thrall Wars when

or “she” wishes. The symbol of the circle is one of eternity or

they came down from the Heavens to fight by the mortals’ side. It

everlasting unity while the cross within the circle represents the four

is believed that this happened during the first time when there was

corners of the world, thus everlasting unity for all. Some also claim it

no sign of the two suns for three months. The world was cursed by

represents a sun or a star for the Maker is a god of light and creation.

darkness, but that was because they were busy crushing the evils of the land. The time of the Alcor 3 winter months of darkness are a time filled with prayer.

Drudgemor Sphere: God of Stone & Earth Symbol: Circle and a smaller circle within it at the top Power: Lesser


G o ds

Eldrynn Pantheon

Description: this ogre god is said to change the Earth and shape the stone. He creates the many passages under the earth and his place

of worship usually resides within a cave. It is also said that his army

in the spirit world is made up of earth elementals, thus making the

The elves possess many gods and many saints within their

vast pantheons. At least fifteen are shown here and often depict even

earth elemental an icon and revered by his followers.

different emotions as well as elements and weather. Most eldrynn churches are kept in groves especially in the Shadynnar Territory.


Within their urban temples they are usually not joined together into

Sphere: God of Fire

one cathedral, they are often solitary shrines devoted to one deity.

Symbol: Flame Power: Lesser


Description: it is said that he was a great friend of Drudgemor at one

Sphere: Goddess of Nature & Animals

time, but they both fell for the same woman. The Goddess Fonhal of

Symbol: Tree with 12 Drops of Water

the wind fell in love with Drudgemor and in his rage Goretree killed

Power: Greater

Fonhal because of his jealousy. Drudgemor punished Goretree for

Description: the goddess of the forest is the protector of the trees

the murder of his love by casting him into the center of Koth to be

and the animals. The spirits of an animal are given thanks when they

imprisoned forever, until the end of days. At which time Goretree

are hunted. Those who follow the goddess do not cut down trees

will rise and burn the world. Now some mortals can only steal some

but use them to live within by controlling the manner in which they

of his fire to protect them from the darkness and the beings that

grow. All of their architecture is accomplished in this way and this

roam in it. As well Fonhal is spirit and wild, she roams as the wind,

method has been utilized in many tribes of the Shadynnar. Where

sometimes blowing his fire out, sometimes making it stronger.

their earth magic causes the trees to grow rapidly and shape their homes. Her priestesses all wear robes of vines and staves with the


headpiece of different types of trees.

Sphere: Goddess of the Broken Moon Symbol: The Crescent Moon and the Tears of Oga

Callin’ Diar

Power: Greater

Sphere: God of Time

Description: the goddess of the moon created the moon where she

Symbol: Broken Hour Glass

lives. She did battle with the great wyrm devil “the Word Eater” and

Power: Greater

threw a mountain at the devil. The mountain smashed the devil’s

Description: the ancient eldrynn deity of time is said to be a

head open but before he fell into the sea he clawed at her and tore

powerful mage who has the ability to alter time and even control it

into the moon deeply. During the Crescent moon she is given a feast

in some manner. A power that is said he stole from the Void Gods.

by the priests and shamans of Oga. The different phases of Gana (the

His kingdom is thought to reside on the boundaries of the eighth

kothan word for the moon) are very important to her followers. The

dimension, where his road is only a foot step to the Never. His clergy

full moon is the time of the Beast and the Hunter.

wear strange helms that possess vertical strips over the face much like a tattered veil.

Zuul the Eyeless Sphere: God of Darkness & Death


Symbol: Black Circle

Sphere: God of the Seas

Power: Greater

Symbol: Two fish swimming in a circle

Description: his most devout worshipers wear a black hood. He is the

Power: Greater

essence of darkness and the enemy of the brothers of creation. He

Description: he is believed to take many forms and his favorite is

is the patron god of most Bogkroll assassins. It is said his eyes were

that of a merman. Often thought of as a kind hearted deity, he can

taken when he was born by his mad father. His mother then killed

sometimes create storms when angered. Yet he gives life and energy

his father and he learned to destroy without the gift of sight. It is

to those who need his blessings and his hatred for famine is well

believed that he rules in the deepest abyss of Hell, Tartarus where all

known. He is often seen as the patron deity to farmers, merchants,

must remove their eyes and see astrally.

and sea-faring elves.


Chap te r V I Dunaryn & Moseus


Sphere: Gods of Life, Fire, & Ice

Sphere: God of Disease & Famine

Symbol: Two stars, one small within the larger one

Symbol: Dead Leaf

Power: Greater

Power: Lesser

Description: these two greater gods are thought to be brothers.

Description: the god of disease is always seen wearing white robes

Moseus is the more powerful and the eldest who controls fire. It

and a white veil. To look upon his true face is to be stricken with

is said that Dunaryn was created so that Moseus was never lonely.

plague and terrible famine. He is a powerful necromancer who is said

Dunaryn has the power over ice and lives within Aos as Moseus

to have been burned at the stake by eldrynn inquisitors. He returned

dwells within Set. They are the creators of life in the eldrynn realms.

to cause great suffering upon them and their kin as a saint. Many

The shadulyn despise these gods of light and life. Moseus is said to

pray for his mercy in times of disease and plague.

be vengeful and unforgiving but it is his gentler brother that often helps him to be more forgiving at times and calm him. There are


many festivals held for these eldrynn gods of creation.

Sphere: God of Music & Wine Symbol: Goblet and harp combined


Power: Greater

Sphere: Goddess of Sleep and Death

Description: also the god of fertility, he is prayed to during the

Symbol: Sickle and a lotus leaf

setting of the two suns and has many festivals during the year. He is

Power: Greater

often prayed to for the health of children and during the quest for

Description: this goddess wears purple and black robes. She is a

love. Jahen Nosis is said to also be blind. His eyes were taken by his

powerful reaper that reached goddess status when her followers

wife who was possessed by the arch devil Baelkian.

grew into great numbers. It is said that she will often grant the reverie when death approaches and takes away the pain and fear of


her worshipers as they are about to die. She is a gentle soul when

Sphere: God of Magic & Knowledge

it comes to taking them to the spirit world, yet her blade and magic

Symbol: Crossing staves with a sun on each headpiece

is wrathful to her enemies. She has a great reputation for being the

Power: Greater

goddess of death and is often prayed to by eldrynn children before

Description: this legendary eldrynn wizard is said to do battle with

they go to sleep. During horrible times when children pass to the

dual staves. His magic is complex and his sorcery awe inspiring.

spirit world many have claimed to see her and to feel no more pain at

Pathosis is seen with long, silver hair in braids, one eye that always

that moment once they know that Ennatia has their child in her care.

sees astrally, and his legendary dual staves. He is said to be well versed in all types of magic yet his love of sorcery surrounds the red


sphere. It is told that he resides on our plane of existence at times

Sphere: God of Smiths & Battle

and he travels to many planes to visit allies and seek knowledge.

Symbol: Maelthorne Bow Power: Greater


Description: this eldrynn god of smiths was at one time one of

Sphere: God of Silence & Tranquility

the greatest in the Shadynnar territory, or so the story goes. He

Symbol: White mask with mouth sewn closed

could craft anything of steel in minutes, with blades and armor

Power: Lesser

taking him a day. It is believed he is responsible for the creation

Description: this god represents stealth as well as inner peace.

of the Maelthorne, the deadliest battle bow of the elves. For an elf,

Meditation takes a large part of the sermons to this deity and many

Faerthorne is very strong, golden haired, and tall. His bracers are

monks or mu dai of the eldrynn species are followers of this god. Some

also said to be magical, that give him the strength of giants. He is the

of his priests and priestesses have special sects that speak in sign

patron god of all eldrynn smiths and his priests wear armor, carry

language. The shrines often have water flowing around the statue of

shields, and a hammer at their sides.

the god and waterfalls are often made at his church. Pools of water are important in his places of worship and it is a small pond that is used as his altar. He is also known as the patron god of thieves.


G o ds Tearofayne


Sphere: Goddess of Misery & Pain

Sphere: Goddess of Seduction & Poison

Symbol: Eye and tear drop

Symbol: Fang & Venom Drop

Power: Lesser

Power: Lesser

Description: she rules within one of the higher levels of hell where

Description: the dangerous goddess of seduction is known to be very

souls first learn of suffering. Tearofayne wears a mask made of flesh

beautiful and deceiving in her methods. She is known to lure men

and her armor is made of bone. Her long hair contains barbed spikes

to their deaths and is often responsible for killing husbands that

and she carries an artifact flail of pain. Her shriek can shatter ear

are unfaithful to their wives. It is said that she was once married

drums and enjoys making people suffer both physically and men-

to an unfaithful husband, when she caught him she went mad with

tally. She is one of the most feared dark lords of the eldrynn hells.

rage and murdered her family and husband, then turned her blade

During nightly prayers her followers commit self inflicted torture.

on her own throat. She wears a lace choker to cover the wound that will not heal. Saga also tells that Tollos, the God of Necromancy is


responsible for her ascension to immortality and cursed her to

Sphere: God of Necromancy & Hell

forever hunt the unfaithful and punish them for eternity.

Symbol: 6 Pointed Star Power: Greater


Description: his face is never seen beneath his deep, tattered, black

Sphere: God of Magic

hood. His robes are ever flowing and holding onto bones of all races.

Symbol: Evil Eye

His dark priests wear this same garb with banners on their backs that

Power: Greater

contain the dark scriptures, pages from his book of the dead. He is

Description: the deity of magic is known to be one most

said to be pure evil and one of the most feared lords of darkness. His

consumed with knowledge, but not pure evil. Zios has been known

enemies are not only killed but their souls are enslaved by him for

to show mercy to mortals especially those who offer him knowledge

an eternity of suffering. He often sells and trades souls into slavery

and magic. He is a true believer in the balance of all magic, even

with demons and devils. His following of worshipers is of course,

necromancy. When he was burned at the stake for practicing black

primarily shadulyn eldrynn or assassins.

magic he did punish those who burned him after his ascension but left their families alone for they were not responsible for the acts of others. Zios’s priests wear the colors of purple and black robes and are pushed to practice all kinds of magic and to spellcraft more sorcery.

Unos Sphere: Goddess of the Winds Symbol: Three wavy lines moving horizontally Power: Greater Description: the goddess of the wind is said to rule the skies and the heavens. She has a kind and gentle soul yet can bring down mountains in her rage, or cause massive tornadoes to destroy cities and villages. At her shrines she is always portrayed as an archer and it is said she never misses. It is said that she can control the wind so even if her arrows were fired off the mark that they would simply come back or track her prey down. Most of her priests use a bow as well and become archers. She also has a tiny dragon the size of a hawk that she calls Testament. This tiny dragon is her pet and can turn invisible at will, or so the legends say.


Chap te r V I

Elemental Pantheon

Priests of the fire god often wear black and red robes, with the flame symbol upon their banner. They also use fire spells and protection from fire during their ceremonies which are usually held during

These are the four gods of the elements. They are often

dawn or dusk.

followed by some Elemental Cults, or elementals themselves.



Sphere: Goddess of Water

Sphere: God of Air

Symbol: Drop

Symbol: Lightning Bolt

Power: Greater

Power: Greater

Description: the goddess of water is said to be a beautiful nymph who

Description: the goddess of the air. It is said that only those with the

can take the shape of a mermaid, or a mortal at will. She rules over

power of flight can even reach her kingdom. Her castle in the skies

the kingdom under the surface of the waves. Her castle is guarded by

floats on storming clouds and is guarded by air elementals, storm

thousands of merfolk, water nymphs, water elementals, and some of

gremlins, and sylphs. It is also said that she is a beautiful creature

the deadliest sea creatures known in tales. Those who cannot breathe

that can hurl lightning bolts, control wind, and storms at will. With

underwater have little chance of ever reaching her kingdom. It is said

a wave of her hand she can summon a swarm of air elementals to

that many ships that have sunk end up in her courtyard surrounding

crush her enemies. There was once a druid that lived as a hermit in

her stronghold because she loves to use them for decorations. She

the mountains who claimed to see her once, she rode a lightning bolt

also gathers the treasures from these ships to fill her treasury.

down to the glen and defeated several earth elementals that appeared to be a circle of monoliths that had stood there for decades. She looked at him with lightning in her eyes, he bowed to her and she let him live. Ever since that day he had worshiped her for it.

Egrayne Sphere: Goddess of Earth Symbol: Mountain Power: Greater Description: the goddess of earth is the most powerful deity and the strongest of the earth elementals. She rules over this realm within a hollow mountain that is said to be guarded by thousands of earth

Human Pantheon

elementals, rock gnomes, stone and iron golems. There is a dwarven tale about the mongru hero Targaton a thief (which is an unusual hero in dwarven mythology), who stealthily made his way into the

elemental kingdom and stole the heart of the rock gnome princess.

The terrans or “humans” have 12 primary gods. There are

many more within several different pantheons yet these 12 are the

With this power he would always be able to speak with her through

primary ones that have won the title of the “the Twelve Patrons”

the stone, this is where the mongru gain their power with stone.

whom are considered the guardians or the guides of humans to fol-

This is also said to be the easiest elemental plane to travel to out of

low. The twelve pointed star is shown outside the cathedrals that

them all.

usually house all 12 shrines to each patron deity.



Sphere: God of Fire

Sphere: Goddess of Hunters & Winter

Symbol: Flame

Symbol: Winter Wolf

Power: Greater

Power: Greater

Description: the god of fire is the most powerful fire elemental that

Description: she is found to be a beautiful warrior with bow and

rules over the elemental plane of fire. Those who travel to this realm

spear. She is always seen traveling with her dire wolf companion

must possess protection from this element or will certainly burn.


G o ds Elloriane

Moki. Aynuk is the patron goddess of hunters and is respectful of every essence of the hunt and to the prayer to the soul of your prey

Sphere: Goddess of Music & Love

for giving you food and a challenge. Priests and priestesses wear furs

Symbol: Harp & Rose

robes and wolf or fox head hoods that they hunted on their own as

Power: Greater

a rite of passage. Nature is to be protected and many rangers follow

Description: she is always depicted with a halo of light and radiance,

Aynuk as their deity. She is also seen as a hunter and sometimes a

a beautiful maiden who loves life and laughter. It is said she can

seductive shaman who can shapeshift into a predator beast. She is

control a crowd with a song and was known to be one of the most

friend to Gana and they are rumored to call one another sister. Water

brilliant bards in the primordial realm. She became a saint after she

is used in all of her ceremonies as a symbol of purification.

was captured by the Stygian Army and burned for her “lies” to the empire or so they claimed about her songs. Now she rules one of the


major kingdoms of Heaven called Temparis and it is said that many

Sphere: God of Justice

of her angels are bards. She is often given praise during weddings

Symbol: Shield & hammer

of humans and shown offerings with the couples’ kiss and songs to

Power: Greater

them. The rose pedals that are tossed for the couple to walk upon

Description: the guardian of the road to Heaven, he is the protec-

and the music are all used to call for her blessing.

tor, magistrate, judge, executioner. He has served the kingdoms of


the Heavens since the beginning of mortals and continues to do so. Many templars follow Bayoguard, as do city watchmen, and knights.

Sphere: Goddess of the Moon, Crystals, & Healing

Many of Bayoguard’s priests carry a shield and a hammer. It is said

Symbol: Star & Crescent Moon

that his castle guards the main road into the heavens and that one

Power: Greater

must pass under the portcullis of his majestic wall to enter the

Description: the mighty goddess of the moon is said to have come

domain, a wall watched by legendary astral beings. Bayoguard is

close to her death in the Age of Falling. Now the remnants of that

often depicted in historic pieces of art while fighting giants due to

disaster still linger far up near the moon as a constant reminder as

the saga where he defeated twenty two giants of Frost March with

the Broken Isles. They hold many names, the Tears of Gana is also

his hammer, “Craotor”.

one of them. Gana is always depicted as an older, beautiful woman with silver hair and twinkling robes. She radiates powerful magic

Caeltor “Oak Father”

and blue mist and her words send vibrations through the night to

Sphere: God of Earth & Animals

heal the land for a new day. She is only ever seen at night and masses

Symbol: Oak Tree

take place after sunset. It is believed that many types of crystals come

Power: Greater

from the moon, and artifacts such as the God Stone are gifts from

Description: the vine and twig haired druid of brown and green skin

Gana. Water is also used in her ceremonies as a cleansing tool that

is said to be deadly with a bow and green magic. He dwells in the

purifies and heals.

Heavens where he watches over the Grove of Immortality, where they


say the Tree of Zaghos feeds from. In more recent texts that have been uncovered it seems that he is actually quite ancient and has

Sphere: God of Plague, Disease, & Famine

returned to live a mortal life many times to protect the land and help

Symbol: Upside down cross inside a V symbol

with agriculture. Then he dies only to be reborn again. Some believe

Power: Greater

he may have been one of the primordial titans. A year was dedicated

Description: the god of plague and disease appears mummified in

to him during one of his deaths, “the year of the oak”. When he fell

many artistic depictions and the writings about him always mention

in the battle of the gate, the great oak was seen growing in Narca-

a dark robe, wearing wrappings to cover burned flesh. this deity is

dia, where there is not but desolation. Thus he is known as the Oak

always present when plague and disease wipe out a town or city.

Father and many wear his symbol that fight there. It is also said that

His face is often rotten and leprous. A cloud of toxic fumes always

he commands an army of tree folk and dryads. He is prayed to in

follows him and his touch is said to rot and wither flesh or whatever

times of harvest and times of famine. It is also believed that Garmeth

he wills to decay. His name is often feared but he is given prayers in

is his enemy.

time of plague or famine as to beg for his mercy. His priests often try


Chap te r V I Moldo

to prevent pestilence and claim that they are his tools of mercy. They heal others in time of plague and are often sent into plague areas

Sphere: God of Merchants & Luck

to heal the sick. Yet there are some who believe their purpose is to

Symbol: Compass 8 Points, a Coin Within

spread disease and their way is not tolerated.

Power: Greater Description: this deity has become one of the greatest in years of


late by sailors, traders, and merchants from all across the realms

Sphere: God of Sands, Time, and Thieves

for safe passage home. His name is prayed to on the road and the

Symbol: Jeweled dagger with hourglass hilt

sea for good luck against pirates and highwaymen. Moldo wears a

Power: Lesser

broad brimmed hat with a plum and colorful clothing. He is always

Description: the god of sands and time is a dark skinned warrior who

depicted as carrying a magical coin that can choose the fate of his

wears an aba, a robe of white and green with emerald green eyes. He

followers and his enemies. He is also always seen with a massive

fights with blinding speed, agility and is said to have stolen a dagger

pack that is said to carry an endless amount of coin, and a belt with

from the Void Gods, a relic before he became the patron saint of the

eight daggers upon it. He is also worshiped by many thieves for

Bedouin tribes. It is said he moves so fast he can break through the

being a sly or lucky trickster, rogue, and negotiator.

barrier of time. That is where he goes to steal relics before they are


lost forever, or so the story goes. He is a deity of the desert lands of Vazuun Denaahl. He uses a scimitar and a mystical jeweled dagger

Sphere: God of Death, Darkness, & Magic

called the Aljaiir which he can throw through the air toward enemies

Symbol: Half Skull within Broken Circle

to slow time for himself as he cuts his foes to pieces. They say his blade

Power: Greater

can turn a foe to sandstone. Jahaga is quickly on his way to become a

Description: the god of the dead rules one of the major realms in

greater deity as his popularity grows with legends of his exploits in

Hell where the dead may pass through for judgment. Any crimes

saving so many tribes from the sand devils there. He is also known for

accomplished in Hell or in other kingdoms such as demons that

saving the entire kingdom and royal family in the 6th era during the

violate banishment laws and such are dragged to Necraulys for his

Imprisonment of Baal, against an army of djinn.

judgment. He was a templar in life and he became an angel fighting beside them until his family was sacrificed to Baal by the Stygian


Order. He was ordered to wait for judgment to fall upon those who

Sphere: God of Smiths, Steel, & Fire

did him wrong but he did not. Enraged he assassinated all responsi-

Symbol: Anvil Within a Flame

ble and all who stood in his way, even the angel Aerathyrael whom

Power: Greater

he loved as a sister when she tried to stop him. In grief he dove

Description: this deity is the patron god of blacksmiths, armorers,

into Hell and tore the souls of his family from the clutches of Baal’s

craftsman, and enchanters. In life they say he wore a large brimmed

Well. His priests often wear this same outfit, dark robes and bone

hat with a plume and was known to be a sword master. He is followed

pauldrons. In many places necromancy is forbidden even punishable

by many in the Espadosan lands. His priesthoods are often found

by death, but some dark priests are said to secretly practice the art to

in Espadosa, yet can also be found in many of the churches whom

resurrect loved ones back from the dead for a hefty price. The price

hold the entire pantheon of shrines. He has one mertacullum arm

for souls and this ceremony is said to be very high, and those that

enchanted and woven to his body that he uses to strike and temper.

use blood magic must trade a soul for the one they return. Churches

His arm was ripped off in a battle with the wyrm devil Karavoracon

have been known to practice necromancy in some towns and many

when Magnalore took his prized artifact from his horde. A hammer

have been banished or burned down for doing blood magic.

forged by a dwarven god that Magnalore was friends with in life. The


hammer was called Volkamyr after the god’s son. The dwarven god Thoradim was killed by the great wyrm and Magnalore took it back

Sphere: God of Scribes, Knowledge, & Magic

to use it for his forge and crafts. That was not all he took though. It is

Symbol: Candle Upon a Book

also said that Magnalore stole the power of fire from the great wyrm

Power: Lesser

devil and now he controls it. Fire is used in all of his ceremonies

Description: scribes, mages, and philosophers follow the god of

which take place at dusk and dawn.

knowledge. Nejlok the “j” is pronounced as a “y” of course. He is


G o ds

Kuthalan Pantheon

known to be a powerful mage who is depicted in scrolls and books as a pale skinned, wiry old man. This has always tricked his foes

into thinking he was fragile and slow. He swims in magic and it is

said that his castle floats within the realms of Purgatory where he

The three gods of the kuthalans represent the three paths

which is also found in many races as the Book of the Tao. There is

commands all manners of djinn soldiers, shadows, and elementals.

believed to be a Path of Light, Shadow, and Darkness that many per-

His church is filled with knowledge and each one is said to also

ceive is the very same thing as good, neutral, and evil.

operate as a library. Knowledge is power and all of his priests study nightly and ponder the everything of the universe.

Haazuden Sphere: Goddess of Light & Creation


Symbol: Two circles entwined runes around them

Sphere: God of War

Power: Greater

Symbol: Sword over a single eye

Description: there is but one true god of creation that created all

Power: Greater

life and all hives, they believe it cares not for the kuthalans but they

Description: the legendary deity of war has been known for many

give thanks to it for their creation. It is a being that it is alien and

ages now. His great deeds have been recorded since the Dawn of

concerned with higher matters than mortals. The being Haazuden

Mortals on Koth. He was one of the mightiest dragon slayers

creates the stars as she moves through the Void.

there were who killed many of the dark ones and the demons that tormented the lands. His kingdom is within the realm of what many


still call Valhalla, and his keep that is called Karnhelm stands on the

Sphere: Goddess of Shadows

misty shores. Warriors go to this place when they die to train even

Symbol: Circle with crescent in darkness, runes around

after death, they train to fight demons for the final battle of Koth. He

Power: Demi

wears a mighty horned helmet formed out of the skull of the wicked

Description: Shazon is a powerful kuthalan leader that represents

wyrm devil Thranamar. He took the demonic dragon’s head with his

their demi-god for the time being while she lives. When she dies

axe and it is claimed that Magnalore shaped and enchanted his helm

and ascends she will become a saint or what they call “Vahak”. A new

to make him even more powerful. Every major ceremony they drink

demi-god will rise to represent their goddess of shadows. The Age

fire water as a form of cleansing impurities.

of Mortal’s Dawn is when the first goddess of shadows was chosen from the hive queens. Shazon watches over the kuthalan race and her


priests are many. They carry a large scythe blade that resembles the

Sphere: God of the Sea & Winds

dark crescent part of their holy symbol. They offer sacrifices to her

Symbol: 8 pointed star & 4 runes

and create bone statues and shrines to appease her.

Power: Greater Description: those who pray to the sky often call the name Usidious.


He is the patron deity of sailors and his wrath is known all to well

Sphere: God of Darkness & Death

by those who sail the seas. Not only do his prayers come from many

Symbol: Dark circle with runes around

on the ocean yet many archers call to him, or even certain tribes of

Power: Greater

barbarians. Those who pray to the never ending winds call to Usid-

Description: the god of darkness is

ious. He is always depicted as a strong old man with flowing gray

another being that is too powerful to

hair, a beard, and a spear that can shapeshift into different types of

care for the kuthalan people. He is the

polearms, a trident being one of his favorites. He shifts the blade

collector of all kuthalan souls when

into a scythe and cuts the sky which causes storms or allows him to

they die. He is the one who throws

throw lightning. His priests all wear blue robes with several different

the souls of the dead into the stars for

shades leading into gray. They all can be seen bearing the 8 pointed

them to be born again and return to

star in silver or white. Some priests have this star glow and brighten


the night sky upon their church when it is time for mass. It is told he is in love with Gana, the moon goddess and she has powers over him.


Chap te r V I

Mhen Tep Pantheon

Mongru Pantheon

The grimalkin possess only three deities to follow. They

The dwarves have many gods in their pantheons yet they

are followers of ideals from the Book of Tao as well and believe that

all fall under the mighty three fathers and mother. Thus within these

there are three certain paths that one will choose to follow. A path of

pages are only listed the all important three that is often represented

light, shadow, or darkness. Their three gods embody those paths.

in dwarven cathedrals by a hollow triangle.



Sphere: Goddess of Trade, Hunting, War, & Shadow

Sphere: God of the Skies, Wind, & Seas

Symbol: Moon with 3 claw marks

Symbol: Ship & Two Stars

Power: Greater

Power: Greater

Description: Ashenda is a powerful goddess, strong, swift, and

Description: the OldFather is like the grandfather of creation and it

deadly. She is revered by warriors as well as thieves of the mhen

was he that created all of the stars and the Heavens. It is said that

tep race. Her realm in the shadow plane is said to be filled with

his daughter is the TreeMother. This is a god from the beginning of

hunting grounds and a river where many pirates hang out and trade

mongru times and has always been worshiped by them. Especially

the bones of animals. It is a paradise where it is nearly always night

those dwarves that sail the seas and travel through the harsh climates

and the full moon is always high.

of the world as many sailors or merchants do. His priests often wear blue robes and golden embroidery. They also wear golden helmets


fashioned with many gemstones.

Sphere: God of Magic, Creation, Relaxation, & Life Symbol: Star Covering a Half Star


Power: Greater

Sphere: God of Stone, Steel, & Gems

Description: Cratalis loves the pipe weed and is always lounging in

Symbol: Mountain & Hammer

the clouds that he creates from his pipe. His magic is mighty and he

Power: Greater

swims in it constantly. The mhen tep priests often take hallucino-

Description: he has always been the great forge father and master

gens during their religious ceremonies and converse over pipe weed

of armorers, craftsmen, and enchanters. He is also prayed to as a

and pillows. The churches of Cratalis are always filled with comfort

god of war in times of battle it is often his name called for he is the

where everyone sits or lays on the floor. They must remove their

one who forges the steel. There are tales of his greatness that echo

shoes or filth from their body before entering the House of Cratalis.

through the ages as he is one of the gods that has stood through the trials of time. His priests dawn gray robes, and often carry hammers.


Within their temples they always keep the fires warm in the forges.

Sphere: God of Pain, Assassins, Darkness, & Death

It is believed that every church also has an enchanter there which can

Symbol: Black Pyramid with black runes around it

offer powerful items for payment.

Power: Greater Description: the god of all things evil is the one that they call Kota.


Evil thoughts, evil deeds, and things that happen in life that are filled

Sphere: Goddess of the Earth & Creation

with sadness are his doing. His realm is one of the many layers of

Symbol: Tree with Roots that Cradle a Home

Hell where he takes those who cause people pain, to cause them pain

Power: Greater

forever. His priests wear black flowing garments and dark veils with

Description: the TreeMother is the daughter of the OldFather and

black hoods. Most of them also carry silver scimitars to hunt the

she now creates all dwarves and cradles them during their time

undead when they come back to life, which is prophesized to happen

before the womb. She is prayed to in times of festivities, music,

in the mhen tep scriptures. Kota’s followers tend to believe they are

drinking, and her name always invokes the idea of a warm and

not meant for this world and should be returned. Yet as in many

comforting home. The TreeMother or Ol’ Mother as she is

cults there are those that misinterpret the scriptures and what they

sometimes referred to brings the blessings of food and song.

say. These dark priests often hide many undead to use as soldiers.


G o ds

Org Pantheon

hooks. It is said that all lost souls will follow his caravan to keep them safe in the spirit world, for even there the lands are hunted by terrible beasts. His priests often wear all of their belongings upon

The org or orcs have many gods and all of them are not

their backs and have done this for years, making them appear weary.

listed within these pages. These pages contain 7 of the orgs’ primary deities found as there are many more lesser gods that ascended to


immortality after the Dawn of Mortals.

Sphere: God of War Symbol: Axe, Skull, & runes


Power: Greater

Sphere: God of Magic

Description: legendary god of war. Kraahn is the deity in which is

Symbol: 5 pointed star & runes

feared by the enemy priests. Kraahn is so wild and chaotic that his

Power: Greater

followers, often org berserkers and warriors are often chanted into

Description: the org god of magic dwells within the Plane of Shadow.

frenzy before they charge. Shouting his name across the battlefield

He is a shaman and can control spirits at will. With his extended staff

his hordes of org warriors are a fearsome sight to see. He is often

an enemy would be swarmed by the spirits of the dead. Arhmgarl is

depicted riding a chariot made with huge spikes, wearing the heads

the patron deity of all org spell casters. All of the org people that use

of many enemies. The horns on his helmet and armor are many and

magic usually follow under Arhmgarl’s scriptures. His priests often

he always uses one large axe and one large whip. His castle resides

wear his scriptures on their robes or they paint and carve them into

in the Shadow Realm in the org gorge called Jugaihail. He sits upon

the skulls of their enemies.

a throne of bones and spikes and watches over his battling souls waiting for the war to end all wars.

Brokenaxe Sphere: God of Crafts & Smiths


Symbol: Broken Axe

Sphere: God of Darkness & Deceit

Power: Greater

Symbol: Circle & runes

Description: Brokenaxe resides in the Heavens most of the time,

Power: Greater

but he travels to the other planes quite often to trade. He is known

Description: his castle is in the Abyss where it is pitch black. His eyes

to crafts powerful artifacts and bless the org people with them

are red and he is always depicted with broken wings, many heads,

once they become powerful immortals. Many are his followers just

and forked tongues. He was an arch devil for a very long time until he

because of this ancient legend, they live in hope of becoming one

murdered the old org deity of lies and took his kingdom. His priests

of his chosen. In the stories during a battle he threw his enchanted,

wear black robes and the tongues of cattle or enemies upon their

artifact, chaos axe “Rakavar” into the demonic portal to stop it. It

pauldrons. They also burn the symbol of the dark one upon their

worked to close the gate but when it returned to him it was in two

forehead and hold mass every midnight.

pieces. The magic contained within was altered somehow and he still killed many demons with it, yet it would no longer return to him.

Mok Tar

His priests wear a mace with a single jagged metal piece resembling

Sphere: God of Creation & Light

the broken axe.

Symbol: Triangle & runes Power: Greater


Description: Mok Tar is the org god that created all orgs in the

Sphere: God of Trade & Hunting

beginning of time. He is the most powerful being within their

Symbol: Stag head & runes

pantheon and can destroy with just a thought, but he does not

Power: Greater

like to kill meaninglessly, he leaves this to his son Rath. Mok Tar

Description: he is the patron deity of all traders and merchants

priests wear the triangle upon their foreheads or tattoo them to their

throughout the realms, even slavers follow him at times. He

palms as a passkey into their rituals where they seek enlightenment

travels in a caravan to the Heavens, to the realm of shadow, and to the

through trance and drugs used to force visions. Mok Tar is said to

Hells. His priests wear his symbol on their brown robes, helmets with

be a being powerful enough to roam the stars in search of answers.

antlers, with a banner on their backs that hold many trinkets on


Chap te r V I Rath

of great happiness for the sharpheen. It is said to be a blessed period of time which many try to conceive children during the eclipse as it

Sphere: God of Pain & the Dead

is a good omen.

Symbol: Scythe & runes Power: Greater Description: he is the son of Mok Tar and was always angry and wanted to hurt others. The crimes that Rath conducted in Mok Tar’s kingdom were unforgivable but Mok Tar could not kill his only son.

Instead he banished Rath into Hell and let him rule the Gahamet Pit

Book of Pathways. A god of light, shadow, and darkness. However

End War will come. Rath’s followers often torture others during

within their beliefs it does not seem that light, shadow, and darkness

prayer and it is said to be an honor to be the “receiver of pain”.

The skog pantheon is yet another race that seems to

fall under similar beliefs with that of the Book of the Tao, or the

where souls are tortured and tormented forever or until the great

Skog Pantheon

portray good, neutral, and evil. All seem to struggle within one another and their gods depict emotions and actions not paths.

Sharpheen Pantheon

Gar Sphere: God of War, Destruction, & Darkness

There are only two gods in the sharpheen pantheon. The

Symbol: Three Claws

god of light and the god of dark. There are many lords that war

Power: Greater

for their masters between the realms of Heaven and Hell and these

Description: Gar is the god of suffering, pain, and hateful things.

lords are known as the “Althari” which translates into a word that resembles the Apostles.

All of the feelings one has in war comes from Gar. The skog are not

Nagath “Dark One”

ness they fall. It is all a part of the circle, the transition in which all

often capable of fear and many believe when they die it is into darksouls must undertake. Gar represents the end of the journey in this

Sphere: God of Evil

realm, before the new one begins. Gar is always seen as a powerful,

Symbol: Broken Circle

mighty warrior with the skulls of many enemies on his belt and

Power: Greater

upon his throne. Ceremonies in his honor are accomplished after the

Description: Nagath is the evil that hides in the hearts of all

blowing out of the candle.

creatures. They believe that sometimes when Nagath has too much presence within an animal that it becomes too overpowered with


evil and must do harm. Nagath is usually seen or depicted as one of

Sphere: Goddess of Creation, Art, & Light

the mulpheen. The sub race of the sharpheen is not liked due to the

Symbol: Circle & Rays

mulpheens many attacks and racial hatred for the sharpheen over the

Power: Greater

years. The mulpheen are thought to be black scaled due to the evil in

Description: Nonu is the great mother. She is the creator of all skog

their hearts and too much of Nagath’s presence. This may be true for

and she everything that the destroyer is not. All feelings in life that

the most part as the mulpheen are a very hostile race, yet just as in any race there are always exceptions.

are comfort come from Nonu. She is peace and quiet and the bringer

Sathama “Great Fires”

Her fire is warm and her temples are always well lit showing the

of light. She allows sleep, healing, comfort, and rest to be upon you. colors of red and gold.

Sphere: God of Goodness Symbol: Circle and Crescent


Power: Greater

Sphere: God of Magic, Mystery, Shadows

Description: the twin stars are the camp fires of Sathama and the

Symbol: Spiral

lights that he has made for all to live within, to keep the undead from

Power: Greater

swarming the world over. It is said that he chases the moon mother

Description: Omaawk is the secretive, strange, and unusual.

around Koth in hopes to be with her and she does the same, yet only

Confusion and every feeling that is odd comes from Omaawk. He is

sometimes they get to be together (during the eclipse). This is a time


G o ds Baal

the silent one and is often prayed to in times of confusion or doubt. He is thought of when the power of magic is blessed upon a soul for

Sphere: God of Devils & Hell

he is mystery and the harbinger of power. Things that are unknown,

Symbol: triple cross and sometimes a

things of the mist, and things of fear.

broken circle or whole circle at the crown. Power: Greater Description: he is the god of demons and Hell, the creator and the ruler of the demon army who swears vengeance upon the old gods and Yahweh, the one god of the humans on Earth who banished him to Koth ages ago and cast him through the void to this world. His power is ancient and wicked and he has a great many followers. Baal stands fifteen feet tall with huge horns that curl and point downward. His flesh is red and his huge cloak is black. He is believed to be one of the Luw Kar in his former life, also known as one of the Void Gods. He carries a huge crucifix sword which he also uses within his

symbol. His priests wear horned helmets and black and red robes

Stygian Pantheon

and cloaks with the red or black symbol on their forehead. They offer mortal sacrifices once a month to their devil god who’s true

The Stygian Gods are believed to be the same race that

name is said to be Belial. He was called Belial when he was one of

visited Koth long ago, the ones called the Void Gods. They are the

the fallen back on Terra. He betrayed Lucifer during the Eternal War

demons and dark angels of that race, that rose to power and became

and tried to take the power of the War Scroll for himself, but Yahweh

dark lords over time. Ancient nephilim scriptures claim that Baal’s

found Belial, beat him and cast him through the stars to be banished

true name is Belial who hails from the forgotten world of Terra and

forever. This act led him to this world hundreds of years later, where

that he changed it to keep himself hidden from the magic of his

he would one day rule, and bring others of his kind to help him.

enemies. The Stygian Gods are the rulers of the Narcadian Army.

He is now believed to still reside in Tartarus, the prison of Hell,

There are 6 deities, with many lords of Hell under their command.

where he commands his armies from the darkest part of the Abyss. His symbol represents his mockery of the one God of Terra. It also

Abzeum “the Deceiver”

represents the gate to Hell and the key to that gate.

Sphere: God of Deceit & Theft Symbol: Severed Tongue & a Nail Through It Power: Greater Description: also “the God of Thieves”, his priests enjoy stealing, plundering, and forcing punishment upon their victims. This deity


has grown in power since the Age of Darkness began; his minions are spreading far and wide across Koth. Many of his followers are

Sphere: God of War & Destruction

thieves and pirates. The priests that capture prey will often take their

Symbol: Horned Skull

tongues, burn them as offerings to their god, and sew their mouths

Power: Greater

shut as well. This devil often wears white robes with colors of purity

Description: taking the alias of a word that represents the gore of

and pretends to be a weary old man. The will pretend to be helpful

battle, destruction, and all the rage of war. His true name is unknown

and take alms for the poor, even feed and shelter them until their

or forgotten. He took the throne of the last demon god of war only a

followers become secured His priests wear the same white and

century ago when he drove his axe into the skull of the last Carnage.

brown common robes. He rules upon one of the layers of the Abyss.

Thus his body is a fairly new deity that cleaved his way to godhood but his spirit is said to be “infested” with the soul of Carnage once


Chap te r V I Vulhakus the Scourge

he took the Cracked Throne for himself and placed the Blade Crown upon his head. This demonic god of war is the warlord and general

Sphere: God of Plague, Poison, & Disease

of Baal and rules over the kingdom of Asthestus, a place where the

Symbol: Serpent with 2 Heads

screams of souls are a constant music, or so it is written in the Book

Power: Greater

of Baal. His priests wear red cloaks to represent the color of blood;

Description: the god of disease, plague, affliction, and sickness. He

they also wear armor with their robes and horned skulls as helmets.

is seen as a slimy, disgusting creature that can spew forth all kinds of horror. When he vomits plague, he creates demon-spawn as well.

Muldrakarth the Black

His priests wear black and green and cover their entire face with

Sphere: God of the Dead & Necromancy

haunting masks that protect them from toxins. The priests often use

Symbol: upside down pentagram, & sometimes the skull of a bull

magic that involves disease, poison, and sickness. They always carry

Power: Greater

poisoned blades and often use poisons that will make one afflicted

Description: he was once a reaper until a war broke out in the

with pain or sickness. They prefer to let the victim suffer. Vulhakus

kingdom of the dead; the former god was blasted with several

is said to rule his kingdom in one of the foulest areas of the Pit. He

other reapers into a portal to some distant galaxy within the Void.

is also rumored to be the creator of the Pale Plague.

Muldrakarth holds immense power over magic, most of all black magic. If he were to walk the primordial realm, they say undead would rise around him as he passed. His priests wear all black robes

and skull masks. All of his dark priests practice black magic and all

of the high priest’s can bring the dead back to life for a very hefty

Tarkanys Pantheon The tarks possess one god that they call protector and

guardian of their kind. A people that they believe have been falsely

price. This is illegal in most countries except Narcadia of course. It

treated for many years. Their monotheistic religion surrounds a once

is a crime punishable by death and most often burning at the stake,

demi-god that rose during the Ascension to become a powerful deity.

the most common punishment for black witchcraft. For making deals

Nymn Tat

with demons is always involved and they grow in power with the use of black mana. This is exactly what Muldrakarth wants.

Sphere: God of Protection & Shadows Symbol: Eye within Black Triangle

Tambria the Temptress

Power: Greater

Sphere: Goddess of Pleasure, Torment, & Lust

Description: he is the Lord of Shadows. He is the keeper of all the

Symbol: Manticore tail

ratkin. He is the almighty guardian and is always seen wearing his

Power: Greater

dark, worn hood covered in patches, his clothing rugged. He likes

Description: she is a beautiful goddess yet filled with malice. She

to be seen as one of the poor and lower ranked tarkanys. He enjoys

is wicked and seductive; depicted in shredded, studded leather. Her

the surprise and secrecy. He likes to play in the shadows and control

priestesses wear leather masks and black leather armor. They carry

them. He is a just God of his children if you are one of them and

poisoned flails and whips. They create enchantments that make their

deserving he will protect you. He wears two curved daggers on his

weapons serpentine, painful, yet sometimes pleasing. She is known

belt and moves with blinding speed. He was also known to love

as both the goddess of pain and pleasure, who loves to torture. Her

alchemy, tricks, traps, and poisons. His priests wear tattered purple

kingdom is called Geldkine where stands her many twisted towers

robes with deep hoods, and specialize in different alchemy for sleep,

in the Stronghold of Suffering. It looms over the Medropophese,

narcotics to remove pain, even some to kill.

a city in the Valley of Severed Heads where those souls who were sacrificed to the goddess of lust often dwell in eternal pain. It is said in times of war she rides her pet manticore Hedrakiel along with her elites that lead an army of succubus and incubus soldiers.

Vatagi Pantheon A former god of the thokk race, KoloK was a monotheistic

deity that could take the form of a dragon or any other that he chose. Their belief in one god has spread to all vatagi that choose not to follow the Stygian Gods.


G o ds KoloK

during the month of your birth. You can make it relevant to your true name day if you wish,, if you were born in January in real life you

Sphere: God of Creation

could be born in Frostfall under the sign of the Wolf. You may also

Symbol: Figure 8 within a circle

choose to roll it on a d12. Ask your GM for assistance perhaps they

Power: Greater

want you to do something specific during their campaign. There are

Description: KoloK is the lord of eternity, the creator of all things.

things we do not get to choose in real life so rolling your Fate could

The stories say that KoloK came to visit the world thousands of years

also be fun and keep people from power building their characters for

ago to create it and all things. They say that the Vatagi were made

specific bonuses only. Some characters may even choose to pray to

in his image. He is an almighty powerful being that can change his

the Fates as their religious belief, these are called Fateists.

shape at will but prefers the Vatagi look, his true form. He can con-

trol dragons and possesses an army of them. They also say that he

Each Fate has a “Special Day” within it that usually marks

the very middle of the month. Each year has 360 days, each month

travels the stars in search of knowledge and when he returns to their

has 30 days in it and each week has 10 days. The Special Day is the

world he will be angered by the worshipers who have taken to fol-

15th of each month and is often a time of celebration or mourning.

lowing the Stygian Gods and will not accept them into his kingdom

in the Heavens when they die. It is also believed that when he re-

When using Eldijar’s Calendar you can see the name of the

month is written and the constellation of the Fate is pictured below

turns, the prophets say he will destroy the evil from the world with

the month. During this month, the one prior, and the one following

an act called the Soul Purge where all of the righteous will be reborn

your month is when you can witness this constellation in the night

in his kingdom. His priests wear tall helmets which often perch dif-

sky. You can normally only see certain constellations within those

ferent types of dragons. That each priest masters a different type of

three months out of the year, thus these are the months in which the

element much as a dragon might breathe a certain breath weapon.

constellation conveys the most amount of power. Some powers are

Their cloaks usually differ in colors according to their element of

year round and those circumpolar constellations are seen year round

concentration. It is also believed that KoloK was initially a Thokk

as well. These constellations or Fates matter to those who study

deity, that has been taken as the vatagi as their own.

astrology, as does the birth stone that one will use when making your verendum (wand or staff) of a spell caster for they must use their birth stone to channel from. It may just be a rumor but some casters take it very seriously in their magic. Look to the chapter on magic for more information concerning that.

Each Fate also comes with what is called a Fate Power. This

is a simple little bonus for characters to gain for being born under a specific sign. This is usually something very situational or a bonus that might only be given during the month of your name day.

The Wolf

The Twelve Fates

Month: Frostfall; Special Day “Ice Fang” You were born under the sign of the wolf, a hunter, the predator of the winter woods, and a strong sign. The wolf is quick and can see

The fates are seen in the night sky when one looks to the

well in the night, there are not many that can escape the hunter. The

heavens on a starry night. Only when the stars are shining can one

wolf tends to work well with others of his or her kind, just like the

witness the outline of the fates in their astrological form. Those who

pack that hunts together. The wolf often makes a good leader as the

look to the heavens and know something about astrology say that

alpha of the pack would too. The constellation of the wolf can be

they can read or “divine” the things that are to come for a spirit.

seen often near the Wizard, often as if the wolf is howling toward

Some say that they can see what will happen before it happens by

the Sapphire Star.

reading the signs of the fates in the stars.

Fate Power: Night Vision – the character gains +1 on perception

When you make your character you can choose your god or

checks during the nighttime surrounding the months of Frostfall.

gods, as well you may choose your Fate. Your fate is your astrological sign and the constellation that you can see perfectly in the night sky


Chap te r V I The Witch

The Trader

Month: Puritan; Special Day “the Cleansing”

Month: Toran; Special Day “Barter Day”

The witch is the sign of protective magic. Witchcraft and the covens

The sign of the merchant is actually quite a strong one and is

hold great mysteries and many mortals and savages fear the witch

favored by many for it brings luck. The sign of the merchant is also

most of all. Many fear the witch for her curses and hexes yet many do

about protection and is represented by the scale and the coin, for the

not know of the healing and helpful power that the sign of the witch

merchant’s scale represents neutrality and the balance of the fates.

conveys. The witch is indeed powerful and mysterious. Some think

The sign of the trader can also be seen upon the Trader’s Star. The

of the witch and see the witch hag in their mind; this constellation

merchant sign is about craftiness and outsmarting those who would

embodies a beautiful maiden of powerful magic. Her sign can be seen

do wrong to you. It is also represented by the balance of good and

easily for it always swims within the haze of the Azure Nebula seen

evil. It is believed that those born under this sign are the luckiest of

in the clear night sky, as if she were surrounded in magical energy.

all. You can make out the scale of the merchant within the stars quite

Fate Power: Magic Protection – gain +1 to defend against magic

easily once you find the three brightest points.

attacks during the month of Puritan.

Fate Power: Lady Luck – during the month of Toran flip a coin

during each deal of negotiation or bartering and if you land on what

The Serpent

you call, gain +3 to your roll, if not you are out of luck and do not gain a bonus.

Month: Deadwood; Special Day “High Feast” The sign of the serpent is often thought of as treacherous and devious. Perhaps it is true that certain famous villains have been born

The Oaken

under the sign of the serpent, or is this just a rumor? The serpent

Month: Thorn; Special Day “Root Day”

is stealthy, secretive, but wise and patient. There are many virtues

of the serpent, for it is perceptive, precise, and instinctively smart.

by several gods as well as this astrological sign. The oak is a sign of

Those who do not watch their step may find themselves struck by

hope, life, and nature. The life that the beginning of summer brings

the serpent’s fangs. This sign is also seen as the sea serpent and not

with it and the growing of crops and green trees or plants. The oaken

just the coiled snake hiding in the brush. Some countries call it the

sign is also known as a dryad. This sign represents the element of

great lurker in the ocean that can lay ruin to ships. The serpent’s eye

earth, strength, and purity. The great oak is marked forever in the

is the brightest star of them all. The Serpent’s Eye is actually the

stars, its ten branches and roots are shown by many of the gleam-

green planet Bjorn and it sparkles in the clearest night sky.

ing pinpoints of light as the Tree of Zaghos, also used in Eldijar’s

Fate Power: Serpent’s Step – during the month of Dead Wood all

Calendar. The brightest of these stars are the three that represent the

stealth checks gain a +1 to the result.

trunk. This is one of the signs that you can see all year round.

The Oaken, the symbol of the Great Oak has been marked

Fate Power: Life Blood – drinking from the waterskin grants 2d6 hit

The Nymph

points twice per day in the month of Thorn.

Month: Fadyn; Special Day “Seed Day” The nymph is a sign of beauty and charismatic power. To be born

The Dragon

under the sign of the nymph it is thought to give one skill in social

Month: Skyburn; Special Day “High Fire”

behavior, it is thought that many born under this sign find it easy

You were born under the sign of the wyrm, the beast of mystical and

to make friends and fill a room with laughter. The nymph marks the

destructive power. The dragon is one of great strength, wisdom, and

sign of spring and life. The weather becomes warm and in hopes that

has an affinity with the element of fire. In the times when Baal fell to

this warmth will bring happiness and festivities, wealth, luck, and the

this earth and brought damnation to Koth the dragons were the first

end of famine. The constellation of the Nymph is seen in the night

to defeat many demons in battle. The wyrm is a ferocious fighter and

sky as an outline of the beautiful maiden of the sea, r what is known

can fly through the heavens with great speed and agility. The dragon

as the mermaid. It is an honor for those who sail the oceans to be

is easy to make out in the summer sky due to the stars that make up

born under this sign as well for they see the water nymph as a sign

the serpentine neck and tail. This sign is one of the few circumpolar

of protection from drowning.

constellations that you can see year round.

Fate Power: Good Spirits – during the month of Fadyn your

Fate Power: Fire Resistance – gain 25 points of fire resistance during

character gains +1 to social modifier.

the month of Skyburn.


G o ds The Chimera

made of magical fire because of the blue light it gives off so brightly, quite like our star Aos. During this month you can also see 4 planets

Month: Austral; Special Day “Exodus”

in the sky, Valaron, Goroth, Dym, and Halos. They are quite large

In the final days of summer is the month called Austral where those

in scale as they pass by our planet, thus giving the month the name

who are born in this part of the month fall under the sign of the

Council, for the Convergence, and the meeting of worlds.

Chimera. The lion head represents strength, fierce power. The goat

Fate Power: Guidance – during the month of Council and the months

represents the lust and procreation. The tail turns into a serpent’s

surrounding it gain +1 to navigation rolls in the night and finding

head at its end which is said to be a false interpretation of the beast

your way in the darkness.

by some who claimed to have really seen one. The people respect proper strength and power and for many born under the chimera

The Warrior

find that this comes easily to them. The stars that align and show the

Month: Falling Special Day “Falling Star”

chimera in the constellation, can be found with the many points of

The warrior is a sign of great strength; many find it an honor to be

light clustered together making up the horns, the heads, the claws,

born under the sign. The warrior holds a sword and a shield. His

and the curving tail.

horned helm is marked by the six stars that are unmistakable. The

Fate Power: Born Leader – during the time of year surrounding the

Helm Stars they are called, they guide many on the oceans at night.

month of Austral the character gains +1 to any social roll surrounding leadership checks.

The warrior is strength, courage, honor, and prowess in battle. Many

The Crow

month Falling marks the end of fall and the beginning of winter. The

see the warrior symbol representing the rise after the fall just as the warrior is brave and stands against any opposition with weapon in

Month: Reaping; Special Day “Day of the Dead”

hand. Some know the Falling Stars as a day to fear and to try and be

You were born in the fall time before winter starts, under the sign of

brave with the coming darkness. The meteor showers of the Falling

the Crow. The black bird represents death and the carrier of souls,

Stars marks the coming darkness and reminds us the dead await in

and also the messenger. It is often thought of as good luck to be

Valhalla. The Helm Stars are the easiest way to locate the Warrior

born under the sign of the crow due to the fact that it is known your


soul will go to the right place when you leave this world. The crow

Fate Power:

is smart and unseen in the darkness. Some see the crow is an omen

– Courage – gain +1 to any checks for bravery and

against fear effects or attacks in the months surrounding Falling.

that death is coming. “Death is coming for us all” is a common saying that falls under the sign of the crow. Those who are born under

The Shadow

it wear it proudly, for some they feel it protects them in a way. The

Month: Farstar Special Day “Eventide”

crow can be seen only in the clearest of night skies and is often hid-

The Shadow is often thought of as a sign of the thief, the rogue,

den in the hazy, Ghost Nebula clouds.

the assassin. The sign of the shadow represents that winter is thick

Fate Power: Death Throes – during the time of year surrounding

and the light of the stars are distant creating much darkness. It is a

the month of Reaping the character gains an additional 3% to their spiritual influence check if making a save versus death.

dangerous time when things must hide to survive. Those born under

The Wizard

good at surviving the harsh winter conditions. The constellation of

this sign have often been known to be solitary creatures and also the Shadow can be seen as a cloaked figure in the sky. The deep

Month: Council; Special Day “the Convergence”

hood of the shadow is marked by six stars and the flowing cloak by

The wizard commands massive power and is veiled in mystery. The

several more. The shadow is a powerful sign that is respected as one

sign of the wizard holds the great Sapphire Star on the tip of his

of the major powers of the Fates. It also fits well with the world living

staff. The great Sapphire Star points the way north and is a guide

within the shadow of the eclipse caused by Halos on the special day

to many in the night sky. Those who are born under this sign are

of Eventide which starts the world into total darkness for many days.

thought to have great wisdom and intelligence. The mark of the wiz-

Fate Power: Hidden – during the time of year surrounding the month

ard is often remembered by the first falling of snow in many coun-

of Farstar the character gains +1 to any concealment skill checks.

tries. The great Sapphire Star is the easiest way to find the constellation of the Wizard; it reminds many of magical fire and the fire that guides the way home. Some believe that the Sapphire Star must be


Chap te r V I I


surrounding area, where the enemies are exactly located, distances

“The eyes of the wretched could be seen through the gloom and their vile

things, the game master will simply have to describe the situation in

to their enemies, and cover offered by terrain. If you do not own miniatures or terrain you can still play the game without these

hissing was heard behind the fog of the Veil Myst. We all readied ourselves

much more detail for everyone to know what is happening.

for the honor of defending a broken wall and protecting a dying town.” -Carthus a Hand of the Justicarians

This chapter will cover the rules for combat during the

Time in Combat There are a few terms you need to be informed of that

may be the same as terms used in other games, but they may mean

game. Combat in Demon Gate is brutal and dangerous, as it should

different things in this game, just a warning.

be. Most weapons are designed to kill another creature and this

is what they will do. When you are starting out the game with 1st

movement. In real time it lasts only a second or two for there is no

level characters you will want to dump saga points into your max hit

definitive answer to how long it is. When it comes to you it is your

points as soon as you can. Make sure to use your saga points to get

turn. When your actions are over it is the next player’s turn. If using

hit points and frenzy in your frenzy pool so that you can attack more

miniatures, it is often wise to keep tokens to track each character’s

during combat. Hit points are your life so you want as many as you

turn in the initiative order. During a live game it is a good idea to

can get, especially at low level when one continuum roll can kill you.

have one of the players oversee the round counter and initiative. The

You can always use more hit points.

GM usually has enough to worry about. Some VTT (virtual tabletop)

programs keep track of turns on the initiative for you.

As a game master you must remember that you want

Turn: a turn is all a single character’s actions, attacks, and

to make the game fun and create memorable stories with your

players. It is not you versus the players and you win if they die.

(playing characters) & NPCs (non-playing characters) to take their

Everyone knows you have the power to wipe everyone out at a whim

turns. Once everyone has had their turn that is 1 full round and then

but do not abuse the power or you will quickly find out that no one

you move on to the 2nd round to whoever has the first initiative. If

wants to play anymore. Don’t throw them up against a dragon and

something lasts 1 round and begins on your turn it will end next round

expect them to survive the encounter. There are exceptions to the

at the very start of your turn before you take any actions. Rounds

overpowered rule as well that you should understand, for those GMs

and turns cannot entirely be traced by an exact amount of time.

out there that are new to RPGs. Not all encounters will be fair nor

Everyone’s actions are usually happening at the same time. Thus,

are they all required to be fair either. There are some encounters

one round could be classified as about 5 seconds, give or take a few

players are meant to run from and this becomes a bit of a shady

seconds. It is often wise to keep a round counter near the gaming

area where the players need to decide for themselves if they are

table and turn it to round 2 when all the turns are up.

powerful enough to take an enemy on. As GM you should let them

know that just like in real life there are fights that you cannot win

takes place. Combat ends at the very moment the fighting stops.

and sometimes you must assess the situation. It is your part as a

There are many abilities that are OpC (once per combat). Those

game master to make sure they are aware that they are encountering

abilities are defined by the combat scenario.

Round: a round is how long it takes for all the PCs

Scenario: a combat scenario is how long an entire combat

a situation that they could very well lose.

This chapter will go over each step of a combat situation

Combat Sequence

so that you can attempt to make combat as quick, smooth, and exciting as possible. Players just starting out will always be slow at

Step 1: Roll Initiative

first but once you get the hang of it you can move pretty quickly and

Step 2: Movement, Actions & Attacks

start to use your actions all at once. Players should pay attention and

Step 3: Defense

know what is going on in the fight so that when it comes to their

Step 4: Damage

turn they are ready to make their actions and movement so they

Step 5: Continue Initiative

can quickly move on to the next player. Using miniatures is a very

Step 6: Outcome & Recovery

good tool for gameplay during combat situations. Miniature setups will allow all of the players and game master to know what is in the


Co mb at Example of Combat

him, he falls to the ground with a screech, the damage was over his

-GM: you three enter into the dark crypt below the church of

-Templar: I will swing again then with my last action (rolls d20+1) 14!

body attribute. -GM: (rolls d20 to defend -1 because the goblin is on the ground

Bayoguard the human god of justice. Templar, your character is

now) You miss the goblin rolls a 17 and rolls to the side, your

holding the torch you made in your hand so it is casting eerie

hammer smashes the stone floor.

shadows to and fro in the stone chamber. You cannot see the other

-Templar: Screw that! I burn 2 frenzy and shout “Die!” I rage attack

side of the room but you do notice the sound of growls and hisses

for 2 attacks burning both frenzy for this round and swing down at

in the darkness. You also take notice that there are at least six sets of

him! (rolls d20+1) 12!

glowing eyes, what do you do?

-GM: the goblin looks up wide eyed and tries to dodge (rolls the

-Templar: I pull my warhammer out with my empty hand and move

d20-1) 8, he is hit!

forward to fight! “These foul things how dare they defile the temple

-Templar: (rolls damage x2 because of the rage attack.) 26 damage!

of my god with their stench!”

-GM: that crushes the goblin’s head! Now next initiative is the Mage.

-GM: okay now you have your warhammer in your right hand and

Templar please remove 2 frenzy from your frenzy pool.

the torch in your left.

-Mage: okay I move here (moves 3 inches near to the templar but still

-Thief: can I try to let them go first so I can slip into the shadows

behind him) I get a little cover from my big Templar friend. Then I

and conceal myself? I’m a mhen tep so I have twilight vision anyway.

turn to the closest goblin coming toward me and cast fire sphere!

-GM: yes go ahead and make a concealment skill check.

(rolls d20) 13.

-Thief: (rolls 2d8) I got a 12.

-GM: the goblin looks shocked at the magical sphere and tries to

-GM: (makes a few rolls for the perception checks of his goblins that

defend (rolls the d20 to defend) 14 he ducks the sphere and it flies

are hiding in the dark, none of them are able to match the rogue’s 12

into the stone wall.

roll). Alright you slip back and let your friends move in first and put

-Mage: again! Crap… 3!

your back to the wall, you believe that none have seen you.

-GM: with magic you must at least roll a 4 or higher for the spell

-Thief: nice.

to work so something happens during the incantation, a wrong

-Mage: okay I have my staff in my hand and I say “come out cowards,

movement, a wrong word and the spell fizzles out at your fingertip.

let us see your faces!”

-Mage: damnit, there are too many still left, I burn two of my frenzy

-GM: right as you finish this, six goblins burst from the darkness

pool, my only two frenzy left and throw 2 fire spheres at that same

snarling and laughing with small, crude weapons in their hands

goblin. (rolls 2d20, using the closest d20 to fall nearest to the GM as

ready to strike, everyone roll initiative. They seem fearless and

the first spell) 12, and a 16… not bad.

hungry for blood!

-GM: okay nice, you throw two spheres as quick as you can and

-Thief: (rolls d10 + 1 for his defense initiative modifier) 7.

the goblin attempts to defend (rolls 2d20 to defend using the same

-Mage: (rolls d10) crap 3.

method of speed combat) 7, you hit and 6 you hit both spheres!

-Templar: (rolls d10) Yeaya! (rolls a 10 so continues to roll it again due

-Mage: sweet, rolling damage, and times my level 12 damage for the

to the continuum rule) wow 15.

first sphere and 8 damage for the second.

-GM: (rolls d10 but uses this initiative result for all of his enemies to

-GM: all together that is 20 fire damage to the goblin, the first sphere

go at the same time) 5. Well you go first Templar, what do you do?

hits his cheek and he howls, the second hits his chest and he burst

(sets the miniatures up how they are in the chamber opposed to the

into flames, falling dead to the ground! His body lights up the room


a little more now and you can see the end of the chamber. It has a

-Templar: I charge up to first goblin and swing my hammer for a

small bridge that leads over a foul looking stream. There is a single

single, quick attack. (rolls d20 and adds +1 due to his +1 specialization

archway on the other side. So, now it is the goblins’ initiative. They

in hammers) 16!

do not see the thief, but see the two humans in the chamber. These

-GM: (rolls a d20 to defend for the goblin, must match or beat a 16)

three charge the templar to try and overpower him (moves three

the goblin tries to dodge, but gets hit because I rolled a 6!

goblin miniatures to the templar). This last one that you see runs

-Templar: Nice (rolls the damage of his hammer and adds strength

straight at the mage (moves it toward the mage). These three goblins

damage modifier) 12.

screech and howl war cries and attack the Templar. This one swings

-GM: the hammer shatters the goblin’s shoulder but does not kill


Chap te r V I I twice (Rolls d20+1 with a bone axe) 14, (rolls again) and 15.

-Thief: that is all good man!

-Templar: I try to block with my sword. (rolls d20 to defend) My

-Mage: thanks thief, saving my life!

dexterity isn’t high enough for me to get a bonus. 15…(rolls again) 16!

-Thief: I nod to the mage and smile, then I burn my last frenzy point

Nothing! I blocked both attacks from his puny weapon, ha!

and I’m going to throw my dagger at this goblin bastard right here!

-GM: good blocking you block his two attacks, but then he swings a

(rolls) I do have the weapon proficiency in throwing so I do not

rage with his only two frenzy (rolls) 6!

suffer -3 to hit for throwing. 14.

-Templar: (rolls) 12! Nothing ha!

-GM: good throw the goblin spins and tries to dodge (rolls 9) but

-GM: you block that two, the second goblin swings two rage attacks!

gets hit!

(rolls) 11 for the first rage, then the burning of two frenzy his only

-Thief: Nice! (rolls damage) only 8 damage.

two frenzy…16!

-GM: still, the blade sticks into the goblin’s leg and it cries out in

-Templar: (rolls) 14… and 16!

pain. Now top of the order it is round 2!!!

-GM: you block the first one and the second is coming right at your

-Templar: that’s right! My turn!

knee but you swing the hammer around and block it just in time, tie goes to the defender! Okay the third goblin does not have any frenzy

So, you can see how a basic low level round of the combat system

so he only has one heavy attack (rolls) 18!

works just by viewing this quick example. Frenzy come in handy

-Templar: (rolls) damn, 9 I am hit.

and you may only burn 2 per round if you want to at all. They can

-GM: (rolls damage x2 for the rage attack) 12!

only be used for attacks, not healing or grabbing a weapon, just

-Templar: okay I have an total armor value of 4, so I only take 8

attacking. And only after all other actions and movement have been

damage from my 35 hit points, a mere scratch I say! The damage isn’t

accomplished. You must buy more frenzy when you run out during

over my body attribute either so I’m still standing!

camp with saga points that are received as experience. Good luck in

-GM: (laughs) okay the last goblin runs at the mage and shouts

your struggles and good gaming!

something in his guttural tongue then tries to rage attack the mage! (rolls) 13! -Mage: Damn! (rolls 4) crappy dice! I am hit. -GM: (rolls damage x 2) 16 damage. Uh oh! -Mage: S@#t! I have 2 armor so I take 14 damage and it is over my body attribute so I fall to the ground. Man this sucks I only have 8 hit points left, that hurt! -GM: okay the bone axe cuts right into one of your ribs and the pain wracks your body as you fall to the ground grabbing your wound. -Thief: my turn mo fos! I try to sneak up behind the one that hit the mage and save his ass. (Rolls stealth skill and concealment skill) 10, and 14. -GM: (rolls perception of the goblin) 6 he doesn’t’ see you. -Thief: I pull out my dagger for 1 action and then plunge it into his back! I will even burn 1 frenzy to make it a rage attack, that will be x4 damage since it is a sneak attack and a rage. (rolls d20+1) 14 -GM: well it is a success because he cannot defend it and you did not fumble, you hit him. Roll damage. -Thief: whoo! (rolls 2d6 damage for the dagger and gets an 8) Eight plus +1 for my strength damage modifier is 9. This is x4 though cause

Roll a d20 to attack for 1 action, or try a heavy (rage) attack

I rage attacked and it is a sneak attack. Wow 36 damage!

for 2 actions. The defender rolls their d20 to try and match

-GM: yea, you totally drive the dagger into his back and plunge it

or beat it. If they fail they take damage, the character’s

straight into his heart killing him almost instantly. Yet, now the

armor will soak some of that damage.

others know you are there.


Co mb at Step 1: Roll Initiative

during the combat most of these attacks and actions will be taking place at the same time anyway, this gives a simple rule and mechanic to help out the flow of a combat situation.

To determine your initiative, look at your character’s









Coordinated Ambush: is what it is called when two or more

Before each combat, each person rolls a d10 (one ten-sided die). The

companions are sneaking up behind some enemies who are

result is added to the character’s initiative modifier to give you your

totally unknowing of their whereabouts. They choose to do a

initiative result. If a 10 is rolled, the rules for continuum also

coordinated attack so that they can all land their sneak attack

apply; you roll the die again and keep adding the result. Game

bonus at the same time. The same rules for ambush apply. The party

masters should keep in mind it is a good idea to roll once for a

is all going at the same time but rolls initiative between them and

large group of enemies. It’s also a good idea to keep counters on a

then let the enemies go last since all stealth rolls were a success.

table to represent all the characters and their initiative rolls (such as

When they are in position they look to one another and count to

multi-colored stones or tokens). Initiative is rolled whenever combat starts. Sometimes though, it will begin directly after a first strike.

three before slitting throats or firing shots. You still have initiative

First Strike: the rule for a first strike is when it is obvious which

then everything else falls into the correct order for the remainder of

rolled between them because only their initial attack is in stealth the combat. Let the player that rolled the highest initiative roll their

character is going first. The character has initiative by acting first,

sneak attack and then do the rest of their actions if any.

or because of an ambush. For instance, a character is sneaking up onto a guard. If the character is successful, he will automatically gain

Step 2: Perform Movement, Actions, & Attacks

initiative then all others in play will make their initiative rolls and follow after the character with the first strike has used all of their action points. Another example is say beyond the door you can hear

Actions & Attacks

your enemies’ arguing about which jug was whose and Jack says

“I step to the door, open it, and charge!” Jack just got first strike,

You want to use your action points and your movement

to decide what you are going to do with your turn. Everyone

everyone else rolls initiative and Jack remains at the top of the

usually starts the game with 2 action points in each category and

initiative line. Do not allow a character to go first due to first strike

many have 3 or 4 movement. Movement does not cost action points

and then roll their initiative, that just doesn’t make sense, they have

to perform, you are using your movement while performing actions.

taken their actions and the fight is on. Let everyone else roll their

Action points are drained when you perform an act or an attack.

initiative and let the character that had first strike stay at the lead in the round.

Certain attack types cost more than one action point. For instance

Tied Initiative: in the case of a tie, the character with the highest

melee combat, it only costs one action point. Then there is a heavy

there is a single attack, also called a quick attack. Used in unarmed or attack also called a rage attack that costs 2 action points to perform.

dexterity goes first. If the dexterity attributes are identical, they

These are starting attack forms any character may attempt.

simply roll again between them both. In the situation where the

party member rolls initiative and ties with the rest of the enemies,

Attacks all are made by rolling a d20 (1 twenty-sided die).

The object is to try and hit your opponent with a higher roll than

let the PC (player character) go first. This is because you might have

their defense roll. This attack may have modifiers added or taken

eight bad guys going before the one hero or the one PC and that really isn’t that fair; let the PCs go first.

from it for several different reasons but usually you might start with

Ambush: is another rule that allows the initiative roll to be forfeit. If

Any + to Hit will be added to this twenty sided die roll.

a +1 to hit because you are specialized in the weapon you are using.

the characters have ambush this means their enemies are unaware

You may notice you have different types of actions on your

character sheet (2 unarmed, 2 melee, 2 shooting, and 2 magic). Do not

that they are about to be attacked thus the characters will go first.

add these up, this simply means that is how many actions points you

You can however have the characters roll amongst themselves to

have in each one of your action types. If you spend 1 action it takes 1

place them into an order of attack. Even though they wish to attack

from all types. If you spend 2 it takes 2 from all types. As you advance

at the same time, this is how it will all work out and for the rounds

in level you will become better in certain types of actions.

that follow, you will have an established order to the combat. Since


Chap te r V I I Quick Attacks & Rage Attacks

such a thing and may only be used if a weapon is in the hand or it is possible to attack an enemy at that moment.

During a melee or unarmed attack you can use 1 single

action point to do a quick attack and try to strike your enemy by

rolling the d20 to hit. They will then have to defend with their d20.

are “burned” (used) then they are gone forever until you purchase

Then you can roll again to try another quick attack (if you have an-

new ones with your saga points. Frenzy will allow you an additional

other action point) if they do not defend, then you roll damage. Let

2 attacks of any kind at the end of your turn as long as you possess

us say instead of doing two quick attacks that you wish to run up

frenzy in your pool. Weapons that require an upkeep action are bows

to an enemy and do a heavy rage attack. If you do this you use both

or crossbows. They require you to use an action to reload or draw an

your melee actions at the same time and only roll the d20 once. If you

arrow so you cannot burn a frenzy point to do that. You can however

hit though, you deal x2 power damage! Using those 2 melee actions

burn a frenzy to cut at an enemy with your sword, or fire an arrow

also took the 2 action points from all other action types as well. So

as long as it was loaded with your normal shooting action. Later on

starting out if I have 2 action points in every category and I spend 1

you can unlock talents that allow you to take away that upkeep action

unarmed action to open the door, all my action points drop down 1.

when you get better with bows. Another way to use frenzy is to burn

Then I can spend my melee action to quick attack an enemy that is

two frenzy points to rage attack at an enemy by burning both frenzy.

behind the door I just opened.

When you wish to purchase frenzy later you may spend 1 saved saga

point to gain 2 points of frenzy added to your pool.

When using certain weapons they require an upkeep

Frenzy points are stored in your frenzy pool and when they

action to attack, for instance you can use 1 shooting action to draw an

arrow and load it, then your second action will be to attack. So you

not count these frenzy as the only two that you are allowed to spend

would roll your d20 on your second action to fire the arrow.

per round. The two that you are able to spend per round are your

attack frenzy; others may be classified as activation frenzy. Frenzy is

Actions in combat do not have to be attacks, there are acts

When spending frenzy to activate an ability or a talent do

important in combat so be sure to stock up on them.

and there are attacks. Acts are considered such things as reloading your bow, opening a door, drawing a weapon, etc. These actions will

Combo Attacks

take 1 from your action points in all categories. Certain actions cost 2 action points such as drinking a magic potion that is on your belt.

That actually costs 2 magic actions to do that and will therefore use

attacks in unarmed, melee, shooting, and even magic actions once

up all your actions for that round. Once your actions are all spent,

you reach a high enough level. Combo attacks allow you to combine

then your movement is over with. By the time you are finished with

several actions into one attack roll and deal what is called combo

your actions you will have moved your max movement. If you are

damage. If you call a 3 hit combo at this target and score a hit the

using your 2 actions to drink a potion, make sure you move your

target suffers x3 combo damage. Learn more about combo attacks

character your full movement during that if you want to move. Once

when you gain them in the talents section.

all of your actions and movement have been spent you may now use

Action Types

what are called frenzy to gain 2 action points that are only for attacks.

Unarmed Combat & Melee Actions


These are unlocked only by talents. There are combination

Every character starts the game at 1st level with 2 frenzy

When attacking in unarmed combat you roll a d20

points. You can only burn up to 2 frenzy per round and it must be

to hit and add the unarmed combat bonus to the result. Ex: a

used at the end of your turn. You will have no movement left at all,

character with Fighter +2 will add +2 to the d20 result. Punching,

and you are only able to attack with frenzy. So you must strategically

kicking, elbows, knees, and bites will all do the same amount of

use your frenzy during combat for they cannot be used for normal

unarmed damage unless otherwise specified by the racial abilities.

actions (acts) or upkeep actions, they must be attack actions. You

Some creatures possess dangerous teeth or claws that will increase

cannot use frenzy to drink a potion, or cast a heal spell. They cannot

the damage dealt with those types of attacks. With unarmed and me-

be “loop holed” in anyway such as throwing a potion at an ally and

lee attacks you may attack with a couple different methods.

calling it an attack, simply put; they are only used to attack or they

are not used. Frenzy are meant to be spawned from anger, a burst of

same as unarmed attacks, but you must add your weapon specializa-

adrenaline, in order to kill or wound thus it must only be spent on

tion modifiers to your + to hit. If you are not specialized in a weapon


Melee attacks (swords, axes, knives, clubs, etc.) are used the

Co mb at Magic Actions

you are using just roll the twenty-sided die. The number you roll is your result to hit. Your two primary attack types that you may

Magic actions work the same, spells require you to roll a

attempt when starting at low level are a quick attack for 1 action or a

d20 to cast. A roll of 1 is a fumble, 2-3 is a failed spell which wastes

rage attack for 2 actions to deal x2 power damage if you hit.

your mana. Hitting stationary targets with a spell requires a roll of 6 or more just as shooting does. Using potions, scrolls, charges from

-Throwing Weapons

items, and spells cost magic actions. Each spell has an action cost

Remember as well that thrown weapons often use the same

that lets you know how many magic actions you must use to cast

melee rules especially when you are throwing your only axe to save

that specific spell. A single quick action spell like ice lance will take 1

a friend. It really depends here on what you are throwing. A potion

action, while a fireball will take 3 actions to cast. This means that you

is considered a magic action, a weapon is a melee action, a person

might have to wait until next round to actually finish the casting of

is an unarmed action. Even though you are making a ranged attack,

the spell, or you could burn 1 point of frenzy to cast the spell right

most of the time you are still using a weapon that can often be used

away as long as it is an attack spell. Characters can specialize in

as a melee weapon to throw. Sometimes you may wish to throw your

certain schools or colors of magic to gain a +1 to cast a spell, allowing

primary weapon because you cannot reach an enemy and you are

you to add a +1 to your d20 when casting a spell. Each spell also has a

trying to get them before they escape or reach a friend. The only

drain that is taken from the caster’s mana pool. If you roll a natural 1

difference between attacking in melee range and throwing the

to cast a spell you must roll on the magic fumble table. A roll of 2 or

weapon is that if you are not skilled in WP: Throwing you will

3 to cast is not a fumble but it is a waste of mana and actions.

suffer an untrained modifier of -3 to hit. Some throwing weapons are

Open Actions & Free Actions

completely balanced for throwing attacks and will give you an additional + to hit due to this fact. Your thrown weapons can only be

thrown a distance of half of your strength attribute in inches.

to perform an act. It does not matter which type of your actions you use. Free actions are simply acts that you can perform that

Shooting Actions

Open actions allow you to spend any type of your actions

do not take an action at all. A perfect example of a free action is

When you pick up a crossbow or a bow, you are ready for

shouting out a a warning in the midst of battle. Shouting out several

shooting attacks. Everyone begins the game with 2 shooting actions.

sentences could cause problems for a caster, they are often using

You can upgrade your actions later with talents or combat skills.

incantations so you may want to take 1 magic action for talking too

Hitting a stationary target requires a roll of at least 6 or higher


on your d20. Creatures and characters will attempt to defend your

Examples of Actions & Attacks

attack with their d20. Anyone can pick up a melee weapon and use it without suffering an untrained modifier of -3. Yet, when it comes to

Situation Act./ Atk. Frenzy

projectiles this is not the case. If you do not possess the combat skill WP: projectiles you will suffer a -3 to hit when firing the weapon (untrained). This works the same with any black powder weapons. You must spend the skill slot in order to get the WP: Black Powder.

Each shot counts as an action. However, shooting weapons

also tend to require upkeep actions for loading the weapon. It does take one action to grab an arrow from your quiver. It takes more actions to reload a crossbow, which makes it slower than a bow but they are often more powerful. Black powder weapons take even more upkeep actions to reload, you can look them up in the equipment chapter. Once you start to advance in levels and unlock shooting talents you will find talents like quick draw that allow you to bypass at least 1 upkeep action. Whenever you are shooting you may actually spend 1 action on aiming at a target which will grant you a +2 to hit them, (check out Dead Eye in talents). Now, roll that d20 to fire!


Draw a sword

1 melee action

Draw a bow off of your shoulder

1 shooting action no

Load a crossbow

2 shooting actions no

Shout a few words

0 (free actions)

Draw an arrow

1 shooting action no

-Fire an arrow

1 shooting action yes

Use healing skill

16 unarmed acts


Get a potion from belt

1 magic action


Get a potion from your backpack

3 magic actions


-drink potion

1 magic action


-throw potion at enemy

1 magic action


Cast an ice lance

1 magic action


Cast a fireball

3 magic actions


Cast a heal spell

2 magic actions




Chap te r V I I Movement in Combat







This example shows Brother Yun, a monk with 3 unarmed


actions, 2 of every other action type, and a movement of 4.

represents how many inches or hexes you may move on the board

Using 1 action point of any type spends 1 point from all action

during your turn. During a turn, the character can walk its normal

types (bubbles are action points). You may use them in any

movement or run double their movement. While running, there

order you wish except for frenzy, frenzy are used last and only

are modifiers to some types of attacks. For instance firing a bow

when movement is over. Yun draws a sword for 1 melee action

and running will cause you to fire at -2 to hit without the talent

point while he moves 6” inches to run at his foe.

running shot. You may move as long as you have actions left. If you are burning frenzy for extra attacks, your movement will be over. So




it is possible to attack, move, attack, and move as long as you have

Unarmed Actions

some type of action points or attacks left to do so. There may be


some situations you run into where a player wishes to hold their

Melee Actions

actions and let another player go first, or an enemy to go first. In

Frenzy Actions

order for a player to hold their actions they must not move at all or

Shooting Actions


take any actions when it comes to their turn, see holding actions under

special combat scenarios.

Magic Actions

Remember your movement does not take any of your ac-

tions or attacks, you have a set number of inches that your charac-

Then Brother Yun uses 2 unarmed actions to attempt a rage

ter can move found based off of your dexterity attribute and your

attack dragon kick with chi on his foe, rolling his d20 +3. Yun

character race. This number can be multiplied by 2 if you want your

rolls a 5+3= 8 to hit. The defender rolls his d20+1 to defend and

character to run. Flying characters can multiply this by x3 in max

gets a 13+1= 14. He dodges the kick. Yun only has frenzy left.

flight. When swimming, movement is usually only a quarter of nor1

mal movement. With the skill in swimming the character may move



half movement. While creatures that are native to water can move

Unarmed Actions


Melee Actions

You can attack while running just fine and split your


attacks and actions up during your movement. For instance; if you

Frenzy Actions

have a movement of 3 this means that you can run 6 inches (using

Shooting Actions


miniatures). You may choose to take 1 of your actions at the 3rd inch Magic Actions

and the other action at the 6th inch if you wish. As well you may choose to run the entire 6 inches and then use both actions at the

Yun then decides to burn his 2 frenzy points for a rage attack

6th inch for a heavy attack.

and attempts to impale the foe with his sword, channeling chi into the attack. He rolls his d20 to hit and gets 12+2 with swords 15 to hit! The foe rolls an 8 and is hit. Yun rolls 2d10+d6 dmg due to his sword and chi and gets a 16+2 with his damage mod. 18x2 for his rage attack is 36 dmg! He impales and kill his foe!




Unarmed Actions



Melee Actions Frenzy Actions Shooting Actions Magic Actions


Co mb at Critical Hit (“Natural 20!!!”)

Fumbled Roll (“Natural 1!”)

Anytime you roll a natural 20 on the attack die, this means

Fumbling is when you roll a natural 1 to attack. This means

that you deal a critical hit to a foe. Critical damage is another

you have really failed miserably in your attack. Depending on what

multiplier of damage kept separate from power damage or combo

type of weapon you are using, you must roll on the following table to

damage. A natural 20 deals x2 to overall damage. If it was a rage

see what happens when you fumble. One way to keep from rolling on

attack natural 20, the damage would be x2, x2! A nat 20 can only be

the fumble table is if the defender rolls a natural 1 as well. If this is

defended by a nat 20. If the defending character rolls a natural 20

so, it is still simply a miss but not a fumble. You must consider that

as well, modifiers are added, and if they are still hit, the damage is

they cancel each other out and write the attack off as a loss. When

not critical. If the defender rolls a critical defense they do not get to

rolling a fumbled attack with magic, refer to the magic fumble table.

riposte. Critical hits x2 also raise a body save 2 points higher.

Fumble Table


Unarmed Combat


Hit nearby party member or self for ½ damage.


Trip or slip, and fall to the ground. If you are 1” away from a ledge you must make a dexterity check T #4 or fall.


Fall to the ground and lose 1 action. If you are 1” away from a ledge you must make a dexterity check T #4 or fall. If you are using

unarmed weapon accessories such as the glove nail, it is damaged and loses 1 step of durability or broken.


Melee Combat


Hit nearby party member or self for ½ damage.


Trip or slip, and fall to the ground. If you are within 1” from a ledge you must make a dexterity check T #4 or fall.


Weapon flies from hand in a scattered direction. Roll a d10 for the scatter die.


Weapon is stuck in something nearby. Making a Strength check to pull the weapon free for 1 melee action.


Weapon damaged. Durability is dropped by 1 step if the weapon is weak it breaks. If a magical weapon breaks, it explodes

dealing (2d6x10 dmg) in a 1.5 inch blast radius.


Shooting Combat


Roll a d6 again (1-3: Shoot nearby party member for full damage. 4-6: shoot yourself in the foot or leg for full damage).


Trip or slip, and fall to the ground. Yet the weapon is still loaded or arrow still in place.


Weapon flies from hand in a scattered direction. Roll a d10 for the scatter die.


Something happens that causes you to fire the weapon in a totally random direction, roll the d10 scatter die. If the result is on


Bow string breaks. If you are using the weapon as a melee device the weapon itself is damaged. Look to the melee fumble

you, then you fire straight into the air. of the same result in such a case if you are using a battle bow. d6

Throwing Combat


Hit nearby party member or self for full damage.


Trip or slip and fall to the ground. If you are within 1” from a ledge you must make a dexterity check T #4.


Weapon flies from hand in a scattered direction (roll the d10 scatter die).


Something happens that causes you to throw the weapon in a totally random direction, roll the scatter die. If the result is on

you, then you throw the weapon straight into the air.


Weapon damaged. You throw it, it misses its mark and durability drops 1 step as it hits a wall and clambers to the floor. If it is a

magical weapon it breaks, exploding dealing 2d6x10 dmg in a 1.5 inch blast radius wherever it hits (roll scatter die from character).

A magic potion is dropped right at your feet after you scramble to control it.


Chap te r V I I

3= Polymorph: GM chooses a random animal that he or she

Magic Fumble Table

becomes until this can be dispelled. 4= Petrification: the caster begins to turn to stone and has 1 round to dispel this. 5: Storm: a

% Roll


random storm consumes the entire area (GM may elaborate!) 6:


Spell has no effect but you still suffer the loss of drain.

Gate: a strange portal rips open in a 2.5” inch blast radius to some


Take an extra d20 drain yet the spell fails.

unknown realm (GM elaborates).


Spell fails badly and causes an extra d20 x level of drain.



Magical energy envelops the caster, and all within a 15’

will cause a cataclysm (refer to character class abilities), and the

radius become the target of the spell. The caster cannot defend

caster is reduced to 0 mana. The caster must make a body save or

but others may try to defend on a dexterity check of T# 12.

lose consciousness for d4 rounds as well as losing the spell from


memory for good. It will have to be relearned. If the body save

Magical energy erupts from the caster and all within a

The energy of the spell becomes very destructive. It

1.5” blast radius are unable to defend the spell at all.

is made, the caster is stunned, roll on the Stunned Effects Table.


The spell is still completely forgotten and must be relearned.

Magic energy flows to the head of the caster. The caster

must make a body save or lose consciousness for d4 rounds. If


the body save is made, the caster is stunned and must roll on the

aneurism, roll a d20 to see how far past -15 hit points they are.

Stunned Effects Table in the combat chapter.

Add the d20 result to -15 for the negative result. There might be


The caster must make a body save or die from an

Magical energy envelops all within a (2.5” inch blast

a chance to save the character within one round. If the body save

radius) forcing all to make a body save roll. If the body save is

is made, the caster is unconscious for d6 rounds and has a d20

failed from the disruptive energy you must roll on the Stunned

hit points remaining. The spell is forgotten and erased from the

Effects table. If the body save is made, you are dazed and suffer

character sheet and the caster’s memory. They temporarily lose

-2 to attack and defend for 1 round.

75% of their body attribute and 75% of their willpower dropping


them into a horrible state of exhaustion.

The spell effect becomes a chaotic and uncontrollable

force. Roll scatter dice from the caster to see where the spell


effect lands and then all within a 1.5” inch blast radius (15’ feet)

caster to levitate for a moment with power surging throughout

become the targets of the spell without a chance to defend.

them. Then the caster gains 1 point of intelligence and 1 point of


willpower permanently before dropping to the ground.

Spell affect blows up in the caster’s face! The caster

A terrible amount of energy builds up forcing the

becomes the target without a chance to defend and AR of 0. 83-87

The caster becomes the target of the spell and any

Combat Situation Modifiers

damage done is treated as a critical hit. If the spell has an area of

Situation Modifier or T#

affect, all within the area must make a dexterity check target # 15

Above Target (10’ ft +)

or be hit critically as well. 88-90

The gremlins of the spirit world rip through a portal

and attempt to drag the caster into the Ethereal Plane. There are always at least 4d6 gremlins. The caster must finish his or her actions then the gremlins go immediately, attempting to horde attack the caster and drag them into the portal with a resisted strength check. This is usually d6 for every gremlin. They are hungry for the caster’s mana and soul energy. The astral gate is open for d4 rounds. There is always a 30% chance that there may

Behind Target (Flanked)

+1 to hit

Blind Attack (Slightly to Totally)

-2 to -10 to hit

Called Shots (large, medium, small)

-3, -6, -9 to hit

Darkness (partial to magical)

-1 to -6 to H/ D

Giant Target

+2 to hit

Held (Partially, Heavily)

-4 to -6 to H/ D

Laying Prone

-1 to defend

Motionless Target (Shooting or Casting) over 5 to hit

be other spirits nearby on the Ethereal Plane. 91-93

+1 to hit

Aiming +2 to hit

Roll a d6 of Doom: 1= Random Teleportation: roll

scatter die to see where the caster is teleported to with distance x3. 2= Sphere of Fear: all in a 2.5” inch blast radius roll on the Fear Effects Table without a chance to defend.


Moving Target (Running, Canter)

-2, to -4 to hit

Point Blank Range

+2 to hit

Range (Long, Extreme)

-3 to hit, -6 to hit

Running and Shooting or Casting

-2 to hit


-3 to hit

Co mb at Step 3: Defense

Mental Defense psionics,

When you are being attacked, you must attempt to defend

Mental defense is used only against mental attacks, gray








by rolling a d20 and adding your defense modifier to the die roll.

illusions or psionic powers that you often cannot see. You can see

Your defense modifier is found based off of your dexterity attribute.

illusions of course yet these are there to fool a person’s mind. Mental

For instance; if you have dexterity of 15 to 19 you will have a +1 to

defense is found under your character’s willpower attribute and is

defend. Roll the d20 and add your defense modifier to match or beat

added to your d20 to defend any mind attack. Mental attacks are

your attacker’s roll to defend their attack. This method is used to

very dangerous because they can pass right through your armor and

defend against physical attacks. The tie always goes to the defender!

toughness and the only thing you can soak damage with is your

Thus if your GM shouts out that he got a 12 to hit you, then you must

fortitude. In order to gain a high mental defense you need a good

roll your d20 and at least reach a 12 or higher to defend with your

willpower attribute. Those who cannot defend usually require a

modifiers added to the result. A target that cannot move or defend

target number of 6 or more to hit.

usually requires anything but a natural 1 to hit, unless the attacker is

Cover and Shields

shooting a bow or a spell, in which you want to roll over a 5 to hit.

When you are attempting to defend mental attacks or gray

Cover will save your ass when people are shooting arrows

magic, you must add your mental defense which is found next to

and most spells at you. Dive behind something and it raises your

your willpower attribute. It matters not how physically fast you

defense from missile attacks. Remember to fight smart and try to

are in this situation, it matters how mentally strong your mind is.

stay alive. You do not always have to use all of your actions when it

Therefore you will find three different primary defense types on

is your turn you can spend some getting cover if you wish. Taking

your character sheet. These 3 types of defense are listed here.

cover is not a bad thing, especially when some nasty bloater is trying to puke all over you! This does not mean that you are a coward but

Physical Defense

you can attack with one action and then use the rest of your move-

physical defense is for defending the majority of all

ment and your last action to take full cover at times. There is no

attacks thrown at you. You will use this to defend most magical attacks

cover granted to those within point blank range unless the defender

as well due to the fact that magical attacks are more often than not,

is using a shield. If you are using miniatures you can tell if characters

physical. Projectiles, swords, punches, kicks, airborne tables,

have cover or not through the line of sight of each miniature. Get

lightning bolts, fireballs, wench slaps, demon claws, these are all

behind the attacking miniature to see what that character has in his

physical attacks and you will use your defense modifier which

or her line of sight. If an enemy has cover, part of the miniature will

is given by your dexterity attribute to defend against them.

be behind an object. It is the GM’s responsibility to calculate cover

You may also use cover or shields to help add to your defense

from +1 to +10. If you are half hidden you usually gain +4 or +5 cover.

modifier which we will talk about in just a minute.

When using miniatures sometimes the base of a miniature

will prevent you from getting behind full cover so just state it out

Magical Defense

loud to the GM and others that “I am taking full cover with my last

Magical defense is usually only gained by the use of a

action, back to the wall, and saving my frenzy.” Make sure everyone

magic item, ability, or racial ability that will grant you modifiers to

knows exactly what you are doing to avoid any misunderstandings.

your defense roll. It is only used to give you an additional bonus to

Some people want to get out every little action point that they can

defend magic attacks. It is unusual to begin the game with a magic

so they continue to fire their arrows or spells while behind cover by

defense unless noted due to your race or character trait. So, if this

using all their action points and their frenzy. Just remind them that if

is not the case then jot in a zero during character creation until

they used their frenzy to fire they are actually still peeking out from

further notice. Magic is defended as normal when in combat so stick

behind that column and firing when it switches over to the enemies’

to physical defense unless the magic is gray (mental). You can see

turns because they continued to attack. This will leave the character

the caster pointing at you, see the magic spilling forth from their

exposing their arm, head, and shoulder at least, granting +4 cover or

hand or verendum. You can also get cover behind things to defend

+6 at maximum Using 1 action to do something and then spending

most spells or use a shield to block it unless otherwise specified by

your last action to take full cover can grant you a +10 to defend or

the spell. So, magic defense it is usually added to physical defense.

even allow you to not be targeted, which is a good thing.


Chap te r V I I

A shield is the last line of your defense to be added to your

acter and soaked by their Total Armor Value (TAV). If you slow the

Total Defense Result (TDR). You first add your defense modifier due

action down and picture a thief hiding behind a table while a wizard

to your dexterity attribute, then any other modifiers (allies’ buffer

is throwing an ice lance at him. The ice lance spell is traveling through

abilities, etc.). After all of your defense modifiers are applied, then

the air at a roll of 15 to hit on the d20. The thief has +1 to defend

you must add cover (if you have any), and the final bonus to be added

because of his dexterity and +4 more from the cover of the table. The

to your defense die roll is your shield. So cover is always the second

thief rolls his d20 to defend and gets a 12 on the die (12+1=13). The

to last modifier that is added to your defense roll, and then finally

thief would have been hit by the ice lance spell, but then he adds +4

the shield bonus is added. We do this because the cover you are

cover from the table so the ice lance hits the table. If you add the

hiding behind will take damage from the attack if the hit is defended

defense modifiers up in order like this, it is always quick and easy to

due to the cover. If a 12 is rolled to hit you with a bow and you roll a

see how attacks happen or even where they hit. The table only has 60

10 to defend you are going to get hit. Yet good thing you were peek-

structural hit points left since it was hit earlier and the wizard rolls

ing from behind the door and it granted you +6 more cover. So if you

80 points of damage. This damage blows through the table’s SHP and

are saved due to the cover it will be the cover that takes the structural

then hits the thief dealing an additional 20 damage that was left over

damage and loses SHP (structural hit points).

after the table soaked 60 of it.

Shields are used just as cover is used, for they raise your

Fireballs, dragon’s breath, and burst weapons such as this

defense roll on your d20. An additional + will be added to your

that are often composed of gases or liquids will often ignore partial

roll. This depends on how much cover one has. Look to the shields

cover unless the GM states otherwise. Most of these weapon types

in the chapter on armor to find out the modifier to the defense.

tend to wrap around all obstructions between the attacker and its

Small bucklers can add +1, while larger shields can add +4, even +6.

target. In some cases where a target has full cover or is shielded from

Remember that most shields take up one of your arms and the

a blast in a particular manner, the rule becomes questionable and

larger the bonus the more encumbersome they are. Those who car-

the GM may determine if cover is available during specific situations

ry a weapon with 2 hands, such as a polearm or a bow cannot use

within the scenario.

most shields unless you allow the use of a specially modified target

Cover Modifiers

or buckler shield. The buckler is a small shield that will take up the use of an arm unless modified to be worn on the forearm without

% of Body Covered

having to hold a handle. Once you reach a shield with a +3 there are

10% to 25%

no exceptions, you simply cannot use a two handed weapon with a +3 shield or higher due to the encumbrance of the shield.

Most normal target shields grant a +2 bonus to defend.

This bonus to defend would be the same as using the shield wall spell as well, the spell creates a tiny target shield of magical energy. The shield wall spell grants a +2 to defense due to its cover, thus these may not be stacked. The bonus of the shield wall spell however, is that it does not suffer structural damage. As well you cannot gain an additional bonus for wearing two bucklers, it is still only a +2 max.

When dealing with shields and cover, you must also take

into account the SHP (structural hit points) of the cover or shield. If you are hiding behind an old wooden table, you might just get hit straight through that table. Shields have SHP (structural hit points), and the damage must exceed the shield’s SHP to break it. These SHPs are only lost to the shield when it is hit by the attack; if you would have been hit but the shield blocked it for you. In this case the damage is still rolled and the shield loses SHP. Whenever the damage exceeds an object’s structural hit points or a shield’s SHP, the item is destroyed and all remaining damage is dealt to the char-


Modifier to Defense +1 to +2

40% to 50%

+4 to +5

60% to 75%

+6 to +7

80% to 90%

+8 to +9


+10 to FULL

Co mb at Defensive Stance

Structural Hit Points (SHP) 1 inch thick structure










A character may sacrifice all of their action points to take

a defensive stance against forward facing attackers that they are prepared to defend against. This also means that 0 frenzy were spent to attack and only a defensive posturing was called by the player for their turn. This will allow the player to roll 2d20 to defend against all physical attacks and allows them to choose the highest roll. This rule is called an “edge”. They may still add any defense bonuses.

Critical Defense Roll (Natural 20!!!)

Speed Gaming (Optional Rule)

A critical defense roll is any roll that comes up a natural 20

This is when you call several attacks out and then roll a

on the defense die (d20). Just as you can critically hit an enemy you

d20 for each separate attack. This is a great way to make combat fast.

can critically defend an attack. When this occurs and the defense is

The defender(s) then roll the correct amount of d20s to defend as

successful, the defender is granted an immediate extra attack action

well. Example: I want to rage attack this guy, then burn 2 frenzy and

back at the attacker. This is used for attacks only; you cannot perform

rage attack him once more. He then rolls 2d20 adding the correct

actions. You may not attack different enemies when you defend with

modifiers to both. The defender rolls 2d20 to defend. Even if hit and

a natural 20, only the one who attacked you. You are allowed no

killed on the first roll, the overkill damage is taken making it realistic.

movement at this time, only a single, instant attack at the enemy. If

Bind Defense Result (Optional Rule)

there is no possible form of attack available to you the attack is simply lost and you can flick your enemy off and continue the combat

as normal. Sometimes it happens and you just have to be happy with

with only melee weapons and the defense roll comes up the exact

the fact that your defense looked so good. You usually only miss out

same result as the attacker, you may call the rule of bind. When

on this extra attack if the enemy is out of your range and you do not

they get locked up with their melee weapons the GM may require a

have something to throw or shoot at them.

resisted strength or dexterity check in order to break free.

Botched Defense Roll (Natural 1!!!)

Whenever you roll a natural 1 to defend you lose the











Whenever both opponents are fighting in melee combat

Defense Fumble Table (Rolling 1 on Defense)




damaged or even broken. Rolling a natural 1 to defend means that


Helmet or mask damaged.

you are struck by an armor defeating hit. You only gain your tough-


Body armor damaged.

ness to soak damage, or fortitude (in the case of a mental attack). You


Cloak, cape, or cowl damaged.

must also roll a % on the defense fumble table.


Left arm gear, bracers, or gauntlet damaged.

The d100 roll on the Defense Fumble Table will allow you


Left Shoulder plate damaged.

to find out where the attack hit primarily and what armor was hit


Left glove or ring damaged.

or destroyed because of it. If you do not have armor there, but you


Right arm gear, bracers, or gauntlet damaged.

have some equipment or item stored there, then that is damaged


Right shoulder plate damaged.

instead. If the item is magical or made of special materials it can


Right glove or ring damaged.

sustain 2 damaged hits before breaking. The first time this happens


Left leg greaves or gear damaged.

the item becomes cracked and still has the chance to be repaired. A


Left boot, footwear, or gear damaged.

cracked magical item will be destroyed if it takes another hit before


Right leg greaves or gear damaged.

it is repaired. At times, destroyed magical items have been known to


Right boot, footwear, or gear damaged.

explode during the release of the magical energy, with a 30% chance


Belt or item on the belt destroyed (potion).

of dealing 2d6 x 10 explosive damage. If you roll higher than the


Amulet or chain damaged.

30% you may have the magic just seap out of the magical item and


Roll on this table twice and take two damaged

dissipate. The GM may elaborate on a colorful scenario.

items, if this is rolled again add another damaged item.


Chap te r V I I Step 4: Damage

Max Continuum

The damage of every weapon is given to you in the chapter

The rules of maximum continuance or continuum apply

on weapons. The damage dealt for unarmed combat attack (punches

when rolling damage. Anytime you roll the max number on any of

and kicks) is listed under each race. The damage might look like this

the damage dice, you roll that die again and continue to add the

2d8, which means 2 eight-sided dice. Damage is rolled when a target

damage up. You may roll this maximum forever until you finally roll

is successfully hit by an attack. The damage is rolled, and the result

something else. This rule is in place so that it is very possible to kill

is subtracted from the victim’s hit points. Armor soaks damage if you

an enemy with a weak weapon if you are lucky enough. This style of

are wearing it, so if the victim has a total armor value of 2 and takes

damage is brutal and dangerous as it should be. They are weapons

10 damage, they will only lose 8 from their hit points.

designed to kill after all.

Damage Modifiers

Unarmed and Melee Damage: unarmed damage found

under your race might appear like this (d6). When you hit with your

fist, feet, elbow, or head butt you roll this die for damage. With

er your damage dice have rolled, giving you base damage. The

unarmed and melee combat, you also add your strength damage

damage modifier for strength is only applied to melee and unarmed

modifier found next to your strength attribute. Add this to the result

combat attacks, such as a sword, club, spear, axe, fist, foot, etc. Other

of your die roll to get what is called your base damage. If you do a

weapons such as bows and crossbows are given modifiers because of

rage attack for 2 actions and land it successfully you will multiply

your perception attribute and it is called the shot damage modifier.

this base damage x2. This x2 is called power damage.

Damage modifiers are always added to the result of the roll before

any multipliers from power damage are factored into the damage

Shooting Damage: the dice for your weapon may appear


like this (2d8) or like this (2d12). Roll the damage for the weapon and add your shot damage modifier, found next to your perception attribute.








weapons there is no strength damage modifier. You will gain your perception shot damage modifier. The higher your perception attribute the more damage you can dish out due to your precise attacks and targeting, to gain maximum damage. In order to get your base damage for shooting attacks it is simply the damage you roll + the shot dmg modifier. Different talents will later be achieved to gain power damage such as Dead Eye. This talent will grant x2 power damage for landing a 2 action shooting attack. One action to aim and one action to fire.

Magical Damage: the die roll plus your spell effect is your

base damage for spells. Then it will be multiplied by the level of the caster to configure the power damage, just make sure what the damage is for your spell and write it down on your spell log. You will roll the die, add the spell effect to your result, and then multiply the result by your character level. Your level is your power damage. For example; you have a spell that deals a d8 damage x level. You would roll the d8 then add your spell effect modifier found next to your intelligence attribute. So if you roll a 6 and have a +1 spell effect your base damage is 7. Then say your character level is 3, so 7 x 3= 21 power damage. Other abilities might raise your power damage or give you an additional x1 or x2 to power damage which will be just like you were higher level.


These will add additional points of damage to whatev-

Co mb at which your character possesses. Damage modifiers are added before

Damage Equation

multiplying this damage. If you do a rage attack with your sword for

Base Damage x Power Damage x Combo x Critical = Total Dmg

2 melee action points and have a +3 strength damage modifer then

(The highest attainable damage equation)

the damage equation will be base damage (what you rolled on the dice and plus your damage modifier (+3). Then multiply the result x2. 3)

Combo Damage: is kept seperate from power damage

because power damage is achieved in a single hit. Once you gain

Calculating Damage

the talent to use combination attacks those single strikes become

In the beginning of the game you will only have to worry

several strikes depending on how many actions you wish to throw at a

about base damage and maybe power damage sometimes when you

target. If you wish to combo attack an enemy with three strikes of

do rage attacks. Then the critical damage will come into play only

your sword then the damage would become x3 combo damage. If

when you roll a natural 20 to hit someone. Combo damage starts to

you have power damage as well you will calculate it first and then

come into the game when you gain the talents to do combo attacks,

calculate how many times you struck your enemy in your combo

so you can start combining your actions to hit a target several times

attack. Base damage x power damage x # of attacks. This is needed

with one attack roll. For instance, “I swing at this bandit with a three

when someone hits with a combo attack by using the talents combo

hit combo using 3 melee actions, then I turn to the guy behind me

attack, rapid fire, or rapid cast. Burst attacks are also a part of combo

and rage attack with my last 2 frenzy!” Remember most of these rules

attacks for those who can do them. A perfect example of a creature

below are for when your character starts unlocking these abilities

with burst damage is a dragon. In the case of a dragon breathing

and talents during level progression. So, in the beginning you will

fire the GM would call out how many actions the beast is spending

keep it simple with base damage, power damage, and critical damage.

on its breath weapon, a burst of short, heavy, or full (x2, x5, or x10

As you start to unlock it later you will understand how it works.

combo damage) or 1 action, 2 actions, or 4 actions respectively. After power damage is figured, then you will multiply the result by combo

Steps of the Damage Equation

damage if you did a combo attack. Talents are made so that every


character or creature eventually gains them in their form of combat.

Base Damage: is the damage that you roll on the dice found

on that weapon, as well as any + to the damage (strength damage


modifier or shot damage modifier). Example: the weapon’s dmg is

is the last multiplier you will ever configure. Simply multiply all of

2d10. You roll and get a result of 16. Then remember to add your

the damage by x2 to find out the Total Damage. Critical damage

damage modifier due to strength or perception if you shot an arrow.

is only necessary during a critical hit (nat 20). Here is an example

If you are a caster your base damage is what is rolled on the dice,

of using the entire damage equation with critical damage. Ex: 16

then add your spell effect if you have a high intelligence attribute.

(base dmg) x 3 (power dmg) = 48 x 3 (combo attack for 3 attacks)


Power Damage: base damage x the sum of multipliers

= 144, then x 2 (critical damage) because of a natural 20 = 288 Total

due to abilities, talents, runes, weapon, or level if you are a caster.

Damage. Now you are starting to reach that legendary hero status!

Example: a character using a rage attack (x2) is using power damage.

Remember there can never be more than 3 different multipliers. The

They use a single stab or chop with their sword for 2 actions and gain

third multiplier is only if you land a critical hit. You may learn there

x2 power damage. Now let us say they use rage attack (x2), the ability

are easier ways to configure the damage but this method lays it out

destruction (x2), and the talent impale (x1), you would multiply their

for you to understand how it all operates and it is necessary to use it

base damage x 5 (power damage) because x5 is the sum of all that

in the beginning until you know what you are doing. Simply adding

power damage in the example. That will grant you your total damage.

all multipliers from combo attacks and power damage together will

If you see a weapon or damage that looks like this (2d6x10 or d8x5)

give you a miscalculation of total damage.

the number listed after the x is power damage. If you are adding any power damage to that weapon you will add your x2 to the 2d6x10 to make it 2d6x12. So if you had a weapon that deals d8x5 and an ability that deals x2, and a rune in your weapon that deals x2, your power damage would be x9, thus d8x9. Power damage is titled in such a way to help you remember that it is derived from the powers in


Critical & Total Damage: If your attack roll was critical, this

Chap te r V I I Armor

Getting Knocked Down

The armor rating of an item is used to “soak” damage. For

Anytime a character is hit by an amount of damage that

instance, you are wearing leather armor and get cut by a sword. The

exceeds their body attribute, they are knocked to the ground. This

base damage rolled and modified came to 12. Your leather armor

makes it more difficult for you to defend causing you to suffer a -1 to

has an armor rating of 2. The 2 soaks 2 points of damage from the

your defensive rolls for laying in a supine or prone position. It also

12 points, therefore you only take 10 points of damage to your hit

causes you to have to stand on your next turn. Standing takes up half

points. Every piece of armor that you add onto your body will stack

of your movement unless of course you have some way of bypass-

with the armor ratings of all the other pieces. So be sure to add up

ing that inconvenience; such as the skill acrobatics, martial arts, or

all of the ratings of each piece of armor to get a total sum of all your

elemental stand. You can attempt a kip-up to land on your feet. You

armor together. This sum is known as your armor rating.

do not suffer any attack modifiers while on the ground, just defense.

It is possible to attempt to resist a knockdown by doing

Toughness is also added to your armor rating. If you

a knockdown recovery check. In order to attempt the recovery check

possess a high body attribute, or magical item that gives you

you must simply make a body check and equal or beat the amount

toughness, add this toughness to your armor rating. This will give

of damage that was taken over your body attribute. In certain cases

you the final Total Armor Value. For instance, you are still wearing

this will obviously be impossible, but there will be cases where you

that damn leather armor with a rating of 2. You have a Toughness of

will wish to attempt to make the recovery check. Remember you are

2, because of your body attribute being high. Add the 2 from your

only knocked down if you take an amount of damage that is over

toughness to the armor rating of 2 to gain your total armor value

your body attribute. This must be the damage after your armor and

(TAV) of 4. Toughness is your character’s natural body armor. When

toughness have soaked the proper amount. Therefore if you take

you are fighting monsters many only have toughness due to the fact

24 damage (after armor soaks it) and your body attribute is 16, you

that they do not wear armor. Toughness is always soaked from any

may attempt a recovery check by making a body attribute test with a

physical damage you take unless it is damage that bypasses your

target number of 8.

flesh or hide. Good examples of this are poisons (once ingested),

mental damage (psionic attacks). Other than special cases such as

must make a dexterity check to stay on the ledge. The target number

this, toughness is always included in the soaking of damage, even if

for this is usually only 3 or 4. Anytime you fall off, well... look to

the character rolls a natural 1 to defend (an armor defeating hit) their

falling damage in Combat Scenarios. Anytime you are knocked down

toughness will be there to soak damage.

while using miniatures put the miniature on its back (facedown for

Anytime you are knocked down near a pit or ledge, you

dead). You will only have to make this check if you are knocked down

and the miniature is within 1 inch of the ledge (5’ feet).

Fortitude is the toughness of the mind. When defending

mental attacks or psionic attacks the only thing that will soak damage

Prone, Supine, & Falling Positions

from a mental attack is your character’s fortitude. This works just as toughness does from physical attacks. You can look at the attribute

table and find out what your fortitude is based off of your willpower

sometimes want to determine which way you were knocked down

When getting knocked down from an attack you will


or how your character is laying. This optional rule can easily allow you to determine that by rolling a d6. Example: your character is Resistances from elemental attacks like electricity, fire,

standing in a doorway and gets hit by an arrow. He or she will

cold, and toxins are another form of armor in a way. If you take 50

probably fall back from the direction they were hit or at one of the

damage from a fireball and have a fire resistance of 10 you would

90 degree angles in which they were hit. You can determine this

add your toughness and fire resistance together to soak the damage.

with a 1-2= left, 3-4= straight back, 5-6= right rule. Because sometimes

Elemental damage often passes straight through armor and can only

falling down behind a wall will offer more cover.

be soaked by toughness and your proper resistance. If you are hit by

a spell with elemental damage you can see under the specific spell

stomach face down. Sometimes a character may use this to their

what protection is available for each spell. Some will allow armor to

advantage when taking cover from missile fire by facing the line of

soak it, some will only allow toughness and resistances.

fire and laying prone. This will make them a smaller target and may


Laying prone is when a character falls to the floor on their

Co mb at

therefore grant them up to +5 cover instead of the -1 to defend. This

Hit Point Condition Table

must be stated by the character if the situation arises that this is what they are attempting to accomplish. Laying in a supine position is when a character is lying on his or her back. The GM may also




determine prone or supine with a d6 if they really want to. This is




just an optional rule if the GM wishes to randomly configure what is


Lightly Wounded




Moderately Wounded



Heavily Wounded



Severely Wounded

-1 H/D

2 or 1

Gravely Wounded

-2 H/D & -1 movement

hit points. Your hit points are your life blood. Different types of


Near Death (only crawl) -4 H/D & ½ movement

damage can happen from different types of attacks but it all brings a

-1/ -2

Barely Conscious

0 movement/ faint speech

character down to pretty much the same status in the end. Once you

-3/ -4


50%* or -1 HP per 10 rnds

reach 10% of your hit points (rounded up) you begin to suffer a -1 to

-5/ -8

Blacked Out

40%* or -1 HP per 5 rnds

Hit and Defend (- H/D). At that point you are severely wounded but

-9/ -10


30%* or -1 HP per 2 rnds

still in the fight. At 2 hit points you begin to hit and defend at a -2

-11/ -14

Bleeding Out

2 rounds until dead

once you are gravely wounded. You also lose 1 to your movement as it

-15/ -49

Last Words

1 round until dead

gets harder to stand. You are suffering a dazed effect much like being

-50/ -199


Instantly killed


-200 +


Unable to resurrect

Wounds & Taking Damage

When you take damage it is reduced from your character’s

You are not killed at 0 hit points but that is the threshold

*Recovery: chance to halt loss of hit points

of consciousness. At 0 hit points you may only crawl. You attack and defend at -4 on your d20. You can actually go all the way to -10 hit points and still have a chance to survive if left to die. At that point the GM or player may make a recovery check to see if the character stops losing H.P. This allows the possibility of natural healing over time. This rule is negated if the victim is suffering from special damage that was inflicted upon them such as poison, bleeding or pain damage, etc. If you roll over the recovery check the character will not recover and begins losing the hit points listed.

Getting Killed

If you reach the point of -11 hit points you can sometimes

be saved by magical healing before totally bleeding out. Yet until that point there are many different stages of suffering and there is very little time to save someone who is in this stage. As the GM you can allow a player with the healing skill to make a skill check to stop the bleeding. As long as the skill roll is a good one it may be possible to save an ally even with a normal healing skill as long as they can do it quickly. Once the character reaches -15 or lower they have 1 round left before they bleed out and die. If they do so, that is when the Spiritual Influence rolls can start. If the character lands within the -50 or lower range they are killed instantly and the S.I. checks may begin right away. The status of destroyed means that the body is too damaged for even resurrection to be possible. If the character dies refer to Pg. 219 for information on the spirit world and what to do.


Chap te r V I I Trauma

Whenever a creature is hit for 90% or more of their max-

imum hit points in one damage roll they suffer a “Trauma Roll”. The GM must roll on the Trauma Damage Table, while the character makes a body save with their d20. This much damage at once may cause the loss of body parts, bleeding, or damaged organs and send a person into trauma or shock. The victim must make a body save on their d20 and try to reach or beat their body save target number (found next to their body attribute). This is an attempt to keep them out of trauma. If failed they are temporarily out of the fight but they may continue making body saves each round when it comes to their turn in order to break out of trauma and get back into the fight. Remember the trauma check is only warranted when a character takes the 90% of hit points in one roll, this includes combo attacks because it is one damage roll. It does not include several different

Hit Location Table

attacks rolls even if it is in the same turn.

1 = Left Leg

When in trauma there are a few ways to get out of trauma

2 = Right Leg

and get back into the fight. Some abilities such as calm can bring a

3 = Left Arm

character out of trauma, as well as certain spells. A heal spell will not

4 = Right Arm

snap a character from trauma, but stimulating drugs can often do so.

5 = Torso

If there is nothing else that can help around then the only way to

6 = Head

snap out of trauma is a body save or a spiritual influence. Over time, with rest, and a healer to tend your wounds you can recover.

Hit Location

Trauma is a serious condition and must be treated imme-

diately. A simple heal spell will not save a character from the effects

(Roll a d6) Hit location is not necessary every attack, the system

of trauma. If a character is left in trauma for an extended period

is open to interpretation for where attacks land in most battle

of time, they must begin making willpower checks or suffer mental

scenarios. Yet in specific instances it is good to know exactly where

and physical fatigue. If the character continues to degrade in fatigue

the majority of the damage went to. This is when the Hit Location

levels they may suffer a roll on the mental affliction table.

Table comes in handy, which can easily be configured by rolling a

The trauma table on the following page has a random roll

d6, unless you have a specific hit location die that you would prefer

to establish what major wound a character suffers when taking the

to use in its place. There are special dice out there with body parts

90% of their hit points in a single damage roll. There are of course

shown on them for this exact purpose. Roll a d6 here, then a d100%

different methods in which the character might have sustained this

on the following page. *A roll with this asterisk means that if the

damage, through edged weapons, blunt weapons, piercing, electrical

character survives the attack but they are given an Old Battle Wound,

damage, fire, etc. The explanations will be generalized to fit for all

similar to the character trait of the same name. You can find more on

types as a guideline for the GM to elaborate upon. First, roll the hit

it in this section as well.

location die to find out which part of the body took the traumatic

Shock Response Table (optional)

damage. Then, roll the percentile to see the results of the trauma.

1 = Staring blankly at all the fighting... what is everyone doing?

When a character fails their trauma check (body save) and

2 = Calmly putting all the pieces of me back together again.

falls into shock they may act very different. Some may look for their

3 = Talking to the dead and the spirits that are here.

body part. Some will stare blankly toward the battle or ground as if

4 = Laughing and smiling, something is funny about this.

in deep thought. It may take some assistance from an ally to snap

5 = Screaming at the wound, can this really be mine?

them out of it and get them back into the fight, or into cover. There

6 = I’m so cold.

is an optional Shock Response Table to the right for answers.


Co mb at

Trauma Damage Table d100

Arm Results


Hand, wrist, and carpals mauled 25% chance for loss of a finger; -1 strength until healed. Add 1 level of fatigue.


Forearm is mangled, muscles torn, ulna cracked; -2 strength, d4 days healing. Add 1 level of fatigue.


Elbow torn open, shattered radius and mangled muscles; -3 strength, -1 action until d6 days healing. Add 1 level of fatigue.


Broken humerus and torn muscles; bleeding 1 HP every round, -4 strength, -1 action, 2d6 days healing, +2 levels of fatigue.


Compound fracture 15% loss of hand 35% arm at the elbow; bleeding d6 HP per rnd, -4 STR, -2 act, 1 week healing, +3 lvls fatigue.


Loss of arm at shoulder; bleeding 2d6 HP x2 per round, -5 strength, -2 actions, 2 weeks healing, +3 levels fatigue.


Leg Results


Foot, ankle, and fibula mauled 25% loss of a toe; -1 dexterity & movement until healed. Add 1 level of fatigue.


Leg at the shin is mangled, calf muscle torn, tibia cracked; -2 dexterity, -1 movement d4 days healing. Add 1 level of fatigue.


Patella shattered, knee lacerated and tendons shredded; -3 dexterity & -1 movement until d6 days healing. Add 1 level of fatigue.


Broken femur and badly torn muscles; bleeding 2d6 HP per round, -4 Dex, 1/2 movement, 2d6 days healing, +2 levels of fatigue.


Compound fracture 15% loss of foot 35% leg at the knee; bleeding 3d6 HP per rnd, -4 Dex, 1/2 move, 1 week healing, +3 lvls fatigue.


Loss of leg and severed artery; bleeding 2d6 HP x2 per round, -5 dex, 1/2 movement, 2 weeks healing, +3 levels fatigue.


Torso Results


Broken or cracked ribs (d3), pain damage at d6 HP per round; -1 body attribute. Add 1 level of fatigue.


Abdominal injury, intestinal bleeding 2d6 HP per round; -2 body attribute for d4 days of healing. Add 1 level to fatigue.


Shoulder mangled, clavicle shattered, nerve damage; 2d6 HP -3 body for d6 days of healing. Add 1 level to fatigue.


Punctured or ruptured organ, internal bleeding 3d6 HP per round, stunned effects roll; -4 body 2d6 days healing, +2 lvls fatigue.


Spinal injury, paralyzed (d6: 1-2= waist, 3-4= mid back, 5-6= neck). Magic healing necessary; -5 body, 1 week healing, +3 lvls fatigue.


Major internal organs damaged & heart pierced or ruptured by broken sternum and rib bones, dead within 1 round.


Head Results


Nose shattered and 1 broken tooth; bleeding 1 HP per round, -1 perception attribute, -2 physical beauty. Add 1 level to fatigue.


Loss of ear and shattered jaw; d3 broken teeth; bleeding d6 HP per round, -2 perception, roll on Stunned Effects. +1 lvl fatigue.


Loss of eye; bleeding 2d6 HP per round, -3 perception, roll on Stunned Effects, healing takes 2d6 days. +1 lvl fatigue.


Head wound, concussion; roll on Stunned effects table, bleeding 2d6 HP per round, -4 will, -4 int, 1 week recovery +2 lvls fatigue.


Loss of both eyes, 25% 1 permanently; Stunned Effects table, bleeding 3d6 HP per round, -4 per, 2 week recovery, +3 lvls fatigue.


Throat ripped open, head nearly severed, gurgling with jugular wound spurting blood! Dead within 1 round .


Chap te r V I I Rest & Relaxation

Step 5: Continue Initiative

After everyone has finished their turns then that is the end

When combat is all over and you and your party are at camp

of the first round. Once this is over, simply return to the top of the

or in a tavern, you can take time to recover if need be. Eating a meal

order and continue through all the turns again. It may help you out

will give you +d6 hit points back. A full six hours of sleep will give

to keep a round marker available for you to keep track of rounds

you another +d6 hit points in recovery. If more is needed and there

and time that passes in combat. Some characters will have “buffs” or

is no way of magical healing around you can attempt an untrained

enchantments activated that have a duration upon them. This will

healing skill upon yourself with an intelligence check. The

not only help you in keeping track of how much time has passed, it

result rolled -3 is how many hit points are recovered. You may also

will also keep track of how long those buffs will last and when people

continue to stay in bed and rest if this is possible, until you have fully

need to re-buff.

recovered. In a city it is easy to get healing. Often when one locates a church they may get quick, magical healing through help from the

Step 6: Outcome and Recovery

clery by spending some silver. This method is expensive though and usually costs 1 silver per hit point, thus 1 gold talon would heal 10 hit points.

This step is used after the battle has ended. Once all the

bad guys are finished off and no one else attacks the victors, it marks

the end of the combat. At the end of combat there is no need to

plenty of illnesses out there that can take a mortal out without

continue going in turn for all of the players. All the characters can

proper treatment and recovery. Those who push through recovery

now continue role-playing. You can also take this time to look toward

and pay it no mind or shake a nasty wound off like a tough warrior

the GM for your saga points and reputation points unless the GM

might be surprised when the infection sets in. They probably should

chooses to give these at camp. Sometimes there are none given to

have paid more attention after getting hit by that nasty, rusted,

you right away though. Such is the case when you are about to fight

goblin sword. In some instances the GM may call on a body attribute

more enemies very soon. That means that there is no time left to rest

check, or even a body save to keep from infections. You can use the

and spend your saga points. It usually takes at least a few minutes to

Disease table to create more suffering in this manner.

catch your breath or have enough time to camp to spend your saga points and level up. If there isn’t enough time for this, the game master should probably just keep note of the characters’ saga points and get ready to start a new combat scenario.

It is wise to recover lost hit points unless of course,

you were never wounded. It is also wise to have some magical healing in the crew. If this is not available, you must resort to the traditional healing skills, an act that is not simply accomplished with the snap of your fingers. This takes at least 16 actions to do for a tier 1 healer in combat, therefore doing your healing skill at camp or at rest would take about 2 minutes. Look to the skill, or the equipment being used for more information on that. If you do not have the healing skill, it is based off of the intelligence attribute. You can administer healing to yourself or an ally by spending the actions to do so, and rolling an Int. check (unless you have the healing skill). The result of your die roll is how many hit points are recovered by the skill. This skill may only be used on a character once per combat scenario, or once per day. It is a good idea to have the character with the best healing skill, or highest intelligence administer healing on the wounded subject.


Game masters must keep in mind as well that there are

Co mb at

Special Combat Scenarios

the enemy is located but cannot entirely make out the enemy. If they attack and are invisible you can still see their form moving and


-Partially Blind: -4 Attack and Defend; you know where

displacing the terrain behind them.

When acidic attacks hit a creature they not only deal

-Slightly Blind: -2 Attack and Defend; the enemy is there,

damage to the flesh and bone, but they will permanently damage

but you are seeing a blurry image of them.

armor as well. Usually each individual acid deals its own

dmg but if it is not listed for some reason you may base the acidic

attempting to move to a new location, they must roll a perception

damage off of this information. First of all you may wish to find out

check while trying to move to a new area. If they are blind and roll

where the acid has hit a target creature with the hit location die. If

a fumble during their movement then they most likely trip and fall

the character is wearing armor in this location then you will roll a

over. If they are able to make a target number created by the GM then

d4 to permanently degrade the armor rating by the result. If this is

they can move to their new location without a problem. Remember

enough to take the armor rating to zero then that piece of armor is

as well when blindness affects many characters at once and none

destroyed. If this hits one of the character’s legs and destroys one

of them possess the skills of blind fighting then they all suffer the

of the character’s greaves then they will need to get new greaves to

modifiers to attack and defend so sometimes it equals everyone out.

When a character is blinded during combat and they are

gain any armor bonus from them, period. Some acids will deal d20

Burst Damage

damage per round for a d6 rounds, and some may be worse. The damage should be listed whether it is magic, a potion, or a creature

that spits acid attacks, you should find the information where you

elemental attack such as fire, ice, corrosive clouds, or dragon’s breath

find the acid attack.

to name a few. There are certain creatures in the realms that possess

Burst damage is used whenever there is a burst from an

this type of attack form, a very dangerous and hard to avoid method


of attack since most burst weapons or attacks avoid partial cover.

Blinded victims suffer many levels of modifiers from -10 to

If a specific weapon is engineered to burst just like a modern day

attack and defend (totally blinded), to -2 to attack and defend (slight-

flame thrower, or a dragon trying to blacken their meat, this is how

ly blinded). Allies can be warned of blinding weapons like potions of

it works. The attacker chooses to attack with a short burst, a heavy

darkness and shield their eyes from the attack as long as it is feasible

burst, or a full burst. A short burst takes 1 shooting action and it

that this can occur. Shouting a warning to an ally takes 0 actions

deals the damage listed x2 (combo damage) as all burst attacks deal

to accomplish, it can even be accomplished out of turn. Those who

combo damage. A heavy burst takes 2 shooting actions and deals x5

possess the skills to fight while blind will take away -4 from their

(combo damage). A full burst takes 4 shooting actions to accomplish

negative modifiers thus putting them into one of the blind cate-

and deals x10 (combo damage). Also, there is a difference in range

gories this will adjust their attack and defense according to their

depending upon the specific burst weapon. For most young dragons

situation. The GM is allowed to alter the blind modifier to what they

you will use an 8” inch long burst template with a head that is 2”

feel fits best. This also represents the loss of the perception attribute.

inches wide. If it is an elder dragon or elder wyrm you may use a 12”

-Totally Blind: -10 to Attack and Defend, no casting for most

inch blast template with a 3” wide head.

spells. In this situation you have no idea where the enemy is located

Called Shots

and will be swinging wildly. -Severely Blinded: -8 to Attack and Defend; again severely

Called shots are when a combatant wishes to hit a specific

blinded is barely conscious of where an enemy might be located.

area of the target, such as the head, the eye, or the weapon in the

Casting spells is severely hindered because you have no view of a

enemy’s hand. Called shots suffer a large range of negative modifiers


starting from the easier targets which are -3 to hit (such as a limb),

-Heavily Blind: -6 Attack and Defend; you cannot put a lock

the head is -6 to hit, yet for more difficult targets such as the eye

on your target but know a general direction in which the enemy is

they will suffer a -9 to hit. Called shots are usually armor defeat-

located. Casting is still a major problem when you cannot lock on a

ing attacks unless this is not specified or a target is wearing armor


on that portion of their body. In that case whatever armor rating is on that portion of the body soaks the damage dealt along with the


Chap te r V I I toughness. It is up to the GM to alter these negative modifiers as

radius (7 ½ ‘ ft) and then grows to a 2.5” inch blast radius the follow-

they see fit. When a character attempts a called shot to a certain

ing round at the same point of its insertion on the initiative counter.

body part, refer to the section within these combat scenarios entitled

Then the following round 4” inch blast radius (20’ ft B.R.), to a final 6”

Severing Limbs & Breaking Bones. When hitting specific body parts

inch blast radius (30’ ft). After which time the cloud effect dissipates

and dealing damage to them it is possible to dismember or even

unless otherwise specified by the subject or the GM’s discretion.

break a limb. If enough damage is dealt to that certain area, say 25%

Weather can often cause a cloud to move if there is a strong gust

to 50% of the target’s total hit points there is a chance to damage that

so the surrounding environment must be taken into consideration.

body part significantly.

Cold Damage

Called shots are meant for specific scenes in combat where

it is necessary to hit a specific target. Using them every combat gets

repetitive and unnecessary. If you wish to you can assert the rule of

lances, frost blades, bursts from a frost dragon’s breath. Those bursts

Frost and ice attacks can come in many forms. Ice

once per turn for called shots or once per scenario. Remember as

will ignore partial cover just as fire attacks do. Normal armor will

well that certain targets might be in cover during attacks and if you

offer little defense toward an ice based burst attack such as this. The

cannot see the target at all, then you will have to shoot through the

damage from an ice lance or ice weapon will be soaked by armor. Ice,

S.H.P. of the cover (structural hit points) in order to hit your target

frost, and cold damage may always be soaked by your character’s cold

with a negative modifier to hit on top of it.

resistance. Most cold effects will be detailed specifically for each type of attack yet if some fail to do so you may base certain attacks on

Catching an Attack

information found here.

A defender may sometimes wish to catch the arm of a

Cold damage also offers the power to slow a victim if dealt

melee weapon user or perhaps the defender wishes to catch a thrown

by a critical hit. The character must make a body save or they will

weapon that is headed their way. They may do this by calling it

lose 1 action and are treated as being slowed by the cold attack. Thus

before their defense roll. For instance, a kuthalan enemy rolls a 12 to

they will suffer a -2 to attack and defend for the round they are

throw a knife at you. You may say that you wish to “catch the knife”

“slowed”, which can also force them to suffer 1/2 movement. These

since you think you are feeling lucky. Roll your defense as normal,

are the effects if one fails their body save. Those that make the save

yet you must get a total of at least 5 over the target number. Meaning

can either half these effects or suffer none at all depending upon the

during this attack you needed a 17 or higher. You roll the d20 and

description of the damage of the GM’s decision.

get a 15. Luckily you have a defense modifier of +2. You are quick and catch the knife. The bad thing about trying to catch an attack is that if you do not catch the attack, you are hit by it. If you gain the sneaky talent called Throw Back, this allows you to catch a knife just by beating the defense roll. It also allows you to instantly throw it back!

Cloud Effect

The cloud effect is used in certain situations as a game

mechanic that may be utilized for any expanding gas that can consume a steadily larger area of effect over a period of rounds. There are two forms to the cloud effect and then specific potions, spells, and weapons might be based off of these basic forms. The first one to be explained is the Slow Expanding Cloud: an initial blast radius of 1” inch (5’ ft). The next round it expands to a 2” inch blast radius at the exact point of insertion upon the round counter. The expansion of the cloud continues 1” inch per round until it reaches a 6” inch blast radius, after which the cloud will disintegrate on the following round. The second type to be explained is the Fast Expanding Cloud Effect: the cloud starts at an instant explosion in a 1.5” inch blast


Co mb at Disfigurement There is an effect that some may suffer from when they fail

fail the body save, the percentile roll will be made on this table at

a body save while taking major toxic, corrosive, or acidic damage and

the request of the game master. These results are horrific, thus the

it is called disfigurement. These effects will often leave the character

disfigurement table is one of the worst to have to roll upon. May the

crippled in some manner, so the table is very dangerous. If they

gods protect you in hopes that you do not fall to pieces.

Disfigurement Table




Splotches and large boils appear on certain parts of your body. You lose d4 to your Physical Beauty. These scars

might be healed by normal healing magic or with proper rest over a period of d8 days. 13-21

Any exposed areas of your flesh or exoskeleton become dark and aggravated blisters. They itch and swell, and break

open oozing a vile smell. You lose a d4 to physical beauty. You take 1d20 more toxic damage. These scars might be healed by normal healing magic or with proper rest over a period of d10 days. 22-35

Flesh is horrid with patches of hair falling off the body. The epidermis is scarred with boiled scabs, giving the

character a grand total of –d6 to physical beauty. You take 2d20 toxic damage. Roll a hit location die. In that random location that part of the body will stop working properly causing a loss in attributes (you may find more info on the trauma table Pg. 257). These scars might be healed by normal healing magic or with proper rest over a period of d12 days. 36-49

Flesh or epidermal plates appear rotten or appear as if they are dying. You lose –d6 to physical beauty. Take 3d20

toxic damage. If you have a hit location die roll that or the body part die to see what has happened to the body due to the corrosive damage. In that random location that part of the body stops working (check out the trauma table on Pg. 257). You are stunned for d4 actions and -2 to H/D for 1 round due to the system shock. Magical healing will bring back the use of limbs and half the physical beauty over a period of 1 week. 50-64

Flesh or epidermal plates appear dead. You lose –d8 to physical beauty. Take 4d20 toxic damage. You must suffer

a trauma roll as well on Pg. 257. With proper magic and time you may gain a quarter of your physical beauty back. 65-73

Flesh or epidermal plates appear dead and begin peeling and falling off. You lose –d8 to physical beauty. Take 4d20

toxic damage. You must suffer 2 trauma rolls as well on Pg. 257. You are still stunned for d6 actions and -2 to H/D due to the system shock if you make your body save versus shock. If you fail the body save you are of course in shock and must roll on the Shock Response Table (Pg. 256). With magical healing you may gain a 1/4 of your physical beauty back in 2 weeks. 74-94

Flesh or epidermal plates die, fall off, and you appear as though you are undead. Many will try to kill you on sight

in areas where necromancy is illegal. You lose –d10 to physical beauty. Take 4d20 (x2) toxic damage. You must roll on the trauma table twice and are allowed one more body save in order to keep from being in shock. You are partially blinded, suffering -4 to Perception. You are stunned for d6 actions due to the system shock if you make your second body save. With magic healing over many treatments you might be able to gain 1/4 of your physical beauty back in 2 weeks. 95-99

Take 4d20 (x2) toxic damage. You must suffer 2 rolls on the following trauma table. You are allowed one more body

save to keep from falling into shock. You must suffer –d10 to physical beauty, if you are not in trauma you lose d6 rounds and -2 to H/D from the system shock. After a day or so the GM can elaborate on a clever creation for what the character is “turning into.” It seems this horrific toxin has begun to mutate the character into something else. It is unknown if there is any magic to save you. Perhaps you should start looking for a miracle worker. 100

Your body explodes into a pile of gore, bones, and corroding flesh! Unless the GM can roll that spiritual influence

and the gods can save you, your body is soon unrecognizable. You are on your way to the spirit world. The resurrection spell or even an undead curse will not affect you. Your only chance is to hope that the spirits are with you. Even if you are saved you will suffer 2 results on the trauma table and 1 roll on the mental affliction table.


Chap te r V I I

Dual Weapons

Critical hits taken by electrical damage cause the victim to

Those with the dual weapons skill must spend 3 skill slots

make a body save. If the save is made there are no added effects.

to purchase the skill. When they do they gain an additional action

If the save is failed the victim must roll on the Stunned Effects

type depending on what dual weapon skill they purchased. Needless

Table found in this section. Electrical damage will often go straight

to say you may only gain this extra action when you are using both

through all armor unless noted otherwise. The character can soak

the weapons in hand. With the additional attack you must strike with

damage according to their toughness and electrical resistance.

the alternate weapon at least once unless you are doing a combo

attack with your actions. In this case it is simply acknowledged that

that those with hyped up regeneration powers cannot regenerate

you are swinging both weapons in a flurry of attacks, but your dam-

electrical damage, so when wounded you should keep track of this

age will be dealt with whichever weapon you like.

when necessary. Over time or after this damage is magically healed,

the regeneration powers will continue as normal, just not from the

With this skill you must pay attention to your strength

Electrical damage is also elemental damage. This means

initial battle in which the character is burned and fried.

attribute and weight allowance to make sure you can hold two weapons at their current weight. Some characters are strong enough

Falling Damage (Force Damage)

to carry two broadswords, or even heavier weapons. For those interested in this area of combat, look up the skills Dual Weapons in

When a creature falls a certain distance