Daygame by Todd Valentine Notes [PDF]

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Here are my Personal Notes from Todd Valentine's DayGame Product. The notes are a little all over the place and yet I know you will enjoy. Day Game by Todd Vale ntine is a highly recommended product. The dude knows how to spit at the highest level and is one of the most technically efficient instructors. (The guy fucked 22 girls in one month.) Add this level of cut throat results to a solid foundat ion of fun, passion, and execitement and results are GUARANTEED. Put in the work(g o out), have fun, and be the man you always wanted.   The First thing to Understand is Compliance over emotions. Have a strong frame and step hard. Think of yourself as a bowling ball going in hitting bowling pins. Misinterpret shit sexually. Move things forward. You seem relatively cooler than the average chick. Call myself evil, douche, and fun. Player frame. Why did she go with me? Because I asked. (Guys don t ask and wonder why they don t p ull.) This is the moment I stand out. Be happy when guy comes into sets. Be happy when there is a shit test. Push pull example: You guys look like fuckin disasters but I kinda like it. Pacing and leading. Give them simple truths and turn it to where you want them t o go. Is this one going to steal my blank and blank. Value and comfort is game. Treat me as special. 30 seconds. Then add funny. I m assuming I am the most amazing person. You shouldn t like me because ·         You shouldn t like me cause I m irresponsible, to much fun, and a bad influence. ·         I won t be fun because I m constantly traveling and you ll miss me. ·         I own 3 business and I have people on payroll I m just a disaster.   Mini dates makes it super super solid. Your cool because I have the right to call you cool. To be fair you re a stranger. The moment she wants to game. Let her. Have good answers to the common questions. A movie needs a good plotline. Wait are you into that? Health, Wealth, Relationships. Higher Purpose, Self-Acceptance, Be Happier and Make More Money.

Things girls commonly say and how I answer (at first) ·         What do I do? As little as possible. ·         What do you do? I run a cult. You don t have to answer the first time. Be playful. If she keeps asking answer. Why would you do this to me? Feminize a girl. Make her into a little girl not to be taken seriously. Treat a girl like a little puppy. There is fluff. It is important. Effective game isn t always pushy. There is a grounding and a reality. Push pull: You seem so amazing

what am I going to hate about you?

Use any excuse to touch her that is totally normal. Always be fucking around 80/20 to start and then 20/80 later. Basic of an Approach: Convey myself in a high value man, move the set forward, c lose, get to know the girl, and spend a little time after the number. You look so troubled yet dreamy. You look like a girl looking out to sea where y ou family just departed. You did look interesting though so I d thought I d say Hi. Hey little girl you need some direction in your life. Frame of higher value. What is value in the interaction? Value in life is live i n the moment, take risks, enjoy yourself, and share adventure. C mon live your life you only have so much time on this planet. Ice cream, casino + drink, and the venue changes. Yeah this girl are positive.

took me to a crap place the things that I can say that are negative

Fuck it its more fun this way. Go for it. Grab her hand. Maybe perhaps be cool. Shit tests an opportunity to be a boss. I have the cooler life and I downplay everything. The way I convey myself. Do some irresponsible things every once in a while. Express my opinions a lot. Interrupt her at the beginning. Force frame into the conversation. When she chan ges frame. Interrupt positive and negative. Fair enough. Everything in the set has to be regular conversation. It can t be GAME GAME GAME a ll the time.

Trouble is ok. I m not a terrible person I promise. It s ok to be bad sometimes right. I get into t rouble every now and again. Eh, anyway whatever. Your relatively fun. We can always spoil it later. I want you to have confidence. Live longer and happier. I want to feel good NOW and I feel like Crap. Alright. Sko . Get her on an instant date. I can tell you just want to see my junk. What are you doing in the next half hour and in the next 24 hours? What are you doing right this second and there is a reason why I ask. I don t want you to think I am this forgone conclusion and I don t want you to just use me for my body. Appreciate it if you treat me human. I m here to get LAID. Daygame is 24/7. Infinite possibilities. We lack the courage of our romantic convictions; and thereby miss the wine of li fe, forgoing the very thing that makes living worthwhile.? Grab the Wolf by the Ears and PUSH IT! It s ok to do a bad approach. Take the pressure off myself and have fun. How to screen for DTF: Down to Fuck and How Down is She for First Venue Change. Logistics. Alone is the best. Groups in daytime is good. If group is loosely affiliated. You gotta go Vinyl. Hustling. Approach because it is better for me. It is part of my own growth. I put my best food forward. Getting the hook: * Focus. She has to be paying attention to you. * Relevance (value or threat) Make it about her and make it a statement. You do some thing so odd about you but it s probably fucking up your life but you don t know. * Emotional: Give emotional energy. * Decision: Oh you really like me I appreciate that. (Oh you can go at any time I

mean I want you here but ) Commitment and Consistency. Rationalize why they do it. This leads to Deeper level s of investment.   Pass shit tests by taking as a compliment, increase it to goofy levels, be icy a nd ignore. Push-pull. Your so pretty. re yet.

There some things that I really really love but I m not su

Neg is an ambiguous comment.

You blink a lot.

Force qualification.

Wow I respect that

Are you always like this?

I wasn t sure about you but I like this.

You re in good shape are you athletic do you play sports. Let it be organic. Let the conversation flows. Right when she wants to hear me pull back a little. Then pull. Escalate two steps forward one step back, pressure on pressure off, escalate or le t it breath. Change her mood not her mind. Emotionally first and justify it logically. Have fun. Escalate on HER High Points. Advanced Player: Pushes her away at the high point. Invisible Escalation. Instead of one big move I do little moves. Slow and steady win s the race. Constant escalation. Escalation should have purpose behind it. "Boners not Kino." Jeff Allen It is very sensual the way I touch.Hand caressing. Be able to let it go. Maintain Sexual Tension.Everything should increase sexual tension.Touch and lead . Just go for it. I have never lost the girl by going for the kiss. She Will Respect you for trying. Transference of Emotions. Feel what I want them to feel. I make no apologies for my desire as a man. Phase Shift: Bringing sexuality into the interaction. We ve talked a lot

we ve talked to much  come here. *kiss*

Girls Like Sex. Girls Like Being Led. Go to whisper and rub my face against hers and right as I m getting to where I cou ld kiss her I pull back. The goal of the interaction is to fuck her: 1.       She has to see so much value where spending more time increases her fun 2.       She believes she is special. She wants to be the one who won me over.

Qualification is she earned me in some way. She has to earn me. Qualify her. Wait wait wait. You live in this part of the city right? Ok cool hm m maybe we can hang out. Making her feel like I m taking her on an adventure. Take her on an instant date. (I t s the female fantasy.) Once you agree to go somewhere together it is no longer a pick up. She wants this to go awesome as much as I do. WE ARE A TEAM. How to get her on an instant-date. (ASK.) What would I do with my friends? Assume familiarity. Screen her situation. (Find out logistics.) Baby step the pull. Women s safety is critical. She wants to know it s safe and how she can leave when she wants. (Always show its safety.) We are going to go somewhere lovely that you will love, if you don t love it then yo u can leave, and it doesn t really matter either way because I m having a good time and that s what really matters.   4 Types of Texts: * Silence: Pure value text. (Facebook update or a Tweet) Picture or Meme. * Shit Test: Pass a shit test (Ignore.), Misinterpret (Treat as Compliment) [goo d for texts], Agree and Exaggerate (Yeah I practiced for 4 hours in front of the mirror can you coach me through it.) * Logical or conversational: If it is mostly negative it s a better form of silenc e and just ping value. If there is logical statements go for escalation. * Overtly Positive: Escalate. If your so cool I like it I wonder about you though. Maybe we can get a drink thi s week. Whats your week look like? Don t be super needy. If she texts drawn out is one idea.

wait out at least 5 minutes. Each text

Call the girl the moment I think she will pick up. What would I do if this is my friend for 20 years that I m not sleeping with. High level of confidence in them. Treat them as if they are already my girlfriend. Girls like sex. Girls moan and cum 24/7. Girls are all straight nympho. Girls are very sexual. They are judged by society. Get her home without being judged. Make no apologies for my desire as a man. Close early, close often, close late. Seed the pull early. Multi seed. Screen for logistics and sow the seeds for where we are going next.  Women want sex to just happen.  She doesn t need to fully like me to fuck me.

Sleeping with girls is a matter of problem solving. Logistics and navigating her o bjections. Help her get out of her own way. Apoc opener:

Would you like to come home with me?


Seed the pull in the negative. For Example: * To bad I don t know you better because there is something I want to show you. * Oh there is a cool place I d like to take you but nah I don t think you re ready for that. * Can t happen yet or not the time. Baby step the pull. Be patient. Let it flow organic. The longer a girl spends with me the more she will like me. Every girl will like me with enough time. Treat a girl as if she is already my girlfriend. Crush who has been wanting me for months. Be the guy in abundance at all times. Be patient let her see the place. Go to the bathroom and get familiar with my pl ace. Treat it as an experience, savor it, and be patient. The more the location is a casual fun place. Escalate and then back off. Escalate at the right pace. Once back at the Pad: Foreplay and teasing. Get to the point where she is chasin g me. Wait five minutes in general unless she is on me like white on rice. Point of no return: If I get really physical she won t see me again if we don t have s ex Moment of no Return: The moment it gets real close and don t cross it unless I know she wants the D now Give her to have more logical buy-in and emotional arousal. LMR (Last Minute Resistance) Moves... Two hands move: Pin her hands above her hand. Free hand to use. If she starts te nsing/resisting I pull away. You don t want to hear no. No just means not yet. Change her mood not her mind. Es calate slowly. Better if she is comfortable at all times and wants it. Preemptive Freeze-out: Things are going good and I don t think it s going to go all the way. Hold that thought and go do something. Go grab wine or take a leak. Sit next to a bed and then get back on. I am abundant. I will risk having them leave. No big deal. Sex what to do... Turn lights off. Take my clothes off first. Leave her panties on. Rub my dick on her. Certain girls it is better not to kiss. Kiss her neck or pull her hair. (Some girl s don't want to kiss but will still fuck.)

Game is played in the Field. 10 Times Rule. 10x more in field then on theory. (Apply to business too.) ABC - Always Be Closing. Logistics: What are you doing tomorrow, who are you here with, what area do you live, do you have roommates, how down is she, what is her personal and sexual hi story, how open is she to being adventurous and fun? Girl who is Down to Fuck: General adventurous and willingness to take risks. Boyfriend Destroyers: You have to do this for your boyfriend because ultimately this is going to be in you. It s just going to be cycling through you until you ge t it out of your system. If a women is standing in my presence assume it is on... Some women are just qui et and attentive. 3 things she shows: Compliance, Qualification, and Reengagement. All compliance is the same thing it is just a matter of degree. Man to women hands hake. If she is trying to prove herself. Start qualifying her. You seem smart I can t really tell did you go to college or are you self-taught? If I am the buyer and she qualifies. Having sex with me is validating her and ma kes her cooler. I am the golden dick. I am God. I just give value and I desire nothing in return . I am GOD. I am in adventure mode and I want to take risks and not judge. Mix in the right topics. Talk about a friend who had sex, how I was on the fence , then I thought it was cool, and how the girl did what she wanted. Lead her to be ing more adventurous. Are you adventurous? If you tell me a story about how you turn a paper in late aving. Every time I saw a hot girl I d approach her. College game: Air on the side of social circle. Say Hello and Goodbye to Every Girl. Cold approach takes skill.  Social circle creates trust. The purpose of the number is a bridge

that is it.

Get 1 on 1. Get her in a room with me. Sell that the date is low risk Kill it. Have 2 10 s

not that it is crazy fun.

at the same time.

Hope you got a lot out of my notes. I enjoyed the product and can vouch for Todd 's level of consistency in the game. The dude kills it. Point blank. PERIOD. 

I m le

Game is PLAYED IN THE FIELD. Not on the internet. So go out, have some fun, enjoy the process, and reap the rewards from hard fun. I call it hard fun because this shit isn't work boys. We are talking about beaut iful women ;). Good Fortune to You My Friend, Jecht Spencer __________________ Adventure, Artistry, and Seduction. My Personal Blog: There is no secret. You show up day in and day out. You execute and put in the w ork.