Dap An Modul 1-15 Module [PDF]

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Module 1 Complete each sentence below with NO MORE THAN 01 WORD:  1.

The six development principles of the new English language curriculum for Grade 3-12 in Vietnam are: 

b. It complies with the general guidelines provided in the overall ___curriculum___ of the Ministry of Education and Training. c. It is __competence__-based, in which __communicative__ competence is the main goal of English language teaching and learning.  d. It is also ___theme-based___, in which themes and ___topics___ are interrelated, and allow for the development of both language ___knowledge___ and communicative competence. e. It is ___learner___-centered. f. It ensures the transition and continuity between different levels of primary, lower-secondary and upper-secondary education by following the 6-level foreign language competence ___framework___ for Vietnam. 1. It is flexible and open enough to suit the __local__ conditions of English language teaching.The overall aims of the new English language curriculum for Grade 3-12 in Vietnam are: 2. Helping students to gain general understanding about the countries, people and ___cultures___ of some Englishspeaking countries and other countries in the world: 3.Contributing to the formation and development of necessary attributes and ___competences___ for a future worker a. Equipping students with a new ___communication__ tool, helping them to develop English language communicative competence through the four skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking:   

achieve Level __three__ of the 6-level foreign language competence framework for Vietnam begin to use English in studies, and form life-long learning habits to become ___global___ citizens in times of global integration.

adopt a positive __attitude__ and friendliness towards these countries, people and cultures.  

 The curriculum contents are organized along three main pillars: a. b. c.

A system of general ___themes___, and specific ___topics___ ___Competences___ related to them  Language ___knowledge___

Which levels of education does each curriculum objective below apply to? You have correctly selected 3. The correct answer is: Help students communicate at a basic level in English, with focuses on speaking and listening? → Elementary, Help students to use English to pursue higher education goals, or become employable after finishing schools. → Upper-secondary, Students can communicate at a basic level if the conversation partners speak slowly, clearly and are willing to help. → Elementary, Students can describe their experiences, events, wishes, hopes and ambitions, as well as present briefly the reasons for their opinions and plans. → Upper-secondary, Help students to reflect Vietnamese cultural values through English; → Upper-secondary, Students can provide simple descriptions about themselves, their environment and topics related to basic needs → Lower-secondary, Help students to communicate in English to meet basic and direct communication needs in daily and common situations. → Lower-secondary Is each statement below TRUE or FALSE about the new English language curriculum for Grade 3-12 in Vietnam? The key competence to develop is language competence.:



The correct answer is 'False'.

Language knowledge in the new curriculum refers to phonology, vocabulary and grammar. True  False The correct answer is 'True'. The main teaching method endorsed by the new curriculum is Communicative Language Teaching. True 


The correct answer is 'True'.

Summative assessment is prioritized in the process of teaching and learning. True False  The correct answer is 'False'. Quantitative assessment should be encouraged more than qualitative assessment.  True False  The correct answer is 'False'. This training course uses examples from a specific series of textbooks, so the skills and methods acquired in this course can hardly be applied to teaching with other textbooks. True


The correct answer is 'False'. MODULE 2

Is each statement below TRUE or FALSE? Equal attention is paid to all skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) at all levels of primary, lower-secondary and uppersecondary.


The correct answer is 'False'.

Is each statement below TRUE or FALSE? According to the new textbooks, the number of periods for reviews, tests and reserves at primary, lower-secondary and uppersecondary levels are 20, 21 and 17 (for each grade) respectively. True False The correct answer is 'True'. Is each statement below TRUE or FALSE? The CDs in the textbooks use American accent.



The correct answer is 'False'.

Which levels of English language competence (on the Six-level Foreign Language Proficiency Framework for Vietnam, 2014) do the new Tieng Anh textbooks aims to help students achieve? A. Level 1 (primary) – Level 2 (lower-secondary) – Level 3 (upper-secondary)  B. Level 3 (primary) – Level 4 (lower-secondary) – Level 5 (upper-secondary) C. Level 4 (primary) – Level 5 (lower-secondary) – Level 6 (upper-secondary) D. Level 2 (primary) – Level 3 (lower-secondary) – Level 4 (upper-secondary) The correct answer is: Level 1 (primary) – Level 2 (lower-secondary) – Level 3 (upper-secondary) Which levels of English language competence (on the CEFR) do the new Tieng Anh textbooks aim to help students achieve? A. A2 (primary) – B1 (lower-secondary) – B2 (upper-secondary) B. B1 (primary) – B2 (lower-secondary) – C1 (upper-secondary) C. A1 (primary) – A2 (lower-secondary) – B1 (upper-secondary)  The correct answer is: A1 (primary) – A2 (lower-secondary) – B1 (upper-secondary) Which reflects the structure of the new Tieng Anh textbooks? A. 12 units x 7 sections  (primary); 20 units x 3 sections (lower-secondary); 12 x 8 sections  (upper-secondary) B. 12 units x 7 sections  (primary); 10 units x 8 sections (lower-secondary); 20 x 3 sections  (upper-secondary) C. 20 units x 4 sections  (primary); 10 units x 8 sections (lower-secondary); 12 x 7 sections  (upper-secondary) D. 20 units x 3 sections  (primary); 12 units x 7 sections (lower-secondary); 10 x 8 sections  (upper-secondary)  The correct answer is: 20 units x 3 sections  (primary); 12 units x 7 sections (lower-secondary); 10 x 8 sections  (uppersecondary)

Complete each sentence below with NO MORE THAN 02 WORDS: 1.

The 04 main components of the each new Tieng Anh textbook include:  Student’s book, Workbook, Teacher’s book and a _________CD________ 2. The new textbooks are based on a multi-component approach. Each textbook takes _________theme/topic_______ as the starting  point, the development of four ____macro-skills____ (listening, speaking, reading, writing) as the focus, and other components such as linguistic elements (____pronunciation___, vocabulary, and grammar) and ___intercultural____ aspects as the means to be taught. 3. According to the new textbooks, the number of periods for teaching at primary, lower-secondary and upper-secondary levels are ___120_____, ___84__ and __88____ (for each grade) respectively. 4. According to the new textbooks, the number of learning units and the number of review units of the textbooks (for each grade) are:




Lower secondary

Upper secondary









According to the new textbooks, the number of lessons and time for each lesson given for each grade are:



Lower secondary

Upper secondary









MODULE 3 Decide whether the statement below is TRUE or FALSE:


Accuracy activities produce language that may not be predictable.

False  The correct answer is 'False'.

Decide whether the statement below is TRUE or FALSE:


Fluency activities reflect classroom use of language.

False  The correct answer is 'False'.

Decide whether the statement below is TRUE or FALSE: In a mechanical practice activity, students may not understand the language they are using. True 


The correct answer is 'True'.

Project-based learning integrates skills at the highest level.



The correct answer is 'True'.

Decide whether the statement below is TRUE or FALSE:  A task may be the focus of a whole term or academic year.



The correct answer is 'False'.

Decide whether the statement below is TRUE or FALSE:  Integrating skills helps add variety to the lesson.



The correct answer is 'True'.

Fill in each gap below with ONE or TWO words.  Fill in each gap below with ONE or TWO words. There are three types of practice in Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). They are: (1) mechanical practice, meaningful practice, and (2) communicative practice. Exercise sequences in many CLT course books take students from the first type of practice, to the second and to the third.

An important aspect of communication in CLT is the notion of (3) information gap. This refers to the fact that in real communication, people normally communicate in order to get (4) information they do not possess. The activites that apply this principle are called (5) information-gap activities. Other types of communicative activities include: -          Jigsaw activities-         

(6) Task- completion activities

-          Information-gathering activities-          Opinion-(7) sharing activities -          Information- (8) transfer activities-          Reasoning-gap activities

-          Role plays

Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to show the approach/method that is being used. Students ask their classmates when their birthdays are and write the answers down. They try to find a different child for each month of the year. A. Communicative Language Teaching  C. Grammar Translation

B. Total Physical Response

D. Reading Approach

The correct answer is: Communicative Language Teaching

Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to show the approach/method that is being used. Students work in groups. They design a questionnaire about hobbies. They ask their classmates about their hobbies using the questionnaire. They report the findings to the class. A. Reading Approach

B. Communicative Language Teaching 

C. Total Physical Response Teaching

D. Grammar Translation The correct answer is: Communicative Language

Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D. Why is it important to use integrated-skills approach in language lessons?

A. Using each skill may make students neglect grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. B. Each skill will later be tested individually. 

C. Each skill can be both productive an receptive.

D. Each skill helps to reinforce the others, making learning easier. . The correct answer is: Each skill helps to reinforce the others, making learning easier. Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D. Which of the following is true about Task- Based instruction? A. It helps evaluate the real impact of skills integration. B. Students have to participate in a communicative task. C. Students can acquire language and content, and integrated skills at the same time.  D. Learners and teachers are motivated.

The correct answer is: Students can acquire language and content, and integrated skills at the same time. Reorder the steps to make a complete task-based lesson. A.     Students study the target language in questionnaire in handout 1.

B.    Students do the questionnaire with the whole group. C.   Students select a new personality adjective and in pairs write a new personalitty test. D.   Students ask each other the questions in the sample questionnaire and decide who is the most honest student. E.    Students report back to the group on who was the most (adjective) in the class. F.    Students list personality adjectives (revision) G.   Students practice pronouncing the target language in handout 2. H.   Students analyse a sample personality questionnaire on one particular personality type – honest. Example questions: a.    -If you found VND100,000 on the street, would you pick it up? b.    -If you had the opportunity, would you cheat in an exam? The correct answer is: 4 → C, 3 → D, 8 → G, 2 → H, 5 → B, 7 → A, 6 → E, 1 → F Look at the following lesson sequence and identify the different kinds of intelligence that it addressed.  1. Teacher introduces fashion and clothes items through reading and listening.  Verbal linguistic 2. Teacher uses organizers to organize clothes items and adjectives with pictures.  3. Learners line up to revise the order of adjectives. 

Visual spatial

Bodily kinesthetic

4. Learners draw and label models using the target vocabulary. 

Visual spatial

5. Learners describe their models using the target sentence structures and adjectives. 

Verbal linguistic

6. Learners learn how to write a fashion script through text deconstruction using what they had previously learned.  Verbal linguistic 7. Teacher and learners put up a mini- fashion show in class and an inter-class fashion show contest in the hall. Interpersonal , bodily kinesthetic MODULE 4 What are the two MAIN objectives of this module? A. Lead students to the contents of the unit

B. Stimulate students’ interest in the lessons

C. Introduce new vocabularies and structures D. Adapt textbook activities to meet teaching contexts, student’s abilities, needs and interests The correct answers are: A, B Which two statements are TRUE about Getting Started section? A. B. C. D.

It is the overview of the whole unit It is the most important section of the whole unit It is not necessary to teach this section It gives brief information about the contents of the unit.

The correct answers are: A, D

Which is NOT included in Getting Started? A. Pronunciation B. Mini test

C. Dialogue

The correct answer is: B

How much time is allocated for Getting started? A. 1 period B. 2 periods C. 3 periods

D. It depends on the teacher

Where in Getting started can you find the objectives of each unit? A.


The correct answer is: A

       B. Reading comprehension            C. Overview        D. Vocabulary activities

The correct answer is: C

Fill in the following table with aspects of knowing a word  Form






  1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Spoken Form and meaning Grammatical functions Written Concept and references Collocations Word parts Associations Constraints on use (register, frequency)

The correct answer is: 4 → Form, 3 → Use, 5 → Meaning, 8 → Meaning, 2 → Meaning, 6 → Use, 1 → Form, 7 → Form, 9 → Use Decide whether the following statements are True or False New words should be introduced in specific contexts. 

The correct answer is 'True'.

Decide whether the following statements are True or False Vietnamese should never be used when teaching vocabulary. 

The correct answer is 'False'.

Decide whether the following statements are True or False Knowing a word means knowing how the word is spelt and pronounced.

The correct answer is 'False'.

Decide whether the following statements are True or False Using more than one way to teach a new word helps students learn that word faster.

The correct answer is 'True'

MODULE 5 Qz1 Pronunciation refers to the way a __________ is spoken. a. phrase

b. word

c. language

d. sound

The correct answer is:  language

Intelligibility is one of the goals of teaching pronunciation.  True 


The correct answer is 'True'.

Teaching pronunciation should help learners to feel confident in communicative situations. True 


The correct answer is 'True'.

Bottom-up approach refers to teaching pronunciation from suprasegmentals to segmentals. True


The correct answer is 'False'.

The technique to teach pronunciation by using /pan/ and /pen/ in communicative situations is called

a. minimal pair

b. pairs in context

c. contextualized minimal pairs 

d. word pairs

The correct answer is: contextualized minimal pairs Match the activities with the stages.  The correct answer is:  The teacher gives some words with /i:/ sound and asks them to make sentences. → Guided practice:, The teacher asks the students to listen and put a tick (√) next to the words with the /i:/ sound. → Listening discrimination:, The teacher asks the students to practise the /i:/ sound, and words with the /i:/sound. → Controlled practice:, The teacher presents how to make the /i:/ sound by using images and videos.  → Description and analysis:, Students are asked to make a dialogue and encouraged to use as many words with the /i:/ sound as possible. → Communicative practice: SEGMENTALS vs. SUPRASEGMENTALS Pronunciation instruction historically has emphasized mastery of individual sounds  or segmentals. With the advent of Communicative Language Teaching, the focus shifted to fluency rather than accuracy, encouraging an almost exclusive emphasis on suprasegmentals  (word stress, rhythm, intonation, etc.). However, just as ESL teachers have acknowledged that an emphasis on meaning and communicative intent alone will not suffice to achieve grammatical accuracy, pronunciation has emerged from the segmental/suprasegmentals debate to a more balanced view, which recognizes that a lack of intelligibility can be attributed to both micro and macro features. It is clear that learners whose command of sounds deviated too broadly from standard speech will be hard to understand no matter how target like their stress and intonation might be. Thus, it is no longer a question choosing between segmentals and suprasegmentals but of identifying which features contribute most to lack of intelligibility, and which will be most useful in the communicative situations in which our learners will need to function. (Goodwin, 2001) Which  do segmentals refer to? a. rhythm

b.individual sounds 

c. word stress


The correct answer is:individual sounds

SEGMENTALS vs. SUPRASEGMENTALS Pronunciation instruction historically has emphasized mastery of individual sounds  or segmentals. With the advent of Communicative Language Teaching, the focus shifted to fluency rather than accuracy, encouraging an almost exclusive emphasis on suprasegmentals  (word stress, rhythm, intonation, etc.). However, just as ESL teachers have acknowledged that an emphasis on meaning and communicative intent alone will not suffice to achieve grammatical accuracy, pronunciation has emerged from the segmental/suprasegmentals debate to a more balanced view, which recognizes that a lack of intelligibility can be attributed to both micro and macro features. It is clear that learners whose command of sounds deviated too broadly from standard speech will be hard to understand no matter how target like their stress and intonation might be. Thus, it is no longer a question choosing between segmentals and suprasegmentals but of identifying which features contribute most to lack of intelligibility, and which will be most useful in the communicative situations in which our learners will need to function. (Goodwin, 2001) Which  do suprasegmentals refer to? a. rhythm

b. word stress

c. intonation

d.all of them 

The correct answer is:all of them

SEGMENTALS vs. SUPRASEGMENTALS Pronunciation instruction historically has emphasized mastery of individual sounds  or segmentals. With the advent of Communicative Language Teaching, the focus shifted to fluency rather than accuracy, encouraging an almost exclusive emphasis on suprasegmentals  (word stress, rhythm, intonation, etc.). However, just as ESL teachers have acknowledged that an emphasis on meaning and communicative intent alone will not suffice to achieve grammatical accuracy, pronunciation has emerged from the segmental/suprasegmentals debate to a more balanced view, which recognizes that a lack of intelligibility can be attributed to both micro and macro features. It is clear that learners whose command of sounds deviated too broadly from standard speech will be hard to understand no matter how target like their stress and intonation might be. Thus, it is no longer a question choosing between segmentals and suprasegmentals but of identifying which features contribute most to lack of intelligibility, and which will be most useful in the communicative situations in which our learners will need to function. (Goodwin, 2001) What does Communicative Language Teaching focus on? a. accuracy

b. accuracy and fluency

c. segmentals

d. suprasegmentals  The correct answer is:  suprasegmentals


Pronunciation instruction historically has emphasized mastery of individual sounds  or segmentals. With the advent of Communicative Language Teaching, the focus shifted to fluency rather than accuracy, encouraging an almost exclusive emphasis on suprasegmentals  (word stress, rhythm, intonation, etc.). However, just as ESL teachers have acknowledged that an emphasis on meaning and communicative intent alone will not suffice to achieve grammatical accuracy, pronunciation has emerged from the segmental/suprasegmentals debate to a more balanced view, which recognizes that a lack of intelligibility can be attributed to both micro and macro features. It is clear that learners whose command of sounds deviated too broadly from standard speech will be hard to understand no matter how target like their stress and intonation might be. Thus, it is no longer a question choosing between segmentals and suprasegmentals but of identifying which features contribute most to lack of intelligibility, and which will be most useful in the communicative situations in which our learners will need to function. (Goodwin, 2001) According to the text, factors affecting _____ are identified rather than choosing between segmentals and suprasegmentals. a. accuracy

b. communicative situations

c. fluency

d. intelligibility .

The correct answer is: intelligibility

Segmentals or suprasegmentals? (Tiếng Anh 6 – Unit 1) a. Suprasegmentals

b. Segmentals 

The correct answer is:  Segmentals

Segmentals or suprasegmentals?(Tiếng Anh 6 – Unit 5) a.Suprasegmentals


The correct answer is:Segmentals 

Segmentals or suprasegmentals? a.Segmentals  


The correct answer is:Segmentals 

Segmentals or suprasegmentals?(Tiếng Anh 6 – Unit 3) a.Segmentals 

b.Suprasegmentals? .

The correct answer is:Suprasegmentals?

Segmentals or suprasegmentals?(Tiếng Anh 7, Unit 9) a. Suprasegmentals 

b. Segmentals 

The correct answer is: Suprasegmentals

Segmentals or suprasegmentals?(Tieng Anh 8, Unit 5) a. Segmentals 

b. Suprasegmentals 

The correct answer is:  Suprasegmentals

QZ2 State whether the following statements are true or false Only difficult and formal words used in written language are worth teaching.  True


The correct answer is 'False'.

State whether the following statements are true or false Mime is very useful for teaching action verbs and it can help to keep students engaged and retain new words. True 


The correct answer is 'True'.

State whether the following statements are true or false Substitution works best with concrete words that can be easily seen or touched. True


The correct answer is 'False'.

State whether the following statements are true or false Substitution can also work well with beginner-level students. True 


The correct answer is 'True'.

State whether the following statements are true or false Students need to learn words in context and encounter new words multiple times to effectively acquire them True 


The correct answer is 'True'.

Knowing a word involves understand its forms distinguished by _____. Choose the appropriate alternative for each statement below a. how the word is Pronounced and spelt

b. All are correct. 

c. what part of speech the word is

The correct answer is: All are correct. Meaning of  some vocabulary items  is  created by Choose the appropriate alternative for each statement below: a. adding prefixes of suffixes

b. making compound words

c. words that often occur together

d. All are correct. 


The correct answer is: All are correct.

To distinguish the meaning of words, items can be grouped into _____. Choose the appropriate alternative for each statement below:

a. lexical sets ( words that belongs to the same topic) c. synonyms (words with similar meaning)

b. All are correct. 

d. antonyms (words with opposite meaning)

The correct answer is: All are correct. When we focus on the form of language we _____. Choose the appropriate alternative for each statement below a. pay attention to accuracy and use 

b. talk with classmate

c. listen to video and audio cassettes

. The correct answer is: pay attention to accuracy and use Really knowing a word means knowing _____. Choose the appropriate alternative for each statement below a. denotation meaning

b. denotation meaning and imaginative meaning  

c. imaginative meaning

The correct answer is: denotation meaning and imaginative meaning 

MODULE 6 Decide whether each statement below is TRUE or FALSE: Teaching grammar from rules is explicitly explaining rules to students.


False The correct answer is 'True'.

Decide whether each statement below is TRUE or FALSE: Explaining rules to students is as memorable as demonstration.



The correct answer is 'False'.

Decide whether each statement below is TRUE or FALSE: Teaching grammar from examples get students involved in the learning process, rather than being passive.



The correct answer is 'True'.

Decide whether each statement below is TRUE or FALSE:  As long as the rule explanations are simple and understandable, examples and illustrations are not necessary. True

The correct answer is 'False'.


Decide whether each statement below is TRUE or FALSE: In teaching grammar from examples, teacher should be careful in case students may hypothesis the wrong rules or their rules may be too broad or too narrow.



The correct answer is 'True'.

Decide whether each statement below is TRUE or FALSE: A text-based approach helps students to understand grammar points better in contextualized situation. True 


The correct answer is 'True'. Match the activities with the correct stage. Stage


1.      Controlled practice:  

A.      Line-ups


B.      Role-play


C.      Substitution


D.     Repetition


E.      Picture prompts

2.      Less-controlled practice (production):

F.       Human bingo G.     Sing-word prompts H.     Are you the one? I.        Interview J.        Awareness K.      Repetition

Your answer is partially correct.

You have correctly selected 10.

The correct answer is: K → 1, B → 2, J → 1, H → 2, A → 2, F → 2, I → 2, C → 1, G → 1, D → 1, E → 1 Fill in each gap below with ONE WORD and/or A NUMBER. There are generally (1) two approaches to present grammar at a language classroom. A deductive approach  starts with the (2) presentation of a rule and is followed by examples in which the rule is applied. An inductive appoach starts with some (3) examples from which a rule is inferred. Deductive learning is (4) rule-driven learning while Inductive learning is (5) discovery learning. Example of (6) inductive learning: On arriving in this same country, you observe several instances of people rubbing noses on meeting, so you conclude that is the custom, and preceed to do likewise. Example of (7) deductive learning: On arriving in a country you have never been to before, you are told that as a rule people rub noses when greeting one another, so you do exactly that. MODULE 7 Read and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Reading has only one purpose, i.e. to get information.



The correct answer is 'False'.

Read and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Reading with a purpose will be most effective.



The correct answer is 'True'.    

Read and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Getting students to read aloud is a useful way of making them understand what they are reading. True


The correct answer is 'False'.       

Read and decide whether the following statements are true or false. When we read, our eyes are constantly moving from letter to letter, word to word. True


The correct answer is 'False'.

Read and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Students don’t learn much from reading things like timetables, recipes, directories. True


The correct answer is 'False'.

Read and decide whether the following statements are true or false. It is important to pre-teach all new vocabulary before students read the text. True


The correct answer is 'False'.

Read and decide whether the following statements are true or false.  It is helpful to use a dictionary to find the meaning of all new words.



The correct answer is 'False'.

Read and decide whether the following statements are true or false. If I get my students to think about the topic before they start reading, and try to predict what the text is about, they find the text easier to understand.



The correct answer is 'True'.

Read and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Students don’t need to be aware of the reading sub-skills like “skimming” and “scanning”. True


The correct answer is 'False'.     

Read and decide whether the following statements are true or false. When reading in a foreign language, we mentally translate everything in order to understand. True


The correct answer is 'False'.

Read and decide whether the following statements are true or false. The lack of cultural knowledge may affect the rate of reading comprehension. True 


The correct answer is 'True'.

Read and decide whether the following statements are true or false.  Reading is an individual activity.



The correct answer is 'True'.

Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to the following questions. What is the mail goal of this training module? A. to assist secondary school teachers in teaching reading sessions in the new textbooks more effectively  B. to train secondary school teachers in teaching reading skills

C. to introduce the teachers the reading sessions in the new English textbooks D. to establish a network among secondary school teachers in Vietnam The correct answer is: to assist secondary school teachers in teaching reading sessions in the new textbooks more effectively Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to the following questions. The ultimate goal of reading is to ______. A. students just pronounce the words

B. help students develop reading strategies

C. understand what they are reading 

D. help students get information from reading

The correct answer is: understand what they are reading Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to the following questions. A reading lesson is usually divided into ______ stages.

A. 5

B. 2

C. 4

D. 3  The correct answer is: 3

Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to the following questions. According to the new English textbooks at lower secondary level, a reading section is taught in about ______. A. 35 mins

B. 90 mins

C. 25 mins 

D. 45 mins .

The correct answer is: 25 mins

Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to the following questions. According to the new English textbooks at lower secondary level, reading is taught in close integration with ______. A. listening skill

B. speaking skill 

C. Communication and Culture

D. writing skill

The correct answer is: speaking skill Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to the following questions. Which of the following is NOT the purpose of pre-reading stage? A. activate students’ background knowledge C. pre-teach some new words in the text

B. predict the contents of the text D.  translate the text into Vietnamese 

The correct answer is:  translate the text into Vietnamese Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to the following questions. Before students read the text, they may ______. A. visualize the text

B. understand the text

C. retell the text

D. brainstorm about the text 

The correct answer is: brainstorm about the text Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to the following questions. “A carousel of ideas” is an activity in which students do the following EXCEPT ______. A. . think about the topic before reading.

B. share ideas with other students

C. listen to ideas related to the topic 

D. write ideas related to the topic

The correct answer is: listen to ideas related to the topic Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to the following questions. In while-reading stage, the teacher may do the following activities EXCEPT ______. A. remind students to use comprehension strategies as they read and to monitor their understanding. B. encourage students to check any predictions they have made before reading to see if they are confirmed by the text. C. ask questions that keep students on track and focus their attention on main ideas and important points in the text. D. call on students to summarize key sections or events.  The correct answer is: call on students to summarize key sections or events. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to the following questions. What is NOT the main focus of this training module? A. Principles of teaching reading C. Stages of a reading lesson

B. Testing of reading skills  D. Techniques for teaching reading

The correct answer is: Testing of reading skills

MODULE 8 Decide whether each statement below is TRUE or FALSE. In Listening-Writing lesson, teachers should spend more time on teaching writing, as it is more difficult. Select one:



The correct answer is 'False'.

Decide whether each statement below is TRUE or FALSE. Writing can be considered the post activity of Listening.



The correct answer is 'True'.

Decide whether each statement below is TRUE or FALSE. Making use of pictures related to the topic could be one of the way to set the context of the listening text.   True 

The correct answer is 'True'.

Decide whether each statement below is TRUE or FALSE. The product approach does not reflect the writing process, so it does not help in teaching writing skills.  True


The correct answer is 'False'.

Decide whether each statement below is TRUE or FALSE. The product and process approaches do not contrast each other; in fact, they complement each other.  True 


The correct answer is 'True'.

Decide whether each statement below is TRUE or FALSE. Pictures are reliable prompts to help students brainstorm and organize ideas for their writing.



The correct answer is 'True'.

Decide whether each statement below is TRUE or FALSE. Writing is an individual activity so teamwork or pair work is not possible in a writing lesson.  True


The correct answer is 'False'. MODULE 9

Match the issues with the strategies

Issues 1. Difficulties in monitoring work and giving feedback 2. Problems with individualizing work

Strategies a. Decide what “attending to students” means. If you cannot spend much time during class with all the students, try to establish another way of connecting. For instance, arrive early and greet every student as s/he enters the room. 

3. Difficulties in setting up communicative b. Set up a clear system for sell-checking and/or peer-review of tasks; pairwork and groupwork often homework and in-class exercise cumbersome to execute c. Establishing routines for group work and pair work. Make sure 4. Noise level is high, affecting learners understand the value of group work and pair work. neighbouring classes 5. Difficulties in attending to all students during class time

d. Design a simple process of gathering student’s ideas. For example, give out strips of paper at the end of the week that say “The next thing I want to work on is …” e. Talk to neighbouring teachers. Explain that speaking classes entail a certain amount of noise. Talk to class members about keeping their voices low. Conduct some pair work or group work activities in “whisper mode.”

The correct answer is: 2 → d, 4 → e, 1 → b, 5 → a, 3 → c What are the four roles of teacher in a speaking class? a. Instructor, prompter, leader, feedback provider 

b. Instructor, speaker, participant, feedback provider

c. Coach, prompter, participant, feedback provider

d. Instructor, prompter, participant, feedback provider

The correct answer is: Instructor, prompter, participant, feedback provider Put these suggestions below into the correct column 1.      Turn your row and talk to the person next to you 2.      Students select own group, with exceptions 3.      Students select own group 4.      Use colored index cards 5.      Birthday buddies 6.      Students grouped based on responses 7.      Group according to interest 8.      Alphabetical system 9.      Use synonym word cards 10. Use sticks or names from a hat 11. Day-of-the-week group

12. Group according to same skill level 13. Students choose based on random interest 14. Group to mix skill levels 15. Count off 16. Use a pack of cards 17. Arrange desks 18 . Students given options (choose the task)





a. Prepare the students


b. Offer choices: Let students suggest the topic or choose from several options


c. Choose hot / serious issues as the topics for students to discuss


d. Set a goal or outcome


e. Keep the discussion long so that students can have more chance to talk


f. Allow students to participate in their own way


g. Make sure that all students contribute equally to the conversation


h. Use small-group instead of whole class discussion


The correct answer is: h → √, a → √, b → √, c → x, f → √, e → x, d → √, g → x Question text Decide whether the following statements are true or false Manipulating physical arrangements to promote speaking practice must be done by teacher and the school. True 


The correct answer is 'True'.

Read to debate is a technique used when transfering from reading to speaking. True 


The correct answer is 'True'.

A real life situation cannot arouse students’ interest before they speak. True


The correct answer is 'False'.

Reflection is done when the students are proficient enough.



The correct answer is 'False'.

When the group is working, the teacher must always goes round the class to find students’ mistakes or errors. True


The correct answer is 'False'.

 If the students fail to correct themselves or respond to reformulation, we need to focus on the correct version in more detail. True 


The correct answer is 'True'.

Teachers should not write both correct and incorrect words, phrases or sentences on the board and have students decide which is which if the activity is focused on fluency. True


The correct answer is 'False'.

Teachers should not write both correct and incorrect words, phrases or sentences on the board and have students decide which is which if the activity is focused on fluency. True

False The correct answer is 'False'.

Plenty of group and pair work should only be done in large classes. True

False The correct answer is 'False'.

Which sentence is INCORRECT? A. A crucial part of the teachers’ job when organising speaking activities is to make sure that the students understand exactly what they are supposed to do. B. After the speaking task, putting some of the mistakes on the board to discuss with students is a useful way to give oral feedback C. Helpful and gentle correction may get students out of difficult misunderstandings and hesitationsD D. When giving oral feedback, the method of repeating is that we repeat what student has said, emphasizing the part of the utterance that was wrong 

The correct answer is: When giving oral feedback, the method of repeating is that we repeat what student has said, emphasizing the part of the utterance that was wrong Match ways of giving oral feedback with their description

We can simply say “Good try, but that’s not quite right” or “Do people think that’s correct?” to indicate that something hasn’t quite work.

Answer 1 Reformulation

Answer 2 We can ask student to repeat what they have said, perhaps by saying Again? which, coupled with intonation and expression, will indicate that something isn’t Hinting clear

We repeat what student has said, emphasizing the part of the utterance that was wrong When we know our class well, a simple facial expression or a gesture may be



Answer 3 Echoing

Answer 4


enough to indicate that something doesn’t quite work. This needs to be done with care as the wrong expression or gesture can, in certain circumstances, appear to be mocking or cruel. We might just say ‘”tense” to make them think that perhaps they should have used past simple rather than present perfect. We could say “countable” to make them think about s concord mistake they have made or “tell” to indicate that they have chosen the wrong word.

The teacher repeat back a corrected version of what the student has said, reformulating the sentence, but without making a big issue of it.

Statement and question


Answer 5 Repeating


Answer 6 Expression


The correct answer is: We can simply say “Good try, but that’s not quite right” or “Do people think that’s correct?” to indicate that something hasn’t quite work. → Reformulation, We can ask student to repeat what they have said, perhaps by saying Again? which, coupled with intonation and expression, will indicate that something isn’t clear → Hinting, We repeat what student has said, emphasizing the part of the utterance that was wrong → Echoing, When we know our class well, a simple facial expression or a gesture may be enough to indicate that something doesn’t quite work. This needs to be done with care as the wrong expression or gesture can, in certain circumstances, appear to be mocking or cruel. → Statement and question,

We might just say ‘”tense” to make them think that perhaps they should have used past simple rather than present perfect. We could say “countable” to make them think about s concord mistake they have made or “tell” to indicate that they have chosen the wrong word. → Repeating, The teacher repeat back a corrected version of what the student has said, reformulating the sentence, but without making a big issue of it. → Expression

MODULE 10 Choose the best answer for each question below What is the MAIN objective of this training course? A. Help trainees understand the concept of teaching and learning in an integrated manner  B. Help trainnees understand the concept of communication C. Help trainnees carry out a project The correct answer is: Help trainees understand the concept of teaching and learning in an integrated manner Choose the best answer for each question below What is NOT the focus of this training course? A. Task-based learning 

B. Integrated learning

C. Project based learning The correct answer is: Task-based learning

Choose the best answer for each question below What will be included in this training course? A. All of the above 

B. Face-to-face training

D. Real-life classroom teaching

C. Independent learning on the Internet 

The correct answer is: All of the above

Match the models of integration with their definition 1

Content-Based Instruction


In this model, students participate in communicative tasks in English


Task-Based Instruction


This model takes learner-centredness to a higher level. It shares many aspects with Task-based learning, but if anything, it is even more ambitious.


Project-based learning


In this model, students practice all the language skills in a highly integrated, communicative fashion while learning themes such as science, mathematics, and social studies

The correct answer is: 3 → B, 1 → C, 2 → A Arrange the following steps in the suggested procedure of teaching project. Clarify rules, procedures, products, timeline and grading practices.

Answer 1

Assess students on their final presentation and project outcome based on the agreed grading practices.

Have students reflect on their process of working on the project and draw useful lessons.

Assign the project from the beginning of the unit.

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Provide guidance on presentation skills.

Answer 5

Check students’ progress of working on the project and give feedback on a regular basis.

Assist students (if necessary) in searching for resources to carry out the project.

Answer 6

Answer 7















The correct answer is: Clarify rules, procedures, products, timeline and grading practices. → 2, Assess students on their final presentation and project outcome based on the agreed grading practices. → 6, Have students reflect on their process of working on the project and draw useful lessons. → 7, Assign the project from the beginning of the unit. → 1, Provide guidance on presentation skills. → 5, Check students’ progress of working on the project and give feedback on a regular basis. → 3, Assist students (if necessary) in searching for resources to carry out the project. → 4 Look at the following communication lesson Select the correct word/ phrase in the following teaching procedure. _____ the extra vocabulary in the box.

a. Teach 

b. Review

The correct answer is: Teach

Look at the following communication lesson Select the correct word/ phrase in the following teaching procedure. Let students _____________ and do the listening exercise. a. listen to the whole recording 

b. listen to the recording gap by gap The correct answer is: listen to the whole recording

Look at the following communication lesson Select the correct word/ phrase in the following teaching procedure.

Correct the listening exercise ________. with the whole class

a. with the whole class 

b.  with each individual

The correct answer is:

Look at the following communication lesson Select the correct word/ phrase in the following teaching procedure. Draw students’ attention to the _____ showing someone’s plan: a. vocabulary

b. structures The correct answer is: structures

Look at the following communication lesson Select the correct word/ phrase in the following teaching procedure. Divide students into _______ and let them discuss their plan.

a. pairs

b. groups 

The correct answer is: groups

Look at the following communication lesson Select the correct word/ phrase in the following teaching procedure. Go round listening to __________ discussing their plans, __________. Select one or more:

a. pairs

b. groups 

d. correcting their mistakes as much as possible

c. reminding them to use the learnt structures  The correct answers are: groups, reminding them to use the learnt structures

Look at the following communication lesson Select the correct word/ phrase in the following teaching procedure. Call _______ to talk about their plans. a. the whole group

b. group representatives  The correct answer is: group representatives

Look at the following communication lesson Select the correct word/ phrase in the following teaching procedure. _____ students’ presentation, focusing on the language and structures. a. Correct

b. Comment on 

The correct answer is: Comment on

Analyse the following Communication lesson.  Reorder the sequence to make a lesson plan to go with the lesson.

Divide Ss into pairs Answer 1

Teacher invite a S to the board and do the model

Review the Yes/ No question

Let Ss review places of interest

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Tell Ss the rule of the guessing game Answer 5











Let Ss work in pairs. Go round and offer help if necessary

Answer 6



The correct answer is: Divide Ss into pairs → 1, Teacher invite a S to the board and do the model → 5, Review the Yes/ No question → 3, Let Ss review places of interest → 2, Tell Ss the rule of the guessing game → 4, Let Ss work in pairs. Go round and offer help if necessary → 6 Choose the skills that your think will be involve in the following activity Learners do a 15-minute role play in pairs. Half of the class are journalists, who interview the other half of the class, who are famous actors. Select one or more:

a. Reading

b. Writing

c. Listening

d. Speaking  The correct answers are: Listening, Speaking

Choose the skills that your think will be involve in the following activity Learners work briefly in small groups to discuss ideas to put into a piece of writing on animal rights. They then write a magazinestyle article on the subject. a. Reading

b. Listening

c. Speaking

d. Writing 

The correct answers are: Listening, Speaking, Writing

Choose the skills that your think will be involve in the following activity Learners read a text about language teaching methodologies and answer questions. They discuss their answers in small groups before reporting back to the teacher. a. Writing

b. Reading 

c. Listening

d. Speaking 

The correct answers are: Listening, Speaking, Reading

Choose the skills that your think will be involve in the following activity Learners read a short newspaper description of a radio program. They then listen to the radio program and answer questions. a. Speaking

b. Listening 

c. Reading

d. Writing 

The correct answers are: Listening, Speaking, Reading

Choose the skills that your think will be involve in the following activity Learners work in pairs to write a review of a restaurant they like. a. Speaking

b. Listening

c. Reading

d. Writing 

The correct answers are: Listening, Speaking, Writing

Choose the skills that your think will be involve in the following activity Learners make notes as they listen to a short, recorded lecture. a. Reading

b. Speaking

c. Listening 

d. Writing 

The correct answers are: Listening, Writing

Fill in each blank with one suitable word about the advantages of PBL increased motivation

 Some advantages of project work are: (1) Answer

 - learners become personally involved in the project.  integrated

All four skills, reading, writing, listening and speaking are (2) Answer responsible

Autonomous learning is promoted as learners become more (3) Answer

 for their own learning. 


There are (4) Answer

 - learners have an end product. Authentic tasks and therefore the language input are more


(5) Answer

interpersonal relations

(6) Answer

  are developed through working as a group. 

Content and methodology can be decided between the learners and the teacher and within the group themselves so it is more leaners-centred

(7) Answer Learners often get help from parents for project work thus involving the parent more in the child's learning. If the project is also displayed parents can see it at open days or when they pick the child up from the school.  routine


A break from (8) Answer  and the chance to do something different. A (9) Answer the need for fluency and accuracy. 

 is established which balances

Some advantages of project work are: • (1) increased motivation - learners become personally involved in the project. • All four skills, reading, writing, listening and speaking are (2) integrated. • Autonomous learning is promoted as learners become more (3) responsible for their own learning. • There are (4) learning outcomes - learners have an end product. • Authentic tasks and therefore the language input are more (5) authentic • (6) Interpersonal relations  are developed through working as a group. • Content and methodology can be decided between the learners and the teacher and within the group themselves so it is more (7) learner-centred • Learners often get help from parents for project work thus involving the parent more in the child's learning. If the project is also displayed parents can see it at open days or when they pick the child up from the school. • A break from (8) routine and the chance to do something different. • A (9) context is established which balances the need for fluency and accuracy

MODULE 11 All the options below are objectives of each module mentioned, EXCEPT for: In Module 1 (Course overview), all of the following can-do statements are the module objectives, EXCEPT for:  : a. Understand the ways the new Tieng Anh textbook is implemented in classrooms b. Understand the approach taken by this training course; c. Know the course contents, syllabus, learning materials, learning resources, course d. Understand the assessment they are expected to undertake;  The correct answer is: Understand the ways the new Tieng Anh textbook is implemented in classrooms All the options below are objectives of each module mentioned, EXCEPT for:  Which of the followings is NOT introduced in Module 2, An overview of the new Tieng Anh textbooks? a. The assessment of the course 

b. The ways the book is implemented in classrooms

c. The overall objectives, structure, content and methodology, components of the new textbook d. Context in which the textbooks are introduced

The correct answer is: The assessment of the course

All the options below are objectives of each module mentioned, EXCEPT for: Which of the followings is the MAIN focus of Module 4,   “Getting started”: Opening a new unit in the new textbook? a. The structure of this part

b. The principles in teaching this part

c. The grammar and vocabulary in this part

d. The relation between this part and other parts 

The correct answer is: The principles in teaching this part

 All the options below are objectives of each module mentioned, EXCEPT for: What are the three main stages of teaching vocabulary covered in Module 5, Teaching vocabulary and pronunciation with the new textbooks? a. Listen - Speak – Write

b. Read – Speak – Write

d. Present – Practice – Recycle 

c. Present – Practice – Produce

The correct answer is: Present – Practice – Recycle

All the options below are objectives of each module mentioned, EXCEPT for: How many models of integrated learning were covered in Module 10, Communication & Project in the new textbooks a. How many models of integrated learning were covered in Module 10, Communication & Project in the new textbooks b. Four 

c. Two

d. Three

The correct answer is: Four

All the options below are objectives of each module mentioned, EXCEPT for: What is Listening often integrated with in the “Skill” section of the new Tieng Anh textbooks for Grade 6 - 9? a. Writing 

b. Speaking

c. All of the above

d. Reading

The correct answer is: Writing

All the options below are objectives of each module mentioned, EXCEPT for: What is Reading often integrated with in the “Skill” section of the new Tieng Anh textbooks for Grade 6-9? a. Reading

b. All of the above

c. Writing

d. Speaking 

The correct answer is: Speaking

All the options below are objectives of each module mentioned, EXCEPT for: If you want to find out about the teaching approaches employed in the new Tieng Anh textbooks, which module will you go to?

a. Module 4

b. Module 1

c. Module 2

d. Module 3 

The correct answer is: Module 3

All the options below are objectives of each module mentioned, EXCEPT for: If you want to find out about teaching Grammar in the new Tieng Anh textbooks, which module will you go to? a. Module 5

b. Module 6 

c. Module 8

d. Module 7

The correct answer is: Module 6

MODULE 12 Choose the best answer for each question below. In testing and assessment, … A test is said to be reliable if …. a. Both A and B

b. it measures consistently what it is supposed to measure. 

c. it measures the progress the teacher expects to happen. The correct answer is: it measures consistently what it is supposed to measure. Choose the best answer for each question below. In testing and assessment, … What is NOT one type of validity?

a. constructional 

b. content

c. face validity

The correct answer is: constructional

Choose the best answer for each question below. In testing and assessment, … An example of practicality would be the case when … a. The teacher doesn’t use a video clip for the listening test because the classroom projector breaks down frequently.  b. All of the above. c. Test items for reading use the same grammar and vocabulary as the textbook but in a new passage that no candidate has ever seen before. d. The English language test doesn’t test students’ special knowledge of any subject. The correct answer is: The teacher doesn’t use a video clip for the listening test because the classroom projector breaks down frequently. Choose the best answer for each question below. In testing and assessment, … A True/False/Doesn’t Say item tests students’ productive skills. True


The correct answer is 'False'.

Choose the best answer for each question below. In testing and assessment, … The test has face validity if it is what students and parents want, and it looks familiar to them. True 


The correct answer is 'True'.

Choose the best answer for each question below. In testing and assessment, … In a test construction procedure, test writers should write test items before constructing a test specification grid. True


The correct answer is 'False'.

Choose the best answer for each question below. In testing and assessment, … It is impractical for teachers to select and adapt test items from other sources to use in classroom tests. True


The correct answer is 'False'.

Choose the best answer for each question below. In testing and assessment, … As regulated in MOET documents, there must be at least 8 questions in the Listening component of a 45-minute test. True 


The correct answer is 'True'.

Choose the best answer for each question below. In testing and assessment, …


The term “Practicality” relates to the administration of the test.

False The correct answer is 'True'.


A test is not consideredAnswer

 if it doesn’t test what it is supposed to test. The correct answer is: valid

TESTING GRAMMAR A/an ____ test is the one whose marking process is not affected by teacher’s personality and mood. Answer: 


The correct answer is: objective


Testing a student only once in a semester may not result in aAnswer

 result. The correct answer is: reliable


A test that covers all the items that have been taught or studied in a period of time is seen asAnswer


The correct answer is: comprehensive TESTING GRAMMAR approp

If the test items are not too easy or difficult, the test is consideredAnswer

 in difficulty.

The correct answer is: appropriate TESTING GRAMMAR What types of exercises are not normally found in a grammar test? A. multiple choice questions

B. gap-filling

C. essay writing 

D. rewriting sentences

The correct answer is: essay writing TESTING GRAMMAR Rearrange the following steps in the correct order              A. Selecting test items

B. Finding test materials

C. Identifying test specifications

D. Compiling test items E. Analyzing test materials F. Modifying test items The correct answer is: 5 → F, 4 → A, 1 → C, 6 → D, 2 → B, 3 → E TESTING GRAMMAR What is NOT the consideration when assessing the suitability of a test? A. Familiarity of the question types C. Students’ level

B. Teachers’ preference of question types 

D. Grammar points covered

E. Objectives of the test

The correct answer is: Teachers’ preference of question types TESTING GRAMMAR What should be done if some test items are not suitable? a. Make them an optional item

b. Delete them

c. Modify them 

d. Ignore them

The correct answer is: Modify them

TESTING GRAMMAR Decide whether the statements are True or False All test items should be equally difficult.



The correct answer is 'False'.

TESTING GRAMMAR Decide whether the statements are True or False The more items there are, the better.



The correct answer is 'False'.

TESTING GRAMMAR Decide whether the statements are True or False There should be a variety of questions types.



The correct answer is 'True'.

TESTING GRAMMAR Decide whether the statements are True or False Teachers should always design the test items rather than compile them from other materials. True

False The correct answer is 'False'.

TESTING VOCABULARY  Answer the following questions, there may be more than one answers. Which type(s) of assessment is easy to mark, but the candidate can get   the right answer without knowing the word?



The correct answer is:


TESTING VOCABULARY  Answer the following questions, there may be more than one answers. Which type(s) of assessment is easy to write but there  may be many possible correct answers ?


gap fil ing

The correct answer is: Gap filling

TESTING VOCABULARY  Answer the following questions, there may be more than one answers. Which types of assessment have the problem of the possibility having more than one answers? Answer: 


The correct answer is: Translation

TESTING VOCABULARY  Answer the following questions, there may be more than one answers. Which type(s) of  assessment is easy to mark but surpringly difficult to write)? Answer: 

multiple choice

The correct answer is: Multiple choice

TESTING VOCABULARY  Answer the following questions, there may be more than one answers. Which type(s) of assessment is a good indicator of overall language proficiency? Answer: 


The correct answer is: Close

According to CEFR, a person whose speech is often unintelligible

gets _____.

a. Band 3

b. Band 2 

c. Band 4

d. Band 5

The correct answer is: Band 2

According to CEFR, a person, who uses a limited range of pronunciation features, attempts to control features but lapses are frequent, mispronunciations are frequent and cause some difficulty for the listener, gets _____. a. Band 4 

b. Band 3

c. Band 5

d. Band 6

The correct answer is:  Band 4

According to CEFR, a person, who uses a range of pronunciation features with mixed control, shows some effective use of features but this is not sustained, and can generally be understood throughout, though mispronunciation of individual words or sounds reduces clarity at times, gets _____.

a. Band 5

b. Band 6 

c. Band 7

d. Band 4

The correct answer is:  Band 6

According to CEFR, a person, who uses a wide range of pronunciation features, sustains flexible use of features, with only occasional lapses, is easy to understand throughout; L1 accent has minimal effect on intelligibility, gets _____. a. Band 7

b. Band 6

c. Band 5

d. Band 8 

The correct answer is:  Band 8

According to CEFR, a person, who uses a full range of pronunciation features with precision and subtlety, sustains flexible use of features throughout, is effortless to understand, gets _____. a. Band 7

b. Band 6

c. Band 9 

d. Band 8

The correct answer is:  Band 9

This type of exercise is used to test students’ knowledge of _____. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Complete the transcriptions with one of the following dipthongs: /eɪ/        /aɪ/        /ɔɪ/        /əʊ/       /aʊ/       /ɪə/        /eə/       /ʊə/ 1. make /m _ _ k/                2. sure /ʃ _ _/

3. bear /b _ _/           4. island /- - lənd/

 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------a. linking

b. stress

c. intonation

d. sounds 

The correct answer is: sounds

This type of exercise is used to test students’ knowledge of _____. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Divide the following words into syllables. 1. mirror            2. sunshine        3. poem         4. wonderful            5. calendar           6. global ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------a. linking

b. word stress

c. intonation 

d. sentence stress

The correct answer is: word stress

This type of exercise is used to test students’ knowledge of _____. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Mark the stressed syllables in the following passages. Practise reading them with attention to the weak forms (auxiliaries, articles, pronouns, prepositions etc). TEXT 1 Of all the changes that swept over Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the most widely influential was an epistemological transformation that we call the “scientific revolution”. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : a. linking

b. sentence stress 

c. word stress

d. intonation

This type of exercise is used to test students’ knowledge of _____.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Listen, underline and practise linking  

The correct answer is:  sentence stress

 1.       “Stop it” 2.       “I need it” 

3.    “Play a song” 

4. “Read a book” 

5.   “Read it”

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------a. intonation

b. linking (consonant + vowel)

c. word stress

d. linking (consonant + consonant) 

The correct answer is:  linking (consonant + consonant) This type of exercise is used to test students’ knowledge of _____. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Listen and identify the intonation patterns Betty lives in London. Victor works at a bank. What is his \name?

Where does he \live?

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------a. word stress

b. rhythm

c.  linking 

d. intonation  The correct answer is:  intonation

For questions 1-5, match the instructions with the terms listed A-F. There is one extra term you do not need to use





1. Read the sentences and complete the bank with one word only.

A. Labeling

2. What are the names of these things? Write the name beside each picture.

B. Jumbled sentences

3. Draw a line between the words on the left with the meaning on the right.

C. Picture composition

4. Exchange the idea on the topic with your classmates.

D. Matching

5. Look at these and write the story they tell.

E. Gap- fill


F. Sharing The correct answer is: 1 → E, 4 → F, 5 → C, 2 → A, 3 → D

MODULE 14 Từ biên tập bài khóa đến thiết kế câu hỏi đọc hiểu Câu hỏi có thể có hơn một câu trả lời đúng. Lựa chọn câu trả lời đúng bằng cách khoanh tròn chữ cái tương ứng. Bài khóa được lựa chọn cho mỗi trình độ cần thỏa mãn các tiêu chí nào trong các tiêu chí sau đây A. được viết bởi tác giả nổi tiếng

B. có độ khó phù hợp (từ vựng, cấu trúc câu…) 

C. có thông tin chính xác về mặt khoa học 

E. có chủ đề phù hợp 

D. có đặc điểm phù hợp với mục đích kiểm tra 

F. có độ dài phù hợp 

G. có độ xác thực cao 

The correct answers are:  có chủ đề phù hợp , có độ dài phù hợp  ,  có độ xác thực cao  ,  có thông tin chính xác về mặt khoa học , có đặc điểm phù hợp với mục đích kiểm tra , có độ khó phù hợp (từ vựng, cấu trúc câu…) Từ biên tập bài khóa đến thiết kế câu hỏi đọc hiểu Câu hỏi có thể có hơn một câu trả lời đúng. Lựa chọn câu trả lời đúng bằng cách khoanh tròn chữ cái tương ứng. Khi chọn bài đọc, giáo viên lưu ý ______. A. lựa chọn bài đọc có độ phổ biến cao C. cần lựa chọn nhiều dạng bài đọc càng tốt

B.lựa chọn mẫu ngữ liệu càng tiêu biểu càng tốt D. tùy vào trình độ có thể chọn các dạng bài khóa phù hợp 

The correct answers are:lựa chọn mẫu ngữ liệu càng tiêu biểu càng tốt, tùy vào trình độ có thể chọn các dạng bài khóa phù hợp, cần lựa chọn nhiều dạng bài đọc càng tốt Hãy ghép 1 cụm từ ở cột A với một cụm từ ở cột B để thể hiện sự tương thích giữa bài khóa và mục đích kiểm tra.



1. Để kiểm tra khả năng đọc lấy ý chính,

a. hãy chọn bài khóa có cấu trúc dễ nhận biết.

2. Để kiểm tra khả năng đọc lấy thông tin chi tiết,

b. không chọn các bài khóa quá nặng tính văn hóa hay kỹ thuật chuyên môn.

3. Để kiểm tra khả năng đọc để định dạng cấu trúc của bài khóa,

c. hãy chọn bài khóa có chứa cả ý chính và ý cụ thể.

4. Để đảm bảo chỉ kiểm tra khả năng đọc,

d. hãy chọn các bài khóa có nhiều chi tiết cụ thể.

The correct answer is: 2 → d, 1 → c, 4 → b, 3 → a Khi biên tập bài khóa, giáo viên thường làm những việc sau NGOẠI TRỪ ______. A. chỉnh ngôn ngữ hoặc cấu trúc C. Cắt ngắn / làm dài

B. Thay đổi văn phong của bài khóa 

D. Làm khó hơn / làm dễ hơn The correct answer is: Thay đổi văn phong của bài khóa

Các bước viết câu hỏi sau đây áp dụng để kiểm tra khả năng đọc hiểu gì? Đọc bài khóa, tìm ý chính của các đoạn văn và ý chính của cả bài khóa. Viết các câu hỏi về ý chính của bài khóa và của các đoạn văn quan trọng. kiểm tra khả năng đọc hiểuAnswer

ý chính

The correct answer is: ý chính

Các bước viết câu hỏi sau đây áp dụng để kiểm tra khả năng đọc hiểu gì? Đọc lại bài khóa, lần này ghi lại các chi tiết quan trọng. Viết các câu hỏi yêu cầu thí sinh tìm lại các chi tiết này trong bài khóa.kiểm tra khả năng đọc hiểuAnswer

thông tin

The correct answer is: Thong tin chi tiết

Các bước viết câu hỏi sau đây áp dụng để kiểm tra khả năng đọc hiểu gì? đoán ng

Đọc lướt qua bài khóa để tìm các từ ngữ khó. Viết các câu hỏi từ vựng.kiểm tra khả năngAnswer The correct answer is: đoán nghĩa của từ qua ngữ cảnh Câu hỏi  có thể có hơn một câu trả lời đúng.  Khi viết câu hỏi đọc hiểu giáo viên cần lưu ý ______. A. Không thiết kế các câu hỏi mà học sinh không cần đọc bài khóa cũng có thể trả lời được. 

B. Cần trình bày các câu hỏi theo thứ tự thông tin xuất hiện trong bài đọc. 

C. Thiết kế các câu hỏi độc lập với nhau.  D. Thiết kế câu hỏi mà học sinh có thể sử dụng kiến thức chung để trả lời. The correct answers are:  Cần trình bày các câu hỏi theo thứ tự thông tin xuất hiện trong bài đọc.,  Thiết kế các câu hỏi độc lập với nhau.,  Không thiết kế các câu hỏi mà  học  sinh không cần đọc bài khóa cũng có thể trả lời được. Câu hỏi  có thể có hơn một câu trả lời đúng.

Khi viết câu trả lời đúng, cần đảm bảo rằng câu trả lời đúng ______. a. ở các vị trí khác nhau và cân đối trong cả bài thi 

b. hải đúng và là câu trả lời duy nhất đúng

c. thí sinh có năng lực đọc hiểu càng cao thì có xác suất chọn câu trả lời đúng cao hơn các thí sinh có năng lực đọc hiểu thấp hơn 

d. phải có độ trau chuốt nhiều hơn về mặt ngôn ngữ so với các lựa chọn khác

The correct answers are:  hải đúng và là câu trả lời duy nhất đúng, ở các vị trí khác nhau và cân đối trong cả bài thi, thí sinh có năng lực đọc hiểu càng cao thì có xác suất chọn câu trả lời đúng cao hơn các thí sinh có năng lực đọc hiểu thấp hơn Câu hỏi  có thể có hơn một câu trả lời đúng. Cần đảm bảo rằng các lựa chọn ______.  a. được sắp xếp theo trình tự logic 

b. có độ dài tương đương 

c. thống nhất về ngữ pháp và cấu trúc với lời dẫn

d. sử dụng từ ngữ xuất hiện trong bài khóa 

e. đúng ngữ pháp  The correct answers are: đúng ngữ pháp, thống nhất về ngữ pháp và cấu trúc với lời dẫn , được sắp xếp theo trình tự logic , có độ dài tương đương Câu hỏi có thể có hơn một câu trả lời đúng. Cần tránh viết lựa chọn ______. A. với câu “Không lựa chọn nào đúng” 

B. có các từ “luôn luôn” hay “không bao giờ” 

C. có ý trái ngược với nội dung bài khóa

D. với câu “Tất cả các lựa chọn trên” 

The correct answers are: với câu “Tất cả các lựa chọn trên” , với câu “Không lựa chọn nào đúng” , có các từ “luôn luôn” hay “không bao giờ” Câu hỏi có thể có hơn một câu trả lời đúng. Cần đảm bảo rằng phương án gây nhiễu ______. A. phải kiểm tra được các lỗi đọc hiểu thường gặp (lỗi tư duy, lỗi ngôn ngữ, hoặc cả hai) 

B. thu hút nhiều thí sinh có năng lực đọc hiểu thấp hơn các thí sinh có năng lực đọc hiểu cao. 

C. nằm ngoài nội dung của bài khóa

D. đủ hấp dẫn để một số thí sinh sẽ lựa chọn 

The correct answers are:  phải kiểm tra được các lỗi đọc hiểu thường gặp (lỗi tư duy, lỗi ngôn ngữ, hoặc cả hai)  ,  đủ hấp dẫn để một số thí sinh sẽ lựa chọn , thu hút nhiều thí sinh có năng lực đọc hiểu thấp hơn các thí sinh có năng lực đọc hiểu cao. Fill in each gap below with NO MORE THAN three words or ONE number:  Objectives of reading competences for students at lower secondary schools corresponding to grades   Grade




Objectives đon gi?n

•Đọc hiểu nội dung chính, nội dung chi tiết các bài đối thoại, độc thoại (1) Answer


(bậc 2.1)


trong khoảng (2) Answer   từ về các chủ đề trong chương trình như: gia đình, nhà trường, bạn bè, lễ hội, danh lam thắng cảnh, danh nhân, truyền hình, thể thao, ... . •Đọc hiểu nội dung chính các thư cá nhân, thông báo, đoạn văn ngắn, đơn giản thuộc phạm vi chủ quen thu?c

đề (3) Answer 7


 (có thể có một số từ, cấu trúc mới).

• Đọc hiểu nội dung chính, nội dung chi tiết các bài đối thoại, độc thoại đơn giản trong khoảng 100

(bậc 2.2)

(4) Answer   từ về các chủ đề trong chương trình như: sở thích, âm nhạc và nghệ thuật, điện ảnh, giao thông, năng lượng, ... • Đọc hiểu nội dung chính các mẩu tin, thực đơn, quảng cáo, các văn bản, tài liệu ngắn, đơn giản quen thu?c

thuộc phạm vi chủ đề (5) Answer 8


(bậc 2.3)

  (có thể có một số từ, cấu trúc mới). đon gi?n

•Đọc hiểu nội dung chính, nội dung chi tiết các bài đối thoại, độc thoại (6) Answer 120

quen thu?c

trong khoảng (7) Answer   từ về các chủ đề (8) Answer  như: hoạt động vui chơi giải trí, cuộc sống ở nông thôn, phong tục tập quán, truyền thốnglễ hội trên thế giới, thảm họa thiên nhiên, khoa học và công nghệ, cuộc sống hành tinh khác, .....

•Đọc hiểu nội dung chính và nội dung chi tiết các chỉ dẫn, thông báo, biển báo, ... các văn bản, tài quen thu?c

liệu ngắn, đơn giản thuộc phạm vi chủ đề (9) Answer

•Đọc hiểu và đoán (10) Answer

nghia c?a t?

 dựa vào ngữ cảnh. 9


(bậc 2.4)

đon gi?n

•Đọc hiểu nội dung chính, nội dung chi tiết các bài đối thoại, độc thoại (11) Answer 140

trong chuong trình

trong khoảng (12) Answer từ về các chủ đề có (13) Answer   như: môi trường địa phương, cuộc sống thành thị, đất nước nói tiếng Anh,  du lịch, tuổi trưởng thành, tiếng Anh trên thế giới, ...

•Đọc hiểu nội dung chính và nội dung chi tiết các mẩu tin, câu chuyện kể, các bảng biểu, ... các văn bản, tài liệu ngắn, đơn giản thuộc phạm vi chủ đề được quy định (14) Answer trong chuong trình

nghia c?a t?

•Đọc hiểu và đoán (15) Answer

 dựa vào suy luận 

c?u trúc

•Đọc và nhận biết (16) Answer

 của đoạn văn ngắn, đơn giản.


1. đơn giản

2. 80

3. quen thuộc

4. 100

5. quen thuộc

6. đơn giản

7. 120

8. quen thuộc

9. quen thuộc

10. nghĩa của từ

11. đơn giản

12. 140

13. trong chương trình 14. trong chương trình 15. nghĩa của từ

16. tổ chức/cấu trúc

Finish review

MODULE 15 Choose the best answer a. A1

b. A2 

What is the target level of listening proficiency for Secondary students?  c. B1

The correct answer is: A2

Choose the best answer a. 10-12’

What is the time allowance for the Listening component in the test?

b. 7-10’ 

c. 7-10’

Choose the best answer

The correct answer is: 7-10’

Which item should NOT be included in a listening test?

a. Table completion

b. Open-ended questions 

c. Multiple choice questions with pictures

The correct answer is: Open-ended questions Choose the best answer a. 2:2:1

b. 3:2

What is NOT the recommended level of difficult for a listening test? c. 2:2:2 

Choose the best answer

The correct answer is: 2:2:2

In the level of difficulty, what does it mean by 2:2:1.

a. 2 Average items  – 2 Difficult items 2 – 2 Easy item

b. 2 Difficult items  – 2 Easy items  – 1 Average item  

c. 2 Easy items  – 2 Average items – 2 Difficult item The correct answer is: 2 Easy items  – 2 Average items – 2 Difficult item

MODULE 16 Choose the correct answer for each question. How long does a speaking test for secondary students last?

Select one:

a. 10 minutes  b. 15 minutes c. 5 minutes Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: 10 minutes Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text Choose the correct answer for each question. How many parts are there in each speaking test for secondary students?

Select one:

a. 2 parts  b. 4 parts c. 3 parts Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: 2 parts Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text Choose the correct answer for each question. How many questions are there in part 1?

Select one: a. 4

b. 5  c. 3 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: 5 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Choose the correct answer for each question. Which activities can be used for continuous assessment in speaking?

Select one: a. Question and Answer; Picture description; Story-telling/Narrative; Guided Speech; Dialogue; Situation; Interview/Role-play; Presentation; Debate; Dicussion; Simulation  b. Question and Answer; Picture description; Story-telling/Narrative; Guided Speech; Dialogue; Situation; Interview/Role-play; Presentation; Debate; Dicussion c. Question and Answer; Picture description; Story-telling/Narrative; Guided Speech; Dialogue; Situation; Interview/Role-play; Presentation; Dicussion; Simulation d. Question and Answer; Story-telling/Narrative; Guided Speech; Dialogue; Situation; Interview/Role-play; Presentation; Debate; Dicussion; Simulation Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Question and Answer; Picture description; Story-telling/Narrative; Guided Speech; Dialogue; Situation; Interview/Role-play; Presentation; Debate; Dicussion; Simulation Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text Choose the correct answer for each question. When should teachers evaluate the speaking performance of students?

Select one: a. Anytime b. At the end of the school year c. At the middle of the semester

d. It depends whether it’s the exit test or continuous assessment.  Feedback

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: It depends whether it’s the exit test or continuous assessment. Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text Decide these sentences are T (true) or F (false) There are five criteria for choosing a good sample speaking test.

Select one: True

False  Feedback The correct answer is 'False'. Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text Decide these sentences are T (true) or F (false) Assessment rubric should accomplish three goals. Select one:

True  False Feedback The correct answer is 'True'. Correct

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text Decide these sentences are T (true) or F (false) Pronunciation, vocabulary, accuracy, communication, interaction and fluency are often exploited to evaluate a student’s overall speaking abilities. Select one:

True  False Feedback The correct answer is 'True'. Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text Decide these sentences are T (true) or F (false) Other criteria such as syntax or discourse management cannot be used. Select one: True

False  Feedback The correct answer is 'False'. Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text Decide these sentences are T (true) or F (false) Grammatical errors belong to syntax. Select one:

True  False Feedback The correct answer is 'True'. Partially correct Mark 0.75 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text Look at the some description of English proficiency below and put them in correct column to complete the Speaking band descriptors.

A. Requires very little prompting and support.

E. Requires additional prompting and support.

B. Maintains simple exchanges, despite some difficulty.

F. Shows a good degree of control of simple grammatical forms

C. Has very limited control of phonological features and is often unintelligible.

G. Shows only limited control of a few grammatical forms.

D. Is mostly intelligible, and has some control of H. Uses appropriate vocabulary to talk about phonological features at both utterance and word everyday situations. levels.  

A2 5

Grammar and Vocabulary


Interactive Communication

(1) _________________ (2) _________________ Maintains simple ___________________ ___________________ exchanges. ___________________ ___________________ (3) _________________ ___________________ Uses a range of   appropriate vocabulary


when talking about everyday situations. 4


Performance shares features of Bands 3 and 5. Shows sufficient control of simple grammatical forms.  


(4) _________________

Is mostly intelligible, (5) _________________ despite limited control ___________________ of phonological ___________________ features.  


Requires prompting and support.









Performance shares features of Bands 1 and 3.


(7) _________________ Has considerable (6) _________________ ___________________ difficulty maintaining simple exchanges. ___________________ ___________________ (8) _________________ ___________________   ___________________ Uses a vocabulary of ___________________ Isolated words and phrases.  


Performance below Band 1.

Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Answer 5

Answer 6















Answer 7

Answer 8





Feedback Your answer is partially correct. You have correctly selected 6. The correct answer is: 6 → G, 2 → D, 8 → E, 7 → C, 4 → H, 3 → A, 5 → B, 1 → F