Cypher Cyberpunk Manual [PDF]

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Command List Cheat Sheet























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WELCOME TO NEOSUSHI CITY! If you have never played a Text Adventure before, you need to read this section. CYPHER is an interactive fiction game (also described as Text Adventure) in which you take the role of Dogeron Kenan, a low life criminal who is about to have the longest night of his life in the futuristic Japanese city of NeoSushi (formerly Tokyo). You will run for your life, walk into a Yakuza nightclub unarmed, shoot giant mutant roaches and punch cops in the face in a fast paced thrilling action story that will unfold according to your actions. CYPHER presents you with a location and several exits that lead to other locations you need to explore to keep the game moving. In each location you can find characters you can interact with, items you will be able to take (or use), doors you can lock or unlock, computers you will be able to use, videophones you can dial other characters with and a variety of ways to interact that goes beyond what you have seen and experienced with other videogames before. To move from location to location you need to use the exits provided within the room. Sometimes these will be open, sometimes they will be locked and sometimes, they will be a hidden. Like with in real life, there is always more than one way to exiting a location so you will just have to figure out which way is the best (get creative!). It is always a good idea to become familiar with your surroundings and explore the locations when you have a chance. Keep in mind you are constantly being chased by a group of mercenaries though, so there won’t be a lot of time for you to wonder around the city without consequences.


If you have never played Interactive Fiction there is one crucial thing you should know: they are fill with puzzles. From the usual locked doors, to obstacles you have to sort out to stay alive and CYPHER is no exception. We made sure each puzzle is easy enough for you to keep moving forward without any help from the manual as we created CYPHER to be an introductory Text Adventure for those who haven’t played them before. Oh wait... you’ve played one? then there’s nothing for you to worry about: we also though of you (a lot) so get ready to “load” the most awesome Text Adventure you have ever experienced and sit back, because this will be one hell of a ride!

We hope you enjoy CYPHER as much as we enjoyed making it. Please keep reading the manual as it is very important for you to understand exactly how the game works if you want to play it through the end.


NOTE TO BEGINNING ADVENTURERS If you have never played a Text Adventure game before you may find yourself a bit lost at first; here are some handy tips to help you out on your first steps. 1.Remember to SAVE your game often. NeoSushi City is a dangerous place and dead can be at the turn of any corner.You will likely die a few times during your gameplay, so be sure to save your progress before making any important decision. One note about saves: there is only one slot to save to, so each time you restart or save your adventure, it will erase all previous versions you may have saved in that slot. 2. Pay attention to the story. YOU ARE the main character of this game and as such, any information is relevant for you to find out what is going on. Skipping text without actually reading it and giving it a proper thought will make it only hard for you to complete the game. 3. Take everything you can carry with you.Your trench coat has deep pockets, so don’t be afraid to run out of space.The more items you have at your disposal, the better chances you have to make it through the story. 4. When talking to another character make sure to ask relevant questions, they probably give you some interesting answers that will help you move along the story. 5.Draw maps! yes, the long forgotten art of drawing in a sheet of paper to see where you are at! you see, Cypher doesn’t has a complicated 4

map structure, in many ways it’s an introductory game to the world of Text Adventures for a lot of you out there and drawing a map may not even be necessary if you pay attention to the exists descriptions; but we recommend to always draw maps while playing a Text Adventure: it helps to get things moving faster and besides, it’s fun as hell! 6.Play with another person. Yes, CYPHER can be multiplayer too (no modem needed!). Playing with your brother, your sister, a friend or a loved one next to you can be quite helpful: different people see puzzles from different angles and as you may know, two heads are better than one! 7.Try everything you can possible think of: like with life, sometimes doing silly stuff can point you in the right direction! PROLOGUE It is the year 2242. Corporations have become the new government in a world ruled by technological dehumanization since the “TITA” asteroid collided with the moon. The dust from the impact poisoned earth’s atmosphere killed billions around the entire globe. History books call it “the moon incident”. NeoSushi employee handbook calls it “foundation”. In a technological effort without precedents, japanese megacorporation NeoSushi transformed its headquarters into a giant artificial lung that swallowed every micro particle of moon dust before it could reach the stratosphere saving the lives of entire island’s population overnight. Sadly, other nations were too slow to replicate NeoSushi technology. Millions perished during the incident and millions after, but Japan prevailed. Repopulation plans began immediately after 5

politicians changed Japan’s capital’s name to NEOSUSHI in a futile attempt to regain people’s sympathy, but democracy as a form of government had suffered a fatal strike that would change human history, forever. Over the next twenty years the corporation began to charge an strict monthly fee to those living closer to the artificial lung alleging they were using more resources than those living outside the designated safe zone. Sectors were diagrammed based on habitants education and income level.The first step for people’s industrialization had began. During the game, you find yourself in the shoes of Dogeron “Dog” Kenan; a low life data- smuggler living beneath the gray skies of NeoSushi. Your job is simple, the client stores a complex 768-bits encrypted passcode into your neuro-synapse through a USB connection installed in your right arm then you transport the passcode (or encryption key) to the download point which can be located anywhere in the world. Once you reached the destination the passcode is deciphered and extracted from your brain after your agent in Japan confirms the full transfer of the funds to your international account. Of course, most jobs never turn out that easy. Since moving passcodes through international borders without corporate approval is considered highly illegal (and in most cases will certainly falls under the death penalty) airports are always updating their scanning software, making your job highly dangerous. What does a passcode unlocks? there is no way to know for sure. It can be the blueprints for some military prototype, bank accounts numbers in Zurich, books from the forbidden literature list or anything the client wants to keep under the corporation’s radar.


Command List Cheat Sheet UNDERSTANDING HOW TO PLAY CYPHER You can do pretty much anything in Cypher if you know how to describe your actions. Normally, you would write those like you do when in a chat room with friends or sending a text messages.There is no big secret here, you just have to type and press enter to send. Some text adventures included the phrase AND to put sentences together, but they used to make things a bit fuzzy to novice players and that feature was rarely used by those who were not initiated so we chose not to include it in the game. Here are the examples for each one of the different commands you can enter during your adventure. Please pay special attention at the one for interacting with other characters since this will be the most crucial to advance in the story. Command


LOOK [obj]

Look at Jack’s face - Look briefcase

SHOW [obj] TO [person]

Show gun to Yakuza leader - Show Mandy the flashlight

ATTACK [person]

Attack Jack - Attack Jenny

KISS [person]

Kiss Jenny - Kiss cop in the mouth with tongue

READ [obj]

Read book - Read paper - Read flashlight - Read Multi-Card

GIVE [obj] TO [person]

Give Multi-Card to Jack


Examine Multi-Card

UNLOCK [obj]

Unlock Briefcase 7



LOCK [obj]

Lock Door


Take briefcase - Grab Multi-Card

GO [north, south, west, east, up, down]

Use go North, South, West, East, Up and Down to move through the story.

USE [obj]

Use toilet - Use Terminal - Use Phone

CALL [number]

Call 911 - Call 101

OPEN [obj]

Open Briefcase Note: in case of doors you must also add the direction of the door. If the door is east, then the right command is “Open East Door”.

CLOSE [obj]

Close Briefcase - Close East Door


Turn Radio On - Turn Radio Off

TOUCH [obj]

Touch Angelica - Touch Sofa


You simply stand.


You duck near the floor!

SCORE / Stats

Your overall score up to this point


The contents of your inventory will be displayed.

[person name], [command/question]

Sarah, get me a beer - Paul, where you say that club was? - John, why you are so ugly? Note: you MUST include the comma after the person’s name, otherwise the command won’t work.


Displays the onscreen instructions to save the game. Keep in mind though: you only have ONE save slot (that’s right).







Displays the onscreen instructions to restore a previously saved game.


It will erase your current save game and start from zero again.

JUMP [north, south, west, east, up, down]

You can jump on CYPHER! just be careful not to break a leg.You can jump in any direction if the time is right! Jump East - Jump North - Jump Down


Climb up - Climb down the gutter

GET IN / OUT / GET INSIDE / OUTSIDE Get in/out - Get inside/outside STEP INSIDE/OUTSIDE

Step inside - Step Outside


Sometimes you will find it difficult to see, it is always good to rub your eyes!

KNOCK Door Position

Knock west door - Knock south door

SHOOT [person/obj] WITH [gun]

Shoot Javier with pistol - Shoot Carlos with shotgun


You can try, but you will never be as good as Dogeron.


You are not proud of this, but from time to time, you scream to let go stress.You can’t scream at people though. Scream


Sometimes it can be useful to smell or listen to your surroundings. Smell / Listen


SPECIAL COMMANDS In Cypher, there are a number of commands that execute special actions. SAVE

it will save the current progress of your game. It will not only record items you are carrying and where you are, but what you have said to whom as well. INVENTORY

(or I) will show what you are currently carrying inside your plastic trench coat. RESTORE

will let you see the onscreen instructions to restore a previously saved game. RESTART

will erase all your game data and start a new game from scratch. Be careful with this one, if you have saved progress, you will no longer be able to restore your game until you save again. SCORE

Cypher will display the current score of your adventure.The format is clear and simple: 100/500 means 100 points of 500 available. WAIT

will make the time pass one turn in the story. If for example you have to wait for a candle to consume itself, you can wait all day long and it will still be there. If you type WAIT, time will pass within the game and as long as you keep typing it again and again, eventually, the candle will melt completely. 10


Will make Dogeron to the right stop smoking so much. It is a nice effect and adds ambient, but some people may find it offensive (specially those who don’t smoke) START SMOKING

Sometimes you can’t quit smoking.This command will make Dogeron begin to smoke again. He feels like a big man every time he does. Specially around people. TURN CAMERA MOVEMENT OFF

Will make the camera at the right stop shaking. Some people get dizzy when a camera shakes. Scientists say one every 10, can you believe that? no? good, because I just made it up. TURN CAMERA MOVEMENT ON

will make the camera at the right start shaking again (which is rather cool!) TURN SCREEN FLICKERING ON/OFF

If you have tired eyes and you hate how the old monitor flickers just write this and it will stop. NOTICE: CYPHER is best played at 1280x800 (16:9 / 16:10) resolutions.

SUPPORT Email us at [email protected] or visit our website at http:// for more detailed information.



CYPHER GUI (Graphical User Interface) is the next generation on Interactive Fiction. To the left of the screen the story unfolds, and on the right, you will be able to see Dogeron Kenan (that’s you!) and the items you pick up during the adventure and a map showing your current location. The map is not an actual map of directions, but a hint of what the place you are in looks like. We tried not to step over what your mind constructs and kept things minimal here; this way your imagination does most of the work but at the same time we ensure it goes exactly where we want it to go in terms of aesthetic. For example, imagine there is a white elephant on a park for five seconds. Think really hard on the elephant and the park. Go ahead. 12

Keep going, stop reading for five seconds and imagine the elephant on a green field park. Done? alright, you just imagined the white elephant, but also some other elements on the park, like trees, children playing, a hill, etc. This is what we didn’t wanted to lose, your imagination. If we added a picture of how the world looks to a text adventure, it will be like killing the genre entirely for the player. Here we just use a technique we like to describe as planting a seed. We insert images, sounds, little snippets of movements to make things pop into your imagination and at the same time we keep it minimal. If you want to read more about how we came up with this technique, and how we used it, order the Digital Hintbook. One of the items (plasma cutter) is displayed on the right side of the screen once you grab it. When you turn it on, it will display an animation and sound that will help you understand how it works.

You can stack as many items as you want, each one will have its own place. Some even can be turned on which will cause an animation to be played on the item. Using your mouse over the item is useless, since the whole game is played through the keyboard.


The map will show you the exact location you are in at the moment and a hint of how it looks like.

The text in CYPHER is different to other text adventures. You won’t get the text one line at the time, but instead the full location overview. This eliminates the need to write “look around” each time something changes in the world. You will notice it automatically updates as the story unfolds with your actions, what makes it interesting to read and gives you an increased sense of location. FEELIES

There was a time when a game came with more than just the manual, these were the good old days and CYPHER wants to stay true to the text adventures tradition. That is why we included premium quality ready-to-print feelies for you. They will not only increase your immersion in the story but will aid you to get through the game by offering inside information you won’t find anywhere else by complementing the story and gameworld.


For example during the QRS-CODE browse you will need to make use of the “DO REALLY YOU KNOW HOW TO USE YOUR QRS-CODE” brochure/manual that came with the game.

Diving into the Cyberspace is not hard once you understand how to visualize your environment. Typing the word [prism] will allow you to fire a PING command through the endless flow of information. That’s the only way you can really see things on some older systems like the one you will find at the beginning of the game. Notice not all commands that comes in the manual will be useful, they depend to which network you are connected at the moment. Some will be intranets, others will be the modification in your own brain (called synapse). Some systems have artificial intelligence that act as defense mechanisms erasing or encapsulating intruders, be careful of those since if you die in Cyberspace, you die in real life. Like you may know, the body and mind are one, and the body cannot exist without a mind. There will be also firewalls you will need to pass through sometimes in order to get the data you are looking for. As with every hacker tool, the QRS comes with automatic tools that makes the life of a criminal much more easier: a clocking device that will activate by itself when there is a defense AI near your location. 15

Keep in mind though, these are standard softwares and only work for limited actions, the moment you get your hands dirty in someone else network, the cloaking device will mean nothing.

There brochure also gives you a hint on how to find codes inside your synapse or network; when you are looking for a passcode always look for non-readable particles. TALKING TO OTHER CHARACTERS The world of NeoSushi is fill with interesting characters you can interact with. Talking to characters is really simple: you only need to say the character’s name and then whatever you want to say, the way you want to say it. For example, let’s say there’s a character named “Peter” and you want to know where he likes to eat lunch because in your current game, the place where Peter eats lunch is relevant. > Peter, where do you eat lunch? - “I like to eat near the south docks; they have the best restaurants there.”, says Peter. 16

Now let’s put it differently. > Peter, where’d you like to eat your lunch man; come on tell me! - “I like to eat near the south docks; they have the best restaurants there.”, says Peter. As you can see, Peter understands exactly what you mean and answers exactly the same. Asking the same thing to a person may lead into a different answers sometimes, so be sure to ask a lot! Sometimes characters can choose not to answer you depending on how they see you. There is nothing you can do about that, if a character chooses to ignore you, it is not something you can change. But perhaps you can find another way to get to those characters; anything is possible with Text Adventures and specially with CYPHER. If you keep dialogues with other characters real and in the story context, you will have more fun and less frustration. For example, it’s no good to ask Peter what season of the x-files Mulder quit the show or what was the name of the second Star Trek movie since he doesn’t have that information. Keep it short and within the story and the current context and you won’t have any problems talking with characters during your gameplay. When you SAVE your game, the game remembers exactly what you told to other characters, so be careful what you say! also try to immerse as much as possible in the story so you can pick little details here and there; some characters will mention something that you may be able to use later to your favor. Being a good listener pays off in the world of NeoSushi City. 17

GAMEPLAY EXAMPLE This transcript is not from the game itself, but it does show many of the usual situations you will find in CYPHER, like a simple puzzle, a fight and a character conversation to give you an idea of how Text Adventures work. Keep in mind that CYPHER does not display text like other interactive fiction parsers, the text never scrolls and you are always aware of the situation, so commands like LOOK AROUND and EXAMINE ROOM are not necessary. For this example, the room description will appear on a black background, while the player commands will show in red bold letters. Each time you see there is a new black paragraph, its because the player moved to another location. In case you ordered the hintbook, this example is also included there for your convenience. Dark Alley You are standing in a dark alley between a large office buildings row that stretch above NeoSushi gray skyline into the asteroid dust of a ever shining cracked moon. You pull the collar of your plastic trench coat in a silly attempt to avoid getting acid rain inside your shirt but it’s half an hour too late for that. To the north there is a metal door with something written on and a camera above that has been following your movements since you got here. > Inventory Plasma-Gun, vPod, Multi-Card, BabelVision Pendrive > Look at Plasma-Gun You are carrying one of the top eight most dangerous (and highly illegal) guns in Japan, the Plasma-Gun(tm) by the PlasmaTech(c) corporation, it is not only light as a sheet of paper in your hand but also small. This is one of the most powerful guns in the black market since it comes packed with eight cells of disintegrating plasma that could melt X28 armors with a a single hit. There is little recoil with this model (specially with your modifications)


> Look at metal door The metal door has seen better days, but then again, this whole neighborhood had. Someone pee on it too, next to the bullet bents and a graffiti. > Read graffiti on metal door You can’t read Kanji, although you have been living in Japan for several years and you should had at least learned the basics of it. > Look BabelVision The Babel corporation put together this amazingly powerful translation software with every single language known to man in a handy little pendrive. > Load BabelVision The pendrive is not plugged into your synapse. > Plug BabelVision with me (You plug the pendrive in the USB port behind your ear) The BabelVision pendrive is now plugged into your synapse. > Load BabelVision The pendrive is now empty and the BabelVision software is loaded into your synapse. You discard the empty pendrive. > Inventory Plasma-Gun, vPod, Multi-Card > Read graffiti on metal door (You hear beeping sounds inside your head, the BabelVision is translating) The BabelVision software translates the following message right into your cornea as the text becomes blurry but somehow you can read exactly what it says: “Knock twice and tell Simon what you want.” “The BabelVision pays for itself”, you think while the text twitches in the air. > Knock metal door You knock as hard as you can. 19

> Knock metal door. You knock as hard as you can. A tall japanese man in a pink suit opens the door. He bends over to go through it and stands in front of you with a gun pointing right to your face. [Your New score is 25/500 ] > Simon, nice gun “- Want to see the bullets too, Gaijin?”, says Simon, pushing the gun in your forehead. > Simon, Lime sent me. I’m here for the upload “- Liar.”, says Simon and slaps you with the butt of the gun. > Simon, take it easy, I told you I’m here for the upload “- Don’t tell me what to do!” says Simon and spits your shoes. > Simon, I’m the smuggler, Lime sent me here. “- You don’t look like smuggler to me, too small!”, says Simon and laughs at your face showing you a mouth full of black teeth. The strong odor alone could make you gag, but the sight of those putrid gums of him is what forces you to take your eyes away from him at least for a second. > Punch Simon in the face You make the attempt but Simon is so tall he slaps you while you are halfway in the air and throw you to the ground into a pool of acid rain. > Punch Simon in the stomach You can’t punch Simon from where you are. > Stand up You are now standing in your feet. > Punch Simon in the stomach Simon bends and falls with his knees on the ground dropping his gun while puking something that looks like some kind of soup without digesting. You move away just when the soup was about to ruin your best shoes.


> Take gun You take Simon’s gun from the floor. > Punch Simon in the face with the gun You planted a beauty right in Simon’s forehead with the butt of his own gun making sure no one will ever miss him in a crowd. [Your New score is 50/500 ] > Simon, I told you Lime sent me “- Okay okay! was just messing with you gaijin, please give gun back!”, says Simon through bloody teeth. > Simon, forget about your gun “- … but... but... gun mine...”, says Simon. > Simon, cut the crap, I’m here for the upload “- … okay okay, go inside, end of hallway... you get out, you give me gun back!” says Simon. You smile at that. > Go north You walk through the metal door. Narrow Corridor You are in a narrow corridor lit with fluorescent tubes beneath the translucent panels on the floor. Small capsules the size of a shoe travel at high speed through the pneumatic mailing tubes to your sides, they come and go with different colors and contents you can’t quite distinguish and from time to time a harmless steam cloud is released into the corridor. To the north, you see a door. To the south, you see the door leading back into the streets of NeoSushi. Simon crawls outside looking for his teeth.

> Examine tubes The pneumatic tubes are hermetically closed to avoid any accident, they only open from time to time to release pressure but the air that comes through is harmless since it’s not that hot as you expected to be. It must be from the restaurant on the first floor, where one of the


Yakuza clans use to have meetings and eat their raw fish. > Go north You can’t go into that direction. > Climb up There isn’t anything above you to climb to. > Open door Done. To the north, you see an open door. Inside there is a room where the narrow corridor ends. Inside, there is a table and two persons eating sushi. > Look sushi You can’t tell anything unusual about it from where you’re standing. > Smell sushi It doesn’t smells to anything. > Go north Done. Small Room You are in the small room at the end of the narrow corridor. There are two more persons in here; both japanese and well armed. They enjoy sushi on a tiny round table while the yellow smoke coming from the Yinguenyas sitting on the ashtray slowly forms a thick cloud above their heads. The young men arms are a show of multi color tattoos glowing in the dark of the small room lit only by a holographic mahjong game running on the center of the table. One of them is Takashito, a dangerous software pirate working for the Yakuza, the other you recognize from a nightclub; Daisuke, a low life criminal that collects money from the Harajuku tents. To the south you see the narrow corridor you just used to get here. On the corner you see a chair with a box on top of it.


> Look at Takashito He is casually eating maki from the small porcelain plate on the table. > Look at Daisuke He is trying to make a move on the holographic mahjong. > Daisuke, Lime sent me. “- Shhh... silence...”, says the young men, ignoring you. His game seems to be more important to him than anything you have to say. > Takashito, Lime sent me. “- Niamgmng...” replies the young hacker, he is too busy filling his mouth with sushi. > Inventory Plasma-Gun, vPod, Multi-Card > Show Plasma-Gun to Takashito (You pull your gun from your trench coat) Takashito has your attention now (he almost chokes himself to death). His eyes are fixated to yours. You can almost hear their hearts fire up from where you’re standing. [Your New score is 100/500 ] > Takashito, Lime sent me “- Yeah yeah... Lime... you are here for upload? okay? did he told you where is the upload point?”, says the japanese young man. Daisuke’s eyes never leave you for a moment. > Takashito, Lime said Paris “- Yeah, Paris. You will be going to see Eiffel tower. Many single man there, maybe you find boyfriend. Right? right? Ha ha ha ha!”, says the young man and his friend laughs while calculating his next move on the holographic board game. > Save >>Game Saved. To load from this point, simply type “Load". > Kick table 23

(You kick the table) Holographic mahjong pieces fly to the floor and start flickering in different colors while the computer tries to recalculate their location. Both men look at you in silence knowing you mean business. [Your New score is 150/500 ] > Takashito, where is the passcode “- There, on the box.” says the man pointing a chair on the corner with a box on top. > Look box It is a regular cardboard box of the Zipplex Fishing Corporation, the only corporation in Japan authorized to clone tuna fish. > Look chair You see a regular plastic chair. It can be bought at any Easy-Shop. > Look inside box You have to open it first. > Smell the box It doesn’t smells to anyhting. > Touch the box It feels like every other box you have touched before. > Open box You open the box and after a click everything goes white. A whistle rings inside your ears so loud it forces you to go on your knees. You touch a pulp mass of flesh that used to be your face and try to open your eyes but it’s useless. When the ringing finally starts to quiet down, you hear the laugh of two young men behind you. Maybe next time you will try to be more careful following strangers instructions. *** YOU HAVE DIED ***


> Restore saved data >> Game data restored.

Small Room You are in the small room at the end of the narrow corridor. There are two more persons in here; both japanese and well armed. They enjoy sushi on a tiny round table while the yellow smoke coming from the Yinguenyas sitting on the ashtray slowly forms a thick cloud above their heads. The young men arms are a show of multi color tattoos glowing in the dark of the small room lit only by a holographic mahjong game running on the center of the table. The board game pieces are all scattered through the floor while both men have eyes on you. One of them is Takashito, a dangerous software pirate working for the Yakuza, the other you recognize from a nightclub; Daisuke, a low life criminal that collects money from the Harajuku tents. To the south you see the narrow corridor you just used to get here. On the corner you see a chair with a box on top of it. > Takashito, where is the passcode “- There, on the box.” says the man pointing a chair on the corner with a box on top. > Takashito, go get me that box “-... you are not my boss, smuggler.”, says the young man taking out his gun and placing it on top of the table. His partner does the same. > Takashito, do what I say, get me that box, NOW. “-... you are not my boss, smuggler.”, says the young man taking out his gun and placing it on top of the table. His partner does the same. > Daisuke, go get me that box “- You are crazy, don’t talk to me like that stupid Gaijin.”, says Daisuke while lighting up another Yinguenya. > Takashito, maybe I should call Lime so he can talk to your boss “- …” the young man sits there in silence, his face doesn’t changes at all, but something in his eyes does. 25

> Use vPhone (You pull the vPhone out of your pocket) “- Okay okay, I will give you box, wait here...”, says the young man and runs next to the box disconnecting something from behind the chair and putting it over the table. He gives you the box and it doesn’t feel heavy at all. [Your New score is 250/500 ] > Takashito, dance for me baby! Takashito looks at you with hate.

TECH SUPPORT Please read this manual carefully before contacting our tech support. Also, make sure that you have installed all the required updates for your OS as well as the latest device drivers for your hardware. You can also find a FAQ (frequently asked questions) on the VIP room of the website. Check the e-mail we sent you when you bought the game, you should see a VIP access code and Internet address.



End User Agreement and Copyright Information READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING THE PROGRAM. This end user license agreement (this “Agreement”) is a legal agreement between you (an individual or a single entity “You”) and or CABRERABROTHERS (“Company”) for the accompanying software product which includes computer software and any associated media, printed materials, and/or “online” or electronic documentation (collectively, the “Program”). By installing, copying, or otherwise using the Program, you acknowledge that you have read this Agreement and agree to be bound by the terms. If you do not accept or agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not install or use the Program. 1.License. Company grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Program, but retains all property rights in the Program and all copies thereof. This Program is licensed, not sold, for your personal, non-commercial use. Your license confers no title or ownership in this Program and should not be construed as any sale of any rights in this Program. You may not transfer, distribute, rent, sub-license, or lease the Program or documentation, except as provided herein; alter, modify, or adapt the Program or documentation, or portions thereof including, but not limited to, translation, decompiling or disassembling. You agree not to modify or attempt to reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Program, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted under applicable law notwithstanding this limitation. All rights not expressly granted under this Agreement are reserved by Company. 2.No Warranty. You are responsible for assessing your own computer and the results to be obtained therefrom. You expressly agree that use of the Program is at your sole risk. The Program is provided on an “as is,” “as available” basis, unless such warranties are legally incapable of exclusion. Company and its licensors disclaim all warranties and conditions, whether oral or written, express, or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement of third party rights, and those arising from a course of dealing or usage of trade, regarding the Program. Company and its licensors assume no responsibility for any damages suffered by you, including, but not limited to, loss of data, items or other materials from errors or other malfunctions caused by Company, its licensors, licensee and/or subcontractors, or by your or any other participant’s own errors and/or omissions. Company and its licensors make no warranty with respect to any related software or hardware used or provided by Company in connection with the Program except as expressly set forth above. 3.Limitation of Liability. You acknowledge and agree that Company and its licensors shall not assume or have any liability for any action by Company or its content providers, other participants, or other licensors with respect to conduct, communication, or content of the Program. Company and its licensors shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, punitive, exemplary, or consequential damages resulting hereunder in any manner, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. Except as expressly provided herein, Company’s and its licensors’ entire liability to you and your exclusive remedy for any breach of this Agreement is limited solely to the total amount paid by you for the Program, if any. Because some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for certain damages, in such states Company’s and its licensors’ liability is limited to the extent permitted by law. 4.Indemnity. At Company’s request, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Company, its affiliates and licensors from all damages, losses, liabilities, claims and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, arising directly or indirectly from your acts and omissions to act in using the Program pursuant to the terms of this Agreement or any breach of this Agreement by you. 5.Termination. Without prejudice to any other rights of Company, this Agreement and your right to use the Program may automatically terminate without notice from Company if you fail to comply with any provision of this Agreement or any terms and conditions associated with the Program. In such event, you must destroy all copies of this Program and all of its component parts. 6.Injunction. Because Company would be irreparably damaged if the terms of this Agreement were not specifically enforced, you agree that Company shall be entitled, without bond, other security or proof of damages, to appropriate equitable remedies with respect to breaches of this Agreement, in addition to such other remedies as Company may otherwise have under applicable laws. 7.General Provisions. Company’s failure to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this Agreement shall in no way be construed to be a present or future waiver of such provisions, nor in any way affect the right of any party to enforce each and every such provision thereafter. The express waiver by Company of any provision, condition or requirement of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any future obligation to comply with such provision, condition or requirement. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California and the United States without regard to its conflicts of laws rules and you consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Los Angeles County, California. The United Nations Convention on Contracts


for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply to this Agreement. This Agreement represents the complete agreement concerning this License Agreement between you and Company. IN NO EVENT SHALL CABRERABROTHERS OR ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN THE CREATION AND PRODUCTION OF THIS COMPUTER SOFTWARE PROGRAM BE LIABLE FOR INDIRECT, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SUCH AS, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF ANTICIPATED PROFITS OR BENEFITS RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS PROGRAM, OR ARISING OUT OF ANY BREACH OF THIS AGREEMENT. COPYRIGHT The enclosed software product is copyrighted and all rights are reserved by CABRERABROTHERS. It is published exclusively by CABRERABROTHERS. The distribution and sale of this product are intended for the use of the original purchaser only and for use only on the computer system specified. Lawful users of this program are hereby licensed only to read the program from its medium into memory of a computer solely for the purpose of executing the program. Copying (except for one backup copy on those systems), duplicating, selling, or otherwise distributing this product is a violation of the law. This manual and all other documentation contained herein including the “feelies” are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by CABRERABROTHERS. These documents may not, in whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form without prior consent, in writing, from CABRERABROTHERS. © 2012 CABRERABROTHERS. Reproduced with permission. All right reserved. Thanks for buying our product. If you are reading this, you’ve read a lot. Good for you! reading is the base for all personal growth. Keep reading our games and we will be more than thrilled to make them! we love you buyer! *smuack! smuack!* kisses! kisses! kisses and more kisses!