Curso Nivel Basico [PDF]

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Escuela Normal Regional de Tierra Caliente CURSOS EXTRA-ACADÉMICOS DE INGLÉS Curso Básico Niveles A1 / A 2 1. The alphabet, the numbers, colors, basic math, classroom expressions, classroom objects……………………………………. Pg. 2 2. Days of the week, months of the year, ordinal numbers, prepositions of time…………………………………………………………….……..Pg.4 3. Family tree, possessive case, a / an, subject pronouns, verb to be……….....Pg.5 4. Verb to be, adjectives, occupations, possessive adjectives………….………..Pg.7 5. Countries, adjectives, verb to be, descriptions…………………………………..Pg.8 6. There is / are, places in a town, prepositions of place…………….…………..Pg.12 7. Parts and objects in the house, prepositions of place………………….……..Pg.14 8. Plural of nouns, demonstratives……………………………………….…………..Pg.17 9. Have, possessive adjectives, possessive case……………………………...…Pg. 19 10. Animals, parts of the body……………………………………….……………….…Pg.21 11. Telling the time………………………………………………………………………..Pg.24 12. Can for abilities, verbs ………………………………………………………………Pg.25 13. Simple present ………………………………………………………………………..Pg.27 14. Simple present ………………………………………………………………………..Pg.30 15. Prepositions of time, days, months, dates, seasons, expressions, the weather……………………………………...…………………….Pg.34 16. Daily routines…………………..…………………………………..……………….…Pg.36 17. Adjectives (personality traits and physical descriptions)………….…………Pg.38 18. Adverbs of frequency………………………………………………………………..Pg.39 19. Present continuous…………………………………………………………………..Pg.42 20. Present continuous…………………………………………………………………..Pg.44 21. Simple past (regular verbs)..………………………………………………………..Pg.45 22. 23. 24. 25.

Simple past (irregular verbs) ……………………………………………………….Pg.47 Review and evaluation……………………………………………………………….Pg.47 Review and evaluation……………………………………………………………….Pg.47 Feedback …………………………………………………………………………….…Pg.47


1. The alphabet, the numbers, colors, basic math, classroom expressions, classroom objects

Write the numbers in words. (1 point each) Ex: 37

thirty-seven 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

92 ____________________ 8 ____________________ 3 ____________________ 11 ____________________ 13 ____________________ 15 ____________________ 14 ____________________ 22 ____________________

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

36 ____________________ 44 ____________________ 48 ____________________ 55 ____________________ 61 ____________________ 70 ____________________ 17 ____________________

COLORS. Color the pictures by following the instructions.

1) Color the picture in brown.

2) Color the picture in black.

3) Color the picture with red, yellow, blue & white.

4) Color the picture in gray.

Complete the conversation by using the phrases from the box. What’s your name What’s your last name? What’s your phone number Ok, thank you

How do you spell that?

A: ______________________________________________ B: Joe A: ______________________________________________ B: Ariguznaga A: ______________________________________________ B: A – R – I – G – U – Z – N – A – G – A A: ______________________________________________ B: 281 - 1062 A: ______________________________________________ B: You are welcome.


CLASSROOM OBJECTS. Find in the word puzzle 5 objects of the classroom.

1. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. ____________________ 4. ____________________ 5. ____________________

Unscramble the letters to form the color words. 1. DER 2. KALBC 3. WELLOY 4. WRONB

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________


____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Label the classroom objects.


2. Days of the week, months of the year, ordinal numbers, prepositions of time ORDINAL NUMBERS. Write the ordinal number. 1st 3rd 5th 9th

___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

2nd 7th 10th 4th

___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

ORDINAL NUMBERS & MONTHS OF THE YEAR. Fill in the blanks with the correct month. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The fourth month of the year is ____________________. The second month of the year is ___________________. The eleventh month of the year is __________________. The sixth month of the year is _____________________. The eighth month of the year is ____________________.

MONTHS OF THE YEAR. Answer the questions. 1. In this month of the year we celebrate Christmas: ________________________________ 2. In this month of the year we celebrate Mother’s Day: _____________________________ 3. In this month of the year we celebrate Halloween: ________________________________ 4. In this month of the year we celebrate Independence Day: ________________________ Write the days of the week that are missing. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Monday _____________________ _____________________ Thursday _____________________ _____________________ _____________________

PREPOSITIONS OF TIME. Complete the statements using in, on or at. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Miguel is playing tennis _________ Sunday. My sister’s birthday is ___________ the 5th of November. My birthday is ____________ May. They are going to see my parents _________ the weekend. I don't like eating tacos ____________night.

PREPOSITIONS OF TIME. Complete the statements using in, on or at. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Peter is playing tennis _________ Sunday. My brother's birthday is ___________ the 5th of November. My birthday is ____________ May. We are going to see my parents _________ the weekend. ________1666, a great fire broke out in London. I don't like walking alone in the streets ____________night. What are you doing ____________the afternoon?


3. Family tree, possessive case, a / an, subject pronouns, verb to be FAMILY TREE. Complete the sentences.

1. David is Mary's: ___________________ 2. Tom is Laura's : ___________________ 3. Mary is Rachel's : _________________ 4. Martha is Hannah's : _______________

5. George is Henry's: _________________ 6. Laura is David's: ___________________ 7. Sue is George's: ___________________

FAMILY TREE. Look at the family tree. Then fill in the blanks with the correct word.

Example: Miranda is Jenny’s ___mother _____. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Margaret is Rachel and Giorgio’s _____________________________. Oliver and Juan are ________________________________________. Tomas is Rachel and Giorgio’s _______________________________. Margaret is Jenny’s ________________________________________. Tomas is Marco’s __________________________________________. Juan is Marco’s ___________________________________________.


Fill in the blanks with a or an. (1 point each) 1. ____ game 7. ____ umbrella 2. ____ e-mail address 8. ____ DVD player 3. ____ backpack 9. ____ orange cell phone 4. ____ apple 10. ____ exchange student 5. ____ English book 11. ____ computer 6. ____ volleyball 12. ____ Indian shirt Complete each sentence with the correct subject pronoun: I, you, he, she, it, we, or they.

Fill the gaps as in the example. Long Form

Short Form

1.- I am a student. 2.- We ________ from Spain. 3.- He ________ not a Doctor. 4.- You _______ a singer. 5.- It _________ a table. 6.- They ______ not painters.

1.- I ´m a student. 2.- We __________ from Spain. 3.- He ___________ a Doctor. 4.- You __________ a singer. 5.- It ____________ a table. 6.- They _________ painters.

VERB TO BE. Complete the sentences using the verb to be in its affirmative or negative form. 1.




I __________________ American. (negative)


Manuel _____________________ a pilot. (affirmative)

He ___________________ a good friend. (affirmative)


They _______________________ doctors. (negative)

Rosa and Pedro _____________ Argentinians. (negative)


My mother and I ____________________ vets. (negative)

Luisa _____________________ a secretary. (negative)


4. Verb to be, adjectives, occupations, possessive adjectives VERB TO BE. Complete with the correct form of the verb to be. A: _______________ your uncle and aunt from Jalisco? B: Yes, they _______________. A: ______________ your cousin a soccer fan? B: No, he ______________. Are you? A: _____________ you good at Science? B: No, I _____________. But I _____________ good at Art. VERB TO BE. Write on the line the letter of the correct answer. 1. Is she Brazilian? _____ a) No, he is. b) No, she is not.

c) Yes, they are.

2. Are there any dogs in the house? a) Yes, they are.

b) No, there aren’t.

c) Yes, he is.

3. Is the city noisy? a) Yes, it is.

b) Yes, the city is.

4. Are you my friend? a) No, he isn’t.

b) Yes, we aren’t.

5. Is Peter from Italy? a) Yes, he is.

b) Yes, Peter is.

6. Are they nine years old? a) Yes, we are.

b) No, they are not.

7. Is there a tree in your garden? a) No, there isn’t.

b) Yes, there are.


_____ c) No, the city isn’t. _____ c) Yes, I am. _____ c) No, I am not. ______ c) No, there aren’t. ______ c) Yes, he is.

GRAMMAR. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1. you / hairdresser / are / a?


2. from / he / not / Canada / is


3. is / her / nationality / what?


4. job / what / is / your?


5. city / it / fantastic / is / a


6. where / from / you / are



5. Countries, adjectives, verb to be, descriptions Write the country name or nationality. Ex: Finland Finnish 1. Great Britain 2.United States 3. Mexico 4. ____________________ 5. Canada 6. Japan 7. ____________________ 8. Costa Rica 9. Australia 10. China 11. Brazil 12. ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Moroccan ____________________ ____________________ Brazilian ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ American

Read the article and answer the questions. This is Mary. She is fifteen years old. She is from France. She lives in Paris. She is a student. Her mother and father are from Mexico so Mary speaks Spanish, English and French. She does not have a sister but she has two brothers. She wants to be a teacher like her father. Mary likes swimming. She goes swimming every day from 7 to 9 in the evening. In her free time, she plays volleyball and video games. Mary does not like scary movies but she likes to watch animated movies. On Friday evenings, she watches a video with her brothers or her friends. 1. What is Mary’s occupation? ________________________________________ 2. Where is Mary from? ______________________________________________ 3. How many brothers does Mary have? _________________________________ 4. At what time does she go swimming? _________________________________ 5. What languages does Mary speak? ___________________________________ 6. What kinds of movies does Mary like to watch? __________________________ 7. What is Mary’s nationality? _________________________________________ 8. Which sport does Mary practice? _____________________________________ VERB TO BE. Complete with the correct form of the verb to be. 1.

Mary and I ________________ classmates. We ______________________ in the 9th grade.


A: ______________________ John from Egypt? B: No, he _____________________. He _________________ from Spain.


A: ______________________ you good at tennis? B: No, I ______________________. My favorite sport ________________ basketball.


Ted and Carol ____________________ good at Math. They are good at geography.


They _____________ my brothers. They are my friends.


Complete the paragraph with one word in each blank that best fits. Hello! My _______________ is Alberto. I’m 27 _____________ old. I am ___________ engineer. I am ______________ Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. My nationality is _________________. Rio de Janeiro is a very big _______________. It’s always very hot. The carnival is the biggest event of the year. My favorite colors are green, yellow, blue and _________________ just like Brazil’s flag. Brazil is a beautiful _______________. It is so big. Neymar is my favorite __________________ and of course ____________________ is my favorite sport just like everybody else in Brazil. VERB TO BE. Write 5 sentences about Lisa Simpson using the verb to be and the information below.

Name: Last name: Age: Nationality: Occupation: Description:

This is …….

Lisa Simpson 8 years old American Student Friendly, studious and intelligent

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

VOCABULARY. Fill out the missing letters. Then, write affirmative or negative sentences about the cartoon character using the verb to be and the adjectives. 1. F __ T 5. __ U__ NY

2. T__ L__ 6. S__ R __ O U __

3. __ L__M 7. F__ S __

4. __ HO__T 8. S__RA__G__

1. ___________________________________

5. ___________________________________

2. ___________________________________

6. ___________________________________

3. ___________________________________

7. ___________________________________

4. ___________________________________

8. ___________________________________


OCCUPATIONS. Label the pictures with the words from the box.









_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

teacher nurse hairdresser pilot doctor singer receptionist soccer player



Medium height




Medium length




Medium build



Height: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Body size:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Hair length: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Hair style: ______________________________________________________________________________________



_____ Bald


_____ Medium height hair _____ Short hair _____ Curly hair _____ Long hair




_____ Black hair

VOCABULARY. Unscramble the 10 adjectives. Then, write affirmative or negative sentences about the cartoon character using the verb to be and the adjectives. ubchby ______________ ltal








yunog ______________ nfuny ______________ sioerus ______________ ftas


stngrae ______________


6. There is / are, places in a town, prepositions of place Fill in the blanks with the words. bank supermarket 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

museum movie theater

bus stop post office

mall drugstore

bookstore restaurant


You can eat in a ______________________________. People save their money in a ______________________________. There are a lot of stores in a ______________________________. People wait for buses at a ______________________________. You can buy medicine in a ______________________________. People watch movies at a ______________________________. You mail letters and packages at a ______________________________. You can buy books in a ______________________________. There are lots of animals in a ______________________________. You can shop for food in a ______________________________. You wait for buses at a ______________________________. You shop for food and things for the house in a ______________________________. You can see artwork and exhibits at a ______________________________. You can have dinner in a ______________________________. People buy books in a ______________________________. People mail letters at a ______________________________. You can watch movies at a ______________________________. People buy medicine in a ______________________________. You can see many stores and restaurants in a ______________________________. You save money in a ______________________________.

Fill in the blanks with there is (isn’t) / there are (aren’t), or Is there / Are there. (2 points each) Boy: Girl: Boy: Girl:

(Ex:) Are there any parks near your house? Yes, (1) ___________________. (2) ___________________ one on Ford Street and one on Maine Avenue. Cool. (3) ___________________ a public pool? No, (4) ___________________. But (5) ___________________ some tennis courts.

Tom: Brad: Tom: Brad:

(Ex:) Are there any malls on Main Street? No, (1) ___________________. But (2) ___________________ one on Third Avenue. Great. (3) ___________________ any movie theaters in the mall? No, (4) ___________________. But (5) ___________________ a movie theater on Main Street.

Rewrite the affirmative sentences in the negative and the negative sentences in the affirmative. (2 points each) 1. There are some bus stops on this street. ____________________________________________________________ 2. There is a post office on First Street. _______________________________________________________________ 3.There aren’t any movie theaters near my house. _______________________________________________________ 4.There isn’t a drugstore on Main Street. _______________________________________________________________ 5.There is a museum on the corner. __________________________________________________________________ 6. There are some restaurants near the zoo. ____________________________________________________________ Match the places with their descriptions. 1. ________ A place with lots of stores and restaurants 2. ________ A place where you save or borrow money 3. ________ A place where you buy and eat food 4. ________ A place where you buy books 5. ________ A place where you watch movies 6. ________ A place where you buy medicines 7. ________ A place where you study and read books.

a) shopping mall b) drugstore c) restaurant d) bookstore e) bank f) movie theatre g) library


PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE. Look at the map. Write “T” for true or “F” for false for the following statements.

1) ____ Lincoln Street is next to First Avenue and Second Avenue. 2) ____ The library is between Washington Street. 3) ____ The gym is between Lincoln Street and the post office. 4) ____ The movie theater is across from Lincoln Street, the post office and the bank. 5) ____ Bill's Drugstore is next to Mary's Dress Shop. Complete the exercise using in, on, next to, under, above, between, behind, across from & at according to the picture. 1. _________ the picture, I can see a woman. 2. The woman is sitting ________________ a table. 3. She is sitting ______________ a chair. 4. There is another chair ______________ the woman. 5. Her feet are _______________ the table 6. ___________ the table are a laptop, a paper, a calculator, an appointment calendar, two pens and a muffin. 7. The woman is looking __________ her laptop. 8. The woman's bag is _____________ the table.

Read the text and answer the questions. My name is Mary and I live in Veracruz City. I am 13 years and I love going to the beach. My favorite sports are basketball and soccer. I go to La Salle Jr. High School every day from 7am to 2pm. I usually eat breakfast at home. I always have English class at 8am. I sometimes eat a sandwich from the cafeteria. I never go home after school, I always go to my father’s office and I stay there until 5pm. After that, I go home and I eat dinner with my family. I take a shower at night and then I go to bed at 10pm. 1. Where does Mary live? __________________________________________________________ 2. How old is the girl? _____________________________________________________________ 3. What is the name of the girl’s school? _______________________________________________ 4. At what time does she have English class? ___________________________________________ 5. What does Mary do after school? __________________________________________________


7. Parts and objects in the house, prepositions of place Label the parts of the house with the correct number.

1. _______________________________ 2. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ 4. _______________________________

5. _______________________________ 6. _______________________________ 7. _______________________________ 8. _______________________________

The following sentences are incorrect. Find the error and rewrite the sentences. 1. I have a sofa in my bathroom. ____________________________________________________ 2. My mother cooks in the bedroom. _________________________________________________ 3. I sleep on the table. ____________________________________________________________ 4. I take a shower in the balcony. ____________________________________________________ Look at the picture and complete the paragraph using the correct word.

This is a picture of my 1) ______________ room. Here you can see that my 2)______________ is next to the cat. The carpet is 3)_____________ the floor. The cushions are on the 4)_________________. The 5)_________________ is between the flower vase and the 6)______________. The 7)____________ is under the table. The chair is 8)______________ to the table. The flowers are 9) ____________ the vase. The book is on the 10)______________.


PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE. Observe the picture and fill in: on, beside, between, in, under, in front of or next to complete the information.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The lamp is ____________________ the bookcase. There are two chairs_____________ the bedroom. The radio is ____________________ the bed. The table is ____________________ the bed and the chair. The window is __________________ the bed. The TV is ______________________ the bed. One chair is ____________________ the table.

ROOMS IN A HOUSE. Complete the statements. Write the correct name of the room in the house where each family member is.

Hi! My name is Anna and this is my best friend’s house and her family. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Mr. Franklin is in the _________________________________. Mrs. Franklin is in the ________________________________. Tom and Jane are in the ______________________________. Their pet dog is in the ________________________________. Their pet cat is in the ________________________________. And my friend Betty is in her ___________________________.


FURNITURE / COMMON OBJECTS. Circle the correct option. 1. There are two ___ on the wall. A paintings B cushion

C window

2. My mom has got a new ___ for the kitchen. A bed B cooker

C armchairs

3. This ___ doesn’t work. A sinks B bookcases

C radio

4. There isn’t any milk left in the ___. A carpet B cupboard

C fridge

5. The ___ is next to the lamp. A vase B flowers

C windows

6. I need new ___ for the kids’ rooms. A courtains B mat

C wardrobe

7. I like this ___. It’s very soft. A desks B pillow

C chairs

Complete the sentences using there is or there are. 1. _______________a bag on the table.

5. _______________ six chairs in the kitchen.

2. _______________ a calendar on the wall.

6. ______________lots of books on the shelf.

3. _______________ two posters in my room.

7. _______________ a banana in this basket.

4. _______________a mirror in our hall.

8. _______________ a car in the street.

WRITING Look at the picture of Mary’s house. Write sentences about the objects that you can see and where you see them using there is / are.

Example: In Mary’s house there is a lamp in the living room. In Mary’s house….


8. Plural of nouns, demonstratives Rewrite the sentences to make them plural. Ex: That person is from Australia.

Those people are from Australia.


That boy is in my English class. ________________________________________________________


Look at that big box!



This country is beautiful.



This man is my friend.



I like that American boy.



This is her child.



That woman is from Columbia. __________________________________________________________


This skateboard is cool.



That boy is my brother.



That person is very nice.


PLURAL OF NOUNS. Complete the sentences with the plural form of the words in brackets. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Italian ______________________ (city) are lovely. There are three ________________________ (toothbrush) in the bathroom. There are nine __________________________ (woman) at the hairdresser’s. The baby has got three ________________________ (tooth).

Write the missing singular or plural forms.


Singular student

Plural students








____________ children




person ____________


____________ teeth








____________ men








____________ feet

















woman ____________


____________ people


____________ countries


sandwich ____________


address ____________



THIS/THAT; THESE/THOSE. Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with this, that, these, or those.

________________ fridge.

_________________ vases.

___________________ stairs.

__________________ cooker.

_____________ sofa.


9. Have, possessive adjectives, possessive case Put the apostrophe (’) in the correct place. Ex: Emma’s parents are in Spain. 1. Charles is Sandras brother. 2. The girls fathers are at work. 3. Ron Weasleys hair is red. 4. My grandparents house is new. 5. Mr. Smiths class is in room 201. 6. Katie is Rebeccas sister. 7. Her childrens eyes are brown. 8. Mr. Jones is Steves father.

9. His parents names are Joan and Allen. 10.The childrens toys are over there. 11. My grandparents names are Tom and Alice. 12. My brothers girlfriend is here. 13. The womens dresses are expensive. 14. Anna is Connies sister.

Possessive forms of nouns. Complete the sentences. Write ‘s or

‘ .


Pablo listens to the children_____ laughter.


Those books are Rachel ______ .


These are the girls_____ toys.


She is the Canadian student______ teacher


When is the teacher_____ meeting.

Circle the correct form of have. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

My sister has / have a boyfriend. Hermione doesn’t have / don’t have short hair. I doesn’t have / don’t have any brothers. They doesn’t have / don’t have any children. You has / have blue eyes. We doesn’t have / don’t have any homework. They has / have gray hair. My father has / have short, curly hair. She doesn’t have / don’t have any brothers or sisters. My grandparents have / has three cats. I doesn’t have / don’t have a girlfriend. We has / have a lot of CDs.

Unscramble the words to make questions. Ex: have / you / Do / any / uncles / ? Do you have any uncles? 1.

any / your / father / have / Does / cousins / ? _______________________________________________


money / any /Do / have / they / ? _________________________________________________________


many / aunts / How / they / have / do / ?___________________________________________________


DVDs / do / How / have / many /you / ? ____________________________________________________


Brian / Does / have / girlfriend / a / ? ______________________________________________________


you / have / Do / sisters / any / ? _________________________________________________________


hair / brown / Does / have / he / ? ________________________________________________________


many / How / they / have / do / dogs / ?___________________________________________________


Does / hair / long, / have / red / Ron / ? ___________________________________________________


it / does / have / many / bedrooms / How / ?________________________________________________


The simple present of have. Unscramble the words to write sentences. 1.

brother / a / have / You: ___________________________________________________________________


I / have / don’t / brothers / any: _______________________________________________________________


tall / He / grandparents / has: ________________________________________________________________


doors / It / two / have / doesn’t: _______________________________________________________________


have / cousins / any / They / don’t: ____________________________________________________________

1. What’s the e – mail writer’s name? ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Where is she from? ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. What’s her nationality? ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. How old are the students in her class? ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. What are their favorite sports? ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. What website can you visit to e – mail students from around the world? __________________________________________________________________________


10. Animals, parts of the body ANIMALS. Label the pictures of animals.

1. ___________________________________

4. ___________________________________

2. ___________________________________

5. ___________________________________

3. ___________________________________ PARTS OF ANIMALS. Label the picture with the words from the box.


1. ______________________________ 2. ______________________________ 3. ______________________________ 4. ______________________________

5. ____________________________ 6. ____________________________ 7. ____________________________ 8. ____________________________


ANIMALS. Read the short texts. Complete the chart; use the information of each paragraph. Hello! My name is Jimmy. I’m 7 years old. I am a rhino. I live in South Africa. I eat a lot of vegetables and I love swimming in the pond. Hi! My name is Rambo. I’m 2 years old. I am a gorilla. I live in the jungle of Tanzania. I eat fruits and vegetables. I love sleeping. Hi! My name is Red. I’m a tiger. I’m 3 years old. I live in a zoo. I eat chicken and I love running. NAME






11. Telling the time Write the times in numbers. Ex: twenty after six

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


four thirty _______ twenty-five after eight _______ five after six _______ ten after four _______ a quarter to nine _______ twenty to three _______

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

ten after five _______ seven thirty _______ five to eleven _______ twenty after two _______ twenty to six _______ a quarter after three _______

Write the times in words.

Ex: It’s ten after six .



It’s ______________. It’s ____________________.



It’s ____________________.

It’s ______________. 4.

It’s ____________________. 2.


It’s ____________________.

It’s ______________. 5.

It’s ____________________.

TELLING THE TIME. Write the times in formal and informal. FORMAL INFORMAL 3:20 ____________________________ __________________________ 1:10 ____________________________ __________________________ 5:15 ____________________________ __________________________ 6:15 ____________________________ __________________________ 9:30 ____________________________ __________________________


12. Can for abilities, verbs CAN. Put the words in order to make statements. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

a / can / Maria / draw / car / . ___________________________________________ salsa / dance / can / Lupita / . ___________________________________________ French / Raul / speak / can’t / . ___________________________________________ sing / Ramiro / very well / can’t / . ___________________________________________ food / Joe and Griselda / Italian / cook / ___________________________________________




Complete the sentences with the words. dance





speak give

Ex: My friend can drive a car. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

She can ____________________ three languages. I can’t ____________________ the guitar. Bob knows how to ____________________ a bike. Carmen can ____________________ the samba. Can Robert ____________________ a picture for us? I can ____________________ the drums. We can’t ____________________ a car. My mom can ____________________ Spanish and English. Robbie can ____________________ us money. Can you ____________________ a song for us?

CAN. Look at the pictures and describe what each person or animal can do.


VERBS. Match the action to the illustration. Write the letter on the line.


13. Simple present


Affirmative I

HE 3rd Person





THEY (cry – cries) (go – goes) (dance – dances) (box – boxes)







don’t work


doesn’t work





You Do


Does work





Wh – questions Where








Complete the story with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Use the affirmative or negative of the simple present tense. Use contractions when possible. 1)My friend Maria and her sister, Connie, are very different. They (1. (look, not) _______________) alike. Maria(2. (have) ________) brown hair and brown eyes. Connie (3. (have, not) _______________) brown hair and brown eyes; her hair is blond, and her eyes are blue. The sisters are different in other ways too. Maria(4. (like) _LIKES_______) expensive clothes, and she(5. (go) _______________) to dance clubs on the weekend. Connie(6. (wear) _______________) jeans and sweaters, and she(7. (like, not) _______________) clubs at all. Marla and I (8. (shop) _______________) in big department stores. Connie and her friends (9. (not, go) _______________) to department stores. They(10. (not, like) _______________) big stores. They (11. (prefer) _______________) small stores like Bobbi's Boutique. 2)My cousins Ted and Tim are very different. They're twins, but they(1. (look, not) _______________) alike. Ted(2. (have) _______________) blond hair and brown eyes. Tim(3. (have, not) _______________) blond hair and brown eyes; his hair is black, and his eyes are blue. The brothers are different in other ways too. Ted(4. (like) _______________) school, and he(5. (go) _______________) to the library almost every day. Tim(6. (like, not) ____________) school, and he(7. (study, not) _____________) very much. My family (8. (visit) _____________) my cousins and their parents every weekend. Ted and I(9. (go) _______________) online. Tim(10. (watch) _______________)TV. We(11. (like, not) _______________) the same things, but we're all friends. 3) Mr. and Mrs. Levine(1. (have) _______________)a house in the suburbs. They (2. (live, not) ____________________)in the city. Every morning, Mrs. Levine(3. (go) _______________) to work at 8:00. She(4. (take) _______________) a train and a bus. Mr. Levine is a teacher at the high school in the town. He(5. (teach) _______________) physics. He(6. (like, not) ____________________) his job very much. The Levines' children, Olivia and David, are very young. They (7. (go, not) ____________________) to school. Their baby-sitter, Martha, (8. (stay) _______________) with the children all day. Mar-tha(9. (have, not) ____________________) a car. She(10. (ride) _______________) a bike to work. I(11. (know) _______________)the Levines because I'm their neighbor and their friend. Use the simple present of the verbs in parentheses. 1)He (wash) _______________ the windows once a month. 2)Carol (have / not) _______________ a sister and a brother. 3)Pete (be / not) _______________ a lawyer. 4)Mrs. Smith (fix) _______________ lamps. 5)Pete (go) _______________ to the park on Tuesdays. 6)She (not / do) _______________ the dishes every morning. 7)We (eat / not) _______________ turkey for breakfast. 8)Pete often (worry) _______________ about his family.


Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Ex: Andy (like) likes rap. 65.

Caroline (love) _______________________ all kinds of music.


I (not like) _______________________ hip-hop.


My parents (like) _______________________ The Beatles.


He (not like) _______________________ classical music.


My mother (hate) _______________________ rap music.


We (prefer) _______________________ pop and rock music.

Complete the conversations. Use the words in parentheses to write yes / no questions in the simple present tense. Then complete the short answers. Use contractions when possible. 1)A: you / need) ____________________)a new watch? B: No, ____________________. 2)A: Mr. Matos / teach) ____________________) Spanish? B: No, _______________ . He's a Portuguese teacher. 3)A: you and your family / live) ______________________________) in an apartment? B: Yes, _______________ . 4)A: your school / have) ______________________________) computers? B: Yes, _______________ . They're in the library. 5)A: it / rain) ____________________) a lot in your country? B: No, _______________ . 6)A: your grandparents / have) ______________________________) a dog? B: No, _______________ . They have two cats.


14. Simple present

Look at the pictures. Write what the boy does every day. Ex:

He gets up.










___________________________________ 30










____________________________________________________________ Circle the correct option on each question. 1. What kind of music ( do / does ) you like? 2. What time ( do / does ) your parents get up? 3. When ( do / does ) you get home from school?

4. Where ( do / does ) Gina work? 5. Why ( do / does ) Julia like Stefan?

Complete the following sentences using the simple present tense. 1. 2. 3.

My brother (have) _________ two dogs. She (like) ____________ pop music. They (not / have) _____________ a car.

4. She (not / like) ________________ rock. 5. Jim (eat) _____________ lunch at 12pm. 6. Romina (not/swim) _________________.


Observe the chart below. Complete the information of the people with: like, likes, don’t like or doesn’t like.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



Mike and Emma

rock & roll



Mario ____________________ rock & roll. Anna ____________________ hip-hop. Mike and Emma ____________________ pop. Mike and Emma ____________________ rock &roll. Anna ____________________ pop.

Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Ex: Andy (like) likes rap. 1. Caroline (love) ___________ all kinds of music. 2. I (not like) ___________ hip-hop. 3. My parents (like) ___________ The Beatles. 4. He (not like) ___________ classical music. 5. My mother (hate) ___________ rap music. 6. We (prefer) ___________ pop and rock music.

7. My father (hate) ___________ loud music. 8. My parents (not like) ___________ hip-hop. 9. My mother (love) ___________ opera. 10. He (prefer) ___________ pop music. 11. I (love) ___________ his new album. 12. My teacher (not like) ___________ rap music.

Read the answers. Write Yes/No questions with like. Ex:

A: Does your girlfriend like heavy metal? B: No. My girlfriend isn’t into heavy metal. 1.

A: ____________________________________________________________ B: Yes I do. I’m really into sports.


A: ____________________________________________________________ B: No. My brother can’t stand scary movies.


A: ____________________________________________________________ B: Yes, she does. My sister is crazy about Brad Pitt.


A: ____________________________________________________________ B: No. My parents hate loud music.


A: ____________________________________________________________ B: Yes, we do. My family loves music.


Read the article and answer the questions. Write the letter of the correct answer on the line on the right of each statement. A DAY IN THE LIFE… Ben Turner is a London taxi driver. He is this year’s winner of the “Driver of the Year” award. In this week’s article he tells us what a day in the life of a London taxi driver is like. What is a typical day like for you? I always get up early, at about 6 am, so that I can catch the morning rush to work. I get a lot of passengers then. Is the morning a good time of a day for your job? Well, it’s not bad, but there’s always a lot of traffic at that time so journeys take a long time. At night it’s not so bad. It’s quiet and peaceful because there are no buses or trains after midnight. I get a lot of work then. Sometimes, I have to drive out of London. Do you work all day? No. I stop for lunch and have an afternoon sleep. Then I go back to work at about 5. At about 2 or 3 am I go back to bed. I suppose I have a strange routine. Do you enjoy being a taxi driver? Oh, yes! You meet all kinds of people, even famous people. Sometimes passengers are rude but they are usually interesting and I like to talk to them. 1. Ben is a taxi driver in: a) Manchester

b) London

c) England


2. Ben has breakfast at 6 am. a) true

b) false

c) no information

3. Ben gets a lot of passengers in the morning a) true b) false

c) no information

4. There’s always a lot of traffic at night. a) true b) false

c) no information

5. People usually travel by bus or train after midnight. a) true b) false

c) no information

6. Ben sometimes has to ____ passengers out of London. a) walk b) catch

c) drive

7. Ben has an evening meal at 8 pm. a) true

b) false

c) no information

8. Ben goes to bed at 1 o’clock in the morning. a) true b) false

c) no information









15. Prepositions of time, days, months, dates, seasons, expressions, the weather Prepositions of time. Write on the line in, on or at. 1. I always get up early _____ the morning. 2. We usually talk _____ nights. 3. My birthday is _____ December 5th. 4. My mother always goes to Mexico City _____ January. 5. My classes start _____ 9:00 am. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

1. Juan wakes up ________ 7o’clock ________ Mondays.

2. Maria is standing _______________ Raul and Marcos.

3. He always goes to work __________ the morning. 4. There is a cat ___________ the table.

PREPOSITIONS OF TIME. Complete the statements using in, on or at. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Miguel is playing tennis _________ Sunday. My sister’s birthday is ___________ the 5th of November. My birthday is ____________ May. They are going to see my parents _________ the weekend. I don't like eating tacos ____________night.

Days of the week. Put the words in the correct order. 1. sudayn _________________ 2. dyafir _________________

3. dyanom __________________ 4. sdaythur __________________

MONTHS OF THE YEAR. Complete the statements. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

In this month we celebrate Mother’s Day _________________________________. In this month we commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ ______________________. In this month we celebrate Mexico’s Independence __________________________. In this month we commemorate the discovery of America _____________________. Elections in Veracruz are going to be in this month __________________________.


SEASONS. Label the pictures using the correct season.


16. Daily routines Match the answers with the questions or suggestions. Write the letters. a. b. c. d. e.

No, there isn’t. Yes, I do. In Australia. We speak Chinese. Yes, she can. Ex:

1. 2. 3. 4.


f. g. h. i. j.

Sure, you can. I often play sports. Yes, it is. Eight hours. Good idea.

k. l. m.

8:30. I usually have toast and juice. There’s one on Palmetto Avenue.

5. 6. 7.

_____ What do you have for breakfast? _____ Where is the YMCA? _____ Let’s go to the museum.

Where do you live?

_____ Can I go with you, please? _____ How many hours a day do you sleep? _____ Is this a bad time? _____ What time does the movie start?

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1.

often / Angela / grandparents / visits / her / . _______________________________________________


likes / pictures / sister / drawing / My / . ___________________________________________________


I / never / up / late / stay / . ______________________________________________________________


Saxophone / play / you / the / Do / ? ______________________________________________________


ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY. Rewrite the sentences using the adverbs of frequency in parentheses. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

He is late. (never) __________________________________________________ They walk to school. (always) _________________________________________ We get up early. (never) _____________________________________________ She goes to the beach. (sometimes) ___________________________________ I am hungry in the morning. (always) ___________________________________

MUSIC & FILM TYPES/ HOBBIES. Circle the two words that don’t belong in the group of words.

1. You can WATCH: movies 2. You can LISTEN TO: songs 3. You can READ: news

comedy rock books

the radio rap rap

books news rock

news books magazines

documentary photos comics

SIMPLE PRESENT. Complete the sentences using the verbs in parentheses. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

I (dance) __________________________ every night. Carlos (wash) _______________________ his car every weekend. Alejandra (cry) _________________________ a lot. Rosy (not/clean) _______________________________ her room everyday. Patricia and Carlos (not/laugh) ________________________________ very much. Sergio and Elena (not / travel) _________________________________ very often.

Circle the correct option on each question. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

What kind of music ( do / does ) you like? Where ( do / does ) Gina work? What time ( do / does ) your parents get up? Why ( do / does ) Julia like Stefan? When ( do / does ) you get home from school? What time ( do / does ) classes begin?


17. Adjectives (personality traits and physical descriptions) Circle the letters of the correct answers. 1. She never worries about anything. She’s really ____________________. a. strict c. easygoing b. shy d. popular 2. a. b.

He makes us follow all of the rules. I think he’s too ____________________. shy c. outgoing strict d. fun

3. a. b.

She’s always in the library. She’s really ____________________. studious c. easygoing strict d. friendly

4. a. b.

He gets the best grade on every test. He’s so ____________________! shy c. quiet outgoing d. smart

5. a. b.

I feel bad when I don’t win. I’m very ____________________. studious c. competitive outgoing d. popular

6. a. b.

Everybody likes her. She’s so ____________________. strict c. popular boring d. unfriendly

Match each word with its definition. strict studious

shy easygoing

competitive popular

Ex: strict: makes people follow a lot of rules 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

_______________ : spends a lot of time studying ________________ : isn’t comfortable meeting people ____________ : doesn’t worry much __________ : always wants to be “number one” __________ : everyone likes him or her

Unscramble the words. Ex: inotuogg outgoing 1. trams ______________ 3. 2. ttirsc ______________ 4. Complete the questions with Who, What, How old, Where, or When. A: B:

_______________ is Jackie’s hobby? She plays the piano.

A: B:

_____________ is good at football? Steve.

A: B:

____________ is Jackie from? Detroit.

A: B:

____________ are Brian and Steve? They’re eighteen.

eirusos ______________ tuieq ______________


18. Adverbs of frequency Cross out the word or phrase that does not belong in the group. (1 point each) Ex: ride a bike dance play the guitar sleep 1. Look out!

Help me, please.

Don’t look!

Behind the zoo.


after that



on the corner of


next to


have breakfast

like music

get up

take a shower

go to a party

go shopping

brush my teeth

go to the movies









five to six

quarter past two

twenty dollars



















Read the message from New York. Write True or False.

Hey Juan, I’m in New York! I’m here with my mom for a week. It’s a really cool city! Our hotel is next to Central Park. The hotel has a big swimming pool. My mom and I usually hang out and swim there for two or three hours in the morning. Then we eat lunch. There are some good cafés across from our hotel. We usually sit outside and eat. I like watching the people walk by. In the afternoon, my mom usually goes shopping. I can’t stand going shopping with her. So I go to the museums. There are a lot of cool museums here. In the evenings, we often eat in a nice restaurant and then go to a Broadway show. You can see some awesome shows here. We usually get back to the hotel late. We always go to bed around twelve o’clock! I don’t really want to go home and go back to school next week. Oh, well! Marco


False __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

Ex: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Marco is with his father. Marco’s hotel is in Central Park. He hangs out at the pool in the morning. Marco can’t swim. There are not any cafés near his hotel. He loves going shopping with his mom. He and his mom go to museums together.

__________ __________ __________ __________

7. 8. 9. 10.

Marco likes museums. After dinner, Marco often sees a Broadway show. He usually goes to bed early. Marco is an exchange student in New York.

Rewrite the sentences using the adverbs of frequency in parentheses. Ex: He stays home on Sundays. (often) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

He often stays home on Sundays.

They are late to school. (never) ___________________________________________________________________ We get up early on school days. (always) ____________________________________________________________ She goes to the movies on Saturdays. (sometimes)_____________________________________________________ I am hungry in the morning. (always) ________________________________________________________________ My friends are at my house. (often) _________________________________________________________________ We have lunch together. (often) ___________________________________________________________________ He eats cereal for breakfast. (always) ______________________________________________________________ They are hungry in the morning. (usually) ____________________________________________________________ Liz is early for school. (rarely) _____________________________________________________________________ I check my e-mail at lunch. (sometimes) _____________________________________________________________ Unscramble the sentences. Ex: sometimes / I / late / school / for / am / .

I am sometimes late for school.

1. falls / class / He / never / asleep / in / . ____________________________________________________________ 2. usually / My / family / dinner / together / has / . ____________________________________________________________ 3. eight / sleep / hours / usually / I / a / day / . ____________________________________________________________ 4. friends / at / My / house / my / always / are / . ____________________________________________________________


Complete the conversation with questions from the box. What do you do on Sundays? What time do you get up? What time do you usually go to bed? What do you usually eat for breakfast? What do you do in the afternoon? How many hours of TV do you watch each day?

Tim: Maria: Tim: Maria: Tim: Maria: Tim: Maria: Tim: Maria: Tim: Maria:

(Ex:) What do you do on Sundays? Nothing much. I usually get up late. (1) ______________________________ Oh, I never get up before 11 A.M. (2) ______________________________ I usually have cereal and orange juice. (3) ______________________________ I usually watch TV. (4) ______________________________ Not many. About two hours, I guess. (5) ______________________________ I usually go to bed at ten.


19. Present continuous Write the present continuous form of the verbs in parentheses. Ex: John (listen)

is listening to music.


I (do) ____________________ my homework.


Kim and Natasha (sit) ____________________ in the living room.


We (play) ____________________ basketball.


(have) ____________________ you ____________________ a good time?


Sam (write) ____________________ an e-mail.


They (use) ____________________ your computer.


(enjoy) ____________________ Tina ____________________ her new class?


What (do) ____________________ you ____________________?


Where (go) ____________________ this bus ____________________?


(study) ____________________ you ____________________?

Rewrite the sentences in the negative. Use contractions. Ex: Robert is helping his sister.

Robert isn’t helping his sister.


I am cooking dinner tonight. ________________________________________________________


The kids are playing volleyball. _______________________________________________________


You are doing your homework._________________________________________________________


They are talking on the phone. _________________________________________________________


Nina is taking a shower. ______________________________________________________________

Complete the sentences. Use the affirmative or negative present progressive of the verbs in the parenthesis. Use contractions when possible. 1) Wear your boots. It (snow) ______is snowing_______________________________ outside. 2) Carlos isn't home. He (play) ______________________________________ at Pablo’s house. 3) I (do) _______________________________________ my homework. I'm reading a magazine. 4) Smile. The teacher (take) ____________________________________________ our picture. 5) We (cry) ___________________________________________ because this movie is very sad. 6) They (not / watch) _______________________________________ their favorite program because their TV is broken. 7) The baby (cry) __________________________________________________. Please pick him up. 8) Take your umbrella. It (rain) ________________________________________________. 9) Please don't play that loud music. I (study) __________________________________________ for an important test. 10) Al’s very thirsty. He (drink) _________________________________________________ all the juice. 11) We (not / eat) ___________________________________________________ because we're not hungry. 12) They (wear / not) ______________________________________________ sweaters now because it is very hot.


CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES. Look at the picture about classroom activities. Write what each person is doing on the lines.

1 2

1 1



3 7

1 0


4 6 5

9 Example: 1. _He is doing research on the Internet__

7. ________________________________________

2. ________________________________________

8. ________________________________________

3. ________________________________________

9. ________________________________________

4. ________________________________________

10. ________________________________________

5. ________________________________________

11. ________________________________________

6. ________________________________________

12. ________________________________________


20. Present continuous PRESENT CONTINUOUS. Look at the picture and then answer the questions.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Who is jogging? __________________________________________________ Who is flying a kite? __________________________________________________ Who is relaxing? __________________________________________________ Who is playing board games?__________________________________________________ Who is taking pictures? __________________________________________________


21. Simple past regular verbs Complete the exercise using the simple past. Dear Mona, Happy Monday! In your note, you(1. (ask) ____________________)about my weekend. Well, it was great! Last week a terrific new video store(2. (open) ____________________)in the neighborhood. Terry and I(3. (rent) ____________________) five videos on Friday evening.(Yes, five!)We(4. (stay) ____________________) home and(5. (watch) ____________________) movies all weekend. We(6. (clean, not) ____________________) the apartment. We (7. (cook, not) ____________________) at all. We(8. (order) ____________________) a pizza on Saturday and (9. (call) ____________________) for Chinese food on Sunday. Our friends Mei and Frank (10. (invite) ____________________) us out on Saturday afternoon, but we (11. (want, not) ____________________) to go. I love lazy weekends! By the way, how was your weekend?

Dear Chris, Thanks for your letter. It was nice to hear from you. I want to tell you about my day. It was terrible! This morning my car(1. (start, not) ____________________), so I (2. (walk) ____________________) to work. I(3. (arrive). ____________________) at the office almost an hour late. My boss was very angry. She(4. (yell) ____________________) at me for five minutes. I(5. (cry, not) ____________________), but I(6. (want) ____________________) to. Anyway, then I (7. (work) ____________________)all day. I(8. (stop, not) ____________________) for lunch, so I was really hungry at 5:00. On the way to my computer class, I(9. (stop) ____________________) for something to eat. Luckily, I was on time for class, but the teacher(10. (surprise) ____________________) us with a quiz. The quiz was really hard, and I know I(11. (pass, not) ____________________) it. Oh, well. Tomorrow is another day! I hope it's a good one! EXERCISE ON NEGATIVE SENTENCES REWRITE THE SENTENCES IN THE NEGATIVE. They collected postcards. → You jumped high. → Albert played squash. → The teacher tested our English. → Fiona visited her grandma. → He washed the car. → You were thirsty. → He had a computer. → I bought bread. → You saw the house. →

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

WRITE POSITIVE SENTENCES IN SIMPLE PAST. he / the question / answer you / a question / ask the dog / bark they / us / call we / a mountain / climb John / stamps / collect we / in London / live I / hungry / be they / a hamster / have he / to school / go

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________


Complete the paragraph. Use the simple past and the words in parentheses. Use contractions where possible. Liz ______________ (not enjoy) her evening last night. She ______________ (want) to go to an outdoor (2)


concert, but it ______________ (rain), so she just ______________ (stay) home. She ______________ (3)



(study) for a couple of hours. Then she ______________ (watch) a movie on TV, but she ______________ (6)


(not like) it much.

Read Rick’s three emails to Emma. Then circle the five true statements.

a. Emma sent Rick an email first.

f. Rick went to the movies.

b. Emma wanted to go to the movies.

g. Rick’s mother watched a movie at home.

c. Rick didn’t want to go to the movies.

h. Rick relaxed at home with Emma.

d. Rick called Emma on her cell phone.

i. Rick did his homework.

e. Rick had Emma’s new cell phone number.

j. Emma didn’t call Rick.


22. Simple past irregular verbs Complete the conversations. Use the simple past of the verbs in parentheses. 1)A: Do you want a cup of tea? B: No, thanks. I(1. (drink) __________) two cups of coffee before I(2. (leave) _______________) the house. A: You look tired. B: I am tired. I(3. (take) ___________) three exams this week, and I(4. (sleep, not) _____________) much last night. A: I'm sure you(5. (do) _______________) very well on your exams. You always do well. What else is new? B: Well, I(6. (tell, not) _______________) you this on the phone yesterday, but last Saturday night I(7. (meet) _______________)a really nice girl. She(8. (sit) ____________) next to me on the bus, and we(9. (begin) _______________)talking about this and that. Her name's Leah. The day before yesterday, we(10. (go) _______________) to a museum together. We (11. (have) _______________) a really good time. A: That's great! 2) B: A: B: A: B:


A: You sound happy. I am happy. I(1. (get) __________)my paycheck this afternoon, and my boss (2. (give) __________)me a raise. He(3. (say) __________) I was a good employee. Congratulations! I(4. (know) __________)this job was right for you. It is. When I(5. (lose) __________) my last job, I(6. (feel) __________) terrible. I really (7. (think, not) ____________________)I was a good worker. That's because you(8. (have, not) ______________) a good boss.I(9. (tell) __________)you that about a year ago. Well, thanks for saying that. Say, do you want to come over for dinner tonight? I(10. (go) __________) to the supermarket after work and(11. (buy) _________________) a chicken and some fresh vegetables. That sounds great. I'm on my way.

Choose the letter of the correct answer. 1. a. am talking

I ____________________ to her in the park last week. b. was talk c. talked

2. a. weren’t

They ____________________ at the movie theater. b. wasn’t c. isn’t

3. We ____________________ a week ago. a. study b. studied c. are studying a. was

4. b. are

Where ____________________ you last night? c. were

5. a. didn’t like

They ____________________ the concert. b. wasn’t like c. wasn’t liking

6. a. were b. was

When ____________________ she go to the mall? c. did

7. She didn’t ____________________ to school. a. come b. coming c. came a. text

8. I am ____________________ a friend right now. b. was texted c. texting

a. Is

9. b. Did

____________________ she enjoy the party? c. Was


Rewrite the sentences in the simple past. Ex: He cleans his room on Friday.

He cleaned his room on Friday.

1. I am at a friend’s house.


2. She goes to the beach on Sunday.


3. We have sandwiches for lunch.


4. She comes over every weekend.


5. We don’t go to bed early.


6. They tell me about Miami.


7. My cousins are at the concert.


8. I take the bus to school.


9. Tom and Ann stop by after school.


10. I study English on Tuesday and Friday. ____________________________________________________________ Read the answers. Then complete the questions. Ex: Q: When did you get up today? A: I got up at seven. 1. Q: Where ____________________ you yesterday? A: I was at the amusement park. 2. Q: When ____________________ you ____________________ sushi? A: I had sushi last night. 3. Q: ____________________ you ____________________ your homework? A: Yes, I did. I finished my homework an hour ago. 4. Q: ____________________ the movie good? A: Yes, it was very good. 5. Q: Who ____________________ him to the party? A: His girlfriend invited him.


Unscramble the words to write statements or questions. Ex: anything / you / doing / Are / now / right / ?

Are you doing anything right now?

1. in / sister / room / living / My / sitting / is / the /. ______________________________________________________________________ 2. Is / his / mother / he / helping / ? ______________________________________________________________________ 3. your / were / friends / Where / ? ______________________________________________________________________ 4. last / you / do / did / What / weekend / ? ______________________________________________________________________ 5. What / game / finish / did / time / the / ? ______________________________________________________________________ 6. breakfast / morning / have / this / you / Did / ? ______________________________________________________________________ 7. They / my / house / by / minutes / ago / stopped / thirty /. ______________________________________________________________________ 8. called / happy / She / was / because / he / . ______________________________________________________________________ 9. go / last / party / the / didn’t / We / night / to / . ______________________________________________________________________ 10. Was / volleyball / your / at / the / teacher / game / ? ______________________________________________________________________ 11. movie / What / last / night / watch / you / did / ? ______________________________________________________________________ 12. He / they / because / angry / was / were / late / . ______________________________________________________________________

23. Review and evaluation 24. Review and evaluation 25. Feedback