Cosmic Awareness Issue 2012-10 [PDF]

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2012-10 Issue No. 677 $3.00

The Hot Summer of 2012

In This Issue

Update on the Energies of These Times -2

More on Releasing Karma -17

Planet Nibiru Approaches -3

Rudolph Steiner Was a Crystalline Being -18

You Are a Singularity and Also a Plurality -6

We Have All Had Dark Lifetimes -20

Transcending Physical Rules and Laws -8

Embracing Our Own Darkness -24

The 12 Primary Aspects of the Soul -8

The Pyramids of Montauk -24

What Becomes of the High Self after Graduation? -10

What Exactly Is Original Sin? -26

Imagination and Manifestation -11

Time to Put Aside False Documents -26

Will Nibiru Have Positive Effects As Well? -13

What Is Christ? -27

The Paths of Alchemy, Service and Suffering -14

You Are Independent in the Creation of Your Reality -28

The Eternal Now -16

Reproduction and sharing with friends and family is permitted but no alterations except with permission from CAC

2 The following message was channeled by Will in Canada and dictated by phone to Callista, in Australia, August 11, 2012.

A MESSAGE FOR THOSE SEEKING AN UPDATE ON THE ENERGIES OF THESE TIMES COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness has a message for those seeking information from this Awareness - an update if you will, into the energies of these times. At this particular moment in time there is an energy afoot that is akin to the holding of one's breath, but this is a collective holding of the collective breath. These times are such that there is an apprehension of the unfolding energies and what they entail. The majority of the collective have no idea of what is coming, and yet still there is apprehension and high levels of anxiety. Many think that this is the result of negative markets and a downturn in the economy. Many dwell on the negative energies that are being promoted by those in charge to convince the masses that they are in bad shape. Even during the middle of the Olympics in Great Britain, their financial spokesperson came on to tell the nation what bad financial shape it was in. This was a deliberate act to burst the high positive energy bubble that Britain is currently experiencing due to the Olympics and the great success the home team was having. This is but an example of how the media is constantly putting out negative messages at this time while also suppressing the news and certain information that it would be well for the masses to know. So it is and so it will remain as long as those who are the Elites are in charge. But this is about to change drastically, and even the Elites themselves know this. At the beginning of the Olympics there was information released that suggested the Galactic Federation forces had issued an ultimatum to the Elites that they were to come forward with the truth or else they would be ousted by the Galactic Federation and be shown for what they truly are - these extraterrestrial Orion/ Reptilians. There was much talk that August 4th would be a crucial day in the exposure process of bringing the Elites to public attention and even possible criminal actions against them. Needless to say the 4th came and went for it was not necessarily the intent of the Divine to be fully tested at this time. And so the journey moves inward, the responsibility being on the shoulders of those seeking spiritual enlightenment. This means that in these intense times it is the most perfect of times to do one's inner work. True recapitulation of one's life where one looks very, very strongly at their own life histories will make it possible to understand the strategies that are currently being used against humanity. The question for each and every individual at this time is whether or not one will take on personal responsibility and look deeply within oneself to address and acknowledge criticism, and defamation of character from others who are still trapped in the mire of 3D. As such, it is the personal responsibility at this time of great deception and denial by the Powers That Be, to not be led astray by the machinations of the dark cabal, as they seek to manipulate the current world situation in such a way that the majority of individuals in 3D-reality remain asleep. It is for this reason that certain plans are currently being initiated that will bring several extreme events to the surface of the world's stage where they can be played out. This Awareness does see that for many in the next several weeks it will be a time of great upheaval and being thrown off-center. Despite the outer conditions and situations, it is recommended by this Awareness that one stay true to one's own spiritual journey and that one does not look to the outer events that are being manipulated and created by the dark ones, thus becoming caught up in them, but rather that they look at these events as reflections of their own creations. This creative act is being done in ignorance with little or no awareness that it is even being done at all. The masses remain in a state of somnambulism at this time, and it is for this reason that the


dramatic and powerful events are scheduled to proceed at this time. It is to awaken the many who need the spiritual 2x4 to hit them so that they will awaken. The unfortunate counterpoint to this is that many may not survive the times ahead. This is seen by this Awareness as simply the traditional form of Ascension back to Spirit. Therefore in these times of great upheaval, stay focused on your own spiritual journey - DO NOT SUCCUMB to the treacherousness of corrupt officials and leaders who would have you believe that the future is not a shiny one. It is indeed the NEW DAWN, the new beginning of a bright future for many. Many will create the new Planet A along with Mother Earth, Gaia, in cooperation and harmony with her and in deepest understanding of her. They will understand that her upheaval is necessary to shake herself free of the chains of enslavement that are currently holding her down. In the long order of things, Planet A will recognize and acknowledge always those who have assisted her in her own personal process of Ascension. Then there are those many good individuals who, while they are not ready or prepared to investigate metaphysics, will nonetheless be available to support the process of transformation. As for those who will go to that which will be the new Planet A/B they will do so with a new opportunity to create a dualistic physical experience, no longer shrouded in darkness, but imbued with the love and light of Spirit Itself, creating a quite different physical reality than that which currently exists now. But to reach this new beginning point, the planet itself must go through the death throes of these End Times. As this Awareness has already said, the Powers That Be will try and dumb down the world populace and keep them ignorant and asleep. But even these efforts will fail, for it is time for the many timelines to coalesce for a period of time, so that the new futures can emerge. If one stays focused on their inner experience and works on themselves for greater self-awareness and understanding, one will be able to look through the maya that is being created by the Powers That Be. Equally, one can lose oneself in the illusion being created by the Powers That Be that one has no control over their life or their reality, and that one is a victim, receiving the energies of chaos and death and destruction that surrounds them. It is therefore of extreme importance in these End Times to remain calm, focused, positive and pure to the positive future that lies ahead. Sometimes one must go through disruption and the loss of all that is loved and familiar in order to move forward. One can do so in resentment and hostility, becoming lost in the unfolding chaos, or one can do so with great positivity, faith and trust that what they may be experiencing directly or indirectly needs to transpire for the old ways to come to an end so that the new times may be birthed. Do not go meekly into the dark night full of fear and trepidation but rather greet it with a sense of power and certainty that as things unfold, all will be well and one will be led into the New Dawn of the world being born before your very eyes. The choice is yours. This completes the message from this Awareness at this time. This Awareness sends Its light, Its love and Its blessings to one and all. CAC Red-Hot Alert, August 31, 2012 Will Berlinghof, Interpreter. Joan Mills, Questioner and Energizer.

PLANET NIBIRU APPROACHES How It Affects Earth & Energies At this Time COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness is prepared at this time to offer this message. It is a message of urgency for those who at this time are experiencing difficult times. It is a message to help many


understand that the final months of these "End Times" are indeed underway and that many individuals are experiencing at this time extreme difficulty: mentally, emotionally and physically. Part of what this has to do with is the energies of the planet Nibiru that is accelerating now toward Mother Earth. It has been proceeding towards the planet for some time now and there are many sites on the Internet that are showing pictures of the winged disk, for that is how Nibiru is presenting itself: a disk-like object with two streaming wings of light and energy streaming outwards and backwards from it. Those who are interested can seek these sites out to see for themselves this winged disk that is Nibiru, the same winged disk that was used in many ancient cultures for they too knew of Nibiru and they symbolically represented it as the winged disk. This a symbol common to such cultures as Egypt and even the Mesoamerican peoples, including the Mayans. This was shown at a time when Nibiru approached the last time or even times before this and now it is approaching again. There is much activity from the Galactic Federation forces, as it is already starting to create harmonic disruption to Mother Earth and putting great pressure on the templates of the planet. These templates are those that when they move will create great geophysical upheavals, and the Powers That Be know of this, and it is what they have always known and it is why they have prepared so diligently for this time, creating their underworld/underground bases and habitats, thinking that they will soon need to abandon the surface because of the influence of Nibiru. The Galactic Federation forces are very involved in stabilizing the geophysical templates that are already affecting this planet and many are starting to see signs of this. In the part of Australia that the Interpreter and his wife live in, they can see on a nightly basis the ships over the southern Ocean as they are working to consolidate the drifting of the templates and the actions that are being carried out on them. There is indeed even interference from those known as the Greys, those known as the Orion/ Reptilians, as they are trying to create maximum chaos. It is their wish and their desire for these plates to shift and to create the great physical upheavals that are predicted by so many, but those forces of the Galactic Federation are very much engaged in preventing this. These are all actions that the majority of individuals on the planet are simply unaware of, for it is not the type of information that is making the 6 O' Clock News in the evening. But many are now experiencing this as physical conditions due to the increased energies of Nibiru that are causing disruption and a state of disharmony. Therefore, understand that those who are experiencing physical crises, who are going through viruses and aches and pains, are also experiencing this new energy of Nibiru that is altering the harmonics of the planet. In this case, many need to take special care of themselves at this time, and need to use natural remedies as much as possible to counteract the effects of this transition period, this approach of Nibiru. It is recommended that such things as liquid oxygen, if obtainable, be added to individuals' regimes as well as naturopathic substances that will help calm the system. This will have great effect also on the emotional body as well as the mental body. Furthermore for those who are engaged in extreme mental activity, who have felt their fear factor of upcoming events rising in them; at this time they need to do more meditation, and seek ways in which they can calm their thoughts and their feelings. It is imperative at this time not to go into fear because this is as it needs to be. It is possible in recognizing what is happening to deliberately refocus one's attention away from fearful thoughts and cease dwelling upon matters that are indeed frightening.


This Awareness has talked in the past of the Nexus Moment. This Nexus Point is one where the majority of timelines of all individuals on planet Earth will come together to experience one grand event. While the normal procedure is that each and every individual has their own unique timeline that they share with others, be it family and friends and their own culture, their own nation, even globally - this event is one that will bring the majority of timelines, over 80% of all timelines, into focus for this extraordinary event: the approach and passage of Nibiru. These events have happened in the past when Nibiru has passed this planet, where those timelines did coalesce into one set of timelines, into that which was the majority timeline to experience the upheaval of the planet. These events have occurred in epochal times when the old planet disappeared and a new planet emerged; not 'new' as in the Ascension process, but new in that the planet underwent great destruction and a new beginning then occurred. The Flood is an example of this and Noah's example is that of collecting the DNA from all plants and animals and humans of the time so that they could be restocked after the floodwaters receded. The Earth is again approaching such an event and many will come out of it entering into that new phase of existence that is theirs to experience. This Awareness has talked many times about this and how many can experience unique timelines by focusing their attention to not going into fear and confusion, but to staying focused and holding faith and trust that they will indeed survive the events and come out on the other side. This advice still applies, but what this Awareness does need to be more specific about is that because so many timelines are in agreement with each other, because this is a mass event for both Mother Earth and humanity, that many will experience to some degree this approach of Nibiru and the effects of that approach. This is already happening; individuals are already experiencing these individual results such as aches, pains, illness, confusion, fear, doubt and whatever else is there. That is why this Awareness at this time is speaking, and is putting out this warning, for these events will now speed up and the world events will begin to reflect this situation more and more as Nibiru approaches even closer. By mid-September many will be able to see Nibiru through telescopes and many will be asking officials what is happening. Part of the reason why so many have forecast economic destruction and doom is that the authorities in their attempt to distract the populace will seek other things to replace the concern with Nibiru in the sky, for it will still not be reported on the daily news. But those events that could distract will be, and if there are things that are planned then these things will be launched at that time, the mid-September timeframe onwards, to distract. More people are far more concerned with their financial situations than they are with another planet approaching this planet, which they simply do not believe in. But as the planet does approach and these events start to unfold, simply remember that this is all part of a master plan, a Divine Plan, for the End Times are exactly that, the end of the times known, so that a new beginning can come. Therefore it may be of greater use to think of Nibiru as that which is also being divinely orchestrated even though the Powers That Be, the Elite, the Orion/Reptilian faction, will try to use this event to create great upheaval as they prepare themselves to survive the event and abandon the populace to be destroyed, but these are only timelines that they have energized. This Awareness' recommendation that one stay in that positive place will put people into a more unique timeline reference where they can experience these events. Know that they are divinely orchestrated, know that despite the upheaval that will come, that they will be part of that new world, that new Planet A/B, and for those who are true deep spiritual seekers, they will also know Ascension. They will experience their 5th dimensional consciousness, becoming a much more active part of their daily physical 3rd dimensional lives, and in some ways, this too is very much an Ascension.


Others may experience that it is time to leave and many will have a choice of whether to leave physically or whether to leave through those avenues of departure that have been outlined previously: avenues such as vortexes and portals, avenues such as extraterrestrial craft appearing that will assist people during this time of great chaos and upheaval to depart the planet. There are many scenarios in which one needs to choose for oneself that which will be best suited for them. Every time one gives in to the fear and panic and terror of the situation, one is not actively choosing but rather allowing themselves to be shepherded along a path towards the mass events of extinction that many will experience. Remember though, that even those who leave the planet during this time due to the many geophysical events that may occur are choosing to do so and it is also part of their Divine Plan of existence. Those who wish to carry on, who wish to either become part of the new Planet A/B, or those who wish to ascend, need to stay vigilant and determined and focused. This Divine Event, the approach of Nibiru, can indeed become exactly this: a Divine Event for each and every individual who experiences it. This is the message from Cosmic Awareness at this time. It is not a message meant to create deep fear or concern but rather to inspire and uplift the many who are aware of the changes that are occurring in their very lives, those who have prepared themselves at the deep spiritual, psychological level, as well as those who need to understand how to advance. This is a great time of promise and opportunity, the opportunity to finally leave that scenario of Planet A/B that has been in darkness for so long, to advance one's soul, and to ascend to higher consciousness. This event is to come about due to the planet Nibiru and its approach. It will pass, and by December 21, the climax of this experience, it will shift away from the buildup that is experienced now by many and will begin the decline phase as its influence leaves the solar system and the vicinity of planet Earth especially. But until then this Awareness wishes all to see, know and feel within themselves that they are those who are here to experience these events and it is their choice now of how they will proceed. Take care of your bodies, take care of your heart and your emotions, and take care of the mind and the thoughts that are there at this time. Always look to the Divine Energies for guidance both within and without, and truly know that God the Creator of All is with one and all, for one and all are the God creator. This completes this message at this time. CAC General Reading. August 31, 2012. Will Berlinghof, Interpreter. Joan Mills, Questioner and Energizer, Lloyd Arrd, energizer.

YOU ARE A SINGULARITY, AND ALSO A PLURALITY QUESTIONER: Thank you. This first question comes from SS. He writes, "Once in my personal reading while helping me understand who I am, Awareness mentioned that I am a singularity and also a plurality. Although I never inquired about it to Awareness in terms of exactly what It meant, that suggestion helped me to evaluate a lot of speculations that I had about myself and over time I came up with many other speculations which helped me further in my own quest to understand myself better. In my understanding, most spiritual seekers might be going through such personality consolidation, integration or healing at this time where the current incarnation represents one of the most interesting pages of their soul book. Understanding more about it could be very illuminating. If it sounds like a relevant question of general interest, would Awareness comment please on exactly what It meant and explain it further for the membership in general." Your comments please? COSMIC AWARENESS: In this third dimensionality the soul enters with the purpose of knowing itself in physical form, experiencing physicality and the material world. It becomes a singularity, an individual separated from the knowledge that it is of a greater nature. This is required to exist on the


physical planet to have this physical experience. Therefore, what this Awareness has called the veil of forgetfulness has been placed there so that the soul in coming through from the higher levels of consciousness, where it knows itself as a collective as well as an individual expression, singularly focuses on that experience of being a unique individual with no memory of itself as a spiritual being. Therefore in the physical world the consciousness so focused is that of a singularity and this is what this Awareness meant about singularity. The goal of the soul uniquely is to rediscover itself, to remember itself as not a single separated being or consciousness, but rather a consciousness that comes from higher realms, that comes from a collective consciousness. When it does so, it marks soul growth, soul expansion, and the soul remembering itself in physicality starts to see the folly of the physical realm, and starts to look at what is called maya or illusion, and begins to understand that what governs the physical realm are rules and laws that are simply in place to make the experience of singularity in physicality a much more successful experience, for the soul has come into this state of consciousness to have strong and intense experiences. If it knew strongly that it was part of another greater consciousness, a collective plural consciousness, and that one can escape the illusion by drawing in that higher consciousness, then many of those souls that came into physical experience for the purpose of having an intense unique experience would not have this unique and intense experience; instead they would be defused somewhat. While this is the ultimate goal that a series of soul incarnations moves towards, there is much purpose and validity in having the singular experiences first for they all are returned back to the soul and hence back to God to expand the consciousness of God Itself and the soul as well. When one begins to understand that the return back to Spirit will put them back into their collective consciousness, their plurality, they will realize that they are not stuck in individuality or singularity and they can then draw those higher energies to them; they can draw their 5th dimensional aspect to them and that is what Ascension consists of: moving into the higher conscious awareness that can then be assimilated into the physical, or the individual can transcend the physical in its return to its spiritual state. This plurality is such that when one is back in the soul, one is no longer an individual uniquely and completely, for one now knows itself as the completion of the many aspects of soul that have had the physical singular experience and it is why there is the ability to know other lifetimes. In the physical this is known as past life memory but when one is contained in plurality of the soul, then it is simply a held knowledge of all other lifetimes. When there is a need then the individual aspect that has returned to the soul can again remember itself as a unique individual but it is always also part of the collective consciousness of the soul. This is the plurality that this Awareness was speaking to SS about, and it is a plurality of awareness and consciousness that one can reach in physical life and can use to bring the higher consciousness into the limited realm of physicality and awaken to the truth that one is much more than a single being, isolated and alone, unable to affect its reality, for such are the teachings that the physical being is not taught. They can truly create their own reality but are subject to the laws of the land, if you will, and therefore are denied their true power. When one begins in this physical state of consciousness to truly access the plurality of consciousness, or what could also be understood as their multidimensional being, then they are able to bring down the energy of their multidimensionality, and they can supersede the rules and laws that govern the physical world and become those who are no longer bound by the laws of 3rd dimensionality. This is the state of consciousness that Awareness has talked about where It has said that those of 5th dimensional density can choose to have physical experience, and they are not prisoners, but rather the masters of those experiences.


The Transcendence of the Physical Paradigm of Belief and All Its Rules & Laws They would not then again necessarily create a victimhood mentality; they would not create a mentality that says they cannot influence their physical surroundings for they know they simply would be able to bypass those physical rules and laws. Therefore miracles will be the order of the day, for they are not so much miracles as the transcendence of the physical paradigm of belief and all of its rules and laws. For example, on the physical plane at this time an ordinary human being cannot fly, and cannot levitate himself or herself beyond the gravitational forces of the planet. However one who is in the physical but has 5th dimensional consciousness, which stems from the plurality of the soul and its greater being, would understand that that law of gravity only applies as long as one is trapped in a mindset that gives it power over one. When one is coming from the 5th dimensional state of consciousness, one simply knows one can fly, knows that he/she can fly and could levitate them-selves and fly, for this is what they can do. This is but one example. If one had such powers one would never again be worried or concerned about physical wealth and material acquisition because one simply could create money if one wished to spend money or one could even better simply create what is required or desired. If one wished a Mercedes-Benz automobile one would simply manifest this and it would be there to be played with, to be used as one wished to. Again there would be no trap in materialism for all material things are able to be disallowed also, to be dematerialized, and to be used only in the moment. These are simple examples and are but a tip of a huge iceberg of examples that could be given. But the point this Awareness is making is that when one gains the truest understanding of their own plurality of consciousness, that this employed in physicality can put one well beyond the limited space of the physical that is the case now when one is a singular consciousness trapped in physicality. Does this answer this question? QUESTIONER: Yes it does and I thank you. It sounds as though it is going to be a whole new ball game with lots of fun. COSMIC AWARENESS: This is why in the urgent message that this Awareness delivered a few moments ago It said that this is a time of great opportunity and potential, for that which will come through the passage of Nibiru and the upheaval of the old paradigm will bring such new possibilities in as 3rd dimensional reality being superseded by one with 5th dimensional consciousness who is not at the effect of a 3rd dimensional planet, but rather the creator of that 3rd dimensional experience. THE 12 PRIMARY ASPECTS OF THE SOUL, ALSO KNOWN AS THE COUNCIL OF THE 12 QUESTIONER: Thank you. The next question reads, "Awareness has mentioned that out of the 12 primary aspects of the soul, also known as the Council of the 12, only one resides in physicality. In my under-standing from a linear human perspective, this will mean that each, when it chooses a set of lifetimes, continues until it attains self-awareness and then it returns back to the soul fabric completely, as compared to the temporary visits in between lifetimes and then it will be time for the next versions to come forward. On the other hand, it also makes sense that even though one of the 12 is participating via many lifetimes but still other aspects may come and go from time to time, influencing the one. Such topics have been discussed many times in the past from different angles. If this does not sound boring, will Awareness please give some more information in this reference." Your comment please?


COSMIC AWARENESS: There is more information to provide. The 12 entities or levels of consciousness have been described in the works of Jane Roberts as the Oversoul. The Oversoul for each individual is known as the High Self and the High Self has direct interaction with the middle self in physicality, which is comprised of spiritual beings that are brought into individuality or singularity, and are then interactive with their physical environments. On the whole, the majority of humanity chooses to play the game tightly and chooses not to remember or discover their connection with their High Self and therefore are unavailable to the guidance of the High Self and the high spiritual Council of Elders. The High Spiritual Council of Elders can be understood to be many Oversouls of not only that individual, but also other individuals. Even the High Self of an individual has others that it shepherds along the way, but the High Self of that individual can also be understood to be a more evolved expression of the individual consciousness that resides in the human being that it is shepherding. When one wishes to work at these higher levels, one can go through their own personal High Self, and one can meditate about going to the High Council of Spiritual Elders. In this Council there is a set of 12, including the High Self. They are all there in a hierarchical order as well as in order of peers in equal standing to help those souls to progress but they are also working with much greater issues as well. The 13th member of that council is the individual who is seeking to understand and know, who is seeking the counsel of 12's advice and opinions. The High Self of each individual is one of the 12 board members, if you will, of the High Council and has a much more personal interest in the individual seeking advice from the High Council. This is all part of the unfolding of awareness as one begins to discover their higher capacity. Thus there comes with this a realization that the High Self is that which is themselves, but more evolved, more spiritually aware, and those members of the High Council also are aspects of themselves as they have evolved on that multidimensional level of consciousness. Thus it could be said that it is one's own evolved advanced consciousness that is the Council of 12. It is individual in a manner of speaking, and it is plural in another manner of speaking; it is unique and it is common at the same time. One can understand oneself to be a unique individual standing in front of the council seeking advice or one could also understand that these are expressions of one's own self that hold higher levels of conscious awareness, and that they are trying to guide their own consciousness at the lower level in the 3rd dimensional level, toward self-awareness and understanding, toward spiritual evolution and spiritual enlightenment. This completes this answer. QUESTIONER: Thank you. Next, "How does the High Council of 12 relate to the nine aspects of self?" COSMIC AWARENESS: As this Awareness said, the High Self, for example, has others that it also shepherds. These are those other nine, rather in this case, eight aspects aside from the individual, you as the individual, that it is shepherding. Therefore it is the High Self of not simply one, yourself, the individual having this experience of physicality, but all other aspects that are also having a physical journey, that are the expressions of the soul. The High Self is then part of the council, and each of the council board members is also an expression of the High Self at more advanced levels. There are 12 levels, and there are 12 on the council. Thus the highest Council member is in the realm of the 12th dimensional level, and all others are part of those dimensions below. Thus one has the full spectrum of the 12 dimensional levels: God Itself being the 13th all-encompassing level. This is how it works and they therefore would also have access to the other aspects of self that come through from the individual and through the High Self to the Council. Does this explain this matter to you?


CONCERNING MAX FREEDOM LONG'S WRITINGS: WHAT BECOMES OF THE HIGH SELF AFTER GRADUATION? QUESTIONER: Yes it does and I thank you very much. Carrying on now to a different, but related question in a way, from VB. He writes, "In Revelations of Awareness issue 675, page 14, Awareness indicates that 'the Light which Max Freedom Long says is the High Self works to transform the low self and the ego of the low self, so that the low self remembers that it, too, is here to ascend in consciousness, to move in relation to its own spiritual evolution as well.' Apparently it is not only graduation or Ascension time for the middle self as it moves upward for some to become, according to Huna teachings, a High Self to bond, i.e. the mystical marriage in True Love with another middle self to evolve, in what Max Freedom Long calls and describes as the 'Great Secret of Graduation' (Long, The Huna Code in Religion, p.239), into an 'Utterly Trustworthy Parental Pair' but also for the low self to graduate at the time of Ascension and become a middle self. For those who will graduate or ascend in this fashion my question is, "What becomes of one's own High Self after graduation?" Your comment please? COSMIC AWARENESS: It is a progressive movement that should be understood here. This Awareness will start by referring to the low self, which often comes from an even lower consciousness experience, often through the animal world, the plant world, or mineral world preceding; for it is to be remembered that all is simply consciousness expressing itself in the many forms of consciousness that are to be experienced. The low level consciousness is simply the higher parts of the soul seeking to have those experiences so it can go through a spiritual evolutionary process. Saying this, returning to the matter of the low self, a progressed consciousness that is individual in nature is often to be understood as the child consciousness that is given the responsibility of maintaining physical integrity. It is known as the physical body; it is housed in the body but it is the body as well, and it has complete dominion in the physical paradigm that the soul has placed itself in, in order to have the physical experience. It is there to be commanded and shepherded by the middle self so that in a proper working of the middle self and the low self, the middle self would always be the parental adult guide to the low self, mentoring it and teaching it, commanding it, and directing it. The low self in this new state of reality that is the state of existence at this time is such that it does not understand this because it was never taught this. The middle self comes also untaught and therefore the low self, often which is the part of the consciousness in physicality that allows survival, simply proceeds with survival in a physical reality while it is the interface for the physical world and it creates the physical world. It does so largely untended and undirected. There is no direction from the middle self, for the middle self comes into the conscious state and needs simply to exist until it reaches a point of maturity where it starts asserting itself. By this time the low self is quite used to being alone and the governing aspect of consciousness that allows existence to occur on this physical planet, this physical paradigm. The low self itself experiences a type of fracturing, where that which is known as the ego of the low self begins to develop. It sees itself as important, as unique. It does not always listen to the advice of the adult, especially if it is an absent parent that is in control. It is not unlike the situation of children who lack parental guidance and authority and who are free to do whatever they wish. Often they go by the rails because there is no effective guidance there for them to receive from an authority figure. If one sees the ego of the low self as such a rebellious child set upon doing things its own way because after all it helped the body survive during that period of maturation of the middle self and it has no need then to listen to the middle self, it becomes apparent why so often an individual cannot control the subconscious.


The majority of individuals who are still asleep simply come from this level of consciousness where the low self still retains much control over the events and experiences of life and it is controlled and governed by the ego of the low self. What was once the case was that the child would be taught the truth of itself, of its spiritual nature. It would be aware that it was a spiritual being having a physical experience with the low self to create the physical experience around it. Enlightened parents of this middle self, true physical parents, would teach this. Such was the way of the Lemurians who were extremely spiritually aware and lived in this 3rd dimensionality with full comprehension and awareness that they were spiritual beings having a physical existence and that their low self was subject to the order of the middle self, which itself was led by enlightened physical parents or spiritual parents. Moving into the matter of the High Self, it too was much more accessible; it was the spiritual guide that connected the middle self to the higher spiritual consciousness. It would work much more actively in those times of enlightenment with the middle self, and the middle self with the low self, so that the unity of the three truly created an enlightened being right from the beginning. But in this new reality that is currently being experienced, this is not the case. The middle self is independent of the low self, and the low self thinks it is still in charge through the ego, and it is difficult to bring all three together. The process of the unification of the three parts of the trinity of being is such that the low self does need then to come under the authority of the middle self in an enlightened and compassionate way. The ego of the low self must again be merged in with the low self properly, so this schism does not occur that is currently the way of things. When the ego is fused into the low self and the low self is subject to the authority of the middle self and the middle self is open to the guidance and mentoring of the High Self, then each individual becomes a unified being. They become a Kahuna and in that state they are able to do many of the amazing things that the Kahunas of ancient times, and even some in these modern times, were able to do. Also, at this point the road to expanded conscious awareness of one's multidimensionality indeed opens tremendously and one simply is not a spiritual being ignorant of its role and trapped in a physical body governed by a lower level of consciousness. It is also a progressive experience. So as one regains this unification, one helps the low self learn and then upon Ascension the low self can move up and become another aspect, the middle self of the soul choosing to come back into physicality to have a physical experience with a new version of itself as the low self. The High Self moves up into the higher realm of the spiritual council. This Awareness spoke that the Council is that which exists on 12 dimensions and that the High Self moves to its next level, becoming part of the collective individuality of that next level. The middle self, as has been stated, also moves up and becomes a High Self that will be engaged with another aspect of soul that comes into physicality in its nine aspects. This is all seamless and flawless and yet for many unperceived and misunderstood. It is hoped by this Awareness this explanation fills in many of the missing details at this time. IMAGINATION AND MANIFESTATION QUESTIONER: Yes it did and I thank you for that. He will be pleased. There is one other one concerning the imagination and the lower self from NR. He writes, " I have one question regarding the issue about imagination and the restructuring of the lower self, but even if I convince the lower self to believe in the manifestation of the imagination, would the collective mentality on the planet prevent it to manifest my reality? Cosmic Awareness once again stated that in order to manifest reality you'll need everyone's cooperation in order to manifest." Is this so?


COSMIC AWARENESS: This is not entirely so, but there are elements here that do need to be explained to be understood in the greater context. First and foremost it must be finally understood that each being is a creator being, independent and individual to all other creator beings on the planet and in existence at this time. One can only create one's own reality in their own unique timeline. But what also does co-occur is that other creative beings of consciousness are also creating their own reality. While this occurs one can choose to be subject to that which is the power from outside of oneself, or one can begin to truly understand the power within. When one understands that they are a creator being in full complement with the low self and the High Self and that they are able to create the reality timeline they wish to experience, then in a manner of speaking they are not dependent on what the rest of the collective will be trying to generate. If one is strong enough, clear enough and pronounced enough in one's belief of this, then one will be able to manifest in their reality that which is extraordinary and impossible by definition of the rules, laws and expectations of belief that are held by the collective. It is crucial to understand this point, for the suggestion was a moment ago in this individual's question that the collective still had greater power over the individual, and if the low self bought into this, then there could be no opportunity to create one's own reality or to experience it as one imagines it. This is not so unless the buying into that belief occurs. This is indeed exactly what occurs for the majority of humanity. They do not in any way, shape or form believe or understand that they are creating their own reality. They buy into the belief that they are party to the collective unfolding of events and circumstances that they have no control over, and thus must simply endure what comes their way, and that they have no control over their body or their life circumstances; they are victims and things just happen. This type of belief, of course, imprisons the spiritual being, but then one could also understand that the unique experience that was desired by that individual was this experience. As the soul progresses and grows and expands in its physical understanding of what the truth is in its understanding that it is a creator being that is not creating, for it does not believe it can, and as it begins to acquire the truth of conviction that it can create through imagination anything and everything, then there are indeed miracles that begin to happen. The low self, whether through a direct process of teaching or indirectly, where it simply picks up on that which is being put forward and decides to act on it, does start to create miracles in one's life. They are considered miracles because the belief still is that this occurs from outside of their own creative process, their own imaginative abilities and creative abilities, and thus these things manifest in a miraculous and magical manner instead of realizing it is by direct conscious imagination and choice that this occurs. It is still a unique situation occurring on the planet where many creator beings still do not understand or comprehend that they are creator beings. Occasionally they get this through to the low self, and imagination of purpose and intent is picked up by the low self and it creates it, as it has the power to create in the physical. But because one is still divorced from this understanding of the true nature of one's own being, of one's own consciousness, it appears to come from outside of themselves, and it appears to be a miracle. Now that the shifting of consciousness is occurring, many more are starting to understand the higher truths of their being, many more are starting to get through to the low self, and are convincing it that it is part of their evolution as well. It is part of that which is a higher consciousness and as a part of this it is also there to assist in this process and to create a new reality. What is also transpiring in the world which will be the result of the shifting energies and consciousness as the planet Nibiru comes forward and breaks up old static energies and rigid thought forms, is that many will start to open up


to this new understanding, this new awareness. They will be able to communicate much more effectively with their low selves especially if they are doing inner work to create this and to create a new inner awareness and under-standing. Imagination will be seen as the true vehicle of creation, the process by which one creates through imagining, through imaging what will be, what is desired, and what is intended. This acceleration is that which is starting to occur at this time and it is why this Awareness continually says that these End Times can also be the most magical and miraculous of times, for individuals will begin to experience this more and more, especially if they are open to it. Those who read these words and are still closed will not have this experience necessarily but at least seeds will be planted and when they do start to have those experiences and see how effective they are as creator beings that are creating through their imagination, that are creating through their thoughts, they will start to respond. Those who are more advanced will be able to show the way and much more of this will occur after the completion of the Ascension period where those who have ascended into the higher states of consciousness will be much more able to effectively teach those young ones who have an inkling but did not quite manage to put it all together. But this is another matter. This Awareness wishes now to ask if it is felt this answer has been complete enough for the question given. Will Nibiru Have Positive Effects as Well? QUESTIONER: Yes I believe it has. It does give rise to another question or observation that the entry of Nibiru actually does have a positive effect as well as a possible negative, is that correct? COSMIC AWARENESS: Indeed this is so. Because the End Times often involve going through intense fear and confusion and upheaval, be it the End Times of one's own personal life or the End Times of a society or culture, or even the End Times of a planet, there is great fear, there is great resistance, there is great confusion and many are reluctant to go into those areas. It is often so when one is approaching their time of personal death, and individuals in their fear can be very resistant to letting go of their physical form and returning back into Spirit. It is so in a society or culture that is undergoing great change. There are often many who rebel against the change, who deny the change, who are unwilling to proceed and they see these events as negative and fearful. There is that which is now happening with the planet that is coming to the end of an epoch, the end of the experiment in dualistic thinking governed by those of darkness who have achieved control. This is all part of the death throes, if you will, as one is letting go of what has been and what is, so that they can be born again into that which will be the new reality. This is simply the way it is, and the best way through it as this Awareness has said time and time again, is to relax, to stay positive and clear. The planet Nibiru approaching will occasion many negative fearful events: the upheaval of landscapes, the collapse of economies, the disintegration of one's personal life and the lives of those who are loved ones. All of this could be interpreted as extremely negative and undesirable but the planet Nibiru is also the great catalyst. The availability of the higher states of conscious awareness and the availability of new ways of living, new opportunity to move into harmony and unity with one another on the earthly plane and with one's own spiritual family is indeed a marvelous and magical opportunity, and one that has great hope and joy contained within it. One needs simply to be open to this possibility and understand that consciousness always seeks to understand itself at the next higher level and to move and to flow into the energy of change, not into the energy of resistance to change. Thus as the events occur worldwide and create situations of collapse for that which has been known for one's whole life, that rather than cling to what has been, one needs to let go and release and allow


what will be. When this is complete one will be able to look back and understand that the resistance to change is what created the greatest friction and hardship and when one releases and relaxes into the process with positivity and faith and trust that all will be well, then one comes through this event much easier and in reflection one can see it to be what it really was: a time of transition from old to new. Is this clear? CLARIFYING THE QUESTION: "HOW MANY HAVE YOU SERVED AND HOW WELL?" More on the Path of Alchemy, the Path of Service, and the Path of Suffering QUESTIONER: Yes and I thank you for that additional information, it's been very helpful. This one here is from PE in England. He writes, "In newsletter 99-11, Awareness outlines the fastest routes to enlightenment and states that the fastest route is alchemy which It states is the process of changing one's consciousness through such things as gaining knowledge which alters one's ideas about life. In the second place is service to others and in third place is 'suffering.' This makes sense to me; however, what confuses me is when Awareness often states that when we pass over we will be asked one question and one question only: 'How many did you serve?' Surely if we are here to gain enlightenment and the fastest way to do this is to be seekers of knowledge which will give us a better understanding of life, obviously we will help others as and when we can, but to only be asked about how many we have served and not about what we have learned would seem to be ignoring most of what we have done here. Could Awareness please clarify this? COSMIC AWARENESS: This is indeed an interesting and worthy question, and one needed at this time to help understand the statement given by this Awareness several years ago. The route that humanity is on, the physical incarnation experience the spirit chooses to have coming into physicality, is the route of suffering. The very essential paradigm of belief in this current physical reality, this current Planet A/B, is that it is a planet of suffering. One is born into suffering through a painful birth experience and one continues this painful suffering journey through one's life, often dying in great pain and great suffering. The motto " No pain, no gain!" best exemplifies the paradigm of belief that is keynote to this dualistic reality that is being experienced by the majority at this time. Thus it is that suffering is a way of learning, a way of the soul experiencing its own separation from itself, for those who are in the strongest experiences of suffering are usually those who have no spiritual understanding, interest or awareness. Therefore, they do not see that perhaps they create their own suffering; they create their own experience for a spiritual reason, for Spirit simply does not exist within those who hold this belief so strongly. The suffering is a unique experience but it is also a very, very slow way to reach comprehension of one's greater spiritual nature and truth, and eventually, through many incarnations where suffering is paramount and the point of that existence, the soul as it is expressing itself in the physical form begins to question why suffering is so necessary. It is at that time that many start to move into roles of service and in service they are trying to alleviate their own suffering by helping others. The question, "How many have you served and how well?" at this point reflects an expanded attitude that suggests that in helping another, one can promote one's own spiritual growth. Service in the first layer or way, the way of suffering, is not necessarily available in the way of the second, the way of service. But service in the first is that when one goes back into awareness, into consciousness, back into Spirit, one realizes that self-service is not as effective in helping the soul advance and grow, as being of service to others, which is comprehended more at the second layer. This is why one returns back from the first way with the understanding that it has not served others and has not gained due to this, but it has had some deep and powerful experiences that were self-serving.


In the answer to the question when one has lived a life of pain and suffering and one is asked, "How many have you served?", it is not simply the asking of the question that is important, but the realization of the answer one provides. When one realizes they have served no one else because in their selfishness they have only attended to their own needs and desires, they have not understood that all are connected, all are related, and that in helping others one helps oneself - then they realize in that flash of revelation that the point of the journey is to start to comprehend the importance of service, of assistance, of guidance, and make amends to this, and desire then to return back into physicality so that they can start to be of service. There follows many lifetimes of such intent, but being that each and every individual enters with free will, free choice and one moves through the veil of forgetfulness where one forgets their purpose and intent, often many lives still will go by the wayside until finally this lesson is learned and one begins to live lives of service helping others. Now one can proceed from the second way, the way of service, and in many incarnations one will start to see that as long as one still involves themselves in the world of suffering and service being only directed to help those of suffering, which is on this planet considered to be of high moral ground and benefit, one will also finally begin to see that while this is of high value in some ways, it still confines and constrains the soul as it seeks to know itself, and as it seeks to ascend to a higher level of consciousness and awareness. Eventually those who are in service will realize that in some ways they are also enablers; enabling that stagnation time after time, life after life of the soul that is seeking to progress but is trapped in this situation of service that is of a nature that reflects the moral needs but not necessarily the soul needs. This is not to say being of service is wrong or inadequate, it is simply saying that the soul seeks to evolve. Eventually it sees that if it is always simply serving others and foregoing its own growth and development, it will not reach enlightenment very quickly. It is indeed true that the path is a much steeper and quicker one than the path of suffering but it is still not as quick as the path of alchemy. What the path of alchemy represents is that experience where one finally starts to understand that giving one's power away to others constantly, never looking within, never dealing with one's own issues, never seeking one's truth, never finding the answers, will not lead one to that place of high spiritual understanding and awareness, and will not lead one to Ascension. Therefore those on the path of alchemy begin to understand the importance of putting oneself in the center of one's own circle of experience and taking full and total responsibility for their lives, what they have done, what they do and what they will do. In such focus, such centering, the soul begins to awaken and it begins to manifest in understanding and in consciousness. Thus it is that the individual on the path of self-awareness, on the path of alchemy, realizes that when they do for themselves, when they break forward and through the barriers of conscious-ness, that they become aware, they become enlightened and they are much more able to help others. Here is the irony of the path of alchemy: that by becoming self-centered one, in actuality, will be doing much more to help others than when one is simply on the path of service or on the path of suffering. In their knowledge of themselves they can move energies much more quickly and those energies can influence others on both of the other paths, while at the same time pushing the individual forward into their own heightened awareness and consciousness. These three paths can also be seen thusly: the path of suffering is a long slow incline moving towards a point where one can move upward in consciousness. The path of suffering is the slowest path of all and requires the most incarnations to get through until one finally gets it right and moves on into the path and onto the path of service. This is a much steeper incline. If one was using degrees, the first path may be seen as a 15° incline, whereas the path of service may be seen as a 45° path. It is much


easier and uses lesser lives to get to the next level, the breakthrough point, but it is still a longer way to get into self-awareness. When one finally hits the breakthrough point, one moves into and onto the path of alchemy, the third path which is a 90° angle, a cliff face that one needs to struggle on and climb. There are far lesser individuals climbing the path of alchemy, and thus it is often a very solitary path, a very singular path, which creates much isolation and unfortunately for many, a separation from the majority who are still traveling the paths of suffering and service. Yet it is this path of alchemy that will truly bring one to the apex much quicker even though it is a more difficult path fraught with danger and difficulty. Although this is so, it is the path of the soul to finally ascend to the apex. At the apex again the question will be offered once again, " How many did you serve and how well?" In the path of suffering, the service is self-service; it is singular, and it is individualized to that individual's soul journey. In the path of service it is more that one is trying to assist and help others, but is also moving towards a self-awareness that helping oneself is also necessary. Many martyrs are found on the path of service for they feel that simply serving others will be enough, but eventually they realize that being a martyr is not enough and they move into the path of alchemy. It is on the path of alchemy where the question that is thus answered will be understood and realized, that in the attempt to understand and achieve higher consciousness one is working at a higher level of collective consciousness as well, and as each individual reaches Ascension, energies are brought into effect that will assist those below who are seeking to reach awareness and enlightenment. Thus it is that the path of alchemy is the path of greatest service of all, even though it would seem that one is self-centered. There is a big difference of course between self-serving and selfish, and being at the center of one's circle, being centered in oneself, but this is a slightly different matter. Finally this Awareness would say that all are part of the way of the soul as it seeks to evolve over the course of many, many lifetimes. In the end it is not that one is better than another, for the soul is eternal and has the opportunity to experience billions of lifetimes, not simply a few. It is more that it is a process of evolution, soul evolution, and as one becomes more and more spiritually attuned and spiritually aware, one naturally moves into the path of service and then beyond to the path of alchemy. This is the explanation of this Awareness at this time for the question of the three paths of spiritual evolution. THE ETERNAL NOW QUESTIONER: Thank you, that was excellent, and very informative. Thank you. His next question is, "Awareness and others often state that time doesn't exist. Awareness has said that it exists in the Eternal Now. What I don't understand is how entities can gain enlightenment if there is no such thing as time. Surely the difference between an entity not being enlightened to eventually being enlightened involves a passage of time, does it not?" COSMIC AWARENESS: It does not, in the way this individual is inferring. This Awareness completed the discussion of the three paths to enlightenment, but one point It wished to make that is relevant to this question, is that all three paths are occurring simultaneously. The nature of Divine Consciousness, of Eternal Awareness, is that which is simultaneous, that which is occurring in the now, in the Eternal Now. This individual has not comprehended that time is simply a type of frequency that allows a splintering of consciousness of the Divine, of God, to have a unique experience separated from Itself in other times and focuses. In a sense, while it is hard for a 3rd dimensional being to comprehend what they have always known as a linear passage of energy that has been called time, it is not impossible. This is why as one begins


the deeper levels of their spiritual journey, the concept of time is seen as simply a way of measuring the passage of energy, a way of understanding how frequency and vibration express themselves in this curious manner that on Earth is called "time." Thus if one begins to acquire the deepest awareness, one starts to come to more and more paradoxes; the greatest perhaps being how one can be eternally in the Now and at the same time experience the linear passage of time. What one finally needs to comprehend and understand is that the passage of time is illusionary, that it is simply the way that the spirit has chosen on this physical planet to create the experience and in the experience, fundamental even to it, is the passage of consciousness from one stage to another. Indeed from the fetal stage into birth, into infant, into child, into adult, into maturity, into old age and into death. This is a linear experience by perception, although in truth it is simply a playing out of the physical experience in a way that presents itself linearly to consciousness. But once consciousness leaves the body, once spirit returns back to the soul, the spirit of the individual returns back to the soul, this is viewed completely different once again and the life that had such importance as a linear progression is seen more as but an imaginary journey, a dream that was had by the soul to experience certain physical experiences, if you will, that would give it new understanding, new experiences to add to the collective knowing. One simply needs to understand that paradox is at work here. One is always in the Eternal Now but in order to have the unique experience of physicality, a concept has been employed that is called time -- linear time that progresses while one is in this physical state. When one moves out of the physical state, even in times of deep meditation or during the dreamtime, time as it is understood in the physical simply does not exist. This is why an individual can, for example, involve themselves in a hobby, an active creativity, an experiencing of an event, and time seems to slip by, and simply does not exist and one is then amazed how it is that time slipped by so quickly. One has momentarily taken themselves out of the conscious understanding and involvement with the process of time, the passage of time. This in itself indicates that time is illusionary and but a construct that is used for the benefit of moving the experience forward, but in itself has no validity other than that which is assigned to it. Does this answer the question? MORE ON RELEASING KARMA QUESTIONER: Yes, very much so. It was excellent, thank you. The next question comes from newsletter 2011-3. Awareness addresses the subject of karma and states that an entity does not need to forgive another for things the other may have done to the entity. If the entity simply realizes that we are all playing roles in a game and the entity decides to no longer play that game with the other entity, then karma with that other entity will be released. This is fine as far as it goes but what about karma an entity has accumulated by harming others and how does an entity release karma it may have accumulated by harmful acts it has done to others? Your comments please? COSMIC AWARENESS: This again brings this Awareness back to the explanation of the three paths towards conscious evolution, in particular the path of suffering. With such an event as the killing of another, great suffering is experienced normally upon the release of the physical when the soul returns back for review of the life. It realizes there are lessons to be learned and it determines it will go back onto the path of suffering to have the experience of suffering to atone for that which was perpetrated. It is not entirely necessary to do it this way for one could also choose to come back into the path of service and thus be of great service to those who are suffering to atone for one's misdeed. Both can be understood to be of karmic nature, and karma is actually the great teacher. It is not there so that one can suffer; this is one option that some choose, for the soul wishes to comprehend what it would be like to receive such treatment as was given. If one tortured another in


one life, the soul might choose to return to another life where they are tortured, where they are brutalized, where they are mishandled and murdered so that they can have the experience first hand of what they in another life inflicted, that an aspect of the soul afflicted. But it is not strictly speaking simply to go back to be punished, to experience pain because you gave pain. As a more evolved way of dealing with this, another level of this would be karma to help one understand how to release from the suffering cycle into a more evolved spiritually-aware comprehension so that one returns back and chooses a life of service where they help victims of crime, where they may be involved with agencies that are to relieve suffering for many, war victims, orphans etc. These are also understood to have a karmic nature where one can learn from such things. Also the path of alchemy is one where karma could be understood in a much different way and it is there that one starts to see that there was participation amongst all involved in the karmic event. One chose to have an experience of suffering, one chose to be the inflictor of that pain and suffering. In that way of thinking, in that spiritually evolved way, one no longer chooses to be involved in such karmic matters, but this is at a higher level of that path of alchemy. For it is so that at the lower levels, at the base of the cliff of the path of alchemy, one may still be motivated by karmic matters to gain knowledge to supersede one's karma, but as one reaches higher states of self-awareness and higher consciousness, one can finally see that all souls agree to participate with one another in the various roles of life and thus the individual who creates karma may also understand that the victim has chosen to experience karma. This becomes a much higher concept; it is not a denial of karma, it is not a denial of one's responsibility in this matter. Indeed one is even more responsible for one understands that one chooses not to create karma in this manner anymore. But the higher states of the alchemical path are the states of consciousness that lead one into Dharma, not karma. Dharma is the blank slate that one can create and experience. One writes out the journey and is not there simply because the karmic contract is one that one must address the issues and learn through karma. Is this clear? RUDOLF STEINER WAS A CRYSTALLINE BEING FROM THE 9TH DIMENSION QUESTIONER: Yes it is and I thank you very much, thank you. The last question comes from JC. He writes, "There was a spiritual teacher in Germany during the first quarter of the 20th century, Rudolf Steiner, (1861 to 1925) who was very active publishing 50 books and giving 6000 lectures in German, all of which were transcribed, printed and preserved by the Anthroposophical Society which he founded. Most of them have been translated into English and are available to this day from Amazon. He also founded the Waldorf School Movement and Biodynamic Farming. All of them have become world-wide but none of them have become mainstream. There is currently a devout follower of his, Judith Von Halle, a living stigmatic, lecturing and publishing in Germany. Unfortunately all the channeled material that has come out since the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 completely ignores all of this material and indeed directly contradicts it regarding the evolution of the universe, earth, and man in the past, present, and future, and the sources of evil in the World. I would appreciate it if you could shed some light on this contradiction. Any comments you would care to make regarding Rudolf Steiner and Judith Von Halle would also be appreciated. Thank you. Your comments please? COSMIC AWARENESS: The first comment that this Awareness would make is Rudolf Steiner was German Swiss and not German. He was an enlightened being of the 9th dimension that had come with deliberate focus to bring onto the world plane the information and knowledge that the 9th dimensional collective wished to impart and introduce at that time. His was a very practical earth-


based way but very spiritually inclined, be it his teachings on education or on agriculture or simply the workings of a harmonic society. He was an enlightened being from the beginning, one who would be understood now to be a crystalline being who had come to bring these new thoughts and to plant these thoughts as seeds. These seeds have certainly taken hold and Steiner philosophies, schools and such are around the world at this time. Even in the outback regions of Australia Steiner schools are present; they are present in Africa, India, Russia, indeed even North America. The point of this matter is that his thinking, his thoughts, and his philosophies have indeed become somewhat part of the mainstream even if at a very small level or to a small degree. What the individual is referring to is simply other understandings, thoughts, and diversions that have been added to the mix. It is not seen by this Awareness that it has defused the Steiner material or blocked it or destroyed it. It has simply been another series of misguided pathways that the Powers That Be have introduced to those spiritual seekers to misdirect them, to lead them astray. Ultimately the spiritual seeker must always question the path they are on. Recently it came to the attention of the Interpreter and his wife that an event was being promoted that was said to have recently occurred, an event of First Contact, and in this event it was claimed that an individual had had First Contact. This individual is the individual known as David Wilcock who related his experience of First Contact, how he had been himself first contacted by the government and been invited to this event. He joined a very select group in a secret location hosted by government types and surrounded by government agents who sealed off the area. Then a UFO approached, it landed, and alien beings-blonde-haired and blue-eyed-came out and mingled with the collective audience. They were all emotionally impressed and were beside themselves over this event. After a period of time these aliens left, and the event was finished. The individual who shared this with the Interpreter was most excited by this event and yet the Interpreter saw several flaws. The fact that there were government officials was a clear indication this was a controlled event. The Ashtar Command is said to have been those of the aliens that landed as well, and finally it was all top-secret, heavily controlled and the aliens who came were those who could be understood to be hybrids. The purpose of this story at this time, an event that only recently happened, was to help people understand again the seriousness, in this time especially, of questioning all and everything. It did turn out that this event was a hoax or so it has been claimed, but the point is that if one foregoes all reasonable review of this matter, of asking questions, of being responsible, one can easily be misled and misguided, especially in these times when there will be many false prophets, false events, false experiences. When one has such, one must still ask the questions: What is this about? Who is behind it? What is to be gained here? In light of the question versus Steiner and those who have come forward to mislead, one needs still to ask questions. Rudolf Steiner is proven to have been a man of great spiritual nature and his work has been available for a score of years and has been put into effect. The others that have recently come forward, many of them have tapped in to the desire of those who are spiritual seekers, those who are Light Workers, to experience a shift in consciousness, but they are not being diligent, they are not asking questions. Therefore, if they are misled, as those who have been through this aforementioned First Contact event, they will go down a side passage. It is absolutely crucial at this time to be even more diligent than ever before and not to simply throw up one's arms and bow in salutation to these alien visitors, but to stand upright and ask them who they are and what they want. This is the same following any group, any cult, or any organization that professes to have the only truth, to be the way and the only way or to present materials in such a


manner that it indeed ridicules and abuses others who do not hold the same beliefs. This is an extreme time of caution, of finding the truth and staying in one's integrity. When one gives one's own powers away to a group, an individual, or an event, then one can easily be misled and at this time this would be indeed crucial. One needs to be even more vigilant, more responsible, and more mature in their seeking of the truth than ever before, for such are the times now that the events are leading in many directions but also they are leading to the great epochal change that is coming and one needs to be aligned in the manner of the direction that will take one through these events and not be sidetracked by them. Is this clear? QUESTIONER: Yes it is and very helpful, thank you for that information. Is there additional to it or did you wish to do a closing message now? COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness would say that the last answer is a closing message for today. QUESTIONER: Very good. Thank you. It was an excellent session! ====================================== The following is an excerpt from a personal reading from Cosmic Awareness. It must be understood that each one of us, without exception, has had dark lifetimes, otherwise one would not be close to Ascension at this time. The Soul wishes to experience the full spectrum of darkest darkness to the Divine Light! Comic Awareness: That as a reptilian warrior you took great pride and passion in being a warrior. It is seen that the mentality of those who are called the Klingons on that fictional series Star Trek is very close to the reptilian mentality, that pride and combat and being a good warrior. But the reptilians were much more brutal, much more violent in their expression of their bloodlust. The Klingons could lose themselves in battle, but they were not those who would purposely torture women and children at a later time, who would violently, savagely destroy in human sacrifice such victims. This was the evil dark nature of the reptilians that you experienced for the sake of experiencing such an evil dark life. But it too is also a reflection of the previous life to this, that this Awareness also mentioned, a life where you were again reptilian in the home empire. At this point this Awareness is prepared to speak of this life, if it is your desire to hear of it. Questioner: Yes, please continue. It is seen that you did come from a planet, it is not seen ultimately as your true origin, but it is seen that you did choose to incarnate and that you came to power through your own strengths and abilities. That these beings were ones that favored the strong, the mighty, the clever. That the reptilian mind is one that is extremely violent in nature and it is seen that this was a life many eons ago, before the reptilians themselves had advanced, before they became a star faring people. It is therefore a life before they developed their technologies to the degree that they could leave their planets and take their culture and their way to the stars. It was indeed even before an Orion connection was established. It is seen that you were that which could be considered an orphan in your life. In other words, you were abandoned at an early age and were forced to fare for yourself. That in terms of that culture, that strong emphasis was put on the family order and origin. That it was not normally the way of things that the children were abandoned and this was considered a great disgrace, a dishonorable way and that orphans were often not tolerated, that they were eliminated.


Thus it was that after your parents were killed, and it is seen that you were born into a family of power, but that there was a coup and that they were part of the overthrow of the powers of the land at that time. In other words, your family was of a royal lineage and that there was power that they held. It is not seen that you were directly in line to the throne, but it is seen that you would have been part of the royal family, and that in the coup those who were closest to the king and the royal family, others of the royal family, were brutally and viciously murdered. That you managed to escape and that you hid in the hills. It is seen that your family, your siblings, your mother, your father, your cousins, nieces, nephews, the king and the royal family -- were all eliminated. It is seen that it was your father's brother who was the king of this world and of this land, thus you were next to the family of royalty. That while you may not have become the king yourself, your cousins would and they too were eliminated and murdered. It is seen that if an age were to be given that you were approximately 13 years or 13 cycles of age, too young to do anything about it, but old enough to know what had happened and to swear revenge. That you were taken by those loyal to the old regime and raised, but that as this Awareness said, you were an orphan, and in the warrior-like culture of that planet, part of the thinking was that you should have died with your family, that would have been honorable, to have survived was not considered honorable. This is not to be understood in human terms, for it did not involve a human life, this was the life of a reptilian. But it was that there were those who had great loyalty to the old king and the royal family and these were the ones who took you in. They were able to present you as one of their own children and you grew up in the family tradition of this family, this house, disguising your background, hiding the truth. But within you burnt a fire, a passion for revenge and you began to train yourself, for part of that which was your problem, if you will, was you felt you had not been able to defend your family, for you were incompetent. But that the truth was you were a child and it was not your duty to defend your family, for you had had no training or understanding of how to do so. But that you chose then to train and to dedicate your life to becoming that which would be considered or thought of as a trained assassin. That there was a cult of warriors who were assassins. There was an honor in this way of life and you chose this life, and to become a powerful man in this cult you had to deny your own sensitivity, any kindness, any compassion. You pledged yourself to this and because the fires of revenge burnt deep within you, you gave yourself wholeheartedly, body mind and soul to the accomplishment of the philosophy of these assassins. You became merciless and a final test for you to show that you were indeed worthy to take a role in the inner sanctum was the execution, not of your enemy but of the family that raised you. For it was felt that if you could not do this act you would never be a true follower of the God and Goddess of this cult. It is seen that it is a cult that one would now call satanic in nature, and that it had the father God, the mother Goddess who demanded this total dedication and loyalty to the purest of evil ways and thoughts, but in a controlled manner, in a cold-hearted manner. And thus it is that it is seen by this Awareness that you did do this, that you snuck back to the family, but that you presented yourself first as a returning son, for you had been gone for a number of years and that there was joyous celebration upon your return and much happiness for your return.


But that in the night you went throughout the villa and you slit the throats of all your family, thus cementing your loyalties to your God, Goddess and presenting yourself as one who would be willing to do the most despicable deed in order to celebrate the dark side, the side that you completely and totally dedicated yourself to. In the years that followed you were able to enter into service of the family that had overthrown and murdered your own family. That you entered the ranks of their military and became a highranking officer. That you had no problem in presenting a false background and it was never suspected that you were one of the family members who had not been killed when the purge had happened many years previously. There was no history, there was no family to be traced down, for they too had disappeared and been slaughtered. That you could present yourself legitimately as the son of the family, knowing that you were safe from ever being discovered, for the family who could have given you away if they had been taken and tortured no longer lived. This too was one of the reasons why you were given the assignment to murder the family that raised you. That you did rise up in power, as this Awareness said, becoming a very high and trusted officer in the home guard of this controlling family. Indeed, you became the captain of the guard of the family that had overthrown your own family, and you were therefore privileged in being allowed to partake in the life and times of this family. That you did not strike immediately, but that you bided your time and planned diligently the death of those who had struck your family down. It was also a single personal act, and that you were the one who therefore gulleted and slit the throat of the king, the man who had taken your uncle's place. You then went on to kill his woman, his queen, wife and all of their children. You then ordered your troops to kill all others of their family, their extended family in a swift coup d'état. In this coup you put yourself in the seat of power and you declared yourself, revealed who you really were, which gave legitimacy to your claim. You then became the most brutal overlord that the planet had ever seen, for none had ever dedicated themselves to the evil ones such as you had, and you went on to purge the planet of many who you called enemies, many who were innocent. But in your mind, for it is seen that you did in a sense lose your mind, many were seen as enemies to you, threats to you. It is seen that you did take a wife, you did have children, but it is seen that you even killed your own children, for such was your paranoia and fear that you would be taken out, that they would rise up against you. That it is seen that you killed off several of your own children who had become in your mind threats to you and it is seen that you personally did this act. It is seen also that you took a great pleasure in their suffering. You were never a man, or a reptilian being, who would deliver a quick blow, a quick deathblow. It was always a lingering death that you would deliver, for you did take a great satisfaction, almost a sexual satisfaction, in the torturing of your victims and you so dedicated yourself to the fallen Lords, the satanic beings that you dedicated yourself to, that you felt it only right to torture and maim and sexually degrade those who you called your enemies. There is an essence in this that is connected to the Aztecs of the planet Earth at a later time, when they also worshiped the same Lords, the same gods and they too were demanded that they take much human life, much human sacrifice. It is the same energies, the same Lords who governed on this planet and demanded such as those who you served on your home planet. You were given a title, a title that to this day on that planet still holds terror. You were that which would be known in earthly terms as "the impaler", "the destroyer", he who takes life with happiness and glee.


There is no direct translation in the human language, but in the reptilian tongue, the reptilian language, this is a name that is not spoken, for to even say the name is to bring forth the horrendous evil of that man. It is seen that this individual did die a natural death, but that he was not able to let go of this violence and this energy until he had crossed over. It is even seen that he is still captive in an underworld, if you would call it this, and that while this Awareness has spoken to you of this being, It also suggests that while a part of you was of that being, this is not a part that you need worry about any longer. But it is a part that dedicated itself in its many ways, shapes and forms, many incarnations to that which was the warrior element, that aspect that would seek to release the bloodlust. This most powerful life in complete darkness, that which would be called evil, was meant to be for you always a spark to drive you in the opposite direction in the seeking of your spirituality, your spiritual light and your whole being. That this is what was achieved by having such an experience, but it is seen that there are parts of this that need to be healed yet and to be released yet. This Awareness will pause at this time to ask if there are questions on your part? Questioner: Well, after hearing all this information I'm just wondering… how I would ever balance this out, it seems to me it would've taken almost forever to balance out all the violence and the evil and the suffering I imposed on so many. Cosmic Awareness: Luckily this has already occurred. That this Awareness has not even begun to speak on the millions of lives that you have experienced where you have received back pain and suffering, where you have been murdered and tortured yourself, where you have given your life to save others, to hold for others a place for their safety, even though it cost you your own and your own life. There are many lifetimes that have been lived by you or that which is your aspect, your soul that have redressed this, this life that was meant to go deeply into that darkness so that eventually as you sought your higher nature, your spiritual source, you would finally come to that place of your own purity and understanding. That this is a life now where you can achieve this, especially with that which is the Ascension which is now coming, indeed which is already underway. That you need not worry of how you will ever repay this, for this Awareness says to you: the debt has already been repaid. That now what you must do is embrace this being, both of these lifetimes, as part of your overall soul journey. That you are not this being, you are not the entity that served Jehovah, but that which is a wholly independent individual who can make choice and has always made choice, who does not need to follow those footsteps, for many lifetimes have shown you this was false. And yet it too was part of the greater fabric of the Creator God, it too was part of the greater experience of the Creator God and you cannot hold God Almighty, Creator and Source of All as being evil and corrupt, for It simply is All and All does include that which is the darkness, that which is evil by the standard and sentiments of humanity and especially of those who seek a peaceful and good life. That one of the failings at this time of many who are the Lightworkers is their unwillingness to look at their darkness, to look at a life or lifetimes that were not spent in the pursuit of love and light. And yet in terms of the totality of the experience of God, the dark is as important, in a manner of speaking, as the light. That It has no attachment to either and yet holds both as equal.


This is a difficult concept for those who wish only to be considered Lightworkers, those who do not want to look at their darkness or to look at the darkness of others, who wish to only believe that everything will be ok because in their fairytale worlds this is all they wish to see and know. That while pursuing this may entitle them to a fair life, that the ultimate embracing of one's own darkness will give one a true understanding of their wholeness and their totality and even suggest to them the wholeness and totality of that which is the Divine, Almighty God, the Essence of All. This is where true enlightenment lies, this is where true illumination springs from. That even the entity known as the historical Jesus Christ had to go into the desert for 40 days and 40 nights to face his own demons, to look at his own darkness. This was the true nature of his reclusiveness and his withdrawal and retreat into the desert at that time. When he had done that, he was finally purified and able to fulfill his destiny. He could not do this, as he understood and knew, unless and until he had faced his demons, had faced his own evil dark background. It is so that you are ready yourself now to move forward to a higher level of your own commitment to be of service to that which is the Light, that which is unconditional love. But as this Awareness has just spoken, you needed first to finally face that evil within that had once been your existence, and in this case the two lives that most exemplify and express it. You have done this now, it is now time for you to forgive yourself and to finally release the lifetimes that have always tormented you in your nightmares, that have always suggested themselves to you in the dark recesses of your mind. This Awareness asks if you are ready to forgive yourself and to release these lifetimes? ============================================ From CAC General Reading, April 27, 2012. Will Berlinghof, Interpreter Joan Mills, questioner and


THE PYRAMIDS OF MONTAUK by Preston Nichols QUESTIONER: You're welcome, thank you so much. We are still on the Montauk. There are a series of questions, again from LK. He writes, "I'm going to quote a short chapter 36 from The Pyramids of Montauk written by Preston Nichols who designed some of the equipment used during the Montauk Project time travel experiments and will ask questions for Awareness at the end." There are four questions, can I take these one at a time please? COSMIC AWARENESS: Please. QUESTIONER: "The Timeline” is the title. Most of what I write about Montauk is either technical or experiential but I would like to end it with a philosophical overview with regard to our consciousness of time. The first question: I discovered a number of years ago that the Montauk Project connected with a number of other space/time projects. These in turn connected back to other projects that extended throughout history and into the future. It appears that the Montauk Project itself reached directly back to 3.6 million years in the past and to about six or seven in the future. They sent these times back on themselves. What this means is that we actually lived this timeline twice. It is the second run through and quite possibly we may have been through this timeline more than twice, because we really can't have two different timelines for the same period. It means that one timeline


must veer off and become an alternate reality. All this suggests that the first timeline was the timeline that God created; the alternate timeline is what became the Original Sin." Any comments please? COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness is somewhat confused by the latter statements, but this Awareness will start by saying that, in a manner of speaking, this individual is incorrect in some of his statements, that there cannot be two timelines at the same time, for example. There are never two timelines that are exactly the same. The principle that seems to be understood by this Awareness that this individual is claiming, is that the duplicity of the two timelines ensures that one must become an alternate timeline, for exactly the same timeline cannot be manifested twice. But this Awareness says the same timeline can only be manifested once but another that would seek to be the exact could not happen, for there are such subtle differences that the second time around it would not duplicate exactly the first. These subtle differences, even in a singular choice that seems to be of insignificance would alter the second timeline, and thus it could not be the first. If this is what the individual is meaning then he is correct in that there cannot be a duplication of the timelines, but it is not seen quite by this Awareness in the same way that this individual sees it. In other words, creating parallel universes occurs through choices made. If a choice is made in the second that is different than the first, even in the most subtle of ways, it will create a parallel timeline, a parallel experience that is not the same. It is that which sometimes is called the Butterfly Principle, which was about an individual allegedly going back in time and stepping on a butterfly, a seemingly insignificant act. But when the time travelers in that story came back, all of their reality had been changed because of this small insignificant act. And so it is that the timeline that is original and unique can never be exactly duplicated, even if one thinks that one has 100% knowledge of everything, it is not so. Furthermore it must be understood there is no future, there is no past, there is only the Eternal Now. What is considered the past or the future is simply a different vibrational level or frequency to the Now Moment. The Focus Personalities having a "past life" experience or a "future life" experience are having an experience that, when one removes the conditions of time, is happening in the very same moment as the present, only on a different frequency. In the very same moment you are sitting in your room or your car or outside reading this material, there are many events happening all around you that you are simply unaware of because you are not in the frequency of those other events or those other personalities. A person sitting in the room may not be aware that there are several dozen other personalities drifting in and out of that space but they are on a different frequency, having a different life experience. They would almost be considered specters, or ghosts to the individuals living, sitting, reading Cosmic Awareness newsletters. Yet, even though this may be so, those individuals on those other frequencies would be experiencing their own timeline or their own focus experiences in their present moment and they would not be considering you sitting on the chair reading the CAC newsletter. Finally, there is the latter statement of Original Sin and the choice of God, which is what this Awareness expressed to be confusing. What this Awareness would offer is that God sets everyone up at the beginning of the race. It is not a racecourse with defined tracks that must lead around the arena, but tracks that go here and there. When God shoots off the starting pistol, if you will, some will run forward, some will run backward, some will race across the inner field, some will go up, some will go down, as this is the nature of free will. Once the race is begun many choices are then possible. Thus to say if one did not run the race God designed, one is of Original Sin, this Awareness sees this as erroneous. It is simply a different race


that is being run and Original Sin does not play into it, not from a Christianized religious orientation at least. Is this clear? WHAT EXACTLY IS ORIGINAL SIN? QUESTIONER: Yes it is. That leads into his next question. He asks, "What exactly is Original Sin? If you read the Bible, Original Sin is the sin of knowledge. That is quite literally what the trans-lations say. We received knowledge and God supposedly kicked us out of the Garden of Eden. He did not kick us out. What happened is that when we fed the first timeline in on itself that timeline skewed off into an alternate reality and we went into a second timeline. The second timeline is our creation, not God's. The original God, God the Father, is not on this timeline. This is the reason the modern Christian database is saying that we can reach God the Father, through Christ." I believe you covered part of this but not all. Your comment please? COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness would say there is serious misunderstanding here and it is based on Christianized philosophies and thinking. This Awareness would ask for this to be put aside and to rather see the situation that God wished to be surprised by the multitude of experiences his own projections of Itself brought back to Itself. 'He' being a misunderstood concept in and of itself based on religious teachings that teach God to be a male persona. God is not male and It is not female; It is both and more. It is sometimes convenient to call the persona of God by a masculine pronoun; to identify It as a he, but It is indeed not he or she. Therefore God, that which is the God of all, decided It wished to allow Its own creations to have their own unique experiences. There was nothing of Original Sin there, for God could not convey this, and would not support this. Instead He/She let all have the race they were willing to have, wishing to have, and decided to have. Therefore one must release the concept of Original Sin, for God did not punish any one being, He/She did not use Eve to be the scapegoat, or Adam as well. This is all contrived, for this Awareness says outright: that teaching was the teaching of the reptilians and the Orions as they sought to ensure they had control of the minds of their experiment, their creations, the humans of the planet. Thus it was taught that the Original Sin was seeking knowledge and that they were punished for it. This would be more the actions of a controlling warlord of a high extraterrestrial nature that is trying to create a cult of followers that would follow blindly the dictates and attitudes and commands of a male god. The reptilians were those who sent their warlords down from Mars, which was involved in tremendous battle, and they came onto this planet and tried to dictate to one tribe of people how they should be. This tribe was the original tribe of the Judaic faith, one of the 13 tribes. This tribe became the Chosen Ones. They were considered to be favored by God as long as they followed the rules and laws this entity/being that identified itself as God Supreme, God Almighty gave to them. These people developed that understanding that they were the Chosen Ones and that they had some sort of special connection with the pretender god, for God Supreme would never give such rules and laws out, for It expected all of Its creations to have their own unique experiences, even the experience of following a false god, a pretender god, who was creating a situation of a cult following. Time to Put Aside False Documents Like the Bible Now as one rises to higher awareness and understanding, one must put aside the false document that was created that is known as the Bible, for this document perpetuates the myth of a God that is vengeful, that is controlling, and that is dominating. Even in the New Testament the supposition is that one must still follow the Commandments and that if one does not follow the Commandments that even this giving, loving God of the New Testament will be vengeful and wrathful and will


condemn a single Focus Personality to an eternity of hellish punishment. These are childlike concepts and this Awareness says it is time to let go the things of a child, and take up the tools of adulthood, the thinking of a mature mind, and not the child. Is that clear? WHAT IS CHRIST? QUESTIONER: Yes. Thank you. That was most excellent. Next he writes, "What is Christ? Christ is the piece of us that leads back to God the Father. The cross represents the crossing of our timeline with the Creator's timeline. We can go through this Christ relationship to get back to God the Father, who was the Original Creator. All of this says that the Original Sin is the knowledge of space and time and that we can play God and create our own reality. Of course we went into that reality and that is how we were separated from our Creator." He carries on to two more parts, shall I read these or let them go for now? COSMIC AWARENESS: Please let them go for now, for there is more than enough to make comment on here. The individual suggests that Original Sin is the choice of the individuals to have their own time and space experience and that they choose not to follow somehow that which is assigned by the Creator God, thus separating themselves from the Creator God. Why this Awareness must refute this is because there is no such thing as Original Sin. There is no punishment for not following the dictates of a Creator God, for that Creator God is so grand in Its composition that It allows all. It does not have a concept of Original Sin other than what It sees is created by those energies that It has released, those aspects of consciousness that seek to have a physical experience. It has no time for the concept of Original Sin. It sees, for example, that even those dark experiences will eventually lead that particle of the Divine Soul, the Divine Spirit, that which is God in all Its Glory, Its Totality, to finally and eventually return back to the Divine bearing gifts. This is the story of the prodigal son who is allowed to have all of the experiences of life, even the corrupted experiences, and the Father simply rejoices when that son, after his lengthy detour finally realizes the truth of the matter and returns home bearing gifts. So it is with that which is the ultimate expression of God, the God Essence, the God Force or Godhead. It does not delineate the true path or the only path for there are many paths, all of them true, all of them leading the individual particle or aspect of the Divine to have the multitude of experiences available on all timelines, on all dimensions, on all levels of consciousness. It is such a huge ball of completed full consciousness that is presented that it is difficult for the mind to comprehend. This Awareness simply says to understand that all are having the right experience, whether it is understood by another or not. Only when the Focus Personality of the soul returns back to the soul, back to that council where it reviews its life can it understand that life. There are no mistakes; there is no sin, for all those mistakes can teach the individual soul aspect great and profound lessons. All are brought back into the fabric of the soul and the fabric of the Divine to enhance the totality of knowingness, of the total and complete experience of all. That is why this Awareness finds it curious to be dealing with concepts such as Original Sin when there is no such thing. Is this clear? QUESTIONER: Yes it is very clear, thank you. The next part is, "The mathematics are supposed to be that if 10% of the beings in this galaxy can become conscious of the original timeline, then all beings will follow suit. Hopefully your consciousness has been raised by the reading of this book. If so, your journey home has begun." And he concludes with "My questions for the Awareness… COSMIC AWARENESS: First this Awareness would make comment. This Awareness does not agree again, for whether it is 10% or 99%, the concept of a percentage being necessary to ensure elevation of consciousness is that which is erroneous for it only takes one to understand this, one to know this


and for this knowledge then to be reflected outward from that one. For each being is a creator being, each is creating their separate reality, if you will. Therefore as the one knows this and creates the reality around him that reflects this, it will be created in such a way that more and more will know this truth. If this is what this individual is actually speaking then this Awareness is willing to stand corrected here, but It is basically saying that such is the truth of the matter that each Focus Consciousness is the creator being of the reality they are experiencing. What this individual, in a manner of speaking, is talking about is that which is an outside understanding of reality based on how it is held by others as well. This Awareness is saying that in truth what matters is what the individual creates in his or her life and if they realize this striking and powerful truth then they will create that which is in alignment to the highest divine ordinance of their being and they will create the world where the balance is returned and the focus is such that there is recognition that all are part of the divine energy and that there is no wrong way to walk. There are only misinformed paths that take one outside of the conscious realization of who and what they really are. This is the true separation from the Godhead, the forgetfulness of who and what the Focus Personality really is, what he is, who he is. And of course this Awareness must state who she is as well, for the he/she gender division is inappropriate here. It is simply that the Creator Being realizes Itself and finally awakens to the deepest truth that It creates Its own reality and is perfectly free to do so, delusions and all. QUESTIONER: Exactly, thank you. "My questions for this Awareness are how accurate is this analysis by Preston Nichols? What does he mean that timelines are fed back on themselves?" You Are Independent in the Creation of Your Reality COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness jumps in and says that this question could be answered two ways. One, that he is entirely inaccurate in his understanding or two, that he is entirely accurate. This Awareness says here that he, the creator being, is creating his reality as he sees it, as he defines how things are, because he is the creator being of his life and the reality of his life - so this Awareness must say he is entirely correct in his analysis. It is his truth and as his truth, it is correct for him. Others who share his truth, who tie into it, may believe him to be also true, for in their reality they are creating it in the way that his declarations, his explanations ring true to them and thus are valid. However to say that he is 100% true for all would be inaccurate, for there are many who disagree with him, who would not hold his truth as their own. Are these ones invalid in what they are creating as their truth, their reality? Not at all. Again, for them the truth they create is entirely valid for them, whether it is, for example, a fundamental conceptualization of God and creation and reality, or an atheist-based reality where there is no God or a criminal definition, or a right-wing or a left-wing or any other wing of interpretation. What is to be seen and understood here is that each and every individual is independent in the creation of their reality. They can come together with others who resonate with them and there can be a type of co-creation occurring. This happens in the collective mind where a majority holds certain principles and beliefs and paradigms as the correct way of being. In this type of construction, that collective consciousness holds itself to be right in all situations and it judges all of those who do not share such perceptions as being wrong and there are many levels of reaction to those who hold wrong beliefs. But ultimately even the collective breaks down to the individual collective consciousness, the Focus Personality, and ultimately one of the greatest understandings of the truth of consciousness is that each individual Focus Personality, Focus Consciousness, is responsible for creating his or her


personal reality in conjunction with and in alignment with others or not. That is how it is seen by this Awareness. It is for this reason this Awareness says that the individual is right for himself in his perception, but is not right in how it is and how others would hold it. His insistence that this is the correct way of understanding reflects on many who hold that their way of thinking is the only correct way. But each individual again must always look at these assertions and judge for themselves what is right or wrong for themselves in the creation of their individual reality of experience. QUESTIONER: What does he mean that timelines are fed back on themselves? Is there such a thing? COSMIC AWARENESS: This again is simply his individual perception of how things work and in his way of seeing it and thinking about it, it occurs that timelines are fed back on themselves. This Awareness said in Its original answer that this cannot happen, for each timeline by definition is different than any that went before, even if it is allegedly a timeline being turned back on itself to repeat itself. It cannot repeat itself. There is the saying that you cannot put your foot in a river two times in a row, for that river has moved along and bringing the foot out and putting it back in puts it in the water that was not the water that was there in the first place, for the river has flowed along. This Awareness will further amend this to say one cannot put one's own foot in the same river one time, for as one puts the foot into the river, the river itself is already flowing past, already changing, and this change is constant and unending. His assertion is that you can put your foot in the river two times and that the second time one puts one's foot in the river will be the exact duplication of the first time. By his analogy it simply cannot be and that is why this Awareness says that this individual on this matter is incorrect. Awareness is within all and is a voice that does speak to all but in a way that most never hear, for what is needed is a process of refinement, a process of expansion. If one stays in a 3rd dimensional ensnarement of consciousness where one simply abides by the physical rules and does not realize in any way, shape or form that there are energies of consciousness that are within one that supersede physicality, one would not feel inclined to go seeking. One would simply have the physical experience that one deems as the most important. ============================================================================== WHAT IS COSMIC AWARENESS? COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that expressed Itself through Jesus of Nazareth, the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Edgar Cayce and other great avatars who served as "Channels" for the "Heavenly Father" and who speaks again today as the world begins to enter the "New Age" of spiritual consciousness and awareness. Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through carefully trained channels. This information is for those who desire to help in bringing in the New Age. Throughout the thousands of "Readings" given through these various channels, Cosmic Awareness tells us not to believe anything, but to question, explore, doubt, and discover for yourself, through your own channel what is the Truth. Cosmic Awareness will only "indicate" and "suggest". Neither C.A.C. or any of the Interpreters is responsible for any-thing Cosmic Awareness states in any of these readings, nor does C.A.C. or the Interpreters necessarily agree with the statements of Cosmic Awareness. The Interpreters interpret the energies as they see them in trance levels and are not personally responsible for what is said. The Interpreters published herein have no connection with, nor control over the editorial comments and material, including illustrations. This is entirely the responsibility of the editor. Members of C.A.C. are invited to send in questions of general interest to ask Awareness for possible publication in this newsletter.


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