Continuing Professional Development Plan [PDF]

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CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN BY VICTORIYA VALCHUK Name of the training 1.Assessment for Learning https://www. classcentral. com/course/ assessmentforlearning -12014

2. Introducing Assessment for Learning https://www. courses/introducingassessment-forlearning

3. Planning for

Target To overview the current debates about testing, and analyses the strengths and weaknesses of a variety of approaches to assessment

Objectives 1.use of assessment technologies in learning 2. explore recent advances in computer adaptive and diagnostic testing 3. use of natural language processing technologies in assessments To discover 1.find out how to gauge how to gauge your students’ your understanding students’ , so that you understandin can better g progress their 2. how to learning. create a classroom culture that allows difficult ideas to surface  3.  to find out the key principles of assessment for learning To improve identify

Time 4 weeks, weekly study 3 hours

Outcomes 1. effectively use of assessment technologies in learning 2. usage of computer adaptive and diagnostic testing 3. use of natural language processing technologies

5 weeks, weekly study 3 hours

1.Identify the main principles of assessment 2.Develop your use of hinge-point questions to elicit evidence from students 3.Collaborate with peers, educators and mentors to try out activities and share



Learning: Formative Assessment https://www. courses/ planning-for-learning

learning outcomes in STEM subjects through effective planning

your learners’ thinking, clarify learning goals 2. develop your classroom questioning  3. formative assessment

4. Language Assessment in the Classroom

To find out the principles of language assessment

1.principles of sound language assessment 2. developing different types of test and how they can be applied 3. explore practical ways of assessing language

To expand


https://www. futurelearn. com/courses/language -assessment

5. Teaching for

weeks, weekly study 3 hours

students' starting points and how to plan to move them forward successfully 2.Demonstrat e how to make evidence informed judgements about your students Develop your planning for flexibility and evidence collecting opportunities. 4 1.Identify the weeks, principles weekly involved in study 3 reliable ,valid hours test design 2.Demonstrat e an understanding of different types of tests 3.Evaluate assessment needs of students within a given context 4.Explain some practical techniques for assessing different language skills and knowledge 4 1.Compare

Success: Learning and Learners https://www. courses/englishlanguage-teachinglearning

knowledge in understanding learners knowing the subject using inclusive practices assessing learning

6. Testing Times in the Classroom: Challenges of 21st Century Education https://www. courses/reimaginingeducation

To explore debates surrounding education in the 21st century - how has education changed and what are the concerns for the future?

motivation 2.Getting learners talking 3.Language analysis for learners 4.Practising new language 5.Inclusive practices 6.Types of assessment

weeks, Weekl y study 2 hours

teaching approaches and experience with others from around the world. 2.Discuss different types of knowledge and what a teacher needs to know. 3.Identify strategies to promote inclusive education. 4.Evaluate different types of assessment and reflect on assessment criteria What 4 Reflect on education weeks, your own means in an weekly educational era where study 4 experiences. assessment hours Describe rules and some of the where big major changes data and key which have performance occurred in indicators are education in key. recent years. What positive Discuss forms alternatives of alternative exist to education challenge which are dominant practiced in instrumental current thinking? education How have systems. these been Evaluate a enacted and range of

how can we learn from them in our own educational thinking?

7.Teaching English Online https://www. courses/onlinetutoring

perspectives to identify some alternative answers to the big questions asked about contemporary and future education. Learn how to 1.The context 4 1.Demonstrat transfer your of English weeks, e the key teaching skills Language weekly skills and to an online Teaching study 5 knowledge context and online hours needed as an start teaching 2. How to online English English plan and teacher online. deliver online 2.Plan and skills lessons deliver 3. How to lessons to plan and develop deliver online receptive and language productive lessons skills 4. How to 3.Understand continue your how to professional develop development language as an online skills teacher 4.Reflect and improve on professional practice