Consulting Math Drills: Short Questions [PDF]

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Consulting Math Drills Short Questions

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Short Questions

Consulting Math Drills – Short Questions

Practice Package Overview and Instructions This practice package has been developed to provide samples of the actual Math calculations candidates have to perform throughout the Management Consulting Recruiting process including the entrance test (E.g.: McKinsey Problem Solving Test, BCG Potential Test) and case interviews. This package assesses your ability to accurately and quickly calculate business math problems. This practice package contains 300 short math questions. All questions in this package are Short Math questions. Each situation usually has one question and requires one calculation to solve. Remember that of the two criteria (1) accuracy and (2) quickness, accuracy is more important in case interviews. Interviewers would rather allow more time for candidates to perform calculations correctly than get quick but wrong answers. In entrance tests (McKinsey PST or BCG Potential Test), a balanced approach should be targeted. Since the time allowed in those tests are very tight, slowing down to get perfectly accurate answers may not be beneficial. While completing this practice package, do no use any electronic devices (e.g., calculator, computer) when performing calculations to answer the questions. Depending on your purpose of using this package (for Case Interview Prep or for Entrance Test Prep), the appropriate methods for using this package are different. Case Interview Prep: Divide your practice into small hurdles, 5 or 10 questions each. Target 100% accuracy. Any score less than 100% is considered as failed. When you can consistently pass hurdles, try to reduce the time. You may practice calculating out loud as if you are presenting your calculation to interviewers. Entrance Test Prep (McKinsey PST or BCG Potential Test): Divide your practice into small hurdles, 5 or 10 questions each. Only allow yourself 30 – 45 seconds per question (start with 45 then gradually moving down to 30). Then try to increase the number of correct answers within the pre-targeted time allowed. Please let us know if you have any doubts about any question or answer key. Good luck with your studies!


Short Questions

Hurdle 1 Q1: Retail Division accounts for 40% of Maritime bank’s profit. If the bank wants to grow its overall profit by 15% only through the Retail Division, by how many percentage does this division’s profit have to grow? Q2: Apple sold 45 million mobile devices over the last year. 35% of which were iPhones. How many iPhones were sold? Q3: Trans & Company has three divisions: Outsourcing, Music Teaching, and System Builder. Revenue of each division is: 40 thousand (US Dollars), 1.3 billion (VND), and 400 million (VND) respectively. Calculate the Revenue Share of each division in Trans & Company (in %). Exchange rate: $1 = 20,000 VND Q4: Revenue of a Nike factory is $1.4 billion. Variable Cost is 30% of Revenue. Fixed cost is $600 million. What is the profit margin (in %) of that factory? Round up your answer to the nearest whole number. Q5: Amsterdam Hedge Fund invests $3 trillion and gets $750 billion in return in the first year. If Amsterdam Hedge Fund can maintain that performance (Return on Investment), how much return (dollar value) will they get during the five years after they invest $5 trillion? Assume that the rate of return is compounded yearly. Q6: Pacific Place is a newly built office building with 23,000 m2 of office space. The building management is to rent out spaces at the rate of 100 m2 per day. How many months will it take for the building to be fully occupied? Round up your answer to the nearest whole number. Q7: In a credit process center (CPC) of a big bank, there are 5000 applications to be processed within a month. Each application takes 45 minutes to complete. How many clerks does this CPC need to hire? Assume each clerk works a typical schedule (8 hours per day, 5 days per week) Q8: I see on your resume that you wrote 18 songs during the period of 2005 - 2008. So how many days did it take you to write a song on average? Round up your answer to the nearest whole number. Q9: I spent $100 on gas for a 300-mile one-way trip from LA to Vegas. I drove a Honda Accord at 25 mpg (miles per gallon). What was the gas price on that day?


Short Questions

Q10: This department gives each employee 3 months of fixed salary for bonus annually. The HR (Human Resource) decides that the total annual compensation is $30,000 for each employee. How much is the monthly fixed salary Q11: A vending machine has four types of soft drinks: Pepsi, Fanta, 7UP and Mountain Dew. Sales for each type are $1040, $780, $550 and $ 930, respectively. Calculate the Revenue Share (in %) of each type of drink that the vending machine has. Round up your answer to the nearest whole number.

Q12: A furniture store sold 150,000 pieces of furniture last year, 45% of which were wooden chairs. How many wooden chairs were sold?

Q13: Madam Yong’s Massage Salon made $3.6 million of revenue in 2010. She rented the building for $125 thousand per month. Profit margin of the salon equals 35%. Calculate Variable cost. Assume that Rental is the only Fixed Cost.

Q14: This year the number of candidates who applied into the McKinsey Singapore office was 261. If the ratio of rejected candidates to received ones is 5:4, how many more rejected candidates than received candidates were there this year?

Q15: A car, after being taken to the garage, consumes 30% less fuel. If it used to consume 22 gallons per mile before, how many gallons per mile does it consume now?

Q16: The ticket fare of JetStar airline for the Hanoi – Ho Chi Minh City trip has dropped from $35 to $15. How many percent has the fare dropped by? Round up your answer to 1 decimal place.

Q17: Advertising cost takes up 30% of Mr.Tran & Co.’s expenses. The company paid 85% of advertising expenses in 2011 and the rest in 2012. The total expense of the company in 2011 was $570,000. Calculate advertising expenses paid in 2011.


Short Questions

Q18: John works 45 hours per week for a consulting firm. His three main tasks are: Gathering data, Analyzing and Writing Report. He allocates his time for those three tasks by a ratio of 2:4:3. How many hours per week does he spend on Gathering data?

Q19: Fonterra charges a 40% markup on milk supply from dairy stores. A dairy store charges a 25% markup on milk bought from Fonterra. By how many percent has the original price been increased?

Q20: Donald owns 15% of International Ink Inc.’s shares at a price of $20 per share. If the total number of shares equals 830,000 how much are Donald’s shares worth?


Short Questions

Hurdle 2 Q21: Train ticket for Ho Chi Minh City – Nha Trang one-way trip costs $400,000VND per adult and $250,000VND per child and the rates are the same for a Nha Trang – Ho Chi Minh City oneway trip. How much does a family of 2 children and 2 adults have to pay (in USD) for their twoway trip from Ho Chi Minh City to Nha Trang? 1USD = 20,000VND

Q22: A hotel has 35 rooms of 30 m2 and 15 rooms of 40m2 and 5 rooms of 55 m2. It takes one day to build 10 m2. How many days did it take to finish this hotel?

Q23: John can make burgers at the average speed of 10 seconds each. In a day, he works for 6 hours at McDonalds with a 5-minute break every hour. What is the maximum number of burgers he can make per day?

Q24: In 2011, Reuters earned $20 million from advertising. 65% of that amount will be paid in 2012. How much money did Reuters receive from advertising in 2011?

Q25: A lemonade mix consists of 32 liters of lemon juice and 100 liters of water. If an extra amount of 40 liters of lemon juice is added, what is the new percentage of lemon juice in the mix?

Q26: Bill has been driving a taxi for the last few years, everyday including weekends and holidays. His taxi has a depreciation rate of 15% of historical cost per year. At the end of the 5th year Bill sold his taxi for $5000 and broke even. How much did he buy the taxi for in the beginning?

Q27: Mrs. Dorris has a savings account of $750,000 at an interest rate of 0.4% per month. What is the return on this investment (in dollars) per month and per year?


Short Questions Q28: In 2010, Australia exported 500,000 tons of wool, which were worth 3.5 billion AUD. In 2011, the exported amount increased by 20% compared to that in 2010. How much did Australia earn by exporting wool in 2011?

Q29: A microwave costs $100 to produce. The producer made a total profit of $6 million by selling microwaves. If the mark-up percentage is 120%, how many microwaves did the producer sell? (Mark-up percentage: the proportion of cost added to selling price)

Q30: Russia is the main gas supplier to a lot of Eastern European countries. They charge 14,300 RUB for every 1000 m3 of gas. If Ukraine buys 200 million m3, Belarus buys 25% less than that, and Albania buys triple the amount bought by Ukraine and Belarus combined, how much does Russia make?

Q31: In the third-quarter of 2011, McDonalds’ net profit rose by 9% compared to that of the third quarter of last year, but was forced to raise prices due to higher beef prices. Last year, the third-quarter’s net profit was $1.2 billion, and beef expense accounted for 30% of net profit. How much did McDonalds spend on beef during the third-quarter of 2011?

Q32: The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a famous tourist attraction in Italy. Adult tourists pay 8 EUR for each visit while children only have to pay 5 EUR. The annual maintenance cost for the Tower is 500,000 EUR. If revenue from Children’s tickets takes up to 40% of Maintenance Cost, how many adult tourists the does the Tower need to be visited by in order to break even?

Q33: In India, people sit on every part of the train because there is not enough space, making the National Train Company suffer a loss on potential profit. The company loses an average of 30 rupees for anyone that does not sit in the coach. A given train is carrying 75% more than its capacity of 720 passengers. How much does the company lose on this train?

Q34: During a random Sunday afternoon, it was counted in a Pizza Hut store that there were 60 customers, a -fourth of which ordered a Classic Pizza that costs $10. One-third of the remaining customers ordered a Make-Your-Own Pizza that costs $15. The rest ordered a Medium Pizza of $8 each. How much did Pizza Hut earn during that afternoon?


Short Questions

Q35: Music4Life is a CD store located in a big mall. In 2011 they generated $380,000 in revenue from selling CDs. Operating expense was 15%, Administration expense 12% and Finance expense 9% of revenue. Calculate the dollar value of each expense category and profit of Music4Life in 2011.

Q36: The total cost of producing M&M boxes per month consists of $125,000 fixed cost and $1.25 variable cost per box. The producer sells each box at $2.5. How many boxes will the producer have to sell in order to break even?

Q37: Facebook, a famous social network, gains income mainly from advertising, around 90% of total revenue. In 2011 they pulled a net profit of $500 million. Assume that the Revenue/ Net Profit ratio is 1: 0.65 (for every dollar of revenue, 65 cents is contributed towards net profit), how much did Facebook earn in terms of Advertising revenue?

Q38: In 2010, Kathmandu’s revenue was $850 million, 34% of which came from the Department Store. In 2011, its revenue is increased by 35% compared to 2010, 40% of which came from the Department Store. How much has revenue from the Department Store increased in dollar value?

Q39: In Egypt, tourists must pay to visit the pyramids. Ticket fares are $10 per adult and $4 per child. The tour guide receives 40% of total ticket revenue. How much would the tour guide earn per day if there were 2250 adults and 1450 children visiting the pyramids in one day?

Q40: Robin has a small takeaway stall. He sells noodles for $12 per box and fried rice for $13.50 per box. The carton boxes cost him $2 each. If he sold 1350 boxes of noodle and 1200 boxes of fried rice, how much profit did he earn? Assume the only cost for Robin’s stall is the carton boxes.


Short Questions

Hurdle 3 Q41: Umbro sells a sport watch for $450. Revenue / Cost ratio is 1: 0.34 (for every dollar of sales 0.34 cents is contributed towards cost). Umbro spends 38% of the remaining profit on developing materials. When selling a $450 watch, how much does Umbro spend on developing materials?

Q42: 40 Razer mouses were bought by a new Internet Café for $80 each. After 15 months the Internet Café sold the mice for a total of $2560. How much of the purchase price did each mouse get depreciated per month, in percentage?

Q43: Suppose that has a visitor every 8.5 minutes. 45% of the visitors are first-time guests, who spend 15 minutes browsing the page. In one day, how many minutes are spent by first-time visitors to browse Round up your answer to 2 decimal places.

Q44: At a famous French restaurant, customers can enjoy the chef’s special ice-cream at $100 per scoop, with a choice to pay an extra $30 to use a silver spoon. Out of 75% of the customers who ordered the ice-cream, 60% chose to use the silver spoon. In one night, there were 580 customers, how much did the restaurant earn from the chef’s ice-cream?

Q45: Sarah sells three types of surfboards at $100, $250 and $380 each. The purchase ratio of these three types is 2: 3: 5 respectively. Last month Sarah sold a total of 120 surfboards. How much money did she make?

Q46: On average, a Frenchman consumes 560,000 liters of water each year. That number for a German is 430,000 liters and 120,000 liters for a Dane. The average price of water at these three countries is $1.6 per liter. Calculate the ratio of water consumption between France, Germany and Denmark in term of $ value, i.e.: amount paid for consuming water.


Short Questions Q47: Data on the benefits and cost of an airport in 2009 are shown as follows: Benefit: 91.32 million Euro Investment Cost: 3.83 million Euro Operating Cost: 7.03 million Euro Calculate Benefit / Investment Cost, Benefit / Operating Cost and Benefit / Cost ratios. Round up your answer to the nearest whole number.

Q48: A shoe factory has a maximum capacity of 12,000 workers. It started off with 1200 workers and recruited 280 new workers every month. After 6 months, the factory directors decided to hire 375 new workers every month. After another 6 months, they decided to hire 460 new workers every month. How many months will it take (from the very beginning) the factory to reach its maximum capacity? Round up your answer to the nearest whole number.

Q49: I am an international user of the Wells Fargo debit card (an US domestic bank). It costs $5 each time I withdraw cash from a Visa ATM. If I choose to use the debit only for purchases, I am charged 3% of the transaction amount. If I am to go to an ATM instead, what is the least amount of money (in US dollars) do I want to withdraw in order to be better off compared to when I make a transaction?

Q50: Last year, each iPad sold had 35% of its selling price contributed to Material Cost, 30% to Distribution Cost and 10% to Marketing Cost which left 25% to Profit from selling price. This year, Apple increased the selling price by 20% and managed to pull Material Cost down to 30% of the new selling price, other things remained the same. What is the new Profit percentage?

Q51: Mike is travelling around Russia and wants to buy some matryoshka dolls for souvenirs. He found one with 4 layers. The first layer takes up 60% of the selling price, the second layer is only one-fourth of the first layer’s price, the last layer is one-tenth of the selling price. The whole doll is sold at $80. Calculate each layer’s price.


Short Questions Q52: KFC New Zealand is promoting its KFC Hot Deals consisting of Wicked Fix and Bargain Bite. Wicked Fix, which has 4 Wicked Wings, 1 regular chip and 1 regular Potato & Gravy, is sold at $4.90. If bought separately, a Wicked Wing cost $1.20, a regular chip $0.5 and a regular Potato & Gravy $0.80. How many percent can a customer save when buying Wicked Fix instead of each item separately? (Round up your answer to 2 decimal places)

Q53: Orion Chocopie is a famous brand of delicious cookies. A small chocopie package costs only $0.20 while a box of 50 packages costs $8. With $75 what is the maximum number of chocopie packages you can buy?

Q54: Pumpkin Patch Ltd. is a luxury brand of kids-wear. On average its mark-up percentage is 250%. If Pumpkin Patch Ltd. produced a $10 shirt and a $12 pair of pants, estimate the selling price of this clothes set.

Q55: A small tray of ice-cubes consisting of ten 2-cm3 cubes is sold for $1.75. A big tray of ice cubes consisting of six 5-cm3 cubes is sold for $2.50. Which tray is cheaper, in term of $ per cm3?

Q56: A lemonade stall breaks-even at 30 cups sold. Each cup is sold for $3; variable cost is $1.25 per cup. How much is fixed cost?

Q57: Janice’s flowery finished 2011 with a profit of $25,000. Distribution Cost is equal to 60% of profit, while Admin Cost is 80% of Distribution Cost and Finance Cost is one-fifth the sum of Distribution and Admin Costs. How much revenue did Janice earn?

Q58: The Government places a new tax on liquor with the purpose of reducing domestic consumption of alcohol. The new tax of 15% the selling price will replace the old tax of 12.5%. With the old tax, a bottle of beer was sold at $6 (amount after tax). Calculate the selling price and price after tax of this bottle of beer with the new tax? Round up your answer to 2 decimal places.


Short Questions Q59: Mentos is a famous chewing-gum brand. One 20-gram piece of Mentos contains 55% rubber gum, 25% mint-flavor, 15% sugar and 5% conservators. How many grams of each kind of ingredient will be used in a package of 30 Mentos pieces?

Q60: Rick is currently finding a new job. His previous job paid him $30 per hour, and he worked 50 hours per week. How much did Rick earn per year from his previous job, after a 30% tax ? (A year normally has 52 weeks)


Short Questions

Hurdle 4 Q61: Puma is a well-known sporting outfit brand. A pair of Puma shoes normally costs $75, a shirt costs $35 and a pair of shorts costs $30. If you buy the whole set of these 3 items you will receive an 8% discount on the total amount. How much is the price of the clothes set after the discount?

Q62: Toyota currently has Current Liabilities of $375 million, while their Current Assets is sitting at $500 million. What is Toyota’s Current Ratio? Round up your answer to 2 decimal places.

Q63: Gloria Jean’s Coffee is about to open 50 new coffee shops across the USA. They hope that this expansion will increase their current annual revenue of $780 million by 40%. How much more annual revenue, in dollar value, will be generated by opening 1 extra shop? Assume that the 50 new shops generate an equal amount of additional revenue.

Q64: As of November 2011, Windows XP’s market share was 32.8% after having peaked at 76.1% in January 2007. Assume its market share decreases by a constant percentage each month, how many percent of market share does Windows XP lose per month? Round up your answer to 2 decimal places.

Q65: On average, a gas station supplies 2400 liters of gasoline per day. The Current gasoline price is $4 per liter. One gas station in the North supplies gasoline for $4.75 per liter. Assume that it supplies just enough gasoline to break-even, what is the fixed cost of this gas station?

Q66: Alex was penalized for online piracy. He had to pay 650% the value of products he uploaded illegally on the Internet along with copyrights fees of $5000. These products cost a total of $500. How much did Alex have to pay for his penalty?


Short Questions Q67: Dial-A-Nerd is an average-sized computer repairing service. They charge $15 for one-hour of service, $20 for more than one-hour of service and $50 if the computer needs to be taken away. In the first quarter of 2011, they received 240 cases, half of which required only an hour, one fifth of the remaining required more than one hour and the rest required to be taken away. How much revenue did Dial-A-Nerd earn in the first quarter of 2011?

Q68: Knock-Knock-Knob is a sole proprietor that specializes in selling and fixing doorknobs. During the last quarter of 2011, Knock-Knock-Knob earned $44,000 in revenue, 30% of which is allocated to Distribution Cost, 35% to Admin Cost and 15% to Finance Cost. Calculate the dollar value of profit of Knock-Knock-Knob in the last quarter of 2011.

Q69: In 2011, Novak Djokovic earned a record cash prize of $12.6 million for winning 3 Grand Slams and 7 other titles. Assume Djokovic received the same amount of cash prize for each Grand Slams, he earned 75% of his total cash prizes by just winning 3 grand slams. How much is winning a Grand Slam worth?

Q70: Evergreen is a newly opened low priced taxi service. Their “open-door” price is only $1. The first 1.5 miles is charged at $5 and then $1.50 per mile. A passenger travels for 20 minutes and the taxi driver drives at a constant speed of 45 miles/hour. How much does the passenger have to pay?

Q71: MeetYourMakers is a famous E-sports organization. In 2010 the total cash prizes of all its squads amounted to $300,000. In 2011, this number dropped by 20%, but MeetYourMakers received a sponsorship of $500,000 offered by Razer. How much did MeetYourMakers make from E-sports and sponsors in 2011?

Q72: Mountain Dew is a famous soft drink brand. In 2011, approximately 900 million Mountain Dew bottles were sold all over the world, generating $1.6 billion in revenue. On average, how much does a Mountain Dew bottle cost?

Q73: Avada Kebabra is a Turkish fast food restaurant owned by Ahmed. During the 3rd quarter of 2011, Ahmed earned $7,500, which took up 35% of the annual profit. How much profit did


Short Questions Avada Kebabra generate in 2011? Assume that the error margin is 10%. (Round up your answer to the nearest whole number).

Q74: Frank is a retired musician and he now teaches guitar lessons for youngsters. The old man doesn’t care much about money and only charges $25 / month / student. At the end of 2011, Frank was amazed that he had made $12,000. How many students did he teach in 2011? Given that all the students had registered for his course before 2011, no students dropped out of the course during the year, and Frank did not receive any new students.

Q75: Nutella is a world-wide brand of hazelnut-spread. A small 500 gram jar of Nutella is $6.50 while a big 5 kilogram jar is $50. How many percent can a consumer save by buying the big jar instead of the small jar? Round up your answer to 1 decimal place.

Q76: Google acquired Youtube for the price of $1.65 billion USD, fully paid after 6 months. How much did Google have to pay per month in €? Given that 1 USD = 0.7 €

Q77: Burij Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, holds the world record for having the largest number of floors and the fastest elevator. It has 164 floors (not including the ground floor) and the elevator runs at 64km/h. Assume that each floor is 5 meters high, how long (in seconds) does it take to go from the ground floor to the 160th floor?

Q78: Samson is a popular football player in Thailand. His annual salary is $21,000. Recently, his club has the intention of ending the contract with Samson while he still has another 2 years to play. Samson requires that he be compensated an amount equal to his salary for 30 months if he is to be fired before the contract ends. How much is Samson asking for?

Q79: Bo-At is a boat rental shop located near the harbor. They charge $60 per hour or $1000 per day (24 hours) for renting a boat. A customer rented a boat for 50 hours, but due to weather conditions he returned the boat half a day later than expected. How much did he have to pay to Bo-At?


Short Questions Q80: At Mountain Gear, a complete set of mountain climbing tools is sold for $2,450. Climbers save 15% by buying the complete set instead of separate tools. What is the total cost of buying all the necessary tools separately? Round up your answer to 2 decimal places.


Short Questions

Hurdle 5 Q81: A tampon weighs 5 grams. A small box of tampons consists of 50 tampons and costs $3.50. How much do 10 kilograms of tampons cost?

Q82: Thailand is currently the largest rice exporter in the world. The cost of 1 ton of rice is $480. In 2010, Thailand generated $3.5 billion from exporting rice. How many tons of rice did they export? Round up your answer to the whole number.

Q83: The New York Police Department (NYPD) is considering replacing the old Mercedes-Benz patrol cars with faster Toyota cars. Each Toyota car costs $12,000 and will be assigned to a group of 10 officers. NYPD currently has 16,000 active (on-the-field) officers. How much will NYPD have to spend on the new Toyota cars?

Q84: Three Ladies is a canned tuna manufacturer. The price of a can of tuna is $5.90, in which: $1 is for the can, $1.80 is for the tuna and $1.50 is for the labor. The listed three costs are variable costs. Fixed cost is $850,000. How many cans of tuna does Three Ladies need to sell in order to break-even?

Q85: The annual total revenue of McDonalds comes from four divisions: $950,000 from Lunch/Dinner main dishes, $300,000 from Beverages, $360,000 from Snack items and $680,000 from Breakfast items. Calculate the Revenue Share (in percentage) of each division. Round up your answer to 2 decimal places.

Q86: bitDefender is the name of a popular anti-virus software. The software provider offers its Unlimited Access package at the price of $29.90 and the monthly update fee is $4.99. HKT Investment Group has been using bitDefender’s Unlimited Access package for its network security for the last 5 years. How much has the Investment Group paid for bitDefender?


Short Questions Q87: A container was held up at the harbor’s customs under suspicion of smuggling. The container was worth $500,000. If there was a case of smuggling, the owner of the container would face a penalty of up to $1.2 million. How many percent of the container’s value did the owner risk paying?

Q88: In Spain, bullfighting is a popular activity. The ticket to a bullfighting show is only $12. An arena used for bullfighting shows can hold up to 50,000 people. What is the maximum ticket fare the arena can earn for one bullfighting show?

Q89: Walls Ice-cream is advertised to contain up to 55% milk and 20% flavor substances. How much (in milliliters) of each ingredient is contained in a box of 800 milliliters of Walls Ice Cream? Round up your answer to 1 decimal place.

Q90: In 2010, China imported 800,000 gallons of oil, which at that time cost them $3 million. In 2011 they wanted to import 20% more to catch up with the higher demand, but price (per gallon) also rose by 5%. How much did the Government of China have to pay for import receipts?

Q91: Every year, an average of 40 million people visit casinos in Las Vegas. 60% of the casino visitors spend at least $8,000, 25% spend at least $12,000 and the rest 15% spend at least $20,000. What is the minimum annual earnings of all casinos in Las Vegas?

Q92: Revenue generated from gambling represents approximately 40% of Macao’s GDP in a year. Assume that Macao’s GDP in 2010 was $40 million, how much did this country generate from gambling activities?

Q93: ShinJu instant noodle has recently developed a new flavor of Mediterranean vegetables. The variable cost to produce one packet of noodles is $1.25, and ShinJu plans to set the selling price at $2.5 per packet. Fixed cost for the whole development of this new flavor is $45,000. How many packets of Mediterranean vegetables noodles does ShinJu have to sell in order to start making a profit?


Short Questions Q94: Michelin is a famous tire brand. They offer a 40% refund if a customer is not satisfied with a set of tires (4 tires) in the first week and another 12% discount if the customer wants another set of tires. A customer drove by a Michelin garage last week and wished to get a refund for his tires, originally purchased for $600. The person then chose another set of tires sold at $720 (before discounted). How much, in dollar value, did the customer benefit from that switch of tires?

Q95: Enigma Coffee has a coupon card for every customer. Customers will receive their 10th cup of coffee for free and another card can be taken at the cashier. A cup of coffee costs $3.50, on average. One customer has changed his card for the 15th time. How many dollars has this customer saved?

Q96: Tim is a Real Estate broker who lives on the commission he receives whenever a house or estate is sold. In 2011, he made $65,000 before tax solely from commissions. Assume that on average he receives 15% the value of the estate as commission, what is the total value of the estates that Tim managed to sell in 2011?

Q97: Mr. Fryer bought a car and is currently looking for a driver. He advertised on the newspaper, promising to pay $85,000 annually excluding gasoline / maintenance / miscellaneous costs for the car. This means the driver will have to look after the car and have the above costs added to his account. Gasoline costs 22% of the amount paid by Mr. Fryer, while maintenance costs 18% and miscellaneous costs 28%. Calculate the driver’s net salary.

Q98: B-Coolz is a service that fixes air conditioners. On average, the ratio of revenue from full service packs to revenue from simple maintenance is 3 : 5. In 2011, total revenue of B-Coolz was $60,000. How much did B-Coolz earn from each category? Assume these are the only 2 sources of revenue for B-Coolz.

Q99: JustJuice is a well-known juice brand famous for its mix of juice. A 500-ml carton of JustJuice contains 120 ml of apple juice, 150 ml of orange juice and 140 ml of mango juice. Calculate the proportion of each juice in a carton of JustJuice (in %).


Short Questions Q100: Shonen Jump, a famous manga magazine in Japan, reported a revenue of $2.1 million in 2011. A Jump magazine costs $4. How many magazines were sold per month, on average?


Short Questions

Hurdle 6 Q101: Cíao Cafe is planning on an expansion project worth of $36,000. Their current average monthly profit is $12,000. By how many percent will profit have to increase so that the expanding project can be paid off in 6 months? Given that 30% of monthly profit will be contributed to paying off the investment.

Q102: Paul purchased a Ducati motorbike which had an expected useful life of 150,000 kilometers. The original price of the Ducati was $28,000 and Paul hoped that he would be able to re-sell it for $10,000 at the end of its useful life. Calculate the dollar value of depreciation per kilometer.

Q103: In 2011, Winchester Inc. decided to pay out a dividend of 0.16 cents per share to its shareholders. The number of shares held by shareholders was 155,000 shares. How much did Winchester Inc. pay out in total for dividends?

Q104: Nissan Motor’s share price went up by 2% after they announced the development of a new car model in India. Previously the price per share was $6.50. How much more would an investor need to pay in order to purchase 5,000 shares of Nissan Motor?

Q105: Red Bull’s 2011 Total Revenue was reported to be $4.4 billion. One can of Red Bull was sold at $3.50. How many cans of Red Bull energy drink were sold in 2011?

Q106: LumberJack is a small company specializing in making and selling wood furniture. Its average mark-up percentage is 225%. If a wooden table is sold for $250, how much does it cost LumberJack to make that table?

Q107: In 2011, Reading Cinemá made a profit of 1.35 million NZD, while its revenue was 2.18 million NZD. Calculate Reading Cinemá’s Revenue / Expense ratio.


Short Questions

Q108: Kumho Plaza generates $57,000 per month from Rental fees, which is 65% of its monthly total revenue. Calculate Kumho Plaza’s annual total revenue.

Q109: The current market price for Prawns is $33 per kilogram. On average, a prawn weighs 250 gram. What is the price of 1500 prawns?

Q110: Mohammad bought a car from overseas for $125,000 before tax. The imported tax was 40% the purchase price of the car. A commission of 5% of the price after tax was also required by the broker. How much did Mohammad have to pay for his car?

Q111: Panasonic expected its revenue in the first quarter of 2012 to be $220 million worldwide, which is a 12% increase from that of the same period last year. How much did Panasonic earn in revenue in the first quarter of 2011?

Q112: FastBroadband is a small Internet provider. Its overall expense in 2011 was $44,000 with 42% being Operating Cost and 46% being Administrative Cost. How much did FastBroadband spend on Operating Cost and Administrative Cost?

Q113: TimberLand is an exporter of wood in the USA. In 2011 they exported a total of 15,000 tons of wood, netting the annual revenue of $7.5 million. On average, a log of wood weighs 180 kilograms. How much did TimberLand earn per exported log of wood?

Q114: It is advertised that in a 250ml can of Monster energy drink, only 5% is preservatives and 12% is sugar. Calculate the quantity (in ml) of each of the above ingredients in a 250ml can of Monster energy drink.

Q115: In 2011, the Smartphone division of Samsung generated a net income of $35 million, which contributed up to 60% of Samsung’s overall net income. Calculate Samsung’s overall net income in 2011.


Short Questions

Q116: At the end of 2011, the Directors of SunAd Co. decided to pay out a Final Dividend of $0.11 per share. At the time of payment, there were 600,000 shares issued and owned by investors / shareholders. How much did SunAd Co. pay to its shareholders for the 2011 Final Dividend?

Q117: Telecom Co. reported in its 2011 Annual Report a Revenue / Expense ratio of 1: 0.38. If Telecom Co. made $15 million in Revenue, how much were their Expenses?

Q118: Vodafone is hoping to increase its revenue in the first quarter of 2012 by 18% compared to that of the same period last year. The expected Revenue in dollar value is $245,000. How much did Vodafone earn in Revenue in the first quarter of 2011?

Q119: Starks Ltd. recently recorded an amount of $130 million paid for the company’s Tax of 2011. This amount is 30% of its Net profit before tax in 2011. Calculate Net profit before tax of Starks Ltd. in 2011.

Q120: Mercedes-Benz buys back an average of 1.5 million cars per year due to technical issues. For each car that is found to have technical issues, Mercedes-Benz pays the owner $15,000. How much does Mercedes-Benz pay out to owners of faulty cars per year?


Short Questions

Hurdle 7 Q121: Quantas Airline suffered an employee strikein late 2011, it was estimated that Quantas Airline took a loss of $1.25 million due to the strike. The Board of directors planned to regain this loss within 6 months. How much would Quantas have to regain each month based on this plan?

Q122: A laptop, whose original purchase price was $1,690, is depreciated at an annual depreciation rate of 15% (counted on the original purchase price). How much would the owner receive by re-selling the laptop at the end of its expected useful life of 2.5 years? Round up your answer to 2 decimal places.

Q123: In 2011, Tuning Ltd. spent $315,000 on Expenses, 24% of which was Financial Cost. Calculate the dollar value of Tuning Ltd.’s Financial Cost in 2011.

Q124: For every dollar of Sales generated, Jack’s Bakery retained $0.28 as Net profit. If the bakery made a profit of $28,500 then how much did the bakery make in Sales? Round up your answer to the nearest whole number.

Q125: It was reported that approximately 87,000 PS3 consoles were sold within the first 24 hours. Originally a PS3 console was sold at the price of $500. Calculate Sony’s Revenue from PS3 consoles after the first 24 hours.

Q126: Budweiser beer is sold at $3.50 per bottle. In the 4th quarter of 2011, Revenue from Budweiser beer was $2.5 million. How many bottles of Budweiser were sold during the 4th quarter of 2011?

Q127: Mr. Duc bought a private jet last year for $80,000. Other one-off costs including hiring / training a private pilot, insuring, licensing etc. amounted up to 125% of the jet’s cost, along with


Short Questions a monthly $400 of maintenance cost. After the first year, how much did Mr. Duc spend on his private jet?

Q128: In 2003, O2 Mobile’s market share in terms of revenue was 28%. The total revenue of the Mobile Industry in this year was $36 billion. Calculate O2 Mobile’s Revenue in 2003.

Q129: In 2011, SK Banking Co., generated $725 million of Income, with the Profitability percentage standing at 26%. SK Banking Co. expected a Profitability percentage of 27% and an increase of 20% in Profit. Calculate the required percentage change (increase / decrease) of Income to meet the expectation of the company.

Q130: Dursley Drilling Co. is a drill manufacturer in England. The company finished 2011 with an annual sales growth of 15% compared to 2010. The dollar value of Dursley Drilling Co.’s Sales in 2011 was $625 million. Calculate the company’s Sales in 2010.

Q131: BarterParty, a well-known retail website, has recently been auctioned by its owners due to financial difficulties. An unknown individual purchased the website for $7.5 million plus a goodwill worth 12% of the purchase price. How much did the purchaser pay in total?

Q132: Princess Crissy toy brand experienced a decrease of 35% in Sales (in unit) during the 2010-2011 period compared to the previous period. In the 2009-2010 period, 5 million Princess Crissy dolls were sold; calculate the number of dolls sold in the 2010-2011 period.

Q133: A certain pair of Bitis shoes is estimated to have the cost of production at $8. The gross profit of 225,000 pairs of shoes sold in March is $787,500. Calculate the average price of a pair.

Q134: Each pill of X medicine has to be tested 4 times before being packaged and sold to patients. Only 44% of the tested pills pass the 1st phase, 70% then pass the 2nd phase, 35% then pass the 3rd phase and 85% pass the 4th phase. How many pills of X medicine were produced for a stock of 1.15 million pills?


Short Questions

Q135: 7Up launched an advertising campaign named “27%”, which was the chance of winning a free 7Up bottle hidden in the bottle cap. There were 2.4 million 7Up bottles used for this campaign. Calculate the possible maximum number of free 7UP bottles.

Q136: Chanel perfume brand sold a total of 405 million perfume bottles in 2011, of which the total cost was $24.3 billion. Chanel’s Sales from perfume in 2011 was $81 billion. Calculate the mark-up percentage of one Chanel perfume bottle. Round up your answer to the nearest whole number.

Q137: Ray rented a tennis court three days a week, 2 hours/ day to play with his friends. The annual cost Ray had to pay in 2011 was $4680, and he did not miss a single day. Calculate the hourly fee of renting the court.

Q138: Fnatic Gaming acquired CookieJar team to be its new Counter-Strike squad at the start of 2011. The contract included an annual salary of $25,000 per member, not to mention the cash prize of tournaments, 45% of which is rewarded to the team. Total cash prize in 2010 of Fnatic CS team was $18,000. Assume that CookieJar team consists of 12 members, calculate the annual earnings of each member of the team.

Q139: HirEquip’s Total Income in 2011 amounted to $4.5 million. Given that for every dollar of income, HirEquip made $0.28 of profit. Calculate the Total Profit in 2011 of HirEquip.

Q140: Tinker Co., paid $35,000 for tax of 2011’s 3rd quarter. This was 18% higher than the required amount, so they would get a tax refund at the end of the year. Calculate the refunded amount of tax for Tinker Co.


Short Questions

Hurdle 8 Q141: DQ is a small light bulb brand located in Cambodia. They finished 2011 with a Net Profit of $324,000. In the financial statements of DQ, the Sales / Expense ratio was 1: 0.64. Calculate Sales of DQ in 2011.

Q142: ToySaber produces toy light sabers for Star Wars fans. The cost of setting up the factory and distribution network (i.e. fixed cost) is $750,000 and the cost of producing a saber (ie Variable cost) is $25. They intend to sell each saber at $40. How many sabers do they have to sell in order to break even?

Q143: Brock and Co. Ltd is a newly established law firm, with a team of 50 active lawyers. The firm is aiming to increase the number of active lawyers by 40% by the end of next year. On average, a lawyer can earn $70,000 annually for Brock and Co. Ltd. Calculate the expected annual Income of the firm after their workforce expansion.

Q144: A buffet restaurant has the following prices: $60 per adult and $25 per child. They observe that at the very best an adult can only eat an amount worth 45% the ticket fare, while a child can eat up to 35%. The monthly number of customers visiting the restaurant is 450 adults and 120 children. Calculate the minimum profit of the restaurant.

Q145: 3Dot is a manufacturer of 3D glasses. In 2011, 25 million glasses were sold, generating a Profit of $602 million. In 2012, 3Dot expects to increase Profit per glass by 10% and Sales (in unit) by 20%. Calculate expected Profit for 2012.

Q146: Oceania is a seafood exporter in Thailand. Last year they exported a total of 90 tons to the US, netting an Export Revenue of $2.52 million. Calculate the average price per kg of seafood.


Short Questions Q147: Last month, Yakiro Antique sold an ancient set of china to a collector for $90000 and made a profit of $27,300. Calculate the gross profitability margin Yakiro Antique gained on the ancient set. Round up your answer to 1 decimal place.

Q148: Knight & Day Hotel built a new tennis court and swimming pool to prepare for the holiday season. The tennis court cost $125,000 and the swimming pool cost $70,000. The hotel expected to complete the payment after 9 months. How much did the hotel pay per month on the tennis court and the swimming pool? Round up your answer to 1 decimal place.

Q149: Pik-up Taxi made a profit of $1,830,000 in 2011 which was 25% of its Net Income. Calculate Pik-up Taxi’s Net income for 2011.

Q150: Lesale Fashión shop did not perform well in 2011 and thus expected a drop of 16% in Net Sales in 2012. Given that the shop’s Net Sales in 2011 was $52,000. Calculate the expected Net Sales of Lesale Fashión shop in 2012.

Q151: Ping Pong Pirate is a newly developed toy brand. It has received positive feedback from the market and experts. PPP expects a Revenue of $135,000 in 2012’s 1st quarter and a quantity of 25,000 Pirates. Calculate the selling price of a Ping Pong Pirate.

Q152: ClockWork advertises a Merchandise Return rate of 6%, on average. Given that in 2011 the shop sold 625,700 clocks and watches, how many of them were returned by customers?

Q153: Udon Ramen Restaurant hires 10 more waiters, paying them $15 per hour, 45 hours per week. Assume that all of the waiters will not take any day off, calculate total annual salary per waiter. Assume that 1 year is equal to 52 weeks.

Q154: Monster Energy Drink expects a slight decrease of 4.5% in quantity sold compared to that in 2011. The actual quantity prediction for 2012 is 166.85 million cans. How many cans of Energy Drink were sold in 2011? Round up your answer to 3 decimal places.


Short Questions

Q155: Movie World is a small magazine. In 2011 its revenue from advertising amounted to $262,000 while the revenue from sales of the magazine was $194,000. Calculate the percentage share of each of revenue source. Round up your answer to 1 decimal place.

Q156: Tommy is trying to cut down on electricity usage in his company’s offices to save money. He plans to turn off light bulbs during the lunch breaks in order to save 15% of daily electricity usage. Aa a result, the company saves $31,500 at the end of its 1st quarter, 2010. Calculate the usual quarterly electricity bill of Tommy’s company.

Q157: Pierre Cardin Vietnam sold an average of 11,420 shirts per day nationwide, with each shirt priced at an average of $3.25. Calculate Pierre Cardin Vietnam’s Annual Revenue from its shirts division.

Q158: Maggie’s Soya sauce division reported a 7.5% decrease of Revenue in 2011 compared to 2010. Revenue of Maggie’s Soya sauce division in 2011 was $104 million. Calculate its Revenue in 2010.

Q159: Dave’s Delivery service has 7 mini-vans on duty everyday. The gasoline usage rate of each van is 8.4 mpg (miles per gallon). The average monthly distance ran by each van is 180 miles, and gasoline costs $3 per gallon. Calculate the monthly total expense on gasoline of these vans.

Q160: A printer has an expected useful life of 40,000 units of production (paper, blueprints, etc.), an expected terminal value of $7,000 and the depreciation expense per unit is $0.055. Calculate the purchase price of that printer.


Short Questions

Hurdle 9 Q161: Io Bar serves an average of 350 customers and 1750 drinks per night. It takes 40 seconds to prepare a drink. Calculate the average time spent on serving one customer in Io Bar (in minutes).

Q162: Triso Milk announced a 15% price increase in their 100g-box Division during 2012’s 1st quarter. In 2011’s 4th quarter Triso sold 1.6 million boxes and had the quarterly Revenue of $9,600,000. Calculate the new price of Triso’s 100g-box milk brand. Round up your answer to 1 decimal place.

Q163: JetFan experienced a negative Sales growth of -8% in 2011 compared to 2010. Sale of JetFan in 2010 was $45.8 million. Calculate its Sales in 2011. Round up your answer to 3 decimal places.

Q164: GLS started a football field project in summer 2009 with an initial budget for the project of $750,000. However, due to a price rise in materials, the budget was increased by 16%. Calculate the actual budget of the project.

Q165: RigRag Co. finished 2011 with a Revenue / Expense ratio of 1: 0.80. The Net Profit of RigRag Co. in 2011 was $16.8 million. Calculate Net Revenue and Net Expense of the company.

Q166: Bigen Gel made a profit before tax of $3.5 million in 2010, with a Revenue / Profit ratio of 1 : 0.26. In 2011, Bigen Gel hoped to improve this ratio by 16%, thus increasing their profit before tax. Bigen Gel’s Revenue in 2011 was $12.85 million; calculate their profit before tax.

Q167: FunPaint uses an average of 3,400 tubes of paint annually. How many tubes of paint does FunPaint use per week? Round up your answer to the nearest whole number.


Short Questions Q168: Volo Champagne produces a very limited quantity of 600 bottles per year, each has a minimum price of $300. With the Revenue / Profit ratio of 1: 0.72, what is the minimum profit for the owner of Volo Champagne?

Q169: GoKart charges $15 per Child (under 18) ticket and $20 per Adult ticket for a 20-minute session of kart racing. They greet an average of 65 adults and 105 children monthly. Calculate the annual Revenue of GoKart based on the above stats. Round up your answer to 2 decimal places.

Q170: Pyos Co. reported a negative Sales growth of -6.8% in 2010, compared to 2009. The actual dollar value of Pyos’ 2010 Sales was $38.6 million. Calculate the Sales of Pyos in 2009.

Q171: Galaxy Software store spent 24.5% of its monthly Sales on Administrative Cost. In January, records showed the store’s Admin Cost to be at $3,220. Calculate Galaxy Software’s Sales for January.

Q172: JolliBee was proud to announce that their average time required to serve one customer was 105 seconds. During a Saturday night, a total of 228 customers came into a JolliBee restaurant. Calculate the average number of minutes it took to serve all those customers.

Q173: Horizon Arcade opens 7 days per week and on average has 104 customers per day. Given that they charge $1.50 for 3 coins and the average monthly revenue of the arcade is $7,800. Calculate the average quantity of coins purchased by a customer.

Q174: Vifon set the plan of having Sales growth be at 19% in 2012. In 2011, the company generated Sales of $38.75 million. Calculate the expected Sales of Vifon in 2012.

Q175: JMG Electronics had a Profitability of 28% in 2010, with Sales of $9 million. In 2011, Sales decreased by 4%, but JMG’s Profitability only dropped down to 27%. Calculate the percentage change in Net Profit of JMG Electronics.


Short Questions

Q176: A newly opened McDonald’s on Vivian Street has the average weekly Revenue of $3,450 in the first 2 months. The manager hopes that this number will increase by 35% after 6 months from the opening. Calculate the expected weekly Revenue.

Q177: H.E Camera spent 12% of its monthly Revenue to contribute towards Delivery Expense. If H.E Camera spends $860 per month on Delivery Expense, how much does it have to make in Revenue?

Q178: Uncle Will’s Gym charges $40 per month for Standard Members and $60 for Premium Members. The ratio between Members and Premium Members is 7: 3. If the gym wants a monthly revenue of $11,270 how many members in total should it acquire?

Q179: Peter sold his house for $250,000, which generated a 25% profit over the original cost. How much did the house originally cost him?

Q180: The Boutique shop has a total of 120 sets of clothes, which are made in only two countries, France and America. 60% of the clothes in the shop were sold last week, of which 25% were made in France. How many sets of clothes made in America were sold last week?


Short Questions

Hurdle 10 Q181: The price of a 1.18 liter bottle of Pantene Pro-V Shampoo is $12.80. George bought 6 bottles and then sold 80% of them at a price higher than the initial cost. What is the price that would make George a profit that is three times the cost?

Q182: If Jack sells 8 books, the number of books he has left will be twice as much as Peter’s. Together they now have 278 books. What is the present number of books Jack has?

Q183: John works 5 days per week and earns $150 per day. What is the amount John earns in 6 weeks?

Q184: A 415ml bottle of juice is sold at $3 and the profit margin on each bottle is 40%. If the total cost increases by 50%, by how many dollars should we increase the price in order to keep the profit margin at 25%?

Q185: A city bus has 12 stops each round. The time for the bus to finish a round is 32 minutes and the time it spends at each stop is 20 seconds. If the bus increases the length of its round by 25% and has 4 more stops, how long would it take for the bus to finish a round? (in seconds)

Q186: Jane drives at 50 miles per hour from California, United States to Las Vegas. The distance is 389 miles. When would Jane arrive in Las Vegas if she departs at 8 am?

Q187: The number of City Bank ATMs, currently 1,200, is increasing at the rate of 120 each year. At this rate, in how many years will the bank have at least 2040 ATMs?

Q188: When an ATM card owner withdraws money from the auto machine, the A bank will charge exactly twice as much for an ATM card owner of other banks as its customers. If the total fees for withdrawing money from auto bank yesterday were $21, including 30 cards from other


Short Questions banks and 10 cards from bank A. What is the fee per 1 card from other banks to withdraw money at the bank A?

Q189: A grocery store bought 72 kg of apples. After a day, one third of the apples got spoiled and it sold the rest for 20$ per kg and made a total profit of twice the cost of 72 apples. What must have been the cost of an apple?

Q190: Last year, the total amount paid for product A was $4,500 and the total price paid for product B was $8,300. This year, the average price of product A increased by 25% and the price of product B increased by 10%. The number of products purchased this year remained the same as last year, how much were spent on both products this year?

Q191: 36 kg of oranges cost as much as 46 kg of apples do, and apples cost $20 per kg. How many dollars does each kg of oranges cost?

Q192: John and George are both members of the credit staff members at HSBC bank. Last month, total capital mobilization of the two people was $39,000. This month, John’s capital mobilization increased by 10% and George’s increased by 15% compared to last month. Total capital mobilization this month of those two was $44,500. What is the amount that John and George each raised this month?

Q193: Starbucks restaurant has 300 orders of food on Friday, 30% of which is the Apple Fritter. If the restaurant has another 100 orders of food on that day of which 60% is the Apple Fritter, what percent, by weight, of the restaurant’s orders of food on that day is Apple Fritter?

Q194: The ratio of the number of American employees at an International company to the number of Indian employees is 3 to 8. If there are 72 Indian employees at the company, how many American employees are there at the company?


Short Questions Q195: A rice store bought 800 kg of rice for $3 each. The store sold 60% of the rice for $5 each and the rest for $4 each. What was the store’s average (arithmetic mean) profit per kg of rice?

Q196: In a second- hand car showroom, the average selling price for a car is $70,000, which would yield a profit of 40% of the showroom’s cost for the car. What selling price would yield a profit of 50% of the car’s cost?

Q197: In an IT room of a university, on average 2 out of 5 computers are set up with Windows 2010. There are 580 computers in total. Approximately how many computers are set up with Windows 2010?

Q198: Daniel bought a second-hand car and then sold that car. He gained a profit which was 5 % of the selling price. If the exact profit amount was $ 3,000, what was the selling price of the car that he bought?

Q199: Frank bought 12 Honda motorbikes with the total value of $21,000. If he wanted to earn a profit of $2,400, what would the price of each motorbike he has to sell be?

Q200: 60 Sony Televisions and 90 Samsung Televisions were bought for a hotel. If the price of a Samsung doubles that of a Sony, what percentage does the total cost of the Samsung TVs account for in the total value of the invoice?


Short Questions

Hurdle 11 Q201: A project team has $ 4,600 at the beginning of its project. After spending money on designing, outsourcing and other costs, it still has exactly $800 less than it spent on the project. How much money does the team still have left?

Q202: After checking the imported shipment, the buyer saw that one out of every 300 televisions (TVs) was defected. If 2 out of every 10 defected TVs had a broken screen and there were 20 broken-screen TVs in the shipment, how many TVs in total were there in the shipment?

Q203: A credit officer gets a 15 % commission on each contract he makes. How many contracts of $500 each does he have to make per month in order to reach a monthly salary of at least $1000?

Q204: To build a small canteen in a factory, 25% of the workers contributed $120 each, 35% contributed $80 each and the rest contributed $65 each. What percentage of the total contributed amount came from the workers who contributed $80 each?

Q205: Kevin receives a total combined return of 9% on his two separate investments. For his $10,000 investment he receives a return of 6%. What is the return on his $20,000 investment?

Q206: A salesman receives a base salary of $800 per month and a commission of 7% on the selling price of each item sold after the first 50 items was sold. If this month he sold 200 items at $150 each, what will his monthly salary be?

Q207: PS intends to launch 150 new products in the Southern market. Coming to the Northern market, the company will only launch some products which are half of that in the Southern market due to some unfavorable conditions. How many new products in total will be launched in the two areas above?


Short Questions Q208: One fifth of the employees at a company are paid $20 per hour, one quarter are paid $25 per hour, half are paid $30 per hour and the remaining 25 employees are paid $35 per hour. How much money per hour is paid for all employees in the company?

Q209: Danny invested half of his savings into real estate and one quarter into stock. The remaining $10,000 was invested into opening his business. How much money does Danny have in total?

Q210: Due to the severe the economic recession, CMC Company had to cut down on 25% of its employees in 2011. If the company wants to have the same number of employees next year, the company has to increase the number of its employees by what percentage?

Q211: In a small town with a population of 100 people, it is calculated that 70 people have airconditioners, 85 have laptops. At least how many people have both air-conditioners and laptops?

Q212: The total number of products stored in stock is 270. In the first month, 1/3 of the products are sold and 2/5 of the remaining products are sold in the second month. How many products are sold in the second month?

Q213: Alice and Jackson have a total of 18 small shoe stores. Alice handed over half of her stores to Jackson to manage. After that, Jackson has 5 times the number of stores Alice has. How many stores did each person have at first?

Q214: A company’s total budget of a project dedicated to paying salaries is $6,000. Salary for senior staff members doubles that of normal staff. There are 6 senior staff members and 4 normal staff members in the company. What is the salary of normal staff members?

Q215: At a flower shop, revenue earned on Valentine’s day was $385,000, which is equal to 7 % of the total revenue earned in that year. How much money did the shop earn in the year?


Short Questions Q216: At a factory, a machine makes 2 cakes in 1/3 second. At that speed, how many cakes does the machine make in 4 minutes?

Q217: If Daniel can type 150 words in a minute, how long does it take him to type 9000 words?

Q218: ABC Bank has 2 branches on Green Street. The first branch has 120 employees, 5% of which have MBA degrees. The second branch has 80 employees with 10% owning MBA degrees. If two branches are combined, what is the percentage of people who own MBA degrees?

Q219: In 2010, 1/3 of the 37.3 million visitors to Vietnam came to Nha Trang city. If the number of visitors to Da Nang city was equal to 1/2 of the number of visitors going to Nha Trang city and 4 times more than that of Da Lat city, how many people visited Da Lat city in the year?

Q220: Alena bought a package of hats with only 2 colors for sales, in which the yellow hats were bought at $4 each and the red ones at $2.8 each. If Alena bought 12 hats with a sum of $42, how many yellow hats did Alena buy?


Short Questions

Hurdle 12 Q221: The ratio of the amount of time 3 staff members worked on a project is in 1:2:5. If they worked a combined total of 112 hours, how many hours did the staff member who worked the longest spend on the project?

Q222: A collection of clothes went on sale, and 2/ 3 of them were sold for $2.5 each. If none of the 36 remaining clothes were sold, what was the total amount received for the clothes that were sold?

Q223: Last year, for 100 tons of cement produced, there were 96 tons sold at $1,050 each. Assume that the percentage of cement tons being sold at $1,050 each remains the same, how many tons will be sold at $1,050 each if 3,000 tons of cement are produced?

Q224: This year, the price of a ton of rice is $700. If last year’s price was $650, this year’s price increased by how many percent?

Q225: A mobile shop only sells two kinds of mobiles: Nokia 1200 and Nokia C203. The price of the former is $33, which is equal to 30% that of the latter. If the shop has a total of 120 mobiles of which three fourths are Nokia C203, what is total revenue from selling all the mobiles in the shop?

Q226: A hotel gains $8.5 per customer on a typical day in a week except for Sunday on which it gains 2 times more than the normal rate. Last week, there were 40 customers who checked into the hotel, of which 8 people arrived on Sunday. How much money did the hotel earn last week in total?

Q227: In a cooking contest, 20 chefs took the test by cooking in 3 hours. If 12 out of these people had cooked 2 dishes each per hour and the rest had cooked a total of 18 dishes, how many dishes would 20 chefs have cooked per hour?


Short Questions

Q228: Alice can make 120 sets of clothes in 40 hours, and Harry can make 100 sets of clothes in 20 hours. How many hours does it take both of them to make 200 sets of clothes? (Suppose that they work together at the same time)

Q229: To celebrate its eighth birthday, Citimart Supermarket gave away a 20% discount on all kinds of goods. Daniel bought a table at $76.5. What was the original price of this table?

Q230: A Korean company has 168 employees. One third of the employees of the company are American, one fourth are Singaporean, and the rest are locals. Calculate the total number of foreign employees in the company.

Q231: To prepare for the Mid- autumn celebration, Kinh Do Bakery launched 300 cake products and Huu Nghi Bakery launched 200 cake products in Hanoi city. If 25% of products of the former were sold and 35% of products of the latter were sold in the city, what percentage did the cake products sold account for in the total amount of products launched? Q232: Peter spent 7% of his savings on buying a car. He also bought a shop that cost 4 times the price of the car. What percentage of his total savings is left? We know that the price of the car was $28,000.

Q233: The sales price of a car is $12,590 which is 20% off the original price. What is the original price?

Q234: The number of shares that Tom bought was 4 times that of Carl’s. The number of shares that Peter bought was 3 times that of Carl’s. What was the ratio of the number of Tom’s shares to the number of Peter’s shares?


Short Questions Q235: Last year, 31% of Boutique shop’s cost came from employee salary. Of the remaining cost, one third was the rental cost. How many times is the employee salary cost as much as the rental cost approximately?

Q236: In a real estate company, 40% of the employees are highly experienced, and of that portion, 20% are experienced in doing business in the real estate market. If the company has 12 people experienced in doing business in the real estate market, what is the total number of employees in the company?

Q237: In 2010, there were 220 employees at Company A. If the number of employees increased by 20% from 2010 to 2011, what was the number of employees at Company A in 2011?

Q238: A store bought 70 windows at $150 per window. It also bought a number of doors at $75 per door. The total number of windows plus 50% of the number of doors is 100. What is total value of the windows and the doors?

Q239: In the first week of July, a shoe store sold 10 pairs of shoes at $40 each. In the second week, it sold 12 pairs of shoes at $37.5 each. What is the increasing amount in the income of the store in the second week compared to that of the first week?

Q240: At a company, 15% of the employees work extra hours but only 80% receive an extrahour allowance. What is the number of employees at the company working extra-hours but not receiving an extra-hour allowance? We know that the company has 300 employees in total.


Short Questions

Hurdle 13 Q241: Joanna paid for her new house in installments at a price of 110% the initial selling price. When receiving the house she has to pay 35% the total price. The remaining amount was divided into 3 equal payments. Given that the price offered in this payment plan was $150,000 higher than the initial selling price, calculate the amount she had to pay in each installment.

Q242: Tom made an investment of $120,000 into a shopping store and received a compounded annual return of 15%. How much in return would he receive after 3 years?

Q243: This year, an international high school admits 720 Asian students, 15% higher than last year. How many Asian students did the school admit last year?

Q244: Mary has$24,000 in bank savings, which is 20% higher than that of Blair whose bank savings is $1,300 less than that of James. How much does James have in his bank savings?

Q245: Jim’s house has a total area of 180m2. Room 1’s area takes up 25%, room 2 is 36m2 and the 2 remaining rooms have equal area. The area of room 4 takes up how many percent of the total area of the house?

Q246: A mobile store made the revenue of $850,000 in 2013, with the mark-up percentage of 60%. The average price of each mobile sold was $500. What was the average cost of each mobile sold?

Q247: Ann bought a laptop at $840 and then resold it at $1100. How much return (in %) was she able to make?


Short Questions Q248: A deliveryman delivers 50 packages of goods, each of which has a price of $35, in a week and receives 5% of the price for each package. How much does he earn in a month, suppose that 1 month comprises of 4 weeks?

Q249: A pizza stand offers 3 types of pizza. In a morning, it sold 20 pieces of type A, 18 pieces of type B and 13 pieces of type C. Type A pizza is $15 per slice, which is double that of type B and equals to two thirds of the price of type C. How much did the pizza stand make that morning?

Q250: On a normal weekday, Joe, a free-lance writer, always spends 12 hours working and 5 hours on a weekend. He charges his bosses $30 for one hour of working. How much money does he earn in a week? (Monday to Friday: normal weekday)

Q251: Henry applied for a new job which paid him $44 per hour, 20% higher than the amount his old job paid him. Given that for both jobs, the number of required working hours per week is 40. How much did Henry earn per month for his old job?

Q252: Maya bought 8 kg of beef and 5 kg of pork for $181.5, and Joan paid $87 for 4 kg of beef and 2 kg of pork. How much is a kg of beef worth?

Q253: Hamburger’s Corner sells 2 types of hamburgers. A Turkish hamburger costs $5.5 and a New York hamburger costs 3 times more than that. Packaging costs $0.4 and delivery is $0.35 for 1 hamburger. If Hamburger’s Corner sold 130 Turkish hamburgers and 55 New York hamburgers on a random day, how much did it earn?

Q254: Jim buys a new motorbike at $2,150 and expects to consume all its value in 5 years. He intends to sell the motorbike for $1,300 after 36 months of using it. How much in profit (in %) would he be able to gain?


Short Questions Q255: World Cinema is going to make an investment of $255,000 to open 3 new cinema rooms. 30% of the total investment will go to marketing costs, which equals three fourths of the construction cost. The remaining amount goes to operation costs of the 3 cinema rooms in 1 year. How much does it cost to operate 1 cinema room in a month?

Q256: E-net is an internet provider in Singapore. It charges S$10 for the first 80Mb and S$0.8 for each additional Mb. If Mary consumes 260Mb on average per month, how much does she have to pay for her Internet bill in a year?

Q257: Yeah! COKE is a coke producer in Japan. In the first quarter of 2011, it made $1.4 million in revenue and continued to increase its revenue by 12% in the second quarter of 2011. Given that the total production cost for 1 bottle of coke is $1.2 and profit per bottle is $1.5. How many bottles of coke did the company sell in the second quarter of 2011?

Q258: Uncle Dan has $450,000 in his account and he wants to put 60% into a bank investment. After gaining a return of 35%, he will take half of the investment, including the initial capital, and give it to his daughter. How much left will he have in his account then?

Q259: Mike is a real estate broker. For every contract, he gets a fixed broker fee of $340 and if a contract is successful he gets 5% of the contract value. Last month, Mike made 8 contracts, each of which was worth $495,000 on average, but only half of them were successful. How much did Mike make last month?

Q260: A fruit store imported 3 tons of apples and 9 tons of oranges for sale. A customer bought 2 kg of apples at $27 and another customer bought 4 kg of apples and 3 kg of oranges at $108. Given that for both types of fruit, the store’s mark-up percentage is 120%. How much did it cost the store to import the fruit at first?


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Short Questions

Hurdle 14 Q261: Anna deposits US$ 5,000 in a bank for 3 months with an interest rate of 9% / year. How much in total will she receive from the bank after the deposit matures?

Q262: GSE is an education service company with 12 counsellors who assist students to apply for admission to foreign universities. For each successful case, GSE earns a commission of US$700 from the university, 65% of which is paid to the counsellor. In 2013, 110 successful applicants attended foreign universities with the help of GSE. On average, how much did each counsellor earn from commissions in 2013?

Q263: Viettourist is a Vietnamese travel agency which specializes in only two types of tours: Malaysia-Singapore and China at the price of 8 and 15 million VND, respectively. In 2013, the number of Malaysia-Singapore tours accounted for 65% of the total number of tours that the company served, and there were 245 tours to China. What was the company’s revenue in 2013?

Q264: An Vinh Trading Company imports 2 types of automobiles at the price of US$ 42,000 per 1 unit of type A and US$ 57,500 per 1 unit of type B. The import tariff imposed is a fixed amount of US$ 1,200 plus 40% of the import price per unit of either type. If the company imports 60 cars of type A and 45 cars of type B, how much tariff does it have to pay in total?

Q265: The rate of people actually deciding to take English courses at Ibest English center when they get to know its Facebook fan page (assuming they instantly click “like” button upon knowing the fan page) is 2%. A marketing campaign costing 40 million VND is projected to help increase the number of its fan page likes by 6300 likes. The average price of an English course offered at Ibest is 5.3 million VND. How much profit would the campaign, if implemented, generate?

Q266: A CD/VCD store sells an item at 280% of its purchasing price. In a sales season, it offers a discount of 40% on 2000 items, the total purchasing price of which is 35.5 million VND. What is the total profit from selling all 2000 items at sale prices? (Assuming that other costs are not counted)


Short Questions

Q267: For every bus of Hanoibus Company, the monthly maintenance cost is 1.5 million VND, accounting for 27% of its monthly total cost. Monthly fuel expense constitutes 83% of the total cost. Given that the company owns 180 buses, what is the total monthly fuel expense the company has to pay for all buses?

Q268: In 2012, a famous singer released only one album which sold 970,000 copies at the price of 70,000 VND per CD. In 2013, she released 2 more new albums, each selling four fifths the number of copies as the previous year’s album, at the price of 100,000 VND and 65,000 VND, respectively. By how many percent has her 2013 income from selling albums increased, compared to that of 2012?

Q269: According to a partnership contract, VNairlines provides flight fares for SG Tourist Company at only 80%, 85% and 90% of the price SG offers to its customers for domestic, Asian and other flights, respectively. In 2013, SG received 9 billion VND from its customers from total airfare, 55% of which was from domestic flights, 30% from Asian and the rest from other flights. How much did SG Tourist Company pay VNairlines for flights in 2013?

Q270: A cake shop has to drop the selling price of a type of cake by $3.6 per unit because the wheat flour cost has decreased 18% or by $0.4 per unit sold. The New flour cost now accounts for 35% of the total selling price. Before the selling price changed, how many percent of the total price had flour cost constituted?

Q271: Ben and his two friends are looking for a room to move into. A rental service offers three single rooms at $850/ month each and a room for 3 people at $2,035/ month. By how many percent would each of them save if they share the bigger room rather than use the separate single rooms?

Q272: In 2012, Sunsilk shampoo sold 0.9 million bottles and in 2013, 1.25 million bottles. In 2014, Sunsilk sales experience the same growth rate. Its selling price stays the same at 28,000 VND per bottle and the mark-up percentage is 115%. What is the total profit that the Sunsilk shampoo brand has earned in 2014 (so far?)?


Short Questions

Q273: Vinatex Company is considering to sign a processing contract in which it has to complete 36,700 shirts for Adidas at the price of US$ 24.4 / shirt. If it carries out the contract, fixed cost will be US$ 129,300 and variable cost will be US$ 3.2 / shirt. What would Vinatex’s profit be from the contract?

Q274: A hairdresser provides hair coloring and cutting services for males, the profit margin of which is 40% and 90%, respectively. The service is charged at $13.8/ head for cutting and $28.5/ head for coloring. Typically in a day, the ratio of customers ordering cutting to those ordering coloring is 3:5. What is the shop’s daily profit if there are 27 customers on average coming to have their hair cut in a day?

Q275: Serena works at Ocean Bank as a personal banker. Her salary structure is as follows: basic salary of $2,850 plus $3,650 per $1 billion in deposit she mobilizes and $1,800 per $1 billion in loans she makes. What is her total salary of this month if she has mobilized $5.5 billion and made loans of $6.25 billion to her customers?

Q276: Compared to 2012, revenue of ABB company in 2013 increased by 2.5 times to 3 billion VND and its cost decreased by 20% to 600 million VND. What was its profit in 2012?

Q277: On the occasion of Valentine’s Day, Emma decides to trade flowers to earn some money. She purchases 1400 roses at the unit price of $1.8. Assuming the rate of goods unsold is 20%, what price would Anna sell at in order to make a profit of $840?

Q278: A clothes shop sells clothes at 160% of the import price. Other costs consist of renting ($1,350/ month), staff ($1,120/ month) and operation ($825/ month). What is the profit of the shop in February if in this month, it purchases $39,840 worth of clothes and there is still $15,300 worth of goods in stock from January, assuming that at the end of February, everything will be sold out?


Short Questions Q279: Monthly 3G charge of high, medium and normal speed packages supplied by ANPT is $218, $142 and $95, respectively. Currently, the number of clients using the high and medium speed packages accounts for 30% and 50% of the total 3G clients. Assuming there are 260,000 customers using the normal package, what is the total monthly 3G revenue of ANPT?

Q280: ATZ Travel Company has purchased a new 40-seat coach for 3 billion VND. After 270 days of running, the coach reaches the break-even point. How many trips has the new coach been running in a day? Assume that the total cost for each trip of the coach is 4.5 million VND, the fare is 250,000 VND/ seat and in every trip, the coach is fully occupied.


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Hurdle 15 Q281: ANB Bank offers 2 types of interest rates for small client deposits: type A: 8.7% / year compounded monthly, withdrawal once every month and type B: 10.5% / year compounded monthly, withdrawal once every three months (if a depositor withdraws money before the mature day by the end of the third month, interest counted up to the withdrawal day will be lost). Jay has $3,600 in free cash and intends to deposit in ANB Bank in January for savings. He must withdraw $1,100 in the beginning of March for a vacation trip. Jay has to take out all his money by the end of May for a big plan. Which type of deposit should Jay take at ANB bank and how much would he get in interest?

Q282: Gelisone is a famous perfume store in Paris. The average price of a 250 mil perfume bottle is €735 and that of a 500 mil bottle is €1,300. Mark-up percentage of the store is 240% for all types of perfume in all sizes. Last month, the store sold 400 250-mil perfume bottles, 125 500-mil bottles and 80 750-mil bottles, generating the total revenue of €604,500. What is the average cost of a 750-mil perfume bottle?

Q283: In The Meia’s, a Chinese restaurant in the USA, every table always has 2 waiters and each waiter is paid $14.3 for a table they serve during the daytime and $16.6 for a table during the nighttime. On a random day, there are 36 tables in the daytime and 14 tables in the nighttime. 12 tables in the daytime tip their waiters $20 each for good serving and half of the tables in the nighttime tip each of their waiters $15 plus 10% of their salary for serving that table. How much in total do all the waiters earn that day?

Q284: Nexus 5 is sold in Vietnam at a higher price than in Korea as an import tariff of 30% is imposed. Maia decides to take a two-way flight costing 9.5 million VND to Korea in order to buy 10 Nexus 5 cellphones at the price of 450 won / unit and then sell them in Vietnam at the price 800 thousand VND lower than the market price (given that market price in Vietnam is the import price from the Korean market plus the import tariff). What would be Maia’s profit from that plan, assuming flight expense is the only cost? 1 won = 20,000 VND.


Short Questions Q285: Navibank lends a total of $625 billion, a quarter of which is one-year term and the remaining is two-year term. Assuming it offers a fixed lending rate of 11% per year for loans of all terms, how much does the bank earn from the lending interest?

Q286: The Markup percentage of a fish sausage company is 130%. In 2013, the company’s total cost was $55.8 million, Profit after tax amounted to $56.6 million. What was the company’s tax rate in 2013 (% of Profit before tax)?

Q287: James bought a new house at the price of $246,800 and intends to rent it within 3 years until he makes profit. There are 2 families asking James to rent the house to them. The Jones offers a contract renewed every 3 months with the rent fee of $1,430 / month plus 2% of the house price for reservation (reservation fee is paid only once when the contract is signed), while the Phillips offers a contract renewed every 6 months with the rent fee of $7,560 per 6 months, no reservation payment but with an added 15% of the rent fee for home services every month. How much would James get after 3 years of renting his house in each offer?

Q288: On average, Ben travels 30km a day by a Honda motorbike. Gasoline price is $3.8 / liter and a Honda motorbike can go 45 kilometers on 1 liter of gasoline. How much does Ben spend on gasoline expense a week?

Q289: A private electricity service in Japan charges a family household and a company differently. For a family household, a fixed amount of ¥230 is charged for the first 100 Watts and ¥17 for 1 additional Watt consumed. Meanwhile, a company is always charged ¥1630 per month for a full package of unlimited Watt consumption. In 2013, the company provides electricity for 12500 family households and 300 companies. Given that a family household in Japan consumes 360 Watts per month on average, what was the company’s revenue in 2013?

Q290: A consulting firm in England made a revenue of £580 million in 2013, with a profit margin of 38%. In 2014, the firm projects to increase its profit margin to 45% and its revenue by 8%. The firm would need to decrease its cost by how many percent in order to reach this goal?


Short Questions Q291: In order to prepare for a vacation trip in Thailand, Tung, a Vietnamese traveler, bought 6,000 Thai Baht and $350, paid using VND. During his time in Thailand, he used up all 6,000 Thai Baht and had to exchange $180 for Thai Baht there and consumed only three fourths of that amount. When he came back to Vietnam, he exchanged all the foreign money he has left into VND. How many VND did Tung have left after the trip? Given that: in Vietnam: $1 = 21,000 VND and 1 Thai Baht = 700 VND; in Thailand: $1 = 32.5 Thai Baht.

Q292: Leidy furniture store made an annual 15% increase in revenue from 2011 to 2013. Cost of goods sold for all three years has stayed the same at 35% of the total cost, the average purchasing price of 1 item sold also remained the same at $800 and the mark-up percentage was 130%, 150% and 170%, respectively in three years. Given that revenue in 2011 was $515,000 and the store always sold out all items by the end of each year. What was the number of items sold in each year?

Q293: Henry’s bakery is newly opened in the town and selling very well 2 types of fruit cakes. In the first week it sold 180 apple cakes and 250 orange cakes, and the number of apple cakes sold increased by 10% while that of orange cakes decreased 20% in the second week. The Price of an apple cake doubles that of an orange cake. Given that the total revenue from these fruit cakes was $1,530 in the first week and increased by 22% in the second week, while the cost per unit remained the same. By how many percent was price of each type of cake increased in the second week? Assume that the ratio of prices was not changed due to the cost structure remaining unchanged.

Q294: Jay decides to divide his savings of $86,000 into 2 equal parts: 1 part to deposit into ABC bank at a yearly interest rate of 14%, compounding every 6 months; and the rest to invest into a business which gives a fixed return of $15,000 every year. How much return (in % of initial capital) of both projects would Jay get after 2 years?

Q295: Daisy Cosmetics store chain, which already has 8 stores, is about to expand by opening 5 more stores on different streets. The upfront costs to open these new stores are $39,000 in total. All other operating costs are the same as those of current stores, with the structure as follows: Operation Cost: 15%, Marketing Cost: 10%, Cost of Goods Sold: 45%, Labor Cost: 20% and Other Costs: 10%. Total revenue of all stores in the first month after opening 5 new stores was


Short Questions $356,000, with the profit margin being 32%. Calculate the average cost of each current and new store (new store’s cost includes the upfront cost of opening ).

Q296: Upfront cost when Mary’s new nail art shop was opened was £43,200, monthly fixed cost is £890 and variable cost per client is £1.5. The service is charged at £6.5 per client. Mary expects her shop to break even after 18 months. How many clients does the shop need to attract per day in order for Mary to reach her goal?

Q297: Chen buys 1500 government bonds at the face value worth of $100 per bond at a 4% discount. Bond’s interest rate is 9% (not compounded) and is paid monthly, maturity is in 6 months. How much return (in % of initial investment) will Chen get after the maturity date of the bonds?

Q298: The Entrance fee of Central Park is $35.5/ person. On average, a customer spends an extra $78 on refreshments when visiting the park and there are on average 140 arrivals to the park per day. Monthly fixed cost is $45,000 and variable cost is $2.4 per visitor. What is Central Park’s average monthly profit?

Q299: Tom’s family travelled a 225-km trip to a country side area on a vacation, at the speed of 50 km/hour. During the journey, after every 70 km, they stopped for a 15-minute rest. Assuming that they departed at 7:00, what time did they reach their destination?

Q300: Calls service provided by Viettel telecom is charged at 12,000 VND for the first 10 minutes and 1.700 VND per additional minute. During a sales promotion, it offers a special fullpackage charging only 29,000 VND for every 30 minutes. How many percent can a customer save in total if he/ she uses the package to make a 45 minute call?



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Short Questions ANSWER KEYS

Hurdle 1 Q1: 37.5%. Keep in mind that they want to increase 15% ONLY through the Retail Division. Q2: 15.75 million iPhones Q3: Outsourcing 32% Music Teaching 52% and System Builder 16% Q4: 27% Q5: 15,26 trillion after 5 years. Return on Investment is 25% per year. Q6: 8 months Q7: 24 clerks 1 clerk works 8 hours per day, 5 days per weeks and 1 month contains 4 weeks, meaning that he works 8 x 5 x 4 x 60 = 9600 minutes per month. So the number of clerks needed to review 5000 applications, each of which takes 45 minutes, in a month = 5000 x 45 / 9600 = 24 clerks. Q8: 61 days/song Q9: $8.33/gallon Q10: $2000/month It is stated that each employee is given 3 months of fixed salary for bonus, which mean he/she gets 15 months of fixed salary per year. The total annual compensation is $30,000, so the monthly salary = $30,000 / 15 = $2000. Q11: 32%, 24%, 17%, 28%. Q12: 67,500 Q13: $840,000 The calculation is ($3,600,000 * 65%) - $125000 * 12 = $840,000.


Short Questions Q14: 29 candidates. Q15: 15.4 gallons. Q16: 57.14% Q17: $145,350 Q18: 10 hours. Q19: 75% of the original price 40% + (140% x 25%) Q20: $2,490,000. (830,000 x 15% x $20)

Hurdle 2 Q21: $130 Q22: 193 days Q23: 6 x 6 x 55 = 1980 burgers. Q24: $7 million Q25: 41, 9 % When an extra 40 liters of lemon juice is added, the new mixture is 40 + 32 + 100 = 172 liters of both lemon juice and water, and the percentage of lemon juice = (40 +32) / 172 = 41,9%. Q26: $20,000. 5 years of depreciation add up to 75% of original cost $5,000 is 25% original cost Q27: $3000/month and therefore $36,000/year


Short Questions

Q28: 4.2 billion AUD Q29: 50000 microwaves Q30: 20,020,000,000 RUB The amount bought by Belarus: 200M * 0.75 = 150M The amount bought by Albania: (200M + 150M) * 3= 1050M The total amount bought by all 3 countries: 200M + 150M + 1050M = 1400M Russia thus made: 1400M / 1000 * 14,300 = 20,020,000,000 RUB Q31: $392,400,000 Q32: 37,500 adult visits Q33: 16,200 rupees. Q34: $615 The calculation is: (60/4) * $10 + [(60-15) / 3] * $15 + [60 - 15 - 15] * $8 = $615 Q35: Operating expense $57,000; Admin expense $45,600; Finance expense $34,200. Profit = $243,200 Q36: 100,000 boxes Break-even unit = $125,000 / (2.5 - 1.25) Q37: $692,307,692 Q38: $170 million The calculation is: ($850000000 * 1.35 * 0.4) - ($850000000 * 0.34) = $170000000 Q39: $11,320


Short Questions Q40: $27,300

Hurdle 3 Q41: $112.86 Q42: 1,33% { [80 - (2560 / 40)] / 80 * 100} / 15 Q43: 1143.53 minutes Q44: $51,330 Q45: $34,200 Q46: 5 : 4 : 1 or 5.1 : 3.9 : 1.1 (either way it’s fine as long as you get something like 5 : 4 : 1) Q47: Benefit / Investment Cost ratio 24 : 1 Benefit / Operating Cost ratio 13 : 1 Benefit / Cost ratio : 8 : 1 Q48: 27 months. Q49: At least $166.67 x - 5 = 0.97x -----> x = $166.67 Q50: 36.67% of the new selling price Let X be the old selling price of an iPad, then 1.2X is its new selling price. From the facts given in the questions, we have: New Material cost: 30% * 1.2X = 0.36X Distribution cost (remains the same): 30% * X = 0.3X Marketing cost (remains the same): 10% * X= 0.1X So, the new Profit Margin is: 1.2X - 0.36X - 0.3X - 0.1X = 0.44X, or 44% out of 120%, or (44% / 1.2) = 36.67% of the new selling price. Q51: $48, $12, $12 ,$8


Short Questions Q52: 19.67% Q53: 465 chocopie packages Q54: $77 The markup percentage formular is (selling price – cost) / cost * 100% Let X be the selling price of the set, we have: (X - 22) / 22 = 250% = 2.5 X - 22 = 22 * 2.5 = 55, thus X = $77 Q55: Big tray at $0.083 per cm3 compared to small tray at $0.0875 per cm3 Q56: $52.5 Q57: $57,400 Q58: Selling price $5.33 ; New selling price: $6.13 The selling price = $6 / 1.125 = $5.33 The price after tax with the new tax = $4.8 * 1.15 = $6.13 Q59: 330 grams rubber gum ; 150 grams mint flavor ; 90 grams sugar ; 30 grams conservatives Q60: $54,600

Hurdle 4 Q61: $128.8 Q62: 1: 1.33 Q63: $6.24 million The calculation is: ($780 million x 0.4) / 50 = $6.24 million increased by 1 new shop Q64: 0.75% Firstly, we will calculate the number of months that pass from the end of Jan 2007 to the end of Nov 2011: 11 months in 2007, 12 months in 2008, 12 months in 2009, 12 months in 2010, 11 months in 2011, adding up to 58 months in total. So the number of percentage points of market share that Windows XP lost per month = (76.1% - 32.8%) = 0.75%


Short Questions Q65: $1800 Q66: $8250 Q67: $7080 Q68: $8800 Q69: $3,150,000 Q70: $26.25 Q71: $740,000 Q72: $1.78 Q73: $19,285 - $23,571 (acceptable range) Q74: 40 students Q75: 23.1% Q76: €192,500,000 Q77: 45 seconds Speed of the elevator = 64 km/h = 64,000 m / 3600s (because 1 km = 1000 m and 1 hour = 60 minutes = 3600 seconds) Height of 160 floors = 160 x 5 = 800 m To go from the ground floor to 160th floor, it takes 800 m / (64000 m / 3600 s) = 45 seconds. Q78: $52,500 Q79: $2,840 Q80: $2,882.35


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Hurdle 5 Q81: $140 Q82: 7,291,667 tons Q83: $19,200,000 Q84: 531,250 cans Q85: Main dishes 41.48% Beverages 13.10% Snack items 15.72% Breakfast items: 29.69% Q86: $329.3 5 years = 60 months, so the calculation is $29.90 + $4.99 x 60 = $329.3 Q87: 240% Q88: $600,000 Q89: 440ml milk; 160ml flavor substances Q90: $3.78 million USD Q91: $432 billion Q92: $16 million USD Q93: 36,000 packets Q94: $326.4 Q95: $52.5 Q96: $433,333 Q97: $27,200


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Q98: $22,500 from full service packs $37,500 from simple maintenance Q99: 24% apple juice, 30% orange juice, 28% mango juice Q100: 43,750 magazines per month

Hurdle 6 Q101: 66.67% In order for the project to be paid off in 6 months, each month the shop will have to pay $36,000 / 6 = $6,000. As 30% of the monthly profit will be paid for the project, the expected monthly profit is $6,000 / 30% = $20,000. So the percentage by which the current monthly profit has to increase is ($20,000 - $12,000) / $12,000 = 66.67%. Q102: $0.12 Q103: $248 (24,800 cents) Q104: $650 Q105: 1,257,142,857 cans Q106: $76.92 Markup percentage formula is (selling price - cost) / cost * 100% Let X be the cost to make a table that is sold for $250 at a markup percentage of 225%, we have: ($250 - X) / X * 100% = 225%. Solving the equation we have X = $76.92 Q107: 2.63 : 1 Q108: $1,052,308 Q109: $12,375 Q110: $183,750


Short Questions

Q111: $196.43 million USD Q112: Operating Cost $18,480 ; Admin Cost $20,240 Q113: $90 The amount of wood exported was 15,000 tons = 15,000,000 kilograms = 15,000,000 / 180 logs So each log of wood exported will earn = $7,500,000 / (15,000,000 / 180) = $90

Q114: 12.5 ml preservatives, 30 ml sugar Q115: $58,333,333 Q116: $66,000 Q117: $5,700,000 Q118: $207,627 Q119: $433,333,333 Q120: $22,5 billion

Hurdle 7 Q121: $208,333 Q122: $1,056.25 Q123: $75,600 Q124: $101,786 Q125: $43,500,000 Q126: ~ 714,286 bottles


Short Questions

Q127: $184,800 The calculation is $80,000 + $80,000 * 125% + $400 * 12 = $184,800 Q128: $10,080,000,000 Q129: An increase of 15.56% Current Profit = $725,000,000 * 26% = $188,500,000 Expected profit = $188,500,000 * 1.2 = $226,200,000 At the expected profitability of 27%, the expected Income = $226,200,000 / 27% = $837,777,777.8 So the Income of 2011 is expected to increase by = ($837,777,777.8 - $725,000,000) / $725,000,000 = 15.56% Q130: $543 478 261 Q131: $8.4 million Q132: 3,250,000 dolls The calculation is 5,000,000 * 65% = 3,250,000 Q133: $11.50 Q134: 12,550,475 pills Q135: 648,000 bottles Q136: 233.3% Mark-up percentage for one unit sold is the same as that of the whole unit sales = ($81 bil - $24.3 bil) / $24.3 bil = 233.3% Q137: $15/ hour Q138: $25,675 Q139: $1,260,000


Short Questions Q140: $5,338.98

Hurdle 8 Q141: $900,000 As, Net Profit = Sales – Expenses, and Sales / Expenses = 1 : 0.64, so Net Profit equals to 36% of Sales. Sales = $324,000 / 36% = $900,000 Q142: 50,000 sabers Q143: $4,900,000 Q144: $16,800 Q145: $794,640,000 Q146: $28 Q147: 30.3% Q148: $13,890 / month for tennis court and $7,780 / month for swimming pool Q149: $7,320,000 Q150: $43,680 Q151: $5.40 Q152: 37,542 Q153: $35,100 Q154: 174,712,042 cans Let X be the number of cans sold in 2011. We have: (X - 166.85 million) / X = 4.5% Solving the equation, we have X - 166.85 million = 0.045 X, so 0.955 X = 166.85 million


Short Questions X = 174,712,042 cans Q155: 57.45% Advertising, 42.55% Publishing Q156: $210,000 Q157: $13,546,975 Q158: $112,432,432 Q159: $450 Q160: $9,200

Hurdle 9 Q161: 3.33 minutes The calculation is 40s * 1750 / 350 = 200s = 3.33 minutes Q162: $6.90 Q163: $42 million Q164: $870000 Q165: Net Revenue $ 84 000 000, Net Expense $67200000 Q166: $3,875,560 (answer within 20% is acceptable) Q167: 65 tubes Q168: $129,600 Total Revenue = $300 * 600 = $180,000 Profit = $180,000 * 72% = $129,600 Q169: $34,500


Short Questions

Q170: $41,416,309 Let X be Sales in 2009, we have: (X - $38.6 mil) / X = 6.8%. Solve the equation we have X = $41,416,309 Q171: $13,142 Q172: 399 minutes Q173: 5 coins Q174: $46,112,500 Q175: -7.4% Net Profit in 2010: $9 mil * 28% = $2.52 mil Sales in 2011: $9 mil * 96% = $8.64 mil Net Profit in 2011: $8.64 mil * 27% = $2.3328 mil Percentage change in Net profit from 2010 to 2011: ($2.52 mil - $2.3328 mil) / $2.52 mil = 7.4% with a “-“ sign to indicate a decrease. Q176: $4,657.50 Q177: 7,166.70 Q178: 245 members Let X be the number of total members that the Gym should acquire, so 0.7X is the number of Standard members, and 0.3X is the number of Premium members. We have the equation: $40 * 0.7X + $60 * 0.3X = $11,270 $46X = $11,270

X = 245

Q179: $200,000 Q180: 54


Short Questions

Hurdle 10 Q181: $51.2 The targeted profit = 3 x (6 x $12.80 x 80%) = $184.32 The target Revenue = (6 x $12.80 x 80%) + $184.32 = $245.76 The target price = $245.76 / (6 x 80%) = $51.2 Q182: 188 Q183: $4,500 Q184: $0.6 Old cost of 1 bottle = $3 x 60% = $1.8 New cost of 1 bottle = $1.8 x 1.5 = $2.7, which is now targeted to be 75% of the new price. New price = $2.7 / 75% = $3.6 Thus the price should be increased by $0.6 Q185: 2720 seconds The calculation is: 32 x 60 x 1.25 + 16 x 20 = 2720 seconds Q186: 3pm or 4pm are all accepted Q187: 7 years Q188: $0.6 Q189: $4.44 Q190: $5625 for A and $9130 for B, adding up to $14,755 for both Q191: $25.55 or $25.56 are all accepted. Q192: $7700 for John and $36,800 for George Let X be the last month’s capital mobilization of John, so $39,000 – X will be that of George.


Short Questions This month, John’s capital mobilization is 1.1X, and that of George is $44,850 – 1.15X We have: 1.1X + $44,850 – 1.15X = $44,500, thus X = $7,000. So John’s capital mobilization this month = 1.1 x $7,000 = $7,700 and that of George is ($44,500 - $7,700) = $36,800) Q193: 37.5% Q194: 27 employees Q195: $1.6 Q196: $75,000 Let X be the average cost of a car, so the current profit = 0.4X. We have X + 0.4X = $70,000, thus X = $50,000. The target profit = 50% x $50,000 = $25,000. So the new selling price = $50,000 + $25,000 = $75,000 Q197: 232 computers Q198: $57,000 Q199: $1950 Q200: 75% Let X be the price of a Sony, so 2X will be the price of a Samsung. The percentage that the price of all Samsung TVs will account for in the total value of the invoice is the result of this calculation: 90 * 2X / (90 * 2X + 60 * X) = 75%


Short Questions

Hurdle 11 Q201: $1,900 (The team spends a sum of N dollars and still has N-800 left. So, N+N-800 = 4,600, and N= 2700. Therefore, the team still has 4,600- 2,700= 1,900). Q202: 30,000 TVs (Two out of every 10 damaged TVs had a broken screen, so if 20 TVs had a broken screen, there were 100 damaged TVs. Since one out of every 300 was damaged, there were 100 x 300= 30,000 TVs in the shipment) Q203: 14 contracts Q204: 33.3% Q205: 10.5% Q206: $2,375 Q207: 225 new products Q208: $13,500 Q209: $40,000 Q210: 33.3% Q211: 55 people Q212: 72 products Q213: Alice has 6 stores and Jackson has 12 stores Q214: $375 Q215: $5,500,000 Q216: 1,440 Q217: 60 minutes or 1 hour Q218: 7%


Short Questions Q219: 1.55 million Q220: 7 yellow hats

Hurdle 12 Q221: 70 hours Q222: $180 Q223: 2,880 tons Q224: 7.7% Q225: $10,890 Q226:$408 Q227: 30 dishes Q228: 25 hours Q229: $95.6 Q230: 98 foreign employees Q231: 29% Q232: 65% Q233: $15,737.5 Q234: 4 : 3 Q235: 1.35 Q236: 150 Q237: 264 Q238: $15,000 Q239: $50 Q240: 9


Short Questions

Hurdle 13 Q241: $357,500 Q242: $182,505 Q243: 626 Q244: $21,300 Q245: 27,5% Q246: $312.5 Q247: 31% Q248: $350 Q249: $727.5 Q250: $2,100 Q251: $5,867 Q252: $18 Q253: $1,761.25 Q254: 51.16% Q255: $2,550 Q256: $1,848 Q257: 580,741 bottles Q258: $362,250 Q259: $101,720 Q260: $92,045


Short Questions

Hurdle 14 Q261: $5,113 Q262: $4,171 Q263: 7,315 million VND Q264: US$ 2,169 million Q265: 627.8 million VND Q266: 24.14 million VND Q267: 830 million VND Q268: 88.57% Q269: 7.47 billion VND Q270: 25.23% Q271: 20.2% Q272: 26,022 million VND (Round up the sales growth percentage to 39%, then round up the Cost to $22,628 million) Q273: US$ 648,740 Q274: $848.34 Q275: $34,175 Q276: 450 million VND Q277: $3 Q278: $29,789 Q279: $202.02 billion Q280: 2


Short Questions

Hurdle 15 Q281: $2,608 Q282: €544 Q283: $2,207.64 Q284: 9,500,000 VND Q285: $125.98 billion Q286: 22% Q287: The Jones: $56,416; The Phillips: $52,164 Q288: $17.73 Q289: ¥703,368 million Q290: Decrease cost by 4.2% Q291: 4,593,750 VND Q292: 2011: 280 pieces, 2012: 296 pieces, 2013: 315 pieces Q293: Prices of both the apple cakes and the orange cakes were increased by 12% Q294: 50.42% Q295: Current store: $22,007; new store: $29,807 Q296: 22 clients Q297: 56.25% Q298: $421,620 Q299: 12:15 Q300: 18.88%