Concession Grammar Guides - 11241 [PDF]

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Concession Practice A. Rewrite as indicated below. The first is already done as an example 1. Pam was not felling well, however she went to school. Although  Pam was not feeling well, she went to school. In spite of  not feeling well, Pam went to school. 2. Tom was seriously  advised by his teacher, but he insisted in disturbing the class.  a. Although  b. In spite of 3. Mary tried several times, but she couldn’t find a taxi.  a. Although,  b. In spite of 4. Although he felt tired, he stayed up to keep us company.  Despite 5. They didn’t have much time, however they  came to visit us.  In spite of 6. He is too old, but he still does his gymnastics every morning.  a. Although  b. Despite 7. Although the shirts are very expensive, people buy them  because they are trendy.  In spite of 8. Although he had no qualifications for it, he got the job.  In spite of 9. I didn’t like the CD you have recommended me, but I bought it all the same.  a. Although  b. In spite of 10. I told her all the truth. However she didn’t believe me.  a) Although  b) In spite of 11. They didn’t play well, but they won the game.  a) Although  b) Despite 12. They felt very cold but they didn’t  turn on the heater.  Despite 13. Bill had a terrible headache. However  he kept working.  a) Although  b) In spite of 14. He has all the necessary books but he doesn’t use them to study.  Despite 15. She works very hard but she doesn’t deserve a raise.  a) Although  b) In spite of 16. She is not  prepared for the test, but she has to do it.  Despite 17. She was ill but she had to go to school.  Although 18. It was a nice sunny but  there was nobody at the beach.  a) Although  b) Is spite of 19. He arrived  later but  he finished work earlier than the others.  Although 20. The new waitress seems honest and diligent. However the boss doesn’t like her.  a) Although  b) In spite of 21. In spite of Lee’s Sadness at losing the contest, she managed to smile. >> Although 

22. My friend ate the chocolate cake even though she was on a diet. >>Despite  23. In spite of a headache, he enjoyed the film. >> Although  24. My sister will take a plane even though she dislikes flying. >>In spite of  25. He isn’t happy although he is very rich. >>Despite  26. Even though he got a good job, he was not satisfied. >> Despite  27. Although he often tells lies, many people believe him. >> Despite  28. Mary didn’t go to school yesterday because she was sick. >> Because of  29. She went to bed early because she felt tired. >>Because of  30. Margaret stayed at home because her mother was sick. >> Because of  31. I couldn’t do the test because it was difficult. >> Because of  32. I couldn’t read the letter because it was dark. >> Because of  33. I can’t study because it is noisy. >> Because of  34. The train come late because it was foggy. >> Because of  35. The train was late because the fog was thick. >> Because of  36. I can’t sleep because the weather is hot. >> Because of  37. All the teacher love him because his conduct is good. >> Because of  38. Because there was a traffic accident, I went to school late. >> Because of  39. Because there is a shortage of meet, we had to live on beans. >> Because of  40. Because there was a lack of water, many trees died rapidly. >> Because of  41. She walked slowly because her leg was injured. >> Because of  42. Because it was sunny, we decided to go camping. >> Because of  CONCESSION CLAUSES CONCESSION ALTHOUGH Example: Although he loves only next door, I never see him. Exercise 1 1. The car isn’t very nice, but it serves its purpose.  Although 2. Betty isn’t very tall, but she can run very fast.  Although 3. He doesn’t have much money, but he wants to buy car.  Although 4. There wasn’t much food at the party. However, everybody had a good time.  Although 5. He’s a hard worker. However he van newer save enough to buy a car  Although...................................................................

CONCESSION (EVEN) THOUGH = NEVERTHELESS ALL THE SAME Examples: They were boring, (even) though well-educated. Though they were well-educated, they were boring. Educated though they were, they were very boring. They were well-educated. Nevertheless they were boring. They were well-educated. All the same they were boring. Exercise 2 1. He didn’t tell me why he’d been late, but I knew it all the same.  He didn’t tell me why he’d been late, but I knew it 2. It’s rather cold, but I think I’ll go for a walk.  Even though 3. She was unattractive but still had many friends.  Even though 4. She was unattractive but still had many friends.  Unattractive 5. Though they’d lived in London for years, they always spoke German.  They’d lived in London for years CONCESSION MAY… BUT = I ADMIT THAT… I GRAND THAT … I CONCEDE THAT… Note: Grant and concede are rarely used in current English. Examples: He may have been brought up in Poland, but he has a perfect English accent. I admit that he was brought up in Poland, but he has a perfect English accent. I grant that he was brought up in Poland, but he has a perfect English accent. I concede that he was brought up in Poland, but he has a perfect English accent. Exercise 3 1. Although he was brought up in Poland, he has a perfect English accent.  He may 2. Although she’s a girl, she plays football as well as any boy.  She may 3. Although she’s very rich, she never gives a penny to the poor.  She may 4. Although my sister’s very intelligent and pretty, she doesn’t have a boyfriend.  I concede 5. Although he sometimes behaves like a fool, he’s really very intelligent.  I grand CONCESSION COMPOUNDS IN – EVER (HOWEWER, WHATEVER) Note: When we use however in clauses of concession, it must be followed by an adjective or an adverb. Examples: However hard he studies, he won’t pass the exam. Whatever happens, I will always love you. Exercise 4 1. Although I tried hard, I couldn’t find the book you lent me.  However 2. Although he may have some strong points, intelligence is one of them.  Whatever 3. Although he loves Joan very much, he isn’t going to marry her.  However 4. Although she buys a lot of new dresses every month, she always dresses shabbily.  However 5. Even if our new house is very nice, we’ll still miss our old flat.  However

CONCESSION NO MATTER IT DOESN’T MATTER Examples: No matter how hard I try, I will never pass the exam It doesn’t matter how hard I try, I will never pass the exam Exercise 5 1. Although he makes a lot of money, he can’t save anything.  No matter 2. No matter what she said, no one paid any attention.  Whatever 3. However hard she tried, she couldn’t lift the suitcase.  No 4. Although he loves Joan very much, he isn’t going to marry her.  No 5. It doesn’t matter how much you earn, you shouldn’t waste money.  Although CONCESSION ADJECTIVE/ADVERB + AS Note: This structure is used only with adjectives and adverbs in the front position. Example: Much as I love Mary, I will not marry her. Exercise 6 1. Although Betty is attractive, she can’t find herself a boyfriend.  Attractive 2. Although it seems incredible, my grandma is getting married again.  Incredible 3. Although I love travelling very much, I can’t afford to go to Japan.  Much 4. However rich he may be, I wouldn’t like to be in his shoes.  Rich 5. No matter how nice she may be, I don’t like her  Nice CONCESSION IN SPITE OF DESPITE Examples: In spite of all her money, she always wears old clothes. Despite the fact that she has all that money, she always wear old clothes Despite having all that money, she always wears old clothes. Exercise 7 1. He doesn’t have much money, but he wants to buy a car.  He wants to buy a car despite 2. We all enjoyed the walk even though it rained.  In 3. We managed to talk seriously although there were a lot of people around.  In 4. The bag was heavy but she managed to carry it herself.  Despite 5. His mother refused to let him go to the party but he went anyway.  He went to the party in spite CONCESSION IN SPITE OF DESPITE Examples : For all my money, I feel very poor. In spite of all my money, I feel very poor. Exercise 8 1. Whatever you may promise, I don’t believe a word.  For all 2. In spite of his hard work, he hasn’t been promoted for five years.  For all 3. Whatever you may say about Mary, I will not change my opinion about her.  For all

4. Say what you will about her husband, I do not like him.  For all 5. For all the help of their friends, they were unable to cope with all the problems.  In spite CONCESSION EVEN IF EVEN THOUGH Note: Even if is sometimes followed by should or an emphatically stressed verb. Examples: Even if it costs a lot, I want to buy it. Even if it should cost a lot, I want to buy it. Even if it does cost a lot, I want to buy it. Even though it costs a lot, I want to buy it. Exercise 9 1. I couldn’t love Betty less, even though she may have had another boyfriend.  I couldn’t love Betty less, even 2. It might be cold, but we’ll still go for a walk.  Even if 3. I’m not going to accept their offer, although they might give me a big salary.  Even if 4. She is beautiful and intelligent, but I’m not going to marry her.  Even though 5. She is beautiful and intelligent, but I’m not going to marry her.  I’m not going to marry her CONCESSION ALTHOUGH EVEN THOUGH IN SPITE OF Examples: Although the weather was bad, we went for a walk Even though the weather was bad, we went for a walk. In spite of the bad weather, we went for a walk. Exercise 10 1. In spite of being tired, we went to the museum.  Even 2. In spite of the rain, the competition took place as planned.  Even He went bankrupt, even though he’d worked very hard  He went bankrupt, in 4. I hate to have to tell you this, but you are wrong.  I have to …....................................................... 5. In spite of her loving family, she wasn’t happy.  Although …...................................................... CONDITIONS AND SUPPOSITIONS Note: Conditions are usually expressed by if but other structures are possible, eg.: unless, without, so, although, in spite of, despite, on condition (that), so/as long as, suppose, supposing (that), provided (that). CONDITIONS IF Examples: If I have enough money, I will buy a car. If I had enough money, I would buy a car. If I were you, I would buy a car. If I had had enough money last year, I would have bough a car. If I had had enough money last year, I would have a car today. Exercise 11 1. They had planned to visit us, but Mary fell ill  If 2. Mr Smith modernised his factory years ago, and now he’s rich.  If 3. Open the door, or I won’t be able to come in.  If

4. I feel terrible because I broke her new mirror last night.  If 5. He didn’t study for the test so he failed.  If 6. I must wear glasses because I didn’t take proper care of my eyes when I was young.  I would 7. I was able to find my way only because I asked a passer-by for directions.  I would 8. You have blisters on your feet because you walked too much yesterday.  If 9. You don’t work here and that is why you can’t enter without a pass.  If 10. Remind me of her birthday on time, or I will not send her birthday card.  I won’t Bài tập trắc nghiệm câu điều kiện I-Choose the best anwer : 1-If I ……….the same problem you had as a child, I might not have succeeded in life as well as you have. A-have B-would have C-had had D-should have 2-I………you sooner had someone told me you were in the hospital. A-would have visited B-visited C-had visited D-visit 3-………more help,I could call my neighbor. A-needed B-should I need C-I have neeeded D-I should need 4-………then what I know today,I would have saved myself a lot of time and trouble over the years. A-had I known B-did I know C-If I know D- If I would know 5-Do you think there would be less conflict in the world if all people…….the same language? A-spoke B-speak C-had spoken D-will speak 6-If you can give me one good reason for your acting like this,……this incident again. A- I will never mention B-I never mention C-will I never mention D-I don’t mention 7-I didn’t know you were asleep.Otherwise,I…….so much noise when I came in. A-didn’t make B-wouldn’t have made C-won’t make D-don’t make 8-Unless you ……all of my questions,I can’t do anything to help you. A-answered B-answer C-would answer D-are answering 9-Had you told me that this was going to happen, I…….it. A-would have never believed B-don’t believe C-hadn’t believed D-can’t believe 10-If Jake…… go on the trip, would you have gone? A-doesn’t agree B-didn’t agree C-hadn’t agreeD-wouldn’t agree 11-When I stopped talking,Sam finished my sentence for me as though he … mind. A-would read B-had read C-reads D-can read 12-if you……., I would have brought my friends over to your house this evening to watch T.V,but I didn’t want to bother you. A-had studied B-studied C-hadn’t been studying D-didn’t study 13-I wish I…….you some money for your rent,but I’m broke myself. A-can lend B-would lend C-could lend D-will lend 14-If someone ……in to the store,smile and say, “May I help you?” A-comes B-came C-would come D-could come 15-“Here ‘s my phone number”. “Thanks.I ‘ll give you a call if I …….some help tomorrow” A-will need B-need C-would need D-needed 16-If I weren’t working for an accounting firm, I….in a bank. A-work B-will work C-have worked D-would be working 17-The deathrate would decrease if hygienic conditions ……improved. A-was B-is C-were d-had been

18-The education in Japan……..if the basic principles of education had not been taken into consideration. A-would go down B-would have gone down C-went down D-had gone down 19-If there…….the ricefields could have been more productive. A-had been enough water B-were enough water C-would be enough water D-are enough water 20-the patient could not recover unless he ……an operation. A-had undergone B-would undergo C-underwent D-was undergoing 21-If she …..him,she would be very happy. A-would meet B-will meet C-is meeting D-should meet 22-If he …..a thorough knowledge of English, he could have applied for this post. A-had had B-had C-has D-has had 23-If I had enough money,I……abroad to improve my English. A-will go B-would go C-should go D-should have go to 24-The bench would collapse if they……on it. A-stood B-stand C-standing D-stands 25-If it……convenient, let’s go out for a drink tonight, A-be B-is C-was D-were 26-If you……time, please write to me. A-have B-had C-have had D-has 27-I shouldn’t go there at night if I ….you. A-am B-was C-be D-were 28-If I …….get a pole, I will go fishing. A-can B-could C-may D-might 29-If you had the chance,…….you go fishing? A-did B-may C-would D-do 30-If you …..a choice, which country would you visit? A-have B-had C-have had D-will have 31-She will acept the offer if you persuade her. A-unless B-because C-provided that D-otherwise 32-If he were here,he would accompany you on the piano. A-Supposing he were here B-because he were here C-were he here D-Both Aand C 33-If she had gone abroad, she would have let you know. A-had gone she abroad B-had she gone abroad C-Because she had gone abroad D-while she had gone abroad 34-Trees won’t grow…….there is enough water. A-if B-when C-unless D-as 35-……….she agreed, you would have done it. A-if B-had C-should D-would 36-If he hadn’t wasted too much time , he ……in his examination. A-would fail B-wouldn’t fail C-wouldn’t have failed D-won’t fail 37-If I had taken that English course, I…….much progress. A-had made B-would have made C-made D-would make 38-If I were in your place, I….a trip to England. A-will make B-had made C-would makeD-made 39-If you inherited a million pounds,what…….with the money? A-do you do B-will you do C-would you do D-are you going to do 40-If you…… I told you, you…….in such predicament now. A-Did/would not be B-had done/had not been C-do/would not be D-had done /would not be 41-Come and work for my company iif you…….better to do. A-have nothing B-will have nothing C-had something D-had nothing 42-If you had done as I told you ,I think you………. A-would succeed B-would have succeeded C-could succed D-had succeeded 43-If he had got half a mark more, he ……in the exam. A-wouldn’t fail B-wouldn’t have failed C-won’t fail D-won’t be failing

44-If it……… tomorrow, we may postpone going. A-rains B-will rain C-shall rain D-raining 45-If you hadn’t watched that late movie last night, you……sleepy now. A-wouldn’t have been B-wouldn’t be C-might have not been D-would’t have been being 46 - If you …….as I told you, you ……….sorry now. A-did/would not be B-had done/had not been C-do /would not be D-had done/would not be 47-If I………I will let you know . A-am staying B-will stay C-do stay D-would stay 48-“Are you thinking about going to the Bahamas for the hollidays?” “No,but if I ……the time , I would definitely go” A-have B-had C-have had D-would have 49-“It’s really raining” “Yes.If the weather……, we’ll have to camp somewhere else”. A-would get worse B-might get worse C-get worse D-should get worse 50-“Why did you only send twenty dollats in the mail?” “If I had had more money, I ……..given you more.” A-will have B-would have C-would D-have 51-“My boss made me work overtime again”. “If I were you,I……….my job”. A-would quit B-will quit C-must quit D-quit 52-“Thanks for your help”. “…….want more information,call again tomorrow”. A-were you B-had you to C-might you D- should you 53-“Remember the day I drove you to the airport?”. “If you hadn’t ……me ,I would have been late”. A-take B-taking C-took D-taken 54-“Sally finally got here from Chicago”. “If she had come earlier,we……taken her to the play”. A-would be B-would have C-had have D-would had 55-“I don’t know whether to take that mathematics course or not”. “If ………you, I’d take it”. A-I am B-I will be C-I had been you D-I were 56-“My car broke down when I was leaving Detroit and I had to take the bus”. “………,we would have picked you up”. A-had we known B-if we have known C-we had known D-if we did know 57-“It’s beginning to rain”. “……..,we won’t be able to finish the ball game”. A-If it stops B-should it stop C-unlees it stops D-if it didn’t stop 58-“Did you need help with your math last night?”. “If I had, I………you”. A-would call B-called C-would have called D-will call 59-“I’d really like some lunch but I have so much work to do”. “……..what you want and I can get it for you”. A-tell me B-if you would say me C-you will tell to me D-if you tell me 60-“John went to the hospital alone”, “If …….,Iwould have gone with him”. A-had he told me B-he had told me C-ha has told me D-he would tell me

Tense Practice I. Give the correct form of verbs given: 1. She (leave) .school last year. Since then she (work) ... as a waitress at a local pub. 2. They felt tired and hungry, so they (sit) ............... down under a tree and (rest) .............. for lunch.

3. Let’s (get) ...... the house (clear) ............. up before he arrives. 4. Last year we (install) ............. ordinary light bulbs in our house, but now we (use) .................. energy-saving ones. 5. A: In your places, I (a. go) ............. by air. B: If I (b. have) .................. enough money, I (c. take) ............... your advice.

II. Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses. Lars: Excuse me, which movie are you waiting for? Tony: We (wait)________ for the new Stars Wars movie. In fact, we (wait)________ here for more than five hours. Lars: Five hours? When did you arrive? Tony: We (get)________ here at 6:00 o'clock this morning. More than forty people (stand, already)________ here waiting for tickets when we arrived. Lars: I can't believe that! Are you serious? Tony: Yeah, people (take)________ Star Wars movies seriously. In fact, this particular showing has been sold out for over a week. We (wait, just)________ in line to get a good seat in the theater. Lars: When did you buy your tickets? Tony: I (buy)________ them last week by phone. I (know)________ tickets would be hard to get because I (see)________ a news interview with a group of people standing in line to get tickets. They (wait)________ in line for almost a month to buy tickets for the first showing. Lars: I don't believe that! Tony: It's true. They (camp)________ out in front of Mann's Chinese Theater in Los Angeles for about a month because they (want)________ to be the first people to see the movie. III. Give the correct tenses 1. When I (arrive) home last night, I discovered that Jane (prepare) a beautiful candlelight dinner. 2. Since I began acting, I (perform) in two plays, a television commercial and a TV drama. However, I (speak, never even) publicly before I came to Hollywood in 1985. 3. By the time I got to the office, the meeting (begin, already) without me. My boss (be) furious with me and I (be) fired. 4. When I (turn) the radio on yesterday, I (hear) a song that was popular when I was in high school. I (hear, not) the song in years, and it (bring) back some great memories. 5. Last week, I (run) into an ex-girlfriend of mine. We (see, not) each other in years, and both of us (change) a great deal. I (enjoy) talking to her so much that I (ask) her out on a date. We are getting together tonight for dinner. 6. When Jack (enter) the room, I (recognize, not) him because he (lose) so much weight and (grow) a beard. He looked totally different! 7. The Maya established a very advanced civilization in the jungles of the Yucatan; however, their culture (disappear, virtually) by the time Europeans first (arrive) in the New World.

8. I (visit) so many beautiful places since I (come) to Utah. Before moving here, I (hear, never) of Bryce Canyon, Zion, Arches, or Canyonlands. Tag Questions Practice I . Add tag questions to the following 1. They want to come , ………………………………………………..? 2. Elizabeth is a dentist , ………………………………………………..? 3. They won’t be here , ………………………………………………..? 4. There aren’t any problems, ………………………………………………..? 5. That is your umbrella, ………………………………………………..? 6. George is a student , ………………………………………………..? 7. He’s learned a lot in the last couple of years, ………………………………………………..? 8. He has a bicycle , ………………………………………………..? 9. Joan can’t come with us , ………………………………………………..? 10. She’ll help us late , ………………………………………………..? 11. Peggy would like to come with us to the party, ………………………………………………..? 12. Those aren’t Fred’s books, ………………………………………………..? 13. You’ve never been to Paris , ………………………………………………..? 14. Something is wrong with Jane today , ………………………………………………..? 15. Everyone can learn how to swim, ………………………………………………..? 16. Nobody cheated on the exam , ………………………………………………..? 17. Nothing went wrong while I was gone, ………………………………………………..? 18. I am invited , ………………………………………………..? II . Add tag questions to the following 1.Your name is Thanh , ……………………………….. ? 2. Today is Sunday , ……………………………….. ? 3. John doesn’t agree with me about the plan , ……………………………….. ? 4. There’s a bus comimg , ……………………………….. ? 5. Everybody was saying their prayers in the church when I cane in, ……………………………….. ? 6. He makes a lot of mistakes in pronunciation , ……………………………….. ? 7. The traffic was heavy yesterday , ……………………………….. ? 8. Both men won’t surf the Internet for a chat any more , ……………………………….. ? 9. A lot of students don’t think studying grammar is interesting , ……………………………….. ? 10. We haven’t done this homework yet , ……………………………….. ? 11. Jack’s enrolled on this course , ……………………………….. ? 12. Helen’s got fashionable clothes to wear on this important occasion , ……………………………? 13. The Smiths have got a computer , a CD player and two motorbikes , …………………………… ? 14. The children have many computer games to play , ……………………………….. ? 15. Your brother has the chance to speak English outside the classroom , ………………………… ? 16. David and Kate aren’t going to pay their school fees tomorrow , ……………………………….. ? 17. There weren’t any well- qualified teachers at this school , ……………………………….. ? 18. This boy could use a computer at the age of 5 , ……………………………….. ? 19. MY father put an advertisement in the Times to sell his house , ……………………………….. ? 20. It is expensive for you to access the Internet , ……………………………….. ? 21. Jim really shouldn’t spend most of his time wandering on the Internet , ………………………… ? 22. People don’t know which website is useful to them , ……………………………….. ? 23. Students have to wear uniforms in Vietnam , ……………………………….. ? 24. Email is good way for people to communicate , ……………………………….. ? 25. The garbage can be taken out everyday , ……………………………….. ? 26. We must send this message by email , ……………………………….. ? 27. You wouldn’t like another drink , ……………………………….. ? 28. Vinh would rather listen to English programs on the radio , ……………………………….. ? 29. You had better not go out in the cold weather , ……………………………….. ? 30. Ba ought to join her family on a day trip to her hometown , ……………………………….. ? 31. My sister might like writing email , ……………………………….. ? 32. You should attend the opening ceremony , ……………………………….. ?

33. You wouldn’t mind helping me with this , ……………………………….. ? 34. I needn’t say anything to you about it , ……………………………….. ? 35. Your aunt needs to grow rice on his farm , ……………………………….. ? 36. This is Mr. Johnson , ……………………………….. ? 37. That was Ann on the phone , ……………………………….. ? 38. Those weren’t your parents over there , ……………………………….. ? 39. These are your cases here , ……………………………….. ? 40. The Chinese invented paper in AD 105 , ……………………………….. ? 41. The English don’t like tea , ……………………………….. ? 42. The rich usually live in big houses , ……………………………….. ? 43. There won’t be any good news for you , ……………………………….. ? 44. Joe used to be a lot faster than he is now , ……………………………….. ? 45. There used to be too much noise in this neighborhood , ……………………………….. ? 46. He has no chance of finding a cheap flat in the city centre , ……………………………….. ? 47. He’s never met you before , ……………………………….. ? 48. They really went swimming when they were your age , ……………………………….. ? 49. Helen seldom smiles at me whenever she passes me in the street , ……………………………….? 50. He hardly ever makes a mistake , ……………………………….. ? 51. There’s scarcely enough time for our project , ……………………………….. ? 52. Cactuses need little water , ……………………………….. ? 53. Unfiendly people have few friends , ……………………………….. ? 54. It’s unpleasant to be alone in a strange country , ……………………………….. ? 55. It’s no good , ……………………………….. ? 56. No smoking is allowed in this compartment , ……………………………….. ? 57. We carried no cash with us , ……………………………….. ? 58. We have received no information yet , ……………………………….. ? 59. Not many people understand his ideas , ……………………………….. ? 60. Something is wrong with Jane today , ……………………………….. ? 61. Everything seems to be OK with you , Dad , ……………………………….. ? 62. Nothing matters , ……………………………….. ? 63. Nothing has been done about unemployment , ……………………………….. ? 64. Neither of them offered to help me , ……………………………….. ? 65. None of them wrote to him , ……………………………….. ? 66. Nobody is going to the mosque , ……………………………….. ? 67. Somebody has recognized you by your funny hat , ……………………………….. ? 68. Everyone was impressed by her beauty , ……………………………….. ? 69. One should always try to be friendly to the environment , ……………………………….. ? 70. I’m not supposed to be here on time , ……………………………….. ? 71. I’m expected to do well in my schooling , ……………………………….. ? 72. Let’s go out for a meal together one day , ……………………………….. ? 73. Don’t be late , ……………………………….. ? 74. Help yourself to this soup , ……………………………….. ? 75. Pass me the salt , ……………………………….. ? 76. Don’t forget to keep in touch with us , ……………………………….. ? 77. Post this letter for me , ……………………………….. ? 78. Have some more coffee , ……………………………….. ? 79. Get out your books , ……………………………….. ? 80. Have a nice holiday , ……………………………….. ?


1. The woman ______ lives next door is a university professor. a. which b. who she c. who d. where she 2. This is the school ______ I used to go as a child. a. where b. which c. when d. in which 3. That’s the man ______ house was burnt down. a. that his b. who’s c. whose d. which 4. The company ______ I work for has gone bankrupt. a. where b. which c. who d. whom 5. We’ll come in August ______ the schools are on holiday. a. that b. where c. in which d. when 6. Is there anything ______ you need? a. that b. which c. who d. whom 7. Most of the people to ______ I wrote answered my letters. a. which b. who c. whom d. whose 8. 1995 was the year _______ dad was so ill. a. which b. where c. when d. that 9. I gave it to a boy______ name was Jim. a. his b. who c. whose d. whom 10. What’s the name of the restaurant ______ we ate in? a. where b. in which c. that d. where in 11. Excuse me, but are you the person _______ I spoke earlier? a. to whom b. to which c. to who d. whom 12. _______ we left late, we still got there on time. a. Despite b. But c. However d. Although 13. They told me not to go; ______ , I went. a. even though b. In spite c. although d. even so 14. Florida’s climate is warm, _______ Alaska’s is cold. a. even b. whereas c. despite d. in spite of 15. ______ the heat, I didn’t go swimming. a. Although b. Nonetheless c. Despite d. However 16. She doesn’t have a dog; ______ she has a cat. a. however b. while c. even though d. in spite of 17. My shirt still has dirt on it, ______ I washed it. a. while b. whereas c. though d. despite 18. We bought the car in spite ______ the expense. a. of b. the fact c. the fact that d. of the fact that 19. _______ she couldn’t afford it, she bought it. a. Despite b. Even if c. Though d. However 20. They set out to sea ______ the storm. a. nevertheless b. in spite of c. despite of d. anyway 21. She always forgets, ______ often you tell her. a. however much b. no matter how c. nevertheless d. despite 22. “Which girl is your cousin?” “She’s the one _______ I gave the book.” a. which b. to which c. whom d. to whom 23. “I thought you didn’t want blue shoes.” “I didn’t. ______, I decided to buy them.” a. Even though b. Despite c. Whereas d. However 24. My cousin Nathan, ______ a speech therapist, lives in England. a. whom is b. who’s c. whose d. that is 25. “Terry and Richenda bought a new car then?” “Yes, _______ they couldn’t really afford it.” a. In spite of b. whereas c. nevertheless d. despite the fact that 26. “Did you enjoy the game this afternoon?” “Well, ______ it wasn’t a bad game, it was a bit boring.” a. however b. despite c. even so d. while

27. “What was the restaurant like?” “The food, ______ wasn’t that nice, was very expensive.” a. that b. which c. whose d. which it 28. “So, what will you tell him now?” “ I’m going to walk home, ________ time I will have decided what to say.” a. for which b. on which c. since which d. by which Exercise 2: choose the best answer: 1. Peter is the boy which/ whose /who /whom rides the blue bike. 2. This is the boy which /whose /who /whom had an accident. 3. Yesterday I saw a car which/ whose /who/ whom was really old. 4. Mandy is the girl which/ whose /who /whom I met on Friday. 5. I haven't seen Peter, which/ whose/ who /whom brother is five, for a long time now. 6. The robber stole the car which/ whose/ who/ whom the lady parked in front of the supermarket. 7. This is the man which/ whose /who /whom house is on fire. 8. Can I talk to the girl which/ whose/ who/ whom is sitting on the bench? 9. The book which /whose/ who /whom you gave me is great. 10. An aeroplane is a machine where/ whom/ whose/ who/ which flies. 11. Last week we met the girl which /whose /who( that / which)/ that dog died. 1 2. The people where- whom- whos-e who- which work in the house are very friendly. 1 3. A salesman is a man where- whom- whose- who- which works in a shop. 1 4. They live in the house where- whom-whose- who- which windows are broken. 15. My wife's mother, where -whom -whose -who -which I haven't seen for several years, speaks too much. 1 6. I don't like the town where –whom- whose- who- which you work. 17. He is the only American where- whom- whose- who- which has swum..... 18. My wife, where- whom- whose- who -which lives in New York, has just written me a letter. 19. The girl where –whom- whose- who -which lives next door is very boring. 20. This is the lady where- whom- whose- who- which husband died last year. 21. Her latest book, which-that- who is printed in colour, is selling well 22. This town,which-tha-twhose name I have forgotten, is situated near the border 23. Do you like the clothes whose-that-who-why-when he wears? 24. It's a book which-who-when-where-whose is full of pictures. 25. Do you remember the day when-which-whose-that-who my car broke down? 26. That's probably the reason when-that-why-whom-which he refused. 27. She never gets fat, so she can eat that-what-whom-when- which she likes. 28. The critics gave the film terrible reviews, that-whom-where- which-who did not please the director. 29. It's mostly young people when-where-whose-which-who play those games. 30. They heard a version of the story who-which-thom-whose-what had been kept secret for years