Commvault - v11 PDF [PDF]

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Integrating SwiftStack with Commvault V11

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Table of Contents Table of Contents




1. Initial Configuration


1.1 Set up Commvault User Account on SwiftStack


1.2 Configuration of Commvault V11


2. Configuring Storage Libraries


2.1 Configuration Procedure – Cloud Storage Library 2.2 Configuration Procedure – Local Disk Library

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3. Licensing Validation


4. Basic Backup and Restore


4.1 Create a Storage Policy


4.2 Create a Subclient


4.3 Perform a Backup


4.4 Perform a Restore


5. Encrypted Backup and Restore


5.1 Enable Encryption


5.2 Create a Subclient


5.3 Perform Backup


5.4 Perform Restore


5.4 Disable Encryption


6. Auxiliary Copies


6.1 Cloud Library to Local Disk Library


6.1.1 Create Storage Policy and Primary Copy


6.1.2 Create Secondary Copy


6.1.3 Create Subclient


6.1.4 Perform Backup


6.1.5 Perform Auxiliary Copy


6.1.6 Restore from Auxiliary Copy


6.2 Local Disk Library to Cloud Library


6.2.1 Create Storage Policy and Primary Copy


6.2.2 Create Secondary Copy


6.2.3 Create Subclient

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6.2.4 Perform Backup


6.2.5 Perform Auxiliary Copy


6.2.6 Restore from Auxiliary Copy


7. Verify Content


7.1 Check Mount Path


7.2 Check Media


8. Pruning


9. Deduplication


9.1 Create a Storage Policy


9.2 Create a Subclient


9.3 Perform a Backup


9.4 Perform a Restore


9.5 Deduplication Savings


10. Deconfigure


10.1 Delete Subclients


10.2 Delete a Storage Policy


10.3 Delete a Library


11. Reports and Logs


11.1 Reports


11.2 Log Collection




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Introduction Commvault provides a single platform for automated global protection, retention, and recovery of data. Commvault enterprise data protection and recovery software automates global data protection, speeds up recovery, reduces costs, and simplifies operations. ​Commvault provides

a comprehensive data protection and management strategy which offers seamless and efficient backup, archiving, storage, and recovery of data in enterprise from any operating system, database, and application. This document provides instructions to configure Commvault’s cloud storage platform to utilize SwiftStack storage using the S3 API with Commvault’s V11 software. In addition, this document includes detailed configuration steps to set up the Commvault cloud storage library, perform backup and restore with deduplication and data encryption, perform auxiliary copy and restore operations from a local disk library to SwiftStack cloud storage and vice versa, perform data pruning, and generate reports and logs to support enterprise customer environments. Specifically, ​using source folders with files in them as sample data, the steps in this document will provide examples for how to configure and use storage policies to... 1. 2. 3. 4.

...backup data to a SwiftStack S3 target. ...backup data to a SwiftStack S3 target with deduplication enabled. ...backup data from a SwiftStack S3 target to a local disk library. ...backup data from a local disk library to a SwiftStack S3 target.

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1. Initial Configuration 1.1 Set up Commvault User Account on SwiftStack The following steps will create an account in SwiftStack storage that can be used as a target for Commvault backups. 1. Using the SwiftStack controller, create a user account for Commvault; in this example, we named the user “Commvault.”

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2. Click “Push Users to Cluster” to make this new account available for use.

3. Still using the SwiftStack Controller, note the S3 API Key (Secret Key) for the CommVault user.

4. Using SwiftStack client (available from or a similar tool, create a dedicated bucket (e.g. Test-1) within this new account space for the CommVault user to populate.

1.2 Configuration of Commvault V11 1. If not already installed, install Commvault V11 software on a Windows server or virtual machine. (Windows Server versions 2012 R2 or 2016 are required; see Commvault documentation for details and latest requirements.)

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2. Add your license information to enable Commvault software for use, and configure a user account and password for the Commvault Commcell console, which provides a user interface through which users can manage all the functions of Disk Libraries.

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2. Configuring Storage Libraries 2.1 Configuration Procedure – Cloud Storage Library The following steps outline what is needed to create a Cloud Storage Library. In this example, we will refer to it as "​CommVault-1.​" 1. Within the CommCell Console, expand [Storage Resources] node from CommCell Browser. 2. Right-click [Libraries], and choose [Add] > [Cloud Storage Library].

3. After [Add Cloud Storage] dialog appears, enter the name of this Cloud Library (CommVault-1), choose S3 Type, select the MediaAgent that will control the CloudLibrary, define the Access Information, and click [OK].

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4. Using the SwiftStack Client to observe the CommVault account and bucket you previously created, you should see that a folder is created in the “Test-1” bucket. (Note: In cloud storage, “folders” are just a logical concept and representation; in reality, the entire namespace in a bucket is flat, and any objects in a logical folder named “folder-a,” for example, simply have the folder name as a prefix of the object name, e.g., “folder-a/object-1,” “folder-a/object-2,” etc.)

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5. Over time, Commvault can store many millions of objects in SwiftStack. To optimize performance with hundreds of millions of objects in a single bucket, SwiftStack uses an intelligent “container sharding” feature. When the SwiftStack controller identifies a bucket (i.e., container) that is a candidate for sharding, it will present a notice to the administrator on the Cluster > Monitor > Sharding > Manage Large Containers page. To maintain optimal performance, if you see this notice, you should take the recommended action to let SwiftStack perform the sharding function.

2.2 Configuration Procedure – Local Disk Library The following steps outline what is needed to create a Local Disk Library. In this example, we will refer to it as “​local storageLibrary.” 1. ​Within the CommCell Console, expand [Storage Resources] node from CommCell Browser. 2. Right-click [Libraries], and choose [Add] > [Disk Library].

3. After the [Add Disk Library] dialog appears, type in the name of the Disk Library (​local storageLibrary​), then browse to select a folder path “Local Storage” using the “…” button next to [Disk Device].

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4. Click [OK] to finish creating the Disk Library. 5. Confirm that both the Local Disk Library and the Cloud Storage Library (created in previous step) are listed under [Library] node.

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3. Licensing Validation Once the Storage has been configured, you should confirm that your Commvault license allows for the use of cloud storage by using the [License Administration] dialog. 1. Click the [Home] tab at the top of the ribbon on the CommCell Console. 2. Click the [License and Registration] button from the ribbon as shown below:

3. Once the [Licensing and Registration] dialog is displayed, click the [License Details] tab.

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4. Confirm that Evaluation or Permanent columns correctly display the quantity of [Cloud Storage] licenses you have configured.

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4. Basic Backup and Restore Now that cloud and local storage libraries have been configured, we can use them within Storage Policies to run backup and restore jobs. To do so, we will define a Storage Policy and a backup subclient, then we can perform the Backup and Restore jobs.

4.1 Create a Storage Policy The following steps will guide you through creating a Storage Policy; in this example, we will name it ​SwiftStack-S3 ​and will use the Cloud Storage Library, ​CommVault-1​. 1. F ​ rom the CommCell Browser, expand the [Policies] node. 2. Right-click the [Storage Policies] node, and choose [New Storage Policy].

3. After the [Create Storage Policy Wizard] appears, choose [Data Protection and Archiving] in the [Storage Policy Type] section, and click the [Next] button.

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4. Enter the name of the Storage Policy (​SwiftStack-S3​) into the [Storage Policy Name] field, and click the [Next] button.

5. If asked whether to utilize an Existing Global Deduplication Policy, select “No,” and click the [Next] button.

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6. Choose a Cloud Storage Library (​CommVault-1​) from the [Library] drop-down list, and click [Next].

7. Choose the MediaAgent you designated when initially configuring your Cloud Storage Library. It should be the default choice for this dialog. Click [Next] to accept the MediaAgent selection.

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8. Use the default value for Streams and Retention Criteria, and click [Next].

9. Ensure the [Software Encryption] option on the [Advanced settings for the primary copy] screen is unchecked (the default is to be unchecked), and then click the [Next] button.

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10. Un-check the [Yes] checkbox to disable deduplication for this copy, and click the [Next] button.

11. Review the configuration options, and click the [Finish] button. 12. Confirm that a Storage Policy named ​SwiftStack-S3 ​is now visible under the [Storage Policies] node. If it does not appear, press F5 to refresh the CommCell Console, or [View] from the ribbon then [Refresh].

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4.2 Create a Subclient The following steps will guide you to create a subclient named ​FC01_Local​ to backup the C:\DATA\DATA01 folder with the ​SwiftStack-S3​ Storage Policy. (Substitute the name of your test data folder for C:\DATA\DATA01 and your MediaAgent for sac-se-mileston in the following steps if it differs). 1. From the CommCell Browser, expand the [Client Computers] > [sac-se-mileston] > [File System] node. 2. Right-click the [defaultBackupSet] node, and choose [All Tasks] > [New Subclient].

3. After the [Subclient Properties of] dialog appears, enter name of Subclient (​FC01_Local​) into the [Subclient name] textbox, and click the [Content] tab.

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4. Select the [Content] tab, then click [Browse].

5. Within the [Browsing content for] dialog, choose the target folder for backup (​C:\DATA\DATA01​), and click [Add] and then [Close].

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6. Confirm that the selected path (​C:\DATA\DATA01​) is added into the [Content of subclient] list.

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7. Select the [Storage Device] tab, and select the Storage Policy for this subclient (​SwiftStack-S3​) from the [Storage Policy] list.

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8. Click on the [Deduplication] sub-tab, un-select the [Enable Deduplication] checkbox, and click [OK].

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9. After the [Backup Schedule] dialog appears, choose [Do Not Schedule], and click [OK].

10. Confirm that the subclient is added into subclient list. If it does not appear, press F5 to refresh the CommCell Console, or [View] from the ribbon then [Refresh].

4.3 Perform a Backup With a storage policy and subclient now configured, the following steps will perform a full backup of the ​FC01_Local​ Subclient. (Remember to substitute your names for our examples where needed.) 1. From the CommCell Browser, expand the [Client Computers] > [sac-se-mileston] > [File System] node and choose the [defaultBackupSet] node.

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2. Right-click the Subclient for Backup (​FC01_Local​), and choose [Backup].

3. After the [Backup Options for Subclient] dialog appears, choose [Full] Backup Type, and click [OK].

4. It is possible to monitor the backup job from the Job Controller. Job details are available if you double-click on the job, or right-click and select [Job Details].

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5. If interested, upon completion of the job, you can use the SwiftStack Client to observe that new objects (i.e., your backup data) have been successfully added under a new folder in your backup target bucket.

4.4 Perform a Restore To observe a restoration of the data you backed up, the following steps will guide you through moving your source data and running the restore job. (Remember to substitute your names for our examples where needed.) 1. Prior to restore, copy the contents of C:\DATA\DATA01 to a temporary location, and delete the files from C:\DATA\DATA01.

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2. From the CommCell Browser, expand the [Client Computers] > [sac-se-mileston] > [File System] node, and choose the [defaultBackupSet] node. 3. Right-click Subclient (​FC01_Local​) for restore, and choose [Browse and Restore]. After the [Browse and Restore Options] dialog appears, click [View Content].

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4. After the [Browse and Restore Options] dialog appears, click [View Content].

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5. After backed up files are listed, choose files for restore, and click [Recover All Selected].

6. After the [Restore Options for All Selected Items] dialog appears, confirm the configuration of the restore job, and click [OK]. The default options will automatically restore the files back in-place to their original location.

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7. You can use the [Job Controller] tab to monitor the start and completion of the Restore job.

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8. Confirm that files are restored successfully.

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5. Encrypted Backup and Restore The following steps in this section are much like the previous steps for a basic backup and restore operation, but this demonstrates the use of encryption for your backup data. As in other sections, please remember to use your directory, bucket, mediaAgent, and other unique names in place of the examples in these steps.

5.1 Enable Encryption 1. From the CommCell Browser, expand the [Client Computers] node. 2. Right-click [sac-se-mileston], and select [Properties].

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3. After the [Client Computer Properties for sac-se-mileston] dialog appears, click the [Advanced] button.

4. After the [Advanced Client Properties] dialog appears, click the [Encryption] tab. 5. Select the [Encrypt data with following settings] radio button in the [Encryption] tab and [OK]. This will enable the default choice of Blowfish software encryption with a key length of 128-bit. (Selecting the [Cipher] drop-down box will display other supported ciphers, while selecting [Key Length] will display supported key lengths for the currently selected cipher.)

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6. Click the [OK] button in the [Client Computer Properties] dialog.

5.2 Create a Subclient Follow the same steps in the previous “Create a Subclient” section. In our example, we used the following parameters for this new subclient. ● ● ●

Subclient Name: FC02_Encrypt Content: C:\DATA\DATA02 Storage Policy: SwiftStack-S3

5.3 Perform Backup Similar to the last backup job, run a full backup of the new (​FC02_Encrypt​)​ ​subclient.

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1. From the CommCell Browser, expand the [Client Computers] > [sac-se-mileston] > [File System] node, and choose the [defaultBackupSet] node. 2. Right-click the subclient for Backup (​FC02_Encrypt​), and choose [Backup].

3. After the [Backup Options for Subclient] dialog appears, choose [Full] Backup Type, and click [OK].

4. As before, you can monitor the job from the job controller. Wait for progress to reach 100%.

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5. To review more details about the job, double-click on the job name.

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5.4 Perform Restore Similar to the last restore steps, you can restore the encrypted backup files backed up with the new (​FC02_Encrypt​) subclient. 1. Move, copy, or delete the files that were backed up from the C:\DATA02 folder. 2. From the CommCell Browser, expand the [Client Computers] > [sac-se-mileston] > [File System] node, and choose the [defaultBackupSet] node. 3. Right-click the subclient (​FC02_Encrypt​) for restore, and choose [Browse and Restore]. 4. After the [Browse and Restore Options] dialog appears, click [View Content].

5. After the backed up files are listed, choose the files for restore, and click [Recover All Selected].

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6. After the [Restore Options for All Selected Items] dialog appears, confirm the configuration of the restore job, and click [OK]. The default options will automatically restore the files back in-place to their original location.

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7. As before you can monitor the [Job Controller] tab for the start and completion of the Restore job.

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8. Confirm that the files are restored successfully.

5.4 Disable Encryption If you do not want encryption to remain enabled, you can follow these steps to disable it. 1. From the CommCell Browser, expand the [Client Computers] node. 2. Right-click [sac-se-mileston], and choose [Properties].

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3. After the [Client Computer Properties] dialog appears, click the [Advanced] button.

4. After the [Advanced Client Properties for sac-se-mileston] dialog appears, click the [Encryption] tab.

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5. Select the [Do not encrypt] checkbox in the [Encryption] tab, and click the [OK] button.

6. Click [OK] to exit the Advanced Client Properties dialog, then [OK] to exit the [Client Computer Properties for sac-se-mileston] dialog.

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6. Auxiliary Copies The following sections detail the steps needed to make auxiliary copies of your data in two directions—from your cloud storage to your local storage and vice versa.

6.1 Cloud Library to Local Disk Library Follow the steps below to create a new Storage Policy named ​Cloud2Local​ that will duplicate backup images from the Cloud Storage Library (​CommVault-1​) to the Local Disk Library (​local storageLibrary​). As in other sections, you may use your own unique names instead of those we use in our examples here.

6.1.1 Create Storage Policy and Primary Copy Follow the steps detailed with screenshots in section 4.1 and summarized here to create a storage policy. In this case, however, note that we have used a different storage policy name (​Cloud2Local​). 1. From the CommCell Browser, expand the [Policies] node. 2. Right-click the [Storage Policies] node, and choose [New Storage Policy]. 3. After the [Create Storage Policy Wizard] appears, choose [Data Protection and Archiving] in the [Storage Policy Type] section, and click the [Next] button. 4. Enter the name of the Storage Policy (​Cloud2Local​) into the [Storage Policy Name] field, and click the [Next] button.

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5. Leave the [No] radio button selected in the [Use Existing Global Deduplication Policy] section, and click the [Next] button. (This screen will only appear if there are Global Deduplication Policies present in the CommCell.) 6. Choose the Cloud Storage Library (​CommVault-1​) from [Library] list, and then click the [Next] button. 7. Choose the MediaAgent (​sac-se-mileston​) to read / write images to the Cloud Storage Library from the [MediaAgent] list, and click the [Next] button. 8. Use the default value for Streams and Retention Criteria, and click the [Next] button. 9. Use the default value (the [Software Encryption] checkbox is unchecked)) on the [Advanced settings for the primary copy] screen, and click the [Next] button. 10. Un-check the [Yes] checkbox on the [Do you want to enable Deduplication for the primary copy?] screen to disable deduplication for this copy, and click the [Next] button.

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11. Review the configuration option and click [Finish].

12. Confirm that a Storage Policy named ​Cloud2Local​ is added under the [Storage Policies] node.

6.1.2 Create Secondary Copy Follow the steps below to add a secondary copy to your new storage policy.

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1. From the CommCell Browser, expand the [Policies] > [Storage Policies] node. 2. Right-click the [Cloud2Local] node, and choose [All Tasks] > [Create New Copy].

3. After the [Copy Properties] dialog appears, Enter ​Secondary​ into the [Copy Name] textbox, choose the Local Disk Library (​local storageLibrary​) in the [Library] drop-down box in the [Default Destination] section, choose ​sac-se-mileston​ in the [MediaAgent] drop-down box in the [Default Destination] section, and click the [OK] button.

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4. After the [Auxiliary Copy Schedule] dialog appears, choose [Do Not Schedule], and click [OK]. 5. Confirm that a Storage Policy named ​Secondary ​is added to the​ Cloud2Local ​Storage Policy.

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6.1.3 Create Subclient Follow the same steps in section 4.2 to create a subclient, but use the following parameters or your own unique names for this step: ● ● ●

Subclient name: ​FC03_Cloud2Local Content: ​C:\DATA\DATA03 Storage Policy: ​Cloud2Local

6.1.4 Perform Backup Follow the steps below to perform a full backup of the ​FC03_Cloud2Local​ subclient. Remember to substitute your own names for the examples we used. 1. From the CommCell Browser, expand the [Client Computers] > [sac-se-mileston] > [File System] node, and choose the [defaultBackupSet] node. 2. Right-click the Subclient for Backup (​FC03_Cloud2Local​), and choose [Backup].

3. After the [Backup Options for Subclient] dialog appears, choose [Full] Backup Type, and click [OK].

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4. You can monitor the Backup Job from the controller. Details are available by double-clicking on the job name.

5. When the job completes, you can observe with the SwiftStack Client that new objects have been successfully added under a new folder in your bucket.

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6.1.5 Perform Auxiliary Copy Follow the steps below to duplicate the backup image from the Cloud Storage Library to the Local Disk Library. 1. From the CommCell Browser, expand the [Policies] > [Storage Policies] > [Cloud2Local] node. 2. Right-click the [Secondary] node, and choose [View] > [Jobs].

3. After the [Job Filter for Storage Policy] dialog appears, deselect the [Specify Time Range] checkbox, and click [OK].

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4. Confirm that there are some jobs with the [To Be Copied] status.

5. From the CommCell Browser, expand the [Policies] > [Storage Policies] node.

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6. Right-click the [Cloud2Local] node, and choose [All Tasks] > [Run Auxiliary Copy].

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7. After the [Auxiliary Copy Job Options] dialog appears, click [OK].

8. Monitor the status of the Auxiliary Copy job from the Job Controller. (Additional details may be accessed by double-clicking on the job, or right-click, then select [Job Detail].) 9. From the CommCell Browser, expand the [Policies] > [Storage Policies] > [Cloud2Local] node. 10. Right-click the [Secondary] node, and choose [View] > [Jobs]. 11. After the [Job Filter for Storage Policy] dialog appears, deselect the [Specify Time Range] checkbox, and click [OK]. 12. Observe that the Status of Jobs are changed from [To Be Copied] to [Available] if the Aux Copy job is completed.

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6.1.6 Restore from Auxiliary Copy Follow the steps below to restore files from the duplicated images on the Local Disk Library. 1. From the CommCell Browser, expand the [Client Computers] > [sac-se-mileston] > [File System] node, and choose the [defaultBackupSet] node. 2. Right-click the [FC03_Cloud2Local] Subclient, and choose [Browse and Restore].

3. After the [Browse and Restore Options] dialog appears, click the [Advanced Options] tab. 4. Select the [Browse from copy precedence] checkbox, specify [​2​] in the textbox, and click the [View Content] button.

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5. After backed up files are listed, choose files for restore, and click the [Recover All Selected] button.

6. After the [Restore Options for All Selected Items] dialog appears, confirm the configuration of the restore job, and click [OK]. (Note: Before restoring, move, or delete the files from DATA\DATA03 and the subfolder.)

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7. Click [Job Controller] in the [Home] tab to display the Job Controller and check the status of the Restore job from the Job Controller.

8. Confirm that files are restored correctly. 9. Right-click the restore job, and choose [View Logs] > [By Job ID]. 10. After the [Log File for Job] dialog appears, press the [Ctrl] + [F] keys. 11. After the [Find] dialog appears, enter ​DATAPATH SELECTED​ into the [Find] textbox, and click the [Find Next] button.

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12. Check the value of the ​LIBRARY​ parameter on the highlighted log file line, and confirm that the Local Disk Library (local storageLibrary) was used.

6.2 Local Disk Library to Cloud Library These steps perform the opposite of the last section. Follow along to create a Storage Policy named ​Local2Cloud​ that duplicates backup images from the Local Disk Library (​local storageLibrary​) to the Cloud Storage Library (​CommVault-1​). As always, remember to substitute your unique names for our examples.

6.2.1 Create Storage Policy and Primary Copy Follow the same steps detailed in section 6.1.1 with the following changes: 1. Use the storage policy name (​Local2Cloud​) in the [Storage Policy Name] field in step #4.

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2. Choose the Local Disk Library (​local storageLibrary​) from the [Library] drop-down list in step #6. 3. Confirm that the Storage Policy named ​Local2Cloud​ is added under the [Storage Policies] node in step #12.

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6.2.2 Create Secondary Copy Follow the same steps detailed in section 6.1.2 with the following changes: (Follow the steps in 6.1.2 with the following changes in and 1. In step #2, right-click the [​Local2Cloud​] node, and choose [All Tasks] > [Create New Copy]. 2. In step #3, after the [Copy Properties] dialog appears, enter ​Secondary​ into the [Copy Name] textbox, choose the Cloud Library (​CommVault-1​) from the [Library] drop-down box in the [Default Destination] section, choose ​sac-se-mileston​ from the [MediaAgent] drop-down box in the [Default Destination] section, and click the [OK] button. 3. In step #5, confirm that a Storage Policy copy named ​Secondary​ is added into the Local2Cloud​ Storage Policy.

6.2.3 Create Subclient Create a new subclient by following the procedure in section 4.2 with the following settings: 61 of 106

● ● ●

Subclient name: ​FC04_Local2Cloud Content: ​C:\DATA\DATA04 Storage Policy: ​Local2Cloud

6.2.4 Perform Backup Follow the steps below to perform a full backup of the ​FC04_Cloud2Local​ Subclient. 1. From the CommCell Browser, expand the [Client Computers] > [sac-se-mileston] > [File System] node, and choose the [defaultBackupSet] node.

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2. Right-click the Subclient for Backup (​FC04_Local2Cloud​), and choose [Backup].

3. After the [Backup Options for Subclient] dialog appears, choose [Full] Backup Type, and click [OK].

4. Monitor the Backup Job from the controller. Details are available when you double-click on the job name.

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5. Upon completion of the job, you can observe on the SwiftStack Client that that new objects have been successfully added under a new folder in your bucket.

6.2.5 Perform Auxiliary Copy The following steps will duplicate the backup image from the Cloud Storage Library to the Local Disk Library. 1. From the CommCell Browser, expand the [Policies] > [Storage Policies] > [Cloud2Local] node. 2. Right-click the [Secondary] node, and choose [View] > [Jobs]. 3. After the [Job Filter for Storage Policy] dialog appears, deselect the [Specify Time Range] checkbox, and click [OK]. 4. Confirm that there are some jobs with [To Be Copied] status.

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5. From the CommCell Browser, expand the [Policies] > [Storage Policies] node. 6. Right-click the [Cloud2Local] node, and choose [All Tasks] > [Run Auxiliary Copy].

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7. After the [Auxiliary Copy Job Options] dialog appears, click [OK].

8. Monitor the status of the Auxiliary Copy job from the Job Controller. (Additional details may be accessed by double-clicking on the job, or right-click, then select [Job Detail].) 9. From the CommCell Browser, expand the [Policies] > [Storage Policies] > [Cloud2Local] node. 10. Right-click the [Secondary] node and choose [View] > [Jobs]. 11. After the [Job Filter for Storage Policy] dialog appears, de-select the [Specify Time Range] checkbox, and click [OK]. 12. Observe that the Status of Jobs are changed from [To Be Copied] to [Available] if the Aux Copy job completed.

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6.2.6 Restore from Auxiliary Copy Follow the steps below to restore your files from duplicated images on the Local Disk Library. 1. From the CommCell Browser, expand the [Client Computers] > [sac-se-mileston] > [File System] node, and choose the [defaultBackupSet] node.

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2. Right-click the [FC03_Cloud2Local] Subclient, and choose [Browse and Restore].

3. After the [Browse and Restore Options] dialog appears, click the [Advanced Options] tab. 4. Select the [Browse from copy precedence] checkbox, specify [​2​] in the textbox, and click the [View Content] button.

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5. After backed up files are listed, choose files for restore, and click the [Recover All Selected] button.

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6. After the [Restore Options for All Selected Items] dialog appears, confirm the configuration of the restore job, and click [OK]. (Note: Delete or move all the files from DATA\DATA04 to a temporary location before restoring, and delete the subfolder.)

7. Click [Job Controller] in the [Home] tab to display the Job Controller, and check the status of the Restore job.

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8. Confirm that files are restored correctly. 9. Right-click the restore job, and choose [View Logs] > [By Job ID]. 10. After the [Log File for Job] dialog appears, press the [Ctrl] + [F] keys. 11. After the [Find] dialog appears, enter ​DATAPATH SELECTED​ into the [Find] textbox, and click the [Find Next] button.

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12. Check the value of the ​LIBRARY​ parameter on the highlighted log file line, and confirm that the Local Disk Library (local storageLibrary) was used.

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7. Verify Content Check from Mount Path level, view content, amount of valid Chunk Info. Check View Job and media from SP copy level.

7.1 ​Check Mount Path Use these steps to observe the properties of the Mount Path on a Cloud Library (​CommVault-1​). 1. From the CommCell Browser, expand [Storage Resources] > [Libraries] > [​CommVault-1​]. 2. Right-click on the Mount Path, and choose [Properties]. 3. Click the [Sharing] tab. 4. Note the value of the [Username] column.

7.2 Check Media Use these steps to map data created by Commvault to that stored on SwiftStack. 1. From the CommCell Browser, expand the [Policies] > [Storage Policies] node, and choose [​Local2Cloud​]. 2. Right-click the [Secondary] node, and choose [View] > [Jobs]. 3. After the [Job Filter for Storage Policy] dialog appears, deselect the [Specify Time Range] checkbox, and click the [OK] button.

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4. Right-click one of the Jobs, and choose [View Media].

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5. After the [Media Used by Job ID] dialog appears, note the value of the [Barcode] column.

6. Using the SwiftStack Client, note that an object folder exists which has the same name as in the [Media Used by Job ID] dialog (​1117​).

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8. Pruning Follow the steps below to initiate a pruning job and observe that it removes data as expected. In this example, we will remove the data from barcode 1117 as shown in the previous section. 1. From the CommCell Browser, expand the [Policies] > [Storage Policies] > [Local2Cloud] node. 2. Right-click the [Secondary] node, and choose [View] > [Jobs]. 3. After the [Job Filter for Storage Policy] dialog appears, deselect the [Specify Time Range] checkbox, and click the [OK] button.

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4. After the list of available jobs are shown, right-click on an available job to delete, and choose [Delete Job].

5. After the [Delete Job] dialog appears, choose [Yes] and, click the [OK] button.

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6. After the [Delete Job] dialog box with the job list appears, click the [OK] button.

7. After the [Enter Confirmation text] dialog appears, enter the “erase and reuse media” phrase into the text box, then click [OK] to start deletion of the Job.

8. Confirm that the Job has been deleted from the list. 9. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the root node (​sac-se-mileston​), and choose [All Tasks] > [Data Aging].

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10. After the [Data Aging Options] dialog appears, click the [OK] button.

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11. Wait for the Data Aging job to complete first (check the Job Controller).

12. When complete, you can confirm with the SwiftStack Client that the objects for barcode 1117 have been removed. Specifically, there are two objects remaining—one with media_label_size and another Directory_Holder, but all other chunks are all removed.

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9. Deduplication The following sections provide steps and examples for running backup and restore jobs using a deduplication-enabled Storage Policy and confirming that deduplication is working to provide space savings. As in other sections, please remember to substitute your unique names for the examples we used.

9.1 Create a Storage Policy 1. Follow steps 1-10 as detailed in section 4.1 to create a storage policy, except name the storage policy ​CloudDedupe​ in step 4,...

...and select Yes to enable deduplication.

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2. Specify a location for the deduplication database (DDB), and click the [Next] button.

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3. Review the configuration options, and click the [Finish] button.

9.2 Create a Subclient Follow the steps detailed in section 4.2 to create a subclient, but use the following parameters or your own unique values: ● ● ●

Subclient Name: ​FC05_CloudDedupe Content: ​C:\DATA\DATA05 Storage Policy: ​SwiftStack-S3

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Enable Deduplication:​ Yes (Storage Device->deduplication)

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9.3 Perform a Backup The steps required to perform a backup are similar to those detailed in section 4.3.

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1. Run a full backup of the ​FC05_CloudDedupe S ​ ubclient.

2. Monitor the job from the Job Controller, and wait for the job to complete.

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3. When the Backup Job completes, observe the objects that were created (in a separate folder) using SwiftStack Client.

9.4 Perform a Restore Follow the steps below to perform a restore job of the data that was just backed up. 1. Before restoring, delete or move the files in ​Data05 ​to a different folder, and delete the Data05 ​folder. 2. From the CommCell Browser, expand the [Client Computers] > [sac-se-mileston] > [File System] node, and choose the [defaultBackupSet] node. 3. Right-click the subclient (​FC05_CloudDedupel​) for restore, and choose [Browse and Restore].

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4. After [Browse and Restore Options] dialog appears, click [View Content].

5. After the backed up files are listed, choose files for restore, and click [Recover All Selected]. 6. After the [Restore Options for All Selected Items] dialog appears, confirm the configuration of the restore job, and click [OK]. The default options will automatically restore the files back in-place to their original location.

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7. You can monitor the Job Controller to observe the completion of the Restore Job.

8. When the job is complete, confirm the restoration by looking at the files in folder C:\DATA05​.

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9.5 Deduplication Savings Follow the steps below to observe the savings realized by the deduplication operation during backup. 1. From the CommCell Browser, expand the [Storage Resources] node, then expand the [Deduplication Engines] node.

2. Select the [CloudDedupe/Primary] node, and note the [Total Application Size] value against the [Total Data Size on Disk] value to show that deduplication has taken effect. Please note that the results of this example test scenario may not be representative of the deduplication savings in an actual production environment due to the composition of the test data.

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10. Deconfigure The following sections describe the steps required to deconfigure a cloud library—including deleting subclients, storage policies, and libraries. Remember that your names for things like subclients and libraries will likely differ from the examples used here.

10.1 Delete Subclients Follow the steps below to delete subclients as desired. 1. The list of available subclients can be viewed in the CommCell Browser.

2. In the CommCell Browser, expand the [Client Computers] > [sac-se-mileston] > [File System] node, and choose [defaultBackupSet]. 3. Right-click one of the subclients, and choose [Delete].

4. When the [Confirm Delete] dialog appears, click [Yes], and confirm that the subclient is deleted from the list. 93 of 106

5. Re-run these steps as needed to delete additional subclients.

10.2 Delete a Storage Policy Follow the steps below to delete a storage policy. Note that storage policies need to be unassociated from subclients before deleting. 1. From the CommCell Browser, expand the [Policies] > [Storage Policies] node. 2. Right-click the [CloudDedupe] storage policy, and select [Properties]. 3. On the [Associated Subclients] tab, select the [DDBBackup] subclient, and then click the [Re-Associate] button.

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4. When the [Re-Associate Subclient(s)] dialog appears, select [Not Assigned] from the drop-down box, and then click the [OK] button

5. Click the [OK] button to close the [Storage Policy Properties: CloudDedupe] dialog box. 6. From the CommCell Browser, expand the [Policies] > [Storage Policies] node.

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7. Right-click one of the Storage Policies, and choose [All Tasks] > [Delete].

8. After the [Confirm Delete] dialog appears, click the [Yes] button.

9. When the [Enter Confirmation text] dialog appears, enter the “​erase and reuse media​” phrase into the text box, then click [OK] to delete the Storage Policy.

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10. Confirm the Storage Policy is deleted from the CommCell Browser.

11. Repeat these steps as needed to delete additional storage policies.

10.3 Delete a Library Follow the steps below to delete a storage library created to use SwiftStack Storage. 1. Before deleting, you can view the contents of your Cloud Storage Library in SwiftStack using the SwiftStack Client (available for free at

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2. Using the CommCell Browser, expand [Storage Resources] > [Library].

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3. Right-click the Cloud Storage Library (​CommVault-1​), and choose [Delete].

4. A ​ fter the [Delete] dialog appears, click [Yes].

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5. Using the CommCell Browser and/or the SwiftStack Client, observe that the Cloud Storage Library (​CommVault-1)​ node has been deleted.

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11. Reports and Logs The following sections provide a brief overview of how you can retrieve reports and observe logs from the activity of your Commvault and SwiftStack configuration.

11.1 Reports 1. From the ribbon at the top of the CommCell Console, select [Reports], then select [Other Reports]. From the drop-down, select [Library and Drive].

2. After the [Report Selection] dialog appears, click [Run], and wait for the report to load in the default browser.

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The report will provide all the statistics and details of the jobs run on Commvault Libraries. Reports are saved in C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Reports Folder (Note that there are two mount paths shown for CommVault-1. Test-1(9OKKHS_01.15.2019_20.38) path is used and the other path Test-1 (ZO7J0V_12.19.2018_21.04) is an old mount path and not valid)

11.2 Log Collection The following steps demonstrate how to capture logs that can be reviewed or sent to Commvault for support. 1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click on the CommServe, and choose [All Tasks] > [Send Log Files]. 2. On the [Computers] tab, select the [CommServe], [MediaAgents], and [Client Computers] checkboxes.

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3. On the [CommCell Information] tab, select the [CommServe Database] and [Get Latest Database(s)] checkboxes.

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4. On the [Machine Information] tab, select the [Logs], [Machine Configuration], and [OS Logs] checkboxes (these are the default settings).

5. On the [Output] tab, unselect the [Upload to HTTPS] checkbox, select the [Output To] checkbox, select the [Local Path] radio button, specify a temporary path to save the log 104 of 106

files, and then click the [OK] button.

6. The logs will be found in the location specified (​C:\log_temp​).

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Conclusion SwiftStack Storage is fully tested for use with Commvault Cloud Storage Platform. Commvault’s V11 software now extends SwiftStack’s capability to provide native S3 support for all new and existing Commvault data protection use cases. Using Commvault’s new and enhanced cloud storage library and SwiftStack’s 1space functionality, SwiftStack can now extend on-premises private storage into both Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform for long-term offsite data protection. Commvault’s new cloud storage S3-compatible interface can also take advantage of SwiftStack’s inherent multi-region and high-availability features to protect data starting from tens of terabytes in a single data center to hundreds of petabytes across multiple geographic regions. This document provides step-by-step examples and best practices for configuring the Commvault S3 interface and SwiftStack for use together. Questions can be directed to SwiftStack at ​​.

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