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Left Fixed (Strategic Mind) Observer
Right Fixed (Receptive Mind) Observed
Motivation/Awareness (S&A) Color 6. Innocence
Transference (Not-self) Color 3. Desire
Observing what your existential process is about and where it is leading you, in order to strategically evaluate what it works for you when it comes to live as yourself
By allowing life to flow through you, what you get to incarnate is the existential perfection of being, as by letting go of any responsibility for conceptualization, what is available for you to take in is the pure experience of being and living as yourself
Your key to fulfill your own purpose as yourself is to accept and surrender to whatever kind of experience life is going to bring on your path, in order to align yourself to your own trajectory and to allow life to take care of you, so that you don't have to worry about your own survival anymore
Worrying about your own survival drives you to think that following your own desire is the key for you to be the leader of yourself, by being in control of your life
Color 5. Guilt
Color 2. Hope
You have the capacity to seduce others to think that you are the one who knows what's the matter with them and who is ready to come up with a practical solution to fix what doesn't work in their life
The awareness of what conditions you and who is The recognition of what can be fixed and of around you and the recognition of what can be whether it is up to you or to others to fix what done in that sense, only comes from others' doesn't work drives you to think of what can be capacity to tap into the depth of your own concretely done in the now to deal with it experiential intelligence
Though you happen to recognize that things are not ok for you, you might miss to take action in order to fix them, if you get caught in thinking that it is just a matter of waiting till somehow they will fall into place
Color 4. Need
Color 1. Fear
Whatever kind of specialized education you're here to be a master of can only be grasped by those few ones who resonate with you
As an eternal student of life, your receptivity to what you're here to be taught throughout your experiential process, always brings a fresh new perspective to others' life and to yours as well
Your acute awareness of what others need to know, in order to survive in this world, drives you to bring all your mental focus on perfecting your skills toward what can be of benefit to them and this is your key to empower your own survival too
The fear of not being able to survive drives you toward finding a way to provide in your life those secure things you think you cannot do without, rather than keeping your focus on what you truly need for yourself to be of benefit to others
Color 3. Desire
Color 6. Innocence
Your capacity to think strategically allows you to lead others, by pointing out to them a direction they can follow in order to survive on the material plane
It's life that leads you, therefore by moving in the flow with it, what you get to experience is the perfect alignment between your inner desire and its manifestation on the physical plane
Rather than taking the responsibility of getting Desire is a driving force which locks you into what involved with your life and dealing with the you are here to learn, understand or investigate, challenges it brings on your path, it is more in order to fulfill your purpose as yourself, thus attractive for you to remain passive by playing the empowering your own survival in this world role of the observer
Color 2. Hope
Color 5. Guilt
You feel hopeful because you believe that there is a god, whatever your "god" is, you can turn to whenever you need some support or encouragement to deal with the uncertainty of life
Hope is stored inside of you, and you don't know what is there for, till someone you feel spiritually connected with, brings it out of you, thus allowing you to experience oneness through the sharing of your experience with them
You're on the lookout, always bypassing what you've already taken in, and ready for the next thing to come to you, because you believe that what still has to be explored, understood, grasped, codified and placed in a pattern exactly represents what you were waiting for in your life
The moment you get to think that things aren't working well in your life, either you want to fix them in the now, or you feel lazy and guilty because you should be doing this and that, rather than waiting for things to solve themselves in their own time
Color 1. Fear
Color 4. Need
Your motto is "United we stand, Divided we fall", as you think that, in order to deal with your own survival, you have to be around others and share with them the responsibility for security, by being, at the same time, in control of what has to be done in that sense
You don't feel the need to belong to any kind of community to keep yourself alive, as what you get to learn through your life experiences is that, rather than doing, the act of surviving and finding your own security in this world is just a matter of being aligned to your own trajectory
The fear of not having any kind of certainty about the way you can empower your own survival is what drives you to get to the bottom of things in order to create a solid foundation in your life and eventually get to a place of security
What makes you feel needy and totally dependent on others is thinking that, in order to survive, you need to have this and that in your life, or you need someone to teach you a certain kind of knowledge, rather than doing your own investigation on what is essential for you to know