Collection of Expressions Using in Different Situations [PDF]

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Making suggestions:

Responding positively:

Why don’t you…?

That’s a good idea; that sounds like a good idea to me. OK. Sure .Why not? I think you are right. I never thought of that. That’s fine by me.

If I were you, I would… What about…? You should /ought to/might want to think about…. Have you thought about…? I suggest/recommend +gerund/that I think it would be a good idea+ to infinitive/if Perhaps we/ you could+ bare infinitive If+ Simple past If we/ you were to +bare infinitive One /another suggestion/idea would be/is +infinitive Let’s …, shall we? Do you want to..? would you like to…?

Making assumptions: Judging from…he may/could/might be…

Responding negatively: It’ not good. That doesn’t sound like a good idea I don’t know…. I’m not really into…. I don’t know what good it would do… Well, I’m not in the mood for…

Comparing and contrasting: The main/great/ most important/ most significant difference between the pictures is that… The most striking/ obvious similarity is that… In the first picture,….whereas/while/ but in the second one…

I can’t tell for sure/ be certain, but it looks as if she… She/he must be… I don’t think he could be… because… She can’t possibly be… because…. Expressing preference: I’d rather…than… I don’t like the idea of…, so I would prefer to… I’m not so keen on…, so I would choose to…

Giving advice:

Asking for confirmation

If I were you/ in your shoes, I’d /wouldn’t… You’d better You should/shouldn’t… I don’t think you should Whatever you do, don’t … Here’s what I’d do. I’d …. What you need to do is …

Wasn’t it…who…? It was….who…wasn’t it? …was the one…, wasn’t he? …., didn’t he? Responding positively: Yes, that’s right/ yes, I think it /he was/

Why not…? Why don’t you…? You should….. It would be a great idea to/ if… Have you thought about/ considered…? I think the best thing would be if… One/ another suggestion is to….


I suggest you… You could… Have you tried…? The best thing you can do is…

For showing the result:

Asking about feelings:

This will/would mean that… Then/ that way,…../as a result

How are you? Are you (feeling) alright/angry/upset/pleased/OK/…? Is everything alright? What’s wrong/ the matter with you?

If you do this….. By doing this The result of this would be… You might find that

Expressing opinions I think/believe/ in my opinion… To my mind… To me…

Expressing feelings: Well, it’s been a …day Actually, …the thing is…. To be honest…I feel/ I’ve been in a good/ bad/ etc. mood all day… I’m sad /angry/glad about…

Asking for opinion, for personal view:


What do you think about…? What’s your opinion of…? Don’t you agree…? How do you feel about..? How do you like..? How do you like my..?

You would be great as a… This would be ideal for you! Why do you think that? What makes you say that? Could you be more specific? I don’t quite understand what you mean by… I can just see/ imagine you as a …

Agreeing: I couldn’t agree more… I quite agree with you… That’s true I partly agree

You’d love all the … Think of all the …you’d…! You’d make a great…!

Disagreeing: I don’t think so I don’t agree I don’t feel… Perhaps you’re right, but on the other hand… That’s not quite the way I see it…

You might be right actually I hadn’t thought of that You might have a point I see what you mean. That’s certainly a possibility

I see what you mean, but…

It’ not my kind of thing at all I don’t think I could cope.

Demanding explanations:

I couldn’t possibly think of…

Responding positively:

Responding negatively:

Can you tell me /explain why…? I don’t really understand why…? Why is it that…?

Giving explanations: Well…you see… To be honest…

Asking for advice: What do you think I should do if… I’m having a problem deciding what to… What should I…? I really don’t know what to do about… Any ideas/ suggestions what/ how I could….

Expressing likes:

I’m not really into that kind of thing… No, that’s not for me.

Avoiding giving a direct answer: I’ll have to get back to you / about that I can’t give you an answer right now. I’d rather not say. I can’t say for certain I’m not in a position to answer that. I’ll have to think about it. It’ out of my hands. I’m a bit busy at the moment. I’ll let you know. I’ll see what can I do.

I kind of like… I really like/ love… Expressing indifference: I’m really /very fond of /keen on/ interested It doesn’t bother me either way in… I find… really interesting/ fascinating/ It doesn’t concern me. exciting I don’t care Expressing dislikes: I (absolutely) hate/detest/loathe/ can’t stand… I’m not (very) keen on / interested in… I don’t fancy… I find…rather boring/ dull/etc.

Explaining what you like about something: What I like most is… I really like the way…

Explaining what you don’t like about something. What bothers/ annoys me the most is… What gets to me is…

Giving alternatives

It’s OK/alright. I suppose I don’t have an opinion on it.

Giving news: You’ ll never guess who… Well I’ve heard that… guess what! I’ve just heard the most interesting/ exciting news! Have you heard…?

Reacting to news: No, really? I don’t believe it! How interesting! It doesn’t surprise me!

Otherwise, we could…. Always… OK, how about…

Well, you can never tell! You’re joking! Never! Wow! You are pulling my leg!

Interrupting: I’m sorry to interrupt, but Could I just say something… If I could just say something… I see what you mean, but…

Agreeing You are probably right Let’s do that! That’s a wonderful idea… We could always…

Persuading: Surely the most sensible thing would be… I really think it would be a pity if we didn’t… It’s vital/ important that… I really think we should…

Complaining I’m afraid I’ve got a complaint… I’m sorry to say that I’m very disappointed with… I’m afraid to say I have a number of complaints about… Look, I’m sorry to trouble you, but I wonder if you could… There’s something I’d like to talk to you about. It’s just that you promised to…

Disagreeing It’s no good/ no use… I can’t see any point in… No way!

Apologizing Oh, I’m ever so sorry! Oh dear! I don’t know what to say. Oh dear! I’m terribly sorry about that. I’ll see to it as soon as possible. Gosh,, you are right. I forgot all about it. I’m sorry. I’m sorry! I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Criticizing I’ve had enough of… I’m fed up with… It’s about time you did….isn’t it? It’s all your fault that… You could at least have… You shouldn’t have… Why couldn’t you…

Responding negatively for confirmation I have no idea I haven’t a clue I couldn’t tell you. Not at all, that was…(name)

Thanking Thanks, I’m glad you like it Thanks for saying so. You’re so kind Complimenting Well, that looks really nice It’s really beautiful Mmmmm, that smells superb I think, it’s brilliant That’s absolutely delicious Ahh, yeas, it’s wonderful! What a great idea!

It looks fantastic!

Starting the conversation Listen to this.. Wait till you hear.. You’ll never guess/ believe.. Do you know…?

Expressing surprise/ disbelief

Expressing sympathy How awful/terrible/embarrassing! Commenting That was lucky! That was nice/of him, her, etc/

That’s incredible/ amazing/ unbelievable! I don’t believe it! You are not serious, are you?

Oh, no I hate that!

You can’t be serious!

Congratulations Well done/brilliant/excellent/super I’m happy for!



That’s too bad/ a pity / shame Don’t let it get you down. Never mind

That’s great wonderful/fantastic news!

Don’t worry You’ll be fine /OK/ alright I’m so sorry. It’s not as bad as it seems you think

In my opinion/view.. I think /believe/am of the opinion that… It seems/appears to me (that) To my mind My opinion/ feelings on the matter is /are… It is my considered opinion that…

Asking questions Can you tell me…? Do you know anything about…? Do you have any idea what…?

Expressing ignorance/ uncertainty

Stating your opinion

Disagreeing I (strongly) disagree with… I am (totally) opposed to / against..


I haven’t the faintest idea! I haven’t got a clue! I’m afraid I don’t know. I’m not sure but I think it has to do with…

I agree with… I’m in favor of…

I might be wrong but I think it is…

Does it worry you? Do you worry about it? Does it depress you?

Introducing a topic I heard the other day that… Somebody mentioned to me that… I read somewhere recently that… did you

Asking about feelings

Does it get you down?

Expressing fear and

know that…?

Expressing negative feelings The very thought of it makes me sick I can’t bear to think about it. I hate to think about it. It doesn’t bear thinking about.

Recommendations/ movies, books/ Don’t miss it It is well worth seeing It will change the way you see…

anxiety Oh, it’s just horrible! But that’s so irresponsible! Oh, it’s just ridiculous! Oh, it’s so cruel!

Expressing hope Well, maybe people will get some sense/ see sense before it’s too late /in the end. Well, maybe all in not lost yet. Well, maybe we can do something before it’s too late.

Accepting advice:

I wouldn’t recommend it because… It’ bound to be a box-office hit I highly/ thoroughly/ strongly recommend it Wait until it comes out on video. It is a highly entertaining read. It’s certainly at the top of my list

What/ that’s a great idea! That might work It might be a good idea

Fans will no doubt be thrilled with this It’ s a must I definitely recommend that you add this CD to your collection

That’s easier said than done! That’s all very well for you to say, but…

I think I’ll take your advice

Rejecting advice