Coffee Break French - Episodi [PDF]

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Learn French with Cof f ee Break French Podcast


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Coffee Break French will help you learn French in a relaxing and encouraging way. Mark is an experienced teacher of French and you can join his cohost Anna who is learning alongside the listeners. Use Coffee Break French to learn French in the gym, in the car, or sitting at your favourite coffee shop with your favourite coffee! Ab o ut Po d cast ing : For those of you new to podcasting, Click Here to read our " Introduction to Podcasting" Article.

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J 'ado re Co f f e e Bre ak Fre nch!, February 24, 20 10 Reviewer: Sue Mille r I didn't expect to get ho o ked o n French, but Mark and Anna are so delightful, their vo ices so pleasant, that I lo o k fo rward to my lesso n every day. I highly reco mmend Co ffee Break French.

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Author: Radio Lingua Network Tue, Feb 28, 2012

After a slight delay we’re back with another episode of Coffee Break French with more translation challenges to help you test your knowledge of the materials covered in Season 3. In this week’s basic (free) version (12 minutes), we’ll give you five English sentences which you need to translate into French using your knowledge of the [...] Download our free audio book for the month of February: T he G re at e st T hing in t he Wo rld b y He nry D rummo nd .

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Lesson 336 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sun, Feb 19, 2012

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In this week’s Coffee Break French we provide another opportunity for you to test your translation skills based on what you’ve learned in Season 3. In this week’s basic (free) version (14 minutes), we’ll give you five English sentences which you need to translate into French using your knowledge of the grammar points covered over the [...]

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335 – Cof f ee Break French

Author: Radio Lingua Network Sun, Feb 12, 2012

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We’re back with another lesson of translation challenges to help you practise what you’ve learned in this season of Coffee Break French. In this week’s basic (free) version (10 minutes), we’ll give you five English sentences which you need to translate into French using your knowledge of the grammar points covered over the lessons of [...]

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Lesson 334 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Mon, Jan 09, 2012

The Be tte rEd uc atio n.c o m

In lesson 34 of Season 3 we provide more translation exercises for you based on the constructions, vocabulary and grammar covered in this season. We’ll give you the phrase, followed by some time to work out the answer, and then we’ll talk through the answer, helping you to construct the phrase yourself in French. In this [...]

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Lesson 333 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Fri, Dec 23, 2011

Lesson 33 of Season 3 is the first of eight lessons which focus on consolidating what you’ve learned in the past 32 lessons. We’ll be testing your grammar and vocabulary with a series of guided translation exercises: we’ll give you a phrase to translate into French and then work through the solution with you. In this [...]

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Radio Lingua News Updat e Author: Radio Lingua Network Sun, Dec 18, 2011

Welcome to this festive edition of Radio Lingua News. In this update we’ll be telling you about the fantastic milestone we reached this week, and explaining how you can save 25% on our premium memberships until the end of the year. 100 million downloads Early on Friday morning we clocked up our 100 millionth download. Over the [...]

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Lesson 332 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Thu, Dec 08, 2011

It’s time to listen to the final section of Katie’s diary which she has kept throughout her time spent in

Nice. In this week’s lesson we’ll be hearing about her plans for the future and we’ll find out if these plans include Jérôme! In this week’s basic (free) version (14 minutes), we’ll present the text [...]

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Lesson 331 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Thu, Dec 01, 2011

In this new edition of Coffee Break French we’ll be starting our farewells for Katie. We’ll cover the first part of her text in this lesson and then complete it in lesson 332. In this week’s basic (free) version (11 minutes), we’ll present the text spoken at a slow speed and we’ll highlight one or two [...]

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Radio Lingua is 5 years old – and we’re celebrat ing! Author: Radio Lingua Network Tue, Oct 18, 2011

It’s five years since we launched the first lesson of Coffee Break Spanish, and since then we’ve served up millions of language lessons to learners around the world through our podcasts, our enhanced lessons and our ebooks. We’re delighted today to announce five new courses, and we’ll also be letting you know about a few [...]

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Lesson 330 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, Oct 15, 2011

It’s time for another lesson of Coffee Break French and this week we join Alf in his final text. He has been writing a diary over eight weeks while he has been renovating his new house in the south of France and attending daily French lessons with Veronica and Katie, the two other protagonists of [...]

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Lesson 329 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Thu, Sep 15, 2011

In this latest lesson of Coffee Break French we’ll be joining Veronica and listening to her final text. She has been learning French in Nice along with Katie and Alf and in this final text she updates us on what she has been doing and tells us of some important decisions she has taken. In [...]

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Lesson 328 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Wed, Aug 31, 2011

Lesson 28 of season 3 offers an analysis of the second part of Katie’s latest text. As usual, we’ll be covering a range of expressions and grammar points. The free version of this lesson includes the recording of Katie’s text along with explanations of the language she uses to help you understand the text. In [...]

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Lesson 327 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sun, Aug 21, 2011

In the long- awaited return to Coffee Break French we spend episode 27 of season 3 looking at the first part of Katie’s latest text in which she updates us on what’s she’s been getting up to in Nice. In this episode we’ll be looking at a variety of grammatical topics including the relative pronouns ce [...]

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Lesson 326 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sun, Jul 10, 2011

We return to Alf’s story this week on Coffee Break French and his wife, Jennifer, has finally arrived in France. Alf has been preparing for her arrival, both with the house renovations and he’s even learned to cook! As usual there are plenty of useful expressions and interesting grammar points in this week’s lesson. In [...]

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Lesson 325 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, Jul 02, 2011

This week on Coffee Break French Veronica is feeling a bit down in the dumps: elle a le bourdon ce soir! She has been doing some thinking about her future and the fact that she is accro au travail - addicted to her work. This episode provides lots of examples of interesting grammar and vocabulary [...]

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CBF 324 Free Bonus: Ext ended version Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, Jun 18, 2011

This week we’re offering a special treat for our free subscribers: the extended version of our lessons is normally only available to subscribers, but this week we’re giving this extended version away free to our non- members to let you know what you’re missing! The extended version features the same basic content as the free lesson, [...]

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Lesson 324 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, Jun 18, 2011

In this week’s lesson we’ll continue with Alf’s text from last week. There are some fantastic examples of preceding direct objects in this week’s show, and you’ll have the opportunity to practise ne … rien and ne … que. In this week’s basic (free) version (17 minutes), we’ll present the text spoken at a slow speed [...]

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Lesson 323 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Fri, Jun 10, 2011

Lesson 323 is the first of two lessons which focus on Alf’s latest text which has lots of interesting language points to discuss. Alf has been attending cookery lessons in Nice and he reports back on this in this week’s episode. Language points include lots more preceding direct object examples and the intriguing use of [...]

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Lesson 322 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Wed, Jun 01, 2011

In episode 322 of Coffee Break French we hear about Veronica’s exciting weekend at the Monaco Grand Prix. We’ll be hearing about the party she attended at the house of one of her clients. We will be hearing more examples of the subjunctive along with a couple of interesting preceding direct objects! In this week’s basic [...]

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Lesson 321 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Mon, May 23, 2011

Coffee Break French is back with episode 321 in which we’ll be hearing from Alf, one of our three students learning French in Nice. Alf will be telling us about a chance meeting he had with his neighbour and his new interest in the game of pétanque, French boules. In the basic (free) version (15 minutes), [...]

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Lesson 320 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Mon, Apr 25, 2011

This week we’re testing you on what you’ve learned in the first twenty episodes of season 3. We’re providing you with a series of sentences in English to translate into French, and you’ll be encouraged to think of the grammatical constructions and vocabulary which have been covered in the texts of Veronica, Alf and Katie. [...]

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Lesson 319 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sun, Apr 17, 2011

We rejoin Veronica this week in our series of episodes coming from our featured learners in the south of France. “Veronica” has been getting to know one of her clients and, as we’ll be fining out this week, she has been invited to a party at this client’s house. In terms of the language covered [...]

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Lesson 318 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, Apr 09, 2011

We knew you’d be desperate to find out how Katie got on at the Cannes Film Festival with Jérôme, so we’re sticking with Katie’s diary entries this week. In this episode you’ll hear a full account of her evening in Cannes with Jérôme and his parents, and you’ll also hear how things have developed

between [...]

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Lesson 317 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Mon, Mar 28, 2011

We’re returning to Katie’s texts this week and we’ll be hearing her exciting news about her forthcoming visit to the Cannes Film Festival, thanks to Jérôme’s mother. In this episode we’ll be covering more examples of vouloir que with the subjunctive, and we’ll also hear an example of préférer que which follows a similar pattern. [...]

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Lesson 316 – Cof f ee Break French – Subjunct ive Special! Author: Radio Lingua Network Sun, Mar 06, 2011

This week we’re consolidating what we’ve learned so far about the subjunctive in French. We’ll categorise the examples we’ve heard so far in the texts of Alf, Katie and Veronica, and Mark will walk you through some further examples including pour que, pourvu que, bien que, and many more. We’ll learn about situations when you [...]

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Lesson 315 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, Feb 26, 2011

Lesson 315 focuses on Alf’s diary entry for this week in which he talks a little more about his former career as a teacher. He also shares with us a decision that he has taken which he will return to in future lessons In the basic (free) version (16 minutes), we’ll go through the text and [...]

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Lesson 314 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Tue, Feb 15, 2011

In lesson 314 it’s time to return to Veronica’s diary entries. We’ll be hearing about her recent visit to Italy, and she’ll also be telling us a bit more about her work. In the basic (free) version (16 minutes), we’ll go through the text and pick up on some of the language points covered, helping you [...]

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Lesson 313 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, Feb 12, 2011

In lesson 313 we rejoin Katie and hear her latest news. She’s working in the café and this week discovers that she has in fact met M. Gérard’s son before! Katie will also be talking about what she would like to do in the future in terms of work. In the basic (free) version (18 minutes), [...]

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Lesson 312 – Cof f ee Break French

Author: Radio Lingua Network Tue, Jan 25, 2011

We’re with Veronica this week and she’ll be telling us about her daily routine and a little more about her work. We’ll also hear about her plans for checking out a property in Menton and a trip to Italy. In the basic (free) version (15 minutes), we’ll go through the text and pick up on some [...]

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Lesson 311 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Thu, Jan 20, 2011

Our new term of Coffee Break French begins today with another episode from Alf’s diary as he learns French in Nice. In this episode Alf talks about his family and about his daily routine. He also admits to being a bit embarrassed about his daily routine when he hears what the other learners have to [...]

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Lesson 310 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Fri, Dec 31, 2010

… the one in which we introduce the subjunctive! We’re returning to Katie’s texts this week and we’ll be hearing more about her search for a job. In the basic (free) version (18 minutes), we’ll go through the text and pick up on some of the language points covered. helping you to understand what the text [...]

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Radio Lingua News, December 2010 Author: Radio Lingua Network Sun, Dec 26, 2010

It’s been a busy term for Radio Lingua: in the past three months we’ve published over 90 language lessons, we’ve introduced ebook versions of our courses in our premium memberships and on the iBookstore and we’ve had three of our podcasts listed in the iTunes Rewind best of 2010. We thought we’d take this opportunity to [...]

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Lesson 309 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Thu, Dec 23, 2010

This week we’re returning to Veronica’s texts and we’ll be finding out a bit more about why Veronica decided to learn French. Veronica also tells us a bit more about her daughter Jessica. In the basic (free) version (17 minutes), we’ll go through the text and pick up on some of the language points covered. This [...]

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Lesson 308 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Thu, Dec 09, 2010

In this week’s lesson we’re continuing with Katie’s second text. We’ll be taking a closer look at direct

object pronouns and some further examples of the future tense as Katie talks about her plans for the coming weekend. In the basic (free) version (15 minutes), we’ll go through the text and pick up on some of [...]

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Lesson 307 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, Dec 04, 2010

This episode is the first of two episodes which are based on Katie’s second text. In this first part we’ll be hearing about an unfortunate event which Katie experienced while she was shopping in Nice. Language points covered include the expression se rendre compte in the perfect tense, whether descendre is an être or avoir [...]

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Lesson 306 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Tue, Nov 23, 2010

… a.k.a. “everything you ever wanted to know about the future tense, and a few things you probably didn’t!” In Episode 306 of our course, we’re taking a break from our weekly texts from Alf, Katie and Veronica. Last week Alf mentioned that his teacher had been teaching the students about the future tense. We thought [...]

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Lesson 305 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Tue, Nov 16, 2010

Episode 305 of Coffee Break French features Alf once again. We’ll be finding out about his plans for the coming weekend, and this gives us an opportunity to review the future tense of both regular and irregular verbs. In the free version of the podcast we’ll be looking at some of the language points covered [...]

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Lesson 304 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Wed, Nov 10, 2010

In the fourth episode of Coffee Break French Season 3 we meet Australian entrepreneur Veronica who, like Katie and Alf, is studying French in Nice. In the free version of the podcast we’ll be looking at some of the language points covered in Veronica’s text. The basic (free) version of this episode lasts around 13 minutes [...]

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Lesson 303 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Tue, Nov 02, 2010

It’s time for our third episode of Coffee Break French Season 3 and this week we’re getting to know Alf a bit more. In the free version of the podcast we’ll be concentrating on adjective agreements and looking at some of the words and expressions used in Alf’s text. The basic (free) version of this episode [...]

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Lesson 302 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Tue, Oct 26, 2010

Our second episode of Coffee Break French Season 3 provides further details on Katie who has been writing her diary about her experience studying French in Nice. In this episode we’ll be looking at more language points which come up in Katie’s diary including direct and indirect object pronouns. The basic (free) version of this episode [...]

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Lesson 301 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Mon, Oct 18, 2010

We’re delighted to launch a new series of Coffee Break French with Season 3, Lesson 01. In this episode listeners will meet American student Katie, Australian entrepreneur Veronica, and Alf who is a retired teacher from England. Our three characters are studying French at a language school in Nice, and in each episode you’ll hear [...]

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Cof f ee Break French – Season 3 Author: Radio Lingua Network Tue, Oct 12, 2010

Oui, c’est vrai! Nous sommes de retour! Coffee Break French is returning for a third season starting next Monday, 18th October. Season 3 will consist of 40 lessons and will give you the opportunity to develop

your knowledge of the French language further, increasing your range of expression and building your confidence in a variety [...]

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Lesson 80 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Tue, May 11, 2010

We’ve arrived at the final episode in our series of Coffee Break French. In lesson 80, we reach the end of the meal in which our friends Christina, David, Sophie and Jean- Jaques have been getting to know each other. As usual we cover a range of topics and constructions in this conversation and everything is [...]

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Lesson 79 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Wed, May 05, 2010

After an enjoyable meal our two couples are about to enjoy a coffee and un petit digeo. The conversation continues between David, Christina, Sophie and Jean- Jacques in this penultimate episode of the series. Expressions covered include ça te dirait de faire quelque chose, aussitôt que, and further examples of the future and conditional tenses. Members’ Materials [...]

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Lesson 78 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sun, Apr 25, 2010

In our long- awaited 78th episode of the course, we continue our radio play featuring David and Christina who are having dinner with their new friends Sophie and Jean- Jacques. This lesson introduces the pluperfect tense and also looks at a few examples of avoir expressions, including avoir l’habitude, avoir besoin de quelque chose and avoir de [...]

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Lesson 77 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Thu, Mar 25, 2010

In lesson 77 our radio play continues and Sophie, Jean- Jacques, David and Christina are talking about what they will be doing in the coming days. We’ll therefore be taking a look at the future tense. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 76 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Wed, Mar 10, 2010

In this lesson of Coffee Break French, our radio play continues. Sometimes it’s difficult to know when to use tu and when to use vous when speaking to people in French. In this lesson, JeanJacques suggests that he and David should tutoyer each other – ie. use the tu form. This lesson includes some useful tips [...]

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Lesson 75 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Fri, Feb 19, 2010

Our radio play continues in lesson 75 as David and Christina get to know Jean- Jacques and Sophie a bit more. They talk about their children and pets, and about the food they’re going to order. The conversation includes some examples of the conditional tense, the comparative, and the use of the word en. Members’ Materials | [...]

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Lesson 74 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Thu, Feb 04, 2010

In episode 74 of Coffee Break French David and Christina decide to join Jean- Jacques and Sophie for dinner in the latest instalment of our ‘radio play’. Topics covered include a review of ‘beaucoup de’ and a very brief introduction to the subjunctive mood. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 73 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Wed, Jan 27, 2010

In episode 73 of Coffee Break French our conversation between David, Christina and Jean- Jacques continues, and they are joined by Jean- Jacques’ wife, Sophie. Topics covered include the use of ça vous dirait de + infinitive to suggest an activity. We also take a look at negatives in the form of ne … pas

and ne [...]

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Lesson 72 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Tue, Jan 19, 2010

In episode 72 of Coffee Break French we’ll hear the next instalment of the conversation between David, Christina and Jean- Jacques. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 71 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, Jan 09, 2010

One of the main things learners seem to be finding difficult is the idea of making conversation with people. It’s easy enough to order a coffee, or book into a hotel, and saying the words and phrases you’ve learned at the appropriate time is great, but sometimes it’s not enough. What happens when you ask [...]

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Spécial Réveillon – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Thu, Dec 31, 2009

Bring in the New Year with Coffee Break French as Mark explains what’s going to be happening in Paris this evening. It’s a few weeks since we reached episode 70 and we’re finalising the materials for lessons 71- 80 at the moment, but in the meantime here’s a special episode in which Mark talks about how [...]

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Happy Holidays f rom Radio Lingua Author: Radio Lingua Network Tue, Dec 08, 2009

2009 has been a fantastic year for Radio Lingua and we’d like to thank all our listeners for your support and enthusiasm over the past twelve months. To celebrate the end of 2009 and a new year of language- learning just around the corner, we’re delighted to announce our Holidays sale and give you some exciting [...]

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Lesson 70 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sun, Nov 15, 2009

In this 70th episode of Coffee Break French, Mark and Anna look at one activity which learners traditionally find difficult in a foreign language: using the telephone. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS Share

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Lesson 69 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Tue, Oct 27, 2009

This week’s Coffee Break French deals with hiring a car in a French- speaking area. Like our last episode, this lesson focuses on using the language we’ve been working on recently in a practical context. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Radio Lingua celebrat es 3 years of language- learning Author: Radio Lingua Network Sun, Oct 18, 2009

On 18th October 2006, episode one of a new language- learning podcast called Coffee Break Spanish was released to the world. This show was a bit different from the other Spanish learning shows out there: it was a gradual introduction to basic Spanish presented by teacher Mark, teaching student Kara. At this stage no- one really knew [...]

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Lesson 68 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Fri, Oct 16, 2009

Coffee Break French is back! In Lesson 68 it’s time to put the language we’ve been learning into practice and return to some transactional situations, this time equipped with a thorough understanding of how the language works. In this week’s show Mark and Anna discuss travelling by taxi in French, and use the constructions and [...]

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Lesson 67 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Wed, Sep 30, 2009

In Lesson 67 we’re building on the verbal constructions we’ve been learning over the past few weeks and introducing the phrase aprè s avoir fait quelque chose. This lesson also explains what happens when an être verb is used with this construction. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 66 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, Sep 12, 2009

In Lesson 66 we’re covering two constructions which will help to increase your range of expression: venir de faire quelque chose (to have just done something) and avant de faire quelque chose (before doing something). Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 65 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Wed, Aug 26, 2009

In Lesson 65 you’ll solve the mystery of “qui” or “que”. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 64 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sun, Aug 16, 2009

In Lesson 64 you’ll find out exactly why Prince Philip changes his wig frequently… or at least when the imperfect tense is used in French! Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 63 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, Aug 08, 2009

In Lesson 63 we take a further look at the imperfect tense, this time looking at the formation of - re and - ir verbs. We also consider some verbs with slightly different patterns and the only verb with an irregular stem in the imperfect tense: être. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 62 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network

Sat, Aug 01, 2009

In this week’s lesson we look at another tense used to talk about the past: the imperfect tense. We learn how to construct it and look at one of the situations in which the imperfect is used. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 61 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, Jul 25, 2009

Lesson 61 marks the beginning of Level 2b of Coffee Break French. In this week’s lesson we look at two tiny pronouns which can cause some confusion for French learners: y and en. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 60 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sun, Jul 19, 2009

In Lesson 60 we check whether Anna has done her homework by taking a look at her diary entry using avoir verbs, être verbs and reflexive verbs. In doing so, we review everything we have covered in Lessons 51- 59. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Radio Lingua News Podcast Author: Radio Lingua Network Fri, Jul 17, 2009

Welcome to Radio Lingua News – in this podcast we’ll be updating listeners on the latest developments from Radio Lingua. Coming up on today’s show: Learning languages 140 characters at a time with TwitterLearn Introducing our Community Managers New features for Radio Lingua premium members Announcing our Summer Sale Updates on the latest shows TwitterLearn It seems that in the past [...]

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Lesson 59 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Thu, Jul 16, 2009

This week we look at demonstrative adjectives: different ways of saying “this”, “these”, “that” and “those”. We will also have the chance to practice the perfect tense. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 58 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Mon, Jul 06, 2009

In Lesson 58 we take our knowledge of the perfect tense a stage further by looking at reflexive verbs. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 57 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, Jun 20, 2009

In Lesson 57 we look at the other verbs that take ‘être’ as their auxiliary verb in the perfect tense and we consider a way to remember them. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 56 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, Jun 13, 2009

In this week’s lesson we look at two verbs which take ‘être’ as their auxiliary verb in the perfect tense, instead of ‘avoir.’ Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 55 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Wed, Jun 03, 2009

In Lesson 55, we take a look at some verbs which have irregular past participles and are therefore irregular in the perfect tense. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS Update:

we’ve had reports of problems downloading CBF lesson 55 from our website. We’re looking into this and are awaiting a response from our hosting [...]

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Lesson 54 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, May 23, 2009

In this week’s lesson we continue looking at the perfect tense, this time using regular - re and - ir verbs. We also think about the different uses of the perfect tense. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 53 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, May 16, 2009

In Lesson 53 we introduce the perfect tense of regular - er verbs. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 52 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, May 09, 2009

In Lesson 52 we take a look at the negative form of the immediate future tense. We also look at the different ways to say “some” in French, also known as the partitive article. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 51 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, May 02, 2009

In Lesson 51, we learn how to say “going to do something” in French. This is a useful way of talking about the immediate future. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 50 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, Mar 28, 2009

In lesson 50, Mark puts Anna to the test with an identity quiz . Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 4 9 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network

Sat, Mar 21, 2009

In this week’s lesson, we look at some adjectives that come before the noun instead of after. We also learn a way to remember which adjectives come before the noun. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 4 8 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, Mar 14, 2009

In Lesson 48, we look at a different area of French grammar. We move on from verbs to adjectives and start by talking about colours and nationalities. Anna can’t be here for this lesson but she will be back with us next week as we look at adjectives in more detail. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 4 7 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, Mar 07, 2009

In this week’s lesson, Mark puts Anna and our listeners to the test on the verbs we have been looking at in the past few lessons. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 4 6 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, Feb 28, 2009

In Lesson 46, we check if Anna has done her homework from last week and take a look at the conversations she has come up with. We also look at the present tense of two irregular verbs: “avoir†and “être.†Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 4 5 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, Feb 14, 2009

In this week’s lesson, Mark and Anna talk about the verb aller, meaning “to go†and introduce the concept of irregular verbs in the context of making arrangements and forming questions. By looking more closely at the grammar behind the French, we hope you will gain a better overall understanding of the language and be [...]

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Lesson 4 4 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, Feb 07, 2009

In this week’s lesson, Mark and Anna talk about making arrangements. By looking more closely at the grammar behind the French, we hope you will gain a better overall understanding of the language and be able to put what you learn to practical use. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season

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Lesson 4 3 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, Jan 31, 2009

In this week’s episode, we take a further look at daily routine, focusing particularly on reflexive verbs. We also look at time in more detail so we can say exactly when we carry out each part of our daily routine. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 4 2 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, Jan 24, 2009

 In Lesson 42 we continue to look at ER verbs in the present tense by talking about our daily routines. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 4 1 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, Jan 17, 2009

In Lesson 41 we move on from looking at particular words and phrases to constructing the language so you can say exactly what you want to say. We start by taking a look at how to conjugate regular ER verbs in the present tense. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 4 0 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Tue, Oct 07, 2008

Lesson 40, the last episode of Unit 4, is based on another conversation we recorded on the beach in Sainte- Marie. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 39 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Thu, Oct 02, 2008

In lesson 39, we have a special dialogue for you. We’ll be listening to a conversation recorded on the beach in Sainte- Marie where Anna talked with a French family. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 38 – Cof f ee Break French

Author: Radio Lingua Network Wed, Sep 24, 2008

This week, we are continuing our series of dialogues recorded in France. Anna is not feeling too well so we take a trip to the pharmacy to get something to make her feel better. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 37 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Tue, Sep 16, 2008

In episode 37, Mark is asking the hotel receptionist for some information. Listen to the dialogue and the breakdown of the conversation in order to learn new vocabulary and constructions as well as using what you already know to work out what they are saying. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 36 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Wed, Sep 10, 2008

 In this week’s show, we are continuing our series of dialogues recorded in Pornic and SainteMarie. We have 2 conversations recorded on shopping trips in France – one with Mark and one with Anna and her friend. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 35 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Fri, Sep 05, 2008

In Lesson 35, Mark and Anna are in the Tourist Information Office in Sainte- Marie, looking for some information about the area. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 34 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Fri, Aug 22, 2008

In Lesson 34, it’s breakfast time in Ste- Marie sur Mer. Mark and Anna are joined by Anna’s friend as they order breakfast. Having learned the content from previous lessons, listeners will understand much of the material in this lesson.. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 33 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Fri, Aug 15, 2008

In Lesson 33, join Mark and Anna in France as they arrive at the hotel. Anna plays the role of Jane Johnson, a British tourist who is checking in at the hotel. In this dialogue, you’ll recognise lots of the words and phrases covered in Lessons 22 and 23. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season

Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 32 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Mon, Aug 11, 2008

Join Mark in this week’s episode as he arrives at Nantes Airport and asks for directions to get to Sainte- Marie. This gives you the chance to practice listening to French conversation and learn some new language at the same time. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 31 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Mon, Aug 04, 2008

 Lesson 31 introduces Unit 4 which will feature dialogues recorded live in France. Join Mark and Anna en route to Brittany as Anna tries to remember the words and phrases she’ll need for her visit. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 30 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Mon, Jul 21, 2008

In Lesson 30, marking the end of Unit 3, we put Anna and you, the listeners, to the test. We cover all the topics included in Lessons 21 to 29 to see how much you have learned! Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 29 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Mon, Jul 14, 2008

In this week’s episode, we continue with the theme of ‘feeling unwell’ but this time we head to the pharmacy to find a remedy for whatever is wrong. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 28 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Mon, Jul 07, 2008

In this week’s episode, we talk about different ways of saying you’re not feeling well and how to say different parts of the body are sore. If you’re lucky, you may even learn a song which will help you to remember those body parts! Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 27 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Tue, Jul 01, 2008

In Lesson 27, we continue our “transactional†theme. A very common situation while traveling is having to visit the bank so we take a look at some vocabulary and constructions which could be used in this situation to help explain your money matters! Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 26 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Tue, Jun 24, 2008

In this week’s lesson, we continue the theme of shopping but this time in a market place. You’ll learn how to ask for different types and quantities of food and how to ask the price. Finally you can listen to a typical conversation in a market place and hear the words and phrases in context. Members’ [...]

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Lesson 25 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Tue, Jun 17, 2008

 In lesson 25 we talk about Anna’s favourite pastime: shopping! We also test your knowledge of the French alphabet by spelling out the names of some shops you’d see in France. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 24 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Tue, Jun 10, 2008

In episode 24 we continue the theme of accommodation, this time looking at the campsite. Even if camping is not your thing, the constructions covered in this week’s lesson can be easily adapted. We’ll also learn how to spell in French. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 23 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Fri, May 30, 2008

In Lesson 23, you’ll learn how to make complaints about a hotel room in France – something which we hope you will never have to do! Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 22 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Fri, May 23, 2008

In Lesson 22, you’ll learn how to book into a hotel in France – something which is likely to be very useful when on holiday in France or any other French- speaking country. After learning the material in this lesson, you’ll be able to book the exact type of room you want! Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 21 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Fri, May 16, 2008

In Lesson 21, you’ll learn how to talk about the weather, using both the present and the future tense. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 20 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, Apr 26, 2008

In Lesson 20 Mark and Anna are joined by Pierre- Benoît from our forthcoming video podcast Walk, Talk and Learn French. Listeners can review the restaurant language through a dialogue. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 19 – Cof f ee Break French

Author: Radio Lingua Network Fri, Apr 18, 2008

In Lesson 19 you’ll check your knowledge of what you’ve learned in unit 2. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 18 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Tue, Apr 08, 2008

In Lesson 18 you’ll learn to deal with dietary requirements in the restaurant and complain about your food – or compliment the chef! Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 17 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Thu, Mar 13, 2008

In Lesson 17 you’ll learn useful language for visiting a restaurant. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 16 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Mon, Mar 03, 2008

In Lesson 16 you’ll learn to order snacks in a café. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 15 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Thu, Feb 21, 2008

In Lesson 15 you’ll learn to order drinks in a café. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 14 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sun, Feb 17, 2008

In Lesson 14 you’ll learn to talk about your town. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 13 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, Feb 02, 2008

In Lesson 13 you’ll learn to ask for directions to places in the town. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 12 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Fri, Jan 25, 2008

In Lesson 12 you’ll learn numbers from 11 to 1000, and you’ll also learn the days of the week, and the months and seasons of the year. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 11 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Fri, Jan 18, 2008

In Lesson 11 you’ll learn how to cope with language difficulties and to talk about the languages you speak. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 10 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sun, Dec 16, 2007

In Lesson 10 you’ll join Mark and Anna for some Festive French Fun! Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 09 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Tue, Dec 11, 2007

In Lesson 09 we’ll take the chance to go over what you’ve learned so far in Coffee Break French. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 08 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, Dec 01, 2007

 In Lesson 08 you’ll learn to talk about your likes and dislikes. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 07 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Sat, Nov 24, 2007

In Lesson 07 you’ll learn to talk about your job. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 06 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Wed, Nov 14, 2007

In Lesson 06 you’ll learn to talk more about your family and to count from 1- 10. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 05 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Thu, Nov 08, 2007

In Lesson 05 you will learn how to introduce your family. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 04 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Fri, Oct 19, 2007

In Lesson 04 you will learn how to say where you live. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 03 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Fri, Oct 12, 2007

In Lesson 03 you will learn how to say where you’re from. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 02 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Thu, Oct 04, 2007

In Lesson 02 you will learn how to greet people at different times of the day and how to say your name. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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Lesson 01 – Cof f ee Break French Author: Radio Lingua Network Wed, Sep 26, 2007

In Lesson 01 you will learn how to ask people how they’re feeling and respond to this question. Members’ Materials | Purchase Season Pass | iTunes | RSS

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