Child Labour Is The Exploitation of Children Through Any Form of Work That Deprives Children of Their Childhood [PDF]

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Level : Third Year

Farhat Abbas Secondary School Duration : 2h Stream : M /TM

First Term Exam Part One : Reading Child labour is the exploitation of children through any form of work that deprives them of some of their basic rights .It is mentally, physically, socially and morally harmful. Child labour takes away the kids’ opportunity of having a normal childhood, a proper education , physical and mental wellbeing. In some countries, it is illegal but still, it’s a far way from being completely eradicated.. Child Labour happens due to a number of reasons. While some of the reasons may be common in some countries, there are some reasons which are specific in particular areas and regions. When we look at what is causing child labour, we will be able to fight it better. Child labour happens in countries that have a lot of poverty and unemployment . When the families don’t have enough earning, they put the children of the family to work so they can have enough money to survive. Another factor is that when people do not have access to the education they will ultimately put their children to work. Furthermore, the money-saving attitude of various industries is a major cause of child labour. They hire children because they work more than adults and receive fewer wages, they prefer children. because they can be easily manipulated. Despite a steady decline in child labour , progress is far too slow.At current rates , more than 100 million children will be trapped in child labour by 2020 . The continuing persistance of child labour poses a threat to national economies and has a severe negative short and long term circumstances. Adapted from A/ Comprehension and Interpretation : (8pts) 1.Circle the letter which corresponds with the right answer : (1 pt) The text is about : a. The causes of child labour . b. Solutions to end child labour . c. The phenomenon of Child labour . 2.Are these statements true or false ? write T or F next to the letter and correct the false statements . (2pts) a. b. c. d.

Child labour takes away some of children’s rights . Causes of child labour are the same in any country . Economic profit is a main cause of child labour . The continuing persistance of child labour posed a threat to national economies .

3.In which paragraph is the possible number of employed children in the future mentioned ?(1 pt) 4.Answer the following questions according to the text (3pts) a. Is child labour an ethical practice ? b. List down two causes of child labour .

c. Why does child labour occur in countries which have a high rate of poverty and unemployment ? 5.What or who the underlined words refer to in the text ? (1pt) That (§1)

it (§1)

they (§2)

B/Text Exploration : (7pts) 1.Read the text and find words that are opposite in meaning to the following : (2pts) Beneficial (§1)

richness (§2)

employment (§2)

increase (§3)

2.Give the opposites of these words keeping the same root and by adding the appropriate prefix . (2pts) Word

Its opposite

Honest Morality Responsibility To approve 3. Rewrite sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a) . (2 pts) a. b. a. b.

Governments will pass strict laws against unethical behaviours. Strict laws ………………………………………………………………………………….. Counterfeit products are imitated to perfection ; consequentely , everyone buys them . Counterfeit Products …………………………………………………………………………………………….

4. Fill in the gaps using words from the list . (1 pt) Goods – taxes – wages – salaries – profitable – ethics . The government collects money from citizens through ……(1)…… . Income tax is the tax collected on ….(2)…… and …..(3) …. . Inheritance tax is collected on what people inherit from others . Customers’ or exice duties have to be paid on …..(4) …. Imported from countries . Part Two : Written Expression ( 5pts) Choose one of the following topics . Topic one : Child labour is a dangerous phenomenon that deprives children of their basic rights . As a member of the A ssociation of Children’s Rights , write a composition to sensitise corrupt businessmen about the possible bad consequences of child labour using the following notes :   

Child labour : unethical and illegal practice. Children miss out school . Child labour causes long term health problems .

Topic two :In your city , statistics show that most consumers are unaware of the negative effects of the fake goods they buy .As a member of a consumers’ association . Write a newspaper article of about 10 to 12 lines in which you sensitise your fellow citizens about the dangers of counterfeit products ( medecines , car parts , makeup etc) .