Child Labor Worksheet 3rd Scientific ST [PDF]

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Reading and Writing “Child labor” Before reading Task one: you have two seconds to look at the pictures and decide which title from the list below describes each one of them a- Emotional abuse b- Child neglect c- Child care d- Child protection e- Child work f- Physical abuse

 Print the pictures to stick them at the white board or turn around the class to show them for your learners. Task two: from the list of titles above, which one is closest in meaning to the following definitions

a- A term that is often defined as job which deprives children of their childhood, their potential and dignity and that is harmful to physical and mental development =…………………….. b- a form of abuse or an egregious behavior of caregivers like parents that results in depriving a child of their basic needs as health care, clothing and housing. =………………………. c- A way to control another person by using feelings to criticize, embarrass, shame, blame, or otherwise manipulate another person = …………………….. - Guess what is the topic of the reading text? ( they will give it to you in arabic) …………………………………………….

While reading  Read the text below and do the tasks

Not all children in are lucky to enjoy their childhood. Many of them are forced to work under inhuman conditions. Though there are laws banning child labor; still children continue to be exploited as cheap labor. It is because the authorities are unable to implement the laws meant to protect children from being engaged as laborers. Child labor results in an early dropping out from school and misery in their phase of innocence. It implies lost or deprived childhood that leads to exploitation of children in various forms: mental, physical, social, sexual and lead to delinquency later. Unfortunately, the actual number of child laborers in India goes un-detected. Children under 14 years old are forced to workingg dangerously polluted factories. They work for 9 to 10 hours at a stretch including night shifts. No wonder that a large number of child workers have sunken chests and thin bone frames which give them a fragile look. They are made to work in small rooms under inhuman conditions which include unhygienic surroundings. Most of these children come from extremely poor households. They are either school drop-outs or those who have not seen any school at all.  Government authorities and civil society organizations need to work in tandem to free children

engaged in labor under abysmal conditions. They need to be rescued from exploitative working conditions and supported with adequate education. Above all, there is a need to mobilize public opinion with an aim to bring about an effective policy initiative to abolish child labor in all its forms and punish companies who use them as laborers. Taken from http://celebrating

 Task01: Read the text choose the correct answer *The text is a: a-Newspaper article

b-Web article

*The text is about:

c-Book extract

a-Children educational problems b-The causes of child labor c- Child labor a worldwide social crime. *Which group of children is targeted the most by child labor: a- 14 years old b-Under 14 years c- 10 years old  Task02: Reorder the following ideas according to their appearance in the text The government need to intervene to ban child labor The consequences of child labor on children The status of children in India The conditions under which children work

 Task03: Read the text carefully then answer the following questions 1-What are the consequences of child labor stated in the text? ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2-Are all children in India enjoying their childhood. Why? …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3-What measures should be taken by the government to fight or ban child labor? ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………  Task04: Match the words with their definitions in the table below. Words Definitions -Illegal To abandon going to college or school -To deprive Engagement in disobedience and social crimes -Delinquency Something forbidden or not allowed by the law -Drop out Prevent someone from having or using something

After Reading:

Tip Box

Writers use words such as articles (a, an, the), possessive adjectives (my, your..etc.) demonstrative adjectives (this book, those books), pronouns, synonyms, and antonyms to refer back to things already mentioned or to refer forward to things that will be mentioned. These words are called reference words. They help writers avoid repetition and create lexical and grammatical cohesion between both sentences and paragraphs. It is important to pay attention to these reference words because they help us better understand texts.  Task 1: Link the words in bold type in the text with the items they refer to.

…………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………  Task 2: Reorder the following statements to get a coherent paragraph.Pay attention to the reference words. a- It places children in harsh working conditions that create a number of problems b-and will be doomed to have no possibility to grow in his or her professional and social life c-Additionally, a child who works will not be able to have a normal education d-such as premature ageing, malnutrition, depression, and drug dependency. e- Child labor refers to any work or activity that deprives children of their childhood.