Chi Cards [PDF]

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Instruction Card After studying and working with the Universal Tao books I discovered a different way of approaching life. I was fascinated and intrigued by the books’ contents which led me to Universal Tao Workshops and finally meeting Master Mantak Chia. After meeting with Master Mantak Chia I began my internal practice in the Universal Tao System. Over the years I have discovered many techniques which have helped me in my practices and I am ready to share them with you. First I discovered the Universal Tao System consists of many formulas which have been handed down through the centuries in an instructor/student relationship. The ability of students to master these formulas gives them the opportunity to experience their own self-realization or enlightenment. Like my fellow students I stumbled for years with these formulas and through my perseverance came to develop with Master Chia, formula cards (Chi Cards) to assist me in my practice. Instead of fumbling through the book, as I once did, you can now simply have a Chi Card available to help you complete the formula and proceed much more smoothly in your practice. In the Universal Tao System we are working with internal and external energy. The word in the Tao for energy is “Chi”, thus the Chi Cards are energy formula cards. Through the Chi Cards you will become aware of your own energy and the energy around you. After discovering your own energy you can use the Chi Cards to help purify, transform, regenerate and transcend your energy, and further discover its relationship to the energy surrounding you.

On the first level of the Universal Tao System the Chi Cards consist of thirty (30) formulas based on and corresponding to ten (10) Universal Tao books: Awaken Healing Light,Transform Stress, Chi-Self Massage, Iron Shirt Chi Kung I,Taoist Secrets of Love, and Healing Love. There are 20 cards in a packet available through the Universal Tao for $9.95 per set. The Chi Cards are the size of playing cards which are easy to read and can be easily carried anywhere you go. So you can practice anywhere, just bring your Chi Cards. The front side of the card is the actual formula written down step by step corresponding with the page numbers of each individual book. On the reverse side there are visual color illustrations of the formulas so you can follow them visually. Now available: Level II (30) Level III (50), Level IV (30) Formulas from the Universal Tao Books: Bone Marrow Nei Kung, Fusion I,Tai Chi I, Fusion II, Cosmic Chi Kung, Chi Nei Tsang I; Tao Yin, Simple Chi Kung, Cosmic Cleansing, Iron Shirt Chi Kung II, Fusion III. This is a very unique and practical way of approaching and working with your practice not only for beginners, but also is an effective teaching aid for certified instructors and practitioners. The Chi Cards will simplify your understanding and practice of the formulas which allows you to focus on your own essence. In the future the Chi Cards will be available in all levels taught by Instructors and Practitioners. You will be able to start with Cosmic Inner Smile Chi Card and carry through to the Greatest Kan & Li Chi Cards. The Professor Master of Nothingness

The Myth that takes the Mystery out of Mysticism

Cosmic Inner Smile

Transform Stress into Vitality

Front Line - Functional Channel (Pg 43) 1. Be aware of smiling Cosmic Energy in front of you: Breathe it into your Eyes.Smile down to Nose, Cheeks & lift up corners of Mouth (Tongue to Palate). 2. Smile in Neck, Throat, Thyroid, Parathyroid & Thymus. 3. Smile in Heart feeling joy & love spread out to the Lung, Liver, Spleen, Pancreas, Kidneys & Genitals.

Middle Line - Digestive Track (Pg 49) 1. Bring smiling Energy into Eyes; then Down to Mouth Swallow Saliva smiling down Stomach, Small Intestine (Duodenum, Jejunum & Ileum), Large Intestine (Ascending-Transverse-Descending), Rectum & Anus.

Back Line - Governor Channel (Pg 51) 1. Smile - Look up into Mideyebrow to Pituitary Gland(3") Breathe in Bright Golden Light shining through Brain. 2. Smile (Spiral) into Thalamus, Pineal Gland (Crystal Room), Left & Right Brain to Crown & Base of Skull. 3. Smile down to each Vertebrae: 7 Cervicals (Neck), 12 Thoracics (Chest), 5 Lumbar (Lower Back), & Sacrum.

All 3 Lines - Entire Body (Pg 55) 1. Smile down Front, Middle & Back Lines; then do all simultaneously feeling like a Cooling Waterfall or Glowing Sunshine of Cosmic Energy, Smiles, Joy & Love.

Collect Energy in Navel (Pg 56) 1. Smile in Navel (1") - Spiral with Mind or Hands outwardly 36x (Diaphragm to Pubic Bone) reverse 24x back to Navel (Male spiral Clockwise to Counter/Clockwise, Female reverse) storing Energy safely in Navel. CC 1 (1)

Front Line

Middle Line

Back Line

© Wu Chi Trust

CC 1 (1)

Sexual Palace -Warm Ups 1.Women: Rub & warm Hands - Cover & press Breasts & massage outwardly down & inwardly up (18x). RestGather Sexual Energy at Heart (3 sets) then Reverse. 2.Massage/Shake Kidneys (18x) Rest - Warm Kidneys. 3.Outwardly massage Ovaries, Liver & Spleen areas. From below Circle in & up to top - Back out & down(36x). 4.Cover Sexual Center-Use Mind Power to connect with Iris Muscle & Anus (Contract) - Feel Genitals expand. 1.Men: Warm Palms-Massage Kidneys(18x) Rest;3 sets. 2.Warm Hands-Massage Testicles (18x) - Rest; Do 3 sets. 3.Hold Testicles with Left Palm. Right Palm massage Abdomen to Navel clockwise (36-81x) Rest - Reverse. 4.Gather Chi Ball in Navel & Door of Life - Condense them. Draw Lower Tan Tien into 1 Chi Ball. Cover Sexual Area Use Mind Power to connect with Iris Muscle & Sexual Gate/Anus (Contract)-Expand area- Exhale into Tan Tien.

Wisdom Chi Kung 1.Smile down, empty Mind filling Abdomen Brain with Chi. 2.Activate Tan Tien Fire & Kidney Fire retaining 95% Awareness at Tan Tien-Use & draw in Cosmic Energy not yours. 3.Activate Heart Fire (Imperial Fire) creating Softness & Joy. 4.Smile down to Kidneys- Blue Chi raises filling Left & Right Back of Brain, then Sexual Organs (Center of Brain). 5.Smile down fill Brain from Liver (Right Brain-Green), Heart (Front Center Brain-Red), Spleen (Left Brain-Yellow), Lungs (Right & Left Front Brain-White) growing Brain. 6. With Brain filled with Rainbow Chi connect with Star above. 7.Smile and completely empty Brain to Stars & Galaxies. 8.Open yourself with Good Intentions to Universal Energies, then Energy will return to you multiplied to fill the Brain with Wisdom. Empty Brain again to Universe filling the Brain again with Universal Life Force and Wisdom. CC 1 (2)

Breast Massage © Wu Chi Trust

Wisdom Chi Kung

CC 1 (2)

Opening 6 Directions-3 Fires-3 Tan Tiens 1. Smile down Shoulders & Palms into Ground - Lift Index Fingers up to Empty Space Below the Earth-Draw it up. 2. Move Arms/Palms in front of Lower Tan Tien connecting to Tan Tien Fire. Smile to fire burning - Feel warmth spread. 3. Move Hands to Ming Men(Kidney Fire) burning up to brain. 4. Turn Palms out - Smile to Empty Space Behind drawing Energy back into Kidney Fire & Govenor Channel. 5. Lift Palms up under Armpits - Extend Fingers into Chest to Heart Fire. Palms in front - Hook fingers to open Mideye. 6. Turn Palms out - Smile to Empty Space in Front - Move Arms forward - Draw back to Functional Channel. 7. Move Palms out to sides sending Smiling Energy to Left & Right Horizons. Move Arms in & out drawing Energy in. 8. Lift Palms up above Crown-Turn Body left to right (3x) & reverse gathering Energy Above - Draw Legs together-Draw Fingers to Crown Point connecting with Perineum. 9. Move Fingers to Mideye - Connect Jade Pillow, to Ears, to Skull Base & back opening Upper Tan Tien (Crown). 10.Move Fingers down Nose to Upper Lip - Draw Tongue to Palate. Press Tongue - Fingers to Throat - Connect with C-7 to Middle Tan Tien (Heart ) to Wing Pt. (Reverse). 11.Open Palms to Solar Plexus connecting with T-11 forming Mini-Sun with Sun radiating Sunlight into Organs. 12.Move Fingers to Navel connecting with Ming Men, to sides, to Ming Men & back opening Lower Tan Tien (Navel). 13.Move Fingers to Thigh Bones penetrating to Feet - Squat down upright. Rest Hands on Feet - Straighten Legs (3x). 14.Stand up- Fingers to Sacrum to Sexual Palace-Push Hips out-Open Microcosmic: Ming Men to Navel; T-11 to Solar Plexus; Hands over Head to T-5/Heart; C7 /Throat; Jade Pillow/Mideye; Crown/Perineum (Governor Channel). 15.Open Legs- Palms at sides- Feel Buoyant & at Center of the Universe. Legs together & Collect Energy at Navel.

CC 1 (3)

© Wu Chi Trust

CC 1 (3)


Healing Light Meditation Opening the Cosmic Orbit (Awaken Healing Light) (Pg 169-251; 440-447)

Sit comfortable on Sitting Bones, Back straight, Chin in, Feet(9 Pts)on Floor, Shoulders relaxed,round Scapulas, Right Hand over Left covering Genital area & Smile down. 1. Feel pulsing & breathing with Mideye & Navel. 2. Inhale-Spiral energy into Mideye then add Pts-Exhale. 3. Inhale - Spiral into Navel, Sexual Palace, Perineum & Toes-Draw in Gentle Cool Blue Earth Force- Exhale. 4. Inhale (Small Sips) start again & add Spiral into Sacrum (Tilt), Door of Life, T-11, C7, Jade Pillow like a pump. 5. Exhale - Inhale (Small Sips) start again & add spiral Energy feeling Warm Violet Light of North Star & Red Light of Big Dipper directed into Crown (Pineal Gland). 6. Bring energy down Forehead - Inhale at Mideye again (Cosmic-Golden Light) -Palate to Tongue (Swallow Salva) to Throat (Thyroid & Parathyroid Glands). 7. Exhale down into Heart (Thymus Gland), Solar Plexus, then Navel (Lymphatic System & Spleen) & spiral into Navel - Feel expansion & guide Energy through Cosmic Orbit(3x) to Feet- Breathing in- Breathing out. 8. Inhale-Draw up Blue Gentle Earth Force behind Legs, Perineum, Spine to Crown - Exhale down- Feel Violet Red Light Universal Force Energy flow down to Mideye drawing down Golden Cosmic Light. 9.Exhale down Throat Center, Heart Center, Solar Plexus, Navel, Sexual Palace and Perineium. 10.Breath in up Governor Channel - Breathe out down Functional Channel - Feel energy move by itself in the Mircrocosmic Orbit - Breathing in - Breathing out. 11.Collect Energy at Navel - Do Chi Self Massage. CC 1 (4)

Collect Energy at Navel

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Cosmic Orbit

CC 1 (4)

© Wu Chi Trust

Chi Self Massage Eyes (Pg 65), Nose (Pg 72), Sacrum (Pt:Point) 1. Rub Hands & contract Anus - Place Palms on Eyes. 2. Inhale: Contract Genitals, Buttocks, Middle, Left & Right Anus. Send Energy through Eyes, Feet & Hands. 3. Finger Tips on Eyes rub Clockwise/Counter (9x). 4. Pull out Eyelids - Clench Fist & rub Eye Sockets (9x). 5. Focus on a Finger 8" from Eyes until Eyes tear. 6. Rotate palmed Eyes clockwise/counter (9x). 7. Inhale: Contract Perineum - Pull Eyeballs back (9x). 8. Inhale: Contract Middle Anus & Middle of Eyeballs. 9. Inhale: Contract Front Anus & Top of Eyeballs. 10.Inhale: Contract Back Anus & Bottom of Eyeballs. 11.Inhale: Contract Right Anus & Right of Eyeballs (9x). 12.Inhale: Contract Left Anus & Left of Eyeballs - Exhale. 13.Stick Fingers in Nostrils - Move Left, Right, Up, Down. 14.Pinch & Rub Nose Bridge - Inhale & Press (9x). 15.Massage Sides of Nose - Rub below Nose (9x). 16.Place Right Fingers on Sexual Palace - Left Fingers on Sacrum. Rotate Sacrum & Coccyx Left/Right(3x). 17.Lift up & down Sacrum/Coccyx (Top/Bottom)(3x). CC 1 (5)


Nose © Wu Chi Trust

CC 1 (5)

Chi Self Massage Ears, Mouth, Face (Pgs 54-89) Bladder 1. Rub Front & Back of Ear between Fingers (9x). 2. Rub Ear Shells with Fingers - Pull down Lobes (9x). 3. Fingers in Ears- Inhale(Close Anus) Exhale- Pop (9x). 4. Pinch Nostrils - Blow - Swallow Air - Release (3x). 5. Flick Index Fingers hitting Ear Drum (9x). 6. Open Mouth - Tap Skin with Finger Tips around Gums. 7. Massage Gums with Tongue - Swallow Saliva (9x). 8. Thrust Tongue out, down & up-Pull Tongue in curling Press hard to Palate (Contract Anus & Esophagus). 9. TapTeeth - Inhale & pull up Anus - Swallow Saliva. 10.Thumbs spread - Wipe Neck from Chin down (9x). 11. Tap and Raise Shoulders up & exhale down (9x). 12. Knuckle Tap and Rub Scalp and Temples (9x). 13. Whole Face wipe side to side - up & down (9x). 14.Bladder Chi Kung: Sit or Stand on Toes - Urinate a) Stop- Inhale - Pull up on Perineum - Clench TeethPress down on Bladder. Exhale - Release Urine squeeze Prostate (3x). b) Urinate half way-Build up pressure- Release (3x). CC 1 (6)



Throat Scalp © Wu Chi Trust

CC 1 (6)

Chi Self Massage Chest, Back, Feet, Spine (Pgs 96, 98, 102, 106) 1. Open Heart then open Eyes - Warm Navel (Men) Right Palm over Navel, Left Palm over it (Women - Reverse). 2. Foot Massage: Toe & Heel stretch inward toward stomach.(Men)Right Foot then Left (Women-Reverse). 3. Tendon Stretch: Stretch Fingers to Toes - Bellow Breath (9x). Final exhale Tongue out to Chin (9x). 4. Thymus Knuckle Tap & Heart light Palm Slap (9x). 5. Lung & Liver light Palm Slapping and Rub (9x). 6. Stomach, Spleen & Pancreas crossways Rub (9x). 7. Abdominal & Intestines circle rub clockwise (9x). 8. Kidney backside Fist Hitting & Warm Palming (9x). 9. Sacrum backside Wrist/Fist Hitting - Both sides (9x). 10. Knee Cap moving massage - Behind Knee slap (9x). 11. Foot Kidney Pt. Massage - Spread Toes - Rub Feet. 12. Palm & Finger Massage & pull related to Organs. 13. Spinal Cord Breathing: Move Fists in front of Chest; Inhale - Draw back Elbows, tilt Head back, Chin in; Exhale - Bring Elbows, Chin & Head into Chest. 14.Turtle: Sink Chin down,out & up - Crane: Reverse (9x). 15. Elephant: Drop Arms - Inhale - Swing Arms up touching Fingers at Eye level - Exhale swinging Arms downBack & Forward with Body rocking with Feet (50-100x). CC 1 (7)




CC 1 (7)

© Wu Chi Trust

For Books or Instructor in your area contact UTC Website


Six Healing Sounds Transform Stress into Vitality Sitting: Sink Chest, Palms up on Thighs, Eyes Open.

Lung Exercise - 1st Healing Sound (Pg 81) A.Metal, Autumn, Dryness, White, Pungent, Smell, Nose, Skin, Colon, Sadness, Grief, Courage, Justice. B.Breathe in slowly & deeply being aware of the Lungs. Raise Arms up to Eye level rotate Palms & raise them above Head. Blow out very slowly dark murky color, excess heat, sick Energy, Sadness, Sorrow, Grief, Depression and the Sound Ssssssssssss. C.Breathe in Pure White Light & then transform it to Courage Quality. Float Palms down to Lungs then to Lap(Palms up),close Eyes smiling to Lungs-Experience Courage & Justice feeling grow within you (3-6x).

Kidney Exercise - 2nd Healing Sound (Pg 86) A.Water, Winter, Cool, Blue, Salty, Hearing, Ears, Bones, Bladder, Fear, Shock, Chilling, Stillness, Gentleness. B.Breathe in slowly & deeply being aware of Kidneys Bend forward clasp Hands, close Legs & hook Hands around Knees - Pull back to Kidneys; Look up. Breathe out very slowly dark murky color, wet sick Energy, Fear, Shock & the Sound Chooooooooo. C.Breathe in Bright Blue Energy & then transform it to Gentleness Quality. Sitting up - Open Legs - Palms to Kidneys. Close Eyes smiling to Kidneys-Palms to LapExperience Gentleness & Stillness growing (3-6x). CC 1 (8)

Lung Exercise

Lung Sound Sssssss

Kidney Sound Chooooo

Kidney Exercise

CC 1 (8)

© Wu Chi Trust

Six Healing Sounds Transform Stress into Vitality Liver Exercise - 3rd Healing Sound (Pg 90) A.Wood, Spring, Moist, Green, Sour, Sight, Eyes, Gall Bladder, Anger, Aggression, Kindness, Forgiveness. B.Breathe in slowly & deeply being aware of the Liver. Swing Arms out overhead - Clasp Hands - Push Palm Heels right - Bend slightly left. Look up. Breathe out very slowly dark murky color, excess heat, Anger, Aggression and the Sound Shhhhhhhhhhh. C.Breathe in Bright Green Energy & then transform it to Kindness Quality. Unclasp Hands-Palms cover LiverThen to Lap - Palms up - Close Eyes smiling down to Liver. Experience Kindness growing within you(3-6x).

Heart Exercise - 4th Healing Sound (Pg 94) A.Fire, Summer, Warm, Red, Bitter, Speech, Tongue, Small Intestine, Cruelty, Hatred, Joy, Honor, Respect, Love. B. Breathe in slowly & deeply being aware of the Heart. Swing Arms out overhead - Clasp Hands - Push Palm Heels left - Bend slightly right. Look up. Breathe out very slowly dark murky color, excess heat, Cruelty, Hatred & the Sound Hawwwwwwww. C.Breathe in Bright Red Energy & then transform it to Joy, Love & Respect Qualities. Unlock hands - Palms cover Heart - Then to Lap - Palms up - Close Eyes smiling to Heart and feel the Joy, Love, Happiness, Patience and Respect feeling grow within you (3-6x). CC 1 (9)

Liver Exercise

Heart Sound Hawwwww

Liver Sound Shhhhhh

CC 1 (9)

© Wu Chi Trust

Six Healing Sounds Transform Stress into Vitality Spleen Exercise - 5th Healing Sound (Pg 97) A.Earth, Indian Summer, Mild, Yellow, Sweet, Taste, Mouth, Pancreas, Stomach, Worry, Balance, Openess. B.Breathe in slowly & deeply being aware of the Spleen. Swing Arms around - Place Fingers below and left of Sternum press in, push out Middle Back. Breathe Out very slowly dark murky color, excess heat, dampness, Worry, Anxiety & the Sound Whoooooooo. C.Breathe in Bright Yellow Light & then transform it to Fairness, Balance & Openess Qualities. Sit up -Palms cover Spleen, then to Lap - Close Eyes smiling down to Spleen and experience Fairness, Openess & Centerness feeling grow within your body (3-6x).

Triple Warmer Exercise-6th Healing Sound(Pg101) A.Upper Level - Brain, Neck, Thymus, Heart, Lungs (Hot). Middle Level - Liver, Stomach, Spleen (Warm). Lower Level - Intestines, Kidneys, Genitals (Cool). B.Lie on Back- Close Eyes - Palms move down Sides: Breathe in: Upper, Middle, Lower - Expand & hold. Breathe out: Upper, Middle, Lower with the Sound Heeeeeeeee. Empty and hold then breathe normally. C.Smile - Rest - Feel Light, Bright and Empty (3-6x). CC1 (10)

Spleen Sound Whooooo

Triple Warmer Sound Heeeee

CC 1 (10)

© Wu Chi Trust

For Books or Instructor in your area contact UTC Website

Spleen Exercise

Triple Warmer Exercise

Iron Shirt Chi Kung I Embracing the Tree - Rooting (Pg 87-140) (9x Clockwise & 9x Counterclockwise = 9x-9x) Stand (Shoulder Width) Feet (9 Pts) parallel, tilt Sacrum, open Kua, round Scapulae, sink Chest, Chin in, Arms circling a Tree-Thumbs up, Pinkies down, Fingers pointed together. Breathe through Mideye focusing Eyes to Palms. 1. Lower Abdominal Breathing - Softly - Slowly (9-18x). 2. Exhale - Flatten Stomach and lower Diaphragm. 3. Inhale - Tighten Perineum & Anus: Pull up (Small Sips) Front, Middle, Back, Left & Right Anus then GenitalsPack Right & Left Kidneys - Spiral into Navel (9x-9x). 4. Inhale into Upper, Middle and Lower Abdomen & Perineum expanding and forming Chi Ball - Hold. 5. Exhale throught legs - Feet (6") in Ground (Earth Force). 6. Inhale: Tighten Perineum, press into the ground, claw Toes - Spiral Soles of Feet - Kidney Points (9x-9x). 7. Inhale to Knees (lock Knees) and Perineum (9x-9x). 8. Exhale into Ground - Sole, Palm & Bone Breathing. 9. Inhale (Small Sips) to tilted Sacrum- Spiral (9x-9x)- Pack. 10. Inhale pressing out T-11 Pt inflating Kidneys expanding and forming Chi Belt - Spiral (9x-9x). Inhale - C-7 (Neck). 11. Inhale to expand Jade Pillow - Then clench Teeth and squeeze Skull Bones -Left/Right Brains - Spiral(9x-9x). 12. Inhale to Crown (Crystal Room) becoming aware of Violet Red Light from above - Spiral (9x-9x). 13. Exhale (Tongue up to Palate) Drawing down thru Mideye to Solar Plexus -Spiral (9x-9x)-Do Microcosmic Orbit. 14. Bone Breathing absorb Golden Cosmic Energy (510min). Feel like a feather letting Chi flow rocking slightly. 15. Palms above Head-Gather Energy- Palms to NavelFeet together - Collect Energy at Navel - Shake out. CC 1 (11)

Iron Shirt 1st Posture - Embracing the Tree

CC 1 (11)

© Wu Chi Trust

Iron Shirt Chi Kung I Holding the Golden Urn (Pg 177-186) 1. Yang Position: Embracing Tree Stance, drop Elbows, Armpits open, turn Hands outward, spread Fingers, flat surface for back of Hands, relax Shoulders. 2. Energize Breathe (9-18x) Exhale - Flatten Stomach, Inhale & pull up Left & Right Anus packing Kidneys. 3. Inhale and pack lower Abdomen - Contract Anus: Draw up Energy from Soles of the Feet to Sacrum. 4. Inhale and pack Genitals & titled Sacrum. 5. Inhale and pack pushing out T-11 inflating Chi Belt. 6. Inhale (Contract Anus area and lifting Genitals), Pack into Kidneys and C-7. 7. Inhale (Tighting Neck & squeezing Cranial Bones) to Crown - Clench Teeth - Press Tongue to Palate Inhale - Tilt Neck back - Chin in. 8. Yin Position: Exhale turning Hands over; Palms up Rotating outwards so Thumbs pull back out towards Ears, spread Fingers, sink Elbows out from Chest. 9. Breathe in Heavenly Father Guilding Energy concentrating on Solar Plexus - Microcosmic Orbit (9x). 10. Bone Breathing - Feel Universal Energy move the Body and feel the Body become lighter and lighter. 11. Palms above Head - Gather Energy- Palms to NavelFeet together - Collect Energy at Navel - Shake out. CC 1 (12)

Yang Position

Yin Position

CC 1 (12)

© Wu Chi Trust

Iron Shirt Chi Kung I Golden Turtle Immersing in Water (Yang)(Pg 187) Buffalo Emerging from the Water (Yin)(Pg 194) 1. Wider Standard Stance - Energizer Breath (9-18x). 2. Inhale - Pack Anus/Kidneys - Fold Fists & Forearms against Upper Arms to Chest-Round Back-Sink Chest. 3. Exhale - Drop Buttocks - Bend forward dropping Head with Back straight horizontal to floor. 4. Keep Forearms folded onto Upper Arms - Open Armpits - Elbows touching Knees - Flatten Back. 5. Yang Position: Lock Sacrum aligned to Spine - Open Knees - Sink Body into Hips, Knees, Feet & Ground (Tuck in Chin). Lock Neck - Touch Elbows to Knees. 6. Inhale and pack Navel, Middle & Lower Abdomen. 7. Inhale and pack Perineum - Tighten Genitals. 8. Inhale and pack tilted Sacrum (Pull up Genitals). 9. Inhale and pack tilted T-11, Kidneys, Adrenals. 10. Inhale & pack C-7, inflate Neck & Head, clench Teeth. 11. Inhale and pack Crown and entire Back - Hold. 12. Exhale relaxing total Body. Bone Breathing - Absorb Earthly, Mother Grounding Energy. Body becomes like a feather feeling Chi energy move & pull you up. 13. Yin Position: Head looking up, lower Buttock, curve Back, open Groin; Arms & Hands extended to Ground. 14. Abdominal Breathing focusing on Genitals (9-18x). 15. Close Eyes - Drop Head slowly stand up - Raise Palms above Head - Gather Energy - Palms to Navel - Feet together - Collect Energy at Navel - Shake out. CC 1 (13)

Iron Shirt 3rd Posture

Golden Turtle Yang Position

Buffalo Yin Position

CC 1 (13)

© Wu Chi Trust

Iron Shirt Chi Kung I Golden Phoenix Washes its Feathers (Pg 198) 1. Iron Shirt Stance: Arms down, Belly Breath (9-18x). 2. Sweep Arms out to sides - Turn Arms over - Palms face up - Fingers towards Ribs - Pull up Perineum & Anus. 3. Inhale (3x) - Hands to Armpits pulling up - Pack Genitals & Kidneys to Liver & Spleen to Lungs & Heart. 4. Exhale: Push Palms out (Shoulder level)-Contract Anus, make Lung Sound (sssss) releasing Organ Pressure. 5. Inhale (3x) Sacrum to T-11, to C-7, to Crown Hands form Beaks drawing Hands to Head with each Breath. 6. Exhale: Open Beaks, press open Hands down to Hips spreading Fingers making Kidney Sound (choooooo). 7. Exhale again-Rotate Hands out - Flex Finger Tendons out-Spread Toes-Thrusting Tongue to Chin-Pull up Genitals. Eyes focused at Nose, turn Big Toes/Heels inward. 8. Repeat this twice replacing Lung Sound with Liver Sound (shhhh) & Spleen Sound (whoo)-replacing Kidney Sound with Heart Sound (haww) & Triple Warmer(heee). 9. Relax. Collect Energy at Navel. Do Bone Breathing.

Iron Bridge (Pg 208-215) 1. Stand - Hands at Sides - Thumbs & Index Fingers touching forming circles behind Back near Kidneys. 2. Yin Position: Belly Breathe - Inhale into Kidneys (2x), Chin in - Arch backwards - Legs straight - Open Chest. 3. Yang Position: Exhale-Lower Head-Bend forward from Shoulders & Chest-Round Back-Dangle Hands in front. 4. Come up slowly-Collect Energy-Do Bone Breathing.

Iron Bar (Pg 216-219) 1. Put Feet & Calves on Chair-Shoulders on another Chair. 2. Straighten Back - Tighten Buttock - Hold - Slowly lower Buttock down. Stand & Collect Energy at Navel. CC 1 (14)

Golden Phoenix

Forming Beaks

Iron Bridge Yin Position


CC 1 (14)

© Wu Chi Trust

Taoist Secrets of Love Cultivating Male Sexual Energy (Little Bliss)

Testicle Breathing (Use Less Muscle and More Mind Power) (Pg 72) 1. Sitting: Scrotum hanging free - Tongue to Palate - Palms on Knees - Chin tucked in; Head held high - Close Eyes - Smile down - Do Microcosmic Orbit (3x). 2. Stand - Hands at sides - Feet Shoulder width. 3. Lying - (Right side) pillow raising Head - Right Fingers in front of Right Ear-Right Thumb sits behind Right Ear, Left Hand on Left Thigh,Right Leg straight,Left Leg bent. 4. Be aware of Testicles - Spiral to feel Sexual Energy Inhale slowly thru Nose & pull Testicles up - Hold Exhale slowly, lower Testicles (Feel cool energy in Scrotum) - Inhale up to Sperm Palace - (9 Counts each time) up to Scrotum, Perineum, Sacrum, Kidneys, T-11, Point Opposite Heart, C7, Jade Pillow & Crown. Exhale-Spiral into Brain(36x)-Feel blissfullness.

Scrotal Compression (Use Less Muscle and More Mind Power)(Pg 80) 1. Testicle Breathing - Sit - Inhale through the Nose. 2. Swallow Air (Imaginary Energy Ball) pushing down to Solar Plexus, Navel, Lower Abdomen and Scrotum. 3. Forcefully compress Air into Scrotum- Swallow Air again (30-60 sec) & squeeze Anal & Perineum Muscle then Exhale. Swallow Saliva & relax Tongue to Palate. 4. Rest & Repeat (Bellows Breathing) (9x). 5. Collect Energy at Navel - Do Bone Breathing. CC 1 (15)

Testicle Breathing

Scrotal Compression

CC 1 (15)

© Wu Chi Trust

Taoist Secrets of Love Power Lock - Orgasmic Big Draw (Pg 86) 1. Sitting or Standing - Stimulate Jade Staff (Penis) to 90% of Orgasmic Erection or use Mind to arouse Penis by spiralling at the Gland & concentrate. 2. Inhale - Claw Feet, Clench Fists & Buttocks, Tuck in Chin, Clench Teeth, Tongue to Palate, pull in Eyes & look up to Crown (Close Eyes & use the Mind). 3. Hold - Inhale again drawing up to Genitals-Anus region & pull Energy to Perineum by lightly squeezing. 4. Hold to 9 count (Muscles fully flexed) which means lightly contract - Exhale release all Muscles in Body. Be aware of Orgasm rising up - Do Microcosmic Orbit. 5. Follow same procedure then draw up to Sacrum, to T-11, C-7, Jade Pillow (C1), then up to Crown. Rest Use Mind Power to guide Orgasm feeling up to Crown. 6. Do practice draw until Erection subsides(6 Contractions) with Sexual Energy travelling from Jade Staff to Crown in 1 Pipe (Governor Channel), Station to Station. 7. Sexual Energy fills the Brain & Crown - Spiral (18-36x) Feel connection with Universe (Blissful feeling) - Bring it down to the Mideyebrow, Nose, Palate, Tongue, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus and Navel. 8. Exhale-Relax whole body. Morning (Yang) & Night (Yin) practice (3-6 cycles) - Collect Energy at Navel.

Four Levels of Power Lock Practice (Pg 84) 1. Beginners: Use all Muscles & 3 Finger Technique. 2. Intermediate: Use less Muscles & no Finger Technique. 3. Advanced: Use less Muscle in Perineum & more use of Sacral and Cranial Pumps - More Mind Control. 4. Most Advanced: Pure Mind Control used only to command the Penis & move Ching Energy up & down. CC 1 (16)

Tongue to Palate

Big Draw

Seminal Vesicle Million Dollar Point


3 Finger Technique Press at Million Dollar Point © Wu Chi Trust

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CC 1 (16)

Healing Love through the Tao Ovarian Breathing Cultivate & Manage Female Sexual Energy (Pg 87) 1. Sitting: Vaginal and Perineum unconstricted with no drafts or sit on ball against the Clitoris - Palms on Knees - Chin tucked in Head high - Tongue on Palate - Do Microcosmic Orbit (3x). 2. Stand - Hands at the sides - Feet Shoulder width. 3. Lying on Right Side: Raise Head 3" - Right Hand Fingers in front of Right Ear - Right Thumb sits behind Right Ear - Left Hand on Left Thigh - Right Leg straight - Left Leg bent. 4. Breathing - Place both Thumbs on Navel & touch Index Fingers (Ovarian Palace Point) to form a Triangle - Spread out Fingers evenly (Underneath Little Fingers are both Ovaries). 5. Rub spiraling Ovaries - Close & open Vagina (PC) Muscle. Inhale & bring Energy to Ovarian Palace - Exhale. 6. Inhale - Draw down to Vagina-Do 9 counts up to Perineum, Sacrum, Kidneys, T-11, C-7, Jade Pillow & the Crown. 7. Feel Ovary Sexual Energy fill the Brain - Spiral 36x counterclockwise - 36x clockwise feeling Bliss - Do Orbit. 8. Tongue to Palate - Flow down warm energy to Third Eye, Nose, Tongue, Throat, Heart Center (Spiral 36x counterclockwise - 24x Reverse), Solar Plexus. Collect Energy at Navel.

Ovarian & Vaginal Compression (Pg 121) 1. Ovarian Breathing (Sitting Position) Inhale thru Nose. Swallow Air (Imaginary Energy Ball) down to Solar Plexus, Navel & into Pelvis spreading out to sides of Ovaries by contracting abdominal muscles downward packing Cervix. 2. Swallow air again - Squeeze Inner/ Outer Vaginal Lips Tightly - Push into expanding Vagina (Like a Balloon) for 1 min. followed by Flush of Heat. Exhale - Swallow saliva. 3. Rotate Waist with Arms at Shoulder level. Then Repeat Formula (9x) Morning and Evening. CC 1 (17)

Ovarian Compression

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Ovarian Breathing

CC 1 (17)

© Wu Chi Trust

Healing Love through the Tao Female Orgasm Power Lock (Pg 161) 1. Ovarian Breathing Sitting Position: Rub Breasts circling inwardly and outwardly activating Organs’ & Glands’ Chi stimulating to near Orgasm. 2. Direct Sexual Energy from Nipples to Ovaries expanding Energy finally to Ovarian Palace - Smile Down. 3. Inhale thru Nose - Claw Feet, Clench Fists & Buttocks, Chin in, Clench Teeth, Tongue to Palate, Eyes Inward. 4. Inhale again & draw up Genital & Anus Region, Urogenital Diaphragm & Front Perineum - Smile Down. 5. Pull Ovarian Palace Energy down to Perineum by squeezing Vagina’s Outer & Inner Lips lightly for 9 Counts- Inhale- Contract Perineum & Anus for 9 counts. 6. Exhale - Release all Muscles - Relax - Spiral energy (36x clockwise & reverse) from Ovaries to Perineum. 7. Follow same procedure - 9 counts to Sacrum, T-11, C7, Jade Pillow & Crown - Spiral (36x) storing in Brain. 8. Feeling excess let Energy flow down to Mideye, Nose, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus. Collect Energy in Navel.

Egg Exercise (Pg 189) 1. Horse Stance - Insert Jade Egg into Vagina, large end 1st (Use lubricant) - Contract Muscles closing External Vaginal Orifice tightly-Keep Egg in Vaginal Canal. 2. Inhale - Contract Vaginal Canal Muscles in front of Cervix (Contracting 2 sections at same time). 3. Slightly Squeeze Egg (Good Grip) - Inhale - Squeeze gradually Inhale - Squeeze harder slowly moving Egg up & down increasing to faster motion - Exhale. 4. Move Egg Left & Right using Top & Bottom of Canal. 5. Tilt Egg Up & Down, Top & Bottom moving it up to touch Cervix then down to External Orifice - Release. CC 1 (18)

Egg Exercise

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Female Orgasm Draw

CC 1 (18)

© Wu Chi Trust

Healing Love through the Tao Total Body Orgasm - Dual Cultivation (Assist Partner in Opening Channels) (Pg 244) 1. Lie on Side Facing Partner: Foreplay bring Partner to Boiling Point - Contact Sexual Organs with Partner embracing for awhile connecting the Energy. 2. When Sexual Arousal is low - Practice 3 Shallows to 1 Deep Thrust, 6 Shallows to 1 Deep Thrust or 9 Shallows to 1 Deep Thrust Technique Series. 3. Guide Sexual Energy up Spinal Points (Governing Channel) with Partners Hands simultaneously. 4. Place Right Hand on Sacrum, Middle Finger touching Coccyx Tip and Palm covering Sacrum. 5. Place Left Hand on Kidney Point (Door of Life). Feel Sexual Healing Energy moving upward. 6. Inhale contracting Anus guiding Healing Sexual Energy up packing and wrapping Kidneys. 7. Repeat above steps while Left hand moves to points: T-11, Liver, Spleen, Heart, C-7, Jade Pillow & Crown (Hold 1 min at each point to feel Flow of Energy). 8. When Sexual Energy fills the Brain then draw Sexual Healing Energy Down Functional Channel. 9. Look into Partner’s Eyes (Your Souls) exchanging Healing Energy like Magnets from each Other. 10.Rub Noses and move your Tongue into Partners Mouth (Touching and Massaging) feeling flowing Cosmic Energy Mouth to Mouth - Palate to Palate Tongue to Tongue - Swallow Saliva and Chi. 11.Bring Energy to Heart. Collect Energy at Navel. CC 1 (19)

Total Body Orgasm

Dual Cultivation

Opening Channels to Crown © Wu Chi Trust

CC 1 (19)

Healing Love through the Tao Valley Orgasm (Pg 258) 1. Make Love gently (Any Position) - Use 3, 6, or 9 Shallow which stimulates Clitoris Glans (G-Spot: 2" inside Vagina Orifice) to 1 Deep Thrust Techniques which stimulate Cervix exchanging Sexual Energy. 2. Reaching Point of Orgasm pull Penis resting at G-Spot. Do gentle Orgasmic Upward draw with Mind Power. Bring Orgasm energy like moving thru a Valley to Brain exchanging Sexual Energy - Hot Male Yang Energy & Cool Female Yin Energy flooding each others Bodies. 3. Embrace & synchronize the breathing (Position yourselves comfortably - Relax - Limbs are free) unifying Partners & focusing Rhythm of their Energies. 4. Stimulate again & follow same procedure to Senses (Nose, Eyes, Ears & Tongue), Kidneys, Spleen, Liver, Lungs & Heart healing each Other. 5. Open Microcosmic Orbits directing energy around the circuit at all points forming a Figure 8 connected at each Partner’s Mouth & Genitals. 6. Exchange Orgasms by circulating Energy in and around the Entwined Bodies using meditation fusing Ching (Essential Energy), Shen (Spirit) and Chi (Vital Energy) purifying each Other. 7. Repeat procedures continuing after sessions of 81 Shallows and 9 Deep Thrusts (5x)(450 Thrusts). Completion with deep relaxation and absorbing the energy (10-20 min) - Let Sexual Energy Cool Down. 8. Rest - Retreat - Collect Energy at Navel. Resting Period-Most Important Part of all Formulas CC 1 (20)

Open Microcosmic Orbits - Figure 8

© Wu Chi Trust

CC 1 (20)

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Valley Orgasm

Instruction Card After studying and working with the Universal Tao books I discovered a different way of approaching life. I was fascinated and intrigued by the books’ contents which led me to Universal Tao Workshops and finally meeting Master Mantak Chia. After meeting with Master Mantak Chia I began my internal practice in the Universal Tao System. Over the years I have discovered many techniques which have helped me in my practices and I am ready to share them with you. First I discovered the Universal Tao System consists of many formulas which have been handed down through the centuries in an instructor/student relationship. The ability of students to master these formulas gives them the opportunity to experience their own self-realization or enlightenment. Like my fellow students I stumbled for years with these formulas and through my perseverance came to develop with Master Chia, formula cards (Chi Cards) to assist me in my practice. Instead of fumbling through the book, as I once did, you can now simply have a Chi Card available to help you complete the formula and proceed much more smoothly in your practice. In the Universal Tao System we are working with internal and external energy. The word in the Tao for energy is “Chi”, thus the Chi Cards are energy formula cards. Through the Chi Cards you will become aware of your own energy and the energy around you. After discovering your own energy you can use the Chi Cards to help purify, transform, regenerate and transcend your energy, and further discover its relationship to the energy surrounding you.

On the first level of the Universal Tao System the Chi Cards consist of thirty (30) formulas based on and corresponding to ten (10) Universal Tao books: Awaken Healing Light,Transform Stress, Chi-Self Massage, Iron Shirt Chi Kung I,Taoist Secrets of Love, and Healing Love. There are 20 cards in a packet available through the Universal Tao for $9.95 per set. The Chi Cards are the size of playing cards which are easy to read and can be easily carried anywhere you go. So you can practice anywhere, just bring your Chi Cards. The front side of the card is the actual formula written down step by step corresponding with the page numbers of each individual book. On the reverse side there are visual color illustrations of the formulas so you can follow them visually. Now available: Level II (30) Level III (50), Level IV (30) Formulas from the Universal Tao Books: Bone Marrow Nei Kung, Fusion I,Tai Chi I, Fusion II, Cosmic Chi Kung, Chi Nei Tsang I; Tao Yin, Simple Chi Kung, Cosmic Cleansing, Iron Shirt Chi Kung II, Fusion III. This is a very unique and practical way of approaching and working with your practice not only for beginners, but also is an effective teaching aid for certified instructors and practitioners. The Chi Cards will simplify your understanding and practice of the formulas which allows you to focus on your own essence. In the future the Chi Cards will be available in all levels taught by Instructors and Practitioners. You will be able to start with Cosmic Inner Smile Chi Card and carry through to the Greatest Kan & Li Chi Cards. The Professor Master of Nothingness

The Myth that takes the Mystery out of Mysticism

Bone Marrow Nei Kung Wire Rods Hitting - Arms & Legs (Standing Position - Clenched Fist) (Pg 135-154) 1. Lower Abdomen: Pack & hit (3x)- Rest & absorb Chi. 2. Ming Men: Pack and hit (3x) - Rest and absorb Chi. 3. Behind Knees: Hit (3x) - Rest - Bone Breathing. 4. Inside Elbows: Hit (3x) - Rest - Bone Breathing. 5. Middle Finger Line: Extend Left Arm above Shoulder-Palm up-Inhale - Hit whole line - Start from inside Left Elbow & continue hitting along Arm Center to inside Wrist thru Palm to Midfinger Tip. Return thru same route at front of Collar Bone-Hit back to inside Elbow. 6. Thumb Line:Same procedure-Inside Elbow to Thumb. 7. Pinky Finger (Inside Elbow): Same procedure. 8. Middle Finger (Outside Elbow): Same procedure. 9. Right Arm: Same procedure - Left Arm or Right Leg. 10. Backside Left Heel Line: Bend-Move Right Leg forward - Pack & hit Left Buttocks down to Left Heel return to Left Ming Men Point. Rest & absorb Chi. 11. Outside Small Toe Line (Counter Ankle): Do same procedure then rest and absorb Chi. 12. Inside Big Toe Line (Cover Genitals): Do same procedure then rest and absorb Chi. 13. Front Middle Toe Line: Do same procedure to Toes. 14. Right Leg:Do complete procedure same as Left Leg. CC 2 (1)

Wire Rod Hitting

© Wu Chi Trust

Heel Line - Back Side of Leg

CC 2 (1)

Bone Marrow Nei Kung Wire Rod Hitting Upper Body - Head - Feet Abdominal Lines-Diaphragm to Pubic Bone (Pg 140) 1. Center Line: Inhale Lightly Pull up Genitals, Pelvic & Urogenital Diaphragms - Spiral, pack, squeeze, clench Fist & hit compressed line - Start from Navel down to Pelvis & return same route up below Ribs and back to Navel. Exhale - Relax & absorb Chi. 2. Interior & Exterior Left Lines: Same procedure. 3. Interior & Exterior Right Lines: Same procedure. 4. Left Side: Inhale and hit down to Left Hip and back up to Armpit - Exhale - Rest and absorb Chi. 5. Right Side: Do same procedure & absorb Chi. 6. Rib Cage: Gently hit Horizontal Lines(Sternum to Rib sides) bottom to top pulling up Left Anus and side. Inhale - Pack - Hit (Reverse for Right Side). 7. Sternum & Collar Bones: Inhale & hit to Shoulders. 8. Backlines: Inhale - Round Scapulae, sink Chest, pack and hit Left Kidney gently down to Sacrum then vertically to Neck, pull Chin in, clench Teeth, press Tongue to Plate & return down to Door of Life (Do same proce dure for Right Back Side). 9. Head: Gently tap around Hairline of Head pull back Chin, clench Teeth, press Tongue to Palate & outside edge of Lower Jaw (never near Crown) rest, feel Chi. 10. Feet: Hit soles of Feet(Bubbling Spring) & Palms (36x).

Rattan Stick Hitting (Pg 156) Strengthen Nerves & Activate Lymphatic System 1. Hit Muscle Areas, Navel and Abdominal Sides (Do not hit Neck Bone, Ribs, Kneecaps,Sacrum,Spine & Joints) - Relax & absorb Chi. Use after Wire Hitting. CC 2 (2)

Abdomen © Wu Chi Trust

Back Line - Kidneys

Rattan Sticks

CC 2 (2)

Bone Marrow Nei Kung Bone Breathing (Pg 63)

1. Raise Hands - Lightly pull up Genitals & Anus - Sink Elbows, Palms down - Inhale into Index Finger, then all Finger individually then entire Hand - Feeling warm energy pass thru Finger Tips, Knuckles-Hold-Exhale - Rest Hand-(Press Finger/Toe Tips with Finger Nail). 2. Inhale through Wrist, Forearm, Ulna & Radius Bones. Hold at each section feeling Bones expand. Exhale. 3. Inhale - Expand into Scapulae, C7 - Neck Point and Head - Hold Base of Skull - Tongue to Palate, Exhale - Draw Energy down to Navel - Rest & absorb the Chi. 4. Follow same procedure with Bones of Toes, Feet, Lower Leg (Tibia & Fibula), Thigh, Sacrum. Exhale. 5. Inhale into both Hands & Feet simultaneously up to Shoulders and Scapulae through Arms - Up to Thigh and Hip Bones through Legs - Hold - Exhale - Relax. 6. Inhale in Sacrum thru Spine to T-11 simultaneously with Shoulders to C7 into Cranial Bones down Facial & Collar Bones-Spread thru Ribs to Sternum- Exhale.

Bone Compression

(Pg 77)

1. Inhale into Fingers, Wrist, Ulna & Radius Bones. Hold on each intake & spiral (CW/CC) Exhale - Relax. 2. Inhale - Pack Energy between Muscles pulling up Genitals - Squeeze Chi into Bones - Hold - Exhale. 3. Inhale- Spiral- Pack - Squeeze into Arms, Shoulders, Scapulae/Collar Bones down Spine to T-11- Exhale. 4. Follow same procedure into Feet, Legs, Hip & Sacrum. 5. Inhale-Spiral-Pack-Squeeze into T-11,Spine,Neck & Cranial Bones-Tongue to Palate-Clench teeth-Exhale 6. Inhale - Spiral - Pack each of Ribs Compress into Sternum-Sink Chest-Squeeze Chest Muscles-Exhale. 7. Advanced: Do Whole Procedure in One Breath. CC 2 (3)

Bone Breathing © Wu Chi Trust

Bone Compression

CC 2 (3)

Bone Marrow Nei Kung Male Sexual Chi Massage (Pg 103-112, 171) 1. Internal Belly Breath: Place Midfingers1.5"below Navel - Inhale into Finger Pts - Exhale - Release (81x). 2. Kidney Warmer: Stand - Warm Hands - Place on Kidneys (Lower Back)- Bend forward slightly - Inhale Pull up Left & Right Anus to Kidneys. Exhale - Deflate Kidneys - Warm Kidneys - Draw Energy up (36x). 3. Male Power Lock: Inhale into the Crown (3x). 4. Massage Genitals, Perineum & Sacrum with a Silk Cloth-Spiral 36x(CL/CC)Feel Testicles loose full of Chi. 5. Testicle Finger Massage: Hold Testicles with Right & Left Hands - Press Thumbs on Testicles - Massage them 36x(CL/CC). Roll them left, right, back & up 36x. 6. Testicle Palm Massage: Hold Testicles with Left Palm Lightly Press - Rub gently with Left Palm 36x CL/CC. Warm Hands - Do Reverse. Draw Energy up to Crown. 7. Ducts Elongation Rub: Cup & Trace ducts up & down using Thumbs/Index Fingers - Draw Energy to Crown. 8. Ducts Stretching Massage: Hold Ducts Right Thumb & rub Index Finger - Gently pull Testicle out stretching Duct-Massage Testicles-Repeat 36x. Draw Energy up. 9. Scrotum & Penis Tendons’ Stretch: Encircle Base of Penis with Thumb & Index Finger - Pull entire Groin down & pull Internal Organs up Left & Right - Hold Release drawing Energy up to Crown (36xCL/CC). 10. Penis Massage: Use Thumbs & Index Fingers to hold Penis Base. Draw Energy up - Massage Penis along Left, Right and Middle Lines from Base to Tip (36x). 11. Testicle Tapping: Inhale - Pull up - Hold Breath Clench Teeth- Contract Perineum/Anus - Lift Penis with Left Fingers lightly tap Right Testicle (9x) - ExhaleRest Draw energy up Spine (Reverse to Left Testicle). CC 2 (4)

Genital Pull © Wu Chi Trust


Testicle Tapping

CC 2 (4)

Bone Marrow Nei Kung Female Sexual Energy Massage (Pg 112,173) 1. Belly Breath: Place Middle Fingers 1.5" below Navel - Inhale into Finger Points - Exhale - Release (81x). 2. Kidney Warmer: Rub Hands until warm - Place on Kidneys (Lower Back) - Bend Body forward slightly Inhale - Pull up Left & Right Anus to Kidneys. Exhale - Deflate Kidneys - Warm Hands on Kidneys (36x). 3. Female Power Lock: Inhale into the Crown (3x). 4. Massage Perineum, Sacrum & Vaginal Muscles: Press on Groin - With Silk Cloth 3 Fingers-Spiral 36x Activate Chi - Feel Enlarged Breasts & moist Vagina. 5. Breast Massage: Seated Position pressing against Vagina. Pull up Anus drawing Chi up thru Spine - Pull up Left & Right Anus & bring up Chi to Nipples - Warm Hands - Tongue to Palate - Place 2nd joint of Midfinger on Nipples- Palm of Breast. Rub 36x both directions. 6. Gland Massage:Use Middle Fingers on Breast-Circle outward from Nipples then inward - Draw Chi from Energized Clitoris to Head- Activate Pineal, Pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Thymus, Pancreas & Adrenal accumulating Chi back to Breast (Melting Pots). 7. Organ Massage: Warm Hands-Cover circling Breasts Feel Chi from Thymus activating Lungs accumulating Chi back to Breasts then with Heart, Spleen, Kidneys & Liver to Breasts-Cover Pelvic area-Feel Chi expand into Nipples - Chi down to Ovaries - Feel pulsation of Vagina (Open & Close)-Draw Chi to Ovarian PalaceSqueeze in tensing Cervix - Hold - Relax-Absorb Chi. 8. Ovaries Massage: Place Hands on Ovaries-Massage (Silk Cloth) 36x both directions stimulating Breasts & Clitoris (Vaginal Secretions) ready for Egg Insertion. 9. Do Egg Exercise - Activate Vagina Muscles (Optional). CC 2 (5)

Gland Massage © Wu Chi Trust

Organ Massage

CC 2 (5)

Bone Marrow Nei Kung Male Chi Weight Lifting (Pg 175-183) 1. Do Male Sexual Energy Massage (Power Lock 3x). 2. Fold Cloth to 1" width - Hold beneath Perineum & bring behind Testicles (Cloth edge folded away from skin) wrap both ends upward around Penis and Testicles - Secure by tying knot at Penis Base near Pubic Bone for safety and comfort. 3. Move Knot behind Testicles beneath Perineum Cloth ends hang to Floor - Contract base Muscles tighten knot (Penis and Testicles bulge slightly). 4. Tie one Cloth end to Weight on Chair or Floor. 5. Slowly assume lift stance holding Cloth or Weight in hand - Test weight by using Fingers. 6. Inhale (Sip) - Pull up Anus, Perineum and Genitals. 7. Inhale - Pull up Anus sides - Left and Right Kidneys. 8. Press Tongue to Palate - Slowly release cloth. 9. Inhale - Pull up Right, Left, Front, Back Anus and wrap Kidneys - Contract Anus and Perineum. 10.Gently swing Weight (36-60x). Synchronize breath with each swing (Inhale forward swing - Exhale back swing) drawing the Energy up to Crown. 11.Pull up against weight internally with each forward swing draw energy up to Coccyx, Sacrum, T-11, C7, Jade Pillow, Crown (Work Weights up over weeks). 12.Complete Swinging - Remove weight kneeling near Chair or Floor - Untie Cloth from Apparatus then from Groin (Fold Cloth & clean regularly). 13.Do Male Sexual Energy Massage & Power Lock(3x). 14.Rest - While doing Microcosmic Orbit Meditation. 15.Collect Energy at Navel & do Six Healing Sounds. CC 2 (6)

Tying Weight Chi Lift

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© Wu Chi Trust

CC 2 (6)

Bone Marrow Nei Kung Female Chi Weight Lifting (Pg 179 - 183) 1. Pass string through Egg & secure with knot at Egg’s large end & tie Weight Holder to String. 2. Female Sexual Energy Massage (Power Lock 3x). 3. Kneel near weight - Insert Egg’s large end into Vagina. Close Vagina contracting Muscles around Egg (Use lubricant if necessary). 4. Slowly assume lift stance holding Cloth or weight in hand - Test weight by using Fingers. 5. Inhale (Sip) - Pull up Anus, Perineum & Genitals. 6. Inhale - Pull up Anus sides & Left & Right Kidneys. 7. Press Tongue to Palate - Slowly release Cloth. 8. Inhale - Pull up Left, Right, Front, Back Anus and wrap Kidneys - Contract Anus & Perineum. 9. Gently swing Weight (36-60x). Synchronize breath with each swing (Inhale forward swing - Exhale back swing) drawing the Energy up to Crown. 10. Pull up against Weight internally with each forward swing draw energy up to Coccyx, Sacrum, T-11, C7, Jade Pillow, Crown (Work Weights up over weeks). 11. Complete swinging - Kneel near Chair or Floor and remove Egg then Untie String from Apparatus. 12. Female Sexual Energy Massage (Power Lock 3x). 13. Rest - While doing Microcosmic Orbit Meditation. 14. Collect Energy at Navel & Do Six Healing Sounds. CC 2 (7)

Vaginal Weight Lifting


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Swinging Weights

CC 2 (7)

© Wu Chi Trust

Fusion of Five Elements I Formula 1 - Forming 4 Pakuas & Pearl (Pg 23) 1. Sitting Position - Eyes closed - Do Inner Smile. 2. Turn Awareness and Senses inward toward the Navel feeling warmth and forming Energy Ball. 3. Look inward 1.5" inside Navel. Draw with Mind Power First Line of the Pakua (Eight Sided Symbol). Use Mind or Finger to draw Pakua if necessary. 4. Continue doing all 8 Lines of Outer Layer of PakuaDo Layer 1 Line at a time then 3rd Layer (Inner Layer). 5. Draw 8 Spokes from Outer to Inner Layer. Tai Chi symbol in Middle; Spiral Left which blends & transforms Energy - Feel Pakua glowing with White Light. 6. Follow same procedure. Form Back Pakua at Door of Life - Spiral both Pakuas. Draw Energy into Cauldron condensing Light (RS: Rock Spine). 7. Follow same procedure for both Right & Left Side Pakuas below Armpit and Level with Navel spiraling Energy into Cauldron (RS). 8. In relaxed manner continue spiraling into Cauldron forming the Pearl drawing all essence of your Organs, Glands, Senses, & Mind into Pure Energy. Feel Pearl become Stronger and Brighter, Grounding, Centering & Balancing you (RS). 9. Move the Pearl in the Microcosmic Orbit concentrating at each point becoming aware Universal Force - North Star and Big Dipper (Purple/Red Light), Cosmic Force (Golden Light) and Earth Force (Blue Light) - Feel Anchored, Centered, and Grounded (RS). (If the Pearl diminishes form a New Pearl). 10. Collect Energy at Navel - Do Chi Self Massage. CC 2 (8)




Door of Life

© Wu Chi Trust

CC 2 (8)

Fusion of Five Elements I Formulas 2-3 - Balancing Inner Climate (Pg 34) 1. Sitting Position - Eyes Closed - Do Inner Smile (RS). 2. Form Front Pakua and Kidneys Collection Pt. (Perineum)-Do Kidneys’ Sound Chooooo - slightly pack Kidneys forming Sphere to Perineum Exhale Relax- Perceive & draw Cold Energy into a Blue Ball. 3. Relax- Follow same procedure with Heart Collection Pt. at Sterum in a Red Ball with Heart Sound Hawww. 4. Spiral into Front Pakua (Blue & Red Balls) - Draw in Cold Blue Energy & Hot Red Energy blending Energy. 5. Follow same procedure with Liver & Lungs Energies into Green(Moist) & White(Dry) Balls in Front Pakua. 6. Follow same procedure for Back Pakua then spiral & draw condensing into Cauldron; then add Right & Left Pakuas refining Pearl in Cauldron (RS). Relax. 7. Feel at Peace & Inner Harmony in a Perfect ClimateNot too Hot - Cold - Moist - Dry - Send Pearl in Orbit.

Connecting Senses & Organs 1. Massage Ears & Kidneys - Spiral Energy to Kidneys. Draw Sense of Hearing to Kidney Collection Pt. (Blue Ball) - Move Tongue spiral Tongue & Heart’s Energy (Sense of Speach) to Heart’s Collection Pt.(Red Ball)Spiral both Kidney/Heart Collection Pts. into Front Pakua - Feel Hot/Cold Energies blending Sounds (RS). 2. Do same procedure for Eyes/Liver & Nose/Lungs. Feel Moist/ Warm (Sense of Sight) & Dry/Cool(Sense of Smell) blend in Front Pakua & for Mouth/Spleen Feel Mild (Sense of Taste) into Yellow Ball at Navel. 3. Form Back, Right & Left Pakuas-Spiral into Cauldron 4. Feel a Sense of Control with “I am Calm, Clear, at Peace, Centered in Physical & Emotional Balance. 5. Move Pearl in Orbit - Collect Energy at Navel. CC 2 (9)

Forming Lungs’ Collection Point

Spiral Pearl in Cauldron

© Wu Chi Trust

CC 2 (9)

Fusion of Five Elements I Formula 4 - Transforming Emotions (Pg 61-76) 1. Sitting Position - Smile Down - Form Front Pakua. 2. Turn attention toward Ears - Be aware of Fear Sensations (Chilling, Cloudy Blue, Awkward Shapes) listening to Kidneys - Spiral - Breathe Fear out of the Kidneys to Kidney Collection Pt. into a Blue Ball. 3. Move Tongue - Be aware of Cruelty Sensations (Hot, Muddy Red, Unsteady, Acidic) in Heart-Spiral-Breath Cruelty out to Heart Collection Pt. into a Red Ball. 4. Spiral, blend, and transform Negative Energy of the Kidney & Heart Collection Pts. & Blue & Red Balls in Front Pakua generate Gentleness, Joy & Love. 5. Move Eyes - Perceive Anger Sensations (Steamy, Murky Green, Sharp Spear) in Liver - Spiral - Breathe Anger out to Liver Collection Pt. into a Green Ball. 6. Inhale/Exhale - Be aware of Sadness Sensations (Brisk, Gray, Musty, Salty) in Lungs - Spiral - Breathe Sadness out to Lung Connection Pt. into a White Ball. 7. Spiral, blend & transform Negative Energy of Liver & Lung’s (Green & White Balls) into Front Pakua (RS). 8. Move Lips - Beware of Worry Sensations(Sticky Yellow, Uncertain, Souring) in Spleen - Spiral & breathe Worry out to Spleen Collection Pt. into a Yellow Ball. 9. Spiral, Blend & Transform (Act of Forgiveness) all remaining Negative Energy & Colored Balls into Front Pakua-Focus inwardly to Sounds, Sights, Smells, Tastes - Feel Virtue Energies & Qualities: Prosperity, Will Power - Vitality - Decisiveness - Stability grow. 10. Form Back, Right & Left Pakuas-Draw Energies into Cauldron - Spiral in/out - Breath in/out forming Pearl. 11. Move Pearl to Perineum -Circulate in Microcosmic. 12. Collect Energy at Navel - Do Chi Self Massage. CC 2 (10)

© Wu Chi Trust

Negative Emotions & Organs

CC 2 (10)

Fusion of Five Elements I Formula 5 - Birth of Immortal Fetus (Pg 77-99) 1. Do Fusion Formulates 1-4: Fuse Energies from Pakuas into Cauldron forming Brilliant Golden Pearl. 2. Bring Pearl down to Perineum - Circulate in Orbit. 3. Activate Cranial Pump by pressing Tongue to Lower Teeth against Palate - Clench Teeth - Tilt Chin back Pull senses upward to Crown pulsating it. 4. Activate Sacral Pump - Inhale - Pull Pearl from Perineum to Sacrum, up to T-11, C7, Base of Skull & Crown - Inhale hold feeling pulsating Wave extend out from Crown - Exhale feeling strong sensation a Shiny Light (Pearl) emerge from Crown. 5. Extend Pearl (3-6') using your Senses as a Wireless Control moving Pearl up, down-Create Energy Body moving Pearl 1' each time to Body Height. 6. Relax Senses to expand Pearl - Shaping it into your Body Shape (Head, Body, Hands & Legs) to carve Face (Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth). Form Energy Body Cauldron,Gender, Name & Voice (RS). 7. Form another Pearl - Activate Cranial & Sacral Pumps Exhale guide Light forcefully thru Crown to Energy Body’s Perineum to open its Microcosmic Orbit. 8. Form another Pearl - Draw it to back Crown - Exhale shoot out forming Bubbles to cover Energy & Physical Bodies (Protective Shields) feeling Bodies glowing with Universal Forces in Great Bubble. 9. Finish Practice: Condense Protection Shields into Energy Body then condense it into its Pearl. Inhale (Reactivate Cranial Pump) bringing Pearl back into Body’s Crown - Do Microcosmic Orbit condensing and spiraling the Energy back into the Cauldron. 10. Collect Energy at Navel - Do Chi Self Massage. CC 2 (11)

Energy Body & Bubble

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Shoot Pearl Out

© Wu Chi Trust

CC 2 (11)

Fusion of Five Elements I Advanced Practice Formulas 6-9 (Pg 103-148) Pure Inner Child-Animals-Earth-Planet Forces 1. Do Fusion Formulas 1-4: Fuse Energies from Pakuas into Cauldron forming Brilliant Golden Pearl. 2. Spiral Kidney Essence to Kidney Collection Pt.- Feel Blue Light form Virgin Child & Antlered Deer (Earth Force)-Breathe out Blue Light of Gentleness forming Blue Turtle behind(N) connecting above with Mercury. 3. Spiral Heart Essence to Heart Collection Pt. - Feel Red Light form Virgin Child & Pheasant (Earth Force)Breathe out Red Light of Joy forming Red Pheasant in Front (S) of Body connecting above with Mars. 4. Spiral Liver Essence to Liver Collection Pt. - Feel Green Light form Virgin Child & Dragon (Earth Force) Breathe out Green Light of Kindness forming a Green Dragon Right (E) connecting above with Jupiter. 5. Spiral Lung Essence to Lung Collection Pt. - Feel White Light form Virgin Child & Tiger (Earth Force) Breathe out White Light of Courage forming a White Tiger Left (W) of Body connecting above with Venus. 6. Spiral Spleen Essence to Spleen Collection Pt.-Feel Yellow Light form Virgin Child & Phoenix(Earth Force) Breathe out Yellow Light of Fairness forming a Yellow Phoenix Above (C) of Body connecting with Saturn. 7. Form protective Outer Ring around Organs with Virgin Children & Power Animals then form Protective Ring & Fiery Dome around Physical Body with Earth Force Animals North - South - East - West - Center interconnecting with Planets & Stars (RS). 8. Form Protective Bubble and Shield in Formula 5. 9. Collect Energy at Navel - Do Chi Self Massage. CC 2 (12)

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© Wu Chi Trust

CC 2 (12)

Fusion of Eight Forces (Chant Trigram Names & Lines(Center out) in Long & Deep Sounds - Mentally Picture Lines forming in Front Pakua) 1. Chant - Kan then chant Yin - Yang - Yin (3x) - Mentally picture: Water- Yang Water- Kidneys- Sexual Organs. 2. Chant - Li then chant Yang - Yin - Yang (3x) - Mentally picture: Fire - Yin Fire - Heart Center- Chest. 3. Chant - Chen then chant Yang - Yin - Yin(3x)- Mentally picture: Thunder - Yang Wood - Liver - Right Side. 4. Chant - Tui then chant Yang - Yang - Yin (3x) - Mentally picture: Lake(Rain) - Yin Metal - Lungs - Left Side. 5. Chant - Kun then chant Yin - Yin - Yin (3x)- Mentally picture: Earth - Yin Earth - Spleen - Upper Left Side. 6. Chant - Ken then chant Yin - Yin - Yang (3x)- Mentally picture: Mountain- Yang Earth- Genitals - Lower Right. 7. Chant - Sun then chant Yin- Yang- Yang (3x)- Mentally picture: Wind - Yin Wood - Gall Bladder - Upper Right. 8. Chant-Chien then chant Yang- Yang- Yang(3x)Mentally picture:Heaven - Yang Metal - Genitals - Lower Left. 9. Chant Inwardly-Tai Chi- Tai Chi- Tai Chi(3x)-Mentally form Tai Chi Symbol in Center spiraling it - Feel it like a Fire Burning Inside you. Rest - Feel the Trigrams join together into a Whole Universe Inside of you (Do Tai Chi Chant between Trigrams or at the end). 10.Reinforce Front Pakua by forming Forehead Pakua. Follow same procedures with chanting imprint Trigrams on Forehead with Tai Chi Symbol at Mideye sending Trigrams in the space around you (Kan-Ocean, FireSun, Chen-Forest, Tui-Lake, Kun-Earth, Ken-Mountain, Sun - Wind, Chien - Sky). Forehead as a Screen. 11. Collect Energy at Navel - Do Chi Self Massage. CC 2 (13)

© Wu Chi Trust

CC 2 (13)

Fusion of Eight Forces Facial Pakua - Universal Pakua 1. Activate 3 Fires & Open 3 Tan Tiens to 6 Directions. 2. Follow same procedure with Chanting-Form Pakua on your Face facing you having Chen on Left Side & Tui on Right Side with Tai Chi Symbol on Forehead connecting Senses to Organs (Mideye-Liver, TongueHeart, Ears-Kidneys, Nose-Lungs, Mouth-Spleen) When it connects bring it down to Front Pakua. 3. Chant Inwardly Tai Chi (3x) spiraling into Brain - Feel Trigrams join together into a Universe in your Brain. 4. Project Pakua out to Universe chanting the Trigrams & Lines in the 8 Directions with the 8 Colors spiraling with Tai Chi Symbol using your Mind & Eyes. 5. Rest - Feel Universal Pakua covering you & feel this Pakua breathe & pulsate with Front, Facial & Inner Pakuas drawing Energy back into the Cauldron. 6. Collect Energy at Navel - Do Chi Self Massage.

Heart Chi Kung - Eight Forces

Breathe In(Nose) - Out(Mouth) with Subvocal Heart Sound 1. Inhale - Open Armpits - Exhale to Pinkies - Inhale Draw Palms out to Shoulders - Exhale - Swift Sacrum over Right Heel - Inhale drawing Left Arm & Leg circle Hand over Heart- Exhale Hand back to left- Palms down. 2. Inhale scoop Palms up to Heart & over Head - Exhale move Hand 45° - Inhale down to Heart & Exhale to Sides-Inhale back to Heart. Exhale-Right Leg forward Palms outward-Inhale-Palms back to Heart-Lower Palms 3. Shift Tail Bone over Right Heel - Step Left Foot backTurn Right Foot parallel - Proceed with Heart Practice in 8 Directions then Reverse in 8 Directions. 4. Collect Energy at Navel - Do Chi Self Massage. CC 2 (14)





Tai Chi








Tai Chi







Heart Chi Kung

CC 2 (14)

© Wu Chi Trust

Tai Chi Chi Kung I North (N) - Left Side - Ward Off (Pg 57-60)

(Moving Iron Shirt Chi Kung I-II)(9Pts: 9 Pts of Foot) 1. Stand facing North - Head suspended from string connected to Heavenly Force - Feet together relaxed. 2. Smile in Eyes down to Navel - Inhale - Round Scapulas - Sink Chest - Open Arm Pits - Exhale- Sink downShift Tail Bone to Right Heel - Left Heel comes up. 3. Inhale - Pick up Left Foot - Exhale - Set at Shoulders width apart - Connect 9 Pts. to Iron Shirt I Posture. 4. Inhale-Let Scapulas raise Arms slowly to Shoulder Level like a Wave - Exhale spring Wrists out - Sink Elbows - Palms face forward - Inhale draw Palms backExhale lower Scapulas - Palms down to Navel level. 5. Shift Tail Bone to Right Heel- Slowly pivot on to Right Heel (Hip moves body) facing West - Simultaneously raise Left Hand - Palm down - Forming Chi Ball with Right Hand - Palm up - Feel connection Palm to Palm. 6. Shift Tail Bone to Left Heel - Right Heel comes up automatically (Maintain this Height thru Form) - Feel empty Right Side - Turn Body 45° (NW). 7. Lift Right Foot from Hip - Place Right Heel where Right Big Toe was (9 Pts) Same time raise Right Palm above Solar Plexus & lower Left Elbow - Left Palm forming Chi Ball with Right Palm - Palm to Palm - Body facing NW - Turn Hips and Body clockwise facing North. 8. Ward Off Strike: Rotate 45° anchoring Left Foot Spiral Knees outward feeling Earth (Bouncing) Force transfer to Legs, Sacrum, Hips & pushes Lower Body forward (N) 2 Counts then Upper Body (Iron Shirt II) thru Lumbars, Thoracics, Cervicals, Scapulae, Chin in, Crown up, Elbows & Fingers like a Wave pushing Chi Ball forward straightening Right Palm. CC 2 (15)



© Wu Chi Trust


Tai Chi Chi Kung I


Ward Off

CC 2 (15)

Tai Chi Chi Kung I North(Left) Rollback-Press-Push-Single WhipRollback (Spiral Knees Clockwise:Cl)(Pg 61-65) 1. Sink Back to Left Foot - Lowering Left Hand (Palm up) guiding Chi down to Right Elbow (Spine straight). 2. Rollback: Push Hip-Spiral Knees outward-Rotate back Lumbars, Thoracics, Cervicals moving Upper Body left- Eyes on Right Palm(W)-Drop Left Palm- Release Spine-Body automatically moves back (N)circling back Left Palm at Ear level connecting Left Wrist to Right. 3. Press: Same as Ward Off - Extend spreading Hands. 4. Sink Back to Left Foot - Lower Elbows - Hands open. 5. Push: Same as Press-Hands Level-Fingers pointed. 6. Sink Back to Left Foot - Lower Elbows - Forearms parallel to ground. Slightly lift up Right foot on its heel. 7. Single Whip: Turn Hip left (West) - Stiff Leg moving Upper Body (Arms) - Plant Right Foot pointing West -Rotate Lumbars, Thoracics & Cervicals- Arms facing South. Shift Back to Right Heel - Release Spine Form Right Hand Beak connecting with Left Palm Twisting back into Hip (N) - Left Heel comes up - Arm Pits open - Beak aligned to Right Hip above Left PalmRelease Spine striking Beak to (W)- Body turns (SW). 8. Circle Step: Using Hip Circle-Step Wide down on Left Heel at 90°-All weight on Right Foot - Shift Tail Bone to Middle-Left Foot down - Strike Left Palm forward across Face to South(Head facing SW).Turn Right Foot inward 45° - Turn Hips & Rotate Left Palm facing (S). 9. Single Hand Push: Spiral Knees outward feeling Earth (Bouncing) Force transfer to Legs, Sacrum, Hips & pushes Lower Body forward (S) 2 Counts then Upper Body (Iron Shirt II) thru Lumbars, Thoracics, Cervicals, Scapulae, Elbow & Fingers like a Wave. CC 2 (16)

© Wu Chi Trust

Tai Chi Chi Kung I

Roll Back


Single Whip

CC 2 (16)

Tai Chi Chi Kung I West-South-North CornersTransition to Right Side (Pg 65-72) 1. Follow same procedure as North Corner with Right Hand for West & South Corners - Start where North Corner ended. Knee doesn’t go beyond Big Toe. 2. Sink Back to Right Leg - Left Palm turns back - Right Palm opens & drops-Move forward 2 Counts(S) turn slighty left - Tail Bone shift to Left Heel - Right Heel raises-Turn back 45° West - Step Right Heel at 90°West Corner: Wardoff-Rollback-Press-Push-Single Whip - Circle Step - Single Hand Push - Sink Back. 3. Proceed: South Corner: Wardoff - Rollback - PressPush - Single Whip - Single Hand Push - Sink Back. 4. Transition: Rotate Spine (Lumbars, Thoracics & Cervicals) around to right moving Upper Body facing (NE); Simltaneously lower Right & Left Hands(Cradle Baby) - Release Spine (Automatically moves back) Right Palm up circling back at Ear level connecting with Left Hand (Chi Ball). Left Hand (North Corner) proceed Wardoff - Rollback - Press - Push - Single Whip -Circle Step - Single Hand Push - Sink Back. 5. Ward Off: Spiral Knees outward feeling Earth (Bouncing) Force transfer to Legs, Sacrum, Hips & pushes Lower Body forward North 2 Counts moving from the Heels (Knee doesn’t go beyond Big Toe) then Upper Body (Iron Shirt II) thru Lumbars, Thoracics, Cervicals, Scapulae, Chin in, Crown up, Elbows & Fingers like a Wave pushing Chi Ball forward straightening Right Palm. Knee doesn’t go beyond Big Toe. CC 2 (17)


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Ward Off © Wu Chi Trust

CC 2 (17)

Tai Chi Chi Kung I North-Rollback-Press-Push-Single Whip(Pg73) 1. Sink Back to Right Foot - Lowering Right Hand (Palm up) guiding Chi down to Left Elbow (Spine straight). 2. Rollback: Press Hips-Spiral Knees outward- Rotate back Lumbars, Thoracics, Cervicals moving Upper Body right- Eyes on Left Palm (East) - Drop Right Palm - Release Spine - Body automatically moves back (N) circling back Right Palm at Ear level connecting Right Wrist to Left. Knee doesn’t go beyond Big Toe. 3. Press: Spiral Knees outward feeling Earth Force transfer to Legs, Sacrum, Hips & pushes Lower Body forward North 2 Counts moving from Heels then Upper Body (Iron Shirt II) thru Lumbars, Thoracics, Cervicals, Scapulae, Chin in, Crown up, Elbows & Fingers like a Wave - Extend spreading Hands. 4. Sink Back to Left Foot - Lower Elbows - Hands open. 5. Push: Spiral Knees outward feeling Earth Force transfer to Legs, Sacrum, Hips & pushes Lower Body forward North 2 Counts moving from Heels then Upper Body (Iron Shirt II) thru Lumbars, Thoracics, Cervicals, Scapulae, Chin in, Crown up, Elbows & Fingers like a Wave - Hands Level - Fingers pointed. 6. Sink Back to Left Foot - Lower Elbows - Forearms parallel to ground. Slightly lift up Left Foot on its Heel. 7. Single Whip: Turn Hip right (East) - Stiff Leg moving Upper Body (Arms) - Plant Left Foot pointing East Rotate Lumbars, Thoracics & Cervicals - Arms facing (S). Shift Tail Bone to Left Heel- Release Spine-Form Left Hand Beak connecting with Right Palm -Twisting back into Hip (N) - Right Heel comes up - Arm Pits open - Beak aligned to Left Hip above Right PalmRelease Spine striking Beak to (E)- Body turns (NW). CC 2 (18)


© Wu Chi Trust

Tai Chi Chi Kung I


Single Whip

CC 2 (18)

Tai Chi Chi Kung I East - South Corners (Right Side) Cross Hands - Completion (Pg 80-81) 1. Follow Same Procedure (Ward Off, Rollback, Press, Push, Single Whip, Circle Step, Single Hand Push & Sink Back) as North Corner with Left Hand for East & South Corners with Body moving like a Wave. 2. Start where North Corner ended with Left Hand. 3. Sink Back to Left Leg - Right Palm drops facing Chest & proceed with East corner Ward Off, Rollback, Press, Push, Single Whip, Circle Step, Single Hand Push & Sink Back Eyes following lead Hand. 4. Sink Back to Left Leg - Right Palm drops facing Chest & proceed with South Corner - (Aware of Tongue connecting with Heart Energy) - Ward Off, Rollback, Press Push, Single Whip, Circle Step, Single Hand Push & Sink Back - Knee doesn’t go beyond Big Toe. 5. Completion: Shift Tail Bone to Left Hip - Release Left Hand Beak - Open both Hands moving them up & outwards & downward drawing Right Foot straight back setting it down parallel to Left (Shifting Tail Bone to Right Heel) lift up Left Leg placing it parallel with Right - Draw Feet together (Toes even). 6. Raise Hands in Front of Body (12") to form X below Shoulders (Left Hand closer to Body). Distribute weight evenly between both Feet then simultaneously straighten Body & lower Hands to sides (Palms facing rear) - All movement ends at same time - Relax and Center yourself and feel the Chi expand in your Body. 7. Smile down - Collect Energy at Navel. CC 2 (19)



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© Wu Chi Trust

CC 2 (19)

Sun Chi Kung 1. Do Inner Smile warming Navel - Be aware of Mideye. 2. Smile into Eyes making Eyes Cool and Soft. 3. Open Eyes - Look blinking at Sun - Close Eyes - See Red & Yellowish Color breathing in Yellow thru the Crown, Mideyebrow, Nose, Eyes, Mouth (Senses). 4. Feel Skull, Brain & Bone Marrow receiving Yellow Spectrum - Wash & Grow Marrow deep into Cells. 5. Yellow Ray goes down to Ribs activates Thymus, Sternum, & Ribs to strengthen Immune System. 6. Yellow Ray flows to Spine feeling warmth in Bones spreading out to Organs down to Hips, Legs & Feet activating Marrow. Feel Sun Ray Cosmic Baptism. 7. Do Steps 1-3 with Organ Colors glowing with Sun. 8. Collect Energy at Navel - Do Chi Self Massage.

Moon Chi Kung 1. Inner Smile at Moon - Relax Mideye: Open Mouth. Draw in Moon Silver Essence Building up Saliva. 2. Spiral Silver Energy at Mideye & Perineum. Feel coolness in closed eyes-See Silver Light move over Body. 3. See Moon’s Five Colors forming a Halo at Crown. 4. Use Tongue to mix Saliva with Moon Light Essence. When Saliva becomes greasy, swallow down to Navel. Spiral warming Navel-Absorb & transform Energy into Life Force (Moon Essence tastes like Honey). 6. After absorbing Energy - Do Orbit or Fusions. 7. Bring Moon Essence to Navel - Close eyes - Divide awareness between Mideye, Navel and Perineum Picture Moon above Head absorbing the Energy from the Moon - Circulate it in the Microcosmic Orbit. Guide Energy to any part of the Body healing it. 8. Collect Energy at Navel - Do Chi Self Massage. CC 2 (20)

© Wu Chi Trust

Gather Sun’s

Moon Essense to navel

CC 2 (20)

Instruction Card After studying and working with the Universal Tao books I discovered a different way of approaching life. I was fascinated and intrigued by the books’ contents which led me to Universal Tao Workshops and finally meeting Master Mantak Chia. After meeting with Master Mantak Chia I began my internal practice in the Universal Tao System. Over the years I have discovered many techniques which have helped me in my practices and I am ready to share them with you. First I discovered the Universal Tao System consists of many formulas which have been handed down through the centuries in an instructor/student relationship. The ability of students to master these formulas gives them the opportunity to experience their own self-realization or enlightenment. Like my fellow students I stumbled for years with these formulas and through my perseverance came to develop with Master Chia, formula cards (Chi Cards) to assist me in my practice. Instead of fumbling through the book, as I once did, you can now simply have a Chi Card available to help you complete the formula and proceed much more smoothly in your practice. In the Universal Tao System we are working with internal and external energy. The word in the Tao for energy is “Chi”, thus the Chi Cards are energy formula cards. Through the Chi Cards you will become aware of your own energy and the energy around you. After discovering your own energy you can use the Chi Cards to help purify, transform, regenerate and transcend your energy, and further discover its relationship to the energy surrounding you.

On the first level of the Universal Tao System the Chi Cards consist of thirty (30) formulas based on and corresponding to ten (10) Universal Tao books: Awaken Healing Light,Transform Stress, Chi-Self Massage, Iron Shirt Chi Kung I,Taoist Secrets of Love, and Healing Love. There are 20 cards in a packet available through the Universal Tao for $9.95 per set. The Chi Cards are the size of playing cards which are easy to read and can be easily carried anywhere you go. So you can practice anywhere, just bring your Chi Cards. The front side of the card is the actual formula written down step by step corresponding with the page numbers of each individual book. On the reverse side there are visual color illustrations of the formulas so you can follow them visually. Now available: Level II (30) Level III (50), Level IV (30) Formulas from the Universal Tao Books: Bone Marrow Nei Kung, Fusion I,Tai Chi I, Fusion II, Cosmic Chi Kung, Chi Nei Tsang I; Tao Yin, Simple Chi Kung, Cosmic Cleansing, Iron Shirt Chi Kung II, Fusion III. This is a very unique and practical way of approaching and working with your practice not only for beginners, but also is an effective teaching aid for certified instructors and practitioners. The Chi Cards will simplify your understanding and practice of the formulas which allows you to focus on your own essence. In the future the Chi Cards will be available in all levels taught by Instructors and Practitioners. You will be able to start with Cosmic Inner Smile Chi Card and carry through to the Greatest Kan & Li Chi Cards. The Professor Master of Nothingness

The Myth that takes the Mystery out of Mysticism

Cosmic Chi Kung

(Pg 164-174) Hand Techniques 1-4 (Hold Positions 30-60 Sec.)

Bone Marrow Washing 1. Stand - Armpits open -Tuck in slightly Door of Life - Hands at Sides - Focus with Mind, Eye & Heart. 2. Right Hand to Mideye Level - Circle it - Absorb Golden Cosmic Force (Light) thru Breath, Palm, Mideye. 3. Left Palm Up - Thumb/Index Finger joined - Absorb Violet Heavenly Force thru Breath, Palm, Crown. 4. Left Palm Down-Thumb/Index Finger joined -Absorb Blue Earth Force(Light) thru Perineum, Palm & Soles.

Earth & Heaven Channeling 1. Inhale - Spiral & draw into Palms connecting Points. 2. Lift Hands Up absorb Blue Earth Mother Energy. 3. Turn Palms absorb Violet Heavenly Father Energy. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Tiger Mouth (Activate Meridians) Tiger Mouth at Hips: Open Thumbs (Lg. Intestine). Point Midfinger to Hips - Palms up (Pericardium). Little Finger at Hips - Point forward (Sm. Intestine). Palms Up-Absorb Energy by Palms,Mideye,Crown.

Open Index Finger (Activate Chi Channels) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Open Index Finger(Intestine)-Stretch-Lower-Relax. Lower Ring Finger (Warmer) - Relax- Open Index. Lower Thumb (Earth) - Relax - Open Index Finger. Lower Pinky (Heart) - Relax - Open Index Finger. Lower Midfinger (Pericardium)-Relax - Open Index. Close: Inhale (2x) - Drawing Fingers up together Exhale-Swallow Salvia-Lower Open Hands to Hips. 7. Draw Hands on Navel - Collect Energy at Navel.

CC 3 (1)

Heavenly Channel

© Wu Chi Trust

Tiger Mouth (Large Intestine)

Closing Open Index Finger

Midfinger (Pericardium)

CC 3 (1)

Cosmic Chi Kung Formulas 1 & 2 -Yin Channels (Pg 169-171) Left & Right Grabbing the Moon 1. Stand - Bone Marrow Washing - Do Inner Smile. 2. Do Earth & Heaven Channeling & Tiger Mouth. 3. Left Grabbing the Moon: Connect Heavenly Force Draw Left Hand under Right Elbow Pt and Right Hand over Left Elbow Pt (P-3) - Lift Index Fingers to the Heavenly Father Force then to Earth Mother Force(3x). 4. Lower Hands- Form Chi ball Right Hand (Palm down) at Navel & Left hand (Palm up) at Lower Tan Tien. 5. Draw Hands to Sides absorb Chi (Yin & Yang Palms). 6. Turn Left Hand over - Palms down absorb Earth Chi. 7. Right Grabbing Moon - Reverse Hands & repeat. 8. Index Finger Practice - Collect Energy at Navel.

Bridge & Regulator Yin Channels 1. Stand - Bone Marrow Washing - Do Inner Smile. 2. Do Earth & Heaven Channeling & Tiger Mouth. 3.Left Hand over Throat Center & Right Hand behind Thumb to Thumb-Move Hands in/out(Pulling Silk)(3x). 4. Move up to Mideye moving Hands in & out (3x). 5. Down to Throat Center separate Hands at Collar Bone (ST-13)(Nipple Lines) Hold at Bridge & Regulator Channels - Hands open - Point Fingers at each other. 6. Move down to Heart (Lungs & Pericardium) (ST-16). 7. Move down to Solar Plexus(Liver & Spleen)(LV-14). 8. Move to Navel (Large & Small Intestines) (SP-15). 9. Form Chi Ball-Right hand on top-Hold-Feel Energy. 10. Repeat Left Side-Right Hand on Throat-Left behind. 11. Form Chi Ball-Left Hand on Top-Hold-Feel Energy. 12. Index Finger Practice - Collect Energy at Navel. CC 3 (2)

Forming Chi Ball

Pulling Silk Bridge & Regulator Channels

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Grabbing the Moon © Wu Chi Trust

CC 3 (2)

Cosmic Chi Kung

(Pg 176-201)

Formulas 3 - Opening Functional Channel 1. Stand - Bone Marrow Washing - Do Inner Smile. 2. Do Earth & Heaven Channeling & Tiger Mouth. 3. Cross Arms at Triple Warmer-5 & Pericardium-6 at Wrists (Heat Regulator)(Right over Left) - Move Palms up & down - Turn Palms over - Hold absorbing Energy. 4. Turn Right Hand over Left Hand - Activate Large Intestine at the Navel absorbing the Energy. 5. Raise Right Hand - Open Thumb Activating Tiger Mouth - Hold at Solar Plexus, Heart Center, Throat Center, Mideye - Down to Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus and Navel opening Functional Channel. 6. Double Beam: Open Hands-Left Palm on Navel RightPalm behind- Move Back & forth activating Functional & Governor Channels connecting the Energy. 7. Draw Left Palm to Solar Plexus followed by Right Hold - Follow same to Heart Center, Throat Center, Mideye, Crown - Feel Light Beam from the Crown to Perineum - Hold - Reverse back to Navel moving Palms back & forth activating Front & Back Points. 8. Open Palms to Sides - Absorb Earth Energy - Hold. 9. Grabbing the Chi Ball: Turn Palms facing each other at Navel folding a Chi Ball - Open and Close Palms expanding, stretching and squeezing the Chi Ball. Start feeling Energy grow like a Water Balloon (3x). 10. Cross Arms (Reverse) Left Hand over Right at Wrists moving up & down then focus and activate all the Points opening the Functional Channel. 11.Double Beam (Reverse) Left Palm over Right Palm activating all Points in both Channels - Grab Chi Ball. 12. Index Finger Practice - Collect Energy at Navel. CC 3 (3)

Open Functional Channel

Double Beam

Grab Chi Ball

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Cross Wrists (TW5 - PC6) © Wu Chi Trust

CC 3 (3)

Cosmic Chi Kung Formula 4 - Yin & Yang Channels (Pg 204-212) 1. Stand - Bone Marrow Washing - Do Inner Smile. 2. Do Earth & Heaven Channeling & Tiger Mouth. 3. Move Right Palm under Left Arm(Yin Channel) to Arm Pit down Left Side across Hip up Right Side to Head. 4. Beam Right Hand to Left Hand with Ring Finger (Triple Warmer) to Left Palm-Left Ring Finger to Right Palm-Finger to Palm- Hold at each Position. 6. Proceed with each Finger: Index Finger (Lungs/Large Intestines, Thumb (Liver), Pinky (Heart), Middle Finger(Pericardium); Beam & Hold at each Position. 7. Lower Palms down - Move Right Palm over Left Arm, (Yang Channel) & Shoulder across Chest under Right Armpit- Press Palms forward - Relax absorb Energy. 8. Do same procedure reversed - Left Hand under (Yin) & over (Yang) Right beaming with Finger Positions. 9. Belt Channel: Focus Palms at Ming Men & Navel Foot forward - Hold - Turn sweep Palms to Left - HoldSweep to Right- Hold - Foot back & reverse (3x). 10. Index Finger Practice - Collect Energy at Navel.

Cosmic Healing - Planets to Organs (Pg 87) 1. Do Cosmic Chi Kung - Activate Cosmic Spirals. 2. Use Color, Sound, Planet & Picture Organ beaming to Student’s Organ - Feel Energy going out of Palms. 3. Start with Creative Cycle: Venus - Lungs/Colon-Cool/ White; Mercury-Kidneys/Bladder-Cold/Blue, Jupiter - L i v e r / G . B l a d d e r - Wa r m / G r e e n , M a r s - H e a r t / S.Intestines Hot/Red,Saturn-Spleen/ST.-Open/Yellow. 4. Send Energy with open Palms to other points of body for Back, Legs, Head Conditions & over Distances. 5. Direct Energy with I Power- Collect Energy at Navel. CC 3 (4)

Yang Channel © Wu Chi Trust

Finger Beaming

Activate Chi Belt


CC 3 (4)

Chi Nei Tsang

Internal Organ Chi Massage (Pg 73) Healing Hands Meditation (Pg 76-82) 1. Grow the Feeling: Breathe in & out - Focus out of Left Eye Corner to Left Hand - Head Still & Straight. 2. Focus with the Right Eye Corner to the Right Hand. (See Healing Energy & Light grow around Figures) 3. Then put Hands facing each other feeling Aura. 4. Continue feeling Aura growing by Opening Hands. 5. Seeing Aura: One at a time focus on Index Finger, Middle Finger, Thumb, Ring Finger, Pinky Finger. Then Point each Finger at each other & see the Aura. 6. Place Palms up on Knees focusing with Mideye on Left Hand (Thumb & Index Finger connected) & Right Hand (Thumb connected to Pinky & Ring Fingers). 7. Absorb Cosmic Energy thru Left Fingers-Draw it up & blend it with Universal Energy at Crown, then down Right Arm out thru Fingers back to Left Fingers (9x). Fanning Hot Sick Energy (Pg 110-112) 1. Exhale - Use Heart Sound simultaneously lower Hands from Chest drawing Heat down to Feet Soles. 2. Inhale Cool Blue Earth Energy through Soles. 3. Palms on Knees & Relax awhile - Resume (18-36x). Venting Hot Sick Energy (Pg 112-115) 1. Sit - Hands on Knees - Fingers spread toward Toes. Feet Parallel - Toes pointed up - Be Aware of 20 Tips. 2. Do Triple Warmer Sound (hee) down to Navel & Toes. Feel sound vibration move out Finger & Toe Tips as a Steaming,Dark,Cloudy, Chilly Sick Energy emerges. 3. Be aware: Liver becomes Bright Green - Spleen/ Yellow-Lungs/White-Heart/Red-Kidneys/Blue (9x).

CC 3 (5)

Fanning Venting

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Universal Forces © Wu Chi Trust

CC 3 (5)

Wind Gates Opening Wind Gates (Pg 148-159) (Use Chart of Wind Gates for Day & Count Points) 1. Groin: Press Femoral Arteries using cutting Finger edges and counting the Pulses (36-72x). 2. Tan Tien: Press on an Angle with Thumb or Elbow 1.5" below Navel and Count the Pulses. 3. Navel Wind Gate Points: Use Thumb & Chart - Left Side First; 1-Left Kidney, 2-Heart, 3-Right Kidney, 4Bladder and Genitals, 5-Intestines, 6-Spleen and Stomach, 7-Liver, 8-Intestines & Count Pulses. 4. Press Fist rotating around Navel & Palm Press on Navel opening up TanTien releasing tensions. 5. Relax and focus Patting lightly around Navel.

Chasing the Winds (Pg 143-148) 1. Spiral using 1 Finger Technique around the Navel. 2. Bake the Winds: Place Hand on the Navel and the other on back underneath the Lower Back. 3. Scooping the Winds lightly to the Tan Tien and draw the Sick Energy from the Abdomen. 4. Press Finger into Tan Tien focusing, burning & drawing out the Sick Energy at Tan Tien Point. 5. Sweep out Sick Energy massaging counter/clockwise around the Navel focusing and fanning Sick Energy out down Legs and then reverse. 6. Scoop out Sick Energy massaging clockwise around navel focusing and fanning Sick Energy up through Chest and Arms; then reverse. 7. Gather, scoop & brush Sick Winds while Hands are above Tan Tien-Draw them out sending it down Legs. CC 3 (6)

Liver, Gall ➆ Bladder

Right ➂ Kidney

Intestine ➇

Pressure Points


Bladder, Sexual Organ

➅ Stomach, Speen

➀ Left



Tan Tien

Chart of the Wind Gates Point No. Tan Tien 1 2 31 Day Point below Navel Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday © Wu Chi Trust

15 8 17 19 21 10 6

8 17 19 21 10 12 15



17 19 21 10 12 6 8

19 21 10 12 6 15 17

CC 3 (6)


4 21 10 12 6 15 8 19



10 12 6 15 8 17 21

67 7 12 6 15 8 17 19 10

6 15 8 17 19 21 12



15 8 17 19 21 10 6

Navel Examination Navel Diagnosis & Release (Pg 122-126) 1. Make Navel Round - Release & see where it pulls. This indicates the Tight Area & the Area to loosen. 2. Press with Thumb & Elbow gradually loosen (3x). 3. Hold Navel from Abdominal Area shaping & rounding it into a Perfect Circle - Hold releasing Tension.

CC 3 (7)

Upper Pull

Pull to the Upper Right

-Causes Intestinal Problems, menstrual problems, constipation, prostate problems, heart burn. breathing problems, insomnia, coughing

Pull to the Upper Left

-Affects the Liver and Gall Bladder, Lower Left Hip, Left Leg and causes intestinal trouble

-Affects the Lower Right Hip and Right Leg, the Stomach, Spleen and causes digestive problems

Pull to the Right

Pull to the Left

-Affects the Left Side, Kidneys, and I Intestines

-Affects the Right Side. Kidneys, and Intestines.

Right Hip Pull

Left Hip Pull

-Causes tension on the upper left side of Navel. Affects the Pancreas, Stomach, Spleen, and Left Kidney. Sometimes there is pain in the Lumbar Plexus or the Right Leg.

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Pull Down -Causes intestinal pain mental probleins, bad dreams, Menstrual problems, Prostate or Bladder problems

CC 3 (7)

-Creates tension and pain on the Upper Right Side of the Navel. Affects the live Gall Bladder, Duodenum, Right Kidney. Sometimes causes pain in the Lumbar Plexus or the Left Leg

Detoxifying Skin & Intestines Use Oil on Certain Spots of the Abdomen Or Use Silk Cloth on Hairy or Women’s Abdomens

Skin Detoxify (Pg 166-173) 1. Spiral & Cross 3 Fingers outwardly around navel. 2. Spiral 5 Vertical Navel Lines (Middle & 4 Outside). 3. Use Hand Scoop - Rock/Roll Techniques to Navel. 4. Push & Pull toward Navel then Patting Abdomen.

Small Intestines (Pg 189-202) 1. Use Curve & Twist pressing 2" deep on abdomen. 2. Scoop working out Lumps (Food stuck together) releasing Gas passing it through Small Intestines. 3. Uproot & Untangle nerves & knots (Finger Technique) Uproot by stretching Tissue around it toward Navel. 4. Shake Abdomen with Palm - Lean in with Shoulder. 5. Use Cat Pawing Technique (Soft deep movements).

Large Intestine (Pg 174-188) 1. Use Thumb Press & Scooping Techniques to loosen Colon/Valves in Congested Area-Use light pressure with Elbow as Pain releases (Draw Feet to Hips). 2. Push Inside Right Hip into Ileocecal Valve massaging with Heel of Right Hand opening Valve (6x). 3. Press under Left Hip into Sigmoid Valve massaging with Right Hand Heel down to Anus open Valve (6x). 4. Wave Technique: Scoop Knife Left Hand to Ileocecal Valve up Ascending and across Transverse Colon Scoop Knife Right Hand around Colon switching at Descending Colon to Knife Left Hand down into the Sigmoid Valve, Rectum and deep into the Anus. 5. Push & pull toward Navel then Patting Abdomen. CC 3 (8)

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CC 3 (8)

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Detoxifying Organs Diaphragm (Pg 204-212) 1. Place Hand on Ribs and below - Massage Organs. 2. Exhale with Lung Sound (Ssssssss) using Pump Press Technique releasing tension in Diaphragm by massaging down to the Navel and inhale deeply. 3. Continue massaging Navel, Diaphragm and underneath the Ribs exhaling and inhaling going deeper with softer Finger motion (6x). 4. Meditate - Massage around Diaphragm to open it up. 5. Press Pericardium Point on Arm opening Diaphragm.

Lungs (Pg 231- 233) (Women have Weak Lungs & need to be activated) 1. Rock Rib Cage exhaling Lung Sound (Ssssssss). 2. Hold in pressure with Hands on Ribs when inhaling. 3. Keep Rocking maintaining pressure for Full Exhalation holding Hands still maintaining pressure for the Full Inhalation expanding Lungs (3-5x). 4. On Last Inhalation remove Hands so Lungs can overfill with air releasing any tension & patting. 5. Press Lung Holding Point (LU-1) on Chest clearing and releasing Lungs improving Lung expansion.

For Perfect Digestion 1. Mix Saliva (Original Chi from Kidneys) with Food by chewing Food until it turns to a Liquid - Swallow. 2. Liquids: Chew & move them with Saliva-Swallow. CC 3 (9)



Right © Wu Chi Trust


CC 3 (9)

Detoxifying Organs Liver (Pg 239-246) 1. Baking: Left Hand under Ribs-Right over Body-Heat. 2. Thumb Scoop Technique: Pressing Web Pt of Right Thumb & Index Finger under Right Rib Cage with Left Hand pumping on top drawing Sick Energy to Navel exhaling Liver Sound (Shhhhhh) releasing Energy. 3. Massage Liver & Gall Bladder under Ribs with Hands. 4. Sitting Up gently explore Liver detoxifying it drawing out sugar into the Body while exhaling Liver Sound (Shhhhhhh) releasing the Sick Energy. 5. Massage Liver from Lower Rib using the J & reverse J Technique with Liver Sound pressing toward Navel. 6. Massage Liver Pt. inside Big Toes releasing Toxins. 7. Pumping Liver: Place Left Hand on Right Rib & Right Hand under Right Rib Cage pumping toward Navel.

Pancreas (Pg 235-238) 1. Inhale-Press Pancreas with Right Knife Technique. 2. Pumping Technique: Use Right Hand on Pancreas with Left Hand pumping on Rib Cage while exhaling Spleen Sound (Whooooo) releasing Sick Energy(3x). 3. Use Hand Heel Roll Technique deep into Pancreas.

Spleen (Pg 234-235) 1. Scoop with Left Hand - Right Hand pumping Spleen. 2. Use J & Reverse J Techniques drawing to Navel while exhaling Spleen Sound (Whoooooo). 3. With Right Hand on side of Ribs with Left Hand (Open Thumb under Ribs) Pump Ribs straight to Navel while exhaling Spleen Sound (Whoooooo). (Shake Arms & Legs in air after detoxifying Organs) CC 3 (10)

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CC 3 (10)


Detoxifying Organs Heart (Pg 255-257) 1. 1 Knuckle Technique: Spiral on Sternum & between Ribs to open up Heart - Transform Hatred into Joy. 2. Massage Heart, Pericardium & Triple Warmer Pts below Sternum in Diaphragm Area while exhaling Heart Sound (Hawwww) - Patting Chest. 3. Press Wrist at Heart-7 Pt on Pinky Side & Sternum. 4. 1 Finger Technique spiraling with Right Hand into Diaphragm. Press Left Hand into Heart Controller Area on Right Middle Wrist (Pericardium Point) - Reverse with Triple Warmer Point to release Sick Energy.

Kidneys (Pg 249-254) (Located 1"on Both Sides of Navel -3" Long to Ribs) (Deep on 3rd Layer of Organs next to Spine) 1. Gently massage with Finger & Thumb Techniques Deeply breaking up bumps & sand in Kidneys while exhaling Kidney Sound (Choooo) releasing Energy. 2. Massage deeper using your Body Weight not Muscle entering from Navel on an Angle to Kidneys under Abdominal Muscles releasing Sick Energy - Pat area. 3. Work thru the Back with Thumb Technique while on their side by holding floating Rib pumping back over Adrenals with Thumbs then sweep the Sick Adrenal Energy into Descending Colon & reverse. Blow warm air into Kidneys with Kidney Sound (Chooooo). 4. Use Baking Technique on Kidneys warming them. 5. Spiral with Finger & Palm Press Techniques on Bladder (4" below Navel above Pubic Bone) and releasing any Blockages - Patting area. CC 3 (11)



CC 3 (11)

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Heart - 7 Point

Detoxifying Lymph, Psoas & Nerves Lymph System (Pg 259-275) 1. Use 1 Finger Technique & Thumb at Angle-Massage down Navel Lines (1" off Center Line) from Ribs to Pubic Bone - Start at Navel draining Lymph to Navel. 2. Curve Fingers underneath Left Rib Cage lifting it up pressing Spleen with Thumb Roll Press Technique draining Lymph toward Navel releasing Sick Energy. 3. Use Finger Spread Technique in between Ribs massaging to Sternum - Use Thumb Press to Groin. 4. Use Thumb Press to drain Lymph below Collar Bone to Sternum & Navel releasing Sick Energy - Pat area. 5. Turn Neck - Massage down Neck Lines to Collar Bone draining Ears. Hold Jaw - Drain Lymph down to Sternum with Wave Technique releasing Sick Energy. 6. Massage Arm Pits (Pectoral/Auxiliary) to Sternum. 7. 1 Finger Technique massage Groin (Iliac/Inguinal).

Psoas Muscle (Pg 295-300) 1. Activate Psoas Muscle before each Technique by raising Knee with Hand & hold Foot with other Hand rotating Hip slowly in a Circle & reverse opening Hip. 2. Push Knee against Chest-Relax-Repeat(4x) Open Hip. 3. Shoulder under Knee- Thigh to Chest- Deeply locate Psoas with Fingers inside Hip-Lightly massage Psoas. 4. Massage Down & Hold Fingers Still - Student Press Knee Right, Left, Back & Forward-Hold-Long Breaths. 5. Rotate Leg-Pull it - Do Both Legs - Pat Abdomen. Nerves (Pg 311-315) 1. 1 Finger Technique: Massage Spine-Release Pain. 2. 1 Finger Technique: Massage Sacrum-Release. 3. 1 Finger Technique: Massage Skull-Release Pain. CC 3 (12)

Pectoral Nodes

Brachial Plexus


Cervical Plexus

Axillary Nodes Thoracic Duct

Superficial Inguinal Lymph Nodes

CC 3 (12)

© Wu Chi Trust

Supratrochlear Nodes Cisterna Chyli

Lymphatic Drainage System


Sexual Organs Ovaries (Pg 320-325) 1. Uterus Massage:Place 8 Fingers to one side of Uterus keeping both edges of Hands together and aligned. Apply deep, probing, kneading motion massaging any tangles or twists - Hold Uterus Center with both Hands releasing any Pain. 2. Ovarian Massage: Pull Knees up then use Fingers & Hand Heel in rocking motion working on Right Ovary while Hand slowly sinks massaging Left Ovary with weight of Left Hand on top of Right Hand - Push and pump with soft rock and roll motion sending Ovaries Sick Energy out (Reverse). 3. Cervix Massage: Locate Center Line 1/2" above Pubic Bone - Use Thumb Head 2 inches from either ovary and gently massage deeply then Hold. 4. Bake and Massage Liver & Gall Bladder Organs. 5. Do Female Sexual Energy Massage daily at home & it helps to wear loose fitting tops during the day.

Prostate (Pg 325) 1. Use 1 Finger Technique above Pubic Bone pushing down into Prostate and deeply, gently massage. 2. Tilt up Sacrum & Press Finger (1") into the Hole on the Perineum Area then gently pulling & massage the Tendon loosening any blockages. 3. Bake and Massage Kidneys & Adrenal Organs. 4. Do Male Sexual Energy Massage daily at home & it helps to wear loose fitting pants during the day. CC 3 (13)

Ovarian Massage

Seminal Vesicle Seminal Duct

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CC 3 (13)

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Sperm Palace

Common Ailments Headaches (Pg 330-331) 1. Detoxify Skin (Brushing) & release Large Intestine. 2. Detoxify Liver, Gall Bladder, Adrenal Glands,Kidneys. 3. Massage Neck & Head (Brachial & Cervical Plexus). 4. Place Hand under Body shaking & baking Kidneys. 5. Practice Venting/Fanning Techniques(Haww-Hee). 6. Press Tan Tien & Forehead Pts breathing into them. 7. Stay away from Citrus Juices & Chicken(Warming). Leg Pain (Sciatic Nerve) (Pg 301-311) 1. Use Elbow to massage Piriformis Muscle in Hip Hole. 2. Press Forearm rolling down Thigh on Side of Leg. 3. Grasp & stretch Popiletal Tendons in back of Knee. 4. Rotate Knee Cap & then the Hip Joint in its Socket. 5. Massage Sciatic Nerve down- through Calf Muscle. 6. Massage Nerves below Ankle - Tap Heel (Reverse).

Flushing (Balancing Pulses) (Pg 281-294) Don’t Do on Anyone with Detached Retinas, Blood Diabetes, Heart Problems, Aneurism, Thrombosis, Varicose Veins, Pregnant Women 1. Use Thumb Technique on Aorta - Open & close flushing out & cool down Organs releasing Back Pain like Playing a Flute moving up Aorta 1 Organ at a time. 2. Use Finger Technique on Sides of Neck flushing out the Brain releasing Heat and Headaches. 3. Turning Head balance the Neck Pulses with Aortic Pulse - Use Finger Technique - Reverse. 4. Balance Upper Body (Arm, Elbow, Wrist) Pulses with Aortic Pulse- Finger Technique-Reverse to other side. 5. Balance Lower Body (Groin, Knee, Ankle) Pulses with the Aortic Pulse - Use Finger Technique - Reverse. CC 3 (14)

ciatic Nerve


Superior Mesenteric Abdominal Aorta




Renal (Kidney)

Inferior Mesenteric

© Wu Chi Trust

CC 3 (14)

Tree Chi Kung Immortal Healers: Pine (Blood),Willow (Headaches),

Cedar (Heat), Maple(Pain), Fir(Bruises), Elm(Stomach), Cinnamon (Cold), Plum (Spleen), Fig (Diarrhea).

Tree & Palm Chi Kung 1. Stand or Sit (1-2' of Tree) open & connect with Tree. 2. Extend Arms - Palms facing Tree - Focus at Nose TipUse Left Palm, Mind & Eyes to absorb Tree Chi (18x). 3. Parallel Tracking: Watch Tree control it’s Energy as it watches you - Draw and Hold close to intense & thick Energy contracting with the Tree’s Energy. 4. Feel Tree’s Energy (Cool & Healing) - Use Eyes to guide Energy inside Left Arm, Left Shoulder, Left Neck, Left Ear & Crown - Down to Back of Right Ear, Right Shoulder, Inside to Right Palm into Trunk (9-18x). 5. Draw back Energy sealing off Tree Energy. 6. Reverse Polarities- Let Tree Energy flow back (18x). 7. Close with an abrupt gesture or sound (Hand Clap). 8. Collect Energy at Navel - Do Bone Breathing.

Tree Chi Kung - Yin & Yang Side 1. Stand or Sit (1-2' of Tree) extend Palms facing Tree. 2. Feel Tree’s Energy - Move it up inside Arms to Neck Sides and Ears to Crown - Move Energy down Functional Channel to Feet and Soles - 10' into Ground. 3. Bring Energy up to Tree Roots into Trunk & Palms (9x). Reverse using the outside of Body (Yang Side). 4. Send Energy thru Tree’s Trunk from Right Palm to Left Palm - Reverse (Men 36x - Women 24x). 5. Send Energy slowly down into Upper Trunk - Move Energy into Lower Trunk. Then move it into Tree RootsFeel and exchange Force with Tree. 6. Collect Energy at Navel - Do Chi Self Massage. CC 3 (15)

Universal Forces


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Tree Chi Kung

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CC 3 (15)

Cosmic Fusion Formula 1 - Creation Cycle (Virtues)(Pg 105-144) 1. Do Fusion I Practice forming Pearl with 4 Pakuas. 2. Be aware of Kidneys - Do Kidney Sound (Chooooo) Draw Cold Energy to Kidney Collection Pt. - Listen Grow Gentleness in Big Blue Ball at Perineum. 3. Look to Liver with Liver Sound (Shhhhhh) - Blend Gentleness giving Birth to Kindness - Moist Energy in Liver Collection Pt. into Green Ball - Expand it. 4. Feel Tongue connect with Heart - Do Heart Sound (Hawwwww). Gentleness & Kindness give Birth to Joy growing Hot Energy in Heart Collection Pt. in Red Ball. 5. Feel Mouth connect with Spleen - Do Spleen Sound (Whooo). Gentleness, Kindness & Joy giving Birth to Fairness growing Mild Energy in Spleen Collection Pt. into Big Yellow Ball expanding it in Center of Body. 6. Feel Nose connect with Lungs-Do Lung Sound (Ssss). Gentleness, Kindness, Joy & Fairness giving Birth to Courage in Lung Collection Pt. into Big White Ball. 7. Creative Cycle: Complete Cycle from Kidney to Lung Collection Pts combining Virtue Pearls growing Virtues Healing Body. Repeat the Cycle - Blend Virtues each time by growing the Pearls in all Collection Pts. (9x). 8. Compassion Energy: Blend of all Virtue Energies into Golden Compassion Pearl - Move Pearl in Creation Cycle (3-6x). Stop at Heart - Feel Virtues flow, glow, expand in Heart. Feel Heart Open & blend Virtues into Compassion Energy. Feel Sexual Arousal flow into Heart activating Compassion- Move Pearl to CauldronForm Bigger Compassion Pearl-Move the Pearl in the Microcosmic Orbit loving & healing the Organs. 9. Collect Energy at Navel - Do Chi Self Massage. CC 3 (16)

Kidney Collection Point Right Side

Creation Cycle Become aware of the Kidneys Do the Kidney Feel the Nose Sound (Chooo) connect with the Lungs Subvocally

Let the Courage, Righteousness and Justice Flow down to the Lung Collection

© Wu Chi Trust

Point Blend Draw the cold Gentleness, Energy to the Kindness, Collection Point Respect Collect the and Courage, Pull up the Fairness. Righteousness Perineum And bring it to and Justice in push the Energy the Lungs the Collection Ball down to give Point birth to Courage, Giving birth to Courage, Righteousness Righteousness and Justice and from the Lungs justice Pull up the Left Left and Right Side of Side the Anus send the Energy to the Kidneys

Gathering Kidney Energy

CC 3 (16)

Cosmic Fusion Formula 2 - Thrusting Channels (Pg 144-171) 1. Left Thrusting (Red) Channel: Left Anus - Left Genital Left Kidney-Spleen-Left Lung - Left Thyroid - Left Brain. 2. Middle Thrusting (White) Channel: Anus - Cervix Prostate - Pancreas - Heart - Throat - Pineal - Crown. 3. Right Thrusting (Blue) Channel: Right Anus - Right Genital - Right Kidney - Liver - Right Lung - Right Brain.


1. Follow Fusion II Formula I - Form Pearl to Perineum. 2. Stage One: Inhale Pearl with Left Nostril up Left (Red) Channel to Diaphragm - Exhale down Left Channel to Perineum. Inhale up Middle (White) Channel to Diaphragm - Exhale down Middle Channel to Perineum. Inhale Pearl with Right Nostril up Right(Blue)Channel to Diaphragm-Exhale down Right Channel to Perineum Continue 9 Steps: Middle-Left-Middle-Right-Middle. 3. Stage Two: Inhale Pearl up Left (Red) Channel to Neck Exhale down Left Channel to Perineum.Inhale up Middle (White) Channel to Neck - Exhale down Middle Channel to Perineum. Inhale Pearl up Right (Blue) Channel to Neck-Exhale down Right Channel-Continue 9 Steps 4. Stage Three: Inhale Pearl up Left (Red) Channel to Crown- Exhale down Left Channel to Perineum.Inhale up Middle Channel to Crown-Exhale down Middle Channel to Perineum. Inhale Pearl up Right Channel to Crown - Exhale down Right Channel (9 Steps). 5. Leg Routes: Men bring Pearl from Perineum up & out of Crown(6") absorbing Heavenly Energy - Split Pearl down Channels down Legs to Toes into Earth - Draw Earth Energy up thru Soles-Shoot up to Crown (9x). (Women Reverse - Crown to Soles out into Crown) 6. Collect Energy at Navel - Do Chi Self Massage. CC 3 (17)


Vertebra (T-1-T-2)


The energy path of the Thrusting route for Men


Thrusting Channel Top view of the Thrusting Route at the Crown

CC 3 (17)


Thrusting Channels

© Wu Chi Trust

Lung Thrusting Channel

Cosmic Fusion Formula 3 - Belt Channels (Pg 172-190) 1. Follow Fusion II Formula I - 2: Form Pearl to Perineum. 2. Circulate Pearl to Left Side (Counterclockwise) to Door of Life, to Right Side-Back to Navel(9x Crisscross) 3. Move Pearl circulating 9x-Crisscross to Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Mideye, Crown, Halo (6") above Head. 4. Reverse Pearl to Right Side (Clockwise) of Halo, to Backside, to Left Side & Front of Halo (9x-Crisscross). 5. Move Pearl circulating (9x-CC) - Crisscross to Crown, Mideye, Throat Center, Heart Center, Solar Plexus, Navel, Sexual Center, Perineum, Knees, Soles, Beneath Earth (6") in the Ground. 6. Reverse - Circle Pearl to Left Side (Counterclockwise) of Circle beneath Earth, to Backside, to Right Side & Front Side of Circle beneath Earth (9x-Crisscross). Move Pearl circulating 9x - Crisscross to Soles, Knee, Perineum, Sexual Center, Navel - Return to Cauldron. 7. Men - Shoot Pearl out (6") above Crown - Collect Heavenly Energy spiral Pearl (Clockwise) down each Belt Channel into Earth (12") - Reverse - Spiral (Counterclockwise) - Gather Earth Energy up each Channel to Crown back to Navel (Up & Down - 9x). 8. Women - Shoot Pearl out (12") of Soles -Gather Earthly Energy spiral Pearl (Counterclockwise) up each Belt Channel out Crown (6") - Reverse - Spiral (Clockwise) Collecting Heavenly Energy down channels to Earth back to Navel (Up & Down-9x). 9. Collect Energy at Navel - Do Chi Self Massage. CC 3 (18)

Crown Third Eye Throat Heart Solar Plexus Navel Sex Organs Perineum



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3-6 Inches Above

3-6 Inches Below Clockwise Turning

Counter-Clockwise CC 3 (18) Turning

Cosmic Fusion Advanced Practice Formulas 4-5 (Pg 191-194) Energy Body 1. Follow Fusion II Formula I-3 - Form Pearl to Perineum. 2. Inhale (Sips) up to Navel to Heart to Crown - Swallow Saliva - Exhale - Open Crown - Shoot Pearl out. 3. Practice moving & controling Pearl up & down(1-6'). 4. Relax Senses forming Energy Body in Physical at Navel. Form another Pearl - Run it in Physical Body’s Microcosmic- Shoot Pearl out - Expand into another Energy Body above Crown - Circulate both Orbits. 5. Move Thrusting & Belt Channels into Energy Body. 6. Gather Energy Body in a Pearl - Draw into Body. 7. Collect Energy at Navel - Do Chi Self Massage.

Spirit Body 1. Follow Fusion II Formula I - 4: Form Pearl to Perineum. 2. Form (Blue/Gold) Compassion Pearl at Heart & move to Cauldron in Cosmic Orbit to Energy Body. 3. Exhale - Send Pearl to Energy Body Heart - Exhale Send it above Energy Body Crown forming Spirit Body. 4. Move Pearl Up & Down (12') above Energy Body. 5. Condense Pearl/Energy Body-Draw back into Body 6. Run Microcosmic in Physical & Energy Bodies-Transfer Microcosmic from Energy Body into Spirit Body; Run all Three Microcosmics together (1 Channel). 7. Extend Thrusting Channels (3 Bodies) to Spirit Body. 8. Extend Belt Channels (3 Bodies) to Spirit Body. 9. Finish: Condense energy of Spirit & Energy Bodies into a Pearl. Pull the Pearl into the Physical Body. 7. Collect Energy at Navel - Do Chi Self Massage. CC 3 (19)

© Wu Chi Trust

Spirit Body

Energy Body

Physical Body

CC 3 (19)

World Link Meditation Link Time:Asia 12:00pm-America 12:00am-Europe 6:00am

1. Empty Mind down to Lower Tan Tien - Fill with Chi. 2. Feel Fireball behind Navel & above Kidneys-Move in Kidneys Center(Yang within Yin). Feel Fire/Softness in Heart(Yin within Yang).Connect 3 Fires in Triangle. 3. Fill Abdomen then Upper Brain with Chi-Lower it with Middle (Heart) Mind to Lower (Tan Tien) Mind. Bring 3 Minds into 1 Mind(Yi) & into 3rd Eye to 6 Directions. 4. Connect Yi Power to Personal Star (6”above head) Link other Personal Stars to Energy Body in Middle -Expand/Spiral awareness/consciousness to Universe. 5. Draw Circle of Fire (7’)-Expand with Protective AnimalsBehind (N) Blue Tortoise (Gentleness), Front (S) Red Pheasant (Joy),Right (E) Green Dragon (Kindness),Left (W) White Tiger (Courage), Above (C) Yellow Phoenix (Fairness),Below(C)Black Tortoise(Stillness).Empty yourself with“I am worthy of Divine Love/Protection.” 6. Feel Peace affirming sub-vocally“I am at Peace in my Heart in Family, Friends, Community“(Picture them). 7. Expand Yi in Universe multiplying it into Forest Green Light-Draw it down into Body binding Negative Sick Energy out digging hole burying it into the Ground(3x). Draw down Ocean/Sky Blue Light rinsing & flushing all remaining negativity down into Ground (3x). Spiral down Violet Light recharging Body-Subvocalize:“Let all sickness go, so Body can function at its Best“. 8. Touch Sacrum-Activate Bone Marrow(White Cells) & Upper Legs & Arms(Red Cells) & Sternum(T-Cells) 9. Subvocalize Commands with Yi thru 3rd Eye-Multiply it with Physical-Emotional-Mental-Spiritual Images. 10. Broadcast Questions-Wait for Solutions to return. 11. Accomplish all Virtuously - Collect Energy at Navel. CC 3 (20)

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World Link

CC 3 (20)

Instruction Card After studying and working with the Universal Tao books I discovered a different way of approaching life. I was fascinated and intrigued by the books’ contents which led me to Universal Tao Workshops and finally meeting Master Mantak Chia. After meeting with Master Mantak Chia I began my internal practice in the Universal Tao System. Over the years I have discovered many techniques which have helped me in my practices and I am ready to share them with you. First I discovered the Universal Tao System consists of many formulas which have been handed down through the centuries in an instructor/student relationship. The ability of students to master these formulas gives them the opportunity to experience their own self-realization or enlightenment. Like my fellow students I stumbled for years with these formulas and through my perseverance came to develop with Master Chia, formula cards (Chi Cards) to assist me in my practice. Instead of fumbling through the book, as I once did, you can now simply have a Chi Card available to help you complete the formula and proceed much more smoothly in your practice. In the Universal Tao System we are working with internal and external energy. The word in the Tao for energy is “Chi”, thus the Chi Cards are energy formula cards. Through the Chi Cards you will become aware of your own energy and the energy around you. After discovering your own energy you can use the Chi Cards to help purify, transform, regenerate and transcend your energy, and further discover its relationship to the energy surrounding you.

On the first level of the Universal Tao System the Chi Cards consist of thirty (30) formulas based on and corresponding to ten (10) Universal Tao books: Awaken Healing Light,Transform Stress, Chi-Self Massage, Iron Shirt Chi Kung I,Taoist Secrets of Love, and Healing Love. There are 20 cards in a packet available through the Universal Tao for $9.95 per set. The Chi Cards are the size of playing cards which are easy to read and can be easily carried anywhere you go. So you can practice anywhere, just bring your Chi Cards. The front side of the card is the actual formula written down step by step corresponding with the page numbers of each individual book. On the reverse side there are visual color illustrations of the formulas so you can follow them visually. Now available: Level II (30) Level III (50), Level IV (30) Formulas from the Universal Tao Books: Bone Marrow Nei Kung, Fusion I,Tai Chi I, Fusion II, Cosmic Chi Kung, Chi Nei Tsang I; Tao Yin, Simple Chi Kung, Cosmic Cleansing, Iron Shirt Chi Kung II, Fusion III. This is a very unique and practical way of approaching and working with your practice not only for beginners, but also is an effective teaching aid for certified instructors and practitioners. The Chi Cards will simplify your understanding and practice of the formulas which allows you to focus on your own essence. In the future the Chi Cards will be available in all levels taught by Instructors and Practitioners. You will be able to start with Cosmic Inner Smile Chi Card and carry through to the Greatest Kan & Li Chi Cards. The Professor Master of Nothingness

The Myth that takes the Mystery out of Mysticism

Tao Yin (Posture Series Guiding Energy with Breath) Lay on Back-Breathe soft, Flexible but Firm - Guide out Dark Energy-Breathe in Bright Energy (9x-162 Breaths) Place Palms on the following Areas: (Pg 48-53) 1. Abdomen (Navel Area) 2. Upper Abdomen (Stomach Area) 3. Lower Abdomen (Tan Tien - Bladder Area) 4. Groin (Both Sides) 5. Right Palm on Sacrum -Turn Head- Left Jade Pillow 6. Sides of Chi Belt (Sides above Hips) 7. Kidneys (Lower Back) 8. Diaphragm (Liver & Spleen) 9. Lower Lungs (Lower Rib Cage) 10. Upper Lungs (Upper Rib Cage) 11. Scapula (Cross Arms - Palms on Upper Back) 12. Neck (Cross Hands - Palms on Sides of Neck) 13. Temple (Sides of Head) 14. Crown (Both Palms on Top of Head) 15. Whole Body (Palms Down at Sides) 16. Fanning Technique with Hawwww Sound 17. Feet to Buttocks - Raise Sacrum (Palms at Side) 18. Legs Straight-Turn Feet in- Tighten Body-Release.

Sphincter Ring (Chi) Muscles (Pg 83-90) 1. With each above Posture Breathe In- Contract Eyes (Chi Muscles) - Hold - Release (5-10 Sec./Round). 2. Then combine Eyes & Mouth-Add Anus, Perineum, Genitals in a Series of Breaths - Hold - Relax(3-9x). 3. Do a Series of Double Contractions & 2nd Faster. 4. Do Series of Rapid Contractions with No Relaxing. CC 4 (1)


Lower Lungs

Sacrum - Jade Pillow

Whole Body

CC 4 (1)

© Wu Chi Trust

Tao Yin Breathing Techniques-Psoas Muscle(Pg 53-72) 1. Inhale-Push Sacrum down-Use Lumbar Muscle to lift up Back (5") - Lower - Relax into Lower Lumbars (3x). 2. Inhale-Lumbar down-Exhale-Pull Knee forward with Hands - Relax into Lower Lumbars (3x each Knee). 3. Inhale - Press Lumbar down and Exhale - Pull both Knees Forward - Release - Relax breathing into Lower Lumbars expanding Genital Area (3x). 4. Turn Head to left and twist bent Knees to right - Release - Reverse (3x each side). 5. Inhale - Press Lumbar down - Exhale and Push the Elbows out against inside of pressing Knees - Slowly release - Relax breathing into Lower Lumbars (3x). 6. Inhale - Press Lumbar down - Exhale & Push Hands against pressing bent Knees - Slowly release - Relax breathing into Lower Lumbars (3x). 7. Inhale - Press Lumbar down - Exhale & Wrap Arms around pushing out bent Knees - Slowly release Relax breathing into Lower Lumbars (6x). 8. Bridge to C7: Inhale lift each Vertebra (1 by 1 SacrumLumbars-Thoracics-Cervicals)- Exhale down (1 by 1) each Vertebra - Relax breathing into Lumbars (3x). 9. Bridge to Crown: Inhale lift each Vertebra (1 by1) Sacrum - Lumbars - Thoracics - Cervicals - Exhale down (1 by 1) - Relax breathing into Lumbars (3x). 10. Bow: Inhale on Stomach - Stretch Hands & Legs outHold - Release breathing into Lower Lumbars (3x). 11. Hands at sides-Squeeze Buttocks tightening lower Back lifting Legs & Head up - Circle Legs- Rest (9x). 12. Tiger Stretch: Hands under Chest - Lift Upper Bodyarch Spine- Stick out Tongue & roar- Move Body back on Heels - Head down - Breathe into Spine (3x). CC 4 (2)

© Wu Chi Trust

Knee to Chest

Knees to Chest

Elbows Outward

CC 4 (2)

Tao Yin Breathing Techniques-Psoas Muscle (Pg 73-99) 1. Lay on Back - Palms cross holding the Shoulders Inhale - Rise Spine at T-4 - Exhale turn right - Center - Left - Release - Relax breathing into Lumbars (3x). 2. Peacock Tail: Inhale - Lay down on Right Knee - Left Leg straight - Hands at Right Knee - Exhale turn Hips to Right -Twist Sacrum- Lumbars- Thoracics- Cervicals - Left Hand pushing up looking at Sacrum - Release Reverse (3x each Knee). 3. Sit - Draw Right Heel to Groin - Right Hand grab outside of Left Knee - Left Hand grab below Left Knee - Inhale - Stretch down to Knee - Exhale pulling to left with Right Hand - Circle using Sacrum to twisting Lumbars to right - Rest - Reverse (3x each Leg). 4. Bamboo Swinging Wind - Left Leg back - Left Hand on Left Ankle-Right Heel to Groin- Right Hand on Right Ankle-Lower-Turn Lumbars back around-Reverse(3x). 5. Cross Legs: Hands at Shoulder level - Turn Hands down (CC) under Arm Pits turning Spine & Head to Left - Stretch Arms out - Inhale to start - Reverse (3x). 6. Stretch Palms above Head twisting Spine (9x). 7. Rib Cage: Arm out - Exhale turn Palms out opening Chest - Inhale turn Palms back (9x). 8. Shooting Arrow: Right Hand at Sternum pointing left holding(String)-Left Hand to left holding(Bow)Pull back - Open Hands - Hold - Bend - Back straight - Head left - Inhale pull Left Arm back -Twist Right Hand & Head back - Release - Reverse (3x each Side). 9. On Back-Lift Legs & Sacrum- Circle - Reverse (5x). 10. Sit - Soles together Hands on Knees moving up and down gently stretching Groin (9x). 11.Legs out - Gently Bounce Knees to Floor (9x). CC 4 (3)

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Rise at T-4

Peacock Tail

Heel to Groin

© Wu Chi Trust

CC 4 (3)

Tan Tien Chi Kung Breathing Postures (Pg 36-87) 1. Empty Force: Inhale deeply - Exhale through MonthInhale thru Nose - Exhale Tongue out & turn it under with Lower Tan Tien- Inhale- Shallow Air - Exhale Ssss Sound. Repeat for Middle, Upper, Left & Right Tan Tiens. 2. Rub Sacrum warm-Stand Shoulder width - Feet parallel-Ankles & Knees spiraled outward & locked - Arms round–Palms facing Earth-Feel Tan Tien like an Ocean moving you back/forth. Sink down in Groin (Kua). Inhale-Turn Palms & raise them upward-Pull Perineum up-Sacrum closed-Exhale-Turn Palms/Thumbs inward, down & push them firmly to Earth-Contract Anus - Push Heels outward - Turn Upper Thigh Inward opening Sacrum activating Hips, Sacrum & Cranial Pumps-Feel Forces pulling you down & up squatting down to Earth. 3. Inhale half Breath - Flatten Stomach - Hold BreathInhale without inhaling, inhale more - Contract Front Anus/Sexual Organs - Tongue to Palate. Exhale very slowly with Kidney Sound (Choooo)-Pull up even stronger. Push out Sacrum - Round Lower Back (9x). 4. Repeat for Middle (Prostate Gland/Uterus), Left/Right (Kidneys), & Back of Anus. Inhale contract Eyes-Suck in Mouth- Widen Nostrils & all Round Muscles in Body. 5. Activate Body Parts with same Breath by pressing Hands, Fists or Fingers on Lower & Front Tan Tien, Bladder, Solar Plexus,Sides, Kidneys, Ming Men(9x). 6. Hands on Tan Tien (Chi Pressured Balloon) - Laugh gently. Feel vibration and pulsation of Chi. Emptying Mind in Tan Tien - Feel calm, relaxed and energetic. 7. After each Animal - Gather Energy - Move Palms above Head - Thighs. Feet together - Squat down (3x). 8. Palms to Navel - Collect Energy at Navel. CC 4 (4)

Rabbit © Wu Chi Trust

Crane Bear


CC 4 (4)

Tan Tien Chi Kung Animal Postures (Pg 99-120) Iron Shirt Stance-Bellows Breathing before each Posture 1. Rabbit (Front Tan Tien): Inhale - Pull Anus up raising Arms above Head - Wrists bend - Fingers facing downExhale quickly- Pull Anus up- Sink & Press Palms down Push Energy in Front Tan Tien all at same time increasing pressure with Palms opening up Kua (9x). 2. Crane (Tan Tien Sides): Inhale - Pull Anus up raising Beaked Hands to Sides at Shoulder Level. Exhale quickly - Pull Anus up - Sink down - Press Palms down -Push Energy in Tan Tien Sides at same time increasing pressure with Palms opening up Kua (9x). 3. Bear (Back Tan Tien & Back): Inhale - Pull Back Anus up turning Palms in- Exhale quickly-Pull Anus up-Sink down Round Shoulders - Sink Chest - Press Palms down - Push Energy in Back Tan Tien Sides at same time - Feel Whole Back expanding opening Kua (9x). 4. Swallow (Left/Right Tan Tien): Inhale - Pull Anus up moving Tan Tien to left (Left Foot turns 90°-Right 45°). Exhale quickly - Pull Anus up - Press Palms down -Push Energy in Left Tan Tien & Left Leg. Feel Force coming up pushing you down - Repeat to Right (9x). 5. Dragon ( Tan Tien): Inhale- Pull Left Anus up - Exhale quickly- Pull Anus up again - Press Palms down - Push Energy in Left Tan Tien and Right Fist to Left Leg at Hip Level. Feel Left Side expand drawing you down. Repeat to Right Side & Middle (Push Fists down)(9x). 6. Eagle: Hold Arms up - Elbows bent - Hand Beaks at Eye Level. Inhale - Pull Anus up - Exhale quickly - Pull Anus up - Press Palms down - Push Energy in Fingers contracting Eyes at same time. Feel Fingers & Tan Tien expand as Earth pushes you down opening Kua (9x).

CC 5 (5)

Dragon © Wu Chi Trust




CC 5 (5)

Tan Tien Chi Kung (Pg 121-136) 7. Monkey (Lower/Upper Tan Tien): Hold Fists in front of Kua - Inhale - Pull Anus up - Swing Fists up HighExhale quickly - Swing Arms backward beneath Perineum squatting down - Inhale raise up from Knees with Palms scooping up Earth Energy (9x). 8. Elephant (Left, Right & Lower Tan Tien): Inhale-Pull Anus up swinging Arms upward to Front and to left turning Waist left. Hold Breath - Expand Left Tan Tien & swing back to Middle - Exhale quickly - Pull Middle Anus up again - Swing Trunk down between Legs in squatting position. Reverse to Right Side (9x). 9. Rhinoceros (Left/Right Tan Tien): Left Foot in front (Right 45° behind)- Stretch Left Arm straight in frontPalm facing downward - Hold Right Hand in front of Forehead. Inhale - Pull up Left Anus - Move Waist to left without moving Hips - Arms/Upper Body move LeftExhale- Pull up Left Anus- Press Chi down in Left Tan Tien-Left Leg into Ground. Reverse to Right Side (9x). 10. Horse(Upper Tan Tien/Solar Plexus): Fingertips on Tan Tien - Inhale - Pull up Front Anus - Expand Upper Tan Tien against Fingertips. Exhale quickly - Pull up Front Anus- Swing & press Arms down into Kua - Feel Upper Tan Tien expand with Horse Sound (Hooo)(9x). 11. Bull (Back Tan Tien): Left Leg in Front - Turn Right Foot 45° outward. Arms in Front - Palms outward. Inhale - Pull up Back Anus - Sink Back - Turn Palms and scoop up Chi on both sides- Chi is pushing Body back & down into Right Leg - Spiral Hands under Armpits with Palms facing Body- Exhale - Pull up Front AnusSpiral Hands out facing outward - Feel Chi push you to Down into Left Leg. Reverse to Right Side (9x). 12. After each Animal - Gather Energy - Palms above Head- Feet together- Squat- Collect Energy at Navel. CC 4 (6)



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CC 4 (6)

© Wu Chi Trust

Simple Chi Kung Chi Nei Tsang - Warm Ups

(Feet Shoulders Width Apart - Knees Bent) 1. Knock on Door of Life with Fists from Rib Cage down to Sacrum - Breathing deeply into Lower Back (9x). 2. Legs/Hips: Shift weight from 1 Foot to another - Drop Body lower & lower - Feet flat - Waist straight (9x). 4. Knees: Feet together- Hands rotating Knees(C/C-9x). 5. Shoulders:Stretch from Finger Tips Extend Arms(3x). 1) Arms Down: Shoulders to Ears - Hold - Back- Drop. 2) Arms Forward: Shoulders to Ears- Hold-Back-Drop. 3) Arms Up: Shoulders to Ears - Hold - Back - Drop. 4) Arms to Sides: Shoulders to Ears- Hold-Back- Drop. 6. Wrists:Active Right Hand(Exhales)Left Passive(3x). 1) Flexion: Right Hand lifts Left Wrist to Sternum - Twist Wrist toward inside of Arm (3x) Reverse (3x). 2) Internal Rotation: Left Palm facing Eyes-Wrap Right Hand around Left Hand - Right Thumb between Left Little & Ring Fingers - Right Middle & Ring Fingers wrapping around Left Hand Wrist push Right Thumb between Left Little & Ring Fingers - Right Middle & Ring Fingers pull left wristing opposite direction (3x). 3) External Rotation: Palms out stretched facing each other - Left Hand turns out - Right Fingers clench inbetween Left hold Left Arm - Right Hand twists Left Wrist to Chest fully extended completing rotation. 4) External Extension: Left Arm outstretched - Palm forward Thumb down-Right Hand grabs Left Fingers -Palm to Palm - Upward Rotation - Drop Arm - Lift up Wrist, Shoulder in stretch from Fingers to Neck. 5) Hyper Extension: Left Palm up - Right Hand grabs Left Fingers - Extend Fingers in 1 motion to Legs. 7. Neck: Rotate Head with Eyes to Sides, Up & Down. CC 4 (7)


Internal Rotation

External Extension

External Rotation

Hyper Extension

CC 4 (7)

© Wu Chi Trust

Simple Chi Kung Tai Chi Chi Kung Warm Ups 1. Standing Posture - Arms at sides - Turn Hips side to side. Relax Spine - Let Arms swing naturally (9x). 2. Opening Door of Life: Draw Right Arm up to Eyes across Torso to Left with Palm facing away while Left Arm swings over Door of Life (Opposite Navel)-Reach fully-Relax & extend Lower Back stretching each time - Reverse to Right & repeat Steps (9x on each side). 3. Bouncing: Open joints & bounce up & down body gently vibrating hanging Arms - Never leave Feet (30x). 4. Leg Kicking: Center Sacrum over Right Heel - Raise Left Leg & Right Arm - Gently kick out - Reverse (30x). 5. Rotate Ankle, Knee & Hips each time & way (3x).

Windmill - Tendon Twisting 1. Outer Front Extension: Widen stance - Hook ThumbsHands close to Torso-Inhale-Raise Arms over Head extending Spine backwards - Exhale slowly - Bend forward stretching down Lumbar, Thoracic & Cervical Vertebras - Slowly moving Palms up Body Front (3x). 2. Inner Front Extension: Reverse- Point Finger Tips down to Torso activating Vertebras-Arms out/up(3x). 3. Left Outer Extension: Arms over Head turn Shoulders left - Lean back to Right - Move down Left Side across Lower Front to Right & up - Lean back to left - Turn Shoulders to right - Lean back to right (3x). 4. Right Outer Extension: Reverse turn Shoulders right - Lean back left - Down Right across Front Left & up- Back right- Turn Shoulders left- Back left (3x). 5. Tendon Twisting: Reach forward twisting Arms out in Circles and return (3x) - Reverse (3x) - Do Sides, Top, Lower, then do larger Circle Series (3x each). CC 4 (8)

Open Door of Life

Chi Belt Stretch


Tendon Twisting

CC 4 (8)

© Wu Chi Trust

Cosmic Cleansing (Eat nothing for 7 days - Drink Herbs or Broths) Cell Cleansing Drink (2 Drinks mixed separately-Drink in succession 5x/day) 1st Drink:(Place in Jar - Shake (15sec) Drink quickly) 2 oz. Apple Juice or other Fruit Juice for flavor 8 oz. Pure Water (Mixture thickens) 1 Tablespoon Clay Water (Bentonite) 1 Teaspoon Intestinal Cleanser (Psyllium) 2nd Drink: (Place in Pint Jar - Drink quickly) 10 oz. Pure Water 1 Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar or other Vinegar 1 Teaspoon Honey or Pure Maple Syrup (Separate 5 Cleansing Drinks & 4 Supplements by 1.5 Hours - Drink at 7:00 am & Supplements at 8:30 am) Supplements (4x per Day) or Juices Day 1 Day 2 Day 3-7 Chlorophyll 12 18 24 Lemon Grass Vitamin C 200mg 200mg 800mg Orange Pancreatin 6 6 6 Green Papaya Beet Tablets 2 2 2 Pineapple Dulse Tablets 1 1 1 Seaweed Fasting Plus 2 2 2 Herbal Niacin 50mg 100mg 100mg Niacin Wheat Germ 1 1 1 Wheat Germ Supplies: Pint Jar, Apple Juice, Apple Cider Vinegar, Honey, Bentonite, Psyllium, 4 Supplement Packs, Rectal Tip, Colonic Board Set, Pads, Bucket, Washes, Brush, Tablespoon, Teaspoon (Do 2-4x per Year) CC 4 (9)

Psyllium Bentonite


CC 4 (9)

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© Wu Chi Trust

Cleansing Drink

Cosmic Cleansing Self Operating Colonic System 1. Set Colonic Board Hood on Toilet & Board on Stool. 2. Hook up Colonic Tubing to Bucket filling it with warm Water and Rinse - Check Water release. Insert Rectal Tip into Tube in Board Hood. Place Pad on Board-Lay upright on Board with Buttock on Hood. 3. Insert Rectal Tip in Anus after applying Rectal Gel. 4. Relax-Release Tube Clamp-Allow Water to flow freely. 5. Start massaging upward on Left Side (Descending Colon) - Work through any Tender Spots - Continue up towards Ribs, across Ribs (Transverse Colon), down Right Side (Ascending Colon). 6. When it becomes necessary to evacuate, relieve Bowel by expelling Water - Feces will bypass Tip without removing it for normal Bowel Action. 7. Continue Procedure until Bucket is empty (45min). Do not flush Toilet during entire Colonic - Look what comes out (Black Green Feces comes out). 8. Finish - Clap Tube - Slip out from Board & Tip - Wash & remove Board-Sit on Toilet defecate-Clean yourself. 9. Collect Energy at Navel(2 Colonics/Day for 7 Days).

Rinses - Place in Bucket 1. Chlorophyll: 1/2 cup of squeezed Green Grass. 2. Coffee: Boil 2 tbsp of Ground Coffee in 1qt of Water Simmer 15 minutes - Strain - Mix in Bucket. 3. Garlic: Blend and strain 3 Cloves into Bucket. 4. Lemon Juice: 1/4 cup strained into Bucket. 5. Saline: 1 tbsp of sun Dried Sea Salt into Bucket. 6. Epsom Salts: 1tbsp dissolved into Bucket. 7. Glycothymoline: 8oz / 5 Gallons of Water. CC 4 (10)

Self Operating Colonic System

© Wu Chi Trust

CC 4 (10)

Cosmic Cleansing Dry Skin Brushing Use Boar Bristle Brush or Loofa- Brush before Morning Bath & before Bed at Night- Gently brush with Strokes from Outer Pts to Center- Skin glows Pink Color not Red. 1. Do Inner Smile- Start brushing from Sole of Foot up entire Leg (Right Side 1st) (Use short, quick Strokes or long sweeping Strokes toward Heart). 2. Brush Buttocks, Hips, Lower Back & Abdomen area in circular motion completely. 3. Put Left Arm out - Brush Hand, down length of Arm & Shoulder then circle Left Breast Area -Then Right Side (Put pressure upwards towards Heart). 4. Brush across Upper Back then down Front & Back of Torso (Cover entire Skin Surface once only). 5. Face: (Softer Brush) Begin in Face Center - Stroke outwards - Brush down Sides of Face and Neck. 6. Finish - Jump into Shower - Feel a light and tingling sensation over Body (Total process takes about 3 min). 7. Clean & Dry Body - Collect Energy at Navel.

Solar Bathing (Expose entire Body to Open Air absorb Vitamin D) 1. Do Inner Smile - Lay down in excluded area & relax absorbing Air & Sun’s Rays for 10 min on both Sides. 2. Work up to 30 min on each Side by adding 5 min/Day. 3. Collect Energy at Navel - Do Six Healing Sounds. (Breaking Cleanses - 2 Days Whole Fruits & Vegetables -Take Acidophilus Supplements 2x/day for 2 weeks) CC 4 (11)

Dry Skin Brushing

Solar Bathing © Wu Chi Trust

CC 4 (11)

Taoist Animal Signs - Years- Elements Rat Buffalo Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake 1900M 1901M 1902W 1903W 1904D 1905D 1912W 1913W 1914D 1915D 1916F 1917F 1924D 1925D 1926F 1927F 1928E 1929E 1936F 1937F 1938E 1939E 1940M 1941M 1948E 1949E 1950M 1951M 1952W 1953W 1960M 1961M 1962W 1963W 1964D 1965D 1972W 1973W 1974D 1975D 1976F 1977F 1984D 1985D 1986F 1987F 1988E 1989E 1996F 1997F 1998E 1999E 2000M 2001M 2008E 2009E 2010M 2011M 2012W 2013W (Chinese Calendar Varies from 1-23-Yr to 2-19-Yr) Year then Element: Metal(M) - Water(W) - Wood(D)- Fire(F)- Earth(E) Days: Sunday (Sun), Monday (Moon), Tuesday (Fire), Wednesday (Water), Thursday (Wood), Friday (Metal), Saturday (Earth).

Horse 1906F 1918E 1930M 1942W 1954D 1966F 1978E 1990M 2002W 2014D

Ram 1907F 1919E 1931M 1943W 1955D 1967F 1979E 1991M 2003W 2015D

Monkey Rooster 1908E 1909E 1920M 1921M 1932W 1933W 1944D 1945D 1956F 1957F 1968E 1969E 1980M 1981M 1992W 1993W 2004D 2005D 2016F 2017F CC 4 (12)

Dog 1910M 1922W 1934D 1946F 1958E 1970M 1982W 1994D 2006F 2018E

Boar 1911M 1923W 1935D 1947F 1959E 1971M 1983W 1995D 2007F 2019E

Rat Buffalo Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Ram Monkey Rooster Dog Boar

Eastern (Lunar) Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio

Western (Solar)

11/23-12/22 12/22-01/20 01/21-02/19 02/20-03/20 03/21-04/20 04/21-05/21 05/22-06/21 06/22-07/23 07/24-08/23 08/24-09/23 09/24-10/23 10/24-11/22

Dates Monthly

11pm-1am 1am-3am 3am-5am 5am-7am 7am-9am 9am-11am 11am-1pm 1pm-3pm 3pm-5pm 5pm-7pm 7pm-9pm 9pm-11pm

Time of Birth

Rat Buffalo Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Ram Monkey Rooster Dog Boar

Chinese Sign

© Wu Chi Trust

CC 4 (12)

Tendon Nei Kung Building Structure - Pressure -Tendon Power 1. Iron Shirt Stance - Press Toes back and lift Heels forward Rocking Back & Forth - Transmit Force from Earth to Feet to Ankles to Legs. 2. Straighten Legs moving up and down - Open Knees. 3. Press into Hip Joints sending Earth Force upward. 4. Press Psoas Muscle up into Solar Plexus connecting to Leg Bone, Hip Girth activating Sacral Pump. 5. Stretch each Vertebrae in Spine moving like a Whip expanding 5 Lumbars, 12 Thoracics & 7 Cervicals. 6. Open Scapula - Push back on T-11 - Tilt the Sacrum by Rolling Hips under Body pressing from Feet. 7. Press Tongue to Palate activating Cranial Pump Round Shoulders - Sink Chest - Push Chin in Expand Back - Open Scapula & C-7 into alignment sending Earth Force thru Arms, Elbows & Fingers. 8. Hands gently Open and Close connecting Palms to the Heart Rhythm absorbing the Earth Rhythm. 9. Chi Pressure: Exhaling the Breath into Tan Tien creates pressure to torque Tendons into the Body like a clinching Fist. Then gently Inhale releasing pressure connecting to Heart and Earth’s Rhythm. 10. Exhale (Pressure) - Close Genitals - Pinch ElbowsHeart Contracts Tendons pull inward to Tan Tien. 11. Inhale releasing All Air Pressure - Heart ExpandsTendons spread out releasing the Whole Body. 12. Tendon Power: Torque each Tendon against Bone Structure stretching it at each level up the Body: Toes, Heels, Ankles, Legs, Hips, 24 Vertebras, Jade Pillow, Arms and Fingers. CC 4 (13)

2nd Position


1 Position

© Wu Chi Trust

CC 4 (13)

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3th Position

Tendon Nei Kung Individual Practice - 8 Positions 1. First Position: Palms relaxed in Front at Head Level facing in - Emphasizes from Middle Fingers. 2. Second Position: Palms at Eye level facing each other at Angle (Roof House) - Emphasize Pinkies. 3. Third Position: Hands at Wrist - Spread Palms facing inward - Emphasize Thumbs Pointing Up. 4. Fourth Position: Hands at Wrist - Palms down rising up and out lifting Chi with Back of Hands. 5. Fifth Position: (2nd Position) at Solar Plexus. 6. Sixth Position: Hands at Shoulder Level - Palms facing Chest - Hands move along in a bigger motion with emphasize on Spine moving like a Whip. 7. Seventh Position: Hands at Waist Level - Palms up Fingers pointing toward each other expanding out to Form a Basket (Move Spine like a Whip). 8. Eighth Position: Hands at Knee Level - Palms upFingers pointing toward each other expanding out to Form a Basket (Move Spine like a Whip).

Mung Bean Hitting ( Tied Sock Bag) (Swallow Saliva down 4 Lines - Arms, Torso, Legs) 1. Down Inner Arm-Thumb, Pinkie Back of Hand Lines. 2. Down Middle of Chest, Leg, Knee & Foot. 3. Down Side of Outer Thigh, Calf, Foot to Little Toes. 4. Down Inside of Abdomen - Inside of Leg-Big Toe. 5. Down Back from Shoulders along Spine over Buttocks and Hamstring Muscle & Back of Calf Muscle to Achilles Tendon - Collect Energy at Navel. CC 4 (14)

5st Position

7th Position

CC 4 (14)

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6nd Position

© Wu Chi Trust

Tendon Nei Kung Partner Practice - 6 Positions 1. First Position: Partner leans on your Wrists - Bounce Partner away absorbing in Heels expanding Toes. 2. Second Position: Partner leans on Wrists absorbing in Heels-Discharge from Toes bouncing Partner away. 3. Third Position: Partner leans on Thumb Side of Wrist - Bounce them away keeping point of Elbow down and extend from the Elbow (Move Spine like a Whip). 4. Fourth Position: Partner leans on Wrist-Palms down. 5. Fifth Position: Hands at Shoulder Level (Palms down) - Partner leans on Back of Wrist - Make Circles to absorb Energy in Body (Move Spine like a Whip). 6. Seventh & Eighth Position: Hands at Waist Level (Palms up)- Fingers pointing toward each other Partner leans on Thumb Side of Wrists - Open from back & bounce Partner away (Move Spine like a Whip). 7. Collect Energy at Navel. Shake Arms & Legs out.

Wall Practice - 5 Positions 1. First Position: Hands against Wall - Lean inward expand onto the Toes using the Tendon Power to discharge Energy bouncing yourself off Wall. 2. Second Position: Place Pinkie Side of the Hand against Wall - Repeat 1st Position. 3. Fifth Position: Hands at Solar Plexus-Pinkies on Wall. 4. Sixth Position: Place Palms on Wall (Body feels like Rubber). Spine moves like a Whip - Move Hands in Circles while bouncing (Move Spine like a Whip). 5. Seventh & Eighth Position: Place Back of Hand against wall at Waist Level. Expand from back to Form a Basket - Do 1st Position. 6. Collect Energy at Navel. Shake Arms & Legs out. CC 4 (15)

Wall Practice

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Partner Practice

© Wu Chi Trust

CC 4 (15)

Fusion of Eight Psychic Channels Formula 1-Great Regulator & Bridge Channels 1. Sitting Position - Do Inner Smile & Fusions I & II. 2. Draw Pearl to Perineum - Split into 2 Pearls; Inhale them up Left and Right Thrusting Channels. 3. Draw Pearls up to Middle Side Crown Pts. (GB-16). 4. Exhale - Shoot Pearls out to GB-17 (Back Crown Pts); Back GB-16 (Gall Bladder) both Sides to GB-15 Front CrownPoints - Down to GB-14 just above Eyebrows. 5. Down to ST-2 (Stomach)-ST-4 below Eyes-Above Lips. 6. Under Chin CV-23(Conception Vessel)-CV-22 (Throat). 7. Below Collar Bone ST-13 & ST-16 (Ribs); LT-14 (Lower Ribs) Abdomen SP-16 (Spleen),SP-15 & SP-13. 8. Above and below Inside of Knees SP-10 & SP-9. 9. Inside Heel K-6 (Kidney) & inside lower Feet SP-4. 10. Underneath Feet K-1 & Outside of Feet GB-41. 11. Under outside of Ankles B-62 (Bladder) to outside below Knees GB-34, GB-31 outside of Thighs, inside of Hip Points GB-29 & Inside of Hip Bones B-48. 12. Up Back both Sides B-47(Ming Men),B-42(T-11)B-38 (Wing Pts) to TW-15 (Upper Scapula)- Back to B-42. 13. Up to SI-10 (Small Intestine)- SI-9 (Back of Shoulder) down outside of Arms LI-14 (Lg Intestine) & LI-11. 14. Back of Wrist TW-5 (Triple Warmer) to Palms P-8 (Pericardium) inside of Wrist M-12 (Misc) P-6 to P-3 inside Elbows to In & Outside of Armpits P-2 & L-1. 15. To Shoulder Points LI-16; Up Neck Pts GB-21, M-41, & M-Hn-29 (Muscle) to Jade Pillow GB-20 & GB19. 16. Connect with Crown Points & Do Cycle with Breath Feel Energy Movement opening up all Meridians (9x). 17. Collect Energy at Navel - Do Chi Self Massage. CC 4 (16)

BG-16 GB-16

BG-15 GB-14 ST-2 ST-4 LI-16 L-1

GB-17 GB-20 M-HN-29 CV-22 GB-21 SI-10 SI-9 LI-14 B-42


S-13 S-16


P-6 M-UE-12 P-8

TW-15 B-38


LV-14 SP-16






SP-15 SP-13




SP-9 GB-34

© Wu Chi Trust

GB-41 B-60 K-G

(Ying Side)

CC 4 (16)

(Yang Side)

Fusion of Eight Psychic Channels Formula’s 2-3-4 Spine and Aura Cutting Spinal Cord Cutting Opens Spinal Blockages 1. Follow Fusion III Formula 1 (Bridge/Regulator). 2. Circulate Pearl into Microcosmic Orbit - Inhale Exhale Pearl out of Mideye around Head-Use Eyes cutting thru C-7 down thru each Vertebrae (24x). 3. Finish by bringing Pearl back into Throat Center.

Spinal Cord Microcosmic Opens and Protects Spine 1. Bring Pearl into Sacrum - Run it up the outside, and back of Spinal Cord and twisting to the Brain. 2. Wrap Pearl around Frontal Lobe inside Skull. 3. Return it down Inside & Front of Spine wrapping it around the length of the whole Spine. 4. Bring Pearl into Spinal Cord, change directions, direct it down back of Spinal Cord to Sacrum. 5. Wrap Pearl around Coccyx bringing energy up front of Spine to Frontal Lobe - Wrap Pearl around Skull and down Backside of Spine (3x).

Aura Cutting From Mideye 1. Move Pearl to Mideye - Use Eyes to cut through Sides of Neck (Clockwise or Counterclockwise). 2. Cut Aura a little lower each time until Whole Body has been cut and return to Mideye (20x). 3. Collect Energy at Navel - Do Chi Self Massage. CC 4 (17)

Wall Practice

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Partner Practice

© Wu Chi Trust

CC 4 (17)

Fusion of Eight Psychic Channels Formula’s 5-6-7 Crown-Sense-Heart Cutting Crown Drilling into Head

Opening Crown 1. Follow Fusion III Formula’s 1-4 (Open Spine). 2. Move Pearl to Mideye - Drill by spiraling Pearl into Head vertically to Base of Skull (Pt. to Pt.). 3. Drill Pearl all over head to its opposite Pt. (3x).

Five Senses Cutting on Face Opening Five Senses 1. Move Pearl to Mideye (1/2” inside Skull) then move Pearl in 3 Figure Eights around Sense openings. 2. From Mideye around Upper Right Eye under Lower Right Ear around Upper Right Ear under Lower Right Eye over Upper Left Eye under Lower Left Ear around Upper Left Ear under Lower Left Eye down Right Side of Nose under Nose around Left Side of Mouth under Mouth around Right Side of Mouth up Left Side of Nose to Mideye (3x).

Heart Center Cutting Protecting Aura Butterfly Motion - Opening Heart 1. Move Pearl to Heart Collection Point at Sternum. 2. Split Pearl into 2 Pearls - Spiral them cutting through Heart Center in outward and downward Arcs like Butterfly Wings (Right Clockwise - Left Counter). 3. Spirals grow larger each time into Body’s Aura(20x). 4. Collect Energy at Navel - Do Chi Self Massage. CC 4 (18)

Crown Drilling

Heart Cutting Sense Cutting

CC 4 (18)

© Wu Chi Trust

Fusion of Eight Psychic Channels Formula 8 - Sealing Aura (Seals Leaks - Prevents Energies from Entering) 1. Follow Fusion III Formula’s 1-7 (Opening Aura). 2. Reform Pearl at Cauldron with 4 Pakuas and move Pearl down inside of Right Leg to Right Big Toe. 3. Jump Pearl to Left Big Toe - Spread it outlining Body Sides tracing Left Toes - Outside of Left Leg - Left Side to Left Armpit down inside Left Arm and Fingers up outside Left Arm over Left Shoulder & Crown. 4. Down Right Shoulder-Outside of Right Arm/Fingers Up inside of Right Arm- Down Right Side - Outside of Right Leg to Toes. Trace Toes then up inside of Right Leg around Genitals down inner Left Leg to Big Toe. 5. Jump Pearl to Right Big Toe- Reverse to Right Side. 6. Jump Pearl from Right Big Toe to Left Big Toe then move Flat Pearl - Trace Front Side of Left Leg up to Left Pelvis across Solar Plexus to Right Collar Bone down inside of Right Arm & Fingers up outside of Right Arm over Crown down outside of Left Arm & Fingers inside of Left Arm to Left Collar Bone across Chest, Solar Plexus and Abdomen to Right Hip. 7. Trace Pearl down covering Right Front Leg-Up backside of Right Leg to Right Buttock across to Left Scapula down inside of Left Arm around Left Hand up outside of Left Arm over Crown down outside of Right Arm up Right Inner Arm to Left Scapula across to Right Buttock down Left Back Leg to Left Toes Draw Pearl up Left Front Leg to Left Hip to Navel. 8. Collect Energy at Navel - Do Chi Self Massage. CC 4 (19)



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CC 4 (19)

© Wu Chi Trust

Fusion of Eight Psychic Channels Advanced Fusion - Formulas 9 & 10 Energy Body 1. Follow Fusion III Formulas 1-8 - Pearl to Perineum. 2. Inhale (Sips) up to Navel to Heart to Crown - Swallow Saliva - Exhale - Open the Crown - Shoot Pearl out. 3. Practice Moving & controlling Pearl up & down (1-6'). 4. Relax Senses and form the Energy Body in Physical at Navel. Form Another Pearl - Run it in Physical Body’s Microcosmic - Shoot Pearl out; Expand Project into Energy Body above Crown - Circulate both Orbits. 5. Move physically all 8 Formulas into Energy Body. 6. Practice all 8 Formulas up into Energy Body. 7. Gather - Shrink Energy Body into Pearl - Draw in Body. 8. Collect Energy at Navel - Do Chi Self Massage.

Spirit Body 1. Follow Fusion III Formulas 1-9 - Form (Blue/Gold) Compassion Pearl at Cauldron- Move in Microcosmic Orbit - Out of Crown to Perineum of Energy Body. 2. Exhale - Send Pearl to Energy Body’s Heart-Exhale send Pearl above Energy Body forming Spirit Body. 3. Move Pearl up & down (6-12') above Energy Body. 4. Condense Energy Body - Draw Pearls back to Body. 5. Run Microcosmic in Physical & Energy Bodies to Spirit Body-Run all 3 Microcosmics together in 1 Channel. 6. Extend all 8 Formulas (3 Bodies) to Spirit Body. 7. Practice all 8 Formulas (3 Bodies) in Spirit Body. 8. Condense Energy of Spirit & Energy Bodies into a Pearl. Pull the Pearl into the Physical Body. 9. Collect Energy at Navel - Do Chi Self Massage. CC 4 (20)

© Wu Chi Trust

Spirit Body

Energy Body

Physical Body

CC 4 (20)

Instruction Card After studying and working with the Universal Tao books I discovered a different way of approaching life. I was fascinated and intrigued by the books’ contents which led me to Universal Tao Workshops and finally meeting Master Mantak Chia. After meeting with Master Mantak Chia I began my internal practice in the Universal Tao System. Over the years I have discovered many techniques which have helped me in my practices and I am ready to share them with you. First I discovered the Universal Tao System consists of many formulas which have been handed down through the centuries in an instructor/student relationship. The ability of students to master these formulas gives them the opportunity to experience their own self-realization or enlightenment. Like my fellow students I stumbled for years with these formulas and through my perseverance came to develop with Master Chia, formula cards (Chi Cards) to assist me in my practice. Instead of fumbling through the book, as I once did, you can now simply have a Chi Card available to help you complete the formula and proceed much more smoothly in your practice. In the Universal Tao System we are working with internal and external energy. The word in the Tao for energy is “Chi”, thus the Chi Cards are energy formula cards. Through the Chi Cards you will become aware of your own energy and the energy around you. After discovering your own energy you can use the Chi Cards to help purify, transform, regenerate and transcend your energy, and further discover its relationship to the energy surrounding you.

On the first level of the Universal Tao System the Chi Cards consist of thirty (30) formulas based on and corresponding to ten (10) Universal Tao books: Awaken Healing Light,Transform Stress, Chi-Self Massage, Iron Shirt Chi Kung I,Taoist Secrets of Love, and Healing Love. There are 20 cards in a packet available through the Universal Tao for $9.95 per set. The Chi Cards are the size of playing cards which are easy to read and can be easily carried anywhere you go. So you can practice anywhere, just bring your Chi Cards. The front side of the card is the actual formula written down step by step corresponding with the page numbers of each individual book. On the reverse side there are visual color illustrations of the formulas so you can follow them visually. Now available: Level II (30) Level III (50), Level IV (30) Formulas from the Universal Tao Books: Bone Marrow Nei Kung, Fusion I,Tai Chi I, Fusion II, Cosmic Chi Kung, Chi Nei Tsang I; Tao Yin, Simple Chi Kung, Cosmic Cleansing, Iron Shirt Chi Kung II, Fusion III. This is a very unique and practical way of approaching and working with your practice not only for beginners, but also is an effective teaching aid for certified instructors and practitioners. The Chi Cards will simplify your understanding and practice of the formulas which allows you to focus on your own essence. In the future the Chi Cards will be available in all levels taught by Instructors and Practitioners. You will be able to start with Cosmic Inner Smile Chi Card and carry through to the Greatest Kan & Li Chi Cards. The Professor Master of Nothingness

The Myth that takes the Mystery out of Mysticism

Cosmic Healing II

Meditation 1: Earth-Sun-Moon Triangle (Pg 227)

1.Open 3 Tan Tiens - 6 Directions - Inner Smile & Orbit. 2. Breathe in Blue Earth Energy in Soles/Palms/Perineum. 3. Visualize bright Silver/White Moon behind shining on Sacrum -Feel moonlight directly enter in Sexual Center. 4. Visualize Bright Gold/Yellow Sun in front - Feel light particles tingling on Face-Absorb into Pituitary to Heart. 5. Make Heart Sound (Hawwww) to clean & balance it Feel Love & Respect-feel Sun shining directly in Heart. 6. Blend Gold/Yellow Sunlight with Compassion in Heart. 7. Breathe in Silver/White Moonlight into Sacrum/Sexual Center (Blue) & Golden/Yellow Sunlight into Third Eye/ Heart Center (Red). Exhale Energies behind Navel. Push Blue/White Energy up & Red/Yellow Energy down (10m). 8. Bring Kidney Energy up Vena Cava- Heart down Aorta. 9. Mix energies in Lower Tan Tien connect with Perineum/ Earth, Sacrum/Moon, Crown/North Star, Third Eye/Sun. 10. Do Orbit - Collect Energy - Rest- Do Chi Self Massage. Meditation 2: Strengthening Organs (Pg 232) 1. Open 3 Tan Tiens - 6 Directions - Inner Smile & Orbit. 2. Touch Cranial Bones -Expand Cranial Awareness out (5-50cm) from Body-Look up through Crown-Visualize Bright Yellow Planet Saturn above. Feel Saturn’s Light shining into Crown/Sphenoid Bone/ Spleen/Pancreas. 3. Use Same for Venus/Lt Parietal Bone/Lungs/Metal, Mercury/Occipital Bone/Kidneys/Water, Jupiter/Rt Parietal Bone/Liver/Wood, Mars/Front Bone/Heart/Fire. 4. Visualize 5 Planets above Crown shining into 5 Cranial Openings then in Organs-Bring all Energies to Navel. 5. Do Orbit - Collect Energy - Rest - Chi Self Massage. CC 5 (1)

Connecting to the Earth Force

Fill Bone with Yellow Light.

Connecting the Sun with the Third Eye and Pituitary Gland.

Saturn, Sphenoid Pancreas/Spleen Connection

© Wu Chi Trust

CC 5 (1)

Cosmic Healing II Meditation 3:Strengthening Energy Fields (Pg 236) 1. Open 3 Tan Tiens - 6 Directions - Inner Smile & Orbit. 2. Do 5 Planets/Organ Cycle as in Meditation 2 plus: Earth: Spleen/Sphenoid Bone-Saturn-Earth/Soil Energy/ Muscular/Lymphatic System. Metal: Lungs - Lt Parietal Bone - Venus - Lake/Metal Energy - Breathing System. Water: Kidneys - Occipital Bone - Mercury Water Energy - Bone/Hormonal System. Wood: Liver – Rt Parietal Bone - Jupiter - Tree Energy - Tendon/Ligament System. Fire: Heart - Frontal Bone - Mars - Fire Energy - Arterial/Veinous System. 3. Let Energy/Color/Virtue expand into Muscular System radiating into Aural Field. Feel a Strong Multicolored Energy filling your whole body and surrounding you. 4. Connect Sun to Fire Energy, Pericardium, Third Eye & Lymph/Immune System; Moon to Water Energy, Sexual Organs, Sacrum, Hormonal System increasing Energy. 5. Do Orbit - Collect Energy - Rest- Do Chi Self Massage.

Meditation 4: Connecting to Galactic Forces (Pg 239) 1. Open 3 Tan Tiens - 6 Directions - Inner Smile & Orbit. 2. Connect 6 Galaxies in 6 Directions with Golden Light. 3. Connect with North Star & 5 Palaces expanding awareness beyond Milky Way into Galaxy around North Star. 4. Do Orbit - Collect Energy - Rest- Do Chi Self Massage.

Manifestation Meditation with Feeeling Mental Body controls Emotional Body- Emotional Body controls Physical Body (Concept - Desire Manifestation! )(3x) (Om Namaha Shivaiya)(30x) CC 5 (2)

Let the Light and Energy expand; fill up Whole Body.

Planetary World

Galaxy Connection in the Six Directions with the Five Palaces.

© Wu Chi Trust

CC 5 (2)

Cosmic Healing II Meditation 5: Balance Planet/Stellar/Mental(Pg 243) 1. Open 3 Tan Tiens - 6 Directions - Inner Smile & Orbit. 2. Feel Planetary/Stellar Frequency with Cranial Bone/ Organ/Color/Body System using Hands guiding Energy. 3. Complete Cycle put Hands on Navel- Turn Eyes upward left-Look in Lt Parietal in Venus/White Galaxy direction. 4. Visualize Clear White Ball above as Venus Energy shines into Body-Expand Awareness to White Galaxy. 5. DoTransition of Colors through Organ/Body Cycle (9x). 6. Do Orbit - Collect Energy - Rest- Do Chi Self Massage. Meditation 6: Balancing Yin/Yang (Pg 247) 1. Open 3 Tan Tiens - 6 Directions - Inner Smile & Orbit. 2. Ground yourself-Expand Awareness into Star World. 3. Connect to North Star filling Upper Tan Tien with it’s Light. 4. Connect with 2 Pts placed & circling around North Star: Quasar-Light Pt (Yang) & Dark Hole-Dark Point (Yin). 5. Speed up process focusing on & through North Star. 6. Feel the line between Yin and Yang fade away melting together and Pure Yang or Ultimate Yang Energy arises. 6. Do Orbit - Collect Energy - Rest- Do Chi Self Massage. Meditation 7: Yin Stage Awareness (Pg 249) 1. Open 3 Tan Tiens - 6 Directions - Inner Smile & Orbit. 2. Connect with 8 Forces:Lakes, Mountains, Thunder/Lightening (Trees), Wind, Fire, Earth, Water, Planets, Stars, Galaxies, Quasars/Pulsars/Black Holes with Color Cycle. 3. Focus on Cranium-Feel Rhythm expanding it into Aural Field connecting to Energy Field of Group-Relax and See What Happens-Gather into Chi Ball at Navel. 4. Do Orbit - Collect Energy - Rest- Do Chi Self Massage. CC 5 (3)



Maintain Energy Field into Lungs. Change to White in Aural Field.

Group Meditation: Yin Stage Meditation Saturn Influence

CC 5 (3) © Wu Chi Trust

Eight Body Manifestation Say commands aloud (3x) followed by“Right Now!”upwards to Empty Space reflecting back - visualizing what you want. (Modify/Personalize according to your circumstances)

1. (Spirit) I manifest & feel the glory of my God this day. 2. (Physical) I am perfectly healthy weighing & feeling ___lbs,_“waist, 20/20 vision raising up my__ ,feeling away__ from body, maintaining/feeling balanced (pH). 3. (Financial) I accept & feel my fabulous wealth potential generating$_________of passive income per month. 4. (Emotional) I own this day the truth of my past emotions from my Birth,Youth and Adulthood expressing and feeling all my desires with positive intentions. 5. (Knowledge) I possess & feel all universal knowledge within my cells’ DNA opening it up on command giving me access to answers to any questions I have. 6. (Heart) I fill my heart with radiate joy in a merry way feeling away all unneeded thoughts, opening my heart and feeling Presence with the Power of Now. 7. (Age) I am forever and feel _______ years young. 8. (Wisdom) I accomplish & feel every intention to wisdom with everything/anything I do gain wisdom. So be it-When I feeel light there is no darkness. I fill my Body with a golden light opening & feeling my Endocrine System: Pituitary,______to activate & feel my hormones to build, maintain, sustain my Physical Immortality (+ CC5-2 & CC5-8). CC 5 (4)

Pure Ultimate Yang

North Star

Quasar Extreme Yang

Black Hole Extreme Yin

Connecting with Quasar and Black Hole

CC 5 (4)

© Wu Chi Trust

Chi Nei Tsang II Wind/Pakua Gates on Navel (Pg 32-35) 1.Press Elbow down on Navel - Move Elbow out towards left at 270° & from 180° back to 270°.Release Pressure-Press down and out from Center to 280°, then from center to 290° working to 360°and from 360° toward 270°.Have student breathe in to push elbow out. 2. Press gently as student Exhales-Release tangles/knots. 3. Spiraling with Elbow feel Winds start to move. As Winds move - area feels like a deflating balloon. 4. Flush Winds out by spiraling with hand over area worked on-guide them down legs or arms thru toes or fingers. As Winds exit direct them into ground after each Point. 5. Repeat Procedure on the lower right quadrant from 90° towards 0° and from 0° toward 90°, and from 90° work toward 180° ; 0°-180° / N-S ; 90°-270° / E-W ; 45°-225° / SE-NW ; 135°-315° / SE-NW Flush & Vent 15-20x. 6. Press Hands into Abdomen. Too much wind when pressing down, stop, flush and vent. Northern Gate (Bladder-Genitals) Bottom of Pakua, at 0-360°); Southern Gate (Heart) Top of Pakua, at 180°), Eastern Gate (Right Kidney) Right Side, at 90°; Western Gate (Left Kidney) Left Side, at 270°; Southwestern Gate (Stomach/Spleen)Upper Left, at 225°,Northeastern Gate (Intestines) Lower Right, at 45°, Southeastern Gate(Liver/ Gall Bladder), Upper Right, at 135°, Northwestern Gate (Intestines) Lower Left, at 315°. Flush and Vent 20x. 7. Close Session: “Monkey Dancing”-Lie on Back Raise Arms and Legs up - Shake them enthusiastically laughing while breathing deeply in Abdomen. CC 5 (5)

© Wu Chi Trust

Top S Southern Gate

Southwestern Gate SE

Liver Gall Bladder

Southwestern Stomach SW Gate Spleen


Left Left W Kidney Western Gate Navel

E Right Kidney Eastern Gate Intestines

Northwestern NE Sexual Organs Gate

Intestines Bladder

Northern Gate

NW Northwestern Gate


Releasing the Wind Gates on Pakua and Organs

CC 5 (5)

Chi Nei Tsang II First Wind: Liver-Pericardium-Heart (Pg 32-35) (Press Pts with Elbow-Flush out Wind after Each Pt) 1. Pt 35 (Above Navel-Lt/Rt) - Pt 32 (Below Navel-Lt/Rt). 2. Pt 37 (Above Navel-Rt/Lt Side)-Pt 30 (Below Sternum) 3. Loosen under Ribs-Massage Liver do (Shhhhh) Sound. 4. Press Knuckles between Rt Ribcage Bones & Pts 2223; Spiral counterclockwise. Do Lt Side-Do Heart (Hawwww) & Pericardium (Venting)(Heeeeeee) Sounds. 5. Flush Winds from Heart area by spiraling Hand above down Lt & Rt Arms.(Women: Work around Breasts) 6. Pt 53 (Above Knee)-Extended Index Finger Inside Leg-Grab Thigh-Press. Flush Wind down-Repeat Other Leg. Second Wind:Tongue-Jaw-Eyes-Head (Pg 50) 1. Massage Soft Area under Chin-Press Pt 15 (Under Chin) 2. Massage Jawbone Back/Forward/Under with ThumbsStudent tightens/loosens Jaw by clenching Teeth-Then repeatedly opens Mouth while massaging both sides. 3. Press Knuckle on Pt 13 (Below Earlobe- Jaw Edge) Both Sides with Liver Sound subvocally (Shhhhh). 4. Spiral Knuckle at 90°on Pt 2 (Center Pt above Hairline). 5. Pt 3 (Mid-Forehead)-Pt 4 (Mideyebrow)-Pt 5 (Above Eyebrows). Massage Upper Eye Socket with Thumb. 6. Turn Head-Spiral Knuckle on Pt 10 (Outer Eye Edge) Both Sides/together. Spiral Knuckle on Pts 8-9 (Centerline Above Ears). Both Sides/together. 7. Spiral Knuckle on Pt 27 (Wind Pond-Centerline Above Skull Base) & Curlicue releasing stagnant Chi-Gather Winds with Swirling Hands into Earth. CC 5 (6)


Navel Points

Pressure Points © Wu Chi Trust

CC 5 (6)

For Books or Instructor in your area contact UTC Website


Chi Nei Tsang II Third Wind: Attacks Kidneys (Pg 62-64) 1. Loosen Small Intestines-Massage Abdomen with Heart (Hawww) Sound. 2. Pt 35 (Above Navel-Lt/Rt)-Pt 33 (Below Navel-Lt/Rt). 3. Pt 38 (Side Navel-Rt/Lt)-Pt 32 ( Navel Outside-Lt/Rt). 4. Pt 36 (Above Navel-Lt Side/Rt Side)-Flush through Pt 53 (Inside Thigh Muscle). 5. Press Knuckle on Pt 8 (Above Ear)-Support Head with Other Hand-Both Sides. 6. Pt 53 (Above Knee)-Extended Index Finger & to Inside Leg-Grab Thigh-Press. 7. Flush Wind down-Repeat on Other Leg.

Fourth Wind: Vena Cava-Aorta-Lumbar (Pg 65) 1. Pt 32 (Below Navel-Lt/Rt)-Pt 40 (Above Hipbone-Lt/Rt). 2. Pt 41 (Lower Hip Tip-Rt/Lt)-Pt 48 (Upper Ft Leg-Lt/Rt) 3. Pt 21 (Below Collarbone)-Pt 20 (Above Clavicle)-Student sitting up-Both Sides. 4. Press with Thumbs-Pt 75 (Shoulder Edge)-Pt 25 (Armpit) Student raises Arms. 5. Massage Heart Meridian (Inside Lt Arm)-Pressing Pt 77 (Inner Elbow) down to Pinky Finger (Pinch Corners)Flush Winds down Lt Arm. 6. Press with Thumbs Pt 69-54 (Behind Kneecap)-Pt 55 (Inner Leg Below Knee). 7. Press with Thumbs Pt 66 (Below Ankle Inside Foot)Flush Wind down Legs. 8. Press Elbow on Pt 45 (Between Sacrum & Hip)-Flush Wind down Legs. CC 5 (7)



Point 53 on Legs

Points on Chest and Shoulders

Point 53 on Legs © Wu Chi Trust

CC 5 (7)

Chi Nei Tsang II Fifth Wind: Attacks Abdomen (Pg 72-75) 1. Pt 35 (Above Navel-Lt/Rt)-Pt 33 (Below Navel-Lt /Rt). 2. Pt 36 (Above Outside Navel-Rt/Lt Side)-Pt 41 (Lower Hip Tip-Rt/Lt Side). 3. Spiral-Hold Knuckle on Pt 1 (Crown Pt) connecting with Perineum while Student presses Pt 43-Flush/Vent from Head down Arms out Legs. 4. Spiral with Thumbs Pt 57 (Inner Leg Below Knee)-Pt 66 (Below Inside Ankle).

Sixth Wind: Attacks Muscles-Cramps (Pg -76) 1. Pt 35 (Above Navel-Lt/Rt)-Pt 33 (Below Navel-Lt/Rt). 2. Pt 36 (Above Outside Navel-Rt Side/Lt Side). 3. Press with Thumbs Pt 15 (Under Chin)-With Knuckle on Pt 13 (Below Earlobe). 4. Stretch Student’s Calves/Achilles’ Tendons pushing feet towards Navel circularly. 5. Pt 69 (Muscle Split Below Back of Knees)-Flush Wind. 6. Slapping Technique: Open Palm-Strike Back of Joints (Leg-Arm-Wrist-Ankle) quickly, sharply with stinging sensation-Do not to work on Varicose Veins. 7. Close Session: “Monkey Dancing”-Lie on Back - Raise Arms and Legs up - Shake them enthusiastically laughing while breathing deeply in the abdomen. Create by Feeling not Thought (Change the Thought & you change the Feeling) Identify what you Don’t want -From that, Identify what you Do Want - Get the Feeling Place of what You Want - Expect, Listen & Allow it to Happen. CC 5 (8)



Navel Points

Points on Ingiunal Area Crown and Perineum © Wu Chi Trust

CC 5 (8)

Points on Legs

Chi Nei Tsang II Seventh Wind:Attacks Heart-Shaking (Pg 83) 1. Pt 35 (Above Navel-Lt/Rt)-Pt 33 (Below Navel-Lt/Rt). 2. Pt 38(Navel-Rt/Lt)-Pt 36 (Above Outside Navel-Rt/Lt). 3. Press Knuckle on Pt 13 (Below Ear) supporting Face. 4. Press Pt 74 (Bubbling Spring) (Feet Soles)-Student points Toes back-Inhale drawing energy up through Leg Insides to Perineum, around Kidneys to Heart-Flush Wind out thru Feet-Lotus Meditation-Swallow Saliva-Belch.

Eighth Wind: Attacks Chest (Pg 84-86) 1. Pt 35 (Above Navel-Lt/Rt)-Pt 33 (Below Navel-Lt/Rt). 2. Pt 38 (Navel Side -Rt Side/Lt Side) - Pt 32 (Outside Below Navel-Rt Side/Lt Side). 3. Pt 37 (Above Navel-Rt/Lt Sides)-Pt 30 (Below Sternum) 4. Massage Chest using Palm Heel-Spiral-Shake-Work Knuckle between Ribs (Student breathe into Pain). 5. Massage Sternum with Knuckle softly.Flush Wind down.

Ninth Wind: Attacks Legs-Feet (Pg 87-90) 1. Pt 35 (Above Navel-Lt/Rt)-Pt 33 (Below Navel-Lt/Rt). 2. Pt 36 (Above Outside Navel-Rt Side/Lt Side). 3. Press Knuckle into Pt 22 (Above Nipples) both SidesFlush Wind down Arms. 4. Pt 40 (Above Hipbone-Lt Side/Rt Side)- Pt 41 (Lower Tip of Hipbone-Lt Side/Rt Sides) 5. Pt 49 (Inside Lower Pelvic Bone-Lt /Rt)-Flush Winds. 6. Pt 63 (Above Inside Ankle-Lt Side /Rt Side)-Pt 66 (Below Inside Ankle Lt Side/Rt Side). 7. Pt 55(Below Ft Knee-Rt/Lt Side)-Flush Wind down Legs. CC 5 (9)

Bubbling Spring

For Books or Instructor in your area contact UTC Website

Point 13 on Face

Points on Legs and Feet

CC 5 (9)

© Wu Chi Trust

Chi Nei Tsang II

Tenth Wind: Pain-Numbness-Heat(Pg 91-94) 1. Pt 35 (Above Navel-Lt Side/Rt Side)-Pt 36 (Above Outside Navel-Rt Side/Lt Side)-Flush Winds down Arms. 2. Press on Pt 19 (Upper Sternum)-Pt 18 (Above Clavicles) 3. Massage Pt 17 (Throat-Both Sides of Voice Box) 4. Pt 20 (Brachial Plexus)-Press Thumb on Pt 25 (Armpit). 5. Pts 67- 66 (Ft Inside Foot below Anklebone)-Both Sides. 6. Pt 74 (Middle Foot Soles)-Both Sides-Flush Wind out.

Eleventh Wind: Attacks Nerves-Back (Pg 95-97) 1. Pt 35 (Above Navel-Lt/Rt)-Pt 33 (Below Navel-Lt/Rt). 2. Pt 38 (Navel-Rt/Lt)-Pt 32 (Below Outside Navel-Rt/Lt ). 3. Pt 37 (Above Navel-Lt Side/Rt Side)-Pt 30 (Below Sterum)-Massage below Navel. 4. Student bakes Navel Area with Hands (Image Fire/ Sun). 5. Pt 75 (Outer Shoulder)-Pt 20 (Neck at Shoulders)-Sides. 6. Pt 45 (Sacrum & Hipbone)-Shake Arm-Push Hipbone down-Flush Wind down through Legs and Feet. Twelfth Wind: Attacks Heat/Cold (Pg 98-100) 1. Pt 35 (Above Navel-Lt/Rt)-Pt 33 (Below Navel-Lt /Rt). 2. Pt 38 (Navel Sidel-Rt Side/Lt Side)-Pt 32 (Below Outside Navel-Rt Side/Lt Side). 3. Pt 37 (Above Navel-Lt Side/Rt Side)-Pt 30 (Below Sterum)-Massage below Navel. 4. Pt 41 (Lower Tip of Hipbone-Lt Side/Rt Side) 5. Massage releasing Rib Cage & Sternum-Student does Heart Sound (Hawwww). 6. Flush Wind down Left & Right Chest Sides thru Arms. 7. Pt 74 (Foot Soles) while holding Foot-Flush down Wind. CC 5 (10)

Navel Points

Point 20 Shoulder Well Point 74 on Foot


Points on Shoulder

CC 5 (10) © Wu Chi Trust


Chi Nei Tsang II: Specific Ailments Heart Attacks-Life & Death Point (Pg 101) 1. Stand behind sitting or Laying Face down for Person. 2. Press Knuckle/Elbow at Protruding Pt until Ball recedes. 3. Spiral Hand above Ming Men-Direct Wind down Lt Arm. 4. Massage Liver/G. Bladder/Duodenum/Sm/Lg Intestines. 5. Move Wind down Legs/Feet and out of Body into Earth.

Heart-Kidney-Breast Blockages (Pg 103) 1. Open Pt (Shoulder Blade & Spine-T4/ T6) with Knuckle. 2. Gather Stagnant Chi with Spiraling Hand sweeping it down Arm (Flushing) and out through Hand-Both Sides. 3. Student: Massage Pubic Area all around Top and Sides.

Releasing Anger in Jaw/Liver/Arthritis (Pg 105) 1. Knuckle Massage on Pt 24 (Above Liver)-Holding Head. Cupping Fingers under Jaw with Thumb releasing Pt 13. 2. Student stand-Hold Knee Front with other Palm swiftly slap back of Knees (9-36x) flushing Knees-Both Sides. 3. Stand facing Student-Grip Student’s Elbow-Slap inside Arm at Elbow (18x).

Constipation and Hiatal Hernia (Pg 107) 1. Open Wind Gates with Elbow releasing Intestines focing on Ileocecal Valve, Transverse, Descending Sigmoid Colons-Spiral-Release Wind through Legs. 2. Massage Abdomen releasing Knots/Tangles focusing on Transverse Descending Colons-Spiral-Release Wind. CC 5 (11)

For Books or Instructor in your area contact UTC Website

Life and Death Point

Slapping Technique

Hiatal Hernia Thoracic 4,5,6, Area behind Heart © Wu Chi Trust

CC 5 (11)

Elixir Chi Kung Practice I - Dragon Gazes at Pearl (Pg 61-71)

1. Stand feet apart-Pinch Thumb/ Index Fingers-Rub Brows. 2. Rub Closed Eyeballs-Sink them down to Navel-SmileFeel Chin Bones rise up to Ears-Feel Ears getting longer reaching Kidneys. Massage-Drop Jaw-Increase saliva. 3. Press Tongue to Palate-Open Heavenly Pool-Inhale into Palate, Eyes, Nose. Exhale-Swallow Saliva (9-18x) 4. Feel Palms grow large/long reaching to Nature/Universe. 5.Close Mouth-Inhale-Suck in Perineum/Genitals with Nature's Essence (Dragon Breath). Chew/Mix SalivaSwallow-Exhale (Tiger Breath)-Press to Navel(9-36x). 6. Inhale-Feel Scalp Hair (Antennae) draw in Air. ExhaleSend Energy out-Inhale-Feel Scalp from Head Top to back of Neck-Exhale-Relax Body/Hair(Breathe In/Out). 7. Gather Chi in Mouth-Press Pinky in Middle of FingersInhale-Pull up Mid-Anus-Press Tongue-Inhale pull up Lt/ Rt Anus-Lt/Rt Kidneys to Mouth-Lock Neck-Squeeze Fingers & Body-Swallow Saliva-1 Gulp to Organs (3x) 8. Raise Palms up-Pack universe into bones. Scoop Chi down to Crown down Bones. Collect Energy at Navel.

Practice II - Looking Back at Moon (Pg 72-73) 1. Stand feet together-Loose Fists-Rt Hand at Forehead. 2. Lt Palm facing Body at waist under Rt. Turn left rotating Spine-Look over Shoulder to Rt Heel-Lt Hand to Waist. 3. Draw Chi with Armpit- Pull Up Anus/Perineum/Genitals. 4. Inhale(10 sec)-Raise Toes-Suck in Eyes, Ears, NoseTighten Fists-Tongue to Palate- Exhale-Beat Saliva (3x)Gulp/Swallow to Navel (3x)Reverse-Repeat Steps 1-4. CC 5 (12)

Raise onto Toes

Scoop up from Earth

Looking Back at Moon

Practice II:

Guide Chi up to Crown

Practice I: Dragon Gazes at Pearl

Side View

Scoop up Heavenly Chi

CC 5 (12) © Wu Chi Trust

Elixir Chi Kung

Practice III - Wai T'o Offering Rod (Pg 74-76)

1. Stand Feet apart-Palms down & straight out to Sides. 2. Press Wrists down-Feel Body press down into ground. 3. Inhale-Stretch Fingers, Tendons, Wrists, Elbows Up. 4. Gather Chi from Scalp Hair/Armpits(Antennae) to Heart. 5.Feel Energy grow from Body Hairs up Wrists, Forearms, Upper Arms, Armpits to Mouth-Suck Mouth & Eyes in. 6.Inhale (Reverse)-Draw Chi into Genitals from Pubic Hair. 7.Exhale thru Pubic Hair connecting with Lungs/Nose (9x). 8.Draw Energy to Mouth-Stand on Toes-Suck in Mouth & Eyes-Stretch out Fingers; Lower Feet down-Mix Energy with Saliva-Exhale-Relax(3x).Collect Energy at Navel. Practice IV - Giant RaisesTower (Pg 77-82) 1.Stand Feet apart- Bend Knees-Sink down to Ground. 2.Raise Lt Palm Upward over Head-Rt Loose Fist at Side. 3.Gather Chi with Armpit Hair-Connect with Spleen/ Mouth. 4.Inhale (Reverse) feel Chi pour thru Facial Hair into Mouth. 5.Exhale-Feel Chi pass thru Facial Hair (9x). Exhale-Hold Chi in Mouth. Inhale-Suck in Face-Swirl Tongue (9x). 6.Draw Energy from Scalp, Arm, Armpit, Pubic, Facial Hair into Saliva. Lower Jaw -Chew Saliva-Swallow (9x). 7.Inhale Chi(6 Directions) thru Pores-Connect Lungs/Nose. 8.Exhale-On Toes-Pull up Mid-Anus-Suck Eyes in-Inhale Tongue to Throat, Ears to Canals, Senses to Mouth 9. Exhale-Lower Feet-Inhale-Swirl Tongue-Mix Saliva (3x). 10. Inhale-Pull up Anus-Press Tongue-Turn Lt Hand inward. 11. Swallow hard-Feel Saliva burn into Chi at Navel 12.Reverse Hands-Repeat 1-11;Collect Energy at Navel. CC 5 (13)

Right Hand: Gather in Chi

Raise from Toes

Both Palms up facing Sky

Stretch Fingers Wide

Practice III: Wai T’o Offering Rod

Press Down

Practice IV: Gaint Raises Tower

Left Hand: Gather Chi

Thrust Down

CC 5 (13)

© Wu Chi Trust

Elixir Chi Kung Practice V - Iron Bridge Swallow (Pg 83-84) 1.Stand straight (Lock Knees/Ankles)-Rub on Kidneys. 2.CircleThumb/Index-Bend backward at Waist - Chin in. 3.Draw Chi thru Hair to Organs-Contract Genitals/Perineum 4.Inhale-Collect & Beat Saliva-Exhale-Relax Face (2x). Repeat twice-Swallow Saliva in one gulp-Press Fingers. 5. Rest-Collect Energy at Navel-Brush Energy down Chest.

Practice VI-Shaking Head-Wagging Tail (Pg 85) 1.Stand Feet apart-Arms straight out-Rub Palms-Shake Head-Waggle Sacrum-Collect/Beat Saliva (Same time). 2. Palms to cover & massage Face - Cover Upper Chest. 3. Swallow Saliva thru Heart, Navel to Tan Tien-Brush Chi down from Chest toward Pelvis opening Heart. 4. Rest-Collect Energy at Navel -Brush Energy down Chest.

Practice VII - Pull the Silk-Swing Leg (Pg 87-89) 1. Swing Rt Leg-1Stride behind Lt-Rt Palm on Lt Shoulder Lt Hand stretched to Rt Side at Waist-Chin tucked in, Head lower, Round at T-11;Like Spinal Cord Breathing. 2. Rt Leg Swing:Swing Rt Leg out straight-Lift weight forward from Rt Leg to Left-Press T-11 forward-Arch Back. Fling Arms to Back-Straighten Elbows-Expanding Chest. 3. Yin/Yang Position:Lt Palm up-Rt Palm down-Turn Head to Right, Eyes following Down turning Palm. 4.Lt Leg Swing:Reverse Legs-Repeat 1-3;Collect Energy. CC 5 (14)

Practice V: Iron Bridge Swallow

Practice VII: Pull Silk & Swing Leg

Swallow Saliva down to Navel

Gather Chi to Face

Practice VI: Shaking Head & Wagging Tail

Shake Head & Buttocks

Right Leg Swing

© Wu Chi Trust

CC 5 (14)

Elixir Chi Kung Practice VIII-Gather Earth Golden Pill(Pg 90-94) 1. Draw Intersecting Circles (6" in Diameter) with a Dot where circle intersect on 8x12" paper. Stand Feet apartDrawing between Feet - Squat down - Hands on Hips Rotate Lt Leg from Left to Right, Right to Left-Only move Hip back/forth-Move Both Legs at same time. 2. Draw a Dot at Palm Centers-Hold Arms straight down between Squatting Legs. Elbows rest inside Legs at Knees-Back Straight-Spread Fingers parallel to Ground; Bend Wrists towards Shoulders-Palms near GroundMove Rt Hip from Side to Side-So Rt Palm Dot traces Rt Circle Line counterclockwise then reverse with Lt Palm. 3. Use Hip/Knee Motion to trace 2 Circles on Paper-Cross Palms 1" above Paper (Circle Overlapping Pt-Earth Pill). 4. Use 1 Arm, then Other using Knees to move Arms-Circle both Arms at once. Rt Arm circles counterclockwise & Left, clockwise - Focus Eyes on Dot at Circle Overlap. 5. Feel Earth Pill form gathering Forces (3x)-Scoop up Earth Pill with Clenched Fists to Mouth standing upSuck Sense/Organs into Head using Mind/Eyes/Palms. 6. Mix/Beat with Saliva-Swallow using Gulping Action-Inhale-Suck Earth Pill deep down to Stomach-Pull up AnusPress Tongue-Fingers bent sweeping down Chest. 7. Rest-Collect Energy at Navel-Brush Energy down Chest. CC 5 (15)

Practice VIII: Gathering Golden Earth Pill

Scoop up Earth Chi

Swallow - Brush down Chi into Lower Tan Tien

CC 5 (15)

© Wu Chi Trust

Elixir Chi Kung Practice IX - Tiger Out of the Cage (Pg 95-98) 1. Stand-Rt Leg extended with Rt Foot flat on Floor. Start with Fists at Waist (Tiger Claw), Fingers up-Elbows bent. 2. Punch/Twist Rt Fist straight ahead-Lower Rt Knee-Hold Lt Fist at Waist-Weight to Rt Leg-Punch Fist forward/ out/upward-Twist Rt Fist/Arm clockwise-Strike at FaceGrab-Pull off balance-Shift onto Lt Foot-Draw Fist back. 3. Follow Rhythm with breath-Reverse Fists-Repeat(108x). 4. Rest-Collect Energy at Navel- Brush Energy down Chest.

Practice X - Iron Buffalo Plows Land(Pg 99-101) 1. Stand on Fingers (Palms)& Toes-Stretch Out-Raise Head upward-Reduce Fingers to 1. Plow 3x-Add 3 per Month. 2. Bend down-Walk Hands forward-Keep Knees/Elbows straight-Hip raised higher than Back. Feet close togetherGather Chi in Mouth-Mix with Saliva-Swallow-Up on Toes. 3. Swing Hips forward & down arching Back-Plow downHead emerges between Arms-Neck arched backwardsSwallow Saliva down (3-6x) Collect Energy at Navel.

Practice XI - Fair Lady Jumps (Pg 102-103) 1. Stand upright-Knees straight-Jump from Tan Tien. 2. Swing Arms at Sides until Light-Smile Softening Heart. 3. Feel Happy/Light spread thru Body-Jump sinking Power down Tan Tien to Toes (Knees lightly bend) (9-18x). 4. Walk around (3x)-Rest-Collect Energy at Navel. (Never sit down, eat or drink immediately after) CC 5 (16)

Practice IX: Tiger Out of the Cage


Swallow Down

Practice X: Iron Buffalo Pows Land

Practice XI: Fair Lady Jump

Returning to Starting Position

© Wu Chi Trust

CC 5 (16)

Tai Chi Chi Kung II

South(S)-Left Hand-Ward Off-Press-Push 1. Stand facing North - Head suspended from string connected to Heavenly Force - Feet together relaxed. 2. Smile in Eyes down to Navel - Inhale - Round Scapulas - Sink Chest - Open Arm Pits - Exhale- Sink downShift Tail Bone to Right Heel - Left Heel comes up. 3. Inhale - Pick up Left Foot - Exhale - Set at Shoulders width apart - Iron Shirt I Posture - Left Foot Open. 4. Shift Tail Bone to Left Heel- Draw Right Hip forward stepping with Lt Foot reach with Rt Hand facing North. 5. Draw Right Hip & Arm back-Simultaneously move Left Hip & Hand forward shifting Tail Bone to Left Heel. 6. Turn Left-Torque Left Hip-Left Forearm protects Head-Right Foot 90° automatically(Hip moves body). 7. Shift Tail Bone to Right Heel-Left Hip-Foot-Arm Step wide on Left Toes facing South-Raise Right Hand from Right Hip circling with Left Hand twice forming Chi Ball. 8. Ward Off Strike: Sink Back - Kick Left Foot back-Discharge forward wide-Drag stiff Right Leg (Anchor Leg)Right Foot straight-No upper movement-Sink Back 9. Roll Back: Turn Hips to Right-Drop Right Hand to Left Elbow facing West-Eyes focus on Left Palm. 10. Press Strike:Outer Right Wrist connects to Inner Left Wrist-Kick Left Foot back-Discharge forward wide-Drag Right Foot straight(Anchor Leg) No upper movement. 11. Push Strike:Sink Back-Separate Wrists-Open PalmsKick Left Foot back-Discharge forward wide-Drag stiff Right Foot straight (Anchor Leg)No upper movement. CC 5 (17)




Ward Off Roll Back Press

Tai Chi Chi Kung II

© Wu Chi Trust

Step Forward


Turn Left

Single Whip

CC 5 (17)

Tai Chi Chi Kung II

South(Left) Single Whip-Step-Lady Shuttle West(Lt) Ward Off-Press-Push-Single Whip 1. Single Whip: Sink Back-Turn Hips to Right facing West -Form Right Hand Beak over Left Palm-Weight on Right. 2. Step Out: Step Left Heel to South-Turn Left Foot 90° West while dropping Left Hand protecting Left KneeShift Tail Bone to Left Heel-Right Foot step wide to Right facing North circling Right Hand with Left Hand twice to Right forming Chi Ball weight on Left Foot. 3. Lady Shuttle: Sink Back-Strike-Push Lt Hand Forward with Hip-Roll Rt Hand up protecting Head facing North. 4. Changing Directions:Step Back with Left Foot pointing West opening Hip to West drawing Right Hand crossing Left Wrist down protecting Right Knee-Left Hand protecting Head-Shift Tail Bone to Lt Heel-Lt Hand down to Lt Knee & Rt Hand up protecting Head-Shift Tail Bone to Rt Heel circling Hands twice forming Ball facing West. 5. Ward Off:Sink Back-Same as to South striking West. 6. Press: Same as Ward Off connecting Wrists striking. 7. Push: Same as Press-Hands spread wide-Strike West 8. Single Whip:Sink Back-Turn Hips to Right facing North -Form Right Hand Beak over Left Palm-Weight on Right. 9. Step Out: Step Lt Heel to West-Turn Lt Foot 90° North while dropping Lt Hand protecting Lt Knee-Shift Tail Bone to Lt Heel-Rt Foot step wide to Rt facing East circling Rt Hand with Lt Hand twice to Rt forming Chi Ball. 10. Lady Shuttle: Sink Back-Strike-Push Lt Hand Forward with Hip-Roll Right Hand up protecting Head facing East. CC 5 (18)

Lady Shuttle

Lady Shuttle

Single Whip




Sink Back

Roll Back

Roll Back

Ward Off

Tai Chi Chi Kung II

Ward Off

Change Direction

CC 5 (18)

© Wu Chi Trust

Tai Chi Chi Kung II

Changing Directions-North-East-South Corners-Transition to Right Hand - Ward Off 1. Changing Directions:Step Back with Left Foot pointing North opening Hip to North drawing Right Hand crossing Left Wrist down protecting Right Knee-Left Hand protecting Head-Shift Tail Bone to Lt Heel-Lt Hand down to Lt Knee & Rt Hand up protecting Head-Shift Tail Bone to Rt Heel circling Hands twice forming Ball facing North 2. Follow same procedure as West Corner (Left Hand) for North, East, South Corners where West Corner ended. 3. North Corner: Wardoff - Rollback - Press-PushSingle Whip - Lady Shuttle - Changing Directions. 4. East Corner: Wardoff - Rollback - Press-Push-Single Whip - Lady Shuttle - Changing Directions. 5. South Corner: Wardoff - Rollback - Press-PushSingle Whip-Lady Shuttle-Transition Right Hand. 6. Transition: Left Foot steps forward-Shift Tail Bone to Left Heel-Draw Left Hand forward & Right Hand backShift Tail Bone to Right Heel-Left Hand to Left Hip & Right Hand forward-Turn Hip 90 to Rt-Rt Foot pointing East-Rt Arm protects Head-Shift Tail Bone to Lt HeelWeight on Lt Foot-Rt Foot steps wide to Rt facing South circling Rt Hand Lt Hand twice to Rt forming Chi Ball. 7. Ward Off Right Hand Strike: Sink Back - Kick Left Foot back-Discharge forward wide - Drag stiff Right Leg (Anchor Leg)Right Foot straight- No upper movement. 8. Complete South Corner: Rollback - Press - PushSingle Whip - Lady Shuttle - Changing Directions. CC 5 (19)


Single Whip

Single Whip

Transition to Left Hand

Roll Back Sink Back

Lady Shuttle

For Books or Instructor in your area contact UTC Website

Sink Back

Ward Off

© Wu Chi Trust

CC 5 (19)

Tai Chi Chi Kung II Right Hand Ward Off-Press-Push-Single Whip-Lady Shuttle-Changing Directions East-North-W-South Corners-Completion 1. Follow same procedure as South Corner (Rt Hand) for East, North, West & South Corners where South ended. 2. East Corner: Wardoff - Rollback - Press-PushSingle Whip - Lady Shuttle - Changing Directions. 3. North Corner: Wardoff - Rollback - Press-PushSingle Whip - Lady Shuttle - Changing Directions. 4. North Corner: Wardoff - Rollback - Press-PushSingle Whip - Lady Shuttle - Changing Directions. 5. South Corner: Wardoff-Rollback - Press-PushSingle Whip-Lady Shuttle -X Hands - Completion. 6. Completion: Shift Tail Bone to Right Hip - Release Lady Shuttle - Open both Hands moving them up & outwards & downward drawing Left Foot straight back setting it down parallel to Right (Shifting Tail Bone to Left Heel) lift up Right Leg placing it parallel with Left Draw Feet together (Toes even). 7. Raise Hands in Front of Body (12") to Form X below Shoulders (Left Hand closer to Body). Distribute weight evenly between both Feet then simultaneously straighten Body & lower Hands to sides (Palms facing rear) - All movement ends at same time - Relax and Center yourself & feel the Chi expand in your Body. 8. Smile down - Collect Energy at Navel. CC 5 (20)

Change Direction

Lady Shuttle

Lady Shuttle

© Wu Chi Trust

Ward Off

Tai Chi Chi Kung II


Press Push

Single Whip


CC 5 (20)

Lesser Kan & Li Kan: Life Essence - Organic Kidney Rivers 1. Lead: Dense-Heavy; White Tiger-Metal-Lungs. 2. True Sense: Still Sexual Energy-Senses are restored Outwardly Dark-Inwardly Bright-Strong/Unbending Wards off External Afflications-Black Tiger’s strength is within-White Tiger’s Energy is Metal & Lungs. 3. North Star conceals Brightness within Darkness. 4. Rabbit in Moon-Male(Metal) within Female(Water). 5. When Sexual Energy rises; it transforms into Bliss. 6. Total Body Orgasm: 1st Brain; 2nd Senses; 3rd Kidneys; 4th Liver; 5th Spleen; 6th Lungs; 7th Heart; 8th Soul; 9th Spirit comes from material substance (Sexual Organs, Senses, Glands, Organs). 7. Sexual Aroused Energy transfers into Immaterial (Ching Chi) connects Universal & Earth with Body.

Li: Spiritual Essence - Heart Compassion Fire 1. Mercury: Active-Bright-Buoyant easily flows in Body. 2. Spiritual Essence:Outwardly Firm-Inwardly Flexible. Call it-It Responds;Touch it-It Moves; Goes In & Out. 3. Green Dragon: Into Fire changes to Black Tiger. 4. Woman: Yin on Outside - Yang on Inside. 5. Man: Yang on Outside - Yin on Inside. 6. Raven in Sun: Femininity within Masculinity. 7. Mercury within Cinnabar: Hidden Reality in Fire. 8. Flowing Pearl: Its Light is Penetrating. 9. Heart Compassion Fire(Heart Center) transforms Material (Organs) into Immaterial (Virtues) (Mid-Eye) Cannot See or Touch it- You can Feel It. CC 6 (1)

Kan and Li Characteristics Kan


Water Lead, True sense Sexual Energy

Fire Mercury, Spiritual Essence, Compassionate Energy

Yang within Yin

Yin within Yang

Chinese and I Ching Characters 1. Yang within Yin 1. Yin within Yang 2. True Lead, True Sense 2. True Mercury, Endurance, Stamina Spiritual Essence and Virtue 3. Lady of the Kan in Moon 3. Maiden of the Li in Sun 4. North, Moon 4. South, Sun 5. Water 5. Fire 6. White Tiger 6. Green Dragon 7. Female 7. Male 8. Kidney 8. Heart 9. Saliva 9. Chi 10.Semen, Sperm 10.Blood, Menstruation 11.Black 11.Red 12.Self 12.Other 13.True Sense mixed with 13.Spiritual Essences are Arbitrary Feeling. Adulterated with Temper.

Lesser Kan & Li Coupling: Reversing Hot/Cold Energies (Pg 107) 1. Smile Down to Kidneys - Listen & Feel Kidneys Gentleness/Coolness - Separate Kidney Cold Energy from Adrenal Hot Energy at Top of Kidneys. 2. Be Aware of Perineium/Sexual Energy-Draw down Kidney Cold Energy-Melt Glacier Cold Energy into Water at Perineum collecting Multi-Orgasmic Energy. 3. Be Aware of Heart-Feel Heart soften with Radiance of Appreciation combined with Ultraviolet/Infared Red Light & Good Virtues into Compassion Fire. 4. Collect Hot Energy of Adrenals at T-11 on SpineDraw up to Crown then down Middle Thrusting Channel to Heart combining with the Compassion Energies of Heart, Adrendals & Thymus at Heart Collection Point-Temper them with Mind Gentleness. 4. Create Cauldron at Navel-Divide attention with Hot/ Cold Energies at Heart/Perineium Collection Pts. 5. Bring Hot Energy (Cup of Fire) down Left Red Thusting Channel to Perineium & Cold Energy (Cup of Water) up Right Blue Thusting Channel to Solar Plexis without spilling Hot/Cold Energies. 6. Move Hot/Cold Energies into Middle Thrusting Channel-Carefully Couple them at Navel using Fire as Stove Boiling/Steaming Water as Cauldron. 7. Establish Cauldron Heartbeat allowing Kidneys to Pulsed Simultaneously with Heart pulling up Sexual Energy then with Earth & Sense Automatic Pulsation. CC 6 (2)

Original Heart Fire

Original Kidney Water

Move Fire Down Left Side & Water Up Right Side

© Wu Chi Trust

Move Water to Solar Plexus & Fire to Perineum

Couple Water & Fire at Navel

CC 6 (2)

Lesser Kan & Li Steaming the Five Vital Organs (Pg 114) 1. Stir Cauldron mentally rocking Spine raising Colored Steam or Vapor to each Vital Organ-then to All (3x). 2. Smile into Kidneys gently direct Blue Steam into them removing Sick-Negative Energy with Blue Blossoms. 3. Smile into Liver gently direct Green Steam into them Remove Sick Energy with Green Blossoms (3x). 4. Smile into Spleen gently direct Yellow Steam into them removing Sick Energy with Yellow Blossoms. 5. Smile into Heart gently direct Red Steam into them removing Sick, Negative Energy with Red Blossoms. 6. Smile into Lungs gently direct White Steam into them removing Sick, Negative Energy with White Blossoms. Do Steaming the Endorine Glands (Pg 116) 1. Stir Cauldron mentally rocking Spine raising Colored Steam/Vapor to each Endoring Gland-then to All. 2. Smile into Thymus, Thyroid, Parathyroid and Salivary Glands gently direct Purple Steam into them removing Sick Energy with Purple Blossoms (3x). 3. Smile (Eyes Up into Mideyebrow) into Hypothymus, Pituitary, Pineal & Thalamus Glands gently direct Purple Steam into them removing Sick, Negative Energy with Purple Blossoms (3x). 4. Smile into Adrendal Glands (T-11) & Sexual Organs gently direct Purple Steam into them removing Sick, Negative Energy with Purple Blossoms (3x). CC 6 (3)

Small Intestine

Steam Five Vital Organs

© Wu Chi Trust

Pineal Gland Pituitary Gland

Thyroid and Parathyroid

Thymus Gland

Steam Endorine Glands

Lesser Kan & Li Steaming Spine, Lymph, Nerves (Pg 118-121) 1. Exhale drawing Cauldron to Perineium; Then Stir Cauldron mentally rocking Spine raising White Steam or Vapor through the Spinal, Lymphatic, Nervous Systems then All at Same Time (3x). 2. Smile into Spine gently Breathe White Steam Up & Down Spine into Skull, Arm & Leg Bones removing Sick, Negative Energy with White Blossoms. Let Steam Clean, Repair, Regenerate Spinal Cord/Fluid. 3. Smile into Lymph Nodes & Vessels gently Breathe White Steam Up & Down pathways into Chest, Navel Area, Neck, Arm Pits & Legs removing Sick, Negative Energy with White Blossoms. Let Steam Clean, Repair & Regenerate Lymphatic System. 4. Smile through Spinal Cord into Nervous System gently Breathe White Steam Up & Down pathways into Spine, Neck, Head, Chest, Navel Area, Arms, Hands, Legs & Feet removing Negative, Toxins, Sick Energy with White Blossoms. Let Steam Clean, Repair & Regenerate Nervous System. 5. Repeat Process with Spinal, Lymphatic, Nervous Systems All at Same Time flowing the White Steam throughout the Whole Body using the Breath Breathing In & Out with the White Steam (3x).

CC 6 (4)

Steam Skeletal System

Steam Lymphatic System Steam Nervous System

© Wu Chi Trust


Pulsed Energy Points

CC 6 (4)

Lesser Kan & Li Steam Lungs/Lg Intestines Channels (Pg 121) 1. Stir Cauldron mentally rocking Spine raising White Steam through Lung & Large Intestine Channels. 2. Hold Lung Pts. on Inside Thumb Edge with Index Finger. Breathe Steam around Lungs down Inside of Arms to Index Fingers through Lung Channel. 3. Hold Thumb Edge on Outside Index Finger-Lung Pt. Breathe White Steam Up Outside of Arms to Lungs through Large Intestine Channel (3x).

Steam Stomach/Spleen Channels (Pg 124) 1. Stir Cauldron mentally-Rock Spine raising Yellow Steam through Stomach & Spleen Channels (3x). 2. Hold Lung Pts.-Breathe Yellow Steam from Face down through Stomach & Legs to Outside 2nd Toe (Stomach Meridan) through Stomach Channel (3x). 3. Hold Lung Pts.-Breathe Steam from Inside Big Toe up Inside Legs through Spleen, Heart to Tongue (Spleen Meridan) through Spleen Channel (3x).

Steam Heart/Sm Intestines Channels (Pg 126) 1. Stir Cauldron mentally rocking Spine raising Red Steam through Heart & Small Intestine Channels. 2. Hold Heart Pts. on Pinky Finger Nail with Thumb Edge. Breathe Steam around Heart down Inside of Arms to Pinky Fingers through Heart Channel. 3. Hold Heart Pts. Breathe Red Steam Up Outside of Arms to Shoulders, Neck, Stomach around Small Intestines through Small Intestine Channel (3x). CC 6 (5)

Lung Holding Pt. Holding Point Steam Lung Meridan

Steam Stomach Meridan

Holding Point Steam Large Intestine Meridan

Steam Spleen Meridan

Holding Point

© Wu Chi Trust

Holding Point

Lesser Kan & Li Steam Bladder/Kidney Channels (Pg 128) 1. Stir Cauldron mentally-Rock Spine raising Blue Steam through Bladder & Kidney Channels (3x). 2. Hold Lung Pts.-Breathe Blue Steam from Bladder up over Head down Back/Legs to Outside Baby Toe (Bladder Meridan) through Bladder Channel (3x). 3. Hold Lung Pts.-Breathe Blue Steam from Back of Baby Toe up Inside Legs to Coccyx & Kidneys (Kidney Meridan) through Kidney Channel (3x)

Steam Pericardium/Warmer Channels (Pg 131) 1. Stir Cauldron mentally rocking-raising Purple Steam through Pericardium & Triple Warmer Channels. 2. Hold Mid-Finger Tips with Thumbs-Breathe Purple Steam around Pericardium down Inside of Arms to Mid-Fingers through Pericardium Channel (3x). 3. Hold Mid-Finger Tips-Breathe Purple Steam Up Outside Arms to Face down Upper, Middle & Lower Abdomens through Triple Warmer Channel (3x).

Steam Gall Bladder/Liver Channels (Pg 133) 1. Stir Cauldron mentally-Rock Spine raising Green Steam through Gall Bladder & Liver Channels (3x). 2. Hold Lung Pts.-Breathe Green Steam from Face down through Gall Bladder & Legs to Outside 4th Toe through Gall Bladder Channel (3x). 3. Hold Lung Pts.-Breathe Steam from Outside Big Toe up Inside Legs through Groin, Liver to Face (Live Meridan) through Liver Channel (3x). CC 6 (6)

Holding Point

© Wu Chi Trust

Holding Point

Steam Pericardium Meridian

Hold the Lung points. Focus the attention on the lateral sides of the tips of the fourth toes.

Steam Triple Warmer Meridian

Holding Point

Holding Points for the Gallbladder on the Feet

Holding Point

Steam Gall Bladder Meridian

CC 6 (6)

Steam Liver Meridian

Lesser Kan & Li Body Pulsing & Inner Eye (Pg 119,139) 1. Mentally allow Heart Rate Decrease-Direct Red Steam to Aorta & Vena Cava & Feel Pulse Increase to Navel (Use Hand to Touch Areas), Groin, Inner Ankles, Neck, Temples, Back of Skull, Arm Pits, Inside Elbows & Wrists - Amplity the Pulse (3x) Synchronize All Pulses connect with North Star. 2. Inner Eye: Junction between Stove & Cauldron forms an Eye (Pt. of Light)-Use it to Observe Inner Body. Self-Intercourse Practice (Pg 140) 1. Concentrate on Sexual Organs & Pineal Gland. 2. Do Power Lock (3x) drawing Sexual Energy up into Pineal Gland-UseThrusts creating Orgasmic Energy. 3. Draw Orgasmic Energy down from Pineal Gland to Perineium through Middle Channel compressing it in Navel Cauldron expanding it out to all Organs. 3. Orgasmic Energy Peaks (Seed) in Cauldron that creates Immortal Fetus in Liver Collection Pt. Turning the Wheel - Closing Practice (Pg 142) 1. Form Sexual Energy Pool at Perineium. Look Straight Ahead - Eyes Closed - Form Mental Clock. 2. Look Down into Pool (6:00)-Draw Sexual Energy up into Spine with Steam traveling up Spine. 3. Look Up to Right (3:00)-Draw Sexual Energy to T11. 4. Look Up to Crown (12:00)-Draw Energy to Pineal. 5. Look Down to Left (9:00)-Draw Energy Down to Navel Cauldron to eventually Store the Energy. 6. Do 36 to 360 Revolutions-In time it moves Independing -Maintain Mental Revolutions so it reaches Cauldron. CC 6 (7)

Inner Eye

© Wu Chi Trust

Self Intercourse Pineal Gland is the Second Sexual Organ.

Self Intercourse





Turning the Wheel

Lesser Kan & Li Supplementary Practices Connecting with the Big Dipper (Pg 145) (Visualize Colors in each Star with Breath in Brain.) 1. Dubhe: Wolf/Yang-Purple-Cerebellum;11pm-1am. 2. Merak: Gate/Yin-Dk Blue-Memory Center;1am-3pm. 3. Phecda: Person/Prosperity-Lt Blue-Pineal;3am-5pm. 4. Megrez: Art/Subtlety-Green-Thalamus;5am-7pm. 5. Alioth: Chastity/Elixir-Yellow-Pituitary;7am-9pm. 6. Mizar: Martial/N. Pole-Orange-Olfactory;9am-11pm 7. Alcor: Army/Hevenly Guard-Red-3rd Eye;11am-1pm. Nine (Sacred Mountains) Palaces (Pg 154) 1. Focus 3rd Eye into Thyroid/Parathyroid (Vocal Cords) with Breath (Green) with 5 Palaces (1st Lungs, 2nd Spleen, 3rd Heart, 4th Liver,5th Kidney) 2. Exhale connecting 5 Cords with 4 Tones (Upper 4) Vibrate in Left(Moon-Blue)/Right(Sun-Purple) Brains. Animal Protection & Gathering Pill (Pg 161) (Place Aminals & Planets around Body/Energy Body) 1. Kidneys(Blue Deer/Turtle/Mercury)-Place on Back(N). 2. Heart (Red Pheasant/Mars) - Place on Front (S). 3. Liver (Green Dragon/Jupiter) - Place on Right (E). 4. Lungs (White Tiger/Venus) - Place on Left (W). 5. Spleen (Yellow Phoenix/Saturn)-Place Above Head. 6. Visualize Aminal/Planet Protection Chi Field linking to 4 Constellations drawing Energy towards you. 7. Gathering Pill: End Meditation by drawing Light in Eye & Protective Chi Fieldsto Navel Cauldronfrom Crown & 3rd Eye-Spiral Light into Pearl & Ordit. 6aboe Head. CC 6 (8)

© Wu Chi Trust Pineal Gland Blue Light

Big Dripper connecting with Brain Points 7. Touch & Taste 8. Central Sulcus Mystic Elixir Ultimate Purity 9. Parieto Occipital Sulcus Heavenly Emperor 5. Optic Area Jade Emperor

6. Forebrain Heavenly Hall

1. Speech Area Bright Hall 2. Auditory/Olfactory Area Hidden Cave House

4. Cerebellum Illuminating Pearl

3. Hypothalamus Hidden Elixir Field

Nine Palaces of the Brain

Five Protective Animals

CC 6 (8)

Karsai Nei Tsang Opening Abdomen & Sexual Palace (Pg 32-35) 1. Scoop with Palms around Abdominal Perimeter moving Clockwise realeasing any Blockages (9x). 2. Stand on Right Side then reach across Pulling Up Descending Colon with Finger Pads (9x). 3. Push In on the Ascending Colon with Both Palms massaging towards Abdominal Midline pulling in Left Side/pushing out Right Side in Rhythmical Motion.

Opening Pakua Navel Area (Pg 37) 1. Place Left Hand over Right-Press below Navel with Finger Pads pulling away from Navel any Tension. 2. Hold Pressure until Area Softens-Continue to work around Navel in Order of Pakua Symbol. 3. Movement will Discharge Tension releasing Tight Nerves & reestablishing Blood & Lymphatic Flow.

Releasing Aorta & Interior Vena Cava (Pg 38) 1. Place Left Hand over Right-Press below Navel finding Aorta Pulsing & Vena Cava with other Hand at a Slight Angle pressing in Slightly Down (9x). 2. Feel any Blockages & Tangles then slowly use Force to Slightly Press breaking up any Sedimention. 3. When you feel Tissues Release slightly move Hands down towards Public Bone & repeat following Aorta & Interior Vena Cava pressing & releasing until you reach Pubic Bone then Start Again from Solar Plexus to Navel (9x). CC 6 (9)

Southeastern Gate

Right Eastern Gate

Opening Sexual Palace

Northeastern Gate

Opening the Abdominal

SE Right Kidney



Top S



Southwestern Gate

W Navel


NW Northwestern

Left Western Gate Kidney

Stomach Spleen


Southern Gate

Liver Gall Bladder


Northern Gate

Sexual Organs, Bladder

N Opening Pakua Navel Area

© Wu Chi Trust

Karsai Nei Tsang Releasing Karsai Meridians Lines I - IV (Pg 40) 1. Karsai I-II run down from Navel to Urethra & Anus. 2. Place Left Hand over Right-Press below Navel-Push In & Slightly Pull Down toward Public Bone-Feel Releases in Tissues & Warming Sensations (9x). 3. Karsai III-IV run up Inside Legs across Inguinal Ingament Midline across Abdominal Line to Navel. 4. Place Left Hand over Right-Press below Navel-Push In & Slightly Pull Down at 45 toward Inguinal Ingament Midline-Hold Pressure until you feel a Release in Tissues & Warming Sensations (9x).

Releasing Psoas Muscles (Pg 44-45) 1. Place Left Hand over Right-Press into Psoas Area Inside Hip with Finger Pads (Locate Psoas by Leg Rotation & drawing Knee to Chest) (9x). 2. Continue pressing down to you feel any ContractionsUnwinding (Spiraling) any Tensions in a Lateral Movement slowly working Full Length of Psoas.

Lymphatic Drainage over Inguinal (Pg 50) 1. Use Finger Pads or Thumbs pressing into Base of Inguinal Ligament at Pubic Bone. Slowly move Hand up(Feel Ligament Lengthen) until reaching Pelvis-Do (6x) until Ligament Softens & Relaxes. 2. Place Fingers Flat over Inguinal Ligaments-Work Both Sides at Same Time making gentle pushing Movements toward Navel - Feel Lymphatic Ducts releasing & Fuild Flushing from Deeper Nodes (9x). CC 6 (10)

Energy Meridian Line I & II

Energy Meridian Line III & IV

Lymphatic Ducts

Psoas Muscle Head of Tendon

Opening Psoas Muscle

© Wu Chi Trust

Lymphatic Ducts

Drawing Lymphatic Ducts

CC 6 (10)

Female Karsai Nei Tsang Opening & Releasing Uterus (Pg 54-56) 1. Place 8 Fingers to 1 Side of Uterus with Thumbs together on Opposite Side. Press In with Fingers Flat & pull Uterus toward Thumbs. Then Press In Thumbs pushing toward Fingers. 2. Continue this Motion-Kneading Uterus with Fingers. 3. Massage Tangles/Twists Out-Hold Uterus a while (9x).

Releasing Fallopian Tibes (Pg 57) 1. Fingers Together gently Circular Massage over the Fallopian Tubes from Uterus working to Ovaries-Slowly massage out Twists, Tangles or Knots (9x).

Releasing Ovaries (Pg 58-60) 1. Fingers Together Flat & Relaxed press into Ovary. 2. Feel for any Tightness in connecting Ligaments & Congestion within Ovary. Massage directly into Ovary releasing Congestion-Feel for Chi Flow (9x).

Releasing Urogential Diaphragm (Pg 61-63) 1. Bring Right Hand over Right Labia Majora pulling it over to Right Side-Use Left Hand to move Genitals to Left - Use Right Thumb to massage Up Outside of Labium along Ischoiocavenous Muscle. 2. Press In & Pull Tissue to release any Knots, Tangles or Congestion. Repeat Slowly (9x) until Area Softens & Chi Flow Returns; then Reverse. CC 6 (11)

Opening Uterus

Ovarian Tubes

Fallopian Tube

Releasing Urogenital Diaphragm


© Wu Chi Trust


Finding the Ovaries & Ovarian Tubes

Female Karsai Nei Tsang Lifting Uterus (Pg 66-67) 1. Stand facing her Pelvis-Hands Cupped scooping up Underside of Uterus - Lift Uterus up firmly toward Solar Plelxus gently stretching Ligaments in place. 2. Move Uterus Upwards Linearly-Repeat Movement (9x) smoothing out Abdomen Tissues.

Lifting Ovaries (Pg 68) 1. Stand to One Side-Reach across Opposite Side. 2. Scoop into Pelvis Rim with 8 Fingers - Gently Lift Ovary moving it into Superior/Medial Position stretching it away from Pelvis. Be very Sensitive to Tissue Direction-Follow Path of Least Resistance. 3. Move to Opposite Side-Repeat for Other Ovary (9x).

Spreading Sexual Energy (Pg 69-72) 1. Sit between Student’s Legs-Stretch out your Leg pressing Sole of Foot into her Pelvic Floor. 2. Hold Pressure (2-3 mins)(9x)-Have her follow Chi through her Body moving Upwards or Downwards to her Legs by her Awareness of the Movement. 3. This Technique Opens Up Sexual Energy after working on Genitals & Pelvic Floor. 4. Rest (3-5 mins)-Do Chi Self Massage.

CC 6 (12)

Lifting the Uterus Lifting the Ovaries

© Wu Chi Trust

Spreading the Energy

CC 6 (12)

Male Karsai Nei Tsang Releasing Blood Supply to Genitals (Pg 85) 1. Lift Tecticles & Penis with Left Hand-Stabilize them Up & Over to Left Side. Place Right Thumb on Lower Right Edge of Scotal Sac. 2. Move Thumb Upwards following Edge of Scrotal Sac & Crease of Leg (9x). Observe any Deposits you feel in Veins. Pause to work on One with Small Circular Movement pressing into Restriction. 3. Smooth out Area with Long Lighter Strokes.

Energizing Prostate (Pg 86) 1. Lift Tecticles & Penis with Left Hand Upwards-Stabilize them Away from Perineum. 2. With Pad of Right Middle Finger push Directly into Million Dollar Point until you feel Base of Prostate. 3. Hold Pressure until you feel Prostate Revitalized.

Activating Scrotal Sac Circulation (Pg 85) 1. Place 8 Fingers under the Testicles - Let Weight of Testicles rest in Hands. Place Left Thumb between Testicles-Stabilizes Left Testicle by pressing down Left Thumb on Left Fingers (Same with Right). 2. Search for Sedimentations (Sand) by Veins just above Testicles - Press into Sediment making Small Circular Movements to Break Them Up. 3. Feel Sediment Dissolve working through them One by One - Repeat this Procedure for Left Testicle. CC 6 (13)

Interior Epigastric


Artery of the Vas

Renal Vessels Inferior Vena Cava Aorta Internal Spermatic

Energizing Prostate

Activating Scrotal Sac


Million Dollar

Bladder Seminal

Releasing Blood to Testicles & Penis


© Wu Chi Trust

Scrotal Sac

Male Karsai Nei Tsang Smoothing Out Upper Scrotal Veins (Pg 89) 1. Place Fingers under Scrotal Sac supporting Testicles & Thumbs on Top of Scrotal Sac (Correct Position). 2. Gently move Thumbs along Veins in Scrotal Sac to Base of Penis smoothing Veins out (9x). 3. Repeat Movement balancing/smoothing out Chi Flow.

Testicle Palm Rub (Pg 92) 1. Firmly Wrap Left Thumb & Forefinger around Base of Scrotal Sac- Rotate Testicles Clockwise to Right. 2. With Palm of Right Hand rub in Circular Motion vigorously around Sides & Base of Testicles (9x). 3. Repeat Movement in Reverse with Left Thumb & Forefinger Wrap rotating Counter-clockwise & Left Palm Massage in Circular Motion.

Energizing Prostate through Perineum (Pg 103) 1. While on All Fours-Stabilize Sacrum with Left Hand pressing Middle Right Finger into Million Dollar Pt. 2. Million Dollar Pt-In Front of Anus behind Perineum. 3. Press in firmly to feel contact with Prostate & any Congestion (Also you can use Thumb if it is easier). 4. Release Pressure when you feel Prostate Release & Flow with Energy. CC 6 (14)

Smoothing Out Upper Scotal Sac Veins

© Wu Chi Trust

Testicle Palm Rub

CC 6 (14)

Karsai Nei Tsang Massage Buttocks & Sacrum on All 4s (Pg 95) 1. Using Full Palms start at Ischial Tuberosities Level move Thumbs upwards along Sacrum Edges with Fingers out to Buttock Sides. Bring Fingers & Thumbs together at Top of Pelvic Crest then sweep Hands down along Outsides of Pelvis (9x). 2. When you feel a Blockage-Pause Press In making Small Circular Movements to Release it.

Releasing Inner Thigh on All 4s (Pg 94-95) 1. Rotate Student’s Right Leg so Inside of Right Leg is exposed (Gracilis & Adductor Muscles Contract). Right Hand over Genitals stabilizing them to Right. 2. Press in with Left Thumb underneath Bulging Muscles massaging with Long Strokes down Inside of Legs to Softening Muscles & Release Legs (9x).

Releasing Perineum Area on All 4s (Pg 97-98) 1. Press Left Thumb between Coccyx & Anus into Anococcygeal Ligament-Hold Pelvis with Right Hand 2. Move Thumb under Coccyx above Anus-Press in again then to Right releasing any Twisting (9x) 3. Place Left Thumb near Left of Anus resting Hand on Left Buttock stabilizing Pelvis with Right Hand. 4. Press in with Thumb pulling to Left to Open Space & Relax then Reverse (9x). CC 6 (15)

Iliacus Muscle Psoas Major Muscle Inguinal Ligament

Releasing Inner Thigh

Releasing Perineum Area


© Wu Chi Trust

Karsai Nei Tsang Releasing Sciatic Nerve on All 4s (Pg 101) 1. Press Thumbs into Sciatic Nerve Pathways (9x). 2. Feel for any Stagnation, Knots & Tangles making Small Circular Movements releasing Restrictions.

Forearm Press - Anus to Sacrum (Pg 102) 1. Lean over Student’s Buttocks-Place Forearm (Ulna Side Down) along Midline from Anus to Sacrum. 2. Rest your Bodyweight down for 2-3 mins feeling Energy Flow Up Student’s Spine (9x).

Massaging Pelvic Ligaments on All 4s (P 104) 1. Left Hand stabilizes Sacrum-Bring Right Fingers underneath Anus Left of Scrotal Sac. Slide Fingers down Scrotum Left Side then Forward along Leg & Testicles then Reverse on Opposite Side (9x). 2. Stand on Student’s Right Side-Place Right Hand over Lumbar Vertebra while Left Finger Pads scoop under Ribs massaging down Ascending Colon to Public Bone then Reverse on Opposite Side (9x). 3. Stand on Student’s Right Side - Place Left Hand around Thigh-Right Finger Pads massaging down Inguinal Ligament-Reverse on Opposite Side (9x).

Abdomen Herbal Packs (Pg 107 - 108) 1. Press Herbal Ball around Abdomen to Pubic Bone. 2. Men-Press/Hold on Testicles moving away Penis. CC 6 (16)

Releasing Sciatic Nerve

© Wu Chi Trust

Sciatic Nerve


Central Tendon of Perineum

Energizing Prostate & Perineum

CC 6 (16)

Tai Chi Chi Kung III Ward Off-Press-Push-Single Whip-Lend Back 1. Stand facing North - Head suspended from string connected to Heavenly Force -Feet together relaxed. 2. Smile in Eyes down to Navel - Inhale-Round Scapulas-Sink Chest-Open Arm Pits - Exhale - Sink downShift Tail Bone to Right Heel - Left Heel comes up. 3. Inhale - Pick up Left Foot - Exhale - Set at Shoulders width apart - Iron Shirt Chi Kung I Posture. 4. Lower Upper Body from Hips-Drop Head DownRise Upper Body & Arms from Wrists-Lower Hands. 5. Ward Off Strike: Shift Tail Bone to Right Heel-Draw out & Hook Left Foot forming Ball with HandsWard Off to the North. 6. Roll Back: Slip Left Fingers to Right Wrist forming Circle to the East shifting Tail Bone to Left Heel lifting up Right Heel & opening up Hip to East. 7. Press Strike: Lift Right Foot placing Right Heel down-Press Left Fingers on Right Wrist Forward to the East-Roll Back sinking Back on Left Heel. 8. Push Strike: Pull Back Right Palm-Push forward to the East swifting Tail Bone to Right Heel. 9. Single Whip Strike: Form Beak with Right HandLeft Foot steps back draws Right Palm across with Eyes following-Strike out with Palm/Beak Hands. 10. Lean Back: Rise Left Palm-Circle down Right Hand crossing at Midsection-Swift Tail Bone to Right Heel -Rise Right Hand above Head-Left Hand to Knee. CC 6 (17)



Raise Arms

Single Whip

Ward Off

Turn Left


Tai Chi Chi Kung III - Wu Style Short Form


Roll Back © Wu Chi Trust

Tai Chi Chi Kung III West(Left) Carry Tiger to Mountain-Transition West(Lt) Roll Back-Press-Push-Single Whip 1. Carry Tiger to Mountains: Swift Tail Bone to Left Heel forming Chi Ball at Midsection with Both Palms drawing Right Foot up in Iron Shirt Stance. 2. Transition: Lower Upper Body from Hips-Drop Head-Turn Hips to Left circling Chi Ball over Head to Right Side-Swift Tail Bone to Right Heel. 3. Step Left Heel back to South-Turn Right Foot 45° West-Drop Left Hand brushing Left Knee-Shift Tail Bone to Center-Push Right Hand Forward. 4. Sink Back: Swift Tail Bone to Right Heel-Draw Left Fingers to Right Wrist-Circle Forward swifting Right Fingers to Left Wrist then Circle Back. 5. Press: Press Right Fingers forward on Right Wrist moving Hips to West then Circle Back with Hips. 7. Push: Lift Back Left Fingers-Push Hips to West. 8. Single Whip: Form Beak with Left Hand-Right Foot Steps Back drawing Right Palm across with Eyes following-Strike out with Palm & Beak Hands. 9. Lean Back: Rise Right Palm-Circle down Left Hand crossing at Midsection-Swift Tail Bone to Left Heel -Rise Left Hand above Head-Right Hand to Knee. 10. Carry Tiger to Mountains: Swift Tail Bone to Right Heel forming Chi Ball at Midsection with Both Palms drawing Left Foot up in Iron Shirt Stance. CC 6 (18)



Carry Tiger to Mountain

Single Whip

Change Direction

Brush Knee

Tai Chi Chi Kung III - Wu Style Short Form

Lean Back

Ward Off © Wu Chi Trust

CC 6 (18)

Tai Chi Chi Kung III Transition-Changing Directions 180-Transition 1. Transition: Lower Upper Body from Hips-Drop HeadTurn Hips to Right circling Chi Ball over Head to Left Side-Swift Tail Bone to Left Heel. 2. Changing Directions (180): Step Back with Right Foot pointing South opening Hip to South drawing Right Hand crossing Waste down protecting Right Knee-Left Hand presses South-Shift Tail Bone to Left Heel-Right Hand circles Back across Left Wrist-Left Fingers shift to Right Wrist circles Back. 3. Press: Left Fingers press Right Wrist forward-Sink Back-Swift Tail Bone to Left Heel-Right Hand Back. 4. Push: Move Hips 2 counts forward to the South. 5. Single Whip: Form Beak with Right Hand-Left Foot Steps Back drawing Left Palm across with Eyes following-Strike out with Palm & Beak Hands. 6. Lean Back: Rise Left Palm-Circle down Right Hand crossing at Midsection-Swift Tail Bone to Right Heel Rise Right Hand above Head-Left Hand to Knee. 7. Carry Tiger to Mountains: Swift Tail Bone to Left Heel forming Chi Ball at Midsection with Both Palms drawing Right Foot up in Iron Shirt Stance. 8. Transition: Lower Upper Body from Hips-Drop HeadTurn Hips to Left circling Chi Ball over Head to Right Side-Swift Tail Bone to Right Heel. 9. Step Left Heel back to South-Turn Right Foot 45° West-Drop Left Hand brushing Left Knee-Shift Tail Bone to Center-Push Right Hand Forward. CC 6 (19)

For Books or Instructor in your area contact UTS Website


Ward Off

Roll Back



Lean Back Carry Tiger to Mountain Transition to (Change Direction 180 Degrees) Left Hand

Brush Knee © Wu Chi Trust

Tai Chi Chi Kung III Changing Directions SW-NE-NW-SE Corners Press - Push - Single - Transition - Completion 1. Follow same procedure as South Corner (Rt Hand) for SW, NE, NW & SE Corners where South ended. 2. SW Corner: Press-Push-Single Whip-Lean BackCarry Tiger to Mountain-Changing Directions. 3. NE Corner: Press-Push-Single Whip-Lean BackCarry Tiger to Mountain-Changing Directions. 4. NW Corner: Press-Push-Single Whip-Lean BackCarry Tiger to Mountain-Changing Directions. 5. SE Corner: Press-Push-Single Whip-Lean BackCarry Tiger to Mountain-Changing Directions. 6. Completion: Shift Tail Bone to Right Hip-Release Transition- Open both Hands moving them up & outwards & downward drawing Left Foot straight back setting it down parallel to Right (Shifting Tail Bone to Left Heel) lift up Right Leg placing it parallel with Left - Draw Feet together (Toes even). 7. Raise Hands in Front of Body (12") to Form X below Shoulders (Left Hand closer to Body). Distribute weight evenly between both Feet then simultaneously straighten Body & lower Hands to sides (Palms facing rear) - All movement ends at same time - Relax and Center yourself & feel the Chi expand in your Body. 8. Smile down - Collect Energy at Navel. CC 6 (20)

Tai Chi Chi Kung III - Wu Style Short Form



Single Whip Lean Back Carry Tiger to Mountain (Add 4 Directions - SW, NE, NW, SE)

Change Direction Brush Knee © Wu Chi Trust

CC 6 (20)

Instruction Card After studying and working with the Universal Tao books I discovered a different way of approaching life. I was fascinated and intrigued by the books’ contents which led me to Universal Tao Workshops and finally meeting Master Chia. After meeting with Master Chia I began my internal practice in the Universal Tao System. Over the years I have discovered many techniques which have helped me in my practices & I am ready to share them with you. First I discovered the Universal Tao System consists of many formulas which have been handed down through the centuries in an instructor-student relationship. The ability of students to master these formulas gives them the opportunity to experience their own selfrealization or enlightenment. Like my fellow students I stumbled for years with these formulas and through my perseverance came to develop, with Master Chia, formulas (Chi Cards) to assist me in my practice. Instead of fumbling through the book, as I once did, you can now simply have a Chi Card available to help you complete the formula and proceed much more smoothly in your practice. In the Universal Tao System we are working with internal and external energy. The word in the Tao for energy is “Chi”, thus the Chi Cards are energy formula cards. Through the Chi Cards you will become aware of your own energy and the energy around you. After discovering your own energy you can use the Chi Cards to help purify, transform, regenerate and transcend your energy, and further discover its rela6 (21) tionship to the energy CC surrounding you.

On the first level of the Universal Tao System the Chi Cards consist of thirty (30) formulas based on & corresponding to six (6) Universal Tao books: Healing Light,Transform Stress, Chi-Self Massage, Iron Shirt I, Taoist Secrets of Love, and Healing Love. There are 20 cards in a packet available through the Universal Tao for $9.95 per set. The Chi Cards are the size of playing cards which are easy to read & can be easily carried anywhere you go. So you can practice anywhere & bring your Chi Cards. The front side of the card is the actual formula written down step by step corresponding with the page numbers of each individual book. On the reverse side there are visual color illustrations of the formulas so you can follow them visually. Now available: Level II (30), Level III (50), Level IV (30), Level V (40) Level VI (40) Formulas from Universal Tao Books: Fusion I-II-III,Tai Chi I-II-III, Cosmic Healing I-II,Chi Nei Tsang I-II, Tao Yin, Simple Chi Kung, Cosmic Cleansing, Bone Marrow Nei Kung, Tendon Nei Kung, Karsai Nei Kung, Elixir Chi Kung & Lesser Kan & Li. This is a very unique & practical way of approaching and working with your practice not only for beginners, but also is an effective teaching aid for certified instructors and practitioners. The Chi Cards will simplify your understanding and practice of the formulas. In the future the Chi Cards will be available in all levels taught by Instructors and Practitioners. You will be able to start with Cosmic Inner Smile Chi Card and carry through to the Greatest Kan & Li Chi Cards. The Professor Master of Nothingness The Myth That takes the Mystery out of Mysticism