Certificate of Sponsorship Details: Tier and Category [PDF]

Certificate of Sponsorship Details Tier and Category Tier and Category: Tier 5 (Temporary worker - Government Authoris

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Certificate of Sponsorship Details: Tier and Category [PDF]

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Certificate of Sponsorship Details

Tier and Category Tier and Category:

Tier 5 (Temporary worker - Government Authorised Exchange)

Certificate of sponsorship status Sponsor licence number: Sponsor name: Certificate number: Current certificate status: Current certificate status date: Date assigned: Expiry date (use by): Sponsorship withdrawn: Sponsor note: Migrant application status:

The visa type you need to apply for using this document.

275F2XVV8 Academy of Medical Royal Colleges C5679D457 ASSIGNED 10 July 2016 10 July 2016 You will not be able to use the CoS after this date ( 3 months 10 September 2016 from ' date assigned' ) N

If notified before the CoS is used for Tier 5 visa application, minor changes such as corrected address etc are noted here.

Personal information Family name: Given name(s): Other names: Nationality: Place of birth: Country of birth: Date of birth: Gender: Country of residence:

Lilly Potter INDIA Kolkata INDIA 17/07/1979 Female INDIA

Example personal information - please check your details for spelling mistakes prior to using this document.

Passport or travel document Passport number: Issue date: Expiry date: Place of issue of passport:

ABCD12345 02 December 2009 02 December 2019 Kolkata

Current home address Address:

17 5/4 Flower Street

City or town: County, area district or province: Postcode: Country:

12345 INDIA

Identification numbers UK ID card number: UK National Insurance number: National ID card number: Employee number:

Not applicable for MTI Tier 5 visas.

Please check the passport and home address details for spelling mistakes.

Work dates Start date: End date: Does the migrant need to leave and re-enter the UK during the period of approval? Total weekly hours of work:

05 August 2016 01 August 2018 N 48.00

The date used in here will be the one stated by the hospital on the AoMRC Application Form. It should be 24 months. The rule of thumb is that it takes about 4-6 weeks minimum from creation of the CoS to obtaining visa and arriving to UK.

In the case of MTI placements, you are living in the UK during the period of visa therefore this box should not be ticked ('N' is correct ). As an MTI doctor, you will still be able to travel overseas for leisure/work/domestic purposes.

Main work address in the United Kingdom (mandatory for assignment): Address:

Piricess Charlotte Hospital

City or town: County, area district or province: Postcode:

London 2AB 3DE

Other regular work addresses in the United Kingdom:

Migrant's employment Job title: Job type: Summary of job description: Gross salary in pound sterling including any allowances and guaranteed bonuses: For each: Gross allowances and guaranteed bonuses included in the above figure in pound sterling: Summary of all allowances and guaranteed bonuses: Tick to confirm that the post is at the appropriate skill level as set out in the sponsor guidance: Tick to confirm the sponsor certifies maintenance for the migrant:

International Training Fellow 2211 Medical practitioners - Speciality registrar (StR) and equivalent Medical Training Initiative - International Training Fellow 40.000,00 Year 15000.00 50% on call banding Y Y

'Y' indicates that Academy received evidence that the MTI post is funded. The level of funding should be equivalent to that which would be paid to a UK trainee in the same post.