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Catch Weight Management
Version 3
created by Rupesh Brahmankar on Jul 5, 2013 7:37 AM, last modified by Rupesh Brahmankar on Jul 29, 2013 4:58 PM
In some industry sectors (for example, diary/meat, pharmaceutical, chemical, steel, or paper industry sectors), the composition or attributes of products vary to some degree. Therefore, you cannot use a fixed conversion factor to convert quantities of these products into various units of measure. Instead, each batch has to be given an individual conversion factor. The weights can vary from piece to piece, either due to biological variations or because of weight loss during storage. This variability should not be lost by using fixed conversion factors, because this would mean that many business processes would be based on incorrect values. In SAP such process can be mapped by two ways
· Batch-Specific Units of Measure · Catch Weight Management - IS-CWM Functionality This document will give you some light on these SAP functionalities.
1. Catch Weight with Batch-Specific Units of Measure Customization Requirement Create ‘No Dimensions’ Unit of Measurement
Create two no dimensions units LBI and CS/LB. LBI will represent as ‘Batch Specific Unit of measurement’ which will assigned to its original unit of measurement i.e. LB (Pounds). CS/LB is a no dimension unit which will be used to define fraction between cases (CS) and Pounds (LB). Click on Unit of measurement to create units LBI and CS/LB. Please refer the screen below.
Catch Weight Management | SCN
Maintain the details of LBI and CS/LB as per the above screen.
Activate Batch Specific Unit of Measurement The batch-specific material unit of measure is an alternative unit of measure of a material, for which base unit of measure can be defined on a batch-specific basis. While the conversion ratio for other alternative units is predefined in the material, for batch-specific material units of measure, we define: The planned conversion in the material The actual conversion ratio to the base unit of measure for the batch.
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Batch-specific material units of measure are used when the conversion ratio for the unit of measure to the base unit may vary for different batches of a material. In this case, Base unit of measure is CS (Case) and valuation unit is LBI (Pounds). Planned conversion ratio between these units is defined in the material master, but actual conversion ratio varies batch to batch which may depend on the environmental factors. To control these situations in SAP, we need to activate ‘Batch-Specific material units of measure’.
We need to activate batch specific UOM as per the above screen.
Define Batch Specific Unit of measurement Create a ‘Batch specific UOM’.
We need to execute process step as mentioned above.
Click on New Entries in the screen above to define batch specific UOM.
Define the Batch Specific UOM and linked it with actual UOM. Here LBI is batch specific UOM which is linked to actual weight unit (dimension ‘Mass’) LB.
Catch Weight Management | SCN
Define Calculation of Proportion quantity from Base Quantity
Define the ratio of the proportion unit to the base unit. This ratio is needed to convert base units to proportion units of measure.
Click on New Entries in the screen above to define calculation of proportion/product quantity from base quantity.
As per screen above, we have linked batch specific UOM with base unit of measurement.
Define Calculation of Base Quantity from Proportion quantity Define the quantity calculation with reference to base unit of measurement.
Here we have defined CS and LBI calculation for no dimension unit CS/LB.
Define attributes of system messages
We need to maintain message XU-033 as information message. In standard SAP, this message would set to error message. Please remove message category ‘E’ and set as blank. In standard SAP, fraction between two units of measurement is set till two decimal points. If fraction value is defined for three or more decimal value, then system will issue this as error message XU-033. In our case, we need are considering fraction value till five decimal points, so that we can get more accurate values after conversion. Take the following case:- Number of Cases
Catch Weight (LB)
Ration (CS/LB) = 0.26 when only two decimal allowed Ration (CS/LB) = 0.25641 when five decimal allowed From the calculation above, it’s clear that we would get more accurate result when we go for higher decimal points.
Catch Weight Management | SCN
So as per the screen below, we have changed error message category to blank.
Master Data Requirement: Create following master data for catch weight management,
Create Characteristics CT04 Create three characteristics. One characteristic will store the actual fraction between number of cases and actual catch weight. So we have characteristics ‘CATCHFRACTION’, ‘CATCHWEIGHT’ and ‘NUMCASES’ to create. We need to call CT04 transaction code to create these characteristics in SAP. Below mentioned screen shots will tell about the properties of these characteristics.
Above screen tells about ‘CATCHFRACTION’ property.
Catch Weight Management | SCN
Above screen tells about ‘CATCHWEIGHT’ property.
Above screen tells about ‘NUMCASES’ property.
Maintain Dependency
Dependency will be used to calculate the fraction between number of cases and actual catch weight. Call SAP transaction CU01 to create dependency.
Catch Weight Management | SCN
Create Class CL01 Create class for catch weight material. We need to assign all characteristics as mentioned above Important thing to note is that ‘organization area’ in the class must be equal to ‘S’. Call CL01 to create class and assign the characteristics.
Assign Characteristics to Batch Class Assign characteristics to class CL01
Catch Weight Management | SCN
See the screen above for characteristics assignments. We must put ‘Organizational Area’ equal to ‘S’ against the characteristics which will be used for CS/LB conversion.
Maintain Material Master MM02 Assign the catch weight class to material master classification view and update other parameters in the material master. please see the screen below to know about various important data in material master.
Select the additional data information in the material master and click on the ‘proportion/prod unit’ tab to maintain planned conversion factor.
Maintain the planned conversion value into ‘plan value’ as per the screen below.
Valuation category of material must be equal to ‘X’.
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Create vendor Info record Maintain the vendor info record for batch specific UOM.
Price are maintained at batch specific UOM.
Transaction Data:-
Receiving actual CW at the time of MIGO Create Purchase Order Use ME21N transaction to create Purchase Order. Here we are using material 69 for which Batch specific UOM is active.
Perform goods receipt (MIGO) We need to enter actual CW and GR quantity in the classification view as,
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Display Stock (MMBE) Here we can see that, inventory is as per actual CW. System is showing actual CW for the batch GR.
2. Catch Weight Management – IS-CWM Functionality IS-CWM is the industrial solution developed by SAP AG The term “Catch Weight materials” or CW materials for short, is used for materials with variable weight. Catch weight management business scenario has variants across process such as (a) Procure to Pay (b) Order to Cash (c) Manufacturing (d) Inbound and Outbound Logistic (e) Inventory Controlling & Accounting 1. IS-CWM enables use of one UOM in Logistics and another UOM suitable for Financials and Controlling for the same material. 2. Relationships between the two UOM’s can be variable and defined in the material master.
Catch Weight Management | SCN
3. Goods movement can be recorded in both UOM’s – base unit of measurement as well as parallel unit of measure. 4. The valuation UOM can be either the Base UOM or the parallel UOM – this can be specified in the material master. 5. CWM is based on a new Architecture comprising of a) LIME – Lean Inventory Management Engine – Enables recording and reporting of Inventory in different UOM. b) Inventory Accounting – Enables postings with new valuation UOM in FI and CO. The fullfilment of purchase orders can be recorded and controlled more accurate for catch-weight materials. While posting goods receipt it is possible to post quantity in two different unit of measure. For inventory, the logistics unit of measure (UOM e.g. EA ) and parallel unit of measure (e.g. KG) Good Receipt MIGO
Same way it can be used for production/process order good receipts, posting of goods receipt is possible to post quantity in two different unit of measure EA and KG.
Stock Overview You can view the stock in both the unit of measurement i.e;; in Base unit of measure and Parallel unit of measure.
Material consumption in PI Sheet with CWM The goods issues and goods receipts related to process or production orders can be recorded and controlled more accurate for catch-weight materials. All movements are posted in two units of measure (UOM) & parallel unit of measure
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Delivery In the sales order the price is calculated based on sold number of Kilo, number of Each is charged. The actual weight is assumed to be entered into the “Net weight” field in the delivery document.
Reference: Batch-Specific Units of Measure in Logistics - Batch Management (LO-BM) - SAP Library Note 863498 - functional restricions in SAP Catch Weight Management
Note 956923 - IDES ECC 6.0 Catch Weight Management Version 2
4380 Views Products: sap_erp_manufacturing_production_planning Topics: enterprise_resource_planning Tags: management, batch, uom, cwm
Average User Rating (17 ratings)
46 Comments Mangalraj Senthamaraikannan Jul 5, 2013 12:44 PM
Hello Rupesh, Much Informative document. Thanks for sharing. Regards Mangalraj.S Like (1)
Rupesh Brahmankar Jul 5, 2013 12:51 PM (in response to Mangalraj Senthamaraikannan)
Catch Weight Management | SCN Thanks a Mangalraj. Like (0)
Anupam Sharma Jul 5, 2013 12:45 PM
Hi Rupesh, Nice document, Keep posting. Regards, Anupam Sharma Like (1)
Rupesh Brahmankar Jul 5, 2013 12:51 PM (in response to Anupam Sharma)
Thanks a lot Anupam. Like (0)
dee joy Jul 5, 2013 2:08 PM
Hello Rupesh, Really nice and thoughtfull document.thanks a lot for sharing. Best Regards, Like (0)
Ajit Kumar Jul 6, 2013 9:20 AM
Quite elaborate and informative! May I point out cpl of oversights I think you have used the same screenshot for Char catchweight as catchfraction. Also i couldn't find the assignment of dependency to characteristic. Ajit Like (1)
Rupesh Brahmankar Jul 6, 2013 6:29 PM (in response to Ajit Kumar)
Hi Ajit, Thanks for the pointing, I have correct the same. Yes we need to assign dependency to characteristic. Regards, R.Brahmankar Like (0)
madhu guntuboina Jul 30, 2013 4:02 AM (in response to Rupesh Brahmankar)
Hi Rupesh, Its a good document mate...and thanks for sharing.... Thanks & Regards, Madhu.G Like (0)
Rupesh Brahmankar Aug 2, 2013 9:06 AM (in response to madhu guntuboina)
Thanks a lot Madhu. Like (0)
Hi Rupesh, Thanks for sharing....documented is detailed and clearly describes the process...... Regards,. Sandeep Like (1)
Catch Weight Management | SCN Rupesh Brahmankar Aug 2, 2013 9:05 AM (in response to SANDEEP KUMAR SIDDAMSHETTY)
Thanks for the feedback. Like (0)
Vibin V Joseph Aug 2, 2013 8:26 AM
Very clear and Helpful.Thanks for sharing. Regards, Vibin.V.Joseph Like (0)
Rupesh Brahmankar Aug 2, 2013 9:05 AM (in response to Vibin V Joseph)
Thanks for the compliment. Like (0)
Sharat Sugur Aug 4, 2013 7:00 PM
Dear Rupesh, Very much clear & understandably explained concept. Thank you for sharing and keep educating us on more concepts like this. You have really good amount of knowledge & experience in SAP production modules. Thank you, Sharat Like (0)
Rupesh Brahmankar Aug 5, 2013 6:00 AM (in response to Sharat Sugur)
Thanks a lot of compliment Sharat. Like (0)
Jürgen L Aug 4, 2013 9:13 PM
Thanks for putting this together. I had almost missed it because it was posted when I started with my vacation. I am already certain that I often share this document as it is frequently discussed in MM Like (2)
Rupesh Brahmankar Aug 5, 2013 5:59 AM (in response to Jürgen L)
Thanks a lot Jurgen. Like (0)
arturo senosain Aug 5, 2013 12:34 AM
Hi Rupesh. Nice you spent your time sharing knowledge. Just for more info, IS-CWM is quite common in Poultry Farming & meat production, some years ago I participate in a proyect and discover the complex requirements of this industry and the way this IS help to face their requirements. Arturo. Like (0)
Rupesh Brahmankar Aug 5, 2013 5:58 AM (in response to arturo senosain)
Hi Arturo, Thanks a lot yes, IS-CWM is very useful in Poultry Farming & meat production. Regards, R.Brahmankar Like (0)
Monst Yang Aug 5, 2013 7:43 AM
Rupesh: Thanks for sharing with us...btw,Where do u assign the dependency?
Catch Weight Management | SCN Like (0)
Rupesh Brahmankar Aug 5, 2013 8:12 AM (in response to Monst Yang)
Hi Monst Yang, You can assign dependency to characteristic. In CT04 (Characteristic) there is an object dependency Assignment.-- Extras > Object Dependencies > Assignment and Editor. Regards, R.Brahmankar Like (0)
Mihir Shah Aug 5, 2013 8:32 AM (in response to Rupesh Brahmankar)
Dear Rupesh, Nice document.Thanks for sharing it............................. Like (0)
Monst Yang Aug 6, 2013 5:04 AM (in response to Rupesh Brahmankar)
Thanks for your feedback..Why not assign the dependency to class? Does it take effect the same in your example? Like (0)
Rupesh Brahmankar Aug 6, 2013 5:18 AM (in response to Monst Yang)
Hi Monst Yang, Thanks for the update yes you can assign dependency to class too. Regards, R.Brahamnakar Like (0)
Krish Sri Aug 6, 2013 10:12 PM
Hi Rupesh, Very good document. Thanks for sharing. Regards, Krish Like (0)
Rupesh Brahmankar Aug 8, 2013 1:32 PM (in response to Krish Sri)
Thanks Krish. Much appreciated your comments. Regards, R.Brahmankar Like (0)
SUNIL PILLAI Aug 7, 2013 4:00 AM
Rupesh Brahmankar
Comprehensive and Infromative Document. Thanks for sharing. Like (0)
Rupesh Brahmankar Aug 8, 2013 1:31 PM (in response to SUNIL PILLAI)
ThanksSunil, much appreciated. Like (1)
Pillamgolla Amala Srinivasa Rao Aug 29, 2013 8:00 PM
Appreciable effort dear Like (0)
Rupesh Brahmankar Aug 30, 2013 5:47 AM (in response to Pillamgolla Amala Srinivasa Rao)
Catch Weight Management | SCN Thanks Amala..!! Like (0)
Ritesh Dube Sep 3, 2013 9:28 AM
Very Informative Rupesh, Thanks for sharing it. Ritesh Like (0)
Subrahmanyam B Sep 3, 2013 2:39 PM
Hi Brahmankar, Thanks a lot for sharing the knowledge with us. There are not more than 5 stars !! Regards, Subbu Like (0)
Rupesh Brahmankar Sep 4, 2013 7:01 AM (in response to Subrahmanyam B)
Ritesh Dube and
Subrahmanyam B
Thanks for your message. Like (0)
Senthil Kumar Akash Sampath Sep 5, 2013 6:24 PM
Hi Rupesh, Very useful document. Thanks for sharing. Truly appreciated. Regards, Senthil Like (0)
Thimmaiah Hobenahally Sep 6, 2013 7:54 AM
Hi rupesh.. Really gud one... Like (0)
Subhojit Banerjee Sep 9, 2013 9:08 AM
Simply Brilliant document . well done Rupesh. Like (0)
Ashok Kumar Telugu Sep 9, 2013 9:38 AM
Hi Rupesh, Excellent document. Thanks for Sharing. Regards, Ashok Kumar Telugu Like (0)
SUJEET GARUD Sep 20, 2013 8:02 AM
Hello Rupesh, Thanks a lot for such wonderful doc for our reference. As well can you please elaborate Doc for PI Sheets more precisely as PI Sheet and XSteps concept are not that much using / awareness in region Asia. Best regards, Sujeet Like (0)
Dhaval Choksi Sep 23, 2013 8:10 AM
Catch Weight Management | SCN Hi Rupesh, Very informative document. Thanks for sharing such document. Regards, Dhaval Like (0)
swapnil rajane Sep 25, 2013 2:17 PM
Hi Rupesh, Its really very tough for me to understand the batch specific UoM and its functionality.But this documents is really very so much user friendly for fresher as well as for experienced one to understand the concept in a very well behave manner. Thanks a lot for sharing it.Hats Off to you. Regards. Like (0)
Kartik Rohilla Oct 1, 2013 12:27 PM (in response to swapnil rajane)
Hi Rupesh, Thanks for sharing this wonderful document. Regards, Kartik Rohilla Like (0)
RAHUL SHROTRIYA Oct 11, 2013 2:36 PM
Thanks for sharing this document. Regards, Rahul Like (0)
minish gurukul Nov 20, 2013 7:35 AM
nice doc with detail explanation thnx Rupesh Like (0)
Amol Palsodkar Nov 23, 2013 8:06 PM
Hi Rupesh, informative document. CWM will help to manage variable conversion factor between base & parallel UoM for a batch / HU, how will it be able to address weight loss process ?e.g. if I have CWM material for which I have posted GR (1 PAL = 350 kg = EUR 500). Over the period, the weight of this pallet is reduced to 325 Kg due to evaporation losses. So from quantitative perspective I have to reduce qty of this pallet but valuation should not change i.e. I now need 1 PAL = 325 KG = EUR 500). How will I manage this qty variation ? Of course material is Valuated, so physical Inv will result in accounting entry as well Like (0)
Oscar Morales-Bello Sep 19, 2014 5:04 PM (in response to Amol Palsodkar)
What I've seen done in the past is create a custom program that: -Captures the new weight of the product X -Creates a Process Order with product X as both "a material and a finished product." -Goods issue the old weight against the process order -Goods receive the new weight against that same process order -Posts/Confirm/Closes/Settle or whatever you call the final activity of the Process Order As you should already know, the Process Order itself will calculate and update the cost for the new weight of its finished product. Like (0)
veeraprathap kankanala Jan 30, 2014 3:08 PM
Hi, Good Document Like (0)
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