Case Study - Sweet Leaf Tea [PDF]

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Q1: Sweet Leaf Tea has an outstanding approach in communicating right from its inception. Though it was started small as a home concept with grandmother’s recipe, it went into the public pulse on long run. SLT maintained a strong corporate strategy of communication wide Facebook and Twitter and other social networking websites. As a matter of fact, online platform and social networking is the best key to communicate and maintain fan clubs. Social media is the easy hit to millions of people across the world directly. No wonder to create miracles in social networking. Therefore Christopher had this idea to communicate strongly through social networks. Christopher initially started writing blogs, tweets and Facebook fan page in order to market the SLT. He further took forward by announcing a concert online, which attracted thousands of people in a week. I believe SLT should have focused more on the capital investments too right from the beginning due to which I was not so highly emerging in initial days. Deliberately on time SLT acquired name and fame across the Internet and became a known brand and finally funded by the capital investments.

Q2 I appreciate Christopher’s idea of writing an open letter to SLT’s stakeholders, costumers and fans. Leaving SLT would be a challenging thing personally for him it of his personal choice. If he doesn’t write a letter it would create a remark to his personal life as well as the SLT’s growth. There could be a sudden downfall and a negative effect if he doesn’t. Though his resignation would damage the name of SLT but it wouldn’t damage much if the letter were not written

Q3 After Christopher the man behind the SLT concept, it is the new management’s responsibility to maintain or work on a strategy on capturing the keeping the fan base on the same tempo. New management has to implement new strategies to improve the brand name than how it was. The team has to focus on advertisement in order to cope on the broader spectrum.

Q4 Corporate communication strategy always plays a major role in addressing its details, aspects, and future prospects. The best platform for implementing is of course the social media. This

strategy can reach out millions of people directly. Social media is a virtual world where new campaigns and new set of advertisement ideas can be implemented.

Q5 If I were a to replace Claytons position in SLT, I would have faced the biggest ever challenge which is loosing the brand value and face of SLT. I would create a new team for corporate communication and another team for advertising. I would assign duties and responsibilities to them with specific guidelines. I would track the progress and monitor the teams work in communicating and marketing to outreach the common people. References: Argenti, P. A. (2013). Corporate Communication (sixth edition ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.